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The document provides an overview of contemporary esthetic dentistry techniques and case examples discussed in the book.

The book discusses contemporary techniques and approaches to esthetic dentistry including dental bonding, veneers, composites and other materials and procedures.

Some of the techniques discussed in the book include dental bonding, veneers, composites, bleaching, implants and other advanced esthetic procedures.



George Freedman, BSc, DDS, FAACD, FACD, FADFE
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Contemporary esthetic dentistry / [edited by] George Freedman.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-323-06895-6 (hardcover : alk. paper)
I. Freedman, George
[DNLM: 1. Esthetics, Dental. 2. Dental Bonding. 3. Dental Materials. 4. Dental Restoration,
Permanent. 5. Oral Surgical Procedures. WU 100]

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To my parents
Bella and Wilhelm Freedman,
who believed in me
and taught me to believe in myself

Esthetic dentistry did not exist when I graduated from dental television was truly phenomenal; one show changed dentistry
school. One of the most important disciplines was denture fab- completely!
rication. It was assumed that beyond a certain age everyone Esthetic dentistry has transformed patients perspectives of
would have lost their teeth and would require removable pros- dentistry tremendously. In the past, most people disliked going
theses. Many simply looked awful with their dentures. When to the dentist; the dental visit was associated with fear and pain.
my father needed dentures, I could not stand that they made Many deprecating jokes were told about dentists, and our pro-
his features collapse and his face sink in. I repositioned the teeth fession was often symbolized by a suffering patient with a ban-
more naturally and plumped the denture acrylic to support the daged head. Once esthetic dentistry came into vogue, people
facial muscles. My fathers teeth looked better than ever before, realized how painless bonding was and how beautiful the results
and the natural form of his face was restored; he looked like his could be. Everyone wants to look better, and patients quickly
younger self, and no one knew that he had lost his teeth. The realized that dentists could be artists, improving smiles and
demands of treating my father made me realize the importance appearances in very short periods of time. Within a generation,
of esthetics to dentistry. the perceptions associated with dentistry were changed from
In the early years of my practice, direct restorations were ugly amalgam fillings, extractions, and dentures to an art form
limited to silver amalgam. Then silicate fillings were introduced. providing beauty, youth, and function.
Initially they were not very retentive and tended to discolor. The Bonding was the beginning of esthetic dentistry. Veneers were
introduction of composites and acid etching dramatically the next step, generating patient anticipation and demand that
improved the process, and esthetic dentistry became a reality. I led to a host of more advanced appearance-related procedures.
realized the potential of tooth-colored restorations and began It was now possible to use the restorations to raise the cheek-
using them extensively. During this time I was a regular guest bones, soften the nasal labial lines, and fill out the lips without
on a popular radio show where I discussed dental innovations. surgery, and to make the results very long-lasting. These treat-
In the pre-interview I mentioned that I would talk about acid ments were designed to provide an alternative to plastic surgery,
etchingwhat the technique was commonly called at the time. enhance facial esthetics, and provide touch-ups without a
The horrified host said, You cant say that on air. Listeners will scalpel. Dentistry has evolved to an art that not only improves
get frantic about dentists putting acid in their mouths. What smiles but changes faces in a lasting manner.
else can you call it? I responded that we were actually bonding The full scope of esthetic dentistry is just beginning to be
materials to the teeth. Then call it bonding! he answered. And defined. Dentists are, after all, the professionals who are most
that is how the term bonding began. familiar with the hard and soft tissues of the smile and the
It is rarely easy to develop something brand new. Many lower face. We understand the teeth, lips, cheeks, and muscula-
within the profession challenged and even ridiculed the new ture and their functions as well as their limitations. We are
technique, but I knew how great bonding was. I had the good familiar with the changes caused by aging and how to overcome
fortune to be asked to do a segment on Thats Incredible, a very the sagging, wrinkling, and shrinking of the face in order to
popular television show at the time. The producers asked me to make a person look younger. We can offer more precise and
treat a beautiful ballerina with very dark teeth, and they docu- predictable facial effects than professionals who are limited to
mented every step. I bonded her teeth, changed her smile, treating the soft tissues. The public now recognizes that dentists
and made her look like a different person. The exposure was are the physicians and the artists of the smile. Everyone wants
extensive; dentists everywhere wanted to know more because to stay young for as long as possible. This is the future of
all their patients were asking about bonding. The impact of esthetic dentistry.

Irwin Smigel, DDS


The first materials and techniques dedicated to appearance- this text, focusing on the clinical applications of scientifically
related dentistry emerged in the late 1970s. The interest from based esthetic procedures, is so opportune. It offers a compre-
the dental profession and the public was very limited in the hensive and detailed guide to both routine and complex
beginning. The dental profession began to recognize this innova- esthetic procedures for practitioners who seek practical direc-
tive and highly desirable treatment approach and the benefits tion. The selected topics cover the vast majority of esthetic sit-
for all concerned rather quickly over the next decade, however. uations that are likely to be encountered in the clinical
In the early 1990s the concurrent popularization of porcelain practice. A brief but thorough review of the relevant knowl-
veneers and tooth whitening created an explosive rise in interest edge base leads into a discussion of the various treatment
among the public that has not abated in the slightest degree to options that are available and those that the authors believe
this very day. are the best choices. Discussions of recent relevant innovations
As a direct result, there was a great need and tremendous and advances are followed by illustrative clinical cases that put
demand for effective professional education and the sharing of each chapter into context. The organization of the topics and
clinical experience among practitioners. On the academic side, the chapters makes it easy to grasp the new concepts, tech-
the Postgraduate Programs in Esthetic Dentistry (PPED) pre- niques, and materials.
sented a comprehensive introduction to appearance-related dis- The field of esthetic dentistry has grown so rapidly that no
ciplines at numerous university venues. More than 2200 PPED single individual can be expert in all its domains. The many
graduates (1991 to 2001) began to form the cadre of the esthetic talented contributors to this definitive textbook have been
revolution that was sweeping the profession. On the organiza- instrumental in the philosophy, development, and teaching of
tional side, some of the earliest esthetic groups were closed: the art and science of esthetic dentistry. They are recognized
attendance was by invitation only, and membership was highly internationally as the leaders in research, clinical application and
restricted. There existed a tremendous need for an open forum education. It is with great and humble appreciation that I thank
for dental education that welcomed all professionals with an each and every one of these authorities for his or her remarkable
interest in appearance-related dentistry. efforts in acquiring basic knowledge and skills, adapting and
The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) was advancing these techniques to new technologies and existing
founded in December 1984 by 60 dentists who converged on patient conditions, and then sharing the resulting benefits with
Las Vegas for 2 days of lectures, discussions, and strategic plan- their colleagues.
ning. The Cosmetic denomination was chosen because several Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry represents the vanguard of
Esthetic and Aesthetic societies were already in operation, the transition in dental education and information transfer. The
and confusion was to be avoided. The first AACD board of text is offered both in print and online, with each format associ-
directors set important parameters: the Academy must be open ated with an opportunity to earn continuing education credits.
to all who seek education and professional development, dental Every chapter, or part of a longer chapter, has an associated
laboratory technicians must be included, and this innovative multiple choice quiz that is accessed online at the readers con-
area of treatment must establish accessible levels of clinical rec- venience. On successful completion, an evidence-based educa-
ognition (which later became Accreditation and Fellowship). tional credit is issued.
This formula proved very popular; in less than a decade the Scientific textbooks have the disadvantage of becoming tem-
AACD was the largest cosmetic or esthetic organization in the porally challenged shortly after publication. This is because the
world and has more than 8000 members. process of developing a text can take 2 or 3 years or longer, and
This successful and open prescription is applicable to all the contents represent a slice of knowledge at a particular time.
forms of continuing education; the subject material and the Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry is the first live book wherein
format must be accessible, understandable, clinically relevant, the online version can be regularly updated as the underlying
and immediately applicable to everyday practice. That is why clinical science and art change and develop. Thus it will always

viii Preface

be as current as possiblea compendium of the latest informa- techniques, ongoing development, and, of course, past mis-
tion at any given time. takes. I find it very gratifying to share professional experiences
Gutenbergs development of print publication made knowl- with my colleagues for our mutual benefit. Transferring and
edge and education universally accessible, facilitating the Renais- distributing this information benefits our patients oral health,
sance. Todays Web technologies make knowledge and education improves our practices, and makes our everyday clinical tasks
immediately and affordably accessible. We cannot even begin to easier and more predictable. Most important, an open exchange
imagine the progress that will be unleashed in the next few is a great advantage for the younger members of the profession,
decades. who can use the established knowledge base to achieve ever
I am often asked why I make the effort, and spend the better treatment concepts and modalities. To teach is to touch
time, to write and to lecture about innovations, materials, the future.

George Freedman, BSc, DDS, FAACD, FACD, FADFE


When I first agreed, reluctantly, to undertake the task of devel- journey in organized dentistry. Dr Geza Terezhalmy was the
oping this definitive text on the topic of esthetic dentistry, I had Dean of Case Western Reserve University School of Dental
a fair concept of the work that was involved. Or at least I Medicine in 1991. During a discussion about the lack of esthetic
thought that I did. As we progressed, I realized the myriad dentistry training available to dentists, he challenged me to
concepts, techniques, and materials in the field of Esthetic Den- develop a suitable course of study. This conversation resulted in
tistry had grown exponentially since I first became involved in my organizing the first Post-graduate Program in Esthetic Den-
its earliest days. The task was daunting but the outcome extremely tistry 6 months later. Within a decade, more than 2200 dentists
important. had graduated from these programs in the United States and
The knowledge base for esthetic dentistry is so vast and around the world. Dr Irwin Smigel, founder and president of
varied, and the expertise so broadly distributed, that it was the American Society for Dental Aesthetics, has been a mentor
incumbent upon me to involve world-renowned authorities on and a shining light to all of us in the profession. His energy, his
many of the areas under discussion in the development of this vision, and unabashed love for dental esthetics are standards that
textbook. I humbly thank each and every one of the contributors we can live and grow by.
for their tremendous efforts, sincere commitment, and invalu- At Elsevier, John Dolan (Executive Editor) was the first to
able contribution to the progress of dentistry. envision the Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry textbook and was
I hold Jennifer Murphy largely instrumental in developing this project, both with me and with
responsible for cajoling me to accept Elsevier. He shepherded the project through the many gauntlets
the burden of writing Contemporary that are part and parcel of every book that publish. He prodded
Esthetic Dentistry. On the other when necessary, and commiserated over wine when appropriate.
hand, she has also been the indi- Most significantly, he was open to the many innovative concepts
vidual who has responsibly held all that are the hallmarks of this publication. The successful conclu-
the loose ends of this massive project sion of this project has been made possible by the tireless dedica-
together, and enabled it to come to tion and professional contributions of Courtney Sprehe (Senior
fruition. Developmental Editor), Celeste Clingan (Senior Project
Every long-term project takes its Manager), Brian Loehr (Senior Development Editor) and Kari
toll on family life, and I extend my Terwelp (Editorial Assistant) through a very long and extensive
heartfelt thanks and sincerest apolo- project.
gies to Dr. Fay Goldstep, my wife, and our daughter, Judy. It is also important to thank the dental manufacturers who
Many dental professionals have contributed to my personal have supplied and permitted the use of images which add much
development over the years, but the following individuals to the practical relevance of a clinical text. These same companies
deserve a special mention. I first met Dr Jack Kammer in 1984. are largely responsible for funding and driving the research and
He was the founding president of the American Academy of development that has propelled esthetic dentistry so rapidly to
Cosmetic Dentistry, and he helped me to begin my exciting the forefront of the dental profession.

George Freedman, BSc, DDS, FAACD, FACD, FADFE


George Freedman, BSc, DDS, FAACD, FADFE, FACD

Dr. Freedman is a founder, accredited member, and past president of the American Academy of Cos-
metic Dentistry and co-founder of the Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry. He was the founding
associate director of the Esthetic Dental Education Center at the State University of New York at
Buffalo. He was the director of Post-graduate Programs in Esthetic Dentistry at Case Western Reserve
University, Baylor College of Dentistry, State University of New York at Buffalo, Tufts University,
University of Minnesota, University of Missouri (Kansas City), University of Florida, University of
California at San Francisco, Eastman Dental Center (Rochester), Catholic University (Seoul, South
Korea), and Schaan, Liechtenstein. He has chaired numerous dental conferences and symposia inter-
nationally, including at the Universita di Firenze and the World Aesthetic Congress (London). He
coauthored the first textbooks on porcelain veneers (1990) and tooth whitening (1991), was the editor
of Dental Clinics of North America (1998 and 2001). Accredited by the American Board of Aesthetic
Dentistry, he is a founder and Regent of the Academy of Dental-Facial Esthetics and Fellow of the
AACD, IADFE, American Society for Dental Aesthetics, American College of Dentists and the
Academy of Dentistry International. He has served as Materials Editor of Dentistry Today for almost
20 years and is the editor-in-chief for Dental Tribune International and on numerous boards including
Oral Health (Canada), Reality, and Dental Asia. He divides his time between patient treatment and
dental education, lecturing frequently at dental conferences internationally, and maintains a private
practice limited to Esthetic Dentistry in Toronto, Canada.

Sibel Antonson, DDS, PhD, MBA

Dr. Antonson is the Director of Education and Professional Services at Ivoclar Vivadent and Clinical
Associate Professor and Director of Dental Biomaterials at SUNY, School of Dental Medicine. In 2000,
the Products Manager at DENTSPLY Caulk, she invented and launched PoGo, the first one-step
composite finishing and polishing device. She served as the president for the International Association
of Dental Research, Dental Materials Group in 2007-2008 and is currently the councilor. Her research
interests include predictability and longevity of ceramic and resin-based restorations, cements and
interface mechanisms, alternative applications of glass ionomers, fiber post systems, thermal effects of
curing light units, lasers and clinical procedures, and characterization of impression materials and
techniques. She is studying the mechanical and physical properties of dental materials, and the new
category of smart dental materials.

George E. Bambara, MS, DMD, FACD

Dr. Bambara is in private practice in Staten Island, New York; is on the teaching staff of University of
Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the College of Staten
Island. He is also on the Attending Staff at New York Methodist Hospital and Seaview Hospital on
Staten Island. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Academy of General Dentistry,
the New York State Dental Society, and the Richmond County Dental Society, where he served as
President in 1998. He holds Fellowships in the American College of Dentists, the International College
of Dentists, and the International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics.

Contributors xi

Scott D. Benjamin, DDS

Dr. Benjamin is in private practice and is Visiting Professor at SUNY Buffalo School of Dental Medicine
and a Research Associate at the NYU College of Dentistry. He is an internationally recognized lecturer
on oral cancer and advanced dental technologies and was a participant in the World Health Organiza-
tion (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Oral Cancer and Precancer 2005 Working Group on Poten-
tially Malignant Oral Mucosal Lesions and Conditions. He has authored more than 150 articles on
dental technology and is a member of the editorial board of several prestigious peer-reviewed dental

Joel H. Berg, DDS, MS

Dr. Berg is Professor and Lloyd and Kay Chapman Chair for Oral Health of the Department of Pedi-
atric Dentistry at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington and is Director of the Depart-
ment of Dental Medicine at Childrens Hospital Regional Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. He
is a board-certified pediatric dentist and is a trustee of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
He is the author of a multitude of manuscripts, abstracts, and book chapters regarding a variety of
subjects, including restorative materials for children and other work related to biomaterials. His current
research interests include the development of dental caries prevention programs using risk assessment

Sunil Bhoolabhai, BDS, DDS

Dr. Bhoolabhai maintains a full-time practice emphasizing cosmetic and appearance-related dentistry
in Bombay. He is the founder and president of the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry in India and an
accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, an Accreditation Examiner on
the American Board of Cosmetic Dentistry, an honorary member of the Canadian Academy of Esthetic
Dentistry, and a Fellow of the International Academy for Dental-Facial Esthetics. He is a Diplomate
of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and serves on the editorial review board of the
journal Practical Procedures and Aesthetic Dentistry: PPAD, Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, and Dental
Tribune International. He has served as the official smile care consultant and expert for the renowned
Ms. India Pageant.

Jeff T. Blank, DMD

Dr. Blank maintains a full time private practice in Rock Hill, South Carolina, where he emphasizes
complex restorative reconstruction and cosmetic enhancement procedures. He is an Adjunct Instructor
in the Department of General Dentistry, Medical University of South Carolina, College of Dental
Medicine and has authored dozens of clinical manuscripts on clinical techniques and materials. He is
a Fellow of the Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics and an active member of the International Asso-
ciation for Dental Research, the Academy of Operative Dentistry, the American Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry, the Pierre Fauchard Academy, the American Dental Association and the Academy of General
Dentistry. He has lectured throughout the United States, Europe, and in Asia; holds a U.S. patent
for a composite finishing instrument, and is the creator of the CEBL technique for direct veneer

Joe L. Carrick, DDS

Dr. Carrick maintains a private practice emphasizing implant and esthetic dentistry in San Diego,
California. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry (Past President), Accreditation Committee for the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
(Examiner), the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, and the American Society of Osseointegra-
tion and is a Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He has published
numerous articles on cosmetic dentistry and implant dentistry esthetics.
xii Contributors
Ingrid R. Castellanos, CD
Dr. Castellanos has lectured internationally. She is a member of the International Association of Dental
Research and Academia Mexicana de Ortodoncia (Mexican Academy of Orthodontists) and is a Fellow
of the World Federation of Orthodontists. She is currently associate editor, publisher, and vice president
of REALITY Publishing Company and is in charge of coordinating product evaluations.

David Clark, DDS

Dr. Clark, one of the pioneers of the microscope in restorative dentistry, founded the Academy of
Microscope Enhanced Dentistry. He is a course director at the Newport Coast Oral Facial Institute,
co-director of Precision Aesthetics Northwest, and an associate member of the American Association
of Endodontists. He lectures and teaches hands-on seminars internationally on a variety of topics related
to microscope enhanced dentistry and has authored several landmark articles about microscope den-
tistry. He was the editor in chief for the 2005 launch of the Journal of Microscope Dentistry. He has
recently published a completely new approach to diagnosis and treatment of cracked teeth, based on
a new nomenclature and classification system for enamel and dentinal cracks observed at 16. He is
developing new techniques and materials to better restore endodontically treated teeth, including the
endo-restorative casting.

Luca Lorenzo Dalloca, CDT, DMD

Dr. Dalloca is a Visiting Professor in the Prosthodontic Post-Graduate Program at Loma Linda
University, California. He has been a Visiting Professor in the Postgraduate Program of Restorative
Dentistry in the Department of Oral Science at the University of Siena, a Clinical Visiting Professor
at the Oral Health Sciences Centre and Continuing Education Instructor in Esthetic Dentistry at
the University of Portland, and a Clinical Associate Professor at Tufts University School of Dental
Medicine. He has authored several articles on esthetics and has been an international speaker since
1993. His Prosthodontic practice has a staff of 34, including specialists, assistants, and a dental techni-
cian. He has been vice president of the European Society of Esthetic Dentistry since 1997, he also
belongs to the Oral Design International Foundation headed by Willi Geller.

Frederick C. Eichmiller, DDS

Dr. Eichmiller is the vice president and science officer of Delta Dental of Wisconsin, where he manages
research in dental informatics and biotechnology. He was in private practice for 5 years and has had
teaching assignments at several dental schools. He served for 20 years with the American Dental Asso-
ciation Foundation Paffenbarger Research Center.

Debra Engelhardt-Nash, BFA

Debra Engelhardt-Nash is a management consultant and seminar leader based in the Southeast. She
has been an instructor for the Central Piedmont Community College Dental Assisting Program in
Charlotte, North Carolina, and taught for the Oregon Health Sciences University Continuing Dental
Education Department. She presents workshops nationally and internationally. She has written articles
for numerous dental publications and is a regular contributor to Contemporary Esthetics and Restorative
Practice magazine. She is a founding member and has served two terms as president of the National
Academy of Dental Management Consultants, from which she received the first Charles Kidd Meritori-
ous Service Award. She is also a member of the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration
and serves on the Board of the American Dental Assistants Association Foundation.
Contributors xiii

Robert W. Gerlach, DDS, MPH

Dr. Gerlach is a Research Fellow in Worldwide Clinical Investigations at Procter & Gamble. His clinical
trial research includes initiatives in the areas of caries prevention, periodontal therapy, and esthetic
dentistry, with a particular focus on tooth whitening. With over 100 studies, his research has led to
novel delivery systems for vital bleaching as well as new dentifrice formulations. Dr. Gerlach is a public
health dentist, and his work experience includes various government and academic appointments, as
well as extensive private practice experience.

Howard S. Glazer, DDS

Dr. Glazer is a Fellow and past president of the Academy of General Dentistry and former Assistant
Clinical Professor in Dentistry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Bronx, New York). He is a
Fellow of the American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists, American Society for
Dental Aesthetics, and American Academy of Forensic Sciences and a Diplomate of the American Board
of Aesthetic Dentistry. He is an Attending Dentist at the Englewood Hospital (Englewood, New Jersey)
and the Deputy Chief Forensic Dental Consultant to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, City of
New York. He lectures in the United States and internationally on forensic dentistry and patient man-
agement. Dr. Glazer has been published worldwide, and writes a monthly column in AGD Impact
Whats Hot and Whats Getting Hotter! He maintains a general practice in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

Fay Goldstep, BSc, DDS, FACD, FADFE

Dr. Goldstep serves on the editorial boards of Oral Health (Healing/Preventive Dentistry) and Dental
Tribune USA. She has been on the teaching faculties of the Post-graduate Programs in Esthetic Dentistry
at Case Western Reserve University, Baylor College of Dentistry, State University of New York at
Buffalo, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri (Kansas City), University of Florida, Univer-
sity of California at San Francisco, and Schaan, Liechtenstein, and was an American Dental Association
Seminar Series Speaker. She was a contributing author to Dental Clinics of North America (1998) and
Ozone: The Revolution in Dentistry, and has had numerous articles published internationally. She was
a co-founder of the Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry and is a Fellow of the International
Academy for Dental-Facial Esthetics, American Society for Dental Aesthetics, American College of
Dentists and the Academy of Dentistry International. She lectures extensively on soft tissue lasers,
electronic caries detection, healing dentistry, and innovations in hygiene and patient home care. Dr.
Goldstep is a consultant to a number of dental companies and maintains a private practice in Markham,
Ontario, Canada.

Jeff Golub-Evans, DDS

Dr. Golub-Evans uses bonding, bleaching, porcelain laminates, and crowns in his pioneering work in
smile design, including smiles that have appeared on the covers of 300+ fashion and beauty magazines.
He has appeared on Live with Regis and Kathie Lee, The Today Show, CBS Morning News, Inside Edition,
and other shows. He is an accredited member, a Fellow, and a past president of the American Academy
of Cosmetic Dentistry, founding president of AACDs New York Chapter and founder of the Smile
Design Council. He is a member of the editorial board of Esthetic Dentistry for the GP and was the
editor in chief of Current Opinion in Cosmetic Dentistry, clinical editor of Dentist, and associate editor
of the Journal of the AACD. He was an Associate Clinical Professor at New York University, Department
of Dental Materials Science and Restorative Dentistry. He holds visiting faculty appointments to the
postgraduate programs in esthetic dentistry at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Baylor
University, Harvard University, Boston University, and Northwestern University.
xiv Contributors
Linda Helene Greenwall, BDS (Rand) MGDS, RCS (Eng), MSC (London),
Dr. Greenwall is a Fellowship Examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons of England and a specialist
in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics. She has a multidisciplinary private practice in Hampstead,
which has been awarded the Investor in People status. She is also the editor of the journal Aesthetic
Dentistry Today. She lectures extensively in the United Kingdom and internationally on the subjects of
tooth bleaching, esthetic dentistry, practice management, and the controversies surrounding tooth
whitening. She has written many papers for dentistry magazines. She is an Associate Course Director
for the Advanced Certificate in Aesthetic Dentistry for the Royal College of Surgeons Faculty of General
Dental Practices.

Galip Gurel, DDS

Dr. Gurel is the founder and the honorary president of EDAD (Turkish Academy of Aesthetic Den-
tistry). He is the president of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry for 2011 and 2012, a
member of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics, and an honorary Diplomate of the American
Board of Aesthetic Dentistry. He is the editor in chief of Quintessence Magazine in Turkey and serves
on the editorial board of the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, Practical Procedures and Aesthetic Dentistry:
PPAD, and the European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. He lectures on dental esthetics internationally
and teaches postgraduate lectures on esthetic dentistry. He is a Visiting Professor at New York University
(United States), Marseille Dental University (France), and Istanbul Yeditepe University (Turkey). He
has been practicing in his own clinic in Istanbul, specializing in esthetic dentistry, since 1984.


Dr. Halstrom is a pioneer in the area of dental sleep medicine. He is the inventor of a family of oral
appliances proven effective in the treatment of sleep-disordered breathing. Dr. Halstrom has been in
practice for 49 years, and for the last 18 years his practice inVancouver, British Columbia, has been
limited to the treatment of sleep apnea and snoring. He is a Diplomate of the American Academy of
Dental Sleep Medicine. He is an Adjunct Professor of the Thompson Rivers University Respiratory
Therapy Program, where he teaches the principles of oral appliance therapy to undergraduates on their
way to becoming respiratory therapists. Heis a past president of the Canadian Dental Association and
the British Columbia Dental Association.

David L. Hoexter, DMD, FIADFE

Dr. Hoexter is a Clinical Professor at Temple University Dental School in the Periodontal Department
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). He was formerly a Clinical Professor at the University of Pittsburgh
School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics, and a Clinical Associate Professor at Mt. Sinai Hos-
pital, New York. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry, director of the
International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics, editor-in-chief of Dental Tribune USA, and a con-
tributing editor for Dentistry Today.

Ron Jackson, DDS

Dr. Jackson maintains a practice in Middleburg, Virginia. He publishes regularly andlectures across
the United States and abroad. He is an Accredited Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry, a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry, and avisitingfacultymember
at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.
Contributors xv

Steven R. Jefferies, MS, DDS, PhD

Dr. Jefferies is Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry, Maurice H. Kornberg School of
Dentistry, Temple University, where he holds the Donald and Cecelia Platnick Professorship in Restorative
Dentistry. Dr. Jefferies is also the Director of the Biomaterials Research Laboratory in the Department of
Restorative Dentistry and Director of Clinical Research for the School of Dentistry. Previously, he was
Corporate Vice President for Advanced Technology at DENTSPLY International, Vice President of Cor-
porate Product Development, and Director of Clinical Research for the Caulk Division. He was Associate
Clinical Professor in the Advanced Education in General Dentistry Program of the Department of Health
Promotion and Policy, Dental School, University of Maryland at Baltimore. Dr. Jefferies has been an
inventor or co-inventor on 25 issued U.S. patents and 52 worldwide patent disclosures; has been an author
or coauthor of 50 scientific articles and abstracts, including two book chapters; and has delivered approxi-
mately 70 oral presentations. He is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry
International, and the Academy of General Dentistry.

V. Kim Kutsch, DMD

Dr. Kutsch is an inventor holding numerous patents in dentistry, a product consultant, and an interna-
tionally recognized speaker; he is a past president of the International Academy of Laser Dentistry,
Academy of Laser Dentistry, and the World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry. He also has served
on the board of directors for the World Clinical Laser Institute and the American Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry. He has published dozens of articles and abstracts on minimally invasive dentistry, caries risk
assessment, digital radiography, and other technologies in both dental and medical journals and has
contributed to several textbooks. He also acts as a reviewer for several journals. He currently serves as
chief executive officer of two dental companies and maintains a private practice in Albany, Oregon.

Emanuel Layliev, DDS

Dr. Layliev is the director of the New York Center for Cosmetic Dentistry. He is president of the New
York Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry and the Interna-
tional Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics. He specializes in comprehensive cosmetic dental care includ-
ing porcelain veneers, bondings, crowns, bridges, and dental implants. He is an active member of the
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Academy of General Dentistry, American Dental Associa-
tion, New York State Dental Association, and New York City Dental Society. He serves as a consultant
for whitening toothpastes, toothbrushes, and mouthrinses and is the national spokesperson for Dentisse,
a line of natural, organic dental care products.

Karl F. Leinfelder, DDS, MS

Dr. Leinfelder served for 8 years on the faculty at Marquette University before he joined the faculty at
the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry, where he attained the position of Professor and
Director of Biomaterials Clinical Research in the Dental Research Center. In 1983 he joined the School
of Dentistry at the University of Alabama where he accepted the Joseph Volker Endowed Chair. He
also served as Chairman of the Department of Biomaterials until 1994. Presently he holds positions at
both universitiesAdjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina and Professor Emeritus
at the University of Alabama. He is the recipient of the Dr. George Hollenbeck Award (1995), the
Norton N. Ross Award for Outstanding Clinical Research (1997), and the American College of Prosth-
odontists Distinguished Lecturer Award (1998). He has served as associate editor of the Journal of the
American Dental Association and is a dental materials research consultant for numerous materials com-
panies. Dr. Leinfelder has published 275+ papers on restorative materials, 150+ scientific presentations
and a textbook on restorative materials and techniques, and lectures internationally on clinical
xvi Contributors
Roger P. Levin, DDS
Dr. Levin is chairman and chief executive officer of the Levin Group, Inc., the leading international
dental practice management and marketing consulting firm, which he founded in 1985. Dr. Levin
brings his Total Practice Success seminars to thousands of dentists and dental specialists each year.
Under his guidance, the Levin Group has taught dentists how to continually increase practice produc-
tion, profit, and referrals, creating a low-stress practice environment, experience high professional
satisfaction, and build the path toward financial independence.

Eric Levine, DDS

Dr. Levine is a full-time faculty member of the Department of Endodontics, Prosthodontics, and
Operative Dentistry at the University of Maryland Dental School and is the course director for the
Year I preclinical course in Operative Dentistry. He has an intramural practice with a focus on restorative
dentistry, and his research interests include the study of dental materials and incorporating technology
into practice and teaching.

Jenn-Yih (Simon) Lin, DDS

Dr. Lin is a Clinical Assistant Professor and the Predoctoral Program Director for Pediatric Dentistry
in the Pediatric Dentistry Department at the University of Washington. He is enthusiastic about inte-
grating computing technology into effective instructional materials. He also directs the Early Childhood
Oral Health program at the Department of Pediatrics at the UW Medical Center Roosevelt Clinic. He
is currently involved in several clinical research projects.

Edward Lowe, BSc, DMD

Dr. Lowe is the clinical director of the Pacific Aesthetic Continuum (PAC-live) in San Francisco, Cali-
fornia, and an adjunct faculty member at the University of the Pacific in San Francisco. He is an evalu-
ator and speaker for several dental product manufacturers including Discus Dental, Ivoclar Vivadent,
3M, Kerr, and DENTSPLY. He is on the advisory board of Signature, Ivoclar Vivadents clinical journal;
Collaborations; Spectrum; and several other publications. He has published articles on esthetic dentistry
Dentistry Today, Contemporary Esthetics and Restorative Practice, Oral Health, Signature, and Practical
Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry: PPAD. He is an active member of the Canadian Dental Association,
the American Dental Association, and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a charter
member and director of the Western Canadian Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Robert A. Lowe, DDS

Dr. Lowe was an Assistant Professor in Operative Dentistry at Loyola University School of Dentistry
until its closure in 1993. Since 2000, he has been in private practice in Charlotte, North Carolina. He
lectures internationally and publishes on esthetic and restorative dentistry. He is a clinical evaluator of
materials and products with many prominent dental manufacturers. He received fellowships in the
AGD, ICD, ADI, ADFE, and ACD and received the 2004 Gordon Christensen Outstanding Lecturers
Award at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic
Contributors xvii

Edward Lynch, BA, MA, BDentSc, DMD, TCD, FDSRCSEd, FDSRCSLond,

Dr. Lynch is the Head of Dental Education and Research at Warwick University. He was elected the
most influential person in U.K. Dentistry in 2010 by his peers. Professor Lynch previously held the
position of Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Gerodontology of the Queens University Belfast as
well as Consultant in Restorative Dentistry to the Royal Hospitals from 2000 to 2010. He has served
as Senior Lecturer in Conservative Dentistry and Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Postgraduate
Course Organizer for the University of London. Dr. Lynch has been awarded a total of 94 research
grants and has more than 500 publications, including chapters in books and refereed abstracts. Professor
Lynch is a specialist in three disciplinesendodontics, prosthodontics, and restorative dentistryand
presents worldwide. He is a consultant to the ADA, a spokesperson for the BDA, and a scientific board
member of the International Health Care Foundation and ISBOR and serves on the editorial board of
numerous international journals.

Louis Malcmacher, DDS

Dr. Malcmacher is a general and cosmetic dentist in Bay Village, Ohio and an internationally known
lecturer and author. An evaluator for Clinical Reports, Dr. Malcmacher is a consultant to the Council
on Dental Practice of the American Dental Association. He is also the President of the American
Academy of Facial Esthetics.

Chuck N. Maragos, CDT

Mr. Maragos is a member of the internationally renowned Oral Design Group lead by Willi Geller and
serves on the clinical board for Montage Medias Collaborative Techniques. He also is one of three
privileged dental artisans (technicians) to be accredited by the American Society for Dental Aesthetics.
He is chief executive officer of Valley Dental Arts and Valley Dental Technologies and chairman of the
Amara Institute. Known as the Father of Contemporary Diagnostics, he has received numerous
innovation awards and has published various articles on esthetic and implant dentistry. He also lectures
internationally on the profitability of esthetic dental materials. He is an active consultant and product
evaluator to dental manufacturers in the area of research and development.

Joseph Massad, DDS

Dr. Massad is an internationally renowned clinician in the field of prosthodontics and lectures interna-
tionally. He is the creator, producer, director, and moderator of two popular teaching videos on remov-
able prosthodontics1997s Predictable Complete Dentures and 2001s Helpful HintsPredictable
Complete Dentures, Part 2. He has published scientific articles in the International Journal of Periodontics
and Restorative Dentistry, Compendium of Continuing Dental Education, Dentistry Today, Dental Econom-
ics, and the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. He holds faculty positions at the Pankey Institute in Florida,
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, the University of Texas Health Science Center
at San Antonio Dental School, and the Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Dr. Massad is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and the International College of Dentists.

Sandesh M. Mayekar, MDS

Dr. Mayekar is the director of the Indian Institute of Continuing Education & Research and the
Founder and President of the Indian Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry. He is a past presi-
dent of the Asian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and has authored several articles on esthetic dentistry.
He is a visiting faculty member of the University of New York, Buffalo and Adjunct Professor in the
Department of Restorative Dentistry at the New Jersey School of Dentistry. He is also a visiting faculty
member at Padmashree Dr. D Y Patil Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai. He is a member of
the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Society for Dental Aesthetics, and the
editorial team for REALITY Publishing Company. He is a Fellow of the International College of
Dentists and the Pierre Fauchard Academy and a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Den-
tistry. He maintains a private practice in Mumbai, India.
xviii Contributors
Simon Mcdonald, BDS, MSc, DDPH, RCS
Dr. McDonald, dentist and inventor, is founder and CEO of Triodent Ltd, an international dental
manufacturing and innovations company. His breakthrough products have revolutionized how Class
II composite restorations and other dental procedures are done worldwide.

Elliot Mechanic, BSc, DDS

Dr. Mechanic practices esthetic dentistry in Montreal, Canada. He is the esthetic editor of Canadas
Oral Health Journal and the cofounder of the Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry. He maintains
membership in numerous professional organizations, including the American Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry, the Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics, the American Society for Dental Aesthetics, and
the European Society of Esthetic Dentistry.

Graeme Milicich, BDS

Dr. Milicich lectures internationally on minimal intervention, caries risk assessment and management,
minimal intervention restorative techniques, and the physics and clinical applications of hard and soft
tissue lasers. He is a Fellow, Diplomate, and founding board member of the World Congress of Mini-
mally Invasive Dentistry (WCMID). He is also a Fellow, Master, and board member of the World
Clinical Laser Institute and is a founding board member and honorary lifetime member of the New
Zealand Institute of Minimal Intervention Dentistry. In 2001 he was the recipient of the WCMID
Clinician of the Year Award, and in 2004 he received the WCMID Clinical Research Award. He has
conducted research on Er,Cr:YSGG laser hard tissue ablation physics and the associated clinical appli-
cations and has several peer-reviewed publications in the field of minimal intervention dentistry, as well
as produced several educational CDs.

Michael Miller, DDS

Dr. Miller has authored a 3-year series of articles on bonding in the Journal of the Greater Houston District
Dental Society and has lectured internationally. He is a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry and
a founding and accredited member and Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry; he has
memberships in the International Association for Dental Research, Academy of Dental Materials, and
Academy of Operative Dentistry. He has contributed to several texts, is on the editorial board of Practical
Procedures and Aesthetic Dentistry: PPAD, and is the cofounder, editor in chief, and president of REALITY
Publishing Company. Dr. Miller maintains a private practice in Houston, Texas.

K. William Mopper, DDS, MS

Dr. Mopper (Bud) is in private practice in Glenview, Illinois, where he has created dental esthetics for 39
years. He is an internationally renowned lecturer in esthetic dentistry with an emphasis on direct applica-
tion composite bonding. He coauthored A Complete Guide to Dental Bonding, the first definitive book on
bonding techniques. He is a member of the Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, a Fellow of the American
Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, and a Fellow
of the American College of Dentists. He teaches CE level direct resin bonding at major universities includ-
ing State University of Iowa and University of Illinois. He received the American Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry Award for Lifelong Commitment to Providing Excellence in Continuing Education in Cosmetic
Dentistry and an award for Outstanding Contribution to Cosmetic Dentistry. He received the New York
University College of Dentistry Irwin Smigel Prize in Aesthetic Dentistry. He recently received a Lifetime
Achievement Award from the World Aesthetic Congress for Outstanding Contribution to Aesthetic Den-
tistry. He is director of education for the Center for Esthetic Excellence, in Chicago, Illinois, and is cofounder
and Chairman of Cosmedent, Inc., where he is responsible for education and product development.
Contributors xix

Carlos Muoz-Viveros, DDS, MSD

Dr. Muoz-Viveros is a member of the American College of Prosthodontists, International Association
for Dental Research, Hispanic Dental Association, Academy of Dental Materials, and several other
organizations. In 1999 he became a Fellow of the American College of Dentists. He has presented
lectures in Central and South America, the United States, Asia, and Europe. He has authored over 50
scientific articles, contributed to clinical dental texts, serves as journal reviewer, and is very active in
adhesives, composite, and ceramic research. He is Professor and Chair, Department of Restorative
Dentistry, SUNY at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine, and Director of the Undergraduate Esthetics
Minors course.

Ross W. Nash, DDS

Dr. Nash is cofounder and president of the Nash Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he
provides esthetic and cosmetic dental treatment for patients and continuing dental education for den-
tists and team members. He is an editorial advisor and regular writer for several dental publications
and has also authored a chapter in a dental textbook on esthetic dentistry. He is an international lecturer
on subjects in esthetic and cosmetic dentistry. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry and a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry. He is a consultant to numer-
ous dental product manufacturers.

Christopher Orr, BSc, BDS

Dr. Orr practices cosmetic and restorative dentistry in a multidisciplinary clinic in central London. He
is an accredited member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and also a certified member of
the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is a past president of both the British Academy of
Cosmetic Dentistry and the Odontological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine and is a former
director of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and former course director for the MSc in
Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry at the University of Manchester. Through Advanced Dental Seminars,
he runs a 1-year comprehensive course in cosmetic dentistry and esthetic restorative dentistry for general
dentists. In addition, he lectures internationally.

Carlo Alberto Piacquadio

Mr. Piacquadio is a specialist in macro photography, specifically in the area of intraoral photography.
He is the owner of Fotoscientifica in Turin, Italy, and has been teaching the art of dental photography
for over 20 years. In 1997 he published the Dental Practical Handbook of Photography and in 2002
published the Practical Handbook of Dental Digital Photography. He is also a consultant for authors of
photographic books in the dental industry.

Gary Radz, DDS

Dr. Radz is an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Colorado, School of Dentistry in the
Department of Restorative Dentistry, where he teaches cosmetic dentistry courses for third- and fourth-
year dental students. For the past 6 years he has served on the editorial board for REALITY Publishing
Company. He is an active member of the Academy of General Dentistry, American Dental Association,
Colorado Dental Association, Metro Denver Dental Society, and Colorado Prosthodontic Society. He
is a sustaining member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He has written over 120
articles related to cosmetic dentistry materials and techniques, serves on the editorial board of seven
dental journals including the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, and has served as the editor in chief of
Mentor and ACEsthetics magazines.
xx Contributors
Brock Rondeau, DDS, IBO, DABCP
Dr. Rondeau is a general dentist whose practice is limited to the treatment of patients with orthodontic,
orthopedic, temporomandibular joint, and snoring and sleep apnea problems. He is a Diplomate of
the International Board of Orthodontics and has approximately 700 active patients. Dr. Rondeau
lectures internationally for more than 100 days per year and has done so for the past 24 years. He has
taught in Canada, the United States, England, Hong Kong, Australia, and Poland. Dr. Rondeau is also
a Diplomate of the American Board of Craniofacial Pain.

Lakshman P. Samaranayake, Hon DSc, Hon FDSRCSE, DDS, BDS,

Professor Samaranayake is the Dean and Chair of Oral Microbiology at the Faculty of Dentistry and
Tam Wah-Ching Professor of Dental Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, as well as the Director
of the Prince Philip Dental Hospital. He has held teaching and consultant positions at the University
of Glasgow, United Kingdom, University of Alberta, Canada, and the University of Peradeniya, Sri
Lanka, and has served as a director of the FDI World Dental Federation and the chairman of its Science
Commission. He has authored over 400 research and review articles, 28 book chapters, and eight books,
some translated into five languages. In 2010 he was the recipient of the IADR Distinguished Scientist
Award in Oral Medicine and Pathology. He has lectured on five continents and is the editor in chief
of the Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry and a World Bank Consultant on problem-based

Jonathan Scharf, DMD, FAACD

Dr. Scharf has maintained a private practice in Exton, Pennsylvania, United States, for the past 39 years.
He has served as a Visiting Associate Professor in the department of Esthetic Dentistry at the University
of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, has lectured at the Pankey Institute, and has trained dentists
internationally in cosmetic dental technology, cosmetic dental practice management, and fiber reinforce-
ment in dentistry. He is a member of the American Dental Association, Pennsylvania Dental Association,
Chester County and Delaware County Dental Society, Academy of General Dentistry, International
Association for Orthodontics, and American Equilibration Society. He is the technologies media spokes-
person for the Academy of General Dentistry. He has served as a member of the editorial team of the
Esthetic Dentistry Research Group (REALITY Publishing Company), as well as a consulting editor for
Cosmetic Dentistry for the GP and Cosmetic Dentistry Update. He has numerous articles on advanced
dental topics and is responsible for the development and international patenting of several dental materi-
als and techniques. He has provided interviews and clinical photographs for features in national publica-
tions such as Glamour, Womans World, and American Health Magazine.

Toms Seif, DDS

Dr. Seif is an invited Professor in the Department of Operative Dentistry at the Universidad Central
de Venezuela and the Universidad Santa Mara in Caracas. He is the founder and past-president of the
Venezuelan Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and an active member of the International Federation of
Esthetic Dentistry. In addition, he is a member of the Venezuelan Dental Prosthetic Society, the Ameri-
can Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and American Academy of Operative Dentistry. Dr. Seif lectures
extensively both nationally and internationally, having presented lectures in the main programs of the
American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American
Academy of Operative Dentistry, the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, and the International
Federation of Esthetic Dentistry. He is editor and co-author of the following books, Cariology: Con-
temporary Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dental Decay and Unlimited Success in Your Dental
Office, Maximizing Patient Satisfaction (both textbooks published in Spanish-speaking countries). Dr
Seif is founder and director of the Venezuelan Institute for Dental Updating (Instituto Venezolano de
Actualizacin OdontolgicaIVAO). He also attends many lectures and continuing education courses
year-round in Venezuela and abroad. His private practice dedicated exclusively to restorative dentistry
and esthetics in Caracas, Venezuela.
Contributors xxi

Irwin Smigel, DDS

Dr. Smigel, New York cosmetic dentist and visionary, is called the Father of Aesthetic Dentistry by
his peers. He was at the forefront of cosmetic tooth bonding, laminate veneers, and both in-office and
at-home bleaching techniques. He is the founder and current president of the American Society for
Dental Aesthetics and has been instrumental in establishing esthetic dental societies in France, Italy,
Japan, Korea, India, Brazil, and Turkey. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Den-
tistry. In 1979 he made a historic appearance on the TV show Thats Incredible, in which he per-
formed the first nationally televised dental bonding cosmetic dentistry demonstration for 50 million
viewers. This changed the face of dentistry forever as thousands of callers flooded the networks phone
lines hoping to discover how they too could improve their smiles. Since then he has appeared on The
Today Show, Good Morning America, Regis & Kathy Lee, NBC News, ABC News, Fox News, and CBS
News. In addition, New York University School of Dentistry has named its prestigious award for lifetime
achievement in cosmetic dentistry the Irwin Smigel Prize.

Howard E. Strassler, DMD, FADM, FAGD, FACD

Dr. Strassler is Professor and Director of Operative Dentistry at the University of Maryland Dental
School, Department of Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry. He has lectured nation-
ally and internationally on techniques and selection of dental materials in clinical use and esthetic
restorative dentistry. He is on the editorial board of several publications and reviews for several major
journals. He is on advisory boards and is a consultant and clinical evaluator for over 15 dental manu-
facturers. He has published more than 450 articles in the fields of restorative dentistry and innovations
in dental practice and seven chapters in dental texts. He has presented over 400 continuing education
programs throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Europe.

Jon B. Suzuki, DDS, PhD, MBA

Dr. Suzuki has a Presidential Appointment as Professor of Microbiology and Immunology in the School
of Medicine and Professor of Periodontology and Oral Implantology in the School of Dentistry at
Temple University, Philadelphia. He also serves as the Associate Dean for Graduate Education as well
as Director of Graduate Periodontology and Oral Implantology. He is a current panel member and the
immediate past-chairman of the Food and Drug Administration Dental Products Panel. He is on the
faculty of the U.S. Navy National Naval Medical Command and also holds professorships at Nova
Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; the University of Maryland, Baltimore; and Mai-
monides University, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He served as chairman of the American Dental Associa-
tion (ADA) Council on Scientific Affairs and continues to serve as an ADA consultant on the Scientific
Council, the Dental Practice Council, and the Commission on Dental Accreditation, Chicago. He
served on the National Institutes of Health National Dental Advisory Research Council and on numer-
ous NIH Study Sections. He has hospital appointments at Temple Episcopal Hospital and the Veterans
Affairs Medical Centers. He is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and the International
College of Dentists, a Specialist Microbiologist of the American College of Microbiology, a Diplomate
and Board Examiner of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, and a Diplomate of the
American Board of Periodontology. He has published over 100 papers, chapters, and symposia, 175
abstracts, and one textbook on medical technology. He is in private practice limited to periodontics in

Peter Chiu Shun Tsang, BDS, PhD, FRACDS

Dr. Tsang is the Assistant Professor of Oral Rehabilitation at the University of Hong Kong. With more
than 16 years experience in research on the oral biology of HIV, his main research interest is on oral
microbiology of healthy as well as medically compromised individuals, including patients with HIV
infection, those with diabetes, and those undergoing irradiation.
xxii Contributors
William E. Turner
Dr. Turner has published numerous articles on direct fiber-reinforced composite bridges and other
aspects of esthetic dentistry. He holds fellowships in the Academy of General Dentistry, the Academy
of Dentistry International, and the International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics. He currently
practices in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

Corky Willhite, DDS

Dr. Willhite has been awarded Fellowship by the Academy of General Dentistry, the American College
of Dentists, and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). He is one of 50 Accredited
Fellows in the AACD, which has more than 8000 members worldwide. He has served on the AACDs
board of governors (currently the American Board of Cosmetic Dentistry) and spent years as an Exam-
iner for Accreditation. He is on the faculty of the Center for Esthetic Excellence in Chicago and
postgraduate programs at Eastman Dental Center and the University of Minnesota. He has been pub-
lished and has lectured nationally and internationally. Over the years, his private practice in suburban
New Orleans, The Smile Design Center, has become limited to cosmetic dentistry. His experience is
based on a dedication to the belief that excellence and esthetics not only are compatible but can
take dentistry to a new level of satisfaction and success.

Jenny L. Wohlberg, MDT

Jenny Wohlberg is vice president of Valley Dental Arts and a Master Ceramist who heads the training
program for the Ceramics Department. She has been fortunate to study with many world-class cera-
mists, including Enrico Steger, Claude Sieber, Pinhasi Adar, Taki Nishihata, Matt Roberts, Thilo Voch,
and Willi Geller. She spent nearly 8 years under the instruction of Dr. Robert Nixon in a number of
hands-on seminars, and in 1998 she participated in a live-patient series through PAC-live, working
under the instruction of Dr. David Hornbrook and Master Ceramist Matt Roberts. She is one of only
16 individuals in the world to be named accredited technicians by the American Academy of Cosmetic
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 1

C H A P T E R 1

Cariology and Caries Management


Caries Risk Assessment

V. Kim Kutsch

on the teeth lead to a net mineral loss from the dental tissues
RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC and produce decay, cavitation, and loss of the teeth. Many
DENTISTRY studies over the last 30 years correlate high levels of mutans
streptococci and lactobacilli with dental caries. However, this is
Dental caries is a transmissible infectious bacterial disease, a more than a single- or double-pathogen disease process in the
biofilm disease of the teeth that leads to decay and ultimate loss classic model of infection. Dental caries has multifactorial causa-
of the teeth. It is not corrected by eliminating a patients cavities, tion, with environmental risk factors, individual risk factors, and
but requires diagnosis and treatment of the biofilm disease to behavioral and dietary influences as well as the biofilm compo-
correct the infection. Patients who undergo major restorative nent. Literally any saccharolytic, acidogenic, and aciduric bac-
dentistry (often esthetic dentistry) are generally patients who teria could contribute to the caries biofilm and lead to dental
have had a lifelong, chronic experience with dental caries. Unless caries. In 1989 Philip Marsh demonstrated conclusively through
the infection is diagnosed and treated, they remain in a diseased a series of studies that it is not the sugar availability that leads
state, putting all of their expensive restorative dentistry at high to decay, but rather the acid production from the metabolism
risk for recurrent decay and loss. of the sugars. The resulting low pH environment provides the
selection pressure to favor these bacteria in a patients mouth.
Today up to 24 different bacterial species have been implicated
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL in dental caries. Preza and co-workers demonstrated that addi-
tional species of bacteria need to be considered in the root
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION surface caries biofilm, including Atopobium, Olsenella, Pseudora-
OF THE PROCEDURE mibacter, and Selenomonas. In 2008, Takahashi and Nyvad dem-
onstrated that during protracted periods of low pH in the oral
Historically dentistry has treated dental decay with a surgical biofilm, even the potential commensal oral streptococci become
model, drilling the decayed tooth structure away and replacing more acidogenic and aciduric and contribute to the disease
it with a restorative material. Dental caries has been recognized process. They identified Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus mitis,
for over 100 years as a disease that contributes to decay. Early Streptococcus oralis, and Streptococcus anginosus and termed these
pioneersG.V. Black, Leon Williams, and othersrecognized bacteria low-pH, non-MS streptococci. They described this phe-
the relationship of dental plaque to decay. Over a period of nomenon as an extension of Marshs earlier ecological plaque
decades, several bacteria have been identified and connected to hypothesis. But it brings to light that it is important not only
the decay process. These bacteria include primarily Streptococcus which bacteria are present in a patients biofilm, but what those
mutans and Lactobacillus. Both of these types of bacteria are bacteria are doing. In addition, other factors have been reported
saccharolytic (metabolize carbohydrates), acidogenic (produce and studied with regard to their role in the disease process.
small molecular organic acids from the carbohydrate metabo- Known risk factors now include previous history of decay,
lism), aciduric (survive in acidic or low pH environments, pH radiographic lesions, white spot lesions, visible plaque on the
ranges that dissolve the calcium and phosphate minerals from teeth, frequent snacking, low saliva and poor saliva buffering
the teeth), and cariogenic (contribute to the decay process as a capability, xerostomia-producing medications, poor diet, sub
result of these characteristics). The prolonged periods of low pH optimal fluoride exposure, poor dental care habits, and low

2 Cariology and Caries Management Caries Risk Assessment

socioeconomic status. Today dental caries necessitates a caries MATERIAL OPTIONS

risk assessment with a validated questionnaire to evaluate and
correct the modifiable risk factors for an individual patient. It
Dental Caries Treatment Strategies
necessitates diagnosis of the bacterial infection using bacterial For all patients, any restorative and biomechanical needs must
metric testing or culture. Finally, it necessitates specific targeted be addressed. Restoration of the defects may return the teeth
antimicrobial therapy of the biofilm infection to predictably and to function but have little to do with correcting the dental
effectively treat the disease. Simply drilling and filling cavities, caries biofilm disease. Many different options are available for
a surgical approach to treating a bacterial infection, does not treating the biofilm disease process. A comprehensive approach
diagnose or treat the disease and is no longer acceptable as a to treating the dental caries patient involves addressing every
standard of care. aspect of the disease. These strategies can be broken down into
major groups and ideas. First in most treatment considerations
are the reparative procedures required to correct the physical
RELATING FUNCTION damage to the teeth. This includes remineralization of lesions
AND ESTHETICS that have not cavitated and still have an intact enamel surface
with fluoride and calcium phosphate or hydroxyapatite, plus
Caries risk assessment is related to function and esthetics in that minimally invasive restorations using biomimetic materials for
drilling and filling restorative dentistry has little to do with treat- lesions that have cavitation and decay present. The next strate-
ing the infection, although it does restore the teeth to function gies are focused on the therapeutic approach to correcting the
and eliminates pain in the short term. For predictable long-term bacterial biofilm component of the disease. These procedures
success with regard to function and esthetics in restorative den- include antimicrobial agents, pH corrections, and metabolic
tistry, the dental caries biofilm disease must be assessed, diag- agents (xylitol). Additional strategies include behavioral
nosed, and treated as the disease process it is. Unless this is done, changes to improve the oral environment to favor a healthy
most restorative dentistry is destined to fail with recurrent biofilm. Typically this involves oral hygiene instructions for
decay (although the disease process is actually left in place). improved home care and plaque control plus dietary counsel-
About 70% of all restorative dentistry is the replacement of ing. Some nonmodifiable factors may need to be addressed
previous restorations. by adding more protective factors to the patients risk-and-
caries balance equation. Special needs patients and those with
xerostomia or medication-induced xerostomia fall into this
Indications Remineralization Therapy
Caries risk assessment should be performed at least annually Remineralization has historically involved the use of topical
on every patient. Although a patient may be in a low risk cat- fluoride. Stannous fluoride and acidulated fluorides were intro-
egory and not have any signs or symptoms of the disease, risk duced first, but more recently neutral fluoride products have
factors change over time. A patient may become at high risk been used. The fluoride is applied in many different methods,
for dental caries at any point of life. For example, an adult who such as 1ppm public water fluoridation, 1100ppm fluoride
has been decay free for 20 years may develop hypertension dentifrice, 5000ppm fluoride gels and foams, 223ppm fluoride
and begin taking antihypertensive medications, which have the rinse, and 23,000ppm fluoride varnish. Fluorides basic mode
side effect of xerostomia, or a dry mouth. This alone may be of action enhances remineralization and inhibits demineraliza-
enough to tip the scales and create an environment that favors tion. Fluoride ions incorporate into remineralizing enamel and
cariogenic bacteria, placing the patient at high risk for caries dentin carbonated apatite to produce a more acid-tolerant
and leading to decay. This condition might be further compli- fluorapatite-like form. Fluoride also makes hard tissues more
cated if the patient begins chewing gum, candy, or lozenges acid resistant and inhibits bacterial intracellular enzymes.
that contain sugar. The goal of caries risk assessment is to iden- More recently, nano-particle hydroxyapatite and CPP-ACP
tify patients at risk for the disease and treat them before cavi- have made calcium and phosphate ions bioavailable to aid in the
ties appear. remineralization process. The benefits of additional sources of
these ions is unclear. Some clinicians believe that the need to
supplement sources of calcium and phosphate is limited to the
Contraindications xerostomic patient, in whom these molecules may be in short
There are no contraindications to caries risk assessment, because supply. Others believe there is added benefit to increasing the
all of the benefits outweigh any risks. However, there is little availability of calcium and phosphate in high-risk caries patients.
benefit to providing caries risk assessment for people who are Clearly, more studies are needed to answer this question. Prod-
edentulous, although they may benefit if they also have xerosto- ucts include Recaldent (Recaldent Pty Ltd, Australia), NovaMin
mia and are experiencing problems. Candida albicans is acido- (GlaxoSmithKline, United Kingdom), Trident (Warner-
genic and aciduric and may be a problem for these patients. Lambert, Morris Plains, New Jersey), MI Paste (GC America,
C. albicans can be treated with pH-elevating or pH-neutralizing Alsip, Illinois), and pHluorigel HA and HA Nano Gel (Carifree,
products. Albany, Oregon).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 3

Restorative Strategies with Minimally be confirmed radiographically. Based on scientific evidence,

Invasive Dentistry current recommendations are to surgically intervene on the
Dental caries can be site, tooth, patient, and population specific. approximal smooth surface only if the bitewing radiograph
Ideally, successful caries prevention implies there will be no shows both a solid enamel radiolucency going from the surface
irreversible changes to any tooth site or surface (occlusal, approx- through the enamel and that the dentin has been penetrated.
imal, smooth, or root surface). If prevention fails at any site, the Digital radiographs have the benefit of exposing the patient to
greatest benefit for the patient begins with early lesion detection. less radiation. The digital image can also be enhanced and
Such detection should trigger protocols for chemical remineral- enlarged easily, enabling better detection and monitoring of
ization and interventions to arrest and reverse early damage early lesions.
caused by demineralization before surface cavitation occurs. Lesion detection on the tooth root is best accomplished by
Only if surface cavitation develops should surgical restoration visual inspection. The chemistry of remineralization is the same
be performed, and then it is done by using the most minimally on the root (cementum) as it is for enamel. However, early lesion
invasive approach possible, maintaining the maximum amount detection is difficult, because in theory no visible change is
of healthy tissue and structural integrity of the tooth. The res- present in an early lesion. Many individuals have proposed that
toration is completed with the most appropriate dental restor- any exposed root is a root at risk because of its lower mineral
ative material suited for that particular lesion and that particular content and vulnerability to acid and enzyme dissolution.
patient. Careful monitoring of remineralization of early lesions is needed
Traditionally dentists identified cavitated lesions using a because of the more porous nature of cementum and dentin (less
sharp explorer tip, visual examination, and/or radiographs. The mineral compared with enamel) and the close proximity to the
explorer in a given dental practice may not have been sharp, so dental pulp in deeper root lesions. If restoration is needed on a
defining lesions in specific states of cavitation varied from dentist root surface, chemical adhesion and fluoride release (charging
to dentist. Numerous studies report that the use of a dental and recharging) of glass ionomer restorative materials should
explorer is not adequate for detecting early occlusal lesions at all be considered, especially when use of a rubber dam is not
and not only may lead to a significant number of undetected feasible.
lesions, including some false positives, but may, if it is sharp, The current state of lesion detection leaves behind the dental
cause traumatic surface defects in teeth. Radiographs are not explorer and involves a more scientific approach with the use of
useful for early occlusal lesions because of the masking effect of ICDAS, DIAGNOdent, digital radiographs, and some interest-
the facial and lingual enamel. New research has suggested the ing new technologies. Quantitative light-induced fluorescence
use of a visual ICDAS code system. ICDAS, an acronym for (QLF) measures the degree of demineralization by using the
International Caries Detection and Assessment System, can be natural fluorescence of teeth. With this computer-assisted tech-
thought of as a coding system of 0 to 6 that correlates what is nology, white spot lesions can be monitored over time to deter-
seen clinically with a definition and what research has reported mine if the lesion is progressing or remineralizing. Simply put,
histologically. The gradient starts with a code 0, which is a healthy enamel structure has different optical properties than
completely intact and healthy occlusal fissure system, and ends decalcified enamel; it has a different optical signature. The fluo-
with a code 6, a fissure that is cavitated with a frank carious rescent signal reflected from the decalcification (white spot
lesion. Recently Jenson and colleagues published various proto- lesion) of the enamel is captured by a fiberoptic sensor and
cols based on ICDAS code and caries risk. Included is how one interpreted through a computer-based algorithm to determine
would use laser detection technology such as a DIAGNOdent the amount of demineralization.
(KaVo Dental, Charlotte, North Carolina) in the decision-
making process (Figure 1-1). Therapeutic Caries Strategies
With traditional methods of lesion detection, patients who Antimicrobial therapy has traditionally involved chlorhexidine as
saw different dentists could be given conflicting information as a first defense in treating dental caries. It was thought to be
to whether they had cavities. Confusion led to issues of trust effective at attacking the Mutans streptococci but has little effect
and situations in which needed care was not rendered (under- on lactobacilli. Recent research has indicated that following
treatment) or restorations were placed when chemical reminer- chlorhexidine therapy, one phylotype of Mutans streptococci
alization would have been more appropriate (overtreatment). consistently remains and appears to be not only resistant but
In the past the issue of cavitated and precavitated lesions was also strongly pathogenic. Ethyl alcohol and essential oils have
not relevant for many practitioners. Whether the enamel also been used in the past. There have been new reports of effi-
surface is cavitated or not is the determining factor in deciding cacy with 10% povidone iodine and recommendations for
to chemically remineralize a lesion. If the enamel surface is still 0.10% sodium hypochlorite as an antimicrobial rinse. A recent
intact, the bacteria are physically too big to diffuse through the study raises the issue of a potential link between ethyl alcohol
enamel surface to infect the dentin and can successfully be containing oral mouthrinses and oral cancer in individuals oth-
managed with remineralization protocols. Interproximal or erwise not at risk for cancer. Products from the chlorhexidine
bitewing radiographs can be interpreted differently, so there is category include Peridex and PeriGuard (DermaRite Industries,
no definitive way to detect early lesions. Lesions penetrating Paterson, New Jersey). In the sodium hypochlorite category, a
minimally into the enamel may be surgically restored by product is CariFree Treatment Rinse (Oral BioTech, Albany,
some clinicians, whereas others wait for the dentin breech to Oregon).

Occlusal Protocol ***

ICDAS code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Definitions Sound tooth surface; First visual change Distinct visual change Localized enamel Underlying dark Distinct cavity with Extensive distinct
no caries change in enamel; seen only in enamel; seen when breakdown with no shadow from dentin, visible dentin; frank cavity with dentin;
after air drying (5 after air drying or wet, white or colored, visible dentin or with or without cavitation involving cavity is deep and
sec); or hypoplasia, colored change thin wider than the underlying shadow; localized enamel less than half of a wide involving more
wear, erosion, and limited to the confines fissure/fossa discontinuity of breakdown tooth surface than half of the tooth
other noncaries of the pit and fissure surface enamel,
phenomena area widening of fissure

Histologic depth Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F Lesion depth in P/F
was 90% in the outer was 50% inner enamel with 77% in dentin with 88% into dentin with 100% in dentin 100% reaching inner
enamel with only 10% and 50% into the 1/3 dentin
into dentin outer 1/3 dentin

Sealant/restoration Sealant optional Sealant optional Sealant optional or Sealant or minimally Minimally invasive Minimally invasive Minimally invasive
Recommendation DIAGNOdent may DIAGNOdent may caries biopsy if invasive restoration restoration restoration restoration
for low risk be helpful be helpful DIAGNOdent is 20-30 needed

Sealant/restoration Sealant optional Sealant recommended Sealant optional or Sealant or minimally Minimally invasive Minimally invasive Minimally invasive
Cariology and Caries Management Caries Risk Assessment

Recommendation DIAGNOdent may DIAGNOdent may be caries biopsy if invasive restoration restoration restoration restoration
for moderate risk be helpful helpful DIAGNOdent is 20-30 needed

Sealant/restoration Sealant recommended Sealant recommended Sealant optional or Sealant or minimally Minimally invasive Minimally invasive Minimally invasive
Recommendation DIAGNOdent may be DIAGNOdent may be caries biopsy if invasive restoration restoration restoration restoration
for high risk * helpful helpful DIAGNOdent is 20-30 needed
Sealant/restoration Sealant recommended Sealant recommended Sealant optional or Sealant or minimally Minimally invasive Minimally invasive Minimally invasive
Recommendation DIAGNOdent may be DIAGNOdent may be caries biopsy if invasive restoration restoration restoration restoration
for extreme risk ** helpful helpful DIAGNOdent is 20-30 needed
* Patients with one (or more) cavitated lesion(s) are high-risk patients. ** Patients with one (or more) cavitated lesion(s) and xerostomia are extreme-risk patients.

*** All sealants and restorations to be done with a minimally invasive philosophy in mind. Sealants are defined as confined to enamel. Restoration is defined as in dentin. A two-surface restoration is defined as a
preparation that has one part of the preparation in dentin and the preparatio extends to a second surface (note: the second surface does not have to be in dentin). A sealant can be either resin-based or glass
ionomer. Resin-based sealants should have the most conservatively prepared fissures for proper bonding. Glass ionomer should be considered where the enamel is immature, or where fissure preparation is not
desired, or where rubber dam isolation is not possible. Patients should be given a choice in material selection.

FIGURE 1-1 The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). (From Jenson L, Budenz AW, Featherstone JD, et al: Clinical protocols for caries management by risk assessment,
J Calif Dent Assoc 35:714, 2007.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 5

pH strategies include raising the pH or buffering the oral resistant bacteria and adverse host reactions. It also has the
environment to promote remineralization and encourage advantage of having a high pH. Xylitol has the advantage of
repopulation of commensal bacteria. The demineralization- interfering with the metabolism of cariogenic bacteria, which
remineralization gradient for enamel peaks at roughly pH 5.5. poorly metabolize it. It significantly reduces the levels of these
Below this pH, demineralization occurs, whereas at above 5.5, bacteria when administered in various products and in the diet.
remineralization occurs. Prolonged periods of low pH in the Based on the results of Philip Marshs early work and Takahashi
mouth favor acidogenic, aciduric, and cariogenic bacteria, so pH and Nyvads recent research, a product that helps balance or raise
strategies should be a component of the overall plan for patients the pH is a significant part of caries treatment.
at high risk for caries. Products addressing pH include Arm and
Hammer Baking Soda products and CariFree products (Oral Disadvantages
BioTech). These are available as gums, dentifrices, oral neutral- Chlorhexidine is a good antimicrobial agent but alters taste
izing gels and sprays, and rinses. sensations and stains the teeth; both of these side effects can
Xylitol is a naturally occurring alcohol sugar not metabolized easily be managed. It has virtually no effect on lactobacilli.
by mutans streptococci that has effective anticaries activity. Povidone iodine is an effective antimicrobial agent for children
In addition to inhibiting the attachment of the biofilm, it also but demonstrates no net effect in adults. Aside from the side
interferes with intracellular metabolism. The mutans strepto- effects of a strong unpleasant taste, taste alteration, and staining
cocci cannot use or break down xylitol and use up energy to of surfaces, it can be applied only once a month. Sodium hypo-
expel it from the cell. Xylitol is available in many forms: gum, chlorite has a strong chlorine flavor. There is limited evidence
lozenges, mints, sprays, rinses, pastes, and a baking substitute that fluoride has any beneficial anticaries effects in adults. Xylitol
for sugar or other sweeteners. Xylitol has the advantages of being causes gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, and cramping if too
low calorie and not stimulating insulin production in diabetics. much is consumed, and it is toxic to dogs. No scientific studies
Xylitol can create gastrointestinal distress at high levels of con- demonstrate any problems associated with the long-term use of
sumption and may be toxic for dogs. A multitude of xylitol pH-elevating products.
products is available, including Omnii 3M (3M ESPE, St Paul,
Minnesota), Epic (Epic Industries, Provo, Utah), Spry (Xlear,
Orem, Utah), and CariFree (Oral BioTech).
Current Best Approach
The current best approach to treating dental caries is to address
Modifiable Caries Risk Factors the specific risk factors for each patient and modify factors that
The most common modifiable risk factors for dental caries are can be modified, while creating more protective factors to com-
dietary habits. Scientific studies clearly demonstrate that the pH pensate for risk factors that cannot be modified. Patients should
drop from the dietary sugars is the selection pressure for dental then be treated with a fluoride varnish every 3 months until
caries. One of the most important factors is not the amount of they are disease free. Their cavitations can be restored using
sugar consumed, but the frequency of consumption during the glass ionomerbased products as provisional restorations. These
day. Frequent between-meal snacking leads to prolonged periods patients are given a regimen of antimicrobial products and main-
of low pH in the mouth. Based on the traditional Stephan curve, tenance products that improve the pH environment of the
with frequent snacking, the mouth never has the opportunity biofilm to eliminate cariogenic bacteria and favor commensal
to buffer the low pH and return the environment to the state and healthy bacteria. Highcaries-risk patients should be
that promotes remineralization. This favors the cariogenic bac- monitored until they are healthy and then screened at least
teria (Marsh); conditions the low-pH, non-MS streptococci to annually.
become acidogenic and aciduric (Takahashi and Nyvad); and
leads to dental caries. Overall bacterial numbers are also impor-
tant in the caries process, and daily plaque control is important OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
to control the disease. Good oral hygiene instructions can
improve a patients plaque control ability. The most important consideration in performing a caries risk
assessment and the medical management of dental caries is
Advantages to use a standardized, validated caries risk assessment form.
In the reparative process, remineralization is best approached Several forms and sources are available (e.g., Journal of the
with fluoride. The efficacy of fluoride varnish is supported by California Dental Association, October-November 2007;
the best scientific evidence, followed by fluoride rinses and fluo-; and other resources). In addition, in
ride dentifrice. Provisional restoration is best accomplished with January 2009 the Scientific Council of the American Dental
a product for highcaries-risk patients that is biomimetic and Association (ADA) endorsed caries risk assessment and provided
provides fluoride release. Final restorations consisting of adhe- a form available on the ADA website:
sive, bonded esthetic restorations provide the best result once resources/topics/topics_caries_over6.doc. Many forms include
the patient is caries free. disease indicators, risk factors, and protective factors. Some
In the therapeutic process, sodium hypochlorite is very effec- forms stratify patients into high, moderate, or low risk catego-
tive as an antimicrobial agent. It penetrates a biofilm, kills bac- ries; other forms also stratify them into extreme risk categories;
teria on contact, is broad spectrum, and is least likely to produce and yet other forms include a determination of whether the
6 Cariology and Caries Management Caries Risk Assessment

caries is active or inactive. A simple caries risk assessment form a more applicable biofilm model of the disease. Studies also
that identifies the patients specific caries risk factors is all that compare the presence or absence of bacterial species in healthy
is necessary. A simplified version based on a published form is and diseased states. Using biofilm profiling with the 16S gene
presented in Figure 1-2. sequence, research is now accurately identifying exactly which
Performing caries risk assessment must be simple and straight- bacteria are present and estimating their relative numbers. This
forward. In private practice, most risk assessments are done in is slowly creating a much clearer picture of the dental caries
the hygiene operatory. The most important decision to be made disease process.
in the operatory in real time is whether the patient is at risk for
dental caries and continued or future lesion development. The
decision must be made accurately and in relatively simple terms.
Technologic Advances
Is the patient not presently at risk for disease, so he or she can Traditionally, cariogenic bacteria levels were determined using a
be placed on an annual or biannual recare schedule with routine bacterial culture, typically by taking a saliva sample and cultur-
prevention measures and selection of restorative material? Or ing the saliva for Mutans streptococci and lactobacillus and
does the patient currently have dental caries and remain at con- extrapolating the data to determine the levels of these bacteria
tinued risk for this disease, needing a more aggressive approach on the teeth. Disadvantages of the culturing technique as a
to treatment of the biofilm disease and specifically targeted screening test, diagnostic metric, or surrogate endpoint are that
prevention protocols in addition to any restorative needs? The the cultures are not that sensitive or specific and do not correlate
assessment process should differentiate between these two groups well with the patients actual caries risk. Cultures are helpful
of patients and identify the specific risk factors for each indi- from an educational and motivational standpoint but are not
vidual patient that potentially contribute to the biofilm disease accurate enough for more delineated decision making. They also
process. This patient-specific information then becomes useful are time-consuming; cultures typically require an incubation of
for treatment recommendations. 48 hours to yield a result, so in a busy general practice, adding
As already noted, risk factors that are not modifiable, such as this step is a management and systems issue. New applications
age, amount and quality of saliva, or medication-induced xero- of older technology have been developed, tested, and validated
stomia, must be counterbalanced in the treatment and preven- as screening tests for dental caries. All acidogenic and aciduric
tion protocol with positive influences. With all the normal bacteria can survive in a low-pH environment through various
requirements and procedures already included in the hygiene adaptive mechanisms. For example, some bacterial intracellular
operatory during a recare or new patient visit, this process must enzymes can adjust activity to lower levels during prolonged
be precise and timely to be incorporated into an active dental periods of acidic pH (below 5.5). They can also pump the
practice. A simple risk assessment form that asks the right hydrogen (acidic) ions back out of the cell to retain intracellular
questions and produces the right patient profiles is the most neutrality while they are in an acidic environment. This hydro-
desirable. gen pump runs continuously and uses a tremendous amount of
Special needs patients, patients with medication-induced energy. All living cells derive energy from adenosine triphos-
xerostomia who cannot have their medication regimen altered, phate (ATP). The ATP levels in a patients dental biofilm can be
and children in low socioeconomic situations also have non- extrapolated to reflect energy use, which provides a high degree
modifiable risk factors. For these patients, it is important to of correlation to the acidogenic and aciduric bacteria present.
increase the protective factors and help compensate for their This can be accomplished in a simple chairside, real-time test
risk factors to achieve a balanced state of health. This includes with a light-sensitive meter and bioluminescence technology.
reinforcing home care instructions, modifying the toothbrush The CariFree CariScreen system (Oral BioTech) is a newly
handle for a special needs patient if applicable, adding more developed test that has proved effective as a 15-second chairside
fluoride to the daily regimen, providing dietary counseling, and screening test for dental caries.
prescribing pH-neutralizing products that can be used frequently
during the day.
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS Artistic elements apply directly to the restorative aspect of
dental caries. Unfortunately, the best provisional restorative
Scientific Advances material for highcaries-risk patients during the initial treat-
Current scientific studies are focusing on caries risk assessment ment phase are glass ionomer materials, which are not as esthetic
and validating risk factors, along with demonstrating the efficacy as composite resins or porcelain. The recommended procedure
of the medical model of caries treatment and management. New is to eliminate all cavitations quickly and restore initially with
studies examine the potential benefits of elevating the dental fluoride-releasing glass ionomers until the caries biofilm infec-
biofilm pH to promote the growth of healthy commensal bac- tion can be resolved and more definitive esthetic restorations
teria and discourage the growth of cariogenic bacteria. Studies can be placed. Fluoride varnish is important for delivering
can create laboratory biofilm models to help our understanding fluoride in the early stages of remineralization therapy in the
of the nature of the dental biofilm. Additional studies are using patient at high caries risk but is not very attractive on the teeth.
rRNA extraction and profiling of the bacterial biofilm to develop Many practitioners have dealt with this challenge by placing the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 7

FIGURE 1-2 Simplified caries risk assessment form. (Courtesy Oral BioTech, Albany, Oregon.)
8 Cariology and Caries Management Caries Risk Assessment

fluoride varnish on the posterior teeth only, providing a ready

reservoir of fluoride for sustained substantivity without compro-
mising anterior esthetics. The procedure is simple and not elegant. Local anesthesia is used
where indicated, and the decay is removed and restored with
glass ionomer as a provisional material.


Options Finishing is simple as well. The restorations can be finished with
The design of the treatment plan should address the specific needs a diamond bur or fluted carbide finishing bur once the glass
and risk factors identified for the patient. The various material ionomer has set, and then sealed with a resin to keep the mois-
options for the reparative sequence were discussed previously for ture out while the material matures during the subsequent
both remineralization and restoration. The options for the thera- 24 hours.
peutic sequence must apply specifically to the needs of the patient.
For example, a xerostomic senior patient may benefit from fluo-
ride varnish treatment every 3 months plus daily use of fluoride EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
rinse and pH-neutralizing products. This patient may also benefit
from oral spray to moisten the mouth and boost pH between Several basic principles of caries risk assessment and the medical
meals. An adolescent in orthodontic braces would benefit from model of caries treatment have been validated by scientific
daily use of fluoride rinse and home care instructions, diet coun- studies. Caries risk assessment was validated in a large-scale
seling, and xylitol products. A patient who has had major restor- study of two insured populations totaling 45,683 individuals.
ative esthetic care would benefit from daily use of nonabrasive The results demonstrated that patients diagnosed as being at
pH-neutralizing and xylitol-based products to maintain a healthy high caries risk were four times as likely as patients diagnosed
biofilm and reduce the risk for recurrent decay. as being at low caries risk to have a decay event during the test
period. Patients identified as being at moderate risk were twice
as likely as low-risk patients to have a carious lesion. This large-
Sequence scale study validates the usefulness of caries risk assessment in
The sequence in treating the patient at high caries risk is simple. predicting caries risk among adult patients. The study also dem-
Reparative needs are treated at the same time the therapeutic onstrates the lack of benefit from fluoride treatment in adults
regimen is implemented. So the sequence would be fluoride when stratified by risk category. Caries risk assessment forms and
varnish treatment first, then, as soon as possible, restoration of risk factors have been validated and weighted in two clinical
all carious lesions with glass ionomer and the application of studies. Caries risk assessment combined with the medical man-
antimicrobial agents, remineralization, xylitol, and pH strategies agement of caries (caries management by risk assessment
all at the same time. Patients should be placed on a 3-month [CAMBRA]) has been validated in a clinical study. Patients
recall schedule to evaluate their program. They can be given demonstrated significantly reduced levels of cariogenic bacteria
continued therapy as indicated and retested for their CariScreen and carious events during the test period. Additional scientific
score, with additional fluoride varnish and counseling as needed. studies provide evidence of the efficacy of fluoride regimens in
children, the correlation of cariogenic bacterial loads to dental
caries, and the valid use of ATP levels to the cariogenic bacterial
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS loads. Xylitol has numerous scientific studies proving its efficacy
in reducing both cariogenic bacterial load levels and caries rate.
Treatment considerations are straightforward. Highcaries-risk Biofilm studies are providing a clearer picture of the diverse
patients should be initiated into therapy immediately and nature of biofilms and the complexity of the dental caries biofilm
monitored as indicated. Low-risk patients should be screened disease.


For the restorative or reparative phase, the primary goal is to CONCEPTS
remove all of the decay as soon as possible and place provisional
restorative materials like glass ionomers. The preparations them- The best dentistry is no dentistry. The conservation of healthy
selves need only remove the decay and are not intended to be tooth structure and the routine use of minimally invasive pro-
definitive restorations. This can be accomplished with a high- cedures is the best care the profession can provide. The goal of
speed or low-speed handpiece and carbide or diamond bur, air CAMBRA is to identify patients at risk for dental disease and
abrasion, or a hard tissue erbium-based laser. Remaining carious correct the situation before signs and symptoms of the disease
lesions act as a nidus of infection and continue to reinfect the develop, thereby conserving a patients healthy tooth structure.
mouth. It is important in the initial phase of treatment to elimi- The earliest expression of dental caries comes from net mineral
nate these areas. loss of the teeth. These lesions begin as white spot lesions, which
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 9

can be remineralized without any operative treatment. Early and examinations. The reality is that the benefits far outweigh any
aggressive identification of the disease process leads to the most potential risks.
minimally invasive approaches.

Near-future developments look at several different ideas. Many
Once patients have had their dental caries treated and been novel remineralizing materials are currently being tested and
diagnosed as caries free, healthy, and/or at low risk for disease, developed. Other ideas involve the development of specifically
the next step is maintenance of their health and prevention of targeted antimicrobial peptides that target a specific pathogen,
future disease. The best maintenance is provided by an annual such as Mutans streptococci. The extended ecological plaque
risk assessment, bacterial screening metric, and routine daily hypothesis proposed Takahashi and Nyvad supports the
maintenance of health with proper oral care. mixed-bacteria ecologic approach that the proportion of acid-
and base-producing bacteria is the core of caries activity. This
undermines the view that dental caries is a classic infectious
CONTROVERSIES disease, and trying to treat the disease with elimination of
one or two species such as Mutans streptococci with vaccina-
Few controversies surround caries risk assessment or the materi- tion, gene therapy, or targeted antimicrobial treatment will
als and products used in the medical management approach to be unwise and produce limited results. Ultimately, environ-
treating the disease. All of the CAMBRA philosophy is logical mental control that reduces the acidification of the biofilm
and has sound scientific evidence supporting the concept and and trains healthy behavior of the bacteria is a better strategy.
materials. The only controversy is the concept of standard of care Additional products are being developed based on the pH
because the profession is slow to embrace these principles. Cur- selection pressure principle of the biofilm disease. These are
rently the concept of caries risk assessment is taught as the designed to neutralize the biofilm for extended periods of
standard of care at most U.S. dental schools, is rapidly being time, resulting in a healthy oral biofilm, remineralization, and
incorporated into the curriculum, and is included in board a net mineral gain.


C A S E 1 Adult with Low Caries Risk (Figure 1-3)

The patient is a 52-year-old woman with no medical issues. She is not taking any medications and has no aller-
gies. She has not had any restorations in 13 years. No decay is present on examination, no radiographic lesions
are present, the caries risk assessment form indicates she is at low risk and has no risk factors for dental caries,
and her CariScreen score is 782, which also indicates low risk. She is diagnosed as caries free and at low risk
for the disease. The patient has no immediate need for restorative dentistry, but she is provided instructions on
home care, prevention products, dietary counseling, the concept of caries as a biofilm disease, caries risk factors,
and the need for annual screening. If she has any elective dentistry she wants done, any appropriate esthetic
material can be safely and predictably used.

FIGURE 1-3 A 52-year-old lowcaries-risk patient.

10 Cariology and Caries Management Caries Risk Assessment

C A S E 2 Adult with High Caries Risk (Figure 1-4)

The patient is an ambulatory 47-year-old man. He has hypertension and is under the direct care of a physician.
He is currently taking antihypertensive medication but has no allergies or other medical issues. He complains of
a dry mouth and is concerned about losing his teeth. The patient has multiple missing teeth, visible plaque and
carious lesions, multiple radiographic lesions, and a CariScreen score of 8756 (high risk). He is identified as at
high risk on the risk assessment form. Among his multiple risk factors are dry mouth, poor oral hygiene, frequent
snacking, medication-induced xerostomia, and suboptimal fluoride exposure. Treatment planning is broken into
reparative processes and therapeutic processes. On the reparative side, remineralization is initiated with fluoride
varnish and twice-daily use of fluoride rinses. Restoration consists of provisional restorations to repair all lesions
with glass ionomer restorative material. The therapeutic regimen consists of antimicrobial rinses with sodium
hypochlorite and fluoride twice a day for a month, followed by daily continued use of a pH-neutralizing fluoride
and xylitol rinse and neutralizing xylitol gel twice a day until the 3-month recall interval. He is also given a
pH-boosting oral spray to use between meals and immediately after any snacks. He is also given oral home care
instructions and dietary counseling. He is placed on a 3-month recall schedule for review, reassessment, and
retesting. This 3-month cycle of treatment and retesting is continued until health is achieved. Once the patient
is determined to be caries free and at low risk for future disease, he is then scheduled for complete definitive
restoration of his teeth, considering both function and esthetics.

FIGURE 1-4 A 47-year-old highcaries-risk patient.

SUGGESTED READINGS Heinrich-Weltzien R, Kuhnisch J, van der Veen M, et al: Quantitative

light-induced fluorescence (QLF)a potential method for the dental
Becker MR, Paster BJ, Leys EJ, et al: Molecular analysis of bacterial species practitioner, Quintessence Int 34(3):181-188, 2003.
associated with childhood caries, J Clin Microbiol 40(3):1001-1009, 2002. Jenson L, Budenz AW, Featherstone JD, et al: Clinical protocols for caries
Beighton D: The complex oral microflora of high-risk individuals and groups management by risk assessment, J Calif Dent Assoc 35(10):714-723,
and its role in the caries process, Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007.
33(4):248-255, 2005. Katz RV: Assessing root caries in populations: the evolution of the root caries
Brailsford SR, Shah B, Simons D, et al: The predominant aciduric microflora index, J Public Health Dent 40(1):7-16, 1980.
of root-caries lesions, J Dent Res 80(9):1828-1833, 2001. Lussi A: Comparison of different methods for the diagnosis of fissure caries
Ekstrand K, Qvist V, Thylstrup A: Light microscope study of the effect of without cavitation, Caries Res 27(5):409-416, 1993.
probing in occlusal surfaces, Caries Res 21(4):368-374, 1987. Lussi A: Validity of diagnostic and treatment decisions of fissure caries, Caries
Featherstone JD: The science and practice of caries prevention, J Am Dent Res 25(4):296-303, 1991.
Assoc 131(7):887-899, 2000. McCullough MJ, Farah CS: The role of alcohol in oral carcinogenesis with
Featherstone JD, Domejean-Orliaguet S, Jenson L, et al: Caries risk particular reference to alcohol-containing mouthwashes, Aust Dent J
assessment in practice for age 6 through adult, J Calif Dent Assoc 53:302-305, 2008.
35(10):703-707, 10-3, 2007. Mouradian WE, Wehr E, Crall JJ: Disparities in childrens oral health and
Fontana M, Gonzalez-Cabezas C: Secondary caries and restoration access to dental care, JAMA 284(20)2625-2631, 2000.
replacement: an unresolved problem, Compend Contin Educ Dent Penning C, van Amerongen JP, Seef RE, ten Cate JM: Validity of probing for
21(1):15-18, 21-4 passim; quiz 30, 2000 fissure caries diagnosis, Caries Res (26(6):445-449, 1992.
Fontana M, Zero DT: Assessing patients caries risk, J Am Dent Assoc Pitts N: ICDASan international system for caries detection and
137(9):1231-1239, 2006. assessment being developed to facilitate caries epidemiology, research and
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 11

appropriate clinical management, Community Dent Health 21(3):193-198, Takahashi N, Nyvad B: Caries ecology revisited: microbial dynamics and the
2004. caries process, Caries Res 42(6):409-418, 2008.
Pitts NB, Rimmer PA: An in vitro comparison of radiographic and directly van Houte J, Lopman J, Kent R: The predominant cultivable flora of sound
assessed clinical caries status of posterior approximal surfaces in primary and carious human root surfaces, J Dent Res 73(11):1727-1734, 1994.
and permanent teeth, Caries Res 26(2):146-152, 1992. Verdonschot EH, Bronkhorst EM, Burgersdijk RC, et al: Performance of
Preza D, Olsen I, Aas JA, et al: Bacterial profiles of root caries in elderly some diagnostic systems in examinations for small occlusal carious lesions,
patients, J Clin Microbiol 46(6):2015-2021, 2008. Caries Res 26(1):59-64, 1992.
Reynolds EC: Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by casein Young DA: New caries detection technologies and modern caries
phosphopeptidestabilized calcium phosphate solutions, J Dent Res management: merging the strategies, Gen Dent 50(4):320-331, 2002.
75(9):1587-1595, 1997. Young DA, Featherstone JD, Roth JR: Curing the silent epidemic: caries
Ricketts D, Kidd E, Weerheijm K, de Soet H: Hidden caries: what is it? Does management in the 21st century and beyond, J Calif Dent Assoc
it exist? Does it matter? Int Dent J 47(5):259-265, 1997. 35(10):681-685, 2007.

Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

Toms Seif

the test of time. This is where the dental professional and

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC clinical staff must have up-to-date knowledge about modern
DENTISTRY caries management, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. This
chapter focuses on these parameters. Periodontal and
Restorative dentistry is a rapidly evolving field. In the past, occlusal aspects are also important and are covered else-
treatments depended solely on the opinion of the treating where in this book.
dentist. Today treatments are mainly patient driven, which 2. A thorough understanding of the restorationdental pulp
means that the people who receive dental services choose not complex relationships. Restoring teeth with pulpal com-
only the dentist, but also the type of dentistry they want to promise that has not been properly identified and diag-
receive. nosed before treatment (even in the absence of symptoms)
We live in a beauty-conscious society. In fact, the advertising poses a serious dental risk in the near future. This will
community has been pushing for many years the idea that make endodontic procedures necessary after the new res-
beautiful is better. A popular book, Change Your Smile by Dr. torations have been placed, requiring access to the pulpal
Ronald Goldstein (Quintessence Publishing), is geared toward chamber and affecting its integrity and esthetics while also
patients and states, Taking steps to improve our appearance affecting the perception of the patient about the quality
today is considered an investment in our health and well being, of care.
it is socially acceptable as it is personally gratifying. If this is 3. An effective maintenance regimen for the restored teeth.
true, cosmetic dental services are socially acceptable and per- Patients have long been instructed to practice good oral
fectly suitable for improving patients appearance. However, hygiene and return to the dental office for professional
dental professionals must be extremely careful to really gratify maintenance or recall visits. It is logical to also (a) educate
these patients not only with esthetically driven treatments patients who have received esthetic restorative treatments
but also with long-lasting results, as these patients invest time about how to maintain these restorations and (b) schedule
and money in their health and well-being. So, can we practice regular visits for their maintenance.
esthetic dentistry without proper knowledge of modern caries
management (Figure 1-5)?* If these fundamental steps are followed, the restorations will
last longer in a healthy environment, patients will be happy, and
their well-being will reflect on the dental office as well.
GRATIFYING THE PATIENT WITH This chapter covers the fundamentals. The reader is encour-
LONG-LASTING ESTHETICS aged to complete this information with further readings in these
areas of knowledge.
Patients will not be personally gratified solely with beautiful
functional restorations that have been skillfully placed. Restora-
tions must look good, feel good, and especially last for the A HEALTHY ORAL ENVIRONMENT
longest time possible. For this to happen, the dentist who pro-
vides restorative treatments not only must be on the cutting edge Brief History of the Clinical
of cosmetic and dental materials knowledge but also should Development and Evolution
understand the longevity of these restorations, considering the
following three fundamental aspects:
of the Procedures
1. A healthy oral environment. If any restoration is placed in Almost a century ago, dental schools worldwide were attracted
an unhealthy oral environment, the majority of materials by the academic rigor of G.V. Blacks approach to dental lesions.
as well as the teeth that support them will not stand As a result, large departments of operative dentistry sprang up.
Of course, operative techniques had (and still have) to be taught.
However, they form the basis of teaching and not subsequent
*Companies and products depicted in this chapter are registered trademarks. practice.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 13

FIGURE 1-6 In the absence of proper maintenance, most

materials used for dental restorations have a weak link along
the tooth-restoration interface and are therefore doomed to
B failure in the long term, even if executed to a reasonable techni-
cal standard using the latest adhesive materials.
FIGURE 1-5 A, This patient had porcelain veneers placed in
the anterior teeth only 14 months ago. Teeth were very sensi-
tive to hot and cold stimuli; the patient was very dissatisfied
with the dentist. Clinical intervention revealed secondary
decay. B, If you were re-treating the case, would you expect to
have a better outcome with only restorative dentistry?
Caries Management, Diagnosis
and Treatment Strategies
Traditional caries management has consisted of detection of
Operative departments often became the core centers where carious lesions followed by immediate restoration. In other
vast amounts of clinical time were invested and in which under- words, caries was managed primarily by restorative dentistry.
graduates strove to complete predetermined numbers of restor- However, an irreversible process begins when the dentist takes
ative treatments. However, in countries where such restorative the handpiece in hand. Placing a restoration does not guarantee
dental treatment has dominated the scene, many shortcomings a sound future for the tooth. On the contrary, it may be the
have now become apparent. start of a restorative cycle in which the restoration will be
Practicing dentists and dental teachers have tended to see replaced several times.
patients as people who have mechanical dental problems. These The decision to initiate invasive treatments should be pre-
clinicians then become preoccupied with treatment procedures ceded by a number of questions, such as the following:
over prevention. A vivid example of this is the concept that Is caries present?
proposes finishing margins of metal or metal ceramic restora- If so, how far does it extend?
tions subgingivally to prevent recurrent caries in these areas. Is a restoration required?
The overwhelming bias has been for dentists to focus on Could the process be arrested by preventive treatment?
mechanical solutions to the problems posed by disorders
(such as temporomandibular joint [TMJ] disorders) or bacterial Sometimes the decision to restore may be based on question-
diseases (such as dental caries and periodontal disease). This able diagnostic criteria.
extends even to performing treatments (overtreating) even The introduction of adhesive restorative materials has
when reliable knowledge about the precise outcome of the pro- allowed dentists to make smaller preparations, which has led
cedures does not exist. to the preservation of hard dental tissues and, along with a
Firmly entrenched with this philosophy has been the errone- decline in disease prevalence, has allowed the elimination of
ous belief that restored teeth equate with dental health. The vast Blacks principle of extensions for prevention. Maximum
majority of dental restorations are not as durable as is commonly tooth structure is preserved. However, this approach, some-
believed by patients and dentists. Furthermore, most materials times described as the dynamic treatment concept, cannot
used for dental restorations have a weak link along the tooth- prevent repeated treatment procedures and the occurrence of
restoration interface and are therefore doomed to failure in the iatrogenic damage. Lussi and Gygax showed that during the
long term, even if executed to a reasonable technical standard preparation of an interproximal lesion, the neighboring surface
using the latest adhesive materials, especially in the absence of was damaged 100% of the time despite careful operating
proper maintenance (Figure 1-6). procedures.
14 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

Dental Plaque
A Different Treatment Strategy The prevalence of mutans streptococci (Streptococcus mutans) and
A different treatment strategy is recommended based on a proper lactobacilli is associated with dental caries. S. mutans is involved
diagnosis of caries, taking into account the dynamics of the caries in caries formation from its initiation. Lactobacilli are so-called
process. The activity of caries should be determined, and caus- secondary organisms that flourish in a caries environment and
ative factors evaluated. Caries risk should be assessed in restorative contribute to caries progression (Figure 1-8). Dental plaque may
dentistry before treatment is considered. Treatment should include be more cariogenic locally whereas S. mutans and lactobacilli
preventive regimens to arrest the caries process by addressing the are concentrated. In everyday practice, it is difficult for the
imbalance between demineralization and remineralization. dentist to identify cariogenic plaque to make this knowledge
The treatment goals in caries management should be to useful in treating individual patients. Plaque can be sampled and
prevent new lesions from forming and to detect lesions suffi- S. mutans and lactobacilli quantified, but the procedure is
ciently early in the process that they can be treated and arrested quite complicated and requires the support of a microbiology
by nonoperative means. Such management requires skills, is laboratory.
time-consuming, and is worthy of appropriate payment. If these It is easier to count mutans streptococci and lactobacilli in
attempts have failed, high-quality restorative dentistry is required saliva, and kits are commercially available for this purpose. These
to restore the integrity of the tooth surface. counts, however, do not give site-specific information and are
poor predictors for high carious activities in general. Neverthe-
Etiology of Dental Caries less, low counts and the absence of S. mutans are good predictors
The factors involved in the caries process, which include the of low caries activity.
tooth, dental plaque, and diet, were presented in the 1960s in High numbers of S. mutans organisms and lactobacilli are
the model of overlapping circles. Since then, the model has been probably the result of a high sugar intake and the resulting
supplemented with the factors of time, fluoride, saliva, and periods of lower pH levels in dental plaque. Inversely, the restric-
social and demographic factors. At first glance, these circles tion of sugar intake reduces the number of S. mutans organisms
constitute a simple model to explain caries risk, which is repre- and lactobacilli.
sented by the overlap of the three inner circles. When one of the In one study of individuals complying with the Weight
risk factors increases, the respective circle becomes larger, as does Watchers diet, the number of mutans streptococci and lactoba-
the overlap of the circles, indicating increased caries risk. For cilli was reduced by half. A comparable reduction was found in
instance, if there is hyposalivation, the saliva circle tightens and subjects who reduced their sugar intake frequency from 7.2 to
the three inner circles enlarge the overlap, again indicating a 1.8 times a day. Interestingly, after a period of sugar restriction
greater risk. Inversely, the model explains why reducing any risk the pH response to glucose was reduced in buccal but not in
factor decreases caries risk (Figure 1-7). interdental plaque. Apparently the reduced numbers of mutans





Substrate Caries Time

Plaque Tooth
Immune system







Topical Flouride of caries progression

- S. mutans - lactobacilli
Socioeconomic - S. sobrinus - Actinomyces v.
status - other streptococci
- yeast
FIGURE 1-7 The factors involved in the caries process. When
one of the risk factors increases, the respective circle becomes
larger, as does the overlap of the circles, indicating increased FIGURE 1-8 Current level of knowledge regarding involved
caries risk. bacteria essential for caries onset and progression.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 15

streptococci and lactobacilli are insufficient to lower the acido- is not necessarily effective for caries prevention. In addition,
genicity of interdental plaque. foods believed to be good for teeth may not be better than
The oral flora colonizes on teeth continuously, but it takes foods that are supposedly bad. A chocolate and caramel bar
up to several days before the dental plaque contains enough might be considered bad because it feels sticky. In reality, the
acidogenic bacteria to lower plaque pH to the level that causes caramel dissolves and leaves the mouth relatively quickly, whereas
demineralization. Theoretically, plaque removal every second potato chips, generally considered less harmful, take a longer
day would be sufficient. If the dentition is professionally cleaned, time to clear the mouth. During this retention, the carbohydrate
an even lower frequency of cleaning has been demonstrated to fraction may be hydrolyzed to simple sugars, providing a sub-
prevent caries. However, we have only to consider the caries strate for the acidogenic bacteria. All the uncertainties in deter-
prevalence in the prefluoride era to realize that few people are mining the cariogenicity of foods make it difficult to provide
capable of cleaning their teeth to a level adequate to prevent strict dietary guidelines. To snack in moderation is the only wise
caries. Very few people even use dental floss. recommendation. Sugar substitutes deserve special consider-
ation, especially Xylitol, because it has shown to dramatically
Teeth reduce caries incidence when used instead of sugary snacks
The calcium phosphate of teeth demineralizes when the envi- between meals.
ronmental pH lowers. As the environmental pH recovers, dis-
solved calcium and phosphate can re-precipitate on the remaining Time
mineral crystals in the process called remineralization. Reminer- Time affects the caries process in several ways. When caries was
alization is a slower process than demineralization. When rem- commonly considered to be a chronic disease, time was intro-
ineralization is given enough time, it can eliminate the damage duced to indicate that the substrate (dietary sugars) must be
done during demineralization, but in the absence of this, the present for a sufficient length of time to cause demineralization.
caries process will progress and a lesion will develop. We now know that caries is not a chronic disease and that its
Dentin is more vulnerable than enamel because of structural effect can be arrested or completely repaired should enough time
differences and impurities in the lattice. For many years, much be given for remineralization. It is also clear that caries lesions
emphasis was given to the pre-eruptive effect of fluoride to do not develop overnight, but usually take time. In fact, it may
improve the quality of the dental hard tissues. However, it is take years for cavitations to occur. This potentially gives the
now clear that post-eruptively used fluoride is more protective dentist and the patient ample time for preventive treatment
against caries. strategies.

