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Ronald K. Mitchell, Richard N. Dino-In Search of Research Excellence - Exemplars in Entrepreneurship-Edward Elgar Publishing (2011)

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In Search of Research Excellence

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To Cynthia and Melanie who inspire excellence in us;
and to all those in search of research excellence.

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In Search of Research
Exemplars in Entrepreneurship

Ronald K. Mitchell
Texas Tech University, USA

Richard N. Dino
University of Connecticut, USA

Edward Elgar
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA

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Ronald K. Mitchell and Richard N. Dino 2011

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical or photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior
permission of the publisher.

Published by
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
The Lypiatts
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Massachusetts 01060

A catalogue record for this book

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ISBN 978 1 84980 762 3 (cased)

Typeset by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Stockport, Cheshire

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Preface ix
Acknowledgements xii


1 In search of entrepreneurship research excellence: a person

environment fit approach 3
Ronald K. Mitchell, Keith H. Brigham, H. Jackson Walker,
Richard N. Dino


2 Mindful scholarship 31
Howard E. Aldrich
3 The missing conversation 43
Jay B. Barney
4 Entrepreneurship research and the maturation of the field 56
Michael A. Hitt
5 Challenges we face as entrepreneurship scholars publishing in
top journals 70
R. Duane Ireland
6 Entrepreneurship research: past, present and future 84
Patricia P. McDougall
7 Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity: made as
well as found 97
Sankaran (Venkat) Venkataraman
8 Emerging themes in entrepreneurship research: Editors
Keynote 2010 116
Keynote editors: Candida (Candy) Brush (ET&P),
Michael A. Hitt (SEJ), R. Duane Ireland (AMJ),
Dean A. Shepherd (JBV), Mike Wright (JMS)
Moderator: Ronald K. Mitchell
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

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vi In search of research excellence


9 Academy of Management Journal 139

Editor: R. Duane Ireland
Authors: Tom Elfring, Keith M. Hmieleski
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, Michael H. Lubatkin
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin
10 Academy of Management Review 154
Associate editor: Mason A. Carpenter
Authors: Melissa S. Cardon, Jeffery S. McMullen,
Dean A. Shepherd
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, John F. (Jack) Veiga
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin
11 Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice 173
Editor: Candida (Candy) Brush
Author: Jon C. Carr
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, John F. (Jack) Veiga
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin
12 Journal of Applied Psychology 182
Associate editor: Jing Zhou
Author: Maw-Der Foo
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, John E. Mathieu
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin
13 Journal of Business Venturing 192
Associate editor: Phillip Phan
Authors: Dimo Dimov, William Forster
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, John E. Mathieu
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin
14 Journal of Management 210
Editor: Talya N. Bauer
Authors: Hao Zhao, Scott E. Seibert, G. Thomas Lumpkin
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, Lucy Gilson
Comments editor: Richard N. Dino
15 Journal of Management Studies 222
Associate editor: Andrew C. Corbett
Authors: J. Michael Haynie, Dean A. Shepherd,
Jeffery S. McMullen, James O. Fiet
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, Michael Lubatkin
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

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Contents vii

16 Organization Science 240

Editor: Pamela S. Tolbert
Author: Wesley D. Sine
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, Lucy Gilson
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin
17 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 253
Editor: Michael A. Hitt
Authors: Yasemin Y. Kor, Jeffrey J. Reuer
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, Elaine Mosakowski
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin
18 Strategic Management Journal 268
Associate editor: Joseph T. Mahoney
Authors: Elaine Mosakowski, Anne Parmigiani
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, Dimo Dimov
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin


A Setting the stage 287

Richard N. Dino, P. Christopher Earley, Ronald K. Mitchell
B Building your publishing career 294
Ronald K. Mitchell
C Worldwide reach 300
Richard N. Dino
D Where to from here? 301
Richard N. Dino


I Journal mission excerpts 307

II 2009 conference schedule in order of occurrence 314

References 319
Contributor and reference index 325
Subject index 329

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This is a best-practices book with a difference.
Yes, we do focus on product exemplars: works of entrepreneurship
research excellence that can be examined and emulated. But the difference
is that we also focus on people-exemplars: on making the how-to skills
used by top-tier entrepreneurship researchers explicit.
We have been able to accomplish the task of uncovering the tacit
and implicit understandings of top-tier researchers, and making these
concrete and explicit, through the generosity and support of an entire
research community. As a result, the Excellence in Entrepreneurship
Research Exemplars Initiative has been recognized by the Academy of
Management Board of Governors at the 2009 Annual Meeting as an
Academy-wide best practice. Thank you to all who have assisted.
Within these pages, and on the companion website (www.research, you can read and hear the narratives from many contribu-
tors, who explain how top-tier research capabilities can be acquired. You
can also obtain descriptions of the how-to process for publishing work in
ten top journals. Why is enabling your access to this previously hard-to-
get-at information important to us?
Throughout our careers, we have worked under the assumption,
perhaps even the world-view, that there is captive value inherent in human
relationships that we can help to release. Our interest in entrepreneur-
ship as a field of research flows from our belief that in very real ways
entrepreneurs identify and remove the obstacles to the emergence of
this inherent value in an economic sense. Moreover, we consider entre-
preneurship research itself to be crucial to identifying and removing
these obstacles within our society; and we see it as our entrepreneurial
role (in the scholarly sense) to help our colleagues remove the obstacles
to their capability to produce more top-tier research in our field. This is,
therefore, a book about the acquisition and retention of top-tier research
These capabilities may productively be conceptualized as the [best prac-
tices] whose purpose is to improve the productivity of the other resources
(Makadok, 2001: 389), or the capacity to deploy Resources ... to effect
a desired end (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993: 35, emphasis in original).
In this sense, top-tier research capabilities are a stock of best-practice


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x In search of research excellence

behaviors that are enriched by the inflow of new and effective practices,
and are further enriched by the outflow of unproductive assumptions and
practices (see Dierickx and Cool, 1989). And since inflows, outflows and
capabilities-stock accumulation occur within the scholarly environment,
we also see our task as one of helping colleagues to engage this environ-
ment constructively. Additionally, then, this is a book about personenvi-
ronment (P-E) fit.
We therefore begin (Chapter 1) with a broad-brush application of P-E
fit concepts to offer a high-level flyby of the narratives that have been
produced for your use. These narratives are organized in three sections: (1)
seven keynote addresses (Chapters 28) from leaders in the top-tier entre-
preneurship research community; (2) ten editor/author sessions (Chapters
918) where Ron Mitchell, with the help of several co-moderators,
engages editors or associate editors from ten top journals which publish
entrepreneurship research (see also Exhibit I) and authors who have
recently published their work within those journals, to elicit the specific
how-to process of successfully publishing entrepreneurship research
therein; and (3) four appendices (Appendices AD) which provide access
to the context: A: setting the stage, B: building your publishing career, C:
worldwide reach, and D: where to from here?
We note that the narratives have been edited for clarity and flow; and
so we ask your indulgence where small departures from the spoken nar-
rative have been made to aid the written one. We also note that for ease
of access, both the keynotes and the editor/author sessions have been
arranged alphabetically (keynotes by contributors last name, and editor/
author sessions by journal name) instead of in their order of appearance at
the Exemplars Conference (Exhibit II).
This book may be experienced in a variety of ways, depending upon
web accessibility and time constraints. You may use it as a workbook to
assist with note-taking and idea-generation as you experience both video/
spoken (via the web: and written works
in tandem. You may use it as a reference guide, simply to look up what
might assist you as you prepare to submit your research: either in trying
to decide which journal to target, or if targeted how to position your
work most effectively for a given journal. Or, you may use this book in
a more general way: to gain insight into the top-tier research publishing
craft by seeing it through the eyes of those who are presently engaged
therein. And there may be other, even more productive ways which you
will discover in applying the information we present here. We invite you

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Preface xi

to explore each of these possibilities as you examine with us exemplars in

entrepreneurship research: in search of research excellence.

Ron Mitchell
Texas Tech University

Rich Dino
University of Connecticut

March, 2011


Amit, R. and P.J.H. Schoemaker (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent.
Strategic Management Journal, 14 (1), 3346.
Dierickx, I. and K. Cool (1989). Asset stock accumulation and sustainability of
competitive advantage. Management Science, 35 (12), 150411.
Makadok, R. (2001). Toward a synthesis of the resource-based and dynamic-
capability views of rent creation. Strategic Management Journal, 22 (5), 38740.

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One of the most difficult tasks in a project of this magnitude is to find the
appropriate language that rises to the level of our respect and gratitude to
all who have contributed to this undertaking. Coming in a close second is
making certain that no individual is omitted.
In our attempt to satisfy the latter, who might we include?

Certainly those who helped us to identify and evaluate the market

need to enlist the entrepreneurship research community in an
engaged effort to increase both the quality and quantity of scholar-
ship in this domain;
Certainly those who helped us to develop a solution to satisfying
that market need, through the unselfish giving of their time, efforts,
and talent;
Certainly those who provided us with keen and creative insights that
led to the development of both the strategy and tactics required to
obtain our common desired outcome;
Certainly those who helped us to operationalize said strategy and
Certainly those who stepped forward unselfishly without hesitation
and provided us with unfettered access to their hard earned reputa-
tional capital and broad and diverse networks to engage the entre-
preneurship research community the exemplars, journal editors,
and innumerable scholars;
Certainly those who participated in the 2009 and 2010 Exemplars
Conferences the 125 on-site contributors and the more than 650
web participants from nearly 250 institutions in 35 countries repre-
senting every continent except Antarctica;
Certainly those individuals who lent us their sharp sets of eyes that
found every place we had fallen short in our effort to transform
words into tacit knowledge and communicate that knowledge to
you, the reader; and
Certainly our families who provided us the time and support to
devote to this project and many of our colleagues who provided
their insights that sharpened our focus.


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Acknowledgements xiii

In our attempt to find the words, we have concluded that oftentimes

the most polished and complete communiqus rely on their simplicity. We
trust that this is one of those times. With this in mind: if you helped, sup-
ported, or contributed to this project in any way, you have our sincerest
recognition, thanks and appreciation.

Ron and Rich

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1. In search of entrepreneurship
research excellence: a person
environment fit approach
Ronald K. Mitchell, Keith H. Brigham,
H. Jackson Walker, Richard N. Dino

As a second-year PhD student, my feeling is simply the sun has shined. I

would call my experience with this conference completely transformative; the
conference extraordinarily succeeded in transferring tacit knowledge about
excellent scholarship, which helped [in] clearing up the myth associated with
top journal publications.
Sondos Abdelgawad, PhD candidate ESADE Business School Barcelona,

For many new scholars, the craft of top-tier journal publication seems to
be shrouded in myth. But, as noted in the opening quote to this chapter,
when knowledge is revealed from behind this veil of myth, it can be
Transformation is the purpose of this book. Our aim is to make the
transformative ideas evoked during the first Entrepreneurship Research
Exemplars Conference more accessible to new and emerging scholars and
to those who advise them. This Conference was an invited best-practices
conference for advancing research excellence in entrepreneurship, which
was held May 2830, 2009 at the University of Connecticut School of
Business, with one purpose in mind: learning from example. Within the
pages of this book you will find transcripts of candid and enlightening
editor/author interactions with respect to publishing high-quality entre-
preneurship research in ten top journals,1 as well as the keynote addresses
of leaders in top-tier entrepreneurship research2 who shared their insights
about the process of producing outstanding works within the entrepre-
neurship research craft.
While these insights are specifically focused on crafting top-tier entre-
preneurship research, the material presented in this book applies even
more broadly to many other areas of research within the social sciences.
We think it appropriate to conceptualize social science research as a

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4 In search of research excellence

unique but broadly encompassing craft similar to that of the specialty

guilds that have been skill-repositories for many centuries; thus, we use
the term research craft deliberately for the following three reasons. First,
in the research craft as in most guilds, skill and quality are adjudicated
by peer review. Second, progression within the guild hierarchy depends
upon the quality and quantity of specialized works and the extent to
which these works influence succeeding work (e.g., in the research case,
the extent to which they produce citations). And, third, the titles awarded
within its membership such as apprentice, journeyperson and master
craftsperson signify status which, as paralleled in academe, translate into
corresponding ranks specifically, PhD students (apprentices), assistant
and associate professors (journeypersons) and full professors (masters)
(NRC, 2000).
In this book we present the process of guild-like progression toward
top-tier achievement as seen through the eyes of successful scholars. And
accordingly, in this introductory chapter, we offer the reader a means to
frame the narratives of the Exemplars Conference in such a way that their
meaning can be further clarified and the dialogues that have been tran-
scribed and appear in subsequent chapters can be helpfully interpreted.
We offer a birds-eye view of the underlying structure of the expert dis-
cussions as seen from a vantage point that is intended to enhance usability
for you, the reader.



As is the case with many phenomena in the social sciences, finding the
underlying structure within a set of social interactions (such as the key-
notes and dialogues that comprise the narratives contained within this
book) can be aided by outlining a theoretical framework that identi-
fies key elements and their relationships. Merton (1968) suggests that
it is the role of the social scientist to abstract the latent structure that
explains the unseen connections among the many phenomena that are
manifest in an observers field of view. He suggests that middle-range
theories, which explain the generic features of specific social phenom-
ena, can be quite useful in assisting with this theory-advancing task. In
the case of this book, we reason that our use of mid-range-theorizing
might therefore help us to identify common themes more effectively and
to articulate more clearly their import across editor-author-exemplar
In this spirit of mid-range theory development for the purpose of

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 5

aiding in the sense-making task, we have analysed the Conference nar-

ratives in light of various theoretical frameworks and have identified
within the dialogues the elements that distinguish the process of build-
ing a top-tier research career specifically, a guild-type social structure,
required works of skill, criteria for evaluation, sequential career progres-
sion, status conferral mechanisms, etc. In so doing, we have sought to
identify overarching frameworks that provide a direct line of conceptual
continuity and encompass the differing spheres of social behavior and
structure represented by these narrative elements. Our intention is that
the resulting model will be able, as suggested in our reference to Merton
(1968), to transcend both the sheer descriptions and explicit empirical
generalizations that are found within any given narrative. Through dis-
cussion and examination, we found ourselves gravitating toward a mid-
range theoretical representation which seeks to explain, through the use
of personenvironment fit (P-E fit) theory (e.g. Schneider, 2001), the road
to top-tier research excellence.
Management scholars have long recognized the interaction effects of
persons and environment on important outcomes such as performance,
stress and withdrawal (e.g., see meta-analysis findings from Kristof-
Brown, Zimmerman, and Johnson, 2005). P-E fit is broadly defined as
the match between individuals and work environment characteristics
with more specific assessments including the domains of person
group, personsupervisor, personjob and personorganization fit. In this
chapter, we employ a commonly used model of personorganization fit
(P-O fit) to offer the reader some possible ways to bring order to the phe-
nomena in these narratives and to aid in their interpretation. We believe
the P-O model structure is especially representative of P-E fit in general
and addresses social structure, the demand and supply attributes that flow
from the characteristics of both person and environments, and the notions
of supplementary and complementary fit (such as evaluation, career pro-
gression and status conferral) between person and environment. Based
upon our analysis, we are then enabled to frame the Conference narra-
tive in a helpful way and offer instances where some of the phenomena
that emerge in the Exemplars Conference narratives can be illustratively
arranged for informed interpretation according to a fit model, similar to
the one shown in Figure 1 (Kristof, 1996: 4).
As specified by P-E fit theory and represented in the P-O model illus-
trated in Figure 1, the relationships among constructs suggest that fit may
be defined to be: the compatibility between people and organizations that
occurs when: (a) at least one entity provides what the other needs, or (b)
they share similar fundamental characteristics, or (c) both (1996: 45).
For reference, connections among the elements of the model (beginning

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6 In search of research excellence

Organization Person
Characteristics: Characteristics:
Culture/Climate Supplementary Fit Personality
Values a Values
Goals Goals
Norms Attitudes

Supplies: Supplies:
Resources Resources
financial time
physical effort
psychological commitment
Opportunities experience
task-related KSAs
Demands: Demands:
interpersonal tasks
Resources Resources
time financial
effort physical
commitment psychological
experience c b Opportunities
KSAs Complementary Fit task-related
tasks interpersonal

Source: Kristof 1996: 4.

Figure 1 A P-O fit model

with fit and working backwards to include the elements and their rela-
tionships) are (as described by Kristof, 1996: 34):

In this model, supplementary fit (arrow a) is represented as the relationship

between the fundamental characteristics of an organization and a person. For
the organization these characteristics traditionally include the culture, climate,
values, goals, and norms. On the person side of the model, the characteristics
most often studied are values, goals, personality and attitudes. When there is
similarity between an organization and a person on these characteristics, sup-
plementary fit is said to exist.
In addition to these underlying characteristics, organizations and individuals
can also be described by what they supply and demand in employment agree-
ments. These demands and supplies are likely to be influenced by the underlying
characteristics of both entities (Hogan, 1991; Schein, 1992), as is indicated by
the dotted arrows in Figure 1; however, they represent distinct dimensions on
which fit or misfit may occur. More specifically, organizations supply financial,
physical and psychological resources as well as the task-related, interpersonal,
and growth opportunities that are demanded by employees. When these organi-
zational supplies meet employees demands, needs supplies fit is achieved

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 7

(arrow b in Figure 1). Similarly, organizations demand contributions from

their employees in terms of time, effort, commitment, knowledge, skills and
abilities. Demandsabilities fit is achieved when these employee supplies meet
organizational demands (arrow c in Figure 1). Both of these demandsupply
relationships can be described by expanding Muchinsky and Monahans (1987)
definition of complementary fit. (Emphasis added)

Under the learning-from-example logic of the Exemplars Conference,

the nature of P-E fit helps us to situate the information generated in the
Conference sessions in career-development terms. What can we learn from
examining the latent structure of the Exemplars Conference narratives in
light of this fit model? To answer this question, we analysed the keynote
speeches and editor/author sessions for representative excerpts. We sought
those excerpts that could illuminate, and could in turn be illuminated
by a fit-type conceptualization of the top-tier research skill develop-
ment process; and in doing so provide to the reader some outlines of the
preliminary knowledge scaffold that is the foundation of accelerated
expertise acquisition (Glaser, 1984). Therefore, the excerpts that we have
identified, we now present as a way to contextualize, frame and introduce,
and to at least partially explain and interpret, the narratives that follow.
Using these excerpts from the narratives themselves, we first seek to illus-
trate (as shown in Figure 1) the characteristics, supplies and demands of
the guild-like structure of the academic environment, within which we as
scholars learn to function and to flourish. Then, under the assumption that
the purpose of the learning-from-example logic is for persons to attain
compatibility with the top-tier research guild environment, we also present
selected quotations from authors to demonstrate a few of the means
whereby personenvironment compatibility/fit can be achieved.


We contend that three elements of the top-tier research guild (1) who
we are (characteristics); (2) what we offer (supplies); and (3) what we
need (demands) define the compatibility/fit space. In the following
paragraphs, we present selected excerpts from Conference participants:
keynotes, editors, authors, panelists and other contributors, who provide
definition and texture to each element of our top-tier research guild,
and the process of progression within it. Note that we reference Kristofs
(1996) P-O fit model throughout this chapter because, as noted previ-
ously, it provides a clear representation of P-E fit in general and addresses
the same requisite dimensions of fit (i.e., supplementary, complementary
needssupplies and complementary demandsabilities).

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8 In search of research excellence


Kristof (1996) suggests that characteristics of an organization tradition-

ally include its culture, climate, values, goals and norms. In our analysis
of the narratives, this structure applies well to the case of the entrepre-
neurship research guild environment. For example, within numerous
dialogues, we have identified both a culture and climate of inclusiveness,
values and goals centered on making a difference, and norms that focus
on producing interesting research, as important characteristics of the
top-tier research guild. These characteristics are related to supplementary
fit and allow for an assessment of similarity between individuals and the
top-tier research environment.

Culture and climate of inclusiveness

What do we mean when we say that top-tier entrepreneurship research-
ers foster a culture and climate of inclusiveness? Patricia McDougall, a
Conference Keynote and former Chair of the Entrepreneurship Division
of the Academy of Management (AOM) who herself has been a career-
long champion of entrepreneurship-research-community inclusiveness

. . . A distinctiveness that the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy

of Management has always had has been our inclusiveness; but I think this
Conference takes our culture of inclusiveness to an entirely new level ... We
have tried to keep our entry barriers low, and that has been one of the things
I most value about our culture. I would not want us to change this culture ...
(Patricia P. McDougall, Keynote: Chapter 6)

This assertion is supported by the AOMs Entrepreneurship Division

history. Beginning with the formation of the Entrepreneurship Interest
Group in 1972 (led by Karl Vesper and held in Arnie Coopers basement)
and as highlighted by McDougalls term as Division Chair (19967),
inclusiveness has been an explicit part of the culture and climate of
the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. For
example, the relatively recent 2006 Entrepreneurship social event at the
AOM Annual Meeting had as its theme crossing bridges, and dozens
of scholars from sister divisions of the Academy attended. Certainly the
Exemplars Conference itself is an inclusiveness-emphasizing initiative, and
has been recognized by the AOM Board of Governors as an Academy-
wide best practice. So, as you read (or listen to via the web: www. the dialogue that unfolded during the Conference,
we suggest that attention to the inclusiveness dimension within the narra-
tive will be one of the key themes that readers/listeners can use to make less

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 9

mysterious (alluding again to the opening quotation) some of the mythical

aspects of the top-tier entrepreneurship research culture.

Values and goals: making a difference

If the purpose of research in general is to discover new knowledge, then
a key responsibility encompassed within the values and goals of our spe-
cific research community (as observed by one who has the comprehensive
vantage point of a top-tier journal editor) might have bearing upon these
values. In his keynote address, Duane Ireland, the editor of the Academy
of Management Journal (AMJ), had this to say:

As knowledge producers as people involved in knowledge it is important

that we seek to make a difference with our work. And if we accept the respon-
sibility to try to make a difference with our scholarship, then the question
becomes How do we go about making a difference as entrepreneurship schol-
ars with our work? (R. Duane Ireland, Keynote: Chapter 5)

This emphasis on making a difference was also presented in a thought-

provoking manner by a scholar well-known for such outcomes. In his
keynote address, Jay Barney offered the following challenge about making
a difference:

My goal today, especially for the senior scholars, is literally to inspire some of
you to change your research agendas ... Don Hambrick (1994) issued a chal-
lenge to the Academy of Management in his presidential speech that was later
published in the Academy of Management Review. The title of his article was
What if the Academy actually mattered? ... The article goes on to suggest
that the Academy could matter in at least two ways: first, it might matter for
practicing managers (that is, the work we do might actually make a difference
for people in practice); second, he also suggests that it could matter for discus-
sions of broader social and economic policy ... Thats my challenge for my
senior colleagues and for the junior people. This is why we do the work. This is
what we have to aspire to. We need to aspire to change our goals from produc-
ing just another publication in AMR or AMJ to changing lives. (Jay B. Barney,
Keynote: Chapter 3)

Of course, as indicated by the words spoken by these two highly

respected keynoters, making a difference will have unique meaning to
each observer. Some might even consider such vision statements to be
more idealistic than practical. But we suggest that the task of assessing the
similarity of values and goals in the environment within which we seek to
work and flourish requires that such perspectives be articulated: perhaps
to serve as helpful anchor points, as points of departure, or as the source
of thought-provoking challenge.

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10 In search of research excellence

Norms: producing interesting work

If there is one norm that might be considered to be standard in the produc-
tion of top-tier research, it would be that those who produce it view the
production of interesting work to be their benchmark. This insight is not
intuitive. In fact, Journal of Business Venturing editor Sankaran (Venkat)
Venkataraman explained how he came to this realization:

Like any new doctoral student, I labored under the belief that a theory or a the-
orist is considered great because his or her theories are true but I discovered
that was really not true. Thats false. A theory or a theorist is considered great
not because his/her theories are true, but because theyre interesting. Murray
Davis goes on to develop about a dozen criteria for why a theory is interesting.
It will take me too much time to go through all of those points, but the gist
of Daviss point is that interesting ideas are those that point out that things
are not really what they appear or you think they appear to be. (Sankaran
Venkataraman, Keynote: Chapter 7)

This thought is echoed by Duane Ireland, who offers:

... I believe an appropriate view to take is that in order to make a difference,

our scholarship has to be interesting. Quoting from Murray Davis (1971),
a reason for this is The first criterion by which people judge anything they
encounter, even before deciding whether it is true or false, is whether it is inter-
esting or boring. Now, one might argue that interesting scholarship has quite
a few characteristics, including the following: counter-intuitive arguments,
multi-level designs, use of qualitative and quantitative data in the same study,
innovative and robust datasets, and innovative integrations of theories. The
important point is that as we think about trying to make a difference, what we
want to do is to think about designing and completing interesting scholarship.
(R. Duane Ireland, Keynote: Chapter 5)

And then University of Connecticut, panelist, Mike Lubatkin, after a par-

ticularly poignant session3 summed up the top-tier research guild norm of
producing interesting work to the assembled conferees, as follows:

... Jim is reflecting on it and hes tearing up a little bit. Thats what we are
about. We are putting our heart and soul into our ideas. We embody the
concept of entrepreneurship by the very virtue of the fact that we are willing
to fight and die for what we believe is interesting. (Michael Lubatkin, Panelist:
Chapter 15)

In terms of P-E fit, norms are at the core of characteristics that define
the top-tier research-centered environment because they tend to sum up
the associated expectations in this guild. In turn, these characteristics
define both the supplies provided and the demands they require, where
an inclusive community is committed to making a difference through the

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 11

production of interesting research. In the next two sections we first explore

Conference participants impressions of the supplies offered by, and second,
the demands made by the top-tier research guild. These are important con-
siderations and can be used to assess complementary fit in terms of whether
or not individual and organizational characteristics fill gaps for each other.


As suggested by P-E fit and represented in the P-O fit model structure
(Figure 1), an important complementary fit consideration is the financial,
physical and psychological resources, as well as the task-related, inter-
personal and growth opportunities supplied. Within the top-tier research
guild, these resources and opportunities may be characterized along three
dimensions: (1) critical feedback resources (the scarcest resource in any
guild due to time and attention constraints); (2) task-related opportunities
for monetary and psychological rewards/satisfaction; and (3) interper-
sonal opportunities for interaction and learning. In our analysis, we note
several comments in the narratives that support this interpretation.

Resources: critical feedback

It is not intuitive to the novice in any guild-type structure that the review
process whereby critical feedback is generated and passed back to the
producers of the work is, in fact, the most positive and helpful resource
that the skill community can provide. Consequently, for those who are
new (and sometimes not so new) to the research craft, the production of
works and their submission for review to peers within the guild is often
viewed negatively. However, as narratives from the Exemplars Conference
suggest, there is a helpful perspective that can be adopted. As suggested
by Ron Mitchell, for example, in recounting a conversation with AMJ
author/panelist, Tom Elfring:

One of the things Tom and I were talking about over breakfast was this idea
that when you first see a diamond, it doesnt look all cut and sparkly. It needs
to be cut and then it needs to be put into a setting. So in a sense, what happens
is [that] as the effort is added to these papers, we ought not to always think that
necessarily because we were rejected at the top journal, the paper is in fact a
poor paper. Rather, what you get, which is from the scarcest resource in our
business, is a critical review from thoughtful colleagues. Once you get that, it is
like cutting a diamond. You can actually use it to increase the sparkle. (Ronald
K. Mitchell, Moderator: Chapter 9)

However, it is one thing to understand rationally the process of improv-

ing diamonds in the rough, but quite another to deal with the emotional

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12 In search of research excellence

realities that accompany constructive criticism. Consider the natural

tendency for each one of us, as recipients of critical feedback, to project
the weaknesses of our work back upon the reviewers who, in giving scarce
time resources to the developmental task, raise sensitive and often trou-
blesome points concerning the work not the authors. Helpfully, Talya
Bauer, editor of the Journal of Management offers the following commen-
tary, referring to the manner in which three authors in their editor/author
panel session responded to the feedback they received on their paper:

... I think these three did a great job with this: being really responsive, going
above and beyond, being diligent, being timely and writing well. Being nice only
goes so far. I would say that the biggest thing is not having an argumentative
attitude, but rather asking, How can I make this paper better? My mantra
is, Feedback is a gift. So many people are threatened by feedback, but when
someone gives you that tough love feedback, that is the best thing they can do.
We would be doing a disservice if we published the first drafts that people sent
in. (Talya N. Bauer, Editor: Chapter 14)

As supplies go (at least within the top-tier research guild), critical feed-
back is the primary resource. But, of course, it is not the only one. There
is also a kind of coaching; a type of considered-judgment direction that
sometimes also surfaces, as suggested by Organization Science senior
editor, Pam Tolbert:

In the first couple of rounds, I think the main contribution was actually just
trying to point a path, because the reviews really did say, Do this and do this
and do this; so the main job was to say, You could do this, but I think this
might be a good strategy, which is something that people should pay atten-
tion to when senior editors do this stuff. Because on one hand theyre trying
to not alienate reviewers; obviously theres a lot of labor involved there, but
sometimes you dont always think theyre going in the right direction. What
you do in writing a decision letter is try and point to a path among the differing
options. (Pamela S. Tolbert, Editor: Chapter 16)

Then there are the less-tangible resources, such as the task-related oppor-
tunities that the guild provides for rewards and satisfaction, which we
discuss next.

Task-related opportunities: rewards and satisfaction

What kind of work should an aspiring member of the top-tier research
guild seek to produce? Because the rewards and levels of satisfaction vary
based on how one may answer this question, it is helpful to view this deci-
sion in terms of approach to opportunity: specifically to the opportunities
supplied by the top-tier research guild. Howard Aldrich, senior scholar

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 13

and 2009 Foundational Research IDEA Award winner suggested the


Perhaps the most important dilemma facing junior scholars and graduate stu-
dents is what Donald Campbell (Campbell, 1969) talks about as the real goal
of science. Don Campbell, a great scholar and wonderful man, contributed to
general systems theory, anthropology, philosophy, psychology and sociology.
Also he was very pragmatic and instrumental. He described science essentially as
the struggle for citations. How do you achieve your place in the citation world?
There are two central strategies. I like the analogy of somebody out looking
for gold in the old West. What are the choices? One we could call the mining
choice. Its going out into the mountains, finding a hole already dug, seeing
people streaming in and out of it, realizing, Yes, theres probably gold here.
The seam has been opened and now I can just follow those people. It could
be the case that I will find large pieces of ore, but also it is quite likely that
because people have been there before me, my incremental contribution is
probably going to be fairly small. Whats the alternative? The alternative is
the prospecting strategy. Think about Humphrey Bogart in The Treasure of
the Sierra Madre, if you remember that movie (thats the very famous movie
with the badges joke that Mel Brooks followed up in Blazing Saddles). You
can imagine being on the frontier; theres no map, you just set off and try to
find gold. The chances are quite good that what youll encounter are dry holes;
although it could also be the case that you are the first to stumble onto some-
thing never before seen (in which case the returns to you are substantial, but
youre also taking a substantial risk).
... What I want to talk about today is not that you should choose either
of these paths. I want to talk about, in a mindful way, trying to manage the
tension between the mining that is inevitable in our profession and the pros-
pecting that I think returns the largest rewards to people. (Howard E. Aldrich,
Keynote: Chapter 2)

And in addition to the more pecuniary rewards that come from ones
citation-stature treasure, as supplied by the profession (promotion,
tenure, endowed professorships or chairs, awards and honors, etc.), there
are also the intangibles, as succinctly stated by Duane Ireland:

... what could be more exciting ... than to have the answers that we derive
from our studies have the potential to positively affect individuals, firms, and
for societies? (R. Duane Ireland, Keynote: Chapter 5)

Many of us, if asked, could name jobs that, in our view, would be
entirely lacking in satisfaction wed hate them. Yet here we are in a pro-
fession that supplies task-related rewards and satisfaction that where a
fit can be engineered are truly remarkable for all parties involved. But in
addition there are human interaction-type opportunities that are supplied
by the top-tier research guild, and in the next section we encounter several
observations that outline these possibilities as well.

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14 In search of research excellence

Interpersonal opportunities: interaction and learning

Primarily, an intellectually driven craft can offer/supply a variety of
interpersonal opportunities specifically those for productive interaction
with like-minded colleagues and learning about what interests us. Several
Conference participants offered observations about these types of oppor-
tunities as supplied through participation in the top-tier research guild:

I enjoy the opportunity to interact with such a great group of colleagues, and it
is also an excellent opportunity to interact with people from all over the world
(even though the interaction is a little less personalized). So please accept my
not only congratulations on an outstanding conference, but also my thank
you for inviting me to this conference and the opportunity. (Michael A. Hitt,
Keynote: Chapter 4)

Here the profession is seen to provide the opportunity for interaction

at the more general collegial level. Of course, interaction around spe-
cific topics also occurs, as noted by Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
(ET&P) editor, Candy Brush:

. . . there is a community around family business and there is also a com-

munity around womens entrepreneurship (of which I am a part), and around
international or transitioned economies. So you have these different communi-
ties and it is an opportunity, I think, to collaborate and to develop theories
more deeply in these perhaps niche areas. (Candida Brush, Editor: Chapter 11)

And in the following quote the opportunity for interaction is seen also to
prompt learning.

... when you get a group of masters together and you throw them into unan-
ticipated and new situations, sometimes just the newness of the situation, the
emergent dialogue itself, creates the opportunity for understandings to surface,
to be articulated, to become concrete and to become usable by all of those who
desire to do work in the craft at the top tier. (Ronald K. Mitchell: Appendix B)

Mike Lubatkin, as a co-moderator in the Journal of Management

Studies editor/author session, expanded this view, suggesting that the pro-
fession also supplies the opportunity for growth:

Theres an evolution to us as scholars in our careers. We start off very much in a

skill-building mode as doctoral students and as junior faculty members. I liken
that to developing skills as a musician; at some point we need to make the tran-
sition from musician to composer. (Michael Lubatkin, Moderator: Chapter 15)

This thought is echoed and, furthermore, cast in a resources-supplied per-

spective by senior scholar and panelist in the Strategic Entrepreneurship
Journal editor/author session, Elaine Mosakowski, who says:

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 15

You know, Jay Barney talks obviously all the time about resources; bringing
these resources to bear to creating this critical mass to get the institution snow-
balling and our expectations rising, I think, is as you say the objective ...
(Elaine Mosakowski, Moderator: Chapter 17)

So, as we use a P-E fit perspective to amplify meaning from the variety
of perspectives offered by Conference participants, we can readily begin to
see how the characteristics of the top-tier research guild translate into the
supplies it offers its organizational members. But under the matching
logic that is endemic to a fit-type model, supply without demand is in
many ways inert. The supplies produced are therefore enlivened and made
relevant by the existence of the demands and expectations held (in our case
by the top-tier research guild) of its members.


The demands of the top-tier research guild have their own forms of com-
plexity, and a big part of the complexity in this case emanates from the
demands that are placed upon its members. Top-tier entrepreneurship
research is especially complex in this respect because of the many disci-
plines contributing to it, each of which has some degree of uniqueness that
accompanies its demands. As described by Conference Co-Chair, Rich
Dino as he introduced the first session of the Conference:

... I was trying to figure out how to convey what I see. I was talking with a
colleague today and we concluded that it was a busy intersection; and then we
asked, What is the busiest intersection in the world? And most people will say
Well it must be Grand Central Station. Well actually its not. It is a place in
Tokyo, Japan, called the Shibuya Station. It is interesting because there is a
confluence and an intersection of six roadways, six pedestrian walkways, and
one of the busiest train stations in the world. You could actually go out on the
Internet and watch this intersection and it is something else. I was trying to
think of how to characterize the world of entrepreneurship, and it pretty much
is one of the busiest intersections in the research world. Instead of having six
roadways or 12 roadways (including the pedestrian walkways together), there
are many, many more. Just thinking about it, if you think about the disciplines
that make up entrepreneurship (economics, sociology, organizations, institu-
tions, strategy, psychology, finance, micro, macro, go on and on); its a very
busy intersection. (Richard N. Dino: Appendix A)

So as we examine the narratives to ascertain the demands of the top-tier

research guild, we once again turn to P-E fit for help in outlining the latent
structure of the dialogue. This framework suggests that both task-specific
and people-specific elements are part of the demands placed upon its
members. Of course in the case of academe, the task-specific demands are

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16 In search of research excellence

research-production focused. The people-specific (interpersonal) demands

have more to do with the way that time, effort, commitment and expe-
rience are provided in the service of requirements, where patience/
perseverance is expected, and uniquely personal demands, skills and
imagination figure prominently. In our analysis, we noted several obser-
vations by Conference participants that aptly represent each of these

Task-specific demands: research-production focus

The top-tier research guild is very clear about the specific tasks expected of
its members: the constant production of top-quality work in reasonable-
to-high volume over time. However, stating the demands/expectations
for producing a series of successful papers is much easier than is enacting
them. For example, Venkat states:

From my own experiences reviewing as well as editing, the observations I can

make are: successful papers are more than likely to have something novel to say
rather than just a repetition of well-trodden areas and that novelty is either in
the theory, the approach, the data, the methods, the empirical context or in the
conclusions. (Sankaran Venkataraman, Keynote: Chapter 7)

Yet calling for novelty, and locating the pathway to find it are again
distinct actions with differing complexities. In the following exchange
between Tom Lumpkin (serving as the real-time editor of questions and
comments coming into the Conference from around the world through
the magic of technology) and Howard Aldrich (video conferencing his
keynote session), the articulation of this challenge and some counsel on
how to help emerge:

Lumpkin, Tom: Howard, this is Tom Lumpkin. I have some questions from the
web. First, when teaching junior scholars, how do you help them to identify the
initial research area to specialize in? Too often it seems that just pursuing ques-
tions can leave students stranded especially as their questions change.

Aldrich, Howard: So the question is, how to help them find their own voice?

Lumpkin, Tom: And the kind of research to specialize in.

Aldrich, Howard: Again, I can certainly see what happens to people who
approach that choice in a mindless way. One of the classic things we see
students doing is coming to graduate school with some work experience.
Especially PhDs in our field, typically people have been out five, six, ten years
who come to graduate school with a very powerful image of an experience they
had as a manager or maybe as an entrepreneur. What they spend their first

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 17

couple of years trying to do is to figure out how to understand that experience.

That is a very bad way to choose a research project. The first thing I would do
in working with students is to help them have a cathartic moment: Why are you
here? What do you think about entrepreneurship? What are the emotional asso-
ciations you have? I try to get them to think about the powerful passions that
they may have and the powerful feelings they may have. Get that on the table.
The second thing I would suggest to them is that their personal experience
might be the basis for building a program; but its not going to be a very good
basis. I say this because I have seen it over and over again not only for the
people I teach personally, but also at the doctoral consortia, Ive seen the same
thing. When people are asked about what they are interested in, inevitably
they take us back to some personal experience they had, either as a worker, a
manager or an entrepreneur. I think they have a very serious problem if they
dont get past that. (Howard E. Aldrich, Keynote: Chapter 2)

During the last 3540 years, the field of entrepreneurship emerged

from obscurity to todays present level of legitimacy. During this process,
numerous demands of the top-tier research guild had to be addressed and
satisfied. Patricia McDougall described a few of those, as follows:

Admittedly, we did have some problems in the early research; no doubt about
it. I would describe that research as not very cumulative. It didnt lead to many
new insights or knowledge gains. We had an absence of quality databases.
Many of the articles lacked a theoretical foundation or methodological rigor.
There was a real bias toward descriptive research. And the big one for me
was that there was not a very clear understanding of what was unique about
entrepreneurship research. (Patricia P. McDougall, Keynote: Chapter 6)

So we can conclude from the foregoing insights that the research-

production focused, task-specific demands of the top-tier entrepreneur-
ship research guild are becoming quite clear, and, in fact, are somewhat
inflexible. As a result, flexibility is demanded and must come from top-tier
research guild members.

Interpersonal demands: patience/perseverance

Inflexibility is rarely pleasant to encounter. But often (as appears to be
the case with the top-tier research guild) the demands have temporal
dynamics that are discipline-based, and therefore are likely to be highly
stable (Lawrence, Winn, and Jennings, 2001: 634), and thereby less
than flexible. Accordingly, the interpersonal demands of patience and
perseverance are placed upon/demanded from members. As Mike Hitt

... you should leave no stone unturned in order to do quality research. Have
patience and persevere. You also must be goal-directed and highly motivated to

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18 In search of research excellence

do quality research... . you need to listen to your colleagues and you are going
to have to be honest with yourself. Yet, I continue to believe that sometimes
you also have to persevere. So you should not let it go too soon. (Michael A.
Hitt, Keynote: Chapter 4)

However, this does not necessarily mean drudgery. Yes, commitment

and perseverance do have to come from within each of us, but theres an
up side to the attitude/stance that we can adopt, as Rich Dino suggests:

I opened the conference by talking about lyrics of songs. I like lyrics of songs. There
was a song years ago by a group called, believe it or not, Chumbawamba. I dont
know if you remember the lyrics, but the lyrics are the following: I get knocked
down, I get up again. Nobodys going to keep me down. Thats what research is
about, isnt it? Continually getting knocked down and having the tenacity to get
up, believing in what you are doing and (Jim, back to you again) believing in what
youre doing and getting it done. (Richard N. Dino: Appendix D)

In short, the top-tier research guild, in demanding highly specific and

excellent research products from its members, also (of necessity) demands
interpersonal staying-power. And, as we shall see, this kind of staying
power is enabled at least in part by skill and imagination.

Personal demands: skill and imagination

Yes, our capability to meet demands compatibly, i.e., to enact a P-E fit,
comes down to adjusting to the demands placed upon us as members.
And this requires an imaginative approach to theory and methods, as
illustrated in an exchange among Maw-Der Foo (author), Ron Mitchell
(session moderator), and Jing Zhou (Journal of Applied Psychology associ-
ate editor):

Foo, Maw-Der: ... What we thought was interesting and counterintuitive was
that positive affect actually increased the amount of effort that entrepreneurs
put into their ventures, primarily through a future temporal focus.

Mitchell, Ron: So, one of the things that was cool about the method was that
you emphasized the word experience. And was this experience-sampling meth-
odology where you had the entrepreneurs who were participating respondents
actually call in (was it twice a day?) on their cell phones? How was that received
at JAP?

Zhou, Jing: It was cool. It was very nice. It is a method that actually the affect
people (the people who do research in social psychology and affect) started to
use. So in some ways there are several interesting things about this paper that
I really like. First of all is the theory: the mood, as information theory, is rela-
tively new in our field in the applied field; and they used that correctly and in a

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 19

very counterintuitive way, if you will, of looking at the immediate versus future,
and both the negative and positive mood each have as a functional impact on
peoples effort. Its just different temporal dimensions. Also, the way social
psychologists collect data really is new and appropriate; so those are very nice
features. (Maw-Der Foo, Author; Ronald K. Mitchell, Moderator; Jing Zhou,
Editor: Chapter 12)

Some of the counsel offered by Howard Aldrich applies well to such set-
tings because it suggests that the way to meet the demands of the top-tier
research guild is to invoke a personal strategy that combines both skill and
imagination. He states:

There actually are ways to get the brain out of the miasma that it is in and
train it to be better at dealing with challenging environmental stimuli. So, with
regard to the question about skill and imagination, I would say skill is a matter
of experience. It is a matter of attaching yourself to good mentors and learning
how to read mindfully. Imagination may require you to spend a little money on
technology. Find people, coaches and trainers. There are ways to put yourself in
situations beyond your comfort zone. That is possible. I would say both of those
tracks can be pursued. The imagination track is going to be harder; it is going
to be more painful, but it is possible. (Howard E. Aldrich, Keynote: Chapter 2)


So, as we can see, P-E fit theory and the representative P-O fit model
enhance the interpretability of the narratives and provide additional
meaning from the variety of perspectives offered by Conference partici-
pants. Through this lens, we are able to observe how the characteristics of
the top-tier research guild as described in the narrative, translate both into
the supplies it offers its members, and into the demands it makes upon
them. Under the matching logic of P-E fit, we can see how the supplies
produced by the top-tier research guild are enlivened and made relevant by
the unique demands and expectations it places upon its people. In the next
section, we seek to illustrate from a peoples perspective (that is, from the
authors who participated in the editor/author dialogues) how this fitting
of the person to the top-tier research environment has been accomplished.
Additionally we outline possible pathways to satisfy the premise of this
Exemplars Conference: transformative learning from example.


The P-E fit perspective also articulates the characteristics, supplies and
demands of the person in the environmental dyad. While in this

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20 In search of research excellence

introductory chapter we felt it necessary to demonstrate the usefulness of

fit with representative narratives, it appeared to us to be somewhat trivial
to extract from the Conference narratives person-specific evidence of
various individualized attributes (on the person side of the dyad Figure
1). We reasoned that each reader would bring their own characteristics
(personality, values, goals, attitudes), supplies (time, effort, commitment
and experience resources) and demands (financial, physical and psycho-
logical expectations) to their experience with the narratives presented in
this book.
However, what is truly non-trivial (and the focus of this book) is the
process whereby the individuals in the editor/author panel sessions actu-
ally have shaped their professional responses to the characteristics, sup-
plies and demands of the top-tier research guild and succeeded beyond
publishing their research in one of ten top journals in their field to create a
sense of belonging to the guild. As may be readily ascertained, each of the
editor/author sessions was constructed with the task of making what had
been tacit, explicit. And this construction has produced dialogues that
are representative of how, in real situations, these colleagues have been
enabled to connect with similar others who value similar things. In some
sense, these are proxy individuals for each of us as authors. Put differently,
colleagues who have experience with the process can provide insights
about finding acceptance, support and reinforcement for the things that
they value and from which the rest of us can benefit.
Therefore, in the following paragraphs, we offer a few (hopefully salient)
excerpts from the dialogues of these sessions, with the hope that they can
be priming in nature. Our intention is to give enough compatibility/fit
examples that readers who peruse the remainder of this book will gain
great benefit from likening the experiences of these exemplars to their
own experiences. To the extent this does occur, our priming of the fit
pump will be a success. As suggested by P-E fit and as illustrated in the
P-O fit model diagram (Figure 1) there are two types of fit: supplementary
and complementary. We now define each in turn, again quoting from
the Conference narrative to illustrate.

Supplementary Fit

What does one look for to begin the matching process of the person to
the top-tier research social environment, where a persons flexibility must
exceed that of the top-tier research guild? This matching process can first
be characterized by the term supplementary fit, where a person supple-
ments, embellishes or possesses characteristics which are similar to other
individuals in an environment (Muchinsky and Monahan, 1987: 271).

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 21

Supplementary fit involves an interpersonal component in that matching

on characteristics (e.g., values and goals) is often achieved and reinforced
through personal interactions with similar others who share the same
characteristics. This type of fit is represented by arrow a in Figure 1
(Kristof, 1996: 3). Supplementary fit (as we interpret it for application to
persons trying to succeed within the top-tier research guild) can occur as
persons find acceptance and support from like-minded individuals within
the guilds social environment.
In the case of the top-tier research guild, supplementary fit might occur,
for example, when a lead author assembles a research team, thereby ena-
bling fit among like-minded authors within that team. In the Organization
Science session, author Wesley Sine offered the following illustration:

I had experience working with both of these co-authors; they didnt have
experience working together, and we were at one point all students at Cornell.
We knew each other, and I knew their strengths and knew their weaknesses. I
brought them in for their strengths. As first author, I selected both of them for
various strengths that they brought to the process. (Wesley D. Sine, Author:
Chapter 16)

Or supplementary fit might occur as individuals find that their values

and goals match those of other guild members: some in the author role,
and others in the editor role thereby promoting an environment condu-
cive to productive exchange between author(s) and editor(s). For example,
Yasemin Kor in the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ) editor/
author session explained this supplementation process in dialogue with
editor Mike Hitt, as follows:

Kor, Yasemin: I think our experience with the SEJ is that we have gotten very
strong, very high-quality feedback. Mike has been a truly exceptional editor in
terms of providing us with this magic map; like an ancient treasure map, really,
in terms of how we would ...

Hitt, Mike: She doesnt mean ancient.

Kor, Yasemin: No. Thats meant in a good sense. Actually, telling us all the
steps, but also guiding us (because we were going into multiple research
streams), also providing us some potential relevant articles, every one of which
we read. All the insights come together. It was like magic as things fell together.
That was very positive. But I also wanted to bring up the point that there was
very strong guidance. It was very illuminating ... (Yasemin Y. Kor, Author;
Michael A. Hitt, Editor: Chapter 17)

Here we can see the embellishment process in action: feedback leads to

guidance (potential readings, etc.), which in turn leads to insights that

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22 In search of research excellence

come together. While working toward the shared goal of publication, we

see evidence of the support and reinforcement offered by the editor and
reviewers to the author.
In the context of top-tier research, supplementary fit may also be impor-
tant in determining appropriate submission outlets. As illustrated in the
Journal of Business Venturing (JBV) editor/author session, author Dimo
Dimov notes the value of commonality, when he states (after being asked
by co-moderator John Mathieu):
Mathieu, John: How does your paper fit into the universe of entrepreneurship?

Dimov, Dimo: In our case, whats interesting is that as the paper was developing
we thought of JBV as the natural home. It was clear and the reason for that is
theres been a longstanding conversation in the journal about venture capital
and when you have a context like this, it comes with a lot of dirty laundry.
There are problems with working with venture capital data, and when you have
reviewers that are in that area, they are aware of these issues so you can safely
navigate these waters because everyone knows that these are problems. So with
that said, this was a natural home. (Dimo Dimov, Author; John E. Mathieu,
Moderator: Chapter 13)

In this exchange, we are able to observe the similar characteristics aspect

of supplementary fit: in this case, a data set to journal-expertise/focus.
Furthermore, the author succeeded in finding an outlet that not only
valued his area of research, but also had a history of carrying on a conver-
sation regarding his interest: venture capital. It appears that interacting
with similar others who value similar things (i.e., editors and reviewers)
allowed the author to find a natural home for his research, thus achieving
supplementary fit.
But while supplementary fit is perhaps the more intuitive or more likely
interpretation of fit, it is not the whole story. As illustrated in Figure 1,
there are also complementary ways where demands/supplies of individu-
als complete or make whole the demands/supplies of the environment
and vice versa.

Complementary Fit

Complementary fit is distinct from supplementary fit. Whereas supple-

mentary fit emphasizes compatibility through congruence (e.g., personal
isomorphism with the environment), complementary fit emphasizes com-
patibility through completion, which is when a persons characteristics
make whole the environment or add to it what is missing (Muchinsky
and Monahan, 1987: 271, as cited in Kristof, 1996: 3). We find two sets of
instances where Conference participants articulate complementary fit-type

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 23

situations, and we highlight several of these comments in the quotes that

follow. We expect that in engaging the narratives, however, you (the
reader) will identify even more such instances. These two typical comple-
mentary matches take the following form:

1. A person demands what environmental characteristics supply, or vice

versa (arrow b, in Figure 1), or
2. Person-based characteristics supply what the environment demands,
or vice versa (arrow c, in Figure 1).

Persons demand what environmental characteristics supply. As a repre-

sentation of P-E fit, the P-O fit model suggests that organizations supply
financial, physical and psychological resources as well as the task-related,
interpersonal and growth opportunities that are demanded by employees.
When these organizational supplies meet employees demands, needs-
supplies (complementary) fit is achieved (Kristof, 1996: 4, emphasis
added). As we have previously noted, we have identified within the
Conference narrative at least three zones of compatibility areas where
the top-tier research guild supplies: (1) critical feedback resources in the
form of reviews; (2) task-related opportunities for monetary and psycho-
logical rewards/satisfaction; and (3) interpersonal opportunities for per-
sonal interaction and learning. In the narrative, we find several examples
of this kind of complementary fit described by editors and authors during
their discourse. For example, during the Academy of Management Review
(AMR) editor/author session, we suggested that Mason Carpenter, associ-
ate editor representing AMR, described in detail the manner in which the
needssupplies process is enacted in the reviewerauthor interchange:

I think one rule of thumb that I like to use is that, as an editor, I am not a vote-
counter. So I dont get a tally and just say, This is a number, this is what you got
and so thank you or no thank you. It is really gaining some traction with
the particular article. If theres energy if there is passion in a reviewer, they
could say, I hate everything about this paper but this,... We want to see our
work published... . The reviewers want to see that too, but they want it to meet
the criteria to meet that hurdle of what quality is. And they get frustrated; but
when reviewers find something, they go, There is a diamond in the rough here.
So the task is to coach that out of the paper in cooperation with the authors.
The authors have that same perspective. Is that something they want to see
come out of the paper? Because one of the things that you see in the review
process and in the revision process is that, just in the writing, a lot of choices are
made. It is making those choices that resonates with a sort of coherent story in
the paper, but also with the spirit of what the author is wanting to do. Because
if you beat that spirit out, it usually comes out in a poor paper, but if the spirit
is there, it is those papers that you read and go, Thats really unique. It helps

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24 In search of research excellence

me understand a part of the world that I would not even have known to ask that
question before. (Mason A. Carpenter, Editor: Chapter 10)

Here we can see how the top-tier journal guild supplies the critical feedback
which at the same time is needed by the authors to improve their work.
This needssupplies exchange makes whole the scholarship environ-
ment and by providing critical feedback yields satisfaction-based psychic
rewards for authors. We see this value exchange described in the following
comment by Keith Hmieleski, one of the authors in the AMJ editor/author
session, who says: ... the more effort you put into it up front before the
submission, the much more enjoyable the whole review process is that
follows from there (Keith M. Hmieleski, Author: Chapter 9).
Of course, a clearly important outcome of the needs/supplies-based
complementary process within the scholarly setting is the interaction and
learning that occurs. This result is especially important for new colleagues
as the scholarly journey is just beginning. Helpfully, Joe Mahoney, as
an associate editor representing Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)
described the reflexivity that is core to the needssupplies exchange: the
individual attention that is provided, as those who are experienced in the
top-tier research guild begin to engage each new colleague. Here is how he
described the process from his vantage point, in response to an audience
question from Yasemin Kor during the SMJ editor/author session:

Kor, Yasemin: I have a general question. If you have a burning desire to do

research on a topic that is very new and not very well known, and there is not
much research on it (or the opposite being that it is researched to death, the area
is declining or is very mature), is that a high-risk proposition? And if you still
want to do it, what are some ways to go about it?

Mahoney, Joe: ... for every single student, I think the right approach depends
on the student... . If I have a student that has had ten years work experience,
then we start from the experience and we work to the theory. If I have someone
coming right out from undergraduate, we start from reading the theory and
then we move to experience. My final message is that Vygotsky had a Theory
of Learning and (to summarize), the theory noted that you need to start from
where the person is. I would say there is not a cookie-cutter answer to your
question. For each person, you have to start from where you are. (Yasemin Y.
Kor, Author/Audience; Joseph T. Mahoney, Editor: Chapter 18)

So in short, the complementary process, as wholeness-creating, can be

seen to be much more of a two-way exchange in this first type of situation,
where the top-tier research guild supplies what new members need in a
give-and-take manner. In a similar way, this completion logic can operate
in service of the top-tier research environment as well.

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 25

In the next part of this section, where the top-tier research guild
demands are the point of focus, we shall examine further evidence from
the narratives, which describes situations where once again, the whole-
ness or completeness logic of complementary fit permeates the person
environment interface.
Persons supply what the environment demands. P-E fit theory further
suggests that environments demand contributions from individuals in
terms of time, effort, commitment, knowledge, skills and abilities. In terms
of P-O fit, demandsabilities fit is achieved when employee supplies meet
organizational demands (arrow c in Figure 1) (Kristof: 1996: 4). The
demands of the top-tier research guild (as characterized by the participants
quoted earlier in this chapter) revolve around: (1) research-production-
focused task-specific demands; (2) patience/perseverance-centered inter-
personally specific demands; and (3) skill and imagination-based personal
As the story of Tom Elfring, one of the authors in the AMJ editor/
author session, unfolded, Conference participants learned how a group
of European authors stepped up to the challenge of submitting to an
American top-tier outlet. As Tom describes it:

To us it was really a positive surprise that we got an R&R [revise and resub-
mit]. We were kind of new. None of us had published before in any of the top
American journals (coming from the European context) because it was not so
much necessary. We didnt even intend to submit it to AMJ. We were thinking
of JBV [Journal of Business Venturing]; but one of the American people in our
department, hired for one day a week to coach and help us to get published in
the American journals (which is kind of the target), had said, Well, you have
very interesting data. Why not submit it to AMJ? We said, Well, thats too
difficult. But we did it anyway. Then we got this letter (which I was kind of
shaking when we opened the mail), and it was very encouraging. It was a tough
job, but it was very encouraging ... (Tom Elfring, Author: Chapter 9)

The foregoing quote provides a clear example of how individual persons

(authors) supplied the effort demanded by the top-tier research guild (as
represented by both the American colleague [unnamed], and by AMJ
itself). The result: a demandsabilities-based complementary fit.
Then there is the situation described by Venkat as a new author
(Chapter 7) trying to meet the expectations of the top-tier research guild.
He recounts the following as it relates to the second demand that we
identified in the narratives perseverance:

I would assert here today that top journals look for papers that are interesting,
provocative, useful to either practice or to researchers by raising new and fruit-
ful research questions, are empirically tractable and have a clear answer to the

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26 In search of research excellence

so what questions. That, I figured out, is really what journals are looking for.
Thats really their stock-in-trade. Journals are not really after truth. Journals
are not really after a kind of statement about a phenomenon, which everybody
agrees as a consensus that This is what its all about. They are really in the
business of attracting attention spreading their own genes, in some sense. So
they look for the provocative. They look for the interesting. They do it in a very
sophisticated way, but thats a large part of the story.
A third event for me was the first publishable paper out of my dissertation,
and where I should send it. Taking Andys [Andy Van de Ven, dissertation
advisor] dictum to me seriously, I decided I should aim for ASQ [Administrative
Science Quarterly], and start at the top and see where the equilibrium point
might eventually be. After some while, I got the reviews back. It was a substan-
tial revision, so at least I had survived the rejection process (which was person-
ally very satisfying for me), but it was very high risk. It had nearly 13 pages of
single-spaced comments from three reviewers and one associate editor. When I
read it, it was frankly beyond me at that stage. I could not handle it by myself,
but I learned several lessons from that experience. First, publishing in top jour-
nals requires tremendous perseverance, great stamina, a lot of help and a good
dose of luck. Subsequently, I could never get all three reviewers to agree on that
particular paper. Convincing three reviewers is a really tough business no
question about that. (Sankaran Venkataraman, Keynote: Chapter 7)

In a similar vein, Mike Hitt as a mid-career author also recounts a tale

of perseverance and patience, as follows:

A few years ago I had a project that I was working on in which we had the idea,
developed it, collected data, analysed it, wrote a draft and presented a paper
at the Academy of Management conference. We then obtained additional
feedback on the research and paper from colleagues. Then, the next natural
step was to go to a journal. But, I still had concerns that we needed to do
more to enhance the quality of the work before submitting it to a top journal.
I really liked this research and felt it had potential to make a contribution.
My colleagues wanted to submit the manuscript; they were younger and they
had reasons for desiring submission (such as the evaluation time clock). But if
you send a paper in before it is ready, it is unlikely to be accepted for publica-
tion. Thus, I recommended that we not submit the paper. I then presented the
paper at several research seminars at other universities. That is not something
I normally do, but I received some excellent feedback from two different places
one on the theory and one on the methods. Based on the feedback, we col-
lected more data and worked on the theory. Both actions improved the paper.
We then submitted it to the journal and received a high-risk R&R. Now, if we
had not taken the additional actions, we would not have received the high-risk
R&R it likely would have been rejected. Fortunately, we were able to develop
it and eventually the paper was accepted and published in AMJ. So thats one
story where we had to have a little patience and perseverance. (Michael A. Hitt,
Keynote: Chapter 4)

Perseverance is demanded by the top-tier research guild, and as a result

the complementary fit that is possible is uncertain even for the (now)

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In search of entrepreneurship research excellence 27

research superstars. What we find to be interesting about the recount-

ing of these experiences, is that it helps us, as observers of the process, to
understand more thoroughly why the complementary matching process is
one that involves completion of a whole. Those who engage in this type
of complementary demandsabilities matching (willingly stepping up to
environmental demands) chart a path that is less limited from a practical
standpoint, and can be (as we see from these narratives) highly effective.
And, yes, the third demands theme we identified skill and imagination
are also highly valued and expected by the top-tier research guild. We
presented several passages in the earlier section of this chapter that
illustrated the importance of skills and imagination. But what we did
not do in that section was illustrate how the complementary demands
abilities process might work in the journalauthor dialogue. Fortunately,
a comment by Yasemin Kor in the SEJ session sums up this co-creative
element invoked as a part of the complementary fit:

I really view the publication process as a co-creative act, so to speak, just like in
entrepreneurship teams. I really think that, yes, the authors are the original cre-
ators, I guess; but I think it is a very important role the reviewers and especially
the editors play. For us, what worked was to engage in a positive dialogue, to
be receptive, listen to the comments and really consider their feedback, but it
also really helped to have an editor and the reviewers really understand and
appreciate our points of view. It is coming together both ways as a co-creative
team act. (Yasemin Y. Kor, Author: Chapter 17)

So here we can see that skill and imagination as a demand of the

top-tier research guild reaches completeness through a positive-loop
dialogue where editors and authors each contribute to the crafting of fit.


It seems slightly odd to us to produce an introductory chapter with a

conclusion. Rather, we hope our closing comments will be those of encour-
agement. In this chapter, we have endeavored to provide a structure to the
narrative that will now unfold as you navigate the Exemplars Conference
dialogue. We encourage you to visit the website (www.researchexemplars.
org) where these narrative sessions are available for downloading and
viewing electronically, and to utilize this book as the means whereby you can
make the ideas herein your own. As members of the social science research
guild, we are also continually in search of research excellence despite those
parts of the process that are shrouded in myth. We offer exemplars in entre-
preneurship as another step toward fulfilling that aspiration.

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28 In search of research excellence

1. The editor-author participants represented the following journals: Academy of
Management Journal; Academy of Management Review; Entrepreneurship, Theory
& Practice; Journal of Applied Psychology; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal
of Management; Journal of Management Studies; Organization Science; Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal; and Strategic Management Journal.
2. The keynote addresses were given by: Howard Aldrich, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill; Jay Barney, The Ohio State University; Michael Hitt, Texas A&M
University; Duane Ireland, Texas A&M University; Patricia P. McDougall, Indiana
University; and S. Venkat Venkataraman, University of Virginia.
3. In the Journal of Management Studies editor/author session, James O. Fiet, as an author
explaining how he had finally been able to get research which he believed to be deeply
important published in a top journal, shed a tear when asked to explain its importance
to him personally.


Campbell, D.T. (1969). Variation and selective retention in socio-cultural evolu-

tion. General Systems, 14, 6985.
Davis, M.S. (1971). Thats interesting! Towards a phenomenology of sociology
and a sociology of phenomenology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1, 30944.
Glaser, R. (1984). Education and thinking. American Psychologist, 39, 93104.
Hambrick, D. (1994). What if the Academy actually mattered? Academy of
Management Review, 19 (1), 1116.
Hogan, R.T. (1991). Personality and personality measurement. In M.D. Dunnette
and L.M. Hough (eds), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, Vol. 2, pp. 873919.
Kristof, A.L. (1996). Personorganization fit: an integrative review of its conceptu-
alizations, measurement, and implications. Personnel Psychology, 49 (1), 149.
Kristof-Brown, A.L., R.D. Zimmerman and E.C. Johnson (2005). Consequences
of individuals fit at work: a meta-analysis of personjob, personorganization,
persongroup, and personsupervisor fit. Personnel Psychology, 58, 281342.
Lawrence, T.B., M.I. Winn and P.D. Jennings (2001). The temporal dynamics of
institutionalization. Academy of Management Review, 26 (4), 62444.
Merton, R.K. (1968). Social Theory and Social Structure. New York: The Free
Muchinsky, P.M. and C.J. Monahan (1987). What is personenvironment congru-
ence? Supplementary versus complementary models of fit. Journal of Vocational
Behavior, 31, 26877.
NRC (National Research Council, Chemical Sciences Roundtable Board on
Chemical Sciences and Technology) (2000). Graduate Education in the Chemical
Sciences: Issues for the 21st Century: Report of a Workshop. Retrieved: March
16, 2010:
Schein, E. (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco:
Schneider, B. (2001). Fits about fit. Applied Psychology: An International Review,
50, 14152.

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Keynote contributors

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2. Mindful scholarship
Howard E. Aldrich

Dino, Rich: Please join me in welcoming research exemplar, Howard


Aldrich, Howard: Welcome to the ACC, Big East Basketball Challenge.

Tipoffs going to be starting very soon.

Haggard, Rory [off camera]: Hey, wait a minute; thats over and done

Aldrich, Howard: Oh never mind. Im very happy to be able to join you

by this long-distance route today. When I was asked to be a speaker, one
of the things that occurred to me was that youll be hearing a great deal
about some of the general principles of doing entrepreneurship research.
What I will do is talk more about best practices and in particular, as you
saw from the title slide, what I want to talk about in the time available is
mindful scholarship.
When I was asked to do this, it occurred to me that I was probably
asked because I am seen as an expert. Now, whats an expert? According
to neuroscience or cognitive science researchers, about 10,000 hours of
experience typically gives you the possibility of insights into a phenom-
enon. But it is more than experience. Its more than the fact of having
10,000 hours. Being an expert means noticing distinctions. It means being
aware of differences, being attentive to things that novices and amateurs
dont pay attention to. Much of what Im going to talk about actually
comes from some books that I have found helpful in thinking about
mindful activities in general: the Zanders The Art of Possibility (Zander
and Zander, 2000), Ellen Langers work on mindfulness (Langer, 1989),
Counterclockwise (Langer, 2009) and Robert Boices work (Boice, 2000).
You can find all of these books mentioned on my website. In Google,
just type my name in the search bar, and on my webpage youll be able
to find this information and more. Or type in the URL: http://www.unc.


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32 In search of research excellence

Now Im going to be mindful myself in talking to you about these ideas.

That means Im not telling you the way to do something. As Ellen Langer
might say, Here are some possibilities. This is simply one way to do it. Its
my way; its not the only way. And as a mindful scholar, the first thing to
be aware of is that you have options, and you have to make choices.
Perhaps the most important dilemma facing junior scholars and gradu-
ate students is what Donald Campbell (Campbell, 1969) talks about as
the real goal of science. Don Campbell, a great scholar and wonderful
man, contributed to general systems theory, anthropology, philosophy,
psychology and sociology. Also he was very pragmatic and instrumental.
He described science essentially as the struggle for citations. How do you
achieve your place in the citation world?
There are two central strategies. I like the analogy of somebody out
looking for gold in the old West. What are the choices? One we could
call the mining choice. Its going out into the mountains, finding a hole
already dug, seeing people streaming in and out of it, realizing, Yes,
theres probably gold here. The seam has been opened and now I can just
follow those people. It could be the case that I will find large pieces of ore,
but also it is quite likely that because people have been there before me,
my incremental contribution is probably going to be fairly small. Whats
the alternative? The alternative is the prospecting strategy. Think about
Humphrey Bogart in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, if you remember
that movie (thats the very famous movie with the badges joke that Mel
Brooks followed up in Blazing Saddles). You can imagine being on the
frontier; theres no map, you just set off and try to find gold. The chances
are quite good that what youll encounter are dry holes; although it could
also be the case that you are the first to stumble onto something never
before seen (in which case the returns to you are substantial, but youre
also taking a substantial risk).
So what I want to talk about today is not that you should choose either
of these paths. I want to talk about, in a mindful way, trying to manage the
tension between the mining that is inevitable in our profession and the
prospecting that I think returns the largest rewards to people. I have on
the board the five points that I will be making in my talk today. These are
five advisories, suggestions and guidelines not rules. These are offered in
a mindful spirit, meaning I am making suggestions that one might follow
to create a mindful scholarly career. You have heard some of these things
already in other sessions.
I am proposing that you consider a portfolio model for your scholarly
career. Clearly, some combination of a mining strategy with a prospect-
ing strategy (if one can find the right balance) is the way to go. That is
pretty self-evident. However, how do you lessen the risks you are taking

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Mindful scholarship 33

on, particularly when you go into the prospecting part of your portfolio?
Heres where Im going to talk about some practices that have served me
very well over the last 40 years.
My first point: collaboration. In his keynote address, Venkat [Sankaran
Venkataraman: Chapter 7] described his dean telling him about some data
he had seen regarding multiple authorships. I think the deans point was
that there was an increase over time in papers with more than one author.
I think he probably took that from the work of my friend Brian Uzzi
(Guimer et al, 2005), published recently. Brian and his colleagues looked
at all the sciences: the natural sciences, the social sciences and also the
humanities, looking at the pattern over the last decades many decades
of solo versus co-authored articles. The trend was clear. The natural
sciences were the first, followed by the social sciences, and now increas-
ingly in the humanities: multiple authored papers are dominant. That is,
fewer and fewer papers every year are appearing with a single author. Two
authors, three authors in the natural sciences, four, five and six authors
are routine. Now why do people do that?
Well, the other piece of the puzzle that Venkat didnt mention is that
this study also shows, in terms of the struggle for citations, that its the
multiple-authored papers that are getting disproportionate numbers of
citations. So its clear it is not simply a fad having to do with people feeling
more sociable about their research. It is also clearly something that people
see as beneficial to their careers. Co-authorships increase the likelihood
that what people are doing will be noticed and cited by others.
In 40-plus years of working in this field, I have had occasion to work
with many collaborators, and I can tell you that it is possible (believe it or
not) to make a mistake. You can pick somebody to work with who maybe
isnt such a compatible person. So let me offer a couple of suggestions. One
of the things I have discovered is that it is extremely important to make
certain that your objectives and your co-authors objectives are aligned.
Do you intend to submit papers only to top-tier journals (and if they dont
succeed, file them in a drawer)? Or are you the kind of person who starts,
as Venkat and also Duane [R. Duane Ireland: Chapter 5] mentioned in
their keynote addresses, at the top tier, then goes down to A-, B+, B, B-,
C, and just keeps going down until you find a home? Get that clear with
your co-author.
A second issue that you need to also get straight with your collaborators
is time orientation. I mention this because I have some students who are
very aware of my working style. They pretty much expect me 24/7. I have
other people I work with on a nine-to-five schedule. Weekends they dont
check their computer. My European friends, God bless them, think that
July and August are months for spending time away from the office. So

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34 In search of research excellence

when we talk about planning ahead, those two months are just blocked
out on the calendar. My point is simply that when you are going to choose
a collaborator and try increasing your citation count, be certain it is some-
body who you really and truly are going to want to work with.
A third principle: create constructive critics. You like that? Did you get
the alliteration there? Create constructive critics. Who might these critics
be? When I talk to students about this point, the first people they think
of are their mentors and their peers. In talking to junior faculty, I find
they sometimes mention graduate students and maybe also their peers.
Im going to add senior scholars into the mix in a moment, but lets just
talk about the most obvious people you could choose. Why would we do
this? Why would we need to create constructive critics? Well, what is the
alternative? I am sure in the audience there is somebody who sent off to
a big-time journal a paper that they had not shown to anyone else and
subsequently received blind reviews telling them they might want to seek
another line of work and not to give up their day job. Am I right? The
worst possible time to find out there is a hole in your theory and that your
research design is fundamentally flawed is when the editor sends back the
rejection notice saying Our reviewers decided not to give you another
chance. That is the worst possible thing that could happen. So my goal
in mentoring my students is not to get their papers accepted; my goal is to
make certain that the first submission gets an R&R [revise & resubmit]. I
think that is what some of the journal editors were saying to you earlier
How do you do that? How do you find these people? Im a sociologist,
so where do I look for the principles of recruiting collaborators? I look to
the principles concerning norms of reciprocity and norms of obligation.
You need first to volunteer to help other people, believe it or not. You are
not going to get very good advice from other people until you have not
only worked for them, but also worked with them to show them what you
How many of you have had the experience of taking a paper down the
hallway or emailing it to somebody, waiting two, three, four weeks and
then receiving a comment like, Really nice work. Youre doing a great
job. Keep it up.? Or they bring the paper back (they printed it out) and
you notice in the margins they have penciled in notes on the order of mis-
spelled word, comma splice, dependent clause without a conjunction.
Thats not going to help. You want your constructive critics to attack
your paper with the same ferocity as the anonymous reviewers at SMJ
[Strategic Management Journal] That means showing the people who are
going to be helping you what you want.
So what do you do? You ask a colleague, Can I see something youre

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Mindful scholarship 35

working on that I might be able to help you with? Great. Send it to me in

electronic form. Go through the paper, not using track changes. Track
changes is for co-authors. Write this down: Track changes is for co-
authors. Insert comment is for critics. You go through the paper, mark
the text off to the side where you have as much space as you need, write
your comments something like, Youve neglected this literature. This
concept is ill-defined. Theres a logical flaw in this paragraph. You need to
get more sleep. Your topic sentence introduces other materials that arent
in the paragraph, and so forth. Show people that higher-order feedback
is what you want, not the lower-order stuff. In turn, they take on a fairly
serious obligation to you. Its a rare individual (although actually I think
I have one down the hallway in my department) who can resist the appeal
to make similar responses to the stuff you send.
A final point about this. It turns out that at major conferences you will
meet people senior scholars who you can approach. I am talking now
to the graduate students in the audience and some of the junior faculty.
The senior faculty in the room or watching on the web may want to plug
their ears. You will meet people who actually need help. They may not
realize it, but they do need help. You can approach them and ask, Can I
have a paper of yours? Are you working on something? Help them out.
Email them your comments. The same principle applies: once you get
them hooked, you can expect help.
Let me go on to the fourth point: reading mindfully. To illustrate the
problem here, lets turn to an anonymous student (I pointed to my gradu-
ate student, Tiantian, seated in front of the camera). When you sit down
to write a paper, are you like Tiantian here (surrounded by your books
and papers)? Thats a very bad sign. If you sit down to write surrounded
by your books and papers, it means that essentially you are not ready
to write. I often talk to graduate students and they ask, Well, how am I
going to find out what Im going to say about somebodys work? I need the
originals in front of me. To them I say, Its too late. The time to do that
is when youre reading the stuff, not when youre sitting down to write
your own paper.
Whats the better strategy? The better strategy is to sit down with a
conceptual outline and your interpretive notes and draft your paper. Now
what does that mean? Again I often look at my students notes. What I see
in those notes are summaries, abstracts, descriptions and the voice of the
author captured very well. What I dont see in those notes on what they
have read is the voice of the person who is going to write the paper. What
you need to do in reading the literature mindfully is to interpret what you
read for yourself, taking what you have read, making notes not to describe
what is in the article, but instead to say what it means to you. What is this

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36 In search of research excellence

article saying to me about this subject? That is mindful reading. Its about
what you say not about what the author says. Anybody can faithfully
reproduce the authors words. If I want to read what Herbert Simon said
about something or James March or Karl Weick, I will go read them in the
original. If I want to read what you have said, I need to hear your voice;
and the way to do that is to have your notes reflect your interpretation at
the time you read the paper or book.
[Aldrich holds up a sheaf of paper] This is a sample of some of the notes I
prepared when I was working on that paper that was in SEJ last year, on
social networks (Aldrich and Kim, 2007). Do you see this? These are not
summaries. What did I do? I read papers I thought would be relevant. As I
read them, I wrote down what I thought they meant for the topic; and that
is what is in my file not summaries.
The final point: create a conceptual outline. This is CCO (can anybody
help me out? I couldnt get another C here). So when I sit down to write I
have oh, let me stop. Look at the warning sign. Tiantian, will you help us
out here? Hold that up. What do you see there? What is that can some-
body in the audience tell me? What is she holding up? [Answer: A blank
page] The worst possible situation is to sit down to write and be facing
a blank page. Thats terrifying. Thats terrifying. Instead, when you sit
down to draft a paper, you should have a conceptual outline. You should
have your interpretive notes and what you should be doing is taking the
outline and translating it into prose. If you sit down to a blank piece of
paper without a conceptual outline, you are actually at a pre-writing stage.
You are at a writing stage that Peter Elbow described in his book, Writing
with Power (Elbow, 1998) as free writing. You can free write on blank
paper or free write on a blank computer screen. However, writing a paper
requires a conceptual outline.
Maybe an analogy will help you think about this. The terrifying thing to
many of our students is that they think about writing a paper as writing
a paper, and its a gigantic project. They see an enormous boulder on
the top of a hill rolling down at them and they need to grasp it all at once
and push it back up the hill. I say, Well, dont think about it that way.
Your job is to read the literature, write interpretive notes and build your
outline section by section, pebble by pebble, stone by stone, rock by rock.
Eventually what you will have will be a boulder. But if you set out with a
blank piece of paper as your starting point and say to yourself, This must
be turned into a paper, its not going to work. You will be crushed.
So think mindful scholarship, mindful scholarship. When you set out
to work on your project, find a collaborator who is compatible, cultivate
critics with norms of reciprocity, create the outline that you need for your
writing through mindful reading, be mindful in taking notes and then,

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Mindful scholarship 37

finally, do the writing from a conceptual outline as opposed to thinking

about it as writing from scratch. This concludes the formal part of my talk.
Ill take questions.

Dino, Rich: Okay, questions from Storrs and questions worldwide, please.
Anyone? Jay Barney has a question for you, Howard.

Barney, Jay: Hey, Howard. How are you?

Aldrich, Howard: Hey, Jay. How you doing?

Barney, Jay: Im good. Its good to see you. I want to go back to point
number one about portfolio. Could you comment on the following? You
were talking about the fact that you thought it was self-evident that there
should be some mining and some prospecting. Could you talk about the
different skills that are involved in those two different kinds of activities?

Aldrich, Howard: Well, I think that prospecting is probably going to work

better for people who have an experts eye; and thus early in ones career
I suspect that prospecting will be mostly random generation and random
variation. One of the differences between you as a senior scholar and
your graduate students is that a graduate student can bring you an idea
(thinking that it is at the frontier) and you say, Oh no, back in 1978 Bill
Ouchi had the same idea. He published it in ASQ [Administrative Science
Quarterly]. You obviously just started reading ASQ when you entered
graduate school, so you arent aware of this. Thats a joke. And so its
quite likely that the difference between the two to some extent is a function
of how mindful you have become as a scholar. So I say early on, it prob-
ably is the case that the constraints are such that it would be very difficult
for a junior scholar to do a lot of successful prospecting. Its going to be
probably more like semi-random variation than it would be in the hands
of somebody like you with the ability to remember and to put together
ideas and make connections that just wont be there for the junior scholar.

Barney, Jay: So that portfolio you have in mind is a temporal portfolio

more than a simultaneous portfolio?

Aldrich, Howard: Yes. Lets say somebody works with Jay Barney. They
like the idea of what he does so much that they set out to be the next Jay
Barney or the next Karl Weick or the next Jim March. The alternative is to
say to them, All this stuff is really wonderful, but it needs to be replicated
and needs to be extended. We need to find new domains in which it can be

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38 In search of research excellence

applied. But junior scholars also need to think about the possibilities of
putting their own names on their work and their own citation counts, so
to speak. So early on, prospecting would be more of an aspiration than a

Barney, Jay: How about one last comment? What about the transition
from mining to prospecting, given the temporal nature of this, as youre
suggesting. When does that occur and how does that occur?

