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Mushrooms - Poisionous Fungi by John Rams Bottom 1945

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Keeper of Botany British Museum
(Natural History)

With Colour Plates


The K I N G P E N G U I N Books
Editor: N. B. L. Pevsner
Technical Editor: R. B.


Text Pages printed byR. & R. CLARK, LTD.,

EDINBURGH Set in Monotype Bembo

Colour Plates
Made & Printed by JOHN SWAIN & SON, LTD.
Cover design by


For Mary (Fungi officio, 1939-1945)
Doubtless so soon as man learned by experience that fungi
could serve as food he found also that some were
poisonous. It is not therefore surprising that the first
mention we have of fungi refers to this; when the poet
Euripides (48o-4o6 B.C.) was at Icarus a woman with two
grown-up sons and a married daughter ate fungi gathered
from the fields and were 'destroyed by pitiless fate in one
day'. There are repeated references to poisoning in classical
writings, and this may give the impression that fungi were
regarded as forbidden fruit. Indeed Pliny's query, `What
great pleasure then can there be in partaking of a dish of so
doubtful a character as this?' has often been quoted in
support of this view: he was, however, warning against
Suillus (Boletus edulis) which was very conveniently
adapted for administering poisons, by which whole
families and guests had recently been removed. If fungi
had not been commonly eaten, why the frequent warnings?
Many rich Romans valued them so highly that they
employed special collectors. Among these patrons was
Caesar Claudius poisoned by his wife Agrippina, who
`offered unto him a mushroom empoisoned knowing that
he was most greedy of such meats'. He `descended into
heaven' and his stepson Nero called fungi `the food of the
gods' in reference to Claudius's deifications, an irregular
one at Colchester and the normal one at death. The
mushroom was doubtless Amanita caesarea, much
prized on the Continent but absent from this country. To
many the very word fungus suggests something
mysterious, something morbid. Some of the early
herbalists seeking a derivation for the word found it in
funus (a funeral) and ago (to put in motion):
John Ray while doubting its correctness considered it
appropriate. Amanita caesarea is one of the few
species that can be recognised with certainty from the
old descriptions. It was comparatively easy to describe
herbs, shrubs and trees clearly enough for them to be
recognised; indeed many of the old names are still used.
But toadstools are for the most part short-lived and
irregular in occurrence and their distinguishing
characters are not very easy to grasp. Consequently,
instead of clear descriptions of those species which were
known to be safe and those which are dangerous,
various rules were given for distinguishing the two
groups. These rules were repeated by the herbalists and
many of them have a world-wide currency even today.
The primary division into edible and poisonous species
influenced the classification of fungi until comparatively
recent times.
With the gradual recognition of the essential characters
for distinguishing species a more exact knowledge of the
gastronomic qualities of fungi was attained. As a result
we know that all rule-of-thumb methods for
differentiating between edible and poisonous species are
without the slightest value and, further, despite popular
belief, the number of poisonous fungi is not legion but is
very small: the plates in this booklet have had to be eked
out with edible fungi! The title `Poisonous Fungi' is
therefore somewhat misleading except in so far that all
have been described as such sometime or other. With the
realisation that most fleshy fungi are non-poisonous
there is difficulty in defining the common terms
mushroom and toadstool. So long as only the Field
Mushroom with, at most, one or two of its near relatives
were regarded as edible, it was easy to define a
mushroom as an edible fungus and a toadstool as a
poisonous one, as indeed is customary. If, however,
edibility is the criterion we have in this country
hundreds of mushrooms and possibly a dozen
toadstools, which completely reverses the picture.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary both
terms were originally applied indiscriminately to all
shaped fungi: the main definition of toadstool reads:
`A fungus having a round disk-like top and a slender
stalk, a mushroom'. It would be well to return to this
original use of toadstool and retain mushroom, so far
as possible, in its usually accepted sense as a member
of the genus Psalliota, i.e. for the Field Mushroom,
Horse Mushroom and their near relatives. The word
mushroom has a long history with numerous spellings:
in the fifteenth century we find musseroun and
muscheron. It is presumably the old French moisseron
(mousseron) derived from mousse, moss. The word
toadstool has an even longer history, appearing as
tadstole and tode stole in the fourteenth century;
todyshatte is an interesting variant. The derivation is
the obvious one: we have paddocstol (paddock-stool)
in the fifteenth century which recalls the modern
Dutch paddestoel.
Although since the outbreak of war many people in
this country have reconsidered their opinions about
edible fungi, the majority still believe that only the
Cultivated Mushroom is to be trusted. The Pauline
`Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking
no question' is religiously adopted. Two points,
however, need passing attention though they are
common to all foods. Fungi should be eaten fresh, for
as they age they may undergo change of themselves
or, more likely, be acted upon by other organisms
including moulds and bacteria and may be rendered
harmful. The practice in many London shops of
exposing mushrooms for sale so long as they retain
their shape should be forbidden.
The second point concerns personal idiosyncrasy
or allergy. Just as some people cannot without
discomfort partake of certain proteid-containing food
such as milk, butter, eggs, honey, tomatoes,
strawberries, fish, so some are made ill by the smallest
portion of a fungus which is perfectly harmless to
others. The idiosyncrasy varies: a particular species
only may cause trouble, or it may be many, or all.
Occasionally a drop of mushroom ketchup has an
effect out of all proportion to the amount of fungus
absorbed. The phenomenon
is not more frequent with fungi than with several
common foods, but its manifestation usually creates
more alarm, particularly if perchance there is not that
psychological sense of safety which purchase bestows.
Fungi as a whole are somewhat indigestible and
consequently a certain discretion is advisable concerning
the time and the amount of the meal by those needing to
pay attention to such matters. There are, however, some
species which are especially indigestible. One
noteworthy example is the Yellow Staining Mushroom
(Psalliota xanthoderma, Pl. I2). Some other species
figured are also very indigestible, though the gastro-
intestinal effects they produce in some people may be
due to definite resinoid substances which act on the
mucous lining of the intestine. This is certainly so with
Entoloma lividum (P1. 9) where the symptoms are very
severe and may be fatal.
Several species which cause purging were formerly
held in high esteem. The most celebrated was `Agarick'
(Polyporus officinalis) which was regarded as a
panacea and is still on sale as White, or Purging Agaric.
The other poisonous species may be classified as:
1. Those containing substances which after a long
incubation period bring about the degeneration of
the cells of the body: Amanita phalloides (Pl. 1),
Amanita verna and Amanita virosa (Pl. 2) are
deadly. The rare Lepiota helveola (Pl. 6) belongs
to this group but is much less dangerous.
2. Those containing substances which paralyse the
nervous system: Amanita muscaria (Pl. 4),
Amanita pantherina (Pl. 5) and Inocybe
Patouillardi (Pl. 11).
3. Those containing substances which destroy the red
blood corpuscles: Gyromitra esculenta (Pl. 16).
For convenience of reference the details of symptoms are
given with the descriptions of the several species.
Although all British toadstools known definitely to be
poisonous are described and illustrated it should not be
assumed that the remainder can be eaten with impunity,
if not always with relish, for obviously large numbers
have not been sampled, even excluding those having
insufficient substance or too much tenacity to be of
culinary interest. Indeed there is evidence that a few
other species have caused illness, but sometimes this
has followed the consumption of uncooked specimens
or there is some other factor of uncertainty. Though
abroad some toadstools are eaten raw in salads it is not
a practice to follow without proper consideration, for
some fungi which are perfectly safe when cooked are
discomforting when not.
If the descriptions and the accompanying plates are
studied, the poisonous species will be found to have no
structural or other character in common. Despite popular
belief to the contrary, there is only one practical way of
distinguishing between edible and poisonous toadstools.
This experimental method is sure, but the result may not
profit a man. Moreover it is unnecessary, for we have the
data from many unvolitional trials. Among those who
thus contributed to our knowledge were many exalted
personages whose names are immortalised in
mycological writings. Pope Clement VII and Emperor
Charles VI are always included, though apparently
without warrant: the latter was so fond of fungi that he
forbade their use in his States lest there should be a
As with other foods the only safe method to follow is
to rely on the experience of one's predecessors. There are
many toadstools which are perfectly wholesome and
readily distinguished. Indiscriminate eating of others may
render the consumer meet for repentance or beyond it.
An expression frequently used is that certain