Diet Fluoride
Dietary carbohydrates are necessary for the bacteria to produce Experiments have shown that fluoride protects enamel more
the necessary acid demineralization. In general, dietary advice effectively when it is present in the ambient solution during
for caries prevention is based on three principles: (1) the drop acid challenges than when it is incorporated into the enamel
in pH lasts for about 30 minutes, (2) the frequency of intake is lattice. The mechanism by which fluoride inhibits demineral-
more important than the quantity, and (3) stickiness is an ization is by re-precipitation of dissolved calcium and phos-
important factor in the cariogenicity of foods. It is obvious, phate, thereby preventing these constituents from being leached
however, from many epidemiologic studies that when fluoride out of the enamel into the plaque and saliva. Part of the
is used daily, sugar consumption and caries prevalence have re-precipitation takes place at the surface of the tooth. This
become independent for many individuals. Even when there is narrows the pores in the enamel surface that provide diffusion
a significant correlation between sugar consumption and caries pathways for the acids produced in the dental plaque to pene-
prevalence, the caries-preventive effect of sugar restriction is trate into the enamel. Acid penetration is thus hampered. In
small. With this evidence, the role of dietary counseling in caries addition, during periods when the ambient pH is above 5.5,
prevention should be re-examined. This does not negate the fluoride will facilitate remineralization, promoting lesion arrest
value of diet analysis and advice for patients who have multiple and repair.
caries lesions, but the importance of the proper use of fluorides Lack of fluoride constitutes a caries risk. The retention of
should also be emphasized. Information gathered with the reli- fluoride in the mouth is site specific. In plaque and saliva and
able pH-telemetry method has revealed that a pH drop induced in dentin samples fixed in dental splints, most fluoride was
by eating may last for hours if there is no stimulation of the found on the labial surfaces of maxillary incisors, the buccal
salivary flow. Even the consumption of an apple can depress the surface in the mandibular, and the molar region after rinsing
pH for 2 hours or longer. with the fluoride solution. In addition, it was observed that fluo-
Long pH depressions are most prevalent in areas where saliva ride from passively dissolving fluoride tablets remains highly
has little or no access. These are the most caries-prone areas. It concentrated only at the site of tablet dissolution. There was very
is unknown how much additional harm is caused by a second little or no transport of fluoride between the right and left sides
sugar intake during such a period of low pH or how beneficial of the mouth and between the maxillary and mandibular arches.
it is to omit a second sugar intake during that period. These Because of this, localized caries lesions in the mouth may be
considerations emphasize that at sites where caries lesions related to an insufficient spread of fluoride when subjects use
develop, advice based on the 30-minute duration of the pH drop fluoride toothpaste. Patients who use fluoride toothpaste should
16 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

be encouraged to spit out any excess rather than to rinse and that the tooth surface may be dried. This drying performs two
dilute it vigorously with water. functions: it removes saliva, which can obscure the lesion, and
it can also dry a white spot lesion. Removing water from the
Saliva porous tissue in this way enables the dentist to gauge how far a
The important role of saliva is clearly demonstrated by the lesion has progressed through the enamel. A white spot lesion
rampant caries that may occur in subjects with compromised visible on a wet tooth surface indicates that demineralization is
salivary flow. These subjects lack the protective qualities of saliva, over halfway through the enamel, possibly extending into dentin.
of which flow rate and buffering capacity may be the most A white spot lesion that becomes visible only after thorough air
important. Both help to neutralize and clear the acids and drying will be less than halfway through the enamel. Tradition-
carbohydrates from dental plaque. Clearance, however, is not ally the dentist also requires bitewing radiographs to assist in the
uniform throughout the mouth and may be slowest at the lateral detection of proximal caries lesions, occlusal caries lesions, and
aspects of the maxillary incisor and buccal aspects of the man- recurrent caries.
dibular molars. Other sites in the dentition may not be easily Radiographs should be taken using a film holder and beaming
accessible to saliva as a result of individual anatomy, including device to take the guesswork out of tube alignment and allow
interproximal spaces and fissures. Dental plaque in a cavity may comparable views to be taken on subsequent occasions. Lesions
also be protected from salivary clearance. The sites that are dif- confined to enamel on radiographs should be managed by pre-
ficult for saliva to reach may also be difficult to reach with ventive treatment, and it is important to monitor them. Mag-
mechanical cleaning devices, such as toothbrushes and dental nification is a great adjunct to caries detection.
floss. Plaque and food may adhere for a long time in these areas, For the clinician, the detection of a lesion, and whether it is
making these sites more prone to caries. Furthermore, this caries confined to enamel (and therefore its potential to be reversed by
risk factor may be easily overlooked in children whose teeth remineralization), raises the question of appropriate treatment.
appear to be clean as judged from the sites that are easily cleaned. In addition, different tooth surfaces present different problems
These children may even brush their teeth twice daily and have for the correct diagnosis of the questionable lesion (Figure 1-9).
only a moderate sugar intake per day. The most feasible way to
prevent caries at these sites is by thorough oral hygiene measures
and use of fluoride-containing toothpaste, so that plaque is
removed and fluoride is applied.

Social and Demographic Factors

Many studies have shown that, at least in the Western world,
dental caries is more prevalent in the lower socioeconomic cat-
egories, in the less affluent areas, and among some ethnic minor-
ities. Differences related to socioeconomic status are very clear
for the primary dentition and less clear for the permanent
Although this pattern may differ in other parts of the world,
studies have shown that prediction of caries development based
on social and demographic factors in very young children
without a long dental history may be successful. For older chil- A
dren, clinical parameters are more predictive. In the elderly
population, however, root caries seems to be more prevalent in
people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Detection and Diagnosis

of Carious Lesions
When a dentist identifies a carious lesion, it is a change in
mineral content that is detected. The dentist must always deter-
mine whether a lesion is active or arrested before a logical man-
agement plan can be proposed. The dynamics of the case process
must be recognized.
Detection FIGURE 1-9 A, A case involving multiple areas of deminer-
Teeth must be clean for clinical detection of carious lesions. alization. B, Preventive measures and remineralization therapy
Otherwise, reliable detection may be obstructed by the presence are of paramount importance before, during and after treat-
of plaque. The teeth are cleaned, and a water syringe is used so ment. Same case after composite veneers.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 17

Diagnostic Tools noncavitated lesions of enamel and dentin, and it may provide
According to Pitts (1997), the ideal method or tool for diagnosis no more accuracy in diagnosis than visual inspection alone,
of carious lesions would be noninvasive and provide simple, particularly in fissures and on posterior approximal surfaces.
reliable, valid, sensitive, specific, and robust measurements of
lesion size and activity and would be based on biologic processes Meticulous Clinical Visual Method Meticulous clinical
directly related to the caries process. It would also be affordable, examination after cleaning (including flossing) of all processes
accessible to dentists and patients, and allow early implementa- and thorough drying discloses more lesions that the aforemen-
tion in both clinical practice and research settings. Its use would tioned rapid clinical examinations.
promote informed and appropriate preventive treatment deci-
sions enhancing long-term oral health. Unfortunately, at present Visual Method with Temporary Elective Tooth Separation
no single all-encompassing method fulfills these requirements. The once popular technique of temporary elective tooth separa-
Some decades ago, visual diagnostics with light and mirror and tion as an aid to the diagnosis of caries in approximal tooth
probing supplemented by bitewing radiographs were the only surfaces is now regaining popularity, albeit with more humane
tools available for the clinical diagnosis of caries. For epidemio- and less traumatic methods that seem acceptable to most patients
logic surveys and for the examination of most patients, these are and dentists. This method permits a more definite assessment of
still useful tools. However, in the last decade there has been a whether radiographically detectable approximal enamel (D1,
considerable increase in the assortment of diagnostic tools based D2) and dentin lesions (D3) are cavitated. A regular orthodontic
on new technology. The accuracy (sensitivity and specificity), use- elastomeric separator is used for temporary tooth separation.
fulness, and cost-effectiveness of these methods vary considerably.
Some are very quick and inexpensive but subjective and are there- Visual Method with Temporary Elective Tooth Separation
fore useful for large-scale epidemiologic surveys. Others are objec- and Impression of the Approximal Lesion Temporary elec-
tive and offer quantitative diagnosis but are time-consuming and tive tooth separation complemented by a localized impression
require costly equipment. The detection methods and diagnostic of the open interproximal space allows a more sensitive diagnosis
tools discussed in the following sections are now available. of cavitation than the purely visual separating method. This also
has the advantage of providing a replica as a reference for visual
Visual Method The visual method is a combination of a light, monitoring of changes in size of even a measurement of serial
mirror, and probe for detailed examination of every tooth impressions.
surface. It is by far the most commonly applied method in
general practice worldwide. Although sensitivity is low and Conventional Bitewing Radiographic Method Several
specificity is high, it may be possible to detect (1) noncavitated factors have contributed to the general adoption of radiographic
lesions, enamel lesions (D1) on the free smooth surfaces (buccal examination as an aid to the detection and subsequent treatment
and lingual), most anterior and proximal surfaces, and the of caries. First, it discloses sites inaccessible to other diagnostic
opening of some fissures; (2) clinically detected cavities limited methods where geography facilitates the detection of carious
to the enamel (D1, D2); (3) dentin lesions (D3) with cavitation lesions at an earlier, potentially reversible stage. Usually, more
into the dentin and the buccal and lingual surfaces and the approximal and occlusal lesions are recorded when clinical exam-
anterior and proximal surfaces, but with limited detection of inations are supplemented by a full set of radiographs, especially
posterior approximal and occlusal lesions; (4) secondary lesions coronal radiography (Figure 1-10). Second, the depth of the
with cavitation; and (5) active and inactive root lesions with or lesion can be evaluated and scored by different types on indexes.
without cavitations. A major shortcoming is that this method is Third, because the radiograph provides a permanent record,
very limited for detecting noncavitated lesions in dentin on the recall examinations allow assessment of the progression or regres-
posterior, approximal, and occlusal surfaces. sion of lesions, the evaluation of disease activity, and the moni-
toring of the efficacy of preventive and therapeutic measures.
Clinical Visual Tactile Method The clinical visual tactile Fourth, radiography is noninvasive, whereas gentle probing may
method is based on a combination of light, mirror, and gentle cause high iatrogenic damage to the surface of noncavitated
probing and is used in most epidemiologic surveys in the United enamel and dentin lesions.
States. Caries is diagnosed if the tooth meets the American Radiographs, however, have some limitations. For accurate
Dental Association criteria of softened enamel that catches an reproducibility, standardized geometric angulations, exposure
explorer and resists its removal (the so-called sticky fissure) or time, processing procedures, and analyzing facilities are needed.
allows the explorer to penetrate proximal surfaces on moderate A bitewing film holder fixed to a radiographic long cone facili-
to firm probing pressure. Lighting is usually adequate, but the tates standardized geometric angulation. Radiography does not
teeth are neither cleaned nor dried. disclose the earlier stages of lesion development. Radiography
The examination takes about 3 minutes per subject. The also does not unequivocally distinguish among approximal sur-
method is also used frequently in general practice in the United faces that are sound, have subsurface lesions, or are cavitated.
States. In the visual method used in European epidemiologic To some degree radiographs underestimate the extent of demin-
surveys, probing has been criticized for several reasons. It may eralization, but overestimations may also appear as a result
allow the transmission of cariogenic bacteria from infected sites, of projection errors. Radiographic diagnosis is subjective,
it can irreversible traumatize potentially remineralizable and the interpretation of radiographic findings is subject to
18 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

interobserver and intraobserver variations. Approximal second- reasons. First, conventional film absorbs only a few percent of
ary caries on the more apical part of a restoration may not be the x-rays that reach it, using very little of the radiation to which
detected. Noncavitated carious lesions on the root are difficult the patient has been exposed. Second, poor darkroom technique
to diagnose. can lead to both unnecessarily high doses of radiation and loss
A wealth of data relate to conventional radiographic tech- of diagnostic information. Third, the development of films is
niques that are used in general practice research and clinical time-consuming, and the development and fixing solutions are
trials, but studies predating the recent changes in the pattern hazardous to the environment.
of the disease process should be extrapolated with caution to For intraoral radiography, digital techniques with direct
present conditions. image acquisition have been available only since the end of the
Radiographic results are best considered by site for approxi- 1980s. Research and development and indirect digital radiogra-
mal surfaces. Recent studies show moderate levels of sensitivity phy paved the way for direct digital filmless techniques.
at the D1 threshold (clinically detectable enamel lesions with The first to become available in 1989 was based on a charged
noncavitated surfaces), disclosing many more relatively small couple device (CCD) chip similar to that found in digital video
approximal lesions that may be amenable to preventive care than cameras. These systems have a relatively narrow dynamic range,
are disclosed by most other techniques. Specificity is generally which means that the best image quality can be attained only
high, although not quite as high as for the clinical methods. At within a limited exposure range. Digital radiography linked to
the D3 threshold (clinically detectable lesions in dentin, with the dental unit offers an attractive design because the flat screen
and without cavitation of dentin), sensitivity is also moderate, is adapted to the bracket table of the dental unit directly in front
and specificity is high. For occlusal surfaces, newer findings have of the patient, facilitating discussion with the patient about
changed perceptions of performance and the applicability of findings from the radiograph as well as from an intraoral camera
radiographic methods. Although the intrinsic image geometry (Figure 1-11).
of the bitewing projection with superimposition of large volumes Lately there have been many developments in this area. In
of sound enamel precludes sensitive radiographic diagnosis of general the new digital systems are comparable to conventional
enamel lesions, the method is now highly applicable with mod- radiography, although contrast enhancements may boost sensi-
erate sensitivity for detecting extensive dental lesions that may tivity at the expense of some loss of specificity.
be undetected on clinical examination.
Computer-Aided Radiographic Methods Computer-aided
Digital Radiographic Method Digital film techniques for radiographic methods exploit the measurement potential of
intraoral radiography have been developed for several important computers in assessing and recording lesion size. At both the D1

FIGURE 1-10 A full radiographic

periapical set, particularly coronal
radiographs, are mandatory for
adequate caries detection (carious
lesions marked in black).

FIGURE 1-11 A, Digital radiogra-

phy is of widespread use in modern
dental practices. B, It can be used with
magnification directly in the dental
unit, together with an intraoral

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 19

FIGURE 1-12 A very promising

field for computer-aided caries diag-
nosis: cone beam 3D technology.

and D3 thresholds, computer-aided methods offer high levels of method that gained importance in the early years of the
sensitivity for approximal lesions. twenty-first century, had the following advantages: (1) it used
The trend is toward integrating several computer-aided a light source that involved no radiation exposure for either
tools and services in a local network with a powerful personal dentists or patients, and (2) the user could amplify the
computer. Radiographs (conventional and digitized as well as images, replicate the images, and store the information in a
computer aided) and clinical images can be transmitted for computer, allowing the visualization of images for comparative
consultation and information. purposes.
Cone beam 3D technologies are also starting to be used for With this system, carious lesions adjacent to restorations and
caries detection and interpretation. This is a very interesting sealants could be detected. Other changes could be detected in
and promising field for computer-aided caries diagnostics the dentin of the coronal structure, such as fractures, fluorosis
(Figure 1-12). and decalcifications. Nevertheless, this method could not detect
alterations subgingivally (Kavo Dental, Charlotte, North
Fiberoptic Transillumination Method The fiberoptic trans- Carolina), and the cost of the equipment was an important
illumination method (FOTI) is a development of a classic diag- factor. The Kavo Company bought this technology, and it is not
nostic aid advocated some 30 years ago that never gained wide commercially available at the time of this writing.
acceptance. However, transillumination should be a regularly
used tool for diagnosing caries in the incisors and premolar Electrical Conductance Method The electrical conductance
regions, at least to supplement clinical examination and bite- method has been used since the mid-1950s. It is based on the
wing radiographs. fact that a healthy tooth is a poor conductor and therefore the
FOTI has enjoyed variable success in studies evaluating its electrical conductivity of the decayed tooth is favored by a sub-
performance, possibly because of failure to appreciate that the stantial increment in the porosity of such teeth. This is because
technique, like any other, requires an extended learning phase. of the demineralization and the fact that saliva fills in the spaces
FOTI cannot sensitively detect proximal lesions at the D1 level, left behind, making the tooth at this point a good electrical
but it is specific, and its success compared with that of clinical conductor. The different instruments fabricated based on this
methods at the D3 level means that FOTI should be seriously principle never gained much popularity.
considered as an agent and used in situations in which radiog- The principal inconvenience was that the teeth had to be
raphy is not appropriate or usable. Traditionally advocated for dried and then rehumidified with a saline solution to favor
approximal lesions in dentin, FOTI may also have some applica- conductivity. Nevertheless, when the values of sensibility and
tions in the diagnosis of occlusal lesions. occasionally the values of specificity were higher than those
demonstrated for the visual inspection and the bitewing radio-
Digital Fiberoptic Transillumination Method The digital graphs, a renewed interest in this type of system developed in
fiberoptic transillumination method (DIFOTI), a diagnostic the beginning of the twenty-first century.
20 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

Laser Fluorescence and Quantified Laser Fluorescence A similar device, Midwest Caries I.D. (DENTSPLY Profes-
Method A commercial laser fluorescence system, KaVo DIAG- sional, York, Pennsylvania) uses a light-emitting diode (LED)
NOdent, has been introduced. This system seems to be efficient instead of a laser to measure the caries reflection signature; it
for the diagnosis of noncavitated enamel and dentin lesions on captures the resulting reflection and refraction of the light in
buccal, lingual, and occlusal surfaces. In particular, this system the tooth. A specific optic signature identifies the presence of
should be useful in longitudinal caries preventive studies. It is caries. A healthy dental structure is generally more translucent
now available in both the original small tabletop unit and a new than a decalcified one; consequently, it has a different optic
pen-type design (Figure 1-13). signature. Instead of a numeric readout like the DIAGNO-
dents, the Caries I.D. offers red and green indicators (compli-
cating the process of monitoring caries progression and
SOPROLIFE (Acteon, Marseilles, France) enhances the
ability to find caries by combining an intraoral camera for
normal enhanced viewing through magnification with fluores-
cence technology to find caries. This device uses 450-nm light
to cause the fluorescence. The device has both a diagnosis mode
and a treatment mode. Diagnosis mode allows magnification
from 30 to 100 times using white light. Turning a switch on the
handpiece changes the lighting to diagnosis mode. This allows
you to view healthy tooth structure versus caries (Figure 1-14,
A). In treatment mode, caries shows up red. You can use this
mode during caries excavation to determine if all the caries has
been removed (Figure 1-14, B and C ).
The Canary System (Quantum Dental Technologies, Toronto,
Canada) uses a low-power, pulsating laser light to scan teeth for
A the presence of caries. The tooth absorbs the laser light, and two
phenomena are observed: the laser light is converted into lumi-
nescence, and there is a release of heat (less than 1 degree
Celsius). This heat does not harm the tooth but provides infor-
mation about the tooth up to a depth of 5mm below the
surface. Simultaneous measurement of the reflected heat and
light determines the presence and extent of tooth decay below
the tooth surface (Figure 1-15).
Spectra (Air Techniques Melville, New York) is another caries
detection device that uses fluorescence technology and real
promise in the field of minimally invasive dentistry. LEDs of
405nm inside the unit project blue light that causes cariogenic
bacteria to glow less red while healthy tooth structure fluoresces
green. The Spectra creates a graphic and a numeric display; the
graphic can be saved to imaging software for monitoring caries
over time. When used with preparatory software, a live image
can be taken, and the severity of the caries on the different
areas of the tooth can be graded on an easy-to-use 1-to-5 scale
(Figure 1-16).
Another method that is attracting considerable interest, the
Inspektor Biluminator, is a device for the assessment of oral
hygiene at home or in the dental practice. It is based on Quan-
titative Light-Induced Fluorescence (QLF), developed by Inspe-
ktor Research Systems (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and was
first implemented in the Inspektor Pro system. The Inspektor
Biluminator emits a harmless blue light that is used to disclose
porphyrins (byproducts of the metabolic process of several
strains of anaerobic bacteria) in the oral cavity, specifically inside
FIGURE 1-13 The KaVo DIAGNOdent (A) and DIAGNO- or around tooth elements and the gingiva. These porphyrins are
dent pen (B) laser fluorescence systems. C, Clinical view of not visible with the naked eye. In the past 12 years, QLF has
occlusal tip positioning. (A and B courtesy KaVo Dental, Charlotte, North been used successfully to detect and quantify demineralization
Carolina.) and remineralization of dental tissue and bacterial activity.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 21


FIGURE 1-14 A, SOPROLIFE in diagnostic mode. Healthy tooth appears white with green areas, whereas carious tissue appears
darker (red). SOPROLIFE in treatment mode: at the opening of the cavity the fluorescence produces red reflection by infected
dentine (B), and at the end of preparation the fluorescence produces green reflection return by conservable tissue (C).

FIGURE 1-15 The Canary System uses low-power pulsating light to scan teeth for the presence of caries. (Courtesy Quantum Dental
Technologies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)
22 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

The Inspektor Biluminator enhances the detection of white in dentistry) is optical coherence tomography (OCT). Capable
spot lesions, approximal caries, occlusal caries, margin leakage of scanning both hard and soft tissues, OCT Dental Imaging
and secondary caries, sealant integrity, calculus, and gingivitis System (Lantis Laser Inc., Denville, New Jersey) features a hand-
with minimal investment in money or time (Figure 1-17). held scanner (still in design stage) that captures tomographic
slices up to 3-mm deep. The cross-sectional images are displayed
Optical Coherence Tomography Another technology on the individually in real time and can be saved. This system can detect
horizon for caries detection (and other diagnostic applications recurrent caries around restorations and can be used to examine
marginal integrity of restorations bonded to tooth structure.
This system should be commercially available in early 2012
(Figure 1-18).

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) AC mea-

surements, especially electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
(EIS), can characterize all the electrical responses of matter
whether materials or biological. A sinusoidal voltage is applied
and the corresponding sinusoidal current measured, with the
1.3 relationship being described by the impedance. By measuring
the impedance over a range of frequencies, a wealth of diagnostic
1.3 information is available in fields ranging from batteries to
1.3 dentistry.
The CarieScan PRO (CarieScan Ltd, Dundee, Angus, United
Kingdom) is a handheld device for dental caries detection imple-
menting an impedance measurement system with multiple mea-
FIGURE 1-16 A live image can be obtained with the Spectra surement channels that operate in the frequency domain.
system, grading the severity of caries on the different areas of This device applies a frequency sweep to the sample and
the tooth. analyzes each spectrum in <1s. A custom algorithm is then



FIGURE 1-17 White spot lesions and margin leakage using the Inspektor Biluminator Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescense
(QLF) system. (Courtesy Inspektor Research Systems BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 23

FIGURE 1-19 The CarieScan PRO is an electrochemical por-

FIGURE 1-18 Lantis Lasers optical coherence tomography table measurement system. The system is intended to be run
(OCT) technology is used in a promising hand-held device. autonomously or be linked wirelessly via Bluetooth to a
The image shows a tomographic slice of a cavitated tooth supporting pc for data acquisition and embedded software
surface. maintenance. (Courtesy CarieScan Ltd, Dundee, Angus, United Kingdom.)

implemented to extract the diagnostic score based on the addition to restorative care to help the patient remove plaque
recorded impedance values and mapped against a clinical refer- more effectively, to modify the diet if appropriate, to use fluoride
ence. The system is intended to be run autonomously or be to delay lesion progression, and to attempt to stimulate saliva if
linked wirelessly via Bluetooth to a supporting personal computer the mouth is dry.
for data acquisition and embedded software maintenance. The role of restorative procedures in caries control is to facili-
The CarieScan PRO impedance platform is an electrochemi- tate plaque control. Restorations alone cannot be relied on to
cal measurement system that provides a portable, cost-effective change the patients caries risk status, particularly if the risk status
alternative to existing benchmark equipment. It can collect, is high. Patients should be made aware of the caries risk status
process, analyze, and output the results of multiple frequency to encourage them to become involved in all preventive care, to
measurements in less than 1 second. Although the first market- keep appropriate hygiene appointments, and perhaps to help
ready product clearly demonstrates its applicability to dental them budget for dental costs.
diagnostics, it could be considered a platform for a number It is also important for patients to realize that caries risk status
of diverse applications. Its measurement accuracy of >95% can change and the dentist can detect this change. Examples of
together with its small size, low-power consumption, and ultra- a change in risk status may be addressing a dry mouth or chang-
low applied currentmakes it suitable for a wide range of ing the ability to remove plaque.
medical and other applications (Figure 1-19). Assessment of caries risk is an important part of contempo-
rary dental practice, and it is something that general practitio-
ners do rather well. Indeed, research has shown that a dentists
Assessment of Caries Risk in Dental best guess for a patients caries risk may be as accurate as any
combination of more objective factors, including (1) clinical
Restorative Patients evidence, (2) plaque control, (3) dietary habits, (4) saliva, (5)
A patient at risk is a person with high potential to contract a use of fluoride, (6) medical history, and (7) social history.
disease because of genetic or environmental conditions. Actual An experienced practitioner will be able to assess caries risk
caries risk describes to what extent a person at a particular time in less time than it takes the reader to read these descriptions.
runs the risk of developing carious lesions. Risk assessment is an intellectual process demanding both clini-
In addition to differentiating active from inactive lesions, cal skill and experience.
determining the overall caries risk for the patient is an important Dentists should define the caries risk status of each patient.
factor. If the patient has many cavitated lesions and the dentist Whether the risk is high or low, they should also identify the
skillfully restores the teeth, is the patient still at risk for caries? reasons. Interestingly, it can be more difficult to explain low risk
The answer is yes unless the biologic environment that caused than high risk. However, it is with the high-risk patient that
the caries to occur changes. Preventive treatment is needed in the definition becomes critical to patient management. It is
24 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

Plaque Control
Dental plaque is a primary risk factor for dental caries. Not all
patients with poor plaque control inevitably develop caries,
but oral hygiene is the bedrock of a caries control program in
high-risk patients. If for any reason plaque control becomes
difficult, perhaps because of age or long-term illness, caries risk
can change.

Dietary Habits
Sugar intake is considered an important factor in caries risk, but
not all patients with high sugar intake develop caries. It is,
however, unusual to find a patient with multiple active carious
lesions who does not have a high sugar intake, especially between
It is also important to remember that dietary habits can
change. Changes in life circumstances such as unemployment
or retirement can have profound implications. A vigilant dentist
will take such changes into consideration.
Microbial growth
Acid production Saliva
Plaque ecology Low salivary secretion rate and low buffer capacity lead to
Bacterial interferences reduced elimination of microorganisms and food remnants, to
Acid resistance Dietary habits impaired neutralization of acids, and to reduced tendency of
Saliva Drugs remineralization of early enamel lesions. A dry mouth is one of
Antibodies the most important factors predisposing to high caries risk. The
four most common causes are as follows:
Nutrition 1. Many medications such as antidepressants, antipsychot-
Drugs ics, tranquilizers, antihypertensives, and diuretics can
FIGURE 1-20 Ecologic balance in the oral cavity. Aggressive cause dry mouth. Elderly patients take many of these at
and defensive factors balance each other and determine caries the same time.
risk. 2. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may also have Sjgren
syndrome, which affects the salivary and lachrymal glands,
leading to a dry mouth and dry eyes.
3. People with eating disorders may experience hyposaliva-
tion, which, combined with a poor diet, can lead to
important to determine whether or not the risk factors can be extensive caries.
modified and, if so, how best this can be done (Figure 1-20). 4. Patients who have received radiation therapy in the region
Dental restorative treatments are at risk for failure if we do of the salivary glands for head and neck malignancy often
not take into account the factors discussed in the following have very low salivary flow or even xerostomia.
Numerous studies have also shown that serial counts of
mutans streptococci and lactobacilli help predict caries risk. This
Clinical Evidence huge volume of work appears to show that for individual
Clinical evidence has been shown to be the best predictor of patients, low counts often predict low risk well, but the opposite
caries risk. The finding of many initial lesions or many restora- is not necessarily true. The routine use of salivary counts as an
tions requiring frequent replacements provides evidence for a isolated method for predicting risk status is therefore not
high risk of caries. There may also be a history of teeth having recommended.
been extracted because they were too carious to be restored.
Clinical and radiographic examinations described earlier are very Use of Fluoride
important. If the dentist reviews earlier radiographs, that were Fluoride delays the progression of the carious process. Patients
perhaps taken over years, the caries status of the patient may be living in areas with fluoridated water will benefit, particularly
graphically displayed. in communities of social deprivation. Today most patients use
It should also be remembered that adding a dental appliance toothpaste containing fluoride, but it is advisable to ascertain
to the environment, such as an orthodontic appliance or a partial this in those who have multiple active lesions. Fluoride rinses,
denture, may tip the balance toward high risk. Because appli- prescription home fluoride solutions, and gels are highly recom-
ances favor plaque retention, they should be avoided in high-risk mended in high-risk patients. Fluoride varnishes are effective in
patients when possible. site-specific lesions.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 25

Medical History Criteria for a Restorative Treatment

Medically compromised and handicapped people may be at high In 1987, the international symposium Criteria for Placement
risk for developing caries. For these patients, oral hygiene may and Replacement of Dental Restorations held in Florida exam-
be difficult, and the long-term use of certain medications can be ined the details of certain basic criteria to which a restorative
problematic if the medicines are sugar based or cause reduced treatment should always be subject. The following are still cur-
salivary flow. rently valid:
The most important caries risk factor in the medical history Compatibility with medical and other circumstances.
is the complaint of dry mouth, discussed previously. It is impor- Appropriateness of retaining the tooth (will the tooth have
tant to realize that the medical history is one factor in the caries a long-term function?).
risk assessment that can change. The vigilant dentist will detect A reasonable prognosis for the restored tooth.
such changes and help the patient with the potential dental Agreement by the patient to undergo treatment.
consequences. Carious lesions extend well into dentin (unless caries can
be shown to be arrested) and/or are already showing sen-
Social History sitivity (e.g., to hot or cold).
Many studies have shown that social deprivation can be an Pulpal symptoms are arising from the carious lesion.
indicator of caries risk. Other diseases such as coronary heart There is impaired occlusion or function (e.g., open con-
disease and some cancers also appear in socially deprived people. tacts or tooth wear).
The dentist may notice a high number of carious lesions in Appearance is unsatisfactory (cosmetic dental procedures
siblings of the patient, or parents may possess little knowledge per se).
of the disease. Dental health may be a low concern and dental Health of adjacent periodontal tissue can be improved
visits irregular. significantly by restorative treatment (e.g., overhang of a
Identifying Relevant Risk Factors A restoration appears to have caused a significant allergic
Although it is relatively easy for an experienced dentist to clas- response (e.g., acrylics, certain metals).
sify patients into high- or low-risk categories, determining the
cause of the risk may take longer. However, this is time well If one or more of these criteria have been met, restorative and
spent and is an essential part of the diagnosis. An appropriate cosmetic restorations can be executed. If none of these criteria
plan of action cannot be formulated until the factors that are present, then only appropriate preventive care should be
require modification have been defined. Identifying the reason instituted (good oral hygiene, use of fluorides, and dietary
the patient is at high risk is also relevant to the prognosis. Can control of carbohydrates).
the patient modify risk factors? For example, some causes for The patients selection becomes critical at this point.
dry mouth are impossible to alter, and the patient may always The author strongly recommends interacting with various
be at high risk. specialists during the treatment planning procedure and initial
Other individuals may be able to change their status by diagnosis of the patient to ensure a better final outcome. Some
modifying plaque control and/or diet, but this demands behav- colleagues, including the dental technician, may offer different
ior modification. The patient must take responsibility for the ideas that could enhance treatment results.
problem rather than transferring responsibility to the dentist. Unless Before any restorative treatment is initiated, any sign of peri-
the high-risk patient accepts responsibility for modifying behavior odontal disease should be diagnosed and treated. Any pulpal
and improving his or her dental health, no restorative services, no infection should be evaluated and/or treated by an experienced
matter how well executed, will prevent caries recurrence. endodontist, and any parafunctional habits recorded in the
chart, including the use of a night guard at the end of the restor-
ative treatment, especially with porcelain restorations.
Restorative Dentistry
Treatment Strategy When Should the Restorative
Cosmetic restorative dental procedures have become possible Treatment Begin?
and popular because of the evolution of certain materials and To begin the restorative process, the patient, with the guidance
the understanding of adhesive technology. The process can be of the dentist, must meet some basic parameters. The following
viewed as an evolution in the dental restorative arena in which, parameters should be continuously monitored during treatment,
as a rule of thumb, the right restorative materials must be after insertion of the final restoration(s), and in recall visits
selected for each individual case. For example, a dental material in order to keep a healthy environment for restored and non
to be used in a person with absence of parafunctional habits will restored teeth.
most probably fail if used under heavy loads. Therefore, esthetics
is sometimes overridden by function. As an example, metal Adequate Oral Hygiene The daily removal of plaque main-
occlusals may be chosen instead of porcelain occlusals. Fortu- tains a healthy periodontal environment, removes leftover nutri-
nately, esthetic materials can be used in almost any case when ents for cariogenic bacteria, and therefore reduces their number,
properly selected. which in turn affects the amount of acid produced.
26 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

Dietary Control of Carbohydrates The frequent ingestion of Diagnosing Caries

carbohydrates, especially those in the form of sucrose, provides
the nutrients for cariogenic bacteria and enhances their meta-
as a Bacterial Infection
bolic potential toward producing acids. Basically, the greater The twenty-first century has brought forth an exciting new era
the frequency of sugar in the diet, the greater the amount of of emerging science and technology, enabling minimally invasive
acids attacking the dental surfaces and the margins of the dentistry to evolve. In fact, surgical intervention often can be
restorations. avoided through the use of medical models of disease manage-
A 5- or 7-day detailed diet history can be very helpful in ment. However, with so many options, instruments, and schools
finding hidden sugars in the patients diet. Corrections should of thought, the predicament is choosing the right tools to do
be attempted to reduce sugar consumption, especially between the job in a particular practice. One should consider tools that
meals, or to find appropriate sugar substitutes. take an evidence-based approach, work with the current under-
standing of how oral diseases exist in the mouth, appeal to the
Levels of Infection Caused by Cariogenic logistic challenges of running a financially successful private
Microorganisms (Streptococcus mutans practice, and align with a patients desire for oral health and great
and Lactobacilli) dentistry. The question arises: how does the practitioner stay
The specific plaque hypothesis (Loesche, 1976) states that only ahead of the curve of providing nearly the same dentistry ones
a limited number of organisms in dental plaque cause the caries patients could receive at the practice next door without jumping
disease process. Caries is an infectious disease. If this is so, this on the bandwagon of every shiny new piece of technology that
generates a very important set of assumptions: enters the marketplace?
1. Diagnosis is essential. Caries management by risk assessment (CAMBRA) is a term
2. Only patients at risk for the clinical manifestation of the one is hard pressed to avoid while reading a dental journal or
infection (caries) are treated. attending a lecture. CAMBRA deals specifically with the man-
3. Treatment is directed at reducing the dental pathogens (S. agement of dental caries in a fundamentally different way than
mutans and lactobacilli) and ceases at the therapeutic end the drill and fill focus of yesterdays practice. CAMBRA means
point. moving to a medical model of disease management that involves
4. Failure is the dentists responsibility, because it is a failure the identification of risk factors for disease and the treatment of
to diagnose the infection. the bacterial biofilm infection that actually causes the disease.
This approach mirrors the one medical doctors use most often
Cosmetic treatment that restores teeth that had become and with which patients are already comfortable.
carious or that have recurrent decay will fail inevitably over In-office salivary tests are available to detect and quantify the
time if the infection is not controlled before treatment, at levels of S. mutans and lactobacilli infection (CRT bacteria), as
placement of the final restorations, and at the maintenance well a test to measure the buffer capacity of saliva (CRT buffer)
(recall) phase. Again, patients with carious lesions have an (Ivoclar, Vivadent Inc., Amherst, New York) (Figure 1-22).
infection and need preventive therapy; otherwise, the infection These tests discriminate at four levels of these microorganisms
will prevail, and the beautiful restorations will fail in the near and therefore show the degree of infection of the patient. To use
future (Figure 1-21). the test to best advantage, only patients with demonstrated caries

FIGURE 1-22 In-office salivary tests are available to detect

FIGURE 1-21 Carious abutment once a full porcelain crown and quantify the levels of Streptococcus mutans and lactoba-
was removed. Recurrent decay will appear inevitably over time cilli infection (CRT bacteria) as well a test to measure the
if the infection is not controlled before treatment, at placement buffer capacity of saliva (CRT buffer). (Courtesy Ivoclar Vivadent,
of the final restorations, and at the maintenance (recall) phase. Amherst, New York.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 27

Treating the Infection in

Restorative Dentistry
Six steps are proposed to treat the infection caused by cariogenic
microorganisms, thus lowering the caries risk in a restorative
Step one: Restore all carious lesions that have penetrated
the dentin. In cases with multiple restorations, placement
of well-adapted temporary restorations is recommended
until the levels of infection have been reduced.
Step two: Simultaneously apply pit and fissure sealants to
teeth with deep morphologic features (usually molars).
Cariogenic microorganisms trapped below a sealant will
decrease in number and remain metabolically inactive for
the duration of their entombment.
FIGURE 1-23 The CariScreen hand-held device shows
Step three: Chlorhexidine is an antimicrobial agent that is
changes in biofilm health specific to increasing populations of
all acid-producing organisms. (Courtesy Oral BioTech, Albany, Oregon.) highly effective against S. mutans infections and should be
applied, maintaining the concept of an intensive short-
term treatment to a therapeutic end point. A 16-ounce
bottle of chlorhexidine rinse should be prescribed for the
patient for use in half-ounce increments for a 30-second
rinse, morning and evening. There are two main drawbacks
risk should be tested. Caries risk has already been described in to the rinse: a bitter taste and a potential to reversibly stain
this text. teeth and composite restorations. For this reason, chlorhex-
Diagnosis should also rest on a standard clinical examination. idine in the form of a varnish can be used to paint the
Patients with active caries have an infection. It probably makes dentition or even specific areas of the teeth. This antimi-
little sense to test them bacteriologically while those lesions are crobial will suppress S. mutans for 12 to 26 weeks.
open unless the dentist is looking for baseline data for record Step four: Chewing gum that contains xylitol. This gum
keeping or performing research. There is also a new chairside, not only demonstrates noncariogenic properties, but also
real-time, handheld caries detection technology called the actually appears to be a very helpful adjunct to the rem-
CariScreen meter (Oral BioTech, Albany, Oregon) (Figure ineralization therapy. Xylitol is a five-carbon sugar that is
1-23). These diagnostic devices predictably show changes in not fermentable by S. mutans. The gum causes increased
biofilm health specific to increasing populations of all acid- salivary flow, and saliva is a wonderful remineralizing solu-
producing organisms in a foolproof application. One simple tion. This gum should be chewed three times a day for at
swipe, a 15-second wait, and a highly accurate meter provide a least 5 minutes.
relative light unit (RLU) number that is reliable and has statisti- Step five: Fluoride rinses. Patients should be instructed
cally high sensitivity and specificity. to use over-the-counter fluoride rinses in addition to
So in addition to new advances in adhesive technology, fluoridated toothpaste at least twice a day at times sepa-
restorative dentistry can also rely on caries detection technol- rated from tooth brushing. The presence of the fluoride
ogy that provides the ability to diagnose and treat the most ion with the saturated solution of calcium and phosphate
prevalent oral disease affecting children and also adults: dental from the saliva stimulated by the Xylitol gum will remin-
caries. eralize early carious lesions.
Early detection and prevention efforts create the opportu- Step six: A first recall visit should be scheduled 3 months
nity to have healthy, cavity-free patients and the ability to give after the end of antimicrobial therapy. Bacteriologic
patients a level of dentistry one would want for oneself and testing should be performed, and the integrity of tempo-
ones own family. These tools can provide reliable early detec- rary restorations as well as pit and fissure sealants should
tion. Once the system is in place, it is much easier to enroll be checked. If infection levels are low, final restorations
patients in medical management programs and creates compli- can be performed (if possible, fluoride-leaching material
ance for the available risk management recommendation and should be used). If infection levels are still high, preventive
infection treatments, all while increasing the practices profit- re-treatment should be performed until there is a thera-
ability. Using these tools to detect and treat problems at the peutic effect. Incorporating the precepts of a medical model
earlier stages can show patients that they are in the best possi- for infection control into the routine practice of cosmetic
ble hands and give them the confidence to refer friends and dentistry is simple, practical, and tremendously beneficial to
family. patients.
Early detection allows a practice to provide expanded services
that patients understand and accept, thus creating a very ethical The auxiliaries in the dental office can perform most preven-
revenue stream. tive therapies. This also serves as a source of income. Dentists
28 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

have the technology to diagnose and control dental caries in pulp-dentin organ and its reaction patterns is essential for a
patients. It is possible to identify patients at risk and control biologic approach to restorative dentistry and to all procedures
their infection. We can become the healers that G.V. Black once on vital teeth, be it inlays, onlays, or fixed prosthodontics.
envisioned, as well as superior artisans and technicians. The treatment of caries and the selection of the most appro-
If you find these ideas stimulating, just imagine the face of priate techniques and materials for tooth restoration are the
your patients when they understand that you are providing a responsibility of operative dentistry, including pulp and dentin
superior cosmetic dental service and that you are not only a very reactions to the procedures involved. Operative dentistry is pre-
professional artist, but also a caring professional interested in ventive endodontics. The two fields complement each other.
providing the longest-lasting treatment possible. In your office, They are different but interconnected phases of dentistry. The
the beauty never meets the beast. dentist providing cosmetic restorative dentistry must be very
aware of the importance of pulpal diagnosis before the place-
ment of any restorations. Otherwise, pulpal symptoms may
A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING become evident in the near future, resulting in the perforation
of the restoration in order to gain access to the infected pulpal
OF THE RESTORATIONDENTAL tissues (Figure 1-24).
PULP COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS This of course will elicit a response from the patient ranging
from surprise to anger. Patients may ask, Why is this happen-
Restoration and conservation of teeth constitute the bulk of ing, Doctor? The tooth was okay, and since you did this beautiful
treatment provided to patients in general practice. The term restoration it started to bother me (or, even worse, hurt). Does
conservative dentistry covers the treatment of sequelae of dental this situation sound familiar? Many restorations are placed on
caries in its widest sense and includes the techniques and pro- teeth already treated endodontically. These teeth also deserve
cedures for the replacement of lost and defective dental tissues special attention because many of them present subtle problems
on individual teeth. It embraces everything from the prevention or pathologic conditions that can be regularly diagnosed by the
of caries and the procedures for remineralization of initial carious endodontist, so a new root canal treatment can be performed
lesions, to complex restorative treatment. before problems arise in the postrestorative phase.
In this context, cosmetic or esthetic restorations are in essence We need to reassess with open minds, and based on clinical
the most conservative restorative procedures in operative den- reality, where the theoretical basis and research activity of the
tistry because of the constant evolution of adhesive technologies pulp-dentin complex belong.
and dental materials. Traditionally, conservative dentistry cur- Modern restorative dentistry must cover biologic reactions to
ricula included endodontics and all types of restorations on caries, all operative procedures, the treatment of primary and
single teeth. It retains this scope in many parts of the world. secondary caries, and all failed restorations. The physical, chemi-
However, in many countries endodontics has been recognized cal, biologic, and clinical properties of all types of materials
as a specialty and is taught and practiced in several departments used to restore teeth, principles of cavity preparation for different
in dental schools. In private practice, it is also true that many materials, and the pulpal-periapical status of the teeth to be
endodontists and restorative dentists still practice at separate restored, either vital or endodontically treated, must be under-
locations. The remaining area of conservative dentistry, after stood. Because most operative procedures are related to sequelae
endodontics was removed, is usually referred to as operative of caries, teaching and research related to dentin and pulp must
dentistry or more rarely as cariology. However, neither opera- be an integral part of modern operative dentistry. Research and
tive dentistry nor endodontics includes cariology per se. Pulp clinical practice related to the pulp-dentin complex are the heart
capping, an option usually performed by the operative clinician of dentistry. Dentin and pulp are multidisciplinary areas. Teach-
and sometimes by the endodontist, represents the clinical transi- ing programs may be developed and executed in many different
tion between operative dentistry and endodonticsfor the ways, but it is imperative for the practice of modern restorative
purpose of this chapter, the transition between cosmetic restora- dentistry that they be presented in the right context. For the
tions and endodontics. purposes of this chapter, that means the relationships between
Specialty training is advantageous to dentistry as a whole. It cosmetic dentistry and endodontics (Figure 1-25).
optimizes treatment of patients and increases the knowledge
base. But what happened to the theoretical basis and the research
area of conservative dentistry? When endodontics was divorced AN EFFECTIVE MAINTENANCE
from conservative dentistry, it took with it the pulpal-dentin REGIMEN FOR RESTORED TEETH
complex, its structure, ultrastructure, physiology, pathology,
immunology, and reaction patterns. Concern for pulp reactions The longevity and appearance of tooth-colored restorations can
to operative procedures, to restorative materials, and to caries be adversely affected by improper care. Any practitioner provid-
somehow ended up with the endodontist. Clearly, detailed ing these types of restorations should provide a maintenance
knowledge of dentin and pulp is necessary for the endodontist service for the patients, although insurance will probably not
in the diagnosis of pulpitis and in the differential diagnoses of pay for this treatment. Nevertheless, it must be explained to
various types of pain and sensations. The same holds true for patients that this procedure is needed to keep their esthetic
the operative clinician. In fact, a thorough understanding of the restorations looking their best for as long as possible.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 29




FIGURE 1-24 A recently restored tooth (porcelain overlay) that has become symptomatic. A, Radiograph of restored tooth
changes in pulpal tissue suggest biologic degenerative changes. B, Preendodontic view. C, Profuse bleeding indicating pulpal
inflammation. D, Finished endodontic treatment. E, Final radiograph of restored tooth. F, The restoration in need of repair. How
does the patient feel about it? Could this situation be prevented by evaluating the pulpal status before restoring? (E Courtesy of Dr
Carlos Bveda)

Patients must be aware of their role, both at home and in the

dental office, in keeping the restorations looking great for as long
Home Instructions for Patients
as possible. After the cosmetic service has been provided, the Eating
patient is instructed on how to take care of the restoration(s) Patients must use common sense to avoid problems with their
and is scheduled at once for the maintenance appointment. esthetic restorations. Some useful suggestions are as follows:
30 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry


FIGURE 1-25 Combined restorative-endodontic case. A, Asymptomatic first upper left molar with radiographic mesial carious
lesion. B, Preliminary temporary restoration. Endodontic treatment was decided because of caries depth. C, Finished endodontic
treatment. (Courtesy of Dr Carlos Bveda.)

Do not chew hard or very sticky foods. Cleaning

Do not chew ice. Patients should be reassured that they can brush and floss their
Avoid foods with heavy natural or artificial colorants (e.g., teeth in a normal manner. Soft toothbrushes are recommended
berries, beets, carrot candies). with any available commercial fluoride-containing toothpaste.
Avoid scraping the meat off a bone with the teeth (e.g., The brushing technique must be explained so that the amount
chicken or spare ribs). of pressure and the position of the toothbrush bristles in rela-
Avoid biting on forks, spoons, or other eating utensils as tionship to the teeth are correct. Brushing and flossing twice or
well as pens, pencils, and eyeglass parts. three times a day is enough. Patients with esthetic restorations
should be advised about not using dental curettes and explorers,
Drinking which are sometimes available over the counter in drugstores.
Alcohol in drinks can damage bonded restorations. Dark drinks
such as red wine, tea, and coffee are notorious stain producers Mouthrinses
as well as heavily colored artificial drinks. Soft drinks can also If a home fluoride regimen is necessary, neutral sodium fluoride
be detrimental to tooth-colored restorations because they contain should be prescribed. Alcohol in many mouthrinses has also been
sugar, which introduces the risk of recurrent decay. Some drinks mentioned to have a negative effect on tooth-colored restora-
have dark pigments, and the carbonated content can affect tions. If the patient believes a mouthrinse is necessary, it is
bonded surfaces over time. prudent to select one that does not contain alcohol. Chlorhexi-
dine gluconate will definitely stain both the teeth and the tooth-
Smoking colored restorations. Although these stains can usually be
Smoking is highly deleterious to natural teeth and restorations, polished off, they might be difficult to remove from margins and
mainly because of its staining capacity. small defects in restorations. If possible, a chlorhexidine varnish,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 31



FIGURE 1-25, contd D, Preparation for porcelain overlaycuspal protection. E, Temporary restoration. F, Final porcelain
overlay. G, Final radiograph of restored tooth. (F Courtesy of Dr Toms Seif )

which does not stain teeth, can be used instead of chlorhexidine reviewing the patients chart and by clinical examination.
rinses. Tactile examination is important to differentiate between
an esthetic restoration margin and calculus. If by mistake
Habits a margin is aggressively scaled, expensive replacement of
Some habits, such as biting on pencils, pipes, and fingernails or the restoration will be needed. The use of ultrasonic and
opening objects (even envelopes) with the teeth, are potentially sonic scalers should be avoided on or around the tooth-
damaging and can even dislodge restorations. In addition, para- colored restoration. This also holds true for abrasive units
functional habits such as bruxing should be detected and proper because they can damage the surface, making it more
protection of the restored teeth should be prescribed by having susceptible to staining.
the patient wear a night guard. Calculus buildup should be managed carefully with hand
instruments. There are specially designed hand instru-
ments on the dental market that do not scratch esthetic
restorations. If only plaque must be removed from the
In-Office Maintenance restoration, there are prophy pastes that come in different
The maintenance visit should be scheduled two to four times a grits and are specially designed for this purpose. Tooth-
year, depending on the individual habits of the patient. Dentists paste can also be used for this task.
should acquaint hygienists with the proper instruments and Although very important for caries prevention, acidulated
materials for cleaning and polishing these restorations. Hygien- phosphoric fluoride (APF) and stannous fluoride (SF) should
ists should perform maintenance techniques with which they not be used on esthetic restorations. APF acts as an etchant
feel comfortable, assuming proper training has preceded this on porcelain and may affect the glass fillers in hybrid and
delegation. microhybrid composites. SF can discolor and/or stain
Before starting the actual prophylaxis (prophy), the composites. A neutral sodium fluoride should be used with
hygienist should identify all the esthetic restorations by these patients.
32 Cariology and Caries Management Cariology: Its Role in Esthetic Dentistry

Special prophy paste should be used to avoid scratching the with patients. It also results in dental professionals who can
surface of esthetic materials. Composites can be polished with a practice day after day with great peace of mind and many
wet aluminum oxide polishing paste. Porcelain should be pol- new referrals from happy patients. Esthetic dental treatments
ished with a diamond paste that is always used dry. Some extra should look and feel good, but especially they should last for a
tips on polishing composites and porcelain are as follows: long time.
To remove stain from composites, a combination of pol-
ishing, rubber polishing instruments, and different grits
of polishing pastes can be used. If polishing pastes are SUGGESTED READINGS
used, the coarse grit should always be followed by the
medium and fine grits. The same holds true when using Anderson MH, editor: Professional prevention in dentistry, advances in dentistry
polishing rubbers or disks. Always work from coarse to 1, 1994, Williams & Wilkins.
Anderson MH, Molvar MP, Powell LV: Treating dental caries as an infectious
fine and from the margin to the tooth. disease, Oper Dent 16:21-28, 1991.
Microfilled composites acquire a high shine after polishing Andren I, Khler B: Effects of Weight Watchers diet on salivary secretion
with a rubber cup followed by an aluminum oxide paste. rate, buffer effect and number of mutans streptococci and lactobacilli,
Hybrid and microhybrid composites can be polished very Scan J Dent Res 100(2):93-97, 1992.
well, although it takes more effort than with microfilled Axelsson, P: Diagnosis and risk prediction of dental caries, Chicago, Illinois,
2000, Quintessence.
composites. A stepwise procedure includes the use of a Cohen S, Burns RC: Pathways of the pulp, ed 6, St. Louis, 1994,
rubber polishing tip followed by Diacomp rubber instru- Mosby.
ments. Aluminum oxide paste on a regular wet prophy Dickinson GL, Leinfelder KF: Assessing the long-term effect of a surface
cup can be used afterward. Diamond pastes are effective penetrating sealant, J Am Dent Assoc 124:68-72, 1993.
but usually require the use of felt wheels or buff disks, Elderton RJ: Evolution in dental care, Bristol, UK, 1990, Clinical Press.
Fejerskov O, Kidd EAM, Baelum V, Nyvad B: Dental caries: the disease and its
which do not permit access to proximal or gingival clinical management, ed 2, 2008, Blackwell Munksgaard.
restorations. Goldstein R: Change your smile, Chicago, 2009, Quintessence.
To remove stain from glazed or polished porcelain, polish- Henostroza G, editor: Caries dental. Principios y procedimientos para el
ing paste can be used in the same manner as with com- diagnstico, Ripano editorial mdica S.A. Madrid, 2007.
posites. A final gloss can be attained with a Robinson Kidd EAM: Essentials of dental caries: the disease and its management, Oxford,
2005, Oxford University Press.
brush or a prophy cup impregnated with diamond paste. Krasse B: Caries risk, Chicago, Illinois, 1985, Quintessence.
Sometimes the use of the newest rubber polishing kits can Loesche WJ: Chemotherapy of dental plaque infections, Oral Sci Rev
also recreate a glazelike shine on porcelain. 9:63-107, 1976.
Lussi A, Gygax M: Iatrogenic damage to adjacent teeth during classical
The author encourages the use of composite sealants that are approximal box preparation, J Dent 26(5-6):435-441, 1998.
Pitts N: Detection, assessment, diagnosis and monitoring of caries, Basel,
designed to penetrate any microcracks and defects that may have Switzerland, 2009, Karger.
been created by finishing procedures. These sealants are specially Pitts NB: Diagnostic tools and measurementsimpact on appropriate care,
formulated unfilled resins that cure in a very thin film and with Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 25:24-35, 1997.
a minimal air-inhibited layer. Sealing the margins of anterior Reality. Michael Miller, editor. Restorative maintenance, vol 12, Houston,
restorations at recall visits may prevent or slow cement washout. Texas, 1998, Reality Publishing.
Roulet, JF, Nairn HF, Fuzzi M: Advances in operative dentistry, vol 2, Chicago,
Proper isolation and bonding protocols are advised. Illinois, 2001, Quintessence.
Schwartz RS, Hilton TJ: Caries management and pulpal considerations. In
Fundamentals of operative dentistry. A contemporary approach, Chicago,
CONCLUSION 1996, Quintessence.
Schwartz RS, Summitt JB, Robbins JW: Fundamentals of operative dentistry. A
contemporary approach, Chicago, 1996, Quintessence.
Patients trust their dentists clinical judgments and expertise. Seif TJ: Caries preventive strategies in the private practice, 1998, University of
Dental professionals are, for many patients, the ultimate Michigan School of Dentistry.
experts in esthetic dentistry and oral health. To keep patients Seif TJ, editor: Cariologa: prevencin, dianstico y tratamiento contemporneo
trust and to maintain their oral health for a long time, it is de la caries dental, C.A., 1997, Actualidades mdico odontolgicas
essential for any dental practice that offers restorative esthetic latinoamrica.
Tjan AHL, Tan DE: Microleakage at gingival margins of class V composite
services to also provide up-to-date diagnostic services and pre- resin restorations rebonded with various low viscosity resin systems,
ventive treatments. It is also very important to correctly diagnose Quintessence Int 22:565-573, 1991.
the endodontic status of each tooth to be restored and to provide Weinstein P, Getz T, Milgrom P: Oral self care. Strategies for preventive
a maintenance (recall) service for the beautiful treatment ren- dentistry, ed 3, By continuing dental education, SB-27, Seattle,
dered. It becomes an ethical issue as well as a moral responsibility Washington, 1991, University of Washington publications.
C H A P T E R 2

Dental Materials

Evolution, Description, and Application of Dental Materials

Frederick C. Eichmiller

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE epoxy resins, forming the early prototype of dental composites.
He tried these on a patient or two but quickly realized that the
The birthplace of many dental materials is the Paffenbarger epoxy resin was not a good matrix material because the setting
Research Center (PRC) (Figure 2-1, A), the American Dental was slow, it was very difficult to work with, and the toxicity of
Associations (ADAs) Research Unit in Gaithersburg, Maryland. some of its components was a concern. He then began synthesiz-
PRC was established in 1928 to collaborate with the National ing other types of restorative resins to use in place of epoxy. The
Bureau of Standards (now called the National Institute of Stan- first one he developed was bisphenol A glycidyl methacrylate
dards and Technology [NIST]) to develop science-based speci- (BIS-GMA). Paffenbarger took notice of this development
fications for dental products. Familiarity with these institutions through Bowens presentations and publication of his work and
and pioneers gives a good historical perspective on materials invited him to PRC.
development and the improvements made over the years. It also At that point Bowen began developing and perfecting the
yields a good perspective on how the standards process of the BIS-GMAbased composite, for which he is probably best
ADA began and its vital role in defining what dental materials known. He continued to work with the filler components
are and how they are used. of composite, even studying developments in other aggregate
industries and how, for instance, concretes and asphalts were
made. He viewed these as just a larger-scale composite and
Silicate Replacements focused on how to make fillers efficiently compact together and
Dr George Paffenbarger (Figure 2-1, B) joined the scientists at bind to the matrix resins. He then applied his findings to dental
the Research Unit in 1929 and quickly became the units lead materials. The materials further evolved through the develop-
scientist. In 1985 the ADA renamed the Research Unit in Dr ment of a rapidly reacting catalyst and initiator system so these
Paffenbargers honor. Dr Paffenbarger did considerable research materials would be clinically convenient enough to use. The
in silicates and was strongly interested specifically in silicate BIS-GMA matrix components have low toxicity as well as the
cements. In the 1950s and early 1960s, silicates were the only necessary strength and toughness. The glass fillers and silane
good anterior restorative materials available. Dr Rafael Bowen coupling systems that bind the filler to the matrix give the
(Figure 2-2) (the primary developer of dental composites) was a material its optical properties and additional strength and
dentist in private practice in Southern California who had a durability.
hobby interest in chemistry. A major frustration he faced in his
practice was that every time he placed silicate cement he had to
explain to the patient that it would last for only a short time
Evolution of the Components
and would eventually have to be replaced. Bowens passion was Bowens original research has been improved on through many
to find a better material to replace the silicate cements. In his subsequent developments. The resin matrix in composite is
back porch chemistry lab he explored new technologies, such being replaced with more and more filler material packed even
as other types of composites and other polymers such as epoxies. more closely together. This requires both the ability to densely
He made the first composites using porcelain by grinding up pack fillers with a range of particle sizes and the ability to make
denture teeth with a mortar and pestle and mixing them into very small filler particles.

34 Dental Materials Evolution, Description, and Application of Dental Materials


FIGURE 2-1 A, American Dental Association Foundations Paffenbarger Research Center. B, Dr George Paffenbarger.


FIGURE 2-2 Dr Rafael Bowen, best known for the develop- FIGURE 2-3 Examples of cordless curing lights. A, Radii
ment of dental composites based on dimethacrylate (BIS- Plus cordless curing light (SDI Limited, Victoria, Australia).
GMA) resin chemistry. Dr Bowens long career at the American B, Dentlight (Richardson, Texas).
Dental Association Foundations Paffenbarger Research Center
was entirely devoted to the development of improved resin-
based adhesives and filling materials.

On the matrix side, less has changed until recent times, other and these are the groups that tie or link together during the
than adding a few more resins to choose from in formulating. curing process. During the curing process they link to form long
One major development related to initiators was the use of molecular chains, which is what causes the material to thicken
photoinitiators so that light-cured materials could be applied and eventually harden. They can also form cross-links between
(Figure 2-3). chains; the units on the ends of the molecules attach from
one chain to another or attach to smaller resin molecules that
bridge between the chains. This cross-linking process ties the
BASIC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONS chains together and stiffens the material, making it more rigid
(Figure 2-4).
The backbone of a dental composite is basically a liquid acrylic Most of the composite materials are based on similar matrix
resin made up of bifunctional molecules. These bifunctional chemistry, and specifically the same methacrylate chain reac-
molecules have a methacrylate functional group on each end, tions. Each may have a slightly different base monomer, but the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 35

H CH3 ends H3C H


H CH3 ends H3C H
R1  Aliphatic species
O R1 O C N R2 N C O R1 O
R2  Aromatic species

H CH3 ends H3C H


FIGURE 2-4 Chemical formulas of difunctional monomers commonly used in composites. A, BIS-GMA monomer. B, UDMA
monomer. C, TEGDMA monomer. (From Roberson TM, Heymann HO, Swift EJ: Sturdevants art and science of operative dentistry, ed 5, St Louis, 2006,
Mosby. Courtesy S.C. Bayne, School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.)

way they react, the coupling of the methacrylate groups, and


Hetero- Hetero- Hetero-

the chain and cross-linking reactions occur in much the same Midifill Minifill Microfill
way. This similarity in chemistry allows the mixing of different
types of composites in a single restoration. An example would
be placing a fairly large restoration on an anterior tooth that
requires a significant buildup. The optimal choice for the body
of the buildup would be a hybrid for strength. Yet when the [Megafill] MACROFILL MIDIFILL MINIFILL MICROFILL [Nanofill]

need for translucency and light transmission at the incisal edge Not Not
is considered, a microfill or nanofill material could be added to shown shown
build this part of the restoration. Because most materials are
completely compatible with similar matrix chemistry and can Midi-Mirco Mini-Mirco
be laminated and cured together to make a single unit, this situ-

ation presents no difficulty.

The filler component (Figures 2-5 and 2-6) is largely made
up of finely ground glasses, either ground from solid glass frit
Or Mini-Nano
or manufactured through the sol-gel process, a chemical process HYBRID
that involves the precipitation of small particles out of liquid
solutions. The composite includes particles in various size dis- FIGURE 2-5 Examples of dental composite classification
tributions so the smaller ones can fill the spaces between the based on filler particle size. Composites are grouped on the
basis of (1) primary particle size (homogeneous), (2) mixtures
larger ones, yielding a higher density of packing within a given
of precured with uncured composite (heterogeneous), (3) mix-
volume. tures of major particle sizes (hybrids), and (4) other special
Initiators come in various combinations. It is possible to modifications (e.g., chopped fiber is added) to the composite
use purely chemical initiator systems, photoinitiators, or dual- (not shown). Filler particles may be clusters or agglomerates as
process initiators, depending on the application. If it is not well. (From Roberson TM, Heymann HO, Swift EJ: Sturdevants art and science
possible to gain light access to a site for light-initiated products, of operative dentistry, ed 5, St Louis, 2006, Mosby. Courtesy S.C. Bayne, School
chemical or dual-process initiators can be used. This may happen of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.)
in a root canal, under a filling, or under a crown, where the light
cannot penetrate. Chemical initiators are basically free-radical
36 Dental Materials Evolution, Description, and Application of Dental Materials

generating combinations of a peroxide and an amine co-initiator. used today is the blue light with a wavelength of approximately
Benzoyl peroxide is the most common chemical initiator used. 470nm. This is what is used to start off the chain reaction of
When the initiator and co-initiator combine they produce a polymerization. The two other, less commonly used initiator
radical that begins the chain-forming polymerization process. wavelengths are 429 and 390nm and are used to excite different
Initiators known as photoactivators, the most common of photoinitiator molecules.
which is camphorquinone, work in much the same way (Figure
2-7). The camphorquinone will form a radical when excited by
a particular wavelength of light. The most common wavelength
Physical Properties of Importance
A number of physical properties are commonly measured in
composites, some via the ISO Standards testing (Figures 2-8 and
2-9). Some of these properties have direct clinical relevance. The
filler filler filler filler filler first one is strength. The most common strength measured is
flexural strength (Figure 2-10), referring to how much the mate-
(fine (very fine (fine (very fine
particle) particle) finishing) finishing) rial will bend or flex before it breaks. It is probably the most
relevant property clinically because, when considering how fill-
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 ings support the forces of mastication, marginal ridges and
Filler Particle Sizes (m) occlusal tables must be able to support contact stresses. Flexural
strength reflects the tensile strength of the material, and this
FIGURE 2-6 Composite filler ranges versus particle size
(shown on a logarithmic scale). (From Roberson TM, Heymann HO, refers to how much one can pull or bend a material before it
Swift EJ: Sturdevants art and science of operative dentistry, ed 5, St Louis, 2006, will break. Most composites have flexural strengths in the 100-
Mosby. Courtesy S.C. Bayne, School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, to 150-megapascal range. This appears to be the strength
Chapel Hill, North Carolina.) required for success from a clinical standpoint for composite
Another important property for polymers and other com
posites is how stiff they arethe elastic modulus (Figure 2-11).
O CH3 Stiffness measures indicate how much load a material will
O H3C support before it starts to deform or how much it will resist
deformation and bending. Restorations under loading should
not flex significantly. All materials deform under load, but this
FIGURE 2-7 The camphorquinone will form a radical when deformation should not be great enough to break bonds and
excited by a particular wavelength of light. marginal seals. Ideally the restoration should be stiff enough to


Tension Torsion




Flexure Flexure

Diametral compression,
diametral tension
FIGURE 2-8 Examples of directions of loading. A, Uniaxial loading of cylinder. B, Uniaxial loading of a mesio-occlusal amalgam
restoration. (From Roberson TM, Heymann HO, Swift EJ: Sturdevants art and science of operative dentistry, ed 5, St Louis, 2006, Mosby.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 37


FIGURE 2-9 Measuring hardness.

FIGURE 2-11 Measuring elastic modulus. (Courtesy RTD, Saint

Egreve, France.)

FIGURE 2-10 Flexural bend strength measurement. (Courtesy

Instron, Norwood, Massachusetts.) its lack of fracture toughness will allow that crack to grow quite
easily, whereas a composite will better resist crack growth.
Another relevant property is expansion (Figure 2-13). This
resist breaking the bond or the seal around the edges, a property includes both thermal expansion and hydrolytic expansion. The
that is also clinically relevant. thermal expansion values of composites are usually about three
The third property measured in composites is toughness times those of tooth structure. With hot and cold, composites
(Figure 2-12), which is really a measure of how well the material expand and contract more than the surrounding tooth structure,
resists crack growth. All dental restorations sustain damage over putting stress on the adhesive interface. This does not affect the
time. They undergo loading with chewing, they fatigue, they composite material per se, but it does alter the bonded interfaces
form cracks, and they form surface defects. Toughness is the and result in breakdown of adhesion.
ability to resist the growth of those cracks or defects. Filling Another type of expansion to consider is what happens
materials should have a fairly high degree of toughness. Most during hydrolysis, as the composite material absorbs water.
composites perform fairly well in this area, and all are much Hydrolytic expansion can be especially detrimental if the
tougher than ceramics. If a ceramic has a small crack or defect, composite is being used as a cement. In some of the early
38 Dental Materials Evolution, Description, and Application of Dental Materials

FIGURE 2-12 Measuring toughness using Elec-

troForce 3200 test instruments. (Courtesy Bose Corpora-
tion, ElectroForce Systems Group, Eden Prairie, Minnesota.)

ElectroForce 3200 with ElectroForce 3200 Instrument

3-Point Bend Fixtures Biomaterials Configuration

FIGURE 2-14 Polymerization shrinkage. (Courtesy Dr Ray


FIGURE 2-13 Thermohydraulic expansion measurement per-

formed on an ElectroPuls E10000 linear motor test instru- each have a characteristic curing shrinkage, but shrinkage of the
ment. (Courtesy Instron, Norwood, Massachusetts.) pure matrix resin is 8% to 10%. Typically, by the time all the
filler is packed in, much of that resin has been displaced, which
brings the shrinkage down to about 2% to 2.5%. As the material
resin-improved glass ionomer cements, too much expansion shrinks, it puts stress on bonds or can open up margins. Over
fractured restorations such as ceramic crowns. This property is the years much effort has been expended trying to develop
commonly measured in standards testing. materials with lower and lower shrinkage. When more of the
Another important composite property is polymerization resin is displaced, less shrinkage can result. More filler and less
shrinkage (Figure 2-14). One of the inherent properties of a resin results in a lower-shrinking material. Shrinkage and the
composite that uses methacrylate-based resins that undergo stress produced during shrinkage are also affected by the volume
chain polymerization is that they transform from what are called of material, the shape of the cavity preparation, how fast the
van der Waals spacing to covalent bonds between the molecules. materials cure, and how much they cure. Considerable effort has
During this polymerization process the molecules actually move also gone into reducing shrinkage stress by controlling the curing
closer together, so the material physically shrinks. Composites rate of composites. Many factors enter into the curing process,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 39

FIGURE 2-17 Microfill material.

FIGURE 2-15 Macrofill material.

are 0.5m or less and can achieve a relatively high packing

density. Because the particles are very small, it is also possible to
finish and polish them very smoothly. They exhibit good optical
characteristics, transmitting light quite well, and achieve the
desirable enamel-like translucency.
The materials with the smallest particle size and the most
recent appearance on the market are the nanofills (Figure
2-18, A). These materials are primarily made with fillers that are
precipitated via the sol-gel process, which is capable of produc-
ing particles or agglomerates of particles that are down to the
100-nm range. Their optical characteristics are excellent, and
they can achieve fairly high packing levels. They also exhibit
good handling and excellent esthetic characteristics.
Some attempts have been made to use only individual
FIGURE 2-16 Hybrid material. nanoparticles in a composite, but this has proven difficult, as it
is challenging to manufacturing individual nanosized particles.
Theoretically, a pure nanocomposite would be possible if the
but the lowest shrinking materials are generally in the 1% manufacturing process could be developed, but that is not
shrinkage range. No resin matrix composite has yet been able to yet in place. What generally happens is that the nanoparticles
totally eliminate polymerization shrinkage. agglomerate into clumps when going through the sol-gel process
(Figure 2-18, B). 3M ESPE originally produced two classes of
nanofilled materialsone in which there were larger agglomer-
Classes of Composite Materials ates, and one with much smaller agglomerates.
The classes of composites are generally based on the size of the
filler particles. The earliest class of composites is referred to as Filler Level of the Various Classes
macrofilled materials (Figure 2-15). These are not used much The most important material characteristic in a composite is
anymore and consist generally of composites made with large the filler level by volume because that level will control or
filler particles. Most of the early chemically cured macrofills used minimize the shrinkage, determine the strength and durability,
ground glass filler particles measuring up to 10m or more in and establish the handling and optical properties of the mate-
average diameter. rial. Generally, the higher the filler level, the higher the strength
Today hybrid or smaller-particle materials are most common and the lower the shrinkage. Hybrids have the highest-volume
(Figure 2-16). A hybrid contains different-sized filler particles filler fraction, followed by microfills and nanofills, which have
ranging from very small submicron size to 2 or 3m in average comparable values. Percentage values in the high 70s are possi-
diameter. This broad range of sizes allows hybrids to achieve ble with some of the hybrid materials, whereas the microfills
extremely dense particle packing. Hybrids tend to be the most and nanofills generally have percentage values in the high 60s.
highly filled systems available today. The macrofills were not widely distributed, but they achieved
Microfill materials also have a mixture of particle sizes, but around 65% in volume percent, so they were not as highly
across a narrower range of diameters (Figure 2-17). The particles packed as a hybrid. They were able to achieve fairly good
40 Dental Materials Evolution, Description, and Application of Dental Materials

Nano clusters

FIGURE 2-19 Flowable composites. A, BEAUTIFIL Flow.

B, Estelite Flow Quick. (A, Courtesy Shofu Dental Corporation, San Marcos,
California. B, Courtesy Tokuyama Dental America, Encinitas, California.)

Strength-Resistance Compromises
A flowable composite, because it has a less filler, has lower strength
FIGURE 2-18 A, Nanofill material. B, Nanofill distress. (Figure 2-19). It contains more resin so it will also have higher
shrinkage values. As a result, this is not a good restorative mate-
rial for stress-bearing conditions. It is used today more as a base
strength because of the large particles, but not the dense and liner because of its flow characteristics, which allow it to
packing. Macrofills did not finish well because the particle sizes adapt to tooth surfaces quite well. It is probably being used less
were so large, making them difficult to polish. Once the mate- and less as practitioners become more adept at handling the
rial was in place and subjected to wear or loss of the matrix more heavily filled restorative composites.
material, particles protruded and gave the restoration a rough One technique for adapting more heavily filled composites
texture. is using various ways of heating or warming them to lower
their viscosity. When a more flowable form is needed, it can
be obtained by just warming the high-viscosity composite. If a
typical hybrid composite is heated to about 50 C, its viscosity
APPLICATION OF SPECIFIC will be drastically lowered, making it almost like a flowable
COMPOSITES material.
Another example of modifying the flow within a specific
Composites can consist of specialized compositions to best meet composite is the packable composite (Figure 2-20). These materi-
the requirements of their application. Changes can be made in als use very high filler levels and larger filler particles to give the
shrinkage characteristics, curing method, optical properties, and material a very high viscosity. They are not used as much as they
handling characteristics. Filler level is often varied to change were in the past, but they can be handled somewhat like an
viscosity and handling characteristics. One material may be thin, amalgam and are condensable. These materials were designed to
whereas another one may be very heavy or very thick depending overcome one frustrating feature of placing posterior composite
on the use. A good example is a flowable composite, which restorations, which is maintaining good proximal contact. It is
contains lower filler levels so that it has more of a flowing char- impossible to force composite into a preparation and actually
acter and a lower viscosity. Very highly filled composites will expand the space between the teeth with the material. The mate-
have stiff handling characteristics, with better ability to be rial is passive, so the dentist must establish adequate tooth sepa-
sculpted and shaped. ration before placing the restoration. The packable composites
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 41

FIGURE 2-20 Packable composite: SureFil High Density Pos-

terior Restorative. (Courtesy DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware.)

FIGURE 2-22 Orthodontic composite: Ortho-Choice

No-Mix bracket adhesive. (Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown,

treated teeth. Their viscosity is fairly low to allow for placement

down the canal, but they also require a chemical or dual-cure
initiating system because of the lack of access for light curing.
Some of the orthodontic composites are two-part systems
with fairly high levels of chemical initiators in each of the com-
ponents, so it is possible to add one component to the bracket
and another on the tooth (Figure 2-22). When they come into
contact, they rapidly cure and hold the bracket in place. If they
FIGURE 2-21 Specialized composite material for core build- are light cured as well, they will contain a very high level of
ups: Spee-Dee Build-Up material. (Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, photoinitiator so that again they cure very rapidly. Shrinkage is
Watertown, Massachusetts.)
also less of a concern in these materials because they are not
placed in cavity preparations.

behaved more like an amalgam by being viscous enough to

provide some tooth separating forces as the material was pushed
Luting and Cementing Composites
or packed into the cavity. Variations are made to luting and cementing composites to
meet film thickness requirements. These materials must have
very small particles and lower filler levels, so that viscosity is
Specialized Formulations lower. These types of materials often have either a chemical
An example of a specialized composite is a material used for core (Figure 2-23) or a dual-cure curing (Figure 2-24) initiator
buildups (Figure 2-21). For this application a high degree of system. In seating an all-ceramic crown, it may be possible to
stiffness is desired. Because this material will not be used for light cure through the ceramic and start the initiation reaction,
adapting to small cavities, it does not require great flow or adapt- but if light penetration is inadequate, a dual-cure material will
ability. It is possible to increase the filler level, make it stiffer, still continue to chemically cure and achieve a sufficient final
and maybe even add tints and colors that contrast with the sur- set. In placing a very thick or opaque ceramic or metallic restora-
rounding tooth structure. This is useful for preparing a crown tion with no light access, dual-cure systems will still chemically
beyond the edge of the core buildup in order to visually deter- cure under the crown or prosthesis.
mine that the finish line is ending on tooth structure and that
an adequate ferrule of tooth structure is present beyond the
buildup. Core material is often chemically cured rather than
Self-Adhesive Resin Cements
light cured because it is often placed under an opaque core There are probably limits to how much one can alter the resin
matrix. Buildups are also often large enough in bulk that they composition of cements and still maintain stable physical prop-
cannot be adequately penetrated with a curing light. erties. However, the self-adhesive resin cements try to combine
Another good example of the variability of composites is the the adhesive functionality of the dentin adhesive monomers with
systems used for cementing posts and cores in endodontically the strengthening properties of the matrix resin (Figure 2-25).
42 Dental Materials Evolution, Description, and Application of Dental Materials

In cementing metal or metal ceramic prostheses, these cements

are probably appropriate, but the good, reliable adhesion neces-
sary for bonding all-ceramic restorations may be somewhat com-
promised. When hydrophilic monomers are added to a resin
cement system to make it self-adhesive, the level of hydrolysis
also increases, causing it to absorb water more rapidly, and it
may not maintain strength over long periods of time. Only time
will tell if these materials are durable enough to become a per-
manent part of the armamentarium.

Temporary Restorations
The composites used for temporary restorations (Figure 2-26)
have been modified by the addition of a plasticizer. These materi-
als have a more flexible and resilient character, so the temporary
restoration can be removed without damaging the tooth. Most
use a combination of chemical or dual-cure initiators.
FIGURE 2-23 Cementing composite with chemical initiator
system: ParaPost. (Courtesy Coltne Whaledent, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.)

FIGURE 2-24 Cementing composite with dual-cure curing FIGURE 2-26 Rubberized urethane for temporary restora-
initiator system: ResiLute. (Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, tions: Tuff-Temp resin. (Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown,
Massachusetts.) Massachusetts.)


FIGURE 2-25 Self-adhesive resin cements: A, Embrace WetBond Resin Cement. B, MonoCem Self-Adhesive Resin Cement.
(A, Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts. B, Courtesy Shofu Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 43

Fluoride release and recharge

The concentration of fluoride in mouth
Low High
Release Recharge

In mouth


Tooth F F F Tooth

F Fluoride in Giomer
F Fluoride in mouth

FIGURE 2-28 Fluoride release and recharge in a giomer.

These resins are much more effective absorbing oral fluorides
and then releasing the ions at a later time.
FIGURE 2-27 Pit and fissure sealant: Embrace WetBond
Pit and Fissure Sealant. (Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown,

Pit and Fissure Sealants

Pit and fissure sealants (Figure 2-27) are another class of resin-
based materials that are lightly filled and have a very small
volume fraction of filler. The viscosity is low enough that they
can penetrate deeply into the pits and fissures of the tooth. Early
pit and fissure sealants did not have filler, but today most contain
a small amount of filler to control the viscosity and increase the
durability. Pit and fissure sealants also usually have a higher level
of initiator, so they cure very rapidly. FIGURE 2-29 Chemical cured material: HardCore buildup
material, dual cure. (Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown,
Fluoride-Releasing Composites
The last class of materials consists of fluoride-releasing composites separated from the peroxide initiator used to form the radicals
(Figure 2-28). Probably the most well known of these are com- until they are mixed, either via dual-syringe mixing systems or
pomers. One of the limitations of a composite is the hydropho- manually. One drawback of this system is that once the materials
bic or water-disliking quality of the matrix materials. Because have been mixed, there is a limited amount of time to work with
these matrix materials do not absorb much water, it is hard to them. The polymerization reaction begins at the start of mixing,
dissolve fluoride out of the composite. Most fluoride-releasing so the working time is limitedgenerally 1 to 3 minutes.
composites release a very low amount of fluoride when com- During this time the dentist must place and manipulate the
pared with glass-ionomers. Glass-ionomers have a much differ- material before it starts to harden and cure.
ent polysalt matrix that can absorb water much more readily, There are still a few applications for purely chemically cured
providing a better exchange of the fluoride ions from within systems. Resin cements used under metal prostheses need chemi-
the glass-ionomer. The glass-ionomer also has a higher level of cally cured systems because there is no way to penetrate the
porosity than the typical composite material, making it more metal with a light and achieve photocuring. The chemical
efficient at releasing and reabsorbing fluoride. It is very question- systems allow one to get a very high degree of conversion that
able whether the fluoride release from composite materials is will result in a very strong, durable cement once it has set.
great enough to be of any therapeutic benefit. Buildup materials that are placed in a single bulk increment are
often chemically initiated to ensure a complete cure throughout
their thickness.
Comparison of Curing Systems Photoinitiator systems have the advantage of not requiring the
A chemically cured or self-cured material requires two compo- separation of the two components, the initiator and co-initiator
nents, two different pastes that must be mixed together (Figure (Figure 2-30). These components can be combined within the
2-29). The two parts of the initiating system are physically sepa- same composite formulation so no separate mixing step is
rated until it is time to use them. The amine co-initiator is required. As a result there is an almost unlimited working time.
44 Dental Materials Evolution, Description, and Application of Dental Materials

disadvantages are the need to mix the two components and the
limited working time. However, with a dual-cure system the
working time is longer than with a chemical cure. Typical
working time is in the range of 6 to 8 minutes with a dual-cure
material versus 2 to 3 minutes with the chemical cure. An
advantage of dual curing is that once the material is adapted into
place, the cure can be initiated more rapidly by shining the
correct wavelength of light on the site, snap-setting or speeding
the polymerization reaction. Todays dual-cure systems are used
in multipurpose resin cements that, especially for all-ceramic
restorations, allow one to shine the light through the restoration
to achieve an initial set once the restoration is seated. Even with
this quick photocure, the chemical reaction requires a certain
FIGURE 2-30 Photoinitiator system: Estelite Sigma Quick. period of time to polymerize to completion. If there is cement
(Courtesy of Tokuyama America, Inc., Encinitas, California.) in an area where the light cannot penetrate, the material will still
cure efficiently, giving a high degree of conversion and good
physical properties.

In resin-based materials the holy grail of composites is the nearly
nonshrinking or zero-shrinkage composite. Most of the basic
research geared toward future composites has focused on devel-
oping lower-shrinkage systems. As this research has progressed,
dentists have become much better at handling the materials
available today, even with the existing shrinkage. Clinical tech-
niques have improved to the point that zero shrinkage is prob-
ably not as important as previously thought. It is currently
possible to influence many of the factors affecting shrinkage,
such as incremental techniques, stress minimization, adaptation
FIGURE 2-31 Dual-cure initiator system: Embrace WetBond of materials, and contact achievement. Even so, some chemists
Resin Cement. (Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts.) are looking at everything from epoxide-type chemicals to ring-
opening monomers to liquid crystaltype monomers, which all
show some promise at being able to reduce or perhaps eliminate
The material does not begin to cure until it is exposed to the shrinkage.
correct wavelength of light. The material may have some sensi- Another focus for the future is on self-adhesive composites.
tivity to curing under the ambient light in the operatory, such This is an attempt to impart the adhesive properties of a dentin-
as that from the overhead operating light. Generally, most com- enamel adhesive to the matrix system of the restorative compos-
posites are not terribly sensitive to ambient light, so the working ite so that it will adhere to structures more efficiently. Some
time can be many minutes. The photoinitiator systems allow progress has been made in the laboratory. Also, some studies
nearly unlimited time to manipulate the material and permit have been done on self-adhesive pulp-capping liners, showing
complete control over when it is cured. Their disadvantage is the they are fairly effective. Whether it is possible to achieve ade-
inability to use them in situations where good light access is not quate adhesion to make an interface strong enough to resist
possible. For example, light-cured resin cement is not appropri- polymerization shrinkage and functional stresses, and maintain
ate under a metal restoration that cannot transmit the curing long-term durability is yet to be seen. Such a self-adhesive restor-
light. Light-cured composite may not be a good choice for large ative composite is probably not as critical as once thought, as
core buildups, where a large bulk of material thickness may need current adhesives have become more reliable and convenient
to be cured at one time. Light penetration sufficient to achieve to use.
an adequate cure may be only 2.0 to 2.5mm within light-cured Some work has been done in the development of smart com-
composites. Thicker situations require either a buildup of the posites. These are materials that have therapeutic or diagnostic
restorations in multiple thinner increments or use of a chemi- functionality. For example, diagnostically a colorimetric marker
cally cured material. could indicate a gap, a fracture line, loss of adhesion, or the
The third type of initiator system is a dual-cure system (Figure beginning of acid production by adjacent bacteria. If there is a
2-31). This system combines both chemical and light curing. risk of recurrent caries, a colorimetric marker may show a leaking
Because it involves a chemically cured mechanism, it still con- margin or presence of acids, so action can be taken before the
sists of two separated components and requires mixing. The caries process starts. Therapeutically composites may be equipped
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 45

with antimicrobial or remineralizing capability. Some resin- SUMMARY

based composites contain amorphous calcium phosphate. Cur-
rently they are being used for orthodontic adhesives and sealants, Composites have evolved since Bowens back porch experiments
for which strength is not as critical as with restorative compos- to become the mainstay of direct restorative dentistry. No other
ites. The concept is based on adding a filler phase that is capable material in dentistry has the versatility to adapt to so many dif-
of releasing calcium and phosphate ions when there is an acid ferent clinical needs. Both the materials and the skills of the
attack on or near the restoration, so it imparts a preventive or clinicians in using them have vastly improved over the past few
therapeutic effect. decades. Research continues to improve on the properties, the
Fluoride release has not proven as effective in composites as handling, and the clinical uses for composite resins. It is to be
desired, but research into different fluoride compositions con- expected that some day composite materials will be available that
tinues. Some clinical testing has involved the ability to formulate not only restore damage, but detect and prevent disease and
pulp-capping composites. One method for pulp capping is perhaps even heal the damage done by disease.
adding pulp repairstimulating components directly into to the
composite. These may include calcium phosphate, morphogenic
proteins, or dentin-stimulating peptides. These formulations SUGGESTED READINGS
may stimulate the repair and deposition of secondary dentin
Anusavice KJ: Phillips science of dental materials, ed 11, Philadelpha, 2003,
under the pulp-capping composite. The concept is to have a Saunders.
material with good strength and durability that can stimulate Hugo B: Esthetics with resin composite: basics and techniques, Hanover, Ill,
the pulpal repair, but is also strong enough to support the overly- 2009, Quintessence.
ing the restoration. Typically in the past, calcium hydroxide Mark A: ADAF Paffenbarger Research Center: where many new ideas for
would be used for this purpose. Calcium hydroxide stimulates dentistry start, J Am Dent Assoc 140(Suppl 1):10S-11S, 2009.
Powers JM, Sakaguchi RL: Craigs restorative dental materials, ed 12, St Louis,
pulpal repair but tends to wash out from under restorations and 2006, Mosby.
has little strength to support an overlying restoration.

Impression Materials
Carlos A. Muoz-Viveros

titanium dioxide, or zinc sulfate. The catalyst or accelerator

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC contains lead dioxide, hydrated copper oxide or organic peroxide
DENTISTRY as a catalyst, sulfur and dibutyl phthalate as a plasticizer, and
other nonessential fillers. It is set by a condensation polymeriza-
Impression materials are used to replicate the structures of the tion reaction. Because water is a byproduct of the reaction, the
oral cavity. Using the impression it is possible to construct a impression must be poured within 30 minutes.
model or cast so that functional or esthetic restorations can be Condensation silicone rubber is supplied as a base and catalyst
fabricated (Figure 2-32). and used for partial denture impressions and fabrication of small
appliances. The base is composed of a polydimeththylsiloxane,
orthoalkylsilicate for cross-linking, and inorganic fillers. The
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL catalyst or accelerator contains a metal organic ester such as tin
octoate and a thickening agent. It sets by condensation poly
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION merization with alcohol as a byproduct. Because of its high
OF THE PROCEDURE polymerization shrinkage, manufacturers make a high-viscosity
catalyst commonly referred as putty. These putties are highly
Plaster, impression compound, zinc-oxideeugenol, and other filled, so there is less polymerization shrinkage.
materials were originally developed as inelastic impression materi- Addition silicones of vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) are currently the
als. These were replaced by elastic impression materials such as most used materials for making indirect restorations. They are
aqueous materials (agar, alginate) and nonaqueous elastomers available in many viscosities and a range of colors. These materi-
(polysulfides, silicones, and polyethers) (Figure 2-33). Impres- als contain silicone prepolymers with vinyl and hydrogen side
sion materials are also classified as reversible (compounds groups that polymerize via addition polymerization. They are
and hydrocolloids) or irreversible (silicones, polyethers, and sold as paste-paste, with one paste containing a vinyl-polysiloxane
alginates). prepolymer and the other a siloxane prepolymer with hydrogen
Agar hydrocolloids have largely been replaced by rubber groups, a platinum catalyst, and a chloroplatinic acid that initi-
impression materials, but they are still used for full mouth ates the polymerization reaction. Oxygen is sometimes a byprod-
impressions when severe undercuts are present. Their composi- uct of the reaction. These materials are highly hydrophobic.
tion includes agar, borax to improve strength, potassium sulfate Polyether rubber was developed in the late 1960s and is char-
to provide compatibility with the stone, preservatives, and fla- acterized by a relatively short working time but achieves great
voring agents. The use of agar hydrocolloids is complicated by accuracy. The material is fairly stiff but very hydrophilic. There
the need for a tempered water bath and prefabricated metal trays is a base paste that contains a low-molecular-weight polymer
(Figure 2-34). with ethyleneimine groups, fillers, plasticizers, and colloidal
Alginates or irreversible hydrocolloids are the most widely used silica. The catalyst contains an aromatic sulfonic acid ester
impression materials in dentistry. They are useful for making all and thickening agents. When mixed, a polymerization reaction
types of impressions but not accurate enough for creating fixed occurs by ring opening of the ethyleneimine groups.
cast restorations. They are composed of a powder containing
sodium or potassium alginate, calcium sulfate as a reactant,
sodium phosphate as a retarder, fillers such as diatomaceous CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
earth, potassium sulfate for stone compatibility, and flavoring
agents. The powder is mixed with water.
Polysulfide rubber is still used in many countries because it is The indications for these materials vary depending on the
inexpensive and has plenty of working time. It is supplied as a intended clinical use. Some materials are used for diagnostic
base and catalyst pastes. The base contains a polysulfide base purposes, such as alginates. Others are used in fabricating com-
polymer, fillers, and plasticizers. The fillers are mainly zinc oxide, plete dentures (modeling compounds). Still others are indicated

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 47

FIGURE 2-32 Examples of impressions. Here the impression material has extended cervical to the unprepared margin of the

Reversible hydrocolloids are also inexpensive, are nontoxic,

and have a pleasant odor. Neither custom trays nor adhesives
are needed and there is no mixing. These materials are highly
Polysulfides are inexpensive and have a long working time,
excellent tear strength, good flow, and good detail reproduction.
They can readily be removed from undercuts.
Silicone rubber has a pleasant odor and good flowability.
The setting time can be controlled by altering the amount
of catalyst applied. Silicone rubber can be used as a paste-
paste or in a putty-wash method, depending on the
Addition silicones are very accurate and offer many viscosi-
FIGURE 2-33 Silicone impression materials with automixing ties. They have excellent deformation recovery and low flow.
machine. (Imprint 3 Impression Material, courtesy 3M ESPE Dental Products, Many have been considered hydrophobic, but newer materials
St Paul, Minnesota.) are now available that are more hydrophilic. No custom tray is
for the fabrication of permanent prostheses such as restorations Polyethers are easy to handle and mix. They also provide
or appliances. excellent detail reproduction and are hydrophilic.