Aldrich, Howard: Thats back to the 10,000 hours. One of the experi-
ences that sticks in my mind comes from my mentor back in my days at
Michigan, Albert J. Reiss, Jr. I remember him getting a book prospectus
from somebody who had been out of graduate school maybe six years
or seven years, and the prospectus was about a book that was to review
criminology or something like that. Al just said, This person hasnt lived
long enough to do this. Its not possible. It will be workman-like, but its
not going to make any difference to the field. When I was preparing my
1979 book (Aldrich, 1979), [Aldrich holds up a book and points to the image
of Milwaukee on the cover] I had been out of graduate school a little more
than eight years. I couldnt have written this book before then. It wasnt
possible. I just didnt know enough. I wasnt savvy enough. I didnt have
the vision that eventually came to me. So what I would say now is that I
think it is a matter of mindful maturation. For more information on the
context in which I wrote that book, see the new edition (Aldrich, 2008).
At the time I didnt know the word mindful, but now I would say it
is a matter of mindful maturation, and these books are also wonderful
books about entrepreneurship. The Zanders book, The Art of Possibility
(Zander and Zander, 2000), is probably the single best book about an
entrepreneurial mindset I have ever read. The latest book by Langer
(Langer, 2009) comes very close to being a classic in that sense very
much about noticing differences, being attentive to differences and being
receptive to the noticing of differences. Langer has lots of experimental
evidence in this book, showing how being attentive makes a difference.
You can actually teach people to recognize differences that they couldnt
see before (Fiet, 2002). So Im hopeful, back to your point about transi-
tions, that with mindful reading, junior scholars can get to the point where
that transition is possible.

Barney, Jay: Thanks, Howard.

Lumpkin, Tom: Howard, this is Tom Lumpkin. I have some questions

from the web. First, when teaching junior scholars, how do you help them

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Mindful scholarship 39

to identify the initial research area to specialize in? Too often it seems that
just pursuing questions can leave students stranded especially as their
questions change.

Aldrich, Howard: So the question is, how to help them find their own

Lumpkin, Tom: And the kind of research to specialize in.

Aldrich, Howard: Again, I can certainly see what happens to people who
approach that choice in a mindless way. One of the classic things we see
students doing is coming to graduate school with some work experience.
Especially PhDs in our field, typically people have been out five, six, ten
years who come to graduate school with a very powerful image of an
experience they had as a manager or maybe as an entrepreneur. What
they spend their first couple of years trying to do is to figure out how to
understand that experience. That is a very bad way to choose a research
project. The first thing I would do in working with students is to help them
have a cathartic moment: Why are you here? What do you think about
entrepreneurship? What are the emotional associations you have? I try to
get them to think about the powerful passions that they may have and the
powerful feelings they may have. Get that on the table.
The second thing I would suggest to them is that their personal experi-
ence might be the basis for building a program; but its not going to be a
very good basis. I say this because I have seen it over and over again not
only for the people I teach personally, but also at the doctoral consortia,
Ive seen the same thing. When people are asked about what they are inter-
ested in, inevitably they take us back to some personal experience they
had, either as a worker, a manager or an entrepreneur. I think they have a
very serious problem if they dont get past that.

Cardon, Melissa: Hey, Howard, its Melissa Cardon. I want to go back

to the prospecting versus mining issue. We have been talking a lot here
for the last day about targeting top-tier journals. Is there room in top-tier
journals for mining as well as prospecting? Because I would suspect that
most of these editors will tell us they want the brand-new novel creative
stuff not the mining where other people have panned before. Is there
room there in the top-tier journals?

Aldrich, Howard: Heres where I think there is an interesting social psy-

chological dilemma facing editors and reviewers. Im an evolutionary
theorist and, so by definition, the next big thing is completely opaque to

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40 In search of research excellence

us right now. There is no possible way that you can tell me what in two
or three years will be the hottest thing going. It is impossible. Theres no
way to do that. Why is that? Well, because we are totally creatures of our
experience. Our cognitive frames are set in ways that make it very difficult
for us to evaluate stuff that really is radically different. So, no matter what
the editors say, and no matter what the reviewers say, they are still using a
criterion of How does this fit into what I already know?
Im going through that experience right now. Two top-tier journals have
asked for R&Rs of papers Im working on. Both of these are team-based
papers. We look at their reviews sent to us after the first round of review-
ing and the reviewers are mentioning authors we didnt cite and that we
should cite. Theyre citing received concepts and principles. Theyre not
talking about stuff that doesnt yet exist; theyre talking about stuff that
already exists. What Im saying is that it is very difficult to get away from
this practice, and you have to be an incredibly courageous editor to pick
the one of the three reviews thats positive and go with the paper. Heres a
question for you. Melissa, you might ask the editors who are still in Storrs,
Would you accept a paper if only one of the three reviewers said this is
great? Would you do that? How could you do that? Could you look your
reviewers in the eye after youve done that and say, Thanks for the good
job you did? Its a very dangerous thing for an editor to do, but thats
what they would have to do to really privilege the prospecting part to this.
Its a very difficult issue.

Lumpkin, Tom: Howard, again from the web. This is going to also have
to be the last question. Last night Dean (Chris) Earley made a comment
about the importance of both skill and imagination; lacking one or the
other might result in sub-par work was the point. In terms of mindfulness,
which is more important? And if the answer is both, how much of each do
you need, and how do they work together?

Aldrich, Howard: Well, I think the first thing you will recognize is that
neither skill nor imagination is totally genetically determined, right?
Thats the beauty of reading Langers stuff, for example, or Zanders stuff.
There is a lot of work in cognitive neuroscience, again, that shows you can
actually teach people to be more imaginative. If I could put a plug in for
my oldest sons company, Posit Science (, there
are computer programs that can actually help you improve your mental
acuity. There actually are ways to get the brain out of the miasma that it
is in and train it to be better at dealing with challenging environmental
stimuli. So, with regard to the question about skill and imagination, I
would say skill is a matter of experience. It is a matter of attaching yourself

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Mindful scholarship 41

to good mentors and learning how to read mindfully. Imagination may

require you to spend a little money on technology. Find people, coaches
and trainers. There are ways to put yourself in situations beyond your
comfort zone. That is possible. I would say both of those tracks can be
pursued. The imagination track is going to be harder; it is going to be more
painful, but it is possible.

Dino, Rich: Howard, its Rich Dino. On behalf of all of us here with the
organizing committee and if I may speak for the Academy Entrepreneurship
Division, we greatly, greatly appreciate your participation. For everyone,
when I called Howard to invite him to the Conference he said, I really,
really want to be there. [Aldrich picks up basketball] Put that ball down.
He knows my back ...

Aldrich, Howard: Tell Gino Auriemma (UConn womens basketball

coach) that Sylvia Hatchell (UNC womens basketball coach) is laying in
wait for him next year.

Dino, Rich: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, its about outcomes, not about
talking. [Authors note: On their way to another National Championship,
their seventh and their second consecutive perfect season the
University of Connecticut womens basketball team beat North Carolina,
8847.] That was a good one, wasnt it? Yes, mens basketball is another
Anyway, he said, I really, really want to be there, but, Rich, he said,
Ive tried everything and I just cant get in and out of Hartford given
where else I have to be that week. He said, Lets see if we can work it
out, and we did. Howard, again, thank you so much for your contribu-
tions, and your willingness to participate. It was a wonderful session and
we wish you a good day.

Aldrich, Howard: Thank you.

Dino, Rich: Thank you.


Aldrich, H.E. (1979). Organizations and Environments. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:

Aldrich, H.E. (2008). Organizations and Environments, new edition. Stanford, CA:
Stanford Business Classics of Stanford University Press.

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42 In search of research excellence

Aldrich, H.E. and P.H. Kim (2007). Small worlds, infinite possibilities. Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal, 1 (1), 14765.
Boice, R. (2000). Advice for New Faculty Members: Nihil Nimus. Boston: Allyn
and Bacon.
Campbell, D.T. (1969). Variation and selective retention in socio-cultural evolu-
tion. General Systems, 14, 6985.
Elbow, P. (1998). Writing with Power. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fiet, J.O. (2002). The Systematic Search for Entrepreneurial Discoveries. Westport,
CT: Quorum Books.
Guimer, R., B. Uzzi, J. Spiro and L.A.N. Amaral (2005). Team assembly
mechanisms determine collaboration network structure and team performance.
Science, 308 (29 April), 697702.
Langer, E. (1989). Mindfullness. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Langer, E. (2009). Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility.
New York: Ballantine Books.
Zander, R.S. and B. Zander (2000). The Art of Possibility. Boston: Harvard
Business School Press.

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3. The missing conversation
Jay B. Barney

Barney, Jay: Now for something entirely different. Much of the conver-
sation last night (and especially this morning) seems to have been aimed
primarily at our junior scholars. I suppose my conversation today is aimed
primarily at senior scholars, both in entrepreneurship and in the field of
management more generally. I want to talk about what Im going to call
the missing conversation. My goal today, especially for the senior schol-
ars, is literally to inspire some of you to change your research agendas. I
use the word inspire carefully.
Don Hambrick (1994) issued a challenge to the Academy of Management
in his presidential speech that was later published in the Academy of
Management Review (AMR). The title of his article was What if the Academy
actually mattered? In this article Professor Hambrick hypothesizes the
existence of an alternative to the Academy of Management that he calls the
Society for Administrative Science, or SAS. Not the best acronym in the
world; but nevertheless, it would be an alternative professional organization
that has as its mission to promote research and teaching that will enhance
the administrative effectiveness and overall functioning of organizational
enterprises. In this hypothetical world that Professor Hambrick generates, he
notes, the SAS has been: instrumental in creating a Nobel Prize in administra-
tive science; instrumental in writing a code of managerial ethics that is widely
accepted by many firms; instrumental in creating a Presidents Council of
administrative advisors; and helpful in advising the Polish government on
transforming its economy. Note this paper was originally written in the 1970s.
The article goes on to suggest that the Academy could matter in at least
two ways: first, it might matter for practicing managers (that is, the work
we do might actually make a difference for people in practice); second,
he also suggests that it could matter for discussions of broader social and
economic policy. I want to talk briefly about both of these areas where the
Academy could actually matter. Im going to propose that while we spend
a fair amount of time with respect to the first point, we do not dismiss the
second. Indeed, the second way we could matter is what I am labeling as
the missing conversation.


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44 In search of research excellence

Of course, there is a fair amount of controversy with respect to the

implications of our research in the Academy of Management for practice.
For example, several articles (Ghoshal, 2005; Pfeffer and Fong, 2002)
suggest that our research has either been irrelevant or, even worse, bad for
I have a slightly different view on this than these articles. My view is that
if you examine the cumulative impact of our research in the Academy of
Management, that it has actually been rather fundamental and very large.
Consider just a few examples.
I think organizational behavior has had a very strong impact on the
growth of a more participatory approach to management. Im old enough
now to remember my first consulting project in 1980 with a Fortune 500
company. All we did in that project was to argue with senior management
about the importance of adopting a more consultative and participative
approach to decision-making. This is now taken for granted. OB [organi-
zational behavior] and OT [organization theory] scholars have been deeply
involved in teaching and diffusing this perspective.
Thinking more broadly about business schools, I think the field of
finance has fundamentally altered the way that we think about capital
markets and the way they operate (sometimes for the good and sometimes
for the bad). In my home field of strategy there is no doubt that there are
certain strategy models and frameworks that have become de facto stand-
ards in practice. These are just some examples of our cumulative impact.
The problem we have (with many criticisms of our research and its impact
on practice) is the assumption that every paper we write has to have some
practical implications. My view is that the unit of analysis for evaluating
practical impact is not the paper. Papers are usually designed to push a
particular research agenda forward, not to inform practice.
However, the cumulative impact of numerous papers can have a fun-
damental impact on practice conversations. Just because a research paper
published in a journal on cancer research does not have direct practical
implications, it does not mean that this research has not had an impact
on cancer treatments. So, too, not every research paper in management
has direct implications for practice; but that does not mean that research
collectively has not had an impact on practice. Most active management
scholars, and not just management scholars, do research that is designed
to be read only by other research scholars and our mothers. Some of this
work has implications for management, but I call this a happy accident.
It turns out that some of the research questions we ask are inherently inter-
esting to managers; and so thats a good thing, and as a happy accident,
some of those things can actually have a nice impact. As I tell my assistant
professors and my associate professors, If you write an article for which

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The missing conversation 45

the purpose is to try and help managers, you are not writing an article
for any journal. What youre doing is consulting. Consulting is fine, but
do not confuse the two consulting and scholarship. We write articles
to solve theoretically interesting questions, whether they have practical
implications or not. Now it turns out that it is sometimes the case that
they do have practical implications, and thats the happy accident. As
you get more senior and more experienced, you can start looking in other
directions. And I think another 20 percent of our research-active manage-
ment scholars actually do work for practicing managers directly trying
to affect that conversation and thats where a lot of the translation work
comes from. My sense is that theres a market out there for these ideas, and
there are a lot of people who are influenced by them. While I respect my
colleagues who sort of decry the lack of connection between our research
and practice, I think they miss the point because theyve used the wrong
unit of analysis, which is the paper rather than the cumulative impact.
So, while we can all agree that more needs to be done, we need not con-
clude that nothing has been done with regard to practice. But thats the
conversation weve had and need to continue to have.
I want to talk about the missing conversation. The missing conversa-
tion is: What are the implications of management research (whether its
strategy, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, human resources
and so forth) for the economic policy and broader societal issues we face?
I want to present to you a series of what Ill call missed opportunities
opportunities where the theories that we use as scholars in our scholarly
work could have had a fundamental impact on changing the conversation
around certain social and economic policy issues; and that if we had been
involved in that conversation, things would have been better.
The first example is from the S&L [savings and loan] crisis in the 1980s.
There was massive deregulation in the savings and loan industry in the
1980s. The federal government allowed savings and loan companies, who
had historically only loaned money for small homes and mobile homes, to
start making loans on large complicated commercial real estate projects
overnight. Now, what does our theory tell us about what the implications
of that move are going to be?
Traditional economics adopts the assumption that the skills and capa-
bilities needed to make those different kinds of loans are very mobile;
therefore firms will learn quickly how to make them profitable. However,
our theories say that those kinds of resources and skills are in fact not
mobile; they are very sticky and take a long time to learn and develop. And
if you let S&Ls (overnight) try to diversify in ways that do not build on
some core competencies and skills, they will fail. They failed.
If we had been part of that conversation, Im not sure that the

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46 In search of research excellence

deregulation wouldve gone the same way. Im not arguing against deregu-
lation in this context; Im arguing against the failure to consider the under-
lying resource-based challenges associated with it.
Sarbanes-Oxley is another conversation. It strikes me that much of the
conversation about Sarbanes-Oxley was led by accountants in an attempt
to try to create something they might call full transparency. Our theory
says that some of the most critical sources of sustained competitive advan-
tages are intangible assets that are never likely to ever be transparent. That
conversation was never included in this debate; therefore, the debate about
Sarbanes-Oxley has suffered and the costs of Sarbanes-Oxley activities
continue to rise (without getting to the core issues inside the company in
terms of the control).
Consider anti-trust policy. This is not a partisan comment. However,
it strikes me as strange that our current and historical anti-trust policies
represent some sort of weird combination of structure, conduct and per-
formance logic, and economics and political expediency, instead of having
conversations of social and economic policy that are based in theory that
we actually know. Some of the theories we know, for example, offer that
one reason firms can dominate a market is not because theyre engaging
in anti-competitive behavior, but because they actually meet customer
needs more effectively. This was an idea originally proposed by Harold
Demsetz (1973) and central to findings in strategy and entrepreneurship
but its not in the conversation about anti-trust. Were not part of that
Consider international development. There is something in econom-
ics called endogenous growth theory that takes a very macro approach
to understanding international development. It doesnt recognize that
international development typically (as entrepreneurship has told us)
really comes at a much more micro level, as individual entrepreneurs
create new companies. Endogenous growth theory turns out not to work
that well, although we have spent trillions of dollars over three decades
trying to eradicate poverty around the world and have made remarkably
little progress. During that same period of time, there has been economic
development in Taiwan and South Korea, but it has been driven largely
by entrepreneurial activities and not by the macro-economic approach
that has dominated most policy discussions. Again, were not part of that
Consider also the impact of tax policy on entrepreneurial behavior.
There are conversations about capital gains taxes, about the death tax
and tax on estates. There was research that was done a few years ago that
showed that one of the reasons entrepreneurs engage in certain activities is
so that they can leave a legacy for their children and grandchildren. What

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The missing conversation 47

is the impact of the estate tax changes that are being proposed on the level
of entrepreneurial activity in our economy? I dont know the answer to
that question. Its a question the people in this group who are listening to
this and are involved in this conversation should be addressing. It strikes
me, but were not at the policy table.
Consider the current financial crisis. There are lots of things we can
talk about here. My personal favorite is the Fiat/Chrysler merger. Again,
this is a non-partisan comment. However, we already know that realizing
synergies across mergers is a very low probability event. It is likely to be an
even lower probability in a shotgun wedding between Fiat and Chrysler.
Fiat is going to teach Chrysler how to make small cars to sell to the United
States? The business part of that conversation is not taking place; its
dominated by other more political parts of the conversation.
Consider the relationship between compensation and risk-taking. Some
of these conversations are also something that we (as management schol-
ars) should be able to participate in, but we havent. Weve ceded these
incredibly important conversations to the economists and policy research-
ers, or worse, to the accountants and lawyers (even though the models that
we all know actually have really important implications for these discus-
sions). Indeed, I think I can say that we have failed part of our fiduciary
responsibility as scholars because we have not systemically engaged in
these conversations.
Now Im going to share with you my own personal journey about how I
came to these conclusions. It began when I was invited to attend an initial
reading of the new FTC [Federal Trade Commission] and Department of
Justice regulations for regulating high-velocity, high-technology environ-
ments. The purpose of these regulations was to prevent the next Microsoft
from occurring. The proposed regulations imagined (ironically) a 12-step
process for regulating these high-velocity environments. The first step was
to identify all relevant technologies.
Well thats the problem, isnt it? Because thats the thing you cant do
in these high-velocity environments. We have a regulatory regime that
assumes away the reality we know exists in these environments. How are
you going to be able to identify every technology in every garage in Silicon
Valley or in Boston or in Connecticut?
That was an interesting experience.
I then started trying to apply some basic management principles through
a relationship I had with the Columbus Public School District. If you
think about a school (like a high school), its actually a medium-sized busi-
ness in terms of total assets, the number of employees, the total revenues
that come into the school from taxes and things like that. Its actually like
running a medium-sized business, and in Columbus public schools (and

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48 In search of research excellence

this is actually very typical) the principal in these schools, who should act
or could act something like a plant manager in a diversified corporation,
will typically have $10,000$15,000 discretionary budget. In Columbus,
half of that money has to be used to buy toilet paper and other supplies.
In other words, this school district is massively centralized in decision-
making authority. Teachers are given teaching plans, independent of the
specific needs, wants or desires of the kids in their classes. In general,
management theory suggests that it is best to push decision-making down
as close as possible to the customer. If the customer is the student in this
context, that decision-making authority doesnt seem to be happening.
So we had conversations trying to make this happen by empowering
principals. After two years, I decided that the only way I could make
significant progress in this area is if I abandoned every other thing I was
doing and focused exclusively on making schools better. Its a very tough
change process.
So, that led to a third activity. This is a course that Professor Sharon
Alvarez and I teach on International Development and Micro Enterprise
at Ohio State University. We teach the course and then we take a group
of students to rural Bolivia, in what is known as the Alto Plano. The Alto
Plano is at 12,500 to 13,500 feet; so a bunch of flatlanders go there and
we all have a hard time breathing and eating and sleeping, and bathrooms
are holes in the ground and its an interesting experience. What we do
there is we take our MBA students and work with villages to try to create
entrepreneurial businesses.
So let me tell you a story about applying resource-based theory to
economic development in a village called Muruamaya. Muruamaya is a
village of 200 people scattered over a 30-square-mile area. I have some
pictures. These are some of the kids that were in our village.
We were trying to find an entrepreneurial opportunity in this village. We
were meeting with the students while we were in this village and asking:
what is this villages source of competitive advantage? What makes them
All the villages have weavers. They use very, very archaic hand-weaving
looms. But all the villages in the area weave the same products and theyre
of marginal quality. The women gather together a few times a week, do
the weaving, and then they take all the stuff once a month or so out to La
Paz, sit on the sidewalk and (along with another thousand villagers) they
all sell about the same thing.
This is obviously not a very high-margin business model. So our ques-
tion was, how can we take their weaving skills and generate a competitive
advantage for them?
So we started thinking about products; but we know products are not

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The missing conversation 49

likely to be a source of sustained competitive advantage. So we started

thinking, What makes this village distinctive? And the answer was their
relationship with Ohio State (because we only went to that village). That
distinguishes them from every other village.
So how do you take advantage of that relationship and leverage these
weaving capabilities? You have them make Ohio State scarves. So this is
an officially licensed Ohio State scarf (100 percent alpaca), that is made by
women on the Alta Plano and other parts of Bolivia. We imported 200 last
year and theyre $49.99.
The student group who was with us formed a not-for-profit organiza-
tion to import them and manage that process. Weve ordered 2,000 for
this year.
Two thousand scarves. If we get 2,000 scarves and we sell them at that
price and we get the margin back to the individuals in the village, what
that does is take the average income of the women that are associated with
this weaving effort from $2 a day to $12 a day. And that is big enough so
that they can let their children stay in school, so they can graduate and go
to high school, and (sometimes) go to college.
Now, this business is also scalable. Were already in conversations with
the University of Michigan to make officially licensed Michigan scarves
and wed like to spread this out through the Big 10. If we do all of the Big
10 (and each Big 10 school does 2,000 scarves), then we have 600 women
in the Alta Plano of Bolivia whose income goes from $2 a day to $12 a
day; and we now have made a difference a huge difference. Were already
making a difference in a few lives and theres opportunity for more.
Now, that is the practice of entrepreneurship. That is the application of
research-based theory in as practical a way as you can to address a social
policy need. These photos are some of the kids that will benefit from this
process. This is the school that we visited. And here is one of the weavers;
you can see the high technology thats in the background.
What do we do next? If we take this challenge seriously, what do we
do next? Assistant professors, associate professors you do exactly what
youve always done and I dont think you change. I think what you do is
you write papers for other professors and hope to get them published, and
try to get them published in the top journals. Im not asking for heroes here.
Professor Pfeffer (2007), in one of his papers, calls for changes to
become more socially conscious in our activities. To do that, he pro-
poses that we change the promotion and tenure decision and change the
decision-making system with the journals. That is not going to happen, so
lets not even pretend that thats going to happen. If we have to wait until
the university changes in order to do these things, then theyre not going
to happen. So lets not pretend.

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50 In search of research excellence

So, assistant and associate professors: do your thing and get published.
My own experience is that any strategy that requires heroes for its imple-
mentation is guaranteed to fail. Maybe you can broaden your samples.
Maybe you can discuss some social policy implications in your papers.
Point two: I dont think we should ever abandon the first point that was
made by Professor Hambrick (1994), which is that we need to continue to
figure out how our work has an impact on practice. If you really want to
do just social psychology, or just economics, you should be in a social psy-
chology or economics department and get paid that wage. If you want to
do research that has implications for business, then you need to be in the
business school, and there is a differential compensation for that.
But my real message is to my senior colleagues, and I chose this topic
because I knew that there would be a lot of senior people (thats code for
old) here. We need to develop a forum for discussing the implications of
strategy and other kinds of research on economic and social policy.
Editors, there are several of you here (including me). We have to create
room in our top journals for these kinds of papers. Can we do it? And,
really (for my senior colleagues), isnt it time for us to change our personal
objective function from just another publication to actually making a dif-
ference on a much broader stage, whether that stage is in Washington DC,
in Hartford or Bolivia or any place else in the world?
I gave a version of this talk for the first time at a conference recently
held at Emory University, and I was really struck by a Roberto Goizueta
quote (the former CEO of Coca-Cola and the individual who endowed
the Emory Business School). Referring to the founding of this school,
Roberto Goizueta asked, Will we have the courage and wisdom ... to
aspire to build a school completely distinctive in its ability to add value to
our society? I think this is a challenge to us as scholars in management.
Do we have the courage and it does take courage to change the objec-
tive youve been very good at for 30 years? Do we have the courage, and
then do we have the wisdom to be able to organize it efficiently? Thats
my challenge for my senior colleagues and for the junior people. This is
why we do the work. This is what we have to aspire to. We need to aspire
to change our goals from producing just another publication in AMR
[Academy of Management Review] or AMJ [Academy of Management
Journal] to changing lives. Thank you.

Mitchell, Ron: Okay, were open for Q&A.

Phan, Phil: Jay, that was very good.

Barney, Jay: Thank you.

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The missing conversation 51

Phan, Phil: I really appreciate it. But, given your history and the impact
that youve had on the Academy, your point about management scholars
and entrepreneurship scholars making a difference in the public realm (I
think) also deserves a conversation around how. Who are the talking
heads? You know, you dont see too many ...

Barney, Jay: Were not there.

Phan, Phil: Were not there; and somehow finding a way to break into
this very (in my opinion) closed space, and be willing to be controversial
[is important]. Because [non-rigorous thought] often shows up in these
[public forums] and, frankly tends to drive a lot of what I would consider
maybe even misguided policies.

Barney, Jay: Yeah. Thats right.

Phan, Phil: And thats important. Your encouragement to senior scholars

to step out and get into the public forum is very important; but I think to
do that, in our day and age, you do have to be controversial and be willing
to take a stand.

Barney, Jay: Yeah. I think youre absolutely right and it seems to me that
step one is to, in an evangelical way, try to encourage my colleagues to
think broadly about this but then also to get together with a group of
smart people and figure out how to organize this. I dont have the answers
to those questions, but I know that we can answer them because its pos-
sible to do it. I do know, with respect to the press, that once you get in the
loop, youre in the loop; and so its just a matter of getting into the entry
point, and with the right partnerships. Or if youre thinking about partner-
ing with some other business organizations that bring scholarship to bear
on the questions of the day, I think there could be a lot of potential. Im
thinking of some sort of blogging kind of thing. So we are making progress
here, but its early days. Youre exactly right.

McKinley-Floyd, Lydia: Thank you so much. To your comments I can

only say amen.

Barney, Jay: Thank you.

McKinley-Floyd, Lydia: I think about my own experiences. Now being

one of the old heads (my hair is dyed, so you cant see all the gray), and
sitting in the B-School at the University of Chicago and asking questions

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52 In search of research excellence

about social responsibility and having the professor say theres no social
responsibility in business, and thinking about all of these issues that you
raised I think theyre very much on point. But my question is: how realis-
tic is it that journal editors (not deans necessarily, but that journal editors)
will indeed embrace your ideas and make a portion of, if not a significant
effort, to include this kind of a scholarship?

Barney, Jay: Frankly, in the short to medium term, zero chance. I mean,
the system is in place. I am not criticizing the system; it functions very well
for what it does. Im asking it to do something differently. And so thats
why I dont look to people who still have the publish or perish criteria
they have to meet to help make these changes. I look to my colleagues for
whom the next AMR or AMJ or SMJ [Strategic Management Journal] (or
whatever it is), is not going to change their life very much. And I want to
be absolutely clear. I am not in any way suggesting that this effort should
take the place of ongoing research. I will always personally be engaged in
numerous research activities to continue to sharpen the saw, as they say,
and to continue to learn and do those things. So, I dont see this as one
or the other. We have to do, to some extent, both. That said, I and others
like me are in a position where we have more flexibility. Many of us have
chosen not to take that flexibility in this direction. For those who are still
research active, this is something that I think that we need to think about.
So in the short to medium term, Im not optimistic at all. I will say this: you
know how economists dominate these conversations we see on TV? That
was not always the case. The field of economics at one of their annual
meetings, a group of very senior economists, most of whom had won Nobel
prizes or would win Nobel Prizes said, We need to get economic theory
more into public space. How are we going to do that? And they actually
had meetings in the 1960s and built up a strategy for making that happen.
Well, they have a huge first-mover advantage. There are huge barriers to
entry. But, you know what? We have better ideas. I wont get into that, but
we just have better ideas that are more in tune to whats actually happening
in organizations. So, I think thats where an opportunity still lies.

McKinley-Floyd, Lydia: So are you suggesting this kind of research should

not be published?

Barney, Jay: No, no, no, no, no, no. I would love for it to be published,
and really good work in this area will get published. So theres emerg-
ing work in social entrepreneurship and theres some interesting work
in corporate responsibility. So there are some things on the margin. The
problem is, even that work (as good as it is), is still not part of the public

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The missing conversation 53

debate around the policies of the day. So, even when there is good work,
we still havent met that last link and thats the challenge. Thats what
the field appropriately points out.

Mosakowski, Elaine: Yeah, hi. I want to ask you two questions. Or maybe
the first is more of a comment. The second is a question.

Barney, Jay: Sure.

Mosakowski, Elaine: The comment is, I worry a little bit that you are too
pessimistic in your predictions . . . From my own personal experience,
pushing through more of a programmatic venture, as well as venturing
into the research area with social values and whatnot Im not sure its as
bleak a picture as you paint. And in that regard (I happen to be married to
a dean of a business school) I think deans of business schools, both coming
from academic backgrounds or business backgrounds, are definitely
starting to get it.

Barney, Jay: Oh, yeah. I agree with that.

Mosakowski, Elaine: And part of the reason theyre getting it is because

donors, who are their number one constituents show that that is what
theyre really, really interested in

Barney, Jay: Donors want to support this.

Mosakowski, Elaine: Yeah. Exactly.

Barney, Jay: Absolutely.

Mosakowski, Elaine: They want to support that. So, maybe were a little
bit where ...

Barney, Jay: I dont think deans are the problem. I dont think donors are
the problem.

Mosakowski, Elaine: Its us.

Barney, Jay: I think we are the problem.

Mosakowski, Elaine: Thats what my point was going to be; exactly that
its us. This is almost like (not that Ive ever been) an AA [Alcoholics

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54 In search of research excellence

Anonymous] meeting, but coming forward and instead of saying, Hi, Im

Elaine and Im an alcoholic, saying, Hi, Im Elaine and Im interested
in social entrepreneurship and innovation. Its a little bit like these dark
secrets that we carry around, and I think ...

Barney, Jay: Well, I revealed mine.

Mosakowski, Elaine: Exactly. Yeah. Because I think the perception that

interest in social entrepreneurship and innovation maybe made us less
serious academics or whatnot. Okay. My question is that, obviously you
are one of the major founders of the resource-based view of strategy, and
you talk about bringing our theories both to practice, as well as having
social impact; but the major tenet of the resource-based view of strategy
is really based on notions of scarcity and competition and I wonder if
those are the appropriate ideas in a social context. And, if not, might you
consider writing a resource-based view for social organizations?

Barney, Jay: Okay. We obviously wont have time in this context to have
that debate, but the point is that thats the debate we should have. Okay?
The answer is (by the way), no. But, setting that aside, I mean it really is
a conversation asking, Is social entrepreneurship fundamentally different
from entrepreneurship? Thats a question that we actually debated at a
recent conference. I thought it was a fascinating conversation, and thats
one that we have to take forward and continue. So, good questions.

Mitchell, Ron: Is there one more question, please?

Langlois, Richard: Jay, I dont mean this comment entirely seriously.

Barney, Jay: Okay.

Langlois, Richard: You criticized the deregulation of the savings and loans

Barney, Jay: Sure.

Langlois, Richard: ... and said that all of a sudden, the savings and loans
were extending their capabilities illegitimately to areas that they didnt
know anything about.

Barney, Jay: No. It was legitimate because it was legal, but it was not clear
that it was wise.

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The missing conversation 55

Langlois, Richard: Wise. But now, of course, youre suggesting the same
thing for management scholars; that they should extend their capabilities
to things that they had before talked about. I dont know that I mean that
entirely seriously; but, as you know, Im a capabilities person.

Barney, Jay: Sure.

Langlois, Richard: But, I still have some allegiance to economics ...

Barney, Jay: Sure.

Langlois, Richard: . . . and I feel I should defend economics a little bit.

Economists would wonder whether the problem with the savings and loan
was capabilities or whether it was incentives that the insurance that
was being offered to depositors in savings and loans wasnt actuarially
fair, and so loan officers had an incentive to do the wrong thing, and it was
external institutions, not so much ...

Barney, Jay: And I dont mean to imply that theres only one explanation
going on here. And both explanations are relevant and could be subject
to great conversation and debate using a more managerial approach to
things. So we do have theories about incentives. We do have theories
about institutions and those kinds of things. And also, we have theories
about capabilities. It did strike me, however, that conversations around
policy that recognize that capabilities, resources, and knowledge are
sticky and not completely mobile, do allow us to have a slightly different
conversation on more of these issues than what most economists would
have. Thanks.


Demsetz, H. (1973). Industry structure, market rivalry, and public policy. Journal
of Law and Economics, 16 (1), 19.
Ghoshal, S. (2005). Bad management theories are destroying good management
practices. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 4 (1), 7591.
Hambrick, D. (1994). What if the Academy actually mattered? Academy of
Management Review, 19 (1), 1116.
Pfeffer, J. (2007). Financial incentives can create bad employee behavior. Journal
of Economic Perspectives, 21 (4), 11534.
Pfeffer, J. and C.T. Fong (2002). The end of business schools? Less success than
meets the eye. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 1, 7896.

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4. Entrepreneurship research and the
maturation of the field
Michael A. Hitt

Dino, Rich: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my absolute privilege to introduce

research exemplar, Professor Michael Hitt.

Hitt, Michael: Its a real pleasure to be here. I enjoy the opportunity to

interact with such a great group of colleagues, and it is also an excellent
opportunity to interact with people from all over the world (even though
the interaction is a little less personalized). So please accept my not only
congratulations on an outstanding Conference, but also my thank you
for inviting me to this Conference and the opportunity.
I dont want to say the same thing as everybody else, and I speculated on
what others would talk about and then I tried to add something different
(and hopefully of value). So, I focus on entrepreneurship and maturation
of the field. Not that I have better information than others on these topics,
but they are worthy of our consideration. I will first focus on the field, and
then (specifically because of this Conference), on research.
So lets take a trip back to 1988 a little over 20 years ago. Porter and
McKibbin (1988), two business school deans at the time, authored a report
for the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
on the future of business education. Lyman Porter (Dean at the University
of California at Irvine at the time not Michael Porter), was a very well-
known and respected scholar in organizational behavior, and played a
prominent role in the development of the study on which the report was
based. The report explored the expected foci for business schools as they
moved into the 21st century. There are multiple topics of importance
in that report. It represents a partial follow-up to the earlier report that
prompted the significant development of research in business schools, and
thereby the growth and popularity of business schools (the changes
and development of business schools began in earnest in the 1960s). Porter
and McKibbin noted five fields that they thought would be very promi-
nent in the development of business schools for the 21st century. I will not
discuss all five, but international was one of them (e.g., globalization).


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Entrepreneurship research and maturation of the field 57

Importantly, entrepreneurship was one of those five that they felt was
critical for business schools to develop and (involving major curriculum
and research programs) to be at the forefront in the 21st century. Being
included in this report emphasizes the importance of this field, and the
perceived importance even 20 years ago. We all know entrepreneurship
was important at that time, but having this emphasis from prominent busi-
ness school deans looking to the future suggests the critical nature of the
entrepreneurship field.
In support of the reports conclusion regarding entrepreneurship, Katz
(2006) examined the development of the field especially the education
dimensions. He stated that the entrepreneurship field was mature, but that
it lacked legitimacy. By maturity, he meant that the content of the field
as taught in courses was well known and accepted. He noted that 1,400
universities had courses in entrepreneurship (not necessarily complete
programs). He projected that just in a few years about 1,600 universities
worldwide would be teaching courses in entrepreneurship. One of the ways
which he judged agreement on the content was a survey of basic entrepre-
neurship textbooks. In addition, in a recent five-year period, there was
a 58.4 percent increase in the number of entrepreneurship chairs funded
(Katz, 2004). This is an important issue worth highlighting. While I do
not have comparative data, I would guess that rivals funding for endowed
positions for any other discipline within business (or frankly throughout
the university) for education and research.
Katz (2006) suggested that entrepreneurship lacked normative and
cognitive legitimacy. Green (2009) concluded that entrepreneurship edu-
cation was going to become increasingly multidisciplinary and include
disciplines external to business. I think the field already is multidiscipli-
nary and has been to some degree for some time; yet, they concluded that
it will become even more interdisciplinary, and that entrepreneurship will
not be (and should not be assumed to be) the sole domain of business
schools. And again, I think that has some relevance for our discussion of
entrepreneurship research; it is and will become more interdisciplinary in
future years.
Legitimacy is a topic worth further examination. I think legitimacy is
important for the field of entrepreneurship. Some likely believe that it is
already legitimate, and frankly, if you are doing research in this area, you
want to believe that entrepreneurship has achieved legitimacy in some
areas. I also think legitimacy is in the eyes of the beholder. And, to deter-
mine legitimacy, we must identify the important stakeholders with whom
you want to believe entrepreneurship to be legitimate. Legitimacy from a
research standpoint refers to acceptance primarily from our colleagues in
business disciplines. This form of legitimacy is important particularly for

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58 In search of research excellence

the younger scholars because reward systems are critical for promotion,
tenure and so on. Thus, what is valued in order to receive rewards is very
important; your field and the work you do must to be viewed as legitimate
by your colleagues. I believe that the primary concern of legitimacy is in
the realm of research. What and how we teach are unimportant, but even
the content of what we teach should be based on the research the theories
and results of our research.
Speaking to the legitimacy of research in entrepreneurship, Candy
Brush chaired a committee for the Entrepreneurship Division of the
Academy of Management that primarily focused doctoral education
in entrepreneurship (Brush et al, 2003). The committee took multiple
actions, but a portion of effort involved developing and conducting a
survey of business school deans. The survey was a complex paper based
on the results, published in the Journal of Management (Brush et al, 2003).
I encourage you to examine the article if you are interested in more detail.
While the results are about six years old (and we must acknowledge that
entrepreneurship is a dynamic field), some conclusions are worth noting.
For example, business school deans were strongly supportive of entre-
preneurship education. Unfortunately, their evaluation of research in the
field differed from education. The kindest way to put it is that their evalu-
ation of research in the field was lower. In short, they felt entrepreneur-
ship research was not nearly as high quality as the academic programs,
the curriculum and related programs. That is bothersome because deans
are critical in the reward process. Most of the entrepreneurship doctoral
programs identified were in management and in some subdiscipline within;
however, a few of them were more interdisciplinary. The most common
subdiscipline which housed it was strategic management. The deans rated
the doctoral programs in entrepreneurship relatively low as well (about the
same as they rated the research). Of course, research and PhD programs
are complementary. However, in the last six years there have been a lot of
changes; development of the field is occurring at a rapid pace.
Theres no doubt that there is a high quantity of research on entrepre-
neurship. It is a very popular area in scholarly work, education and prac-
tice worldwide. The number of journals specializing in entrepreneurship is
more than 40 and continuing to grow. That is a lot of journals to publish
research in entrepreneurship. While I do not have comparable data, I
would guess that there is no other discipline within business that has that
many specialty journals. And entrepreneurship is commonly considered a
subdiscipline of management (not a discipline). The problem is that only
a few of those journals are very well respected and they are represented
in this room. Now this doesnt count the general management journals
that also publish management research (e.g., Academy of Management

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Entrepreneurship research and maturation of the field 59

Journal (AMJ), Journal of Management (JOM) and Administrative Science

Quarterly (ASQ)). So, perhaps two or three of the specialized entrepre-
neurship journals have respect from deans and your colleagues.
A few years before Duane Ireland became the editor of AMJ (he was
associate editor at AMJ), he analysed the number of articles published in
mainline journals primarily in AMJ. The number of entrepreneurship
articles in these journals has been increasing, although the total number of
them still remains low. The same is occurring with more entrepreneurship
articles being published in general business journals, such as Journal of
Financial Economics and Journal of Marketing. So why is that important?
It is important because scholars in other fields (outside of the limited but
not unimportant group of entrepreneurship scholars) are suggesting this
is quality research. It is published along with the work being done in that
journals field. So that adds legitimacy to the work done in entrepreneur-
ship. It is important that entrepreneurship research be published in those
journals along with the key journals that specialize in entrepreneurship.
I believe that now (2009), deans in general have a greater understanding
of and respect for the field of entrepreneurship. This respect extends to
entrepreneurship research to some extent, but there remain some lingering
concerns. And the concerns extend beyond deans to colleagues on promo-
tion and tenure committees. Thus, colleagues in other business disciplines
are important for legitimacy. The quality research that you do is impor-
tant. Where you publish your research is important. However, I believe
that the legitimacy of entrepreneurship research is starting to increase. Its
acceptance is gaining and I am optimistic about the future. Using Duanes
comments [R. Duane Ireland: Chapter 5], the glass is half full. In fact I
think its more than half full. We have more well-trained scholars. Look
around this room; it is primarily younger scholars who have entered the
field of entrepreneurship. They are better trained, overall. And Im not
trying to denigrate any of you who have gray hair Im in the same boat.
And I believe that the current entrepreneurship research done by a lot of
people (the young people in this room and others who are gravitating to
this field from other related disciplines) are meeting high standards and
their research is being published in respected journals (as noted earlier).
So as we have more people in the field doing quality research, and we also
have more people who can do a better job of reviewing. These are mutu-
ally reinforcing to improve the quality of entrepreneurship research that is
published. Of course, quality editorial direction is important as well.
Lastly, the research opportunities in entrepreneurship are substantial. I
think we have only barely tipped the iceberg in this field. The opportuni-
ties are incredibly rich, and that means that the future is very bright. Thus
full legitimacy is coming soon, where people wont question it anymore.

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60 In search of research excellence

The deans are charged with recruiting money to support the educa-
tional mission and other important activities of the colleges of business.
They can raise money about as easily in entrepreneurship as they can in
any other field (even compared to accounting and finance). That is one of
the reasons deans find the entrepreneurship field to be attractive partly
because donors often are attracted to it. And frequently, donors like to
see education programs, thus providing impetus to their development.
In my opinion (but Im not an expert), many of the entrepreneurship
educational programs are quite good and some are excellent. I think
they are very creative. Many things we do in entrepreneurship education
could be transferred and be used in the other disciplines in business, for
example. Entrepreneurship programs are often very creative in the teach-
ing and opportunities for learning. Such opportunities for students arent
necessarily available in some of the other business disciplines, including
Yet, although there is much that can be learned from entrepreneurship
programs (and the donors gravitate to it), we also need to be championing
the entrepreneurship research that is done. At least a few donors also like
to see entrepreneurship research. Frankly, effective teaching and research
produce the most effective entrepreneurship programs overall.
So lets talk about doing quality research. We have already had
several presentations yesterday and the night before that discussed quality
research. These presentations highlighted some key points.
Yesterday, Sharon Alvarez [Chapter 15] talked about what it takes
to be a good researcher. An article currently in press at SEJ [Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal] by Baron and Henry (2010) explains expert
performance. They build on some of Henrys prior work and the work of
others in psychology (especially Ericsson and colleagues, e.g., Ericsson,
Krampe and Tesch-Romer, 1993; Ericsson and Charness, 1994; Charness,
Krampe and Mayer, 1996) who have done a lot on expert performance.
They emphasize that innate talent really doesnt explain the outstand-
ing performance by people in any field or endeavor (e.g., music, science,
art, etc.). Many believe it takes innate talent to be a special artist. While
a person may need to have innate talent, it alone does not explain excep-
tional performance. Sharon said Everybody in here is smart, but more
is required. Intellect is not the primary differentiator in our field. It is a
necessary but insufficient condition to do quality research and to be excep-
tional at doing it.
Consider your PhD students the ones you have now and the other
ones you have had in the past. What has made the difference in the ones
who are truly successful? Highly motivated, committed, goal-directed
and learning-oriented actions make the difference. First, to do quality

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Entrepreneurship research and maturation of the field 61

research, you must be highly motivated to do it: you have to be motivated

to get the PhD, you have to be motivated to be in this profession, but you
also have to be motivated to do high-quality research and to stay with it
when you encounter challenges. So perseverance and commitment to do
high-quality work are very important. Ill quickly review a couple of my
own recent experiences with papers and research projects.
A few years ago I had a project that I was working on in which we
had the idea, developed it, collected data, analysed it, wrote a draft and
presented a paper at the Academy of Management conference. We then
obtained additional feedback on the research and paper from colleagues.
Then, the next natural step was to go to a journal. But, I still had concerns
that we needed to do more to enhance the quality of the work before
submitting it to a top journal. I really liked this research and felt it had
potential to make a contribution. My colleagues wanted to submit the
manuscript; they were younger and they had reasons for desiring submis-
sion (such as the evaluation time clock). But if you send a paper in before
it is ready, it is unlikely to be accepted for publication. Thus, I recom-
mended that we not submit the paper. I then presented the paper at several
research seminars at other universities. That is not something I normally
do, but I received some excellent feedback from two different places one
on the theory and one on the methods. Based on the feedback, we collected
more data and worked on the theory. Both actions improved the paper.
We then submitted it to the journal and received a high-risk R&R [revise
and resubmit]. Now, if we had not taken the additional actions, we would
not have received the high-risk R&R it likely would have been rejected.
Fortunately, we were able to develop it and eventually the paper was
accepted and published in AMJ. So thats one story where we had to have
a little patience and perseverance.
The second story relates to a major project that actually started several
years ago with two of my PhD students. The topic required a significant
amount of data which, although available, was not easy to obtain or
format. It required intensive work to build the dataset. First, we worked
on the data, analysed it and took a short version (abstract) to a resource-
based review (RBV) workshop. One of my young co-authors discussed our
research and paper ideas at the workshop and received a healthy critique.
He came away from the workshop with concerns about the efficacy of the
research. Then, our team had a question of, Should we invest more time
on this, especially if the idea may not be attractive to scholars in the field?
But after discussing it, we decided to keep moving forward. So we devel-
oped it further, completed a paper and sent it to an academic conference.
We got it accepted and we presented it, but the feedback we received from
the reviewers and from the audience in the presentation was lukewarm.

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62 In search of research excellence

The feedback was helpful, but not strongly positive. My two colleagues
then asked the question, Should we be investing more time? They had
work (manuscripts) of their own that they were moving along, so they
were trying to decide where to invest their time. However, I still believed
this project had potential; thus, we continued working on it. We developed
the paper further (theory and analyses) based on the feedback received,
and then we sent it out for collegial reviews. One of those colleagues is in
this room, and Im going to recognize him because his feedback was very
important and helpful. Joe Mahoney (who gave us feedback on this paper)
understood well the context of the data, which was professional baseball.
Some of our colleagues have used professional sports samples without
success. They sometimes received feedback that the sports organization
did not match well the context of business organizations. So, we really
worked hard to justify the use of the sample for the question the research
addressed. After receiving feedback from several scholars, we developed
it further and then finally submitted it to a major journal. We concluded
the process with an acceptance and publication in a major journal (AMJ).
Although very pleased with the outcome, it required commitment and per-
severance in the face of weak or negative feedback early on.
Therefore, you have to be committed to a learning orientation. Learn
from the feedback you get and use it. In each of the stages mentioned
above, the feedback was critical to improving the quality of the papers
increasing the potential for a positive decision on the first round at good
journals. And then we received a lot of feedback from the journal that
helped us develop the manuscripts further. They were much better papers
because of the feedback from reviewers and editorial direction.
So, if you want to do quality research, you have to be patient and you
should view the research as part of a journey in a long career and not
only a short-term goal. Certainly as a young professor, tenure is very
important and most of us were, or are, short-term oriented at that time.
But in retrospect, the best work I have done was when I used a long-term
lens, in which I invested effort and even ignored some negative feedback.
However, it was also very difficult to do.
I had a dean once tell me that I did good research but I was never going
to make it in the field because I worked in too many disparate areas (which
I did and I still do to some degree). But I decided that Im going to do what
I want to do. I want to follow research questions in which I am interested
because that is one of the reasons I came into this profession. But I also
believe that you leave no stone unturned in doing research. Invest your
best effort into each project and paper. Do not send a manuscript out until
its ready; but also dont wait too long before submitting it to a journal.
You have to balance the opposing forces of continuing to improve the

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Entrepreneurship research and maturation of the field 63

manuscript but not waiting too long. Theres no perfect manuscript even
those published. The field is dynamic and thus is constantly changing. The
field may change in ways to devalue the content of your research if you
wait too long.
I have one other point to make related to changes in the field. When
I was editor of AMJ, we gave an R&R to a young scholar along with
feedback on some things he had to do in order to improve the work and
increase its probability of publication. He called me and said, I just
wanted to make sure that a specific point was very important, because its
going to be difficult to do. I said, Okay, what is it? He said, By the way
I checked the article you had in AMJ 10 years ago and you didnt do it.
I said, No, it met the standards of the field at that time; if I were trying
to publish that same work today, I would have to do it or it would not be
published. And you have to do it.
In summary, you should leave no stone unturned in order to do quality
research. Have patience and persevere. You also must be goal-directed
and highly motivated to do quality research. Lastly, I believe that entre-
preneurship research is increasing in quantity and quality. In fact, it is one
of the reasons that we established the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
We identified an opportunity where the field is growing in quantity and in
also quality. As such, there is a need for high-quality journal space that
values and publishes quality research. There is greater depth and breadth
in entrepreneurship research.
I enjoyed the discussion of the articles that are published in the journals.
It displays the quality research being done in the field, making me believe
that the future is bright. But the future is most bright in research for the
motivated, for the committed, for the goal-directed and the learning-
oriented scholars.

Dino, Rich: We will open the session for Q&A.

Veiga, Jack: It seems to me we have seen similar patterns in fields at least

I have in my career. I recall at one time when strategy research was viewed
as a bunch of idiots doing case studies.

Hitt, Michael: Thats true.

Veiga, Jack: And thats all that people published were case studies. I
remember starting out in organizational behavior and colleagues asking,
You teach touchy feely stuff; what could you possibly teach them? If
you think back, a lot of what we did was based on what people told us
worked. We didnt have quality research to really build our lectures on or

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64 In search of research excellence

our learning on, and I think the same thing is probably true now of entre-
preneurship. I think back to the early days when we had entrepreneur-
ship classes here in Connecticut and the faculty members were generally
non-research faculty. They filled their classes largely with entrepreneurs
themselves, and the perception became fairly loud and clear. They cant
teach that stuff. In fact, if you go talk to someone in the public and say, I
teach entrepreneurship, nine out of ten will say, You can teach that? So I
think the field has come a long way, as youve said, and I think part of the
legitimacy question probably still deals with that issue of Can you teach
it? I think when the day comes when you say, We absolutely can teach it,
the field will have arrived. What do you think?

Hitt, Michael: Actually, I agree with you. Thats why I said earlier, even
though Jerry Katz had said the field was mature (largely based on the
content), I dont believe that it is yet mature. I believe that theres a con-
nection between the research and the teaching. In fact, I believe strongly
that the content of what we teach in the classes should be based on the
theory and the research. Thus, even though maybe we have agreement on
the content (in the textbooks) right now, that doesnt mean that is where
we want to be.
The content in the field is dynamic, similar to strategic management. So,
I believe that the entrepreneurship field is developing and it will continue
to change. There is a lag effect with reputations. There is a lag effect as the
field improves. It takes a while before others acknowledge that the field
has improved. I dont think the field has reached its potential yet but it is
improving in quality and quantity, and that is important. Its headed in the
direction it should be. Of course, there is a lag effect when a field declines
as well, but we dont want to be on that side.

Lumpkin, Tom: I have an entrepreneurship education question to follow

up with. What are the implications, advantages and disadvantages (if any)
of entrepreneurship education being multidisciplinary?

Hitt, Michael: There are advantages to that. I think one is that it will
involve more people more people from across the university and the
more people involved should produce higher commitment to it overall.
For example, those people will also serve on promotion and tenure com-
mittees. So, I think that interdisciplinary involvement should heighten the
legitimacy and the acceptance.
I think the field will benefit from more inputs. In other business disci-
plines and certainly in management, we draw on the other social sciences
in particular. But entrepreneurship, probably as much or more than any

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Entrepreneurship research and maturation of the field 65

other discipline, draws on the different disciplines, even in engineering and

technology. So, interdisciplinary thinking and involvement should actu-
ally enhance both entrepreneurship education and research.
There are also some potential problems especially with regard to how
to manage interdisciplinary involvement. Because of the way universi-
ties are structured, multidisciplinary efforts are difficult to manage. We
have colleges and departments generally focused around disciplines, and
then the rewards, the budgets and the resources tend to flow through that
system. A multidisciplinary effort is difficult to overlay onto that system.
Higher administration can facilitate these efforts if they desire. They have
to ensure that there are resources and that people are rewarded for what
they do in those efforts.

Phan, Phil: Mike, Ive been reflecting on what you said about the con-
nection between research and the teaching of entrepreneurship being
perhaps one of the conditions for its eventual arrival legitimacy-wise. I
think certainly one of the things that journals can do, and at the Journal
of Business Venturing (JBV) weve been trying to do (although I would
argue not always successfully) is to move authors towards thinking more
about the implications of what they find not only for theory, but also
for practice and really also for instruction (for teaching). At JBV we have
this thing called the executive summary and the point of that really is
to have authors think about what the implications are for the person
that is supposed to be using that knowledge both in the entrepreneurial
venture as well as in the classroom. I think if editors and authors thought
more carefully about that, then perhaps consciously we could move those
two dimensions of the field together and achieve what you are talking

Hitt, Michael: Thats a very good point. What you do in the executive
summary is unique relative to most other journals of which Im aware; so
accolades to you for doing that. When authors present managerial impli-
cations, they can be useful for the classroom (e.g., in MBA courses that I
teach). So I do find that to be helpful to me and thus your point resonates.
I have another point. When I was editor of AMJ (even though it was
a long time ago), I was often asked to participate in forums. The dean
would ask me to talk to business executives or I would be speaking in other
settings in which there were executives in the audience. At that time there
was an emphasis on questions about academic research and irrelevance.
I was the editor of an academic journal and I found myself frequently
defending academic research. So I actually started reading articles, and
particularly ones we published, to identify practical implications and I

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66 In search of research excellence

found much of our research did have practical implications. I agree with
Jay Barneys point from yesterday [Chapter 3]: that we are not writing the
articles for practitioners most of them are targeted for the scholarly audi-
ence. But I actually think that many times implications can be drawn from

Fiet, Jim: One of the challenges that I have when I teach a doctoral
seminar is that of the evolution of standards. Inevitably what happens is
Ill be talking to students about the particular way they ought to handle
a research problem, and then theyll read one of my papers from 10 years
ago where I didnt do it and then I find myself in the same position you are
(as an editor) saying, But you have to do it because the field is different
now. I wonder: can you give us any guidance on how you make a deci-
sion, as an editor, about when its time to move on into the next level of

Hitt, Michael: Thats actually a good question. I dont know that I have
an appropriate answer. You rely to some degree on your reviewers because
they can play a big role in this to help us identify changes and new trends.
As an editor, I am not (and cannot be) a specialist in all areas even in
a specialized field such as entrepreneurship. I certainly could not be for
a more general journal such as AMJ. I use the reviewers input, read the
manuscript and develop judgments about such issues as, Can they develop
it? and Can they effectively handle the problems identified? I think that is
where editorial judgment can and should be applied. In some cases, I may
go to an extra reviewer to help me make a decision, even where there is
good feedback but not enough to provide guidance to the author.

Fiet, Jim: The reason why I asked that question is because when we, as
authors, are trying to anticipate this, we would like to make sure that were
not submitting to the review process too early. It would be nice to know:
Do I really have to deal with endogeneity while inevitably ...

Hitt, Michael: The answer is yes.

Fiet, Jim: Well, with that one, that ones answered so I dont have to worry
about that. But then there are some other questions. One of the problems
that Ive had my entire career is: how do I know when my measures are
good enough? Ive never been able to face that problem.

Hitt, Michael: I will try to answer it as best I can. I think one way to make
judgments is to read the most current work in that journal and in other

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Entrepreneurship research and maturation of the field 67

sister journals publishing work similar to what yours is. You dont know if
its right at the precipice and getting ready to move. For example, Shavers
work on endogeneity was published in 1998 (Shaver, 1998). While relevant
before that, few in the field gave this potential problem much considera-
tion. And it took a few years for it to reach the mainstream mindset of
researchers. In fact, I had a paper published in 1998 (Kochhar & Hitt,
1998) in which a reviewer forced us to control for the reverse causal effect
of our dependent variable on the independent variable. It was highly rel-
evant to our study.

Dino, Rich: The unfortunate consequence of a time schedule is that it

forces us to leave some things on the table; and I suspect we can probably
go on with this session all morning. So if we can have one more question,

Mathieu, John: Okay, this one Im going to toss to you, Mike, but Id
also like other people to speak to it as well. In brief, I worry about the
availability heuristic that weve had for the last day here. What weve
been featuring are the survivors and the winners, and I worry that may be
giving off the Disney impression that the dogs always come home and the
underdog always wins. I wonder if you could speak to the signals of when
a study should be buried (We either shouldnt do this or let it go and lets
spend our time on other kinds of things) because I think thats as critical
a skill for the junior scholar to learn when to persist and when to move on.

Hitt, Michael: Actually, your question is a good one but I am not certain
that I have a good answer. I think there are two things you might do.
First, I recommend obtaining collegial feedback (in other sessions at this
Conference the kind of feedback needed was noted). You really need
people that will be critical, objective and truthful with you. However,
care should be taken because, as I noted earlier, we received feedback on
our baseball study that was lukewarm. It was partly because we hadnt
developed it well, and I realized that from the feedback received. We were
very fortunate that we continued to listen, learn and develop it; and were
able to develop it into a publishable paper research of which we could be
proud. What you have got to do is listen to that feedback and ask yourself:
Can I do it? Can it really be done if theyre asking for certain things? If
for some reason they are recommending changes that cannot be done,
maybe you should let it go.
Second, you should be honest with yourself in answering the question,
When should I let it go? It is difficult to do because our ego is involved
in our research. In many cases I have personally persevered (not anything

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68 In search of research excellence

like Jim Fiet explained in another session [Chapter 15] about his study). I
was highly impressed with what Jim did. I once had a paper about which
my wife gave me a hard time; shes my worst critic. There was this one
paper that I had trouble getting published. It got rejected from several
journals; I kept getting the same reviewer, and I wasnt going to get it past
this person. I had to find a journal that would not send it to him/her. But,
I finally got it published (my wife told me that it was not very good and I
should quit trying). To this day, every time I get another cite on that article
I tell my wife. I was determined to get it published, but perhaps I should
have let it go.

Mathieu, John: Yes, but youre still doing Disney. Tell me about one of
the ones that you let go.

Hitt, Michael: Because the paper to which I referred previously perhaps

should have been let go, it hasnt had the impact I thought it should. Part
of it is where I had to publish it, and I attribute that largely to the reviewer.
Maybe I shouldnt have stuck with that as long as I did (I probably did so
partly because my wife told me I couldnt). So, I expended some energy on
it that might have been more productively invested in other projects.
In summary, you need to listen to your colleagues and you are going to
have to be honest with yourself. Yet, I continue to believe that sometimes
you also have to persevere. So you should not let it go too soon. If my two
young colleagues had been able to make the decision alone, we would have
let it go and lost an eventual AMJ article. It is a judgment call.

Dino, Rich: Ladies and gentlemen, Professor Michael Hitt. Thank you.


Baron, R.A. and R.A. Henry (2010). How entrepreneurs acquire the capacity to
excel: insights from research on expert performance. Strategic Entrepreneurship
Journal, 4 (1), 4965.
Brush, C.G., I.M. Duhaine, W.B. Gartner, A. Stewart et al. (2003). Doctoral
education in the field of entrepreneurship. Journal of Management, 29, 30931.
Charness, N., R. Krampe and U. Mayer (1996). The role of practice and coaching
in entrepreneurial skill domains: an international comparison of life-span chess
skill acquisition. In K.A. Ericsson (ed.), The Road to Excellence: The Acquisition
of Expert Performance in the Arts and Sciences, Sports, and Games. Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 5180.
Ericsson, K.A. and N. Charness (1994). Expert performance: its structure and
acquisition. American Psychologist, 49 (8), 72547.
Ericsson, K.A., R.T. Krampe and C. Tesch-Romer (1993). The role of deliberate

M2507 - MITCHELL PRINT.indd 68 16/02/2011 11:46

Entrepreneurship research and maturation of the field 69

practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological Review, 100 (3),

Green, W.S. (2009). Entrepreneurship in American higher education. In Kauffman
Thoughtbook 2009. Kansas City: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Katz, J.A. (2004). 2004 Survey of Endowed Positions in Entrepreneurship and
Related Fields in the United States. Kansas City: Ewing Marion Kauffman
Katz, J.A. (2006). And another thing. (The 2006 Coleman Foundation White
Paper on Entrepreneurship.) Presented at the Annual Meeting of the US
Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). Tucson, AZ:
January 13.
Kochhar, R. and M.A. Hitt (1998). Linking corporate strategy to capital structure:
diversification strategy, type and source of financing. Strategic Management
Journal, 19, 60110.
Porter, L.W. and L.E. McKibbin (1988). Management Education and Development:
Drift or Thrust into the 21st Century? New York: McGraw-Hill.
Shaver, J.M. (1998). Accounting for endogeneity when assessing strategy perform-
ance: does entry mode choice affect FDI survival? Management Science, 44,

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5. Challenges we face as
entrepreneurship scholars
publishing in top journals
R. Duane Ireland

Ireland, Duane: Good morning and thank you very much for the oppor-
tunity to be here it is certainly a significant honor for me. As Rich Dino
and Ron Mitchell have said, this room is filled with incredible scholars. I
have learned so much from all of these scholars and certainly the scholars
who are with us internationally and domestically via the Internet as well.
So, thank you for the opportunity to be here and thank all of you for the
scholarship that you have produced over the years. It is your scholarship
that is the foundation for what we have today and what we will build
on to produce tomorrows scholarship. Thanks to all of you for your con-
tributions and for the intellectual stimuli you provide to each of us as we
continue to think about significant entrepreneurship research questions.
This is an outline as to the topics that I will address in our time together.
Ill discuss my journey with entrepreneurship research. I will try to provide
a little bit of perspective about entrepreneurship research from my view-
point. And, this will be somewhat consistent (I hope) with what Venkat
talked partly about in another session with respect to interesting research
[Sankaran Venkataraman: Chapter 7]. We actually did not talk to each
other before this, so this is truly a coincidence that we both chose to speak
about interesting scholarship/interesting research. I then will draw from
some inputs from journal editors to speak to identifying challenges that
we face as entrepreneurship scholars publishing in top journals, as well
as some potentially interesting research questions that we may want to
pursue. And then of course, hopefully well have time for a couple of
closing observations.
With respect to my journey with entrepreneurship research, I should note
that I was actually trained initially as a strategy person. In that respect, I
had interests in mergers and acquisitions as part of diversification strate-
gies, and I also had an interest in strategic alliances early on. Collectively,
these initial interests blended into a desire to learn more about innovation


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Challenges of entrepreneurship scholars publishing in top journals 71

(Ill have more to say about this interest in a few moments). But, if I could
mention something here that has been incredibly significant to my journey
as a scholar, I would like to do so. What I want to mention here concerns
the tremendous importance of collaborations.
I was very, very fortunate to begin my career at Oklahoma State
University. The reason my initial academic appointment was so significant
is that at that time, Oklahoma State had an incredible cadre of scholars
including Dennis Middlemist, Bob Greer, Kirk Downey and of course (my
great friend and long time collaborator) Michael Hitt. I could not have
been more blessed and more fortunate than I was to work with these indi-
viduals, and these collaborations between Michael Hitt and I have lasted
now over 30 years. Given my experience with collaborations, I think it is
appropriate to emphasize the importance of long-term collaborations with
productive scholars. Productive collaborations can indeed be the founda-
tion for multiple contributions by scholars sharing their insights and skills.
These initial scholarly interests fed into an interest in innovation, which
essentially caused me to begin to examine questions related to innovation
within the context of entrepreneurial settings. There were other things hap-
pening at this time that influenced my interest in innovation, and certainly
in entrepreneurship, including emerging dynamism in the field. This was
also the time period when entrepreneurship was beginning to emerge in a
more formalized sense within the Academy of Management (although this
was certainly before the establishment of the Entrepreneurship Division
within the Academy). Nonetheless, this was a time period during which
entrepreneurship was becoming more widely recognized in the Academy
of Management as a legitimate and interesting domain of management
There were some other aspects of my interest in entrepreneurship that
were essentially structural in nature. Research evidence indicates that
strategy and structure have a relationship; and for me, certainly structure
influenced (to a degree), my emerging interest in entrepreneurship. The
structural issues that I have in mind here include some of the time that
I spent at Baylor University. More specifically, I am thinking about my
work as the director of the Entrepreneurship Center at Baylor and my
good fortune to be appointed to an entrepreneurship chair at Baylor.
These structural realities also supported my emerging interest in entrepre-
neurship and innovation.
I am highlighting this background information because it provides the
foundation for my interest in understanding why some large firms seem to
be able to innovate somewhat successfully across time, while some other
large firms are not able to do so. I dont know that the firms that I will
mention here are the best exemplars in consistent innovation over time;

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72 In search of research excellence

but some believe that 3M, P&G and privately-held W.L. Gore are large
firms that are able to do so. In contrast, we know that other large firms are
not able to continuously innovate with the degree of success that has been
achieved by the three firms I just mentioned. Some might say that General
Motors is an example of a firm that has not innovated effectively across
time. Although much more is involved with the firms current standing
than its ability to innovate, the firms current situation is potentially very
interesting to organizational scholars. The firms stock price is certainly
intriguing at this time. I checked this morning and discovered that General
Motors stock closed at $1.12 a share yesterday. Who among us would
have thought even in the recent past that you could take a five-dollar bill,
buy four shares of GM stock, and have money left over? I mean, its just
incredible. It really is. And, of course, Polaroid Corporation essentially no
longer exists. It has been sold again. In actuality, the firms name is about
the only remaining asset.
In turn, this interest in the ability of some large firms to successfully
and effectively innovate led to a subsequent, yet related, interest in the
corporate entrepreneurship research domain. To meaningfully inform this
interest, I studied the scholarship produced by scholars such as Robert
Burgleman and Danny Miller. Additionally, I began engaging in conver-
sations with scholars who were also working in the corporate entrepre-
neurship space: Jeff Covin (Indiana University), Don Kuratko (Indiana
University) and Shaker Zahra (University of Minnesota) are three schol-
ars whose work I thoroughly enjoyed reading. Moreover, I thoroughly
enjoyed visiting with these scholars during academic meetings to discuss
various questions associated with the corporate entrepreneurship domain.
Over the years, I have been involved with a number of publications
concerned with corporate entrepreneurship. And a fair amount of these
publications found me working with Jeff Covin, Don Kuratko and Shaker
Zahra to examine what we believe are interesting research questions.
There were several other entrepreneurship-related questions in which
I had an interest over the years, such as international expansion by new
ventures. A paper published in 2000 in an Academy of Management
Journal (AMJ) Special Research Forum was a primary outcome of this
interest (Zahra, Ireland and Hitt, 2000). I am proud to say that Patricia
McDougall and Ben Oviatt served as the guest co-editors of this Special
Research Forum. The interest in this domain resulted from a desire to
understand how new ventures expand internationally and do so innova-
tively and successfully. Privatization and entrepreneurial transformation
was another interest I had in the entrepreneurship domain. I worked with
Michael Hitt, Shaker Zahra and Isabelle Gutierrez to explore this inter-
est. A special issue of the Academy of Management Review (AMR) was

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Challenges of entrepreneurship scholars publishing in top journals 73

the primary outcome of this interest. Zahra, Gutierrez, Hitt and I (Zahra,
Ireland, Gutierrez and Hitt, 2000) wrote a paper to introduce this special
issue. Essentially, our core interest was to work with scholars exploring
how entrepreneurship could facilitate privatization of various firms as well
as their development as productive enterprises in emerging economies.
Integrating entrepreneurship research with research in other disciplines
is an interest I have developed in the last couple of years with Justin
Webb, one of our recent graduates from our PhD program at Texas
A&M University. Webb is now a member of the entrepreneurship faculty
at Oklahoma State University. This interest led to a publication in the
Journal of Management (JOM) that Webb and I co-authored (Ireland &
Webb, 2007). Our primary purpose with this publication was to argue
that there are emerging themes in other disciplines with the potential to
influence entrepreneurship work. Anthropology, sociology, economics,
political science, etc. are examples of research domains that we believe can
meaningfully inform entrepreneurship research. The fact that entrepre-
neurship scholarship is interdisciplinary in nature continues to interest me;
as such, this is a topic that I hope to continue exploring. I find the oppor-
tunity for us (as entrepreneurship scholars) to draw from the theories and
methods featured in other disciplines as a means of informing our work to
be quite fascinating.
Strategic entrepreneurship is another entrepreneurship-related domain
in which I still have a very keen interest. Along with colleagues Mike Hitt,
Michael Camp (The Ohio State University) and Don Sexton (now retired,
formerly of Ohio State University), I have been involved with two special
issues that examine strategic entrepreneurship. Both of these special issues
appeared in 2001. One of these issues (Hitt, Ireland, Camp, and Sexton,
2001) was published in the Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), while
the other (Ireland, Hitt, Camp, and Sexton, 2001) appeared in an issue of
the Academy of Management Executive (AME). We wrote introductory
articles for each of these special issues. We believe the papers published
in these two special issues provided some of the foundation for what is
still the rapidly emerging concept called strategic entrepreneurship. A
keen interest we had in developing these special issues was to publish the
work that outstanding scholars were completing as initial entries in the
dialogues about how to effectively integrate entrepreneurship and strate-
gic management in order to better understand organizational actions and
A paper Mike Hitt, David Sirmon and I (Ireland, Hitt and Sirmon,
2003) published in the Journal of Management (JOM) extends the earlier
work in strategic entrepreneurship (including the work published in the
two special issues we were honored to guest edit) in that we developed a

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74 In search of research excellence

robust model to capture strategic entrepreneurships domain. We con-

tinue to have a strong interest in this domain and seek to be a part of
the dialogue occurring about strategic entrepreneurship. We believe that
additional scholarly inquiries will result in important contributions to our
overall ability to identify interesting entrepreneurship-related questions
that warrant additional exploration and attention.
Entrepreneurial opportunities is another entrepreneurship topic in
which I have an interest. Venkat spoke eloquently about entrepreneurial
opportunities and their importance to the field in another session [Chapter
7]. Recently, Jeremy Short (Texas Tech University), Dave Ketchen
(Auburn University), Chris Shook (Auburn University) and I (2010) had a
paper dealing with entrepreneurial opportunities accepted for publication
in JOM. In essence, this paper speaks to entrepreneurial opportunities
(what we know, what is in the literature about entrepreneurial oppor-
tunities) and suggests research directions that scholars interested in this
domain may want to pursue. We are excited about the array of intriguing
research questions associated with entrepreneurial opportunities and
whether and how they are created or discovered.
Lastly, for me, is an interest in entrepreneurship in informal economies.
Justin Webb (Oklahoma State University), David Sirmon and Laszlo
Tihanyi (both of Texas A&M University) are my collaborators in this area
of research. We recently published a paper in AMR that deals with entre-
preneurship in informal economies (Webb, Tihanyi, Ireland and Sirmon,
2009). We are really excited by this work and the possibilities for future
scholarly endeavors that we believe flow from completing this particular
theoretical analysis. Basically, we use theories in this work to explain how
entrepreneurship evolves and can flourish within informal economies.
Entrepreneurship theory, collective identity theory and institutional
theory are the theories we used to explore this interesting phenomenon.
The foundation for this work was our conviction that theory should allow
us to understand successful entrepreneurship in informal economies just
as theories allow us to understand successful entrepreneurship in formal
economies (where entrepreneurial activities are both legal and legitimate).
But, we know that entrepreneurial activities also surface in the informal
economy, and at least for a period of time, may operate quite successfully
even though the activities may be legal but illegitimate or illegal yet legiti-
mate in the eyes of a large group of people. Again, our primary interest
with our initial work in this space was to say: if theory can help us to expli-
cate the emergence of entrepreneurship in the formal economy, it likewise
should be able to explicate the emergence of entrepreneurship in informal
economies. While this is an interest that is new for me, it is one to which I
am fully committed. As a result, I am currently in the process of working

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Challenges of entrepreneurship scholars publishing in top journals 75

with others to design additional studies to examine questions about entre-

preneurship in the informal economy.
So, thats a little bit about my journey with entrepreneurship and why I
have become so interested in this domain and find it to be filled with such
a fascinating set of issues for us to examine.
Well, what about a bit of a perspective regarding entrepreneurship
research? To begin, I guess we should recognize that, according to some,
entrepreneurship scholars are still sort of the new kids on the block.
I dont know that thats really quite as true today as it has been, but
certainly we have heard this for a number of years. We know that entre-
preneurship PhD programs are still relatively new. However, the number
of universities offering PhD programs in the entrepreneurship domain is
increasing. And we know that the entrepreneurship paradigm is drawing
increasing scholarly attention, and of course, thats certainly a key reason
that all of us are gathered together at this Exemplars Conference. There is
no doubt in my mind that the quality of entrepreneurship scholarship con-
tinues to increase. I think there is a significant, rapidly increasing quality
of entrepreneurship scholarship, which is very exciting.
Another perspective of entrepreneurship research is that new journals
continue to emerge, including the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
(SEJ) that Michael Hitt is representing during this Conference. We
also know that entrepreneurship scholars are now being considered for
appointments as associate editors and as editors for many other jour-
nals. This, too, is an important milestone; considering entrepreneurship
scholars for these prestigious appointments denotes the increasing flow
of entrepreneurship work in some of our fields most important and sig-
nificant journals. In addition, study of the members of journals editorial
review boards (even for general management journals) shows that a larger
number of entrepreneurship scholars are now serving as members. So
in my mind, entrepreneurship is now a common sort to consider when
editorial review boards are being formed and associate editors and editors
are being chosen. I believe these developments are very important and that
they serve as a strong indication of the increasing value that entrepreneur-
ship scholars bring to editorial work.
Continuing with that perspective, we know that there are a number of
dialogues that have taken place and/or continue to take place about entre-
preneurship research, including: what is the domain of entrepreneurship,
and do we need a theory of entrepreneurship? We have all engaged in this
discussion about 4,247 times, right? We will probably keep talking about
it. Questions we may consider tonight, tomorrow and beyond may include
ones such as How do we define entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs? and
When does the firm exist? A number of people in this room have explored

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76 In search of research excellence

these questions. And of course, the age old question, Are we legitimate as
a field of inquiry and (if we arent), what do we do about it? Do we care
about it? I think all of us in this room, as well as all of those listening to
our discussion in various locations around the world would certainly agree
that we are legitimate, and that it is no longer an issue worthy of significant
Now, let me mention something here that Im going to go through rather
quickly. In my view, all of us as scholars (certainly as entrepreneurship
scholars) need to be meaningfully involved with knowledge. Producing
knowledge, integrating knowledge and disseminating knowledge these
are the essential tasks we complete as scholars. We are knowledge produc-
ers. We are knowledge consumers. Ernest Boyer (1990) and his colleagues
speak to four types of scholarship: discovery, integration, application and
teaching. The important point is not necessarily the precise definition for
our discussion of these types of scholarship. I think the important point is
that there are journals that speak to, or deal with each type of scholarship.
For example, if we think about the Academy of Management, we might
argue that the Academy publishes journals that deal with different types
of scholarship. In this regard, if we consider knowledge discovery as
defined here (which is basically the commitment to developing knowledge
for its own sake, to freedom of inquiry, etc.), we can conclude that AMJ
publishes this type of scholarship. If we think about the scholarship of
integration, as defined here, this is essentially the purview of the domain
of Academy of Management Review. If we think about the scholarship of
application, that certainly was the purview of Academy of Management
Executive (AME). I might note that we have a former editor of AME with
us in the room. And of course, the scholarship of teaching is the domain
of the Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE). So,
the point for our consideration here is that there are journals that have
each type of knowledge production as part of their legitimate domain as
part of their editorial mission and Ill come back to that point in just a
As knowledge producers as people involved in knowledge it is
important that we seek to make a difference with our work. And if we
accept the responsibility to try to make a difference with our scholarship,
then the question becomes How do we go about making a difference as
entrepreneurship scholars with our work? This is a point of consistency
with Venkats comments from another session [Chapter 7]. I believe an
appropriate view to take is that in order to make a difference, our scholar-
ship has to be interesting. Quoting from Murray Davis (1971), a reason for
this is The first criterion by which people judge anything they encounter,
even before deciding whether it is true or false, is whether it is interesting

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Challenges of entrepreneurship scholars publishing in top journals 77

or boring. Now, one might argue that interesting scholarship has quite a
few characteristics, including the following: counterintuitive arguments,
multi-level designs, use of qualitative and quantitative data in the same
study, innovative and robust datasets, and innovative integrations of
theories. The important point is that as we think about trying to make a
difference, what we want to do is to think about designing and completing
interesting scholarship.
Lets do this. About six months ago, I contacted journals and asked the
editors to provide answers to us (to me) for these questions: what chal-
lenges do we face as entrepreneurship scholars to publish our research
in the top-tier journals, and what are some interesting entrepreneurship
questions that we as scholars may want to study in order to go through
the process that hopefully would yield a publication in top-tier journals?
Editors and associate editors of journals (listed alphabetically) who
responded to these questions are Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
(ET&P), AMJ, Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP), AMR, and
the Journal of Business Venturing (JBV). Obviously, we are very apprecia-
tive of the opportunity to benefit from the insights of those representing
these journals who provided inputs to us.
Here is the first question for which our respondents provided inputs:
what are the three key challenges entrepreneurship scholars face in their
efforts to publish their research in top-tier journals? In all fairness I should
say that I have integrated the commentaries from the editors. If I have
misrepresented something as a result of doing so, thats my responsibility.
However, I have tried to be very careful to the spirit and to the details of
the input we received.
With these parameters as background to what we will consider, let me
highlight some of the feedback we received from the editors and associate
editors. With respect to the challenges we entrepreneurship scholars face
as we seek to publish in top-tier journals, here are some of the items that
were mentioned: being able to conceptualize or articulate a significant
research question, being able to clearly articulate the works contribution
(and that the contribution is truly important and capable of advancing the
field), gathering appropriate and interesting data to examine the research
question, and so forth.
Lets turn attention to the second challenge. Here we see that the chal-
lenge for us, as scholars, is the ability to sell a theoretical story that is
familiar to reviewers, but represents a contribution beyond extending
known stories to another context. I think this is really interesting and
again, is consistent, I believe, with commentary from Venkat when he said
[Chapter 7] that what we want to be able to do is to sell (and that word
choice, sell, was provided by the respondent) the theoretical story that

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78 In search of research excellence

we have to tell in a different, new, novel and interesting context. There are
other challenges and ideas as well.
Finally, the third of our three questions deals with the challenges the
respondents identified. Here we see a challenge of choosing a dependent
variable that is relevant both to the study and to the journal and dealing
with the inherent messiness and difficulty associated with obtaining entre-
preneurial data. We have all wrestled with this potential challenge. In the
final analysis, I am not certain that we would agree with all of these chal-
lenges. We might say that we have satisfactorily dealt with two or more
of those challenges, or we might say, Here are some others that weve
not identified. If we were to do this, we would be able to add to the list.
Nonetheless, at any given time these are some challenges that current
editors and associate editors of journals publishing significant entrepre-
neurship research identified as issues that we as scholars may want to
What conclusions can we draw from this input? Well, I think one thing
is that we want to know the journal to which we are submitting our work.
In other words, I think, as entrepreneurship scholars, we want to challenge
ourselves to be familiar with the dialogues and the conversations that are
taking place in the journal to which we want to submit our work. So if I
want to submit my work to JBV, ET&P, SEJ, AMJ, AMR, or some other
journal, I should challenge myself (it seems to me the editors are saying) to
be familiar with the dialogue with the conversation in that journal about
entrepreneurship. The reason this is so important, in my judgment, is
that we need to understand the journals mission (and we know that each
journal has a unique editorial mission). We also know that the reviewers
for journals and certainly the editors and the associate editors (who after
all are the decision makers), are using the editorial mission as a guide
to determine the value of a work with respect to that particular journal.
So, I think it is really important that we challenge ourselves to know the
mission the editorial mission of the journal to which we are submitting
our work and the conversations and the dialogues taking place in each
journal with respect to the topic of entrepreneurship.
Now, for the answers to the next question. What are the three or
four of the most significant entrepreneurship-related questions that you
(as editors) believe we (as scholars) perhaps should or could examine
today? Lets mention some of the entrepreneurship-related questions our
respondents offered to us.
First, what constitutes success and failure, and what are the charac-
teristics, the downside if any, to failure? Look at the last question/issue;
international entrepreneurship. Where, how and when? this is an exact
quote from one of the respondents. I think it is really interesting to focus

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Challenges of entrepreneurship scholars publishing in top journals 79

on the construct of international entrepreneurship. A couple of additional

questions the editors identified are also significant: how do entrepreneurial
opportunities come into being? Much of our discussion in other sessions
dealt with this topic. What are the boundaries between entrepreneurship
and corporate venturing? What are the parameters? When do we leave one
space and enter the second space? What are the effects of factors such as
geography, country, government policy, etc. on entrepreneurial practices?
What influences the choice of organizational form in the governance of
entrepreneurial ventures? What accounts for performance differentials
among entrepreneurial ventures? What is the meaning of opportunity in a
social entrepreneurship context? This last question seems to ask us to take
the whole phenomenon of entrepreneurial opportunities and ask what it
means in the context of social entrepreneurship.
And why and why not does entrepreneurial action arise from organi-
zational failure? So if we see failure (perhaps if General Motors files for
bankruptcy, which seemingly is imminent), what does that mean? What
kind of an entrepreneurial context might surface from that and what
context surfaces from other failures?
Last, we see questions such as the following: Why are some individuals
and organizations able to thrive in resource-scarce environments while
others cannot or do not? What allows some to survive but not others?
What is the contextual set of factors that favor some but does not favor
others? And then, the final two points here.
So, lets ask ourselves this question: so what? What might we potentially
take away from the time that we have spent together? Well, I think we have
to, as scholars, be at the top of the hill with everything we have. And to
me, that means basically that what we need to do is to continuously seek
to achieve excellence. If we wish to publish in the top-tier journals, we
have to challenge ourselves to do this. We have to learn from the best and
consider modeling the best behavior. We have to remain confident, but
always hungry to learn and grow as scholars. We have to learn to live with
what we cant rise above as well. This means we are going to receive some
negative feedback from time to time. We all have been rejected. We all
have a stack of rejection letters. Its just part of our life. We know this, but
we have to accept each of those seemingly less than positive experiences
in a positive way and grow and develop from them and learn as scholars.
Certainly sometimes we may feel that we are taking two steps forward
while taking three steps backward; and I think thats a challenge for us.
We have to focus continuously and energetically on moving forward and
viewing the glass as half full not half empty. It is really important to
accept the position that high-quality, interesting scholarship is always
(has always been and will always be) enthusiastically received by top-tier

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80 In search of research excellence

journals. Quality work is clearly sought. All of our journals, we know,

want to publish quality work. There is no question about it. None of us
will ever know an editor who says, Gee, I really hope I publish nothing.
Its just not the way the process works. So, we all want to publish high-
quality work. But there are some realities here. Its challenging; but all of
us have an opportunity to positively influence the paradigm development
that continues to evolve and take shape in the entrepreneurship domain.
And, we all have opportunities to publish interesting scholarship!
And finally, its truly the Glory Days for those of us wanting to engage
in high-quality entrepreneurship research. In this sense, I believe that
our careers as entrepreneurship scholars can be enriched by these very,
very exciting times and the questions we have a chance to explore. In my
opinion, this is a truly exciting and invigorating time for entrepreneurship
scholars. The questions available for us to consider are rich and important.
And, what could be more exciting than carefully and meaningfully exam-
ining intellectually rich and challenging questions regarding entrepreneur-
ship and entrepreneurial ventures? As we know, the answers we derive
from our studies have the potential to positively affect individuals, firms
and societies. What could be more exciting than having opportunities to
positively influence multiple levels through the results of our scholarship?
So let me stop here and thank you for your time and see if there may be
questions or issues for us to explore.

