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Grammalysis b1 Student Test

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B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 1a - 2b Test 1


1 Fill in with the Present Simple or Continuous. /7 3 Choose and circle. /8

1. have 2. leave 3. play 4. not taste 1. Jim used to be / is used to being fat. Now he’s thin.
5. remember 6. not see 7. study

1. Mrs Green a bath right now. 2. I can’t be used to / get used to working such long

2. Dad for work at eight every morning. hours.

3. Alex the piano at the club this evening?

3. I used to / am used to this weather. I like it.
4. This milk very good. Don’t drink it.

5. you the time we first met? 4. People were used to / used to have more free time.

6. I my boyfriend today. He’s too busy.

5. Bob lives with his parents, so he isn’t used to /
7. Olga for tomorrow’s test. Be quiet!
doesn’t get used to living alone.

2 Fill in with the Past Simple or Continuous. /7

6. Harry used to / would be my best friend but I
1. I saw Matt while he (run) for the bus.
haven’t seen him for years.
2. What (you/do) at 10 o’clock last night?

3. Ian (not want) to wake up early. 7. I didn’t like my job at first but I got used to / used to
4. Mum (do) the shopping on Monday. it.
5. Jay (not study) when I phoned him.
8. Dad is used to / gets used to going jogging in the
6. Where (Sam/live) when he was a child?
morning. He enjoys it.
7. Anna (chat) online at that moment.

4 Choose the correct option. / 12

1. Phil in a few minutes. We’ll see him soon. 7. The bus to the coast daily at 10:30.
a. arrived b. is arriving c. was arriving a. leaves b. is leaving c. was leaving

2. The baby’s face hot. I think he may be sick. 8. I enjoy Chinese food, but now I love it.
a. is feeling b. felt c. feels a. am not used to b. didn’t use to c. wasn’t used to

3. Everyone was asleep when the fire . 9. Kate about moving to a bigger flat next year.
a. was starting b. started c. would start a. used to think b. thinks c. is thinking

4. Kate Hank when she was 21 years old. 10. I basketball every day back then.
a. met b. was meeting c. is meeting a. would play b. was playing c. was used to play

5. What are you on Sunday afternoons? 11. This laptop isn’t mine. It to my sister.
a. use to do b. used to do c. used to doing a. is belonging b. belongs c. was belonging

6. you your friends in town later tonight? 12. Ted when you phoned this afternoon.
a. Do ... meet b. Did ... meet c. Are ... meeting a. used to sleep b. would sleep c. was sleeping

5 Underline the mistakes and write your corrections in the spaces provided. /6
1. Mat has finally got used to wear a suit at work.

2. This food is smelling really good! What are you cooking tonight?

3. While he was sleeping, he was hearing a noise.

4. You can’t speak to Robert now. He has a bath.

5. My brother and sister didn’t used to enjoy jogging but now they love it.

6. My friends sometimes are late for school.

B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 3a - 4b Test 2

1 Fill in with the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous. /5 3 Fill in with the correct form of /6
have gone to or have been to/in.
1. know 2. paint 3. not forget 4. learn 5. not write 6. hear
1. He Cairo since he was 10.
1. I my best friend since I was five.
2. your dad ever Sweden?
2. Amanda her flat all weekend.
3. Where’s Dan? He the shops.
3. I hope you that it’s my birthday today!
4. Sarah Chicago for almost a year.
4. How long Katy Italian?
5. Ian work. He’ll be back at 6.
5. Rod still any tests at school this year.
6. Jean London twice this year.
6. you ever a sillier story than this one?
4 Fill in with the Past Perfect /4
2 Fill in with the Past Simple or Present Perfect. /6 Simple or Continuous.
1. Our boss (arrive) late four times this week.
1. Kathy (wait) for
2. Graham Bell (invent) the telephone. half an hour when the bus finally came.
3. How long ago (Toby/start) school? 2. I was looking round the shops when I realised I
4. I (always like) jazz. It’s my favourite. (not bring) my bag.

5. Kit (not meet) his new teacher yet. 3. Nick (never travel)
6. This is the best ice cream I (ever taste). abroad before he went to Berlin last year.