If the impression cannot be poured within a reasonable amount
of time, alginates, polysulfides, and reversible hydrocolloids are Irreversible hydrocolloids tear easily, are dimensionally unsta-
not indicated. In addition, polysulfide and condensation sili- ble, and achieve limited detail reproduction. Reversible hydro-
cones require a custom tray. Sometimes allergies limit the useful- colloids require expensive equipment, tear easily, must be
ness of these materials. poured immediately, and are dimensionally unstable. Their use
is primarily for single restorations. Polysulfides have an
unpleasant odor and require a custom tray. These very-low-vis-
MATERIAL OPTIONS cosity materials must be poured within a half hour. For sili-
cone rubber, custom trays are needed. The material can be
The current material options are elastic impression materials difficult to pour and must be poured immediately. Silicone
such as irreversible and reversible hydrocolloids, addition sili- rubber is also highly hydrophobic. Addition silicones are the
cones, and polyethers. most expensive of all the impression materials. They are very
rigid and difficult to remove from undercuts. It is hard to
pour them in stone, and their chemistry can be inhibited by
Advantages the sulfur in latex gloves and rubber dams. Polyethers are very
Irreversible hydrocolloids are inexpensive and easy to manipulate, stiff, expensive, and sensitive to water moisture. They have a
have a pleasant odor, displace blood and saliva, are hydrophilic, history of causing allergic reactions and are difficult to
and can easily be poured in stone. No custom trays are needed. disinfect.
48 Dental Materials Impression Materials



FIGURE 2-34 Selection of tray for impression procedures. A, Plastic stock trays. B, Metal stock trays. C, Closed mouth trays.
D, Custom tray.


Surfactants have been added to the addition silicones to dimin- The type of impression material and technique chosen depends
ish their hydrophobicity. Hydrogen absorbers have been added on the intended use. The dentist must first determine if he or
to reduce their release of hydrogen gas. Bite registration materi- she will use a closed or open mouth technique. The next choice
als have been introduced that are fairly stiff and offer fast setting is whether to use a heavy bodylight body combination, a
times. Improvements in dispensing and mixing methods have puttylight body combination, or a single mix technique.
also been made. Mechanical mixers are readily available. Most
manufacturers offer impression materials in prepackaged 50- or
300-mL cartridges with disposable mixing tips. Unit dose TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
impression systems are also available. Alginate substitutes have
recently been introduced as inexpensive VPS materials.
If the preparation is subgingival, tissue displacement cord or an
alternative method must be used. Any hemorrhage should be
Scientific controlled before initiation of the impression procedure. The
The biocompatibility of these materials has been improved, operating field should be isolated.
making them less toxic. Colorants have been added for easy
identification in the oral cavity.
The custom or prefabricated tray is evaluated intraorally, and
Technologic then adhesive is applied. The cord is removed and the prepara-
In the future it may be possible to have materials that set on tion gently dried with compressed air. Light-viscosity impression
demand. Optical impressions may also be developed (Figure 2-35). material is syringed around the margins of the preparation. The
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 49


FIGURE 2-35 Examples of chairside optical impressioning systems. A, Cerec 3D (Sirona Dental Systems, Charlotte, North
Carolina). B, Lava Chairside Oral Scanner. (B Courtesy 3M ESPE Dental Products, St Paul, Minnesota.)

TABLE 2-1 Selected Products Available for Impression Materials

Jeltrate Plus Position Penta Permlastic CutterSil Putty Impregum Affinis
Jeltrate Dustless Quick (Kerr Corporation) Plus Impregum President
(DENTSPLY/ (3M ESPE) Coe-Flex (Heraeus Kulzer) Penta Soft, (Coltne/
Caulk) AlgiNot (GC America) ColtoFlax Permadyne Whaledent)
Coe Alginate AlgiNot FS (Coltne/ (3M ESPE) Virtual
(GC America) (Kerr Corporation) Whaledent) Polygel NF (Ivoclar Vivadent)
Supergel Freealgin (DENTSPLY/ Extrude
(Harry Bosworth) (Zhermack) Caulk) Take 1 Advanced
Integra P2 (Kerr
(Kerr Corporation) (Heraeus Corporation)
Kulzer) Aquasil Ultra
(GC America)
(Heraeus Kulzer)
KOPY (Dental
Savings Club)
50 Dental Materials Impression Materials

impression material is thinned down using a stream of air to NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS

facilitate the placement and flow of the material into the sulcus.
The tray is then seated. The manufacturers recommendations Optical impressions will be an important contribution. With the
for setting time are observed, then the tray is removed from the development of these, other materials will simply disappear.
mouth. Currently, some of these systems are available but are very expen-
sive (Table 2-1).
It is important to visually inspect the oral cavity for any loose SUGGESTED READINGS
material. The area is then rinsed and dried, and the impression
Beier US, Grunert I, Kulmer S, Dumfahrt H: Quality of impressions using
is evaluated and disinfected. hydrophilic polyvinyl siloxane in a clinical study of 249 patients, Int J
Prosthodont 2:270-274, 2007.
Ceyhan JA, Johnson GH, Lepe X: The effect of tray selection, viscosity of
CLINICAL CONSERVATION impression material, and sequence of pour on the accuracy of dies made
CONCEPTS from dual-arch impressions, J Prosthet Dent 90:143, 2003.
Donovan TE, Chee WWL: A review of contemporary impression materials
and techniques, Dent Clin North Am 48:445, 2004.
The use of custom trays permits a conservative approach. Kimoto K, Tanaka K, Toyoda M, Ochiai KT: Indirect latex glove
contamination and its inhibitory effect on vinyl polysiloxane
polymerization, J Prosthet Dent 93:433, 2005.
MAINTENANCE Lane DA, Randall RC, Lane NS, Wilson NH: A clinical trial to compare
double-arch and complete-arch impression techniques in the provision of
indirect restorations, J Prosthet Dent 89:141-145, 2003.
Very little maintenance is needed because these materials are Peregrina A, Land MF, Feil P, Price C: Effect of two types of latex gloves
used in the mouth for only a few minutes. They are usually and surfactants on polymerization inhibition of three polyvinylsiloxane
poured once and are relatively accurate for several weeks. impression materials, J Prosthet Dent 90:289, 2003.
Raigrodski AJ, Dogan S, Mancl LA, Heindl H: A clinical comparison of two
vinyl polysiloxane impression materials using the one-step technique,
J Prosthet Dent 102:179-186, 2009.
CONTROVERSIES Rosenstiel Stephen F: Tissue management and impression making in
contemporary fixed prosthodontics, ed 4, St Louis, 2006, Mosby.
The use of triple trays and the need for custom versus prefab-
ricated trays are still lacking evidentiary support. Different vis-
cosities are required for different preparations or techniques.
C H A P T E R 3

Photography: Digital and Analog


Clinical Photography Standards

Christopher Orr

RELEVANCE OF PHOTOGRAPHY Need for Photography in Various

In general practice, dentists may not necessarily view all their
Good photography lies at the heart of absolutely every area of patients as potential candidates for esthetic dentistry. However,
esthetic dentistry. The correct use of the clinical camera is an the camera can show the patient his or her own mouth from the
invaluable way for the practitioner not only to document what perspective of the dentist, dental staff, and other people. This
is being done in terms of pre-treatment and post-treatment allows the patient a better level of understanding of his or her
photographs of cases, thereby maintaining excellent clinical situation, which may facilitate the process of consent to treat-
records, but also to improve patient education and enhance his ment and even increase the level of requested treatment. In
or her self-education. general practice, dental charting has been used for over a century
as a way of recording the condition of a patients dentition.
Digital photographs are an excellent supplement to traditional
Risks of Not Using Dental Photography dental charting, as they allow the practitioner to record many
Patients easily forget what they looked like before they started details, such as wear or discoloration, which cannot be well
treatment. When anything to do with the appearance is affected, represented with traditional charting.
not using a camera puts the practitioner at substantial legal risk. Orthodontists have long been aware of the benefits of stan-
Unfortunately, human memory is terribly short, and patients dardized clinical photographs for record keeping. This is particu-
recollection of how their teeth appeared before treatment is often larly valuable in their area because of the inherently long-term
quite hazy, which leads to the potential for dispute. Even for nature of the treatment process.
something as straightforward as tooth whitening, patients may The esthetic dentist is primarily interested in what the patients
feel that their teeth have not responded to treatment and thus look like and what they can look like. In most cases, it is the
may seek a refund of fees. If this occurs, showing them pre- patient who requests treatment. Esthetically motivated patients
treatment and post-treatment clinical photographs of how the can use the photographs to help them communicate what they
teeth responded to the whitening process should clear things up. actually want, and practitioners can more accurately document
The patient has simply become accustomed to the new appear- what has been done.
ance of the teeth very quickly. Thus photography has a role in
things as simple as bleaching and as complex as extensive reha-
bilitation; this makes the camera as essential an instrument as BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL
dental loupes, handpieces, and other basic tools in performing
In addition, all practitioners learn by seeing clinical photo- OF THE PROCEDURE
graphs in books and journals. Viewing their own patients in
this same way frequently improves their diagnostic abilities and The major advance in dental photography centers on the shift
ensures that potentially important aspects of the treatment are from film-based to digital imaging. Film was a great step forward
not overlooked. when introduced over a century ago. Clinically, however, it was

52 Photography: Digital and Analog Clinical Photography Standards

not a useful or efficient tool, as it was impossible to analyse the

images immediately and check whether the desired views had
been obtained. Pictures were taken as slides because slide films
were considered best for color reproduction. However, the film
had to be sent out to commercial laboratories for processing.
Due to the specialized processing needed, there was always a
delay in return of the photographs, often 1 to 2 weeks. Showing
patients their own teeth was inconvenient owing to the need to
project the images. Copying images when required was an added
inconvenience, as it was very difficult to achieve consistent
quality and color accuracy in duplication.
It was very difficult to show the pictures to patients at the
chairside; thus, for most practitioners, excepting those taking
post-graduate examinations or clinicians on the lecture circuit,
photography was not considered a routine practice.
Digital photography has been around for some time, but it FIGURE 3-1 A typical point-and-shoot setup. (Courtesy
was only in 2003-2004 that a good-quality digital single-lens PhotoMed International, Van Nuys, California.)
reflex (SLR)type camera become affordable for most practitio-
ners. The mass marketability of consumer digital SLR cameras
has revolutionized how clinical photography is done, how it is
delivered, and its practicality and reliability. With digital pho-
tography, there is the advantage of immediately verifying that
the desired image has been captured. It is very easy to look at
the picture on the cameras screen, identify what is not right,
and retake it immediately. There is no need for processing, so
images can be viewed immediately, and they can be shared with
patients right away.
Photography also improves the quality of referrals. If a general
practitioner sees a suspicious red lesion under a patients tongue,
it is quite easy to take a picture of it, put that into a referral
letter or attach it to an email, and send it to the oral medicine
specialist. A complex restorative referral can be made much
easier for the practitioner receiving the referral if photographs
can be included along with radiographs and the referral letter as
FIGURE 3-2 A typical single-lens reflex (SLR) setup. (Courtesy
it allows the treatment planning process to begin even before the PhotoMed International, Van Nuys, California.)
patient visits the prosthodontists office. Not only does this allow
the dentist to document what is being done, but it helps in
caring for patients more comprehensively and more efficiently. compared with the 10 minutes required for a good occlusal
sketch. From this perspective, photography can be useful not
only for documentation of static images but for functional
RELATING FUNCTION occlusal considerations as well.
Digital photography is another example of how digital tools EQUIPMENT OPTIONS
allow dentists to be better, more efficient, and more elegant in
doing what used to be done by hand. Various people have There are three levels of sophistication. Assuming that the
described the technique of recording a patients occlusal scheme, 35-mm film camera is no longer in use, many dentists entry
called the occlusal sketch. In this, the dentist takes a drawing point into clinical photography is a modified point-and-shoot
of the patients teeth or a drawing of an idealized arch and marks camera (Figure 3-1) or an entry-level digital SLR camera (Figure
the centric contacts or the excursive contacts with different 3-2). For the dentist who wants to improve their clinical pho-
colors of pencil. This is a very useful technique for recording the tography, there is more sophisticated equipment that allows
patients pre-treatment occlusal scheme and occlusal problems, better images and greater clinical latitude.
but it takes a long time. Much easier is doing the digital equiva- The modified point-and-shoot cameras have an important
lent of an occlusal sketch. The dentist does a normal occlusal place in clinical photography. The early consumer-level digital
examination, asks the patient to functionally mark the contacts, SLRs were more expensive than some practitioners could afford.
and then simply puts an occlusal mirror into the mouth and The point-and-shoot cameras have the advantage of being
takes a photograph. This entire process takes about 30 seconds, compact, light, and (at that time) relatively less expensive. Their
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 53


FIGURE 3-3 A, Ring flash (left) and dual point flash (right). B and C, Comparison of light reflection on mesial and distal line
angles with different flashes. The ring flash (B) sometimes gives undesirable light reflection, whereas the line angles are better
visualized with the dual point flash (C). (A Courtesy PhotoMed International, Van Nuys, California.)

disadvantages relate to their distinct operational and a long In addition to the body and the lens, a flash is required.
learning curve, the need for a substantial degree of practice and In order to achieve images with all the teeth in sharp focus,
familiarity with the setup to get the best images. the shutter speed is set to a fraction of a second to eliminate
Often the dental practice has a second camera for the staff camera shake, the aperture is set to a very small opening
to use. When clinical photography is properly implemented in size to maximize depth of field, and thus there is a need
the practice, staff members and particularly hygienists become for an additional light source as ambient light will be far
involved with patient picture taking as part of their educational from sufficient. The most straightforward option for most
process. Many staff members find the simpler, modified point- practitioners is a ring flash. For a few practitioners who are
and-shoot cameras to be preferable to their SLR counterparts. very interested in taking the absolutely best-quality clinical
pictures possible, more sophisticated flashes are available
(Figure 3-3). These include a dual point flash, a twin light
Current Best Approach source that allows the alteration of the illuminations to show
The best practice for most people begins with the purchase of the line angles and translucencies on teeth and restorations more
equivalent of a 35-mmtype digital SLR camera. Even todays accurately. This permits one to have more control over the
entry-level digital SLR cameras have a pixel count that makes final image. However, the requirement to adjust the flash
their digital images superior to film images. Their ease of use and heads individually for each shot makes it impractical for many
efficiency in obtaining reproducible results are excellent. dentists.
The technical setup comprises a camera body and a macro The best combination is therefore an SLR camera, a macro
lens, typically one with a focal length around 100mm. The lens lens, and a ring flash. The camera sits assembled in the operatory,
must be a specifically dedicated macro lens rather than a zoom ready to be picked up and pointed at the patient. In addition,
lens that has a macro capability; for clinical photography dentists any practitioner taking photographs will need cheek retractors
require easy access for close-ups of the teeth. This is another area and mirrors. The more sophisticated practitioner may prefer
in which SLR cameras are superior to modified point-and-shoot visual contrast and can use black-out sticks in close-up shots to
cameras. With point-and-shoot cameras it is more difficult to eliminate the out-of-focus background of the mouth. This is
get close-up views and occlusal images that require the use of an issue of personal preference but improves the final picture
mirrors. significantly.
54 Photography: Digital and Analog Clinical Photography Standards

Specific camera systems change so quickly that it is difficult produce an acceptable image has expanded greatly. Second, the
to recommend a certain model. Generally, any SLR body made number of pixels that one can pack onto a camera sensor has
by either Nikon or Canon provides very good results. Other increased while technology prices have fallen; pixel count is no
manufacturers systems are available, but they may lack the full longer the main determinant of cost.
range of lenses or other accessories for optimal clinical usage. In The advent of the improved through the lens (TTL) light
terms of lenses, both Nikon (Nikon Inc., Melville, New York) metering has had a major impact on the predictability of cap-
and Canon (Canon USA, Inc., Lake Success, New York) make turing good images. With film photography one had to make
very good 100-mm focal length macro lenses. Sigma also makes an educated guess and take multiple slightly different exposures
good-quality macro lenses that are somewhat less expensive. (bracketing) in the hope of getting one perfect image. Todays
Canon makes a very good ring flash, and a Sigma or Metz ring electronic TTL (E-TTL) flashes decide exactly how much light
flash can be used with either Nikon or Canon products. Point- should be generated to correctly illuminate the subject, leaving
and-shoot setups vary greatly, so it is best to speak with one of the dentist free to think about focusing the picture and cor
the major suppliers such as PhotoMed (Van Nuys, California) or rectly framing it. This eliminates yet another barrier for
Clinipix (Wellington, Florida) to determine the latest products. practitioners.
If the dentist wants more sophisticated twin lights, Canon and One area that remains the same is the differentiation between
Nikon both offer good choices. Clinical photography is a special- auto focus and manual focus. Auto focus is essentially the default
ized area, so it is advisable to use one of the specialized clinical setting on most consumer cameras, but it often does not work
photography suppliers, as general photographic suppliers lack the effectively when one is very close to the subject and doubly so
technical knowledge of dentistrys specific requirements. when one is photographing a reflected image on a mirror. For
that reason, manual focus is the best way to make sure that one
achieves consistent framing and consistent exposure. It is best to
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS choose a particular magnification ratio on the cameras lens
barrel and then move the camera back and forth slightly to
Generally the best person to be taking the photographs is the achieve the correct distance from the subject. This allows the
dentist. However, in many practices well-trained staff members dentist to take the same picture at a specified magnification
who understand the important issues of framing, focus, and consistently, without referring to previous photographs of the
correct exposure take the pictures on behalf of the dentist. Often patient.
for re-care appointments or new patient appointments, the Light metering is essentially handled by the camera. That is
person who takes the photos can be either a hygienist or a spe- a major reason for buying the E-TTLcapable ring flash. One
cifically trained dental assistant. The images are then ready for can be tempted to buy cheaper ring flashes that do not com-
the dentist when he or she comes in to conduct the patient municate electronically with the camera body; these require
examination. guesswork for ideal illumination, and often result in many, many
As part of the general consent process, consent for photog- more pictures taken, wasting clinical time. In terms of chairside
raphy is implied by the patient sitting in the chair for the dental efficiency, the higher cost of the E-TTL flashes is more than
appointment. The photographs, however, are part of the clinical justified by the amount of clinical time that one saves in use.
record and should be treated in the same way as radiographs
and clinical notes. In terms of using clinical photographs in
other settings, as with any clinical record items, if the patient is ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
identifiable, one needs the patients specific (usually written)
permission. If the patient is not identifiable, then no specific There is a sharp distinction between pictures that are purely for
consent outside of the general consent is required. If the dentist, clinical documentation value and pictures that are more artistic.
for example, wants to use some before-and-after pictures for a The best example is the difference between shots taken purely as
portfolio on a website, many patients are delighted that their a record-keeping tool, which are pictures of the patients full face
treatment turned out so well and will readily allow the doctor or profile, smiling or not, and portrait photographs, for which
to show their cases. For most patients the main concern is a the patient has been put into a studio environment, had their
picture involving the full face where they are readily identifiable. hair styled and makeup applied, and is wearing flattering cloth-
Sometimes a very distinctive dentition is immediately identifi- ing. There is a distinct line between a dentist and a studio
able. In those cases, permission is needed prior to use. Overall photographer. Some dentists may wish to add that level of cre-
the use of pictures is perfectly acceptable, provided the patient ativity and sophistication to their photography, so portrait pho-
cannot be identified. tography may be another avenue for them to explore. Many who
practice esthetic dentistry have their patients outcomes nicely
photographed at the end of treatment. If the dentist chooses to
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS do a portrait photograph as well, it can be an enhanced service
provided by the dental office.
In terms of clinical photography, there have been a a number of The other artistic element is photographing ones ceramic
novel evolutions from general photography. First, the range of restorations as beautifully as possible. With a bit of practice
lighting conditions under which a typical digital camera can and the desire to experiment with the flash positions, one can
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 55

produce very artistic pictures with light reflecting just the right similar amounts of detail to the film-based 1:1 photos, so these
way across the surface texture of anterior ceramic restorations. views are unnecessary for routine documentation. In addition,
Those pictures have a degree of usefulness for clinical documen- pictures of the patients teeth in occlusion are useful for medico-
tation, but they are taken more for artistic reasons. The people legal purposes. Therefore a newer, simpler set of photographs is
who tend to use that style of photography tend to write and give more appropriate reflecting todays equipment (Figure 3-4, B).
presentations extensively, as those pictures look very nice on the The first picture should be a full-face picture (Figure 3-5),
covers of journals or on a large screen in an auditorium. taken with the patient looking straight into the camera, with the
interpupillary line parallel to the lower border of the frame, and
the facial midline parallel to the vertical border of the fame.
TREATMENT PLANNING Framing should include from just below the chin to just above
the hairline.
A number of years ago the American Academy of Cosmetic All the other photographs are taken at a fixed magnification
Dentistry (AACD) recommended a standard set of 12 pictures ratio of 1:3 (the equivalent of a 1:2 on 35-mm film and full-
for its accreditation examination (Figure 3-4, A), which repre- frame digital SLR cameras) and an aperture of f/22 or higher to
sented a good starting point for planning and documentation provide acceptable depth of field.
over a wide range of situations. The views required were reflec- The next pictures are a series of three pictures of the patient
tive of the limitations of film-based photography, in which it smiling (Figure 3-6). The frontal view has the central incisors
was very difficult to magnify selected parts of an image. With in the middle of the picture parallel to the lower border of the
todays high-megapixel cameras, it is possible to zoom in and see frame and the facial midline parallel to the vertical border. It is

FIGURE 3-4 A, The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistrys accreditation views.

56 Photography: Digital and Analog Clinical Photography Standards

FIGURE 3-4, contd B, A simpler but more comprehensive set of clinical photographs for general and esthetic documentation.

important to note that it should be the facial midline, not

the dental midline. Any discrepancy between the dental and
the facial midline will be reproduced in the photograph and
noted. After this, right and then left lateral smile views are
taken, with the upper lateral incisor just above the middle of the
picture and the occlusal view parallel to the lower border. The
frontal view will allow the dentist to assess the lip line, the smile
line, the midline, the relationship between the incisor levels,
and the lips. The lateral views also show the teeth on their respec-
tive side plus the emergence profile of the teeth on the contra-
lateral side.
At this point a set of cheek retractors is placed into the
patients mouth, and then frontal and left and right lateral
photos are taken first with the teeth in occlusion (Figure 3-7, A
to C ) and then slightly parted (Figure 3-7, D to F ). As with the
frontal smile view, the central incisors are typically in the middle
FIGURE 3-5 Full-face view taken at f/11. The photograph of the picture and the facial midline is parallel to the vertical
should show the patients face from just below the chin to just border of the frame. The occlusal plane is parallel to the lower
above the hairline, with the facial midline parallel to the verti-
border of the frame. Lateral views also have the lateral incisor in
cal border of the frame and the occlusal plane parallel to the
lower border. the middle of the frame and the occlusal plane parallel to the
lower border of the shot.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 57


FIGURE 3-6 Smile views taken at f/22 and 1:3 magnification ratio on most cameras. The frontal view is framed with the central
incisors in the middle of the frame, the facial midline parallel to the vertical border of the frame, and the occlusal plane parallel
to the lower border. The lateral views are framed with the lateral incisor in the middle of the frame, and the occlusal plane parallel
to the lower border.

Finally, some occlusal images (Figure 3-8) are taken using an CONSIDERATIONS FOR
occlusal mirror. Patients should open very wide so the mirror PHOTOGRAPHY DURING
can be inserted and the occlusal surface of all the teeth in an
arch can be photographed, from second molars to incisors. The PREPARATION, PROCEDURE,
mouth should be opened wide enough that the interproximal AND FINISHING
embrasures of the anterior teeth are visible, but only a small area
of the labial surfaces are shown. This can sometimes be difficult In terms of specific patient preparation, very little needs to be
in the lower jaw. The assistant may need to position the retrac- done pertaining to photography. For full-face pictures, many
tors very precisely to allow the dentist to move the mirror for practitioners prefer either to have the patient stand against a
the perfect picture. For the lower picture it may also be helpful white or black wall or to position a colored card or cloth behind
to have the patient curl their tongue to the back of the mouth. the patients head in the chair to eliminate the distracting back-
These 12 images form a set of pictures that can be used almost ground of the treatment room. For the intraoral photographs,
universally for most treatment plans. It is wise to take them at an air syringe blows saliva and water away from the teeth and
an initial consultation; this permits the dentist to discuss the tissues. Once the pictures have been taken, they can be viewed
treatment plan with the patient immediately. Alternatively, if and stored using imaging or practice management software.
the treatment plan is complex and requires the dentist to further It is desirable (and legally required in some jurisdictions) to
analyze the dentition before presenting treatment, the practitio- have the digital photographs backed up outside of the practice.
ner can see the patients entire mouth without having to sched- Although there is software available to assist with this task, the
ule an added appointment. large volume of data involved is best transferred to a pocket-sized
Additional photographs, such as close-up views of the ante- hard drive. Each patients folder (identified by the patients last
rior teeth or posterior quadrants and lateral images of the face, and first names), contains all the pictures for that individual,
can be taken if appropriate to the patients condition or if grouped into files by date or procedure. These are catalogued
required for examination purposes. under a four-digit year, a two-digit month, and a two-digit
58 Photography: Digital and Analog Clinical Photography Standards



FIGURE 3-7 Retracted views taken at f/22 and 1:3 magnification ratio on most cameras. Framing is similar to the smile views,
but retractors are placed to hold lips and cheeks back. A to C, Teeth in occlusion. D to F, Teeth slightly parted.

FIGURE 3-8 Occlusal views taken at f/22 and 1:3 magnification ratio on most cameras. The dental midline is parallel to the
vertical border of the frame. In addition to retractors, a mirror is essential to take these views correctly.

datefor example, 2011-09-10. If the program sequences the in show business and advertising. However, if the purpose of the
folders by name, the patient names will sort alphabetically clinical photograph is to serve as clinical documentation, then
by surname and the visits will sort chronologically, facilitating almost no post-processing is acceptable. The generally accepted
searches. Some practitioners who are very busy, or who use their yardstick is that global changes, such as altering the brightness
cameras infrequently, take a photograph of their patient list for or the contrast of the entire image or rescuing an underexposed
the day from either the appointment book or the computer or overexposed picture, are considered acceptable, as are crop-
screen; this list jogs the memory to identify which patients were ping and rotating the image. These changes are applied to the
seen on a particular day for later sorting. whole image. Other types of editsfor example, altering the
photographs to make things appear in places where they were
not, making margins appear better than they were, or making
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES colors brighter or perhaps darker than they really wereare
considered localized edits and are not acceptable from any point
It used to be said that the camera never lies. Unfortunately, today of view in clinical dental photography.
the potential for image manipulation is very great. One does not Sometimes a practitioner who is documenting treatment
have to look too far to find examples of retouched photographs wishes to have the equivalent of a digital negative. Many of
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 59

the SLR cameras have a picture-taking mode referred to as reasonably possible against data loss; multiple devices must fail
RAW. Each camera manufacturer has its own format for the simultaneously in order for all the data to be lost.
RAW filefor example, .nef (Nikon Electronic Format) or .cr2 The amount of data that needs to be stored has become
(Canon Raw version 2). RAW essentially is a digital negative substantially larger in recent years. The best advice is that
format: the RAW file can be opened up with suitable software, practitioners consult with information technology (IT) person-
viewed or converted, but it cannot be resaved as a RAW file. The nel or alternatively obtain a number of hard drives and make
RAW file therefore acts as the secure digital negative and is used the sequential backups as described above.
by many organizations in which clinical care submission is
required as part of an examination. The RAW file must be sub-
mitted with photographs so that the examination process can be NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
protected against the unscrupulous retouching and editing of
pictures that make things look better than they are clinically. The marketplace now is geared toward consumer-level cameras,
and no drastic price drops are anticipated. The price points
within the markets are well established, and there is little to be
gained by delaying a dental camera purchase. The number of
MAINTENANCE pixels on standard sensors is likely to increase, but more pixels
are unlikely to offer a clinical advantage. Near-future develop-
As with any kind of digital data, the best assumption to make ments will see more practitioners becoming aware of the benefits
is that at some point something or everything may fail. Therefore of dental photography and more patients becoming more highly
multiple backups across multiple media are probably the best educated about dental esthetics through photography.
means for ensuring that files are not lost or corrupted.
For smaller amounts of data, CDs or DVDs may be appropri-
ate, but the size of even DVD storage capabilities is unfortu- CONCLUSION
nately small compared with the file sizes generated by todays
typical digital SLR cameras. Tape backup solutions are expensive No single factor has had a greater impact on esthetic dentistry
to purchase but cheap to maintain. and clinical abilities than clinical photography. It gives practi-
The increasingly low cost of hard drive storage makes it the tioners a wonderful method for improving the quality of clinical
easiest and most cost-effective method for storing large amounts record keeping, patient education, consent for treatment, and
of data. Even pocket-sized drives have the capacity to store communication with colleagues. Far and away the greatest
hundreds of gigabytes or terabytes of data. It is very easy to benefit is the advance in self-education. Developing clinical
store thousands of photographs on just one such drive. Backup photography skills to the point where one can, consistently and
software can be useful, but several hard drives on which one reproducibly, take the same pictures at the same magnification
makes regular backup copies of the entire clinical archive are time after time after time means that pre-treatment and post-
helpful. treatment photographs can very readily be evaluated to deter-
Data backup experts usually recommend that three backups mine whether treatment goals have been met. Case success can
should be available at any moment. This means one that the be justifiably celebrated. If treatment has not turned out as
dentist is working on, a previous backup, and the backup before nicely as anticipated, one can learn how to do better next time.
that. The next backup, which would be the fourth in the series, For anyone aspiring to be better at dentistry, it is essential to
overwrites the oldest one. Thus the dentist is as protected as is have a camera and to know how to use it.

Digital and Analog Photography

Luca Lorenzo Dalloca, Carlo Alberto Piacquadio, George Freedman

were done as experts looked into their microscopes and repro-

RELEVANCE OF PHOTOGRAPHY duced on paper the details they saw under strong magnification.
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY With the advent of photosensitive materials, both speed and
visual clarity have undergone revolutionary improvements.
Photographs document the improvement that is achieved during Slides made it possible to project images, which created a mile-
treatment. Both good cameras and correct photographic techniques stone for presentations at conferences and lectures in universi-
are needed so that dentists can communicate their clinical proce- ties, hospitals, and private clinics. Black-and-white film evolved
dures and results to colleagues. With the help of images it is much into practical color film. The human eye is used to viewing in
easier to explain what has been done (Figure 3-9), particularly in color, so colored images made everything look more real and
esthetics in which there are many details that must be impressed details were much more understandable.
on the minds of the viewers. Besides capturing color, form, and The advantages of using digital equipment are numerous,
texture, which are all relevant to producing nicely crowned teeth, especially when compared with film. Immediate verification,
photographs help document the patients face. It is possible to see higher resolution, lower cost, and practical storage and access
the dental results in a facial context (Figure 3-10). Photographs are just some of the benefits. Digital radiographic systems emit
show the difference that was created and the individual sequential less radiation than conventional chemical x-ray systems. Images
steps that were involved in the technique. It is also possible to see acquired with digital cameras are recorded in real time and can
how the final result blends with the patients facial features. be stored in digital files (on computer) immediately after being
Photographs can sometimes yield additional information and obtained. Digital images can be modified. Several programs are
a better perspective on the dental treatment that has been done. on the market to help improve pictures. Some cameras have
It is important to take pictures before the treatment, at the time built-in programs for basic photo retouching, such as red eye
of the procedure, after, and later; very often the tissues demon- reduction and the ability to lighten or darken images, crop,
strate results best after a few weeks. A final picture some time modify colors, or shift directly into black and white. Images can
after the insertion of crowns or veneers has different detail than be used to immediately discuss cases with patients or for referral
would be seen at the time of cementation reflecting on the to a colleague or specialist via email in real time. In addition to
success of the restoration. the ability to send images to a colleague for an instant response,
Fifty years ago when dentists did dental work, few if any the images can be used to train staff, present at conferences or
photographs were taken. Today photographs are an essential for clinical teaching, or address medico-legal disputes. An image
part of the process. Photography offers the advantage of seeing can be duplicated as many times as needed and the quality is
ones diagnostic and clinical improvement over the years. Earlier always the same. With slides, the quality of a duplicate is always
image quality was not as good as what can be achieved now. worse than that of the original. With digital technology it is
Photographic advances have changed the dentists life. Since the possible to see the images on a computer or television, using a
mid-1970s, conscientious dentists probably have taken at least video projector, and so on. Slides were viewable only with a slide
two pictures of every case. The percentage of dentists using projector or via printed pictures. With digital photography, costs
photography in the early 1970s was about 1% to 5%; today it are reduced as well. The ecologic impact is also minimized com-
has grown to 70% in some areas. pared with chemical systems.

BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL Advantages in Moving from Chemical

OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES The main advantage for switching to digital photography is that
FROM CHEMICAL TO DIGITAL dentists can now store their files on disk. Before the digital age,
separate rooms were needed to store patient slides. Traveling to
Photographic documentation has made an important contribu- present cases at a conference required that the dentist carry a
tion to the clinical documentation of dental cases. Until the last large bag. Now everything is on a computer, disk, or perhaps a
century all scientific papers were illustrated by drawings. These memory stick. A few years ago, plans for presenting cases had
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 61


FIGURE 3-9 Before (A) and after (B) photos of the teeth help to illustrate treatment results to the patient.


FIGURE 3-10 Before (A) and after (B) full-face photos show the dental results in a facial context.

to be made weeks or months in advance to allow development the chances of catastrophic events happening at all locales are
of new slides; now an image or a slide can be added to a pre- extremely slim. It is possible to upload images to an off-site
sentation just minutes before it is given. Today image storage server over the Internet as well. Regardless of the method chosen,
does not add appreciable cost, which is a huge advantage over digital storage requires much less physical space than storing
slides or prints. hundreds or thousands of patient slides.
With chemical photography, dentists had to take two photo-
graphs after figuring out the best approach for each shot (calcu-
lation and bracketing). They kept one for the office and one as Disadvantages in Moving from Chemical
a backup. Sometimes the light bulb of old slide projectors would
burn the slides, so the duplicate of each patient slide was essen-
to Digital Photography
tial. There was always at least one original that was stored and Unfortunately, retouching digital photographs is much easier
one used during treatment or case presentations. It actually was than was possible with chemical slides. Anybody with a little
better to have at least two backups in case one was lost or stolen. skill in the use of graphics software can easily manipulate images.
Today it is easy to back up digital files. They can be automatically Such manipulation could be used to create situations and results
backed up on a computer in the office, although this can also that do not actually exist, perpetrating legal fraud.
be done manually, as long as the dentist or office manager Storage is secure if access is limited to the dental team respon-
remembers to do it. Multiple backups should also be kept sible for the patient and the data; otherwise, patient privacy
at different geographic locations. There is little advantage to could be sacrificed. Computers and hard disks can be stolen
keeping multiple backups in the same office. In the case of theft, more easily and are much more attractive to the thief than big
fire, or flood, for example, if the files are in multiple locations boxes of slides.
62 Photography: Digital and Analog Digital and Analog Photography

opportunity to set the focus through the classic viewfinder eye-

USE OF CAMERAS FOR ESTHETIC piece (Figure 3-12, A) or through the liquid crystal display
DOCUMENTATION (LCD) screen or monitor (Figure 3-12, B). The Nikon D5000
is very similar to the D90 but has a larger monitor that can be
Esthetic documentation is one of the most important topics in detached from the camera body and rotated to various positions
the field of dental communication. The camera must accurately (Figure 3-13). This option may be useful for photos of objects
capture the smallest details and the quality of the colors. For or radiographs where the camera cannot always be placed in
these results to be achieved, both camera and lens are very a comfortable position. Turning the screen achieves the best
important, along with type and quality of light. A dentist dedi- position and maintains patient and photographer comfort. The
cated to good documentation must use a single-lens reflex (SLR) operation of Nikon cameras is similar regardless of the specific
camera body (Figure 3-11). All companies that produce cameras model. The complexity of the various menus differs, but the
have at least one SLR model in their catalogs; others have more settings and functions are analogous.
SLR cameras, to be able to satisfy both the amateur photogra-
pher and the most demanding professional. The SLR cameras
used by the authors are Nikon cameras (Nikon Inc., Melville, SETTING THE CAMERA FOR
New York). Compact cameras are not recommended for docu-
menting the typical maximum detail required for medical PICTURES OF THE FACE MOUTH
records, particularly for dentists and laboratory technicians AND TEETH
documenting esthetic procedures.
The cameras considered here are the Nikon D5000, the Set the camera diaphragm priority to A (Figure 3-14, A) for all
D300, the D90, and the full-format SLR Nikon D700. The the pictures that will be taken. Set the focus to the minimum
D5000 is the least expensive and newest in the Nikon line at distance that corresponds to 0.314cm visible on the window
the time of writing. The size of the sensor is the same for the
D300, D90, and D5000. The SLR cameras give dentists the

FIGURE 3-13 The Nikon D5100 has a larger monitor that

can be detached from the camera body and rotated to various
FIGURE 3-11 A single-lens reflex (SLR) camera body. positions. (Courtesy Nikon Inc., Melville, New York).


FIGURE 3-12 A, The classic viewfinder eyepiece. B, Liquid crystal display (LCD) screen.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 63



FIGURE 3-14 A, Camera diaphragm set to priority A. B, The focus set to the minimum distance that corresponds to 0.314cm
visible on the window. C, The ring grained. D, The ring grained opens and closes the diaphragm to display the value correspond-
ing to the most closed diaphragm: f/5.

(Figure 3-14, B), then rotate the knurled ring (Figure 3-14, C )
that opens and closes the diaphragm until the value f/5, repre-
senting the most closed diaphragm, is displayed (Figure 3-14,
D). When this operation has been performed, the camera auto-
matically adjusts the aperture with the change of focus. For
example, after the aperture has been set to most closed (f/5), it
is at its minimum focusing distance and the camera is ready.
Before one starts to take pictures, the menu of the camera is
used to select one of the most important settingsthat is, the
white balance (Figure 3-15). The position is set on lightning
flash or Speedlight. To obtain good chromatic results, it is neces-
sary to use two flashes; white balancing communicates the light
source(s) being used to the camera sensor. Doing so should result
in colors that are as accurate as possible.
The first photos obtained should capture the patients face. FIGURE 3-15 The position set on lightning flash or
Set the lens to A (Figure 3-16) and the camera will adjust auto- Speedlight.
matically to the best diaphragm and sharpness values. When
taking pictures of the smile and mouth (Figure 3-17, A), set the
lens to manual (Figure 3-17, B) and the focus to about 50cm.
If only the focus is adjusted, the aperture will automatically
64 Photography: Digital and Analog Digital and Analog Photography

adjust itself and match f/4 (Figure 3-18). The Nikon D700 has the best way to present it. The images allow colleagues or
a larger sensor, so the value may differ, but it will be decided legal reviewers to interpret precisely how the procedure was
automatically by the camera. After the smile photos, pictures of executed.
the front teeth are taken. For these the focus is moved from All digital pictures can be manipulated. Therefore legal
50cm to about 34cm and the diaphragm will adjust automati- doubt may arise, because it is possible to alter the images. Many
cally with the change of focus. If we see on the display in the cameras can authenticate the pictures that are taken through use
photo of the smile that the diaphragm is f/4, then with the of the authentication mode from the menu. Images recorded
change of focus to 34cm the diaphragm becomes f/5. This with this program cannot be manipulated, and in case of dis-
automation greatly simplifies the photographers work. We have putes with patients, no one can contest these photos. Cameras
the certainty that the diaphragm is in its maximum closed posi- with this option include the Nikon D300 and more advanced
tion or highest f-stop for each photo, which allows pictures with versions.
the best sharpness.
Next, the following settings can be adjusted: contrast, sensi- Interaction between Clinician
tivity, color saturation, sharpness, and so on. Before being used,
each camera should be tested with real-life images to verify that
and Dental Technician
all the settings are positioned to match what is seen in the Communication between clinicians and technicians has relied
patients mouth as accurately as possible. on photographs for some time, but never before has there been
such great opportunity for accurate communication without
the dental technician actually seeing the patient. It is now pos-
Disputes with Patients sible to obtain images with accurate colors. To achieve this it
Some patients may be unhappy with their results. Sometimes is necessary to have the appropriate camera equipment, a pro-
things do not go as smoothly as planned. Photographic docu- fessionally calibrated monitor, and a section of the office where
mentation is a guarantee of the quality of the work and the lighting is always consistent. The clinician should wear a

FIGURE 3-16 The lens set to A. The camera will adjust auto- FIGURE 3-18 If only the focus is adjusted, the aperture will
matically to the best diaphragm and sharpness values. automatically adjust itself and match f/4.


FIGURE 3-17 A, Taking a photo of the mouth and smile. B, The lens set to manual.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 65

neutral gray apron, and the patient should wear a neutral gray shots. One is to set the camera to a wide-open focus (live
napkin. Using the Nikon Capture NX, it is possible to down- view) simply by pressing the button, then immediately press
load data to a computer, take pictures of the patient, enter the OK button (Figure 3-19). To stop the movie, press the
the photos on the computer, manipulate the images with the OK button again. This records video and sound with excel-
program until the colors match what is in the patients mouth, lent quality. For those who do not have a monitor on the
and then record the data. The laboratory technician can recre- dental chair and want to see the images immediately, it is pos-
ate the exact same parameters in the dental lab for precise color sible to use a radio-controlled receiver or a Nikon wireless
matching. It is important to avoid making changes in the room, product that allows the immediate transfer of images to the
in the wall color, in the lighting, in the color of the lab coat, monitor even if it is located far from the dental chair. Another
and so on. innovative feature is instant playback. The camera can record
in black and white, which is good for radiographs and the final
black-and-white pictures of the patients face. It is also possible
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS to change a colored image into black and white by selecting
retouch from the menu (Figure 3-20, A), then choosing
Cameras can take movies in high-definition (HD) resolutions. monochrome (Figure 3-20, B). Choose the photo to be con-
The differences between a video camcorder and an SLR camera verted and press the OK button. Immediately the picture
are that the sensor in the camera is much larger (compared to will be recorded in black and white, so there will be two
the standard video recorders), and the cameras macro lenses photos: one in color and one in black and white. From the
are of higher quality. The disadvantage is the lack of autofocus- menu it is possible to choose many other functions that until a
ing in the SLR. If the photographer is well-trained in altering few years ago were performable only by photo technicians or
the focus during shooting, smoothly and slowly, this is not a complex software programs.
major problem. A few simple settings can help obtain the best Text continued on p. 71


FIGURE 3-19 A, Camera set to wide-open focus (live view). B, The OK button is pushed after the live view is selected.


FIGURE 3-20 A, Retouch selected on the menu. B, Monochrome selected.

66 Photography: Digital and Analog Digital and Analog Photography

FIGURE 3-21 A series of photos of an adult female patient showing both facial and intraoral views.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 67

FIGURE 3-21, contd Continued

68 Photography: Digital and Analog Digital and Analog Photography

FIGURE 3-21, contd

FIGURE 3-22 A series of photos of a teenage female patient showing both facial and intraoral views.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 69

FIGURE 3-22, contd Continued

70 Photography: Digital and Analog Digital and Analog Photography

FIGURE 3-22, contd

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 71

FIGURE 3-22, contd


Health records have become much more precise and reliable. Digital cameras offer various opportunities to those who
They allow dentists to view even the smallest defects or special use such documentation for teaching, for personal archives,
details that are vissible in the teeth. The quality of the flash- for training staff, for scientific publications, and for communica-
emitted light that illuminates the teeth can help in obtaining tions with the patient or the dental technician or in consultation
three-dimensional pictures that show minute details. The pic- with a colleague. Having cameras that can focus in automatic
tures should not seem trivial but should represent the ability to mode and produce a movie will allow dentists to run images that
build a clinical archive and document the art of dentistry in the can be transmitted in real time via networks throughout the
best possible way. The series of photos that are shown are exam- world. Thus anyone will be able to see the work in high-quality
ples (Figures 3-21 and 3-22), but each practitioner must adapt HD, whether it is a movie or still pictures. These recordings in
the photographic process as appropriate. real time can be viewed through accessories such as the Nikon
Wireless Transmitter WT-4A. The photos or movies can then be
viewed directly.
4 C H A P T E R

Ultraconservative Dentistry
George Freedman

procedures was the cement used to affix the restoration to the

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC prepared tooth. Zinc oxyphosphate (Figure 4-4, A) cement and
DENTISTRY similar luting agents (Figure 4-4, B) were intended to simply
occupy the space between the tooth and the crown that was
The establishment of porcelain veneer techniques as a basic treat- inadvertently created during the manufacturing of the restora-
ment modality has been a rapid and welcome development tion. These materials did not impart any chemical or physical
(Figure 4-1). Many dentists offer this procedure as a routine integration to the overall restorative treatment process.
service to their patients. In the continuing effort to deliver pre- The more recent composite resin cements not only take up
dictable, high-quality restorations, the dentist must be aware of the spaces that exist between the crown and abutment but also
the interplay between dental tissues and restorative materials integrate the restoration and the tooth both micromechanically
(Figure 4-2). Todays patients are more involved and more and chemically (Figure 4-5). As a result, all the components
knowledgeable, more keenly aware of their bodies, and less likely tooth, resin cement, and restorationact as a unit structure, or
to accept invasive procedures than patients just a few years ago. monobloc. Contributing to this trend are increased patient
Esthetic concerns are still very important, but not at the expense involvement in the dentistry process, better education, intraoral
of tissue integrity. When porcelain veneers were introduced, cameras, and a heightened sense of esthetics. Increased patient
one of the major underlying advantages was the conservative awareness has led to more active involvement by patients in
nature of the procedure. The minimal preparation advocated selecting their own treatment modalities. Patients are less likely
represented a significant advance over full-crown preparation to readily accept invasive procedures. Although esthetics is a
techniques. Since then many practitioners have found it easier major motivator, to many the integrity of healthy tissue is para-
to correct color and shape by removing a 0.5-mm (or greater) mount. The dentist is thus faced with the task of integrating the
thickness of healthy tooth structure, subsequently replacing patients dental needs with treatment options that are maximally
natural tooth structure with opaques, bonding agents, and por- conservative of healthy tooth structures and respectful of peri-
celain. The ultraconservative technique for porcelain veneers, odontal tissues while being highly esthetic. The dental armamen-
involving minimal tooth structure removal, is respectful of tarium today offers both the techniques and the materials to
healthy dental tissues and highly esthetic, making it potentially accomplish these goals.
beneficial to both patient and dentist. Rehabilitation of the dentition has been extensively described
in the dental literature. Before currently available techniques and
materials, these procedures routinely required aggressive prepa-
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL ration of all the teeth involvednot a tissue-conservative
approach (Figure 4-6). This approach occasionally led to the
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION extensive use of preprosthetic elective endodontic treatment
OF THE PROCEDURE because the remaining natural teeth demonstrated nonparallel
angulation (Figure 4-7). Often, complex periodontal treatment
Dental ceramics have long been recognized for their similarity was required to reestablish a stable soft tissue environment.
to dental enamel (Figure 4-3). They can be made to closely These procedures could take months or years to complete,
mimic the shades and textures of the natural tooth. Porcelain causing stress for both patient and dentist. Many patients, faced
provides the practitioner with the clinical ability to restore a with a realistic description of the required treatment, declined
patients dentition to its original appearance and function. to proceed. With the application of newer materials and tech-
Developments in porcelain strength and consistency of man- niques, minimally invasive, or ultraconservative, approaches
ufacture have added to the popularity of veneers in modern have been developed to address these dental problems. Ultra-
dentistry. The biocompatibility and user friendliness of dental conservative dentistry is respectful of the soft tissues, seeks to
ceramics are unmatched in any other restorative material. minimize the removal of healthy tooth structure, is highly
Over the past two decades the use of bonded porcelain has esthetic, and uses the strengths of restorative materials to rein-
expanded exponentially. Previously, the weak link in ceramic force the remaining dentition.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 73

FIGURE 4-1 The visible benefit of porcelain veneers.

FIGURE 4-4 A, Zinc oxyphosphate cement. B, Polycarboxyl-

ate cement. (Courtesy Shofu Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California.)

FIGURE 4-2 Close-up of veneers at the gingival margin.

FIGURE 4-5 Composite resin cement. (Courtesy Pulpdent

Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts.)

FIGURE 4-3 Dental ceramics mimic dental enamel. FIGURE 4-6 Aggressive preparations of tooth structure.
74 Ultraconservative Dentistry


FIGURE 4-7 Nonparallel angulation of the maxillary anteriors.


FIGURE 4-8 A and B, Loss of posterior vertical dimension causing excessive wear of the anteriors. C, Flat, older smile line.
D, Younger, rounded smile line.

RELATING FUNCTION The posterior dental support present in the young (or ideal)
AND ESTHETICS occlusion can be lost to age, wear, function, fracture, and para-
function. The loss of posterior masticatory support can eventu-
Occlusal Vertical Dimension ally cause excessive wear on the anterior teeth (Figure 4-8, A and
When rehabilitating an entire arch, the practitioner must con- B). The resulting flat or even smile line (Figure 4-8, C ) is often
sider esthetic restoration as well as functional restoration. The associated with an older appearance, regardless of the patients
guidelines listed previously provide a more predictable periodon- chronologic age. This is generally viewed as an undesirable
tal prognosis. A debilitated dentition, however, often is accom- esthetic condition, and many patients prefer a more youthful
panied by a compromised occlusal vertical dimension. smile (Figure 4-8, D).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 75

An established method for treating this situation is the use recreate the posterior occlusal vertical dimension. In recent
of bonded porcelain veneers. Although veneers can be made long decades, posterior teeth have been more likely to be worn than
enough to make the resulting gingivo-incisal appearance accept- missing, a result of the improved dental education and oral
able, there may not be enough anterior interocclusal space to hygiene of the population in general.
accommodate all the ceramic that is required for esthetics (Figure When selecting the most conservative approach to restore
4-9). A long unsupported incisal extension of ceramic veneers these posterior teeth to their original (or ideal) occlusal vertical
tends to interfere with the opposing incisors, causing extensive dimension, a bonded, all-ceramic onlay restoration best fits the
wear, fracturing, or both (Figure 4-10). One way to create ade- required parameters (Figure 4-11). A ceramometal restoration
quate vertical extension space for worn anterior teeth is to has three components (metal, opaque, and ceramic) (Figure

FIGURE 4-9 The ceramic extension required for ideal esthet- FIGURE 4-10 The unsupported ceramic extension may be
ics may be broken during function. broken during function.



FIGURE 4-11 Amalgams (A) being replaced with conservative ceramic onlays (B-D).
76 Ultraconservative Dentistry

4-12) and requires a prescribed thickness and thus greater tooth the vertical opening in complete denture patients, an initial
removal for each layer. An all-ceramic onlay (Figure 4-13) elimi- interdental opening is estimated. An occlusal bite plate (Figure
nates two of these layersthe metal and the opaqueand thus 4-14, B) is made that maintains this opening over a length of
requires less thickness and consequently less removal of healthy time to gauge the patients comfort with the altered occlusal
tooth structure. Furthermore, the ceramic bond to tooth struc- vertical dimension (Figure 4-14, C ). The bite plate can be
ture is stronger and more predictable than the bond of metal adjusted as required until the patient is completely comfortable.
to tooth. Typically, bite plates are white or translucent; for demonstration
Several methods are used to develop and alter the patients purposes, in the figure it is a strong orange color.
occlusal vertical dimension (Figure 4-14, A). Ultimately, the
patients function is the best guarantor of long-term stability.
Through use of established guidelines for determining




FIGURE 4-13 Cross-section of the ceramic restoration shows

FIGURE 4-12 Cross-section of the ceramometal restoration the ceramic component (the area painted red is the internal
shows three componentsmetal, opaque, and ceramic. anatomy of the restoration).


FIGURE 4-14 A, The patients original occlusal vertical dimension. B, The functionally developed occlusal bite plate. C, The
patients opened occlusal vertical dimension.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 77



FIGURE 4-14, contd D and E, Facial demonstration of the effects of opening the occlusal vertical dimension. F and G, Note
the effect of the open vertical dimension on the cheek support (yellow circle), labial support (green circle), and masseter support
(red circle).

Once the altered occlusal vertical dimension has been well necessary, however, the preparation must be left in the enamel
tolerated for several weeks or months, depending on the age and layer if at all possible.
oral condition of the patient, the final restorations that open the Almost any preparation, no matter how shallow, penetrates
bite to the new position may be fabricated. Adding to the occlu- to the dentin at some point, usually toward the gingival
sal vertical dimension typically increases the anterior facial portion of the tooth (Figure 4-16), where the enamel thickness
height, further enhancing the youthful appearance imparted by flares down to a knife edge at the cemento-enamel junction. In
this dental procedure (Figure 4-14, D to G ). the earlier days of porcelain veneers, only enamel bonding
agents were available for securing laminates. Thus the area
most prone to leakage (resulting in veneer failure) was the
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS margin that terminated in dentin. The initial signs of sub
Considerations in Ultraconservative veneer staining were followed by percolation, then fracture of
the gingival segment of the laminate (Figure 4-17). Even with
Veneer Preparation the best of the newer dentin adhesive agents, the porcelain
The primary concern is for healthy tooth structure. In the inter- bond to enamel is still significantly greater than the adhesion
est of maximizing bond strength, all the buccal enamel should to dentin, so it is advisable to minimize dentin exposure during
be retained (Figure 4-15). Where some minimal preparation is preparation.
78 Ultraconservative Dentistry

FIGURE 4-15 A, All the buccal enamel has been retained.
B, Preparation for the veneer kept within enamel.
A Supragingival margin B no gingival irritation

FIGURE 4-18 The supragingival margin (A) causes no gingi-

val irritation and is maintainable (B).

Veneer preparation Veneer preparation breaches

A entirely in enamel B dentin towards gingival

FIGURE 4-16 Although the preparation in part A is entirely

within enamel, most clinical preparations will enter the dentin
as seen in part B.

Not maintainable
A Subgingival margin B irritation, recession

FIGURE 4-19 The porcelain subgingival margin (A), and in

particular the luting cement, irritate the gingival margin and
are not readily maintainable (B).

and porcelain are both biocompatible with the gingiva and well
tolerated. The composite, however, tends to cause irritation if it
comes into intimate contact with the gingiva. When the margin
is placed subgingivally, this luting material is in direct contact
with the free gingival margin, eventually causing irritation and
recession (Figure 4-19). With a supragingivally margined veneer,
the composite is reasonably away from periodontal structures
FIGURE 4-17 Initial subveneer staining followed by percola- and is unlikely to cause tissue irritation.
tion, fracture, and repair of the veneer. All visually accessible areas of the tooth should be covered by
porcelain (Figure 4-20). The area most often overlooked in this
respect is the gingival portion of the proximofacial line angle
The margins of the porcelain veneer should be placed where (Figure 4-21). With gingival recession, these areas of slight con-
the patient can readily access them for routine home mainte- cavity are uncovered. The dark underlying tooth structure is
nance. In particular, the gingival margin should be located visibly unesthetic when the patient is viewed from the side. A
supragingivally (Figure 4-18). The microenvironment of the slight reduction of the proximofacial line angle is usually all that
veneer margin consists of a knife-edge silanated porcelain is needed to permit an acceptable path of insertion for the
bonded onto enamel by a composite resin cement. The enamel proximally extended porcelain laminate (Figure 4-22).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 79

Crown and visible root Veneer appears slightly

larger than the facial
surface of the tooth FIGURE 4-21 Proximofacial line angle not covered by
FIGURE 4-20 All visually accessible areas of the tooth should
be covered by porcelain. Crown and visible root (left). Veneer
is slightly larger than facial surface of tooth (right).

Veneer allows show-through

A of darker dentin at proximogingival

Dentin is slightly reduced at Veneer covers dentin. There
proximogingival with a is no show-through of the
D diamond bur E root surface

FIGURE 4-22 The dark show-through at the proximofacial line angle. A to C, The veneer allows show-through of darker dentin
at proximogingival area. D, Dentin is slightly reduced at the proximogingival area with a diamond bur. E, The slight reduction
of the proximofacial line angle eliminates dark show-through.
80 Ultraconservative Dentistry



FIGURE 4-23 A, The maxillary anterior dentition requiring veneers. B, Occlusal view indicating less-than-ideal arch contour.
C, The veneers correct the arch contour. D, The maxillary anterior dentition restored with veneers.

All remaining sharp-angled areas of the enamel and existing Prepared tooth Traditional
restorations must be rounded; porcelain does not tolerate the crown
stress of sharp internal angles well.

The indications for ultraconservative dentistry are perhaps best thickness
revealed by considering when ultraconservative dentistry is not
indicated. All dentistry should be as conservative as possible. At No
this time in dentistry, the practitioner, and indeed the practitio- preparation
ners philosophy, must be as conservative as possible in order to Intact tooth
ensure that the maximum amount of natural healthy tooth
structure is maintained. Natural tooth structure is by far the best
dental material available today. With all the advances in material Ultraconservative
Non-prepared tooth
technology, the natural tooth still sets the standard and is the crown
material that all others aspire to be. Therefore, when it can be
FIGURE 4-24 Intact tooth to traditional ceramic crown and
conserved intact, that is a positive situation. intact tooth to ultraconservative ceramic crown.
Ultraconservative dentistry usually involves several
approaches. Rather than removing excessive tooth structure in
order to create room for a veneer, veneers are placed with little
or no surface preparation if possible. This is the ideal situation, onto the existing tooth surface, simply extending its vertical
but it may not always be achievable (Figure 4-23). height, without necessarily preparing the tooth surface (Figure
For posterior onlays, when the occlusal vertical dimension is 4-24). This qualifies as ultraconservative dentistry. Minimal
to be opened, if the occlusal surface is intact and healthy, or preparation is part of ultraconservative dentistry, but the ideal
restored with composite or ceramic, an onlay can be bonded is always no preparation at all.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 81




FIGURE 4-25 The thickness of the porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration (A) compared with the thickness of the all-ceramic
restoration (B).

There are no contraindications to ultraconservative dentistry
because it is so desirable in all its aspects.

Material options in restorative dentistry are generally quite
varied, including glass ionomers, amalgams, composites, ceram-
ics, and metals. Generally, for ultraconservative dentistry, the
materials of choice are composites and ceramics.
The advantage of glass ionomers, of course, is their release of
fluoride. However, many products in this category do not stand
up well to functional masticatory forces, and their surfaces FIGURE 4-26 Stained and pitted anterior composite veneer.
become pitted and stained over time, unacceptable in esthetic
Amalgams do not bond to the tooth surface and require far
more aggressive preparation than desirable in ultraconservative bond to tooth structure, enamel, and dentin as well as the com-
approaches. Amalgam restorations require extension for pre posite and ceramic materials.
vention and extension for retention and therefore are far less The current best approaches to ultraconservative dentistry
conservative of tooth structure than most other restorative include composites, direct and indirect, and various types of
materials. ceramic. Direct composites are very effective, can be completed
The crown and bridge metals used in dentistry are effective, chairside, and have the time and cost advantage of not involving
but they require more extensive preparation of tooth structure laboratory work. However, they are quite time consuming and
to develop physical retention and/or leave space for the ceramic require extensive chair time and skill with specific clinical tech-
that can completely hide the color of the metal. In comparing niques to create a lifelike appearance.
a ceramic restoration with a porcelain-fused-to-metal restora- Laboratory-fabricated composites have the advantage of
tion, the ceramic restoration must cover, change, or maintain being manufactured by the technician, but require two dentist
the color of the underlying abutment. The porcelain-fused-to- appointments rather than one chairside visit, and also have an
metal restoration, on the other hand, is adapted to the underly- associated lab cost. A major disadvantage is that the patient is
ing tooth structure, but then requires opaquers to hide the color often not seen directly by the lab technician who is fabricating
of the metal and subsequently various layers and thicknesses of the restoration. Therefore the final color may or may not be
ceramics to hide the underlying color of both the metal and the acceptable to the dentist and patient.
opaquers to create a natural-looking, esthetic tooth. Thus the Both direct and indirect composites tend to absorb stains
porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration tends to be much thicker from foods, beverages, and habits (such as smoking) as they age
than its all-ceramic or composite counterpart and is inherently (Figure 4-26). They are far more likely to discolor over time than
less conservative than restorations accomplished with these ceramics. Many composites also color shift during polymeriza-
materials (Figure 4-25). In addition, metals generally do not tion, making it difficult to predict the final shade. The composite
82 Ultraconservative Dentistry

Non adhesive cement





Adhesive cement

FIGURE 4-27 Stained composite veneer with percolation. Crown




FIGURE 4-29 A, Nonadhesive cements create retention but
not a monobloc. B, Adhesive cements create both retention and
a monobloc.

FIGURE 4-28 Esthetically pleasing anterior ceramic


placed on the tooth is the correct shade but undergoes a slight FIGURE 4-30 Gradual gradient of color at ceramic tooth
shift during polymerization. This change is not always predict- interface.
able or consistent between batches or even within a given com-
posite system. The advantages of composites for ultraconservative
dentistry include minimal invasiveness, bonding to tooth struc- ceramics are not strong until they are bonded. Once they are
tures, and esthetic results. Unfortunately these results tend to be bonded and have the substructure of the tooth supporting them,
much shorter term than for ceramics and may be difficult to they become far stronger and are part of the monobloc of normal
achieve in the first place (Figure 4-27). functioning dentition (Figure 4-29). They can be highly esthetic,
Ceramics, on the other hand, have been well established for their margins are easier to blend in to natural tooth structures,
many years. Bonded ceramics, in particular, are the treatment of and the color change from the tooth does not have to be sudden
choice and the current best approach to ultraconservative den- or significant (Figure 4-30). If tooth coloration requires no
tistry whenever possible. Many of these materials are quite alteration, the use of a translucent resin cement, such as Embrace
strong, are very predictable, and can be fabricated with excellent Dual Cure for crowns and bridges (Figure 4-31, A) or Kleer-
levels of adaptation to the prepared or unprepared tooth struc- Veneer Light Cure for porcelain veneers (Figure 4-31, B),
ture. Ceramics offer excellent anatomy, excellent esthetics, both from Pulpdent Corporation (Watertown, Massachusetts),
and overall great functional strength (Figure 4-28). Traditional allows a nonshade-shifting transition from the tooth to the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 83


FIGURE 4-31 A, Embrace Dual Cure wet bond resin cement. B, Kleer-Veneer Light Cure Veneer Cement resin cement. (Courtesy
Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts.)

restoration. Then it is just a matter of adapting the color of the

restoration to the tooth itself. If the tooth shades must be altered,
a somewhat opaque layer is blended into the ceramic to create
the desired result without the technique-sensitive intermediate
step of color modification with resin opaquers.

Dark root dentin,

Restorative Margin discolored cement,
and metal margins
Defining the location of the restorative margin has long pre- are clearly visible
sented the dentist a technical and clinical dilemma. The ideal as a black line.
position of the tooth-restorative margin is supragingival (Figure
4-32), but in practice patient acceptance of a readily visible
interface (such as the characteristic black line junction of porce-
lain, metal, and dentin) is limited. The supragingival restorative
margin is technically superior: easier for the dentist to visualize A
and prepare the tooth, easier for the dentist to take an accurate Unacceptable
impression without the interference of gingival tissues and cre-
vicular fluid, easier for the lab technician to pour an accurate
stone model, easier for the technician to fabricate a crown, easier
for the dentist to cement (or bond) into place, and, most impor-
tant, much easier for the patient to maintain at home in the long
term (Figure 4-33). Many studies demonstrate histologically and Subgingival margin
clinically that even the best restorative margins are susceptible hides dark root
to plaque accumulation at the tooth-restoration interface. Supra- dentin, discolored
cement, and
gingival margins are simply more accessible to plaque control, metal margins.
providing the patient with a better prognosis for the treatment. No black line.
Subgingival margins, because they are harder for the patient to
clean, are more susceptible to plaque accumulation and thus
periodontal inflammation and recession, bone loss, and recur-
rent decay (Figure 4-34).
Bonded leucite ceramics provide the esthetic transition B
needed to blend in the tooth and restoration, even when the
margins are located supragingivally. The establishment of a color FIGURE 4-32 A, Esthetically unacceptable discolored crown
gradient (as opposed to a monochromatic shade description) margin. B, Esthetically acceptable subgingival crown margin.
contributes to the natural appearance of these restorations
(Figure 4-35). This resin-sealed interface provides an area that is
readily visualized and accessible for patient cleansing. Because
the status of the restorative margin can be continually observed,
84 Ultraconservative Dentistry

FIGURE 4-33 Supragingival margin that is both esthetic and FIGURE 4-35 The esthetic color gradient contributes to
maintainable. natural appearance of restoration.

the patient is more likely to be actively involved in its mainte-

nance and health.
With supragingival margins, the positioning of the ceramic
tooth interface is dictated by restorative requirements alone.
Because the dentist can locate the margin esthetically anywhere
on the tooth surface, whether the area is visible or not, additional
tooth structure removal to hide the margin subgingivally is not
necessary. This adds to the conservativeness of technique and to
its popularity with patients.

Scientific Elements
A number of innovative developments contribute to ultracon-
servative dentistry, including scientific and technologic ele-
ments. The scientific elements are largely those associated with
dental adhesive developments over the last 50 years. Adhesives
A originally bonded only to etched enamel but are now designed
to bond to all surfaces, including enamel, dentin, existing com-
posites, and ceramics. The current bonding systems, particularly
seventh-generation materials, are very easy to use, very predict-
able, and not technique sensitive and give excellent bonds that
are stronger than the cohesive bond of the underlying tooth
structure to itself (Figure 4-36, A and B). Therefore the interface
between the restorative material and the tooth is very strong and
not at all at risk of fracturing under normal functional param-
ters. If sufficient force is transmitted to the tooth, of course, the
entire tooth can break, but the fracture will be a cohesive one
within the natural tooth structure rather than an interfacial
fracture between the restoration and the tooth.
Scientific developments have also advanced feldspathic por-
celains (Figure 4-36, C ), which bond to tooth structure and
are extremely esthetic and relatively easy for the lab technician
B to manipulate. The newer zirconium porcelains may have less
FIGURE 4-34 A, Home maintenance of the supragingival bondability but certainly have tremendous strength and can
margin. B, Limited home maintenance of the subgingival provide wonderful esthetics either directly or when overlaid by
margin. conventional facing porcelain (Figure 4-36, D).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 85



FIGURE 4-36 A, BeautiBond. B, Tokuyama Bond Force. C, Vintage Halo Metal Porcelain. D, Vintage ZR zirconia porcelain.
(A, C, D courtesy Shofu Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California; B courtesy Tokuyama Dental America, Encinitas, California.)

facial proportions, as described in the chapters on smile design

Technologic Elements and the esthetic try-in (see Chapter 5). Once the appropriate
The technologic innovations involve techniques such as porce- sizes of the anterior teeth and the shapes thereof have been
lain veneers, bonded inlays, onlays, and bonded crowns that established based on the patients own anatomic proportions
have adapted available materials to clinical use in everyday prac- and contours, the occlusal vertical dimension described earlier
tice. The use of cements that are effectively translucent allows in this chapter is considered. When all of this information is
supragingival and more cleansable, more predictable margins, entered, there is adequate information for the practitioner to
which are much better for both dentist and patient (Figure assist in recreating the patients natural smile and the natural
4-37). They benefit the dentist from the standpoint of prepara- function that was present before wear, injuries, and decay took
tion, fabrication, and cementation and the patient in the ability their toll. Furthermore, each tooth, crown, veneer, and bridge
to maintain the restoration for extended periods of time. can be artistically developed on its own, taking into account
appropriate shade and color requirements including the trans-
lucence and fluorescence that all combine to create an overall
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS esthetic result.
The artistic elements are really a combined effort among the
Ultraconservative dentistry involves many artistic elements. The dentist, the lab technician, and the patient with the assistance
primary element is that of smile design, in which the form of of the dental auxiliary, who can comment from still another
the anterior teeth is based on the patients facial shape and perspective. All these players contribute much to achieving a
86 Ultraconservative Dentistry

FIGURE 4-37 The use of translucent resin

cement (A) allows supragingival cleansable and
predictable margins (B). (A courtesy Pulpdent Corpora-
tion, Watertown, Massachusetts.)


superior overall result. The discussion must be open and frank Generally most patients prefer to have more treatment, par-
to ensure a positive result. ticularly in the anterior segment because this area is readily
Dentists must refrain from imposing their concept of esthet- visible and has significant social impact. From the dentists per-
ics on the patient because it is the patient who will be wearing spective it is often the posterior segment that is more important
the smile for many years. Patients must be allowed to have because this part of the dentition plays a supportive role without
extensive input into the final esthetics of the restoration. They which anterior restorations cannot endure. It is the dentists
must also accept the existing natural conditions that limit the responsibility to simply refuse to provide unsupported anterior
dentist. The available materials and techniques and the inventive restorations until the posterior segments have been completed.
ingenuity of all the team participants can expand the clinical This is a wise direction for the dentist, because if the supporting
parameters to maximize both function and esthetics. posterior restorations are not completed, the unsupported ante-
Some practitioners have more artistic ability or awareness rior restorations subsequently fracture, break, become dislodged,
than others. This does not necessarily mean that those without or come to other harm. It is typically the dentists responsibility
this knowledge base cannot accomplish ultraconservative proce- to make repairs, very often at no charge to the patient. Rather
dures. It simply means that, as in all dental undertakings, the than getting into the situation in which the dentist is pressed by
artistic elements of ultraconservative dentistry form part of a the patient who simply is not interested in the proven principles
process of learning that begins in dental school and continues of dental restoration, it is better to not even begin treatment for
throughout life. It must be continually updated by continually patients who refuse to proceed according to a properly crafted
learning and relearning concepts such as those discussed in other protocol that follows sound practice.
parts of this text. The practitioner can create the environment
for success by learning the skills that are required. In fact, the
reason for reading an article or textbook or attending a course
or hands-on event is to build on the skills that the practitioner Consultation, Workup, and Treatment Plan
has, completing an educational process that leaves the practitio- The sequence of treatment planning for ultraconservative den-
ner more aware and more highly skilled than before. tistry begins with the initial consultation to gauge the interests
and requirements of the patient and after a full diagnostic
workup has been concluded. This includes radiographic study
TREATMENT PLANNING models, a full narrative on each tooth and segment, a full peri-
odontal workup, an endodontic assessment, and orthodontic
A number of options are available to the dentist and patient. assessment (if required). Once these have been completed, the
One is no treatment, which is usually the least effective. It treatment plan can be established. The treatment plan is dis-
essentially leaves the situation as it is and involves watching it cussed and negotiated between patient and dentist until it is
deteriorate further. At the other end of the spectrum is the acceptable to both, manageable from clinical and technical per-
comprehensive approach, in which every tooth that requires spectives, and affordable for the patient.
treatment is addressed and the occlusal relationships that must
be altered are improved. Everything that can be done is done. Esthetic Try-In
In reality, most ultraconservative dental procedures fall some- Once the treatment plan has been established, the esthetic try-in
where between the no action, no treatment side and compre- is prepared as the foundation for the treatment plan and the
hensive complete treatment. road map for the dentist and lab technician, developed in
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 87

1-1.5 mm

FIGURE 4-38 Tuff-Temp Provisional Veneer, Crown and
Bridge Resin. (Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts.)

accordance with the patients wishes. Once the esthetic try-in Original tooth Preparation to Traditional crown
has been modified intraorally, the practitioner can readily deter- B existing occlusion to existing occlusion
mine where preparation is required and where it is not. Prepara-
tion and temporization (Figure 4-38) (if needed) are accomplished FIGURE 4-39 A, Ceramic thickness replaces an equal thick-
ness of natural tooth structure that has been removed. B, Rela-
and the impressions are sent to the lab. The lab technician fab-
tive occlusal heights of the natural, prepared, and crowned
ricates the appropriate prosthesis and returns it. The restoration tooth.
is tried in, to ensure fit and esthetics. Then it is adjusted if neces-
sary, polished, cemented, and repolished. The patient is given
postoperative instructions and maintenance counseling.
developed leucite porcelains are different in that they are bonded
Follow-Up to tooth structure rather than cemented. Once bonded to the
The patient should be followed up at several intervals: after underlying tooth structure, they can be extremely strong even
several days, a week, and 1 to 2 months postoperatively, after with minimal thickness. They may even be used in knife-edge
which routine maintenance is instituted. If necessary, follow-ups marginal situations. Neither a broad shoulder nor heavy chamfer
can be repeated more frequently in the first year to ensure that preparation is needed at the tooth-restorative interface. Leucite
any problems are addressed thoroughly and effectively. ceramics can accommodate circumdental preparations as thin as
1 to 1.25mm. These preparations allow far more healthy tooth
structure to be retained in the abutment and make for a far
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS longer-lasting restoration.
When the occlusal vertical dimension is not altered, any
Tooth Preparation thickness of ceramic placed on the occlusal of the tooth must
If the posterior occlusal vertical dimension is to be altered, it be accompanied by the removal of an equal thickness of tooth
must be altered on all of the posterior teeth, not just one tooth structure (Figure 4-39); otherwise an occlusal imbalance (or
or one side. This process could be an invasive procedure were it prematurity) results. In rehabilitating an entire arch, however,
not for the ultraconservative approach. For each tooth, the the occlusal vertical dimension is often corrected to a more ideal,
amount of tooth removal depends on the following: usually greater, opening. This correction means that a ceramic
1. Condition of the tooth thickness exceeding the amount of tooth structure removed can
2. Strength of the ceramic be placed (Figure 4-40). The exact amount of tooth structure
3. Minimal required ceramic thickness removal needed can be determined by considering the minimal
4. Existing restorations thickness of the ceramic and the opening of the occlusal vertical
dimension (Box 4-1). If the minimal thickness of the ceramic is
Because many younger patients today are relatively caries 2.0mm and the alteration of occlusal vertical dimension is
free, it is difficult to justify removing healthy tooth structures to 1.5mm, the required removal of tooth structure is 0.5mm.
accommodate weaker restorative materials that require thickness Where the increase of the occlusal vertical dimension is greater
for strength. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns often require than 2.0mm, no tooth preparation is required. Because bonded
2mm of circumdental and occlusal preparation; jacket porcelain leucite porcelains can be used confidently in an occlusal bulk of
crowns require similar bulk to prevent fracture. Recently 2.0mm or less and the alteration of occlusal vertical dimension
88 Ultraconservative Dentistry

1.5 mm to

of natural

Original tooth No preparation Increased occlusal
A B vertical dimension

FIGURE 4-40 A, Ceramic thickness exceeds the amount of tooth structure removed. B, Increased occlusal height of a ceramic
crown placed on an unprepared natural tooth.

BOX 4.1 Calculation for the Required

Amount of Tooth Structure
Depth of Preparation
Preparation Guide
Desired occlusal position of crown or onlay
Current occlusal position of the tooth surface =
Opening depth in millimeters

Porcelain Thickness = 2.0mm

Preparation Depth Guide
Opening depth >2.0mm no prep
Opening depth <2.0mm guided prep

FIGURE 4-41 PrepStart H2O. (Courtesy Danville Engineering, Dan-

ville, California.)

is often greater than 2.0mm, often little or no tooth structure

removal is necessary.
All existing restorations that will be covered by onlays should
be examined for marginal integrity and recurrent decay. Gener- more natural appearance. In the gingival area, the saturation of
ally, sound existing composite and ceramic restorations can be the color of the porcelain decreases as the porcelain becomes
used as the substructure of the rehabilitation. Their surfaces can thinner. This allows some of the natural dentin color to shine
be made more adhesive by microetching (Figure 4-41) to increase through the veneer. With the judicious use of composite color
the bondable area and chemical initiation: CompositRestore (All modifiers, the dentist can create a color gradient that masks
Dental ProdX, Ocean View, New Jersey) for composites and one the facial margin, hiding it in full view supragingivally (Figure
of the numerous commercially available silanes for porcelain. 4-43).
Nonadhesive restorations, such as amalgams, should be replaced. The decreased enamel thickness toward the incisal edge of the
Ultraconservative rehabilitation is a constructive augmentation tooth causes a natural tooth to appear somewhat translucent in
process, in contrast to the destructive ameloclastic procedures this region. A very thin porcelain laminate recreates this trans-
that have characterized dentistry in the past (Figure 4-42). lucence (Figure 4-44) but can fracture easily. Ultraconservative
porcelain veneers permit both the natural reflections from the
tooth surface and illusions created by modifying tints to be
Veneer Placement and Finishing readily observable through the body of the ceramic. This lends
The major objective in placing veneers is esthetic. Often the an air of depth to the restoration (Figure 4-45).
ultraconservative veneer allows the underlying tooth color to Opaquers should be used with discretion and only in very
contribute and modify the illusion being created, yielding a thin layers. Otherwise, they impart a dense white coloration to
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 89

Onlay directly Replace amalgam first

FIGURE 4-42 Composite restorations (A) can be bonded to, but amalgam restorations (B) must be replaced completely.

FIGURE 4-43 Color modifiers develop color gradient using the underlying natural colors and masking the facial margin in full

FIGURE 4-44 A very thin porcelain veneer permits translucence.

90 Ultraconservative Dentistry

the tooth that does not look natural. When a small dark area likelihood of plaque buildup and marginal breakdown. Occa-
must be masked (Figure 4-46, A), it is best to slightly relieve the sionally, the interproximal gingival porcelain (or bonding mate-
offending discoloration immediately before veneer placement rial) is overcontoured interproximally. This leads to what is often
(Figure 4-46, B). The increased thickness of the luting composite described as the Chiclets look (Figure 4-48). This overcontour-
resin cement readily masks the offending area (Figure 4-46, C ). ing can be eliminated with finishing or metal abrasive strips;
Finishing a supragingival margin is more predictable than interproximal recontouring can be accomplished more quickly
attempting to polish subgingivally (Figure 4-47). The unhin- (and more comfortably for the patient) with the Profin recipro-
dered access ensures a smoother transition and hence less cating handpiece (Figure 4-49). The proximogingival portions
of the veneer are reduced until a natural appearance is restored
(Figure 4-50). It is important to keep in mind that the tooth in
Reflected and refracted colors this area is contoured, whereas most instruments are quite flat.
Enamel - white Thus additional care must be taken to ensure an esthetically
shaped tooth contour. Both the placement and finishing pro
Cement - light yellow
cedures can be accomplished without the need for local
Dentin surface -
darker yellow

Deeper dentin -
Factors Influencing Tooth Preparation
light brown The extent of tooth preparation before veneering depends on
Enamel - white
three factors: (1) the condition of the tooth, (2) the reasons for
veneering, and (3) the predisposition of the dentist.
Incisal It is much more acceptable to remove decayed enamel or
translucence restorative materials than sound tooth structure. However, with
todays preventive procedures and dental health education, most
FIGURE 4-45 Reflections from various layers of the veneered patients have sound (if sometimes unesthetic) anterior teeth. The
tooth. most common reasons for veneering teeth are discolorations


FIGURE 4-46 A, Small, discolored areas of the tooth require masking. B, Discolorations should be relieved immediately before
veneer placement. C, Increased thickness of composite resin cement masks discoloration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 91

FIGURE 4-47 The Jazz P3S Porcelain and Metal 3-Step Pol-
FIGURE 4-50 Veneer contours reduced to natural gingival
ishing System can be used to polish supragingivally. (Courtesy SS
White Burs, Lakewood, New Jersey.)

(Figure 4-51), diastemas (Figure 4-52), and size discrepancies

(Figure 4-53). The latter two conditions can easily be resolved
by very thin laminates. Even moderate tooth discolorations may
be better masked by using more opaque luting agents in thin
layers rather than increasing veneer thickness.
Ultimately, the final decision on preparation depth is the
dentists, based on both education and experience. Many den-
tists are reluctant to bond a restoration onto a tooth that has
not been prepared; there are valid concerns about the emergence
profile and overall tooth bulkiness. In actual fact, the emergence
profile need not be compromised when the margin is placed
supragingivally (Figure 4-54). Furthermore, the linguobuccal
dimension of a central incisor is increased less than 5% by a
well-fabricated and bonded veneer. Thus these concerns should
FIGURE 4-48 Overcontoured gingival porcelain: Chiclets not necessarily influence the dentist in favor of increased tooth
look. preparation. If a tooth is positioned buccally to the arch contour,
some elective reduction enameloplasty is needed to remove
the protruded bulk that hinders an esthetic restoration (Figure
4-55). In certain cases with severe staining, the intensity of the
color requires some enamel preparation for increased ceramic
thickness and masking opacity.

Factors Influencing the

Patients Decision
The guiding principles of ultraconservative tooth preparation are
also highly desirable from the patients point of view. This aspect
should not be underestimated. As porcelain veneers are generally
an elective dental procedure, the patient must perceive that the
treatment is desirable, comfortable, and of lasting value. Only
then will the patient choose the procedure and pay to have it
done. Minimal preparation (or none at all) is much easier for
the patient to comprehend and accept. Patients tend to submit
themselves more willingly to a constructive procedure than to a
destructive one.
FIGURE 4-49 Profin reciprocating handpiece (Dentatus With ultraconservative preparation, there is usually no need
USA, New York, New York). for anesthesia or retraction cord. The dentist may find it
92 Ultraconservative Dentistry




FIGURE 4-51 Examples of discolorations. Discolored dentition (A); veneers eliminate discoloration (B). Single discolored central
(C); veneered anteriors eliminate discoloration (D). Patient smile before treatment (E) and after treatment (F).

advantageous to point this out during case presentation. Medi- breakdown along the marginal areas of any subgingivally fin-
cally compromised elderly patients may also benefit from not ished restoration. The dilemma was that the tooth-colored mate-
having to introduce a local anesthetic to their systems. rials of the day could not be finished supragingivally with any
acceptably esthetic result. As patients became more attuned to
the esthetic possibilities of restorative dental treatment, this mar-
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES ginal esthetic concern became a major issue. The practice for
several decades was to hide the margins subgingivally (Figure
The evidence-based principles for ultraconservative dentistry 4-56); this went against contemporary scientific and clinical
begin with the periodontal demands for supragingival margins principles but was done in response to the demands that patients
first indicated in the 1950s. It was shown repeatedly that sub- placed on dentists.
gingival margins cannot be maintained adequately. In the long As bonding and adhesion came into more common use and
term resin incompatibility with soft tissues causes bacterial could be applied to both dentin and enamel, it became easier to
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 93




FIGURE 4-52 Examples of diastemas. A, Central diastema; B, eight anterior veneers eliminate diastema. C, Central diastema
and size discrepancy. D, Porcelain lengthens one central and widens the other central preferentially. E, Porcelain veneers placed.
F, Patient smile after treatment.

work supragingivally. Many cases in the literature show how and better for maintenance. Finally the restorative composites
effective and how clean the bonded margin can be (Figure 4-57). and ceramics that allowed an esthetic result in the marginal
The surface at the margin of the adhered restoration is almost, area became available. Ongoing research and development
but not quite, as smooth as that of the natural tooth. It is cer- ultimately allowed dentists to address the requirements of
tainly better than the margin of a nonadhesively cemented res- the periodontal tissues, the needs of the restorative materials,
toration. Bonding makes it possible to restore a tooth and to and the esthetic demands of the patient with a single treat-
create a margin that is clinically acceptable and can be main- ment modality, the supragingival margin. From the early
tained in the long term. 1990s on, the development and continual implementation of
With the appearance of resin cements in the early 1990s ultraconservative dentistry, translated as supragingivally mar-
it became apparent to restorative practitioners that placing gined and readily maintainable restorative or elective dentistry,
margins supragingivally would be better for periodontal tissues increased.
94 Ultraconservative Dentistry


FIGURE 4-53 A, Severe size discrepancies and spacing. B, Size and spacing discrepancies corrected by veneers.

Emergence profile is
Natural emergence virtually unaffected
profile supports soft by the placement of
tissues and is easily the veneer


Ceramic shoulder
compromises the
emergence profile
and acts as a food
and bacterial trap

FIGURE 4-54 A, Unrestored emergence profile is tissue supportive and maintainable. B, Supragingival margin emergence profile
is virtually unaffected by the placement of the veneer. C, A ceramic shoulder and exposed luting resin compromise emergence
profile and create a food and bacterial trap.

the interproximal areas is generally not practiced by most

MAINTENANCE patients, proactive dentists need a two-pronged approach to
maintaining oral health. First, they must educate the patient as
Although most patients who have had ultraconservative pro to the importance of the various tools available for oral hygiene
cedures do a relatively acceptable job of brushing their teeth maintenance and the significance of each, and the long-term
at least once or twice a day, they often neglect the more necessity of these practices for maintaining natural or restored
involved procedures, such as flossing. Because this hygiene of dentition in optimal health. Second, they must develop and
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 95

FIGURE 4-55 Selective reduction enameloplasty removes protruded tooth portion that could hinder an esthetic restoration.

FIGURE 4-56 Subgingival margins irritate soft tissue. FIGURE 4-57 Supragingival margin in full view.

insert inherently more maintainable restorations into the be little or no subgingival cleansing practiced by the patient.
patients dentition, particularly in elective procedures where This area is visually inaccessible to the patient, it is difficult to
natural teeth are being modified primarily for esthetic reasons. access with tactile instruments, and conceptually most patients
The dental team can assume that no matter how good the do not even realize it exists. It must be assumed that any margin
patients oral hygiene motivation and techniques are, there will placed subgingivally will not be maintained either in the short
96 Ultraconservative Dentistry

or the long term. No matter how close it is to the natural that is at least as good as or preferably better than what was
smoothness of the original tooth surface, it represents a weak removed.
area where plaque can accumulate, bacteria can congregate, and In certain situations, tooth structure must be removed for
both acid production and hard and soft tissue breakdown functional reasons to facilitate proper occlusion, to optimize
will occur. cleansing, or simply to eliminate barriers to the path of insertion.
The most important principle of ultraconservative rehabilita- In these instances conservation principles indicate that as little
tion is that margins are placed supragingivally. After the restora- tooth structure as possible should be eliminated during the
tions have been inserted, the patient is then in a position where course of treatment. When tooth reduction is for esthetic
routine brushing and occasional flossing tends to maintain these reasons, particularly in elective treatment, the dentist assumes
margins in a clean state, relatively free of the accumulation of the responsibility for removing healthy tooth structure. Gener-
plaque and bacteria. ally any materials used to replace tooth structure today are less
The next concept in conservative terminology is that of tissue effective, have less strength than the natural tooth structure, and
removal. When enamel or dentin is diseased or broken down, provide an interface between the tooth structure and restorative
the decision to remove is easy. The unhealthy or compromised material that can act as a weak link. In fact, restoring a perfectly
tissue should be reduced and replaced (although this concept is healthy tooth often creates a weaker overall structure rather than
being modified by the innovations and developments in remin- strengthening the original. When procedures are done for elec-
eralization and hardening of previously diseased tooth struc- tive reasons, particularly esthetic ones, the tooth structure should
tures). In any case the removal of compromised tissue poses less be considered inviolable if at all possible, and no healthy tooth
of a decision for the dentist. It is when the practitioner is dealing structure removed if that is within the realm of treatment
with healthy tissue that the real dilemma arises. The concept of options. When no tooth structure has been removed during the
removing healthy enamel or dentin for restoration by ceramic procedure, the practitioner and patient always have the option
or composite materials is a difficult one. When healthy tissue is of reversing the treatment by simply removing the restoration
removed for various purposes, the dentist assumes a tremendous (although this can be difficult, tedious, and time-consuming, it
responsibility. This healthy tissue must be replaced with material is nevertheless possible if enough care is exercised) (Figure 4-58).



FIGURE 4-58 A, Initial preparation through veneer must be careful in order to not damage underlying tooth structure.
B, Undamaged underlying tooth structure revealed. C, Veneer completely removed without damaging underlying tooth structure.
D, Four maxillary anterior veneers removed in preparation for reveneering.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 97


FIGURE 4-59 A, Maximal veneer preparation eliminates interproximal contact. B, Veneers restoring form and function.


FIGURE 4-60 A, Anterior teeth not requiring preparation for veneers. B, Unprepared anterior teeth restored with veneers.

It is possible to return to the original, unprepared tooth. Once but much less commonly practiced, as a rule. This is largely due
the tooth has been prepared and healthy enamel and dentin have to the manual dexterity that is required on the patients part and
been removed, these natural tooth structures are gone forever the difficulty in making this process a part of routine, daily oral
and cannot be recreated. Any restoration placed thereafter con- hygiene procedures. Water flossing (WP 100, Waterpik, Fort
sists of a material that is theoretically weaker than the original Collins, Colorado) is a much more patient friendly and less
structure that once formed the natural tooth. Therefore it is with technique sensitive maintenance method that seems to encour-
great trepidation that a dentist should even begin to consider age a higher rate of patient compliance (Figure 4-61). Water
the removal of healthy tooth structure unless every other pos- flossing is very effective in removing debris and biofilm both
sibility has been ruled out and no other course of treatment is from accessible tooth surfaces and interproximally. As an added
possible. In certain situations the removal of healthy enamel and advantage, it leaves the patients mouth feeling cleansed, thereby
dentin is unavoidable during the course of elective treatment. encouraging more frequent utilization. Thus, it is more likely to
However, these instances should be minimized as much as pos- be incorporated by patients into their daily oral hygiene routine.
sible. The goal of every dentist undertaking esthetic procedures A regularly practiced home regimen results in a longer lasting
should be to remove no healthy tooth structure if at all possible restoration.
and as little as possible in all circumstances (Figures 4-59 and
One of the post-treatment realities is that patients are often CONTROVERSIES
less effective and/or less conscientious about maintaining their
restored dentitions than they should be. Every additional tool The controversies that arise in rehabilitation dentistry are largely
that the practitioner can provide is likely to result in a healthier those of conservation verses maximal preparation. The science
oral environment and an extended life cycle for the restorations. and art are firmly on the side of minimal preparation. However,
Tooth brushing is well accepted by the average patient and suc- some practitioners and some dental technicians prefer to remove
cessfully practiced by most. String flossing is well understood more tooth structure to achieve more physical space wherein the
98 Ultraconservative Dentistry

resin cements for crowns and veneers that are totally translucent
and provide no marginal color mismatch between the root and
the crown or veneer are on the immediate horizon. More com-
prehensive at-home cleaning technologies that allow patients to
keep their teeth cleaner and their restorative margins free of
plaque, keeping eventual decay and breakdown at bay, appear
Although computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/
CAM) technologies do not yet provide fully esthetic opportuni-
ties for very thin porcelain restorations in the anterior regions,
it is likely that the ability to digitally color and stain these res-
torations in very natural shades and hues will enable the profes-
sion to provide chairside esthetic restorations that can be
available in a matter of hours rather than days or weeks, as with
lab-mediated procedures. Certainly the electronic shade-
matching devices available today are much better at matching
natural tooth shading and can assist in the creation of accurate
reproductions even when the technicians are located remotely
from patients.

Berman M: The complete coverage restoration and the gingival sulcus,
FIGURE 4-61 The WP-100, Waterpik Ultra Water Flosser is J Prosthet Dent 29:1301, 1973.
effective in removing debris and biofilm both from accessible Campbell SD: A comparative strength study of metal ceramic and all-ceramic
tooth surfaces and interproximally and encourages a higher esthetic materials: Modulus of rupture, J Prosthet Dent 26:476-479, 1989.
rate of patient home care compliance. (Courtesy Water Pik, Inc., Fort Carlesen K: Gingival reactions to dental restorations, Acta Odont Scand
Collins, Colorado.) 28:895, 1970.
Freedman G: Ultraconservative porcelain veneers, Esthet Dent Update
2:224-228, 1997.
Freedman G: Ultraconservative rehabilitation, Esthet Dent Update 5:80-85,
desired esthetics can be developed. Although this facilitates the Freedman G, Fugazzotto PA, Greggs TR: Aesthetic supragingival margins,
Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent 2:35-38, 1990.
technicians work in some instances, there is no question that it
Freedman G, Klaiman HF, Serota KT, et al: EndoEsthetics: Part II. Castable
compromises the long-term viability of the tooth and the prog- ceramic post and core restorations. Ont Dent 70:21-24, 1993.
nosis that the restoration will be durable, esthetically effective, Freedman GA, McLaughlin G: The color atlas of porcelain laminate veneers,
and maintainable in the long run. Thus, although there are some St Louis, Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, 1990.
controversies, ongoing developments in restorative materials, Fugazzotto P: Periodontal restorative interrelationships: The isolated
restoration, J Am Dent Assoc 110:915, 1985.
ceramics, resins, and cements are quickly eliminating them. The
Kois JC, Phillips KM: Occlusal vertical dimension: Alteration concerns,
profession as a whole is moving in the direction of more con- Compend Contin Educ Dent 18:1169-1177, 1997.
servative dentistry with less preparation and less removal of Marcum O: The effect of crown margin depth upon gingival tissues, J Prosthet
healthy tooth structure. This benefits the patient and ultimately Dent 17:479, 1967.
benefits the profession as well. McLaughlin C: Porcelain fused to tootha new esthetic and reconstructive
modality, Compend Contin Educ Dent 5:430-436, 1984.
Mormann W: Gingival reaction to well-fitted subgingival proximal gold
inlays, J Clin Periodontol 1:120, 1974.
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Newcomb GM: The relationship between the location of subgingival crown
margins and gingival inflammation, J Periodontol 45:151, 1974.
Near-future developments in esthetic dentistry will likely con- Renggli H, Regolati B: Gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation by
well adapted supragingival and subgingival proximal restorations, Helv
tinue to expand current directions; the momentum of the
Odont Acta L6:99, 1972.
research in this segment of the profession has been strong for Waerhau SJ: Histologic considerations which govern where the margins of
the last 30 or 40 years. Innovative ceramic materials that can be restorations should be located in relation to the gingiva, Dent Clin North
used in thinner layers to provide suitable esthetics and one-step Am 4:161, 1960.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 99

C H A P T E R 5

Smile Design

Smile Design

Elliot Mechanic

is desired. Often several appointments follow, with the restora-

RELEVANCE OF SMILE DESIGN tion going back and forth to the lab. Eventually the patient gives
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY in after becoming so tired of the process that he or she just
accepts the outcome. But is the patient actually totally satisfied
It is extremely difficult for a dentist to achieve a pleasing esthetic with the end result and how the smile and face appear? Does
result without having a clear picture of what the patient desires the patient regret undertaking treatment, or does he or she really
and what his or her expectations and esthetic goals are. For a wish to have the restoration removed and redone differently? If
dentist to enter into any esthetic procedure blindly not only can the dentist had provided the lab technician with an exact blue-
be frustrating and time-consuming but often leads to patient print of what was desired, the ceramist would have had a guide
dissatisfaction with the course of treatment and its outcome. If to provide the patient with what he or she wanted, and the
during or after treatment patients choose to switch dentists outcome would have been satisfactory.
and close their chart, the dentist usually feels insulted and The road map to all the clinical procedures to be done and
unappreciated, especially after all the hours of work that he or the basis for treatment planning is the smile design. It is derived
she put into the case. Sometimes the patient is so dissatisfied from a combination of what dentists know, the rules of esthetics,
that he or she elects to redo the case with another practitioner. and listening to the patients desires. These come together in a
This is unpleasant for both the patient and the dentist as well as plan to achieve all the goals set. The limitations of the materials
costly, painful, and inconvenient. One hopes that the patient available, the positions of the teeth, and the finances of the
will not pursue litigation, which would result in more aggrava- patient are among the considerations in this process. The treat-
tion for everyone. ment plan agreed on by the dentist and patient is what is best
On a daily basis dentists around the world try to achieve suited to the situation at hand with what is available.
esthetic makeovers in a random manner with little or no pre- Smile design and the whole concept of being able to plan a
planning or idea of what the final outcome will be. They simply smile makeover have had an impact on patients perspective of
take an impression of the patients prepared teeth and send it to dentistry. One must think of reconstructive dentistry as plastic
the dental lab technician with little instruction and few require- surgery of the mouth with the aim of improving what currently
ments for the restoration. They on the most part leave the fab- exists. Modern smile design techniques and materials give den-
rication of the restoration up to the ceramist, assuming that the tists tools that do not exist in any other forms of plastic surgery.
ceramist will magically create a beautiful restoration. The lab There is no other esthetic transformation procedure available in
technician with no exacting parameters to follow designs the which patients can actually see and live with the changes they
restoration to the best of his or her ability and delivers it to the are obtaining before they commit to a permanent solution. For
dentist. The dentist then tries the restoration in the patients example, if someone wishes to have a procedure done to alter
mouth and has the patient look in the mirror. If the patient the shape of the nose or face, he or she must wait several weeks
responds, I dont like it, the dentist then asks the patient, until the bandages and dressings are removed and even longer
What dont you like? The patient might answer, I dont know; for the swelling to totally subside. In actuality it could take
maybe theyre too long. The dentist then sends it back to the months before that person knows what he or she will finally look
lab with instructions to make the restoration shorter. Sometimes like. With dental temporization techniques, the key to modern
there are not even specific details given on how much altering smile design, the dentist can make changes to the patients

100 Smile Design Smile Design

provisional restoration so that the patient can visualize and live a smile, which can sometimes change a life. Incredibly, what
with potential smile possibilities. The patient is then able to look is regarded today as esthetic or cosmetic dentistry is still not
at it, go home with it, and show it to his or her spouse and recognized and is frowned on by some dentists. They believe that
friends if desires. Once the patient approves the provisional it is unnecessary and that dentists who promote and offer these
restorations, the dentist simply takes photos and accurate services are interested only in making a quick buck. Admit-
impressions of them to serve as a template for the lab technician tedly there is significant charlatanism in dentistry, but isnt this
to duplicate in ceramic. By using provisional materials made of true of many services and professions? The majority of our
bis-acryl, dentists have the ability to add and subtract composite patients no longer accept ugly teethnor do they drive horse
resin, allowing them to create exactly the shape, form, and and buggies, live without computers, and desire amalgam resto-
appearance that will satisfy the patient. rations. A coordinated treatment plan yielding a healthy, bal-
anced, easily maintainable restorative esthetic result is a beautiful
When I attended dental schools in the 1970s, each student
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SMILE was given a mold guide of available denture teeth. Different
DESIGN PROCEDURE manufacturers created their own guides for the teeth they
designed. Common to all was the philosophy that tooth form
Looking back in time, little or no attention was placed on smile was determined and should be selected based on the shape of a
esthetics. Dental concerns placed very little importance on persons face and head. The teaching was that patients with
looking good, as if esthetics were for the vain and not within round-shaped faces were given ovoid teeth (Figure 5-1), whereas
the realm of science and medicine. The past two decades have tapering teeth went with a long face (Figure 5-2).
witnessed an esthetic revolution. Because of advances in materi- Written rules were used, and if students did not follow them,
als, techniques, and the ever-growing demand of people to look they would not receive a passing grade. Some students ques-
and feel better about themselves, dentists have learned to change tioned what was being taught. If a dentist chose to place tapering

FIGURE 5-1 A round-shaped face calls for ovoid






FIGURE 5-2 A long narrow face calls for taper-

ing teeth.




Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 101

FIGURE 5-4 A diagnostic wax-up fabricated from mounted

study models.

FIGURE 5-3 India street merchant selling dentures on the modifications, is to set the teeth up in a well-made provisional
street: Choose your own teeth! Try before you buy! Is this restoration. This temporary restoration provides a blueprint for
the ultimate smile design?
both the desired function and esthetics. The dentist takes photos,
bite records, and impressions of the patients teeth, studies them,
teeth in someone with a long skinny face, the face would look and decides what functional and esthetic changes are needed.
even longer. If round teeth were given to someone with a round The dentist then has the models mounted on an articulator and
face, the round face would appear even rounder. In actual fact, fabricates a diagnostic wax-up to act as a guide for the temporary
there was really no smile design or thought process regarding restoration (Figure 5-4).
changing and improving a patients overall appearance. There The dentist normally would choose to have the diagnostic
were set rules that everyone followed because that was the way wax-up fabricated in a cuspid-guided occlusion so that the
it was. canines can disclude the posterior teeth in lateral movements.
Incredibly, and probably accidentally, some third-world Cuspid guidance allows the facial muscles to have the chance to
countries demonstrated superior smile design to what was being not receive continuous stimulation, which can result in facial
done in North America. For instance, in India it is possible to pain. This discomfort is often confused with temporomandibu-
purchase dentures from street merchants (Figure 5-3). The buyer lar joint (TMJ) disorder but actually is of purely muscular origin
can select a denture, try it in his or mouth, and then look at the and not joint related. If the patient is comfortable in the tem-
appearance in a mirror. When the buyer finds a set of teeth he porary restoration, the dentist can then simply tell the lab to
or she likes, the merchant (denturologist) relines the denture duplicate the temporary restoration when fabricating the perma-
with acrylic, and the buyer leaves with new teeth. The buyer has nent restoration. All the functional and esthetic requirements
immediate gratification from being able to see exactly what he will have been worked out and tested in the temporary
or she is getting before approving the purchase. restoration.
The dentist performing removable prosthetic procedures has It is not always possible that a smile that has been designed
long been able to allow their patients to have a wax try-in so purely for ideal esthetics will work in the function or parafunc-
that they can preview the new smile before the denture is pro- tion of a patients mouth. If there are limitations, the dentist
cessed and finished. However, smile design for fixed prosthetics must point out the compromises to the patient. This is extremely
over the last 50 years in North America has often been haphaz- important so that there are no false expectations or disappoint-
ard. Dentists took an impression, sent it to a lab, and wrote the ments. There must be impeccable communication between
lab technician some basic instructions as to what they wanted. dentist and patient. If the dentist knows that what the patient
There was no real way of knowing exactly what the patient wants to achieve is not possible without considerable major
would be getting. As well, the standards and skills of lab techni- changes to the patients dentition, he or she must inform the
cians and the materials available to them were not sophisticated person about the problems that can arise. It may be possible that
enough for them to be able to fabricate imperceptible, lifelike orthodontics would be required to move the teeth or periodon-
restorations. tics needed to augment or reduce the gingiva. If what the patient
desires is totally impossible, the dentist must be totally honest
instead of assuming that the patient would settle for a different
RELATING FUNCTION result. The patient must be given realistic expectations and be
AND ESTHETICS guided to understand what is possible and by what alternative
means he or she can achieve what is desired. If patients are
The key to achieving a predictable smile design, eliminating presented with all the facts and options that are available to
guesswork and satisfying the patients expectations on the first them, they usually make the right choice. On a daily basis
attempt without having to return the restoration to the lab for patients electively undergo periodontal surgery to alter gingival
102 Smile Design Smile Design

levels to reduce a gummy smile or to increase their gingival and the cusp heights of the teeth in the temporary, and then
width. Patients electively undergo maxillofacial surgery to alter instruct the lab to duplicate it exactly.
their mandible and/or maxilla. For example, some people have Even a posterior lower or upper molar can have the cusp
chins that are too retracted, so they choose to have an oral height, buccal position, and width of the tooth redesigned.
surgeon advance their mandible surgically. All dentists should The lab technician is given exact instructions so that when
educate their patients about what is possible, what is not pos- the restoration is returned it is exact. When the restoration
sible, and what may be possible. arrives from the lab, it is compared with the models and
photos of the provisional restorationthey should look iden-
tical (Figure 5-6).
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS If the extra few minutes are taken to design the temporary
restoration properly with all the standards of smile design, the
Any and all types of dental rehabilitation and reconstruction result from the lab will always be predictable. Todays superior
should be treated in exactly the same manner. For each and every lab technicians prefer working in this mannerthat is, using
single crown, and so on, the same principles should be applied. photos and templates. They find that restorations are not
Even a simple one- or two-unit case is initially worked out and returned to them as often for modification and correction.
tested in provisional restorations to assess the desired function
and esthetics of the permanent restoration. Impressions are
taken of the temporary restoration, and photos are taken with a THE DIAGNOSTIC WAX-UP
shade tab alongside the bis-acryl provisional restoration and the
natural teeth (Figure 5-5). The key to achieve a pleasing smile design is having the dentist
This shows the lab technician the shade that is desired. Every interview the patient and listen to exactly what the patient
single case has the same smile design protocol, even posterior wants. Photos of the patient show what the teeth initially look
molars. It is the authors process to work out the buccal position like, and both the dentist and patient can study and assess the

FIGURE 5-5 Shade tabs photographed for color illustration.


FIGURE 5-6 A, Provisional restoration. B, Porcelain restoration. The final porcelain restoration should follow the parameters
set out by the temporary restoration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 103

FIGURE 5-7 Planning the smile design by drawing on preoperative photos.

situation. It is possible to draw what is wanted, make the teeth

longer or shorter, or change the midline or gingival position on
the photos (Figure 5-7).
These basic tools help the team visualize what they want to
achieve. This vision must then be communicated to the lab
technician, who will create a diagnostic wax-up, which is basi-
cally a template or mock-up of what was discussed while looking
at the photos.
The diagnostic wax-up is poured in high-quality, low expan-
sion stone and mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator so that
the teeth are oriented on the lab bench exactly as they are in the
patients mouth. An articulator is nothing more than a chewing
simulator of the persons function. The lab technician will create
preparations of the teeth on the model in a realistic fashion to
accommodate the design of the desired restoration. The techni-
cian uses dental waxes in natural tooth colors to produce the
anticipated result. The diagnostic wax-up should resemble the
FIGURE 5-8 A silicone putty template is fabricated on a
projected finished look of the patients dentition. On the diag-
plaster model of the diagnostic wax-up.
nostic wax-up the lab technician can make all the changes
needed by correcting occlusion, changing the incisal or midline
cant of the teeth, changing the dimensions of the teeth, expand-
ing the arches, and so on. Every physical change can be made BOX 5.1 Resin-Based Systems:
on the diagnostic wax-up. However, it is absolutely essential that Bis-Acrylic Composites
the lab prepare the teeth in a realistic fashion. Once the diag- Automix cartridges
nostic wax-up has been completed, the lab technician or dental Quick set time
assistant fabricates a silicon putty template that can be used to Can be added to and modified easily with flowable,
make the bis-acryl provisional restoration after the dentist simi- microfill or hybrid composite resin
larly prepares the patients actual teeth (Figure 5-8). Easy to finishglaze
Natural looking estheticsfluorescence
Todays standard of fabricating a provisional restoration is to for dentists to be able to easily assess and to modify a proposed
create a diagnostic wax-up of the desired result, fabricate a putty smile design (Box 5-1).
template of it, and flow a bis-acryl temporization material into The advantages of these materials are several. Bis-acryl
it, which is then placed over the patients prepared teeth and material is a liquid composite resin that sets hard, is lifelike,
allowed to set. This technique yields provisional restorations that does not give off any heat, flexes so it does not break off the
are a facsimile of the diagnostic wax-up. The introduction of teeth easily, adheres to the teeth, and offers the teeth protec-
bis-acryl materials dispensed from cartridge guns paved the way tion. However, the main advantage of this material is its easy
104 Smile Design Smile Design



FIGURE 5-9 Bis-acryl provisional restorations can be easily modified by the subtraction or addition of composite restorative

ability to be polished. It can achieve a polish similar to a com- additions to the provisional restorations and customize a look
posite resin, with a series of diamond points, carbide points, for each individual (Figure 5-9).
and disks. All that is required to finish it is to paint on a fin- Bis-acryl provisional restorations can be easily remodified and
ishing glaze. If the dentist believes that it is necessary to change repolished, and patients can wear them for long periods of time
or modify this material, any type of composite resin can be with few adverse effects on the gingival tissue. The main advan-
added in the appropriate color. These additions can be remodi- tage of bis-acryl temporary restorations is that they allow the
fied as well. patient to live with the new look, evaluate it, and give the dentist
Before the introduction of bis-acryl materials, dentists mostly feedback as to what they like or dislike. The dentist is then able
used methylmethacrylate acrylics created by mixing a tooth- to modify the provisional restoration to please the patient.
colored acrylic powder with a liquid monomer. These materials Photos and an accurate impression are then taken of the final
are smelly, give off heat, take a lot of time to set, and are difficult provisional restoration and are sent to the lab technician as a
to add to and modify. Bis-acryl changed the standard of dental blueprint for creating the final ceramic restoration. This is the
temporization. It gives dentists a means to creatively do bonding state of the art of predictable creative smile design.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 105


FIGURE 5-10 A and B, Symmetrical teeth with a flat incisal

plane make a long asymmetrical face appear wider and more
C symmetrical. C, If a flatter smile line is designed, a narrow face
will appear wider.

good on people. Human beings exist in different variations

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX people come in different sizes, colors, and forms and have dif-
ferent personalities. Dentists began to think of technologic and
Dentists have come to realize that the old rules of selecting a artistic ways to create teeth to match and enhance personalities
tooth shape that were taught in school may not apply in the real (Box 5-2). Dentists are today more than ever regarded as artists.
world. These protocols were created in order to select appropri- Standards in dental labs have also changed dramatically. For
ate tooth molds to fabricate dentures. Formerly, a patient who many years ceramists were limited by the materials available to
had a long face was given long teeth. Today patients with long them. However, these professionals now have access to lifelike
faces are often better off with square or more symmetrical flat new porcelains, pressed ceramics, zirconium, lithium disilicate,
teeth. These make a long face appear to be wider and more sym- and other new technologies. Ceramists have become more and
metrical (Figure 5-10). Similarly, someone with a round face can more artistic. Todays premiere technicians have raised the bar
receive longer teeth to counteract the roundness (Figure 5-11). and distinguished themselves, pushing the barrier of what is
From a technologic point of view, dentists stopped thinking possible. They are able to provide lifelike restorations that meet
like scientists, following the rules of science taught in school, todays high esthetic standards.
and started taking an artistic approach to dentistry. This began An artistic approach and the coordination between labora-
in the 1990s. Dentists started thinking like designers of smiles tory and dentist continue to improve the ability to achieve a
and stopped thinking of just rules and formulas. Rules and beautiful smile. Science and technology have changed every
formulas may be great on paper, but they do not always look aspect of smile creation.
106 Smile Design Smile Design


FIGURE 5-11 A and B, Longer teeth can make a round

face appear longer. C, A wide circular face can be made to
appear narrower by designing longer upper teeth. It
C centers the viewers eyes at the bridge of the nose, mini-
mizing the round facial form.

BOX 5.2 The Goal of Esthetic

Dentistry: To Enhance What
Mother Nature Has Given Us
We are all human beings!
We come in different sizes!
We are different colors!
We have different personalities!
Our features and facial shapes differ!
Our teeth have different shapes too! .6 1 1.6

FIGURE 5-12 The golden proportions.

ARTISTIC ELEMENTS lateral incisor, and the visible part of the canine 0.6 times the
size of the lateral incisor (Figure 5-12).
Every dentist has been preached the golden proportions. The These are the scientific principles of smile design. But science
golden proportions state that if a persons teeth are viewed is one thing and art is another. Artistically, the central incisors
straight on and using the lateral incisor as the reference tooth, must be totally symmetrical. Their incisal edges should be equal,
the adjacent central incisor should be 1.6 times the size of the and the incisal corners should be the same shape. If the mesial of
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 107

one is square, the mesial of the other should be square. The gin- patient experience begins when the patient first telephones the
gival levels should also be equal. However, aside from the central office. In our office we try to determine over the phone if the
incisors all the other teeth can have some form of variation. The patient requires major or minor dental work. Dental offices that
lateral incisors should not be totally symmetric. The dentist can focus on and have a reputation for major restorative dentistry
make one lateral incisor shorter than the other or turn one lateral are more likely to receive patients with more serious needs than
incisor to give character and personality to the patients smile. The offices focused on family dentistry. The receptionist must care-
lateral incisor is regarded as the personality tooth, so one can fully screen the new patient phone call to determine what type
create a sexy or mischievous look by simply turning and playing of new patient visit to schedule. The needs of a patient with
with the angles of the these teeth. In a similar manner a canine full-mouth breakdown are far different from the needs of one
can be made sharp or pointed to create a strong look, or it can be who has a healthy dentition. Sometimes when patients call and
rounded for a softer appearance. It is also possible to expand and say they require something major, it could actually be something
widen the dental arches and create a fuller buccal corridor. Even very minor. Everyone has his or her own perspective.
though there are scientific principles involved, it is really the In our office, when the receptionist believes that a major
dentists eye and creativity that are the best tools for creating a dental treatment is anticipated, an appointment for a screening
beautiful smile. The dentist must think like an artist, study the consultation is made. The patient comes in on a lunch hour or
patients face, and try to enhance what is already present. at 5 oclock for a consultation. At this time the dentist can sit
What is today being referred to as pink esthetics is funda- with the new patient one on one with no distractions. Four
mental in achieving a natural- and healthy-looking smile. The photos are taken of the patient: (1) smiling full face, (2) at-rest
patients gingival levels should be in the most natural-looking full face, (3) smiling close up, and (4) smiling with a tissue
position. Usually as people age, their gingival levels change. The retractor. The photos are printed, and the dentist sits with the
tissue may have receded because of disease, tooth abfraction, or patient at a consultation table and listens to what the patient
overbrushing (Figure 5-13). Often with patients who are long desires. The dentist uses the photos to illustrate to the patient
in the tooth, gingival grafting must be performed. the situation that currently exists and possible changes that can
be made. No treatment plan is established at this time, as this
is not a formal examination. The dentist tries to open the
TREATMENT PLANNING patients eyes to what can be done. There may be many things
visible on the photos that the patient never actually recognized.
The new patient is the lifeblood of the dental office. Without In fact, they may be the things that actually bother the patient
new patients, dentists would have to rely on finding new work but that he or she could never pinpoint. It may be that the
or redoing the dentistry of their existing clientele. The new gingival tissue heights are not aligned, buccal corridors are not
expanded enough, teeth are too short, and so on. The dentist
must use a pen and draw on the photos to help the patient
visualize some of the potential changes that are possible. On this
initial consultation the patient is given an idea about what may
be involved with respect to time, discomfort, and cost.
If the patient is still interested after the consultation, he or
she then receives an appointment for a full new-patient examina-
tion, which is scheduled for 2 hours of time. At this appoint-
ment intraoral photographs of every single tooth are taken, as
well as a full-mouth series and panoramic radiographs. Creation
of a set of study models, bite registration, periodontal charting,
occlusal evaluation, TMJ assessment, and a head and neck exam-
ination are also conducted. The majority of these records are
A gathered by a hygienist. The dentist usually enters the room only
when all the information has been put together and is available,
including the study models and photos. The dentist then per-
forms the intraoral examination and tries to instill confidence
in the patient. It is important to understand that a treatment
plan is not usually proposed at this time, as the case has not
actually been totally analyzed.
The patients next appointment is made 1 to 2 weeks later
for a review of the entire case. This is often referred to as the
B case presentation. In the meantime, the models, radiographs, and
photos are studied and scientific principles applied to formulate
FIGURE 5-13 A, Gingival levels that are not harmonious a treatment plan. The dentist studies the photos first to see how
make dentition look old. B, Pink esthetics and the ideal much tooth is showing when the patient smiles. A study by Vig
gingival height. and Brundo in 1978 concluded that at age 30 years, people show
108 Smile Design Smile Design


FIGURE 5-14 Acrylic (A) and silicone (B) preparation guides.

3mm of upper tooth, and for every decade thereafter they start dentistry down into its simplest elements so that each case is set
showing more molar teeth. At age 60 years they show virtually up the same way. When the wax-up returns from the dental lab,
no upper teeth and 3mm of lower teeth. Reviewing the photos, the dental assistant makes a plaster cast, and a preparation stent
the dentist determines if sufficient maxillary teeth are displayed or prep guide from the plaster model. This guide might be
and if the patients smile can be made more youthful in appear- fabricated from clear plastic, acrylic, or putty (Figure 5-14).
ance. The planned changes can be drawn on the photos. It can There are many prep guide options that achieve the same
also be determined if periodontal surgery, orthodontics, or other result. This template allows the dentist to visualize the desired
procedures are needed. The entire treatment plan is worked out preparation required and ensures that the dentist reduces enough
by the time the dentist next meets with the patient. tooth structure. Every case should have a prep guide.
Before presenting the case, the dentist must have a clear For the actual preparation appointment with the patient in
vision of what is required. Otherwise the dentist will look lost the chair, it is best to have a checklist to follow. The dental
and incompetent. Once the treatment plan has been worked assistants checklist has absolutely everything required and notes
out, the dentist is ready for the case presentation. everything that has been done, such as how many photos were
The keys to a successful case presentation are (1) knowing taken and how many models were made, what articulator was
what the final vision is, (2) having confidence that one can used, whether a prep guide was used, what type of bite registra-
deliver the case as expected, and (3) having the ability to explain tion, the dentin stump colors, and so on. Everything is written
it to the patient in a manner that he or she can understand. down and checked off so that nothing is forgotten. This protocol
When sitting and talking to the patient, the dentist should not aids in preventing the dentist from receiving a telephone call
use words that are too scientific, but rather should speak in terms from the dental lab informing him or her that an important
to which the patient can relate. What dentists tend to do in case record has been forgotten or asking that the case be re-prepared.
presentations is try to take the patients to dental school and Technologically, it is extremely helpful to have electric hand-
educate them regarding the technicalities of the procedures they pieces in the operatories. In an adult restorative practice the
are suggesting. Patients do not care how their cases will be dentist is often removing older dental work, which usually
managed technically or how the actual teeth will be prepared. involves cutting through metal. With air-driven conventional
The dentist should explain what patients want to hearhow handpieces, this can be very time-consuming and hard on the
much it will cost, how much it will hurt, and what it will look life of handpiece turbines, causing them to stall and ultimately
like afterward. The patient really only cares about What are the blow out. With electric handpieces, taking off old crowns and
benefits for me? bridges is much easier. It is wise to work efficiently using good
Once the patient has agreed to undergo treatment, the dentist tools, electric handpieces, sharp diamonds, and metal cutting
determines how many teeth must be included in the diagnostic carbides and always maintaining focus on what is to be achieved
wax-up. Mounted study models and a detailed lab prescription by having a clear mental vision of the desired result. The basic
are sent to the lab technician. elements for success are the prep guide, great instrumentation,
and a checklist so that nothing is forgotten.

When practicing reconstructive dentistry it is essential to follow
a protocol to ensure that each and every case follows a consistent Although the techniques and materials of restorative dentistry
path. Errors and omissions are expensive, time-consuming, and have dramatically changed, the scientific principles of function,
inconvenient for all involved. In our office we try to break maintainability and integrity have not. Dental principles are
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 109

evidence based; much of this information was taught in dental Without using a prep guide, the dentist might cut too much or
school over 30 years ago. Sometimes dentists tend to forget what underprepare the tooth. Often the dentist overprepares the
they were taught. The use of a semi-adjustable articulator is tooth, weakening it, or prepares teeth in the wrong direction as
usually the first thing to be put aside after dental school, along perspective and orientation have been lost. Prep guides allow
with the principles of conservative tooth preparation. Dentists dentists to be very conservative. With ultra-thin porcelain and
start taking short-cuts. It is extremely important to never forget new techniques, it is possible to be minimally invasive and not
or abandon what was taught in dental school. The innovation destroy the tooth structure. Remember, teeth have to last a long
of today must be adapted to the accepted principles of sound timethe less cutting is done, the better.
dentistry. Every principle is put together in a consistent manner;
a system from start to finish that produces predictable results.
The dental lab technician appreciates working in this way, as it
affords a clear picture of exactly what is required. MAINTENANCE OF THE
There is often not only one way to do things. Every dentist TEMPORARY RESTORATION
has a personal bag of tricks using techniques and materials that
work best in his or her hands. The most important thing is the If a bis-acryl temporary restoration is made well, polished well,
ability to achieve the results that have been planned. It helps to and finished well at the gingival margin, it requires very little
work within a team of specialists, which permits achievement of maintenance. Staining is usually not a significant problem.
goals periodontally, orthodontically, and surgically. The dentist However, certain foods can leave stains. Patients are advised not
must be able to be in control of all aspects of treatment. to eat yellow curry, drink red wine, or ingest other foods with
staining potential. Most stains can be polished out easily with
fine diamond or carbide polishers. Bis-acryl restorations seldom
CLINICAL CONSERVATION break, are very low maintenance, and are tissue friendly. The
CONCEPTS gingiva tends to look quite good around bis-acryl because it
displays the same properties as highly polished composite.
A conservative approach to smile design helps to preserve healthy Simply normal brushing and flossing are advised.
tooth structure. If the teeth are healthy to begin with, doing
anything to them takes away some of their integrity. However,
if the choice is made to alter them and the restoration is designed
intelligently, it is possible to significantly strengthen the tooth.
If a tooth has been weakened by having a large composite res- Burke FJ, Murray Mc, Shortall AC: Trends in indirect dentistry: 6. Provisional
toration, placing a veneer or a feldspathic crown around it will restorations, more than just a temporary, Dent Update 32(8):443-444,
447-448, 450-452, 2005.
usually make it stronger. A lamination is created to encircle and
Gratton DG, Aquilino SA: Interim restorations, Dent Clin North Am 48(2):vii
bind the tooth. It is of extreme importance that at least 3mm 487-497, 2004.
of sound tooth structure always be available on which to place Kokich VO Jr, Kiyak HA, Shapiro PA: Comparing the perception of dentists
the margins. This ferrule serves as a base for the strength of the and lay people to altered dental esthetics, J Esthet Dent 11:311-324,
restoration. 1999.
Mcdonald TR: Esthetic and functional testing with provisional restorations,
Using minor orthodontic movement also helps keep den-
The Art of Articulation 2(1):1-3, 2004.
tistry conservative. Teeth can be moved so that they can be Mechanic E: The art of temporization. Facial changes through aesthetic
centered within the restoration, avoiding overpreparation. The dentistry, Dent Today 24:84, 2005.
porcelain can then just wrap around the tooth rather than Michalakakis K, Pissiotic A, Hirayama H, et al: Comparison of temperature
having to be overbuilt in an attempt to change the tooth posi- increase in the pulpal chamber during the polymerization of materials
used for the direct fabrication of provisional restorations, J Prosthet Dent
tion. Advances in ceramics have enabled the ceramist to achieve
96(6):418-423, 2006.
ultra-thin porcelain restorations, sometimes with a thickness of Smigel I: Plastic surgery without a scalpel, Dent Today 13:42, 1994.
only 0.2 or 0.3mm. The dentist then can reduce very little tooth Vig RG, Brundo GC: The kinetics of anterior tooth display, Prosthet Dent
structure to make significant esthetic changes to the tooth. 39(5):502-504, 1978.

The Esthetic Try-In

George Freedman

successful end result. This is where the ETI can be used to

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC predict minimal preparation and tissue disruption, guided by
DENTISTRY the desired posttreatment function and esthetics (Figure 5-18).
Although the concepts of porcelain veneers have been avail-
Modern esthetic dentistry is by definition minimally invasive. able to the dental profession for a number of decades, it was
However, to change the color and shape of the anterior teeth, a only in the mid-1980s that innovative clinical materials first
minimal thickness of restorative material, usually ceramic, is became available, allowing the procedure to be successfully
needed. Dentists are thus faced with the task of integrating the accomplished in the practice. The turning point in ceramic
patients dental needs with treatment options that are maximally restorative dentistry was the development of a coupling agent in
conservative of healthy tooth structures and respect the peri- dentistry that could bond to both ceramic and tooth structure.
odontal tissues in addition to being highly esthetic. Dental In fact, these coupling agents work indirectly by attaching the
science and art today offer both techniques and materials that porcelain to the bisphenol A glycidyl methacrylate (BIS-GMA)
allow these procedures to be accomplished successfully by the resins, and through the composite materials, whether adhesive
practitioner. Most notable in this area is the porcelain veneer, or filler, to the tooth structure itself. Porcelain represents a par-
which effectively alters the visible face of the tooth (Figure 5-15). ticularly difficult surface for adhesion if the interfaces are to be
Rehabilitating the dentition was successfully accomplished submerged in water. Bond strengths of 1200 psi tensile are not
long before the current minimally invasive techniques were unusual when resins are attached to porcelains in a dry environ-
available. These modalities routinely required aggressive prepara- ment, but typically these interfaces fall apart after only 48 hours
tion of all teeth involvednot a tissue-conservative approach of submersion in a wet environment.
(Figure 5-16, A). Extensive preparation often required prepro- Certain intermediary treatments of the surfaces involved
sthetic elective endodontic treatment because of the nonparallel can create extraordinary differences in outcome. For example,
angulation of the various teeth involved (Figure 5-16, B). In when the porcelain or ceramic is coated with a monomolecular
many cases, complex periodontal treatment was required to layer of organophosphate silane such as Tokuso ceramic primer
reestablish a stable soft tissue environment. These procedures (Tokuyama, Encinitas, California) before resin adhesion, the
could take months or years to complete, causing stress for both bond strengths become formidable (Figure 5-19).
the patient and the dentist. Many patients, faced with a realistic When suitable ceramics, silanes, and resin adhesives became
description of the long-term and extensive treatment process, available, dentists began to place porcelain veneers. The earliest
declined to proceed. veneers were envisioned and promoted as restorations that could
The availability of new materials and techniques has led to the be delivered without any preparation of the tooth structure. In
development of minimally invasive or ultra-conservative fact, that was the major talking point for the veneer procedure.
approaches to manage dental problems. Ultra-conservative den- No preparation of tooth structure was recommended. As den-
tistry is respectful of soft tissues and seeks to minimize the tists began to tackle more and more difficult situations, it became
removal of any tooth structure if at all possible. It is also, of apparent that some preparation (reduction of tooth structure)
course, highly concerned with esthetic outcomes and uses the was required in many cases. Within a decade, though, veneer
physical properties of the restorative materials to reinforce the practice had shifted to a point at which the typical preparation
remaining dentition. The anterior dentition exhibits mismatched for porcelain veneers involved a minimum of 0.5-mm reduction
centrals and a diastema (Figure 5-17, A). The esthetic try-in in the tooth surface from the buccal surface, effectively removing
(ETI) technique is used to predetermine esthetics and position- most, if not all, the facial enamel. The preparation also extended
ing (Figure 5-17, B) and to close the diastema esthetically (Figure interproximally, eliminating contact areas (Figure 5-20).
5-17, C). The veneers are bonded onto the unprepared anterior Although this often gave rise to very good esthetic results, con-
teeth (Figure 5-17, D), creating a much improved smile (Figure siderable healthy tooth structure was sacrificed. For many den-
5-17, E). tists it became simpler to prepare all the teeth that were to be
The most difficult pretreatment step for the dental practitio- veneered without even preconsidering the final result. This
ner is to understand and visualize the minimum amount of approach created a blank slate; the dentist could abdicate esthetic
tooth structure that must be removed for a comprehensively responsibility to the laboratory technician.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 111

In recent years, increased emphasis has been placed on rede- of porcelain thickness (Figure 5-21). This brings porcelain
veloping the concepts of minimal preparation and porcelain veneers back to a minimal preparation directed by function and
veneers as a conservative rather than a destructive procedure. esthetics and offers guided preparation before initiation of the
The preoperative dilemma, of course, is exactly how much tooth procedure.
structure must be removed. Some dentists, equipped with clini-
cally skillful eyes and artistic abilities, are able to visualize the
final desired result in the patients mouth even before commenc- RELATING FUNCTION
ing treatment. For most practitioners, however, it makes more AND ESTHETICS
sense to utilize a guided preparation approach. This approach
provides previews of the intended final result even before com- Whereas esthetics drives dental consumers, intraoral function is
mencement of the treatment. preeminent for most dental professionals. Patients involvement
Once the esthetics and the functionality of the veneers are in their own dentistry has been increasing, however. Better edu-
established with an easily alterable material such as a composite cation, intraoral cameras, and a heightened sense of esthetics all
resin, it is then simply a matter of measuring the thickness of contribute to this trend. This increased awareness has produced
the ETI to determine exactly where and how much tooth patients who are more likely to be actively involved in selecting
structure must be removed to allow for the required 0.5mm their own treatment modalities. Patients are also less likely to
readily accept invasive procedures. Although esthetics is the
major motivator for many if not most patients, it must be
understood that the integrity of healthy tissuesboth soft and
hardis paramount. For the professional, it is important to
create a functional final result with the maximal esthetics that
can be achieved, and preferably to be able to understand where
these two sometimes conflicting requirements can ideally inter-
sect for the patients greatest benefit.
The ETI offers a preview for both the patient and the dentist
(Figure 5-22). Typically, it is a laboratory-fabricated composite-
acrylic mock-up that has been custom developed based on the
individual facial measurements generated by the dental team for
the patients own facial size and shape (Figure 5-23). Typically,
the coverage for 8 to 10 maxillary anterior teeth is created in
one or two segments to fit over the unprepared maxillary ante-
rior dentition (Figure 5-24, A), first on the right (Figure 5-24,
B) and then on the left (Figure 5-24, C ). The esthetics of the
mock-up can then be esthetically and functionally evaluated and
adjusted. The laboratory-fabricated ETI is made of composite
and acrylic and has some resilience so that it can gently snap
over the existing teeth and stay in place, tacked on temporarily
with denture adhesive (Figure 5-25, A). The patients smile is
FIGURE 5-15 The porcelain veneer changes the frontal shown without the ETI (Figure 5-25, B) and with the ETI
appearance of the tooth. (Figure 5-25, C ). The shapes and sizes of these ETI teeth are as


FIGURE 5-16 A, Aggressive preparation of the anterior teeth for veneer placement. B, Elective endodontic treatment to allow
for aggressive tooth structure removal.
112 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In



FIGURE 5-17 A, Mismatched centrals and diastema. B, Esthetic try-in (ETI) predetermines restorative dimensions and position-
ing. C, ETI determines diastema space allocation. D, Cemented porcelain veneers. E, Greatly enhanced smile.


FIGURE 5-18 A, Model of the pretreatment anterior teeth. B, ETI visualization of the esthetic results possible with veneers.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 113

FIGURE 5-19 Tokuso Ceramic Primer. (Courtesy Tokuyama Dental FIGURE 5-20 Aggressive facial preparation of anterior teeth
America, Encinitas, California, for veneers.


FIGURE 5-21 A, Caliper measurement of the thickness of the ETI. B, Required 1

2 -mm thickness for veneer restoration.

FIGURE 5-23 Composite-acrylic ETI custom mock-up.

FIGURE 5-22 The ETI is used as a visual aid when discussing

the case with the patient.
114 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In


FIGURE 5-24 A, Unprepared maxillary dentition. B, ETI placed on the upper right quadrant. C, ETI placed on the upper left


FIGURE 5-25 A, ETI tacked with denture adhesive. B, Patients smile without the ETI. C, Patients smile with the ETI.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 115

close as possible to the ideal developed using the patients actual lateral interferences and can then be reduced or built up as
facial measurements. Some or all of these teeth are joined necessary for the ideal restoration. Subsequently, the size of the
together for easier retention on the patients natural teeth. Typi- anterior teeth is reexamined. If the adjusted size is within the
cally, the patient seeing the preview is astounded by the esthetic suitable height and length ratio required for predetermined
results that are achievable without any actual preparation of the esthetic parameters, the preview process can go on. At this stage
natural tooth structure (Figure 5-26). This also serves a market- the patient is asked for input. The patient can readily indicate
ing purpose: many patients will not commit to a comprehensive whether from his or her perspective the proposed treatment
treatment plan until they can actually see the potential results offers teeth that are too long, too short, too wide, too narrow,
in their own mouth. too square, too rounded, and so on. The patients natural smile
The ETI is not a functional restoration. It cannot be used for (Figure 5-29, A) requires brightening and a lengthening of the
chewing, nor can it be worn outside of the dental practice. It is maxillary incisors. The proposed restorations as shown by the
designed simply to be seen by the patient, patients family and ETI are far too large and square (Figure 5-29, B). This is no
friends, and dental team and adjusted or modified chairside or problem with the ETI. It is relatively straightforward for the
intraorally as necessary (Figure 5-27). Practitioners claim that dentist to make these adjustments in the ETI at this stage. If
many patients, having seen the ETI on the dentition, are imme- too much material is reduced, the ETI can be reconstituted
diately motivated to proceed with treatment. simply by adding a flowable or hybrid resin, rebuilding the
Once the marketing component is done, the preview is the section that was inadvertently removed (Figure 5-30).
next important step. The ETI not only provides a means of The sizes and shapes of the proposed restoration are reviewed
visualizing shape and size, but it also allows occlusal relation- and adjusted until there is concurrence between the patient and
ships to be previewed before the final ceramic restorations are the dentist in terms of the final smile esthetic that is planned.
fabricated. After all, it is much easier to adjust, reduce, or build This is the ultimate exercise in co-treatment planning. Then, it
up a resin material (Figure 5-28, A) than a ceramic (Figure 5-28, is simply a matter of measuring the thickness of the ETI in
B). The occlusal relationships are checked for protrusive and various locations. It is essential to remember that the restorative

FIGURE 5-26 Patient is able to see the esthetic potential with FIGURE 5-27 Chairside modification of the ETI.
the ETI in place for the first time.


FIGURE 5-28 A, There is little risk of shattering when adjusting resin ETI with a slow-speed disk. B, There is a greater risk of
shattering when adjusting ceramic with a high-speed diamond.
116 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In


FIGURE 5-29 A, A patient whose smile requires brightening and lengthening of anterior teeth. B, ETI shows proposed restora-
tions to be too large and too square. At this resin stage they can be readily modified.

FIGURE 5-30 Flowable or hybrid resin is added to the ETI.

ceramic to be placed on the teeth in the form of veneers must

be a minimum of 0.5mm in thickness (Figure 5-31). Where
the ETI is 0.5mm or more in depth, no tooth reduction is
required (Figure 5-32). Where the ETI is less than 0.5mm
(Figure 5-33), a minimal amount of natural tooth structure is
reduced to give the required 0.5mm restorative thickness. In
this way, the ETI guides the practitioner to the most minimal FIGURE 5-31 Ideal 1
2 -mm thickness of ETI is perfect veneer
preparation of tooth structure that is possible and realizes a dimension.
restoration that is very precise because it is based directly on the
intended esthetic and functional results. The ETI defines the
ideal convergence of esthetics and function before any tooth
preparation is undertaken. ETIs should be considered for all anterior indirect restorations,
including crowns. There is no better method for protecting for
the integrity of healthy tooth structure than determining the
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS absolute minimum that must be removed from the healthy
dentition to accommodate the intended final restoration.
ETIs are indicated for all anterior veneer procedures regardless The ETI is noninvasive and does not harm either the hard
of the number of teeth involved. The technique provides not or the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Both time and cost factors
only the ideal convergence of the patients and the dentists are involved. However, given the benefits that this procedure
desires, hopes, and abilities but also offers the best guide to an provides, the laboratory fees and chairside time cost are relatively
absolutely minimized preparation for these procedures. In fact, low. There are no contraindications to the ETI approach, and
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 117

FIGURE 5-34 Armamentarium for the ETI procedure.

FIGURE 5-32 More than 1

2 -mm ETI thickness means no
tooth reduction is required.

FIGURE 5-35 Flowable buildup resin (BEAUTIFIL Flow,

Shofu Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California) can be
added where and as needed.

Fortunately all the materials and technologies needed to make
an ETI are currently available. The only innovation is the
concept of aligning the patients expectations with the dentists
abilities and minimizing the amount of tooth structure con-
demned to surgical removal as part of the restorative procedure.
FIGURE 5-33 Less than 1 2 -mm ETI guides the practitioner Composites, acrylics, or a mixture of the two can be used to
to the precise location and amount of required tooth fabricate the ETI. The major requirement is that they be easy to
reduction. shape and easy to build up with generally available flowable and
composite materials, which can be bonded on as needed (Figure
5-35). Denture adhesive can be used to stabilize the ETI on
the procedure is relatively straightforward, encompassing a very the natural dentition, with any gel-like denture adhesive serving
short learning curve. The fact that all the materials and technol- this purpose (Figure 5-36, A). Care must be taken to avoid any
ogy needed already exist (and are likely to be available in the buildup of denture adhesive thickness between the tooth surface
practice and at the laboratory) makes this a very attractive and and the ETI, which could affect the position of the appliance
significant part of the practice of advanced anterior restorative and alter the shape or position of the ETI during the adjustment
dentistry (Figure 5-34). and esthetic alignment process (Figure 5-36, B).
118 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In


FIGURE 5-36 A, Gel denture adhesive applied to lingual surface to stabilize ETI on dentition. B, Only a thin layer of gel is

Most dentists possess the skill to fabricate an ETI, but it

makes far more sense to delegate this task to a laboratory techni-
cian who is more comfortable with building up teeth extraorally.
The cost of having this done at the laboratory is significantly
lower than when it is completed chairside by the dentist. Any
bonding agent, flowable or hybrid composite, can be used to
build up the ETI as required. Polishability and other properties
are really not an issue. What the dentist hopes to achieve is an
approximation of the final result, not a perfect simulacrum.

Advantages and Disadvantages

As already stated, all the materials and technologies required are A
currently available. Adding the ETI procedure to the restorative
treatment adds time to the preparation appointment. Before the
preparation, the dentist and patient may spend an hour or longer
deciding the ideal shape, size, inclination, and other (functional
and esthetic) particulars of the restoration. This time spent
before preparation, however, minimizes the removal of healthy
tooth structure and saves far more time during the seating
appointment and thereafter. In addition, a good laboratory
should be able to deliver a set of veneers or crowns that not only
fits accurately on the abutment teeth but works perfectly from
a functional and esthetic perspective because all the necessary
parameters were previously determined. In effect, the ETI acts
as the intraorally developed predictor of the exact shape, size, B
position, and so on of every aspect of the final restoration.
FIGURE 5-37 Polishing the incisal (A) and buccal (B) ceramic
of a veneer is time-consuming and may shatter the restoration.
Current Best Approach
Once the ETI procedure has been completed, the dentist can
provide a superior bonded ceramic restoration that requires little insertion, cementation, and polishing stages. In fact, most of the
or no adjustment, fits well, and is esthetically sound. It is rec- adjustment steps are minimized or eliminated.
ognized that any ceramic that is adjusted intraorally or before
cementation must also be polished afterwards (SS White Jazz
Ceramic and Composite polishers; Figure 5-37). This, however, OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
adds chairside time, cost, and effort to the procedure. The ETI
process works for all existing ceramics, and all existing compos- A very important consideration of the ETI is its utility as a form
ites; there are no limitations on the process. Overall the ETI of communication with the laboratory. Once the dentist and the
adds time before the preparation but saves far more time at the patient have agreed on a particular set of objectives for treatment
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 119

FIGURE 5-39 The Trubyte Tooth Indicator pictorial and

numeric guide.

FIGURE 5-38 ETI prescription is sent to the laboratory as

part of the lab communication.

at the ETI stage, in functional and esthetic harmony with the

existing natural dentition, the ETI prescription is sent to the
laboratory technician as part of the laboratory communication
(Figure 5-38). When the ETI is placed over the prepared (or
unprepared) teeth that have been captured by the impression
and recreated by the laboratory in stone, it provides a 100%
accurate template to the laboratory technician of what the needs
and desires of the patient and dentist are in each particular case.
Thus there is no guesswork on the part of the laboratory techni- FIGURE 5-40 Auxiliary taking alginate impression of maxil-
cian. Because of the three-dimensional communication offered lary teeth.
by the ETI, every margin, every ridge, every height of contour,
and every incisal edge can be placed exactly where it has been
requested by the dentist. The ETI is the first three-dimensionally smile or for anterior crowns. As an added benefit of the system,
accurate and precise communication between the laboratory laboratory technicians are already familiar with denture tooth
technician and the dentist. The laboratory technician is thus able selection and can readily comprehend and duplicate the type of
to customize a perfectly fitting, functional, and esthetic ideal appearance that is prescribed by the dentist. The tooth guide
restoration. Given that the dentist has been able to calculate the provides an excellent starting point, which can be modified as
exact clearance space required for the ceramic, the minimal ideal required for function and esthetics. Using the tooth guide simply
preparation depth should be guaranteed throughout the entire ensures that the dentist, with the patients assistance, exercises
case as well. artistic control during the try-in phase, the goal being to achieve
the maximum esthetic improvement in the final restoration.
Technologically, this is a simple process to introduce into the
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS practice. ETI data collection can be readily delegated to an
auxiliary (Figure 5-40). Taking a measurement of the face shape
The innovative scientific element is the tooth guide that is used and size is noninvasive and can be readily taught within a few
to relate facial and dental sizes and shapes. This scientific data minutes. Thus the innovative elements of the ETI are easy to
form is actually not new; it was established in the 1930s to learn, easy to apply, and easy to delegate.
provide a guide for dentists who were selecting denture teeth.
The concept is to provide an objective numeric determination
of tooth shape and size that is more accurate than the subjective ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
one based on artistic ability (or lack thereof ) (Figure 5-39). The
system was intended to assist in the selection of properly pro- Although artistic elements and the whole concept of artistic
portioned anterior teeth for dentures, but it can also guide the ability are extremely important in designing anterior crowns
choice of both shape and size in the veneer reconstruction of the and veneers, the ETI minimizes the always-difficult subjective
120 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In

input from the dentist and the patient. Instead it relies on spe-
cific measurements that can be quantitatively and objectively
established without depending on innate or acquired artistic
awareness, understanding, or capacity. The assembled data are
numerically interpolated into real-life esthetics. Effectively, the
ultimate esthetic result is created within the patients own
mouth through the collaboration between the patient and the
dental team. Thus it is a cooperative process that involves the
patient at every step. This is far better than having a surprised
patient, unhappy with his or her smile despite treatment results
that are scientifically and clinically ideal. The patients input is
available throughout the process. Therefore, as the esthetic
objectives and results are developed throughout the course of
the treatment, they evolve with an understanding of the oppor-
tunities and the limitations understood both by the patient and
the dentist. When patients look at the end result of the ETI,
they are in effect seeing the shape, size, and position of the end
result of the ceramic treatment. It is much easier to express A
concerns at this stage, to ask for adjustments, and thus to arrive
at ceramic restorations that are acceptable to both patient and
dentist which are simply cemented into place at the insertion

Because the ETI is such an important element of treatment
planning, there really is no option but to include it in every
anterior esthetic procedure. All anterior procedures are, by defi-
nition, esthetic, which means every anterior procedure should
include an ETI component.

Once the patient has shown interest in the restorative proce-
dure, the ETI is the first step that must be undertaken. The
ETI must be completed before any tooth preparation is begun
and, very often, even before commitment to treatment has
been made. It therefore must be the very first step undertaken
in any anterior treatment plan. It involves no invasive steps
simply an impression of the teeth (maxillary, mandibular, and a
bite registration) (Figure 5-41, A and B) and measurement of
the face, teeth, and size of the anterior segment of the maxillary
arch (Figure 5-41, C ). Patients who object to the additional
cost of the ETI procedure (which is low compared with the
overall cost of the esthetic restorative treatment) are perhaps
not really ready to commit to a comprehensive treatment
plan and may possibly not be good candidates for esthetic

The following equipment is required to begin preparations for C
ETI information gathering: the Trubyte Tooth Indicator
(DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware) (Figure 5-42, A), a FIGURE 5-41 A, Alginate maxillary and mandibular impres-
millimeter ruler (Figure 5-42, B), recording devices, and suitable sions. B, Polyvinyl bite registration. C, ETI prescription sheet.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 121



FIGURE 5-42 A, Trubyte Tooth Indicator. B, Flexible millimeter ruler. C, Polyvinyl or alginate impression material. D, Polyvinyl
bite registration material.

materials for an impression (Figure 5-42, C ) and a bite

registration (Figure 5-42, D) (such as polyvinyl siloxane or algi-
nate and disposable trays). It is difficult to analyze the facial
shape and size simply by looking at the patients face (Figure
5-43). The treatment procedure is as follows:
1. Place the plastic faceplate with the temple and chin
platforms pointing toward the patients face, with the
nose centered in the triangular space in the center of the
plastic plate (Figure 5-44, A and B).
2. Line the pupils up in the eye slits (Figure 5-44, C ), and
center the mouth (Figure 5-44, D).
3. Standing directly in front of the patient, determine the
shape of the face (Figure 5-45, A). The shape may be
square, square tapering, tapering, ovoid, or a combina-
tion of these options (Figure 5-45, B). The vertical and
horizontal guide lines in the plastic faceplate assist in
determining facial shape. These guide lines are particu- FIGURE 5-43 It is difficult to analyze facial shape and size
larly useful when trying to decide among various similar simply by direct vision.
options and/or borderline cases (Figure 5-46). The face-
plate helps to focus the dentists attention on important 4. Enter facial shape on the smile analysis sheet (Figure
details and eliminates much of the extraneous input that 5-48).
can confuse or complicate facial shape determination. It 5. Facial shape also tends to influence the desired convexity
is much harder to determine a facial shape accurately or concavity of the maxillary central and lateral incisors.
with direct vision (Figure 5-47, A) than with the Trubyte The patient is viewed from the side against a gray or
Tooth Indicator (Figure 5-47, B). black background (Figure 5-49, A). The curvature of the
122 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In



FIGURE 5-44 A, Trubyte Tooth Indicator plastic faceplate is placed over the patients face with the nose centered in the trian-
gular space. B, Close-up of facial positioning. C, Line up the pupils in the eye slits. D, Center the mouth in the mouth space.

face from the chin is recorded. (Figure 5-49, B). It may analysis sheet (Figure 5-54, C ). This represents the
be convex, flat, or even somewhat concave (Figure 5-49, mesial-distal width of the central incisor. The ideal width
C and D). This is an area that is often overlooked by of the central incisor is in proportion to the width of the
both the dentist and the laboratory technician. Although face (Figure 5-55). Because in most patients the left and
this is not a glaring omission, it can detract enough from right sides of the face are not equal in width, it is appro-
the esthetics of porcelain veneers and crowns to make priate to take readings on both sides of the face when
the results appear more flat and less lifelike. Enter facial determining facial width (Figure 5-56).
curvature on the smile analysis sheet (Figure 5-50). 9. These slightly different central widths may be recorded
6. Next determine the approximate length and width of the as is or averaged, depending on the esthetic demands of
maxillary central incisors (Figure 5-51, A). Position the the particular case (Figure 5-57).
chin platform at the chin with the patients mouth closed 10. Measure the actual curved arch space available in the
in a relaxed position (Figure 5-51, B and C ). patients maxillary anterior region from the distal of the
7. Read and record the number indicated by the position cuspid on the left side to the distal of the cuspid on
of the chin platform on the smile analysis sheet (Figure the right. First measure the distance from the distal of
5-52). This represents the cervical to incisal vertical the maxillary right cuspid to the midline (Figure 5-58,
height of the central incisor. The ideal length of the A). Then measure the corresponding distance from the
central incisor is in proportion to the length of the face distal of the maxillary left cuspid to the midline (Figure
(Figure 5-53). 5-58, B). This total distance is typically in the range of
8. Fix the temple guide bar of the Trubyte Tooth Indicator 50mm, representing the sum of the total amount of
in position at the side of the face (Figure 5-54, A and anterior space available within which the dentist must
B). Read and record the indicated number on the smile create the esthetics and the function of the six maxillary
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 123

B Square Square tapering Tapering Ovoid

FIGURE 5-45 A, Standing directly in front of the patient, use the tooth guide to determine face shape. B, Facial shape may be
square, square tapering, tapering, ovoid, or a combination of these.

Square Square tapering

Tapering Ovoid

FIGURE 5-46 Shape guidelines are useful in deciding borderline shapes. Many factors can confuse facial shape and size
124 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In

anterior teeth. Verify these measurements on the model EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES

to eliminate the possibility of intraoral ruler slippage.
11. Compare in sequence the face shape, the total maxillary The ETIs esthetic guidelines have been used successfully for
space available, and the widths and length of the central almost a century in the dental field, initially with dentures and
incisor with the Trubyte Bioform Mould Chart for face subsequently with crown and then veneer esthetics. The ultimate
and tooth form harmony (Figure 5-59, A). proof of the success of the ETI procedure is the harmony of the
12. Select the most appropriate measurement or mould esthetic restoration with the anatomy, shape, and size of the face.
(Figure 5-59, B). Numerous studies over the years have indicated, however, that
13. Transmit the mould guide reference to the laboratory the ETI is an easier and more objective means of selecting tooth
technician (Figure 5-59, C ). shape and size than trial-and-error subjectivity.

It is important to remember that this system is only a guide.

The dentist must always exercise artistic and professional deci-
sion making to achieve the maximum improvement in function CLINICAL CONSERVATION
and esthetics. Once these measurements have been taken, they CONCEPTS
are sent along with the impressions or the poured stone models
and the bite registration to the laboratory technician (Figure Modern dentistry is based on minimal tooth preparation and
5-60, A), who constructs an idealized three-dimensional ETI the retention of as much healthy natural tooth structure as pos-
that fits over the patients unprepared teeth (Figure 5-60, B). The sible. Because the ETI allows the dentist to objectively deter-
ETI can then be adjusted and modified by the dentist intraorally mine the absolute minimum tooth preparation that is required,
or chairside to bridge the gap from the ideal design to the it is certainly an excellent means of achieving maximal conserva-
functional and practical parameters that maximize restorative tion of the tooth structure. In fact, it is probably the best method
outcome. of minimizing the tooth preparation required for both porcelain
veneers and crowns. Ultimately the preparation is guided by the
intended results (both esthetic and functional) and by the
amount of space required for the restorative materials. Rather
than forcing the removal of excess tooth structure just in case
the space might be needed, the tooth preparation is based
entirely on the actual spatial requirement (Figure 5-61).
The importance of clinical conservation of tooth structure is
that if porcelain veneers are truly conservative then they can be
removed and replaced at some point in the future. It has often
been observed clinically that veneers tend to wear, darken and
occasionally fracture with time. The discoloration is particularly
evident at the margins and more specifically on margins placed
within dentin rather than enamel. Since the primary objective
of porcelain veneers and anterior ceramic crowns is esthetic,
once their appearance is no longer acceptable to the patient,
A Text continued on p. 130

FIGURE 5-47 Trubyte Tooth Indicator helps to focus the FIGURE 5-48 Note facial shape on the ETI Smile Analysis
attention on important features. Sheet.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 125


FIGURE 5-49 A, View patient from the side against a dark background to assess facial convexity. Using the Trubyte faceplate
(B) helps to focus on flatness (C), convexity (D), or concavity.

FIGURE 5-50 Enter facial curvature on the ETI Smile Analysis Sheet.
126 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In




FIGURE 5-51 A, Determine facial width and height. B, Position chin platform with patients mouth closed and relaxed.
C, Center the mouth in the mouth space of the faceplate, and tighten chin screw.

FIGURE 5-52 A, Read the number at the fixed position of the chin screw. This represents the ideal vertical height of the central
incisor. B, Record the length of the central incisor on the ETI Smile Analysis Sheet.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 127


FIGURE 5-53 A, The number determined in Fig. 5-52 in millimeters relates to the vertical height of the face. B, The vertical
height of the central incisor.


FIGURE 5-54 A, Fix the temple guide bar of the Trubyte Tooth Indicator at the side of the face. B, Read the number at the
fixed position of the temple screw. This represents the ideal horizontal width of the central incisor. C, Record the width of the
central incisor on the ETI Smile Analysis Sheet.
128 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In


FIGURE 5-55 A, The number determined in Fig. 5-54 in millimeters relates to the horizontal width of the face. B, The horizontal
width of the central incisor.


FIGURE 5-56 A, Right side width analysis. B, Left side width analysis.

FIGURE 5-57 Width analyses may be averaged or recorded separately, as appropriate.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 129


FIGURE 5-58 A, Measure distance from distal of cuspid to mesial of central (or the midline when a diastema is present) on the
anterior right side. B, Measure distance from distal of cuspid to mesial of central (or the midline when a diastema is present) on
the anterior left side.


FIGURE 5-59 A, Compare the analysis, including face shape,

arch space, and width and length of central incisors, with the list
in the Trubyte Bioform Mould Chart. B, Select the closest match-
C ing mould. C, Note the mould selection on the ETI Smile Analysis
130 Smile Design The Esthetic Try-In


FIGURE 5-60 A, The ETI Smile Analysis Sheet is sent to the laboratory technician with the impressions and the bite registra-
tion. B, The ideal three-dimensional ETI within functional limitations is fabricated on the stone models from the data transmitted
by the dentist.

In dealing with function and esthetics, dentists are often in a
quandary with respect to art and science. Both art and science
have major roles to play in the esthetic restoration of anterior
teeth. However, the science must take precedence in developing
the functionally based treatment approach. The ETI is a scien-
tifically based procedure that determines maximal conservation,
minimal preparation, and the limits to which esthetics can be
This last issue depends on both the laboratory technician and
the dentist and involves the shape, coloration, and characteriza-
tion of the restorations, which will give the natural appearance
that patients desire. The ETI process allows for the contributions
of both of these important aspects of dentistry in order to maxi-
mize patient benefit, optimize the objective approach to treat-
ment planning and procedure, and provide functional esthetics
of the highest quality to the patient.

FIGURE 5-61 Ultra-conservative tooth preparation (or no NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS

preparation at all) is based on the amount of space required for
the restoration. Much of what has been described for the ETI procedure is done
manually. It is accomplished by visual measurement and nota-
these restorations must be redone. If the ETI technique has been tion and calculation with pen and paper. In the next 3 to 5 years
successfully utilized with minimal or no preparation of the it is expected that most of these tasks will be taken over by scan-
natural tooth surface, then it is simply a matter of carefully ners and software, which will image the face and dentition from
removing the aged, chipped, and/or discolored veneer (Figure various angles, input the size and shape of the existing teeth, and
5-62, A and B) and its resin luting material and then inserting electronically perform data collection and management, recom-
a functional and esthetic replacement or repair (Figure 5-62, C mending suitable veneer shapes and sizes. Once this has been
and D). Where the tooth has not been extensively prepared, the completed, it is a small step to where the actual three-dimensional
marginal bonding is to enamel, a stronger substrate than dentin, ETI can be milled from a composite or an acrylic block by a
and one that is much less likely to exhibit marginal leakage and computer-assisted milling unit expressly designed for the
discoloration. Thus minimal preparation not only is healthier purpose. These units are currently available but for the moment
for the tooth but also makes replacement of the restoration are specifically oriented to ceramics and metals. It is easy to
easier, more predictable, and more esthetic 10 or 20 years down foresee how much of the process will be automated and made
the road. even better, easier, and faster than it is today.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 131



FIGURE 5-62 A, An ETI minimal-preparation veneer fractured because of excessive occlusal forces. B, The ceramic was largely
intact, and the underlying tooth enamel surface had not been reduced. C, It was a straightforward process to clean the surfaces,
re-cement the veneer, and light cure the adhesive. D, The repair is polished to a very acceptable esthetic level.

SUGGESTED READINGS Fugazzotto P: Periodontal restorative interrelationships: The isolated

restoration, J Am Dent Assoc 110:915, 1985.
Berman M: The complete coverage restoration and the gingival sulcus, Kois JC, Phillips KM: Occlusal vertical dimension: alteration concerns,
J Prosthet Dent 29:301, 1973. Compend Contin Educ Dent 18:1169-1177, 1997.
Campbell SD: A comparative strength study of metal ceramic and all-ceramic Marcum JS: The effect of crown marginal depth upon gingival tissue,
esthetic materials: modulus of rupture, J Prosthet Dent 62:476, 1989. J Prosthet Dent 17:479-487, 1967.
Carlesen K: Gingival reactions to dental restorations, Acta Odont Scand McLaughlin C: Porcelain fused to tootha new esthetic and reconstructive
28:895, 1970. modality, Compend Contin Educ Dent 5:430, 1984.
Freedman G: Ultraconservative porcelain veneers, Esthet Dent Update Mormann W: Gingival reaction to well-fitted subgingival proximal gold
224-228, 1997. inlays, J Clin Periodontol 11120, 1974.
Freedman G: Ultraconservative rehabilitation, Esthet Dent Update 5:80-85, Newcomb GM: The relationship between the location of subgingival crown
1991. margins and gingival inflammation, J Periodontol 45:151, 1974.
Freedman G, Fugazzotto PA, Greggs TR: Aesthetic supragingival margins, Renggli H, Regolati B: Gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation by
Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent 2:35-38, 1990. well-adapted supragingival and subgingival proximal restorations, Helv
Freedman G, Klaiman HF, Serota KT, Glassman G: EndoEsthetics: Part II. Odontol Acta 16:99-101, 1972.
Castable ceramic post/core restorations, Ontario Dentist 70:521-524, WaerhauS J: Histologic considerations which govern where the margins of
1993. restorations should be located in relation to the gingiva, Dent Clin North
Freedman GA, McLaughlin G: The color atlas of porcelain laminate veneers, Am 4:161, 1960.
St Louis, 1990, Ishiyaku EuroAmerica.
6 C H A P T E R

The Nonsurgical Face Lift:

Restoring a Youthful Appearance
by Repositioning the Muscles
of Facial Expression
Irwin Smigel

catering to the largest patient base, the aging baby boomers. The
THE EVOLUTION OF ESTHETICS baby boomers are educated, are well-to-do, have a long life
expectancy, and are anxious to enjoy it by looking youthful and
In 45 years of dentistry, its image has evolved from one of pain attractive for as long as possible.
relief (generally with extractions) and ungainly restorations Plastic surgeons have benefitted considerably from desires for
(mostly amalgams) to the sophisticated esthetic perception the a youthful appearance, but todays esthetic dentistry offers
profession enjoys today. options that are quicker, safer, and less invasive with results that
The dental profession was mired in an esthetic quagmire for are extraordinary. The revolution that occurred with the intro-
generations. In the 1950s, the main esthetic option was the duction of bonding in the 1970s has risen to a new plateau.
acrylic veneer. Porcelain crowns, albeit available, were mostly for
the very wealthy. They were referred to as Hollywood crowns,
implying that only movie stars or the affluent could afford them. THE NONSURGICAL FACELIFT
Cementation was the only binding option, and the give of the
cement between the tooth and crown often resulted in porcelain Dentists often see people with tired, aged appearances in which
fracture. Fortunately porcelain fused to gold was perfected by their faces sag. There are, of course, many possible reasons for
the late 1950s. this condition, but the culprit is often the individuals teeth (or
In the early 1970s, a metamorphosis occurred that changed lack of them) causing an imbalance of the muscles of facial
dentistry foreverthe development of bonding. For the first expression.
time the dental profession could offer cosmetic improvement The muscles of facial expression are responsible for the
quickly, painlessly, and financially within reach. Bonding was appearance and function of our facial architecture. Ideally they
revolutionary, and its success stimulated subsequent improve- are supported (held out) to their proper physiologic position by
ments and advances. tooth and bone structure. When this is not the case, a sagging
Porcelain veneers were a natural extension, and the Maryland face and aged appearance are the result (see Figure 6-2, A). The
bridge followed shortly after. Today, porcelain crowns that are muscles of facial expression consist of four groups (Figure 6-1)
bonded to the tooth structure are infinitely sturdier and far less that intersect at the corners of the lips to form the intrinsic lip
prone to fracture. The newest concept in porcelain crowns, structure: the orbicularis oris, the triangularis, the zygomatic,
zirconia, is as durable as porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. and the buccinator. The muscles of facial expression also affect
Esthetic changes in the profession also are influenced by function. When they are not supported to their proper physi-
demographics. In the 1950s and early 1960s, our nation expe- ologic position, normal reactions such as smiling (see Figure 6-2,
rienced an extraordinary baby boom. To meet the demand of B) are distorted. The muscles of facial expression are responsible
this proliferation, many dentists became orthodontists, and after for the appearance and function of our facial architecture.
the trend diminished and the baby boomers became young Treatment to reverse this condition varies with the cause.
adults, adult orthodontics came into vogue. Dentures, fixed bridgework (with or without implants), crowns,
Esthetic dentistry has similarly adjusted. In addition to the bonding, and veneers are options that are overwhelmingly suc-
procedures previously mentioned, some form of tooth whitening cessful when properly designed. The case that follows demon-
is performed by 80% of dentists practicing today. Dentists are strates a particularly common dilemma.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 133


FIGURE 6-1 The main muscles of facial expression intertwine at the corners of the lip to form the intrinsic lip structure. The
orbicularis oris (A), the triangularis (B), the zygomatic (C), and the buccinators (D).

C A S E 1 Non-surgical Facelift
2 A 42-year-old female patient, Maria, sought treatment to improve the color and appearance of her smile, but
it was apparent that she had more significant esthetic problems. She had a flaccid face, deep nasolabial lines,
and thin lips that did not show her vermillion borders. Her face sagged, and she had jowls but no cheekbones
(Figure 6-2, A). Maria appeared much more aged and tired than she should at 42 years of age. Maria was
presented with a treatment plan to significantly improve the appearance and shape of her face, and it was
explained to her how it would be accomplished. She confided that her appearance had bothered her for some
time, but she had never even imagined this option before.
Her smile (Figure 6-2, B) was obviously weak and distorted. Maria was asked to smile as widely as she could,
in the hope that she could overcome the slack causing the distortion. The stress of Maria smiling as hard as she
could was evident in her eyes and the corners of her mouth. This attempt could not have been successful,
because only when the muscles of facial expression are held to their proper physiologic position can a smile
occur normally in response to an impulse from the central nervous system. Memory patterns in the neuromus-
cular system are reinforced, and the contraction (smile) is natural. When the muscles are not properly supported,
the contraction is taken up in slack and a distorted smile is the result.
A closer look at Marias dentition (Figure 6-2, C ) provided a clue to the cause of her jowl problem. Her maxil-
lary first premolars had been extracted before orthodontic treatment. In addition to losing important bone
support, the extractions triggered a crucial loss of vertical dimension. Restoring her vertical loss was a priority.
The first step in therapy was repositioning the mandible to produce an optimal neuromuscular balance and a
normal bilateral jaw relationship. Impressions were taken and wax was tried in and corrected until the patient
was able to appreciate both the facial change and a difference in comfort. At her next visit a Gelb appliance,
constructed to cover the mandibular teeth only, was inserted. The Gelb appliance provides the patient with both
functional and esthetic comfort and allows the clinician the opportunity to become familiar with the case and
effect any changes deemed advisable. The new vertical was carefully measured and maintained throughout the

134 The Nonsurgical Face Lift

C A S E 1 Non-surgical Faceliftcontd
After 8 months, with her new occlusion stable and Maria comfortable, we sustained the new vertical with
veneers on 22 and 27 and crowns on 31, 30, 29 and 20, 19, 18.
The anterior veneers were carefully lengthened to better support her lower lip and overcontoured to build
out the zygamatic and buccinators muscles. The treatment (Figure 6-2, D to F ) was successful, and Maria was
happy with the final results.




FIGURE 6-2 A, A classic sagging face. Deep nasolabial lines, jowls, loss of the vermillion border, and no cheekbone effect.
B, When the muscles of facial structure are not held to their proper physiologic length, a typical weak smile results. C, A
close-up view shows that the patients maxillary first premolars have been extracted. Her arch has narrowed, and she has
sustained a loss of vertical height. D, Maxillary veneers are bonded to teeth Nos. 6 through 11. The veneers are overcon-
toured to support the orbicularis and lengthened to hold out the lower lip. Zirconia crowns are placed on teeth Nos. 2, 3,
and 5, and 13, 14, and 15. They are precisely aligned to best support the zygomatic and buccinator muscles. E, The new
smile is wider, natural, and attractive. It is no longer weak and radiates energy and youthfulness. F, The most significant
alteration is the normal lips. In the addition, she now has cheekbones, and her jowls have disappeared. The deep nasolabial
lines have softened, and her formerly flaccid face is taut.
C H A P T E R 7

Color and Shade


Understanding and Manipulating Color

Fay Goldstep, George Freedman

the nineteenth century that German physiologist Ewald Hering

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC first described the now familiar color circle.
DENTISTRY Although this created some organization of the color percep-
tion experience, it was only a beginning. At the time of its
The study of color can be extremely complex and involved. discovery, the color circle seemed to describe some basic law of
Although it is not the purpose of this chapter to be a complete physics, but it turns out that the organization of color into a
report on the art and science of color, certain aspects of color color circle has more to do with the physiology of the eye and
have a direct impact on the clinical practice of porcelain lami- psychology of the observer. It does, however, form the basis for
nate veneers. In fact, the understanding of color and its manipu- several present-day workable systems of color. In 1905, Albert
lation is fundamental to the ability to create esthetically pleasing Henry Munsell, an American artist and art teacher, further
restorations in the mouth. At first this may seem a formidable modified the color circle, devising a system of color organization
task. In fact, just describing a given color can be a heroic pursuit, that centered around three unique aspects of color: hue, chroma,
because there are literally millions of discernible colors. By and value (Figure 7-1). Using these three aspects, Munsell was
turning to the Methuen Handbook of Colour one can, if one has able to construct a three-dimensional color wheel (Figure 7-2).
the time and inclination, learn the names of over 8000 of them. The Munsell system is not unique. Numerous other color
These include some of the less-than-classic colors, such as fancy wheels are available. Each is of different national origin, with
free, wafted feather, and hearts desire. These names may versions from Britain, France, Germany, Argentina, and Sweden.
evoke poetic images, but they certainly do little to clearly com- Naturally enough, each system finds its greatest usage in its
municate any of the dimensions of the shade they represent, country of origin. Unfortunately, although such systems provide
particularly when they are communicated through linguistic a good way to describe color, they actually do little to teach how
translation. Clearly there is a need for some distillation of color to manipulate and control color in a clinical situation. In other
science, and it is obvious that some sort of order is vitally neces- words, rather than the Munsell system being a method used to
sary if one is to develop skill in the manipulation of color control color, it merely serves as a relatively precise language
without having to spend a lifetime developing a feel for what to verbalize what is being done. In fact, it is even of limited value
seems to work. in describing tooth color, because it is primarily involved with
surface reflection. It does not make any distinction between one
color that is relatively translucent and one that is opaque.
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL Differences in surface texture also are not addressed by such
a system. All dentists have seen the differing appearance of por-
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION celain crowns and plastic temporaries of the same color. Subtle
OF THE PROCEDURE differences in appearance can even be discerned among various
brands of porcelain, variations that can transcend the qualities
The search for such an understanding has been a preoccupation of hue, chroma, and value. Obviously, then, there are dimen-
for centuries. In 1666 Isaac Newton discovered that white light sions to the appearance of tooth shade beyond mere color. This
can be broken down into a rainbow of color, but it was not until situation is not unique to dentistry.

136 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color

What is Hue? What is Chroma?

Color Saturation

Blue Red Yellow green Blue Less red More red

? ?
What is Value?

Darker Lighter


C FIGURE 7-1 A, Hue. B, Chroma. C, Value.

dental technician uses when different shades of porcelain along

with flecks of inlaid color are employed to imitate the dentinal
and enamel layers.
5Y 10Y 5GY
R 10 Thus in some respects dentists are not much farther along
10Y than the artists of the Renaissance in the ability to control the
chromatic appearance of their work. Nonetheless, there are


several principles that guide practice. Todays dentist must


understand that there are several completely unique systems for

understanding and manipulating color, and although each of
5BG 10B

them provides a workable framework for understanding, they

P 5R

also may often seem to contradict the teachings of the other


Over the last decade, computerized shade-matching systems



have appeared on the market (Figure 7-5). This innovative tech-


10 B nology offers better accuracy, improved efficiency, and esthetic
benefits to patient, dentist, and technician. Based on technology
10PB 5P
imported from the painting industry, these systems analyze the
color of the natural teeth; calculate the exact ratio of hue,
chroma, and value for a multitude of points on the tooth surface;
and display this information on the dentists computer screen.
FIGURE 7-2 The Munsell color wheel.
The process illuminates the guesswork often associated with
reading the shade tabs and greatly facilitates the communication
of information to the lab technician. This improved flow of
In the fifteenth century, Flemish painters such as Jan van information encourages the fabrication of predictably accurate,
Eyck worked with a method of painting known as the wet-on- highly esthetic restorations. From the labs perspective, the fre-
wet technique, in which layers of wet paint are applied to previ- quency of remakes is reduced.
ous layers of wet paint (Figure 7-3). Different details of the Computerized shade-matching systems are available in a
paintings are placed in different strata over the canvas, and the variety of formats. Most include hardware and software that
layers of paint toward the outside are usually increasingly trans- identifies the variously colored, translucent, reflective, and
lucent, creating an illusion of depth and vitality that would be characterized areas of a tooth. This information provides a
impossible if only opaque paints were used (Figure 7-4). In some computerized shade map, one that offers significantly more
paintings as many as 30 layers are used to create maximum information and detail than traditional shade matching and
effect. This is not that different from the technique a master communication.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 137

FIGURE 7-3 Two examples of Jan

van Eycks work. A, Portrait of a Man
(1433). B, The Arnolfini Portrait (1434).
(Copyright The National Gallery, London.)


FIGURE 7-5 VITA Easyshade intraoral dental spectropho-

tometer in use. (Courtesy Vident, Brea, California).

must be determined not in terms of a single cash outlay, but as

a purchase that saves time and improves the quality and predict-
ability of treatment. The cost of the system should be amortized
over the useful life of the product, and the daily cost determined.
It is then a simple matter to compare the benefits of the system
FIGURE 7-4 Close-up view of the left bottom portion of The with the costs.
Arnolfini Portrait, demonstrating the translucency toward the
edge of the painting. (Copyright The National Gallery, London.)
Computerized shade matching eliminates the subjectivity
and frequent perception errors associated with traditional shade Indications
taking. It improves the accuracy and predictability of restorative Importance of Color Matching
procedures, particularly those difficult situations in which a The major driving force in dentistry today is the demand for
single anterior tooth is being replaced (Figure 7-6). There is no esthetic services. This has been the case for the last two decades,
requirement for standardizing the light environment of the and this trend is likely to continue for at least a decade more
dental operatory, and thus accurate shades can be taken any- (if not longer). For the first time in dental history, the patient
where, anytime. is involved in diagnosis, treatment planning, and outcome
Although they offer many advantages, these systems can be evaluation. Much of the growth in dentistry is patient driven.
expensive. The value of this technology to the individual practice Although this phenomenon has altered the traditional
138 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color

C2 opaque

A2 A2 A2 A2
A3 A1

A1INC A150% translucent

FIGURE 7-7 Prescription showing the tooth color map, indi-

cating the various shades within the tooth and their borders.

Overall the indications for color and shade matching can

encompass both the direct and the indirect procedures that are
A undertaken by the dentist on an everyday basis. Much of todays
dentistry is esthetically related or expected to be esthetic by
patients. Whether the restoration is a direct composite filling or
an indirect ceramic or ceramic porcelain-fused-to-metal proce-
dure, it is expected to match the coloration of all the existing
There are really no contraindications to shade matching because
shade matching is not an invasive procedure. It does not affect
the tooth structures that are being worked on. It does not change
anything. It does not cause any discomfort unless the patient is
subjected to a very long and tedious procedure. If the procedure
B C is done incorrectly, then the resulting restoration will not match
FIGURE 7-6 A, MHT SpectroShade Micro. B and C, Screen- the teeth; and, of course, in that case the procedure will have
shots showing how the SpectroShade reads the color of the failed even before the restoration is placed in the patients mouth.
tooth and indicates the closest available chromatic standard. It
calculates the numeric difference between the natural tooth
and the selected color in terms of brightness, chroma, and hue.
(A courtesy MHT Optic Research AG, Niederhasli, Switzerland.)
Clinical Options
Shade-Matching Techniques
There are two primary techniques for acquiring shade-matching
data in dentistry. Both involve assigning ceramic and/or com-
patient-dentist relationship, it has also brought greater patient posite color analogs to the existing dentition shades to describe
interest, cooperation, motivation, and compliance. the natural colors as accurately and completely as possible. These
In todays dentistry, both composites and porcelains are analog (shade) maps enable the lab technician to create an
expected to mimic not only the shade of natural dentition, but esthetically compatible crown at a distance. The differences in
also the translucence, opacity, and shade distribution of a real the two techniques lie in the technology and the cost.
tooth. Traditional shade taking involves matching one or more
The public expects that the cosmetic or esthetic dentist can selected colors from a range of shade tabs to the teeth adjacent
recreate nature accurately, repeatedly, and rapidly. The dentist is or contralateral to the teeth to be restored. This serves as a guide
faced with the tasks of determining the shade, communicating to the lab technician fabricating the crown or the bridge. The
it to the lab technician, and maintaining it through the cementa- more information (and accuracy) that the dentist can provide in
tion procedure to the final (and, one hopes, esthetic) result. the prescription, the more lifelike the technicians output can
These steps presume predictable shade determination and very become. Thus the dentist who provides a drawing of a tooth
clear and accurate communication between the dental office and color map, indicating the various shades within the tooth
lab. These requirements place tremendous pressure on eliminat- and their borders, is more likely to have a positive result than
ing the guesswork from color matching and communication in the dentist who describes the shade as a single generic color
any treatment. (Figure 7-7).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 139


FIGURE 7-8 A, VITAPAN Classical Shade Guide. B, VITAPAN 3D-Master Shade System (Vident, Brea, California).

Earlier shade guides (Figure 7-8, A) were developed haphaz- by various levels of red-green color blindness. Fatigue can also
ardly, with no infrastructural relationship among the various affect the ability to take shades accurately, and there is little
shades. Todays advanced guides (Figure 7-8, B) have been devel- doubt that shades taken earlier in the day are more accurate than
oped logically, with incremental relationships among the various those attempted at the end of a long and difficult working day.
shade tabs, an organizationally structured series of family and Various medications also affect the ability to see color accurately,
color groupings, and a range that covers the entire tooth-visible and although they may only affect color perception slightly, this
color envelope. These modern guides are designed for ease of still makes a major perceptive difference. Furthermore, eyes can
learning and ease of use. The entire shade guide system is avail- be mistaken by illusions. Optical illusions and contrast effects
able at less than $100. often tend to hide the true nature of a color.
These clinical options for shade matching include a variety On the other hand, the advantages of a digital shade-matching
of shade tabs that are used intraorally, with the dentist and/or system include objective readings and accuracy. There are two
one of the dental team members using his or her own visual types of digital shade-matching devices commonly used in den-
perception to determine the color of the teeth relative to the tistry: the spectrophotometer and the colorimeter.
system tabs predetermined color. The other major category is The spectrophotometer consistently and accurately mea-
the electronic shade-taking devices. sures natural tooth coloration in reference to any known spe-
The advantage of the shade tabs is generally that they are less cific color or can be based on any shading system. It measures
expensive and can be used almost anywhere. the color characteristics of the natural tooth precisely and sci-
The disadvantages are many. The problems associated with entifically, indicating the deviations and gradations of value,
perceiving color with the naked eye include first and foremost chroma, and hue from a standard and provides all the infor-
the environment. The environment of any color-taking proce- mation that is necessary to create an accurate restoration, or to
dure will affect the results. The coloration of the patients cloth- modify an existing one such that it will accurately match the
ing, the dental and operator chairs, the wall decorations, and tooth. The spectrophotometer develops an accurate interpreta-
even the color of the equipment may affect the perceived percep- tion of the tooth shade on a given color system, which can
tion of the tooth color, as can sunlight or even snow reflections then be related to an existing shade tab within dentistry or to
streaming in through an open window. Furthermore, sunlight a color that is interpolated between the shade tabs. In either
at different times of the day will have different qualities and case a lab technician is given all the color clues to recreate a
different underlying tones. Therefore it would seem that shade shade that is very natural in appearance and very close to the
taking must be done in a room that has no windows and is target coloration.
totally color neutral. Another problem is metamerismthe The colorimeter analyzes the tooth coloration based on pre-
same color appears different when viewed at various angles or loaded data that is related to a shade system. It determines the
reflecting off unlike surfaces. shade tab that is closest to the actual color of the tooth. The
Color perception can be unpredictable. The observer is colorimeter is typically less accurate than the spectrophotometer
instrumental in correct color evaluation or shade taking. Typi- but may suffice in most dental situations.
cally females see colors or hues better than males, but males see Because both spectrophotometers and colorimeters tend to
value or the grayness of an object better than females do. Younger eliminate ambient light by standardizing the immediate envi-
individuals of both genders see color better than older individu- rons of the target tooth, the shade can be taken in any operatory
als, and many people are affected by color blindness. In fact, up with any kind of lighting streaming in through the window.
to 8% of all males (knowingly or unknowingly) may be affected Digital shade taking therefore is far easier, far more practical,
140 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color

Dentist Name:
Patient Name:

1 1

1: Left: Right: Diff.:

L: 69.93 72.61 2.68
FIGURE 7-10 The additive system.
C: 17.75 17.48 0.28
h: 84.31 82.23 0.64
E: 2.77

FIGURE 7-9 The MHT SpectroShade can evaluate the color-

ation of the central incisor with respect to a selected shading
system (top), the entire tooth, or selected areas of tooth (as
within the circles) before and after tooth whitening (bottom).

and far more accurate than shade taking using color tabs and
the naked eye in a variable environment.
The current best approach to shade taking is the spectropho-
tometer. It provides the most accurate method for matching the
coloration of the tooth. Some systems provide readings of trans-
lucence and reflectivity as well. Spectrophotometers provide
consistent shade measurement regardless of the environment,
lighting conditions, or other operatory variables including the
dental team member who is conducting the shade-taking
process. With some systems, a further comparative analysis can
be undertaken on shade scans taken before and after treatment FIGURE 7-11 The subtractive system.
to provide the color difference between the two measurements.
This is particularly useful for tooth-whitening procedures
(Figure 7-9).
is a balanced mixture of red and green. Because the additive
system of color does such a laudable job of organizing color, it
Other Considerations may seem that there is no need for any other approach.
The Additive System
The additive system consists of three primary colors: red, green, The Subtractive System
and blue. All other colors are made up of combinations of these Those involved in art, however, tend to emphasize another
three unique or primary colors. arrangement. In this system, the so-called subtractive system,
Knowledge of this system (the so-called additive system of the three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue (Figure 7-11).
color) (Figure 7-10) has enabled the creation of such devices In the subtractive system, black is the result of a mixture of
as the color television. Using only three phosphors, one each of the three primaries, and white is the absence of color. This
the three primary colors, the color television is able to produce system is popular because it is perhaps the easiest to use when
a seemingly unlimited range of shades. One such television dealing with pigments (Figure 7-12).
monitor boasts a palette of 16,777,216 colors that are available There are other systems as well. Each color system has its own
on the screen. In the additive system, white is the balanced strengths and deficiencies. Yet despite the apparent contradic-
mixture of all the colors, and black is the absence of color. Yellow tions in the various color schemes, each popular system of
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 141



Blue 180

Green Black Magenta

320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700
FIGURE 7-12 In the subtractive system, black is the result of
a mixture of the three primary colors. FIGURE 7-14 Reflectance curve of a red object.

TABLE 7-1 Relating Color Absorption,

Reflectance, and
Appearance to the Eye
C Red light Green and blue Cyan
M Green light Red and blue Magenta
Y Blue light Red and green Yellow
B light
M+Y Green and Red light Red
FIGURE 7-13 Examples of pigment light traps.
blue light
C+Y Red and Green light Green
blue light
analyzing color is correct within its own framework. Because C+M Red and Blue light Blue
dentists work with pigments when dealing with porcelain, the green light
easiest system for clinicians to use is the subtractive system.
The subtractive system is not only the easiest to use, but also
the one with which the dentist may be most familiar. The sub-
tractive system is the one used in childrens crayons; children
learn at an early age that when they mix red and blue, for reflects those centering around the 700-nm (red) range (Figure
instance, violet is the result. 7-14).
This system works the way it does because the pigments Because of the professions familiarity with the rudiments of
within the crayons absorb certain parts of the spectrum and this system, and because of its easy applicability to the dental
reflect others. Thus the pigments are light traps. Red pigment, applications, all subsequent color discussions in this chapter take
for instance, absorbs all parts of the light spectrum except red place within the framework of the subtractive system of color.
(Figure 7-13 and Table 7-1). In the subtractive system, when the three primary colors are
If pigments displayed perfect efficiency, the mixture of any arranged in the traditional color wheel, diametrically opposed
two primary colors would result in the production of black. If colors are called complementary colors. Yellow and violet, for
in the crayon example one crayon absorbed all the spectrum instance, are complementary colors. The mixture of two highly
except red, and the other one absorbed everything except blue, saturated complementary colors results in the elimination of
there would be nothing left over. Normal pigment concentra- color and the production of black. Because the pigments used
tions, however, are notoriously inefficient in this regard and are in dentistry are poorly saturated and imperfect, the mixture of
almost always thinned out to create a relatively low saturation. the stains usually produces some shade of grey instead of black
Thus a red crayon selectively absorbs certain wavelengths and (Figure 7-15).
142 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color





320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700

FIGURE 7-17 Transmission curve of incandescent light

FIGURE 7-15 Poorly saturated and imperfect pigments can source.
produce a shade of grey instead of black.






60 0
320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700
FIGURE 7-18 Transmission curve of fluorescent light source.
380 440 495 570 595 625 700

FIGURE 7-16 Reflectance curve of a typical tooth.

normal transmission curve of a fluorescent light tube (Figure
Figure 7-19 shows the two different reflectance curves a tooth
would display under these two different sources of light. Even
PROBLEMS INHERENT TO with a constant source of light, the light that actually reaches
the tooth can be affected by the colors in the environment at
MATCHING THE SHADES the moment. A dark shade of lipstick or an intensely colored
OF TEETH outfit can easily affect the available spectrum for reflection by
the tooth.
There is a list of difficulties the dentist must overcome when In addition, there are variations in operator sensitivity. Color
trying to make a perfect match of a tooths color. Not the least blindness is no small problem. It is a fact that nearly one in 10
of these problems is establishing the actual color of the tooth dentists in the United States has some degree of color deficiency
being matched. As every dentist knows, this is easier in theory in the red and green areas. If other color deficiencies are also
than it is in practice. included, the percentage of visually deficient operators goes up
The apparent color of a tooth is affected by the color of even further. The likelihood of a male dentist being color
the incident light. For example, in full-spectrum light a tooth deficient is more than 10 times that of his female counterpart
might normally have a reflectance curve such as that shown in (Table 7-2).
Figure 7-16. Fortunately, most of these operators are not color blind but
If the source of light changes, however, the apparent color only color deficient. Unfortunately, this means that most of
can change dramatically. The normal transmission curve of a them are not even aware of their problem. In most situations,
typical incandescent light bulb (Figure 7-17) contrasts with the such a deficiency is of little importance, but in the case of
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 143





320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700

FIGURE 7-19 Reflectance curve of a tooth under two differ- FIGURE 7-20 The color of the teeth has changed because of
ent sources of light, incandescent and fluorescent. desiccation.

One other important point: during the cementation step for

veneers, the area is often isolated. If many laminates are involved,
TABLE 7-2 Color Blindness the isolated teeth have time to desiccate during the extended
Distribution in the General procedure. After only a few minutes of drying, the appearance
Population and Various of the teeth begins to change. The dried teeth are markedly
Groups whiter, and their surfaces more opaque. To demonstrate this, a
patient with perfectly matched anterior teeth had a rubber dam
placed, exposing the maxillary teeth to air for 20 minutes. When
the rubber dam was removed, the difference in appearance was
Caucasians 8.08 0.26% 0.74 0.11% clearly evident (Figure 7-20).
Northern European Obviously, any shade decisions must be made while the
American natural teeth are not desiccated. When laminates are placed in
Australian the mouth and the shade is perfect, the neighboring teeth may
Asiatics 4.90 0.18% 0.64 0.08% be slightly whiter at the completion of the procedure. If this is
Japanese anticipated, the patient should be warned in advance that the
Chinese laminated teeth will appear a bit dark for one day but that they
Others (e.g., Korean, will color match as soon as the unlaminated teeth rehydrate.
Other Racial Groups 3.12 0.40% 0.69 0.07%
American Indian METAMERISM
African American Most evidence points to the fact that the eye is a tristimulus
Eskimo colorimeter. Like the color television, which is capable of pro-
ducing thousands of colors from only three basic color phos-
phors, the eye can discern a nearly infinite range of color using
receptors for only three wavelengths. Also like the color televi-
esthetic dentistry, even minor weaknesses in color perception can sion, these three receptors seem to have their greatest sensitivity
compromise the intended results. around the colors of red, green, and blue. Although this design
Obviously, then, it is to each dentists advantage to be tested may be conservative for the number of required receptors for
for color sensitivity. Even if a minor deficiency is found, a simple color vision, it does lead directly to the problem of metamerism,
solution may be to have a colleague or staff member who is not the effect that is achieved when two samples of color appear to
color deficient confirm all color choices. match in one type of light but do not match in another.
Even when the dentists innate visual color sensitivity is found Simply put, the eye is incapable of distinguishing between
to be optimal, however, there is still no guarantee of consistent certain combinations of light stimuli. Both of the spectral curves
color judgments. The eye can sustain a decrease in sensitivity shown in Figure 7-21 are perceived as yellow-green. Under full-
from nerve fatigue, the same as any other sensory organ. For this spectrum lighting, the surface that reflects light centered around
reason, it is important to avoid staring at the tooth and shade 540nm is indistinguishable in hue from one that reflects two
guides when taking a shade. Instead, short glances should be loci of reflectance, one centered around 490nm and the other
employed, with the first reading considered the most accurate. around 650nm.
144 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color

540 475

320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700 320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700
Nanometers Nanometers
490 650 440 490

320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700 320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700
Nanometers Nanometers

FIGURE 7-21 Two spectral curves, both of which are per- FIGURE 7-23 Representation of a metameric pair that would
ceived as yellow-green. appear to be blue under full-spectrum light but that would not
match under other light sources.

Figure 7-23 demonstrates one of the many pairs that would

appear to be blue under full-spectrum light but that would not
match under other light sources. The metameric pair in Figure
7-23 results from the fact that the eye cannot distinguish between
a pure blue hue at 475nm and the combination of 440nm
(reddish blue) and 490nm (greenish blue), one of the many
pairs that would appear to be blue under full-spectrum light.
The pair shown in Figure 7-24 would be seen as yellow.
320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700 Unfortunately, metamerism is a common illusion in the dental
Nanometers field. A factor that complicates this even further is the fact that
FIGURE 7-22 Transmission curve of natural daylight. human vision is most acute in the yellow rangea color range
of particular importance in dentistry. In other words, not only
is it impossible to accurately determine a nonmetameric color
match, but human eyes are uniquely most sensitive to this error
When the lighting source changes, however, the perceived in the yellow range.
color of the objects also changes. Sunlight on an average day Still another type of metameric pair can be created as a result
produces a spectral distribution similar to that seen in Figure of the fluorescent nature of teeth. It is well recognized that when
7-22. Contrast this with the curve shown in Figure 7-17 for natural teeth are exposed to ultraviolet light, they seem to glow.
typical tungsten light. As can be seen, when a surface is illumi- The apparent glow of the teeth is a result of their own natural
nated by a tungsten source, there is very little light in the fluorescence. Early attempts to achieve natural-looking fluores-
490-nm range available for reflection. In this situation, the cence in porcelain involved the inclusion of small amounts of
samples no longer match. radium into the porcelain mixtures, a practice that is no longer
This example is by no means unique. A nearly infinite number used. Instead, certain fluorescing rare earths are incorporated
of combinations can be computed that create metameric pairs. into the porcelain.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 145


320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700

A Nanometers
540 670 FIGURE 7-25 Teeth exposed to ultraviolet light appear to
glow because of the natural fluorescence of the teeth.

320 380 440 495 570 595 625 700

B Nanometers

FIGURE 7-24 A metameric pair in which both A and B would

be perceived as yellow. This is an example of a metameric

Tooth fluorescence is not uniform across all shades. Early this

FIGURE 7-26 VITA Easyshade. (Courtesy Vident, Brea, California.)
century, when several dentists made a careful study of the fluo-
rescent properties of teeth, it was noted that certain teeth were
more fluorescent than others. Usually teeth with the lighter
shades were the most fluorescent. This led directly to the the observer. To put it simply, not everyone is equally adept at
development of dental porcelains with variable fluorescing taking accurate shades. This in itself need not prevent any dentist
properties. from doing very successful esthetic dentistry. After all, individu-
When a fluorescent porcelain is used in place of the nonfluo- als on staff can assist in this part of the procedure as they assist
rescent one, the shade match can even carry over to situations in other aspects in overall treatment. Electronic shade matching,
with intense ultraviolet light (Figure 7-25). Clearly there is a on the other hand, introduces an objective, readily reproducible
distinct advantage to creating the porcelain laminate veneer and easily communicable data system that provides a predictable
crown or bridge out of a variable fluorescing porcelain. There result every time.
may be some advantage to using a luting agent that displays
variable fluorescence as well. VITA Easyshade
The VITA Easyshade (Vident, Brea, California) (Figure 7-26) is
a hand-held spectrophotometer that has been designed for quick
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS and accurate shade determination and is capable of accurately
measuring a very varied range of VITAPAN Classical and
Digital Shade-Scanning Devices VITAPAN 3D-Master shades. All that the dentist or the assis-
True-to-life shade matching is the key to creating both indirect tant is required to do is to select the tooth to be measured and
and direct esthetic restorations. Obtaining the precise shade is then to place the tip of the spectrophotometer handpiece directly
always dependant on a number of factors that are less than on the tooth (see Figure 7-5). A button is pressed, and the
objective, including the age, the gender, and the experience of touch screen indicates the correct shade in both 3D-Master
146 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color


FIGURE 7-27 VITA Easyshade Compact (Vident). A, Handpiece and base with on-board calibration block. B, The interface
screen found on the heel end of the handpiece. C, Probe tip with infection-control shield in place. (Courtesy Vident, Brea, California.)

and Classical values. This information is recorded, and the effectively. It is also able to verify the shade of lab-produced work
shade-taking process is done. Easyshade comes with USB and before the patient is brought in for cementation. The Easyshade
serial ports for expanded use with computers. Easyshade simpli- Compact is cordless, portable, and lightweight enough for every-
fies the shade-matching procedure, providing high-quality, pre- one. The technique is easily taught or learned. Its color readings
dictable, dependable, totally objective shade determination, are based on the VITAPAN Classical and VITAPAN 3D-Master
resulting in fewer reshades, fewer color alterations, and an overall shades. The Easyshade Compact self-illuminates the target area,
superior esthetic product. making the results independent of lighting conditions, opera-
tory colors, clothing, facial tones, and so on. The unit can store
VITA Easyshade Compact up to 25 shades at a time. Transferring the shade information
The VITA Easyshade Compact (Vident) is even more versatile to the technician is easy; the LabRx software prints out all
(Figure 7-27). Electronic shade matching has replaced guess- the collected data, eliminating human transfer error. Easyshade
work, estimation, and approximation in shade determination, Compacts convenient light-emitting diode (LED) technology
for both indirect and direct restorations. Many practitioners offers extended use. The unit features step-by-step instructions
limit electronic shade taking to indirect restorations. These very and displays the tooth shade results within seconds: Simply press
same units can, and should, be used for every esthetically critical the handpiece switch to turn the unit on, calibrate right on the
anterior or posterior restoration, whether ceramic or composite. unit before each use, place the measuring probe on the tooth
The Easyshade Compact is a spectrophotometer shade-matching (make certain that the probe is flat on the tooth), and press the
device that assists the practitioner or auxiliary in evaluating switch. Look on the bottom of the unit, and read the shade.
the shade for indirect or direct restorations very quickly and Perfect shades every time, and anyone can do it!
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 147

FIGURE 7-28 MHT SpectroShade system. (From Chu SJ: Clinical

steps to predictable color management in esthetic restorative dentistry, Dent Clin
North Am 51:473, 2007.)
FIGURE 7-29 Cynovad ShadeScan Shade-Selection Device.
(From Brewer JD, Wee A, Seghi R: Advances in color matching, Dent Clin North
MHT SpectroShade Am 48:341, 2004.)
The Windows-based SpectroShade system (MHT Optic
Research AG, Niederhasli, Switzerland) uses dual digital cameras
linked through optic fibers to a fully functional spectrophotom-
eter, allowing the system the ability to consistently and accu-
rately measure natural tooth coloration in reference to any
material or shading system (Figure 7-28). As the system mea-
sures the color characteristics of the natural tooth precisely and
scientifically, it indicates the deviations in value, chroma, and
hue from a standard that provides all the information necessary
to modify the restoration and accurately match the tooth.
The multifocal dual lighting mechanism illuminates the
tooth such that in addition to the colorimetric values, it is pos-
sible to take readings of surface translucency and reflectivity.
This permits the SpectroShade to provide consistent shade mea-
surements regardless of the environmental lighting conditions
or other operatory variables.