Veiga, Jack: I hear the word interesting a lot. Karl Weick used the word
interesting. A lot of people have used it. I also am aware that in many cases,
the word interesting is a way of describing something that we dont know is
going to happen, i.e., Gee, thats going to be interesting, I hope.
There are [various] ways that word is often used. Interesting [to me] is,
the person receiving it says its interesting. So my question is: I know you
gave examples of what could be objectively interesting kinds of structures
of papers that would provide interest and so forth but, deep down, who
or what defines interesting? Im thinking of the young scholar out there
now thats trying to start. You know, how do they know what they have
is interesting?

Ireland, Duane: Yes. Its a great question. And certainly, this phenom-
enon of interesting, or interestingness continues to be talked about and
evaluated. Basically, what we have to do is to say, Look, we know this,
but how might I tease this out differently? How might I parse this in a way
that we really have not examined? For example, to me, that one question
of entrepreneurial opportunities in a social context is really interesting.
Its something that weve not (in my judgment, at least) thought about in

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Challenges of entrepreneurship scholars publishing in top journals 81

great detail; and it has possibilities of surfacing some fascinating issues to

examine. So to me, trying to find a way to parse what we know and saying,
Lets take this in a different direction, theoretically, perhaps even meth-
odologically as well, would be the way to engage in interesting research.

Lumpkin, Tom: Question from the web. We have had a rigorous debate
about the future of entrepreneurship as a field of study. Do you think
entrepreneurship can survive as a field in itself, or will it get absorbed into
any of the sister disciplines, such as strategic management or marketing?

Ireland, Duane: Yes and, boy, weve all had this discussion many times as
well. If we are going to be absorbed, lets go with strategic management
rather than marketing. I mean, at least it is closer to many of our back-
grounds, right? At least theres some proximity there that feels more like
home. Seriously, though, this is a great question and I think in a broader
context, this discussion is actually, I believe, beyond entrepreneurship and
strategic management. I think that the question even applies at a business
school level where we continue receiving inputs from scholars saying we
all need to collaborate more. Those of us engaged in strategic manage-
ment questions, we are told, need to collaborate perhaps more with finance
scholars, economists and accountants. And so I think the question we are
considering is certainly germane for entrepreneurship and strategy (perhaps
marketing and other fields), but I think its a broader discussion point with
respect to how do all of our disciplines within business collaboratively
examine questions. So, I think the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic
management will remain rather unique as domains, but I think there will
be additional collaborations taking place between these disciplines and I
dont know that either will lose its domain status. In my view, though, the
intersection is going to yield more interesting work in the short run, and
may become yet a third field. Who knows ... And it seems pretty bizarre to
even suggest, but maybe theres yet another field out there.

Gras, David: You said that when submitting articles to the major jour-
nals, we need to understand the mission of that journal and cater to that
mission, and make sure our papers match up with that mission. As an
editor, I have one or two things. Number one, when you take on the job as
an editor, do you feel like you need to remove your personal missions that
youve been going through your whole life (youve published on certain
things, you think certain things are interesting ... )? Do you feel that you
need to remove those and submit to the mission of the journal? And if not,
should we learn the missions of the editor in particular at the time and
cater to those as well?

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82 In search of research excellence

Ireland, Duane: Its an interesting question, and clearly, in my view as an

editor, one must comply with the mission that has been established for
the journal. In the instance of the four academy journals, the missions are
established essentially by the Board of Governors, through the journals
committee and this is a very collaborative process. Theres a lot of input
from all of us as members of the Academy of Management. And by the
way, of course as members of the Academy of Management, we essentially
own those four journals. They are part of the Academy of which we are
members, and so that is a very collaborative effort. But I think that we are
charged, as agents, to follow the guidelines the dictates of the editorial
mission that has been established by the principles that we represent. I
believe that most (if not all) editors would agree with this position.

Lumpkin, Tom: To what extent is entrepreneurship research concerned

with unique phenomena versus merely unique context?

Ireland, Duane: Another question that I know Jay Barney, Michael Hitt
and Patricia McDougall will want to answer as well. But I can say that we
are often told that context is the only difference between issues examined
by entrepreneurship scholars and issues examined by scholars working in
other domains. In my opinion, entrepreneurship scholars want to be con-
cerned with unique theories and questions, rather than worrying about the
context. We know our context, but I think one of our key challenges is to
ask, What is the unique theory that can be used here to help me explain
the entrepreneurship phenomenon that interests me, and what are some
unique methods I might use in order to address what is an interesting
Okay. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to be
here and I wish everybody the best with their work. We look forward to
receiving your high-quality entrepreneurial scholarship at AMJ and to
learning from the insights associated with your entrepreneurship research.
I truly wish each and every one of you nothing other than the very best
with your scholarly endeavors.


Boyer, E.L. (1990). Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate.

Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Davis, M. (1971). Thats interesting! Towards a phenomenology of sociology and
a sociology of phenomenology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1, 30944.
Hitt, M.A., R.D. Ireland, S.M. Camp and D.L. Sexton (2001). Strategic

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Challenges of entrepreneurship scholars publishing in top journals 83

entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial strategies for wealth creation. Strategic

Management Journal, 2, 47991.
Ireland, R.D., M.A. Hitt, S.M. Camp and D. Sexton (2001). Integrating entrepre-
neurship and strategic management action to create firm wealth. Academy of
Management Executive, 15 (1), 4963.
Ireland, R.D., M.A. Hitt and D.G. Sirmon (2003). A model of strategic entrepre-
neurship: The construct and its dimensions. Journal of Management, 29, 96389.
Ireland, R.D. and J.W. Webb (2007). A cross-disciplinary exploration of entrepre-
neurship research. Journal of Management, 33, 891927.
Short, J.C., D.J. Ketchen, C.L. Shook and R.D. Ireland (2010). The concept of
opportunity in entrepreneurship research: past accomplishments and future
challenges. Journal of Management, 36 (1), 4065.
Webb, J.W., L. Tihanyi, R.D. Ireland and D.G. Sirmon (2009). You say
illegal, I say legitimate: entrepreneuring in the informal economy. Academy of
Management Review, 34, 492510.
Zahra, S.A., R.D. Ireland, I. Gutierrez and M.A. Hitt (2000). Privatization and
entrepreneurial transformation: emerging issues and a future research agenda.
Academy of Management Review, 25, 50924.
Zahra, S.A., R.D Ireland and M.A. Hitt (2000). International expansion by new
venture firms: international diversity, mode of market entry, technological
learning and performance. Academy of Management Journal, 43, 92550.

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6. Entrepreneurship research: past,
present and future
Patricia P. McDougall

McDougall, Patricia: Welcome colleagues. Im very honored and actually

quite humbled to be a keynote at what (I think) will prove to be a very
historic conference.
A distinctiveness that the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of
Management has always had has been our inclusiveness; but I think this
Conference takes our culture of inclusiveness to an entirely new level, and
I want to commend those who had the vision for this Conference and also
to commend those who so successfully executed this Conference.
Given my spot as the last keynote (in the ordering of the Conference), I
thought it might be appropriate if I used this opportunity to look back a
bit at the field and how we have evolved, where we are in entrepreneurship
research today and the opportunities for us in the future. There has never
been a time in my career when I have felt more excited or more positive
about the field of entrepreneurship and specifically about entrepreneur-
ship research. When I entered the field slightly more than 25 years ago, I
never would have predicted the absolutely stimulating and amazing ride
that entrepreneurship has been. I could never have predicted that entre-
preneurship would be in such an esteemed position that it enjoys today.
For those of us who have been around a while, it has been a journey.
And it has been a journey from a lack of legitimacy to a point where
entrepreneurship is a bright beacon of scholarly opportunity that expands
well beyond the bounds of just the traditional entrepreneurship scholar. It
reaches out into many other disciplines.
For our discussion today, I would like for us to take a very brief look
back at the early days in the field when there was a lack of legitimacy. I do
not want to spend a lot of time on this because I totally agree with Duane
Irelands point [R. Duane Ireland: Chapter 5] that we are legitimate today,
and a lack of legitimacy is not a topic that is worthy of our discussion; but
let us look at this in a historical context to better understand where we are
today. Let us take a quick little journey through some of the milestones
toward achieving legitimacy, examine the current state of entrepreneurship


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Entrepreneurship research: past, present and future 85

research and ask some questions. Are there some downsides that we are
experiencing because of this tremendous success that we have had? I will
conclude by focusing on the beacon of scholarly opportunity that we have
Everybody talks about the early days. Well, when were the early days?
One could begin back in the early 1900s with some of the research, but I
think when we really started to come together as a discipline and as a field
was in the 1940s when Harvard offered the first course in entrepreneurship.
Then in 1957, the International Council for Small Business was formed,
and then a journal (the Journal of Small Business Management in 1963).
The Kauffman Foundation was established in 1966 and the first entre-
preneurship research conference occurred in 1970 at Purdue University.
We were international very early in our roots. There was an international
conference on entrepreneurship research held in Toronto in 1973. In 1974,
Karl Vesper convened a group of scholars within the Business Policy and
Planning Division of the Academy of Management. Out of that meeting,
the Entrepreneurship Interest Group was formed within the Academy.
Another journal was launched in 1975 that was the American Journal of
Small Business and the first Babson Research Conference was in 1981.
In the early days, entrepreneurship was primarily in business schools,
and it absolutely did lack legitimacy. I recall my first Academy of
Management Conference (which would have been in the mid 1980s) that
virtually every meeting discussion would break down into a we dont have
legitimacy discussion, and those discussions occurred frequently into the
In the early days, entrepreneurship was definitely marginalized. I can
remember my friend and colleague, Don Sexton (who held a chair in entre-
preneurship at Ohio State) saying that on the occasions when he would
receive a phone call from one of his fellow entrepreneurship scholars from
somewhere else in the world, he would often close his door, sit back and
enjoy the conversation. Don Sexton expressed that it was so great to talk
with someone who valued and appreciated entrepreneurship research.
And look at how different it is today. At Ohio State, we have Jay Barney,
Sharon Alvarez and other great entrepreneurship scholars.
It was difficult to earn tenure with an entrepreneurship research record
if one was at a top research school. When I went up for tenure in the very
early 1990s (I think it must have been about 1991 or so), I was at Georgia
Tech and I was fortunate to have a great set of external reviewers. They
were really supportive and they wanted me to earn tenure. My research
record was almost entirely entrepreneurship research. Several of the exter-
nal reviewers sent me copies of the letters that they had written. Over the
years as I have learned more about the tenure process, I have come to

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86 In search of research excellence

better recognize and appreciate the tremendous task that those reviewers
had before them. They wrote beautiful letters. In their letters they not only
discussed my scholarly contributions, they sold the field of entrepreneur-
ship. I contrast their letters with the set of letters written when I moved
to Indiana University 10 years ago. Some of those external reviewers are
in this room today (and I thank them again because they wrote wonder-
ful letters); but their letters were really different from the letters in the
early 1990s. These more recent letters focused only on contributions to
entrepreneurship and did not need to mention the value or legitimacy of
entrepreneurship research.
Back in the early days when one was submitting a paper to a journal
that was other than a journal devoted specifically to entrepreneurship, one
actually debated on whether or not to use the E word in the paper: did
you include the entrepreneurship word or did you avoid using the term?
And there was good reason for considering this issue as there were few,
if any, entrepreneurship scholars on editorial boards. It is very different
today. Duane made a comment that when editors do their sorts for edito-
rial board members, entrepreneurship is in that sort; but it absolutely was
not like that in the past. Today, I think the question of whether or not to
use the E word is almost reversed as I believe authors sometimes look for
a way to put the entrepreneurship word in their papers.
Admittedly, we did have some problems in the early research; no doubt
about it. I would describe that research as not very cumulative. It didnt
lead to many new insights or knowledge gains. We had an absence of
quality databases. Many of the articles lacked a theoretical foundation or
methodological rigor. There was a real bias toward descriptive research.
And the big one for me was that there was not a very clear understanding of
what was unique about entrepreneurship research. What was core for us?
It has been a journey and its been a great journey. I want to apologize
ahead of time that I have only listed a few milestones and highlights on
these slides and am leaving out many important events, and perhaps things
that may have happened at your school, or things that you may have done.
But my attempt here is to recall some of the things that I took particular
notice of as I progressed on my entrepreneurship journey.
The David Birch (1987) studies: I am not sure that Birchs findings were
necessarily that new, but he did a great job of publicizing that entrepre-
neurship was an engine of growth in our economy. At that time, I think the
widespread belief was that jobs were created by corporations and Birchs
findings really generated some public excitement about entrepreneurship.
Then we had management guru Peter Drucker (1985) publish his book
and put entrepreneurship in its title. So, one did not have to debate about
using the E word anymore.

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Entrepreneurship research: past, present and future 87

The Entrepreneurship Interest Group achieved division status at the

Academy in 1987. In that same year, the Journal of Management included
an article from Max Wortman (1987) that was a review of entrepreneur-
ship research. So entrepreneurship research was beginning to be a little
more in the mainstream about this time. In the early 1990s doctoral pro-
grams began emerging; and I sincerely believe that doctoral education,
whereby we are educating great scholars, is the key for the future of our
research. We must invest in our doctoral students.
Next, the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management
created the Task Force of Doctoral Education, which you have heard
referenced many times here in the last few days. The National Consortium
of Entrepreneurship Centers was created in 1998. The Academy of
International Business provided some validation to entrepreneurship
research in 2004 with their recognition of an article (Oviatt and McDougall,
2005) that my co-author (Ben Oviatt) and I had published in the Journal of
International Business Studies, their major journal. Their Decade Award
is given for the article that has had the most significant impact on the field
of international business in the last 10 years. This was significant for us in
entrepreneurship in that it was a highly respected scholarly organization
that recognized entrepreneurship as having something to offer the interna-
tional business (IB) field. Entrepreneurship research helped changed the
IB conversation from an exclusive focus on large, well-established multi-
national firms to a conversation that also included young, entrepreneurial
The journals that were being created and developed added to the legiti-
macy of entrepreneurship research. To note a few of those key journals
and their launch dates:

American Journal of Small Business in 1975. It was renamed under

Ray Bagbys leadership in 1988 as Entrepreneurship Theory &
in 1985, Ian McMillan launched the Journal of Business Venturing.
in 1989, Zoltan Acs and my colleague at Indiana University, David
Audretsch, launched Small Business Economics.
in 2007, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ) was launched. We
are so thankful for the leadership that Mike Hitt is putting into SEJ
such that it can fulfill its incredible potential.

There were a number of special issues related to entrepreneurship in top

journals. I will only highlight two, but there were several others. The
Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) (1990) did a special issue on cor-
porate entrepreneurship and then the Academy of Management Journal

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88 In search of research excellence

(AMJ) (2000) did a special research forum on international entrepreneur-

ship. Something thats really special about the AMJ Special Research
Forum (and the reason I wanted to highlight it) is that an article in that
special research forum by Zahra, Ireland and Hitt (2000) received the
AMJ Best Paper of the Year recognition. I am unaware of any other entre-
preneurship paper up until this time that had received a best paper award
in a top journal.
So where is the state of entrepreneurship research today? I do not think
that we can fully understand where we are today unless we think a little
more broadly and think about entrepreneurship as an academic disci-
pline. If we think about entrepreneurship in general, I think a word that
describes it well is excitement. There is so much excitement about entre-
preneurship. It is well established in business schools. It is making impor-
tant inroads throughout universities. It is embraced by donors, alumni
and by governments all over the world. We are permeating the academic
market. Over 600 US universities offer entrepreneurship majors. A fact
that Mike Hitt presented earlier [Michael A. Hitt: Chapter 4] is that over
1,600 universities worldwide offer at least one entrepreneurship course.
There are a huge number of entrepreneurship endowed chairs and profes-
sorships, and the number is growing. We have over 40 refereed journals
and over 350 entrepreneurship centers.
There is strong evidence that entrepreneurship has achieved legitimacy
within the mainstream of academe. It is increasingly accepted, some-
times grudgingly, but increasingly accepted by later-stage academics.
Entrepreneurship is attracting investment from public and private sectors.
The real litmus test for us is that entrepreneurship scholars are being
tenured at top research schools; that is no longer a rare event. The ideal
situation will be when junior scholars do not even recognize the challenges
of the past; and I would bet that there are some scholars out there in our
worldwide audience who are listening and are unaware of the past chal-
lenges. That is marvelous if it is the case; and if not, I believe we are close
to a time when those challenges are regarded as ancient history.
Today, we are in what I term the Golden Age of Entrepreneurship.
Duane Ireland referred to these as the Glory Days, and I like Duanes
term a little better and may start using it [R. Duane Ireland: Chapter 5]. I
am having a tremendous amount of fun I hope you are. I hope you are
enjoying what we have. It has been a long journey of several decades and
a lot of people have toiled to get us to this point, but we are now in a very
special time a wonderful time and we need to enjoy it.
How did we get there? I think the number one reason, quite frankly, is
money. A lot of the money was gifted from donors and foundations, and
this came at a time when US public schools had an increased reliance on

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Entrepreneurship research: past, present and future 89

soft money. It was not just this past year that states cut funding. If you
look at the percentage of state funding for universities, it has been a steady
downward slope. Until last year, it was a gradual slope. Funding is going
to become even more important to public universities as state funding is
projected to continue to decrease. The drop in the value of endowments
impacts both publics and privates. The interest in entrepreneurship was
also fueled by the dotcom era. While I believe that was a very destruc-
tive time in many ways for our entrepreneurship courses, it certainly did
generate a lot of demand for our courses and many schools added entre-
preneurship course offerings.
In addition, there has been a convergence of globalization and
technological advancement such that we have this excitement in the
general public that anyone, at any place in the world, can be an entrepre-
neur. Grant agencies have helped us. The National Science Foundation
(NSF) and National Institute of Health (NIH) often require proposals
to include a commercialization plan. I receive a fair number of calls from
medical school faculty and from scientists who call the business school and
they ask, Hey, were writing a grant. Do you have someone in the business
school who might want to be part of that grant, because we need to have
a business plan in it?
Universities are incorporating economic development as part of their
mission. I believe this is important and is going to have a big impact on
us in the future. This may not be of the magnitude of the change that US
universities experienced shortly after World War II when they embraced
research as part of their mission, but, in the last few years, many universi-
ties have expanded their mission and are seeking to play a significant role
in their states economic development. This is positive for entrepreneur-
ship as we are right at the core of that conversation.
How and when did entrepreneurship research cross the chasm into legit-
imacy? I believe it occurred in the mid-to-late 1900s. This was a hard sell,
and I imagine there are probably a few schools that may continue to not
view entrepreneurship as legitimate; but in general, I think it has occurred.
Legitimacy was a hard sell to that core academic community, and what we
had to have were visionaries who helped the pragmatists appreciate the
unique domain and distinct value of the proposition that entrepreneurship
offered. Looking back, there were several key individuals who played a
role in helping us cross the chasm. The one who was the most significant
for me was S. Venkataraman (1997) when he wrote his thought-leadership
piece about entrepreneurships distinct domain. I was fascinated on the
opening night of this Conference when Venkataraman was describing his
personal feelings about the 1997 paper, and contrasting those feelings with
how he felt about the subsequent paper (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000)

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90 In search of research excellence

he co-authored a few years later with Scott Shane (which was published in
the Academy of Management Review).
I think I understand why the 1997 piece, in Venkataramans words,
means more to him. Those of us who were in entrepreneurship when
we saw that 1997 piece, every one of us knew immediately that this was
an important paper. I remember when I read the article that my thoughts
were that this article needed to be written, and we embraced it. But it
took publishing in a top journal for the article to have significant impact.
Venkataramans 1997 piece just did not have an outlet that gave it a wide
audience as he was speaking to entrepreneurship scholars only in that
outlet. It took publishing it in a top journal, with its wide audience for his
original thoughts, to have the impact that they ultimately did. His was a
real crossing-the-chasm piece for us.
We also benefited from scholars who were rooted in other disciplines
but who were interested in entrepreneurship. Duane Ireland was one of
those. Duane was an early person in entrepreneurship, but he was more
recognized for his work in strategy. Duane was a very established scholar
in strategy, and his work in entrepreneurship helped us cross the chasm.
Howard Aldrich (a respected scholar in sociology), David Audrestch on
economics in public policy, Jerry Hills in marketing, and Robert Baron in
organizational behavior all helped. We have had several finance scholars
who helped us cross the chasm. When I talk with my finance colleagues, a
name that stands out for them as giving more legitimacy to entrepreneur-
ship research is Josh Lerner. One could go on and on listing key people,
and I apologize to all who I did not include in this short listing, but the
point I want to make is there were a lot of people who were in other fields
and other disciplines that helped us. One final scholar who I would like to
note as a crossing-the-chasm-person is Mike Hitt. Mike, because of his
leadership position in the Academy and the respect that he holds, made
a difference as to how entrepreneurship was perceived when he chose to
become involved.
Today we are in our glory days, but are there potentially some down-
sides? I put these next two slides up at risk because I expect some of the
points will be controversial and perhaps offensive to some, but I am
going to put the elephant on the table. There is what I call the cashing-in
phenomenon. In some of the papers that I review it seems as though
researchers are trying to call everything entrepreneurship, because entre-
preneurship is hot.
A second potential downside is what some people would term insincere
career changes. Let us face it; we have a lot of endowed positions. I do
believe that the vast majority of scholars from other disciplines who have
accepted entrepreneurship chairs have simply seen the light and they have

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Entrepreneurship research: past, present and future 91

transitioned their careers to an interesting area; but there are probably

a few scholars who have just seen it as an opportunity and really do not
have the commitment or belief in entrepreneurship. But I think that that
number is exaggerated greatly. My message to you today would be, Do
not worry about this. Doing so is analogous to worrying about the neigh-
bor having a better house or a better car. Worrying about this is no more
than a distraction, and if you worry about it, you are letting something
take from the enjoyment that you should be having every day for where
we are. The potential downside that is really getting the conversation these
days is domain grabs. Are other disciplines saying, Hey, we do not think
entrepreneurship scholars can do that research as well as we can, so we are
going to show them how to do it, or is this the ultimate compliment? Is
this the ultimate form of flattery?
I hope that the Dale Meyer (2009) prediction (which is in an
Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice article that came out in 2009) that the
concerns regarding a strategic management takeover of entrepreneurship
will turn out to be overstated and perhaps downright silly, is correct. I am
absolutely with Dale on this one, and I just hope we get there fast. I hope
we do not spend the energy worrying about domain grabs that we spent
discussing legitimacy. Frankly, I was struck with Mike Hitts comment
when he said [Michael A. Hitt: Chapter 4], Well, no one ever talks about
entrepreneurship taking over strategy, and that may be a better discussion
in some ways. Again, and I do not want to be misunderstood here, but
suppose if I were to look up in our studio audience and ask Jay Barney,
Jay, based on your research, tell me whats really distinct about entrepre-
neurship, I think one of the things that Jay might respond with is, The
name. You have the name. You have the brand.
The excitement out there in the world is entrepreneurship. That is what
everyone is relating to and clamoring to. And it is not just strategy that
wants a piece of entrepreneurship. They are not the only discipline that
has recognized that we have really interesting questions. There are many
other disciplines in which their scholars are seeking to be involved in entre-
preneurship as well, so I believe that these fears of absorption by strategic
management are far overrated and overstated. We worked hard to bring
scholars from other fields into our disciplines. We should relish their inter-
est. We should cherish it. There was an earlier web question and it asked,
Do you fear absorption? I genuinely do not think we should. I think that
this is something that we need to embrace. And we also need to follow a
point that Duane made in response to that web question when Duane said
we need to collaborate more [R. Duane Ireland: Chapter 5]. I am amazed
at how multidisciplinary in collaborating across disciplines our junior
scholars are. As an associate dean of faculty and research, I interview

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92 In search of research excellence

every faculty member that the Kelley School of Business hires and if they
are a tenure track candidate, I read their job paper. I interviewed a candi-
date a year or two ago, and I had not seen the persons vitae. Had I just
picked up the paper and read it first, I would not have known if they were a
candidate for a job in operations management, marketing or business eco-
nomics. Some of todays junior scholars could fit in multiple disciplines.
Entrepreneurship is well positioned for a multidisciplinary approach.
The potential downside that I hesitated most on listing was the bullet
point: Welcoming, low entry barriers and accepting is this all positive?
Does it devalue what we do? We have really prided ourselves and worked
hard to be welcoming and accepting. We have tried to keep our entry
barriers low, and that has been one of the things I most value about our
culture. I would not want us to change this culture, but I think that it is
worth considering that sometimes there are people who may misperceive
the message of our being so welcoming and misinterpret it as we do not
value entrepreneurship as much as we do. As an example, one of our col-
leagues at a recent conference overheard some prestigious scholars from
fields outside of entrepreneurship who were sitting together and talking;
and they were kind of puzzling over why they had been invited to this
entrepreneurship conference. I think you and I know why we invited
them. We have worked to bring other disciplines into entrepreneurship.
We have had a big tent approach. The scholars in the example I just gave
felt instead that they had been invited to help legitimize the conference
they totally misperceived the invitation. I do not believe we should change
our culture of inclusiveness, but I think we do need to be mindful and be
careful that the message that we are trying to send is not misperceived.
The last point (and this next point), are the potential downsides that
I worry about most. If entrepreneurship becomes everything, then it is
nothing. We have always struggled somewhat with a boundary issue.
We have fortunately made good progress on identifying our distinctive
domain, but we still have fuzzy boundaries. It may be even more difficult
today to define our boundaries as scholars who are seeking to include
topics within the entrepreneurship domain that were once considered
outside of the domain. I believe that we, as a research group, are going to
have to struggle with this over the next decade.
Today entrepreneurship is this bright beacon of scholarly opportunity.
One of the major opportunities I see is that we have creation as our central
focus. I do not know of another discipline that has creation as its central
focus, and this is something we need to leverage. We need to leverage
this distinctiveness. There is a good reason why scholars are flocking to
entrepreneurship, and that is because entrepreneurship is a perspective
that makes sense. It generates useful insights and it is valuable for multiple

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Entrepreneurship research: past, present and future 93

units of analyses. You can study the individual, the firm, government or
society, so we have the ability to attract many people.
A lesson that I would suggest for junior scholars is that if you have a
senior faculty member at your school and that senior faculty member is
warning you about the problems of engaging in entrepreneurship research,
I think you need to step back and see that person as a fairly lonely voice.
You need to consider his or her generation and their possible biases. The
numbers of these people are dwindling. They are dwindling dramatically,
and if you have one at your school, you can probably take heart that
they are going to retire very soon. Do not worry about the downsides.
That would be a major point I want to convey. I know it is very difficult
for some senior entrepreneurship scholars who feel they are witnessing
what they may perceive as an invasion of their domain. We have a lot of
people who have toiled in the salt mines for years. They have advocated
entrepreneurship their entire lives, and I think that some of them perceive
that there is not the proper deference being made to their contributions
and that others are coming in and seeking to redefine the domain. I wish
that this great acceptance of entrepreneurship could instead be viewed as a
long-awaited validation. It is not a threat to us. It is a validation. It is what
we have always wanted. Let us enjoy it.
Entrepreneurship is not a fad. It is not going away because the sub-
stance is there. We have the substance. Early entrepreneurship scholars
had the message correct they absolutely had it correct. Entrepreneurship
research is worthy of scholarly consideration. What early entrepreneur-
ship scholars lacked was the critical audience to be heard. We have that
critical audience now. Maybe we need to think about what Jay Barney
said in his keynote address at this Conference, and we need to be heard on
a broader scale than we are currently being heard on. But we are clearly
being heard within the academic community. So I hope that you all are
enjoying the glory days I certainly am. I will take any questions that you
may have at this point, or at least try.

Mosakowski, Elaine: I realize you know that I like to stir things up, so I
want to stir things up a little.

McDougall, Patricia: Well, that was what my presentation intended on doing.

Mosakowski, Elaine: Good, it actually did and in my own mind I thought

it was very interesting. I guess if what youre saying is correct, why are we
having this conference? Why has Sharon [Alvarez], over the past five to
seven years or whatever, been organizing conferences for junior scholars
to learn about processes of publishing in top-tier journals, working on

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94 In search of research excellence

processes to help junior scholars and doctoral students create high-quality

research? I dont see activities like this in what I would consider to be
established ...

McDougall, Patricia: Well, I think its because were innovative, for start-
ers. You see it here. Perhaps I should defer to the Conference organizers
on this, but my perception of why were having this Conference is not
really so much for the people that are in this room; my perception is this
is a part of our being able to leverage technology for great inclusiveness
into the Academy. I think that there are many scholars in various parts
of the world who may not be so fortunate to have a key entrepreneurship
researcher at his or her school, and this is an opportunity for them to
interact with them. Travel budgets have really been cut significantly, and
this is an opportunity for viewers. It also is creating some product for the
Division. We do not do a very effective job in our conferences of codify-
ing knowledge and distributing it. Normally its only the people who are
attending the conference that are helped. Attendees advance their thinking
on a paper and then it is published later in a journal. I think this is a way
that the Division has very creatively created some products that people
from all over the world (who might not be in entrepreneurship, but have
an interest in it) can download. So I think its the audience that youre
thinking of for the conference, and I see the audience as much broader
than the people in this room. There were a bunch of slides in my presen-
tation whereby, had I been creating a presentation only for the people in
this room, those slides are not what I would have created. I tried to create
something for our distance audience.

Alvarez, Sharon: I just kind of wanted to follow up on that a little bit

because we have held the Society for Entrepreneurship Scholars (SES),
and many of my colleagues when you hold SES at the school youre
at, you rope everybody in. So many of my colleagues, whether theyre
OB [organizational behavior] or international or anthropology, have
been roped in, and theyve tried to steal the concept for their fields the
organizational behavior people in particular (which I found interesting
because they thought it was such a wonderful mentoring for young people)
and, kind of with what Tricia said, they found it to be innovative. Even
though theyre in a more-established field, they were like, Gosh, we dont
mentor our young people the way you guys do, and Ive found that to be
a wonderful compliment.

McDougall, Patricia: We always need to invest in the future and I would

emphasize it again that we have to invest in our doctoral students and in

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Entrepreneurship research: past, present and future 95

our junior scholars. That is where we are going to get the biggest return
on our investment.

Lumpkin, Tom: Is there a risk that entrepreneurship will fall from favor
in universities if the money dries up? In terms of research, is it more likely
that reliance on private money will cause our research to be compromised,
or by contrast, raise the standards and the importance of entrepreneurship

McDougall, Patricia: All right, thats a couple of questions, and Ive

actually thought about the first one. I see money flowing into central
universities for entrepreneurship, and I think that that money is tenuous
money. I do have some concerns about entrepreneurship programs that
are central administration driven because I think that some of these pro-
grams have been driven primarily as a response to the money. Business
schools are different. I really believe that entrepreneurship would con-
tinue to have a place in business schools if funding decreased. I support
cross-campus initiatives (and we have created many of these at Indiana
University), but I believe the business school needs to be the axis of
these programs. Entrepreneurship programs need to come out of the
business school because its the business school thats going to have the
long-term commitment to entrepreneurship. This is the natural fit for it.
Entrepreneurship has been in business schools since 1947. Undoubtedly,
we can deliver better programs if we have money. So money matters, but
I dont expect that entrepreneurship would dry up if the money fell off. I
dont see that happening any time in the near future.
Now the second part of the question is, in terms of research, is it more
likely that reliance on private money will raise our standards or compro-
mise our research? I dont worry much about private funding compro-
mising our research. I think you have to worry about that kind of thing
much more in fields like medical research (for example, tobacco studies).
Universities have conflict-of-interest regulations. Im on the universitys
Conflict of Interest Committee and I help review all of the conflict-of-
interest cases (such as when one has more than a certain percentage of
ownership in a company, or more than $10,000 a year in certain income
and various situations). Faculty are always required to report all of these
potential conflicts. You know, theres just never a major problem out
of the business school. Research conflicts related to entrepreneurship
research would be rare. Those are not issues that I worry are going to
have serious conflicts of interest that might compromise our work. Thank

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96 In search of research excellence

(1990). Strategic Management Journal, Special Issue: Corporate Entrepreneurship,
(2000). Academy of Management Journal, Special Issue: Entrepreneurship, 43 (5).
Birch, D. (1987). Job Creation in America: How our Smallest Companies put the
Most People to Work. New York: The Free Press.
Drucker, P. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles.
Oxford: Elsevier.
Meyer, G.D. (2009). Commentary: on the integration of strategic management
and entrepreneurship: views of a contrarian. Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice, 33 (1), 34151.
Oviatt, B.M. and P. McDougall (2005). Toward a theory of international new
ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 36, 2941.
Shane, S. and S. Venkataraman (2000). The promise of entrepreneurship as a field
of research. Academy of Management Review, 25 (1), 21726.
Venkataraman, S. (1997). The distinctive domain of entrepreneurship research.
In J. Katz (ed.), Advances in Entrepreneurship Firm Emergence and Growth.
Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, vol. 3, pp. 11938.
Wortman, M. (1987). Entrepreneurship: an evaluation of empirical research in the
field. Journal of Management, 13 (2), 25979.
Zahra, S.A., R.D. Ireland and M.A. Hitt (2000). International expansion by new
venture firms: international diversity, mode of market entry, technological
learning, and performance. Academy of Management Journal, 43 (5), 92550.

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7. Entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurial opportunity: made
as well as found
Sankaran (Venkat) Venkataraman

Dino, Rich: Ladies and gentlemen, our first keynote of the 2009
Entrepreneurship Exemplars Research Conference and recipient of the
2008 Foundational Paper IDEA Award, Professor Venkat Venkataraman.

Venkataraman, Venkat: Thank you. Im very happy to be here. Its a great

honor, first of all, to receive the Inaugural Award. Its also a great privilege
to be chosen to be a speaker at the Exemplars Conference, and for that
I am grateful. But Ill also say this: Im honestly very nervous because as I
look around the room I find so many distinguished people that, frankly, I
feel somewhat inadequate.
I would like to thank Rich Dino for the invitation to come here and
present to you folks. Id like to thank Ron Mitchell for the initiative that
he has started on behalf of the Academy of Management, and Dean Earley
for providing the funding and the actual political license to pull this off.
Im sure you folks had a lot of people in the background helping you
to eventually let me come here, stand here in front of you and start the
process. For that, Im grateful to you all.
Rich Dino gave me two suggestions in terms of what I should cover in
this talk. The first topic, he said, was Just tell us how you got here in terms
of how you got some of those papers into the top journals of the field. Just
tell your story. The second charter he gave me was to touch upon some
interesting emerging research themes in my own work. So Ill try and
spend about 10 minutes on the former and about 20 minutes on the latter.
Talking about how I got here and how I cracked the top journals of the
field, if you will, I cant help but start with my first experience of sending a
paper to a journal. I was a second-year doctoral student at the University
of Minnesota. I had just completed my first paper (Venkataraman, Van
de Ven, Polley, and Garud, 1989) with my advisor, Professor Andy Van
de Ven. Andy suggested that this was an excellent paper and that I should


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98 In search of research excellence

send it to Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ). By then I had been in

the field long enough to know that ASQ was the top of the heap and a
very tough nut to crack; so I pointed out to Andy that perhaps he should
rethink his aspirations. But Andy said, No, no. You should always start
at the top. This paper is good enough for ASQ. Send it out. So, like a
good doctoral student, I packaged it, gave it to Andy (Andy being the
senior author perhaps would get a better hearing from the journal) and he
sent it off in his name to ASQ. About four, five, six months later (I forget),
the packet of reviews came back. It went to Andy because he was the cor-
responding author, and he looked at the stuff, rearranged the materials,
and put them in my mailbox. So, that afternoon, I go to my mailbox with
shaking hands and pick the stuff out from my inbox. Andy has rearranged
the materials so that one of the reviews is on top, and its a very brief
review. Its about three or four lines. I think it consisted of three sentences.
The middle sentence said, In one of the paragraphs the author states, ...
in a nutshell... . In my opinion, thats the appropriate container for the
ideas in this paper. That was my welcome to the field of publications. I
didnt know what to do or what to say, but I think there were three or four
things that stood out from that experience not all of which sank in at
that point in time.
The first thing that sank in for me was Andys reaction to the whole
thing. He didnt blink an eye. He just said, Lets look at the reviews and
see what needs to be fixed. Lets fix it and send it on to the next journal.
The second thing that struck me was that I had to develop a thick skin. It
was not personal. It was not about me. The ideas were probably not good
enough. You just had to work harder. The third thing was this idea that
you start at the top and work your way down. Most papers will find their
home at that equilibrium spot. Theyll settle where they ought to settle.
Theres a lot of luck in the process and there are things that will happen,
but there is an equilibrating process here. I think those three lessons sort
of happened to me in the course of the two or three years that I was at
The next big event that happened in my life was also in the second year
of my doctoral program. In one of the doctoral courses we were asked to
read the Murray Davis (1971) paper Thats interesting! That paper left a
deep impression on me as well. I would highly recommend it to everyone.
Im sure most of the people here wouldve read the paper; but if you have
not, thats a paper worth getting and reading.
Like any new doctoral student, I labored under the belief that a theory
or a theorist is considered great because his or her theories are true but
I discovered that was really not true. Thats false. A theory or a theorist is
considered great not because his/her theories are true, but because theyre

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 99

interesting. Murray Davis goes on to develop about a dozen criteria for

why a theory is interesting. It will take me too much time to go through
all of those points, but the gist of Daviss point is that interesting ideas
are those that point out that things are not really what they appear or
you think they appear to be. That was the sum and substance of what
he argued. Now, although I have never been able to practice successfully
the various suggestions he provided, I was able to abandon this notion of
truth as a criteria for judging whats publishable and whats readable. I
had to replace it with other attributes of what makes papers imminently
publishable and readable. In addition to the notion of interesting, later in
my career I was introduced to the philosophy of the American pragmatists
(such as James Dewey and more recently Richard Rorty) and then I added
usefulness as another criterion for judging the value and ideas of papers.
I would assert here today that top journals look for papers that are
interesting, provocative, useful to either practice or to researchers by
raising new and fruitful research questions, are empirically tractable and
have a clear answer to the so what questions. That, I figured out, is really
what journals are looking for. Thats really their stock-in-trade. Journals
are not really after truth. Journals are not really after a kind of statement
about a phenomenon, which everybody agrees as a consensus that This is
what its all about. They are really in the business of attracting attention
spreading their own genes, in some sense. So they look for the provocative.
They look for the interesting. They do it in a very sophisticated way, but
thats a large part of the story.
A third event for me was the first publishable paper out of my disserta-
tion, and where I should send it. Taking Andys dictum to me seriously,
I decided I should aim for ASQ, and start at the top and see where the
equilibrium point might eventually be. After some while, I got the reviews
back. It was a substantial revision, so at least I had survived the rejection
process (which was personally very satisfying for me), but it was very high
risk. It had nearly 13 pages of single-spaced comments from three review-
ers and one associate editor. When I read it, it was frankly beyond me at
that stage. I could not handle it by myself, but I learned several lessons
from that experience. First, publishing in top journals requires tremen-
dous perseverance, great stamina, a lot of help and a good dose of luck.
Subsequently, I could never get all three reviewers to agree on that par-
ticular paper. Convincing three reviewers is a really tough business no
question about that.
I also discovered that top journals require contributions at the frontiers
of the field and the frontiers can be pushing boundaries theoretically;
or it could be a new data source; or it could be a methodological break-
through; or it could be a phenomenological breakthrough, empirical

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100 In search of research excellence

breakthrough or empirical context. There should be some novel element:

something interesting and something that pushes the boundaries of the
field. If you dont have that, the chances that the paper will get in are going
to be highly limited.
Around that time and a little before that, I also discovered that I had
another problem. My papers were going out with entrepreneurship in the
foreground and the mainstream disciplines in the background. Journals
wanted exactly the opposite. They wanted the mainstream disciplinary
theories and received wisdom in the foreground and entrepreneurship
in the background. I was trained and skilled in putting entrepreneur-
ship in the foreground and the supporting cast was all the other stuff in
the background, and so I couldnt communicate with the reviewers. The
problem was such that if you wanted to talk to the mainstream, then you
had to talk the mainstream language. That took me a couple of years to
fully grasp. It is at that point that an inspirational breakthrough hap-
pened for me. I read the Aldrich and Auster (1986) paper Even dwarfs
started small. I read the paper for the first time in 1986, but I didnt fully
grasp the significance of it. I read the paper and understood what it was
about, but I didnt understand why it was important. It was only around
1987 that I understood the importance because in that paper Aldrich
and Auster talked in a balanced way, both to the mainstream sociologists
and the social psychologists, as well as to the entrepreneurship folks,
equally. It is that kind of balance that I had to get right if I wanted to be
successful in the mainstream journals. That penny didnt drop for quite
some time.
So, the challenge in those days was for an entrepreneurship scholar to
be able to communicate with the other fields, the sister fields in the disci-
pline; but I figured it out only slowly. Aldrich and Austers paper was not
published in a journal. It was a book chapter. It was a wonderful book
chapter. Beautifully written. It was a great inspiration to me, and at the
same time, Singh, House and Tucker (1986) published two papers in ASQ
where they showed beautifully how the received wisdom from sociology
could be put in the foreground, but you could have a very compelling
entrepreneurship story in the background. At that time, I thought these
were great papers. When I read them now I realize theyre really not very
great papers. They used voluntary social service organizations as their
empirical context. It was not at all compelling. It was not at all persuasive.
But the contributions they made were two-fold: they took a sociological
theory, which was in the mainstream at that point in time specifically,
Stinchcombe and Hannan and Freemans ideas and juxtaposed these
with Marchs ideas on change and put them together in two papers, which
introduced the hazard rate model to the management field. In fact, they

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 101

actually used the Gompertz distribution, which was subsequently disputed

by others, but the paper got into ASQ the top of the heap.
So for me the Dwarfs started small paper and these two papers sort
of showed the way. In fact, as a young scholar coming out in the field
of entrepreneurship, they gave me the recipe, if you will, to be able to
break into these journals. So to cut a long story short, from that point
on I made it into the Journal of Business Venturing (JBV), which was not
a top journal at that point in time; but it gave me the break, and then
I got into the Journal of Management. Then I worked my way up into
Management Science and got into the Strategic Management Journal
(SMJ). But in the process, Ive been rejected by Administrative Science
Quarterly (ASQ), Academy of Management Review (AMR), Academy of
Management Journal (AMJ), Management Science (MS), Organization
Science (OS), Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) and Journal of
Business Venturing (JBV). So Ive had the privilege of being rejected by all
of them, which led me to the next lesson for me, which is rejection is part
of the process. Failure is in the path to success, so you have to be willing
to accept it. Develop a thick skin. Just get on with the process and take
the best suggestions of the previous reviewers. Make the changes to the
paper, put it in an envelope and ship it out to the next journal. If you have
a hierarchy, thats great.
The other thing I also learned is that you have to collaborate. You cant
do everything yourself. If you want to crack the top journals, then you
have to publish at the frontier; and its not easy publishing at the fron-
tier. My dean recently told me that he had done some analysis, and that
roughly 50 to 60 percent of the papers published in the 1970s were pub-
lished with co-authors. In the 1980s it had crossed two-thirds. In the 1990s
it had crossed 85 percent, and today apparently, fully 93 percent of the
papers are published with co-authors (and most of them are three authors
or more). So that was another thing I learned: you dont have to do it by
yourself. You can do it with co-authors, etc.
I think the problem today for entrepreneurship scholars is different. I
think the mainstream challenge has vanished. It has gone away. As we
heard just a little while ago from both Chris Earley as well as from Rich
Dino, that entrepreneurship is part of the mainstream. The challenge
today is not so much worrying about mainstream and background stories,
etc.; the challenge today is just designing good research and executing
it well. Thats the challenge. It is an easy challenge, but its easier to say
than to accomplish. For me there are just six or seven attributes of what
good research needs in order to make it into the top journals, and success-
ful papers usually demonstrate that. These are commonsensical things,
but they bear repeating because we often forget them. From my own

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102 In search of research excellence

experiences reviewing as well as editing, the observations I can make are:

successful papers are more than likely to have something novel to say
rather than just a repetition of well-trodden areas and that novelty is
either in the theory, the approach, the data, the methods, the empirical
context or in the conclusions. Successful papers provide a precise descrip-
tion of the research problem, and the literature to which they will contrib-
ute. Surprisingly, a lot of papers are not very clear on this. Authors are not
very clear about exactly who they want to contribute to (their audience),
or clear about the scholars in their community (their intellectual mentors).
This type of clarity may be achieved, not only by citing others work, but
also by synthesizing their ideas into that mainstream to which they are
intending to contribute.
Next, the literature review must be up-to-date and include papers from
the journal to which they are addressed (often we get papers where the
authors dont cite other papers in the journal). Why would the editor or
the reviewers be interested in that?
Next, the core arguments are supported with sound logic, contempo-
rary theory and are persuasive from a communications perspective. It
took me a long while to figure out that communicating your research is
very different from doing your research. A lot of younger scholars write
the papers as if they are doing the research (what they did and how they
did it). I think the two are very separate things, so pay attention to the
communications perspective. Paying attention to communication was
important for me.
Next, both the data and the data sources are of superior quality and
are robust. The methods are state of the art and very apropos. They have
interesting, non-obvious and non-trivial results. The results are checked
and rechecked from a variety of standpoints including reliability, validity
and robustness, or their equivalents (in the case of qualitative research).
Finally, they conclude clear, persuasive and satisfying implications for
theory, methods, future research and, occasionally, practice. This is just
basic stuff that we teach in introductory doctoral courses. We hear it every
day, but somehow when it comes to practice we dont do it that well; and
for that reason it is good to take on co-authors. For that reason, it is good
to do papers with others who have been there and done that.
Lastly, I would say that it is good to present papers in colloquiums and
forums, which allow you to sharpen your arguments and get the paper
ready for primetime.
Having said all of that, I will lastly say that successful papers have intan-
gible qualities that are difficult to reduce to a formula. Its useful to ask,
Whats the interesting angle here that an editor and three reviewers will
take a chance with this paper out of every 10 to 15 papers that they could

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 103

potentially publish? While it is one thing to get published in a leading

journal, its an entirely different matter to be taken seriously, cited often
and form the basis or foundation of other peoples work. For that, you
not only need a good paper and a good narrative, but great timing and a
lot of luck. I will not dwell on what makes for an influential paper thats
a topic for another day. But I think one of the reasons that the distinc-
tive domain paper and the AMR 2000 paper (Shane and Venkataraman,
2000) with Scott Shane became successful is because people found the
notion of entrepreneurial opportunity interesting and intriguing (although
there were many other ideas in these papers). Personally, I didnt think
the entrepreneurial opportunity idea was interesting at all, but that was
the one that was picked up by the field. There is no way I couldve pre-
dicted that, so, accordingly, in the rest of my talk I will attempt to extend,
develop and enrich this notion of entrepreneurial opportunity, and fulfill
the promise I made to Rich Dino that I will try and develop a theme or
two in this talk.
Although Im the one whos presenting on this topic, this could well
have been presented by Saras Sarasvathy or Nicholas Dew, two of my
collaborators and co-authors on this particular topic and effort. Im going
to call it Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity: Made as well
as found, concerning the theme of entrepreneurial opportunity being con-
ceptualized both as made and as well as found.1

[Authors note: At this point in the speech Professor Venkataraman sum-

marized portions from a forthcoming book with Dew and Sarasvathy,
which he has since further condensed for inclusion herein as follows.]

Venkataraman, Venkat [continuing]: Let me begin with an example from

our book. While working as a management consultant in Washington DC,
Jennifer Lovitt Riggs developed a blister while walking across a Pentagon
parking lot (in her beautiful high-heeled shoes) to a meeting with a top-
ranking defense official. Riggs started Nota Bene Shoe, a line of womens
dress shoes that combines smart design, high style, quality construction
and superior materials to create a distinctive shoe (one that is not only
beautiful, but also feels good enough to walk in all day). Riggs claims that
she never wanted to be an entrepreneur; she just wanted beautiful shoes
that were really comfortable. She could not find them on the market so she
decided to make them. In making the shoes of her dreams she also remade
herself into an entrepreneur.
This simple story contains several themes of particular interest to the
entrepreneurship researcher. These themes can be examined using either of
two lenses specifically, made and found. If you presume opportunities,

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104 In search of research excellence

products and markets exist in potentio in a universe of all possible ven-

tures, we would be led to organize the themes in a different way than if we
approach new ventures as made de novo through the actions of entrepre-
neurs and their stakeholders. A large portion of current research assumes
the former; although there are many cases where the created worldview is
coming into the literature. The overall approach is based on the assump-
tions in the two worldviews embodied in research questions such as the

Made questions:
What experiences, actions and reactions lead to the formation of
new opportunities, ventures and markets?
How does one act entrepreneurially?
What are the antecedents and consequences of acting entrepre-
How do entrepreneurial actions create new markets?

Found questions:
How do entrepreneurs recognize opportunities?
What traits and abilities distinguish effective opportunity recogni-
tion or successful entrepreneurs?
What necessary conditions lead to the discovery and successful
exploitation of opportunities?
What actions and reactions lead to the development of opportunities?
How does one act entrepreneurially?
What are the antecedents and consequences of such actions?
How does entrepreneurial action create new markets?

Now, in the rest of the talk I will highlight four concepts; four concepts
among many others that may be valuable in the development of the made
view of entrepreneurship. For each of these concepts, in keeping with the
objectives of this Exemplars Conference, I shall introduce an exemplar
paper or a book that could form the foundation for that concept. And
in keeping with my earlier theme that entrepreneurship scholars should
embed their work in the larger history of science and sciences (and that
entrepreneurship should inform the sciences), I am going to take four
exemplar papers from fields completely unrelated to entrepreneurship and
even to, perhaps, management. Those four concepts (which I refer to as
the building blocks of made) are: (1) studying entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurial opportunity as a science of the artificial: artifactual science;
(2) adding notions of inter-subjectivity to the usual notions of subjective
and objective ideas in entrepreneurship; (3) studying entrepreneurial

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 105

opportunity as a creative process in addition to a discovery process; and

(4) studying entrepreneurial opportunity as a transformative process other
than just a recombination process.

[Authors note: These four concepts were subsequently condensed for

inclusion in this volume as follows:]


1. Study entrepreneurship as a science of the artificial (Simon, 1988):

include the language and logic of design and fabrication given the
constraints of the natural world.
2. Include subjective, objective and inter-subjective knowledge (David-
sons three varieties of knowledge, 2001: 20520) in our theories and
facts about entrepreneurship.
3. Treat entrepreneurship as a creative process (Buchanan & Vanberg,
1991) rather than just a discovery process; and
4. Use language of a transformation process rather than just a recombi-
nation process (Goodman, 1978: 132).

Entrepreneurship as a Science of the Artificial

A science of the artificial studies objects and phenomena in which human

purpose as well as natural laws are embodied. So bringing in the human
purpose is very important. Therefore, an airplane would be a legitimate
object of interest to a science of the artificial, while a bird may not (unless
the bird serves a specific human purpose such as that of pigeons bred for
carrying messages). Note here that the interest, then, is in human artifacts;
and the key elements of this concept may be defined and developed as

Artifact: meeting point (interface) between the inner and the outer
New venture creation can be studied as a process of design and
Natural, economic, psychological and sociological laws become
constraints in the design and fabrication process.

Throughout The Sciences of the Artificial, Simon repeatedly emphasized

that natural laws constrain, but do not dictate, the fabrication of artifacts.
That is, it is possible to design artifacts. So we get this important idea of

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106 In search of research excellence

design. This suggests that a phenomenon, like new venture creation, can
be studied on its own beyond the sciences that govern the inner and outer
environment for which it forms the interface. In other words, if you factor
the founding of a firm into the motivation and psychological characteris-
tics of its founders on the one hand and the institutional cultural charac-
teristics of the society they live in on the other, we need not be limited to
psychology, sociology or economics to study it. We can study new venture
creation as a process of design that matches up psychology with sociology
or economics and even transform the relevant elements in each of these
This is a very different way of thinking about the field. It is possible, par-
ticularly in business schools, to construe entrepreneurship very narrowly.
I hope you will change that to think about entrepreneurship as studying
and building artificial things using natural and other social scientific laws
as constraints.

Three Varieties of Knowledge

Let me now turn to the second concept, the subjective, objective and inter-
subjective ideas that are together important for the made worldview.
The concept of opportunity in entrepreneurship research provides
fertile ground for the application of Davidsons thesis about the inex-
tricable tripod of subjective, inter-subjective and objective knowledge
that constitutes all of epistemology. Opportunity has become a central
construct of interest to entrepreneurship researchers. Recently there
have been numerous arguments in the literature about the nature of the
entrepreneurial opportunities: what they are, how to define them theo-
retically, how to operationalize and measure them empirically, and so
on. In particular, there are debates about whether they exist out there
in the objective sense or whether they are mere perceptions, subjective
phenomena, that are unobservable ex ante. There are also controversies
about whether opportunities can be created de novo or can only be dis-
covered or selected from the universe of all possible opportunities. For
me, an opportunity is an epistemological construct: a kind of knowledge
about the world. Its ontological status is irrelevant. For taking Davidson
(2001) seriously requires taking the existence of the world as given. I
therefore summarize my application of these three varieties of knowledge
as follows:

Subjective: I know (mostly) what I think, want and intend and what
my sensations are.
Objective: I know a lot about the world around me.

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 107

Inter-subjective: I know something about what goes on in other

peoples minds.
The three varieties of knowledge do not exist in isolation from each
other and are intertwined.
The nexus of the entrepreneur and the opportunity are intertwined
with the three varieties of knowledge.

So, even if you choose to conceptualize all opportunities as a meansend

framework for the achievement of given human purposes, and entrepre-
neurial opportunities as new meansends frameworks (as Shane in 2003,
and Shane and Venkataraman in 2000 do), the artifactual nature of the
entrepreneurial economy (along with the subjective, inter-subjective, and
objective tripod of epistemology, and the inherent creativity of market
processes) argue for an open-endedness. In other words, [gesticulating in
circling motion] the found-made, found-made, found-made circle just
keeps repeating itself.
A strong case for the last of these three claims is made by Buchanan and
Vanberg (1991). They located this open-endedness directly in entrepre-
neurial action, to which I turn next.

Entrepreneurship as a Creative Process

The third conceptual idea is that market is a creative process; and I use the
paper by Buchanan and Vanberg, 1991 as my exemplar. Buchanan and
Vanbergs worldview of entrepreneurship as a creative process is particu-
larly relevant for developing a made view of entrepreneurship because it
not only explicates a creative view of the market, but offers an important
critique of the discovery view of Kirzner (cf. Kirzner, 1973, 1979, 1985) that
informs so much of the current theorizing in entrepreneurship research.
Much of our recent conversation about entrepreneurial opportunities is
based on Kirzners ideas, which are inherently teleological. Buchanan and
Vanbergs criticism of Kirzner is anchored in the inherent unknowable-
ness of the future that in turn is rooted in a non-teleological perspective
on understanding the world. Their argument builds on Lachmanns thesis
(1977) that time and knowledge belong together; and that time cannot
pass without modifying knowledge. Accordingly, I suggest two com-
parisons between conceptualizations of discovery and of creation (From
Discovery to Creation I and From Discovery to Creation II).

[Authors note: The following are summaries of the actual text which is
forthcoming as previously noted.]

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108 In search of research excellence

From Discovery to Creation I

Discovery Creation
Emphasizes analytical Considers ecological
rationality rationality
Emphasizes more informed Includes fast and frugal
analysis heuristics
Searches for domain- Includes contingent factors
independent success factors
Looks for and finds biases Emphasizes judgment under
and errors uncertainty

From Discovery to Creation II

Discovery Creation
Preferences are given, well- Preferences are constructed
ordered and stable on the go
Preferences are clear and Preferences are ambiguous
widely shared and inchoate
Rent/profit is the best Rent/profit is a constraint in
dependent variable creating and distributing
distinctive value

So the found view, that is the teleological conception of the market

economy, suggests opportunities of markets and potential, and the job of
the entrepreneur is to find them. Entrepreneurship in this view is akin to
an Easter-egg hunt. The made view argues instead that when entrepre-
neurs make do with what is found in the world how they combine those
raw materials with their own abilities, aspirations and experiences it
creates opportunities that (when attested to, brought into and co-shaped
by others) can (under certain conditions of sufficiency) converge, coalesce
and come of age into markets. Entrepreneurship in this view is akin to
making a communal sculpture or painting a mural by a sufficiently large
group of stakeholders. How this making can and does and should happen,
who makes it happen, and the consequences of such happening ought to
form (in our opinion) the content of entrepreneurship research. In effect,
we could understand entrepreneurship as new worldmaking.

Language of Transformation Process

I will now elaborate on the final theme. That is using the language of trans-
formation rather than just the language of Schumpeterian recombination

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 109

to understand worldmaking. For my fourth concept and final concept, I

will use Nelson Goodmans (1978) idea of worldmaking as an exemplar.
In his book, Ways of Worldmaking, Nelson Goodman elaborates on the
transformative process for making new worlds that are more immediately
applicable to entrepreneurship research. Goodmans main argument is
very simple. I quote him: The many stuffs that worlds are made of are
made along with the worlds, but made of what? Not from nothing after all,
but from other worlds. Worldmaking, as we know it, always starts from
the world already on hand. The making is a remaking (1978: 6).
What we need to think about is this process of transforming existing
worlds into new ones. A combination is defined as follows: given as the
set of all possible unique limits, a combination is a subset of the element
of S. This definition implies a search-and-selection process that picks out
the relevant elements and combines them into new sets; but the new set is
always a subset of the larger set S that we began with. If transformation
and contrast is any variety of different operations, and it relies more on
geometry, transformation can increase the dimensionality of the original
space. Interaction and space are essential elements of transformation.
That is why the notion of transformative process might better capture the
application of Goodmans ideas to entrepreneurship than Schumpeters
ideas of combinations. Moreover, transformation allows us to go from the
realm of physical space and time into social space and history. Goodman
outlines five candidacies for worldmaking processes. This list is not meant
to be exhaustive or mutually exclusive, it is just meant to illustrate the
many different kinds of transformational operations that can help make
worlds. Let me briefly articulate these five possibilities for going beyond
new combinations to the language of transformations:

1. Composition and decomposition: Take the example of Starbucks.

Starbucks is not simply a collection of coffee shops. Composing the
venture of Starbucks consisted of a variety of transformative opera-
tions on peoples taste and habits, on sourcing coffee beans, on creat-
ing a unique identity and so on. This included decomposing the Italian
ambiance into its constitute parts, and distorting habits of beverage
consumption into a social aesthetic that could be woven into the
urban landscape in ways that have recomposed entire neighborhoods.
Worldmaking spotlights a richness and complexity of transforma-
tive as contrasted with clearer and simpler lines of combinatorial
2. Weighting: The Atkins diet, for example, transformed the diet market
and even markets for regular food products even on supermarket
shelves by overweighting proteins against carbohydrates.

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110 In search of research excellence

3. Ordering: In this example, The Body Shop essentially reordered (or

reprioritized) by emphasizing that no animal testing was undertaken
in the development of their products. It had nothing to do with
beauty. It had nothing to do with any of those other things that might
lift your spirits. By simply reordering the attribute of no animal
testing, they were able to create a whole new kind of market.
4. Deletion and supplementation: Henry Ford weeded out everything
that was not essential in order to come up with a cheap design of
automobiles, the Model T. The literature on the subject, however,
only emphasizes its creative recombination of technologies to create
the production line; but nobody talks about what he eliminated in any
systematic way.
5. Deformation: One could easily argue that the Hummer is a deformed
tank or a Jeep gone wild or that Taco Bell is deformed Mexican food
(not to mention the deletion of all flavor from its composition: I like
Mexican food, so I know what Im talking about).

An important assumption underlying these and other yet to be discovered

processes of worldmaking is the freedom to choose ones end as well as
ones courses of action. This freedom, however, is not arbitrary or uncon-
strained. There are self-imposed constraints, as well as those imposed by
physical and other social scientific laws, aspirations and endowment of
others; yet these constraints themselves are not deterministic. At any given
point in time, they provide stable boundaries within which human designs
work to make new worlds.
I will stop at this point and conclude with one final idea. What Ive pre-
sented today are broad outlines of suggestive ideas and how the notion of
entrepreneurial opportunity could be developed, extended and enriched;
but Ill emphasize that these ideas are very suggestive. In this regard, I
would like to close with another nugget I learned in the process of trying to
crack the top journals in our fields. I discovered the hard way that its very
difficult to publish suggestive papers in leading journals however inter-
esting or provocative they may be. Journals like specific papers with ideas
where the authors make specific commitments to arguments and points of
view that are empirically tractable. Further, these arguments have to be
internally consistent. It is ironic that the Foundational Research Award
was given to my Distinctive domain paper (Venkataraman, 1997), which
I personally like very much; but it is a very general and suggestive paper
that does not take a definite position on the various issues that it raises.
There is no way the Distinctive domain paper could have been pub-
lished in its original form in a leading peer-reviewed journal. However, its
derivative paper (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000) with Scott Shane, The

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 111

promise of entrepreneurship research was indeed published in 2000 in the

Academy of Management Review. But to do that, Scott and I had to sacri-
fice suggestiveness and pluralism for narrow arguments, with which I was
very uncomfortable but clearly did suit Scott very well. In other words, I
had to sacrifice richness and generality to gain specificity and tractability
in order to get published in a top journal. In the end, we should not forget
that publishing in top journals is necessary to be an accepted scholar of
standing, but the purpose of scholarship is not necessarily to publish in
top journals. Publishing in top journals is merely one means to achieve
broader and richer aim of scholarship. If I had to choose between the
Distinctive domain paper and the AMR paper, I would always choose
the Distinctive domain paper as the more interesting one. Thank you
very much.

Dino, Rich: Thank you, Venkat. Venkat will entertain questions.

Venkataraman, Venkat: I realize that I took more than my fair share of my

time, so I probably exceeded your patience; but I will take a few questions
if you have any.

Lumpkin, Tom: Please say more about your idea about combinations and
recombinations for the fertile field of research.

Venkataraman, Venkat: What I meant by that was we talk about com-

binations and recombinations. In Schumpeters original idea he talks
about five different ways in which new ideas can come to market and how
creative destruction can happen, and the resource-based view of the firm
brings forth this idea about combining resources (knowledge being recom-
binations of ideas, etc.). But we usually do not pay attention to the differ-
ent ways in which we can categorize combination. What is the language
of talking about combinations? We take combinations and recombination
as givens, and then go on to make other statements about outcomes of
that about the antecedents of that but we do not stop to specify exactly
the content of these combinations. So Im asking for a vocabulary. Im
asking for a dictionary and Im asking for relationships between different
ways we can talk about combinations. In other words: treating combina-
tions as a focus of research. If I could think immediately, I could give you
an example; but its not falling into my mind right now, which I think is
very valuable for entrepreneurship research especially (and I dare say) for
folks who are also interested in the resource-based view of the firm. There
may not be such research, to the best of my knowledge; I just want you to
always acknowledge that. Its not a fertile area as yet.

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112 In search of research excellence

Fiet, Jim: Yes, I was going to ask if there is a combination of time and
space and market action as a way of looking at this idea of combinations.

Venkataraman, Venkat: Thats not the way in which I was thinking about
combination. You could use time, space and market as a combination; but
I want to know, what are the different ways that you can talk about com-
binations of those three elements? In other words, whats the action of that
combination? Can that combination be spoken of in a variety of different
ways, and do those different varieties have different implications for how
time, space and market action combine in order to produce certain kinds
of outcomes? Do you see what I mean?

Bauer, Talya: I think, maybe to the uninitiated, someone might get the
impression that you have a negative view of publishing in top journals.
Can you highlight a few of what you think are the positive features of
papers that go through that process?

Venkataraman, Venkat: Im curious. Did I come across as being negative

at publication?

Bauer, Talya: Sometimes, yeah; but I think if youre published, as we all

are ...

Venkataraman, Venkat: Let me put it this way. Obviously the listeners

perception matters. If I gave the impression that there is a negative side, if
I appear to have a negative view of publishing in top journals (far from it),
its because theres more to complete the story. Thats an impression that I
do want to convey. Publishing in top journals is required and is a responsi-
bility of a good scholar. Having said that, what I would say is (in my own
case), the Distinctive domain paper would not have gotten as much pub-
licity and notoriety if not for the AMR paper. What a top journal does is it
gives the idea public view a public airing. It increases the scale of reach.
I think those are all the positive aspects of top journals. Submitting to a
top journal is a very disciplined rigorous process. It forces you to work on
your idea, to relate it to other ideas that have gone before, and to connect
and talk to a group of people with continuity. Its there in the archives of
the knowledge base; and for all of those reasons, I would highly encourage
everyone to attempt to publish in the top journals. Even if you dont get
in, just the process of trying to publish in the top journals is a very, very
worthwhile one. So please, do not get the idea that Im against publishing
in the top journals.

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 113

Barney, Jay: If you take the discovery and creation implication and push
that forward, how would that affect how we teach entrepreneurship?

Venkataraman, Venkat: If you take the discovery and creation perspec-

tive and push that forward, what are the implications and how would we
teach entrepreneurship in our classrooms? I think it matters a great deal.
It matters fundamentally to how we teach entrepreneurship. I think in the
discovery view, we teach entrepreneurship more as an intelligent search-
and-selection process; whereas in the created view and the made view we
would teach it as a worldmaking process. We would teach it as a design
process. You design your entrepreneurial opportunities, you design firms,
and you design and fabricate markets. We will use a different set of subject
matters. We would access different knowledge sources. We would provide
different kinds of exercises, experiments and classroom activities. In fact, I
think we would teach very, very differently. It would be a course designed
around teaching design and teaching design is very different from teach-
ing search and selection. It would emphasize creativity, it would emphasize
experimentation, it would emphasize failure, it would emphasize learning
from failure and a whole host of other things which I think matter a great
deal. Thats a very astute question and I think it has a lot of possibilities.
My personal view is that we are already there and we should evolve to that
next step. We have done the search-and-selection bit. I think that body of
work is well fleshed-out. We understand that very well. So the next fron-
tier for entrepreneurship research and the next level for entrepreneurship
research is (harking back to Ron Mitchells plea) to think about entrepre-
neurship as a design process.
The second thing I would say is the scientific method is a method
for designing a lot of things and solving a lot of problems in society.
Entrepreneurship is also a method for society to create new things and
solve a lot of problems. So the other thing that I would say in addition to
thinking about entrepreneurship as design is entrepreneurship as a method
for solving social problems, and realizing the promise of a lot of things
as well. So, teaching entrepreneurship as a method is also another way in
which we could extend the frontier of the field.

Lumpkin, Tom: A great deal of entrepreneurship research is from the

supply side: resources, aspirations and knowledge. What role does the
demand side play in entrepreneurship research?

Venkataraman, Venkat: My short answer to the question would be that

much of the entrepreneurship research is from the supply side resources,
aspirations, etc. Is there any role for the demand side in entrepreneurship

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114 In search of research excellence

research that is from a need or from the market or problem perspective?

My answer to that would be the same for either the demand or supply side.
We can study it. We can teach it as found or made. There are implica-
tions for accessing it or studying it from a found perspective, and there
are also implications for accessing it and studying it and/or teaching about
it or prescribing from a made perspective. I think we understand a lot
from the found perspective. I think its time that we moved a little more
towards the made perspective. Lets study design. Lets study need from
a design and from a method perspective. Thank you very much.


1. Please note that these ideas appear in a book to be published by Yale University Press in


Aldrich, H.E. and E. Auster (1986). Even dwarfs started small: liabilities of age
and size and their strategic implications. Research in Organizational Behavior,
8, 16598.
Buchanan, J.M. and V.J. Vanberg (1991). The market as a creative process.
Economics and Philosophy, 7, 16786.
Davidson, D. (2001). Three Varieties of Knowledge: Subjective, Intersubjective,
Objective. New York: Oxford University Press.
Davis, M. (1971). Thats interesting! Towards a phenomenology of sociology and
a sociology of phenomenology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1, 30944.
Goodman, N. (1978). Ways of Worldmaking. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing.
Kirzner, I.M. (1973). Competition and Entrepreneurship. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
Kirzner, I.M. (1979). Perception, Opportunity and Profit. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Kirzner, I.M. (1985). Discovery and the Capitalist Process. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
Lachmann, Ludwig M. (1977). Capital, Expectations, and Market Process. Kansas
City: Sheed, Andrews and McMeel.
Shane, S. (2003). A General Theory of Entrepreneurship: The Individual-Opportunity
Nexus. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
Shane, S. and S. Venkataraman (2000). The promise of entrepreneurship as a field
of research. Academy of Management Review, 25 (1), 21726.
Simon, H.A. (1988). The Sciences of the Artificial. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Singh, J.V., R.J. House and D.J. Tucker (1986). Organizational change and organ-
izational mortality. Administrative Science Quarterly, 31 (4), 587611.
Singh, J.V., D.J. Tucker and R.J. House (1986). Organizational legitimacy and the
liability of newness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 31 (2), 17193.

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunity 115

Venkataraman, S. (1997). The distinctive domain of entrepreneurship research.

In J. Katz (ed.), Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth.
Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, vol. 3, pp. 11938.
Venkataraman, S., A.H. Van de Ven, D. Polley and R. Garud (1989). Process of
new business creations in different organizational settings. In A.H. Van de Ven,
H. Angle and M. Scott-Poole (eds), Research on the Management of Innovation.
New York: Harper and Row, pp. 22197.

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8. Emerging themes in
entrepreneurship research: Editors
Keynote 2010
Keynote editors: Candida (Candy) Brush,
Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Dean A.
Shepherd, Mike Wright*
Moderator: Ronald K. Mitchell
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

[Authors note: Emerging themes were discussed at the 2010

Entrepreneurship Exemplars Conference held at the University of
Connecticut School of Business, May 2022, 2010]

Dino, Rich: We are moving now into our second roundtable discussion
around emerging themes and this is with a number of folks from various
journals, in their role as editor or past journal editor. So Ill turn it over to
my colleague, Ron Mitchell.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you very much, Rich. Its been a very helpful time
for us to move from enduring through enabling to engaging themes,
and now were in this zone of considering emergence.1
In some sense, we are in the classic skill-creation model: learn, look, do.
So in the emerging themes sessions, we set the stage to move from learn-
ing and looking to the doing. In the next two sessions, we will do this
from two vantage points: the first we could say is more macro, the second
more micro. This is the emerging theme [keynote] roundtable with journal
editors. We have Mike Wright representing the Journal of Management
Studies (JMS); Duane Ireland, Academy of Management Journal (AMJ);
Candy Brush, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (ET&P); Mike Hitt,

* Candida Brush, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice; Michael A. Hitt, Strategic

Entrepreneurship Journal; R. Duane Ireland, Academy of Management Journal; Dean A.
Shepherd, Journal of Business Venturing; Mike Wright, Journal of Management Studies.


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Emerging themes in entrepreneurship research 117

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ); and Dean Shepherd, Journal of

Business Venturing (JBV). Thank you very much for your willingness to
join us on this panel.
The idea here is that, based upon the vantage point that comes from
those who see manuscript flow, you can get a sense for how a field is devel-
oping. I know those of us who have, on occasion, served as program chair
for a conference see all the papers that are submitted. There is an ebb and
a flow of topics; but over the years you see more ebb in one thing or more
flow in another. And that would be the basis of the first question that I
would like to open with today. From your perspective as an editor, what
themes have ebbed and flowed over the years? Mike, if I could just throw
the ball to you first. You have seen this now from multiple vantage points
Im not going to go into the ...

Hitt, Mike: Does this have to do with age?

Shepherd, Dean: This is the elderly panel.

Hitt, Mike: This is the epic.

Mitchell, Ron: I almost walked into the same trap that somebody walked
into last year, but Im hoping I didnt go that far. Anyway, Id like to throw
the ball to you and ask, from your perspective, please give us a sense for
the research in entrepreneurship the themes that have ebbed and flowed.

Hitt, Mike: Well there are a number of different ones that you could prob-
ably talk about. I will start with one. If you look at some of the early work
in entrepreneurship, at least what I read, there is a lot of work initially or
early on about the characteristics of entrepreneurs. What does it take to
be an entrepreneur? What does it take to be successful? Again, character-
istics of an entrepreneur. And in fact, there was quite a bit of research on
this, but I think when we got to the end of it, it didnt produce a lot (from
talking to my colleagues in entrepreneurship and from what I have read).
Now let me take it another way, though. I think today that questions
have evolved into a lot more effective and richer research in probably a
variety of ways; but Ill just mention one without trying to go into great
depth. Today, I see a lot of research on using theoretical domains and,
actually, other kinds of methodologies, using knowledge from other fields
in psychology, organizational behavior, etc. This is not researchers from
other fields doing work in our area, but were using it. Im talking about
entrepreneurship researchers doing work in entrepreneurial cognition.
And in other areas, you can see this moving in other ways. I think (for

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118 In search of research excellence

example) self-efficacy of entrepreneurs; and I think that this is richer in

helping us better understand entrepreneurs, and who they are, and what
they do or what helps them do things better (that lead to successful out-
comes). So I again use that as one example.

Mitchell, Ron: So would it be fair to characterize this observation we are

using a particular case, the characteristics case that for a while there was
a flow and then there was an ebb; but when it comes back, the flow that we
are seeing now is richer because the science, the capability, and the training
of the people who are engaged has actually been able to pick up the flow
that petered out and add new energy to it, etc? Am I overstating that?

Hitt, Mike: No, actually I think that you probably captured it fairly well in
terms of what has happened. Its probably true in a lot of other fields. You
can see it in other fields when theyre younger in their development (some
of the early research that is being done) and then you see it come on. The
people that are doing it today are better trained and/or broader in terms of
bringing in the richness that we see in methodologies, as well as theoreti-
cal domains. That doesnt mean its not being developed also within the
field of entrepreneurship. So Im not trying to suggest that it is all being
imported, although some is and some is being developed internally as well.
In fact I think it is being exported out as well.

Mitchell, Ron: I remember the Academy session that I was in, and it has
been a few years, when this re-emergence of the characteristics look at
the field came about in the session for many of us who had considered
that the ebbing was pretty much permanent. This re-emergence of the
characteristics views came about. I watched everybody sit up and bristle
for a few minutes because we get invested in the way that we framed the
research in our field; and so one bigger idea thats coming out of this last
little exchange is that emerging themes dont have to be brand new. They
can be added to and improved upon, based upon the skill sets, the perspec-
tives, the importing and the exporting that goes on. Dean, let me throw
this ebb-and-flow question to you next, if you would.

Shepherd, Dean: I think its an interesting point. I agree with everything

that Mike said, but I also see it from a slightly different perspective in what
I think or as discussed in Venkats 1997 foundational paper [on The
distinctive domain of entrepreneurship research] I think he said it very
eloquently when he said Theres a lot of water thats gone under the rela-
tive performance bridge. And I think what we might have done is started
on entrepreneurship; we started with the traits and the characteristics, and

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Emerging themes in entrepreneurship research 119

that was the story that Mike told. But I think we also started with a lot of
strategy researchers and we were just looking at relative performance. And
while we still look at relative performance, and while relative performance
is still an important dependent variable, I think people have been very
clever in thinking about new dependent variables (more proximal depend-
ent variables); dependent variables that are more interesting or more
related to the entrepreneurship questions that are important to the field.
So I think thats been an ebb and a flow there as well.

Mitchell, Ron: If I could just follow up? I realize it is kind of putting you
on the spot, but new dependent variables such as ...?