4. By 7:00, Lia (study)

5 Choose and circle. /8 for 3 hours.

1. Kay isn’t here right now. She has the post office. 6 Underline the mistakes and write your /6
a. already been to c. gone in corrections in the spaces provided.
b. just been in d. just gone to
1. Jack has never been in Belgium.
2. Phil hasn’t finished his maths homework.
2. Dad has to eat ice cream since he was little.
a. yet c. since
b. already d. still 3. Gerry has been to New York for three years.

4. Kay had finished all her work by the time 7 o’clock.

3. My sister my clothes. It makes me really mad!
a. is always taking c. has always been taking 5. Ann has been to the shops. She’ll be back soon.
b. always takes d. always used to take
6. Pete has been working here since 6 years.
4. You football since 2 o’clock. It’s time to stop now.
7 Rewrite using the words in brackets. /5
a. were playing c. have been playing
b. are playing d. had been playing 1. The last time I went shopping was a month ago.
5. Everyone by the time we got to the party.
for a month. (haven’t)
a. left c. had been leaving
2. Jake has never travelled by plane before.
b. had left d. has been leaving
This is the
6. Our plane at 10 o’clock. Hurry up or we’ll miss it! by plane. (first)
a. is taking off c. has taken off 3. Mary never lived in the city when she was young.
b. takes off d. was taking off Mary

7. What when I phoned you last night? in the city when she was young. (use)

a. were you doing c. have you done 4. Mum started cooking 3 hours ago and hasn’t finished.

b. had you done d. have you been doing Mum

for 3 hours. (been)
8. have your grandparents lived in this village?
5. The kids went to bed and then dad came home.
a. How long since c. How long
Dad came home
b. When d. How long ago
to bed. (after)
B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 5a - 6b Test 3

1 Fill in with the Future Simple or Continuous. /6 3 Choose and circle. /8

1. see 2. go 3. help 4. not do 5. get 6. travel 1. You must / would not make any noise in here.
1. Kate hopes she her friend next week. 2. May / Can you send this email for me, please?

2. I out later. Do you want anything? 3. Dad needn’t / isn’t able to help me. It’s easy.
4. Fay will / may leave next year. She’s not sure yet.
3. you me carry this box, please?
5. Ryan mustn’t / can’t be at home. He’s in Spain.
4. Let’s visit Leo. He anything tonight.
6. They were able to / could catch the thief last night.
5. - The phone is ringing! - I it.
7. Mum can’t / needn’t clean my room. I’ve done it.
6. At 8 o’clock tomorrow, I to Rome.
8. Will / Might I ask a few questions, please?
9. We would / should often go abroad in the past.
2 Fill in with the Future Perfect Simple or Continuous. /6
10. I hope I won’t have to / mustn’t go there tomorrow.
1. Lessons (start) by the time we get there.
11. You look tired. I will / would make you a cup of tea.
2. By 8:30, we (drive) for six hours.
12. Jo would / ought to rest more. She’s too stressed.
3. you (cook) lunch when I get home? 13. You don’t have to / mustn’t go in there. It’s private.
4. Sam (not write) the report by 5:00. 14. Shall / Will you come with us to the mall today?
5. Lia (study) here for 3 years in May. 15. Hal must / had to get the last bus home last night.

6. The students (finish) their project by Monday. 16. Could / Would I borrow your pen for a moment?

4 Choose and circle. /8

1. Fortunately, I finish my project last night. 5. That suitcase looks heavy. carry it for you?
a. was able to c. would a. Shall I c. Am I able to
b. could d. might b. Will I d. Would I
2. You all this food. We have plenty already. 6. Watch out! You into that tree!
a. don’t have to buy c. might not buy a. will be crashing c. are going to crash
b. wouldn’t buy d. needn’t have bought b. will have crashed d. are crashing
3. I’m sorry I join you at the gym yesterday. 7. Hurry up! The train at half past eight.
a. mightn’t c. wouldn’t a. is leaving c. will leave
b. shouldn’t d. couldn’t b. leaves d. is going to leave
4. Megan later? Can you give her these notes? 8. Anna’s plane in New York by now.
a. Do you meet c. Will you be meeting a. will land c. is landing
b. Have you met d. Will you have met b. will have landed d. lands

5 Underline the mistakes and write your corrections in the spaces provided. /6
1. By the time John will have arrived, I will have gone to bed.
2. Mat can be very happy. He passed the exams.
3. Sean is very excited. This time tomorrow he will ski in the Alps.
4. By next spring, Mrs Nibbs will be working here for over 30 years.
5. Are you going to open the door for me, please?
6. I needn’t have to wake up, so I slept till late.
6 Rewrite using ONE of the words/phrases in brackets. /6
1. Perhaps Uncle Andrew will come with us. (might/ought to) 4. Mrs Riley is definitely over seventy. (can’t/must)
Uncle Andrew with us. Mrs Riley over seventy.

