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Basic Statistics

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Basic Statistics
An Introduction with R

Michigan State University


University of California at Riverside


Lanham • Boulder • New York • Toronto • Plymouth, UK

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Published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Raykov, Tenko, author.
Basic statistics : an introduction with R / Tenko Raykov and George A. Marcoulides.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4422-1846-8 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4422-1847-5 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Mathematical statistics—Data processing. 2. R (Computer program language) I. Marcoulides,
George A., author. II. Title.
QA276.45.R3R39 2012

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Preface xi

1 Statistics and Data 1

1.1. Statistics as a science 1
1.2. Collecting data 4
1.3. Why study statistics? 5

2 An Introduction to Descriptive Statistics: Data Description and Graphical

Representation 7
2.1. Descriptive statistics 7
2.2. Graphical means of data description for a single variable 8
2.2.1. Reading data into R 9
2.2.2. Graphical representation of data 11 Pie charts and barplots 13 Graphical representation of quantitative variables 18

3 Data Description: Measures of Central Tendency and Variability 23

3.1. Measures of central tendency 23
3.1.1. The mode 23
3.1.2. The median 25
3.1.3. The mean 27
3.2. Measures of variability 30
3.3. The boxplot 36
3.3.1. Quartiles 36
3.3.2. Definition of the boxplot and its empirical construction 38
3.3.3. Boxplots and comparison of groups of scores 40

4 Probability 43
4.1. The importance of probability 43
4.2. Definition of probability 43
4.2.1. Classical definition 44
4.2.2. Relative frequency definition 44
4.2.3. Subjective definition 45
4.3. Evaluation of event probability 45
4.4. Basic relations between events and their probabilities 48
4.5. Conditional probability and independence 50

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4.5.1. Defining conditional probability 50

4.5.2. Event independence 52
4.6. Bayes’ theorem 52

5 Probability Distributions of Random Variables 55

5.1. Random variables 55
5.2. Probability distributions for discrete random variables 56
5.2.1. A start-up example 56
5.2.2. The binomial distribution 58
5.2.3. The Poisson distribution 63
5.3. Probability distributions for continuous random variables 65
5.3.1. The normal distribution 67 Probability density function 68 Graphing a normal distribution 68 Mean and variance of a normal distribution 70 The standard normal distribution 71
5.3.2. z-scores 72
5.3.3. How to obtain z-scores in empirical research 74
5.4. The normal distribution and areas under the normal density curve 75
5.5. Percentiles of the normal distribution 78
5.6. Using published statistical tables to work out normal probabilities 79

6 Random Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem 81

6.1. Random sampling distribution 81
6.1.1. Random sample 81
6.1.2. Sampling distribution 83
6.2. The random sampling distribution of the mean 85
6.2.1. Mean and variance of the random sampling distribution of the
mean 86
6.2.2. Standard error of the mean 87
6.3. The central limit theorem 88
6.3.1. The central limit theorem as a large-sample statement 89
6.3.2. When is normality obtained for a finite sample? 89
6.3.3. How large a sample size is sufficient for the central limit
theorem to be valid? 90
6.3.4. The central limit theorem for sums of random variables 91
6.3.5. Revisiting the random sampling distribution concept 92
6.3.6. An application of the central limit theorem 93
6.4. Assessing the normality assumption for a population distribution 94

7 Inferences about Single Population Means 99

7.1. Population parameters 99
7.2. Parameter estimation and hypothesis testing 100
7.3. Point and interval estimation of the mean 100
7.3.1. Point estimation 100
7.3.2. Interval estimation 101
7.3.3. Standard normal distribution quantiles for use in confidence
intervals 105

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7.3.4. How good is an estimate, and what affects the width of a

confidence interval? 107
7.4. Choosing sample size for estimating the mean 109
7.5. Testing hypotheses about population means 111
7.5.1. Statistical testing, hypotheses, and test statistics 111
7.5.2. Rejection regions 113
7.5.3. The ‘‘assumption’’ of statistical hypothesis testing 113
7.5.4. A general form of a z-test 116
7.5.5. Significance level 117
7.6. Two types of possible error in statistical hypothesis testing 118
7.6.1. Type I and Type II errors 120
7.6.2. Statistical power 120
7.6.3. Type I error and significance level 121
7.6.4. Have we proved the null or alternative hypothesis? 121
7.6.5. One-tailed tests 123 Alternative hypothesis of mean larger than a
prespecified number 124 Alternative hypothesis of mean smaller than a
prespecified number 125 Advantages and drawbacks of one-tailed tests 127 Extensions to one-tailed null hypotheses 127 One- and two-tailed tests at other significance levels 129
7.7. The concept of p-value 130
7.8. Hypothesis testing using confidence intervals 135

8 Inferences about Population Means When Variances Are Unknown 137

8.1. The t-ratio and t-distribution 137
8.1.1. Degrees of freedom 138
8.1.2. Properties of the t-distribution 139
8.2. Hypothesis testing about the mean with unknown standard deviation 143
8.2.1. Percentiles of the t-distribution 143
8.2.2. Confidence interval and testing hypotheses about a given
population mean 144
8.2.3. One-tailed t-tests 147
8.2.4. Inference for a single mean at another significance level 147
8.3. Inferences about differences of two independent means 149
8.3.1. Point and interval estimation of the difference in two
independent population means 150
8.3.2. Hypothesis testing about the difference in two independent
population means 152
8.3.3. The case of unequal variances 156
8.4. Inferences about mean differences for related samples 157
8.4.1. The sampling distribution of the mean difference for two
related samples 158

9 Inferences about Population Variances 161

9.1. Estimation and testing of hypotheses about a single population
variance 161
9.1.1. Variance estimation 161

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9.1.2. The random sampling distribution of the sample variance 162

9.1.3. Percentiles of the chi-square distribution 164
9.1.4. Confidence interval for the population variance 165
9.1.5. Testing hypotheses about a single variance 166
9.2. Inferences about two independent population variances 167
9.2.1. The F-distribution 167
9.2.2. Percentiles of the F-distribution 169
9.2.3. Confidence interval for the ratio of two independent
population variances 170

10 Analysis of Categorical Data 173

10.1. Inferences about a population probability (proportion) 173
10.2. Inferences about the difference between two population probabilities
(proportions) 176
10.3. Inferences about several proportions 178
10.3.1. The multinomial distribution 178
10.3.2. Testing hypotheses about multinomial probabilities 179
10.4. Testing categorical variable independence in contingency tables 182
10.4.1. Contingency tables 183
10.4.2. Joint and marginal distributions 183
10.4.3. Testing variable independence 184

11 Correlation 189
11.1. Relationship between a pair of random variables 189
11.2. Graphical trend of variable association 190
11.3. The covariance coefficient 193
11.4. The correlation coefficient 196
11.5. Linear transformation invariance of the correlation coefficient 201
11.6. Is there a discernible linear relationship pattern between two variables
in a studied population? 202
11.7. Cautions when interpreting a correlation coefficient 205

12 Simple Linear Regression 209

12.1. Dependent and independent variables 209
12.2. Intercept and slope 210
12.3. Estimation of model parameters (model fitting) 213
12.4. How good is the simple regression model? 216
12.4.1. Model residuals and the standard error of estimate 216
12.4.2. The coefficient of determination 217
12.5. Inferences about model parameters and the coefficient of
determination 221
12.6. Evaluation of model assumptions, and modifications 223
12.6.1. Assessing linear regression model assumptions via residual
plots 223
12.6.2. Model modification suggested by residual plots 228

13 Multiple Regression Analysis 239

13.1. Multiple regression model, multiple correlation, and coefficient of
determination 239

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13.2. Inferences about parameters and model explanatory power 244

13.2.1. A test of significance for the coefficient of determination 244
13.2.2. Testing single regression coefficients for significance 245
13.2.3. Confidence interval for a regression coefficient 247
13.3. Adjusted R2 and shrinkage 248
13.4. The multiple F-test and evaluation of change in proportion of
explained variance following dropping or addition of predictors 250
13.5. Strategies for predictor selection 257
13.5.1. Forward selection 257
13.5.2. Backward elimination 258
13.5.3. Stepwise selection (stepwise regression) 262
13.6. Analysis of residuals for multiple regression models 264

14 Analysis of Variance and Covariance 269

14.1. Hypotheses and factors 269
14.2. Testing equality of population means 274
14.3. Follow-up analyses 281
14.4. Two-way and higher-order analysis of variance 285
14.5. Relationship between analysis of variance and regression analysis 291
14.6. Analysis of covariance 297

15 Modeling Discrete Response Variables 303

15.1. Revisiting regression analysis and the general linear model 303
15.2. The idea and elements of the generalized linear model 305
15.3. Logistic regression as a generalized linear model of particular
relevance in social and behavioral research 307
15.3.1. A ‘‘continuous counterpart’’ of regression analysis 307
15.3.2. Logistic regression and a generalized linear model with a
binary response 308
15.3.3. Further generalized linear models 309
15.4. Fitting logistic regression models using R 310

Epilogue 321
References 323
Index 325
About the Authors 331

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About a quarter of a century ago, an influential revolution in the field of

statistics began to unfold. A state-of-the-art, highly comprehensive, and freely
available software package called R was conceptualized and developed. This
software changed the landscape of statistical analysis and computer program-
ming implementations in a number of ways, some perhaps more profoundly
than anticipated by its original creators.
Over the past two decades, R has become increasingly popular and is fre-
quently used for a variety of statistical applications. A considerable number of
books on using R have also appeared, particularly during the last few years,
which clearly document its exceptionally wide utility. Despite this plethora of
treatments on how to use R for various analyses and modeling purposes, it
appeared to us that a text on basic statistics implementing R would still be
desirable to a large portion of undergraduate or graduate students and
researchers in the behavioral, biological, educational, medical, management,
and social sciences, who have had no or only marginal exposure to statistics,
and even that perhaps some years ago.
Our pragmatic goal with this book is to provide a coherent introduction to
statistics from the viewpoint of its applications with R, and an introduction
to R from the viewpoint of basic statistical applications. This text offers a
nontechnical treatment of many statistical concepts and their relationships
and uses mathematical formulas mainly in their definitional meaning. The
audience for which the book is most suitable consists primarily of undergrad-
uate students, graduate students, and researchers in the behavioral, biological,
educational, medical, management, and social science disciplines, who need
an introduction to the basic principles of statistics and its applications and
wish to accomplish it using the free, comprehensive, and state-of-the-art soft-
ware R. We aim with this text to offer a first course in statistics and in the use
of R for basic statistical analyses.
There are three features that set apart our book from others in this broad
field, especially those covering applications of R for statistical analyses. For
the purposes of this text, we use R commands with as few subcommands as


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possible. In our view, students and researchers with limited or no exposure to

statistics and applications of R tend to be ‘‘turned off’’ by alternative dis-
cussions demonstrating the use of a multitude of possible command and
subcommand options, which accomplish what may be seen from their per-
spective as potentially very specialized analyses and graphical presentations
that often go well beyond what may be the initial goals of those users. It is
our view that they can pursue quite well on their own the study of such
subcommands and options at a later time. We find that once students are
introduced to the basic commands accomplishing a particular type of analysis
with R, they can much more easily deepen their knowledge of how to use
available subcommands for more specialized analyses and graphing activities
if needed.
Further, in our opinion many books dealing with applications of R in sta-
tistics do not provide sufficient discussions at an introductory level of basic
concepts in statistics and their relationships. Instead, those books are predom-
inantly concerned with the use of R to accomplish statistical analyses, includ-
ing basic analyses. The present book was developed around the premise that
a more thorough introduction to basic statistical notions and their interrela-
tionships is first needed before effective applications of statistical analysis soft-
ware can be discussed. This principle is followed throughout the book.
As a third feature worth mentioning here, we use primarily examples stem-
ming from the educational, behavioral, and social sciences. We aim to demon-
strate with them the ease of obtaining highly informative analyses in these
disciplines, employing relatively limited input commands submitted to R. We
hope that in this way the popularity of this software among students and
researchers in these sciences will be enhanced, an audience where in our expe-
rience R has not yet received the attention that it deserves.
This book has been substantially influenced by our interactions with a
number of colleagues over the past several years. We would like to express our
gratitude in particular to S. Dass, A. Galecki, V. Melfi, S. Penev, U. Pötter,
and W. Revelle for valuable discussions on statistical and related applications
of R. A number of our students provided very useful feedback on the lecture
notes we first developed for our courses in basic statistics, from which this
book emerged. We are also very grateful to several anonymous referees for
their critical comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript, which contrib-
uted substantially to its improvement. Thanks are also due to our production
editor, who was instrumentally helpful in advanced stages of preparation of
the book. Last but not least, we are more than indebted to our families for
their continued support in lots of ways. The first author is indebted to Albena
and Anna; the second author is indebted to Laura and Katerina.

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Statistics and Data


The past few decades have witnessed a tremendous increase in the amount of
data being collected in our modern society. For example, data about individ-
ual spending habits and patterns, school and college achievement, aptitude or
intelligence are collected frequently by various persons and organizations—
e.g., banks, teachers, schools, instructors, colleges, clinicians, administrators.
Accompanying this data buildup is also a great deal of interest in analyzing
these data to address specific questions of interest using statistics.
Statistics can be defined as a science that helps design empirical studies to
collect data, as well as to organize, classify, analyze, and interpret these data,
in order to make decisions in situations that are often characterized by uncer-
tainty. This uncertainty generally results from the at times very limited infor-
mation contained in the data obtained through these empirical studies.
Additionally, this information can be potentially highly variable across the
examined individuals, cases, subjects, or units of analysis considered. Based
upon these features, statistics can be regarded as a scientific discipline used in
almost all aspects of modern society to greatly facilitate the process of learning
from data.
In this book, we will be mainly interested in the application of basic statis-
tics to a variety of empirical studies in the behavioral, biological, educational,
medical, management, and social sciences. One can distinguish thereby
between the following four stages of using statistics to conduct research in
these sciences (e.g., Ott & Longnecker, 2010):

(i) defining the problem to be studied,

(ii) collecting the data that contains the necessary information about the
(iii) summarizing the data, and
(iv) analyzing and modeling the data, interpreting and communicating

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Each of these stages is essential for the process of applying statistics to address
questions within the above-mentioned sciences. If any of these stages is
bypassed or carried out in an inappropriate way, the outcome of the subse-
quent stage(s) may well be significantly affected if not totally compromised.
Additionally, the ultimate results and interpretation of the study in question
may be seriously misleading. As it turns out, this four-stage process closely
resembles the scientific method that underlies scientific inquiry (e.g., Grazi-
ano & Raulin, 2009). The scientific method is essentially a set of principles
and procedures used to advance any empirical science. It consists of the fol-
lowing phases:

(a) the formulation of a research goal,

(b) the design of an experiment or an observational study,
(c) the collection of data (observations), and
(d) the analysis and modeling of the data, and testing of research hypoth-

We note that the phases (a) through (d) listed above closely resemble the
statistical application stages (i) through (iv).
As an example, let us consider the following study, which we will return to
frequently in this book. In this investigation, our main interest lies with exam-
ining the presence of possible gender differences in depression in older adults
in the United States. To begin with, the detailed description of the study’s
goals accomplishes much of the above stage (i) of using statistics in the proc-
ess of empirical research. We need to note also that since we cannot realisti-
cally examine each and every elderly person in the entire country, due to
resource- and time-related limitations, we will have to rely on information
obtained from just a subset of the population. This is a generally relevant issue
that we will often make reference to as we advance through this book. Then
in accordance with stage (ii), we collect data by using a well-established
instrument (e.g., a scale) for measuring depression on a randomly selected
group of say n  500 elderly adults that represents well the population of
aged persons in the United States. Section 1.2 of this chapter deals with gen-
eral issues pertaining to this stage and with the selection of the group to be
studied, which is called a sample. In stage (iii), we obtain summary indexes
signifying for instance average depression score and degree of variability
within each of the two genders from the sample studied (as well as conduct
further activities, in general, which depend on the specific research questions
being asked). Chapter 2 discusses matters pertaining to this stage in a more
general context. Finally, in stage (iv), we may examine for instance the gender
differences on these summary indexes (and/or possibly carry further activities,
again depending on the research questions pursued). In addition, we may
draw conclusions about those differences and communicate our results in

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writing or verbally to an intended audience. Much of the remainder of this

book will deal with the various statistical methods that could be appropriately
used during this fourth stage.
This depression study example illustrates that when using statistics one is
usually interested in drawing conclusions about large groups of subjects, typically
referred to as populations, while data are available from only portions of these
groups, referred to as samples. (We will provide further discussion on these
two concepts of population and sample in a later section of this chapter.) In
this sense, statistics deals with a major inferential problem—how to achieve
trustworthy conclusions about a given large group (a population), based on
limited data obtained from only a subgroup selected from it (a sample), which
data in addition is most likely going to be varied. This variability is a particular
feature for variables or subject characteristics in studies where statistics is
applicable. Specifically, different subjects will usually give rise to (quite) differ-
ent scores on considered measures or variables (e.g., depression in the above
example). This is essentially what we meant when we stated above that the
data will be varied. Hence, given this likely diversity of resulting scores, the
task of statistics is to permit one to reach credible conclusions about the large
group of subjects (population) that are of actual concern, based on a multi-
plicity of different scores on given variable(s) measured only on a small group
of subjects (sample).
The above discussion leads us to the following stricter definition of major
relevance to statistics and to the application of statistics in empirical research.
Definition: Population is the set of all possible measurements on a given
variable of concern that are of interest in a specific research question.
We note that the precise definition of a population in a particular empirical
setting may well depend on the research question and/or on the variable or
subject characteristics of interest to be studied. In this book, a population will
most often consist of scores on particular variable(s) that could be measured
on subjects from a potentially very large group of persons, which is of sub-
stantive interest. At times, these may be scores for aggregates of subjects, such
as schools or classes, hospitals or districts, companies or corporations. When
no confusion arises, we will just refer to the large group of subjects themselves
as a population, as is usually done in the behavioral and social science literature.
(Part of the reason for the possible confusion is that in an empirical study one
usually collects data on more than a single variable or subject characteristic.
Rather than conceiving of multiple populations of relevance to the same
study—one per variable of possible interest—one considers only one popula-
tion, viz., the collection of all subjects to which inference is to be made.)
A closely related concept that we will also routinely use in this book is that
of the part or subset of a population under consideration that is exhaustively
studied. This is the notion of a sample. We define a sample as a selected

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(drawn) subset of the population, in which every unit of analysis is examined

or measured on the variable(s) of concern to a given empirical investigation.
Similarly to a population, a sample may consist of subject aggregates, e.g.,
schools or classes, hospitals, neighborhoods, companies, cities, nursing
To return for a moment to the aging example given above, we observe that
depression is the variable of main concern in it. The scores on this measure
of all elderly adults in the United States constitute the population of interest
in the posed research question. In addition, the actually studied group of
depression scores based on the n  500 persons is the sample drawn from
that population. We reiterate that often for convenience the set of all subjects
that one wishes to make conclusions about is referred to as population, while
the set of subjects drawn from it who actually participate in the study are
referred to as sample. Alternatively, depending on the research question one
can think of a population as consisting of aggregates of subjects (hospitals,
companies, schools, etc.), and a sample as an appropriate subset of such
aggregates. Similarly, as we will elaborate on in a later section of the book,
most of the time in empirical research one is interested in studying not just
one but multiple variables on a given sample of subjects and sometimes exam-
ining their interrelationships. To simplify subsequent discussions and termi-
nology, when we make reference to a population in this book we will typically
mean a set of subjects (or more specifically subject scores on variables of
interest); then samples will be appropriately selected subsets of populations
under investigation (or specifically of individual scores). We will return to this
issue again in Chapter 2, where we will elaborate on it further.


As indicated above, obtaining data in a study represents the second stage in

the outlined four-step process of using statistics in empirical research. Data
are typically collected in a well-thought-out and planned process, leading to
either conducting an experiment or nonexperimental study (also more gener-
ally referred to as an observational study), including the development of a
survey, a questionnaire, or some other particular measurement device or
instrument. This process itself also evolves through the following several steps
(e.g., King & Minium, 2003):

(a) specifying the objective of the study, survey, or experiment,

(b) identifying the variable(s) of interest,
(c) choosing an appropriate design (for an experiment, or sample for an
observational study), and
(d) obtaining the data.

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To illustrate further this process, let us revisit again the earlier depression
example in which the objective is the examination of gender differences in
depression of older adults (defined as elderly persons aged 65 or older). This
observation represents step (a) mentioned above. In step (b), we identify the
score on a depression scale (measure) as the variable of interest. We then
choose a measuring device or instrument(s), such as the Beck Depression
Inventory (Beck et al., 1977), to collect subsequently these scores from the
subjects (the units of analysis) in the drawn sample. In step (c), we decide
how to select the subjects to be included into the actual study. Let us suppose
for now that we were able to obtain a random sample of 250 men and 250
women from the population of elderly in the United States. In step (d), we
administer the measure(s) (scale, test, instrument), and then score the results
we obtain on it from each person in the sample.
Frequently, step (b) of the discussed process requires a detailed consider-
ation of measures that can be of interest in the context of the study to be
conducted. Experts in the substantive (subject-matter) field of application
may be asked for their opinion on this issue during this step. Similarly, step
(c) may involve time- and effort-consuming activities to come up with sam-
ples that are representative of the studied population(s). Due to the complexi-
ties involved in this activity, a special branch of statistics referred to as
sampling theory has actually been developed to meet the demands of obtaining
a representative sample (as well as carrying out subsequently appropriate
related data analyses). We will touch upon some of these complexities and
activities in a later chapter of the book. Finally, in step (d), one needs to
ensure that specific and detailed instructions are precisely followed when
administering the measure(s) of concern, as well as that their objective and
accurate scoring is accomplished at the end of the data collection process. We
note that if the study is indeed experimental, then further activities are also
involved in steps (b) through (d). Although elaborating on these activities is
beyond the scope of this introductory book, they are discussed in greater
detail in more specialized experimental design sources and books (e.g., Kirk,


There are a number of reasons that the study of statistics is very beneficial to
advancing knowledge in the empirical sciences. For one, statistics can be used
to summarize and interpret correctly published numerical data (e.g., data
from surveys or various other forms of reports). Further, statistics can be used
to help develop a critical and informed way of interpreting data and evaluat-
ing possible conclusions drawn from examined data sets. For instance, the
media continually expose us to large bodies of information through news and

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advertising agencies. Reports on economic conditions, political issues, surveys

about opinions on diverse matters, and many other communications fre-
quently have one feature in common—they all contain certain statistics to
support related arguments. Statistics as a science is necessary to help us make
sense of this vast amount of data and thereby better understand the world we
live in.
Thus, statistics is indispensable in the empirical sciences where data on
samples from studied populations are routinely made available. For instance,
the application of statistics is essential for answering questions like ‘‘Are
observed group (treatment, program, intervention) differences in responding
to a studied drug ‘real’ or are they only the result of random variation result-
ing from the fact that only subjects in a randomly drawn, relatively limited
sample from the population under investigation were examined?’’
The remainder of this book is concerned with discussing a number of basic
statistical methods that can help scientists make progress in their empirical
research. In addition to describing some of the technical details that underlie
each method, we also will employ for analysis the popular statistical software
package R. We will specifically use it in order to carry out data analysis and
modeling on illustrative data sets as we proceed through each chapter in the
book. This popular software is highly comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and
obtainable free of charge. Indeed, the software package R can be located and
downloaded via any available search engine by simply using the letter ‘‘R’’ or
‘‘R-project’’ as a keyword (and following the prompts; see also Venables,
Smith, & The R Development Core Team, 2012). We believe that the package
R is in many ways a software for the next decade and beyond.

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An Introduction to Descriptive
Statistics: Data Description and
Graphical Representation


In the previous chapter we defined statistics as a science to help us collect,

organize, analyze, and interpret empirical data. We also introduced a four-
stage process for applying statistics in empirical research, and we discussed
the first two phases of problem definition and data collection. In this chapter,
we deal with the third stage of this process, which is concerned with the sum-
marization of data. The summarization of data comprises an important part
of statistics that can be further divided into two main branches—descriptive
and inferential statistics. This and the next chapter attend to some essential
features of descriptive statistics. Later chapters of the book will be concerned
with aspects related to inferential statistics.
Descriptive statistics represents a set of methods and activities that permit
the description of a given body of data, without making inferences about
another set of possible observations (from a larger group, e.g., a population).
Descriptive statistics is also used when a whole population of subjects (or aggre-
gates of such) is observed, such as in a population census. For example, if
census data are available on income levels of adults living in the United States,
we can obtain various descriptors of income, e.g., broken down by gender, race,
ethnicity, geographical location, etc. Descriptive statistics enables us to repre-
sent potentially vast amounts of data in ways that permit the reader, consumer,
or user of the results to obtain relatively quickly an informative summary and
even provide a graphical presentation of the data. When an entire population
cannot be studied exhaustively, a sample is drawn from it, and descriptive sta-
tistics helps summarize and present the sample data collected.
Descriptive statistics includes methods that accomplish (a) various graphi-
cal displays providing valuable insights to the scientist or user, and (b) numer-

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ical data descriptions via summary indexes that can contain important
information about research questions of interest. In this chapter we discuss
methods that fall under category (a), and we will be concerned with methods
in category (b) in the next chapter. Because graphical displays differ depend-
ing on the number of variables involved, we cover first the case of just a single
variable. Situations involving several variables will be attended to in later sec-
tions of the book. As far as numerical indexes are concerned, we note that we
will familiarize ourselves with several of them in Chapter 3, where we will also
see in detail how they summarize important features of sets of scores in given
samples (or populations).



A main principle to follow when graphically presenting collected data from

studied samples (populations) is that data should be arranged in any display
in such a way that any single measurement falls within only one possible cate-
gory. Thereby, we need in particular to make sure that the boundaries of
adjacent categories do not overlap and are not identical in any possibly mis-
leading way. We demonstrate this potential problem on examples used later
in this section.
We begin by considering the following example study:

Example 2.1. Suppose we have obtained data on the number of faculty that
are employed in a college of education at a particular state university. Let us
also assume that the observations given in Table 2.1 represent the obtained
faculty data. As indicated earlier, we need to make sure that each single mea-
surement falls within only one possible category. In other words, we need to
ensure either that there are no faculty members with a joint appointment in
another department, or that any faculty member with such an appointment is
only counted in one of the departments he or she is affiliated with. If we ignore

Table 2.1 Number of faculty from five departments in a

College of Education at a state university (Example 2.1).
Department Number of Faculty
Educational Psychology 12 faculty
Teacher Education 13 faculty
School Psychology 9 faculty
Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics 4 faculty
Educational Administration 15 faculty

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such a situation (joint appointment), then the actual total number of faculty
counted will be incorrect.

Since statistics is a science that deals by definition with potentially sizable

amounts of data, it is usually easier to achieve the goals of statistics via the
use of a statistical package such as R rather than doing things manually. How-
ever, in order to be able to use R for conducting descriptive or other statistical
types of analyses, it is necessary that we first communicate to R the data set
we wish to use. Once this communication has occurred, R will be in a position
to analyze the data set on our behalf accordingly. We attend next to these
initial issues.

2.2.1. Reading data into R

The process of communicating a given data set to R typically represents the
first activity that a researcher becomes involved with in the process of apply-
ing descriptive statistics. This process is often simply referred to as the ‘‘read-
ing’’ of the data set into R. This is a routine activity that is in fact the first step
of preparing the data in a form amenable to any kind of analysis using statisti-
cal software such as R.
In order to read data into R, it is convenient to enter the data set initially
into a universal file format, such as a ‘‘plain text’’ or ‘‘text only’’ file, often
referred to as an ‘‘ASCII file.’’* This can be achieved if one enters the data
into a window opened when starting a standard text editor like Notepad (or
WordPad, either of which is available on a Windows-based PC under ‘‘Acces-
sories’’ after clicking the ‘‘Start’’ button on the computer screen, followed by
selecting ‘‘All Programs’’). Once we are in that window, the data must be
typed in such a way that each unit of analysis represents a single row (depart-
ment in this example—although in many cases within social and behavioral
studies it will be individual subject data that comprise the unit of analysis).
Therefore, it will be very beneficial if we ensure that within each row the
consecutive scores on the measured (collected or recorded) variables are sepa-
rated by at least one blank space. This format of data entry is often referred to
as ‘‘free format’’ and usually is the most convenient format to work with
subsequently. It is also typical to give names to each column of the resulting
data file, in its top row, which names are those of the variables they represent.
This practice is highly recommended in order to keep track of what the con-
sidered data set represents.
With this in mind, for our above Example 2.1 we first create an ASCII file

* ASCII stands for ‘‘American Standard Code for Information Interchange’’ and is a
character-encoding scheme for representing text to computers and digital devices that use

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that is similar to the one presented in the main body of Table 2.2, using also
for simplicity the abbreviation ‘‘dept’’ for ‘‘department’’ (cf. Table 2.1). We
note that the first column of Table 2.2 contains the abbreviation of the name
of the department (initials), and the second column is the number of faculty
in each department. We also notice that the first row of this file contains the
names of the two variables—‘department’ and ‘faculty’. We save this data file
using an easy-to-remember file name, such as CH2_EX21.dat.
Now in order to read this small data set into R, we need to use a particular
command. Before we give it, however, we note that for ease of presentation
we adopt the convention of using the Courier font to represent both the com-
mand submitted to the R software and the output sections produced by the
statistical analysis of the program itself. This same convention for commands
and output will be followed throughout the book. We also begin the represen-
tation of each used command with the conventional R prompt, which is the
sign ‘‘⬎’’ (we emphasize that when one is actually using a computer to type a
command, there is no need to precede any R command with the prompt, as
it is generated automatically). With this in mind, the command to read the
data from Example 2.1 into R (as provided in Table 2.2) is ‘read.table’, which
we use here as follows:

> d  read.table("C://data/CH2_EX21.dat", header  T)

We note that one needs to provide with this command the path leading to
the specific subdirectory where the ASCII/plain text file resides on the com-
puter used, placed in inverted commas. (In this case, the file is located in the
computer subdirectory ‘‘data’’ in drive C; see the Note at the end of this
chapter.) The subcommand ‘header  T’ instructs R to read the first line not
as numbers but as variable names (i.e., as ‘‘character strings’’—sequences of
characters or letters; see Note to this chapter).
When the R command ‘read.table’ is executed by the software, it creates an
object with the name ‘d’. The object named ‘d’ represents the data that have

Table 2.2 Contents of data file for number of

faculty per department (Example 2.1).
dept faculty
ep 12
te 13
sp 9
ms 4
ea 15

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been read in by the program. We observe at this point that R is a case-sensitive

software package, and we note in passing a simple rule to keep in mind: in a
sense everything in R is an object. (For example, an output from an R com-
mand is also an object.) To be in a position to analyze data on any of the
variables in the data set under consideration, we need next to make it accessi-
ble to R. This is accomplished with the command ‘attach’ as is illustrated in
the command line below (for the data set CH2_EX21.dat that was made avail-
able in the created object ‘d’):

> attach(d)

For the remainder of the book, whenever an example is considered for

analysis, we will assume that the data from the study under consideration
have already been read into R and made accessible to R in the aforementioned
specific way.

2.2.2. Graphical representation of data

There are numerous ways available within R to represent graphically data
on a variable of interest. There are also a multitude of sources available that
provide detailed descriptions of each of the different graphical ways. It is
beyond the scope of this chapter and book to discuss all of them. In this
chapter we only present detailed descriptions of a few important graphical
ways for two main types of variables—qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative
variables, also frequently referred to as categorical variables, have ‘‘scores’’ (or
values that they take) that differ from one another in kind rather than in
quantity. That is, the data values on a qualitative variable are in fact just
classifications or categories, which is the reason that data stemming from such
variables are at times referred to as categorical data. The categories of a quali-
tative variable are also often referred to as levels (or even labels) of the vari-
able. Example 2.1 illustrates such a variable—the variable ‘department’ is a
qualitative (categorical) variable.
In contrast to qualitative variables, a quantitative variable has scores (or
values) that differ from one another in quantity. That is, their scores—the
actual data—are ‘‘legitimate’’ numbers, i.e., as close as possible to real num-
bers in meaning. For example, the following mathematics test–taking anxiety
(MTA) study illustrates the inclusion of such a quantitative variable, the anxi-
ety score.

Example 2.2 (MTA study): A mathematics test–taking anxiety study was carried
out with n  36 elementary school students, using an established measuring
instrument referred to as the MTA scale. The resulting data are provided in
Table 2.3 and saved under the name CH2_EX22.dat. In Table 2.3, ‘id’ denotes a

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Table 2.3 Data from n  36 students in a study of

mathematics test–taking anxiety (the first row
represents the names of the two variables
involved: id  person identifier, y  anxiety score).
id y
1 15
2 17
3 19
4 21
5 23
6 32
7 18
8 19
9 22
10 23
11 25
12 21
13 22
14 25
15 25
16 24
17 23
18 27
19 19
20 17
21 21
22 29
23 27
24 31
25 19
26 19
27 23
28 25
29 25
30 27
31 29
32 29
33 21
34 24
35 23
36 28

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subject identifier, and ‘y’ the score for each student obtained using the mathe-
matics test–taking anxiety measuring instrument (i.e., the student MTA score).
For ease of presentation, we adopt here the convention that when representing
subject data in this book, we will typically use the first column as the person
(case) identifier.

Next we use the two previously discussed examples (see Tables 2.2 and
2.3) to pictorially represent the data on both the qualitative and quantitative
variables involved. This is done in order to obtain a first idea of the relation-
ships between the values (scores or categories) that the subjects (the units of
analysis) take on them. Two very popular yet distinct methods for graphically
representing data on studied variables are discussed next. First, some methods
that can be used to graphically represent qualitative variables are presented.
These are followed by an illustration of methods for graphically representing
quantitative variables. Pie charts and barplots

For a given qualitative variable of interest, the pie chart and bar chart
(sometimes also referred to as barplot or bar graph) are two common methods
that can be used to graphically represent the frequencies of its obtained values
in a particular data set. The charts display graphically (correspondingly either
in terms of pie slices or bars) the observed frequencies. Specifically, the size
of the pie or the height of the bar represents the frequency of the pertinent
data value. Usually, the pies are presented in relative frequency—in other
words, their sizes can be interpreted as percentages. The heights of the bars
often represent ‘‘raw’’ frequencies but have the same shape when considered
for relative frequencies. The relative frequencies are defined as the ratios of
observed or raw frequencies to the total number of units of analysis (i.e.,
usually subjects in this text) in the group studied.
To illustrate this discussion, suppose we wish to obtain the pie chart for the
‘faculty’ variable in Example 2.1 (see data in Table 2.2). A pie chart graphically
represents the data in the form of slices of a circle, which are typically filled
in with different colors, and their sizes reflect the relative frequencies with
which the variable in question takes its values. To obtain a pie chart graph,
we use the R command ‘pie’ that we state at the R prompt. We use thereby as
an ‘‘argument’’—i.e., an entity we place within parentheses following the
actual command—the name of the variable that needs to be graphed, which
is here the variable ‘faculty’:

> pie(faculty)

This command yields the pie chart displayed in Figure 2.1—this pie chart is
shown by R in a separate graphics device window opened by the software after
one completes the command (i.e., after one submits the command to R).

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Pie chart of the number of faculty per department.

While Figure 2.1 readily presents a rough idea about the relations between
the number of faculty members in each department, the labeling of the dis-
played slices is not immediately informative. In particular, the specific num-
bers attached to the slices here by R are simply those of the consecutive rows
of Table 2.1. Such a graphical display does not provide a clear enough picture
of the data and would require one to refer back to the raw data in order to
interpret the relative sizes of the slices presented. To deal with this limitation
of the displayed figure, it would be best to add the names of the departments
(in the abbreviation notation used in Table 2.2). This is possible in R by
using the subcommand ‘labels’, and we attach a title to the figure using the
subcommand ‘main’, leading to the following extended command:

> pie(faculty, labels  dept, main  "Piechart of Faculty by Department")

As can be seen from this command line, we set the subcommand ‘labels’
equal to the name of the variable containing those of the departments, and
set the subcommand ‘main’ equal to the title we want to use, which we place
in quotation marks. To simplify matters throughout the remainder of the
book, we will always make a reference to any R commands and subcommands
within the main body of the text by using quotation marks. Using the above
pie-chart command produces the output displayed in Figure 2.2.
The pie chart as a graphical device is very useful when one is interested in
displaying qualitative data in the form of slices in a circle. Another very popu-
lar alternative and equivalent data presentation method is the so-called bar
chart (barplot). In its simplest form, in a barplot the levels of a variable under
consideration are presented successively (following the order from top to bot-

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Pie chart of faculty by department, using slice labeling and figure title.

tom in the data file), and the frequencies (relative frequencies) with which the
variable takes its values are represented by the height of bars—vertical rectan-
gles positioned above these levels. For our currently considered example, we
can obtain the barplot of the ‘faculty’ variable in R with the command ‘bar-
plot’ as follows:

> barplot(faculty)

This command yields the graph displayed in Figure 2.3. Along its horizontal
axis, the departments are represented from left to right as they follow from
top to bottom in the original data file. Above them are the bars, whose heights
reflect the number of faculty members per department.
While we can easily obtain from Figure 2.3 an idea about the relations
between the number of faculty across each department—which numbers are
represented along the vertical axis—it is unclear from the figure alone which
department is associated with which of the bars. To assign the names of the
departments to the horizontal axis, we use the subcommand ‘names.arg’, and
as above use the subcommand ‘main’ to attach a title to the figure. The result-
ing, somewhat extended command we need for these aims, is now as follows:

> barplot(faculty, names.arg  dept, main  "Relative Frequency of

Faculty by Department")

This extended command furnishes the bar chart displayed in Figure 2.4.
This bar chart is now far more informative than the one displayed earlier

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Barplot of faculty by department.

in Figure 2.3, and in addition may be seen as more informative than the pie
chart presented in Figure 2.2. The reason is in particular the fact that by
referring to the vertical axis one can see the values that the ‘faculty’ variable
takes across departments. These are the above-mentioned raw frequencies that
equal the number of faculty per department. If we wish to obtain a bar chart

Barplot of faculty by department.

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not of the raw frequencies as in Figure 2.4, but of the relative frequencies, we
can divide the raw frequencies by the total number of cases in the data set—
here the total number of faculty at the college in question. In general, as
mentioned before, the relative frequency for a given variable category
(‘department’ in this example) is defined as the ratio of observed frequency,
denoted for clarity as f, to the total number of cases studied—denoted
n—which is the sample size in a study under consideration:
(2.1) rf/n,
where r is used to denote relative frequency. That is, to obtain the relative
frequency of faculty per department in our example, for each department we
need to divide their number by the total sample size. In most studies one
would know the sample size already at the beginning of the analysis, but at
times it may be necessary to obtain it alternatively (e.g., by having the R
software do it for us). We can simply obtain sample size by summing the
values of the variable ‘faculty’ across all departments, which is accomplished
with the R command ‘sum’:

> sum(faculty)

This command yields the following result for our example:

[1] 53

In this output, the first number presented in brackets, [1], indicates that
immediately following is the first element of the output produced by R. Since
in this case all we need from R is a single number (i.e., the studied group size,
or sample size), it is presented right after the symbol ‘‘[1].’’ Thus, 53 is the
total number of faculty in the college under consideration. We will often
encounter this simple pattern of output presentation in the remainder of the
Once we know the group size, we can request from R the barplot of relative
frequencies per department using the above command ‘barplot’, where we
now divide the variable in question by this size. We achieve this by using the
division sign ‘/’ as follows:

> barplot(faculty/53, names.arg  dept, main  "Barplot of Faculty by


We stress that the first argument in this command (the first entry in its paren-
theses, from left to right) is formally the ratio of the variable in question to
studied group size (sample size). The last presented, extended ‘barplot’ com-

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mand produces the relative frequencies bar chart displayed in Figure 2.5.
From this barplot, it can now be readily observed that the largest percentage
of faculty are employed in the Educational Administration Department, about
a quarter of all faculty are in the Teacher Education Department, less than
10% are in the Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics Department, and
about 17% of all faculty are employed in the School Psychology Department. Graphical representation of quantitative variables

The above section dealing with the pie charts and barplots demonstrated
how one can graphically represent a variable that is qualitative. Specifically,
we considered some ways to present the frequencies with which the variable
‘department’ takes its values (categories) or levels—as measured by the num-
ber of faculty affiliated with each department. That is, the variable ‘depart-
ment’ had the values (levels) ‘ep’, ‘te’, ‘sp’, ‘ms’, and ‘ea’—for the names of
departments—which we might as well consider simply labels for the depart-
ments. The frequencies associated with these labels were formally presented
in the variable named ‘faculty’. (We note that we could just as well have also
called the ‘faculty’ variable ‘frequency’, which it actually is with regard to the
levels of the ‘department’ variable). Since the levels (categories) of the variable
‘department’—being the different departments in the college in question—
differ from one another only in kind rather than in quantity, ‘department’ is
considered a qualitative variable. For such qualitative variables, the pie chart
and barplot are very useful and informative methods to graphically represent

Relative frequencies bar chart for faculty by department.

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the frequencies or relative frequencies with which these variables take their
values or levels.
Although qualitative variables are often encountered in empirical research,
data arising from quantitative variables are just as common (or at least from
variables that could be treated as quantitative). As mentioned earlier, the val-
ues of a quantitative variable differ from one another in quantity rather than
in quality as is the case for a qualitative variable. For quantitative variables, it
is equally necessary to have methods that can be used to graphically represent
their values in a way that provides an informative summary of them.
A very popular method that can be used to graphically represent data from
a quantitative variable is the so-called histogram. A histogram is basically a
series of vertical rectangles that represent the frequency with which scores fall
in the interval that is at the bottom of that rectangle. Fortunately, these inter-
vals, including their length and position, are automatically chosen for us by
the R software through some built-in, reasonable, and widely applicable
defaults. In fact, with R the intervals are defined by default as including the
number positioned at their right end, but not at their left end. With this
feature, the histogram gives an impression of what the distribution of a vari-
able under study actually looks like. We mention in passing that the distribu-
tion is the way in which scores on the variable relate to one another, and we
will have more to say about this concept in a later section of the book.
To illustrate the construction of a histogram, let us return to Example 2.2
where we were interested in the mathematics test–taking anxiety (MTA) vari-
able in a study with a sample of n  36 students. Suppose we wish to construct
the histogram of the variable ‘anxiety score’ (i.e., the MTA score obtained with
an established measuring instrument used in that study); we recall that this
variable was denoted as ‘y’ in Table 2.3. Now using this data file, R can readily
produce a histogram for the variable with the command ‘hist’:

> hist(y, main  "Histogram of anxiety scores")

We note that in this command the name of the variable for which a histogram
is to be obtained is given first (which here is denoted as ‘y’). In addition, the
subcommand ‘main’ is used to attach a title to the top of the generated histo-
gram. Figure 2.6 provides the histogram for the MTA scores generated using
this command statement.
As can be readily seen from this histogram, there are for example in total
seven scores that are either 23 or 24, since the bar corresponding to the inter-
val (22, 24] has a height of seven units—i.e., the frequency of scores in this
interval is seven. (We note that the symbol ‘‘(.,.]’’ is used to denote an interval
including the number at its right end but not the number at its left end.)
Similarly, there are three scores in the interval (16, 18], as can also be verified
by inspecting the data in Table 2.3. (Below we also illustrate an alternative

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Histogram of mathematics test–taking anxiety scores (Example 2.2).

way of achieving the same graphical representation aim using the so-called
stem-and-leaf plot.)
When informally presenting a histogram, often one may wish to connect
the middle points of the top sides of these rectangles. If one uses thereby
corresponding segments of straight lines, the resulting curve is commonly
referred to as a frequency polygon. If one connects these middle points by a
smooth curve rather than segments, the resulting curve is informally also
referred to as variable ‘‘distribution’’ curve (or just distribution). We will dis-
cuss this alternative notion for graphical presentation of data in more detail
in a later section of the book.
Histograms are very useful devices to present data, but depending on how
their class intervals are built, they can sometimes conceal some important infor-
mation (e.g., Verzani, 2005). For example, such a situation may arise when
grouping together fairly different scores (as may happen with variables that have
wide ranges of scores). For this reason, it can be particularly informative to
examine the actual frequency with which a particular score appears in a data
set. This is readily accomplished with the stem-and-leaf plot. In it, the stem is
composed of all numbers apart from their last digit, and the leaves are their last
Using the same anxiety score data for Example 2.2 considered above, we
can obtain their stem-and-leaf plot (graph) with R using the command ‘stem’.
Thereby, the subcommand ‘scale’ used requests that the last digit of the scores
be presented as leaves, and all the preceding digits as stem:

> stem(y, scale  .5)

................. 18281$ $CH2 09-19-12 11:38:02 PS


1 | 577899999
2 | 1111223333344
2 | 555557778999
3 | 12

Stem-and-leaf plot of the anxiety scores (Example 2.2).

The generated stem-and-leaf plot is presented in Figure 2.7.

This plot reveals some additional detail about the considered data set. For
example, looking at the first row of the plot, it can be readily determined that
there is only one score of 15 in the data set under consideration, two 17’s, one
18, and five scores of 19. Similarly, looking at the second row it can be deter-
mined that there are four 21’s, two 22’s, five 23’s, and two 24’s. Similar details
can be revealed by examining the remaining aspects of the stem-and-leaf plot.
Such details are readily seen by connecting each stem with each of the leaves
on the right from the vertical bar within each row of the plot.
While graphical approaches can at times be excellent visual aids, they can
also present data in ways that allow different and possibly even contradictory
subjective interpretations. As a consequence, it is recommended that conclu-
sions about populations of interest based only on sample data graphs not be
hastily drawn. As it turns out, there are more advanced methods that should
be used in order to reach such conclusions in an objective manner. A more
detailed discussion concerning these fundamental approaches will be pro-
vided in a later section of the book. To begin this discussion, we consider in
the next chapter some simple numerical indexes that can be initially used to
objectively summarize data.


In the remainder of the book, when explicitly including R commands for

reading data, we will indicate the corresponding paths where the data sets
employed reside on the computer used by the authors. (For most examples,
these data sets reside in their subdirectory ‘‘C://data.’’) These paths obviously
need to be modified correspondingly when the data sets are utilized by

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Data Description: Measures of

Central Tendency and Variability

The previous chapter highlighted the subjective limitation of interpreting

graphical presentations of data in general. In addition to this limitation,
another important shortcoming stems from the fact that graphs are difficult
to use for inferential purposes. In other words, they are not very helpful when
one is interested in drawing conclusions about large sets of observations (pop-
ulations) using data obtained from samples. Unlike these graphs, numerical
descriptors in terms of indexes are very useful summaries of data. We primar-
ily employ them with quantitative variables. Two commonly used types of
measures in descriptive statistics are the so-called measures of central ten-
dency or location and measures of variability or dispersion, which we discuss
in turn throughout this chapter.


3.1.1. The mode

For any qualitative or quantitative variable, the mode is the score that
occurs the most often in a given data set. We define the mode as the score(s)
in a given data set (variable) that occurs with the highest frequency. For exam-
ple, let us consider the following twelve intelligence (IQ) test scores:
95, 97, 100, 101, 103, 101, 102, 105, 101, 95, 97, 101.
The mode of this data set is 101—as can be easily ascertained—since it
occurs four times in this set of scores. In this simple example, there is only
one mode, but in general their number can be larger, as seen in the next
The mode can be readily obtained with R by examining via the stem-and-
leaf plot the frequencies with which scores in a given sample or group are
taken (see Chapter 2 as to how to obtain the steam-and-leaf plot). The


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score(s) with the highest frequency(-ies) is then the mode of the examined
variable in the studied group. To illustrate, let us take a look at the stem-and-
leaf plot (Figure 2.7) of the mathematics test–taking anxiety (MTA) scores in
Example 2.2 considered in the last chapter. For ease of presentation we repeat
the stem-and-leaf plot below as Figure 3.1. As can be readily seen from the
graph in Figure 3.1, there are three modes in the MTA example data set. These
are the scores 19, 23, and 25. The reason is that each of them occurs five times
among the 36 anxiety scores, and all remaining scores occur less frequently.
We note in passing that in a multiple-variable data set, each variable has its
own mode that need not be the score of the same person across the variables,
nor for that matter the same score(s). For example, suppose that in a study of
mathematics ability three tests are administered to high school seniors: (i) an
algebra test, (ii) a geometry test, and (iii) a trigonometry test. Then the mode
on the algebra test could be 25, the mode on the geometry test 27, and the
mode on the trigonometry test 22. The modes can also be scores obtained by
different subjects across these three tests.
We emphasize that the mode need not be uniquely defined. This is because
there may be more than just a single number that occurs with the highest
observed frequency. In fact, it all depends on the data of the variable under
consideration, and some data sets may have more than one mode. A way in
which this can happen is when we consider several groups of subjects but
disregard group membership (i.e., consider them as a single data set), e.g.,
males and females on a variable of interest. Data sets (variables) with two
modes are often referred to as bi-modal, and similarly defined in terms of the
number of modes are tri-modal or multi-modal data sets or variables in gen-
eral. For instance, the MTA data set presented in Figure 3.1 (Example 2.2
from Chapter 2) is tri-modal as we saw above. Also, in a data set where each
separate score appears the same number of times, either score can be viewed
as a mode.
An especially useful feature of the mode is that it is in general not affected
by extreme observations (e.g., even in the problematic cases when these are
the results of entry errors). This feature is often referred to as ‘‘resistance’’ or
‘‘robustness’’ of the mode to extreme values. To illustrate, consider the follow-
ing example. Suppose that when recording or entering the data in the first

1 | 577899999
2 | 1111223333344
2 | 555557778999
3 | 12

Stem-and-leaf plot of the anxiety scores (Example 2.2).

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considered example in this chapter with the IQ test scores, a researcher mis-
takenly entered 995 rather than 95. That is, in his/her version of the above
data set, the following were the actually entered (recorded) scores
995, 97, 100, 101, 103, 101, 102, 105, 101, 95, 97, 101.
However, despite this flagrant error, the mode is still 101 as it occurs the
most frequently. That is, in this case the mode is unaffected by the data entry/
data recording mistake.
At the same time, it is worthwhile noting that it is also possible that an
entry or recording error might be made when entering the score that most
frequently occurs in the data set, in which case the mode may well be affected.
For example, when the second most frequent score appears only one less times
than the actual mode in the original data set, then due to such a recording
error both these scores may appear equally often. In such a case, two modes
will be proclaimed for a data set that actually has only a single mode. Obvi-
ously a variety of other examples of similar errors can be easily constructed as
well, where the actual mode of a data set is misrepresented due to a data entry
or recording error.
A useful feature of the mode is that while it is easily defined for quantitative
variables, it is the only measure of ‘‘central tendency’’ that is meaningful for
a qualitative variable. (The concept of ‘‘central tendency’’ is not well defined
for such variables, and we use it here in a loose sense, viz., in the sense of
most ‘‘fashionable’ ’’ category—i.e., one with the highest observed frequency.)
Finally, we note that the mode has the unique feature of being a score that is
actually contained in the data set under consideration. That is, the mode is in
fact a score taken by/measured on a studied subject (unit of analysis). This
need not be the case with the two other measures of central tendency that we
turn to next.

3.1.2. The median

The above-mentioned resistance or robustness feature of the mode is also
shared by another measure of central tendency, called the median. The
median can be defined as the middle value of a set of scores under consider-
ation. When the data set has an uneven number of scores, it is the middle
value when they are arranged from lowest to highest. In contrast, when the
data set contains an even number of scores, then it is the average of the middle
two values. We note in passing that this arrangement from lowest to highest
is frequently referred to as ‘‘rank ordering’’ of the observed data. (We usually
imply an increasing, or ascending, rank ordering when using this term in the
remainder of the book, although a reverse ordering can also be meaningful in
some cases.)

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From the above-provided definition a simple, ‘‘manual’’ procedure to

obtain the median—especially with small data sets—would consist of using
the R command ‘sort’ to rank order a given set of scores, and then work out
the median by counting from left or right half as many scores as there are in
the data set (or averaging the middle two scores if there is an even number of
scores in the data set). For instance, for the earlier mathematics test–taking
anxiety example (Chapter 2; see Table 2.3), we can ‘‘manually’’ obtain the
median of the MTA score—denoted ‘y’ there—as follows. First we sort the

> sort(y)

This command produces the following output, whereby the prefixes [1] and
[23] signal that the first and 23rd consecutive MTA scores follow immediately
after them (which prefixes we just ignore most of the time):

[1] 15 17 17 18 19 19 19 19 19 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24
[23] 25 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 31 32

To find the median of this variable, we need to take the middle score, if sample
size is an uneven number, or the average of the middle two scores, if sample
size is even. In this particular example, we happen to know that the sample
size is 36, but at times the sample size may not be known beforehand. In such
cases, in order to work out the sample size for a given study or variable, we
can use the command ‘length’. This command determines the length of the
array (row, set) of scores that comprise the available observations on a vari-
able in question. For our MTA example, the command produces the following
result (given immediately beneath the command):

> length(y)
[1] 36

That is, the sample size is 36 here—something we knew beforehand for this
MTA example but may not know in another data set of interest.
Since the number of scores on the variable ‘y’ of interest in this data set is
even, in order to work out its median we take the average of the 18th and
19th scores from left (or from right) in their above-sorted sequence. As it
happens, both these middle scores are 23, and thus they are each equal to
their average, which is declared to be the median value of the MTA variable,
viz., 23.
We would like to note here that all of these same computational activities

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can be accomplished alternatively in an automated fashion with the specific R

command ‘median’:

> median(y)

This command yields for the mathematics test–taking anxiety (MTA) example
the median value of

[1] 23

which as expected, is identical to the answer we manually obtained above.

Like the mode, the median is ‘‘resistant’’ or ‘‘robust’’ with regard to
(a relatively limited number of) extreme values, such as abnormal values on
a given variable. For example, if we have entered the value 117 in lieu of the
second number 17 in the MTA data set, the median would still be 23. (As an
aside, this can be readily checked out, by first manipulating the data in this
way, saving it under a new name, reading it into R as usual, and then evaluat-
ing the median on the ‘‘new’’ variable ‘y’.)

3.1.3. The mean

A measure of central tendency that is very popular, but does not share the
above resistance or robustness property with regard to extreme values, is the
mean. The mean is defined for a quantitative variable only, as the arithmetic
average of the scores under consideration (see further below for a more for-
mal definition). To obtain the mean with R, we use the command ‘mean’. To
illustrate with the data from the earlier MTA example, the command

> mean(y)


[1] 23.25

Since the mean is so widely used, we will spend next some time on its more
formal discussion (e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011, ch. 2). Let us first
denote a given variable of interest by the letter y—a notation that will be used
quite often in the rest of this book. The mean of y in a population of N
subjects—N being typically large and finite, as is usually the case in current
behavioral and social research and assumed throughout the rest of this
book—is defined as:

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1 1 N
(3.1) 兺 yi ,
␮y (y1y2...yN) i1
where y1 through yN denote the values of the variable y for the members of
the population, beginning with the first and up to the Nth member, and ␮y
designates the mean of y in the population of interest. (We may eventually
dispense with using the sub-index (y) attached to the symbol ␮ for population
mean values in later discussions, when no confusion may arise.) We note also
the presence of the summation symbol, Σ, in Equation (3.1). This symbol is
utilized to denote the process of adding together all y scores with sub-indexes
ranging from i  1 to i  N, i.e., the sum y1  y2  ...  yN. We will also
frequently use this short summation index, Σ (with appropriate ranges of
associated sub-indexes), in the rest of the book.
We rarely have access, however, to an entire population of interest. Rather,
we typically only have available a sample from the population of interest. How
can we then use this sample to extract information about the population
mean, i.e., obtain a good ‘‘guess’’ of the population mean? To this end, we
wish to combine in an appropriate way the studied variable values obtained
from the sample, so as to render such a good ‘‘guess’’ of the population mean.
This process of combining appropriately the sample values to furnish infor-
mation about an unknown quantity, like the mean, is called in statistical ter-
minology estimation. Unknown population quantities, like the mean (or
median), which characterize a population distribution on a variable of inter-
est, are called parameters. We wish to estimate these parameters using data
obtained from the sample.
For any given parameter, we accomplish this estimation process utilizing
an appropriate combination, or function, of the sample values or scores on
the studied variable. This function is typically referred to as statistic. That is,
we estimate unknown parameters using statistics. A major property of ‘‘good’’
statistics is that they appropriately combine sample values (observations) in
order to extract as much as possible information about the values of unknown
parameters in a population(s) under investigation. When using statistics to
estimate parameters, the statistics are often referred to as estimators of these
parameters. That is, in a sense an estimator is a statistic, or a formula, that is
generally applicable for the purpose of estimating a given parameter. In a
given sample, the value that the statistic takes represents the estimate of this
specific parameter.
Returning to the mean considered earlier in this section, as we indicated
before it is estimated by the arithmetic average of the scores on y obtained in
the studied sample, i.e., by

␮ˆ yȳ (y1y2...yn)
1 n
n i1
yi , 冘

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where a caret (^) symbolizes estimator of the parameter underneath—a prac-

tice that is also followed throughout the rest of this book. In Equation (3.2),
y1 through yn now symbolize the scores in the available sample, and n denotes
as usual its size (i.e., the number of subjects (units of analysis) in the sample).
We stress that Equation (3.2) represents the mean estimator, often denoted ȳ.
The value obtained when the sample scores on the variable y are entered into
the right-hand of this equation, is the mean estimate for that sample, ȳ. That
is, the value obtained in ȳ is an estimate furnished using a statistic (estimator)
to estimate an unknown population parameter in a given sample, the mean.
It is these estimates of parameters that are of key interest and are usually
reported in most empirical research.
An important limitation of the mean as indicated above is the fact that it is
sensitive (i.e., not resistant or not robust) to abnormal values, such as exces-
sively high or low values on a studied variable. In particular, even a single
data entry error can change substantially the mean. For example, if we incor-
rectly entered the value 117 instead of the accurate value of 17 in the MTA
data set in Table 2.2, the resulting mean of 25.85 would be quite different
from the mean of the original data/variable that was found above to be 23.25.
For this reason, a variant of the mean has also been developed, the so-
called trimmed mean. One may be interested in the 5%-trimmed mean, which
is the mean of the ‘‘middle’’ 90% of the scores in a given data set. To obtain
this trimmed mean, after rank ordering the scores, the top and bottom 5% of
the scores are first deleted. The average of the remaining scores in the now
reduced data set is then the so-called 5%-trimmed mean. (We note that a
higher percentage could also be dropped from either end if needed, e.g. 10%,
if there are reasons to consider it; this would lead to the so-called 10%-
trimmed mean.) The 5%-trimmed mean is readily obtained with R using the
subcommand ‘trim’ of the command ‘mean’ as follows (assuming the variable
denoted ‘y’ is of interest):

> mean(y, trim=5)

Specifically for the data set in Example 2.2 (see the MTA example in Chap-
ter 2), the 5%-trimmed mean is obtained with this R command as

[1] 23

which is quite similar to the untrimmed mean of 23.25 we found earlier in

this subsection. This similarity would actually be expected, given that none of
the 36 scores on MTA in this example appears ‘‘abnormal’’ (i.e., ‘‘sticks out’’
from the rest in terms of its magnitude—see, e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides,
2008, ch. 3, for a more detailed and nontechnical discussion of the concept

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of an ‘‘outlier,’’ often used synonymously to represent an unusual, aberrant,

abnormal, or extreme value, score, or observation that could be the result of
either gross data entry errors or perhaps originating from a person or unit
that is not a member of the population of interest).
While the measures of central tendency discussed in this section are very
useful for providing summary information pertaining to the central location
of a variable under study (e.g., the MTA score in the considered example),
none of them contains information about any potential individual differences
that might be present within the data. We address this issue next.


Individual differences on studied variables are frequently of special interest in

empirical research. In fact, in many areas scientists are particularly interested
in explaining individual differences on certain variables—usually referred to
as dependent variables, response variables, or outcome variables—in terms of
differences on other variables, typically called independent variables, ‘‘predict-
ors,’’ explanatory variables, or covariates. For instance, do individual differ-
ences in parental motivational practices or upbringing style account for
possible observed differences in mathematics achievement in elementary and
secondary school? Similarly, do urban/suburban differences account for dis-
parities in mathematics achievement? Or perhaps it is gender, SES, or school
sector differences that can explain potential achievement differences?
In order to evaluate individual differences, however, some new measures
called measures of variability or dispersion are needed. These are necessitated
by the observation mentioned above that the measures of central tendency
do not address the stated concerns. Rather, the needed new measures of
variability should respond to the following main question: ‘‘To what extent
is the mean on a variable informative, in the sense of being ‘representative’
of the scores that this variable takes in a group of studied individuals (or
units of analysis)?’’ For distributions with a wide spread around the mean,
the latter is obviously far less informative than in distributions for which
the majority of scores are tightly clustered around the mean. We stress that
none of the central tendency measures contain information that bears upon
the answer to this question about individual differences, since all these mea-
sures are primarily concerned with the location of the scores rather than
with their differences.
As it turns out, the last question is commonly answered using the impor-
tant concepts of variance or standard deviation of a given variable. These two
measures, like the mean, are typically defined for quantitative variables. To
introduce them, we look first at individual scores and how close they are to
the mean. Specifically, the degree to which the mean is representative of most

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scores in a population on a variable under consideration (i.e., the extent to

which the values on this variable are dispersed around its mean there) is cap-
tured at the individual level by the deviation scores. For a given population of
size N, let us denote the scores on the studied variable y as y1, y2,..., yN. Then
the deviation scores are defined as follows:
(3.3) uiyi␮y (i1, 2, ... , N).
In a given sample, these individual deviations are obtained by subtracting the
average of the scores in the sample from each score (since the average is the
estimate of the mean in the available sample). Denoting the n sample values
as y1,y2,... yn, the deviation scores in the sample are ui  yi  ȳ (i  1,... ,n);
as mentioned before, usually n is much smaller than N). Hence, to furnish
the individual deviation scores with R, after rendering the mean estimate we
simply subtract it from each observed score. For our earlier utilized MTA
example (Example 2.2 in Chapter 2), we obtain them as follows:

> u = y - mean(y)

To see the result of this action, we ask R to print to the screen the elements
of the newly obtained vector u, by simply stating its symbol at the R prompt:

> u

This prints to the computer screen the individual deviation scores as follows
(the prefixes ‘‘[13]’’ and ‘‘[25]’’ signal that the 13th and 25th individual devia-
tion score follows immediately after them, in this listing, and are ignored as

[1] -8.25 -6.25 -4.25 -2.25 -0.25 8.75 -5.25 -4.25 -1.25 -0.25 1.75 -2.25
[13] -1.25 1.75 1.75 0.75 -0.25 3.75 -4.25 -6.25 -2.25 5.75 3.75 7.75
[25] -4.25 -4.25 -0.25 1.75 1.75 3.75 5.75 5.75 -2.25 0.75 -0.25 4.75

While the individual deviation scores represent the degree to which indi-
viduals (individual units of analysis) deviate from the mean, they have the
property that they always sum up to zero, no matter how large any one of
them is. In other words, the sum of the deviations of individual scores around
the mean will always be equal to zero. Indeed, if we sum them up using R (for
which we can use the command ‘sum’ as indicated in the preceding chapter),
we readily observe that the result is zero:

> sum(u)

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which returns as expected

[1] 0

Thus, any data set—no matter how many scores it consists of or how different
the individual scores are from their mean—has the same overall sum of the
individual deviation scores, viz., zero. Hence, it would seem that this informa-
tion does not appear to help much in differentiating between different sets of
scores. In addition, the individual mean deviations are scores that are charac-
teristic for each person studied. Therefore, when one simply examines these
deviations, no data reduction (summarization) is actually being achieved. Yet
this type of reduction or summarization is what is frequently sought when
using statistics in most empirical research.
For these reasons, we need a summary measure of individual differences,
which measure does not share the limitations just mentioned. At the popula-
tion level, such a measure is the variance of the studied variable, which is
defined as follows (later in the book, for ease of presentation we may dispense
with the subindex ‘y’ to ␴2, when no confusion may arise):
1 N 2 1 N
(3.4) ␴2y 兺 ui  i1
兺 (yiȳ)2.
N i1 N
Based on this equation, it should be evident that the variance is the average
squared mean deviation. (We assume throughout the rest of the book that the
variance, as well as the mean, of any variable considered is finite, which is a
fairly mild if at all restrictive assumption in empirical research.) We also
observe from this definition in Equation (3.4) that the variance has as units
of measurement the squared units underlying the individual scores (measure-
ments). Because of these squared units, the variance is somewhat difficult to
directly interpret in an empirical setting. To avoid this problem of interpreting
squared units, the standard deviation is also considered, which is defined as
the square root of the variance:

(3.5) ␴y
冪 1 N 2
兺 ui 
N i1 冪 1 N
兺 (yiȳ)2,
N i1
where a positive square root is taken.
Equations (3.4) and (3.5) allow us to determine the variance and standard
deviation of a studied random variable y, if an entire (finite) population of
concern were available. As already mentioned, this will rarely be the case in
empirical social and behavioral research that typically works, due to a number
of reasons, with samples from populations of interest. As a consequence, the
variance and standard deviation for a variable of concern are estimated in an
available sample correspondingly by using the following equations:

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1 n
(3.6) ␴ˆ 2ys2y 兺 (yiȳ)2
n1 i1


(3.7) ␴ˆ ysy
冪 1 n
兺 (yiȳ)2,
n1 i1
with a positive square root taken in the last equation. We emphasize that we
divide in Equation (3.6) the sum of squared mean deviations by (n  1)
rather than by n. We do this in order to obtain an ‘‘unbiased’’ estimate/
estimator of variance. This means that the resulting estimate on average equals
the population variance, across possible samples taken from the population
(all of them being with the same size, n). This unbiasedness feature is a desir-
able property for any estimator of any parameter. Alternatively, if we divide
just by n in Equation (3.6), then on average—that is, across repeated sampling
from the same population—the variance estimate will underestimate the true
variance (i.e., will be associated with a negative bias).
The variance and standard deviation sample estimates are also readily
obtained with R using the commands

> var(y)


> sd(y)

respectively. We note in passing that the variance and standard deviation of

the original data in y are the same as those of the individual deviation scores
u. (While this is a generally valid result (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009), one can
readily see it on the above example data using R, by applying instead the last
two ‘var’ and ‘sd’ commands on the set of scores u representing these individ-
ual deviations.)
Although the variance and standard deviation of a given variable are quite
useful indexes, as we will see later in this book, they have the limitation that
they are not immediately interpretable in a substantive domain in terms of
individual variation. For instance, what does it actually mean to say that an
IQ score measured on second graders has a variance of nine or a standard
deviation of three? We will see below that under some additional assumptions
these numbers do actually attain important meaning. However, if the assump-
tions are not correct, these numbers tell us little about the degree to which
individual scores are indeed scattered around the mean on a studied variable.
A measure of variability that can be immediately interpreted is the range. It

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is defined as the difference between the largest and smallest scores in a given
data set (on a studied variable). Denoting by y this variable, the range r is
defined as
(3.8) rmax(y)min(y),
where max(.) and min(.) are the largest and smallest score on y, respectively.
With R, we obtain the range by simply using its definitional equation:

> r = max(y) - min(y)

The result of this activity is that the range of the variable y is stored or created
as the object r. As before, in order to see its contents—e.g., to see what the
range of the MTA score is—we need to state next the symbol of the range at
the R prompt:

> r

which yields

[1] 17

That is, the distance between the highest and lowest mathematics test–taking
anxiety score in the example studied sample of 36 students is equal to 17.
Alternatively, we can also use the command ‘range’, to obtain the smallest
and largest number in the data set:

> range(y)

In the above MTA example (Example 2.2 in Chapter 2), this command

[1] 15 32

From this result, the range is obviously determined to be r32  1517,

although we would need to manually obtain it in this case.
An interesting relation holds between the standard deviation sy and the
range on a given variable (y) (e.g., Ott & Longnecker, 2010). Accordingly, its
range is generally expected to be about four times larger than its standard
(3.9) r⬇4sy .

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We stress, however, that this is only an approximate relationship, and it is

presented here merely to provide a rough connection between the two indexes
An important limitation of the range is the fact that it is obviously affected
by ‘‘outliers,’’ i.e., unusually large/small observations—e.g., data entry errors
(e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008, ch. 3). As such, the range may give mis-
leading indications of what may be a very large dispersion of scores around
their mean, which is however spurious due to the presence of extreme scores
in a given data set.
A measure of variability that does not suffer from this drawback (at least
not to the same degree in general) is the inter-quartile range (IQR). The IQR
is defined as the interval that contains the middle 50% of the scores on a given
variable. That is, the IQR represents the distance between the median of all
scores that are positioned below the median of the variable being studied, on
the one hand, and the median of all scores positioned above the median on
that variable. With R, we obtain the IQR using the same-named command,
‘IQR’ (note the capitals). For our earlier MTA example, we thus obtain (with
the result again given beneath the R command used):

> IQR(y)
[1] 5

That is, the middle half (in the rank ordering of) the scores of the n  36
students examined in this anxiety study differ from each other by up to five
Unfortunately, any of the summary indexes discussed in this section has
the limitation that sets of scores with very different mean values could still
have the same variability measures. In order to relate variability to the posi-
tion of the actual range within which scores vary from one another, the coeffi-
cient of variation (CV) can be used. The CV index provides by definition the
variability per unit mean and is determined as
(3.10) cy␴y / ␮y
for a given variable y in a population of interest. In an available considered
sample, the CV can obviously be estimated as
(3.11) ĉy␴ˆ y / ␮ˆ ysy / ȳ .

For our earlier MTA example, this coefficient is obtained with R as follows:

> c = sd(y)/mean(y)

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which yields

[1] 1.789

The CV becomes quite relevant when one considers different populations that
may have similar variability but different mean values. Under such circum-
stances, their CV indexes will also differ, as a reflection of the population


We have discussed so far in this chapter a number of measures for determin-

ing both central tendency and variability in studied data sets. With this multi-
tude of indexes, a natural question that arises is whether there may be a way
of integrating them into a single ‘‘picture’’ of data under consideration. As it
turns out, this goal is readily accomplished with the so-called boxplot.
The boxplot is a very popular graphical device in applications of descriptive
statistics, which integrates a number of measures of central tendency and vari-
ability. Indeed, with just a single glance at a boxplot, one can obtain a fairly
large amount of information about the set of scores considered. To define the
boxplot, we need first to attend to the concept of quartile.

3.3.1. Quartiles
The term quartile is commonly used to describe the division of observations
into defined intervals based on the values of the data. (We note in passing
that a quartile can also be thought of as a particular quantile; see below.)
There are two main quartiles for a given variable, a lower and an upper quart-
ile. The lower quartile cuts out at the left (i.e., the lowest) 25% of the scores
on the distribution, i.e., the lowest quarter of the distribution. Conversely, the
upper quartile cuts out at the right (i.e., the highest) 25% of the scores, i.e., the
upper quarter of the distribution. That is, the upper quartile can be thought of
as being the median of all scores that are positioned above the median of the
original data set; similarly, the lower quartile would be the median of the
scores below the median of the original data. In other words, the earlier dis-
cussed inter-quartile range (IQR) is just the difference between these two
quartiles, which thus enclose the middle 50% of the scores on a given variable.
The lower and upper quartiles are readily obtained with R using the com-
mand ‘quantile’. To obtain the lower quartile, we use

> quantile(y, 1/4)

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while we can determine the upper quartile with

> quantile(y, 3/4).

We stress the use of the numbers 1/4 and 3/4 at the end of these commands
(and after a comma separating them from the name of the variable in ques-
tion), since 1/4 and 3/4 of all scores correspond to the left of the lower and to
the left of the upper quartile, respectively.
To illustrate, for our earlier MTA example (Example 2.2 of Chapter 2), we
obtain the following values of these quartiles (with the results again given
beneath the command used):

> quantile(y, 1/4)


> quantile(y, 3/4)


That is, the smallest 25% of the anxiety scores in this example are no higher
than 20 (since they are all whole numbers, as seen from Table 2.2 in Chapter
2), while the highest 25% of the anxiety scores are at least 26.
These two quartiles can be readily obtained for a quantitative variable in a
given data set, along with its mean, median, maximal, and minimal value,
using alternatively the command ‘summary’. This R command produces the
six-point summary of the variable. For instance, considering again the MTA
example, we obtain the following results (given beneath the used R com-

> summary(y)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
15.00 20.50 23.00 23.25 25.50 32.00

As before, we observe from this output the minimum and maximum values
being 15 and 32 respectively (see earlier discussion of the ‘range’ command
in this chapter). We also notice the values of the mean and median being
correspondingly 23.25 and 23, and finally the lower and upper quartiles as
20.5 and 25.5, respectively. With these features, the command ‘summary’ pro-
vides a quick and convenient summarization of the data on a quantitative

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3.3.2. Definition of the boxplot and its empirical

Returning to our discussion of the graphical device of a boxplot for a stud-
ied variable, the IQR is represented by a ‘‘box’’ in it. The two horizontal ends
(lower and upper) of this box, also called hinges, represent the lower and
upper quartiles. To these hinges, two whiskers are attached. The whiskers
extend from the lower and upper hinges to the most extreme observation that
is still within 1.5 IQR units away from the nearest hinge (‘ ’ denoting
multiplication). The observations further away from the median are presented
by separate points and can be viewed informally as extreme scores (possible
outliers; cf. Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008, ch. 3).
We obtain the boxplot with R using the command ‘boxplot’:

> boxplot(y, main = "Boxplot of Anxiety Scores", ylab = "Anxiety Score")

where we now add in the subcommand ‘ylab’ a title for the vertical axis—the
one of anxiety scores. This command yields Figure 3.2 for the earlier MTA
In this displayed boxplot, the thick horizontal line in its middle represents
the median of the anxiety scores of interest, which is equal to 23. As men-
tioned before, the two thinner lines (hinges) enclose the box at the upper and
lower quartiles of 20.5 and 25.5, respectively. That is, the distance of the latter
two statistics is the IQR, viz., 5 in this example. In other words, this box
encloses the ‘‘middle’’ half of the scores, as one moves along the vertical axis

Boxplot of anxiety scores.

