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Wulandari Et Al 2024

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Bioprospecting of Rhizobia as Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria

Potential from Root Nodules of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Dyah Wulandari1,2,*, Karyadi Baskoro3, Yasmiin Mahmuudah4, Florentina
Kusmiyati5, Alberta Rika Pratiwi1 and Anto Budiharjo2,4
Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Soegijapranata Catholic University,
Central Java 50219, Indonesia
Molecular and Applied Microbiology Laboratory, Central Laboratory of Research and Service,
Diponegoro University, Central Java 50275, Indonesia
Biologi Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University,
Central Java 50275, Indonesia
Biotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University,
Central Java 50275, Indonesia
Agriculture Department, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University,
Central Java 50275, Indonesia

(*Corresponding author’s e-mail:

Received: 25 October 2023, Revised: 31 January 2024, Accepted: 7 February 2024, Published: xx May 2024

Rhizobia are bacteria that symbiosis with host plant, as shown in the root nodules formation, and
provide nitrogen that can be absorbed by plants in greater quantities than rhizobacteria. Available Nitrogen,
which absorbed by plants, is the essential requirement for plant growth because its role in increasing yield
and quality, hence it is needed in greater quantities than other nutrients. The study aimed to determine the
macroscopic and microscopic diversity of rhizobia isolates from the groundnut nodules and their potential
as PGPRs, and to identify 16S rRNA isolates with the best potential as PGPRs molecularly. The methods
used were isolation from root nodules, screening of PGPR potential, molecular identification based on the
16S rRNA gene, and phylogenetic analysis to determine their kinship. Based on the isolation results, 17
Gram-negative isolates were obtained white to pink or orange color on AG media with various colony
characteristics in terms of shape, margin, elevation, and texture. KT 20, which was selected as rhizobia
isolate with the best potential as PGPR, has ammonium concentration of 23.12 ppm, synthesizes IAA with
a concentration of 10.36 ppm, and phosphates solubilization activity, although its ability to synthesize
proteases is low. The results of molecular identification of 16S rRNA showed that KT 20 belongs to the
Rhizobium genus with a similarity of 99.48 % and bootstrap value of 96 %.
Keywords: Arachis hypogaea, IAA synthesize, Nitrogen fixation, Proteases, Phosphate solubilization,
Rhizobium sp.

Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are rhizobacteria (soil bacteria on the root surface and
surrounding) that support plant growth through their various activities, including nitrogen fixation,
phosphate solubilization [1], synthesizing phytohormones such as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) [2], as well
as synthesizing lyses enzymes, such as proteases [3]. There is a huge number of bacterial species that
identified as PGPR, at least 15 genera, including Bradyrhizobia, Sinorhizobia, Rhizobia, Devosia,
Azorhizobia and Ochrobactrum [4]. However, their ability as PGPR were limited to the specific host plant
[5] and some species find it difficult to adapt when studied in vivo.
Rhizobacteria that have symbiosis with legumes are called rhizobia. The symbiosis between rhizobia
and host was shown by root nodules formation on legume plants [6]. Symbiotic bacteria were able to
provide nitrogen that can be absorbed by plants in greater quantities than rhizobacteria. Furthermore,
Meghvansi et al. [7] stated that indigenous rhizobia capable to associate with other soil microbes and
adaptable to extreme conditions with ease.
One of the plants that is adaptable too is groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), one of the legumes that
is produced commercially [8]. This plant has been cultivated at least in 118 countries, including Indonesia
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[9]. In 2020, FAOSTAT reported that the groundnut crop harvest area of 345,000 tons from a planting area
of 364,000 ha and a total production of groundnuts with shell of 860,000 tons in Indonesia.
Moreover, rhizobia which infect groundnut has a different way of nodulation than rhizobia in general.
These rhizobia do not develop infection threads, but enter through lateral root crack on the epidermis, then
immediately go to cortical cells by a process that like an endocytosis [10]. Due to the presence of “crack
entry” method, these rhizobia symbiotic with non-legume plants more easily [11].
Based on these, the research related to bioprospecting was conducted. Bioprospecting is the process
of exploring materials from various organisms to obtain valuable products as the need for the material
increases, including in agroindustry [12]. Bioprospection plays a significant role in the conservation and
sustainable use of biodiversity. According to that, this study aimed to determine the macroscopic and
microscopic diversity of rhizobia isolates from the groundnut nodules and their potential as PGPRs, and to
identify 16S rRNA isolates with the best potential as PGPRs molecularly.

