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CSP02 Progress Measurement Format

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1 7 pemous | CARIGALISTANDARD _| PROCEDURE NO. : CsP-02 CARIGALI GALT STAND. \CEDURE meee REVISION. | JACKET/TOPSIDES | PROGRESS MEASUREMENT FORMAT. FOR PETRONAS CARIGALI SDN BHD KUALA LUMPUR In the event of ambiguity, inconsistency or conflict between this procedure and the Contract Document and / or the Petronas Technical Standards (PTS), the Contract Document and / or PTS shall take precedence over this procedure, CARIGALI's interpretation shall be final PCSB REY. | DATE| PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY ‘APPROVED BY NAME] SIGNATURE | DATE || NAME] SIGNATURE me [Se SGPSTURE | DATE o [ital oms | eye [ieoraclete | fH [aisiaal mem $y lafa/ae| 1 rapa Ime | Vue laos-gelete | F\ lnvesalwom | L belare' Oo | | il petwonas PROGRESS MEASUREMENT | PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-02 CARIGALI FORMAT REVISION. 1 JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 1 OF 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE 3 20 SCOPE 3 3.0 REFERENCE 3 4.0 DEFINITIONS ae 5.0 PROCEDURES 3 5.1 Weightage for Level 1 Activities. 4 5.1.1 Activities from date of Award until MCD 5.1.2. Activities between MCD up to Load-out 5.2 Weightage for Level 2 Activities. 5 5.2.1 Weightage Assignment for Front-End Activities / Mobilisation 5.2.2 Weightage Assignment for Engineering 2.1 Shop Drawings Material Take-Off (MTO) Procedures: 5.23 Assignment for Procurement CONTRACTOR-Supplied Materials CARIGALI-Supplied Materials 5.2.4 Weightage Assignment for Fabrication 5.2.5 Weightage Assignment for Testing & Pre-Commissioning 5.2.6 Weightage Assignment for Load-out and Seafastening 27 Weightage Assignment for Final Documentation 5.3 Weightage for Level 3 Activities. 10 6.0 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 10 0 RECORDS 10 Appendix II Sample Calculations Ler PROGRESS MEASUREMENT | PROCEDURE NO. CSP-02 CARIGALL Goce REVISION. 1 JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 2 OF 10 APPENDICES Appendix Level | and Level 2 Weightage Summary Breakdown Appendix II Level 3 Weightage Summary Breakdown ergonas PROGRESS: JREMENT | PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-02 CARIGALI Wen roem ice i REVISION. l JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 3 OF 10 10 PURPOSE 2.0 3.0 4.0 This procedure provides a simple, reliable and auditable guideline to measure the progress of théactual work done for CARIGALI's Projects. SCOPE This procedure provides the percent weightage distribution for Level | through Level 3 planning activities for the fabrication of Jacket, Topsides and Living Quarters. REFERENCES Contract Document CSP-03 - Final Documentation Table of Contents CSP-T20 = ‘Testing and Pre-commissioning Guideline DEFINITIONS MCD - Mechanical Completion Date MTO - Material Take-Off WOT - Welders Qualification Test WPS - Welding Procedure Specification PROCEDURES The percent weightage distribution as described in this procedure has been pre-determined with a specified range for Level 1 and Level 2 planning activities and a fixed weighted value for Level 3 planning activities based on CARIGALI's previous experience and is intended for Fabrication Contracts only. The CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the weightage given for identitying, planning and monitoring the actual