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Low Back Pain Practice Guidelines 2013

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Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy

KNGF Guideline
Low back pain
KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

In the context of international collaboration in guideline development, the Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (Koninklijk Nederlands
Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie, KNGF) has decided to translate its Clinical Practice Guidelines into English, to make the guidelines
accessible to an international audience. International accessibility of clinical practice guidelines in physical therapy makes it possible for
therapists to use such guidelines as a reference when treating their patients. In addition, it stimulates international collaboration in the
process of developing and updating guidelines. At a national level, countries could endorse guidelines and adjust them to their local
situation if necessary.

2013 Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie, KNGF)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an automatic retrieval system, or published in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilm or otherwise, without prior written permission by KNGF.

KNGFs objective is to create the right conditions to ensure that high-quality physical therapy is accessible to the whole of the Dutch
population, and to promote recognition of the professional expertise of physical therapists. KNGF represents the professional, social and
economic interests of over 20,000 members.

The guideline is summarized on a flowchart; the Practice Guidelines as well as the flowchart can be downloaded from

KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines


A Introduction 1
A.1 Objective and target group 1
A.2 AScope of the guideline 1
A.3 Prognosis and course 1
A.4 Direct access to physical therapy 2

B Diagnostic process 2
B.1 History-taking 2
B.2 Examination 3
B.3 Analysis 3

C Therapeutic process 3
C.1 Physical / manual therapy treatment 3
C.1.1 Profile 1 - Normal course 4
C.1.2 Profile 2 Abnormal course without dominant presence of psychosocial factors impeding recovery 4
C.1.3 Profile 3 Abnormal course with dominant presence of psychosocial factors impeding recovery 5
C.2 Multidisciplinary treatment 5
C.3 Conclusion of treatment 5
C.4 Reporting and record-keeping 6

Acknowledgments 6

Supplements 7
Supplement 1 Summary of recommendations 7

III V-07/2013
KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

Practice Guideline
J.B. StaalI, E.J.M. HendriksII, M. HeijmansIII, H. KiersIV, A.M. Lutgers-BoomsmaV, G. RuttenVI, M.W. van TulderVII, J. den BoerVIII, R. OsteloIX,
J.W.H. CustersX

A Introduction lifts or moves heavy objects. The patient has no general symp-
This KNGF guideline describes the physical therapy and manual toms of disease, such as fever or weight loss. The pain may be
therapy interventions that can be used to treat patients with low continuous or occur in episodes.
back pain. The guideline is supplemented by a Review of the Specific low back pain is divided into:
Evidence, which sets out and explains the choices made as regards - the lumbosacral radicular syndrome, a form of specific low
the definition of the health problem at hand, its diagnostics and back pain characterized by radicular pain in one leg, which
treatment, as well as offering background information to support may or may not be associated with neurological deficits;
the Practice Guideline. The guideline is summarized on a flow- - back pain resulting from a possibly serious underlying
chart. specific disorder, such as (osteoporotic) vertebral fractures,
The Dutch Association for Manual Therapy (NVMT) and KNGF have malignities, ankylosing spondylitis, severe forms of verte-
decided to merge the updates of their guidelines on low back pain bral canal stenosis, or severe forms of spondylolisthesis.
for the two professions. The present update thus replaces the 2006
KNGF guideline on manual therapy for low back pain and the 2005 A.3 Prognosis and course
KNGF practice guideline on low back pain. Any manual therapist is Acute low back often resolves spontaneously, although there is
also a physical therapist, and the two disciplines overlap to a con- a risk of residual complaints or recurrence. Over 90% of people
siderable extent. Most of the recommendations presented in the suffering an episode of low back pain do not stay off work. Of
present guideline for the diagnostics and treatment of non-specific those who do, 75% usually resume work within 4 weeks. There is
low back pain are valid for both physical therapists and manual a smaller group, however, whose complaints persist, which may
therapists. Any recommendations that are specifically aimed at lead to prolonged absence from work and a low probability of full
manual therapists are indicated as such in the guideline. recovery.

