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Air Filtration Parker

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The document discusses filtration, purification and separation of compressed air and gases. It emphasizes the importance of clean, dry, reliable compressed air for efficient manufacturing processes.

The main sources of contamination discussed are atmospheric air drawn into the compressor, contaminants added from the compressor itself, and moisture introduced from condensation within the system pipes and equipment.

The 10 major contaminants are water vapour, atmospheric dirt, oil vapour, micro-organisms, oil from the compression process, moisture from condensation, rust/scale particles, pipe/joint seal leaks, metal/plastic retained composite seals, and thermal management issues.

01|02 Introduction

climate control
fluid & gas handling
process control
sealing & shielding
High quality compressed air
from generation to application
Filtration, purification and separation is our business ........ 1
Compressed air contamination is a real problem ................3
Sources and types of contamination
in a compressed air system ..... .............................3
Compressed air contaminants in detail ................................5
Contaminant removal ............................................................7
A solution for every contaminant ..........................................9
Are all compressed air filters and dryers the same? ......... 11
The Parker domnick hunter design philosophy .................. 12
After sales service ............................................................... 13
A dedicated solution for every application .......................... 13
01|02 Introduction 01|02 Introduction
Filtration, purification and
separation is our business
Parker domnick hunter is a world leader in the filtration,
purification and separation of compressed air and gases.
Operating an efficient production facility allows
increased volumes and better quality products
to be manufactured at a lower cost. Downtime
and unreliability are not acceptable.
Fundamental to most modern production
environments is the compressed air network,
often referred to as the 4th utility. This must
be totally reliable and effective.
To guarantee maximum performance and
reliability, Parker domnick hunter protects your
entire compressed air network, providing the
best quality compressed air, exactly where
it is needed.
These world class compressed air treatment
solutions will improve production performance
and reliability whilst lowering energy
consumption, CO
emissions and operational
costs to deliver 100% manufacturing uptime and
total peace of mind.
Compressed Air - The 4th Utility
Compressed air is a safe and reliable power source that
is widely used throughout industry. Known as the 4th
utility, approximately 90% of all companies use
compressed air in some aspect of their operations.
Unlike gas, water & electricity which is supplied to site
by a utility supplier to strict tolerances and quality
specifications, compressed air is generated on-site
by the user. The quality of the compressed air and the
cost of producing this powerful utility is therefore the
responsibility of the user.
Compressed air contamination
is a real problem for industry
In todays modern production facilities, the use of compressed
air is often pivotal to manufacturing processes. Irrespective of
whether the compressed air comes into direct contact with the
product or is used to automate a process, provide motive power,
packaging, or even to generate other gases on-site, a clean, dry,
reliable compressed air supply is essential to maintain efficient
and cost effective production.
Sources and types of contamination
in a compressed air system
Understanding the sources of compressed air contamination and
the types of contaminants which must be reduced or eliminated
is a key factor in planning an efficient compressed air system. In a
typical compressed air system, there are ten major contaminants
that have to be removed or reduced to protect the consumer
and provide a safe and cost effective production facility. These
contaminants come from four different sources.
Source 1
Atmospheric Air
Compressors draw in huge amounts
of atmospheric air which continuously
fills the system with invisible
contaminants such as:
Water vapour
Atmospheric dirt
Oil vapour
Source 2
The Air Compressor
In addition to the contaminants
drawn in from the atmosphere, oil
lubricated compressors will contribute
small amounts of oil from the
compression process. The oil will be
in the form of:
Liquid oil
Oil aerosols
Oil vapour
After the compression stage,
the after-cooler will cool the air,
condensing water vapour and
introducing it into the compressed
air as:
Liquid water
Water aerosols
Sources 3 & 4
Compressed air storage
devices & distribution piping
As the air leaves the compressor it now
contains eight different contaminants.
The air receiver (storage device) and
the system piping that distribute the
compressed air around the facility
can store large amounts of this
contamination. Additionally, they cool
the warm, saturated compressed air
which causes condensation on a large
scale adding more liquid water into the
system and promoting corrosion and
microbiological growth:
Water vapour
Water enters the compressed air
system through the compressor intake
as a vapour (or gas). The ability of air
to hold water vapour is dependent
upon its pressure and its temperature.