2. It would be a good idea to study for your test. (may/should) 5. Mum won’t let us go out on weekdays. (mustn’t/needn’t)
You for your test. We out on weekdays.

3. Little Tom managed to dress himself today. (was able to/could) 6. Davy didn’t talk until he was three. (couldn’t/shouldn’t)
Little Tom himself today. Davy until he was three.
B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 7a - 8b Test 4

1 Choose the correct option. / 14

1. Oh no! I’ve lost my ring. 8. We drank a bottle of wine at the restaurant yesterday.
a. silver, new, expensive c. new, expensive, silver a. delicious, red, French c. delicious, French, red
b. expensive, new, silver d. silver, expensive, new b. French, red, delicious d. red, delicious, French
2. Larry spent the whole afternoon the Internet. 9. My painting wasn’t Tim’s.
a. to surf c. surfing a. so badly as c. so bad as
b. for surfing d. by surf b. more badly than d. as worse as
3. My dad’s going to let his car this weekend.
a. me borrow c. me to borrow 10. Daniel’s mobile phone is mine.
b. my borrowing d. me borrowing a. same with c. similar to
b. same to d. similar with
4. - Why was Tara late for work? - She came .
a. today on foot c. on foot to the 11. fruit and vegetables is good for your health.
to the office office today a. To eat c. To eating
b. to the office today d. to the office on b. Eat d. Eating
on foot foot today
12. Can’t you walk ? We will miss the bus.
5. Ian drove faster and and I got really scared.
a. quicklier c. more quickly
a. the faster c. faster
b. quickliest d. most quickly
b. fastest d. the fastest
6. The boss arrived for the meeting this afternoon. 13. We can’t stand so much noise at nights.
a. lately c. too lately a. them to make c. they to make
b. latest d. late b. their making d. they making

7. We’ve decided at the weekend. Will you come? 14. Gary suggested for a walk later.
a. to go to swim c. going swimming a. to go c. we going
b. to go swimming d. to go for swimming b. our going d. us to go

2 Underline the mistakes and write your corrections in the spaces provided. /8
1. My trousers are the same with yours.
2. How about ask everyone’s opinion before we decide?
3. We saw the famous actress to get out of her car.
4. We took a two-hours break and then we continued.
5. I can’t get used to live in this isolated village.
6. The more I think about your idea, the most I like it.
7. Paul is working very hardly to get a better job.
8. Let’s watch this documentary. It looks interested.

3 Choose and circle. / 12

1. Why not go / going to the cinema tonight? 7. As I was driving home, I stopped buying / to buy bread.
2. Gloria denied to steal / stealing my wallet. 8. We were all amazing / amazed by Harry’s skills!
3. Linda bought a fifty-dollar / fifty-dollars bag. 9. Simon is usually / usually is on time for work.
4. My house is near / nearly my friend’s. 10. It’s not worth fighting / to fight over this.
5. I’d rather to leave / leave now. It’s late. 11. I’d like meeting / to meet you at 6:00.
6. Dad made me study / to study all afternoon. 12. I remember locking / to lock the door before I left.

4 Complete the synonymous sentences using the words/phrases in brackets. /6

1. I don’t cook with a lot of salt nowadays. (avoid) 4. The laptop was cheaper than the TV. (as)
Nowadays, I with a lot of salt. The TV wasn’t the laptop.

2. Reg is taller than all the other boys in his class. (the) 5. It isn’t healthy to eat sweets every day. (had better)
Reg is his class. You sweets every day.

