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A constitutive and numerical model for mechanical compaction in

sedimentary basins

Denise Bernaud, Luc Dormieux & Samir Maghous

Ecole National des Ponts et Chausses, Champs-sur-Marne, France

ABSTRACT: The aim of the paper is to provide new elements concerning the constitutive behavior of sed-
imentary rocks and the numerical aspects for basin simulators. The mechanical model is developed within
the framework of finite poroplasticity. Special attention is paid to the effects of large porosity changes on the
poromechanical properties of the sediment. A simplified micromechanics-based approach is used to account for
the stiffness increase and hardening induced by large plastic strains. The numerical method is inspired from the
deactivation-reactivation method used for the simulation of excavation processes. Periods of sediments accretion
are simulated by progressive activation of the gravity forces within a fictitious closed system. The influence of per-
meability and that of the accretion ratio on the compaction law, the porosity and pore pressure profiles are exam-
ined. In particular, the importance to take into account the coupling between porosity changes and permeability
is emphasized. Cam-Clay inspired hardening laws are shown to yield negative porosities at high compaction
levels. These limitation are solved by means of the hardening law derived from the micromechanical reasoning.

1 INTRODUCTION (Bourgeois and Dormieux 1997) and (Deud et al.

Simulation of sedimentary basins is a complex mul- The coupled nature of the deformation problem may
tidisciplinary problem involving geological, chemical be understood as follows. Large strains modify the
and mechanical aspects. Reconstructing the stress and microstructure, microstructure modifications lead to
deformation history of a sedimentary basin is a chal- a change in the poromechanical properties of the sedi-
lenging and important problem in geoscience. The ment material, which in turn affect the basin response.
potential applications include petroleum exploration, Theoretical formulation accounting for the effects of
reserve assessment and production. the microstructure changes on the elastic and plastic
Disregarding chemical aspects, the basic models of properties of the porous material have been proposed
mechanical compaction are still based on phenomeno- in (Dormieux and Maghous 2000) (Bernaud et al.
logical relationships relating porosity to effective ver- 2002) (Barthlmy et al. 2003).
tical stress. The concept of porosity versus Terzaghis A large part of this work is devoted to the numeri-
effective stress dependence has been early introduced cal aspects of basin simulations. It is well known that
by (Hubert and Rubey 1959) and later by (Smith 1971). dealing with open material systems like sedimentary
These ideas have been widely adopted and imple- basins in the framework of finite element procedures
mented in numerical finite element models that have in a strongly non-linear context is not an easy task.
yielded valuable contributions to the understanding of A specific computational technique is developed for
the evolution of sedimentary basins. this purpose. The technique is widely inspired of the
Still, a more comprehensive description of the so-called deactivation-reactivation method used for
mechanics involved in basin simulation should be thesimulation of excavation process and lining place-
achieved within the tensorial formalism of the con- ment in tunnel engineering (Hanafy and Emery 1980)
stitutive model. To deal with, the main difficulty (Bernaud et al. 1995).
rises from the large porosity changes involved in The present paper is mainly divided into three parts:
compaction problem. This requires that the porome- (1) the micromechanics-based constitutive model for
chanical constitutive law be formulated in the frame- the sedimentary basins is described within the finite
work of finite irreversible strains (Tuncay et al. 2000) poroplasticity framework; (2) the numerical procedure

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is briefly presented; (3) some examples of numerical elementary volume, defined as the ratio between its
simulations are given. volume in the current configuration and its initial one.
The plastic part p of the lagrangian porosity is defined
as the lagrangian porosity in the unloaded configura-
2 CONSTITUTIVE EQUATIONS tion of the elementary volume. Similarly, the plastic
part J p of the jacobian is defined as the jacobian in
At the scale of the pores and solid grains, large strains this unloaded configuration. Note that the rates J and
J are given by
modify the microstructure of the sediment material.
In turn, these microstructural changes are responsi-
ble for the evolution of elastic and plastic mechanical
The sedimentary rock is modelled as a fully sat- With these notations, the rate form of the second state
urated poroelastoplastic material undergoing large equation reads (Bernaud et al. 2002):
strains. The anisotropy of the mechanical properties
of the sedimentary material induced by compaction is
disregarded. The elastic part of the deformation gra-
dient of the skeleton particles is assumed to remain
infinitesimal. This means that large strains involved
during compaction process are of irreversible (plastic)
nature. M is the Biot modulus. The terms involving M and b
In the framework of finite poroplasticity, the con- in (3) are related to the influence of large plastic strains
stitutive behavior comprises two state equations in on the poroelastic properties.
rate-type formulation together with complementary The complementary equations prescribe the plastic
relations specifying the flow rule (Dormieux and flow rule. Generalizing the concept of plastic poten-
Maghous 2000) (Bernaud et al. 2002). Let denote tial, we therefore introduce the function g(, p) which
the Cauchy stress tensor and p the pore pressure. The derivatives yield the sought plastic rates :
first state equation relates the stress rate , the pore
pressure rate p , and the strain rate tensor d defined as
the symmetric part of the velocity gradient.

