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Hamilcar Barca

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Hamilcar Barca was a Carthaginian general and statesman during the First and Second Punic Wars. He led Carthaginian forces in Sicily during the latter stages of the First Punic War and conducted a successful guerrilla campaign against the Romans. After the war, he led a Carthaginian expedition to Spain where he expanded Carthaginian territory for eight years.

Hamilcar Barca was a Carthaginian general during the First Punic War. He commanded Carthaginian land forces in Sicily from 247 BC to 241 BC, keeping his army intact and waging a successful guerrilla war against the Romans in Sicily. After the war, he was instrumental in concluding the Mercenary War successfully.

As a commander in Sicily during the First Punic War, Hamilcar had to make do with limited resources but still maintained a stalemate against the Romans through skillful leadership and use of combined arms tactics. He employed strategies similar to other great generals of the time like Alexander and Pyrrhus.

Hamilcar Barca

Hamilcar Barca or Barcas (c. 275 228 BC) was a Carthaginian state was led by the landed aristocracy at
Carthaginian general and statesman, leader of the Barcid
the time, and they preferred to expand into Africa in-
family, and father of Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago. He stead of pursuing an aggressive policy in Sicily. Hanno
was also father-in-law to Hasdrubal the Fair. The Great"[4] was in charge of operations in Africa since
248 BC and had conquered considerable territory by 241
The name Hamilcar (Punic-Phoenician mlqrt, brother [5]
of Melqart") was a common name for Carthaginian men. BC.
The name brq (or baraq) means thunderbolt in the Carthage at this time was feeling the strain of the pro-
Punic language and is thus equivalent to the epithet longed conict. In addition to maintaining a eet and sol-
or cognomen Keraunos, common among many contem- diers in Sicily, they were also ghting the Libyans and
porary Greek commanders, and the Biblical general Numidians in Africa.[6] As a result, Hamilcar was given a
Barak.[1] fairly small army and the Carthaginian eet was gradually
Hamilcar commanded the Carthaginian land forces in withdrawn so that,[7]by 242 BC, Carthage had no ships to
Sicily from 247 BC to 241 BC, during the latter stages speak of in Sicily.
of the First Punic War. He kept his army intact and
led a successful guerrilla war against the Romans in
Sicily. Hamilcar retired to Africa after the peace treaty 2 Hamilcar in Sicily
in 241 BC, following the defeat of Carthage. When
the Mercenary War burst out in 240 BC, Hamilcar was
recalled to command and was instrumental in conclud-
ing that conict successfully. Hamilcar commanded the
Carthaginian expedition to Spain in 237 BC, and for eight
years expanded the territory of Carthage in Spain before
dying in battle in 228 BC. He may have been responsi-
ble for creating the strategy which his son Hannibal im-
plemented in the Second Punic War to bring the Roman
Republic close to defeat.

1 Early life
Little is known about the origins or history of the Barca
family prior to the Punic Wars. Quoting Tony Bath, The
Barca family, which originally came from Cyrene, was a
powerful one but not at that time among the rst families
of Carthage. (Cyrene was in modern Libya).[2] Unfor-
Hamilcar Barcas probable base near Panormus in 247 BC. A
tunately Tony Bath omits references. Lance Serge states
generic representation, not to exact scale and not all information
that Hamilcars family was part of the landed aristocracy shown.
of Carthage.[3] Hamilcar was a young man of 28 when he
received the Sicilian command in 247 BC. By this time The Carthaginian leadership probably thought Rome had
he had three daughters, and his son Hannibal was born been defeated and invested little manpower in Sicily.[8]
during the same year. With a small force and no money to hire new troops,
Hamilcars strategic goal probably was to maintain a stale-
mate, as he had neither the resources to win the war nor
1.1 Situation in Sicily the authority to peacefully settle it[9] Hamilcar was in
command of a mercenary army composed of multiple na-
The Carthaginians had gained command of the sea af- tionalities and his ability to successfully lead this force
ter their victory in the Battle of Drepanum in 249 BC, demonstrates his skill as eld commander. He employed
but they only held two cities in Sicily: Lilybaeum and combined arms tactics, like Alexander or Pyrrhus,[10] and
Drepanum by the time Hamilcar took up command. The his strategy was similar to the one employed by Quintus


Fabius Maximus in the Second Punic War, ironically

against Hannibal, the eldest son of Hamilcar Barca in Italy
during 217 BC. The dierence is that Fabius commanded
a numerically superior army to his opponent, had no sup-
ply problems, and had room to maneuver, while Hamilcar
was mostly static, had a far smaller army than the Romans
and was dependent on seaborne supplies from Carthage.

