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This article is about the Greek symbol. For the usage as a

medical symbol, see Caduceus as a symbol of medicine.
For the medical symbol with one snake, often mistakenly
referred to as a caduceus, see Rod of Asclepius.
For other uses, see Caduceus (disambiguation).
The caduceus (; /kdusis/ or /kdjus/; from

Modern depiction of the caduceus as the symbol of commerce

Greek krukeion heralds sta[2] ) is the

sta carried by Hermes Trismegistus in Egyptian mythol-
ogy and Hermes in Greek mythology. The same sta was
also borne by heralds in general, for example by Iris, the
messenger of Hera. It is a short sta entwined by two
serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings. In Roman
iconography, it was often depicted being carried in the
left hand of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, guide
of the dead and protector of merchants, shepherds, gam-
Hermes Ingenui[1] carrying a winged kerykeion upright in his
blers, liars, and thieves.[3]
left hand, Roman copy reecting an unknown Greek original of
Some accounts suggest that the oldest known imagery of the 5th century BCE. (Museo Pio-Clementino, Rome).
the caduceus have their roots in a Mesopotamian origin
with the Sumerian god Ningishzida whose symbol, a sta
with two snakes intertwined around it, dates back to 4000 bol representing the planet Mercury. Thus, through its
B.C. to 3000 B.C.[4] use in astrology and alchemy, it has come to denote the
As a symbolic object, it represents Hermes (or the Ro- elemental metal of the same name. It is said the wand
man Mercury), and by extension trades, occupations, or would wake the sleeping and send the awake to sleep. If
undertakings associated with the god. In later Antiquity, applied to the dying, their death was gentle; if applied to
the caduceus provided the basis for the astrological sym- the dead, they returned to life.[5]


By extension of its association with Mercury and Hermes,

the caduceus is also a recognized symbol of commerce
and negotiation, two realms in which balanced exchange
and reciprocity are recognized as ideals.[6][7] This associ-
ation is ancient, and consistent from the Classical period
to modern times.[8] The caduceus is also used as a symbol
representing printing, again by extension of the attributes
of Mercury (in this case associated with writing and elo-
The caduceus is often used incorrectly as a symbol of
healthcare organizations and medical practice (especially
in North America), due to confusion with the traditional
medical symbol, the rod of Asclepius, which has only one
snake and is never depicted with wings.

1 Origin and comparative mythol-


Further information: Serpent worship

The term kerukeion denoted any heralds sta, not nec-
essarily associated with Hermes in particular.[9]
In his study of the cult of Hermes, Lewis Richard Farnell
(1909) assumed that the two snakes had simply developed
out of ornaments of the shepherds crook used by heralds
as their sta.[10] This view has been rejected by later au-
thors pointing to parallel iconography in the Ancient Near
East. It has been argued that the sta or wand entwined
by two snakes was itself representing a god in the pre-
anthropomorphic era. Like the herm or priapus, it would
thus be a predecessor of the anthropomorphic Hermes of
the classical era.[11]

1.1 Ancient Near East

William Hayes Ward (1910) discovered that symbols

similar to the classical caduceus sometimes appeared on
Mesopotamian cylinder seals. He suggested the sym-
bol originated some time between 3000 and 4000 BCE,
and that it might have been the source of the Greek
caduceus.[12] A.L. Frothingham incorporated Dr. Wards
research into his own work, published in 1916, in which
he suggested that the prototype of Hermes was an Ori-
ental deity of Babylonian extraction represented in his
earliest form as a snake god. From this perspective, the
caduceus was originally representative of Hermes him-
self, in his early form as the Underworld god Ningishzida,
messenger of the Earth Mother.[13] The caduceus is
mentioned in passing by Walter Burkert[14] as really the Hermes hastens bearing his kerukeion, on an Attic lekythos, ca
480470 BC, attributed to the Tithonos Painter
image of copulating snakes taken over from Ancient Near
Eastern tradition.
In Egyptian iconography, the Djed pillar is depicted as
containing a snake in a frieze of the Dendera Temple
2 Classical antiquity
2.2 Iconography 3

In Rome, Livy refers to the caduceator who negotiated

peace arrangements under the diplomatic protection of
the caduceus he carried.[20]

2.2 Iconography
In some vase paintings ancient depictions of the Greek
kerukeion are somewhat dierent from the commonly
seen modern representation. These representations fea-
ture the two snakes atop the sta (or rod), crossed to cre-
ate a circle with the heads of the snakes resembling horns.
This old graphic form, with an additional crossbar to the
sta, seems to have provided the basis for the graphical
sign of Mercury () used in Greek astrology from Late