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representing the range of the MTA scores under consideration. In the boxplot,
the whiskers are the dashed lines that stretch away from the hinges and until
the smallest and largest value (15 and 32, respectively) in the sample, which
fall within 1.5 IQR units from the closest box end. As mentioned before, when
a data set contains possible ‘‘outliers’’ (i.e., extremely small or large values),
they are visually located outside of the whiskers. We do not have such ‘‘out-
liers’’ in the present data set, since none of its scores extends further than 1.5
IQR  7.5 points from the lower and upper quartiles (20.5 and 25.5,
There are a number of important pieces of information that can be
extracted by examining a boxplot for a variable under consideration. First, the
median can be easily located by examining where the thick horizontal line is
located within the box—the height of this line is the median. (See the vertical
axis in Figure 3.2 and the score on it pertaining to the line; that score is the
median, 23, in the presently considered example.) Second, the length of the
box (i.e., the IQR) is a measure of variability, as discussed earlier in this chap-
ter. This measure is visually represented by the distance between the lower
and upper hinges of the box. In case the median is positioned in the center of
the box and the two whiskers are of the same length, with no points further
away from the lower and upper ends of the whiskers, the distribution of the
variable is fairly symmetric. If the median is not positioned in the center of
the box, however, there is evidence of some asymmetry in this distribution.
In that case, the longer tail of the distribution is to be found in the direction of
the longer whisker (and further extreme observations if any). This asymmetry
usually is opposite to the direction in which one finds the hinge that is closer
to the median. Points outside of the ends of the whiskers are also indicative
of possible outliers as mentioned before.
When a distribution is not symmetric, it is called skewed. In a skewed distri-
bution, the scores above (below) the median are spread more and further
away from it, than the scores below (above) the median. More specifically,
there are two types of skewed distributions—positively and negatively skewed
distributions. A positively skewed distribution has the median usually posi-
tioned lower than the center of the box and closer to the lower whisker. In
such a distribution, the scores above the median are spread more and further
away from it, than the scores below the median. That is, the right tail of the
distribution is longer. Conversely, a negatively skewed distribution has the
median usually positioned closer to the upper hinge, and the lower whisker
being longer than the upper whisker. In such a distribution, the scores below
the median are spread more and further away from it, than the scores above
the median; that is, the left tail of the distribution is longer. We will discuss
further the notion of asymmetry and quantify it in a later chapter of the book.

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3.3.3. Boxplots and comparison of groups of scores

Boxplots are also very useful when comparing informally several groups of
scores. For instance, an educational researcher may be interested in compar-
ing college aspiration scores for male and female applicants. We illustrate the
details in the following example.

Example 3.1 (college aspiration in high school students): Let us consider a

study in which 40 high school sophomores (boys and girls) were administered
a scale evaluating their levels of college aspiration. Using a boxplot graphical
device, we are interested in comparing the two sets of obtained scores for boys
and for girls. The data set CH3_EX31.dat contains their data (whereby the fol-
lowing designations are used in the file: id  identifier, y  college aspiration
score, g  gender—0 for boys, 1 for girls) and is presented in Table 3.1.
To examine simultaneously the boxplots of both genders, after reading in the
entire data set (see Chapter 2), we use with R the following command:

> boxplot(y~g, main = "Boxplot of College Aspiration Scores by Gender",

ylab = "College Aspiration Score", xlab = "Gender: Boys = 0, Girls = 1")

We note the use of the symbol ‘⬃’, which effectively requests comparison of
the variable ‘y’ within the values of the variable ‘g’, i.e., for each of the genders
here. Furthermore, we have also added the ‘xlab’ subcommand to provide a
title for the horizontal axis. The last stated R command yields the graphical
representation provided in Figure 3.3.

Simultaneous boxplots for boys and girls on a college aspiration measure.

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Table 3.1 Data from a college aspiration study

(n  40).
id y g
1 14 1
2 18 1
3 17 1
4 22 0
5 23 1
6 31 1
7 18 0
8 19 0
9 22 1
10 23 1
11 25 0
12 21 0
13 22 0
14 25 0
15 25 0
16 24 0
17 23 1
18 26 0
19 19 1
20 17 1
21 21 1
22 29 0
23 27 0
24 31 1
25 20 1
26 19 0
27 23 0
28 25 1
29 25 0
30 27 1
31 28 0
32 29 1
33 21 0
34 24 1
35 23 1
36 28 0
37 21 0
38 24 1
39 23 0
40 28 1

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As can be seen by examining Figure 3.3, boys have a slightly higher median
than girls on the college aspiration scale; they also have less pronounced inter-
individual differences. Additional group comparisons can also be readily
made using this data set. For example, in this group comparison context, a
question of actual interest could be whether these observed group differences
are ‘‘real,’’ i.e., if they exist also in the two examined populations (of boys and
of girls) from which these two samples came. After all, the research question
was concerned with population differences to begin with—whether such
existed—rather than with differences in randomly drawn samples from them.
Answering this important question will be the concern of later chapters of the
book. Before we turn our attention to them, however, we need to discuss
in the next chapter a concept of fundamental relevance for statistics and its
applications, that of probability and its related notions.

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As we indicated earlier in the book, most questions of interest in the be-

havioral and social sciences involve populations of subjects (or aggregates of
subjects, such as schools, wards, hospitals, facilities, firms, cities). These popu-
lations are, however, very difficult to study in their entirety. For these reasons
scientists generally resort to taking samples from the populations of concern,
which they can study exhaustively. The samples are supposed to be represen-
tative of the populations. Yet no matter how much care is taken when drawing
(selecting) such subsets from a population, a sample is never going to be
identical to the studied population. We thus need to assess the extent to which
certain quantities, or estimates, that we obtain from the samples (such as
mean, variance, standard deviation, etc.) represent their counterparts or
parameters in the population. This is of particular relevance when decisions
must be made based only on the observation of samples, as is often done in
social and behavioral research. In such cases, these decisions are made under
conditions of uncertainty, i.e., when lacking complete knowledge about the
populations or variables involved. As it turns out, these decisions can be sub-
stantially helped by appropriate uses of the concept of probability and its
related notions. Thus, the concept of probability is of fundamental relevance
for statistics and its applications. In fact, no mastery of statistics is really possi-
ble without a good understanding of the notion of probability. For this rea-
son, the present chapter deals with the concept of probability and a number
of closely related notions.


The concept of probability has been the subject of intense study for more
than 400 years, dating back to some of the early writings by the mathemati-
cians Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal. This process has led to a variety of
different probability definitions. We will mention here three such definitions.


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4.2.1. Classical definition

In the context of the classical definition of probability, each possible outcome
of an observation (e.g., an experiment) is called an outcome, and an event is
a set of outcomes. Let us denote the number of all possible outcomes with the
symbol N. (We note that this symbol N is not to be confused with population
size; we will not discuss any populations in the rest of this chapter.) For exam-
ple, when rolling a single dice, there are six possible outcomes of which of
course only one occurs—these are the numbers one through six. That is, here
N  6. Let us consider as an example the event E: ‘‘The dice yields an odd
number.’’ Obviously, this event consists of three possible outcomes—the dice
rolled up a one, three, or five. Hence, there are NE  3 favorable outcomes
for the event E, and the remaining three are not favorable for it. To give the
classical definition of probability, we assume that all outcomes are equally
likely to occur (as in this example). Then this definition of probability,
denoted Pr, is as follows:
favorable events
(4.1) Pr(E)Pr(event E) E ,
for an event E under consideration.
This definition of probability can be used whenever a study (e.g., an experi-
ment) is carried out in such a way that the number of favorable outcomes for
an event(s) of interest out of the set of all possible outcomes can be worked
out. We also note that if the assumption of all outcomes being equally likely
to occur is not true, then the classical definition will yield incorrect and poten-
tially misleading results. A definition that does not depend on this assumption
is provided next.

4.2.2. Relative frequency definition

A definition of probability is also possible based on the relative frequency
of occurrence of a particular event in a long series of independent repetitions
of observations (experiments). This is also commonly called the empirical
approach to defining probability. Accordingly, if the experiment (observation)
is repeated n times, with n being large, and an event E of interest is observed
thereby nE times, then its probability is defined as
(4.2) Pr(E)⬇ E.
This is an ‘‘approximate’’ definition, as is seen from the use of the approxi-
mate equality sign ‘⬇’ in Equation (4.2). The reason is that in order to exactly
define probability we have to carry out an infinitely long series of observa-
tions, which we do not really do in an empirical setting.

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As an example, suppose we are given a coin (with two sides, heads and
tails), for which we do not know whether it is fair or not. The probability of
getting a tail then would be approximated, in a long series of independent
tosses of the coin, by the ratio of the number of tails occurring to the total
number of tosses—according to Equation (4.2). Thereby, the larger the num-
ber of trials (assumed as mentioned above to be independent of one another),
the better the resulting estimate of probability.
When the outcomes of an observation (experiment) are equally likely, the
relative frequency definition of probability may be viewed informally as an
empirical implementation of the classical interpretation (definition) of proba-
bility. This can be seen by considering the set of all conducted trial results as
that of all possible outcomes, while those when the event in question has
occurred are viewed as favorable for it.

4.2.3. Subjective definition

In many situations of theoretical and empirical relevance in the behavioral
and social sciences, even a single repetition of an observation/experiment (let
alone many repetitions) cannot be imagined as meaningful or possible. Never-
theless, repetitions are essential for the relative frequency definition of proba-
bility. Under such circumstances, one could use instead the subjective
definition of probability. This definition relates probability to the subjective
‘‘belief’’ of likelihood for the occurrence of an event in a single observation,
i.e., in a situation of a single consideration of an event, as opposed to that
with a long series of trials.
While the subjective definition can be useful in such situations, a major
problem with it is that it does not define probability in a unique or objective
way. As a result, different persons can potentially come up with different
probabilities. In addition, there is no way in which the so-defined probability
can be objectively checked (unlike the relative frequency definition that can
in principle be checked).
It is important to note that in this book we rely heavily on the relative
frequency definition of probability, within the context of the classical inter-
pretation of probability. This definition seems to provide a reasonable practi-
cal interpretation of the probability of many events currently of interest in
behavioral and social research and applications.


In this section, as in the rest of the chapter, we will use the relative frequency
definition of probability to illustrate the evaluation or estimation of the prob-
ability of an outcome or event. To demonstrate the concepts involved, we use

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a simple simulation experiment that can be repeated by anyone, requiring

only access to R or any other statistical package capable of the following rela-
tively simple computational activities. However, we stress that the use of any
such package is not essential for understanding the topics considered in the
rest of this chapter.
We begin by considering perhaps the simplest illustrative experiment involv-
ing the tossing of a fair coin. Let us denote by 0 the outcome ‘‘heads’’ and by 1
the outcome ‘‘tails.’’ Thus, any time we conduct this random experiment, we
obtain an outcome that is either a 0 or 1. Thereby, no other outcome is possible,
and exactly one of these two outcomes is presumed to occur at any single time
or observation. We assume that any repetition of this experiment is unrelated
to any other repetition of it. Hence, if we conduct it n times (n being an integer
number), then we would have sampled n times one element from the ‘‘popula-
tion’’ consisting of the two numbers 0 and 1, denoted for ease of presentation
as {0, 1}. Thereby, we note that after each repetition of this experiment, both
0 and 1 are available as possible outcomes for the next experiment. For this
reason, sampling in this way is called sampling with replacement.
Once this experiment is carried out n times, with n being a large number,
we can evaluate—i.e., estimate—the probability of ‘‘tails’’ using the relative
frequency definition of probability provided in Section 4.2. Accordingly, the
probability of ‘‘tails’’ is the ratio of the number of experiment repetitions with
tails occurring, to the overall number of trials, say n. In this manner, we
would use the relative frequency definition of probability in order to estimate
the probability of a particular event—obtaining ‘‘tails’’ when tossing the coin
in question.
Such an experiment can be readily simulated using R (although as men-
tioned earlier, this is not essential, as long as one treats the outcomes of the
following conducted simulation as given). All we need to do, then, is sample
n times with replacement an element from the population {0,1}, and then
divide by n the number of times 1 has appeared as an outcome in this series
of trials. This is achieved using the following steps. First, we sample with
replacement n  100 times from the population {0, 1}, using the command
‘sample’, and create the object ‘s’ that contains the results:

> s = sample(0:1, 100, replace = T)

In this command, we present the population {0, 1} as ‘0:1’, followed by the

number of samples taken, 100, whereby we request sampling with replace-
ment by using the subcommand ‘replace  T’. In this way, we sample with
replacement 100 times from {0, 1} and collect all 100 outcomes obtained
thereby into the resulting set ‘s’. This set ‘s’ consists of the numbers 0 and 1,
i.e., is a series of 0’s and 1’s, in the order they occurred during the entire study,

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and is also called array. We emphasize that we sample with replacement, since
we wish to make sure that the two possible outcomes—0 and 1—are ‘‘avail-
able’’ for each experiment repetition. (The default arrangement in the pro-
gram R for the ‘sample’ command is sampling without replacement, which
the presently used subcommand ‘replace  T’ overrides.)
In order to obtain now an estimate of the probability of a ‘‘tail,’’ we first
obtain the number of 1’s sampled. This number is actually the sum of all
elements in the array ‘s’ defined above. According to the relative frequency
definition of probability, the probability of ‘‘tails’’ is then furnished by divid-
ing the number of 1’s by the total number of experiments carried out, i.e., by
n  100:

> sum (s) / 100

which returns

[1] 0.47

Hence, our estimate of the probability for ‘‘tails’’ with the coin used, based
on the sample of 100 observations we utilized, is .47. (Note the use of the
command ‘sum’ to add together all elements of the array s of numbers.) We
observe that the obtained estimate of .47 is fairly close to the well-known
probability of .5 for getting a ‘‘tail’’—a probability value that would have to
be valid based on the assumption that the coin is fair.
We reiterate that this estimate of the probability in question is obtained
using the relative frequency definition of probability. As indicated earlier, with
the relative frequency definition of probability an assumption was made that
the experiment was repeated a large number of times. One can perhaps argue
that 100 is hardly a large number, so let us repeat this experiment now with
n  1,000, i.e., ‘‘run’’ our experiment 1,000 times. We achieve this in R as

> sample (0:1, 1000, replace = T)

This leads—in the same way as explained above—to the estimate .496 of the
probability of a ‘‘tails’’ outcome. As can be seen this value is now much closer
to the probability of .5. If we were to conduct 10,000 repetitions of the same
experiment, the estimate would be even closer to .5 (in this case the obtained
value would be .503). Indeed, one could potentially continue increasing the
number of repetitions of the same experiment, whereupon the estimate would
tend to get closer and closer to .5.
This simple simulation of an experiment, carried out with R, demonstrates

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the relative frequency definition of probability and its utility in practical set-
tings. Of course, if no statistical software were to be available, one could
potentially conceive of tossing the coin n  100 times, then n  1,000 times,
and finally n  10,000 times, and proceeding as above—dividing the number
of times ‘‘tails’’ has occurred by the total number n of tosses.
Having defined probability and illustrated it empirically, we are now ready
for a discussion of basic event and probability relationships.



Based on the probability concept defined in Equation (4.1) or (4.2) as the

ratio of two nonnegative numbers, it follows that probability can never be
negative. Similarly, since we divided in those definitions a number (numera-
tor) by another (denominator) that is never smaller than the former, proba-
bility also cannot ever be larger than 1. That is, by definition the following
double inequality always holds:

(4.3) 0ⱕPr(E)ⱕ1,

for any event E. Thereby, the impossible event—at times also called the
‘‘empty event’’ and denoted as Ø—is associated with a probability of 0, and
the certain event is associated with a probability of 1. (As we will find out
later in the book, these are however not the only events with a probability of
0 and 1, respectively.)
Let us consider now two events, denoted by A and B. For instance, when
rolling a dice, let A be the event that ‘‘The number one turns up’’ and B the
event that ‘‘An even number turns up.’’ Obviously, A and B cannot occur simul-
taneously, since when rolling a dice only one number turns up, which cannot
be both one and at the same time an even number. Such events are called
mutually exclusive (denoted simply as ‘‘m.e.’’). Consider next the union of these
two events, denoted as C  A 傼 B, or simply ‘‘A or B.’’ The event C will occur
if A or B occurs, i.e., if one or an even number turns up when rolling the dice.
An important relationship that can be shown for mutually exclusive events
is the following:

(4.4) Pr(C)Pr(A or B)Pr(A 傼 B)Pr(A)Pr(B).

In other words, the probability of the union of two m.e. events is the sum of
their probabilities. This definition can also be directly extended beyond just
two m.e. events. Indeed, if A1, A2,..., Ak (with k ⬎ 2) are k m.e. events, then

Pr(A1 or A2 or ... or Ak )Pr(A1)Pr(A2 )...Pr(Ak ).

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For a given event A, its complement is defined as the event that A does not
occur, sometimes denoted ‘‘not A.’’ For instance, if when rolling a dice the
event of interest is A  ‘‘An even number turns up,’’ then the complement
of A is the event D  ‘‘not A’’  ‘‘An uneven number turns up.’’ Obviously,
if D  ‘‘not A’’ is the complement of A, then

(4.5) Pr(D)1Pr(A).

This is because A and D are evidently m.e., and in addition their union is the
certain event, i.e., Pr(A or ‘‘not A’’)  1 (see also Equation (4.4)).
In many empirical situations, one may be interested in two events A and B
that are not necessarily m.e., and in particular in their occurrence simultane-
ously. The event consisting of this simultaneous occurrence is called the inter-
section of the two events and is denoted by F  AB, or alternatively as A 傽 B.
We stress that the occurrence of F is tantamount to that of both A and B
occurring in a given experiment. We note also that if A and B are m.e.,
then F is the empty event that never occurs, and then Pr(AB)  Pr(F) 
Pr(Ø)  0.
The probability of the intersection of two events, A 傽 B, is related to that
of the union of two general events A and B (i.e., events that need not be m.e.)
in the following way:

(4.6) Pr(A or B)Pr(A 傼 B)Pr(A)Pr(B)Pr(AB).

The reason is that the probability of the intersection of A and B would be

counted twice when adding Pr(A) and Pr(B). That is, we need to compensate
for this double counting by subtracting Pr(AB) from the sum of the latter two
probabilities. The validity of Equation (4.6) can be graphically demonstrated
using so-called Venn diagrams, with an example displayed in Figure 4.1,
which are widely used to facilitate understanding of probability of events. It
is important to note that Equation (4.4) is a special case of Equation (4.6),
which holds when F  AB is the empty event.

Venn diagram for the probability of the intersection F of the events A and B (F  AB).

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In the remainder of this chapter, we will use on several occasions the proba-
bility relationships discussed in this section.


A type of probability that is of particular relevance in statistical applications

in the social and behavioral sciences is that of conditional probability. This is
the probability of an event occurring on the assumption that another event
(with positive probability) has occurred. The importance of this probability
can be seen in the above dice-rolling example by asking the following ques-
tion: ‘‘If a dice was rolled and it is known that an even number has turned
up, what is the probability that it was the number two?’’
We note that this question is different from the ones we have asked so far
in the present chapter. In particular, the last question is based on the assump-
tion that some additional information is available about the event, viz., that
the number on the dice was an even number. We have not had access to any
additional information earlier in this chapter, whether of this or another kind,
when asking questions about the probability of certain events. Obviously it is
essential to utilize, as opposed to waste, such information when responding
to questions about probability of events like the last posed question. This
information amounts to a condition under which an answer to such a ques-
tion is sought. In the example described at the beginning of this Section 4.5,
an important condition is presented by the fact (or knowledge) that the rolled
dice turned up with an even number; given this knowledge, the question was
raised as to what the probability is of the number being two.

4.5.1. Defining conditional probability

Responding to the last raised question is accomplished using the concept
of conditional probability. This is a probability for an event, knowing that a
certain condition (e.g., another event) has occurred.
To facilitate working out conditional probability for a particular event
given the occurrence of another event, let us denote by B the event that an
even number turned up on top of the dice, and by A the event that the
number two turned up. The last raised question asks about the conditional
probability, denoted Pr(A 兩 B), of the number on top of the rolled dice being
two on the condition (i.e., given) that the number having turned up is even.
This conditioning is symbolized by the vertical bar, ‘兩’, followed by the con-
dition under which the event before that bar (viz., A here) is being consid-
ered. The condition itself (i.e., the conditioning event) is placed after the
bar (viz., B here). We emphasize that conditional probability is only then
defined, when we condition on an event that is not associated with a proba-

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bility of zero—otherwise conditional probability is meaningless. (This

requirement is fulfilled in the opening example of the present section.)
We reiterate that the currently considered probability, Pr(A 兩 B), is not of
the kind of probabilities that we have been discussing so far in this chapter.
The latter probabilities are called unconditional or marginal, since we consider
them outside of any connection to another event—i.e., we do not condition
on any other event(s). In particular, we can readily work out for the above
dice-rolling example that Pr(A 兩 B)  1/3  .33 (rounded off to two deci-
mals), since there is only one favorable event out of three possible, viz., the
number two turning up, out of the numbers two, four, and six possibly turn-
ing up. At the same time, Pr(A)  1/6, and hence is a different probability
(keep in mind that Pr(B) ⬎ 0 here). In fact, it can be shown more generally
that Pr(A 兩 B) can be determined by the following relationship:
(4.7) Pr(A 兩 B)Pr(AB) / Pr(B).
This equation is often used as a formal definition of conditional probability
(assuming Pr(B) ⬎ 0). Equation (4.7) can also be simply rewritten alterna-
tively in the following way:
(4.8) Pr(AB)Pr(B).Pr(A 兩 B),
which represents the probability of the intersection of two events—i.e., of
their joint occurrence—as the product of a marginal and a conditional proba-
bility in the right-hand side of (4.8). Equation (4.8) represents a fundamental
expression of joint probability in terms of two other types of probabilities—
marginal and conditional—and is used quite often in various forms in statis-
tics and its applications.
If in addition Pr(A)⬎0, we can similarly consider conditional probability
with regard to the event A:
(4.9) Pr(B 兩 A)Pr(AB) / Pr(A).

Then, combining this equation with Equation (4.8), we obtain

(4.10) Pr(AB)Pr(A).Pr(B 兩 A)Pr(B).Pr(A 兩 B).
Thus, Equation (4.10) presents two different ways of expressing the joint
probability for two events, A and B (such that they are associated with positive
probabilities each)—viz., as in the two right-hand sides of (4.10). Either way,
we stress that in Equation (4.10) we have two expressions of the joint probabil-
ity Pr(‘‘A and B’’) as the product of corresponding marginal and conditional
probability (assuming we condition each time on an event with positive prob-
To exemplify this discussion, consider the event A  ‘‘picking at random

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52 4 . 6 . B AY E S ’ T H E O R E M

a girl from a student population of third graders’’ and B  ‘‘picking at ran-

dom a third-grade student who has an IQ score that is higher than 105.’’ Then
the joint occurrence of these two events, A and B, is AB  ‘‘picking at random
a girl with an IQ score higher than 105 (when sampling from a population of
third graders).’’ Equation (4.10) allows us now to re-express this probability
in two ways (the symbol ‘ ’ is used next to denote multiplication):
Pr(picking at random a girl with IQ⬎105)
 Pr(picking at random a girl 兩 selected student has IQ⬎105)
Pr(selected student has IQ ⬎ 105)
 Pr(picking at random a student with IQ ⬎ 105 兩 selected student is a
girl) Pr(selected student is a girl)
In this way, we were able to ‘‘decompose’’ the probability of a joint occur-
rence of the two events in question into the product of simpler (i.e., not joint
event occurrence) probabilities.

4.5.2. Event independence

The preceding discussion naturally leads us to a related important probabil-
ity concept, that of event independence. Two events, A and B (with positive
probabilities), are defined as independent if conditioning on either of them
does not change the probability of the other event. This can be denoted as:
(4.11) Pr(A 兩 B)Pr(A), or Pr(B 兩 A)Pr(B).
We note in passing that only one of the two equations in (4.11) needs to hold
in order for the other to hold as well (as long as both events are with positive
probability). We also observe that when two events are independent, their
joint probability is the product of their marginal probabilities:
The concept of independence becomes especially important when obtain-
ing samples from studied populations. In particular, one needs to ensure then
that samples are selected in such a way that they are independent of one


The concept of conditional probability is at the heart of a widely used formula

in applications of statistics in the behavioral and social sciences, the Bayes’
formula, also often referred to as Bayes’ theorem. The theorem is named after

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4 . 6 . B AY E S ’ T H E O R E M 53

Thomas Bayes, a famous 17th-century English mathematician. To illustrate

the principles behind this formula, let us suppose that we were interested in
using a cognitive test for the purpose of diagnosing a particular learning dis-
ability in first graders. For this test we are interested in evaluating:

(i) its sensitivity, that is, its true positive rate, i.e., Pr(test is positive 兩 child
has a learning disability); as well as
(ii) its specificity, that is, its true negative rate, i.e., Pr(test is negative 兩
child has no learning disability).

These probabilities can be worked out with Bayes’ formula, which can be
obtained using earlier developments in this chapter. To this end, first let us
consider two events A and B with positive probability each. Then, from Equa-
tions (4.9) and (4.10) we obtain,
(4.12) Pr(A 兩 B)Pr(AB) / Pr(B)Pr(A).Pr(B 兩 A) / Pr(B).
However, since the event BA and the intersection of B with the event ‘‘not A’’
are m.e. and in their union render B,
(4.13) Pr(B)Pr(BA)Pr(B and ‘‘not A’’).

Hence, from Equations (4.12) and (4.13) it follows that

(4.14) Pr(A 兩 B)Pr(A).Pr(B 兩 A)/[Pr(BA)Pr(B and ‘‘not A’’)].
Using for the denominator again Equation (4.10), we finally obtain the Bayes’
formula (for the currently considered events A and B):
Pr(B 兩 A).Pr(A)
(4.15) Pr(A 兩 B) .
Pr(B 兩 A).Pr(A)Pr(B 兩 not _ A).Pr(not _ A)
In behavioral and social research, the event A is often used in the form of a
‘‘state of nature,’’ and its probability Pr(A) is referred to as a ‘‘prior probabil-
ity.’’ Unlike it, the probability Pr(A 兩 B) given some event B of interest, is
called ‘‘posterior probability,’’ i.e., the reassessed or modified probability for
the event A after obtaining the knowledge that event B has occurred. The
probability of B under A is also often referred to as ‘‘likelihood.’’
To illustrate this discussion, consider now the diagnostic test example in
more detail. Let us suppose that in a studied population of first graders, 5%
of the children have learning difficulties (event A) and 95% have no learning
difficulties (event ‘‘not A’’). That is, Pr(A)  .05 and Pr(not A)  .95.
Next let us assume that based upon past research we knew that the sensitiv-
ity and specificity of a diagnostic test for learning difficulties was 72% and
65%, respectively. That is, if B is the event ‘‘positive diagnosis’’ of learning

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54 4 . 6 . B AY E S ’ T H E O R E M

difficulties, then in case a child has such indeed, Pr(B 兩 A)  .72. Similarly,
from the specificity of this test being .65, it follows that Pr(not B 兩 not A)
 .65  1  Pr(B 兩 not A). Therefore, Pr(B 兩 not A)  1  Pr(not B 兩 not
A)  1  .65  .35.
If we have now the result obtained from testing a certain child with this
instrument, and the result suggests the child has learning difficulties, then the
probability the child indeed is having such difficulties is according to Bayes’
formula (‘ ’ denotes multiplication next):
Pr(A 兩 B).72 .05 / (.72 .05.35 .95).098.
This probability result can be readily obtained with R as follows (note the
use of ‘*’ for multiplication):

> Pr.AunderB = .72*.05 / (.72*.05 + .35*.95)

which renders a value of .098 as the probability of the child having learning
We note in passing that we used R here in the form of a ‘‘calculator,’’ in
which role also any other statistical software could be used; needless to say,
the calculations performed here by R can be alternatively obtained with any
handheld calculator.
The formula provided in Equation (4.15) is actually a special case of the
general Bayes’ formula, which is also often called Bayes’ theorem. This special
case is obtained when only two events are considered, viz., A and ‘‘not A.’’
The general Bayes’ formula for a set of m.e. events A1, . . . , Ak is as follows
(note the analogy of the following expression to the right-hand side of Equa-
tion (4.15)):
Pr(B 兩 Aj).Pr(Aj)
(4.16) Pr(Aj 兩 B) k .
兺 Pr(B 兩 Aj).Pr(Aj)
That is, upon obtaining knowledge that event B has occurred, the prior proba-
bility for the jth event Aj is modified to the expression in the right-hand side
of Equation (4.16) (j  1,..., k). As indicated earlier, the Bayes’ theorem is of
fundamental relevance for a whole branch of statistics, called Bayesian statis-
tics. Given the introductory nature of the present book, this topic is not con-
sidered further—for more specialized treatments on this branch of statistics
the reader is referred to Smith (2010) or Swinburne (2005).
Based on the concepts presented in this chapter, we move next to a discus-
sion of various distributions of variables studied in the behavioral and social

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Probability Distributions of
Random Variables


In most social and behavioral science research, we are typically interested in

examining a variety of subject characteristics and their potential relationships
(cf. Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011). These individual characteristics (or more
generally, characteristics of units of analysis composed of persons) are typi-
cally referred to as ‘‘variables.’’ Although previous chapters relied on an intu-
itive understanding of this term, we now define a variable as follows: A
variable is a behavior-related characteristic that takes individual-specific val-
ues in a given sample (population) and as such is generally not expected to be
equal across studied persons. In other words, variable is a concept that is the
opposite to that of constant.
We are not interested really in studying constants in the social and behav-
ioral sciences, since they do not vary across individuals (or more general units
of analysis). Hence, constants typically do not contain information of rele-
vance when behavioral phenomena are of concern. We mention, though, that
some special mathematical constants will be important for us in subsequent
discussions, such as the numbers e  2.718..., and ␲  3.1415... . As one
may recall, the former number is used as the natural logarithm base, whereas
the latter number represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
diameter. These two constants play a major role in applications of statistics,
as we will see later in the book.
Whenever variables are discussed throughout the remainder of this text, we
will imply that they are of a particular kind. Specifically, variables typically of
interest in the behavioral and social sciences have the property that their val-
ues in a given group of subjects (sample or population) are unknown before
a study is carried out, which involves collection of data from the persons on
their characteristics under consideration. These values become known only
after the observation (experiment, study) is conducted and data are collected


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on the variables and studied subjects. Variables of this type are called random
variables (RVs). In other words, a RV is such a variable whose individual
scores do not exist prior to the actual conducting of the study for which it is
of relevance, but become available only after that study has been carried out.
There are two main types of RVs in social and behavioral research—discrete
and continuous. A discrete random variable can take on only a countable
number of particular distinct values, whereas a continuous variable takes an
infinite number of possible values between any two lying in its range. In other
words, a continuous random variable is not defined at specific values but is
instead defined over an interval of values. In empirical research, it is custom-
ary to consider as approximately continuous a RV that can take on a relatively
large number of values (e.g., 15 or more), while one considers as discrete a
RV that can take only a limited number of values—e.g., two or just a few
more. For instance, the answer on an algebra problem—true or false—is an
example of a discrete RV. On the other hand, an IQ score obtained from an
intelligence test is an example of a variable that for most practical purposes
could be treated as a continuous (approximately continuous) RV. The distinc-
tion between discrete and continuous RVs becomes especially important in
applications of statistics for the purposes of modeling the relationships
between studied variables, as we will be doing later in this book. Under such
circumstances, different methods are best applicable according to whether we
are dealing with discrete response variables or with continuous (response,
outcome, dependent) variables.



The probability distribution for a discrete random variable y is defined as the

set of numbers that equal the probability Pr(y) for each possible value of y in
the domain of that variable, i.e., in the set of scores that the RV y could
attain. The probability distribution for a given discrete RV can be provided or
represented by a table, graph, or just a formula showing the probability with
which y attains each and every one of its possible values. In a given sample, we
can obtain the relative frequencies that represent (estimate) these particular

5.2.1. A start-up example

To begin discussing probability distributions of discrete RVs, we use the
following example. Consider the previous experiment consisting of tossing
two fair coins, whereby the result obtained on one of them does not influence
that of the other. Let us consider the number of ‘‘tails’’ that occur thereby.

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This number is obviously a RV, denoted y in the following discussion. This is

because we do not know its value—which could be 0, 1, or 2—until after the
experiment has actually been conducted. Given that y is a RV, the natural
question then is ‘‘What is its distribution?’’ That is, the question asks for the
probabilities with which it takes on its possible values—0, 1, and 2. With
some reflection and use of pertinent concepts and results from Chapter 4, we
can readily determine the probability distribution of y as given in Table 5.1.
Based on Table 5.1, for example, it is quite evident that the probability of
y  0 is .25. In other words, when tossing two fair coins, the probability that
no ‘‘tails’’ occur is 1/4. Using R one can easily represent these probabilities
graphically if need be. To this end, we first create an array (set or grid) of the
scores of y, and an array with the corresponding probabilities, Pr(y). This can
be done with the command ‘concatenate’, or c(.) for short, where within
brackets we list the numbers we wish to assign to the array created in this way
(note the symbol Pr.y that we use next for Pr(y)):

> y = c(0, 1, 2)
> Pr.y = c(.25, .50, .25)

With these two commands, we create two arrays—the first containing the
values that the RV y of interest can take, and the second containing the proba-
bilities with which y takes these values. We can now provide a graph with
these probabilities by using the R command ‘plot’:

> plot(y, Pr.y)

The resulting graph is displayed in Figure 5.1.

We note readily that the sum of all probabilities across the values that the
RV y can take is 1. In fact, this is a generally valid observation for any discrete
RV. Similarly, none of its probabilities is negative or larger than 1. In this
considered example (as well as generally; see Chapter 4), the probabilities of
an event that represents the union of two or more mutually exclusive events

Table 5.1 Probability distribution of the discrete

random variable y (y  possible value, Pr(y) 
probability for taking the value y).
y Pr(y)
0 .25
1 .50
2 .25

................. 18281$ $CH5 09-19-12 11:36:55 PS PAGE 57


Graph of the probabilities of the random variable y, the number of tails when tossing
two fair coins (independently of one another).

is the sum of their probabilities. For example, the probability of the RV y

taking the value of 1 or 2 is
Pr(y1 or 2).50.25.75.
We stress that in the graph displayed in Figure 5.1 we have represented the
theoretical probabilities for the values of the RV y. With a much larger num-
ber of independent trials (each consisting of tossing two fair coins, as above),
the relative frequency with which 0, 1, and 2 ‘‘tails’’ occur will approximate
these probabilities. The larger the number of trials, the better the approxima-
tion will be (in general; see for instance the example experiment we used in
Section 4.3 of Chapter 4).

5.2.2. The binomial distribution

The above-considered coin-tossing example introduced a context in which
a particular type of a discrete RV distribution is applicable, the so-called bino-
mial distribution. The binomial distribution is defined as the distribution of
the number y of ‘‘successes’’ in a series of n independent trials with two possi-
ble outcomes each—denoted for simplicity as 0 and 1 (with the latter value
commonly referred to as ‘‘success’’)—whereby the probability of success p is
the same in all trials (n ⬎ 0). For example, in a class with n students, the
number of correct responses on a given algebra task—graded as correct vs.
incorrect—would follow a binomial distribution, assuming that students

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work independently and all have the same probability p of solving correctly
the particular algebra task.
As seen from this informal definition of a binomial RV, in order to speak
of such a variable we need to be given two numbers—often called the parame-
ters of this distribution. These are the number of trials n and the probability
p of success. Once we know these two parameters n and p, we can speak of an
RV having the binomial distribution if the RV can take on the values 0, 1,..., n
(and no other) with specific probabilities; the latter are the probabilities for 0,
1,..., n successes in n trials that are independent of one another and with the
same probability of success. More formally, if y is a RV following the binomial
distribution with parameters n and p, which can be symbolically represented

y ⬃ Bi(n, p) ,

then the probability associated with each of them can be shown mathemati-
cally to be (e.g., Roussas, 1997):

(5.1) Pr(y) py(1p)ny (y0, 1,..., n).

In Equation (5.1), for any integer k we denote by k!  1.2 ... (k  1).k the
product of all integer numbers up to k, including k (whereby k! is referred to
as ‘‘k factorial,’’ and by definition we set 0!  1). For example, 3! would
simply be 3 2 1  6.
Although one could hand-calculate these probabilities, we can instead eas-
ily obtain them and graph them using R. This software implements the for-
mula provided in (5.1) by using the command ‘dbinom’. There are three
‘‘arguments’’ to this command, i.e., three entities that we need to provide R
with, in order for R to be in a position to execute this command. Specifically,
these are (i) the values of y that are of interest, (ii) the total number of values
y could obtain (less 1, for 0), and (iii) the probability p of success at each of
the independent trials involved.
To illustrate the definition of the binomial distribution and use of the cor-
responding R command ‘dbinom’, let us return to the context of the algebra
task example given above. Suppose that we have a class of 10 students who
work independently and that the probability of each one of them solving the
task is .7. Then we can obtain with R a graph of the probabilities of the RV
defined as the number of students with correct solutions of the task, denoted
y, as follows. First, we need to generate the set of possible numbers of students
with correct answers—viz., 0, 1,..., 10. This is easily done with the command

> y = 0:10

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In this way, we create as an array, or grid for the graph—denoted y here—the

set of all possible values that can be taken by the RV y. Then for each possible
value of y we need to work out the corresponding probabilities for as many
students providing the correct answer, using Equation (5.1). This as men-
tioned is readily implemented in R and invoked with the command

> dbinom(y, size = n, prob = p)

where we need to enter the number n (in our example, 10) and the probability
p (in our example, .7). (As an aside at this point, the name of the command,
‘dbinom’, could be in a sense decoded as ‘‘distribution of a binomial vari-
able.’’ Technically, ‘dbinom’ could be seen also as standing for ‘‘density of a
binomial variable,’’ keeping in mind that the set of its probabilities could be
considered the counterpart of the density of a continuous random variable, a
concept which is discussed later in this chapter.)
For the currently considered algebra task example, the following command
is thus needed:

> Pr.y = dbinom(y, size = 10, prob = .7)

We can view the probabilities computed in this way by just entering at the R
prompt ‘Pr.y’:

> Pr.y

The last command produces the following series of probabilities (note the
prefix in brackets at the beginning of each output row, indicating the serial
number of the probability following next in this set of altogether 11 probabili-
ties—for each of the numbers 0 through 10):

[1] 0.0000059049 0.0001377810 0.0014467005 0.0090016920 0.0367569090

[6] 0.1029193452 0.2001209490 0.2668279320 0.2334744405 0.1210608210
[11] 0.0282475249

From the provided output, we easily see that the probability of no students
correctly solving the task is .000 (rounded off to the third decimal place), for
six students correctly solving the task is .200 (rounded off), while that for just
three students solving it correctly is .009 (rounded off)—these are the first,
seventh, and fourth numbers, respectively, from left to right in this output.
To plot next these probabilities against the possible values of the RV y, we
use the ‘plot’ command as before:

................. 18281$ $CH5 09-19-12 11:37:11 PS PAGE 60


> plot(y, Pr.y, type = "h")

where we employ the last subcommand ‘type’ to request vertical lines con-
necting the probability point on the graph with the horizontal line (abscissa).
This yields the graph displayed in Figure 5.2.
An interesting property of the binomial distribution is that it becomes
more and more symmetric, for a given probability p, with increasing number
of trials, n. For instance, the graph of the binomial probabilities for n  100
with p  .7 is much more symmetric, and displayed in Figure 5.3. In order
to obtain this graph, we first create an array with the 101 numbers from 0 to
100, for instance using the command

> y = 0:100

Then we furnish the associated probabilities using the command

> Pr.y = dbinom(y, size = 100, prob = .7)

Finally we plot these probabilities against their corresponding y’s (as done
above), which leads to the graph in Figure 5.3 that as mentioned looks much
more symmetric than that in Figure 5.2.
Like any distribution used in this book, a RV y that is binomially distrib-

Graph of the binomial probabilities (5.1) for n  10, and p  .7.

................. 18281$ $CH5 09-19-12 11:37:27 PS PAGE 61


Graph of the binomial probabilities for n  100 and p  .7.

uted has a mean and variance or standard deviation, which are its respective
measures of central tendency and variability (see Chapter 3). They can be
shown to equal correspondingly (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009)
(5.2) ␮ynp, and
␴ 2ynp(1p).
We note that we can determine the mean and variance (standard deviation)
in Equations (5.2) if we know only the probability of success in each of the
trials, p, and their number, n. If we do not know this probability, but only the
number n of trials in a given sample (viz., its size), we may estimate p from
the sample as the relative frequency
(5.3) p̂
and then substitute it into Equation (5.2). In this way, we will render estimates
of the mean and variance:
(5.4) ␮ˆ np̂, ␴ˆ 2np̂(1p̂).
(e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009). These estimates provide empirical information
about the population mean and variance, and may be of relevance in a partic-
ular study.

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5.2.3. The Poisson distribution

With a large number of trials, n, the binomial distribution becomes awk-
ward and unwieldy to deal with. In particular, its probabilities are hard to
evaluate precisely then. In such cases, this distribution can be approximated
quite well by another distribution for a nonnegative discrete RV, if the proba-
bility p of success in the binomial trials is small (for details see below). The
approximating distribution is that of the number of events of a prespecified
nature that occur during a given time period. For instance, the number of
cases of a rare noncontagious disease occurring in a school district during a
given year, or the number of airplane accidents occurring on a given day,
could be argued to follow the Poisson distribution.
More specifically, a nonnegative discrete RV follows the Poisson distribu-
tion under the following conditions: (a) events occur one at a time (i.e., no
two events occur at the same time); (b) events occur independently of one
another; and (c) the expected number ␮ of events (mean, or rate of occur-
rence) in a given time period is the same as that number during any other
time period of the same length.
We note that while the binomial distribution is limited from below and
above—since for a given number n of trials one cannot have more than n
successes—the Poisson distribution is limited only from below by 0 but not
from above. In particular, the distribution of a RV y following the Poisson
distribution with a mean ␮, symbolized y ⬃ Po(␮), is obtained by knowing
the probabilities with which y takes its values. These probabilities are defined
as follows:
(5.5) Pr(y)␮ye␮ / y! (y0, 1, 2,...),
where e  2.71828... is a special constant that we know as the base of the
natural logarithm. With Equation (5.5) in mind, we reiterate that the Poisson-
distributed RV y can take the value of 0 with a positive probability, and any
other positive whole (integer) number with a corresponding probability.
The probabilities given by Equation (5.5) can be easily obtained with R
using the command ‘dpois’ (for ‘‘distribution of a Poisson variable’’ or ‘‘den-
sity of a Poisson variable’’—see earlier discussion in this chapter). A graph of
the Poisson distribution can also be readily furnished by this software. To this
end, as with the binomial distribution, we first obtain the array of values that
this RV can obtain—for which we wish to get its probabilities—then compute
the associated probabilities, and finally, graph them against the former values.
To illustrate this discussion, if ␮  3 is the rate of events occurrence, i.e.,
the mean of the RV y under consideration (see below), the following com-
mands are needed to graph this Poisson distribution, Po(3), for the first 11
possible scores, viz., zero through 10:

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> y = 0:10
> Pr.y = dpois(y, 3)
> plot(y, Pr.y, type = “h”)

This command sequence furnishes the probability distribution graph dis-

played in Figure 5.4.
A random variable with the Poisson distribution has the interesting prop-
erty that its mean and variance each equal ␮ (e.g., Roussas, 1997), that is,
(5.6) ␮␴ 2y␮.
From Equation (5.6) we note that unlike the binomial distribution, the Pois-
son distribution is a ‘‘single-parameter’’ distribution. Indeed, all we need to
know in order to produce its probabilities is the expected number of events
per unit time (i.e., its mean ␮). In this feature the Poisson distribution differs
from the binomial distribution, for which we needed to know both its param-
eters n and p in order to determine the probabilities to take particular values.
Since we usually do not know the mean and variance of the Poisson distri-
bution, for given sample data we can estimate the expectation ␮ by the num-
ber of events per unit time, and then plug it into Equation (5.6):
(5.7) ␮ˆ y␴ˆ 2␮ˆ .
To illustrate this discussion, consider the following example. A certain non-
contagious disease occurs in a given school district at the rate of .5 cases per

Graph of the Poisson probabilities (5.5) (for 0, 1, . . . , 10, and ␮  3).

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year. We wish to find out the probability that in a given year there will be two
cases of this disease in the district. To accomplish this, we can use the formula
(5.1) via the simple command:

> dpois(2, .5)

which returns

[1] .07581633

That is, the sought probability is .076 (rounded off to third decimal).
The Poisson distribution becomes even more useful as a means of approxi-
mation of the binomial distribution with large n and small probability p of
success (specifically with n ⱖ 100 and p ⱕ .01). This approximation is quite
good if then np ⱕ 20. In that case, rather than compute the binomial distribu-
tion probabilities, one can simply work out the Poisson probabilities—for 0,
1,..., n—with a mean ␮  np (Ott & Longnecker, 2010).
To illustrate, consider the following example. A new medicine aimed at
reducing blood pressure in elderly adults has been found to be associated with
a probability of .005 for a particular side effect, such as dizziness, say. In a
clinical trial, 200 aged persons receive the medicine. What is the probability
that none of them will experience dizziness? This probability is readily worked
out with R by observing that since 200 ⬎ 100, .005 ⬍ .01 and 200 .005  1
⬍ 20, the Poisson distribution is a good approximation of the binomial prob-
ability of relevance here (with ‘ ’ denoting multiplication). Then the sought
probability is found out as follows (see preceding example):

> dpois(0, 200*.005)

which yields .368 (rounded off to third decimal place). Thus, one can say that
the probability that none of the persons studied will experience dizziness is
just over a third. Conversely, it could be said that with a probability of nearly
two-thirds at least one elderly person will experience dizziness during the trial
of this medicine.



A continuous RV has the property that its possible values form whole inter-
vals, ranges, or continua, as opposed to discrete RVs that can take only distinct
values. In empirical behavioral and social research, one may argue that most

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variables could be seen as discrete. However, when they take a relatively large
number of values (say, 15 or more), they can be considered for many empiri-
cal purposes as (approximately) continuous.
For continuous RVs, it is not possible to assign probabilities to single values
they can take. This is because, at least theoretically, there are infinitely many
such possible values (in fact, infinitely many more values than are countable).
Therefore, instead of the tables or graphs representing probabilities for dis-
crete RV values as earlier in the chapter for the discussed binomial and Pois-
son distributions, we now use a different concept to refer to the distribution
of a continuous RV. This is the notion of a ‘‘probability density function’’
(pdf, for short, also called at times ‘‘density curve’’ or ‘‘pdf curve’’). The pdf
is typically used to represent the probabilities with which a continuous RV
can take on values within certain intervals. Such a function for a continuous
RV is presented in Figure 5.5, and denoted f in the rest of this book, when no
confusion can arise.
Continuous RVs do not need to have symmetric pdf’s, similar to the one
displayed in Figure 5.5. Rather, they can also have nonsymmetric density
curves. Nonsymmetric pdf ’s are commonly called ‘‘skewed’’—displaying
asymmetry either to the right or to the left (see also Chapter 3). Specifically,
when their right tail is longer than the left, they are called ‘‘positively skewed’’;
alternatively, if their left tail is longer than the right, they are called ‘‘negatively
skewed.’’ Many random variables in empirical research have nearly symmetric
pdf’s, however. As we will see in the next chapter, this phenomenon can be

Probability density function (pdf, density curve) for a continuous random variable.

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explained with an important result in statistics, called the central limit the-
Each pdf can be seen as enclosing a certain area between its curve and the
horizontal axis of its graph. How large is this area? An important and widely
followed convention in statistics and its applications is that the area under the
pdf (density curve) of a continuous RV is assumed to equal one. This convention
is quite reasonable, as the counterpart of a related property for a discrete RV,
specifically that the sum of all probabilities for the values it can take is equal
to one (see Section 5.2).
Probability density functions resemble in form histograms (see Chapter 2).
In particular, the probability of a considered continuous RV obtaining a value
within a given interval equals the area under its pdf curve and between the ends
of the interval. Specifically, if y is a continuous RV and (a, b) a given interval
(in the range of values that y can take, with a ⬍ b), then Pr(a ⬍ y ⬍ b) is the
area under the pdf of y that is enclosed between the numbers a and b.
Hence, if one were interested in finding out what the probability is for a
continuous RV y to obtain a value in a fairly small interval surrounding
(closely) a given number, x say, this probability is approximated by f(x).⌬,
where ⌬ is the length of the considered interval. By letting ⌬ go to zero, we
readily observe that the probability of a RV y to obtain a prespecified value in
its range is zero. Nonetheless, it is possible that y indeed takes on that particu-
lar value x0, say. This is an instructive example of an event that is not the
empty one, which has, however, also a probability of zero (see Chapter 4).
Conversely, the probability of this RV taking on a value other than x0 is one.
Similarly, this is an example of an event other than the certain event, which
has a probability of one (since one cannot be really certain that the RV y will
not take the value x0).
We mention in passing that while it might be tempting to view f(y) as the
probability of a continuous RV y, to take the value y, it would be an incorrect
interpretation! The value f(y), for a given number y, cannot be interpreted
meaningfully in any different manner than saying that it is the height of the
pdf of the RV y at the value y—since the probability of the event E: ‘‘The RV
y takes the value of y’’ is zero.
With the preceding discussion in mind, we deal in the next section with a
fundamental distribution for continuous RVs, the so-called normal distribu-

5.3.1. The normal distribution

Many variables of interest in the behavioral and social sciences have a dis-
tribution with a pdf that approximates well a bell-shaped curve like the one
displayed in Figure 5.5. In particular, the scores we obtain from many measur-

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ing instruments in these sciences—usually resulting as sums of the scores on

their elements, such as items, questions, components, tests, or testlets—often
approximate such a distribution well. For example, the scores resulting from
an intelligence test or from a college aspiration scale for high school students
would likely have this feature. To be more specific, these distributions can be
approximated well by the normal distribution. As it turns out, this distribu-
tion plays a fundamental role in statistics and its applications; we discuss it
next, beginning with a definition. Probability density function

There are infinitely many normal distributions possible for a continuous
RV under consideration. Any one of them has a pdf (density curve) that is
described by the following function, or curve, for appropriate values of the
two parameters ␮ and ␴2, which will soon be given specific meanings (␴ 2 ⬎
0 is assumed throughout this book for the variance of any continuous RV):
(5.8) f(y) e(y␮)2/2␴2,
where the value y is unrestricted, i.e., ⬁ ⬍ y ⬍ ⬁. That is, in practical terms,
as the score y ranges from a very small to a very large number, the function
f(y) defined in the right-hand side of Equation (5.8) describes the density
curve of the normal distribution with parameters ␮ and ␴ 2 (notice the
appearance in (5.8) of the constants ␲ and e mentioned earlier in the book).
This distribution is commonly denoted as N(␮,␴ 2), and the fact that the RV
y follows it is represented symbolically as y ⬃ N(␮,␴ 2). We will frequently use
this notation in the remainder of the book. Also, whenever we refer to a
‘‘normal distribution’’ or ‘‘normal curve’’ (with a given mean and variance),
we will mean in particular the pdf defined in Equation (5.8).
As an aside at this point, Equation (5.8) also allows us to see that all we
need to know in order to create (produce) the normal distribution with mean
␮ and variance ␴ 2, is the values of these two parameters. In this sense, once
we estimate the mean and variance for a population distribution on a given
normal variable using data on it from an available sample, all information
needed to produce this distribution (based on the sample) is contained in the
estimates of these two parameters. In other words, the mean and variance are
sufficient statistics with regard to the variable distribution as long as it is
normal (e.g., Roussas, 1997). Graphing a normal distribution

We can readily obtain with R a graph of the normal distribution pdf (nor-
mal pdf) for any given pair of parameters ␮ and ␴2. For example, to obtain

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this graph of the normal distribution with a ␮  100 and ␴  15, which is
approximately the distribution of the scores resulting from many intelligence
tests, we proceed as follows: (i) create a ‘‘grid’’ (‘‘net,’’ or array) of scores for
y, at which we (ii) compute the right-hand side of Equation (5.8), and then
(iii) plot the grid and this set of corresponding scores. These three activities
are accomplished with the following three consecutive R commands:

> y = seq(55, 145, .05)

> f.y = dnorm(y, 100, 15)
> plot(y, f.y)

The first of these commands, as mentioned, makes available for the next two
commands or activities the sequence of all numbers between 55 and 145 that
are .05 units apart—starting with the smallest, 55, and ending with the largest,
145. (Later in this chapter, we elaborate on why it is meaningful to choose 55
and 145 here.) The second command calculates, using the right-hand side of
Equation (5.8) with ␮  100 and ␴  15, the values of the pdf of the normal
distribution N(100, 225) at all these numbers in the array (sequence of num-
bers) produced by the first command and denoted y. The last command plots
each of the values in the array y and its corresponding value of the pdf, f(y),
for the normal distribution under consideration. The triple of these com-
mands produce the graph presented in Figure 5.6.
We note in passing that if we wanted to display the pdf of this distribution
also for scores lower than 55 and larger than 145, we could reflect that in the

Graph of the density curve (pdf) for the normal distribution N(100, 225).

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first command above that created the grid for the graph. However, as we will
soon see, the probability at lower scores than 55 is practically zero, as it is for
scores larger than 145 (for this particular distribution, N(100, 225)).
Using the above three command lines, one can similarly create the graph
of the pdf of any normal distribution N(␮, ␴ 2) of interest—all we need to do
is just substitute in these three lines its parameters, ␮ and ␴ 2 (and modify
correspondingly the two end points of the underlying graph grid; see below). Mean and variance of a normal distribution

What do these parameters ␮ and ␴ 2 actually mean? The first, ␮ , is the
mean (expectation) of the RV with the distribution N(␮, ␴ 2), while the sec-
ond, ␴ 2, is the variance of the RV following this distribution, as shown in
more advanced treatments (e.g., Roussas, 1997). As to the mean, we can in a
sense ‘‘see’’ it by examining the graph displayed in Figure 5.6. Indeed, the pdf
of the distribution N(100, 225) presented there is centered around 100, which
equals its mean ␮.
We also note that the normal distribution is symmetric around its mean ␮.
This is easy to see for the distribution presented in Figure 5.6, and more
generally can be deduced by examining Equation (5.8). Specifically the expo-
nent in its right-hand side is highest when y  ␮, and furnishes the same
value for any y above the mean as it does for its mirror image around the
mean ␮, viz., for the value ␮  (y  ␮) . This is precisely the feature of
symmetry of a function f(y) around a particular number—in this case, ␮.
Due to this feature, the mean is also equal to the median for any normal
While the mean ␮ represents the central location of the distribution, as
follows from its symmetry around ␮, the variance ␴ 2 reflects the degree to
which the distribution is flat versus peaked (in its central part). In particular,
flatter distributions are associated with larger ␴ 2, while more peaked ones with
smaller ␴ 2. (For our purposes in this book, this can be readily seen graphically,
by plotting as above several different normal distributions with the same
mean but varying ␴’s.) The degree to which a distribution is excessively flat
or peaked is also reflected in its kurtosis. In particular, using the Greek words
lepto (which means thin or peaked) and platy (which means wide or flat),
distinctions between leptokurtic and platykurtic distributions can be made.
When a distribution has such a shape that does not enable one to make a
clear distinction between the leptokurtic and platykurtic cases, it is generally
referred to as mesokurtic (where the Greek word meso means middle). Such
a term implies a compromise between the two cases of peaked versus flat
distributions. For example, normal distributions are considered to be meso-
kurtic (i.e., they are not leptokurtic or platykurtic). We note that these

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descriptive aspects of a distribution are related to the so-called moments of a

distribution. In particular, the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis are the
four moments of main interest of a distribution. Of course, since a normal
distribution is symmetric, it has no skewness; in other words, its third (cen-
tral) moment is zero.
We will revisit a related feature of the normal distribution later in the chap-
ter, in the context of probability of a normally distributed RV obtaining a
value within certain intervals of its range of scores. The standard normal distribution

Even though there are infinitely many normal distributions, one of them
has obtained special relevance. This is the standard normal distribution,
denoted N(0,1), with a mean of zero and variance of one. The pdf of this
distribution was actually graphed in the earlier Figure 5.5 in this chapter.
This distribution is also commonly tabulated in many introductory statistics
textbooks (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009, p. 592).
To obtain for illustrative purposes a graph of the pdf of the standard nor-
mal distribution, as indicated earlier in the chapter we can use the following
three commands:

> y = seq(-3, 3, .005)

> f.y = dnorm(y, 0, 1)
> plot(y, f.y)

We thus create with the first command a thinner grid than the one used
earlier, due to the much smaller variance of the distribution of interest here,
N(0,1), and our desire to produce a smooth curve (i.e., a curve appearing
smooth to the naked eye). The remaining two commands are the same as
those used above in Section 5.3, with the only difference that the one produc-
ing the pdf values f.y needs to use arguments that are valid for the present
case, viz., mean of zero and standard deviation of one (as the second and
third of its arguments). These three commands produce the graph displayed
in Figure 5.7, for completeness of the current discussion. As we see from it,
most scores assumed by an RV following a standard normal distribution can
be expected to lie within the interval 3 and 3. The reason is an important
fact about the probability of a score from such a distribution to be at least a
certain distance away from the mean, which we will discuss in detail later in
the chapter.
The standard normal distribution leads us naturally to a very useful concept
in empirical behavioral and social research, which we next turn to.

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Probability density function of the standard normal distribution, N(0,1).

5.3.2. z-scores
The reason the standard normal distribution plays such a central role
among the normal distributions is the fact that one can ‘‘move’’ to it and back
from any other normal distribution, using a simple standardization formula.
In particular, it can be shown that if the RV y is normally distributed with
any mean and variance ␮ and ␴, i.e., y ⬃ N(␮, ␴ 2), then the so-called z-score,
(5.9) z(y␮)/␴,
follows the standard normal distribution, N(0,1). Conversely, if x ⬃ N(0,1) is
a standard normal RV, then the RV y  ␮  ␴ x will have the distribution
N(␮, ␴ 2) (e.g., King & Minium, 2003).
More generally, the z-score is defined for any random variable, regardless
of its distribution (as long as its variance is positive, as assumed throughout
this book). Further, we stress that Equation (5.9) produces a z-score for any
given variable and any subject (unit of analysis). That is, any studied subject
(or aggregate of such, if being the unit of analysis) has a z-score on any vari-
able under consideration. This score is computed as in Equation (5.9). We
also notice that the z-score equals the number of standard deviations (␴) that
the original y score is away from (i.e., below or above) the mean, ␮. Also, we
will keep in mind that unlike raw scores (y) often obtained on measures in the
behavioral and social sciences, the z-scores can be negative (viz., when y ⬍ ␮)
and will usually not be whole numbers.
Equation (5.9) would be applicable if we knew the population mean ␮ and

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variance ␴ 2 on a variable under consideration. Since populations values will

rarely be obtainable in empirical research, in an available sample (group) the
z-scores are estimated as

y ␮ˆ y yiȳ
(5.10) ẑy,i i  ,
␴ˆ y sy

i  1, 2,..., n. (Frequently in behavioral and social research, the caret above z

is left out when estimated z-scores are used.) In Equation (5.10), we attach
deliberately both subindexes y and i to the z-score. We do so in order to
emphasize that these are individual scores on a given random variable, y, of
interest—as mentioned, every subject has a z-score on any variable of concern
(for which the variance is positive).
The z-scores have obtained quite some prominence in empirical behavioral
and social research mostly due to the fact that different variables in these
disciplines are typically measured using different scales whose units are not
readily comparable with one another, if at all. These units of measurement
are in addition often arbitrary and perhaps meaningless, if not irrelevant. This
makes comparison of subject performance across variables (e.g., subtests,
components, subscales) very difficult, if not impossible. To allow some com-
parability of individual scores across variables or measures, the z-scores can
be utilized. This enhanced comparability derives from the fact that the
z-scores are ‘‘pure’’ numbers, which do not reflect the original units of mea-
surement. Rather, they only reflect the individual score deviations from the
mean, which deviations are evaluated in terms of the original standard devia-
For instance, consider the case where a student has a score of 15 on an
algebra test and a score of 25 on a geometry test. Is the student doing better
in algebra or in geometry? This question cannot be answered, in general,
based only on these available raw scores. The reason is that usually tests are
based on a different number of items and we do not know here how many
items each test had. However, if we go to z-scores, some comparability
becomes possible, if one is willing to take as informative in this regard the
knowledge of how the student fares relative to peers (classmates or school-
mates). Specifically, suppose the z-score of the same student on the algebra
measure was .75, while the z-score on the geometry measure was -.25. We
note that these z-score values can be readily computed using Equation 5.10,
once the sample mean and standard deviation have been obtained. Using
these z-scores, we could now say that the student is .75 standard deviations
above the mean on algebra, but .25 standard deviations below the mean on
geometry. That is, the student is doing considerably better than average in
algebra but worse than average in geometry.

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5.3.3. How to obtain z-scores in empirical research

The z-scores for any variable of interest in empirical studies are readily
furnished by R, using the formula:

> z  (y - mean(y))/sd(y)

To illustrate, consider the earlier MTA example (see also Example 2.2 in
Chapter 2), with n  36 students being examined for their mathematics test–
taking anxiety. (As mentioned earlier, the complete data set is available in the
file CH2_EX22.dat.) For the anxiety score in that data set—the variable
denoted ‘y’ in it—the last indicated R command yields the following z-scores
(after entering at the R prompt just ‘z’; note that thereby 36 scores are printed
on the screen):

> z

[1] -1.98472359 -1.50357848 -1.02243337 -0.54128825 -0.06014314 2.10500987

[7] -1.26300592 -1.02243337 -0.30071570 -0.06014314 0.42100197 -0.54128825
[13] -0.30071570 0.42100197 0.42100197 0.18042942 -0.06014314 0.90214709
[19] -1.02243337 -1.50357848 -0.54128825 1.38329220 0.90214709 1.86443731
[25] -1.02243337 -1.02243337 -0.06014314 0.42100197 0.42100197 0.90214709
[31] 1.38329220 1.38329220 -0.54128825 0.18042942 -0.06014314 1.14271964

It is instructive to look at the mean and variance of these 36 scores. According

to the previous discussion, the mean should be zero and the variance one. To
furnish the mean of the above z-scores, after just entering ‘mean(z)’ at the R
prompt (‘⬎’), one will get

[1] -2.878858e-17

This is a very small number, which for all practical purposes can be treated as
zero. Specifically, it is formally equal to 2.878858 1017 (where ‘ ’
denotes multiplication). We note in passing that the software R—like many
other available statistical software—uses the so-called scientific notation
to represent large or small numbers. In this notation, powers of 10 are
denoted formally by ‘e’ followed by the actual power. That is, the number
-2.878858e-17 is the same as the number -2.878858 1017. (The sym-
bol e displayed here should not be confused with the constant e  2.718...
mentioned earlier in the book; the latter constant plays a fundamental role
for the pdf of the normal distribution, as can be seen from the above Equation

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To render the variance of the z-scores, after just entering ‘var(z)’ at the R
prompt, one obtains

> var(z)
[1] 1

which is what it should be, according to our earlier discussion in this chapter.



As mentioned previously, a widely followed convention in statistics and its

applications is that the area under the normal curve is assumed (set) to be
one, for any normal distribution. (In fact, this is assumed for any distribution
that has a pdf—which all continuous RV distributions of relevance in this
book do.) This convention allows us to make quite informative statements
about the probabilities of certain events, in particular about possible values
that a normally distributed RV can take. We discuss such probabilities in the
rest of this section.
We begin by noting the following fact. It can be shown mathematically that
the area under the normal curve, which is enclosed by the interval (␮  ␴,
␮  ␴)—corresponding to one standard deviation below and above the
mean—is approximately 68%. We can actually easily work this out with R
empirically, for any normal distribution whose mean and variance are known,
or by using alternatively tables for normal probabilities (see next section). We
employ for this aim the R command ‘pnorm’—which may be viewed as stand-
ing for ‘‘probability for the normal distribution.’’ This R command calculates
the area under the normal curve, which is to the left of a given number stated
To illustrate, suppose we want to find out what the area is under the normal
curve that lies within the interval (␮  ␴, ␮  ␴) for the normal distribution
with a mean of one and variance of five (i.e., with a standard deviation of
兹5). To work out the area under the normal curve and within 兹5 units
from the mean of one, we use the R command ‘pnorm’ that has three argu-
ments—i.e., three numbers that we need to provide R with in order to enable
the software to respond to our question. These numbers are (in this order):
(i) the score in question—we want the area to the left of that score and under
the normal curve; (ii) the mean; and finally (iii) the standard deviation of the
normal distribution under consideration. In the present example, this leads
to the following command (the response we obtain from R is given immedi-
ately below the command):

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> pnorm(1sqrt(5), 1, sqrt(5))

[1] 0.8413447

That is, just over 84% of the entire area under the normal curve for this
distribution, N(1,5), is to the left of the point one plus one standard deviation
(i.e., to the left of ␮␴ in this example). We note in passing that in R, like in
other software, square root is accomplished with the command ‘sqrt(.)’, with
the number to be square-rooted given within parentheses.
The last calculated probability implies that the area above ␮  ␴ and under
the curve of the distribution N(1, 5) is the complement of this probability to
the entire area under that normal curve, i.e., 1  .8413447  .1586553. Due
to the symmetry of the normal distribution (see, e.g., Figure 5.6 or the for-
mula of the normal pdf in Equation (5.8), and our earlier discussion in this
chapter), it follows that the area under the normal curve and between ␮  ␴
and ␮  ␴ is .8413447  .1586553  0.6826894, or just over 68% as men-
tioned above.
This percentage is actually correct in general for any normal distribution,
and we just illustrated it here in a particular example using the distribution
N(1,5). A simple illustration of this general result, which is quite useful in
empirical work, can be given as follows. Suppose one has administered a mea-
sure, such as an intelligence test, which is known to have (approximately) a
normal distribution in a large group of students. What is the probability of
picking at random a student with an IQ score being positioned no more than
one standard deviation away from the mean? In other words, what is the
probability of picking at random a student with a z-score smaller than one in
absolute value?
This is the same as asking the earlier question in this section, viz., what is
the area under the normal curve that is enclosed within one standard devia-
tion from the mean. And the answer we first gave above is .68 (as shown for
the general case in more advanced treatments, and demonstrated above for
the distribution N(1,5)). That is, if one were to keep picking at random stu-
dents from that large group, in the long run about two out of every three
students will not have an IQ score that is more than one standard deviation
higher or lower than the mean on this measure. (Usually IQ scores have a
mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, as we indicated above.)
The discussion so far in this section dealt only with the question of what
the area was under the pdf curve of a normal distribution and within one
standard deviation from the mean. It can be similarly shown that the area
under the normal curve and within two standard deviations from the mean is
approximately 95%. We can illustrate this general result on our earlier exam-
ple with the N(1,5) distribution by using R as follows (output provided
beneath command):

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> pnorm(1+2*sqrt(5), 1, sqrt(5))

[1] 0.9772499

Once we have this area under the curve (up to two standard deviations below
the mean), the area under the normal curve and within two standard devia-
tions from the mean is calculated in this example with R simply as

> 0.9772499-(1-0.9772499)
[1] 0.9544998

Note that here we used R to conduct simple computations, such as the sub-
traction of the two obtained numbers. (We can of course use any of a number
of other statistical software for the same goal.) That is, the area under the pdf
curve of the normal distribution of interest and within two standard devia-
tions from the mean is just above 95%. This percentage is valid not only in
the presently considered example, but also in the general case of any normal
distribution, as mentioned above.
Further, it can be generally shown that the area under the normal curve
and within three standard deviations is just above 99%. In our current exam-
ple with the distribution N(1,5), we again obtain this area with R using the
following two computational steps:

> pnorm(1+3*sqrt(5), 1, sqrt(5))

[1] 0.9986501

> 0.9986501 - (1-0.9986501)

[1] 0.9973002

For our earlier IQ example with repeated sampling from a large group of
student IQ scores, these findings imply that in the long run about one out of
20 students would have an IQ score further away from the mean than two
standard deviations, i.e., would have a z-score larger than 2 or smaller than
2. Further, about five out of 2,000 students would have a score further away
than three standard deviations from the mean, i.e., a z-score larger than 3 or
smaller than 3.
We stress that the general interpretations given in this section do not
depend on a particular normal distribution but are valid for any considered
normal distribution. This is because we did not refer in these interpretations
to the mean and standard deviation of a particular normal distribution being
assumed. Also, the last general finding shows that in a normal distribution
nearly all scores lie within three standard deviations from the mean, i.e., have
a z-score that is not larger than three in absolute value. Hence, unless the

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group studied is very large, one would be really surprised to find a score that
far or even further away from the mean, i.e., with such a large or an even
larger z-score in absolute value terms.


What proportion of scores that a normal RV could obtain may be expected

to lie below (or above) a prespecified number? This type of question is of
substantial interest when one is concerned with finding out, for instance, how
high a given student’s score on a test of interest is relative to the scores of the
student’s peers. For example, if someone has a score of 105 on an intelligence
test, what is the percentage of scores among his or her peers that are higher
than 105? Questions like these are also of particular relevance in the process
of diagnosing possible learning difficulties or problems, as well as in many
other empirical settings in the behavioral and social sciences.
As it turns out, such questions can be answered using the concept of a
percentile. For a given normal distribution and proportion p (0 ⬍ p ⬍ 1), the
100pth percentile for this distribution is the score y with the property that
(100p)% of the population values on this variable fall below y. For example,
the 50th percentile, i.e., the 100(1/2)th percentile, is the median of the distri-
bution. As can be seen from Equation (5.8), and indicated earlier in this chap-
ter, the median of a normal distribution is the same as its mean (since this
distribution is symmetric around its mean, where its pdf attains its highest
value, as mentioned before). Furthermore, the 25th percentile is the median
of all scores below the mean, and the 75th percentile is the median of all
scores above the mean. (See discussion of the boxplot and its lower and upper
hinges in Chapter 3.)
We can readily use R to work out percentiles of particular distributions of
interest. To this end, we utilize its command ‘qnorm’. This command has also
three ‘‘arguments,’’ i.e., three numbers we need to give to R when employing
it. The first argument is the probability or proportion p of concern. Once we
have settled on which percentile we want to work out, this number becomes
known. For instance, if we are interested in the 40th percentile, evidently
p  .4. The second and third arguments are the mean and standard deviation
of the normal distribution under consideration. That is, if we are interested
in the (100p)th percentile for the N(␮, ␴ 2) distribution, the three arguments
are p, ␮, and ␴, and are to be provided to R in this order.
We illustrate this discussion with the following two examples.

Example 5.1. Suppose an IQ test score has a distribution N(100, 225) in a large
group of third graders (population of interest). What is the score that cuts out
to the right 5% of the area under the pdf of this distribution?

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This question asks about the 95th percentile of the given normal distribution,
since to the left of the requested number are 100%  5%  95% of the scores
in the population of concern. We obtain this percentile with R as follows (the
result is again given underneath the used command ‘qnorm’):

> qnorm(.95, 100, 15)

[1] 124.6728

That is, if a student has a score of at least 125, he or she is among the top 5%
of his or her peers in terms of IQ score on the test in question.

Example 5.2. Consider a scale measuring anxiety in an elderly population that

is known to follow approximately the normal distribution N(40, 25). What is
the highest score on this scale that would still be lower than the top 90% of the
scores in the population?

Here we are interested in finding the 10th percentile of the distribution N(40,
25). Using R with the command ‘qnorm’ yields (result given below com-

> qnorm(.1, 40, 5)

[1] 33.59224

That is, the sought score is 33. In other words, any anxiety score lower than
34 would have the property that at least 90% of the elderly population scores
are higher than it.



An alternative to this software-based approach for working out percentiles is

the following. As indicated earlier in the chapter in a more general context, if
y is a standard normal RV, then a  by is also a normal RV with mean a and
standard deviation b, where a and b are prespecified constants. Hence, if for
a given number p (0⬍p⬍1) we are interested in the 100pth percentile of the
distribution N(␮, ␴ 2) with known mean and variance, all we need to do are
the following two steps: First, find out what the 100pth percentile is of the
standard normal distribution. Second, multiply this percentile with ␴ and add
␮. The result will be, according to the just cited general statement, the 100pth
percentile for the distribution N(␮, ␴ 2) of interest in the first place. Use of this
approach to evaluation of percentiles of a normal distribution is substantially
facilitated by the wide availability of the percentiles of the standard normal

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distribution, which essentially does step 1 of this procedure. In particular,

tables with these percentiles are commonly provided in the appendixes to
most introductory statistics textbooks. We do not pursue this topic further
here, due to the wide availability of R and other statistical software, and we
mention it in this final section of the chapter merely for historical reasons.

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Random Sampling Distributions

and the Central Limit Theorem


Empirical studies conducted in the social and behavioral sciences are generally
interested in examining phenomena in very large populations that cannot be
completely accessed and exhaustively studied. For example, if a new teaching
method showing fourth-grade children how to perform number division were
developed and we wanted to compare it to an already established method, we
cannot easily study the entire population of fourth graders taught by the new
method. While somewhat conceivable, any attempt to study the entire popu-
lation would be impractical if not impossible, excessively resource- and time-
demanding, and for a number of reasons (to be expanded on later) just not
worthwhile attempting—at least not currently. To resolve this problem, we
usually resort to (i) taking a sample from a population of interest and
(ii) studying each member of the sample. Thereby, it is necessary that the
sample resemble (i.e., be representative of) the population of concern as well
as possible, since otherwise our conclusions may well be incorrect if not mis-

6.1.1. Random sample

The above-mentioned representativeness may be accomplished by taking a
random sample from the population of interest, a concept we define more
precisely later in this section. Ensuring sample representativeness is so impor-
tant an issue that there is even a specific branch of statistics dealing with it,
referred to as sampling theory (e.g., Lohr, 1997). Sampling theory is con-
cerned in part with ways to draw samples that possess optimal properties so
as to be as representative as possible of the population of interest (at a given
sample size). Some of these ways include so-called clustered sampling, simple
random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling. For the pur-


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poses of this introductory book, we will only be dealing with simple random
samples. In the remainder of the book, therefore, whenever mention is made
of a sample, we will presume that it is a simple random sample (see below for
a more precise definition).
In certain circumstances in social and behavioral research, all subjects
(units of analysis) from a population may indeed be exhaustively studied, as
for instance when a census is conducted. Nevertheless, these are usually very
expensive investigations that are infrequently or relatively rarely carried out.
In this book, we will not be discussing them, but as mentioned will only be
dealing with the case of studies that are based on simple random samples
from large populations. As was done in some previous discussions, we will
denote the number of subjects (units of analysis) in the population as N, and
those in the sample as n. Usually, n is much smaller than N, which is assumed
to be a finite number, however large it may be. In the special case that n  N,
we are dealing with a census. Most of the time in contemporary behavioral
and social science research, n ⬍ N, or in fact more likely n ⬍⬍ N (a symbol
used to denote that n is much smaller than N).
Before we move on, we give a more precise definition of the concept of
random sample, which is essential for the remainder of the book. A sample of
n measurements (subjects, units of analysis) selected from a population under
study is said to be a random sample if it has the same probability of being
selected from the population as any other sample of the same size. That is, a
random sample is a ‘‘draw’’ (selection) in a random fashion from a popula-
tion under consideration. This implies that every subject in a population of
interest is given an equal chance of being selected into the sample. Hence, a
random sample is not characterized by any systematic feature that would
make it different from any other possible draw from the studied population,
which draw would consist of the same number of subjects (measurements,
units of analysis). We mention in passing that in sampling theory, a random
sample defined in this way is usually referred to as ‘‘simple random sample.’’
(We will use the reference ‘‘random sample’’ throughout the remainder of the
A random sample may be obtained using tables with random numbers that
are commonly provided in many statistics texts (e.g., King & Minium, 2003).
Alternatively, one may wish to use tabled values obtained by using a compu-
terized random number generator. Either approach would be feasible if both
N and n were not very large (especially as far as N is concerned), and there is
a listing available of all population members from which the sample is selected
using such a table. A table with random numbers has the property that any
number in it is random—i.e., any one of its numbers can be chosen as a
starting point in the search for elements from the population to be drawn
into the sample. Thereby, one can move in any direction any number of steps

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without violating the property of the next chosen number in this way being
random as well. For much larger studies this process is usually automated,
and its details are beyond the confines of this introductory book (e.g., Kish,
1997). Thus, as mentioned above, for the remainder of the book we assume
that a random sample from a studied population is available to us, which we
can proceed with in our analytic and modeling activities.