Materials and methods

The research started with isolating the nodules from groundnut on land with low levels of N-available
and acidity level of around 6.02 - 7.02 (BPTP, 2022) in July 2022. The position of the land is in Sayung
District, Demak, Central Java, Indonesia, to be precise at 6o56'16"S and 110o36'31"E with an altitude of 19
m AMSL and the air temperature of 28 °C. Selected nodules were characterized by a slightly red or pink
color (leghemoglobin) in response to roots-colonized by rhizobacteria [13].

Rhizobia isolation from nodules

First, surface sterilization was conducted to nodules according to the modified procedure of Pang et
al. [14], then the isolates were diluted and grown in Arabinose Gluconate (AG) agar media that prepared
following the steps of Parks et al. [15] and Soares et al. [16]. The isolates were incubated at 28 - 30 °C.
After 3 - 10 days, isolates, which grew white to slightly pink, as well as orange with various macroscopic
characteristics, were purified using the streak plate method [17]. Then, the single colonies were
characterized microscopically by observing the shape of the cells and the results of Gram’s staining which
refers to the study of Thairu et al. [18].

Qualitative screening of the potential PGPR

Nitrogen fixation activity
Analysis of nitrogen fixation activity conducted to select rhizobia isolates, which have these main
characteristics, by refers to the study of Day and Döbereiner [19]. Isolates were grown in semi-solid
nitrogen-free bromothymol blue (NFB) media for 7 days, then the blue color that appears was observed and
categorized based on the intensity [20].

Phosphate solubilization activity

Analysis of phosphate solubilization activity conducted by refers to the study of Pikovskaya [21].
After growing isolates in AG broth media for 3 days, 5 𝜇L of each isolate culture was drip on paper disc
and it was placed on Pikovskaya’s agar media for 24 - 48 h [22]. Then, the clear zone that appears was
observed and calculated to determine the phosphate solubilization index (PSI) using the equation below

𝐶𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑍𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟+𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑦 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟

𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑦 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟

The PSI values were classified (Table 1) according to the categories used by Halimursyadah et al.

Table 1 Phosphate Solubilization Index (PSI) Category.

PSI value Efficiency

< 1.6 Low
1.6 - 2.14 Moderate
2.15 - 2.59 High
> 2.6 Very High
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Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) activity

Analysis of IAA activity conducted by refers to the study of Sarwar and Kremer [24]. Isolates were
grown in nutrient broth (NB) media added 200 ppm L-tryptophan in dark condition with a shaker at 112
rpm. After 3 days of incubation, the Salkowski’s reagent was added to the isolate culture as an indicator
[25]. Then, the pink to dark red that appears was observed and categorized based on the intensity.

Proteases activity
Analysis of protease activity conducted by refers to the study of Mehta et al. [26]. After growing
isolates in AG broth media for 3 days, 5 𝜇L of each isolate culture was drip on paper disc and it was placed
on 12.5 g/L skim milk agar (SMA) media for 24 - 48 h [27]. Then, the clear zone that appears was observed
and calculated to determine the proteolytic index (PI) using the equation by Lim et al. [28], as follows:

𝐶𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑍𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟

𝑃𝐼 =
𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑦 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟

The PI values were classified according to the categories used by Dewiyanti et al. [29] (Table 2).

Table 2 Proteolytic Index (PI) category.

PI value Efficiency
<1 Low
1-2 Moderate
>2 High

Selection of potential rhizobia isolates as PGPR

Three rhizobia isolates, which had the best ability as PGPR qualitatively, were analyzed further
quantitatively to select the preeminent. Two quantitative analyzes were accomplished by measuring the
absorbance of the supernatant at a wavelength of 610 nm for nitrogen fixation activity [20] and at a
wavelength of 535 nm for IAA synthesize activity [25]. Then, the absorbance values were compared with
the standard curves that has been created according to Cordova-Rodriguez et al. [20] and Pant and Agrawal
[25] respectively.

