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The Two House Israel

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The following study identifies the Two Houses of Israel, the House of Israel, known as
Ephraim, and the House of Judah, as they are found in the Scriptures. Who is Judah and who
is Ephraim? It is important for us to know about these tribes and where they came from and
where they are today because it is part of the greater Plan of YHVH that will come into fulfillment
in the last days. You will see where you fit in and what YHVH’s Plan has installed for you.

Your foundation. The study begins with their history, and ends with their fulfillment of the
Abrahamic Covenant. It reveals how the people of Israel have shaped the history of the
world. The Two House teaching is one of the most important studies that a believer should have
after receiving salvation, and learning the fundamental doctrines of the faith. Without proper
understanding of the Two House theme of YHVH’s Word, the believer cannot properly align the
First Covenant with the Renewed Covenant, and that is precisely why false teaching and religious
doctrines have thrived in Christianity for centuries; because of ignorance. If you do not
understand the Two House Teaching, you will not understand the Covenant you are in as a
Believer in Messiah Y’shua.

We will first look at what went wrong and why there are two houses of Israel and then we will look
at the Work of the Messiah, Who will gather back His people unto Him, worshipping Him in Spirit
and in Truth.

1. Ten instructions in the Torah given to Kings of Israel.

Deuteronomy 17:14-20 gives the ten instructions for the Kings of Israel to follow:

1. The King must be selected by YHVH, not the people.

2. The King must be an Israelite.
3. He shall not acquire many horses.
4. He must not have many wives.
5. He must not acquire great wealth.
6. He must write a copy of Torah for Himself.
7. He must read Torah to learn to revere or fear YHVH.
8. He must carefully follow Torah.
9. He must be humble.
10. He must not turn away/stray from Torah.

It was paramount for the King to understand that if YHVH’s instructions were followed, the
presiding King of Israel would be greatly blessed, and his descendants would continue to reign
over the Kingdom of Israel as one house. It is also evident that the King should know YHVH’s
Word and apply to his life and in his Kingdom that he should be humble in spirit and not go after
worldly things. Does this sound like any of the Kings of Israel? Saul, David, Solomon? No, each
one of them had a flaw and caused them to go astray.

Samuel desired power and great victories for personal gain, David desired a woman, and
Solomon desired women and went after the gods of his wives. Solomon’s son kept the worship of
foreign gods and this caused the destruction of his Kingdom.

2. YHVH’s Punishment for a King's Disobedience and breaking of the

I Kings 9:1-9 YHVH reminded Solomon to obey Torah. If he did not, the Kingdom of Israel
would suffer consequences. If Solomon or his sons turned away from YHVH and did not follow
Torah to serve other gods or to worship them, THE PEOPLE KNOWN AS ISRAEL WOULD
SUFFER. The following things would happen:

1. "....., . The Hebrew

word for "cut off" is "karath" which means to be "destroyed, consumed, cut down."
The basic understanding of the Hebrew here is that the people "Israel" would be left
alone in the gentile/heathen world without YHVH, separated from Him, and inevitably
enter into a pact or covenant with an enemy to eventually be destroyed or perish.
2. Solomon's Temple would be "cast out of YHVH’s sight." The Hebrew word for "cast
out" is "shalach" meaning, "send away from, forsake, leave, depart (to remove His
presence, the Shekinah glory)."
3. Israel as a nation of people would become a byword (a proverb, an epigraph or
something amusing from the past and given little thought to), a thing of mockery, an
object of ridicule, scorn, and taunt among all the people of the world.
4. Solomon's Temple would be scoffed at.
5. People of the world would instinctively know that the people called Israel stopped
worshipping YHVH, and embraced, worshipped, and served other gods, meaning to
participate in pagan Gentile religions.

A King's Disobedience Brings Division to the Nation of Israel

I Kings 11:9-13 tells us that Solomon refused to obey YHVH and follow His Torah. So
YHVH warned Solomon that as a result of his disobedience YHVH would tear the Kingdom
of Israel in two (divide in two parts). Just like breaking a covenant resulted in the guilty
party to be cut in half, so was Israel cut in two.