2.1 Panormus 247 BC 244 BC

Hamilcar, upon taking command in the summer of 247

BC,[11] punished the rebellious mercenaries (unruly be-
cause of overdue payment) by murdering some of them
at night and drowning the rest at sea,[12] and dismissing
many to Africa. With a reduced army and eet, Hamilcar
commenced his operations.[13] Romans had divided their
forces, Consul L. Caelius Metellus was near Lilybaeum,
while Numerius Fabius Buteo was besieging Drepanum
at that time. Hamilcar probably fought an inconclusive
battle at Drepanum,[12] but there is cause to doubt this.[14]
Hamilcar next raided Locri in Bruttium and the area
around Brindisi in 247 BC,[15] and on his return he seized
a strong position on Mount Ercte (Monte Pellegrino, just
north of Palermo or Mt. Castellacio, 7 miles north-west
of Palermo),[16] and not only maintained himself against
all attacks, but carried on with his seaborne raids rang-
Hamilcar Barcas and the Roman Positions near Eryx. A generic
ing from Catana[17] in Sicily to far as Cumae in central description, not to exact scale.
Italy.[18] He also set about improving the spirit of the
army, and succeeded in creating a highly disciplined, ver-
satile force. While Hamilcar won no large-scale battle or der named Boaster engaged in plunder against the or-
recaptured any cities lost to the Romans, he waged a re- ders of Hamilcar and suered severe casualties when the
lentless campaign against the enemy, and caused a con- Romans caught up to them, Hamilcar requested a truce
stant drain on Roman resources. However, if Hamilcar to bury his dead. Roman consul Fundanius (243/2 BC)
had hoped to recapture Panormus, he failed in his strat- arrogantly replied that Hamilcar should request a truce to
egy. Roman forces led by the consuls Marcus Otacil- save his living and denied the request.[23] Hamilcar man-
ius Crassus and Marcaus Fabius Licinus achieved little aged to inict severe casualties on the Romans soon after,
against Hamilcar in 246 BC, and the consuls of 245 BC, and when the Roman consul requested a truce to bury his
Marcus Fabius Bueto and Atilius Bulbus, fared no better. dead, Hamilcar replied that his quarrel was with the liv-
ing only and the dead had already settled their dues, and
granted the truce.[24]
2.2 Eryx 244 BC 241 BC The actions of Hamilcar, and his immunity to defeat, plus
the stalemate at the siege of Lilybaeum caused the Ro-
In 244 BC, Hamilcar transferred his army at night by mans to start building a eet in 243 BC to seek a deci-
sea[19] to a similar position on the slopes of Mt. Eryx sion at sea. However, the constant skirmishing without
(Monte San Giuliano),[20] from which he was able to ultimate victory may have caused the morale of some of
lend support to the besieged garrison in the neighbor- Hamilcars troops to crack and 1,000 Celtic mercenaries
ing town of Drepanum (Trapani). Hamilcar seized the tried to betray the Punic camp to the Romans, which was
town of Eryx, captured by the Romans in 249 BC, after foiled.[25] Hamilcar had to promise considerable rewards
destroying the Roman garrison, and positioned his army to keep the morale of his army up, which was to produce
between the Roman forces stationed at the summit and near fatal problems for Carthage later on.
their camp at the base of the mountain.[21] Hamilcar re-
moved the population to Drepana.[19] Hamilcar continued
his activities unhindered from his position for another two 2.2.1 Roman response: privately funded eet
years, being supplied by road from Drepana,[22] although
Carthaginian ships had been withdrawn from Sicily by The Roman Republic was nearly bankrupt and had to bor-
this time and no naval raids were launched.[7] During one row money from wealthy citizens to fund the construc-
of the raids, when troops under a subordinate comman- tion of a eet of 200 Quinqueremes, which blockaded

Carthaginian positions in Sicily in 242 BC by seizing the Carthage would pay 2,200 silver talents in 10 year
harbor of Drepana and anchorages at Lilybaeum, while installments, and 1,000 talents immediately; a total
Roman soldiers built siege works around Drepanum.[26] of 3,200 talents as war reparations.
The better-trained Roman eet[27] defeated a hastily
raised, undermanned and ill-trained Punic eet at Battle Carthage will ransom all Punic prisoners, while all
of the Aegates Islands in 241 BC, cutting Sicily o from Roman prisoners would be freed without payment
Carthage. Carthaginian Leadership requested terms to of ransom.[36]
the victorious Roman commander, Gaius Lutatius Cat-
Carthaginian warships were forbidden to sail along
ulus and authorized Hamilcar Barca to open negotia-
Italian shore or those of their allies.[33]
tions, probably to avoid the responsibility of the defeat.
Hamilcar in turn nominated Gisco,[28] the Carthaginian Neither side should make war against on the others
commander of Lilybaeum, to conduct the actual talks. allies, or seek to change their allegiance by allying
Carthage often hauled defeated generals and admirals with them directly or interfering with their internal
before the Tribunal of 100 and had them crucied, so aairs. Neither side would seek to recruit soldiers,
Hamilcar probably distanced himself from the possibil- levy tribute or build public building on the other
ity of prosecution if the Roman terms turned out to powers territories.[37]
be harsh enough for Carthaginian authorities to seek a
The last condition is mentioned by Polybius in place
of the one regarding not making war on Syracuse. It
2.3 Peace of Lutatius: terms of the treaty is possible that Hamilcar Barca secured the last clause
after the initial conditions, which were more favor-
This treaty replaced all previous treaties between the two able to Carthage, was altered by Rome with a harsher
powers. The initial conditions laid out by Lutatius to one. Hamilcar Barca gathered the Carthaginian soldiers
Gisco were:[30] from Drepana and Eryx at Lilybaeum, surrendered his
command,[38] returned to Carthage and retired to private
The Carthaginians will evacuate all Sicily. life, leaving Gisco and the Carthaginian government to
pay o his soldiers. Whatever was the motivation behind
Carthage should not make war on Syracuse and their this act, it was resented by the mercenaries left behind in
allies. Sicily.
Carthage would pay Rome 2,200 Euobean silver tal-
ents (56 tons) over a 20-year period as reparations.
The Carthaginian army would surrender their
3 The Truceless War
weapons and all Roman deserters immediately.
The Undefeated army now created a unique problem
Hamilcar Barca refused the demand to surrender Roman for Carthage. Had Hamilcar suered a decisive de-
deserters or disarm Carthaginian soldiers, despite being feat, casualties and prisoners would have diminished their
threatened by Lutatius to have the Punic army pass un- numbers and Carthage would have had an excuse not to
der the yoke.[31] Lutatius did not press the issue further, pay anything. But now the 20,000 man army had to be
and the Carthaginian soldiers were later allowed to leave paid their full dues.
Sicily under arms with their honor intact,[32] and without Gisco sensibly sent the troops to Carthage in small groups
any token of submission a rare gesture granted by the with intervals in between [39] so the government could
Romans to a defeated enemy. Roman deserters may have pay them o without trouble. However, the Carthaginian
been surrendered on a later date.[33] authorities waited until the whole army had gathered at
Lutatius did not have the authority to ratify the agree- Carthage, probably by the summer of 241 BC. As the
ment he made with Hamilcar, so he forwarded them to the strain on the Punic population increased, Carthaginian
Comitia Centuriata in Rome. The Romans rejected these authorities then sent them o to Sicca, planning to plead
terms and appointed ten commissioners, led by Quantius with the whole army to forgo their unpaid wages by point-
Lutatius Cerco, brother of the consul and himself consul ing out the dire nancial situation of Carthage.[40] Hamil-
in 240 BC, to reexamine the conditions.[34] They added cars former soldiers, who had been kept together only by
some conditions and amended some of the ones given by his personal authority and by the promise of good pay,
Lutatius:[35] broke out into open mutiny once Hanno the Great tried
to impose this, and marched on Carthage and encamped
Carthage would evacuate all islands between Italy at Tunis. The soldiers refused to accept Hamilcar as an
and Sicily probably the Aegates Islands in addi- arbitrator, angered by his refusal to accompany his army
tion to the Aeolian Islands. This meant Roman ac- from Sicily and retiring to Carthage as soon the treaty
knowledgement of Carthaginian control over Malta, with Rome was formalized, and although Carthage at this
Pantelleria, Sardinia and Corsica. point conceded all their demands, things soon boiled over