16S rRNA molecular identification of rhizobia isolate

Molecular identification of 16S rRNA was accomplished in several stages starting with reviving the
isolate for DNA extraction following the Genomic DNA Wizard kit (Promega, Wisconsin, USA) procedure.
Then, the purity and concentration of DNA were measured with the NanoDrop-2000 Spectrophotometer
(Thermo-Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA) in order to get good PCR results. The PCR mixture was
prepared following the 2X GoTaq PCR mix (Promega, Wisconsin, USA) protocol with universal bacterial
primers 27F and 1492R (Table 3). Running PCR accomplished using a thermocycler following the
amplified condition by Raissa et al. [30]. Furthermore, the PCR results were visualized on agarose gel and
observed using UV through the GelDoc (UVITEC, England, UK) System. Then, the good PCR results were
sent to PT Genetika Science Indonesia for sequencing.

Table 3 Concentration of PCR mix components.

Components Concentration
GoTaq PCR Mix 2X
Primer 27F 100 pmol/𝜇L
Primer 1492R 100 pmol/𝜇L
DNA Templates 20 ng
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Phylogenetic analysis
The isolate sequences were beread and contig with BioEdit version, then being compared with
gene sequence data on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website
( using the basic local alignment search tool-nucleotide program (BLAST-
N). A phylogenetic tree was created with MEGA XI software under the Neighbor-Joining Tree construction
using the bootstrap 1,000 method [31].

Results and discussion

The soil sample is moderately acidic, with a pHKCl of 6.02 and a pHH2O of 7.02, and it exhibits low
N-available levels, as categorized by Azizan et al. [32], with only 0.12 % N-available content. These
conditions supported the growth of N-fixing bacteria. According to Friel and Friesen [33], the number of
nodules, where rhizobia live, is relatively increased under limited nitrogen conditions. Besides that, based
on the statement of Lin et al. [34], acidic soil has also been known as a factor for symbiotic of N-fixing
bacteria since low pH in soil limits plants from absorbing nutrients.

Isolation and selection of rhizobia

Macroscopic characterization
Isolation and selection of rhizobia from nodules on AG media resulted in 27 various macroscopic
isolates with white to pink, as well as orange colors. The isolates that encode with KT 1 - KT 27 varied in
terms of colony shape, margin, elevation, and texture (Table 4). Ondieki et al. [17] reported that, rhizobia
isolates that they found were mostly had a circular in shape, while some others were irregular or punctiform.
Meanwhile, rhizobia isolates explored by Kapembwa et al. [35] reported that, 88 % had an entire edge, 10
% undulate and 2 % lobate. The rhizobacterial isolates found by Shankar and Prasad [36] had flat, raised,
convex, crateriform, or umbonate elevations. In addition, based on the exploration of Odori et al. [37],
rhizobia colonies that they found appeared mucoid or glistening. Moreover, rhizobia colonies explored by
Janczarek and Skorupska [38], some looked dry and wrinkled, i.e. the mutant Rhizobium leguminosarum
bv. trifolii.

Table 4 Macroscopic characteristics of isolates on AG media.

Colony shape Margin Elevation Texture

Circular 62.96 % Entire 55.56 % Flat 40.74 % Moist 44.44 %
Irregular 29.63 % Undulate 40.74 % Raised 29.63 % Mucoid 22.22 %
Punctiform 7.41 % Lobate 3.7 % Convex 14.81 % Glistening 18.52 %
Umbonate 7.41 % Wrinkled 11.11 %
Crateriform 7.41 % Dry 3.7 %

Microscopic characterization
Twenty-seven isolates that had been selected macroscopically were re-selected through Gram
staining, thus proving that all isolates were Gram negative, except for KT 6. This was in accordance with
the stated by Etesami [39] that, N-fixing bacteria in nodules are Gram-negative bacteria. Based on the Gram
stain’s results, 26 isolates were Gram negative which was characterized by a pink color with 69.23 % being
rod-shaped. Thairu et al. [18] stated that, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are differentiated
based on the thickness of their cell wall (peptidoglycan) and permeability of their membranes. Gram-
positive have thick peptidoglycan as their cell wall, thus they are kept the crystal violet-iodine complex
when decolorized. While bacteria Gram negative has a thin peptidoglycan and lipids-rich
(lipopolysaccharides) that cause the cell wall is damaged and loses the crystal violet-iodine complex, then
gain safranin.

