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Quiz Bowl Qualifier

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Qualifying Quiz
This quiz does not count as a grade for your report
card, but will be used to make your quiz bowl teams.
The higher your score, the more likely you will get to
be a quiz bowl captain! Captains will have special
meetings with your teacher and will be in charge of
leading their team to victory.

Do your ABSOLUTE best you can. Its okay if you

dont do great, we have lots of time to study and

1. Why is it important to wear safety goggles when pouring an

unknown liquid?

A. Safety goggles make it easier to see what you are doing, which helps
to avoid making mistakes during the experiment.
B. Safety goggles protect your eyes from liquids that could splash up and
cause serious damage.
C. Safety goggles protect your body from getting burned during an
D. Safety goggles make you look like youre a real scientist.

2. A farmer wants to find out if the amount of water received

affects the growth of corn plants.

How can he set up an experiment to test this?

A. Give two groups of corn different amounts of water and record the
B. Give two groups of corn different types of fertilizer and record the
C. Give two groups of corn different amounts of sunlight and record the
D. Give two groups of corn the same amount of water and record the
3. A KIPP Science Class is learning how to answer questions they
can answer through investigation. Which of the following is a
question that they could ask and find the answer to?

A. What do dogs think about the color of grass?

B. What makes chewing gum sticky?
C. How many ants are living on Earth?
D. What kind of cloud usually brings rain?

4. Erika has ten slices of bread from the same loaf. She places five
of them in a dark closet. She places five of them on a windowsill.
Mold grows on all ten pieces of bread.

What can Erika conclude from this data?

A. The same kind of mold grows on all bread.

B. Mold can grow without light.
C. Mold must have light to grow.
D. Bread should be stored in the closet.

5. Ms. Bennett is a nurse. Whenever babies have appointments at

the doctors office where Ms. Bennett works, she weighs the
babies. The chart below shows the weights of three babies that Ms.
Bennett has weighed several times.

Which of the babies gained the most weight since birth?

A. Baby X
B. Baby Y
C. Baby Z
D. All 3 babies gained the same amount of weight.
Physical science
6. Charlotte is doing a science project to find out what materials
complete the circuit shown below to make the bell ring. She closed
the circuit with a plastic pen cap and then a wooden popsicle stick.

Why did the bell not ring?

A. The plastic and the wood are insulators.

B. The plastic and the wood have too much power.
C. The plastic and the wood are conductors.
D. The plastic and the wood were wet.

7. Maya is playing the guitar. She strums the strings and the guitar
produces noise. Maya is transforming ___________ energy into
__________ energy.

A. Electrical energy into sound energy.

B. Electrical energy into mechanical energy.
C. Mechanical energy into sound energy.
D. Mechanical energy into light energy.

8. What will happen to small particles in a solid when heat is


A. The particles will begin moving slower.

B. The particles will get smaller.
C. The particles will get larger.
D. The particles will begin moving faster.
9. What happens when light is refracted through water from air?

A. The light will bend as it passes through.

B. The light will bounce off the water.
C. The light will pass through the water without a change.
D. The light will be soaked up by the water.

10. When the tires of a car rub against a road as the car moves,
heat is produced. What causes this?

A. friction
B. electricity
C. static
D. coolness

Life science
11. In Clarkwood Forest, half of the squirrels have thick coats of fur
and half of the squirrels have thin coats of fur. Over the next
several years, the average temperature in the forest drops much

During this time, what is likely to happen to the squirrel population

of Clarkwood Forest?
A. The squirrels with thin coats will outnumber the squirrels with thick
B. The squirrels with thick coats will outnumber the squirrels with thin
C. The population of squirrels with thin coats and the population of
squirrels with thick coats will not change.
D. The squirrels with thick coats and the squirrels with thin coats will hunt
each other.

12. Frogs and toads are both

A. Mammals
B. Fish
C. Amphibians
D. Reptiles
13. Vines are plants that can use other structures to grow. They can
grow on most objects, such as rocks, buildings, and trees. Which of
the following reasons best describes why the vine below is growing
on the pole?

A. To get nutrients from the pole

B. To reach the soil
C. To get as much sunlight as possible
D. To keep sunlight from the pole

14. The diagram above shows the life cycle of which animal?
A. worm
B. frog
C. spider

15. Which of the following foods provide the most carbohydrates, or

energy, for the human body?

A. apples
B. bread
C. yogurt
D. turkey

United states regions

16. What region of the United States is shown in the map below?

A. Southwest
B. Midwest
C. Northeast
D. Southeast

17. Which of the following is a reason the Eastern half of the United
States is more densely populated (more people live in an area)
than the Western half?

A. Western states do not have many natural resources.

B. The climate of the Northeast forced people to move west.
C. Most immigrants came through Eastern cities.
D. Western cities cannot support large populations.

18. Sally just returned from her family vacation. She said the
weather was very warm. She visited the Grand Canyon and saw a
cactus and a rattlesnake. Which region of the United States was
she most likely visiting?

A. The Southwest
B. The Southeast
C. The Northeast
D. The Midwest
19. A family is taking a cross-country trip from their home in
Portland, Oregon, all the way to Portland, Maine. In the middle of
their trip, they will cross the Midwest and the Great Plains states.
Jarrods home state of Oregon has many trees and mountains.

How will the Great Plains of the Midwest look different from the

A. There are more lakes.

B. The land is much flatter.
C. The mountains are steeper.
D. There are no trees or flowers.

20. Lobster fishing, manufacturing, and maple syrup are industries

found in the economic region of the

A. Rocky Mountains
B. Midwest
C. Northeast
D. Southwest
United states history and government

21. Why did Abraham Lincoln want to fight the Civil War?

A. To get himself reelected as president.

B. To separate the United States.
C. To keep slavery as a protected way of life in the south.
D. To keep the United States together.

22. Which number on the map below shows where Christopher

Columbus first explored?

A. Location 1
B. Location 2
C. Location 3
D. Location 4
23. Which of the following was one of the goals of the Lewis and
Clark expedition?

A. to build new cities in the Great Plains

B. to convert Native Americans to Christianity
C. to make new treaties with the Native Americans
D. to find a water route to the Pacific and gather information about the

24. The right to assemble is guaranteed by the First Amendment.

Which of these groups is exercising this right?

A. A Sikh family wears white turbans on their heads when they go out.
B. Students gather on a college camping, chanting anti-war slogans.
C. A reporter writes about a local official who has been caught accepting
D. A man writes a letter to the editor of the local paper, complaining
about taxes.

25. In the Declaration of Independence, the writers said that

government leaders have a responsibility to

A. take care of all the poor and homeless.

B. lead the countrys army during a battle.
C. make laws that will serve their people.
D. only collect taxes from the rich citizens.
Analyzing documents

26. What event does the illustration above show?

A. The Boston Massacre

B. The Civil War
C. The Boston Tea Party
D. The Trail of Tears

27. According to the map above, why are many port cities found in
the Southeast region?

A. The region has more lakes and rivers than other regions.
B. The region has poor soil for farming, so they must make their money
using seaports.
C. The region is located along the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
D. The region is landlocked and is difficult to reach by ship.

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