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Anukthi C. Poojari, Et Al

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Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 4 Number 4 (2015) pp. 653-671

Original Research Article

Effective removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions using rind of Orange
(Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck

Anukthi C. Poojari1, Sandip D. Maind2 and Satish A. Bhalerao1*

Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College,
Mumbai-400007, University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Department of Chemistry, Bhavan s Hazarimal Somani college of Arts and Science, Kulapati
K.M. Munshi Marg, Chowpatty, Mumbai-400007, University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding author


The effective removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions in a batch system using of
low-cost biosorbent rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck was studied. The
FTIR study of acid treated biosorbent showed that the possibility of availability of
function groups such as hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxylic etc. The SEM represents a
porous structure with large surface area. The effects of operational factors
Keywords including solution pH, biosorbent dose, initial Cr (VI) concentration, contact time
and temperature were studied. The optimum solution pH for Cr (VI) biosorption by
Effective biosorbent was 2.0 with the optimal removal 71.01 %. The adsorbent dose 5 mg/ml
removal, was enough for optimal removal of 73.91 %. The equilibrium was achieved after
Chromium (VI), 150 minutes of contact. The equilibrium data were well described by typical
Rind of Orange Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin-Kaganer-Redushkevich (DKR) and Temkin
(Citrus sinensis), adsorption isotherms. Sorption equilibrium exhibited better fit to Langmuir
(L.) Osbeck isotherm (R = 0.9986) than Freundlich isotherm (R = 0.9153), Temkin isotherm (R
FTIR, SEM, = 0.8903) and Dubinin-Kaganer-Redushkevich (DKR) isotherm (R = 0.7413). The
Adsorption maximum adsorption capacity determined from Langmuir isotherm was found to
isotherms, be 10.7411 mg per g of biosorbent. Furthermore, to determine the adsorption
Adsorption mechanism, a detailed analysis has been conducted by testing kinetic models such
kinetics, as pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich equation and Weber & Morris
Thermodynamic intra-particle diffusion rate equation. Results clearly indicates that the pseudo-
study second-order kinetic model was found to be correlate the experimental data
strongest than other three kinetic models. Thermodynamic study revealed that the
biosorption process was spontaneous, endothermic and increasing randomness of
the solid solution interfaces. The rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck used
successfully for removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions, can be used very
promisingly for industrial wastewater treatment.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

Introduction exchange, electro-dialysis, electro-winning

and electro-coagulation (Ahluwalia and
Environmental pollution by heavy metals Goyal 2007). These methods have found
due to industrial activities tends to persist limited application because they often
indefinitely circulating and eventually involve high capital and operational cost.
accumulating throughout the food chain Treatment of industrial effluent with
which results in serious ecological and sorbents of biological origin is simple,
health hazard. This problem that needs to be comparatively inexpensive and friendly to
solved. Heavy metals are non-biodegrable the environment. Biosorption of heavy
and toxic to all forms of life including metals is very effective, versatile, powerful,
humans. Chromium is listed among top most efficient and cost effective
pollutants and is ranked 16th harmful technologies involved in the removal of
pollutant due to its carcinogenic and heavy metals from industrial effluents.
teratogenic characteristics on the community Biosorption is the process based on the
(Selomulya et al 1999; Geleel et al 2013). principle of metal binding capacities of
Chromium occurs frequently as Cr (VI) and biological materials.
Cr (III) in aqueous solutions (Dakiky et al
2002). Hexavalent chromium, which is Several investigations have been carried out
primary present in the form of chromate to identify suitable and relatively cheap
(CrO42-) and dichromate (Cr2O72-) possesses biosorbents that are capable of removing
significantly higher level of toxicity than the significant quantities of heavy metals ions.
other valence states (Smith and Lec Use of low cost biosorbent for biosorption
1972;Sharma et al 1995). Cr (VI) discharge study of heavy metals is very advantageous
into the environment can be due to various (Maind et al 2012 ;Maind et al 2013).
large numbers of industrial functions like Among the various resources in biological
dyes and pigments production, film and waste, both dead and live biomass, exhibit
photography, galvanometry, metal cleaning, particularly interesting metal-binding
plating and electroplating, leather and capacities. The use of dead biomass
mining, etc (Pattterson 1985). Major eliminates the problem of toxicity and the
diseases caused by toxic hexavalent economics aspects of nutrient supply and
chromium ions are bronchial asthma and culture maintenance (Pino et al 2006). A
lung cancer. Due to the several toxicity of variety of biosorbents, including leaf mould
Cr (VI), the EU Directive, WHO and US (Sharma and Forster 1994), pongamia leaf
EPA have set the maximum contaminant (Shivamani and Prince 2008), algae (Gupta
concentration level for Cr(VI) in domestic et al 2001), bacteria (Loukidou et al 2004),
water supplies as 0.05 ppm (Directive tamarindus indica seeds (Agarwal et al
98/83/EC). So, the removal of Cr (VI) from 2006), activated carbon(Selvi et al
water and wastewater is important to protect 2001,Quintelas et al 2008;Saran et al 2013),
environment. rice husks (Srinivasan et al 1988),
quarternised rise husk (Low and Lee 1999),
The conventional methods for removing hazelnut shell (Kobya 2004), almond shell
heavy metal ions from industrial effluents (Candela et al 1995), corn cob (Bosico et al
include oxidation/reduction, filtration by 1996), quaternised wood (Low and Lee
membranes, chemical precipitation, 2001), groundnut husk (Periasamy et al
coagulation, solvent extraction, cementation, 1991), coconut husk and palm pressed fibers
freeze separation, reverse osmosis, ion- (Tan et al 1993), coconut shell (Alaerts et al

