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Pipe Stress Analysis Using


Piping System Analysis

Why do we do it? When & Why Stress Analysis


What do we do?
How do we model the piping system?
How do we document the work?

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Pitfalls of
Piping Flexibility Analysis

Just about any set of numbers can run

through a piping program (GIGO)
Elements used in piping programs have
their limitations
A good analysis addresses these

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

3D Beam Element

A purely mathematical model

All behavior is described by end
displacements using F=Kx
Basic parameters define stiffness and load
(K and F, respectively)
Diameter, wall thickness,
Diameter thickness and length
Elastic modulus, Poissons ratio
Expansion coefficient, density

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

3D Beam Element

Behavior is
dominated by
Efficient for most
Sufficient for
system analysis

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

3D Beam Element

Whats missing?
No local effects (shell distortion)
No second order effects
No large rotation
No clash
No accounting for large shear load
Where wall deflection occurs before
As in a short fat cantilever (vs. a long
skinny cantilever)
Centerline support
No shell/wall
13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

3D Beam Example

Si l cantilever
Simple il bending:
b di


= P
3 E I
(x = F )
13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

How Do We Represent

Evaluating Stress at a Point

Local coordinate system

End loads and pressure
through a free body

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Stress Element

Longitudinal stress
F/A, PD/4t, M/Z (max. on outside surface)
Hoop stress
Radial stress
0 (on outside surface)
Shear stress
T/2Z, (V=0 on outside surface)

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

From 3D to 2D

With no radial stress the cube can be

reduced to a plane.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis


Stress times unit area = force

Any new face must maintain equilibrium
New face will have a normal and shear
stress component

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Mohrs Circle

Calculation of these new face stresses are

symbolized through Mohrs circle

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Named Stresses (Definitions)

Principal stress normal stress on the

face where no shear stress exists
Maximum shear stress face upon which
shear stress is maximum

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Mohrs Circle

Principal Stresses:
S1, S2, S3

Maximum Shear Stress:


13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Any complex stress on an element can be

represented by the principal stresses (S1,
S2, S3) and/or the maximum shearing
stress (max)

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

How Do We Measure

Modes of Pipe Failure

Burst due to pressure

Collapse due to overload
Corrosion a material consideration
Fatigue cyclic loading

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Other Failure Concerns

Too much deflection (clash)

Overloaded pump or flange
(bearing/coupling failure or leak)

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

How Do We Measure Failure?

Maximum p
p stress S1 ((Rankine).
Principal stress alone causes failure of the element.
Wall thickness calculations due to pressure alone.
Maximum shearing stress max (Tresca).
Shear, not direct stress causes failure.
Common stress calculation in piping.
M i
Maximum distortion
di t ti energy wd (von
( Mises).
Mi )
Total distortion of the element causes failure.
Octahedral shearing stress (Gmax) is another measure
of the energy used to distort the element. This is
known as equivalent stress.
13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

How Do We Measure Failure?

These are just three

Others include maximum strain and
maximum total energy

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Which Measure Do We Use?

e gy oof d
sto t o iss tthe
e most
ost accu
prediction of failure but maximum shearing
stress is close and conservative.
Piping codes often utilize their own mix (through
the term stress intensity).
CAESAR II can print either Tresca or von Mises
stress in the 132 column stress report.
Our (code) focus is maximum shearing stress.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

From Lab to Field

How Do We Compare
F il

Material Characteristics

Lab produces stress-strain

stress strain characteristics
for our alloy

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Material Characteristics

Direct (axial) load on a test specimen to

yield and ultimate failure
Gives E, Sy, Sult
These terms vary with temperature

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Lab Failure

If failure occurs at
yield, the appropriate
stress is calculated
using the yield load
Sy = Py/a
And this is our limit
max Sy/2

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Field Failure

If stress of interest (S1, max , oct) on the

field element is greater than the lab
element, failure is predicted

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Piping Code Simplification

Us g tthe
Using e maximum
a u sshear
ea cacalculation
cu at o
max is the radius of Mohrs circle.
max = (S1-S3)/2.
So, (S1-S3)/2 Sy/2.
Or (S1-S3) Sy
Piping codes define (S1-S3) as stress intensity.
Stress intensity must be below the material

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

More Simple?