3. A Divided Kingdom - Two Houses - 931-586 B.C.E.

I Kings 11:26-43 YHVH sent His prophet Ahiyah to a young man named Jeroboam. The prophet
tore his new cloak into twelve pieces to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. To show
Jeroboam what YHVH intended to do to the nation of Israel, Ahiyah gave Jeroboam 10
pieces of the torn cloak to represent ten tribes of the nation of Israel. Ahiyah then related
that Solomon's son would have only one tribe given to him for the sake of David and the
City of Jerusalem. Does this sound like the Jews?

The one tribe given to Solomon's son would be the merger of the Tribe of Judah with the
Tribe of Benjamin and the Levites. These tribes are still in Jerusalem today and are known
as the Jews. Jeroboam would become King over the ten tribes in the north, and
Rehoboam, Solomon's son, would be King over the one-tribe merger of the south. The
Kingdom of Israel would be two distinct Kingdoms because of the Covenant they broke.

The prophet Ahiyah admonished Jeroboam to follow YHVH’s instructions so that his Kingdom
would be blessed and be a lasting dynasty to humble the Tribe of Judah for a period of time. But
did he do it? Let’s find out.

4. Upper Division: Northern Kingdom of Israel - House of Israel (10

I Kings 12:25-33 during Jeroboam’s reign over the ten tribes of the north, he became fearful that
his people would continue to go down to the Southern Kingdom under his opponent, King
Rehoboam, to celebrate the Feast Days of YHVH as they were commanded to do so in
Exodus 23:14-17. His fear may have been based on several things that most leaders would
face. If his people moved to the Southern Kingdom, he would suffer great financial and
agricultural losses, and military strength in his Northern Kingdom.

The Golden Calf Worship System of the House of Israel - Northern Kingdom

To keep his people at home and happy in the Northern Kingdom, Jeroboam developed the
"Golden Calf Worship System." He built two temples and strategically placed them in the
Northern Kingdom. One was in the City of Dan near the upper Northern border close to Mt.
Hermon, and the other in the City of Bethel on the Southern border that divided the two

Mixing. The focus of worship in these temples was a "golden calf." Jeroboam mixed Torah
worship of YHVH with the revived Egyptian "golden calf" Sun-god religion that Israel's
ancestors had learned when they were in Egypt during their 430 years of slavery. Jeroboam’s
greatest sin was that he called his newly formed pagan religion the true worship of YHVH. This
is exactly what the Babylonian system is, a system of mixing and confusion and this
cursed religion will be broken in the last days as noted in the Book of Revelation. Did they
get away with it?

Sun-god worship. Exodus 32:1-6 relates how the people of Israel fell back into the "Golden Calf
Worship" while Moses was up on Mt. Sinai receiving YHVH’s Torah instructions for the people of
Israel. These verses give us a clue that the Israelites had been involved in Egyptian Sun-god
worship during their years of slavery. According to Egyptian mythology, the Egyptians
worshipped Amen-Ra/Amen-Rah/Rah as their high Sun-god, later called Osiris. They
believed that the gods could not be visibly seen, so they entered into the bodies of
animals so that they could reveal themselves through the characteristics of the animal.

Amen-Rah/Osiris was believed to be like a strong and virile bull, and lived in the body of a
special breed of bulls, called Hap-bulls. These Hap-bulls were kept in the City of Ptah where
the Egyptians formed molten statues of the Hap-bulls to be used in the religious ceremonies of
worship to Amen-Rah/Osiris. Eventually the Hap-bull statues became fashioned to look like a
half-man, half-bull creature called Apis, (Egyptian Mythology, Microsoft Encarta Online
Encyclopedia 2001). Jeroboam instituted his false worship of YHVH approximately 930 years
before Yehusuah came to earth.

5. Lower Division - Southern Kingdom (1 Tribe-Judah, Benyamin,

Levites) - House of Judah
I Kings 14:21-31 tells us that Rehoboam, Solomon's son, ruled over Judah, the Southern
Kingdom. Scripture also tells us that the Southern Kingdom did evil in the eyes of YHVH.

