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MUDRAS A mudra is a bodily posture or symbolic gesture. In Hindu and Buddhist iconography every Buddha is depicted with a characteristic gesture of the hands. Such gestures correspond to natural gestures (of teaching, protecting, and so on) and also to certain aspects of the Buddhist teaching or of the particular Buddha depicted. The origins of the word mudra are uncertain as is the precise evolution of its meaning. At a very early period in the post-Vedic literature of India the term mudra designated the idea of a seal or the imprint left by a seal. Somewhat later usage takes on the meaning of way of holding the fingers, designating very precisely a ritual gesture. The Pali word for mudra, muddika, derives from mudda, meaning authority. There is thus a developing inter-relationship in these meanings of a gesture enhancing and authenticating the spoken word with mystic and magical values. The gesture is a sign, a ritual seal; seal implies authenticity. As Buddhism spread to China a further usage of the term came to identify mudras as marks of identify of the deity being personified. The symbolic hand gestures called mudras are of two general types. First, the most ancient form of mudras, dating from preBuddhist times, are those presented with the purpose as signs symbolic of the metaphysical aspect of Esoteric ceremonies. Mudras used in this sense are of significant importance in the rites of Tibetan Tantrism, Chinese Chen-yen and Japanese Shingon Buddhism. This, of course, is within the larger context of Tantric meditation where the Three Mysteries, or the forces of the spirit, speech, and the body are directed at the one and only goal: enlightenment. Mudras, along with asanas (reflecting the body), mandalas (reflecting the spirit) and mantras (reflecting speech) all provide expedient means in achieving enlightenment. Apart from acknowledging this important aspect of the ritualistic use of

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mudras in certain schools of Buddhism and the importance of Tantrism in contributing to the expanded use of mudras, our attention is instead directed to the other general type of mudra, the purely iconographic, as represented in Buddhist/Hindu sculpture and painting. The use of the mudras is quite common in the Hindu Poojas, Tantric worships, Yoga and also in Classical Indian dances. In Hindu iconography, the deities are often depicted with their hands making various mudras - like the twin gestures of dispelling fears and granting boons. Various deities have several specific mudras which are associated with them. They are used by the practitioner for various purposes - like activating the various nerve centers, to convey a feeling or to appease a deity etc. Something to keep in mind, in Natya Sastra (classical dance) and in Yoga also there are several similarly named mudras which are at times quite different from the Pooja mudras. For example the Yoni mudra used in Yoga is totally different from the Yoni mudra used in Pooja. Each finger represents one of the five elementsthe thumb is agni (fire), the forefinger is vayu (air), the middle finger is akash (ether), the ring finger is prithvi (earth) and the little finger is jal (water). There are two types of mudras, single-hand and double-hand. The single-handed mudras number 28 and are called Aasanyukta. There are 23 double-handed mudras called Sawyakta.

ABHAYA (ABHAYAPRADA): Gesture of fearlessness and granting protection. The Abhaya, or fearlessness gesture is one of the most commonly depicted mudras, representing

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benevolence and the absence of fear. The gesture confers onto others the same freedom from fear, so this mudra can also be interpreted to mean fear not. The gesture is made with the right hand raised to shoulder height, with the arm bent and the palm facing outward. A Buddhist legend tells of when the historical Buddha was being attacked by an angry elephant, he simply held up his hand in the fearlessness gesture and calmed the raging animal. ADHARA: Perineal mudra.

AHAMKARA: Self-confidence. Self-confidence and self-assertion. For counteracting fear and timidity. Bend index fingers slightly and put the upper phalanx of the thumb to the side of the middle phalanx of the index finger, at the upper part. Other fingers are straight. AHAYA VARADA: Beckoning to bestow a favor.

AKASH (AAKASH / AKASHI): Sky posture. The sky has an attribute - recess or space. Another attribute is sound. Sound is regarded as the eternal spirit. Sound travels in waves, which are scattered in the sky. By catching the sound waves, we are able to hear these on radio. As the sky provides space outside, so is the sky spreads inside. The lack or excess of elements in the sky outside leads to imbalance. The third attribute of the sky is vacuum or nothingness. This is the

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attribute that fills the sky. The sky can be filled only when it has nothing. How can already filled sky be filled? The yoga helps practice meditation in the inner space. Emotions get purified when one concentrates in the heart. The middle finger and the heart are interrelated. Thumb and middle finger are joined. Index, ring, and pinky fingers are extended. Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips. ALA PADMA (ALAPADMA): Opened Lotus.

Aasanyukta Single Hand AMALAKA: Amalaka Tree. The Samyama Nayaka hand, i.e., the forefinger and the second finger together in the middle of the palm, the rest of the hand extended. ANGARAKHA: Mars. Left hand Shuchi, right hand Mushthi. ANJALI (GASSHO / HRIDAYA / NAMASKARA): Gesture of greeting and adoration, veneration, honor or celebration, the diamond handclasp. Sawyakta The gesture of two palms pressed together and Double Hand held near the heart, means to "honor or celebrate". It is our Hindu greeting, two joined as

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one, the bringing together of matter and spirit, the self meeting the self in all. This mudra is reserved for praying figures, which often accompany a statue of the Buddha in the art of India or South East Asia. The Anjali is made with two hands joined vertically in front of the chest, as in the attitude of prayer. This mudra evokes an offering of good feelings of one towards another. This mudra can also indicate veneration if it is made at the level of the face. Hasta (hand), meditative mudra. Redirects the prana emitted by hands back into body. Universally used by people in India and South-East Asia for salutation, it evokes an offering of good feelings, of ones person, etc. and also indicates veneration if it is made at the level of the face. ANJALY MUDRA: Both hands are held above the head, the heels of the palms are touching, the fingers and thumbs spread outward and upward. Frequently an object is held, e.g. an image of Amitabha is held by a tantric form of Avalokiteshvara with this mudra. ANKUSHA (ANKUSA): The Ankusha mudra is the mudra of the goad or curved sword, which symbolizes prodding seekers on towards their ultimate goal, or cutting down the iniquities of the ego. ANUSHASAN: Discipline posture. Discipline is the vital element of meditation. Without discipline, meditation is not successful. The practitioner can maintain discipline through

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his own discretion. He must remain under the discipline of the Guru (teacher), so long as his wisdom does not become awakened and he is not enlightened. Keep the index finger straight. Join the remaining three fingers with the thumb. APANA (APAN): Gives energy and makes one more self-confident. The tip of the second and the third fingers should be slightly pressed against the inner part of the tip of the thumb as shown. The other two fingers should be kept straight. Improves the excretory system by cleaning the waste from the body, cures constipation and stomach aches caused due to which. APAN MUDRA (APAAN): Flatus posture. Relaxation, heart, physical and mental. Helps in clearing the body by elimination of waste matter from the mouth, eyes, ears, nose etc. Helps when urine is obstructed, reduces constipation. The tip of the thumb is touched to the middle and ring finger. APAN VAYU (MRITSANJEEVINI): First aid for heart attacks. The tip of the index finger should be pressed slightly against the root of the thumb and second and the third finger should touch the inner tip of the thumb. Cures palpitation of the heart, strengthens the heart and is good for heart patients. APAVIDHDHA: Osprey.