The higher the temperature, the more
water vapour that can be held by the
air, the higher the pressure, a greater
amount of water vapour is squeezed
out. As large volumes of air are draw
into the compressor and compressed,
the temperature of the air increases
significantly. This allows the heated air
to easily retain the water vapour in the
atmospheric air.
Condensed liquid water
and water aerosols
After compression, compressed
air is normally cooled to a usable
temperature by an after-cooler. This
cooling reduces the airs ability to
retain water vapour, resulting in a
proportion of the water vapour being
condensed into liquid water. The liquid
water is then removed by a condensate
drain fitted to the after-cooler water
The air leaving the after-cooler and
entering the compressed air system
is now 100% saturated with water
vapour. Any further cooling of the
compressed air will result in more
water vapour condensing into liquid
Oil vapour
Atmospheric air also contains oil in
a gaseous form (oil vapour) which
comes from inefficient industrial
processes and car exhausts. As with
other contaminants, oil vapour is
drawn into the compressor intake
and passes through the intake
filter. Typically concentrations can
vary between 0.05 and 0.5mg per
cubic metre, but these can increase
significantly should the compressor
be sited near highways and heavy
traffic. Additionally, lubricants
used in the compression stage of a
compressor can also be vaporised
and carried into the compressed air
system. This oil vapour will then cool
and condense into a liquid. Oil vapour
can also taint products and packaging
with an oily smell and / or make
workers feel unwell.
Atmospheric contamination
entering the compressor
Water Vapour
Atmospheric Dirt
Oil Vapour
Contaminant Source
No. 1
Ambient Air
Contaminant Source
No. 2
The Air Compressor
Contaminant Source
No. 3
The Air Receiver
Contaminants and sources
in a compressed air system
Compressor Room
water. Condensation occurs at various
stages throughout the system as the air
is cooled further by the air receiver, the
distribution piping and the expansion
of air in valves, cylinders, tools and
Saturated air, water aerosols and
liquid water cause:
Corrosion to the storage and
distribution system
Damage to valves, cylinders, tools
and production equipment
Damage to products and packaging
in direct contact with the air
Increased microbiological
Reduction in production efficiency
Increased maintenance costs
Liquid oil and oil aerosols
The majority of air compressors in use
today still use oil in their compression
stage for sealing, lubrication and
cooling. The oil is in direct contact
with the air as it is compressed,
however due to the efficiency of
modern air / oil separators built
into the compressor, only a small
proportion of this lubricating oil is
carried over into the compressed
air system as a liquid, an aerosol
(typically no more than 5mg/m
a well maintained screw compressor)
or as oil vapour. Liquid and aerosols
mix with water in the system to form
a thick, acidic condensate.
Compressor condensate causes
damage to the compressed air storage
and distribution system, production
equipment, products and packaging.
Atmospheric dirt
Atmospheric air in industrial and
urban environments will typically
contain 140 - 150 million dirt particles
in every cubic metre. As 80% of these
particles are less than 2 microns in

size, they are therefore too small to be
captured by the compressor air intake
filter and will travel unristricted into
the compressed air system.
Atmospheric air can contain up to 100
million micro-organisms per cubic
metre. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and
spores are drawn into the intake of
the air compressor and due to their
size; will pass directly through the
compressor intake filters and into the
compressed air system. The warm,
moist compressed air provides an ideal
environment for their growth.
Many critical applications require
Rust and pipescale
Rust and pipescale can be directly
attributed to the presence of water
in the compressed air system and
is usually found in air receivers and
distribution piping. Over time, the
rust and pipescale breaks away
to cause damage or blockage in
production equipment which can
also contaminate final product
and processes. Rust and pipescale
problems often increase for a period
of time after the installation of dryers
into older piping systems which were
previously operated with inadequate
or no purification equipment.
