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Quiz I Term III

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include networking being important for jobs, customizing your LinkedIn profile and connecting with others, using hashtags on Twitter, and making decisions based on available information and learning from past mistakes.

Some common social media platforms discussed include LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and Tumblr.

LinkedIn is for professionals, you can join groups to expand your network on it, and it's the largest professional network.

1) 50-60% jobs are found through networking

A. True
B. False
2) Which of the following is true about the title section in your LinkedIn
A. Use your current job title
B. Limit the amount of words in your title to 2-3
C. Be conservative vs. creative
D. Identify the expertise you have to offer
3) Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Update your info frequently
B. Connect with anyone, even if you dont know them
C. Join groups to expand your network
D. Customize your LinkedIn invitation to connect message
4) Your LinkedIn profile should be a mirror image of your resume
A. True
B. False
5) Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Limit your past work experience to 10-15 years
B. Its necessary to include the dates of your education degrees
C. Write your summary in first person
D. You can unlink from a connection without them knowing
6) You are writing a message on twitter-what is the maximum number of
characters you can use?
A. 120
B. 140
C. 160
D. 180
7) Which of the following is not a social media application?
A. Flickr
B. My Space
C. Linked In
D. All of these
E. None of These
8) The place on Facebook where you can leave public messages for your
friends is called?
9) Flickr allows users to create a map of exactly where a photo was taken?
A. True
B. False
10) You don't have to be an official representative of an organization to
create a Facebook page for that organization.
A. True
B. False
11) You have created a PowerPoint presentation that you want to embed
on a web page. A site that enables you to do that is?
A. YouTube
B. Vimeo
C. Slideshare
D. Soundslide
E. PPTme
12) You can modify your YouTube account so comments must be
approved before they are visible.
A. True
B. False
13) You want to create your own social network-a website for doing this
A. Vimeo
B. Scribd
C. Tumblr
D. Ning
E. None of the Above
14) What social networking site has a feature called "Answers" that
allows users to ask other members for professional advice?
A. Wikipedia
B. Cha Cha
C. Yahoo
D. Linked In
15) Which of these are all real twitter applications?
A. Twhirl, Tweetylicious, Twitterpost
B. Phweet, Twhirl, Tweetdeck
C. Tweetylicious, Tweetdeck, Tweet-r
16) You are the administrator of a Facebook group, what is the
maximum number of members you can have in your group if you want
to send a mass message to the entire group.
A. 500
B. 1,000
C. 5,000
D. 10,000
E. 50,000
17) What is the most popular day for tweets?
A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday
D. Monday
E. Tuesday
18) What was twitters original name?
A. Tweeter
B. Tweet
C. Twttr
D. Twit
E. Twtr
19) 15) What is YouTubes Slogan?
A. Broadcast Yourself
B. Just Video It
C. Think Different
D. Anytime Video
E. IVideo
20) Who is Mark Zuckenburg?
A. Founder of Apple
B. Founder of Google
C. Founder of Facebook
D. Founder of Twitter
E. Founder of MySpace
21) At last count Facebook had over this many active users?
A. 10 million
B. 80 million
C. 200 million
D. 400 million
E. 600 million
22) RSS Stands for?
A. Really Simple Syndication
B. Realistic Standards System
C. Reading Simple Style
D. Reading Social Style
E. Running Story Space
23) A social bookmarking website which allows signed-up users to
bookmark and tag webpages. Additionally, it allows users to highlight
any part of a webpage and attach sticky notes to a specific highlight or
whole page.
A. Digg
B. Delicious
C. Redd-it
D. Diigo
E. Google Reader
24) Which is the third most popular social network in terms of traffic?
A. Pintrest
B. Google+
C. LinkedIn
D. Twitter
25) as long as you site the source, you can post any photo.
A. True
B. False
26) What platform would you be on if you were managing your subscriptions
and adding channel art?
27) Organic reach is down across the board. Where can you pay to promote your
Tumblr Radar Posts for a catching above-the-fold spot!
Facebook ads and sponsored posts.
Promote tweets on Twitter.
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Tumblr.
Only on Facebook and Twitter.
28) What is the purpose of a persons (not brands) avatar?
Describe your interests
Demonstrate physical attractiveness
Show your face to build likability and trustworthiness
Prove that you have friends and family
Explain the context of your work
29) Tumblr is a popular microblogging service where you can do the following:
Post cat GIFs and Benedict Cumberbatch memes.
Write blog posts on this amazing self-hosted platform.
Post text, photos, videos, audio, or create quotes.
I don't know.
30) Can you promote or sponsor a post on your personal Facebook profile?
31) WordPress, Typepad and Expression Engine can all be used for what? (There
is more than one correct answer.)
Content Management
Peer to peer review
Word processing

32) Linkedin is the world's largest audience of professionals.

A. True
B. False
33) ___________ were originally used because there was no search function on
A. Search bar forms
B. Hashtags
C. Replies
D. 0DMs
34) What is NOT essential to having a blog?
A. Analytics
B. Regularity
C. Pictures
D. Community
32) Can you tell about any past critical situation in which you had to make an
immediate decision? Give an example of a situation in which you had to make a
decision when you didnt have all facts available. What process do you follow for
making decisions for these different circumstances and were you satisfied with
the results?
The examples that you give should show how resourcefulness and initiative you
Many a times, we make decisions based on instinct having incomplete data.
However, though the word is not ideal, an individual who possesses good logical
and analytical skills will make high-quality decision when he takes the following
Using available info Based his process on the information to hand.
Analyzing Knows how to break complex issues into components.
Critical Thinking Considers the outcomes of varying course of actions.
Investigating Can take conclusions from different sources of data.
Acting Can make decisions without complete info. Doesnt hesitate to act and
able to make sound decision patiently, but in a timely manner.
Responsibility Does not put off making a decision to avoid conflict, getting it
wrong. Not afraid to take risks to come to a solution. Doesnt delay actions
because of outcomes or reactions.
Studding Demonstrate a lesson learned ability in order to progress.
At the end of your answer, it is a good time to tell that you are not always
perfect. Admit your fallibility:
There were times when some decisions had turned out to be wrong, however I
am sure, that these wrong decisions have made a mark on me so that I learn
from it to avoid the same mistakes again.
33) A cross-functional (you pick the disciplines) team you are serving on is
tasked with identifying, analysing, and reporting on operational efficiencies. The
efficiency data provided to the team by senior management is accepted by all
team members as accurate, but you recognize it as faulty. Describe, in detail,
how you would proceed. A strong-willed and influential peer attempts to win you
over to their position by using erroneous information as foundational to their
argument. Give a detailed description of how you would respond.
The general manager emails you a consultants report which outlines findings
about a recent decline in customer loyalty. In the email, the GM also makes a
general statement that the path forward seems obvious, that she wants you to
take action now, and that she sees no need for any discussion. After reading
the report, you determine that there is more than one way to proceed. In detail,
describe what you would do.

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