6.1.2. Sampling distribution

If we consider taking a random sample of subjects from a studied popula-
tion and administer to them a particular measure (test, scale), such as an
intelligence test or a depression scale, what would be the mean of the resulting
IQ scores or depression scores? We cannot answer this question before we
actually carry out these activities and average the individual scores obtained
thereby. Even if we knew what the mean was in the population, we have no
way of predicting with certainty what the mean would be of the IQ scores in
any random sample of size n that we could take from the population (when
n ⬍ N). Similarly, we could not predict with certainty the value of the mode
of these scores, their median, or any other descriptive index we discussed
earlier in this book.
As discussed in Chapter 3, any such descriptive index obtained from a sam-
ple would be a good example of a statistic. As will be recalled, a statistic is a
function of the scores on a given variable of interest that are obtained in a
sample of subjects from a population under consideration. All descriptive
indexes we considered before—such as the measures of central tendency and
variability—are therefore statistics. This is because they are functions of the
studied variable values in the sample—i.e., their values result after carrying
out certain computational activities on the scores in the available sample, such
as summing, averaging, squaring, and so on.
This discussion demonstrates that before we actually obtain the sample we
cannot know the value in it of any statistic of interest. Hence, a statistic is
itself a random variable (RV). Indeed, its value becomes known only after a
sample is obtained from a studied population. This value is typically referred
to as a ‘‘realization’’ of the RV. Therefore, before analyzing correspondingly
the sample data, we can only consider a statistic of interest as a RV.
However, as we discussed earlier in the book and demonstrated in a num-
ber of examples, a RV has a probability distribution. For a given statistic, such
as the mean, say, we call its probability distribution the sampling distribution
of that statistic. Hence, the sampling distribution of a given statistic is the
distribution of the set of all possible values that it can obtain across all possible
samples at a given size (n), which we could get from the population of inter-

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est. This set of values depends obviously on the size n of the samples that we
take thereby. Therefore, any statistic has a sampling distribution for any given
sample size that may be of interest.
In order to look at the concept of a sampling distribution from a slightly
different point of view, let us suppose that we are given a population we are
interested in—e.g., all second graders in a particular state. Let us also assume
that we are concerned with a test of writing ability for all second graders. We
could think of each student in the population as having a score on this test,
which score however we unfortunately do not yet know. In a sense, this score
is hidden from us, unless of course we actually studied with the test the entire
population—which as indicated before, is something that would most of the
time not be done in real-life empirical research. Next suppose we decide to
draw a sample of n  50 students from this population—i.e., we fix the size
of the sample. We observe that there are very many possible samples of this
size that we could obtain. For example, if the population contained 100,000
children, it can be shown mathematically that there are in total (‘ ’ is used
next to denote multiplication)
(6.1) 100000!/(50! 99950!)
possible samples. Although this is clearly an extremely large number, we could
of course readily compute it, out of curiosity, using R with the following
command (result is given beneath it):

> choose(100000, 50)

[1] 3.247911e+185

This resultant number approximately equals 3 10185, which is a number

written with 185 zeros. We also need to keep in mind that since we are inter-
ested in obtaining a random sample, any one of these approximately 3 10185
samples is equally likely to be drawn.
Now suppose we were interested only in the mean of each sample drawn.
In other words, suppose we were only interested in the random variable
(RV) ȳ, which is defined as the average of the writing ability scores y in a
random sample (see also Chapter 3). It is clear then that depending on the
selected sample, the realization of this RV ȳ in it could be any one of up to
about 3 10185 distinct possible numbers—a mean for each of the possible
samples. (Of course, we do realize that not all of these mean numbers need to
be different from one another, at least in general.) Next consider these
3 10185 scores ȳj (j  1,..., 3.247911 10185, i.e., one for each sample) as
representing themselves a set of numerical data. Denote this set by ⌼  {ȳj
for j  1, 2,..., 3.247911 10185}; we stress that ⌼ contains approximately
3 10185 elements that as noted above need not all be distinct from one

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another. This set of data, ⌼, like any set of numbers, has a distribution, which
as previously illustrated we know how to obtain—e.g., using the software R as
discussed in Chapter 2. This distribution is referred to as the random sampling
distribution (RSD) of the RV under consideration here, viz., the RV defined
as the mean ȳ at the sample size of 50. More generally, the RSD is defined as
the distribution of a RV under consideration—e.g., a statistic—across all pos-
sible random samples of a given size from the studied population. If we chose
a different number as a sample size—for example, if we chose n  100—then
along exactly the same lines we see that there is also a random sampling distri-
bution of the resulting set of sample averages across all possible samples of
size 100. This would be the RSD of the mean ȳ at a sample size 100. And so
on—for any given sample size n (n ⬍ N), there is a RSD of the mean ȳ at that
sample size.
We chose in the preceding discussion the mean as the object of our consid-
erations mostly because of its popularity in empirical behavioral and social
research. In fact, we could just as easily have chosen any other statistic (i.e.,
function of the sample data) to consider—e.g., the variance, standard devia-
tion, range, and so on. Hence, there is a random sampling distribution, at a
given sample size, for any statistic that we may be willing to consider in an
empirical setting.
A major gain in adopting the concept of RSD, as we have done in this
chapter, is the following realization: since the values of a statistic of interest,
such as the mean, across all possible samples with a fixed size need not be the
same, there is inherent variability in essentially any statistic that we could
consider in a given sample. (Of course, there would be no such variability if a
particular constant were chosen as a special case of a statistic, but we exclude
this trivial case from consideration.) This emphasizes the fact that the value
of any statistic that we could obtain in a given sample from a population
under consideration, need not repeat itself in any other sample from that popu-
lation, which we might have as well taken (drawn or selected). That is, the
specific score we obtain on a statistic of concern in a given sample from a
studied population is only one of potentially very many possible scores that
one could obtain with that statistic had another sample of the same size from
that population been drawn.



The random sampling distribution (RSD) of the mean, or sample average, ȳ

plays a special role in statistics and its applications. The reason is that it is the
subject of a particular and essential result that has widespread applicability,
the so-called central limit theorem. (We will be particularly concerned with

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this theorem in Section 6.3.) For now, let us focus again on the previous
observation that any statistic we might be interested in a given sample from a
studied population can be seen as a random variable (RV). As a RV, that
statistic has a probability distribution and it depends on the size of the sample
in an interesting way. Yet what does this dependency actually look like?
Before we address this question in more detail, let us consider some of its
aspects, specifically as far as the RSD of the mean is concerned. In particular,
let us determine what is the actual central tendency and variability for this
RSD. That is, what are the mean and variance for the RSD of the sample

6.2.1. Mean and variance of the random sampling

distribution of the mean
In order to answer these questions, let us first step back and expand on
some related important concepts. To obtain the mean of a probability distri-
bution (random variable), it greatly helps to reconsider what that distribution
or RV is composed of. We noted earlier that the RSD of the sample average is
the distribution—across samples of a given size—of the averages of the values
in all possible samples at that size from a specified population. Hence, the
mean of the random sampling distribution of the sample averages (at a given
sample size) is actually the mean of all sample averages.
However, each of these averages is itself a random variable, since we do not
know its value before the pertinent sample is drawn. An important result
in statistics, which for ease of presentation we will not be concerned with
mathematically deriving here, is that the mean of a sum of random variables
is the sum of their means (e.g., King & Minium, 2003). That is, if Y1, Y2,..., Ym
are m given RVs, then the mean of their sum, ␮Y1Y2...Ym, is equal to the
sum of their means ␮Y1, ␮Y2,... ,␮Ym:
(6.2) ␮Y1Y2...Ym␮Y1␮Y2...␮Ym.

Using this result, it can be shown that if for a given random variable of interest
y we denote its population mean as ␮y, then the mean of the statistic defined
as the sample average (at a given selected sample size), ␮ȳ, is in fact equal to
␮y, that is,
(6.3) ␮ȳ␮y.
In other words, the average of the sample averages is the same as the popula-
tion mean (e.g., Roussas, 1997). Similarly, it can be shown that the variance
of this statistic is
(6.4) ␴ 2ȳ␴ 2y / n.

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That is, while the mean of the RV defined as the sample average (at a given
sample size) is the same as the population mean, the variance of this RV is n
times smaller than the population variance of the original variable y of inter-
est. In other words, taking the average of a sample reduces the original vari-
ance n times, where n is the size of the sample in question. Therefore, the
sample average as a random variable is much less varied—in particular with
large samples—than any individual observation or score on the variable of
interest. Specifically, the larger the sample, the less varied is the sample aver-
age relative to any individual observation (score).
Since the mean of the random variable defined as the sample average is the
same as that of the original variable of interest y, from the preceding discus-
sion it follows that the higher the sample size is, the closer (probabilistically)
the sample average to the population mean of y. Hence, whenever one is
interested in the population mean of a RV—e.g., the score on a test of arith-
metic ability—taking a large sample from the population of concern will ren-
der in its average a score that has a distribution with an important property.
Specifically, this distribution will be quite compactly positioned around the
population mean of that variable.
This result, which is based on Equations (6.3) and (6.4), is the reason why
there is so much interest in statistics and its applications in the sample mean.
As this result suggests, one can have quite some confidence in the mean of a
large sample from a studied population, as an index informing about the
population mean on a variable of interest.
We refer to the sample average in a given sample as an estimate of the
population mean, and to the statistic sample average (outside of the context of
a particular sample) as an estimator of the population mean. We reiterate the
earlier noted difference—the former is a number, the latter is effectively a
formula or a statistic in general, as we indicated earlier in the book. We obtain
an estimate when we substitute empirical data into that estimator formula.

6.2.2. Standard error of the mean

Equation (6.4) can be alternatively represented as
(6.5) ␴ȳ␴y / 兹n,
which results after taking the square root (positive) from both sides of Equa-
tion (6.4). Equation (6.5) states that the standard deviation of the random
sampling distribution of the mean (at a given sample size, n) is the standard
deviation of the original random variable of interest divided by the square
root of the sample size.
It is instructive to note here that Equation (6.5) has also obtained consider-
able prominence in statistics and its applications. The reason for this attention

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is that it represents a measure of the variability of the sample means around

the population mean, but evaluated in the same units of measurement as the
original units—i.e., in the units of measurement underlying the original vari-
able y of concern. The right-hand side of Equation (6.5) is also frequently
referred to as the standard error of the mean (i.e., the standard error of ȳ),
particularly when provided in output generated with most statistical software.
More generally, when one estimates other unknown quantities that
describe particular features of distributions of interest, the standard error of
the estimate (estimator) is the standard deviation of the random sampling distri-
bution of the estimate (estimator) across repeated sampling at the given sample
size from the studied population. These unknown quantities are themselves of
particular interest, and as mentioned earlier are typically called parameters.
Perhaps the most well-known examples of parameters are the mean, standard
deviation, and variance, but there are many more that could also just as easily
be considered. For instance, the inter-quartile range, the range, the median,
and the mode of a given variable in a studied population are all parameters
characterizing its distribution.
As we mentioned before, in a given sample the parameters are evaluated
(i.e., estimated) using appropriate functions of the sample data, viz., corre-
sponding statistics. The remainder of this book deals with a number of such
statistics that are used as estimators of important parameters usually of special
interest in applications of statistics in the social and behavioral sciences.


Section 6.2 emphasized the importance of the mean and variance of the ran-
dom sampling distribution of the mean. While these are two key aspects of
this distribution, they do not inform us about what its shape actually is. In
particular, they do not tell us whether that distribution is symmetric or not,
or whether it is particularly peaked and/or flat. In other words, these mean
and variance quantities provide us with no practically useful information
about the skewness and kurtosis of the distribution (i.e., the third and fourth
moments of the distribution). The latter queries are responded to by an essen-
tial result in statistics known as the central limit theorem (CLT).
To discuss the CLT, we will use again the concept of random sampling
distribution (RSD). To this end, let us consider the RSD of the mean (average)
of the scores on a variable of concern in a given sample of size n from a
studied population. Next, suppose we begin to change n—initially consider a
fairly small n, then a larger n, then an even larger n, and so on, each time
increasing n. Would there be any particular effect of this successive increase
in sample size upon the RSD of the mean? In particular, as n becomes larger

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and larger, how does the shape of this distribution change, if it does at all? We
consider these issues in greater detail below.

6.3.1. The central limit theorem as a large-sample statement

As indicated above, the answer to the last-posed question is provided by
the central limit theorem (CLT). The CLT states that as n increases, the ran-
dom sampling distribution of the sample average (mean) approximates better
and better a normal distribution. (This will be the case as long as the original
variable distribution has a finite variance, as is assumed throughout the book.)
We note that while Equations (6.3) and (6.4) are valid for any sample size
n, the CLT is a limiting statement. In other words, the CLT is a statement that
is valid as n increases without any limit or bound. Statements that hold when
sample size increases without bound are commonly called asymptotic or large-
sample statements. That is, Equations (6.3) and (6.4) are valid for any
n—whether fixed or increasing without limit—but the CLT is valid only when
n is very large (theoretically, beyond any finite number).
In other words, Equations (6.3) and (6.4) are finite sample statements,
while the CLT is an asymptotic statement—i.e., one that obtains validity for
very large sample sizes. Thereby, at any n, small or large, the mean and vari-
ance of the RSD of the sample average (mean) are provided by Equations (6.3)
and (6.4). To put it differently, the mean and variance properties reflected in
(6.3) and (6.4) are valid for any sample size—regardless of whether the sample
size is small or large, fixed or increasing—while the CLT is a statement that is
only concerned with the shape of the RSD of the mean for very large sample

6.3.2. When is normality obtained for a finite sample?

It may be interesting to consider whether—and if so, when—the normal
distribution statement in the CLT is valid at a finite sample. We observed that
while the CLT makes such a statement for an increasing (as opposed to finite)
sample size, this last question asks about the magnitude of a finite sample size
at which normality can be claimed for the RSD of the mean.
In order for normality to hold at a fixed, finite sample size, the distribution
of the original variable y of interest need itself be normal to begin with. That
is, if we consider the RSD of the mean at a fixed sample size n for a given
normally distributed RV, y, then this RSD is normal for any size of n—not
just for n being very large as stated by the CLT. Thereby, Equations (6.4) and
(6.5) hold also for any finite value of n, no matter how large or small.

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6.3.3. How large a sample size is sufficient for the central

limit theorem to be valid?
The CLT does not require any particular form of the distribution of the
original variable y. That is, y could be discrete or continuous, symmetric or
not, and as long as the sample size n is sufficiently large the random sampling
distribution of the sample average (mean) will be very close to normal.
Yet how large does the sample size n really need to be, in order for the RSD
of the sample mean to be practically indistinguishable from normal? This
depends on the degree to which the distribution of the original RV y is non-
normal (i.e., on the extent to which this initial distribution deviates from
normal). As we mentioned earlier, if this deviation is nonexistent, i.e., if y is
normal to begin with, then the RSD of the sample mean is normal at any n,
with the mean and variance of the RSD being given by Equations (6.4) and
(6.5). However, if the distribution of the RV y is very nonnormal to start
with—e.g., discrete, such as binomial—then n may need to be relatively large
in order for the RSD of the mean to approximate the normal distribution
Numerous simulation studies have been conducted and published in the
statistics literature suggesting that if the distribution of the initially considered
RV y is symmetric, the CLT may obtain practical relevance already at n ⬍ 30.
Accordingly, if the distribution is not deviating a great deal from the normal
and is nonsymmetric, then an n around 30 or slightly above may be needed
for the CLT to obtain practical relevance. When the distribution of y is very
nonnormal, then a sample size well beyond 30 may be needed in order for the
CLT to obtain relevance.
Let us now turn to an example to illustrate the preceding discussion about
the CLT.

Example 6.1: Suppose that a patient’s diastolic blood pressure is normally dis-
tributed with a mean ␮  85 mm and variance ␴ 2  16 mm2. Assuming we
took four measurements of the patient’s blood pressure within a several-hour
time period on a given day, what is the probability that the average of these
measurements will be under 90 mm, thus indicating the patient does not have
high blood pressure? (This example assumes high blood pressure is indicated
when diastolic blood pressure is above 90 mm.)

Here we are interested in the RSD of the sample average (mean). Let us denote
by y the diastolic blood pressure at a given point in time—within the few
hours that this patient was measured—which is obviously a RV. Then ȳ would
be the mean of the four blood pressure measurements taken on the patient.
According to the earlier discussion in this section, since the initial variable of
concern, y, is normally distributed, so is also its mean, ȳ. That is, the RSD of

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the mean is normal even though we have in this case only a sample of n  4
observations. Equations (6.3) and (6.5) give the mean of this RSD as ␮ȳ  ␮y
 85 and standard deviation of
␴ȳ␴y / 兹44 / 22.
We now need to work out the probability of the event E  { ȳ ⬍ 90} (using
curly brackets to denote event defined within them). To this end, we can use
R as in the preceding chapter, since we actually know the mean and variance
of the normal distribution of relevance as given here, viz., correspondingly 85
and 2:

> pnorm(90, 85, 2)

[1] 0.9937903

That is, the probability of the mean being under 90 is .994 (rounded off to
third decimal place). Hence, even four repeated measurements under the cur-
rently considered circumstances give a fairly high probability of concluding
someone does not suffer from high blood pressure, when they in fact do not
have this condition. (This is of course based on the assumption that the pres-
sure measurements are normally distributed to begin with, an assumption
that we made at the beginning of our example discussion.) We thus conclude
that the specificity of these diastolic blood pressure measurements is fairly
high for the current example settings.

6.3.4. The central limit theorem for sums of random

The CLT can be extended to a number of different sample statistics. For
instance, there is a version of the CLT for the sample median, and a version
of the CLT for the sample standard deviation. These versions represent fairly
complicated statements, and their specifics go well beyond the scope of this
book. In the remainder of the book, many of the statistics that we will be
dealing with will be either averages or sums of random variables—the obser-
vations available from samples. As it turns out, there is also a version of the
CLT for sums of variables, which we will then be referring to.
To introduce this particular CLT version, we first note that as indicated
before, each random sample of n measurements can be considered itself being
a set of n random variables. In fact, each of these measurements, before being
collected, is a RV in its own right. Indeed, before the variable(s) of interest is
evaluated on each element of the sample—i.e., prior to us taking a look at the
sample data—we do not know the values of the measurements in the sample.
Therefore, we can treat the sample measurements as random variables.

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Denote the sample scores as usual y1,y2,... ,yn, and their sum y1  y2  ...  yn
as ⌺y. We stress that y1, y2,... ,yn as well as their sum denoted for simplicity ⌺y
are all RVs.
Under these circumstances, the CLT for sums of random variables makes
the following statement (e.g., Ott & Longnecker, 2010). If y1, y2,... ,yn represent
observations on a studied variable from a population with a mean ␮ and
finite variance ␴, then the mean and standard deviation of their sum are

(i) ␮⌺yn␮ , and

(ii) ␴⌺y兹n␴ .

In addition, when the sample size n is large, the RSD of ⌺y will be approxi-
mately normal (with the approximation improving as n increases). If the pop-
ulation distribution is normal, then the RSD of ⌺y is exactly normal for any
finite sample size n.
We emphasize that here we are concerned with a different RSD than the
one introduced earlier in this chapter. Specifically, in this subsection we are
dealing with the RSD of the sum of random variables, rather than with the
RSD of the sample average.

6.3.5. Revisiting the random sampling distribution concept

As we have emphasized on several occasions in this chapter and book, we
use sample statistics to evaluate—or obtain an idea about, loosely speaking—
the corresponding unknown population quantities of interest, referred to as
parameters. This process of evaluation was called earlier estimation, and the
results obtained were referred to as estimates of the population parameters.
For example, we use the sample mean to estimate the population mean. Simi-
larly, we use the sample variance or standard deviation to estimate the popula-
tion variance or standard deviation, respectively. Also, we use the sample
median to estimate the population median. We emphasize that the population
parameters are intrinsically unknown (unless of course we observe the entire
population, which would rarely be the case in most empirical research situa-
tions). We make here the important observation, however, that even after we
estimate these parameters based on a sample, no matter how large the sample
size, strictly speaking their population values still remain unknown (unless of
course the sample is identical to the population, a case excluded from consid-
eration here). We do have their estimates then, however, which give us some
approximate idea what the magnitude of the values of the population parame-
ters could likely be.
Since the population parameters will remain unknown, the natural ques-
tion that arises at this point is how good the sample estimates are as quantities

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informing us about the unknown population parameters. The concept of the

random sampling distribution (RSD) for a given statistic can be of particular
help in answering this question with regard to the pertinent parameter. Spe-
cifically, the RSD tells us about the variability of the sample estimates of this
parameter across repeated sampling from the population of interest (at the
given sample size). If we know in addition some properties of the RSD—e.g.,
that its mean coincides with the population parameter of interest—then we
can make certain probabilistic statements about ranges of plausible values for
the corresponding population parameter.
How these statements will be specifically arrived at is the topic of subse-
quent chapters. We can however mention here that if the RSD is on average
centered on the population parameter and is in addition a distribution with a
relatively small variance, we would expect that most of its values—across
repeated sampling at a given size from the population—would be close to
the population parameter. For example, we already know from our earlier
discussion in this chapter that the mean of the RSD of the sample mean equals
the population mean ␮y, and that the standard deviation of this RSD is
␴y / 兹n. This means that the RSD of the sample average is ‘‘centered’’ on the
population mean, ␮y, and that with large samples the variability of the sample
mean will be very limited. Hence, if a relatively large sample is available from
a studied population, the sample mean will have fairly high probability of
being close to the population mean. How this probability could be specifically
evaluated will be the topic of later chapters.

6.3.6. An application of the central limit theorem

We mentioned earlier in this chapter that the CLT is a statement that does
not restrict the original variable distribution (i.e., the population distribution
of the studied variable y). Hence, the CLT also applies when this distribution
is even binomial. Such an instance of a binomial distribution would be the
probability of k correct answers (‘‘successes’’) on an algebra test question in a
class of students, each with the same probability to correctly solve it and
working independent of one another. Let us denote this probability by ␲.
Using the CLT, it follows that with large samples the distribution of the num-
ber of correct responses will approximate the normal distribution with an
appropriate mean and variance. To make this statement more precise, let us
denote by y1, y2,..., yn the results obtained by the n students representing a
sample from a studied population. That is, each of these random variables
obtains the score of one if the corresponding student has correctly solved the
problem and zero otherwise. Then the sum of these random variables, ⌺y, is
the number of correct responses in the sample.
We now recall that, as discussed earlier in this section, the CLT is valid also

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for sums of random variables. In particular, we stated before that with large
samples ⌺y is approximately normal with a mean n␮y and standard deviation
兹n␴y. As indicated in Chapter 5, however, ␮y  ␲ and ␴y  ␲(1  ␲) for
the binomial variable in question. Hence, for a large sample, the number of
successes (in a series of independent trials with the same probability of success
in each) is approximately normal with a mean equal to n␲, and standard
deviation n␲(1  ␲). In Chapter 5, we also mentioned that this normal
approximation is quite good when n␲ and n(1  ␲) exceed 20 (see also
Agresti & Finlay, 2009). This will be the case with moderately large samples if
the probability of success is neither very small nor very large. This approxima-
tion can be used to work out probabilities related to the binomial distribution
(see Chapter 5).



The normal distribution is very convenient for many purposes in the behav-
ioral and social sciences. In addition, this distribution has been also exten-
sively studied. Its properties are well understood and examined, and are thus
available to researchers in cases where they are dealing with distributions that
are normal, or approximately so, in studied populations. For this reason, it is
important to have easily applicable ways to ascertain whether a distribution
of a random variable under consideration is normal.
How could one find out, however, whether the distribution of a RV (e.g., a
statistic) in question is normal in a population of concern? There is a relatively
straightforward graphical procedure that allows one to assess whether a distri-
bution can be relatively well approximated by a normal distribution, which
we describe in this section. To this end, suppose the random sample consists
of the n observations y1, y2,... , yn. In order to apply this graphical procedure,
we need to first rank order them (this can be done easily with R or using any
other available statistical software). Denote by y(1) ⱕ y(2) ⱕ ... ⱕ y(n) the rank-
ordered sequence of original scores in ascending order. For instance, if we
have the following sample of obtained anxiety scores,
(6.6) 22, 23, 28, 29, 25, 17,

then their rank-ordered sequence is obviously

(6.7) 17 ⬍ 22 ⬍ 23 ⬍ 25 ⬍ 28 ⬍ 29,

or, in other words,

(6.8) y(1)  17, y(2)  22,..., and y(6)  29.

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In a sample of size n, for the purposes of graphical examination of normality,

y(1) is treated as the [(1  .5)/n]th percentile, y(2) as the [(2 - .5)/n]th percen-
tile,..., and y(n) as the [(n  .5)/n]th percentile. We stress that these are all
sample percentiles.
If the distribution from which the sample came is normal, it can be argued
that each one of these percentiles should be close to its corresponding percen-
tile from that normal distribution, denoted z.5/n,z1.5/n,... ,z(n.5)/n , respectively.
Hence, if we graphically represent the points (z.5/n,y(1)),(z1.5/n,y(2)),... , and
(z(n.5)/n,y(n)), they should fall closely along a line in case the population distri-
bution is indeed normal. Whether or not this is the case on the graph, repre-
sents a simple graphical procedure for ascertaining normality. We will often
refer to this type of graph in subsequent chapters and so it is useful to assign
it a particular name, with which it is also quite well known in the literature.

Definition: The graph of the points (z.5/n,y(1)),(z1.5/n,y(2)),... ,(zn.5/n,y(n)), is called

normal probability plot (NPP).

The construction of a NPP is readily accomplished with R. To this end, one

can use the command ‘qqnorm(.)’, whereby one gives within parentheses the
array of numbers that make up the available sample. We illustrate this activity
with the following example.

Example 6.2: The following 20 scores from an intelligence test (referred to as

IQ scores below) are obtained on a sample from a studied population of elderly
89 92 121 100 91 94 128 84 84 101 93 105 110 67 111 104 102 108 116 87
Could one consider as plausible the claim that the distribution of this text is
normal in the studied population?

First we need to read into R this sequence of scores and create thereby an
array (set) of scores, denoted x below, which is to be used subsequently with
the command ‘qqnorm’ in order to produce the NPP. As mentioned earlier in
the book, the creation of this array is easily accomplished with the command

> x = c(89 92 121 100 91 94 128 84 84 101 93 105 110 67 111 104 102
108 116 87)

Once the data are read in this way, we obtain the NPP as follows:

> qqnorm(x)

which yields the graph displayed in Figure 6.1.

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Normal probability plot for 20 IQ scores.

Normal probability plot with superimposed line for the above 20 IQ scores.

From Figure 6.1, it would appear that the scores approximately fall along a
diagonal line in this NPP. Such a judgment can be facilitated using the com-
mand ‘qqline’, which will superimpose a line upon this set of points:

> qqline(x)

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which produces for the above set of 20 IQ scores the plot in Figure 6.2. From
Figure 6.2, it seems clear that the deviations from the line are not large enough
to warrant a claim of nonnormality, given the relatively limited sample size of
n  20. (It would be reasonable to expect some nonnormal appearance with
such a relatively small sample—e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008.) Therefore,
it may be suggested that the normality assumption is plausible for the popula-
tion of test scores from which the sample of the 20 IQ scores in this example
While we realize that there is a certain degree of subjectivity involved in
assessing normality using the outlined simple graphical procedure in this sec-
tion, a number of more advanced methods have also been proposed in the
literature (e.g., see Marcoulides & Heshberger, 1997; Roussas, 1997). These
methods provide ways to examine more objectively a claim that a given sam-
ple of scores came from a population following a normal distribution.

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Inferences about Single

Population Means


The previous chapters in the book focused on various concepts dealing mainly
with descriptive statistics. As we mentioned earlier, however, there is another
branch of statistics, called inferential statistics (IS), that is of particular rele-
vance when one is interested in drawing conclusions about populations but
typically cannot study each member of them. In such cases, all one has access
to are samples obtained from the populations of interest. It is under such
circumstances that IS becomes especially helpful for making particular gener-
alizations. This is because the main objective of inferential statistics is to make
inferences about studied populations using information from the available
samples. Specifically, populations of concern in behavioral and social research
are usually characterized by numerical indexes that are generally unknown,
called parameters. For example, as noted before, the mean, mode, proportion,
variance, and standard deviation are all parameters. Most problems that IS
deals with are at least related to if not focused on inferences about one or
more parameters of specifically studied population(s). As an illustration of
this introductory discussion, let us consider the following two examples.

Example 7.1: Consider a test of reading ability for second graders that is admin-
istered at the beginning of the academic year in a given US state. Its population
mean, denoted ␮, is unknown, and we are interested in making inferences about
this parameter, i.e., about the average reading ability score in this state’s popula-
tion of second graders.

Example 7.2: Let ␲ denote the proportion of scores on a reading ability test for
elementary school students in a particular state, which are below a standard that
is used to designate need of remedial assistance. This proportion, ␲, is also a
parameter, and one may well be interested in drawing conclusions about it.


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Once we have identified population parameters of interest, the next important

question is how to obtain a good indication about each of them using empiri-
cal data. That is, how can we effectively make inferences about these unknown
parameters in the populations under consideration, by using data from avail-
able samples that typically are small portions or subsets from these popula-
tions? These are the issues that will be addressed in the next sections of this
chapter and again in later parts of the book.



There are two general types of methods for making inferences about popula-
tion parameters, namely, estimation and hypothesis testing. Estimation is con-
cerned with answering questions about the value of a population parameter.
In contrast to estimation, hypothesis testing is mainly concerned with deter-
mining whether a population parameter fulfills a certain condition. For exam-
ple, if we are primarily interested in evaluating the population mean ␮ of
reading ability in the population of second graders in the state of California
in a given year, then we are concerned with estimation of the parameter ␮.
Alternatively, if we are attempting to determine whether the proportion of
students in the state of Michigan who are in need of remedial assistance is
below 10%, then we can be interested in hypothesis testing. Thus, it should
be evident from these simple examples that estimation and hypothesis testing
have different concerns. Additionally, they also use largely different proce-
dures to accomplish their aims. Their unifying theme, however, is the use of
information in available samples for making conclusions (inferences) about
population parameters that are unknown.


When we are interested in estimating the mean ␮ on a variable of interest in

a population under consideration, there are two avenues that can be pursued.
One of them is to seek a single value that is in some sense most informative
about the mean. This value is called a point estimate of the mean. The second
path is to seek a range of plausible values for the population mean ␮. This
range is called an interval estimate of the mean or confidence interval (CI) for
the mean. We discuss these two possibilities in turn next.

7.3.1. Point estimation

As we already indicated earlier in the book, we can use the sample average
as an estimate of the population mean. That is, if y1, y2,..., yn are the sample
observations on a random variable y of interest, then this estimate is

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(7.1) ␮ˆ (y1y2...yn)/nȳ.
Equation (7.1) in fact defines a point estimator of the population mean ␮, as
we mentioned previously. In other words, Equation (7.1) provides a generally
valid algorithm, or procedure, of how to obtain a point estimate of the mean
based on a given sample. We furnish this estimate by substituting into its
right-hand side the individual observations obtained in the available sample.
The sample average in Equation (7.1) seems to be a very reasonable estimate
in many situations, as long as there are no ‘‘outliers’’ like data entry errors or
extremely large/small observations that do not belong to the population of
interest. However, the right-hand side of Equation (7.1) does not indicate
how good the resulting mean estimate really is. In particular, we do not know
how close the value of ␮ˆ in a given sample is to the population parameter ␮
that is the value of actual interest.
More generally, we can certainly say that since any selected sample is not
going to be identical to the population, a sample average is in general not
going to be exactly equal (other than by sheer coincidence) to the population
mean. Since we can in effect assume that an estimate is not going to be equal
to the population mean (no matter how large the sample—but presumed
smaller than the population, of course), the critical question is how far away
␮ˆ is from ␮. The quantity ␮ is the one of real concern in this whole develop-
ment, and we unmistakably observe that the last question is a fundamental
query about the quality of estimation. In fact, this question applies to any
estimate (estimator) of any parameter, and not just that of the mean as con-
sidered here. There is no doubt that a sample estimate does provide informa-
tion about the population parameter. However, since we are also pretty
certain that they will not equal each other, a critical question about estimation
quality in empirical research pertains to how far the estimate is from that

7.3.2. Interval estimation

The last-mentioned question is effectively tied to the magnitude of the dis-
tance between a sample estimate and the population parameter it evaluates.
Such an important question concerning distance can be addressed using inter-
val estimation. The essence of interval estimation is the construction of a range
of plausible values about the population parameter, which is more generally
referred to as confidence interval (CI). This confidence interval is constructed
by using information obtained from the sample. Considering in particular the
case of estimating the mean, this question in essence asks about an interval
that contains plausible values for the mean of a random variable of concern
in the studied population.
We can construct such a CI by using the central limit theorem (CLT) intro-

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duced in the previous chapter. Accordingly, for large n (perhaps at least 30 or

so), the sample average ȳ is approximately normal, with a mean being the
population mean ␮ and standard error equal to ␴/兹n (see detailed discussion
provided in Chapter 6). Although the CLT will be frequently used throughout
the remainder of this chapter, for ease of presentation we initially assume that
the population standard deviation ␴ is known. In a subsequent chapter, we
will give up this somewhat unrealistic assumption.
As was mentioned in Chapter 6, the area under the normal curve and
within two standard deviations from the mean is approximately 95% of the
entire area under that curve, which is conventionally assumed to be one.
Hence, if we repeatedly sample from a studied population, the interval
(␮2␴ / 兹n,␮2␴ / 兹n) will enclose approximately 95% of all resulting
sample averages. As it turns out, there is in fact a closely related way of using
the CLT for the purpose of interval estimation of the population mean ␮. The
reason is that the CLT asserts for a large sample size n the normality of the
sample average, namely the fact that ȳ ⬃ N(␮, ␴ 2/n).
With this in mind, let us now try to find such a value c, for which a sym-
metric interval around the population mean would enclose precisely 95% of
the sample averages ȳ. That is, we are seeking a value c for which the following
probability holds
(7.2) Pr(␮c ␴/兹n ⬍ ȳ ⬍ ␮c ␴/兹n).95,
where ‘‘Pr’’ denotes probability (a dot is used in Equation (7.2) to denote
multiplication; see also Chapter 4). We note that the left-hand side of Equa-
tion (7.2) actually can be slightly algebraically modified by subtracting ␮ and
dividing by ␴/兹n all three sides of the double inequality contained in it,
leading to
(7.3) Pr[c ⬍ (ȳ␮)/(␴/兹n) ⬍ c].95.
As was discussed in Chapter 6, the quantity (ȳ␮)/(␴/兹n) is actually the
z-score pertaining to the sample average ȳ. According to the CLT, with large
samples this z-score is normally distributed and thereby follows the standard
normal distribution:
(7.4) z(ȳ␮)/(␴/兹n)⬃N(0,1).
Hence, the sought value of c is in fact that value whose mirror image around
0, viz., c, cuts off 2.5% to the left of the area under the standard normal
curve. As will be recalled from Chapter 5, since the pdf of the standard normal
distribution is symmetric, it follows that the two numbers c and c, which
are mirror images of each other, cut together 5% away from that area. That
is, the area below c and above c is 5% of the entire area under the standard
normal curve. Due to this property of c, we can readily use the software R and

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specifically its function ‘qnorm’ (see Chapter 4) to work out its specific
value as follows (with result furnished by R given immediately under this

> qnorm(.025, 0, 1)
[1] -1.959964

That is, c  1.96 (rounded off to second decimal place). Hence, from
Equation (7.2) it follows that
(7.5) Pr(␮1.96 ␴/兹n ⬍ ȳ ⬍ ␮1.96 ␴/兹n).95.
We can now alternatively modify the double inequality contained in the left-
hand side of Equation (7.5), in order to obtain an expression in terms of the
unknown mean, ␮, which is of actual concern to us. To this end, we subtract
from all three sides of this double inequality first ␮, then ȳ, and finally multi-
ply the result by (1) (thereby changing the direction of the inequalities
involved). These three steps lead to the following result
(7.6) Pr(ȳ1.96 ␴/兹n ⬎ ␮ ⬎ ȳ1.96 ␴/兹n).95,

which is the same as

(7.7) Pr(ȳ1.96 ␴/兹n ⬍ ␮ ⬍ ȳ1.96 ␴/兹n).95.

Equation (7.7) in actual fact asserts that the interval

(7.8) (ȳ1.96 ␴/兹n, ȳ1.96 ␴/兹n)
is associated with a probability of .95 of enclosing the population mean.
Therefore, the interval provided in (7.8) can be considered to be an interval
estimate of the population mean. As mentioned above, a popular name for
such an interval is confidence interval. That is, Equation (7.8) represents a
confidence interval (CI) for the mean, ␮, at the used probability level of .95.
(We will soon introduce a more appropriate name for this level, calling it
‘‘confidence level.’’)
There are three aspects of the CI in (7.8) that need to be further clarified
here. First, the two endpoints—that is, the lower and upper limits—of the
interval estimate of the mean ␮ are expressed in terms of the sample average
ȳ. Hence, they depend on its sample value in empirical research. That is, these
two endpoints are themselves random variables. This is because before we
draw the sample, the sample average is unknown and hence the CI endpoints
ȳ  1.96 ␴/兹n and ȳ  1.96 ␴/兹n are also unknown. Indeed, it is only after
the sample is drawn that they become known to us (since only then can we
work out the sample average, ȳ). Therefore, in general every sample gives rise

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to a different CI, unless for two samples under consideration their sample
averages happen to be identical (which in general would be quite unusual).
Thus, if we draw r samples (with r ⬎ 0), we will have in general r different
resulting confidence intervals of the same population parameter—in this case
the population mean ␮ of the studied variable.
Second, we cannot be certain that the CI will cover the population mean ␮
for a given sample from a population under consideration—and in empirical
research we are typically dealing with only a single sample from a studied
population. In fact, Equation (7.7), on which the interval estimate (7.8) is
based, only says that in a series of many samples drawn from that population,
95% of the resulting intervals (7.8) will cover the population mean ␮ (for
further details see Chapter 4 and the pertinent probability definition in terms
of relative frequency). Thereby, we do not know for which 95% of all these
samples their associated CI will in fact cover ␮.
Third, it is essential to also keep in mind the right-hand side of Equation
(7.7), viz., the number .95. This number, based on the relative frequency
interpretation of probability (see Chapter 4), reflects the degree of confidence
we have in covering the population mean ␮ across a large number of repeated
samples of the same size from the studied population. For this reason, this
probability number is commonly called a ‘‘confidence level.’’ As a result, the
interval presented in (7.8) is typically referred to as a confidence interval (CI)
at the 95%-confidence level (abbreviated as 95%-CI), or alternatively as an
interval estimate of the mean ␮ at the confidence level .95.
In this connection, we readily observe that had we instead been interested
in finding a confidence interval for the mean at the .99 confidence level, we
would need to seek another number c* using the corresponding equation
(7.9) Pr(␮c* ␴/兹n ⬍ ȳ ⬍ ␮c* ␴/兹n).99.
Following exactly the same developments as those given above in connection
with Equation (7.2), we could then easily use R as follows in order to find this
number c*:

> qnorm(.005, 0, 1)
[1] -2.575829

That is, c*  2.58 (rounded off to second decimal place) would have resulted.
Hence, the 99%-confidence interval (99%-CI) for the population mean ␮
would be
(7.10) (ȳ2.58 ␴/兹n, ȳ2.58 ␴/兹n).
Similarly, if we wanted to obtain a 90%-CI of the population mean ␮ in the
first instance, the needed number c** would be obtained with R as follows:

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> qnorm(.05, 0, 1)
[1] -1.644854

that is, c**  1.64. Then the resulting 90%-CI would be

(7.11) (ȳ1.64 ␴/兹n, ȳ1.64 ␴/兹n).
We reiterate that for a fixed sample we do not know whether any of the CIs
discussed in this section would definitely cover, or contain, the population
mean ␮. It is also important to note that as the confidence level increases so
does the width of the CI. This shouldn’t be surprising, since as the confidence
level increases we in effect want to be more confident that we cover the popula-
tion mean ␮ (in a series of repeated samples). Finally, we again emphasize
that all our developments up to this point in the chapter were based on the
assumption that the standard deviation ␴ of the original RV of interest, y, was
known. As mentioned previously, we will relax this assumption later in the

7.3.3. Standard normal distribution quantiles for use in

confidence intervals
Looking at the intervals (7.8), (7.10), and (7.11), we see that the lower and
upper end of each of these three CIs has the same structure. The only differ-
ence between them lies in the value c with which we multiply the standard
error of the mean, ␴/兹n, before adding and subtracting the result from the
sample average ȳ. In the first considered instance, this number c was deter-
mined to be 1.96, then 2.58, and finally 1.64 (for the confidence levels of 95%,
99%, and 90%, respectively). Thus, it should be clear that this value c in effect
governs the width of the corresponding CI. In this sense, the value c plays a
very important role in determining the length of the CI. For this reason, this
number c is usually represented in statistics using a special symbol (at least
whenever the assumptions of normality of the sample mean and known vari-
ance of a variable y of concern can be made). The special symbol used is z␣/2,
thereby letting us state that
where ␣ is a number between zero and one (i.e., 0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1). This number ␣
is the complement to 100% of the used confidence level, expressed as
a fraction. That is, this number would be ␣  .05 if a 95%-CI is sought,
␣  .01 if a 99%-CI is needed, and ␣  .10 if a 90%-CI is to be constructed.
The last equation, c  z␣/2, states that this important value c is the point
that cuts off to the right the fraction ␣/2 from the area under the standard
normal curve, and thus cuts off to the left the fraction (1  ␣/2) of that area.

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This number, z␣/2, is often referred to as the (1  ␣/2)th quantile of the stan-
dard normal distribution. (Obviously, this is the 100(1  ␣/2)th percentile of
this distribution, in our earlier terminology, but it seems to be more easily
referred to as its (1  ␣/2)th quantile—this is also the reason for the frequent
use in the literature of the symbol z␣/2.)
With this notation, we now obtain the following general form of the
(1  ␣)100%-confidence interval for the population mean, for any ␣
(0 ⬍␣ ⬍ 1):
(7.12) (ȳz␣/2 ␴/兹n, ȳz␣/2 ␴/兹n).
We can construct this CI in (7.12) for the population mean on a given variable
y of interest, any time we know sample size, confidence level, and the standard
deviation of the RV y under consideration. Although we will make frequent
reference to the CI in (7.12) throughout the remainder of the book, for now
we simply emphasize that it provides the CI for the population mean at any
confidence level (as determined by this number ␣). We also note in passing
that the critical number ␣ has yet another, related and very important inter-
pretation that we will deal with in the next section when discussing the topic
of hypothesis testing.
To illustrate the above developments up to this point of the chapter, let us
consider the following example involving a writing ability test.

Example 7.3 (writing ability testing): A writing ability test is known to have a
population variance of 225 and a mean value that is unknown in a studied
population of third graders from the state of Hawaii. In a sample of n  120
students representative of that state’s third graders, the sample average score on
the test is found to be 26. What range of scores would provide 95% confidence
in covering the mean of this writing test score in repeated sampling (at this size)
from this population?

This question asks about a 95%-CI for the mean of the writing ability test
score. Denoting this test’s score by y here, we observe that at the used sample
size of n  120 the CLT is probably going to hold (or at least provide a good
approximation to the associated normal distribution). Hence, it would be rea-
sonable to use the normal approximation for the sampling distribution of the
average ȳ. With this in mind, the earlier Equation (7.8) provides us with the
sought 95%-CI for the mean of the writing ability test score as
(ȳ1.96 ␴/兹n, ȳ1.96 ␴/兹n).
Based on the above given values, we can readily use the calculator capacity of
R in order to determine numerically as follows the lower and upper endpoints
(limits) of this CI:

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> 26-1.96*15/sqrt(120)
[1] 23.31616

> 26+1.96*15/sqrt(120)
[1] 28.68384

That is, the 95%-CI for the unknown population mean is found to be (23.32,
28.68). In other words, we are 95% confident that the population mean could
be a number somewhere between 23.32 and 28.68 (see also discussion earlier
in this section for a stricter interpretation of this interval in the context of
repeated sampling). Of course, since the left and right endpoints of this CI
are not whole numbers yet the writing test is likely to produce scores that are
whole numbers only, one can round them off to the lower and upper number,
respectively. In this way, we obtain the interval
(23, 29),
which is associated with a confidence level of at least 95%. We note that any-
time we make a CI wider, we actually enhance the associated confidence level.
This is because we can then be even more confident that we will enclose the
mean within the wider interval (i.e., we will enclose it more often across
repeated sampling from the studied population).
In conclusion of this section, we stress that unlike ordinary estimation pro-
cedures (viz., those often used in everyday life or in informal discussions),
inferential statistics provides us with ways to evaluate the quality of the indi-
vidual (point) estimates obtained with its methods. In particular, the merit of
a point estimation procedure is reflected in the width of the CI that can be
obtained using appropriate methods of inferential statistics. We elaborate fur-
ther on this issue next.

7.3.4. How good is an estimate, and what affects the width

of a confidence interval?
As we conveyed above, a confidence interval represents a range of values
that are plausible for a population parameter of interest, such as the mean or
standard deviation. Thereby, any of the values enclosed in the interval is just
as plausible as any other value in that interval for the given confidence level,
viz., 100(1  ␣)%. For instance, if the interval (a, b) (with b ⬎ a) is obtained
as a confidence interval for a given parameter at a particular confidence level,
then any number q between a and b is just as plausible a candidate for the
population value of that parameter as is any other number r with the property
a ⬍ r ⬍ b. Conversely, any number below a, and any number above b, is not
plausible (at the given confidence level) as a population value of the parame-

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ter. That is, any number u ⬍ a, or any v ⬎ b, is not a good candidate then
for a population value of the parameter.
We also mentioned earlier that the quality of a parameter estimate is
reflected in the width of the resulting confidence interval. Specifically, in gen-
eral terms, it is obvious that the narrower the CI is, the higher the precision
is with which the unknown parameter has been estimated. Hence, if there
may be more than one interval estimation procedure for a parameter of con-
cern, the method producing the smallest CI at a given confidence level (and
sample size) has the highest quality.
Let us now take a second look at Equation (7.8) and notice again that the
width of the CI depends on three quantities. The following discussion in this
subsection assumes that when we consider the effect of any one of these three
quantities, the other two remain fixed.
We mentioned previously the effect of one of these quantities, the confi-
dence level. Indeed, as indicated, higher (smaller) confidence level leads to
wider (narrower) CIs. In this connection, it is worthwhile emphasizing that a
general notation for the confidence level is as a (1  ␣)100%-CI, where 0 ⬍ ␣
⬍ 1. Hence, the smaller ␣ is, the wider the CI. The reason is that smaller ␣’s
go together with higher percentage (1  ␣)100%, and thus with a higher
confidence level. This is because a higher confidence level leads to a larger z␣/2
value, in the role of the critical value c in our earlier developments of the CI
construction process. Indeed, as will be recalled, we subtracted and added c
times the standard error of the mean, to the sample average ȳ in order to
obtain the pertinent CI. Hence, we see that the smaller ␣ is—and hence the
higher the confidence level—the further ‘‘out’’ (i.e., away from the mean of
the distribution N(0,1)) we need to go in order to find this quantile z␣/2  c.
Therefore, the smaller ␣ is, the larger the value c is that we need to multiply
with the standard error of the mean and subtract/add to the sample mean, in
order to render the pertinent CI; this leads obviously to a wider CI.
A second factor that affects the width of the CI is the sample size, n. Spe-
cifically, the larger the sample size, the smaller the standard error of the mean
and thus the shorter the CI (since then the smaller the multiplier of c is, viz.,
␴/兹n—see earlier Equation (7.8)). This statement is valid more generally,
i.e., also when we conduct interval estimation of other population parameters.
That is, the larger the sample, the more precise our inference will be, since we
obtain a shorter interval of plausible population values. This observation is the
motivation of the frequently found recommendation in statistical and applied
literature to work with samples that are as large as possible. Large samples are
tantamount statistically to large amounts of information about population
parameters. Intuitively, the reason is that then the sample is closer to the
studied population, and hence there is higher potential for better inferences

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about the parameters of concern. We will revisit the effect of sample size from
a slightly different perspective in the next subsection.
The last quantity that affects the width of a CI is the magnitude of the
variance of the original studied variable, y. Looking at any of the CIs provided
in Equations (7.8), (7.10), or (7.11), the larger this variance ␴ is, the wider
will be the associated CI. As it turns out, in some experimental studies it is
possible to control the magnitude of ␴, in fact even reduce it. In contrast, for
most observational or nonexperimental studies (also sometimes referred to as
correlational studies), there are limited, if any, possibilities to accomplish this
aim. A detailed discussion of such possibilities is beyond the scope of this
introductory book, and we direct the reader to more advanced treatments on
the matter (e.g., Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002).



The number of subjects included in a sample, n, has a number of important

implications whenever empirical studies are conducted. One of them is obvi-
ously the amount of resources (time, effort, cost) associated with obtaining
the sample and studying the individuals—or in general, the units of analy-
sis—in the sample. Usually, obtaining larger samples can be a very costly
undertaking. On the other hand, having a limited sample size has the potential
of ending up with very low estimation quality (i.e., rendering very imprecise
inferences). This is because the width of the associated CIs would likely be
fairly large, as was discussed in the previous section. In the present section,
we will be concerned with a procedure that can be used to obtain the least
possible sample size necessary to ensure a certain level of precision of estima-
tion of the mean of a variable in a studied population.
This procedure depends on two quantities that need to be decided upon
before it is used. To discuss these quantities, we return to the previously intro-
duced concept of the width of a CI, which is closely related to a notion often
used in the behavioral and social sciences, and especially in various kinds of
surveys. This is the notion of ‘‘tolerable error.’’ Typically, tolerable error (TE)
is defined as the width of a CI at an appropriate confidence level. Often in
social and behavioral research (e.g., in surveys), investigators can reason in
favor of a particular value of TE that they consider acceptable. We stress,
however, that the determination of a TE is typically based upon subject-
matter considerations, and it is substantive researchers who are best equipped
with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to make such decisions.
Once a TE is elected, the next step in the procedure to determine sample
size, n, is to decide on the confidence level to be used. Very high confidence
levels (e.g., in excess of 99%) are hard to argue for, since usually they lead to

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very wide CIs. On the other hand, choosing a very small confidence level,
such as 30%, leads to CIs that would cover the population parameter a very
limited proportion of times in repeated sampling. For instance, choosing 30%
as a confidence level effectively means that the population parameter (e.g., the
mean) is covered only about a third of the time in repeated sampling. This is
a very poor coverage for most practical goals. Primarily due to an often-
followed convention, confidence levels of 95% and 90%, and in some situa-
tions 99%, have been widely considered acceptable. (We stress, however,
that a CI at any level can be constructed using the procedure outlined in
Section 7.3, assuming of course that the corresponding ␣ is between zero
and one.)
Keeping all the above issues in mind, let us return to our earlier concern
with interval estimation of the population mean on a variable of interest. For
ease of presentation, let us denote the elected tolerable error as E. In other
words, E is the width of interest of the CI at a chosen confidence level
(1  ␣)100% (0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1). As before, let us assume we know the standard
deviation ␴ of the measure y of concern (e.g., the score on an ancient history
test). Then looking at the general form (7.12) of the CI for the mean, shows
that its width is

(7.13) E2z␣/2␴/兹n.

Hence, if we also know the confidence level, we can determine the smallest
sample size n at which the tolerable error would be equal to E. This can be
accomplished by algebraically solving Equation (7.13) in terms of n, which
leads to

冋 册
(7.14) n .

Looking at Equation (7.14), one can readily see that it critically depends on
knowledge of the standard deviation ␴ of the variable of interest, y. Of course,
in most empirical behavioral and social research studies one will not know ␴
with a reasonable degree of certainty. If any knowledge about ␴ is available
from prior research, and that knowledge can be considered trustworthy, it
may be used in Equation (7.14). Alternatively, when no such prior knowledge
about ␴ is available, one could use an earlier-discussed relationship between
the range and the standard deviation to approximate the population value of
␴. Specifically, we mentioned in Chapter 3 that the range is generally about
four times the standard deviation for a given random variable (recall that the
range is the difference between the largest and the smallest observation in an
available sample). Thus, when there are no extreme observations (i.e., abnor-
mal or outlying observations), one can substitute the ratio r/4 for ␴ in Equa-

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tion (7.14) and proceed with determining the sought (approximate) sample
size n. We illustrate this discussion with the following example.

Example 7.4: Suppose it is known that scores on a studied depression scale are
normally distributed in an adult population of interest, and that in a given
sample its recorded observations fall between 2 and 26. How many persons does
one need to measure with this scale, in order to achieve a tolerance error of two
units (points) at a confidence level of 95% when evaluating the population
depression mean?

Here we do not know the standard deviation of the random variable y

of interest. However, we know that the range of the depression score is
26  2  24. Hence, according to the preceding discussion, a sensible esti-
mate of the standard deviation of y would be

Then substituting the value 6 for ␴ in Equation (7.14), we obtain with R:

> (2*1.96*6/2)^2
[1] 138.2976

That is, we would like to use a sample size of n  139 students. We note in
passing that we round off to the next higher integer rather than the next
lower, in order to accomplish better precision of estimation. As indicated
above, the reason is that the larger the sample size, the higher the quality of
estimation that we thereby achieve.


7.5.1. Statistical testing, hypotheses, and test statistics

As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, a second type of statisti-
cal inference is hypothesis testing (HT), also called at times statistical hypothesis
testing. HT can be used when there is a claim about the value of a population
parameter, and one wants to evaluate the empirical evidence contained in an
available sample that is consistent with the claim (or, conversely, that contra-
dicts the claim). For example, suppose that based on prior research in a sub-
stantive area a college aspiration scale is claimed (conjectured) to have a mean
of 18 in a studied population of high school seniors. A researcher may then
wish to examine such a hypothesis in relation to the alternative that its mean is
not 18. A way to accomplish this aim statistically is to evaluate in a given sample
from the population the degree to which obtained empirical data contradicts

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a given hypothesis—e.g., the mean being equal to a prespecified number, like

18 here. This evaluation includes also that of the degree to which the available
data is consistent with the hypothesis negation, or an alternative statement of
particular interest—e.g., that the mean is not equal to 18 in this example.
When proceeding with HT, as just indicated there are two competing
hypotheses that need to be considered simultaneously, with one of them get-
ting selected in the end. One of these is the hypothesis that is usually of
research interest, referred to as the research hypothesis. In our above example,
this hypothesis states that ␮ ⬆ 18, where ␮ denotes the population mean of
the college aspiration scale. We formally call this the ‘‘alternative hypothesis’’
and denote it symbolically as Ha: ␮ ⬆ 18. In other empirical settings, this
hypothesis may have a somewhat different form, as discussed later in the
chapter. The negation of this hypothesis, ␮  18 in our case, is simply called
the null hypothesis and symbolized as H0: ␮  18. (In other settings, the null
hypothesis may have a somewhat different form that is not overlapping with
the statement of the alternative hypothesis. We will indicate such null hypoth-
eses later in the chapter.)
The goal of HT then is, informally speaking, to evaluate the empirical evi-
dence in favor of each of these two hypotheses, which is contained in the
available sample from a studied population. The result of this process is then
considered by the investigator, and a decision is made as to whether to reject
or not the null hypothesis.
To carry out HT, we need a specific procedure accomplishing this evalua-
tion of sample evidence in favor of (or against) each of the two hypotheses
mentioned, Ha and H0. This procedure is referred to as a statistical test. Its
aim is to evaluate the magnitude of the ‘‘distance’’ between the data and the
particular null hypothesis. A measure of this distance is the test statistic. The
test statistic, as its name suggests, represents itself a statistic (i.e., it is a func-
tion of the sample observations). That is, a test statistic is the result of specific
computational activities carried out on the sample observations. The purpose
of these activities is to express the distance between the data and the null
hypothesis in a way that inferences concerning the validity of the claim being
examined about a parameter of concern can be made. (The specifics of this
process are discussed in detail later in this chapter.)
To return for a moment to our earlier example of the study of college
aspiration, suppose that in a sample of n  36 high school seniors the perti-
nent scale score mean estimate is 22.5 (recalling that the population mean
value was assumed to be equal to 18, according to the null hypothesis). Thus,
as a simple version of the distance between the null hypothesis and the avail-
able sample, one could consider the difference 22.5  18  4.5 points. This
difference of 4.5 points can be thought of as a simple version of a test statistic.
Unfortunately, this simple version of a test statistic as a measure of the

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distance between null hypothesis and data has some important problems.
First, it fails to account for the instability of the sample average ȳ that would
be obtained across repeated sampling from the studied population. Conse-
quently, this simple distance measure is certain to lead to a different value in
another selected sample. Additionally, and just as importantly, we cannot
judge when its values are sufficiently large in order to warrant rejection of the
null hypothesis. Hence, more sophisticated versions of a distance measure are
needed to account for the sampling variability in the test statistic used, in
order to allow more accurate judgments to be made. This is the goal of our
discussion in the next subsections.

7.5.2. Rejection regions

As indicated before, in addition to the two nonoverlapping hypotheses and
a test statistic, we need a rule to determine when to consider the empirical
evidence provided by a sample as sufficient to reject the null hypothesis.
Roughly speaking, this will have to occur when the distance between this
hypothesis and the sample data is sufficiently large to warrant such a decision.
Determining when this is the case is tackled next.
A convenient approach to resolving this issue is to consider the distance
between null hypothesis and sample data large enough, when the values of the
test statistic under consideration fall within an extreme region. For conve-
nience, we will call this region the rejection region. The rejection region repre-
sents the set of sufficiently ‘‘distant’’ values of the test statistic relative to the
null hypothesis. These are values that are quite unlikely to be observed for the
test statistic, if one were to assume the null hypothesis were true. As such, the
test statistic values from the rejection region warrant a conclusion that the
sample data contains enough evidence against the null hypothesis. That is,
this evidence warrants the consideration that the null hypothesis is worthy of
being rejected.
The determination of the rejection region is an activity that is specific to
each test statistic and posited null and alternative hypotheses, and makes use
of certain key assumptions. These assumptions ensure that the test statistic
has a known distribution. Thereupon, one chooses the extreme part or parts
of this distribution—relative to the null hypothesis and in favor of the alterna-
tive—as constituting the rejection region.

7.5.3. The ‘‘assumption’’ of statistical hypothesis testing

One noteworthy assumption that must be made in order to conduct
hypothesis testing is that the null hypothesis is correct unless there is sufficient
evidence in the sample that warrants its rejection. Let us reflect a little further
on this last statement. An initial observation to consider when testing a

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hypothesis is that we are in fact operating in a situation characterized by

uncertainty. This is because we are dealing with a conjecture about an
unknown population parameter(s) and must make a decision about a state-
ment that we do not know is correct or not, to begin with. In such a situation,
it is reasonable to make an assumption and then see whether the assumption
(and its implications) is consistent with the available data in the studied sam-
ple. This is precisely what the above assumption of the null hypothesis being
correct—in a sense, until proven wrong—accomplishes. Specifically, in such
a situation of uncertainty about the null and alternative hypotheses being
examined, this assumption is what allows us to move forward and make head-
way. (It is important to note that if we were certain about any of the two
hypotheses under consideration, we would not need to conduct hypothesis
testing at all.)
Let us now return to the college aspiration study mentioned previously.
Informally at this stage, one can consider values of the sample average that
are sufficiently distinct from 18 as warranting rejection of the null hypothesis,
which is stated as H0: ␮  18. But what needs next to be assessed is how
much larger or smaller than 18 would be considered distinct enough from H0.
The answer to this question can be furnished by the test statistic (which we
still need to come up with) and on knowledge of its distribution. This is the
distribution under the null hypothesis, that is, under the assumption that H0
is true. As emphasized earlier, this is the same assumption upon which the
whole process of statistical testing is based. The rejection region in the exam-
ple study thus comprises all scores that are sufficiently distant from 18 (in
either direction), in accordance with the distribution of the test statistic under
the assumption that H0 is true.
The next important assumption to consider is that of normality of the
sample mean of the original variable of interest, y. As emphasized previously,
the distribution of many variables in behavioral and social research approxi-
mate the normal distribution well. Thus, the assumption of normality of y is
not unreasonable in many empirical cases.
Another vital assumption to bear in mind concerns our knowledge of the
standard deviation ␴ of the studied RV y. For instance, suppose the variance
of the college aspiration measure was 144 in the studied population. This
assumption of known variance will be helpful to us in order to get started
since it allows us to immediately connect the discussion here with that earlier
in the chapter and in Chapter 6. (We stress that we will relax this assumption
later in the chapter, but for now proceed based on this assumption in order
to simplify the following discussion.)
As indicated in Chapter 6, when a random variable y is normally distrib-
uted with a mean ␮ and variance ␴2, the associated z-score
(7.15) z(y␮)/␴

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is standard normal, i.e., follows the distribution N(0,1). Given the standard
normal distribution of z, the question now is which possible scores on it could
be considered sufficiently different (larger or smaller) from its mean, so as to
warrant rejecting the null hypothesis about its value.
To answer this question we must capitalize on our knowledge of what the
value of ␮ is under the null hypothesis being tested. In our earlier empirical
example, the null hypothesis tested stated that H0: ␮  18. Obviously, if this
hypothesis were true, the z-score in Equation (7.15) with ␮  18 substituted
in it, would follow a normal distribution N(0,1). However, as mentioned in
Chapter 6, 95% of the scores on a standard normal variable can be expected
to fall within 1.96 standard deviation from the mean of zero (i.e., to fall within
the interval (1.96, 1.96)). That is, scores on z that fall outside this interval
are in a sense unusual since they occur only at a rate of one to 20. This is
because they collectively make up the remaining 5% of the area under the
standard normal curve.
This reasoning suggests that z scores falling outside the specified interval
are associated with a probability up to .05 (5%) to occur. This is a rather
small probability. Indeed, if the null hypothesis were to be correct, then we
would have high expectation that the z-score in Equation (7.15) would fall
between 1.96 and 1.96. If this z-score then turns out to be larger than 1.96
or smaller than 1.96, we would be dealing with an event that has very small
probability or likelihood under the null hypothesis. Obtaining such a finding
would constitute evidence against the tested null hypothesis. In that case, we
would be willing to reject this hypothesis, i.e., consider H0 disconfirmed.
Returning again to our empirical example with the college aspiration scale,
we first note that at the used sample size of n  36 the sample average may
be considered (approximately) normal due to the central limit theorem. Mak-
ing this normality assumption, and recalling from Chapter 6 that the sample
mean ȳ has variance that equals the ratio of the variance of the studied ran-
dom variable y to sample size n, it follows that the z-score of the sample
average 22.5 is equal to
(22.518) / (12/6)2.25
(see Equation (7.15) under H0). Since this score of 2.25 is well outside the
specified interval (1.96, 1.96), we consider the available data to contain
evidence that sufficiently strongly points against the null hypothesis of the
mean being 18. Hence, we can view this evidence as warranting rejection of
the null hypothesis H0: ␮  18. That is, we can suggest—using statistical
hypothesis testing reasoning—that the mean of the college aspiration mea-
sures is different from 18 in the studied high school senior population.
If we take another look at Equation (7.15), we notice that it is determining
the distance between a particular score y on the studied random variable y

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and its mean ␮, which is free of the original units of measurement. The reason
is that this difference—which is the numerator in Equation (7.15)—is divided
there by the standard deviation ␴. By conducting this division, we in a sense
account for the variability of the score y in the population of interest. With
this in mind, the right-hand side of Equation (7.15) with ȳ in place of y in
fact measures the distance between the data (ȳ) and the null hypothesis H0: ␮
 18. Therefore, the z-score in Equation (7.15) does not really share the
earlier discussed limitations of the simple version of a test statistic, i.e., the one
being the simple difference between sample average and hypothetical value 18.
With this in mind, the z-score provided by Equation (7.15) with ȳ in place of
y can be considered a desirable test statistic.
As it turns out, we also obtain in this z-score a ratio whose distribution is
known if the null hypothesis is true. Specifically, this ratio follows the stan-
dard normal distribution. Knowledge of this distribution allows us to identify
its areas that are associated with very small probability. This permits us to
consider a score falling in those areas as sufficiently inconsistent with the
null hypothesis so as to warrant its rejection. The set of all these scores—the
corresponding areas with limited (small) probability under the null hypothe-
sis—constitute the rejection region.

7.5.4. A general form of a z-test

The preceding discussion allows us now to present the general form of a
test statistic for testing the hypothesis that the mean of a studied variable y is
a prespecified number, denoted ␮0, if its variance ␴ is known. In the general
case, the pertinent null hypothesis is H0: ␮  ␮0, and the alternative is Ha:
␮ ⬆ ␮0. In analogy to the earlier discussion, we reject the null hypothesis if
the observed sample average ȳ is sufficiently far from the hypothetical value
␮0 (i.e., is sufficiently larger or smaller than ␮0).
To determine whether this is the case in a given data set, we use as before
the corresponding z-score as a test statistic (at times referred to as z-test sta-
(7.16) z .
Specifically, if this z-score falls outside of the interval (1.96, 1.96), we reject
the null hypothesis H0; otherwise we treat H0 as retainable, i.e., we do not
reject it. As earlier in this chapter, these developments are based on the
assumption of the sample average following a normal distribution and a
known standard deviation ␴ of the variable y of concern.
Equation (7.16) represents the general form of what is referred to as a z-test

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for testing the null hypothesis of the population mean on a studied variable y
being equal to a given number, ␮0. We stress that this z-test is applicable when
knowledge about the standard deviation ␴ of y is available.
Looking at Equation (7.16), we see the test statistic in its right-hand side as
resulting from specific calculations carried out on the sample observations
y1,y2,... ,yn. That is, this z-test statistic is a function of the sample data. More
generally, test statistics are such functions of the sample data, which evaluate
its distance from the null hypothesis, in the direction of the alternative
hypothesis considered. Thereby, they do this evaluation in a way that accounts
for the variability in the collected data.
An important general feature of a test statistic, in order for it to be useful
for the purpose of statistical hypothesis testing, is that it is associated with a
completely known distribution if the null hypothesis were true. This distribu-
tion is referred to as test statistic distribution under H0, at times also called
simply a ‘‘null distribution.’’ We use the latter to find out which scores of
the test statistic are associated with very limited probability should the null
hypothesis be true. As indicated earlier, the collection of these scores repre-
sents the rejection region of relevance when testing a null hypothesis and a
rival alternative hypothesis. In our above college aspiration scale example, the
rejection region consists of the areas under the standard normal curve that
contain z-scores larger than 1.96 or smaller than 1.96, if we are willing to
consider scores that are more than two standard deviations away from the
mean as sufficiently rare under H0 so as to warrant rejection of this null

7.5.5. Significance level

We defined above the concept of a rejection region by identifying scores on
the test statistic that are extreme or in a sense unlikely under the null hypothe-
sis, i.e., scores that are associated with limited or small probability to occur
should the null hypothesis be true. We have not specified, however, in the
general case what exactly would be considered ‘‘limited probability.’’
In our pertinent considerations, we often referred to probabilities under
.05 as small. This number, .05, is frequently used in this role in hypothesis
testing, but it is not the only one that can be argued for. More generally,
such a boundary—like .05 here—below which we are willing to consider a
probability as small, is called ‘‘significance level’’ and is often denoted as ␣.
We will give an alternative definition for significance level later in this chapter,
but for now we simply note that it is the highest value between zero and one
with the property that any probability smaller than it is considered small in
the above sense for the purpose of hypothesis testing. That is, if in an empiri-

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cal setting we obtain a test statistic value with the property that the probability
is less than ␣ to get a score on this statistic that is at least as inconsistent with
the null hypothesis and falls in the direction of the alternative, then we will
consider the null hypothesis as rejected.
In most applications, ␣  .05 is usually chosen. There are also empirical
cases, however, where ␣  .01 can be a reasonable choice, or alternatively
when ␣  .1 is sensible to select. Strictly speaking, there is no restriction on
the particular choice of ␣ as a number between zero and one, and its selection
typically depends on the research question as well as the circumstances under
which the inference is to be made. Another principle to follow when choosing
the significance level ␣ in empirical research is that its selection should not
depend on the data that is to be subsequently analyzed. That is, if one looks
first at the data, and in particular some test statistics of possible interest, and
then chooses the significance level, incorrect conclusions may well be drawn
from the statistical test results that can be seriously misleading when interpre-
ted substantively. For this reason, the choice of ␣ should be made prior to
examining the analyzed data.



7.6.1. Type I and Type II errors

As we mentioned earlier in this chapter, when carrying out statistical
hypothesis testing we are expected to make a decision for either the null
hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis. We make this decision depending on
the available sample data, and thus in a situation of uncertainty. Specifically,
we do not know whether H0 or Ha is true in the population. (If we knew it,
we would not need to get involved in any hypothesis testing–related activi-
ties.) Hence, we can speak of a ‘‘true state of affairs’’ that represents the popu-
lation situation: in the population either H0 or Ha is true. We stress that we
have defined H0 and Ha as nonoverlapping, and thus it is not possible that
they are both correct. The true state of affairs is typically unknown, however.
Based on the data, and using an appropriate test statistic (and associated
assumptions), we make a decision—either rejecting H0 and hence effectively
considering Ha as retainable, or considering H0 as retainable and thus effec-
tively rejecting Ha. Hence, we can commit two different types of errors,
referred to as Type I and Type II and discussed in detail next.
A Type I error is committed whenever we reject H0 based on the sample
data, but this hypothesis is in fact true in the studied population. That is, we
commit a Type I error any time the null hypothesis is actually true, but using
the sample data we make a decision to reject this hypothesis. This will be

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specifically the case whenever the sample data happens to yield a test statistic
falling in the associated rejection region, whereas H0 is actually true in the
population. Since sample data are random, in principle there is no restriction
on the value of the test statistic in a sample—and so there is nothing that
precludes it from falling in the rejection region also when H0 is in fact true in
the studied population (but we are not aware of this).
Alternatively, a Type II error is committed when the alternative hypothesis
Ha is correct in the population, but based on the sample we fail to sense this
and decide not to reject H0. That is, a Type II error is committed whenever
the alternative hypothesis is true but the empirical data happens to yield a test
statistic value not falling in the rejection region, thus leading us to the decision
of retaining the null hypothesis.
Table 7.1 presents all four possible outcomes, indicating these two error
types. The four possible outcomes result by crossing the two decisions possi-
ble—reject or do not reject (i.e., retain) the null hypothesis—with the two
possibilities regarding the status of the null hypothesis in the population, viz.,
H0 being actually true in reality or alternatively being false in the population
under investigation.
We emphasize that we do not know the true state of affairs (otherwise we
are done and do not need statistical hypothesis testing) and that we have to
make our decision to reject the null hypothesis H0 or retain it using random
data. Therefore, we can attach probabilities to each one of the four possible
outcomes in Table 7.1. Let us denote by ␣ the probability, or rate, for commit-
ting a Type I error. (We will soon see why this is a correct choice of notation.)
Further, denote by ␤ the probability/rate of committing a Type II error. One
would naturally want to minimize (i) the probability/rate ␣ of making a Type
I error and (ii) the probability/rate ␤ of committing a Type II error. If we
could only find a test statistic that accomplishes requirements (i) and (ii), it
would be a perfect choice.
However, this simultaneous minimization of both probabilities for making
a Type I error and a Type II error is not possible. In fact, anything we do to
minimize the Type I error ␣ actually leads to an increase of the Type II error

Table 7.1 Four possible outcomes in statistical hypothesis testing and the
two errors that can be committed.
True State of Affairs (Population) with Regard to
Null Hypothesis H0
Decision True False
Reject H0 Type I error Correct decision
Do Not Reject H0 Correct decision Type II error

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␤, and vice versa. This is because making the Type I error small in fact
decreases the probability of the null hypothesis being rejected, and this will
also have to hold for the cases when it is incorrect. That is, suppressing the
Type I error leads to an increase of the Type II error. One similarly sees the
reverse as well—suppressing the Type II error leads in effect to increasing the
Type I error.
To resolve this dilemma, the methodology of statistical hypothesis testing
provides us with the following procedure. First, one controls the Type I error
by not allowing it to exceed a certain relatively small number, such as .05.
Once having ensured this, one chooses a test statistic (statistical test), which
has the lowest possible probability for a Type II error. A special branch of
statistics called test theory has been developed, with one of its goals being the
development of formal means allowing finding of such optimal test statistics.
Although a detailed discussion of test theory is beyond the confines of this
book, we mention that all statistical tests used in this book possess the prop-
erty of being optimal in this sense.
We reiterate that while there is no objective rule to determine ␣, a widely
followed and commonly accepted convention is to use ␣  .05. However, in
certain circumstances, different values for ␣ can be used, as indicated above.
Most often in those cases one seems to use either ␣  .01 or ␣  .1 (or some
other small value that is in principle equally plausible to use instead).

7.6.2. Statistical power

We mentioned earlier in this chapter that the probability of a Type II error
(denoted as ␤) is the probability to miss a potentially important finding in a
given empirical study by deciding to retain the null hypothesis H0 when it is
in fact false. For example, one commits a Type II error when in the population
the mean on a particular algebra knowledge test is not equal to a prespecified
number ␮0 as stipulated in a tested null hypothesis, but in the available sample
the value of the test statistic—like that in Equation (7.16)—does not fall in
the rejection region and hence one considers the null hypothesis as retainable.
The complement to the probability of making a Type II error, i.e., 1  ␤
is thus the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in reality
false. Partly due to this revealing interpretation, the difference 1  ␤ is called
statistical power, or just power for short. We stress that power is associated
with a given testing procedure (test statistic), and thus if the test statistic is
changed there will likely be a change in the corresponding power. Further-
more, power is associated with particular null and alternative hypotheses, and
even for a given null hypothesis it will probably be different for other alterna-
tive hypotheses considered in tandem with the null hypothesis.