Contamination introduced
by the compressor
Water Aerosols
Condensed Liquid Water
Liquid Oil
Oil Aerosols
Contamination introduced by the air
receiver and distribution piping
Total contamination entering the
compressed air distribution system
Water Vapour
Atmospheric Dirt
Oil Vapour
Water Aerosols
Condensed Liquid Water
Liquid Oil
Oil Aerosols
Contaminant Source
No. 4
The Distribution Piping
Compressor Room
sterility and if contaminated compressed air
can directly or indirectly contact products,
packaging or production machinery, then
sterility will be compromised.
Loss of sterility can cause enormous
financial damage for a company as
micro-organism can:
Potentially harm the consumer
Diminish product quality
Render a product entirely unfit for use
Lead to a product recall
Cause legal action against a company
Contaminant removal
To operate a safe and cost effective compressed air system,
contamination must be removed or reduced to acceptable limits.
Microbiological contamination
Corrosion within storage vessels
and the distribution system
Damaged production equipment
Blocked or frozen valves, cylinders
air motors and tools
Premature unplanned desiccant
changes for adsorption dryers
In addition to problems associated with the
compressed air system itself, allowing contamination
such as water, particulate, oil and microorganisms to
exhaust from valves, cylinders, air motors and tools,
can lead to an unhealthy working environment with
the potential for personal injury, staff absences and
financial compensation claims.
Compressed air contamination
will ultimately lead to:
Inefficient production processes
Spoiled, damaged or reworked products
Reduced production efficiency
Increased manufacturing costs
Failure to remove contamination can cause numerous problems in the compressed air system, such as:
It is important to look at each contaminant in detail, as due to the diversity of the contamination present, a number
of purification technologies must be employed for its removal.
Compressed air contaminants
To many compressed air users, the realisation that there
are ten major contaminants in a compressed air system is
somewhat of a surprise. It is often thought that only three
contaminants are present (Dirt / Water / Oil), however,
upon closer examination, these three contaminants can
be broken down further as:
Atmospheric Dirt & Solid Particulate
Water vapour
Condensed Liquid Water
Water Aerosols
Oil Vapour
Liquid Oil
Oil Aerosols
Contamination Reduction / Removal
Water Vapour
Dirt & Solid
Micro-organisms Oil Vapour
Liquid Oil &
Oil Aerosols
Rust &





Dust Removal


* To ensure the highest level of food safety and shelf life, Parker domnick hunter recommends that all contact and non-contact high risk air is treated
with a sterilising grade filter to remove all microbial contamination.
Water separators
Water separators provide bulk
condensed water and liquid oil
removal and are used to protect
coalescing filters against bulk liquid
contamination (for example where
excessive cooling takes place in air
receivers and distribution piping
installed prior to purification
Water separators will only remove
liquids and will not remove water
or oil in either an aerosol or vapour
Designs using centrifugal action
provide the most efficient method
for bulk liquid removal as they use
a combination of directional change
and centrifugal action to optimise
separation efficiency and reduce
energy costs.
Coalescing filters
When considering purification
equipment, coalescing filters are vital
for the cost effective operation of any
compressed air system, regardless
of the type of compressor installed.
A purification system will normally
consist of two coalescing filters
installed in series to remove water
aerosols, oil aerosols, atmospheric
dirt, micro-organisms, rust and
Suppliers of oil-free compressors will
often state that one of the coalescing
filters is a particulate filter and
the other is an oil removal filter,
therefore, in oil-free compressor
installations, there is no need for the
oil removal filter.
In reality, both filters remove
exactly the same contaminants.
The first filter is a general purpose
filter which protects the second,
high efficiency filter from bulk
Omitting one of the filters in the
belief that it is an oil removal filter
will result in poor air quality due
to contaminant bypass (carryover),
high operational costs due to the
pressure loss across the filter and
more frequent filter element
changes. Most importantly, omitting
one of the filters will invalidate
performance guarantees.
The dual coalescing filter installation
ensures a continuous supply of
high quality compressed air with
the additional benefits of lower
operational costs and minimal
maintenance compared to a single
high efficiency filter.
Compressed air dryers
Water vapour is water in a gaseous
form and will pass through water
separators and coalescing filters just
as easy as the compressed air. Water
vapour is therefore removed from
compressed air using a dryer. The
water vapour removal efficiency of a
dryer (its performance) is expressed
as a Pressure Dewpoint or PDP.