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THe Suchi hand relaxed. ARAALAM (ARALA / ARELE): Bent or crooked hand. Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand ARALA-KATAKAMUKHA: Giving pieces of betel leaf. ARDHA CHANDRA (ARDHACANDRA): Half moon. Deva Saraswati's left hand. Both hands of Deva Aasanyukta Parvati, left up, right down (abhaya and varada, Single Hand fear not and charity). Deva Hand ARDHA PATAKA: Half flag. Deva Vayu left hand. Deva Vayu right hand.

Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand ARDHA RECHITA: Invitation.

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ARDHA SUCHI: half-needle.

ARJUNA: Arjuna Tree. Simhamukha hand. ASHOKA: Ash Tree. Pataka hands crossed, i.e., touching at the wrists and moving freely to and fro. ASHWINI (ASHWANI / ASHWATER): Mule. Nagabandha hands directed upward indicating cow-ear. Contraction of anal sphincter. ASVATHTHA: Pipal Tree. Alapadma hands waving the fingers. AVAHANA (AVAHANI): The Avahani mudra is the mudra of invitation. It is used to invoke the deity into the presence of the worshiper. AVAHITTA (AVAHITHA): Dissimulation. Double Hand Gesture AVAKASHA: Gesture of leisure, this is a left hand gesture. The sitting person is holding their left hand on their lap with palm upward.

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BALARAMA: Ten Avatars Left hand Mushthi, right hand Pataka. BANA HASTA: Arrow.

BARA: BANDHANANA (BANDHA / BAKU): Inner binding, heart and compassion of Buddha. Hand gesture formed by clasping both hands together with the fingers interlocking. When the fingers are interlocked on the outside, it is called gebaku (lit. "outer bind"), while when they are interlocked on the inside, it is called naibaku (lit. "inner bind"). Naibaku constitutes inner binding and represents the vow of the many Buddha to help all sentient beings. Gebaku represents one's vow to become enlightened. It also symbolizes the heart, and compassion, of the Buddha. BHAILUKA: Bear. Left hand Padmakosha face downward, right hand Pataka placed on the back of the left hand. BHAIRAVI: Hasta (hand), meditative mudra. Redirects the prana emitted by hands back into body. BHARTRI: Husband.

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BHARTUR-BHRATRI: Brother-in-law. BRAHMANA: Denotes Caste Shikhara with both hands as if holding the sacred thread, the right hand moving to and fro. BHERUNDA HASTA: A pair of birds. Sawyakta Double Hand BHOOCHARI: Practice of the external stage of dharana; gazing into space after focusing on the finger nail of the hand held in front of the face. Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips. BHRAMARA (BRAHMARA): Bee. Good for allergies. Place the index finger in the fold of the thumb and the tip of the thumb on the side of the middel fingernail. The ring and little Aasanyukta finger are relaxed and extended. Do this with each Single Hand hand. BHUDI (BHUDDI / BHUDY / BHUDDY / BUDDHI): Improves feeling and intuition and helps maintain the fluid balance in the body. Tip of little finger (Mercury) touches tip of thumb for clear and intuitive communication. Harmonizing.

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BHUJANGINI: Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips. BHUMISPARSHA (BUMISPARA): Gesture of touching the earth, calling the earth to witness. Literally Bhumisparsha translates into 'touching the earth'. The gesture of "touching the earth" or as it is also referred to, the earth witness" mudra commemorates the posture in which Shakyamuni overcame the obstructions of the demon Mara while meditating on Truth. This mudra, formed with all five fingers of the right hand extended to touch the ground, symbolizes the Buddha's enlightenment under the bodhi tree, when he summoned the earth goddess, Sthavara, to bear witness to his attainment of enlightenment. BHUTADAMARA (BHUTADAMAR): Warding off evil gesture. Bhtadmara, also called "Trailokyavijaya" or awe-inspiring mudra. It shows the hands crossed at the wrist, the right hand over the left hand, palms turned outwards. Usually the two middle fingers are slightly bent and the hands may both hold additional symbols like Vajras and Ghanta.This is frequently seen in the representations of Vajrapani and Bhutadamaravajrapani. BRIHASPATI: Planet Jupiter. With the two index fingers together, the power of

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Jupiter, or good luck and expansion is activated. Together they focus your energy to break through barriers. Shikhara with both hands as if holding the sacred thread. BRISCHIK: Scorpion. The Karkata hand is directed downwards. BUDDHA (BUDHA): Planet Mercury. Right hand rests on left for men, left on right for women, palms up, thumbs tips touching each other in a receptive gesture. Left hand Mushthi askew, right hand pataka. BUDDHAPATRA: Gesture of the Buddhas Alms bowl. This is one of the mudras distinctively identified with Shakyamuni Buddha. Here the two hands are placed horizontally in opposition to hold an actual or figurative begging bowl at the level of the breast, one hand above and the other underneath. In some variations, the bowl is replaced by a wishgranting jewel or by a treasure box. BUDDHASRAMANA: Gesture of salutation, greeting. In this mudra the right hand is lifted in line with the shoulder, the wrist bends backwards and the fingers and the palm face upwards. The fingers point outward, away from the body. The is the gesture of Vasudhara and Usnishijaya. This mudra

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is a gesture of enlightenment. CHAGA: Goat. Shikhara hands in contact face to face. CHAKRA (CAKRA): This Hasta is used to show Chakra, the weapon of Lord Vishnu, disc. Sawyakta Spread all fingers wide. bring the right hand on Double Hand top of left hand with palms touching each other, and little finger of right hand touching the thumb of left hand and vice versa. A chakra formation is shown. CHAMPAKA: Champaka Tree. Langula hands downwards. CHANDRA: Moon. Left hand Sola-padma, right hand pataka. CHANDRA KALA (CANDRAKALA): Digit of the moon.

Aasanyukta Single Hand CHATAKA: Cart. Double Hand Gesture CHATURA (CATURA): Square, four fingered.

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Brahma's left hand.

Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand CHATURASHRA:

CINCIHNA (CHIN / CIN): Gesture of understanding. Thumb and index finger grasp a fine object as a a grain of truth. This is a symbol for the spiritual understanding. Assume the Gyan mudra but invert your hands for the palms facing towards the floor. Helps asthmatic patients when followed with the breathing technique. Attitude of chitta or consciousness. Hasta (hand), meditative mudra. Redirects the prana emitted by hands back into body. When the fingers point up it is called Gyan (Jnana) mudra when they point down it is called Chin mudra. DAMPATI: Husband and wife. DANDA HASTA: Gesture of Shiva indicating that the devotee should seek refuge under his lifted foot.