work progress. The weightage assigned for each detailed project activity as well as the calculated manhours assumed by the CONTRACTOR for these activities shall be in line with this procedure It is understood that some of the weightage distribution identified tor the Level and Level 2 Fabrication activities may not be applicable for a particular CONTRACTOR and varies depending on the complexity of the Project PETRONAS, PROGRESS MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE NO. CSP-02 CARIGALL . FORMAT. REVISION. | 1 JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 4 OF 10 In such cases, the distribution of the assigned weightage will be adjusted accordingly, The CONTRACTOR and CARIGALT shall discuss and agree on the weight distribution to reflect the actual scope of work. The activities description and weightage assigned for identifying, planning and monitoring the work progress is divided into three (3) parts = i Weightage for Level 1 Activities ii) Weightage for Level 2 Activities. iii) Weightage for Level 3 Activities. The overall detailed breakdown for the weightage assigned for each task or activity to complete the Project shall be developed by the CONTRACTOR based on this format and submitted as part of the CONTRACTOR’s Planning Package for CARIGALI's approval, 1 Weightage for Level 1 Activities. The overall progress measurement for CARIGALI Projects entire scope of work is divided into nwo (2) parts == i Activities from the date of award until MCD. ii) Activities between MCD up to Load-out. The weightage assigned for the activities from the date of award until MCD and up to Load-out are further broken down to one common set of Level 1 activities according to the major categories or discipline as shown below S.11 Activities from the date of award until MCD. Jacket Topsides LQ. a. Front-End Activities) (3-5) (3-5) (3-5) Mobilisation b. Engineering (5-7) (8-10) (7-9) © Procurement (3-5) (3-8) (3-8) d_ Fabrication (83-89) (65-76) (70-79) e. Testing & Pre-commissioning = 6-12) (6-10) 100 100 100 PetRoNAs CARIGALI PROGRESS MEASUREMENT — | PROCEDURE NO. CsP-02 FORMAT REVISION. » | JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 5 OF 10 521 jes between MCD up to Load-out. Jacket Topsides LQ a Load-out and 3 3 sl Seafastening b. Final Documentation _49_ 49 100 100 5.2 Weightage for Level 2 Activities. Level 2 activities give a detailed breakdown of Level 1 components. Weightage are assigned in accordance with the quantity of work required for that activity Weightage Assignment for Front-End Activities / Mobilisation. ‘The weightage for Front-End activities / Mobilisation shall be assigned as follows Jacket _Topsides Li i) Mobilisation of Project (5-10) (5-10) (5-10) Management Team ii) Project Planning and (3-5) Monitoring Format iii) Yard Preparations (12-15) iv) Fabrication of Framing (38-46) Supports Foundation ¥) Mobilisation of NDT (2-3) (3-5) (2-3) Source Inspection vi) Mobilisation of Structural (5-7) (5-10) (5-8) Sub-Contractor vii) Mobilisation of Piping/ = - = (3-5) Plumbing Sub-Contractor viii) Mobilisation of Painting (3-5) (3-5) Sub-Contractor ix) Mobilisation of E & I - G5) Sub-Contractor x) Mobilisation HVAC) - (23) (3-5) Ducting Sub-Contractor eronas CARIGALI PROGRESS MEASUREMENT | PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-02 FORMAT REVISION.» JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 6 OF 10 5.2.2. xi) Mobilisation of : Architectural, Sub-Contractor Si) WOT & WPS @-3) G-3) 2-3) xiii) Test PaneVCoating = (1-2) (1-2) (1-2) System Qualitication Test 100 100 100 Weightage Assignment for Engineering, Engineering activities are sub-grouped as shop drawings, material take-off (VITO) and procedures with the weightage assigned as follows Jacket Topsides _LQ Shop Drawings i) Structural (70-80) (30-33) ii) Piping/Plumbing ( 6- 9) Mechanical iit) Electrical = (8-12) iv) Instrument = (10-12) v) HVAC/Ducting — - (1-2) vi) Architectural - (1-2) Material Take-Off (MTO) i) Structural (812) (2-3) 3) ii) Piping/Plumbing (2-3) (2-3) 3) iti) Mechanical - (2-3) 2 iv) Electrical - (23) 3) v) Instrument (2-3) =A) vi) Architectural 7 a) 3) vii) HVAC/Ducting (1) 3) viii) Others (Paint, (tl) (1) ) Anodes, etc.) Procedures (1-2) (3-5) 3-5 100 100 100 ermoMas CARIGALI PROGRESS MEASUREMENT | PROCEDURE NO. + CSP-02 FORMAT ; REVISION, t JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 7 OF 10 5.24 Weightage Assignment for Procurement. For material procurement, the weightage adopted at Level 2 ‘Will essentially be based on the estimated man-hours for the various tasks/activities such as bidding, evaluation, meetings, expediting, inspection, receipt and acceptance to complete the identified procurement process, ie. Issued RFQ, Issued P.O. Material Receipt and Acceptance, etc. The weightage assigned are sub-grouped into two (2) categories Jacket Topsides LO CONTRACTOR- Supplied Materials i) Structural Steel ii) Pipes, Fittings & Valves iii) Mechanical Items /Equipment iv) Electrical Items (Equipment v) Instrument Items / Equipment vi) HVAC/Ducting vii) Architectural viii) Other Materials (Paint, anodes, ete.), CARIGALI- (15-20) (18-20) Supplied Materials (if applicable) loo = 100-100 Weightage Assignment for Fabrication. For fabrication, the weightage adopted are broken down into the following sub-groups pernonas PROGRESS MEASUREMENT | PROCEDURE NO. . CSP-02 _ CARIGALI FORMAT. REVISION. 1 JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 8 OF 10 Jacket Topsides _LQ i) Structural (94-97) (40-50) (33-39) ii) Piping(see Note (1-2) (15-25) (16-22) Plumbing iii) Mechanical - G5) iv) Instrument - (7-10) (3-7) v) Electrical 7 (8-12) (7-9) vi) HVAC/Ducting - (23) (7-9) vii) Blasting/ Painting (3-6) (8-12) (6-10) viii) Architectural - Q (3) 100 100 100 Note: Jacket Structures includes the fabrication of grout lines, air lines, drain lines, ete. 5 Weightage Assignment —for_—Testing = and Pre-Commissioning. Testing and Pre-Commissioning shall be measured in six (6) main categories Jacket _Topsides LO i) Electrical - (13-17) (14-16) ii) Instrument - (9-11) iii) Piping/Plumbing - as. iv) Mechanical - (14-16) v) HVAC - vi) Systems Testing - Note: Systems Testing are the pre-commissioning tests to be conducted on the identified Systems of the Project, ie, process, process utilities, general utilities, safety, ete. as referred to in CARIGALT Standard Procedure, CSP-T20 - Testing and = Pre-commissioning Guideline. perwonas CARIGALI PROGRESS MEASUREMENT | PROCEDURE NO. CSP-02 FORMAT. REVISION. © 1 JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 9 OF 10 Weightage Assignment for Load-out and Seafastening. ‘The weightage for load-out and seafastening will be assigned {® accordance with the following Jacket Topsides _LOQ i) Drawings it) Materials iii) Seafastening Fabrication’ iv) Load-out and Positioning y) Tie-down Arrangements Weightage