Cynovad ShadeScan
The Cynovad ShadeScan (Cynovad, Montreal, Canada) employs
innovative digital artificial vision technology to provide instant,
accurate, and consistent shade measurements (Figure 7-29). The
system is user friendly and is integrated with computed-aided
design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies. The
shade is measured by a handheld optical device from a single
image of the whole tooth at the click of a button.
The dentist can instantly obtain a shade map of the whole FIGURE 7-30 ShadeEye NCC. (Courtesy Shofu Dental GmbH,
tooth with various established and popular shade systems. Ratingen, Germany.)
The software in the ShadeScan generates a paint-by-numbers
map of the tooth, keying various areas of the dental surface to
the selected shade guide. Through use of different resolutions,
translucent and opaque areas are identified for optimized Shofu ShadeEye NCC*
characterization of the restoration. ShadeScan creates full- The Shofu ShadeEye NCC (Shofu Dental GmbH, Ratingen,
tooth translucency maps to facilitate fabrication of esthetic Germany) is a mobile, wireless measuring unit that analyzes
restorations. the tooth shade digitally, and instantaneously transmits the
For the lab technician, differences in value, chroma, and hue information to the main unit through an infrared interface
between the natural tooth and the shade guide ceramic are (Figure 7-30).
indicated, directing the small color modifications that will make The software in the main unit then calculates the appropriate
the restoration look totally natural. The ShadeScan identifies and porcelain mixture that will provide the exact color that has been
highlights markings on the tooth as well as indicating the surface
texture. *The ShadeEye NCC is no longer available.
148 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color


FIGURE 7-31 The X-Rite ShadeVision System (X-Rite, Grand Rapids, Michigan).

scanned by the mobile unit. The default on the ShadeEye NCC Note: The cone-shaped sensor (see Figure 7-31, A) of the Shade-
calculates the ceramic mixture requirements for Shofus Vintage Rite is pointed at the tooth to be replaced (and/or the adjacent
Halo porcelain, but the corresponding shade information for teeth), and the images are acquired. Once the shade taking is
other color guides and ceramics is also available. done, the sensor is replaced in its cradle. As the unit clicks into
The ShadeEye NCCs xenon flash light source eliminates all the docking station, it initializes the systems software.
ambient light that might interfere with obtaining a correct The shade data is uploaded, and the software selects the most
reading. It also eliminates visually disruptive factors such as the appropriate shades from the designated ceramic system. The
angle of viewing and the position of the patient or the dentist. intuitive software leads the dentist through a step-by-step process
The scan is fast and objective, providing information that facili- that includes measurement, mapping, applying the shade guides,
tates data transfer between the dental practice and the dental and creating a prescription for the lab (Figure 7-31, B). The files
laboratory. are readily accessible and easily transmitted via the Internet. The
Shade-Rite software allows the dentist to easily and clearly orga-
METALOR Ikam Shade Analysis System nize patient files.
The METALOR Ikam shade Analysis System (METALOR
Dental AG, Oesingen, Switzerland) combines digital photo-
graphic technology (Olympus) with color-analysis software. The
system accurately records and transmits the color, shape, and ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
contour of the natural teeth for use by both the dentist and the
technician. Chairside shade matching can be a difficult and demanding
The color reference system of the Ikam is based on fired exercise. It is a process that can require many steps, each of which
ceramic samples rather than on traditional shade tabs. This mea- must be performed accurately under standardized environmen-
surement of the undistorted color of the tooth eliminates subjec- tal conditions. These parameters have been designed to ensure
tive interpretation. Many of the leading ceramic systems color that the color information that appears in a tooth can be accu-
data are included in the Ikam shade-analysis software. Reflections rately documented. Electronic shade matching is less technique
often appear on the tooth surface as a bright white glare, obscur- sensitive, and it is far easier and more predictable.
ing dental coloration. Ikam corrects this type of distortion by Alas, this is but the first step in the overall process. There is
eliminating the reflections so that the color underneath can be very great difficulty involved in accurately conveying a highly
analyzed. The dentist selects the level of detail to be acquired for subjective collection of interpreted data (the shade match) to
each specific case: coarse (predominant shade), medium, or fine another individual, considering that the terminology and con-
(detailed analysis). The selected image level produces a shade map cepts of this science are barely standardized.
of tooth that provides the technician with all the information The second individual (the lab technician) then must rein-
necessary to create a naturally appearing restoration. terpret this information in terms of the lab approach to color,
which is somewhat different from the clinical one, and must
X-Rite ShadeVision System* then build a tooth that recreates the esthetics of a patient whom
The X-Rite ShadeVision System is a handheld, portable measur- he or she has never seen.
ing device that analyzes the shades of the tooth to be restored And the trek is not yet over. During the cementation process,
and the surrounding teeth with specialized imaging software. the color and the opacity of the resin cement (not to mention
the stump color of the underlying tooth) may affect the overall
*X-Rite ShadeVision System has been discontinued. appearance of the final restoration. (Composite resin cements
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 149

Color Metamerism
Color is seen by the cones of the Natural daylight
eyes and interpreted in the human brain

A black object absorbs

all wavelengths of light Fluorescent

A white object reflects

all wavelengths of light

A blue object absorbs

all wavelengths, except
blue which is reflected

FIGURE 7-33 The type of light can affect on the perceived

A color of teeth. When compared with the teeth seen in natural
daylight, the fluorescent light gives the teeth a yellow-green
COLOR PERCEPTION cast, and the incandescent light a yellow-red cast.

Color can be defined

as the wavelength of
light reflected by an object

Color is seen by the cones of the eyes and interpreted in the

human brain. A black object absorbs all wavelengths of light. A
white object reflects all wavelengths of light. A blue object, for
example, absorbs all wavelengths of light except blue, which are
reflected; this is how the human eye determines what is blue
Is this tooth A2, A3, A2.5? (Figure 7-32, A).
Problems: evaluation, communication Color can be defined as the wavelength of light reflected by
an object. For the human eye, however, this is not an absolute
B definition (Figure 7-32, B). In looking at a tooth one can ask
what color the tooth is and receive various responses from
various people. For example, when looking at a particular
Wine red? Burgundy red? tooth and in trying to define the coloration of the tooth, it
Carmine? Cardinal red? may obviously be red (Figure 7-32, C ). The question is what
Bordeaux red? Mahogany red? kind of red it is? And even though it may be defined correctly
Blood red? Cherry red? as wine red, the unstated additional explanation of red bur-
Rust red? Dark red? gundy or red shiraz can make a vast difference in the implied
Pale red? Blue red? coloration. Of course, when dealing with teeth one is not
dealing with reds but with very fine gradations of whitish
yellow, which are perhaps even more difficult to describe than
C Brick red?
the various kinds of reds that are commonly seen. Just to com-
FIGURE 7-32 A, Color perception as it is interpreted by the plicate things even further for the trained shade evaluator,
brain. B, Color is subjective to each individual person, which color metamerism can affect the perceived color of the teeth.
is demonstrated when attempting to determine the color of the Under natural daylight these teeth have a certain coloration;
tooth. C, Although it can be agreed that this is a red tooth, under fluorescent lighting these same teeth appear to be more
peoples opinions regarding the type of red will differ. yellowish or greenish (Figure 7-33). This is the fluorescent
lighting that one often finds in office buildings and dental
treatment rooms. Incandescent lights that comprise the major-
ity of chair or unit-mounted dental operatory lighting make
the teeth appear yellowish red. Thus, coloration under regular
also tend to change color slightly during polymerizationjust dental lights is very tilted to the reddish area of the spectrum.
one of the many complicating factors.) In fact, the ability to communicate color between two or more
Indeed, it is a wonder, and a testament to the skills of den- individuals based on an analysis of shade by each individual in
tists, their staffs, and lab technicians, that so many ceramic differing locations under differing conditions is not only very
restorations look so good. difficult, it is virtually impossible.
150 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color

TREATMENT PLANNING OPTIONS The digital color map can be used to analyze the overall
coloration of the tooth (Figure 7-35, A). It can also be used to
The light seen by humans is composed of wavelengths of energy analyze the coloration of thirds of the tooth in segments (Figure
(Figure 7-34), and the human eye sees the colors in the visible 7-35, B) or to map the entire tooth surface as indicated (Figure
portions of light going from just under 400 to just under 7-35, C ). Another shade-scanning device with a similar approach
800nm. The visible light spectrum runs from 380 to 780nm. achieves the same result (Figure 7-36). Some spectrophotome-
In order for these colors to be interpreted, a number of tech- ters are even designed to demonstrate the translucence of various
niques have been developed for separating the measurement of areas of the tooth (Figure 7-37). Most descriptors of translu-
color into various components. cence utilize an average reading that is assumed to apply to the
Shade selection, like occlusion, has historically been made majority of the tooth surface. A large part of the esthetics,
overly complex. In dental school the student begins to wrestle however, involves translucence at the incisal third and into the
with the concepts of value, chroma, and hue. The concepts are mesial, distal, and interproximal regions. This is actually quite
defined, analyzed, and promptly forgotten until the next lecture evident at first glance. What is not so readily evident is that the
on shade selection, at which time they are relearned and then most incisal edge is not translucent but takes on the opacity of
reforgotten. Why add all this complexity to a procedure that can the rest of the tooth. If this is not reproduced in a restoration,
be easily explained through an intuitive system? the color match will seem to be somehow incorrect. The trans-
First, throw out the words value, chroma, and hue. These are lucency map shows the opacity gradient that occurs toward,
not intuitive terms. It is not intuitive for something with a low but not right at the incisal edge. Once the nontranslucence of
value to be dark. Why not simply say lightness level? The word the incisal edge is seen in this diagram, it is clearly evident in
chroma does not represent the intuitive concept of intensity or the tooth and helps both the dentist and the lab technician to
saturation level of color. Why not say saturation level of color? create an accurate color match in the ceramic or composite
The word hue is just a fancy technical word for color. In the restoration.
process of shade selection for teeth, hue usually indicates the
redness or yellowness of a tooth. Why not call it color?
Digital color shade matching, on the other hand, is much
more straightforward. Simply isolate the tooth to be shade TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
matched, and remove all debris from the surface as well as all
extrinsic discoloration. Move the lips or cheeks away from the During the preparations for electronic shade matching, the teeth
tooth so that it is readily accessible to the shade-matching probe, should be clean of debris, food, dental materials, impression
and then place the probe as indicated to the tooth surface, fully materials, and all other extraneous chromatic materials. The
flat against the surface and ensuring that no extraneous materials teeth should also be wet or moist; if dry they might exhibit a
such as gingiva or the tongue are captured (see Figure 7-5). Press chalky appearance. In fact, commencing a procedure, such as
the capture button, and the shade distribution will typically cementation of crowns, bridges, or veneers, it is a good idea
appear on the screen within a matter of milliseconds. to take a shade measurement at the very beginning of the
rays Microwaves

X-rays Visible
Gamma rays Infrared rays Radio waves

Light is composed
of wavelengths of

400 nm 500 nm 600 nm 700 nm

Color is the visible portions of light
- Visible light spectrum runs from 380 nm to 780 nm
- Different types of light affect the way we see color
Fluorescent/low frequency
Incandescent/high frequency

FIGURE 7-34 The electromagnetic spectrum. Humans see colors in the visible portions of light going from just under 400 to
just under 800nm.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 151




FIGURE 7-35 A, MHT SpectroShade analysis of the overall coloration of the tooth. B, Analysis of the coloration of thirds of
the tooth in segments. C, Map of the entire tooth surface.

FIGURE 7-36 The SpectroShade can determine the relative

translucency of the tooth regions. In this central incisor the FIGURE 7-37 Translucency as detected by the Cynovad
gingival half is quite dark (opaque), whereas the incisal half ShadeScan Shade-Selection Device.
becomes lighter (translucent) approaching the incisal edge.
At the incisal edge there is a thin opaque layer that could
easily be missed by the clinician not using electronic shade
152 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color

treatment. The teeth tend to be isolated and kept dry throughout devices are more accurate, more predictable, more readily
lengthy dental treatments. As they dry, they become whiter and useable, and much faster than the older visually based shade-
chalkier, a condition that is resolved once they rehydrate hours matching tab systems. There is extensive documentation that
or days after the treatment. Therefore taking a shade at the demonstrates that electronic shade matching is not only more
beginning of the procedure will guarantee that the restorations accurate and more predictable than the visually based systems
crowns, veneers, and suchwill be the correct natural dental but more communicable and reproducible as well.
color rather than the desiccated white, which will not appear to
match untreated adjacent teeth after insertion. The procedure
for shade matching is actually very simple and straightforward. TROUBLESHOOTING
Simply follow the instructions for the particular electronic
shade-matching system that is being used. Different systems and In spite of all the best intentions of both the practitioner and
different units have different requirements, and it is important the lab technician, problems in shade taking, shade communica-
to be familiar with the requirements of each particular one. Most tion, and shade creation can still occur with tab-based systems.
electronic shade-matching devices are rather simple to use: When these problems arise, it is helpful to ascertain the specific
simply point the wand at the tooth and keep its glass fiber problem. For example, if shades are consistently incorrect, the
surface relatively flat in relation to the tooth surface that is to source of the inaccuracy may well be the operatory lighting or
be measured. Then simply press the appropriate triggering the biased illumination conditions wherein the shade was taken.
mechanism to take the shade. Typically shade taking takes only Standardized lighting may be the solution. Occasionally there
moments, and therefore patient and operator fatigue and patient are difficulties relating shade guides to porcelain or composite;
movement are unlikely. For some devices, patient or operator the problem is that the shade tabs or the guides may be acrylic
movement is problematic, and in these situations the patient or ceramic. Of course, ceramic tabs will match the ceramic
must be urged to sit still, with the head and neck firmly sup- restorations, and the acrylic tabs the acrylics. It is inadvisable to
ported. The lips, tongue, and cheeks must be retracted from the use an acrylic shade guide for a ceramic restoration. Further-
shading area. more, when shade matching composites for direct restorations,
The last part of the shade-taking procedure is the documen- it is very important that the shade tab be from the same batch
tation. Documentation, in most cases, involves a simple print- of composite as the restorative material; different batches have
out or electronic transmission from the shade-matching device slightly differing coloration. If shade matching is consistently
into the patients chart and to the lab technician. Less sophisti- thorny (and perhaps difficult to understand) for the practitioner,
cated devices require a manual recording of the data onto a the cause might be partial or total red-green color blindness
prescription sheet. It is important that all the information avail- (predominantly in males). The problem could also lie with
able be recorded accurately for ease of shade matching at the advancing age or could be a gender issue (women see color better
laboratory. than men). Sometimes observed colors are not correctly
documentedeither written down incorrectly or not noted at
all. This implies lack of training and/or experience and is most
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES easily corrected. Of course, the most predictable method to
avoid the need for correction is the electronic shade-matching
Shading or shade matching of restorations was an unpredictable process, where the data are transmitted directly to the laboratory
part of dental procedures until about the mid-twentieth century. or printed out from the actual reading (Table 7-3).
Then an empirical shading system using the colors that seemed Most shade instructions to dental laboratories are monochro-
to be most commonly required began to be employed. This matic: they consist of a single shade for one or more teeth. This
empirical approach became the VITA System and has been used is a practice that cannot realistically result in an esthetic restor-
throughout the world ever since (see Figure 7-8, A). Its 16 shades ative smile.
(plus bleached shade tabs) provide a standardized, if not entirely Teeth are not monochromatic. Therefore proper shade
accurate, approach to systematic shade matching. In the late matching, although it takes time and effort, certainly yields a
1990s the VITAPAN 3D-Master Shade system (see Figure 7-8, better result. Occasionally, in spite of correct matching in the
B) was developed. This is a much more accurate system that is dental practice and good lab work at the bench, shades still do
based on value first, chroma second, and hue third. This is the not match. The reason in all likelihood is that, despite all the
procedural sequence that is used by the human eye to perceive proper steps having been taken at each end of the information
color, and the VITAPAN 3D-Master system accomplishes the chain, the data transfer between the dentist and the lab techni-
process in a relatively intuitive manner. It has 26 shades (plus cian is lacking, inappropriate, not readily comprehended, or
bleach tabs), and the shades are all related and positioned within otherwise miscommunicated. Sometimes the matching at the
the defined system so that intermediate shades can be accurately dental office is correct, yet the restorations are improperly
interpolated. These shade-matching systems have been studied colored. This may occur because the lab technician is not fol-
extensively, and within their limitations have proved very useful lowing the shading instructions or is not using the prescribed
to the practitioner. Since the turn of the millennium, a number porcelain. Even though labels on various brands of porcelains
of spectrophotometric and colorimetric shade-matching devices may indicate the same color, they may actually differ somewhat;
have been developed. Generally the better shade-matching porcelains of a certain coloration from one manufacturer may
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 153

TABLE 7-3 Steps That Can Go Wrong during Color Matching and Communication
Lighting Consistently incorrect shades Shades are being matched under Create a uniformly lit
light-biased conditions environment
Matching shades Difficulty relating shade Acrylic shade guides may not be Use shade guides that are
to natural guides to porcelain and color-corrected to porcelain specifically designed for specific
teeth composite and/or vice versa procedures and materials
Perception Consistent difficulty matching Operators: Shade-matching person(s) must
or actually seeing color Partial or total red-green color have good vision, should be
differences blindness younger; women should be
Age involved
Interpretation Observed colors are not Lack of training and experience Training of dentists and staff in
correctly documented shade matching
Mapping Teeth are not monochromatic Proper mapping takes several Appropriate prescription sheets
Most shade instructions to color readings of a tooth and that demand more color
labs indicate a single shade? more time to document information
Communication In spite of correct matching All the steps are done correctly, Clear, complete, precise,
and good lab work, shades but communication between comprehensible documentation
do not match dentist and lab is lacking that accompanies every case
Lab Matching is correct, yet Lab is not following shade Labs must learn shade matching
interpretation shades are off instructions closely or is not alongside dentists and use the
using the prescribed porcelain prescribed ceramics, not
Lab ceramic Colors slightly off Dentist prescribed one ceramic, Dentist and lab must coordinate
selection lab used a different material ceramics
Lab ceramic Colors slightly to completely Lab technician training is not Choose lab and technicians
application wrong uniform, and ceramic results carefully and make certain that
may vary they continue their education
Cementation All-ceramic crown looks great Try-in pastes are often not closely Use less opaque (or nonopaque)
on try-in but loses matched to their cements cements that are matched to
appearance on cementation Cement is too opaque the tooth and restoration color
Cement is too dark

not correspond to the similarly-labelled shades of another. If may or may not closely match their corresponding cements, or
restoration colors are consistently slightly off, the most likely the cement may be too thick or too opaque. Generally it is best
scenario is that the dentist prescribed the ceramic of one manu- to use clear, translucent cements.
facturer, and the lab used ceramic from a different provider.
Occasionally the coloration of the restoration is completely
wrong because the layered application of the ceramic at the labo- NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
ratory was not uniform and the baking distorted the intended
shade. The process of digital shade selection is relatively easy, predict-
All-ceramic crowns often have a degree of translucence. This able, and fast. It is difficult to imagine procedures that are even
can contribute greatly to the natural appearance of the restora- easier or more accurate. It is not likely that the electronic shade
tion, particularly if the laboratory has taken into account the selection process, which takes a fraction of a second, can be
shade of the remaining stump (abutment). If no accommodation made any faster. Many of the spectrophotometers today are so
is made for the underlying color, the show-through from the accurate that there is little clinical reason to make them more
stump can compromise the overall appearance of the crown. so. However, the real future of shade matching is likely to come
Partially translucent all-ceramic crowns may look great on try-in, from another direction: communication between the electronic
but the color match disappears with cementation. This is most shade-matching device and the composite or ceramic that is
likely caused by an opaque or colored cement. Try-in cements to be inserted in the mouth. New directions in research are
154 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color

developing techniques to create a film of esthetic coloration that

is applied to the surface of a relatively monochromatic ceramic
or composite restoration and then baked or cured, impregnating
it directly into the surface of the restorative material. The digital
or the electronic shade device thus creates a map or film that is,
in effect, printed out and applied directly to the surface of the
restoration, which is ready for insertion within moments.
Another possibility is the development of color-reactive compos-
ites and ceramics that react to laser activation from a shading
unit. The electronic shade match is captured with current tech-
nology, and then this coloration is laser hologramed in the
restorative material at the lab bench or on the restoration in the
mouth. Although these techniques may seem far-fetched today,
it has to be remembered that a decade ago electronic shade
matching was also the stuff of science fiction. A

Clinical Shade Techniques

A number of clinical shade-taking techniques may be selected
by the dental team. The classic shade-matching kits (such as the
VITAPAN Classical Shade Guide [see Figure 7-8, A]) are based
on more or less commonly occurring tooth colorations. However,
each of these shades are based on their own individual color
patterns and cannot be effectively interpolated into intermediate
tints. The more recently introduced shade-matching systems
(such as the VITAPAN 3D-Master Shade system [see Figure 7-8,
B]) have been developed on a more scientifically based method-
ology that divides the visual envelope of tooth coloration into
an organized system of intermediate steps. With these shade kits,
intermediate shades can be accurately determined, specifically B
communicated, and confidently reproduced at the dental labora-
tory. By far the easiest and most predictable means of shade
taking is the use of a digital spectrophotometer (such as the
VITA Easyshade Compact [see Figure 7-27]) that is regularly
calibrated and can be used effectively under all lighting condi-
tions, both chairside and at the laboratory bench.
The dental operatory presents many obstacles to taking accu-
rate shade matches of teeth. The metameric effects of strongly
colored objects in the treatment room and the extreme variance
of external and internal lighting confuse the issue even further.
The color of the dental chair (Figure 7-38, A) and cabinetry may
influence the perceived coloration of the teeth. Similarly, strongly
colored clothing worn by the patient or the staff (Figure 7-38,
B) contributes to a loss of perception that can throw visually
obtained shades off. Even the color of the walls (Figure 7-38, C)
and the flooring can confound the most astute observer. Many C
operatories are designed with extensive windows to the outside
world (Figure 7-39, A). Although these features tend to contrib- FIGURE 7-38 Elements in the dental operatory that can
ute to a relaxing environment for the patient and the dental affect the accuracy of shade matches of teeth include the color
of the dental chair (A), the clothing worn by the operator and
team, the light that enters from the outside varies from day to
patient (B), and the color of the walls (C).
day, from season to season, and from morning to night. Thus
the external available light that bathes the patient in the dental
chair during shade taking not only is highly variable, but may weather outside the operatory window is highly unpredictable
contribute to metameric problems in the shading of restorations. in any given location (Figure 7-39, B). A cloudy day will produce
The dental overhead light, a feature of every operatory, is typi- a different shading environment than a sunny day will, and, of
cally an incandescent light source, and this throws the coloration course, shades taken in the evening bring still other color influ-
of the teeth toward the red-yellow end of the spectrum. The ences to bear. Last but not least are the ceiling light fixtures that
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 155

FIGURE 7-40 Color tabs rearranged from alphabetic order

into the indicated value-based order, going from B1 to A4.

process of taking shades with prefabricated color tabs has been

well established for more than a century, and is widely used
throughout the world, the external color influences that affect
the appearance of tooth coloration and that are present in every
treatment room make this process highly unpredictable, unreli-
able and unsatisfactory. Digital spectrophotometric shade taking
involves the isolation of the target tooth in a light envelope
created by the device that neutralizes all outside influences and
enables the measurement of tooth coloration under always-
B consistent and predictable conditions.

VITAPAN Classical Shade Guide System

The VITAPAN Classical Shade Guide system (see Figure 7-8,
A) first appeared in the 1950s and was the standard in the dental
profession until the development of the VITAPAN 3D-Master
Shade Guide system. The Classical system is still the most com-
monly used shade-matching system worldwide. Given the envi-
ronmental color variance in the dental operatory (discussed
earlier), the dentist should do all that is possible to eliminate
strongly influencing colors during the shade-taking procedure,
including isolating the patients head in a color-neutral environ-
ment, asking the patient to remove lipstick and makeup, and
hiding the patients clothing under a blue pastel bib. Before
the VITAPAN Classical Shade Guide system is used for shade
C matching, the color tabs should be rearranged from their alpha-
betic order (which is how they are packaged) into the indicated
FIGURE 7-39 The source of light in the operatory can affect value-based order that is included with every kit and goes from
the accuracy of shade matching. Light from windows (A), B1 to A4 (Figure 7-40).
weather conditions (B), and overhead lights (C) can all affect
The patient is asked to smile, and the VITAPAN Classical
the perceived coloration of the teeth.
Shade Guide is passed in front of the teeth. For the patient in
Figure 7-41, it is passed from the darker shades (see Figure 7-41,
are found in most operatories (Figure 7-39, C). The fluorescent A) through the middle of the range (see Figure 7-41, B) to the
tubes tend to push the appearance of the teeth into the blue- lighter shades (see Figure 7-41, C). The first quick pass indicates
green end of the spectrum. that the patients tooth shade is toward the lighter shades. The
Thus it makes sense to eliminate as much of the external tabs of this shading group are brought edge to edge with the
variability during the shade taking as possible. Although the tooth in question in order to narrow down the actual color (see
156 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color




FIGURE 7-41 Shade matching using the VITAPAN Classical Shade Guide system. The system is passed from darker shades (A)
to middle shades (B) to lighter shades (C). The lighter shades are edged up to the tooth to narrow down to the actual color (D),
and the appropriate color tab is pulled and compared (E). F, The color tab is rotated and positioned adjacent to the natural tooth
to confirm the shade selection.

Figure 7-41, D). The most appropriate color tab is pulled

VITAPAN 3D-Master Shade System
from the guide (see Figure 7-41, E) to further establish a suitable The VITAPAN 3D-Master Shade system was the first compre-
selection. For the final decision, the color tab is rotated and hensive, scientifically based shade tab guide to be introduced
positioned adjacent to the natural tooth to confirm the shade internationally. It has 26 color tabs versus the 16 tabs of the
selection (see Figure 7-41, F). Several readings are necessary to Classical system. The tooth shades are arranged into five families
create a color map of a tooth. Typically at least three readings of equal value, with each value family subdivided into ranges of
per tooth are suggestedone each for gingival, middle, and chroma and hue. Because the human eye sees value or lightness
incisal segments. most easily, this is the first attribute of tooth coloration to be
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 157

selected. Chroma, the intensity of color or saturation is the one, hours versus the months or years needed for the Classical
second feature to be noted by human eyes, and is selected next. system.
Finally, the most difficult-to-see variations among yellow, inter- The first step in using the VITAPAN 3D-Master system is to
mediate, and reddish huesor colorare selected. Thus the make sure the tabs are aligned vertically. Misaligned tabs can be
VITAPAN 3D-Master technique is a three-step shade selection distracting to the operator. The patient is asked to smile, and
system that makes maximal use of the visual capacities of the the VITAPAN 3D-Master guide is passed adjacent to the teeth,
dental team. It is far easier to use than the Classical system going from the darker colors (Figure 7-42, A) through the
and much more accurate. The learning curve is a very short intermediate colors (Figure 7-42, B) to the lighter shades




FIGURE 7-42 Shade matching using the VITAPAN 3D-Master Shade system. The shade guide is passed adjacent to the teeth
from the darker colors (A) through the intermediate colors (B) to the lighter colors (C). The correct value family matched (D)
and the center tab held to the dentition (E). Tabs in the chroma range are matched to the teeth in order to select the most
appropriate: lower chroma (E), then the middle chroma (F), and the most intense chroma (G). Continued
158 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color



FIGURE 7-42, contd It is necessary to determine whether the natural tooth has a yellowish (H) or a reddish (I) hue. J, 2M1 is
the most accurate shade match to the natural.

(Figure 7-42, C ). At this point the operator is simply looking selected as the most accurate overall shade match to the natural
to match the value or darkness-lightness of the teeth to the value tooth (Figure 7-42, J ).The shade 2M1 signifies lightness level 2,
of the shade tabs. There is no intent to match chroma or hue at saturation level 1, and color level intermediate. Several readings
this stage. The objective of this first step is very simply to select are necessary to create a color map of a tooth. Typically at least
a value family and to narrow the shade option from 26 tabs three readings per tooth are suggested, one each for the gingival,
to one of five possibilities. middle, and incisal thirds. Shade selection has now become a
Once the correct value family has been matched (Figure 7-42, simple three-step procedure. It is clear, accurate, and reproduc-
D), the center tab is removed from the guide and held to the ible. With a simple change in semantics and reproducible
dentition. The group at the center of the lightness level spectrum numeric designations, it is now possible to solve one of the
has the most commonly occurring shades in nature. The groups enigmas that have plagued many dentists since dental school.
on either side occur with decreasing frequency with movement
away from the center. This center tab represents the chroma
range of the family from lower intensity at the top to higher
VITA Easyshade Compact
intensity toward the bottom. Each of the tabs in the chroma In the early years of the millennium, the first clinically practical
range is matched to the teeth in order to select the most spectrophotometers and colorimeters became available to the
appropriatefirst the lowest chroma (Figure 7-42, E ), then the dental profession. Instead of 16 or 26 color tabs, a virtually
middle chroma (Figure 7-42, F), and then the most intense infinite number of tooth colorations could be measured, docu-
chroma (Figure 7-42, G). In this case the lowest chroma repre- mented, and catalogued within the currently available range of
sents the most accurate coloration. Because teeth are not mono- composite restorative and ceramic shades. For the first time, it
chromatic and saturation levels are variable within the tooth, was no longer necessary to color-neutralize the operatory and
several readings at different areas of the tooth are usually the patient; the process became not only easier, but more objec-
necessary. tive, predictable, and accurate because of the digital and non-
In order to fine-tune the shade, it must be determined subjective method of data collection, recording, and reporting
whether the natural tooth has a yellowish hue (Figure 7-42, H), of shade selection. The most recent electronic shade-taking
intermediate, or a reddish hue (Figure 7-42, I ). For this patient, device is the VITA Easyshade Compact (see Figure 7-27). The
the intermediate hue is the most appropriate, and thus 2M1 is shade-taking handpiece is cordless and requires the base only
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 159

for charging and calibration. The portability of the hand-held Then the wand tip can be removed from the surface of the
shade-taking handpiece makes it useful throughout the practice tooth. The OK signal appears in the cervical third, and the
and for a variety of direct and indirect restorations and bleaching active dot now appears in the middle third on the screen (Figure
procedures. The calibration process is very straightforward but 7-44, C).
must be renewed before every shade-matching procedure. The The wand tip is placed flat on the buccal surface at the middle
handpiece is touched to the color-corrected calibrating tab, third of the tooth (Figure 7-44, D). The button at the top of the
located in the base (Figure 7-43, A and B) and held there for wand is pressed and a light appears at the wand tip. It is impor-
several seconds until a series of beeps confirms that the calibra- tant to not move the wand until the confirming beeps are heard.
tion is complete. At this point the interface screen on the heel Then the wand tip can be removed from the surface of the tooth.
end of the handpiece offers four options: tooth single mode (a The OK signal appears in the cervical and middle thirds and the
single tooth shade averaged over the buccal surface), tooth areas active dot now appears in the incisal third on the screen (Figure
mode (a three segment mapping of the cervical, middle, and 7-44, E).
incisal shades), verify restoration mode for non-natural surfaces The wand tip is placed flat on the buccal surface at the incisal
(a color check mode for crowns and other dental materials), and third of the tooth (Figure 7-44, F ). The button at the top of the
shade tab mode (a reference guide to verify the probe on VITA wand is pressed and a light appears at the wand tip. It is impor-
shade tabs) (Figure 7-43, C). tant to not move the wand until the confirming beeps are heard.
For this patient, the tooth areas mode is used to develop a Then, the wand tip can be removed from the surface of the
comprehensive anterior shading map. Once this option is tooth. The OK signal appears in the cervical and middle and
selected, the active dot appears in the cervical third of the tooth incisal thirds on the screen. Concurrently, the VITAPAN Clas-
on the screen (Figure 7-44, A). The wand tip is placed flat on sical and VITAPAN 3D-Master shades that are closest to the
the buccal surface at the cervical third of the tooth (Figure 7-44, natural tooth structure coloration appear on the screen (Figure
B). The nonslip infection-control shield has been omitted from 7-44, G). These shade results can be noted manually on the
this series for demonstration clarity. The button at the top of the laboratory prescription or transferred to the computer via a USB
wand is pressed and a light appears at the wand tip. It is impor- connection for electronic transfer directly to the laboratory
tant to not move the wand until the confirming beeps are heard. technician.


FIGURE 7-43 Calibration of VITA Easyshade Compact.

A and B, Handpiece is touched to color-correcting calibrat-
ing tab in base and held there until calibration is finished.
C C, Interface screen shows the four measurement options
available (see text for description).
160 Color and Shade Understanding and Manipulating Color



FIGURE 7-44 Shade matching using the VITA Easyshade
Compact. A, Tooth areas mode selected. Note the active
dot appearing in the cervical third of the tooth on the
screen. B, Wand tip on the buccal surface at the cervical
third of the tooth. C, OK signal in the cervical third and
active dot in the middle third on the screen. D, Wand tip
on the buccal surface at the middle third of the tooth.
E, OK signal in the cervical and middle thirds and active
dot in the incisal third on the screen. F, Wand tip on the
buccal surface at the incisal third of the tooth. G, OK signal
in the cervical, middle, and incisal thirds on the screen.
VITAPAN Classical (left) and VITAPAN 3D-Master (right)
shades that are closest to the natural tooth structure color-
ation shown on screen. Note: The nonslip infection-control
G shield has been omitted from this series of photos for dem-
onstration clarity.

Using Color to Create Restorations

Sandesh M. Mayekar

To prepare a restoration with good shade and color that can

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC match a multichromatic natural tooth, a combination of the
DENTISTRY dentin, body, and enamel shades and the opaque shades of the
opaquers and tints can be used.
Esthetic dentistry, using a combination of science and art,
involves the use of colors to create a natural toothlike restora-
tion. Basically, color and shade are very important because teeth CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
are multichromatic with color variations from cervical to incisal.
Similarly, every tooth in the mouth from the central incisors to The original color of a tooth is the color one sees as a result
molars, both upper and lower, varies in color. Hence, color and of the reflection, refraction, deflection, and absorption of light
shading are absolutely necessary to make the restoration look by the enamel, the dentin, and possibly the pulp. The color seen
like a natural tooth. in a tooth is the result of combined optical effects of the layers
of tooth structurethe translucency and thickness of the enamel
and color of the underlying dentin.
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL The polychromatism of a restoration is vital to bring out
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION the lifelike shade of a restoration. Enamel shades and dentin
shades have to be analyzed and understood to bring about a
Color and shading are necessary for direct and indirect com- well-integrated restoration with an invisible interface.
posite restorations and also for ceramic indirect restorations.
For composites, universal shades were used for every tooth from Indications
cervical to incisal. These restorations looked monochromatic Color and Shade are indicated for all restorations: direct and
and seldom matched the multichromatic neighboring teeth. indirect restorations, both anterior and posterior.
Subsequently, different shades of composites were developed
that matched the VITA Shade Guide (Classical 3D-Master, see Contraindications
Figure 7-8). All these were dentin shades, and very few matched The contraindications to color and shade are none except when
the translucency of the teeth, as there was no enamel shade. a patient wants bleached white teeth: with no color or shading,
Then came the enamel shades, which had variations in accor- just plain, uniform, white monochromatic teeth.
dance with the VITA Shade Guidethat is, Enamel A2, Enamel
B3, and so on. There were few other shades such as Clear
Enamel Shade (CE) and White Enamel Shade (WE) that MATERIAL OPTIONS
matched the VITA Shade Guide. However, these dentin and
enamel shades could not be used to mask underlying tooth Different companies have come out with a wide variety of mate-
color, so opaque shades in the Vita Shade Guide (such as AO2, rials of different shades. Some companies have fewer shades of
AO3), and so on were developed. Subsequently companies came composites, which they claim will match the color of the neigh-
out with composites in the form of enamel, body, and dentin boring teeth like a chameleon (e.g., Gradia DirectLoflo, GC
shades that can match the multichromatic nature of the tooth America, Alsip, Illinois). There are some composites that have
structure (for example, Filtex Supreme Ultra 3M ESPE, St Paul, 26 shades or 16 shades in the form of dentin, body, enamel,
Minnesota). An unfilled resin in the form of thin paint-on opa- and opaque shades. Most important is the classification of type
quers containing titanium dioxide came into use to mask the and filler particle sizewhether they are microfills, microhy-
underlying tooth color in place of the existing thick opaque brids, nanofills, and so on. The filler size and type differs in each
composites. Similarly, to characterize the restorative surface, case and has a bearing on the color of the restoration. The finish-
unfilled resins in the form of tints also came into use that could ing and polishing also plays an important role in the color and
give a natural look to the restoration by creating crack lines, shade of a restoration. A well-finished and polished restoration
hypocalcified spots, and so on. will give nice reflection and absorb no stains. All composite

162 Color and Shade Using Color to Create Restorations

manufacturing companies make composites in accordance with

the VITA Shade Guide, but these different guides do not match
Innovative Elements
with one another. For example, A may represent the hue and 2 The best improvised instrument to read a color is the eyes.
represent the chroma, but the value differs (grayness and white- Unless the tooth is read, the color cannot be reproduced. But,
ness, dullness and brightness) in composites of each company. it cannot be true for all the people, as some might not be techni-
Only VITAs composite matches the 3D-Master Shade Guide, cally correct with their eyes and have a problem in reading
which features hue, chroma, and value all in one. colors. In short, what the eyes see can be subjective.
For class III cavities and class IV fractures, an opaque com- Today we have technology-based digital imaging and analy-
posite can be used on the palatal side to prevent transmission of sis. Several companies have come out with meters that can check
light. This opaque composite can then be covered with the body the shade, not just of the total tooth, but also of the different
shade and finished with translucent shade up to the incisal edge areas of the tooth and the variations in the tooth color. This is
to get a natural toothlike restoration. the best objective and innovative method to determine color
and shade.
Advantages It is important to understand the methodology to determine
The material blends with the shade of the dentin and enamel shade and color. Scientifically, the shade or color can be deter-
and gives a natural multichromatic look to the restoration. mined without relying on subjective observation by the human
Whether one uses a microfill, nanofill, or microhybrid does not eye. The light source, whether yellow, natural, or white light and
matter for esthetics; what matters are the shade and color. whether in an overcast or a sunny environment, is of conse-
quence to determining the shade. The shade can be taken at any
Disadvantages time of the day or night in any location in the objective
If the correct shade and type of material are not used, the restora- methodology.
tion might not be clinically acceptable. The final color of the As far as technology goes, the meter is more consistent than
composite depends on three very important things: the original human assessment and can determine the right shade and help
color of the tooth, the thickness of the composite, and reproduce it accurately. Although it is easy to determine the
polymerization. shade, it is difficult to reproduce the shade. The meter can help
overcome this problem. However, it is expensive, and its use is
time-consuming. For direct composite restorations, eyes are still

Determining the correct shade and color material is the best

approach for a good esthetic restoration. To achieve this, it is
Artistic Elements
important to understand color. This is done through compre- A wide variety of available color materials makes it possible to
hension of the dimension of the color (hue, chroma, and value mix and match the colors in creating the restoration that matches
and translucency) in relation to the manufacturers shade guide the multichromaticity of the tooth. To achieve the multichro-
or the universal shade guide (the VITA Shade Guide). matic effect, the cervical, body, and incisal shades are used in
The best way to determine the shade and color is to do a different areas according to the shade selection.
mock-up in the patients mouth and check it in different lights The artistic element comprises the ability to read the color
natural, white, and yellow. and to reproduce it exactly, by mixing and matching the differ-
Sometimes, different company materials can be blended well ent shades with artistic finesse.
to give an esthetic tooth color restoration. To get a good tooth
color match, one must determine and reproduce the color, and
between determining and reproducing, one must retain the TREATMENT PLANNING
color in the mind. For an indirect restoration, it is necessary to
draw a tooth diagram with its color on the prescription form for To determine the shade or color, a universal shade guide such
the dental technician. It has been suggested that the best way to as the VITA Shade Guide or a custom-made company shade
get the right color is to draw the tooth and draw the shade that guide may be used, or a mock-up may be done. The problem
one sees and wants to be reproduced in the restoration. with the VITA Shade Guide is that there is no element of
value or translucency. This guide shows only hue and chroma.
The custom-made company shade guides appear to be very
Other Considerations close to the color that one sees, but the effect of thickness and
Unless the accurate shade is determined and the correct shade proportion of the composite needs to be assessed. The best
materials are used, a technically good and natural-looking res- method for determining the shade and color of the tooth to be
toration cannot be produced. It is equally important to prepare restored is to prepare a mock-up in the patients mouth, cure it
the tooth for the right amount of material. For a laminate or a with light, polish it, and check it in different lights. To deter-
veneer, a mock-up of the composite on the prepared tooth can mine the shade, a proper sequence is most important. First, the
be used before the adhesive preparation to ascertain the varied basic shade is considered, which means one looks at the tooth,
shades in the different parts of the tooth. but not for more than 7 seconds. The basic shade is thus
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 163

determinedfor example, A2. Next, a particular area, such as tooth is prepared. The preparation for laminates where there is
the cervical, body, or incisal, is concentrated on; thus one no change in color should be minimal. The preparation for
sees the basic shade variation in those areas. If the body is veneers where there is a change in color depends on the thickness
shade A2, the cervical could be A3 or A3.5. Then, the observer of the material that is required to mask the inside color and get
moves down to the incisal area, where the enamel shade and the right shade. For class III, class IV, and class V restorations,
the translucent effect are checkedmore transparency going a bevel is necessary to blend the color coming from the natural
toward transparent, and less translucency going toward opacity. tooth to the composite. In class III restorations, as the light
The translucency is measured and the location is marked. Some strikes the labial surface of the tooth, the reflection is from the
incisal edges are in the form of a band, and some have enamel and dentin. As one comes to the beveled area, the light
Vshaped translucency at the incisal edges. To communicate strikes little composite and more of the tooth. As one goes
the variations in translucency, the translucencies are checked toward more beveled (i.e., the 45-degree beveled area), there is
and are accordingly drawn. Lastly, regarding special effects, one a little more composite and less tooth color; and when one goes
looks at the tooth and draws the vertical crack lines, maverick to the composite, what one gets is whole composite color, a
colors near the root, or hypoplastic spots as one sees them. To blend of colors that is very important. So in preparation, an
understand the special effects, the tooth should be looked at enamel bevel plays an important role in blending colors.
uniformly and not haphazardly.
To determine the shade and color, it is advisable to follow a Procedure
sequence: determine the basic shade, shade variations, enamel Start with the laying of the cervical layer; adapt the body shade
shades, and special effects; draw them; and reproduce them. The and then the incisal shade. When blending the colors from cervi-
final result will be a good restoration. cal to body, the cervical color is used and then mixed with the
body color and then cured. While the body shade and the incisal
shade are being adapted, the tints are used and cured to give a
Color and Shade Determination lifelike effect to the restoration.
The ability to reproduce a particular color largely depends on
the dentists ability to observe the condition as it appears natu- Finishing
rally. Equally important is to understand what the patient The attractive appearance of the restoration depends on the
expects and to have a good idea what shade the patient will reflection, refraction, deflection and scattering of light on the
accept before beginning the case. tooth surface, which in turn depends on the surface texture and
The prerequisite to accurate shade determination is an under- smoothness of the restoration. The effect of light gives color to
standing of natural tooth color. Shade determination is visual the restoration. The finishing and polishing (to a large extent)
perception and is purely subjective. To the untrained eye, the are responsible for the color and natural lifelike effect of the
color of the tooth is white or yellow. Under close examination, restoration. If the restoration is not finished and polished prop-
the tooth shows a range of hues and chroma over the surface. erly, there will not be a definite reflection and absorption of
True shade or color is represented only in the middle third of light, which gives a dimension to the restoration. Therefore,
the tooth. This is the principal area against which the shade finishing and polishing is very important to give color to the
guide is matched. restoration. Deflection of light causes a shadow; creation of a
direct reflection results in brightness. Playing with colors, one
Options can create a deflection of light for a restoration to be of low
Using a universal shade guide such as the VITA Shade Guide value. Creating concavities and convexities that deflect and
Using custom-made shade guide from a company reflect give a three-dimensional appearance to the color. Creat-
Doing a mock-up ing a texture on the tooth surface scatters light and gives the
Using a colorimeter or spectrophotometer restoration a three-dimensional appearance. All these factors are
important and are achieved by finishing and polishing a restora-
Sequence tion. In summary, finishing does not imply a smooth, shining
For optimal results, shade determination must follow the fol- finish and polish, which would not reflect the right color of the
lowing logical sequence: restoration. To give the right color and shade to a restoration, it
1. Basic shade should be textured, smoothed, polished, and finished.
2. Basic shade variations
3. Enamel shade, translucency and location Maintenance
4. Special effects To maintain the color of the restoration, the patient should be
advised not to brush vigorously but to adopt the correct brush-
ing technique. Vigorous brushing can result in a change in the
Treatment Considerations surface texture, wearing of the material, and loss of enamel
Preparation translucence in the restoration, which can alter the color and
Depending on the restoration to be createdfor example, lami- mar the appearance and look of the restoration. Professional
nates for misshaped teeth; veneers for discolored teeth; class III, finishing and polishing at regular intervals and in-dental office
class IV, or class I and class II restorations in the posteriorsthe and home maintenance are advised.
164 Color and Shade Using Color to Create Restorations

Near-Future Developments
A more varied range of colors of chameleon-like shade materials
that match the surrounding tooth colors and easy shade guides
will be future developments. How does one learn colors? One
learns to understand colors as a child understands them: The
child is shown colors and taught that they are red, yellow, blue,
and so on. The child recognizes the colors in an instant, because
the child has seen them and remembers them all. The same
principle can be applied to the colors of the restorative material.
If company K produces a box with 26 shades, one has to
remember all the 26 shades. Initially, one has to understand what
A2, B3, and A4 look like after curing. After achieving this
understanding, one can remember these colors while determin-
ing the shade and color of a tooth in order to match them. Use
of a mock-up with different colors is the alternativea long and
time-consuming process. To avoid these problems, a company
could produce fewer tubes that matched a greater number of
colors; this situation would be ideal. Also, more advanced meters
or equipment should be developed to determine shades in
multidirectional light.

Patient History
A 20-year-old woman arrived for a smile makeover. She was Miss FIGURE 7-45 Preoperative gummy smile inclining more
India in the Miss International Beauty pageant. toward the left and not in the golden proportion.

Relevant Conditions
Examination showed a healthy periodontal condition and good
occlusion. The patient had a gummy smile, palatally inclined
teeth because of orthodontic treatment, and a discolored upper
left central incisor caused by root canal treatment (Figure 7-45).

Treatment-Planning Process
It was determined that the gummy smile would be corrected by
a crown-lengthening procedure (CLP)that is, gingivectomy
and alveoloplasty. For this CLP, two important factors were FIGURE 7-46 Healthy gingiva with proper contour after 3
considered: the biologic width needed to be maintained, and the weeks of healing after a crown lengthening procedure.
zenith and contour of the gingiva needed to be correct. After
healing, ceramic composite laminate and veneers or ceramic basic shade variations were cervical shade A3, incisal V-shaped
laminate veneers could be prepared. translucency, proximal enamel translucent shade A2, and
The patient opted for composite laminate veneers owing to incisal Clear Enamel (CE) shade. Not many special effects were
financial constraints. necessary.
The mock-up was done to understand the depth of the prepa-
ration and to determine the extent of material that would be
Clinical Step-by-Step necessary to mask the discoloration.
To correct the gummy smile, the CLP was done with the patient Laminate and veneer preparation was done to a uniform
under local anesthesia, keeping in mind the biologic width, depth of 0.5mm, except for the upper left discolored central
zenith and contour of the gingiva, and bilateral symmetry. incisor, which was prepared to 0.75mm depth. The discolored
The restoration procedure was initiated 3 weeks after the CLP central incisor required additional preparation so that the
(Figure 7-46). The color and the shade were determined in a final color would match the color of the neighboring teeth
logical sequence and in consultation with the patient because (Figure 7-47).
all the anterior teeth (including the premolars) were to be After cleaning, etching, priming, and bonding, paint-on
laminated and veneered. The basic shade selected was A2. The opaquer was applied short of the incisal and proximal borders
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 165

A Cervical

B Laminate Veneer
FIGURE 7-47 A, Teeth prepared for laminate veneer; discol-
ored central incisor prepared more than the neighboring teeth.
B, Representation of repaired laminate veneer.

C Body - hybrid

FIGURE 7-49 A, Adaptation of cervical layer in mammelan

form. B, Cervical A3 shade showing convexities and concavi-
Opaquer ties. C, Representation of combined effect of cervical and body
FIGURE 7-48 Paint-on opaque on prepared tooth, short of
the incisal and proximal borders.
seen between the two layers (Figure 7-49, B). The next layer
adapted was the body shade A2. This layer projected the overall
view of the tooth. This layer was blended over the cervical layer,
to mask the discoloration of the tooth (Figure 7-48) to give a placed more on the labial body surface, and thinned down to
translucent effect to the restoration. Paint-on opaquers should the incisal margins (Figure 7-49, C). The shade in this region
be applied on a smooth surface and as thinly as possible. The showed a combined effect of the cervical and body shades, and
thicker the opaque layer, the less room for the translucent resin, because of the merging of both the shades, there was no demar-
and if the layer of the translucent resin is too thin, then the cation of cervical and body layers. To create transitional line
opaquer shines through and the tooth has a dead look. angles and a mammelons-like effect, convexities and concavities
The A3 shade of compositethe cervical shadewas placed were created on the labial surface.
from the gingival margin and reduced in thickness as it came Before the last layer of the body was cured, V-shaped notches
onto the body of the tooth (Figure 7-49, A). Mammelons (irreg- were made at the incisal third (Figure 7-50, A), and subsequently
ularities in the form of convexities and concavities) were created the incisal enamel layer was adapted onto the last uncured body
on the surface of the restoration to facilitate merging of the layer to give a translucent effect. Then both layers were cured.
overlapping cervical and body layers, so that no difference was This gave a V-shaped enamel translucent effect to the incisal
166 Color and Shade Using Color to Create Restorations

B Tints C
FIGURE 7-50 A, V-shaped notches on uncured A2 body layer. B, Representation of tint application. C, Tints applied.

A Initial enamel - microfill B Proximal enamel - microfill

FIGURE 7-51 A, Representation of application of tints at incisal and cervical areas. B, Representation of adaptation of initial
enamel layer at incisal third.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 167


FIGURE 7-52 Before (A and B) and after (C and D) views of patients smile.

third. To create charactera halo or translucent effect in some SUGGESTED READINGS

part of incisal areablue tint was applied, and orange and
Bergen SF: Color in esthetics, N Y State Dent J 51:470-471, 1985.
brown tints were applied in the cervical area to create maverick Chiche GJ, et al: Esthetics of Anterior Fixed Prosthodontics, Singapore, 1994.
or rootlike colors (Figures 7-50, B and C ). Clark EB: The color problems in dentistry, Dent Dig 37:499-509, 1931.
After the tints were applied and cured, the initial enamel layer Crispin B: Contemporary esthetic dentistry: Practice fundamentals, 1994,
(shade CE enamel) was adapted onto the cured tints (Figure Quintessence.
Galip G: The science and art of porcelain laminate veneers, 2003, Quintessence.
7-51, A). The proximal enamel shade, A2, was adapted on both
Goldstein RE: Esthetics in dentistry. Brian C. Decker, 1998.
the mesial and distal sides, running from cervical to incisal in Knight GM: Fabricating direct resin laminates, Dent World 2:7, 1993. Reality
such a way as to highlight the transitional line angles (Figure 2010.
7-51, B). This layering technique for shade and color gave a Rufenacht CR: Fundamentals of esthetics, Chicago, 1992, Quintessence.
lifelike appearance to the restorations (Figure 7-52). Ubassy G: Shape and Color, Chicago, 1988, Quintessence.
8 C H A P T E R


The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques

George Freedman

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC The Generational Development

DENTISTRY of Adhesive Systems (see Box 8-1)
Over the past two decades the evolution of adhesive techniques The first-generation adhesives in the late 1970s were really rather
has transformed the scope of dental practice. Today, most direct ineffective. Although their bonding strength to enamel was high
and indirect restorations are bonded to natural tooth structures (generally, adhesives of all generations except for the sixth bond
rather than cemented or mechanically retained. Extensive well to the microcrystalline structure of enamel), the strength of
research and product development have consistently improved their bond to the semi-organic dentin was the major problem
the adhesive armamentarium available to the dentist, broaden- facing dentists. Their adhesion to dentin was pitifully low, typi-
ing its applications and range. Patient interests and demands cally no higher than 2MPa. Bonding was achieved through the
reflect a new-found interest in oral appearance and health, most chelation of the bonding agent to the calcium component of the
commonly associated with adhesive procedures. dentin. Although tubular penetration did occur, it contributed
The widespread demand for, and use of, dental adhesives has little to restoration retention. It was common to see debonding
fueled an intensive development of better and easier-to-use at the dentinal interface within several months. These bonding
dental adhesives in rapid succession; dentists have literally been agents were recommended primarily for small, retentive class III
inundated with successive generations of adhesive materials. and class V cavities. Post-operative sensitivity was common
Although the term generation has no scientific basis in the realm when these bonding agents were used for posterior occlusal
of dental adhesives and is to a great extent arbitrary, it has served restorations.
a useful purpose in organizing the myriad materials into more In the early 1980s a distinct second generation of adhesives
comprehensible categories. was developed. The enamel was etched and rinsed prior to
bonding, keeping the acid away from the dentin. This generation
targeted the smear layer on the dentin (a post cavity preparation
layer composed of dentinal debris, dead and live bacteria) as a
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL bonding substrate. The smear layer is typically bonded to the
underlying dentin at a negligible level of 2 to 3MPa. The weak
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION bonding strengths of these second-generation agents2 to
OF THE PROCEDURE 8MPa to dentinmeant that a mechanical retention form in
cavity preparations was still required. Restorations with margins
The generational definitions help to identify the chemistries in dentin saw extensive microleakage, and posterior occlusal
involved, the strengths of the dentinal bond, and the ease of use restorations were likely to exhibit significant post-operative sen-
for the practitioner (Box 8-1). Ultimately this type of classifica- sitivity. The long-term stability of second-generation adhesives
tion benefits the dentist and patient by simplifying the clinicians was problematic. For direct restorations, 1-year retention rates
chairside choices. were as low as 70%.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 169

BOX 8.1 Generations of Dental Adhesives

First Generation (1970s) Fifth Generation (Mid-1990s)
1 to 3MPa adhesion to dentin 20 to 25MPa adhesion to dentin
Bonded well to enamel through resin tags into enamel Single component in a single bottle
50% failure at 6 months Bonds to enamel, moist dentin, metal, porcelain
Examples: N-phenylglycine and glycidyl methacrylate, Etching required
NPG-GMA Moist surface required (wet or moist bonding)
Examples: Pulpdent UNO-DUO, Prime & Bond NT,
Second Generation (Early 1980s)
Gluma Comfort Bond, Single Bond, One Step, Bond 1,
2 to 8MPa adhesion to dentin
Phosphate-ester bonding agents
Bonded to smear layer (organic debris)
Weak ionic bond to calcium undergoes hydrolysis Sixth Generation (2000)
17 to 22MPa adhesion to dentin
Examples: Scotchbond, DentinAdhesit, Bondlite
No separate etching step
Third Generation (Late 1980s) Multibottle, multistep
8 to 15MPa adhesion to dentin Bonds to dentin, metal, porcelain
Etching of dentin removed or modified smear layer High incidence of enamel interface fractures
Spaghetti-like projections of resin into dentinal tubules Examples: AdheSE, SE Bond, Tyrian, Prompt L-Pop,
Examples: Scotchbond 2, Gluma, Tenure, XR Bond Xeno III
Fourth Generation (Early 1990s)
17 to 25MPa adhesion to dentin Seventh Generation (2003)
Total etch; complete removal of smear layer and collapse 20 to 30+ MPa adhesion to dentin
of exposed callagen fibers Single bottleno mixing
Bonds to enamel, moist dentin, metal, porcelain Bonds to enamel, dentin, porcelain, metal
Multibottle, multistep Moisture independent
Examples: Scotchbond MP, Imperva, Gluma 2000, No technique sensitivity
Syntac, All-Bond 2, Permagen Examples: BeautiBond, Bond Force

In the late 1980s, two-component primer-adhesive systems then rinsed simultaneously with the total etch technique. This
were introduced. The marked improvement that these bonding generation is characterized by the hybridization process at the
agents represented warranted their classification as third- dentin-composite interface.
generation adhesives. Significant increases in bonding strength to Hybridization is the replacement of the hydroxyapatite and
dentin, 8 to 15MPa, decreased the need for a retention form water in the surface dentin by resin material. This resin, cured
in the cavity preparation. Erosion, abrasion, and abfraction with the remaining collagen fibers, constitutes the hybrid layer.
lesions were treatable with minimal tooth preparation, hence the Hybridization involves both the dentinal tubules and the intra-
introduction of ultraconservative dentistry. A noticeable decrease tubular dentin, dramatically improving bonding strength to
in post-operative sensitivity observed with posterior occlusal dentin. Total etching (both enamel and dentin) and moist
restorations was very welcome. Enamel etching was routine but dentin bonding, concepts developed by Fusayama and Nak-
it was feared that etching the dentin would cause pulpal necrosis abayashi in Japan in the 1980s and introduced in North America
and necessitate endodontic treatment. The third-generation by Dr. Raymond Bertollotti, are innovative hallmarks of the
adhesives were the first agents that bonded not only to tooth fourth-generation adhesives.
structure but also to dental metals and ceramics. The downside The fourth generation adhesives are distinguished by their
to these bonding agents was their limited longevity. Various components; there are two or more ingredients that must be
studies demonstrated that adhesive retention with these materi- mixed, preferably in precise ratios, or utilized in a specific
als started to diminish after 3 years intraorally. However, patient sequence. This is easy enough to accomplish at the research labo-
demands for tooth-colored restorations convinced some dentists ratory but much more complicated, and perhaps impossible,
to begin routinely providing posterior composite fillings. chairside. The number of mixing steps involved and the require-
In the early 1990s fourth-generation bonding agents trans- ment for precise component measurements tend to confuse the
formed dentistry. Their high bonding strength to dentin, 17 to process; imprecise procedures and inaccurate ratios reduce or
25MPa, and decreased post-operative sensitivity in posterior eliminate the bonding strengths to dentin.
occlusal restorations encouraged many dentists to begin the This led to the development and the great popularity of the
tectonic switch from amalgam to direct posterior composite fifth-generation dental adhesives. These materials adhere well to
restorations. Both the enamel and the dentin are etched and enamel, dentin, ceramics, and metal, but, most important, they
170 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques

are characterized by a single component in a single bottle (in

addition to the etching gel). There is no mixing involved in the RELATING FUNCTION
adhesion process, and hence less opportunity for error. Bonding AND ESTHETICS
strengths to dentin are in the 20- to 25-MPa range, suitable for
all dental procedures (except self-curing resin cements and self- Conservative dentistry, a treatment process whereby a minimum
curing composites). of healthy tooth structure is removed during the restorative
Dental procedures tend to be both technique sensitive and process, is inherently a desirable dental objective. Natural enamel
stressful. Where some of this stress can be eliminated, dentists, and natural dentin are still the best dental materials in existence,
staff, and patients all benefit. There is little technique sensitivity and thus, minimally invasive procedures that conserve more of
in a material that can be applied directly from the bottle to the the original, healthy tooth structure are preferable.
prepared tooth surface. Post-operative sensitivity was reduced Minimally invasive dental procedures are beneficial from a
appreciably. The fifth-generation bonding agents, easy to use and patients point of view as well. There is less discomfort, less need
predictable, were the most popular adhesives of their day. for local anesthesia, and a real prospect that the repaired natural
Over the years, dentists and researchers have sought to elimi- tooth will last a lifetime. The replacement of existing amalgam
nate the etching step or to include the surface conditioning restorations with newer amalgam involves ever larger restora-
process chemically as part of another component. The sixth- tions that have shorter life spans than their predecessors. The
generation adhesives require no separate etching step, at least at replacement procedures may nick or otherwise damage adjacent
the dentinal surface. Since 2000, a number of dental adhesives healthy teeth.
specifically designed to eliminate the etching step have been In many parts of the world, restorative dentistry has been
introduced. These products have a dentin-conditioning liquid as described and taught as conservative dentistry. It has hardly
part of one of their components; the acid treatment of the dentin been conservative of tooth structures, however; traditional
is self-limiting, and the etch byproducts are permanently incor- methods and materials have been aggressive and highly invasive,
porated into the dental-restorative interface. requiring the removal of otherwise healthy enamel and dentin
Significant questions were raised by researchers concerning for various reasons, including extending the cavity for the reten-
the quality of the bond after aging in the mouth, typically at the tion of the final restoration and extending a preparation for the
3-year milestone. Interestingly, the bond to the dentin (17 to prevention of recurrent decay. Thus, healthy tooth structures
22MPa) remains strong; it is the bond to the unetched, unpre- were condemned to removal by the demands of non-adhesive
pared enamel that tends to fail in 30% or more of cases. In restorative materials (Figure 8-1).
addition, the multiple components and multiple steps required Fortunately, the current era of dentistry has witnessed the
for the various sixth-generation agents can be confusing and lead development of new materials, new techniques, and new instru-
to clinical error. In practice, it is possible to eliminate bond ments that make conservative dentistry practical and ultracon-
failure at the enamel interface simply by etching or roughening servative dentistry a reality. Adhesive restorations eliminate the
the enamel before placing the adhesive. This, however, introduces need for more extensive retentive preparations (Figure 8-2).
a separate etching step to a supposedly non-etching generation. Enamel-mimicking composites (both hybrid and flowable) offer
A novel, simplified seventh-generation adhesive system over- long-lasting tooth structure replacement with minimum require-
comes all previous objections. Just as the fifth-generation ments for restorative bulk. Little or no healthy tooth material
bonding agents made the leap from multi-component systems must be removed simply to allow for adequate thickness of the
to a rational and easy-to-use single bottle adhesive the seventh- filling material. Innovative materials, particularly when com-
generation simplifies the multi-component, multi-step sixth- bined with early detection and conservative treatment make the
generation materials into a single-component, single-bottle development of esthetics possible within every dental practice.
system. The seventh-generation adhesives are typically more
acidic (1.0 pH lower) than their sixth-generation counterparts.
This adequately etches all exposed enamel for effective bonding CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
strengths. The etch is self-limiting immediately after its applica-
tion to the tooth surface, and the byproducts are ultimately
Early Detection and Treatment
incorporated into the adhesive interface during the light-curing Routine diagnosis and treatment of large, visible dental decay is
step. Because the conditioning materials are never rinsed off the relatively easy. Its presence and location are readily accessible.
tooth surface before polymerization, there is far less likelihood Over the past several decades, however, there have been major
that any vital dentinal tubules are left open, and thus made more changes in the pattern of dental decay. Owing largely to the
prone to after-treatment discomfort. Thus, postoperative sensi- advances in the dental education of the public, there is a greatly
tivity is virtually never observed after the deployment of seventh- increased dental awareness among many population groups.
generation adhesives. Combined with more frequent and more thorough preventive
Both the sixth- and seventh-generation adhesives are available care by dentists, this has led to fewer and smaller cavities, par-
for self-etching, self-priming adhesion for improved procedures ticularly among the younger age groups.
with minimal technique sensitivity and little or no post-operative Although this represents great progress for the dental profes-
sensitivity. Seventh generation adhesives are easier to use, less sion (as well as the general population), this trend toward fewer
technique sensitive, and do not require a moist surface. and smaller cavities has raised some new questions:
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 171


FIGURE 8-1 A, Small interproximal decay. B, Nonadhesive amalgam extended for retention and prevention.

FIGURE 8-3 Explorer used on tooth to diagnosis decay.

FIGURE 8-2 Composite resin restoration without extension
for retention and prevention.

How does one effectively diagnose these much smaller cross-section has confirmed a ratio of only 25% accuracy in
lesions in the teeth? diagnosing decay underlying the occlusal surface using the tra-
Should these smaller lesions be left to grow larger for easier ditional explorer method (Figure 8-3). This is hardly an impres-
diagnosis and access or should they be intercepted while sive rate of success.
they are still small? Radiographic diagnosis is an important tool for the practic-
ing dentist. Radiographs can detect caries when none are
The accurate diagnosis of minute lesions may be quite diffi- observed clinically. However, negative radiographic results can
cult with traditionally accepted techniques. The shape of pit be misleading. All too often the tooth has caries that the radio-
and fissure lesions tends to mask the size and extent of the graphic process will not reveal. This is known as the phenome-
defect when the dentist is using an explorer. Forty-two percent non of hidden caries, a condition in which the tooth appears
of these fissures have a narrow occlusal opening and vary in caries free clinically and/or radiographically but is found to be
shape as they progress inward in the tooth. Caries is initiated in carious by other diagnostic means (Figure 8-4, A). Subsequent
the lateral walls of the fissure and progresses downward toward cross-sectioning of the tooth clearly reveals caries that has origi-
the dentino-enamel junction (DEJ). The narrow occlusal nated at the base of a fissure and is now spreading along the DEJ
opening tends to prevent the entry of the explorer into the (Figure 8-4, B).
larger chambers of the lesion. Often only a stickiness of the The dilemma of clinically diagnosing small caries at an early
instrument in the tooth surface is reported. In fact, histologic stage is a very real problem that cannot easily be solved by
172 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques


FIGURE 8-4 A, Radiograph showing an apparently healthy tooth. B, Cross-section of tooth showing hidden caries spreading
along the dentino-enamel junction.

existing diagnostic techniques. Explorers and radiographs are discomfort, preferably without any anesthetic, patient accep-
simply not adequate tools for this common type of dental tance will be high, and the dentists conservationist goals can be
lesion. A further complication is the aggressive use of fluoride attained (Figure 8-5).
on a regular basis in fluoridated communities. A study in the
Netherlands determined that the entire Dutch population
(among others) may be overdosing on fluoride. This may have
resulted in an undiagnosed hidden caries level of approximately There are no contraindications to adhesion in clinical dentistry.
15% in the younger population. The surface-hardening effect There have been no reports of allergy to the materials. Restora-
of fluoride on the enamel makes the tooth surface more impen- tions that failed have done so only when the adhesion was
etrable to exploration, while at the same time masking the improperly implemented, or early in the adhesive era when bond
carious activity occurring just below the tooth surface and strengths were simply too weak. It is very important that adhe-
along the DEJ. sion be accomplished rigorously, following the instructions and
The clinical dentist is faced with the option of (1) watching the requirements of the materials involved.
and waiting until the early caries, which may be far more active There are many different adhesive procedures. Specific
just under the enamel surface, becomes larger and destroys more composite materials may require specific adhesive components.
healthy tooth structure, or (2) aggressively eliminating these Some composite materials are not compatible with all adhesive
early lesions and restoring the cavities with ultraconservative components. Thus it is essential that the adhesives used be
restorations. The older tradition of watching incipient decay appropriate to the procedure and the restorative material and
is no longer tenable. Extensive recent research has clearly indi- that the entire system be used according to the manufacturers
cated that incipient surface decay may, particularly in fluoridated instructions. Certain restorative materials, bases, cements, and
communities, mask much greater subsurface carious activity ionomers do not require separate adhesives because the bonding
within the tooth. Incipient decay must therefore be intercepted chemistry is incorporated into the restorative material itself. In
at the earliest possible opportunity to prevent the spread and these situations, the adhesive may be superfluous. It may even
growth of caries and to permit the most conservative restoration compromise the restorative to tooth bond strength and the
possible. overall success of the bonding procedure.
The practice of sealing pits and fissures has enjoyed wide-
spread acceptance. There is continued concern, however, about
the placement of sealants over undiagnosed caries. Because it is
often difficult to determine the status of caries activity in fis- MATERIAL OPTIONS
sures, an exploratory technique, or excisional biopsy, offers the
best access and the best diagnostic and conservative technique The dental practitioner has many options in the area of adhe-
for the maximum retention of healthy tooth structures com- sives. As described earlier, there are seven distinct generations of
bined with the assured removal of all decay. The excisional Fis- adhesives. Each generation has its own advantages and disadvan-
surotomy bur (SS White Burs, Inc., Lakewood, New Jersey) tages; some of the earlier generations are currently not in wide-
remodels the anatomy of the fissure, facilitating the access, the spread use because better methods have superseded them quite
acid etching, and the bonding of composite resin into the cavity effectively. Only generations four through seven are commonly
preparation. lf this can be accomplished with minimal patient used at this time (Table 8-1).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 173



FIGURE 8-5 A, Fissurotomy bur is used to excise early decay to the depth of the dentino-enamel junction or just beyond without
need for local anesthetic. B, Acid etching of the prepared cavities. C, Fifth-generation adhesive applied to etched surfaces.
D, Flowable composite inserted into the small occlusal preparations. E, Completed ultraconservative restorations.

The first-generation adhesives bonded quite well to enamel First-generation materials did not include dentin condition-
through resin-infiltration of the enamel microcrystals but did ers, and it is questionable whether they were capable of removing
not bond to dentin. Etching was not yet well established as a the smear layer at the dentin surface. It can be assumed that the
technique; in fact, there were numerous controversies about etching step would have eliminated the smear layer of the dentin;
whether etching should precede bonding. Later on, etching, however, if no etching was done, the smear layer was essentially
performed either directly or as part of one of the adhesive com- left intact. Therefore no hybrid layer could be created and moist
ponents, became an essential part of the bonding process. bonding was not required. Typically, the number of bottles in
174 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques

TABLE 8-1 Dental Adhesives: Generational Comparison

st nd rd
PROPERTY 1 2 3 4th 5th 6th 7th
Etch as a separate step ? Yes, E Yes, E, D Yes, E, D Yes No? No
Condition No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Remove smear layer ? No! Yes Yes Yes No No
Hybrid layer No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Moist dentin required No No No Yes Yes No? No!
Number of bottles 1-2 2 2-4 3-5 2 2-3 1
Number of steps 2-3 3 3-4 3-7 Etch +1 2-3 1
Post-operative sensitivity ? ? Some 10%+ 1%-5% None None
Dentin bond (MPa) 1-3 2-8 8-15 17?-25 20-25 17-22 23-30+
D, Dentin; E, enamel.

the first-generation kit was one or two, and two or three steps unblocking the dentinal tubules. Because not all of the vital
were needed to complete the procedure. Because the dentinal dentinal tubules were effectively resealed by the adhesive, there
tubules were not opened by acid etching, there was little if any was some postoperative sensitivity observed with third-generation
postoperative sensitivity. The enamel bond was significantly bonding agents. Dentinal bonding of 8 to 15MPa was achieved,
strong, typically 20 to 30MPa, but the dentin bond at 1 along with the expected 20 to 30MPa for enamel surfaces.
to 3MPa was essentially nonexistent. This made bonding The fourth-generation adhesives were the first to require a
to exposed dentinal surfaces such as Class V abfractions total etch of all prepared tooth surfaces. Dentin bonding to moist
impossible. dentin was 17 to 25MPa, at least theoretically, whereas enamel
The second-generation adhesives were also effective in bonding remained fairly constant at 20 to 30MPa. The fourth-
bonding to enamel. With respect to the dentin, they bonded to generation bonding protocol involved etching both enamel and
the smear layer, the organic debris that is found on the surface dentin and conditioning the dentin. The elimination of the
of the prepared tooth. These adhesive bonds at the dentin inter- smear layer was a key part of the procedure. A hybrid layer was
face were weak, ionic bonds that were generated by the hydro- created at the adhesive-tooth interface through the interaction
lysis of calcium. Etching was a routine part of the bonding of the adhesive material with the moistened tooth surface. Moist
procedure, but dentin conditioning had not yet been intro- bonding became a clinical requirement.
duced. The second-generation adhesives bonded to the smear This generation was the first wherein the bonding strength
layer but did not remove it and did not develop a hybrid layer. to dentin was greater than the polymerization shrinkage of the
Moist bonding was not a requirement. Typically, second- composite. As a result, the composite did not shrink away from
generation techniques involved two bottles and three steps. the tooth-resin interface during polymerization, thereby leaving
There were few reports of postoperative hypersensitivity unless a gap that could develop into a collector for oral fluids and
the dentin was over-etched. Dentinal bonding reached levels of bacteria. The drawback of fourth-generation systems was the
2 to 8MPa, whereas enamel bonding remained in the 20- to need for multiple components. Kits had three to five compo-
30-MPa range. nents and required three to seven distinct steps in their protocol,
The third-generation adhesives were the first ones specifi- a very time-consuming and technique-sensitive exercise. Certain
cally designed to remove and/or modify the smear layer. Adhe- components had to be mixed equally, and in a specific order,
sion to enamel was as with earlier generations, but there was a chairside. This is rather difficult to accomplish predictably on a
major focus on the dentinal surfaces. When this interface was regular basis, as evidenced by the common situation in which
examined under the electron microscope, the polymerized intra- one of the equal mix components was always used up more
tubular resin had the appearance of spaghetti-like projections quickly than the other. The unequal amounts of the components
that acted as anchors inside the tubules and provided increased often compromised the adhesive strength of the bonding agent.
dentinal adhesion. Both the enamel and the dentin required Although the final bonding strength to dentin was theoretically
etching, and for the first time a conditioner was used on the 25MPa, in actual fact it was often less than 17MPa, the
prepared dentinal surface, which removed the smear layer to minimum adhesion needed to avoid marginal gaps caused by
allow the adhesive to enter into the dentinal tubules. No hybrid polymerization shrinkage of the composite. Clinically, the
layer was created, and moist bonding was not yet a requirement. greater the number of steps, the greater the likelihood of inad-
Most third generation kits had two to four components and vertent procedural error (Figure 8-6).
three or four distinct clinical steps. The smear plugs were par- Postoperative sensitivity was observed in 10% to 30% of
tially or completely removed by the etching and conditioning, posterior restorations (far less with anterior restorations). This
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 175

controversial and confusing. Some academics and practitioners

Theoretical bond strength assume that a very slight moistness is enough; others maintain
Actual bond strength that a liquid sheen must be visible on the surface to be bonded.
Because there has been little research to quantify or specify the
correct level of moisture for optimal adhesion, there is little
consensus within the profession on this topic.
The fifth-generation adhesives are specifically designed to
remove the smear layer and to generate a hybrid layer created
through moist bonding. There is one etchant bottle and one
adhesive bottle. The number of indicated steps is two: a relatively
simple and rapid etching step, and a second, adhesive step that
15 varies in complexity and technique sensitivity from product to
product. There is less post-operative sensitivity observed with
10 fifth-generation bonding agentstypically 5% or less in poste-
rior teeth and quite rare in anteriors. This benefit may be a result
5 of the more consistent manufacturer premix of the adhesive
components and the reduction of the recommended etching
0 time from the earlier 60 to the more sensible 15 seconds. The
1 Step 2 Steps 3 Steps 4 Steps dentin bond is a more predictable 20 to 25MPa (the premix
eliminates mixing errors and variability), and the enamel bond
FIGURE 8-6 Clinically, the greater the number of steps, the range is 20 to 30MPa.
greater the decrease in bond strength from theoretical to actual. The chemistry of fifth (as well as sixth and seventh) genera-
tion adhesives is not compatible with dual cure restorative mate-
rials such as cements and core buildups. Thus, an accessory
dual-cure additive was introduced by many manufacturers to
may have been a result of the prescribed technique that effec- make the strictly light-cured fifth-generation adhesives compat-
tively eliminated the entire smear layer as well as the smear plugs ible with dual-cure restorative materials. Theoretically, the dual-
in all the exposed dentinal tubules. In order for post-treatment cure fifth-generation adhesives were light initiated but would
sensitivity to be prevented, the bonding agent had to infiltrate polymerize within 5 minutes in the absence of light, as well.
and seal every single one of the opened dentinal tubules to plug According to a number of published reports based on clinical
them. Any open dentinal tubules allowed the outflow of intra- testing, only Pulpdents DenTASTIC UNO-DUO system
tubular moisture, creating hypersensitivity that could cause the (Figure 8-7, A) and Biscos One-Step Plus system (Figure 8-7,
patient pain for days, weeks, or even longer. The sensitivity was B) were shown to truly have dual-cure properties. Many practi-
much more acute and more likely to occur in posterior teeth, tioners who attempted the use of fifth-generation dual-cure
possibly because of the higher C factors in these preparations. products other than the two noted above were very disappointed
Postoperative sensitivity was often observed even when techni- with their cementation results.
cally precise procedures were performed with great clinical care. The sixth-generation adhesives were designed to eliminate
Fourth-generation adhesives are dual cure; this means that the separate etching step. (In fact, there is no separate etching
after mixing they can be polymerized within seconds with a step with sixth- or seventh-generation products; the surface con-
curing light. In the absence of a photo-catalyst, these adhesives ditioning is accomplished by the chemistry of the bonding
will cure within 60 to 90 seconds after mixing. Thus they polym- agent.) The sixth-generation adhesive materials bond to both
erize both in the presence and the absence of a curing light. enamel and dentin. The dentin bond is 17 to 22MPa, which is
The fifth-generation adhesives combined all the necessary relatively acceptable. The bond to enamel, however, particularly
bonding components into a single bottle, not including the at the enamel interface, all too often fails within the first 3 years.
etchant. They had somewhat lower bonding strength to dentin Thus most sixth-generation adhesives cannot be indicated for
than the fourth-generation products, at least in theory. However, enamel bonding without an additional enamel etching or enamel
as there were no components to mix chairside, the formulation roughening step.
having been completed under controlled factory conditions, the The sixth-generation adhesives are placed on the tooth sur-
adhesive was more likely to always be at its optimal chemistry. faces at a very low initial pH, immediately etching all the
The single-component fifth-generation adhesives bond to both surfaces that they contact until the adhesive-tooth complex is
enamel and dentin; they require total etching however (a 15- to titrated (approximately 1 to 2 seconds). The etching of the tooth
25-second process). surfaces is accomplished as part of the overall adhesive process,
Etching is very predictable and is easily accomplished by not as a separate step. The sixth-generation adhesives were
practitioners. The most common fifth-generation problems the first to incorporate the etching chemistry into the adhesive
relate to the moist bonding surface requirement. Although it components, but unfortunately reverted to the multibottle,
generally has been accepted that a moist bonding surface is a multistep application. This reintroduced the drawbacks of
must, the definition of wet or moist surfaces can be rather unpredictable chairside mixing, incorrect component ratios, and
176 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques

FIGURE 8-7 A, DenTASTIC UNO-DUO system. B, One-

Step Plus system. (A courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachu-
setts. B courtesy Bisco, Schaumburg, Illinois.)


possibly an inappropriate application sequence. Some sixth- pH (1.0 pH lower or 10 times more acidic than sixth-generation
generation adhesives such as ExciTE F (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, adhesives at the enamel surface on application). The enamel
Liechtenstein) use innovative chemistries to overcome the surface is etched quickly and effectively.
problem of inadequate enamel etching The most important innovation of seventh-generation adhe-
The clinical concern is that the acidity of the pH and the sives is the added advantage of moisture independence. The acid-
tooth application time of most sixth-generation adhesives are base reaction of the seventh-generation adhesive on the dentin
simply inadequate to etch the enamel sufficiently. Therefore, surface is that of an acid acting on an organic base. This chemical
enamel interfaces have a tendency to break down. Whereas the reaction generates organic salt and water. Thus, seventh-
dentinal interfaces are likely to stay intact in the long term, generation adhesive procedures effectively create their own mois-
enamel interfaces may not. There are two very simple solutions ture. They can be applied to a moist surface (however that may
to this problem: the practitioner must chemically etch or be defined) or a dried surface (much more easily described).
mechanically roughen the enamel surfaces of the preparation Because seventh-generation systems are supplied in a single pre-
before sixth-generation adhesion. This additional step, however, mixed container and require a single application step, and no
creates a paradox: it makes the sixth-generation a non-etching moist or wet surface, few mistakes are possible and there is no
adhesive that still requires etching materials to be used on the technique sensitivity. The process is simple: apply the adhesive
enamelnot a truly practical solution. to the tooth surface, agitate or scrub if required, and then, after
Most sixth-generation adhesives are supplied in two or three a brief wait, simply air dry the surface. Once the bonded surface
components and require two or three clinical steps. This genera- is dry (no longer moist with bonding), it is light cured. There
tion uses dentin conditioners to chemically alter but not to are no separate etching or conditioning steps, and the smear
remove the smear layer. The adhesion is to the etched enamel layer is not removed. There has been virtually no post-operative
and conditioned dentin surfaces. The chemistry of the condi- sensitivity reported with seventh-generation bonding agents.
tioned dentin and the hybridized layer raises the question of The hybrid layer is created by the chemistry of the adhesive. The
whether a moist surface is required. The jury is still out on number of bottles is one; the number of steps is one. There is
this point. no post-operative sensitivity, and dentin bonds of 23 to 30MPa
The seventh-generation adhesives are furnished in a single and higher have been reported.
bottle or ampule that includes all the required components for Of the seven bonding agent generations available to the
self-etching, surface conditioning, hybridization, desensitiza- dentist, the first-, second-, and third-generation agents are rarely
tion, adhesion, and often fluoride release, as well. All the neces- used. The main reason for this is that their adhesion to dentin
sary adhesive steps are accomplished chemically by the simple is less than the minimum force required to resist the forces
application of the adhesive to the tooth surface. No additional of polymerization contraction of composite (17MPa). When
clinical steps are required, no mixing is needed, and the bond adhesives of these generations are used to bond composite
to the enamel, unlike with sixth-generation adhesives, is very restorations, a marginal gap often develops at the interface
acceptable. The seventh-generation bond to dentin is the highest between the composite and the tooth surfaces. This gap attracts
among all the adhesive groups, in the range of 23 to 30MPa plaque and bacteria, resulting in acid formation that causes
and higher. The enamel bond developed with seventh-generation soft and hard tissue breakdown. Current dental practice essen-
agents is successful simply because of the lowered application tially focuses on fourth-, fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-generation
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 177

adhesives. Although all of these adhesives can be used success- agents are better, faster, and easier, as well as more predictable.
fully (it is crucial to follow instructions and to proceed in They offer the patient-pleasing bonus of eliminating virtually all
a logical step-by-step in sequence), the newer-generation post-operative sensitivity.
products are clinically easier and far more predictable than the
earlier ones.
Current Best Approach One of the most important clinical considerations for the selec-
The best choice for restorative dentistry today is a seventh- tion of adhesive products is the bonding strength required at the
generation adhesive. With a single-component, single-step adhesive interface. This question first arose with the develop-
process, the bonding process is straightforward and predictable, ment of adhesive materials in the 1950s, and it is still a some-
and no clinical mistakes can be made. The practitioner simply what controversial topic. Certain basic principles have been
takes the bonding agent from the bottle or the individual dis- conclusively established and are well accepted. In the 1980s and
penser compule and applies it to the tooth surfaces. There the 1990s, a number of studies, including Munksgaard in 1985 and
adhesive is agitated or left to infiltrate the tooth structure, Retief in 1994, found that a minimum of 17MPa of adhesion
according to the instructions. The excess adhesive is air dried to tooth structure was required for successful adhesion. The
until no droplets remain on the surface. Then it is light cured. 17MPa represents the force of the polymerization contraction
There is virtually no post-operative sensitivity with seventh- of the composite resin restorative material. If there is less than
generation adhesives. (The sixth-generation adhesives also cause 17MPa of adhesion to either the enamel or the dentin, the
little sensitivity, but fourth- and fifth-generation bonding agents polymerization force of the composite resin is greater than the
are associated with significant post-operative sensitivity. These force adhering the material to the enamel, dentin, or both.
earlier adhesives can be useful but are more problematic The forces of polymerization cause the resin to contract toward
clinically.) the center of the composite, pulling the restorative material away
Clinically, the most efficient procedures use the fifth- and from the walls of the cavity (Figure 8-8). A small gap is created,
seventh-generation adhesives; there are fewer components and which then allows micro-infiltration of bacteria and plaque
fewer steps. The time required for bonding may not seem rele- that eventually causes marginal breakdown. The fluid inflow
vant for the practitioner at first glance; 30 seconds per restora- and outflow at the restorative interface carries bacteria and
tion for a fifth or seventh generation compares very favorably to sugars deep into the tooth-restorative interface and eventually
the far longer application times of fourth-generation adhesives causes decay. In time, a dark line appears at the margin of the
at up to 180 seconds. A difference of 1 to 2 minutes in chairside restoration.
time bonding time has a significant impact on productivity Where the bonding agents adhesive strength to the dentin
when it is considered that the average practice day comprises and the enamel exceed the 17MPa of polymerization contrac-
more than 20 adhesive procedures. Patients who must keep their tion, the shrinkage of the composite is toward the walls of the
mouths wide open for the entire procedure, might be uncom- cavity (Figure 8-9). The laws of entropy dictate that the polym-
fortable with extended procedures, and will certainly appreciate erization contraction process always tends to go in the direction
a more streamlined treatment. of least resistance (or higher attraction). The composite is thus
Often the fourth generation is referred to as the gold stan- more attracted to the dentin and to enamel surfaces than it is
dard. Although this adhesive category is definitely the most to itself. Because the shrinkage is toward the walls and away from
researched over the years, fourth-generation adhesives are also the center, no marginal gap develops. This makes marginal infil-
the most difficult, most technique sensitive, and often the most tration of bacteria and oral fluids far less likely, and thus prevents
time-consuming to use. They are known to cause more post- decay and eventual breakdown. The meniscus developed in the
operative sensitivity in posterior teeth than adhesives of the other center of the restorative material is simply filled in by the next
generations, even when used exactly according to instructions.
This group of bonding agents requires the development of a
hard-to-define moist surface prior to the application of the
Sixth-generation products are easier to use than fourth-
generation products, but despite having eliminated the acid
etching step, sixth-generation procedures still involve numerous
components. The most significant problem with sixth-generation
agents, however, is their unpredictable adhesion to unprepared,
unetched enamel. Hence the need to separately etch or roughen
the enamel surfaces to increase adhesion predictability.
The remaining options are the fifth- and seventh-generation FIGURE 8-8 Less than 17MPa of adhesion results in the
adhesives. Both are fairly rapid and easy to use, but fifth- polymerization forces, causing the resin to contract toward the
generation agents involve a separate acid etching step, more center of the composite, which pulls the restorative material
components, and more steps. The seventh-generation bonding away from the walls of the cavity. (Courtesy Dr Ray Bertolotti.)
178 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques

tubules and spaces among the peritubular collagen fibers.

Without the protection of either the naturally occurring
hydroxyapatite or the resin component of the dentin bonding
agent, the exposed collagen fibers simply undergo a process of
biologic degradation.
This problem can be related in part to the manner in which
either the fourth- or fifth-generation bonding agents are used.
In both procedures, the acid etching agent is first used to demin-
eralize the dentin. Once this step has been completed and the
etchant rinsed, the clinician applies the dentin bonding agent to
the prepared surface to effectively reverse the etching process; all
FIGURE 8-9 When there is more than 17MPa of adhesion, the open dentinal tubules and intracollagenous spaces created
the polymerization contraction causes shrinkage of the com- by the demineralization must be completely filled with resin
posite toward the walls of the cavity. (Courtesy Dr Ray Bertolotti.)
adhesive. Unless the dentist is very careful to follow instructions
precisely, apply the correct number of primer layers, and allow
the time required for the complete diffusion of the adhesive into
layer of composite resin. This is why an adhesive must have the denatured dentin, adequate resin penetration may not be
bonding strengths both to enamel and to dentin of more than achieved. Other factors may influence the level of penetration
17MPa to be clinically acceptable. Ideally, the bond strengths as well; overdrying the preparation and thus failing to leave some
to enamel and dentin should be relatively equal. If, for example, water on the surface (for the mandated moist bonding) may
the adhesion to the enamel is far greater than the bond to the prevent the primer from penetrating the dentin. Excess water on
dentin, the stronger force at the enamel interface will tend to the surface may also prevent the infusion of the bonding agent.
pull the composite away from the dentinal margin during the Premature vaporization of the alcohol or acetone solvent of the
polymerization process, weakening the dentin interface. bonding agent (a problem that occurs when the adhesive is
dispensed too early and the solvent allowed to evaporate in the
well) may also cause inadequate diffusion and bond failure.
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS The recent introduction of self-etching dentin bonding
agents (sixth and seventh generations) has been met with great
Chemistry of Dentin Bonding Agents enthusiasm. The most important reason for this is the relative
Although the currently available dentin bonding agents effec- ease of use of these products. Many practitioners view self-
tively adhere composites to the dentinal surface, there is still etching adhesives as materials that can etch both dentin and
room for improvement. Assuming application as prescribed by enamel in a single step. They also perceive these bonding agents
the instructions under carefully controlled conditions, the clini- as systems that can simultaneously apply the primer and/or
cal longevity of the bonded resin is comparable to that of any adhesive in the same step. A second reason for the rapid accep-
other material currently used by the restorative dentist. Unfor- tance of these materials is related to the virtual absence of post-
tunately, some bonding systems are more technique sensitive operative sensitivity associated with their use. Together, these
than originally presumed. In a study that examined fourth- two factors have convinced many practitioners to abandon
generation dental adhesives (and with findings that may apply earlier adhesive systems for a process that they perceive to offer
to fifth-generation products as well), Hashimoto demonstrated better, faster, easier, and more predictable bonding to tooth
that gradual debonding at the dentinal surface can occur over structure.
time. The bond strength of posterior composite resin restora- The inherent advantage of the self-etching dentin bonding
tions adhered with fourth-generation materials decreased by agents is that they etch and deposit the primer simultaneously.
nearly 75% over a 3-year period. In addition, scanning electron This procedural sequence makes it far less likely that underfilling
microscopy demonstrated that some of the collagen fibers (incomplete replacement by resin of the etched minerals in the
beneath the hybrid zone had undergone various levels of degra- dentinal tubules and intracollagenous areas) will occur. Conse-
dation. Although this study was conducted on primary posterior quently, the possibility of both long-term bond strength degra-
teeth, the same conclusion could be extrapolated to restored dation and short-term post-operative sensitivity is significantly
permanent teeth. This rationale is based on the fact that the diminished. Furthermore, the number of steps needed for
mechanism of bonding to collagen and the formation of the bonding composites to the dentin surface is reduced, minimiz-
hybrid zone are similar for both deciduous and permanent ing technique sensitivity. The latest-generation adhesives make
dentition. bonded dental procedures easier, better, and more predictable.
Although the specific reasons for these findings have not been
determined, the most probable cause can be attributed to the
manipulative procedures associated with the bonding process
Technologic Elements
itself. Specifically, it is probable that once the decalcification The technologic advances that have played a role in the process
(acid etching) process is completed, the bonding agent primer of dental adhesion are very important. The earliest bonding
fails to penetrate completely into all of the evacuated dentinal agents were supplied in one or more bottles. The components
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 179

were dispensed and mixed as required and then were picked up conflicting claims of manufacturers and the unclear descriptions
by a brush or synthetic foam stick to be applied to the tooth of these products in promotional and packaging materials,
structure. If the applicator was inserted into the bottle, the dentists are often at a disadvantage when selecting adhesives.
remaining adhesive was immediately contaminated. Although they understand the general concept, the chemistry
There were certain bonding chemistries and bottle materials of each generational classification may be too complex for
that were not entirely compatible, which greatly decreased the those who are not experienced organic chemists. Therefore it is
shelf life of the adhesive. important to have a means for clearly differentiating bonding
It is important that the adhesive be at its optimal chemistry agents with respect to their generations. Two questions should
when it is applied to the tooth surface. Because the most be asked:
common dental solventsacetone and alcoholare highly 1. Is there a distinctly separate etching component and
volatile at room temperatures, the practice of anticipating a step? Etching is a required step in the modern adhesive
procedure by dispensing the material into a well 2 to 3 minutes process. In some generations of materials, the etching
before application allows excessive solvent evaporation, an material and step are distinct from the other components
altered chemistry, and premature bond failure. (fourth and fifth). In other generations (sixth and seventh),
One of the first major innovations was the development of the etching process has been chemically incorporated into
individual dispenser containers, or disposable wells wherein the one of the other components.
components were quickly premixed, eliminating the possibility 2. How many components are involved in addition to the
of cross-contamination. Each cap or individual dispenser was etching material? The various chemistries of the different
designated for a single patient use, for one or more teeth; they generations require one or more components. The number
certainly could not be shared among patients. of components (bottles) in the adhesive kit has a direct
The issue of chemical contamination of the adhesive by the bearing on the generational classification.
plastic bottle material was solved, initially by using glass contain-
ers and then by adjusting the chemistries of either the adhesive Having asked these two questions, the practitioner can set up
or the bottle plastic, or both. a simple table (Figures 8-10 and 8-11) to make it very easy to
Many of the earlier applicators could not transport sufficient classify adhesive materials. Any one of the bonding agents
volumes of adhesive to the tooth surface effectively or quickly. fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh generationscan, when used
Manufacturers began to provide innovative reservoir mecha- properly and under the right circumstances, work well in the
nisms to overcome this problem. Tooth applicators went from short and long term. It is important to remember that adhesives
simple brushes to foam carriers and then advanced to foam- must be selected for appropriate indications and used according
brush carriers that were capable of incorporating significant to the manufacturers instructions, with all the specific steps
amounts of adhesive to be brought to the tooth in a single carry. outlined. Omitting any of the steps may compromise long-term
With current adhesives, it is imperative that the adhesive be clinical success and possibly even the short-term result.
carried to the tooth as quickly as possible in sufficient quantity, The sequence of using adhesive materials is very straightfor-
applied to the tooth, agitated on the surface, and then, once ward. Typically, once the preparation of the tooth is completed,
completely air dried, light cured. it is simply a matter of cleansing the dental surfaces of all debris.
Another technologic innovation has been the factory-level There should be an effort to eliminate bacteria from, and below,
mixing of components. In a clinical situation when two materi- the prepared enamel and dentin surfaces using ozone or photo-
als must be mixed freehand, one material may be used in a activated disinfection technologies. These systems actually kill
greater proportion than the other. This is often demonstrated by bacteria on the tooth and the prepared surfaces to a depth of 2
dentists finishing one component of a two-bottle system well to 3mm and offer an improved restorative substrate that is less
before the other, indicating that too much of one component
(or too little of the other) was used. The resulting decrease in
the adhesives chemical properties can damage the functionality
Adhesives Generational Selector
and decrease the longevity of the restoration.
Over the past decade, the individual-dose adhesive dispenser Etch step Separate Not separate
has become very sophisticated; it is stable on the practice tray,
# of components
can be resealed for optimal chemistry over a long procedure, and
maintains its mix without shaking or agitation for extended
periods. These technologic innovations have made adhesive den- Single
tistry easier and more predictable.