toadstools `look poisonous'. This usually refers to colour,
though sometimes it is shape or structure. Bright colours
are most often supposed to be danger signals, but all
colours except white, cream or pale yellow arouse
suspicion. Colour, however, is of no significance of itself
in determining whether a fungus is poisonous or not: its
importance lies in its being one of
the main characters which distinguish one species from
another. Similarly with shape and structure. The Field
Mushroom is presumably taken as the model by which
all other species are judged, so the more a fungus differs
from this pattern the more likely is it thought to deviate
from perfection as food. Moreover the doctrine of
signatures still has its hold and a fungus with a fancied
resemblance to something unpleasant is assumed to be
itself objectionable. Whatever the shape or structure of a
toadstool, whatever it reminds one of, are not of the
slightest value in determining whether it is wholesome.
Many fungi have characteristic smells which to an
experienced collector serve as an aid to identification.
Smells are very difficult to define. People differ in their
sensitiveness and in their criteria of association. A scent
may be pleasing to one, intolerable to another, and
undetected by a third apart from any difference in general
olfactory sensibility. We have no means of defining scent
except by comparison, and as this is not usually made
directly but from memory there may be considerable
variety in describing that of a given fungus.
There is a great range of odours among toadstools.
That of the Field Mushroom is sufficiently marked to be
characterised for purposes of comparison as a mushroom
smell, the commonest met with. Many species have the
odour of new meal; a few smell of rancid meal. Several
have the sweet smell of anise. Many species have scents
resembling that of fruits; others suggest flowers -jasmine,
hyacinth, musk; many smell of garlic; several have a
radishy smell. And so on-fish, crab, goat-moth, coal-gas,
ammonia, prussic acid, acetylene. Several species have
the offensive smell of bed-bugs and, less commonly,
stronger terms than scent, smell and odour are called for,
with occasional allusions not usually considered proper.
Most frequently a good sniff is needed to detect what
odour there is; sometimes, however, it is noticeable
anywhere in the neighbourhood of the fungus;
occasionally it is necessary
to bruise or cut a specimen for it to become manifest.
Dried specimens often retain their special odour for many
years. It might be thought that smell would give a clue to
edibility, but unfortunately this is not so. None of the
British poisonous species has an unpleasant smell and the
deadly poisonous species of Amanita are odourless.
It has been a common belief from earliest times that if
the flesh of a fungus changes colour when cut or broken,
it is poisonous. Some species of Boletus, e.g. Boletus
luridus, almost instantly become a vivid blue when
broken; other fungi become reddish, yellowish or
blackish and the `milk' of some species of Lactarius
gradually changes colour. None of these colour changes
is of any significance in denoting the presence of
poisonous substances. The bright blues are doubtless
disconcerting when preparing a fungus for cooking but
they are not danger signals. The Field Mushroom (Psal-
liota campestris) and the Horse Mushroom (Psalliota
arvensis) change colour slightly, the flesh of the first
becoming slightly reddish, that of the second yellowish:
other mushrooms show a stronger coloration, red in
Psalliota haernorrhoidaria, yellow in the Yellow
Staining Mushroom (Psalliota xarithoderma, Pl. 12).
The change of colour is a chemical phenomenon.
Certain substances, which because of their properties are
called chromogens (e.g. boletol in Boletus spp.; tyrosin
in Russula spp.), occur in the flesh together with
oxydising exzymes (lactase, tyrosinase) which act upon
them in the presence of oxygen and moisture and as a
result the chromogens acquire a new, sometimes a vivid
colour. On continued contact with air the flesh may
undergo a series of colour changes due to a gradual
alteration in the chromogen.
The most widely current belief is that edible fungi
`peel'. This relic of antiquity is relied on by many to
distinguish the Field Mushroom from all other species.
Whether the skin of the cap can be removed or not
depends upon a structural character. If the epidermis is
formed of two different
kinds of tissue so that there are two distinct layers,
the outer skin can be removed; if it is in one layer, it is
too closely applied to the underlying tissue to come away
without tearing. Members of the same genus may differ
in this respect: thus Russula emetica has a separable
pellicle whereas Russula drimeia has not (Pl. 8).
Whether or not a fungus will peel is a character of a
species, but it gives no clue to edibility. The Field
Mushroom peels, but so does the Death Cap. A failure to
realise this led to two deaths at Ipswich last year (1944).
Almost equally current is the similarly antique belief
that a poisonous fungus is revealed in cooking if a silver
spoon is turned black, though probably it is rarely tried.
Silver is blackened by sulphides but presumably is not
affected by any fungus, certainly not by Amanita
phalloides. It is difficult to account for the origin of this
belief. Possibly it is connected with the idea of many
ancient authors that fungi have a natural affinity for
poisonous substances and readily absorb them:
specimens which grew near serpent's holes, rusty nails,
rotten rags, or even on trees bearing noxious fruits, were
rendered harmful through imbibing deleterious
substances and vapours. A poisonous fungus when
cooked apparently released these and they were attracted
to the silver and discoloured it. Indeed in southern Italy,
where the harmful effect of neighbouring metals on a
fungus is still believed in, it is customary to put a piece of
metal in the water in which fungi are cooked with the
notion that any poisonous substance attaches itself to the
metal. Somewhat similar in kind are the tests which
replace the silver spoon with onion, parsley or other
vegetable; and similar in value.
Connected with these ideas is the one which considers
fungi harmful, if they grow in highly manured ground,
regardless of the fact that manure is the normal habitat of
the form of the Field Mushroom which gave rise to the
cultivated races. Several other edible fungi favour a rich
The taste of some fungi is intensely acrid, that of
others very bitter, whereas that of the majority is mild.
Taste, like colour and smell, is a specific character.
Indeed in the large genus Russula, some classifications
make taste a primary division. Though it is unwise to eat
an acrid species uncooked, taste is no real guide to safety.
None of the really dangerous fungi has a sharp taste.
No reliance should be placed on the fact that a species is
nibbled by some animal or other. Rabbits, for example,
are not usually affected by Amanita phalloides, simply
because their stomach contents are able to neutralise the
poison. Slugs have so different a mode of food
assimilation from ours that it is absurd to rely on them as
indicators: they thrive on the deadly poisonous species of
All other tests are similarly useless, such as that edible
fungi grow in fields and not in woods, in grass and not on
or under trees, occur early in the season and so on. To
know whether a species is edible or poisonous it is
necessary to be able to recognise it and to learn its
reputation. No rule-of-thumb method is safe. Indeed by
every one of the usual tests the deadly poisonous
Amanita phalloides, Amanita verna and Amanita virosa
would be considered perfectly safe, whereas the Field
Mushroom would give rise to doubts.
From earliest times there have been suggestions for
rendering all toadstools safe to eat. Pliny says that
`vinegar being a nature diametrically opposed to them
neutralises their dangerous qualities'. Later salt and
alcohol were among the reasonable suggestions for
neutralising the poison in fungi; the mixtures
recommended for curing poisoning and the mithridates
for immunising against poisoning were often so strange
and complex that a knowledge of their constituents would
be sufficient to empty a normal stomach.
In 1851 F. Gerard, a naturalist attached to the Jardin
des Plantes, Paris, published the results of experiments
showing that Amanita phalloides and other poisonous
fungi can be rendered innocuous by cutting them up and
macerating them
in water with added vinegar and salt for two hours, then
thoroughly washing, and boiling in water. At that time the
fear of poisoning was so great that only the Cultivated
Mushroom was allowed in Paris markets. Gerard's
method had many advocates and for a time was
mentioned in the Instructions to French Army Officers. It
is believed that he was finally the victim of his
Fabre in an essay included in The Life of a Fly relates
that he had never heard of even a mild case of mushroom
poisoning in the thirty years he had lived at Serignan,
though the people gathered a little of everything to add to
their modest alimentary resources. The custom in the
district is to blanch the toadstools by bringing them to the
boil in water with a little salt in it; afterwards a few
rinsings in cold water and then cooking according to
taste. Though he praises the method, the only harmful
species Fabre mentions as having tried is Amanita
pantherina. Blanching with or without the addition of
vinegar has long been practised by country people in
many parts of the world. According to Fabre fungi which
have been blanched become much more digestible, there
is no loss of succulence and hardly any of flavour. The
precaution is unnecessary if only species known to be
edible are cooked, and these are usually far more
abundant than poisonous ones.
The average size of each fungus is given in inches at the
beginning of the description