A.1 Objective and target group

The KNGF Guideline on Low Back Pain is intended to guide the Normal course of low back pain
diagnostics and treatment of patients with non-specific low back A normal course means that the patients activity level and
degree of participation gradually increase over time to the level
pain by a physical therapist and/or manual therapist.
present before the episode of low back pain. In many cases, the
pain will also diminish. This does not mean that the low back
A.2 Scope of the Guideline
pain always disappears completely, but that it no longer limits
Low back pain is usually subdivided into specific and non-specific
the patients activities and participation in society.
low back pain. In this guideline, the term low back pain refers to
non-specific low back pain, unless otherwise indicated.
Abnormal course of low back pain
Non-specific low back pain is defined as low back pain for
The course of back pain is considered abnormal if the patients
which no specific cause can be identified. This is the case in
activity limitations and participation restrictions do not
about 90% of all patients with low back pain.
decrease over time but remain unchanged or even increase.
The most obvious symptom in these patients is pain in the An abnormal course with delayed recovery is defined as no
lumbosacral region. The pain may also radiate to the gluteal clear increase in activity level and reduction in participation
region and the upper leg. It may be increased when the pa- restrictions after 3 weeks.
tient adopts a particular position, makes certain movements or

I Bart Staal, PhD, physical therapist/epidemiologist, senior researcher, IQ Healthcare, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
II Erik Hendriks PhD, physical therapist/epidemiologist, senior researcher, Dept. of Epidemiology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
III Marcel Heijmans, MSc, physical therapist/manual therapist, Dept. of Research and Development, Dutch Institute of Allied Health Care, Amersfoort,
The Netherlands.
IV Henri Kiers, MSc, physical therapist/manual therapist, researcher at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, representing NVMT, Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
V Marlene Lutgert-Boomsma, MSc, physical therapist/company physical therapist / Master of Stress Management and Reintegration, representing NVBF
(association of Dutch occupational and company physical therapists) and College van Specialisten Verenigingen (Dutch college of associations of specialists).
VI Geert Rutten PhD, MPH, physical therapist/manual therapist, postdoc researcher at Dept. of Health Promotion, Maastricht University, Maastricht,
The Netherlands.
VII Professor Maurits van Tulder, PhD, epidemiologist, Professor of Health Technology Assessment, Dept. of Health Sciences, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences,
VU University, and Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
VIII Jasper den Boer, PhD, physical therapist/senior researcher, Dept. of Rehabilitation, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
IX Prof. Raymond Ostelo, PhD, Professor of Evidence Based Physiotherapy, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University and Dept. of Epidemiology
& Biostatistics, VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
X Jan Custers, PhD, physical therapist, senior policy adviser, Dept. of Policy and Development, Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, Amersfoort,
The Netherlands (until August 2010); lecturer at Institute for Human Movement Studies, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

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KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