3. Mike had difficulty making friends. (difficult) 6. This exercise is very difficult. I can’t do it. (too)
Mike found it friends. This exercise is do.
B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 9a - 10b Test 5

1 Choose and circle. / 10

1. Their flat redecorates / is redecorated every year. 6. The garden will water / will be watered tomorrow.
2. Tom’s boss caught / was caught him sleeping at work. 7. Gloria grew up / was grown up in Rome.
3. I haven’t given / haven’t been given Lia her gift yet. 8. Jill hates telling / being told what to do by her parents.
4. This issue has to discuss / be discussed in the meeting. 9. The students are examining / are being examined now.
5. Pat isn’t let / isn’t allowed to go out late at night. 10. You must do / be done your homework now.

2 Complete in the Passive Voice. /8

1. Fay sends Jo emails every day. 5. You must tell everyone to go home now.
Jo Fay every day. Everyone home now.
2. Grandma didn't take Bob to the zoo. 6. Does he always send you presents at Christmas?
Bob grandma. Are you at Christmas?
3. We are checking your orders now, sir. 7. Dad was fixing the car then.
Your now, sir. The then.
4. That factory has polluted several rivers. 8. We can do the housework tomorrow.
Several that factory. The tomorrow.

3 Rewrite in the Passive Voice using Personal and Impersonal Constructions. /8

1. People say that this new gadget is amazing.
It amazing.
This new gadget amazing.

2. People expect that the new mayor will change things for the better.
It things for the better.
The new mayor things for the better.

3. People believe that the Internet has changed the way we communicate.
It the way we communicate.
The Internet the way we communicate.

4. Newspapers reported that the police had arrested the thieves.

It the thieves.
The police the thieves.
4 Choose the correct option. / 14
1. This tasty cake is made chocolate and cream. 8. I am all my friends to my party.
a. by c. with a. going to invite c. invited
b. from d. for b. being invited d. to be invited
2. It is said in a relationship. 9. Australia in 1770 by Captain Cook.
a. to be c. that they be a. discovered c. was discovering
b. that they are d. they to be b. was discovered d. has been discovered
3. Has your class ever on a trip to another country? 10. Your room must before you go out!
a. been taken c. been taking a. tidy c. be tidying
b. taken d. being taken b. have tidied d. be tidied
4. Can you care of the baby until I come home? 11. Bill is believed the accident.
a. be taken c. be taking a. that he caused c. to have caused
b. have taken d. take b. he to cause d. that caused
5. Jenny is thought the best athlete in our school. 12. Mike had better to hospital immediately.
a. that she is c. being a. take c. to take
b. to be d. she has been b. be taken d. to be taken
6. Matt hopes to represent his school at the event. 13. Jill cry in the schoolyard.
a. to choose c. to be chosen a. saw to c. was seen to
b. to have chosen d. to be choosing b. was seen d. saw
7. The kids that violent film at the cinema. 14. Kim tell everything to the police.
a. didn’t let see c. weren’t allowed to see a. was made to c. made to
b. weren’t let to see d. didn’t allow to see b. made d. was made
B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 11a - 12b Test 6

1 Complete the Conditionals with the correct form of the verbs given. /6
1. If dad doesn’t drive me there, I (not join) you at the party.
2. David wouldn’t have fallen down if he (be) more careful.
3. If you (see) Gary, tell him to come with us tonight.
4. If I (be) you, I would save up some money for my holiday.
5. Yvonne (come) to our house, if she hadn’t been ill.
6. If I had some free time, I (take up) dance lessons.

2 Choose and circle. / 12

1. Once he has finished / will have finished his project, he’ll take some time off.
2. Water doesn’t turn to ice unless temperature falls / doesn’t fall below zero.
3. I wish I didn’t forget / hadn’t forgotten Kim’s birthday yesterday.
4. If only Fred were / is more careful in class every day.
5. I’ll go back home as soon as I finish / will finish work.
6. I wish I would / could stop smoking. It’s such a bad habit.
7. Tania wishes she will earn / earned more money from her job.
8. Mark wishes he had met / met Jane when he went to Paris.
9. I wish my sister hadn’t worn / wouldn’t wear my clothes. It’s so annoying!
10. I’ll take an umbrella with me in case it will rain / rains later on.
11. If you go to the supermarket, will get / get some milk.
12. What will / would you do if you won 10,000 euros?

3 Underline the mistakes and write your corrections in the spaces provided. /6
1. Norman wishes he would buy a new car but he doesn’t have enough money.
2. We will go to Simon and Julie’s wedding if they invited us.
3. Provided you will do your homework properly, Mr Smith will be very pleased.
4. It can’t have rained cats and dogs last night. The streets are very wet.
5. I wish I went to the school party last night.
6. I won’t come with you unless you don’t want me to.