Assignment for Final Documentation. For the Final Documentation, the weightage adopted at Level 2 will essentially be based on the following categories, Jacket Topsides. LQ i) Equipment Dossier : ii) QA/QC Documentation (30-55) iii) Material Documentation (5 -10) iv) Testing & Precommissioning - Documentation ¥) Design Data : vi) As-Built Drawings G vii) Close-Out Report viii) Shiploose List ( (4-10) (4-8) ix) NDT Radiographic Films ( (1-2) (1-2) 100 100100 Note: The compilation of documents as required for the Final Documentation is described in CARIGALI Standard Procedure, CSP-03 - Final Documentation: Table of Contents. perRoNas CARIGALI FORMAT. REVISION. | | JACKET/TOPSIDES PAGE 10 OF 10 PROGRESS MEASUREMENT | PROCEDURE NO. CSP-02 The weightage assigned for Level 1 and Level 2 progress measurement is summarised in Appendix I : Level 1 and Level 2 Weightage Summary Breakdown, 3 Weightage for Level 3 Activities. Level 3 activities are a detailed breakdown of the various tasks of Level 2 components. The activities identified in the CPN shali be of the form such that the actual physical progress can be easily measured (physically quantifiable as far as possible) The detailed breakdown of weightage assigned for Level 3 activities are further developed as shown in Appendix I : Level 3 Weightage Summary Breakdown. 6.0 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 6t ‘The CONTRACTOR's planner and respective discipline engineer shall visit the worksite to measure and record the actual quantity of the physical work done. The report shall be submitted to CARIGALI for approval prior to incorporation in the weekly/monthly progress reports Measurement of the physical work will be done as far as possible on the basis of quantifiable parameters to judge the actual physical work done on the Project. In cases where the physical work done cannot be quantified, a reasonable judgement on the percentage completed will be made with the approval of CARIGALI and treated as the percentage completed for that activity 7.0 RECORDS 71 The CONTRACTOR’s Project Manager shall be responsible for this procedure and shall be made available to the respective personnel The Planning Engineer / Planner shall be responsible for the overall co-ordination and reporting of the progress csP.02 [APPENDIX PAGE 10F2 LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN i _JACKET | Topsibes | LIVING aTRS eM DESCRIPTION WEIGHTAGE Ll % % % LEVEL (119) FRONT-END ACTIVITIES / MOBILISATION (3-5) (5) (1.20) ENGINEERING 5-7) (7-3) (1.30) PROCUREMENT G5) (aa) (140) FABRICATION (83-88) (88-78) (70-73) (1.50) | TESTING AND PRE-COMMISSIONING . (6.12) (3-10) (1.10) LOAD- OUT AND SEAFASTENING st st 3 (1.2.9) FINAL DOCUMENTATION 8 2 2 EVEL2 al2.9 FRONT. END ACTIVITIES / MOBILISATION 2.1.1 MOBILISATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM 5-10) 6-10) (5-10) 2.1.2. PROJECT PLANNING AND MONITORING FORMAT 3-5) @-5 (3-5) 2.1.3 YARD PREPARATIONS (OFFICE, AMENITIES, £70.) (20-25), (18-20) (12-15) 2.t-4_ FABRICATION OF FRAMING / SUPPORTS FOUNDATION (50-60) | (48-80) (28-48) 245 MOBILISATION OF NOT SOURCE INSPECTION 3) es (2-3) 2.13 MOBILISATION OF STRUCTURAL SUBCONTRACTOR (3-7) (5-19) (5-8) 2.1.7 MOBILISATION OF PIPING/PLUMBING SUB-CONTRACTOR (3-5) (2-5) 2.1.8 MOBILISATION OF PAINTING SUB-CONTRACTOR 3) (3-8) (3-5) 2.4.9 MOBILISATION OF E 41 SUB-CONTRACTOR (38), (3-8) 2.1.10 MOBILISATION OF HVACIOUCTING SUBCONTRACTOR (2-3) Gs) 