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

1989), coconut jute (Chand et al 1994), particle diffusion rate equation) were
coconut tree sawdust (Selvi et al 2001), employed to understand the probable
native and immobilized sugarcane bagasse adsorption mechanism. Thermodynamic
(Ullah et al 2013), synthetic material (Yu et studies were also carried out to estimate the
al 2013), inorganic materials (Rosales- standard free energy change ( G0), standard
Landeros 2013), have been used for Cr (VI) enthalpy change ( H0) and standard entropy
removal. change ( S0).

Natural materials that are available in large Materials and Methods

quantities or certain waste products from
industrial and agricultural operations may Chemicals and reagents
have potential as inexpensive sorbents. The
rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck All the chemicals and reagents used were of
being one of the highest production fruit in analytical reagent (AR) grade. Double
Maharashtra state of India and in juice distilled water was used for all experimental
making industry produced large amounts of work including the preparation of metal
waste which has no commercial value. The solutions. The desired pH of the metal ion
rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck solution was adjusted with the help of dilute
was selected because of a low cost, higher sulphuric acid and dilute sodium hydroxide.
biosorption capacity, possibility of
availability of function groups such as Preparation of Cr (VI) solution
hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxylic etc. due to
high cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose and The stock solution of 1000 ppm of Cr (VI)
lignin content, which favours biosorption of was prepared by dissolving 0.7072 g of
heavy metals. potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) (AR grade)
(previously dried at 500C for one hour) in
The aim of this study is to characterize the 250 ml of double distilled water and further
biosorbent rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), desired test solutions of Cr(VI) were
(L.) Osbeck by FTIR and SEM which helps prepared using appropriate subsequent
to find out the functional groups which is dilutions of the stock solution.
responsible biosorption of Cr (VI) and
porosity of the biosorbent. The main Preparation of biosorbent
objective of this work was to evaluate the
biosorption capacity of rind of Orange The Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck
(Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck for the was collected locally and rind of Orange
effective removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous washed with several times with distilled
solutions by varying solution pH, biosorbent water to remove the surface adhered
dose, initial Cr (VI) concentration, contact particles, dirt, other unwanted material &
time and temperature. Equilibrium water soluble impurities and water was
adsorption isotherms (Langmuir, Freundlich, squeezed out. The washed biosorbent was
Dubinin-Kaganer-Redushkevich (DKR) and then dried at 500C overnight and grounded
Temkin) for adsorption of Cr (VI) onto rind in a mechanical grinder to form a powder.
of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck The powder was sieved and a size fraction in
were described. Kinetic models (pseudo- the range of 100-200 m will be used in all
first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich the experiments. This powder was soaked
equation and Weber and Morris intra- (20 g/l) in 0.1 M sulphuric acid for 1 hour.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

The mixture was filtered and the powder placed on a shaker with a constant speed and
residue was washed with distilled water, left to equilibrate. The samples were
several times to remove any acid contents. collected at predefined time intervals,
This filtered biomass was first dried, at room centrifuged, the content was separated from
temperature and then in an oven at 105C for the biosorbents by filtration, using
1-2 hrs. For further use, the dried biomass Whatmann filter paper and amount of Cr
was stored in air tighten plastic bottle to (VI) in the supernatant/filtrate solutions was
protect it from moisture. determined.