Shepherd, Dean: I think the work that Duane has been doing. Strategic
entrepreneurship is a classic case there. I think we were looking at relative
performance. In some ways we were doing strategy-related research, but
we have been able to do work in the area of strategic entrepreneurship,
which is important. Jeff Covins work, of course, all of his history of work
in corporate venturing, corporate entrepreneurship, those particular areas.
I think youre looking at product innovations and their creations, specifi-
cally, ventures. Mike [Wright]s work on spinouts all of these areas have
importance, rather than just having a default position of relative perform-
ance; we are talking about these other more interesting (or I think are most
interesting) variables depending on the questions that are being asked.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks. That has helped me to clarify that. Now Ill turn
next to Candy. Ebb, flow in your experience?

Brush, Candy: I actually went back and looked at the last three years of
submissions to ET&P because I was curious to see what that looked like.
Now, ET&P is a little different because we have several special issues
and so the special issues have focused on family cognition, international
aspects, women, entrepreneurial cognition, governance and several topics.
So, leaving those special issues aside and looking at the refereed journal
issues, I have developed a couple of observations. I agree with what Mike
and Dean just said in terms of the re-emergence of looking at individuals
differently. But one of my observations is what the unit of analysis tends
to be. Weve moved from looking at just individuals to now really taking
a careful look at the firm. Id say about 50 percent of the studies that we
receive use the firm as the unit of analysis. Now I am not saying that is
a bad thing, but its an interesting difference in our focus from the early
1990s when we really were focused on the individual. The idea of other
kinds of units of analysis is intriguing.

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120 In search of research excellence

Now to answer your question more specifically, things like franchising;

we used to see lots of research on franchising and we arent seeing as much
of that. I think of it as seedlings, saplings and evergreens because there
are certain themes that are continuous that we often see (like corporate
venturing, for example). We continue to see good work on corporate
venturing, or corporate innovation, new venture start-up; some of those
topics. And then the saplings might be the growing areas and areas that
are merging, and then the new areas would be the seedlings. And I didnt
fully answer all of those because I would like my colleagues to be able to
jump in.

Mitchell, Ron: Perhaps a little bit of structure when we talk about

emerging. You know, emergence does (as we started to say) come from
older growth. And it comes from new growth. And maybe we are in a
growth metaphor we will see. Now you probably noticed this (looking
at the panelists sitting here), that we have representation from three
specialty journals the JBV, SEJ, and ET&P but we also have rep-
resentation from the more general management journals: the Academy
of Management Journal and the Journal of Management Studies. So as
we look at the ebbing and flowing of entrepreneurship research, we are
going to see it through the lenses of those who have watched it in the
more general context. Duane, if we could ask for your thoughts on that
next ...

Ireland, Duane: Yes, and certainly as Ron has said, as we know, AMJ is a
journal that many would call a big-tent journal. It has a very broad domain,
so entrepreneurship is one of many domains in which the journal has an
interest to publish research. But as Ive thought of this, I think consistent
with what Dean (and really Candy and Mike, too) have said, I think AMJ
historically received a great deal of what I would view as content-oriented
entrepreneurship research. That would be basically the strategy-related
dependent variable work that Dean spoke to quite eloquently.
I think now we are receiving more process-oriented entrepreneurship
research. I recall a paper that came to us that dealt with passion and the
effect of passion on entrepreneurial processes. We have a paper that was
published in (I believe its in either the April or the June 2009 issue of)
AMJ; its qualitative work but it basically deals with the issue of trust
as it is played out in entrepreneurial ventures that are acquiring other
firms. So again, a process-oriented set of issues instead of strict relative
performance kinds of issues. So I think for AMJ we are seeing more
process-oriented work in the entrepreneurship domain rather than strictly
outcome dependent-variable oriented work.

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Emerging themes in entrepreneurship research 121

Mitchell, Ron: I recall (its probably a year or three ago) that you did a bit
of a summary about the proportion of entrepreneurship research in AMJ.
I dont remember, Duane, if it was manuscript flow or if it was actual
published papers.

Ireland, Duane: It was publications.

Mitchell, Ron: Publications. Just for the audience, what ...?

Ireland, Duane: What Ron is addressing is a From the editors column

that was in AMJ in 2007; and basically what we did was to very simply
count the number of publications that AMJ has published that have been
in the entrepreneurship space. That is increasing. That is on the rise. I
cannot give you exact numbers, but I did notice a couple of days ago
(earlier this week I was looking through a couple of issues of AMJ) and
in the April 2009 issue we published one entrepreneurship paper. In the
June 2009, we published three excuse me, two. So a total of three entre-
preneurship papers in those two issues and those were consecutive issues
for us. So clearly AMJ is very interested in entrepreneurship research and
I believe it is being very well received.
And as a big-tent journal, and Mike may speak to this as well, this issue
surfaces; every domain thinks it should have an equivalent percentage of
the publications in the journal (and there are about 25 interest groups and
divisions in the Academy of Management). And so there are 25 product
champions who basically feel that there is 1/25th of the space that they
should receive. I dont mean that critically at all. It is just that it is a very
broad domain that we call management, and every part of the domain has
a very legitimate interest in being represented in terms of scholarly publi-
cations. I think, clearly within the last couple of years, if not the last ten
years or so, the number of papers published in AMJ on entrepreneurship
continues to increase.

Mitchell, Ron: There is an underlying driver that editors, it seems to me,

have to deal with and that is you really cant publish whats not submit-
ted. And so it is like, 1/25th isnt real estate thats divided by a legislative or
executive mandate. It really has to do with an ebb and flow that happens
from the community at large. If the flow increases in a particular area, then
the editorial group simply responds to that. Obviously there are journal
standards, and if the flow is below par, then, of course, it is not going to
have an impact in terms of what is published. But assuming (as we were
alluding to) that the capability sets that have been coming into entrepre-
neurship and the questions and the approaches have been richer, then you

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122 In search of research excellence

can see that the consequence might be actually in the publication. So I was
asking about proportion, not in terms of equity theory, but in terms of ...
really I was hoping to get to manuscript flow. So I realize you didnt actu-
ally count that up. Do you have anything anecdotal from which you could
give us a feel for manuscript flow?

Ireland, Duane: Sure. And very well stated, Ron. Excellent points. I dont
have the exact numbers. We receive a large number of papers in total.
My sense clearly is that the number of entrepreneurship manuscripts
we receive is increasing. There is no question about that. I think very
definitely that the quality of the papers we receive from entrepreneurship
scholars is clearly increasing as well. I think importantly that entrepre-
neurship is a sort that is very carefully evaluated when a team chooses
associate editors for AMJ and certainly for choosing board members.
There is a very specific discussion that is held that we are receiving a great
deal of entrepreneurship research or an increasing amount and increasing
quality in entrepreneurship; and therefore, we need to have the capability
to evaluate that fairly and appropriately.

Shepherd, Dean: Can I just make a point about your question? I just want
to try and ... I have had a change in mindset, and I think you would prob-
ably reflect on this as well. Rather than call us specialty entrepreneurship
journals and call them general management journals, maybe it should
be the other way around. Maybe we should be general entrepreneurship
journals and, they, specialty management journals. Because, given what
you have done with these Exemplar Conferences, and were saying that
we are going to sociology, we are going to IS (information systems), were
going to other departments within business schools, we are going to other
schools that arent even in the business school. Isnt entrepreneurship
broader than that? So in some ways I mean, I think we started off as
these niche journals; but I would like to try and think of us as more than a
specialty entrepreneurship journal.

Mitchell, Ron: Two points: one standing corrected is good TV, and thank
you. The second thing is that we need to follow up. So Mike [Wright]
apologies. Im going to come back to this point about manuscript flow
after we develop Deans point for just a second because Ive written down
a question about the tent this big-tent idea and I was actually going
to ask you what were doing to expand the tent within entrepreneurship,
given the new juxtapositions of big-tent entrepreneurship journals.

Shepherd, Dean: I think weve been thinking about saying this for a long
time, but we use multi-disciplinary, multi-contextual, multi-functional

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Emerging themes in entrepreneurship research 123

aspects of entrepreneurship to study entrepreneurial phenomena. I think

we have always said that, but weve always seen ourselves as a subset of
management, for example. Primarily focused there or maybe a subset of
economics. But really, as this Exemplar Conference has shown over the
last two years, we can branch out. We can bridge to sociology, to psychol-
ogy, to marketing, to finance to accounting and to information systems,
as weve seen earlier. So if we think about what were interested in study-
ing regarding the entrepreneurial phenomena, we can do it from different
theoretical perspectives, different disciplines (such as the international
context, the social context or the sustainable context). Weve become
a general entrepreneurship journal. So weve just become broader and
broader. The unifying theme obviously is that we study entrepreneurship.

Mitchell, Ron: So when I throw the ball to you, Mike [Wright], Im going
to change the nature of the question just because the discussion is moving
along. Dean just re-characterized, for the benefit of all, specialty versus
general. How does that hit you?

Wright, Mike: From JMSs point of view, I think we would see ourselves
as a general management journal, and I think the specialty issue comes
as to how big the big tent is perceived. Partly, that has to do with some
of the editorial signals that are sent out. I think until I took over (its one
of the reasons I was asked to be editor of JMS was to bring back lots
more of the entrepreneurship work), it had been perceived that we were
less welcoming to entrepreneurship work because there had been certain
directions over the previous five to ten years. Whereas if you go back to
the early 1970s, even with JMS, there was quite a lot of entrepreneurship-
type work, and some members of this panel have published, and Jeff
Covin in the audience have published, that kind of work in JMS. So I
think part of our remake was actually to bring back, or make the tent
bigger: to make us more general and not just focusing on a particular
subset of general management that happened to reflect a certain set of

Mitchell, Ron: Now you raise a point thats sort of buried in the general,
which is editorial direction has an influence on the ebb and the flow. To
what extent do you think its a strong influence or a weaker influence?

Hitt, Mike: I guess Ill jump into that. I think it has some impact on it,
yes, because these are the outlets where you publish your work. And if
you are encouraged to do this, if you invite and you are encouraging, you
are more likely to receive manuscript flow than you are without such an

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124 In search of research excellence

invitation. And its likely to encourage younger scholars, I suspect, to

move in certain directions one or the other. On the other hand, where
you are at any given time, whatever were working on, were going to then
look for outlets. I think thats what we are going to do. So in some ways it
will maybe encourage research over time, but it also will mean that those
of us that have streams of research all of us have that were working
on, then we are going to look for outlets where we think our work will be
the best placed. Certainly visible, but also be receptive to the work were
doing. So I see both; it encourages and invites, but it may be where people
place it. But the other side, I think it has at least indirect (if not sometimes
direct) influence on the directions of certain research streams.

Mitchell, Ron: Im hearing agreement going on here.

Shepherd, Dean: Well, I think its incredibly important. I think if we look

at SEJ, it has had such a fantastic launch because Mike Hitt was the
editor. There is no doubt about that. I think the systems that Duane has
at AMJ run so efficiently. So I think about what Id like to do at JBV. In
many ways I try to emulate the professionalism and things that AMJ has
and has done. When I write decision letters, I try and write letters like
Mike [Hitt]. But also, Ive seen the signals of what we were talking about
before: becoming more general. Ive tried to create new field editors, and
associate editors that are experts in their particular areas. So, before, we
used to try and choose people who would be more eclectic and could take
on manuscripts from different areas; now we just have a whole series of
specialists that speak to those different audiences. So thats the signal that
I was trying to send by selecting those particular field editors.

Mitchell, Ron: So we got an M-form versus U-form journal policy thing

going on for all of us strategy-trained folks. Candy, you had a point?

Brush, Candy: Yes, I want to build on expanding the tent; and Dean sort
of got at this with reviewers in different areas. I think thats something
that I believe we are doing (and probably the other journals are doing as
well) is expanding the reviewer pool both with ad hoc reviewers as well as
those on the board who have different specialty areas, whether it is from
another management discipline like information systems or operations
management but also from other disciplines. And so, I know that and
that really helps to effectively examine papers from different perspectives
as well. Because if you have a qualitative study, it might be nice to have
an anthropologist review that, as well as someone else whos from the
management discipline. So expanding the reviewer pool and those on the

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editorial review board with two different disciplines helps to expand the
tent somewhat.

Mitchell, Ron: Duane, please.

Ireland, Duane: I agree with everything that has been said and I think,
editorially, one can have an influence both in terms of content and process.
With AMJ, I think the journal tries to influence content in two ways: the
first is through the special research forums, which actually Mike Hitt
established as an innovation (a brilliant innovation, I think) for AMJ.
Through those special research forums, there is an attempt to say, This
is an area of interest in which we think the field of management, generally
defined, can grow and develop if we receive a set of high-quality papers
with respect to this particular topic. So the special research forums are a
very significant content influence.
For AMJ, the other content influence is the From the editors (FTEs)
columns, and we do have the FTEs appear in every issue. They are really
designed to do two things: (1) content and (2) process. One, with respect
to content (an example of that): a couple of issues ago Jason Colquitt,
who is the incoming AMJ editor, wrote a column about lab experiments
at AMJ (publishing lab experiments at AMJ) because we are open to all
methodologies, lab experiments being one. So Jason said, basically, Here
is what a lab study would need to be, what it would need to look like to
be successfully received at AMJ. Dov Eden a couple of years ago wrote a
From the editors column about meta-analysis and how they need to be
prepared to be successfully received by AMJ. So the From the editors
columns do quite a bit in terms of content, but they also speak to process.
For example, Jason Colquitt and I wrote one a couple of issues back that
deals with the review form: what the form actually looks like, what the
descriptors are and how those descriptors are used to evaluate papers. The
April issue that just came out contains the results of a board survey. Dave
Ketchen and I wrote that from the editors entry. It basically publishes the
results of a survey of the AMJ editorial review board who were asked how
the board feels about different kinds of aspects of the journals operations
and the kind of work it is publishing.
So we do quite a bit (editorially) to signal content through those media
and discuss process. I think everyone on this panel is very committed to
process that has due justice associated with it a process that is appropri-
ate, that is fair and that is reasonable. I think editorial influence can be felt
in that respect. It can also be felt in terms of how we go about (as Candy
was saying) selecting ad hoc reviewers, bringing people onto the board and
interacting with authors. In terms of the latter, we want to make certain,

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126 In search of research excellence

that even if the answer is no, the author feels that he or she has been
given appropriate treatment and a rigorous, yet fair, judgment of his or
her work, among other things. So, I think we can influence both editorial
process and editorial content.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. Mikes going to pick right up here.

Wright, Mike: Id like to pick up on the special issue side of it, because at
JMS we have regular special issues twice a year. We have had certain ones
in the entrepreneurship area Jay [Barney] and Sharon [Alvarez] did one
on entrepreneurial theory of the firm; we had a family firm one that just
came up; Jeff Covin is doing one on new developments in entrepreneur-
ship these are the main ones. One of the points we try to make with
these special issues is a two-way process of signaling to entrepreneurship
scholars, Hey, here are the new developing themes that are coming out
from general management, but also to our general management audi-
ence, Here are some entrepreneurial themes that provide opportunity for
research that we have been looking at in general management for quite
some time.

Mitchell, Ron: This gives us a way to tie this all together. This ebb/flow
process is not one that is deterministic and somehow not reflective of who
we are. It is intensely social and it has to do with signaling and responding
and actually is a growing and living social I dont want to say organism
but, certainly, phenomenon in which we all participate.
Now Im going to change the focus just a little bit because in just a few
minutes, what we would like to do is invite our colleagues here and those
from around the world to engage. The thing I have noticed in my career
is that the sessions (at whatever conference we attend) which have the
editors of the journal show up have standing-room only. The question
is why? Well it turns out that theres a difference in perspective between
authors and editors, and Im just going to characterize this (although we
may stand corrected once again). But the characterization (as I enter into
a conversation with editors) is that the editors see themselves as inviters.
Journals have an appetite. You just have to have the manuscript flow and
you need the good manuscript flow or you cant publish good articles. You
need great manuscript flow to have great publications. So the editors are
thinking, What can I bring to the readers of this journal that helps me to
accomplish the editorial mission that Im charged with enacting?
Of course, from the authors side, we think of the editors differently.
Because of the tenure process and all those things that go in, we think of
the gatekeeping function. So the reason why we show up and pack it in at

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conference sessions when the editors are there is because we want to know
whats going to be on the exam. We want to know how it is we can craft
and shape our work so that we can get it through the gatekeepers. We just
dont want to screw up because it is too important. So in that sense we have
a tension. I dont know that its a complete tension, but it is this inviters vs
gatekeepers kind of thing. And as we go into the discussion with the larger
audience, the question that Id like to begin this discussion with is just a
side comment that you may have heard Candy say. I dont know if were
going to get to opportunities, but thats really the question. What trends
are growing, in your view, in both quantity and importance? Just a brief
one- or two-liner, if you could, and well start back with you, Mike Wright.
Trends that are growing, and you dont need to cover all of them.

Wright, Mike: I think a big trend is very much in the process side of it; and
better work in the process side (in the sense that weve always had process
work at JMS, but a lot of it is has not been great quality). I think what we
have seen in recent years is much, much better qualitative work looking
at these processes. Thats included more longitudinal studies and other
things. And its also relating back to different types of entrepreneurial
context. Not just small firms per se, which was always a long-held tradition,
but actually more entrepreneurial firms, and entrepreneurial firms from
different contexts whether its work on spinoffs or a lot of work on family
firms. Theres a big explosion, I think, in work that is becoming more theo-
retically and empirically rigorous compared to being very descriptive. And
a lot of work on venture capital. Those are the things Ive seen recently.

Mitchell, Ron: Okay. A one- or two-liner on opportunities?

Ireland, Duane: I know we are receiving more and, I think, interesting

qualitative entrepreneurship work. This work, perhaps not surprisingly,
tends to involve at least (if not is conducted by) more senior scholars; but
we are receiving a larger number of papers that are qualitatively based
methods that deal with entrepreneurship topics. I think thats really fasci-
nating because, as we know that with qualitative work, sometimes with the
methods, we really have opportunities to dig very deeply into phenomena
that are of interest to the scholar. And I think it is really exciting to see this
work coming to us. So to me thats a major trend.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. Opportunities Candy?

Brush, Candy: Well, Ill tell you what we are seeing. We are seeing a rise
in social entrepreneurship and environmental entrepreneurship, both

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128 In search of research excellence

theoretically and empirically. We have had a couple of papers on failure

. . . To that point theres, I think, an opportunity to explore that from
different perspectives and that gets back to the process that Mike was
talking about, because theres a dynamism in the early stages of the
process of development of a new venture where you have restarts or you
have mergers at very early stages. So studying some of that dynamism of
that process is an opportunity.

Mitchell, Ron: So this is one of these moments where the ebb and the flow
actually happen. As a researcher (certainly not as an editor, but as an
author), this analysis of failure and what the hecks happening, is some-
thing that has been interesting in my career for years and I just couldnt
get a hearing at the journals. So you might be seeing a manuscript. Mike,

Hitt, Mike: Well, Ill try to build on and not try to just imitate what they
said. I agree with all the things theyve said. Ill build on the things I have
heard here, in fact, as well as things weve seen at our journal. Ill use an
acronym that Im not the author of. It was authored in a group earlier this
week of ICE-T innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship (that would
encapsulate all the things here) and technology. And weve heard some,
and even in the last session of some of this, on innovation and creativity
and how it relates to entrepreneurship. In fact, I see entrepreneurship as
partly a global construct that in some ways encapsulates all this. Although
a lot of this work has been done in silos outside of an entrepreneurship
theme. But I think it is now being integrated much more into an entrepre-
neurial focus, which I think is making it much richer. I think the integra-
tion has much potential.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks, Mike. Dean, weve put you in the hardest position.

Shepherd, Dean: I agree with everybody else. In terms of social and sus-
tainable, my thoughts or what interests me is consistent with [those who
discuss] the potential downsides (or the dark side) of entrepreneurship. I
think thats an opportunity. Its not a lot weve seen.

Mitchell, Ron: So in a prior session, Anne Miner said that the dark side of
entrepreneurship is an area that is ...

Shepherd, Dean: Ive had an interest for a while in that area, but it was
interesting to hear Anne talk about it as well. So we kind of have a consist-
ent approach there.

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Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. So, if I am out there with my notepad well,
Im actually here with my notepad and Ive written down all the places
where the opportunities are happening. Just in case you didnt have your
notepad, they include: process work, different context, qualitative entre-
preneurship, social, sustainable, environmental entrepreneurship, ICE-T
(which is innovation, creativity entrepreneurship, plus technology) ... Did
I get that right? The dark side of entrepreneurship, the failures, etc. Thats
where we are. Lets go to the web. Tom?

Lumpkin, Tom: Theres a question that nicely extends that question you
just asked. Could the panel attempt to predict the themes that are not nec-
essarily emerging now, but may emerge in the future or they hope will
emerge but havent seen?

Mitchell, Ron: So this is either hunch or hope, right? Okay. Either one
hunch or hope.

Ireland, Duane: Well, consistent really with much of what we have talked
about (and certainly Sharon [Alvarez] and Jay [Barney] were talking
about), I think entrepreneurship in informal economies is a fascinating
domain. Anne Miner spoke about this. Weve heard bits and pieces about
this across multiple discussion points and across multiple meetings here,
and throughout multiple meetings elsewhere. I think its a very, very rich
and fertile area for us as entrepreneurship scholars. And I dont know
that the data are correct, and this is from a Wall Street Journal article,
but I read it not too long ago and it suggested that in the country of India,
about 83 percent of the GDP is accounted for by the informal economy.
I dont know if that is correct or not. Maybe its 40 percent; perhaps its
53.5 percent, who knows. But if its any percentage of any magnitude, to
me it just suggests an incredibly fertile domain for us as entrepreneurship
scholars in terms of how do entrepreneurial ventures start in informal
economies, why did they start, how did they succeed if they do succeed
and what do we measure as success (which Jay Barney was talking about
earlier today). I think this is a very fascinating domain and I think we will
see quite a bit of work surfacing in this area.

Mitchell, Ron: Hunch or hope?

Brush, Candy: I was going to agree with what Duane said but Ill extend
it just a bit; and that gets to the notion of looking at things like coopera-
tives as a unit of analysis or how teams form. And also even what Jay
Barney and Sharon Alvarez are doing in the ecosystem area: how does

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130 In search of research excellence

a community develop entrepreneurship ecosystems that really loop back

and develop not only the individuals but the economy of that area?
And understanding best practices, it picks back up on what Anne Miner
was saying as well. So not so much as an intervention but more as an
understanding of whats working, why is it working, and what are the

Mitchell, Ron: I have a colleague, Anna Maria Paredo, who did her dis-
sertation hiking the spine of the Andes, going through these communities,
figuring out whats going on. I know Jay and Sharon have done this, this
whole notion of community entrepreneurship is what you are thinking
about there. Others hunch or hope?

Hitt, Mike: Ill just start because Ill build on that one. What I would
call (or, not what I call, what others call) public entrepreneurship, which
includes that. It does include things that Jay and Sharon have done, and
others, but Nina McGahan is doing work in this area. I think theres just a
lot of opportunities for the kind of research that could be done in this area
and is probably starting, but just at the infant stage.

Wright, Mike: Can I build on that one more leg? I think theres an issue
of, in a lot of these cases, where the entrepreneur is coming from, because
youve got a deficit of entrepreneurship. I think that raises issues about
whether there is some kind of transnational flow of entrepreneurship,
whether its entrepreneurship through an agency that is coming in that we
have heard about early on. That kind of process, not as an infrastructure,
but an agency of an individual kind could possibly be turning out entre-
preneurs in some environments. That kind of process, I think, is a way of
trying to kick-start entrepreneurship in this context. We dont really know
enough about that at the present.

Shepherd, Dean: I suppose the only additional thing I would hope for is
some more advancements in methods. I think we are using more and more
innovative methods, and these new methods may open up interesting
theoretical research questions or help us address questions that are already
being asked. So informal economies presents a whole lot of interesting
research-methods challenges. We are seeing some more innovations in
those areas. Just hope they keep going.

Mitchell, Ron: So, as we answered the hunch or hope question, mainly we

got hunch. Im going to follow up on hope in just a minute, but Barbara
Bird has a comment here from the audience in Storrs.

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Bird, Barbara: I have a question for the panel. I am also an editor and I see
numerous sample issues. I get a lot of papers using student samples. I think
that in our global audience, this might be of interest to many people out
there. I would like to hear from the editors what makes for a really good
publishable study using student samples?

Mitchell, Ron: Yeah, the student sample issue.

Shepherd, Dean: Whats interesting is I submitted a paper with a student

sample and Barbara was the editor and she accepted it.

Brush, Candy: Ill comment on that. I think actually on the positive side,
a student sample is most appropriate if you are studying something like
pedagogies or tools or skills that students are learning in some sort of
experimental design. And, actually, we probably dont have enough of
those kinds of papers. Is what were teaching in class really working in
some way and are students learning entrepreneurial thinking or are they
learning methods and skills? So, a student sample would be most appro-
priate in that case, assuming that you follow all the rigorous methodolo-
gies of experimental design.

Shepherd, Dean: So the paper that we did wasnt one of those. I think
weve got a good case of saying but I agree with you.

Mitchell, Ron: Letting Barbara off the hook. So tell us just a little bit about

Shepherd, Dean: I think thats the most obvious use of students if youre
using students to generalize to students. But I suppose the question
becomes: if you are using a study (and you generalize it to entrepreneurial
phenomena or more broadly), I think if the unit of analysis is the entre-
preneur and you want to generalize to entrepreneurship students it is not
appropriate. But if its to say, Hey, theres an entrepreneurship context
and this entrepreneurship context leads people (students are people), to
come up with certain decisions or have certain approaches or have certain
reactions, then I think you can make the case that what Im actually
studying is the context. Whether its an actual entrepreneur, an ace entre-
preneur or a complete novice may not make a difference. Obviously, you
need to be able to make that case, and not everyone is going to buy it.

Brush, Candy: You could make the case, and I think you probably did; but
I havent read your paper, that the educational institution is the context.

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132 In search of research excellence

And if you are teaching entrepreneurship and they are learning entrepre-
neurial skills is that how youve ...

Shepherd, Dean: We might define the entrepreneurial context in terms of

extreme emotional pressure, or time pressure, or considerable uncertainty,
or anything like that. So if you can, create an entrepreneurial context
where you are manipulating the variables to see how peoples decision-
making or emotions or reactions change as a result of those contexts.

Mitchell, Ron: So, everyone, for our limitation sections, students are
people, is one of the things we can say. Tom, another question from the web?

Lumpkin, Tom: Yes. A methods question that builds on Deans methods

comments. Directed to Candy, but I think anybody on the panel could
answer it. Are entrepreneurship theories inherently multi-level; that is,
simultaneously treating individual and firm, and hence it can only be truly
investigated with multi-level methodologies?

Brush, Candy: Oh, man!

Mitchell, Ron: Well all help out with this one.

Brush, Candy: I guess it depends on which theory youre talking about

(and first of all thats a obvious comment). I guess you could say they
could be, and I would, on the other side, advocate that, yes, we probably
could use more multi-level studies, more multi-level analyses. Its hard to
do, it takes time, its complicated, but that gets back to how you might
study something like the community ecosystems that were talking about.
I guess it is not a very good answer, so who is going to help me?

Hitt, Mike: I co-edited, with a member of our audience here, John

Mathieu, a special issue for AMJ on multi-level issues. It was broad so it
wasnt focused per se on entrepreneurship. But what I would say is that
certainly its appropriate but it doesnt mean its always because you
have an individual in a new venture that is multi-level because it depends
on the research question. But it probably presents an opportunity to do
multi-level research, which has to be theoretically developed in a way that
has multi-level theory as well as the method. So its not just method; its
also theoretical.

Wright, Mike: I think that one of the problems is when you get confusion
between whether you really do firm level or individual level of study.

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Mitchell, Ron: So, Mike, youre helping us do the framing. This question
assumes that everybody gets the fact that individuals create firms, if we are
talking about just one example of multi-level and the firms operate within
industries and the industries operate within economies. So whats the
driver here? Well, Mike states, It just sort of flowed out, but it depends
upon our research question. If we are just talking about something that
is happening at that particular level, then really its not inherently multi-
level. But, if we are talking about the cognitions of entrepreneurs that
affect national policy, wed better have a pretty good cross-level argument
for why one thing would be operating why a phenomenon at one level
would be influencing at another. So, Tom, how did we do? Did we get to
the core of the question, or would you like to re-pose a portion of it?

Lumpkin, Tom: The part I would think might be interesting to re-pose

would be: are entrepreneurship theories inherently multi-level?

Mitchell, Ron: Given the framing that Mike helped us lay out, inherently
multi-level, the point of departure is, as Mike Wright says, It depends on
your research question. This isnt about research questions; this is about
entrepreneurship theories being inherently multi-level, and its asking us to
actually do some kind of characterization of theory, which I dont know if
any of us want to actually step into that right now.

Hitt, Mike: I think our general specialty journal should handle that one.

Mitchell, Ron: I think this is one of those Chinese finger traps. You just
cant get out if you go in.

Lumpkin, Tom: The answer might be just, no.

Mitchell, Ron: So, no.

Wright, Mike: I think one of the problems, if youre going down that slip-
pery slope, is that you end up trying to boil the ocean if youre not careful.
Youre trying to bring too many things in and it then becomes impossible
to tease out what you are trying to test, let alone test it.

Ireland, Duane: The danger, I guess, becomes picking up on this if we

were to say that the answer is yes, then we are automatically increasing the
difficulty of the questions we want to examine. I think we all agree all of
us in the audience the importance of the research questions that Mike
Wright was talking about is so incredibly significant. Havent we all read

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134 In search of research excellence

a paper once or twice where, gosh, you read the first three or four para-
graphs and you arent certain as to what the question is (or the question
has been posed in one or two or three slightly different ways)? And, as we
know, the clarity of articulating what that question is that you are trying
to examine is incredibly significant which then influences the choice of
the methods, as we know.

Mitchell, Ron: So we have a question. Well go first to John Mathieu and

then to Carol Saunders. Johns got the microphone.

Mathieu, John: I was just going to chime in quickly on that one. My

answer would be, Of course they are. Of course theyre multi-level. Im a
multi-level guy. But the more critical question is, Whats your criterion?
Because as an outsider looking at the Im an organizational behavior guy
as an outsider looking at the entrepreneurship literature, and where the
trap is is what the criterion is. So if we are at the community level, then the
theory is starting there. If we are talking about a firm level, is it firm entre-
preneurship or is it a collection of individuals? Or is it the entrepreneurial
initiative? Or are we talking about the profile of entrepreneurial initiatives?
Or are we talking about the time sequences of entrepreneurial initiatives?
Or are we talking about the entrepreneur or entrepreneurs themselves?
So all of those things start to wander back and forth. Any theory can
be multi-level. Whether it needs to be? No, that depends on where youre
at and where the critical drivers are and so forth. But certainly, my two
cents from outside in on entrepreneurship as a big broad area (Im paint-
ing with a big brush here), is to be very careful about what the criterion
is that youre discussing, and think about what those critical drivers are.
And there is a wonderful bracketing paper that talks about think about a
level down. So if its firm-level entrepreneurship, whats in the firm? What
is it about the firm, and whats the bracketing out? Whats the context over
the competitive environment and so forth? So, wherever you are at, you
start with the criterion and then you bracket; and then you may very well
come to a place where you say, Its not really that relevant, its really a
one-level study.

Mitchell, Ron: So the two operating concepts here are inherently, and
were answering that with yeah, probably not. But if we add criterion,
then we can actually say that inherently is pretty strict. So maybe we
abandon that inherently thing and we say, depending upon criteria.

Mathieu, John: You start with the criterion and that drives whether or not
it makes sense to go there.

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Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. So lets go next to Carol Saunders. Rich is

chiming in from the audience regarding another profession that we shall
not bash, which regularly uses the qualifying phrase it depends.

Saunders, Carol: Im coming from the information systems perspective,

and Rons point about differences of opinions between the authors and the
editors resonates with me. As editor of MISQ [Management Information
Systems Quarterly], I felt my mission was to help broaden the view of what
the journal would publish and change the mission statement accordingly
as well as try to staff the editorial board with the appropriate expertise.
But the challenge is when you get papers in areas that are not your own,
you must send it to editors and to reviewers especially who have the
expertise in that area. The response reminds me of I have met the enemy
and they are us. What I found is the areas that were the most complain-
ing were also typified by reviewers (and very often editors) who were the
most demanding and the most unwilling to expand their efforts to try to
improve the papers. Now I realize theres a quality level and you want to
reach that quality, but my feeling is that in many cases the areas that were
the most adamant about saying the journal wasnt publishing their area,
were also the areas where the reviewers were the most ungiving and the
most unwilling to help develop the manuscript. Is this a phenomenon that
transfers to the entrepreneurship area or, more generally, to the general
management journals?

Mitchell, Ron: So the point Carol is making is that, as an editor, she was
willing to go into places where perhaps her expertise it was beyond her
expertise but the people she relied on (not generally, but in some cases)
displayed the not invented here phenomenon. So its very demanding,
very strict and very unyielding, which, in fact, did the exact opposite of
what her editorial intention was. Did I get that right, Carol?

Saunders, Carol: [paraphrasing] Are the entrepreneurship reviewers hard,

or harder than they need to be on entrepreneurship paper submissions to
the journals?

Mitchell, Ron: Im just going to repeat it because the mic wasnt there and
we want to hear it worldwide. Are the entrepreneurship reviewers harder
on the papers ...

Saunders, Carol: The entrepreneurship papers that are submitted.

Mitchell, Ron: ... that are submitted to a journal?

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136 In search of research excellence

Saunders, Carol: To a journal? In other words, the editors want to publish

papers, but if the reviewers say no way ...

Mitchell, Ron: So this is the Were bound by the reviewers. So were

going to ...

Wright, Mike: I think that one of the important problems that must
be overcome is actually to match the reviewer to the manuscript. For
example, you might not want a qualitative reviewer in entrepreneurship
looking at a quantitative paper or vice versa. Thats when you get the least
forgiving perspective, in my view. This sometimes causes an issue on the
other side of it, from an editors point of view. I found many qualitative
reviewers traditionally with a qualitative paper would be too forgiving. So
as an editor, we have to work very hard. We want qualitative work but we
have to educate both the reviewers and the authors to raise the bar.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Mike. Duane.

Ireland, Duane: Now thats interesting because, taking the second part
first, I have found our qualitative reviewers to be very, very rigorous;
appropriately so not inappropriately. I dont mean that, but theyve
been very, very expecting of high-quality work. I have not found the
entrepreneurship reviewers to be more difficult or more challenging to
work their reviewing than in any other domain. In fact, I have found the
entrepreneurship scholars, you who are reviewing papers for us, to be very
committed to doing an excellent task and an excellent job. I think we can
applaud ourselves as scholars reviewing entrepreneurship work, for AMJ
at least.

Mitchell, Ron: Which we shall do in about half a minute. Thank you, Duane.
Were in the process of a certain part of the learning chain; of learn,
look, do. What weve essentially completed here is a macro look at what is
being done ... Now its time for the hand that Duane said that we deserve.


1. The 2010 Exemplars Conference was organized around a four-theme format: (1) endur-
ing, (2) enabling, (3) engaging, and (4) emerging.

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Editor/author session contributors

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9. Academy of Management Journal
Editor: R. Duane Ireland
Authors: Tom Elfring, Keith M. Hmieleski
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell,
Michael H. Lubatkin
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: I am very pleased to introduce my co-moderator Michael

Lubatkin. Next is the editor of AMJ [Academy of Management Journal],
Duane Ireland, and Tom Elfring and Keith Hmieleski, who are the
authors. They will be participating with us today. The Wouter Stam
and Tom Elfring article is entitled, Entrepreneurial orientation and new
venture performance: The moderating role of intra- and extraindustry
social capital. Keiths article with Robert Baron is Entrepreneurs opti-
mism and new venture performance: A social cognitive perspective.
My name is Ron Mitchell. I am the 2009 Chair of the Academy of
Management Entrepreneurship Division. Could we first look at the
Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) mission statement specifically,
as those of us here in Storrs, Connecticut, have come to expect. What I
have tried to do is look at this mission statement and draw out some ideas
for the opportunities specifically focused on publishing entrepreneurship
research. AMJ is open to a wide variety of empirical entrepreneurship
research and a wide variety of empirical methods as this journal seeks
to publish empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management
theory and contributes to management practice. All empirical methods
(including but not limited to: qualitative, quantitative, field, labora-
tory and combining methods) are welcome. To be published in AMJ, a
manuscript must make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and
highlight the significance of those contributions to the management field.
So with that, what we will do is turn our time first to Tom and then to
Keith to give us just a quick flyby of the papers. Tom.

Elfring, Tom: Yes, first I want to mention Wouter Stam, the leading
author who couldnt be here; so I am representing our paper. The paper


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140 In search of research excellence

is basically about social capital the way networks shape the relation-
ship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance. One of our
initial findings coming out of the data was that a central position of the
entrepreneur in the network had a negative effect on performance. This
was really counterintuitive and against most common beliefs. So that is
what we actually tried to work on first: was it really a negative perform-
ance effect and how did that happen? In the end, we came up with a nice
explanation that indeed there is a dark side to the social capital networks:
that entrepreneurs can be over embedded within their own industry. Only
when these entrepreneurial start-ups in the Open Source software com-
munity have a sufficient amount of extra industry ties (so, broken ties to
other communities), then they could kind of overcome this negative effect
of being too centrally located with their own industry.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks, Tom. Keith?

Hmieleski, Keith: First, I should acknowledge my co-author, Robert

Baron, who unfortunately couldnt be here. He is in the process of moving
(after being at RPI for 22 years) to Oklahoma State. Our paper is on dis-
positional optimism. Optimism is a construct that gets talked about quite
a bit in entrepreneurship, but I think it probably has not been very well
understood or consistent in what has been said about it. What we look at
in this paper, specifically, is basically the downside of optimism; we look
at contingencies in which optimism is particularly problematic (in this
particular instance with entrepreneurs who had high levels of experience
those who had founded multiple ventures which were somewhat coun-
terintuitive, but yet logical at the same time) if you go back and look in
the social psychology literature, and also the negative effects of optimism
within dynamic industry environment.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks, Keith. So, before I turn the first question over to
Mike, Duane how did I do on the summary of the opportunities and the
mission statement of the journal? Is there anything that should be added
or tweaked on that?

Ireland, Duane: I dont think so, Ron. I think you explained it quite well.
Clearly, AMJ is open to all kinds of empirical methods. AMJ anticipates
that there will be a theoretical contribution that flows from the work. So I
think you articulated that quite well indeed.

Mitchell, Ron: Okay, thank you. Mike?

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Academy of Management Journal 141

Lubatkin, Mike: Just an observation before we get started, particularly

for the junior people just starting out in the game. If I had a punch in the
head for every rejection that I have received from AMJ, by now I would be
suffering from pugilistic dementia.

Ireland, Duane: But join the club. That is true for all of us.

Lubatkin, Mike: Thats really one of the points, isnt it? Yesterday we
heard that Organization Science was referred to as cool and open-
minded. We heard the Journal of Management is warm and inviting. And
weve heard that the Journal of Management Studies was quirky. Weve
also heard innuendos that there is another general management journal
that is stodgy, incremental, almost anal, where rigor is valued more than
interesting questions. Duane, how would you describe the Academy of
Management Journal?

Mitchell, Ron: When did you stop beating your data?

Ireland, Duane: What we are witnessing here is the last time Michael and I
will appear on the same panel. I am certainly aware of this commentary or
perspective that may exist for some people. I thought about this a little bit
last night because I thought Michael might ask a question along this line. In
all seriousness, I think one thing that is unique about AMJ (that perhaps we
do not do as well as we should in terms of conveying this) is that the people
involved with the journal across time I happen to be the 18th editor and
soon there will be a 19th, 20th, so on and so forth show that there is an
incredible amount of love, care and concern about this journal from the
people who are involved with it. Let me give you a couple of examples of
that. When I learned that I was going to be blessed and have the opportu-
nity to serve as editor, John Slocum happened to be in our shop at Texas
A&M visiting with his close friend, Don Hellriegel. Slocum (being Slocum)
came up to me and he said, Ireland, your only job is not to screw it up. Of
course, basically what he was saying is, This is a great journal. Take care of
it. There have been a lot of people beforehand who have given so much to
the journal, so do the same. Be passionate about it and care about it.
Another example about that is, believe it or not, once I learned that I
was to be selected as editor (and once that was publicly known), I received
a number of emails from former AMJ editors and former associate editors
at AMJ congratulating me for the appointment, wishing me well, so on
and so forth. So there really is just an incredible amount of care and
concern. The people involved with AMJ really do make sacrifices. I am not
speaking of myself, for example, but the associate editors.

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142 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: But it is also true.

Ireland, Duane: Sara Rynes had seven associate editors during her term,
and I was blessed to serve as one of them. I started with eight because
the number of manuscripts AMJ is receiving continues to increase. We
now have nine associate editors. I heard Talya Bauer [editor of Journal
of Management] say yesterday she may be moving to 13. We have nine,
and when I contacted people to ask if they would be willing to serve as an
associate editor, the guarantee I gave to them was (as we know as associ-
ate editors is true at many of our journals) that the associate editors are
decision makers. I promised that they would not receive more than 100
manuscripts per year. With that, I did not have a single decline. Not a
single person said no, and most of these people (in fact, I think seven of
the nine) received no release time for service as an associate editor at AMJ.
Theres just an immense amount of love, care and concern that goes into
the journal trying to push it along.
Now to speak more directly to the stodgy and incremental and so on
and so forth; I dont know that that is really true. I understand the per-
ception may be there. In fact, from the editors column, April 2009, Jason
Colquitt and I have a From the Editor entry that actually presents the
reviewer evaluation form criteria. We had not presented that before and
we speak to each of the criteria one of which is interestingness. Of
course, Jack Veiga asked us about that yesterday in terms of what does
that mean. We clearly are very interested in interestingness and so we are
doing our best to bring that forth.
The final comment about this is that for both of these papers, the initial
feedback from two of the three reviewers (on each of the two papers) first
review was, These papers are interesting, which I thought, in the context
of what we talked about yesterday, was a fascinating observation to make.

Mitchell, Ron: So, authors, how is the stodgy meter? Just exactly how did
this work with the reviewers and the editors?

Elfring, Tom: Shall I start?

Mitchell, Ron: Sure, Tom.

Elfring, Tom: To us it was really a positive surprise that we got an R&R

[revise and resubmit]. We were kind of new. None of us had published
before in any of the top American journals (coming from the European
context) because it was not so much necessary. We didnt even intend
to submit it to AMJ. We were thinking of JBV [Journal of Business

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Academy of Management Journal 143

Venturing]; but one of the American people in our department, hired for
one day a week to coach and help us to get published in the American jour-
nals (which is kind of the target), had said, Well, you have very interesting
data. Why not submit it to AMJ? We said, Well, thats too difficult. But
we did it anyway. Then we got this letter (which I was kind of shaking
when we opened the mail), and it was very encouraging. It was a tough
job, but it was very encouraging, noting, So please resubmit and we really
invite you to do this. In the European style you say, Okay resubmit,
but not in this encouraging tone.

Mitchell, Ron: So the stodgy meter was low in this case, actually encourag-
ing. Okay.

Elfring, Tom: So we thought, God, they really want us to do it. And then
we thought, Then we really should try.

Mitchell, Ron: Keith, your experience?

Hmieleski, Keith: I am frightened to answer the question, to tell you the

truth. It is not for the reasons that you would suspect. Its the first paper
I have submitted to AMJ and I can say, hands down, it was the best first-
round reviews I had; perhaps the most positive of any paper that I had,
and all three reviewers were great. If youre in the room, youre brilliant,
exceptional individuals who were chosen to help out on this. Everything
went against what I had heard about these perceptions of AMJ that
theyre not interested in entrepreneurship research. This was framed as an
entrepreneurship paper, which had implications beyond entrepreneurship,
I think, but definitely is oriented that way, then talks about dispositions
of entrepreneurs, so that was strike two right there. I knew it was an
interesting paper and, actually, I think why it went so smoothly is because
we worked more by far on this paper before submitting it than any other
paper I have worked on. After it was accepted, I cleaned out my office
and I literally must have found 50 different versions of this paper sitting
around my office to go through. To echo what Mike and others had said
earlier, the more effort you put into it up front before the submission, the
much more enjoyable the whole review process is that follows from there.

Mitchell, Ron: Based on the n of two ...

Lubatkin, Mike: See, my game plan is to come full circle. I am really not
here to insult Duane and the AMJ, but I think it is important to under-
stand perceptions and the management of those perceptions. And another

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144 In search of research excellence

question I have in mind as I think about that (as in many of the other
journal sessions that we had yesterday): I think it would be safe to say
that many of the other exemplar papers were first rejected by AMJ. Tom,
where was your paper rejected before the acceptance at AMJ?

Elfring, Tom: It was not rejected.

Lubatkin, Mike: Keith? Thats very interesting, because often when

you get a paper rejected from AMJ, the reviewers essentially become
co-authors. They provide interesting insights that improve the paper to
get it to the level of acceptance that makes journals like the Journal of
Management and Journal of Management Studies very good outlets for
very good papers; but these papers have often been poked along by the
reviewers of AMJ.

Mitchell, Ron: One of the things Tom and I were talking about over break-
fast was this idea that when you first see a diamond, it doesnt look all cut
and sparkly. It needs to be cut and then it needs to be put into a setting.
So in a sense, what happens is [that] as the effort is added to these papers,
we ought not to always think that necessarily because we were rejected at
the top journal, the paper is in fact a poor paper. Rather, what you get,
which is from the scarcest resource in our business, is a critical review from
thoughtful colleagues. Once you get that, it is like cutting a diamond. You
can actually use it to increase the sparkle. So that is another one of those
possibilities for a research strategy that one can consider, especially if you
get the kind of feedback that Mike is referring to (which is, we characterize
as, co-authorship feedback); but it is essentially the people in the commu-
nity who know this work and who are interested in its success that provide
a developmental review, and on the basis of that, a reviewers influence is
felt and it permeates those papers.

Lubatkin, Mike: Exactly. Keith, I would like to ask you: your study
basically found that optimistic entrepreneurs have a good reason to be
pessimistic because the more optimistic they are, the lower their new
venture performance, everything else being the same. Thats accentuated
by a dynamic environment and by past experiences. With that as a general
context and background, why do you think your paper was accepted by
AMJ? What made this paper special?

Hmieleski, Keith: I think our paper had implications beyond just entre-
preneurship, even though it was an entrepreneurship paper. I think one
of the things that seems to me to be important from the review is that

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Academy of Management Journal 145

top journals (when doing dispositional-type research) allow one to really

demonstrate that there is something different about entrepreneurs from
the rest of the general population. This was fairly clear with optimism.
There are no pessimistic entrepreneurs. Pessimists dont get out of bed
in the morning. So they only range from moderate optimists to extreme
optimists. And when we talk about, I think, the individual characteristics
of entrepreneurs, the really interesting part is they are extreme individuals.
In social psychology and other fields, researchers tend to study samples
from the general population and they tend not to study the outliers and
what is actually happening on the extremes. So if we look at optimism just
in the general population, it tends to (on average) be fairly positive across
various domains. But if you look at entrepreneurs, they only fall at the
far end of this, say, curvilinear relationship with performance and you get
more of this negative slope. There actually was a nice figure put together
for the paper that, I think, characterized it fairly well (but it was pulled out
at the end because of length issues).

Lubatkin, Mike: So you were taking a socio-cognitive view perspective

of opportunism and testing it in a domain or a sample frame that rarely
represented the most interesting test of it. Id like to kind of continue with
these questions. Tom, why was your paper accepted by AMJ?

Elfring, Tom: I think that we had a unique dataset, and without the help
of the reviewers we would not have shaped it in the position that it was
accepted. I think that is why we got the first rewrite. Initially we put a lot
of effort into data to get a unique dataset. Thats often more the case in
Europe; that there is lots of effort expended to develop the datasets, but
we dont know how to get it published in a better journal. So, for example,
at one moment (I think in the second round) we got this feedback that we
needed to have more discussion about whats the contribution. So we sat
down and we wrote a really (I dont remember how long the discussion ses-
sions were) lengthy analysis of all kinds of implications and theoretical con-
tributions. Then one of the reviewers came back after that and said, Well,
this is way too much. Cut it back to two or three pages. But we had no idea
what exactly was required. First, we didnt have any (or maybe the wrong)
theoretical vision, and then we felt like, Okay, we will do more, much
more. But then it was too much because it went in all directions, so we had
to cut it back. In that sense, maybe for the European audience, this kind of
balance between empirical stuff and the theoretical thing is very important.
The unique dataset we were able to somehow attribute to net worth, orien-
tation and entrepreneurship and not more. Just those three things.

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146 In search of research excellence

Lubatkin, Mike: I am going to comment on both Keith and Toms obser-

vations because I have my own thoughts as to why it was accepted, but
first Id like to get it from the editors point of view. Why was this paper

Ireland, Duane: For Wouter and Toms paper, as Tom indicated, the
dataset was identified by all three reviewers in the initial review as being
totally unique. It was obvious to the reviewers that a great deal of effort
had gone into the dataset and had gone into building the dataset, and I
think clearly the dataset was a big, big plus for this paper to begin with. I
think another thing this paper did was to very clearly state up front (and
by the way, this is true of Keith and Roberts paper as well; both papers
clearly stated up front): Here are the theories we are using, here is how
these theories inform the questions we want to explore, and here are the
theoretical contributions we intend to make.
For AMJ, doing that is really important to say up front: here is the
theory (again, the theories that I am going to use); why this theory (as
Michael said, social cognitive theory in the case of Keiths paper) is par-
ticularly applicable to the question that I want to examine; and, heres how
I am going to test, build or extend theory by examining this important or
this significant research question.
But going back to Wouter and Toms paper, the dataset was extremely
important. That really drove it. I think it was an interesting question that
they chose to explore, and they were extremely responsive to the review-
ers. In fact, both of these papers moved through the process very, very
smoothly and that was one of the reasons I chose these two papers to
discuss here because they really did go through the process smoothly.
And I am reminded of Johns dismal comment just a moment ago (so I
dont want to fall into that camp), but, for example in terms of Wouters
paper, I went back to look and (lets see), the first review was 39 days.
The first revision was 39 days. The second revision was 50 days, and
then the final acceptance was 33 days. So it moved through the process
very rapidly. They were extremely responsive. They caught the reviewers
interest in that first review, and these reviewers were ready to go. They
were very interested in the topic. They were interested in the idea of social
capital in terms of networks, so on and so forth, and they wanted to kind
of push the authors along as well. So for Wouter and Toms paper, we
received it initially on April 22, 2006. The final acceptance was April 20,
2007, and it was published in the February 2008 issue.
Keith and Roberts paper actually went through the process even more
smoothly in terms of timing. The first review was 52 days. The first revi-
sion was 32 days, and the paper was actually conditionally accepted,

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and I had the privilege and pleasure of being the action editor on both
of these papers. In the instance of Wouter and Toms paper, I was still
associate editor. For Keith and Robert, I was editor, and I still assign
most of the entrepreneurship papers to myself. But revision number one
(R1) for Robert and Keith was 32 days. R2 was 35 days, and R3 was two
days. So they actually had two conditional acceptance revisions; R1 and
R2 were both conditional acceptances. In fact, with the R2 conditional
acceptance, I remember writing that letter. I thought This feels really
strange to say we are again conditionally accepting your paper, but basi-
cally thats what happened; we werent quite there yet. And as we know
with conditional acceptance, it is always (by definition) conditional upon
meeting the expectations that have been laid down; and we just werent
quite there yet.

Hmieleski, Keith: It might be interesting to point out what happened there.

I was so enthusiastic to respond to all the reviewers that we went a little
overboard. So the paper went from 40 pages to about 5560 pages, and
so the reviewers thought there was a contribution, but it wasnt that big.

Ireland, Duane: Actually for both of these papers its an interesting point
because Tom was talking about this. Well, for both of these papers, I
remember one of the reviewers on Toms paper (and I hope Tom wont
mind me sharing this, because he was addressing the issue) said, Look, I
understand your paper is important, but it is not solving the worlds prob-
lems. Were kind of going overboard here on the contributions flowing
from this work, and thats why we had to cut back on that. With Keiths
paper, there was that issue of length that did surface.

Mitchell, Ron: I am just going to break in here for audience questions to

bring you into the conversation, both on the web and here in Storrs. Who
has the first question, please? Okay, Dimo? Thank you.

Dimov, Dimo: In looking at both papers, I dont know why, but they are
both interesting. So I have a sense that in just reading the titles, theyre
both interesting papers, and you probably had the same impression when
first receiving the papers. So I wonder how that affects the appointment
of reviewers in terms of how you select the right people to review these
papers. That could be (in a way) that they could be developmental and
they would provide strong feedback; but it would be feedback that pushed
the paper. They could also be reviewers that find flaws and some of them
very critical. So I think it is interesting to go into the reviewer selection

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148 In search of research excellence

Ireland, Duane: Thats a great question and, basically, if I could back into
that, I think one reason both of these papers struck the reviewers and me
as interesting is (and I think we would not want to diminish the importance
of this) all three reviewers on both papers, even in the first round (and my
judgment was the same), that these papers were well written, and they were
well written in the first iteration. They were clear, they were compelling
and they were convincing. And I think that that clarity really does enhance
the probability that a paper is going to be seen as interesting because (by
definition), if the paper is well written, the probability that we understand
what is going on is obviously increased. So I wanted to make that point. I
think both of these papers were really written well and of course the craft-
ing, as Michael said, continued throughout the process. But it was not a
situation where we looked at the paper and said, Gee, what is going on
here? What is really being attempted and what is the research question?
Now specifically, with respect to reviewers, this is how I try to choose
or this is the metric I use in choosing reviewers. We do use three reviewers.
We use two board members per paper and one ad hoc reviewer. We like to
use ad hoc reviewers because that becomes, as many of the other editors
have said, the training pool for individuals who are going to be appointed
to the board at some point (assuming that they provide excellent reviews).
So in the sorts that I use: if it is an entrepreneurship paper (for example,
as in the instance of these two), the first sort is to find someone who works
in entrepreneurship; the second sort is going to be finding a reviewer
who works in that specific domain of entrepreneurship (or maybe use a
reviewer who works in the dispositional behavior, or maybe in the social
capital network aspects of entrepreneurship, as in the case of Toms
paper); then the third sort is to find someone who has used the method-
ology that is being used in the paper. So I try to use those three sorts in
assigning reviewers. Now that becomes a little complicated because we are
a busy journal. We receive a lot of papers, and the board is pretty busy.
Our board members commit to review 12 papers per year. So even as a
board member, it is a reasonably heavy workload expectation. Sometimes
I cant quite do that, but that is how I try to do it.

Mitchell, Ron: Any coming in from the web yet, Tom?

Lumpkin, Tom: I have got one right here. For Duane: what would make
you not send out a paper for review at all?

Ireland, Duane: It is a very good question, and basically all the papers do
come to the editor initially. One of my responsibilities is to decide if the
paper is to be sent for review, or if it is to receive a desk reject or a desk

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edit. Take the extremes out, the true outliers, we do occasionally still
receive a few pure conceptual papers even though, as we know, AMJ is an
empirical journal. So take the outliers out, and what causes a paper not to
be sent out for review basically will fall into one of two cans. One is going
to be if there is no serious attempt no viable attempt to test, build or
extend theory. Purely phenomenon-driven research is fabulous research,
and it has an incredibly important part in our scholarly domains; but for
AMJ, given its editorial mission, there must be some effort with theory. So
if there is no viable effort with theory, then that is going to be a problem.
The second thing, of course, would be if there is an obvious empirical
problem if it looks as though common method variance is going to be
something that likely cant be overcome and/or if perhaps it appears the
wrong technique was used or something of this sort. So it is really those
two core things and sometimes it is just the Gestalt of the interaction of
those two. It looks as though there has been some attempt at theory, but
the methods are not quite what they possibly should be. With the desk
rejects, the reason we (and I think all journals) provide those is because
we believe that there is just not a reasonable probability that the paper is
going to be reviewed favorably. The conclusion is that it is in the best inter-
est of the author and the best interest of the reviewers that we recognize
that up front. With our desk reject letters (and I am sure this is true with
the other journals represented here as well) we try to give very legitimate
feedback. The desk reject letters are three or four pages long typically and
there really is an attempt to provide feedback in a constructive develop-
mental tone (even if the paper is not going out for review). We feel that it
is very, very important that all authors have a fair hearing even if their
paper is not going to be reviewed.

Mitchell, Ron: Duane, did I hear you say desk revision?

Ireland, Duane: No, desk reject.

Mitchell, Ron: So theres nothing that the editor says, Boy, is this great.
Just do this and this and we will publish it?

Ireland, Duane: No. Well, theoretically, I guess that could happen, but I
dont know that it ever has. Now we do have a desk edit decision option as
well, which is basically where we will say that It is just not quite there yet,
but there is a core of a great idea; so if you can do these things and send
the paper back to us, then we will send it out for review.

Mitchell, Ron: Okay. Other questions from the floor?

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150 In search of research excellence

Audience Member #1: One of the main strengths of Toms paper, of

course, is the data. I was wondering, Tom, was there any pushback on the
fact that it is non-US data? And then, Duane, how would you recommend
other people or other researchers using non-US data to get into AMJ and
kind of breakthrough what may be perceived as a barrier?

Mitchell, Ron: So were starting with Tom.

Elfring, Tom: No pushback at all. I am just trying to think if there was

but no. In the comments, the data was clearly (what they immediately said
was) very interesting and fascinating; but it was more in the method and
the theory-building where the problem was. I was, in a way, surprised to
get the resubmit, later reading all the things that were wrong because we did
mediation and all the reviewers said You need to do moderation because it
doesnt make sense to do mediation, which seemed to be pretty fundamen-
tal. So there was a serious overhaul. In a way my question was, Why get a
resubmit when there is such a serious flaw in the theoretical ID?

Ireland, Duane: Tom is making a great point here. One of the reviewers in
the first round very persuasively argued that, in fact, You are testing for
mediation and you really need to be testing for moderation, and heres
why you need to be doing so. Tom and Wouter responded very positively
to that. Basically the theoretical arguments were just not there for the
mediation and there were some other issues that that reviewer brought out
as well. So they responded very positively to this.
Someone mentioned yesterday (and, Alex, I will deal with the data, too)
but someone mentioned yesterday (and I think it is really important for
us to remind ourselves) that all of us as editors and editorial staff want
to publish papers. We wake up every day wanting to publish papers. So,
if we find work that has a possibility of reaching the closure of making
a significant contribution, that is very, very exciting to us. In the case of
Wouter and Toms paper, the data were very interesting and the question
was very interesting; and so, given the response of the reviewers and how
I felt about the paper, the issue became (as Michael was saying earlier),
How can we work with the authors to bring that potential to the forefront
and yield a significant contribution from this work?
So, regarding the international data, as Tom said, there never would be
(I dont believe) any pushback on that. In fact, that was one thing that was
very, very exciting to me about this paper: the data are international and
we are very, very interested in international data. I think what Tom and
Wouters paper has is a very, very intensely and effectively constructive
dataset. It is just constructed beautifully. There are all kinds of tests that

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were run to make certain they were doing the right things and it is just a
very rich dataset. I think the fact that it is international was a plus in this

Mitchell, Ron: One quick extension of this international notion, then we

are going to just go into the wrap-up phase and I will turn it back to Mike
to help us to do that. So lets just talk from the European perspective,
which is where your home is. When an author from the European tradi-
tion gets a revise and resubmit and it has, lets say, some hurdles to clear
or some hoops to jump (Duane said your response was really positive and
constructive), is that universally the way that works in response to the
American journal revise and resubmit?

Elfring, Tom: Maybe. I dont think so, particularly for older European
professors who used to be very powerful and they kind of were the kings at
the university. When getting all the revisions they need to do, their initial
reaction (I have heard regularly that in the last ten years) is, Well, who are
those reviewers? We dont do this. And that is maybe a reason why, obvi-
ously, they dont get accepted. One of the things that we learned was that
we really have to listen to the reviewers and that is basically what we did.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Tom. Mike, as we wrap up now.

Lubatkin, Mike: Id like to give a wrap-up. What I found so interesting

about these two papers and why I believe that they received a favorable
review from AMJ is that both of them started with an interesting question.
They then selected the proper theory to test that question. The data came
later, but the front end of the paper was: What are some of the interest-
ing antecedents to new venture performance, and how do we explain why
some firms performance new venture performance exceeds the others?
Keith used socio-cognitive perspective and Tom used a social capital
network perspective in testing their hypotheses. What I found so interest-
ing, however, about their studies is not only their contributions to entre-
preneurial research, but also the contribution to the base theories in which
they tested their hypotheses because both of them, I think, extended their
particular base theories (with Keiths case, socio-cognitive and with Toms
case, social capital).

Mitchell, Ron: Now we have a couple of traditional wrap-up questions

that we ask. Duane, I am going to turn to you and ask you to fill in the
blank. If there were one thing that you would recommend in successfully
working with AMJ, what would it be?

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152 In search of research excellence

Ireland, Duane: I think a couple of things. I would carefully study the

mission statement, which Ron articulated, because we really do use that
as a foundational set of inputs to making decisions. I would also look at
the April 2009 From the Editors column, because it does go through all
of our criteria that we use as reviewers and editors in evaluating a paper.
And I would look at the best papers for the last 10 or 12 years at AMJ.
Theyre available on the AMJ website. I would go to those papers. I dont
know that I would necessarily read all of them, but I would certainly go
through them and [ask], Is there a common theme here as to what these
papers did well that might suggest to me why they won the best paper
award, which is a fairly rigorous evaluation process? So I think I would
do that. I think the final thing I would do is navigate the AMJ website:
try to absorb it, try to read about the editorial guidelines, read about the
reviewer guidelines, read about the backgrounds of the associate editors.
Just try to get a sense for what the journal is and what it seeks to accom-
plish. We are very interested in forward kinds of research and we want to
continue to push.
It is a big enterprise. AMJ is a large enterprise and we are all very for-
tunate to have those of you who review for us and are members of the
board. Thank you very much, because you are clearly the foundation for
what happens. I think Michael spoke so eloquently about this. The three
reviewers on both of these papers were just excellent; they gave superior
feedback quality feedback. Both author teams responded very aggres-
sively and appropriately to that feedback, but it was truly a very positive
interactive situation between the authors and the reviewers that I think led
to these outcomes. I would study the website and just try to gain just try
to absorb what the journal is.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks, Duane. Okay, filling in the blank in the last couple
of questions. If there were one thing that I would recommend in working
with AMJ, Keith, it would be?

Hmieleski, Keith: Having Duane Ireland as your action editor.

Mitchell, Ron: And Tom, it would be?

Elfring, Tom: Have an excellent dataset.

Mitchell, Ron: Well, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participa-
tion. Thank you everyone.

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Academy of Management Journal 153

Colquitt, J.A. and R.D. Ireland (2009). From the editors: taking the mystery out
of AMJs reviewer evaluation form. Academy of Management Journal, 52 (2),
Hmieleski, K.M. and R.A. Baron (2009). Entrepreneurs optimism and new
venture performance: a social cognitive perspective. Academy of Management
Journal, 52 (3), 47388.
Stam, W. and T. Elfring (2008). Entrepreneurial orientation and new venture
performance: the moderating role of intra- and extraindustry social capital.
Academy of Management Journal, 51 (1), 97111.

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10. Academy of Management Review
Associate editor: Mason A. Carpenter
Authors: Melissa S. Cardon,
Jeffery S. McMullen, Dean A. Shepherd
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell,
John F. (Jack) Veiga
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: What we have planned to do for these sessions is to kind

of walk them through a very short maybe 10 percent of the time used
introduction (to get the sense for your journals mission); then about
40 percent of the time will then be spent discussing with the authors and
editors certain topical questions (although additional things will emerge
from there); then 40 percent of our time we will try and spend with ques-
tions from the audience (here as well as worldwide); and then a final
10 percent of the time will be a wrap-up, closure and summary by the
Now, Academy of Management Review (AMR) is a theory journal. A
summary of the journals purpose is in each of the Conference Material
binders that we have here in Storrs, Connecticut; it is also on the
marvelous website ( that Katie
Huntington has put together, and so I am not going to read the entire
journal mission.1 Rather, what I am going to do is talk about some of the
opportunities that I have identified as I have read the mission.
Because AMR is open to theoretical work, it is open to theoretical work
regarding entrepreneurship. Because it is a journal that publishes new the-
oretical insights that advance our understanding of management organi-
zations, AMR is receptive to a variety of perspectives including those
seeking to improve the effectiveness of, as well as those critical of, manage-
ment and organizations. So with that we will begin. Jack, welcome. I will
turn the time to you for the first question.

Veiga, Jack: We have already addressed the interesting question at one

level, I guess, but I would like to specifically focus a little more on the AMR


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experience: the path to success if you will. I am thinking again about trying
to reflect back on younger scholars who are at the starting point. The first
question I would like to go to the authors. It is just an open question, but
in terms of the two papers you have here, what was your starting point?
Was it just an idea you had, something piqued your curiosity, or was it
something you just stumbled into? Much like entrepreneurs, did you know
where you were going or did you find out only at the end of the journey?

Mitchell, Ron: I forgot one critical part. We have asked the authors to give
us the 30-second elevator pitch of their papers. So, if the authors would
do that and include their elevator pitches in the responses ... So, Melissa?

Cardon, Melissa: First I have to acknowledge that my paper is co-

authored with three individuals that were not able to be here in Storrs,
Connecticut [Note: J. Wincent, J. Singh and M. Drnovsek (Cardon et al.,
2009)], with me, so they are noted in your binders and noted on mine in
the paper as well. So that is important; I am not alone. The paper that is
forthcoming in AMR this summer is entitled The nature and experience of
entrepreneurial passion. How we came across this question is this: I have
been fascinated by the topic of passion for some time, and the more we
read, the more we realized that a lot of people use the word but dont know
what it means or havent carefully defined it yet. So our path to this project
was purposeful; it was a question that was interesting to us. Whether the
paper was publishable we didnt know; we just thought it interesting, so
we went out to grab it. The path to publishing it in AMR was quite long,
and I dont mean the review process. I mean we first started talking about
the paper in 2002 as a co-author team. We presented it at Babson in 2004
and at the Academy of Management in 2005. It didnt go to AMR until
2006, and obviously the paper is coming out now in 2009.
I have a group of colleagues that started writing a paper for this special
issue of AMR that is coming out and they started working on the draft the
weekend before it was due. That is not how you write for top journals, in
my opinion, in entrepreneurship or anywhere else. So my elevator pitch
about the paper: it is about entrepreneurial passion. We use the word
passion, but we dont know what it is. We provide a definition grounded in
psychology and social psychology and we present a model of how we can
get works specific to the entrepreneurial context.

McMullen, Jeff: Our paper seeks to reconcile different theories of the

entrepreneur primarily economic, but at the same time really interesting
social cognition and social psychology and we saw a lot of parallels there
as well. We started talking about people who are applying a lot of these

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156 In search of research excellence

theories of the entrepreneur (these economic theories) in a psychological

fashion, and yet there were some problems. It seemed like elements were
missing when we changed the unit of analysis, and that really inspired us to
try to reconcile these economic theories and this decision-making psychol-
ogy framework. We sought to see what was missing and what happened
when we changed the level of analysis; then went back and re-interpreted
after we had made that loop. Sometimes it was very frustrating because
we would try to force somebody in a framework and we would realize all
of a sudden (we would have an epiphany or insight) that, Oh, thats why
it wont fit because that piece is missing. So that went on indefinitely.
During my PhD program, I worked in a basement with no light, banging
my head against a wall over and over, trying to fit things together that
perhaps shouldnt fit. As far as interesting, I just thought it was an inter-
esting topic. We hoped that other people would find it interesting as well.

Shepherd, Dean: I think what Melissa said is that it was interesting to you
it is kind of interesting when we think about entrepreneurial opportuni-
ties. We dont know it is an opportunity because it is surrounded by uncer-
tainty. I think that is also the case with an article. Does the article represent
an opportunity? Does it represent something thats interesting? Well, we
dont know: it is surrounded by uncertainty, but I think, as authors, if you
think it is interesting (and you are motivated to pursue it), well, I think
that is a good sign. It may or may not turn out to be interesting to others,
but that is not something a writer can determine in advance. But I think
that if it is interesting to you, I think that is a good starting point.

Mitchell, Ron: So, Mason, when these papers come over the transom, so
to speak, how are the reviewers assigned? Lets just say it is a paper about
entrepreneurial passion. What goes on in the process? After that has been
completed, a paper arrives on the editors desk. Were you the associate
editor for this particular paper?

Carpenter, Mason: Unfortunately I wasnt, because these were two excit-

ing papers and were being reviewed before my tenure as associate editor.

Veiga, Jack: So then more in general: when a new paper hits your desk,
what goes on that actually permits papers such as these to begin to move
positively toward publication?

Carpenter, Mason: The process works sort of the way that we work
through assigning papers at AMR. The editor and the senior editor choose
two of our editorial board members and then an ad hoc reviewer. We ask

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reviewers, Will you agree to review it in a certain period of time? and

if so, then the paper is released to them. If you have ever worked with
Manuscript Central, it is a fantastic tool. It also reminds you on a regular
basis that, Yes, you have a review due.
One of the greatest services, I think, to submitting authors is to be a
reviewer for a journal, particularly AMR, AMJ [Academy of Management
Journal], and the Academy group; but also complete timely reviews. Think
about your own work. If authors get feedback in two or three months and
they expect your feedback on their article in a month, I am not sure that
is quite fair. So put on the submitting authors shoes and walk a mile in
those shoes.

Mitchell, Ron: So is the ad hoc reviewer always reviewer three?

Carpenter, Mason: Thats a great question.

Mitchell, Ron: I have more trouble with reviewer three.

Carpenter, Mason: I am clueless about a lot of things. I didnt realize that

that is the way assigning editors worked and it actually doesnt work
that way. I think historically that one and two were editorial review board
members. At AMR we strive for three reviewers. If we dont get three, we
will apologize to the submitting author that we were only able to get two.
But the numbering is random. Sometimes they are an editorial review
board member and sometimes they are not. Frankly, the quality is high
across all of our reviewers. They are really engaged. Often a third reviewer
is chosen because they are cited, referenced or attacked in that particular
article, which makes for a lively discussion.
Our best reviewers are those who have a critical opinion on the paper. It
is not that they are saying this is right or wrong, but, This is not the way
I look at the world, or, This is well expressed, or, I may disagree with
this part but it is expressed so well that it needs to occupy a place in the
dialogue in the philosophy of science; it moves our understanding of this
area forward.

Veiga, Jack: I am curious to think of and go back to the point of view of

the younger scholar. Writing theory is very difficult. We know that, and
Jeff was getting at a little of the pain of banging his head against the wall.
Can we talk a little bit more about how you approached it? What can we
tell people about that process that would help them perhaps at least get on
the right track?

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158 In search of research excellence

McMullen, Jeff: I can only speak from personal experience, but I just cant
turn it off. I am anywhere; at church and Im analysing and thinking. I have
got a theory for that, and so I think my mind is just constantly running.

Mitchell, Ron: He is not sleeping in church.

McMullen, Jeff: The seed of an idea is always there, but the hard part is
not getting started; it is simply finding and focusing the question so that
it is manageable. Inspiration seems everywhere, but it is trying to be disci-
plined enough to communicate it. Every paper (especially theory pieces),
by the time you get to the draft that actually gets printed, there are prob-
ably dozens of versions that were very far off in different directions and
just trying to figure out what it was you were trying to say.

Veiga, Jack: Did you find, though, in that process that (like with your co-
authors who you locked onto this paper), once you started really putting
your brain to it, the ideal process means you stay with it? You dont have a
co-author who says, Ill get back to you in three months, or Ill get back
to you in six months.

Cardon, Melissa: Not when you work with Dean.

McMullen, Jeff: If you are working with Dean, I am just afraid a revision
is going to come back by the end of the day, and I am like, I thought I was
done with this thing. He is just that fast.

Shepherd, Dean: I do believe in this idea about momentum that a paper

has momentum. My idea is that I try and manage my schedule to try and
help manage my co-authors schedule, that we stay on the paper and keep
the momentum rolling. We can spend a lot of time in transitions, like take
up a new paper, and then I have got to try and get my co-authors back
interested in this paper. Thats not the case with Jeff; so really just keep the
paper rolling, keep the momentum, keep the learning, because we dont
write really just one great draft. We write maybe 50 or 55 drafts, going
backwards and forwards and refining our ideas.
Everyone has different relationships. Ours is more like if I see something
that needs to be changed, Ill change it and Jeff knows that he can either
change it back or accept it. And we feel completely comfortable with each
other completely rewriting what the other person has done.

McMullen, Jeff: Well, what is really interesting is that a lot of times when
I send something to him, I know what he is going to take out. There is a

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detachment that I know he will do it, because it is hard to delete that para-
graph you just spent two days writing and you are like, Oh, it just doesnt
fit anymore; it needs to go. He doesnt have that. He just takes it out and
then he adds something.

Veiga, Jack: Because you have more co-authors.

Cardon, Melissa: There were four of us.

Veiga, Jack: Whats that talk about that.

Cardon, Melissa: There is some good and some bad of having four co-
authors, and those of you who have written with three other people know
exactly what I am talking about. The good was that two of my co-authors
are European. I work very late at night. By one oclock in the morning,
I would email them a draft and they would be getting up. I would go to
sleep and they would work on it, so the dynamics of timing (unlike Dean
that gets up at four a.m. normal time), was that we worked well because
were across time zones; but we found for this particular paper that we had
to come together on several occasions to just get the brains in the room
together with the white board, with the markers and work it out. This is
the only paper that I have published to date where I have really felt the
need to be in the room with my co-authors for a concerted amount of time.
This paper started when I was on the faculty at Case Western Reserve, so
we would sit in the room together for a week at a time and we did this two
or three times a year in the early stages of this particular paper to get it
moving and that was really important.

Mitchell, Ron: So there is an idea emerging about momentum, and the

redoing that is required. Lets just imagine ourselves 3,000 feet under-
ground and 2 miles to the rock face where we are mining the gold; then
we leave it and all of that transition from where we were to coming up to
speed at the top-tier level. What we are hearing from these authors is that
they have strategies to minimize that start and restart disabler. So if we
are thinking about what we could gain from this session for developing
theory, it is this: dont lose the focus and keep the momentum up, despite
the fact that you know your co-author is going to be back to you before
you are maybe even conceptually ready to manage that.

Cardon, Melissa: I want to add something, and that is that I think good
projects also need some space. I heard recently a good fire requires not
only wood but also the space between the wood, right? So if a project is so

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160 In search of research excellence

in your face that you cant get away from it, and you get too close and you
cant do the 3,000-foot view (or whatever else to see what is good, which is
the perspective of reviewers, right ...?). Why I think the review process is
invaluable is because they can back out and say, Heres whats going on,
and it forces you to take a month or two-month break from the paper
and you come back at it differently, too.

Shepherd, Dean: I think it is also an advantage of having co-authors,

because the paper still has momentum even though you still get space
from it (because the co-authors are working on it); so when it comes back,
it looks a little bit different and you have had a little bit of a break. Then
you get back into it.

Veiga, Jack: One more question on theory development. Jeff made a

point that when he was developing the theory, he would be working and
working, but it wasnt actually materializing because all the assumptions
with which he was operating said that something wasnt there yet. And in
that sense, you are asking and answering questions. It is almost a solitary
thing. Did that happen in the case of your paper, Melissa? How did that
theorizing emerge? Was it kind of emergent on that basis or was it more in
the author interchange?

Cardon, Melissa: I think initially it was an individual; I dont find in the

literature or I didnt find in the literature what I wanted to study. I really
am fascinated by this concept of passionate entrepreneurship and most of
our research in entrepreneurship (Duane said it) is strategic-management
oriented. I am not a strategy person; I am an HROB [human resources
and organizational behavior] person, so to me that doesnt fit. So from my
perspective, it was: Where is the individual level? Where is the (not trait
research, but) process research? Where is the cognition and the emotion
and that missing piece? When I didnt find it, well, I asked myself, Why
isnt it there; and is it not real or is it not interesting or what is going on?
That, I guess, was an individual process.
This particular paper started because we were trying to study persist-
ence of entrepreneurs, and one of my co-authors disagreed with me that
passion was a part of that. And so it was the argument and that interactive
process between us that said, Well I think it is and I think it isnt lets go
find the evidence. Lets go read and see what other people say.

McMullen, Jeff: So this is almost an emergent kind of an answer.

Cardon, Melissa: Yes.

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McMullen, Jeff: It is a puzzle pieces thing, either at the micro level when
you are actually assembling the theory, or actually to ascertain and realize
that you have a new research question. Then it is focusing on that basis.

Carpenter, Mason: I think a lot of times, as well, there is a way that you
see things and it takes you a while to realize that other people dont see
it that way. You are reading the literature and you are trying to reconcile
your view and maybe you tend to have a more institutionalist view
and view action as more like an agency sociological perspective. That
is not in the literature. You keep reading and you realize, Well, I dont
really agree with what is out there. How do I bring my voice to the table
and still respect and try to understand what is out in the literature and

Mitchell, Ron: So with these authors trying to do this kind of work,

Mason, how does the editor orchestrate the review author process such
that this development can proceed beyond the initial submission and move
forward? Obviously editors are bound by reviewers, but we are not totally
bound by reviewers. How does that balance work in your mind?

Carpenter, Mason: I think one rule of thumb that I like to use is that, as an
editor, I am not a vote-counter. So I dont get a tally and just say, This is
a number, this is what you got and so thank you or no thank you. It
is really gaining some traction with the particular article. If theres energy
if there is passion in a reviewer, they could say, I hate everything about
this paper but this, and to the credit of the reviewers. And I am in strat-
egy and entrepreneurship, so as a field we are always a little bit defensive
in the top journals. We want to see our work published and historically it
has had a growth curve to get there. The reviewers want to see that too,
but they want it to meet the criteria to meet that hurdle of what quality
is. And they get frustrated; but when reviewers find something, they go,
There is a diamond in the rough here. So the task is to coach that out
of the paper in cooperation with the authors. The authors have that same
perspective. Is that something they want to see come out of the paper?
Because one of the things that you see in the review process and in the
revision process, is that, just in the writing, a lot of choices are made. It
is making those choices that resonate with a sort of coherent story in the
paper; but also with the spirit of what the author is wanting to do. Because
if you beat that spirit out, it usually comes out in a poor paper, but if the
spirit is there, it is those papers that you read and go, Thats really unique.
It helps me understand a part of the world that I would not even have
known to ask that question before.

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162 In search of research excellence

Veiga, Jack: What positive author actions actually move the paper along,
and (by extension) what should authors simply not do?

Carpenter, Mason: Well, what they should do is submit. Martin Kilduff

wrote an op-ed piece in AMR entitled Why I rejected your paper, and
I do recommend that most people look at that because the points made
in it are commonsense points and address questions such as, Have you
read the journal? Do you cite the journal? Does your article look like
something that would appear in the journal? Those questions seem sort
of superficial, but it is important to be part of a dialogue. You are speak-
ing somewhat of the same language. You are not just coming and saying,
I have a new idea. I am not sure where it goes and you guys can figure it
One of the things that we see is that the authors themselves (in that
initial submission) have really worked hard in making some of the tough
choices. If you have thrown it into the review process saying, I have gone
as far as I can go, and I know there are five key choices that I havent made
here, usually thats a failed sort of strategy. It is an author that has said,
I am going to take these paths I know I am making tradeoffs here, but
making tradeoffs is ultimately what an author is doing with an article,
admitting, I have made some of these tough tradeoffs and somewhere in
the paper I have identified this is what its about.
What you will find, typically in the review process and then in the feed-
back, is that, This paper is still too broad. Your paper can be more by
being less; and the reviewers get a sense of, Yeah, we were on the fence
about these two things. We pushed it to perfection, but we are still on the
fence. If we take this away we can actually say more and make more of an
impact. That is a really delicate process to work through and understand,
and it is like an epiphany. Its like, Wow, if I pull that away and pull this
domino out, it doesnt crash, it actually builds a stronger foundation.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you very much. Jack, another question before we
open it up to our Storrs and worldwide participants?

