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Fluent-Intro 16.0 L08 HeatTransfer PDF

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Lecture 8:

Heat Transfer
16.0 Release

Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

1 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Lecture Theme:
Heat transfer has broad applications across all industries. All modes of heat
transfer (conduction, convection forced and natural, radiation, phase change) can
be modeled in Fluent and solution data can be used as input for one-way thermal
FSI simulations.
Learning Aims:
You will learn:
How to treat conduction, convection (forced and natural) and radiation in Fluent
How to set wall thermal boundary conditions
How to export solution data for use in a thermal stress analysis (one-way FSI)

Learning Objectives:
You will be familiar with Fluents heat transfer modeling capabilities and be able to
set up and solve problems involving all modes of heat transfer
Intro. Overview Wall BCs Applications 1-way Thermal FSI Summary
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Heat Transfer Modeling in Fluent
All modes of heat transfer can be taken into account
with CFD simulation :
Convection (forced and natural)
Numerous processes can be included as appropriate
Interphase energy source (phase change)
Fluid-solid conjugate heat transfer
Viscous dissipation
Species diffusion
To model heat transfer, activate the energy equation
Expand the models branch in the Tree, right click on Energy
and choose "On"
Intro. Overview Wall BCs Applications 1-way Thermal FSI Summary
3 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016
Convection Heat Transfer
As a fluid moves, it carries heat with it this is called convection
Thus, heat transfer is coupled to the fluid flow solution
Energy + Fluid flow equations activated means Convection is computed
Conduction also solved in fluid when Energy activated
The rate of heat transfer depends
strongly on the fluid velocity
Fluid properties may vary significantly
with temperature (e.g., air)
At walls, the heat transfer coefficient q = h (Tbody T ) = h T
is computed by the turbulent thermal
wall functions h = average heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K)

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Conduction Heat Transfer
Conduction heat transfer is governed by Fouriers Law
Fluent computes conduction in all fluid and solid zones when
the energy equation is activated
Fouriers law states that the heat transfer rate is directly
proportional to the gradient of temperature

Mathematically, qconduction = k T

The constant of proportionality is the thermal

conductivity (k)
k may be a function of temperature, space, etc.
for isotropic materials, k is a constant value
for anisotropic materials, k is a matrix
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Thermal Wall Boundary Conditions
Six thermal conditions at Walls:
Heat Flux
Convection simulates an external convection environment which is not modeled (user-prescribed heat
transfer coefficient)
qconv = hext (Text Tw )
Radiation simulates an external
radiation environment which is not
modeled (user-prescribed external
emissivity and radiation temperature)
qrad = ext (T4 Tw4 )
Mixed Combination of
Convection and Radiation
boundary conditions
qmixed = hext (Text Tw ) + ext (T4 Tw4 )
Via System Coupling Can be used when Fluent is coupled with another system in Workbench using System
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Modeling Heat Transfer in Walls
It is often important to model the thermal effects of the wall bounding the fluid but it may
not be necessary to mesh it.
Option 1
Mesh the wall in the pre-processor
Assign it as a solid cell zone
Heat can flow in all Solid
This is the most thorough approach

Option 2: Fluid
Just mesh the fluid region
Specify a wall thickness Solid
Heat transfer
Wall conduction will be accounted for normal to wall

Option 3:
As option 2, but enable Shell Conduction
1 or more layers of virtual cells will be created Heat can flow in all Solid
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Managing Shell Conduction Walls
From Define > Shell Conduction
Manager, all shell conduction
boundaries can be managed in one
It is still possible to define shell
conduction in the boundary conditions
panel for individual walls
Select more than one zone in Shell
Conduction Zones to efficiently apply
identical settings to different walls
Also possible to read and write shell
conduction settings in .csv format
Especially useful for models with a
large number of shell conduction walls
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Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT)
At a wall between a fluid and a solid zone or a wall with fluid on both sides, a wall / wall_shadow
is created automatically by Fluent while reading the mesh file
By default, the Coupled boundary condition automatically balances energy on the two sides of the walls
Possible, but uncommon, to uncouple and to specify different thermal conditions on each side
Coolant Flow Past Heated Rods