Characterization of biosorbent by Fourier Estimation of Cr (VI) concentration

Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis
A 0.2 % w/v solution of 1,5-
The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Diphenylcarbazide was prepared in acetone
spectroscopy was used to identify the containing 1 ml of H2SO4 (1:9). Known
functional groups present in the biosorbent. volume of sample solution containing Cr
The biomass samples were examined using (VI), was pipetted out into 250 ml beaker
FTIR spectrometer (model:FT/IR- and 3 to 4 drops of 0.02 % KMnO4 solution
4100typeA) within range of 400-4000 cm-1. added and covered the beaker with watch
All analysis was performed using KBr as glass. The solution was heated without
back ground material. In order to form boiling for 15 minute. The acidity of the
pellets, 0.02 g of biomass was mixed with solution was made 0.05 M to 0.1 M by
0.3 g KBr and pressed by applying pressure. H2SO4. If the pink color disappears in the
course of heating, more KMnO4 solution
Characterization of biosorbent by was added. The excess of oxidant was
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) reduced by adding 1 % sodium azide
analysis: solution drop wise. The solution was cooled
and transferred in a 50 ml volumetric flask
The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and 5 ml of 0.2 % w/v solution of 1,5-
was used to see the porosity of the Diphenylcarbazide was added. The solution
biosorbent. The samples were covered with was diluted with water to 50 ml standard
a thin layer of gold and an electron measuring flask. Cr (VI) concentration was
acceleration voltage of 10 KV was applied estimated by measuring absorbance of the
and then Scanning Electron Micrograph was pink color, Cr-diphenylcarbazide complex at
recorded. 545-nm against water as a blank using a
UV-visible spectrophotometer. A linear plot
Experimental procedure for standard Cr (VI) solution was obtained
indicating adherence to the Beers Lamberts
The static (batch) method was employed at law in the concentration range studies and
temperature (300C) to examine the amount of Cr (VI) in the samples were
biosorption of Cr (VI) by biosorbent. The estimated. The amount determined was a
method was used to determine the mean of triplicate sample analysis with
biosorption capacity, stability of biosorbent standard deviation less than 5 %. The blank
and optimum sorption conditions. The solution i.e. solution containing biosorbent
parameters were studied by combining without Cr (VI) was tested and results shows
biosorbent with solution of Cr (VI) in 250 that no any appreciable signal of intensity at
ml reagent bottle. The reagent bottles were wavelength 545-nm obtained.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

Instrumentation and data analysis biosorptive quantity by the following

The concentration of Cr (VI) in the solutions
before and after equilibrium was determined V (2)
by measuring absorbance using digital UV-
visible spectrophotometer (EQUIP-
where qe (mg metal per g dry biosorbent) is
TRONICS, model no. Eq-820). The pH of
the amount of Cr (VI) biosorbed, V (in liter)
the solution was measured by digital pH
is the solution volume and w (in gram) is the
meter (EQUIP-TRONICS, model no. Eq-
amount of dry biosorbent used.
610) using a combined glass electrode.
Adsorption kinetics
The data obtained in the batch biosorption
studies were used to calculate the percentage
The kinetic measurements were conducted
biosorption of Cr (VI) by using the mass
by employing biosorption dose of 5 mg/ml
balance relationship. The Cr (VI)
of biosorbent contacted with 10 mg/L of a
concentrations biosorbed on the solid were
Cr (VI) solution with optimum pH 2.0 and
calculated from the difference between
temperature 300C in a rotary shaker. The
initial Cr (VI) content (Ci) and Cr (VI)
concentration of Cr (VI) in the solution was
content after biosorption (Ce). The following
determined at known time intervals.
equation was used to compute the
Analysis of Cr (VI) content in various
percentage adsorption (% Ad) of Cr (VI) by
solutions was performed by UV-visible
the biosorbent,
spectrophotometer. The amount of Cr (VI)
biosorbed qt (mg/g) at time t was calculated
(1) by Eq. (2).