Veiga, Jack: Just another thought and picking up on another word that we
use a lot: the word story. Probably one of the best pieces of advice that I
ever got (and I would be curious about all of your reactions) was from a
reviewer that said, I really like this paper, but the story is not compelling.
Tell me a more compelling story. At first I was saying, What an idiot.
What do you mean more compelling?

Mitchell, Ron: Nobody has ever said that about a reviewer, right?

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Veiga, Jack: And then, working with my co-authors, we were saying, We

are out of gas. What else could we say? At one point I said, Look, I am
just going to go off and think about this for a while, and what I ended up
doing was literally writing a story. I wrote a story about what I thought
was going on. It had no citations. It had no references to anything. It just
had my own words and it was only four pages of actual manuscript in the
end. And then I found it easy to put the citations back in spots. So I am
curious about that notion of writing a story. I think it is a critical foun-
dation for almost any theory-writing you are going to do. What do you

Shepherd, Dean: I think Jeff is very good at both the internal consistency
arguments that he makes but also the macro story. One of the important
reviewer comments for our paper (the initial submission) is that we had
two stories and we only linked the two stories at the end. So that was
important to us because we just kind of flipped the paper and said, Okay,
lets link these two stories up front. And that ended up being, I think, one
of our more major contributions. So I think we were telling a story, and
then two stories, and then linking the two stories; we really had to flip it
over and just tell one larger story with two embedded stories. But I think
Jeff focuses on that in all of the papers we have worked on together just
to say, Okay, all those bits make sense, but what is the overall picture?

Dino, Richard: Ron, we are in the Q&A segment right now.

Mitchell, Ron: Could we open the conversation, then, to those here in

the studio audience, as well as to those on the web. Tom, would you just
post a few of the questions and then we will pick and choose. Where is the
microphone going to start? Tom.

Lumpkin, Tom: I have a question. While adjusting the dynamics of theory

building, we generally focus on interactions between equal peers. Are the
dynamics any different when the peers are not equal, such as advisors and

Shepherd, Dean: I suppose that is somewhat directed to us because at

the time we were writing this article, Jeff was a PhD student and I was
his chair. I remember Jeff came to me and said, I would like you to be
the chair. I said, Well look, you know that you and I are on an equal
footing. We cant have any of that type of stuff. And he says, Yeah, that
is why I chose you. Even though there was theoretical distance between
us (in terms of hierarchy within the university), peers always respected

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164 In search of research excellence

Jeffs intellect so we never had an issue. In fact, I have always enjoyed

just writing with peers. Sometimes there is an advantage of writing with a
more senior scholar, but sometimes if that happens you miss the oppor-
tunities to learn. The senior scholar might just say, Hey, Ill handle the
revision process, or, Ill handle the framing, and you never get to learn
the framing part. So thats why I have always enjoyed working with peers.
I think it is a lot more of an interactive creative process.

McMullen, Jeff: I think your nature is egalitarian and that was what was
so great in the sense that I never felt ... With Dean its developmental; you
work together and it is friendship and that makes co-authorship fun and
the project fun. You spend a lot of time together; you dont want to work
with somebody talking down to you you want to work with somebody
who is fun to be around.

Cardon, Melissa: I think it is also important to note that students are going
to be faculty very soon in the grand scheme of our careers as academics.
Students, yes, there is still a distance of a couple of years, but it is really
not that big of a distance. We are all colleagues in the same academy, if
you will.

Mitchell, Ron: A question back here from Mike. The microphone is going
to Mike.

Lubatkin, Mike: I am curious, having now written AMR papers do you

see an AMJ paper on the horizon, or have you already revealed the theory
to the extent that AMJ will say, Well, this isnt original; what you have
tested has already been published and the hypotheses have already been

McMullen, Jeff: I am going to steal an answer I heard from Jay Barney

(not to put him on the spot); he stated, When you have logic this good you
dont need empirics, or something like that. I absolutely love that answer
with the sense that a lot of times empirics have a place, but sometimes I
wonder if empirical work is really testing theory. A lot of times theory can
cover a lot of things and then empirical research has its place. I dont know
if empirical research is my next step.

Lubatkin, Mike: So you didnt find support for your hypotheses?

McMullen, Jeff: Actually, Denis Grgoire and Pam Barr did, working
with Dean Shepherd, so they did extend it and have an Organization

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Science article coming out on that issue, which is excellent. So I would

highly encourage you to read the work.

Shepherd, Dean: Also, Ron asked us to think about why we submitted to

AMR, and one of the reasons why I think we did is because the editors
and the reviewers are all used to seeing theory papers. So we are unlikely
to get a reviewer saying, That sounds good, now go and empirically
test it. I think theory is an end in and of itself, and I think the skill set is
slightly different. I think if you work in theory papers, it helps you write
better AMJ papers because they have to make a theoretical contribution
as well; but it is a slightly different skill set. I dont feel the need that, just
because I have done the theory paper, that I then have to go and do an
empirical paper.

Cardon, Melissa: I will give you the opposite answer. Yes, I am working
on two empirical projects: one I am hoping will go to JAP [Journal of
Applied Psychology] this summer to develop a measure for the definition
we came up with; and two, to test the model that we came up with, because
my perspective is everything is theory until you have some evidence. And
wouldnt it be interesting to see if the concept of passion in our case actu-
ally does make a difference? We can say it does. The popular press has
been saying that for years, but until we test it well, we are not going to
know. So there is a different perspective.

Mitchell, Ron: Other questions from the floor? It looks like the micro-
phone is coming down to Zheng Chen.

Chen, Zheng: I just want to represent the more junior students here and
ask how you develop a network of co-authors in your career?

Cardon, Melissa: Absolutely. Doctoral consortiums if you are still a

student. Babsons Conference, the Academy of Management I went
to many different divisions. If you are part of the strategic management
group, go to BPS [business policy and strategy]. Go to entrepreneur-
ship that is where students develop a network and it could just be other
students at the time, but it could also be faculty. That is where all of the
people I write with came from. And conferences. One of my colleagues
jokes that I just go to socials at the Academy of Management, and go to
all the parties, right? But what do we do at the parties? We stand around
talking to each other about research ideas. Thats where you have the time
to free up intellectual space. So I think thats really critical, even if you are
nervous and you are not an outgoing kind of social person, go anyway

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166 In search of research excellence

and talk to people. Not the whole room. Pick a few of them, talk to them
and say, Hi.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. Next question?

Audience Member #1: This is a question that applies to AMR in particular,

and as a reviewer for AMR as well, asking this question. It is sort of, in
the mold of, what should authors not do? Since it is a theory paper and it
is words and the words can always be changed, how do you know when
a paper is not going to make it at AMR? How do you know that you just
couldnt say, Try again? What signals when you say, No, thats it. I dont
think they can change it and make it a better paper.

Carpenter, Mason: You mean why do we reject a paper?

Audience Member #1: Ultimately, how do you reject a paper? Couldnt

they just change this paragraph and add something and bring something

Carpenter, Mason: Thats a good question, and there is one thing I want
to make clear (because I think theres a misconception about submitting
a paper to AMR). It is high risk submitting to top journals, right? High
risk, high gain; but AMR is not the only top journal that publishes concep-
tual work. So if you are thinking about a publication pathway, Venkat (I
think) aptly said, Think about a publication strategy for your work. You
have worked so hard on the paper; one attempt is not all it deserves. So of
course start with Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management
Journal (SMJ) (one of my other homes), Organization Science (OS) ...
There are a number of other top journals that do publish conceptual
work, and some of the work that you cite heavily are conceptual works
from those journals. I think as an editor and as reviewers its asking, Is
this paper essentially going to be a new submission if they do everything
we ask them to do? I said, I dont see anything redeeming in the paper. I
have had rejections where the reviewer said (I guess this is a developmental
reviewer who said), You know, as much as I dislike the rest of the paper,
I really liked the abstract. I dont know if we have all had that type of
feedback, but I have; and they didnt criticize the font or the paper size,
but I think they were getting there. I think when you are talking about a
paper that is essentially 51 percent acceptable to a journal, 60 percent is
going to be rewritten. The author has not made certain choices that signal
that there is a clear revision path. There are actually 50 revision paths and
ultimately it is a signal that theres no traction among the reviewers. As an

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editor you are looking at a paper going, This could be 50 different papers,
and the authors have not helped me make choices about what is important
to them.

Shepherd, Dean: As a research strategy for authors, I think that is the

important thing about AMR being on the top of that research strategy for
us (for this paper) is that you can get rejected from any journal for any
reason with a theory paper and they all send you in different directions.
But at least when you get the reviews from AMR, they are timely but they
are also high quality. So we can enhance the quality of the paper by follow-
ing the directions that the reviewer suggests, and also learn more genuinely
about how to write better theory papers. That was part of our strategy for
going to AMR. It wasnt just the timely feedback that we get at AMR, but
also the high-quality feedback.

Carpenter, Mason: Just to follow up briefly on feedback, because I think

we have to wrap up, but when you get that type of feedback that rejection
typically the reviewers will say, We like these pieces, you should push
this. And for some submitters to AMR, it couldve been an empirical
paper; what the reviewers do is they crystallize that you might choose an
empirical path first with your paper, because what you have done in the
paper is so narrowly specified that we would actually like to see this tested
as opposed to a broader theory among which youd have a piece that you
would test and validate.

Lumpkin, Tom: So that comment relates to a question from the web for
Mason. When deciding whether to publish an AMR article, is any con-
sideration given to the possibility of eventual empirical testability of the
propositions (or is it all about the strength of the theorizing)?

Carpenter, Mason: I would say yes to that, because authors that publish
in AMR either it is a culmination of several ideas that they have brought
or they have sort of snowballed into a larger theory related to their other
empirical work or across empirical works. Sitkin and Pablo did a paper in
AMR a number of years (1992) ago on risk, and it really linked a number
of bodies of empirical and theoretical work in a way that was counterin-
tuitive but it really created some new opportunities for research. It could
also be setting the landscape for a new domain to do research. Starting
first with things as simple as definition and passion is a good example. If
you read that paper (and I encourage you to read it), it wrestles through.
And this is one of the hurdles for that paper initially in what we mean by
passion, and then getting some tractability around the definition because

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168 In search of research excellence

then you can sort of back that up with measures, empirical settings,
whether they are simulations or what have you, but you at least have
some starting point. So I would say yes to both. Any article that I write
or that I am affiliated with, that article is part of a portfolio of ideas. And
so whether this is sort of encapsulating whats been done in the past or a
starting point, you have both opportunities.

Mitchell, Ron: Mason, if you were to speak to our audience (and the hun-
dreds on the web) and give a piece of advice or observation to the authors
about future submissions if you could say, Please do this one thing
what would you suggest that submitters to AMR do to actually engage the
process effectively?

Carpenter, Mason: I actually have two things. First, its submit your work.
We like to see your top work. Second, that is your top work. You sweated
the details. The references that are in the body of the paper are in the refer-
ence section. You have really thought through definitions and you have
used them consistently throughout. Martin Kilduff again; his discussion
with our submitters, reviewers, etc. about Why I rejected your paper.
Look at that. Use that as a checklist. Ask yourself, Did I do any of these
things? And if you can say no to all of those, then that is great. Just be
very, very careful with that work so that you are respecting the time of
the reviewers as much as you want them to respect your time. But we do
want your top work. Just sweat the details, because theres nothing more
frustrating than a paper that comes over where reviewers think that, This
is really cool; it just didnt seem like they took the care with it that we think
that they should have.

Mitchell, Ron: So, Jack, it is about time that we pulled it all together, made
a couple of comments and got off stage. Rich, we are pretty much done.

Dino, Rich: Last segment.

Veiga, Jack: I have one comment for everybody in the room. We are
beginning to tap into tacit knowledge that all of us have (which I think is
going to be the most relevant to the audience for this entire conference)
and I would urge everybody in here we have talked about momentum,
we have talked about commitment of co-authors, we have talked about
the nature of the story (what makes something interesting) but we have
only really sort of hit the surface on this. These things are going to re-
emerge, I suspect, over the entire conference, and the issue becomes (as we
are talking with each other and thinking more) to try to put a little more

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meat on those bones, if you will. This is an interesting topic, but can we
go any deeper? Think about how do we do that or what does that mean?
What does momentum really look like and how do you sustain it? Those
kinds of questions I think are going to be important.

Mitchell, Ron: In preparation for this get together I took quite a few
minutes to look through the editorial boards of the various journals that
are represented here, and there was an observation that emerged as I did
that. And its sort of a challenge to all of us. I dont think all of us gradu-
ated from name your top five places you couldve gone top-tier schools
in doctoral programs with the exact person you wouldve hoped to be
your advisor; but once you submit to a top-tier journal, you have engaged
teachers that are the top people. And if you are accepting the challenge to
work at the top-tier level, what you are accepting is the challenge for life-
long learning. These reviewers are our teachers, and even those of us who
are editors we heard Duane talk just a few minutes ago those of us who
are editors still have to serve up that dose of humble pie and essentially go
through every bit of the process that is required to do the top-tier work.
I would like to ask the authors a question that might speak to this point.
If you were to think of the multiple of efforts that it takes to complete your
work in top-tier journals as opposed to (lets just say) a lesser-tier journal,
what size is that multiple? Is it 1.1 times, just a little bit harder, or what do
you think?

Shepherd, Dean: I think it is exactly the same for the first submission of
the manuscript. So you try and do the best possible manuscript you can
submit. Thankfully my papers are never accepted first round because they
improve substantially as a result. So I think they are exactly the same when
I submit, but I think the review process tests me and I learn a lot more as a
result of the top-tier journals than I would at a lesser-tier journal because
I think the reviewers are a higher quality. They push you further and
improve the paper more so it might be doubled or more.

McMullen, Jeff: For me it is not a tier question, it is a scope question. So

the issue is how big the question is that you are asking. Some questions
absolutely slay you. They take forever and you read and read and you just
keep finding out how ignorant you are and you become more and more
ignorant as you go out and read another literature and another literature.
Then other questions are manageable and reasonable and some lend them-
selves to A journals because that is the conversation that is going on. And
some lend themselves to A- journals because thats whos interested in it.
So I go where the audience is and where people will use this.

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170 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: What are you thinking, Melissa?

Cardon, Melissa: I am going to be very practical to our junior colleagues

out there and say: at least five times as much effort, and I would put it
on the review process as well. I know that the authors response letter
to reviewers is always longer than the paper, right? But for AMR, that
was huge for us in making sure we were being so diligent in respond-
ing to their questions and concerns, because their feedback to us was so
detailed and diligent. I would have to say our paper wouldnt be what it
is without the three reviewers and guest editors for that paper because I
went back in preparation for this and read the first draft and every draft
all the way through. The cool things I like about the paper thats coming
out is that all changes came out of reviewer suggestions in round two (not
even round one round two), because we had to clean it up based on their
first round of feedback to get it to the point where they could give us the
suggestions to find the diamonds in the rough and make it what it is. So
that process is at least a multiple of thought for me, and we had four of

Mitchell, Ron: Sure. So what we are learning here isnt just surface infor-
mation about the process of addressing and creating theory and sending
it to AMR. Process questions are important and we all need to have that
information, but the other part of the story is that we have to be willing
to do the pick and shovel work and to sincerely dedicate ourselves to not
becoming daunted by what the reviewers are saying. It will always say high
risk, and it will always have a list that is longer than you ever think you
can accomplish. So consequently, top tier doesnt just mean you under-
stand the ins and outs; top tier means dedication and sacrifice to actually
produce the kind of work that is represented here in this session, and will
be represented later in the conference, too.
So if we are going to draw some final themes from this session, Jack,
your big one or two or three would be?

Veiga, Jack: Well, I think it would be to understand the scope of the

journal you are targeting. I hear these authors talking about the amount
of work and I agree, having done it at AMR. What surprised me the most
is that AMR doesnt allow you to boil it down so much as AMJ does. You
can get your reader focused in an area pretty quickly and then they stay in
that domain. Where you get reviewers from AMR you want really bright
people is the real issue. I remember a reviewer asking me, What about
helping theory? And I am saying, What the heck is helping theory? You
mean theres an actual helping theory? Yeah, theres a whole literature on

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helping theory. I went out and read that literature and I said, Wow, this
is really what we are talking about. This was very helpful. So a reviewer is
not your best friend reading your paper and saying, Nice job. Okay? Its
really trying to get people that maybe have different headsets on to read it
and say, You know, you are really talking about this or that. Especially
when it comes to AMR because there the richness is this broad integration,
and so I would say its finding reviewers before you even submit the paper
who have that kind of view.

Audience Member #2: So this search for helping theory wasnt really code
for, This paper is beyond help and you ought to go and take it somewhere

Veiga, Jack: No.

Mitchell, Ron: Any last takeaways from the author group?

Shepherd, Dean: Just on the time investment thing. You think about how
much time you are investing in that paper, but its not just an investment
in the paper in doing that revise enrichment. You are actually learning
new skills that will help you with all of your subsequent papers. So it never
concerns me that I am spending so much time on this one paper because I
think its developmental for other papers.

Audience Member #3: One thing as a reviewer for AMR: I just think that
when you are reviewing theory you need to look for whats not there as
much as what is and be more developmental probably than you would be
on an empirical piece where a lot of times its criticizing whats there and
whats been done. I think with theory, you have to look and say, What
could be, as a reviewer and help craft that. You dont have to write the
paper, but definitely bring your knowledge. You have just expanded
the knowledge base considerably by having three reviewers on top of the
editor and the authors.

Cardon, Melissa: You have to keep your mind open. Many of us (when
we get our reviewer comments) get defensive. We say They didnt see
the value of my paper. They didnt understand what I was trying to do.
Well, if they dont understand it then you didnt do it well enough and I
think that its really difficult to separate the defense mechanism from the,
Maybe they are actually helping me make it better.

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172 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: After a first revision I got feedback from a reviewer that
said, Now the writing is clear enough for me to understand why I really
hate this.
So with that, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much to Mason and
our authors for an interesting session. Jack our co-moderator. Lets wrap
it up then. Thank you very much.


1. These journal mission statements also appear herein within Exhibit I.


Cardon, M.S., J. Wincent, J. Singh and M. Drnovsek (2009). The nature and
experience of entrepreneurial passion. Academy of Management Review, 34 (3),
Grgoire, D.A., P.S. Barr and D.A. Shepherd (2010). Cognitive processes of
opportunity recognition: the role of structural alignment. Organization Science,
21 (2), 41331.
Kilduff, M. (2007). The top ten reasons why your paper might not be sent out for
review. Academy of Management Review, 32, 700702.
McMullen, J.S. and D.A. Shepherd (2006). Entrepreneurial action and the role of
uncertainty in the theory of the entrepreneur. Academy of Management Review,
31 (1), 13252.
Sitkin, S.B. and A.L. Pablo (1992). Reconceptualizing the determinants of risk
behavior. Academy of Management Review, 17 (1), 938.

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11. Entrepreneurship Theory &
Editor: Candida (Candy) Brush
Author: Jon C. Carr
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell,
John F. (Jack) Veiga
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: I am Ron Mitchell, currently serving as Chair of the

Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. With me are
Candy Brush, who is one of the senior editors at Entrepreneurship Theory
& Practice (ET&P); Jack Veiga (my co-moderator); and Jon Carr, whos
the author representing the paper Toward a theory of familiness: A social
capital perspective (with Allison Pearson and John Shaw). Have I got that

Carr, Jon: Yes.

Mitchell, Ron: The opportunities for publishing entrepreneurship research

in a journal titled Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice are amazing. The
opportunities that I have identified (as they go through a very well-
thought-through mission statement) are such that it is a journal for a wide
variety of entrepreneurship research. At the core of its mission, ET&P is
a leading scholarly journal in the field of entrepreneurship studies. The
journals mission is to publish original papers which contribute to the
advancement of the field of entrepreneurship. ET&P publishes conceptual
and empirical articles of interest to scholars, consultants and public policy
makers. Howd I do, Candy?

Brush, Candy: Very well.

Mitchell, Ron: So we got it at least as a foundation now that the mission

is articulated. Well, Jon, lets just turn then for a minute to you to give us


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174 In search of research excellence

the flyby the elevator pitch on what the paper was about. Help us get
into this ...

Carr, Jon: The paper was really designed to sort of be three different sec-
tions; I think that is how we really approached it. But what it is about is to
try to extend some work that had been done by Habbershon and his col-
leagues (Habbershon, Williams and Kaye, 1999) on the idea of familiness
within family firms. They had used a particular theoretical frame, namely
resource-based theory (RBT), to help describe this construct called famili-
ness. Our goal was to try to see if we could use another theoretical view-
point to try to expand upon one of the particular descriptions that they use
for familiness from an RBT perspective. We used a social capital perspec-
tive to try to describe in further detail just how familiness is comprised,
and how perhaps you could use this particular perspective to help us better
understand how familiness is created and how it unfolds for family firms.

Mitchell, Ron: Well, thank you very much. So what we have then is a paper
that deals with this concept of familiness as it was originally introduced.
Familiness, if you could just define it for the audience, would be what? Is it
a factor about a family business that affects competitive advantage?

Carr, Jon: Exactly. They used, again, the RBT perspective, and so it was
basically an idiosyncratic collection of resources and capabilities unique to
families that help families compete and perform better. So that was really
the purpose of the whole ... The frame of it was all about asking ourselves,
Can we further explore this idea of familiness?

Mitchell, Ron: So Jack, as you looked over this paper, obviously thoughts
have come to mind. Would you lead out with a few observations and
perhaps some questions?

Veiga, Jack: At the front end of reading the paper, as I first started, I said,
Okay, where are we going?

Carr, Jon: You were lost?

Veiga, Jack: When I see a word that is created one that is not typically
in the dictionary I ask, Why do we have to create this special word?
Why is this labeling important? And of course, what was interesting
to me is that my dad had a family business, and I worked in the family
business. About halfway into the paper, I am recalling vivid memories of

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Your paper is capturing what might be good family dynamics (posi-

tive family dynamics) which I know lots of businesses exist like that as
well but I was recalling images of an older brother that wasnt as good a
mechanic as I was, and how that perception by my father carried into our
home. So all of a sudden I am saying, This is really interesting!
You really start at this level [hand gesturing], but with this topic (to get
deeper into this) there are probably a lot of interesting avenues that you
can take.

Mitchell, Ron: So, just for the worldwide audience, since Jacks micro-
phone wasnt on, Jack was raised in a family with a family business. He
had many positive experiences, and out of that comes a perspective that
permits him to ask the following question.

Veiga, Jack: To dig deeper into the dynamics where do you see this going,
or what was motivating you? Have you worked in a family business?

Carr, Jon: I personally have not worked in a family business. Our idea was
that the existing definition was not clear enough and it was the kind of def-
inition that makes sense after youve read the paper; this is a characteristic
of family firms thats real. You were recalling your own experiences, and in
our discussions with other folks we had the same kind of comments, such
as I remember what this was like for myself. And so our idea was that if
we can better explain this as a theoretical phenomenon, then perhaps we
can measure it, examine it and use this particular idea to further under-
stand how some family businesses (which have a very positive familiness
experience) can use that and leverage that to success. But in some instances
it has some negative consequences. What wed like to do (and what Id
personally like to do) is really comprehensively develop a measure for it.
Once we have that, perhaps weve extended our understanding of family
businesses further and, as a result, extended the field.

Mitchell, Ron: So lets look at the process of dealing with ET&P. Did these
areas that Jon was trying to convey come through to the reviewers and
editor, Candy? How did that process actually work?

Brush, Candy: Actually, this is something that we havent talked about. I

thought (being on the third day of the Conference) that everything might
have been said, so I am fortunate to have something to talk about. This
actually came out of a special issue, and at ET&P we run about four
special issues a year; this special issue was about family business. I dont
know how many submissions came in, but I know it was probably over

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176 In search of research excellence

30 or so. I was not the action editor, but I did talk to Jim Chrisman, who
was, at length. In fact, I was telling Jon that I asked for the original paper.
I read it and I treated it as if I had been the action editor, and I was really
pleased to see that I agreed with Jims comments because that validated
my thoughts on it. But, for this particular paper, it was a concept (as Jon
said) that had been referred to in the literature but was not well articu-
lated. And so the paper has a very good framework that helps to elaborate
a concept that has been used, but was really fuzzy. And so the contribu-
tion of the paper, as I see it, is that it has a framework that is testable and
would generate future research in this area. I thought that was an excellent

Mitchell, Ron: If I could just follow up on this special issue notion for the
worldwide audience. Yesterday, when we were comparing the specialty
niche entrepreneurship journals, one of the points that Candy made in that
session was that the special issue focus is something that ET&P has done
quite consistently over the years. Now, the thing that happens with the
special issue is that the dynamics of reviewer assignment end up becom-
ing actually a little more specialized because you really have recruited the
people who are in the domain of this area (which in this case was family
business). So when you got your reviews, Jon, were they all over the map
or how did they actually hit you? Were there problems that they raised
that were almost insurmountable, or were they on the helpful side? What
was going on there?

Carr, Jon: Can I just back up a little bit? One of the nice things about this
idea of special issues is that it is focused like that. This paper was part of
a conference that Jim Chrisman and his colleagues hold every year (or
I guess it is every other year), and their charge to us as conference par-
ticipants was, We really want you to try to stretch something here. We
want you to look at a couple of different topics and you get to pick the
topic but we want you to stretch what we understand about a particular
family business topic. That is what led to the beginning of this paper: the
fact that we had the editors (who really became like partners for us), and
that was a wonderful experience if you were an author. When the review-
ers are providing you with a lot of feedback, they are helping to shape how
that feedback impacts your paper, but they also want to see you continue
to push the limits of it. I think thats one of the benefits of a special issue
in my mind. So we got a lot of very, very good feedback. We had a lot of
things that we had to change and that challenged us. But the fact is that
we had a special issue editor who was very much our partner symboli-
cally, telling us, Were going to get through this. Were going to help you

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Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice 177

understand what the reviewers are really asking for here and help you
shape this in many ways.

Mitchell, Ron: I am going to make an observation, Candy, and ask you

to critique it (since were on special issues and it is something that had
not been discussed). We can focus on the special issue phenomenon at
ET&P in particular, but perhaps look at other journals as well because
many of the journals represented here (if not all) do special issues as a
means whereby advancement could occur in the field. Now, I am no rock
climber, but are they the pitons you hammer in so you can get the cara-
biner snapped in? So, essentially, what we are doing as we are climbing
higher in theory development is we are actually marking our way and
establishing our place so that we have new anchors from which to build.
Now from that standpoint, is that an editorial philosophy within ET&P?
Or what is the view of special issues? Because four a year that is a lot of
special issues.

Brush, Candy: It is. I think it goes back to this debate, Are we building
communities of scholars? The Bill Gartner paper (2001) in which he talks
about (and to some degree, I think what Jon referred to) the fact that that
there is a community around family business and there is also a commu-
nity around womens entrepreneurship (of which I am a part), and around
international or transitioned economies. So you have these different com-
munities and it is an opportunity, I think, to collaborate and to develop
theories more deeply in these perhaps niche areas. But at the same time,
special issues oftentimes have the benefit of bringing new perspectives to
bear on it. So I dont know about your conference in particular, but some-
times lets say youre doing a conference on family business maybe it
is an opportunity to draw in anthropologists or economists or people who
have different lenses so that you can therefore expand and develop that
research area so that perhaps it has implications beyond just that particu-
lar context area. So I am not sure if I answered your question, but I think
that is the way that we think about special issues.

Mitchell, Ron: Well, I think, since it is on the floor, the idea of a special
issue and what it does is the first part of the equation. What special issues
dont do and if there are any weaknesses associated with that would be the
other part of my question. What do you think?

Brush, Candy: Obviously, the other piece of special issues (for those out
in cyberspace) is that they run off cycles, so it is run by a separate group
special issues dont come through the managing editors. There are

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178 In search of research excellence

volunteers who submit a proposal to the editors. In fact, we have 10 or 15

to review right now and if we think, this is 2009; some of these wouldnt be
published until 2012. In any event (and we wont accept them all, by the
way), we will discuss them.

Mitchell, Ron: So they are specialized in one sense and then on a longer
trajectory because of that. We are now in the Q&A time and I would
like to invite our worldwide audience to email questions in as well as our
audience here at the University of Connecticut to begin the question-and-
answer process.

Lumpkin, Tom: I have got one on the web.

Mitchell, Ron: Tom, if you would lead off then, please.

Lumpkin, Tom: In general, are the standards for special issues higher or
lower? In terms of percentages of acceptances, how does it compare to
general submissions?

Brush, Candy: I will answer that. It depends on how many submissions

you get. One special issue I managed had 65 submissions, and so that was
a little overwhelming because I had asked people and they said, Oh, youll
get 30 and we got 65. That means the submissions are still double-blind
reviewed; in some cases we had three reviewers, depending on what it was.
The reviewers are usually people who are specialists in the area. So, if any-
thing, I would say that the standards might be higher because of the level
of expertise in that particular subject area it is greater expertise applied
to that particular phenomenon. It is hard to say as I dont have empirical
data to say yes or no.

Mitchell, Ron: I know when Ray Bagby asked me to manage the entrepre-
neurial cognition special issue series that one of the explicit understand-
ings that we had verbally (I dont know if it turned up in writing, but it
was explicit) was that if we have however many papers and not a single
one of them meets the standards then we wont have a special issue. If we
only have 1 out of 65 that meets the standards, it will be included with a
note in a regular issue. So it really was a meet the ET&P standard. But
then again, if you get a lot of high-quality papers in not too big of a pool,
the acceptance rate is going to vary based on that. It is really just the
mathematics of that.

Brush, Candy: Absolutely, because we could only accept six.

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Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice 179

Veiga, Jack: I am just curious; do you ever do a special invitation? For

instance, in family business, go to a Mike Hitt, go to a Duane Ireland, go
to a Mike Lubatkin these are people that havent worked in this area,
but on the other hand they have great minds. They think in lots of differ-
ent ways and say, Look, I want you to do a piece. As part of it (not the
whole thing, but as part of it), just to see what different peoples perspec-
tives might bring to it?

Brush, Candy: I think it happens both ways. I think sometimes the editors
will say, especially topic X might be a good topic because we are getting a
lot of submissions on this, but then we get a lot of unsolicited proposals.
In fact, the 15 special issue proposals that we have are all from volunteers:
some of them are from editors and some of them are from reviewers on the
review board. So it comes both ways; and again, we have to say that the
key thing with Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice is that we want to make
sure that there are contributions to the domain of entrepreneurship. And
in particular, we do look at theory or theoretical contributions or empiri-
cal contributions that will further research. So really, the bottom line here
is, Will this special issue (and it is the same in our regular review process)
will these papers, this group of papers make a significant contribution to
the domain of entrepreneurship? That is really the bottom-line question.

Mitchell, Ron: Just to add a tiny bit of color to that ... When we were
doing this entrepreneurial cognition series, at that point in time (some-
times in the field you see it developing and all the papers that are submit-
ted dont really cover the waterfront), I did go to Ray and say, This is a
piece that needs to be there and it is not; and I would like to invite so and
so to do it. And I received editorial approval to do that. So, Jack, that is
another way that the crafting and the moving forward of the theory and
the practice field works out. Do we have another question, Tom?

Lumpkin, Tom: She just answered it.

Mitchell, Ron: So to the floor, who has the microphone?

Brush, Candy: I have a comment. I actually have another topic Ill bring
up (because I think we havent talked about this either), and that is how
authors respond to reviewers. That is a process in and of itself. I was com-
menting to Jon that one of the things I observed in the multiple pages of
responses to reviewers is that he and his authors had a very accepting tone.
In other words, one of the reviewers said something about a section being
confusing and instead of a defensive I dont agree, Jon and his authors

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180 In search of research excellence

responded, On second review, we agree it was confusing. And so I think

it is important to acknowledge to the reviewers exactly your understand-
ing of what theyre saying and your willingness to work with them and
I think that was really clear in your responses. I dont know, maybe you
want to talk about that.

Carr, Jon: I would say that one of the things that we had to address (and
the reviewers brought up some very well-taken points) was a question on
theoretical clarity that asked, How are you different? Seeing that there
was some other research that we cited, reviewers asked: Youre using
this research, but how are you contributing? How are you discriminating
between what these authors have said versus your own work?
The points that the reviewers made were very valid, and so the tack
could have been, Well, were going to ignore what youre saying here.
And we decided to say, Look, theyre right on track with this. Lets get
past this idea that we dont have to respond to it. Lets make some changes
and acknowledge our own shortcomings on our research.

Mitchell, Ron: So lets go with these one-liners just to wrap everything up.
Candy, if there were one thing youd recommend to authors in successfully
working with ET&P, what would it be?

Brush, Candy: Make sure there is a contribution to the domain and the
field of entrepreneurship. Thats actually one of the reasons why papers
do get desk rejected: because the contribution is to strategic management
or some other field. And so those papers, even though they may be great
quality, are better positioned for a different journal.

Mitchell, Ron: Jon, one thing that you could say to our worldwide audi-
ence and our studio audience here in recommending one thing to work
with ET&P would be...?

Carr, Jon: Again, the theoretical contribution certainly needs to be there.

It has been my experience (and this has been echoed already) that you have
to put your best work in front of the editor and in front of the reviewers; by
doing that, that means crafting has to happen very carefully and diligently.
And that has been mentioned by several of our keynote speakers, and it
cant be emphasized enough. You have to put together your best work,
and so in working with ET&P that is certainly what I would recommend.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you very much, Jon. Thank you, Candy. Thank you

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Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice 181

Gartner, W. (2001). Is there an elephant in entrepreneurship? Blind assumptions in
theory development. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 25 (4), 2740.
Habbershon, T.G., M.L. Williams and K. Kaye (1999). A resource-based frame-
work for assessing the strategic advantages of family firms. Family Business
Review, 12 (1), 125.
Pearson, A.W., J.C. Carr and J.C. Shaw (2008). Toward a theory of familiness: a
social capital perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32 (6), 94969.

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12. Journal of Applied Psychology
Associate editor: Jing Zhou
Author: Maw-Der Foo
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell,
John E. Mathieu
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: I am Ron Mitchell, current Chair of the Entrepreneurship

Division of the Academy of Management; with me are Jing Zhou (the
associate editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology), John Mathieu (my
co-moderator) and Maw-Der Foo (author representative here today).
We have in the Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) unique publish-
ing opportunities and Jing, just as I have done with other journals, I am
going to provide a bit of my own take on the journals mission statement
and then ask you to correct me to the extent that I step out of line. What
I would like to communicate is that JAP is an outlet for applied empirical
work that addresses the psychological aspects of entrepreneurship. This
journal publishes research that can contribute new knowledge and under-
standing to fields of applied psychology.
So this journal is open to a wide variety of topics which include person-
nel selection, performance measurement, training, work motivation, lead-
ership, drug and alcohol abuse, career development, conflict between job
and family, work stress, organizational design, technology, cross-cultural
differences in work behavior, and attitudes. Now thats a very broad
palette, but it all is encompassed in the term applied psychology. So this
is the opportunity for all of us worldwide who are interested in this kind of
work to target our papers (actually our research design and the papers that
describe our research) to the Journal of Applied Psychology.
Now the first thing that we will do then is to ask Maw-Der to give us a
brief flyby of the paper. I didnt actually read out the title which I normally
have done. The title is, How do feelings influence effort? An empirical
study of entrepreneurs affect and venture effort. You have co-authors, so
please go ahead.


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Journal of Applied Psychology 183

Foo, Maw-Der: First I would like to recognize my co-authors, Marilyn

Uy (and she has now moved to the University of Victoria, which Ron was
from) and Robert Baron, who is also moving to Oklahoma State. Im from
Colorado and still in Colorado.
The purpose of this paper really is part of the overall goal to high-
light the central role of affective influences such as feelings, emotions,
emotional labor and emotional intelligence in the process of how entre-
preneurs discover, evaluate and implement business opportunities. But
specifically for this paper, what we investigated was how affect predicts
the amount of effort that entrepreneurs put into their ventures. We used
the affect as information theory. We suggest that if you experience posi-
tive affect, you assume that things are going well; and therefore, you take
a backseat and reduce your effort. What we thought was interesting and
counterintuitive was that positive affect actually increased the amount
of effort that entrepreneurs put into their ventures, primarily through a
future temporal focus.

Mitchell, Ron: So, one of the things that was cool about the method was
that you emphasized the word experience. And was this experience-
sampling methodology where you had the entrepreneurs who were par-
ticipating respondents actually call in (was it twice a day?) on their cell
phones? How was that received at JAP?

Zhou, Jing: It was cool. It was very nice. It is a method that actually
the affect people (the people who do research in social psychology and
affect) started to use. So in some ways, there are several interesting things
about this paper that I really like. First of all is the theory: the mood, as
information theory, is relatively new in our field in the applied field; and
they used that correctly and in a very counterintuitive way, if you will, of
looking at the immediate versus future, and both the negative and positive
mood each have as a functional impact on peoples effort. Its just different
temporal dimensions. Also, the way social psychologists collect data really
is new and appropriate; so those are very nice features.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. John, as you encountered this paper, what
questions came to mind? Lead us forward in our discussion, please.

Mathieu, John: Well, I think that both the paper and JAP are an interest-
ing kind of fit in this forum. JAP (in both an author and editor view on
this thing) is the flagship journal for psychology, but it is oddly enough
more a niche journal for this particular kind of audience. I want both the
author and the associate editor to sort of frame that in how it fits and

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184 In search of research excellence

from Maw-Der (and I previewed this with you earlier) his opening para-
graph was a traditional heres motivation and applied context. It is the
sort of thing that I and our colleagues would write about: goal-setting or
self-regulation theory. And then paragraph two is where the entrepreneur-
ship stuff came in. I am wondering why you decided on that framing rather
than grabbing something from Business Week and giving us a sexy snippet
about an emotional high or breakdown of an entrepreneur and how that
sparks things. So tell us about the framing and inspiration.

Mitchell, Ron: Before he answers this, theres an entrepreneur calling right

now and hes really mad.

Foo, Maw-Der: What I wanted to say regarding the experience-sampling

methodology that we used was that we actually programmed the survey
into the cell phone. So if you were a participant, you would get an SMS
[application on your phone]. You would probably walk out of the room
after this session and reply to our survey. For this survey, technology
methodology was jointly developed by Marilyn Uy (whos the second
author of this paper), myself and Zhaoli Song, who is at the National
University of Singapore. (I want to give credit to them, who helped
develop this technology.)
To your question about why do we put work motivation theory before
entrepreneurship, I think I can go back to a colleague who was talking
to me the other day who said, I submitted something to JAP and the
editor took eight months to get me a suitable reviewer. So I think the key
message here is you know, we talk about reviewers. Who are the review-
ers? We are the reviewers, right? So to JAP, I can sometimes imagine who
are the reviewers at JAP. Who are the three people that I will be speak-
ing to who would be the managing or actionary person that I would be
speaking to and what would they be more receptive to? So we felt that at
least for the JAP audience, that was the motivation they might be more
receptive to.

Mitchell, Ron: Let me follow that up before I kick it over to Jing, in

that theres an interesting thing about signaling and how you target
this voice. We have had this conversation at the journal level: this
journal or that journal. There are some disciplines (MIS [Management
Infomation Systems] and some marketing things) that Ive worked with,
like Organization Science, where you actually are asked to nominate an
AE [associate editor] and reviewers. You dont get to do that at JAP, and
I see a lot of people who will send in the proverbial cover letter on how
this information is input into the web-window (where they will give the

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Journal of Applied Psychology 185

executive summary of the paper) and others will say, Listen, this work
kind of sits out in this field. So how does it work with a journal like JAP,
with the magnitude of a number of associate editors? How does an author
signal: This is the audience who ought to be reviewing this thing to sort of
find the right kind of feedback?

Zhou, Jing: First of all, let me just take like two minutes to describe what
JAP is, given that I realized yesterday that in this audience there are a lot of
macro people. JAP is a very large enterprise. The current editorial team
officially started in 2009; but starting in 2008, this team actually started to
process manuscripts. I was counting last night and in 2009 alone I wrote 48
decision letters. So by the end of 2009, for just myself alone, there will be
over 100 revisions that will come in. So this is a very large journal.
After I took this position, I learned that JAP actually has a very long
history. I know it is a very distinguished journal; it has been around for
90 years nine-zero so it has been around for a long time publishing
scholarly work in applied psychology. I am very excited with JAP at this
juncture in its history. We all know its very long distinguished history.
Here is a piece of data that I hesitated on deciding whether I should
share with you or not, but I decided to share with you. Not long ago I
received a survey done by Murray Barrick at A&M. He surveyed the
research schools in terms of getting peoples consensus of what are really
the top journals. When you talk about premier journals in your program
or department, what are those? The surveys conclusion actually was that,
based on data, the big five top journals were Academy of Management
Journal (AMJ), Academy of Management Review (AMR), Administrative
Science Quarterly (ASQ), Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) and
Strategic Management Journal (SMJ). So JAP is up there in terms of being
respected in management departments and applied psychology programs.
I say this is exciting because after the current editorial team started,
the editor Steve Kozlowski published an editorial, and I would strongly
recommend everyone whos ever interested in publishing at JAP to look
at the editorial very carefully. Read it very carefully. It was published in
the January issue of 2009. It actually laid out very, very detailed expecta-
tions for manuscripts. I was surprised (since I became associate editor)
how many authors wasted an opportunity to really calibrate their manu-
scripts to JAP in terms of both the writing style and structure. How do
you frame your story to suit the audience? It is quite doable. In my mind
it is actually easy to do. All it takes is to actually read that editorial; he
clearly says the kinds of things you should do and the kinds of things you
should not do to be successful here. I thought that was a very, very helpful
starting point.

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186 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: Maw-Der did not have that article, so how did you formu-
late this article to make it?

Foo, Maw-Der: Well, here I need to acknowledge Matthew Haywood a

little bit. Matthew Haywood introduced me to a book called The Pyramid
Principle (Minto, 2002). Basically he lays out the area that we are talking
about: in our case it was motivation. And then he lays out what is sur-
prising about that area and here what was surprising was the amount
of effort that entrepreneurs put into their venture. Then he lays out what
theoretical perspective that we wanted to use, which was the affect as
information. So we pretty much used his pyramid principle to lay out what
we thought was the issue we were talking about, what was surprising, what
our theoretical angle was and then how we contributed it to that area.
I think one of the points I want to say is why we targeted JAP. We
talk about legitimacy of fields (as Patricia McDougall was mentioning
[Chapter 6] about entrepreneurship being a legitimate field), but one of
the issues about legitimacy is that we are not sure; we are talking about
strategy, talking about OB [organizational behavior], talking about entre-
preneurship and entrepreneurship taking over strategy but why not
OB taking over entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship taking over OB?
So the point I am trying to drive here is that there are legitimacy issues
sometimes with OB and entrepreneurship, and I am really glad to see that
many of the so-called interesting papers in this conference are OB and

Mitchell, Ron: Journals evolve over time. If you look at JAP several years
ago, there was a lot of work on union issues. There were a lot of jury kinds
of studies. Human factors used to have a very big footprint there. And if
you look at more recent years, the top management teams have found a
home there. The entrepreneurship stuff has found a home there. So it is a
very wide tent. Roughly how many manuscripts do you get a year?

Zhou, Jing: Between 900 and 1,000.

Mitchell, Ron: For the journal itself?

Zhou, Jing: New submissions, not including revisions; the journals actual
acceptance rate I believe is around 10 percent.

Mitchell, Ron: I was going to say that I think youre actually up in the
thousands, last time I looked, in terms of submissions. How many AEs are
there? There are about 11 of you?

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Journal of Applied Psychology 187

Zhou, Jing: Well, we started with nine. Clearly that was not enough, given
the amount of work. So right now we have ten. And among the ten associ-
ate editors, the editor put me in charge of dealing with manuscripts about
top management teams and entrepreneurship.

Mitchell, Ron: Just a moderators point: one of the pieces of information

that a division chair has access to is the number of people from other
divisions who are also members of your division and we have many
hundreds of OB scholars who are also members of the Entrepreneurship
Division. This is one of these conversations that has been going on for a
good long time, which is why as the journal moves into being interested in
this domain, we as entrepreneurship scholars should begin to be interested
in this journal.

Mathieu, John: And again, a lot of it has to do with what the niches are
and how you fit it in. Much of the earlier discussion in other sessions was
about perceptions and informing people.
Then to just give you a quick side story: I was trained in industrial
organizational psychology, so JAP was the show for me. The very first
publication I ever had was rejected from JAP; it went through machina-
tions and eventually I got it in someplace else. At the end of the year when
we did my performance evaluation with my department head (and we
were having this conversation about JBV [Journal of Business Venturing]
in another session), I literally sat down with my department head and
she asked me about this other place where I had landed the paper. And
she asked, Is that even refereed? Is that a magazine? What is that? I was
sitting there in a tough position of trying to convince my department head
that this other home where I got it placed wasnt a rag; it was a reasonable
place and I found myself trying to argue for the legitimacy of the Academy
of Management Journal, which is where it was landed. It was just before
Mike Hitt came on as editor. It was a buyers watch and Im arguing, This
is not a rag. Its not a magazine. I should get credit for this thing. And
that was the dialogue that I had with the psychologist. So framing and
where you are coming from really does matter. As you think about it, psy-
chology tends to be the different side of things, but particularly under the
stewardship of Steve Kozlowski (hes a levels person). As an OB outsider
looking at entrepreneurship, there are tons of level issues, all right. Not
only choosing a level, but how you embrace multiple levels at once. So I
think JAP, particularly when you get off of the just the individual side of
things and you start thinking about the entrepreneur, the context, how he
or she scopes their organizations and how they choose the environments
and enact the environments that they look at ...

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188 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: It is an interesting observation because actually, as I was

the Entrepreneurship Division program chair just a couple of years ago,
levels are starting to that kind of research is really starting to come to its
own in entrepreneurship ...
Now we are at the time when we can take questions from the world and
from our studio audience. The microphone is up and active and over here
Jeff McMullen making a point ...

Mathieu, John: As the microphone travels, one of the things I will alert you
to is that JAP tends to be more methodological and rigorous, and theres
a nice compliment on the management side of things. Organizational
Research Methods actually is in the midst of a special issue right now and
entrepreneurship is the focus. So tools and different analytic techniques
and things of that sort that are very suitable for entrepreneurship (some
of which are going to be multi-level kinds of tools of which I have been
reviewing for) are just on the horizon; so that will be forthcoming, too.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. Jeff.

McMullen, Jeff: Just a quick question. I have heard mixed opinions or

answers to this question so I am just curious. Does JAP accept pure theory
or does it have to be an empirical piece? And how common is it if they do
accept pure theory?

Zhou, Jing: Thats a very good question. It is actually not editorial. The
editor laid it out clearly that we very much welcome theory pieces. A
couple of years ago, the previous editorial team actually had a special
theory session; but we dont have to go to special issues. We accept theory
papers year-round. We are also very receptive to papers using all sorts of
methods. It could be qualitative as long as they are rigorously conducted.
It could be quantitative, so we are very receptive as long as it is well done;
theory or empirical.

Mitchell, Ron: Well, that statement is going to bring more work for you.

Mathieu, John: The JAP mission also has a very applied piece to it. It is the
Journal of Applied Psychology. There are plenty of avenues for more basic
psychological kinds of research, so you really do need to be relevant. Now
there is a place for basic research and applied research, but in the Journal
of Applied Psychology, you cant just give a passing throwaway sentence
or two at the end. You really have to offer how this changes things, or at
least inform how one ought to be operating.

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Journal of Applied Psychology 189

Mitchell, Ron: Okay, the microphone is moved.

Audience Member #1: Hi. I am probably one of the few people in this
room who has been successfully published in JAP for entrepreneurship
papers. I have been an active reviewer for JAP for the last few years for
some entrepreneurship papers. However, I have a general impression that
JAP has a difficulty identifying appropriate reviewers to review entrepre-
neurship papers. The example Maw-Der just mentioned (that Im invited
to review my own paper) happened during the transition of the previous
editorial team and the current editorial team, so I think it was just an
accident. Another example I have is a few years ago ...

Mitchell, Ron: Did you do it?

Audience Member #1: I struggled for a day and I finally said no.

Mitchell, Ron: It was his toughest review.

Audience Member #1: Another example is that a few years ago, the JAP
editor spent five months and then told me we could not find a second
reviewer for our paper, so they made a decision just based on one single
reviewers comments (which actually were positive ones so we got lucky I
think in this way). My question is, has JAP considered inviting entrepre-
neurship researchers to review for JAP?

Zhou, Jing: Good question. There are actually several questions in there,
so let me just answer quickly. First of all (in terms of the review timeline),
I dont know what the previous editorial teams had as their timeline, but
in terms of this particular paper, to prepare for this conference, I actually
looked at it. The paper was submitted in June of 2008, and I believe the
decision was sent out in August. I dont remember the exact date, but in
August. They revised the paper and added new data so that was a great
Adding new data is not easy. So for almost four months (close to
December), they went through one round of revisions and that was it.
After one round of revisions (that was a very responsive revision) I con-
ditionally accepted in December. In two weeks I accepted conditionally. I
believe in January of 2009 the second revision came back and I accepted it
without sending out a review. So this is about half a year six months. Im
sorry about your experience, but Im not sure thats typical.
Your second question about reviewers . . . We have cleaned out the
database. When we took over the office there was a database in place, so

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190 In search of research excellence

we had to use that and you have to learn while doing that. Because I am
the one who is more familiar with entrepreneurship researchers, I have
made lots of suggestions in terms of who to add and who to use, and we
are still in the process of doing that. But the key thing is that there are
famous people who everybody knows but when you send out reviews to
them, they have an incredibly heavy workload (so that probably explains
the delay). I am actually in the process of making suggestions to the editor
in terms of adding more reviewers, and I would also suggest to people who
are interested in reviewing for JAP: send your letter, be proactive and say
Im interested in reviewing for you. We welcome that.

Mitchell, Ron: This will be a very helpful request. So, everyone worldwide,
if JAP is one of your areas of specialty, please volunteer and that way we
will be able to get beyond the one-reviewer kind of difficulty.
So we are in the wrap-up phase right now, and John, I would like to
just go back to you for a few final thoughts about JAP, the papers, etc.,
and then I am going to ask two open-ended questions of the editor and
the author about the one piece of advice they would give. So you go first.

Mathieu, John: Certainly JAP has always had the reputation that it is a
method and a quantitative thing, and it is in the sense that they look for
(first and foremost) empirical pieces not to the exclusion of theoretical
ones. That certainly is a featured part of JAP, but that doesnt mean that
JAP is just a statistics geek forum. In fact, the editors and associate editors
really do want to bring out the theory and really put things in context. So
dont play with the stereotype of JAP. It is a big tent and they welcome a
lot of different things. And it is a place where you have some wiggle room
in terms of doing novel or different kinds of things.

Mitchell, Ron: So, Jing, if there was one thing that you would recommend
in successfully working with JAP, it would be ...?

Zhou, Jing: The goals. When you decide where to send the paper, it should
not be after youve done data analysis and then decide. The design phase is
very important. Calibrate and, really, I totally agree with what Mike [Hitt]
said earlier about design (by the way, Mike has been my role model since I
started). I have had the privilege to be his colleague and just to watch him
be such an outstanding researcher, and at the same time being so generous
with his time and his advice to people.
So that is, I think, what I sense the JAP editorial team is trying to do.
We are not at maximum level yet, but we are here to help. We try to be
constructive. The advice would be really the design phase. Find something

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Journal of Applied Psychology 191

you truly love. This is not a career tactic; it is a strategic move in terms of
Im going to get one more publication, but do something you truly are
curious of finding out answers. So that is one piece of advice. Another one
is (I learned this from Barry Stall, one of the outstanding OB researchers)
he said, Very few of us are natural-born good writers, but you can be a
good rewriter. So do something; before you send it out, ask yourself this
final question before you send it off: Is this something Im proud of?

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Jing. Maw-Der, any last words?

Foo, Maw-Der: I think I have a very tight link between theory and method;
and to do that, take your time to design the survey and to collect the data,
because often you have just one shot to collect data and after that you can
and should rewrite 50 times (like many of you have mentioned).

Mitchell, Ron: So, in conclusion, there is room in JAP for top-tier

entrepreneurship research. Lets do some. Thank you very much.


Foo, M.-D., M.A. Uy and R.A. Baron (2009). How do feelings influence effort?
An empirical study of entrepreneurs affect and venture effort. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 94 (4), 108694.
Kozlowski, S.W.J. (2009). Editorial. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94 (1), 14.
Minto, B. (2002). The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking. London:
Prentice Hall/Financial Times.

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13. Journal of Business Venturing
Associate editor: Phillip Phan
Authors: Dimo Dimov, William Forster
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell,
John E. Mathieu
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: We will start with a brief flyby of each of the two papers.
The first paper is Dimo Dimov and Hana Milanovs The interplay of need
and opportunity in venture capital investment syndication. Then theres
Matt Hayward, Bill Forster, Saras Sarasvathy and Barbara Fredricksons
Beyond hubris: How highly confident entrepreneurs rebound to venture
again. Dimo, a quick flyby, please.

Dimov, Dimo: First of all, I would like to acknowledge my co-author,

Hana Milanov in Greece. Hi, Hana.
Very quickly. We looked at the alliance formation literature and it says,
First form alliances because they have some need, but also alliances need
to have shared opportunity (a reason for being). In other words, have a
reason to be able to attract partners. We wondered about all those cases
where alliances are actually not formed. This viewpoint opens up a couple
of interesting questions: Can you have a need for alliances, but actually
not be able to attract partners; or can you be able to attract partners but
actually do not need them? So these are particularly fluid and disjointed
at the level of the individual project. Thus, it brings up the question of
interplay. Our context is the venture capital industry, which is particularly
relevant because venture capital firms continually make investment deci-
sions on a series of projects (and we can actually see what they do for yes
decisions: they syndicate some investments and do not syndicate others).
So we try to tease out what is it that can determine these differences.
We study their first round of investments where they look at the
company for the first time, and from a need perspective, which shows that
if they invest in an unfamiliar area (an industry that they havent invested
before), they are more likely to syndicate. So that is the need part. For the


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interplay part, we looked at their status and reputation, where we actually

show that these two variables (from the point of view of their ability to
attract partners) actually change the intensity of their relationship between
need and alliance. Short and sweet.

Mitchell, Ron: That was short and sweet. Thank you very much. Especially
sweet. Bill?

Forster, Bill: Our paper deals with hubris and overconfidence, which in the
literature have been largely linked to very negative outcomes (both for the
individual and for the firm). However, we tried to take a little bit different
view of that and tried to integrate the emotional and social perspective in
behavioral decision theory into it. And we also looked at a little bit differ-
ent setting than had been investigated before and that is the setting of
the serial entrepreneur. So our central question was, How does overconfi-
dence, or confidence in general, prepare an entrepreneur to venture again,
perhaps after theyve experienced a failure in a focal venture?
To do that we brought in Barbara Fredricksons (2001) work on her
broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions; and actually it is a theory
piece that shows that overconfidence can actually lead to positive emo-
tions which then will prepare an entrepreneur to rebound from failure and,
perhaps, venture again more often than if they were not overconfident.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you very much. John, I would like to turn the co-
moderating duties to you to ask the first question.

Mathieu, John: Sure. I think the first question I want to have is a high-
level one (that I am going to pose first to the authors and then I would
like Phils comment on it), and that is the branding issue in terms of JBV
[Journal of Business Venturing]. Let me preface this by saying that Venkat
was talking about starting at the top and then working down [Sankaran
Venkataraman: Chapter 7], but there are alternative strategies and I
want to make two points. One is that most papers that are submitted are
rejected; and most of the highly cited papers, the most influential papers in
the field, have been rejected at least once if not multiple times. So my ques-
tion to the authors is, Why JBV? Did you shop it someplace else? Were
you trying to put it someplace else other than in JBV, or is JBV the right
place? How does your paper fit into the universe of entrepreneurship?

Dimov, Dimo: In our case, whats interesting is that as the paper was devel-
oping we thought of JBV as the natural home. It was clear and the reason
for that is theres been a longstanding conversation in the journal about

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194 In search of research excellence

venture capital and when you have a context like this, it comes with a
lot of dirty laundry. There are problems with working with venture capital
data, and when you have reviewers that are in that area, they are aware
of these issues so you can safely navigate these waters because everyone
knows that these are problems. So with that said, this was a natural home.
I had come here to UConn and JBV didnt have the premiere status I
had two JBVs already, and, as people said, You will not get tenure with
six JBVs. So the point was that I had to go and target premiere journals.
We actually sent it to another journal. We knew JBV was the natural
home but we tried to package it for a broader audience and this is where
we learned a few things in that process. The paper became much stronger.
And after, it was written in one place beforehand ... Am I allowed to say

Mathieu, John: You can say anything you want. It is only going to be out
there forever, but you can say anything you want.

Dimov, Dimo: It was rejected at Organization Science, and that was the
first submission. So here we took some of the lessons learned there and
decided on the second try, being that JBV was the natural place and it
made sense for the paper to go there.

Forster, Bill: For our paper, we knew that JBV was a top journal in entre-
preneurship with a focus on entrepreneurs; that is the topic of our paper,
so it was a natural home in that way. We also knew that there was a long-
going scholarly conversation on cognitive biases and serial entrepreneur-
ship within the journal, so we also thought it was a good fit for that. Other
than that, I am actually the second author. Matt Hayward was the one
that did the selection, so I will have to defer to him for any other details of
where it has been before.

Mathieu, John: Phil, what about your perspective in terms of the JBV
brand and how you see these papers fitting into it (or other submissions
that you see)?

Phan, Phil: Well, I think Dimo put a very nice point in the conversation
that we have been having in the last day and a half, which is that if you
have a very clear idea of what your paper is about (and therefore the
audience to whom it is supposed to speak to), then you ought to publish
in those outlets that speak directly to that audience. I think this is a very
nice illustration of, in a sense, a paper coming home. It took that circu-
lar route, but it came home. And what was interesting about the review

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process was that while the paper had originally come in with a fairly bal-
anced perspective on the alliances literature as well as the VC [venture
capital] literature, it was very obvious to both myself and to the reviewers
that this clearly was a paper that had a lot of things to say to the VC lit-
erature. It brought an interesting perspective on status, which is something
that has not been really looked at very carefully before (certainly not in the
way they did it); and sometimes the authors will sort of push back into this
space, because that is where it was most comfortable.
The reason I picked these two papers was because, in my mind, they
are exemplars of the kinds of papers that JBV tries to publish. And while
these two papers are in the mainstream of the topics that are typically
published in JBV, what was interesting is that they said something more.
So it isnt a question of replication. It isnt quite the mining versus pros-
pecting issues. It is really about the fact that within the entrepreneurship
domain, there are still a huge number of questions that are not answered
very well. They are being attempted, but are not answered very well. These
papers created, in some sense, new platforms for going back to these exist-
ing questions, such as the one on overconfidence, for example. The other
interesting aspect of it is to highlight the fact that Bills paper actually went
through five rounds. It wasnt because the paper was not good to begin
with (in fact there was a lot of interesting stuff going on), but there was a
big controversy (maybe Bill can talk about it) and actually a very in-depth
conversation between the authors and the reviewers on teasing out the
differences between self-efficacy and confidence. While the literature on
self-efficacy and confidence is very clear on that, I think when applied to
entrepreneurial context (particularly serial entrepreneurship), the litera-
ture wasnt actually clear in the beginning, because it turned out that a lot
of the work in self-efficacy showed that it is actually very malleable and
could be trained. And so, serial entrepreneurship could be seen as a form
of training with respect to that construct.
I think it would be interesting to talk about what the authors were think-
ing as they went through this process. From my perspective, I think in a
particularly good review process, it is not only just one way. What we found
(or what I experienced with that paper) is that the reviewers actually got
educated. (This is JBVs idea, so nobody gets to steal this.) But one of the
things that Ive actually been thinking very seriously about is the possibility
that when, as editors, we encounter these kinds of very serious conversa-
tions going on between editors and reviewers very honest conversations
(It wasnt ideological, right? It was really about rigorous thinking) that
those conversations can be published because they really show the devel-
opment of an idea. It is not obvious when you simply look at the final
piece; and I got a great education out of that. I think in the best possible

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196 In search of research excellence

circumstances, reviewers, authors and editors all get an education beyond

what they may not necessarily have gotten if they simply read the paper.
Dimos paper was the complete opposite. I think it is effective to have
one review, right? The paper was very complete, and what the reviewers
really wanted was some robust testing. And so this was a situation where
they had thought very carefully because the paper already had a natural
home. They thought very carefully about positioning, about the empirical
methodology, the estimation methods and the data. They already had very
good ideas about the limitations of the VC data and how to address it up
front. So that was a real pleasure to work with as an editor, because you
werent struggling, trying to figure out what reviewers wanted and how the
authors should respond. But in both instances, interestingly enough, we
had two reviewers working, and they were all split. In the first round, even
with Dimos paper, the review recommendations were split; not because of
quality, but because they were not sure if there was an additional contribu-
tion. It turned out that the contributions were actually quite substantive
once it was clarified in the first review.

Mathieu, John: I want to set up a question for Bill and I want him to sort
of explore this. In Howards keynote earlier in the conference [Howard E.
Aldrich: Chapter 2] he had mentioned the 10,000 accumulated hours to
be a prospector and have that level of expertise and maturity in the field.
And personally, I think there are other ways to do that. I think by bringing
in, leveraging and thinking from other fields (in particular by leveraging
different kinds of co-authors), there are different dynamics where you can
bring in some of that expertise and perspective earlier in a career stage and
develop different dynamics in a paper.
Bill, could you tell us your role in your paper, how that unfolded and
how that maybe informed the dialogue of the process that Phil was talking

Forster, Bill: Yes. I actually wasnt involved in this paper until after it got
its first R&R [revise and resubmit] it came back to Matt Hayward with
a very high-risk R&R and he knew that it was going to have to be a sub-
stantial rewrite if this paper was going to proceed forward in the process.
We had been corresponding about some other work that I had been doing
and he knew that I had been working in this same area. And I think he
thought that, even though I am a younger scholar in the game of things,
that I might be able to bring just a fresh perspective to this paper and
maybe help him to make some of those hard changes. We talked earlier
about how sometimes it is really hard to take a part of the paper that you
really love and just throw it on the cutting-room floor and move on from

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that. So he brought Saras Sarasvathy and myself in for the second round.
We went through and read the paper pretty much like we were reviewers
without even looking at the reviewers comments. We went back and
looked at the reviewers comments and married those up in our mind, and
I think that brought a different perspective to this paper. And we did do a
substantial rewrite of the paper: we left parts of it on the floor, we started
to address that question of self-efficacy versus optimism versus confidence
and all these conflated terms in our paper, and we tried to make those a
little bit clearer by trying to pull them apart.
I think from a junior perspective, I learned a lot from it. It is a
mentorship-type thing to go through this process, but I think also being
from a junior perspective, I may have brought a different view to this par-
ticular paper and this particular solution that might have helped it actually
proceed in the review process.

Mathieu, John: So I think there are alternative ways to get the prospecting
kind of approach.

Phan, Phil: Can I chime in for a second?

Mathieu, John: Absolutely.

Phan, Phil: You know, Bill brought up a very important point, which is
that in fact (I think in about the third round) one of the authors became
a bit impatient with the process and the reviewer became a little bit
impatient. It is like, You guys are talking right past each other; and I
think having Saras and having Bill in there really helped a lot because they
werent necessarily married to the idea so they could be very objective.
And, of course, it turned out that the reviewer also had to be convinced.
But it is very hard to write a convincing reply when you are emotionally
involved. And so having co-authors that are able to take a step back and
say, Well, if theres some merit in the argument lets deal with it. If there
isnt then lets pull together a convincing case. In fact, after the third
round, the log jam sort of just broke up and it went through very quickly.
Actually, it was a fairly quick process. I cant remember precisely how long
the whole process took.

Mathieu, John: Five rounds?

Phan, Phil: That was quick.

Mathieu, John: I would hate to see your lengthy ones.

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198 In search of research excellence

Phan, Phil: But it was very, very quick. It was boom, boom, boom like

Forster, Bill: I also went through that process too, because there was one
point where one of our authors and one of the reviewers were butting
heads and they actually wrote to Phil and said, Please adjudicate this for
us some way. Like, Tell us what the road ahead is. He did a good job
doing that; then we proceeded.

Mitchell, Ron: All of us who watch movies and have our DVDs, we love
to have those additional segments that show what wasnt included in the
movie: whats on the cutting-room floor? And in many respects, what we
are seeing emerging here is that, as that refining process goes on, certain
things need to be removed from the paper; but that doesnt mean they
need to be removed from the literature. It just means that they belong in
another package.
Is there anything out of these papers on the cutting-room floor that is
moving forward, or did that basically end its involvement in academia? So
you cut out a big chunk.

Forster, Bill: Yes, we did. We cut a chunk of segments talking about how
overconfidence is measured and a kind of calibration effect, and a couple
of graphs and charts that werent really central to our argument. Being
removed from that, I can see how we really didnt need those figures
and those charts, so we pulled those out. I think they are good work and
theyll end up somewhere. They are nowhere right now; however, this is an
ongoing stream of looking at overconfidence, so I am sure theyll come out.

Mitchell, Ron: Would JBV consider producing the outtakes? No, I am just
kidding ...

Phan, Phil: Well, actually, that is precisely the point. There is much to be
learned from this. Certainly one of the missions of the journal, being a field
journal, is advocacy for the field. Basically starting with Venkat (from the
beginning), JBV really saw its role as more than just being a gatekeeper;
as you are trying to advocate for not only the legitimacy, but the rigor and
the acceptance of the field, right? Not just the journal. And so there is a
huge amount of education that could be had by looking at these outtakes.
We have got to figure out how to do that in a way that is accessible.

Mathieu, John: I think you can just see that sometimes in the trimmings.
Mike Hitt and I did a lead-in for an AMJ [Academy of Management Journal]

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special issue (see Hitt, Beamish, Jackson and Mathieu, 2007) and I had
way overwritten my section. He was very apologetic at trimming it (as he
should have with a chain saw), to which I ended up saying, No, no, Mike.
Do not worry about it. Theres enough on the ground here. It is now being
packaged for a JOM [Journal of Management] special issue, and it has an
encouraged R&R there. So the trimmings sometimes can be another meal.
I have a question for Dimo to think about some juxtaposition. When
I look at your paper, analytically it was very sophisticated and very well
done; like the work you do. And then theres this section on exploratory
analyses, and a lot of our top journals really squeeze that out of us. They
do not want to see exploratory analyses. They either want to see it as a
hypothesis or get it out of the paper. What did you learn more from: what
you intended to look at or the exploratory analyses and how did you
even get into that space?

Dimov, Dimo: Well, the interesting thing about the exploratory analyses is
that they actually come after the main analysis. One of them was that we
tried to tell a theoretical story. We tried to infer motivations for actions
without actually talking to the VC. We used secondary data. So how do
you know whether what happens is for the reasons that you say? One of
the analyses was one where we asked, Is there an alternative explanation
for this? Is it possible that these people just get together because they know
each other from a previous engagement? We had to show how they deal
with unfamiliar investors. So that was one way.
The second analysis came when we were pushed by the reviewers to tell
another story. They said, If your theory is valid, then you have to show
that a low-status firm cannot actually syndicate with a high-status firm
because that would be contradictory to what the theory says. So we had
to do the status match-ups that was the second analysis as a way of
saying, If this theory were true, then we should see this pattern, and if this
pattern is not there, then it undermines our theoretical logic.
So there are ways to corroborate things that werent in the secondary
data. We couldnt get those because we didnt have the information.

Phan, Phil: I think that is an important point and I suspect that all the
good journals do that now whether it is done as a response to the
reviewers or whether it is done as simply part of the model itself, which
is generally termed robustness testing. In finance they are really talking
about alternative estimation models. But I think theoretically checking
the robustness of your theory by explicitly testing alternative explanations
is really a very important thing to consider; and in that sense, at JBV, we
do not want to be known as a quantitative journal. Certainly quantitative

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200 In search of research excellence

analysis and robustness, I think, are very very critical; but really the idea
is that every contribution makes some kind of a theoretical push forward
in some way, and testing the robustness of your theory using these alterna-
tive analyses is really a good way of doing that.

Dimov, Dimo: I, in a way, have become defensive when I work in venture

capital and try to send it to mainstream journals, because the dirty laundry
always comes back at me and this is usually the major reason. When I try
to frame venture capital work as appealing to a general audience, I will
take a general theoretical perspective and the paper will come back and
say, You have this disjoint between theory and context, and there are all
of these problems with your context. So when I try to focus on the venture
capital thing and send it out, they say, Your paper is not broad enough.
Theres nothing here for a general audience. Ive become so defensive
when I work with venture capital data that I try to not over-analyse; I try
to say, I am going to take three, four, five or six different angles here to
rule out as many different alternatives as possible. Because these expla-
nations tend to repeat themselves from journal to journal and they are
usually the same thing. I know in advance what I am going to be asked for.
So this paper reflects a lot of the things experienced in the past. I said, I
am going to pre-load this and hopefully that is going to work.

Phan, Phil: And it worked. And that is the 10,000 hours. That is the
Howard Aldrich thing, right? That is where experience, in fact, does matter.

Mathieu, John: So would you say in your two papers (or just work in
general) that entrepreneurship is out front and the more basic discipline is
in the back? Or is it the other way around? And how does that get mani-
fested in these two papers? I am just taking Venkats material here ...

Mitchell, Ron: If you recall what Venkat was talking about in his keynote
[Sankaran Venkataraman: Chapter 7] earlier in the conference he shared
that entrepreneurship in the foreground was difficult in a prior decade and
it had to go to the background with the mainstream theory actually being
in the foreground. Johns question is, how are you seeing that ...?

Mathieu, John: Hows it playing?

Mitchell, Ron: Yeah, hows it playing?

Dimov, Dimo: Well, this ended up being almost both in the foreground. It
used to be the mainstream in the foreground and entrepreneurship in the

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back, and the reviewer said Entrepreneurship should be closer up front.

So they are both in the introduction now. It is the mainstream, but also the
context goes together with that. I do not know if that is a valid thing, but
they are actually both in the foreground.

Mathieu, John: Again, as the field matures, you can afford the luxury of
doing it that way rather than having to posture it one way or the other.

Mitchell, Ron: Sorry, but I am going to try to just pull the idea together.
So this foreground/background dynamic that the conversation is about
(this conversation having begun last evening), we may not be able to fully
conclude that entrepreneurship can now simply stand in the foreground
unopposed. What we are really saying is that they could stand more
closely together. Bill?

Forster, Bill: That is what I was going to say. I think in looking at our
paper, it seems to me as if they do stand side by side. Behavioral deci-
sion theory overconfidence is certainly a mainstream idea. However, the
setting, the serial entrepreneur and actually the way overconfidence works
in that particular entrepreneurial setting was very central to the paper; so
I would say they are about equal on ours.

Mitchell, Ron: Well, we are now in the portion of our session where we can
take Q&A, and it looks like we have a question. Hows the web looking,
Tom? Do we have one? While the microphone is coming, lets take the first
web question.

Lumpkin, Tom: An idea that has come out of this session is the idea of
contacting the editor directly and informally to address issues in the
R&R process. Please comment more on effective and appropriate ways to
interact with editors rather than just sending in a revision and replying to
reviewers. Can this approach go wrong, or is it just generally always okay?

Mitchell, Ron: Phil?

Phan, Phil: I will speak for myself. I think it is partially a style issue, but I
think somebody had a comment about it earlier that you do have to have
a very clear idea about why you are doing it. Certainly, if you are contact-
ing the editor to somehow lobby for a position, that probably is not going
to go down very well because editors do not like to feel as though their
objectivity is going to be compromised in some sense. On the other hand,
in this situation there really was a conversation going on and it came to the

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202 In search of research excellence

point where there was really an honest disagreement. And it wasnt just the
author who contacted me. The reviewer also said, I am pulling my hair
out here. I am not getting my point across. Help me express it in a certain
way that maybe I am not doing it well, or something like that. So I think
in that situation, and if you ask an editor to be an honest broker of a real
disagreement and not just some stylistic issue, I think it is fair. Can it go
wrong? It depends on the editor. I am happy to do that because, for me,
it is a learning experience; I have to scratch my head and ask, How can I
be this honest broker? How can I express an idea from the author to the
reviewer or from the reviewer to the author so that both of them can meet
somewhere and continue the conversation?

Mathieu, John: Let me do a quick follow-up and then we will go to the next
question. I am doing this to protect the editors, since there are a lot of folks
listening in and saying, Whats reasonable and whats not reasonable?
One is that you cant work the referee. You cant contact the editor and
say, If I do x, y and z will you take it? That is not a fair kind of dialogue.
The other way to do this is to literally ask about the boundary. Ask Is
it all right if I ask you a clarifying kind of question? or things of that sort.
So you will have differences across journals and you will certainly have dif-
ferences across editors in terms of the extent to which they want to engage
in that. So respect their role. They are human beings. They have lives,
families and spouses. They do not want this necessarily to be 24/7; so just
be respectful of their role and do not try to work the referee because that
will actually come back and haunt you rather than help you.

Mitchell, Ron: Rob. First question from the audience.

Mitchell, Rob: We have talked a little bit about boundaries and specific
purposes of different journals, and I think all of us would agree that
journals are different. One of the things that Ive found (I wouldnt say
perplexing, but it is an interesting conversation, particularly in entre-
preneurship) is that there are three core entrepreneurship journals that
are represented here, with Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal [SEJ],
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice [ET&P] and JBV. I do not know if
theres an appropriate forum to ask this because we are doing it journal
by journal. I think there are differences between the missions and the pur-
poses of these three journals, and I think those of us who have had experi-
ence with them would agree (given that we are interested in information)
that it might be interesting to explore and kind of explicitly state, Heres
how we see ourselves. I do not know if this will involve getting Mike
involved or Candy involved in the conversation. We probably all know of

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Journal of Business Venturing 203

stories where somebodys been rejected at JBV and the next day sent it out
to ET&P or to SEJ and they are yet different. I am interested in what
the editors would say in terms of what those nuances are in terms of these
differences in the journals and their purposes?

Mitchell, Ron: To be fair to Candy, whos now on the spot, and Mike (if
you do not mind being on the spot), what we have in the structure is a
difficulty because we cant make such a comparison. If we were to begin
with Phil, and draw some outlines; this isnt actually the battle of the
bands, right? But it is, in fact, useful information to articulate to the body
of researchers. Where you go as your first pick and, if rejected, why you
would send it out to another journal the next day; that is different than
reformulating and retargeting your work for the distinctions that might
emerge in this conversation over the next couple of minutes so, Phil first.

Phan, Phil: I am just going to talk about the differences. There clearly are
lots of overlaps and there are topics that are going to be common across all
three journals. Because the mission of JBV has been, in large part, advo-
cacy for the field, I suppose we are willing to be a little bit more experimen-
tal. I would say we are a little bit more on the edge. In recent years, we have
published things that are a little bit more unusual. For example, theres
a piece that came out from Scott Shane and co-author [N. Nicolaou] on
biology, genetics and entrepreneurship (2008) that has shown up in a bunch
of other places. I think SEJ had a similar piece like that. And so we tend to
perhaps be more willing to give an airing to ideas that may not be necessar-
ily fully informed. Not in terms of rigor, but simply in terms of where they
might sit in sort of the universe of management entrepreneurship research.

Mitchell, Ron: Mike, do you have the microphone?

Hitt, Mike: Again, I think this morning when I was talking, we addressed
this to some degree in that, first, I do not see us as competitive. At least
that is not our intent. I do believe there are overlaps, just like Phil said,
with all journals to some degree and certainly, specifically, with the
entrepreneurship journals. On the other hand, I think our intent of trying
to draw from multiple disciplinary perspectives in the integration (again,
it is not suggesting that that wouldnt go in one of the other two) has more
of a special flavor there; our intent has always been that.
Also, if you look at our vision statement and the part that was articu-
lated very well by Ron, it shows (I think) a breadth that we are trying to
achieve. Again, Im not trying to differentiate, per se, from others, but
show where we are headed. Hopefully that helps you in trying to choose

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204 In search of research excellence

because I do believe that there are differences across these three journals;
and we are not talking about quality, we are talking about differences in
terms of our foci.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Mike, for allowing us to put you on the spot.
Candy, I cant ask you if you mind being put on the spot. I can apologize
for putting you on the spot, but there you go. This is Entrepreneurship
Theory & Practice editor, Candy Brush.

Brush, Candy: I agree with what Mike said and with what Ron said. Yes,
there are overlaps. In fact, I have seen incidents of authors who have pub-
lished in one journal about a topic, who then will publish in JBV or SEJ.
So there are overlaps; and I think that people who are really committed to
a focus on entrepreneurship usually will publish in all three areas. If I were
to say there was maybe a nuance difference between what Entrepreneurship
Theory & Practice does as opposed to the other journals (not competi-
tively), I think we may have more special issues that focus on particular
topics such as family business, governance or various things. And that
might be a slight differentiator, but other than that, the same things would
apply. We look for rigorous theory. We look for contributions to the field.
I know that Mike has already talked about that, and Phil has said the same
thing. I guess my feeling is that it is a big pool and we need lots of work
in the area, and we have several good journals that can contribute to that

Mitchell, Ron: These are field journals. These are journals that have dedi-
cated their focus to the entrepreneurship phenomenon. It then becomes
incumbent upon us as authors to read those vision statements, to look at
our work, to see where the conversation has been emerging within that
journal ... because theres this timing element, which, even though theres
overlap, there may not be the rightness of timing. When you take all of
those elements into consideration, then you can put your work where you
will get the hearing, the audience and the help and the attention that will
actually allow it to take its place in the firmament of scholarship and, as
well, do the most good for both the authors and the journals.
Howard was going to the sweet spot there is a sweet spot and I think
that is essentially a judgment call that we have to make.
Theres another hand out here. Yes, Elaine?

Mosakowski, Elaine: I have primarily a question for Phil, but I want to drag
Bill into the discussion a little bit too because there was some earlier talk
about the foreground and background, and I am not 100 percent sure that

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I know what that means. My question has to do with the specificity of the
theoretical work in JBV to the entrepreneurship context or phenomena.
My own experience, as well as what Ive heard on the street, is that it is not
uncommon for a JBV reviewer and/or editor to say, Well, this theoretical
work: sure it seems to make sense for entrepreneurs, but it is really not spe-
cific to entrepreneurs. It may apply also to managers working in turbulent
environments or other types of actors. This is where Bill comes in. I know
this paper was co-authored with Matt Hayward, who is a former colleague
of mine (and I know his work very well, having had to read every page of
it for his tenure case), but he talks a lot about overconfidence in managers.
I look at this paper and I say, This theoretical frame and this going back
and trying again and mobilizing the team and mobilizing your resources;
that applies to managers as well as to entrepreneurs and it is kind of serial
behavior, it is not unique to the entrepreneurial context.
I guess my question is: how do you deal with that? And do you honestly
believe it is a fair question for reviewers to ask, Is this theoretical perspec-
tive specific to entrepreneurs? Or as an editor do you say, No, that is not
what we should be asking of our authors?

Phan, Phil: That is a great question and it is something that confronts us

as editors in a few journals all the time. The sub-text is the legitimacy issue
(not that we necessarily worry too much about that nowadays). I can tell
you that that is not an uncommon question. I think that whether the ques-
tion is a fair question or not depends on the paper. For example, if you are
taking a theoretical perspective that is well known in large companies and
you are saying, We want to look at small companies, then I am not sure
that that necessarily contributes to our understanding of the entrepreneur-
ial phenomena. Right? It doesnt mean you cant do that; it simply means
that the question that is going to be asked is, How does this change what
we already think we know about entrepreneurship, the discovering of
opportunities and the matching of resources? Sometimes it doesnt matter
and sometimes it is not a fair question, and so the editor will say,Well,
yeah, because these are sort of easy questions to throw. It is like the endo-
geneity question that all of us get. It is sometimes like a cheap shot in some
sense; but in another sense, it could be a very significant issue if it basically
validates the theory. It is the same thing with that kind of question.