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Similarly, as sample size increases so does power (of a meaningful test

statistic). This relationship can be relatively straightforwardly shown formally
for many statistical tests, but in general it can be argued for on grounds of the
following intuitive observation. Specifically, as sample size increases, the sam-
ple becomes more and more like the population. Hence, if the null hypothesis
is incorrect in the population to begin with, once sample size increases beyond
a sufficiently large number, the associated test statistic value should point to
rejection of the null hypothesis. This will be due to the sample resembling
then well enough the population, in order for the statistical procedure to
correctly sense that the null hypothesis is false there. Last but not least, we
stress that we naturally want all our hypothesis testing procedures to have the
highest possible, or optimal, statistical power.

7.6.3. Type I error and significance level

If we now revisit our earlier discussion on how to determine the rejection
region(s) for a given test statistic, we will notice that we did it under the
assumption of the null hypothesis H0 being true. (We had to make this
assumption in order to make headway—if we do not make the assumption, it
will not be in general possible to work out the needed distribution of the test
statistic.) That is, the rejection region(s) was associated with limited probabil-
ity under the null hypothesis. Further, when the test statistic value fell in that
region(s), we were willing to consider it as evidence warranting rejection of
H0. That limited probability was not to exceed the significance level ␣. Hence,
the significance level was in fact the probability of rejecting H0, worked out
under the assumption of H0 being true.
This is, however, precisely the probability of committing a Type I error—
the probability of rejecting H0 when it is in fact true. Therefore, the earlier
defined significance level ␣ is the probability of committing a Type I error,
which we subsequently also referred to as ␣ (see preceding subsection).
Hence, this is indeed a correct notation for two quantities that are actually
We stress that the Type I error depends on the test statistic used. Thereby,
we emphasize that if we change the test statistic for a given pair of null and
alternative hypotheses considered, we will in general need to change the defi-
nition of the rejection region in order to ensure the same prespecified signifi-
cance level ␣ (i.e., the Type I error probability).

7.6.4. Have we proved the null or alternative hypothesis?

We pointed out on a number of occasions that when carrying out statistical
hypothesis testing we are operating in a situation of uncertainty. In fact, we
need to make, then, a decision about the ‘‘true state of affairs’’ in a studied

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population, based on information from only part of it—the sample—which

typically is a fairly small fraction of the population. Because we are function-
ing in this situation of uncertainty, our decisions may be incorrect. This is the
reason we may commit one of two types of errors—Type I or Type II error.
(We note in passing that we cannot commit both types of errors, as they are
mutually exclusive possibilities.) Hence, even though there may be apparently
overwhelming evidence in a given sample in support of the null hypothesis
and the sample may be very large, as long as it is not identical to the popula-
tion we cannot claim that we have definitively proved the validity of the null
We thus see that statistical hypothesis testing (and more generally statistics
as a science itself) is not a means of determining the true state of affairs. This
can only be accomplished when the entire studied population of interest is
exhaustively studied, i.e., when each and every one of its members is evaluated
on all variables of concern. Any time we use sample data—with a sample not
being identical to the population—we do not have any guarantee that a null
hypothesis found to be retainable based on that data is actually true in the
Looked at from another perspective, we always run the risk of committing
a Type II error—the null hypothesis being wrong but based on our statistical
procedure (test statistic value in the available sample) we decide to retain it.
Due to this fact, we cannot prove the validity of the null hypothesis using
statistical hypothesis testing, as long as the sample is not identical to the stud-
ied population. Conversely, the question may be raised as to whether we can
prove the alternative hypothesis, in case we decide to reject the null hypothe-
sis. Again, no matter how strongly the sample data points against the null
hypothesis and in favor of the alternative hypothesis under consideration, no
statistical procedure can prove the null hypothesis as wrong and thus the
alternative as correct. The reason again is the fact that it is possible—using
statistics on a sample that is not identical to the population studied—to com-
mit a Type I error. Accordingly, even if we reject the null hypothesis, no
matter how large the sample is (as long as it is not identical to the entire
population), the null hypothesis may in fact be correct in the population.
This discussion shows that when we are using statistical procedures on
samples that are not identical to populations under consideration, we are not
in a position to place complete trust in our decision about either the null or
alternative hypothesis. That is, whether we reject the null hypothesis or retain
it, we cannot claim we have proved it as wrong or correct, respectively. Simi-
larly, we cannot claim that we have proved the alternative hypothesis in case
the null hypothesis is rejected. We can be certain in our decisions of this type
only when we have examined the entire population of interest.
So then, why study and use statistics for the purpose of hypothesis testing?

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The reason is that statistical hypothesis testing procedures, as made available

to us by the discipline of test theory, make optimal use of available data and
minimize the possible inferential errors that could be committed. These are
the errors that can be committed when making decisions about hypotheses of
interest in situations of uncertainty. These situations arise any time we have
examined only samples representing parts of populations of actual relevance
to research questions in the empirical sciences. When we have to make a
decision, then, between a null and alternative hypothesis, i.e., a choice for just
one of them, it is only logical that we could end up with an incorrect choice.

7.6.5. One-tailed tests

The statistical tests we have discussed so far assumed that the alternative
hypothesis of interest (research hypothesis) only stated the population mean
␮ as unequal to a prespecified number, ␮0. Symbolically, such alternatives are
of the form Ha: ␮ ⬆ ␮0. This circumstance effectively leads us to consider as
pertinent to Ha two potential directions of deviation from the null hypothesis
H0: ␮  ␮0, viz., ␮ being either larger or smaller than ␮0. For this reason,
such alternative hypotheses Ha are called two-tailed or two-sided alternative
hypotheses (or two-tailed/sided alternatives, for short). The preceding discus-
sion in Section 7.5 was thus concerned with a statistical testing procedure for
examining the null hypothesis H0 when tested against this two-tailed alterna-
tive Ha. Accordingly, the generally valid z-test in Equation (7.16) is called a
two-tailed test (assuming normality of the observed variable mean ȳ and
knowledge of the standard deviation ␴ of the studied random variable y).
However, often in empirical behavioral and social research one is interested
in testing more specialized, directional research hypotheses against the same
null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 —for instance, such directional alternative
hypotheses as Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0 or Ha: ␮ ⬍ ␮0. Consider an educational scientist
who is interested in examining as a research hypothesis the statement that the
mean on a trigonometry test in a studied population is larger than 22, in
tandem with the null hypothesis that it equals this number. Conversely, con-
sider a clinician interested in testing the hypothesis that the population mean
on a newly developed anxiety scale is not higher than 26, alongside the null
hypothesis that it equals this number.
Due to such alternative hypotheses being concerned only with a particular
direction of deviation from the null hypothesis, they are called one-tailed (one-
sided) alternative hypotheses. Correspondingly, the tests used to examine them
are also called one-tailed tests. What would a one-tailed statistical test look like
then, for the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 versus the alternative H0: ␮ ⬎ ␮0,
assuming as throughout this chapter normality of the mean ȳ of the underly-
ing random variable y and knowledge of its standard deviation ␴? We have

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already laid the groundwork needed for developing such a test earlier in this
chapter, and hence we can capitalize on it when responding to this question
As illustrated previously in the chapter, in order to develop a statistical test
we need a test statistic to measure the distance, in the direction of the alterna-
tive hypothesis, between the data and the null hypothesis. In analogy to the
preceding developments in the two-tailed alternative hypothesis case, as such
a test statistic we can again choose the z-ratio in Equation (7.16). We restate
that equation next (associated with the same number) for completeness of
this discussion:
ȳ␮0 .
(7.16) z
␴ / 兹n

This test statistic plays an instrumental role for the developments in the
remainder of this section. Alternative hypothesis of mean larger than a

prespecified number
Using the test statistic in Equation (7.16), how could we come up with a
rejection region for the case we are testing the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0
against the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0? We emphasized earlier that when develop-
ing a rejection region, we are interested only in deviations from the null
hypothesis that are in the direction of the alternative.
Since we are concerned here with the alternative hypothesis of the popula-
tion mean being larger than a prespecified value, ␮0, the rejection region
would consist of all sufficiently large values of z as defined in Equation (7.16).
How large, however, is large enough? As we pointed out earlier in this chapter,
one can obtain an answer to this question when finding out which scores on
the test statistic z in (7.16) are so much larger than the hypothetical value ␮0,
that they are associated with fairly small probability to be observed if the null
hypothesis H0 were to be true. All these values of z would constitute the rejec-
tion region of concern here.
Given that the test statistic z in Equation (7.16) follows a standard normal
distribution (with large samples, as assumed at the outset of this chapter
unless the studied RV y is normal to begin with), we need to find those values
of z that fulfill two requirements. First, they comprise an area under the stan-
dard normal curve that is 5% of the entire area under the normal curve.
Second, this area is farthest away from the hypothetical value ␮0 in the direc-
tion of the alternative. That is, we are searching here for all those values that
comprise the uppermost 5% of the area under the standard normal curve.
According to our discussion in Chapter 6, this is the part of the area under

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the normal curve that is cut out (to the right) by the 95th percentile. Hence,
the area under the normal curve and above this percentile, which we denoted
z.05 earlier, is the rejection region we are searching here.
We can easily determine this percentile with R using again the command

> qnorm(.95, 0, 1)
[1] 1.644854

That is, if in a given empirical setting the z-ratio (7.16) turns out to be larger
than this cutoff value 1.645, we reject the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 and
consider the one-sided alternative Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0 as retainable. In other words,
we do not reject H0 unless z ⬎ 1.645. We illustrate this discussion next with
an empirical example.

Example 7.5 (depression study): A researcher studying depression is interested

in testing the hypothesis that the average depression level for a new depression
scale is 25 in their state, i.e., H0: ␮  25, versus the alternative that it is actually
higher, i.e., Ha: ␮ ⬎ 25. In a sample of 200 persons, the average turns out to be
26.13. Assuming the population variance on this scale is 225, is there sufficient
evidence in the study to warrant rejection of the null hypothesis and suggest
that the population depression level is higher than that corresponding to the
score 25 on this scale?

Here we are interested in a one-sided alternative, Ha, and hence need to

use the last-discussed, one-tailed z-test. Indeed, given the sample size of
n  200, the assumption of normality of the sample average ȳ may be consid-
ered reasonable, owing to the central limit theorem (see Chapter 6). The z-test
statistic (7.16) yields here the following value that we readily obtain with R:

> z  (26.13 - 25)/ (15/sqrt(200))

> z
[1] 1.065374

Since this value is smaller than the critical value of 1.645, we conclude that
we do not have sufficient evidence in the sample to warrant rejection of the
null hypothesis that the state depression level equals 25. We can thus consider
as retainable the null hypothesis of this level being 25 in the researcher’s state. Alternative hypothesis of mean smaller than a

prespecified number
Similar to what was done above, we can also develop a one-tailed test for
examining the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0, versus the alternative stating that

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the mean is lower than this hypothetical value ␮0, viz., Ha: ␮ ⬍ ␮0. Specifi-
cally, we easily realize that the rejection region of concern would consist of all
scores of the z-ratio (7.16) that are sufficiently smaller than ␮0. They comprise
collectively the area of 5% under the standard normal curve and farthest away
to the left of ␮0. Given the symmetry of the standard normal distribution
about zero, it follows that these are all those z-test statistic values from Equa-
tion (7.16), which are smaller than 1.645.
That is, if in a given empirical setting the standard deviation of a random
variable y under consideration is known (and it can be assumed that its sam-
ple average is normally distributed), and one is interested in testing the null
hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 versus the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬍ ␮0, we reject the null
hypothesis if
(7.16) z
␴ / 兹n
is smaller than 1.645. Otherwise, we consider H0 as retainable. We illustrate
this discussion with the following example.

Example 7.6 (general mental ability testing): A general mental ability test is
known to have a mean of 95 and variance of 185 for the population of tenth
graders in a given US state. A study in a neighboring state enrolls n  450 tenth
graders, for whom the average performance on the test is 93.45. Based on the
empirical evidence, can it be suggested that high school sophomores in the latter
state have a lower mean on this test than their neighbor state sophomores,
knowing that the test variance is also 185 in this state?

Here we are interested in testing the null hypothesis H0: ␮  95 about the
population mean versus the one-tailed alternative that it is smaller, i.e., Ha:
␮ ⬍ 95. To this end, according to the preceding discussion in this section, we
examine the z-ratio (7.16) and check if it is lower than 1.645. We can readily
achieve this with R as follows:

> z  (93.45-95)/(sqrt(185)/sqrt(450))
> z
[1] -2.41742

Since this test statistic result is lower than the upper boundary of the rejection
region, viz., 1.645, its value falls within the rejection region. For this reason,
we reject the null hypothesis H0: ␮  95 in favor of the one-tailed alternative
Ha: ␮ ⬍ 95. We consider this result as empirical evidence suggesting that in
the state in question the mean of the general mental ability test is lower than
in its neighboring state.

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TWO TYPES OF POSSIBLE ERROR 127 Advantages and drawbacks of one-tailed tests

As can be surmised from the preceding discussion, one-tailed tests have the
property that they have higher power than two-tailed tests since they focus all
their sensitivity in a single tail of the distribution of the test statistic under the
null hypothesis. Technically, this is seen by realizing that their rejection region
is closer to the hypothetical mean than for the two-tailed tests (since 1.645 is
closer to the mean of zero for the z-distribution of relevance than 1.96).
Hence, when the alternative is actually true in the population, even smaller
deviations from the null hypothesis would be sufficient for sensing an incor-
rect null hypothesis, i.e., rejecting it, than for the two-tailed tests.
On the other hand, however, one-tailed tests have no sensitivity for viola-
tions of the null hypothesis that are in the opposite direction to the alternative
hypothesis considered. For instance, if the alternative is Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0, a sample
average that is smaller by any amount than ␮0 is not counted by the corre-
sponding one-tailed test as possible evidence against the tested null hypothesis
H0: ␮  ␮0. The reason is that such a sample average does not lead to a test-
statistic value falling in the rejection region, which consists here of all z-scores
above 1.96.
Thus, one needs to be very careful in one’s considerations when determin-
ing whether a one-tailed or a two-tailed test is needed in a given empirical
setting. Therefore, if one wishes to avoid missing an important violation of
the null hypothesis, one would probably more often consider using two-tailed
tests, if not routinely choose them. Conversely, if one is really interested only
in a particular deviation from the null hypothesis (viz., if one is willing to test
only if the mean is larger, or only smaller, than the hypothetical mean value),
and in addition there are no intolerable consequences from missing out a
deviation in the opposite direction, then one may decide to use a correspond-
ing directional, one-tailed test. This decision will usually depend on the
subject matter, available theoretical knowledge in it, particular empirical cir-
cumstances, and the actual research question. Extensions to one-tailed null hypotheses

The one-tailed tests we discussed earlier were characterized by the feature
that their null hypotheses were of the form H0: ␮  ␮0, i.e., focused only on
a single prespecified value ␮0 of the population mean. For this reason, some-
times such hypotheses are called simple, or point hypotheses. Being concerned
only with a single value, they require the researcher to choose it very carefully,
in order to make optimal use of their data for the purpose of hypothesis
In some empirical situations, however, researchers may not have sufficient
information to develop such precise null hypotheses, or they may not be inter-

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ested in simple (point) null hypotheses to begin with, as these may not be
particularly informative. In those circumstances, one may instead be inter-
ested in examining one-tailed null hypotheses, e.g., H0: ␮ ⱕ ␮0 or conversely
H0: ␮ ⱖ ␮0, with an alternative hypothesis being its corresponding negation,
i.e., Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0 or Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0, respectively. (We note that since we are
considering in this chapter continuous random variables, the probability of
the variable y taking a particular value—such as ␮0 —is zero; hence, it is
immaterial whether we include the equality sign in the null or in the alterna-
tive hypothesis.) We refer to a hypothesis like H0: ␮ ⱕ ␮0 or H0: ␮ ⱖ ␮0 as a
composite hypothesis (and similarly for an alternative hypothesis), since it
encompasses a whole range of values rather than a single one.
The preceding developments have also paved the way for developing a test
for composite null hypotheses, on the assumption again of known variance of
the underlying random variable y and normality of the associated sample
mean ȳ. Specifically, also here we can use the z-ratio (7.16) as a test statistic.
With it in mind, for each of the above pair of null and alternative hypothesis
to be tested, we need to find next the pertinent rejection region. As illustrated
on a few occasions earlier in this chapter, one can readily see here that the
rejection region would be the set of scores on the test-statistic z in Equation
(7.16), which is sufficiently away from the null hypothesis and in the direction
of the alternative tested. In actual fact, as can be easily argued for, we can
use the same rejection regions as developed above for testing composite null
hypotheses against one-sided alternatives. Specifically, if the null hypothesis
tested is H0: ␮ ⱕ ␮0 against the alternative H0: ␮ ⬎ ␮0, the rejection region
consists of the uppermost 5% of the area under the standard normal curve,
i.e., above 1.645. Conversely, if the null hypothesis tested is H0: ␮ ⱖ ␮0 against
the alternative H0: ␮ ⬍ ␮0, the rejection region consists of the lowest 5% of
the area under the standard normal curve, i.e., below 1.645. We illustrate
this activity next with an example.

Example 7.7 (scale of educational motivation): An educational motivation

scale is known to have a variance of 125 in a studied population of high school
juniors. In a sample of n  235 students, its average is determined to be 37.64.
A researcher is concerned with the question whether there is sufficient evidence
in the sample to suggest that its mean is not higher than 40, coming up with
this particular number based on research unrelated to the available sample data.

In this example, we are interested in testing the null hypothesis H0: ␮ ⱕ 40

versus the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬎ 40. According to the preceding discussion, the
rejection region consists of all z-scores that are larger than 1.645. We first
examine the associated z-ratio (7.16), which we can obtain with R as follows:

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> z  (37.64 - 40)/(sqrt(124)/sqrt(235))

> z
[1] -3.248891

Since the value of the test statistic is lower than 1.645, it falls outside of the
rejection region for testing the null hypothesis H0: ␮  40 versus the alterna-
tive Ha: ␮ ⬎ 40. We thus conclude that the evidence in the available sample
is not sufficient to warrant rejection of the null hypothesis H0: ␮ ⱕ 40, which
we thus can consider retainable. One- and two-tailed tests at other significance levels

The preceding discussion was concerned only with using the ␣  .05 sig-
nificance level. However, the same approach can be followed with any other
significance level chosen. For example, if ␣  .01 is decided for as a signifi-
cance level (before looking at the data to be analyzed), all preceding develop-
ments in this Section 7.6 remain valid, with the only modification that the
boundary point defining the rejection region—also typically referred to as
critical point or cutoff—corresponds to this significance level of .01 rather
than that pertaining to ␣  .05.
As we worked out earlier in this book, the cutoff for the case of a two-tailed
alternative at a significance level ␣  .01 can be readily determined with R as

> = qnorm(.995,0,1)

[1] 2.575829

Therefore, if we are testing the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 against the alterna-
tive H0: ␮ ⬆ ␮0 at a significance level of ␣  .01, the rejection region consists
of all z-scores from Equation (7.16) that are below 2.58 and all z-scores
above 2.58 (rounded off to second decimal place). Similarly, if we are using a
significance level of ␣  .1, then the cutoff for the case a two-tailed alternative is

> = qnorm(.95,0,1)

[1] 1.644854

That is, if we are testing the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 against the alternative
H0: ␮ ⬆ ␮0 at a significance level of a  .1, the rejection region consists of all
z-scores from Equation (7.16) that are below 1.645 and all z-scores above

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Only slight changes are needed in this approach if we are interested in

testing a simple or one-tailed (composite) null hypothesis against a one-tailed
alternative hypothesis at significance levels other than .05. Specifically, if we
are willing to test H0: ␮  ␮0 or H0: ␮ ⱕ ␮0 against the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0
at the significance level ␣  .01, then the rejection region consists of all
z-scores for the sample average that are larger than 2.33, as found readily
with R:

> qnorm(.99, 0, 1)
[1] 2.326348

Conversely, if we are willing to test H0: ␮  ␮0 or H0: ␮ ⱖ ␮0 against the

alternative Ha: ␮ ⬍ ␮0 at the same significance level, the rejection region
consists of all z-scores from Equation (7.16) that are smaller than 2.33.
Alternatively, if testing the same null hypotheses against the alternative Ha:
␮ ⬍ ␮0 at the significance level ␣  .1, then the rejection region consists of
all z-scores from (7.16) that are smaller than 1.28:

> qnorm(.1,0,1)
[1] -1.281552

If thereby the alternative is Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0 (and the null hypothesis is simple or

stating the alternative tail), then the rejection region consists of all z-scores
from (7.16) that are higher than 1.28.
These developments and our earlier discussion in this chapter lead us easily
to a more general observation. If the simple (point) null hypothesis H0:
␮  ␮0 is to be tested against the two-tailed alternative Ha: ␮ ⬆ ␮0 at the
significance level ␣, the rejection region consists of all z-scores from Equation
(7.16) that are smaller than z␣/2 or larger than z␣/2. Alternatively, if the sim-
ple (point) or composite null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 or H0: ␮ ⱕ ␮0 is to be
tested against the one-tailed alternative Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0 at the significance level ␣,
the rejection region consists of all z-scores from Equation (7.16) that are
larger than z␣. If the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 or H0: ␮ ⱖ ␮0 is to be tested
against the one-tailed alternative Ha: ␮ ⬍ ␮0 at the significance level ␣, the
rejection region consists of all z-scores from Equation (7.16) that are smaller
than z␣.


The discussion of statistical testing in this chapter was concerned predomi-

nantly with the determination of a rejection region for a given test statistic
when testing a null versus an alternative hypothesis of interest. Another,

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essentially equivalent way of proceeding then is through use of the notion of

a p-value, also at times referred to as level of significance of a test statistic value.
This approach is widely used in applications of statistics in the behavioral and
social sciences, and more generally in empirical settings when testing statisti-
cal hypotheses.
The p-value can be viewed, like the test statistic, as a measure of the degree
to which the sample data is inconsistent with a tested null hypothesis. How-
ever, unlike the test statistic, very small—rather than large—p-values are
indicative of serious inconsistencies of data and null hypotheses. In this case,
the latter may be rejected. Alternatively, if the p-value is not very small, the
null hypothesis may be retained.
More specifically, to define the concept of a p-value, we need to make the
assumption that the tested null hypothesis is true. Under this assumption, the
p-value is defined as the probability to obtain such a value on the used test
statistic, which is at least as inconsistent with the null hypothesis (and in
agreement with the alternative hypothesis) as is the value of this test statistic
in the actually available sample. That is, the p-value is the probability to obtain
a test statistic value that is in agreement with the alternative and at least as
strongly contradicting the null hypothesis as is the sample test statistic value,
if the null hypothesis were to be true.
A straightforward way to obtain the p-value is to make use of the distribu-
tion of the test statistic under the assumption of validity of the null hypothe-
sis. (This distribution is frequently referred to as distribution under the null,
for short.) For an available sample, we can then work out the value of the
used test statistic and determine the critical area under the curve of its distri-
bution under the null hypothesis. This area consists of all test statistic values
that are at least as inconsistent with the null hypothesis and in the direction
of the alternative, as is the particular test statistic value in the available sample.
What do we do next with the p-value obtained, in order to carry out statis-
tical hypothesis testing? Since the p-value gives a probability of a result at least
as inconsistent with the null hypothesis, if the latter were to be true, then we
can reason as follows. If the p-value is small enough, we can reject that
hypothesis. Otherwise, we can retain the null hypothesis. Yet how small is
small enough for us to proceed in this way? This question does not have an
answer that follows from some statistical or mathematical deductions. Usu-
ally, the threshold for ‘‘smallness’’ is chosen to be .05, which as mentioned
earlier equals what may be considered conventional significance level (unless
there are reasons to choose a different value for significance level). Further,
we mentioned earlier that the significance level equals the Type I error rate
that we wanted to keep small in order to control this error probability. The
conventional choice of ␣  .05 ensures this as well (but we stress that there
may be reasons in an empirical study to choose a different significance level,

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as indicated before in this chapter). That is, if the p-value is smaller than the
significance level (e.g., .05), we reject the null hypothesis. If the p-value is not
smaller than the significance level, we consider the null hypothesis as retain-
able. Therefore, the only remaining question is how to work out the p-value
in a given empirical setting where we have a data set available and are inter-
ested in testing a given null hypothesis versus an alternative hypothesis.
Working out the p-value using specifically designated command proce-
dures, based on the reasoning earlier in this subsection (see also below), is
implemented in widely circulated statistical analysis software, such as R, for
nearly all statistical tests used in this book. The only exception is the z-test we
have been dealing with in this chapter, which makes the assumption of known
variance of the underlying random variable, y. (This assumption is most of
the time considered not fulfilled in empirical research, and for this reason
there are no automatic procedures of obtaining the associated p-values with
these programs.) Beginning with the next chapter, we will routinely use the
software-implemented procedures for determining p-values associated with
analyzed sample data, but in the rest of this chapter we will instruct R to work
them out for us. We illustrate this discussion next by revisiting the earlier
college aspiration example in Section 7.5 (for completeness, we include its
text below and refer later to it as Example 7.8).

Example 7.8 (college aspiration scale): A researcher is interested in testing if a

college aspiration scale has a mean of 18 in a studied population of high school
seniors, which scale is known to have a variance of 144 there, versus the alterna-
tive that its mean is not 18. In a sample of n  36 seniors the college aspiration
score average—i.e., the mean estimate—is 22.5. What would be reasonable for
the researcher to conclude with regard to the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0  18
versus the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬆ ␮0 ( 18) of interest?

As discussed above, all we need to do now is only evaluate the p-value

associated with the sample value of the test statistic used, rather than the
rejection region as earlier in this chapter. That is, we use here (a) the same
test statistic (7.16) that of course follows the same distribution under the
null hypothesis, viz., the standard normal N(0,1); as well as (b) the same
value of the test statistic for the available sample (see Equation (7.16)), viz.,
22.5  18/兹(144/36)  2.25. The only difference in our current testing
approach is that we need to work out the p-value associated with this sample
result, 2.25, which is the used test statistic value.
To this end, we first note that we are dealing here with a two-tailed alterna-
tive, Ha. Hence, we need to work out the probability of obtaining a sample
value that is at least as large as 2.25, or alternatively at least as small as 2.25.
(Due to the symmetry of the standard normal distribution around zero, any
test statistic value larger than 2.25 is a mirror image of another possible one

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that is smaller than 2.25, and therefore just as inconsistent with the null
hypothesis.) That is, we need to find out the area under the normal curve that
is above 2.25 and below 2.25. To this end, due to symmetry reasons, we can
work out the area under the normal curve above 2.25 and multiply it by two,
in order to take into account the two-tailed nature of the alternative hypothe-
sis. We achieve this easily with R as follows:

> 1-pnorm(2.25, 0, 1)
[1] 0.01222447
> 2*(1-pnorm(2.25,0,1))
[1] 0.02444895

Therefore, the sought p-value is .024. Since this is smaller than the conven-
tionally used significance level of ␣  .05, we conclude that if the null
hypothesis were to be true, the sample we have observed from the studied
population would be associated with an event that would be very rare. For
this reason, faced with the necessity to make a choice between the null
hypothesis H0: ␮  18 and the alternative hypothesis Ha: ␮ ⬆ 18 here, we
decide for the latter. This is because we interpret the empirical finding associ-
ated with a p-value of only .024 as strong evidence against the null hypothesis.
We thus reject the claim that in the population the mean on the used college
aspiration scale is 18. (We note that this is the same decision we arrived at
via use of the pertinent rejection region earlier in the chapter, as one would
The discussed testing approach is appropriate when the alternative hypoth-
esis is two-tailed, as in the last example considered. If the alternative were
instead to be determined as one-tailed before looking at the data, a minor
modification would be needed in the presently outlined procedure. The rea-
son is that with one-tailed alternatives, we are considering deviations from
the null hypothesis only in the direction of the tail of the specified alternative
hypothesis, since only such deviations count as evidence against the null
hypothesis. For instance, suppose we had settled in the last example, before
looking at the data, on the one-sided alternative Ha: ␮ ⬎ ␮0, with the same
null hypothesis as above. Then, in order to work out the p-value associated
with the test statistic value observed in the sample, we need to find only the
area beyond, i.e., to the right, of the value 2.25 found in the above example.
This area was determined easily earlier with R to be

> 1-pnorm(2.25, 0, 1)
[1] 0.01222447

i.e., half the p-value when testing the two-tailed hypothesis. Since in the sam-
ple we observed an average that was in compliance with the alternative tail, as

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22.5 ⬎ 18, given this small p-value we would decide to reject the null hypothe-
sis. However, if in the sample the average were to be less than 18 (e.g., 16.85),
given that this result is not in agreement with the alternative we would decide
for retaining the null hypothesis without even having to look at the p-value.
This is because none of the evidence we have in the sample would point in
favor of the alternative, and so we cannot decide for the alternative hypothe-
sis. (Note that, as indicated earlier, we would decide to retain the null hypoth-
esis no matter how much smaller than 18 the sample average is.)
The described testing approach, as mentioned before, is often referred to
for short as a one-tailed test and the p-value associated with it as a one-tailed
p-value. We emphasize that to obtain this value we halved the p-value that
pertains to the testing problem when dealing with a two-tailed alternative.
However, we use this halved p-value to make a decision in favor of the null
or alternative only if the test statistic value in the given sample is in agreement
with the alternative hypothesis. By analogy, the process of testing a null
hypothesis versus a two-tailed alternative is called a two-tailed test, and the
resulting p-value is also referred to as a two-tailed p-value.
The discussed procedure for working out the p-value is directly applicable
also in the case when the null is a more general hypothesis, such as H0:
␮ ⬍ ␮0. (At times, this hypothesis is also called a one-tailed null hypothesis.
Note that then the alternative hypothesis has to be one-tailed as well.) The
reason is that in the preceding developments leading up to this procedure we
never used the fact that the null was a simple hypothesis. Hence, the same
reasoning is applicable when the null is a composite (one-tailed) hypothesis.
To illustrate this discussion, consider the last college aspiration example,
but suppose we were interested to begin with in testing the null hypothesis
that the population mean on the used scale is no larger than 18, versus the
alternative that it is larger than 18. That is, we wish to test here the null
hypothesis H0: ␮ ⱕ 18 against the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬎ 18. (We reiterate that
we need to have settled on the null and alternative hypotheses, as well on the
significance level, before looking at the data or the results of any analyses
carried out on it.) Proceeding as above, given the sample finding of a z-value
of 2.25 associated with the observed sample average of 22.5, we need to work
out the area under the standard normal curve and beyond 2.25. As elaborated
earlier in this subsection, the associated p-value is readily found with R as

> 1-pnorm(2.25, 0, 1)
[1] 0.01222447

Given this p-value of .01 (rounded off), which is smaller than the convention-
ally used significance level of .05, we can reject the null hypothesis that the

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population mean is no higher than 18 in favor of the alternative that it is

larger than 18.
In conclusion, we stress that if the null hypothesis to begin with was H0:
␮  18 and the alternative H0: ␮ ⬍ 18, then the mean obtained in the avail-
able sample would not be in the direction of the alternative (as 22.5 ⬎ 18). In
that case, we would directly consider the null hypothesis as retainable, and
there would not be any need to work out the pertinent p-value.



In the preceding Sections 7.6 and 7.7, we used test statistics and associated
p-values to examine research hypotheses. A criticism that can be raised against
this testing approach when the null is a simple hypothesis, such as H0: ␮  ␮0,
is that this type of very precise hypothesis can be argued to be most of the
time incorrect in studied populations to begin with. In addition, as indicated
earlier, the statistical power increases toward 1 (being a probability) with
increasing sample size as well. Hence, one may argue, whether this null
hypothesis is rejected or not is a matter of how large a sample is used.
An alternative approach to statistical hypothesis testing when simple null
hypotheses are of concern is based on the use of confidence intervals intro-
duced in Section 7.3 of this chapter. As we clarified there, a confidence inter-
val (CI) represents a range of plausible values for a population parameter
(e.g., the mean). Suppose one were interested in testing the simple null
hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 against the alternative H0: ␮ ⬆ ␮0. Denote the confi-
dence interval at 95% confidence level as (l, u), where l and u are its lower
and upper endpoints. (We recall that their values are sample-dependent.)
Our preceding discussion in this chapter suggests that when testing a null
hypothesis like H0, we are in a sense asking the following question: ‘‘Given
the sample, is the hypothetical value for the parameter of interest—i.e., ␮0 —a
plausible value for this parameter in the population?’’ For example, given the
data, does the ␮0 look like a possible value for the mean ␮ in the studied
population? Yet the CI is a range of plausible values by definition, i.e., in fact
the CI contains all plausible values, at a confidence level chosen prior to look-
ing at the data, for the population parameter of concern. Hence, by checking
if the CI contains the hypothetical value of the parameter, we are in fact
performing statistical hypothesis testing. That is, if the CI contains the value
of the parameter as stated in the null hypothesis, we can consider it retainable;
if it does not contain it, we can reject the null hypothesis.
This reasoning underlies a more rigorous result (e.g., Roussas, 1997) stating
that a 100(1  ␣)%-CI can be used in this way to test at a significance level
␣ the null hypothesis stipulating a particular value for an unknown parame-

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ter, versus the alternative that the latter does not equal that value. In case of
interest in the mean, this result implies that if one were concerned with testing
the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0 against the alternative H0: ␮ ⬆ ␮0 at signifi-
cance level ␣, one can check if ␮0 is contained in the 100(1  ␣)%-CI, i.e.,
whether l ⬍ ␮0 ⬍ u holds. If this CI contains ␮0, then H0 is retained, but if
the CI does not contain ␮0, i.e., if l ⬎ ␮0 or u ⬍ ␮0, then H0 is rejected.
We illustrate this approach to hypothesis testing using the earlier college
aspiration scale example (Example 7.8). Assuming conventional signifi-
cance level of ␣  .05, as discussed in Section 7.3, the general form of the
100(1  ␣)%-CI in the current setting is presented in (7.12). (We reiterate
that here assumed is normality of the sample mean and knowledge of the
variance of the underlying random variable y, the score on the college aspi-
ration scale.) The general CI is as follows:
(ȳz␣/2 ␴/兹n,ȳz␣/2 ␴/兹n).
Thus, for our example, all we need is z␣/2, which we found in Section 7.3 to
be 1.96. Using this value, the 95%-CI for the population mean of the college
aspiration scale of concern here is (‘ ’ is used next to denote multiplication)
(22.51.96 12/6, 22.51.96 12/6),
i.e., the sought CI is (18.58, 26.42). Since this 95%-CI does not include the
hypothetical value 18 for the mean, this value is not plausible for the popula-
tion mean. For this reason, we conclude that the sample contains sufficient
evidence warranting rejection of the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0  18, in
favor of the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬆ 18. This is the same decision we arrived at
before in the chapter using the earlier discussed means of hypothesis testing,
as one could expect.
In conclusion, we emphasize that the discussions in this section are valid
for testing statistical hypotheses about any population parameter, not just for
the mean—the parameter we were mostly concerned with here. Thereby, we
can formally treat the symbol ␮ as denoting generally any population parame-
ter of interest, and correspondingly ␮0 as a particular value for it. If we then
proceed exactly as in this last section, we will be in a position to test any
simple hypothesis about a population parameter by using a corresponding
level confidence interval for that parameter, against a two-tailed alternative.

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Inferences about Population

Means When Variances Are

All discussions regarding statistical inference in the last chapter assumed that
the variance of the underlying random variable y of interest was known and
that its sample mean ȳ was normal. Nevertheless, it is rarely the case in empir-
ical behavioral and social research that one can easily assume the variance ␴ 2
of y as known or possible to evaluate very precisely. For instance, a newly
developed measure of neuroticism cannot be typically assumed to have a
known population variance. In addition, the population of subjects for which
the measure has been developed may be rather heterogeneous. Hence, unless
the sample is very large—which may well be hard to achieve with limited
resources—it cannot be reasonably assumed that its population variance
could be known or evaluated with high precision.
In such situations, it may nonetheless be still of particular interest to carry
out statistical inference about population means on studied variables. For
these cases, the general idea underlying the z-test discussed in Chapter 7 in
fact remains applicable. Specifically, after estimation of the population stan-
dard deviation ␴ of the studied variable y by the sample standard deviation s,
and substitution of the latter for ␴ into the test statistic in Equation (7.16) of
that chapter, one can carry out testing and confidence interval evaluation with
the same general procedure after paying attention to one important point,
which we turn to next. This point has to do with the appropriate consider-
ation of the so-called t-ratio and t-distribution.


When we do not assume knowledge of the standard deviation ␴ of a studied

random variable y, the following suggestion may be made in analogy to the
z-test discussed in the previous chapter. Accordingly, the test statistic given in


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Equation (8.1) below can be used for testing the null hypothesis H0: ␮  ␮0
versus the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬆ ␮0 or even one-tailed alternative hypotheses:
ȳ␮0 .
(8.1) t
s / 兹n
The ratio in the right-hand side of Equation (8.1), which is frequently referred
to as the t-ratio, is not identical to the z-test statistic presented in Equation
(7.16) and used throughout the preceding Chapter 7 (frequently also referred
to as z-ratio). For this reason, we use a different notation—viz., t—to desig-
nate the left-hand side of Equation (8.1). Specifically, with this notation we
emphasize the fact that in Equation (8.1) we substitute the sample standard
deviation s for the population standard deviation ␴ in the earlier Equation
(7.16), which standard deviation we do not assume here as known anymore.
While this may seem to be a straightforward substitution leading from
Equation (7.16) in Chapter 7 to Equation (8.1) here, it actually entails some
important consequences. In particular, due to using the estimate s of the stan-
dard deviation of y in Equation (8.1), the resulting test statistic t in it does
not follow a standard normal distribution under the null hypothesis of the
mean being equal to ␮0, but instead follows a different distribution. The dis-
tribution of the right-hand side of Equation (8.1) under the assumption ␮ 
␮0, that is, under the null hypothesis, is referred to as the t-distribution. A
more complete reference to it, which is used at times in the literature, is as
Student’s t-distribution—bearing the pseudonym ‘‘Student’’ used by the Brit-
ish statistician William S. Gossett in the early 20th century.
As shown in more advanced treatments (e.g., Roussas, 1997), the test statistic
t in Equation (8.1) possesses this t-distribution when y is normally distributed,
and a fairly close distribution when y is coming from a symmetric distribution.
As is the case with the normal distribution, a concept that we used throughout
the last two chapters, there are infinitely many t-distributions. Each one of these
distributions differs from any other of the class of t-distributions by an associ-
ated quantity that is called degrees of freedom, commonly denoted as df. This
quantity, df, is always an integer number, i.e., a whole positive number. The
concept of degrees of freedom plays a special role for many test statistics used
in empirical research, and for this reason we discuss it next in greater detail.

8.1.1. Degrees of freedom

The degrees of freedom (denoted alternatively d) reflect the number of inde-
pendent pieces of information about a random variable y of concern that are
available in a given study. Initially, we start with n such pieces contained in
the n observations on y that comprise the available sample, y1,..., yn. However,
to obtain the t-ratio in Equation (8.1), we need to estimate the unknown

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population mean ␮, which we do with the sample average ȳ. That is, we obtain
in this way information about the population mean, or in other words we
extract this information from the sample—viz., from the initial n independent
sources of information about the random variable y. Hence, estimation of the
population mean ␮ is tantamount to utilizing one of the initial n pieces of
information available in a given sample. As a result, n  1 independent pieces
of information remain about y. For this reason, the degrees of freedom (df)
associated with the t-ratio in Equation (8.1) are df  d  n  1.
This procedure of obtaining the degrees of freedom associated with a statis-
tic in question remains valid also when many other unknown parameters or
a set of such are of interest. Specifically, to obtain then the degrees of freedom
we subtract the number of estimated parameters from the initial number of
independent pieces of information about a variable under consideration, as
available in a given study. (As an aside at this point, a study may involve more
than one sample, i.e., a sample from each of several distinct populations, and
all samples are then taken into account when determining the degrees of free-
dom associated with a particular statistic.) We will utilize and discuss this
degree of freedom calculation procedure on a few particular occasions in the
remainder of the book.

8.1.2. Properties of the t-distribution

Returning to the t-ratio in Equation (8.1), as pointed out above it possesses
a t-distribution with n  1 degrees of freedom, when given is a sample of n
observations, y1,..., yn. This definition reveals an important feature of the
t-distribution, viz., that it has a shape that depends on the number of subjects
studied, i.e., on the number of subjects in the sample. Another property of
the t-distribution is that it approaches the standard normal distribution with
increasing sample size, and hence with degrees of freedom. This feature can
be shown using more advanced methods (e.g., Roussas, 1997). We elaborate
empirically upon this property of the t-distribution in Section 8.2 below.
Since to obtain the t-ratio in Equation (8.1) we substitute the sample esti-
mate s of the standard deviation ␴ of the underlying random variable y, we in
a sense transfer the sampling variability of the estimate s into (8.1). (Recall
that the empirical standard deviation s is a random variable whose value
depends on the drawn sample—see, e.g., Chapter 3.) Thus, for another sample
with the same size from the same population of interest, the value of s will in
general be different. That is, there is inherent variability that underlies the
empirical (sample) value of s. This variability is passed over to the t-ratio in
Equation (8.1), since the statistic s is an integral part of it. This added variabil-
ity to the t-ratio relative to the z-ratio in Equation (7.16) of Chapter 7, which
does not utilize the sample standard variance s, represents a major way in

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which the two test statistics differ from one another. In particular, this added
variability leads to the fact that the t-ratio in Equation (8.1) follows a distribu-
tion different from the standard normal, which as pointed out in the preced-
ing chapter is the distribution of the z-ratio (7.16) (see Chapter 7).
It has been shown in the literature that the variance of a random variable x
following a t-distribution with df degrees of freedom is (for df ⬎ 2; e.g., Rao,
(8.2) Var(x)df/(df2).
From Equation (8.2), it is seen that the variance of the t-distribution is always
larger than one, which is the variance of the standard normal distribution
N(0,1). Therefore, the probability density function (pdf) of the t-distribution
is somewhat flatter and ‘‘shorter’’ than that of the standard normal—due to
the fact that the area under the curve of the normal distribution is one as well.
We illustrate this flatness feature using graphs of the standard normal and
several t-distributions, which we can obtain readily using R. As before, first
we create a ‘‘net’’ (or ‘‘grid,’’ array) of very closely positioned points on the
horizontal axis, then compute both the density function values of the standard
normal and the t-distribution with degrees of freedom df  3, say, and super-
impose these two pdf’s. We note thereby that the pdf, or density curve, of the
t-distribution is obtained with the command ‘dt’, whereas that of the standard
normal is obtained with the command ‘dnorm’. The overlay of the two
graphed distributions is accomplished with the command ‘lines’, placing in
gray color the pdf of the t-distribution (by using the subcommand col 
"gray"). All these activities are achieved consecutively with the following
five R commands:

> x = seq(-4, 4, .005)

> d.n = dnorm(x)
> plot(x, d.n)
> d.t = dt(x, 3)
> lines(x, d.t, col = "gray")

These commands lead to the graph displayed in Figure 8.1 (the gray curve
appears thereby as thinner than the default black curve).
We notice from Figure 8.1 a characteristic property of the t-distribution.
Specifically, its tails are thicker than those of the standard normal distribution,
and thus it rises to a lower level. As pointed out before, the reason for this is
the fact that the area under the pdf of either distribution is one, due to the
earlier-mentioned pertinent convention for any pdf (see Chapter 5). This tail-
thickness property of the t-distribution relative to the standard normal distri-
bution results from the substitution of the imprecise sample estimate s for ␴

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Graphs of the densities of the standard normal distribution (thick line) and the
t-distribution with df  3 degrees of freedom (thin line).

into the formula for the z-ratio (7.16) (see Chapter 7), in order to obtain the
t-ratio in (8.1) as mentioned earlier in this chapter.
The difference between the t-distribution and the standard normal distri-
bution diminishes, however, with increasing sample size n. Then also the
degrees of freedom df increase, since df  n  1, as pointed out before. In
Figure 8.2, the pdf of the t-distribution with df  8 degrees of freedom is
overlaid with the standard normal. As seen from that figure, there are much
smaller differences now between the two distributions relative to their differ-
ences in Figure 8.1. (Figure 8.2. is obtained via the same sequence of
commands leading to Figure 8.1, with the only difference that the curve
d.t  dt(x, 8) is now used instead of the earlier curve d.t  dt(x,
3). Similarly, in the following Figure 8.3, the line d.t  dt(x, 20) is used
instead in order to obtain the pdf of the t-distribution with df  20; see
Continuing in the same way, Figure 8.3 shows the pdf of the t-distribution
with df  20 degrees of freedom, where for most practical purposes the differ-
ences between the standard normal and that t-distribution are minimal if of
relevance. More generally, these differences become less and less pronounced
as sample size n increases (and thus degrees of freedom df  n  1 do so as
well; practically, there is little difference between the two considered distribu-
tions for df ⬎ 30.)
The three Figures 8.1 through 8.3 enable us also to recognize another
important property of the t-distribution. While having fatter tails than the

................. 18281$ $CH8 09-19-12 11:39:09 PS PAGE 141


Graphs of the densities of the standard normal distribution (thick line) and the
t-distribution with df  8 degrees of freedom (thin line; the size of the figure frame is
the same as that of Figure 8.1).

Graphs of the densities of the standard normal distribution (thick line) and the
t-distribution with df  20 degrees of freedom (thin line; the size of the figure frame
is the same as that of Figures 8.1 and 8.2).

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standard normal N(0,1) for any finite sample, the t-distribution with df
degrees of freedom (df ⬎ 2) is also symmetric around zero, like any normal
distribution. It will be useful to keep this symmetry feature in mind for the
remainder of this chapter.



Having highlighted the differences between the t-distribution and the stan-
dard normal distribution in the last section, we now return to our main con-
cern in this chapter. Specifically, we would like to carry out statistical
inference about a population mean from a normally distributed random vari-
able y of interest, whose population standard deviation ␴ is unknown. We
stress that such a scenario is quite common in empirical research, since we
typically do not know the population variance (and hence the standard devia-
tion) of most random variables of concern.
Under those circumstances, as pointed out above we can use the t-ratio
defined in Equation (8.1). Since we now know the distribution of this t-ratio,
viz., a t-distribution with df  n  1 degrees of freedom (n denoting sample
size as usual), in all our inferential activities we can proceed as in the case
with a known standard deviation ␴ but referring eventually to this
t-distribution. That is, whenever a percentile (quantile) is needed, we have to
use those of the pertinent t-distribution rather than standard normal distribu-
tion as we did throughout Chapter 7, where we assumed that ␴ was known.
By analogy to the quantiles of N(0,1), we denote these of the t-distribution as
t␣,d f , for given significance level ␣ and degrees of freedom df. We stress that
we now use two subindexes attached to the symbol of the t-distribution for
designating its quantiles, viz., ␣ and df. This is because the t-distribution itself
depends on df (and thus on sample size), a property that is not shared with
the distribution N(0,1) of the z-ratio in Equation (7.16) (see details provided
in Chapter 7) or with any other normal distribution.

8.2.1. Percentiles of the t-distribution

We can easily obtain the percentiles of the t-distribution using the software
R with the command ‘qt(p, d)’. We stress the notational analogy to the earlier
used command ‘qnorm(p, ␮, ␴)’ for obtaining the percentiles of the normal
distribution with mean and variance ␮ and ␴ 2, respectively. In the command
needed here, ‘qt(p, d)’, for p we enter the probability pertaining to the percen-
tile in question and for d the associated degrees of freedom, i.e., sample size
less one. For instance, if we are interested in the 95th percentile of the

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t-distribution with df  3 degrees of freedom, we obtain it as follows (result

given beneath command):

> qt(.95, 3)
[1] 2.353363

That is, the number 2.353 (rounded off to the third decimal place) cuts off
to the right 5% of the area under the density curve of the t-distribution with
three degrees of freedom. We note that this percentile of the t-distribution is
larger than the corresponding 95th percentile of the standard normal distribu-
tion, N(0,1), which we know from before is 1.645. The reason is, as pointed
out earlier, that the tails of the t-distribution are thicker than those of N(0,1).
Thus, given the small sample size, we need to go further out—that is, away to
the right from zero—in order to find the same percentiles of the t-distribution
relative to the corresponding percentiles of the standard normal distribution.

8.2.2. Confidence interval and testing hypotheses about a

given population mean
As indicated in Chapter 7, of particular interest are confidence intervals
(CIs) for population means. In the present chapter, the CIs of means are also
of special relevance in the empirical settings of concern where we do not
know the population standard deviation of a studied variable, or personal
characteristic, y. Given the earlier discussion in this chapter, by analogy to the
case when we assumed we knew the standard deviation ␴ of y (see Chapter
7), we obtain (1  ␣)100%-CIs intervals for population means by using the
corresponding quantiles t␣, d of the t-distribution in lieu of the same quantiles
of the z-distribution (0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1). In particular, the 100(1  ␣)%-CI for the
population mean, when the standard deviation of the studied variable y is
unknown but instead estimated from the sample, is (compare with the CI
defined in (7.12) in Chapter 7):
(8.3) (ȳt␣/2, df s/兹n, ȳt␣/2, df s/兹n).
Using this CI, we can carry out—just like in Chapter 7 (Section 7.8)—
hypothesis testing about population means in situations where the standard
deviation of y is unknown. This approach to hypothesis testing, which we
exemplify below, does not provide a p-value associated with a given sample
and the test statistic value obtained in it. We can readily furnish such a p-value
for a tested null hypothesis versus an alternative hypothesis, however, using
the t-ratio in Equation (8.1). Since this ratio plays an instrumental role in the
present testing approach, the resulting statistical test is often referred to as
‘‘t-test for the mean.’’

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To carry out a t-test for a given mean value ␮0, i.e., to test the null hypothe-
sis H0: ␮  ␮0 versus the alternative H0: ␮ ⬆ ␮0, we employ with R the
command ‘t.test’:

> t.test(y, mu = mu0)

As seen from the last line, this command has two ‘‘arguments,’’ i.e., two
entities that need to be supplied to the software in order for it to carry out
the t-test in question. The first argument is the data, i.e., the variable y for
which we are testing a hypothesis with regard to its mean (as usual, ␮ denotes
the mean of y in the studied population). We discussed earlier in the book
how we can read data into R. Once we do so, any variable (variable name) in
a given data set can be used for ‘y’ in the ‘t.test’ command, as long as a
research question can be addressed by a t-test carried out with regard to its
The second argument, denoted mu  mu0 in the last stated R command,
is the hypothetical value ␮0 of concern in the null hypothesis tested. Thereby,
the particular hypothetical value (number) is entered in place of ‘mu0’. For
instance, if we wish to test the null hypothesis H0: ␮  22 versus the alterna-
tive Ha: ␮ ⬆ 22, for a variable denoted ‘y’ in a data file that has been read
into R, the above command is as follows (note that the name of the variable
appears as the first argument, while ‘mu’ is spelled out this way in the left-
hand side of the second argument of the following command):

> t.test(y, mu = 22)

We exemplify this discussion using the mathematics test–taking anxiety

(MTA) data set first introduced in Chapter 2 (Example 2.2; the data are avail-
able in the file CH2_EX22.dat). Suppose we want to test the null hypothesis
that in the studied population of high school freshmen the mean anxiety score
was 27.5, versus the alternative that it was a distinct number (whatever it
might be then). That is, we are interested here in testing H0: ␮  27.5 versus
the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬆ 27.5. We assume again that the anxiety scores are
stored in the variable denoted ‘y’ in the available data set.
In order to test this null hypothesis, we first need to read the data into R.
To accomplish this, as mentioned in Chapter 2 we need to assign a name to
the data file after reading it in, which we here choose to be ‘mta’. We then
read in the data with the following command (note the path name used next
on a particular computer where the data are stored, which name need not be
the same in other applications with the same data):

> mta = read.table("C://data/CH2_EX22.dat", header = T)

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Once the data are read in, a ‘‘data frame’’ is created where the variables are
not immediately available for our purposes to R. To make them so, we attach
the data to the R engine:

> attach(mta)

We are now ready to test the above null hypothesis H0: ␮  27.5 against the
alternative Ha: ␮ ⬆ 27.5. We achieve this, as indicated earlier, with the R
command ‘t.test’, where we now substitute 27.5 for ‘mu0’ in its second argu-

> t.test(y, mu = 27.5)

This command produces the following output:

One Sample t-test

data: y

t = -6.1346, df = 35, p-value = 5.135e-07

alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 27.5

95 percent confidence interval:

21.84356 24.65644
sample estimates:
mean of x

This R output contains a substantial amount of information, which we

discuss in detail next. First, the test statistic—the t-ratio defined in the earlier
Equation (8.1)—has the value of 6.13 here. Second, the degrees of freedom
are df  36  1  35. Third, the associated p-value is p  5.14 107.
The obtained p-value is a very small number and hence is below the usual
preset significance level of ␣  .05. As a result, we can reject H0: ␮  27.5
and decide for the alternative hypothesis of the mean being a different num-
ber in the studied population of high school freshmen. We also note that the
output contains the 95%-confidence interval (8.3) for the population mean.
This interval is (21.84, 24.65). Since it does not contain the hypothesized value
27.5, we can alternatively conclude that the null hypothesis can be rejected,
and thus that the alternative hypothesis of this mean being distinct from 27.5
can be decided for. (We note that for the purpose of hypothesis testing, we
need only follow one of the two analytic avenues indicated here—use of the
p-value, or of the CI.)

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8.2.3. One-tailed t-tests

The discussed testing approach needs some modification if a one-tailed test
is to be carried out, as we indicated in Chapter 7. Specifically, if we had started
out before looking at the data with the intent to test the same null hypothesis
H0: ␮  27.5 but against the one-sided, directional alternative Ha: ␮ ⬍ 27.5,
we would need to examine first the sample average. This average was found
earlier and is also stated in the final two lines of the last presented R output
as 23.25. Thus, the sample average is in the direction of the alternative, since
it is smaller than 27.5. Therefore, all we need to do now is halve the p-value
reported in the R output. Given that this p-value was found above to be a
very small number, its half is even smaller and hence smaller than any reason-
able preset significance level, such as .05, say. Therefore, in this case we would
reject the null hypothesis and decide for the alternative stating that the mean
is smaller than 27.5.
On the other hand, if before looking at the data we chose to test the null
hypothesis H0: ␮  27.5 against the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬎ 27.5, we again would
need to first check the sample mean. Since it is now not in the direction of
the alternative hypothesis (as 23.25 is smaller than 27.5 stipulated in the alter-
native hypothesis), we would retain the null hypothesis rather than the alter-
native hypothesis, as discussed in detail in Chapter 7.
We reiterate that we need to decide before looking at the data for a specific
null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis to be tested. That is, before
looking at the data set (or doing any analysis of it), we must decide what
exactly the null hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis Ha are. Only then
may we proceed as discussed in this section. If we first look at the data and use
information from it to choose the specific form of the null and/or alternative
hypothesis—in particular, decide which of the two possible tails the one-tailed
alternative should have—then seriously misleading results can follow. The
reason is that we would be ‘‘testing’’ then with a given data set a hypothesis
that has been determined at least in part by the features of that very same data
set. Such an approach is in general bound to yield incorrect results. This is
because it capitalizes on chance effects at work in the available sample, which
are due to the ever-present sampling error (the difference between available
sample and studied population, in any study that is not a census), and hence
the ensuing results cannot be trusted.

8.2.4. Inference for a single mean at another significance level

The above discussion was based on the assumption that we settled, before
looking at the data, on the significance level ␣  .05 (i.e., the probability of
Type I error—see Chapter 7). The testing principle underlying the approach
used, however, is directly applicable when we preselect another significance

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level. For example, if we wanted to carry out statistical inference using the
significance level ␣  .01 to begin with (i.e., we chose ␣  .01 before looking
at the data), then we need to add this information as a third argument to the
above R command ‘t.test’. To this end, we can use its subcommand ‘conf.level
 .99’, since the confidence level corresponding to a significance level of .01
is (1  .01)100%  99%. The command ‘t.test’ then looks as follows for the
last-considered example:

> t.test(y, mu = 27.5, conf.level = .99)

and provides the following output:

One Sample t-test

data: y
t = -6.1346, df = 35, p-value = 5.135e-07
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 27.5
99 percent confidence interval:
21.36297 25.13703
sample estimates:
mean of x

We notice that the p-value is not changed, since our data and test statistic are
not changed either. If we were to test the simple null hypothesis H0: ␮  27.5
versus the alternative Ha: ␮ ⬆ 27.5, to begin with, we need to compare the
p-value reported by R to the chosen different significance level, which is .01.
Since the reported p-value of 5.135 107 is smaller than .01, we reject the
null hypothesis and decide for the alternative.
Similarly, if we were interested in the first instance in one-tailed tests, we
proceed in full analogy to the case of ␣  .05 discussed in detail in the previ-
ous subsection 8.5.3. We note in passing that the CI produced thereby will be
different in case the significance level ␣  .01 is preset. In fact, the 99%-CI
for the population mean will be wider than before, since we will be using here
a higher confidence level (viz., 99% rather than 95% as earlier).
In conclusion of this section, we emphasize that while we made in it the
assumption of normality of the studied random variable y, the t-tests and
confidence intervals discussed in it yield trustworthy results also with minor
to mild deviations from normality. More serious deviations from normality
can be handled with alternative methods that go beyond the confines of this
introductory book (e.g., Ott & Longnecker, 2010; Roussas, 1997). Further, we
stress that the significance level for any statistical test, and hence the implied
confidence level associated with a confidence interval of interest, needs to be

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decided upon (i.e., chosen) before looking at the data. If this choice is done
after the data are inspected, it is possible that seriously misleading results can
be arrived at.



So far in this chapter, we have been concerned with inferences about a single
population mean. We have emphasized thereby that in order to carry out the
associated statistical tests, we must know a priori the specific hypothetical
value of the mean that we test about with them. Many times in empirical
behavioral and social research, however, this knowledge is not available, or
there is no particular value for the mean that would be of substantive interest.
In addition, very often one is interested in inferences involving not one but
more than a single population and their means. For instance, one may well
be interested in finding out how the means on a studied variable differ in an
experimental and a control group (populations), or for male and female sub-
jects, or for different socioeconomic groups, and so on.
In this section, we deal with settings where we are concerned specifically
with two populations (groups) under consideration. We consider two cases:
(a) when the populations of interest are independent of one another, and
(b) when they are related to one another. In case (a), we will assume that we
have obtained two random samples from either of the two distinct popula-
tions, with corresponding sizes n1 and n2, and we will use the fact that these
samples are also independent of one another. Our following developments
will be based on the next important result that will permit us to obtain a
measure of the distance between null hypothesis and data from the available
samples from these populations, and thus a test statistic for testing population
mean equality. (For a detailed demonstration of this result, see Roussas,
1997.) The result states that for independent normal random variables the
normal distribution is preserved when they are subtracted from one another
or added to each other.

Result 8.1: If y1 ⬃ N(␮1, ␴ 21) and y2 ⬃ N(␮2, ␴ 22) are two independent normally
distributed random variables, then their difference and their sum are also nor-
mally distributed, each with the following means and variances:
(a) y1y2 ⬃ N(␮1␮2,␴ 21␴ 22), and
(b) y1y2 ⬃ N(␮1␮2 ,␴ 21␴ 22).

We point out that unlike the means, the variance of both the sum and the
difference of the two random variables is the same, viz., the sum of their
variances. This is because irrespective of whether one takes their sum or dif-

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ference, the random variability of any of the two resulting variables, viz.,
y1  y2 and y1  y2, is superimposed on that variability of the other variable.
Result 8.1 can be used together with the central limit theorem (CLT), if
need be, to find out the distribution of the difference of two sample means in
the setting we are interested in this section. Here we are dealing with two
random samples from two unrelated populations, and ȳ1 and ȳ2 denote their
sample averages (means). As we know from Chapter 6, their means and vari-
ances are correspondingly ␮1 and ␴21 / n1 (for ȳ1) as well as ␮2 and ␴22 / n2 (for
ȳ2). Since the two samples are independent, however, so are their sample aver-
ages ȳ1 and ȳ2. Thus, using Result 8.1, we see that the mean and variance of
their difference are correspondingly
(8.4) ␮ȳ1ȳ2␮ȳ1␮ȳ2␮1␮2, and
␴ ȳ1ȳ2␴ 2ȳ1␴ 2ȳ2␴ 21 / n1␴ 22 / n2,

where ␮ȳ1ȳ2 and ␴ 2ȳ1ȳ2 denote the mean and variance, respectively, of the
difference in sample means, ȳ1  ȳ2. Hence, for the standard deviation ␴ȳ1ȳ2
of this mean difference, ȳ1  ȳ2, it follows that
(8.5) ␴ȳ1ȳ2兹␴ 2ȳ1␴ 2ȳ2兹␴ 21 / n1␴ 22 / n2.
We summarize the last developments in the following result, which will be of
particular importance in the remainder of this Section 8.4.

Result 8.2: The random sampling distribution of the difference of two sample
averages (means), ȳ1  ȳ2, has the following three properties:
(i) it is approximately normal for large samples (and is normal for any
sample size when each of the random variables y1 and y2 is so),
(ii) its mean is the difference between the two population means (see
first of Equations (8.4)), and
(iii) the standard error of the difference of the two sample averages is
␴ȳ1ȳ2兹␴ 21 / n1␴ 22 / n2.
This result allows us to carry out statistical inference with regard to the differ-
ence in two independent population means, following the same principles
underlying the inferences about single population mean that were discussed
earlier in this chapter.

8.3.1. Point and interval estimation of the difference in two

independent population means
We first address the question what the best numerical guess, or estimate,
would be for the difference in the means, ␮1 and ␮2, of two independent
populations. As a point estimate of their difference, ␮1  ␮2, obviously one
can use the difference in their sample averages, ȳ1  ȳ2, since the point esti-

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mate of ␮i is ȳi (i  1, 2; see Chapter 2). Hence, whenever we wish to obtain

an idea of how much two populations might differ in terms of their means,
we can simply subtract the averages obtained in the available samples from
these populations.
As pointed out earlier in this Section 8.3, we use the same principles
employed earlier in the chapter for interval estimation of the population mean
difference ␮1  ␮2. In order to proceed, we assume that (a) both populations
are normally distributed (with respect to the studied variable y, or personal
characteristic, in either of them), and (b) the variances of y are the same in
the two populations, i.e., ␴12  ␴22  ␴ 2, say. (We do not assume that they
are known, only that they are equal, whatever common population value they
may have.) The last assumption of identity of the two variances can be readily
used to obtain an estimate of this common variance, ␴ 2. Indeed, since the two
populations have the same variances, each of the samples provides an estimate
of this common variance. Hence, we can pool the two sample estimates into
one estimate of the common variance, ␴ 2.
To this end, we need to first sum the squared individual deviations from
the means in each sample. From Chapter 2, this sum from sample 1 is
(n1  1)s12, with s12 denoting the variance estimate from that sample. Simi-
larly, the sum of squared individual mean deviations from sample 2 is
(n2 1)s22, with s22 denoting the variance estimate from it. Adding them
together, we obtain the pooled sum of squared individual mean deviations as
(8.6) (n11)s12 (n21)s22.
In order to furnish now an estimate of the common variance, ␴ 2, we need to
divide the sum of individual mean deviations from both samples, (8.6), by the
associated degrees of freedom (df). To find these df, we use the procedure
discussed in Section 8.2 when considering the t-distribution and how its
degrees of freedom were determined.
To work out the appropriate degrees of freedom here, we note that in order
to render the critical sum in (8.6), we need to estimate the mean in each of the
populations. Hence, we lose two degrees of freedom from the initial n1  n2
available independent observations (pieces of information) on the studied
variable y that we have access to with the two samples. That is, the relevant
degrees of freedom are here n1  n2  2. Hence, the sought estimate of the
common variance, ␴ 2, is:
(n 1)s12(n21)s22
(8.7) s2p 1 .
This estimate (8.7) is often referred to as ‘‘pooled variance estimate,’’ as indi-
cated by the used subindex. Thus, the corresponding estimate of the common
standard deviation ␴ is

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(8.8) sp
冪 (n11)s12(n21)s22

Now that we have an estimate of the common standard deviation ␴, from

Result 8.2, point (iii), we obtain the following estimate of the standard error
of the difference in the two sample averages:
(8.9) ␴ˆ ȳ1ȳ2sp兹1 / n11 / n2.
We note that the right-hand side of Equation (8.9) is obtained by substituting
sp as the common estimate of the variances appearing in the formula for the
standard error of the difference in two sample means in Result 8.2, (iii). We
also mention in passing that the estimate in Equation (8.7) is actually a
weighted average of the estimates of the common variance, ␴ 2, that are
obtained from each of the samples. Thereby, either of these estimates is
weighted proportionately to the size of the sample that it comes from—viz.,
by the weight (ni  1)/(n1  n2  2) for the ith sample (i  1, 2).
With the estimate in Equation (8.9) of the standard error of the difference
in the two sample means of concern, we can now use the same logic underly-
ing the derivation of the confidence interval (8.3) earlier in this chapter, in
order to obtain a confidence interval for the difference of two independent
population means, ␮1  ␮2, at a given confidence level (1  ␣)100%
(0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1). Accordingly, with Equations (8.3) and (8.9) in mind, we obtain
this CI as follows:

(8.10) 冉
冪 1 1
 , ȳ1ȳ2t␣/2,n1n22sp
n1 n2 冪 1 1

n1 n2
We can also use this confidence interval for the purpose of statistical testing
about two population means, as discussed in the next section.

8.3.2. Hypothesis testing about the difference in two

independent population means
As was done in Section 8.2, we can use the CI (8.10) for statistical infer-
ences about two independent population means. In particular, when inter-
ested in testing the null hypothesis that the two means are the same, i.e., H0:
␮1  ␮2 (or, equivalently, H0: ␮1  ␮2  0) versus the alternative that they
are not, i.e., Ha: ␮1 ⬆ ␮2 (or Ha: ␮1  ␮2 ⬆ 0), we can utilize the CI (8.10)
and check if it covers zero. In that case, we retain H0; otherwise, we reject the
null hypothesis and decide for Ha. If we are willing to furnish a p-value associ-
ated with the mean difference in the available samples, we use correspond-
ingly the following test statistic that is rendered using the same principle
underlying the t-ratio in Equation (8.1) earlier in the chapter:

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(8.11) t .

1 1
n1 n2
Analogous to our discussion in Section 8.1, the test statistic in Equation (8.11)
follows under the null hypothesis the t-distribution with n1  n2  2 degrees
of freedom. Hence, the pertinent p-value (with a two-tailed alternative, as
currently considered) is twice the area under the density curve for this
t-distribution, which is positioned above the absolute value of the t-ratio
(8.11) when the corresponding statistics from the two available samples are
substituted into it. When a one-tailed alternative is considered to begin with
(i.e., is decided for before one looks at the data), the p-value of relevance then
is half the two-tailed p-value. This halved p-value is to be used for decision
making with respect to the tested hypotheses only if the sample averages differ
in a way complying with the alternative hypothesis; if they do not, one consid-
ers the null hypothesis as retainable.
The outlined approach is also directly applicable when one is interested in
testing for a prespecified difference other than zero of the two population
means. Suppose this difference is ␦, a value that a researcher comes up with
before looking at the data (␦ ⬆ 0). That is, we are interested in testing the
null hypothesis, H0: ␮1  ␮2  ␦ versus the alternative that they do not differ
by ␦, viz., Ha: ␮1  ␮2 ⬆ ␦. To this end, we can still use the (1  ␣)100%-CI
in (8.10) for inferences about the population mean difference, at a prespeci-
fied confidence level (1  ␣)100% (0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1). Specifically, if ␦ is covered
by the CI (8.10), we retain the null hypothesis; if ␦ is not covered by this CI,
we reject the null hypothesis, thus deciding for the alternative.
If of interest is to obtain a p-value associated with the sample mean differ-
ence, we use the correspondingly modified test statistic from Equation (8.11):
(8.12) t .

1 1
n1 n2
With respect to one-tailed tests, as indicated before, we divide the resulting
p-value and use it further only if the sample mean difference is in the direction
of the alternative tested. Otherwise, we consider the null hypothesis as retain-
Before we illustrate the statistical inferences discussed in this section, we
note that they yield trustworthy results also with some deviations from the
assumption of normality and that of equal variances, especially when the stud-
ied variable distributions in the two populations are symmetric and sample
sizes are fairly similar. We demonstrate next the above developments using
the following examples.

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Example 8.1: A new method for teaching number division is to be compared

with an established one. Two random samples of fourth graders are assigned at
random to an experimental and control group. The experimental group is
taught number division using the new method, while the control group is
taught using the old method. At the end of the study, a test of number division
ability is administered to both groups. (The data are provided in the file
CH8_EX81.dat, where ‘y’ denotes the test score and ‘g’ group membership;
thereby, g  1 for the control group and g  0 for the experimental group.) A
researcher is concerned with answering the question whether there are any
group differences, i.e., teaching method differences, with regard to mean num-
ber division ability.

We respond to this question by carrying out a t-test for equality of the

means of the two populations involved. We first read into R the data as fol-
lows (note the path, which needs to be modified when the data set resides in
a different subdirectory):

> nda  read.table("C://data/CH8_EX81.dat", header = T)

> attach(nda)

To test the null hypothesis H0: ␮1  ␮2  0 versus the alternative Ha: ␮1  ␮2

⬆ 0, we use again the R command ‘t.test’ with a slightly changed ‘‘argument’’
relative to its earlier application in this chapter. We still need to indicate the
variable of interest, here also denoted ‘y’, but now we need to include in
addition information pertaining to group membership. Since this information
is contained in the variable denoted ‘g’, we have to include reference to the
latter in the command. This is accomplished as follows:

> t.test(y⬃g)

For now, we only say that the ‘⬃’ sign can be interpreted in this context as
relating the variable before it to that after it. That is, we wish to use the t-test
with regard to the variable ‘y’, once it is placed in relation to the variable ‘g’,
i.e., group membership. The last R command yields the following output.

Welch Two Sample t-test

data: y by g
t = 0.323, df = 37.036, p-value = 0.7485
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-2.011203 2.774049
sample estimates:
mean in group 0 mean in group 1
23.60870 23.22727

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As we see from this output, the associated p-value of .75 is substantially

higher than the conventional significance level of .05. For this reason, we
retain the null hypothesis being tested. Alternatively, we could examine the
corresponding 95%-CI, which is rendered here as (2.01, 2.77) and thus
contains the zero point. This finding suggests alternatively that the null
hypothesis can be retained. We can interpret the result as lack of sufficient
evidence in the analyzed data set, which would warrant rejection of the null
hypothesis of no method effect (i.e., no population mean differences). In
other words, it seems that the new method is about as effective as the old one
in teaching number division for fourth graders (at least as far as mean ability
is concerned, as reflected in the number division test used). (We note in pass-
ing that the particular version of the t-test used by R by default, the so-called
Welch two-sample test, is applicable also when the assumption of equal vari-
ances is violated; see next section.)
If before looking at the data our research question asked, to begin with,
whether the new method led to better average performance, then we could
respond to it by testing the null hypothesis of no mean differences versus the
alternative of the mean in the experimental group being higher. To this end,
we would first examine the mean difference in the available samples, which in
this case is in the direction of the alternative since the average test score in the
experimental group (23.61) is larger than that score in the control group
(23.23). With this in mind, we would then halve the p-value obtained, .75,
leading to a p-value of .38 for the presently performed one-tailed t-test. Since
the latter p-value is higher than a conventional significance level of .05, we
would retain the null hypothesis of no mean differences in the two groups,
and thus of no differential method effect upon number division ability.
Conversely, in case we were interested in the first instance in testing the
null hypotheses of no group mean differences versus the alternative that the
old method of teaching number division was still associated with a higher
mean on the division test used in this study, again we would first examine if
the means in the two samples complied with this alternative hypothesis. Since
they do not (in the example), we would conclude that there is no sufficient
evidence in the available data set that would warrant rejection of the null
hypothesis of no mean differences, i.e., of no differential method effect on
number division ability.
As a last illustration, suppose that before looking at the data we were inter-
ested in testing the null hypothesis that the experimental group mean would
be larger than the control group mean by four units on the number division
test, versus the alternative that their difference would not be four. In this case,
we would be concerned with testing the null hypothesis H0: ␮1  ␮2  4
against the two-tailed alternative Ha: ␮1  ␮2 ⬆ 4. We could easily respond
to this question (at the conventional confidence level .95) by examining

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whether the 95%-CI obtained for this data set covers the hypothetical value
of four. Since this CI is (2.01, 2.77), as found out from the last presented R
output, we see that four is not covered by the CI. For this reason, we would
reject the null hypothesis of the two means differing by four units on the used
test, and conclude that they differ by another number of units on the test.

8.3.3. The case of unequal variances

As we mentioned earlier in this chapter, the t-ratios in Equations (8.11)
and (8.12) follow the t-distribution with df  n1  n2  2 under the assump-
tion of the variance of the studied variable y being the same in the two popula-
tions under consideration. When this is not the case, one faces a situation that
cannot be easily handled with the help of an exact method. An alternative,
approximate method was developed by Welch and Satterthwaite in the middle
of the past century. This procedure consists of using the same interval estima-
tion and hypothesis testing approach as in the case of variance equality, but
with different degrees of freedom. The latter are approximated with the fol-
lowing formula (e.g., Ott & Longnecker, 2010):
(8.13) df ,

s 2 / n1
(8.14) c 2 1 .
s1 / n1s22 / n2
Thereby, if the degrees of freedom following from Equation (8.13) are not an
integer number, their estimate is rounded down to the nearest integer.
One may reason that it might well be difficult to argue in a given empirical
setting in favor of the equality of two population variances on a random variable
of interest. We could examine for equality the two population variances using
an appropriate statistical test (discussed in the next chapter), in which case the
null hypothesis would be H0: ␴12  ␴22, or alternatively H0: ␴12/␴22  1 (assum-
ing of course ␴22 ⬆ 0, as would typically be the case in empirical research).
However, it could also be argued that such a point hypothesis would unlikely
be strictly correct and would be rejected with a large enough sample (as statisti-
cal power approaches then one, as we mentioned earlier in the book). Thus, it
may seem unreasonable in general to make the assumption of equal variances,
since according to this reasoning that assumption is almost always incorrect.
Accepting this view, one could set out in practice to use always the last
discussed approximate method by Welch and Satterthwaite when interested
in examining population mean differences. This is in fact the approach imple-

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mented in R, and the software does not assume equality of the variances but
always proceeds as if they were different—the latter being clearly the more
general case. An alternative would be first to test for equality the two popula-
tion differences and then proceed with either method—depending on the out-
come of that variance test (see next chapter). However, such a two-step
procedure has been criticized in the literature as unnecessarily including two
tests on the same data set—a potential problem with controlling the Type I
error rate. Instead, one could always proceed with the Welch/Satterthwaite
approximate method for testing two independent mean differences. This is a
widely followed view, which we accept in the remainder of this book. As
pointed out, it is also implemented as the default option in the command
‘t.test’ in R, and the last use of this command demonstrated its application on
an empirical example.