The plastic incompressibility of the solid phase is

assumed in the sequel. This implies that the plastic
part of the pore volume change is identical to the plas-
where d p denotes the plastic strain rate while is the tic part of the total volume change and yields p = J .

rotation (spin) rate tensor which aims at taking the Owing to (2), it is further obtained that = J trd .
p p p
large rotation of the elementary volume into account. Combining this equation with (4) reveals that the plas-
This equation involves: tic potential depends on and through the so-called
a rotational time derivative of the Biot effective Terzaghi effective stress = + p1 (Bourgeois et al.
stress tensor e = + b p 1, where b is the Biot 1995):
coefficient; .
a term related to the particulate derivative c of the

tensor of drained elastic moduli c . The evolution

of the elastic properties is related to those of the The relevancy of the above model depends on the
microstructure which cannot be neglected in the capability to specify:
domain of large strains.
1. the elasticity-plasticity coupling characterized by
Relationship (1) extends classical rate form formu- the dependence of tensor c as well as of poroelastic
lations to the case of variable elastic properties.
The second state equation relates the pore volume b coefficients M on large plastic strains;
change to the rate p of the pore pressure and to the 2. the influence of large plastic strains on the evolution
strain rate d. In view of its derivation, it is conve- of the yield surface as well as on the hardening rule.
nient to introduce normalize the pore volume d pore In the case of plastic incompressibility of the solid
the so-called lagrangian porosity = d pore /d o that matrix, large plastic strains of the porous material are
is related to the classical porosity (defined as the expected to induce significant porosity and pore shape
pore volume fraction in the current configuration) by changes. In order to capture the influence of the plas-
= J . J is the jacobian of the transformation of the tic strains on the poroelastic properties, the idea is to

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resort to micromechanical estimates of the latter. For A simple way to generalize the classical hardening
the sake of simplicity, the anisotropy induced during law in the Cam-Clay model consists in adopting
the loading process is disregarded in this study. The
pore space is therefore entirely characterized by its vol-
ume fraction, namely the porosity . We herein adopt
the Hashin-Shtrikman upper bounds which are known However, such a hardening law does not enforce the
to reasonably model the elastic properties of isotropic condition J p > 1 o , corresponding to total pore clo-
porous media. Accordingly, the bulk K and shear sure (see (8)). It is therefore expected that a simple
moduli of the porous medium now appear as func- extension of the classical Cam-Clay hardening law in
tions of the porosity as well as of the elastic properties the form (10) might yield negative porosities under
of the solid phase k s and s (that are assumed to be high isotropic compression. That is of course not sat-
constant): isfactory. Instead of (10), we shall hereafter resort to a
micromechanical approach to the hardening law which
overcomes the above difficulty. The idea is to identify
pc (J p ) to the limit load of a hollow sphere subjected to
isotropic compression in the domain of large strains.
In fact, as early noticed by Hashin, the hollow sphere is
the simplest conceptual model for an isotropic porous
It is recalled that the Biot coefficient and modulus are medium. Considering the case of a solid phase of the
connected to K through Tresca type, the limit load appears to be a function of
the current porosity (Deud et al. 2004):

We now need to relate the porosity change to the plastic

strains undergone by the porous material. Combin- As opposed to (10), we note that the consolidation pres-
ing the condition of plastic incompressibility of the sure predicted by (11) tends towards infinity when the
solid constituent, which writes J p p = 1 o (o pore space vanishes (J p J 1 o ). This is the way
is the initial value of the porosity), with the assump- this micromechanics-based hardening law avoids the
tion of infinitesimal elastic strains, which allows the development of negative porosities.
approximations J p J and p , one obtains Furthermore, it is possible to show that the dominat-
ing hardening mechanism at large strains is associated
with large geometry change, and not with the increase
of trapped elastic energy as in the framework of small
strains analysis (Barthlmy et al. 2003).
In view of (8), equations (6) show that the macro- As regards the permeability tensor k = k1 of the
scopic stiffness tensor c is a function of the (total or sediment material, effects of microstructural changes

plastic) jacobian : c = c (J p ). The same conclusion on the evolution of k may be modeled by means of the

holds for the poroelastic coefficients b and M . Neglect- Kozeny-Carman formula:
ing the induced anisotropy therefore amounts to the
fact that the elasticity-plasticity coupling properties is
only governed by the volumetric plastic strains.
As regards the evolution of the plastic properties
of the porous medium, it is first assumed the yield ko = k(o ) is the initial value of the permeability.
surface f is that of the standard modified Cam-Clay
(Wood 1990):