3 Modern use

Iris with the caduceus in detail from an Attic red-gure pelike,

middle of 5th century BC Agrigento, Sicilia

2.1 Mythology

The Homeric hymn to Hermes relates how Hermes of-

fered his lyre fashioned from a tortoise shell as compen-
sation for the cattle he stole from his half brother Apollo.
Apollo in return gave Hermes the caduceus as a gesture of
friendship.[15] The association with the serpent thus con-
nects Hermes to Apollo, as later the serpent was associ-
ated with Asclepius, the son of Apollo.[16] The asso-
ciation of Apollo with the serpent is a continuation of
the older Indo-European dragon-slayer motif. Wilhelm
Heinrich Roscher (1913) pointed out that the serpent as
an attribute of both Hermes and Asclepius is a variant
of the pre-historic semi-chthonic serpent hero known at
Delphi as Python", who in classical mythology is slain by
One Greek myth of origin of the caduceus is part of the
story of Tiresias,[18] who found two snakes copulating and
killed the female with his sta. Tiresias was immediately Caduceus on the coat of arms of Jyvskyl, Finland.
turned into a woman, and so remained until he was able to
repeat the act with the male snake seven years later. This
Caduceus is encoded in Unicode at code point U+2624:
sta later came into the possession of the god Hermes,
along with its transformative powers.
Another myth suggests that Hermes (or Mercury) saw two
serpents entwined in mortal combat. Separating them 3.1 Symbol of commerce
with his wand he brought about peace between them, and
as a result the wand with two serpents came to be seen as A simplied variant of the caduceus is to be found in
a sign of peace.[19] dictionaries, indicating a commercial term entirely in

keeping with the association of Hermes with commerce. ing confusion it generates are well known to medical his-
In this form the sta is often depicted with two winglets torians. The long-standing and abundantly attested his-
attached and the snakes are omitted (or reduced to a torical associations of the caduceus with commerce are
small ring in the middle).[22] The Customs Service of the considered by many to be inappropriate in a symbol used
former German Democratic Republic employed the ca- by those engaged in the healing arts.[24] This has occa-
duceus, bringing its implied associations with thresholds, sioned signicant criticism of the use of the caduceus in
translators, and commerce, in the service medals they is- a medical context.
sued their sta. The caduceus is also the symbol of the
Customs Agency of Bulgaria.
4 See also
3.2 Confusion with Rod of Asclepius
Aarons rod
Main article: Caduceus as a symbol of medicine Amphisbaena
It is relatively common, especially in the United States,
Bowl of Hygieia



Rod of Asclepius

Serpent (symbolism)

Kundalini energy

Mithraic mysteries

5 Notes
[1] It is unclear whether the inscription refers to a pa-
tron/donor or a sculptor

[2] The Latin word cdceus is an adaptation of the Greek

The U.S. Army Medical Corps Branch Plaque. In 1902 the ca-
krukeion, meaning heralds wand (or sta)",
duceus was added to the uniforms of Army medical ocers.
deriving from krux, meaning messenger, herald,
envoy. Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon; Stuart
to nd the caduceus, with its two snakes and wings, used L. Tyson, The Caduceus, The Scientic Monthly, 34.6,
as a symbol of medicine instead of the correct Rod of As- (1932:49298) p. 493
clepius, with only a single snake. This usage is erroneous,
popularised largely as a result of the adoption of the ca- [3] Hornblower, Spawforth, The Oxford Classical Dictionary,
duceus as its insignia by the U.S. Army Medical Corps in 3rd Ed., Oxford, 1996, pp. 690691
1902 at the insistence of a single ocer (though there are
[4] Gary Lachman, The Quest for Hermes Trismigestus,
conicting claims as to whether this was Capt. Frederick
2011, Chapter 3, p.x
P. Reynolds or Col. John R. van Ho).[23][24]
The rod of Asclepius is the dominant symbol for profes- [5] William Godwin (1876). Lives of the Necromancers.
sional healthcare associations in the United States. One p. 37.
survey found that 62% of professional healthcare associ- [6] e.g. the Unicode standard, where the sta of Hermes
ations used the rod of Asclepius as their symbol.[25] The signies a commercial term or commerce"; see also:
same survey found that 76% of commercial healthcare or- Walter J. Friedlander, The Golden Wand of Medicine: A
ganizations used the Caduceus symbol. The author of the History of the Caduceus Symbol in Medicine, Greenwood,
study suggests the dierence exists because professional 1992, p. 83
associations are more likely to have a real understanding
of the two symbols, whereas commercial organizations [7] As one specialized study of symbolism notes, In modern
are more likely to be concerned with the visual impact a times the caduceus gures as a symbol of commerce, since
Mercury is the god of commerce. M. Oldeld Howey,
symbol will have in selling their products.
The Encircled Serpent: A Study of Serpent Symbolism in
The initial errors leading to its adoption and the continu- All Countries And Ages, New York, 1955, p. 77