A.4 Direct access to physical therapy If physical or manual therapy is indicated, further information will
Any patient who presents to a physical therapist directly, i.e. have to be obtained.
without referral, will first have to undergo a screening procedure, The therapist will use history-taking to obtain the additional infor-
which is intended to assess whether physical therapy treatment mation required to identify the health problems that will eventu-
is indicated. The physical therapist must evaluate complaints and ally result in the formulation of the patients presenting problem.
symptoms and check for any red flags. Red flags are patterns of
signs or symptoms (warning signals) that may indicate more or less B.1 History-taking
serious pathology, requiring further medical diagnostics. Focal points in taking the history of patients with low back pain
identifying the complaints;
Red flags
screening for red flags (section A.4);
Red flags are signs or symptoms that might, individually or
assessing the patients current status: severity and nature of
collectively, indicate a possible (serious) specific cause of the
the complaints (impairments of body functions, limitations of
low back pain, which would require supplementary diagnostics.
activity, restrictions of participation);
identifying the onset of the complaints:
There is consensus about the following red flags:
- situation before the complaints began (level of activities,
Onset of the low back pain after age 50 years, continuous
degree of participation);
pain regardless of posture or movement, nocturnal pain,
general malaise, history of malignancy, unexplained - time of onset and the way the complaints developed, pos-
weight loss, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) sible influence of occupational circumstances;
malignity? assessing the course of the complaints (normal or abnormal):
Recent fracture (< 2 years ago), previous vertebral fracture, - previous diagnostics and therapeutic interventions, and
age over 60 years, low body weight (< 60 kg/ BMI < 20 the outcome of this treatment;
kg/m2), older person with hip fracture, prolonged use of - previous information obtained (type and source of infor-
corticosteroids, local percussion pain, tenderness and mation);
axial pressure pain in the spinal column, marked height - presence of (psychosocial) factors impeding recovery (see
reduction, increased thoracic kyphosis osteoporotic Table 1);
vertebral fracture? additional information:
Onset of low back pain before age 20 years, male sex, - comorbid conditions;
iridocyclitis, history of unexplained peripheral arthritis - current treatment: medication/other types of treatment/
or inflammatory bowel disease, pain mostly nocturnal, advice/medical aids;
morning stiffness > 1 hour, less pain when lying down - social history regarding occupational, home and family
or exercising, good response to NSAIDs, elevated ESR situation;
ankylosing spondylitis? determining the patients presenting problem.
Severe low back pain after trauma vertebral fracture?
Onset of low back pain before age 20 years, palpable The severity of the pain and other patient-specific complaints
misalignment of the processi spinosi at the L4-L5 level should be assessed using the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS, range
severe spondylolisthesis? 0-10 points, average pain over the past 24 hours) and the Patient-
Specific Complaints instrument (PSC, range 0-10 points), while the
functional status should be evaluated using the Quebec Back Pain
If the red flags show a pattern that suggests serious pathology, or Disability Scale (QBPDS). These instruments can also be used as a
if there is no pattern at all, the therapist should inform the starting point for further history-taking.
patient of this, and advise them to contact their family doctor. The NRS, PSC and QBPDS should be administered at both the begin-
There may be local arrangements for the communication between ning and end of the treatment episode, while the NRS and PSC can
physical therapists and primary care physicians, which dictate the also be administered in the course of the treatment, for instance
procedure to be followed in case a physical therapist notices any every 3 weeks.
red flags. Cases of recurrent low back pain require extra attention to be
The diagnostics and treatment of patients with potentially serious given to the potential underlying causes of the recurrence (such as
specific disorders and the treatment of the lumbosacral radicular changes in work load, pressure of work or activities involving body
syndrome are beyond the scope of the present guideline. movements) and the duration of the low back pain episode and
pain-free periods in between episodes. The therapist should also
B Diagnostic process ask about the implementation of any ergonomic recommenda-