1. The people of Judah were worshipping the sexual, fertility gods and goddesses of
Canaanite/Babylonian origin which dated back to Cush, Nimrod, and the "Queen of
Heaven, " Nimrod' s wife, Simmeranis also known as "Ishtar, Eostre, Eos, Ostara, Astarte,
and Eastre." From the worship of this goddess, comes the pagan origin of today's
Easter celebrations. Jeremiah 7:18 tells us that even later in Judah' s history, the people of
Judah continued to worship this goddess by baking cakes as offerings to the Babylonian
goddess "Ishtar," (The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop).

2. The people of Judah erected stone pillars and altars, and fertility poles called
Asherah/Asherath poles on hills or high places. These poles symbolized the "male
genital organ." The Asherah poles, the Egyptian obelisks, church towers and steeples, the
Washington Monument are all related to the ancient poles and obelisks of Sun-god worship.
Male prostitution was also engaged in during Judah's worst sins against YHVH. As a result
of these sins, Rehoboam' s reign suffered. Solomon'
s valuable golden shields and articles
were stolen from the Temple in Jerusalem, and continual warfare plagued Judah, which
probably drained the Kingdom' s treasuries.

6. The Nation's Punishment for Disobedience

Deuteronomy. 28:64-68 expressly states that YHVH’s punishment for the nation'
s (twelve tribes)
disobedience would be the following:

1. The people would be scattered among all nations throughout the world.
2. They would worship and serve other gods.
3. They would have no peace nor resting place for their feet (be on the move; migrate).
4. They would have anxious minds (anxiety; fear; worry; wishful thinking), eyes failing
or weary with longing (to desire something unattainable; crave for), and sorrow of
being (to have self-pity).
5. They would be in constant fear, suspense, and dread.
6. They would have no assurance of their future (complete uncertainty).
7. They would go back to Egypt (bondage) once again; Egypt as an example of
slavery, hardship, and turmoil found in the world.

7. Exile - Punishment Fulfilled

Northern Kingdom - House of Israel - 732-721 B.C.E.

II Kings 17:1-40 due to their sins of idolatry and whoredom, the House of Israel, the ten
tribes of the Northern Kingdom were sent into exile as captives of the Assyrian Empire.
The beginning of the exile of the numerously populated ten tribes of the North began in 745 B.C.
E. when YHVH rose up the Assyrians to invade the Northern Kingdom, the House of Israel.
Throughout the following years, Assyrians deported huge masses of Israelites into Assyrian
held lands, transplanting them as laborers within the Assyrian Empire. YHVH’s punishment
was fulfilled upon the House of Israel, the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel:

1. They would be rejected by YHVH (Jeremiah 3:8, Hosea 9:17).

2. They would be invaded and taken captive by the brutal Assyrians (II Kings 17:23).
3. Their lands of the Northern Kingdom would be resettled by Assyrian captives
taken from other lands (II Kings 17:24).
4. They would be scattered among the Gentile nations (Deuteronomy 4:27; Ezekiel
36:21). The Israelites were scattered among Assyrian held lands. After the Assyrian
Empire declined, they began to migrate further away from Assyrian lands. The largest
portion of the Israelite refugees moved north toward the European areas to eventually

settle. In the nations, they would accept Gentile cultures and adopt heathen
religions. The Israelites would intermingle and intermarry with Gentile people and
have mixed offspring. They would so thoroughly assimilate that they would become
like Gentiles, thus they became "invisible" in the world and were believed to be
"lost." They continued to move from lands to lands to eventually migrate
throughout all the world (Hosea 9:17).
5. They would lose their identity as Israelites, and their conscience would be seared
(Hosea 7:8, 8:8). (KJ reads the best on Hosea 8:8.)
6. The Israelites would not return to their land in Israel as the House of Israel, or
the ten tribes, until their hearts returned to YHVH (Deuteronomy 4:29-31), and the
prophecies of restoration would be fulfilled Ezekiel 37:21-22; Hosea 2:22-23).

All of this we have seen through history and the Ten Tribes today are lost and have no identity
and are scattered throughout the world. What will bring them back to YHVH and to the land of
Israel (New Jerusalem)? Only if they return to the Ways of YHVH and stop to worship other gods
or worship Him by mixing His Ways with pagan ways. Then He will gather His people back unto
Him so that they will live forever with Him in the New Jerusalem.