[8] The name of the god Mercury cannot be disassociated [23] F.H. Garrison, The Use of the Caduceus in the Insignia
from the word merx, which means merchandise. Such of the Army Medical Ocer, in Bull. Med. Lib. Assoc.
was the sentiment of the ancients Yves Bonnefoy (Ed.), IX (1919-20), 13-16
Wendy Doniger (Trans.), Roman and European Mytholo-
gies, University of Chicago Press, 1992, p. 135; Mer- [24] Engle, Bernice (Dec 1929). The Use of Mercurys Ca-
cury was the Roman name for the Greek god Hermes. His duceus as a Medical Emblem"". The Classical Journal 25
Latin name was apparently derived from merx or merca- (1): 205.
tor, a merchant. Michael E. Bakich, The Cambridge Plan-
[25] Friedlander, Walter J (1992). The Golden Wand of
etary Handbook, Cambridge University Press, 2000, p.
Medicine: A History of the Caduceus symbol in medicine.
85; Latin merx is the root of the English words Commerce,
Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-313-28023-1.
Market, Mart, Mercantile, Mercenary, Mercer, Merchant
and Mercury, as can be seen by referring to any dictionary [26] An allusion to John Milton's description of Belial in
including etymological information. Paradise Lost II.113-114.
[9] Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd edition, Ed. Hornblower [27] Tyson, Stuart L (1932). The Caduceus. Scientic
and Spawforth, s.v. Hermes. Monthly 34 (6): 495.
[10] Farnell, The Cults of the Greek States, Vol. V, p. 20, cited
in Tyson 1932:494
6 Further reading
[11] A. L. Frothingham, Babylonian Origin of Hermes the
Snake-God, and of the Caduceus I American Journal of
Archaeology Vol. 20, No. 2 (Apr. Jun., 1916), Walter J. Friedlander, The Golden Wand of
pp. 175211 Froth- Medicine: A History of the Caduceus Symbol in
ingham characterizes Farnells simplistic view of the ori- Medicine, 1992. ISBN 0-313-28023-1; ISBN 978-
gin of the symbol as a frivolous and futile theory. 0-313-28023-8.
[12] William Hayes Ward, The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia, Bunn, J. T. Origin of the caduceus motif, JAMA,
Washington, 1910 1967. United States National Institutes of Health:
[13] A.L. Frothingham, Babylonian Origins of Hermes the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Snake-God, and of the Caduceus, in American Journal PMID 4863068
of Archaeology, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 175211
Burkert, Walter, Structure and History in Greek
[14] Burkert, Greek Religion 1985: II.2.8, p. 158; Burkert Mythology and Ritual, Translation, University of
notes H. Frankfort, in Iraq, 1 (1934:10) and E.D. van Bu- California, 1979.
ren, in Archiv fr Orientforschung, 10 (1935/36:53-65.

[15] Tyson 1932:494.

7 External links
[16] Deldon Anne McNeely Mercury rising: women, evil, and
the trickster gods, Spring Publications, 1996, ISBN 978-
Iris and Infant Hermes with Caduceus
0-88214-366-8, p. 90. Homer tell us that Hermes ca-
duceus, the golden wand, was acquired by Hermes from Caduceus from Encyclopaedia Britannica
Apollo in exchange for the tortoise-lyre; later the caduceus
changed hands again from Hermes to Apollos son, Ascle- Fenkl, Heinz Insu, Caduceus

[17] S. Davis, 'Argeiphontes in Homer The Dragon-Slayer',

Greece & Rome, Vol. 22, No. 64 (Feb., 1953), pp.
3338, citing W. H.
Roscher, Omphalos (1913).

[18] Blayney, Keith (September 2002). The Caduceus vs the

Sta of Asclepius. Retrieved 2007-06-15.

[19] Tyson 1932:495

[20] Livy: Ab Urbe Condita, 31,38,910

[21] Signs and Symbols Used In Writing and Printing, p 269,

in Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the En-
glish Language, unabridged, New York, 1953. Here the
symbol of the planet Mercury is indicated as the ca-
duceus of Mercury, or his head and winged cap.

[22] For example, see the Unicode standard, where the sta
of Hermes signies a commercial term or commerce.

Rod of Asclepius

8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

8.1 Text
Caduceus Source: Contributors: Damian Yerrick, The Anome, Ed Poor, Pier-
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8.2 Images
File:Caduceus.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Drawing by Rama. Vectorized with Inkscape by Eliot Lash. Original artist: Rama and Eliot Lash
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
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Pio-Clementino_Inv544.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Marie-Lan Nguyen (2009) Original artist: ?
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License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Lekythos_of_Hermes.jpg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: One dead president, David Liam Moran
File:Rod_of_Asclepius2.svg Source: License: CC BY-
SA 3.0 Contributors: This le was derived from: Rod of asclepius.png
Original artist:
Original: CatherinMunro
File:US_Army_Medical_Corps_Branch_Plaque.gif Source:
Medical_Corps_Branch_Plaque.gif License: Public domain Contributors: US Government Original artist: USG
File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Rei-artur Original artist: Nicholas Moreau
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domain Contributors: Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Fvasconcellos (talk contribs),
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File:Winged_goddess_Cdm_Paris_392.jpg Source:
Paris_392.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Jastrow (2006). Image renamed from Image:Winged Nike CdM.jpg Original artist:
English: Providence Painter

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