The genus Amanita includes the three deadly species
Amanita phalloides (Pl. 1) Amanita verna and
Amanita virosa (Pl. 2), and the two poisonous species
Amanita muscaria (Pl. 4) and Amanita pantherina
(Pl. 5). Not all members of the genus are harmful,
howeverAmanita rubesceris is a well-known edible
The name Amanita is the Greek Amanitai (au avitai),
thought to be derived from Mount Amanon in Cilicia.
Apparently it was the name for the Field Mushroom which
grows abundantly in Greece and is still called Amanites
(auavitns) or more popularly Manitari (uavitapi). When the
name was first used in a generic sense, it was applied to
several edible species including the Field Mushroom, but it
has had its present significance for well over a century. The
main characters of the genus are white spores, white gills
which are more or less free with shorter intermediate ones,
a ring on the stem and a volva or wrapper which
completely encloses the young fungus. The behaviour of
the volva depends on its structure. Where it is composed
mainly of thin-branched hyphae with few rather elongated
thickwalled cells it holds together and splits to allow the
passage through it of the cap as growth proceeds. The
remains of the volva are left as a cup at the base of the
stem, as shown in fig. I and in Plates I & 2. Though
occasionally in dry weather parts of the volva may adhere
to the cap, usually this is free from all trace of it. When,
however, the volva is composed of few hyphae and many
thick-walled spherical cells it has not sufficient tenacity to
hold together as the cap is pressed against it by the
elongating stem and breaks into wart-like portions which
remain on the cap, as shown in fig. 2 and in Plates 4 & 5.
An intermediate condition occurs in Amanita mappa (Pl. 3)
where portions of the volva remain on the cap as irregular

Fig. 1. Amanita phalloides.

a, early stage with volva
b, fully open with volva as a
cup at the base of the stem.
The base of the stem is always swollen. In species with a
friable volva there is an ornamentation at the base of the
stem which varies according to the amount of adhesion in
the early stages of growth and the proportion of thick-
walled cells (see fig. 3).
In the young stage a membranous veil encloses the young
gills. As the cap expands the membrane is torn from the
edge of the cap and remains as a ring attached to the stem;
it frequently shows striations on its upper surface which
are impressions left by the developing gills.