Southern Kingdom - House of Judah - 605-586 B.C.E.

II Kings 24:8-17, II Kings 25; Jeremiah 52 tells us that Judah also suffered for their sins against
YHVH. During the years of 605-586 B.C.E., the Babylonian army under Nebuchadnezzar
invaded the Southern Kingdom of Judah three times. The first invasion occurred in
Jehoichin' s reign. He was taken prisoner along with all the officers and fighting men, all the
craftsmen and artisans, and taken into exile into Babylon. In 597 B.C.E., the second invasion
took place and more captives of the House of Judah were taken into Babylon. Then in 586
B.C.E. the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, captured King Zedekiah, and executed
officials. Jewish rabbis, scribes and priests were among those taken captive by the Babylonians
(Elohim Intervenes in the Middle East, by Marion F. Kremers. YHVH’s punishment came with the
high price of exile into foreign lands under the heavy yoke of the Babylonians.

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Judah was taken into captivity because they did not honor his Sabbaths for 490 years, and for
every seven years, the land had to rest one year, therefore YHVH let them be taken captive for
the 70 years they have dishonored His Sabbaths for the land.

House of Judah Released From Babylonian Captivity - 536 B.C.E.

The Book of Ezra tells us that after 70 years of captivity had passed, King Cyrus of
Persia/Babylon announced to the survivors of the captivity that YHVH had appointed him
to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. The exiles were allowed to return to Jerusalem to help
build the Temple. A remnant of Judah, Benyamin, and Levites returned to their homeland.

The remainder of the captives chose not to return. Many remained in Babylon to eventually
wander out into other lands. In those lands, they would be "visible" as "Jews" because they
retained Torah practice. Whereas the House of Israel would remain invisible and thought
to be "lost" because they adopted pagan religions and assimilated into Gentile cultures.

Roman Invasion of Judea - 63 B.C.E. - 70 A.D.

The rebuilt Southern Kingdom of Judah, then called Judea, had been re-established for hundreds
of years by the time of the Roman conquest. The Roman armies invaded Judea in 63 B.C.E.
They captured Jerusalem and the Temple and entered the Holy place (Holy of Holies).
Judea was then subject to Rome.

At the time of Y’shua’s life here on earth, Judea was still under the occupation of Rome. His
disciples thought that He had come to deliver them from Roman oppression as the long awaited
and hoped for "Messiah of Israel." Roman occupation of Judea lasted until 70 A.D. From
May to September of that year, there was a Jewish revolt.

Rome' s punishment was horrible, 500 Jews were crucified daily outside of the City of Jerusalem.
On the 9th of Av, the Roman soldiers entered the "kodesh place," the Holy of Holies, to
plunder its valuables, and the gold on the building. They set the Temple on fire to be fully
destroyed; it has not been rebuilt to this day (God Intervenes in the Middle East, Marion F.
Kremers). The remaining Jews were dispersed beyond the Land of Israel not to return until
1948 A.D.

8. Israel, the Wife of YHVH (Before the Split)

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Israel was the Wife of YHVH but she was deserted and scattered because of her fornication with
other gods. Idolatry is seen in the same light as a married woman committing adultery, the one is
spiritual and the other is physical. YHVH looked after Her but He withdrew all His support and
provision from her and let her seek it from other gods. She will go after them and not find them
because they are false gods. He took away her feasts and her Sabbath rest because she does
not deserve it. This is a picture of the scattered tribes who followed after other gods and she lost
all the benefits and His Ways and culture.

9. Hosea's Life Becomes An Allegory for the House of Israel (10 Tribes)
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Hosea 1:2-10 states that YHVH called the Prophet Hosea to live out an allegory regarding the
destiny of the House of Israel, the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The real life
allegorical experience for Hosea was to show him how YHVH looked upon the House of Israel
and how He would mete out punishment for their sins. Israel in this context refer to the Ten

1. Hosea represents YHVH as Israel's husband.

2. Gomer (the prostitute, her name means – “to finish”, to “complete”) represents the
House of Israel as an adulterous, rebellious wife, a spiritual fornicator and idolater.
3. Their marriage (Hosea and Gomer) represents an unholy union between Torah and
pagan religion. This is the System “Babylon” described in th eBook of Revelation and
She have daughters following Her ways.
4. Jezreel is a Hebrew name that has a dual meaning: In the negative, it means "to
scatter, to sow, to become pregnant, Elohim will sow, re-gather, give birth
(positive side – result at the end).
5. Lo-Ruhamah is a Hebrew word that means "no compassion.", He will have no
compassion on the Ten tribes.
6. Lo-Ammi is a Hebrew word that means "not my people;" term of rejection. The
allegory depicts YHVH’s punishment for the House of Israel, the ten tribes.