If the patient was referred to physical therapy by their fam tions, and the patients compliance with therapy (does the patient
ily doctor or specialist, the therapist will have to undertake a comply with previously received recommendations, and if not,
comprehensive intake procedure to assess whether there is indeed what are the reasons for non-compliance?).
an indication for physical and/or manual therapy; he or she will
obviously also have to check for any red flags. If the red flags show Note Signs suggesting a lumbosacral radicular syndrome include:
a pattern that suggests serious pathology, or if there is no pattern radicular pain radiating to the leg, and
at all, the therapist should inform the patient of this, and advise leg pain that is more prominent than low back pain.
them to contact their family doctor.

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KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

Although questionnaires to identify psychosocial impeding factors B.3 Analysis

may be used to support the diagnostic procedure, the present Based on the patients medical history and the findings of the
guideline does not recommend any specific questionnaires for this physical examination, though possibly even from the history alone,
purpose. One reason for this is that administering some question- the therapist should estimate whether any red flags are present
naires requires specific skills, and that cut-off points have not that might suggest serious pathology. If there are indeed one or
been clearly defined for all questionnaires. more red flags suggesting serious pathology, the therapist should
communicate with the patients family doctor, and/or refer the
B.2 Examination patient back to their family doctor.
The aim of the examination (which involves inspection and phys- If there are no red flags, nor any indications of a lumbosacral
ical examination) is to further evaluate the information obtained radicular syndrome, the therapist may assume that the patient
by history-taking. The examination is based on the impairments has non-specific low back pain. The therapist will have used the
of body structure and function, the limitations of activities (like history-taking to identify the course of the pain and the activity
maintaining a sitting position, picking up an object from the floor limitations and participation restrictions, and to estimate whether
or standing up from a lying position, etc.) and the restrictions of the course of the condition is normal or is characterized by delayed
participation that the patient reported during the history-taking. recovery.
The physical examination concerns the affected body region and If the therapist views the recovery as delayed, he or she should
its biomechanically and physiologically related joints, which may check for any factors that might explain the persistent nature of the
include, to varying degrees: back pain episode. Table 1 lists the factors that are known to be
able to slow down recovery.
vertebral column, the pelvis and the hips, namely:
- assessment
the joints
of each
of musculoskeletal
the thoracic, lumbar
and in
terms of Based on the history-taking and the findings of the physical
range of motion, direction of motion, resistance to examination, the therapist assigns the patient to one of the
movement and end feel; following profiles:
- evaluation of consistency and provocation of pain and
radiation; Profile 1
muscle examination, namely: Non-specific low back pain with normal course of recovery.
- assessing muscle length, elasticity, end feel, tenderness on
contraction and stretching, muscle tone, coordination and Profile 2
strength; Non-specific low back pain with abnormal course, without dom-
examination of the (paraspinal) skin, namely: inant presence of psychosocial factors impeding recovery.
- assessment of level of grasp, shift, pliability and end feel
of the skin; Profile 3
performance of restricted activities. Non-specific low back pain with abnormal course, with dominant
presence of psychosocial factors impeding recovery.
Based on the findings of the physical examination, the physical
therapist tries to identify the impairments of body functions in rela- C Therapeutic process
tion to the limitations of activities and restrictions of participation. C.1 Physical/manual therapy treatment
If the history causes the therapist to suspect radicular radiation, he If physical/manual therapy is indicated, the therapist will draw up a
or she must check whether Lasgues sign is positive, by performing treatment plan, in consultation with the patient and any relevant
a straight leg raising test. In addition, he or she should examine third parties (e.g. other disciplines or the patients relatives or
the patients muscle strength and determine the fingertip-to-floor acquaintances).
distance when the patient bends forward (positive if > 25 cm).