The process of treatment planning for adhesive procedures is

often complicated by the dentists confusion regarding which
adhesives to use in specific clinical situations. Owing to the FIGURE 8-10 Table used to classify adhesive materials.
180 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques

Adhesives Generational Selector Adhesives Generational Selector

Etch step Separate Not separate Etch step Separate Not separate

# of components # of components

Single Single
component 5th component

Multiple Multiple
components components 4th


Adhesives Generational Selector Adhesives Generational Selector

Etch step Separate Not separate Etch step Separate Not separate

# of components # of components

Single Single
component component 7th

Multiple Multiple
components 6th components

FIGURE 8-11 A, If the procedure involves a single adhesive liquid with a separate etching component, the product is a fifth-
generation adhesive. B, When multiple adhesive components follow a separate etching step, the agent is of the fourth generation.
C, Systems that require no separate etching agent but use multiple adhesive components, mixed or applied in sequence, are by
definition sixth-generation adhesives. D, The simplest and easiest to use are the single-component adhesives that require no sepa-
rate etching step; these are the seventh-generation adhesives.

likely to redecay. The surfaces may then be desensitized as the remaining solvent from the surface with a stream of oil-free
required with the clinicians selection of preadhesive and adhe- air. This step is crucial; it has been suggested that bonding liquid
sive materials. Many adhesives have desensitizers incorporated that has pooled and polymerized near the margins is responsible
into their chemistry, and no additional desensitizers need be for the brown lines that are occasionally observed at marginal
used. Most desensitizers do not affect the adhesive capacity of areas but are not accompanied by marginal breakdown. Bonding
the bonding agent, and their components do not adversely affect agents are less filled and more soluble than composite restorative
polymerization. materials and more likely to stain and discolor. Discolored
Once the adhesive bottles or compules have been opened and restorative margins may be present even if no marginal discrep-
the components dispensed (and mixed, for fourth- and sixth- ancies are discernible.
generation products), it is important to carry the adhesive to the It is essential to air dry the adhesive completely; the ideal
tooth quickly to avoid the volatilization of the acetone or alcohol prepolymerization state of the bonding agent is a surface on
solvents. which the continued application of air causes no adhesive drop-
The adhesive is then applied to the tooth as per the instruc- lets to run across the surface. The ideal air-dried, bonded surface
tions. Some materials require several applications and adequate has a very characteristic dull gloss. The adhesive is now ready for
time in between to complete the hybridization process. Agita- photopolymerization. The adhesive layer is typically 10 to 15 m
tion on the prepared surface may be recommended, depending in thickness and requires very little polymerization time; 10
on the chemistries involved. It is essential to follow the instruc- seconds or less with a light-emitting diode (LED) curing light
tions to the letter with regard to applying, agitation, leaving should be more than adequate to polymerize the adhesive layer
liquid on the surface, or observing the recommended waiting completely. Because the polymerization beam does not pass
times. The hybridization process requires no more than 20 to through solid dental structures, it is a good idea to move the
30 seconds in most cases. Once hybridization is complete, it is light around somewhat during polymerization to ensure that no
important, with adhesive agents of all generations, to eliminate areas of adhesive are left uncured.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 181


During the adhesion procedure, several points must be remem-
bered. For most procedures involving fourth- and fifth-


generation adhesives, a moist tooth surface is mandatory. For
30% Etch and 30% Bond and 30%
sixth-generation products this moist surface is not generally rinse dry
required. These concerns are totally eliminated for seventh-

Hybridized dentin
generation materials; the chemistry of the adhesive is such that

the required moisture is created as soon as the bonding agent is 50% 70%

applied to the tooth surfaces. Very specifically with seventh- 70%

First Second
generation agents, either a dry or a moist tooth surface is step step

acceptable. 20%
Theoretically, prebonding moistness is a well-established
Original Etched Hybridized
concept, but a reliable clinical definition is much more difficult surface surface surface
to find. The most critical concern with nonseventh-generation dentin dentin dentin
adhesives is that the tooth surfaces must be moist immediately
FIGURE 8-12 Fifth-generation hybridization.
prior to bondingthere is little clinical concurrence in the
description of this state and it tends to vary greatly in

Need for Moist or Wet Bonding
Two types of adhesion are associated with dentin: adhesion


inside the dentinal tubules and adhesion at the peritubular
30% Etch and rinse and 30%
surface. The intertubular or peritubular dentin is seen at the Bond and dry
preparation surface between the tubules. In each case the objec-
tive of post-preparation dentin treatment is hybridization.

Hybridized dentin
The chemical composition of the surface dentin (to a depth Apatite

of 20 to 30m) changes significantly during the bonding

process. The original surface dentin has 50% hydroxyapatite, Single

30% collagen, 20% water, and no resin (Figure 8-12). The 20 20%
to 30m of dentin nearest the surface, whether inside the den-
tinal tubule or at the peritubular surface, is the target for the Original Hybridized
adhesive treatment. surface surface
Etching and rinsing this region (fourth- and fifth-generation dentin dentin
adhesives) demineralize the layer, effectively eliminating the FIGURE 8-13 Seventh-generation hybridization.
apatite. The fifth-generation adhesion approach is a two-step
hybridization process. When the dentinal surface is acid-etched
and rinsed, the surface dentin is demineralized, eliminating the
apatite. Its composition is now 30% collagen (unchanged) and The original dentinal surface composition is 50% hydroxy-
70% water (see Figure 8-12). The next step is the application of apatite, 30% collagen, 20% water, and no resin. After adhesion
the adhesive. The adhesive does not restore any of the apatite the surface dentin hybrid layer is composed of 30% organic
but ideally displaces all the water with resin. Thus, at the com- collagen and 70% inorganic resin. The significant difference is
pletion of the fifth-generation adhesive process, the surface that the process is accomplished in a single step that is not tech-
dentin is a hybrid layer composed of 30% organic collagen nique sensitive (Figure 8-13).
(unchanged) and 70% inorganic resin (see Figure 8-12). The In summary, hybridization, which is often considered a dif-
original 20- to 30-m organic layer of the dentin is now infused, ficult process to describe, is simply the replacement of the
or hybridized with resin; hence it is called the hybrid layer. apatite and water in the surface dentin with bonded resin, which
After polymerization, the hybrid layer forms the dual-natured in turn, is the substrate to which the overlying composite
interface between the organic dental structures and the inorganic layers bond.
composite resin restorative materials. The purpose of the hybrid- The treatment considerations for adhesive procedures are
ization procedure is simply to replace the apatite and water in fairly straightforward. Certain conditions must be met during
the surface dentin with resin. the preparation, the procedure, and the finishing to ensure an
The seventh-generation procedure has the same start and optimal adhesive interface. Most published and advertised
end points, but the separate processes are combined into a studies that mention adhesive values indicate maximal values.
single step. Real clinical practice values may be lowerin fact, significantly
182 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques


FIGURE 8-14 A, Open tubules seen on prepared, acid-etched, and dried dentinal surface. B, Close-up of dentinal tubules shows
highly porous surface and collagen fibers surrounded by empty spaces.

lower. For this reason, it is essential that every practitioner opti- located such that they are readily cleansable by both the dental
mize the conditions under which the adhesion is performed to team at regular maintenance visits and (most important) by the
ensure that the clinical values approach the theoretical or pub- patient during routine at-home maintenance. A margin that is
lished values as closely as possibleknowing full well that clini- located subgingivally or at another location that is not readily
cal factors such as speed, time, and chairside imprecision will accessed by simple at-home patient techniques will sustain
reduce theoretical values by a significant amount no matter how breakdown much more readily than margins located in cleansable
much care is used. areas that can be readily maintained by the patient with routine
oral care.
Figure 8-14, A presents a view of a prepared, acid-etched, and
Preparation dried dentinal surface with open tubules. The close-up view in
During preparation, it is important to remember that in the Figure 8-14, B reveals the highly porous surface, collagen fibers
earlier generations enamel exhibits stronger bonds to resin than surrounded by empty spaces.
does dentin. This is true for generations up to and including the Figure 8-15 demonstrates the rationale and scientific basis for
fifth generation. Most sixth-generation products bond well to and clinical importance of moist bonding. The stylized dentinal
dentin but do not exhibit the same adhesive strength to unetched tubule is approximately 15 to 20m in depth (see Figure 8-15,
or unprepared enamel. The seventh-generation adhesives bond A). The blue circles represent the water molecules, the red tri-
well and relatively equally, to both enamel and dentin. Knowing angles represent the adhesive resin, and the black squares repre-
this in advance makes it possible for the dentist to (1) prepare sent the acetone molecules, which function as a solvent for the
the tooth effectively in anticipation of projected adhesive param- adhesive resin. The objective of the bonding process is to get the
eters and limitations and (2) understand the bonding require- red triangles of resin to fill the dentinal tubule very quickly (15
ments that will present during the restorative phase. to 30 seconds) and very completely. It must be remembered that
Theoretically, leaving the restoration on enamel surfaces there are thousands of open dentinal tubules in a prepared tooth,
with enamel margins provides the highest adhesive values and and they must all be filled by adhesive resin in order to prevent
allows the most conservative preparation possible. In most cases, post-operative sensitivity. The resin-acetone solution must be
however, preparation is driven by decay, wear or fracture. In drawn into every tubule and into every porous surface as quickly
these situations, the dentist must adapt the restorative technique and effectively as possible.
to the actual clinical situation. Most often, dentinal surfaces are Water moisture has a very low surface tension on the tooth
extensively exposed. Because the marginal areas are critical for surface and tends to spread in an even thin film throughout the
the effective sealing of the restorative interface, they should be dentin, into every dentinal tubule (see Figure 8-15, B) and into
located on a suitable width of enamel surface. If only very all the intracollagenous spaces in the peritubular dentin. The
narrow areas of enamel are available, they may be inadequate to acetone molecule (black square) has a very strong affinity for
ensure a completely effective marginal seal. In these situations, watermuch stronger, in fact, than its bonding strength to the
beveling the enamel surface creates a wider enamel surface near resin (see Figure 8-15, C ). Thus when the weakly attached resin-
the margin. acetone solution (delivered to the tooth as the bonding agent),
The exposed external adhesive interface where the restoration represented by the red triangle attached to the black square, is
abuts the natural tooth structure is likely to be weaker and more applied to the tooth surface (see Figure 8-15, D), its molecules
susceptible to plaque breakdown, bacterial infiltration, and sec- are attracted by the surface and subsurface moisture on the
ondary decay than most other areas of the dentition or the tooth, spreading the bonding agent thinly but completely over
restoration. Therefore, whenever possible, the margins should be the entire exposed dental surface (see Figure 8-15, E). Once the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 183


tubule Intertubular
Acetone Dentin

Resin in





FIGURE 8-15 Representation of moist bonding. See text for detailed description.
184 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques




FIGURE 8-15, contd I and J, Bonding to a too-dry tubule. L and K, Bonding to a too-wet tubule.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 185

resin-acetone (red triangleblack square) is in close proximity to remaining collagen fiber network on itself, creating a surface that
the moisture (blue circle), the acetone (black square) exhibits its is very dense and highly impenetrable to adhesive liquids (Figure
greater affinity for the water molecules (blue circles) by detach- 8-16, D ). Any attempts to bond to this dry collagenous surface
ing from the resin (red triangle) and creating an acetone-water ultimately fail. Fortunately, the collapsed collagen network can
complex (black squareblue circle) (see Figure 8-15, F ). The be fully restored by rehydration, the application of water (Figure
acetone-water complex volatilizes (see Figure 8-15, G), leaving 8-16, E ). As the collagen fibers spread out, they are surrounded
the resin (red triangle) behind inside the dentinal tubules and by moisture. They can then be treated by hydrophilic primers
at the dentinal surfaces (see Figure 8-15, H). Overall, this is a (Figure 8-16, F ) as part of the adhesive process. Once the resin
very efficient, effective, rapid, and predictable method for devel- has totally replaced the water (which had previously replaced the
oping a thin, relatively even layer of resin over the entire pre- apatite) in this layer, the bonded preparation surface is light
pared surface that also fills the etched dentinal tubules. The polymerized resulting in a hybrid layer. Again, it is critical that
process typically takes 20 to 30 seconds when performed accord- the exactly appropriate amount of moisture be present; over-
ing to the instructions and tends to fill every single open dentinal moist and over-dry areas can significantly reduce the predict-
tubule. Because even one unfilled tubule can cause mild to ability of the entire process.
moderate post-operative sensitivity, the relatively low incidence The intertubular dentin before etching. The collagen fibers
of after-treatment discomfort is a testament to the effectiveness are visible, surrounded by apatite (Figure 8-17, A)
of this technique. Once this layer of resin has been air dried, it The intertubular dentin after etching. The collagen is
is ready for light polymerization. present but the apatite in the surface dentin layer is
In situations where the tooth surface is dry (see Figure 8-15, demineralized. On the right is the collapsed intertubular
I); there is no moisture to attract the resin-acetone solution to dentin after drying (Figure 8-17, B).
the tooth surface (see Figure 8-15, J), and the bonding agent The collagen fibers have been moistened in order to decol-
may pool (see Figure 8-15, K), spread unevenly, and possibly lapse them.
miss certain surface areas entirely, creating an uneven adhesive The resin has replaced the missing apatite and water. This
interface that is more prone to microleakage and is weaker. collagen and resin layer is a hybridized layer of two
Furthermore, any remaining open dentinal tubules can be the materialsorganic collagen fibers and inorganic resin
cause of post-operative sensitivity. (Figure 8-17, C ).
Too much water inside the dentinal tubules can play havoc
with adhesion as well (see Figure 8-15, L). An excess of water
means that not all the water molecules will attach to acetone
Surface Contamination
molecules (see Figure 8-15, M) and be volatilized. The acetone The importance of oil-free water and air cannot be overstated.
cannot remove ALL the moisture from the tubule or the dentinal Oil of any sort, whether from dental materials or compressor/
surface (see Figure 8-15, N ). This leaves excess moisture at the dental vacuum system lubricants, can contaminate the tooth or
tooth-adhesive interface as a lubricant between the tooth and adhered surface to weaken or destroy adhesion. Therefore it is
the restoration (see Figure 8-15, O), permitting microleakage critical for both the water and air delivery systems to be totally
and resulting in a weaker bond and restoration failure. The same free of contamination, particularly oil contamination.
problem is also observed at the intertubular dentin surface. Both When moistening dentinal surfaces, it is essential (and
resin and moisture are present, preventing complete polymeriza- assumed) that the water or moisture is oil free, saliva free, and
tion and weakening the bond because the resin tags inside the debris free. Saliva contains proteins and other contaminants that
intertubular dentin surface are less patent. are not compatible with adhesion. Any dentinal or enamel
Thus it is clear that the ideal amount of moisture is critical surface that has been contaminated by saliva must be re-treated,
to an effective adhesion process, specifically for fourth- and fifth- beginning at the very first step. Because seventh-generation
generation adhesives. The major problem from the practitioners adhesives involve just one step, re-treating is easier and faster.
perspective is that there is no clinically accurate definition or
even a commonly accepted description of exactly how wet is
wet or how moist is moist.
Finishing and Curing
With the adhesives that do not require an additional, separate
etching procedure, the finishing of the adhesive protocol is
Adhesion Process at the Intertubule Level straightforward. The adhesive surface is dried until it exhibits a
The physical nature of the surface dentin also changes signifi- matte appearance. It is very important that all the solvent
cantly during the process of hybridization. The original surface moisturethe water-containing acetone (or water-containing
dentin (depth 20 to 30m) is covered by a smear layer consist- alcohol) droplets that persist on the bonded surfacebe totally
ing of organic and inorganic debris left after the preparation, air dispersed, leaving only resin behind. The elimination of
including live and dead bacteria (Figure 8-16, A). Etching moisture yields the optimal adhesive strength that is so critical
(Figure 8-16, B) and rinsing (Figure 8-16, C ) this surface remove to the subsequent restorative procedures.
the smear layer and eliminate the apatite (demineralize) from A good clinical method for determining whether moisture is
between the collagen fibers. The underlying dentin beyond present on the surface is to look at the isolated bonded surface
30m is not demineralized. Drying the surface collapses the under magnification as a stream of uncontaminated air is blown
186 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques

Acid etching

Smear layer
Smear layer Smear layer

Mineralized Demineralized
dentin dentin
Mineralized dentin

Rinsing B fibers


Collapsed collagen

dentin Demineralized

dentin Mineralized

C fibers Collagen
D fibers
Moistening or
wetting Adhesive


Demineralized Hybrid layer

dentin of collagen
and adhesive

Mineralized Mineralized
dentin dentin

Collagen Collagen
E fibers F fibers

FIGURE 8-16 Changes in the physical appearance of surface dentin caused by the hybridization. See text for detailed
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 187

with an LED, plasma, or halogen curing lamp. The minimum

recommended time for each adhesive and each unit should be
Smear layer utilized. After curing, the dull matte finish that is characteristic
of most uncured bonding agents will have turned into a some-
Mineralized dentin what shinier surface. This surface must not be contaminated by
(dark lines) saliva, moisture, oil, or blood. Restorative composite must be
placed immediately if the surface is to have the maximum reac-
(solid yellow) tivity to the overlying resin materials.

The scientific evidence for adhesion in dentistry has been docu-
Smear layer
mented for more than 50 years. The principle of adhesion to
removed crystallized enamel structures was first described by Buonocore.
In the 1970s and 1980s, the research and development extended
to dentin bonding. Since then, both enamel and dentin bonding
have been used extensively to restore teeth worldwide and have
served as the foundations of modern-day dentistry. Thousands
dentin of studies have examined short- and long-term risks, benefits,
and potentials. Their conclusions have been resoundingly posi-
tive. A short list of suggested readings is available in the reference
section at the end of this chapter.
Rinsed Collapsed CONCEPTS
collagen collagen
B fibers fibers The clinical conservation concept is also straightforward. Because
Adhesive adhesives allow a wide range of restorative materials to be bonded
to both enamel and dentin (in other words, natural tooth struc-
tures), there is no longer a need to use the more invasive and
aggressive principles that were necessary for amalgam restora-
tions at the beginning of the twentieth century. These principles
include extension for prevention and extension for retention.
These older concepts essentially describe the removal of other-
Hybrid layer
of collagen wise healthy tooth structures to:
and adhesive Retain a restoration within tooth structures
Ensure that vulnerable surfaces are protected from recur-
rent decay
Compensate for the shortcomings of the available restor-
Mineralize ative materials

With bonded materials that adhere successfully to both

Resin surrounding enamel and dentin, there is no need for extension for preven-
C collagen fibers tion. The fundamental concept of the adhesive approach is to
remove only those structures that are diseased and/or signifi-
FIGURE 8-17 Intertubular dentin before (A) and after (B) cantly weakened, while retaining the maximum amount of tooth
etching. C, Resin has replaced the apatite and water.
structure possible. Clinically, bonding allows far more of the
natural tooth to be retained. Conservative approaches such as
over the tooth. If little droplets are seen scurrying across the Proactive Intervention Dentistry (Dr Fay Goldstep) and mini-
bonded surface, this indicates that there are still beads of solvent mally invasive dentistry have been made possible by the advent
moisture. Once these mini-droplets are no longer present, the of bonded dentistry.
clinician can be confident that the bonded surface is dry and Clinical conservation also has a great impact at the tooth-
ready for light polymerization. restoration marginal interface. With non-bonded procedures,
The curing process is straightforward. The resin layer is very the margin is the weak link, particularly susceptible to acid
thin, and thus only a very short polymerization time is required weakening, bacterial attack, bacterial infiltration along
188 Adhesion The Evolution of Adhesive Techniques

the interface, and subsequent recurrent decay and marginal to post-operative sensitivity. The seventh-generation adhesives
breakdown. Because earlier restorative materials were placed have been used for about a decade with virtually no cases of post-
non-adhesively within the prepared tooth cavity, the interface operative sensitivity reported. When applied as instructed,
was a wide-open portal for bacteria. With successfully bonded seventh-generation products are just as effective in terms of
restorations, this interface is sealed and no longer presents an etching as the other generations (except sixth-generation prod-
area where bacteria can deposit, infiltrate, or attack the restored ucts that do not etch the unprepared enamel surfaces
or natural tooth structures. A further suggestion that margins adequately).
be located where they are readily cleansable results in less Another controversy, based on semantic classification, has
extensive tooth preparation and therefore even greater tooth also surfaced. The issue was whether the new group of self-etch,
conservation. single-bottle adhesives should be designated sixth-generation
single-bottle or seventh-generation materials. Historically, the
differentiation between the fourth and fifth generations was that
MAINTENANCE of a multi-component versus a single-bottle system. The differ-
entiation between sixth and seventh generations is similarly one
Because the bonded surfaces are mostly covered with restorative of chemistrya multi-bottle versus a single-bottle system. In
materials, no ongoing maintenance is required other than brush- both cases, the controlled factory mixing of the components of
ing or flossing. The only at-risk area is at the exposed margin the later generation (fifth and seventh) offers significant clinical
where the natural tooth and the restoration meet. This area is advantages, predictability, and chairside efficiency over the
most susceptible to microleakage, bacterial infiltration, and sub- earlier generations (fourth and sixth). The generational step has
sequent breakdown. Thus, the restorative margin should be always represented a major advance in chemistry, clinical effec-
located where the patient can readily access it to perform daily tiveness, ease of use, and patient benefits. Because the seventh-
brushing and/or flossing. Routine maintenance with brushing generation products clearly fulfill all these criteria, it is difficult
or flossing of the bonded interface should be adequate to ensure to see why they should not be recognized as belonging to a
years or decades of continued service without breakdown. distinct generation.
Regular professional maintenance is also important in remov-
ing any bacteria that have deposited in this area and are threaten-
ing to weaken the interface by acid dissolution of the remaining NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
tooth structure. Bonding agents, particularly earlier versions,
were more susceptible to staining than the composite restorative The process of tooth restorations bonded with seventh-generation
materials. If the bonding agent discolors, it can be polished to adhesive materials is so simple and so predictable that there is
restore the original color match of the tooth, restoration, and little pressure to advance the technique or the technology. It is
interface. In cases where the bonding agent was insufficiently difficult to imagine what improvements can be developed in this
air-dried before light curing, the entire thickness of the bonding area. It is certain, however, that dental materials will continue
layer can stain. In these situations the entire restoration must be to become more predictable, and even easier to apply, making
replaced. Attempting to clean out the marginal interface to any them less technique sensitive. These evolutionary steps are likely
depth may undermine the restoration and cause further damage. to occur with the next 5 to 10 years. A game-changing revolu-
tionary leap forward is also likely within the next decade: adhe-
sives will be incorporated chemically within restorative materials,
CONTROVERSIES and no separate adhesive (or etching) steps will be required
at all.
The first major adhesion controversy (1970s) centered on
whether etching the preparation prior to adhesion was appropri-
ate. This issue was settled very clearly long ago in favor of routine SUGGESTED READINGS
etching of enamel surfaces.
Barkmeier WW, Erickson RL: Shear bond strength of composite to enamel
The second major issue surfaced in the 1990s. There were and dentin using Scotchbond multi-purpose, Am J Dent 7:175-179,
concerns that etching dentin would damage the pulp and lead 1994.
to an explosive rise in endodontic procedures. It turned out that Barkmeier WW, Latta MA: Bond strength of Dicor using adhesive systems
etching dentin for 15 seconds (versus the earlier 60-second and resin cement, J Dent Res 70:525, Abstract, 1991.
Bouvier D, Duprez JP, Nguyen D, Lissac M: An in vitro study of two
surface demineralization) was very safe and well tolerated by
adhesive systems: third and fourth generations, Dent Mater 9:355-369,
vital dental structures. The current recommended etching time 1993.
of the dentinal surface is exceedingly short (1 to 2 seconds), Causlon BE: Improved bonding of composite resin to dentin, Br Dent J
making it very unlikely that this step can be responsible for 156:93, 1984.
creating post-operative hypersensitivity or damaging the surface. Christensen GJ: Bonding ceramic or metal crowns with resin cement, Clin Res
Associatees Newsl 16:1-2, 1992.
The latest major adhesive controversy is whether self-etching
Fortin D, Perdigao J, Swift EJ: Microleakage of three new dentin adhesives,
is acceptable. In fact, self-etching is preferable in many respects An J Dent 7:217-219, 1994.
because the dentinal tubules are actually never opened up by the Freedman G: Fifth generation bonding systems: state of the art in adhesive
removal of their smear plugs, and the patient is far less susceptible dentistry, J Can Dent Assoc 63(6):347-350, 1997.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 189

Freeman G: Seventh-generation adhesive systems, Dent Today 21(11):106-111, Kanca J: Effect of resin primer solvents and surface wetness on resin
2002. composite bond strength to dentin, Am J Dent 5:213-215, 1992.
Freedman G, Leinfelder K: Seventh generation adhesive systems, Dent today Kanca J: Resin bonding to wet substrate. I. Bonding to dentin, Quintessence
21:106-111, 2002. Int 23:39-41, 1992.
Fusayama A, Kohno A: Marginal closure of composite restorations with Linden JJ, Swift EJ: Microleakage of two dentin adhesives, Am J Dent
the gingival wall in cementum/dentin, J Prosthet Dent 61(3):293-296, 7:31-34, 1994.
1989. Munksgaard EC, Asmussen E: Dentin-polymer bond promoted by Gluma
Gwinnett AJ: Moist versus dry dentin; its effect on shear bond strength, Am J and various resins, J Dent Res 64:1409-1411, 1985.
Dent 5:127-129, 1992. Nahabayaski N: Bonding mechanisms of resins and the tooth (in Japanese),
Gwinnett AJ: Shear bond strength, microleakage and gap formation with Kokubyo Gakkai Zashi 49:410, 1982.
fourth generation dentin bonding agents, Am J Dent 7:312-314, 1994. OKeefe K, Powers JM: Light-cured resin cements for cementation of esthetic
Harris RK, Phillips RW, Swartz ML: An evaluation of two resin systems for restorations, J Esthet Dent 2:129-131, 1990.
restoration of abraded areas, J Prosthet Dent 31:537-546, 1974. Pashley DH: The effects of acid etching on the pulpodentin complex, Oper
Hashimoto M, Ohno H, Kaga M, et al: In vivo degradation of resin-dentin Dent 17:229-242, 1992.
bonds in humans over 1-3 years, J Dent Res 79:1385-1391, 2000. Retief DH, Mandras RS, Russell CM: Shear bond strength required to
Holtan JR, Nyatrom GP, Renasch SE, et al: Microleakage of five dentinal prevent microleakage of the dentin/restoration interface, Am J Dent
adhesives, Oper Dent 19:189-193, 1993. 7(1):44-46, 1994.
Joynt RB, Davis EL, Weiczkowski G, Yu XY: Dentin bonding agents and the Swift EJ, Triolo PT: Bond strengths of Scotchbond multi-purpose to moist
smear layer, Oper Dent 16:186-191, 1991. dentin and enamel, Am J Dent 5:318-320, 1992.

Dentin Bonding
Karl F. Leinfelder, George Freedman*

In horizontal fractures, for example, pins of various types

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC were needed to retain the restoration. These pins were either
DENTISTRY cemented or threaded into the dentin. Today a minimal amount
of tooth structure is removed, along with simple beveling of the
In the past, retention of the direct restoration was accomplished enamel margins.
by means of mechanical undercutting. In addition to converging Undoubtedly the marriage of dentin bonding agents with
the walls of the preparation to the facial or occlusal surfaces, the various composite resins has dramatically changed how the den-
preparations (by todays standards) were considerably larger. tition is restored. Research will continue to improve dentinal
The relatively large preparation was advocated for a number of adhesives and simplify how they are used.
reasons. First, the preparation was extended into areas prone to
future caries. Second, the preparation was extended to include BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL
defective enamel regardless of the depth of the imperfection.
Third, applying particularly to dental amalgam, adequate bulk DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION
was provided to prevent future fractures of the restoration. OF ADHESION
The rationale for the smaller preparation can be related to
the potential for bonding the restorative agent to the walls of A serious attempt to find an agent to bond to dentin began over
the prepared cavity. Bonding eliminates the need for converg- 30 years ago. It was not until the early 1980s that the first suc-
ing the walls of the preparation and can enhance the fracture cessful dentinal adhesive was generated. Although Buonocore is
resistance of the tooth, especially in multisurfaced posterior generally credited with developing the ability to bond to enamel,
restorations. recognition for the first dentinal adhesive belongs to Swiss
The ability to bond to tooth surface (enamel) was developed chemist Oskar Hagger. His efforts led to the development of
over 50 years ago. Dr. Michael Buonocore (Figure 8-18) dem- the first commercially available adhesive resin system. Marketed
onstrated that by pre-treating the enamel with phosphoric acid, in the early 1950s, it was designed for use in anterior resin
acrylic resin could then be made to adhere to its surface. This restorations.
historic achievement took more than 10 years to be accepted
clinically. The first clinical application of bonding to enamel was
the pit and fissure sealant. Rather than acrylic resin, which lacks
The Four Popular Generations
wear resistance, the resin of choice was a formulation of dimeth- Fourth Generation
acrylate (BIS-GMA). This development was so successful that it Fourth-generation materials made their appearance in 1990 and
is still widely used today. mark a major departure from their predecessors; this is the first
Enamel bonding was followed by dentin bonding. This in a series of generations that have been clinically successful. For
bonding to both the organic and inorganic tooth components the first time in the history of dentin bonding agents, the bond
led to the substitution of composite resin for dental amalgam, strength was great enough to prevent microleakage, debonding,
both in anterior and posterior teeth. Clinical acceptance was far and pulling away from the tooth preparation (because of polym-
easier for anterior than for posterior teeth. For posterior teeth erization shrinkage at the dental interface). Bond strengths ranged
the composite resin had to be modified to offer greater compres- from about 18 to 25MPa. Interestingly, bond strength values of
sive strength and wear resistance. Furthermore, the cavity prepa- this nature had been predicted by Dr. Erik Asmussen (University
ration best suited for composite resin bonding evolved over of Copenhagen) to be necessary to avoid gap formation between
several years. Today composite resin is used as a total substitute the restoration and the walls of the cavity preparation.
for amalgam in most practices (Figure 8-19). This combination The fourth generation of dentin bonding agents is character-
of enamel and dentin bonding has also changed how the clini- ized by having at least three components or bottles, which
cian restores anterior teeth (Figure 8-20). contain (1) acid etching agent, (2) primer, and (3) adhesive. In
effect, a minimum of three components must be mixed and
applied according to a variety of protocols. Each is applied in a
*Clinical photography. sequential pattern. As with bonding systems of all generations,

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 191

the directions should be followed very carefully. The acid etching

component prepares the enamel and dentin surface; the primer
is responsible for developing the hybrid layer at the dentin
interface and sealing the dentinal tubules. The adhesive is needed
to bond composite resin to the surface and functions as a link
between the hybridized dentin and the overlying composite resin
(Figure 8-21).

Fifth Generation
Fifth-generation dentin adhesives, a modification of fourth-
generation products, consist of two bottles, an etching agent and
a single-bottle conditioner. These adhesives were designed to
make application of the bonding agent simpler and less time-
consuming. The dental profession rapidly converted to this
newer system (which appeared in 1995), but the fifth-generation
dentin bonding agents had problems related to significant post-
operative sensitivityless than with fourth-generation agents
but still appreciably serious (Figure 8-22).
FIGURE 8-18 Dr. Michael Buonocore (Eastman Dental
Center), a pioneer in adhesive dentistry. (Courtesy Basil G. Bibby
Sixth Generation Library, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, University of Rochester Medical Center,
Sixth-generation dentin adhesives, like fourth-generation mate- Rochester, New York.)
rials, use a two-bottle system. The acid and primer are contained
in the first bottle, and the adhesive in the second. The adhesive


FIGURE 8-19 A, Amalgam restoration. B, Composite restoration. For the practitioner the transition from amalgam to composite
may take only 15 to 20 minutes. For the patient, it makes all the difference in the world.


FIGURE 8-20 A, Chipped central incisor. B, Esthetically restored central incisor. Unesthetic anterior teeth are no longer accept-
able to the public or the profession.
192 Adhesion Dentin Bonding





FIGURE 8-21 A, Fourth-generation bonding agent (also known as a total-etch system). (Pictured: Gluma Solid Bond.) The
preparation (B) is ready for etching. The etching solution is applied to the enamel and dentin simultaneously (C). After washing
(D) and lightly drying (E), the components of the primer are mixed (F), carried to the preparation (G and H), placed in the
cavity (I), and air dried (J). (A courtesy Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Hanau, Germany.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 193





FIGURE 8-21, contd Then the adhesive (K) is picked up on the applicator brush (L), scrubbed into the preparation (M), and
air dried (N). The adhesive is then light cured (O). When the directions for use are followed carefully, the glossy surface of the
adhesive ready for composite placement (P) is acceptable. The fourth-generation system is considered by some to be the standard
by which all others are compared.
194 Adhesion Dentin Bonding





FIGURE 8-22 A, Fifth-generation dentin bonding agents include only two components or bottles: the acid etching agent and
the bonding agent. (Pictured: Etch-Rite and DenTASTIC UNO, Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts.) The single-
bottle bonding component consists of a factory-controlled mixture of primer and adhesive. The preparation (B) is acid etched
(C), which decalcifies the dentin by removing the hydroxyapatite from around the collagenous structures (D). The preparation
is washed (E) and air dried (F). The premixed primer and adhesive (G) are applied to the preparation (H).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 195


FIGURE 8-22, contd This not only hybridizes the preparation but also provides a chemical link between the surface of the
preparation and the resin restoration. Through elimination of one of the components from fourth-generation products, the appli-
cation time for the system is shortened and simplified. Air drying (I) is followed by light curing (J), leaving the bonded prepara-
tion ready for restoration (K).

is needed for bonding of the resin restoration to the wall of the now known that the increased acidity associated with products
cavity preparation (Figure 8-23). of this generation tended to create incompatibility between the
adhesive and resin-based self-cured cements. When this problem
Seventh Generation occurs with a bonding system, it is necessary to add equal
Seventh-generation dentin adhesives, like the fifth-generation amounts of an amine derivative to the bonding agent. Failure to
systems, are contained in a single bottle, which offers the clini- do so results in partially or totally unbonded restorations. With
cian less complexity and a faster operation. These agents are current self-adhesive cements, this is no longer an issue. Efforts
essentially an all-in-one approach. As with dentin adhesives of to eliminate these problems brought about the sixth-generation
all the other generations, it is necessary to follow the directions bonding systems.
carefully (Figure 8-24). The sixth generation of dentin bonding agents was quickly
accepted because of its virtual elimination of post-operative sen-
sitivity. As with the fifth-generation bonding agents, problems
Problems with Each Generation were observed after several years because of the incomplete
Each generation of dentin bonding agents was designed to etching of enamel surfaces. Unprepared or unetched enamel
resolve specific problems associated with its predecessor. For interfaces tended to debond with relatively high frequency
example, the fifth-generation (one-bottle plus etching agent) within several years. This led to seventh-generation bonding
systems were developed to offset the complexities associated with systems, which have all the necessary components in one bottle,
the mixing protocol of the fourth-generation bonding agents. including an acceptable level of etching, and prevent post-
When the primer is combined with the adhesive, the application operative sensitivity. They are also incompatible with self- and
time is reduced by one third. Unfortunately, however, the newer dual-curing adhesives.
system faced various problems, the most prominent of which The fourth generation of dentinal adhesivesthe most
was the potential for incompatibility between the bonded surface researched categoryis considered by many scientists, academi-
and self- and dual-curing luting and cementing materials. It is cians, and clinicians to be the gold standard for dentin bonding
196 Adhesion Dentin Bonding





FIGURE 8-23 A, Sixth-generation bonding agent. (Pictured: Adper Scotchbond SE.) After the preparation is washed and lightly
dried (B), each component is applied in sequence. First the acidic primer is dispensed (C), picked up onto the applicator (D),
and applied to the tooth surface (E). Then the adhesive is dispensed (F), picked up on the applicator (G), and applied to the
tooth surface (H). (A courtesy 3M ESPE, St Paul, Minnesota.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 197


FIGURE 8-23, contd Neither solution is rinsed off the tooth surface. After the liquids have been air dried (I), the bonded surface
is light cured (J). The resulting surface is smooth and glossy (K). Because acid etching of the dentin and resin deposition into
the evacuated spaces occur almost simultaneously, post-operative sensitivity is reduced dramatically.

agents. It is also the most complex and time-consuming to use. Subsequent clinical experience, however, demonstrated this was
Assuming one follows the directions for use carefully, adhesives not true, so this procedure is routinely part of the required steps
of this generation provide excellent bonding and complete for the adhesion of resin restorative materials to both dentin and
compatibility with all dual-cured or self-cured luting agents enamel.
and composite resin core and buildup materials. Furthermore, The four currently used generations of dentin bonding agents
the fourth-generation products are very versatile. As a result, (fourth through seventh) can be subdivided into total-etch and
some clinicians have returned to using this earlier generation of self-etch categories. The differences between the two different
adhesives. types relate to the individual step of placing phosphoric acid on
the preparation surface as a separated step (fourth and fifth
generations) or as a step integrated with other components (sixth
and seventh generations).
MATERIAL OPTIONS In total-etch (fourth- and fifth-generation) dentinal adhe-
Total-Etch versus Self-Etch Dentin sives, a 37% solution of phosphoric acid is placed on the entire
preparation, including both dentin and enamel. The acid
Bonding Agents removes the smear layer (Figure 8-26, A), exposing the dentinal
The first clinically successful dentin bonding agents were devel- tubules (Figure 8-26, B), and effectively etches the ends of the
oped nearly two decades ago. Many clinicians were pleased with enamel rod prisms and etches out the hydroxyapatite surround-
the introduction, but a substantial number had concerns with ing the collagenous structure of the dentin (Figure 8-26, C).
the concept of placing acid on the dentin surface (Figure 8-25). Once the hydroxyapatite has been removed, the dentin bonding
In accordance with earlier concepts it was believed that placing agent is applied and rapidly fills in all of the evacuated spaces
acid on dentin would result in the transmission of acid through created by the acid etching agent. In fourth-generation bonding
the dentinal tubules and into the pulp, causing pulp necrosis. agents, the system consists of the phosphoric acid, a primer, and
198 Adhesion Dentin Bonding




FIGURE 8-24 A and B, Seventh-generation bonding agents. (Pictured: BeautiBond [A] and Tokuyama Bond Force [B].) The
preparation surface (C) is washed (D) and lightly dried (E). The single-component seventh-generation adhesive is picked up from
the unit-dose dispenser (F) and applied onto the preparation and the margins (G to I). (A courtesy Shofu Dental Corporation., San Marcos,
California. B courtesy Tokuyama Dental America, Encinitas, California.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 199




FIGURE 8-24, contd Some manufacturers suggest scrubbing the surface as well (J). After air drying (K), the adhesive is light
cured (L), leaving a hard glossy surface (M). The concept is relatively new but growing rapidly in popularity. Today many differ-
ent seventh-generation systems are on the market.
200 Adhesion Dentin Bonding

FIGURE 8-25 Acid placed on the dentin surface of a tooth. A 10 m

an adhesive. In fifth-generation bonding agents the first bottle

contains the acid etching agent, and the primer and adhesive are
premixed in the second bottle.
In a self-etching dentin bonding agent (sixth and seventh
generations), the preparation is not treated by applying phos-
phoric acid. Instead the bonding agent is applied to the entire
preparation. In sixth-generation dentinal adhesives the adhesive
is placed after the application of the primer. In seventh-generation
bonding agents everything is accomplished in a single step.
In both cases etching of the dentin and enamel is achieved.
The etching potential of enamel is not as easily attained with the
self-etching agent as it is with the total-etch process. For this B
reason the agent can be applied to the enamel surface for twice
as long as to the dentin surface, or the initial acidity of the agent
must be at a relatively low pH. If the adhesive is not sufficiently
thin or dry on the dentin, adhesion may fail and a visible band
of brown coloration along the tooth-restoration interface may
appear within months or years. The brown discoloration is
attributable to food or drink stains that have penetrated between
unbonded composite resin and the enamel tooth structure.

Advantages and Disadvantages

of Total-Etch Dentinal Adhesive
The total-etch dentin bonding agent is well regarded by practi-
tioners. There are two types of total-etch bonding agents. The FIGURE 8-26 A, Smear layer on the dentinal surface. B, Acid
first (fourth-generation) agent consists of three components: an etch has removed the smear layer, exposing the dentinal
acid etch gel, a primer, and an adhesive. The technique is some- tubules. C, Magnification of the hydroxyapatite surrounding
what complex but well documented. The acid gel is applied for the collagenous structure of the dentin.
15 seconds, followed by thorough washing and air dispersion,
leaving a wet or moist surface. The primer is applied and air
dried, followed by the adhesive application and air drying. and is directly related to inadequate bond and seal of the margins
(Some fourth-generation bonding agents require the mixing of after the failure to adequately air thin the adhesive layer.
the primer and the adhesive before their application.) Then the An advantage of the total-etch system is its longer time in
surface is light cured for 15 seconds. Failure to scrupulously service than the self-etch systems. Total-etch systems can be used
follow this procedure commonly results in clinical failures. The for many procedures, including crowns (ceramic, polymer, and
patient will exhibit post-operative sensitivity regardless of the metallic), inlays and onlays, posts, and veneers. Interestingly,
size of the preparation, and secondary debonding of restorations the primer component can be used with amalgam restorations.
placed in preparations without mechanical retention occurs. After etching, the primer is applied and the amalgam margins
Staining along the restoration-enamel interface may be common are photocured. Not only does the technique seal the dentinal
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 201

tubules, but it also reduces the potential for post-operative sen- etch the enamel surfaces of the preparation with a 37% solution
sitivity. The potential for reducing or eliminating post-operative of phosphoric acid for 15 seconds followed by washing and light
sensitivity comes about through the sealing of the dentinal drying for 2 seconds. Then the dentin adhesive is applied to the
tubules. The sealing process also eliminates the potential for entire preparation for the recommended period of time. After
microorganisms to travel into the tubule, preventing pulpal air dispersing the surface is light-cured for 15 seconds.
necrosis. Another disadvantage of the fourth-generation total- The literature indicates that the hydrophilicity of the newer
etch system is time required to complete the procedure. Fifth- generations of dentin bonding agents may cause water to become
generation bonding systems appreciably reduce the time required trapped in the hybridized form of the adhesive. The resulting
for the hybridizing process. water trees may be of concern because they may permit water
There are some disadvantages to fifth-generation dentinal transfer through the hybrid zone.
adhesives. For the components of fifth-generation agents to be
placed in a single bottle, their pH must be lowered (the acidity
increased). This neutralizes the amine component of self-curing BONDING PROCEDURE
resin cements as well as composite resin core material and pre-
vents the cement or core materials from curing at the adhesive The procedures for the two systems are appreciably different.
restorative interface. Thus, many crowns and posts in the patient However, regardless of which bonding system is employed, it is
population were inadvertently improperly cemented. Because vital to seal the bottles of the dentin bonding agent to prevent
the pH of fourth-generation dentin bonding agents is higher, volatilization of the ingredients.
they have no similar problem with incompatibility.
Fifth-generation dentinal adhesive systems are generally more
expensive than fourth-generation systems.
Total-Etch Procedure
In total-etch systems the finalized cavity preparation is treated
Advantages and Disadvantages with phosphoric acid gel, which is applied and left in place for
15 seconds. The acid gel is then vigorously washed away, fol-
of Self-Etch Dentinal Adhesive lowed by air-dispersal drying for 2 seconds. An alternate method
The greatest advantage of the self-etching dentin bonding system for removing the water consists of wiping the preparation with
is a substantial reduction in the observed post-operative sensitiv- a dry cotton pledget. When the wiping is finished, the surface
ity. However, there are a number of disadvantages, with the should exhibit a slight sheen.
primary one being the incompatibility between the dentin Once the etching process has been completed, the dentin
bonding agent and dual- and self-cured resins, including luting primer is applied. An applicator is saturated with the primer and
agents and core materials. The chemical problem is caused by then rubbed or swabbed onto the surface of the preparation
the neutralization of the amine in the dual-cure cement of the continuously for 15 seconds. After air dispersing, the process
core material. Reducing or eliminating the amine prevents may be repeated if called for in the manufacturer instructions,
the core or luting agent from curing. Compatibility between the then the surface of the preparation is light cured for 15 seconds.
bonding and luting agents can be determined by simply placing The preparation surface is now hybridized and ready for applica-
the dentin bonding agent on a glass slab, then placing the luting tion of the composite resin restorative material.
agent over it and curing with a light. If incompatibility is present, It is not always easy to determine if the preparation has been
the luting agent separates completely from the adhesive. Real- properly treated with the dentin bonding agent. Figure 8-27
izing this potential for incompatibility, numerous manufacturers demonstrates a rather simple test for determining effectiveness.
include a small bottle of tertiary amine (dual-cure initiation) During the adhesive procedure the bonding agent diffuses
with the fifth-generation dentin bonding agents. If setting below the dentinal surface. At first the surface appears shiny, but
incompatibility is of concern, a drop of tertiary amine is added if the dentin is not saturated with the bonding agent, the surface
to the dentin adhesive. However, not all so-called dual-cure becomes dull (see Figure 8-27, I and J ). This test should be
initiators are equally effective in creating setting compatibility carried out whenever the clinician uses a new bonding agent or
with self- and dual-curing composites. if the bottle of bonding agent has been opened for more than a
Another disadvantage of some self-etch agents relates to couple of months.
enamel bonding. In general the bond strength is less than that
obtained with most fourth- and fifth-generation (total-etch)
systems. In addition, bond strength tends to decrease with time.
Self-Etch Procedure
The problem can be resolved by increasing the amount of time Figure 8-28 details the steps for the self-etch procedure.
the bonding agent rests on the enamel surface. Procedurally, the
self-etch bonding agent is first lightly rubbed or swabbed over
the enamel aspect of the preparation for 15 seconds. Then the HYBRIDIZATION
bonding agent is applied to the dentin surface for 15 seconds.
This allows the agent to be in contact with the enamel for 30 Hybridization is a process by which the hydroxyapatite of the
seconds or twice as long as it is on the dentin. However, this dentin is chemically removed and a low-viscosity resin is infil-
may be somewhat impractical clinically. Another approach is to trated into all the evacuated spaces. The process of generating a
202 Adhesion Dentin Bonding





FIGURE 8-27 Steps to determine if the preparation has been properly treated with the dentin bonding agent. A, Step 1: Acid
etch the preparation. Step 2: Rinse (B) and then dry (C) with the air syringe for a few seconds. D, Step 3: Apply the dentin
bonding agent. E, Step 4: Repeat the process if required. F, Step 5: Instead of using the light to cure the material, wait an addi-
tional 15 seconds. G and H, Step 6: If the surface of the preparation continues to be highly light reflective, the amount of dentin
bonding agent applied is sufficient.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 203


FIGURE 8-27, contd I and J, Step 7: If the surface begins to lose its luster and takes on a dull appearance, the amount of dentin
bonding agent applied to the preparation is insufficient and the dentin bonding agent should be reapplied.


FIGURE 8-28 Self-etch procedure. A, Bonding agent first

applied to enamel margins of preparation. B, Microbrush
swabbed over the enamel walls of a preparation using a
cyclic movement; after 15 seconds the dentinal surface is
C swabbed with a loaded Microbrush. C, Tooth properly
bonded on both enamel and dentin.

hybrid layer or hybrid zone is relatively simple clinically. The At the end point (approximately 15 seconds later) the acid
process of hybridization is initiated by applying an acid medium etch is vigorously washed away, leaving behind microscopic
(as in the fourth- and fifth-generation etching agents) to the vacancies surrounding the collagenous structure. Care must be
dentin surface. Almost immediately, the acid begins to react with taken to avoid overdrying the etched and washed surface (the
the calcium hydroxyapatite of the intertubular dentin. The need for moist bonding). Overdrying by as little as an additional
process continues to a depth of about 10m. (For the sake of 15 seconds may reduce bond strength by 50%.
comparison, the average width of a human hair is about 40m, The surface is then ready to receive the dentin bonding agent,
so the depth of acid penetration is less than 25% of the width which infiltrates into the evacuated spaces. The bonding agent
of a human hair.) Concurrently the acid begins to penetrate into accomplishes this task through its relatively high level of hydro-
the orifice of the dentinal tubules to a depth of up to 100m. philicity. Infusion into the evacuated spaces is a function of time
204 Adhesion Dentin Bonding

as well as availability of the bonding agent. It is sometimes neces- (1) acid etching (demineralization), (2) air dispersal, and
sary to use two or more applications of low-viscosity bonding (3) diffusion.
agent. One coat penetrates to the base of the evacuated spaces,
eventually leaving the superficial layer relatively free of bonding Acid Etching of the Preparation
agent. The second coat effectively leaves enough bonding agent As already mentioned, the generally accepted time for etching
at the surface to adhere to the restorative material, thereby avoid- with phosphoric acid for most if not all clinical conditions is 15
ing post-operative sensitivity from unsealed dentinal tubules seconds. Although it was once recommended that etching time
containing vital odontoblastic processes. for primary teeth should be extended, this has not been proved
The formation of a hybrid layer using the sixth- and seventh- by research. Nor should highly sclerosed dentin associated with
generation dentin bonding agents is essentially the same as for class V cavity preparations or abfracted lesions be etched twice
the total-etch or fourth- and fifth-generation dentin adhesives. as long. This extended etching may actually reduce bonding
The acid-containing components of the primer (sixth-generation potential.
agents) or all-inclusive seventh-generation bonding agent simul-
taneously etch and introduce the bonding agent. This ensures Air Dispersal
an adequate level of isolation of the odontoblastic processes and The dispersal of the water used to wash away the acid gel is a
minimizes the potential for post-operative sensitivity. Although necessary step. However, it is important to retain the water in
etching of the enamel rod prisms is also based on the same basic the evacuated spaces surrounding the collagenous structures.
concept, the degree of effectiveness is somewhat less. Etching Drying time extended beyond the recommended 2 seconds
with self-etching bonding agents for a mere 15 seconds may be may cause the collagenous structures to collapse on themselves,
insufficient. For this reason a pre-etch of the enamel with phos- reducing the intercollagenous structures substantially, thereby
phoric acid may be needed, particularly with some sixth- limiting the potential for infiltration of the dentin bonding
generation materials. An alternate method for achieving adequate agent.
etching of the enamel rods with the self-etching bonding agents
involves leaving the bonding agent on the surface for 30 seconds. Diffusion
Hybridizing the cavity preparation accomplishes several clini- Diffusion of the low-viscosity dentin bonding agent into the
cal goals. First, the dentinal tubules and intertubular dentin are dentin surface is a concern. Regardless of the generation of
sealed, appreciably reducing or eliminating the potential for bonding agent, the surface should appear highly reflective of
invasion of microorganisms into the pulp via the dentinal light. If there is a relatively dull appearance, the bonding agent
tubules. Before dentin bonding agents were introduced, leakage has diffused downward, leaving the prepared surface relatively
and pulpal necrosis associated with composite resin restorations free of the bonding agent. Should this occur, the dentin bonding
were a much greater concern. agent should be reapplied.
Second, hybridization affords the opportunity for bonding Figure 8-29 demonstrates the procedure for applying a
the restoration to the preparation. Although this approach is fourth-generation adhesive.
obvious with composite resin, it is also possible with amalgam The technique for applying a fifth-generation dentin bonding
and ceramic materials. Bonding of the dentinal surface at the agent is essentially the same. The sixth- and seventh-generation
amalgam interface can be accomplished through the adhesive dentin bonding agents are applied first to the enamel surface,
layer. Bonding preparations before amalgam placement has then to the dentin surface. The bottom line in dentin bonding
been advocated to eliminate post-operative sensitivity and to seal is that the clinician must follow manufacturers recommenda-
against bacterial invasion into the interface between the restora- tions very carefully in conjunction with the guidelines noted
tion and prepared cavity. previously.
Third, hybridization and associated bonding to both dentin
and enamel allows the opportunity to reduce the size of the
cavity preparation. There is no need for mechanical undercut-
Water Trees in Hybrid Zone
ting to attain long-term retention of the restoration. This means Early dentin bonding agents were relatively hydrophobic, so the
the dimensions of the preparation for posterior composites can dentin surface had to be dry to achieve bonding. The most
be minimized both at the occlusal isthmus and in the width current generations of dentin bonding agents are appreciably
and depth of the gingival box. Clinical experience teaches that more hydrophilic than any of their predecessors. The increase in
smaller posterior composite resin preparations exhibit restor- hydrophilicity encourages better diffusion of the low-viscosity
ative longevity far better than larger-sized traditional dentin bonding agent into the evacuated spaces created by the
preparations. acid etching process. As a result, water is incorporated in the
shape of trees in the hybrid zone. This creates a condition by
which fluids can be transferred between the dentin and the
Determining Proper Hybridization outside surfacein effect, microleakage. The water sorption by
One of the greatest problems associated with any of the dentin hydrophilic resin monomers within the hybrid layer may unfor-
bonding agents is the possibility that total hybridization will not tunately contribute to deterioration of the bond between resin
be completely achieved. For the purpose of illustration there and dentin. Some seventh-generation dentin adhesives may be
are three main principles associated with the etching process: more hydrophilic than their predecessors and therefore more
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 205




FIGURE 8-29 The procedure for applying a fourth-generation adhesive. A and B, Saturate the Microbrush with the dentin
conditioning agent. C, Thoroughly swab the surface with light pressure continuously for 15 seconds. D, Air disperse lightly to
thin the layer of the conditioning agent. E, Apply the second coat of bonding agent and lightly air disperse (F). G, Apply the
dentin adhesive by swabbing the surface with the saturated Microbrush. Continued
206 Adhesion Dentin Bonding


FIGURE 8-29, contd Air disperse for a several seconds (H) and then light cure (I).

permeable to water. Although the clinical significance has yet to is placed near the gingival crest, especially in mature and older
be demonstrated, the potential for microleakage and eventual adults, a sharp pain is commonly experienced. In effect the cold
deterioration of the resin-dentin interface may be enhanced. temperature of the ice is transferred to the exposed cementum,
Recent publications have demonstrated that hybridized prep- which creates a contraction of the odontoblastic process. The
arations degrade over time, whether in a laboratory or a clinical result is a pain response. Interestingly, the sharp pain retreats
environment. The exact cause has yet to be determined, but when the ice is removed and the temperature of the tooth returns
degradation may be associated with microleakage, water trans- to the normal physiologic state.
mission across the hybridized zone, or a less-than-ideal approach Second is the presence of salts and sugars. As the salt or sugar
in the initial application of the dentin bonding agent. goes into solution, the ions will contact exposed odontoblasts,
Recent studies by Pashley and Tay show that applying causing a negative pressure and resultant sharp pain. The pain
Hemaseal and Cide Desensitizer (Advantage Dental Products, lasts until the pressure on the odontoblastic process is
Lake Orion, Michigan) may actively prevent degradation of the neutralized.
resin and hybridized zone. The application technique is quite Sensitivity often can be avoided or eliminated by proper use
simple and straightforward. The cavity preparation is etched, of a dentin bonding agent. The agent either seals the surface of
washed, then dried. The Hemaseal is applied with a brush, fol- the dentinal tubules or actually penetrates the individual tubules
lowed by air suction to remove the excess. The final step is to and isolates the odontoblastic process from the external environ-
apply the adhesive, then the restorative material. ment. This can be accomplished by proper use of a dentin
bonding agent or a dentin desensitizing agent.

Post-operative sensitivity used to go hand in hand with the Although the exact cause of the cracked tooth (Figure 8-30)
restoration of teeth. This sensitivity is associated with the odon- or cracked cusp was not always known, it is now clear that the
toblastic process and is most commonly caused by inappropriate pain associated with this clinical condition is attributable to the
use of the dentin bonding agent. The pain ranges from slight to odontoblastic process. The technique for determining whether
acute. With amalgam, for example, sensitivity commonly occurs or not a fracture exists consists of having the patient bite down
immediately after placement and lasts for a week to 10 days. on a rubber Burlew Wheel or a wooden stick (Figure 8-31).
During the first several days after restoration a definite gap of During the test the rubber wheel is placed over one cusp at a
several microns exists between the walls of the preparation and time. The patient is instructed to bite down slowly and as much
the amalgam restoration, thereby allowing the transfer of fluids. as possible. Then the patient opens the mouth as rapidly as pos-
The sensitivity associated with posterior composites can last sible. If a small crack extends from the enamel into the dentin,
considerably longer and demonstrate appreciably greater inten- a sharp pain can be anticipated. If no crack is present, there will
sity. The mechanism of sensitivity undoubtedly is somewhat be no sensation. If a crack does exist, any fluids present will be
complex. Regardless of the cause, the pain can be directly related forced inward to the odontoblastic process. Such a condition
to the odontoblast itself. Whatever creates a negative pressure causes positive pressure on the odontoblastic process. Because
on the odontoblastic process creates a pain response. Positive the odontoblastic processes do not respond to positive pressure,
pressure has no effect; only negative pressure creates a response. no pain response will occur on biting down. However, the rapid
Several situations contribute to post-operative sensitivity. release of pressure will create a negative pressure on the odon-
First is the application of cold temperatures. When an ice cube toblastic processes and pain will occur.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 207

distance between the pulpal chamber and the dentino-enamel

junction. Sometimes these processes can extend into the enamel.
The odontoblastic processes are responsible for maintaining
and repairing dentin after the caries process and dental restor-
ative procedures. Interestingly, the intrinsic capacity to repair
dentin depends on the vitality of the odontoblast, so the clini-
cian must be aware of the components of the materials used to
treat the surface of the cavity preparation. For example, eugenol-
containing agents should not be considered when temporizing
the preparation. Even very small amounts of eugenol may kill
the odontoblasts with which they come into contact. If eugenol-
based materials are to be used, the preparation should first
be hybridized. It is better if the clinician selects a temporary
restorative material containing no eugenol. Eugenol-containing
materials also appreciably decrease the polymerizing potential
of composite resins, including restorative materials, resin cements
and any other dental monomers.

Avoiding Post-operative Sensitivity

Several techniques or materials influence the occurrence of post-
operative sensitivity. The first is the dentin bonding agent. It is
FIGURE 8-30 Fractured lingual ridge of a maxillary first necessary to follow the manufacturers directions carefully. The
molar. second is the use of a flowable composite resin, particularly in
class I and II cavity preparation. This material, properly used
after the dentin bonding agent, provides significant protection
from post-operative sensitivity. Sometimes the dentin bonding
agent may not completely seal the open dentinal tubules. The
overlying composite, particularly if it is a universal composite,
may not optimally wet the surface, so some of the odontoblasts
may be exposed to the outside environment, leading to post-
operative sensitivity. Because of the excellent wetting ability of
flowable composites, the tubules will be more completely covered
and sealed against leakage.
Another agent useful in avoiding post-operative sensitivity is
glass ionomer. Success has been achieved with both the standard
self-cure glass ionomers and the light cure varieties. The material
may be used in conjunction with the flowable composite resin
or by itself. The glass ionomer, because of its matched coefficient
of thermal expansion with tooth structure, is an excellent agent
FIGURE 8-31 Patient biting down on a wooden stick to diag- for preventing microleakage. In other words, because the glass
noses and locate fracture. ionomer and the tooth structure have matching expansion coef-
ficients, there is no differential in pressures at the interface when
the bonded structures are heated or cooled. Consequently,
The painful response also occurs when air is forced across the leakage is commonly not a factor. Incidentally, the glass ionomer
surface of the prepared tooth in the absence of anesthesia. Under is very effective in preventing post-operative sensitivity. Many
these conditions, fluid evaporation from the dentinal tubule clinicians have substituted glass ionomer for flowable composite
results in negative pressure on the odontoblastic process. The resin and have had excellent results in terms of minimizing post-
pain response generally lasts for several seconds, until the evapo- operative sensitivity.
rated fluids are replaced. Glass ionomer is recommended as a liner because it releases
fluoride ions of the tooth surface. Also, the glass ionomer con-
stantly releases fluoride ions into its immediate environment,
Role of the Odontoblasts which in turn kills microorganisms that may be present and
Odontoblasts constitute a single layer of cells on the surface of therefore aids in the fight against secondary caries.
the pulpal tissue just below the predentin. At the end of the cell Another way of avoiding post-operative sensitivity is to use
is the odontoblastic process. This process extends into the den- desensitizing agents. In essence there are two different types. The
tinal tubules and generally terminates at about one third the first simply seals the orifice of the tubule. The second actually
208 Adhesion Dentin Bonding

penetrates the tubule and forms a series of bridges across the

tubule itself. A number of products are available for sealing the
tubules. The ones that penetrate the tubule, such as Gluma
Desensitizer (Heraeus Kulzer, Hanau, Germany) (Figure 8-32),
are perhaps the more effective. The desensitizer essentially pen-
etrates the tube as far as 200m and then forms a series of
bridges across the dentinal tubule. These bridges are imperme-
able to the odontoblastic fluids. When the cooling temperatures
of ionic solutions are applied, fluid movement in the tubules is
restricted, with no potential for sensitivity.
This type of sealing offers a definite advantage for both
clinician and patient. It provides the clinician a great way of
eliminating sensitivity relatively permanently. The procedure is
FIGURE 8-32 Gluma Desensitizer. (Courtesy Heraeus Kulzer, Hanau, demonstrated in Figure 8-33.



FIGURE 8-33 Procedure for using a desensitizing agent.

A, Immediately after the completion of a full crown or
inlay or onlay preparation, wash and slightly dry the
surface. B, Place the Gluma Desensitizer on the prepara-
tion using a 15-second continuous swabbing technique.
E C, Air dry the surface. D, Take the impression. E, Place a
temporary restoration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 209

At the cementation appointment, the clinician removes the

temporary restoration and washes and dries the site. Because the
desensitizer was applied just before the impression was taken,
there generally is no need for desensitizing again. The tooth
remains desensitized, thereby eliminating the need for anesthesia
during cementation. At the time of cementation the operator
can select any method, including standard cementing with resin,
glass ionomer, zinc phosphate cement, or polycarboxylate. It is
even possible to hybridize and bond porcelain, resin, or metal
to the preparation.



Regardless of the generation of dentin bonding agent used by
the clinician when restoring teeth with composite resin, there
is definitely an attack on the dentin by the acid or the self-etch
bonding agent. Although this is currently a widely accepted
technique (the technique of acid etching dentin has been
common for more than two decades), it was difficult at first to
get clinicians to accept the concept. The acid etching, whether
a separate or an integrated step, opens dentinal tubules for the
subsequent penetration of adhesive resins, which advance into
the vacated spaces and are light polymerized. Once cured, they
provide a micromechanical attachment of the resin to the B
dentin, as the non-parallel resin tags physically anchor the res-
toration to the dentinal surface. A dentin surface that has not FIGURE 8-34 A, Minimal depth of resin-tag penetration of
been etched demonstrates far less resin tag penetration (Figure dentinal tubules without acid etching. B, Normal depth of
8-34, A) than one that has undergone routine acid etching resin-tag penetration of dentinal tubules with acid etching.
(Figure 8-34, B).
Perhaps the greatest force against placing acid on the dentin
came about by observing that silicate cements killed the pulp.
However, it probably was not the acid from the glass silicate
cement but the leakage that occurred because the smear layer on After acid etching, followed by washing and drying, the
the surface of the dentin was eliminated. Silicate cements exhib- calcium component of dentin has been eliminated. When sub-
ited a low pH and removed the smear layer, thereby opening the surface moisture or water is allowed to remain, the now unpro-
dentinal tubules. Because the silicate cement was not bonded to tected collagen fibers are buoyed up. When this moisture is
the walls of the preparation, a gap was established between the removed by vigorous air drying, the exposed fibers of collagen
preparation and the restorative material itself, making it possible begin to collapse on themselves. This in turn significantly reduces
for microorganisms to enter into the opened tubules and eventu- the evacuated space between the fibers, thereby decreasing the
ally the pulpal tissue. amount of resin that can be infiltrated. The end result is a reduc-
tion in shear bond strength by as much as 50%.
Should the clinician overdry the preparation after acid etching
and washing, the problem can be corrected simply by rewetting
Effects of Overdrying Etched Dentin the dentin surface. This in turn results in the water penetrating
Before the advent of the currently available dentin bonding between the collagen fibers and spreading them apart. Air drying
agents, it generally was recommended that the tooth surface be time should be no longer than 2 seconds.
as dry as possible in preparation for cementation. This guideline
was based on the potential dilution of the then-existing cement
with water, which was shown to be detrimental to the long-term SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS
properties of the luting process. The same concept was true for
all the nonpolymer types of cements. Because the mechanism of
Posterior Composite Situations
retention associated with the resin cements is appreciably differ- All four latter generations of dentin bonding agents (fourth
ent from any of its predecessors, it should be no surprise that through seventh) can be used successfully in conjunction with
the rules of engagement are different. posterior composite resins. If post-operative sensitivity has been
210 Adhesion Dentin Bonding

an issue, then a sixth-generation (Clearfil SE Bond Kuraray Co.,

Ltd., Osaka, Japan) or seventh-generation (BeautiBond, Bond
Force) dentinal adhesive is recommended. The recommendation
is based on reports from many clinicians who have reported little
or no post-operative sensitivity with these types of adhesive.
With fourth- or fifth-generation bonding agents the etching
process is done as a separate procedure. When this process has
been completed, the infusion of the dentin bonding monomer
is initiated. The degree of bonding success depends on how well
the monomer diffuses into the evacuated spaces. Unless strict
adherence to the process is followed, full and complete diffusion
into all open dentinal tubules is not attained. All this can create
substantially decreased bond strength, leakage, degradation of
the collagen, deterioration of the adhesive zone, and debonding
of the restoration. Furthermore, even with a single unsealed FIGURE 8-35 Abfracted buccal gingival area of lower first
tubule, the risk of post-operative sensitivity is increased. bicuspid.
The use of self-etch dentin bonding agents has risen rapidly
because of the lack of post-operative sensitivity.

Ceramic Veneers pieces of tooth structure actually begin to break away from the
The type of cement chosen for bonding ceramic or resin veneers surface of the tooth. The word abfraction therefore is appropri-
generally depends on the biologic makeup of the prepared tooth ate, as it is derived from Latin, meaning to break away (Figure
surface. The prepared surface consists of enamel, dentin, or a 8-35).
combination of the two. The type of surface structure remaining Before the lesion is restored, it is important to evaluate the
depends on the degree of discoloration and the degree of imper- occlusion for prematurities (Figure 8-36, A and B), particularly
fection in the tooth structure. Although the chemical makeup on those teeth that exhibit abfracted lesions. Once the prema-
of the tooth surface cannot always be controlled, the most ideal turities have been eliminated (Figure 8-36, C), the surface of the
is an enamel surface. Bonding agents can be successfully bonded defect is treated with air abrasion, pumice, and/or a finishing
to either dentin or enamel, but the one best in terms of longevity bur (Figure 8-36, D). Next, retentive grooves may be placed on
is enamel. A considerable number of recent papers compare the both the incisal or occlusal and the gingival surfaces. If the
degradation of bond strength at the dentin and enamel resin morphology of the lesion resembles a V-shaped groove, it is best
interfaces. Degradation of the enamel-resin interface is signifi- to modify the defect with a number 4 round bur. This will then
cantly less, and the interface could actually outlast the restora- put the restoration in the state of compressions. The V-shaped
tion itself. groove puts the restoration in a state of tension, which will then
Most clinicians use a fifth-generation dentin bonding agent increase the potential for debonding.
in conjunction with veneering agents. The fifth-generation The actual material used to restore the defect depends on the
dentin bonding agent should provide the same lasting results as age of the patient. For younger patients it is recommended that
a fourth-generation bonding agent but involves fewer steps and the next procedure be to hybridize the preparation (Figure 8-36,
is less prone to technique sensitivity. E) with either a fourth- or a fifth-generation dentin bonding
agent (Figure 8-36, F and G ). The restoration is then placed
using a restorative resin that exhibits a lower modulus of elastic-
Abfracted Lesions ity (Figure 8-36, H). This ensures that when the tooth bends
Thanks to the information generated by Lee and Eakle, con during mastication, the restoration bends or deflects to a certain
siderably more is known about the cause of the abfracted degree. Flowable and microfilled composite resins are the mate-
lesion. It previously was assumed that the concave or V-shaped rials of choice (Figure 8-36, I).
cavities appearing in the cervical regions were attributable to For elderly patients a glass ionomer such as Fuji IX (Figure
excessive toothbrush abrasion. It had been assumed that the 8-37, A) or giomer such as BEAUTIFIL, a composite resin
V-shaped defects were created by brushing the surface of the (Figure 8-37, B), is the recommended restorative agent. The
tooth in a mesial-distal direction. This made sense because glass ionomer or giomer is used because there is greater poten-
the defect was in the cementum or dentin and not in the tial for caries to occur in the cervical region than in the proxi-
enamel. Because the cementum or radicular dentin is less resis- mal region. The glass ionomer has a relatively high release of
tant to toothbrush wear than enamel, the argument was quite fluoride ion. As with younger patients, incisal and gingival
convincing. retentive grooves are placed. This is even more important for
According to Lee and Eakle the defect is created by bending the glass ionomer restoration, because the bond strength for the
the tooth beyond its physiologic limit. At this point small cracks glass ionomer restoration is appreciably less than it is for com-
begin to appear in the cervical region. As they progress, small posite resin.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 211



FIGURE 8-36 A, Occlusal relationships determined with articulating paper. B, Contacts and prematurities clearly indicated on
occlusal surfaces. C, Occlusal prematurities eliminated with a diamond bur. D, Abfraction defect is cleansed with air abrasion.
E, Dentinal surface is hybridized. Continued
212 Adhesion Dentin Bonding

FIGURE 8-36, contd Gluma Solid Bond (fourth-generation adhesive) (F) and DenTASTIC UNO (fifth-generation adhesive)
(G). H, BEAUTIFIL Flow. I, Completed restoration. (F courtesy Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Hanau, Germany. G courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown,
Massachusetts. H courtesy Shofu Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 213


FIGURE 8-37 A, GC Fuji IX GP EXTRA Packable Glass Ionomer restorative. B, BEAUTIFIL II giomer restorative. (A courtesy
GC America, Alsip, Illinois. B courtesy Shofu Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California.)


Asmussen E, Munskgaard EC: Adhesion of adhesive resins to dentinal tubules.
The mechanism of bonding was well described by Nakabayashi. In Posterior composite resin dental restorative materials, The Netherlands,
In total-etch bonding systems the acid superficially removes the 1985, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, Peter Szulc
inorganic component (hydroxyapatite) surrounding the collag- Publishing, pp 217-238.
Bowen RL, Cobb EN, Rapson JE: Adhesive bonding of various materials in
enous structure. The depth of dissolution on the cut surface of
hard tooth tissues: improvement in bond strength to dentin, J Dent Res
dentin is about 10m. The acid then penetrates into the indi- 61:1070-1076, 1982.
vidual dentinal tubules to a depth of about 100m. The low- Bowen RL, Eick JD, Henderson DA, Anderson DW: Smear layer removal and
viscosity dentin bonding agent is then applied, followed by rapid bonding considerations, Oper Dent Suppl 3:30-34, 1984.
diffusion into the decalcified regions. The mechanism of bonding Brannstrom M: Etiology of dentin sensitivity, Proc Finn Dent Soc 88(Suppl
1):7-13, 1992.
is micromechanical. Very little true bonding of the resin to the
Brannstrom M: The cause of post-operative sensitivity and its prevention,
collagenous structure takes place. J Endod 12:475-481, 1986.
One of the greatest problems associated with the bonding Buonocore MG: A simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling
process is inadequate diffusion of the dentin bonding agent into materials to enamel surfaces, J Dent Res 34:849-853, 1955.
the decalcified dentin. Failure to attain complete filling of the Freedman G: Fifth generation bonding systems: state of the art in adhesive
dentistry, J Can Dent Assoc 63(6):347-350, 1997.
small vacancies created by the acid etching agent will result in
Freedman G: Fifth-generation bonding systems. Predictable posterior
unprotected collagenous structure. Such a condition can lead a composite restorations, Dent Today 15:68-75, 1996.
biologic degradation of the now exposed collagenous structure. Freedman G, Leinfelder KF: Seventh-generation adhesive systems, Dent Today
This in turn leads to microleakage or nanoleakage, post-operative 21(11):106-111, 2002.
sensitivity, and possible debonding of the restoration. Haggar O: Sevriton Swiss Patent 278946. 1951.
Hashimoto M, Ohno H, Kaga M, et al: In vivo degradation of resin dentin
Even when carried out properly, there can eventually be col-
bonds in humans over 1 to 3 years, J Dent Res 796:1385-1391, 2000.
lagenous degradation. Hashimoto demonstrated that biologic Hebling J, Pashley DH, Tjderhene L, Tay FR: Chlorhexidine arrest
deterioration of the dentin may occur even when bonding is subclinical degradation of dentin layers in vivo, J Dent Res 84(8):741-746,
carefully carried out. Researchers restored a number of primary 2005.
teeth using a dentin bonding agent and a composite resin. Before Kanca J 3rd: Improved bond strength through acid etching of dentin and
bonding to wet dentin surfaces, J An Dent Assoc 123:35-43, 1992.
exfoliation the teeth were extracted. After preparation of the
Kiyomura M: Bonding to bovine dentin with 4-META/MMA-TBB resin.
teeth, tensile test measurements were obtained. Surprisingly, the Long term stability and influence of water, J Dent Mater 6:860-872, 1987.
investigators found a 75% reduction in bond strength from Lee WC, Eakle WS: Possible role of tensile stress in the etiology of cervical
baseline values. Furthermore, evaluation with scanning electron erosive lesions of teeth, J Prosthet Dent 52:374-380, 1984.
microscopy (SEM) revealed biologic degradation of the hybrid- Nakabayshi N: Resin reinforced dentin due to infiltration of monomers into
the dentin at the adhesive interface, J Dent Mater 1:78-81, 1982.
ized dentin.
Nakabayashi N, KojimaK, Masuhara E: The promotion of adhesion by the
Since this investigation was published, numerous other inves- infiltration of monomers into tooth substrates, J Biomed Mater Res
tigators have also found evidence that bond strength decreases 16:265-273, 2004.
over time. They also found degradation of the collagenous struc- Pashhley DH, Sano H, Yoshiyama M, et al: The effects of dentin bonding
ture. In light of this information, it is highly recommended that procedures on the dentin/pulp complex. In Shimono M, Suda H, Maeda
T, Takahashi K, editors: Dentin/pulp complex. Tokyo, 1996, Quintessence
the clinician follow the manufacturers recommendations for use
Publishing, pp 193-201.
and monitor bonded restorations on a regular basis.
9 C H A P T E R

Anterior Direct Composites


Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best

K. William Mopper

M odern resin materials have opened a huge door of

opportunity for both dentists and patients by offering
an esthetic and minimally invasive alternative for restoring the
must be repaired, it can be repaired in the office. Dentists can
also use composite to quickly mock up the final results for their
patients. Having patients see what their dentist can do for them
dentition that can be accomplished in just one office visit. Direct is excellent advertising, showing creativity and the resultant
composite restorations make it possible to restore defects, repair beautiful worka great practice builder!
tooth structure invisibly (Figures 9-1 to 9-3), and change tooth Throughout the past 50 years, the materials and procedures
shape and alignment (Figures 9-4 and 9-5) without the use of a for anterior direct composites have evolved immensely. Decades
dental laboratory. This chapter section explores the influence of ago different types of plastic and composite materials were in
composites on modern dentistry and guides dentists through use (such as Sevritron and Adaptic). In 1955, Dr Michael
the art and science of restoring the anterior dentition with Buonocore revolutionized dentistry with his breakthrough
composites. research on acid etching of the enamel, which enabled plastic
For consistent esthetic results to be achieved, proper tech- materials to adhere to tooth surfaces. He found that acid
nique and the choice of materials are of paramount importance. etching enamel before applying different materials greatly
Physical and handling properties, opacity, translucency, color enhanced adhesion to tooth structure. As a result of these find-
stability, and polishability greatly affect the esthetic outcome of ings, composites were the breakthrough of the late 1960s as an
the restoration. Each material is unique and has its own place anterior restorative. Ultraviolet-light curing in the 1970s and
in achieving a beautiful result. When proper technique and the finally visible light curing in the early 1980s superseded earlier
proper choice of materials are combined, the result will leave systems.
the dentist and patient more than satisfied. The author has Over time, many different bonding agents have been devel-
chosen the specific materials in the cases discussed in this chapter oped with varying adhesive qualities. This is important because
to achieve these results. bonding agents allowed the dentist to have complete control
For many years, anterior direct composites were believed to in placing, shaping, and sculpting composite material. The new
be inadequate restorations that were not strong enough to hold adhesive qualities permitted higher bond strengths to enamel
up in the mouth long term. The consensus was that composite and dentin and yielded a better bond to metal, porcelain, and
procedures were inferior, time-consuming, and stressful, making other materials.
it difficult for dentists to obtain predictable results. Great advancements have been made in composite materials
In truth, however, composite procedures are actually less over the years. Macrofill materials such as Nuva-Fil (DENT-
stressful for dentists because tooth preparation is kept to a SPLY Research and Development Corporation, Los Angeles,
minimum, no impressions are necessary, no temporization is California) were the first composites used in direct anterior
required, the results are instantaneous, and there is no lag time dentistry. Macrofill composites were highly filled, large-particle-
because the laboratory is eliminated. Because the procedure is sized materials exhibiting great strength and low esthetic proper-
under the dentists complete control, he or she never has to ties. In 1978 the first microfill material was developed and
worry about cementation or marginal integrity. If something has since been the premier material for simulating the enamel
must be corrected, it can be corrected chairside. If something surface.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 215


FIGURE 9-1 A, Decalcification after orthodontic treatment. B, Tooth preparation. C, Invisible restorations created using
Renamel Nanofill with Renamel Microfill overlay.



FIGURE 9-2 A, Hypoplasia (white spots). B, Defect elimi- FIGURE 9-3 A, Worn incisal edges. B, Repaired incisal edges.
nated invisibly by white spot removal and the use of Renamel Note the complete invisibility of the restorations.
Microhybrid overlaid with Renamel Microfill.

Microfill composites are the best material for simulating the contraindication for a microfill is use in high-stress areas because
enamel surface both esthetically and biologically. Owing to their of its lowered fracture toughness.
small-sized, uniform, spherical particles, microfills exhibit the Microhybrids were first developed to compete with microfill
greatest long-term polish and the best wear resistance; they are materials owing to their higher strength properties. Although
the most plaque resistant and exhibit a refractive and reflective microhybrids are not as polishable or as compatible with the
index closest to that of the enamel surface. Microfills also most tissues as microfill composites, their strength and opacity are
closely simulate the enamel surface in color density, polishability, extremely helpful in simulating the strength and support char-
light refraction, and reflection, in both the short and long terms, acteristics of the dentin. These composites work well for poste-
and give the natural vitality of a finished enamel surface. Micro- rior restorations and, because of their increased opacity, for
fills have a translucence that most closely resembles enamel, thus masking of dark or discolored areas. Their esthetic properties are
allowing tints to shine through. When microfill composites not as good as those of a microfill or a nanofill composite;
are used, fracture toughness must be addressed. The single however, their physical properties include strength and fracture
216 Anterior Direct Composites Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best

FIGURE 9-4 A, Old composite veneers. B, Patient after color

change with Renamel Nanofill and Renamel Microfill

toughness. The mean particle size range of microhybrids is 0.4 B

to 0.7 micron. The larger particles are agglomerated up to 35
FIGURE 9-5 A, Dentition before realignment. B, Patient
microns to give the material workability and strength. Because
after realignment, along with tooth reshaping, gingival recon-
of their larger particle size, microhybrids are not as polishable, touring, and color change. Note the translucency achieved,
do not hold their polish long term, and are not as wear resistant with gray tint shining through the overlaying microfill.
as nanofills or microfills. The esthetic qualities of microhybrid
composites do not compare with those of a microfill in any way. raising the value of the final restoration. Unfortunately opaquers
The most recently developed composite materials are nano- are underused in the profession because of a lack of knowledge
fills. Nanofills are considered todays universal material, exhibit- of their importance and insufficient training in their application.
ing qualities of immediate polishability and great surface For consistently reliable restorative results with complete invis-
smoothness. In addition, nanofill materials are strong, demon- ibility to be achieved, opaquers are a necessary adjunct to the
strate low shrinkage, and offer good opaquing qualities. They are practitioners armamentarium. Opaquers are primarily used to
recommended for use on their own or underneath a microfill, block out the unwanted shine-though from a dark under-color,
except in areas where extreme color changes are needed. Their to block metal, to cover a tetracycline stain, or to eliminate
translucent quality allows the vitality of the tooth to be apparent unesthetic translucent shine-through. Truly invisible restora-
when the light reflects through them. When used as a universal tions require the use of a sophisticated opaquer that works in
anterior material, nanofills exhibit excellent surface smoothness relationship with the composite system that is used.
and ease of handling and good color. However, when compared The best example for the value of a reliable opaquing system
with microfills, they will not maintain their polish long term and is when repairing a fractured incisor. Often clinicians try to
do not have the same translucent qualities of enamel. Although replicate the dentin color and then overlay this layer with a
not yet proven clinically, nanofill composites are unlikely to be compensating shade of enamel to achieve the right surface color.
as biologically compatible with the gingival tissues over time as This involves considerable guesswork and offers inconsistent
their microfill counterparts. results. An alternate approach is to consider only the surface
To summarize, microhybrids exhibit great strength and color. For example, if a fractured tooth is A1, then an A1 hybrid
opacity; therefore they are great for dentin replacement. Nano- or nanofill can be added to recreate the incisal dentin portion
hybrids exhibit good strength and better esthetics then microhy- of the tooth to help achieve opacity and strength. To eliminate
brids and thus are more suited for a universal material. Microfill translucent shine-through, an A1 opaquer can be placed over
composites are the most esthetic of the three composite types and the top of the nanofill or microhybrid (Figure 9-6) to block and
are the only materials that closely simulate the enamel surface. blend. Once the shine-through has been eliminated, there
(Microhybrids and nanofills simulate dentin in strength and should be no difference between the tooth surface and the res-
opacity, whereas microfill simulates enamel.) When there is toration. The addition of A1 microfill will create a perfect match
enamel involvement, especially in anterior sites, microfill is still of material to tooth structure and completely simulate the entire
the most appropriate choice. If the dentins physical properties are enamel surface once finished and polished. In this type of
an issue, either nanofill or microhybrids are more appropriate. system, the colors of the opaquers, microhybrids, nanofills, and
Opaquers help dentists achieve complete invisibility of the microfills should match one another and the corresponding
restoration with composite by blocking unwanted color and shade guide exactly; only their values are different. (The Renamel
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 217

FIGURE 9-6 A, Fractured central incisors before repair. B, Left central

with Renamel Microhybrid (shade A1) added for strength. Opaquing
necessary because of translucency. C, Addition of Cosmedents Creative
Color opaquer A1 to block translucency and to blend color. D, Opaqu-
ing completed. E, Addition and sculpting of Renamel Microfill #A1.
F, Restoration contoured, finished, and polished. Note the complete F
blend of composite into tooth structure with no apparent demarcation.
218 Anterior Direct Composites Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best

Restorative System by Cosmedent [Chicago, Illinois] is the best enhance incisal translucency as well as gingival hue and chroma.
example of this.) A good tint must be transparent to allow the light to shine
Tints are yet another underutilized material that if used prop- through and carry the color into the overlying composite layer.
erly can greatly enhance the esthetics of anterior composite res- Because of its translucency, microfill is the only composite mate-
torations. As with opaquers, lack of knowledge and lack of rial that truly allows this phenomenon of color shine-through to
training in the application of tints is common. Tints are used to take place, creating the color realism from within (Figure 9-7).


FIGURE 9-7 A, Tint application using Cosmedents Creative Color gray tint with a Cosmedent #1 brush at the incisal. Note
that the tip of the brush aids in placement control. B, Tinted area complete and outlined. A thin incisal edge is left devoid of
tint in an attempt to develop a halo. C, Renamel B1 Microfill placed over hybrid and tinted layer. D, Completed veneer. Note
incisal translucency, incisal halo, and characterization. E, Completed case 1 year postoperatively. Note the exceptional polish
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 219


FIGURE 9-8 A, Class III preparations. B, Restorations 6 1 2

years postperatively. They are virtually invisible when a Renamel B
Microhybrid with a Renamel Microfill overlay is used.
FIGURE 9-9 A, Fractured left central and lateral incisors.
B, Immediate postoperative smile after fracture repairs with
Renamel Microhybrid, Creative Color Opaque, and Renamel
This is yet another reason for using microfill as the prime Microfill as the enamel layer.
enamel layer.

Composite Indications
Composite materials are indicated for almost all types of anterior
restorations, from surface and incisal defects to routine restora-
tions such as class III (Figure 9-8), class IV (Figure 9-9), and
class V (Figure 9-10). They are ideally suited for other situations
such as diastema closures, anterior veneering for color change,
tooth reshaping, and tooth realignment to obtain a desired smile
design (Figure 9-11). In addition, composites can be used for
any type of treatment; such as full-bonded crowns (Figure 9-12), A
short-span anterior bridges, and porcelain repairs (Figure 9-13)
which can all be constructed with direct composite resin. The
indications for the use of anterior composite materials depend
on how skilled the operator is, how comfortable the procedure
feels, and how well the operator can develop the desired restora-
tion. Although these restorations have the undeserved reputa-
tion of not holding up, when done properly they generally last
at least 20 years (Figure 9-14).
Misconceptions pertaining to this type of restorative den-
tistry are the increased time required and the considerable effort
needed, which may both cause added stress to the practitioner.
However, consider these important advantages of composites:
1. These types of restorations require minimal or no B
2. Patient comfort is increased (often no anesthesia is FIGURE 9-10 A, Old cervical restorations. B, Cervical restora-
required). tions immediately postoperatively, using Renamel Microfill only.
220 Anterior Direct Composites Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best

long-span spaces to be restored, these restorations are generally

not successful.

Treatment planning is driven by the characteristics of each
individual case. For patients who have no problems with their
centric occlusion, centric relation or vertical dimension, treat-
A ment planning can be done in segments. Anterior restorations
can be accomplished without restoring the posterior, but the
practitioner should always remember to look at tooth size, incli-
nation, rotation, or position and then visualize what needs to be
done to create the illusion of perfection. For patients whose teeth
are over-closed and those with decreased vertical dimension, it
is necessary to treat the posterior occlusion first before address-
ing the anterior problems. Once the correct vertical dimension
and centric occlusion have been established, then the proper
anterior length and incisal guidance can be achieved with ease
(Figure 9-15).
Sequence of Treatment
FIGURE 9-11 A, Diastemas to be closed after orthodontics.
B, Invisible diastema closures completed with no preparation When planning a case, dentists must first look at the patients
and using Renamel Microfill only. Note the beautiful architec- occlusion and all of the excursive and protrusive movements. If
ture of the gingival tissue. a person has either lateral or protrusive interferences, these must
be addressed before tooth lengthening. For example, establishing
proper canine rise with the use of composite is an excellent way
3. No temporization is necessary. to allow dentists the space necessary for tooth lengthening and
4. Dentists have complete control over the final result proper disclusion (Figure 9-16). In wear cases, the patients
because a laboratory technician is not involved. mouth is treated according to the lip line. Often it is necessary
5. If something does break, it is easily repairable. to restore the cusp tips of the bicuspids and at least the
first molar to achieve the ideal look and the uniform curve
The use of direct anterior composites can create beautiful and of Spee.
long-lasting esthetic results, from routine restorations to com- In planning a case, it is wise to look at the patients smile to
plete veneering, and is minimally invasive dentistry at its best. make sure that the arch form is broadened. There is nothing
Whereas many dentists now accept the benefits of composite, quite as unsightly as six restored anterior teeth and negative
to do anterior direct composite procedures well requires a desire space in the bicuspid area. If the negative space is not addressed,
for perfection. For restorative procedures it is important to prop- then the floating six anterior teeth detract from a beautiful
erly estimate the value of the procedure and reflect that value in smile and the patient will not be happy with the result. Before
how much is charged. Most often the practitioner underesti- treatment, it is wise to demonstrate to the patient through a
mates the value of his or her technical expertise, thus resulting mock-up. Bringing the bicuspids into the negative space and
in undercharging for these types of restorations. If a minimally filling out the facial aspect will show exactly what can be
invasive technique can be used to save a persons tooth and accomplished.
restore it beautifully (perhaps even better than a technician
could), this procedure deserves to be priced at an appropriate
value. These techniques take added time, which should also be
Treatment Considerations
reflected in the additional charge. The treatment considerations depend on what the patient wants.
It is important to get the patients input on the proposed treat-
ment, particularly when creating a complete color change, when
Contraindications color matching is not necessary. During a patient consultation,
Anterior direct composite restorations should not be done by let the patient do the talking, then offer him or her advice and
a dentist who does not feel sufficiently skilled. They are also discuss the options available. Often the patient does not see
contraindicated in patients who have areas of extremely high exactly what all the problems are. Doing just half the case will
stress, such as severe bruxers or clenchers who refuse to wear never make a patient happy. In treatment considerations, a thor-
nighttime appliances, in overly aggressive eaters (e.g., those who ough functional and esthetic diagnosis is essential to get the best
chew hard candy), and in fingernail biters. In cases with result. After treatment, patient input is also welcome. Patients
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 221


FIGURE 9-12 A, Undersized right peg lateral incisor and missing left lateral incisor. B, Preoperative close-up of peg lateral.
C, Preparation of peg lateral. D, Immediate postoperative view of full bonded crown. E, Full-bonded crown and resin retained
bridge 4 1 2 years postoperatively. Note the diastema closure between the two centrals, the papillae completely intact after 4 1 2
years. No wear and no color change is seen due to the use of the microfill material.
222 Anterior Direct Composites Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best



FIGURE 9-13 A, Exposed cervical margin with gingival recession before repair. B, Repair completed using Cosmedents Pink
Opaque, Renamel A2 Microhybrid, and Renamel A2 Microfill. C, Access area before porcelain repair. D, Completed porcelain
repair, using the same technique and materials. (Dentistry and photos courtesy of Dr. Dennis Hartlieb.)

FIGURE 9-14 A, Nine-year postoperative view of VITA shade C1 (maxillary laterals and centrals) full composite veneers blended
to existing dentition. B, Fourteen-year postoperative view of VITA shade A1 (maxillary right cuspid to maxillary left cuspid) full
composite veneers blended to match existing dentition.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 223






FIGURE 9-15 A and B, Worn dentition on 23-year-old patient. C, Mounting of case to determine how much the vertical dimen-
sion should be increased. D and E, Stent made over wax-up used to lengthen lower centrals and establish desired incisal guidance.
F, Lower arch completed using Renamel Nanofill. Note all cusps rebuilt in composite and the improved curve of Spee. G, Patient
in centric occlusion with vertical dimension increased by 2.5mm. H, The upper arch was rebuilt to the lower arch using Renamel
Nanofill and Renamel Microfill. Then the teeth in the lower arch were reduced slightly and re-veneered with Renamel Microfill.
The completed case demonstrates freeway space, curve of Spee, and increased tooth length. I and J, Retracted views showing
inter-cuspation. (A to G, Dentistry and photos courtesy of Dr. Dennis Hartlieb. H to J, Dentistry and photos courtesy of Dr. K. William Mopper.)
224 Anterior Direct Composites Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best



FIGURE 9-16 A, Absence of canine disclusion places disclusion on laterals and centrals, which causes wear and possible fracture
of composite veneers. B, Canine disclusion after cuspid rise has been added. C, Retracted view before treatment showing discol-
oration of original composite and canine wear. D, Full view in centric occlusion after the development of canine disclusion and
re-veneering on centrals and lateral incisors with nanofill and a microfill overlay.

can help find interferences and identify any discrepancies that preparation to maintain as much enamel as possible for the
may have inadvertently been overlooked. best adhesion of the composite.
The authors first treatment choice would be a layered tech-
nique, which would simulate both the enamel and the dentin
layers. In the procedure, a material that simulates the dentina MORPHOLOGY
hybrid or nanofillis used first, followed by a material that
simulates the enameltypically a microfill placed on the outer- It is often difficult for dentists to shape anterior teeth properly.
most surface. Knowledge of opaquing and tinting principles To establish proper morphology, the dentist must recognize the
helps in achieving invisibility and overall consistency in the final relationship of tooth size and form to the facial structure and
restoration. understand the relationship of lip line to tooth size. A completed
smile should follow the curvature of the lip line.
To make a tooth more realistic is the real art of anterior
composite dentistry. The art form of creating correct morphol-
CLINICAL CONSERVATION ogy is sculpting. In order for the dentist to achieve proper
CONCEPTS sculpting of the tooth form and to be able to manipulate the
material beneath the gingiva, the dentist must have proper
The object of minimally invasive dentistry with the use of instrumentation, such as Cosmedents anterior instruments.
direct resin bonding is the preservation of tooth structure. In These titanium-coated instruments make it easier to apply and
preparation, dentists should consider how conservative the refine morphological aspects of tooth formation (Figure 9-17).
approach can be, what the plan is, and how minimally inva-
sively the results can be achieved. The hard tissues should be
preserved whenever possible because excessive destruction of SMILE RELATIONSHIPS
these tissues can cause many long-term problems. The amount
of preparation depends on the procedure to be done. For After observation of the occlusion in relationship to the lip line
example, if a tooth is in labial version, the preparation may and an exploration of the patients needs and wants, the occlusal
extend into the dentin, whereas if the tooth is in lingual relationship and the relationship in phonetics must be consid-
version, no preparation may be necessary. It is desirable in any ered. It is important that the patient be able to pronounce the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 225




FIGURE 9-17 A and B, Cosmedents titanium-coated anterior composite placement and shaping instruments. C, 8A application
of Renamel nanofill from lingual. D, IPCT short blade to define interproximal. E, 8AL to apply microfill. F, IPCL to refine
material beneath free margin and interproximally. G, Multipurpose to interlobe and sculpt incisal edge for incisal material

sounds needed for communication. The relationship of one desirable to have a nice smile line and a good curve of Spee, plus
tooth to another is explored because not all teeth are the same well-defined contact areas with good proximal contact, although
length. The central incisors are more prominent, the laterals are sometimes some spacing may be desirable. The dental arches
less prominent and perhaps a millimeter shorter, and the canines should conform to the relationship of the buccal mucosa over
are longer, about the same length as the central incisors. It is the dentition so that no negative space and no narrowing of the
226 Anterior Direct Composites Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best

FIGURE 9-18 A, Smile needs change in color, tooth length,

shape, canine rise, and embrasure spaces. B, Results of smile
change. Note the color and shape of the lateral incisors. Now
the curvature of the upper arch follows the lip contour per-
fectly; all restorations are a perfect color match; and canines,
laterals, and centrals have been reshaped.