Velocity Vectors

Temperature Contours
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Natural Convection
Natural convection occurs when fluid density is
temperature dependent and heat is added to fluid
Flow is induced by gravitational force acting on density
When gravity is activated in Fluent, the pressure gradient
and body force terms in the momentum equation are
rewritten as


The transformation avoids roundoff error when gravity is enabled

Important for Fluent because p' is used for boundary conditions and results
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User Inputs for Natural Convection
Define Gravity in the Operating Conditions panel
Choose a temperature dependent density model in
the Materials panel
Most common are Boussinesq (valid for small T, see Appendix)
and incompressible ideal gas (any T)
For liquids with large T, use piecewise linear or polynomial

If using Boussinesq, set the operating temperature

Operating density is ignored

If using any other density model, set the operating

Operating temperature is ignored
Strongly recommended to explicitly specify the density at
ambient temperature (see Appendix)

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Radiative heat transfer is a mode of energy transfer where the energy is transported via
electromagnetic waves
Thermal radiation covers the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum from 0.1 to 100 m


Ultraviolet Infrared

X rays Thermal Radiation

rays Microwaves

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
log10 (Wavelength), m

Solar load (HVAC) Headlight Glass furnace

For semi-transparent bodies (e.g., glass, combustion product gases), radiation is a volumetric
phenomenon since emissions can escape from within bodies
For opaque bodies, radiation is essentially a surface phenomena since nearly all internal emissions are
absorbed within the body
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When to Include Radiation?
Radiation effects should be accounted for if
qrad = (Tmax
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
5.670410-8 W/(m2K4)
is of the same order or magnitude than the convective and
conductive heat transfer rates. This is usually true at high
temperatures but can also be true at lower temperatures, depending
on the application
Estimate the magnitude of conduction or convection heat transfer in
the system as q =h T conv T ( wall bulk )
Compare qrad with qconv
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Optical Thickness and Radiation Modeling
The optical thickness should be determined
before choosing a radiation model

Optical Thickness (a+s)L

a= absorption coefficient
s=scattering coefficient (often=0)
L= mean beam length

a: absorption coefficient (m-1)

(Note: Absorptivity of a Surface)
L: mean beam length (m)
(a typical distance between 2 opposing walls)
Optically thin means that the fluid is transparent to the radiation at wavelengths
where the heat transfer occurs
The radiation only interacts with the boundaries of the domain

Optically thick/dense means that the fluid absorbs and re-emits the radiation
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Choosing a Radiation Model
The radiation model selected must be appropriate for the optical thickness of
the system being simulated
Model Optical Thickness Computational Expense
When optical thickness = 0, S2S has comparable
Surface to surface model (S2S) 0
accuracy with DO at less computational expense
Very low computational expense for solar
Solar load model 0 (except window panes)
radiation problems compared to the DO model
Rosseland >5 Very inexpensive but very limited in applicability
P-1 >1 Reasonable accuracy for moderate cost
The most computationally expensive model but
Discrete ordinates model (DO) All
also the most comprehensive and accurate
Discrete Transfer Method Cheaper than DO but not available in parallel so
(DTRM) rarely used
In terms of accuracy, DO and DTRM are most accurate (S2S is accurate for optical thickness = 0)
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Phase Change
Heat released or absorbed when matter changes state
There are many different forms of phase change
Condensation Tracks from evaporating liquid pentane
Evaporation droplets and temperature contours for
Boiling pentane combustion with the non-
Melting/Solidification premixed combustion model

Multiphase models and/or UDFs are needed to properly model

these phenomena

Contours of vapor volume fraction

for boiling in a nuclear fuel
assembly calculated with the
Eulerian multiphase model

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Post-Processing Heat Transfer
Heat flux reporting:
Total Heat Transfer Rate : both convective and radiative flux are computed
Net heat balance should be 0 once converged
or opposite to all the external energy sources (UDF or constant sources, DPM)
Radiation Heat Transfer Rate , only radiative net flux is computed
The sum of this flux is generally not 0. It can represent the amount of energy that is absorbed by
the media

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Performing a 1-way Thermal FSI Simulation
The results of the Fluent
model can be transferred
to another FE code for
further analysis (for
example to compute
thermal stresses)