Table 1. Factors that may slow down recovery from low back pain.

back pain-related factors severe limitations of activities

radiating pain
widespread pain

personal factors older age

poor general health status

psychosocial factors psychological and psychosocial stress

pain-related fears / avoidance behavior
depressive complaints

occupational factors unsatisfactory relationships with colleagues

physically heavy tasks

3 V-07/2013
KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

The patients back pain profile is the point of departure and guid- exercise therapy program that fits in with the patients needs and
ing principle for the treatment plan. the therapists expertise and experience. The patient should be
advised to exercise at home, increase their level of activity and, if
The treatment plan encompasses: applicable, return to work, if necessary with temporarily adjusted
the final objectives plus the time schedule; workload.
the interventions to be applied; If the therapist suspects that the physical strain imposed by the
the schedule for evaluations and the form of evaluation; patients work is impeding recovery, he or she should contact the
the expected number of treatment sessions (exceeding the company doctor, the company physical therapist or the occupa-
expected number of sessions should prompt an evaluation and tional health and safety service, to discuss the management strate-
a possible change of profile). gy with regard to the patients returning to work.
If the therapist suspects that the patient has certain impairments
C.1.1 Profile 1 - Normal course of body functions that could be related to the persistence of pain
A maximum of 3 sessions are used to provide education and ad- and limitations, the use of manual techniques like joint mobiliza-
vice, and to allow the patient to find that exercise has a favorable tion or manipulation (by a manual therapist) may be indicated.
effect. The therapist should reassure the patient and explain that These techniques are also indicated in case of exacerbations. If
the course of low back pain is favorable in most patients, but also this treatment is beyond the therapists expertise, he or she can
that there is a high likelihood that the pain will recur after it has contact a manual therapist for further consultation, advice or
resolved, but that this does not have to hamper their activities. referral. Thermal therapy and massage are indicated for patients
The therapist should also explain that low back pain is not harmful with elevated muscle tone. The therapist should, however, limit
and that an increase in this type of pain is not associated with the use of passive forms of treatment, as the objective of the
damage to body structures. In short, the message should be that treatment and counseling should be to improve the patients self-
moderate and gradually increasing exercise promotes recovery. The efficacy. For the same reason, therapists should limit the use of
therapist should encourage the patient to gradually extend their electrotherapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS),
activities and explain the best way to increase the load imposed by ultra-shortwave, ulyrasound and laser therapy; in addition, there
their activities. If the patient is on sick leave, the therapist should is insufficient evidence for the efficacy of these physical modalities.
encourage them to resume work as soon as possible, if necessary
by temporarily adjusting the nature of their work.
Management strategy for non-specific low back pain with
abnormal course, without dominant presence of psychoso-
Management strategy for normal course (profile 1) cial factors impeding recovery (profile 2)
Reassure the patient. Avoid recommendations that encourage the patient to
Explain that low back pain is not a serious condition, often remain passive, and recommend a physically active lifestyle.
resolves spontaneously, but may recur. Explain that an increase in pain is not associated with
Preferably do not recommend continuous bed rest. damage to structures in the patients back.
Recommend a maximum of 2 days of bed rest if that is the Encourage the patient to engage in (moderate and gradually
only way for the patient to sufficiently control the pain; increasing) exercise, gradually increase their activity levels,
explain that the bed rest should thereafter be gradually and continue or resume work (if necessary with temporarily
phased out. adjusted workload).
Avoid recommendations that encourage the patient to Design an exercise program that fits in with the patients
remain passive, and recommend a physically active lifestyle. needs and your own expertise and experience as a
Explain that increased activity will not damage any therapist.
structures in the patients back. In case of impaired joint functionality, consider:
Explain that (moderate and gradually increasing) exercise,
- joint mobilization or manipulation* and/or
gradually increasing activity levels, and continuing or
- massage or thermal therapy (limited duration) to reduce the
resuming work (if necessary with temporarily adjusted
workload) promotes recovery.
If the patient has been on sick leave for more than 4 weeks,
Limit the number of treatments to 3 sessions.
ask them about any arrangements that have been made
with the company doctor, and if necessary discuss the
management strategy with the company doctor or company
C.1.2 Profile 2 Abnormal course without dominant presence of
physical therapist.
psychosocial factors impeding recovery
The therapist has concluded from the history-taking and physi- * Patient may have to be referred to a manual therapist.
cal examination that there are no psychosocial factors impeding
The patient should be given the same education and advice as a The therapist should regularly evaluate both the content of the
patient whose low back pain follows a normal course. In addi- treatment and its results. This is primarily done by asking the
tion, the therapist should prescribe a program of exercise therapy. patient.
Research into the effectiveness of such programs has not yielded If the treatment has had no effect after 3 weeks (in the sense of
a definitive conclusion as to what type of exercise works best. The increased activity and participation levels), the therapist should
guideline development team recommends offering patients an contact the patients family doctor. If applicable, the therapist