4 Choose the correct option. / 10

1. Mum wishes you more polite. 6. I do that if I were you.
a. are c. may be a. didn’t c. couldn’t
b. would be d. have been b. wouldn’t d. won’t
2. Jim wouldn’t have lent me the money unless I it. 7. Rachel to work on Sunday, so she slept till late.
a. had needed c. didn’t need a. didn’t need to go c. may have gone
b. would need d. couldn’t have needed b. should have gone d. needn’t have gone
3. If I a burglar in the house, I’d call the police. 8. You Lisa yesterday. She’s been in hospital since Monday.
a. had found c. found a. mustn’t have met c. can’t meet
b. would find d. find b. must meet d. can’t have met
4. Kevin the train. He’s not usually so late for work. 9. Our team the match yesterday but they didn’t.
a. should have missed c. may miss a. may have won c. can win
b. could miss d. might have missed b. may win d. could have won
5. Ian can play video games he’s done his homework. 10. Keith isn’t answering my calls. He the office.
a. after c. until a. must leave c. must have left
b. unless d. if only b. can have left d. might leave
5 Complete the synonymous sentences using the words in brackets. /6
1. There was no point decorating the living room. (needn’t) 4. Pat didn’t pass the exam last week. (wishes)
They the living room. Pat the exam last week.
2. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? (should) 5. Perhaps the police caught the criminal last night. (may)
You me you were coming. The police the criminal last night.
3. You won’t succeed if you don’t work hard. (unless) 6. I’m sure Charles sent the letter. (must)
You won’t hard. Charles the letter.
B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 13a - 14b Test 7

1 Choose and circle. / 14

1. Jerry came along to the zoo with ours / us. 8. The Lees live here, don’t / do they?
2. Don’t worry about me / mine. I’ll be fine. 9. You won’t be late tonight, won’t / will you?
3. We went to see grandpa and took he / him some sweets. 10. That wasn’t a very nice thing to say, wasn’t / was it?
4. That house belongs to them / theirs. Do you like it? 11. They have been working all day, haven’t been / haven’t they?
5. Look at that horse. It / Its tail is very long. 12. Let’s watch this movie, won’t / shall we?
6. I’m a good little boy, aren’t / am I? 13. You haven’t got a laptop, do / have you?
7. Nobody arrived late, didn’t / did they? 14. Tom must stay in today, mustn’t / must he?

2 Fill in with the correct question words. /8

1. - have you lived here? 5. - car was stolen last night?
- All my life. - Uncle Henry's.
2. - are you going out with? 6. - was last night's concert?
- The boy next door. - I enjoyed every minute of it.
3. - did you find that book? 7. - will you finish your project?
- In the cupboard. - In an hour.
4. - of these skirts shall I buy? 8. - are you sad?
- The short black one. - Because I didn't pass the exams.
3 Complete the synonymous sentences using the words in brackets and the correct possessive form.
1. John's neighbours make too much noise! (of) /4
Those make too much noise!
2. I didn't know that Rosie and Caroline were given puppies for Christmas. (both)
I didn't know that puppies were Christmas presents.
3. London's population is increasing all the time. (of)
The is increasing all the time.
4. Duncan and Lindsay have a new baby. She's so cute. (and)
Isn't new baby cute?
4 Complete the dialogues using ‘so’ or ‘neither/nor’. /6
1. A: I hate getting up early in the morning. 4. A: I went to Paris by train last week.
B: . Especially in the winter. B: . It's more fun than flying.
2. A: I have never had a better holiday than this. 5. A: I never use my mobile phone in class.
B: . It's wonderful. B: . It's not allowed.
6. A: I can speak three languages.
3. A: I couldn't go to team practice yesterday.
B: . English, Greek and German.
B: . I was ill.