Fig. 2. Amanita muscaria.

a, early stage with volva
b, fully open with volva
torn into warts on the cup
and rings of concentric
scales at the base of the



Average width of cap 3½”, Average height of stem 4½”
Average width of stem 5/8th”.
This deadly fungus is common in woods and
adjoining pastures in late summer and early autumn. In
its youngest stages it looks much like an egg half buried
in the soil, until the outer membrane tears and the cap
gradually emerges. The cap is fleshy and hemispherical
at first, then finally flattens, varying in colour, usually an
olivaceous green or yellowish green with a darker centre
but occasionally brownish, yellow, or rarely even
whitish; the skin is satiny when dry and somewhat viscid
in wet weather; the surface is finely streaked with
radiating dark fibrils. The gills are crowded and white,
often with a greenish or yellowish reflection. The stem is
whitish often with a tinge of green, solid at first, often
becoming hollow, with a well-marked large white or
greenish ring;
Plate 1 - Amanita phalloides
it is somewhat narrowed upwards with a striate apex and
its bulbous base is surrounded by a large white or
yellowish persistent volva, often greenish or yellowish
within, which is free for half its length and has a lax
margin. The flesh is white but shows a tinge of the
colour of the cap below the readily separable skin. It is
practically tasteless and without smell until it begins to
decay, when it is fetid.
The differences in colour of the cap seem to depend
upon conditions of growth. In dry weather the thin outer
layer of the stem breaks into squamules showing the
white flesh below, giving a wellmarked marbled
appearance. The ring remains attached to the cap for a
long time; it often dries rapidly and sticks to the stem as
a brownish skin.
Amanita phalloides is responsible for over go per
cent of the recorded deaths by fungus poisoning.
Moreover more than So per cent of the cases of
poisoning are fatal; the percentage has been put so high
as go. The symptoms usually follow the same course. No
discomfort is felt for ten to twelve hours, an almost
diagnostic sign. Then there are sudden and intense
abdominal pains with vomiting, diarrhoea and extreme
thirst. Usually there is quiescence after two days, but
this is the most dangerous period. The various symptoms
recur in a more intense form and usually the nervous
system is gradually paralysed, the liver degenerates,
there is delirium, collapse and death. Other symptoms,
no more pleasant, also occur and several distinct clinical
forms have been recognised. If very little of the fungus
has been eaten the symptoms may abate after two or
three days; a surprisingly small amount, however, will
cause illness and even death. Where there is recovery it
is slow and there is prolonged convalescence.
Owing to the long incubation period ordinary simple
measures for ridding the stomach of its contents are
obviously not sufficient to remedy the harm already

Fig. 3. Base of stem.

From left to right: Amanita phalloides,
Amanita mappa, Amanita muscaria,
Amanita pantherina
The Institut Pasteur has produced an antiphalloidian
serum which has given good results when injected soon
after the meal, either hypodermically or intravenously in a
dose of at least 40 c.c. No ill effects follow injection.
Serum is produced by immunising sheep.
Based on a century-old French treatment intravenous
injections of glucose (20-25 per cent) are now given in
Germany, and good results are reported. The poisoning
carries in its train a shortage of sugar in the blood
(hypoglycaemia), probably by its effect on the liver.
A similar recent French treatment is to administer
common salt solution either orally or intravenously in 20
c.c. doses of 20 per cent strength. Various physiological
hypotheses have been put forward to account for the
reported success of this treatment.
A treatment of a different kind consists in feeding a
patient with the whole stomachs of three rabbits chopped
up with the brains of seven, the assumption being that the
essential poison contains two distinct portions, a toxin
(hepatic) which causes degeneracy of liver and kidneys
and irritates the intestine, and a toxin (neuro) which acts
upon the central nervous system, bringing about
progressive paralysis. The rabbit, like some other animals,
is immune to small portions of the fungus, so its stomach
contents must contain some substance capable of
neutralising the hepatic toxin; the central nervous system
of the rabbit is not affected, so it is assumed that the brain
contains some antidote to the neuro-toxin. It has been said
in favour of the treatment that seven rabbits are more
readily procurable than serum and that these need not
even be lost to the table.
Much research has been carried out to discover the
poisonous principle. The first substance to be isolated was
phallin, a glucoside which attacks the red corpuscles of
the blood. It was assumed that this was the active poison,
but it is readily destroyed by heat and by digestive juices.
Moreover the symptoms of Amanita phalloides
poisoning are not those of haemolysis. Two other
substances have been isolated: Amanita-toxin (Amanitin)
with a complicated and undefined chemical structure,
which resists the action of heat, of drying and of the
digestive juices, and phalloidin, a polypeptide, which is
quickly active though destroyed by heat. Death through
eating the fungus is apparently due to the heat-resistant
Amanitatoxin which in experimental animals produces the
majority of the lesions described in human post-mortems.