where Ci and Ce are the initial Result and Discussion

concentrations and equilibrium
concentrations of the Cr (VI) in mg/L. Characterization of biosorbent by Fourier
Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis
Adsorption isotherms
To investigate the functional groups of
A series of solutions containing different biosorbent and metal loaded with
initial concentrations of Cr (VI) were biosorbent, a FTIR analysis was carried out
prepared and the batch biosorption studies and the spectra are shown in Fig.1. (a and b).
were done at 300C to check the applicability As seen in the figure unloaded biomass
of the adsorption isotherms under the displays a number of absorption peaks,
specified condition, the solution pH of 2.0, reflecting the complex nature of biomass.
biosorbent dose of 5 mg/ml, an initial Cr The broad peak at 3421 cm-1 is the indicator
(VI) concentration range 5 mg/L - 250 mg/L of -OH and -NH groups. The stretching of
and contact time 180 min. Analysis of Cr the OH groups bound to methyl groups
(VI) content in various solutions were presented in the signal at 2924 cm-1. The
performed by UV-Visible peaks at 2361 cm-1 and 2343 cm-1 are
spectrophotometer method. The data stretching peaks. The peaks located at 1733
obtained in batch biosorption studies was cm-1 and 1636 cm-1 are characteristics of
used to calculate the equilibrium Cr (VI) carbonyl group. The presence of -OH group
along with carbonyl group confirms the

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

presence of carboxyl acid groups in the process was maximum with 71.01 % and
biomass. The peak at 1508 cm-1 is associated after increasing pH, adsorption was
with the stretching in aromatic rings. The decreased. According to the solubility
peaks observed at 1074 cm-1 are due to C-H equilibrium of chromium, HCrO4- is the
and C-O bonds. The OH, NH, carbonyl and dominant species of Cr (VI) at a pH 2. As
carboxyl groups are important sorption sites the pH increases, the dominant form of
(Volesky 2003). As compared to simple chromium becomes CrO42- and Cr2O72-.
biosorbent, biosorbent loaded with Cr (VI) Furthermore, the surface of biosorbent may
ions, the broadening of -OH peak at 3421 be positively charged at pH 2. Therefore, at
cm-1 and carbonyl group peak at 1636 cm-1 this pH it is likely to be biosorbed Cr (VI)
was observed. This indicates the onto biosorbent through electrostatic
involvement of hydroxyl and carbonyl attraction and /or by the binding of HCrO4-
groups in the biosorption of Cr (VI). to acidic functional groups on the surface of
biosorbent. Also at pH 2, the number of
Characterization of biosorbent by protons available on the surface of
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) biosorbent increases, which increases the
analysis attraction between HCrO4- & biosorbent and
increases the biosorption capacity (Rao et al
The surface characteristics, structure and 1992). As the pH of the solution increases,
particle size distribution of biosorbent charges on the surface of biosorbent
before and after biosorption was examined becomes negative, this leads to generation of
using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). repulsive forces between Cr (VI) &
The SEM micrographs are shown in Fig. 2. biosorbent and inhibits biosorption and
(a and b). These micrographs represent a resultantly percent Cr(VI) uptake may
porous structure with large surface area. The decrease.
SEM clearly demonstrated that there is more
uniformity after biosorption on metal ions in Effect of biosorbent dose
comparison to before biosorption. It was
evident from the micrographs that the Effect of biosorbent dose of metal ions
biosorbent presents an unequal structure biosorption onto biosorbent which is an
before metal biosorbed. The number of important parameter was studied while
canals in the biosorbent was higher in the conducting batch adsorption studies. The
initial case. The metal ions adsorbed on the sorption capacity of Cr (VI) on to the rind of
cell wall matrix and created stronger cross Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck by
linking and uniformity on the surface of varying biosorbent dose from 1.0 mg/ml to
biosorbent. 15.00 mg/ml is as shown in Fig. 4. From the
results it was found that biosorption of Cr
Effect of pH (VI) increases with increase in biosorbent
dosage and is highly dependent on
The biosorption capacity of the adsorbent biosorbent concentration. Increase in
and speciation of metals in the solution is biosorption by increase in biosorbent dose is
pH dependent. The optimization of pH was because of increase of ion exchange site
done by varying the pH in the range of 1-8 ability, surface areas and the number of
for bisorption of Cr(VI) and pH trend available adsorption sites (Naiya et al 2009).
observed in this case is shown in Fig. 3. It The point of saturation for rind of Orange
was found that at pH 2 the biosorption (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck was found at 5

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

mg/ml of biosorbent dose with 73.91 % of increases with increase in contact time until
removal efficiency. The decrease in it reached equilibrium. The optimum contact
efficiency at higher biosorbent concentration time for biosorption of Cr (VI) onto the rind
could be explained as a consequence of of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck was
partial aggregation of biosorbent which 150 minutes with maximum biosorption.
results in a decrease in effective surface area The rapid uptake of Cr (VI) is due to the
for metal uptake (Karthikeyan 2007). The availability of ample active sites for
biosorbent dose 5 mg/ml was chosen for all sorption. A further increase in the contact
further studies. time has a negligible effect on the
biosorption capacity of Cr (VI) biosorption.
Effect of initial chromium (VI) So a contact time of 150 minutes was fixed
concentration for further experiments.