Dewpoint refers to the
temperature at which
condensation will occur.
Pressure Dewpoint or PDP
refers to the dewpoint of air above
atmospheric pressure.
Dewpoint is written as a
temperature (but this is not the
airs temperature).
Compressed air with a PDP
of -20C, would need the
temperature to drop below
-20C for any water vapour to
condense into a liquid.
A PDP of -40C is recommended
for all food applications where air
is in direct or indirect contact with
production equipment,
ingredients, packaging or
finished products because a
PDP better than -26C will not
only stop corrosion, it will also
inhibit the growth of micro-
Compressor Air Receiver
and Drain
(Desiccant) Dryer
A solution for
every contaminant
Compressor Room
Adsorption dryers
Water vapour is removed from
compressed air using an adsorption
dryer. Adsorption dryers remove
moisture by passing air over a
regenerative desiccant material
which strips the moisture from the
air. This type of dryer is extremely
efficient. A typical pressure dewpoint
specified for an adsorption dryer
is -40C as it not only prevents
corrosion, but it also inhibits the
growth of micro-organisms. A
pressure dewpoint of -70C is often
specified for critical applications.
Refrigeration dryers (not shown)
Refrigeration dryers work by cooling
the air, so are limited to positive
pressure dewpoints to prevent
freezing of the condensed liquid.
Typically used for general purpose
applications, they provide pressure
dewpoints of +3C, +7C or +10C.
Refrigeration dryers are not suitable
for installations where piping is
installed in ambient temperatures
below the dryer dewpoint i.e.
systems with external piping, or
critical applications such as food,
beverage or pharmaceuticals as
they do not inhibit microbiological
(Activated Carbon) filters
Oil vapour is oil in a gaseous form
and will pass through a coalescing
filter just as easily as the compressed
air. Therefore, oil vapour removal
filters must be employed which
provide a large bed of activated
carbon adsorbent for the effective
removal of oil vapour, providing the
ultimate protection against oil
Dust removal filters
Dust removal filters are used for the
removal of dry particulates. They
provide identical particulate removal
performance to the equivalent
coalescing filter and use the same
mechanical filtration techniques
to provide up to 99.9999% particle
removal efficiency.
Sterile filters
Absolute removal of solid
particulates and micro-organisms
is performed by a sieve retention
or membrane filter. They are often
referred to as sterile air filters as they
also provide sterilised compressed
air. Filter housings are manufactured
from stainless steel to allow for
in-situ steam sterilisation of both
the filter housing and element. It is
important to note that the piping
between the sterile filter and the
application must also be cleaned
and sterilised on a regular basis.
Important Note:
As adsorption or refrigeration dryers are designed to remove only
water vapour and not water in a liquid form, they require the use
of coalescing filters to work efficiently.
Are all compressed air filters
and dryers the same?
Compressed air purification equipment is essential
to all modern production facilities. It must deliver
uncompromising performance and reliability whilst
providing the right balance of air quality with the lowest
cost of operation. Many manufacturers offer products
for the filtration and purification of contaminated
compressed air, which are often selected only upon their
initial purchase cost, with little or no regard for the air
quality they provide, the cost of operation throughout
their life or their environmental impact. When selecting
purification equipment, the required air quality,
the overall cost of ownership and the equipments
environmental impact must always be considered.
Air Quality
Parker domnick hunter has been
instrumental in the development
of both ISO8573 and ISO12500,
the international standards for
compressed air quality and
compressed air filter testing
respectively. All Parker domnick
hunter products are designed to
provide air quality in accordance
with all editions of ISO8573-1, air
quality standard.
Energy Efficiency
In these times of increasing energy
costs, an efficient and cost effective
manufacturing process is a major
factor in maintaining the profitability
and growth of your business. All
Parker domnick hunter products are
designed to not only minimise the
use of compressed air and electricity
in their operation, but also to
significantly reduce the operational
costs of the compressor by minimising
pressure loss.