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KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

should also ask about any arrangements that have been made doctor or occupational health and safety service. The exercises
between the patient and their company doctor, and if necessary should preferably resemble the actions that the patient normally
should contact the company doctor to discuss the further manage- carries out at work and that they perceive as problematic.
ment options. The therapist should regularly evaluate the treatment. In addition,
he or she should regularly discuss the influence of the imped-
C.1.3 Profile 3 Abnormal course with dominant presence of ing psychosocial factors with the patient, to check whether these
psychosocial factors impeding recovery factors have changed and whether their influence on the low back
The therapist has concluded from the history-taking, physical pain has diminished. If the treatment has had no effect after 3-6
examination and any questionnaires that have been administered weeks (in the sense of increased activity and participation levels),
that there are one or more factors that are impeding the patients the therapist should contact the patients family doctor or com-
recovery. The therapist should inform the patient of the findings pany doctor to discuss the further management options.
and explain the unfavorable influence of these psychosocial factors
on the recovery process. The therapist should also reassure the
Management strategy for non-specific low back pain with
abnormal course, with dominant presence of psychosocial
The treatment for this category of patients is basically the same
factors impeding recovery (profile 3)
as for those with profiles 1 and 2, but there are some differences
Advise the patient to keep exercising and explain to them
in emphasis: (a) more emphasis on information and advice; (b)
that movements are not harmful and even speed up the
possibly a greater need for multidisciplinary consultation or col-
recovery process.
laboration; and (c) a greater focus on behavioral principles in the
Emphasize that the patients psychosocial factors (depres-
exercise program. Some patients may, for instance, avoid move-
sive feelings, fear of movement, catastrophizing, etc) may
ments that they think hamper the recovery process, or may have
have an adverse influence on their recovery.
erroneous ideas about the origin and consequences of their back
Recommend contacting the family doctor, company doctor
pain. In such cases, the therapist should explain to the patient and/or psychologist if serious or persistent psychosocial fac-
that moderate and gradually increasing exercise actually promotes tors are hampering the recovery, and discuss the manage-
recovery. This message can be reinforced in the exercise program ment options.
by gradually increasing the patients exposure to these dangerous Discuss the management options with the patients com-
movements. pany doctor, company physical therapist or the occupational
If the patient suffers from depressive feelings or somatization that health and safety service if the recovery process is being
cannot be modified by physical or manual therapy, the therapist impeded by heavy physical work, prolonged sick leave or a
should contact the patients family doctor, company doctor and/or labor dispute, or if collaboration is expected to promote the
psychologist to discuss further management options. Another op- recovery.
tion is to collaborate with, or ask advice from, a physical therapist Encourage the patient to engage in (moderate and gradually
specializing in psychosomatic problems. If the patient is overusing increasing) exercise, gradually increase their activity levels,
medical treatment (excessive medication use or physician shop- and continue or resume work (if necessary with temporarily
ping), the therapist may contact their family doctor. If a patients adjusted workload).
occupation involves physically heavy work, if the patient has been Prescribe a graded activities program.
on sick leave for a long time, or if they are involved in a labor If the patient is on sick leave, try to match the targets of the
dispute, the therapist should contact the company doctor or the exercise program to the targets for work resumption.
relevant occupational health and safety service to: (a) decide on Contact the patients family doctor if the treatment has had
the right management strategy, and (b) coordinate the manage- no effect (in the sense of increased activity and participa-
ment strategy proposed in the treatment plan with the strategies tion levels) after 3-6 weeks, and terminate the treatment.
chosen by the other disciplines.
The therapist should preferably design a graded activity program
for the resumption or gradual extension of activities. This implies C.2 Multidisciplinary treatment
a stepwise increase in the level of activities which is based on a Patients with low back pain with an abnormal course and delayed
predefined exercise load and time schedule, rather than on the recovery may, where applicable, be treated by a multidisciplinary
pain level. The objective of a graded activity program is to shift the team of care providers. This may imply treatment at a rehabilita-
patients focus of attention from the pain to activities. This does tion center or the involvement of a reintegration service. By and
not mean that the therapist should ignore or trivialize the pain; large, the therapist can follow the recommendations of the present
the therapist should acknowledge the pain, but teach the patient guideline for these patients too.
not to allow the pain to dominate their functioning. As the activity
level increases in the course of the treatment, the patient should C.3 Conclusion of treatment
also gradually expand their activities in their own environment, The treatment is concluded as soon as its agreed objectives have
thus ensuring transfer of the treatment effects to the patients been achieved. Even if the objectives have not been achieved,
everyday life. Such a graded activity program should preferably however, the treatment will have to be concluded at some stage.
be embedded in the occupational medicine approach, if appli- For instance, it is not useful to continue the treatment if no prog-
cable, as this allows the therapist to link the exercise targets to the ress has been made after 3-6 weeks, as the chances of achieving
gradually increasing targets for work resumption. Such a program progress after this period are small. This must be discussed explic-
must obviously be implemented in consultation with the company itly with the patient before the final treatment session. The course

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KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

of the treatment must be evaluated during the final session, partly Upon termination of the treatment, the therapist must report to
on the basis of the measurement instruments administered. the patients family physician about the results; if the patient was
referred by a specialist, the latter must also be informed. If ap-
Finally, the therapist should provide the patient with the following plicable, details on aftercare (monitoring) must also be reported.
information: The patients family doctor must also be informed if the patient
The patient should try to remain physically active (for instance originally presented directly to the physical therapist.
by joining a sports club), even if they have some residual pain.
Physical activity promotes physical fitness and does not in- Acknowledgments
crease the risk of recurrence of the back pain. A special debt of gratitude for their share in the development of
There is a risk of recurrent back pain, but despite the fact that this Guideline is owed to the members of the external advisory
such pain is troublesome, this should not deter the patient group (Tweede Kring), whose contributions to the guideline
from maintaining an active lifestyle and continuing to work. have been highly valuable. They are (in alphabetical order): Dr.
D.J. Bruinvels on behalf of the Netherlands Society of Occupational
C.4 Reporting and record-keeping medicine (NVAB); T. van Dongen on behalf of the Nederlandse
The therapist should keep records during the entire treatment Vereniging van Rugpatinten de Wervelkolom (NVVR, Dutch society
process, in accordance with the systematic steps described in the of back pain patients), Dr. J. Geraets on behalf of the Dutch College
2011 KNGF guideline on record-keeping in physical therapy (KNGF- of General Practitioners (NHG) and M. van Veelen on behalf of the
richtlijn Fysiotherapeutische Verslaglegging). Any deviations from Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fysiotherapie volgens de Psychoso-
this guideline must be recorded, with the reasons for doing so, as matiek (NFP, Dutch society for psychosomatic physical therapy).
well as any contraindications for further physical/manual therapy The inclusion of the above persons as consultants does not imply
treatment. that each of them agrees with every detail of the Guideline.