The effect of initial Cr (VI) concentration Adsorption isotherms

from 5 mg/L - 250 mg/L on the removal of
Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions at biosorbent The analysis of the adsorption isotherms
dose 5 mg/ml and at optimum pH 2.0 at data by fitting them into different isotherm
300C temperature was studied and shown in models is an important step to find the
Fig. 5. On increasing the initial Cr (VI) suitable model that can be used for design
concentration, the total Cr (VI) ions uptake process. The experimental data were applied
decreased appreciably when Cr (VI) to the two-parameter isotherm models:
concentration increases from 5 mg/L - 250 Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin-Kaganer-
mg/L. Redushkevich (DKR) and Temkin.
Langmuir adsorption isotherm
Effect of contact time (Langmuir 1918)

Contact time plays an important role in The Langmuir equation, which is valid for
affecting efficiency of biosorption. Contact monolayer sorption onto a surface of finite
time is the time needed for biosorption number of identical sites, is given by;
process to achieve equilibrium when no
more changes in biosorptive concentration (3)
were observed after a certain period of time.
The contact time which is required to
achieve equilibrium depends on the where qm is the maximum biosorption
differences in the characteristics properties capacity of biosorbent (mg g-1). b is the
of the biosorbents. In order to optimize the Langmuir biosorption constant (L mg-1)
contact time for the maximum uptake of Cr related to the affinity between the biosorbent
(VI), contact time was varied between 10 and sorbate.
minutes 180 minutes on the removal of Cr
(VI) from aqueous solutions in the Linearized Langmuir isotherm allows the
concentration of Cr (VI) 10 mg/L, calculation of biosorprtion capacities and
biosorbent dose 5 mg/ml, optimum pH 2.0 Langmuir constants and is represented as;
and 300C temperature (Fig. 6.). The results
obtained from the biosorption capacity of Cr (4)
(VI) onto rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis),
(L.) Osbeck showed that the biosorption

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

The linear plots of 1/qe vs 1/ce is shown in concentration of 5 mg/L -250 mg/L of Cr
Fig. 7 (a). The two constants b and qm are (VI).
calculated from the slope (1/qmb) and
intercept (1/qm) of the line. The values of qm, Freundlich adsorption isotherm
b and regression coefficient (R2) are listed in (Freundlich 1906)
Table 1.
Freundlich equation is represented by;
Maximum biosorption capacity of adsorbent
(qm) is found to be 10.7411 mg per g of (7)
biosorbent which is higher than the other
biosorbents used by many authors. where K and n are empirical constants
incorporating all parameters affecting the
The essential characteristics of the biosorption process such as, biosorption
Langmuir isotherm parameters can be used capacity and biosorption intensity
to predict the affinity between the biosorbate respectively.
and biosorbent using separation factor or
dimensionless equilibrium parameters, RL Linearized Freundlich adsorption isotherm
expressed as in the following equation; was used to evaluate the biosorption data
and is represented as,
RL (5)
where b is the Langmuir constant and Ci is
the maximum initial concentration of Cr Equilibrium data for the biosorption is
(VI). The value of separation parameters RL plotted as log qe vs log Ce, as shown in Fig. 7
provides important information about the (b). The two constants n and K are
nature of biosorption. The value of RL calculated from the slope (1/n) and intercept
indicated the type of Langmuir isotherm to (log K) of the line, respectively. The values
be irreversible (RL = 0), favorable (0 < RL < of K, 1/n and regression coefficient (R2) are
1), linear (RL = 1) or unfavorable (RL > 1). listed in Table 1.
The RL was found to be 0.1503-0.8984 for
concentration of 5 mg/L -250 mg/L of Cr The n value indicates the degree of non-
(VI). They are in the range of 0-1 which linearity between solution concentration and
indicates favorable biosorption (Malkoc and biosorption as followes: if n = 1, then
Nuhoglu 2005). biosorption is linear; if n < 1, then
biosorption is chemical process; if n > 1,
Biosorption can also be interpreted in terms then biosorption is a physical process. A
of surface area coverage against initial metal relatively slight slope and a small value of 1/
ion concentration and separation factor. n indicate that, the biosorption is good over
Langmuir model for surface area of entire range of concentration. The n value in
biosorbent surface has been represented in Freundlich equation was found to be 2.7878.
the following equation: Since n > 1, this indicates the physical
biosorption of Cr (VI) onto rind of Orange
(6) (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck. The higher
value of K (3.9801) indicates the higher
where is the suface area coverage. The biosorption capacity of the biosorbent.
was found to be 0.1015-0.8496 for
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