Low Lifetime Costs
Equipment with a low purchase cost
may turn out to be a poor investment
in the long term. By guaranteeing
air quality and ensuring energy
consumption is kept to a minimum,
Parker domnick hunter purification
products can reduce the total cost
of ownership and help improve
profitability through improved
manufacturing efficiencies.
The Parker domnick hunter
design philosophy
Parker domnick hunter has been
supplying industry with high
efficiency filtration and purification
products since 1963. Our philosophy
Designed for Air Quality & Energy
Efficiency ensures products that
not only provide the user with clean,
high quality compressed air, but also
with low lifetime costs and reduced
carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions.
Reduced CO
Many countries worldwide are
looking closely at their manufacturing
industries in an effort to reduce the
amount of harmful greenhouse gases
released into the atmosphere. The use
of electricity has a direct impact on
the generation and release of CO
By significantly reducing the energy
consumption of its products, Parker
domnick hunter can help you to
reduce your carbon footprint and
protect the environment.
After sales service
Compressed air equipment users demand much more than the supply
of high quality products in order to maintain a competitive edge.
Modern production technology is increasingly demanding the
provision of a higher purity and more reliable compressed air
supply. Products and solutions that are manufactured by Parker
domnick hunter are designed to provide air quality that meets with
and often exceeds international standards.
As well as the requirement for air purity and reliability, there are
additional factors to consider when choosing the right service
provider for your compressed air and gas purification system.
For example, knowledge of the many regulations regarding the
management of industrial waste, energy efficiency improvement
programs and consideration of any environmental impact. It is
anticipated that future legislations will demand further in-depth
technical and knowledge based support from service providers.
Our commitment to industry does not stop with the supply of
high quality products. We are also committed to ensuring that our
equipment provides high performance by providing a trouble-free
service from a bespoke maintenance and verification package all
tailored to your own specific requirements.
We offer a wide range of valuable services that will impact positively
on your drive towards improved production efficiency and product
quality with reduced production rejections and operational costs.
From initial selection to installation, commissioning, preventative
maintenance and extended services, Parker domnick hunter is
redefining customer service.
A dedicated solution for every application
The quality of air required throughout a typical compressed air
system will vary depending upon the application for which it is used.
Treatment of the compressed air at only one point alone, for
example the compressor room; is not enough. Compressed air
should be treated prior to entry into the distribution system (to a
quality level suitable for protecting air receivers and distribution
piping) and then at the point of use, with specific attention being
placed on the application and the level of air quality required.
This approach to system design ensures that air is not over
treated and provides the most cost effective solution to high
quality compressed air.
The use of the ISO8573-1:2010 Air Quality Standard provides the
system engineer with a simple method of specifying the air purity
required at each point in the compressed air system. Using this
standard allows Parker domnick hunter to quickly and easily
select products from its comprehensive range of purification
products to exactly match your system requirements and to
ensure that both capital and operational costs are kept to a
Critical Applications
Pharmaceutical products
Silicon wafer manufacturing
TFT / LCD Screen manufacturing
Memory device manufacturing
Optical storage devices (CD, CD/RW,
Optical disk manufacturing (CDs/
Hard disk manufacturing
CDA systems for electronics
High Quality Oil-Free Air
Blow Moulding of Plastics e.g. P.E.T.