Characterization of rhizobia main properties

Following macroscopic and microscopic selection, isolates were selected based on the main
characteristic of rhizobia, i.e. its ability to fix nitrogen. According to Piromyou et al. [40], selection of its
ability to fix nitrogen can increase the possibility of selecting isolates with higher survival properties in soil
with limited N-available. In addition, Han et al. [41] stated that, one of the rhizobia’s roles as PGPR is by
fixing N2 from the atmosphere into ammonium, because plants just absorb nitrogen in inorganic forms,
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such as NH4+ and NO3−. Out of the 26 isolates, 17 showed positive results for fixing nitrogen, namely KT
1, KT 2, KT 3, KT 7, KT 11, KT 13, KT 14, KT 15, KT 16, KT 17, KT 18, KT 19, KT 20, KT 21, KT 22,
KT 24, and KT 25, which indicate by the appearance of blue color after incubation for 7 days (Figure 1).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1 Nitrogen fixation test (a) control, (b) positive (KT 20), and (c) negative (KT 12).

In NFB media, there is bromothymol blue reagent whose color is affected by pH. Thus affect the
appearance of blue color, since the isolates fix nitrogen and then formed ammonium, which is alkaline. This
statement supported by Shimada and Hasegawa [42] that, the green color could change to blue according
to the level of acidity in the NFB medium, so that it is used as an indicator of nitrogen fixing bacteria.

Qualitative screening of the potential PGPR

Apart from fixing nitrogen, the isolates were also tested for other abilities as PGPR, such as the ability
to solubilize phosphate, synthesize IAA and synthesize protease.

Phosphate solubilization activity

The others potential as PGPR showed that all isolates were able to solubilize phosphate. This was
indicated by the formation of a clear zone around the colony on Pikovskaya’s agar media after incubation
for 24 h (Figure 2). The phosphate, which was previously insoluble, was assimilated by bacteria ‘till it was
soluble. According to Joe et al. [43], the clear zone is an indicator because these bacteria produce enzymes
that dissolve tricalcium phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2] by releasing organic acids.

(a) (b)
Figure 2 Phosphate solubilization test (a) control and (b) positive (KT 20).

Based on the analysis results, KT 2, KT 3, KT 7, KT 11, KT 13, KT 14, KT 17, KT 18, KT 20, KT
21, and KT 24 have a good ability with PSI value is more than 2.16. Kumar et al. [44] stated that, one of
the PGPR’s roles is to provide the phosphate needed on plant growth by assimilating insoluble phosphate
to soluble and absorbed by plants, because most of the P is absorbed in anion forms, i.e. HPO4 2− and
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Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) activity

Those 17 isolates were also synthesized IAA, except for KT 16. This was indicated by pink color that
appears on NB+L-tryptophan medium with Salkowski’s reagent after incubation for 3 days (Figure 3).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3 IAA synthesize test (a) control, (b) positive (KT 20), and (c) negative (KT 12).

This result is supported by Gang et al. [45], the pink color appears as a positive reaction from the
formation of indole compounds as a result of tryptophan metabolism, the synthesized IAA forms a complex
with Fe3+ from Salkowski reduction. According to Chandra et al. [46], the ability to synthesize IAA is also
necessary for plants, because IAA increases the root length by enhance the number of branches, lateral
roots, and root hairs, thus helping the absorption of nutrients from the surroundings.

Protease activity
Furthermore, 12 out of 17 rhizobia isolates showed the ability to synthesize proteases. This is
indicated by the formation of a clear zone around the colony on SMA media because the bacteria produce
enzymes that breakdown proteins in SMA media and forms a clear zone (Figure 4). According to
Ramadhan et al. [47], the clear zone that formed around the colony indicated that the bacteria growing on
SMA media had broken down proteins in skim milk into amino acids and peptides by producing protease

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4 Protease synthesize test (a) control, (b) positive (KT 20), and (c) negative (KT 21).

Based on the analysis results, at most KT 22 has a good ability with PI value is more than 1.00. Bhat
et al. [48] stated, the protease synthesized by PGPR is also known as plant-growth promoter, as they
degraded pathogenic cell walls, which composed of proteins, thereby inhibiting these plant pathogens.

