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Unit Test 7 LEVEL 1

VOCABULARY 3 Circle the correct answer. (1 point each)

1 Circle the correct answer. (1 point each) 1. If the light is red you must / cant stop.

1. He kissed / stared at me because my hair 2. You can / shouldnt smoke if there is a no

was painted green. smoking sign.

2. I yawned / smiled because I was tired. 3. Do / Can I go out with my friends tonight?

3. Come on! Smile / Interrupt for the 4. You cant / must watch TV because youve
camera, please! got too much homework.

4. When we met the King, my husband had to 5. If he wants to lose weight, he can / shouldnt
hug / bow to him. eat too much.

5. Look! Hes going now and hes waving / 6. You must / can see the movie if you have
staring goodbye from the window of the car. cleaned your room.

6. I was surprised when he bowed / kissed me 7. He shouldnt / must leave the door open
on both cheeks after the interview. its cold.

7. The best moment in the world is when your 8. You must / can sleep at your friends house if
child interrupts / kisses you. you want.

8. The movie was so sad. I smiled / cried at

the end. 4 Give advice in these situations. Use should or
shouldnt. (1 point each)
9. My sister always interrupts / spits me. She
never lets me finish what Im saying. 1. Your friend is bored. Its a sunny day.
10. This food tastes bad. Please excuse me if I (go for a walk)
yawn / spit it out. You should go for a walk .
2. Your brother wants a new cell phone. He
GRAMMAR hasnt got much money. (find some work)
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of have to. (1 point each) 3. Your aunt smokes. Shes got a terrible cough
and cold. (not smoke)
1. In my school I have to wear a
4. I need to do some exercise. (go to the gym)
2. We (not) do homework
every day. .

3. the girls 5. Its my best friends birthday. I dont know

wear skirts? what to give him. (buy a good CD)

4. your teacher .
take attendance in every class? 6. Your little sister is about to cross the road
5. The headmaster speak to without looking. (look before crossing)
all the parents once a year. .
6. We do exams every week. 7. You dont think your friend will like
7. you wait in Japanese sushi. (not eat sushi)
line in the mornings? .
8. your teachers
work late?
9. I (not) eat lunch at school.
10. My friends and I (not) go to
class in the afternoons.

Hey There! 2 Mixed-Ability Tests 22 Copyright 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Unit Test 7 LEVEL 1


5 Read the text and circle the correct answer. 6 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
(1 point each) box. (1 point each)

1. The writer traveled to Turkey a year / month

ago. meet dinner nice how
2. All / Some women wear black in Istanbul. something should thanks can

3. In Turkey people sometimes / dont usually

david: Hello, come in and meet
4. Some boys wear modern / dark clothes. everyone.
5. People dont often say sorry / hello if they janet: Hi, 1 how are you?
push past you.
david: Im fine. Janet, this is Sue and
6. Its customary to drink coffee / tea in the Paul.
shops in Istanbul.
janet: Hi, pleased to 2 you.
7. The writer likes / doesnt like standing near to
sue & paul: Hello, 3 to meet you
people when they are talking.
david: I have to finish in the kitchen.
janet: 4
I help you with the
Customs in Turkey
Last year I went to Istanbul in Turkey. It was
david: Yes, please. I have to set the table.
fascinating to observe the different people
there. Groups of women were covered in black Take these knives and forks.
from head to toe. Other women wore short janet: Where 5 I put them?
skirts. Men kissed each other when they met. On the big table?
Men spit in the street. Some boys dressed
david: Yes, thats fine. Do you want
in the latest fashions, other boys dressed in
6 to drink?
long robes.
janet: No, 7 , Im fine.
In the bazaar people pushed past each other
without saying sorry, but in every shop they david: OK everyone. Please sit down.
offered us a cup of tea. The only situation I 8 is ready.
found really uncomfortable was when people
sue: Thanks. This smells delicious!
talked to me and stood next to me with their
faces only a few inches from mine.

Hey There! 2 Mixed-Ability Tests 23 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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