Average width of cap 3", height of stem 5", width of
stem 3/8th.
Average width of cap 5", height of sterm 7½"
width of stem 5/8th"
Amanita verna and Amanita virosa are both closely
allied to Amanita phalloides and are often regarded as
varieties or sub-species. They are just as poisonous and
probably more dangerous because, being white, they are
more readily mistaken for Mushrooms, from which they
are clearly distinguished by the persistently white gills
and the membranous volva at the base of the stem,
though this may be left in the ground if the specimen is
gathered carelessly. Both are rare in this country.
Amanita verna closely resembles Amanita phalloides
but is usually entirely white, though the centre of the cap
may be slightly tinted ochraceous. The stem is fairly long
and slender and the volva is usually more sheathing. It
grows in woods, especially beech, in summer and early
autumn: in spite of the specific epithet it rarely appears in
spring. J. Bauhin called it Fungus stultorum-the fungus
of fools, presumably because in its young stage it was
mistaken for Amanita caesarea.

In Amanita virosa the cap is at first conical, often

somewhat asymmetrical, and when expanded is always
rather umbonate. The slender stem is floccosely scaly
with an incomplete silky ring which is usually lower on
one side and often remains attached to the edge of the
cap. The volva is lax and wide. It occurs in damp woods
in summer and autumn.
Plate 2 - Amanita verna (a) Amanita virosa (b)


Average width of cap 3", height of stem 3¾",
width of stem ½"

This species is often confused with Amanita phalloides.

The cap, however, is usually lemon-yellow or white,
with no trace of green, is without dark radiating fibrils
and normally retains irregular patches of the volva: the
fancied resemblance of these patches to a map accounts
for the specific epithet. The chief difference is in the
bulbous base of the stem, which is truncate with a short
thick margin often showing the projecting torn edge of
the enclosing white, yellow or brownish volva, separated
from the rest of the stem by a distinct groove. The cap is
fleshy, hemispherical then spread out, shiny in dry
weather with white or yellow patches which become
ochre or brownish. The gills are white, often with a
yellowish edge, crowded and narrow. The stem is
slender, solid then hollow, white or tinted yellow, and
striate above the white membranous ring. The flesh is
white but is often yellowish below the separable skin of
the cap. It has a smell resembling that of raw potatoes
and an insipid then disagreeable taste. It grows in woods,
especially beech, in summer and autumn.
Until recently Amanita mappa was generally thought
to be very poisonous. It is now known to be harmless,
though worthless because of its offensive flavour.

Plate 3 - Amanita mappa



Average width of cap 7”, height of stern 10”, width
of stem 1”
This beautiful fungus is well known, for not only is
it conspicuous and common in woodlands in autumn,
but it often figures in nursery pictures, as table
decorations, in films such as Fantasia
and serves as a model for children's toys. The cap is
scarlet or orange-red, slightly viscid, shiny and dotted
with thick white or yellowish wart-like patches which
are often arranged more or less concentrically; roundish
when young, it expands until it is flat with a striate edge.
The crowded gills are white or tinted with yellow, thick,
with a minutely toothed edge. The stem is white or
tinted yellow, stuffed then hollow, often scaly, striate
above the ring, nearly cylindrical except for the bulbous
base which is encircled by several more or less distinct
zones of white or yellowish squamules: the ring is white
or edged with yellow. The flesh is white except under
the separable skin of the cap where it is orange-yellow.
The taste is pleasant and there is no appreciable smell. It
grows mostly under birches but also occurs under pines.
When conditions are damp the cap may slip through t he
volva without tearing it and is then without spots.
The specific epithet muscaria refers to the fact first
mentioned by Albertus Magnus, in the 13th century, that
the fungus broken up in milk kills flies. In country
districts on the Continent the method is still used, though
in Poland and Czechoslovakia sugar solution replaces
milk, or sugar is sprinkled on the cap. In Rumania the
fungus is frequently placed on window-sills to discourage
flies from entering. It was formerly employed in this
country and in Sweden for getting rid of bugs, which
accounts for the name Bug Agaric which is occasionally
met with.
Amongst the Koryak tribes of north-cast Siberia the
fungus is eaten to produce a state of excessive emotion on
occasions which seem to warrant it. For over two centuries
it has been known that to prolong the festivities use is
made of the fact that the stimulant is eliminated by the
kidneys. According to Scandinavian tradition the Vikings
ate Amanita muscaria to go berserk. It figures in homoeo-
pathy as Agaricus or Aga formerly as one of the
Though popularly regarded as the most poisonous
toadstool, Amanita muscaria never causes death in healthy
people. Usually one to three hours or so after a meal there
is a period of delirium and hallucinations, sometimes
accompanied by intestinal disturbances. After a few hours
this is followed by intense stupor and an awakening to
complete forgetfulness.
The poison resides principally in the skin of the cap, but
there is good evidence of considerable variation in the
amount present. The fungus is eaten in some regions
apparently without ill effect; but the price in the barren
Steppes, three or four reindeer for a single specimen,
suggests considerable potency.
The first poison to be isolated was muscarine (myco-
muscarine) which is present in small amounts. It has well-
marked effects but they are not those characteristic of
poisoning by Amanita muscaria. Later another alkaloid
was isolated which, because its effects on the central
nervous system are similar to those produced by atropine,
is usually called mycetoatropine (muscaridine) though its
precise chemical constitution is not known. A third
alkaloid, choline, occurs in fairly large amounts and is
probably responsible for the gastrointestinal symptoms
which sometimes occur.
Plate 4 - Amanita muscaria


Average width of cap 4”, height of stem 5”, width of
stem ½”
This species is liable to be confused with the edible
Amanita rubescens, but the flesh and gills do not
redden, the cap is always some shade of brown with
numerous small white warts and the base of the stem is
surrounded by circular remnants of the volva.
The cap is convex then spread out, fleshy, brownish
grey, brown or yellowish brown and darker in the
centre; it is a little viscid when damp and shiny when
dry and has a striate edge. The gills are white and
crowded. The stem is white, stuffed then hollow, often
narrower and striate above, and the bulbous base is
surrounded by a membranous border with one or more
scaly bracelets above it which are the remains of the
volva; the ring is attached obliquely about the middle of
the stem and is thin and often fugaceous. The flesh is
white with a slight smell of radish and a mild taste. It
grows in woods, heaths and pastures in summer and
Amanita pantherina is poisonous. The symptoms are
similar to those produced by Amanita muscaria but are
apparently more serious.