and started the conict known as the Mercenary War. made no attempt to join Hanno near Utica. Spendius ral-
The rebels, under Spendius and Matho, were joined by lied his forces, was reinforced by a detachment largely
70,000 African subjects of Carthage.[41] The rebels di- made of Gauls under Autaritus and shadowed Hamilcar
vided their forces, detachments were sent to besiege Utica as he advanced south east, keeping to the high ground
and Hippo, while others cut Carthage o from the main- to avoid Carthaginian elephants and cavalry and harass-
land, probably in the winter of 241 BC or spring of 240 ing their enemy at every possible opportunity. These
BC. "Fabian tactics" continued until Hamilcar encamped in
a valley, probably near Nepheris, and the rebels trapped
his army, with the Libyans blocking the exit, Spendius
3.1 Hamilcar recalled and his troops camping near the Punic army and the
Numidians covering Hamilcars rear. Hamilcars army
Hanno the Great was given command of the Punic army, was saved by pure luck a Numidian chieftain, Naravas,
which was raised from Carthaginian citizens and merce- who would later marry Hamilcars third daughter, de-
naries recruited from abroad, plus cavalry squadrons and fected with 2,000 horsemen. Hamilcar exited the val-
100 elephants. Hanno sailed to Utica in the spring of ley and, after a hard fought battle, defeated the army of
241 BC, obtained siege equipment from the city and over- Spendius. The rebel loss was 8,000 dead with 4,000 cap-
ran the rebel camp, the rebels eeing before the charging tured. Hamilcar oered the prisoners a choice to join
Punic elephants. Hanno, accustomed to ghting Libyans his army, or leave Africa with the condition never to take
and Numidians, did not anticipate any further trouble up arms against Carthage. The new joiners were armed
and left his army for Utica. However, the rebels re- with equipment captured from the rebels. By winter of
grouped, and observing lax discipline among the Punic 240 BC, the situation had improved for Carthage.
troops, launched a surprise sortie and routed the Punic
army while Hanno was absent,[42] driving the survivors
to Utica and capturing all the baggage. Hanno marshaled 3.2.1 Beginning of atrocities
his soldiers, but twice failed to engage the rebels under
favorable conditions and twice failed to surprise them Rebel leaders feared mass desertions might result because
on other occasions. The Carthaginian government then of Hamilcars policy towards prisoners. To forestall any
raised an army of 10,000 soldiers and 70 elephants and such event, rebels committed an act of cruelty unpar-
put Hamilcar Barca in command. Hanno posted his army donable by Carthage. Autaritus spread the rumor that
near Hippo Acra, where Mathos army was besieging the Carthaginian prisoners led by Gisco were plotting to es-
town.[43] cape. Rebels opposing this were stoned and Gisco and
his fellow prisoners were tortured to death. Autaritus an-
nounced that he would do the same with all Punic pris-
3.1.1 Battle of Macar River oners that fell into rebel hands in future. Hamilcar killed
his prisoners and announced a policy of equal measure
The rebels held the hills to the west of Carthage and the toward future rebel prisoners, thus ending any chance of
only bridge across the Bagradas river leading to Utica.[44] desertion from the rebel army and the truceless war began
Hamilcar observed that wind blowing from a certain di- in earnest.
rection uncovered a sandbar at the river mouth that was
fordable and, under cover of night, the Punic army left
Carthage and crossed the river. Hamilcar aimed to at-
3.3 Triple trouble and revival
tack the small rebel band holding the bridge, but Spendius
led the rebel force besieging Utica to confront Hamil-
Carthage was hit by a series of disasters in 239 BC: her
car. The Carthaginian army was caught in a pincer move-
eet and supply otilla bringing supplies from Empoia
ment, he pretended to retreat, and when the rebel forma-
was sunk in a storm, the mercenaries in Sardinia rebelled
tion became disordered, Hamilcar, by brilliant maneuver-
and the cities of Utica and Hippo Acra killed their Punic
ing, heavily defeated their forces, killing 8,000 mercenar-
[45] garrisons and defected to the rebels. Carthage sent an ex-
ies and capturing 2,000 men. Hamilcar occupied the
pedition to Sardinia under Hanno, but this force killed
bridge, then established control over the surrounding re-
their ocers and joined the rebels. Furthermore, Hamil-
gion while part of the surviving rebels ed towards Utica
car had invited Hanno the Great to join forces and try to
and others, after being driven from their camp near the
end the rebellion as quickly as possible, but the generals
bridge, ed to Tunis.
failed to cooperate.
The gloomy situation changed when rst Syracuse and
3.2 Hamilcar trapped then Rome came to the aid of Carthage. Syracuse redou-
bled the volume of supplies sent to Carthage. Rome for-
Hamilcars victory opened communication with Utica, bade Italian traders to trade with rebels and encouraged
and gave Hamilcar the chance to bring nearby towns un- trade with Carthage, freed Punic prisoners without ran-
der Carthaginian control by force or negotiations. He som, and allowed Carthage to recruit mercenaries from
3.5 Setback in Tunis 5

