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Digital Communication Refresher

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NAME _______________________________ b.

1. Slope overload is a phenomenon that is c. PAM
generally observable on what bandwidth d. PFM
reduction technique? 8. ITU G.711 recommends the use of µ-law
a. DPCM and A-law with a sampling rate of ___
b. ADPCM and 8 binary digits per sample
c. DM a. 4 kHz
d. ADM b. 8 kHz
2. A compression characteristic of µ = 0 on c. 16 kHz
µ-law indicates d. 32 kHz
a. Uniform quantization 9. In keying techniques, this is also known
b. Medium compression as information density
c. Non-linear amplification a. Bandwidth efficiency
d. Non-uniform quantization b. Eb/No
3. Approximately how much decibel c. Dynamic range
improvement can one expect for a linear d. SNR
PCM system utilizing a 7-bit PCM code 10. In information theory, the ultimate data
assignment? compression is bounded by the system’s
a. 6 __
b. 24 a. Encoding technique
c. 30 b. Channel capacity
d. 42 c. Information measure
4. In checksum, the check digit is usually d. Entropy
the 11. A baud of 10000 is the same as
a. First digit a. 10 kbps
b. Second digit b. 10 KHz
c. Middle digit c. 10000 symbols/sec
d. Last digit d. 10000 cycles/bit
5. What encoding technique is used by the 12. Numerical indication of how a PCM code
IEEE standard? is efficiently utilized
a. NRZ-L a. Quantization
b. AMI b. Entropy
c. Manchester c. Coding efficiency
d. Differential Manchester d. Source efficiency
6. An input voltage of -7.275 V was 13. Message = 11100110, G(X) = X^4 + X^3 +
measured on a PCM system whose 1, find the CRC
resolution is 0.025V. This will be digitally a. 110
compressed into 8-bits as b. 0110
a. 01101010 c. 0011
b. 00010010 d. 1100
c. 01010110 14. This type of encoding uses two levels to
d. 01010010 represent a symbol
7. Simplest form of pulse modulation a. unipolar
a. PCM b. polar
c. bipolar 21. A supergroup has a bandwidth of
d. multipolar a. 60 kHz
15. Which of the following has the least b. 240 kHz
problem on the presence of dc c. 2.52 MHz (mastergroup)
components? d. 69.984 MHz
a. NRZ-L
b. AMI
c. NRZ-I
d. Unipolar
16. In this encoding, a symbol is represented
by 1.58 bits
a. NRZ-L
b. NRZ-I
c. Manchester 22. A T-1 line is used to implement a DS-1
d. Pseudoternary service with a data rate of
17. Which of the following codes is an a. 64 kbps
example of differential encoding? b. 1.544 Mbps
a. NRZ-L c. 2.048 Mbps
b. NRZ-I d. 6.312 Mbps
c. Manchester 23. How many voice channels are supported
d. AMI in an E-1 line?
18. The scrambling techniques, HDB3 and a. 24
B8ZS, were based on the rules of b. 30
a. NRZ-L c. 60
b. NRZ-I d. 300
c. Differential Manchester 24. Statistical TDM is also known as
d. AMI a. asynchronous TDM
19. This method of error detection has the b. synchronous TDM
least likelihood of achieving error c. isochronous TDM
detection d. multilayer TDM
a. the use of parity 25. TCM technique was primarily proposed
b. checksum by __.
c. CRC a. Ungerboeck
d. Hamming code b. Cutler
20. Five channels, each with a 100-kHz c. Reeves
bandwidth, are to be multiplexed d. Chiariglione
together. What is the minimum 26. Bandwidth efficiency for 64 QAM with a
bandwidth of the link if there is a need rate of 10 Mbps
for a guard band of 10kHz between the a. 1 bits/cycle
channels to prevent interference? b. 2 bits/cycle
a. 500 kHz c. 6 bits/cycle
b. 510 kHz d. 8 bits/cycle
c. 520 kHz 27. Determine the minimum bandwidth
d. 540 kHz required to achieve a Eb / No of 14 dB for
an 8-PSK system operating at 20 Mbps 30. A binary source sends a 1 with a
with a C/N of 11 dB. probability of 30%. Determine the
a. 40 MHz entropy of this source
b. 45 MHz a. 0.881 bit/symbol
c. 50.25 MHz b. 0.921 bit/symbol
d. 60 MHz c. 1 bit/symbol
d. 1.5 bits/symbol
31. Maximum rate at which information can
be transmitted through a channel
a. Bit rate
b. Baud rate
c. Coding
d. Channel capacity
*pareho ata soln ng 27&28 32. Information capacity is proportional to
28. Determine the minimum bandwidth for a a. bandwidth
32-QAM modulator with an input bit rate b. noise
of 20 Mbps c. power
a. 4 MHz d. flux
b. 5 MHz 33. Channel capacity of a 6-MHz channel
c. 15 MHz with a S/N ratio of 25 dB
d. 20 MHz a. 50 Mbps
b. 55 Mbps
c. 60 Mbps
d. 80 Mbps

𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑠 = 10 10 ; C=(BW)x𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)