Dubinin-Kaganer-Radush kevich (DKR) Temkin adsorption isotherm (Temkin

adsorption isotherm (Dubinin and and Pyzhev 1940):
Radush kevich 1947)
Linearized Temkin adsorption isotherm is
Linearized Dubinin-Kaganer-Radushkevich given by the equation:
(DKR) adsorption isotherm equation is
represented as; ) (12)
where bT is the Temkin constant related to
heat of biosorption (J/mol) and AT is the
where qm is the maximum biosorption
Temkin isotherm constant (L/g).
capacity, is the activity coefficient related
Equilibrium data for the biosorption is
to mean biosorption energy and is the
plotted as qe vs ln Ce, as shown in Fig. 7 (d).
polanyi potential, which is calculated from
The two constants bT and AT are calculated
the following relation;
from the slope (RT/bT) and intercept (RT/bT
lnAT) of the line, respectively. The values of
) (10) AT, bT and regression coefficient (R2) are
listed in Table 1.
Equilibrium data for the biosorption is
plotted as ln qe vs 2, as shown in Fig. 7 (c). Adsorption kinetics:
The two constants and qm are calculated
from the slope ( ) and intercept (ln qm) of As aforementioned, a lumped analysis of
the line, respectively. The values of biosorption rate is sufficient to practical
biosorption energy E was obtained by the operation from a system design point of
following relationship. view. The commonly employed lumped
kinetic models, namely (a) the pseudo-first-
(11) order equation (Lagergren et al 1898) (b) the
pseudo-second-order equation (McKay et al
1999) (c) Elovich equation (Chein and
The values of qm, , E and regression Layton 1980) (d) Weber and Morris
coefficient (R2) are listed in Table 1. intraparticle diffusion rate equation (Weber
and Morris 1963) are presented below.
The mean free energy gives information
about biosorption mechanism, whether it is (13)
physical or chemical biosorption. If E value
lies between 8 KJ mol-1 and 16 KJ mol-1, the
biosorption process take place chemically
and E < 8 KJ mol-1, the biosorption process
of the physical in nature (Olivieri and (15)
Brittenham 1997).
In the present work, E value (0.4082 KJ mol-
) which is less than 8 KJ mol-1, the
where qe (mg g-1) is the solid phase
biosorption of Cr (VI) onto biosorbent is of
concentration at equilibrium, qt (mg g-1) is
physical in nature (Sawalha et al 2006).
the average solid phase concentration at time
t (min), K1 (min-1) andK2 (g mg-1 min-1) are
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second- shown in Table 2. The pseudo-second-order