Roman territories and atly refused the invitation from the soldiers and camped to the north of Tunis, Hamil-
Utica, Hippo and Sardinia to occupy these areas. Finally, car camped to the south, thus hemming in Mathos army
when the Carthaginian Senate was unable to decide be- in Tunis. Hamilcar crucied Spendius and other rebel
tween Hamilcar and Hanno, the peoples assembly left hostages outside Tunis to terrorize Matho, but this back-
it to the army to decide on their Commander in Chief, red when the rebels were able to surprise and defeat
and Hamilcar Barca was elected to sole command.[46] The Hannibals army due to their lax discipline. Punic sur-
peoples assembly chose Hannibal of Paropos, son of an- vivors ed, all their baggage was captured along with
other Hamilcar and a veteran of the First Punic War as Hannibal and thirty Carthaginian senators.[51] Hamilcar
Hamilcars deputy. retreated north near the mouth of Bagrades river, while
Matho crucied his prisoners on the same crosses Hamil-
car had used to crucify the rebel leaders, then retreated
3.4 Carthage blockaded out of Tunis and moved south.
At this point, the Carthaginian senate reinstated Hanno
While Carthage was busy settling state aairs, Spendius
and forced Hamilcar to share command.[52] The Punic
and Matho decided to blockade the city from the land-
generals pursued Mathos army and won several small-
ward side. However, as the rebels had no navy, Carthage
scale engagements. After mustering their forces, a deci-
could draw supplies from the sea and so did not face
sive battle was fought probably near the town of Leptis
the threat of starvation. But the rebels would sally out
Minor. The Carthaginians destroyed the rebel army,
from their camp at Tunis and approach the city walls
after which the Libyan towns submitted to Carthage.
to cause terror inside the city.[47] In response, Hamil-
When Utica and Hippo Acra held out, Hanno and Hamil-
car began to harass the rebel supply lines and soon the
car besieged them, eventually receiving their surren-
rebels were placed in a state of siege. Spendius and
der on terms. By the winter of 238 BC, the Merce-
Matho were joined by a force commanded by a Libyan
nary revolt was over. Hanno and Hamilcar unleashed
chief named Zarzas, and the 50,000 strong army un-
reprisals against the Numidian tribes that had sided
der Spendius moved away from Carthage.[48] Using tac-
with the rebels,[53] and the generals probably extended
tics later made famous by Q. Fabius against Hannibal
Carthaginian territory in Africa at the same time.[54]
Barca, Hamilcars eldest son, the rebels shadowed Hamil-
Carthage now began to t out an expedition to recover
cars army, while moving south, harassing his soldiers
Sardinia, with Hamilcar commanding Punic forces.
and keeping to the high ground to avoid Carthaginian ele-
phants and cavalry. After weeks of maneuvering, Hamil-
car nally managed to trap about 40,000 rebels in a valley
surrounded on three sides by mountains.[49] 3.5.1 The Rape of Sardinia

Punic Mercenaries stationed in Sardinia had rebelled in

3.4.1 The Gorge of the Saw
239 BC, besieged Boaster and all Carthaginians in a
citadel and later executed them after the fort fell. They
The exact location of this valley has never been conclu-
managed to take over all Punic territories in Sardinia.
sively identied. It was probably some distance from
Carthage sent a mercenary force under Hanno to re-
Carthage because, while Hamilcar blockaded the valley
take the island in 239 BC, but this group also rebelled,
exits and waited for the rebels to starve, Mathos army at
killed Hanno and their Carthaginian ocers and joined
Tunis did not intervene although the trapped rebels held
the rebels in Sardinia. The rebels requested Rome to
out awaiting his arrival. After the trapped rebels ran out
take over Sardinia, which was turned down. Their heavy
of food, pack animals and cavalry horses and nally re-
handedness with Sardinian natives caused native Sardini-
sorted to cannibalism, Spendius, Autaritus and Zarzas,
ans to attack and expel the mercenaries by 237 BC. The
accompanied by seven others, went to Hamilcars camp
expelled mercenaries took refuge in Italy and again re-
to seek terms. Hamilcar oered to allow all the rebels to
quested Rome to take over Sardinia.
depart freely with a single garment, but retained the right
Rome, which had dealt with Carthage with all due honor
to detain 10 persons. When the rebel leaders agreed to the
and courtesy during the crisis, going as far as to release
terms, Hamilcar detained the rebel delegation. Deprived
all Punic prisoners without ransom and refuse to accept
of leadership, and unaware of the pact, the mercenaries
oers from Utica and Rebels mercenaries based in Sar-
suspected treachery; the Libyans were the rst to attack
Hamilcars positions.[50] The rebel army was slaughtered,
dinia to incorporate these territories into the Roman do-
with the elephants trampling most to death. main, seized Sardinia and Corsica and forced Carthage
to pay 1,200 talents for her initial refusal to renounce
her claim over the islands.[55] This probably dealt a fatal
3.5 Setback in Tunis blow to any chance of permanent peace between Rome
and Carthage[56] and is one of the causes of the Second
Hamilcar next moved to confront the army of Matho Punic War and held as the motivation of the subsequent
at Tunis. He divided his army, Hannibal took half of military and political activities of Hamilcar.[57]