6 V-07/2013
KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

Supplement 1 Summary of recommendations

Diagnostic process

1 Measurement instruments
The guideline development team recommends the following measurement instruments for the assessment of limitations of activities
and restrictions of participation:
Numeric Rating Scale for Pain (NRS Pain);
Patient-Specific Complaints (PSC);
Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (QBPDS).

Note The team does not offer any recommendations for specific questionnaires that could be used to identify factors impeding

2 Clinical prediction rules

The value of clinical prediction rules for patients with low back pain has not yet been sufficiently proven. This guideline therefore does
not recommend the use of such rules in therapy practice.

3 Lumbosacral radicular syndrome

The following findings suggest a lumbosacral radicular syndrome:
Positive straight leg raising test (Lasgues sign)
muscle weakness
fingertip-floor distance > 25 cm when bending forward.

Therapeutic process

4 Management strategy for non-specific low back pain with normal course (profile 1)
Reassure the patient.
Explain that low back pain is not a serious condition, often resolves spontaneously, but may recur.
Preferably do not recommend continuous bed rest. Recommend a maximum of 2 days of bed rest if that is the only way for the
patient to sufficiently control the pain; explain that the bed rest should thereafter be gradually phased out.
Avoid recommendations that encourage the patient to remain passive, and recommend a physically active lifestyle.
Explain that increased activity will not damage any structures in the patients back.
Explain that (moderate and gradually increasing) exercise, gradually increasing activity levels, and continuing or resuming work (if
necessary with temporarily adjusted workload) promote recovery.
Limit the number of treatments to 3 sessions.

5 Management strategy for non-specific low back pain with abnormal course, without dominant presence of psychosocial
factors impeding recovery (profile 2)
Avoid recommendations that encourage the patient to remain passive, and recommend a physically active lifestyle.
Explain that an increase in pain is not associated with damage to structures in the patients back.
Encourage the patient to engage in (moderate and gradually increasing) exercise, gradually increase their activity levels, and
continue or resume work (if necessary with temporarily adjusted workload).
Design an exercise program that fits in with the patients needs and your own expertise and experience as a therapist.
In case of impaired joint functionality, consider:
- joint mobilization or manipulation and/or
- massage or thermal therapy (of limited duration) to reduce the pain.
if necessary refer patient to a manual therapist.
If the patient has been on sick-leave for more than 4 weeks, ask about any arrangements that have been made with the company
doctor, and if necessary discuss the management strategy with the company doctor or company physical therapist.

Note The guideline development team discourages the use of electrotherapy, TENS, ultra-shortwave, ultrasound and traction, in view of
the lack of evidence.

7 V-07/2013
KNGF Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with low back pain Practice Guidelines

6 Management strategy for non-specific low back pain with abnormal course, with dominant presence of psychosocial
factors impeding recovery (profile 3)
Advise the patient to keep exercising and explain to them that movements are not harmful and even speed up the recovery
Emphasize that the patients psychosocial factors (depressive feelings, fear of movement, catastrophizing, etc) may have an adverse
influence on their recovery.
Recommend contacting the family doctor, company doctor and/or psychologist if serious or persistent psychosocial factors are
hampering the recovery, and discuss the management options.
Discuss the management options with the patients company doctor, company physical therapist or the occupational health
and safety service if the recovery process is being impeded by heavy physical work, prolonged sick leave or a labor dispute, or if
collaboration is expected to promote the recovery.
Encourage the patient to engage in (moderate and gradually increasing) exercise, gradually increase their activity levels, and
continue or resume work (if necessary with temporarily adjusted workload).
Prescribe a graded activities program.
If the patient is on sick leave, try to match the targets of the exercise program to the targets for work resumption.
Contact the patients family doctor if the treatment has had no effect (in the sense of increased activity and participation levels)
after 3-6 weeks, and terminate the treatment.

8 V-07/2013
Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy

Postal address
PO Box 248, NL-3800 AE Amersfoort
The Netherlands

KNGF Guideline on Low Back pain

ISSN 1567-6137 Published July 2013 No. V-07/2013

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