What is also seen here is that the house of Judah will be saved and not be scattered. The Jews
are in the land of Israel and this prophecy is only for the Northern Tem Tribes. Hosea and
Gomer's marriage depicts how YHVH sees the House of Israel that was once married to
YHVH, in union with Him, and how Israel as His wife broke the marriage vows. He gave His
Torah to Israel at Mt. Sinai as the "ketubah" or marriage contract which they agreed to abide in.

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1. YHVH would scatter (Jezreel - meaning of the name) the Israelites among the
nations as punishment for their sins; exile them.
2. He would have no compassion or mercy on them during their exile.
3. He would strip them of their Israelite identity by saying they are not His people
thereby rejecting them. They will not keep the Sabbath or the Feasts of YHVH.

However, Hosea 1:10 also reveals five positive things that would occur with the House of
Israel during their exile among the Gentile nations of the world.

1. The House of Israel, the ten tribes of Northern Israel would literally fulfill the
Abrahamic Covenant. The Israelites would become like the sand on the seashore, so
many that they can not be measured or counted as stated in the Abrahamic Covenant.

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NOTE: At this point, one should realize that the population ratio between the House of
Israel and the House of Judah from ancient times to modern day has always been a
reality that the "Jews" have been smaller in number than the Israelites. The House of
Judah can not possibly fulfill Gen.15:5 by itself.

2. At a future time, YHVH will no longer refer to the Israelites as "not my people." They
will be reinstated in YHVH’s good favor.

3. YHVH will call the Israelites "sons of the living Elohim."

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In Romans Paul refers to Hosea 1:10 in his statement to the Messianic congregation in
Rome. He states that YHVH is calling His people out from not only the Jews but also
from among the Gentiles, and from both Houses a remnant will be saved. The remnant
is Redeemed Israel which includes the saved from both Houses and non-descendants
from the Gentile world.

4. The House of Israel will be reunited with the House of Judah under one leader,
Y’shua HaMashiach (Jeremiah 3:18; Ezekiel 37:15-28; Hosea 1:11).

5. They will come up out of the land (earth) in the Day of Jezreel (YHVH will show -
birth). This Promise refers to the positive side of the name "Jezreel" meaning "to re-
gather” and “birth." This Promise also alludes to two deeper levels of spiritual
understanding. The Israelites along with the Jews (including Gentiles) will be taken
from the four corners of the earth to be re-gathered in Eretz Israel in the near future
(Isaiah 11:12).

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10. Good News For the House of Israel (Scattered 10 Tribes & Jews)
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Which Covenant is He talking about? The New Covenant where He will come as the Shepherd
and through His Spirit will gather back His people unto His Ways and they will have the Torah
written in there hearts and follow YHVH from the inside and not from the outside as their fathers.

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The New Covenant is a renewing from the inside where He will give them His Spirit and His
Torah in their hearts and they will “spontaneously” be gathered back to His Ways as found in the
Torah, and they will know YHVH. Secondly He states that He will forgive them their sins (idolatry)
and take them back as His wife through the work of the Spirit of Messiah. Paul told the
congregation of Israelites meeting in Rome that those of the House of Israel that had returned to
YHVH, quoting from Hosea 1:10, he exhorted them that they were "the sons of the living Elohim
(God);" they were to remain in a humble heart and not look down on the House of Judah because
they had not yet returned (Romans 9, 10, 11). The Israelites will recover their relationship with
YHVH. The following Scriptures all speak of their recovery: Jeremiah 3:11-13, 31:18-20, 33:7-9,
14, 23-26, 50:4-6, 19- 20; Ezekiel 11:17, 36:24-31.