Hoopp stress (S
( H) is positive
p and below yyield due
to wall thickness requirements (design by rule).
Radial stress is zero, assume this is S3.
Longitudinal stress (SL), assumed positive, must
be checked only if it exceeds hoop stress, then
S1=f(SL,) and (S1-S3)= f(SL,).
S with
So, ith h
hoop stress
t accounted
t d with
ith wallll
thickness, you need only evaluate longitudinal
and shear stresses and compare the results with
the material yield, Sy.
13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

If SL is negative, then SL becomes S3 and

SH is S1. This produces a greater stress
intensity of (SH SL). This is a concern
for restrained pipe most commonly
found in buried piping systems.
Otherwise, as long
l as longitudinal
l d l stress is
below yield, the pipe material will not fail.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Or So You Might Think

Other Failures Do Occur

Through the wall cracks on components

subject to thermal strain
Not immediate
Low cycle and high cycle fatigue
Rupture at elevated temperatures (creep)
Again, over time

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Effects of thermal strain were investigated
and addressed by A.R.C. Markl et. al. in
the late 40s and into the 50s.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Yield Is Not the Only Concern

Yield is a primary
primary concern for force-
based loads which lead to collapse.
But other, non-collapse loads exist.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Non-collapse Loads?

Deadweight loads must satisfy equilibrium

(F in F=Kx is independent) or collapse.
Displacement-based loads such as thermal
strain can satisfy static equilibrium
through deformation and even local
structural yielding.
Here, x in F=Kx is independent but
material yield will limit K and therefore F.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Are There Strain Limits?

Going cold to hot may produce yield in

the hot state but there will also be a
residual stress in the system when it
returns to its cold condition

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Are There Strain Limits?

But what if this residual cold stress

exceeds its cold yield limit?

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Are There Strain Limits?

Yield will occur at both ends of every

thermal cycle
This is low cycle fatigue
Failure will occur in only a few cycles
(Try this with a paper clip.)

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Shakedown and Its Limits

Initial yield is acceptable.

This is known as shakedown.
But to avoid low cycle fatigue failure, the
overall change in stress installed to
operating must be less than the sum of
the hot yield stress and the cold yield
stresstwo times yield!

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Shakedown and Its Limits

Yielding is acceptable; The pipe shakes

down any additional strain.
Expansion stress range (Syc+Syh).
The code equations limit this stress to
The stress at any one state (hot or cold)
cannot measure this fatigue stress range.
(One limit for S is based on Sy: S=2/3 Sy, so Sy=1.5S)
13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

But Were Not Done

Yet other systems have been in service,

cycling for many years, only to fail later in
This is evidence of high cycle fatigue.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Material Fatigue

Polished bar test specimens will fail

through fatigue under a cyclic stress
The higher the stress amplitude, the
fewer cycles to failure

Fig. 5-110.1, Design Fatigue

Curves from ASME VIII-2 App. 5
Mandatory Design Based on
Fatigue Analysis

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Piping Material Fatigue

This is reflected in the allowable stress by the

cyclic reduction factor f.

Expansion stress Se f(1.25S

f(1 25Sc+1.25S
+1 25Sh).
To address ratcheting, the force-based stress
(SL) will reduce this acceptable stress amplitude.
Therefore, Se f(1.25Sc+1.25Sh-SL).
13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Some Components Fail

Sooner Than Others

Failures occurred at pipe connections,

bends and intersections.
Markls work examined the cause of these
fatigue failures

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Bend Failure

Pipe bends ovalize

as they bend
This makes them
more flexible
And makes them
fail sooner than a
butt weld

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Component Fatigue

Markl tested various piping components

and plotted their stress and cycle count at

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Stress Intensification

Rather than reduce the allowed stress for

the component in question, this SIF (or i)
increases the calculated stress.
Stress = Mi/Z.

S bw
S el

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis


Process piping distinguished between in

plane bending and out-plane bending
In-plane bending keeps the component in
its original plane
Out-plane bending pulls the component
out of its plane

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis


13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Markls Work in Todays Code

Markl extended his findings to several

pipe components and joints.
This work appears in Appendix D.
Pay attention to the notes.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

B31.1 Appendix D

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

B31.3 Appendix D

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

B31.3 SIF Example

B31.3 Sample
p SIF Calculations
Welding elbow or pipe bend Reinforced fabricated tee with pad or saddle

Input Input
Pipe OD : 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 Pipe OD : 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75
Pipe wall : 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 Pipe wall : 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365
Bend radius : 15 10 30 50 Pad thickness : 0 0.25 0.365 0.5

Intermediate Calculations Intermediate Calculations

Tbar = 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 Tbar = 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365
R1 = 15 10 30 50 Tr = 0 0.25 0.365 0.5
r2 = 5.193 5.193 5.193 5.193 r2 = 5.193 5.193 5.193 5.193

h= 0.203 0.135 0.406 0.677 h= 0.070 0.147 0.194 0.259

Stress Intensification Factors Stress Intensification Factors

out-of-plane = 2.171 2.845 1.368 1.000 out-of-plane = 5.284 3.234 2.688 2.215
in-plane = 2.605 3.414 1.641 1.167 in-plane = 4.213 2.676 2.266 1.911

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

B31.1 SIF Example

B31.1 Sample
p SIF Calculations
Welding elbow or pipe bend Reinforced fabricated tee with pad or saddle