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DHARMACHAKRA (DHAMMAKAKKA): Gesture of turning the wheel of the teaching, the first sermon. Means the 'Wheel of Dharma' in Sanskrit. Symbolizes one of the most important moments in the life of the Buddha, the occasion when he preached to his companions the first sermon after his Enlightenment in the Deer Park at Sarnath. It thus denotes the setting into motion of the Wheel of the teaching of the Dharma. DHENU (SURABHI): Fragrance posture. Surabhi mudra is also called Dhenu mudra. As per Indian system, dhenu means cow. It symbolizes virtue (Satvikata) and excellence. The other meaning of surabhi, as per dictionary, is Kamadhenu (the special cow) which gives desired boons. Similarly, with Surabhi mudra a person acquires the desired power. While making Surabhi mudra, fingers take the shape of udders of a cow. Milk is obtained from the udders of cow, which gives strength to the body. Similarly, the Surabhi mudra makes the body balanced and strong. According to Ayurveda, by maintaining balance between wind (vata), bile (pitta) and phlegm (kuff), body remains healthy. Imbalance is the source of diseases. Surabhi mudra balances the wind, bile and phlegm. It makes the body healthy. The body of man is physical, it is atomic. Proper combination of atomic energy makes the body strong. Improper combination weakens the body Balance of all the five elements in body results in health, otherwise problems arise. Fingers of the

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hand represent all the five elements. The balanced order of five elements in the body leads to development. Surabhi mudra strikes balance in all the five elements. Hold both hands together with fingers touching each other forming a hollow and four sets of fingers forming the nipples of udder of cow. Join the little finger and ring finger, then join the middle finger and index finger together. This pose can also be called "cow posture" as the mudra makes cloven hooves of your hands, DHYANA (SAMADHI / YOGA MUDRA): Gesture of meditation and absolute balance. In South East Asia, this mudra is frequently used in the image of the seated Buddha, the joined thumbs do not form a "mystic triangle" and are placed against the palm. The position of the Samadhi mudra with the joined thumbs forming a triangle is symbolic of the Tiratana (Three Jewels) namely the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The triangular form also indicates the firmness of the body and of the mind. DOLA: Used at the beginning of a dance, swing. Sawyakta Double Hand GABHI: Cow. The Sankima Mudra hand, i.e., the middle finger is bent and all the others extended, also indicating Yantra-bheda. GADA:

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Deva Hand

Deva Kuvera right hand. GANESHA: The Elephant God. Ganesha is the elephant god who overcomes all obstacles. Reportedly, this mudra stimulates heart and lung activity and opens the fourth chakra supplying courage, confidence, and openness to other people. Hold your left palm in front of your heart with the palm facing away from you. Face your right palm toward you and hook the fingers. Take a deep breath in; as you exhale strongly pull the hands away from each other without releasing the fingers. On your inhalation release, still keeping the fingers linked. Do this six times. Let the hands, still linked, rest against your sternum for a moment. Then repeat the same exercise with the hands facing in opposite directions. Sit quietly for a moment and notice the energy in the heart and lung areas. GARDHABA: Ass. THe Shinonjali hand, i.e., the forefingers of the Kadanjali hand all bent in contacts. GARUDA HASTA (GARUDAPAKSHA): Eagle, Garuda wing.

Strengthens and invigorates the organs and the Sawyakta circulation. Interlock both little fingers (forms Double Hand tail); bring back of the knuckles together; join the thumb (forms beak); six fingers form the wings of garuda. GIRIKA: Mole. The Khanda-Mukula hand, i.e., the forefinger of

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the Mukula hand is bent and moved to and fro (Tiryak-parsarita). GYAN (GIN / GNYAN / GUYAN / JNANA): Posture of knowledge, instruction by silence or contemplation, Gesture of teaching, intuitive knowledge. Touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your index finger and keep the remaining fingers absolutely straight. This mudra increases mental power and sharpens memory. Increases brain Gyan Passive power, mental concentration, memory, intellect. Cures insomnia, if done in the night by relieving tension inducing peaceful sleep. In meditation the flow of energy increases towards the astral self. Hasta (hand), meditative mudra. Redirects the prana emitted by hands back into body. When the fingers point up it is called Jnana mudra when they point down it is called Chin mudra. HAMSA ASYAN (HAMSAYA / HAMSASYA): Swan's beak or bill. Brahma's right hand. Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand HAMSA PAKSHA (HAMSAPAKSYA): Swan's wing.

Aasanyukta Single Hand

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HANSI: Laughter posture. Laughter is a symbol for wisdom. It is a means of expression of person's wisdom. Hansi mudra is used for nutritive activities. It leads it all-round prosperity Tips of all but little finger are pressed by the front tip of the thumb, for forming this mudra. HAKINI: Body, mind and soul. Help for concentration. Let the tips of the corresponding fingers of each hand touch. People tend to naturally put their fingers in this position while talking. This helps to concentrate. This finger position has been researched quite well; it has been determined that it promotes the cooperation between the right and left brain hemispheres. It is also recommended today in memory training. It opens access to the right hemisphere, which is where the memory is stored. This mudra also improves and deepens respiration, and the brain profits from it as well. HARINA: Gesture of teaching. In this mudra the thumb along with the second and third fingers touch the tips, forming a ring. The little and the index fingers extend upwards. HINTALA: Hintala Tree. Kartarimukha hand. IGUANA: Iguana. Tala Pataka hand, i.e., the thumb and the little

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finger of the Pataka hand are slightly raised. JAMBU: Jambu Tree. Ardhapataka hand. JYESHTHA-KANISHTHA BHRATRI: Elder or younger brother. KADALI: Tree. Mukula hands interlocked, extended and the finger is waved. KAKI: Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips. KALESVARA: This mudra calms the mind. It is powerful and can change character traits and eliminates addictive behavior. The middle fingers of both hands should touch at the tips. The first two joints of the index finger and the thumbs should touch. KALKI: Ten Avatars Left hand Tripataka, right hand Pataka. KAMI: Kami Tree. Kartarimukra interlocked. KANGULA (LANGULA): Tail, bell.

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Deva Agni left hand.

Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand KAPI: Monkey. The Adho-Mushthi-Mukula hand is used, i.e., the thumb and second finger of the Mushthi hand are joined. KAPI DHAKAM: The fruit of the tree.

KAPITTHAKA (KAPITHA / KAPITHTHA): Elephant Apple Tree. Alapadma hands crossed. Deva Lakshmi two hands held at shoulder. Deva Ganesha uses two Aasanyukta hands held on the thighs. Single Hand Deva Hand KAPOTA (KAPOTHA): To make promise, Speak to the teacher, To be polite, to agree, pigeon, humble. In Anjali Hastha, only the borders of the hands are joined, the palms should not touch one another.