FIGURE 9-19 A, A 22 1 2-year-old case showing original

arch form are present. The smile line should follow the lip line, Renamel Microfill A2. Note the perfect color match to the
VITA shade guide. The color stability of Renamel Microfill
giving a good curve of Spee and avoiding a negative smile (Figure
shows the materials ability to stand the test of time. B, Case
9-18). redone in A2 Renamel Nanofill overlaid with A2 Renamel
Microfill. Note the perfect color match to the VITA A2 shade
tab. The laterals and centrals were done with A2 Renamel
HANDLING PROPERTIES Nanofill overlaid with A2 Renamel Microfill, and the canines
were restored with A2 Renamel Nanofill.
In selecting a composite, not only is it important how closely
the color matches the shade guide, but how well the material
handles is essential for the practitioner. Currently most materi-
als have excellent handling properties. Working environments shade. Whatever method used, it is absolutely essential to have
are crucial to the overall handling properties of the materials. It a good shade guide that accurately matches the composite
is impossible to work with materials in an environment where system of choice. Dentists must train their eyes to select accurate
it is too hot or too cold. The temperature in the office should color. It is common knowledge that, on average, a highly trained
be maintained at 20 to 22 C (68 to 72 F). If the material is female has higher color acuity than her male counterpart of
too stiff, the use of a composite warmer can greatly enhance its similar age.
workability. It is also important to understand different light- There are three different aspects of color in the tooth
ing systems. Although it is not possible to over-polymerize, structure: hue, chroma, and value. Hue is the actual color of
one can under-polymerize, which is a common mistake den- the tooth; the color one can see. Chroma is the density of
tists make. that color. This correlates to the depth of intensity or how
much color is present. Third, the value is the relative lightness
and darkness of the tooth. In trying to take a shade, overall
THE IMPORTANCE OF COLOR hue is seen in the center of the tooth or the center of the shade
There are many techniques for color management. Shade taking Looking at the tooth from the front will help determine
has always been a problematic area for dentists. Some materials the density of the gingival color and whether there is a deeper
do, in fact, match existing porcelain shades guides exactly (Figure chroma or more color at the gingival margin or the tooth has
9-19). Some manufacturers make shade guides from polymer- a straight flat color gingival to incisal. The incisal edge will
ized and polished materials to work with their system. Electronic show the amount and color of translucency. This may be subtle
or computerized instruments are now available to help match or intense, on the blue side, violet side, or gray side. Taking all
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 227


FIGURE 9-20 A, A long bevel on the facial surface of a class III restoration. B, A long bevel on the facial surface of class IV
restoration. C, The necessity for restoration on the cervical eroded areas on the bicuspids and first molar. D, Extent of bevels on
buccal surfaces. E, Completed restorations immediately postoperatively after use of Renamel Microfill only.

of this into consideration will yield overall color. When the case Teeth that are so thin that they can be seen through are not
is being referred to a laboratory, it is possible to use a color map. esthetically pleasing.
If one tooth is to be matched to an arch, it is best to color map
an existing tooth before any preparation.
Taking a shade should always be done in a moist environ-
ment. Drying the area desiccates the tooth, and it loses its color. In preparing the facial aspect of a class III or IV or the buccal
Shade reading is best taken under fluorescent light; the whiter aspect of a class V restoration, beveling is important for
the better. Shades can be taken in colored light, but not in making the margin of the restoration disappear into the tooth
sunlight because sunlight contains all shades, which will influ- structure. The preferred method is a feather-edged bevel blended
ence the appearance of the tooth. into the enamel surface (Figure 9-20). Neither butt joints nor
Translucency is different for every patient and every tooth. chamfers are desirable. Once composite material is placed past
Dentists tend to consider translucency as uniform, but some the bevel, it should be finished and polished into the enamel
patients have no translucency in their teeth. The translucency is surface, following its contours past the long bevel. One should
very important because in a vital tooth there is subtlety of trans- never polish to the beveled margin because this will create an
fer. People like subtle translucency; it is something they can see. area of visible demarcation between the restoration and the
Generally people do not like hyper-translucent incisal edges. tooth surface. If the described procedure is followed, it will
228 Anterior Direct Composites Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best

FIGURE 9-21 Left canine veneer before finishing and polish- FIGURE 9-22 The use of a Brasseler ET-9 bur for
ing. Note that the shape and form have been properly pre- contouring.
sculpted, making finishing, polishing, and the final result
much more predictable.

greatly enhance the predictability of invisible results, assuming diamond-impregnated instruments will characterize composite
the color is right. restorations very nicely (Figure 9-24). Diamond-impregnated
rubber instruments are also extremely helpful in polishing
hybrids and nanofills, but they will not polish a microfill as well
CONTOURING, FINISHING, as the aluminum oxide cups and points.
Given all the finishing and polishing instruments that are
AND POLISHING ANTERIOR available, it is a matter of finding the ones that work best for
COMPOSITES each material. The final step of polishing should include the use
of an aluminum oxide polishing paste on microfill and the use
A common mistake made by most practitioners is trying to of a fine diamond polishing paste followed by an aluminum
polish without properly contouring the restoration first. Proper oxide polishing paste on a microhybrid or a nanohybrid. Using
contouring can be accomplished only if one sculpts the material these pastes under pressure, with a felt wheel, point, or felt disk
to correct morphological shape before polymerization (Figure will highly enhance the final polish (Figure 9-25).
9-21). Precontouring is accomplished through the use of reliable
instruments such as fine diamonds, esthetic trimming carbides,
or coarse disks (Figure 9-22). Once the proper contour has been MAINTENANCE
achieved with these instruments, then the finishing and polish-
ing process can be started. Proper home care instructions should always be given after com-
Most manufacturers are attempting to develop a single posite bonding procedures have been completed. The patient
instrument that will finish and polish all materials completely. should be instructed not to use tartar control toothpastes because
It is extremely doubtful that this will ever happen. It takes a of their extreme abrasiveness and to avoid using toothpicks,
series of different systems to obtain the best finish and polish. Stim-U-Dent plaque removers, Proxabrush tips, or any other
Each practitioner must learn how and when to use various fin- device used for cleaning between the teeth, as this process will
ishing and polishing materials. Composite materials cannot be ultimately destroy the papilla and can create black triangles.
marginated with the use of silicone or rubber-impregnated Hand brushing is the best way to maintain these restorations,
material alone. The only way to properly marginate composite and it is best to floss gently beneath the free margin and up
material is with the use of a series of different aluminum oxide against the tooth. Wrapping the floss around the tooth or placing
disks with various grits ranging from coarse to superfine (Figure it deeply beneath the cervical marginal can lead to clefting or
9-23). A rubber-impregnated system or aluminum oxide or violation of the gingival attachment.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 229



FIGURE 9-23 The use of Cosmedents FlexiDiscs of different grit sizes (ranging from course to superfine) to achieve excellent
contours, surface smoothness, and polish. Notice the flex of the discs in use.
230 Anterior Direct Composites Direct Anterior Bonding: Minimally Invasive Dentistry at Its Best


FIGURE 9-24 The use of impregnated rubber instruments (can be impregnated with diamond or aluminum oxide.)


FIGURE 9-25 A, Final polishing using Cosmedents FlexiBuff and Enamelize polishing paste. Note the flex of the disk.
B, Final polish achieved. The left lateral features Renamel Microfill overlaid over Renamel Nanofill, and the canine features
Renamel Nanofill alone.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 231


FIGURE 9-26 A, Cosmedents FlexiBuff with Enamelize used in the final polish to create the final glossy surface. B, Cosmedents
FlexiStrip with Enamelize used to polish interproximally. C and D, Fourteen years postoperatively, after final polish. Notice the
healthy condition of the papillae after 14 years.

In addition to maintaining proper brushing and flossing, the order to achieve consistent esthetic results, proper technique and
patient should also see the dentist at least three or four times a the choice of materials is of paramount importance. Physical
year. Hand scaling of the teeth and mild prophylaxis paste are and handling properties, opacity, translucency, color stability,
sufficient. Aluminum oxide polishing paste used with a felt and the polishability greatly affect the esthetic outcome of the
buffing instrument, such as FlexiBuff will give the highest gloss restoration. Each material is unique and has its own place in
attainable. Interproximal stains can be easily removed with alu- achieving a beautiful result. When technique and the proper
minum oxide paste used in conjunction with super-fine alumi- choice of materials are combined, the result will leave you and
num oxide strips (Figure 9-26). your patient more than satisfied. For the above reasons, I have
chosen these materials.
Composite materials have come a long way over the years,
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS and they are here to stay. The benefits of composite are remark-
able, and the future of composite dentistry is extremely exciting.
Composites offer dentists and patients a great restorative option Who knows where the composite revolution will lead? Only
for esthetic, minimally invasive procedures that can often be time will tell!
accomplished in just one office visit. Although manufacturers
have made many attempts to create a composite that can do it
all, the only material that truly simulates enamel is a microfill.
Nanofills are closer to a true universal material than microfills Dr Mopper is a co-founder and co-owner of Cosmedent, Inc.,
and can be used for posterior or anterior restorations. Microhy- where he has been responsible for product design for over
brids are stronger than either nanofills or microfills and are 30 years. Many of the materials described in Chapter 9, Section
considerably more opaque; therefore they are excellent compos- A, were developed by Dr Mopper and a leading team of polymer
ites for the initial layer of major color change cases. chemists. He is also director of the Center for Esthetic Excel-
It is important to understand the different types of composite lence, which is devoted to teaching the methods of direct resin
materials available and how each can benefit ones practice. In bonding.

Predictable Customized Class IV Restorations

Sunil Bhoolabhai


In todays world of extreme sports and high-impact pastimes, Class IV restorations have become predictably successful. With
there are increasing numbers of younger people who have frac- such restorations, one adds material directly onto the tooth,
tured or chipped teeth. The dental professional must be prepared unlike with a veneer or crown. The rise of these restorations was
to restore these teeth conservatively and in a minimally invasive a result of the evolution of composite materials with regard to
manner and give the patient optimal function. What the class strength and optical properties, allowing dentists to recreate
IV restorations offer is something that is both predictably strong beautiful, natural esthetics and durability. The silicate materials
and esthetically good-looking. Composite bondings for class IV are inappropriate to use in a situation like this because they do
restorations allow practitioners to achieve just this in one office not have predictable properties or appropriate optical properties,
visitgreat fee-for-value dentistry. nor do they achieve the strength of the natural teeth along the
incisal edge. In addition, after 1 or 2 years they would look like
small chalky pieces of material on the corner of the tooth that
Importance of Class IV Restorations had been fractured. They are soluble in oral fluids, and have poor
surface characteristics (e.g., pitting), so they collect plaque and
to the Business of Dentistry may discolor.
A fractured tooth, especially in the anterior segment of the
mouth, is an eyesore that can create painful self-consciousness
depending on the individuals personality. The patient could shy
Adhesive and Restorative Developments
away from regular activities because of his or her appearance. The direct bonded resin, bonding systems, and bonding
For a dentist it is a great advertisement for the practice if these materials have advanced to the point where they achieve pre
fractures can be fixed quickly with minimal trauma, and the dictable strong bonds between resin and tooth. In addition, the
patient can be sent home gratified. These circumstances allow materials chemistry has been altered over the years so that they
the dentist to charge a suitable fee as well. If the dentist sees a can replicate the optical and physical properties of natural teeth.
new patient for a class IV fracture repair and does a good job, It is possible to have a translucent material on the incisal edge
it is more likely that the patient will become a regular at the and opaque material on the body of the tooth so there is no
practice. The author treated a movie star once who had opened shine-through where the material was added. These materials
the cellophane of her new Cartier watch using her teeth and have great strength so the patient can bite into apples or other
ripped the entire embrasure space between the central incisors. hard foods without causing damage, although this is not a rec-
She had to be on camera the next morning. There was a minis- ommended practice. The combined resin chemistry and bonding
cule chip on both teeth that the author fixed with enamel system chemistry, regardless of the thin edge, can match the
bonding. She could not believe it could be done so quickly and physical compressive strength and the flexural modular strength
so beautifully. That sort of situation creates a good rapport with of human teeth, making these materials quite appropriate for
patients, who often will remember it and never leave the practice class IV cases. The upper third bonding generation achieved this
in the future. It is a great practice builder. level of performance through the use of a primer, adhesive, and

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 233

unfilled resins along with a good durable and esthetic resin enamel material. A body shade is used within the core of the
system. fractured portion and then an overlay is placed on the proxi-
mal, the incisal, and maybe the labial with a relatively more
translucent material. This yields a better shade and more
Effect of Microfills and Nanofills natural color without shine-through. The dentinal core pre-
Nanofill resin and the nanometric-sized range of materials have vents shine-through as the light reflects from the back of the
given most dentists a universal material that can be maintained mouth and highlights the built-up restoration. The translucent
and removed as needed. The resins allow a more than adequate enamel shade gives an excellent luster and a rich-looking
finish and luster, reasonably extended wear on the tooth, and restoration.
shine and surface qualities that last for a long time. If the case
demands a more exacting result, the dentist may want to overlay
a microhybrid or a nanofill with a microfill, and the microfill
will remain serviceable for a much longer time. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
RELATING FUNCTION The indication for a class IV restoration is anyone with a fracture
AND ESTHETICS caused by a sports injury, incidental trauma, or accident. All of
these could certainly be restored using a bonded class IV restora-
In relating function to esthetics with a class IV restoration, an tion. The class IV restoration is considered a minimally invasive
important aspect is the overall impact of the incisal edges com- approach to restorative dentistry and is done by lightly adding
pared with the other teeth. Some people have excessive wear on material onto existing tooth.
their teeth. They have disocclusion on one of the incisal edges
in protrusion. Others may have parafunctional habits. It is nec-
essary to map out all these things and provide a restoration
with predictable longevity and outcome. The contributing Among the contraindications are parafunctional habits. If the
factors besides individual preference include biologic status, patient has habits such as biting on bones or using the teeth
which relates to the longevity of the work. to open bags, he or she must be warned that the restoration may
With a closed bite or slight protrusion, there may be a huge not be successful. Patients who want bonded or cosmetic proce-
slope on the lingual surface of a fractured central incisor. The dures done for anterior teeth should (1) avoid tearing into hard
dentist may want to add additional fortification in the form of foods such as whole apples directly with the anterior teeth and
a bevel on the lingual surface to achieve extra durability in the (2) refrain from parafunctional habits.
restoration. Even after completing the restoration the practitio-
ner may want to ensure that the sliding contact is across three,
four, or five teeth and not just on the restoration and that the OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
restoration has been adjusted accordingly.
When doing a class IV restoration the dentist should check the
MATERIAL OPTIONS bite and centric relationship to make sure that there is adequate
clearance and no protrusion that could cause additional trauma
Function, Strength, and Material Choice to the restoration. It is also necessary to ensure that the material
Material choice should always be based on strength. One should chosen has adequate strength and flexural modulus and that the
complete a class IV restoration using a nanofill or a microhybrid patients occlusion will not cause fractures in that area thereafter.
that is sufficiently strong for the situation. At the most it may In addition, the dentist must examine the occlusion afterward
be necessary to overlay with microfill for better extended wear to verify that there are no immaturities or interferences created
resistance and a lasting surface luster. It is wise to overdesign by the restoration.
the restoration by using a nanofill or a microhybrid, which The dentist adjusts the occlusion after completing the
will function through a cross-section of different occlusion pat- restoration to ensure that the lingual surfaces and incisal
terns and functional envelopes in varied clinical situations. To edges are free of interferences. The occlusion in sliding, lateral,
fortify the individual preparation, one can add design features or protrusive movements should not load the restoration. That will
such as a lingual bevel and then again adjust the occlusion as allow the restoration to last much longer and make the outcome
needed. much better.
If the patient is wearing a night guard and the dentist has
created a class IV restoration on a tooth that was chipped after
Material Shades the night guard was made, it is necessary to check the fit of the
Material shades are more related to esthetics than to function. night guard for interferences. If it cannot be ensured that there
Looking at the color of the tooth, there is an inner core of is no additional interference, a new night guard should be fab-
dentinal materials that are more opaque than the translucent ricated to match the new occlusion.
234 Anterior Direct Composites Predictable Customized Class IV Restorations

INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS have two or three different shades; the position of the line angle
should not be too far out or in but in sync with the remainder
The evolution of bonding materials has produced exceptional of the tooth; the shape of the incisal edge must be considered;
materials. Materials now offer fantastic bond strength, so it is any stains or characterization must be included; and so on. This
possible to achieve securely bonded resins on properly prepared is a small piece of tooth but involves a lot of hard work for the
teeth. After the tooth is prepared, the bonding resin is clinician to make it blend with the remainder of the intact
added. Resin chemistry has evolved, and a large part of that natural tooth.
evolution has involved the filler chemistry of resins; micro
hybrid and nanofilled resins are very strong and come in a
diversity of opacities and translucencies that allow matching of
the optical properties of the tooth along with a predictable TREATMENT PLANNING
prognosis. These resins permit the dentist to add onto the
opaque body of the tooth to keep the restoration from being When restoring a vital fractured anterior tooth, in most situa-
visible, as in a shine-through. In the proximal and incisal areas, tions it is wise to build up the fragment using a bonded
translucency is possible, giving an extremely lifelike restoration. restoration.
For those not very comfortable doing a class IV restoration If a large portion of the toothfor instance, two thirdsis
freehand, it can be waxed up and a silicon stent made using missing, then the dentist may consider creating a ceramic crown,
polyvinyl siloxane putty on the lingual surfaces of the tooth; it fortifying it, and establishing a good ferrule around the margins.
is then locked in place with a resin or impression compound. To build this compromises the durability of the restoration, as
Application of the resin is done slowly from proximal to lingual there is just a little bit of tooth structure and a very large
and up to the labial. Of course one must examine the occlusion restoration.
first before doing the restoration with the stent at the stage of Between these modalitiesthat is, a bonded restoration and
the wax-up. a crownis the veneer. The decision to do a crown or a veneer
is based on clinical judgment. A veneer could be considered in
certain situations if the occlusion is not traumatic, because it is
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS much more conservative than a crown.

The first thing the author does in a fractured tooth scenario is

make a shade reference. This is done right at the beginning of
the procedure because the tooth will lighten with dehydration When a patient comes in with a fractured anterior tooth, the
during isolation, offering an inaccurate shade for matching. first step is the shade selection. The dentist matches what he or
Also, the shades of most resins will shift during polymerization. she sees and selects the appropriate shade. It is also important
Microfills will lighten and microhybrids will darken. Therefore to note the shape of the incisal edge and the characterization to
it is wise to make a shade reference, take a digital photograph know what should be used to duplicate the original. Having
of it, and examine the characterization present on the approxi- done that, the dentist checks the occlusion. The next step is to
mal teeth. The dentist then duplicates that appearance and stays make sure there is adequate space to insert and complete the
with the shades selected and not the shade of the resins seen restoration. Once that has been done, the tooth preparation
during layering before curing. begins, creating the bevel such that most of the structure, dura-
Once the practitioner starts preparing the tooth and isolates bility, and enhanced bonding are set up. Next the tooth is
it for 5 to 7 minutes, it will be dehydrated, making the etched. The bonding resin is applied, beginning with the opaque
shade lighter than it should be. When the shade reference is end and moving to the center and the body of the tooth. Bleach-
made at the outset, marks are made indicating the body shade, ing may also be required. Having done all this, the dentist starts
incisal shade, and so on. As the tooth is being built up with the final increment to achieve the desired thickness of the res-
resin, it is necessary to keep in mind that the core of the tooth, toration. At about 0.2 to 0.3mm down from the final intended
or the body, is generally of dentinal opacityand an overlay labial position it is possible to see what needs to be done to
with translucent material. Right before adding the final incre- finish. That is when the stains are applied, using tints and opa-
ment on the labial surface of the tooth, it is necessary to add quers on the tooth to make it more lifelike. The dentist then
characterizationa feature resembling a streak of hypocalcifica- applies the final layer of restorative materiala microhybrid,
tion, a tiny patch of stain, or something similar. To do this, one nanofilled, or microfilled material. Finishing and polishing are
generally takes references from the approximal or adjacent teeth; then done. As far as the insertion is concerned, these are the
a single tooth so prepared would stick out like a sore thumb. steps generally taken.
The shape of the incisal edge must also be synchronized To document the case for patient records, it is best to obtain
with the appearance of the surrounding teeth. Most people like the smile shotintercuspal shotat the beginning before iso-
to make straight incisal edges. This can look very ugly and out lating the area so that it is possible to see what the tooth looked
of place. like before dehydration. A close-up shot is also taken right after
These are some of the factors one must consider and orches- finishing the procedure and polishing it. Finally, the dentist
trate when creating a class IV restoration. The fragment could should take a close-up shot 24 hours or so after finishing the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 235

restoration, when it is rehydrated and has achieved its final EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
finish, color, and appearance.
Plenty of data support the insertion, stratification, handling of
occlusion, functions, and finishing and polishing of such restora-
tions. In the last few years dentistry has reached an age of
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS strength in esthetics.
In most class IV restorations, the preparation involves a wide CLINICAL CONSERVATION
labial bevel. A bevel allows the restoration to feather with the CONCEPTS
tooth so that it primarily blends with the remaining tooth struc-
ture. To be very exacting, one could create a wave bevel that A class IV restoration using a bonded resin is one of the most
undulates vertically; this enhances the natural appearance during minimally invasive dental procedures being done. The material
the blending of the shade as the material gets thinner and blends is bonded onto the tooth after creation of something as mundane
with the natural tooth and recreates the ups and downs along as a bevel. The bite and occlusion are checked, the restoration
the fractured fragment, thus camouflaging even better. If clear- is finished and polished, and the patient is done.
ance on the lingual is inadequate because of the occlusion, then From the patients perspective, he or she comes in with a frac-
the creation of a short lingual bevel will add more structural tured tooth, largely not expecting that the tooth will be repaired
durability. immediately and perhaps even thinking that the fracture is a big
problem that could affect the rest of his or her life. Then the
magician called a dentist fixes it in 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Adequate isolation is an imperative step in composite bonding.
It would be ideal to use the rubber dam, but the author does MAINTENANCE
not advocate this. Any surviving humidity is detrimental to resin
bonding, so isolation is paramount. The resin is then added in Maintenance of the class IV restoration is basically the same as
small incrementsit is stratified onto the tooth. It is a miscon- for natural teeth in terms of brushing and flossing. A gentle
ception among dentists that polychromatization as seen in reminder is always made to the patient not to use that restora-
natural teeth is created by choosing a multiplicity of stains to tion in a parafunctional manner, which could cause damage. It
replicate the effect. Characterization is created by stain. There is is possible to break a natural tooth, as he or she has already seen,
a big difference between the two. For example, a tiny degree of so the patient should be aware that caution is needed with the
translucency may be created by staining, but not the overall reconstructed tooth.
effect. Looking at the labio-lingual thickness of what is being
created, stains and characterization must be added just 0.2 to
0.3mm before the final thickness of the restoration. This will CONTROVERSIES
ensure that they are visible and not submerged and obscured by
an excessive thickness of material. Certain dentists may insist that these restorations are condi-
tional. Resins will change color, probably becoming a bit darker
over the next 5 to 7 years. However, the procedure is so mini-
Finishing mally invasive and conservative, can be done so quickly, and is
Finishing must be done meticulously because in a class IV res- so customized and gratifying for both clinician and the patient,
toration one proximal side is going into the embrasure, going that it is worthwhile. If need be, 5 or 7 years later it can be
right into the contact and beyond. With such a restoration, changed quite easily.
plaque may accumulate on margins if floss snags therein. Inter-
proximal finishing strips and a No. 12 Bard-Parker blade and
handle can be used to finish and smooth the margins. The NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
line angles and facial embrasures can be shaped and polished
to look like those of the approximal tooth using finishing Near-future developments will probably include resins that are
points and disks. Facets and prominences can be imparted self-etching. The dentist simply applies these to the tooth, and
to make the restoration look more natural, along with peri they stay there. Resins that attempt to naturally match the exist-
kymata and undulations to make the anatomy appear more ing tooth color on their own without any input from the dentist
natural. might also be developed.
236 Anterior Direct Composites Predictable Customized Class IV Restorations

Clinical Case for Class IV Restorations

A 35-year-old bank clerk came to the dental office to do some banking work, and the dentist noticed that the
clerk had a broken incisor (Figure 9-27). On questioning, the clerk admitted it had been broken for years because
he was afraid to have a cap or crown put on it. The dentist offered to fix it by simply adding material to it and
promised there would be no down time. The patients previous dentist had not offered this option. In the final
results of the case, the left and right central incisors look similar in terms of texture, shine, demineralization,
incisal edge shape, and natural appearance and not artificial compared with the other adjacent teeth. The
restored tooth looked as though it had been there for years.



FIGURE 9-27 A, Full smile. Note the right central incisor tooth. The dentist looks at the whole picture to obtain perspec-
tive. The picture shows a fractured segment on the left central incisor and a bit of wear on the left lateral incisor on the
incisal edge. The incisal edge on the right central incisor has a bit of up and down and a whitish streak of demineralization.
The surface texture on the teeth is reduced in general, suggesting that the patient may have been using a hard toothbrush
or an abrasive brushing technique. Here is where the dentist begins to make a shade check and evaluates the occlusion.
B, Note the three different shades that work together in the appearance of this tooth. There is a body shade, transcribed
within the red line, which actually consists of two shades, and an incisal shade, which is under the white line and between
the red and white lines against the incisal edge. C, There are two shades for the body. The material being used is Vitalescence
(Ultradent Products, South Jordan, Utah), which has a multiplicity of shades including characterization shades. The char-
acterization shades are called Trans-Gray and Pearl Frost. The gray area between the body and the incisal edge has the
Trans-Gray, and the whitish incisal edge is the Pearl Frost. D, The dentist has made a long flat bevel and created a wave
double or one up and down and tried to create undulations to achieve better shade matching overall. The long flat wave
bevel gives better esthetics and better blending of the material as it feathers onto the tooth and as one moves from proximal
to proximal and mesial to distal.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 237

Clinical Case for Class IV Restorations (contd)




FIGURE 9-27, contd E, The etching gel used is Ultra-Etch (Ultradent Products), which is very visible and does not
slump. It is applied to the tooth for 20 seconds and then washed off with a generous blast of air and water. F, The chalky
opaque area suggests that the tooth has been etched adequately. G, The ethanol-based bonding agent called PQ1 (Ultradent
Products) requires agitation with an Inspiral Brush tip (Ultradent Products) before being applied to the etched tooth surface.
A glossy sheen is created as the material is applied with the brush tip. After blowing it thin with an air blast, it is
cured. The tooth is ready to be restored with resin. H, The dentist has taken a matrix band and inserted it gently into
the distal contact area, bent it at 90 degrees, and respected the sanctity of the gingiva without creating trauma. The
dentist then adds a small amount of flowable material (Permaflo [Ultradent Products]) on the fractured portion of the
tooth and creates a bandage that will adapt intimately with the tooth and minimize the possibility of hypersensitivity.
I, The band is extremely stable, and the flowable material has been cured. J, Occlusally there is little flowable material used,
so it has no clinical significance for the restorations strength. This very thin increment seals incidental niches and voids and
provides a beautifully sealed area through capillary action and the viscosity of the material.
Continued on next page
238 Anterior Direct Composites Predictable Customized Class IV Restorations

Clinical Case for Class IV Restorations (contd)




FIGURE 9-27, contd K, After the flowable material has been cured, the opaque A2 body shade Vitalescence is used. The
dentist uses a Cavifil tip at an angle to the tooth to control the increment better and to allow the application of controlled,
tiny increments at a time. L, The increment is being added before modeling. The instrument is placed against the fractured
incisal edge of the left central incisor tooth. The dentist then takes a spatula or a Goldstein instrument (formerly sold by
Almore in the United States) and with it makes a few grooves or mamelons to create a realistic-looking restoration from
within. The shape of the body material is dictated by what is adjacent to it before the tooth dehydrates. If there are projec-
tions, then the dentist attempts to recreate projections. M, Body material after curing. N, The resin shade before and after
polymerization. The dentist has taken great care to ensure that in the interproximal area on the distal of the tooth it extends
past the contact points. This creates a shell-like veneer. O, Using a No. 12 blade the dentist trims the incisal edge a bit and
can freehand the rest of the tooth with resin. The dentist has very strong scaffolding and an outline form to work on. The
No. 12 blade comes across the incisal edge because the dentist is working dry. A very sharp No. 12 blade will cut resin and
will not chip it. P, Note Vitalescence, Trans-Gray (Ultradent Products) material in the bottom right. The dentist has added
the Trans-Gray and slowly builds the incisal edge shape of the right central incisor without labio-lingually violating the
dimension and extrudes too far labially. The dentist is always considering at the occlusal relationship while doing this.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 239

Clinical Case for Class IV Restorations (contd)




FIGURE 9-27, contd Q, Trans-Gray material becomes translucent after curing; it is impossible to judge the shade before
the resin has cured. Once the Trans-Gray material has cured, the dentist layers on the second color, Pearl Frost (Vitalescence).
The Pearl Frost material is added onto the incisal edge. It is then modeled with the end of a Goldstein instrument. The
restoration has an incisal edge that mimics that of the right central incisor in its outline form. The restoration is made up
of three shadesa body opaque A2, Trans-Gray, and Pearl Frost. The dentist has extended the restoration beyond the
interproximal contact point on the distal, creating an outline shell-form. R, Applying the increment of Pearl Frost onto the
incisal edge. S, Modeling the incisal edge shape with the rear spoon-shaped end of a Greenstein instrument. T, After
the incisal edge has been modeled, the similarity between the two central incisor teeth becomes apparent. Note how the
left central incisor looks at this stage of stratification. The labio-lingual dimension is still less than the final intended res-
toration. U, Many practitioners use the stains from Ultradent with ease. The stains come in penlike syringes with very fine
30-gauge tips. It can be used for painting by dentists who are not used to a brush technique. The dentist has taken a bit
of whitish stain and, like diffused clouds and cloudy patches, has spread it on both sides of the fracture line so that it is
not possible to discern where the fracture line is in the final restoration. V, Note the cloudy stain on the teeth.
Continued on next page
240 Anterior Direct Composites Predictable Customized Class IV Restorations

Clinical Case for Class IV Restorations (contd)




FIGURE 9-27, contd W, The dentist has taken the flat end of the Goldstein instrument and added another increment of
body material A2 over this. The restoration does not come to the final labio-lingual thickness. X, The dentist is still about
0.2mm inside the final labio-lingual edge and has taken a flat-end G2 brush (Ivoclar Vivadent, Amherst, New York) to
gently pack the material into place. This approach, rather than squishing resin in place, gives the correct anatomy. Patting
it down minimizes the incorporation of air and gives a much more solid restoration. The goal is to re-create the esthetics
of the right central incisor. Y, White stain added. The tone is subdued compared with the right central incisor because the
right central incisor has dehydrated at this stage. The newly added composite is not dehydrated. The stain in the right
central will be attenuated. The stain must be a bit more subdued than the natural tooth so that when the tooth rehydrates
the stains will look similar. Z, A thin layer of body material Vitalescence A2 is applied and flattened or smoothed down.
The restoration is now ready to be finished. AA, The occlusion is correct, the embrasures look good, and there is a good
contour overall along the teeth. BB, A No. 12 blade is used to remove excess flash from the gingival embrasure. The blade
is well tucked in so that no trauma to the gingiva occurs. This can be done in the gingival embrasure.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 241

Clinical Case for Class IV Restorations (contd)




FIGURE 9-27, contd CC, Very gently with an interproximal finishing strip (Cosmedent, Chicago, Illinois) excessive flash
is removed to ensure a smooth interproximal surface. One must be careful when using a finishing strip because if it is used
very aggressively, the result can be an open or shy contact. DD, If it is necessary to have a flattened labial surface, a disk
can be used on the central portion (Super-Snap disk Shofu Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California). This is a coarse
black disk. A nice flat surface is desirable here, based on the anatomy of the contralateral tooth. EE, This disk is a smaller-
diameter, 3 8 -inch disk used to go into the embrasure spaces. The embrasure spaces are contoured and smoothed, and thereby
accumulate less plaque. FF, A silicon carbide polishing point made by Ultradent is used to finish and polish the tooth.
GG, In the gingival area the dentist has already used the green point and now uses the yellow; the finest one is the white.
This will give an increasingly smoother surface. HH, Placing Taub Insta-Glaze (George Taub Products & Fusion Company,
Jersey City, New Jersey) diamond polish on the tooth.
Continued on next page
242 Anterior Direct Composites Predictable Customized Class IV Restorations

Clinical Case for Class IV Restorations (contd)




FIGURE 9-27, contd II, A silicon carbide brush (Jiffy Brush, Ultradent Products), at low revolutions per minute (rpm)
(4000 to 5000rpm) is used at high pressure and low speed to polish the tooth to a nice glaze. JJ, There is spatter on the
lateral and the adjacent central incisor tooth. The case is now ready for final buffing. KK, A goat hair brush (Ultradent
Products) is used at 15,000rpm. The speed must not be too high because it is possible to burn the resin. LL, The tooth is
buffed using the goat hair brush to achieve a high shine. The photo shows the adjacent tooth, the shine, the line angles,
the reflective areas, and the hypocalcification or demineralization created. The adjacent tooth will rehydrate by the next
morning. There will then be more parity between the teeth. MM, An incisal view of the completed restoration. NN, Pre-
operative intercuspal view showing the fractured tooththe left central incisorand right central incisor side by side.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 243

Clinical Case for Class IV Restorations (contd)




FIGURE 9-27, contd OO, The completed restorations showing the two teeth looking fairly similar in terms of texture,
shine, demineralization, incisal edge shape, and natural appearance. Note notching in the middle and other nuances.
PP, One-to-one view before restoration. QQ, The fracture has been restored adequately with no shine-through. There is a
little gray around the incisal edge. Also apparent are the demineralization, the high-gloss area, an embrasure space curling
in as it is supposed to, and an incisal edge that looks as though it belongs in the patients mouth. RR, Full smile shot before
treatment. SS, The actual finished restoration. (E, G, I, L, U, FF [insets] courtesy Ultradent Products, South Jordan, Utah.)
10 C H A P T E R

Posterior Direct Composites


Posterior Composites

David Clark

RELEVANCE OF POSTERIOR practicing dentists and dental schools. It is important to talk

about perception of success with teaching institutions and
COMPOSITES TO ESTHETIC outcome studies because often they are unrelated. Two factors
DENTISTRY were key in the success of anterior composites and their early
integration. First was the clear Mylar matrixthe simple,
When esthetic dentistry began its evolution, the posterior teeth single-space filling technique. Second was an early recognition
were considered unimportant. As patient expectations have by dentists and dental schools that the cavity preparation ben-
increased, more focus has been placed on the esthetic contribu- efits from significant changes in the preparations done for sili-
tion of posterior teeth (Figure 10-1). With the mechanics of cate restoration or gold foil restorations, which the composites
mandibular function, as humans speak, laugh, and exhibit the replaced. Thirty years later, after constant evolution, the modern
behaviors considered human, the incisal edges of the lower ante- anterior cavity preparation that has little or no mechanical
rior teeth and the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth are undercuts and long infinity edge margins bears little resem-
critical (Figure 10-2). blance to the silicate and gold foil preparations that anterior
Many patients inhibit behaviors and develop a lack of confi- composite has replaced.
dence from a lack of pride in the anterior teeth. The same Unlike with anterior composites, the integration of posterior
problems occur with the patients quality of life with regard to composites has had a tumultuous journey because of the lack of
the posterior dentition. Many practitioners have seen these a regimented cavity shape and filling technique. Posterior com-
behaviors in patients with unacceptable anterior teeth. It is a posites have a somewhat dysfunctional relationship with dental
valid exercise to examine the psychology of what happens when schools. Many dental schools have discouraged the placement
posterior tooth esthetics are not ideal. These problems have an of posterior composites, knowing full well that on graduation
impact on both quality of life and self-esteem (Box 10-1). Inter- most dentists would place posterior composites on a wholesale
estingly, habits such as pursing of lips and raising the hand to basis. In the schools defense, the outcome studies referenced,
cover the mouth are the same regardless of whether patients combined with the instructors personal observations of the
dislike the appearance of their anterior or their posterior teeth. parade of failing, leaking composite fillings, validated schools
resistance to embracing the use of posterior composite on a
wide-scale basis. It should be noted, though, that the posterior
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL composite can be the most minimally invasive, biomimetic, and
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION esthetically pleasing of all posterior restorations.


For anterior composites, North American dental schools rapidly
Cracks and Fractures
integrated both materials and updates. Cavity preparations Cracks and fractures are now the third leading cause of tooth
were adapted to the material very early on. In terms of longev- loss in industrialized nations. The original hope was that because
ity, anterior composites have been deemed acceptable by both composite restorations are adhesive, the composite would be

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 245



FIGURE 10-1 A and B, Amalgams placed 20 years previously in the patient. The teeth were asymptomatic but were treated
because of incomplete fractures and recurrent decay. C and D, Postoperative results at 3 days, occlusal (C) and lingual (D) views.
Patient experienced no sensitivity afterward. E, High-magnification palatal view of the upper first molar.

able to repair or splint the tooth together after the cavity prepa- lessens dramatically over time. Many teeth that had posterior
ration has weakened the tooth. Unfortunately, this is not the composites placed 15, 20, or 30 years ago are now fracturing.
case, as recent outcome studies have shown the same number of Second, it is not possible to predictably rely on composite to
cuspal fractures in amalgam-restored and composite-restored keep the tooth splinted long term. That challenges the dental
posterior teeth. Some immediate strengthening of the tooth profession to rethink the entire posterior composite approach.
can occur after placement of a composite, but two important Unless the cavity design is changed dramatically, clinicians
factors must be borne in mind. First, crack initiation and propa- should consider posterior composites to act as white amalgam
gation in the human dentition take years or even decades to in terms of tooth fracturing.
accomplish. Today dentists are seeing cracks and fractures in Dental practitioners also worry about cracks and fractures in
teeth with posterior composites because enough time has the material itself. A full explanation of composites characteris-
elapsed. Much of the immediate strengthening of the tooth tics is beyond the scope of this text. The most important
246 Posterior Direct Composites Posterior Composites

BOX 10.1 Posterior Dentitions Impact

on Self-Image and Quality
of Life
A senior partner at a large, powerful accounting firm
commented that she would arrange the seating for
business meetings so that her colleagues were seated
directly in front of her rather than to the side. Why? So
that they would not see her maxillary bicuspid, which had
a small interproximal display of gold. The culprit was a
gold onlay placed by her previous dentist 20 years earlier.
Over time a dinginess often occurs with interproximal
metal restorations (see Figure 10-1, A and B).
This conversation was initiated when the patient was
FIGURE 10-2 The occlusal surface of the lower posteriors can shown buccal corridor photographs. A traditional anterior
have a dramatic impact on the esthetics of dynamic human photograph or lips picture does not really show the side
faces. view. Photographs where people are looking either
obliquely or laterally allow the dentist and patient to
discuss problems seen only from these perspectives.
This patient referred herself to the practice because she
characteristics in preventive dentistry for cracks and fractures distrusted self proclaimed cosmetic dentistswho
can be divided into two different camps: characteristics during aggressively promote their procedures. Yet a routine use of
placement and polymerization, and characteristics of the com- intraoral photography allowed her to enter into a course
posite once it is in the tooth and functional. Radiopacity, flexural of self-discovery and served as the basis for an honest
strength, modulus of elasticity, fracture toughness, and total exchange of ideas and concerns. Such a course can lead to
fracture work all contribute, but the most important factor from esthetic dentistry procedures without the ethical dilemma
a clinician standpoint is fracture toughness. Catastrophic prob- of pushing esthetics on the patient.
lems occur with posterior composites lacking fracture toughness. Happily, this patient chose a comprehensive esthetic
The fracture toughness of composite materials in general is infe- reconstruction (see Figure 10-1, C to E). She now smiles
rior to that of goldone of the liabilities of composite. These and laughs and conducts meetings without rearranging
concerns must be overcome. the chairs in the room.
Crack initiation must be carefully evaluated and managed
during cavity preparation and placement of composite and fin-
ishing. This addresses both crack initiation in the tooth and
crack initiation or propagation in the composite material. The C-factor is a ratio of the internal walls divided by the
external walls, or it can be expressed in terms of surface area of
the external surface. For C-factor a high number is unfavorable.
The C-Factor Realistically a number of 2 or above is a problem when it comes
The C-factor is a concept that is bandied about by many in the to performance of the composite. Stress that is put onto the
dental community. Although the concept has never been proven tooth and or composite can compromise the bond, cause micro-
scientifically, it is the best guide to the management of polym- fracturing of the enamel, and lead to lack of adhesion in certain
erization shrinkage in various cavity preparations. C-factor stands areas of the composite. The higher the C-factor, the worse for
for configuration factor and expresses the ratio of internal walls the situation. To simplify things, basically everything that dental
versus external surfaces. A second way to describe C-factor is school taught students about making a good preparation for
internal surface area versus external surface area. C-factor is a amalgam with retention and resistance form are problematic for
fundamental flaw in traditional cavity preparations because the composite because of the C-factor (Figure 10-5).
parallel walls for resistance and retention work against the dentist
during polymerization shrinkage (Figure 10-3).
As the curing light hits the composite, it will shrink toward
the center (Figure 10-4). The shrinkage can be measured as Contamination during posterior composite use occurs realisti-
either volume or linearly. On a linear basis, most direct compos- cally in three ways:
ites shrink 2% to 5%. All composites shrink on polymerization 1. Residual bacteria. Caries present on the tooth must be
at this point, but the way the composite shrinks is critical and completely removed, although deep in the tooth some
is based on the C-factor. The shape of the cavity preparation, residual caries can be acceptable. The modern method of
the number of opposing walls, how they oppose one another, pulp capping is to avoid pulpal exposure if at all possible.
and the angle at which they oppose one another are extremely Follow-up of teeth with indirect pulp caps has demon-
critical to the behavior of composite shrinkage. strated that when small amounts of carious dentin are left
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 247


FIGURE 10-3 As the light hits the composite, it will shrink toward the center. Most direct composites shrink 2% to 5%, deter-
mined linearly. The linear number is usually a higher number. The way the composite shrinks is very critical and is based on the
shape of the cavity preparation, the number of opposing walls, how they oppose each other, and the angle at which they oppose
each other. These variables are critical to the behavior of the shrinkage of composites.

over the pulp, after a few months this infected dentin overhangs, or rough composite. These irritate the attachment
heals and becomes hardened and sterile. However, this apparatus (surrounding gingiva and bone).
should not be misconstrued to assume that sloppy caries The result of both types of circulatory insult is often post-
removal is acceptable. Within 1.0 to 1.5mm of the operative tooth sensitivity. This tooth sensitivity can linger for
margin, residual contamination in the tooth or as caries months or years, unlike amalgam sensitivity. Also, circulatory
often results in recurrent decay. insult as far as the attachment is concerned can result in poor
2. Contamination of the infinity edge margin, or slight esthetics of the tissue, with lack of stippling and a cyanotic color.
extension of the composite past the finish line. The long Dentistrys focus is often on white esthetics (porcelain, compos-
bevel or infinity edge margin combined with acid etching ites, and bleaching), but in reality dentists must focus on both
and bonding the composite a little past the margin is done white and pink esthetics (gingival health and contour) and prop-
with great success in anterior sites but has never been fully erly achieve both.
recognized with posterior placements. For the infinity
edge or Margeas margin, the composite tends to go
slightly past the finish line. Although this can be a strength
in anterior restorations and achieves great esthetics, it is Contact problems can be classified as either esthetic problems
more difficult to clean posterior teeth. Compounding or function and health problems. A major problem with com-
the problem is the problem that dentists unfortunately posite is the lack of swell when it is placed into the matrix.
abandon protocols used on anterior teeth when preparing This creates a very pointed contact. If the embrasure space is not
and filling posterior teeth, such as aggressively de-plaquing filled like a natural rounded tooth, the point contact creates
the teeth with rubber cup and coarse pumice. When the unsupported composite. This leads to problems with cracks and
margin is not on enamel but on biofilm, no technique fractures. Often those margin ridges can break. Point contacts
can provide an adequate seal. can also create food impaction into the gingival tissues, or the
3. Contamination that occurs during the restorative process. contact may be positioned too far occlusally. The contact should
If fluidwater, saliva, or bloodis incorporated into the be placed farther gingivally, as it is with natural teeth.
composite material, problems result. With amalgam, con- The height of curvature must occur more toward the middle
tamination is less detrimental. of the tooth as opposed to on top of the occlusal table. An esthetic
problem with contacts occurs when the interproximal area of a
tooth is large. The Bioclear matrix system (Bioclear Matrix
Systems, Tacoma, Washington) has rounded, anatomic matrices
Circulatory Insult and non-deforming wedging systems that form biomimetic
Circulatory insult can be broken into two different types. First, embrasure shapes, as opposed to creating the black triangles so
there are about 10,000 dentin tubules per square millimeter that common with most conventional matrixing and wedging tech-
are exposed whenever the dentin is cut. It is quite possible to niques. Very large embrasure spaces become black triangles,
insult the pulp with these cuts. In reality this is a circulatory which are quite un-esthetic. The contact and embrasure area
insult to the osmotic pressures on the dentin tubules. Second, either buttresses or disengages the papilla. The shape of the filling
a circulatory insult can occur with poorly polymerized resin, material in the embrasure area is of paramount importance.
C factor  1/1 or 1 C factor  2/1 or 2

2 3

C D C factor  4/1 or 4
C factor = 3/1 or 3

FIGURE 10-4 A, The curing light in the box area where the composite has been selectively placed on the gingival floor. The
composite shrinks toward the single wall to which it has been applied. The C-factor is 1 because there is one internal wall that
is being touched by the composite and one surface of the composite. A C-factor of one is very favorable. B, The light angled in.
The C-factor is 2 because there are two cavity walls that the composite is touching at the same time and only one external surface
to the composite, yielding a C-factor of 2. The red arrows shows where the composite is pulling toward the occlusal margin
because of the shrinkage. In this example, the C-factor is 2 over 1 or 2. C, Filling the box area. The composite is engaging three
walls of the cavity preparationbuccal, lingual, and gingival marginsimultaneously. The curing light is applied and shrinkage
develops. The C-factor is 3. What typically happens in situations such as this is the shrinkage develops away from the gingival
margin, the gingival dentin. This is extremely problematic both in post-operative sensitivity and microleakage on the gingival
margin. There are three walls to the tooth cavity in this section of the box, and only one external surface of composite. This is
an extremely unfavorable C-factor. The red arrows show the area where the composite pulls away from the tooth. D, When the
actual wall of the cavity preparation is added to the buccal, lingual, and gingival walls, there are four cavity walls and realistically
only one external surface area, which would be the interproximal area of the composite. The C-factor of 4 occurs in the classics.
E, The new slot preparation, which has a C-factor of 4 for that box area. F, Classic G. V. Black class II preparation with an occlusal
element. The C-factor is actually about the same as it was in the slot preparation because one traditional external surface has been
added to the composite, the occlusal portion of the external surface of the composite. The ratio becomes eight internal walls over
two external surfaces of composite, yielding a C-factor of 4, which is still unfavorable. G, Clark Class II preparation. Note the
saucer shape. The C-factor on this is calculated at 1.4, significantly less than the 2 that was problematic. As composite is placed
in this flattened cavity preparation, the C-factor is favorable enough that it is possible to injection mold the entire restoration as
one without worrying about mitigating a C-factor with exotic layering techniques.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 249

5 6


F C factor = 8/2 or 4 Classic CI 

E C factor  4

G C factor  1.4 Classic CI 

FIGURE 10-4, contd

RELATING FUNCTION AND confidence in a posterior composite in the first bicuspid. As one
moves posteriorly toward the second molar the potential for
ESTHETICS OF POSTERIOR excess wear and fracture with a composite increases. The dentist
COMPOSITES should inform the patient of the risk and overengineer the
Molars are under significantly higher forces than are anterior
teeth. Studies have shown that the first molar can have the
highest occlusal forces. Intraoral observation shows the lower CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
second molar is the worst candidate for porcelain or composite
material, but surprisingly the lower second molar is also at
highest risk for cuspal and whole tooth fractures. The forces on Posterior composites can now be recommended for nearly all
a maxillary first bicuspid are several magnitudes less than those patients. This includes class I, class II, class V, and cuspal restora-
on the lower second molar. The dentist must carefully consider tions. For a tooth that is 50% or more destroyed by decay or
this in treatment planning. A doctor and patient can have high fracture, the use of composite bonding must make sense both
250 Posterior Direct Composites Posterior Composites



FIGURE 10-5 A to C, Whats wrong with this picture? These recently placed posterior composites demonstrate the often woeful
state of direct composite restorative dentistry. Black arrow: A carious fissure was missed; insufficient magnification was the likely
cause. Blue arrow: Minimally invasive class II cavity shape creates impossible C-factor problems. Red arrow: Incremental loading
leaves seams and voids that allow subsequent fracture. Green arrow: Proximal tooth was iatrogenically gouged and now has a
carious lesion penetrating into dentin. D, The gingival margin in this class II composite demonstrates the pervasive problem of
microleakage. There was unfavorable C-factor at the margin, creating suck back. Uncured and contaminated flashing results
from a metal matrix that blocks light curing and visualization. E, Re-treatment with Clark class II filling techniques and instru-
ments overcomes the multiple problems.

from a structural standpoint and from a practice management

standpoint. If there are deep caries on both mesial and distal
aspects of the tooth and the tooth has the potential to fracture, The most important contraindications to posterior composites
the situation exceeds the logistics of a posterior composite. are based on individual tooth considerations. For example, when
Although it is possible to do major tooth reconstruction with both the mesial and the distal surfaces were previously restored
composite, in the average traditional practice, it does not make with either composite or amalgam and fracture is suspected, that
sense and an indirect restoration is indicated. is not the best indication for posterior composite. When large
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 251

areas of the margin are on dentin or cementum or when cast leaves large voids in the restoration, then there will be microleak-
restorations are relying on dentin cementation, then an indirect age. Flowable composite may not show a better result in research
restoration is more predictable than with large areas of dentin studies, but in practicality, most dentists feel they can get a better
bonding on the margins. Dentin cementation is more predict- result using flowable composite.
able than dentin bonding when there are large areas of the Nearly all the physical characteristics of flowable composites
margins exposed. For a severely caries-prone patient, a patient are inferior to those of the paste composites. The advantages of
with salivary disorders, or a patient undergoing cancer or radia- the flowable materials are nearly all focused on ease of applica-
tion therapy, amalgam or glass ionomer may be preferred. Com- tion as an aid to the paste composite and avoidance of mistakes.
posite has not been shown to release therapeutic levels of fluoride, Flowable composite should never be considered as a replacement
and the current composites have no ability to act as a fluoride for paste composite.
bank or to be rechargeable unless they are glass ionomers. In comparing a microfill and a microhybrid, microfills tend
Although research shows that significant caries resistance for to have less wear but inferior strength. Microhybrids, conversely,
therapeutic restoratives such as glass ionomer is absent, it is have greater tendency for wearing and marginal ditching because
generally recognized that the valid approach is to use a glass of the clumping phenomenon as the larger particles fall out of
ionomer. Amalgam is more bactericidal than composite and the matrix. On the other hand, they tend to have higher com-
tends to accumulate less decay. If there is biofilm underneath a pressive strength.
composite restoration, that can lead to recurrent decay. In addi-
tion, amalgam is more inert than all of the resins and will not
degrade. The key here is that composite resins that are turning
Current Best Approach
brown are actually degrading as if the bacteria were consuming The traditional metal matrix and the translucent systems are
the composite. This is most common at the gingival margin. completely different. For metal matrix the current best approach
is layering at 2-mm increments. For the first layer a flowable
composite is popular but has not been proved scientifically to
MATERIAL OPTIONS be better. The goal is to use as little flowable composite as pos-
sible to avoid fracturing and weakening from the nexus of the
The chemistry in the composite really has been unchanged for flowable composite. The reason 2-mm increments are needed is
the past 25 years, but recently composites have been broken into because currently that is the deepest one can guarantee that the
two categories: pastes and flowable composites. Each of these curing light will penetrate. The problem with the 2-mm layer-
can be subcategorized as a microfill, a preconglomerated micro- ing, especially in a taller preparation, is that it is quite difficult
fill, or a microhybrid. The new, popular term nanofill is more and highly susceptible to developing seams and gaps between
marketing than science. Furthermore, those camps can be layers. The best approach using a non-metal matrix or translu-
broken down into light cured materials, chemical cured materi- cent system is either the snow plow or the injection-molded
als, or those that have both light and chemical cures. In the paste technique. The former involves using a flowable and then a paste
camp, a new organic chemistry has finally been introduced to injection using the bulk loader. The authors preferred technique
achieve low shrinkage. With this, the material actually expands is the injection-molded technique, which is a total-etch tech-
as it contracts during polymerization shrinkage. nique, with placement of resin, then flowable composite, then
The paste composites have better polishability, but more paste in sequence with no curing between applications.
important, as already discussed, they have the ability to maintain The current best approach for large cavities or teeth with early
polish and surface integrity. Many of the studies show polish- incomplete fractures is a direct composite onlay. The best envi-
ability as an asset. Many flowables allow a good polish, but that ronment for posterior composite in class I or class II cavities is
polish is very temporary. One of the problems with the literature when all the margins can be placed and maintained on the
is that studies do not look at long-term ability to retain a polish, enamel. Therefore great care should be taken during tooth prep-
which is more important for esthetics. In general the pastes are aration to preserve residual enamel along the finish line. Even if
far superior in maintaining the polish compared with the flow- it is a tiny sliver of enamel, it should be carefully maintained.
ables. The flowables in general tend to lose luster much more Many dentists are going away from the total-etch technique
quickly than does a well-polished paste. and using self-etching resin. The authors recommendation is
The advantages of flowable composite are superior handling still a total-etch technique because it allows the dentist to create
and wetting of the cavity preparation. The research on using a a good bond on the infinity edge portion of the margin, which
flowable composite as the first layer to fill in the nooks and is the part of a composite that extends slightly past the finish
crannies and seal to the gingival margin reveals that it is not line on the enamel. However, the self-etching resins do not
superior to putting paste composite directly into the cavity provide as strong a bond on uncut (un-abraded) enamel. To
preparation. There is a perception that when the dentist places obtain that last purchase, the last seal at the marginal extreme,
a flowable composite, it will fit into the nooks and crannies a total-etch technique allows a light feather etch that the self-
better in a class I or a class II preparation. Recently the American etch technique does not. The total-etch technique can be done
Dental Association analyzed the two composite types. One thing with either a one-bottle or a two-bottle formulation. When a
that research does not consider is the microgap versus the mac- total-etch one-bottle technique is used, some clinicians have
rogap. If the dentist, during handling of a paste composite, reported problems with sensitivity. The recommendation for the
252 Posterior Direct Composites Posterior Composites

total-etch one-bottle technique is to place and dry two coats, replaced by reliance on the strength of time-tested adhesive
then air thin and cure two coats of resin over the dentin before dentistry, which is bonding to large surfaces of acid-etched
binding to the enamel to increase the dentin bond and to enamel.
decrease sensitivity. Many clinicians have adapted the technique
and achieved significant reduction in postoperative activity. A
few new self-etching resins can be used after etching with phos- ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
phoric acid, Easy Bond (3M ESPE, St Paul, Minnesota) being
the best known. Most other self-etching resins have poor den- Many textbooks and articles addressing direct composites are
tinal bonds if the dentin is etched first. focused on rather exotic techniques for layering, staining, and
The current best approach as far as adhesives and adhesion mixing opaque composites to achieve the most artistic and life-
to enamel is still the total-etch technique. The current best like posterior restorations. This well-meaning emphasis is cer-
approach for restorative materials for all posteriors is to use a tainly an enjoyable art form. The authors analysis after nearly
microfill or agglomerated microfill (nanofill). Extremely small 20 years of microscope-based dentistry casts more aspersions on
particles are needed to impart good polishability and good wear this issue. There are problems with the stains and voids and the
resistance with posterior teeth. The only agglomerated microfill structural flaws or lack of durability. There is a practicality issue
currently available is the Filtek Supreme by 3M ESPE. with posterior composites, which are difficult to access in the
Flowable composite can be used as a dentin replacement. The back of the mouth. The esthetic value of molars is important,
goal with flowable composite is to use as little as possible in the as they frame the anterior teeth for beauty, but in reality there
restoration of the tooth to maximize its handling ability and to are higher patient expectations for anteriors than for posteriors.
minimize the volume of flowable composite because of its physi- For posteriors, it is preferable to compromise esthetics rather
cal limitation. The best method for maximizing the effect of than compromise functionality and longevity; the difficult access
flowable composite and minimizing the volume of flowable and unforgiving nature of the posterior composite will some-
composite is the injection-molded technique. times require a clinician to choose one over the other.
The translucent nature of composite combined with the
contact lens effect makes esthetics easier to achieve when com-
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS pared with porcelain restorations. The fact that the composites
must be placed in the back of the mouth creates generous and
Technological Elements lenient judgment of esthetic success. Artistry in posterior com-
Caries removal has traditionally been done with carbide burs, posites is important, but the primary focus should always be on
both high speed and low speed. This is still the most accepted longevity.
modality, but there are now other options for caries removal.
It can be performed with air abrasion and laser ablation. The
Caridex chemical dissolution system worked nicely but very TREATMENT PLANNING
slowly and has been defunct for about 20 years. A new possibility
is the Icon technique, which uses hydrochloric acid. Other tech-
niques also permit chemical removal of caries. With posterior composite there are two options for cavity prepa-
Changes in how caries is removed demand different ways of rations as well as options for materials. Non-retentive, minimally
restoring the tooth because the cavity shapes should be organic, invasive cavity preparations are clearly more successful when
nontraditional, and nonG. V. Blacklike. As a result it becomes the tooth is younger, when it is not heavily restored, and when
even more critical to work creatively with the new matrix and there is sufficient occlusal and cervical interproximal enamel to
the use of flowable composites. These make it possible to treat engage. Once a tooth becomes more mutilated and more reliant
in a more minimally invasive manner that addresses nontradi- on dentin adhesion, the procedure may benefit from more
tional cavity shapes created with the new cutting modalities. traditional cavity preparations. The other option to consider is
whether to attempt to provide intracoronal splinting during
treatment. A decision must be made early concerning the
Introducing the Clark Class II creation of intracoronal splinting of the compromised tooth.
At first glance, non-retentive cavity preparations seem to be a These teeth must be treated with composite onlays or calla lily
problem, but in reality, the inverse is true. The non-retentive type preparations (see Figures 10-6 and 10-8). Those options
cavity preparations typically have a higher percentage of enamel must be considered early because they will have a bearing on
that has been prepared and a smaller percentage of dentin that occlusion.
has been exposed, so there is a better enamel-to-dentin ratio,
yielding a stronger enamel bond (see Figure 10-1, D). The
C-factor is also improved because the cavity shapes are generally
flatter and the disconnected occlusal portion more of a fissur- Typically the first task is to undertake disease control. Next will
otomy shape versus a parallel-sided preparation. The lack of come whitening of the dentition, if desired. Whitening is done
mechanical retention tends to be a problem at first glance but before the posterior or anterior composites are placed. The
is actually a benefit once reliance on mechanical retention is desired color outcome for the dentition is then verified and the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 253

direct tooth restoration placed before the indirect restorations.

With the modern cavity preparations it is easy to purposely or
inadvertently alter the vertical dimension with direct composite.
If the vertical dimension requires opening, this can be handled
very nicely with the posterior composite restoration.

Rather than break posterior composites into class I or class II
rigid categories, the determination is treated more organically.
Basically the facial, lingual, interproximal, and occlusal surfaces A B C
should each be addressed individually. As far as the occlusal
portion of the preparation goes, the design will preferably not FIGURE 10-6 A, Examples of the Clark class II preparation.
be affected whether it involves the interproximal or the facial B, The slot preparation created by Simonson and others.
C, The original G. V. Black class II preparation.
aspect. The best outcomes will be achieved when cavity prepara-
tions are not connected to one another. The goal is to break the
approach down into a thought process that is more consistent
with the modern view of the five Cs. The final case to be pre- Once the cavity preparation has been cut, the interproximal
sented is the retrieval of some failing class II amalgams in a very area should be aggressively sanded with the lightning strip to
different approach. Planning involves thinking about the occlu- remove biofilm on that infinity edge margin. The enamel is
sal portion and whether or not the interproximal area is involved. lightly abraded slightly past the finish line.
The occlusal portion of the modern posterior composite is a The following procedure produces a seamless, durable, strong,
fissurotomy shaped, calla lilyshaped, cusp-tip-to-cusp-tip com- and leak-resistant composite filling. The prepared cavity is
posite or a composite onlay. The interproximal modern shape is restored as follows:
a saucer shape, whether small or large. 1. Pre-wedge the teeth to be restored. Prepare a saucer style
class II preparation as outlined under Clark Class II or
Injection-Molded Composite Technique, making sure to
Preparation for Re-Treatment of Old pre-wedge the teeth to be restored. The process will be
predictable and enjoyable only after this preparatory step
Amalgams or Failed Composites is performed. There must be slight clearance between
The preparation of old composite or failed amalgams becomes teeth when the preparations are finished. It is acceptable
significantly more complicated because of the five Cs. The goal to break the contact with a lightning strip to avoid
with restorations is to reduce the problems of C-factor and crack gouging the neighboring tooth.
initiation by modifying the cavity preparation significantly. The 2. Cover dentin with glass ionomer or two coats of bonding
other thing that is required is to amend the problems associated resin, then flowable composite. Cure each layer individu-
with previously cut G. V. Blackstyle preparations by using ally. The choice depends on personal preference and the
exotic layering and filling techniques. The C-factor is so unfavor- need to leave less than 2mm of axial space (distance
able in old fashioned boxy preparations that these cases cannot between depth of cavity and the projected cavosurface
be remedied 100% by modifying the cavity preparation alone. of the composite). If there is minimal exposed dentin,
Work is done on both ends, modifying the cavity preparation, skip this step.
addressing problems that were inherited, and removing the old 3. Remove wedge. Interproximal areas should be aggressively
amalgam metal composite using corrective and a few defensive sanded with a lightning strip and cleaned with pumice
filling techniques. and rubber cup. This is followed with sodium bicarbon-
The author no longer does traditional G. V. Blackstyle ate spray (Bioclear ProphyPlus Cavitron Prophy Jet
posterior cavity preparations unless an amalgam restoration is [DENTSPLY Professional, York, Pennsylvania).
being done. There is no place for traditional parallel-sided 4. Place the appropriate Bioclear anatomical sectional matrix
cavity preparation in the posterior dentition except in extenuat- band around the tooth, maintaining the anatomic crown
ing circumstances such as when there is almost no enamel and root adaptation. Wetting the matrix with a drop of
present. water before placement makes it much easier to work
When doing first-time treatment of the tooth for class I and with. Start with the 6.5-mm AFM (average flat molar);
class II caries, the ultimate goal of the tooth preparation is to it is the go-to matrix for most posteriors.
not connect the interproximal to the occlusal preparation (Figure 5. Stretch and floss in the appropriate interproximator or
10-6). The ideal preparation is a fissurotomy preparation of the place an anatomic wedge such as the Bioclear SABRE
occlusal grooves and removal of any occlusal caries, then the Wedge. The interproximator can be applied with finger-
interproximal portion is done separately so they are as discon- tips or with delicate hemostats. A little soap on the
nected as possible. isthmus is extremely helpful. The dental assistant can
254 Posterior Direct Composites Posterior Composites

hold the matrix in place as the dentist seesaws the inter- 12. Remove matrix or matrices and interproximator, then
proximator into place. polish with disks, strips, and rubber-tipped and carbide
6. Use of a metallic bi-tine separator ring in the interproximal burs. Pre-polish with coarse pumice. Finish with the
embrasure is sometimes needed. When needed, it creates SS White Jazz (SS White Burs, Inc., Lakewood, New
additional tooth separation and additional adaptation Jersey) (or similar diamond-impregnated) rubber polish-
pressure on the matrix. However, the softer-faced ing cup.
separators by Bioclear, Triodent Corp (Los Alamitos
California) or Garrison Dental Solutions (Spring Lake, Note that the liquid etch is applied deep in the interproximal
Michigan) provide ideal adaptation of the matrix to the areas, then in the deep fissurotomy areas. Gel etch is applied by
tooth and predictably snug contacts. injecting it into the liquid etch so all the enamel area is engaged.
7. Etch with both liquids and immediately chase with gel After the area is rinsed and dried, two coats of adhesive are
phosphoric acid 1.5mm past margins for 20 seconds, then placed over the dentin area, air drying between each step.
rinse and dry. This may have occurred in step 2 in the Bonding resin is placed on the occlusal and interproximal areas.
choice of resin and dentin bonding over that of glass The bonding resin is air thinned aggressively on the occlusal but
ionomer. only lightly in the interproximal. The flowable composite is then
8. Place Adper Single Bond Plus (3M), Optibond Solo Plus injected into the fissurotomy area and deep into the interproxi-
(Kerr Corp., Orange, California), or other total-etch com- mal saucer area. The paste composite material is then injected
patible resin to cover the entire cavity preparation and into the reservoir of flowable composite and bonding resin in
1mm past the margins. Air thin the resin except in gin- the interproximal area, then in any large areas on the occlusal.
gival sites, where a small pool is maintained. Do not The interproximal area is quickly shaped with appropriate
light cure at this point. explorers and burnishers before photopolymerization. (Because
9. Inject Filtek Supreme Ultra Flowable Restorative flowable the bonding agent is polymerized separately over the dentin, the
composite (or similar microfill) directly into the pool of bonding resin in the remainder of the technique serves only as
bonding resin (under magnification if possible) without a wetting agent.) Finally, the photopolymerization is begun with
incorporating bubbles. Fill the interproximal area no more two curing lightsa buccal and a lingualand working from
than one third full. Express a tiny amount of the flow- the gingiva so there is a favorable cure toward the weakest
able composite before placement to ensure that there is margin. The advantage is that it is possible to initiate the pho-
no air in the cannula. Do not light cure. topolymerization at the gingival margin, which is more favorable
10. Inject Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal paste composite (or to resisting the opening of the gingival margin, then the occlusal
similar microfill) into the pool of flowable composite without portion is cured last.
creating air bubbles. Allow the paste to displace most of A more complex treatment, a large re-treatment restoration,
the lesser filled resins (under magnification if possible). is generally broken into the restoration of the occlusal and the
Apply injection pressure as the syringe is pulled away to restoration of the interproximal to control C-factor and simplify
avoid pull-back and voids. the process. On the occlusal aspect, once the cavity preparation
11. Burnish, carve anatomy, and carve excess composite. Avoid has been modified to a more open preparation (Figure 10-7),
the use of a condenser or plugger. Cure the occlusal which is the calla lily (Figure 10-8) or onlay shape, select areas
surface, then cure the interproximal area with two curing of the dentin are noted. A total-etch technique is done on the
lights, one from the buccal and one from the lingual, occlusal portion of the tooth with at least 20 seconds of etch on
while applying air cooling from an air syringe. Use high- the enamel and less than 20 seconds of etch on the dentin. Two
intensity light-emitting diode (LED) or arc curing lights. coats of bonding resin are applied, each one air thinned and then


FIGURE 10-7 A, A boxy class I preparation is shown in cross-section. B, A 45-degree cut through enamel gradually diminishes
to a tangential or infinity edge margin near the cusp tips. However, undermined dentin should never be removed for the sake of
splinting the tooth or improving C-factor.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 255

The next step is to pre-polish. The pre-polish is performed

best with the coarse pumice in a rubber cup. The use of disks is
advantageous interproximally.
For the final polish, it is possible to go from the pre-polished
state to the final polish with either the Jazz polisher (SS White
Burs, Inc.) or the D Fine Shape & Shine (Clinicians Choice
Dental Products, Inc., New Milford, Connecticut). Coolants are
needed when doing significant polishing from these cups because
they can generate heat and overheat the pulp and/or the com-
posite material.

A significant problem mentioned previously is the resistance of
the schools to teach posterior composites on a widespread basis.
One of the problems has been the outcome studies on amalgam
versus posterior composite. Most of these studies show that
amalgam has a better outcome than the posterior composites.
That has been one of the limiting factors in regard to posterior
composite. Following the steps outlined here should help the
profession move ahead with posterior composites and change
the outcome of composites once problems have been properly
The evidence on paste composite shows that it is vastly supe-
FIGURE 10-8 The graceful calla lily mimics ideal shape for rior to flowable composite in almost every aspectlongevity,
class I cavity preparations. It allows tooth splinting when com- strength, and wear resistance.
posite is placed, maximizes enamel rod engagement, allows
Most studies on heated composite show that it is a benefit.
ideal visualization of the cavity, and minimizes the potential
for crack initiation. It shows more rapid polymerization or a higher percentage of
polymerization and better strength. One problem with heated
composite is that if it is allowed to cool completely before
curing, it loses all of its benefits. In addition, although it can be
cured on the dentin. Dentin replacement is done with care to heated and cooled multiple times without losing its good char-
block out undercuts and to control C-factor to keep it from acteristics, it can be overheated and it can deteriorate if heated
touching all four walls at the same time. This can be accom- for too long over too many instances. If a composite is placed
plished if several small spots of flowable composite are placed, while heated and then is allowed to cool down to mouth tem-
and then light cured so that they will not touch one another or perature, it is no longer superior to a composite not placed in
more than 2 walls of the cavity preparation at the same time. the heated fashion. At that point its performance is equal to that
Once the dentin has been replaced, it is possible to apply adhe- of a traditional composite.
sive to the enamel and place paste composite in one, two, or Glass ionomers, compomers, resin-modified composites, and
three increments to control cross-tooth and cusp-to-cusp curing. flowable composites have all been used as liners. For an extremely
The next step is to re-prepare the interproximal area and then long period in dentistry there have been efforts to place liners
do injection molding of the interproximal as described in the underneath both composites and amalgams. Glass ionomer has a
section on conservative preparation. New low stress flowable long and successful history in this area. Even though the bond is
composites claim to eliminate the need for controlling C Factor, bit weaker typically than dentin bonding, the bond tends to have
but have not been shown to reduce micro-leakage. In addition, significantly less deterioration over time than dentin bonding with
the manufacturers recommended techniques with self leveling resins. Glass ionomers are especially popular in Europe.
low stress flowable composites leave the tooth with far too much The compomers, which are really a mixture of resin and glass
flowable composite and far too little of the paste component. ionomer, in most instances have the disadvantages of both.
Compomer has fallen out of favor except for some pediatric
applications where its use is more temporary and the physical
Finishing limitations over time are less of a concern.
The three steps in finishing are shaping, pre-polishing, and final Resin-modified glass ionomers continue to grow in popular-
polishing. Shaping can be done with a high-speed carbide or ity. They are less proven as far as long-term bonding to dentin,
diamond bur, taking great care to try to not cut into the enamel. but because of their ability to be placed easily, to be light cured
The esthetic advantages of the infinity etch margin are main- immediately, and to achieve an immediate set, they are popular.
tained, so it demonstrates a slight infinity or feather etch onto the Flowable composite has been increasingly popular as a liner.
enamel, both in the interproximal area and on the occlusal area. Its disadvantage is that no evidence shows there is a therapeutic
256 Posterior Direct Composites Posterior Composites

release of fluoride from those that contain fluoride, whereas glass TABLE 10-1 The Hierarchy of Tooth
ionomer does have a therapeutic long-term release of fluoride. Needs for Posterior Teeth
The flowable composite, because of its lessened filler content,
has a significant amount of shrinkage, so C-factor and other VALUE TO THE TOOTH TISSUE TYPE
shrinkage problems occur when it is used as a liner. Despite the Extremely high Axial wall zone dentino-
liabilities, it has some advantages as a liner. enamel junction (DEJ)
An incredible amount of research is currently going on as Cervical enamel
well as debate regarding self-etch versus acid-etch products. Pulp in immature teeth
Originally the manufacturers of the self-etch materials did not High Coronal zone DEJ
indicate that the enamel needed a separate self-etching step. Coronal dentin
However, some manufacturers are now recommending that even Medium Coronal enamel
with the self-etch the enamel should be etched briefly before the Low Secondary dentin
self-etching is applied. Most studies show that acid etch is supe-
No value or liability Tertiary dentin
rior on uncut enamel. A key concept is to create an infinity edge
Inflamed pulp in mature
margin in which the composite goes slightly past the cavity
margin. The enamel there is uncut. In most cases acid-etch
Exposed dentin (common in
materials will give a superior bond to that enamel. The author
cusp tip areas)
tends to prefer acid etching over self-etching. If the tooth being
treated is severely broken down, self-etching resin that allows the
dentin to be exposed to rinse etching, such as the new Adper
Easy Bond (3M ESPE) is an acceptable choice.
Besides dentin bonding with typical self-etching or acid to the reshuffling of the values assigned to different tooth struc-
etching, other concepts must be considered. One is the use of tures and of the nuanced role of the importance of regional
glass ionomer to bond with the dentin. This can be used either tissues.
in the open sandwich techniquethe gingival margin, a small
area of the dentin, and a small area of the glass ionomer will be
exposedor the closed sandwich techniquethe entire external MAINTENANCE
surface of the restoration is covered with composite and the glass
ionomer is not exposed. The third adhesive concept is being One of the new protocols developed is the use of diamond-
advanced as the Embrace technology (Pulpdent Corporation, impregnated polishers. Both the Jazz polisher and the Shape &
Watertown, Massachusetts), which does not have a typical Shine polisher can be used in a 10-second application to return
dentin bonding. a mirror finish to some of the composites that have lost some of
their brilliance and shine over time (Figure 10-9).
Many toothpastes are extremely abrasive, and these should
CLINICAL CONSERVATION be avoided for patients who have significant areas of posterior
CONCEPTS composite on the cavosurface. Smoking is definitely an issue for
composite restorations because these margins are exposed and
There is a new hierarchy of tooth needs because the current even a well-sealed margin can accumulate tobacco stain.
model of minimally invasive and conservative dentistry weighs
out differentlytooth structures have varying values. The goal
is not just preserving tooth structure, but preserving the most CONTROVERSIES
important tooth structure, sometimes at the expense of a less
important tooth structure. The overall concept of trying to be Even though amalgam continues its decline in popularity, there
conservative and preserving tooth structure must now be modi- is still significant debate on the use of amalgam versus composite
fied so that certain areas of the tooth have higher value. In other for the posterior dentition. This debate will probably continue
words, the dentino-enamel junction, where the enamel is inter- for at least another decade.
facing to the dentin, is extremely important for the posterior For other controversies, attention has been directed recently
composites. If that zone can be more carefully maintained at the toward some of the possible negative health effects of compos-
expense of a less important area, such as external enamel, then ites. These are typically attributed to the organic binding with
that is a good trade-off. bisphenlol-A glycidyl dimethacrylate (BIS-GMAs) and other
binding resins. Research shows possible teratogenic, carcino-
genic, and mutagenic effects from composite.
The Hierarchy of Tooth Needs 3M ESPE offers a new composite that actually expands as it
Table 10-1 represents the hierarchy of needs to maintain optimal shrinks, the Filtek LS Low Shrink Posterior Restorative System.
strength, fracture resistance, and several other characteristics Whether it will truly compensate for polymerization shrinkage
needed for long-term full function of the posterior and anterior will have to be seen over time. Other composites now claim to
tooth. This chapter is designed to simply introduce the reader have 1% or less shrinkage. Further research and studies will be
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 257


FIGURE 10-9 A, D-Fine Shape & Shine polishers. B, Jazz Supreme Polishing System for composites. (A Courtesy Clinicians Choice
Dental Products, New Milford, Connecticut. B Courtesy SS White Burs, Inc., Lakewood, New Jersey.)

needed on these low-shrink composites and also to determine at for some extremely helpful clinical steps that are simply impos-
what point the shrinkage becomes a non-factor. It may be pos- sible without this material.
sible that if products can achieve 0.5% shrinkage, the C-factor
will no longer matter. These controversies have not been resolved
and will continue to be debated and researched. NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
Many are concerned about some of the weaknesses of flow-
able composite. Certain experts in dentistry recommend that There will probably be more low-shrink composites coming onto
flowable composites be used extremely sparingly. Others are the market. Another development might be the elimination of
using flowable composite for significant portions of their restor- dentin bonding. Although there is tremendous focus on dentin
ative protocols, and new flowables that have high shrinkage but bonding, the hybrid zone of dentin bondingwhere the com-
low stress are being aggressively marketed to be used to fill most posite and the dentin tubules interfaceis the liability of dentin
of the tooth (SureFil, DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware). bonding. A replacement for dentin bonding, for example,
There is no evidenced-based support for this approach. That Embrace technology, or the increased use of glass ionomer or
controversy will continue. In the authors practice, flowable future developments may eliminate dentin bonding altogether.
composite is extremely important but must be used in modera- Another potential development is that some composites will
tion at all times, understanding its weaknesses but also recogniz- try to offer a deeper depth of cure. This would exceed the recom-
ing that the physical characteristics of flowable composite allow mended 2mm and allow potentially 3 to 5mm of curing.

C A S E 1
A 35-year-old woman had a composite in the distal of the upper first molar that has fallen out of the tooth
(Figure 10-10, A). The patient was concerned about the esthetics in this area, as she did not want to have
the silver coloration in the teeth. In addition, the patient is congenitally missing a bicuspid and the tooth had
drifted (Figure 10-10, B). This is an extremely difficult contact area that was causing food impaction, not only
along the unfavorable marginal ridge in the mesial, but also where the restoration was missing (Figure 10-10,
C and D).
It should be noted that despite the esthetic liabilities of the amalgams on the teeth, these amalgams had
served well for 25 years. The composites placed by another dentist had lasted only 3 years and were already
The goals in this case were to improve the marginal ridge situation, to have an esthetic result that was
acceptable to the patient and dentist, and, most important, to have a result that would last for decades instead
of just a few years.

Continued on next page

258 Posterior Direct Composites Posterior Composites

C A S E 1 (contd)




FIGURE 10-10 A, Preoperative radiograph showing the upper first molar. B, Radiograph showing the difficult contact
area on the mesial of the upper first molar. The patient had been congenitally missing a bicuspid and the tooth had drifted.
C, Preoperative condition of the teeth. D, High magnification showing the contact area where the composite has fallen out
of the restoration. E, Rubber dam and pre-wedges placed. F, Old restorations and majority of caries removed.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 259

C A S E 1 (contd)



FIGURE 10-10, contd G, Application of sodium hypochlorite removes the last of the stains. H, Occlusal portion com-
pleted without restoring the interproximal area, as that area will be re-prepared to control the C-factor. I, Teeth re-prepared
with the saucer preparation. J, The biomatrices positioned, and one interproximator in place. The first molar (the problem
area) does not have an interproximator in position. K, A Universal Posterior Bioclear Matrix. L, High magnification view
of the Universal Posterior Bioclear Matrix.
Continued on next page
260 Posterior Direct Composites Posterior Composites

C A S E 1 (contd)

Biocleartm ACM-
Biocleartm AFM- Average curved
Average flat molar molar matrix



FIGURE 10-10, contd M, Both Interproximators positioned, and the first layer of composites placed on the mesial of the
first molar. N, Actual instruments and matrices and Interproximators used. O, The Interproximator removed from the mesial
of the first molar to allow the contact and to allow the tooth to drift slightly to permit tight contacts on the distal of the first
molar and the mesial of the second molar. P, The post-treatment result. The infinity edge margin, rounded embrasures, and
large surface area on the contact both bucco-lingually and occluso-gingivally serve as both functional and esthetic assets.

The early text outlines the unfavorable characteristics of a retentive cavity preparation. This is the classic slot
preparation that was cut for the composite by the previous dentist. Although the restoration had mechanical
retention, the composite debonded and fell out anyway. This is in contrast to amalgam, which had served well
for 25 years.
The rubber dam and pre-wedges were placed (Figure 10-10, E ). Pre-wedging is an important aid in creating
ideal interproximal areas. Pre-wedging performs three important functions: it compresses the papilla so the res-
toration becomes a supragingival restoration, it creates better light and visibility and the ability to thoroughly clean
the surfaces in preparation for the composite, and it protects the rubber dam and the gingiva from laceration.
The old restorations and most of the caries were removed (Figure 10-10, F ). The calla lily or cusp-to-cusp tip
type of preparation discussed previously was created. All of the interproximal amalgams were removed, and the
procedure would be staged. The occlusal area was prepared so the C-factor was controlled; this interproximal
area would be re-prepared so that it could be injection molded in a single phase. The combination of caries removal
and the application of sodium hypochlorite was done to remove the last of the stains (Figure 10-10, G). Some of
the stained dentin was sound and could be retained, but because of the color problems, the authors preference
was to apply full-strength sodium hypochlorite for 1 to 3 minutes to reduce the amount of stain. This is a more
conservative approach to obtain an ideal esthetic outcome rather than just removing the discolored dentin.
The occlusal portion was completed without restoring the interproximal area because that area would be
re-prepared and to control the C-factor (Figure 10-10, H). The cusps were built one or two at a time and not
all at the same time because of concerns about cross-tooth polymerization and C-factor issues. The teeth were
re-prepared with the saucer preparation (Figure 10-10, I ).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 261

C A S E 1 (contd)
The Bioclear matrices are positioned, and one of the Interproximators is put in place. As the mesial of the
first molar was the problem area, it does not have an Interproximator in position. This demonstrates how dif-
ficult the closure of this contact area is.
Figure 10-10, K and L, shows an average curve molar. This is a patented diastema closure matrix, ideal for
a difficult contact such as this one. It has a very pronounced and exaggerated curvature.
Both Interproximators are positioned (Figure 10-10, M and N). The dentist will not restore all of the contacts
simultaneously to avoid trouble with open contacts. Figure 10-10, M, shows the first layer of composites being
placed on the mesial of the first molar. In contrast to the recommended single-phase loading, this is a difficult
contact, a diastema closure, and it is attempted in two steps. This step shows the first layer of composite being
placed, and then the matrix is teased away from the tooth slightly to close the contact. The Interproximator is
removed from the mesial of the first molar to allow the contact, to allow the tooth to drift slightly to permit
tight contacts on the distal of the first molar and the mesial of the second molar (Figure 10-10, O). Figure 10-10,
P, shows the post-treatment result.

Note: The author does not spend a lot of time carving deep occlusal anatomy and addressing stain in the occlusal views of these teeth. Until the failure rate of composites improves,
it is best to focus on durability of the restoration, and only then possibly budget time for artistic occlusal anatomy. Patients are nearly always satisfied with the esthetics of even
very utilitarian posterior composites and would prefer that over food impaction, post-operative sensitivity, and floss snagging on overhangs and open margins. A last reason to
question the carving of deep anatomy in the composite is the potential for crack initiation in the composite material.

C A S E 2
In a case similar to Case 1, the ideal round emersion profile is combined with a contact that has been shifted
into a more natural position toward the mid-portion of the tooth as opposed to the point contacts that are
often centered in the occlusal one fifth of the tooth. Point contacts often lead to marginal fractures and other
food impaction problems (Figure 10-11).

FIGURE 10-11

SUGGESTED READINGS Mjor IA, Dahl JE, Moorhead JE: Placement and replacement of restorations
in primary teeth, Acta Odontol Scand 60:25-28, 2002.
Clark DJ: The epidemic of cracked and fracturing teeth, Dent Today 4:8-51, Sjogren P, Halling A: Survival time of class II molar restorations in relation to
2007. patient and dental health insurance costs for treatment, Swed Dent J
Clark DJ, Paquette JM, Sheets CJ: Definitive diagnosis of early enamel and 26:59-66, 2002.
dentinal cracks based on microscopic evaluation, J Esthet Restor Dent Swift EJ Jr, Friedman MJ: J Esthet Restor Dent 18(2):110-113, 2006.
15(spec issue):7-17, 2003. Van Nieuwenhuysen JP, DHoore W, Carvalho J, Qvist V: Long-term
DeRouen TA, Martin MD, Leroux BG, et al: Neurobehavioral erects of evaluation of extensive restorations in permanent teeth, J Dent 31:395-
dental amalgam in children: a randomized clinical trial, JAMA 405, 2003.
295(15):1784-1792, 2006.

Anatomical Posterior Contacts

Simon McDonald

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC on smaller cavities. However, the separating rings often get in
DENTISTRY OF POSTERIOR the way of the wedge, and the tines tend to collapse in on wide
cavities. There are also difficulties in placing the matrix, which
CONTACTS WITH COMPOSITE is hard to hold with tweezers or pliers. Frustratingly, the matrix
RESTORATIONS tends to move when the wedge is pushed into position. In the
authors experience, the Palodent retainer ring can be awkward
There has been a strong move away from amalgam in tooth to seat properly and has on occasions jumped off; once, memo-
restorations; now class II composite restorations are placed rou- rably, the ring flew across the room. Many dentists became so
tinely. Unfortunately, the instrumentation that worked well for frustrated with sectional matrix systems that they returned to
amalgams does not work well with composite resins. A new set using amalgam.
of instruments was needed, and this brought with it a new set In 2003 the Triodent Corporation (Los Alamitos, California)
of problems to overcome. launched itself with development of the Tri-Clip, which was a
Poor anatomical contacts between posterior teeth with proxi- device that enabled the dentist to place a matrix, a wedge, and
mal restorations are potentially quite serious. If there is a gap a separating ring simultaneously. This product had limited
between the new restoration and the neighboring tooth measur- success, probably because the approach was a bit too different
ing approximately 0.1 to 1mm, then food packing acts like an from the traditional method. Around this time several other
orthodontic separator. The gap increases and traps more food, products came on the market, particularly from Garrison Dental
leading to periodontal disease and secondary caries to either side Solutions (Spring Lake, Michigan). The Triodent system was
of that contact. This is fairly disastrous, particularly because root also improved. The Garrison ring effectively addressed the
caries is difficult to diagnose, often causing no symptoms until problem of the rings jumping off. However, problems remained
it is quite advanced, at which point the patient requires end- with the rings collapsing into wider cavities, the matrices were
odontic treatment or even an extraction. still difficult to hold, and the ring competed with the wedge for
in the interproximal space.
A huge problem with these single-tine rings was that the
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL dentist did not know whether to place the ring in front or
DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUMENTS behind the wedge. The first version of Triodents V-ring was a
nickel-titanium and stainless ring with a V-shaped gap between
FOR POSTERIOR RESTORATION tines. With this development there was no longer difficulty in
CONTACTS finding where to place the separating ringit always sat over
the wedge. The original V-ring was very successful and Triodent
Initially, circumferential bands were used, but it is difficult to won numerous clinical and business awards.
obtain correct contacts with these. This type of band tends to In 2008 Triodent launched the V3 ring, an all nickel-titanium
create tin-can restorations in which the contact point is too ring with plastic tines. The improved tine shape led to better
close to the marginal ridge. The contact is often light or nonex- spring tension and excellent retention. The mechanics also
istent because the matrix band has to pass through the inter- changed so that the spring pushes directly into the interproximal
proximal area of both sides of the tooth. The band on the area rather than above it, also improving retention. The V3 ring
un-restored side of the tooth pushes the tooth in the wrong comes in two different colors, green and yellow. The yellow one
direction so that when the band is finally removed the tooth is for premolars. In general, springs follow Hookes law, which
springs back into its original position and the newly established means that the force applied is proportional to the expansion of
contact point on the other side of the tooth opens up, much to the ring. However, nickel-titanium does not follow Hookes law.
the dismay of the clinician! The Palodent system (DENTSPLY Even though the spring has been opened farther and farther, the
Caulk, Milford, Delaware), invented by Buddy Meyers, was the amount of force flattens off so that the spring maintains a clini-
first separating ring and sectional matrix and worked quite well cally appropriate separating force of around 3 to 4kg. With a

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 263

small tooth such as a lower premolar, a conventional separating the timber framing removed, very little finishing is necessary.
ring does not open far, and consequentially the force applied is When this analogy is applied to class II composites, it is easy to
only 1 or 2kg. This is insufficient to cause separation. Clinically see that a little extra effort obtaining an anatomically accurate
we notice this because the ring is loose on the lower premolars. matrix system results in less time overall and a much more sat-
The yellow V3 ring achieves a tight fit with a balanced, ideal isfying result.
4-kg force even for small teeth. The shape of the V3 ring also
allows it to be placed over the wedge or the wedge to be placed
after the ring is in place. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
The V3 ring system is suitable for all class II restorations in both
RELATING CLINICAL FUNCTION primary and permanent teeth. For mesio-occlusal-distal (MOD)
AND ESTHETICS restorations, The author prefers to use a circumferential matrix
band, with the V3 ring as a tooth separator. There are no con-
The Triodent V3 system gives consistently tight contacts, and traindications. Although some post-operative sensitivity has
the matrix creates an anatomically correct marginal ridge. The been related to the bonding agent used for composites, none has
contact point is of the correct height rather than being too near been linked to the sectional matrix.
the marginal ridge, which is a common problem with sectional
matrix systems. There is also minimal flash and therefore minimal
The periodontal membrane surrounding teeth allows them
to have their own independent suspension, and a separating The options for matrix systems are the circumferential band such
ring with 3 to 4kg of force will cause the teeth drift apart. The as the Tofflemire; the sectional matrix from manufacturers
teeth separate more than the thickness of the matrix, so when such as Garrison Dental Solutions (Spring Lake, Michigan) and
the retainer ring or the separating ring is removed, the teeth Danville Materials (San Ramon, California), and the Triodent
spring back to their original position and establish a tight system. The Triodent system has a number of advantages in that
contact. it is easy to use, it overcomes the difficulties associated with the
With a circumferential band, the band goes completely wedge, the ring has very good retention, and the final outcome
around the tooth in a class II restoration and through the intact produces a very lifelike, natural restoration with minimal
contact. In a mesio-occlusal (MO) restoration, for example, the finishing.
matrix goes through the distal contact and tends to push the In contrast, full circumferential bands can produce an ade-
tooth in a mesial direction, which is the wrong direction; quate contact, but to achieve this the operator must wedge
the goal is to push the tooth into a distal direction. The dentist extremely hard. For this to be accomplished, rigid wedges, such
then completes the restoration and even presses hard against the as wooden wedges, are needed. Sometimes the wedges create
matrix to achieve a tight contact. The matrix is removed from dents in the matrix that show as a marked depression or notch
both the mesial and the distal contact and the tooth springs back on post-operative radiographs.
in a distal direction, thereby opening the contact. When considering wedging, many clinicians want the wedge
The V3 ring system helps create a marginal ridge, always a to have two contrary functions: first, separate the teeth, and
major finishing concern for the dentist, because the matrix is second, make the matrix conform to the cavity and seal the
designed with a marginal ridge built into it. Much work has margins. Since the V3 rings separates the teeth so effectively, the
been done to develop the curvature so that it is as tooth shaped function of the Wave-Wedge is primarily to seal the matrix on
as possible. A related issue is getting the contact to the right the cavity margins. Therefore it is a more flexible shape and
points. That is the key because the curvature of the matrix is S has the feature of opening up once it has gone through the
shaped. This shape can be seen on some of the clinical radio- contact area.
graphs and closely approximates the natural cervical shape of the
tooth and the emergence profile of the tooth in that area. The
system minimizes flash and the finishing needed after the com- INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
posite is in place because the tines on the V3 ring hug the buccal
and lingual surfaces nicely. The first innovative element found in the Trident system is that
When discussing finishing of composites, a good analogy is the V-shaped retaining ring is set over the wedge rather than
the laying down of concrete. Imagine we have two builders and next to it. The importance of this is that they do not compete
the first builder is in a hurry to lay down the plywood and timber for the interproximal space. This also enables the wedge to be
framing and does not do a very good job. The concrete is poured manipulated. The wedge can be removed and replaced without
and the timber framing moves. When the concrete sets, the taking the retaining ring off. In addition, the matrix is anatomi-
builder has to come back with a concrete saw. In the end, the cally correct and allows the contact point to be at the correct
job takes longer and the result is not very good. In contrast, height and the marginal ridge evenly achieved. There is actually
the second builder spends a little more time getting the concrete more curvature on this matrix than other matrices. Also, the
boxing properly established. When the concrete is poured and anatomically correct shape of the Wave-Wedge mimics the shape
264 Posterior Direct Composites Anatomical Posterior Contacts

of the interproximal space. It has a blunt tip so that it does not This technique also allows all the margins to be beveled
skewer the gingival papillae on the exit side when it is being without causing bleeding. The preferred instrument for handling
pushed through. the Wave-Wedge and matrix is Pin-Tweezers because they hold
The Pin-Tweezers ease the manipulation of these small parts. the item passively.
Pin-Tweezers are auto-closing. There is a tab on the matrix that Once the cavity preparation is complete, the V3 Matrix can
allows the dentist to bend it like a contra-angled handpiece so usually be slipped into position without removing the Wave-
the matrix can easily be pushed in an apical direction. The Pin- Wedge (Figure 10-13). If the matrix will not go in properly, the
Tweezers also permit the wedges to be held securely so that when tab of the V3 Matrix is trapped against the neighboring tooth,
they are passed from assistant to dentist they are not dropped and the Wave-Wedge is partially removed, and pushed back in
on the floor. The dentist can also use the Pin-Tweezers to place again. This allows the matrix to slip into the correct vertical
the matrix on the back of the left hand and rotate it into the position to take full advantage of the marginal ridge shape.
right orientation.
The V3 ring has a nickel-titanium spring has excellent physi-
cal properties to enable the correct separating force to be applied
across a range of different tooth sizes. It is also autoclavable. It is also important to select the correct-sized matrix. The V3
Research shows that most rings survive at least 800 openings. Matrix comes in three different heights4.5mm, 5.5mm, and
6.5mm. If the matrix will not set at the correct height, it is best
to select a more appropriately sized matrix.
TREATMENT PLANNING For placing the V3 Ring, there are a few tips worth noting.
The author prefers to hold the Triodent forceps with thumb
There is no difference in the treatment planning for the Trident and middle finger and keep the index finger free to operate
system as opposed to other systems. the locking bar. Triodent forceps should open the V3 ring

Preparation Phase
The following is the authors preferred technique for class II
composite restorations. Begin by placing a purple Wave-Wedge
interproximally before preparing the cavity (Figure 10-12).
If a purple Wave-Wedge cannot be firmly pushed through,
the next size down is used (pink or white). This has several
benefits: (1) it totally protects the gingival col during prepping,
(2) it controls moisture and bleeding, and (3) it forces the wedge
to take up a good position below the contact point. If the
contact point is removed first and then the wedge is placed, there
is nothing to push the wedge down into its correct position,
which may result in a contact point that is too high. Having a
wedge in place during the cavity preparation also prevents burs FIGURE 10-12 Purple Wave-Wedge placed before cavity
from lacerating the interproximal rubber dam. preparation. Mesio-occlusal cavity in the first molar.