The specificity of the numerical simulation of sedi-

where s = 1/3tr is the deviatoric stress ten- mentary basins lies in the fact that the system under
sor, p = 1/3tr is the mean effective stress. pc is consideration is an open system because of the con-
the consolidation pressure and represents the harden- tinuous sediment supply. The numerical approach
ing parameter of the model. The constant Mcs is the developed in this paper, which is aimed to simulate
slope of the critical state line. The plastic flow rule is the time evolution of the basin boundary, is based upon
associated, i.e. G = f . a technique directly inspired from tunnel engineering

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and may be easily incorporated within existing finite fluid mass exchange associated with the pore pres-
element tools. sure dissipation). The system is termed here as closed
For simplicity, the basin undergoing compaction because the corresponding finite element grid com-
is modeled as an horizontal infinite layer. The base- prises a constant number of finite elements and nodes.
ment rock is located at z = 0. Assuming it remains The geometrical domain o is regarded as the initial
horizontal, the upper boundary is defined by the time configuration of the fictitious system material whose
dependent plane equation z = H (t), where H (t) refers constituent is defined as follows: mass density = p f ,
to the total thickness of the basin at time t. Besides, permeability = |k|  ko , poroelastic and poroplastic
the sea level is located at the plane z = Lo H (t). In parameters equal to those of the sediment material in
absence of tectonic activity, the gravity forces g ez its reference state. The initial stress and fluid pressure
and the fluid pressure at the top of the basin constitute fields correspond to hydrostatic state. The spatial dis-
the loading parameters in the compaction process. The cretization of o is carried out as follows. The time
accretion rate M d (t) is considered as given. The bound- interval of study is subdivided into n sub-intervals
ary conditions consist in prescribing the values of the [ti1 , ti ], with to = 0 and tn = T . During the time incre-
stress vector T = ez , displacement vector , fluid ment ti = ti ti1 , the dump of sediments would
pressure p and fluid flux q ez correspond (if the material were rigid) to the thickness
increase Hi of the basin. The geometrical domain
z = H (t) (upper surface) o is subdivided into n layers of thickness Hi , each
one being discretized using for instance triangular ele-
ments (6 nodes for the displacement approximation, 3
z = 0 (basin basement) nodes for the pressure approximation).
The issue consists in determining the evolution of
the fictitious closed system material as the sediment
The key idea of the numerical technique consists in is supplied and the layers (F.E. grid) deform with the
transforming the real open material system (the basin) compaction process. As mentioned above, the sedi-
into a fictitious closed system. The evolution in time ment layers are activated as they added by setting their
of the latter must of course correspond to that of the physical parameters to those of the real material in its
real system. The main advantage of this procedure lies reference state.
j j
in the fact that the finite element approach such as that The layer i is defined by Hi1 z Hi , where
developed in (Bernaud et al. 2002) is applicable. z = Hi refers to the current (i.e. at time tj ) position of
The principle is inspired from the so-called deacti- the material plane located initially at z = Hi . The geo-
vation/ reactivationmethod (Hanafy and Emery 1980) metrical volume occupied by the (fictitious) porous
(Bernaud et al. 1995). This technique was initially material at time tj is denoted as j :
developed and implemented for numerical simulation
in tunnel engineering (simulation of excavation pro-
cess and lining placement). The idea consists here
in activating sediment layers as they are effectively
deposited by substituting their fluid characteristics If i j, the layer i has already been activated and
with material sediment ones. This process amounts to the mechanical properties are those of the sediment
a stepwise activation of the gravity forces in the upper material in the current state, since they evolved with
layers. compaction from time ti of activation.
More precisely, let us assume that the simulation In contrast, if i > j, the layer i is not activated yet
of the basin formation is carried out during the time and the mechanical properties correspond to those
interval t [0, T ]. We hence introduce the geometrical of the initial fictitious configuration.
domain o defined by 0 z H, where
The local fields at time tj are the solutions to successive
finite poroplastic boundary value problems performed
during time intervals [ti1 , ti ].

o (t) = (H (t), t) is the mass density of the sediment

material in the reference state. Actually, H represents Comments
the thickness of the basin at time T if the constitutive The geometrical domain o to be discretized has
material were rigid. It is assumed that no additional a bounded extension in the x and z directions.
sediments are deposited and no erosional phenomena Appropriate boundary conditions imposed on the
take place beyond time T . Consequently, the system lateral sides depend on the problem nature (one-
evolves as a closed system for t > T (except for the dimensional compaction, tectonic loading, ...).

