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7.maceda V Macarai1

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Maceda v Macaraig (1993) direct and indirect.

NPC's tax exemptions at first applied to the bonds it was

223 SCRA 217 authorized to float to finance its operations upon its creation by virtue of C.A. No. 120.
When the NPC was authorized to contract with the IBRD for foreign financing, any
CA 120 was enacted creating the NPC, a public corporation, mainly to loans obtained were to be completely tax exempt. After the NPC was authorized to
develop hydraulic power from all water sources in the Philippines. The sum borrow from other sources of funds aside issuance of bonds it was again
of P250,000.00 was appropriated out of the funds in the Philippine Treasury specifically exempted from all types of taxes "to facilitate payment of its
for the purpose of organizing the NPC and conducting its preliminary work. indebtedness." Even when the ceilings for domestic and foreign borrowings were
Subsequently, RA 358 was enacted expressly authorizing the NPC to be periodically increased, the tax exemption privileges of the NPC were maintained.
exempt from all taxes, duties, fees, imposts, charges, and restrictions of the NPC's tax exemption from real estate taxes was, however, specifically withdrawn by
Republic of the Philippines, its provinces, cities and municipalities. RA 987. The exemption was, however, restored by RA 6395.
In 1954, RA 987 was enacted specifically to withdraw NPC's tax exemption
for real estate taxes. P.D. No. 938 did not amend the same 59 and so the tax exemption provision in Section
8 (b), R.A. No. 6395, as amended by P.D. No. 380, still stands. Since the subject
In 1958, RA 2058 was enacted fixing the corporate life of NPC. All laws or
matter of this particular Section 8 (b) had to do only with loans and machinery
provisions of laws and executive orders contrary to said RA 2058 were
imported, paid for from the proceeds of these foreign loans, THERE WAS NO
expressly repealed.
OTHER SUBJECT MATTER TO LUMP IT UP WITH, and so, the tax exemption stood
In 1960, RA 2641 was enacted converting the NPC from a public corporation as is with the express mention of "direct and indirect" tax exemptions. And this
into a stock corporation. No tax exemption was incorporated in said Act. "direct and indirect" tax exemption privilege extended to "taxes, fees, imposts, other
charges . . . to be imposed" in the future surely, an indication that the lawmakers
The relevant tax exemption provision for these foreign loans states as follows: wanted the NPC to be exempt from ALL FORMS of taxes direct and indirect.
The loans, credits and indebtedness contracted under this subsection and
the payment of the principal, interest and other charges thereon, as well as It is crystal clear, therefore, that NPC had been granted tax exemption privileges for
the importation of machinery, equipment, materials, supplies and services, both direct and indirect taxes under P.D. No. 938.
by the Corporation, paid from the proceeds of any loan, credit or
indebtedness incurred under this Act, shall also be exempt from all direct In the case of the tax exemption restoration of NPC, there is no other comparable
and indirect taxes, fees, imposts, other charges and restrictions, including entity not even a single public or private corporation whose rights would be
import restrictions previously and presently imposed, and to be imposed by violated if NPC's tax exemption privileges were to be restored. While there might have
the Republic of the Philippines, or any of its agencies and political been a MERALCO before Martial Law, it is of public knowledge that the MERALCO
subdivisions. 32 (Emphasis supplied) generating plants were sold to the NPC in line with the State policy that NPC was to
be the State implementing arm for the electrification of the entire country. Besides,
The Corporation shall be non-profit and shall devote all its returns from its capital MERALCO was limited to Manila and its environs. And as of 1984, there was no more
investment as well as excess revenues from its operation, for expansion. To enable MERALCO as a producer of electricity which could have objected to the
the Corporation to pay to its indebtedness and obligations and in furtherance and restoration of NPC's tax exemption privileges.
effective implementation of the policy enunciated in Section one of this Act, the
Corporation, including its subsidiaries, is hereby declared exempt from the payment It should be noted that NPC was not asking to be granted tax exemption privileges for
of all forms of taxes, duties, fees, imposts as well as costs and service fees including the first time. It was just asking that its tax exemption privileges be restored. It is for
filing fees, appeal bonds, supersedeas bonds, in any court or administrative these reasons that, at least in NPC's case, the recommendation and approval of
proceedings.42 NPC's tax exemption privileges under FIRB Resolution Nos. 10-85 and 1-86, done by
the same person acting in his dual capacities as Chairman of the Fiscal Incentives
Petitioner contends that P.D. No. 938 repealed the indirect tax exemption of NPC as Review Board and Minister of Finance, respectively, do not violate procedural due
the phrase "all forms of taxes etc.," in its section 10, amending Section 13, R.A. No. process.
6395, as amended by P.D. No. 380, does not expressly include "indirect taxes." His
point is not well-taken. Thus, after all has been said, it is clear that the NPC had its tax exemption privileges
restored from June 11, 1984 up to the present.
A chronological review of the NPC laws will show that it has been the lawmaker's
intention that the NPC was to be completely tax exempt from all forms of taxes

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