2.411 MOBILISATION OF ARCHITECTURAL SUB-CONTRACTOR 23) (5) 2.42 WOT WPS (3-5) (2-3) 19 TEST PANELICOATING SYSTEM QUALIFICATION TEST a Ge 220 ENGINEERING | 22a ‘SHOP DRAWINGS 22.11 STRUCTURAL (70-80) | (30-33) (28-27) 2.1.2. PIPING PLUMBING! MECHANICAL (6-3) (22-30) (18-24) 221.3 ELECTRICAL (3-12) (3-10) 2.21.4 INSTRUMENT - (10-12) (5-7) 2218 RVACIOUCTING 4-2) (s-8) 2.2.18 ARCHITECTURAL (3) (10-12) 222 MATERIAL TAKE: OFF (MTO) 222.1 STRUCTURAL (a1) (2-3) (2-3) 2 PIPING PLUMBING 3) (23) (23) 222.3 MECHANICAL . (23) (2) 2224 ELECTRICAL - (3) an 2.225 INSTRUMENT (3) 2) csp-oz APPENDIX! PAGE20F 3 LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN, JACKET _TOPSIDES LIVING QTRS Tem DESCRIPTION WEIGHTAGE % % y ARCHITECTURAL = om (2-3) HVACOUCTING : a (OTHERS (PAINT, ANODES, ETC.) mo ” a) 223 PROCEDURES (1-2) 3-5) (3-5) 230 PROCUREMENT 2aa CONTRACTOR. SUPPLIED MATERIALS. : 23.11 STRUCTURAL STEEL (79-85) (15-20) (22-25) 23:12. PIPES, FITTINGS & VALVES. (5-7) (20-30) (49-21) 23:.3 MECHANICAL ITEMS / EQUIPMENT ' (15.28) on 23:4 ELECTRICAL TEMS. 10-15 (any 23.15 INSTRUMENT ITEMS / ECUIPMENT (10-15) (8-7) 23:18 HVACOUCTING (5) 231.7 ARCHITECTURAL 7 (2-3) 2.18 OTHER MATERIALS (PAINT, ANODES, ETC.) | 8) (3-5) 232 CARIGAL!. SUPPLIED MATERIALS (IF APPLICABLE) (95-20) (7) note ‘The weightage for Procurement is based on the manhours forthe various tasks/activites such as bidding, evaluation, meetings, ‘expediting inspection, reciept and acceptance to complete the | identified procurement process ie, Issued RFQ, Issued PO, Material : | Receipt and Materia Acceptance : 240 FABRICATION 241 STRUCTURAL | (94-97) (40-50) (33-38) 2.42 PIPING (see NOTE)PLUMBING 4-2) (18-25) (18-22). 243 MECHANICAL (5) (2-4) 244 INSTRUMENT : (7-10) 6-7) 245. ELECTRICAL : (a2) (7-8) 248 HVACIDUCTING - (2-3) (7-8) 1247 BLASTING PAINT! (8) (a2) (8-10) 248 (2-3) | (te3ay Note Jacket Structures includes the fabrication of grout lines, ar ines, drain lines, ete LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN csPoz APPENDIX! PAGE3OF3 JACKET, Tem DESCRIPTION 250 STING AND PRE-COMIISSIONING 251 ELECTRICAL - (sen (14-8) 252 INSTRUMENTATION (18-22) aay 253. PIPINGIPLUMBING (18-22) (8-22) 25.4 MECHANICAL (18-22) (14-78) 255 Hvac : : (8-22) 255 SYSTEMS TESTING (23-27) (8-22) Ba10 Loap-our Sea FASTENING 241 DRAWINGS (5-9) (5-8) (8) 232 MATERIALS (2-3) (2-5) (2-8) 2.12 SEAFASTENING FABRICATION (30-35) (15-20) (8-20) 24.4 LOAD- OUT AND POSITIONING (40-50) (28-48) (35-45) 215 TIE: DOVIN ARRANGEMENT (20-25) | (30-38) (30-35) 220 FINAL. DOCUMENTATION EQUIPMENT CassiER : (20-28) (8-22) GAGE DOCUMENTATION (50-55) | (18-20) (5-18) MATERIAL COCUMENTATION (5-10) | (3-10) (3-10) TESTING AND PRE-COMMISSIONING DOCUMENTATION (3-15) (3-15) DESIGN DATA (2-5) (2-4) AS-BUILT ORAWINGS (8-40) | (30-35) (20-35) CLOSE.oUT REPORT @ } @ @ SHIPLOOSE LIST (2-5) (4-10) (4) NOT RADIOGRAPHIC FILMS. (2) (ay | (nea) cspoz APPENDIX I PAGE 10F 18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN, i JACKET _TOPSIDES LIVING QTRS Tem DESCRIPTION WEIGHTAGE % % % ‘A310 FRONT-END ACTIVITIES / MOBILIZATION 341 MOBILISATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM (PER APPROVED ORGANISATION CHART) (COMPLETE MOBILISATION 20 20 20 ACCEPTED 20 20 x 3.4.2. PROJECT PLANNING AND MONITORING FORMAT ‘COMPLETED 20 20 20 ACCEPTED 20 20 20 3.13. YARD PREPARATIONS ( OFFICE, AMENITIES, ETC. ) COMPLETED 80 20 0 ACCEPTED 20 20 2 2:4 FABRICATION OF FRAMING / SUPPORTS