Film processing
Critical instrumentation
Advanced pneumatics
Air blast circuit breakers
Decompression chambers
Cosmetic production
Medical air
Dental air
Lasers and optics
Spray Painting
Air bearings
Pipeline purging
Measuring equipment
Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Pre-treatment for on-site gas
General Purpose Oil-Free Air
General ring main protection
Pre-filtration to point of use adsorption
air dryers
Plant automation
Air Logistics
Pneumatic tools
General instrumentation
Metal stamping
General industrial assembly
(no external pipework)
Air conveying
Air motors
Workshop (Tools)
Garage (Tyre filling)
Temperature control systems
Blow guns
Gauging equipment
Raw material mixing
Sand / bead blasting
Key Markets
Aircraft engines
Business & general aviation
Commercial transports
Land-based weapons systems
Military aircraft
Missiles & launch vehicles
Regional transports
Unmanned aerial vehicles
Key Products
Flight control systems
& components
Fluid conveyance systems
Fluid metering delivery
& atomization devices
Fuel systems & components
Hydraulic systems & components
Inert nitrogen generating systems
Pneumatic systems & components
Wheels & brakes
Key Markets
Air conditioning
Food, beverage & dairy
Life sciences & medical
Precision cooling
Key Products
CO2 controls
Electronic controllers
Filter driers
Hand shut-off valves
Hose & fittings
Pressure regulating valves
Refrigerant distributors
Safety relief valves
Solenoid valves
Thermostatic expansion valves
Key Markets
Semiconductor & Electronics
General manufacturing
Industrial machinery
Life sciences
Oil, gas & Marine
Power generation
Mobile equipment
Key Products
Compressed air filtration
Compressed air drying
Condensate management
Compressed gas filtration
Compressed gas drying
Condition monitoring
Engine air, fuel & oil filtration & systems
Hydraulic, lubrication & coolant filters
Process, chemical, water
& microfiltration filters
Nitrogen, hydrogen & zero
air generators (industrial & analytical)
Key Markets
Factory automation
Food & beverage
Life science & medical
Machine tools
Packaging machinery
Paper machinery
Plastics machinery & converting
Primary metals
Semiconductor & electronics
Wire & cable
Key Products
AC/DC drives & systems
Electric actuators
Gantry robots
Human machine interfaces
Industrial PCs
Linear motors, slides and stages
Precision stages
Stepper motors
Servo motors, drives & controls
Structural extrusions
Key Markets
Conveyor & material handling
Factory automation
Food & beverage
Life science & medical
Machine tools
Packaging machinery
Transportation & automotive
Key Products
Air preparation
Compact cylinders
Field bus valve systems
Guided cylinders
Miniature fluidics
Pneumatic accessories
Pneumatic actuators & grippers
Pneumatic valves and controls
Rodless cylinders
Rotary actuators
Tie rod cylinders
Vacuum generators, cups & sensors
Key Markets
Bulk chemical handling
Construction machinery
Food & beverage
Fuel & gas delivery
Industrial machinery
Oil & gas
Key Products
Brass fittings & valves
Diagnostic equipment
Fluid conveyance systems
Industrial hose
PTFE & PFA hose, tubing &
plastic fittings
Rubber & thermoplastic hose
& couplings
Tube fittings & adapters
Quick disconnects
Key Markets
Aerial lift
Construction machinery
Industrial machinery
Oil & gas
Power generation & energy
Truck hydraulics
Key Products
Diagnostic equipment
Hydraulic cylinders
& accumulators
Hydraulic motors & pumps
Hydraulic systems
Hydraulic valves & controls
Power take-offs
Rubber & thermoplastic hose
& couplings
Tube fittings & adapters
Quick disconnects
Key Markets
Chemical & refining
Food, beverage & dairy
Medical & dental
Oil & gas
Power generation
Key Products
Analytical sample conditioning
products & systems
Fluoropolymer chemical delivery
fittings, valves & pumps
High purity gas delivery fittings,
valves & regulators
Instrumentation fittings, valves
& regulators
Medium pressure fittings & valves
Process control manifolds
Key Markets
Chemical processing
Energy, oil & gas
Fluid power
General industrial
Information technology
Life sciences
Key Products
Dynamic seals
Elastomeric o-rings
EMI shielding
Extruded & precision-cut,
fabricated elastomeric seals
Homogeneous & inserted
elastomeric shapes
High temperature metal seals
Metal & plastic retained
composite seals
Thermal management
Parkers Motion & Control Technologies
Parker is guided by a relentless
drive to help our customers
become more productive and
achieve higher levels of
protability by engineering
the best systems for their
requirements. It means looking
at customer applications from
many angles to nd new ways
to create value. Whatever the
motion and control technology
need, Parker has the experience,
breadth of product and global
reach to consistently deliver.
No company knows more about
motion and control technology
than Parker. For further info
call 00800 27 27 5374.
Catalogue: 174004401_04_EN 11/11 2011 Parker Hannifn Corporation. All rights reserved. Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Limited
domnick hunter Filtration and Separation Division
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