Sawyakta Double Hand

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KARANA: Gesture of banishing, expelling demons. Indicates the hand stretched out, either horizontally or vertically, palm turned forward. The thumb presses down the middle two fingers (like the horns of a Yak against an enemy), while the index and litle fingers extend straight upwards. You can find abhayamudr sometimes also as a left-hand gesture. Ekajata and Yama frequently shown in this mudra. KARTARI MUKHA (KATARI): Arrow shaft face. This mudra is held with the hands at shoulder level. The thumb and the ring finger (third finger) Aasanyukta touch the tips forming a circle. The index and Single Hand middle finger extend straight resembling rabbits ears or the horns of a deer. Frequently, symbols appear between these two fingers. KARTARI SWASTIKA (KARTARISVASTIKA): Crossed arrowshafts, crossed scissors. Fingers held like scissors to hold a weapon. Sawyakta Double Hand KARTHAREE: Scissors sharp point.

KATAKA HASTA (KARBTA / KARKATA / KATAKAM / KARTAKAM): Golden bangle, holding a flower, calling and moving, crab. A fist like mudra in which the fingers bend

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Sawyakta together until the thumb and the index finger Double Hand meet, forming an open tube. This position is frequently used in icons in which fresh flowers or Deva Hand other venerated objects are inserted. Deva Manmatha's right hand. KATAKA MUKHA (KATAKAMUKHA): Opening in a bracelet, crab face. Aasanyukta Single Hand KATAKA VARDHANA: Mating. Sawyakta Double Hand KATVA HASTA (KHATVA / KHATWA): Cot, bed. Sawyakta Deva Nairita hand. Double Hand Deva Hand KATVA VALAMBITA: Ease sorrow. Making a gesture below the waist to signal the easing of sorrow. KAULINI:

KESHA-BANDHA: Trying the hair. KETAKIL Screw Pine Tree. Pataka and Chatura hands crossed at the wrists.

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KETU: Serpent monster. Left hand Suchi, right hand Ardhapataka. KHADIRA: Khadira Tree. Tamrachuda, face downwards. KHECHAD: Tongue lock. KHECHARI (NABHO): Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips. KILALA HASTA (KEELAKA / KILAKA): Link, bond, affection.

Sawyakta Double Hand

Sawyakta Double Hand Opposite of Chakra Hastha. Stretch the thumb & little fingers & fold the other fingers in Chakra Ten Avatars Hastha to show Koorma Hastha. The Matsya hand is shown, when both hands as Tripataka are leveled at the shoulders. KOROVI:

KOORMA (KURMA): This Hasta is used to show Turtle, Tortoise.


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Ten Avatars

Mrigasirsha hands facing one another on the shoulders. KRISHNA SARA: Black antelope. The Mushthi Mriga hand, i.e., the thumb and little finger of the Mushthi hand are extended. KSHEPANA (KSEPANA): Sprinkling of Ambrosia, nectar sprinkling. Simulates elimination through the large intestine, skin and lungs. It helps relieve tensions of all kinds. The two hands join, palm to palm, and the index fingers extend together and usually point downwards towards a vase or container. The other fingers and the thumbs are intertwined. KSHATRIYA:

Denotes Caste

Shikhara with left hand moving to and fro, Pataka with the right. KUBERA: Make a wish. Opens and decongests, cleanses the frontal sinuses, especially if you draw the air upward while inhaling. It also gives us inner repose, confidence, and serenity. The practice is simple. In your mind, formulate your wish or goal very clearly into words. Ask your heart whether this is good for you and whether it enriches your surrounding world. Now place the three fingers together, phrase your wish in a positive way, as you say it out loud three times. Press your fingers together while you do this.

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LAKUCHA: Lakucha Tree. Bhramara hand. KURUVAKA: Kuruvaka Tree. Kartari and Tripataka hands crossed. LALITA: Mountain. LELIHANA: The Lelihana mudra literally means "Sticking Out." It is the mudra which indicates, "It is You and only You who is our salvation." LINGA (ANGUSHTHA / LING): Thumb Posture, Phallus. Boosts the body's immune system and loosens the Sawyakta mucous in the lungs. Makes the body more Double Hand resistant to colds and chest infections. Those who habitually suffer from bad colds and incurable chest infections are advised to practice Linga mudra. Also helpful in weight reduction. Because of the heat it generates, this mudra can be taxing and can result in a feeling of lethargy. Form a fist like figure by crossing/ entangling all the fingers while keeping the thumb of the left hand straight. Increases the resistance power of the body against cold and bronchial infections and change in weather. Gives power to the lungs, creates heat in the body and burns accumulated phlegm and stops production of phlegm altogether and invigorates the body completely.

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LOLA: Going freely.

MAHA: Great attitude. Combination of bandha and mudra. Charges body with prana and prepares for awakening kundalini. MAHA BHEDA: Great piercing attitude. Combination of bandha and mudra. Charges body with prana and prepares for awakening kundalini. MAHA VEDHA: Combination of bandha and mudra. Charges body with prana and prepares for awakening kundalini. MAHASIR: Good for headaches/migraines, relieves tension and eliminates mucous congestion in the front sinuses. The tips of thumb, index finger and middle finger should touch each other. Extend the little finger and place the ring finger into the fold of the thumb. MAKARA: Sea, crocodile. Activates kidney energy. It taps your reserves of strength. Place one hand inside the other and extend the thumb of the lower hand through the little finger and ring finger of the other and place it in the middle of the palm of the upper hand. MANDARA: Mandara Tree. Khandwa Chatllo hand.

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MANDUKI: Frog attitude. Kaya (postural) utilizes asanas with breathing and concentration. MANIDHARA: Gesture of holding the jewel. The hands are arched and hold a wishing juwel, which can not be seen because of its transparency. This is a mudra of Avalokiteshvara, and is often confused with the similar gesture of greeting. MANTANQI (MATANGI): Strengthens the breathing impulse in the solar plexus. MARLAR: Cat. The Ardha-Mukula hand, i.e., the thumb and third finger of the Mushthi hand are joined. MATAI: Mother. MATSYA: Fish. Sawyakta The Matsya mudra is the mudra of the fish, which Double Hand symbolizes swimming across the ocean of worldliness without fear. Shree Maa tells us to be Ten Avatars like the fish at the bottom of the pond. He is always in the mud, but never dirty. MAYURA: Peacock. Surya?