Using Workbench, it is very

easy to map the Fluent
data over to an ANSYS
Mechanical simulation

Just right click on the

Solution cell, then
Transfer Data To
New Static Structural

Intro. Overview Wall BCs Applications 1-way Thermal FSI Summary

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Performing a 1-way Thermal FSI Simulation
Within the ANSYS Mechanical application
(see image), the solution data from
Fluent is available as an Imported Load
Volumetric temperature quantities can
be transferred

Courtesy of CADFEM Gmbh

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After activating heat transfer, you must provide :
Thermal conditions at walls and flow boundaries
Fluid properties for energy equation

Available heat transfer modeling options include :

Conjugate heat transfer
Natural convection
Phase Change
Double precision solver usually needed to achieve a good energy
balance over the entire domain
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21 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Forced Convection
Forced convection results often depend on accurate resolution of turbulence
Example: Baughns Pipe Expansion ReD= 40,750
Dittus-Boelter correlation for a straight pipe
Nu DB = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4

K-omega SST with y+=1


22 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Energy Equation Introduction
Energy transport equation:

Unsteady Convection Conduction Species Viscous Enthalpy

Diffusion Dissipation Source/Sink
Energy E per unit mass is defined as:

Pressure work and kinetic energy are always accounted for with compressible
flows or when using the density-based solvers. For the pressure-based solver, they
are omitted and can be added through a text command:

The TUI command define/models/energy? will give more options when

enabling the energy equation

23 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Governing Equation : Viscous Dissipation
Energy source due to viscous
Also called viscous heating
Often negligible, especially in
incompressible flow

Important when viscous shear in fluid is

large (e.g., lubrication) and/or in high-
velocity, compressible flows

Important when Brinkman number

U e2
approaches or exceeds unity: Br =

24 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Convection heat transfer results from
fluid motion
The heat transfer rate is coupled to the
fluid flow solution
The rate of heat transfer is strongly
dependent on fluid velocity and fluid
Fluid properties may vary significantly
with temperature
There are three types of convection Example: When cold air flows
Natural convection: fluid moves due to
buoyancy effects past a warm body, it draws away
Boiling convection: body is hot enough to warm air near the body and
cause fluid phase change
Forced convection: flow is induced by replaces it with cold air
some external means

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Heat Transfer Coefficient
Different ranges of values for the heat transfer Typical values of h
coefficient are observed for different convection modes
Natural Convection Fluid moves due to buoyancy
Thot Tcold 4 4,000

Forced Convection Flow is induced external means Tcold

Thot 10 75,000

Boiling Convection Body is hot enough to cause fluid

phase change
Tcold 300 900,000


26 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Natural Convection: Gravity-Reference Density
Momentum equation along the direction of gravity (z in this
( W ) P
+ ( U W ) = 2W abs + g
t z
In Fluent, a variable change is done for the pressure field as
soon as gravity is enabled
P = (Pabs Poperating ) 0 g z
Hydrostatic reference pressure head and operating pressure are
removed from pressure field

Momentum equation becomes

( W ) P
+ ( U W ) = 2W + ( 0 ) g
t z
where P' is the static gauge pressure used by Fluent for
boundary conditions and post-processing
This pressure transformation avoids round off error and
simplifies the setup of pressure boundary conditions

27 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Natural Convection in an Open Domain (1/2)
Many heat transfer problems (especially for ventilation problems) include the effects of natural
As the fluid warms, some regions become warmer than others, and therefore rise through the
action of buoyancy
This example shows a generic LNG liquefaction site, several hundred metres across. Large
amounts of waste heat are dissipated by the air coolers (rows of blue circles). The aim of the
CFD simulation is to assess whether this hot air rises cleanly away from the site
Hot discharges
Red surface shows where
air is more than 5C above
ambient temperature

Note transparent regions.

These contain objects too Problem areas
fine to mesh, so a porous where hot cloud
cell zone condition is used Ambient
Wind fails to clear site

28 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Natural Convection in an Open Domain (2/2)
The underlying term for the buoyant force in the momentum equations is ( 0 )g
where is the local density and o a reference density

The reference density, o is set on the Operating Conditions panel.