Mitchell, Ron: Go ahead, Bill.

Forster, Bill: I will be real quick. Well, I think for this particular paper,
Matts done a lot of work with managers in the dark side of overconfi-
dence. He wanted to explore a more nuanced way and look at just what

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206 In search of research excellence

could be some of the light side of that same phenomenon. I also think it is
unique to entrepreneurship in that entrepreneurs tend to be very confident
people. Some entrepreneurs are very overconfident people and especially
if you look at the entrepreneurs that persist on, and will fail and start
again, and fail and start again in that serial entrepreneurial process. I think
that phenomenon might actually be different there than in a corporate
context. I do not know of any senior managers that are serially overconfi-
dent after successive failures at the senior level.

Phan, Phil: And still get employed.

Forster, Bill: And still get employed, yes. I think it might be very unique
to the phenomenon.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Bill. The next question is from Ken Robinson.

Robinson, Ken: Mike talked about the current potential view of an SEJ
publication by colleges and universities. What do you think the past,
current and potential views of a JBV publication would be by different
colleges and universities?

Phan, Phil: Good question. Actually, Dean can answer that. I will tell
you why hes been involved in a very, very good initiative that we have

Mitchell, Ron: Dean, just two seconds and we will get the microphone to
you. And thank you, Katie, for the hustle. It is much appreciated.

Shepherd, Dean: It is a very good question, Ken. We are at an important

stage in entrepreneurship where the facts are starting to finally reveal
themselves, and we are able to convince people against organizational
inertia that says that Entrepreneurship is young and the journals do not
deserve to be considered elite journals along with OBHDP [Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes] and these other top journals. We
are trying to use the facts now to try and persuade some organizations that
they are behind the times and they need to try and catch up.
I have a list of top institutions that have JBV as one of their elite jour-
nals. Indiana University is one of those. I will just talk about JBV and
let Mike and Candy talk about SEJ and ET&P. Also I will talk about an
analysis of impact factors and how we rank relative to other journals that
are often considered as A in other departments (for example, the Journal

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of Consumer Research and the Journal of Marketing) where we actually

have higher impact factors than OBHDP. So, all of those sorts of journals
It is not something that a young scholar wants to try and convince and
change the universitys opinion. As editors, we are here to try and help
communicate and educate those people who are on promotion and tenure
decisions and just provide them the information. I am not going to try
and do a hard sell job, but we have information here that says, Hey, if
these journals in your institution are considered an A and entrepreneur-
ship is a legitimate field within your school and something you want to
promote, then you should at least consider these facts about these jour-
nals. If people want that sort of information, please just email me and I
will be able to give you the facts and then you can use them as you will. Or
we will be willing to contact your department heads and willing to contact
your deans, just so we can post things on websites, so we can let you know
where we are in different schools and what sort of information is there.

Mathieu, John: Let me follow up briefly on that because it actually swings

back to something that Dimo was starting to talk about earlier, and I am
his department head. We have engaged in many of these kinds of conver-
sations and Ive had these conversations at the school-wide level as well.
And certainly the message I would send out to people who are pre-tenure
and battling through it is to have that dialogue with your department head
and with your dean. This is very much going to be a personenvironment
fit here. You can do impact ratings and you can do arguments about whos
the best football team, but there can only be one at the end of the season.
Not everyone can be number one, but that is not necessarily the right
discussion to be having. Here at the University of Connecticut, we have
clearly put an emphasis on entrepreneurship; but UConn is a different
environment than perhaps some other places that do not have that same
kind of emphasis. Now, can you be a star niche player or do you have to
really be a more broad-based kind of person? What does the portfolio look
like? If you have six JBVs and a couple of AMJs, that is a different signa-
ture than if all you have are niche journals. And I am a teams researcher,
and the same discussions happen in teams, in HR, in strategy or in other
The key thing is to understand two issues. One is: who do you want to
be in your career? That was mentioned earlier today in terms of identifying
your career trajectory, who do you want to be in the field and how does
that align or not align with where you are locally. Because there is going
to be a local rewards system, and then the player on the national and the
international stage system. You really need to think that through and

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208 In search of research excellence

usually it is a portfolio kind of perspective that says, I am not just a niche

player, I can play in these other leagues, and to come full circle.
Really what Venkat was talking about last night too, I would argue
that it depends on the paper. Theres a difference between who you are
and what the paper is. Sometimes the paper has found its rightful home:
whether it started there or whether it eventually got there there is a
rightful home for various papers (whether it is the nature of the topic,
whether theres the nature of the analytics that you use and theory or
whatever). There are some good synergies, and this does come from
senior colleagues and folks who know the field, who can help you target
where your voice really is, and where the audience is that is going to hear
that. So I think that those dialogues are important to have and you do
not wait until your fourth, fifth or sixth years to have those discussions.
Think about where you are right from the get-go and how that fits locally
and internationally.

Mitchell, Ron: What you have probably observed as each of these sessions
go by, is realizing that on the web the sessions are modular and here they
are continuous. So we encourage all who are watching on the web and
havent seen the other sessions to go back and see those. But each session
has an emergent conversation where information is provided about the
way this field works that may not be in those other sessions. We appreciate
the folks who are willing to go on the spot Dean, Mike and Candy to
actually help us with this emergent part of the conversation. Much appre-
ciated. I would like to give the last word to you, Phil, and have you fill in
the blank. If there were one thing you could recommend at successfully
working with JBV, it would be ...?

Phan, Phil: It would be that you clarify how your contribution sits within
the universe of the entrepreneurship domain. Just because it is a small firm
and just because it is an entrepreneurial team doesnt automatically make
it an entrepreneurial theoretical contribution. I think that is very impor-
tant. Not every paper has to advance the theory of entrepreneurship, but
you have to be able to say something intelligent about it. And if you can do
that, you will find a very friendly audience in the journal and the reviewers.

Mitchell, Ron: This is because the Journal of Business Venturing has taken
upon itself (earlier on in the process) the advancement of the field itself.
And as a result, if we are going to encourage submissions to JBV, what we
are going to encourage is exactly what Phil said, which is to explain how it
moves the field forward. Thank you very much authors, editor, and John.
Much appreciated.

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Journal of Business Venturing 209

Dimov, D. and H. Milanov (2009). The interplay of need and opportunity in
venture capital investment syndication. Journal of Business Venturing, 25 (4),
Fredrickson, B.L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: the
broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56 (3),
Hayward, M.L.A., W.R. Forster, S.D. Sarasvathy and B.L. Fredrickson (2009).
Beyond hubris: how highly confident entrepreneurs rebound to venture again.
Journal of Business Venturing, 25 (6), 56978.
Hitt, M.A., P.W. Beamish, S.E. Jackson and J.E. Mathieu (2007). Building theo-
retical and empirical bridges across levels: multilevel research in management.
Academy of Management Journal, 50 (6), 138599.
Nicolaou, N. and S. Shane (2009). Can genetic factors influence the likelihood of
engaging in entrepreneurial activity? Journal of Business Venturing, 24 (1), 122.

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14. Journal of Management
Editor: Talya N. Bauer
Authors: Hao Zhao, Scott E. Seibert,
G. Thomas Lumpkin
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, Lucy Gilson
Comments editor: Richard N. Dino

Mitchell, Ron: Our guests include Talya Bauer, who is the editor of the
Journal of Management (and we are very glad that you are here), as well
as a full author team of Hao Zhao, Scott Seibert and Tom Lumpkin. And
then there is co-moderator, Lucy Gilson, with me once again.
The paper is The relationship of personality to entrepreneurial inten-
tions and performance: A meta analytic review. So we will turn the time
to Hao to give us an elevator pitch. Tell us a few short sentences about the

Zhao, Hao: Yes, the idea of this paper is very simple. We tried to check
the relationship between personality and two stages of the entrepreneurial
process, specifically entrepreneurial intentions and firm performance. We
found that nearly all of the dimensions of personality, defined through the
five factor model of personality, were associated with both outcomes. We
included risk propensity as a sixth and separate dimension of personality
and found it associated positively with intentions but with no connection
to performance, which we thought was an interesting finding. So our study
suggests that the personality does play a role in entrepreneurship emer-
gence and success. Thank you.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you very much. Talya, I am looking for the
opportunities from the general mission statement and I have identified
that the Journal of Management (JOM) is a good outlet for any entre-
preneurship research because it publishes articles dealing with any area
represented within the domain of the Academy of Management. Would
you like to expand on that and explain to us how the entrepreneur-
ship submission fits within that description? Obviously, it is one of the


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Journal of Management 211

Academy of Managements divisions, but I am sure theres more than


Bauer, Talya: Definitely. I am actually working on modifying that because

it is so broad. I think a lot of people will be surprised to hear how many
papers we get a year. We are coming up in one month to one year and
900-plus papers. So I think the title itself, Journal of Management, sounds
so broad and that mission statement is so broad that anybody who
has ever thought about management for two seconds thinks they have
something to say about it. I think the reality is that when we talk about it,
it does boil down to BPS [business policy and strategy], entrepreneurship,
organizational behavior and human resources. So you could have a paper
on finance (or on something else) if you tied it into the management litera-
ture, but I think those are really where the reviewers are.

Mitchell, Ron: Then we can say definitely entrepreneurship manuscripts

receive a fair and interested hearing at Journal of Management?

Bauer, Talya: Id say absolutely. When I was looking for associate editors,
one of the things I was looking for were people who cover all of those
domains. Because we have so many papers to process, I now have 11 asso-
ciate editors and I am actually looking for two more. Three of our associ-
ate editors, I would say, are entrepreneurship qualified.

Mitchell, Ron: Volunteers? No better time than the present, right? Lucy,
to the paper and specifically questions that have come to your mind that
can get us started ...

Gilson, Lucy: Well, I think the great thing about this paper is it falls into
the category that Talya talked about earlier; it covers personality and
entrepreneurship intention and performance. So all of us can conclude,
to begin with, that you are straight away going into the personality, and
measuring it with the Big Five dimensions. Put differently, we are going
into the pure psychology side here. And, methodologically, there are a lot
of meta-analyses and a lot we know about personality and now we are
going into the entrepreneurship domain. So for Talya my question is: how
do you pick reviewers for this? Because your personality people are going
to say, Oh, this is entrepreneurship. I dont want this paper, and your
entrepreneurship people are going to say, Oh, the Big Five. This is out
of psychology. Thats my question for Talya. And then, when you report
to the authors, you are probably going to have reviewers who say: Oh,
spend more time on the personality side, and others who say, Well, you

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212 In search of research excellence

could really cut that back and spend more time ... How do you balance

Bauer, Talya: Going back to what Pam Tolbert said [Chapter 16], you
dont always get that ideal reviewer. But one of the things I spend a lot
of time with is thinking about who the reviewers should be and being
pretty patient with finding them. On this particular paper, I went back and
looked at the reviewers, and I have who I would say is a very well-respected
scholar in entrepreneurship (straight entrepreneurship), a second on per-
sonality and meta-analysis, and then a third on personality and I think
the reviews reflected that. But there was less of a camp. They could say,
This isnt my expertise, but what I do know about it leads me to want to
hear more about this. Develop these ideas. How does this fit together?
Hopefully the authors felt that coming across in the reviewers comments.
And I think the other thing was that everybody at this threshold level liked
the paper; it had good bones coming in. It wasnt a paper where they were
climbing up a very steep mountain it was one where people generally
thought it was competent. We asked Is it good enough to be exciting and
interesting and how do we flesh this out and maximize it?

Mitchell, Ron: Did you hear that sub-text? What the authors felt? This is a
journal that actually cares. To pick up on Lucys question, Hao how did
you feel? What was that experience like submitting to a broad range and
getting the broad range back?

Zhao, Hao: I think it is a good thing, because our independent variable is

personality. It is definitely a micro-level psychology-oriented variable. And
one of our dependent variables is firm performance. It is a typical strat-
egy management outcome and it is meta-analysis. Fortunately we got
reviewers who were very positive with their comments and were helping
us try to present in a better way. For example, reviewer one suggested that
we cite the Daltons 2005 book chapter entitled Strategy management
studies are a special case for meta-analysis. Actually both Scott and I are
organizational behavior researchers, and I learned the meta-analysis tech-
nique through the Hunter and Schmidt approach. Its like the dictionary.
I thought I had learned enough, but when the reviewer pointed us to the
book chapter, I read it and found that in the strategy management field, it
is a special case. That book chapter helped us to address many of the com-
ments from other reviewers regarding rent restriction. In our psychology,
it is a very problematic concern if a reviewer asks that and why you dont
correct rent restriction; but in Daltons book chapter, it says that in the
psychology management field it is very common to survivor buyers so

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Journal of Management 213

that it is not too much of a problem. We used that to defend ourselves.

We think that actually we benefited from the different perspectives of the

Mitchell, Ron: So this idea of meta-analysis would you say that that
is gaining traction? Because I am seeing that type of research appearing
a little more . . . Comments from authors first perhaps? Why a meta-
analysis? What got you going, Scott?

Seibert, Scott: It was certainly very well established in the psychology field
and in organizational behavior. There is a whole cottage industry going
on there, but it hasnt shown up in the strategic management field all that
much, nor in the entrepreneurship field I think. So we were a little leery
about bringing it in. And, of course, the whole personality psychology
thing ...
Many of the people here have spoken about whether the top journals
are closed to entrepreneurship, and I think that preoccupation has gone
away. But what if someone from psychology asks, Are the entrepreneur-
ship journals closed to psychology? Thats just a perception on my part,
but we were a little concerned about that.

Mitchell, Ron: A useful question. We are all thinking about it as bidirec-

tional, but it is not.

Seibert, Scott: It goes both ways.

Mitchell, Ron: Or unidirectional. But it is bidirectional.

Seibert, Scott: Right. We were a little bit concerned about bringing that in.
And many of the comments that came to us during the review process were
a little bit more with regards to clarification on this meta-analysis. So,
coming from psychology, I was thinking, This is pretty well-established
stuff; we dont really have to talk about that. But it was helpful to address
why you are doing this, what the limitations are, why it is hard to do it
with certain scales, and why you have to bring certain scales together and
call them performance. There were a lot of issues around what is justified
in bringing various scales together that had to be explained.

Mitchell, Ron: Talya, what did you see on the meta side?

Bauer, Talya: For me (again being more micro), that wasnt an issue at all
because the question was a relevant question. I am an editor-panel junkie.

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214 In search of research excellence

I have been going to these since 1994 and I always learn something. I am
just listening to what editors have to say (and I cant even remember which
editor it was), but early on somebody said, You know, its not that you
use the latest method and you impress me; its in answering whether the
method fits the question. It didnt ever become an issue, I dont think, for
any of the reviewers as well. The entrepreneurship reviewer said, This is
relatively new for us, so help us understand it and place it in that frame-
work with that recognition. But there was no hostility.
The other thing I would point out is that the author team is also quite
broad in covering expertise for that. With Tom and his entrepreneurship
depth, I think that helps, too. Kind of what Scott is saying where if you are
only a psychologist and you arent familiar with the field then youve got
two people out of three who are on each side and you help each other out.

Mitchell, Ron: One of the things that has intrigued me about the meta-
analysis approach is that, as many of us are aware, the entrepreneurial
personality stream stalled for a while. It is not like there isnt personality-
related to entrepreneurship; it is that (for whatever reason), it started
down a road that ended up having some falsifications that were occurring.
And yet the conversation had to find a way to continue. Rather than brute
force it through the Its not this, its not this, and its not this, analysis,
going to meta actually permits the drawing-together and the persuasive-
ness of almost dislodging a log jam. That dislodging permits the field to
move beyond accusation that personality stuff is a busted paradigm. So, in
a sense, there are reasons why and reasons why not. Was that your inten-
tion as you were going down the road to clear the log jam? Was it just plain
old interest to see if there was something going on? What is the motivation
behind that? Tom?

Lumpkin, Tom: Ill confess that part of it was just to see if it would work,
because to Scotts point, I questioned whether or not there would be recep-
tivity to using the Big Five in an entrepreneurial context because it was the
previous questionable history of personality in entrepreneurship research.
And as it is, we used risk propensity as a sixth thing, because it doesnt fit
nicely into the Big Five. There was a thought that if we could somehow
make a breakthrough with studying personality this way, that maybe (as
you suggest) we could get this conversation back on track or restart that

Mitchell, Ron: We see a couple of solutions to this individual entrepre-

neur. We all know theres an E in entrepreneurship and its the entrepre-
neur; and so the entrepreneur cognition stream emerged as one way to get

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Journal of Management 215

that flow moving. But it didnt take account of such things as the Big Five
and especially that risk propensity thing, which ended up part of earlier
falsifications that perhaps there were methods issues and perhaps there
were sampling issues or un-representativeness issues. In fact, to help a
stream to move forward, weve ended up going down a road with a journal
thats admittedly Academy of Management focused, yet able to speak to
the very audience that would be able to appreciate the synthesis and help
break the log jam. One of the observations that I would make about this
is that (in fact) the personality side of entrepreneurship research is not
dead; its actually now finding ways to get through, but with a much more
rigorous and thorough construction of the work. Lucy, Ill turn the next
question to you if you dont mind.

Gilson, Lucy: I was moving to something different. We have heard a lot

today and last night about reviewers comments on papers for example,
it is A nut that needs to go back in its shell or You are in the wrong
profession. And yet weve heard on this paper, This was not high risk. It
had good bones. Good bone structure. And also in reading the paper (for
those of you who are students out here, this is a really positive note), you
said basically, We began our literature search July 2007. Wheres Melissa
who said, My paper is in press now and I started this in 2002? Zhao,
Seibert and Lumpkin began in 2007 and their paper is in press now. This
is a quick turnaround.
You know, we spend a lot of time doing that soul-searching and having
a tough skin; but I want to hear the good story and this is the uplifting part.

Mitchell, Ron: Yes, how do we accomplish that?

Seibert, Scott: It also explains the popularity of meta-analysis.

Zhao, Hao: I would say that the Journal of Management has a very fast
turnaround time. I have submitted three papers to JOM so far; two were
accepted and one was rejected. On average, I have experienced six-weeks
turnaround time on the initial submission. When it comes to second-round
review, its even faster. When it comes to acceptance, I think its less than
24 hours, right?

Seibert, Scott: It was a difficult 24 hours.

Mitchell, Ron: It was a white-knuckled 24 hours. We have time now to

turn the discussion toward the audience and request your input. Rich, are
you handling the web questions?

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216 In search of research excellence

Dino, Rich: I am. There is one here.

Mitchell, Ron: While Rich is adjusting his bifocals, questions from the
audience, please?

Lumpkin, Tom: Dean asked before and we passed over it. You said that
there were now three associate editors who you felt were your entrepre-
neurship editors?

Bauer, Talya: My strategy/entrepreneurship editors, Id say, are Steven

Michael, Jeremy Short and Christopher Shook. This one I felt like I
should mention because of the cross and that sort of thing. Occasionally
Ill take them because maybe those three associate editors are a good
friend of or have worked with the author; but generally it would go to one
of them.

Mitchell, Ron: Yes, Mike.

Lubatkin, Michael: I like the Journal of Management. As a journal that

competes with AMJ [Academy of Management Journal] and Organization
Science, I suppose it would be correct to say that its not viewed as top tier
but a very strong second tier at many different schools of business. As a
very good second-tier journal, do you hold a different level of expectation
for the papers that are submitted to you than does, say, an AMJ?

Bauer, Talya: That is a good question. Lets see, how do I approach that
exactly? I guess I have learned a lot of things in the process of this last
year. One is that there are a lot of different paths, so when we talk about
where people submit and what order, I think there are very many paths.
There are some people who would (not because they dont think it is a
top journal, but who just dont do that type of research) never submit
to Organization Science. They would go to JAP [Journal of Applied
Psychology] and then JOM maybe. Just a different path. Or some people
might go to SMJ [Strategic Management Journal] first. So there are a lot of
different ways people strategize that and I think that is wise when people
do that. What would you say was the crux of the question (I am sorry) ...?

Lubatkin, Michael: Do you and the reviewers hold less rigorous expecta-
tions for the paper? With less rigorous and less demanding expectations
for a paper, is it easier to publish in the Journal of Management?

Mitchell, Ron: Also with 900 manuscripts coming through?

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Journal of Management 217

Bauer, Talya: Our acceptance rates are as good or as bad as any other
journal. How many have been picked off before they get there is a differ-
ent question. I dont think that there are different sets of standards. In
terms of who the reviewers are, I think that they are similar people who
have similar standards. I think from a strategy perspective, we try to be
faster and more developmental maybe. I think we really work hard on that
aspect so that people will be more attracted to JOM and want to send their
papers in. I think thats how we manage that.
I dont necessarily think it is faster. This was the first paper I took,
and even though it was really a relatively very easy paper, I havent seen
any others like it. The odds of that being the first paper I took (and then
the Entrepreneurship Conference coming up) were kind of amazing. But
no we get people who get revisions and dont take them, and I dont
understand that at all. We only have about 2325 percent that get revi-
sions at all; then to have people say, Oh, that sounds hard. I dont want to
do that, is one of those things that catches us off guard. I dont know the
thinking there, but I have had three of those out of all of them; its not that
many, but it surprised me that anyone did that. It just never even occurred
to me because (I think we have heard multiple times) getting a revision is
what you hope for.

Mitchell, Ron: Perhaps one of the tacit pieces of knowledge that we could
communicate as a result of this conference is getting an R&R [revise and
resubmit] and all that language that says this is high risk and do this and
do that doesnt mean you are a bad person. It has to do with the quality
of the work, and the way science progresses is through the peer-review
process. If there is anyone out there in our viewing audience who thinks
that getting a revision is a bad thing, Talya is here to tell you that its a
good thing. It needs work, but that doesnt mean that its in the lower
three-quarters. Its in the upper one-quarter.
Is there a question from the web?

Dino, Rich: I know now why we have a comments editor. There are two
questions. One is relatively relevant. I think it is a perception of a con-
versation about integrating multiple domains. The conversation about
integrating insights from multiple domains raises the question again
of whether entrepreneurship research has unique theoretical content or
whether entrepreneurship is mostly about applying theories from other
domains to an entrepreneurial context. Now I suspect the personality issue
was the considered context. Maybe that is where this question is coming
from. I dont know.

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218 In search of research excellence

Seibert, Scott: I would certainly not consider personality to answer the

question, What is entrepreneurship. One of the things about the paper
is to present it as what it is: This is the affect side of this set of variables
ta-da! Its point three; and when you work with them together, that
leaves an awful lot remaining to be explained. One resistance to person-
ality is (and maybe it was the over-application) that entrepreneurship is
all about the entrepreneur. Its simply this entrepreneurial personality.
The logic is completely teleological. Entrepreneurs are people who are
entrepreneurs, but this is definitely not the approach of a modern per-
sonality approach. I dont see entrepreneurship as simply an extension of
personality theory.

Mitchell, Ron: I can imagine back when all academic work was philoso-
phy the study of ordered knowledge and someone would say, Now is
physics just a context, or is it ...? In some respects, we go back to our
keynote speakers references to that. This is a conversation that started
a long time ago, and to the extent that there is context-based research,
I suspect that entrepreneurship is a context. But to use this context idea
as a way to dismiss research that is developing its own theoretical voice
(which is exactly whats in the process), I dont believe is productive.
From the standpoint of this paper, is the conversation about integrating
insights? Really what we have with the Journal of Management is a very
specific journal thats geared to our Academy. Its geared to helping that
cross-divisional conversation to occur. And to that extent, I dont know
that there would be scholars in a particular division that simply wish to
characterize another division as a context (although some in that other
division may in fact agree that there are certain times when, frankly, its
context-based research). What I am really saying is, lets not go down that
What the heck is the entrepreneurship domain? I think the first step is to
read Bill Gartners 1988 article, Who is an entrepreneur? Is the wrong
question. Honestly, the field has moved on; as Venkat so ably illustrated
last evening in his keynote address [Sankaran Venkataraman: Chapter 7],
we have theoretical investigations that are of substance and that the very
best minds can become engaged in.
Are there questions from the audience?

Bauer, Talya: I have a plug while we are waiting for the microphone to get
over there. The Journal of Management review issue is coming up. The call
for proposals is on the web page, and I have to say that is really, I think,
a competitive advantage being that people have had some very highly
impactful articles through that review. [Voice from the audience calls out:
And highly cited.]

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Journal of Management 219

Audience Member #1: I want to start off by admitting that I have never
published a paper about a review of prior works at JOM; and I believe that
(at least from my assessment of JOM), it is more receptive to that sort of
prior works review paper as compared to other journals. So my question,
as an editor, is: how do you evaluate one paper that reviews prior work
and prior research on a particular topic? How do you assess that paper as
better than another paper that is reviewing prior work as well? If you have
an original paper, the element of what is interesting helps you make it or
not make it. But if it is a review of prior work, it is a review of prior work.
What is interesting about that? How does one paper get in and not the
other paper? Clearly, I want to admit that this may be a naive question but
I would like to hear your perspective.

Bauer, Talya: Sure. The Journal of Management has two annual review
issues. It used to be one, now there are two throughout the year. It is a
separate process. They are not competing with original research, but it
is actually a parallel process. Right now what we are putting forward is
that the process would be a 12-page proposal (so before somebody writes
the paper or maybe they have written the paper already ...) we want
to evaluate 12-page proposals. And we found that last year it was hard
because some people had full papers and other people had proposals. How
do you compare those apples and oranges? It is everything weve been
talking about this weekend. Is it an interesting question? Is it something
new or was there just a review last year (in which case its less interesting)?
I am hoping that they are not just reviewing the literature, but integrating
in an interesting way; perhaps extending and coming up with interesting
questions as well. It is all of those things, I think. You can tell something
had been poorly reconstructed the night before as compared to work from
somebody who has really thought about it. And its really, I think, that the
cream of the crop pretty much goes to the top, and you can see it pretty
We have a set of criteria and they are listed there on the call. A month-
long window to get in the proposal and what percentage do you think
comes in the day of the last day? Ninety-plus. Some of them just literally
looked like somebody sat down and worked on them the night before off
the top of their head and those dont make it. So we get a lot, but they
dont all get considered.

Mitchell, Ron: So it is a nightmare in many respects.

Bauer, Talya: It is actually a lot of fun, too.

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220 In search of research excellence

Gilson, Lucy: Sorry to jump in on the review, but we did one a couple of
years back (Martins, Gilson and Maynard, 2004) and we sent it in and
wanted to review virtual teams and something else. Why I dont remem-
ber the something else is because the editor contacted us and said, We
would like to accept your proposal, but we dont like the something
else, and so I obviously blanked it out. So, We dont like the something
else; do you think you could do virtual teams, and where the research is
going? Its kind of like when you get that R&R when someone says, We
would accept it if you did this. And you ask, How long will that be? I
need 24 hours, so lets drink. But it was interesting, I think coming back to
that, that you sometimes submit something that you think is very interest-
ing as a review and you are trying to put a twist on it and the twist is what
they didnt like and they want the review to go a different way.

Mitchell, Ron: So, Talya, if there is one thing that you would recommend
to successfully work at JOM, it would be ...? Two if you want.

Bauer, Talya: There are two stages. I guess the first is submitting and I
think there are a lot of necessary but not sufficient criteria. It is amazing
to me how few people have all of the pieces when they send in a paper: it is
an interesting idea, it has practical implications and the story is consistent
throughout. You actually have an introduction that fits the methods and
that fits the discussion. It is not rocket science, but you would be amazed
at how many dont do that (or a lot of the people in this room would
not be amazed because they have seen it). But its a shame because a lot
of times, theres a lot of hard work that goes into those papers; but then
many of them get rejected because they just cant make that first threshold
of writing clearly. They need to consult The Elements of Style (1918) by
William Strunk and E.B. White on writing well. I think those kinds of
things are just so key. That gets you in the door, and then you are in that
25 percent that are considered for revision.
Then I think these three did a great job with this: being really respon-
sive, going above and beyond, being diligent, being timely and writing
well. Being nice only goes so far. I would say that the biggest thing is not
having an argumentative attitude, but rather asking, How can I make
this paper better? My mantra is, Feedback is a gift. So many people are
threatened by feedback, but when someone gives you that tough love feed-
back, that is the best thing they can do. We would be doing a disservice if
we published the first drafts that people sent in.

Mitchell, Ron: One of the scarcest resources in our craft is on-point and
considered feedback from our peers. With that, I think were pretty much

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Journal of Management 221

ready to wrap it up. Thank you, authors! Thank you, editors, for a job well
done. Thank you, Lucy; it is very much appreciated.


Dalton, D.R. and C.M. Dalton (2005). Strategic management studies are a special
case for meta-analysis. In D. Ketchen and D. Bergh (eds), Research Methodology
in Strategy and Management. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 3163.
Gartner, W.B. (1988). Who is an entrepreneur? Is the wrong question. American
Journal of Small Business, 12 (4), 1132.
Hunter, J.E. and F.L. Schmidt (1990). Methods of Meta-analysis: Correcting Error
and Bias in Research Findings. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Martins, L.L., L.L. Gilson and M.T. Maynard (2004). Virtual teams: what do we
know and where do we go from here? Journal of Management, 30 (6), 80535.
Strunk, W.J. and E.B. White (1918). The Elements of Style. New York: Pearson
Zhao, H., S.E. Seibert and G.T. Lumpkin (2010). The relationship of personality
to entrepreneurial intentions and performance: a meta-analytic review. Journal
of Management, 36 (2), 381404.

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15. Journal of Management Studies
Associate editor: Andrew C. Corbett
Authors: J. Michael Haynie,
Dean A. Shepherd, Jeffery S. McMullen,
James O. Fiet
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell,
Michael Lubatkin
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: The idea behind this Exemplars Conference is to have

editors and authors in the same space for a very honest dialogue with no
holds barred I am just setting up whats about to happen here. Let me
introduce our distinguished panel (at least they will be distinguished at the
beginning of the session). On my immediate left is Andrew Corbett, who
represents the Journal of Management Studies (JMS) as associate editor.
We have my co-moderator, Mike Lubatkin thank you, Mike. Jim Fiet is
here (representing himself) with a paper, A prescriptive analysis of search
and discovery. And we have Michael Haynie, Dean Shepherd and Jeff
McMullen with their paper, An opportunity for me? The role of resources
in opportunity evaluation decisions.
The mission of JMS is available on the conference website and on the
JMS website. The Journal of Management Studies is a journal for the
Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) one of
the IDEA Awards sponsors. This is a part of the Research Excellence
Initiative (which includes the Exemplars Conferences as well as very spe-
cific targeted awards to both honor and motivate the elevation of research
excellence in the entrepreneurship field).
We will start with a comment I picked up from the mission of the
journal to get us started. One of the opportunities I identified for publica-
tion of entrepreneurship research in this journal is that the journal has a
focus on lively debate and topical and important issues on management.
Articles addressing controversial issues in entrepreneurship would likely
be welcome here. Thats not part of the mission of the journal; thats my


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Journal of Management Studies 223

editorial comment. Anything to add about my characterization of the

journal, Andrew, before we get rolling?

Corbett, Andrew: No. I would say thats pretty right on. As everybody
knows (I think), JMS is based in the United Kingdom and it is the oldest
management journal outside of the United States. In recent years (under
the direction of Mike Wright, Tim Clark and Steve Floyd), JMS made a
real outreach to combine the European UK ethos with the non-traditional
American brand of scholarship and successfully combined the two
together. From that, we have a pretty distinct and unique mission of being
able to do just that. At the time, the editorial team also made a tremen-
dous outreach to the entrepreneurship community. Everyone in the room
would probably agree that theres been a dramatic rise of entrepreneurship
scholarship in the journal, and we hope to see that continue.

Mitchell, Ron: Certainly with the internationalization of the Academy in

general, and entrepreneurship research specifically, this is a journal that
represents the bridge in the geographical sense and the bridging of the
research in the traditional sense. Lets turn for a few minutes to the author
teams for a brief (I have called it an elevator pitch) 30 to 50 seconds on
what this paper is about. Mike, are you the one from this team who will
do the elevator pitch?

Haynie, Mike: Yes apparently so.

Mitchell, Ron: We will invite you to speak first, and then ask Jim to do
the same.

Haynie, Mike: Sure. Very quickly, the paper tests the model of entrepre-
neurial opportunity evaluation as a decision study where we frame (for
the entrepreneurs) the idea that opportunities are evaluated as a function
of the resources that will be under control of the entrepreneur, post-
exploitation. We were interested in understanding how different attributes
of those post-exploitation resources and different combinations of those
attributes may influence the entrepreneurs assessment of the attractive-
ness of that particular opportunity; whether those opportunity evaluation
schema proceed as either a first-person or third-person evaluation. That
is, given the extent to which those future resources would be under the
control of the entrepreneur, post exploitation did the entrepreneurs
evaluation of the attractiveness of those resources change as a function of
how related those future resources might be to the existing human capital
resources of the entrepreneur?

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224 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks, Mike. Jim.

Fiet, Jim: This was a paper that I started writing in 1997. Its a conceptual
basis of my work concerning systematic search. Its primarily based on
informational economics and the primary argument is: if you search in a
targeted way, based on specific knowledge that you already possess, the
number and the quality of the ideas that you find will increase. Thats it
in a nutshell.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks. One of the things that I havent made explicit in
some of the other sessions (and I will take the opportunity to do now) is
that the papers that are here as exemplars were selected by the editors who
are representing their journals at this conference. A first question that I
will ask I will give the honor of the first question to Mike would be:
Andrew, why these papers?

Corbett, Andrew: Thanks, Ron. It was quite purposeful trying to set up a

situation where I see these two papers as ones that represent different paths
and different processes within journal publishing. Mike, Dean and Jeffs
paper is excellent very insightful, with good questioning. The paper has a
relatively unique methodology; but from a publishing process perspective,
while there were some significant changes, it went through a very standard
process. A couple of revisions and it was in. On the other hand, Professor
Fiets paper, as he alluded to, was started in ... when was it again ...?

Fiet, Jim: Actually, it was 1986.

Mitchell, Ron: Yes, that is when he initially submitted it to this journal.

Fiet, Jim: Before I was a doctoral student.

Corbett, Andrew: Another prolific author and another excellent paper,

but the process here was quite different; I think it also illustrates what
we do well at JMS. This is a very provocative paper (which also brings
very extreme reactions sometimes, right?). And because of those extreme
reactions, it takes a bit more time (as you alluded to) but it also requires
reviewers and an editorial team to be able to see the opportunity thats
there, and to work with the author to bring it to fruition. But it allows us
to publish something that we think may not have seen the light of day at
other outlets.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Andrew.

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Journal of Management Studies 225

Fiet, Jim: Let me say that I think that I submitted it to most of the editors
in this room.

Mitchell, Ron: And with that, Mike, we will turn the first question to you.

Lubatkin, Mike: Id like to focus some of my attention to the theory

of entrepreneurship and how it applies to us not in terms of what we
research, but how it applies to us in who we are as researchers. But before
I get to that, Id like to say something about JMS. I like JMS ...

Corbett, Andrew: And we like you, Mike.

Lubatkin, Mike: ... And in liking JMS, I certainly respect the job that
theyve done for our academic community in the last few years, as theyve
basically rejuvenated a journal which looked like it was going dead on the
market a great service. But from a junior scholar point of view, given
that experience is so important in our field, how do we as junior scholars
get onto your editorial board?

Corbett, Andrew: I would guess all the editors in the room would tell you to
volunteer to review, right? Volunteer to review. We are always looking for
good reviewers. To try to build a stable of reviewers is not an easy task; so
volunteer to review. If you do good timely reviews, you will ultimately get
on the editorial board. That was the story for me, because I am not so long
in the tooth necessarily (in this field, anyway). I think Mikes comments
are right on target, and they are really due to Mike Wright, Tim Clark
and Steve Floyd, who are the ones who really turned things around for the
journal in the past decade. At that time, they made an outreach to (I think)
a number of the people in this room to go outside of the continent and find
more entrepreneurship and strategy work; they asked people to review,
they invited them to review, and they got them on the editorial board. I
think thats the path for any junior scholar or doctoral student: just offer
to review if you do it well and timely, youll soon find your way there.

Lubatkin, Mike: Should the offer letter include our resume or our publica-
tion record? You get a letter from someone youve never heard of yet and

Corbett, Andrew: You know, I guess thats fine if they wanted to put their
vita in there, but a short statement that says, Heres what I do, heres
where I work and here are my areas of expertise, I think will get the job

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226 In search of research excellence

Lubatkin, Mike: Thank you. Theres always a debate that I recognize and
see in the literature as to whether opportunities are discovered or created.
Thats what we research. But going to the more personal level of how we
research it, Id be interested [to hear] from the author team and the solo
author (which is like you are an anachronism, Jim) ...

Mitchell, Ron: Seven percent of the people wouldnt agree with that.

Shepherd, Dean: The rest died of old age.

Lubatkin, Mike: Id be interested to know the germination of your idea.

Was it created? Was it discovered? Are there things that we can learn
about entrepreneurship by examining how we as scholarly entrepreneurs
come upon entrepreneurial opportunities?

Mitchell, Ron: What do you think? Do you want to discuss that?

Haynie, Mike: I can give it a shot. This paper has an interesting history
in that it really was a means to an end for me. This paper came out of my
dissertation. For the main study on my dissertation I needed a model;
I needed an empirical model of how entrepreneurs evaluate or proceed
through the process of evaluating opportunities. I couldnt find anything.
I needed that for a laboratory experiment I was going to do to walk folks
through this model of evaluation and feedback and see how their decision
policies change. I couldnt find that model in the literature, and we made
a choice and asked, Why dont we go out and understand it ourselves
and do the investigation ourselves? It didnt come from a real purposeful
question in this area; it really was a means to an end. But then, once we
got into it, I think we were able to formulate a pretty interesting question
and an interesting paper.

Mitchell, Ron: Things I discovered on the way to doing something else


Haynie, Mike: Yes, thats exactly what it was.

Fiet, Jim: I had a somewhat different experience. I was an entrepreneur

for a number of years before I went back to graduate school and I guess
I was a habitual entrepreneur. I never wouldve thought of waiting for an
idea to occur to me. My modus operandi was to have certain criteria and
go about looking. I later termed that information channels. And I would
be the first one to acknowledge that ideas are certainly created and made;

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Journal of Management Studies 227

but that, for me, wasnt the interesting question. The interesting question
for me was, How can we improve performance? I thought we had a better
chance of being able to teach systematic search than any other approach
that I knew of. Thats how I got interested in it.

Mitchell, Ron: Could I ask you a question, Jim? What were the three most
problematic reviewer requests you received from this journal?

Fiet, Jim: One of the most difficult questions was the need to relate this
to other research. And so I would have reviewers that say, Gee, you are
citing your own papers, and that was true; but the other papers that I
wanted to cite were from a different perspective. They were looking at
discovery, but they werent looking at it from the perspective of systematic
search. I think I threw myself on the mercy of the court; and I think Mike
Wright was sympathetic to that argument and he let it slide. I dont really
think I ever fixed the problem.
Another problem was that I had 36 new technical terms and eight prop-
ositions in the paper, and it was difficult for readers to follow. I was alert
to a device which I think has helped me quite a bit, and that was I created
a glossary of these 36 terms. Then I did a search throughout the document
to make sure that I was using all 36 of these terms in the same way. By the
time I had that figured out, I deleted the glossary and never included it in
the paper; but I thought all along I was going to put it in the paper so it
was useful.
The other thing was that the reviewers complained about the prescrip-
tive nature of the paper they thought it should be descriptive. I had to
work quite hard to address that problem. One of the ways I did it was
by linking it to research that I was doing simultaneously on repeatedly
successful entrepreneurs (and hopefully that paper will be coming out
pretty soon). It isnt published yet, but in those interviews I found that
all the repeatedly successful entrepreneurs (in the same way that I search
systematically) reported to me that they search systematically. I was able
to ground it in phenomena. That satisfied the descriptive preferences of
the editors and reviewers, and then they gave me a license to talk about its
prescriptive implications.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. Problematic reviewer comments? Hurdles to


Haynie, Mike: I will take one. The most problematic request was one to
rewrite the whole paper. Truly, this paper (like some of the other ones
we heard about), did start somewhere else; and again, like some of the

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228 In search of research excellence

feedback we heard, it came back with (being as it started in a general man-

agement journal) feedback of too much entrepreneurship, too focused,
etc. So we turned around and told a different story than when we submit-
ted it the first time to JMS. We turned it into something it wasnt. We
turned it into a story on diversification.

Mitchell, Ron: This wasnt a turn it around because it was rejected and
immediately dump it over the transom to the next journal scenario?

Haynie, Mike: No, we rewrote the paper for JMS, and JMS came back
and, basically, the reviewer said, I hate the story. You are trying to make
it something its not. Tell the simple story.

McMullen, Jeff: I was just going to add it was terminology, dont you
think? The diversification concept was there, but it was just that it was at a
different level; the people didnt believe in a firm level.

Haynie, Mike: It was a very substantial rewrite that first round.

Shepherd, Dean: I think they had three comments. One was they didnt
necessarily like the positioning. We had to strengthen the theory, and then
they didnt understand the method so much.

Haynie, Mike: Other than that it was fine. Thats what I said.

McMullen, Jeff: I guess we should rewrite the paper.

Shepherd, Dean: On the method side, the method used was conjoint analy-
sis, which a lot of people are not very familiar with. So, in some ways, it
was more our being able to better educate the reader about the use of the
method. We had to talk about different levels, why multicolinearity wasnt
a problem and how we control the level two variables. A lot of it was our
efforts being able to better explain the way the method was.

Mitchell, Ron: Lets just be clear. Conjoint analysis focuses on the empir-
ics of how people actually make decisions. Isnt that right?

Shepherd, Dean: Yes.

Mitchell, Ron: Could you give us (because conjoint analysis isnt broadly
out there) an overview on its history, major strengths and weaknesses? Its
been around for a while in other areas.

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Journal of Management Studies 229

Shepherd, Dean: Right. Its been mainly in marketing, but also in psychol-
ogy. It really has two forms. I think policy capturing could be considered
a sub-category of a conjoint analysis. There are multiple different forms;
whether its metric conjoint (which we do), whether you choose different
pairs, or policy-capturing as more continuous variables ... Its really an
experiment where you provide people a number of hypothetical profiles
where they make decisions, and each one of the profiles differs based on
the levels of each one of the attributes such that, in the end, each person,
for example, will have to make 32 decisions and we might have 100
entrepreneurs. We have 3,200 decisions nested within those 100 individu-
als, from which we can decompose each individuals decision policy as
weights on the different attributes. How much importance do they place
on different decision criteria in being able to make a decision? So we can
analyse the decision policy of the group as a whole, but we can also work
out differences in decision policies amongst groups within the sample.
While its a recognized method somewhere else (we try to communicate
that its recognized somewhere else), we also realize our responsibility to
try and sufficiently explain what conjoint analysis is and why it opens up
interesting research questions in entrepreneurship.

Mitchell, Ron: How did conjoint analysis play in the editorial process?
You had a method (its not mainstream entrepreneurship yet), but more
and more researchers are using it.

Corbett, Andrew: I think from the view (and again, Mike Wright had a
handle on this paper) that maybe its not mainstream yet, although theres
been enough stuff in entrepreneurship and theyve seen it. Dean has used
it before. Dean has used it with Zach Zacharakis. Again, that fit into the
ethos of the journal to do something thats maybe a little bit different than
what some of the journals out there are doing. Theres a clear willingness
to do that to differentiate a bit.

Shepherd, Dean: Mike Wright has done a little bit of research in venture
capital and a lot of the conjoint stuff had already appeared there. He
seemed to already be aware of it.

Mitchell, Ron: Theres that luck thing playing into it. Mike, back to you.

Lubatkin, Mike: I am going to go back again to some personal questions.

I am more comfortable as a moderator being Jerry Springer, but I am in
Oprah-mode at the moment.
Now, your paper is entitled An opportunity for you? and you are

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230 In search of research excellence

basically coming up with a model that describes the cognitive processes

leading to opportunity evaluation. Does your model describe the proc-
esses that led to your assessment of the opportunity of this research? Are
we living what we write about?

McMullen, Jeff: I think thats a great point. Personally, anytime I theorize

its always autobiographical. I sit there and I think about what I would do
in this situation, and then I look out there and see. Sometimes it matches
up and sometimes it doesnt; it deviates for the most part. But, I honestly
think, that way, that you constantly challenge yourself; Would I make
decisions this way? Obviously you have to play, to some extent, with
the theoretical constructs that are in the literature already like RBV
[resource-based view] for instance. But if you are not asking that question,
if you are not asking Would I make a decision this way? your theory is
going to ring hollow. Its just not going to be legitimate or actual. I dont
know if you guys agree with that ...

Shepherd, Dean: Its a good question. Probably one I will need to think
about a little bit more because its saying, whats the opportunity? The
opportunity is to write a highly impactful paper. How do I consider the
different alternatives of papers I could potentially write in making the
decision that this is the one that I write? I understand the question. Id
have to think more about how I actually apply that.
I do think the moderating variable here was relatedness and that it mag-
nified the other attributes of the opportunity. I do think about whether a
paper opportunity relates to other things that I have been doing. So, yeah,
I think it probably does relate.

McMullen, Jeff: Mike and I talked a little while about the idea of seduc-
tion being seduced away from your core competency. That was a notion
that we kicked back and forth in a sense of asking When do you leave
your core competencies? When the opportunity is attractive enough that
it looks as if, Okay I can take some risks here because its an attractive
opportunity, its defensible once I get there, so maybe I should venture out
here? And its a great point in the sense that if you are going to evolve,
there are times when you dont want to go extinct; you are going to have
to take those chances and explore a new patch in the biological use of the

Lubatkin, Mike: I am going to shift my attention for a moment then to

Jims paper, which is entitled A prescriptive analysis of search and dis-
covery. I found that it best describes repeat entrepreneurs (who are also

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Journal of Management Studies 231

called serial entrepreneurs who, before I entered the field, I thought was
the Kellogg family).
You essentially, Jim, are a repeat entrepreneur in the type of research
that youve done.

Fiet, Jim: Right.

Lubatkin, Mike: Does your model at all describe who you are as a researcher?

Fiet, Jim: Yeah, I have been thinking a lot about this in the last couple
of days because I was trying to figure out why I kept pushing this paper.
Because after four years, I decided that it wasnt going to get published;
but I worked on it for six more years. I dont know why I did that. It
wasnt a rational calculation, because there were certainly opportunity
costs. I wrote two books from the stuff that was rejected while I was trying
to submit it to journals.

Mitchell, Ron: Ah, the cutting-room floor.

Lubatkin, Mike: Its really interesting. Jim is reflecting on it and hes

tearing up a little bit. Thats what we are about. We are putting our heart
and soul into our ideas. We embody the concept of entrepreneurship by
the very virtue of the fact that we are willing to fight and die for what we
believe is interesting.

Mitchell, Ron: There is an element in this paper that captured my atten-

tion. And that was the this is prescriptive versus descriptive idea; but
essentially, We are not trying to look at what entrepreneurs actually do,
we are trying to look at what they can do. And in some respects, that
prescriptive analysis, the tearing up, and the whole connection here is that
perhaps (and maybe I am reading too much into this) theres a personal
vision of possibility that wasnt getting heard and has now been heard. To
what extent would we have that personal commitment to human potential
as being part of the reason why you continue to pursue it?

Fiet, Jim: One day I was reading an entry-level finance book and the book
said, Finance is the study of how people ought to invest their money. Not
how they do, but how they ought to. Marketing is the study of how they
ought to increase their sales. Economics ... And I went through several
disciplines and it occurred to me that each one of these was taking a pre-
scriptive bent that we dont take in organizational studies; we typically
take a descriptive approach. Its fun to change peoples lives.

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232 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: I sensed that there was a part of that (and Mike sensed
it too) that personal values and personal perspectives that have come
through into the research.

Fiet, Jim: We have trained about a thousand people using this approach
and a lot of people have been influenced by it.

Mitchell, Ron: We have time now to turn our attention to you worldwide,
who may still be up or just getting up in the morning or whatever, and this
is the wake-up call. Please email in your questions and we will also turn the
time over to those on the floor here in the studio. This is not a classroom;
its a studio audience, and we have an opportunity to examine this. Sharon?

Alvarez, Sharon: Jim, mines not so much a question as to commend you.

It really takes a lot of courage to do what you did and to continue to move
forward. One of the things I often tell doctoral students is, Theres no lack
of smart people in academia. Once you get here, everybody is smart and
the difference tends to be (at least in my opinion) the people who work
hard and the people who persevere. There are a lot of other things besides
just smarts that get you there; and congratulations, because that was not
easy and I personally commend you. Good for you.

Haynie, Mike: I never got so much sympathy when I was rejected.

Mitchell, Ron: Other questions coming in from the floor? Tom, do we have
worldwide web yet? Okay. Phils coming into us from here in the studio.

Phan, Phil: Thank you. This question is for the paper by Mike, Dean and
Jeff. Given the hurdles that you faced, did you have any sense why you were
given an R&R [revise and resubmit]? Or maybe Andrew can also answer?

Haynie, Mike: It was like these reviews were screaming at me when I read

Shepherd, Dean: They scream at you; yet they werent that bad. We have
had rewrites before and I think the results looked interesting. We got these
interaction effects (I think it was three interaction effects), so there were
non-obvious, hard to understand hypotheses such that the results were
non-obvious. I think thats why they gave us the R&R.

Corbett, Andrew: If I could chime in. I mean, I looked through it, but obvi-
ously I didnt handle this paper. But I went through all the correspondence

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Journal of Management Studies 233

for Mike; as Dean mentioned, Mike was very familiar with this technique.
I think this is a situation where you do see the hand of the editor that rec-
ognized the potential that was there, and could see that hand throughout
some of the other comments (the classic comments that we all see in our
reviews). And the editor was able to see that see the potential for contri-
bution and help the authoring team bring it forward.

Haynie, Mike: Whats interesting is the other part of the story (even
though I was a little overwhelmed by those first reviews); we re-wrote the
paper and it was conditionally accepted on that next submission. So, credit
to Mike Wright for helping us see the story that we needed to tell.

McMullen, Jeff: One interesting thing, too, is that the structure is sound.
Sometimes the labels arent the clearest or the most compelling ones that
you could possibly use, even though the concepts (we have a lot of terms
for the same meaning of concept) that sometimes resonate with people
are timely and are interesting. And sometimes they dont resonate with
people. We were talking about diversification. The term was wrong, but
the meaning of that concept stayed constant because we were talking at the
individual level. I was probably wrong to use diversification at that level,
yet the notion was the same notion.

Mitchell, Ron: Theres an idea emerging here and it ties back to the glos-
sary comment that Jim made. When we speak to a community, that com-
munity has a vocabulary; I dont know that theres anywhere that the
glossaries for AMJ [Academy of Management Journal], for SEJ [Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal], and for JBV [Journal of Business Venturing],
are readily available. Therefore, who is it incumbent upon to create the
glossary? I think it was a cool mechanism Jim provided that many of us
havent really considered doing, which is just go through that paper, take
the terms, and whatever those terms are be sure that every time you
use them, you havent changed them in your mind. Just because we are,
as Sharon was saying, a bunch of smart people, doesnt mean that you
cant think of a term in two or three different lights. Maybe its because
we are smart that we think of it in two or three different lights. Yet other
smart people cant track what you are thinking when you change the
meaning. Consequently, this glossary of terminology puts us in a posi-
tion where we can be very explicit about the vocabulary we are using.
Therefore, if we are explicit about the vocabulary, we can read a few
articles from the journal we are targeting and see if those terms actually
show up. And, especially check to see if those terms have the definition
that we are using.

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234 In search of research excellence

Fiet, Jim: Can I make an additional comment related to that? When I am

searching through my papers using my glossary and I find a term, I put it
in bold. Then I put the definition of how I am using the term in italics, as
an intermediate step, to make sure that when I search it the second time,
that all of the definitions in italics are the same.

Mitchell, Ron: Its called systematic search of terms.

Corbett, Andrew: Related to that, I just had a similar situation over the
weekend on a recent paper acceptance I sent out. Its important to be
explicit sometimes. When we are talking about entrepreneurship research,
and you are sending it to broad management journals as opposed to the
focused journals, you are talking to a larger audience. Sometimes you
need to be explicit in the language you are using because you are not just
talking to the entrepreneurship community you are talking to the entire
management community. So when you are submitting to JOM or JMS
or the Academy journals, I think its incumbent upon the author team to
make sure that they do that.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. We have Ann.

Parmigiani, Ann: I want to agree with that point, and also say that the
other thing that gets to be complicated is operationalizing these concepts
empirically sometimes these things look the same. Sometimes I work
in the capability space and I have trouble figuring out whats capability,
whats knowledge, whats expertise and whats experience because when
you ask managers about them, its all the same. Thats the other difficulty,
I think: not only figuring out theoretically and conceptually what your
terms mean and defining them carefully, but to make sure empirically that
they match operationally.

Mitchell, Ron: Operationally.

Parmigiani, Ann: Hopefully they match at least something others have

done, at least in a consistent way (which is not always easy).

Corbett, Andrew: Hopefully you match the scholars that you are convers-
ing with in terms of where you are trying to make your contribution,

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Ann. We are still open for questions. Tom is
there something on the web that we could post?

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Lumpkin, Tom: The idea of what a field ought to do mentioned by Jim

is suggestive of Jay Barneys [Chapter 3] keynote comments about senior
scholars assuming greater responsibility to make an impact. Are we
missing out by not being more prescriptive (not focusing more on what
entrepreneurs can do with our help, hopefully, or what aspiring entrepre-
neurs ought to do)?

Mitchell, Ron: Jim, I think you get the first shot at that one.

Fiet, Jim: I think we have all had the experience of seeing the light bulbs go
off in a students eyes, and we are grateful for that experience. If we let that
opportunity pass and dont engage them further, weve lost the chance to
change their lives to be a part of that. So, I would say that I need to do it
more, even though I already do it as much as I can.

Mitchell, Ron: Mike, can I draw you into that question? Being more pre-
scriptive? How does that hit you as far as advising scholars, in all stages of
their careers, as to the kind of work we can do? Oftentimes as a reviewer,
for example, I see things that I might call polemics, where someones on
the soapbox (and there is an evangelizing side to that). We have a balance
that we need to strike that retains legitimacy while capturing the poten-
tial Jim is helping us try to see. Do you have thoughts on that that might
address the questions coming in on the web?

Lubatkin, Mike: I am going to try I hadnt thought about this. Theres

an evolution to us as scholars in our careers. We start off very much in a
skill-building mode as doctoral students and as junior faculty members.
I liken that to developing skills as a musician; at some point we need to
make the transition from musician to composer. That is, we have to stop
playing the music that others have composed, and we have to, in fact, start
to initiate our own melodies. But as we evolve as faculty members as we
evolve as scholars we then need to make the transition from composers
to conductors. Here is where we are working with the junior people; we are
orchestrating their moves, and we are serving as mentors for them.

Mitchell, Ron: This resonates with the idea thats been developing at this
Conference, which is that there are career stages that result from our
various roles (if we are willing to undertake them) because some folks just
love playing the instrument and never want to compose, and others, if they
were forced to conduct, wouldnt get the joy of playing that trumpet (or
whatever it is). In some respects, thats a career-based decision we need to
make, and I appreciate you drawing that out.

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236 In search of research excellence

Shepherd, Dean: I think we dont want to make the distinction too clear
between prescriptive research at one end and descriptive research at the
other end, because we also have explanatory research in between. I think
explanatory research is important because we develop an understanding
of why people act the way that they do. I think that can, in and of itself,
also have prescriptive implications. I dont think we should think about
We have prescription and we have description. I think explanation is also
important, and is an important part towards prescription.

Mitchell, Ron: There is also the aspect of timing that comes into it. For
example, someone I know who played in a rock band as a teenager would
essentially read the chord charts that were provided by the band leader
(you know, C Minor, 7th, etc.). When it was time to do that particular
solo, they would just chord on through it. Well, after playing for a while,
it suddenly becomes clear that theres more to music than just those
chords and suddenly they began to connect in ways that we hadnt ever
imagined. Perhaps its time in the saddle (time in a career) or perhaps its
interest or desire to push beyond; but to some extent, its the movement
across these boundaries (I appreciate Dean making the point that these
are not hard-and-fast delineations in terms of either/or). We may come in
and out of these zones, but (to the extent that the timings right) to have
obstacles in our structure of how we see our own careers might, in fact,
hold us back. We ought to be able to embrace the notion of becoming
engaged in composing instead of just playing, or in orchestrating and
conducting instead of just composing. There is a timing element that is a
part of that.
As we come towards wrapping things up, Id like to ask the authors and
the editor to speak to the JMS experience, because obviously, we have this
geographical bridge. We have a journal that is open to research traditions
that are not strictly North American. As a result, we have some words to
the wise some takeaways. Lets start with the authors. If you were to say,
There is one thing Id recommend in successfully working with JMS, it
would be ...?

Shepherd, Dean: When I think of JMS, I look at Mike. I think JMS is a lot
like Mike. I want to ask everyone, what adjective am I actually thinking
about? We should call it the Journal of Mike Studies. I think its quirky,
you know? I really like the Journal of Management Studies because I think
its a lot like Organization Science used to be (and still is). But, I really like
the Journal of Management Studies because its quirky. If I have something
that just doesnt quite fit the mainstream, and I am looking for somewhere
to publish that is open to something thats a little bit quirky, I always think

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Journal of Management Studies 237

about the Journal of Management Studies. I think it might be because they

are European.

Corbett, Andrew: Like I said at the top, that comes from this combination
of a deep ethos (or heritage) of the European tradition, which now in the
past decade and a half has been melded with the American tradition. It
puts the journal in a unique space, and we definitely look to things that are
provocative and risky. We are willing to take a chance on things.

Mitchell, Ron: Speaking of glossarizing, whats the European tradition?

What are we talking about?

Corbett, Andrew: I think what we are talking about is traditionally how

doctoral students are trained as opposed to how they are trained in the US.
And, how articles come to light, and how we tend to publish. I think theres
definitely a European tradition thats a lot more qualitative, for one.

Shepherd, Dean: More philosophical?

Corbett, Andrew: More philosophical. Absolutely.

Lumpkin, Tom: I can jump in with a question that just came up for
Andrew (following on what you just said). It says, Earlier we heard that
at JBV we need to show how we contribute to entrepreneurship theory. At
JMS do we need to contribute to broad management or entrepreneurship?
Where is the balance?

Corbett, Andrew: I think (and this might be reminiscent of something that

Phil Phan said) thats a question where its going to depend on what the
authoring team wants to do. Where do you want to make a contribution?
Maybe it goes back to some of what Venkat said in his keynote [Sankaran
Venkataraman: Chapter 7]: where do you want to make the contribution,
what scholars are you talking to, and how do you want to augment or add
on to that conversation? The contribution is going to be driven by that. Is
this more of a broad management paper that you are talking about, or is
it more of an entrepreneurship paper?

Shepherd, Dean: I think theres a level of analysis issue here, isnt there? I
think the Journal of Management Studies is looking more towards mana-
gerial implications or organizational levels. Would you say that?

Corbett, Andrew: Yes. Thats where I was going.

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238 In search of research excellence

Shepherd, Dean: Okay all right, sorry.

Mitchell, Ron: Jim? If there is one thing you would recommend for
successfully working with JMS it would be ...?

Fiet, Jim: Actually, just be lucky. I had a good experience. I found that
Mike Wright and the other editors (who were badgering me at the end I
had done two rounds of revisions when the reviewers were finished with
me; then, two more rounds with the editors) thought that I needed to talk
more about the prescriptive implications. I had spent eight years taking
those discussions out because nobody wanted to hear them. It was a
totally different approach.

Mitchell, Ron: Mike, a last thought as we wrap up?

Lubatkin, Mike: My thought is (based on the discussion we had and the

questions I prepared): we teach the entrepreneurial process, and we study
the entrepreneurial process. Also, its important for us to think of ourselves
as embodying the entrepreneurial process when we find ways of combining
our heart, mind and soul into the work that we do. It breeds so much more
passion, which, of course, was one of the papers presented earlier today.
Passion is so important; not only for our own self-satisfaction, but also for
how well it communicates to others through our writing.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Mike. Andrew give us a final word? If there
were one thing you would recommend in successfully working with JMS
it would be?

Corbett, Andrew: It would be ... (and this is a bit thematic and is again
from Duane and Venkats keynotes [Chapters 5 and 7]) Interesting! Right?
It needs to be interesting if you are hoping to find a novel contribution.
One of the things we do (as Talya said about JOM,) is we try to be very
developmental. Beyond saying, Murray Davis interesting, I have a group
a set of classics that I rely on, and I know some of the other editors do
too. In particular, I think, How do you become interesting when you need
to be? One of the things I direct people to is a great article on construct-
ing rhetoric contributions, a 1997 AMJ piece by Karen Locke and Karen
Golden-Biddle, which is How do you make your research interesting?
This is a great article that shows you a path to doing that. Additionally,
the previous editors of JMS, Floyd, Clark and Wright wrote a wonderful
article on the reviewing process which appeared in the May 2006 JMS
where they talked about both contribution and being interesting. They did

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Journal of Management Studies 239

a study of all of the articles they received, and the fact of the matter is that
92 percent of the time, lack of interest, lack of interesting contribution or
lack of contribution are the reasons why papers get rejected. Seventy-six
percent of the time, papers get rejected because there was no contribu-
tion to theory. The third reason for rejection, at 70 percent, is method.
Therefore, the key is being interesting and finding a way to contribute.

Mitchell, Ron: Theres that sub-text; how to become interesting? JMS, the
entrepreneurial author makeover specialists. Thank you, everyone. We
appreciate it.


Clark, T., S.W. Floyd and M. Wright (2006). On the review process and journal
development. Journal of Management Studies, 43 (3), 65564.
Davis, M.S. (1971). Thats interesting! Towards a phenomenology of sociology
and a sociology of phenomenology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1 (2),
Fiet, J. (2007). A prescriptive analysis of search and discovery. Journal of
Management Studies, 44 (4), 592611.
Haynie, J.M., D.A. Shepherd and J.S. McMullen (2009). An opportunity for
me? The role of resources in opportunity evaluation decisions. Journal of
Management Studies, 46 (3), 33761.
Locke, K. and K. Golden-Biddle (1997). Constructing opportunities for contribu-
tion: structuring intertextual coherence and problematizing in organizational
studies. Academy of Management Journal, 40 (5), 102362.

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16. Organization Science
Editor: Pamela S. Tolbert
Author: Wesley D. Sine
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell,
Lucy Gilson
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: This is an editor/author session, which includes Pam

Tolbert as senior editor at Organization Science; Wesley Sine represent-
ing the paper entitled, From plan to plant: Effects of certification on
operational start-up in the emergent independent power sector; and Lucy
Gilson, my co-moderator. Welcome, everyone.
Organization Science has a mission statement that is available on the
Conference website as well as on the Organization Science website. One
of the opportunities identified is that the Organization Science journal is a
good target for a variety of entrepreneurship research, because the journal
provides one umbrella for the publication of research from all over the
world in fields such as: Organization Theory, Strategic Management,
Sociology, Economics, Political Science, History, Information Science,
Communication Theory and Psychology. So Organization Science, then,
has a very specialized niche in the market, and yet its specialty is of great
breadth. What well do, as weve now become accustomed, is ask Wes if he
wouldnt mind giving us the short and sweet of the paper, and then well
turn the time to Lucy for the first question.

Sine, Wes: Great, I have 20 minutes to do this short and sweet?

Mitchell, Ron: And we all leave in 30 seconds.

Sine, Wes: As many of you have probably surmised, the paper is about
entrepreneurs who are trying to get from a business plan to an operational
start-up to actually selling a product. In this case, we are looking particu-
larly at legitimation strategies. Let me first mention that this paper is co-
authored with Robert David and Hitoshi Mitsuhashi an international


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Organization Science 241

team. Roberts at McGill in Montreal and Hitoshi is in Tokyo. It was a lot

of fun coordinating our different schedules.
In this paper, what we are trying to do is explore individual legitimation
strategies and how it helps entrepreneurs to get the resources they need to
reach operational start-up. From a theory point of view, it makes a differ-
ence in a couple of ways. Past research in institutional theory really looked
at how the context of an organization conferred legitimacy on individual
organizations. In this case, we wanted (because from experience we had
noticed that entrepreneurs really proactively try to get credibility and
legitimacy for their organizations) to see the impact of those strategies and
how they interacted with these larger contextual processes. From an entre-
preneurial point of view, the selection process and pre-operational start-up
is pretty intense. We felt there wasnt a lot of work in that area; not only is
it pretty intense, but credibility plays a big role because the entrepreneurs
cant really point at their organization or their products they really have
to convince their audience or their resource providers that they need par-
ticular kinds of resources, and that they are a credible organization. Those
are the things we looked at. And again, from an institutional point of view,
one of the key takeaways is that we find that legitimacy isnt really either
a dichotomous variable or a continuous variable. This is a debate that the
literatures had. What we found was that as entrepreneurs went and tried
to legitimize their own firms, that the effectiveness of this legitimation
process or strategy was contingent on the environment. You see a real S-
curved relationship between continued attempts to gain legitimacy and the
extent to which the sector already deemed the organization as legitimate.
Its a diminishing return over time.

Mitchell, Ron: You brought in the idea of certification in that legitimation


Sine, Wes: Right. In this case, what these entrepreneurs do is they create a
certification process. The irony is the certification really doesnt give any
kinds of details that people couldnt figure out anyway its all publicly
available and its out of their business plan, so the certification held no
weight. It was very symbolic and the entrepreneurs knew that. In fact,
when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) eventually
gave this certification, the entrepreneurs initially laughed at the idea. They
said, What fools would believe such a thing?

Mitchell, Ron: But it did have ...

Sine, Wes: It had a big empirical impact.

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242 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: Lucy?

Gilson, Lucy: Thank you. I actually have a lot of questions going into
a little micro on the paper and especially the international authorship.
But before we go down to that level, I wanted to take us maybe up to
the journal level a little bit, because one of the things that weve talked
about so far today is how the various journals are different, and then why
you send your work to one place or the other and how they are handled
differently in the review process. One of the things truly unique about
Organization Science is its very large editorial board where then as an
author, you can select your action editor and a reviewer. I am interested
both on the editorial perspective and, as an author, what impact that has
on the process and how you pick somebody. I mean, do you pick your
friend or do you pick somebody you hope will be objective? Is this sort of
like picking outside letter-writers for tenure? How do you select? And then
if someone makes a selection that you think is bad, how do you handle it
and how does that work? I would like to hear a bit more about that.

Tolbert, Pam: Let me start it from the editorial side. Thats actually one of
the things that I think all journals want to be innovative, of course. But
this is one of the ways in which Organization Science tries to create condi-
tions that allow more innovative work and give it a better shot at getting
published: because, by selecting an editor who you think is closer to your
particular area and who should have relevant expertise (and identifying
reviewers), you should be in a position to get a more sympathetic and
more knowledgeable audience reading the paper. I think that its actually
a really good idea. Yet, it doesnt always work out as planned: first of all,
you nominate an editor, you nominate a reviewer and the journal tries its
best to honor those requests but, workflow being what it is, it doesnt
always work.
The other tricky thing is that people sometimes are very negative
about it. You raised the issue of how do you decide who to nominate as
a reviewer, and I am always shocked by how many reviewers have been
nominated end up rejecting a paper. So its a little dicey; but at least you
know youve gotten presumably a fair or a relevant reviewer in that case.
The other issue that I had mentioned to Lucy is that sometimes my first
reaction is, I dont want to nominate a reviewer because that reviewers
review will be discounted. Nobody is going to take that seriously. I dont
think that happens, surprisingly. I discovered as a handling editor, you
usually forget who the author nominated unless a review comes back in
and it says, This is fantastic. Just publish it. Then you think, Is that who
we nominated? But I think that its a very helpful technique on the part

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Organization Science 243

of the journal to try and get a paper into the hands of people who should
be good reviewers.

Sine, Wes: In this case, we didnt get who we nominated, and in other
papers that I currently have in Organization Science, we also didnt get
who we nominated.

Tolbert, Pam: Well, its good in theory.

Sine, Wes: But I felt very secure in being able to nominate. It made me feel
good about coming to the journal.

Mitchell, Ron: A placebo effect?

Sine, Wes: It seems to be a random process if we can nominate. I like the

idea of having a reviewer and knowing that at least one of the reviewers I
nominate will be an expert; thats typically a strategy I take nominating
somebody that should be able to give the article a fair shot.

Gilson, Lucy: Thats an interesting point, because if you nominate an

editor, you know whether you got them or not because you see who you
got the letter from. But if you nominate a reviewer, you dont actually
know if you got the reviewer, right?

Tolbert, Pam: Exactly right, which is why then you sometimes get those
reviews that are unfortunate, as the reviewers are not quite as sympathetic
as you had hoped.

Mitchell, Ron: Lucy, did you want to go a little narrower into the actual
process itself?

Gilson, Lucy: One of the things I like that was interesting: looking at the
three authors on this paper, you have authors from the United States,
Canada and Japan. Weve talked a little bit about working together
on that, but then youre talking about power plants in New York and
California, so youre really spreading yourself. We talked about how you
work together with handing-off papers. But one of the things we havent
really discussed yet today is, how did you three come together as a research

Sine, Wes: Thats a great question. I had experience working with both of
these co-authors; they didnt have experience working together, and we

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244 In search of research excellence

were at one point all students at Cornell. We knew each other, and I knew
their strengths and knew their weaknesses. I brought them in for their
strengths. As first author, I selected both of them for various strengths that
they brought to the process. It was tough. We were all assistant professors
in very different places. For me, I was thinking a top-tier journal or Im
not going to work on it, and other co-authors also held that same set of
principles, but their institutions were a little bit more lax in the kinds of
journals that they would consider.
We went with Organization Science because the initial question we
asked, we thought, was very different from what had been done. We
wanted a really open-minded journal. We thought it was fact breaking
and we didnt want to be forced into doing something that was just an
incremental push on what had already been done. In terms of working, it
worked out great. The idea that I could send something to Tokyo while
I slept and get work done is nice. It was really important that we met a
couple of times a year, closed the door for a week and didnt leave the
room until we figured out some key concepts.

Mitchell, Ron: In the review process (weve talked about how helpful it can
be), oftentimes the reviewers make problematic requests. In this paper, do
you have an example or two of things that were asked that were perceived
as problems?

Sine, Wes: Initially we were sure two of the three reviewers were wrong in
most of what they had to say. Things like, We dont like your dependent
variable. Its not a good empirical test of your theory and the theory itself
isnt ... The initial reviews were very brutal and bloody and they needed
to be. And they were helpful because of that. Eventually, I presented this
paper in a very mixed audience with economists and non-economists, and
it stood up pretty well to that mixed audience because of the reviewers.
They must have come from interdisciplinary backgrounds because they
brought in ideas and theories and techniques that we didnt include in the
paper initially.

Mitchell, Ron: Let me get this straight. These were bloody, brutal reviews
and you got an R&R [revise and resubmit]?

Gilson, Lucy: They were bloody, brutal and brilliant. It was a weak R&R.
It was like, This is a high risk. Dont get your hopes up.

Mitchell, Ron: I think theres a lesson there perhaps thats in the sub-text
of the Q&A here, and that is that just because the review is problematic

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Organization Science 245

and appears to be harsh doesnt necessarily mean that behind the scenes
that reviewer is saying to the editor, Get this out of here. They may in fact
be saying What were they saying, if you dont mind just a little bit of ...?

Tolbert, Pam: I wasnt the handling editor on this, but I went back and
read the reviews and the comments to the editor, and they were saying, I
dont know if this is going to survive, but theres a grain of an idea here.
Its a small grain, but perhaps it could be developed. They were fairly pes-
simistic, I think. There was a substantial revision.

Sine, Wes: Yes, it was substantial, and they didnt necessarily agree. The
paper turned out to be very different than what we initially sent in, and
I think the hardest part was we had three reviews (none of which really
agreed). We took solace in the notion that if we can make one of the
reviewers happy (and we knew one reviewer liked it), but if we could make
another one happy we thought maybe we can get Jim Walsh to push it

Mitchell, Ron: Did you have to change your basic philosophy, theme,
take, etc... .? Were you still intact as scholars when you made the choice?

Sine, Wes: Were we emasculated?

Mitchell, Ron: I used the word intact.

Sine, Wes: Yes, thats what made me think of the word emasculated.
Essentially, the initial paper was too big to do well; it covered too much.
The problem was that we were really immersed in the context. We really
understood what was going on and we wanted to tell the whole story.
We needed some people to say, No, there are not enough pages here to
tell the whole story. So we cut it in half. Initially we looked at why some
organizations seek certification and then how does certification pan
out. We cut it in half and then we had one reviewer say (and Jim Walsh
encouraged us to this), You should look at the interactions. Theres all
this research on the environment and context and there should be some-
thing going on. I think our initial ideas were intact, but embellished and

Mitchell, Ron: This is a follow-up question for Pam. As you went back
through the file and you looked at how the senior editor was actually
working on this, to what extent did the editor contribute ideas beyond
those that were brought into the conversation by the reviewers?

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246 In search of research excellence

Tolbert, Pam: In the first couple of rounds, I think the main contribution
was actually just trying to point a path, because the reviews really did say,
Do this and do this and do this; so the main job was to say, You could
do this, but I think this might be a good strategy, which is something that
people should pay attention to when senior editors do this stuff. Because
on one hand theyre trying to not alienate reviewers; obviously theres a
lot of labor involved there, but sometimes you dont always think theyre
going in the right direction. What you do in writing a decision letter is try
and point to a path among the differing options.

Sine, Wes: And I think Jim couldve done a better job of that. He did a
good job, but he was a very tough editor. If one of the reviewers wanted
another additional empirical analysis that we thought had marginal
benefit, Jim didnt let it slide by. He said, Do it. He didnt adopt our argu-
ment of marginal benefit.

Tolbert, Pam: Some editors use more discretion. Some editors use less and
they pay more attention to the reviewers. Thats partly an editorial choice.
This editor (who shall remain nameless) ...

Mitchell, Ron: But his first name starts with J.

Tolbert, Pam: Theres an interesting question that comes up.

Gilson, Lucy: When we were talking about being the lead author because,
Wes, you said early on, I picked these two co-authors because I thought
theyd have different things theyd bring to the table, and now you have
these reviews that are sending you in different areas. As the lead author, did
you say, Okay, I picked you for these skills on this paper. This is the way
were going to go. How did you then navigate that with your co-authors?

Sine, Wes: This is an interesting story that probably doesnt happen very
often. The paper originally started with two authors.

Gilson, Lucy: Thats why I asked the question.

Sine, Wes: I started with just one co-author. We sent in the first review.
When we got the reviews back, we both felt like we needed a third person
(just for the speed). There were also some professors who were coming
up for renewal, so theres a speed issue. I was working with one of the
co-authors on another paper with similar issues and similar questions. We
worked very well together and it was an obvious benefit to bring him in.

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Organization Science 247

Mitchell, Ron: It was a natural inclusion?

Sine, Wes: A natural inclusion. We sent it back with one more author. But
the other thing was that once we owned the paper, we collectively owned
the paper. Sometimes in the discussion Hitoshi or Robert would say,
Youre first author, you make the call, but I never exercised that option.
It was more, Come on, and I think, again, that the two of them really
own the paper.

Mitchell, Ron: Now were into the Q&A time. Do we have questions? We
have one from the web. We have one from Elizabeth go ahead, Elizabeth.

Lim, Elizabeth: Thank you. I have a quick question. Sometimes we send

our papers to top journals and were blessed with a good handling editor
and good reviewers who provide excellent comments, great guidance on a
paper and that sort of thing. But at other times we come across reviewers
who have a completely different vision for your papers. If youre a senior
author, you could very well say, I want to protect my ideas and Im not
going to go with that different direction that the reviewer has suggested.
But as a junior scholar, when the tenure clock is ticking, you dont really
have [an] option; yet at the same time, you want to protect your ideas.
What are the sorts of things that authors could do in that challenging

Mitchell, Ron: Pam, do you mind taking that?

Tolbert, Pam: No, not at all. Its a good question, because as a handling
editor, you dont always get the people who are necessarily the best review-
ers and sometimes youre not sure if this person is the right reviewer. I
have also been on the other side of the fence and gotten reviews from
who did this? If the comments are from the handling editor and you
really agree, then youre a little stuck because they have decision-making
power. What you can do is write a letter and try and pose an explanation
for why you think this is not appropriate. You can even engage in an email
exchange beforehand with them; although I would also say sometimes the
stream of work can be a challenge you send out a decision letter and
somebody contacts you two months later and you cant remember very
well. I think its certainly worth going back to the senior editor and saying,
This doesnt make sense to me and this is why, and trying to negotiate it.

Mitchell, Ron: Here we have an illustration of the human process. We are

people and we are interacting with each other, and so the idea then is that

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248 In search of research excellence

we ask questions. Now its not become dependent upon that editor to the
point that you intrude on her space.

Tolbert, Pam: This is the trick.

Mitchell, Ron: But it is, from a clarification standpoint. You know how we
do with our presentations ... You stand up and you ask, Do you want to
take questions during the presentation or do you want to take them at the
end? and everybody says, Well just take clarification questions. Its that
kind of a notion.
Tom, do we have comments or questions from the web?

Lumpkin, Tom: We have one from the web.

Sine, Wes: Can I just address that quickly?

Mitchell, Ron: While were pulling it up, sure.

Sine, Wes: In this case, we had three reviewers telling us to go in three

different directions. I think in your letter to the reviewers you can explain
why you choose the direction you choose in a deep, sensitive, legitimate
way that they understand that you cant do everything at once. So thats
what we did we just picked and chose one direction.

Mitchell, Ron: Okay, Tom.

Lumpkin, Tom: From the web for the whole panel. Sometimes we hear its
better for junior faculty to work with senior faculty rather than with peers.
Here it seems three young faculty worked together successfully. Please
comment on working with peers at the same stage versus working with
more experienced faculty.

Gilson, Lucy: Thats a great question.

Tolbert, Pam: It is a good question.

Sine, Wes: Do you want me to take it?

Tolbert, Pam: Wes, go ahead.

Sine, Wes: Having just gone through the tenure process, its really impor-
tant to work with your peers because, at least in our tenure process,

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Organization Science 249

evaluators consider the extent to which you werent working with senior
faculty, so theres a benefit there.

Tolbert, Pam: You get more credit?

Mitchell, Ron: You got more credit in the tenure evaluation.

Sine, Wes: Theres a lot of energy when you have three hungry scholars
that have renewal coming up, and people work day and night and there
arent consulting gigs getting in the way or conferences. I think the energy
level and the willingness to explore is pretty nice. I work a lot with senior
authors and thats great as well. Theres a lot of energy.

Tolbert, Pam: I would chime in. I think oftentimes its better to work with
peers, especially as a junior faculty, because of the social dynamics and
the credit issue. Fair or not fair, its often a problem. The advantage of
working with senior faculty is they have more savvy about the process, and
so you can learn things that way that you might not learn otherwise. But
I think if I had my druthers I would usually choose peers at my own level.

Mitchell, Ron: Lucy, do you mind weighing-in on that? What do you


Gilson, Lucy: I think you need to have a balance. I think its great to work
with peers because youre in that process together and youve got that
hunger. I remember hearing once that when you publish with a very senior
faculty member, 0.2 is taken off the publication. And then if you publish
with a student, 0.2 is added back on. I remember thinking, Oh goodness,
if Im going to publish this, Id better publish with that person at the same
time to weigh out the balance. I think we can get ourselves all wrapped
up in the cycle.