The methods discussed in the last section are appropriate only for the case of
two independent populations. In many empirical settings, however, one often
obtains data from two related samples—for example, when repeated measure-
ments are taken twice on the same units of analysis, or when subjects are
examined that are to some degree related to one another (e.g., siblings, cou-
ples, husbands and wives, etc.). Conducting inferences about mean differences
for two related groups (populations) is the subject of this section.
We begin by observing that the methods employed in Section 8.3 made an
essential use of the fact that the samples were drawn from two independent
populations. This is because they appropriately accounted for the fact that the
variance of the difference of the sample means was the sum of the variances
of the two sample means. When the samples are not independent, however,
this relation does not hold anymore, but instead the variance of the mean
difference depends also on the degree to which the two samples are related to
one another. Hence, using methods from Section 8.3 in the case of related
samples would waste important information about their relationship and lead
in general to incorrect results as well as possibly misleading substantive inter-
Empirical settings where related samples are used, such as two repeated
assessments on the same subjects (units of analysis), have the potentially
important advantage that they can better evaluate, i.e., more precisely esti-
mate, their mean difference. This is because in a sense one of the measure-
ments can be taken as a control or benchmark against which the other
measurement can be compared with higher precision. This often leads to
higher power to detect mean differences, at a given sample size, in studies

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with repeated samples than in studies with independent samples. A similar

advantage can accrue in settings where pairs of related subjects are available,
and thus a more precise evaluation of their differences on a studied variable
may become possible.
For example, in a study of the effectiveness of a new method for teaching
an algebra topic relative to an already established method for teaching it, a
random sample of students may be paired on the basis of their scores on an
intelligence test administered before the teaching methods. Placing then into
pairs students who are as similar as possible with regard to their resulting IQ
scores, e.g., after rank ordering them, and then randomly assigning one of the
students in the pair to the new method and the other student to the old
method, yields a set of matched pairs of students who are very much alike—
within the pairs—as far as intelligence is concerned. This makes it less likely
that observed differences in their algebra test scores at the end of the study
would be the result of uncontrolled intelligence differences.

8.4.1. The sampling distribution of the mean difference for

two related samples
The random sampling distribution of the mean difference for two related
samples is described by a modification of Result 8.1, which is valid for the
case of related samples (e.g., Roussas, 1997). Accordingly, if y1 and y2 denote
the random variables used in that result, with corresponding means and vari-
ances denoted ␮1, ␮2, ␴12, and ␴22, then with large samples the difference in
the sample means ȳ1  ȳ2 is approximately normal with mean and standard
deviation given by the following two equations (with the same notation as in
Result 8.1):
␮ȳ1y2␮1␮2, and
冪 ␴12␴122␴1␴2␳ .
In Equations (8.15), n is the number of pairs of measurements or subjects
(units of analysis), and ␳ is a measure of the amount of dependence between
the two samples (we will discuss in detail this index, called ‘‘correlation,’’ in
Chapter 11).
For example, if in a study of the effect of an anxiety-lowering drug, 25
patients are measured before and after they take it, then one is dealing with
n  25 pairs of interrelated measurements. In this case, there would be two
interrelated samples of 25 scores each—one sample with 25 pretrial anxiety
scale scores, and another sample of 25 posttrial scores on the same subjects.
Alternatively, if wives and husbands in 40 families are asked for their opinion
on a particular political issue, we will have n  40 pairs of responses that

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represent two related samples—one consisting of the wives’ responses, the

other of the husbands’ responses.
With Equations (8.15), statistical inference about the mean difference in
two related groups is carried out along the same lines and using the same
principles as elaborated in Section 8.2 of this chapter, after an important
observation is made first. If y1 and y2 denote the random variables represent-
ing the scores on the variable of concern (e.g., anxiety scores) in the first and
second samples, then the null hypothesis of no mean difference, H0: ␮1  ␮2,
is equivalent to the null hypothesis H0*: ␮1  ␮2  0. Next, if we denote as
D  y1  y2 the difference in the two random variables of concern, then this
equivalent hypothesis H0* is a hypothesis about the mean of this difference
score D, viz., H0**: ␮D  0, where ␮D denotes the mean of D. However, the
last null hypothesis H0**: ␮D  0 is precisely of the kind we have dealt with in
Section 8.2. Indeed, H0** is a hypothesis about a single mean, and specifically
asserting that this mean is 0. In addition, the second of Equations (8.15) gives
us the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of this mean, viz., of
the difference D. This standard deviation is actually the standard error of the
mean of D. Hence we have now all that we need in order to carry out statisti-
cal inference with respect to the mean of the random variable D. The reason
is that we reduced the original question about the mean difference for two
variables, to a question about the mean of a single variable. For the latter
question, all developments in Section 8.2 are directly applicable.
Hence, inferences about the mean difference in two related population
means can be conducted based on the confidence interval (see (8.3)):
(8.16) (D̄t␣/2,n1 sD̄, D̄t␣/2,n1 sD̄),
where n  1 are the degrees of freedom of the pertinent t-distribution and sD̄
is the standard deviation (standard error) of the mean difference score D̄. This
standard error is presented in the second equation of (8.15). We note that sD̄
is the estimate of the standard deviation of the difference score, divided by
兹n, and can thus be readily obtained in an empirical setting by taking simply
the standard deviation across subjects of their difference scores D, after evalu-
ating these scores first, and then dividing the resulting standard deviation
estimate by 兹n. These computational activities are implemented in statistical
analysis software, in particular in R. We illustrate with the following example.

Example 8.2: In a study of a new anti-depression drug, the scores using an

established depression scale of n  30 subjects were obtained before and after
taking the drug. (Their data are contained in the file CH8_EX82.dat, where the
variable named ‘y1’ denotes the depression score before the trial, while the
variable ‘y2’ designates that score after the trial.) Is there any evidence for
improvement, as a possible result of using this anti-depression drug?

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If we denote the mean depression score before and after the trial by ␮1 and
␮2, respectively, this research question is concerned with testing the null
hypothesis H0: ␮2  ␮1 versus the alternative hypothesis H1: ␮2 ⬍ ␮1. In
order to test these hypotheses, we first read in the data with R and focus on
the pretrial and posttrial depression score variables y1 and y2, which we can
use subsequently for our testing purposes (note the path):

> dep = read.table("C://data/CH8_EX82.dat", header = T)

> attach(dep)

As we elaborated earlier, since the null hypothesis to be tested is equivalent to

H0*: ␮D  0 for the mean ␮D of the difference score D  y2  y1, all we
need to do here is test the latter null hypothesis about a single mean being
zero versus the one-tailed alternative Ha*: ␮D ⬎ 0. As discussed in detail in
Section 8.2, this is accomplished readily using the command ‘t.test’, whereby
we give as first argument the difference y2  y1 and as a second argument
mu  0. This is because the hypothetical value of the mean of the differences
score is here zero (the results of this command are presented immediately
after it):

> t.test(y2-y1, mu = 0)
One Sample t-test

data: y2 - y1
t = -5.4771, df = 29, p-value = 6.741e-06
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-2.838387 -1.294947
sample estimates:
mean of x

These results include in particular the 95%-CI for the mean of the difference
score D of interest here. This interval is (2.838, 1.295), and is thus
entirely below the hypothetical mean of zero—as one would expect under the
alternative hypothesis Ha*. We can thus suggest that we can reject the null
hypothesis H0* in favor of the alternative Ha*. Hence, we can interpret this
finding as evidence against the claim of no mean differences in depression
before and after the trial, which evidence is in favor of the statement that the
depression level after the drug trial is lower.

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Inferences about Population


The last few chapters have been entirely concerned with inferences about pop-
ulation means. In many empirical situations in behavioral and social science
research, however, variability in a studied variable is just as relevant as is its
mean or central tendency. An important result in statistics states that when a
random variable is normally distributed, the sample mean and variance esti-
mator are unrelated (e.g., Roussas, 1997). As a consequence, all methods deal-
ing with inferences about population means discussed up to this point in the
book do not provide any information in relation to drawing inferences about
population variability on a variable of concern.
The variability of studied variables represents the degree of individual differ-
ences on them, which differences are often of special substantive interest in their
own right. For example, variability in a given intelligence measure can be of
particular concern to educational researchers and psychologists when examining
intellectual development (and possible delays in it) in early childhood. As
another example, variance on a mathematics ability test informs us about the
potency of the resulting score (test score) to discriminate among students. This
is an important characteristic of the ability measure in its own right.
When samples are available from examined variables in populations under
investigation, their data can be utilized in order to also make inferences about
the degree of individual differences in the populations. To this end, we can
use statistical methods that have been specifically developed to address this
concern. These statistical methods will be discussed in the present chapter.


9.1.1. Variance estimation
As elaborated in Chapter 2, when given a sample y1, y2,..., yn from a studied
variable y in a population under consideration, we can estimate its variance
with the sample variance s2 defined as follows:


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s 2 [(y1ȳ)2(y2ȳ)2...(ynȳ2]
1 n
 兺 (yiȳ)2.
n1 i1
We also mentioned in Chapter 2 that the sample variance s2 is an unbiased
estimator of the population variance ␴ 2. This implies that across repeated
sampling, at a given sample size, the average of the resulting sample variances
s2 will equal the population variance ␴ 2. This is an important property that we
would like a considered parameter estimator to possess.

9.1.2. The random sampling distribution of the

sample variance
The sample variance s2 is obviously itself a random variable, as we pointed
out earlier in the book. That is, there is inherent variability in s2, since the
expression in the right-hand side of Equation (9.1) is sample-dependent. In
other words, the value of s2 in a given sample need not be the same as its
value in another sample. Given this instability of s2, the natural question that
arises at this point is the following: ‘‘What is the random sampling distribu-
tion (RSD) of the sample variance, s2?’’
This question asks what the distribution is of sample variance estimates
across many repeated samples, at a given size, from a population of interest.
As can be shown (e.g., Roussas, 1997), the RSD of the following multiple of
the sample variance
(9.2) (n1)s2/␴ 2,
is of a kind that we have not yet encountered in the book. Specifically, when
sampling from a normal population—i.e., when the initial variable of interest
y is normally distributed—then the expression (9.2) follows across these
repeated samples the so-called chi-square distribution with df  n  1
degrees of freedom (denoted as usual df or d).
To illustrate graphically this discussion, Figure 9.1 contains the graphs of
the probability density functions (pdf’s) of the chi-square distribution with
degrees of freedom ranging across several choices from 1 through 40 (viz., for
d  1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 40; see label of ordinate/vertical axis for pertinent
pdf). The series of graphs displayed in Figure 9.1 shows that with increasing
degrees of freedom, the shape of the chi-square distribution approaches a
symmetric curve. In general, however, the right tail of the chi-square pdf is
longer than the left, leading to what is referred to as ‘‘positive skewness’’ that
this distribution exhibits (e.g., Chapter 3).
Another interesting property of the chi-square distribution is that it can

................. 18281$ $CH9 09-19-12 11:39:01 PS PAGE 162


Probability density functions of the chi-square distribution with d  1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15,
25, and 40 degrees of freedom.

................. 18281$ $CH9 09-19-12 11:39:30 PS PAGE 163


take only positive values (for any positive degrees of freedom). This is due to
the ratio in (9.2) being positive for any available sample. Furthermore, the
mean and variance of this distribution are ␮  df and ␴ 2  2df—i.e., equal
the degrees of freedom and twice these, respectively (e.g., Roussas, 1997).
We note in passing that each of the chi-square pdf curves presented in
Figure 9.1 can be readily obtained with the following three combined R com-
mands. We notice that these are similarly obtained as other pdf’s considered
earlier in the book—observe the use now of the command ‘dchisq(x,d)’ to
obtain the value of the chi-square distribution with d degrees of freedom at
the value x:

> x = seq(0, 60,.005)

> p.x = dchisq(x, d)
> plot(x, p.x, ylab = "PDF of chi-square with df = d")

whereby one consecutively updates the inputted value of the degrees of free-
dom from 1, to 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, and finally to 40. We use thereby the
corresponding labeling for the vertical axis, using the subcommand ‘ylab’ of
the command ‘plot’.

9.1.3. Percentiles of the chi-square distribution

Like the earlier discussed t-distribution, the percentiles of the chi-square
distribution are easily obtained with R using the command ‘qchisq(p, d)’,
where p is the probability corresponding to the 100pth percentile in question
and d is the degrees of freedom of the distribution under consideration. This
100pth percentile, given the degrees of freedom df, is symbolized ␹2p,df for
notational convenience. For example, the 95th percentile of the chi-square
distribution with df  5 degrees of freedom is obtained with R as follows
(result given beneath command line):

> qchisq(.95, 5)
[1] 11.07050

i.e., ␹2.95,5  11.07. In other words, the area under the pdf of the chi-square
distribution with 5 degrees of freedom, which is above (beyond) the number
11.07, represents 5% of the entire area under the pdf of this distribution. (We
recall from our earlier discussion in the book that by convention this entire
area is assumed to be 1, as is the area under the pdf of any distribution having
a pdf.)

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9.1.4. Confidence interval for the population variance

In order to obtain a confidence interval (CI) of the population variance,
we will use the above-mentioned result stating that for a normally distributed
variable y the inverse function of the sample variance presented in (9.2) fol-
lows the chi-square distribution with df  n  1. Based on the earlier given
definition of a percentile, we see that for an ␣ between zero and one the
following probability equality holds:
(9.3) Pr{␹2␣/2,df ⬍ (n1)s2/␴ 2 ⬍ ␹21␣/2,df}1␣.
Equation (9.3) states that (␹2␣/2,df, ␹21␣/2,df ) could be viewed as a
(1  ␣)100%-CI for the expression (n  1)s2/␴ 2. We are, however, interested
in a CI for the variance, ␴ 2, rather than the multiple of its inverse function,
which is represented by the ratio (n  1)s2/␴ 2. Hence, in order to obtain a
(1  ␣)100%-CI for ␴ 2 we manipulate the two inequalities involved in the
probability in the left-hand side of Equation (9.3) using straightforward alge-
bra. To this end, we divide all sides involved by (n  1)s2 and invert the
resulting two inequalities, to obtain such for the variance itself. These
rearrangements furnish the following equation:
(9.4) Pr{(n1)s2/␹21␣/2,df ⬍ ␴ 2 ⬍ (n1)s2/␹2␣/2,df}1␣.

Equation (9.4) is obviously interpretable as stating that the interval

(9.5) ((n1)s2/␹21␣/2,df, (n1)s2/␹2␣/2,df )
represents the sought (1  ␣)100%-CI for the population variance ␴ 2.
This CI in expression (9.5), for a given confidence level, can be readily
obtained with R. To this end, assuming the data for the sample from the
random variable y is in a variable named ‘y’, and denoting as usual by l and u
the lower and upper endpoints of the CI in (9.5), we use the following two
corresponding commands:

> l = (n-1)*var(y)/qchisq(1-a/2, n-1)

> u = (n-1)*var(y)/qchisq(a/2, n-1)

In an empirical setting, we substitute in them the corresponding significance

level for ␣ and the size of the available sample for n.
We illustrate this discussion by using data from the depression drug trial
example considered in the last chapter (Example 8.2, with data found in the
file CH8_EX82.dat). Suppose we were interested here in obtaining a 95%-CI
for the pretrial depression score variance. Let ␣  .05 for this illustration,
and recall that the sample size in that example was n  30. Hence, the last two
stated R commands are as follows for this example (their results are presented

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beneath each of them; notice that, as above, the symbol ‘l’ used next is meant
to be the letter l rather than the number 1):

> l = 29*var(y)/qchisq(.975, 29)

[1] 5.343127
> u = 29*var(y)/qchisq(.025, 29)
[1] 15.22396

Therefore, the sought 95%-CI for the pretrial depression score variance is
(5.34, 15.22). We interpret this finding as suggesting with a high degree of
confidence that the population pretrial depression variance may be between
5.32 and 15.22.

9.1.5. Testing hypotheses about a single variance

The confidence interval provided with expression (9.5) can also be used to
test hypotheses if need be, at the significance level ␣, about the value of the
population variance on a studied variable. Thereby, the same principle is used
as earlier in the book. Specifically, we check how this CI relates to the hypo-
thetical value or the tails of the alternative and null hypotheses, and corre-
spondingly make a decision for one of them. More specifically, we consider
the following testing problems defined by their pertinent null and alternative

1. H0: ␴ 2  ␴ 20, Ha: ␴ 2 ⬆ ␴ 20

Here we check if the CI (9.5) covers the hypothetical value ␴ 20. If it does, we
retain the null hypothesis; otherwise we reject it.

2. H0: ␴ 2  ␴ 20, Ha: ␴ 2 ⬎ ␴ 20; or H0: ␴ 2  ␴ 20, Ha: ␴ 2 ⬍ ␴ 20.

If the CI (9.5) is entirely within the null hypothesis tail, we retain H0; if the
CI is entirely within the alternative hypothesis tail, we reject H0. If the CI,
however, covers the hypothetical value ␴20, decision is suspended; in another
study with a larger sample, it may be the case that the CI will be entirely
within one of the tails, in which case we proceed as just outlined. If no deci-
sion is reached, we interpret the CI as suggesting with high confidence that
the population variance may be between the numbers representing its lower
and upper endpoints.
To illustrate this discussion, let us return to the last depression example
(pretrial depression score; Example 8.2 from Chapter 8). If before looking at
the data our hypotheses to be tested were H0: ␴ 2  12 versus Ha: ␴ 2 ⬆ 12,

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then at the significance level ␣  .05 we can retain H0. This is because the
above-found 95%-CI, (5.34, 15.22), contains this hypothetical value. How-
ever, if our hypotheses (settled on before looking at the data) were instead H0:
␴ 2  18 versus Ha: ␴ 2 ⬎ 18, we would retain H0. In case they were H0: ␴ 2  10
and Ha: ␴ 2 ⬎ 10 (again, settled on before looking at the data), then we would
suspend judgment, suggesting that the available data did not contain sufficient
evidence allowing us to decide for either of the hypotheses. We would then
only interpret the CI as suggesting with high confidence that the population
depression variance may be between 5.34 and 15.22.



The relationship between two population variances will be of interest when

research questions ask how the degrees of individual differences on a given
variable compare to one another across two studied unrelated populations.
This relationship will also be of concern when, as we discussed in Chapter 8,
an assumption of the t-test that we used there is to be examined. As will be
recalled, that assumption stipulated equality of the variances of a measure
under consideration, i.e., the random variable y, across the two groups
involved—for example, males and females, or experimental and control
groups. This type of question is addressed using inferences about the ratio of
two independent population variances, which are the subject of this Section
9.2. Before moving on with such inferences, however, we need to discuss
another important distribution that will be of instrumental relevance thereby.

9.2.1. The F-distribution

Inferences about the relationship between two variances are made possible
by an important result presented in the statistical literature (for further math-
ematical details on this result, see for example Roussas, 1997). This result
allows us to define a new distribution that we have not yet dealt with in the
book. Accordingly, when random samples of sizes n1 and n2 —with data on a
studied variable y—have been drawn from two independent normal popula-
tions, the ratio of their sample variances s12 and s22 and population variances
␴12 and ␴22, given as
s12 / s22
␴1 2 / ␴2 2
follows across repeated sampling at these sizes a distribution referred to as an
F-distribution. The ratio (9.6) is also frequently referred to as an F-ratio and
denoted by F(df1, df2) (or just F if no confusion can arise).

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Like all types of distributions discussed so far, there are infinitely many
F-distributions, and each one of them has specific values for two quantities
that are referred to as its degrees of freedom and usually denoted df1 and df2.
Thereby, df1 is the degrees of freedom associated with the sample variance
estimate in the first sample, s12, i.e., n1  1; and similarly df2 is the degrees
of freedom associated with the sample variance estimate in the second sample,
s22, i.e., n2  1.
To illustrate graphically this discussion, in Figure 9.2 the graphs of the pdf’s
of the F-distributions are displayed, with degrees of freedom ranging across
several choices (see label of vertical axis for pertinent pdf).
The graphs displayed in Figure 9.2 suggest the following two properties of

The probability density functions of several F-distributions (see vertical axis label for
pertinent degrees of freedom).

................. 18281$ $CH9 09-19-12 11:39:58 PS PAGE 168


the F-distribution, which are more generally valid and resemble those of the
chi-square distribution discussed earlier in the chapter. (A third property is
discussed further below.)

1. The F-distribution is such of a positive random variable. This is because

the F-ratio (9.6) contains in its numerator and denominator positive quan-
tities, for any pair of samples under consideration.
2. The F-distribution is nonsymmetric.

We note in passing that the graphs in Figure 9.2 can be readily furnished with
R using the following commands (see earlier discussion on obtaining the
graphs in Figure 9.1 with respect to explanation of commands and subcom-
mands, and note next the use of the command ‘df(x,d1,d2)’ for obtaining the
value of the pdf of the distribution F(df1, df2) where d1 and d2 stand for df1
and df2):

> x = seq(0, 10,.005)

> p.x = df(x, 3, 5)
> plot(x, p.x, ylab = "PDF of the F-distribution with d1 = 3, d2 = 5")
> p.x = df(x, 5, 10)
> plot(x, p.x, ylab = "PDF of the F-distribution with d1 = 5, d2 = 10")
> p.x = df(x, 10, 15)
> plot(x, p.x, ylab = "PDF of the F-distribution with d1 = 10, d2 = 15")
> p.x = df(x, 20, 30)
> plot(x, p.x, ylab = "PDF of the F-distribution with d1 = 20, d2 = 30")

9.2.2. Percentiles of the F-distribution

The percentiles of the F-distribution are similarly readily obtained with the
R command ‘qf(p, d1, d2)’. To invoke their computation, all we need to sup-
ply R with is the probability p corresponding to the 100pth percentile in ques-
tion, and the two degrees of freedom quantities that are denoted in this
command by d1 and d2. For example, if we are interested in obtaining the
95th percentile of the pertinent F-distribution of the ratio (9.6) in a study
with a pair of samples of sizes 55 and 62 from two independent populations,
then this percentile would be obtained as follows (result given beneath com-

> qf(.95, 54, 61)

[1] 1.544803

That is, the area under the pdf curve of the F-distribution with df1  55 and
df2  62 that is to the left of 1.54, is 95% of the entire area under that
curve—which is conventionally set at one.

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There is another interesting property that characterizes the F-distribution,

as such of a random variable defined in terms of the ratio of two variances.
This property derives from the fact that in its definition the choice of the first
or top variance is essentially arbitrary. Therefore, if for a given ␣ (0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1)
we denote by F␣,df1,df2 the ␣th percentile of the F-distribution with fixed
degrees of freedom, then
(9.7) F␣,df1,df21 / F1␣,df2,df1
holds (note that the order of the degrees of freedom is reversed in the right-
hand side of Equation (9.7) relative to its left-hand side). That is, the 100pth
and 100(1  p)th percentiles of the F-distribution are ‘‘inverse symmetric’’
to one another, in the sense of Equation (9.7). Returning for a moment to
our last example, we can see a particular demonstration of Equation (9.7) by
multiplying, using R, the 95th with the 5th percentiles of the F-distribution
(with reversed degrees of freedom):

> qf(.95, 54, 61)*qf(.05, 61, 54)

[1] 1

That is, the product of the 95th and 5th percentiles in question here—with
reversed degrees of freedom—is precisely 1, which means that they are
‘‘inverse symmetric’’ in the above sense (see Equation (9.7)).

9.2.3. Confidence interval for the ratio of two independent

population variances
Suppose we have samples of sizes n1 and n2 from two independent normal
populations and wish to obtain a range of plausible values for the ratio of
their variances. According to the preceding discussion in this Section 9.2, the
F-ratio in Equation (9.6) follows then a F-distribution with degrees of free-
dom df1  n1  1 and df2  n2  1. Therefore, by the definition of percen-
tiles, for a given ␣ between zero and one,
s12 / s22
(9.8) Pr{F1␣/2,df1,df2 ⬍ ⬍ F␣/2,df1,df2}1␣,
␴12 / ␴22
where Pr denotes probability. After some straightforward rearrangements on
the left-hand side of Equation (9.8) (dividing all sides of the two involved
inequalities by the ratio s12 / s22 and inverting the latter as well as the degrees
of freedom order), we obtain using also Equation (9.7)
s12 ␴12 s12
(9.9) P{ F ␣/2,df2,df1 ⬍ ⬍ F }1␣.
s22 ␴22 s22 ␣/2,df1,df2
Equation (9.9) can be interpreted as saying that the interval

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s2 s2
(9.10) ( 12F␣/2,df2,df1, 12F␣/2,df1,df2)
s2 s2

␴1 2
is a 100(1  ␣)%-confidence interval for the ratio of the two population
variances of concern. The lower and upper endpoints of this CI can be readily
obtained with R in full analogy to the way we obtained these limits of the CI
in expression (9.5) for a single population variance in subsection 9.1.4 of this
The CI in expression (9.10) provides a range of plausible values for the
ratio of the variances of a studied random variable, y, in two independent
populations. As such, it could also be used to test various hypotheses about
this ratio if need be, as we have demonstrated earlier in the book in cases with
CIs for other parameters. This can also be readily accomplished with R, using
its command ‘var.test’. To this end, we need to specify the variable ‘y’ from a
given data file’s variables, whose variances are of interest, and the variable ‘g’
containing information about group membership. Then the full command is
analogous to that for testing equality in two independent population means,
‘t.test’, which we discussed in the preceding chapter:

> var.test(y ~ g)

The output produced by this command contains the p-value associated

with the test of the null hypothesis H0: ␴ 21  ␴ 22 against the alternative
Ha: ␴ 21 ⬆ ␴ 22, as well as the confidence interval (9.10) for their ratio.
We illustrate this discussion with the data from the teaching method com-
parison study we used in Section 8.4 of the last chapter. (As will be recalled,
the data are contained in the file CH8_EX81.dat.) Unlike our concerns in that
section of Chapter 8, here we have a different focus. Specifically, we are inter-
ested in examining whether the individual differences, i.e., variances, of the
division ability test score are the same in the experimental and control groups
(populations). To this end, after reading the data into R and extracting the
needed variables (recall, ‘y’ denotes in that data file the relevant test score and
‘g’ group membership), the above-mentioned command ‘var.test’ produces
the following output:

> nda = read.table("C://data/CH8_EX81.dat", header = T)

> attach(nda)

> var.test(y~g)

................. 18281$ $CH9 09-19-12 11:40:00 PS PAGE 171


F test to compare two variances

data: y by g
F = 0.472, num df = 22, denom df = 21, p-value = 0.08748
alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
0.1971765 1.1199362
sample estimates:
ratio of variances

We see that the F-ratio (9.6) equals here .472, and that the 95%-CI for the
ratio of the variances is (.20, 1.12). Since it includes one, the hypothetical
value of interest that represents population variance equality, we do not reject
the null hypothesis that the variances of the number division test scores are
the same under both teaching methods, viz., the new and old methods. That
is, discrepancies in effectiveness between the new and old methods, if any, do
not seem to be affecting the individual differences in number division test
We may note in passing that although the experimental group has less than
half the variance of the control group, since we have relatively limited samples
from either group (viz., 15 students in each) the 95%-CI is relatively wide and
covers the value of one, which represents the equality of the two group vari-
ances. Thus, this is just an illustrative example where possibly the lack of
power due to relatively small sample sizes leads to a finding of the null
hypothesis not being rejected. We will return to and elaborate on this and
several related issues in a later section of the book.

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Analysis of Categorical Data

The previous chapters were predominantly concerned with quantitative data

and continuous random variables. This type of data typically arises in empiri-
cal studies where one uses interval or ratio scales for measurement purposes.
Often in empirical behavioral and social science research, however, collected
data may be on a nominal scale (such as data on gender, political party mem-
bership, religious affiliation, or ethnicity) or alternatively on an ordinal
scale—for instance when collecting information on military rank, academic
rank, or end-of-year class ranking order. The resulting data encountered in
such situations are frequently referred to as categorical data. We deal in this
chapter with methods for analyzing such data.



In Chapter 4 we discussed the binomial distribution. This was the distribution

of the number y of ‘‘successes,’’ e.g., correct answers in a series of n indepen-
dent trials that each had the same probability ␲ of success. If we denote the
outcome of any trial as 0 in case of an ‘‘unsuccessful’’ result and as 1 for a
‘‘successful’’ result, then we can consider the jth trial outcome as a random
variable. We denote it yj and notice that it can take on the value of 1 with a
probability ␲, and the value of 0 with probability 1  ␲ (j  1,..., n). Then
the above random variable y defined as the number of successes in this series
of trials is obviously the sum of these n random variables, i.e., y  y1  y2 
...  yn. As will be recalled, we mentioned in Chapter 4 that the ratio y/n can
be used as an estimate of the probability ␲ of success. That is,
(10.1) ␲ˆ y / n
is an estimator of the unknown probability of success on any of the trials.
In more advanced treatments (e.g., Roussas, 1997), it has been shown that
the estimator ␲ˆ defined in Equation (10.1) possesses a number of desirable
optimality properties that we will make use of here. In particular, with a large


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number n of trials considered, the estimator ␲ˆ is (i) approximately normally

distributed, (ii) unbiased, (iii) approaches the true probability ␲ with increas-
ing n, and (iv) exhibits the smallest variability possible. This approximation
of the distribution of ␲ˆ with increasing n can be seen from the central limit
theorem (CLT), if applied to an individual trial outcome as the initial random
variable of concern. This CLT application also tells us that the mean of y
and the standard error associated with it are correspondingly (e.g., Ott &
Longnecker, 2010)
␮␲ˆ ␲, and
␴␲ˆ 兹␲(1␲) /n.
Similarly, from the CLT it also follows that with a large number n of trials the
distribution of the number of successes y in them is itself approximated by
the normal distribution with the following mean and standard deviation:
␮yn␲, and
This distribution approximation result can be used to obtain a test statistic
for testing the null hypothesis that the probability of success on a given trial
is a prespecified number ␲0, i.e., H0: ␲  ␲0, versus the alternative Ha:␲ ⬆
␲0 or a one-tailed alternative (see below). Indeed, since the number of suc-
cesses, y, is normally distributed for a large n with mean and variance stated
in Equations (10.3), the ratio
(10.4) X
follows the standard normal distribution, i.e., X ⬃ N(0,1). Hence, with respect
to X we can rely on the results from Chapter 5 allowing us to make inferences
about a population mean, which in this case is the mean of X. In particular,
with a given significance level ␣ (0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1), for a two-tailed test—i.e., when
the alternative Ha is two-tailed—we reject the null hypothesis H0 if the test
statistic in Equation (10.4) falls in the pertinent rejection region, that is, if
X ⬎ z␣/2 or X ⬍ z1␣/2. For a one-tailed test—that is, when the alternative Ha
is one-tailed (e.g., Ha: ␲ ⬍ ␲0 or Ha: ␲ ⬎ ␲0)—we check first if the sample
estimate (10.1) of ␲ is in agreement with the alternative. If this is the case, we
halve the ␲-value associated with the two-tailed alternative, and see whether
the resulting probability is smaller than the significance level ␣: if it is, we
reject the null hypothesis, otherwise we retain it. If the sample estimate (10.1)
is not in the direction of the alternative under consideration, we retain the
null hypothesis.
This hypothesis testing procedure can be readily carried out with R using

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the command ‘prop.test(y, n, ␲0)’, where as mentioned before ‘y’ stands for
the number of successes in a series of n independent trials with probability of
␲0 for success in each. We illustrate next with an example.

Example 10.1: In a short high school course using a computerized method of

teaching, 50 students are taught an algebra topic and at the end examined to
assess their knowledge level. Let us assume that students have the same proba-
bility of passing the exam and are examined independently of each other.
Thereby, suppose that 15 students failed their exam. Would this result represent
sufficient evidence to claim that the probability of passing the exam is at least
.65, versus the claim that it is .65?

Here we are concerned with testing the null hypothesis H0: ␲  ␲0, against
the alternative Ha: ␲ ⬎ ␲0, where ␲0  .65. We use the above-mentioned
R command ‘prop.test’ as follows (output is provided immediately after it):

> prop.test(35, 50, .65)

One-sample proportions test with continuity correction

data: 35 out of 50, null probability 0.65
X-squared = 0.3516, df = 1, p-value = 0.5532
alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.65
95 percent confidence interval:
0.5521660 0.8171438
sample estimates:

We see that the sample estimate of probability for passing the exam, i.e.,
‘‘success’’ in this setting, is .7 and complies with the alternative hypothesis Ha
of interest. Hence, we halve the reported p-value of .55 and obtain the relevant
one-tailed p-value here as p  .28. Assuming we use the conventional signifi-
cance level ␣  .05, since .28 ⬎ .05 we do not reject the null hypothesis. We
stress that R also provides a confidence interval for the proportion ␲, which
represents a range of plausible values for this proportion that can be of impor-
tance in empirical research.
In conclusion of this section, we note that as discussed in Chapter 4 the
normality approximation—on which the developments in the present section
were based—would be satisfactory for most practical purposes when the num-
ber n of trials (sample size) is so large that both n␲ and n(1  ␲) are at least
five. When this is not the case, for instance when n is not sufficiently large,
more advanced methods can be used within the framework of the so-called

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theory of exact tests. For further details on these methods, the reader is
referred, for example, to Agresti (2002).



In many empirical settings a researcher may be interested in comparing two

population probabilities for success. For instance, this would be the case when
one is interested in comparing the probability of passing an exam between
two groups receiving computerized versus traditional instruction, assuming
students have the same probability of success on the exam and are indepen-
dently evaluated. In such situations, we are dealing with two random variables
y1 and y2 that each follow a binomial distribution. Suppose we have n1 inde-
pendent observations (trials) in the first population where the probability of
success is ␲1, and n2 independent observations (trials) in the second popula-
tion where the probability of success is ␲2. We can estimate these probabilities,
as in the preceding section, by their corresponding empirical proportions of
(10.5) ␲ˆ 1y1 / n1 and ␲ˆ 2y2 / n2.
Using the central limit theorem, as in the last section, it can be shown that
with large sample sizes n1 and n2 the random sampling distribution of the
difference ␲ˆ 1  ␲ˆ 2 can be approximated by the normal distribution with the
following mean and standard deviation:
␮␲ˆ 1␲ˆ 2␲1␲2, and
␴␲ˆ 1␲ˆ 2兹␲1(1␲1) / n1 ␲2(1␲2) /n2.
This approximation would be satisfactory for most practical purposes when
each of the four products n1␲1, n1(1  ␲1), n2␲2, and n2(1  ␲2) is at least
The preceding developments can be directly applied when one is interested
in testing hypotheses about the difference between two independent popula-
tion proportions. Specifically, suppose we were interested in testing H0: ␲1 
␲2, versus the alternative Ha:␲1 ⬆ ␲2, or a one-tailed alternative (see below).
With the normal approximation mentioned of the difference in the empirical
proportions of success ␲ˆ 1 and ␲ˆ 2, the test statistic here
␲ˆ 1␲ˆ 2
(10.7) X
␲ˆ 1(1␲ˆ 1) ␲ˆ 2(1␲ˆ 2)
冪 n1

follows (approximately) a standard normal distribution, i.e., X ⬃N(0,1).
Hence, with a given significance level ␣ (0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1), for a two-tailed test—

................. 18281$ CH10 09-19-12 11:39:40 PS PAGE 176


i.e., when the alternative Ha is two-tailed—we reject the null hypothesis H0 if

X ⬎ z␣/2 or X ⬍ z1␣/2. For a one-tailed test—that is, when the alternative Ha
is one-tailed, such as Ha: ␲1 ⬍ ␲2 or Ha: ␲1 ⬎ ␲2 —we check first if the differ-
ence in the empirical estimates (10.5) is in agreement with the alternative. If
so, we halve the ␲-value associated with a two-tailed alternative, and examine
whether the resulting probability is smaller than the significance level ␣. If it
is, we reject the null hypothesis, otherwise we retain it. If the difference in the
estimates (10.5) is not in the direction of the alternative considered, we do
not reject the null hypothesis.
This testing procedure can be readily conducted with R using the command
‘prop.test(c1, c2)’, whereby in c1 and c2 the pairs of numbers of successes and
trials (ni, yi) are provided for each of the two groups involved (i  1, 2; see
below how to define formally c1 and c2). We illustrate next with an example.

Example 10.2: In a study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of a new method

for teaching multiplication to second graders, two random groups of 40 pupils
each are randomly assigned to the new or an already established method of
teaching. Let us assume that students have the same probability of passing the
exam and are being examined independently of each other. Thereby, suppose
that 12 students from the group exposed to the new method failed their exam,
while 14 students from the group taught with the old method failed. Would
these results represent sufficient evidence to claim that students exposed to the
new method have a higher probability of passing the exam?

To get started, let us denote by ␲1 and ␲2 the probability of passing the

exam in the new method group and in the old method group, respectively.
We wish to test the null hypothesis of equal probabilities, H0: ␲1  ␲2, versus
the one-tailed alternative that the new method group has higher probability
of passing the exam, viz., Ha: ␲1 ⬎ ␲2. We use then R in the following way.
First, we need to provide the data to the software. To this end, one of the
simplest ways is to communicate to R two pairs of relevant statistics—the first
pair containing the numbers of successes in both groups, and the second pair
containing the numbers of students in each group. In our example, the first
pair is (28, 26), whereas the second pair is (40, 40). We communicate this to
R by creating these pairs employing the earlier used command ‘c’, for ‘concat-

> c1 = c(28,26)
> c2 = c(40,40)

We are now ready to carry out the test of interest here via the command
‘prop.test(c1,c2)’ as mentioned above; the output produced by it is provided
beneath this command:

................. 18281$ CH10 09-19-12 11:39:41 PS PAGE 177


> prop.test(c1,c2)

Two-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction

data: c1 out of c2
X-squared = 0.057, df = 1, p-value = 0.8113
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.1799779 0.2799779
sample estimates:
prop 1 prop 2
0.70 0.65

Since the estimate of the probability of passing the exam, i.e., the empirical
frequency of success, in the new method group is larger than that in the old
method group, the data complies with the alternative Ha of concern in this
example. We can thus proceed by halving the reported p-value of .81, obtain-
ing a one-tailed p-value of .42 (rounded off). At a conventional significance
level of .05, this p-value is larger than it, and therefore we retain the null
hypothesis H0. Hence, the available data does not contain sufficient evidence
warranting rejection of the hypothesis that both groups have the same proba-
bility of success on the exam. This may be due to both methods being about
equally effective in teaching multiplication to second-grade students.


Often in empirical studies the number of categories that a researcher is exam-

ining on a random variable of interest is larger than two. For instance, the
result of a particular licensure test may be pass, fail, or undecided—e.g., when
there is not sufficient evidence to make a pass or fail decision. Another exam-
ple might include the results of a test to identify students exhibiting mild,
moderate, or severe reading difficulties. In such situations, the so-called
multinomial distribution plays an important role and is discussed next.

10.3.1. The multinomial distribution

This setting can be dealt with using an extension of the binomial distribu-
tion, the multinomial distribution (MND). In general, the MND assumes that
a random variable yj defined as outcome of a particular measurement—e.g.,
an experiment, answer to a question, or ability test result—is observed on n
subjects (units of analysis), j  1,..., n. These measurements or observations
are assumed to be independent of each other. In addition, the probability that

................. 18281$ CH10 09-19-12 11:39:41 PS PAGE 178


in a single trial the ith outcome will be observed is denoted ␲i (i  1,..., k,

k  number of outcomes), whereby ␲1  ␲2  ...  ␲k  1 holds. For this
setup, it can be shown that the probability distribution of the number of
observations resulting in each of the k outcomes considered, which follows
the MND, is as follows (Agresti & Finlay, 2009):
(10.8) Pr(n1,n2,...,nk) ␲1n1␲2n2...␲knk,
where the left-hand side is the probability of ni outcomes of the ith type (i 
1,..., k, k ⬎ 2), with n1  n2  ...  nk  n, and n denotes as usual sample
size. The probabilities defined in Equation (10.8) are often referred to as
multinomial probabilities. We mention in passing that as indicated earlier n!
 1.2 ... (n  1).n is the product of all integers smaller than n, and n itself,
whereby 0! is defined as 1.
To illustrate this discussion, let us return to the above licensure exam exam-
ple. In it, the probabilities associated with the multinomial distribution, also
referred to in this case as a trinomial distribution, are as follows:
(10.9) Pr(n1,n2,n3) ␲1n1␲2n2␲3n3,
where n1  number of passes, n2  number of fails, and n3  number of
undecided; thereby, the sum of the probabilities ␲1, ␲2, and ␲3 for these three
outcomes is ␲1  ␲2  ␲3  1. For instance, the probability to have in a
group of seven examinees two passes, three fails, and two outcomes with no
decision on a licensure test, whereby the probabilities for these outcomes are
correspondingly .3, .4, and .3, is
(10.10) Pr(2,3,2)7!/(2!3!2!).
That is, if this experiment were repeated many times, about 11 in 1000 of
them, in the long run, would result in two passes, three fails, and two with no

10.3.2. Testing hypotheses about multinomial probabilities

Suppose that based on substantive considerations, e.g., prior research, one
is in a position to come up with fixed hypothetical values for the outcome
probabilities ␲1, ␲2,..., ␲k in a multinomial experiment with k outcomes
(k ⬎ 2). Let us denote these values by ␲01, ␲02,..., ␲0k, respectively. Based on
the available data, how could one test the hypothesis of the outcome probabil-
ities being equal to these hypothetical values, i.e., how would one go about
testing the null hypothesis H0: ␲1  ␲01,..., ␲1  ␲0k?
To answer this question, we need the concept of expected number of out-

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comes for each type of outcome, i.e., for each outcome denoted 1, 2,..., k, for
notational simplicity. (In the above licensure example, one could denote the
outcome pass by 1, fail by 2, and no decision by 3, say. We do not impart any
numerical features to these numbers, however—i.e., we will not treat them as
‘‘real’’ numbers in this section.) This concept of expected number of out-
comes responds to the query what number of outcomes of a particular type
one would anticipate to observe under H0, if one were to make a given num-
ber of repetitions (observations) of the experiment in question. For example,
if there were 100 examinees, and we hypothesize that the probabilities for the
outcomes 1, 2, and 3 are .25, .50, and .25, respectively, we would expect to
observe 25 passes, 50 failures, and 25 with no decision. More generally, if n
denotes the number of trials, that is, number of repeats of the considered
experiment with k outcomes, or sample size, then n␲i is the expected number
of outcomes of the ith type (i  1,..., k). We denote these expected numbers
by Ei; that is, Ei  n␲i is the number of expected outcomes of type i in
a series of n independent repetitions of the multinomial experiment under
consideration (i  1,..., k).
More than 100 years ago, the British statistician Karl Pearson developed
the following so-called chi-square statistic for testing the null hypothesis H0:
␲1  ␲01,..., ␲k  ␲0k:
(n E )2
(10.11) 兺 i i .

He showed that for large n it follows the chi-square distribution with k  1

degrees of freedom, when the null hypothesis is true (e.g., Rao, 1973). We
note that if the tested null hypothesis H0 is correct, we would anticipate the
observed number of outcomes of type i to be close to the expected number Ei
of outcomes of this type (i  1,..., k). In that case, the test statistic in Equation
(10.11) will be ‘‘small.’’ Conversely, if H0 is not correct, some of the terms in
the right-hand side of Equation (10.11) will be ‘‘large.’’ As a result, overall
this test statistic would be expected to be large. How large a value for this ␹2
statistic is large enough, however, to be considered evidence warranting rejec-
tion of the null hypothesis H0 to be tested?
As we mentioned in Chapter 8, the mean of the chi-square distribution
equals its degrees of freedom. Hence, if the null hypothesis H0 is correct, it
could be expected that the magnitude of the test statistic in Equation (10.11)
would be similar to k  1. Thus, if this test statistic is much larger than k  1,
we would be willing to reject H0. More specifically, when using a significance
level ␣, the rejection region for testing H0 would consist of all those scores
that the test statistic (10.11) could take, which are beyond the 100(1  ␣)th
percentile of the chi-square distribution under H0. That is, we would reject H0

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if ␹2 ⬎ ␹21␣, k1, with the last symbol denoting the 100(1  ␣)th percentile of
the chi-square distribution with k  1 degrees of freedom.
This testing procedure can be carried out with the software R as follows.
First we enter the data, using the ‘c’ command (for ‘concatenate’) as earlier in
the chapter. We submit to R thereby one row containing the numbers n1, n2,...,
nk of observed outcomes of each of the k types of concern. Then we enter a
second row, using the same command, containing the hypothetical probabili-
ties ␲01, ␲02,..., ␲0k. Having done this, we use next the R command ‘sum’, in
order to obtain the right-hand side of Equation (10.11) defining the test statis-
tic of concern here. Once knowing the resulting test statistic value corre-
sponding to our data, we use the command ‘pchisq(chi-square, df)’ to work
out the probability to obtain a value smaller than the test statistic value.
Finally, we subtract this probability from 1, in order to furnish the p-value
associated with the null hypothesis H0 being tested.
We illustrate this testing procedure by revisiting and extending the earlier
licensure example in this section. Suppose that in a professional licensure
exam administered to 98 persons, 28 failed, 48 passed, and for 22 a decision
of pass or fail could not be made. Is there sufficient evidence in the data to
warrant rejection of the hypothesis that the probability of passing the exam is
.5, for failing it .25, and for a no-decision outcome .25? Here we have n 
98, n1  48, n2  28, n3  22, and ␲01  .50, ␲02  .25, ␲03  .25. The null
hypothesis is H0: ␲1  .50, ␲2  .25, ␲3  .25. As outlined above, to test this
hypothesis we first create two rows—denoted next ‘y’ and ‘p’—with our data
and hypothetical probabilities, respectively, by ‘concatenating’ their corre-
sponding values:

> y = c(48, 28, 22)

> p = c(.50, .25, .25)

With these two lines, we effectively communicate to R our data and hypothe-
sis to be tested. Next we use this software to work out the test statistic value
(10.11) and print it to the screen—the result is given beneath the last pre-
sented command next:

> chi_square = sum((y-n*p)^2/(n*p))

> chi_square
[1] 6.102564

We need next the p-value associated with this test-statistic value or 6.102,
which we obtain as mentioned above, noting that the pertinent degrees of
freedom are df  3  1  2:

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> 1-pchisq(6.102, 2)
[1] 0.04731159

At a conventional significance level of ␣  .05, which we are also willing to

use here, the finding of this p-value being smaller than this level warrants
rejection of the null hypothesis H0. We thus conclude that there are at least
two probabilities for pass, fail, or undecided, which are not equal to the tested
probabilities of .50, .25, and .25, respectively (as prescribed by the null
We point out that the test statistic in the above Equation (10.11) is best
used for testing the null hypothesis under consideration in this section when
the overall number of observations, n, is large. It has been argued that there
could be no single and generally applicable rule concerning the appropriate
number of observations and expected number of outcomes in this sense, but
there is a popular rule of thumb that may be followed in empirical research.
Accordingly, the distribution of the test statistic in Equation (10.11) would be
approximated well by the chi-square distribution with k  1 degrees of free-
dom, if (a) there is no expected number of outcomes Ei that is less than one,
and (b) fewer than 20% of all expected number of outcomes Ei are smaller
than five (1 ⱕ i ⱕ k). When requirement (a) or (b) is not the case in an
empirical setting, then combination (i.e., collapsing) of some categories may
be carried out if the resulting larger category is of substantive interest to con-
sider in the study. Alternatively, ‘‘exact tests’’ could be utilized, which are
outside the confines of this book (for details, see e.g., Agresti, 2002).
We note that the testing approach used in this section can be employed
also for testing a specific probability distribution—like the Poisson distribu-
tion, say—as underlying a multinomial experiment with a prespecified num-
ber of outcomes. To accomplish this, one works out first the expected
numbers of outcomes Ei using the assumption of the null hypothesis distribu-
tion (i  1,..., k); if the parameters of this distribution are unknown, they
must be first estimated from the data and their estimates used then to deter-
mine these expected numbers of outcomes. The distribution of the test statis-
tic in Equation (10.11) is then the same as above, viz., chi-square, with the
only difference that one needs to subtract one additional degree of freedom
for each parameter estimated. That is, with q parameters to estimate first (q
⬎ 0), the degrees of freedom of its chi-square distribution will be df  k 
q. All other details pertaining to carrying out the corresponding null hypothe-
sis test remain the same as above in this section.



Suppose a multinomial experiment or study is carried out and we wish to

examine whether the probabilities of the possible outcomes depend on

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1 0 . 4 . VA R I A B L E I N D E P E N D E N C E I N C O N T I N G E N C Y TA B L E S 183

another categorical variable of interest, such as gender, religious or political

party affiliation, or socioeconomic status. For instance, in the licensure exam
setting in the preceding section, one may be interested in testing the hypothe-
sis that the probabilities for the ‘‘pass,’’ ‘‘fail,’’ and ‘‘no decision’’ outcomes
are related to the gender of the examinees. In that case, one would be inter-
ested in testing the hypothesis that the probability distribution across these
three types of outcomes is independent of gender. In other words, of concern
would be the null hypothesis stipulating that the distribution of the categori-
cal variable exam outcome is the same for male as for female examinees. The
alternative hypothesis would simply be its negation, i.e., exam outcome and
gender are related, or in other words that there is an association between
More generally, these types of questions arise when one is dealing with two
categorical variables, denoted x and y, say, rather than just a single one as
discussed so far in this chapter. If one of the variables—such as x—can take k
possible category values, while the other, say y, can take q possible values,
then one can consider the cross-table, or cross-tabulation, resulting from
simultaneously examining both variables x and y. These cross-tabulations are
of particular relevance when one is willing to test the hypothesis of no associa-
tion between the two qualitative variables, x and y, and are discussed next.

10.4.1. Contingency tables

In a cross-tabulation, which is also commonly referred to as contingency
table (CT) for the variables x and y, there are kq cells of possible outcomes
when both categorical variables are considered together. The set of these cells
with the probabilities of an outcome falling into each of them, is called proba-
bility distribution of the pair of variables, x and y.
To illustrate, suppose we were interested in examining whether gender and
licensure exam outcome are independent. Assume that for a total of n  172
examinees, there were 45 passes, 23 fails, and 12 undecided among the males,
while among the females there were 55 passes, 22 fails, and 15 undecided.
Then the associated CT has two rows—one for each gender—and three col-
umns, viz., for passed, failed, and no decision. This CT will thus have 2 3
 6 cells, and its cells will be filled with the actual number of males or females
who passed, failed, or for whom no decision could be reached. This CT is
presented in Table 10.1. The remainder of this chapter will be concerned with
a method for examining the hypothesis of independence of the row and col-
umn variables, e.g., of gender and exam outcome in the example represented
by the CT in Table 10.1.

10.4.2. Joint and marginal distributions

This is the first time in the book when we consider two random variables
together—denoted x and y, say. Up to this moment, our discussions were in

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Table 10.1 Contingency table for licensure exam outcome by gender.

Pass Fail No Decision Total
Males 45 23 12 80
Females 55 22 15 92
Total 100 45 27 172

a sense unidimensional, since we considered only one variable—say y—at a

time. In this section, however, we are interested for the first time in pairs of
variables, x and y, which are categorical, or qualitative.
When we consider a pair of random variables x and y simultaneously,
rather than one at a time, we are interested in their joint distribution, or in the
bivariate distribution of x and y. This is a distribution that is distinct from the
one of interest when examining any of the variables on its own—only x or
only y. The latter unidimensional distribution, for a variable considered one
at a time (e.g., y), is called marginal distribution. The joint and marginal distri-
butions play special roles in the test for underlying variables’ independence, a
topic that we next turn to.

10.4.3. Testing variable independence

To examine whether two categorical variables x and y of interest are related
or not, we can use a relatively minor modification of the approach followed
in the preceding section. In fact, we will use for this aim the same test statistic
defined in Equation (10.11), after working out appropriately the expected
numbers of outcomes to fall into each of the cells of the associated contin-
gency table. For simplicity of reference, we call these expected numbers
expected (cell) frequencies, as opposed to the observed (cell) frequencies that
are the numbers of outcomes to fall into each of the cells. The population
probabilities for an observation (outcome) in any of the cells will be called
cell probabilities.
To proceed, let us denote by n the number of subjects studied on both
variables x and y. Designate further by nij the observed frequency for the cell
that is the crossing of the ith possible value on the first categorical variable x
with the jth possible value on the second variable y, for i  1,..., r, and
j  1,..., c, where r and c denote the number of values that x and y can take,
respectively. For example, in the earlier licensure exam setting, in case we use
the formal notation 1 for males and 2 for females, as well as 1 for ‘‘pass,’’ 2
for ‘‘fail,’’ and 3 for ‘‘not decided,’’ as before, then n11 would be the number
of males who passed the exam, while n23 would be the number of females for
whom no decision (pass or fail) could be reached.

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We next symbolize by ni. the number of outcomes with the ith value of the
first variable, x (i  1,..., r). Similarly, let n.j designate the number of out-
comes with the jth value on the second categorical variable, y (j  1,..., c).
Obviously, the ni.’s give the frequencies with which the random variable x
takes its values. At the same time, the n.j’s are the frequencies with which the
random variable y takes its values. That is, while the nij’s represent the
observed cell frequencies corresponding to the joint distribution of both vari-
ables, x and y (i.e., when they are both considered together), the ni.’s are the
observed frequencies that correspond to the marginal distribution of x and
the n.j’s present the observed frequencies for the marginal distribution of y.
For this reason, the ni.’s and n.j’s are called observed marginal frequencies, cor-
respondingly for the variables x and y. We use the data in Table 10.1 to illus-
trate these frequencies, where we attach their symbols to the entries of the
cells of the table, as presented in Table 10.2.
Using all these observed frequencies—i.e., the observed cell and marginal
frequencies nij, ni., and n.j—we can estimate the population probabilities for
each of the two categorical variables to take their values (outcomes). To this
end, let us denote these probabilities by ␲i. and ␲.j, respectively (i  1,..., r,
and j  1,..., c). That is, ␲i. is the population probability of x to take a value
in its ith category, and ␲.j is the population probability of y to take a value in
its jth category. Further, denote by ␲ij the population probability of x taking
a value in its ith category and of y taking a value in its jth category, i.e., for an
outcome falling in the (ij)th cell of the contingency table generated by the
simultaneous consideration of the variables x and y.
Based on the earlier developments in this chapter, in particular in Section
10.2, we can estimate these probabilities in the following way (see Equation
(10.1); e.g., Agresti, 2002):
(10.12) ␲ˆ / n and ␲ˆ .jn.j / n,
i  1,..., r and j  1,..., c. We next note that if the null hypothesis of indepen-
dence of x and y is correct, then this would imply from the probability-related
discussion in Chapter 4 that ␲ij␲i.␲.j. In fact, the latter equation is equiva-

Table 10.2 Contingency table for licensure exam outcome by gender, with
the generic notation nij, ni., and n.j for cell frequencies and for marginal
frequencies (i  1, 2; j  1, 2, 3).
Pass Failed No Decision Total
Males n11  45 n12  23 n13  12 n1.  80
Females n21  55 n22  22 n23  15 n2.  92
Total n.1  100 n.2  45 n.3  27 n  172

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lent to the null hypothesis of independence, and we can formally use the
notation H0 for it in the remainder of this chapter. That is, the hypothesis of
independence of x and y is tantamount to the null hypothesis

(10.13) H0:␲ij␲i.␲.j (for all possible pairs of i1,..., r and j1,..., c).

Since in order to proceed with hypothesis testing we need to work out the
distribution of a selected test statistic under the null hypothesis, we have to
find next the expected cell frequencies on the assumption of H0 being true.
With this assumption, based on the discussion in Chapter 4, it follows that we
can estimate the population cell probabilities by the product of the pertinent
population marginal probabilities for the two variables involved, x and y. That

(10.14) ␲ˆ ij␲ˆ i.␲ˆ .j(ni. / n)(nj. / n),

i  1,..., r and j  1,..., c. Then the expected cell frequencies Eij will be
evaluated empirically, that is, estimated, by multiplying with sample size—i.e.,
total number of observations—the estimated cell probabilities in Equations
(10.14), i.e., as

(10.15) Eijn␲ˆ ijni.n.j / n (i1,..., r; j1,..., c).

Having obtained the expected cell frequencies, it follows from the discussion
in the preceding Section 10.3 (see Equation (10.11) and immediately preced-
ing and succeeding discussion) that one can test the null hypothesis (10.13)
of independence using the test statistic
(10.16) 兺
␹2i,j1 ,

where the sum is over all r.c cells of the CT generated by the variables x and
y. This test statistic (10.16), as mentioned earlier, follows for large n the chi-
square distribution with df  (r  1)(c  1) degrees of freedom when the
null hypothesis of independence is true (e.g., Rao, 1973). Testing this null
hypothesis in an empirical setting is thus completed by checking if the value
of (10.16) then is higher than the 100(1  ␣)th percentile, for a given signifi-
cance level ␣, of the chi-square distribution with df  (r  1)(c  1) degrees
of freedom.
The outlined testing procedure is readily carried out with the software R.
To this end, first we need to communicate the data to it. We accomplish this
using a new command, ‘matrix’, where we concatenate all rows of the sample
contingency table. (A ‘matrix’ is here a reference to a rectangular array of
numbers, or a table of numbers.) Subsequently, we use the R command

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‘chisq.test’. We illustrate with the previously discussed example of licensure

examination, using the data provided in Table 10.1.
To this end, first we communicate to R the data using the command
‘matrix’ as follows:

> lis.exam = matrix(c(45, 23, 12, 55, 22, 15), nrow = 2, byrow = T)

This command initially enters the six cell observed frequencies in Table 10.1
into a single row with six elements, using the ‘concatenate’ command, or ‘c’.
To inform R, however, that these six numbers come from a contingency table
with two rows and three columns, we use the subcommand ‘nrow  2’—
stating that we have two rows in the resulting table. We then request from R
to treat the first provided three cell frequencies as coming from row 1 and
then the remaining as coming from the second row of the contingency table
of concern here. That is, these six numbers are presented above row-wise.
This is signaled to the software using the subcommand ‘byrow  T’. This
subcommand effectively states ‘‘it is true that the numbers are given row by
row.’’ We can always print the resulting matrix to the screen to assure our-
selves that R has correctly represented internally the data to be analyzed subse-

> lis.exam
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 45 23 12
[2,] 55 22 15

Hence, the internal representation of the data, achieved with the last preced-
ing R command, is indeed correct (cf. Table 10.1). Now that we have the data
read into R, we test the null hypothesis of interest as indicated above, viz.,
with the ‘chisq.test’ command (its result is provided beneath the command):

> chisq.test(lis.exam)
Pearson’s Chi-squared test
data: lis.exam
X-squared = 0.5209, df = 2, p-value = 0.7707

These results indicate a fairly high p-value, definitely higher than any rea-
sonable significance level ␣ that could have been preset here. For this reason,
we do not reject the null hypothesis of licensure exam outcome being unre-
lated to gender. We conclude that there is not sufficient evidence in the data
to warrant a suggestion that the male and female distributions of the numbers
of pass, fail, and no-decision outcomes are different.

................. 18281$ CH10 09-19-12 11:39:45 PS PAGE 187


When the null hypothesis of no association between the two categorical

variables is rejected, however, it would be appropriate to examine the differ-
ences between the observed and expected frequencies in each of the cells of
the contingency table considered. These differences are referred to as cell
residuals (or just residuals, for short). Their examination—in terms of their
sign and magnitude—helps locate the most salient differences that have con-
tributed to the rejection of the null hypotheses. This examination may lead to
interesting substantive findings in their own right, and it is thus recom-
mended in case of null hypothesis rejection (e.g., Verzani, 2005).

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The previous chapters were primarily concerned with issues related to analy-
ses of single variables. Specifically, we considered one variable at a time and
discussed a number of issues related to the distribution of this variable. Many
research questions in the behavioral and social sciences, however, involve at
least two studied variables. In particular, the vast majority of inquiries in these
sciences pertain to examining the potential relationships between two or more
variables measured on a sample of subjects (or units of analyses) or in a popu-
lation, like in census studies. The remainder of this book provides an intro-
duction to several methods that have been developed to address such research
questions and how their application is conducted using the software R. In this
chapter, we lay the basic foundations of these methods, which will be particu-
larly helpful when dealing with more general statistical methods of analysis
and modeling.



One of the simplest ways to address the question of whether two studied
variables are related to one another or not is by using the concept of correla-
tion. As its name suggests, this concept is concerned with the degree to which
two random variables, say x and y, co-relate or co-vary with one another.
That is, this question focuses on the extent to which variability in one of the
variables is associated with variability in the other. In other words, an impor-
tant aspect of this query is whether considered subjects with relatively large
values on one of the variables (say x) tend to be among the subjects also with
relatively large values on the other variable (y). Conversely, the query might
be whether subjects with relatively small values on x tend to be among the
subjects with relatively large values on y.
For example, a question that is frequently of interest in the field of educa-
tional research asks whether there is any relationship between Scholastic Apti-
tude Test (SAT) scores and college-freshman-year success. That is, are


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students with high SAT scores among those who also have high grade point
averages (GPA scores) at the end of their college freshman year? This is a
typical question about what may be termed a positive relationship between
two random variables—SAT and GPA scores here. Another question of inter-
est may be whether the number of hours an elementary school child watches
television in a week is related to his or her grades in school. That is, do stu-
dents who watch television for many hours a week tend to be among those
with overall lower grades in school? This is a typical question about what may
be termed a negative, or inverse, relationship among two variables.
These and many other queries are concerned with whether there is a rela-
tionship between two random variables under consideration, x and y. These
questions specifically ask if above average (or below average) scores on x tend
to be associated with above average (or below average) realizations on y, as in
a positive relationship case; or perhaps conversely, whether below (or above)
average scores on x tend to go together with above (or below) average realiza-
tions on y for the same subjects or units of analysis, as in a negative relation-
ship case.
All of the above-posited questions are quite different from most of the
questions we have been concerned with so far in the book. Specifically, in
the previous chapters we addressed many queries about individual random
variables, considered separately from other random variables—i.e., we simply
looked at them one at a time. For example, in earlier chapters we asked vari-
ous questions about the graphical representations of scores on a given vari-
able, about central tendency and variability on a specified measure, about
probability distributions, or about mean and variance differences in popula-
tions for a given variable that was considered separately from other variables
of interest in a study. A common feature underlying all these questions was
our focus on one variable at a time and various features of its distribution.
Those previous questions do differ from the ones we just posed above. Spe-
cifically, the current questions are intrinsically concerned with two random
variables rather than just one. Their essential feature is that they consider the
pair of variables simultaneously. Indeed, a question about the relationship
between two variables cannot be meaningfully raised unless one considers a
pair of variables at the same time, rather than one at a time.


The concept of correlation was developed in order to specifically address

questions about certain patterns of variable interrelationships. We define this
concept as follows for continuous random variables, and subsequently we
empirically illustrate it. Correlation is the degree to which there is a linear
relationship between two random variables of interest, denoted x and y. This

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is a qualitative definition of a new concept that we have not dealt with earlier
in the book. For this reason, it is fitting to illustrate here its underlying idea
with some empirical data.

Example 11.1 (examining the relationship between SAT score and GPA dur-
ing freshman year of college): In a small study, n  14 freshmen in a university
reported their SAT scores given below (denoted x) and their GPAs (denoted y)
at the end of their first year of college. We are concerned with the question of
whether there is a discernible linear relationship between the variables SAT and
GPA. The students’ data are as follows (with ‘id’  subject identifier, ‘x’ 
SAT score, and ‘y’  freshman year GPA score) and are contained in the file

id x y
1 1520 3.8
2 1330 2.9
3 1460 3.6
4 1250 2.7
5 1270 2.7
6 1310 2.9
7 1450 3.5
8 1530 3.7
9 1560 3.8
10 1470 3.3
11 1510 3.5
12 1370 2.9
13 1550 3.9
14 1260 2.6

Let us formally denote these 14 individual pairs of scores as (xi, yi), i 

1,..., 14. A convenient graphical representation of them is provided by the
scatterplot, which consists of as many points in the plane—the commonly
used two-dimensional coordinate system—as there are studied subjects (or
units of analysis, more generally). Thereby, each of these points represents a
pair of scores on the two variables under consideration for the pertinent sub-
ject (unit of analysis). In the present SAT example, a scatterplot thus has n 
14 points, each representing a student in the study, i.e., a row of the above
table of scores. In the graphical plot of these scores, the horizontal (or x-) axis
corresponds to the variable x, and the vertical (or y-) axis corresponds to the
variable y. For our SAT example, each of its n  14 points represents the data
on a single subject. Specifically, on the horizontal axis is his or her SAT (x)
score while on the vertical axis is his or her GPA (y) score.

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We can readily obtain a scatterplot with R—as illustrated earlier in this

book—using the command ‘plot’ (after of course first reading in the data
from the file CH11_EX1.dat):

> d = read.table("C://data/CH11_EX1.dat", header = T)

> attach(d)

> plot(x,y)

The last command produces the plot displayed in Figure 11.1.

As can be seen from Figure 11.1, there is a discernible linear trend between
the SAT scores and GPA scores. In particular, freshmen with higher than aver-
age SAT scores tend to be among those who have also higher than average
GPA scores. Similarly, students with lower than average GPA scores are also
among those who have lower than average SAT scores. Yet we note that this
relationship is not perfect. Indeed, these 14 paired scores do not exactly lie
along a straight line. Specifically, we see three students who differ in their SAT
scores, being in the 1300 range, but have the same GPA score of 2.9. (Such a
difference would obviously not be possible, should the 14 points be positioned
precisely along a straight line.)
While there is no perfect linear relationship between SAT and GPA in this
data set, the plot in Figure 11.1 clearly demonstrates a tendency of higher
scores on one of the variables to be coming from students with higher scores
on the other measure as well. Similarly, this trend or pattern of relationship

FIGURE 11.1.
Plot of SAT scores (x) and GPA scores (y) for n  14 college freshmen.

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holds also for smaller scores—students with lower SAT scores tend to be
among those with lower GPA scores. We emphasize that this is a tendency,
i.e., a discernible linear trend, rather than a perfect linear relationship. In
actual fact, the observation (of an imperfect relationship) that we just made
from Figure 11.1 is characteristic of the vast majority of empirical research in
the behavioral and social sciences. In them, one should not really expect to
observe often, if ever, perfect (or even close to perfect) linear relationships
between studied variables, for at least two main reasons. First, there is usually
a considerable amount of measurement error involved when evaluating studied
variables in these disciplines. This error may contain ‘‘pure’’ measurement
error, or error that results from measuring in fact a variable that is not really
identical to the one of actual interest (e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011).
Second, relationships between variables of concern in empirical research can-
not be realistically expected to be so simple as to be described well by straight-
line (linear) functions.
Nonetheless, the knowledge of an approximate linear relationship—i.e., of
a discernible linear relationship as in Figure 11.1—can be very useful in these
and many other disciplines. Such a relationship indicates potentially a very
important association between two variables of interest. This association is
particularly helpful when trying to predict one of the variables based on
knowledge of the other, as we will be doing later in the book. In fact, the
stronger this association is, the better these predictions are going to be. More-
over, knowledge of an existing association between two or more variables—by
considering them pairwise, say—allows us to deepen our knowledge about
these and other variables. This may well help us answer further and more
involved scientific questions, e.g., such pursued with more advanced statistical


The developments in Section 11.1 provided a qualitative description of the

concept of correlation. In particular, Figure 11.1 presented graphically a small
data set and allowed us to judge informally whether we were dealing with a
discernible linear trend for two studied random variables. This graph or scat-
terplot permits, however, only a subjective interpretation. Thus, a judgment
whether there is such a trend in the graph may well differ across persons.
For this reason, it is important to have also an objective measure of variable
correlation, which reflects the degree of linear relationship between two vari-
ables of interest.
Two objective quantitative measures that can be used for this goal are the
covariance coefficient and the correlation coefficient (for short often referred
to as ‘‘covariance’’ and ‘‘correlation,’’ respectively). To define them formally

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for a pair of random variables x and y, denote in a studied (finite) population

their scores by x1, x2,..., xN and y1, y2,..., yN, respectively, and their means corre-
spondingly by ␮x and ␮y. Then their covariance coefficient, denoted Cov(x,y),
can be defined in the population as
1 N
(11.1) 兺 (xi␮x)(yi␮y).
Cov(x,y) i1
Populations are rarely available for study, however, and so we typically resort
to examining samples from them. In a given sample of size n from a popula-
tion of interest, with scores on the two variables denoted correspondingly x1,
x2,..., xn and y1, y2,..., yn, as well as sample means x̄ and ȳ, the covariance
coefficient is estimated by
1 n
(11.2) cx,y 兺 (xix̄)(yiȳ).
n1 i1
Equations (11.1) and (11.2) show that the covariance is a symmetric measure
of the relationship between the two variables involved, that is, Cov(x, y) 
Cov(y, x). In other words, the covariance treats equally both variables
involved, rather than differently from each other. (In the next chapter, we
discuss an alternative method for studying variable relationships, which does
not handle symmetrically the two variables involved.) In addition, we note
that Equations (11.1) and (11.2) bear distinct resemblance to the definition
and estimator, respectively, of the variance coefficient (see details in Chapter
3). Specifically, the variance and its estimator as well as estimate result corre-
spondingly from these two equations by setting x  y. That is, the variance
of any random variable is its covariance with itself.
A main limitation of the covariance coefficient is that it is not readily possi-
ble to interpret its value in an empirical study. The reason is that its magni-
tude depends on the units of measurement underlying the two variables
involved, x and y. However, their units are usually hard to interpret them-
selves in subject-matter terms in the social and behavioral disciplines. Thus,
it is not easy to make sense of a finding that a covariance between two studied
variables is 3.45 or 5.67, for instance. In fact, the only possible value of a
covariance coefficient that can be interpreted unambiguously is zero. In par-
ticular, when Cov(x, y)  0, one can state that there is no linear relationship
between the two variables x and y. In that case, there is also no discernible
linear pattern in their scatterplot.
This interpretational limitation applies both to the population covariance
coefficient and its sample estimate. Specifically, even if we knew the popula-
tion covariance coefficient, for the above reasons it is very hard if at all possi-
ble to impart a subject-matter interpretation to its value. This limitation
implies also that we cannot say when a covariance coefficient is large or small.

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This is the reason why the covariance coefficient is often referred to as a

nonnormed measure (index) of linear variable relationship. This reference also
reflects the fact that the covariance coefficient is unbounded in its magnitude.
Indeed, there is nothing that prevents in principle a covariance coefficient to
be larger than any given positive number, or conversely smaller than any
prespecified negative number.
While the magnitude of a covariance coefficient is difficult to interpret, if
it is possible at all, its sign is informative. As can be seen by examining Equa-
tions (11.1) and (11.2), a positive covariance coefficient indicates a tendency
of larger-than-average x-scores to be associated—i.e., stem from the same
subject or unit of analysis—with larger-than-average y-scores. Similarly,
smaller-than-average x-scores tend to go together with smaller-than-average
y-scores. We refer to such a tendency as a positive association, and we empha-
size that it corresponds to a positive covariance. Conversely, Equations (11.1)
and (11.2) also show that a negative covariance is indicative of a tendency
for larger-than-average x-scores to be associated with smaller-than-average
y-scores. Also, smaller-than-average x-scores tend to go together with larger-
than-average y-scores then. We refer to such a tendency as a ‘‘negative associa-
tion’’ and stress that it corresponds to a negative covariance.
This interpretation of the sign of a covariance coefficient cannot completely
compensate for the general lack of direct interpretability of its magnitude
(value). For this reason, covariance coefficients are less often used on their
own in empirical behavioral and social research. (We note that they can be
used as starting points in some applications of more advanced statistical
methods, such as structural equation modeling; e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides,
2006, 2008.)
Before we move on to a discussion of another relationship index that does
not share this limitation of the covariance coefficient, we mention that we can
readily estimate the covariance coefficient in a given sample using the software
R. To this end, we utilize the command ‘cov(x,y)’. For the above SAT example
(Example 11.1), we estimate the covariance coefficient between SAT score and
GPA score as follows (result given beneath command):

> cov(x,y)
[1] 52.37363

That is, the estimate provided in Equation (11.2) for the data set of Example
11.1 is 52.37 (rounded off). Hence, the covariance between SAT and GPA
scores is positive here. Thus, in this study, students with a higher-than-average
SAT score—which is 1417.14—tend to be among those with a higher-than-
average GPA score, which is 3.27. (Using the command ‘mean’, as in Chapter
3, one can readily obtain these sample averages from the available data.) Con-

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versely, freshmen with below-average SAT scores tend to be among those with
below-average GPA scores. However, we underscore that we cannot say
whether the covariance of 52.37 found in this sample is large (strong),
medium, or small (weak). This as mentioned is a main limitation of the covar-
iance coefficient. For this reason, we now move on to a discussion of another,
closely related index of linear relationship between a pair of variables. That
index has become very popular in the social and behavioral sciences, in part
because it is possible also to interpret its magnitude.


We noted in the previous discussion that the covariance coefficient is a non-

normed measure of linear relationship. That is, it is not possible to say if its
value is large or small, because by definition (e.g., Equation (11.1)) the covari-
ance depends on the units of measurement of the variables involved. As an
alternative to the covariance, the correlation coefficient is a normed index of
linear relationship between two random variables, denoted x and y, say. Being
defined as the covariance coefficient divided by the product of the standard
deviations of the two variables, the correlation coefficient is no more
expressed in terms of their units of measurement because these are canceled
out by this division. (The underlying assumption in this definition is that
neither variable has zero variance; see below.) Therefore, the correlation coef-
ficient is free of the measurement units of the two variables in question; i.e.,
this coefficient is a scale-free index.
More specifically, in a studied population the correlation coefficient
between two random variables with positive variances is defined as follows:

(11.3) ␳X,Y ,
where Var(.) denotes variance (see Chapter 3, and below in this section). In a
given sample of size n, the correlation coefficient can be estimated by

1 n
(11.4) 兺 ẑX,iẑY,i,
␳ˆ X,Y i1

that is, by the average product of the corresponding z-scores associated with
the variables involved. This estimate is frequently denoted alternatively by rX,Y.
Equations (11.3) and (11.4) present what is frequently referred to as the
‘‘Pearson product moment correlation coefficient,’’ bearing the name of its
originator, Karl Pearson (for continuous random variables; see, e.g., Ray-
kov & Marcoulides, 2011, for a nontechnical discussion of possible correla-

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tion coefficients between discrete variables). These two equations also show
that since the covariance is a symmetric coefficient, so is also the correlation
coefficient. Furthermore, from these equations it is readily observed that the
correlation and covariance coefficients are zero at the same time. That is, if
there is no linear relationship between the variables x and y, their correla-
tion is zero as is their covariance. Then, as pointed out earlier, there is no
discernible linear pattern in the scatterplot of the associated data points
(xi, yi) (i  1,..., n or N as in a census). Conversely, if their covariance is
zero, so is also their correlation and vice versa, and there is no linear rela-
tionship between x and y. In addition, Equations (11.3) and (11.4) indicate
that the correlation coefficient is not defined if any of the variables involved
has zero variance. That is, if at least one of the variables is a constant—
which as pointed out earlier in the book is equivalent to its variance and
standard deviation being zero—then their correlation does not exist, while
their covariance is zero.
Another important feature of the correlation coefficient also follows from
its definition. Specifically, as shown in more advanced sources, the covariance
between two variables never exceeds the product of their standard deviations
(e.g., Roussas, 1997). Since the covariance is divided by this product in the
definition of the correlation coefficient (see Equation (11.3)), it follows that
any correlation lies within the closed interval [1, 1]. That is, for any two
random variables x and y (with positive variances),

(11.5) 1 ⱕ ␳x,y ⱕ 1

always holds. Inequality (11.5) in actual fact represents two inequalities

bounding the correlation from below and from above by 1 and 1, respec-
tively. In addition, it demonstrates that the correlation coefficient is a normed
measure of linear relationship between the random variables x and y. The
correlation is normed in the sense that its magnitude is never lower than 1
or larger than 1 (assuming of course that the correlation exists for two consid-
ered variables, which as mentioned will only be the case if none of them is a
While the correlation coefficient is bounded by 1 and 1, when does it
equal these smallest and highest possible values, respectively? It can be shown
(e.g., Roussas, 1997) that the correlation coefficient is 1 or 1, if and only if
there exists a perfect linear relationship between the two variables involved, x
and y. This will be the case if and only if there exist two numbers, a and b,
say, with which one of the variables—say y—is expressed as such a perfect
linear function in terms of the other, i.e., y  a  bx holds. (Note that then
also x can be expressed as a perfect linear function in terms of y, using in
general two different numbers in the role of a and b.)