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Aasanyukta Single Hand MIDA-NO JOUIN: MERU: Clasp both hands interlocking all fingers in between each other. Open only middle fingers pointing down to earth. a form of gadaa is shown. MRIGA SEERSHA (MRGASIRSA / MRIGA SIRSA / MRIGASHIRSHA): Deer's head. Deva Shambhu's left hand. Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand MRIGI (MRIGA / MRUGI): Antelope posture. Symbolic of deer, a very innocent creature. Among vegetarians deer is one of the animals that can be seen leaping in hermitage. Hide of deer is used by sages as their seats. The Mrigi mudra is one of the mudras that are used during worship, adoration, recitation of hymns and meditation rituals. For its simplicity, virtuousness and naturalness, The formation looks like a fawn. MUDGARA:

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MUDRA OF SUPREME WISDOM: The right index finger is grasped by the five fingers of the left hand. This mudra, characteristic of Vairochana, is the subject of many interretations in esoteric Buddhism, most which have to do with the relationship between the empirical world of manifoldness and the principle that is its basis-the unified world principle, the realization of unity in the manifold as embodied in Buddha. MUKULA (MUKULAM / MUKULA HASTAM): Flower bud, blossom. Organ support and relaxation. Has a sharp focus Aasanyukta for healing energy, like a laser beam or a shaft of Single Hand light which is directed to the area of concern. It can be a very effective healing tool. This mudra is placed on the organ or body part that hurts or is tense. It is also akin to directing energy to a specific part. Cup your hand and place four fingers on the thumb. Your hand should resemble a cone, place on the part of your body that needs help. MUKURA: Mirror.

MUSHIKA: Mouse. The Khanda-Mukula hand, i.e., the forefinger of the Mukula hand is fully extended.

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MUSHTI (MUSTI / MUSHTHI): Fist, holding things. Aasanyukta Helps with aggressions. Promotes digestion and Single Hand helps cure constipation. Bend the fingers inward and place the thumb over the ring fingers. Make both hands into fists. NAGA: Deep insight. Used to solve everyday problems. It helps work through obstacles we encounter on our spiritual path. Cross the hands in front of the chest and cross the thumbs over each other. NAGABHANDHA HASTA: A pair of serpents, serpent heads, the coil of a snake.

Sawyakta Double Hand

NALINI-PADMAKOSHA: Cluster of flowers. NANANDA: Sister-in-law. NARANGI: Orange Tree. Padmakosha hand. NARASIMHA: Ten Avatars Left hand Simhanukha, right hand Tripataka. NASIKAGRA DRISHTI (AGOCHARI): Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips.

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NIMBASALA: Nimbasala Tree. Shukatunda hands crossed. NISHEDHA: Warning. NRISHABHA: Bull. The Tal Simha (i.e., Simha Mukha with the back of the hand in the horizontal plane), the second and third fingers are bent to touch the palm, and the thumb placed over them with the other two fingers extended. OCISTA: Mayura?

PADMAKOSHA (PADMA / PADMAKOSA): Lotus bud. Deva Kuvera left hand.

Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand PALASA: Palasa Tree. Ardhachandra hand.

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PALLAVA: Sprout.

PALLI: PANASA: Bread Fruit Tree. Chatura hand. PANKAJ (ANA): Lotus posture. As per Indian system, lotus is a symbol of purity Like a lotus, which remains detached from the mud in which it blooms, a sage remains detached from the mud of attachment, while continuing his meditation. By keeping the fingers like lotus, the Pankaj mudra is formed. In this mudra both the thumbs and little fingers touch each other. This mudradevelops the fire and water elements and refines those elements. Like the lotus, which blooms at sunrise, the fire element makes the inner lotus bloom. At night, like the blooming of lotus under moonlight the water element also brightens the face (Chandra Kamal). The remaining fingers face each other, which naturally leads to transition of their virtues, leading to development of the capability to provide vital energy to others. PARASHURMAMA: Ten Avatars The left hand on the hip and the Ardhapataka with the right hand. PARIJATA: Parijata Tree.

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The Trijnana hand, i.e., Pataka with both hands twisted upwards. PARINIRVANA: Reclining, Buddha's "moment of death". The Buddha, Shakyamuni died peacefully at the age of eighty or eighty-one in a grove of trees near Kushinagara in northern India. In sculptural representations of the Buddhas death, he is most commonly depicted laying on his right side, and wearing a peaceful, serene expression when he left his physical form and passed into final enlightenment. PASA HASTA (PASHA): Noose, cord, chain. Sawyakta Deva Yama left hand. Double Hand Deva Hand PASHINEE: Kaya (postural) utilizes asanas with breathing and concentration. PATALI: Patali Tree. Shukatunda hand. PATHAAKA (PATAKA): Victory banner, flag. Beginning of Natya. Deva Varuna left hand. Aasanyukta Single Hand

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Deva Hand PITRI: Father. PRAN (PRANA): Vital air posture. Life mudra, helps fatigue, nervousness and is vitalizing. The vital air (pran vayu) enters the lungs along with breath. In turn, lungs mix it with blood and send it to the heart. Action of combustion starts when glucose present in cells and vital air (oxygen) present in blood come into contact, which produces energy The pranacharya have identified five types of air in the body - pran, apaan, samaan, udaan and vyaan. They are spread in various parts of the body.It is the pran that energizes the body. Excess or deficiency of pran creates imbalance. Pran mudra is used to strike the balance of pran and keep the body energetic. Vayu means wind. Any disorder of this element in the body is taken care with this mudra. Helps in pains, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, Parkinsons disease, paralysis and any blood circulatory disorder. Also corrects the disorder of the gas in the stomach. The tips of the ring finger and little finger should be slightly pressed against the tip of the thumb. Increases life force, immunity, increases muscular strength, removes fatigue, nervousness, increases power of the eyes and reduces the number of the spectacles. Kaya (postural) utilizes asanas with breathing and concentration.

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PRARTHANA: Gesture of prayer. The Prarthana mudra is the mudra of prayer, and the worshiper who demonstrates this mudra prays for purity and clarity. PRITHVI (PRITHIVI): Helps insecurity, stimulates the liver and stomach. The earth element is also a constituent in the formation of the body. It is a gross element, which has more weight content. By Prithvi mudra, the earth element is balanced. The earth is a fundamental element, which helps evolution of life. It is like a mother to living beings. The earth has endurance capacity. The Jain scriptures exhort ascetics to make themselves like earth. 'Prithvi same muni hveja'. The Prithvi mudra is useful for developing the quality of steadiness. A steadfast person can be forbearing. The earth tolerates all types of circumstances. Whatever be the conditions - winter, summer or rains - the earth remains balanced. Not only this, the earth forgives all those who defile it and pollute the environment. The solid element, present in the body, is a part of the earth. We take earth element only from the food we eat. The deficiency of earth element weakens the body. The Prithvi mudra is useful for the development of earth element in the body. The ring finger, which denotes the earth element, is used in worshipping and applying auspicious mark (tilak). Sit down comfortably. Touch your ring finger to