FOUNDATION ‘COMPLETED 80 20 a ACCEPTED 20 20 20 2.4.5 MOBILISATION OF NOT SOURCE INSPECTION TENDER 2 20 20 AWARD 20 20 20 MOBILISE (READY TO COMMENCE WORK) 2 <0 50 3.4.6 | MOBILISATION OF STRUCTURAL SUS.CONTRACTOR TENDER rs) 2 2 AWARD 0 30 0 MOBILISE [READY TO COMMENCE WORK) 0 2 2 3..7 | MOBILISATION OF PIPINGIPLUMBING SUS-CONTRACTOR TENDER EEE 20 20 AWARD 30 30 MOBILISE (READY TO COMMENGE WORK) Ed 50 3.8 MOBILISATION OF PAINTING SUB-CONTRACTOR TENDER 20 20 x AWARD 30 30 20 MOBILISE (READY TO COMMENCE WORK) 50 <0 50 3.19 MOBILISATION OF € & | SUB.CONTRACTOR TENDER . 2 20 AWARD : 0 20 [MOBILISE (READY TO COMMENCE WORK) : 50 50 csp.oz APPENDIX PAGE 2 OF 18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN JACKET | TOPSIDES ITEM DESCRIPTION WEIGHTAGE % % % 34.40 | MOBILISATION OF HVACIDUGTING SUB-CONTRACTOR ENDER 20 x AWARD 20 20 MOBILISE (READY TO COMMENCE WORK) sm . 0 3.11 MOBILISATION OF ARCHITECTURAL SUB-CONTRACTOR TENDER : x x AWARD 20 0 MOBILISE (READY TO CONMENCE WORK) 53 50 aaa WOT/ WPS NUMBER OF WELDERS / WELDING OPERATORS / WPS) ‘TESTED (VISUAL ACCEPTANCE} 80 20 80 NOT ACCEPTANCE x 2 20 34.42 TEST PANELICOATING SYSTEM QUALIFICATION TEST (NUMBER OF TEST PANELS) =STED 70 70 70 ACCEPTED 20 20 20 220 ENGINEERING 324 SHOP ORAWINGS 924.1 STRUCTURAL (NUMBER OF SHOP DRAWINGS) SUBMISSION 10 70 70 APPROVAL, 20 20 0 3.2.12 PIPINGIPLUMBINGMECHANICAL (NUMBER OF SHOP DRAWINGS) SUBMISSION x 70 70 APPROVAL 20 30 30 3213. ELECTRICAL (WUMBER OF SHOP DRAWINGS) SUBMISSION : x 70 APPROVAL - 20 0 32.4 INSTRUMENT NUMBER OF SHOP DRAWINGS) ‘SUBMISSION - ca 70 APPROVAL - 20 20 3215 HvacibucTING — NUMBER OF SHOP DRAWINGS) ‘SUBMISSION : 70 70 APPROVAL, 20 x0 csPoz APPENDIX PAGE 30F 18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN | | |_JACKET _TOPSIDES LIVING QTRS em DESCRIPTION WEIGHTAGE | % % % 32:18 ARCHITECTURAL (NUMBER OF SHOP CRAWINGS) SUBMISSION - 70 70 APPROVAL 7 20 20 322 MTO 322.1 STRUCTURAL (NUMBER OF HTO) SUBMISSION 80 8 80 APPROVAL, 2 20 20 22.22 PIPINGIPLUMBING : (NUMBER OF TO) SUBMISSION ao | « 80 APPROVAL 2m | 2 20 32.23 MECHANICAL (NUMBER OF MTO) SUBMISSION - | a 20 APPROVAL - 2 20 SUBMISSION | 20 20 APPROVAL | 2 2 3225. INSTRUMENT | (NUMBER OF NTO) | SUBMISSION \ | 2 80 APPROVAL - | 2» 2 3225 ARCHITECTURAL | NUMBER OF MTO) SUBMISSION 20 80 APPROVAL - | 2 20 322.7 HvACc/DUCTING (NUMBER OF MTO) SUBMISSION 80 80 APPROVAL : 20 20 32.28 OTHER MATERIALS (NUMBER OF HO) ‘SUBMISSION 20 80 80 APPROVAL 2 20 20 csp.02 APPENDIX PAGE 40F18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN _ JACKET _TOPSIDES LIVING QTRS iTem DESCRIPTION i WEIGHTAGE i % % % 323 PROCEDURES (WUNBER OF PROCEDURES)" SUBMISSION 20 20 APPROVAL 20 Fs) 2 33.0 PROCUREMENT 33.4 CONTRACTOR: SUPPLIED MATERIALS 334.1 STRUCTURAL STEEL (NUMBER OF RFQ/FO) ISSUED REQUSITION FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) 2 2 2 ISSUED PURCHASE ORDER (PO) Ed 30 30 MATERIAL RECEIPT / INSPECTION 30 30 0 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE 20 2» 20 33.12. PIPES, FITTINGS & VALVES (NUMBER OF RFQ PO) ISSUED REGUSITION FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) 20 20 20 ISSUED PURCHASE ORDER (PO) 20 3 30 MATERIAL RECEIPT / INSPECTION eo 20 0 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE Fd 20 20 2.3.12 MECHANICAL ITEMS / EQUIPMENT (NUMBER OF RFQ /PO) | ISSUED REQUSITION FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) : 20 20 ISSUED PURCHASE ORDER (PO) 20 20 MATERIAL RECEIPT