Selection of potential rhizobia isolates as PGPR

Based on the Table 5, KT 20 and KT 24 were the best PGPR isolates qualitatively. Therefore, the
absorbance values of KT 20 and KT 24, also KT 12 as a negative isolate and KT 19 as a positive isolate
were compared with the standard curves of ammonium and IAA, respectively, for further analysis.
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Table 5 Qualitative test results of rhizobia isolates ability as PGPR.

Nitrogen Phosphate IAA Protease

Isolate Gram
Fixation Solubilization Synthesis Synthesis
KT 1 ++ + +++ - Negative
KT 2 + ++ ++ - Negative
KT 3 ++ ++ ++ + Negative
KT 7 +++ ++ ++ + Negative
KT 11 + +++ ++ + Negative
KT 13 + ++ ++ + Negative
KT 14 + ++ + + Negative
KT 15 + + ++ + Negative
KT 16 + + - - Negative
KT 17 + ++ ++ + Negative
KT 18 + +++ + - Negative
KT 19 + + + + Negative
KT 20 ++++ ++ +++ + Negative
KT 21 + ++ ++ - Negative
KT 22 + + + ++ Negative
KT 24 +++ +++ +++ + Negative
KT 25 + + + + Negative
Notes: “+” = Low; “++” = Moderate; “+++” = High; “++++” = Very High.

According to the concentrations of NH4+ and IAA, KT 20 has much better potential in fixing nitrogen
(Figure 5). This statement is supported by Shimada and Hasegawa [42] that the color change between
yellow, green to blue in media with bromothymol blue follows changes in the pH of the media, so that it is
along with the concentration of the ammonium produced. Shoukry et al. [49] also reported that the
concentration of IAA is along with the level of red color as a reaction between IAA and the Salkowski
reagent. According to Simon et al. [50], rhizobia are soil microorganisms that can infect the roots of the
Leguminosae family and fix nitrogen, thus it can be used by plants.

Concentrations (ppm)

25 23.12
20 17.72
15 10.36 8.96
10 6.53
5 1.8 2.81
-5 KT 12 KT 19 KT 20 KT 24

Ammonium IAA

Figure 5 Graph of ammonium and IAA concentrations produce by isolates.

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KT 20 was chosen as the superior rhizobia isolate for molecular identification of 16S rRNA, although
KT 24 had a better ability to synthesize IAA and increase soluble phosphate, because the legume plant
needs of N-available was very high. Kabir et al. [51] and Xu et al. [52] stated that, N-available is the most
important condition for plant growth and needed in greater quantities than other nutrients. Even though the
Leguminosae family, such as the groundnut is able to fix as much as 40-80 kg/ha N in a year, these plants
still require about 86 - 92 % N (125 - 178 kg/ha N) fixed by microbes.

16S rRNA molecular identification of KT 20 isolate

The DNA extraction results showed that KT 20 has a quite good concentration of 67.0 ng/µL and a
purity of 1.55. According to Lucena-Aguilar et al. [53], DNA samples with A260/A280 values between 1.8
- 2.0 are accepted for their purity in general. Even so, the ratio that might indicate the presence of protein
and phenol contaminants, namely if the ratio is far below 1.6. Moreover, the high ratio should be considered
that it might be caused by the presence of RNA. Multinu et al. [54] reported that, the workable DNA
concentration is more than 200 ng/μL, when the minimum is around 40 ng/μL. However, the concentration
of the DNA template must exceed the minimum to get a good PCR result with ease.
The visualization results of KT 20 amplicon showed a 1,500 bp sized DNA band (Figure 6). Abellan-
Schneyder et al. [55] stated that, the length of the 16S rRNA gene structured is about 1,500 bp interspersed
with 9 variable regions in the highly conserved 16S sequence. According to Baker et al. [56], primers can
also be bound to conserved areas so that it is possible to obtain more different bacterial taxa when

KT 20

1,500 bp 1,500 bp

250 bp

Figure 6 Visualization of KT 20 16S rRNA amplification results.