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6000 0.8


H(t) (m)


2000 (a1)
(a) (a2)
(b) 0.2 (b1)

0 0
0 500 1000 1500
0 2000 4000 6000
t (million years) depth (m)

Figure 1. Compaction curves. (a) ko = 1010 MPa1 m2 s1 ; Figure 2. Porosity profiles. (a1 ) ko = 1010 MPa1 m2 s1 ,
(b) ko = 109 MPa1 m2 s1 . t = T ; (a2 ) ko = 1010 MPa1 m2 s1 , t = 2T ; (b1 ) ko =
109 MPa1 m2 s1 , t = T ; (b2 ) ko = 109 MPa1 m2 s1 ,
Each layer is subdivided into finite elements. The t = 2T .
time increment tj corresponding to the activa-
tion (supply) of layer j is itself subdivided into 100
time sub-increment in order to better capture the
hydromecanical evolution of the basin. (a)
The numerical procedure has been described assum- (b)
ing that the layers remain horizontal (i.e. 1D com-
pore pressure (MPa)

paction). However, its applicability goes far beyond

this particular situation, and the layers may deform
according to the loading process.
Periods of non-deposition and erosional events are
simulated in the same way. For example, the simu-
lation of a phase of erosion consists in progressive 40
deactivation of layers already deposited by set-
ting their poromechanical properties to those of the
non-activated layers (i.e. f , |k|  ko , . . .). 20
0 2000 4000 6000
depth (m)

Figure 3. Pore pressure profiles at t = T . (a) ko =

4 ILLUSTRATIVE BASIN SIMULATIONS 1010 MPa1 m2 s1 ; (b) ko = 109 MPa1 m2 s1 .

The basin deformation model described in the previous

sections has been implemented in a two-dimensional
and pressure profiles. The higher the permeability, the
finite element code. The results presented below illus-
lower the overpressure and the denser the saturated
trate some aspects of basin response in the case of
porous rock.
one-dimensional compaction process.
Figure 1 is related to the compaction law, that is
The following material parameters are fixed:
the time evolution of the basin thickness. The porosity
o = 1.37 103 kg/m3 and o = 0.72, p f = 103 kg/m3 ,
profile along the basin is depicted in Figure 2 for t = T
initial Young modulus Eo = 103 Mpa, initial Poissons
and 2T . Finally, the pore pressure profiles at t = T are
ratio o = 0.33, bo = 0.9715, Mo = 1.392 105 MPa,
represented in 3.
Mcs = 1.2, ko = 1010 or 109 MPa1 m2 s1 ,
pco = 1.5 MPa, the accretion rate M d = 2.05 109 kg/s
per unit area, H = 6000 m corresponding to T  60
million years. 5 CONCLUSIONS
Some of the results obtained from the numeri-
cal simulations are given in the figures below. They A constitutive model has been formulated for sedi-
emphasize the significant influence of the initial per- mentary material. It aims at incorporating some of
meability on the compaction curve and on the porosity the fundamentals coupled phenomena involved in the

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
process of basin compaction by means of a simpli- Bernaud, D., P. de Buhan, and S. Maghous (1995). Numerical
fied micro-to-macro framework. The magnitude of simulation of the convergence of a bolt-supported tunnel
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From a numerical point of view, a finite element Bourgeois, E. and L. Dormieux (1997). Prise en compte
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implemented in order to analyze the time dependent Technology 52(1), 2334.
large deformation of the poroplastic basin. It is empha- Deud, D., L. Dormieux, S. Maghous, J. Barthlmy, and
sized that the geometrical non linearity induced by D. Bernaud (2004). Compaction process in sedimen-
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change between the two configurations reached by induced by large plastic strains. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth.
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the approach to account for the different couplings 115166.
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hardening-porosity change coupling) involved in such 239263.
a problem. Tuncay, K., A. Park, and P. Ortoleva (2000). Sedimen-
To finish with, let us review some issues that still tary basin deformation: an incremental stress approach.
need to be addressed: 1) the chemical compaction due Tectonophysics 323, 77104.
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induced by compaction ; 3) more efficient numeri-
cal techniques is needed in order to deal with larger
degrees of freedom, particularly for three-dimensional


Barthlmy, J., L. Dormieux, and S. Maghous (2003).

Micromechanical approach to the modelling of com-
paction at large strains. Computers and Geotechnics 30,

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