INSPECTION 30 20 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE 20 2 i 33.4 ELECTRICAL ITEMS / EQUIPMENT (NUMBER OF RFQ! FO) ISSUED REQUSITION FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) 20 2 'SSUED PURCHASE ORDER (PO) 30 30 MATERIAL RECEIPT / INSPECTION 30 30 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE 2 20 3.2.1 INSTRUMENT ITEMS / EQUIPMENT (NUMBER OF RF! PO) ISSUED REQUSITION FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) - 2 2 ISSUED PURCHASE ORDER (FO) eee 20 20 MATERIAL RECEIPT / INSPECTION 20 Py MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE 20 20 csp-o2 APPENOIK PAGE SOF 18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN, Tem 332 a40 34a _ JACKET | TOPSIDES LIVING QTRS | DESCRIPTION i WEIGHTAGE % % % bane WAGDUGTNG = (NUMBER OF RFQ FO) ISSUED REQUSITION FOR QUOTATION (RFA) x 2 ISSUED PURCHASE ORDER (FO) : » x MATERIAL RECEIPT /INSPECTION 0 x MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE 2 x0 2:47 ARCHITECTURAL (nuateeR oF RFA PO) ISSUED REQUSTION FOR GUOTATION (RFA) : 2 20 \SSUED PURCHASE ORCER (PO) x0 x MATERIAL RECEIPT / INSPECTION : xo x0 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE x0 x0 23:18 OTHER MATERIALS PAINT, ANODES, TC) (NUMBER OF RFQ/ PO) ! ISSUED REQUSTION FOR GUOTATION (RFA) 2» 2 20 ISSUED PURCHASE ORDER FO) x » | # MATERIAL RECEIPT INSPECTION x 0 x0 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE 2» 2 2 CCARIGAL! SUPPLIED MATERIALS (F APPLICABLE) (NUMBER OF TEMS) MATERIAL RECEIPT / INSPECTION 1 80 80 80 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE x 2» 2 FABRICATION STRUCTURAL 34411. FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ; 9 © 6 3.412. FABRICATION OF TUBULARS 0 0 5 3413 ERECTION 8 28 s 2414 TRIAL ETT/WEIGHING 6 8 15 FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS (see NOTE) (WELD LENGTH PER STRUCTURAL MEMBER SIZE) 341.11 WBand Seow 0 10 0 aasa2 wo-wie 7 ” ” aas43 wat war ~ x0 x 3444 wa0-Weo © 2 e csp.o2 APPENDIX PAGES OF 18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN. po |_JACKET _TOPSIDES LIVING QTRS Tem DESCRIPTION i WEIGHTAGE % % *% 3444 WA and Below (WELD LENGTH PER STRUCTURAL MEMBER SiZ8) MARK & CUT 8 8 Firup 0 0 WELOING, 0 2 NOT OR ACCEPTANCE 15 8 6 34142 wio-wis (WELD LENGTH PER STRUCTURAL MEMBER SIZE) MARK & CUT 8 8 8 Frrup 0 0 “0 WeELoINe 0 0 ey NOTOR ACCEPTANCE 8 6 8 34113 W2t-w27 (WELD LENGTH PER STRUCTURAL MEMBER SIZE) MARK & CUT 18 18 18 Frur + 40 ey WELDING 20 0 x0 NDTOR ACCEPTANCE 8 6 8 34144 WoO -Ww40 (WELD LENGTH PER STRUCTURAL MEMBER SIZE) MARK & CUT s 6 1% eTuP ‘wo 40 40 WELDING 2 | 8 20 NOTOR ACCEPTANCE 8 18 15 Nore | The weightage for Structural Members shall be based on the weld tength of the structure and to facilitate progress measurement, the weightage assigned has been computed based on the average size forthe range indicated, The actual weightage to be applied is calculated based on the scape of work for the activity. See Appendix il Sample Calculations | FABRICATION OF TUBULARS (see NOTE) (NUMBER OF DIA. IN, PER TUBULAR SIZE) Bin, and Below (200 mm and Below ) Be eee 8 34122. 10in, 24m, (250 mm - 400 mm} o | oa 65 3412.3. 26in.-40in, (650 mm - 1000 mm) 19 9 3442.4 42in,-56 in (1050 mm - 1400) 28 28 - 34125. 58in.-80in (1480 mm 2000) 23 38 - esp.02 [APPENDIX PAGE 7 OF 18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN \CKET __TOPSIDES LIVING QTRS ITEM DESCRIPTION WEIGHTAGE. % % % 3.41.21 Gin. and Below (200 mm and Below ) (NUMBER OF DIA. IN, PER TUBULAR SIZE) MARK a CUT 5 5 5 ertup 7 40 40 « WELDING x 0 Po NOTOR ACCEPTANCE 15 15 18 3.41.22. 