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the tip of the thumb and press it little. Rest three fingers should be held straight and then keep your palm at your knee. Removes physical weakness, increases vitality, luster and glow and gives chetna shakti, gives life to the sick and bliss to the healthy. Strengthens and energies the body and makes the mind liberal and happy. Makes the body balanced and smart. PRAYER MUDRA: Palms are pressed together, neutralizing and balancing yin and yang, for centering. PUGA: Areca Nut Tree. Padmakosha hands crossed. PUNKHITA: Dove. THe Kapota hand fluttered. PUNNAGA: Punnaga Tree. Pataka and Chatura hands. PUSHAN: Stimulates the digestive tract and breathing. Dedicated to the sun god. It signifies accepting and receiving with one hand and letting go with the other. Helps digestion and elimination. Also stimulates the brain. The tips of the right thumb, index finger and middle finger are on top of each other and the other two fingers. The ring finger and little finger are extended. PUSPAPUTA (PUSHPAPUTAKA /

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Sawyakta Double Hand

PUSHPAPUTA / PUSPAPUTA): Flower basket, handful of flowers, flower casket. Pushpa means flower, this mudra is about openness and acceptance. The gesture itself resembles that emotion. Place both hands open and upwards against the thighs, relaxed and with the thumbs placed against the outer edge of the index finger. PUTRA: Son. RAHU: Bodyless monster. Left hand Sarpashirsha, right hand suchi. RAJASA:

Ten Avatars

Both hands Shakata held on the face. RALASA: Mango. The Tripataka hand. RAMCHANDRA:

Ten Avatars

Right hand Kapiththa, left hand Shikhara, held respectively near and far. RIPUJIVHA:

RUDRA: Ruler of the solar plexus. Strengthens the earth element and its organs. A good antidote for

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weakness. Place tips of index finger and ring finger together on top of the tip of thumb, with other fingers extended comfortably. SAHAJOLI: Contraction and release of the urinary passage in the female body to stimulate. SAMANA: Helps in digestion and also cures various problems associated with the digestive system. SAMANVAY: Co-ordination posture. SAMBAHANI: The Sambahani mudra symbolizes that "I am binding You with all my power not to leave me until my worship is not complete. For so long as I pay attention to You, You must stay and receive it." SAMDANSA (SAMDAMSAM / SANDAMSA): Pincers, grasping, tongs.

Aasanyukta Single Hand SAMMUKHI:

SAMNIDAPANI: The Samnidapani mudra is the mudra which

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indicates apology for any inconvenience it may cause the deity to be summoned in this manner. We understand that many devotees are requesting Her presence. Even still, we request Her to pay attention to Me, and apologize for Her inconvenience. SAMPUTA (GAMPUTA): Casket, covered box. Sawyakta Double Hand To cover things and to show the sacred box in which the idols are placed the Samputa Hasta is used. SANKALPA: The Sankalpa mudra is used for stating the date, time and place, the performer, proposed activity and purpose, prior to the commencement of worship. SANNIRUDHA:



SAPATRI: Co-wife. SARASA: Crane. Paradise Mukula hand, i.e., the forefinger of the Bhramara hand is placed on the thumb and

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fluttered. SARMEYA: Dog. THe Madhya Pataka hand, i.e., the little finger of the Pataka hand is bent. SARPA SIRASS (SARPA SIRSA / SARPASIRAS / SARPASHIRSHA): Serpent's head, hood.

Aasanyukta Single Hand SARVABEEJA:






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Sawyakta Double Hand Deva Hand

SHAKATA (SAKATA HASTA): This Hastha is used to show Demons, car. Deva Narita hand.

SHAKTI: In honor of Shakti, the goddess of life energy. This practice stimulates breathing in the lower chest area. It has a calming effect and will help you to sleep at night. It can also help to counteract spasms in the intestines and menstrual cramps. Touch the tip of your right ring and pinky fingers to your left ring and pinky fingers. Bend your other fingers lightly over your thumbs. Breathe deeply into your abdomen, all the way into the pelvic bowl. Make the exhalation as slow as possible. Do as needed or three times daily for 12 minutes. May induce lethargy if overdone. SHAMBAVI (SAMBAVI): Eyebrow center gazing. This mudra has been found to have a stress reducing effect. Sit in a comfortable position. Place hands in the jnana or chin mudra. Direct our gaze upward toward your third eye point. Focus your awareness on your breath. End the mudra when your eyes become tired. Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue

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and lips. SHANAISCHARA: Planet Saturn. Left hand Sarpashirsha, right hand trishula. SHANKH (SANKHA / SHANKA / SHANKHA / SHANKARA): Shell posture, conch. The conch is considered to be an auspicious object in the Indian system. It is used for worshipping Sawyakta the God. It is with the sound of conch that the Double Hand doors of temples are opened. Our lives are most affected by sound. The sound waves prevent calamities and also help in attaining the desired goals. First aid for throat and larynx. The left thumb should be held in the right fist and then the left index finger should touch the right thumb. Good mudra for the thyroid function and correction of any disorder. Benefits the intestine and corrects any problem therein and with the organs of the digestive system. SHANMUKHI (SANMUKHI): Closing the seven gates. Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips. SHASHAK: Hare. The Tara-pataka hand is moved horizontally (tiryak). SHIVA LINGA (SHIVANLINGUA): Shiva's phallus.

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Is a masculine force and a symbol of destruction and subsequent regeneration. Place the right hand with the thumb extended upward on top of the left hand. The left hand is like a tight bowl with the fingers held together and cupped. Both hands should be held at the abdomen and the elbows pointing outwards and slightly forward. The right hand will be like a fish with the thumb cradled in the cup of the left hand. SHRAMANA: Gesture of ascetic. Also called renunciation mudra. The hand point downwards away from the body as a symbol for renunciation of secular pleasures. SHRUSHA: Daughter-in-law. SHUDRA: Denotes Caste Left hand Shikhara, right hand Suchi. SHUNI: Tip of middle finger (symbolized by Saturn) touches the tip of the thumb, giving patience. SHUNYA (SHOONYA / SUNJA): Good for hearing problems. Sit comfortably. Put your middle finger of both the hands at the root of the thumb and press a little. Now keep your hands near the knee with your palm facing upwards. Sit in this position for five to ten minutes. Helps in earache, deafness, vertigo and giddiness.

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SIKHARA (SHIKHARA): Peak, spire. Deva Kartikeya right hand. Deva Sanmukha's right hand held upwards. Deva Manmatha's left hand. Deva Varuna right hand.

Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand SIMHA MUKHA (SIMHAMUKHA): Lion face. The Simhamukha hand i.e., right hand Simhamukha and left hand Pataka applied to the back of the right, fingers move freely. Aasanyukta Single Hand SIMSAPA: Simsapa Tree. Ardhachandra hands crossed. SINDHUM: Sindhum Tree. Mayura hands interlocked. SMAN:


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SRI MUDRA: Surya? Mayura? STAPANI: The Stapani mudra is the mudra of establishment. The worshiper actually places the presence of the deity into his or her heart. SUCHASYA: Needle-face. SUCHI (SHUCHI / SOOCHI MUKHA / SUCI / TARJANI): Designating by name or inspiring terror, needle's sharp point. Unwellness, spite, impatience, violent temper, wanting to cling to everything-the cause for all Aasanyukta these unpleasant feelings is often full, and Single Hand therefore stressed, intestines. Deva Hand First clench both fists and hold them in front of your chest. While inhaling, stretch the right arms to the right and point the index finger upward. At the same time, stretch your left arm to the left. Hold this tension for 6 breaths and then return to the basic position. Repeat six times on both sides. For serious chronic constipation, do four times a day. For light constipation, repeat six to twelve times in the morning and at noon. When traveling or in acute cases, practice every morning before rising for 5 to 10 minutes while comfortably lying in bed.

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Deva Saraswati's right hand. Deva Yama's right hand. SUKATHUND (SHUKATHUNDA / SHUKATUNDA / SUKATHUNDA): Parrot's beak. Aasanyukta Single Hand SUKRA: Planet Venus. Mushthi with both hands, the left raised, the right downward. SURAHI (SURABHI): Wind. Effective against Rheumatism. Join the little finger of one hand with the ring finger of the other and vice versa. Similarly, join the forefinger with the middle finger of the other hand and vice versa. Leave your thumbs free. SURYA (RAVI / SOORYA / SURJA / SURAY): Sun posture. Sit down comfortably with your back and neck straight. Join tips of ring fingers at the root of the thumbs and press with the thumbs. The rest three fingers would be straight. Keep your hand at your folded knee, remember to keep palm facing up. Put a little pressure in your palm and rest of the hand would be in relax position. This mudra creates heat in the body and is one sure way of loosing excess fat and toning the body if done for 20 minutes twice daily. Indigestion problem is corrected if done after meals and in Vajrasana

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pose. Sola-padma and Kapiththa hands held on the shoulders. SUVRUTTA:

SWASHRU: Mother-in-law. SWASURA: Father-in-law. SWASTIKA (SVASTIKA): Crossed, praising. Sawyakta This Hastha is used to show alligator, to talk in Double Hand fear, to argument and to praise. TADJAI: Kaya (postural) utilizes asanas with breathing and concentration. TAMARACHUDA (TAMARA KUDA HASTA / TAMRACHUDA / TAMRACUDA): Rooster, cock, red crest, cock's comb.

Aasanyukta Single Hand TARJANA: Gesture of Threatening. This gesture is also called "warning"-mudra. Only the index finger os raised while the other fingers are locked up in the fist. You can find abhayamudr sometimes also as a left-hand gesture. This mudra is characteristics of most of

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the wrathful deities. TARPANA: The performance of homage, offering gesture. The Tarpana mudra is the mudra of offering. Tarpana usually is performed in ceremonies respecting ancestors who have passed on, in respect of the Guru, the Sun, or any other deity. With the thumb and ring we offer a pinch of whatever offering is being made.I n the Pitri Shraddha the offering is sesame seeds in water. In the Kali Puja it is wine. The arms are bent at the elbow with hands raised even with shoulders. The fingers are lightly bent with the fingertip extending towards the shoulders. The palms of the hands face downwards. A mudra frequently shown by Namasangiti. TATWA (TATTVA / TATVA): Tranquility. The Tattva mudra is the mudra of the Principle. It refers to the establishment of divinity within, and most often indicates those places on the body which are different seats of the various energies. Buddha gave it to his disciples for control of the mind. Sit in easy Pose with a straight spine and with the elbows bent, bring the hands up and in until they meet in front of the body at the level of the heart. THRIPATHAAKA (TRIPATAKA): Flag with three colors, parts. Deva Shambhu's right hand. A tripataka using both hands is represented by the Deva Vishnu. Aasanyukta Deva Indra hands crossed. Deva Agni right hand. Single Hand

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Deva Hand TINTRINI: Tintrini Tree. Langula hand. TRIKHANDAA:

TRISHULA (TRISULA): Trident. Deva Kartikeya left hand. Deva Sanmukha left hand.

Aasanyukta Single Hand Deva Hand TSE: This is a good mudra for handling depression. Place hands on the thighs and place the tip of the thumb on the root of the little finger. Encircle your thumbs with the other four fingers while slowly inhaling. Hold your breath for a few moments. Slowly exhale and then open your hands. UDANA (UDAN): Develops the flow of energy and Chetna in all the parts of body. This is one of the main functions of this mudra. Join the tips of fore, middle and ring fingers with the tip of the thumb, while keeping the little finger straight.

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ULBANA: Abundance. UMA NABLA HASTA (OOMAN ABHAM / OORNA NAABHA / URNANABHA): Spider. UNMANI: Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips. UPASAMHARA (UPASANGHARA): A call to all divine beings to assemble. "May all Gods and Goddesses make their presence manifest, right here, right now. URDHESTITALS-PADMA: Indicating desires. USHAS: New impulse and energy. USHTRO: Camel. THe Kadanjali hand, i.e., the thumbs of the Anjali hand are bent and moved up and down. UTSANGA HASTA (UTSANA): To embrace. Sawyakta Double Hand

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UTTARABODHI: Gesture of supreme enlightenment, perfection. Refreshes the system and charges it with energy. Both hands are held at the level of the chest, the two raised index fingers touch one another, the remaining fingers are crossed and folded down.; the thumbs touch each other at the tips or are also crossed and folded. This mudra is frequently seen in images of Vairochana. VAISHYA: Denotes Caste Left hand Hamsasya, right hand Suchi. VAJRAHUMKARA: Gesture of HUM. The Vajrahmkara gesture shows wrists that are crossed at the breast. The hands hold the Vajra (=thunderbolt, male) and Ghanta (= bell, femala). The right hand crosses over the left at the wrist, palms facing inwards towards the chest und usually over the heart. This is the gesture of Adi Buddha Vajradara, Samvara and Trailokyavijaya. VAJRA MUDRA (CHI KEN-IN): Gesture of knowledge fist, six element mudra, fist of wisdom. Stimulates the circulation. The Vajramudra is formed by grasping the raised forefinger of the clenched left hand with the clenched right hand, with the tip of the right forefinger touching (or curled around) the tip of the left forefinger. This is also known as the six elements mudra, or the fist

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of wisdom mudra, for it symbolizes the unity of the five worldly elements (earth, water, fire, air, and metal) with spiritual consciousness. The vajra mudra is typical of Korea and Japan, but is somewhat rare in India, so it should perhaps more appropriately be identified by its Japanese name of Chi Ken-in. VAJRAPRADAMA: Gesture of unshakable confidence. The fingertips of the hands are crossed. The fingertips of the hands are crossed, representing unshakable confidence. VAJROLI: Contraction and release of the urinary passage in the male body to stimulate swadhisthana. VAKULA: Vakula Tree. Samdamsa hand. VAMANA: Ten Avatars Mushthi with hands, one upward and the other downward and toward the right side. VARADA (VARA): Gesture of granting wishes, charity, generosity, welcome. This mudra symbolizes charity and compassion. It is the mudra of the accomplishment of the wish to devote oneself to human salvation. It is nearly always made with the left hand, and can be made with the arm hanging naturally at the side of the body, the palm of the open hand facing forward.