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This is clear that Israel is the Wife of YHVH and she has gone astray whoring after other gods
and she was scattered for Her iniquity. Israel broke the Covenant (Marriage contract) with YHVH,
but YHVH did not divorce them, He only scattered them as a consequence of their iniquity and
rebellion so that they might wake up and repent and come back to Him. The main message here
is to REPENT and TURN BACK and acknowledge your sin and He will gather you back through
shepherds that follow Him and they will teach His truth to them and they will understand it.

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The iniquity Jeremiah speaks of is the idolatry they have committed, Judah (Jews) and Israel
(Ten Tribes), the iniquity of mixing the Ways of YHVH with the ways of man and of other gods,
this will not be found among them.

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This prophecy is when His people realized their iniquities and repented from it while they are in
the lands they were scattered to. YHVH have mercy on these people and are a “little” sanctuary
(Temple) to them outside the Sanctuary as was found in Jerusalem. This is linked to the passage
that say that we will be His Temple and He will indwell us. Then there will be a time when He will
bring them all back to Israel from among all the lands they were scattered to. They will not have
their idols and hateful abominations with them. YHVH will give His Spirit to them, the Spirit of the
Shepherd Y’shua and lead them back into His Ways, His Statutes (Feasts) and to His Ordinances
found in His Torah. Then they shall be His people and He will their our Elohim!

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YHVH will gather the sons of Ephraim, the ten lost Tribes In Eze 11:18 we see “hateful things”
and “abominations” and in Eze 36:25 we see “filthiness”. What does this mean? Hateful things
are found in context of “clean and unclean” food and it is all the things you should not eat.
Abominations are connected in Scripture to sexual immoral living and Filthiness is connected to
idol worship in Scripture. These are the things Israel needs to repent from to be reunited as one
Nation, as the two sticks will be united together again.

11. Y’shua is the Great Shepherd

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This is one of the Scriptures that prove that Y’shua is Elohim and not just a mere man and that
He is one with His Father. Y’shua is our Master and He is the Messiah and the arm of YHVH Who
came to do the work of the Messiah so that He can get His reward (nations). He is our great
Shepherd Who came personally to gather His sheep back unto Him so that they will follow Him

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This prophecy confirms again that Y’shua is Elohim and that He came as the Shepherd when He
was with His sheep, and this refers to His First Coming when He came and set straight the
shepherds of Israel who did not lead the people in His ways but they let the flock be scattered
and did not look for the lost to bring them back to the Ways of YHVH. The sheep became food for
the beasts of the field and refers to the nations that they were scattered into.

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Israel (the ten tribes under Jeroboam) were scattered from the north and across the earth, and
they shall come with weeping and with prayers of repentance under the leadership of YHVH
through His Son Y’shua. He will cause them to return to His fresh water (undefiled Word) and to
the straight Way and they will not stumble in it, for they will understand His Word and take away
the confusion (Babylon – mixing). He is their Father and Ephraim (scattered ten tribes) is His first-
born coming form Joseph who looked like an Egyptian. Joseph depicted Y’shua as the Savior of
Israel and He looked like Egypt, because the Church portrayed Him in that way through mixing
and confusion, and He had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim was the second born but
received the blessing of the firstborn and this shows that the Jews were the ones that existed first
as the people of YHVH. He chose to bring in the Scattered Israel (Ephraim) first before He
reveals Himself as Y’shua the Messiah to the Jews and Y’shua the Hebrew to the Christians,
Who is not an Egyptian.

Y’shua is the Great Shepherd and His Spirit is also the Spirit of the Shepherd that will gather all
the scattered people out of the nations, as well as people from those nations, until a great mixed
multitude will follow Him as their King.

12. Y’shua came for the House of Israel (12 Tribes)

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The NIV translation has left out the important word "house" in the above verse. The word "house"
indicates that Y’shua gave His twelve disciples specific instructions to seek out the descendants
of the House of Israel (ten tribes) to bring them the Good News.