4 Punic politics 5.1 Operations in Africa

Hamilcar obtained permission from the Carthaginian
The aristocratic party had dominated Carthaginian pol- Senate for recruiting and training a new army, with
itics since 248 BC. Hanno the Great was aligned with the immediate goal of securing the African domain of
them and they espoused peaceful relations with Rome, Carthage. As this was in line with the goal of the Peace
even at the cost of abandoning overseas territories. Their Party of Hanno the Great, probably no serious opposi-
choice to minimize the Sicilian operations while Hamil- tion was oered. Training for the army was obtained in
car was in command, reduce the navy and support Hanno some Numidian forays, then Hamilcar marched the army
the Greats conquests in Africa, all of which were causes westwards to the Pillars of Hercules. Hasdrubal the Fair
for the ultimate defeat of Carthage in the First Punic War. commanded the eet[67] carrying supplies and elephants
They had remained in power throughout the Mercenary along the coast, keeping pace with the army.
War and had advocated Hannos position over Hamilcars
more than once. Hamilcar, on his own responsibility and without the con-
sent of the Carthaginian government,[68] ferried the army
Their opponents probably had the support of people who across to Gades to start an expedition into Hispania (236
had wanted to continue the war even after the defeat at BC), where he hoped to gain a new empire to compen-
Aegates Island.[58] The Mercantile Class, whose interests sate Carthage for the loss of Sicily and Sardinia. Iberia
were hurt by the war, and would be marginalized by the would also serve as a base for any future conicts against
abandonment of overseas operations, also supported this the Romans which would be independent of political in-
faction. People disenfranchised by the ruin of the navy terference from Carthage, and the campaigns would en-
and disruption of trade might have thrown in their lot with hance the reputation of Hamilcar Barca.[69] Hamilcars
this group[59] and eventually Hasdrubal the Fair emerged political clout in Carthage may have been enough to stie
as the leader. Hamilcar, furious that Sicily had been given any opposition in Carthage against his Iberian venture,[70]
up too soon, while he had been undefeated,[60] could rely or he did face sti opposition and had used the booty from
on support from this party. his Iberian campaigns to buy his way out. Whatever the
There is no clear record of the political activity in case, Hamilcar enjoyed uninterrupted command in Iberia
Carthage at this time. The political clout of the incum- during his stay there.
bent leaders was probably weakened by the defeat in the
First Punic War, their mismanagement of the Mercenary
troops and nally the Sardinia Aair. In an eort to 6 Barcid Spain
reestablish their position, they decided to make a scape-
goat of Hamilcar Barca. Hamilcars army either crossed the Straits of Gibral-
tar into Iberia from West Africa[71] or, having returned
to Carthage after the African activities, sailed along
the African coast to Gades.[72] Hasdrubal the Fair and
Hannibal, then a child of nine, accompanied Hamilcar; it
5 Hamilcar supreme in Carthage is not known who led Hamilcars supporters in Carthage
in the absence of Hamilcar and Hasdrubal. Prior to his
departure from Carthage, Hamilcar made sacrices to
Hamilcar Barca was blamed by the Carthaginian Lead- obtain favorable omens and Hannibal swore never to be
ers for causing the Mercenary War by making unreal- a Friend of Rome or Never to show goodwill to the
istic promises to his soldiers, especially the Celts, dur- Romans.[73] Several modern historians has interpreted
ing his command in Sicily.[61] This event may have taken this as Hannibal swearing to be a lifelong enemy of Rome
place as early as 241 BC or more likely in 237 BC.[62] bent on revenge[74][75][76][77] while others hold that this
The inuence Hamilcar enjoyed among the people and interpretation is a distortion.[78][79][80]
the opposition party enabled him to avoid standing trial.
Furthermore, Hamilcar allied with Hasdrubal the Fair,[63]
his future son in law, to restrict the power of the aris- 6.1 Iberian political situation
tocracy, which was led by Hanno the Great,[64] as well
as gain immunity from prosecution. Hamilcars faction Hamilcar probably landed at Gades in the summer of 237
gained enough clout, if not supreme power in Carthage, BC. Whatever direct territorial control Carthage had had
for Hamilcar to implement his next agenda. Hamilcars in the past in Iberia,[81] this had been lost by this time
rst priority, probably, was to ensure that the war indem- as Hamilcar was re-establishing Carthaginian authority
nity was paid regularly so the Romans had no excuse to in Iberia.[71] Phoenician colonies were strung along the
interfere in Carthaginian aairs. His second was to im- Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of southwestern Spain
plement his strategy for preparing Carthage for any future and exercised some degree of control over their immedi-
conict with Rome,[65] or enable Carthage to defend itself ate areas, but only had trading contacts, not direct con-
against any aggression.[66] trol, over the tribes of Iberia at that time.[82] Iberian and
6.3 Expanding eastward 235 BC 231 BC 7

