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SECTION II: Technical Foundations of Database Management: Hierarchical

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data, and the DBMS programs are greater.

4. Longer processing times may result from high-volume transaction processing applications since an extra layer of
software (the DBMS) exists between application programs and the operating system.
5. If an organization relies on centralized databases, their vulnerability to errors, fraud, & failures are increased.
6. If an organization relies on distributed databases problems of inconsistency of data can arise.

SECTION II: Technical Foundations of Database Management

In all information systems, data resources must be organized and structured in some logical manner so that they can be
accessed easily, processed efficiently, retrieved quickly, and managed effectively. Data structures and access methods ranging
from simple to complex have been devised to effectively organize and access data stored by information systems.

7-8 Database Structures: [Figure 7.16]

The relationships among the many individual records in databases are based on one of several logical data structures or models.
DBMS are designed to provide end users with quick, easy access to information stored in databases. Five fundamental
database structures are:

Early mainframe DBMS packages used the hierarchical structure, in which:
- Relationships between records form a hierarchy or tree like structure.
- Records are dependent and arranged in multilevel structures, consisting of one root record and any number of
subordinate levels.
-Relationships among the records are one-to-many, since each data element is related only to

one element above it.

- Data element or record at the highest level of the hierarchy is called the root element. Any data element can be
accessed by moving progressively downward from the root and along the branches of the tree until the desired record is

Network Structure:
The network structure:
- Can represent more complex logical relationships, and is still used by many mainframe DBMS packages.
- Allows many-to-many relationships among records. That is, the network model can access a data element by
following one of several paths, because any data element or record can be related to any number of other data elements.

Relational Structure:
The relational structure:
- Most popular of the three database structures.
- Used by most microcomputer DBMS packages, as well as many minicomputer and mainframe systems.
- Data elements within the database are stored in the form of simple tables. Tables are related if they contain
common fields.
- DBMS packages based on the relational model can link data elements from various tables to provide
information to users.

Multidimensional Structure:
The multidimensional database model:
- Is a variation of the relational model that uses multidimensional structures to store data and relationships between data.
- A major benefit of multidimensional databases is that they are a compact and easy-to- understand way to visualize
and manipulate data elements that have many interrelationships.
- Multidimensional databases have become the most popular database structure for the analytical databases that
support online analytical processing (OLAP) applications.

Object-Oriented Structure
The object-oriented structure:
- Is considered to be one of the key technologies of a new generation of multimedia web- based applications.
- In an object-oriented structure, an object consists of data values describing the attributes of an entity plus the operations
that can be performed upon the data. This encapsulation capability allows the object-oriented model to better
handle more complex types of data (graphics, voice, text) than other database structures.
- Supports inheritance, that is, new objects can be automatically created by replicating some or all of the characteristics
of one or more parent objects.

-Object-capabilities and inheritance have made object-oriented database management systems (OODMS)
popular in computer-aided design (CAD) applications. Designers can develop product designs, store them as objects
in an object-oriented database, and replicate and modify them to create new product designs.
Multimedia web-based applications for the Internet and corporate intranets and extranets have become a major
application area for object technology.

Evaluation of Database Structures:


Hierarchical Data Ease with which data can be Hierarchical one-to many relationships must be
Structure stored and retrieved in structured, specified in advance, and are not flexible.
routine types of transactions.
Cannot easily handle ad hoc requests for
Ease with which data can be information.
extracted for reporting purposes.
Modifying a hierarchical database structure is
Structured and routine types of complex.
transaction processing is fast and
efficiently. Great deal of redundancy.

Requires knowledge of a programming


Network Structure More flexible that the Network many-to-many relationships must be
hierarchical model. specified in advance

Ability to provide sophisticated User is limited to retrieving data that can be

logical relationships among the accessed using the established links between
records records. Cannot easily handle ad hoc requests
for information.

Requires knowledge of a programming


Multidimensional Compact and easy to understand Not currently developed for broad business
Structure way to visualize and manipulate application use.
data elements that have many

Support OLAP applications in

which fast answers to complex
business queries are required.

Relational Structure Flexible in that is can handle ad Cannot process large amounts of business
hoc information requests. transactions as quickly and efficiently as the
hierarchical and network models.
Easy for programmers to work
with. End users can use this
model with little effort or

Easier to maintain than the

hierarchical and network models.