Strongly recommended: o = Ambient density

The pressure profile on boundaries is dependent on the value of o, because the value entered
in the boundary conditions panel corresponds to the modified pressure, P (= P o g z)

If the computational domain contains pressure inlets and outlets connected to the same
external environment, o should be set equal to the ambient density and a constant pressure of
0 Pa specified for inlets and outlets

29 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Selecting the Reference Density
Example Door and roof vents on a building with heated wall
The roof static pressure is set to 0 while the door static pressure must be given a hydrostatic
head profile based on the height of the building
Roof Outlet So, the correct pressure BCs are :
Pressure outlet Pgauge = 0 Pbuoy = o g H (Ps)top = 0 0 g H e.g. P = Pgauge - Pbuoy
(Ps)bot = amb g ( y H ) 0 g y
Or, equivalently, adding ogH to both
(Ps)top = 0
H y g (Ps)bot = ( amb o ) g ( y H )
Heated Note: In this case, if you can set the
wall reference density equal to the
Door Inlet external ambient density then the
Pressure inlet Note that g is in the y hydrostatic component can be
Pbuoy = o g y direction, which means overall ignored
Pgauge = amb g (y-H) this has a positive value
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Natural Convection in a Cavity
The choice of o can be arbitrary in a cavity but has an impact on convergence
flow Well posed simulation
o set to a value in the middle of the cavity
Near the hot wall, the buoyant force term will be upwards, whilst at
the cold wall this term will be downwards
This will encourage the correct flow field from the start, and should
flow converge easily
Hot Cold
wall wall Badly posed simulation
flow o set too high (equivalent to a temperature colder than at the cold wall)
The source terms therefore produce:
A very high upwards force at the hot wall
A lesser, but still upwards, force at the cold wall
When converged (if it ever does!) the flow field should be the same as the top
case, but convergence will be difficult

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Natural Convection the Boussinesq Model
A simplification can be made in some cases where the variation in
density is small
Recall the solver must compute velocity, temperature, and pressure
Rather than introducing another variable, density, which adds an
extra unknown, thus intensifying computational effort, instead for
fluid density select Boussinesq
Remember to enter correct value for density, do not leave as 0
Scroll to bottom of property list and enter the value for the thermal
expansion coefficient
Do not leave this value as 0 either
Values can be found in standard engineering texts
Buoyant force is computed from

The value for the operating temperature To is set in the Operating

Conditions panel
This value is only used if "boussinesq" is selected for density

32 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Natural Convection- Tips and Tricks
Beware of the operating density:
Average density for a cavity (To= median temperature for Boussinesq model)
Ambient density for problems with pressure inlets and outlets (Tref= ambient temperature for Boussinesq model)

Use PRESTO and Body Force Weighted discretization for pressure

Requirement: Y+=1 for turbulent natural convection boundary layer

Use pressure based pseudo transient approach for High Rayleigh number (turbulent flow)
g T
Use k-epsilon for buoyant stratified flows

33 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Modeling Wall Thickness
For Option 2 on the earlier slide in the main lecture (in which it is not necessary to mesh
the solid in the pre-processor), the setup panel looks like this:
Option 2:
Just conduction normal to the solid


Heat transfer normal to wall Solid

Enter non-zero wall thickness and

select material

34 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Modeling Wall Thickness with Shell Conduction
For Option 3 on the earlier slide in the main lecture (in which it is not necessary to mesh
the solid in the pre-processor), the setup panel looks like this:
Option 3:
Shell conduction enabled


Heat can flow in all Solid


Select Shell Conduction, click Define, and

enter the number of layers, as well as the
material and thickness of each layer

35 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Post-Processing Heat Transfer
Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient, hf
This report is computed by using the Reference Temperature: Tref qw
specified by the User in the Reference Values panel hf =
(Twall Tref )