Celtiberian tribes were not under any unied leadership at 6.3 Expanding eastward 235 BC 231 BC
this time and were warlike, although some had absorbed
varying degrees of Greek and Punic cultural inuence. Hamilcar, after subduing Turdetania[90] next moved east
from Gades towards Cape Nao. He met erce resistance
from the Iberia tribes, even the friendly Bastetani oered
battle. Four years of constant campaigns, details of which
6.1.1 Ancient rivals: Punics and Phocaeans are not known, saw Hamilcar subdue the area between
Gades and Cape Nao. In the process, Hamilcar created a
Carthages failure to prevent the establishment of professional army of Iberians, Africans, Numidians and
Massalia[83] by Phocaean Greeks in 600 BC had created other mercenaries that Hasdrubal the Fair would inherit
a rival that eventually came to dominate trade in Gaul and and Hannibal would later lead across the Alps to immor-
to plant colonies in Catalonia, at Mainke near Mlaga,[84] tality. By 231 BC, Hamilcar Barca had consolidated his
three colonies near the mouth of Sucro, and at Alalia in Iberian territorial gains and established the city of Akra
Corsica. Greek piracy had forced Carthage to team up Leuke ( Alicante ), probably in 235 BC, to guard
with the Etruscans to drive the Greeks from Corsica, and Punic holdings, and possibly took over the area of Mas-
destroy the colony at Mainke in Iberia. By 490 BC, Mas- salian colonies near the mouth of Sucro River.[93] Mas-
salia had managed to defeat Carthage twice, and a bound- salia, probably alarmed by the Carthaginian advance to-
ary along Cape Nao in Iberia was agreed upon,[85] while wards their area of inuence, mentioned this expansion
Carthage had closed the Straits of Gibraltar to foreign to the Romans, who decided to investigate the matter.
shipping. Massalia had become friendly with Rome over
the years, if not an outright ally by 237 BC, and this con-
nection would become a signicant factor in the power 6.4 Rome takes a look
politics of the region.
While Hamilcar campaigned in Iberia, Rome was en-
tangled in Sardinia, Corsica and Liguria, where the na-
tives had put up sti resistance against Roman occu-
6.2 Securing the silver supply pation - campaigns had been fought in these areas be-
tween 236 231 BC to retain and expand Roman do-
Hamilcars immediate objective was to secure access minion. Rome suspected Carthage of aiding the natives,
to the gold and silver mines of Sierra Morena, ei- and had sent embassies to Carthage in 236, 235, 233 and
ther by direct and indirect control.[86] Negotiations with 230 BC to accuse and threaten the Punic state. Nothing
the "Tartessian" tribes were successfully concluded, but had come of these supposed episodes and some schol-
Hamilcar faced hostility from the Turdetani or Turduli ars doubt their authenticity. In 231 BC, a Roman em-
tribe, near the foothills of modern Seville and Crdoba. bassy visited Hamilcar in Spain to inquire about his ac-
The Iberians had support from Celtiberian tribes and were tivities. Hamilcar simply replied that he was ghting to
under the command of two chieftains, Istolatios and his gather enough booty to pay o the war indemnity.[94] The
brother. Hamilcar defeated the confederates, killed the Romans withdrew and did not bother the Carthaginians
leaders and several of their soldiers, while he released a in Spain until 226 BC.
number of prisoners and incorporated 3,000 of the enemy
into his army. The Turdetani surrendered.[87] Hamilcar
then fought a 50,000 strong army under a chieftain named 6.5 Final campaigns 231 BC 228 BC
Indortes. The Iberian army ed before the battle was
joined. Hamilcar besieged Indortes, tortured and cruci- After the establishment of Akra Leuke, Hamilcar began
ed him after his surrender but allowed 10,000 of the to move northwest; alas, no records of his campaigns ex-
captured enemy soldiers to go home.[88] ist. Hamilcar had split his forces in the winter of 228
Having secured control over the mines, and the river BC, Hasdrubal the Fair was sent on a separate campaign,
routes of Guadalquiver and Guadalete giving access to the while Hamilcar besieged an Iberian town, then sent the
mining area, Gades began to mint silver coins from 237 bulk of his troops to winter quarters at Akra Leuke.
BC. Carthaginians may have taken control of the mining Hamilcars sons, Hannibal and Hasdrubal, had accompa-
operations and introduced new technologies to increase nied him. The town, called Helike, is commonly iden-
production.[89] Hamilcar now had the means to pay for tied with Elche, but given that it is situated close to
his mercenary army and also to ship silver ore to Carthage Hamilcars base at Akra Leuke from which he could read-
to help pay o the war indemnity. Hamilcar was in a se- ily draw reinforcement, it cannot be the place where the
cure enough position in Iberia to send Hasdrubal the Fair following events unfolded.[95] It is possible that Hamil-
with an army to Africa to quell a Numidian rebellion in car died battling the Vettoni, who lived across the Tagus
236 BC. Hasdrubal defeated the rebels, killing 8,000 and west of Toledo and to the north of Turduli and northwest
taking 2,000 prisoners before returning to Iberia. of Oretani territory.[96]

6.5.1 Death of Hamilcar

Orissus, chieftain of the Oretani tribe, came to the assis-

tance of the besieged town. There are several versions
to what happened next: Orissus oered to aid Hamil-
car, then attacked the Punic army, and Hamilcar drowned
during a retreat across the Jucar river;[97] the Oretani
sent ox-driven carts to the Carthaginian position, then set
them on re and Hamilcar died in the resulting melee;[98]
Hamilcar accepted an oer to parley, then led the enemy
in one direction while Hannibal and Hasdrubal Barca ed
in the opposite direction and Hamilcar was thrown from
his horse and drowned in a river;[99] or he fell in bat-
tle in an unknown corner of Iberia against an unnamed
In eight years, Hamilcar had secured an extensive ter-
ritory in Hispania by force of arms and diplomacy, but
his premature death in battle (228 BC) denied Carthage A Carthaginian coin possibly depicting Hannibal as Hercules (i.e.
a complete conquest. Legend tells that he founded the Heracles)
port of Barcino (deriving its name from the Barca family),
which was later adopted and used by the Roman Empire
and is, today, the city of Barcelona.[101] Despite the sim- eet in the Second Punic war. His grandson, Hanno, was
ilarities between the name of the Barcid family and that an important commander in the army of his son Hannibal.
of the modern city, it is usually accepted that the origin The second daughter was married to Hasdrubal the Fair.
of the name Barcelona is the Iberian Barkeno.[102]
His third daughter married the Berber ally Naravas,[103] a
Numidian chieftain whose defection had saved Hamilcar
6.6 Family and his army during the mercenary war.
Hamilcar had three sons, Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago,
Main article: Barcid who were all to have distinguished military careers. An
Hamilcar had at least three daughters and at least three unnamed fourth son is often referred to, but details are