Plate 5 - Amanita pantheri



Average width of cap 1¼", height of stem 1½", width of
stem ¼"
Average width of cap 1½” height of stem 5½” width of
stem 3/16 th” There are a number of small species of
Lepiota which are brownish with an admixture of pink.
All are rare in this country, and there is still uncertainty
about their specific differences. As, however, one or more
of them cause symptoms resembling mild Amanita
phalloides poisoning, an inclusive description is given.
Lepiota helveola has a rounded then flattened cap,
sometimes with a slight central prominence, at first
covered with an ochre-brown cuticle which becomes
flushed with pink or lilac-colour especially in damp
weather and tears, except on the disk, into numerous
scales showing a white or pinkish surface between. The
gills are white, then cream-colour, crowded and have a
fimbriate edge. The stem is cylindrical, hollow,
concolorous with the cap and covered with silky fibrils;
the ring is in the form of an annular bracelet. The flesh is
white, often becoming slightly pinkish when cut, with a
pleasant smell and a sourish taste. It grows amongst grass
in autumn.

Lepiota cristata has the cap at first campanulate and

covered with a brownish or reddish brown cuticle; later,
as the cap becomes convex, the cuticle breaks up except
in the centre, where there i usually a boss, and shows as
concentric circles of small scales looking as if they were
encrusted in a white satiny surface. The gills are white or
whitish, crowded, thin and attached to a sort of collarette
which separates them from the stem. The slender hollow
stem is white and silky and often tinged with pink or
yellow, especially towards the base, from which white
branching mycelial fibres spread in the soil; the ring is
membranous, white and fugaceous. The flesh is white, the
taste unpleasant and the smell strong and disagreeable. It
grows from spring to autumn in grassy places.
Because of the disagreeable smell and unpleasant
taste Lepiota cristata is usually considered suspect. It is
not poisonous
Plate 6 - Lepiota helveola (a) Lepiota cristata (b)


Average width of cap 6, height of stem z, width of stem 1

In this species the milk is white and has a very acrid
taste. The cap is convex at first with the strongly
inrolled margin hiding the gills and covered with a
whitish woolly felt; later, on expansion, it becomes
depressed in the middle; it is viscid when moist and is
usually rosy pink or pale orange-red, though it may be
almost white, with darker concentric zones and a paler
margin. The gill: are thin, decurrent and yellowish pink.
The stem is coloured like the cap but paler and
sometimes has small superficial pits; it is firn and
brittle and finally becomes hollow. The flesh is pinkish.
I occurs in summer and autumn in woods and on heaths,
frequently under birches.
Lactarius torminosus is not really poisonous, though,
like all acrid species of Lactarius, it acts as an irritant
when eaten raw-torminosus means griping. Cooking
destroys the acrid principle. It is the favourite toadstool
in Finland, where it is boiled in water, eaten at once or
salted down. It is eaten also in neighbouring countries. In
Norway it is strongly roasted and added to coffee.

Plate 7 - Lactarius torminosus

Average width of cap 4”, height of stein 3”, width of
stem 1”
Average width of cap 2 ¾” , height of stein 2”, width of
stem 3/8”
Average width of cap 4, height of stein 22, width of stein
Average width of cap 4”, height of stein 3”, width of
stem ¾”
The genus Russula much resembles Lactarius but no
milk is exuded when the brittle flesh is broken. Many of
the species are brightly coloured. Most have a mild taste
and are edible. Others have an acrid taste and are
usually considered poisonous; though whatever irritant
substance they may contain is dispersed in cooking,
they are best avoided.
Russula emetica has a cap convex then flattened or
depressed, punk then a shiny bright red, but readily
losing colour and fading to pink, yellow or white: the
edge is at first smooth but later becomes furrowed; the
skin is easily removed. The gills are shining white,
more or less free and somewhat crowded. The stem is
rigid and white or tinted pink. The flesh is firm and
white, pink under the skin of the cap. The taste is very
acrid after a few seconds and persistent; the smell is
pleasant. It occurs in woods in summer and autumn,
different forms being associated with beeches and
Russula fragilis much resembles Russula emetica, but
though the cap is typically bright red there is a much
wider range of colour. It is usually smaller and the cap
has a striate edge. The stem is spongy then hollow, and
very fragile. The flesh is not pink under the skin of the
cap. The taste is immediately very acrid and is not so
durable: the smell is pleasant. It occurs in woods in
summer and autumn. The commonest form has a red cap.
Some colour forms have been given varietal names.
Russula fellea is entirely pale ochraceous. The cap is
convex then flattened, viscid, the centre darker, the margin
thin and striate. The gills are adnate, thin and somewhat
crowded, and are white at first and exude watery drops.
The stem is cylindrical, white, then the colour of the cap
but paler. The flesh is firm, whitish then pale ochraceous.
The taste is very acrid and bitter, the smell pleasant. It
grows in beech woods in late summer and autumn.
Russula drimeia has a bright purple or brown-violet
cap, darker in the middle, and decoloured by rain; it is
convex with an incurved margin then flat or depressed, a
little viscid. The gills are adnate and somewhat crowded,
citron-yellow then sulphur-yellow. The stem is solid and
firm, concolorous with the cap but paler. The flesh is
compact, yellowish then white, purplish under the skin.
The taste is very acrid and the smell pleasant. It grows in
coniferous woods in autumn.
There is a variety (Queletii) which has white gills.
Plate 8 - Russula fragilis (a) Russula fellea (c)
Russula emetica (b) Russula drimeia (d)
Average width of cap 5, height of stem 3, width of
stem L
The genus Entoloma has pink spores and, typically,
sinuate gills. The cap in Entoloma lividum is tawny or
greyish, often turning white here and there: it is hard and
compact, roundish and regular at first with a thin, mealy,
strongly inrolled edge, and then flattened, except for the
central fleshy disk, with the edge becoming irregularly
raised; the skin is finely silky. The gills are yellowish
then pink, often with a yellow edge. The stem is shining
white, and firm, somewhat swollen above or below; the
apex is mealy and there are fine striations on its surface.
The white fragile flesh has first at agreeable smell and
taste of meal, but the pleasantness is not lasting it grows
in grassy places in autumn, especially in deciduous
It often causes violent sickness and diarrhoea, and
occasional death It is known about Dijon as 'le grand
empoisonneur de la Cote d'Or'.