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The five fingers in this mudra symbolize the following five perfections: generosity, morality, patience, effort, and meditative concentration. This mudra is rarely used alone, but usually in combination with another made with the right hand. VARDHA HASTA (VARAHA): Boar. Sawyakta The Sankarna Makara hand, i.e., in the Matsya Double Hand hand the right hand is held downwards and shaken, the five fingers are kept far apart indicating bristles. VARDHA MAANAKA (VARDHAMANA): Seedling, increase. VARSHA: Ten Avatars Hands on the level of the waist kept to the sides. VARUN (VARUNA): Water posture. Varun means water. Water is life. Like air, water is vital for life. A person can live without food for a few months, but it is difficult to stay alive without water for more than a few days. Fluidity is the characteristic attributed to water. The water not only helps in liquidizing the food, but it also creates various elements. Deficiency of water element in the body increases dryness and makes the body cells dry, which then become inactive. In the absence of water element neither the flow of vital air, nor its circulation can be settled. The water element provides coolness and activity. This mudra works to get rid of excess mucous that collects in the stomach and lungs. People who have too much mucous usually believe they are

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saddled with every responsibility. A mucous overload is usually associated with over-stimulated nerves. Sit down comfortably with your back and neck straight. Join tips of little fingers and thumbs and keep rest three fingers straight. Keep your hand at your folded knee. Keep your palm tight and rest of the hand should be relaxed. Helps cure skin disorders, cures impurities of blood , useful in gastro-enteritis. Helps cure tension and cramps. VATA: Banyan Tree. Pataka hand. VAYU: Wind. Vayu means wind and this mudra removes flatulence. Benificial for bloating and abdominal discomfort. Bend the index finger so that it touches the soft part of the thumb. The remaining three fingers should remain straight. It is beneficial for joint pain in hands and feet, paralysis, hysteria etc. It is very beneficial to do Prana mudra along with this mudra. VETRA (VEETRAG): Dispassionate posture.

VILWA: Wood-apple Tree. VIPARITA (VIPAREETA KARANI / VIPREETAKARNI): Inverted psychic attitude. Kaya (postural) utilizes asanas with breathing and concentration.

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VIPRAKIMA: Loose. VISMAYA: Suggesting astonishment.

VITARKA: Gesture of argument, reasoning. Spiritual guidance. The gesture of discussion and debate indicates communication and an explanation of the Dharma. The tips of the thumb and index finger touch, forming a circle. All other fingers are extended upwards. Sometimes the middle finger and thumb touch, which is a gesture of great compassion. If the thumb and ring finger touch, they express the mudra of good fortune. VYAGHRA: Tiger. The Ardhachandra hand held face downwards. VYAN (VIYAN): Join the tips of fore and middle fingers with the tip of the thumb, while keeping the little and ring fingers separate. YAK: Yak. The hands touching at the wrists, left hand Mushthi, right hand Mudrika, making the Mushthi mudra hand. YOGA MUDRA: Psychic union pose.

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YONI: Womb of creation, source. This mudra is an exercise in pratyahara or withdrawal of the senses. Blocking of your ears, eyes, noses and mouth you retreat inside yourself. During the day the mind is constantly bombarded with information or stimuli from the five senses. Only when the senses are brought under control and the mind is no longer pulled outward, can you hope to be able to concentrate. The Yoni mudra symbolizes the womb of creation. Hasta (hand), meditative mudra. Redirects the prana emitted by hands back into body. Many such hand positions were used in the Buddhist sculpture and painting of India, Tibet, China, Korea and Japan. They indicate to the faithful in a simple way the nature and the function of the deities represented. Mudras are thus gestures which symbolize divine manifestation. They are also used by monks in their spiritual exercises of ritual meditation and concentration, and are believed to generate forces that invoke the deity. A mudra is used not only to illustrate and emphasize the meaning of an esoteric ritual. It also gives significance to a sculptural image, a dance movement, or a meditative pose, intensifying their potency. In its highest form, it is a magical art of symbolical gestures through which the invisible forces may operate on the earthly sphere. It is believed that the sequence itself of such ritual hand postures may have eventually contributed to the development of the mudras of Indian Classical dance. The sanskrit word mudra is translated as 'gesture' or 'attitude'. Mudras can be described as psychic, emotional, devotional and aesthetic gestures or attitudes. Mudra is also defined as a 'seal'. Mudras are subtle physical movements which alter attitude, perception and deepens awareness and concentration. a mudra

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may involve whole body in asana or pranayam or may simply be a hand gesture. Mudras are higher practices which can lead to awakening of chakras and kundalini hence should be practiced under practical guidance of a guru or a teacher. Mudras can be categorized into five approximate categories: Group Names of Mudras Gyan, Chin, Yoni, Bhairavi, Hridaya Mudras Sambhavi, Nasikagra drishti, Khechari, Kaki, Bhujangini, Bhoochari, Akashi, Sanmukhi, Unmani Mudras. Prana, Vipreetakarni, yoga, Pashinee, manduki and tadagi Mudras. Maha mudra, Maha bheda mudra, Maha vedha mudra Description These are meditative mudras. They redirect the prana emitted by hands back into body. These form an integral part of kundalini yoga. They utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips. These utilize asanas with breathing and concentration. Combination of bandha and mudra charges body with prana and prepare for awakening kundalini





They redirect prana from lower centers to the brain Mudras Ashwani mudra, concerned with Adhara(perineal) Vajroli/sahajoli mudra sublimating sexual energy are in this group.

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Dance Names of Mudras

Description The movements of the Nritta Hastas are of five kinds, up, down, on the right, on the left and to the front. The movement of the hands should be in the same direction as the feet are moving. The left one (foot or hand) should be on the left and the right one on the right. Because Nritta dance employs mainly footwork, fewer hand gestures are used which is the reason there are only thirteen on the list.

Swastika, Dola, Anjali, Kathakavardana, Shakata, Nritta Pasha, Kilaka, Kapiththa, Hastas Shikhara, Kurma, Ramsasya, Alapadma, Pataka

Variants: muddika (Pali). He created this half of himself as the world. Where is the indication of his other half ? Vedas

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