7 Repute
He allegedly founded the city of Barcino (currently
named Barcelona) while he was in Hispania.[104]

8 Hamilcars legacy: The Grand

Hamilcar stood out far above the Carthaginians of his
age in military and diplomatic skill and in strength of pa-
triotism; in these qualities he was surpassed only by his
son Hannibal, whom he may have imbued with his own
deep suspicion of Rome and trained to be his successor in
the conict. While one historian commented that had he
Carthaginian coin depicting Hasdrubal Barca (245-207 BC), not been the father of Hannibal, Hamilcars Sicilian front
younger brother of Hannibal Barca (247-c.182 BC) wearing a might have received scant notice.[105] Hamilcar is thought
diadem to be the best commander of the First Punic War and
as a man, Cato placed Hamilcar a cut above most lead-
sons. ers, including most Romans.[106] By the power of his per-
His rst daughter was married to Bomilcar, who was a sonal inuence among the mercenaries and the surround-
suete of Carthage and may have commanded the Punic ing African peoples, superior strategy and some luck, as

well as cooperation, if unenthusiastic, from Hanno the The father of the protagonist, Claus Valca, in the
Great, Hamilcar crushed the revolt by 237 BC amid a anime television series Last Exile is named Hamilcar
war marked with cruel atrocities from both sides.[107] Valca, Valca being a Japanese mis-transliteration
of Barca (V for B, and L for R).

8.1 Enemy of Rome In the 2002 lm The Emperors Club, starring Kevin
Kline, Hamilcar Barca is the subject of a question
The milder terms Rome had given to Carthage in the af- asked during the nal stages of an educational com-
termath of the First Punic War, and the friendly conduct petition. The question, trivial in nature, initiates an
of Rome during the mercenary war might have raised the important turning point in how events of the story
possibility of a long period of peace between the two unfold.
powers, but the seizure of Sardinia destroyed any real Hamilcar Barca, a poem by Roger Casement
chance of peace among equals. According to Polybius,
the causes of the Second Punic war were as follows:
10 See also
Hamilcar felt that Carthage had given up on Sicily
too soon in the First Punic War. Hamilcar had been
Barcid family
undefeated and was forced to make peace. The sub-
sequent Mercenary War showed that Carthage was Battle of the Bagradas River (239 BC)
capable of further military eort.

Roman occupation of Sardinia, and then Corsica, in-

dicated the untrustworthiness of Romans and their 11 References
willingness to meddle when they saw t regardless of
treaties between the powers. This is the second and [1] S. Lancel, Hannibal p.6.
most important cause of the Second Punic War.[57] [2] Bath, Tony, Hannibals Campaigns, p18 ISBN 0-88029-
This had aroused resentment among many Punic cit- 817-0
izens, and Carthage had no hope of resisting Rome
at their weakened condition. [3] Lancel, Serge, Hannibal, p8 ISBN 0-631-21848-3

The success of Hamilcar and his family in Spain, [4] Appian Hispania 4
which rebuilt Carthaginian nances and created a [5] Diodorus Siculus 24.10, Polybius 1.73.1, 1.72.3
standing army, giving Carthage the means to resist
Rome. [6] Bagnall, Nigel, The Punic Wars, p 92-94 ISBN 0-312-

Based on this, and Hannibals oath, some historians in- [7] Polybius 1.59.9
fer that Hamilcars post-Mercenary War activities were
aimed at eventual war with Rome, which was inherited [8] Lazenby, J.F, First Punic War, pp144
by his sons, and some further suggested that Hamilcar de- [9] Miles, Richard, Carthage Must be Destroyed, pp193,
vised the strategy of invading Italy by crossing the Alps ISBN 978-0-141-01809-6
as well as Hannibals battle tactics.[105] Without Punic
records to cross reference, these remain mere supposi- [10] Baker, G.P, Hannibal, p 54 ISBN 0-312-34214-4
[11] Polybius 1.56.2

[12] Zonaras 8.16

9 Hamilcar in literature [13] Lazenby, John .F, First Punic War, pp145 ISBN 1-
Salammb, by Gustave Flaubert
[14] Lazenby, John .F, First Punic War, pp146
Pride of Carthage, by David Anthony Durham [15] Polybius 1.56.3

The cat of the titular protagonist of The Crime of [16] Lazenby, John .F, First Punic War, p147 ISBN 1-
Sylvestre Bonnard, by Anatole France, begins the 85728-136-5
book with a cat named Hamilcar, and ends it with
[17] Diodorus Siculus 24.10
a kitten named Hannibal.
[18] Polybius, 1.56.9-10
In the manga Bio Booster Armor Guyver, one of the
villains is named Hamilcar Barcas. [19] Diodorus Siculus 24.8

[20] Lazenby, John .F, First Punic War, p148 ISBN 1- [56] Lazenby, J.F, The First Punic War, pp175
[57] Polybius 3.10.4
[21] Polybius 1.58.2
[58] Polybius 1.61.1
[22] Polybius 1.58.3
[59] Bagnall, Nigel, The Punic Wars, pp125
[23] Diodorus Siculus 24.9.1-3
[60] Polybius 3.9.6, Livy 21.1.5
[24] Lazenby, J.F, The First Punic War, p 149 ISBN 0-312-
34214-4 [61] Appian Iberia 4