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We emphasize that the correlation coefficient, unlike the covariance, is a

quantity that has no units attached to its value—i.e., it is a ‘‘pure’’ number.
This is a particularly useful feature that helps a great deal in interpreting the
correlation in an empirical setting. Specifically, we interpret the correlation
coefficient by paying attention to the following questions. First, what is its
sign? If it is positive, then larger (or smaller) values on x tend to go together
with larger (smaller) values on y; if it is negative, then larger values on x go
together with smaller values on y, and conversely. Second, what is its value?
Correlations close to 1 or 1, e.g., in the .90s or .90s, are usually consid-
ered indicative of a strong linear relationship. The scatterplot of the data
shows then the individual points clustered relatively tightly along a line (see
below in this section for a graphical illustration). Alternatively, correlations in
the .50s through .80s in absolute value are considered indicative of some but
not strong linear relationship. The scatterplots of such data sets indicate dis-
cernibly a linear trend, yet the points are considerably less closely clustered
along a line (see below). Last but not least, correlation coefficients in the
vicinity of zero are indicative of a weak or no linear relationship between the
variables studied. Under such circumstances, the associated scatterplots do
not indicate a discernible linear trend, and for close to zero correlations can
be nearly spherical in appearance.
Like the covariance, the correlation coefficient is readily estimated in a
given sample with data on two variables, x and y, say, using R. To accomplish
this, we use the command ‘cor(x,y)’. For the above SAT example (Example
11.1), we estimate their correlation as follows (result given beneath com-

> cor(x,y)
[1] 0.9713206

That is, the correlation between SAT scores and GPA freshmen scores is fairly
strong, estimated at .97. Hence, there is a strong positive linear relationship
in this data set between success on the SAT and in the freshman college year.
As a result, the pertinent scatterplot (see Figure 11.1) shows a clearly discern-
ible linear pattern. Examining Equations (11.3) and (11.4), this correlation
effectively suggests that the rank ordering of the SAT scores is nearly the same
as that of the GPA scores—as could be seen using the ‘rank(x)’ and ‘rank(y)’
procedures with R.
We illustrate further the concept of correlation by considering several addi-
tional examples.

Example 11.2 (SAT and college junior year GPA): The following scores stem
from a small study of n  12 college juniors.

................. 18281$ CH11 09-19-12 11:40:26 PS PAGE 198


id x y
1 1460 3.1
2 1250 2.8
3 1270 2.8
4 1310 3.2
5 1450 3.1
6 1530 3.6
7 1560 3.7
8 1470 3.1
9 1510 3.6
10 1370 3.0
11 1550 3.7
12 1260 2.9

The correlation coefficient for these two variables is estimated with R as fol-
lows, and their scatterplot is provided in Figure 11.2:

> cor(x,y)
[1] 0.8749617

> plot(x,y)

An examination of Figure 11.2 indicates that (a) the correlation is notably

weaker than that in Example 11.1, being estimated here at .87 (rounded off);

FIGURE 11.2.
Scatterplot of SAT scores (x) and GPA scores (y) in junior college year.

................. 18281$ CH11 09-19-12 11:40:50 PS PAGE 199


as well as (b) the pertinent scatterplot is not as strongly suggestive of a linear

relationship between the two variables studied here relative to the previous
example. In particular, the data points in Figure 11.2 do not fall as closely
along a line as in Example 11.1. This will be a general finding with correlations
in the .50s through .80s range or so.
The next example demonstrates an even weaker correlation, which is in
addition negative.

Example 11.3 (hours watching television and score on a test of reading abil-
ity): The following data stem from a study with n  16 elementary school
students, where the relationship between hours watching television per week
and their score on a reading ability test is of interest (‘x’  weekly hours of
television watching, ‘y’  reading ability test score):

id x y
1 6 32
2 8 32
3 7 28
4 6 32
5 5 30
6 9 24
7 5 32
8 4 30
9 5 36
10 3 29
11 5 37
12 7 32
13 4 29
14 5 32
15 8 29
16 9 28

For this data set, the estimated correlation coefficient is obtained with R as
follows, and the associated scatterplot is displayed in Figure 11.3:

> cor(x,y)
[1] -0.3965841

> plot(x,y)

This correlation of .40 (rounded off) is markedly smaller in magnitude

than the ones in the preceding two examples, and the plot of the data points

................. 18281$ CH11 09-19-12 11:40:51 PS PAGE 200


FIGURE 11.3.
Scatterplot for data on weekly hours TV watching (x) and a reading ability test (y).

is far less clustered along an (imaginary) line. We stress that here we are deal-
ing with a negative correlation—children watching more television tend to
have lower test scores. Similarly, due to the negative correlation, there is a
negative slope for a possible line through the scatter of points.



We mentioned earlier in the chapter that the correlation coefficient is a ‘‘pure’’

number—i.e., a scale-free number. The reason was the fact that in its defini-
tion (e.g., see Equation (11.1)) a division was carried out of the covariance
between the two variables involved with the product of their standard devia-
tions. This leads to canceling out the effect of the measurement unit in the
numerator and denominator, furnishing a scale-free index in the resulting
correlation coefficient.
This scale-free feature is the reason why the correlation coefficient does not
depend also on a change in the units of measurement of two variables under
consideration, if the change is carried out using a linear transformation. In
particular, whether we measure height and weight in inches and pounds,
respectively, or alternatively in centimeters and kilograms, the same correla-
tion coefficient results between height and weight (in a given sample/popula-
tion). This is because the units of measurement get canceled out, and thus the
new units of measurement—being a multiple of the old ones—do not really

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This insensitivity to change in the units of measurement following a linear

transformation is a consequence of a more general property of the correlation
coefficient. Specifically, the correlation is invariant to linear changes in at least
one of the two variables involved. That is, if X  k1  k2 x and/or Y  q1 
q2 y are linear transformations of the original variables x and y, with k1, k2, q1,
and q2 being constants (whereby k2, and q2 are not zero), then

(11.6) Corr(X, Y)Corr(x, y),

where for notational emphasis Corr(.,.) is used to symbolize correlation of the

variables within parentheses (e.g., King & Minium, 2003). We note in passing
that the correlation coefficient is not invariant under a nonlinear change of
the units of measurement, i.e., a nonlinear transformation of at least one of
the two variables involved. However, we point out that in order to carry out
such transformations there must be serious reasons to change the units of
measurement in this manner. For further details and additional discussions
on carrying out such transformations, the reader is referred to more advanced
sources (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009; Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008).



As indicated on a number of occasions in the book, typically in behavioral

and social research for various reasons we are unable to study entire popula-
tions, but only samples drawn from them. Hence the question naturally arises
whether, based on a given sample, we can infer if in the population that it
came from there is no linear relationship between two variables of interest,
say x and y. This query asks about inferences with regard to the obtained
sample correlation coefficient—specifically, drawing conclusions about it
being zero in the studied population or not. As it turns out, the question can
be answered via a statistical test about the population value of a correlation
coefficient, which we discuss next.
To facilitate such inferences, we need to consider as a null hypothesis the
statement of the correlation being zero, i.e., H0: ␳x,y  0, where ␳x,y denotes
the population correlation coefficient between x and y. As an alternative
hypothesis we can consider, depending on the research question, Ha: ␳x,y ⬆ 0,
Ha: ␳x,y ⬎ 0, or Ha: ␳x,y ⬍ 0. It can be shown (e.g., King & Minium, 2003) that
under the null hypothesis H0, the following ratio

trx,y 兹 2
兹1r x,y

................. 18281$ CH11 09-19-12 11:41:12 PS PAGE 202


follows a t-distribution with degrees of freedom d  n  2. This is the funda-

mental relationship to be used in order to accomplish the hypothesis testing
of concern here.
To achieve this aim, first we note from Equation (11.7) that large values of
the correlation coefficient lead to large values of t, and conversely small values
of rx,y are associated with small values of t. This is precisely what we want from
a test statistic most of the time, if it is to be used for the purpose of testing a
given null hypothesis. That is, we can use the t-ratio in Equation (11.7) as a
test statistic in a t-test when we are willing to ascertain whether there is suffi-
cient evidence in the data warranting rejection of the null hypothesis H0 of no
linear relation between two studied variables. This t-test can obviously be
one-tailed or two-tailed, depending on the alternative hypothesis and research
question asked. We follow thereby the same testing principles as discussed
earlier in the book when we dealt with testing of one- and two-tailed hypothe-
ses. To adopt a widely used reference, if we reject this null hypothesis of zero
population correlation coefficient, we can refer to the correlation between the
variables in the study as being significantly different from zero, or as signifi-
cant for short. We illustrate with the following example.

Example 11.4 (relationship between reaction time in a cognitive test and

GPA score): The reaction time on a cognitive test, in milliseconds (␮s), and the
GPA scores are obtained from a sample of n  56 freshmen students. Is there
a linear relationship between these two variables in the studied freshmen popu-
lation? (The data are provided in the file CH11_EX4.dat, where ‘x’ denotes
reaction time and ‘y’ denotes GPA score.)

We can respond to this question using R. To this end, we use the command
‘cor.test’, as follows (after first reading in the above data; output of testing
procedure given after this command):

> d = read.table("C://data/L11_EX4.dat", header = T)

> attach(d)

> cor.test(x,y)

Pearson’s product-moment correlation

data: x and y
t = -15.8708, df = 54, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:

................. 18281$ CH11 09-19-12 11:41:13 PS PAGE 203


-0.9449202 -0.8464944
sample estimates:

We see from this output that the correlation coefficient between reaction
time and GPA score is negative, estimated at .91, which is a strong correla-
tion. (Recall that what determines whether a correlation is strong, medium,
or weak is the absolute value of this coefficient.) That is, there is a clearly
discernible linear relationship between reaction time and academic success in
freshman year at college. Specifically, there is a marked tendency of students
with short reaction times to have high GPA scores and for students with long
reaction times to have low GPA scores.
Further, the associated p-value with the t-test statistic (11.7) is very small—
less than .001—and in fact smaller than any reasonable preset significance
level. Thus, if we were to test the null hypothesis H0 of no correlation against
the two-tailed alternative Ha: ␳x,y ⬆ 0, we would reject H0 and conclude that
there is evidence in the data indicating a discernible linear relationship
between reaction time and GPA score. If we were to have settled, before look-
ing at the data, on the alternative Ha: ␳x,y ⬍ 0—as one could expect on subject-
matter grounds in this example—then given that the correlation estimate is
in its direction we would halve the reported p-value. Having thus obtained a
p-value that is even smaller than the reported one above, i.e., smaller than
.001, we would conclude that we could reject H0 in favor of the hypothesis
that there is a negative correlation between reaction time on the used cogni-
tive test and GPA score for college freshmen.
We similarly note that the software R provides with this command ‘cor.test’
also a confidence interval (CI) at the conventional 95%-CI. This CI stretches
here from .94 through .85. In general, the CI of the correlation coefficient
is nonsymmetric, due to the fact that the random sampling distribution of the
correlation coefficient is itself nonsymmetric in general (unless its population
value is zero; e.g., King & Minium, 2003). What underlies then the procedure
of obtaining the CI for the correlation coefficient is the so-called Fisher trans-
formation, which is a nonlinear function (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009). This
nonlinearity leads to the general lack of symmetry in the resulting CI. The
details of how one could use R for obtaining such a CI, along with the under-
pinnings of the procedure used for this purpose, go beyond the confines of
this book. A nontechnical discussion of them can be found, for example, in
Raykov & Marcoulides (2011).
We would like to point out here that the CI of the correlation coefficient
can also be used to test hypotheses about a correlation coefficient if need be,
where the hypothetical value is not zero. For example, if the null hypothesis

................. 18281$ CH11 09-19-12 11:41:13 PS PAGE 204


is H0: ␳  ␳0, with ␳0 being a prespecified number (not necessarily zero),

versus an appropriate alternative hypothesis corresponding to a research ques-
tion, we use the same testing principles as discussed earlier in the book (e.g.,
Chapter 7). For instance, suppose that in the above Example 11.4 we had
decided before looking at the data to test the null hypothesis H0: ␳x,y  .80
versus the alternative Ha: ␳x,y ⬆ .80. In that case, given that the CI for the
correlation coefficient was found to be (.94, .85) and did not thus include
the hypothetical value of .80, we would reject the null hypothesis H0 in
favor of the alternative hypothesis that the population correlation is not .80.



The correlation coefficient is a very popular measure of linear relationship

between studied variables in empirical behavioral and social research, and it
is very frequently employed in these and related disciplines. For this reason,
it is of special importance to be aware of a number of important issues when
interpreting its estimates, which we discuss in this section.
First, we emphasize that the correlation coefficient is a measure of linear
relationship only. Hence, it is possible that two variables have a strong nonlin-
ear relationship, yet their correlation coefficient is close to zero. This result
would follow from the fact that then there would be limited or no linear trend
in the relationship between the two variables involved. We illustrate with the
following simple example.

Example 11.5 (nonlinear relation associated with small correlation): The

variables x and y  x2 have a perfect curvilinear relationship—i.e., a nonlinear
relationship of the strongest possible degree (being a perfect relation). For our
purposes here, we first create scores on x easily using the ‘seq’ command as
earlier in the book (note that alternatively we could take for x any set of realiza-
tions of a random variable). Then we compute the correlation between x and
y  x2 as well as plot their scores. This leads to the following results (note
below the use of the sign ‘^’ to denote raising a variable to the power following
the sign):

> x = seq (-5, 5, .05)

> y = x^2

> cor(x,y)
[1] 1.89315e-16

> plot(x,y)

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We observe that the correlation of x and y, being 1.89315 1016, is practi-

cally zero. The graph of the variables x and y, which is displayed in Figure
11.4, reveals, however, a perfect (nonlinear) relationship between the two
Example 11.5 presents a simple demonstration of the fact that the correla-
tion coefficient informs only about the degree of linear relationship, rather
than of any (i.e., possibly nonlinear) relationship. At the same time, this
exemplifies that the correlation is insensitive to anything other than the linear
relationship between two random variables.
Further, we note that a relatively small value of a correlation coefficient
may alternatively be the result of a restriction in the variable range, and not
necessarily of lack of a discernible linear association in the studied population
between the two variables involved (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009). One could
check for restriction of range by examining how the sample standard devia-
tions of studied variables relate to what may be known about them in the
population. In addition, one should revisit the data collection procedure,
since a ceiling or floor effect may have been operating during the observation
process (e.g., Graziano & Raulin, 2009). Similarly, one should examine
whether any restriction could have been in place when selecting sample sub-
jects (i.e., drawing the sample from the studied population). In particular, one
may have chosen samples from prespecified groups without being aware of a
range restriction in effect. This can happen, for instance, when sampling only
from students going to college, rather than from all high school seniors in

FIGURE 11.4.
Plot of the variables x and y in Example 11.5.

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a given state, and subsequently administering the tests or measures under

consideration to the sampled students. Also, one should look in addition at
the scatterplot of the available data, which may indirectly point to a threshold
operating in the sample.
Finally, one of the most frequent misuses of the correlation coefficient
occurs when it is interpreted as indicative of causation. Specifically, no causal
interpretation is possible based only on knowledge of the correlation of two
variables under consideration. As we pointed out earlier, the correlation is a
symmetric measure of linear relationship. In particular, irrespective of
whether x causes y or vice versa, their correlation is one and the same. In other
words, the correlation coefficient does not provide any information about
the direction of the relationship between the variables. Hence, no definitive
conclusions about causality can be drawn from the examination of a given
correlation coefficient—whether in a population of interest or a sample from
it. That is, regardless of whether a correlation is large or small, positive or
negative, significant or not, no implications can be drawn about the direction
of causality with respect to the two variables involved. The reason is that no
uniquely interpretable information about causality is contained in the correla-
tion coefficient to begin with, irrespective of whether it is observed in a stud-
ied population or only in a sample drawn from it.

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Simple Linear Regression

The correlation coefficient was introduced in the previous chapter as a sym-

metric measure, or index, of linear variable relationship. It was also indicated
that this coefficient can be used to make predictions about a given variable,
based on knowledge of the value on another variable of a particular individual
(or unit of analysis). Such predictions are quite useful in the social and behav-
ioral sciences. When we make predictions of this type, however, we in effect
no longer treat the two variables symmetrically. This is because we use one of
them to learn about the other. In the present chapter, we will be concerned
with studying this type of variable relationship. Specifically, we will use for
this aim a particular modeling approach, which is usually referred to as
‘‘regression analysis.’’


The variable that is of focal interest in a given study is often called a dependent
variable (DV) or alternatively a response or outcome variable. This is the vari-
able for which we may also wish to make particular predictions. We will
assume in this and the following two chapters that the DV is (approximately)
continuous, or can be treated as a continuous random variable. Alternatively,
the variable that we use as a means for predicting the DV is called an indepen-
dent variable (IV) or a predictor. At times it is also referred to as an explanatory
variable or covariate in the literature—to emphasize that it typically covaries
with the DV.
In the remainder of this chapter, we will be concerned with the case when
there is just a single predictor, i.e., a single IV variable that is used to predict
a DV of interest. The more general case, with two or more predictors (IVs),
will be covered in the next chapter. As before, we denote the two variables
under consideration by x and y, but we now need to pay attention to which
variable is a DV and which an IV. We use throughout the symbol y to denote
the DV or response variable and x to denote the IV. That is, we wish to discuss
methods for studying the relationship between x and y in such a way that will


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permit us to predict individual values of y based on knowledge of such values

on x.


In the remainder of this chapter, we will use a linear relationship to make

predictions about the DV y using the IV x. To this end, we will employ the
method of linear regression analysis. Specifically, we posit—that is, assume—
the linear relationship
(12.1) yabxe
to hold between the variables x and y, where e denotes a model error term
that we discuss next in detail. We refer to Equation (12.1) as a simple linear
regression (SLR) model.
The term e in the right-hand side of Equation (12.1) plays a special role in
this approach to prediction, and is referred to as model error or error term. A
major feature of e whenever the SLR model (12.1) is considered—and gener-
ally in a statistical model—is that its mean is zero in a studied population.
(We note in passing that the model can always be reformulated in such a way
that the mean of e is zero; see Wooldridge, 2008, for a more detailed discus-
sion on this topic.) That is, according to the SLR model (12.1), the relation-
ship between x and y is linear, apart from an unobservable error term that on
average vanishes in the population.
Equation (12.1) reveals that we do not assume a perfect linear relationship
between y and x, which would have been the case had we not included the
error term e in its right-hand side. We do not make the assumption of a
perfect deterministic relationship, since as mentioned earlier in the book (e.g.,
Chapter 11) a perfect relationship is unrealistic to expect most of the time for
studied variables in the social and behavioral sciences. Rather than making
this unrealistic assumption, the error term e in the model (12.1) accounts for
the deviations from perfect linear relationship with regard to the covariability
of the variables x and y. That is, e is the part of the model (12.1) that captures
the imperfection in the relationship between x and y, in terms of its deviations
from a straight line. Thereby, the error term is assumed to be uncorrelated
with the IV x (cf. Wooldridge, 2008). In most applications of SLR, in particu-
lar for the remainder of this book, it is additionally posited that the error term
e is normally distributed, with variance independent of x. The validity of these
assumptions can be examined with methods discussed later in the chapter,
and some of these assumptions can be relaxed in more advanced models.
We stress that Equation (12.1), with the subsequently discussed assump-
tions, defines a model for the relationship between the two variables involved,
the DV y and the IV x. The concept of a model is inextricably connected to

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the possibility that it may be correct or plausible, but it may conversely be

wrong in a particular population of interest. Thus, whenever we come up with
Equation (12.1) for two x and y variables under consideration, we are in fact
making the assumption that there exist two numbers, a and b, for which
(12.1) holds in a studied population.
The SLR model (12.1) obtains its name from the following two facts. First,
the parameters of main interest in it—a and b—appear only linearly, i.e., in
their first power, in the right-hand side of its defining Equation (12.1). Sec-
ond, there is only a single explanatory variable, x, involved in it. With respect
to the first mentioned property of linearity, we note that it is not important
how the explanatory variable x itself is included in the model, but only how
its parameters appear in the model. In particular, as we will do later in this
chapter, we can add the square and/or another power of x if need be to the
right-hand side of Equation (12.1) without altering its linearity feature—as
long as the associated parameter with the higher power of x, say c, appears
only linearly (see Section 12.6). Indeed, after we do this the model will still be
linear, since all that counts for its linearity is whether merely the first powers
of its parameters appear in the right-hand side of (12.1) as separate parame-
ters. Whenever this is the case, we refer to a model as linear. This linearity
property will be upheld also in the models we consider in the next chapter,
where their parameters will be involved only in their first power in the perti-
nent definition equations (as separate parameters). The second of the above-
mentioned features expresses the fact that only a single independent variable
is included in the model (12.1). When we have more than one independent
variable in a regression model, we will speak of a multiple regression model.
Models of this type will be of concern in the next chapter.
Returning to our earlier concerns with prediction of an individual value on
the dependent variable y, let us consider now how we could carry it out.
Obviously, in general, in order to make a prediction we need to use a relation-
ship. With regard to the two variables of interest, x and y, to predict a value
on y that corresponds to a known value on x, say x0, we need knowledge of
the relationship between x and y. In actual fact, such a relationship for these
two variables is provided by model (12.1), whenever it is plausible in a popu-
lation under consideration. We reiterate that as pointed out earlier, when
Equation (12.1) is correct as a model for the relationship between x and y,
there exist two numbers a and b with this equation. In those cases, employing
this model the prediction of an unknown dependent variable value (denoted
as y⬘) corresponding to a known predictor value x0, will be y⬘  a  bx0,
according to the model.
When we are interested in using the SLR model (12.1), we are also typically
concerned with its validity in the population. Assuming it is correct there,
what could one actually say about a and b? Unfortunately, since we do not

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know these two numbers, they must be treated as unknown population

parameters. As it turns out, they also have very special names—intercept and
slope, respectively. The reason for these names is that since the term e is on
average zero in the population, when x  0 the average of y should be a
(according to the SLR model). That is, a is the height at which the line y  a
 bx intersects with the vertical axis, i.e., the y-axis. This is the reason why a
is called the intercept. Similarly, if we consider the averages of y for two given
values of x that are only one unit apart, then these averages differ by precisely
b units:
That is, b represents the degree to which y increases on average, or
decreases on average, following a change by one unit in the IV x. For this
reason, b is called the slope. Figure 12.1 reflects graphically this interpretation
of the intercept and slope for an SLR model.
A frequent joint reference to the intercept and slope in the SLR model,
which we will also use, is as SLR model parameters (or just model parameters).
We stress that Equation (12.1) represents a population model. That is, when-
ever this model is proposed, or posited, one assumes that it holds in the popu-
lation—i.e., the model is assumed to be an adequate means there for the
description and explanation of the relationship between the variables x and y.
In fact, there are statistical procedures, discussed later in this chapter, that
help examine the validity of this model in the population. We will see next
that there is yet another parameter of the SLR model defined in Equation

FIGURE 12.1.
Graphical representation of the intercept and slope in a simple linear regression

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(12.1) that we have not yet mentioned. That parameter plays an important
role when evaluating the intercept and slope based on sample data from a
studied population, as well as when assessing model adequacy.



As we mentioned earlier, advancing model (12.1) as a way of describing the

relationship between two random variables x and y in a studied population is
tantamount to the assumption of the existence of two real numbers a and b
with which Equation (12.1) holds (along with the subsequent distributional
assumptions). Given data in a sample drawn from the population, we wish to
find these values in such a way that makes model (12.1) as close as possible
to the available data. This will only then be the case if the values of the error
term e are as small as possible when relating via a and b the individual values
for x and y in the sample.
For our following considerations, it will be useful to introduce at this point
notation for the individual observed values on both variables of interest. To
this end, let us denote by (x1, y1), (x2, y2),..., (xn, yn) their observations on n
subjects (or units of analysis) in the given sample from the studied popula-
tion. Our earlier reasoning in this chapter implies that when we wish to evalu-
ate, that is, estimate, a and b from the sample of data on the random variables
x and y, we need to seek for such values of the unknown model parameters a
and b, with which the individual deviations
(12.2) yiabxi
are minimal (i  1,..., n). However, some individual deviations (12.2) may
be positive while others may be negative. Yet all n individual observations
are important to minimize in absolute value, regardless of their sign. This
is mathematically conveniently achieved by minimizing—across all possible
choices of the unknown parameters a and b—the sum of their squares:
(12.3) 兺 (yiabxi)2.

As we can see from Equation (12.3), S is the sum of the squared deviations
between the individual observed scores yi on the dependent variable y, on the
one hand, and what their predictions would be according to the model (12.1),
viz., a  bxi, on the other hand (i  1,..., n).
Estimating the model parameters a and b by minimizing the sum of
squared individual observations between data and model predictions on the
dependent variable is a main part of a major parameter estimation method in
statistics. This method is the least-squares (LS) method, which has a long his-

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tory stretching over two centuries. The resulting estimates of the SLR model
parameters a and b are referred to as LS estimates of the intercept and slope,
respectively. It can be shown that these LS estimates result as follows (note the
use of caret to denote parameter estimate and bar to denote sample mean):

(12.4) b̂Sxy / Sxx and b̂0ȳb̂1x̄,

n n
兺 (xi  x̄)(yi  ȳ) and Sxx  i1
where Sxy  i1 兺 (xi  x̄)2 are respectively the
covariance and variance of x estimates multiplied by (n  1). The expressions
Sxy and Sxx are often referred to correspondingly as sums of cross-products and
sums of squares for the two variables in question, x and y. With simple alge-
braic manipulation (see Chapter 11 for the definition of the correlation and
covariance coefficients), we can obtain
(12.5) b̂Sxy / Sxxrx,y ,

where rx,y denotes the sample correlation between x and y, whereas sx and sy
designate their standard deviations, respectively.
Equation (12.5) provides a very useful relationship between the concepts of
regression and correlation, which is worthwhile emphasizing here. Accord-
ingly, the slope of the SLR model (12.1) is directly related to the correlation
between the two variables involved. Specifically, the population slope b is
equal to the population correlation coefficient ␳x,y up to the ratio of the stan-
dard deviations of the two variables involved. From this it follows that the
correlation and slope are identical only when the two variables are equally
varied (in the population or sample).
Let us illustrate these initial developments on linear regression by revis-
iting the data from Example 11.4 provided in Chapter 11. As will be recalled,
in that example we were interested in describing the relationship between
GPA score and reaction time on a cognitive test. Next, we will be interested
in predicting the GPA score for a subject with a known reaction time. (Data
are available in the file CH11_EX4.dat.) To estimate the intercept and slope
of the SLR model (12.1), which process is frequently referred to as SLR
model estimation or model fitting, one can readily use the software R. To
achieve this aim, we can employ the command ‘lm’—for ‘linear model-
ing’—in the following way (one could interpret the sign ‘⬃’ next as saying
that the variable on the left is the DV and that on the right as the IV, or
alternatively that the former is regressed upon the latter, for the SLR model
in Equation (12.1)):

> lm(y⬃x)

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This command yields the following output.

lm(formula = y ~ x)

(Intercept) x
5.606733 -0.005162

According to these results, the estimate of the intercept is â  5.606733 and

of the slope is b̂  0.005162. It is important to note that since in this
example we are dealing with milliseconds as units of measurement on the
response variable, it would be desirable to keep as high as possible precision
of estimation. Thus, the estimated simple regression model is
(12.6) yâb̂x5.606730.005162x.
We stress that in Equation (12.6) there is no error term. The reason is that
(12.6) presents the estimated model rather than a theoretical or population
model. We can consider the model in Equation (12.1) as a population model,
i.e., as a theoretical model that is advanced before the estimation of its param-
eters is actually carried out based on sample data. Alternatively, once this
estimation is conducted and the estimated intercept and slope parameters are
substituted into the right-hand side of Equation (12.1), we no longer have a
population model, but only a sample-estimated model. As such, this model
no longer has an error term—since by this estimation process the error has
been in a sense dealt with.
We can now use the estimated SLR model (12.6) for prediction purposes.
Specifically, if we did not know the GPA score for a student with a given
reaction time on the cognitive test (the IV, or predictor, in this example), we
could predict it using Equation (12.6) as we indicated earlier. (Note that we
do not need to predict the y score for any subject for whom the y score is
known or both their x and y scores are known.) For instance, if we only knew
for a student that his or her reaction time was x0  475 ␮s, then using the
estimated SLR regression model (12.6) their predicted GPA score is deter-
mined to be equal to (with ‘ ’ denoting multiplication)
y⬘âb̂x05.606730.005162 4753.155.
Before we place much trust in this prediction of y, however, we need to
address the issue of how well the underlying SLR model indeed fits the ana-
lyzed data (i.e., how good the fit of this model is to the analyzed data). We
next turn to this model goodness-of-fit question.

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We emphasized earlier in the chapter that in order to make headway when

interested in prediction, we need to assume the validity of a particular model
that we use for this goal after estimating its parameters. However, as is typical
when we make an assumption in the empirical sciences, we need to ask how
well it is supported by the available data. That is, the question that we need
to answer next is: ‘‘How good is the regression model that has been assumed
to be valid?’’—or in other words, ‘‘What is the goodness-of-fit of this model
to the analyzed data?’’
To begin to address this question, we need to return to the population form
of the SLR model given in Equation (12.1). As we stressed earlier in the chap-
ter, an essential element of this model is its error term, e. In particular, we
readily realize that if the error term is substantial, then the SLR model will
not be really a good means of description and explanation of the relationship
between the two variables in question, x and y. This observation leads us to
the notion of residuals, which we will be concerned with next.

12.4.1. Model residuals and the standard error of estimate

The process of model parameter estimation that we discussed in the previous
section also provides a way to address the question of the goodness-of-fit of the
postulated SLR model. In particular, we stressed above that in order to estimate
its intercept and slope, we minimized the sum of the squared deviations between
observed DV scores, yi, and the predictions a  bxi about these scores using the
model. These differences play an important role in evaluating how good the SLR
model is (i.e., what its goodness-of-fit to the data is). Specifically, the individual
data-to-prediction differences are referred to as residuals, and as we will discuss
later in this chapter they are also instrumental when assessing model adequacy.
In particular, when fitting the SLR model, each individual is associated with a
residual, also referred to as an estimated residual or individual residual, which is
defined as the difference between their observed value of yi and the model pre-
dicted ŷi value (in the rest of the chapter, for convenience, we also use the symbol
ŷi as notation for predicted response value for the ith case):
(12.7) êiyiâb̂xiyiŷi (i1,..., n).
We note in passing that we could have presented earlier the SLR model (12.1)
also at the individual case level, viz., as yi  a  bxi  ei, and Equation (12.7)
would then give the sample-based estimates of the individual model residuals
ei (i  1,..., n).
Having defined the residuals êi in Equation (12.7), we realize that they can
differ—and usually will differ—considerably across the sample units. Can we
come up with an overall average measure of their magnitude? Such a measure
兺 ê2i. This sum
is obviously given by the average of the sum of their squares i1

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of squares is often referred to as the residual sum of squares (RSS) and at times
denoted as SSres (where the SS typically stands for ‘‘sum of squares’’).
The average RSS is obtained by dividing the sum of residual squares by the
associated degrees of freedom (df):
兺 (yiŷi)2
s2e RSS / dfSSres / df,
where ŷi  â  b̂xi denote for convenience the model-based prediction of
the dependent variable value for the ith subject (case, or unit of analysis; i 
1,..., n). In Equation (12.8), we divide the RSS by n  2, since here df  n
 2. The reason is the fact that in order to obtain the right-hand side of
Equation (12.8), we need to estimate two parameters, a and b—since other-
wise the predicted values ŷi cannot be computed. That is, we need to subtract
2 from the initial number of independent observations, n, as discussed earlier
in the book (Chapter 5), in order to obtain the associated degrees of freedom.
Thus, the degrees of freedom are n  2. We emphasize that the degrees of
freedom are representative here of the number of independent observations
remaining after estimating the intercept and slope. Since we want to obtain
an average measure of the individual residuals’ magnitude, the most natural
measure would be their average square. Given that we have in effect n  2
individual contributions to the RSS, this average measure of error magnitude
is provided by the ratio RSS/df, as defined in Equation (12.8).
The square root of s2e, i.e., se, is called the standard error of estimate (SEE)
associated with the SLR model (12.1). (As throughout this book, we assume
positive square roots being taken or considered.) The SEE represents the sam-
ple standard deviation around the regression line, or residual standard devia-
tion of the dependent variable y. The SEE can be interpreted as the standard
deviation of the response variable scores yi, which are associated with a given
value of the explanatory variable, xi (under the assumptions of the SLR model;
i  1,..., n).
We conclude this section by stressing that there are in fact three estimates,
â, b , and se, which we obtain when fitting the SLR model (12.1). This is
because the SLR model is associated with three parameters, namely, the inter-
cept, slope, and SEE—the standard deviation of the population outcome
scores at a given value of the explanatory variable. Their estimates are
obtained when this model is fitted to sample data.

12.4.2. The coefficient of determination

While the SEE provides information about the size of the average error
associated with the utilized SLR model, the SEE is expressed in the original
units of measurement. For this reason, the SEE has two important limitations.

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First, the units of the SEE—being the original units of measurement of the
DV y—are generally difficult to interpret in subject-matter terms, if at all
possible in the social and behavioral sciences. Second, there is no limit from
above for the magnitude of the SEE (while obviously it is zero from below).
As a consequence, it is hard to know in an empirical setting whether the SEE
is large or small. Only when it is zero, we know that there is no error in the
model, but this will rarely if ever be the case in applied research.
For this reason, it would be desirable to have another measure of model fit,
which is scale-free and normed, preferably between zero and one, say. Such a
measure is the so-called coefficient of determination, usually referred to as the
R-squared index and denoted R2. This measure is commonly defined as the
proportion of variance in the dependent variable that is explained in terms of
the independent variable via the SLR model (12.1). That is, the R2 definition
is as follows:
(12.9) R2 yy .
In Equation (12.9), Syy is the variance of the response variable y multiplied by
兺 (yi  ȳ)2. At times, Syy is referred to as total sum of
(n  1), i.e., Syy  i1
squares and denoted by SStotal. We emphasize that in the numerator of Equa-
tion (12.9) we have the difference between the DV variance Syy on the one
hand and the residual (or error) sum of squares RSS, on the other hand. That
is, the numerator—being this difference—is actually the remainder of what is
achieved by the SLR model (12.1) when the goal is to explain variance in the
DV y, as it usually is when this model is considered in empirical research.
From Equation (12.9), it obviously follows that: (a) 0 ⱕ R2 ⱕ 1 holds always;
(b) scores of R2 close to 1 indicate that most variability in the DV y is
explained in terms of the IV x via the fitted SLR model; and (c) scores of R2
close to 0 or even 0 indicate that very little variability in the DV y, if any, is
explained in terms of the IV x via the SLR model.
Furthermore, the R2 index defined in Equation (12.9) can be shown to
equal the square of the maximum possible correlation between the DV y and
a linear function of the IV x that is of the form a  bx (where a and b can be
chosen without any constraint in order to attain this maximal correlation).
This correlation coefficient, which equals R, is in general referred to as multi-
ple correlation—in particular when there are multiple predictors (see next
chapter). In the special case of a single predictor—i.e., an SLR model—the R2
index can be shown to equal the square of the correlation coefficient between
x and y, i.e., ␳2x,y (in the population, or its sample counterpart in the sample;
e.g., King & Minium, 2003). That is, in the SLR model (12.1) of concern in
this chapter, the R2 is

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(12.10) R2␳x,y2.
It can also be demonstrated (e.g., Pedhazur, 1997) that the R2 index is an
‘‘optimistic’’—i.e., positively biased—estimator of the population percentage
of variance in the DV y that is explained in terms of the IV x via the SLR
model (12.1). This positive bias results from the fact that as mentioned the R2
is associated with the result of an optimization procedure. This is the minimi-
zation of the critical sum of squared deviations S in Equation (12.3), which is
carried out on the sample data in order to estimate the intercept and slope in
the SLR model. However, since a sample is a proper subset of the studied
population (unless obtained in a census study), it is expected to differ from
the population and it is this difference that is typically referred to as sampling
error. As a result of the presence of sampling error, the R2 index obtained in
the sample (which is not equal to the population) is in general an overestimate
of the population proportion variance in the DV that is explainable in terms
of variability in the IV via the SLR model. (This argument also holds in cases
with more than one predictor, that is, in multiple regression analysis models,
a topic we take up in the next chapter.)
To counteract this bias, the so-called adjusted R2 index, denoted R2a, aims
at correcting for the bias and is generally a better estimate of this population
proportion of explained variance. For the SLR model, the adjusted R2 is
defined as follows (Pedhazur, 1997):
(12.11) R2a1(1R2) (n1)/(n2).
The multiple correlation coefficient R, the R2, and the adjusted R2 can be
readily obtained with the software R when the SLR model is fitted to data. To
this end, we need to request a ‘‘summary’’ of the output associated with the
SLR model (12.1), which we obtain as earlier with the command ‘lm’. For the
previous reaction time example (Chapter 11, Example 11.4), we obtain these
goodness-of-fit indexes using the command ‘summary’, after creating first an
object that is defined as equal to the output produced by the command ‘lm’.
This object is named next ‘slr.ex.11.4’ (output presented beneath command):

> slr.ex.11.4 = lm(y~x)

> summary(slr.ex.11.4)

lm(formula = y ~ x)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-4.741e-01 -1.225e-01 -5.682e-05 1.323e-01 3.678e-01

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:40:40 PS PAGE 219


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 5.6067330 0.1452832 38.59 <2e-16 ***
x -0.0051619 0.0003252 -15.87 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.2063 on 54 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.8235, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8202
F-statistic: 251.9 on 1 and 54 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

This output initially shows that the individual residuals range in value from
.47 to .37. (It can be shown that in the population their mean is zero; e.g.,
Pedhazur, 1997.) For now, we do not pay attention to the ‘standard error’,
‘t-value’, and ‘Pr’ columns in this output, as well as to its last line—we will
revisit these output parts again in the next section. The last presented (sum-
mary) output shows that the SEE is estimated at 0.2063 and is associated with
54 degrees of freedom (since n  2  56  2  54 here). We cannot really
say, however, what this number actually means; that is, by only looking at it
we cannot really say whether it is large or small. We could of course compare
the magnitude of the SEE to the magnitude (standard deviation) of the DV y,
which is the GPA score, and note that on average .21 points from the GPA
score variance remain unexplained by the SLR model (12.1) that is fitted.
However, even such an observation is not a particularly insightful interpreta-
tion when it comes to evaluating how well a used model fits a data set.
For this reason, we examine the R2 index associated with the SLR model
and its adjusted version. The R2 index is .82 here (rounded off to second
decimal place), whereas its adjusted value only marginally differs from it (viz.,
by less than .01). That is, about 82% of the individual differences (variability)
in the GPA score were possible to explain in this data set in terms of reaction
time using the SLR model
GPAab. (Reaction time)e.
This percentage, 82%, is a fairly sizable proportion explained variance in the
used sample, at least relative to what may be considered the majority of cur-
rent behavioral and social research studies.
In conclusion of this section dealing with overall model fit, we stress that
from the definition of the R2 index it also follows that its numerical value is
specific to a fitted model. An SLR model is a rather simple model, and it is
possible that if its R2 is not considered to be high, then an extended model—
e.g., a model using additional predictors or nonlinear (e.g., higher) powers of
the explanatory variable x—may have substantially higher R2 values (see Sec-

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tion 12.6 later in this chapter for an example). Before we address aspects of
this issue in more detail later in this and in the next chapter, however, we
discuss how we can make conclusions about the population values of model
parameters and coefficients of determination of SLR models under consider-



When we fit the SLR model (12.1) to a given data set, we use only data from
an available sample rather than from the entire population of actual interest.
Hence, the question that naturally arises now is what could be said about the
intercept and slope of this model in the studied population itself. A related
question asks whether the model is capable of explaining any population vari-
ance in the DV in terms of population variance in the IV. These questions
request inferences to be made about the population parameters and the R2
index in the population of concern, based on the available sample and the
performance of the SLR model in it. To this end, we need to know what the
sampling distributions of the intercept and slope estimators, â and b̂, are. As
shown in more advanced treatments (e.g., Roussas, 1997), when at each value
of the IV the scores of the DV follow a normal distribution, these estimators
are normally distributed with means being their population values and vari-
ances obtainable via appropriate formulas given below.
The slope b of the SLR model (12.1) is of particular interest thereby, since
its value pertains to the answer to the question of whether there is a discern-
ible linear relationship between the DV and IV used. It can be shown (e.g.,
Ott & Longnecker, 2010) that the ratio
(12.12) t
se兹1 / Sxx
follows a t-distribution with df  n  2 (since we estimate two parameters
here—a and b), where b0 is a hypothetical population slope. Equation (12.12)
allows one to readily carry out hypothesis testing about the slope. In particu-
lar, when the null hypothesis of no linear relationship between the DV and
IV is to be tested, then the test statistic is (note, b0  0 holds then)
b̂ ,
(12.13) t
se兹1 / Sxx
which follows the t-distribution with df  n  2 under the corresponding
null hypothesis H0: b0  0. The associated p-value with this hypothesis is
provided in the output produced by the software R in a column titled

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:40:41 PS PAGE 221


‘‘Pr(⬎兩t兩)’’. Also, a p-value is then provided that is associated with the null
hypothesis of the intercept being zero, in the column with the same title (and
in the row of the intercept estimate).
For our above example dealing with the relationship between GPA score
and reaction time, we see from the R output that the p-values associated with
these two null hypotheses of vanishing intercept and slope are very small,
practically zero. Hence, we can reject the null hypothesis that the slope is zero,
as well as the null hypothesis that the intercept is zero, and conclude that
there is evidence in the data for a discernible linear relationship between GPA
score and reaction time.
Using the distribution of the test statistic given in Equation (12.13), as
earlier in the book (see details in Chapter 6) it can be shown that for a given
␣ (0 ⬍ ␣ ⬍ 1), a (1  ␣)100%-confidence interval for the slope is
(12.14) (b̂t␣/2,n2se兹1/Sxx, b̂t␣/2,n2se兹1/Sxx),
where t␣/2,n2 denotes the (␣/2)th quantile of the t-distribution with df  n
 2. As discussed earlier, this confidence interval can also be used to test a
null hypothesis of the slope being equal to a prespecified number.
A closely related question that is often posed in empirical behavioral and
social research is if the SLR model (12.1) ‘‘matters.’’ This would be the case
when its R2 index is not zero in the studied population—as otherwise the
model will not matter at all since it won’t explain any DV variance in terms
of IV variance. The corresponding null hypothesis that one needs to test in
order to address this question is H0: R2  0, versus the alternative Ha: R2 ⬎
0. If this null hypothesis is to be retained, then it can be suggested that the
fitted SLR model does not explain any part of the variance in the DV in terms
of the variance in the IV—i.e., there is no linear relationship between the two
variables in the studied population. If this null hypothesis is rejected, however,
the statistical conclusion would be that there is a discernible linear relation-
ship between the two variables. As developed in more advanced treatments
(e.g., Roussas, 1997), this null hypothesis H0: R2  0 can be tested for the
SLR model (12.1) using the test statistic
(12.15) F .
s 2e
The F-statistic in Equation (12.15) follows under the null hypothesis H0 an F-
distribution with degrees of freedom 1 and n  2 (recall, the F-distribution
is characterized by two rather than a single number as degrees of freedom).
The outcome of this test is provided in the last line of the SLR model
output obtained with R, when the software is used as outlined earlier in this
section. For the above reaction time example (Example 11.4), this test statistic
is 251.9 on one and 54 degrees of freedom, and the associated p-value is less

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:40:41 PS PAGE 222


than 2.2 1016, i.e., practically zero. Thus, we reject the null hypothesis H0:
R2  0, and suggest that in the population the SLR model (12.1) does matter,
i.e., it explains a positive proportion of variance in GPA scores in terms of
variability in reaction time.



12.6.1. Assessing linear regression model assumptions via

residual plots
We indicated throughout this chapter that in addition to the assumption of
(approximately) continuous response variable y, the discussed SLR model and
underlying approach of simple linear regression analysis are based on several
further assumptions. Specifically, these assumptions are the following:

1. There exists a linear relationship between the variables x and y—i.e., the
SLR model (12.1) is correct in the studied population.
2. The error term e is normally distributed, and more specifically the individ-
ual errors are independent of one another as well as normally distributed
(with zero mean).
3. The variance of the y scores at any given x score, is constant—i.e., it does
not depend on the x score.

When these assumptions are correct, the SLR model (12.1) is a useful
means of describing the relationship between a predictor and a dependent
variable. When the assumptions cannot be considered plausible for a given
data set, however, then doubt is cast upon the validity of the SLR model
(12.1) in the population under consideration. In that case, a conclusion can
be reached that the model does not adequately describe the relationship
between the two studied variables, x and y. The set of assumptions 1 through
3 are often referred to as ordinary least squares (OLS) assumptions (cf. Wool-
dridge, 2008, for a more detailed discussion on this topic). This reference
results from the fact that when they hold, the classical—i.e., unmodified, or
ordinary—least squares principle we employed above can be used to fit the
SLR model (12.1) (as well as more general models containing two or more
predictors). We note that the OLS parameter estimates do not depend on the
normality assumption. In fact, this assumption is only needed when infer-
ences are to be made about model parameters and coefficients of determina-
tion in studied populations.
Since the SLR model is based on several assumptions as mentioned, its
application is warranted only when they are plausible for an empirical data

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set and population of concern. Therefore, we need methods that allow us to

assess whether this is indeed the case—i.e., whether assumptions 1 through 3
are consistent with available sample data. To this end, one can argue that if
these assumptions were to be correct, one would expect that

(i) a plot of the above residuals êi in Equation (12.7) against the predictor
values xi (i  1,..., n) will produce a band of points that is symmetric
around the horizontal line y  0, which band in addition will be of
(about) the same width regardless of the value of x;
(ii) a plot of the residuals êi against the response variable values yi (i 
1,..., n) will produce a band of points that is symmetric around the
horizontal line y  0, which band in addition will be of (about) the
same width regardless of the value of y;
(iii) a plot of the residuals êi against the predicted values ŷi (i  1,..., n)
will produce a band of points that is symmetric around the horizontal
line y  0, which band in addition will be of (about) the same width
regardless of the value of x;
(iv) the residuals êi should be normally distributed (i  1,..., n).

If these plots do not exhibit the pertinent pattern indicated in (i) through
(iv) but instead reveal some other clearly discernible trend or pattern, then it
can be argued that at least one of the above three assumptions does not hold.
In such cases, the fitted SLR model does not represent a plausible means of
data description. Alternatively, if only a very limited number of points violates
these assumptions, as judged by the plots, then it could be argued that the
corresponding individuals may be ‘‘outliers,’’ i.e., possibly result from data
entry errors or stem from studied units belonging to a different population
from the targeted one (for a nontechnical discussion of the concept of ‘‘out-
lier,’’ see e.g., Raykov & Macoulides, 2008).
The plots described in (i) through (iv) can be readily obtained using the
following respective R commands:

> plot(x, resid(name of model object))

> plot(y, resid(name of model object))
> plot(fitted(name of model object), resid(name of model object))
> qqnorm(resid(name of model object))
> qqline(resid(name of model object))

where ‘name of model object’ is the name assigned to the object repre-
senting the fitted model (see next). Thereby, we use the last two listed com-
mands to obtain first a normal probability plot for the residuals that is then
overlaid by a line, thus allowing us to visually assess the extent of their devia-

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:40:42 PS PAGE 224


tion from a straight line. We illustrate the residuals plots (i) through (iv)
and their utility in assessing the SLR model assumptions with the following

Example 12.1: In a study of the relationship between educational motivation

and algebra knowledge, n  52 middle school students are administered estab-
lished instruments measuring these variables. (The data are presented in the file
CH12_EX1.dat.) For our purposes here, we are interested in examining the
above plots (i) through (iv) of the residuals associated with the SLR model
(12.1) predicting algebra test score (response variable y) using the score on the
motivation measure (predictor variable x).

To this end, we begin by assigning the name ‘mod.1’ to the object defined as
the output associated with the SLR model (12.1) for these two variables:

> mod.1 = lm(y ~ x)

The residual plots of interest are then furnished with the following specific

> plot(x, resid(mod.1))

> plot(y, resid(mod.1))
> plot(fitted(mod.1), resid(mod.1))
> qqnorm(resid(mod.1))
> qqline(resid(mod.1))

The resulting plots, for the data of Example 12.1, are presented in Figures 12.2
through 12.5.
As can be seen by examining Figures 12.2 through 12.5, the residual plots
depicted on them exhibit the patterns indicated in (i) through (iv), which
suggest that the SLR model assumptions are not inconsistent with the data.
Specifically, the plots displayed in Figures 12.2 through 12.5 do not indicate
serious violations of the above OLS assumptions 1 through 3 with regard to
the analyzed data. Therefore, it could be suggested that the SLR model (12.1)
represents a plausible method of description of that example data set under
We note that the assessment of model fit using the residual plots (i)
through (iv) contains some subjective element that in general cannot be
avoided when using these graphical evaluation approaches. In particular, with
small samples (e.g., only up to a few dozen, say) some deviations from the
straight line in the normal probability graph (iv) could be expected even if
the residuals were drawn from a normal distribution. Therefore, it would be

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:40:43 PS PAGE 225


FIGURE 12.2.
Plot of residuals versus predictor (x) values for the simple regression model relating
algebra knowledge to motivation (Example 12.1).

FIGURE 12.3.
Plot of residuals versus response (y) values for the simple regression model relating
algebra knowledge to motivation (Example 12.1).

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:41:19 PS PAGE 226


FIGURE 12.4.
Plot of residuals versus fitted values (predicted response values) for the simple
regression model relating algebra knowledge to motivation (Example 12.1).

FIGURE 12.5.
Normal probability plot (with overlaid straight line) for the residuals associated with
the simple regression model relating algebra knowledge to motivation (Example

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:41:59 PS PAGE 227


a good idea to consider only clearly discernible patterns or trends in any of

these four examined plots as indicative of possible violations of some of the
SLR model assumptions (see also next subsection).

12.6.2. Model modification suggested by residual plots

The preceding discussion in this Section 12.6 demonstrated how we can
use the above residuals graphs (i) through (iv) and related ones in ascertaining
that a considered SLR model may be a plausible means for description and
explanation of a given sample of data. In addition to these aims, the graphs are
also helpful in indicating certain violations—if present—of the assumptions
underlying the SLR model (12.1) for a particular data set. In fact, these plots
can then guide a researcher in his/her search for improved models associated
with better fit. In particular, if graphs (i) through (iv) show a clearly discern-
ible pattern or trend—e.g., a pattern of nonlinearity—then the SLR model
(12.1) cannot be really considered a plausible means of data description. With
such a nonlinear pattern emerging, it is possible that adding a higher power
of the predictor variable—such as its square—can improve considerably the
model fit. We demonstrate this application of model residual graphs with the
following example.

Example 12.2 (college aspiration and mathematics ability test score): In a

study of the relationship between college aspiration and mathematics ability,
scales of these two variables are administered to n  69 high school seniors.
The file CH12_EX2.dat contains their data (with ‘x’ denoting college aspiration
score and ‘y’ the mathematics test score). We wish to find out whether the SLR
model (12.1) is a plausible means of description of their relationship, and if it
is not, to determine ways of improving it.

Since the first of the above OLS assumptions 1 through 3 (see subsection
12.6.1) stipulates that a linear relationship between the variables is involved,
we can first look at the plot of the data to examine if there may be any particu-
lar deviations from linearity, to begin with, in the relationship between aspira-
tion and mathematics ability score. We use the R command ‘plot’ for this aim,
as before, and the result is presented in Figure 12.6 following it:

> plot(x, y, xlab = "College Aspiration", ylab = "Mathematics Test Score")

Although this graph appears at first glance essentially linear in shape, we

notice some bending in the middle part, which does not seem to be very
disturbing at this stage. (The above display is also an example how some
simple plots—like that of data on two variables—may not always reveal the
whole story about variable relationship, as we will soon see.)

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:42:00 PS PAGE 228


FIGURE 12.6.
Plot of the data from Example 12.2.

We fit next the SLR model (12.1) to these data and create the above plots
(i) through (iii) in Figures 12.6 through 12.8 (see output beneath the follow-
ing two commands):

> slr.ex.12.2 = lm(y~x)

> summary(slr.ex.12.2)

lm(formula = y ~ x)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-5.5756 -2.7389 -0.9553 1.5878 14.5017

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -12.83282 1.41261 -9.085 2.7e-13 ***
x 1.21634 0.04366 27.858 ⬍ 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:42:20 PS PAGE 229


Residual standard error: 4.354 on 67 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.9205, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9193
F-statistic: 776.1 on 1 and 67 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

We see that the fitted linear regression model is associated with a fairly high
(adjusted) R2 index, suggesting this model explains a great deal of the variabil-
ity in the DV y. Similarly, the null hypotheses of vanishing slope and such R2
are rejected. Indeed, the associated F-statistic in Equation (12.15) is here 776.1
and based on one and 67 degrees of freedom its pertinent p-value is practically
zero. This suggests that the linear model matters—i.e., the hypothesis H0:
R2  0 in the studied population of high school students can be rejected.
Similarly, the slope estimate is 1.22 and its associated p-value is practically
zero as well (with its t-value being 27.86), suggesting that the null hypothesis
of no linear relationship between college aspiration and math ability test score
in the population can be rejected. (As can be seen from the preceding discus-
sion, these two null hypotheses are in fact identical, which is the reason why
the p-values associated with their F- and t-statistics cited are identical as well.)
Despite these apparent indications of relatively good overall fit of the SLR
(12.1) model, we recall that the R2 coefficient is by definition an omnibus
(overall) index of goodness of fit, as explicated in its definition in Equation
(12.9). The reason is that the R2 is defined as the ratio of two variances yet
the latter are themselves overall indexes, rendering thus in their ratio also an
overall goodness of fit measure. Hence, by its very definition the R2 index does
not pay attention to (i.e., does not reflect) the extent to which individual
observations are fitted (explained) by the model. Therefore, the R2 may be
large even if there may be a few individual residuals that are not well approxi-
mated (fitted) by the model and thus invalidate it as a possibly adequate
means of description of an entire given data set. In fact, the present is an
example of precisely this phenomenon occurring, as we will see shortly.
We therefore examine next the earlier mentioned residual plots (i) through
(iii) for this data set, which are presented in Figures 12.7 through 12.10 that
we obtain by using the following R commands:

> plot(x, resid(slr.ex.12.2), ylab = "Model residuals")

> plot(y, resid(slr.ex.12.2), ylab = "Model residuals")
> plot(fitted(slr.ex.12.2), resid(slr.ex.12.2), xlab = "Fitted Values",
ylab = "Model residuals")
> qqnorm(resid(slr.ex.12.2))
> qqline(resid(slr.ex.12.2))

The plot in Figure 12.7 exhibits distinctive nonlinearity, with notably large
residuals (relative to the magnitude of the response variable y) at smaller-

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:42:21 PS PAGE 230


FIGURE 12.7.
Plot of residuals against predictor values (Example 12.2).

than-average and at larger-than-average college aspiration scores (i.e., for x

⬍ 10 or x ⬎ 50, say). Similarly, there are notably negative residuals for the
students with average college aspiration scale scores (i.e., x scores in the 20s
and 30s). Since the model residuals depicted along the vertical axis are the
differences between observations and model predictions, the fitted SLR (12.1)
in fact underpredicts the mathematics ability scores for students with large or
with small aspiration, while it overpredicts these scores for students with aver-
age aspiration. This finding should not be unexpected, however, given the
somewhat nonlinear appearance of the graph of the original data in the above-
displayed Figure 12.6. A similar result is observed in the remaining two of the
above residual plots (ii) and (iii), which are presented next as Figures 12.8
and 12.9. The plot displayed in Figure 12.8 also demonstrates that the fitted
model underpredicts the mathematics ability for students with scores on this
test in the 50s and 60s, as well as those with very low scores, while accomplish-
ing a relatively good prediction for students with such scores in the 20s and
30s. Similarly, the plot in Figure 12.9 shows that for small and for large pre-
dicted values the model is associated with considerable residuals, unlike for
predicted response values with intermediate magnitude.
Furthermore, the residuals associated with the fitted SLR model can hardly
be considered normally distributed, as judged by their normal probability plot
presented in Figure 12.10. In particular, as could be expected from the preced-
ing plots, there are marked deviations from normality for large and for small
residuals. The magnitude of these deviations leads us to suggest that also the

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:42:42 PS PAGE 231


FIGURE 12.8.
Plot of residuals against response variable values (Example 12.2).

FIGURE 12.9.
Plot (iii) of residuals against predicted (fitted) response values (Example 12.2).

normality assumption is clearly violated for this model when fitted to the data
from Example 12.2.
Hence, all residual plots (i) through (iv) in Figures 12.6 through 12.9 for
the numerical example under consideration (Example 12.2) indicate serious
violations of the SLR model (12.1), and specifically of its assumptions. In

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:43:21 PS PAGE 232


FIGURE 12.10.
Normal probability plot for the residuals of the simple linear regression model
(Example 12.2).

particular, there is evidence suggesting that the linearity and residual normal-
ity assumptions do not hold. Thus, despite the relatively high (adjusted) R2
index of the fitted linear model and the significance of all test results obtained
with it—in particular for the slope and this R2 index—we conclude that the
SLR model does not provide a plausible means of data description.
The present Example 12.2 at the same time demonstrates clearly the fact
that a high overall fit index, such as the adjusted R2, is no guarantee for a
well-fitting model. In particular, even though a model may be associated with
a high adjusted R2 index, there may be a considerable number of subjects for
which it provides less than satisfactory fit. This fact underscores the relevance
of also evaluating the model residuals as a matter of routine, when fitting
simple regression models. (This conclusion remains valid also for more com-
plex regression models, such as those containing nonlinear powers of used
predictors or multiple predictors, which are discussed later in this chapter and
the next.)
The residual plots in Figures 12.7 through 12.10 show marked violations
from the straight line for smaller-than-average x scores as well as for larger-
than-average x scores. This finding can be interpreted as suggesting that the
relationship between aspiration and mathematics ability, as captured in their
scale/test scores x and y, may in fact be quadratic rather than linear. That is,
the SLR model (12.1) may actually have an omitted term, the square of the
predictor x. (Such models with omitted terms are often referred to as ‘‘miss-

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:43:38 PS PAGE 233


pecified models.’’) As a response to this suggestion, we can modify the earlier

fitted SLR model to this example data by introducing a new variable that
is defined as equal to the square of this predictor. To this end, we use the

> x2 = x^2

Next, in order to fit the data from Example 12.2 better, we extend the SLR
model to include the squared reaction time—i.e., consider the extended

(12.16) yabxcx 2e*,

where for convenience the symbol e* denotes the error term of this model
(thus, not to be assumed equal to the error term e in the SLR model (12.1))
and the same notation is used for the intercept and coefficient in front of x.
In agreement with our earlier discussion in Section 12.1 of this chapter, we
emphasize here that model (12.16) is also a linear regression model, just like
(12.1) is. The reason is the fact that its parameters a, b, and c appear in the
right-hand side of its defining equation (12.16) only linearly. That is, despite
the inclusion of the square of the explanatory variable x into the latter model,
it remains a linear regression model.
We fit this model to the data using R in the following way, whereby to
emphasize its feature of including the square of the mathematics test score
(x) we formally refer to the resulting R-object as ‘model.qt’ (for ‘model with
quadratic term’) in the remainder of this chapter. To invoke fitting this model
to the data, we add the variable denoted ‘x2’—the squared explanatory vari-
able—after the symbol ‘⬃’ used in the model fitting command ‘lm’ next, with
the ensuing output provided beneath commands used:

> model.qt = lm(y~x+x2)

> summary(model.qt)

lm(formula = y ~ x + x2)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.62493 -1.43378 0.08254 1.08254 5.51978

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:43:38 PS PAGE 234


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.102148 0.997868 2.107 0.0390 *
x -0.050921 0.071370 -0.713 0.4781
x2 0.022105 0.001206 18.337 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 1.777 on 66 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.987, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9866
F-statistic: 2498 on 2 and 66 DF, p-value: ⬍ 2.2e-16

We notice that the residuals associated with the fitted model (12.16) are
markedly smaller than those pertaining to the SLR model (12.1) fitted earlier.
In particular, here they range between 3.62 and 5.52, while for the former
model they ranged between 5.58 and 14.50. While it is not immediately
seen as an easy task to interpret the magnitude of the individual residuals of
a given model (except of course to relate it to that of the original dependent
variable scores), when we have more than one model fitted to the same set of
observed variables (data set) we can informally compare the models by com-
paring the magnitude of their residuals with one another. Such a comparison
does not give us, however, an overall idea about the relative fit of the models,
which can be readily obtained by comparing their overall indexes.
Returning to the example study of the relationship between college aspira-
tion and mathematics ability, we see that the R2 index of the fitted model
(12.16) is significant (see last line of output) since the p-value associated with
the F-statistic pertaining to the null hypothesis of this index being zero in the
population is very small—practically zero. This means that model (12.16)
matters—i.e., it explains a significant proportion of response variance. (This
is not an unexpected finding, since we know from the earlier discussion in
this chapter that the linear model (12.1) matters, and hence the model that
adds one more explanatory term to it—viz., the variable ‘x2’—would have to
matter as well.)
At the same time, we notice the markedly higher R2 index of the model
(12.16) than that index of the earlier fitted linear model, with the same rela-
tionship holding for their adjusted R2 indexes. This suggests that model
(12.16) is an improvement over the earlier model (12.1) as far as overall fit to
the analyzed data is concerned. In order to examine if this is also the case in
the studied population that is of actual interest, we check in the last presented
output if the coefficient of the quadratic term of the model (12.16) is signifi-
cant, i.e., test the hypothesis H0: c  0. Since the p-value associated with the
quadratic parameter estimate ĉ  .022 is very small—practically zero—this

................. 18281$ CH12 09-19-12 11:43:38 PS PAGE 235


FIGURE 12.11.
Residual plots (i) through (iii) and normal probability plot for the quadratic model
(12.16) fitted to the data of Example 12.2 (see labels on axes to differentiate between

null hypothesis can be rejected. This suggests that as far as overall fit goes,
model (12.16) is indeed an improvement upon the SLR model (12.1) as a
means of description of the relationship between college aspiration and math-
ematics ability in the high school student population in question.
While similarly to the SLR model the last fitted model (12.16) is associated
with fairly high overall fit indexes, it is unclear whether the latter model is
associated with good local fit, i.e., whether it fits the analyzed individual sub-
jects’ data well. As we saw earlier in this section, a high R2 index is not a
guarantee for good local fit (i.e., individual data fit), and so we would now
like to see how model (12.16) fares at the level of the subject data. To this

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end, we examine the above residual plots (i) through (iv) for model (12.16),
using the same commands as before (but now applied on the R-object ‘mod-
el.qt’; see Figure 12.11 for all four plots).
In the first three of these residual plots, there are no noticeable patterns—
unlike those in the earlier Figures 12.7 through 12.10 for the previously fitted
SLR model (12.1). This finding of no noticeable patterns in the residual plots
(i) through (iii) would be expected with well-fitting models that represent
plausible means of data description and explanation. In addition, the normal
probability plot for the residuals of model (12.16) does not suggest any
marked deviations from the normality assumption. Specifically, this model’s
residuals are relatively close to the fitted line, and their limited deviations
from it do not exhibit any particular pattern (compare with the normal prob-
ability plot of the residuals associated with the SLR model (12.1) when fitted
to this data set; e.g., Figure 12.10).
The example used throughout this section provided a clear demonstration
of the relevance of carefully examining residual plots, such as the above graphs
(i) through (iv), whenever the SLR model (12.1) is fitted to data. The example
also illustrated the fact that these and related residual plots can be used to
both guide a researcher to assess its fit to the analyzed data as well as in his or
her search for better fitting models if need be—like the extended model pre-
sented in (12.6).
In conclusion of this section, we also saw with this example and our perti-
nent discussion how these aims of (i) assessment of model fit at the level of
individual data through residual plots, and (ii) model improvement based on
information about possible misfit obtained from these plots can be readily
accomplished with the software R.

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Multiple Regression Analysis

The previous chapter introduced linear regression modeling with a single

response and a single explanatory variable. However, very few phenomena of
interest in the behavioral and social sciences can be described well using only
a single independent variable. Indeed, phenomena typically studied in these
disciplines generally tend to be multifactorially determined. For this reason,
their description and explanation require the consideration of more than a
single explanatory variable. In these cases, the extension of the simple linear
regression model in Equation (12.1) in Chapter 12 to two or more indepen-
dent variables becomes relevant. This modeling approach is commonly
referred to as multiple regression analysis (MRA). MRA is of special im-
portance for statistics and its applications in behavioral and social research,
due to the fact that many analytic methods can be considered at least related
to special cases of the general model underlying MRA (e.g., see Raykov &
Marcoulides, 2008).



Multiple regression analysis (MRA), like simple regression analysis, is based

on two types of variables: (i) explanatory variables or independent variables,
which we denote as x1, x2,..., xk (with k ⬎ 1); and (ii) an outcome variable, or
response (dependent variable), denoted as y. These explanatory variables can
be of any nature, and they are often for short referred to as ‘‘predictors’’ in
the rest of the book (without any causality related implications, as in the last
chapter). That is, the predictors x1, x2,..., xk can have any scale and distribu-
tion. However, similar to Chapter 12, the response or outcome variable y in
MRA is assumed to be a continuous variable (or at least approximately so;
we thus assume throughout this chapter and the next that y is a continuous
By analogy to the simple linear regression (SLR) model discussed in the last


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240 1 3 . 1 . M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L , M U LT I P L E C O R R E L A T I O N

chapter, the goal of MRA is to find weights b1, b2,..., and bk such that the
following linear combination of the predictors
(13.1) ŷb0b1x1b2x2...bk,
is as close as possible to y, for all studied observations. As a result, since
the right-hand side of Equation (13.1) represents the predicted-by-the-model
response score, the correlation between model predictions and observed out-
come scores, r  Corr(y, ŷ), will be maximal (with Corr(.,.) denoting correla-
tion; e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009).
A frequently used reference to this maximal correlation in the context of
MRA is as multiple correlation coefficient, or multiple R. We already encoun-
tered this reference in Chapter 12, specifically on a few occasions in the output
produced by the software R. In particular, the square of the multiple R, viz.,
R2, is called the coefficient of determination, as in the context of the SLR model
(12.1). (More specifically, as mentioned in the previous chapter, for the SLR
model the squared correlation of independent and response variable equals
R2.) In the present chapter, we will use the extended notation R2y.12...k to sym-
bolize the coefficient of determination associated with a MRA model under
consideration, when it will be helpful to emphasize that we are using more
than a single independent variable. (In other cases, where no confusion may
arise, we will use the simpler notation R2 for this coefficient.) Also in the MRA
case, 100% R2y.12...k provides the percentage of explained variance in the
response variable in terms of the used predictors—viz., via their assumed lin-
ear relationship to the outcome variable. In addition, it can be shown that if
all explanatory variables are unrelated (uncorrelated), then R2y.12...k equals the
sum of squared correlations of each one of them with the response variable y
(e.g., Pedhazur, 1997). However, if at least two independent variables are cor-
related with one another, which is the most frequent case in empirical be-
havioral and social research, then R2y.12...k is smaller than this sum of squared
correlations of predictors with the outcome variable.
As one might expect by analogy to the SLR model (12.1) discussed in Chap-
ter 12, the MRA model is
(13.2) yb0b1x1b2x2...bkxke,
where e is the model error (residual). The model error is typically assumed
normal when we want to carry out statistical inference, with a mean of zero,
and uncorrelated with any of the explanatory variables. (Similar to the SLR
case, we do not need to make this normality assumption if we are only inter-
ested in parameter estimation; cf. Wooldridge, 2008.) In the MRA model
(13.2), the residual e contains the effects of all other variables (or higher pow-
ers and/or interactions of the predictors used), which are possibly related to
the response y and not explicitly included in the model, i.e., do not appear in

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1 3 . 1 . M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L , M U LT I P L E C O R R E L A T I O N 241

the right-hand side of Equation (13.2). We note that the term e in (13.2) is
not identical to the error term in the SLR model in Equation (12.1) but is
conceptually similar to it. For this reason, we use formally the same notation
e for the model residual in Equation (13.2) as in the last chapter dealing with
the SLR model.
In the MRA model (13.2), a number of independent variables are included,
and this fact modifies the interpretation of the parameters appearing in its
right-hand side. Like the SLR model (12.1) in the previous chapter, the inter-
pretation of the intercept b0 is as the average response score for observations
(units of analysis) having the value of zero on all predictors x1 through xk.
Unlike the SLR model, however, the meaning of the jth regression coefficient
bj is as the average change in the dependent variable y, which is associated
with a unit change in the jth predictor xj while holding all remaining pre-
dictors x1,..., xj1, xj1,..., xk constant ( j  1,..., k). We stress that the interpre-
tation of any of the regression coefficients b1 through bk is conditional on
holding constant the other k  1 predictors in the model. This is the reason
why these coefficients are referred to as partial regression coefficients (weights
or slopes). As an implication, the partial regression coefficient bj may be small
and unimportant (nonsignificant) in the presence of other predictors, but if
xj is used as a single predictor of the dependent variable y then the pertinent
slope b in the SLR model (12.1) may be substantially larger and
significant ( j  1,..., k).
Similarly to the single predictor case of concern in Chapter 12, the
unknown parameters b0, b1, b2,..., bk are estimated in such a way that the
following sum Sm of the squared discrepancies between observations and
model predictions on the response is minimal (where as usual n denotes sam-
ple size):
兺 (yiŷi)2.

This estimation is achieved following the principle of least squares, which is

implemented in the software used. The minimal value of the sum Sm informs
about the degree to which there is variability in the error term e in the MRA
model (13.2). An appropriate average of the sum Sm (see below) is referred to
as error or residual variance.
This discussion indicates that the MRA model (13.2) has in total k  2
parameters. These are the intercept b0, the k partial regression weights b1
through bk, and the error variance (see below in this section for specific defi-
nition of the error variance). Given that the error term is on average zero,
taking the mean from both sides of Equation (13.2) shows the intercept as the
average response for subjects with the value of zero on all explanatory vari-
ables, possibly after appropriate centering is carried out (e.g., Raudenbush &
Bryk, 2002).

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242 1 3 . 1 . M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L , M U LT I P L E C O R R E L A T I O N

To illustrate the above-mentioned developments, let us consider the follow-

ing example.

Example 13.1: In a study of general mental ability of high school seniors, five
intelligence tests were administered to n  160 students. The first three tests
measured the fluid intelligence subabilities of inductive reasoning with letters,
figural relations, and inductive reasoning with symbols; the fourth test tapped
into the ability to rotate three-dimensional figures; and the fifth was a conven-
tional general mental ability test. (The data are found in the file CH13_EX1.dat,
where individual scores represent percentage correct answers on the tests.) We
wish to evaluate the (linear) relationship between the test of general mental
ability, on the one hand, and the other four intelligence tests on the other hand.
Accordingly, we denote the general mental ability measure as y, and the four
remaining tests as x1 through x4 (in the above order; these four variables will be
correspondingly denoted ‘x1’ through ‘x4’ in the following R commands).

To evaluate the relationship between the general mental ability test score
and the four intelligence tests, we fit the following multiple regression model
(13.2) with k  4 predictors:
(13.3) yb0b1x1b2x2b3x3b4x4e.
To this end, as in Chapter 12 we use the R command ‘lm’, but we now list
formally the sum of all used independent variables after the ‘⬃’ sign in it:

> mrmod.1 = lm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4)

We stress that in this way we assign to the produced output the status of an
R-object with the name ‘mrmod.1’. To see the results of fitting model (13.3),
we request the associated output as in the last chapter with the command

> summary(mrmod.1)

Since we are going to refer often below to the output associated with model
(13.3) when fitted to the data from the currently considered example, we
present this summary output in Table 13.1.
As we can see from Table 13.1, the MRA model (13.3) is associated with an
R index of .8018 here. That is, 80% of the variability in the general mental

ability score was explained in terms of individual differences on the four intel-
ligence measures x1 through x4, viz., via their assumed linear relationship to
the former score. At this stage, we focus only on the output column contain-
ing the estimates b̂0 through b̂4 of the intercept and partial regression coeffi-
cients b0 through b4, respectively (see first column after that with the names

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1 3 . 1 . M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L , M U LT I P L E C O R R E L A T I O N 243

Table 13.1 Summary of results associated with model (13.3) (fitted to data
from Example 13.1).

lm(formula  y ⬃ x1  x2  x3  x4)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.199329 -0.059242 -0.003189 0.061958 0.240692

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>兩t兩)
(Intercept) 0.06075 0.02933 2.071 0.039997 *
x1 0.31664 0.08463 3.741 0.000257 ***
x2 0.16173 0.06729 2.404 0.017416 *
x3 0.43964 0.07601 5.784 3.9e-08 ***
x4 0.16241 0.08797 1.846 0.066765 .
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.08821 on 155 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.8018, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7967
F-statistic: 156.7 on 4 and 155 DF, p-value: ⬍ 2.2e-16

of the intercept and independent variables x1 through x4). Accordingly, the

fitted MRA model is as follows (after rounding off to the third digit after
decimal point):
For example, if we wanted to predict with this model the general mental abil-
ity test score for a subject with values of 32, 42, 66, and 92 on the four intelli-
gence tests x1 through x4, respectively, the predicted value will be readily
obtained with R as follows:

> y_hat = .061 + .317*32 + .162*42 + .440*66 + .162*92

> y_hat
[1] 60.953

That is, the predicted value is 60.953 for the score of the subject in question
on the general mental ability test. (Recall from the preceding discussion in

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this section that the data on each of the five tests used were available in terms
of percentage correct answers.) As pointed out in the last chapter, we empha-
size here that the credibility of predicted values depends on the tenability of
the model used to obtain them, and specifically on whether it is a plausible
means of description and explanation for the analyzed data. We attend to this
topic later in the chapter (see Section 13.6), after discussing next various
related matters that pertain to drawing inferences from model results to stud-
ied populations.