Plate 9 - Entoloma lividum


Average width of cap 4¼ ”, height of stem 2¼” ,
width of stem 1”
Average width of cap 4½ ” , height of stem 7”, width of
stem ½”
The genus Hebeloma has brown spores and,
typically, sinuate gills. Hebeloma crustuliniforme has
the cap convex, then spread out with often a flattened
central boss and a thin undulating edge; it is pale
yellow, brown or reddish, darker in the centre, and at
first viscid. The gills are white then clay-coloured, and
finally date-brown, crowded and with an uneven edge:
in wet weather, or after heavy dew, drops of liquid are
exuded from the gill edges and show as spots on
drying. The whitish stem is short, stuffed then hollow
and often thickened at the base; the apex has white
squamules which become coloured brownish when
covered with the falling spores. The flesh is white and
firm and has the smell and taste of radish. Often
growing in rings in grassy places in woods in autumn,
it suggests a row of rolls coming from a baker's oven-
hence crustulinif orme.
Hebeloma crustulin iforme is very indigestible, and
the persistent taste of radish after cooking makes it
The genus Volvaria has pink spores, free gills and a
membranous volva.
In Volvaria gloiocephala the cap is first campanulate
and finally spread out but with a central prominence; it
is glutinous, and is entirely smoky grey, or white with
the disk greyish, and has a striate edge. The gills are
crowded, white and then salmon-pink. The stem is
white, later often grey or tawny, at first mealy, cylindrical
but usually narrowed above and swollen at the base and
surrounded by the white or grey persistent volva. The
flesh is soft and white with an unpleasant taste and smell.
It grows in grass usually on heaps of rubbish, straw or
manure in summer and autumn; occasionally on thatched
roofs and on vegetable remains in sand dunes.
Formerly this species was regarded as deadly
poisonous. It is harmless and is much eaten in Portugal
and Algeria.
Plate 10 - Hebeloma crustuliniforme (a)
Volvaria gloiocephala (b)

Average width of cap 2”, height of stem 3½”, width
of stern ½”


Average width of cap ¾”, height of stem 2”, width
of stem ½”

In the genus Inocybe the surface of the cap is usually

covered with radiating fibrils or is somewhat scaly: the
spores are dull brown. Most species are small, some are
poisonous and none is known to be edible.
Inocybe Patouillardi is at first wholly creamy white,
then becomes pinky yellow and finally more or less
completely vermilion or brownish red: in the young
stage it immediately stains red on handling as in the
drawings which were of specimens bruised in the post.
The cap is fleshy, conical, campanulate at first with an
inrolled margin, covered with silky fibrils; later it
flattens out but retains an acute boss in the centre, and
the margin may become lobed and torn. The gills are
almost free, crowded, whitish pink then rusty brown or
olivaceous with a white floccose edge, becoming
blotched with red. The stem is rather stout, solid,
slightly swollen at the base, mealy at the top. The flesh
is firm and white and reddens slightly, particularly in
the stem. The smell is rather strong and fruity and the
taste is mild. It occurs in summer in deciduous woods,
especially beech. There are several species of Inocybe
which redden on touching and it is very difficult to
distinguish between them except on microscopic
Inocybe Patouillardi has caused occasional deaths.
There was a fatality in Surrey in 1937: others who
partook of the fungus in a more reasonable manner had
giddiness then profuse sweats and vomiting. Some
soldiers who ate what was probably this fungus in 1925
had the same symptoms though not all suffered ill effects.
The poisoning is of the Amanita muscaria type.
In Inocybe geophylla the silky fibrillose cap is conical
with an inrolled margin then spread out with a central
boss; it is of varied colour, white, yellowish, fawn,
reddish, lilac or blue, often with the centre a different
colour. The gills are crowded, usually free, at first
whitish and finally pale ochraceous. The stem is whitish,
or a paler colour than the cap, solid and firm, satiny, with
a mealy apex and slightly thickened base. The flesh is
white, the smell earthy and the taste insipid. It occurs in
woods from late summer to winter.
The lilac-coloured specimens are var. lilacina. The
colour is lost after a day or so in darkness but is regained
with exposure to light. Inocybe geophylla is often said to
be poisonous but there is no definite information about it.
Plate 11 - Inocybe Patouillardi (a)
Inocybe geophylla (b)


Average width of cap 3½”, height of stem 4”,

width of stem ¾”
This is a true mushroom: it has purple-brown spores,
free gills and a rung on the stem.
The skin instantly becomes bright yellow where touched
or rubbed, and the flesh at the base of the stem shows the
same colour when cut or broken: the yellow changes
gradually to brown. The cap is at first bell-shaped but
flattened in the middle, becoming convex and finally
spread out; it is usually pure white with a silky sheen.
The gills are crowded, at first white then, after a time,
pinkish and finally purple-brown. The stem is long,
cylindrical, flexuous, and swollen into a well-marked
bulbous base; it is white and silky, at first floccose
within, then hollow, with a thin, membranous white ring.
The flesh generally is white, the taste strong, the smell
usually unpleasant. It grows, often in circles, in pastures,
hedgerows and woodlands in summer and autumn.
Though not poisonous it is very indigestible and causes
illness in some people.
Varieties occur which have the cap more or less
The Horse Mushroom (Psalliota arvensis) often has
patches of yellow on the cap and stem but the colour is
permanent and much duller than in Psalliota

Plate 12 - Psalliota xanthoderma

Average width of cap 6”, height of stem 3”, width
of stem 3”
This most handsome Boletus has a dirty white or
greyish cap often with a tinge of olive, smooth and soft
to the touch, at first hemispherical with the thin inrolled
margin reaching the stem, then more flattened. The
tubes are yellow or greenish yellow, short and almost
free from the stem; the pores are rather small and
rounded, at first yellow, then bright crimson though
sometimes remaining yellow at the margin. The short
swollen stem is usually yellow above and below, and
bright red in the middle; it is covered with a close
network of bright red veins which become laxer and
paler below. The flesh is white or yellowish white and
reddens in the stem and cap when exposed to the air and
then slowly becomes bluish green. The taste is mild and
the smell slight. It occurs in late summer in woods,
heaths and pastures on chalky soil.
All parts of the fungus turn blue when rubbed.
Boletus Satanas was so called because when first
described over a century ago it had caused sickness and
diarrhoea in several who ate it, or merely tasted it, and
even by emanations given off from specimens that were
being examined. Though it may be that there are
differences in the toxicity of this species, its powers of
evil have been much overrated. It is probably very
indigestible and may contain some irritant substance. It
is eaten in Czechoslovakia and in parts of Italy, but there
is general agreement that it should not be eaten raw.