5 Complete the combinations of the sentences using relative pronouns. /8

Add commas if necessary.
1. That’s Allison. She is a professional volleyball player.
That’s volleyball player.
2. Sam is dating a girl. Her mother is a doctor.
Sam a doctor.
3. The village is very close to the sea. Katie lives there.
The village very close to the sea.
4. Autumn is my favourite season. The leaves are beautiful then.
Autumn my favourite season.
5. This is the new sports car. Dad bought it last week.
This last week.
6. My cousin Lia won the race. She’s going to college next year.
My cousin Lia to college next year.
7. That is the place. I found my dog there.
That my dog.
8. Tom is the boy. His brother loves me.
Tom loves me.
B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 15a - 16b Test 8

1 Complete with the correct /8 2 Choose and circle. /6

forms of the words.
1. Unfortunately, the news good.
bar litre slice can loaf tube carton jar a. aren't b. isn't
1. I want three of cheese in my sandwich.
2. My clothes still wet. I can’t wear .
2. There’s a of strawberry jam on the table. a. is / it b. are / them

3. This of soap smells really lovely. 3. Your nice. Have you been to the hairdresser's?
a. hair looks b. hair look
4. Can I have a of Coke with my dinner?

5. Go and get three of milk from the shop. 4. Let me give you a friendly .
a. advice b. piece of advice
6. Where’s that new of toothpaste?
5. The police investigating this case.
7. How many of bread do you want me to
a. is b. are
buy from the baker’s?
6. Maths my favourite school subject.
8. Ron was so thirsty he drank two of water. a. is b. are

3 Complete with a, an, the, some, any or ‘-’. /6 4 Choose the correct option. /8

1. Hal drove down the road at ninety miles hour. 1. Donna was walking angrily him.
a. below b. across c. towards
2. We run a charity that looks after homeless.
2. We decided to go into town .
3. Janet usually goes to work by train. a. with feet b. by the foot c. on foot

4. Have we got physics homework tonight? 3. I'm really tired. Let's go home.
a. to b. - c. at
5. Alex has been playing piano for years.
4. My cat was sitting in the sun the flowers.
6. Can I have sugar to put in my tea? a. among b. between c. through

7. I’ve got little free time. Let’s play a game. 5. You'll find the answer page twelve.
a. on b. in c. on the
8. Andy hasn't had help at all with this work.
6. Snow started to fall the night.
9. I believe cats are very independent animals. a. while b. during c. at

10. Philip needs help with his lessons. 7. Jason parked his car the bank.
a. inside b. around c. outside
11. We went on holiday with Coopers last year.
8. I'm going to meet Sam Sunday evening.
12. Fay is unsociable, so she’s got few friends. a. in b. on c. at

5 Complete the synonymous sentences with the words/phrases in brackets. /6

1. This exercise is too difficult for Jim to do. (not easy) This exercise
2. It was such a fierce dog that we ran away. (so) The dog

3. Sam can buy a sports car. He's rich. (enough) Sam is

4. Jenny's very sick. She can't go out tonight. (too) Jenny is

5. The weather was so cold that we stayed in. (such) It

6. I have too little time to play PC games. (enough) I

6 Underline the mistakes and write your corrections in the spaces provided. /6
1. Both Samuel or Kate are coming with us.

2. Tom is so funny guy! He makes us laugh a lot.

3. Mr Smith provided me with all the informations I need.

4. Do we have sugar enough for me to make a cake?

5. It’s time John goes home. He has to get up early tomorrow.

6. Rachel and Derek prefer educational trips than relaxing beach holidays.
B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 17a - 18b Test 9

1 Rewrite in Indirect Speech. / 16

1. “I’ll be arriving next week,” Tina said to me.
Tina told me that
2. “Don't drop these boxes, Bob,” I said.
I told Bob
3. “Please come and see me tonight, Kate,” David said.
David asked Kate
4. “Where did you go yesterday?” Lia asked me.
Lia asked me
5. “Sam hasn't done any work this week,” she said.
She said that
6. “Does Fay enjoy working here?” the boss wondered.
The boss wondered
7. “Take care of my things,” Tina told me.
Tina told me
8. “I am eating more healthily now,” Ben said.
Ben said that