The estimates of the MRA model parameters discussed in Section 13.1 only
represent single numerical guesses about their values in a studied population
of actual interest. A researcher will typically have, however, many more ques-
tions that he or she would be interested in answering from the results of a
multiple regression analysis. We attend to a number of them in this section.

13.2.1. A test of significance for the coefficient of

Having fitted the MRA model (13.2) to a given data set, one of the first
questions that arises is whether the model ‘‘matters.’’ Given that we use a
regression model typically to explain variability in a response measure under
consideration, such as, say, a depression scale score, this question translates
into the query whether the model (13.2) explains a nontrivial proportion of
the population variance in the outcome variable y. In other words, this query
asks whether all used explanatory variables, x1 through xk, explain jointly a
significant proportion of variance in the dependent variable y. Such a situa-
tion will only be possible when the coefficient of determination associated
with the fitted model is non-zero in the population under investigation.
Hence, our interest here lies in testing the null hypothesis that this coefficient
is zero, i.e., H0: R2  0. As shown elsewhere (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009),
one can use for this purpose the test statistic
(13.4) F[R2/(1R2)] [(n k1)/k],
which follows the F-distribution with k and n  k  1 degrees of freedom
under the null hypothesis H0.
As can be readily seen from the definitional equation of the MRA model
(13.2), the tested null hypothesis H0: R2  0 is equivalent to the hypothesis
stipulating that all partial regression coefficients are zero; that is, H0 is equiva-

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lent to the null hypothesis H0': b1  b2  ...  bk  0. When using statistical

software to test this hypothesis, the associated p-value is helpful in making a
decision about the hypothesis.
To illustrate, we revisit the above Example 13.1 (Section 13.1). As can be
seen from its output in Table 13.1, the p-value associated with the test of the
hypothesis H0: R2  0 for the MRA model (13.3) is very small and practically
zero, thus smaller than a prespecified significance level—which is usually
␣  .05. We therefore can conclude that the analyzed data contain evidence
suggesting that the fitted MR model (13.3) does matter. In other words, the
four intelligence test scores used as predictors explain a significant proportion
of general mental ability variance in the studied population of high school
An alternative way of interpreting the result of testing the null hypothesis
H0: R2  0 in the general MRA case with k predictors (k ⬎ 0) is as an attempt
to find an answer to the question whether the used explanatory variables x1
through xk, in their totality, help one predict the response variable y better
than simply using its mean, ȳ, for this purpose. That is, this question asks
whether utilizing merely the mean ȳ is as effective as are the used independent
measures in explaining the variability in y. This will be the case if the null
hypothesis H0 were not rejected—a finding that can be interpreted as suggest-
ing that there is no explanatory power in these predictors. When this null
hypothesis is rejected, we can conclude that the predictors used afford us with
a significantly stronger power for predicting the response y than its mean ȳ.

13.2.2. Testing single regression coefficients for significance

In addition to the discussed test whether the MRA model matters, if the
pertinent null hypothesis is rejected the next question of interest usually is
concerned with ascertaining whether an individual partial regression coeffi-
cient is zero in the studied population. For a given such coefficient, say the
jth, answering this question amounts to testing the null hypothesis *H0:
bj  0 (1 ⱕ j ⱕ k; in the remainder of this and in the next section, we fix j in
our discussion). If this hypothesis is rejected, the interpretation is that the jth
predictor does contribute to a better explanation of the variability in the
response y beyond what the remaining predictors x1,..., xj1, xj1,..., xk achieve
together in this regard. This interpretation accounts for the fact indicated
earlier in the chapter that the meaning of a given partial regression coefficient,
say bj, is revealed only after controlling for the other predictors x1,..., xj1,
xj1,..., xk.
To test this null hypothesis *H0, one uses the test statistic (e.g., King &
Minium, 2003)

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(13.5) tbj/sbj.12...k.
In Equation (13.5),
(13.6) 兺 (XjiX̄j.)2]

is the squared standard error for the jth partial regression coefficient, and
兺 (Yib̂0b̂1X1i...b̂kXki)2 /(nk1)
兺 (YiŶi)2 / (nk1)

is the squared standard error of estimate (SEE) associated with the MRA
model fitted, while R2j.12...k is the R2-index for the model regressing the jth
predictor upon the remaining ones, x1,..., xj1, xj1,..., xk. When the null
hypothesis *H0 is true, the t-statistic in Equation (13.5) follows a t-distribution
with d  n  k  1 degrees of freedom (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009).
Equation (13.6) is very informative with regard to the stability of the esti-
mate of the jth partial regression weight bj across repeated sampling (at the
same sample size, n, from the studied population). In particular, the right-
hand side of Equation (13.6) reveals that the stronger the relationship between
the jth predictor and the remaining ones, the larger is the standard error
associated with its slope estimate, i.e., the more unstable this estimate is across
repeated sampling (other things being the same). In the extreme case when
the jth predictor is perfectly predictable from the remaining independent vari-
ables x1,..., xj1, xj1,..., xk (i.e., when R2j.12...k  1), the standard error of the jth
slope estimate becomes infinity. This extreme case is called multicollinearity
(sometimes referred to as perfect multicollinearity).
When predictors are carefully chosen in empirical research, the multicollin-
earity phenomenon is less likely to occur, but near-perfect multicollinearity
may hold among a used set of predictors. In those cases, some of the indepen-
dent variables nearly completely predict the jth explanatory measure xj, and
the standard error of the pertinent weight bj is very large. This tends to lead
to retention of the null hypothesis *H0: bj  0. Such a finding may seem to
be inconsistent with a rejection of the overall null hypothesis H0': b1  b2 
...  bk  0, in the same data set. The finding is explained by the lack of
sufficient information then in the available sample, which would allow differ-
entiation of the contributions of individual predictors to the explanation of
response variance. In these cases, one may (a) enhance sample size—by study-
ing additional individuals or units of analysis sampled from the same popula-
tion, (b) combine two or more of the independent variables into a single (or
fewer) new measures in a substantively meaningful way, or (c) drop from

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subsequent analyses one or more of the variables involved in the near-perfect

linear relationship of xj with the remaining predictors.
From Equation (13.6) we also see that the smaller the variability of the
individual scores Xij on the jth predictor Xj around its mean X̄j, the larger this
standard error (other things being the same; i  1,..., n). This implies that
when measurement of a given predictor is accomplished only along a very
limited range of values, there is also limited resulting information in the sam-
ple that allows discerning between the contributions of individual predictors
to explanation of the variance in the outcome y. Avoiding use of such restric-
tive samples, while ensuring representativeness for the studied population, is
thus another means of dealing with near-perfect multicollinearity.
The result of the t-test of the null hypothesis *H0: bj  0 and its associated
p-value are provided by the statistical software used, typically in the last col-
umn of the table with the MRA model solution (and in the line pertinent to
jth independent variable; j  1,..., k). To illustrate, we revisit Example 13.1,
and in particular the output associated with fitting the MRA model (13.3),
which is presented in Table 13.1. From the right-most column of this table,
which contains the p-values associated with the tests of significance for the
individual partial regression coefficients, we see that each of the predictors
but x4 is significant (for a commonly used significance level ␣  .05). That is,
the induction reasoning and figural relation test scores are each associated
with significant unique explanatory power, over and above the explanatory
power of the other three independent variables, when it comes to predicting
the general mental ability score y. In contrast to these three measures, how-
ever, the three-dimensional rotation measure x4 is not significant. Hence, for
students with the same scores on the other three tests, x1 through x3, knowl-
edge of their score on x4 does not contribute to a better prediction of their
general mental ability score y. We stress that this interpretation does not imply
the score on the rotation measure x4 as being not (linearly) related at all to
the general mental ability score y, but only that this relationship is at most
weak for any subpopulation of students with the same scores on each of the
other three intelligence tests (their scores on them need not be the same across
these three tests).

13.2.3. Confidence interval for a regression coefficient

The estimate b̂j of the jth partial regression coefficient, which we routinely
obtain when fitting a MRA model to a given data set, does not contain any
information as to how far it could be from the true slope bj in the studied
population that is of actual interest (j  1,..., k). Such information is con-
tained in the confidence interval (CI) for this parameter. The lower and upper
limits of this interval, at a given confidence level (1  ␣)100% (0 ⬍ ␣), can
be obtained as follows (e.g., King & Minium, 2003):

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248 13.3. ADJUSTED R 2

(13.7) (b̂j  t␣/2,nk1sbj.12...k, b̂jt␣/2,nk1sbj.12...k).

As indicated earlier in the book, the CI in (13.7) provides a range of plausible
values for the slope in the studied population. (We stress that this property
only holds if the model is not seriously misspecified, which is an issue that we
will attend to later in this chapter.) To illustrate, we revisit the above Example
13.1 and compute with R the left and right limits of the CI (13.7) for the
partial regression coefficient b1 in the fitted model (13.3)—we refer to these
limits correspondingly as ‘left.limit’ and ‘right.limit’ below. To accomplish
this aim, we first see from Table 13.1 that the slope estimate is b̂1  .31664,
with a standard error (SE) of .08463. Hence, we can use R as follows to obtain
the lower and upper endpoint of the 95%-CI for this slope (results given
immediately after commands):

> left.limit = .31664 - qt(.975,155)*.08463

> right.limit = .31664 + qt(.975,155)*.08463

> left.limit
[1] 0.149463

> right.limit
[ob1] 0.483817

Thus, the 95%-CI for the first partial regression coefficient is (.149, .484).
That is, the weight of the inductive reasoning with symbols score in the best
linear combination of the four intelligence tests for the purpose of predicting
general mental ability could be expected with high confidence to lie between
.149 and .484 in the studied high school senior population.


As we indicated earlier in the chapter, the estimation of the partial regression

coefficients in the MRA model (13.2) is carried out in such a way that maximi-
zation of the strength of linear relationship (correlation) is achieved between the
independent variables, on the one hand, and the response variable, on the
other hand. However, as pointed out in Chapter 12, this maximization proce-
dure is carried out on a sample rather than the entire population. Hence, if a
set of regression coefficients derived in one sample is applied to predict the y
scores in another sample, the resulting multiple correlation coefficient R in it
will generally be smaller than that correlation coefficient in the first sample.
This phenomenon is called shrinkage and results from (i) capitalization on
chance, due to the fact that the model is fitted to data from a sample that

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13.3. ADJUSTED R 2

contains sampling error (the difference between population and sample); and
relatedly (ii) the fact that the multiple correlation coefficient R derived from
a given sample is biased upward if considered an estimate of the population
multiple correlation coefficient associated with the fitted model (e.g., Pedha-
zur, 1997; see also Chapter 12).
As it turns out, it is not possible to determine exactly the extent of shrink-
age in the multiple R, but this shrinkage can be estimated. Then the adjusted
R2 index, denoted R2a, can be used as an alternative to R2 in predictive research
as well as in other regression analysis applications. This adjusted index is
defined as follows
(13.8) R2a1 (1R2) (n1)/(nk1),
and aims at providing a better estimate of the explanatory power of the fitted
model in the studied population than the conventional (unadjusted) R2 index.
From Equation (13.8), since (n  1)/(n  k  1) ⬍ 1, it follows that R2a
⬍ R2, i.e., the adjusted index is lower than the conventional R2 index for a
given model. (This property also holds in the SLR model.)
As a pair of examples demonstrating this shrinkage, consider a model with
k  4 predictors fitted to a given sample with n  30 subjects and an associ-
ated R2  .64 value. From Equation (13.8) we obtain (‘ ’ denotes next mul-
R2a1(1R2)(n1)/(nk1)1(1.64) 29/25.58,
which is notably lower than the unadjusted R2 for the considered model; in
this case, the shrinkage is found to be .64.58.06. Alternatively, in the
above Example 13.1 (see lower part of Table 13.1 in Section 13.1), the adjusted
R2 was estimated at .797 and was associated with a much smaller shrinkage
value, viz., .802  .797  .005. The limited magnitude of the shrinkage in
Example 13.1 is due to the large sample size as compared to the number of
predictors, as well as to the relatively high unadjusted R2 of .802 associated
with the fitted model (13.3).
Upon investigation, the definition of the adjusted R2 index in Equation
(13.8) also reveals that for a given model and sample, other things being equal:

(a) the smaller the unadjusted R2 (i.e., the lower the percentage explained
response variance), the larger the shrinkage is; and
(b) the larger the ratio of number of predictors to sample size, k/n, the
greater the shrinkage is.

It can also be shown that even if in the population R2  0 holds (that is, a
model explains no response variance at all), the expected unadjusted R2 in a
sample is k/(n  1) (e.g., Pedhazur, 1997). Hence, for a given sample size

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with a large enough number k of predictors used, the unadjusted R2 index can
be expected to be pretty close to one even if in the population it is in reality
equal to zero, i.e., all partial regression coefficients are zero there (viz., b1 
b2 ... bk  0). Thus, a small R2 for a model fitted to an available sample
should make a researcher suspicious that there may not be even a weak linear
relationship in the studied population between the response and independent
variables considered. In contrast, it can be shown that when all slopes equal
zero in the population, the expected R2a is still zero. Moreover, Equation
(13.8) applies to the situation when all predictors are retained in the equation.
If a predictor selection procedure is used to arrive at a model in question (e.g.,
see further details offered in Section 13.3), then the capitalization on chance
is greater and results in even larger shrinkage. This discussion shows that there
are serious limitations underlying the unadjusted R2 index as a measure of
overall fit. In this sense, R2a is a much better index of overall fit for a consid-
ered regression model.



We pointed out earlier in the book that in empirical applications of statistical

modeling it is often desirable to search for parsimonious models. These are
models with as few as possible parameters, which provide sufficiently good
means of data description and explanation. Such a strategy in model choice is
grounded in the parsimony principle, a main principle in the philosophy of
science. Adopting this principle implies that if two competing models fit
about equally well a given data set, the model with fewer predictors should be
the preferred model. We note of course that this choice is assumed to be made
in the absence of any further information, whether statistical or otherwise,
that might bear upon model fit and model comparison (for additional details
see Raykov & Marcoulides, 1999).
In order to be in a position, however, to judge whether two models fit the
data nearly as well, one needs a procedure that formally compares the fit of
the two models to a given data set. More specifically, this procedure needs to
enable a researcher to determine whether one can do (about) equally well
with fewer predictors, as far as overall model fit is concerned. In other words,
this procedure should permit a researcher to test the null hypothesis
H0: bp1bp2 ...bk0 (0 ⱕ p ⬍ k)
for a MRA model with k initial predictors under consideration (k and p being
whole numbers, k ⬎ 1). In this representation of the null hypothesis H0, with-
out loss of generality we have reordered the predictors, so those that could

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possibly be dropped are numbered (ordered) as last. We stress that this null
hypothesis H0 asserts we can drop the last k  p predictors without losing
explanatory power of the MRA model (13.2) in the population. In other
words, this hypothesis stipulates that the MRA model (13.2) with all k predict-
ors, on the one hand, and its version only with the first p predictors on the
other hand, have the same explanatory power in the studied population. In
that case, the two models will be associated with the same population propor-
tion explained variance in a given response variable.
To test the null hypothesis H0, we follow a generally accepted procedure in
applications of statistics, which consists of comparing the fit of two rival mod-
els. In one of the models, referred to as the restricted (or reduced) model, the
null hypothesis is implemented—i.e., its stipulated parameter restrictions are
introduced. In the other model, referred to as the full model, this hypothesis
is not implemented. The difference in fit between these models provides infor-
mation that bears upon our decision whether to retain the null hypothesis or
to reject it. This general procedure is utilized frequently in applications of
statistics in the social and behavioral sciences, and it is also sometimes referred
to as nested model testing.
Specifically in the context of MRA, and for the purpose of examining the
above null hypothesis H0 of dropping the last k  p predictors, we consider
the following two models in an application of this testing procedure:

Model 1: yb0b1x1b2x2...bk xke (full model), and

Model 2: yb0b1x1b2x2...bpxp e* (restricted or reduced model)

As indicated above, we can also call such models nested and specifically refer
to the reduced model as being nested in the full model. (Notice the different
notation used for the error term in the restricted model, owing to this term
not being formally identical to that in the full model, since the latter has more
predictors. Although the intercept and partial regression coefficients are not
the same in both models, we use the same notation for them in order to
emphasize that Model 2 is nested in Model 1; see below.) The motivation for
referring to Model 2 as being nested in Model 1 is the fact that Model 2 is
obtained from Model 1 by imposing additional parameter restrictions, viz.,
those of the null hypothesis H0. Nested models are very widely used in various
fields of applied statistics, such as categorical data analysis, multilevel/hierar-
chical models, latent variable and structural equation modeling, and others.
This is due to the fact that they allow examining substantively meaningful
hypotheses by testing the validity of pertinent parameter restrictions in stud-
ied populations. In many regards, one may often consider nested models as
means of theory development and validation in the behavioral and social sci-

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252 1 3 . 4 . T H E M U LT I P L E F - T E S T A N D E V A L U A T I O N O F C H A N G E

To test the above null hypothesis H0, we can use the ‘‘multiple F-test.’’ This
test is based on the statistic
(13.9) F(R2y.12...kR2y.12...p)/(1R2y.12...k) [(nk1)/(kp)],
which follows under H0 an F-distribution with kp and nk1 degrees of
freedom (Agresti & Finlay, 2009). When the outcome of this test is not sig-
nificant, i.e., the F-ratio in Equation (13.9) is not significant, one can conclude
that the full and reduced models have the same explanatory power with regard
to the response y in the studied population—that is, they have the same R2
index. As a consequence, one can drop the last kp predictors, since the
more parsimonious model that does not include them would be preferable on
grounds of having fewer parameters (see earlier discussion of the parsimony
principle in this section).
Conversely, when the test based on the F-ratio (13.9) is found to be sig-
nificant, it is concluded that dropping the last kp predictors leads to a sig-
nificant loss of explanatory power. The implication then is that one should
keep the last kp predictors, i.e., one will prefer the full model as a better
means of data description and explanation. We note that we invoke the parsi-
mony principle in this model choice activity only when the multiple F-test is
not significant, since only then are we dealing with two equally well-fitting
models that differ in their number of parameters. However, when the test
statistic (13.9) is significant, we are no longer facing such a situation, since
the full model fits the analyzed data better than the reduced model. In such a
case, we obviously would prefer the full model as a means to describe and
explain the data.
We emphasize that in the multiple F-test (13.9) there is no restriction on
the relationship between the two numbers k and p of predictors involved,
other than both being integers with the property 0 ⱕ p ⬍ k ⬎ 0. Thereby,
k  p  1 is possible as a special case. Then one would be interested in
testing whether a given predictor can be dropped, viz., the last in the above
predictor ordering. In that case, the question that is addressed by testing the
resulting null hypothesis H0: bk  0, is whether the kth predictor is significant.
This question asks whether the kth predictor enhances significantly the
explanatory power of the model over and above what the remaining k1
predictors furnish with respect to explaining variance in the outcome y. That
is, testing the null hypothesis H0 when k  p  1 amounts to testing the
unique predictive power of the kth predictor, in the context of the other k  1
predictors, i.e., after including them first in the model and adding then the
predictor in question as last in it.
Conversely, when p  0 the test of the null hypothesis is H0: b1  b2  ...
 bk  0, and it amounts to testing whether the fitted MRA model (13.2)
has any explanatory power at all, i.e., is tantamount to testing the null hypoth-

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esis H0': b1  b2  ...  bk  0. In this case, the full model is compared to

the reduced model where there is no predictor at all. Such a reduced model is
frequently referred to as a null model. The reason is that it is characterized by
the properties that (i) apart from the standard error of estimate, its only
parameter is the mean of the outcome variable that equals then the intercept
term b0; and (ii) there are no predictors included in it. When comparing the
full model to the null model, the F-test statistic in (13.9) reduces to the earlier
discussed statistic (13.4) for testing the null hypothesis H0⬘, which itself
amounts to testing that in the studied population R2  0 holds for the perti-
nent MRA model. (Indeed, by substituting p  0 in (13.9), one directly
obtains the test statistic (13.4) of relevance then; see Section 13.2.)
The discussed test for dropping predictors from a MRA model, which is
based on the multiple F-statistic (13.9), can also be used to determine whether
one can add one or more predictors to a regression model under consider-
ation. To this end, all one needs to do is (a) consider the model with the
added predictors as the full model, (b) view the model before their addition
as the reduced model, and (c) rephrase the research question to ask if these
added predictors can actually be dropped. This approach is of special impor-
tance in what is frequently referred to as hierarchical regression analysis. In
such an analysis, based on substantive reasons and questions to be answered,
a researcher develops a prespecified order of entry of (sets of) predictors into
a regression model under consideration. Applying the multiple F-test then
addresses the query of whether a certain set of predictors added at a later stage
improves explanation of the response variance over and above what has
already been achieved by the earlier entered predictors into the model. When
considering adding only a single predictor, as mentioned above, it follows
from this discussion that testing the null hypothesis H0: bk  0 is actually
examining the significance of the kth predictor when added last in a regression
model under consideration.
We illustrate the multiple F-test by revisiting the earlier Example 13.1. For
our purposes here, we will be interested in testing whether we can drop the
two induction tests from the original set of four predictors used to explain
variance in the general mental ability score y. This question determines the
full model (Model 1) as the MRA model (13.3) with all four predictors, which
we already fitted in the preceding subsection, and its output is available to us
in the R-object ‘mrmod.1’. The reduced model is that model but without the
two induction tests, denoted earlier x1 and x3. The reduced model, referred to
as Model 2, is nested in Model 1, and does not contain these induction tests
as predictors. The equation for Model 2 is thus as follows:
(13.10) y  b0b2x2b4x4e.
We stress that in Equation (13.10) the intercept and partial regression weights
b0, b2, and b4, as well as error term e, are not identical to the corresponding

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254 1 3 . 4 . T H E M U LT I P L E F - T E S T A N D E V A L U A T I O N O F C H A N G E

intercept, slopes, and error term with the same symbols in Model 1, but we
purposely use the same notation here in order to emphasize that Model 2 is
nested in Model 1.
To fit Model 2 with R, we use the same command ‘lm’, yet now only for-
mally state the sum of the included predictors x2 and x4 after the sign ‘⬃’,
and assign the name ‘mrmod.2’ to the R-object resulting as the output pro-
duced thereby (output summarized beneath fitting model command):

> mrmod.2 = lm(y~x2+x4)

> summary(mrmod.2)

lm(formula = y ~ x2 + x4)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.262032 -0.077504 -0.001397 0.081131 0.431446

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.04353 0.03800 -1.145 0.254
x2 0.42613 0.08715 4.889 2.48e-06 ***
x4 0.65506 0.10565 6.200 4.78e-09 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.1211 on 157 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.6213, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6165
F-statistic: 128.8 on 2 and 157 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

We see from this output that the R2 index of Model 2 is markedly lower, as
is its adjusted R2, than the corresponding indexes of Model 1. Conversely, the
summary measures for the individual residuals associated with Model 2 (see
top part of output) are also notably higher than the corresponding measures
for Model 1 (see top part of output for Model 1 presented in Table 13.1). This
suggests that Model 2 does not fit the data as well as Model 1 in the available
sample of 160 students. However, the actual question to address is whether
this is indeed the case in the studied population. In statistical terms, this ques-
tion asks whether the drop in the R2 index when moving from Model 1 to
Model 2—i.e., when removing the induction test scores as predictors of the

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general mental ability score—is significant or not. To answer this question,

we use the multiple F-test (13.9), which is accomplished in R by employing
the command ‘anova’:

> anova(mrmod.2, mrmod.1)

We emphasize that this command has two arguments—the R-objects of the

outputs associated with Model 2 and Model 1 that are being compared (stated
in this order). The resulting output is presented next.

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: y ~ x2 + x4
Model 2: y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4

Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)

1 157 2.3041
2 155 1.2061 2 1.0980 70.557 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

According to these results, Model 2 fits the data significantly worse than
Model 1—see the F-statistic of 70.557, which is significant since its associated
p-value is very small, practically zero. Hence, we can conclude that the drop
in the R2, i.e., in explanatory power, when deleting the two predictors in ques-
tion is significant in the studied population. In other words, the removal of
the two induction test scores as predictors of general mental ability is associ-
ated with a significant loss in explanatory power of the MRA model initially
fitted (Model 1). For this reason, we prefer Model 1, i.e., the full model, to
Model 2.
Conversely, if one were interested in the first instance in examining
whether one could drop the figural relations test scores from the original set
of four predictors of the general mental ability score y, one would proceed as
follows. Again, Model 1 (see Section 13.1) would be the full model. However,
the reduced model would now be the following one, referred to as Model 3,
where as earlier in this section we use the same parameter and error term
notation to emphasize that it is nested in Model 1:
(13.11) yb0b1x1b3x3e.
We fit this model with the same R command ‘lm’ as above, but attach to it
the object name ‘mrmod.3’ (results summarized subsequently):

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256 1 3 . 4 . T H E M U LT I P L E F - T E S T A N D E V A L U A T I O N O F C H A N G E

> mrmod.3 = lm(y~x1+x3)

> summary(mrmod.3)
lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x3)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.193680 -0.060374 -0.002124 0.071413 0.259955

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.15095 0.01761 8.570 9.15e-15 ***
x1 0.35528 0.08806 4.035 8.52e-05 ***
x3 0.59523 0.06845 8.695 4.37e-15 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.09235 on 157 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.78, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7772
F-statistic: 278.2 on 2 and 157 DF, p-value: ⬍ 2.2e-16

We see that the R2 index associated with Model 3 is notably lower in the
analyzed sample than that index for Model 1. To test if a loss in predictive
power is the case also in the population, we apply the multiple F-test for these
indexes of Models 1 and 3 (result given beneath command):

> anova(mrmod.3, mrmod.1)

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: y ~ x1 = x3
Model 2: y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 157 1.33893
2 155 1.20608 2 0.13285 8.5367 0.000304 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The multiple F-test is associated here with a fairly small p-value that is
lower than a prespecified significance level (usually ␣  .05). Thus, the loss
in predictive power is significant when moving from the original set of four

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predictors to only the two inductive reasoning tests. We thus prefer Model 1,
rather than Model 3, as a means of data description.
Of course, in order to have more trust in Model 1 for data description
purposes, as was illustrated in Chapter 12, we need to examine the individual
residuals associated with it. We will attend to this issue in a later section of
the chapter.
The F-test used throughout this section plays also a prominent role in other
predictor selection strategies, which we turn to next.


In the previous section concerning the choice between models involving dif-
ferent subsets of an initial set of predictors, we had a preconceived idea which
particular subsets to use in the different model versions considered. Fre-
quently in empirical behavioral and social research, however, a researcher
does not have such an idea and is interested in finding the minimum number
of predictors, from an original set of independent variables, that account for
almost as much (as much as possible) variance in the response variable as
that original set of explanatory variables. The resulting model with a minimal
number of predictors will be associated with highest stability of regression
coefficient estimates, smallest standard errors, and shortest confidence inter-
vals, if it is a plausible means of data description and explanation. There are
several possible predictor selection approaches available that aim at accomp-
lishing this goal and are discussed next.

13.5.1. Forward selection

In this procedure, one starts with the predictor exhibiting the highest sig-
nificant correlation (in absolute value) with the dependent variable, i.e., this
predictor is the first to be included in the model. Denote for simplicity this
explanatory variable as x1. That is, since x1 correlates most strongly with the
response y, the initial version of the regression model of interest becomes y
 b0  b1x1  e. At the second step of this model development approach,
one adds from the remaining explanatory variables the next predictor that
fulfills the following conditions: (a) it significantly increases the amount of
explained variance in y, over and above what is already achieved by x1; and (b)
it is associated with the highest increment in explained variance in y among all
remaining predictors (denoted say x2 through xk, with k being the number of
predictors in the initial set of independent variables under consideration).
Denote this predictor, for simplicity, as x2. The MRA model looks at step 2 as
follows: y  b0  b1x1  b2x2  e. One continues in this fashion until
there is no predictor left that significantly improves the proportion explained

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variance in the response y. We note that this procedure may be terminated at

step 2 if there is no predictor among x2 through xk that would significantly
increase the explained variance in y. Indeed, the procedure may even termi-
nate at step 1 if there is no predictor at all that significantly relates to the
response variable. In that unusual case, the final model will simply be y  b0
 e, where b0 will subsequently be estimated as the mean of the outcome
variable y. As with each predictor selection approach, for the final model
arrived at with this forward selection procedure one needs to answer the ques-
tion whether it represents a plausible means of data description and explana-
tion (e.g., Section 13.6).
The fundamental statistical criterion applied at each step of this model-
building approach is the ‘‘multiple F-test’’ discussed in Section 13.5, and spe-
cifically its special case when p  k  1 (dropping/adding of a single pre-
dictor at a time). A notable limitation of this selection procedure is that it
may miss the best model, since predictors are never allowed to be deleted. For
example, an earlier included predictor may lose its (significant) explanatory
power at a later stage—for instance, when adding another independent vari-
able related sufficiently closely to it—but be retained in the equation unneces-
sarily since predictor removal is not possible when applying this forward
procedure. Similarly, due to multiple analyses of the same data set, capitaliza-
tion on chance may occur. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out a
replication study before a final decision is made for preferring a particular
model version from the series considered.

13.5.2. Backward elimination

This selection approach is in a sense the reverse of forward predictor selec-
tion. However, unlike forward selection, backward elimination begins with all
predictors in the initial set being included in the model (after ensuring that
there is no multicollinearity among them). In the next step, the nonsignificant
predictor associated with the highest p-value is deleted. One continues in this
fashion until no other nonsignificant predictor is left in the model. Also in
this selection procedure one can see the above-mentioned special case of the
multiple F-test (Section 13.5) as being of particular importance, since evalua-
tion of predictor significance is accomplished using it. We note that the proce-
dure may be terminated at step 1, when all predictors in the initial set are
significant that are included in the starting model.
Similarly to the forward selection procedure, backward elimination may
miss the best model. The reason is that here predictors are not allowed to be
added. For example, a predictor may be decided to be dropped at an earlier
stage, which however may be profitable to have in the MRA model version

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considered at a later stage, as far as fit to the analyzed data is concerned. Also,
given that multiple analyses are carried out on the same data set, capitalization
on chance may occur. Hence, it can be recommended to carry out a replica-
tion study before a final decision is made for selection of a particular model
version from the series of models considered during the process of backward
elimination. Despite these drawbacks, backward predictor selection may be
recommended for initial sets consisting of not too many independent vari-
ables that are not involved in a nearly perfect (or perfect) linear relationship.
(Such a relationship will be the case, as pointed out earlier in this chapter, if
the initial set of predictors explain a significant proportion of response vari-
ance yet none of them is significant; see below.)
We illustrate the backward model selection procedure with the following

Example 13.2: In a study of n  145 students, tests of algebra, geometry, and

trigonometry were administered to them, along with a scale of educational
motivation and a scale of college aspiration. In addition, data on their gender
and socioeconomic status (low versus high, 0 and 1 respectively) were collected.
The data can be found in the file CH13_EX2.dat. In it, the first three mentioned
measures are correspondingly symbolized x1 through x3; the following two scale
scores x4 and y, respectively; while gender and socioeconomic status are desig-
nated ‘gender’ and ‘ses’. A researcher is interested in explaining individual dif-
ferences in college aspiration in terms of such differences on the other six
variables. The researcher is particularly concerned with selecting those predict-
ors from the set of six independent variables, which possess unique explanatory
power for college aspiration.

To accomplish this goal, we can employ the backward elimination strategy.

To this end, we commence with a model containing all six predictors—x1
through x4, ‘gender’, and ‘ses’ (see, e.g., Section 13.1)—which we refer to
as Model 1 below. (Plotting the response against each continuous predictor,
employing the R-command ‘plot’ as earlier in the book, did not reveal any
pattern of nonlinear relationship between them.) Using the R command ‘lm’,
we assign the name ‘mod1’ to the R-object being the associated output (pre-
sented beneath the command):

> mod1 = lm(y~x1+lx2+x3+x4+gender+ses)

> summary(mod1)

lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + gender + ses)

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Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.210946 -0.064542 -0.004346 0.062526 0.229199

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.038246 0.036231 1.056 0.292981
x1 0.307247 0.088250 3.482 0.000668 ***
x2 0.169371 0.069205 2.447 0.015646 *
x3 0.436553 0.079024 5.524 1.59e-07 ***
x4 0.172747 0.090668 1.905 0.058824 .
gender -0.008562 0.021672 -0.395 0.693391
ses -0.028573 0.021630 -1.321 0.188689
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.08868 on 138 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.8014, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7928
F-statistic: 92.81 on 6 and 138 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

In this starting model, there are several nonsignificant predictors at the

conventional significance level of .05, with ‘gender’ having the highest p-value
among them. We thus drop ‘gender’ from Model 1, leading to Model 2, which
does not include it as a predictor. The output of Model 2 is presented in the
R-object denoted ‘mod2’ (output provided beneath the command ‘lm’):

> mod2 = lm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4+ses)

> summary(mod2)

lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + ses)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.212776 -0.065415 -0.003973 0.060831 0.227550

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.03070 0.03070 1.000 0.318955
x1 0.30718 0.08798 3.491 0.000644 ***
x2 0.16723 0.06878 2.431 0.016318 *
x3 0.43599 0.07877 5.535 1.50e-07 ***

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x4 0.17653 0.08989 1.964 0.051527 .

ses -0.02234 0.01476 -1.513 0.132438
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.08841 on 139 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.8012, Adjusted R-squared: 0.794
F-statistic: 112 on 5 and 139 DF, p-value: ⬍ 2.2e-16

Also in Model 2 we have nonsignificant predictors, with ‘ses’ having the

highest p-value among them. We drop it from the model in its next fitted
version, referred to as Model 3:

> mod3 = lm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4)

> summary(mod3)

lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.201879 -0.060719 -0.001018 0.062009 0.237407

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.02148 0.03022 0.711 0.47848
x1 0.30793 0.08838 3.484 0.00066 ***
x2 0.17255 0.06901 2.500 0.01356 *
x3 0.43206 0.07909 5.463 2.08e-07 ***
x4 0.17189 0.09025 1.905 0.05887 .
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.08881 on 140 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7979, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7921
F-statistic: 138.2 on 4 and 140 DF, p-value: ⬍ 2.2e-16

The last remaining nonsignificant predictor is educational motivation, and

deleting it we obtain Model 4, which has only significant predictors:

> mod4 = lm(y~x1+x2+x3)

> summary(mod4)

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lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.1964412 -0.0644397 -0.0008611 0.0625979 0.2445131

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.05389 0.02521 2.138 0.034267 *
x1 0.31187 0.08918 3.497 0.000630 ***
x2 0.23390 0.06160 3.797 0.000217 ***
x3 0.48146 0.07541 6.385 2.32e-09 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.08964 on 141 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.7927, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7883
F-statistic: 179.7 on 3 and 141 DF, p-value: ⬍ 2.2e-16

The last fitted model, Model 4, shows that if fixing any two of the student
scores on the mathematics tests, knowledge of the third improves significantly
the proportion of explained variance in the response variable, college aspira-
tion. This is at the same time the most parsimonious model version consid-
ered, and we observe that in it the standard errors associated with the
intercept and partial regression slopes are smallest overall from the four mod-
els fitted in this example. In addition, Model 4 is associated with essentially
the same explanatory power that all six predictors afforded, when we compare
its R2 (and adjusted R2) index with that of the starting model containing all
initially considered independent variables. This example demonstrates how
use of the backward selection procedure can lead to parsimonious models that
fit relatively well a given data set.

13.5.3. Stepwise selection (stepwise regression)

This approach to selecting predictors aims at improving upon the forward
selection method. In stepwise regression, which similarly starts with a single
predictor model version (assuming the existence of a predictor that is signifi-
cantly correlated with the response variable), it is possible for a predictor to
be dropped at a later stage if it is subsequently found not to improve signifi-
cantly the model predictive power with regard to the outcome. This is

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achieved by inspecting at each stage the t-value of each predictor included in

the model equation, which as mentioned is an index of its contribution to
explaining response variance if the predictor is entered last in the model. (The
square of this t-value equals the F-ratio in Equation (13.9), if one formally
considers dropping this predictor from the model version containing it, or
alternatively adding it last into the associated regression equation.) Just like
the two previously mentioned procedures, the statistical criterion that under-
lies this selection approach is again the multiple F-test.
A stepwise selection approach can be recommended whenever a researcher
is interested in predicting a response variable using variables from a given
initial set, and he or she wishes to accomplish this with the most parsimoni-
ous, plausible model possible for the analyzed data. Stepwise regression can-
not be used in general for making conclusions about the unique predictive
power of variables in that initial set, however, and in fact is not recommended
for modeling related purposes other than prediction, due to the high likeli-
hood of capitalization on chance that can lead to spurious results.
Another variable selection procedure based upon stepwise regression involves
examining all possible models from the total list of predictor variables avail-
able. For k predictor variables, 2k regression models are possible (including the
intercept-only model). The major shortcoming of the all-possible-regression-
model approach to variable selection is that one must often examine a large
number of models, even if the number of predictor variables is relatively
small—for example, if k  8, 2k  256 regression models and if k  20,
2k  1,048,576 regression models.
Reducing the number of predictive variables to investigate is a common
problem for applied researchers in many disciplines. Selecting a subset of vari-
ables from a long list of potential predictor variables has received much atten-
tion in the methodological literature, and work continues in this area. Some
new procedures that are beginning to gain popularity include the automated
variable selection procedures of so-called Tabu and genetic algorithms (for
details see Drezner, Marcoulides, & Salhi, 1999; Marcoulides, Drezner, &
Schumacker, 1998; Marcoulides & Drezner, 2001; Marcoulides & Drezner,
2003; Marcoulides & Ing, 2011). Although a description of these new proce-
dures is beyond the scope of this book, it is important to note that they, like
those described above, are based solely on selecting variables using statistical
criteria. However, relying only on statistical criteria to select variables for
explanation or prediction can contribute to poor statistical practice and is
therefore not blindly recommended. Whenever available, researchers should
also rely on nonstatistical criteria, such as available theory, previous research,
and professional judgment to guide the variable selection process.

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264 1 3 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F R E S I D U A L S F O R M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L S



We discussed at length in Chapter 12 (Section 12.6) how one can examine the
individual case residuals for fitted SLR models, in order to assess whether
their underlying assumptions are plausible and if the models fit the analyzed
data well. We emphasized thereby that while the R2 and adjusted R2 indexes
provide useful overall goodness-of-fit measures, they might be relatively high
also when there are several subjects whose data are not well fit by a model in
question, which therefore need not necessarily be viewed as a satisfactory
means of data description and explanation. Similarly, individual residuals
associated with MRA models are of particular relevance for assumption
assessment as well as exploration of the degree to which the models fit the
individual data. This is another important criterion of model adequacy, some-
times referred to as ‘‘local fit’’ as opposed to the ‘‘overall fit’’ evaluated by the
aforementioned R2 indexes.
When the MRA model (13.2) is fit to a given data set, as in the SLR model
(12.1) the residual ê i associated with the ith individual is the discrepancy
between his or her observation on the response variable, yi, and its corre-
sponding model prediction:

(13.12) êiyiŷiyib̂0b̂1x1ib̂2x2i...b̂kxki,

where xji denote his or her value on the jth predictor (i  1,..., n, j  1,..., k).
We stress that the residual êi depends on (i) that individual’s data for the used
predictors, (ii) the fitted model, and (iii) the response variable in a given
modeling session. (As indicated earlier in the book, response variables may
change within an empirical study, depending on research questions pursued.)
For a MRA model under consideration, plots of the individual residuals
ê i (i  1,..., n) against various other variables provide a researcher with
insightful information pertaining to the plausibility of its assumptions and
goodness of fit to the analyzed data, and they are readily obtained with R
using the same commands discussed in Chapter 12 (Section 12.6). When a
MRA model is of concern, it is useful to examine the plots of the residuals
against each predictor included in it, in order to assess whether higher powers
of that predictor may be also profitably included in the model. Furthermore,
with a MRA model it is also informative to plot residuals against predictors
not included in it. The presence of a discernible pattern in the resulting plots,
in particular a linear relationship to a variable not used as a predictor in the
model, may be interpreted as suggesting that inclusion of this predictor can
improve markedly the model. These residual plots are also useful to inspect
when an initial SLR model is fitted to data but one is interested in examining

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1 3 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F R E S I D U A L S F O R M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L S 265

if one or more additional predictors may be helpful to include in it with the

view of improving model fit.
We illustrate this discussion with the last model fitted to the data from
Example 13.2, which we denoted Model 4. For this model with the predictors
x1 through x3 (the three mathematics test scores), we obtain readily using R
the plots of residuals against each one of these predictors as well as the
response variable y (cf. Chapter 12, Section 12.6; see Figure 13.1):

FIGURE 13.1.
Plots of Model 4 residuals against predictors, response, and model predictions (fitted
values; see horizontal axis notation to differentiate between plots).

FIGUR E 13.1 (continued)

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266 1 3 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F R E S I D U A L S F O R M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L S

FIGUR E 13.1 (continued)

FIGUR E 13.1 (continued)

> plot(x1, resid(mod4))

> plot(x2, resid(mod4))
> plot(x3, resid(mod4))
> plot(y, resid(mod4))
> plot(predict(mod4), resid(mod4))

After inspecting the plots displayed in Figure 13.1, we see that none of these
plots shows a clear pattern indicating model misfit. This suggests that Model
4 does not exhibit serious lack of fit at the individual data level. We next
evaluate the normality assumption with regard to the model residuals, using
the R commands ‘qqnorm’ and ‘qqline’ (see Chapter 12, Section 12.6, and
Figure 13.2):

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1 3 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F R E S I D U A L S F O R M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L S 267

FIGUR E 13.1 (continued)

Normal probability plot for the residuals of Model 4.

> qqnorm(resid(mod4))
> qqline(resid(mod4))

The plot displayed in Figure 13.2 does not indicate serious violations of
normality, which as pointed out earlier in the chapter is an assumption
needed for inferences that can be made from the model results.
Based on the residual plots discussed in this section (see Figures 13.1 and
13.2), as well as the earlier findings of its relatively high R2, adjusted R2, and
parsimony, we conclude that Model 4 represents a plausible means of data
description and explanation for the empirical study in question, which we
prefer to the other considered models.

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268 1 3 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F R E S I D U A L S F O R M U LT I P L E R E G R E S S I O N M O D E L S

We conclude this section by emphasizing that residual plots present infor-

mative means of assessment of model assumptions and fit to analyzed data,
over and above the conventional and adjusted R2 indexes. For this reason,
residual plots are highly recommended for use in applications of multiple
regression analysis in empirical social and behavioral research.

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Analysis of Variance
and Covariance

Researchers in the behavioral and social sciences are often interested in com-
paring various response variables across several distinct populations, such as
different socioeconomic (SES) groups, states, countries, cities, or districts. For
example, a researcher studying depression and aging might want to determine
whether there are differences in the levels of depression exhibited by elderly
persons living in three different states. Similarly, examination of possible SES
group differences in student motivation may well be of concern in an educa-
tional setting. In such cases, a very useful statistical method for conducting
such comparisons is the analysis of variance (ANOVA). When, in addition to
the group differentiation, continuous independent variables are also consid-
ered as playing an explanatory role for a response measure, the extension of
this technique to accommodate such variables is referred to as analysis of
covariance (ANCOVA). These two modeling approaches are the topics of the
present chapter. As we will point out in a later section, both techniques are
closely related to the method of regression analysis we introduced in the two
previous chapters.


ANOVA is a widely used statistical method for examining whether two or

more independent populations have the same mean values. (The special case
of ANOVA with two populations is the t-test for independent means that we
presented in Chapter 8; for this reason, the case of g  2 groups will not
be considered again in this chapter.) The ANOVA framework was originally
developed by the famous British statistician R. A. Fisher in the 1920s, and it
has ever since enjoyed great popularity among behavioral and social scientists
interested in studying whether several distinct populations share the same
mean on an outcome variable. Extensions to more than one simultaneously
considered response measure are also available and frequently used in applica-


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tions of multivariate statistics (e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008), which is a

more advanced topic that we will not be concerned with in the rest of the
To introduce the ANOVA framework, consider g independent populations
and an outcome variable of interest, as usual denoted y. (As indicated above,
g ⬎ 2 will be assumed throughout the remainder of the chapter.) Let us desig-
nate its means in these populations correspondingly by ␮1, ␮2,..., ␮g. ANOVA
is a statistical method that allows one to address the question of whether these
means are the same, and a number of related queries. That is, at the heart of
ANOVA is the examination of the null hypothesis
(14.1) H0: ␮1␮2...␮g,
which stipulates identity of the population means. The alternative hypothesis
Ha states that there are at least two populations (often referred to as groups)
with different means. That is, Ha is simply the negation of H0 and does not
postulate anything about the number of groups with differing means—these
can be as few as two groups, but there may also be more than two groups that
have unequal means if the alternative hypothesis is correct. Similarly, this
hypothesis does not posit any particular form of violation of the null hypothe-
sis. Specifically, whether the mean in one of the groups is larger or smaller
than that in another group(s) is immaterial for the validity of Ha.
Before we move on to discussing the ANOVA test of the null hypothesis
(14.1), we mention that one conceivable way to examine it may appear to
consist of a series of t-tests carried out on all possible pairs of groups from
the available g groups in a given study. However, as discussed at length in the
literature (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009, and references therein), such an
approach would have a serious problem that compromises its meaningfulness.
Specifically, with this approach one would be committing an overall Type I
error with a fairly high probability in general. This probability is defined as
that for falsely rejecting at least one null hypothesis in the series of pair-wise
t-tests, in case all groups have the same means. To obtain an appreciation for
this probability, let us assume that the null hypotheses in all those t-tests are
true. That is, for the g(g  1)/2 in total t-tests, one asks the question ‘‘What
would be the probability that in at least one of them the null hypothesis of
equality in the respective pair of means will be incorrectly rejected?’’ This
probability is referred to as the overall Type I error probability (at times also
called the family-wise Type I error rate).
Due to the multitude of t-tests involved, however, it is easily realized that
this error rate is much higher than that for a Type I error associated with any
one of these t-tests. Hence, even if one controls, say, at ␣  .05 the latter
Type I error (i.e., this error rate for each of the t-tests), there is still a very
high probability in general of falsely rejecting at least one of the correct null

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hypotheses across the g(g  1)/2 t-tests that one would need to carry out in
order to examine all pairs of groups with regard to their mean differences. In
particular, even with only three groups, the overall Type I error will be above
.14 rather than controlled at ␣, and this error grows essentially exponentially
with increasing number of groups g in the study (e.g., Howell, 2009). This is
a highly undesirable feature of the series of t-tests contemplated, which repre-
sents its serious inferential problem. This problem can be resolved by using
the ANOVA test of the overall null hypothesis (14.1), which is a single test
that is in addition carried out at a given and controlled significance level—
usually at ␣  .05 (at least in general, and depends on the choice of the
researcher). The remainder of the present section will be concerned with this
ANOVA test.
In order to be in a position to use the ANOVA approach for testing the
null hypothesis (14.1), several assumptions are typically made. As was done
on a few occasions earlier in the book, it is assumed that the response variable
y is normally distributed in each of the g populations under consideration.
(This implies that the outcome variable is assumed throughout this chapter
to be continuous, as in the preceding two chapters dealing with simple and
multiple regression analysis.) In addition, the variance of y is assumed to be
the same in all populations—we denote this common variance by ␴ 2. Finally,
the available random samples from the g populations in question are assumed
to be independent of one another. Under these assumptions, since the mean
and variance are all we need to know in order to reproduce a normal distribu-
tion (as they are sufficient statistics, e.g., see Chapter 5), ANOVA can be seen
as a methodology for testing whether the distribution of the outcome measure
y is independent from the categorical variable defined as group membership.
We stress that the latter variable is not a quantitative measure but rather a
nominal (ordinal) one, and thus the analysis needs to account for this fact. In
the context of ANOVA, such a variable is usually referred to as factor, and the
values it takes as its corresponding levels. We emphasize that there is typically
no meaningful numerical relationship between the levels of a factor. Despite
the fact that frequently they are denoted by real numbers initially in a behav-
ioral study, the factor level values are typically only labels and cannot be
related to one another like real numbers.
To illustrate this discussion, consider the following example:

Example 14.1: In a study of n  156 elderly persons from g  4 different

states, their depression level was measured using an established instrument. The
resulting data are contained in the file CH14_EX1.dat, where the depression
score is denoted ‘y’ and the subject state of residence is symbolized as ‘state’.
(Scores on the state variable range from 1 through 4 denoting formally each
state, a practice usually followed initially in empirical research to designate

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group membership.) A researcher is concerned with the question of whether

there are differences in depression of aged adults across these four states.

Since state residency is not a quantitative variable, we need to instruct the

software to treat it accordingly. This is accomplished in the software R by
defining such a variable as a factor, which we achieve with the following com-
mands (explanations provided subsequently; see also Note at end of chapter):

> d = read.table("C://data/CH14_EX1.dat", header = T)

> attach(d)
> d$state = factor(d$state, labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"))
> detach(d)
> attach(d)

After reading the data into the software and making it available to R with
the second command, we define the variable ‘state’ as a factor. (Unless we
do so, R will treat it as a continuous variable and each of its scores will be
handled as if it were a real number, which is obviously not the case in this
example.) To this end, we use the third-listed command ‘d$state  fac-
tor(.,.)’, which assigns the status of a factor to the component (variable) of
the data set ‘d’ whose name is ‘state’, i.e., the variable ‘state’. Thereby, we
assign the labels A through D correspondingly to 1 through 4 on the original
variable ‘state’, as values on the new factor variable that for convenience we
also name ‘state’. We do not need then the original copy of the data set, and
so we detach it with the fourth command. In order to make the last created
variable available for further analyses, however, we attach the data set with
the so-modified ‘state’ variable (and the variable ‘y’ being unchanged) using
the last command. To see the result of these five commands, and in particu-
lar the number of subjects from each state in the overall sample of 156
elderly persons in the sample, we summarize the data on the variable ‘state’
in the newly created data set ‘d’ using the ‘summary’ command (output
given immediately beneath it):

> summary(state)

39 38 40 39

This short output shows that we have about equally many elderly adults sam-
pled from each state, who participate in this investigation. To view the state
estimates of mean depression, we readily calculate the sample average of the

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depression scores per state as follows (commands explanation provided subse-


> mean.state.A = sum(y*(state=="A"))/39

> mean.state.B = sum(y*(state=="B"))/38
> mean.state.C = sum(y*(state=="C"))/40
> mean.state.D = sum(y*(state=="D"))/39

For each of the four states, we sum the depression scores only for the
elderly persons in its sample, which we accomplish by using a logical com-
mand assigning a 1 to each person from that state and 0 otherwise. For
instance, for state A this logical command is ‘state ‘‘A’’ ’, resulting in 1
for subjects from state A only and 0 for everyone else. We then multiply the
result of this logical operation with the depression score, sum across the entire
sample of 156 persons (but in effect only across the subjects from a given
state, say A), and divide by the state-specific sample size (see output of preced-
ing command ‘summary’). In this way, the following state sample means

> mean.state.A
[1] 19.58974
> mean.state.B
[1] 21.71053
> mean.state.C
[1] 23.02500
> mean.state.D
[1] 20.53846

These four means differ somewhat, but we emphasize that they are sample
averages and hence their differences are not unexpected. For this reason, even
if in the elderly population of concern the state depression means were to be
the same, one cannot expect them to be so also in the samples from the four
states under consideration. Specifically, the observed mean differences are
obviously due to sampling fluctuations (sampling error). How much variabil-
ity of the sample means could one expect to observe, however, should the null
hypothesis be true, and how strong variability in them would be sufficient in
order not to consider this hypothesis credible or retainable? In other words,
how much variability in the sampling means could be explained by chance
fluctuations only? We need to find next an answer to this query, which is

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precisely the question that ANOVA addresses using a specifically developed

test statistic that we now turn to.


In order to develop a test of the null hypothesis H0 in Equations (14.1), one

can argue in the following way. If this hypothesis were to be incorrect, then
we would expect to see quite some differences in the means (depending of
course on the degree of violation of H0). However, if H0 were to be true, we
would expect the sample means to be ‘similar’, i.e., not to vary considerably.
Yet what would be a reasonable degree of variability to expect then in the
observed group means? This should be related to the extent to which subject
scores vary from one another within each of the four groups. Hence, if we can
obtain an estimate of the extent of this variability, we can use it in evaluating
whether the sample means vary from one another more than they would be
expected to under the assumption that the null hypothesis H0 is true.
This intuitive reasoning is the basis of the conceptual approach behind a
statistical test of the null hypothesis of equal group means in ANOVA. Spe-
cifically, under the earlier made assumption of identical response variance in
the populations in question (usually referred to as homogeneity of variance
assumption), we can obtain an estimate of this common variance ␴2 using
data from all available samples. Alternatively, under the null hypothesis H0
(i.e., on the assumption of its being true) we can work out another estimate
of ␴2 using only the group means. If the two variance estimates are similar,
we could argue that the available data does not contain sufficient evidence to
warrant rejection of the null hypothesis (14.1) of equal means. If the two
variance estimates differ considerably, however, one may doubt the validity of
this hypothesis H0. This argument underlies the procedure of developing the
ANOVA test statistic for examining group mean equality, which we sketch
next (for further details, see e.g., King & Minium, 2003).
To this end, let us denote first the group sample sizes correspondingly by
n1, n2,..., ng, and their sum by n, i.e., n  n1  n2  ...  ng. Designate
further by yij the score on the response variable of the ith subject in the jth
group, and by ȳ1., ȳ2. ,...,ȳg. the means of this variable in the available g samples.
To obtain an estimate of the (assumed) common variance ␴ 2 based on the
degree to which response scores differ from one another within the groups,
which we refer to as within-group variance estimate, we next work out for each
group the squared individual mean deviations and add them across groups.
The resulting sum is referred to as within-group sum of squares, denoted SSW ,
and equals
n1 n2 ng

(14.2) 兺 (yi1ȳ1.)2i1
SSWi1 兺 (yi2ȳ2.)2...i1
兺 (yigȳg.)2.

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To obtain then the within-group variance estimate, we need to divide this

sum SSW by the number of independent sources of variability that contribute
to it. This number is the degrees of freedom df associated with the sum SSW .
In order to work them out, we note that we started out with n such sources
of variability (all initially available response scores in the overall sample), but
used g of them to estimate the g group means. Hence, the degrees of freedom
underlying SSW are df  n  g. Denoting by sj2 the (common) variance esti-
mate from the jth group, as we recall from Chapter 3

兺 (yijȳj.)2/(nj1),
sj i1

and hence

(14.3) 兺 (yijȳj.)2(nj1)sj2

(j  1,..., g). Thus, from Equations (14.2) and (14.3) follows

(14.4) SSW(n11)s12(n21)s22...(ng1)sg2.
Therefore, an estimate of the common variance ␴ 2, which is based on all
groups—at times also referred to as pooled variance estimate (cf. Chapter 8 for
the case g  2)—is
(n 1)s12(n21)s22...(ng1)sg2
(14.5) SSW 1 .
Alternatively, using the group means it can be shown that another estimate of
the common variance ␴2 —which becomes quite informative under the null
hypothesis—is (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009)
(14.6) ,
where ȳ.. denotes the overall mean obtained from all data on the response
variable in the overall sample, which consists of all n subjects (units of analy-
sis) disregarding group membership, i.e., pooling over groups. The numerator
in Equation (14.6) is often referred to as between-group sum of squares and
denoted SSB, since it represents the variability of the sample means across the
groups of the study (i.e., variability between groups in the response means).
That is,
An interesting property of the between- and within-group sums of squares
is that when they are added together, the sum of squares in the overall sample
is obtained that is referred to as total sum of squares and denoted SST:

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g nj

(14.7) 兺 i1
SSTj1 兺 (yijȳ..)2SSBSSW.
In Equation (14.7), SST is the sum of squared individual deviations from
the overall mean ȳ.. of each observation yij in the entire sample of n subjects
(i  1,..., nj, j  1,..., g). This equation in fact follows with some algebra from
the following trivial decomposition of each response variable score yij as the
sum of the overall mean ȳ.., the group mean deviation from it, yj.ȳ.., and
that individual score’s deviation from the group mean, yijȳj:
(14.8) yijȳ..(ȳj.ȳ..)(yijȳj.).
Equation (14.8) obviously holds always because the overall and group means
appearing in it, y.. and ȳj, cancel out in it (after disclosing brackets). That is,
Equation (14.8) needs no assumptions in order to be true for any individual
response score, yij, in an empirical study. Taking square from both sides of
Equation (14.8) and summing up over i and j (i.e., over groups and individual
observations within them) leads after some algebra to Equation (14.7).
Equation (14.7) represents a fundamental decomposition of observed vari-
ance into such stemming from individual differences on the response variable
y within the groups (SSW) and variability of its means across the groups (SSB).
That is, (14.7) is a break-up of observed variance into between- and within-
group components. Using this variance decomposition and the earlier made
assumptions, it can be shown (e.g., King & Minium, 2003) that when the
studied population means are the same—i.e., the null hypothesis H0 is true—
the two possible estimates (14.5) and (14.6) of the common variance ␴ 2
should be close in magnitude, i.e., their ratio should be close to 1. When this
hypothesis H0 is incorrect, however, the estimate resulting from the variability
among the sample means will be expected to be larger than that resulting
from within the groups. The extent to which the former estimate will be larger
than the latter, depends on the degree to which the null hypothesis is violated,
i.e., the extent to which the population means differ.
This fact is the basis for using the ratio of these two variance estimates,
(14.9) F ,
as a test statistic of the null hypothesis H0 in Equations (14.1) stipulating
population mean equality. The ratio in (14.9) is frequently referred to as
F-ratio, or ANOVA F-ratio. Specifically, when this F-ratio is close to one in an
empirical study, one may conclude that there is no strong evidence in it
against the tested null hypothesis H0. Conversely, when the F-ratio (14.9) is
sufficiently larger than one, then this null hypothesis cannot be considered
credible and may be rejected. It has been shown that when H0 is true, the

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F-ratio (14.9) follows an F-distribution (see Chapter 9) with degrees of free-

dom d1  g  1 and d2  n  g (King & Minium, 2003). The result of this
test is readily provided by statistical software, in particular R, as is its associ-
ated p-value that can be used in making a decision about the null hypothesis
of equal group means.
We illustrate this discussion using the data in Example 14.1. In that study,
a researcher was interested in examining whether there were any state differ-
ences in depression. The researcher was specifically concerned with testing the
null hypothesis
(14.10) H0: ␮1␮2␮3␮4,
that is, with examining whether there were no depression mean differences
across the four states involved. To respond to this question, it would be
instructive first to obtain the fundamental variance decomposition (14.7) with
the software R. We accomplish this variance break-up using the command
‘aov’ (short for ‘‘analysis of variance’’):

> aov(y~state)

We note that within parentheses we state first the response variable—in this
example y—and then the factor variable, here ‘state’. Thereby, we connect
these two variables with the ‘⬃’ sign, the same sign we used in the last two
chapters when carrying out regression analysis. We will see later in this chap-
ter that this is not a coincidence, as we explore the relationship between
ANOVA and regression analysis and find out that there is a close connection
between these two methodologies. The result of applying the response vari-
ance decomposition in the current example is as follows

aov(formula = y ~ state)

state Residuals
Sum of Squares 261.228 15429.919
Deg. of Freedom 3 152
Residual standard error: 10.07535
Estimated effects may be unbalanced

Accordingly, just over 261 units of variance are due to the factor ‘state’, out
of the total 15429.919  261.228  15691.147 units of variability in the
depression scores across the 156 elderly persons in this study. The estimate of

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the (assumed) common variance, the squared standard error, is here 10.0752
While this is an informative decomposition of observed variance, we are
interested here primarily in seeing whether there is sufficient evidence in the
data that would warrant rejection of the null hypothesis H0 in Equations
(14.10) that is of concern to test. This question is similarly readily responded
to with R, using the command ‘anova’, whereby we can use as an argument
the linear model relating the response with the factor variable (output pro-
vided immediately after command):

> anova(lm(y~state))

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
state 3 261.2 87.1 0.8578 0.4645
Residuals 152 15429.9 101.5

This output contains some of the information we obtained with the command
‘aov’, but in addition we have now the value of the F-ratio (14.9) for this
study and in particular its associated p-value. Since the p-value is larger than
a reasonable significance level, we conclude that the null hypothesis in Equa-
tions (14.10) may be considered retainable. Before we place more trust in
this result, however, we need to address an important assumption made in
developing the ANOVA test, that of variance homogeneity. As will be recalled
from the preceding Section 14.1, this assumption stipulates that the depres-
sion score variances are the same in the four groups involved—with this com-
mon variance denoted ␴ 2 throughout.
To address the plausibility of this assumption, we can test the hypothesis
that the variances of the depression scores are the same in the four studied
groups. (Note that this is not the group mean equality hypothesis (14.1) of
focal interest in ANOVA, but simply of one underlying assumption.) We
accomplish this with R using the command ‘bartlett.test’ (result given imme-
diately beneath it):

> bartlett.test(y~state)
Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances
data: y by state
Bartlett’s K-squared 0.558, df = 3, p-value = 0.906

As we can see from this short output, the variance homogeneity test—named
after a prominent statistician of the past century, M. Bartlett—is associated

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with a nonsignificant p-value. This result shows that the assumption of equal
variances of depression scores across the four groups under consideration may
be viewed as plausible. We note in this regard that if in a given study this
variance homogeneity assumption is found not to be plausible, one can use
an approximation to the ANOVA F-test in (14.9) that is due to Welch, in
order to test the mean equality hypothesis H0. This approximation is available
in R with the command ‘oneway.test(y⬃factor)’, where one provides for ‘fac-
tor’ the name of the group membership variable (e.g., Crawley, 2005). Return-
ing to the example of concern here, given the last presented results we can
now place more trust in the earlier ANOVA finding of a nonsignificant F-ratio
that suggested we may reject the null hypothesis of equal means. In particular,
we can interpret that finding as indicative of no mean differences in older
adults’ depression levels across the four studied states.
As an aside at this point, we note in passing that the nonsignificant ANOVA
F-ratio and variance homogeneity test do not allow us to conclude that there
are no differences in aged adults’ depression across all states in the country.
Rather, our results are valid only for the four states included in this example,
i.e., for these four fixed states from which depression data were available for
the above analysis. For this reason, the ANOVA modeling approach we just
conducted is also commonly referred to as a ‘‘fixed effect’’ analysis of variance,
a reference we will make on a few occasions again later in the book (cf. Rau-
denbush & Bryk, 2002, for an alternative approach and assumptions allowing
possible conclusions beyond the particular states included in an empirical
Whenever we carry out an ANOVA, it is useful to also graphically represent
the relationships between the studied groups with regard to the response vari-
able. As we discussed in Chapter 3, this is conveniently achieved using the
graphical tool of the boxplot, and in particular comparing the boxplots of the
four groups in question in the presently considered study. Such a comparison
is made feasible using the command ‘boxplot’, discussed in detail in that
chapter, which becomes particularly helpful when employed in conjunction
with ANOVA. For our Example 14.1, we obtain a simultaneous display of the
four group boxplots with the following command (see Chapter 3):

> boxplot(y~state)

Its results are presented in Figure 14.1. As we can see from Figure 14.1, a
particularly useful feature of this simultaneous display of the four groups’
boxplots is that it allows us to judge their differences in central tendency in
relation to their variability on the response variable. We readily observe from
Figure 14.1 that the central tendency measures for the four groups involved
differ somewhat (cf. Chapter 3). However, as mentioned earlier in this chap-

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FIGU RE 14.1
Box plots of the four states’ depression scores (Example 14.1).
PAGE 280
1 4 . 3 . F O L L O W - U P A N A LY S E S 281

ter, some group differences should be expected in the analyzed samples since
they are not identical to the populations studied.
The simultaneous boxplot representation for all examined groups in an
ANOVA setting is especially helpful in assessing the extent to which these
observed differences ‘‘matter,’’ i.e., what their relationship is to the variability
of the scores in the studied groups. When in Figure 14.1 the group differences
in central tendency are compared to the group variability on the response as
reflected in the similar vertical distances between the ends of the two associ-
ated whiskers per boxplot, the central tendency differences across the four
groups are no more impressive. Loosely speaking, the F-test (14.9) evaluates
the mean group differences in relation to the within-group variability of the
scores. When these differences are sufficiently smaller than that variability, a
nonsignificant result ensues. This is precisely the situation we are dealing with
in the currently considered Example 14.1.


When the result of an ANOVA application is that the underlying null hypoth-
esis is not rejected (as in Example 14.1), the interpretation as mentioned is
that there are no mean group differences. The implication then is that no two
groups differ in their means on the response variable of concern. In that case,
there may be limited remaining interest in the study, if any, as far as mean
relationships across groups are concerned. However, when the overall null
hypothesis (14.1) is rejected, the interpretation is that at least two groups have
different means. A natural question that arises, then, is what are the reasons
for this hypothesis rejection? This query asks which groups are actually differ-
ent in their means.
This question is addressed by what is frequently referred to as ANOVA
follow-up analyses. These are post hoc analyses since they are performed after
the overall (global, or omnibus) null hypothesis (14.1) has been tested and
rejected. There are a number of post hoc procedures, also at times referred to
as multiple comparison or multiple testing procedures, that have been proposed
over the past several decades. In fact, there are more than a dozen such tests
available in the literature. Given the introductory nature of this book, we will
only be concerned with a particular post hoc procedure called Tukey’s hon-
estly significant difference (HSD), which is often of interest to use as a follow-
up of a significant ANOVA F-test, and we refer the reader to alternative treat-
ments for other multiple-testing procedures (e.g., Howell, 2009; Kirk, 2007).
Tukey’s HSD method has been specifically devised to enable testing for
pair-wise group differences upon rejection of the ANOVA null hypothesis H0
in Equations (14.1). This method responds to the frequently raised question
in empirical research, concerning which particular groups differ from one

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282 1 4 . 3 . F O L L O W - U P A N A LY S E S

another. The rationale behind Tukey’s procedure is the realization that testing
the difference between any two groups, after knowledge is available that the
null hypothesis H0 has been rejected, should be carried out in such a way
that only more pronounced pair-wise group differences are proclaimed as
significant than what would be the case if it was not known that H0 was
rejected in the first instance. This goal will be accomplished if one proclaims
as significantly differing, at a prespecified significance level, only such pairs of
groups with the property that the absolute value of their mean difference
exceeds the following expression

(14.12) q
冪12s (1/n 1/n ).
i j

In Equation (14.12), q is a corresponding quantile of a distribution known as

the studentized range distribution that is implemented in statistical software; s2
is the estimate of the common variance across the groups studied; and ni and
nj are the sample sizes of the two groups involved in a particular compari-
son—say of the ith and jth group means (i, j  1,..., g, i ⬆ j; e.g., Verzani,
2005). Tukey’s HSD method is readily available in statistical software, in par-
ticular R, where the method is invoked by using the command ‘TukeyHSD’
on the outcome of an ‘aov’ command.
To illustrate this discussion, we use the following example:

Example 14.2: Suppose we have data from an educational motivation study of

n  146 middle school students from several socioeconomic status (SES)
groups. The data are available in the file CH14_EX2.dat, where the motivation
score is denoted ‘y’ and the SES group membership as ‘ses’.

As pointed out earlier in this chapter, we first need to read in the data and
declare the ‘ses’ variable as a factor with 4 levels—‘low’, ‘middle’, ‘high’, and
‘upper’, corresponding to the original scores of 1 through 4 on this variable
(see Section 14.2 for the needed R commands). Next we test the null hypothe-
sis of no SES differences in motivation (output presented immediately follow-
ing command):

> anova(lm(y~ses))

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
ses 3 1836.2 612.1 7.1106 0.0001744 ***

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1 4 . 3 . F O L L O W - U P A N A LY S E S 283

Residuals 142 12223.2 86.1

Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We see that the F-test is associated with a significant result here. That is, we
can reject the null hypothesis of no SES differences in motivation and con-
clude that at least two SES groups have different mean level of motivation.
(The Bartlett’s test of the variance homogeneity assumption is nonsignificant
here, as can be readily found using the earlier mentioned command ‘bartlett.
test’ on this four-group data set.) We then graphically display the boxplots of
the four groups:

> boxplot(y~ses)

The results of this command are presented in Figure 14.2. We see from the
simultaneous display of the four boxplots in Figure 14.2 that the high SES
group has the largest central tendency measure and is also most compact
in terms of variability of the motivation scores. Given the significant mean
differences finding above, we would like to see now which pairs of groups
have different means. We wish to ascertain statistically these differences, and
for this aim we apply the Tukey’s HSD method (note the use of the ‘aov’
command as argument of this post hoc analysis command):

> TukeyHSD(aov(lm(y~ses)))

Tukey multiple comparisons of means

95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula  lm(y ~ ses))

diff lwr upr p adj
middle-low 2.684685 -2.9618758 8.331245 0.6050505
high-low 9.090090 3.4435296 14.736651 0.0002879
upper-low 1.000000 -4.6851040 6.685104 0.9681069
high-middle 6.405405 0.7976534 12.013157 0.0181971
upper-middle -1.684685 -7.3312451 3.961876 0.8653605
upper-high -8.090090 -13.7366505 -2.443530 0.0015874

This output presents the pair-wise group mean differences in the column
titled ‘diff ’. These differences are followed by their confidence intervals—
adjusted as mentioned for the multiplicity of these pair-wise comparisons—in

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F I G U R E 14 . 2
Box plots of the four SES group educational motivation scores (Example 14.2).
PAGE 284
1 4 . 4 . T W O - W A Y A N D H I G H E R - O R D E R A N A LY S I S O F V A R I A N C E 285

the column titled ‘lwr’ and ‘upr’ (for their lower and upper limits, respec-
tively). The last column, ‘p adj’, presents the p-values associated with testing
the set of 4.3/2  6 pair-wise differences. These p-values are also adjusted for
the fact that six tests rather than a single test are carried out on the same data
set. We see from the last column that the high SES group differs significantly
from each other group, being higher on mean motivation than any of them
in the study. At the same time, the remaining three SES groups do not show
any significant differences among themselves as far as their mean motivation
level is concerned. Hence, it may be suggested that the rejection of the overall
null hypothesis (14.1) of equal educational motivation means across the four
SES groups considered, may have been primarily the result of the high SES
group having a motivation mean higher than any of the remaining three SES
groups. The other three SES groups do not differ considerably from one
another in their mean motivation levels (see also Figure 14.2).