[25] Polybius 2.7.6-11, Zonaras 8.16 [62] Lancel, Serge, Hannibal, pp28

[26] Polybius 1.59.9-10 [63] Cornelius Nepos, Hamilcar III.2

[27] Polybius 1.59.9-12 [64] Livy

[28] Diodorus Siculus 24.13, Polybius 1.66.1 [65] Bagnall, Nigel, The Punic Wars, pp142

[29] Lazenby, John .F, The First Punic War, pp157 [66] Goldsworthy, Adrian, The Fall of Carthage, pp148

[30] Polybius 1.62.8-9 [67] Polybius 2.1.9

[31] Diodorus Siculus 24.13, Cornelius Nepos, Hamilcar, 1.5 [68] Appian Hamilcar 7.2, 6.5, Zonaras 8.17

[32] Polybius, 1.20.6-14 [69] Miles, Richard, Carthage Must be Destroyed, pp198,
ISBN 978-0-141-01809-6
[33] Zonaras 8.17
[70] Diodorus Siculus 25.10
[34] Valerius Maximus 1.3.1
[71] Polybius 2.1.6
[35] Polybius 1.63.3
[72] Diodorus Siculus 25.10.1
[36] Eutropius 2.27.4
[73] Polybius 3.11, Livy 21.1.4
[37] Polybius 3.27.2-3
[74] OConnell, Robert L, The Ghosts of Cannae, pp80, ISBN
[38] Polybius 1.66.1,, 68.12, Zonaras 8.17 978-1-4000-6702-2
[39] Polybius 1.66.2-4 [75] Carey, Brian T, Cairns John, Allfree Joshua B, Hannibals
Last Battle, pp40 ISBN 978-1-59416-075-2
[40] Polybius 1.66.5
[76] Prevas, John, Hannibal Crosses The Alps, pp41 ISBN 0-
[41] Polybius 1.70.7-9
[42] Polybius 1.74.9
[77] Cottrell, Tony, Hannibals campaigns, p18 ISBN 0-
[43] Polybius 1.73.1, 75.2 88029-817-0

[44] Polybius 1.75.5 [78] Bath, Tony, Hannibals campaigns, pp21

[45] Polybius 1.76.4-5 [79] Baker, G.P, Hannibal, pp70 note 2

[46] Polybius 1.82.5 [80] Lancel, Serge, Hannibals campaigns, p18 ISBN 0-88029-
[47] Polybius 1.73.7
[81] Strabo V.158
[48] Polybius 1.84.3
[82] Lancel, Serge, Hannibal, pp30pp31
[49] Polybius 1.85.7
[83] Thucidides 1.13.6
[50] Polybius 1.85.6
[84] Strabo 3.156, 3.159
[51] Polybius 1.86.7
[85] Justin XLIII.5
[52] Polybius 1.87.3
[86] Lancel, Serge, Hannibal, pp35
[53] Diodorus Siculus 24.33
[87] Diodorus Siculus 25.10.1-2
[54] Cornelius Nepos, Hamilcar 2.5
[88] Diodorus Siculus 25.10.2
[55] Goldsworthy, Adrian, The Fall of Carthage, p135-36
ISBN 1-85728-136-5 [89] Miles, Richard, Carthage Must be Destroyed, pp198

[90] Strabo 3.2.14 Lazenby, John Francis (1998). Hannibals War.

Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0-
[91] A. E. Astin (1989). The Cambridge Ancient History.
Cambridge University Press. p. 23. ISBN 978-0-521-
23448-1. Lazenby, John Francis (1996). The First Punic
[92] Diodorus Siculus 25.10.3 War. Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN
[93] Livy 24.14.3-4

[94] Cassius Dio fr48

13 Further reading
[95] Lancel, Serge, Hannibal, pp37

[96] Cornelius Nepos, Hamilcar, 4.2 Warry, John (1993). Warfare in The Classical
World. Salamander Books Ltd. ISBN 1-56619-
[97] Diodorus Siculus25.10.3-4 463-6.
[98] Zonaras 8.19
Lancel, Serge (1997). Carthage A History. Black-
[99] Appain Iberia, 6.1.5 well Publishers. ISBN 1-57718-103-4.

[100] Polybius 2.1.8

[101] Oros. vii. 143; Miano, Diccion. vol. i. p. 391; Auson. 14 External links
Epist. xxiv. 68, 69, Punica Barcino

[102] Michael Dietler; Carolina Lpez-Ruiz (15 October 2009). Hamilcar Barca
Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia: Phoenician, Greek,
Hamilcar Barca (Character) at the Internet Movie
and Indigenous Relations. University of Chicago Press. p.
75. ISBN 978-0-226-14848-9.

[103] Polybius, 1.78

[104] Oros. vii. 143; Miano, Diccion. vol. i. p. 391; Auson.

Epist. xxiv. 68, 69, Punica Barcino.

[105] Goldsworthy, Adrian, The Fall of Carthage, pp95 ISBN


[106] Plutarch, Cato Major, 8,14

[107] Polybius 1.88.7

12 Bibliography
Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Hamilcar Barca".
Encyclopdia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge
University Press.
Baker, G. P. (1999). Hannibal. New York: Cooper
Square Press. ISBN 0-8154-1005-0.
Bath, Tony (1995). Hannibals Campaigns. New
York: Barnes & Noble Books. ISBN 0-88029-817-
0. or Patrick Stephens, Cambridge, England 1981.
ISBN 0-85059-492-8.
Bagnall, Nigel (2005). The Punic Wars. New York:
Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martins Press. ISBN 0-
Goldsworthy, Adrian (2003). The Fall of Carthage.
London: Cassell. ISBN 0-304-36642-0.
Lancel, Serge (1999). Hannibal. Wiley-Blackwell.
ISBN 0-631-21848-3.

15 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

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