Object-Oriented Structure Handles complex types of data Not currently developed for broad business
(graphics, pictures, voice, and use.
text) better than other structures.

Relatively easy to use.

Key technology being used in

multimedia web-based
applications for the Internet and
corporate intranets and extranets.

Supports inheritance - new

objects can be automatically
created by replicating some or all
of the characteristics of one or
more parent objects.

7-9 Object Technology and the Web

Object-oriented database software is finding increasing use in managing the hypermedia databases and Java applets on the
World Wide Web and corporate intranets and extranets.

Industry proponents predict that object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS) will become the key software
component that manages the hyperlinked multimedia pages and other types of data that support corporate web sites.

7-10 Accessing Databases

Databases and data files are stored on various types of storage media and are organized in a variety of ways to make it easier to
access the data records they contain. In database maintenance, records or objects have to be continually: added, deleted, or
updated to reflect business transactions, and they also need to be accessed so information can be produced in response to end
user requests.

Key Fields

Records usually contain one or more identification fields, or keys, that identify the record, so that it can be located. Other
methods also identify and link data records stored in several different database files. Hierarchical and network databases may
use pointer fields. These are fields within a record that indicate (point to) the location of another record that is related to it in
the same file, or in another file. Hierarchical and network database management systems use this method to link records so
they can retrieve information from several different database files.

Relational database management packages use primary keys to link records. Each table (file) in a relational database must
contain a primary key. This field uniquely identifies each record in a file and must also be found in other related files.


The files and databases on the Internet and corporate intranets and extranets use URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) for data
access. The pages of hyperlinked text and multimedia documents on the WEB and intranet/extranet web sites are accessed by

Sequential Access:
One of the basic ways to access data is sequential access. This method uses a sequential organization, in which records are
physically stored in a specified order according to a key field in each records.

Advantage of sequential access:

1. It is fast and efficient when dealing with large volumes of data that need to be processed periodically.

Disadvantage of sequential access:

1. Requires that all new transactions be sorted into the proper sequence for sequential access processing.
2. Locating, storing, modifying, deleting or adding records in the file requires rearranging the file.
3. Too slow to handle applications requiring immediate updating or responses.

Direct Access:

When using direct access methods, records do not have to be arranged in any particular sequence on storage media.
Characteristics of the direct access method:
1. Computers must keep track of the storage location of each record using a variety of direct organization
methods so that data can be retrieved when needed.

2. New transactions data do not have to be sorted

3. Processing that requires immediate responses or updating is easily handled.

Three common ways to directly access records in the direct organization method include:

Key Transformation: - This method performs an arithmetic computation on a key field or record and uses the number
that results from that calculation as an address to store and access that record.

Index: - This method uses an index of record keys and related storage addresses. A new data record is stored at the next
available location, and its key and address are placed in an index. The computer uses this index, whenever it must access
a record.

Index Sequential Access: - In this method records are physically stored in sequential order on a magnetic disk or other
direct access storage device based on the key field of each record. Each file contains an index that references one or more
key fields of each data record to its storage location address.

7-11Database Development:

Developing small personal databases is relatively easy using microcomputer DBMS packages. However, developing a large
database can be a complex task. In many companies, developing and managing corporate databases is the primary
responsibility of the database administrator and database design analysts. They work with end users and systems analysts to
1. What data definitions should be included in the database
2. What structure or relationships should exist among the data elements.

Data Planning and Database Design: [Figure 7.24]

Database development must start with a top-down data planning process. Database administrators work with corporate and
end user management according to the following steps:
1. Develop an enterprise model to define the basic business processes of the enterprise.
2. Define the information needs of end users in a business process.
3. Identify the key data elements that are needed to perform their specific business activities.
4. Develop an entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) that model the relationships among the many entities
involved in the business process.
The user views become the basis for the data modelling steps where the relationships between data elements are identified.
Each data model defines the logical relationships among the data elements needed to support a basic business process. These
data models then serve as logical frameworks (schemas and subschemas) on which to base the physical design of databases
and the development of application programs to support the business processes of the organization.

Data Models: Represent a logical view of the data and relationships of the data.

Schema: Is an overall logical view of the relationships between data in a database.

Subschema: Is a logical views of data relationships needed to support specific end user
application programs that will access that database.

Physical or Looks at how data is physically arranged, stored, and accessed on the
Internal View magnetic disks and other secondary storage devices of a computer system.

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