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Mudra Information

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Mudra information:

The classical sources for the mudras in yoga are the Gheranda Samhita and the Ha
tha Yoga Pradipika.[7] The Hatha Yoga Pradipika states the importance of mudras
in yoga practice:
Therefore the goddess sleeping at the entrance of Brahma's door should be consta
ntly aroused with all effort, by performing mudra thoroughly.
In the 20th and 21st centuries, the yoga teacher Satyananda Saraswati, founder o
f the Bihar School of Yoga, continued to emphasize the importance of mudras in h
is instructional text Asana, Pranayama, Mudr, Bandha.[7]
Basic mudra: Chin Mudr
Rmabhadrcrya meditating on the banks of the Mandakini River with fingers folded in
the chin mudr.
The thumb and forefinger on each of the hands are joined, forming a zero. The re
st of the fingers are extended. The hands are placed palms-up on the thighs or k
nees while sitting in vajrasana. This mudr supposedly activates the diaphragm, ma
king for deep "stomach-breathing" as the diaphragm pushes out the internal organ
s when it descends towards the pelvis on inhalation[citation needed]. Slow breat
hing in a 5-2-4-2 mentally counted rhythm (counting to 5 during the exhalation,
to 2 while holding the breath, and to 4 on the inhalation) causes prana flow in
the pelvis and in the legs.[citation needed]
Basic mudra: Chinmaya Mudr
The thumb and forefinger are the same as in Chin Mudr. The rest of the fingers ar
e folded into a fist. The non-folded part of the forefinger and the middle finge
r should still be touching. As in Chin Mudr, the hands are placed palms-up on the
thighs while sitting in Vajrasana. This mudra supposedly activates the ribs, ma
king them expand sideways on inhalation. Slow breathing in a 5-2-4-2 counted rhy
thm (counting to 5 during the exhalation, to 2 while holding the breath, and to
4 on the inhalation) causes prana flow in the torso and in the throat.[citation
Basic mudra: Adi Mudr
The thumb is folded into the palm, touching the base of the small finger. The re
st of the fingers are folded over the thumb, to create a fist. The hands are pla
ced palms-down on the thighs while sitting in Vajrasana. This mudra supposedly a
ctivates the pectoral muscles, making the chest expand forward on inhalation. Sl
ow breathing in a 5-2-4-2 counted rhythm (counting to 5 during the exhalation, t
o 2 while holding the breath, and to 4 on the inhalation) makes prana flow in th
e throat and in the head.[citation needed]
Basic compact mudra Brahma Mudr
The hands are as in Adi Mudr, but the palms face upwards and are located at the l
evel of the navel, with the left and right knuckles and first finger joints touc
hing. This is done while sitting in Vajrasana. Breathing becomes full: in inhala
tion, the diaphragm descends, the ribs then expand, and then the pectoral muscle
s move forward. Exhalation works in the same order, which creates a "wave" or ri
pple effect[citation needed].
Advanced compact mudra: Prana Mudr
A complicated mudra combining hand gestures, synchronized movement from gesture
to gesture within the breath cycle, and meditation. The mudr is practiced sitting
in Siddhasana. Even a single breath cycle of this mudra can significantly stimu
late the body[citation needed]. It is described in the book, Theories of the Cha
kras, by Hiroshi Motoyama.
Common Buddhist mudrs
Abhaya Mudr
Korea's National Treasure 119. The right hand shows abhaya mudra while the left
is in the varada mudra.
The Abhayamudra "gesture of fearlessness"[8] represents protection, peace, benev
olence and the dispelling of fear. In Theravada Buddhism it is usually made whil
e standing with the right arm bent and raised to shoulder height, the palm facin
g forward, the fingers closed, pointing upright and the left hand resting by the
side. In Thailand and Laos, this mudra is associated with the walking Buddha, o
ften shown having both hands making a double abhaya mudra that is uniform.
This mudra was probably used before the onset of Buddhism as a symbol of good in
tentions proposing friendship when approaching strangers. In Gandharan art, it i
s seen when showing the action of preaching. It was also used in China during th
e Wei and Sui eras of the 4th and 7th centuries.[citation needed]
This gesture was used by the Buddha when attacked by an elephant, subduing it as
shown in several frescoes and scripts.[citation needed] In Mahayana Buddhism, t
he northern schools' deities often paired it with another mudra using the other
Bhmispara Mudr
Buddha sitting in bhmispara mudr. Birmany. White marble with traces of polychromy.
Gallo-Roman Museum of Lyon
The bhmispara or "earth witness" mudra of Gautama Buddha is one of the most common
iconic images of Buddhism. It depicts the Buddha sitting in meditation with his
left hand, palm upright, in his lap, and his right hand touching the earth. It
represents the Buddha asking Pthivi, the devi of the earth, that she witness his
enlightenment when he was threatened by demon king Mara .[9]
Bodhyangi Mudr
Bodhyangi Mudr
The Bodhyangi mudr, the "mudr of the six elements," or the "fist of wisdom,"[10] i
s a gesture entailing the left-hand index finger being grasped with the right ha
nd. It is commonly seen on statues of the Vairocana Buddha.
Dharmachakra Mudr
The Buddha preached his first sermon after his Enlightenment in Deer Park in Sar
nath. The dharmachakra or "turning of the wheel"[11] mudr represents that moment.
In general, only Gautama Buddha is shown making this mudr except Maitreya as the
dispenser of the Law. Dharmacakra mudr is two hands close together in front of t
he chest in vitarka with the right palm forward and the left palm upward, someti
mes facing the chest. There are several variants such as in the Ajanta Caves fre
scoes, where the two hands are separated and the fingers do not touch. In the In
do-Greek style of Gandhara, the clenched fist of the right hand seemingly overli
es the fingers joined to the thumb on the left hand. In pictorials of Hry-ji in Ja
pan the right hand is superimposed on the left. Certain figures of Amitbha, Japan
are seen using this mudra before the 9th century.

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