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Again the NIV translation leaves out the word "house" which clarifies that an important aspect of
Y’shua’s earthly ministry was to see that the ten tribes of Israel that were in exile beyond the
borders of the land of Israel were given the opportunity to hear the Good News, as well as the
Jews living in the Land. Y’shua wanted them to know that their time of exile was over and that
they could return to their Elohim (God). That is why the Gospel message was “REPENT, THE

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You are lost if you once belonged. That which are "lost" refers to the Ten Tribes of Israel, and
their descendants down through their generations. This started with Y’shua and was fulfilled by
Paul’s ministry among the Gentile nations.

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Note: The phrase “…of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit..” was inserted by the translators and is
not in the original text. It should read “…in the Name of Y’shua…”. What does “in the Name”
mean? ‘Name’ means ‘character’. To be baptized in the Name of someone is to be baptized in
His Character.

Baptism is the Hebrew word “Mikvah” and is a cleansing process to show that a new phase in
your life is starting. They also “mikva” people in the Name of their Rabbi’s or teachers to show
who they now follow and to who’s teachings they adhere. Y’shua is our Master and our Teacher
and we are “Mikvahed” in His Name to proclaim that we follow His teachings and that we conform
our lives to His Character which is written in His Word (TaNaK).

The Great Commission is a, seek, find, save, and restore mission. The key word in Matthew
28:19 is "nations" for that is where the tribes were to be found and are to be found even today.
The scattered ten tribes is the net that was cast out into the sea (nations) and when YHVH pulls it
in again (trough His disciples – fishers of men), He gathers the gentiles with the Ten Lost Tribes
of Israel.

Peter was commissioned to work among the Jews, which are the three tribes who stayed in
Jerusalem (who were scattered for only seventy years in the time of Daniel). Paul was the
Apostle who was appointed by YHVH to bring the Gospel to the nations and he can be seen as
the flagship for the restoration of Israel from among the nations. Y’shua is the Head of the
gathering of these two steams of lost sheep. YHVH revealed the Scripture to Paul and he called
this revelation “the Mystery of the Gospel”.

13. The Mystery of the Gospel.

What is the Mystery of the Gospel that Paul taught, and what does it mean to us?

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Paul said that his Gospel is the preaching of Y’shua the Messiah according to this Mystery that
was hidden until then, and was revealed to Paul by the Spirit of Elohim. Let’s find out what Paul
said about this Mystery.

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There are three groups mentioned here; the first group are the ones that were broken off
because of unbelief. We know this group is the scattered ten tribes that lived in the northern
part of the land and their UNBELIEF is defined here as NOT LISTENING TO YHVH WHEN HE
TOLD THEM NOT TO WORSHIP IDOLS. We know unbelief as not believing in Jesus, do we
have the right concept of faith? No, faith is active and is based upon acting on what you receive
and belief as the truth. That’s why James said that FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. What is
the TRUTH? It is THE WORD OF YHVH better known as the WHOLE SCRIPTURE. As Paul said
in Romans that the TaNaK is good for doctrine, reproof and teaching in righteousness. FAITH IS

The second group are the ones that were not broken off and are currently known as still being
grafted into the Good Olive Tree, these are the Jews. They are still grafted into the Olive tree
because Paul said that SOME of the branches were broken off, not ALL the branches, and they
are the remaining branches.

The third group are the Gentiles that came from the Wild Olive tree that will be grafted into
the Good Olive Tree (original Israel) by faith in Y’shua and listening to His Voice (Word), so that
they might come out of the pagan things and become part of the family of YHVH; the house of

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Paul speaks to the assembly in Ephesus (gentile assembly) and reveals to them the MYSTERY
of YHVH’s WILL. What is the WILL OF YHVH? Many people always want to know what the will of
YHVH is for their lives. It is clearly that all things and all people might be head up under the
authority of Y’shua the Messiah. His will is to gather all people unto Him and join them into the
house of Israel through the Spirit of YHVH Who is the seal of promise, the One that grafts you in,
and the evidence and seal that you are grafted in. Y’shua is the Great Shepherd Who leads
people into His Kingdom and His Spirit is the Shepherd (Y’shua in the spirit) that leads all people
across the world and from every nation back unto Him. HIS WILL IS that all people become part
of His Kingdom (Israel). He has redeemed us with His blood and we are able to be grafted into
Israel if we accept His offer and gift of salvation. If you listen to his Word (His voice calling), He
gives you His Spirit as a sign that you are His, the Spirit is the Engagement Ring that show to
you and others that you are His bride (part of) and belong to Him.