order rate constants, respectively. The equation showed a strongest correlation
symbols of (mg g-1 min-1) and (g mg-1) value (R2 = 0.9963) being higher than the
are Elovich coefficients representing initial correlation coefficient for the Elovich
biosorption rate and desorption constants, equation, pseudo-first-order and Weber and
respectively. Ki (mg g-1 min-1/2) is the intra Morris intraparticle diffusion rate equation.
particle diffusion rate constant, c is The Elovich equation was plotted for qt
intercept. against ln t (Fig. 8 (c)). The values of and
are calculated from the slope (1/ ) and the
If the adsorption follows the pseudo-first- intercept (ln ( )/ ) of the plot and values
order rate equation, a plot of ln (qe-qt) are shown in Table 2. The Elovich equation
against time t should be a straight line. has been used with the assumption that the
Similarly, t/qt should change lineally with actual biosorption surface is energetically
time t if the biosorption process obeys the heterogeneous (Thomas and Thomas
pseudo-second order rate equation. If the 19970). The Weber & Morris intraparticle
adsorption process obeys Elovich rate diffusion rate equation was plotted for qt
equation, a plot of qt against ln t should be a against t0.5 (Fig. 8 (d)). The value of ki and c
straight line. Also a plot of qt against t0.5 are calculated from the slope (Ki) and
changes lineally the biosorption process intercept (c) of the plot and values are
obeys the Weber and Morris intraparticle shown in Table 2. The intercept of the plot
diffusion rate equation. does not pass through the origin, this is
indicative of some degree of boundary layer
Biosorption of Cr (VI) onto biosorbent was control and intraparticle pore diffusion is not
monitored at different specific time interval. only rate-limiting step (Weber and Morris
The Cr (VI) uptake was calculated from the 1963). The plot of intraparticle diffusion rate
data obtained. From the Cr (VI) uptake was equation showed multilinearity, indicating
plotted against time to determine a suitable that three steps take place. The first, sharper
kinetic model, the biosorption data was portion is attributed to the diffusion of
fitted into pseudo-first-order rate equation, biosorbate through the solution to the
pseudo-second-order rate equation, Elovich external surface of adsorbent or the
equation and the Weber & Morris boundary layer diffusion of solute
intraparticle diffusion rate equation. The molecules. The second portion describes ion
pseudo-first-order equation was plotted for stage, where intra particle diffusion is a rate
ln (qe-qt) against t (Fig. 8 (a)). The values of limiting. The third portion is attributed to the
qe and K1 values were calculated from the final equilibrium stage. However the
slope (K1) and intercept (ln qe) of the plot intercept of the line fails to pass through the
and shown in Table 2. Kinetic biosorption origin which may attribute to the difference
for pseudo-first-order model occurs in the rate of mass transfer in the initial and
chemically and involves valency forces final stages of biosorption (Panday et al
through ion sharing or exchange of electron 1986).
between the adsorbent and the ions adsorbed
onto it (Septhum et al 2007). The pseudo- Thermodynamic study
second-order equation was plotted for t/qt
against t (Fig. 8 (b)). The values of qe and K2 The effect of temperature on removal of Cr
are calculated from the slope (1/qe) and (VI) from aqueous solutions in the Cr (VI)
intercept (1/K2 qe2) of the plot and values are concentration 10 mg/L and biosorbent dose

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

5 mg/ml with optimum pH 2.0 was studied. the biosorption of Cr (VI) onto rind of
Experiments were carried out at different Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck. The
temperatures from 200C-500C. The samples positive values of S0, shows an affinity of
were allowed to attain equilibrium. biosorbent and the increasing randomness at
Biosorption slightly increases from 200C- the solid solution interface during the
500C. The equilibrium constant (Catena and biosorption process.
Bright 1989) at various temperatures and
thermodynamic parameters of biosorption The present investigation revealed that rind
can be evaluated from the following of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck
equations: used as inexpensive, excellent biosorbent for
the removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous
(17) solutions. The FTIR study of acid treated
biosorbent showed that the possibility of
(18) availability of function groups such as
(19) hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxylic etc. The
(20) SEM represents a porous structure with
large surface area. The optimal parameters
where Kc is the equilibrium constant, Ce is such as solution pH, biosorbent dose, initial
the equilibrium concentrationof Cr (VI) in Cr (VI) concentration, contact time and
solution (mg/L) and CAe is the Cr (VI) temperature determined in the experiment
concentration biosorbed on the biosorbent were effective in determining the efficiency
per liter of solution at equilibrium (mg/L). of Cr (VI) onto rind of Orange (Citrus
G0, H0 and S0 are changes in standard, sinensis), (L.) Osbeck. biosorption
Gibbs free energy (kJ/mol), enthalpy equilibrium exhibited better fit to Langmuir
(kJ/mol) and entropy (J/mol K), isotherm than Freundlich isotherm, Dubinin-
respectively. R is the gas constant (8.314 Kaganer-Redushkevich (DKR) isotherm and
J/mol K), T is the temperature (Kelvin). The Temkin isotherm. The maximum chromium
values of H0 and S0 were determined (VI) loading capacity (qe) of rind of Orange
from the slope ( H0/R) and the intercept (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck. determined
( S0/R) from the plot of ln Kc versus 1/T from Langmuir adsorption isotherm was
(Fig. 9.). The values of equilibrium constant found to be 10.7411 mg g-1. The pseudo-
(Kc), standard Gibbs free energy change second-order kinetic model was found to be
( G0), standard enthalpy change ( H0) and correlate the experimental data strongest
standard entropy change ( S0) calculated in than other three kinetic models. The
this work were presented in Table 3. The thermodynamic study confirmed that
equilibrium constant (Kc) increases with reaction of biosorption of Cr (VI) onto rind
increase in temperature, which may be of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck is
attributed to the increase in the pore size and spontaneous, endothermic and increasing
enhanced rate of intraparticle diffusion. The randomness of the solid solution interfaces.
standard Gibbs free energy change ( G0) is From these observations it can be concluded
small and negative and indicates the that rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.)
spontaneous nature of the biosorption. The Osbeck has considerable biosorption
values of G0 were found to decreases as the capacity, available in abundant, non-
temperature increases, indicating more hazardous agro material can be used as an
driving force and hence resulting in higher effective indigenous material for treatment
biosorption capacity. The positive values of of wastewater stream containing Cr (VI).
H0, indicating the endothermic nature of
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