Input Input
Pipe OD : 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 Pipe OD : 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75
Pipe wall : 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 Pipe wall : 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365
Bend radius : 15 10 30 50 Branch OD : 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Branch wall : 0.237 0.237 0.237 0.237
Branch OD at tee : 5
Pad thickness : 0 0.25 0.365 0.5

Intermediate Calculations Intermediate Calculations

tn = 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 tn or tnh = 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365
R= 15 10 30 50 r or Rm = 5 193
5.193 5 193
5.193 5 193
5.193 5 193
r= 5.193 5.193 5.193 5.193 tnb = 0.237 0.237 0.237 0.237
rm = 2.132 2.132 2.132 2.132
rp = 2.250 2.500 2.250 2.250

h= 0.203 0.135 0.406 0.677 h= 0.070 0.147 0.194 0.259

Stress Intensification Factor Stress Intensification Factor

2.605 3.414 1.641 1.167 Header : 5.284 3.234 2.688 2.215
Branch : 3.471 3.124 3.471 3.471

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

To Summarize:

Unchanging loads (loads that do not vary with

system distortion weight, pressure, spring
preloads, wind, relief thrust, etc.) must remain
below the material yield limit.
Strain-based loads (thermal growth of pipe,
movement of supports) ) must remain below the
material fatigue limit
Several piping codes such as the transportation
codes also limit operating stress

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Piping Code

What Are the Code Stress

ti and
d Th
i Li
it ?

A Review of the Basic

Force based loads are limited by yield
But also! Permanent or temporary?
These are primary loads and they produce
sustained and occasional stresses
Strain-based loads are limited by fatigue
These are secondary loads and they
produce expansion stresses

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Piping code equations:

Power Piping
B31.1, ASME III, B31.5, FBDR (, EN-13480?)
Most stringent limitations
Sample Equations
Sustained: Slp + (0.75i)Ma/Z < Sh
i iMc/Z
iM /Z < f(1.25Sc
f(1 25S + 1
25Sh Sustained)
S t i d)
Sustained + Occasional:
Slp + (0.75i)Ma/Z + (0.75i)Mb/Z < kSh

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Piping code equations:

Process Piping
B31.3, ISO 15649
Wider applications
Sample Equations
Let Sb = {sqrt[(iiMi)2+(ioMo)2]}/Z
p + Fax/A + Sb < Sh
Sustained: Slp
sqrt(Sb2 + 4St2) < f(1.25Sc + 1.25Sh Sustained)
Sustained + Occasional:
Slp + (Fax/A + Sb)sus +(Fax/A+Sb)occ < kSh

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Piping code equations:

Transportation Piping
B31.4, B31.8, TD/12, Z662, DNV
Based of proof testing and yield limits
Addresses compression
Sample Equations
Let Sb = {sqrt[(iiMi)2+(ioMo)2]}/Z
Sustained: Slp + Sb < 0.75Sy
Expansion: sqrt(Sb2 + 4St2) < 0.72Sy
Operating: Sustained + Expansion < Sy

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Piping code equations:

FRP (GRP) Pipe

BS 7159, UKOOA (ISO14692)
Different materials different concerns
Equations evaluate the interaction of hoop
and axial stress
B d on d
Based design
i straini rather
h than
h stress
(but =E)

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

CAESAR II The Program

An Overview of
th D
the Design
i P

Pipe Stress Analysis


13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Design by Analysis

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Design by Analysis

The design cycle

Collect data (with assumptions)
Generate the model and load sets
Run the analysis
Check the assumptions
Diagnose any problems
Re-run with fixes
Document the analysis
13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

The Design Cycle

A system model, not a local model
Its just F = KX
Check the design limits

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Is It a Good Model?

Focus on stiffness
stiffness, boundary conditions and

Consider the stiffness method assumptions

(remember, its only an approximation).

Run a simple sensitivity study when youre


13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

A Sensitivity Study

Treat CAESAR II as a black box.

Examine the effects of a single input
Determine the sensitivity of the results to
that particular piece of data.
Examples: nozzle flexibility, friction,
support location, restraint stiffness.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Verifying Results

Equilibrium exists in static analyses.

Resultant loads equal applied loads.
Restraint loads for weight analysis sum to
total deadweight.
You can verify coordinates of key
Check the plotted deflections.

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Design Limits

Pipe failure (stress)

Pipe Deflection

Equipment loads

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Use a Sensitivity Study:

To improve the

To improve
p your

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Which Is Better

a complex model
or a simple model?

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis


Basic stresses reviewed

Failure theories reviewed
SIFs introduced
Load case (stress) type introduced
Expansion case explained
Code equations summarized

13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis

Pipe Stress Analysis Using


13-Feb-08 Introduction to CAESAR II and Pipe Stress Analysis


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