Wall-function-based Heat Transfer Coefficient, heff

This report is computed by using the solution of the Turbulent
Boundary Layer
Available only when the flow is turbulent and Energy equation is enabled
Alternative for cases with adiabatic walls
Be very careful the value returned by Wall-function Heat Transfer Coefficient
can be highly dependent on the distance from the cell centroid to the wall and
there can be very large differences between this value and the value you would or
get using the definition of heat transfer coefficient from a text book
In the limiting case as the mesh is refined (to get accurate calculations) qw
such that it intrudes into the viscous sublayer, the value returned will vary heff =
in a linear manner according to the wall distance and thermal conductivity (Twall Tcell center )

36 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

To account for radiation, Radiative Intensity Transport Equations (RTEs) are solved
Local absorption by fluid and at boundaries couples these RTEs with the energy equation

Radiation intensity is directionally and spatially dependent

Transport mechanisms for radiation intensity along one given direction:

Local Absorption Outscattering (scattering away from the direction)
a.I ds

Resulting radiation dI
I + ds
ds ds

Incident radiation Gas Emission

I T 4
a ds

In-scattering (scattering addition from other rays into the path)

Scattering often occurs when particles and droplets are present within the fluid and is often neglected
37 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016
Choosing a Radiation Model
For optically thick media the P1 model is a good choice
Many combustion simulations fall into this category since combustion gases tend to absorb
The P1 models gives reasonable accuracy without too much computational effort

For optically thin media the DOM or DTM models may be used
DTM can be less accurate in models with long/thin geometries
DOM uses the most computational resources,
Both models can be used in optically thick media, but the P1 model uses far less
computational resources
S2S is only for non-participating media such as air (Optical Thickness = 0)

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Which Model is Best for My Application?
Application Model/Method
Underhood S2S (DOM if symmetry)
Headlamp DOM (non-gray)
Combustion in large boilers charged with particles DOM, DTM, P1 (WSGGM)

Combustion DOM, DTM (WSGGM)

Glass applications Rosseland, P1, DOM (non-gray)
Greenhouse effect DOM
UV Disinfection (water treatment) DOM
HVAC Solar load model , DOM, S2S

39 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Additional Factors in Radiation Modeling
Additional guidelines for radiation model selection:
Scattering is accounted for only with P1
and DO
Particulate effects
P1 and DO account for radiation exchange
between gas and particulates
Localized heat sources
S2S is the best
DTRM/DO with a sufficiently large number
of rays/ ordinates is most appropriate for
domain with absorbing media

40 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Natural Convection
Natural convection has to be considered when :

Richardson number : Ri = Natural convection / Forced Ri = g. .2T .L

convection U0
Ri = 1 Free and Forced convection effects must be considered
Ri << 1 Free convection effects may be neglected
Ri >> 1 Forced convection effects may be neglected

Ra x = g..
Rayleigh number : Ra = Buoyancy force / Losses due to viscosity T .x 3

and thermal diffusion .a

Transition Laminar Turbulent :

It has been shown that in forced convection, the flow becomes turbulent when a critical value for Rayleigh
number is reached
Rac is around 10e9
but the transition zone is quite large as it varies from 10e6 <Ra < 10e10
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Solution Convergence
When solving heat transfer problems, the double
precision solver is usually needed

Make sure that you have allowed sufficient

solution iterations for the heat imbalances to
become very small, particularly when solid zones
are included

Sometimes residuals reach the convergence

criteria before global imbalances trend towards
Check the imbalance and continue iterating if it is too

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Non Conformal Fluid/Solid Domain Interfaces
Non-conformal mesh can be used at a fluid/solid domain interface:
In some cases it may be useful to use a fine mesh on the fluid zone and coarser mesh on the
solid zone

Note: You can use /display/zone-grid ID

to display the shadow walls
43 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016
Exporting Data from Fluent
Fluent solution data can
also be exported in many
other formats for use in
applications outside of the
Workbench environment

These are available in the

File > Export menu in

Note that in this case, the

data is exported at the
same grid locations as the
Fluent mesh
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Exporting Data from Fluent [2]
Fluent also includes an FSI Mapping

Using this tool (unlike the export

option on last slide) enables CFD
results from Fluent to be
interpolated on to a different FEA

First obtain the Fluent result, then

generate the FEA mesh (ABAQUS, I-

Read the FEA mesh into Fluents FSI

Mapping Tool

Fluent will then map the CFD results

and save the interpolated results in
a format the FEA code can read in.

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