The previous sections examined settings in which observed subjects were clas-
sified into groups (populations) only according to a single categorical variable.
That is, the groups in question represented the levels of a single factor under
consideration. For instance, in Example 14.1 this factor was state, while in
Example 14.2 it was socioeconomic status (SES). As a consequence, no further
differentiation between subjects was taken into account in these considered
settings. For this reason, the ANOVA we dealt with in Sections 14.1 and 14.2
is also referred to as one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA layout or
design), to emphasize that only a single variable is assumed to contribute to
individual differences on an outcome variable of interest.
Behavioral and social research, however, is typically concerned with com-
plex phenomena that cannot be understood well by considering single cate-
gorical variables (group membership) as possibly contributing to observed
subject differences. Given that these phenomena are usually multifactorially
determined, their modeling will be more realistic when additional variables
are included into the analyses. When two factors (categorical variables) are
assumed to contribute to individual differences on a response variable, the
corresponding analytic approach is referred to as two-way ANOVA (two-way
ANOVA layout or design), and as higher-order ANOVA if more than two
categorical variables are considered simultaneously—e.g., a three-way
ANOVA. For example, when studying educational motivation and student
differences in it, gender differences may as well be seen as a potential contrib-
utor to individual differences on motivation in addition to socioeconomic
status. In this case, by considering also gender one would be dealing with two

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rather than a single factor—viz., SES and gender. The corresponding analysis
of response variability will then account for the possible contributions of these
two factors. We turn next to a description of such analytic approaches.
In order to be in a position to discuss two-way and higher-order ANOVA,
it is instructive to return for a moment to Section 14.2, where the test of the
null hypothesis of no mean differences across groups with regard to a single
factor was of interest. In that section, of fundamental relevance was the
decomposition (14.7) of the observed variability, i.e., sum of squares, on the
response variable. Accordingly, the observed sum of squares SST was broken
down into a between-group part, denoted SSB, and a within-group part,
denoted SSW. This decomposition can also be interpreted as stating that SSB is
the part of observed variance (sum of squares) on the response variable, which
is due to the factor under consideration whose levels represent the groups in
the study. For instance, in Example 14.1, SSB is the part of older adults’ differ-
ences in depression that is accounted for by the factor ‘state’ (state residency),
with its four levels representing the four states included in the study. Similarly,
in Example 14.2, SSB is the part of student differences in educational motiva-
tion scores that is explained by the factor socioeconomic status, with its four
levels representing the four groups examined.
The decomposition of response variance is also of fundamental relevance in
two-way and higher-order ANOVAs. In contrast to the preceding two sections
dealing with one-way ANOVAs, however, in a two-way ANOVA we have two
factors contributing to individual differences—e.g., gender and SES in the
above-mentioned motivation study. Accordingly, there are two parts of the
overall sum of squares SST on the outcome measure that they account for. In
addition, there is a new part of the total sum of squares that has no counter-
part in our earlier ANOVA discussions. Specifically, in order to properly
model the sources of individual differences in a setting with two factors (and
similarly with more than two factors), we need to account for the fact that the
effect of one of the factors upon the response variable may depend on the
level of the other factor. For example, when we include both gender and SES
as factors in the motivation study, we need to keep in mind that the effect of
SES on motivation may be different for boys relative to its effect for girls. This
is tantamount to saying that the gender differences in educational motivation
may not be the same in each of the four SES groups of the study. This possibil-
ity of differential effect upon the response of one of the factors, depending on
the levels of the other factor, is captured by the concept of factor interaction.
An interaction between two factors is present when the effect of one of them
on the outcome measure is not the same across the levels of the other factor.
In the motivation study, an interaction between the factors gender and SES
would imply that SES differences in motivation are not the same for boys and

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for girls, and that conversely the boy-girl differences in motivation depend on
SES (SES group).
The possibility that there is an interaction does not mean that it will always
exist—or even be of a marked magnitude—in an empirical study with two or
more factors. If in an empirical setting the effect of one of the factors is the
same regardless of the level of the other factor considered, then there is no
interaction. In the motivation study, lack of interaction between gender and
SES would imply that the boy-girl differences in motivation are the same
regardless of SES, and that the SES impact upon motivation is the same for
both genders. Whether an interaction is present or not in a study depends
obviously on the particular phenomenon researched and can be examined
using the available data from that study.
To evaluate the empirical evidence for an interaction, or lack thereof, in a
two-way ANOVA setting, instrumental use is made of the following decompo-
sition of the response variance into sources attributable to each of the two
factors—denoted, say, A and B—and their possible interaction (subindexed
by ‘‘AB’’; e.g., Howell, 2009):
In Equation (14.13), the symbol SS is used to designate the sum of squares
attributable to the factor in its subindex, the interaction, or the residual—that
is, to all other factors not explicitly included in the right-hand side of (14.13).
(We assume in the remainder of this chapter that there is more than a single
observation in any factor level combination, as will frequently be the case in
an observational behavioral or social study.) To test the significance of the
interaction, we can reason in the following way: If we assume the null hypoth-
esis of no interaction to be true, then the interaction and residual sum of
squares—SSAB and SSR—should evaluate each the residual variance when
either of them is averaged by dividing with its degrees of freedom, leading to
their corresponding mean sum of squares, denoted MSSAB and MSSR. There-
fore, under the null hypothesis of no interaction of the factors A and B, the
(14.14) FMSSAB/MSSR(SSAB/dfAB)/(SSR/dfR)
can be expected to be close to one. In Equation (14.14), dfAB are the degrees
of freedom for the interaction that can be shown to equal the product of the
degrees of freedom dfA and dfB associated with the two factors A and B, and
dfR are the degrees of freedom for the residual. More specifically, if k and p
are the number of levels of factors A and B, respectively, then dfA  k  1,
dfB  p  1, dfAB  (k  1)(p  1), and dfR  n  k  p  (k  1)(p  1)
holds (Agresti & Finlay, 2009).
Furthermore, under the null hypothesis of no interaction, it can be shown

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288 1 4 . 4 . T W O - W A Y A N D H I G H E R - O R D E R A N A LY S I S O F V A R I A N C E

that the F-ratio in (14.14) follows an F-distribution with dfAB and dfR degrees
of freedom (Howell, 2009). In an empirical setting, statistical software—in
particular R—provides readily the value of this F-ratio and its associated
p-value. A small enough p-value for the F-ratio—viz., smaller than a preset
significance level that can as usual be chosen to be ␣  .05—can be interpre-
ted as indicative of sufficient evidence in the analyzed data to warrant rejec-
tion of the null hypothesis of no interaction. When this p-value is higher than
the preset significance level, the interpretation is that there is not enough
evidence in the analyzed data that would allow us to reject the null hypothesis
of no interaction, and then we can retain this hypothesis. (For the case of a
single observation per factor level combination, which can be viewed as rare
in much of empirical social and behavioral research, see Howell, 2009.)
The concept of interaction reflects the possibility of the effect of one of the
factors to depend on the level of the other factor, but it does not respond to
the query whether a factor itself has an overall effect, i.e., disregarding the
other factor. Such an effect is referred to as main effect and would be present
when the group means on this factor (pooling over the levels of the other
factor, i.e., disregarding them) are sufficiently distinct. For a given factor, say
A, the null hypothesis pertaining to its main effect is that the factor ‘‘does not
matter,’’ i.e., its main effect is zero. In other words, this factor-specific null
hypothesis asserts that the means of the groups that represent the levels of
factor A—irrespective of those of the other factor—are not distinct in the
population. Similarly to (14.14), this null hypothesis can be tested using the
(14.15) FMSSA/MSSR(SSA/dfA)/(SSR/dfR).
This ratio follows under the null hypothesis an F-distribution with dfA and dfR
degrees of freedom (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009). The value of the F-ratio
(14.15) is also routinely provided by statistical software, in particular R, as is
its associated p-value that allows in the usual manner a decision whether to
reject or consider retainable the pertinent null hypothesis.
The interpretation of the main effect for either factor considered in a two-
way ANOVA is substantially easier when there is no interaction of the two
factors involved in it. In case they interact, however, it is not as straightfor-
ward to interpret the main effects of the factors. One may argue then that
each of these main effects represents an average effect of the corresponding
factor across the levels of the other factor involved in the interaction. When-
ever that average is deemed by a researcher to be substantively relevant, this
interpretation can be used in an empirical setting. In some cases, however,
this average effect may not be of interest, and then it would be appropriate to
consider the effect of factor A, say, within each of the levels of factor B (or
conversely). This study of level-specific effects of the former factor is often

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1 4 . 4 . T W O - W A Y A N D H I G H E R - O R D E R A N A LY S I S O F V A R I A N C E 289

referred to as simple effects examination, and it can be similarly readily carried

out with statistical software after for instance appropriately selecting the sub-
jects in each of the levels of the other factor participating in the interaction.
We illustrate this discussion by returning to Example 14.2 dealing with SES
differences in educational motivation, but now considering also the gender of
the students. (The corresponding data is found in the file CH14_EX3.dat, with
the same variable names and the added gender variable with this label.) Since
we consider here two factors—SES and gender—we are dealing with a two-
way ANOVA, and we carry it out with R using the following command:

> anova(lm(y~ses+gender+ses*gender))

Before we discuss its output, we note that in the argument of the command
‘lm’ we list both factors in an additive fashion as well as their interaction
denoted by asterisk. (A shorter version of this argument is as ‘y⬃ses*gender’,
but we use here the above in order to emphasize the inclusion of the interac-
tion into the analysis.) The ANOVA variance table that results is provided

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(⬎F)
ses 3 1836.2 612.1 7.3844 0.0001263 ***
gender 1 275.5 275.5 3.3236 0.0704578 .
ses:gender 3 509.3 169.8 2.0484 0.1099760
Residuals 138 11438.4 82.9
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

As we see from this output, the interaction of the two factors (formally
denoted here ‘‘ses:gender’’) is associated with a p-value of .11 and is thus
larger than a typical significance level. For this reason, the interaction is not
significant, which we interpret as suggesting that the effect (if any) of SES
upon motivation is the same for boys and girls. Alternatively, we can interpret
this finding as suggesting that the gender differences in motivation (if any)
are the same in each SES group.
Since there is no interaction of SES and gender, the interpretation of the
main effect of either factor is straightforward, as mentioned earlier in this
section. Due to the fact that the SES factor is associated with a small p-value
(smaller than .05 usually employed as a significance level), we conclude that
there are SES differences in motivation pooling over gender, i.e., disregarding

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290 1 4 . 4 . T W O - W A Y A N D H I G H E R - O R D E R A N A LY S I S O F V A R I A N C E

gender. That is, according to the analyzed data, different SES groups have on
average different educational motivation, irrespective of gender. Further, due
to the fact that the p-value associated with the factor ‘gender’ is not signifi-
cant, it is suggested that there is no gender effect. That is, boys and girls do
not seem to differ in educational motivation, disregarding their SES.
Just as was done in a one-way ANOVA, it is helpful to examine also the
boxplots of the eight groups involved in this study, which is achieved with the
command ‘boxplot’ (note the notation used for the term appearing after the
‘⬃’ sign, in order to ensure that all eight group boxplots are obtained):

> boxplot(y~ses:gender)

The resulting boxplots are presented in Figure 14.3. These eight boxplots
reveal that the boys and girls in the high SES group have the highest level of
motivation, while those in the upper SES group tend to be the lowest. The
lack of interaction between gender and SES in this example is seen in the
graphical representation in Figure 14.3 by observing that the same pattern of
increase and then drop is found for boys and for girls, when one considers
also their SES in increasing order (from ‘low’ to ‘upper’, within each of the
genders—represented by the first four and last four boxes, respectively).
The discussion in this section of two-way ANOVA is directly extended to
the case of higher-order ANOVA, e.g., three-way ANOVA. An increase in the
number of factors simultaneously considered in a study beyond three is, how-
ever, associated with considerably larger difficulties in the substantive inter-

FIGURE 14.3.
Box plots of motivation scores for eight SES and gender groups (Example 14.3).

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pretation of the three-way and higher-order interactions, if present. For

instance, the interaction of three factors—denoted, say, A, B, and C—can be
interpreted as differences in the degree to which the interaction of the factors
A and B, say, differs across levels of the factor C. Such an interpretation is
possible to give in principle for higher-order interactions as well—e.g., of
factors A, B, C, and D—namely by ‘‘reducing’’ them to differences in lower-
order interactions across the levels of the remaining factor. However, it may
well be exceedingly difficult to attach to such interpretations specific substan-
tive meaning in a given empirical study, especially with increasing number of
factors involved. Often, to avoid these interpretational difficulties, behavioral
and social researchers opt for not considering ANOVA layouts (designs) with
more than three factors, except in cases when higher than three-way interac-
tions are not significant.
We limit our discussion to the consideration of three-way and higher-order
ANOVA settings in this section, due to an important relationship of ANOVA
to regression analysis. This relationship, which we deal with in the next sec-
tion, allows one to readily perform higher-order ANOVA with appropriately
devised regression analysis models.



Our preceding discussion of ANOVA emphasized the relevance of this statisti-

cal method when one is concerned with examining population differences on
an outcome measure. As we have seen so far, at the center of ANOVA is the
study of the relationship between the means of a response variable and group
(population) membership that we can also treat as a variable in its own right.
This is not the first time in the book, however, that we dealt with the relation-
ship between two variables. In particular, in Chapters 11, 12, and 13 we dis-
cussed first the concept of correlation and then the regression analysis
approach that we have used to relate a continuous (quantitative) explanatory
variable to a continuous response variable.
As it turns out, the fundamental principle of least squares estimation that
underlies regression analysis is more generally applicable beyond settings
where all independent variables involved are continuous (or approximately
so). Indeed, regression analysis can be used also in cases where one or more
predictors are categorical, i.e., measured on a nominal or ordinal scale. In
fact, in Example 13.2 in the last chapter, we already used regression analysis
as a way to explain variance in a quantitative variable—college aspiration—
employing several predictors including gender and SES that were there binary
variables with values of 0 and 1. (For convenience, we assume that whenever
a binary variable is used, its values have been recorded as 0 and 1.)

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Such an application of regression analysis with categorical independent

variables is also possible when the latter have more than two categories, but
after their values are appropriately recoded. The procedure of recoding is not
needed when a binary independent variable is used as mentioned, yet it
becomes necessary for a regression analysis application when that factor has
more than two levels, in which case it is also called polytomous. It can be
shown that employing regression with recoded polytomous predictors (fac-
tors) leads to the same results as a corresponding application of ANOVA for
examining mean differences with regard to these factors (e.g., Howell, 2009).
The essence of the recoding of polytomous variables is the creation of new
variables—typically referred to as dummy variables—that equivalently repre-
sent the information about group membership for each subject in the overall
sample on each initial categorical independent variable. (These are called
dummy variables since they are not actually collected or observed in the
empirical study but are instead created subsequently in order to achieve a
particular goal—the representation of group membership information.) More
concretely, suppose a considered explanatory variable x is a factor with k levels
(groups, populations), i.e., a polytomous measure with k categories (k ⬎ 2).
Thereby, if a subject is a member of the qth group (population), let his or her
initial score on x be q (1 ⱕ q ⱕ k). To effect the recoding for this variable, we
introduce k  1 new variables—the above dummy variables—which we
denote x1 through xk1.
In order to define these dummy variables, we need first to decide which of
the k categories (groups) of the original variable x we wish to use as a reference
category or reference group. In an empirical study with a control group (and
several experimental groups), one often uses as a reference group or category
that control group. The reason is that with this choice one can subsequently
compare all remaining groups to this control group. In studies where there is
no control group, one can use as a reference category a group with a particular
status or of interest to compare to the remaining groups (levels) on the origi-
nal factor x. When there is no such group, as a reference group one can choose
any of the groups. (One should then bear in mind that its particular selection
will affect the substantive interpretations of the final results.) Once this refer-
ence group is determined, as a next step we assign to all subjects in it the
value of 0 on all dummy variables x1 through xk1. For the remaining k  1
groups, we proceed as follows: for the jth of them, we assign the value of 1 to
its subjects on xj and 0 on all remaining dummy variables (j  1,...,
k  1).
To illustrate this process, let us return to Example 14.2 that we discussed
earlier. In this example, we used the two factors (categorical variables) ‘gen-
der’ and ‘ses’ in a study of college aspiration. Since the factor ‘gender’ is a
binary variable that takes values 0 for males and 1 for females, as mentioned

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above we do not need to do any recoding of its values. The factor ‘ses’ is,
however, a polytomous variable with k  4 categories. Hence, to recode group
membership with regard to socioeconomic status (SES), we introduce k  1
 3 dummy variables, denoted x1 through x3. Choosing the SES category
‘low’ as a reference group—which here is an essentially arbitrary decision—all
36 students in this group receive a 0 on the variables x1 through x3. (One can
use the command ‘summary(ses)’ to readily find out the SES group sample
sizes in this study.) Then all 37 students in the ‘middle’ SES group receive a 1
on the dummy variable x1 but 0’s on x2 and x3. Similarly, all 37 students in
the ‘high’ SES group receive a 1 on the dummy variable x2 but 0’s on x1 and
x3. Finally, all 36 students in the ‘upper’ SES group receive a 1 on the dummy
variable x3 but 0’s on x1 and x2. In this way, all studied subjects obtain a score
of 0 or 1 on each of the three newly defined variables x1 through x3.
These three dummy variables have the property that by looking at them
one can determine uniquely which SES group a given student belongs to.
That is, the three dummy variables x1 through x3 equivalently represent all
information available initially about group membership for each of the 146
subjects participating in this study. Thereby, to reflect correctly this informa-
tion, we need the three dummy variables—no single one or a pair of them
contains the complete group information for all subjects in the available sam-
ple. Table 14.1 contains the original data and the added three dummy vari-
ables for the first 20 students in Example 14.2 from Section 14.4. (The data
for all students, with the added three dummy variables, can be found in the
file CH14_EX4.dat.)
As indicated earlier, the recoded data set contains all original data of Exam-
ple 14.2 and no additional information. In fact, the dummy variables x1
through x3 reflect the same information as that pertaining to group member-
ship with regard to SES, which is contained in the original variable ‘ses’. The
gain in constructing the three dummy variables x1 through x3 is that when we
use them along with the gender variable, we can carry out ANOVA by employ-
ing regression analysis rather than the traditional analysis of variance frame-
work discussed in the preceding sections of this chapter. This will be possible
if we include the product of the dummy variables across factors as variables
that represent in their entirety the interaction in the associated ANOVA
model. This inclusion is automatically carried out by the statistical software
used, in particular R, which also performs internally the dummy coding we
discussed in this Section 14.5.
The earlier mentioned equivalence of the modeling results when studying
group mean differences using the conventional ANOVA framework on the
one hand, and corresponding regression analysis approach on the other hand,
is readily demonstrated on the recoded data from Example 14.2. To this end,
given that we already have the pertinent ANOVA results presented in Section

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294 1 4 . 5 . A N A LY S I S O F V A R I A N C E A N D R E G R E S S I O N A N A LY S I S

Table 14.1 Original variables and added dummy variables for the first 20
subjects in Example 14.2 (variable names in top row; see Section 14.2 and
file CH14_EX4.dat for the entire recoded data set).
y ses gender x1 x2 x3

20 2 0 1 0 0
37 3 0 0 1 0
29 3 0 0 1 0
28 3 1 0 1 0
24 4 0 0 0 1
14 4 1 0 0 1
12 1 1 0 0 0
45 2 1 1 0 0
6 2 0 1 0 0
10 4 1 0 0 1
16 1 0 0 0 0
42 3 1 0 1 0
20 2 1 1 0 0
1 4 1 0 0 1
13 1 0 0 0 0
13 1 0 0 0 0
15 2 0 1 0 0
32 3 1 0 1 0
27 3 0 0 1 0
37 3 1 0 1 0

14.4, all we need to do here is carry out a regression analysis using as predict-
ors the factors ‘gender’ and ‘ses’ as well as their interaction. As indicated
above, this interaction will be represented here by the three products of each
dummy variable x1 through x3 with gender.
We begin our analyses by creating as an R-object the output of a regression
analysis relating the response variable ‘y’ to SES, gender, and their interaction.
We achieve this aim as follows (output provided immediately beneath com-

> ra1 = lm(y~ses+gender+ses*gender)

> summary(ra1)

lm(formula = y ~ ses + gender + ses * gender)

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1 4 . 5 . A N A LY S I S O F V A R I A N C E A N D R E G R E S S I O N A N A LY S I S 295

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-20.4000 -5.6146 -0.8333 5.6900 25.0000

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 22.583 1.858 12.152 <2e-16 ***
sesmed 1.042 2.628 0.396 0.6925
seshigh 7.167 3.219 2.226 0.0276 *
sesupper -3.583 3.315 -1.081 0.2816
gendergirl -8.750 3.219 -2.718 0.0074 **
sesmed:gendergirl 5.125 4.493 1.141 0.2560
seshigh:gendergirl 7.280 4.537 1.605 0.1109
sesupper:gendergirl 11.150 4.606 2.421 0.0168 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 9.104 on 138 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.1864, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1452
F-statistic: 4.517 on 7 and 138 DF, p-value: 0.0001461

Before we examine the output in detail, we reiterate that by virtue of our

initial definition of the variable ‘ses’ as a factor (with four levels), we do not
need to explicitly create the three dummy variables needed here in order to
represent group membership with regard to this variable. In fact, that defini-
tion of ‘ses’ as a factor variable leads to the internal generation by R of these
variables, which are thereby automatically made available for subsequent anal-
yses, and in particular for the regression analysis (linear modeling) requested
with the pertinent R command ‘lm’ given above.
The output generated by the last regression command contains information
pertaining to the estimates, standard errors, and hypothesis tests for each of
the three dummy variables used as mentioned internally by R for group mem-
bership coding with regard to the polytomous variable ‘ses’. Next presented is
information with regard to the group membership variable identifying gender
(with the category ‘boy’ being assigned the value of 0 on it, as mentioned
earlier—see fourth line of this output section). As we indicated above, the
interaction of ‘ses’ and ‘gender’ is represented by the product of each of the
three dummy variables for SES, x1 through x3, with that variable for ‘gender’.
This interaction is reflected in the last three lines of this coefficient estimates
The estimates and related information provided in this output is too

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296 1 4 . 5 . A N A LY S I S O F V A R I A N C E A N D R E G R E S S I O N A N A LY S I S

detailed for our goals in a typical ANOVA setting. In such a setting, we usually
wish to know whether the interaction effect is significant, in its entirety, as
well as whether there are main effects of the factors involved. To obtain this
combined information for each of these three effects (two main effects and an
interaction), we need the corresponding analysis of variance table. We furnish
this table with the R command ‘anova’ applied on the R-object being the
discussed R output for the last regression analysis:

> anova(ra1)

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
ses 3 1836.2 612.1 7.3844 0.0001263 ***
gender 1 275.5 275.5 3.3236 0.0704578 .
ses:gender 3 509.3 169.8 2.0484 0.1099760
Residuals 138 11438.4 82.9
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

As we can see by direct comparison, this output is identical to the one we

obtained in Section 14.4 when discussing the ANOVA approach and associ-
ated R output while carrying out the latter analysis on the same data set. That
is, the results of that two-way ANOVA are identical to these obtained using
regression analysis as here, with appropriately constructed dummy variables
representing group membership on the factors involved in the ANOVA. In
fact, we observe that ANOVA was carried out with R in Section 14.4 using the
same command employed in the current section to conduct the correspond-
ing regression analysis. This identity of commands follows from the way sta-
tistical software—and in particular R—internally carry out ANOVA, viz.,
through a corresponding regression analysis after defining the factors involved
as categorical variables (see Section 14.1 for specific commands to be used for
that purpose).
The equivalence between ANOVA and appropriately developed regression
models also holds in the case of higher-order ANOVA and is internally capi-
talized on automatically by the used software, such as R. Specifically, interac-
tions in these models (two-way or higher-order interactions) are represented
then as mentioned by a set of cross-products of each dummy variable for one
of the factors with each dummy variable for any of the remaining factors

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1 4 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F C O V A R I A N C E 297

involved in the interaction. All these products then are included in a single
step in the ensuing regression analysis. Similarly, the main effect of any factor
is represented by the set of dummy variables pertaining to it, which too are
entered as a block into the regression model when examining that effect. This
modeling approach equivalence is the reason why there was no need to discuss
in detail higher-order ANOVA in the preceding Section 14.4.


We indicated on a few occasions earlier in the book that behavioral and social
research is typically concerned with exceedingly complex phenomena that are
usually multifactorially determined. In order to realistically study them, there-
fore, as mentioned before it is often desirable that we utilize several explana-
tory variables that need not all be of the same type. Following this realization,
we extended in Section 14.4 the number of factors included in an ANOVA.
At times, however, substantive considerations may require including one
or more continuous predictors, in addition to a set of factors in an initial
ANOVA setting. This inclusion may be desirable in order to account for
important explanatory variable(s) with respect to the response measure. The
latter measure is then modeled in terms of several predictors that differ in
their scale—some binary or polytomous (factors), others continuous. Since
these variables usually show appreciable correlation with the outcome mea-
sure, they are frequently referred to as covariates. For this reason, the model-
ing of a response variable using categorical (factors) as well as continuous
explanatory variables is called analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). This is the
modeling approach of concern in the remainder of the present section.
As can be expected from our ANOVA and regression result equivalence
discussion in the preceding Section 14.5, ANCOVA presents no new problems
as a modeling approach (see also Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008). Indeed, in
the last section we demonstrated how one can account for categorical predict-
ors of a given outcome variable. To this end, one first appropriately recodes
them (a process carried out internally by statistical software, like R, after their
definition as factors by the user), and then includes the resulting group mem-
bership dummy variables as predictors in the corresponding regression analy-
sis model. When in addition to these factors also continuous predictors are of
interest to be added, one merely includes them along with the factors in that
multiple regression model. In this way, one carries out ANCOVA in an empir-
ical setting.
We emphasize that just as a researcher does not need to perform the factor
recoding in ANOVA, there is no need for such recoding to be done by him or
her for the purpose of an ANCOVA—of course as long as the factors are
initially declared to the software as categorical variables. Hence, all that is

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298 1 4 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F C O V A R I A N C E

needed to be done by the researcher at the software level is the specification

of (i) the outcome measure (assumed continuous, as mentioned at the outset
of the chapter; see next chapter for an alternative); as well as (ii) the predictors
to be employed for the purpose of explaining its variance, irrespective of
whether they are continuous or categorical variables (after declaring the cate-
gorical variables as factors).
We demonstrate this discussion by considering data from an achievement

Example 14.3: In this investigation, n  138 middle school students from five
states were administered a mathematics ability test at the end of a week-long
training in relevant mathematics concepts and their relationships. In addition,
at the beginning of the training an intelligence test was administered to all
students involved in the study. (The data are contained in the file CH14_
EX5.dat, where the mathematics test results are denoted ‘y’, state residence by
‘state’, and the intelligence test score is designated ‘iq’.) A researcher wishes to
examine possible state differences in mathematics achievement at the end of the
training, after accounting for potential differences in intelligence at the begin-
ning of the study (cf. Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008). That is, her intention is to
see whether there are differences across the five states involved in mathematics
achievement after controlling for possible prior intelligence differences (IQ
score differences) across the groups. In this way, she wishes to account for
possible initial intelligence differences that may be related to such observed in
the final mathematics test scores.

To respond to this question, first we read in the data and declare the state
variable as a factor (see Section 14.1):

> d = read.table("C://data/Rbook/CH14_EX5.dat", header = T)

> attach(d)
> d$state = factor(d$state, labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
> detach(d)
> attach(d)

We begin our modeling process with the ANCOVA model explaining individ-
ual differences in the mathematics test scores in terms of state and IQ score
differences. To this end, we regress the mathematics test scores on the factor
‘state’ and the continuous IQ score. Thereby, we include the interaction
between the factor ‘state’ and the quantitative variable ‘iq’, in addition to
their own main effects, in order to examine whether IQ scores contribute to
differences in the mathematics test scores in a way that is not the same across
states. We accomplish this using again the R command ‘lm’, followed by a

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request for the associated analysis of variance table (results provided beneath

> m1 = lm(y~state*iq)
> anova(m1)

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
state 4 1627.2 406.8 4.6620 0.001516 **
iq 1 28.3 28.3 0.3245 0.569933
state:iq 4 198.8 49.7 0.5697 0.685105
Residuals 128 11168.7 87.3
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

As can be seen from this output, the interaction between ‘state’ and ‘iq’ is not
significant. That is, different states have the same regression slope of the (lin-
ear) relationship between mathematics and intelligence test scores. This find-
ing suggests that a main assumption of the classical ANCOVA approach,
frequently referred to as homogeneity of regression (e.g., Raykov & Marcou-
lides, 2008), is fulfilled in this data set. The implication is that we can next
drop this interaction from the model and proceed with the more parsimoni-
ous model assuming no such interaction, i.e., homogeneity in the regression
slopes of mathematics test score upon IQ, across the five states involved in the
study. We fit this model using the same R command, with a correspondingly
simplified argument that reflects the lack of this interaction:

> m2 = lm(y~state+iq)
> anova(m2)

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
state 4 1627.2 406.8 4.7236 0.001356 **
iq 1 28.3 28.3 0.3288 0.567368
Residuals 132 11367.5 86.1
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

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300 1 4 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F C O V A R I A N C E

We observe here the lack of significance of the IQ score, controlling for state.
We can interpret this finding as suggesting that within each of the states there
is no discernible (linear) relationship between mathematics and intelligence
test score. Further, due to the finding that the factor ‘state’ is significant,
controlling for IQ score, it is suggested that for students with the same IQ
score, state residency (schooling) does matter as far as their mathematics test
scores are concerned. Hence, there is evidence in the analyzed data set for
state differences in mathematics achievement at the end of the training period
even for students with the same initial IQ score.
We can examine how much better the last fitted, simpler ANCOVA model
is from the starting full model including the interaction of state residency and
IQ score, by using the ‘anova’ command to compare their fit to the analyzed

> anova(m2, m1)

Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: y ~ state + iq
Model 2: y ~ state * iq
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 132 11367.5
2 128 11168.7 4 198.8 0.5697 0.6851

We see from this output that the test of the null hypothesis of no fit differ-
ences for these two models is not significant—the p-value of the pertinent
F-ratio, being .69, is above a reasonable prespecified significance level. Hence,
we can conclude that the two models do not differ in their degree of reproduc-
ing the data, i.e., in their goodness of fit to the latter. For this reason, we
prefer the more parsimonious, conventional ANCOVA model with the
assumption of identical regression slope of mathematics test score upon IQ
score across all five states.
As indicated earlier, this ANCOVA model suggests—based on the analyzed
data set—that there are state differences in mathematics achievement even
after controlling for possible initial state differences in intelligence. To inspect
graphically these differences, we take a look at the mathematics test score
boxplots across the five states, which we obtain by using as before the R com-
mand ‘boxplot’ (see Figure 14.4 for the resulting boxplots):

> boxplot(y~state)

Figure 14.4 suggests that students in state C perform best on the mathematics
test while the remaining four states are at about the same level of perform-

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1 4 . 6 . A N A LY S I S O F C O V A R I A N C E 301

FIGURE 14.4.
Box plots of mathematics test scores for the five states in Example 14.3.

ance. To examine these state-by-state differences, we use the Tukey’s HSD

method (Section 14.3):

> TukeyHSD(aov(lm(y⬃state)))

Tukey multiple comparisons of means

95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula  lm(y ⬃ state))

diff lwr upr p adj
B-A 4.1681034 -2.395180 10.731387 0.4035059
C-A 9.2416667 2.736020 15.747313 0.0012712
D-A 0.8266129 -5.624649 7.277875 0.9965853
E-A 2.5625000 -5.275692 10.400692 0.8948743
C-B 5.0735632 -1.592918 11.740044 0.2241862
D-B -3.3414905 -9.954909 3.271928 0.6304613
E-B -1.6056034 -9.577791 6.366584 0.9808965
D-C -8.4150538 -14.971276 -1.858831 0.0047763
E-C -6.6791667 -14.603971 1.245638 0.1416725
E-D 1.7358871 -6.144333 9.616107 0.9734265

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302 NOTE

The pair-wise group comparisons presented in this output section suggest that
the only significant differences in mean mathematics achievement are found
between states C and A, and between states C and E. Indeed, states A, B, D,
and E do not differ with regard to average performance on the mathematics
test, while state C outperforms all of them in this aspect. We stress that these
pair-wise comparisons do not take into account the IQ test scores, which we
found earlier not to be an important predictor of mathematics achievement
beyond state residency.
In conclusion of this chapter, we have seen that ANOVA is a very helpful
statistical method that permits examining group differences with regard to
one or more categorical variables (factors). Thereby, we have observed that
ANOVA can be carried out within a traditional variance decomposition
framework, or alternatively within a modern regression analysis approach. A
conceptual advantage of the latter is that it permits one also to include contin-
uous predictors (covariates) of outcome measures. The resulting ANCOVA
modeling approach, under its assumptions (e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides,
2008), makes it possible to study group differences on a response measure
after removing group differences that can be accounted for by the relationship
between that measure and one or more continuous covariates considered in
addition to categorical factors.


Alternatively, a discrete independent variable can be declared a factor variable

with the command ‘‘⬎f.state  factor (state)’’; then, in all following analyses,
the variable ‘f.state’ is to be used instead of ‘state’ in this chapter (and, simi-
larly, for other discrete explanatory variables later in the book).

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Modeling Discrete
Response Variables

In the previous three chapters it was assumed that the examined response
variables were continuous measures (or approximately continuous). Such an
assumption about the response variables will be fulfilled in many but not all
empirical settings in the social and behavioral sciences. Often, researchers in
these disciplines will also be interested in explaining individual differences in
binary or highly discrete outcome variables, in terms of one or more indepen-
dent measures. In such cases, the continuous characteristics of the response
variables cannot be reasonably assumed. Applications then of the regression
analysis methods that we dealt with in the last three chapters can yield incor-
rect results and misleading substantive interpretations. Instead, use of special
methods developed for discrete response variables is necessary in settings with
discrete outcome measures. A number of modeling approaches that are
appropriate in these empirical cases are available within a very general analytic
framework, commonly referred to as the generalized linear model. This
framework is the topic of the present chapter.



In Chapters 12 through 14, we discussed in considerable detail regression

analysis. When using it, we considered a single continuous dependent variable
y and one or more explanatory variables (predictors) denoted x1, x2,..., xk . In
the regression analysis model, these variables are assumed to be related as
(15.1) yb0b1x1b2x2...bkxke,
where b0 through bk are the intercept and partial regression coefficients, while
e denotes the model error term with zero mean that is assumed to be unre-
lated to xj ( j  1).


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304 1 5 . 1 . R E V I S I T I N G R E G R E S S I O N A N A LY S I S

Suppose the values of the predictors x1, x2,..., xk were fixed (for simplicity,
below we use for them the same notation; cf. Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011).
Since the mean of the residual e is zero, taking mean (expectation) from both
sides of Equation (15.1) we obtain
(15.2) M(y)b0b1x1b2x2...bkxk,
where M(y) denotes the mean response (at the given set of predictors, x1, x2,...,
xk). An equivalent version of Equation (15.2) is often presented as
(15.3) M(y 兩 x1, x2,...,xk)b0b1x1b2x2...bkxk,
where the left-hand side emphasizes now that the mean of y is taken for
subjects with the given set of predictor values x1 through xk. For this reason,
M(y 兩 x1, x2,..., xk) is commonly referred to as conditional expectation of y given
the predictors.
Equation (15.3) states that this conditional expectation of the response
variable is assumed to be a linear function of the predictors. This means that
all unknown coefficients (parameters) b0 through bk are involved in that equa-
tion only as multipliers of the predictor values, and no other operation is
performed on them. This feature of the conditional expectation of a response
measure is what is typically meant when referring to a model as linear, in
particular when referring to the regression model (15.1) as a linear model. If
this model is postulated simultaneously for a number of outcome variables—
which, as usual in empirical research, may be interrelated among them-
selves—the resulting set of equations is often referred to as a general linear
model (GLM; e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008; Timm, 2002).
When employing the regression model defined in Equation (15.1), as men-
tioned earlier in the book a researcher can choose the explanatory variables
any way he or she decides to (as long as they have positive variance and
correspond to the research question asked). In particular, the researcher need
not be concerned with their distribution (e.g., Agresti & Finlay, 2009). That
is, the predictors can be binary (dichotomous), nominal, categorical (ordinal),
or continuous (interval or ratio scaled). At the same time, however, it is
required that the response variable(s) be continuous. For such outcome vari-
ables the GLM postulates a linear relationship(s) between the dependent and
explanatory variables. This linear relationship(s) is the hallmark of the GLM
and a reason why it has been very widely applied throughout the behavioral
and social sciences.
While the GLM provides a highly useful methodology for studying variable
relationships, it does not cover the cases when response variables take a lim-
ited number of possible values in studied populations. For example, when the
answer of a student on a given item in an ability test is of interest, the resulting
random variable representing his or her response is usually recorded as true

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(denoted, say, ‘1’) or false (symbolized as ‘0’). In a clinical context, a patient

may or may not endorse a statement in relation to a given symptom of a
condition he or she is being examined for, leading again to a binary random
variable. In a political opinion poll, a respondent may or may not agree with a
particular statement on a topic of interest, resulting similarly in an individual
realization of a binary random variable. In a cognitive functioning study, an
elderly person may provide a response indicative of several (limited number
of) levels of dementia on a question in a used measuring instrument, which
represents a discrete random variable. These are only a few examples when it
is of interest to study individual differences in binary or discrete response
variables. This goal cannot be in general achieved properly using the regres-
sion modeling procedures discussed up to this point in the book, as provided
by the conventional GLM framework.
In order to accomplish the study of individual differences on discrete out-
comes, an extension of the GLM is needed to the case where the response
variable is no more continuous. This extension is furnished by a highly com-
prehensive modeling approach, which was first developed in the 1970s and is
the subject of the remainder of this chapter.



A generalization of the GLM to handle binary and discrete response variables,

is provided by the framework of the generalized linear model (GLIM; cf. Ray-
kov & Marcoulides, 2011). The GLIM extends the linear relationship idea
underlying the GLM to cases where the dependent variable does not have to
be continuous. That is, the GLIM relaxes the above-mentioned continuity
assumption with respect to the response measure. Specifically, when carrying
out a GLIM analysis, the dependent variable can be binary or more generally
discrete. The latter happens quite often in behavioral and social measurement
contexts, especially when considering responses on an item in a test, a ques-
tionnaire, a self-report, or an inventory. The GLIM does preserve, however,
the linear relationship idea, but after an important modification is made.
To introduce the GLIM, let us first revisit Equation (15.2):
(15.2, repeated) M(y)b0b1x1b2x2...bkxk,
or for simplicity as
(15.3) M(y)␮,
for a given set of predictor values. That is, Equation (15.2), which for our
purposes can be considered the model of (univariate) regression analysis dis-
cussed earlier or a single equation from GLM, stipulates that it is the mean,

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␮, of the outcome variable, y, which is linearly modeled in terms of the pre-

In order to cover also response variables that are not continuous, the GLIM
is based on the idea that not ␮ itself but a function of it, called a link function,
is linearly related to a given set of explanatory variables involved in a model-
ing effort (cf. Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011). Denoting this function by g(␮),
which is appropriately chosen (as discussed further below), a GLIM stipulates
the following relationship:
(15.4) g(␮)b0b1x1b2x2...bkxk,

that is,
We stress that Equation (15.4) differs from Equation (15.2) only by the fact
that it is not the response mean ␮ itself, but rather a function of it, viz., g(␮),
which is linearly related to the given set of explanatory variables x1 through
xk. That is, by postulating Equation (15.4) the GLIM preserves the linear rela-
tionship idea in the right-hand side of its modeling equation. At the same
time, the GLIM framework provides a number of options with respect to the
quantity appearing in the left-hand side of Equation (15.4), g(␮), which
makes it very comprehensive. One such possibility, for instance, is realized
when the function g(.) is chosen to be the identity—that is, if g(␮)  ␮
—which represents perhaps the simplest example of GLIM. With this choice,
a GLIM is in fact identical to a corresponding GLM, as we will see in more
detail later. Since within the GLIM framework one relates a transformation of
the response mean to a set of explanatory variables, as in Equation (15.3), the
function g(.) is often referred to as a link—a reference we will frequently use
in the rest of this chapter.
The choice of the link g(.) does not complete the specification of a particu-
lar GLIM, however. In fact, any GLIM consists of three main elements (e.g.,
Dobson, 2002; Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011):

(i) a random component, also called ‘‘sampling model’’;

(ii) a link function, i.e., the function g(.); and
(iii) a systematic component, i.e., the linear combination in the right-hand
side of Equation (15.4), often also called linear predictor.

The random component meant in (i) is the distribution of the response vari-
able. For example, if the answer (score) on a single item in an achievement test
is of interest to model, the associated random variable representing student
responses is often binary. In that case, this variable follows what is called a
Bernoulli distribution with a probability p of taking the value 1 (‘‘correct’’

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response) and 1  p for taking the value 0 (‘‘incorrect’’ response). In the

GLIM framework, the distribution of the dependent variable is selected from
the exponential family, which includes all variable distributions of relevance
in this book, such as the normal, Bernoulli, binomial, and Poisson distribu-
tions. (For a formal definition of this concept, we refer readers to some spe-
cialized literature; e.g., Dobson, 2002.) Further, the link mentioned in (ii) is
the earlier discussed function g(.), which is applied on the mean of the out-
come variable before its linear relationship to a set of predictors is considered.
Different choices for the link function are possible, depending on the particu-
lar distribution of the response variable. Last but not least, the systematic
component in (iii) is the linear combination of the explanatory variables
under consideration with respect to the response measure y. Their joint distri-
bution is not of interest, as mentioned earlier, i.e., is unrestricted; however,
they all are assumed—as in conventional regression analysis—to be measured
without error.



15.3.1. A ‘‘continuous counterpart’’ of regression analysis

The GLIM framework can be readily used to model individual differences
in binary response variables via an appropriately chosen link function, which
is an essential element of a pertinent GLIM (cf. Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011).
This function has been obtained using formal statistical developments (e.g.,
Dobson, 2002), and is based on the widely used logit transformation, or logit
function. Owing to the special importance of this function for the remainder
of the present chapter, we define it formally next.
For a given probability p (0 ⬍ p ⬍ 1), the logit function is defined as the
logarithm of the odds of the event occurring, which is associated with a proba-
bility p:
(15.5) f(p)ln[p/(1p)]
where ln(.) is the natural logarithm, i.e., the logarithm with base e  2.712....
As can be seen from the right-hand side of Equation (15.5), for each probabil-
ity p it produces an unlimited real number, f(p), which can be smaller than
any prespecified negative number or alternatively larger than any pre-fixed
positive number. This property of the logit function is especially helpful in
social behavioral and social research dealing with binary response variables,
and it has also a number of beneficial applications with discrete outcome
variables taking more than two (but a limited number of) values in an empiri-

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cal setting. The reason is that using the logit function (15.5) one obtains a
value that is unrestricted. Indeed, this function f(p) is readily seen as being
actually continuous, and it thus can be now considered a continuous counter-
part of the original probability, p.
Returning for a moment to the binary response variable case, we recall
from Chapter 5 that the mean of a binary random variable, say y, is the proba-
bility of correct response, denoted p, say. Looking now at Equation (15.5), we
realize that since the logit function furnishes a continuous counterpart of the
probability p, i.e., of the mean of y, we can make the following observation.
When we wish to relate a binary response y to a set of explanatory variables,
x1, x2,..., xk, we can consider our effort as analogous to a regression analysis
on the logit of the mean of y, i.e., of p, upon the predictors. This is the essence,
at an informal level, of the popular statistical technique of logistic regression.
(For further and formal details, we refer the reader to more advanced treat-
ments, such as Hosmer & Lemeshow, 2002).

15.3.2. Logistic regression and a generalized linear model

with a binary response
We would like to approach now the currently discussed topic from another
perspective, viz., that of the GLIM framework. Indeed, from the discussion so
far in this chapter, one realizes that when an outcome variable of concern is
binary (i.e., dichotomous), the GLIM framework is directly applicable (cf.
Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011). This is because a sampling model for this set-
ting is the Bernoulli model, which as mentioned earlier is the first element of
a GLIM. Accordingly, the response random variable y takes the value of 1
with probability p and the value of 0 with probability 1  p. In addition,
from the preceding subsection we can readily obtain a link function that is
the second element of a GLIM. As will be recalled from Chapter 5 and as indi-
cated earlier in this chapter, a binary random variable y has the property that its
mean is the probability of correct response, i.e., p  M(y)  ␮ holds (see also
Equation (15.3)). If we now choose the logit function f(p)  ln[p/(1  p)]
 ln[␮(1  ␮)] as the link function g(␮), then the GLIM framework would
be directly applicable as soon as we choose the linear predictor, i.e., a set of
explanatory variables with respect to individual differences in the response
measure y. That is, in order to be dealing with a GLIM in the currently consid-
ered context of a dichotomous outcome variable, y, all we need to do now is
select explanatory variables of interest in a particular application. Once we
do so, we simply set their linear combination—with unknown weights, or
parameters—to be equal to the result of the application of the link function
chosen, that is, to f(p) in Equation (15.5), which function is here the same as
g(␮). This will finalize the construction of a GLIM in the present setting.

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The GLIM with a binary response has been in fact long known in the
behavioral and social sciences under an alternative name, logistic regression.
Specifically, keeping also in mind the discussion in the preceding section
15.3.1, the model of logistic regression is as follows:
(15.6) ln[p/(1p)]b0b1x1b2x2...bkxk,
where p  Pr(y  1) is the probability of the response variable taking the
value of 1 (e.g., a ‘‘yes’’ response on a given question in a survey, or a ‘‘cor-
rect’’ answer on a test item), and x1 through xk are the explanatory variables
included in the ‘‘linear predictor’’ of this GLIM (see Section 15.1). That is,
according to the logistic regression model (15.6), it is the logit of the probabil-
ity of response 1, which is assumed to be a linear function of a set of explana-
tory variables, rather than this probability itself.
An alternative representation of the logistic regression model—i.e., of the
GLIM with a binary response—is readily obtained from Equations (15.5) and
(15.6); this alternative highlights further interesting properties of this model
that can be very useful in an empirical setting. Specifically, through some
direct algebra we obtain the probability of the event in question (e.g., a ‘‘cor-
rect’’ response on a test item) as follows:
eb0b1x1...bkxk .
(15.7) pPr(y1)
This shows that this probability is a nonlinear function of the used predictors
x1 through xk. Therefore, Equation (15.7) demonstrates that the probability p
for the event considered depends on the predictor variables in a relatively
complicated way, rather than in a linear fashion.
The expression given in the right-hand side of Equation (15.7) is especially
useful when one is interested in predicting the probability of an event using a
set of known predictor values. Assuming that the logistic model (15.6) is a
plausible means of data description and explanation, the predicted probability
follows as
eb̂0b̂1x1...b̂kxk ,
(15.8) p̂
where b̂0 through b̂k are the estimated parameters of the model. When this
predicted probability is higher (smaller) than .5, one may conclude that given
the model and the set of predictor values, the event under consideration is
predicted to occur with higher (smaller) probability than by chance alone.

15.3.3. Further generalized linear models

As pointed out earlier in this chapter, in addition to the logit link and
binary sampling model, there are other link functions and sampling models

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that are appropriate within the GLIM approach with other types of data (cf.
Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011). One important such link is provided by the
logarithm function, which turns out to be very useful when the outcome vari-
able data are in terms of counts. This can be the case, for instance, when of
interest is to study the number of times a particular event occurs within a
given interval, such as disease outbreak (e.g., Chapter 5). The logarithm link
has been shown to possess important properties in such settings, which make
it the choice for a corresponding GLIM application, usually associated with a
Poisson distribution of the response variable. Additional links are discussed
in detail, e.g., in Dobson (2002). More generally speaking, the GLIM frame-
work is highly comprehensive and covers many different types of data collec-
tion designs. Within this framework, optimal statistical procedures for
parameter estimation and testing purposes are available and discussed in
alternative and more advanced sources (e.g., Skrondal & Rabe-Hesketh,
2004). In the rest of this chapter, we return to the topic of logistic regression,
which is a very popular analytic framework in the social and behavioral disci-


Fitting a logistic regression model in an empirical setting can be readily

accomplished with the software R. To this end, its command ‘glm’ can be
used, whereby one needs to indicate the binary sampling (response) model
and provide the predictors in a way similar to the application of the earlier
used command ‘lm’ for regression analysis. The software uses then as a default
the logit link function and applies the appropriate method of parameter esti-
mation. We discuss in this section issues that arise when fitting a logistic
regression model to data, i.e., a GLIM with a binary response variable using
the following example:

Example 15.1: Suppose we have access to data from a study of college admission
with n  132 students from five states. In this study, data on the dichotomous
variable college admission was collected, along with such on student gender and
state residency, as well as their scores on an intelligence test and a scholastic
aptitude test. (The data are available in the file CH15_EX1. dat, where ‘college’
is the admission variable—with a value of 1 for students admitted and 0 other-
wise—‘aptitude’ is the pertinent test score, ‘state’ and ‘gender’ their state resi-
dency and gender, respectively, and ‘iq’ the intelligence test score, referred to
below as ‘‘IQ score’’ or ‘‘IQ’’ for short.)
We are interested here in explaining individual differences in college admis-
sion in terms of student differences in state residency, gender, and IQ, as well
as aptitude test scores. Given the binary response variable college admission, we

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thus wish to predict the probability p of a student being admitted using as

explanatory variables state, gender, aptitude, and IQ score. We can accomplish
this goal using logistic regression with this dichotomous response and predictor

To this end, we employ a GLIM with (cf. Raykov & Marcoulides, 2011):

(i) Bernoulli sampling model, referred to as ‘binomial family’ in R,

(ii) logit link (which is the default option in R when a binomial family is
specified), and
(iii) linear predictor, being the linear combination
b0b1 stateb2 genderb3 aptitudeb4 IQ.

Hence, the GLIM model (i.e., logistic regression model) to be fitted is:
(15.9) ln(p/(1p))b0b1 stateb2 genderb3 aptitudeb4 IQ.
As indicated earlier in the chapter, this model is alternatively reexpressed in
terms of the probability of college admission as follows:
(15.10) p
As we mentioned before, Equation (15.10) can be used after fitting the model,
to work out predicted probability of college admission for a given set of stu-
dent predictor values (e.g., for an individual with available data on the used
predictors). Also, we emphasize that the right-hand side of Equation (15.12)
is never larger than one or smaller than zero, just like any probability.
To fit the logistic regression model in Equation (15.9) that addresses the
research question of concern here, we need to indicate to R the GLIM ele-
ments described in points (i) through (iii). To accomplish this aim, after we
declare the variable ‘state’ as a factor (see also Note to Chapter 14), we

(a) use the R command ‘glm’, requesting binomial sampling model

(which as mentioned employs by default the logit link function); and
(b) indicate the predictors of interest, viz., state, gender, aptitude, and IQ.

This is achieved with the following R command (output is summarized imme-

diately after):

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> m1 = glm(college ~ state + gender + aptitude + iq, family = binomial)

> summary(m1)
glm(formula = college ~ state + gender + aptitude + iq, family = binomial)

Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.9317 -0.6753 0.2370 0.6816 1.9986

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -25.93721 6.05502 -4.284 1.84e-05 ***
stateB -0.36291 0.73193 -0.496 0.620
stateC -0.11570 0.80071 -0.144 0.885
stateD -0.37403 0.69679 -0.537 0.591
stateE 0.16550 0.86090 0.192 0.848
gender 0.30155 0.49305 0.612 0.541
aptitude 0.16683 0.03746 4.454 8.44e-06 ***
iq 0.22820 0.05787 3.943 8.04e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

Null deviance: 176.11 on 131 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 109.97 on 124 degrees of freedom
AIC: 125.97

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

This output differs in an important way from the outputs we obtained when
carrying out regression analyses earlier in the book. Specifically, a new quan-
tity is included here, which is called deviance. A complete and formal defini-
tion of the deviance is beyond the scope of this introductory book (see e.g.,
Dobson, 2002, for such a discussion). We merely mention here that the devi-
ance in a GLIM corresponds to the sum of squared residuals in a linear mod-
eling context as discussed in Chapters 12 through 14. That is, with large
samples, a large deviance is indicative of a model that is not well fitting the
data, while a smaller deviance is consistent with a model fitting the data better.
When all cells of the underlying study design with regard to the factors
involved have expected frequencies under the model that are in excess of five

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(e.g., Chapter 10), a deviance that is comparable to the degrees of freedom

may be seen as not large enough to proclaim the model insufficiently well
fitting the analyzed data. A more credible way of using the deviance is for the
purpose of model fit comparison, however, which we predominantly engage
in the rest of this section.
The discussed output actually reports two deviance measures—a null devi-
ance and a residual deviance. The former is the deviance associated with the
model having no predictors and only an intercept. This model is formally
obtained from Equation (15.11) by setting all b parameters equal to zero
except the intercept b0 (and for this reason is referred to as null model, i.e.,
containing k  0 predictors). Its deviance for the presently considered study
data is 176.11, which is markedly higher than the associated degrees of free-
dom, df0  131. The second deviance, referred to as residual deviance, is that
of the fitted model with the above k  4 predictors, whose output we assigned
the R-object name ‘m1’.
This residual deviance is substantially smaller than the null deviance in the
present example, as seen from the associated R output. This finding suggests
that the predictors we used likely explain a considerable proportion of indi-
vidual differences in the binary response variable college admission. When the
corresponding null hypothesis is true, which stipulates that all b parameters
but the intercept are zero in the population, and the sample is large, the
difference in the two deviances follows approximately a chi-square distribu-
tion, with degrees of freedom being the difference in these of the fitted and
null models. In our case, this difference is 176.11  109.97  66.14, which
is significant when judged against the chi-square distribution with degrees of
freedom df  131  124  7 (the pertinent cutoff at the conventional sig-
nificance level of .05 is 14.07; King & Minium, 2003). This result is consistent
with the above suggestion that the predictors used in our fitted logistic regres-
sion model explain a significant proportion of individual differences in college
The ‘‘coefficients’’ part of the last output ‘m1’ indicate that none of the
dummy variables associated with the ‘state’ factor is significant. This suggests
that state residency may not be explaining significant unique proportion of
variance in the college admission probability, after controlling for gender,
intelligence, and aptitude differences across students (cf. Chapter 13). To
examine this possibility, we fit the model without the state factor (output
summarized thereafter):

> m2 = glm(college ~ gender + aptitude + iq, family = binomial)

> summary(m2)

................. 18281$ CH15 09-19-12 11:42:55 PS PAGE 313


glm(formula = college ~ gender + aptitude + iq, family = binomial)

Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.7961 -0.6737 0.2643 0.6681 1.9111

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -25.81204 5.92330 -4.358 1.31e-05 ***
gender 0.28482 0.48151 0.592 0.554
aptitude 0.16384 0.03449 4.751 2.03e-06 ***
iq 0.22594 0.05672 3.983 6.80e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

Null deviance: 176.11 on 131 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 110.65 on 128 degrees of freedom
AIC: 118.65

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

The deviance of this model—denoted ‘m2’—is slightly higher than that of

the previously fitted model, denoted ‘m1’ above. This result could be
expected, since model ‘m2’ has one fewer predictor, viz., it does not include
‘state’ as explanatory variable. As in regression analysis where fewer predictors
in a given model lead to a higher residual sum of squares (SEE; see Chapters
12 and 13), the deviance in a GLIM—which as mentioned is a counterpart
here to SEE—increases when dropping one or more predictors. While the
deviance of the last fitted model ‘m2’ is marginally higher relative to that of
model ‘m1’, it is important to note that ‘m2’ is more parsimonious. This is
a highly desirable feature, ensuring higher parameter estimate stability and
replicability in another study. For this reason, deviance and parsimony are
simultaneously accounted for in an overall test of significance of the factor
‘state’ that we need to perform next. In such a test, the ‘state’ factor (with its
five levels) is to be represented by the 5  1  4 dummy variables for state
residency considered simultaneously, rather than singly, as in the above ‘co-
efficients’ table in the output of model ‘m1’. With this feature, the test will
examine the null hypothesis of no unique explanatory power of the factor
‘state’ with regard to college admission.

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It is possible to carry out this test by comparing the deviances of the models
‘m1’ and ‘m2’. To this end, we use the R command ‘anova’, which we already
employed earlier in the book for model fit comparison purposes:

> anova(m2, m1, test = "Chisq")

As a third argument of this command, after referring to the models to be

compared in terms of fit to the analyzed data, we request a test of significance
of the involved difference in residual deviances of both models. Its results are
presented next.

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: college ~ gender + aptitude + iq

Model 2: college ~ state + gender + aptitude + iq

Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance P(>|Chi|)

1 128 110.651
2 124 109.973 4 0.677 0.954

Since the p-value associated with the deviance difference in question is non-
significant, we conclude that the two models involved fit the data equally well.
That is, dropping the factor ‘state’ does not lead to a significant loss in predict-
ive power of the logistic regression model ‘m2’ relative to the first fitted model
‘m1’. An alternative interpretation suggests that the factor ‘state’ has no
unique predictive power for college admission, once accounting for individual
difference in gender, IQ, and aptitude test score.
We also notice that the output provided for each of the two fitted models,
‘m1’ and ‘m2’, contains one more fit-related quantity, AIC (short for
‘‘Akaike’s information criterion’’). This index evaluates model fit and
includes a penalty for lack of parsimony. Specifically, when two or more
models are compared in terms of fit to the same set of observed variables
(data set), the one with lower AIC can be considered as better fitting and
preferable. From the two models in question here, ‘m1’ and ‘m2’, the latter
has a smaller AIC—viz., 118.65 vs. 125.97. Hence, model ‘m2’ is preferable
to ‘m1’ as a means of data description and explanation also, as far as this
model fit index is concerned. (The formal definition and in particular ratio-
nale for this index are beyond the confines of this chapter and can be found,
e.g., in Dobson, 2002.)

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Returning now to the output associated with the preferred model ‘m2’, we
notice from its ‘coefficients’ section that the variable ‘gender’ is not signifi-
cant. We interpret this finding as suggesting that gender is unrelated to college
admission for students with the same IQ and aptitude test scores. To examine
this suggestion also from the above model comparison perspective, we fit next
model ‘m2’ without the ‘gender’ variable:

> m3 = glm(college ~ aptitude + iq, family = binomial)

> summary(m3)

glm(formula = college ~ achievmt + iq, family = binomial)

Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.8505 -0.7015 0.2721 0.6960 1.9486

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -25.16930 5.77697 -4.357 1.32e-05 ***
aptitude 0.16492 0.03451 4.779 1.76e-06 ***
iq 0.22067 0.05561 3.968 7.23e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

Null deviance: 176.11 on 131 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 111.00 on 129 degrees of freedom
AIC: 117.00

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

We note from this R output that both predictors in model ‘m3’, aptitude and
IQ test score, are significant. That is, the aptitude test score does contribute
to better prediction of the probability of college admission for students with
the same IQ score; alternatively, the IQ test score contributes to a better pre-
diction of this probability for students with the same aptitude test score.
To compare the fit of the last two fitted models, ‘m2’ and ‘m3’, we use the
‘anova’ command again (with them as the first two arguments):

................. 18281$ CH15 09-19-12 11:42:58 PS PAGE 316


> anova(m3, m2, test = "Chisq")

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: college ~ aptitude + iq

Model 2: college ~ gender + aptitude + iq

Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance P(>|Chi|)

1 129 111.002
2 128 110.651 1 0.352 0.553

The difference in fit in these two models is thus nonsignificant, and we con-
clude that gender does not have unique predictive power with regard to col-
lege admission once controlling for aptitude and IQ score.
We also note that the last fitted model, ‘m3’, has the smallest AIC—viz.,
117—of all three models discussed in this section. Hence, we can treat it as a
preferable means of data description and explanation, when compared to the
previous two models fitted. In addition, since its deviance is even smaller than
the associated degrees of freedom, there seems to be no indication in the
output presented that would suggest that this most parsimonious model—
where aptitude and IQ test scores are the only predictors—is associated with
a deficient fit to the analyzed data. We thus consider model ‘m3’ as a plausible
means of data description and evaluation.
If interested in predicting the probability of college admission, assuming
knowledge of aptitude and IQ test score, we can use this tenable model ‘m3’.
Accordingly, it furnishes this predicted probability as (see Equation (15.12)
and last presented output):
(15.13) p .
From this prediction equation, we can see that increase in aptitude score leads
to enhanced college admission probability for students with the same IQ. Sim-
ilarly, an increase in the IQ test score is associated with an enhanced admis-
sion probability for students with the same aptitude test score.
The last interpretation can be viewed as conditional—we fix one of the
predictors in order to interpret the effect of the other upon the probability of
college admission. In some cases, one may as well be interested in uncondi-
tional interpretations of the relationships between a response variable and any
of a set of predictors of interest, pooling over the values of the other predict-

................. 18281$ CH15 09-19-12 11:42:58 PS PAGE 317


ors. For the preferred model ‘m3’, we can graphically represent this uncondi-
tional relationship by plotting either of the two predictors involved—aptitude
and IQ test score—against the predicted probability for college admission.
This is achieved with the R command ‘plot’, where the predictor and the
predicted probabilities (according to the model) are plotted against one

> plot(iq, predict(m3))

> plot(aptitude, predict(m3))

The resulting graphs are displayed in Figure 15.1 and clearly show the pattern
of increase in the predicted probability of college admission with increasing
aptitude and increasing IQ test score.
In conclusion of this chapter, we discussed in it the comprehensive frame-
work of the generalized linear model (GLIM), which has proved to be highly

FIGURE 15.1.
Plot of predicted probabilities against aptitude and intelligence test scores.

................. 18281$ CH15 09-19-12 11:43:19 PS PAGE 318


useful in empirical behavioral and social research. In addition, we were con-

cerned with logistic regression as a special case of GLIM, which becomes of
particular relevance in settings with a binary response variable. We also dem-
onstrated the ease with which the software R can be used to fit GLIMs, and in
particular logistic regression models, as well as to guide the process of model
choice when searching for parsimonious plausible means of description and
explanation of studied social, behavioral, educational, or biomedical phe-

................. 18281$ CH15 09-19-12 11:43:20 PS PAGE 319

................. 18281$ CH15 09-19-12 11:43:20 PS PAGE 320

This book provided an introduction to basic statistics using the popular soft-
ware R for its applications. Given the intended introductory level of the book
and space limitations, further statistical methods and implementations of R
for their application could not be covered, and those that we did we could
not discuss in greater detail. More advanced statistical methods as well as uses
of R are the subject of a number of other excellent treatments available (e.g.,
Crawley, 2007; Dalgaard, 2002; Everitt & Hothorn, 2010; Rao, 1973; Rice,
2006; Rizzo, 2009). Our aim with this book was to provide a stepping-stone
for undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers within the
behavioral, biological, educational, medical, management, and social sciences
in their pursuit of those more advanced methods and R applications.
Throughout the book, we made the simplifying assumption that we were
not dealing with missing data or with data that were hierarchical or nested in
nature (e.g., students nested in classrooms, nested within schools, nested
within school districts). Although missing data pervade behavioral, biological,
educational, medical, management, and social science research, they also sub-
stantially complicate the discussion of statistical methods and applications.
How to handle missing data is the subject of more advanced treatments that
lie outside of the goals of this introductory text (e.g., Little & Rubin, 2002; for
a less technical discussion, see, e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides, 2008, ch. 12).
Similarly, hierarchical or nested data need a considerably more sophisticated
approach than that covered in the book (e.g., Heck & Thomas, 2009; Heck,
Thomas, & Tabata, 2010; Hox, 2002).
We conclude with the hope that this introductory book on the basics of
statistics and its applications with the highly comprehensive, state-of-the-art,
and freely available software R will be helpful to students and researchers in
various disciplines in their subsequent journey into more advanced topics of
the fascinating science of statistics and its applications.


................. 18281$ EPLG 09-19-12 11:36:12 PS PAGE 321

................. 18281$ EPLG 09-19-12 11:36:12 PS PAGE 322

Agresti, A. (2002). Categorical data analysis. New York: Wiley.

Agresti, A., & Finlay, B. (2009). Statistical methods for the social sciences (Fourth Edi-
tion). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Dalgaard, P. (2002). Introductory statistics with R. New York: Springer.
Dobson, A. (2002). An introduction to the generalized linear model. London: Chap-
man & Hall.
Everitt, B. S., & Hothorn, T. (2010). A handbook of statistical analyses using R (Second
Edition). New York: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Graziano, A. M., & Raulin, M. L. (2009). Research methods: A process of inquiry (Sev-
enth Edition). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Howell, D. C. (2009). Statistical methods for psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
King, B. M., & Minium, E. W. (2003). Statistical reasoning in the behavioral sciences.
New York: Wiley.
Moore, D. S., & McCabe, G. P. (2000). Introduction to the practice of statistics. New
York: Freeman.
Myers, J. L., & Well, A. D. (2003). Research design and statistical analysis (Second
Edition). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Ott, R. L., & Longnecker, M. (2010). An introduction to statistical methods and data
analysis. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Pedhazur, E. J. (1997). Multiple regression for the behavioral sciences. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Rao, C. R. (1973). Linear statistical inference and its applications. New York: Wiley.
Raudenbush, S. W., & Bryk, A. S. (2002). Hierarchical linear models: Applications and
data analysis methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Raykov, T., & Marcoulides, G. A. (1999). On desirability of parsimony in structural
equation model selection. Structural Equation Modeling, 6, 292–300.
Raykov, T., & Marcoulides, G. A. (2006). A first course in structural equation modeling
(Second Edition). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Raykov, T., & Marcoulides, G. A. (2008). An introduction to applied multivariate anal-
ysis. New York: Taylor & Francis.


................. 18281$ $REF 09-19-12 11:36:14 PS PAGE 323


Raykov, T., & Marcoulides, G. A. (2011). Introduction to psychometric theory. New

York: Taylor & Francis.
Rizzo, M. L. (2009). Statistical computing with R. New York: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Roussas, G. G. (1997). A course in mathematical statistics. New York: Academic Press.
Skrondal, A., & Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2004). Generalized latent variable modeling: Multi-
level, longitudinal and structural equation models. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman &
Timm, N. H. (2002). Applied multivariate analysis. New York: Springer.
Venables, W. N., Smith, D. M., & The R Development Core Team. (2012). An intro-
duction to R. Bristol, UK: Network Theory Limited.
Verzani, J. (2005). Using R for introductory statistics. New York: Chapman & Hall/
Wilkinson, L., & The Task Force on Statistical Inference (1999). Statistical methods
in psychology journals: Guidelines and explanations. American Psychologist, 54,

................. 18281$ $REF 09-19-12 11:36:15 PS PAGE 324


abscissa, 61 barplots, 13–21 of, 25–27; relationship

adjusted R2. See R-squared Bartlett, M., 262 between measures of,
index Bartlett test. See analysis of 28–29
alternative hypothesis. See variance chi-square distribution,
inferential statistics Bayes’ formula, 53–54 162–66
analysis of covariance, 273, Bayes’ theorem, 52–54 CLT. See central limit
301–6 Bayesian statistics. See theorem
analysis of residuals, Bayes’ theorem coefficient of determi-
264–72 bell-shaped curve. See nation, 217–21, 240
analysis of variance, normal distribution coefficient of variation,
167–72, 285–89 Bernoulli distribution, 35–36
ANCOVA. See analysis of 310–11 comparisons. See multiple
covariance between-subjects designs. comparisons
ANOVA. See analysis of See analysis of variance complement. See proba-
variance bi-modal, 24 bility
a priori comparisons. See binomial distribution, conditional expectation,
multiple comparisons 58–62 308
arithmetic average, 27–30 binomial expansion, 59–60 conditional probability,
array, 47 binomial probability, 50–52
ASCII file, 9 58–62 confidence interval (CI).
association, tests of. See chi- bivariate distribution, 184 See inferential statistics
square distribution boxplot, 36–42 constant, 55
assumptions. See central contingency table, 182–82.
limit theorem categorical data, 173–88 See also chi-square
assumptions of hypothesis cell probabilities. See chi- distribution
testing, 113–16 square distribution continuous random
asymmetric distribution. central limit theorem variable. See probability
See skewed (CLT), 81–98 distributions
central tendency: mean as correlation, 189–207
backward elimination, measure of, 25–27; correlation coefficient. See
258–62 measures of, 23–29; Pearson product
bar chart, 13–21 median as measure of, moment correlation
bar graph. See barplots 25–27; mode as measure coefficient


................. 18281$ INDX 09-19-12 11:36:18 PS PAGE 325


counting: combinations, normal, 67–80; standard generalized linear model

59–60; methods of (see normal (see normal (GLIM), 309–11
binomial distribution) distribution); Student’s general linear model
covariance coefficient, t, 138 (GLM), 308–9
193–95 dummy variable, 296–97 genetic algorithm, 263
covariate. See independent DV. See dependent variable GLIM. See generalized
variable linear model
Cov(x, y). See covariance equality of population GLM. See general linear
coefficient means, 278–94 model
critical regions. See one- error. See Type I error; Type goodness-of-fit test. See
tailed tests; two-tailed II error chi-square distribution
tests error term, 210 Gossett, William, S., 138
critical values. See signifi- estimate, 28 graph. See bar graph; histo-
cance level estimated residuals. See gram
cross-tabulation. See residuals
contingency table estimators, 28–29
hierarchical regression
cumulative frequency. See event probability, 45–46
descriptive statistics analysis, 253
exact tests, 182
cumulative percentage. See hinges. See boxplot
expected frequency. See
percentiles, 24–42 histogram, 19–29
chi-square distribution
homogeneity of covariance
explanatory variable. See
assumption. See analysis
d. See degrees of freedom independent variable
of covariance
decision rules. See Type I
homogeneity of variance
error; Type II error factorial. See binomial
assumption. See analysis
de Fermat, 43 distribution
of variance
definition of probability, factorial analysis of
homogeneity of regression,
43–45 variance. See analysis of
degrees of freedom, 138–39 variance 303
density curve. See proba- family-wise Type I error, homoscedasticity
bility distributions 274–75 assumption. See analysis
dependent variable (DV), F-distribution, 167–72 of variance
209–10 Fisher, R. A. See analysis of honestly significant
descriptive statistics, 7–22, variance difference (HSD),
24–42 fixed effect, 283 285–86
deviance. See logistic forward selection, 257–58 HSD. See honestly
regression four stages of using significant difference
deviation scores, 31–32 statistics, 1–2 HSD test. See Tukey’s HSD
df. See degrees of freedom frequency distribution, test
directional hypothesis. See 24–42 hypotheses. See inferential
one-tailed test frequency, expected. See statistics
discrete response variable, chi-square distribution hypothesis, null versus
307–23 F-test. See F-distribution alternative. See infer-
dispersion, 30–42 full model, 251–52 ential statistics
distributions: F- functional relation. See hypothesis testing (HT). See
distribution, 167–72; simple linear regression inferential statistics

................. 18281$ INDX 09-19-12 11:36:18 PS PAGE 326


independence. See condi- least squares method, measures of variability,

tional probability 213–15 23–42
independent variable (IV), leptokurtic distribution, median, 25–27
209–10 70–31 mesokurtic, 70–71
individual differences as a levels of a factor, in analysis MND. See multinomial
source of variability. See of variance. See analysis distribution
variability of variance mode, 23–25
individual-difference vari- limits of summation. See model error, 210–11
ables. See independent mean model fitting. See regression
variable linearity assumption. See model modification,
individual residual. See Pearson product 228–37
residuals moment correlation model residuals. See resid-
inference. See inferential coefficient uals
statistics linear regression. See simple MRA. See multiple
inferences about popu- linear regression regression analysis
lation variances, 161–88 linear relationship. See multicollinearity, 246
inferential statistics (IS), correlation multi-modal, 24
99–136 link. See generalized linear multinomial distribution
interaction effects. See model (MND), 178
analysis of variance multiple comparisons,
logistic regression, 312–23
intercept, 210–13 285–89
logit function. See general
interquartile range (IQR), multiple correlation, 218
linear model
35–36 multiple R. See multiple
lower quartile. See quartile
intersection of sets. See correlation
LS method. See least
probability multiple regression analysis
squares method
interval estimates. See infer- (MRA), 239–71
ential statistics mutually exclusive events.
interval estimation of the marginal distributions, See probability
mean. See inferential 183–85
statistics marginal probability. See natural logarithm, 55
IQR. See interquartile range conditional probability negatively skewed. See
IS. See inferential statistics mathematical distributions. skewed
IV. See independent vari- See binomial distri- nested models, 251–52
able bution; normal nondirectional hypothesis.
distribution See two-tailed test
joint distributions, 183–85 mean, 27–30 nonlinear relationship. See
joint probability. See mean squares. See analysis correlation
unconditional proba- of variance nonparametric tests. See
bility mean sum of squares. See chi-square distribution
analysis of variance normal curve. See normal
kurtosis. See descriptive measurement error, 193 distribution
statistics measures of central normal distribution, 67;
tendency, 23–42 areas under the curve,
least squares criterion. See measures of dispersion, 67–80; formula for,
least squares method 30–42 67–68

................. 18281$ INDX 09-19-12 11:36:18 PS PAGE 327


normality assumption, 94 Pearson, Karl. See correla- probability density

normal probability plot tion function. See probability
(NPP), 95–97 Pearson product moment distribution
NPP. See normal proba- correlation coefficient, probability distributions,
bility plot 189–207 55–80
null deviance. See logistic percentage of variance probability theory. See
regression explained. See regression probability
null hypothesis, 112–13 percentile score. See z-score properties of the t-distri-
percentiles. See normal bution. See t-
object in R, 10 distribution distribution
OLS. See ordinary least percentiles of the F-distri- p-value, 130–37
squares bution. See F-
one-tailed p-value. See p- distribution quartile, 36–37
value percentiles of the t-distri- quartile of the standard
one-tailed tests, 123–24 bution, 143–44 normal distribution. See
one-tailed t-tests. See t-tests pie charts, 13–18 inferential statistics
one-way analysis of planned comparisons. See
variance. See analysis of multiple comparisons
random effects. See analysis
variance platykurtic distribution,
of variance
one-way ANOVA. See 70–71 random sample. See
analysis of variance point estimation of the random sampling distri-
ordinal interaction. See mean. See inferential bution
analysis of variance statistics random sampling distri-
ordinary least squares point hypothesis, 127 bution of the mean. See
(OLS), 223–36 Poisson distribution, 63–65 random sampling distri-
outcome variable. See pooled variance estimate, bution
dependent variable 151 random sampling distri-
outcomes in probability. population, 3–4 bution (RSD), 81–97
See probability population mean. See random variables, 55–56
outlier, 224 central tendency range, 33–34
population parameters. See raw score. See z-score
pairwise comparisons. See inferential statistics reading data in R, 9–11
multiple comparisons positively skewed. See region of rejection. See
parameters, 28–29 skewed inferential statistics
parsimony principle, post hoc comparisons. See regression analysis. See
250–51 multiple comparisons simple linear regression;
partial regression coeffi- power. See inferential statis- multiple regression anal-
cient. See multiple tics ysis
regression analysis Pr(E). See probability regression equation. See
Pascal, Blaise, 43 predicted score. See simple simple linear regression
pdf. See probability distri- linear regression regression line. See simple
butions prediction selection, linear regression
Pearson chi-square test. See 257–71 regression slope. See simple
chi-square distribution probability, 43–54 linear regression

................. 18281$ INDX 09-19-12 11:36:20 PS PAGE 328


rejection region. See infer- significance level, 117–18, straight line equation. See
ential statistics 121–22 simple linear regression
relative frequency distri- simple effects, 293 strength of association. See
bution, 43–45 simple hypothesis, 127 correlation coefficient
repeated-measures designs, simple linear regression Student’s t-distribution,
137 (SLR), 209–37 138
research: process of 1–6; single parameter distri- subjective definition of
purpose of 2–4; role of, bution. See Poisson probability, 45
1–5; role of statistics in, distribution summation notation. See
4–6 skewed, 39–40, 66–67 mean
research hypothesis, 112–16 skewed distribution. See summation operation and
residuals, 216–17 skewed sign. See mean
residual deviance. See slope, 210–13 sums of squares. See
logistic regression SLR. See simple linear analysis of variance
response variable. See regression symmetric, 38–42
dependent variable source table. See analysis of symmetry. See symmetric
restricted model, 251–52 variance
robustness, 24–25 specificity. See Bayes’ Tabu search algorithm, 263
R project, 6 theorem t-distribution, 137–38
RSD. See random sampling spread. See variability TE. See tolerable error
distribution squared correlation coeffi- test statistics (TS), 112–13
cient. See correlation test theory, 120
R-squared index, 218
coefficient tolerable error, 109–11
R2. See R-squared index
standard deviation, 30–33 t-ratio, 137–38
standard error of estimate tri-modal, 24
sample, 2–4 (SEE), 216–17 trinomial distribution, 179
sample size, 109–11 standard error of the mean, TS. See test statistics
sample statistics and popu- 87–88 t-tests: dependent samples,
lation parameters, 2–6 standard normal distri- 137; difference between
sample variance. See vari- bution. See normal means (see inferential
ance distribution statistics)
sampling distribution, standard score. See z-score Tukey’s HSD test, 285–86
83–85 statistic, 28 two-tailed p-value. See p-
sampling error. See infer- statistical hypothesis value
ential statistics testing. See inferential two-tailed tests, 129–36
sampling theory, 5 statistics two-way analysis of
sampling with replacement, statistical inference. See variance. See analysis of
46–47 inferential statistics variance
scatterplot. See correlation statistical power, 120 Type I error, 118–21
scientific method, 2–3 statistics: descriptive, 7–23, Type II error, 118–20
SEE. See standard error of 24–42; inferential,
estimate 99–136 unconditional probability,
sensitivity. See Bayes’ stem-and-leaf plot, 20–21 51
theorem stepwise regression, 262–63 unequal variances, 156
shrinkage, 248–50 stepwise selection, 262–63 unimodality. See mode

................. 18281$ INDX 09-19-12 11:36:20 PS PAGE 329


union of sets. See proba- variance, 32–33 y. See predicted score

bility y-intercept. See simple
univariate distribution. See Welch-Satterthwaite linear regression
probability distributions degrees of freedom
upper quartile. See quartile approximation, 156
Welch two-sample test, 155 z-score: and area under the
variability, 30–42 whiskers. See boxplots curve, 72–80; formula
variables, 55 within-subjects designs. See for, 72; magnitude of,
variables estimation, analysis of variance; t- 72–75
161–62 tests: dependent samples z-test, 116–11

................. 18281$ INDX 09-19-12 11:36:21 PS PAGE 330

About the Authors

Tenko Raykov received his PhD in mathematical psychology from Humboldt

University in Berlin, Germany. He is a professor of measurement and quanti-
tative methods at Michigan State University.

George A. Marcoulides received his PhD in applied statistics and measure-

ment from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is a professor of
research methods and statistics at the University of California, Riverside.


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