2 Choose the correct option. / 10

1. Frank didn’t know able to come on time. 6. Tom’s boss suggested some time off.
a. whether he would be c. how he was being a. he take c. he taking
b. if he is d. how to be b. him to take d. should he take
2. Alex begged me him alone that night. 7. Can you tell me why the train again?
a. to not leave c. not to leave a. did you miss c. had you missed
b. I didn’t leave d. I don’t leave b. you missed d. do you miss
3. The detective wanted to know where on Friday. 8. The captain ordered the soldiers in line.
a. had Dale been c. did Dale go a. that they stand c. their standing
b. was Dale d. Dale had been b. to stand d. that they stood
4. The mechanic explained Leo’s bike. 9. Eric asked me if I could go with him .
a. how fixing c. how to fix a. next evening c. the evening before
b. him to fix d. to fix b. the evening d. the following evening
5. Mum me to try harder at school. 10. Jody said that he us a call the next day.
a. said c. told a. would give c. is giving
b. suggested d. explained b. gave d. will give

3 Rewrite in Indirect Speech starting with the reporting verbs given. / 14

1. “What a wonderful view!” we said.
We exclaimed
2. “I'll tell mum what you did,” I said to him.
I threatened
3. “I didn't lie to the teacher,” Owen said.
Owen denied
4. “You should get more exercise,” Emma told her mum.
Emma advised
5. “I'm sorry I forgot to do my homework,” Dylan said to his teacher.
Dylan apologised
6. “Yes, I'll help you cut the grass,” Fred said to me.
Fred agreed
7. “You can use my laptop,” Lara said to Jim.
Lara allowed
B1 GRAMMALYSIS Lessons 19a - 20b Test 10

1 Complete with reflexive or emphatic pronouns /8 2 Choose and circle. /8

(myself, yourself, etc.) with or without ‘by’.
1. Beside / Besides clothes, they also sell shoes.
1. Did the kids entertain while I was at work?
2. Don't dive too deep / deeply into these waters.
2. I live in this flat . Sometimes it's quite lonely.
3. Help to ice cream, guys! It's in the freezer. 3. Ray ate out and went to the cinema also / as well.

4. Look! The cat is washing on the veranda. 4. Joyce worked hardly / hard at the office all day.

5. We made this cake all ! Aren't we clever? 5. Don't eat like / as a pig! You can't be that hungry!

6. Careful with that knife, Dan! You might cut ! 6. I haven't seen Harry late / lately. What's he up to?
7. I saw Johnny Depp when I was in New York! 7. It wasn’t easy, but at / in the end Joe fixed the car.
8. Anna's garden is lovely. Did she plant it all ? 8. Andy left afterwards / after he had done the work.

3 Answer the questions using the causative form. /6

1. Mum packed the kids' suitcases. What did the kids do? 4. Jay's wife cooks all his meals. What does Jay do?
The kids Jay

2. Emily has mended Sam's suit. What has Sam done? 5. Nat will do Clare's gardening. What will Clare do?
Sam Clare

3. Lee was writing Mr Pitt's emails. What was Mr Pitt doing? 6. The mechanic should fix dad's car. What should dad do?
Mr Pitt Dad

4 Underline the mistakes and write your corrections in the spaces provided. /6
1. Tina’s elder sister is having made a dress for her wedding in June.
2. Has the manager ever made his staff to do overtime?
3. Jason got Paula help him with his English lessons.
4. Have the Masons had their new furniture deliver yet?
5. I’ll meet you at the café as soon as I will finish work.
6. Let’s leave now. It’s too lately.

5 Choose the correct option. / 12

1. It snowed heavily last night and, , we didn't go out. 7. the awful weather, we enjoyed our day by the sea.
a. as a result c. by the time a. However c. In spite
b. in the way d. as soon as b. Yet d. Despite
2. I'll stay with Tom in case he my help. 8. We had heavy luggage that we couldn't lift it.
a. will need c. needs a. so c. very
b. needed d. would need b. such d. as
3. The meat in the oven smells it is burning. 9. Pam's studying hard enter the university.
a. though c. how a. so as c. so to
b. the way d. as if b. in order to d. for to
4. Jessie loves chocolate it's fattening. 10. I recognised Falk I saw him get off the bus.
a. even though c. in spite of a. like c. as soon as
b. whereas d. however b. as though d. as a result
5. Call me you leave the office this evening. 11. Greg has so friends that he always feels lonely.
a. since c. until a. few c. much
b. while d. before b. little d. many
6. My mother's a doctor my dad's a teacher. 12. We had to stay in the bad weather.
a. despite c. nevertheless a. because c. as
b. although d. whereas b. because of d. since

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