Table.1 Adsorption isotherm constants for biosorption of Cr (VI) by rind of Orange ]

(Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck

Langmuir constants Freundlich constants DKR constants Temkin constants

qm B R2 K 1/n R2 qm b E R2 AT bT R2
10.7411 0.0226 0.9986 3.9801 0.3587 0.9153 5.3153 -3E-6 0.4082 0.7413 2.2009 1364.94 0.8903

Table.2 Adsorption kinetic data for biosorption of Cr (VI) by rind of Orange

(Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck
Pseudo-first-order model Pseudo-second-order model Elovich model Intra particle diffusion model
qe K1 R2 qe K2 R2 R2 Ki C R2
1.4605 0.0164 0.9016 1.7111 0.0500 0.9963 1.5000 4.3233 0.9313 0.0629 0.9277 0.8736

Table.3 Thermodynamic parameters of biosorption of Cr(VI) by rind of

Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck

T (K) Kc - G0 (kJ/mol) H0 (KJ/mol ) S0 (J/mol K)

293 1.0909 0.211 8.839 30.27
303 1.3795 0.810
313 1.3795 0.837
323 1.5550 1.185

Fig.1 FTIR spectra (a) biosorbent rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck (b) biosorbent
rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck loaded with Cr (VI)


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

Fig.2 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis (a) biosorbent rind of Orange (Citrus
sinensis), (L.) Osbeck (b) biosorbent rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck loaded with
Cr (VI)


Fig.3 Effect of pH on Cr (VI) biosorption by rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck
(biosorbent dose concentration: 5 mg/ml, Cr (VI) concentration: 10 mg/L, contact time: 150
minutes, temperature: 300C)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

Fig.4 Effect of biosorbent dose concentration on Cr (VI) biosorption by rind of Orange (Citrus
sinensis), (L.) Osbeck (pH: 2, Cr (VI) concentration: 10 mg/L, contact time: 150 minute,
temperature: 300C)

Fig.5 Effect of Cr (VI) concentration on Cr (VI) biosorption by rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis),
(L.) Osbeck (pH: 2, biosorbent dose concentration: 5 mg/L, contact time: 150 minutes,
temperature: 300C)

Fig.6 Effect of contact time on Cr (VI) biosorption by rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.)
Osbeck pH: 2, biosorbent dose concentration: 5 mg/L, initial Cr (VI) concentration: 10 mg/ml,
temperature: 300C)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

Fig.7 Adsorption isotherm models (a) Langmuir, (b) Freundlich (c) DKR and (d) Temkin for
biosorption of Cr (VI) by rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck (pH: 2.0, biosorbent dose
concentration: 5 mg/ml, contact time: 150 minutes, temperature: 300C)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.8 Adsorption kinetic models (a) pseudo-first-order equation, (b) pseudo-second-order

equation, (c) Elovich equation and (d) Weber and Morris intraparticulate mixing equation, for
biosorption of Cr (VI) by rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck pH: 2.0, biosorbent dose
concentration: 5 mg/ml, Cr (VI) concentration: 10 mg/L, temperature: 300C)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 653-671

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.9 Plot of lnKc against 1/T for determination of thermodynamic parameters for biosorption of
Cr (VI) by rind of Orange (Citrus sinensis), (L.) Osbeck (pH: 2.0, biosorbent dose concentration:
5 mg/ml, Cr (VI) concentration: 10 mg/L, contact time: 150 minute)

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