Plate 13 - Boletus Satanas

Average width of cap 4”, height of stem 4”, width
of stem 1¾
Average width of cap 3”, height o f stem 3”, width
of stem 1 ½
Boletus luridus is frequently mistaken for Boletus
Satanas, but the cap is some shade of brown and never
whitish, and the pores are orange-red or red-brown.
The cap varies in colour with weather conditions and
age from olive-brown when young to umber, reddish
brown, or buff; it is fleshy, thick, hemispherical then
convex and finely velvety. The tubes are yellow,
becoming blue or green when old; they are free and
shorter at the margin and near the stem so that there is a
circular depression; the small rounded pores are yellow
when young, changing to red-brown or orange-red and
turn blackish blue when bruised. The stem is short and
swollen at first but becomes elongated and more or less
cylindrical; it is yellow at the summit, washed with red
elsewhere, browning at the base, and ornamented with a
bloodred network. The flesh is thick and soft, yellow
except for a reddish zone under the tubes and at the base
of the stem; when broken it rapidly becomes blue after a
momentary violet-red stage, and, later, yellowish green.
The taste is mild and the smell feeble. It grows in woods
from summer to late autumn, and in heaths and pastures.
Boletus erythropus is very similar to Boletus luridus,
but its stem is covered with reddish dots, the flesh is
clear yellow under the tubes, and the cap is usually
darker brown and finely tomentose. It grows usually in
coniferous woods.
Both species are edible. The rapid change of colour
when the flesh is broken is doubtless responsible for the
widespread belief that they are very poisonous. The
flesh becomes yellow during cooking.
Plate 14 - Boletus luridus (a)
Boletus erythropus (b)


Average width of cap 4”, height of stern 4”, width
of stem 1¾”
When young, and the tubes still white, this species is
sometimes confused with Boletus edulis. The network on
the stem is, however,
more marked, and the taste is so bitter as to have been
described as unforgettable. Mature specimens are
distinguished at once by the pink tubes and pores. The
cap is pale yellowish, honey - or chestnutcolour,
hemispherical then flattened, and slightly pubescent. The
tubes are adnate and, like the angular pores, first white
then pink. The cylindric stem is a little paler than the cap
and is covered with a network which is very fine and
whitish at the apex and widens below towards the
swollen base, becoming chestnut-brown and finally
blackish. The white flesh becomes pinkish when cut. It
grows in woods, especially on calcareous soil, in summer
and autumn. Though not poisonous its intensely bitter
taste renders it inedible; a single specimen will ruin a

Plate 15 - Boletus felleus



Height 5”, width 6 ”
Average width of cap 5”, height of stem 2”, width of
sterm 2”
Many species of Clavaria are club-shaped growing
singly (fairy clubs), or tufted at the base. Other species
are branched (coral fungi); one of the most handsome of
these is Clavaria formosa, a very rare fungus in this
country, occurring in woods, especially under beech, in
summer and autumn, usually forming rings.
The base of the fungus is short and stout, white at first
then a pinkish buff. Above this there is repeated
branching which shows little sign of regularity; the
branches are elongated and erect, roundish or flattened,
and clearly grooved, orange- or salmon-pink, then
ochraceous with divided blunt yellow or pinkish yellow
tips. The flesh is white and very fragile with a slightly
acrid taste and a pleasant smell.
Clavaria formosa is usually regarded as edible but it
often causes purging.
Gyromitra is an Ascomycete closely related to the
Morels (Morchella). The cap of Gyromitra esculenta is
fawn then dark chestnutbrown, and characteristically
brain-like owing to the surface being irregularly folded
and grooved and turned in on to the stem, to which it is
joined here and there. The stem is whitish, smooth,
flattened, grooved, sometimes branched above. Both cap
and stem show irregular cavities when sectioned. The
flesh is white, waxy and very brittle with a pleasant taste
and smell. It grows in coniferous woods throughout the
spring, often appearing under the snow, particularly in
burnt or open places; also in the flat wet `slacks' of sand
Gyromitra esculenta is perfectly safe when cooked or
dried but has caused serious accidents and even death
when eaten raw. The poisoning is usually attributed to
helvellic acid which acts on the red blood-corpuscles, and
the symptoms recorded for earlier cases support this view.
However, numerous poisonings, particularly in Germany,
have shown that the action is not simple haemolysis, but
its true nature still remains in doubt. Large quantities of
the raw fungus are exported annually from Poland
principally to Germany. The factory workers suffer from
eye trouble either from the spores of the fungus or from
irritation by poison on the fingers.
Plate 16 - Clavaria formosa (a)
Gyromitra esculenta (b)

The standard work on the larger fungi is Carleton Rea,

British Basidiomycetae, Cambridge, 1922. An
introductory book with some coloured plates is E. W.
Swanton, Fungi and how to know them, Methuen, 2nd ed.
1923. The only full treatment of poisoning is in J.
Ramsbottom, A Handbook of the Larger British Fungi,
British Museum (Natural History), 1923 [Photofacsimile,
1944]. Edible and Poisonous Fungi, Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries, Bulletin No. 23. 4th ed.
(reprinted 1939) has coloured plates. J. Ramsbottom,
Fungi, Benns' Sixpenny Library, 1929, is an introduction
to Mycology, and Mushrooms and Toadstools, Collins,
1946, with kodachrome photographs is a general account.

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