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Phylogenetic Analysis of KT 20 Isolate

Based on the BLAST-N results, KT 20, which consists of 388 bp DNA, most closely related to
Rhizobium sp. Strain KNR2.6 and 8 other species of Rhizobium genus with an identity of 99.48 %, query
cover of 100 %, and E-value of 0.0. According to Samal et al. [57], the percent identity based on the number
of identical characters from each sequence, so it describes how similar the query sequence and the target
sequence, while the query cover describes the number of query sequences that are replaced by the target
sequence, and the expectation value (E-value) is the significance of a given pairwise alignment. According
to Karolenko et al. [58], identity results more than 97 % in the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicate the genus
level, while > 99 % indicate the genus to species level, referring to research by Reller et al. [59].
Furthermore, to construct a phylogenetic tree, selection of other ingroup species, at least 4 species,
and 1 outgroup species be required. The selected ingroup species were Sinorhizobium saheli strain RC10,
Azorhizobium sp. SPC SN2, Bradyrhizobium sp. ISA0901 and Mesorhizobium sp. E0-N3. Meanwhile, the
selected outgroup species was Aspergillus sp. strain SYM-02-005.

Figure 7 Phylogenetic tree of KT 20.

The bootstrap value between KT 20 and Rhizobium sp. strain KNR2.6 was 96 % (Figure 7) indicates
the accuracy level of the phylogeny. This statement is supported by Hillis and Bull [60], a bootstrap value
of more than 95 % with a limit above 70 % showed a credibility.

Figure 8 Microscopic characteristic of KT 20 (Magnification: 1,000X).

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Since the BLAST-N of KT 20 showed that the query cover, percent identity and E-value has the same
score for 9 species belonging to the Rhizobium genus, then KT 20 is also identified as a species belonging
to the Rhizobium genus. This isolate has a circular colony-shape, undulate edge, raised elevation, and shiny
light pink color. This result is supported by Silva et al. [61], Rhizobium sp. is well known as a rod-shaped
Gram-negative bacterium that has a circular in shape with undulate or entire edge and raised or flat elevation
(Figure 8). In addition, the results of a study by Dinkwar et al. [62] showed that the color of some
Rhizobium sp. are shiny whitish pink. In addition, this bacterium also has the ability in phosphate
solubilization, IAA synthesize, and protease synthesize as some of the characteristics required by PGPR.
These results are supported by Sridevi and Mallaiah [63] who reported that the phosphate solubilization
ability of Rhizobium sp. strain 26 was the smallest compared to 40 rhizobia isolated from root and stem
nodules of Cassia absus, Vigna trilobata, and 3 strains of Sesbania sesban. Kumar and Ram [64] also
obtained Rhizobium sp. able to solubilize phosphate, namely Rhizobium sp. strains 103-JX576499 and
Rhizobium sp. strain MRR106-KC428655. While, the ability of IAA synthesize is supported by Shokri and
Emtiazi [65] and Ghosh and Basu [66] who obtained Rhizobium sp. from the root nodules of Phaseolus
mungo var. PU30 synthesize IAA. In addition, although not many studies have reported the ability of
Rhizobium sp. in synthesizing proteases, Purwaningsih et al. [67] reported that 8 out of 10 isolates of
Rhizobium sp. isolated from Arachis hypogaea able to synthesize proteases.

There are 17 rhizobia isolates from the root nodules of groundnut with various macroscopic
characteristics. The potential PGPR that selected is KT 20, which has a circular colony-shape, undulate
edge, raised elevation with a glistening light pink. KT 20 was chosen because it has the best nitrogen
fixation ability and able to solubilize phosphate, synthesize IAA, and synthesize protease. This isolate
belongs to the Rhizobium genus with a similarity of 99.48 % and bootstrap value of 96 %. For further
studies, it is necessary to conduct in vivo research and identify rhizobia-specific genes molecularly to ensure
that the isolates are rhizobia species which nodulation groundnut root nodules.

AB would like to thank Diponegoro University, Indonesia for the RPI Grant No. 753-
24/UN7.D2/PP/IX/2022 and WCU UNDIP Grant for Staff Exchange 2024. DW would like to thank
Diponegoro University for the Postdoc Grant No. 216/UN7.A/HK/XI/2023. In memoriam Dr. Rejeki Siti

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• Isolate KT 20 (identified rhizobia) has excellent ability in fixing nitrogen, which plants needs the
most and legumes requires in large number
• Beside the ability of Isolate KT 20 to fix nitrogen, it also able to synthesize IAA, solubilize phosphate,
and synthesize protease
• The ability of isolate KT 20 as PGPR was equal or better than other rhizobacteria that has been
analyzed in other in vitro studies
Trends Sci. 2024; 21(xx): xxxxx 14 of 14

Graphical abstract

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