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We see a new concept here; the MYSTERY OF MESSIAH. Is it the same as the Mystery of the
Gentiles coming in? In verse 5 we see that this Mystery is that the nations may be fellow heirs

The Spirit revealed this to the prophets as we have seen earlier, and it was then revealed to Paul
so that he might reveal it to all people (nations). Take note that it is through the Spirit Who is the
Seal Who reveals this TRUTH to all those who believe in the Messiah, so that they might be
part of the body of Messiah and that He might be their Master, listening to His Voice and
obeying His Word.

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The Mystery of the Nations is the fulfillment of the TaNaK (Word) [please note that fulfill does not
mean to take it away, but reveals and confirms it to be truth]. The Mystery not only reveals the
nations as part of Israel, but also reveals how to ACCESS this Kingdom and how to become part
of Israel. It is only through Y’shua the Messiah, He is the WAY to the Father and it is through Him
that you are grafted into the Olive Tree (Israel).

What we have seen in the revelation of Paul is that He did not bring another message or a new
revelation, but he revealed what was written in the Prophets, which the Spirit made known
through him to all the nations. This was Paul’s ministry among the nations; to reveal the Scripture
(TaNaK) to them, to show them that they can be part of Israel through faith in Y’shua the

Are you part of Israel? You may answer that you are a Gentile and do not want to be and Israelite
because they are Jewish. The fact of the matter is, they are all Hebrew and Abraham, the father
of our faith was the first Hebrew and YHVH initiated the Hebrew culture, which is His Ways that
He gave to Israel as a whole. If you become born again, you become part of Israel (Righteous of
Elohim) and must learn His Ways (Hebrew culture) and unlearn your ways (pagan culture). This
is one of the things the Church do not understand; we need to change if we decide to follow Him,
He does not change to come down to our way of living to make our life heaven on earth – that is
Satan’s ways and his plan to deceive man and to tear them away from YHVH.

Repentance is the first step into this promise and that you have to leave your filthiness (idol
worship and mixing with pagan things), your abdominal things (sexual immoral living) and the
hateful things (unclean things – eating habits) as seen in Acts 15:19-20.

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Scripture were referenced by quoting a phrase, and that phrase pointed to a place in the
Scripture (TaNaK) were you can find the detail on that topic. (You had to know the Scripture to
understand these references). This is exactly what happened here in Acts 15; they quoted the
key phrase “ " Land this pointed to Lev 11:1-30, that tells
you about clean and unclean food. These were the FIRST STEPS when someone for m the
nations came into Israel, (Righteous people of Elohim), and forms the basis to help us as Gentiles
who came to faith in Messiah, to know where to start in the Torah. These three topics form the
basis of fellowship, and it helps believers from different backgrounds and spiritual maturity levels,
to fellowship together without disputes and offending each other.

As they fellowship, they will learn more of the Word (TaNaK) and wash themselves clean with it
until they are in unity in faith, so that they might be presentable before the King of Kings when He

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He did not save us by redeeming us with His Blood only, He gave us His Word (TaNaK) so that
we may wash our actions clean so that we might BE HOLY as He is HOLY and be conformed into
His IMAGE and might do His Work as His Body on this earth. When Y’shua died, there came
blood and water from His side, John was the witness to this and that is why he wrote:

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We have to sanctify ourselves with both the Blood (Coming into the Covenant) and the Water
(Word) and His Spirit is the Spirit of the Shepherd, gathering His people back into the Covenantal
agreement so that they can be His Holy people, set-apart to be His Bride. Sanctification
(cleansing) is so that we might be set apart and look different to the dark world and SHINE HIS
LIGHT (TRUTH) as we express it through our lives. Sanctification is part of SALVATION and
“protects” your “salvation” till we meet Him as the Judge. It is like barriers on the sides of the road
where it helps you not to go off the road and fall down from the high path into the valley of sin.
You can loose your salvation; if you have lost your Shepherd (Y’shua), then you are a lost sheep
and your name can be blotted out if you do not repent and return to listen to the Voice (Word) of
the Shepherd.


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