Mitchell, Ron: In the game of it, yes.

Tolbert, Pam: In the calculations.

Gilson, Lucy: I think sometimes the main thing (and I think Wes has
alluded to this) is to find people that you work well with. Probably like
all of us, youve had those relationships at different levels in your career
and someone said earlier, Students are students for such a short period
of time that after a while youre all of a sudden a senior person working
with a junior person and then youre colleagues working together. It

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250 In search of research excellence

goes through that cycle. If there are people that you work well with, keep
working with them and develop that relationship.

Sine, Wes: Thats absolutely right. Its rare that a person can really tell you
its a horrible idea without ruining your day. If you can find that person,
hold onto them and work with them.

Mitchell, Ron: If were going to pull this together in the last couple of
minutes, Im interested in hearing both Pam and Wes speak from your
perspectives about what is unique about the decision to work with
Organization Science as a journal that also would be interesting to those
who are submitting and who are considering it. What would be a distinct
element that comes to mind? I dont know who would go first, but this
is the kind of thing that those of us who are thinking about the work
that weve developed (and maybe its a first submission or maybe not)
understand but still there are distinct reasons why you would submit to
Organization Science. And from your experience, both from an editor and
author and from an author standpoint, what would they be?

Tolbert, Pam: Like I said, I think the editorial structure is very useful in
terms of targeting reviewers and people who are going to be most sympa-
thetic and most knowledgeable. I think, regarding Organization Science,
my perception is that it has a reputation for being innovative and thats an
asset. I think that reputation is real. I cant explain why its true. I served as
an associate editor at AMR [Academy of Management Review] and theres
a very different feel to Organization Science. Theyre very receptive, maybe
because of the founding and the culture of the founding; theyre receptive
to more off-beat work, the kind of work that James Marsh publishes and
things like that. You said one, so heres the fourth one.
In talking about SEJ [Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal], I was think-
ing the advantage of publishing in a journal like that is that youre more
likely to find an appreciative market, because you targeted it. Because
Organization Science is so broad, youre more likely to have some success
in doing crossovers. That is, you reach an audience that you hadnt
intended and that helps your work.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. Your thoughts?

Sine, Wes: You know, Ive published in a couple of different journals and
Ive found Organization Science to be very flexible.

Mitchell, Ron: So, the flexibility?

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Organization Science 251

Sine, Wes: The flexibility during the review process, approachability ... I
dont know if this is empirically true (if everybody feels like they had this
flexibility) but it didnt seem to be a problem when we brought in another
author; no one said anything about it. We really changed the direction of
the manuscript. It went from more qualitative to more quantitative, and
the whole time while we were changing the manuscript we never thought,
Will they like it less qualitative? We knew they were going to be fine with
whatever we came up with as long as its high quality.

Mitchell, Ron: The founding editors piece that came out in 2008 made the
observation about Organization Science that there is a way that knowl-
edge tends to migrate ... and who uses which knowledge from which field
(Daft and Lewin, 2008). Organization Science, to me, after having read
that piece and having watched since then, is acting as a bridge. That big
long list of disciplines that I read thats for real. And you are able to then
bring those into the management field and then certainly there are other
fields that cite these literatures and then take it on. I think the example was
sociology into ASQ [Administrative Science Quarterly] and then ASQ into
MIS [Management Information Systems] or something like that. Theres a
knowledge migration; a process thats underway within this journal pub-
lishing process that is bridged by (and the critical element is) Organization
Science. Thats the uniqueness.
Lucy, your observations about a distinguishing factor in the Organization
Science journal?

Gilson, Lucy: I think that what were touching upon that it is a cool
journal where you can have empirical and you can have theoretical and
you can have ...

Mitchell, Ron: A cool journal.

Gilson, Lucy: A cool journal. You can have these different things.

Audience Member #1: Do you have papers under submission there?

Gilson, Lucy: I do and other places where its not so cool. But whats also
interesting, and a good thing, is when youre talking about junior authors
coming together, youre playing with ideas. You have that diamond in the
rough that we talked about earlier today, and you might find either a more
receptive editorial board or reviewers as well as readership, because thats
what theyre trying to do and thats part of their mission.

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252 In search of research excellence

Sine, Wes: That said, the reviewing process is just as tough there as ASQ
or AMJ [Academy of Management Journal].

Gilson, Lucy: Right. Cool doesnt mean easy.

Mitchell, Ron: Last word cool but tough. Thank you very much.


Daft, R.L. and A.Y. Lewin (2008). Rigor and relevance in organization studies:
idea migration and academic journal evolution. Organization Science, 18 (1),
Sine, W.D., R.J. David and H. Mitsuhashi (2007). From plan to plant: effects of
certification on operational start-up in the emergent independent power sector.
Organization Science, 18 (4), 57894.

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17. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Editor: Michael A. Hitt
Authors: Yasemin Y. Kor, Jeffrey J. Reuer
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell,
Elaine Mosakowski
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: Let me introduce those who are present here. First of all,
my co-moderator is Elaine Mosakowski. Thank you, Elaine, for being
part of this session. Also with us is Mike Hitt, the editor of Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ); Yasemin Kor, who wrote one of the
papers, and then Jeff Reuer, author of the other paper that we will be
discussing. So we have authors, editor and co-moderator. A very similar
set-up; we will have a small percentage of our time to do the introduction,
talk a little bit about the journal mission and how that fits, although that
should be obvious given its name. Then we will do a couple of quick eleva-
tor pitches on the papers and we will take it from there.
I feel a little awkward actually giving a journal mission statement with
the editor sitting right next to me ...

Hitt, Mike: I would like to hear what you say.

Mitchell, Ron: The journal explicitly targets entrepreneurship research

that involves, for example, innovation and subsequent changes which
add value to society. Now theres a theme, It adds value to society, which
changes societal life in ways that have significant, sustainable and durable
consequences. Howd I do Mike?

Hitt, Mike: You did very well.

Mitchell, Ron: So that is the SEJ focus that we are going to pull our audi-
ence worldwide into. Welcome again. We will turn a few minutes over
to the authors. Yasemin, would you like to go first? Give us a 30-second
elevator pitch about your paper and we will follow with Jeff.


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254 In search of research excellence

Kor, Yasemin: Sure, I will do that. The paper that I had the opportunity
to co-author with three great scholars (Nicolai Foss, Peter Klein and Joe
Mahoney) is actually a theoretical conceptual piece where we aimed to
connect entrepreneurship research with the strategic management lit-
erature specifically, the research that was grounded in resource-based
theory. In this particular paper, we focus on the notion of subjectivism and
the subjective nature of the entrepreneurial process. Then we draw insights
from three different perspectives. One is Austrian economics, which of
course has made classical contributions to entrepreneurship theory, and
the notion of subjectivism that has deep roots in Austrian economics. The
second one is Penroses 1959 classic resources approach where subjectiv-
ism is consistently applied, both in the form of resource through hetero-
geneity, but also in terms of the heterogeneity of resource users; in other
words, services available from the resources. Then, the third one is the
modern resource base where there are also strong elements of subjectivism
in the form of resource heterogeneity.
We try to bring together a lot of these insights (along with other insights)
and use the notion of subjectivism to connect entrepreneurship and stra-
tegic management. Then as an application of this particular connection,
we take the notion of subjectivism (which is at the individual level), and
apply it to the entrepreneurial team. The unit of analysis goes to the team
level; then we talk about the entrepreneurial team as a co-creative team
act where individuals with heterogeneous mental models interact with one
another. Then, of course, you need the element of social positive team
dynamics. The product is a subjective productive opportunity set that is
co-created and co-implemented as a team act. So thats the abstract.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you very much, Yasemin. Jeff.

Reuer, Jeff: I would like to acknowledge my co-author first. His name is

Fernando Chaddad and he was the lead author on the paper. He is for-
merly a student at the University of North Carolina. I think the best way
to summarize the paper is with a simple puzzle or stylized fact: that is, if
you look at the investment behavior of newly public firms, it actually turns
out that their investments fall off fairly sharply after they go public. That
fall off continues, although youd expect that they have raised these funds
for additional investment. They have passed the test of going public, a
significant amount of information on the firm is generated as part of the
process, and you wonder why their investments fall off. What we do in
the paper is take some formal models from corporate finance and macro-
economics and apply them to the setting of IPO [initial public offering]
firms and try to join that work with entrepreneurship research. The basic

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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 255

theoretical idea is one that finance people refer to as liquidity constraints.

The thought is that if a firm is very hard for external capital providers to
evaluate, then there will be this wedge driven between the cost of external
finance and internal finance. The ultimate implication of this is if you look
at a firms investment behaviors, that investment will be driven partly by
the internal cash flows or funds available at any point in time, rather than
just the NPV [net present value] or the growth opportunities that the firm
What we do is we basically modify some of the statistical techniques
that are used in finance and show that this under-investment problem (or
these financial constraints) does, in fact, exist for IPO firms and these
problems dont get better or go away over time. Rather, theyre rooted in
the resource stock of these firms in that the firms that have the most intan-
gible assets are those that are most subject to this problem. That presents
a neat tension with some resource-based thinking.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you very much, Jeff. Well, it is a real privilege to be
on the same stage with Elaine. Thank you very much. As co-moderator,
could I give you the honor of the first question?

Mosakowski, Elaine: Oh, I have been dying to ask my first question; so

yes, please. Being a co-moderator in a session for SEJ is somewhat unique
in that SEJ is not like the other journals that we are discussing at this
Conference. It is a relatively new journal, and earlier in the Conference
Duane Ireland mentioned this idea of participating in a conversation that
has been ongoing with the journal. Well, here the conversations are really
just starting.
SEJ is also unique in that we probably have as many definitions of stra-
tegic entrepreneurship as we have participants in this room; so it has argu-
ably a somewhat ambiguous, or uncertain (or whatever phrase you would
like) focus. Maybe not mission, but really what does strategic entrepre-
neurship mean and how does that influence the publications that result?
My questions to you two really are how the unique characteristics of
SEJ influence not only your decision to submit to that journal, but also
the process as you developed your ideas and interacted with editors and
reviewers? Do you think it was different different in a good way or differ-
ent in a bad way? Maybe it is not a bad way, but a not so good way.

Kor, Yasemin: In deciding where we were going to submit our work, SEJ
definitely seemed to be one of the preferable outlets for us, primarily
because of what we were trying to accomplish. In this particular paper, we
are trying to bridge two knowledge streams entrepreneurship research

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256 In search of research excellence

and strategy research but we also advocate infusing strategy literature

with entrepreneurship research; advocating an ex ante approach to entre-
preneurship and competitive advantage. We wanted our message to be
heard by both entrepreneurship scholars and strategy scholars. Being
a sister journal of SMJ [Strategic Management Journal], we believe the
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, is being read by both entrepreneurship
and strategy scholars. That was a big plus for us.

Mitchell, Ron: A reason to submit?

Kor, Yasemin: Yes a reason to submit. Of course, SEJ has a world-class

editorial team and editorial board, so we knew that if we could get this
paper published at SEJ that it would have a strong audience and poten-
tially have high impact.
I think the other thing that you brought up ... a comment that I could
make here is that as we were going through the process of the revision
(because we are drawing from multiple perspectives, which is a bit of a
challenge), we really needed very rich feedback. We had really top-quality
feedback both from the editor and the reviewers. We had two reviewers
and they were both well versed in both strategy and entrepreneurship
research, so they were able to challenge us as well as give us high-quality
feedback at both fronts and that is exactly what we needed. If we got
only one or the other, it wasnt going to work very well for us; so I think in
that aspect SEJ once again worked perfectly for us.

Mitchell, Ron: Before you pick up ... This idea of the fusion possibilities
that is emerging is interesting, because as Jeff just mentioned, theres a
fusion of the corporate finance literature and entrepreneurship going on
here; once again, an appropriate outlet. Was that part of the targeting
decision, and to what extent did you take that into account?

Hitt, Mike: For us too, a lot of these bridging issues across were really
important. I guess one specific and more content-focused issue that
affected us is more on the strategy side. I think it is fair to say that the strat-
egy folks have largely left the study of IPOs to finance researchers or even
entrepreneurship researchers. One of our hopes was to basically get some
people excited to do work in this area. The thought was that the IPO isnt
merely the natural in-state or marker of success for an entrepreneurial firm
(and it is certainly not just a financing event like we might assume), but
rather that there are all sorts of extra financial benefits or consequences
that might be interesting for strategy folks to think about. One example is
that when a firm goes public, all of this information gets produced on the

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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 257

firm that spills over into a variety of other market settings whether it is
the M&A [mergers and acquisitions] market, the product market or what
have you. It could have efficiency consequences for those markets and
strategy folks who care a lot about that.

Mitchell, Ron: So, Mike, with regard to this literacy fusion idea that seems
to be developing, to what extent was that part of your deliberation that
went into conceptualizing the journal and how is it rolling out?

Hitt, Mike: Actually it was a major part of it. One of the things you look at
(and especially journals, no matter where you are) is that theres a tendency
to become more and more narrow over time partly because theres a lot of
research going on in that field and it provides a natural outlet. On the other
hand, for a long time there have been some people always looking and
saying, Youve got specialists that keep digging these holes. They dig them
larger and larger and they pile their treasures up there, but theres nobody
that comes along and gathers all of those treasures and integrates them
together. Seriously, just from the example of these two papers, we believe
that there is a need for some journal that could help us do that.
I would like to, in light of this, also say something. I think somebody
mentioned in an earlier session that there was concern that strategy is
trying to take over entrepreneurship. Did you ever think that there might
be an opportunity for entrepreneurship to take over strategy?

Mitchell, Ron: The old reverse acquisition.

Hitt, Mike: Both of these papers are trying to reach an audience, and the
journal is there to help do that. It is also beyond that. If you look at the
papers that have already been published in our journal, they represent
this (which is much broader than even these papers represent). Weve got
an author sitting up here, Keith Hmieleski, whose work really focused on
cognition, for example, and is drawing a lot on psychology literature and
OB [organizational behavior] literature, as well as other areas that can be
applied. And theyre very relevant from an entrepreneurship perspective.
I could go on. Theres a need to draw on theory from multiple areas and
to integrate it. We felt we could provide an outlet that would help do that;
and we hope to create an audience across disciplines not only in strategy
and entrepreneurship, by the way, but a much broader audience. We are
trying to do that and we believe it is starting to work.

Mitchell, Ron: If theres a takeover agenda underway, what we are trying

to do here is have a quality takeover of entrepreneurship research; the

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258 In search of research excellence

idea of interdisciplinarity being okay and of assigning reviewers who

actually get both parts of the puzzle. Now these are just two-part combi-
nations, but you were alluding to multi-part combinations. There are so
many literatures being brought to bear that are essentially not context,
but problem driven. It is research question driven, as Venkat said in his
keynote [paraphrasing Sankaran Venkataraman: Chapter 7], We need
to be asking the research questions and then we look wherever we need
to look to get the theory and the methods that actually get to that.
Elaine, I see that youre ready to come back in with a question.

Mosakowski, Elaine: Well, Im just a little bit curious, because obviously

there has been a lot of quality research done in entrepreneurship before the
journal and there will continue to be quality research in entrepreneurship
published outside of SEJ; but I think this issue of really trying to bring
a focus to these diverse multi-level, multi-disciplinary problems around
the issue of strategy and entrepreneurship ... that intersection, and then
bringing on the people ...
You know, Jay Barney talks obviously all the time about resources;
bringing these resources to bear to creating this critical mass to get the
institution snowballing and our expectations rising, I think, is as you say
the objective of this conference.
The one thing I do have to comment on ... And I know Im not sup-
posed to talk, Im just supposed to moderate, but I have to comment. I
cant help myself.

Mitchell, Ron: That is why we are glad youre here. Go right ahead.

Mosakowski, Elaine: I worried a little bit during the AMR [Academy of

Management Review] session [Chapter 10]. I have to admit that there was
something I was uncomfortable with, and this is the controversy. Rich
talks about good television, so Im going to take on some of the com-
ments that were made during the AMR session about, Well, I worked
so much harder on this paper because it was an AMR. It was so much
more difficult. I dont think we should be talking like that. We should
be internalizing those standards and doing high-quality work regardless
of what journal we send it to, and I think I could see that as being one of
the implicit missions that SEJ has, and that is creating the journal struc-
ture and the mentoring relationships. The editors and the reviewers try to
bring the whole field up internally; not because I (as a journal editor) have
different standards from one journal or another. I think it is more about
creating these standards within ourselves.

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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 259

Mitchell, Ron: I had a colleague comment that, The reason why you have
great chefs is because you have gourmets. That is, you have people who
know how to appreciate. You were going to ask Mike a question. Maybe
I should defer, but how does the reviewer instruction and engagement
process between editor and reviewers and then editor, reviewers and
authors enable the development of both great chefs and gourmets (if we
want to just stretch an analogy beyond its useful life)?

Hitt, Mike: Heres what I would say, and Im going to try to answer that.
It is not easy because there are a lot of tacit parts to this, I think. Some
people know I cut my teeth learning way back as consulting editor and
editor of AMJ [Academy of Management Journal], so I go way back in
that process. I learned a lot during that process, and one of the things I
did learn is that one of the critical things that an editor does is to select
the reviewers. Youre not always correct. It is impossible to be accurate all
the time, but it is in the selection of the reviewers not just to get in-depth
reviews, which is very important, but the quality, the content and the
knowledge they have that they can bring to bear on the question that you
have. As you have these integrated papers, it is actually more challenging
to find the right kind of reviewers and the ones you need for these kind of
papers. The first one is in reviewer assignment. The second then is in inter-
preting the reviews; and, honestly, I do look at the reviewer recommenda-
tions. They are very important. Im talking about recommendations that
reviewers make to the editor apart from the comments that they provide
the authors. But I also read their comments very intently and try to draw
from that and then integrate the two, and sometimes that means that I
may disagree in final form with whatever the reviewer recommended. But
the reviewer has only one set of inputs and I have access to multiple sets
of inputs, and frankly I also read the paper. But it is not because I think
their recommendation is wrong; it is the Gestalt of the input that you have.
Then you make a call on that paper and make a judgment as to whether
it can have the impact possibly over time with the excellent feedback and
the authors changes.
So the editor does have a very important role in it, and I think Mason
mentioned, Youre not a vote-counter. And that is a very, very good
point; you are an integrator and evaluator and youre putting all that
information together to make a judgment. You are like a judge, and youre
applying a law in some way, but there are a lot of interpretations that go
into that. And its like there isnt a law.

Mitchell, Ron: Well then, from a long-term editors perspective, to what

extent should authors (who are listening out there and who are sitting here

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260 In search of research excellence

all listening) take the associate editors or action editors comments as

instruction versus those of the reviewers? Or is there a trade-off in actually
trying to read between the lines?

Hitt, Mike: I think that we all as authors try to read between the lines, but
it is very difficult to do that. I would always put the most weight on the
action editor, but you do not ignore the reviewers.

Mitchell, Ron: At your peril you ignore reviewers.

Hitt, Mike: Yes, youre doing it at your peril. I would have to say you
have to look at it all. If youre going to weight the comments and sugges-
tions, yes, weight the action editors suggestions (particularly if theres
some integration in there or in some way theres a disagreement with a
particular reviewer). Im going to go with the person whos going to make
the decision. In general, youre going to have to take into account all of
them. You do it at your peril to ignore a reviewer, and frankly because that
editor is going to pay attention to that reviewer the next time around too
(not just on this round); you have to take into account all of that.

Mitchell, Ron: Just as I was starting to speak, Elaine was starting to speak
too, and I apologize.

Mosakowski, Elaine: That is okay. Given the new journal and the fairly
open topic on which it is focused, do you feel that as an editor and as
authors both that you can take more risk and be more controversial? I
know that Yasemin, for example, went up against some pretty standard
ideas and strategies and said, No, lets take a different perspective. Jeff
was really going up against corporate finance. I would see both your
papers as fairly controversial. I dont know if you felt like this was a place
to do it.

Mitchell, Ron: As you prepare your answers, we are now in the Q&A time
that weve blocked out, so feel free to engage the audience as you answer.
What do you think?

Reuer, Jeff: One thought that relates to the previous discussion is that in
our case, we had one reviewer who clearly wanted us to link into many
streams of work within management. That was really helpful to us, but also
might have created a situation where we werent being consistent with some
of the theories we were drawing upon. Whereas the other person was really
pushing us to make the paper (frankly) to be more of a finance paper and

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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 261

had a lot of great econometric suggestions. I think one of the things that
was helpful to us is that in the comments we received from the editors, we
got some guidance on how to think about some of those trade-offs, but we
felt like we were still given permission to stay true to the theory. I think if it
was a review process where it was more of a unmediated kind of situation
we would have been in this morass and, frankly, would have disappointed
both people. And the editors gave it some direction and momentum.

Mitchell, Ron: Yasemin, do you have a comment on this too?

Kor, Yasemin: I think our experience with the SEJ is that we have gotten
very strong, very high-quality feedback. Mike has been a truly exceptional
editor in terms of providing us with this magic map; like an ancient treas-
ure map, really, in terms of how we would ...

Hitt, Mike: She doesnt mean ancient.

Kor, Yasemin: No. Thats meant in a good sense. Actually, telling us

all the steps, but also guiding us (because we were going into multiple
research streams), also providing us some potential relevant articles, every
one of which we read. All the insights come together. It was like magic as
things fell together. That was very positive. But I also wanted to bring up
the point that there was very strong guidance. It was very illuminating,
but there was quite a bit of breathing room in terms of deciding which
direction that we wanted to take the paper. One of the most challenging
comments weve received actually was that we had these two themes in the
paper and neither of them actually was sufficiently developed to merit pub-
lication. We had to pick one or the other and then significantly develop
it. It was a very difficult choice because one reviewer really liked the one
theme and the other one really enjoyed the other theme, so we were going
to let one completely down if we picked one. But the good thing is that we
were actually given good guidance and feedback on how we could develop
either theme. We ended up actually saying, Well, we have all the com-
ments; why not actually push it forward? And of course, having the four
co-authors on the paper, I think we werent willing to let anything go. We
were just really fascinated with all the ideas. But I think there was a very
good balance in terms of providing the rigor, the discipline and enough
room for creativity for the authors (personal creativity and judgment) to
flourish; I think that was a very unique experience at SEJ.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you for that. Questions from the audience? Tom,
how are we doing on the web? Weve got Mike.

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262 In search of research excellence

Lubatkin, Mike: I would think undoubtedly theres some fuzzy space

between SMJ and SEJ in terms of their missions; I wonder, therefore,
from an editor point of view, how much communication is taking place
between the two journals? For example, you submit a paper to SMJ
because your university or college is putting pressure on you to publish in
the premier journal. You get it rejected and you dont make any revisions,
and you send it right to SEJ. Do you sense theres any of that gamesman-
ship going on, Mike?

Hitt, Mike: The answer is Yes; Im sure some of it is going on. You have
two questions in there. Ill say on the surface there is coordination in some
way, because we actually have a journal advisory board that oversees these
two journals. There is a discussion of submissions and so on, but there is
still a fuzzy space there, and theres no doubt that there are some papers
that could probably be published in one journal or the other and the
choice has to be made. Look, I understand that because of some of the
pressures that youre likely to go to the one that your dean counts more.
On the other hand, if youre looking for a particular type of audience,
youre more likely to get a broader audience actually with SEJ than with
SMJ and I say that as an SMJ author. Im not trying in any way to deni-
grate my sister journal (for which I have a great respect), but I think you
have to look at where you want to go; and obviously you have to weigh
the reward systems.

Mitchell, Ron: In the spirit of good television, as Elaine suggested, lets ask
these authors: Was this the first submission of this paper to SEJ, or was it
bouncing along?

Kor, Yasemin: For us it was the second place.

Mitchell, Ron: We wont ask you what the first place was, so the next one
along. Jeff.

Reuer, Jeff: It was the second journal. The first one was not SMJ.

Mitchell, Ron: What we have then is recognition very explicitly that (and
Ill just recount a point made in Venkats keynote [Chapter 7]; when he
suggested that you have a research strategy and you have where youre
targeting and where it goes next and why) this is an idea that we can now
see being enacted. My follow-up question is, was SEJ just the next likely
hit or was it part of a strategy?

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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 263

Kor, Yasemin: For us it was definitely a strategy and I answered that ques-
tion. Actually it was the audience for us the key question was the audience.
We wanted to reach a broader audience in what we wanted to accomplish.

Reuer, Jeff: I would say the same thing. With our previous journal, we
experienced more problems on the finance side, but we had this broader
message that we wanted to make across a number of papers.

Mitchell, Ron: So even though theres fuzzy space, that fuzzy space might
in fact be an asset that is out there that permits flexibility. Many of us have
tried this interdisciplinary thing. You get two reviewers that hate it and
one that doesnt and then you have to weigh them out. That is another
reason why youre moving along a research strategy, sometimes because of
as several of the editors have mentioned how difficult it is to assign the
reviewers. To some extent an editor can go against the reviewers when the
editor believes the reviewers are wrong, but it takes a whole lot of energy
to prepare to say, Im not going to follow the reviewers. And so, generally
speaking, editors tend to align with the reviews.
Tom, we have some questions from the web, perhaps?

Lumpkin, Tom: We have a pair of questions for Mike. For a junior scholar
who is debating the outlets for ones work, should SEJs newness be a
concern at all? Secondly, beyond its core themes, does your journal have
biases towards certain philosophical theoretical approaches? For example,
is it impossible for alternative approaches (such as post-modernist research
on entrepreneurship) to get published?

Hitt, Mike: I think theyre both good questions. The first one: I have two
answers to that and I think the junior scholar has to answer for her or
himself where they are and whats important to them. We recognize that
we are a new journal. That means we are not in the ranking systems and
we are not on the Financial Times list and you can go on. We havent
been there long enough for that to happen. If that is critical to you at
this point in time, you would have to consider those things. Now theres
another issue Ill bring up, though, and Im going to be as blunt and direct
as I can in this. I tell all my junior colleagues that they really should have
a long-term strategy in their career and be careful about trying to target
for tenure. I understand tenure and that is important, so Im not trying to
say ignore that. But they need a long-term strategy with the work they are
doing and they need to think about that; in the long term when they look
back, that is going to be important to them.
I published work in SMJ long before it was considered an A journal.

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264 In search of research excellence

When somebody looks back today they say, Well, you have x papers in
SMJ. They dont go back and say, Well, this date is when it became an A,
and we dont count those over here. They just say you have x number in
there (SMJ) and they assume it was an A all that time. So you get the credit
for it and the accompanying visibility as the journal builds its visibility.

Mitchell, Ron: So theres value in betting early.

Hitt, Mike: Thats right, if youre an entrepreneur.

Mitchell, Ron: Now the other point that Yasemin made, which we need
to pull back into this discussion, is to remember the choice of audience. It
is one thing to get published and then theres another thing to get cited.
Long term, it is your impact on the field that matters too. If youre speak-
ing to the right audience, the chance that they will see it, that they will use
it and that they will rely upon you actually puts the contribution part of
our mission front and center. We do this not just to get tenure; we do this
because it helps our colleagues to move forward. Rich.

Dino, Rich: I have a question. It is actually a statement because Mikes too

much of a gentleman to say this, but we all know in the world of venture
capital where the money goes: the money typically goes not just for a great
idea but to a management team that has been successful, that has been
there, that has done it and that knows the ropes. If youre considering a
journal, particularly an upstart journal, I think everybody in this room
would make a bet that SEJ will be or is a top-tier journal. Just look at the
editorial board. If youre thinking about what kind of journals you want
to publish in, look at who is on the editorial board. Look at the quality of
that board and what they have done. If you look at SEJ, I think theres no
question of its future.

Mitchell, Ron: Mike already knows this, but at Texas Tech we made those
assessments and we do count SEJ along with the top-tier entrepreneurship
journals. I think that is one of the encouragements that you would have
looking at the editorial board and the kinds of authorship that you will
see the quality of work that is in the journal. As you calculate where youre
going to place your bets, you can take that into consideration.
Mike, did you want to take that post-modernist thing on? Sorry for the
effect. Go ahead.

Hitt, Mike: I think it is an interesting and important question to ask. What

I would say to you is that we definitely would consider that. We dont have

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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 265

certain biases that suggest that certain things are ruled out. We would
try to find quality reviewers. What we are looking for is, again, quality
research that has potential to make an impact. Methods, approaches and
theoretical domains are important only to the extent that they then con-
tribute to that quality and to that potential impact. We would definitely
consider that, and I think many of the other journals would probably
say the same thing. But we are open and flexible. As I have tried to imply
earlier, and if you read our vision statement (and I really would encourage
you to go back and read the vision statement in the first issue), I hope you
see that flexibility and that openness in what we are trying to do. As you
read the very implicit mission, it even fits with Jays comments during his
keynote [Jay B. Barney: Chapter 3]. By the way, one of our co-editors is
Jay Barney, sitting right up there. Some of the comments that he made, if
you read or you listen to what Ron said, fit very well, actually, with what
Jay said in terms of contributing value to society.

Mitchell, Ron: I havent seen that explicitly in the mission statement

We are just about ready to wrap up. We have four or five minutes left.
May I change the format just a little bit and ask each of us here who are
on the panel to think through, if we have time, and comment on one
takeaway from our session. For the folks who are looking at SEJ, who are
thinking about developing their research craft and targeting this journal,
what would be the takeaway? Elaine, may I turn first again to you?

Mosakowski, Elaine: Sure. My takeaway would be that you have to decide

if you want to be an academic entrepreneur. If you do, then doing some of
these things (perhaps taking more risks, betting early, going to a journal
that has more diverse reviewers and editors and that is open to this fusion
idea of bringing ideas from other theoretical perspectives into the strategic
entrepreneurship area) is a great option for you. Not everybody should
be an entrepreneur, and this is some of the more practical career advice
issues. Entrepreneurship scholars study this idea of analogical reasoning.
Denis Grgoire did this in his dissertation and has continued to do work
on this. That is the idea of taking ideas from another field and bringing
them to see something that youve been looking at and looking at and
looking at and suddenly seeing it in new light. Well, this kind of journal
mission and the human capital that has been put together to achieve the
mission are perfect, if that is what you want to do, I think.

Mitchell, Ron: Mike, I gave AMR the opportunity. If theres one thing you
want the potential authors to hear you say, what would it be?

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266 In search of research excellence

Hitt, Mike: Submit your work to SEJ. Hopefully youve gotten a feel
from the authors, one of our editorial review board members here, and
the comments that weve made, for the type of journal that we are, that
we hope to be, and we expect to be over time. We are not trying to replace
others, by the way. Youre going to see in my keynote session, that all of
these journals here that are represented are excellent journals (and I have
published in several of them). I feel very strongly that they all have an
important role. We are not trying to take the place of them. I realize theres
some competitiveness across journals for quality work. We are compet-
ing, obviously, with all of them in some way, shape or form. On the other
hand, I think we have a niche and a mission that allows us to have some
flexibility to take some risks. Frankly, I always believed that, even over at
AMJ (although even when I did it, it had a long history before I took it on).
But taking some risk is the way that you obtain, in a sense, the Nobel Prize
articles. If you listen to every Nobel Prize winner, theyll talk to you about
the problem of having their ideas accepted and why. Because they were so
unique, new and valuable, it is hard trying to get others to accept it. All I
can tell you is that we are very open and we desire that kind of work at SEJ.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Mike. Parting comment in the last few seconds?

Kor, Yasemin: Just a quick comment. I really view the publication process
as a co-creative act, so to speak, just like in entrepreneurship teams. I
really think that, yes, the authors are the original creators, I guess; but I
think it is a very important role the reviewers and especially the editors
play. For us, what worked was to engage in a positive dialogue, to be
receptive, listen to the comments and really consider their feedback, but
it also really helped to have an editor and the reviewers really understand
and appreciate our points of view. It is coming together both ways as a
co-creative team act.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Yasemin. Jeff?

Reuer, Jeff: I think some of the discussion in this session and earlier in the
Conference were more about the newness of entrepreneurship. But I think
this panel is more about the cross-disciplinary aspect, which is different;
and I think for people starting their careers, it is not that you have to make
a zero-one choice of Im going to do cross-disciplinary work or not. But I
think you might want to think about experimenting with your second dis-
sertation. You dont have to jump in with both feet into this riskier area.
I think that is maybe where some projects that are really the most fun can
be found; where the toughest ones might be.

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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 267

Mitchell, Ron: Last words worth remembering. Thank you, everyone we

appreciate the contributions of the panel.


Chaddad, F.R. and J.J. Reuer (2009). Investment dynamics and financial con-
straints in IPO firms. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 3 (1), 2945.
Foss, N.J., P.G. Klein, Y.Y. Kor and J.T. Mahoney (2008). Entrepreneurship,
subjectivism, and the resource-based view: toward a new synthesis. Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal, 2 (1), 7394.
Grgoire, D. (2005). Opportunity Acknowledgement as a Cognitive Process of
Pattern Recognition and Structural Alignment. Boulder, CO: University of
Penrose, E.G. (1959). The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. New York: Wiley.

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18. Strategic Management Journal
Associate editor: Joseph T. Mahoney
Authors: Elaine Mosakowski,
Anne Parmigiani
Moderators: Ronald K. Mitchell, Dimo Dimov
Comments editor: G. Thomas Lumpkin

Mitchell, Ron: Welcome to the Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)

editor/author session. We are very grateful that you have joined us out
there on the web as well as here in the studio. My name is Ron Mitchell.
I am currently serving as chair of the Entrepreneurship Division of The
Academy of Management. With me is chair of the Business Policy and
Strategy Division and also the associate editor representing the Strategic
Management Journal, Joe Mahoney. Dimo Dimov is my co-moderator
today. Thank you very much, Dimo, for joining us.
Elaine Mosakowski is co-author of Do VCs matter? The importance of
owners on performance variance in start-up firms; and Anne Parmigiani
is with us representing Complementarity, capabilities and the boundaries
of the firm: The impact of within-firm and inter-firm expertise on concur-
rence sourcing of complementary components.
Now, before we turn to the authors to get their quick flyby of the
papers, I have looked at the SMJ mission statement, and one of the things
that I drew out of it was an opportunity that is identified for those who
wish to submit to SMJ: this journal is explicitly targeting entrepreneurial
research. That is to say, there is a quote within the mission statement that
says SMJ publishes Such major topics as: Strategic resource allocation,
organization structure, leadership, entrepreneurship and organizational
purpose. Joe, am I doing this justice or does it need a tweak or two?

Mahoney, Joe: Oh, that is fine. I think if you look at the Entrepreneurship
Research Statement, it also emphasizes connecting management theory and
practice. It is actually mentioned twice in a very short paragraph. I will speak
for myself as an associate editor, but I think also the fact that I was selected
as associate editor is not random: I think the type of view I have about


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Strategic Management Journal 269

research is connected to the journal. In particular, what resonates with me is

a paper by Jackson Nickerson and Todd Zenger that was published in 2004
in Organization Science. It is a paper on the problem-formulation view of
strategy in which they argue that one way to think of a unit of analysis is the
problem. So it is having a design approach to solving a real-world problem.
The other important thing I would emphasize is that SMJ is not a
practice/theory dichotomy whatsoever. I can think of an exemplar in strat-
egy research that many here might not have thought of, and that would be
Oliver Williamson. When he was starting with a problem, he was working
at the Anti-Trust Division around 1966. Richard Posner, a judge on the
US Court of Appeals, wrote a decision on the Schwinn bicycle case, and at
that time it was a structured performance (Schwinn was monopolizing the
vertical supply chain and so forth). Williamson said that that is not what
was going on there. So by 1971, there was actually a paper in the American
Economic Review called The vertical integration of production: market
failure considerations. In that five-year period, my advisor was Elmer N.
Phillips of the Economics Department at the University of Pennsylvania,
and he said to me many times that, Williamsons theory is derived from
practice. He saw the situation through the Nickerson and Zenger approach
as a real-world problem.
Theory is a reconstructed logic of the world of experience, and the world
of experience is having a lot of problems. What is needed by the new gen-
eration of scholars is not necessarily going back to the reconstructed logics
that are in the literature; they may be helpful, but they may not be at all.
What is needed is the next generation of young people coming up with new
reconstructed logics that actually solve real-world problems, of which we
have plenty to go around. I think that notion is the spirit of the Strategic
Management Journal, and its founder, Dan Schendel. By the way, the
history of the business policy and strategy field is the do in as a matter
of fact, my wife is in the audience and she is a Professor of Education and
a John Dewey scholar. I know for a fact that business policy and strategy
from Harvard (going back to the early 1900s) was based on pragmatic
philosophy. I was very pleased that Venkat talked about the importance
of usefulness in his keynote [Sankaran Venkataraman: Chapter 7] that is
the heritage of the strategy field.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks, Joe. We have the concept of the mission as well
as its broader interpretation on the table as we begin our discussion. Lets
turn to you first, Elaine, for the quick flyby.

Mosakowski, Elaine: This paper is co-authored with Markus Fitza (a

doctoral student at the University of Colorado, who is going into the job

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270 In search of research excellence

market this fall), and a former colleague of mine from the University of
Colorado, Sharon Matusik (who just received her tenure a week or two
ago). The paper is called: Do VCs matter? We specifically used that title
because we are following in a research tradition of asking if firms matter
and if industry matters, which is a major discussion in the strategy lit-
erature. We are really trying to understand which levels of analysis have
the most influence on firm performance. The main debate actually has
been between industry and firm. Looking at Michael Porters work on
the industrial environment (and then the resource-based view and other
explanations), he is really saying that the explanation of variance in per-
formance is at the firm level. There is a natural other level of analysis the
corporation and there is this long tradition of research on diversification
and strategy research, which also included the corporate effect.
It turns out that in these studies, the most surprising findings have been
that the corporate effect doesnt really matter that much. We were inter-
ested in looking at the relationship between owners and ownees entities
which are owned. But rather than looking at it in the large corporate
context, we looked at it in the context of venture capitalists owning portfo-
lio companies or start-ups in which they invest. That is the general framing
of the problem. Theoretically, we were really challenged in this paper to
ask: How might this ownership relationship vary in this context versus the
large corporate context? A lot of the paper was very empirically oriented,
discussing the percentage of variation in start-up company performance
(only start-ups that have VC owners) explained by the identity of who
their VC owners are.

Mitchell, Ron: You broke that owner effect into two components: a
selection (which impacts investment) and management (which impacts

Mosakowski, Elaine: Exactly. With the history of variance decomposition

tradition going way back and all the subsequent work trying to under-
stand what causes it, it is generally atheoretical. Sometimes there is a little
bit of a discussion at the end, asking, Is this consistent with the resource-
based view? But you cant draw those lines, so we tried to unpack the
relationship between the owner and the entity to try to ask, What might
be going on in that ownership relationship? Is it because good VCs are
better at choosing better start-up companies? That would be selection. Or
is it because good VCs are better at influencing or managing their portfolio
companies to subsequently perform better?

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks a million. Okay, Anne, next flyby.

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Strategic Management Journal 271

Parmigiani, Anne: Thank you, Ron. Now the next flyby. This paper was
co-written with Will Mitchell, who was my dissertation co-chair when I
was at Michigan. I have a visual aid here because I think it is easier to
describe what my paper is visually than to try to do it any other way
especially the title.

Mitchell, Ron: Can we tighten the camera in on the visual aid?

Parmigiani, Anne: I do firm boundary studies. If thinking of this as firm

boundary, you may think of it in terms ... that well just say inside and
outside the firm. There are certain things firms do inside or outside the

Mitchell, Ron: I love that. Thank you. I am glad you are doing that.

Parmigiani, Anne: Yes. This is Figure 1 in the paper; a real figure. You can
do things inside or outside the firm; but what Williamson, in particular,
and some other scholars didnt think about is the fact that you can do
both. The old tapered integration literature, going back to Harrigan (and
before that Adelman), as well as some other folks recognized the fact that
you can do both, which is what I talk about in my dissertation, and in this
paper we take this discussion a step further. You produce a product both
internally and externally, and lots of products have interdependencies and
complementarities (which is the classic economics word for them). So in
some way, shape or form, these two goods are interconnected somehow.
You cant unpack those.
So what you then might suggest is for these things that are hard to
unpack, traditional vertical integration literature would say you need to
do them both internally. There is something about the way these two
things interact. You are doing them both internally and that will work
better. More recently, the modularity literature (which some of you are
very familiar with) would say, If you could somehow black box these
things, you can do them both outside the firm, and that can work just fine
too. But what I found in my data and in looking at this is: Wait a second
you can do both. You can both make (internal to the firm) as well as
buy (external to the firm) the set of complementary components. When
you would do that, why you would do that, and how you would do that
are interesting questions; what we have found is that the answers have a lot
to do with expertise. Given the complementarities, synergies happen when
you are trying to acquire the needed expertise. Even more significantly,
the firm itself has to really understand both these products and how they
interact in order to be able to make this work effectively.

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272 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: Would you term this concurrent sourcing?

Parmigiani, Anne: This is concurrent sourcing here and this is concurrent

sourcing of complementary components. I started out with When and
why do firms make and buy in my dissertation (which, now that I have
a three-year-old, sounds like a really good Dr. Seuss book), but it didnt
really work as a scholarly title. So that is the long title.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you, Anne. What we are seeing here is that you
are contributing to innovation technology literature by examining this
concurrent complementary sourcing idea through looking at the scope of
economics that are influencing innovation. Is that where we are?

Parmigiani, Anne: What is interesting and this is a true confession is

that I am not necessarily an entrepreneurship scholar. I am really more
of a strategy scholar. What is interesting about this paper is that it speaks
to entrepreneurship in that firms have to decide where they are going to
do what. That is obviously an issue for all firms, but maybe even more
strongly an issue for smaller firms. My dataset is comprised of small
manufacturing firms: I looked at firms that employ about 75 people and
make powder metal and metal stamped parts. These are not big, big multi-
national companies; these are small firms that I have looked at, so that
is another way that I am in the entrepreneurship zone (at least to some

Mitchell, Ron: Sure. Thanks. Dimo, lets bring you into the conversation.
You have looked at these papers. You obviously understand this journal
well. What is your take? What questions might you have for the panel

Dimov, Dimo: My immediate reaction after reading the papers was that I
was struck with how different they were. Where I come from, they say that
in communication, when you dont understand something, it is your fault.
Other people say when you dont understand something, it is someone
elses fault; and I thought, If this is my fault, it must be something deeper.
I will throw this to Joe maybe quickly to outline what is common between
these two papers that maybe will provide some stepping stones for people
that are looking at SMJ as a journal.

Mitchell, Ron: Because, as you know, the editors actually had the oppor-
tunity to choose the papers that would be discussed today in the exemplar
setting. Right on, Dimo. Joe?

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Strategic Management Journal 273

Mahoney, Joe: Well, first of all, the venture capital paper by Elaine, I think
was a clear choice for this conference (also since my dissertation was on
transactions costs). Additionally, choosing Elaine would minimize trans-
portation costs. That was quite secondary.

Mosakowski, Elaine: You better say that.

Parmigiani, Anne: Here there are social transaction costs that you just

Mahoney, Joe: Actually with Annes, it may be a little bit unobvious. First
of all, my dissertation was on vertical integration. I read 1,000 papers
on the subject and I plan on writing a paper someday on what reading
1,000 papers on vertical integration does to a man. But, I would say that
I know the literature really well, and I know for a fact that Anne is also
extremely well read. When I read her paper, I said, Shes actually writing
something new that I didnt know. But then the other aspect about verti-
cal integration is that vertical integration is really, in some ways, entre-
preneurial experimentation. Entrepreneurs and small firms that Anne
studied are basically creative. As a matter of fact, I was very struck by
Chester Barnard, who said, Coordination is a creative act, (that is in his
38th book on The Functions of the Executive). In many ways, these small
business managers are trying to come up with very creative ways of having
better value chains. In that sense (and I think in a non-obvious way),
besides the fact that they are small firms, I think in some fundamental
ways these are entrepreneurs although they may not think of themselves
that way.
Young scholars should notice some common element in the two papers
What is very striking is on the second page in Elaines paper, she lists what
she regards as her three contributions to the literature; on the third page of
Anne Parmigianis paper, she lists what she regards as her three contribu-
tions to the vertical integration literature. As an editor, I can assure you
that, if these were not new contributions, the reviewers who also are the
very first people serving as knowledge experts would say, No, this was
done in 1975 by so and so. You are going to have knowledgeable review-
ers; thus, when you state what you think your contributions are, if they
arent new contributions, you will get called on it pretty quickly.
The other aspect that I really liked about both papers is that they are
very forthcoming in limitations. I am very struck by the idea that The one
who knows that he does not know, knows. As a matter of fact, I think
that is the hallmark of the great scholar the great scholar knows better
than anyone the limitations of what we can know. I very much appreciate

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274 In search of research excellence

authors who are forthcoming, and both of these authors are. In particu-
lar, I really think all the students out there listening should have a section
where you have specification problems. In other words, be very forthcom-
ing and let us know: Here is an omitted variable; I wish I had data for it,
I dont; measurement problems; here are all the things I measured; here
is the one I regard as the weakest measure; there are metric identification
problems; can you come up with another story consistent with the data;
there are going to be endogeneity problems. And, yes, it is all of these
Another thing I found was that both scholars were very forthcoming
about the limitations of their work. In that sense, I think they are exem-
plars for young scholars to follow.

Mitchell, Ron: To follow up on that, Joe. If we characterize the entrepre-

neurship orchard as having many trees with a lot of low hanging fruit,
many of us over the years have gone through and picked some theory
either theory x, theory y, theory z and we think we have picked the
low hanging fruit. At some point in time the field changes; there is a sea
change and people start looking at the tree itself and ask Is this fruit the
sweetest fruit we could have? Whats its size looking like, etc.?
Why am I stretching this metaphor? I am stretching the meta-
phor because, as we heard Joe just say, the element that the Strategic
Management Journal can help us introduce into the entrepreneurship
research conversation is the abandonment of the low hanging fruit strat-
egy and the beginning of the refining. We need to be willing to accept
refinement pieces in the same way that the strategy research literature
accepts refinement pieces. Joe gave us those two: contributions and limi-
tations. You have to be pretty darn refined to be able to do that right up
front and not be wrong (and in the end, not scuttle your paper). You really
are going into refinement mode.
Now, given that set-up, authors, how is it that you engaged SMJ and the
reviewers such that you actually went through the refinement of your own
research? What were the comments that were helpful and (I dont want to
say hurtful, but) problematic? Do you mind taking that first, Elaine?

Mosakowski, Elaine: No, not at all. I think if I understand your refinement

versus low hanging fruit metaphor, I dont see the low hanging fruit strat-
egy, because it almost implies that there are topics, questions, phenomena
whatever that havent been studied by others. It just seems to me that
if one reads broadly, somebody has always talked about something and
somebody has always studied something. Without acknowledging that,
I think you are not a good intellectual and a good scholar. I would say if

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Strategic Management Journal 275

one is willing to put in the legwork (and Joe does it better than anybody I
know reading thousands of papers on a topic), then you necessarily get
into refinement mode and then it allows for you to be reflective about your
contributions to an ongoing conversation, and what you are not able to
say? Putting my reviewer hat on, one of the most frustrating things is when
somebody over-promises something up front and then they dont deliver.
And so saying Okay, this is what I did well and this is what I didnt do
well, is (to me) part of formulating the problem that I am addressing.

Mitchell, Ron: What did your reviewers have to say about this?

Mosakowski, Elaine: Well, okay. Great. This was an incredibly frustrat-

ing paper (for me personally) because we were jumping in on the conversa-
tion within strategic management about ownership and how important it
is in terms of explaining performance; but that literature has generally not
been very theoretically driven. What does it mean to say that a corporate
identity explains 20 percent of variation in firm performance (versus 40
percent)? There is really no theoretical explanation for that unless you
find 0 percent or 100 percent. Everything else matters somewhat. What the
reviewers had to say (they really pushed us, and we tried to address it in a
genuine way and think about if we could look at characteristics of these
performance and the time periods) is that they really wanted us to ask,
Why? Why does ownership matter? How can you contribute back to our
understanding of the role that an owner or a corporate parent or a venture
capitalist plays in the performance of entities at the lower level of analy-
sis? That was really frustrating because we couldnt (with data limitations
as well as just the technique we were using) give them a good answer. We
could just give clues.

Mitchell, Ron: How did you respond to that? What was the frustration
meter looking like?

Mosakowski, Elaine: It was pretty high. It was really pretty high. And this
was an atypical paper for me too; so I think, given my individual differ-
ence, it made me even more frustrated because, typically, I am more inter-
ested in testing theory and this wasnt that. Anne raised the point (which
I had forgotten about in our paper) that we dont have hypotheses in there.
So, sometimes they were pushing us to deal with hypotheses.
What was really important is that Will Mitchell was the editor on this
paper, and he helped us navigate these issues. He said, You want to
address the theoretical questions, but on the other hand, lets not over-
promise that you can suddenly solve a dilemma of what owners are really

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276 In search of research excellence

doing. Obviously, there is heterogeneity across owners, but it created

some really interesting discussions. Given there were level differences in
the co-author team, I sometimes feel sorry for our doctoral student (poor
Markus Fitza), because he would say, Tell me what to do. What do you
want me to do? It was not so clear, and we had to go through a couple of
rounds of this to determine where that balance would lay.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. Speaking of the rounds, you went the rounds
with the reviewers with your paper (obviously), and of course, Will is an
editor; and yet you still had to pay the same price that everyone else did.

Parmigiani, Anne: I have several stories on another paper (that I could

talk about offline) about how we have gone through it. Sometimes when
you co-author with someone who is well known, and especially if they are
plugged into a journal, I think people sometimes are more circumspect.

Mitchell, Ron: Thats right. The teachers kids have to behave better.

Parmigiani, Anne: Yes. At the end of the day, it ends up being wonderful
but sometimes the process is interesting.

Mitchell, Ron: Your interaction with your reviewers ended up being ...?

Parmigiani, Anne: I want to push back a little bit on your point about
refinement, because I am not sure that what my work reflects is necessarily
a theoretical refinement: that would assume that the theory already talked
about it and had gotten far with it, and I am taking it just to that next little

Mitchell, Ron: Like it was missing.

Parmigiani, Anne: I look at it more as theories sometimes have blinders,

so certain theories only talk about certain levels. Certain theories only talk
about, maybe, dyads instead of a broader view and so forth. We all, who
know our theories, know that thats the case.

Mitchell, Ron: Anne, let me push back on the push back. The question
that I am asking is a process question. It has to do with the refinement of
the way that you approach the crafting process, as opposed to where the
theory is, at any given time, in its development. To be clear (because that
is one of the things that is a hallmark of SMJ is that you have got to get it
done really, really, really well), the refinement that I am suggesting rather

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Strategic Management Journal 277

than lets grab theory x, go out there, address something nobodys ever
looked at and slam it in rather than do that, you have to begin to very,
very carefully craft a design. It is a process.

Parmigiani, Anne: What we tried to do with that process is to really carefully

talk about why firms would do things internally or externally then go into
the combination of that. The blinders I am suggesting is that this phenom-
enon (or problem) hadnt really been talked about; we needed to talk about
it. In fact, some of the reviewers really pushed back and said, number one,
we dont think this exists. So Will ended up doing a survey of his executive
class asking, Does it exist? And they said, Yes, it does. We said, Thank
you. Yes it does. And, by the way, have you been to McDonalds? Because
franchising is making and buying. I have small manufacturing firms while
you have service firms. Its high tech, its low tech we have several papers.
It is like, Sorry, yes it does. Then the push back was, Isnt this the same
as your other paper? I said, Um, no. It is two interconnected goods, not
just one good. It got to the point where the editor had to say (we were in
the second round), Okay, but I have some issues about your contribution.
Can you nominate other people to look at this paper to say that you really
do have a contribution? And oh, by the way, I might not use those people,
but give me a list of some that I can pick from.

Mitchell, Ron: In the spirit of everybodys smart people and yet the
reviewer doesnt get it, that is a tough thing. You are making the distinc-
tion, and the reviewer is not seeing it. Is the solution more people on the

Parmigiani, Anne: Well, I think part of it is this blinder issue. We are used
to looking at theories and situations and companies and contacts and so
forth in one way; we dont realize that if you take off the blinders, there
is a lot of other stuff out there. It is a messy world out there. Will talked
about this (and some of you may know this story), but he talks about some
journals that are more interested in the theory and the theoretical tension,
and building up what he calls a red state approach. AMJ [Academy
of Management Journal] is like that, and a lot of other journals are like
that. SMJ is more willing to consider the problem or the phenomenon.
Although you need to have the same stuff in the paper, the framing can be
different. This reviewer, I think, was really pushing back on the theory and
wondering if it really exists. We really had to try hard to say, Yes, it does.
We have a contribution. Here are some data and also here is some of the
background stuff to really make you believe it. But there were definitely
some tense moments in that process.

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278 In search of research excellence

Mitchell, Ron: Believe it or not, we are already to the question period.

John, could you do the first question?

Mathieu, John: I got mine just because this is that plan that Ron and I did.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks for admitting that to the worldwide audience.

Mathieu, John: I dont want to be too heavy handed, but we wanted to get
to this, not only with the SMJ group, but as a general question. That is,
when I look at the datasets, one of the things that we have been hearing
about during the conference is the really important and influential kinds of
datasets. Some of these that are being used in the entrepreneurial arena are
publicly available ones that people have downloaded and managed and so
forth. Others are uniquely constructed ones that are very labor intensive
and that give somebody a real leg-up. My question is: how do you navigate
(and this is both for authors and editors) multiple uses of data? If it has
taken you two years to put together a dataset, journals are very reluctant
to have somebody overuse a dataset. On the other hand, there are often-
times many different questions that can be addressed using the same data.
So if I can just toss that out there ...

Mitchell, Ron: Who would like to take it first?

Mosakowski, Elaine: I will take it.

Mitchell, Ron: Elaine. Please ...

Mosakowski, Elaine: A great question. Two things influence me. First of

all, I get bored with datasets quickly, so I dont have a natural tendency to
use them. If anything, I have a natural tendency to under use datasets. The
second thing is (given my training) I follow more the econometric stand-
ard, if you want to call it that. Basically, from any project I am working
on, I will only publish one paper on a dependent variable, because of the
considerations or concerns with model misspecification. This happens in
the strategy field and I have seen papers at SMJ where youll have these
independent variables influencing a dependent variable; and then the same
author takes from the same dataset additional independent variables and
influences the same dependent variable, but wont include the original
ones. They know they have a misspecified model, because they know that
those influence that dependent variable; yet here they are not including
them. Therefore, the way I have incorporated that in my career is basically
one paper per dependent variable.

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Strategic Management Journal 279

The other thing is with a lot of these publicly available datasets, the
advantage you tend to have is the population, and so there is a little less
concern about sampling. In OB [organization behavior], it is an issue of
If I have a really bizarre sample that might be driving these results, then
all these results are appearing on similar topics. Here when you have the
population; you dont worry so much about representation.

Mitchell, Ron: Dataset management.

Mahoney, Joe: I would also say for young people listening worldwide,
thinking about doing their dissertations, one of our students who was
very effective at using datasets is Juran Lee, who is at National Taiwan
University and the National Science Council. But Juran (when he was
doing his dissertation at Illinois) was guided by Ming Shutang (from MIT
and was also at National Taiwan University) in his research design, and
collected all of the data for multi-national companies, which got Juran
thinking about different types of questions and different dependent vari-
ables. As a matter of fact, I think it is a good research design for a doctoral
student to think about (in advance) ways in which they can collect the data,
think about multiple questions and then leverage it. It is a little bit more
usual in the strategy field. Economics typically has a three-essay approach
for a lot of doctoral students. Jurans was a three-essay approach, and he
designed his dissertation in advance to leverage three very good papers off
the dataset. In some ways, I actually look at that as a positive thing.

Mitchell, Ron: Elaine is saying that she gets bored with the dataset, and
does only one dependent variable per paper. Doesnt that mean there
arent several dependent variables in a dataset?

Mahoney, Joe: Correct. Thats right.

Mitchell, Ron: So we do have a rich field. Annes coming in on this?

Parmigiani, Anne: I just wanted to mention too that as a doctoral student,

you absolutely want to do a dissertation that has lots of data in it because
the idea is that you want to use that for more than one paper. I do survey
work and you only have one shot you want to get as much data as pos-
sible. Hopefully youll get multiple dependent variables and hopefully
youll get multiple observations of different things that is what youll
use. I think Joes point is that as long as you are upfront about that, and
say, This connects to this other paper and also here in my appendix. Here
is all the stuff I have used. Here are all my items ... and so forth (and I

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280 In search of research excellence

think that is another hallmark of SMJ). That kind of transparency is very

much rewarded. If you dont give them your survey items, they are going
to ask for them.

Mitchell, Ron: So, Dimo from your perspective ... Multiple dataset man-
agement, constructing sets for dissertations what is your take on those
and advice to the audience?

Dimov, Dimo: I can comment on the venture capital datasets, specifically.

VentureXpert is publically available venture data. I see the use of that. It
is equivalent to using CompuStat and a lot of the traditional strategy. This
is a public source, so it is okay to have a lot of papers from that dataset.
From my experience, it has taken me about five years to get deep into the
dataset and to go beyond just seeing items and say, I have no idea what
to use this for. It has taken me a few years to start constructing measures
that I think actually reflect some theoretical constructs. After so much
time invested into that dataset, it almost becomes a capability. It can be
used across a range of things.

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. Maw-Der has the microphone next.

Foo, Maw-Der: I have a question relating to Annes comment about

reviewer blinders. Blinders can cut two ways; on one hand it makes it dif-
ficult for the reviewers to see your contribution, but if you cut the blinders
you just might help them see that your research is making a contribution.
My question is: how do you cut the blinders?

Parmigiani, Anne: Carefully. Part of it is going back to fundamental

theory. You go back to that fundamental theory, and you show them
very carefully how this thing that you are looking at has never really been
talked about before. It helps if you can empirically show them as well. I
think it is a one-two punch of, Here is the theory, here is the obvious gap
that nobody has really talked about. You may think they have, but you
know when you actually go out and look there is not really that much

Mitchell, Ron: Thank you. We have a question from the web, Tom?

Lumpkin, Tom: Yes, along the same lines. Given the conversation about
finding reviewers, say more about managing the quality of SMJ reviewers.
How would someone (who would like to review more or get on an editorial
board) go about being a quality reviewer?

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Strategic Management Journal 281

Mitchell, Ron: Joe, it is an important question.

Mahoney, Joe: First of all, I think that SMJ is blessed. On both sides of
the cover, there are reviewers. I think we have added about 70 reviewers
recently. I would say for anyone interested in starting that review process,
write Will Mitchell, Joe Mahoney, Rich Bettis or Ed Zajac and say that
you are interested in being a reviewer. Tell us what your subject area is
and send us your information. We are always in need of quality reviews. I
would also say that, in general, I tend to pick a lot of people on the edito-
rial board. I have only been at this a year now, so I havent had too many
occasions where I have actually had to mentor people in the review process
itself since they are already seasoned reviewers. That is something I think
I will bring back from todays session to talk with other folks about
thinking more self-consciously and mentoring the process of reviewers for
younger reviewers. We do that, I hesitate to say, on an ad hoc basis with
our ad hoc reviewers. But maybe we should do so more systemically in
thinking about the coaching. Mostly, we think about the coaching process
for authors, but there is something to be said from this question in point-
ing out a gap that there also could be a coaching process for the review-
ers when they first begin.

Mitchell, Ron: It recalls the comment that you really cant get great chefs
until you have gourmets. The building of the reviewer pool in almost every
discipline is something that is a big issue. Yasemin, I did see your hand
up? I think we have time for one more question from the floor before we
go into wrap-up.

Kor, Yasemin: I have a general question. If you have a burning desire to

do research on a topic that is very new and not very well known, and there
is not much research on it (or the opposite being that it is researched to
death, the area is declining or is very mature), is that a high-risk proposi-
tion? And if you still want to do it, what are some ways to go about it?

Mitchell, Ron: Joe, would you start for us?

Mahoney, Joe: I think for everyone developing their research, there is a

difference between the process of discovery and the science of justifica-
tion. If one is very creative (and if that is your strength), doing work on
the process of discovery is right for you. On the other hand, suppose you
started in an economics program and you shifted over to strategy (just
as an example): you are very strong in econometric skills; you may have
all kinds of econometric skills that can tease out and discriminate things

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282 In search of research excellence

within the conversation of diversification that have been going on for

years. You may actually be able to provide something new and a contribu-
tion to an area that otherwise seems very mature. I would just say that is
true for every doctoral student. I have had 50 students.

Mitchell, Ron: Congratulations.

Mahoney, Joe: Thank you. It is a real joy to have them on the commit-
tees; but for every single student, I think the right approach depends on
the student. Then the other thing I would say about theory and practice is
that if I have a student that has had ten years work experience, then we
start from the experience and we work to the theory. If I have someone
coming right out from undergraduate, we start from reading the theory
and then we move to experience. My final message is that Vygotsky had a
Theory of Learning and (to summarize), the theory noted that you need
to start from where the person is. I would say there is not a cookie-cutter
answer to your question. For each person, you have to start from where
you are.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks, Joe. Dimo, just a few minutes if you would, and
then I am going to ask the open-ended questions about publishing in SMJ
the one piece of advice question. What are your thoughts?

Dimov, Dimo: I will go for some general reflections and relate to what
was said, so maybe this will be a different way of looking at this. I see a
commonality between the two papers in that they use contexts that are
on the surface entrepreneurship; one is small firms, the other one is VC
firms and yet at the same time, they address traditional core strategy
questions, which perhaps is part of the fit with the journal. They also open
up blinders in the sense that in these new contexts, they show that things
work differently or that the way we understand them is a little different.
That creates the extension between theory and context; that would speak
to some of the difficulties in the review process in that if you take a new
context you want to show how an accepted or traditional theory works
differently. You run the risk of the reviewers attacking your context to
show you how the problems with the context would actually explain why
that theory doesnt work as cleanly there. The craft (and it would take
more careful reading of the introduction to those papers) is how to intro-
duce that paper to the journal and to the editor so that the review process
gets focused more on the theory rather than on maybe some of the chal-
lenges with the context. On that note, I admire Elaines paper for having
gone through. I recently had a paper rejected at SMJ where the paper was

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Strategic Management Journal 283

clubbed. It was bloodied by the problems in explaining VC performance,

from the point of view of all these things I could consider that were not
considered so legitimate. There is a craft in how you preempt all these
things and focus on the others to pushing the boundaries and opening
the blinders but also being conscious of how to direct the attention away
from some of what could be perceived as problems with the context.

Mitchell, Ron: I think clubbed and bloodied means that this session is at
least PG-13. Joe, if there is one thing you would recommend in success-
fully working with SMJ, what would it be?

Mahoney, Joe: I will give two answers. One in general (which you have
probably heard many times at this point), but I would also add a little
more detail. I would recommend to every author that by the time you
send your paper to the journal, know what the literature is and know what
your contribution within that literature is. Also state your contribution
up front and have a limitations section. I was asked the question, What
is unique about the Strategic Management Journal? As Dan Shendel was
leaving it in our hands for the next generation of scholars (and I totally
agree with his perspective), he offered that we must make sure that in our
journal we have strategy (meaning that there is a long-term consequence
to the decision) and management. Sometimes we say we are professors of
strategy. As a matter of fact, Id much prefer if we said we were professors
of strategic management and that would help keep a management perspec-
tive in our field.

Mitchell, Ron: How helpful thank you very much. Elaine and Anne: if
there is one thing you would recommend about successfully working with
SMJ, it would be ...?

Mosakowski, Elaine: My recommendation wouldnt be specific to SMJ,

but targeted to if you were writing or talking to a strategy audience. I do
find that the way I write and present (especially theoretical ideas) goes
back to Dimos issue of context. If I am making a theoretical argument, I
notice a lot of entrepreneurship people will keep the argumentation fairly
abstract, whereas in a strategy world you are much more used to talking
about the context, examples, company examples and specific situations.
We did this a lot in my doctoral seminar. You know, Could you give me
an example of what you are talking about? How do you know it falls into
this box versus that box? Make it much more pragmatic more real. I
think it also helps you (to go back to Joes point) to connect to a problem
and take things to a much more concrete level. But that doesnt mean you

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284 In search of research excellence

have to stay there; you are going back and forth between the abstract and
the concrete, but I think being able to work at both levels of specificity is
very useful.

Mitchell, Ron: Thanks, Elaine. Anne, you get the last word.

Parmigiani, Anne: I would say, as far as working with SMJ, be proactive

and dont be intimidated. You can have conversations with your review-
ers. You can push back, as long as you do it in a very informed, very
careful and very respectful way. I think editors are very open to that. They
are open to the discussion as long as you are prompt and you are nice. The
other thing is (and we havent talked about these people) that there are
all these managing editor folks who are out there who physically prompt
reviewers to get things back they really manage the process. Be very nice
to these people. You can sabotage a lot of things. Whose paper do you
think is going to come first when those reviewers are late? If you are not
nice to them, you are going to the bottom of the stack. So, help yourself.

Mitchell, Ron: With these final words being nice is good strategy. Thank
you very much.


Adelman, M.A. (1949). The large firm and its suppliers. Review of Economics and
Statistics, 31 (2), 11318.
Barnard, C. (1938). The Functions of the Executive. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Fitza, M., S.F. Matusik and E. Mosakowski (2009). Do VCs matter? The
importance of owners on performance variance in start-up firms. Strategic
Management Journal, 30 (4), 387404.
Harrigan, K.R. (1984). Formulating vertical integration strategies. Academy of
Management Review, 9 (4), 63852.
Nickerson, J.A. and T.R. Zenger (2004). A knowledge-based theory of the firm:
the problem-solving perspective. Organization Science, 15 (6), 61732.
Parmigiani, A. and W. Mitchell (2009). Complementarity, capabilities, and the
boundaries of the firm: the impact of within-firm and interfirm expertise on
concurrent sourcing of complementary components. Strategic Management
Journal, 30 (10), 106591.
Williamson, O.E. (1971). The vertical integration of production: market failure
considerations. American Economic Review, 61 (2), 11223.

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Appendices: conference context

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A. Setting the stage
Richard N. Dino, P. Christopher Earley,
Ronald K. Mitchell

Dino, Richard: Good evening, and I stand corrected; good morning and good
afternoon to everyone who is participating in the 2009 Entrepreneurship
Research Exemplars Conference. My name is Rich Dino, and I am
executive director of the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and
Innovation and on behalf of the (University of Connecticut) School of
Business welcome. We are absolutely delighted that you are here and are
participating in the Conference.
I sit in a very interesting position and I was trying to figure out how
to convey what I see. I was talking with a colleague today and we con-
cluded that it was a busy intersection; and then we asked, What is the
busiest intersection in the world? And most people will say Well it must
be Grand Central Station. Well actually its not. It is a place in Tokyo,
Japan, called the Shibuya Station. It is interesting because there is a con-
fluence and an intersection of six roadways, six pedestrian walkways, and
one of the busiest train stations in the world. You could actually go out
on the Internet and watch this intersection and it is something else. I
was trying to think of how to characterize the world of entrepreneurship,
and it pretty much is one of the busiest intersections in the research world.
Instead of having six roadways or 12 roadways (including the pedestrian
walkways together), there are many, many more. Just thinking about it, if
you think about the disciplines that make up entrepreneurship (econom-
ics, sociology, organizations, institutions, strategy, psychology, finance,
micro, macro, go on and on); its a very busy intersection. And that is just
when you talk about research. You talk about what the outreach centers
of entrepreneurship do, helping businesses emerge, helping businesses get
closer to market. You think about what we teach in the classroom. It is
indeed a very busy intersection.
The role of the Entrepreneurship Research Excellence Initiative of the
Academy of Management is to work really hard to harness all that energy,
bring it together, bring all those people together and help continue to lift
the discipline of entrepreneurship (particularly with this Conference and


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288 In search of research excellence

the Entrepreneurship Research Excellence Initiative); to raise the bar

continually raise the bar for entrepreneurship research. And in essence
that is why we are here tonight. We thank you for coming. We thank
you worldwide participants. We think we have a really, really interesting
weekend in store for you. We look forward to your questions. We look
forward to the challenges. We look forward to the interaction. Most of all,
we look forward to the outcomes that we will produce together.
With that, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce my boss, the
Dean of the University of Connecticuts School of Business, Chris Earley.

Earley, Chris: A bit intimidating where I can globally embarrass the

University of Connecticut now. I just wanted to say a couple of things.
First of all, I do want to thank each and every one of you for coming to the
Conference. I do want to thank the Academy and Ron for co-sponsoring
this event.
As Rich said, entrepreneurship is at a very interesting crossroads,
where as an area, it is no longer a nascent area. It is now a developed area
that has really gained tremendous momentum. It is now intersecting and
sprawling into lots of new realms and arenas, and it is an exciting time to
the field. This is a field that has such tremendous potential because of its
interdisciplinary nature.
At the same time, there are all sorts of challenges: that is how to create
a sense of core identity, future directions, future thoughts and visions for
the field. And I know that during the course of your conversations you
will be having over the next day and a half or two days, that in addition to
issues around publishing and creating academic works, I know that these
will also be very critical discussions you will be having.
I also think that it is a great time for the University of Connecticut. Like
most of you, especially those of you from state universities and public
institutions, we are all feeling tremendous pressure because of budget
cuts and the economic crisis. We are very fortunate because, among
others, Jack Veiga and Rich Dino developed several years ago a very suc-
cessful proposal that created what is called the Connecticut Center for
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CCEI), and I think you will be learning
more about it as the Conference goes on. What it did is [that] it helped us
buffer ourselves from the vagaries of the state legislature and the governor,
who may or may not have the same vision for the kind of commitment we
wanted to make towards higher education in this field. This Center has
been a real milestone for the university, and in fact, our strategic vision.
We have just completed an academic plan for the business school and one
of the three tenets on which it is based is the tenet of experiential learning.
And the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation one

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Setting the stage 289

of its elements is called the Innovation Accelerator; and in fact it focuses

on the outreach and the impact of academe industry and student learning
in a very unique fashion.
The other thing that we are just embarking on at a very early stage that
again, Jack Veiga is going to be spearheading for us (along with Lucy
Gilson, Rich Dino, Zeki Simsek and a number of others in our school) is
the development of a global consortium around innovation and entrepre-
neurship. That is a very exciting work in progress that I think will have
tremendous potential. We are looking at and developing partnerships
in Australia, in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, the Americas (broadly
defined) and I think it is going to be very exciting. So again, these are kind
of new initiatives.
By the way, I am now done with the bragging that a dean has to do at
these types of events. But I will say this; it is a very exciting time. I think
the School is doing lots of things. I am very proud of our faculty and our
staff, but our faculty have really stepped up in a number of ways. As I
said, we faced a very big budget crisis in 2009. Faculty stepped up, took
up the burden and, in fact, we are coming out of it, I think, stronger than
we would have otherwise. So it is a real credit to my colleagues that I see
around here, except for perhaps for the department head of Management,
who is the brunt of all of our humor; a token psychologist in the room.
But one of the things that people who know me will tell you is I like
quotes, and I actually pulled off a couple of quotes that I thought would
be useful to at least think about with regard to the activities you are going
to be engaging in. As you look around the room, we are talking about
world leaders, thought leaders in these fields of entrepreneurship innova-
tion broadly defined and that is a very remarkable thing. And of course
if we include our online audience as well we are talking about having a
reach that is really quite remarkable and quite significant. So here are a
few thoughts. The first quote is actually from Oscar Wilde, who tells us
The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius.
Second is Imagination without skill gives us modern art. Skill without
imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects, such as
wicker baskets. Then the final one is You cant wait for inspiration. You
have to go after it with a club. That one, by the way, is Jack London.
I guess one of the things Im really hopeful for with this kind of a gath-
ering, as I said, it is not just an opportunity to discuss the craftsmanship
of publication; but in fact it is a chance for some very unique wonderful
ideas to be generated in this field to set the scene for future discussions,
future conferences and future engagements. And I think that what is really
remarkable is I think there is the potential for what a colleague of mine
many years ago who was at Minnesota would refer to as an opportunity

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290 In search of research excellence

for unique inspiration. I think that is what Im hopeful that we will see
during the next day and a half.
Then I cant resist on this one. If you know this quote, bear with me;
but I also do understand that it is attributed to former President George
W. Bush. In fact I found out that it actually was never said by him, but it
is still nevertheless telling. It is said that Bush, in commenting to a larger
audience (Tony Blair among others), in talking about entrepreneurship
said, The problem with French business is they dont even have a word
for entrepreneur.
Thank you all for coming.

Dino, Richard: Ladies and gentlemen, co-chair of the Entrepreneurship

Excellence Research Initiative, co-chair of this Conference, co-chair of the
IDEA Awards and chair of the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship
Division, Ron Mitchell.

Mitchell, Ronald: Thank you very much, Rich. The thing that gets schol-
ars together is that we love ideas; and one of the duties incumbent upon
groups of scholars when we do get together is for someone to somehow
articulate the basic philosophy behind why we are gathered. That is my
role this evening.
In the Entrepreneurship Division, we have what is called the Mid-
Winter Meeting. We have no idea where that term came from, but the
executive committee gets together sort of halfway between the Academy
Meeting as the year goes on and we think through the things the divi-
sion needs. If you will, go with me back to January of 2006 to the foyer
of a hotel in Atlanta where we were holding the Mid-Winter Meeting,
which should have been held in Minneapolis but Shaker Zahra (who was
our chair at the time) took pity on us and held it in Atlanta. So Eileen
Fisher, Connie Marie Gaglio and I were sitting there thinking about and
discussing how it is that entrepreneurship research quality and quantity
progresses to the next level. And the metaphor of the rising tide raises all
ships was kind of the substance of that discussion. We soon gravitated to
the realization that the tide tends to do what it wants, and so we began to
wonder how one actually influences a tide such that it will rise and all ships
will rise with it. Within that discussion, the idea of the Entrepreneurship
Research Excellence Initiative was born.
We discussed the usual suspects a special issue or three or five, etc., [or]
another journal. At a point we said, You know, as the Entrepreneurship
Division, we are accountable to a group of people who depend upon us to
do something that everybody can have access to. So we started the process
of beginning an exemplars-type conversation. We couldnt have done it

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Setting the stage 291

alone. Those of us who are editors and associate editors, senior editors
of the journals; when I approached you about this and you said, Yes we
will help you, you laid the next cornerstone for this Entrepreneurship
Excellence Initiative.
We then had the opportunity to have the editors expand the circle and
invite authors who had recently published in these top-tier outlets; to come
and have a conversation that is more revealing than most authors are
willing to undertake. Specifically to answer questions like, What exactly
did it take to do what you did? Oftentimes as individuals, we tend to hold
back on revealing that kind of information.
In this Conference, what we want to do in asking editors and authors to
speak candidly with moderator help from myself as well as our University
of Connecticut colleagues is to surface process issues for how it is that we
get this job of research excellence done. The budget only allows a certain
number of editors and authors to get together, but through the miracle of
modern technology, we can reach out to the morning, to the afternoon, to
the evening around the world. We can record these conversations for all
who wish to have access to this kind of understanding of the research craft;
and as a result we have an Exemplars Conference.
Now in addition to this Exemplars Conference, the Entrepreneurship
Division has also launched the IDEA Awards, and we have had the
support of the University of Connecticut, The Ohio State University,
SAMS (the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies) and
the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division (which also put
funds behind this initiative), which permits us to award Research Promise,
Thought-leader, and Foundational Paper recognition. We presented the
first foundational paper award last August at the Academy Annual
Meeting in Anaheim, California. And shortly you will hear from the first
foundational paper recipient, Professor Venkat Venkataraman.
I note that the Thought-leader Awards are those that publish in the
top journals in the prior year. We are in the process of working out a very
systematic adjudication process for this award whereby all of those who
have published in the Academy journals since 1990 are recognized yearly.
We actually have kind of wall of fame idea that may be going up on the
Entrepreneurship Division website. But in any event these papers are listed
each year in the IDEA Awards Program.
So the purpose of this Research Excellence Initiative, both the Exemplars
Conference and the IDEA Awards, is to free up the flow of information
about research excellence, as well as recognizing that excellence. We will
take the two prongs of motivation that support excellence (information
and recognition) in this craft and we will make it possible, through your
efforts, your willingness to come, to help and to contribute (and, may

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292 In search of research excellence

we invite those around the world who hearing this process described, to
also agree), to commit ourselves to research excellence. We can make a
We are here tonight because there is a group of people who have sac-
rificed many things to create research excellence in their own careers. We
honor you, we thank you, and we greatly appreciate your participation
and your willingness to help us to have an influence on how high the tide
rises. We also are very thankful and very appreciative to the University
of Connecticut, to the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and
Innovation for being, so to speak, the anchor sponsor of this great ini-
tiative. It is highly likely that this will be at least a two-year initiative.
The publication process is the focus for 2009 with journal editors and
authors; and this will continue in 2010 as well, but transitioning to thresh-
old ideas, whats new and whats the substance being the core of our 2010
So thank you very much to all who have assisted.
This is the philosophy behind this Conference. The momentum is build-
ing. We thank you very much for your support, and we look forward to a
marvelous conference ahead. Thank you very much.

Dino, Richard: Thank you, Ron. Hi, Sharon. I didnt get to see you. You
got in a little late today.

Alvarez, Sharon: In time for the meeting.

Dino, Richard: Yes, you sure did. Good to see you.

You know, for those of you here in Storrs, Connecticut (those of you
participating worldwide cant see it), but for those of you here in Storrs I
want you to look around the room and look for all the hidden cameras.
I want you to look around for the folks, men and women in black suits
with dark colored glasses. Thats our security detail; and the reason
they are here is, I was thinking, God forbid should anything happen at
this Conference with everybody in the room and the quality of the folks
and the quality of the research, what would happen to entrepreneurship
research? We are trying to push it forward. What would happen if, God
forbid, something happened here? Its a joke, folks laugh. It was a good
one. My wife told me if I have to explain it, it wasnt a joke. Hopefully
shes not watching online.
With that, because of the quality and stature of everyone in the room, if
we were to read even a brief bio of everybody who participates we would
spend more of our time reading bios than progressing to our objective
outcome; so we are going to be pretty simple across the board and we are

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Setting the stage 293

just going to introduce our speakers and participants very simply by their
Chris likes quotes. I like lyrics and songs. Professor Gary Powell (one of
our colleagues) is the expert at lyrics and songs and Gary, youll remem-
ber this one. Its a band called The Little River Band from years ago, an
Australian group, and they had a song. The lyrics went something like
this: There are so many paths up the mountain; no one knows all the
ways. There are so many paths up the mountain, but the view from the top
is still the same.

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B. Building your publishing career
Ronald K. Mitchell

Dino, Richard: Well, good morning everyone. I trust everyone has had
a good nights sleep, or were you contemplating all that Venkat said
last night and starting to write new research questions? How many were
writing new research questions? No one? Oh one, okay thats great. Well
for our international audience who were not with us last night, and we
added another 50 folks overnight, so we are well over 300 now of interna-
tional participants on the web. Good morning to everyone.
My name is Rich Dino, as you all know here. I am executive director of
the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and co-chair
of the Research Exemplars Conference with Ron Mitchell, who is chair of
the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management.
I was trying to figure out a way to kick-start this morning differently
than last night so I dont repeat myself, and lo and behold about
quarter of one last night, ping, my email went off and there was an email
from one of our international participants and then ping, ping, ping. I was
just reading a whole bunch of emails. I picked this one out because I think
it gets to the essence of what this Conference and what the Academy of
Management Entrepreneurship Divisions Research Excellence Initiative
is about. So if you would bear with me, I would like to read you this email.
Its short, but it says it all.
It says Hi, Richard. Well, I watched the whole keynote address by
Venkat Venkataraman [Chapter 7] and I have to say that for me as a PhD
student researching entrepreneurship, it was incredibly valuable. I liken
Venkat to one of my professors, who has clearly invested himself in the
philosophy and research methodology. He has clearly devoted consider-
able thought to pushing at the frontiers of our knowledge in a way that
garners respect. I was particularly enamored with his development of the
critical criteria for publishing in top journals, especially when he discussed
the criterion of usefulness, as it took me some time to discover that this
perspective would be the rooting of my own philosophical paradigm for
research. I could relate to several other points he made, such as answer-
ing the so what question, and relating our research to the mainstream


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Building your publishing career 295

body of theory. However, I will confess to being somewhat overwhelmed.