10in.-24 in. (250 mm 00 mm) (NUMBER OF OIA. IN. PER TUBULAR SIZE} MARK CUT 6 15 5 FITup 0 0 0 WELOING. 0 20 20 NOT OR ACCEPTANCE 18 8 5 3.44.23. 26!n,-40 In, (650 mm-1000 mm) (NUMBER OF DIA IN, PER TUBULAR SIZ) MARK CUT 15 15 FITup od “ . WeLoINc 20 20 - NOTOR ACCEPTANCE 8 8 - 34.124 42 in, -88 in. (1080 mm - 1400) i (NUMBER OF DIA. IN, BER TUBULAR SIZE) MARK CUT 8 18 - Fr uP 40 “0 : WELDING x Po 7 NOTOR ACCEPTANCE 8 15 . 3.41.25 58 in. -80 in. (1450 mm - 2000) (NUMBER OF DIA. IN. PER TUBULAR SIZE) | mark cur os 5 ‘ Frrup 0 40 7 WELDING | 09 30 NOTOR ACCEPTANCE 8 8 - Note ‘The weightage for Tubulars shall be based on the Diameter inch (Oia.~) ofthe tubular and to facilitate progress measurement, dhe weightage assigned has been computed based on the average size for the range Indicated. The actual weightage to be applied is calculated based on the Scope of work for the activity. See Appendix Sample Cale 3413. | ERECTION I (NUMBER OF JOINTS 1 PANELS ) FIrue 50 50 50 WELDING 35 35 3% NOT OR ACCEPTANCE 15 6 1s csp.02 APPENDIX: PAGE BOF 18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN | |_JACKET _TOPSIDES LIVING QTRS TEM DESCRIPTION WEIGHTAGE % aad TRIALFIT/ WEIGHING (NUMBER OF HANDRAILS / STAIRWAYS / BOATLANOING / ETS) TRIAL FIT WEIGHING. 2 80 2 ACCEPTANCE. 2» 20 2 342 PIPINGIPLUMBING 342.1 FABRICATION OF PIPE:PLUMBING SUPPORTS 5 5 3422. FABRICATION OF PIPE WORK 8 3.423. INSTALLATION OF PIPE PLUMBING SUPPORTS. 5 3424 INSTALLATION OF PIPEPLUMBING WORK » 30 30 3425. LEAKTESTOF VALVES 5 35 Fe 3.428. INSTALLATION OF VALVES 2 2 342.7 FLUSHING, HYDROTESTING AND ACIO CLEANING 3 8 8 3.42.1 | FABRICATION OF PIPEIPLUMBING SUPPORTS (NUMBER OF SUPPORTS) 3421.1 MARK&CUT 6 15 5 34212 FITuP 0 “0 “0 942.1.3 WELDING 2 0 30 342.14 ACCEPTANCE 5 6 1s 34.22 | FABRICATION OF PIPEWORK (see NOTE) (NUMBER OF DIA IN. PER PIPE SIZE) 342.21 2in-din.(GOmm- 100mm) 27 6 « 34222 8in -10in,(150mm- 250mm) 73 7 2 34223 12in.-18in, (300 mm 450 mm) 34 . 34224 20in.and Larger (500 mm and Larger) 28 342.21 Zin. din. (80 mm - 109 mm) (NUMBER OF DIA. IN. PER PIPE SIZE) MARK & CUT 10 10 0 Fir up 20 0 30 WELOING “6 6 6 NDT OR ACCEPTANCE 5 8 5 34222 6in.-10 in. (150 mm-280 mm) (NUMBER OF DIA. IN. PER PIPE SIZE) MARK CUT 10 10 0 FIrup 20 20 0 weLoIne 45 45 5 NDT OR ACCEPTANCE 5 5 5 ssp02 [APPENDIX PAGES OF 18 LEVEL 3 WEIGHTAGE SUMMARY BREAKDOWN zncrer | ropsioes lume ares wren bescriPrion WEIGHTAGE Se he ! % 34223. 42in.-18 in. (200mm -450 mm) (NUMBER OF DIA IN, PER PIPE Size) MaRKa CUT : 10 . Fitue 7 x0 WELDING 4 NOTOR ACCEPTANCE : 15 7 342.24 20in.and Larger (500 mm and Larger) (NUMBER OF DIAN, PER PIPE SIZE) aRK a CUT 2 10 : FIruP : 30 . WELOING 4s - NOT OR ACCEPTANCE 7 8 nore ‘The weightage for Pipework shal be based on the Diameter Inch (Dian) ofthe pipe and to facilitate progress measurement, the weightage: assigned has been computed based on the average size for the range indicated. The actual weightage tobe applied is calculated based on the ‘Scope of work fo the activity. See Appandix il Sample Calculations 3.423 INSTALLATION OF PIPEIPLUMBING SUPPORT (NUMBER OF SUPPORTS) 34231 FITUP 20 x 30 34232 WELDING 55 55 5 34233 ACCEPTANCE 1s 6 18 3.424 INSTALLATION OF PIPEIPLUMBING WORK | (NUMBER OF SPOOLS PER PIPE SIZE) 34241 2in--

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