34. A broadcast television channel has a

bandwidth of 6 MHz. Calculate the
maximum data rate that could be carried
BW = bit rate/(bits/baud) in a TV channel using a 16-level code.
Ignore noise.
29. Minimum bandwidth for an BPSK a. 24 Mbps
modulated signal with a baud rate of b. 36 Mbps
10000 is _______ Hz. c. 48 Mbps
a. 1000 d. 60 Mbps
b. 2500 Max data rate = 2(BW)(log 2 (𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑑𝑒))
c. 5000
d. 10000 35. Minimum allowable bandwidth for a
binary signal with a bit rate of 10 Kbps
a. 5 KHz
b. 200 KHz a. VCO
c. 10 MHz b. PLL
d. 20 MHz c. AGC
36. Standard audio sampling rate in CD d. AFC
a. 4 samples/sec 43. The balanced modulator is common to
b. 8 samples/sec what modulation techniques?
c. 20 samples/sec a. FSK
d. 44.1 samples/sec b. ASK
37. Most common compression value for A- c. 8-PSK
law d. FM
a. 87.6 *C or D daw sabi sa discussion ni Sir G
b. 100
c. 255 44. Matched filter technique is used to
d. 300 a. Increase SNR
38. The generating polynomial x7 + x5 + x4 + b. Decrease SNR
x2 + x + 1 is equivalent to c. SNR is not affected
a. 010010001 d. Increase system bandwidth
b. 101101110 45. Quantization noise can be reduced by
c. 01101111
________ the number of levels.
d. 10110111
a. Decreasing
39. System Implementation for an 8-PSK
transmitter is the same as 8-QAM b. Increasing
transmitter except for c. Doubling
a. The absence of inverter on 8-PSK d. Squaring
b. The absence of inverter on 8- 46. An ITU G.711 voice signal when
QAM processed on ADPCM encoder will be
c. The absence of linear summer on compressed to a ___ voice signal
8-PSK a. 16 kbps
d. The absence of linear summer on b. 32 kbps
8-QAM c. 64 kbps
40. North American standard for voice d. 128 kbps
47. DC wandering is a common phenomenon
a. PCM
in ____ based data streams.
b. ASK
a. NRZ-L
c. µ-law
d. ADPCM b. Manchester
41. Information theory has been attributed, c. Differential Manchester
on the majority, through the works of d. B8ZS
a. Reeves 48. In PCM reception, one normally employs
b. Shannon the use of a ___
c. Armstrong a. low pass filter
d. Chiariglione b. high pass filter
42. Major component of a binary FSK c. bandpass filter
d. band reject filter a. MPEG-2
49. Choosing a discrete value that is near but b. MPEG-3
not exactly at the analog signal level c. MPEG-7
leads to d. MPEG-21
a. PCM error 55. Determine the dynamic range in dB for a
b. Quantization error 8-bit linear sign-magnitude PCM code
c. PAM error a. 42 dB
d. Sampling error b. 48 dB
50. DPCM encodes the PCM values based on c. 56 dB
a. Quantization level d. 64 dB
b. Difference between the current 56. MPEG-1 Audio Layer III, more commonly
and predicted value referred to as MP3, prescribes a bit rate
c. Interval between levels of
d. None of the mentioned a. 384 kbps
51. What encoding technique is used by b. 256 kbps
traditional Ethernet? c. 192 kbps
a. NRZ-L d. 128 kbps
b. AMI 57. All of the following are error detection
c. Manchester techniques except
d. Differential Manchester a. Hamming codes
52. A mastergroup has a bandwidth of b. The use of parity
a. 60 kHz c. Cyclic redundancy check
b. 240 kHz d. Checksum
c. 2.52 MHz 58. Which reduces the size of the data?
d. 69.984 MHz a. Source coding
b. Channel coding
c. Both Source and channel coding
d. Entropy
59. A variant of FSK applied as a modulation
technique for GSM cellular radios
53. Which of the following leased line b. GMSK
services is most likely to be c. DECT
implemented? d. WLL
a. T-1 line 60. Assures that the sender is he who claims
b. E-3 line to be
c. T-2 line a. Authentication
d. T-3 line b. Channel coding
54. Multimedia content description is c. Error control
prescribed on what MPEG standard? d. Redundancy
61. Which of the following is correct?
a. The bit rate may be greater than channel using a 32-level code. Ignore
the baud rate noise.
b. The baud rate may be greater a. 24 Mbps
than the bit rate b. 32 Mbps
c. The bit and baud rate are always c. 48 Mbps
the same d. 60 Mbps
d. The bit and baud rates are not 67. Minimum allowable bandwidth for a
related binary signal with a bit rate of 10 Kbps
62. It is the ratio of the transmission bit rate a. 5 KHz
to the minimum bandwidth required for b. 200 KHz
a particular modulation scheme. c. 10 MHz
a. Bandwidth efficiency d. 20 MHz
b. Spectral efficiency
c. Information density
d. All of the above
63. The correct sequence in PCM generation
a. Filtering – Sampling –
Quantization – Encoding
b. Sampling – Encoding –
Quantization – Filtering
c. Quantization – Filtering –
Encoding – Sampling
d. Sampling – Filtering -
Quantization – Encoding
64. What is the bandwidth required to
transmit at a rate of 10 Mbps in the
presence of a 28dB S/N ratio?
a. 1.075 MHz
b. 10 MHz
c. 5 MHz
d. 10.5 MHz
65. Ideally, a 30kbps, 16-QAM signal will
have a bandwidth efficiency of
a. 4 bps/Hz
b. 5 bps/Hz
c. 6 bps/Hz
d. 8 bps/Hz
66. Calculate the maximum data rate that
could be carried in a broadcast TV

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