I would like an opportunity to review his presentation, as I am new to
this. Can you tell me if a video or transcript copy of Venkats presenta-
tion will be available on the conference site or in an upcoming journal or
Conference proceeding? Looking forward to tomorrows discussion. P.S.,
I know several of my colleagues will be watching from across the pond
at Strathclyde, Glasgow. Signed: Brad McMaster, the Hunter Center for
Entrepreneurship at Strathclyde.
Well, Brad and everyone else, we will be recording every session so that
those sessions will be available for everyone to watch at their convenience
anytime from now well on into the future.
So with that we will kick off our Friday. We have a long day today.
It should be a very productive day. Please join me in welcoming for his
opening address Building your publishing career my co-chair, chair of the
Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management, Ron Mitchell.

Mitchell, Ronald: Thank you very much, Rich. Welcome, everyone here
in Storrs. Welcome, everyone worldwide. The profession in which we
are engaged is a profession that has roots. Well, they are centuries old.
The growth of the university was along two paths originally. One was the
Bologna model and the other was the Parisian model. Today we tend to be
in the Parisian model where the scholars get together and set the standards
and then students attend and seek to meet these standards. The Bologna
model is somewhat different. It was, I think, Sir Isaac Newton who actu-
ally lectured under that model. Under the Bologna model the students
got together and hired the professor, and essentially, as the story goes, Sir
Isaac lectured to empty classrooms very often because his bosses were off
doing what people who could hire professors were doing at the time.
As the Parisian model developed, the idea of professing particular topics
and subjects also grew. As groups of scholars began to coalesce and to set
their standards, the profession took on a form and a structure that is not
unlike the guild structure that was common at the time. Now the guild
structure, with which you are probably familiar, had a progressive set of
stages through which a person who desired to become a member of the
guild would follow. They would have to do certain things to become a
member and to progress within the guild structure.
The thing that I find interesting about this comparison is that early in
my career, actually pre-professor, I became acquainted with a person who
was already in the scholarly profession at the time, and still is, I believe
(and is still a friend), Paul Thompson. Paul had developed one of the most
useful frameworks to describe career progression. He refers to it as the
Four Stages Model. Essentially the stages are as follows:

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296 In search of research excellence

Stage 1: Depending on others

Stage 2: Contributing independently
Stage 3: Contributing through others
Stage 4: Leading through vision

Now, if we are drawing parallels between career stages and progression

through a craft-like guild, we would say, Here are the things, here are the
performances, here are the expectations of people who are entering this
structure and beginning to progress through its stages.
We understand that the apprentice in the guild structure was pretty
much the gofer. Apprentices depended upon the person for whom they
were working for pretty much all direction; and not much information was
provided to apprentices because apparently there was sort of a trust issue.
You didnt want to reveal all of the neat techniques of the guild to people
until you were certain that they were ready to abide by the principles and
the standards of that guild. But Stages 2 and 3 were kind of interesting in
both the guild and in our career progression model.
A Stage 2 person has the following key attributes:

Knows the job well

Many people seek his or her opinion
Is considered an expert in his or her field
Integrates large volumes of data into a logical and coherent struc-
ture for analysis
Demonstrates ability to solve problems under conditions of uncer-
tainty and ambiguity
Creates new opportunities or overcomes obstacles by rethinking

Now remember this is the contributing independently stage. If we were

to think perhaps of the doctoral time (in our profession) as the apprentice
occasion, then we would say that Stages 2 and 3 are really the kind of
assistant/associate professor stages.
A Stage 3 person would have the following attributes:

Demonstrates a breath of technical functional knowledge

Is not threatened by the technical competence of others
Clarifies complex data or situations so that others can comprehend,
respond and contribute
Assists others in interpreting and tolerating ambiguous information
Provides support and encouragement to others

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Building your publishing career 297

So we see that we are moving as we go from Stage 2 to Stage 3 into a much

more other-centric as opposed to self-centric posture.
Then in Stage 4, which is actually the master stage, a person would have
the following attributes:

Shapes the organizational direction to reinforce continual technical

Ensures that the organization has access to technical and profes-
sional resources
Identifies and helps us to quickly resolve ill-defined complex prob-
lems that cross organizational boundaries
Requires accurate crucial information as a basis for sound
organization-wide decisions
Communicates the importance of clear critical thinking in all jobs
Fosters an organizational environment that encourages others to
question their usual way of looking at things

So if we were to draw a rough parallel between our craft, the guild struc-
ture and the Four Stages Model, what would we draw from that parallel
that we could use as we gather together with editors of major journals,
authors who have published or are just about to publish in those journals,
and those of us who are here to discuss worldwide how the process of pro-
ducing the top-tier works of our craft actually works?
The reason why this is important is that, like any craft, there are tricks
of the trade. There is information that until it is known requires each pro-
spective member to re-invent the wheel; and thus people struggle to learn
things that are already known simply because access to that information
is not readily available. Much of the challenge in engaging in a particular
field as a new field (for example, a scholar is just coming into the entrepre-
neurship field and beginning to try and research in that field) or much of
the challenge that comes when a scholar is actually just beginning her or
his career as a scholar, comes in understanding what everyone else seems
to already know.
Many of us are fortunate in that we have had the good fortune to be
associated with the masters. When we apprentice, we learn the tricks of
the trade. Many others of us, just as talented, may not have that opportu-
nity; and as a result, there are perceptions that this top-tier work that we
do is kind of a closed club. And, importantly, it is not closed by design. It
is simply closed as an artifact of the way the social situation actually has
So one of the primary purposes of this (Entrepreneuship) Research
Exemplars Conference is to open up the tricks of the trade the pieces

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298 In search of research excellence

of information that ought to be known by every talented person who

desires to do work at the top tier. That is our challenge, to surface these
Like most craft guilds, a particular understanding possessed by one
master may not in fact be possessed by another. However, when you get
a group of masters together and you throw them into unanticipated and
new situations, sometimes just the newness of the situation, the emergent
dialogue itself creates the opportunity for understandings to surface, to be
articulated, to become concrete and to become usable by all of those who
desire to do work in the craft at the top tier.
So in the Research Excellence Initiative, meeting this challenge has been
undertaken by the leadership of the Entrepreneurship Division. We have
committed ourselves to a deal flow model. Now we all know that the only
way that venture capitalists, for example, can make good investments
is if they get high-quality deal flow. And of course they can grow faster
and better, and have higher returns the greater the high-quality deal flow.
We believe that we do not have a problem with top-tier journals that are
willing to consider top-tier work. What we face as our next threshold in
entrepreneurship research, we think, is the increasing of the top-tier deal
flow. That means top-tier manuscripts based upon top-tier research pre-
pared according to the highest standards of the craft guild that is our field.
We engage many disciplines in entrepreneurship; therefore, there are
many top-tier outlets. Each one has its unique elements and, based upon
the uniqueness of these elements, we, as potential producers of top-tier
work into that stream, need to understand not just the overall standards
of the guild, but the particular community with whom we are trying to
dialogue, to whom we are trying to speak.
So we have ten wonderful journals represented by editors and/or associ-
ate editors and represented by authors who are going to be publishing or
have published just recently in those outlets. We have a series of keynotes
from masters in the field. Based upon this, our goal is to surface the infor-
mation, and to make it possible to overcome the information problems
that are really nobodys fault. I believe that there is no elitism in the sense
of trying to hide the information for how to publish at the top tier. Rather,
to reemphasize, that it is simply an artifact of a system that hasnt engaged
the information age to surface that information and make it available to
all who will be able to use it.
So this is our invitation, and I dont mean Ron Mitchells or even the
Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division leaderships invita-
tion. This is our invitation; all who are here, all who are listening world-
wide it is our invitation to join the top-tier cadre of this guild. To learn
the process, to then take the key questions that are confronting us, engage

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Building your publishing career 299

them with our great brains and craft our studies and manuscripts into
master works that in fact qualify us also as masters in the guild.
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow colleagues, welcome to this Conference. It
is a great event and it is a great opportunity for us to take the next step in
quality entrepreneurship research; but also in quality research worldwide
because, as most of us suspect and many of my emails have indicated,
people have already begun to say, Oh, well, if this would work for entre-
preneurship, why wouldnt it work for discipline x, y or z?
So this is the idea, this is the challenge and this is the welcome. Thank
you very much. We are glad to be engaged in this wonderful work
together. Thank you.

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C. Worldwide reach
Richard N. Dino

Dino, Richard: Welcome to the third day of the Entrepreneurship Research

Exemplars Conference. I was doing a little bit of work this morning and I
have to tell you that we are absolutely humbled with the worldwide partic-
ipation and the comments from people. You know, truly this Conference
isnt only about the people that are here. In fact the people that are here
are doing this Conference for everyone who cant be here. A third of
our web audience is coming from countries outside of the United States.
That is just absolutely amazing. This is just a broad sampling: countries
such as England, Scotland, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, The
Netherlands, Brazil, Hong Kong, India, Germany, Greece, Australia,
New Zealand, Israel, Nigeria, China, [and] Japan. And the titles of the
folks that are participating on that continuum range from provost to PhD
students; and the organizations are represented with universities, founda-
tions, businesses and entrepreneurs. I am absolutely humbled.
A couple of emails out of the slew that came in:

My feeling is simply the sun has shined. I would call my experience with this
conference as completely transformative in transferring tacit knowledge about
excellent scholarship, which helped clear up the myth associated with top-tier
journal publications.

An incredible experience. Invaluable information and interesting dialog and

comments. I can hardly wait for the copies next week to go over the many excel-
lent areas of discussions with peers locally.

And with that lets begin.


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D. Where to from here?
Richard N. Dino

Dino, Richard: We have come to that time, believe or not, in what

seems to be a whirlwind of time. We have come to the conclusion of this
Conference. There are two things I would like to do at this point. One
is a set of thank yous and then the second one is to try to bring together
some thoughts that struck me during the last day and a half to share
with you here and to share with our worldwide audience. Please bear
with me through the thank yous because, in the words of that famed
politician I forgot her name but she said It takes a village. It takes
more than a village. It takes an awful lot of people who are committed
and believe in the vision. There are a number of people that most appro-
priately are to be thanked for all of their efforts that led up to this day
and a half.
Of course first at the top of the list are all the exemplars who shared
their schedule, shared their time, shared their expertise and experience
and joined us, and told everybody like it was. Like it was at the beginning
of their career, in the middle of their career, the end of their career and
the kinds of things young emerging scholars should be thinking about
particularly as it pertains to high-quality research and particularly entre-
preneurship research. Thank you, exemplars.
Our ten journal editors, you believed in what the Academy and the
Entrepreneurship Research Excellence Initiative was about and your pres-
ence here confirms that. We thank you.
Of course the numerous participating authors who took their lumps
twice; they took it from the reviewers and then they took it over the last
day and a half. We appreciate all of your candor and we appreciate all of
your contributions.
Professor Tom Lumpkin, our comments editor. The quality of his per-
formance is not just measured by what he put on the screen, its by what
he didnt put on the screen. Tom, thank you so much.
A lady who goes by the name of Katie Huntington, but I changed her
name about a month ago. Every one of you have interacted with her and
she is primarily responsible for the way things went here. Do you want to


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302 In search of research excellence

know what her name got changed to? She who must be obeyed. Katie,
absolutely spectacular, thank you so much for all of your help.
Of course I would like to thank the UConn team, my faculty colleagues
who believe in what can be. It is your efforts that keep the spark con-
tinually flicking and the fire burning. We thank you for all that you have
done representing the university and representing the Entrepreneurship
Research Excellence Initiative.
Cara Workman from University Events. Dr. Luke Weinstein, whos
the head of our Innovation Accelerator and who substituted this weekend
as our technology guru. I dont know if you know how hard it is to keep
technology operating. When it operates seamlessly, it is like going up to
a sink and turning on water. You expect it to be there and that is exactly
what happened; with all of the things that could have gone wrong in that
nothing has gone wrong.
Our camera crew and the folks down at UNC Chapel Hill in connecting
Professor Aldrich with us, thanks to all of you folks; Jeremy Pollack, Alex
DelCampo, etc.
And of course the Academy of Management, the Entrepreneurship
Division Chair and everyone else in the Division. Ron Mitchell, my co-
chair. Ron, this vision has legs. Were rolling and were rolling hard and
were not going to stop. Oh, you want to take the microphone? Im not

Mitchell, Ronald: I know, but this is the moment that we thank Rich,
right? Because if he hadnt done what he did, we wouldnt be clapping.

Dino, Richard: Thank you. Thanks, Ron. Our IDEA Awards partners,
The Ohio State University, Jay, Sharon, thank you for your commitment
early on when it was just a thought. It is no longer a thought; it is momen-
tum now. Our friends at the Journal of Management Studies and SAMS
Steve Floyd, Mike Wright, thank you so much.
Jointly we can do it and this is the beginning. It is a train that has left
the station. It is a rocket that has left the pad. Unfortunately the economy
has sent us into a little bit of a tailspin in the sense that the plan was to
have this Conference in different evolving form at different universities.
Because of the economy, a lot of money disappeared. So next years
Conference was in jeopardy and the University of Connecticut, the Center
for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, is absolutely committed to this
initiative. So Im proud to announce today with the approval of our dean
and our department head, John Mathieu, that we are going to step up
again next year and we will host the 2010 Exemplars Conference. It will be

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Where to from here? 303

a different format. We will probably do it on this weekend next year, so I

look forward to all of you participating in 2010.
Im trying to pull together a couple of things that struck me as quite
interesting, and particularly this is a message to the emerging and junior
scholars out there who are not in this room. We have a couple but they are
all out there somewhere. There are exemplars everywhere; they are just not
in this room. Your job is to find out who they are and to link up with them.
A couple of things come to mind. The word tenacity. You know, we do
research about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. The word tenacity is
the common lexicon of entrepreneurs. Impossibility. Its a degree of dif-
ficulty to entrepreneurs. Thats it.
I opened the Conference by talking about lyrics of songs. I like lyrics
of songs. There was a song years ago by a group called, believe it or not,
Chumbawamba. I dont know if you remember the lyrics, but the lyrics
are the following: I get knocked down, I get up again. Nobodys going to
keep me down. Thats what research is about, isnt it? Continually getting
knocked down and having the tenacity to get up, believing in what you
are doing and (Jim, back to you again) believing in what youre doing and
getting it done.
Jeff McMullen said something that struck me and I dont know if
anybody heard it because he kind of said it as an off comment. He said,
Im always thinking about this stuff. Jeff, right? Im always thinking
about this stuff. Mike Hitt said, Highly committed, highly motivated,
goal directed, learning oriented. If you focus that way, you will be
So how do I bring that all together? A story. Jack, you talked about
stories. You like stories. Heres a story. Im not sure if its true. Im making
it up as were going along, but its something like this. There was this guy
named Socrates, and he was in a forum giving a talk. Part of that talk was
the research that he had done. And after the talk a young person came up
to Socrates and said to him as an exemplar scholar, I would like to do my
research with you.
Socrates said, Youd like to do your research with me? Why?
Well, because you know so much. Youve found so much new knowl-
edge. Youve pushed the envelope (I guess if it were today, youve pub-
lished). I want to study with you. I want to learn. If I can do half of what
youve done, I can too be an exemplar scholar.
Socrates says, Okay, lets go for a walk.
So they walked out of the forum and they walked across the courtyard.
They walked out into the town and they looked and there was a little
bit of mountain and they climbed over the hill and down the other side
across the plain. They were still walking and talking and lo and behold

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304 In search of research excellence

in front of them was the ocean. And without a stop, Socrates just kept
walking and they walked into the water.
Of course the young person is kind of looking, but Socrates isnt paying
attention. Theyre walking and walking and the water is coming up. Just
as the water gets about here, Socrates grabs the young person by the collar
and holds him under the water. Well, you know what happens, right? When
youre not expecting that and all of a sudden you have no oxygen? Bubbles
are flying, arms are flying, flailing, all this kind of stuff; and just as the
bubbles stopped, Socrates reached down and pulled the guy up. Well, you
know what would happen then right? A deep breath, a big smile on his face,
back down under the water. And repeated this several times. So to the per-
sons surprise, after a few times Socrates stood him up and Socrates said, So
you want to do research and learn research from me, an exemplar scholar?
That person said, Yes.
[Socrates] said, Ill tell you what ... He said, When you want to do
research just as much as you just wanted to breathe, then well work
together. And thats effectively what exemplar scholars want to hear from
young scholars. If you want to consume this, if you want to always think
about this, if you want to be highly motivated, goal directed, learning ori-
ented and highly committed, then lets work together.
So our message from the Academy, from the Center for Entrepreneurship
and Innovation, from The Ohio State University, from SAMS, and from
everybody else who is going to now get on this direction or continue
with this direction, we say to all of you emerging scholars, Consume
research and want to do it as much as you want to breathe, and you will
be extremely successful.
Ladies and gentlemen, we cant thank you enough for your commit-
ment. We cant thank you enough for the time you have spent with us. It is
sincerely appreciated. And for everyone else out there, every one of these
sessions, every one of these sessions, has been recorded. We are going to
clean them up over the next couple of weeks. We will put them out on the
Academys website. We will certainly have them on the Centers website,
and they will be available for you to look at at your leisure and for what-
ever purpose you need them. Ron, would you like to say anything else?

Mitchell, Ronald: I echo Richs warm, full, and heartfelt thanks to all of
those named; also to those who have joined us worldwide and will con-
tinue to join us as the momentum gathers. Thank you, each of you, for
making the contributions and the sacrifices in your own careers that make
it possible for us to draw upon your expertise as we begin the process of
raising the tide, or as Venkat said, turning the tide such that all ships end
up rising with us. Thank you and have a safe trip home. God bless.

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Exhibits: background information

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I. Journal mission excerpts

Journal purpose: The mission of the Academy of Management Journal is

to publish empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management
theory and contributes to management practice. All empirical methods
including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory,
and combination methods are welcome. To be published in AMJ, a
manuscript must make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and
highlight the significance of those contributions to the management field.
Thus, preference is given to submissions that test, extend, or build strong
theoretical frameworks while empirically examining issues with high
importance for management theory and practice. AMJ is not tied to any
particular discipline, level of analysis, or national context.

Opportunities identified: Open to a wide variety of empirical entrepreneur-

ship research, and a wide variety of empirical methods, as this journal
seeks to publish empirical research that tests, extends, or builds man-
agement theory and contributes to management practice. All empirical
methods including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field,
laboratory, and combination methods are welcome. To be published in
AMJ, a manuscript must make strong empirical and theoretical contribu-
tions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the manage-
ment field.


Journal purpose: The mission of the Academy of Management Review

(AMR) is to publish new theoretical insights that advance our understand-
ing of management and organizations. AMR is receptive to a variety of


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308 In search of research excellence

perspectives, including those seeking to improve the effectiveness of, as

well as those critical of, management and organizations. Submissions to
AMR must extend theory in ways that permit the development of testable
knowledge-based claims. To do this, researchers can develop new manage-
ment and organization theory, significantly challenge or clarify existing
theory, synthesize recent advances and ideas into fresh, if not entirely new
theory, or initiate a search for new theory by identifying and delineating
a novel theoretical problem. The contributions of AMR articles often are
grounded in normal science disciplines of economics, psychology, soci-
ology, or social psychology as well as nontraditional perspectives, such
as the humanities. AMR publishes novel, insightful and carefully crafted
conceptual work that challenges conventional wisdom concerning all
aspects of organizations and their roles in society.

Opportunities identified: Open to theoretical work regarding entrepreneur-

ship, as the journal publishes new theoretical insights that advance our
understanding of management and organizations. AMR is receptive to a
variety of perspectives, including those seeking to improve the effective-
ness of, as well as those critical of, management and organizations.

Retrieved 18 May, 2009

Journal purpose: Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (ET&P) is a leading

scholarly journal in the field of entrepreneurship studies. The journals
mission is to publish original papers which contribute to the advancement
of the field of entrepreneurship. ET&P publishes conceptual and empiri-
cal articles of interest to scholars, consultants, and public policy makers.
Most issues also feature a teaching case. Article topics include, but are not
limited to:

National and International Studies of Enterprise Creation

Small Business Management
Family-Owned Businesses
Minority Issues in Small Business and Entrepreneurship
New Venture Creation
Research Methods
Venture Financing
Corporate and Non-Profit Entrepreneurship

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Journal mission excerpts 309

Opportunities identified: Journal for a wide variety of entrepreneurship

research: Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (ET&P) is a leading schol-
arly journal in the field of entrepreneurship studies. The journals mission
is to publish original papers which contribute to the advancement of the
field of entrepreneurship. ET&P publishes conceptual and empirical arti-
cles of interest to scholars, consultants, and public policy makers.


Journal purpose: Journal of Applied Psychology publishes original inves-

tigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to fields
of applied psychology (other than clinical and applied experimental or
human factors) . . . The journal includes articles that foster an under-
standing of the psychological and behavioral phenomena of individuals,
groups, or organizations in settings such as education/training, business,
government, health, or service institutions ... Topics include personnel
selection, performance measurement, training, work motivation, leader-
ship, drug and alcohol abuse, career development, the conflict between job
and family demands, work stress, organizational design, technology, and
cross-cultural differences in work behavior and attitudes.

Opportunities identified: Outlet for applied, empirical work that addresses

the psychological aspects of entrepreneurship, as the journal publishes
research that can contribute new knowledge and understanding to fields
of applied psychology. Open to a wide range of topics: Topics include
personnel selection, performance measurement, training, work motiva-
tion, leadership, drug and alcohol abuse, career development, the conflict
between job and family demands, work stress, organizational design,
technology, and cross-cultural differences in work behavior and attitudes.

description#description Retrieved 18 May, 2009

Journal purpose: The Journal of Business Venturing: Entrepreneurship,

Entrepreneurial Finance, Innovation and Regional Development pro-
vides a scholarly forum for sharing useful and interesting facts, theories,

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310 In search of research excellence

narratives, and interpretations of entrepreneurship and consequences of

entrepreneurship ... The journal aspires to publish ideas that deepen our
understanding of, and ultimately impact, the entrepreneurial phenomenon
in its myriad forms. We seek papers (1) that are grounded in the practice
of entrepreneurs, innovators, and their support systems; and (2) that
address issues useful to scholars, educators, enablers, and practitioners
of the entrepreneurial phenomenon. The journal welcomes pluralism in
approach, methods, and disciplines.

Opportunities identified: Open to a wide variety of entrepreneurship

research: The journal aspires to publish ideas that deepen our under-
standing of, and ultimately impact, the entrepreneurial phenomenon in
its myriad forms. We seek papers (1) that are grounded in the practice
of entrepreneurs, innovators, and their support systems; and (2) that
address issues useful to scholars, educators, enablers, and practitioners
of the entrepreneurial phenomenon. The journal welcomes pluralism in
approach, methods, and disciplines.

JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Retrieved 18 May, 2009

Journal purpose: The Journal of Management publishes empirical and the-

oretical articles dealing with any area represented within the domain of the
Academy of Management. Manuscripts that are suitable for publication
in the Journal of Management cover such areas as business strategy and
policy, human resource management, organizational behavior, organiza-
tional theory, and research methods.

Opportunities identified: Good outlet for any entrepreneurship research as

it publishes articles dealing with any area represented within the domain
of the Academy of Management.

Retrieved 18 May, 2009

Journal purpose: Consistently highly ranked in the Management section

ISI Journal Citation Reports, the Journal of Management Studies (JMS)

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Journal mission excerpts 311

is a globally respected journal with a long established history of innova-

tion and excellence in management research. International in scope and
readership, the JMS is a multidisciplinary journal, publishing articles
on organization theory and behaviour, strategic and human resource
management from empirical studies and theoretical developments to
practical applications ... In recent years, Journal of Management Studies
has enhanced its reputation as a vibrant, cutting-edge, high quality inter-
national journal. JMS has an inclusive ethos seeking innovative and novel
papers and is open to a wide range of methodological approaches and
philosophical underpinnings ... The journal provides: in-depth coverage
of organizational problems and organization theory; reports on the latest
developments in strategic management and planning; cross-cultural com-
parisons of organizational effectiveness; and concise reviews of the latest
publications in management studies as well as lively debate in topical and
important issues on management.

Opportunities identified: Journal has a focus on lively debate in topical

and important issues on management. Articles addressing controversial
issues in entrepreneurship would likely be welcome here.



Journal purpose: Organization Science is ranked among the top journals in

management by the Social Science Citation Index in terms of impact and is
widely recognized in the fields of strategy, management, and organization
theory. Organization Science provides one umbrella for the publication
of research from all over the world in fields such as organization theory,
strategic management, sociology, economics, political science, history,
information science, communication theory, and psychology.

Opportunities identified: A good target for a variety of entrepreneurship

research, as this journal provides one umbrella for the publication of
research from all over the world in fields such as organization theory,
strategic management, sociology, economics, political science, history,
information science, communication theory, and psychology.

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312 In search of research excellence


Journal purpose: Strategic entrepreneurship involves innovation and

subsequent changes which add value to society and which change societal
life in ways that have significant, sustainable, and durable consequences
. . . The SEJ is international in scope and acknowledges theory- and
evidenced-based research conducted and/or applied in all regions of the
world. It is devoted to content and quality standards based on scientific
method, relevant theory, tested or testable propositions, and appropriate
data and evidence, all replicable by others, and all representing original
contributions ... The SEJ values contributions, which lead to improved
practice of managing organizations as they deal with the entrepreneurial
process involving imagination, insight, invention, and innovation and the
inevitable changes and transformations that result and benefit society.

Opportunities identified: A good target for entrepreneurship research in ten

key theme areas: Entrepreneurship and economic growth; change; risk
and uncertainty; innovation; creativity, imagination, and opportunities;
strategy versus entrepreneurship; technology; social role of entrepreneur-
ship, behavioral characteristics of entrepreneurial activity; entrepreneurial
actions, innovation, and appropriability; that fall under the following
For the purposes of the SEJ, entrepreneurship has special meaning,
and means much more than the acts of entrepreneurs. Strategic entrepre-
neurship starts with imagination and insight that lead to inventions that
are deemed innovations of societal import. While starting a business is
important, starting any organization that makes a difference to society
embodies the notion of strategic entrepreneurship most attractive to the
SEJ ... Such inventions and innovations can be done by many, or by one,
but the extent of their impact defines their importance and significance to
society. What makes entrepreneurship strategic is adding value to society,
i.e., changing societal life in ways that have significant, sustainable, and
durable consequence ... Innovations lead to change, transformation in
organizations, which invent them, and benefits to the organizations and
individuals that use innovations. The changes are significant, usually com-
plicated in nature, especially to understand and manage, and often are
revolutionary in impact.

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Journal mission excerpts 313

ProductInformation.html Retrieved 18 May, 2009

Journal purpose: The journal publishes original material concerned with

all aspects of strategic management. It is devoted to the improvement and
further development of the theory and practice of strategic management
and it is designed to appeal to both practising managers and academics.
Papers acceptable to an editorial board acting as referees are published.
The journal also publishes communications in the form of research notes
or comments from readers on published papers or current issues. Editorial
comments and invited papers on practices and developments in strategic
management appear from time to time as warranted by new develop-
ments. Overall, SMJ provides a communication forum for advancing
strategic management theory and practice. Such major topics as strategic
resource allocation; organization structure; leadership; entrepreneurship
and organizational purpose; methods and techniques for evaluating and
understanding competitive, technological, social, and political environ-
ments; planning processes; and strategic decision processes are included
in the journal.

Opportunities identified: This journal is explicitly targeting entrepre-

neurship research: Such major topics as strategic resource allocation;
organization structure; leadership; entrepreneurship and organizational

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II. 2009 conference schedule in order
of occurrence
Entrepreneurship Research Exemplars Conference
May 2830

Conference Schedule of Events

Event Title Start Time End Time

Reception 6:00 9:00
Keynote: 7:30 8:00
S. Venkat Venkataraman
University of Virginia, Darden School of Business
MasterCard Professor of Business Administration; Research Director, The
Batten Institute
BREAKFAST 7:00 8:00
Welcome 8:15 8:45
Keynote: 8:45 9:15
R. Duane Ireland
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School
Distinguished Professor, Bennett Chair in Business, AMJ Editor
Editor/Author Session 9:20 10:10
Academy of Management Review
Associate Editor: Mason Carpenter
Professor of Management and Human Resources, M. Keith Weikel Chair in
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: The Nature and Experience of Entrepreneurial Passion
Melissa S. Cardon
Pace University, Lubin School of Business
PAPER #2: Entrepreneurial Action and the Role of Uncertainty in the Theory
of The Entrepreneur
Jeffrey S. McMullen
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business


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2009 conference schedule order of occurrence 315

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship

Dean A. Shepherd
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Randall L. Tobias Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership, Professor of
BREAK 10:15 10:45
Keynote: 10:50 11:20
Jay B. Barney
The Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business
Chase Chair for Excellence in Corporate Strategy, Professor of Management &
Human Resources
Editor/Author Session 11:25 12:15
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Co-Editor: Michael A. Hitt
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School
Distinguished Professor, Joe B. Foster 56 Chair, Conn Chair
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: Entrepreneurship, subjectivism, and the resource-based view:
Towards a new synthesis
Yasemin Y. Kor
University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business
Associate Professor of Management
PAPER #2: Investment dynamics and financial constraints in IPO firms
Jeffrey J. Reuer
Purdue University, Krannert School of Management
Blake Family Endowed Chair in Strategic Management and Governance,
Strategic Management Area Coordinator
LUNCH 12:15 1:15
Keynote: 1:20 1:50
Howard E. Aldrich
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flagler Business School
Professor and Department Chair, Sociology, Adjunct Professor of
Management Kenan Professor and Chair
Editor/Author Session 1:55 2:25
Organization Science
Associate Editor: Pamela S. Tolbert
Cornell University, ILR School
Professor of Organizational Behavior, Chairperson of the Department of
Organizational Behavior
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: From Plan to Plant: Effects of Certification on Operational
Start-up in the Emergent Independent Power Sector
Wesley D. Sine

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316 In search of research excellence

Cornell University, Johnson School

Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
Editor/Author Session 2:30 3:00
Journal of Management
Editor: Talya N. Bauer
Portland State University, School of Business Administration
Gerry & Marilyn Cameron Professor of Management
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: The relationship of personality to entrepreneurial intentions and
performance: A meta-analytic review
Hao Zhao
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management & Technology
Assistant Professor of Management
Scott E. Siebert
The University of Iowa, Tippie College of Business
Associate Professor, Henry B. Tippie Research Fellow
G. Thomas Lumpkin
Texas Tech University, Rawls College of Management
Ken Hance Chair in Entrepreneurship
BREAK 3:00 3:30
Editor/Author Session 3:35 4:25
Journal of Business Venturing
Associate Editor: Phillip Phan
Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School
Professor and Vice Dean for Faculty and Research
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: The interplay of need and opportunity in venture capital invest-
ment syndication
Dimo Dimov
University of Connecticut, School of Business
Assistant Professor of Management
PAPER #2: Entrepreneurial Resilience: How Serial Founders Confidence
Affects Their Recovery from Venture Failure
William Forster
University of Virginia, Darden School of Business
Doctoral Student (2009)
Editor/Author Session 4:30 5:20
Journal of Management Studies
Associate Editor: Andrew C. Corbett
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management & Technology
Associate Professor, Associate Faculty Director of the Severino Center for
Technological Entrepreneurship
Authors in Attendance:

M2507 - MITCHELL PRINT.indd 316 16/02/2011 11:47

2009 conference schedule order of occurrence 317

PAPER #1: An Opportunity for Me? The Role of Resources in Opportunity

Evaluation Decisions
J. Michael Haynie
Syracuse University, Whitman School of Management
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
Dean A. Shepherd
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Randall L. Tobias Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership, Professor of
Jeffery S. McMullen
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
PAPER #2: A Prescriptive Analysis of Search and Discovery
James O. Fiet
University of Louisville, College of Business
Brown-Forman Chair in Entrepreneurship, Professor of Management
return to NHI 5:30
CLAMBAKE 6:30 9:30
BREAKFAST 7:00 8:00
Keynote: 8:15 8:45
Michael A. Hitt
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School
Distinguished Professor, Joe B. Foster 56 Chair, Conn Chair
Editor/Author Session 8:50 9:40
Academy of Management Journal
Editor: R. Duane Ireland
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School
Distinguished Professor, Bennett Chair in Business
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: Entrepreneurial orientation and new venture performance: The
moderating role of intra- and extraindustry social capital
Tom Elfring
VU University Amsterdam
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
PAPER #2: Entrepreneurs Optimism and New Venture Performance: A
Social Cognitive Perspective
Keith M. Hmieleski
Texas Christian University, Neeley School of Business
Assistant Professor, Management
Editor/Author Session 9:45 10:15
Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
Associate Editor: Candida Brush

M2507 - MITCHELL PRINT.indd 317 16/02/2011 11:47

318 In search of research excellence

Babson College
Paul T. Babson Chair in Entrepreneurship, Division Chair for
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: Toward a theory of familiness: A social capital perspective
Jon C. Carr
Texas Christian University, Neeley School of Business
Assistant Professor, Management
BREAK 10:20 10:50
Keynote: 10:55 11:25
Patricia P. McDougall
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Associate Dean of Faculty and Research, William L. Haeberle Professor of
Entrepreneurship, Professor of Strategic Management
Editor/Author Session 11:30 12:00
Journal of Applied Psychology
Associate Editor: Jing Zhou
Rice University, Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management
Professor of Management
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: How do feelings influence effort? An empirical study of entrepre-
neurs affect and venture effort
Maw-Der Foo
University of Colorado, Boulder, Leeds School of Management
Assistant Professor of Management & Entrepreneurship
Editor/Author Session 12:05 12:45
Strategic Management Journal
Associate Editor: Joseph T. Mahoney
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Business
Investors in Business Education Professor of Business Administration
Authors in Attendance:
PAPER #1: Do VCs matter? the importance of owners on performance vari-
ance in start-up firms
Elaine Mosakowski
University of Connecticut, School of Business
Professor of Management
PAPER #2: Complementarity, capabilities, and the boundaries of the firm: the
impact of within-firm and interfirm expertise on concurrent sourcing of com-
plementary components
Anne Parmigiani
University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business
Assistant Professor, Management
LUNCH & DEPART 12:45 2:00

M2507 - MITCHELL PRINT.indd 318 16/02/2011 11:47

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Contributor and reference index
Adelman, M.A. 271 Cool, K. x
Aldrich, H.E. v, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 28, Corbett, A.C. vi, 2225, 229, 232, 234,
31, 3641, 90, 100, 196, 200, 204, 2378, 316
302, 315 Covin, J. 72, 119, 123, 126
Alvarez, S. 48, 60, 85, 934, 126, 129,
232, 292 Daft, R.L. 251
Amaral, L.A.N. (cited with Guimer et Dalton, C.M. 212
al, 2005) 33 Dalton, D.R. 212
Amit, R. ix David, R.J. 240
Auster, E. 100 Davidson, D. 105, 106
Davis, M. 10, 76, 98, 99, 238
Barnard, C. 273 Demsetz, H. 46
Barney, J.B. v, 9, 15, 37, 38, 43, 5055, Dierickx, I. x
66, 82, 85, 91, 93, 113, 126, 129, Dimov, D. vi, vii, 22, 147, 1924,
164, 235, 258, 265, 315 199200, 268, 272, 280, 282,
Baron, R.A. 60, 90, 139, 140, 183 316
Barr, P.S. 164 Dino, R.N. vvii, xi, 3, 15, 18, 31, 37,
Bauer, T.N. vi, 12, 112, 142, 21013, 41, 56, 63, 67, 68, 70, 97, 101, 103,
21620, 316 111, 116, 163, 168, 210, 216, 217,
Beamish, P.W. 199 264, 28790, 292, 294, 300302
Bettis, R. 281 Drnovsek, N.
Birch, D. 86 (cited with Cardon et al, 2009) 155
Boice, R. 31 Drucker, P. 86
Boyer, E.L. 76 Duhaine, I.M.
Brigham, K.H. v, 3 (cited with Brush, 2003) 58
Brush, C.G. v, vi, 14, 58, 68, 116, 119,
124, 127, 129, 131, 132, 173, 175, Earley, P.C. vii, 40, 97, 101, 287, 288
17780, 204, 317 Elbow, P. 36
Buchanan, J.M. 105, 107 Elfring, T. vi, 11, 25, 139, 1425,
15052, 317
Camp, S.M. 73 Ericsson, K.A. 60
Campbell, D.T. 13, 32
Cardon, M.S. vi, 39, 154, 155, 15860, Fiet, J.O. vi, 28, 38, 66, 68, 112, 222,
164, 165, 170, 171, 314 2247, 2312, 2345, 238, 317
Carpenter, M.A. vi, 23, 24, 154, 156, Fitza, M. 269, 276
157, 161, 162, 1668, 314 Floyd, S.W. 223, 225, 238, 302
Carr, J. vi, 1736, 180, 318 Fong, C.T. 44
Chaddad, F.R. 254 Foo, M.D. vi, 18, 19, 1824, 186, 191,
Charness, N. 60 280, 318
Clark, T. 223, 225, 238 Forster, W. vi, 1924, 196, 198, 201,
Colquitt, J.A. 125, 142 205, 206, 316


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326 In search of research excellence

Foss, N. 254 Ketchen, D.J. 74, 125

Fredrickson, B.L. 192, 193 Kilduff, M. 162, 168
Kim, P.H. 36
Gartner, W.B. 177, 218 Kirzner, I.M. 107
(cited with Brush, 2003) 58 Klein, P.G. 254
Garud, R. 97 Kochhar, R. 67
Green, W.S. 57 Kor, Y.Y. vii, 21, 24, 27, 2536, 2613,
Ghoshal, S. 44 266, 281, 315
Gilson, L. vi, vii, 21012, 215, 220, Kozlowski, S.W.J. 185, 187
221, 240, 2424, 246, 2489, Krampe, R. 60
2512, 289 Kristof, A.L. 58, 213, 25
Glaser, R. 7
Golden-Biddle, K. 238 Lachmann, L.M. 107
Goodman, N. 105, 109 Langer, E. 31, 32, 38, 40
Gras, D. 81 Langlois, R.N. 545
Grgoire, D.A. 164, 265 Lewin, A.Y. 251
Guimera, R. 33 Lim, E. 247
Gutierrez, I. 72, 73 Locke, K. 238
Lubatkin, M. vi, 10, 14, 139, 141,
Habbershon, T.G. 174 1436, 151, 164, 179, 216, 222,
Hambrick, D. 9, 43, 50 225, 226, 229, 230, 231, 238,
Harrigan, K.R. 271 262
Haynie, J.M. vi, 222, 223, 2268, 232, Lumpkin, G.T. v, vi, vii, 16, 38, 39, 40,
233, 317 64, 812, 95, 111, 113, 116, 129,
Hayward, M.L.A. 192, 194, 196, 205 132, 133, 139, 148, 154, 163, 167,
Henry, R.A. 60 173, 178, 179, 182, 192, 201, 210,
Hitt, M.A. v, vii, 14, 17, 18, 21, 26, 28, 21416, 222, 235, 237, 240, 248,
56, 638, 713, 75, 82, 87, 88, 90, 253, 263, 268, 280, 301, 316
91, 11618, 1235, 128, 130, 132,
133, 179, 187, 190, 198, 199, 203, Mahoney, J.T. vii, 24, 62, 254, 267,
253, 256, 257, 25964, 266, 303, 268, 273, 279, 2813, 318
315, 317 Makadok, R. ix
Hmieleski, K. vi, 24, 139, 140, 143, Martins, L.L. 220
144, 147, 152, 257, 317 Mathieu, J.E. vi, 22, 67, 68, 132, 134,
Hogan, R.T. 6 182, 183, 187, 188, 190, 1924,
House, R.J. 100 196202, 207, 278, 302
Hunter, J.E. 212 Matusik, S.F. 270
Mayer, U. 60
Ireland, R.D. v, vi, 9, 10, 13, 28, 33, 59, Maynard, M.T. 220
70, 724, 8082, 84, 88, 90, 91, McDougall, P.P. v, 8, 17, 28, 72, 82,
116, 12022, 125, 127, 129, 133, 84, 87, 935, 186, 318
136, 13942, 14650, 152, 179, McKibbin, L.E. 56
255, 314, 317 McKinley-Floyd, L. 51, 52
McMullen, J.S. vi, 154, 155, 158, 160,
Jackson, S.E. 199 161, 164, 169, 172, 188, 222, 228,
Jennings, P.D. 17 230, 233, 303, 314, 317
Johnson, E.C. 5 Merton, R.K. 4, 5
Meyer, G.D. 91
Katz, J.A. 57, 64 Milanov, H. 192
Kaye, K. 174 Miner, A. 12830

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Contributor and reference index 327

Minto, B. 186 128, 13032, 154, 156, 158, 160,

Mitchell, J.R. 202 1635, 167, 169, 171, 206, 222,
Mitchell, R.K. vvii, x, xi, 3, 11, 14, 18, 226, 22830, 232, 2368, 315,
19, 50, 54, 70, 11636, 13944, 317
14759, 1616, 16880, 1824 Shook, C.L. 74, 216
18693, 198, 200206, 208, Short, J.C. 74, 216
21020, 22284, 290, 294, 295, Simon, H.A. 36, 105
302, 304 Simsek, Z. 289
Mitchell, W. 271, 275, 281 Sine, W.D. vii, 21, 240, 241, 24352,
Mitsuhashi, H. 240 315
Monahan, C.J. 7, 20, 22 Singh, J.
Mosakowski, E. vii, 14, 15, 534, 93, (cited with Cardon et al, 2009)
204, 253, 255, 258, 260, 265, 155
26870, 273, 274, 275, 278, 283, Singh, J.V. 100
318 Sirmon, D.G. 73, 74
Muchinsky, P.M. 7, 20, 22 Sitkin, S.B. 167
Song, Z. 184
Nickerson, J.A. 269 Stam, W. 139
Nicolaou, N. 203 Stewart, A.
(cited with Brush, 2003) 58
Oviatt, B.M. 72, 87 Strunk, W.J. 220

Pablo, A.L. 167 Tesch-Romer, C. 60

Parmigiani, A. vii, 234, 268, 2713, Tihanyi, L. 74
276, 277, 279, 280, 284, 318 Tolbert, P.S. vii, 12, 212, 240, 242, 243,
Pearson, A.W. 173 24550, 315
Penrose, E.G. 254 Tucker, D.J. 100
Pfeffer, J. 44, 49
Phan, P. vi, 50, 51, 65, 192, 194, Uy, M. 183, 184
197201, 203, 205, 206, 208, 232, Uzzi, J.S. 33
237, 316
Polley, D. 97 Vanberg, V.J. 105, 107
Porter, L.W. 56 Van de Ven, A.H. 26, 97
Veiga, J.F. vi, 63, 80, 142, 154, 15660,
Reuer, J.J. vii, 253, 254, 260, 262, 263, 162, 163, 168, 170, 171, 1735,
266, 315 179, 288, 289
Robinson, K. 206 Venkataraman, S. v, 10, 16, 25, 26, 28,
33, 70, 74, 76, 77, 89, 90, 97, 103,
Sarasvathy, S.D. 103, 192, 197 107, 11013, 118, 166, 193, 198,
Saunders, C. 1346 200, 208, 218, 237, 238, 258, 262,
Schein, E. 6 269, 291, 294, 295, 304, 314
Schmidt, F.L. 212
Schneider, B. 5 Walker, H. Jackson v, 3
Schoemaker, P.J.H. ix Webb, J.W. 73, 74
Seibert, S.E. vi, 210, 213, 215, 218 White, E.B. 220
Sexton, D.L. 73, 85 Williams, M.L. 174
Shane, S. 89, 90, 103, 107, 110, 203 Williamson, O.E. 269, 271
Shaver, K. 67 Wincent, J.
Shaw, J.C. 173 (cited with Cardon et al, 2009) 155
Shepherd, D.A. v, vi, 11619, 122, 124, Winn, M.I. 17

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328 In search of research excellence

Wortman, M. 87 Zander, B. 31, 38, 40

Wright, M. v, 116, 119, 122, 123, 126, Zander, R.S. 31, 38, 40
127, 130, 132, 133, 136, 223, 225, Zenger, T.R. 269
227, 229, 233, 238, 302 Zhao, H. vi, 210, 212, 215, 316
Zhou, J. vi, 18, 19, 182, 183, 18591,
Zahra, S. 72, 73, 88, 290 318
Zajac, E. 281 Zimmerman, R.D. 5

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Subject index
Academy of Management (AOM) 89, 768, 878, 101, 116, 12022,
23, 434, 5051, 58, 712, 76, 82, 1245, 13947, 14952, 216, 307
845, 87, 90, 94, 97, 101, 121, AMJ, editor of 25, 59, 63, 65, 139, 141,
1545, 157, 1657, 173, 21011, 259
2589, 2945, 310 AMLE (Academy of Management
Academy of Management Learning and Education) 76
Entrepreneurship Division 139, AMP (Academy of Management
29091, 294, 298 Perspectives) 77
Academy of Management Executive see AMR (Academy of Management
AME Review) 9, 23, 43, 50, 72, 74, 768,
Academy of Management Journal see 90, 101, 11112, 1547, 1613,
AMJ 16571, 185, 250, 2589, 3078
EDITOR/AUTHOR SESSION AOM see Academy of Management
139 applied field 18, 183
MISSION EXCERPT 307 applied psychology 182, 185, 309
Academy of Management Learning and apprentices 4, 2967
Education see AMLE artifact(s), artifactual 104, 105, 107,
Academy of Management Perspectives 2978
see AMP aspiration(s) 27, 38, 98, 108, 110, 11314
Academy of Management Review see ASQ (Administrative Science
AMR Quarterly) 26, 37, 59, 98101, 185,
MISSION EXCERPT 3078 assistant professor 4, 44, 4950, 244,
acceptance, conditional 147 296, 31418
actions, entrepreneurial 79, 104, 107, associate professor 4, 44, 4950, 296,
312, 314 31418
ad hoc reviewers 124, 148, 157, 281 attributes 5, 20, 68, 99, 101, 110, 145,
Administrative Science Quarterly see 223, 22930, 2967
ASQ author team 152, 155, 210, 214, 223,
ADDRESS: Mindful Scholarship authority, making 48
31 authors in attendance 31418
alienate reviewers 12, 246 authorships 33, 264
alliances 1923 awards 13, 88, 97, 152, 222, 29091
AME (Academy of Management
Executive) 73, 76 BARNEY, JAY KEYNOTE
American Journal of Small Business 85, ADDRESS: The Missing
87 Conversation 43
American journals 25, 1423, 151 Big Five
AMJ (Academy of Management personality dimensions 211, 21415
Journal) 9, 256, 50, 59, 613, 72, top journals 185


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330 In search of research excellence

blinders 2767, 280, 2823 complementary 20, 223, 58

board 8, 82, 1245, 148, 152, 262, 264, fit 57, 11, 223, 267
292 complexity 1516, 109
board members 122, 148 concepts 10, 35, 73, 94, 1046, 109,
editorial review 75, 86, 122, 1245, 160, 165, 174, 176, 231, 2334, 269
135, 148, 152, 157, 169, 179, conceptual works 166
225, 242, 251, 264, 266, 28081, conference 3, 5, 8, 1416, 18, 20, 23,
313 35, 56, 84, 924, 168, 1757,
book 34, 20, 27, 31, 356, 38, 86, 28792, 2945, 299303
1034, 109, 186, 231, 273 conflict 95, 182, 309
busiest intersections 15, 287 conjoint analysis 2289
business 3, 11, 26, 4950, 52, 578, 60, Connecticut Center for
81, 92, 99, 116, 142, 144, 2878, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
3089, 31418 (CCEI) 2878, 292, 294
business disciplines 57, 5960, 64 constraints 37, 1056, 108, 110
business school deans 53, 568 content 578, 634, 108, 111, 120, 125,
business schools 44, 50, 53, 567, 85, 256, 259, 312
889, 95, 106, 122, 216, 2878, context 22, 38, 46, 48, 54, 62, 71, 77,
316, 318 82, 127, 12932, 200201, 21718,
245, 270, 2823
careers 78, 14, 33, 37, 63, 66, 71, 80, contributions 12, 26, 41, 77, 99100,
84, 91, 99, 126, 128, 1645, 2356, 147, 151, 17980, 196, 2334,
301 2379, 2735, 277, 280, 2823,
certification 24041, 245, 315 3078
challenges 61, 66, 70, 778, 88, 282, new 273
288, 308 significant 150, 179
(of) entrepreneurship scholars CONTRIBUTOR AND
publishing 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, REFERENCE INDEX 325
81 conversation 22, 43, 459, 512, 545,
Challenges We Face as 78, 87, 187, 1935, 2014, 2078,
Entrepreneurship Scholars 214, 21718, 255, 275, 291
Publishing in Top Journals core entrepreneurship journals 202
(Keynote, Duane Ireland) 70 courage 50, 232
chasm 8990 craft 34, 14, 127, 220, 277, 2823, 291,
choices 13, 16, 23, 32, 39, 79, 134, 2969
1612, 1667, 226, 245, 2612, creation 92, 1078, 119
264, 266 new venture 1056, 308
citations 4, 13, 33, 38, 163 creative process 105, 107
climate 6, 8 critical feedback 1112, 24
clock, evaluation time 26, 61 critics, constructive 34
cognitions, entrepreneurial 117, 119, cultural differences 309
178 culture 6, 8, 92, 250
collaborations 33, 71, 81 cumulative impact 445
collaborators 334, 36, 74, 103
columns, from the editors 121, 125 dataset 61, 1456, 151, 272, 27880
combinations 32, 109, 11112, 223, unique 145
237, 258, 277 days 18, 25, 38, 49, 51, 53, 64, 68, 91,
communities 14, 102, 121, 130, 140, 100, 1023, 1467, 1589, 1834,
144, 177, 233 231, 300301
compatibility 5, 7, 223 early 51, 64, 846

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Subject index 331

demands 57, 1011, 1520, 23, 25, 27, Academy of Management Review 154
89, 114 Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
department head 187, 207, 289, 302 173
dependent variables 67, 78, 108, Journal of Applied Psychology 182
11920, 212, 244, 2789 Journal of Business Venturing 192
descriptive research 17, 86, 236 Journal of Management 210
design 75, 1056, 11314, 19091, 277, Journal of Management Studies 222
297 Organization Science 240
process 1056, 113 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
development 253
economic 46, 48, 89 Strategic Management Journal 268
international 46 editorial
dialogues 45, 8, 15, 2021, 735, 78, direction 62, 123
157, 162, 187, 196, 202, 2078, 298 mission 76, 78, 82, 126, 149
diamond 11, 23, 144, 161, 170, 251 process 126, 229
differences 910, 31, 378, 43, 4951, team 185, 1889, 2234
60, 767, 82, 90, 126, 131, 135, editorial board see board, editorial
165, 182, 192, 2024 review
direction 52, 64, 81, 223, 2478, 251, editors 214, 267, 3940, 656, 7582,
261, 296, 304 1214, 1268, 1357, 1412,
disciplines 15, 17, 5760, 65, 73, 81, 14750, 1825, 2013, 21011,
845, 9092, 100, 1235, 184, 231, 2456, 25861, 31518
251, 287, 2989, 310 action 147, 152, 176, 242, 260
discovery 76, 104, 1078, 113, 222, 227, comments 173, 182, 217, 222, 253,
281, 317 301
process 105, 281 exceptional 21, 261
dissertation 26, 99, 226, 265, 2713, JOM strategy/entrepreneurship 216
divisions 94, 121, 165, 187, 218, 290, efficacy 61, 117, 195, 197
302 effort 7, 11, 16, 18, 20, 245, 52, 58, 65,
doctoral students 10, 14, 87, 94, 978, 77, 103, 1436, 149, 16970, 183,
2245, 232, 235, 237, 269, 276, 3012
279, 282, 316 elevator pitches 155, 174, 210, 223, 253
domain 5, 57, 726, 812, 923, 108, emergence 116, 11820
12021, 129, 136, 145, 170, 176, empirical context 16, 100, 102
180, 187, 21011, 310 empirical research 139, 164, 307
distinctive 92, 103, 11012, 118 employees 67, 23, 47
donors 53, 60, 88 entities 56, 270, 275
downsides, potential 912, 128 entrepreneurial
draft 26, 356, 61, 155, 1589, 170 context 79, 127, 132, 155, 195, 205,
dynamics 159, 163, 1756, 196 214, 217
initiatives 134
economic development 46, 48, 89 opportunities 48, 74, 7980, 97, 99,
economics 15, 46, 50, 52, 55, 73, 90, 101, 1037, 10911, 113, 156, 226
106, 123, 231, 240, 254, 272, 279, entrepreneurial orientation 13940,
287, 311 317
economists 47, 52, 55, 81, 177, 244 entrepreneurs 1618, 1034, 1078,
economy, informal 745, 12930 11718, 13031, 1334, 140, 145,
EDITOR/AUTHOR SESSIONS 1556, 1834, 1934, 2056, 218,
Academy of Management Journal 139 223, 22931, 24041

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332 In search of research excellence

entrepreneurship 5660, 715, 81, entrepreneurship research excellence 3,

8495, 99101, 1039, 113, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23,
11718, 12023, 12830, 1868, 25, 27
200208, 21114, 2568, 28790, Entrepreneurship Research Excellence
30818 Initiative 2878, 290, 3012
activities 467, 74, 312 Entrepreneurship Research: Past,
context 131, 205 Present and Future (Keynote,
social 79 Patricia McDougall) 84
dark side of 1289 entrepreneurship scholars publishing
domain 72, 75, 80, 92, 120, 148, 179, 7071, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 223
195, 208, 211, 218 entrepreneurship theories 745, 1323,
education 578, 60, 65 208, 225, 237, 254, 317
emergence of 74, 210 Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice see
environmental 127, 129 ET&P
field 57, 60, 64, 213, 222, 297 EDITOR/AUTHOR SESSION 173
Interest Group 8, 85, 87 MISSION EXCERPT 3089
international 789, 88 environments 5, 9, 2022, 47, 1056,
journey 86 130, 187, 207, 241, 245
papers 121, 135, 147, 189 tier research 8, 19, 24
practice of 310 ET&P (Entrepreneurship Theory &
programs 60, 95 Practice) 14, 77, 87, 116, 173, 175,
research 58, 84, 87, 90, 151, 268 177, 179, 204, 3089
conversation 274 European tradition 151, 237
scholars 9, 51, 59, 73, 758, 80, 82, evaluation 5, 58, 226
86, 88, 9091, 100101, 104, event title start time end time 31418
122, 126, 129, 136 excerpts 7, 20
serial 1935, 201 excitement 889, 91
successful 74, 104, 227 exemplar papers 104, 144
work 75, 123, 136 Exemplars Conference 45, 78, 11,
Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial 19, 27, 75, 97, 104, 1223, 136,
Opportunity: Made as Well as 222, 291, 302
Found (Keynote, Sankaran Entrepreneurship Research
(Venkat) Venkataraman) 97 Exemplars Conference 287, 300,
Entrepreneurship Division 8, 58, 71, 314
84, 87, 173, 182, 187, 268, 29091, first Entrepreneurship Research 3
2945, 298 experience 1618, 2021, 24, 267, 31,
entrepreneurship journals 203 3840, 5051, 989, 1434, 1746,
general 1223 1834, 2256, 2345, 243, 282,
specialized 59 300301
specialty niche 176 effort commitment 6
entrepreneurship research 567, 5961, personal 17, 39, 53, 158
63, 70, 75, 82, 849, 93, 95, 1069, world of 269
111, 11314, 11623, 21415, expertise 135, 178, 196, 212, 214, 225,
2547, 30913 234, 242, 271, 301, 304
oriented 120 exploratory analyses 199
publishing 139, 173
quality 3, 59, 80, 290, 299 fabrication 105
Entrepreneurship Research and the faculty 64, 923, 95, 159, 1645, 235,
Maturation of the Field (Keynote, 2489, 289
Michael Hitt) 56 junior 14, 345, 235, 2489

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Subject index 333

failure 46, 789, 101, 113, 1289, 193, Research and the Maturation of
206 the Field 56
familiness 174 home, natural 22, 1934, 196
family business 14, 1747, 179, 204 hours 31, 38, 196, 200, 215, 220
fault 272, 298 hypotheses 151, 164, 199, 232, 275
feedback 12, 21, 267, 613, 67, 77,
1445, 147, 149, 152, 157, 162, imagination 1819, 25, 27, 4041, 289,
1667, 170, 220, 228 312
field 1618, 389, 434, 5667, 747, implications 445, 50, 646, 102,
81, 847, 9092, 97101, 11719, 11214, 1435, 177, 220
17980, 2078, 2889, 2968, incentives 55
3079, 311 inclusiveness 8, 84, 92
legitimate 186, 207 Indiana University 72, 867, 95, 206,
field journals 198, 204 31418
firms 13, 43, 45, 713, 80, 120, 1334, individuals 56, 8, 13, 2022, 25, 49,
151, 241, 2545, 268, 2713, 277, 71, 79, 119, 130, 1334, 148, 155,
282, 318 229, 254, 291
entrepreneurial 87, 127 industries 133, 140, 192, 270
family 127, 1745 information 7, 31, 38, 170, 184, 1867,
large 712 199, 2023, 2078, 254, 256, 259,
fit 57, 1011, 13, 15, 1823, 25, 27, 40, 281, 291, 2968
92, 156, 15960, 183, 187, 193, innovation 54, 7071, 125, 12830,
212, 214 253, 272, 2889, 294, 302, 304,
fit model 57, 19, 23 31112
flexibility 17, 52, 25051, 263, 2656 instrumental 13, 32, 43
flow 5, 65, 74, 11719, 121, 123, 128, integration, vertical 269, 273
140, 215, 291 intention, entrepreneurial 210, 316
foreground 100, 200201, 204 interact 14, 56, 94, 201, 271
forums, special research 72, 88, 125 interaction, enlightening editor/author
foundation 7, 7071, 734, 88, 1034, 3
152, 162, 173, 300 interdisciplinary 578, 73, 263
frame 45, 7, 174, 183, 185, 223 interest 14, 22, 54, 7074, 80, 82, 89,
framing 133, 164, 184, 187, 277 91, 945, 1056, 120, 125, 1278,
funding 89, 95, 97 131, 146, 214
glossary 227, 2334 questions 45, 82, 91, 141, 146, 151,
goals 6, 89, 17, 2021, 34, 43, 50, 60, 155, 192, 219, 2267, 246,
63, 174, 1834, 190, 298, 3034 271
gold 13, 32, 159 research 70
graduate school 16, 389, 226 scholarship 10, 77, 7980
great scholar 13, 32, 254, 273 completing 10, 77
guild 45, 7, 1012, 2021, 2956, interesting experience 478
2989 interestingness 80, 142
guild structure similar to academe international business 87
2957 intersection 15, 81, 258, 287
inventions 312
handling (action) editor 242, 245, investments 88, 95, 171, 192, 2545,
247 270
HITT, MICHAEL KEYNOTE invitation 92, 97, 124, 298
ADDRESS: Entrepreneurship IPOs 254, 256

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334 In search of research excellence

Ireland, Duane 33, 70, 8082, 86, Journal of Applied Psychology see JAP
9091, 11922, 1245, 127, 129, EDITOR/AUTHOR SESSION 182
133, 136, 14042, 14652, 160, MISSION EXCERPT 309
169, 238 Journal of Business 142, 316
IRELAND, DUANE KEYNOTE Journal of Business Venturing see JBV
as Entrepreneurship Scholars 192
Publishing in Top Journals 70 MISSION EXCERPT 30910
Journal of Management see JOM
JAP (Journal of Applied Psychology) EDITOR/AUTHOR SESSION 210
18, 165, 18291, 185, 216, 309, 318 MISSION EXCERPT 310
JBV (Journal of Business Venturing) Journal of Management review issue
10, 22, 25, 65, 778, 87, 101, 218
11617, 120, 124, 142, 187, 1925, Journal of Management Studies see
1979, 2018, 233 JMS
JMS (Journal of Management Studies) EDITOR/AUTHOR SESSION 222
14, 116, 120, 123, 1267, 141, MISSION EXCERPT 31011
2225, 2279, 231, 2339, 31011 Journal of Management Studies and
JOM (Journal of Management) 12, SAMS 302
589, 734, 87, 101, 1412, 199, Journal of Mike Studies (joke) 236
21011, 213, 21521, 223, 234, Journal of Small Business Management
238, 307, 310, 31516 85
journal 26, 589, 613, 758, 8082, journal publishing process 251
857, 97103, 13942, 1847, journal purposes (mission statement
2024, 2068, 2225, 2424, excerpts, various) 30713
2578, 2626, 30711 journals field 59
academy 82, 234, 291 journey 62, 7071, 75, 84, 86, 155
broad management 234 journeypersons 4
elite 206 judgment 66, 78, 80, 108, 126, 148, 259,
general management 58, 75, 120, 261
1223, 135, 141, 228 junior scholars 13, 32, 378, 43, 67, 88,
good 62, 199, 204 925, 225, 247, 263, 303
key 59, 87
mainstream 100, 200 keynote 34, 710, 1314, 1619, 26,
new 75, 255, 260, 263 33, 84, 116, 200, 237, 258, 265,
next 98, 101, 228 269, 298, 31415, 31718
niche 122, 183, 207 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES
premier 185, 262 Aldrich, Howard: Mindful
respected 59, 311 Scholarship 31
reviewed 110 Barney, Jay: The Missing
scholarly 173, 3089 Conversation 43
sister 256, 262 Hitt, Michael: Entrepreneurship
specialty 58, 120 Research and the Maturation
specialty management 122 of the Field 56
journal editors 34, 52, 70, 77, 116, 258, Ireland, Duane: Challenges We Face
292, 301 as Entrepreneurship Scholars
journal level 184, 242 Publishing in Top Journals 70
journal mission 154, 253, 265 McDougall, Patricia:
journal mission statement excerpts Entrepreneurship Research:
30713 Past, Present and Future 84

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Subject index 335

Venkataraman, Sankaran: management research 45, 58, 71, 311

Entrepreneurship and Management Science (MS) 101
Entrepreneurial Opportunity: management theory 48, 139, 268, 307
Made as Well as Found 97 managers 9, 1617, 39, 435, 205, 234
kids 489 manuscript flow 117, 1213, 126
knowledge 3, 7, 9, 25, 55, 65, 76, manuscripts 26, 613, 66, 124, 128,
1057, 111, 113, 117, 171, 217, 1356, 139, 142, 163, 169, 1857,
224, 234, 251 216, 251, 299, 307, 310
marketing 59, 81, 90, 92, 123, 184, 207,
lag effect 64 229, 231
language 105, 1089, 111, 162, 217, 234 markets 456, 1034, 1078, 11014,
leadership 87, 182, 268, 298, 309, 225, 240, 257, 270, 287
31314 matter 9, 19, 40, 43, 51, 103, 113, 187,
learning 3, 7, 11, 14, 19, 234, 41, 60, 200, 205, 239, 257, 26970, 273,
634, 82, 113, 116, 1312, 158, 279, 283
17071, 3034 maturation 567, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67
legitimacy 17, 579, 64, 845, 8991, MCDOUGALL, PATRICIA
1867, 198, 235, 241 KEYNOTE ADDRESS:
legitimacy of entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Research: Past,
research 59, 867 Present and Future 84
letters 25, 856, 143, 147, 184, 190, mediation 150
225, 2423, 2478 members 1519, 27, 73, 75, 82, 123,
level 12, 17, 47, 1324, 144, 1556, 160, 132, 152, 187, 295
175, 1878, 1923, 216, 2289, meta 5, 125, 21015, 316
233, 242, 249, 270 methods, empirical 13940, 307
leverage 49, 92, 175, 279 microphone 134, 1635, 179, 1889,
limitations 196, 213, 2734 201, 203, 206, 218, 280, 302
literature 356, 74, 102, 104, 106, 110, Mindful Scholarship (Keynote,
16061, 16971, 176, 193, 195, Howard Aldrich) 31
198, 219, 226, 273, 283 missing conversation 43, 45, 47, 49, 51,
loans 45, 545 53, 55
log jam 21415 Missing Conversation, The (Keynote,
lyrics 18, 293, 303 Jay Barney) 43
lyrics of songs 18, 303 mission 43, 78, 812, 89, 135, 154, 173,
198, 2023, 222, 251, 255, 262,
mainstream 878, 100102, 195, 2656, 269, 307
200201, 229, 236, 294 journals 78, 154, 173, 3089
management 89, 434, 50, 5860, 64, mission statements by journal 30713
71, 73, 76, 1424, 21011, 21517, model 56, 47, 110, 155, 165, 199, 223,
2212, 283, 3078, 31011, 31518 226, 23031, 295
general 123, 126 moderator 11, 1415, 19, 22, 116, 154,
human resource 31011 1723, 182, 210, 222, 240, 253,
management discipline 124 255, 268
Management, Academy of: momentum 15860, 1689, 261, 288,
Entrepreneurship Divisions 292, 302, 304
Research Excellence Initiative 294 money 48, 60, 72, 88, 95, 231, 264,
management entrepreneurship research 302
203 movie 13, 32, 198
management field 100, 139, 251, 307 MS (Management Science) 101
management practice 139, 307 multi- 10, 77, 122, 1324, 188, 258, 279

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336 In search of research excellence

multiple 187, 206, 241, 245, 287, 297, 300,

actions 58 3079, 312, 315
authorships 33 orientation, entrepreneurial 13940,
contributions 71 317
data sets 280 OS (Organization Science) 21, 101,
dependent variables 279 141, 166, 184, 194, 216, 236,
disciplines, domains 92, 203, 217, 24045, 247, 24951, 269, 311, 315
257 outlets 22, 90, 1234, 182, 194, 224,
discussion points 129 2557, 263, 298, 309
(of) efforts 169 outline, conceptual 357
forms (of policy capturing) 229 overconfidence 193, 195, 198, 205
levels 80, 187 owners 268, 270, 2756, 318
meetings 129
observations 259 panel 117, 123, 125, 129, 1312, 141,
pages of responses to reviewers 179 248, 2657, 272
perspectives 15, 19, 1234, 128, 154, papers presented (conference order)
203, 213, 254, 256, 308 31418
questions 279 paragraph 35, 159, 166, 184
rejections 193 Parisian model 295
research streams 21, 261 particular field editors 124
sets of inputs 259 partners 176, 1923
(of) thought 170 passion 23, 120, 155, 16061, 165, 167,
topics 56 238
units of analysis 93 entrepreneurial 1556, 314
uses of data 278 paths 1213, 27, 32, 101, 155, 162, 216,
ventures 140 2245, 238, 246, 293, 295
musician 14, 235 pedestrian walkways 15, 287
myth 3, 27, 300 peers 11, 34, 110, 1634, 217, 220,
2489, 300
narratives 45, 78, 11, 15, 1920, 23, performance 5, 60, 140, 145, 151,
25, 27, 310 21011, 213, 270, 275, 283, 296,
negative effects 140 301, 316
new field editors 124 new venture 139, 144, 151, 317
norms 6, 8, 10, 34 relative 119
notepad 129 peril 260
number 23, 37, 47, 53, 579, 72, 75, 81, perseverance 1618, 256, 612, 99
878, 11617, 1212, 1412, person 57, 1921, 235, 33, 35, 38, 60,
1667, 2246, 2634, 289 65, 68, 80, 90, 2467, 24950, 260,
282, 2957
OB (organizational behavior) 44, 94, young 3034
186, 191, 257, 279 personality 6, 20, 21012, 214, 218, 316
Ohio State University, The 48, 49, 73, perspective 9, 11, 15, 19, 23, 44, 70, 75,
85, 291, 302, 304, 315 92, 114, 11718, 16061, 165,
operational start 24041, 315 1947, 227, 308
optimism 140, 145, 197 phenomena 45, 26, 31, 7980, 90, 99,
order, conference schedule 31415, 317 1056, 1267, 133, 135, 149,
Organization Science see OS 2056, 227, 274, 277
EDITOR/AUTHOR SESSION 240 entrepreneurial 123, 131, 205, 310
MISSION EXCERPT 311 ping 294
organizations 56, 8, 15, 52, 79, 154, playing 200, 229, 2356, 251

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Subject index 337

pluralism, journal welcomes 310 research craft 4, 11, 265, 291

policy 53, 55, 229, 310 research design 34, 182, 279
economic 9, 43, 456 research excellence 34, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,
population, general 145 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 267, 32, 34, 36,
post 163, 207, 223, 234, 2634 29092
preferences are given (from discovery Research Excellence Initiative 222,
to creation) 108 291, 298
presentations 6061, 934, 248, 295 Research Exemplars Conference 294,
problems 17, 22, 35, 523, 66, 100101, 297
113, 1323, 14950, 194, 2278, research
2445, 255, 26970, 277, 2823 interesting theoretical 130
process 35, 2021, 27, 101, 112, 120, new 161, 294
1258, 146, 1568, 16870, 1948, problem 66, 102
21619, 2424, 2546, 2767, projects 17, 39, 61
29092 questions 25, 44, 62, 74, 77, 99, 104,
coaching 281 1323, 148, 258
entrepreneurial 120, 206, 210, 238, strategy 144, 167, 2623
254, 312 streams, multiple 21, 261
legitimation 241 team 21, 243
production 1011, 1617, 25 traditions 236, 270
products 48, 94, 104, 110, 24041, 254, researcher 128, 190, 231
271 resources 6, 1112, 1415, 45, 545, 65,
profession 1314, 32, 612, 135, 2956 111, 113, 174, 205, 2223, 241,
project 12, 26, 36, 44, 612, 68, 155, 2545, 258, 270, 31516
159, 192, 266, 278 respondents 18, 778, 183
prospecting 13, 32, 379 resubmit 25, 34, 61, 1423, 15051,
psychology 13, 15, 32, 60, 106, 117, 196, 217, 244
123, 155, 183, 187, 21113, 229, review(s) 11, 61, 87, 90, 98, 145, 1479,
240, 287, 308, 311 1512, 157, 178, 189, 194, 196,
publishing career 2945, 297, 299 21720, 225, 242
purpose, human 105 brutal, bloody 244
pushback 150 first 142, 146, 196, 246
review process 11, 234, 66, 143, 155,
Q&A 50, 63, 163, 178, 201, 244, 247, 16062, 170, 197, 213, 242, 244,
260 251, 261, 2812
quality research 1718, 5963, 94, 258, reviewerauthor interchange 23
265, 299, 301 reviewer comments 171, 227
quality reviewers 265, 280 reviewer pool 124, 281
questions, fair 205 reviewers 223, 267, 99102, 1356,
14252, 1567, 16062, 16572,
R&R (revise and resubmit) 25, 26, 34, 17580, 184, 1949, 21117,
40, 61, 63, 142, 196, 199, 201, 217, 2428, 25861, 2737, 28081
220, 232, 244 assigning 148, 258
high-risk 26, 61, 196 best 157, 247
recombinations 111 external 856
process 105 good 225, 243, 247
refinement 274, 276 qualitative 136
reputation 64, 190, 193, 250, 311 revisions 151, 158, 1856, 189, 201,
research agendas 9, 43 217, 220, 224, 238, 256, 262
research area, initial 16, 39 rewards 1213, 58, 65

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338 In search of research excellence

road 5, 21415 signals 67, 1245, 166

roadways 15, 287 skills 45, 7, 14, 16, 1819, 25, 27, 37,
robustness 102, 199200 40, 45, 67, 71, 131, 235, 246, 289
room 35, 39, 50, 589, 62, 70, 756, 86, SMJ (Strategic Management Journal)
94, 97, 126, 159, 225, 289, 292, 303 24, 34, 52, 73, 87, 101, 166, 185,
room floor 196, 198, 231 216, 256, 2624, 2689, 2715,
rounds 195, 238, 276 2779, 2814, 313
SMJ editor/author session 24
SAMS (Society for the Advancement social entrepreneurship 52, 54, 79, 127
of Management Studies) 222, 291, society 13, 50, 80, 93, 106, 113, 222,
304 253, 265, 291, 308, 312
Sarbanes 46 Society for the Advancement of
Saunders 1356 Management Studies (SAMS)
savings 45, 545 222, 291, 304
scarves 49 Socrates 3034
scholars 3, 78, 14, 37, 445, 47, 50, 59, songs 18, 293, 303
612, 7074, 769, 812, 9092, space 35, 74, 79, 109, 112, 121, 15960,
2345, 297, 3034, 30810 195, 199, 222, 248
younger 589, 102, 124, 155, 157, fuzzy 2623
196 special issues 723, 87, 119, 126, 132,
scholarship 910, 45, 512, 70, 72, 76, 155, 1759, 188, 199, 204, 290
80, 111, 204, 223 specialty entrepreneurship journals 122
mindful 31, 33, 357, 39, 41 spot 84, 119, 1634, 2034, 208
school 4751, 86, 89, 934, 122, 207, standards 63, 66, 95, 178, 217, 258,
289, 31516 2956, 298
School, Kelley 92, 31418 start 14, 24, 26, 45, 80, 88, 979, 117,
sciences 13, 323, 60, 1046, 118, 157, 127, 12930, 134, 142, 206, 2356,
217, 281, 311 270, 28082
natural 33 started thinking 489
social 34, 33, 64 status 4, 193, 195, 199
search engine strategies (SES) 94 stone 17, 36, 623
SEJ (Strategic Entrepreneurship story 22, 256, 41, 48, 61, 77, 97, 99,
Journal) 14, 21, 36, 60, 63, 75, 87, 103, 112, 1623, 228, 233, 245,
117, 2024, 206, 233, 250, 253, 2767, 303
2559, 2617, 312 theoretical 77, 199
senior editors 12, 156, 173, 240, 2457, strategic entrepreneurship 734, 119,
291 255, 312, 315
senior scholars 9, 12, 14, 345, 37, 43, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal see
51, 127, 164, 235 SEJ
SES (Society for Entrepreneurship EDITOR/AUTHOR SESSION 253
Scholars) 94 MISSION EXCERPT 312
serial strategic management 58, 64, 73, 81,
behavior 205 91, 180, 240, 254, 275, 283, 311,
entrepreneurial process 206 313, 318
entrepreneurship 1935, 201, 231 Strategic Management Journal see
overconfidence, founders confidence SMJ
sessions 14, 20, 32, 41, 63, 678, 70, 74, MISSION EXCERPT 313
76, 170, 187, 201, 208, 2578, strategic resource allocation 268, 313
2656, 295 strategy 13, 15, 446, 50, 54, 9091,

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Subject index 339

11920, 1612, 1657, 186, 241, tent, big and small 1225
2568, 2623, 269, 283, 31112 entrepreneurship journals 122
better 35 journal 12021
legitimation 24041 tenure 13, 58, 62, 85, 156, 194, 207,
prospecting 13, 32 242, 2634, 270
term 263 tenure process 85, 126, 248
strategy terms 1012, 2021, 25, 467, 95, 97,
field 269, 2789 11819, 1212, 125, 1412, 1467,
folks 2567 1856, 18991, 2024, 2334,
research 256, 26970 2612
scholars 256, 272 terrifying 36
strengths 21, 150, 167, 228, 244, 281 themes 8, 73, 1034, 11621, 123, 125,
structure, underlying 4 127, 129, 131, 133, 135, 245, 253,
student sample 131 261
students 1617, 21, 24, 334, 36, 39, 48, theoretical
60, 66, 131, 1635, 215, 244, 249, contributions 13940, 1456, 165,
282, 295 17980, 307
graduate 13, 32, 345, 37 frameworks 45
stuff 12, 35, 37, 40, 48, 64, 98, 100, 109, insights, new 154, 3078
163, 229, 231, 246, 277, 279, perspectives 123, 186, 205, 265
3034 work 154, 167, 205, 308
subjectivism 254, 315 theorist 10, 98
submissions, initial 1613, 215 theory 10, 24, 456, 545, 734, 989,
submitters 1678 1324, 146, 14951, 1635,
submitting authors 157 199200, 2434, 274, 2767, 282,
subset 109, 123 31214
summaries 356, 107 based 489, 174
supplementary fit 6, 8, 2022 communication 311
supplies 67, 1012, 1415, 1920, 23, economic 52, 156
48 endogenous growth 46
supply side 11314 fundamental 280
survey 578, 125, 1845, 191, 277 helping 17071
sweet 193, 240 new 308
syndicate 192, 199 organization 44, 240, 308, 311
system 52, 65, 124, 207, 298 times 164
theory journal 154
takeaway 236, 265 theory papers, better 167
task 4, 6, 9, 1112, 1517, 20, 23, 25, top 35, 727, 33, 36, 3940, 77, 79, 94,
76, 86, 161, 225 989, 101, 103, 169, 219, 264,
taxes 467 2978, 300301
teach 17, 39, 48, 58, 636, 102, 11314, top journals 3, 11, 20, 256, 4950, 61,
227, 238, 287 7071, 878, 90, 97, 99, 101,
teaching 434, 60, 645, 76, 114, 131 11012, 1445, 166, 185
team top research schools 85, 88
authoring 233, 237 top-tier 14, 33, 170, 216, 298
entrepreneurial 208, 254 entrepreneurship journals 264
top management 1867 entrepreneurship research 3, 15
technology 16, 19, 41, 47, 65, 110, journal editor 9
1289, 182, 184, 302, 309, 312 journals 33, 3940, 77, 79, 94, 169,
tenacity 18, 303 216, 244, 264, 298

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340 In search of research excellence

research 10, 20, 22, 298 Entrepreneurial Opportunity:

research guild 78, 1121, 247 Made as Well as Found 97
research guild environment 7 venture capital 22, 127, 194, 200, 229,
research guild supplies 234 264
work 168, 169, 2978 ventures 18, 104, 109, 119, 183, 186,
topics 14, 24, 36, 50, 567, 61, 70, 103, 1923, 230
11920, 1756, 179, 1945, 2034, entrepreneurial 65, 7980, 120
2745, 309, 313 venturing, corporate 79, 11920
transformation 3, 1089, 312 village 489, 301
transformative process 105, 109 vocabulary 111, 233
transition 14, 38, 1589, 189, 235 volunteers 34, 1789, 190, 211, 225
treasures 13, 32, 257
tricks 248, 297 water 22, 118, 194, 302, 304
welcome 31, 84, 98, 139, 154, 190, 222,
universities 26, 57, 61, 65, 75, 889, 95, 240, 253, 268, 287, 295, 299300,
206, 300, 302 307, 311, 314
University of Connecticut 10, 41, 178, why I rejected your paper 162, 168
207, 2878, 2912, 302, 316, 318 wife 68, 269, 292
unpack 27071 women 489, 119, 292
workshop 61
values 6, 89, 2022, 50, 56, 63, 78, 86, world 1416, 24, 43, 46, 50, 56, 76, 85,
89, 99, 171, 253, 255, 2645, 889, 91, 94, 1069, 126, 287,
312 2912, 31112
varieties 1415, 19, 102, 1057, 109, world problems 269
112, 117, 154, 240, 257, 3078, 311 worldmaking 10910
VENKATARAMAN, SANKARAN worldmaking processes 10910, 113
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: worldviews 104, 106
Entrepreneurship and worry 53, 667, 913, 95, 199, 205, 279

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