FIGURE 10-13 A, The V3 Matrix is slipped into position without removing the Wave-Wedge. B, Purple Wave-Wedge placed
before cavity preparation. Mesio-occlusal cavity in the first molar.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 265

sufficiently to fit over the teeth, but not so far that the nickel- testing to make sure the matrix is free by trying to rotate it
titanium spring could be damaged. One effective method is to around the contact point. If it does not rotate, it must be still
position the tines over the Wave-Wedge on one side and then bonded to the restoration. Great care must be taken when
roll the forceps so that the other set of tines comes into position. removing the matrix so that it does not injure the papillae.
It is essential to use a finger rest to steady the forceps. Before Re-creating an anatomically accurate marginal ridge is benefi-
releasing the forceps, The author always places a finger above cial not only because it mimics nature, but also to reduce the
the restoration and press down to prevent any movement of the
V3 ring as the forceps are released and removed (see Figure
10-13, B).
It is essential to carefully examine the matrix setup and ensure
that it is correct. The goal is to achieve a seal around the cavity
margin. Sometimes there is a gap between the matrix and the
gingival margin of the cavity. This can be closed be either placing
a second Wave-Wedge from the other side or by tugging the
wing of the V3 Matrix with a probe.
One method of doing that is to take an explorer probe and
place it into one of the lingual holes in the wings of the matrix,
then push the matrix into the correct position (Figure 10-14).
Sometimes it is necessary to release the strain on the spring.
This can be done by holding the forceps in the left hand and
opening the spring just enough so that the matrix can be moved A
into its ideal position.

On the finishing side, ideally the dentist should cure the com-
posite, taking into account the C-factor, but that is beyond the
scope of this chapter. Once the curing is complete, the V3 ring
is removed and the bucco-lingual wings of the matrix are lifted.
More curing from the buccal and lingual side may be needed if
insufficient light reaches the proximal box. If this is not done,
sometimes uncured composite adheres to the matrix, causing
Sometimes operators have difficulty removing the matrix and B
rip it. The best thing to do is to use a probe or flat plastic instru-
ment and slide it between the matrix and the restoration. This FIGURE 10-15 Minimal finishing to complete the
peels the matrix away from the composite. The author suggests marginal ridge.

Force Characteristic

kg force

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The tip separation (mm)

VS ring narrow VS ring universal Other stainless rings

FIGURE 10-14 In this case, the matrix is adjusted by pulling
the wing mesially. FIGURE 10-16 Force characteristic.
266 Posterior Direct Composites Anatomical Posterior Contacts

chance of the marginal ridge chipping and to assist the patient contact once that has been removed. Nickel-titanium has the
when using floss. However, a good marginal ridge is difficult to characteristic of maintaining an almost ideal force over a wide
create with conventional matrix bands. The V3 Matrix has range of uses.
addressed this issue and has a marginal ridge shape built into it As mentioned earlier, the author believes that the ideal sepa-
(Figures 10-15 and 10-16). rating force is around 3 to 4kg. The graph shows that the other
stainless ring is in this ideal region for only a narrow band
between 6.3mm and 7.5mm of extension, whereas the two V3
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES Rings generate 3 to 4kg of force through an opening range
(together) of 3mm to 8mm. So the clinical significance of the
One main principle behind the success of matrix systems is the flattened curve is that the V3 rings generate the ideal amount
separating effect caused by the ring. The teeth must be sepa- of force over a wide range of use (see Figure 10-16).
rated more than the thickness of the matrix material itself. In conclusion, this chapter has attempted to cover the essen-
Another is the realization that the circumferential band can tial techniques that turn one of the most frustrating common
push the tooth in the wrong direction, leading to a nonexistent dental procedures to something easily managed.
C H A P T E R 11

Current Technology and Clinical Approaches to Polishing
of Dental Restorations
Steven R. Jefferies


Effective finishing and polishing of dental restorations not only
result in optimal esthetics but also provide for the improved Finishing and polishing procedures have existed since the begin-
oral health of soft tissues and marginal integrity of the restor- ning of modern restorative procedures. Diamond burs were used
ative interface. Some difficulties result from improperly fin- before tungsten carbide burs; their applications in margination,
ished and polished restorations, including increased plaque finishing, and polishing were integral. As demands for surface
accumulation, irritation of the gingival tissues, increased smoothness and esthetics have increased, loose-abrasive slurries
surface staining, and unacceptable esthetics of the restored and pastes have also evolved. Concurrent with loose-abrasive
teeth. pastes, bonded abrasives consisting of rubberized abrasives were
Practitioners are encouraged to take the time and effort to developed for both the finishing and the polishing steps. Coated
adequately finish and polish restorations. The clinical and scien- abrasive disks, with very low abrasive particle sizes, are also effec-
tific rationale for this approach is as follows: tive for final polishing steps. Various grits of sandpaper on paper
1. Removes restorative marginal excess and refines the disks were initially used, but over the last three or four decades,
margins of the restoration coated abrasive disks bonded to Mylar or other thin-film plastic
2. Reduces the risk of fracture, because a rough surface is or polymer substrates have become available.
more likely to fracture Most dental finishing and polishing devices operate in the
3. Reduces surface imperfections, hence diminishing surface two-body mode, a harder material abrading a softer material.
area and the risk of surface breakdown and corrosion Nevertheless, dentist, hygienists, and laboratory technicians
4. Produces a smooth surface that is less likely to retain often use loose abrasives, that is, the three-body abrasive mode,
plaque in the form of prophy or polishing pastes. A three-body abrasive
5. Improves oral function and mastication, because food wear situation exists when loose particles move in the interface
slides more easily over polished tooth surfaces between the specimen surface and the polishing application
6. Produces smooth surfaces that facilitate oral hygiene pro- device. Such a situation occurs when abrasives are intentionally
cedures, allowing access to all surfaces, marginal areas, and deposited to roll on the surface of the polishing substrate. A
interproximal areas with normal toothbrushing and use three-body mode may also occur when small pieces of material
of dental floss are detached from the specimen to be polished and become
7. Produces smooth restoration contacts, leading to less wear trapped, or circulate, within the contact between the two first
on opposing and adjacent teeth bodies. Figure 11-1 further illustrates how the various dental
8. Yields a more esthetic, naturally light-reflecting finishing and polishing procedures fall within these two basic
restoration tribologic mechanisms.

268 Polishing Current Technology and Clinical Approaches to Polishing of Dental Restorations

The tribology of
dental Final
finishing and polishing polishing
finishing and
Gross reduction,
3-Body wear: coarse finishing and margination
loose-abrasive 2-Body wear:
polishing: 1. Trimming and abrading FIGURE 11-2 Finishing and polishing of dental restorative
1. Aluminum oxide burs; materials encompass a progression of steps from gross reduc-
polishing pastes 2. Bonded abrasives; tion and contouring to final polishing. The triangle representa-
2. Diamond polishing 3. Coated abrasives for
pastes finishing and polishing tion reflects empirical observations regarding the relative
amount of time and effort spent on each segment of the
process; the recent increasing emphasis on esthetics and surface
FIGURE 11-1 Finishing and polishing procedures in restor-
polish may result in greater time and attention to final polish-
ative dentistry follow tribologic principles of abrasive wear in
ing procedures. (From Jefferies SR: Abrasive finishing and polishing in restor-
both two-body and three-body configurationsthat is, two-
ative dentistry: a state-of-the-art review, Dent Clin North Am 51:379, 2007.)
body wear devices in which the abrasive particle is surface
bound or impregnated within a contacting substrate, or three-
body wear-abrasive situations in which loose-abrasive particles
act at and in the interface between the surface of the restorative
material and a polishing applicator or pad. (From Jefferies SR: Abra-
sive finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry: a state-of-the-art review, Dent and initial polishing, and (3) producing a highly smooth, light-
Clin North Am 51:379, 2007.) reflective, enamel-like surface.

Although there are no specific contraindications to finishing and
polishing, use of conventional rubber prophy cups is contrain-
RELATING FUNCTION dicated when fine polishing pastes are used with composite resin
AND ESTHETICS and ceramic restorative materials. Another consideration is the
nature of the filler component of the composite resin and its
Effective finishing and polishing of dental restorations not only effect on polishing efficacy. Classic microfills, which contain
produces optimal esthetics but also improves the oral health of organic-based fillers, do not benefit from loose-abrasive polish-
the soft tissues and the marginal integrity of the restorative ing paste. Use of coated abrasive fine and extra-fine disks appears
interface. Proper finishing and polishing of posterior esthetic to be optimal. Likewise, hybrids containing zirconia-based filler
restorations, especially certain classes of tooth-colored composite systems appear to not benefit as much, in terms of final surface
resins, may also affect the rate of occlusal wear and loss of surface luster, from the application of aluminum oxidecontaining,
material. Alternatively, proper finishing of ceramic and ceramic loose-abrasive polishing pastes, compared with barium glass-
porcelain restorations can reduce accelerated wear of the oppos- fillerbased hybrid composite resin. The coated abrasive disks
ing enamel. appear optimal for final polishing of these zirconia-based hybrid
composite resin restoratives.

Coated Abrasive Finishing and Polishing
The polishing process is carried out after the finishing and
margination steps of the finishing procedure to remove minute
Disks and Strips
scratches from the surface of a restoration and to obtain a Coated abrasive disks and strips are made by bonding abrasive
smooth, light-reflective luster. The polishing process is also particles into a thin polymer or plastic backing. Finishing and
intended to produce a homogeneous surface with minimal polishing disks are used for gross reduction, contouring, finish-
microscopic scratches and defects. ing, and polishing restorations. The thin layer of abrasive present
Finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry, as illustrated on these disks remains effective for a limited period of clinical
in Figure 11-2, involve the steps of (1) performing gross con- use, making these disks single use and disposable. Most are
touring of the restoration to obtain the desired anatomy, (2) coated with an aluminum oxide abrasive, but silicon carbide,
reducing and smoothing the surface roughness and scratches garnet, emery, and quartz (cuttle) abrasives are also used. A
created by finishing instruments in the process of gross reduction sequence of grits is applied, starting with a coarser grit and
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 269

finishing with a superfine grit. Coated abrasive disks and strips

are especially useful on flat or convex surfaces. They work well
especially on anterior restorations, such as the incisal edges and
embrasures, and to a limited extent on posterior composites,
especially on interproximal and some buccal and lingual areas.
Coated finishing and polishing disks have limited utility on
posterior occlusal and concave anterior lingual areas. These areas
are better addressed with bonded-abrasive points and cups,
including the newer abrasive-impregnated brushes.
A number of studies have documented the effectiveness of
coated abrasive disk systems. The particle size distributions for
coated abrasive disks vary from 100 to 55m for coarse-grade
finishing disks to 7 to 8m for the ultra- or super-fine grade of
finishing disk. Coated abrasive disks can finish and provide pre-
polishing and polishing action for a wide range of restorative
materials. Some studies indicate that coated abrasive disks are
particularly effective for finishing traditional microfill composite FIGURE 11-3 The wide diversity of elastomeric or rubberized
resin materials. abrasive rotary finishing and polishing devices. Coarser finish-
Coated abrasive disks are available from a number of manu- ing and pre-polishing devices are on the top row; polishing
facturers. Some of these products include the EP Esthetic Polish- devices are aligned on the lower row of the illustration. (From
Jefferies SR: Abrasive finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry: a state-of-the-art
ing System (Brasseler USA, Savannah, Georgia), FlexiDisc
review, Dent Clin North Am 51:379, 2007.)
(Cosmedent, Inc., Chicago, Illinois), Moore-Flex polishing
system and Moore silicon carbide disks (E.C. Moore, Dearborn,
Michigan), OptiDisc, (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California),
Sof-Lex Finishing and Polishing System (3M ESPE, St Paul,
Minnesota), and Super-Snap system (Shofu Dental Corpora- aluminum oxide, diamond, silicon dioxide, and zirconium
tion, San Marcos, California). oxide. The particle size distributions typically range from about
40m for an elastomeric aluminum oxide finishing device
to 6m for elastomeric rubber diamond polishing
Rubber Wheels, Cups, and Points instruments.
Rubber polishing instruments are used to finish, smooth, and/ Some of these instruments may be useful in intermediate
or polish composites. These finishing and polishing instruments finishing and in anatomic contouring, as well as pre-polishing.
are abrasive instruments based on fine or ultra-fine hard, abra- Recent studies have evaluated the efficacy of various bonded,
sive particles dispersed and held in a softer, elastic matrix. The elastomeric abrasive finishers and polishers. Some of the com-
various configurations of these flexible or rubber finishers and mercial finishing and pre-polishing devices (including complete
polishers complement the access limitations of the coated abra- finishing-polishing systems) evaluated include Astropol (Ivoclar
sive disks for areas such as anterior lingual and posterior occlu- Vivadent, Amherst, New York); Comprepol and Composhine
sal surfaces. Shapes, with varying sizes and dimensions, include (Diatech, Dental Inc., Charleston, South Carolina); Enhance
disks, wheels, cups, and points. Figure 11-3 depicts the wide system (DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware); FlexiCups
range of different types of bonded and elastomeric finishers and (Cosmedent Inc.); Identoflex Points (Identoflex AG, Buchs,
polishers available. They are often sold as kits with a variety of Switzerland); Identoflex (Kerr Corporation); Silicone Points C
shapes and grits to accommodate the differing tooth dimen- type (Shofu Dental Coporation).
sions and contours seen in clinical practice. Flexible, bonded- Other diamond-containing elastomeric or rubber-like rotary
abrasive devices are made by molding abrasive particles, of devices have been introduced more recently for use in finer
varying particle size and size distribution, in an elastomeric pre-polishing or final polishing. There appears to be a range of
matrix. The elastomeric matrix can be a natural or synthetic effectiveness in the ability to produce smooth surfaces on direct
rubber, silicone, or other synthetic elastic polymer. One system restorative materials. Diamond-impregnated polishers are par-
uses a urethane elastic polymer in which a wide range of abra- ticularly effective, with many one- and two-step polishing device
sive particles can be dispersed, including aluminum oxide and systems reaching surface smoothness comparable to that of
diamond. multi-step, coated-abrasive disk systems. Such diamond one-
Molded or bonded elastomeric abrasives come in a variety step polishers include CompoMaster (Shofu Dental Copora-
of grits, sizes, shapes, and firmnesses. These elastomeric, bonded tion) and PoGo (DENTSPLY Caulk).
abrasives are usually molded to a latch-type mandrel for slow- Diamond-containing polishing devices produce more fric-
speed handpieces. The mandrels are constructed from both tional heat than other bonded-abrasive devices; heavy pressure
stainless steel and high-strength plastic. Some of these products must be avoided to minimize the surface temperature rise. A
are fabricated to be reusable after sterilization. The abrasives significant increase in temperature can potentially be deleterious
used within these instruments usually comprise silicon carbide, to the restoration as well as the tooth itself.
270 Polishing Current Technology and Clinical Approaches to Polishing of Dental Restorations

Loose-Abrasive Polishing Pastes

and Rotary Applicator Devices
for Loose Abrasives
Loose-abrasive polishing pastes are used extensively in industrial
and scientific applications. In the three-body, loose-abrasive
polishing process, the loose-abrasive wear induces cutting and
plowing on a micrometer and nanometer scale. Following the
example from other industrial and scientific disciplines, dentists
have used loose-abrasive finishing and polishing compositions
for several decades. Loose-abrasive polishing pastes, used in
dental applications, are predominantly based on dispersed and
suspended ultra-fine aluminum oxide or diamond particles. Alu-
minum oxide polishing pastes are usually glycerin based, with a FIGURE 11-4 Synthetic and natural foam or felted polishing
mean particle size distribution of 1m or less. Diamond polish- paste rotary applicators provide for a more efficacious and
ing pastes also use a glycerin-based material but with a larger efficient final polishing step using loose-abrasive polishing
pastes. Synthetic and natural felt applicators appear on the left
mean particle distribution10m to less than 1m. Two
and center of the photograph; synthetic foam cup applicator
diamond polishing pastes contain mean sizes of diamond par- appears on the far right. (From Jefferies SR: Abrasive finishing and polishing
ticles on the order of 4 to 6m and less than 1m. In a study in restorative dentistry: a state-of-the-art review, Dent Clin North Am 51:379,
examining the surface morphology and smoothness of the 2007.)
transition from a glass-ceramic insert to a bonded composite
resin interface, samples finished with a sequence of progressively
smoother diamond abrasive finishing burs (45m, 25m, and
10m), followed by polishing with first a 4- to 6-mgrit order to avoid crystallization of the colloidal contaminants (such
diamond polishing paste and then a sub-micron diamond pol- as silica), which can produce scratches. In fact, polishing pastes
ishing paste, exhibited the smoothest transition from composite can probably act both in a more aggressive, pre-polishing or
resin to insert. Of perhaps equal importance, studies and research finishing mode when applied in a dry, anhydrous condition and
findings have indicated that the mode of application and the in a polishing mode with the addition of water, facilitating finer
structure and the composition of the applicator device can be as abrasive action at nanometer levels on the treated surface. In this
important as the composition of the paste used in the polishing mode, polishing pastes tend to produce greater specular reflec-
procedure. Although the commonly used method for applying tance, which in turn produces a higher visual surface gloss.
polishing paste is the flexible rubber prophy cup, surface rough- With respect to the comparative efficacy of polishing pastes
ness data strongly suggest that such a mode of application results as a method for final polishing of composite resins, several
in increased surface roughness, or at best no improvement in investigations report favorable results in producing highly
surface smoothness. On the other hand, use of soft foam or smooth, light-reflective surfaces. These studies involved the use
felt applicators can significantly improve the efficacy of loose- of both conventional diamond-stylus contact profilometry and
abrasive polishing paste, especially those pastes containing alu- non-contact, three-dimensional surface profile analysis. A dif-
minum oxide as the abrasive agent. Surface roughness decreased ferential benefit of polishing paste on various restorative materi-
by 50% when a 1-m aluminum oxide polishing paste was als has also been noted, with optimal benefits on a sub-micron,
applied with a porous synthetic foam cup (Ra 0.10),* as com- highly filled hybrid material and surface smoothness equivalent
pared with application of the same paste with a conventional to several commercially available bonded-abrasive diamond
rubber prophy cup (Ra 0.20). polishing instruments (without the use of polishing paste).
Figure 11-4 depicts visually the wide range of types and sizes The benefit of using a loose-abrasive, aluminum oxide polishing
of both felt and foam polishing paste applicators that are best paste after using sequential, aluminum oxidecoated abrasive
for loose-abrasive polishing of dental restorations. These applica- disks for finishing and pre-polishing has also been noted. One
tors can be used with both aluminum oxidebased and diamond- investigation has demonstrated that sequentially applied alu
based polishing pastes. minum oxide polishing pastes produce a visually smooth and
The technique or mode of application of the polishing paste light-reflective surface on microfill and small-particle hybrid
is also critical. Based on polishing applications in the scientific composites, directly after the sequential use of 12- and 30- to
and industrial fields, it is recommended to frequently renew the 40-fluted carbide finishing burs. With very careful technique, a
pad (with fresh polishing paste) and to keep it always wet in finishing-polishing sequence from multi-fluted carbide burs to
sequential polishing pastes is feasible. It is advisable to introduce
intermediate finishing and pre-polishing devices (coated disks;
*Ra stands for average surface roughness, which is defined as the arithmetic
rubber-like, bonded abrasives) between high-speed contouring-
mean of the absolute values of the profile departures within the sample or evalu- finishing burs and diamonds before applying polishing pastes
ation length being measured. for both composite and porcelain restorative materials.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 271

Advantages Artistic Elements

Multi-step polishing using both bonded-abrasive devices and
loose-abrasive polishing provides the best final polish, with Optimal finishing and polishing procedures can produce the
optimal longevity. Alternatively, polishing with diamond or highly light-reflective, enamel-like surface that is required for
other abrasive elastomeric, bonded abrasives is quick and elimi- optimal esthetics. One major objective of the pre-polishing and
nates the use of loose-abrasive polishing pastes. final polishing steps is to achieve a surface reflectance and
appearance similar to that of natural enamel. The average surface
Disadvantages roughness (Ra) of human enamel polished with 1200-grit
Loose-abrasive polishing is time-consuming and technique sen- aluminum oxide rotary polishing disks ranges from 0.05 to
sitive. The exclusive use of bonded-abrasive polishing points, 0.03ma very high level of surface smoothness. For a light
cups, and disks usually provides a less-than-optimal surface reflectivity similar to that of native tooth enamel on the surface
polish, compared with the proper use of loose-abrasive polishing of a composite resin restorative, the final average surface rough-
pastes. Nevertheless, these bonded-abrasive polishing devices ness (Ra value) of a composite resin needs to be below an Ra
eliminate the splatter that can be associated with the use of value of 0.15m (traditional microfills), and preferably at or
loose-abrasive polishing paste. below 0.12m for sub-micron hybrid composite resins.


Although the pursuit of a one-step polishing device has been a
major focus in product development in this area, optimal polish-
ing and surface preparation involves multiple devices, moving It is important to use and evaluate a number of finishing and
from more aggressive or abrasive instruments to finer, less abra- polishing devices to determine the optimal number, proper
sive instruments or materials. Before the polishing steps, gross sequence of instruments and devices, and mode of application.
and intermediate deduction and finishing instruments ranging
from fine and extra-fine micron diamonds, multi-fluted carbide
finishing burs, and bonded-abrasive, rubberized finishing
devicesapplied in the that sequential orderare used. Optimal Always consult literature references and review articles. Finishing
polishing is then obtained by sequential application of 1- and and polishing procedures involve an orderly sequence of steps
0.3-micron aluminum oxide polishing pastes, applied with a felt that progressively refine and smooth scratches and defects intro-
or synthetic foam cup or rotary application device. An alterna- duced during the initial gross reduction step. With respect to
tive approach involves the use of an elastomeric diamond polish- gross reduction of composite resin materials, it is now generally
ing disk, cup, or point, which may be used exclusively or in a accepted that fine and extra-fine finishing diamonds are used
sequence before application of polishing pastes. first, followed by carbide multi-fluted finishing burs. The next
step of intermediate finishing is a critical bridge between gross
reduction and final polishing. Commonly used intermediate
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS finishing and pre-polishing devices include rubber-like, elasto-
meric bonded abrasive, in cup, disk, and point configurations.
Technique considerations are important in effective finishing Medium, fine, and extra-fine coated abrasive disks from various
and polishing. Although the emphasis has been placed on fewer manufacturers also provide intermediate finishing options, espe-
steps and devices to reduce time and motions in the finishing cially for facial and interproximal embrasure locations. After use
and polishing procedure, experience and basic principles of tribi- of one to three of these various intermediate finishing devices,
ology indicate that a certain number of sequential steps are the next step is final polishing of the restoration. The specific
needed to prepare the surface for polishing and the polishing steps and procedure for final polishing will be considered in the
procedure. With both loose-abrasive and bonded-abrasive pol- case presentation later. Nevertheless, the practitioner needs to
ishing, the technique of application and the steps before polish- experiment at the bench with various finishing and polishing
ing are critical. devices and the composite resin and ceramic restorative materials
used in routine clinical practice. It is advisable to practice with
various devices on cured samples of various restorative materials
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS to work out the efficient used and sequence of these devices and
Scientific and Technological Elements
The recent innovations in polishing have included the introduc-
tion of alternatives to rubber cups for the application of polish- EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
ing pastes. These include felt and synthetic foam devices. In
addition, numerous diamond-based, flexible, bonded-abrasive Plaque accumulation on various restorative materials appears
polishing devices are now available as alternatives to loose- to increase when average surface roughness (Ra) values exceed
abrasive polishing pastes. approximately 0.2m. Surface gloss and reflectance on the
272 Polishing Current Technology and Clinical Approaches to Polishing of Dental Restorations

surface of a restorative material require Ra values below restoration surface to achieve an effective transition to
0.2m. various polishing instruments, thus achieving an opti-
mally polished surface.

Recent New Technology in the Realm
When finishing and polishing tooth-colored restorative materi-
als in a conservative, adhesive restorative procedure, finishing
of Dental Finishing and Polishing
and polishing adequately at the enamel interface is critical to Although most new products in the dental finishing and polish-
optimal esthetics. It must eliminate, as much as possible, the ing area are incremental improvements in existing products, new
visual distinction between the restoration and the retained tooth designs or abrasive compositions periodically appear.
Abrasive-Impregnated Brushes
and Felt Devices
MAINTENANCE Abrasive-impregnated, latch-type polishing brushes were intro-
duced to the profession in the late 1990s. These polishing
Repolishing of esthetic restorations during routine hygiene brushes are provided in several shapes (pointed; cup shaped),
procedures can be highly beneficial but is underused. Dental with various types of polymer bristles impregnated with dif-
hygienists should be provided with additional armamentarium, ferent abrasive polishing particles. The brushes are intended to
as described in this chapter, to provide optimal esthetic and reach into the grooves, fissures, and interproximal areas of
functional maintenance of tooth-colored restorations. ceramic and resin composite restorations, areas that cannot be
reached with other finishing or polishing devices without unin-
tentionally removing anatomic grooves, fissures, and contours.
CONTROVERSIES Several of these brushes are depicted in Figure 11-5. Aschmann
and colleagues (U.S. Patent 6,312,257) describe a brush for
Although finishing and polishing are not commonly thought as surface treatments in restorative dentistry [that] comprises one
an area of significant controversies, there are several issues in this or several lamellar abrasive elements. Dubbe and colleagues
area that provide for debate and discussion. Some of these ques- (U.S. Patent 6,554,614) describe a brush for a dental hand-
tions under debate on this topic are as follows: piece wherein at least some of the bristles comprise an elas-
1. Why do I need to polish the restoration, as after contour- tomeric material and a number of abrasive particles distributed
ing and some intermediate finishing, the wet restoration
looks esthetic?
As has been cited in this discussion, adequate polishing
brings the surface of the restoration to a surface
smoothness that limits plaque accumulation and
enhances the surface reflectivity to match that of native
2. Is a one-step polishing device approach truly effective and
beneficial in all situations?
Limiting the number of devices one routinely uses can
produce a less-than-optimal surface and also works
against efficiency and delivery effectiveness.
3. Why are polishing devices (rubber discs/cups/points and
or polishing pastes) necessary? I often use them without
much effect on the surface gloss of the restoration?
By expanding their knowledge of the action of various
finishing and polishing devices, clinicians can deci-
sively and quickly choose the proper instrument in a
given situation.
4. Are the fastest and easiest procedures the most
FIGURE 11-5 A recent technologic development in restor-
ative polishing involves abrasive-impregnated brushes, which
Finally, there doesnt yet exist a finishing or polishing are depicted in this photograph. The three abrasive brushes
device that provides the full range of both finishing and from left to right contain diamond particles as the abrasive.
final polishing action. Hence, we examine various The brush on the far right contains silicon carbide. (From Jefferies
combinations of devices that provide adequate finish- SR: Abrasive finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry: a state-of-the-art review,
ing and provide sufficient smoothness on the Dent Clin North Am 51:379, 2007.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 273

throughout the elastomeric material. The particulate abrasive

used in the Sof-Lex Brush (3M ESPE, St Paul, Minnesota) is
aluminum oxide.
A precursor to this specific abrasive-impregnated brush tech-
nology was the diamond-impregnated felt wheel for polishing
hybrid composite resin. These wheels effectively smooth the
surface of a hybrid composite resin after initial finishing with
various sequences of high-speed diamond burs, tungsten carbide
finishing burs, or combinations of diamond and carbide finish-
ing burs. An early report on these new polishing devices described
a new polishing brush composed of rigid polycarbonate fibers
impregnated with silicon carbide abrasive particles (Occlubrush,
Hawe-Neos; now Kerr Corporation, Orange, California). The
investigators found that the silicon carbideimpregnated bristle
polishing brush maintained surface texture during the polishing
procedure, produced a composite surface smoothness some-
where between that created by a 25-m finishing diamond and
an extra-fine coated abrasive disk, achieved a surface luster sub-
jectively greater than an extra-fine coated abrasive disk (on both FIGURE 11-6 Newer rotary devices have broadened the range
composite resin and enamel), could be reused with autoclaving of indications for finishing and polishing devices. The white,
up to 15 to 19 times, and was no more deleterious to enamel fiber-impregnated polymer rotary burs have been suggested
surface quality or restoration marginal quality than a 25-m and indicated for minimally abrasive actionthat is, stain
finishing diamond. removal and selective composite removal. The blue rotary bur
More recently, a few in vitro evaluations have assessed (right) is suggested for removal and cleaning of temporary
cement on tooth preparations before final cementation. (From
the polishing efficacy of these abrasive-impregnated polishing
Jefferies SR: Abrasive finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry: a state-of-the-art
brushes. Yap and co-workers evaluated the residual surface review, Dent Clin North Am 51:379, 2007.)
roughness after using the Sof-Lex Brush and found that it pro-
duced a smooth, polished surface comparable to that achieved
with a rubber or bonded-abrasive diamond polishing device. It can be used for cleaning and polishing the surface of teeth
Venturini and colleagues evaluated a silicon carbideimpregnated and/or composite materials of dental fillings. The embedded
polishing brush (Jiffy Polishing Brush, Ultradent Products, fibers are made from a glass enriched with zirconium oxide,
South Jordan, Utah) after finishing and pre-polishing with making the instrument highly resistant to alkaline and acidic
sequential rubber polishing cups (FlexiCups, Cosmedent, Inc.). agents and detectable by electromagnetic radiation.
They found a high level of surface smoothness in both micro- OptiClean (Kerr Corporation) is a latch-type rotary bur com-
film and hybrid composite resins after polishing with this posed of aromatic polyamide containing 40-m aluminum
impregnated brush using both the immediate and the delayed oxide. OptiClean is intended for the removal of temporary
polishing technique. This polishing device design is interesting cement and debris on tooth preparations before final cementa-
in its approach to providing improved micro-access for tion. Therefore it replaces other methods of preparation surface
bonded-abrasive polishing. Further laboratory and clinical eval- cleaning, such as a rubber cup and pumice or the use of hand
uations are needed. instruments.
Both of these products await further independent studies and
Rotary Resin-Matrix Stain, Cement, evaluations before their performance can be fully understood.
and Composite Removing Devices
Several rotary devices based on a polymer or composite resin
binder or matrix, with apparent controlled abrasivity, have CLINICAL TECHNIQUES
recently been introduced to selectively remove surface-
adherent restorative materials, including composite resin and
Patient History
residual cement (Figure 11-6). Among this new class of abra- The patient is treatment planned to receive a class I posterior
sive devices is Flashbuster (Danville Materials, San Ramon, occlusal composite resin restoration on the lower right second
California), a latch-type, rotary composite fiber bur that is molar.
claimed to remove residual composite with no damage to
either enamel or porcelain. It can also remove residual ortho
dontic adhesive and stains from areas with limited access and
Relevant Conditions
can be used in periodontal root planing. The structure of the Technique photos demonstrate both the use of diamond,
rod bur consists of fibers and particles embedded in a resin bonded-abrasive devices and the application of loose-abrasive
matrix. This yields a working surface that has continuous polishing pastes, after initial gross reduction and finishing
abrasive power. procedures.
274 Polishing Current Technology and Clinical Approaches to Polishing of Dental Restorations




FIGURE 11-7 A, An appropriate device for the optimal application of aluminum oxide polishing pastesnamely a porous,
synthetic foam cup in a low-speed handpiece. B, The initial application of the 1-micron, aluminum oxide polishing paste (Prisma
Gloss). Note that the porous surface of the synthetic foam polishing cup eliminates the need to carry excess paste; the paste is
carried in the surface porosities of the foam cup. C, The flexibility of the synthetic foam polishing cup to adapt to the contour
of the occlusal surface during the application of the loose-abrasive polishing paste. D, The important next step in the proper use
of loose-abrasive polishing pastes. After dry polishing with the undiluted polishing paste, small, incremental amounts of water
are applied to the surface of the restoration. E, Rotary re-application of the polishing paste to the wet surface. The diluted paste
is applied in a continuous motion over the entire restoration. The application of water somewhat dilutes the paste and decreases
the coefficient of friction at the restoration surface, producing a high level of polishing action on the surface. F, The smooth,
uniform surface of the class I occlusal composite restoration on the lower right second molar.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 275

Treatment Planning Process

Small to moderately sized class I occlusal cavity preparations are
appropriate for restoration with composite resin materials. This
patient was treatment planned for caries excavation and cavity
preparation for an occlusal, Class I composite involving this
lower second molar. Size of the restoration is a critical consider-
ation in the use of direct placement composite resin in molar
teeth, especially lower second molar teeth. The size of this
cavity preparation is appropriate for the use of direct composite

Clinical Step by Step

Step 1 (not shown): Using fine and micro-fine finishing dia- FIGURE 11-8 Final polishing can alternatively be accom-
monds and multi-fluted carbide, gross excess of the compos- plished using a diamond-impregnated, elastomeric (rubber-
ite resin is removed, avoiding excessive contact with or like) polishing cup. The cup is applied with light pressure,
damage to the enamel portion of the restoration margin. using continuous sweeping movements over the occlusal
The marginal areas (and selected occlusal areas) of the class I surface of the restoration. Avoid excessive pressure when using
composite restoration are carefully trimmed and finished diamond-impregnated polishing devices, as excessive heat
buildup is a likely result.
using an aluminum oxidecontaining bonded-abrasive fin-
ishing point or cup. The occlusion is checked and adjusted
with fine and extra-fine diamonds, multi-fluted finishing
burs, and the elastic bonded-abrasive finishing cups, points, Step 6: Figure 11-7, F, illustrates the smooth, uniform surface
and/or disks. of the class I occlusal composite restoration on the lower right
Step 2: Figure 11-7, A, illustrates an appropriate device for the second molar.
optimal application of aluminum oxide polishing pastes
namely, a porous synthetic foam cup in a low-speed Alternative Procedure
handpiece. As depicted in Figure 11-8, final polishing can, alternatively,
Step 3: Figure 11-7, B, illustrates the initial application of the be accomplished using a diamond-impregnated, elastomeric
1-micron aluminum oxide polishing paste (Prisma Gloss, (rubber-like) polishing cup (PoGo, DENTSPLY Caulk). The
DENTSPLY Caulk). Note that the porous surface of the cup is applied with light pressure, using continuous sweeping
synthetic foam polishing cup eliminates the need to carry movements over the occlusal surface of the restoration. Avoid
excess paste; the paste is carried in the surface porosities of excessive pressure when using diamond-impregnated polishing
the foam cup. devices, as excessive heat buildup is a likely result. Application
Step 4: Figure 11-7, C, illustrates the flexibility of the synthetic of these devices requires 60 to 120 seconds of continuous
foam polishing cup to adapt to the contour of the occlusal motion, with light pressure, to produce a highly smooth, light-
surface during the application of the loose-abrasive polishing reflective surface. If additional polishing is desired, application
paste. A critical element in the polishing paste procedure is of a loose-abrasive polishing paste (as described earlier in steps
the rotary application of the polishing paste dry (without 2 through 6), after use of the polishing cup, can be done.
water) in a continuous motion over the surface of the restora-
tion. Application times of 30 to 60 seconds are sufficient for
Step 5: Figure 11-7, D, illustrates the important next step in the
Al-Wahadni A: An in vitro investigation into the surface roughness of 2
proper use of loose-abrasive polishing pastes. After dry pol- glazed, unglazed, and refinished ceramic materials, Quintessence Int
ishing with the undiluted polishing paste, small, incremental 37(4):311-317, 2006.
amounts of water are applied to the surface of the restoration Aschmann F, Von Weissenfluh BA: Brush for use in restorative dentistry. US
and tooth, followed by rotary re-application of the polishing Patent 6,312,257, November 6, 2001.
Ashe MJ, Tripp GA, Eichmiller FC, et al: Surface roughness of glass-ceramic
paste to the wet surface (Figure 11-7, E ). The diluted paste
insert-composite restorations: assessing several polishing techniques, J Am
is applied in a continuous motion over the entire restoration. Dent Assoc 127(10):1495-1500, 1996.
The application of water somewhat dilutes the paste and Bayne SC, Thompson JY, Sturdevant CM, Taylor DF: Instruments and
decreases the coefficient of friction at the restoration surface, equipment for tooth preparation. In Roberson TM, Heymann HO, Swift
producing a high level of polishing action on the surface and EJ, editors: Sturdevants art and science of operative dentistry, 2002, Mosby.
Boghosian AA, Randolph RG, Jekkals VJ: Rotary instrument finishing of
producing the highly light-reflective surface. Time of applica-
microfilled and small-particle hybrid composite resins, J Am Dent Assoc
tion for this wet-polishing step is anywhere from 30 to 60 115:299, 1987.
seconds, or, in anterior restorations, until a highly light- Dubbe JW, Lund YI: Dental handpiece brush and method of using the same.
reflective surface is produced. US Patent 6,554,614, April 29, 2003.
276 Polishing Current Technology and Clinical Approaches to Polishing of Dental Restorations
Gedik R, Hrmzl F, Cokun A, et al: Surface roughness of new Turssi CP, Saad JR, Duarte SL Jr, Rodrigues AL Jr: Composite surfaces after
microhybrid resin-based composites, J Am Dent Assoc 136(8):1106-1112, finishing and polishing techniques, Am J Dent 13(3):136-138, 2000.
2005. tali MB, Bala O, Gll A: Surface roughness of flowable and packable
Hoelscher DC, Neme AM, Pink FE, Hughes PJ: The effect of three finishing composite resin materials after finishing with abrasive discs, J Oral Rehabil
systems on four esthetic restorative materials, Oper Dent 23(1):36-42, 31:1197-1202, 2004.
1998. U.S. Air Force Dental Evaluation and Consultation Service, 61-19,
Hondrum SO, Fernndez R Jr: Contouring, finishing, and polishing class V Astropol Finishing and Polishing System (Project 00-13). Available at:
restorative materials, Oper Dent 22(1);30-36, 1997.
Jefferies SR: Abrasive finishing and polishing: a state-of-the-art review, Dent Venturini D, Cenci MS, Demarco FF, et al: Effect of polishing technique and
Clin North Am 51:379-397, 2007. time on surface roughness, hardness and microleakage of resin composite
Jefferies SR: The art and science of abrasive finishing and polishing in restorations, Oper Dent 31(1):11-17, 2006.
restorative dentistry, Dent Clin North Am 42:613-627, 1998. Watanabe T, Miyazaki M, Moore BK: Influence of polishing instruments on
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various resin composites [abstract 1006], J Dent Res 70(spec issue):291, 2006.
1991. Watanabe T, Miyazaki M, Takamizawa T, et al: Influence of polishing
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smoothness of restorative resin materials, J Esthet Dent 1:169, 1989. 2005.
Krejci I, Lutz F, Boretti R: Resin composite polishingfilling the gaps, Yap AUJ, Lye KW, Sau CW: Surface characteristics of tooth-colored
Quintessence Int 30(7):490-495, 1999. restoratives polished utilizing different polishing systems, Oper Dent
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Different finishing methods for resin composites, Oper Dent 26:562-568, Yap AUJ, Ng JJ, Yap SH, Teo CK: Surface finish of resin-modified and highly
2001. viscous glass ionomer cements produced by new one-step systems, Oper
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their selection, 2002, Quintessence Books, pp 156-164. Yap AUJ, Yap SH, Teo CK, Ng JJ. Finishing/polishing of composite and
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Trkn LS, Trkn M: The effect of one-step polishing system on the surface
roughness of three esthetic resin composite materials, Oper Dent
29(2):203-211, 2004.

Finishing and Polishing

Sibel Antonson

T he term finishing refers to obtaining a smooth surface on

a restoration. The smoothness ensures that the surface
will not retain plaque and pathogenic bacteria and implies elimi-
abrasives. However, the major principle is that one must use
an abrasive material that is harder than the substrate in order
to eliminate surface roughness. For example, diamond is one
nation of protrusions or sharp edges and corners that can harm of the hardest materials in existence and is certainly harder
the opposing tooth and adjacent soft tissues as well as affect the than enamel and much harder than resin composite systems,
longevity of the restoration. The goal is to make the transition or even some ceramics. By applying a harder substance on a
from the tooth surface to the restoration surface seamless, and softer substrate, it is possible to eliminate imperfections and
the finishing procedure provides that result. rough regions created either by gross contouring or by the
Polishing refers to bringing the surface luster out. At times the natural erosion process. Engineered abrasives, from silicon car-
term polishing also includes maintaining certain artistic surface bides to aluminum oxides, are softer than diamonds but can
characteristics, such as intentional micro-scratches on the restora- be as effective as diamonds, depending on the hardness value
tion surface to simulate the irregular texture of the adjacent teeths of the substrate material. Other substances used abrasively
enamel surface. Functionally, perfect finishing may be unneces- include chalk, cuttle, quartz, sand, emery, garnet, and other
sary, because esthetically the dentist is trying to achieve a result naturally occurring or engineered materials such as synthetic
that simulates the natural environment (Figure 11-9). diamonds.


It is important to start with the end result in mindwhat goal
is the dentist trying to achieve? Generally, the dentist seeks either Form follows function. First, to create a functional restoration,
to augment tissue that has been lost because of pathology, such dentists place a material that is not originally intended to be
as caries, erosion, or abrasion, or to achieve esthetic or functional there, and try to make this material behave, function, and
re-contouring. This may involve closing a space or realigning look like human tissue. To achieve this, the dentist must have
teeth by using direct or indirect restorations. The ultimate objec- a seamless transition from the tooth tissue to the restoration.
tive is to be able to mimic nature as closely as possible and also It is possible to achieve this with appropriate finishing and
achieve the best esthetic and functional outcome, whether it be polishing procedures. Second, the dentist must maintain the
better shape, better occlusion, or enhanced facial features. Simu- integrity of the material. By finishing and then polishing, it is
lation of the natural appearance can be achieved by mimicking possible to eliminate naturally occurring porosities and over-
the final surface texture of the enamel, which is lustrous and hangs and marginal excess while maintaining the structural
smooth with striations, unless it is defective because of the effects integrity of the dental tissues. Even more important, it is pos-
of pathology, erosions, abrasions, or fractures. sible to maintain the longevity of restorations. Dentists as
healthcare professionals must provide a surface that is easy to
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL clean and maintain in order to prevent bacterial or plaque
attachment to the surface. This is achieved by reducing the
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION surface area and surface tension characteristics. Finishing and
OF FINISHING AND POLISHING polishing can ensure these aspects so that the patient can elimi-
nate plaque and food particles by flossing and brushing effec-
One of the earliest materials used in finishing and polishing tively. If there are no retention points that are challenging to
was sand. Techniques then evolved and became more sophisti- manage, the dentist has satisfied his or her responsibility to the
cated with respect to the use of various natural and synthetic patient.

278 Polishing Finishing and Polishing

FIGURE 11-9 Application of various surface tex-

tures to create a desired appearance. A, Smooth
surface. B, Medium texture applied on the cervical
third. C, Heavy texture applied on the entire labial
surface. (Courtesy MicroDental, a DTI Laboratory, Dublin,

A SMOOTH T - 11 B MEDIUM T - 12 C HEAVY T - 13

All restorations should undergo finishing and polishing; there
should be no contraindications. However, in some situations
dentists can create harm through improper use of instruments
and techniques and by creating heat through friction. The tech-
nique of using cutting, grinding, finishing, and polishing instru-
ments involves a sweeping motion and adequate cooling that is
incorporated into the technique. If the practitioner leans on the
surface and keeps the instrument on the surface of the restora-
tion or tooth without performing a sweeping motion, debris will
accumulate between the instrument and the surface. This debris
will act as an additional abrasive and create deeper scratches.
More importantly, this will create more heat, which leads to
pulpal insult. The dentist may cause reversible or irreversible
pulpitis for the patient.
Logic or simple physics requires that operators start with FIGURE 11-10 Scanning electron microscope image of a
coarser grit sizes and follow gradual steps to smaller sizes. If the medium grit size diamond bur (100 magnification).
operator skips any of those steps, it will be impossible to elimi-
nate scratches created by the previous step. In addition, spending
more time with the coarser grit sizes also creates more heat. The
coarser grit sizes should be used for brief periods only. The objec-
tive is to create appropriate contouring and eliminate the initial attached to a metal shank and impregnated using specialized
scratches created by the coarse gross-reduction instruments. adhesives or sintering procedures. White stones are a form of
When the operator moves to smaller grit sizes, it may be neces- ceramic that are sintered over a metal shank. There are also strips
sary to spend more time, but the sweeping motion and cooling, and disks and coated abrasive papers (Figure 11-11). The coating
either by water or air, prevent heat and eliminate debris that has can be achieved using either electroplating or sintering tech-
accumulated. These are the most important steps of the proce- niques or adhesives. There are also impregnated abrasives that
dure. Intentional striations can be created to mimic the adjacent have a rubberized base covered by adhesive and abrasive particles
enamel texture. (Figure 11-12).
Not only do teeth that are restored need polishing or finish-
ing, but teeth that are chipped, fractured, or worn. It is necessary
to eliminate any sharp corners and edges. These imperfections
create stress concentration points that may cause further chipping
Abrasive Particles
and fracturing within the same restoration, or chipping, wear, Aluminum oxide and silicon carbide are among the most popular
and fracture of the opposing or adjacent teeth or restorations. materials used, but the hardest abrasive particle is diamond. In
considering cost, diamond is also the most expensive of the
abrasives. Aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, and zirconium oxide
MATERIAL OPTIONS are preferred because of their lower cost and acceptable abrasive
Instruments In considering the relative hardness of an abrasive, diamond
Equipment can be categorized as bonded, impregnated, or is the hardest material and aluminum oxide is next in line. The
coated instruments. The classic example of a coated instrument Knoop hardness number of diamond is about 7000, whereas
is the diamond bur (Figure 11-10). Diamond particles are aluminum oxides value is in the 2000 range, then silicone
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 279

carbide and other types of carbides are about 2400still much

harder than composites, which have a value of 60 to 80. Enam-
els Knoop hardness number is about 350, and porcelains is 500
to 600, depending on the type of ceramic. These abrasive par-
ticles are significantly higher on the scale of hardness and there-
fore effectively reduce the irregularities on restorative surfaces or
natural enamel.

Current Best Approach

Resin Composites
To polish composite, the best approach can be largely the
practitioners preference. The two methods used by most den-
tists are an abrasive coated disk or an abrasive impregnated
instrument such as a disk, point, or cup. Also, it is important
FIGURE 11-11 Different types of abrasives, including an to effectively finish and polish the interproximal surfaces. For
abrasive coated strip. (From Hatrick CD, Eakle WS, Bird WF: Dental this procedure, an abrasive coated strip with a metal or plastic
material: clinical applications for dental assistants and dental hygienists, ed 2, St backing is used. These strips are coated with different grit sizes
Louis, 2011, Saunders Elsevier.) of abrasives, usually with diamond or aluminum oxide parti-
cles (Figure 11-13). With these instruments, it is possible to
maintain the function and anatomy of the interproximal
For an anterior surface, a finishing carbide and/or diamond
burs can be used to contour the restoration. Then, either an
impregnated system or coated disks are used to proceed from
coarse to fine grit size, then diamond paste is used to provide
the highest level of luster. Pastes must be applied with a non-
abrasive carrier, for example a rubber prophy cup. It is a
mistake to apply pastes with an abrasive impregnated cup
(Figure 11-14). Scanning electron microscope images of the
respective surfaces are shown in Figure 11-15. It should be
noted that different categories of resin composites in terms of
their microstructures respond differently to the specific finish-
ing and polishing systems. Therefore the final outcome can be
different for each resin composite when polished by different
systems. Surfaces shown in Figure 11-16 are polished with the
A same abrasive impregnated rubberized finishing and polishing

Ceramic-Based Materials
Ceramic-based materials are significantly harder than resin com-
posites. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on harder finishing and
polishing materials. For example, in order to provide some char-
acterization on the surface, it may be necessary to use diamond
burs. Carbides are not helpful to finish or eliminate the scratches
created by diamond burs on ceramic surfaces. To bring the luster
out, an impregnated, and preferentially diamond-impregnated,
rubbery instrument is used. Abrasive coated disks lack hardness
in relationship to the ceramic. Diamond paste applied with a
B nonabrasive carrier provides the best level of luster to the
ceramic. Research shows that with regard to the final surface of
FIGURE 11-12 Abrasive impregnated rubberized finishing the ceramic, in comparing glazed to polished surfaces, they are
and polishing systems in pre-molded shapes (A) and brush almost equally functional. The polished surface is stronger than
form (B). the glazed because the polishing eliminates the stress concentra-
tion points and microcracks from the ceramic surface. Direct
finishing and polishing can be a more practical approach, espe-
cially with the advances in chairside computer-aided design and
280 Polishing Finishing and Polishing


FIGURE 11-13 Use of interproximal strips to contour (A), finish, and polish (B) the interproximal surfaces of resin composite
restorations. C, Completed restoration. (From Antonson DE: Composite resin materials: nano-what? Dent Today 28:124, 2009.)

computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD-CAM) technology and enamel. However, as the majority of zirconia restorations
the use of porcelain systems such as fluorapatite- or leucite-based include an overlying porcelain, it is usually the porcelain that
ceramics (Figure 11-17). must be adjusted, contoured, finished, and polished.

Zirconia Heating
Zirconia should not be used as the final surface on a restora- Unfortunately, overheating is an often an overlooked issue
tion that is in occlusion. Zirconia is designed to be a substruc- because many dentists attribute post-operative sensitivity to the
ture that supports layered porcelain. It is a tooth-colored bonding procedures. Even though that may be a valid cause,
material that provides an esthetic appearance, mimics dentin, additional clinical factors can cause postoperative sensitivity.
and masks the dull appearance associated with gray metals. Research has focused on the effects of various polishing instru-
However, zirconia should not be ground, and the use of dia- ments and techniques on heat generation affecting the tooth and
monds is detrimental to the zirconia surface. Specifically, the restoration. Heat generation depends on the system used. The
chemistry and crystalline structure of zirconia are transformed heat is increased significantly by coarser systems, not using a
by the trauma. This may not be a problem in smaller areas, but sweeping motion, not using water cooling, and sustained pres-
if a gross reduction is being made, zirconia becomes much sure. The term significant heat is in relation to the threshold
weaker and more delicate because of its crystalline transforma- values determined according to Zach and Cohens original article
tion. Also, there are few systems on the market that can finish from the 1960s. Based on this publication, an increase in the
and polish zirconia effectively, and this procedure takes approx- temperature on the pulpal surface of 5C may cause irreversible
imately 20 minutes using the laboratory motors and instru- pulpitis, even though the methodology of this study was debat-
ments. Because it is practically impossible to finish and polish able. Incorrect technique may result in an increase of 15C on
zirconia with the chairside systems intraorally, rough surfaces the internal surface of the tooth. As long as cooling is used while
created because of occlusal adjustments cannot be eliminated. polishing, finishing, or grinding, and less time is spent with the
This situation can lead to a significant wear of the opposing coarser grinding and finishing instruments, the patient should
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 281



FIGURE 11-14 Final surface textures achieved on resin composite restoration after each step of the application. A, Resin com-
posite as placed and molded using the placement instruments. B, Restoration is contoured using carbide burs. C, Coarse- and
medium-grit-size abrasive-impregnated rubberized finishing instruments were used consecutively to obtain a smooth surface.
D, Final surface luster was achieved by using a super-fine diamond-impregnated rubberized polishing instrument.

be safe from heat damage. Deviating from these principles, TREATMENT PLANNING
especially not using cooling systems, generates significant heat.
With respect to resin composite restorations, if a posterior res-
toration is being placed, the first step is to make sure that all
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS margins are in the right place, away from the occlusal contact
points, and occlusion has been adjusted. After the final surface
Using the central incisor as an example, the highly polished characteristics, occlusion, and margins are established, the fin-
surface naturally looks broader, brighter, and whiter than the less ishing and polishing process can begin. The aim is to provide a
polished surface, which looks smaller and darker. Older patients seamless transition from the tooth to the restoration, then to
central incisors differ from those of younger patients. Because provide a smooth, lustrous surface for an anatomically sculpted
of toothbrush abrasion over the years, or simply because of the restoration surface. In an anterior restoration, finishing the
effects of an abrasive diet, surface characterization may be lost margins and maintaining the occlusion or establishing the
with age. As a result, the older patient will demonstrate a flatter, correct occlusion and anterior guidance are critical. Then,
more highly polished scratch-free surface compared with the the sequencing of the contouring, finishing, and polishing steps
younger patient. The teeth of younger patients may also show can be undertaken. With certain indirect restorations such as
mamelons, and have horizontally textured surfaces. It may be porcelain-fused-to-metal or porcelain-fused-to-zirconia restora-
possible to duplicate that surface and intentionally create hori- tions, finishing and polishing can be accomplished extraorally;
zontal scratches by using a coarser- or medium-grit diamond bur however, final finishing and polishing can be accomplished after
in the intermediate stage of finishing. cementation. The margins of the restorations must be perfectly
282 Polishing Finishing and Polishing

FIGURE 11-15 Scanning electron

microscope image of a microhybrid resin
composite surface captured after each
application step of finishing and polish-
ing procedures (100 magnification).
A, Gross contouring using a coarse
diamond bur. B, Contouring using a
12-blade carbide bur. C, Fine contouring
using a 16-blade carbide bur. D, Finish-
ing using abrasive impregnated rubber-
ized finishing instruments. E, Polishing
using a super-fine diamond-impregnated
rubberized polishing instrument.



sealed; then the contouring, finishing, and polishing procedures appropriately finished and polished surface on the restorations.
are undertaken to achieve a seamless transition from the tooth This will improve the patients ability to perform home pre-
to the restoration surface. Some indirect all-ceramic restorations, ventive oral healthcare, which increases the longevity of the
such as veneers, inlays and onlays, and especially some of the dentition and maintains a healthy periodontium. Also, finish-
restorations generated by using the CAD-CAM technology, are ing the surface correctly strengthens ceramic restorations. It is
more delicate. They must be cemented first to provide proper well documented that by (1) eliminating the stress concentra-
support, then the finishing and polishing are performed to finish tion points and microcracks created through occlusal adjust-
the margin, maintain occlusion, and ensure the seamless transi- ments and coarse grinding instrument use and (2) eliminating
tion from the tooth to the restorative surface. imperfections, surface microcracks, and sharp corners and
edges, it is possible to increase the strength of ceramic
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES Improperly finished and polished ceramics can severely
abrade opposing enamel. This is well documented as an iatro-
The maintenance of a patients oral health, including dental genic situation in which patients can lose physiologic occlusal
tissues, remaining dental hard tissues, adjacent teeth, and adja- vertical dimension and eventually develop occlusal and possibly
cent soft tissues, is successfully achieved by producing an temporomandibular joint problems. By not properly finishing
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 283



FIGURE 11-16 Scanning electron microscope image of different microstructure resin composite surfaces captured after polishing
(100 magnification). A, Flowable nanohybid resin composite (Tetric EvoFlow, Ivoclar Vivadent, Amherst, New York). B, Hybrid
resin composite (Venus, Heraeus Kulzer, Hanau, Germany). C, Nanohybrid resin composite (Grandio, VOCO, Cuxhaven,
Germany). D, Compomer (Dyract, DENTSPLY International, York, Pennsylvania).

ceramics, the dentist creates an abrasive surface that will severely MAINTENANCE
abrade the opposing softer enamel.
Scratches maybe created on composite restorations because of
the patients choice of diet, toothbrush, or dentifrice, which can
lead to loss of its luster. At maintenance visits, the dentist and
CLINICAL CONSERVATION hygienist must observe restorations for general surface as well as
CONCEPTS margin appearance. During these periodic hygiene appoint-
ments, the type of prophy pastes used on the surface can be
Finishing and polishing of natural teeth with chipped corners extremely abrasive and may cause breakdown of the restora-
or worn enamel, eliminates sharp corners and edges as well as tions surface. Prophy pastes are not highly regulated as far as
the stress concentration points and enhance the life of the their abrasive particles. Substances classified as fine prophy
natural tooth. The same concept applies to existing restorations. paste can cause deep scratches on the tooth or restoration
There may be initially some imperfections, but finishing and surface, cause loss of luster on composite and ceramic restora-
polishing can eliminate the imperfections and enhance the life tions, or cause loss of glaze on the surface. Therefore it is
span of the restoration. extremely important to make an educated and conscious choice
284 Polishing Finishing and Polishing

FIGURE 11-17 Chairside finishing and

polishing steps for leucite-based ceramics
and corresponding magnified surface
images. A, Surface roughness before fin-
ishing and polishing procedure. B,
Surface texture after the use of OptraFine
F finishers. C, Surface texture after the
use of OptraFine P polishers. D, Surface
texture after the use of OptraFine HP
nylon brush and the diamond polishing
paste. E, Surface comparison before and
A after the chairside finishing and polish-
ing procedures. (Courtesy Ivoclar Vivadent,
Amherst, New York.)

Before After
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 285

of a prophy paste that contains pumice-free abrasive particles, NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS

and carefully apply them to tooth and restoration surfaces in
order to ensure successful maintenance of the surfaces originally Although none currently exist, it is expected that materials will
obtained. be developed that can self-polish through their polymer technol-
ogy or certain triggers placed into the material. This is the future
direction in polishing as well as new materials. Dental research
has also targeted a reduction in the steps of chairside procedures.
CONTROVERSIES Finishing and polishing may be replaced by other techniques
that can provide longevity and preserve the integrity of the
Controversies involve matters of perception and consideration restoration. Currently some surface-protecting sealants and
of manufacturers claims and instructions. At times, one-step glazes can be applied chairside over certain resin-based compos-
polishing is used more liberally than what is intended. Consum- ites or ceramics. The challenges include how to maintain them
ers should be aware of the manufacturers claims. It is the den- on the surface, their wear resistance, and their compatibility with
tists responsibility to be able to effectively finish the margin, underlying surfaces as well as color stability. In the near future
provide smooth surfaces so the patient can maintain personal they will be optimized so that it will be possible to effectively
oral health, and achieve the luster needed for optimum esthetics. provide esthetic and functional restorations for long-term service
Dentists and hygienists must make sure that this procedure is throughout the life of the restoration.
completed using the techniques recommended by manufactur-
ers. Also, it is the operators responsibility to choose compatible
instruments to perform contouring, finishing, and polishing SELECTED READINGS
procedures on specific material surfaces. Antonson DE: Composite resin materials: nano-what? Dent Today 28(5):124,
Another controversy involves whether or not to use 126-127, 2009 May.
water during polishing techniques. This should be specified Anusavice KJ: Phillips Science of Dental Materials, ed 11, St Louis, 2003,
by the manufacturer. However, the most important consider-
Hatrick CD, Eakle WS, Bird WF: Dental material: clinical applications for
ations are that heat generation can be prevented and debris dental assistants and dental hygienists, ed 2, St Louis, 2011, Elsevier.
eliminated by using air or water along with the sweeping Zach L, Cohen G: Pulp response to externally applied heat, Oral Surg Oral
technique. Med Oral Pathol 19:515-530, 1965.

Finishing and Polishing

Sandesh M. Mayekar

Carbide fluted burs ranging from 8- to 40-fluted were devel-

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC oped to finish and polish, as polishing is not possible with
DENTISTRY diamond points, which only scratch.
For tooth-colored materials such as nanofills and nanohy-
Finishing is associated with contouring, eliminating excess at brids, stronger polishing agents such as diamond-impregnated
the margins, and gross polishing; whereas polishing relates to or silicon-impregnated cups, cones, and wheels are used. Alumi-
surface smoothness, luster and gloss. Whenever a restoration is num oxide paste is used for microfills, whereas for nanofills,
prepared, the end product should look like a natural tooth. A diamond-impregnated paste is used. Today we have diamond-
natural tooth always has its own characteristics, such as texture, impregnated cup, cones, wheels, and diamond-impregnated
line angles, gloss, and matt finish. Only finishing and polishing polishing paste for stronger materials that give better results.
can give the necessary lifelike appearance to the restoration. Carbide carvers, Bard-Parker No. 12 blades, and the handpiece-
Finishing and polishing contribute to the long-term success of driven oscillatory polisher (Profin handpiece, W&H Dental
the restoration and esthetics, which are important for oral health werk Brmoos GmbH, Brmoos, Austria) are also used to finish
and function. a restoration. A polishing buff, such as Flexibuff (Cosmedent
One of the major problems of not finishing and polishing is Inc., Chicago, Illinois) is used to polish restorations and surface
the early discoloration of the restoration. If the margins are not sealants to seal the borders.
finished well, there can be marginal leakage that can lead to sen-
sitivity and plaque accumulation (Figure 11-18). There can be
white lines at the margins. And the restoration might not merge
Clinical Considerations
with the tooth; it would stand out and look not like a natural The purpose of finishing and polishing is to achieve a plaque-
tooth but like a block of restorative material atop the tooth free, stain-free, longer-lasting esthetic restoration.
surface. Lastly, the restorations on the occlusal surface of the
posterior teeth and/or palatal surface of the anteriors, especially Indications
the canines, can have problems with function. Thus if restorations Finishing and polishing are indicated for both direct restorations
are not finished and polished well, esthetics will be affected, and (i.e., glass ionomers, composites) and indirect restoration (i.e.,
so will the function and maintenance of the restorations. composite ceramic restorations).


Finishing and polishing are not indicated for indirect restora-
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION tions that are previously finished and polished (dental labora-
OF THE PROCEDURE tory), because these cannot be finished and polished intra-orally.
Finishing intraorally can cause the restoration to develop micro-
Even during the time of amalgam fillings, polishing and finish- cracks and microleakage.
ing were considered important and necessary for the life of the Also, not using the right finishing and polishing material and
restoration and function. Finishing and polishing techniques instruments for the right restorative materials can abuse the
evolved with the introduction of newer materials over the years. restoration. For example, glass ionomers cannot be polished with
When tooth-colored materials were introduced, the finishing 8-fluted carbide burs; similarly nanofills cannot be polished with
and polishing were done with polishing brushes, polishing aluminum oxideimpregnated disks.
rubber cups, and abrasive polishing paste. Diamond points of
50 to 8 grits were used to finish tooth-colored glass ionomers,
and they were polished with aluminum oxideimpregnated MATERIAL OPTIONS
cups, cones, and wheels. Aluminum-coated disks from coarse to
super-fine were used to give better texture and polish to the The materials used to finish and polish depend on the restorative
restoration. material used for the restoration (Table 11-1).

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 287


FIGURE 11-18 The result of not finishing and polishing properly. A, Dull and opaque restoration. B, Restoration with stained

TABLE 11-1 Materials for Finishing and Polishing

Diamond points (Brasseler, Come in different shapes and grits and are used The surface will not be smooth. If
Premier, SS White) in different areas and surfaces of the tooth used at high speed and pressure, they
such as labial, proximal, cervical, lingual, generate heat, abuse the restoration,
palatal surfaces for gross contouring. and may cause microleakage.
Carbide burs (Brasseler, SS Come in various fluted sizes and in different When used at high speed and pressure
White, DENTSPLY) shapes. The head of the burs comes in 3, 4, 6, will generate heat, and the resin in
and 9mm. The 9-mm burs are used labially the composite will melt, making the
on centrals and laterals; 4-mm burs for particles loose and resulting in failure
cervical-third areas of canines and premolars; of the restoration.
and 3-mm burs for cervical-third areas of
lateral incisors. The 40-fluted burs polish not
only the labial surface but also the
supragingival area without damaging the
gingiva. The American footballshaped burs,
available from 8- to 40-fluted, are used for
palatal finishing.
Finishing disks (Cosmedent, Basically used to finish and polish hybrid, When used at high speed and
Shofu, 3M ESPE) microhybrid, and microfill composites. pressure, finishing disks generate
Microfill composite resins when dry finished heat and abuse the restoration. These
melts the resin filler and creates a smear layer cannot be used on high-strength
that enhances the gloss. Finishing disks are materials such as nanofills. The
used to create textures, to polish interdental posterior surface is difficult to polish,
areas and proximal areas, and to achieve a nice especially on the pit and fissure
smooth surface. areas.
Rubber wheels, cups, points Basically used in posteriors, both direct and Except for Enhance (DENTSPLY)
and conesaluminum oxide, indirect, but can be used in anteriors to create cups and cones, these tools, when
silicon carbide, diamond textures. used at high speed and pressure,
(Ultradent, Cosmedent, SS generate heat and abuse the
White, Ivoclar, DENTSPLY) restoration.
Proximal finishing strips Depending on the chemistry of the restorative The cost is high and they cannot be
aluminum oxide, silicon material, these are used to make the proximal reused.
carbide, diamond, metal and surface smooth to avoid formation of stains
plastic (GC, Cosmedent, 3M interdentally.
ESPE, Premier, Brasseler)
288 Polishing Finishing and Polishing

TABLE 11-1 Materials for Finishing and Polishingcontd

Bard-Parker blades, No. 12 Used in interdental areas to remove excess The tip of the blade breaks and cannot
material and also in the junction of composite be reused.
and tooth. Used to remove luting cement in
laminates and veneers. Used to remove the
composite that goes beyond the etch-bond
area, the unwanted composite in the non-
etched area before finishing and polishing a
Carbide composite carvers Used to remove excessive composites in Should be handled properly, as they
subgingival areas and also to create textures. can lacerate the gingiva. This is not a
significant disadvantage.
Polishing pastes (Ultradent, The particle size of the paste should be smaller No disadvantage.
DENTSPLY, Premier) than the particle size of the material. Diamond
polishing paste can be used for nanofills.
Aluminum oxide paste is used wet, but
diamond polishing paste should be used dry.
Surface sealants (GC, Microcracks created at the junction of the Should not be used on rough surfaces
Ultradent, Bisco) composite and tooth structure are sealed with and should be used only after
surface sealants so that the margins last for a finishing and polishing.
long time.


FIGURE 11-19 Removing excess and giving anatomic shape to the restoration with diamond points.

CURRENT BEST APPROACH can be done only after 24 hours of curing. To finish is to remove
the excess material with diamond points to give dimension and
Using the right material in the correct sequence depending on anatomy to the restoration (Figure 11-19). Carbide burs from
the choice of the restorative material is the best approach to less to more fluted are used. The more fluted burs give a smoother
finishing and polishing to get the desired result. polish, whereas the less fluted burs remove the material faster.
It is important to finish first and then polish. However, finish Depending on the amount of material to be polished, 8-, 12-,
can be started only after a minimum of 10 minutes after the 16-, 30-, or 40-fluted carbide burs are used (Figure 11-20). Care
final curing. To avoid a white line at the junction of the tooth should be taken to use the right shape on the right area. Depend-
and the restorative material from shrinkage tension, finishing ing on the height of the headthat is, 9mm, 6mm, 4mm, or
should not be done in this area. Final polishing and finishing 3mmthese burs can be used on anteriors, central incisors,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 289


FIGURE 11-20 Finishing with carbide burs.

laterals, canines, premolars and cervical-third area, body, or in one direction only. The final polishing is achieved with a
incisal area (Figure 11-21). For the palatal surface of anteriors, polishing paste. For softer materials, aluminum oxide paste is
the right sized American footballshaped burs should be used used wet; and for harder materials, diamond polishing paste is
(Figure 11-22). R.A.P.T.O.R* burs (Bisco, Inc., Schaumburg, used dry (Figure 11-29).
Illinois) are used, starting from conical diamond to carbide, to
finish the posteriors (Figure 11-23). Proper shapes and sizes are
used depending on the tooth and area on the occlusal surface
Other Considerations
small diamond for premolars, large for molars, and Christmas The polishers and finishers should be used in a sequence start-
tree carbide bur for pit and fissure and inclined planes. ing with diamond or carbide burs, disk, cup, cone, and wheels.
Subsequently, polishing disks (coarse to super-fine) and a The advantage of finishing and polishing is that the line angles,
polishing buff (Figure 11-24) are used on the anteriors to polish texture, convexities, and concavities can be seen; however, fin-
the labial (Figure 11-25) and the proximal surfaces (Figure ishing and polishing might generate heat and damage the resto-
11-26) and to create the textures (Figure 11-27). For harder ration. Finishing and polishing wet do not generate heat and
materials, silicon carbide and diamond-impregnated cups, the restoration is not damaged; however, the reflection of the
cones, and wheels are used instead. water that gets into the micro-porosity of the restoration makes
For the posteriors, cups, cones, and wheels are used in a seeing the line angles and textures difficult. Hence, finishing
coarse- to medium-fine sequence (Figure 11-28). A polishing and polishing should necessarily be in a combination of wet
disk is used to polish the marginal ridge area but should be used and dry with low pressure and slow speed in which the line
angles can be seen and no heat would be generated (Figure
11-30). Paper disks are used dry with microfills, but the
*Rapid adapting precision transformer for occlusal resins. sequence of coarse to super-fine needs to be maintained.
290 Polishing Finishing and Polishing







FIGURE 11-21 Different carbide burs used in different locations.

INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS neither does it damage the tooth enamel or dentin. These burs
have fiber sections with abrasive power. These fiber sections
Scientific and Technologic Elements cover the entire working area and split into small fragments as
One of the scientific innovative elements is STAINBUSTER and when they act on a hard surface. These burs can be reused,
(Abrasive Technology, Inc., Lewis Center, Ohio), a new type of as their abrasive power is retained until they disintegrate. Tech-
composite bur with fibers in it (Figure 11-31) that removes nologically, the bur is quite useful and economical; it can be
stains from natural teeth, composite, and ceramic. Its biggest used to remove stains and polish the restoration. These burs can
advantage is that it does not damage the restorative material; basically be used for maintenance of the restoration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 291


FIGURE 11-22 American footballshaped bur polishing palatal surface.

FIGURE 11-23 R.A.P.T.O.R. burs.

Artistic Elements
To create the artistic elements in a restoration, the first thing to
understand is the dental composition and anatomy of the tooth
(Figure 11-32)that is, incisal and emergence profile, incisal
and facial embrasures, and concavities and convexities in the
surface texture.
The law of the face: shadows are created as light strikes the
labial surface of the tooth shadows, beginning at the transitional FIGURE 11-24 Sof-Lex disks (3M ESPE), coarse to super-
line angles. These shadows delineate the boundaries of the face fine, and polishing buff (Cosmedent).
should also be understood to create an illusion (i.e., the art of
changing perception to cause an object to appear different than
it actually is). The illusion can be created during finishing and
polishing by surface texturing, angling the reflection of light, the incisal and proximal areas (see Figures 11-26 and 11-27). To
and angling the proximal corners (Figure 11-33). Until lighting polish interdentally, firm disks are used at a right angle, moving
perspective and rendering of textures have been mastered, illu- toward the labial surface. Cups, cones, and wheels are used to
sion cannot be created. create concavities, convexities, and textures. Then finish and
Another artistic approach is to use the right pressure and the polish.
right disks. Firm disks are used to create vertical texture, whereas The law of the face and the principles of creating illusion are
flexible disks are used to polish the corners of the line angles in very important to create the artistic elements in a restoration.
292 Polishing Finishing and Polishing


FIGURE 11-25 Polishing labial surface with Shofu polishing disk without mandrel in the center.


FIGURE 11-26 Polishing proximal surface.


Finishing is performed to remove the excess at the margins as
well the excess material at the occlusal surfaces during maxillary-
mandibular relationship (during occlusion). An unfinished res-
toration in the anteriors, especially on the palatal side, on the
canines or the incisors can cause problems with the protrusive
movements of the mandible or canine in lateral excursion,which
in turn can cause problems with the masticatory muscles or the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ). When posteriors are being
finished, high points must be checked, not only on the occlusal
but also on the lateral excursion too. High points in occlusal or
in lateral excursion can cause a TMJ problem, headache, or neck
FIGURE 11-27 Creating textures on labial surface. pain. Finishing should always precede polishing. In finishing the
excess is removed and the anatomy of the restoration is carved
to match the natural dentition. The restoration is then polished
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 293


FIGURE 11-28 Use of rubber cups (A), cones (B), and wheels (C) in posteriors.

to make the surface texture smooth so that no excess plaque can

accumulate, which can cause discoloration, accumulates.
When anteriors are being polished, it is important to
take care of the line angles and maintain concavities and con-
vexities that make the restoration look esthetically good. Creat-
ing a smooth texture further enhances the esthetics of the
In class III, IV, and V restorations, special attention should
be given to the junction of the composite and the tooth struc-
ture. Finishing and polishing should blend the composite with
the tooth without overhangs. Therefore polishing and finishing
are equally important for both esthetics and function of the

FIGURE 11-29 White aluminum oxide and gray diamond FINISHING AND POLISHING CLASS
polishing paste. V RESTORATIONS
Class V restorations necessitated by abrasion and erosion or
abfraction are very important from the esthetic and functional
point of view. Creating such restorations could be accomplished
294 Polishing Finishing and Polishing


FIGURE 11-30 Wet (A) and dry (B) finishing.

The new composite bur for power
A cement and stains removal
New Used

FIGURE 11-31 STAINBUSTERS. (A and B [top], courtesy Abrasive Technology, Inc., Lewis Center, Ohio. B [bottom], courtesy Professor W.I. Finger.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 295

to desensitize or to prevent further damage to the tooth. The Finishing and polishing of class V restorations are necessary
esthetics is important for class V restorations, and hence finish- to get bilateral symmetry, especially in the central ridge region,
ing and polishing are equally important to shade selection. and to achieve better esthetics.
Sometimes patients not having pain related to class V (cervical
cavities/lesions) complain of post-restoration pain that arises General Sequence for Finishing
from sensitivity and accumulation of plaque caused by lack of
finishing and polishing at the cervical margin area (Figure
and Polishing
11-34). The sequence depends on the restorative material used, such as
glass ionomer, composite, microfills, and ceramic, both intra-
orally or extra-orally. With glass ionomers, fluted carbide burs
cannot be used; only diamond points, available in different grits,
Convexities and concavities with light pressure are used. For composites, fluted burs are used
Surface textures after diamond points, and then disks of different grits are
used to finish a restoration. For ceramic, it is important to use
diamond-impregnated cups, cone, and heels, in the sequence of
coarse to medium to fine to super-fine, and then to polish with
diamond polishing paste. Polishing paste containing aluminum
oxide is used for microfills, whereas diamond polishing paste is
used for nanofills and ceramics.

Use of Polishers in Sequence from

Coarse to Fine
Finishing and polishing disks in different grits with aluminum
oxide as the abrasive are used for microfill composites. These
FIGURE 11-32 Anatomy of the tooth. disks remove the unevenness on the surface of the restoration.



FIGURE 11-33 Creating illusion via finishing and polishing: before (A and C) and after (B and D).
296 Polishing Finishing and Polishing


FIGURE 11-34 Finishing and polishing at the cervical area with a small-head carbide bur retracting the gingiva.

The coarse and medium disks are used to finish, and the fine
and super-fine to polish, the restoration. Hence it is necessary
to use the disks from coarse to medium to fine to super-fine in
sequence to achieve the best results. Not following the sequence
will not polish; instead it will damage the restoration.

The treatment considerations depend on the restorative mate-
rial used.
When a glass ionomer is used as a restorative material, the
most important thing in preparation is its powder-liquid ratio. FIGURE 11-35 Use of matrices for class V glass ionomer
The best way to use a glass ionomer is to use it in a capsule
or a paste-paste form. Before finishing and polishing, the
restoration has to be well set and has to be protected from followed by aluminum oxide cones, cups, and wheels (Figure
water absorption and dehydration. When matrices are used in 11-36). Carbide fluted burs should not be used for glass iono-
class V restorations, only the margins are polished and the mers. Lastly, the restoration is coated with surface sealants so
central portion that is already polished is left untouched that the restoration is protected.
(Figure 11-35). For finishing and polishing composites, the restoration has
In restorations in which matrices are not used, the initial to be fully polymerized and cured with the right intensity of
finishing and polishing is done with 20-micron diamonds curing light. Care should be taken regarding the power density
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 297



FIGURE 11-36 A, Class V cavity. B, Glass ionomer restoration. C, Finishing with diamond point. D, Polishing with aluminum
oxide cone. E, Finished restoration.

of the light. For gross finishing, diamonds of 50, 30, 15, and 8 to avoid microleakage and staining, surface sealants such as
microns are used (Figure 11-37). Carbide 8- and 12-fluted burs G-Coat Plus (GC America, Alsip, Illinois) or Seal-n-Shine
are used for gross contouring (see Figure 11-22), after which (Pulpdent, Corp., Watertown, Massachusetts) or PermaSeal
16-, 30-, and 40-fluted burs are used for finishing and polishing. (Ultradent Products, Inc., South Tordan, Utah) are used to seal
Depending on the smoothness of the surface to be finished, the margins.
diamond points and carbide burs of different shapes and sizes For the finishing and polishing of ceramic crowns, the high
are used. Subsequently, finishing diskscoarse, medium, fine, points are first checked and adjusted intra-orally using the green
and super-fine, necessarily in the same sequenceare used for stone with a generous amount of water before polishing. The
the final finish. The finishing disks are used wet except for ceramic crowns can be polished extra-orally but inlays, onlays,
microfills. Diamond-impregnated cups and cones are used for and laminates should be polished intra-orally. If microcracks
final finishing of nanofills. A polishing buff from Cosmedent or develop during finishing, ceramic crowns are usually sent to
aluminum oxideimpregnated polishing paste is used to polish the technician for glaze. Glazing heals the microcracks. The
microfills, whereas diamond-impregnated polishing paste is used routine procedure for extra-oral ceramic crown and bridge fin-
to polish nanofills. The particle size of the polishing paste should ishing is to remove the high points with the green stone (Figure
be smaller than the filler size of the restorative material. Finally, 11-38) and then finish with coarse (green wheel) (Figure 11-39),
298 Polishing Finishing and Polishing


FIGURE 11-37 Gross contouring with carbide bur.


FIGURE 11-38 Polishing high points with green stones.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 299


FIGURE 11-39 A, Finishing ceramic with green (coarse diamond) wheel. B, Difference between finished surface and unfinished


FIGURE 11-40 A, Finishing ceramic with pink (medium diamond) wheel. B, Difference between finished surface and unfinished

medium (pink wheel) (Figure 11-40), and fine (gray wheel) When surface sealants are applied on the tooth surface, it gives
(Figure 11-41) diamonds followed by polishing with diamond a momentary glaze, but a polished textured surface lasts longer.
polishing paste (Figure 11-42).

AND GLAZING There is much evidence in dental books and journals that finish-
ing and polishing give good esthetics and function to both direct
Glazing creates a uniform, shining, smooth surface, whereas a and indirect restorations. There is also evidence that using the
polished surface is smooth and textured. Glaze yields a homog- right sequence and the right material to polish and finish achieve
enous reflectionthat is, a smooth surface on the restoration. a longer-lasting and good esthetic restoration.
300 Polishing Finishing and Polishing


FIGURE 11-41 A, Finishing ceramic with gray (fine diamond) wheel. B, Difference between finished surface and unfinished


FIGURE 11-42 A, B, Polishing with diamond polishing paste. C, Difference between finished surface and unfinished surface.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 301

The restoration that is well finished needs very little mainte-
nance. There can be no damage to the material, and the resto-
ration lasts longer and retains good esthetics and proper
function. With a new restoration, the initial perception of the
patient is that if he or she brushes regularly and in the normal
manner, the restoration will come out. Patients need to be
advised to brush and floss the restoration as they do their
natural teeth and visit the dentist every 4 to 6 months for a
routine checkup.

Per se, there are no controversies, but there is always a question FIGURE 11-43 Patient exhibiting diastema and supragingival
about whether to use dry or wet finishing. In dry finishing and pockets.
polishing, the material is abraded, but when the material is used
wet, the line angles, convexities, and concavities that hamper
creation of the surface textures and other characteristics in the
restoration cannot be appreciated. In indirect restorations such
Relevant Conditions
as crowns, finishing with pressure can cause microcracks. In the On clinical examination, the patient had a diastema between her
case of inlays and onlays, the technician should always create a central incisors, which was found to be a developmental defor-
finished and polished restoration that needs no occlusal adjust- mity. The clinical size of the teeth was smaller than the anatomic
ments because finishing and polishing are difficult in the mouth height owing to the supragingival pockets (Figure 11-43). The
and are not advisable. gingiva was found to be in a healthy condition. The patients
protrusive movements were functional to achieve posterior


In the near future, there should be a material that can be used The ideal treatment would have been to orthodontically move
uniformly and evenly on the surface of the restoration that can the central incisors to close the diastema so that the gingiva
protect the material beneath better than the sealants used today. would also move with it, creating diastemas between the central
The material should be as thin as possible so as not to block the and lateral incisors on either side. After closure of these diaste-
textures created on the surface of the restoration. mas, the golden proportion would be maintained. Generally two
factors are looked at together: the size and proportion of the
A Single Polisher instead of Progressive central incisors and the golden proportion. To achieve this, a
crown lengthening procedure (CLP) is considered. Thereafter,
Material Polishers to close the diastemas between the central and lateral incisors,
The chemistry of the polishing material will depend on the laminate or veneer is recommended.
chemistry of the material to be polished. For example, a microfill Because time was a constraint, a compromise treatment was
or a hybrid can be polished with aluminum oxide, and nanofill planned, in which the diastema would be closed with direct
can be polished with diamond-impregnated polishers. The best composite laminate after the CLP was performed in the anterior
polisher would be a single polisher that can be used for all com- teeth.
posites and ceramics.
Clinical Step-by-Step
Post-prophylaxis, the CLP was performed, after which the gin-
CLINICAL TECHNIQUE gival retraction cord with Ultradent Clear astringent was placed
(Figure 11-44) to avoid damage to the periodontium and to take
Patient History care of gingival fluid. After etching, priming, and bonding,
A 27-year-old woman, a non-resident Indian living in the composite laminates were created using the shade selection
United States, visited the dentist for diastema closure. She was guide, and the diastema was closed (Figure 11-45).
getting married in 3 days and wanted the diastema fixed before The gingival retraction chord was removed. After the line
the ceremony. angles were marked, diamond points (SS White Burs, Inc.,
302 Polishing Finishing and Polishing

FIGURE 11-46 Removing the excess with No. 12 Bard-Parker


Lakewood, New Jersey) of 50 microns were used, followed by

B points of 20 microns and 8 microns for gross finishing. High
points on the palatal side of the central incisors were checked in
occlusive and protrusive movements, and gross finishing was
done with American footballshaped, 100-micron diamond
points (SS White) and subsequently with carbide fluted Ameri-
can footballshaped burs (SS White). Carbide burs (Comet, SS
White) 8- to 30-fluted with different heads were used on the
labial and proximal areas to give proper line angles and contours.
To create an illusion by manipulating the height and width of
the restoration, the carbide burs were moved from labial to
C the line angles and then from the line angles to proximal to
give prominences to the line angles and maintain the golden
FIGURE 11-44 Insertion of retraction cord with clear proportion among the centrals, laterals, and canines. For this
astringent. purpose, the line angles were marked with pencil (see Figures
11-20 and 11-22).
To create the texture and polish the restoration, Sof-Lex disks
were used in a sequence from coarse to medium to fine to super-
fine. The disks were moved in such a way that the line angles
and incisal contours were maintained, so that the central incisors
were close to the golden proportion. A polishing buff (Cosme-
dent) was also used to give a smooth finish to the restoration.
The palatal surface was polished with diamond-impregnated Jazz
rubber cups, cones, and wheels (SS White) of different grades.
A No. 20 Safe End finishing bur (SS White) was used to polish
the cervical portion of the restoration. After a properly textured,
polished surface had been achieved, a No. 12 Bard-Parker blade
was used interdentally to remove the excess material and open
up the joint (Figure 11-46). Subsequently floss was passed
interdentally between the central and lateral incisors. Sof-Lex
polishing strips were then used to polish the interdental and
proximal surface, followed by polishing with diamond polishing
paste to achieve a final textured, smooth, polished restoration
(Figure 11-47).
The finished restoration had the same enamel-like gloss in
FIGURE 11-45 Closure of diastema. wet or dry, which was the desired result.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 303



FIGURE 11-47 Before and after diastema closure.

SUGGESTED READINGS Dennison JD, Craig RG: Physical properties and finishing surface
texture of composite restorative resins, J Am Dent Assoc 85:101-108,
Albers HF: Tooth-colored restorativesprinciples and techniques, ed 9, 2002, 1972.
BC Decker. Herrgott AL, Ziemiecki TL, Dennison JB: An evaluation of different
Boghosian AA, Randolph RG, Jekkals VJ: Rotary instrument finishing of composite resin systems finished with various abrasives, J Am Dent Assoc
microfilled and small hybrid composite resins, J Am Dent Assoc 115:299- 119:729-732, 1989.
301, 1987. Lambrechts P, Vanherle G: The use of glazing materials for finishing dental
Chen RCS, Chan DCN, Chan KC: A quantitative study of finishing and composite resin surfaces, J Oral Rehabil 9:107-117, 1982.
polishing techniques for a composite, J. Prosthet Dent 59:292-297, 1988. OBrien WJ, Johnson WM, Fanian F, Lambert S: The surface roughness and
Davidson CL, Duysters PP, De Lange C, Bausch JR: Structural changes in gloss of composites, J Dent Res 63:685-688, 1984.
composite surface material after dry polishing, J Oral Rehabil 8:431-439, Quiroz L, Lentz DL: The effect of polishing procedures on light-cured
1981. composite restorations, Compend Contin Educ Dent 6:437-439, 1985.
12 C H A P T E R

Fiber Reinforcement

Direct Fiber-Reinforced Restorations

William E. Turner

C omposites by definition are materials made up of dis-

tinct components that retain their individual identities.
They have structural or functional properties not present in any
composite 2mm 2mm 1cm were reinforced with as much
fiber as could be incorporated into the available volume. Fibers
were unidirectional and extended the full length of the sample.
individual component. The composites with which dentists are Scanning electron microscopy determined that the samples were
most familiar are particulate composites, consisting of a resin about 50% fiber by volume. The samples were then tested to
matrix with particles of various materials and sizes as fillers. failure using an Instron machine. The reinforced samples exhib-
Laminate composites are composite materials formed from ited about a fivefold increase in flexural strength over an unre-
materials placed in layers. The fiber-reinforced composites inforced control. Examination of the failed structure revealed
(FRCs) used in industrial applications are generally laminate that on failure the fibers had stretched, reducing their cross-
composites. When fibers are used to reinforce dental composite, sectional area, leaving a space around the periphery of the fibers.
the resulting material is both a particulate and a laminate com- This suggests that the weakest links in the structure were the
posite and is termed a fiber-reinforced composite. strength of the fibers and the bond strength between the fibers
and the resin matrix.
Numerous in vitro studies have demonstrated the increased
BRIEF HISTORY AND EVOLUTION strength of dental composite when reinforced with fibers. In
1992 Goldberg and Burstone investigated the strength of com-
OF FIBER-REINFORCED posite reinforced with silane-treated S-glass fibers and compared
COMPOSITES their results with previous reports covering carbon or Kevlar
fibers. They demonstrated substantially increased strength results
The use of fiber-reinforced technology in dentistry dates back to over those of previous investigators and attributed their improved
the 1960s. Early attempts to adapt the technology to dental results to a higher percentage of fiber in the structure. They
applications involved the incorporation of reinforcing fibers into achieved about 40% to 45% fiber by volume. They also pre-
polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture base resin to reduce dicted that the challenge in developing an FRC suitable for use
the incidence of fracture. Once composite became established in dentistry is to maintain a high percentage of fiber in the mix
as a restorative material in dentistry, attempts were made to use while meeting the requirements of acceptable esthetics and ease
fiber reinforcement technology to give it enough strength for use of clinical manipulation.
as a fixed bridge. Some early attempts used carbon fibers and In 1994 Vallittu colleagues investigated the effect of reinforc-
were not entirely without success. Unfortunately, carbon fibers ing acrylic resin with carbon, glass, and aramid (Kevlar) fibers.
are black or color, which is difficult to mask in esthetic dental They observed increased fracture resistance in all samples that
procedures. was proportional to the concentration of incorporated fibers.
The earliest attempts at using FRC technology in dentistry They also noted voids in the specimens that compromised the
involved adapting readily available industrial materials for use in strength of the structure. These voids were more prevalent with
dental restorations. In 1980, Dr. Paul C. Belvedere investigated glass and carbon fibers. A subsequent study by Vallittu showed
the strength of dental composite reinforced with aramid fibers the voids to be largely caused by polymerization shrinkage of
(Kevlar, DuPont, Wilmington, Delaware). Bars of dental the PMMA resin. The 21% shrinkage of the PMMA resin is

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 305

substantially higher than the 3% to 6% observed for dental

composite, and thus polymerization shrinkage would appear
to be a concern.
In 1994 Viguie and co-workers looked at dental composite
reinforced with carbon fibers in three configurations: short
fibers, woven fibers, and long unidirectional fibers. They con-
cluded that long unidirectional fibers provided the greatest
increase in strength, followed by woven and short fibers.
Their tests were conducted to failure with a bar of material
100mm 10mm 2mm high. This, of course, is substantially
larger than that used by most other investigators and much One cantilever
larger than anything constructed for use in the oral environ-
ment. The testing method also failed to consider the complex FIGURE 12-1 A cantilever beam is supported and retained at
one end.
forces at work on a dental appliance. Still, their conclusion that
long unidirectional fibers impart greater strength than short or
woven fibers probably has merit, if the fibers can be oriented
within the structure to resist the forces applied to it.
In 1998 Goldberg and colleagues examined four of the com-
mercially available fiber-reinforcing systems. The glass products
were consistently stronger than the polyethylene materials. Uni-
directional materials were also found to be superior to those that Two cantilevers Two cantilevers upside down
were braided or woven. A
In 1999 Dyer and Sorensen examined the effect of several
design features on the strength of structures fabricated with
FRC. They looked at three different configurations: (1) unidi- Compressive stress
rectional glass fibers in bar form and wrapped around the abut- Neutral axi
ments; (2) woven polyethylene ribbon to create an I-beam; and s
(3) unidirectional glass fibers for the support bar and woven
fibers in a spiral wrap around the entire support bar. They found
that the unidirectional glass fibers with the woven fibers wrapped Tensile stress
around them had the highest overall strength, although this was
largely a result of the fact that this configuration also resulted in B
the highest concentration of fibers in the structure. The I-beam FIGURE 12-2 A, A simply supported beam can be considered
configuration had greater strength than the other two designs two cantilever beams back to back and upside down. B, Stresses
when the percentage of fibers was factored out. in a simply supported beam are compressive above the neutral
In most studies of FRC in dentistry, a simple experiment is axis and tensile below.
used. A standard-size bar of the composite material is placed in
a device that applies a three-point load, and the sample is tested
to failure. Such studies typically find that the materials strength beam is a line (or a plane in three dimensions) known as the
is increased substantially by the addition of the reinforcement neutral axis. This axis coincides with the centroid or geometric
fibers, but often conclude that the strength of the resulting center of the beam. The longitudinal stresses along this line are
structure is still inadequate for use as a dental restoration. Such zero. The stresses in a cantilever beam are essentially tensile above
a conclusion does not correlate well with the excellent clinical this line and compressive below it. The farther from the neutral
success achieved by numerous practitioners. Fiber-reinforced axis, the greater the stress. This explains the success of I-bar
dental composite may not work on paper but works extremely beams, as the greatest strength of the beam structure is concen-
well in the mouth. trated farthest from the neutral axis, where there is the greatest
The second type of beam is a simply supported beam. This
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS type corresponds to a board laid across a puddle. A simply sup-
ported beam is essentially two cantilevers turned back to back
Beam Theory and upside down (Figure 12-2, A). The stresses on it are compres-
Any understanding of FRC bridges must begin with beam sive above the neutral axis and tensile below it (Figure 12-2, B).
theory. A beam is defined as a structural member that is sub- The third type of beam is a combination of the cantilever and
jected to loads applied transverse to the long axis. The simplest the simply supported beam. This beam is supported at both ends,
type of beam is known as a cantilever (Figure 12-1). This concept, but both ends are retained or encastr. This is the type of beam
familiar to most dentists, refers to a beam supported and retained being constructed when a dental bridge is being fabricated. It
at one end, called encastr by engineers. Near the middle of any has structural elements of both types of beam. Tensile stresses
306 Fiber Reinforcement Direct Fiber-Reinforced Restorations

are below the neutral axis, but above the neutral axis there are The fibers within FRC enhance the load-bearing capacity of
compressive stresses in the beams middle and tensile stresses the structure by two separate and distinct mechanisms. First, the
toward the ends. Cutting this type of beam in the center produces fibers act as a stress-bearing component, as would be intuitively
two cantilevers end to end. If we release the hold on the ends, expected. They support the forces of occlusion much like cables
we have a simply supported beam. This may partly explain the in a suspension bridge. They also strengthen the composite by
discrepancy between the failure of FRC in the literature and its acting as a crack-stopping and crack-deflecting component. As
success in practice. Although it is clear that any in vitro testing microcracks propagate through the resin matrix, if they encoun-
requires that the material be supported at both ends to simulate ter a fiber, they are stopped and deflected along the interface
what occurs when we fabricate a fixed partial denture, most between the fiber and resin. The fiber becomes circumferentially
studies do not specify how the material is retained for testing. detached from the resin matrix. When the crack intercepts
another fiber, it forks and divides, multiplying the number of
cracks in the structure. The creation of each new crack consumes
The Science of Fiber-Reinforced energy and increases the work of fracture for the material. This
mechanism dissipates the energy applied to the structure. The
Composites process of branching of cracks continues until energy demands
To understand FRC bridges, it is also important to examine become too high or the material fractures. Over time, the accu-
the mechanism of failure of composite materials. Although a mulation of cracks within the structure begins to act as a stress
detailed discussion of fracture mechanics is beyond the scope of relief mechanism. Stresses are relieved by the friction between
this book, there are factors that help to explain the discrepancy the material surfaces in contact at the crack. Flexure of the
between clinical successes and laboratory failures. prosthesis also transfers stresses to the fibers, which then support
Materials can be described as brittle or ductile. When the the structure as a stress-bearing component.
elastic limit of a material is exceeded, brittle materials fracture Which of these two mechanisms is more important is open
and ductile materials bend. Dental composites bend very little to some debate. Rudo and Karbhari argue in their article Physi-
and are classified as brittle, even when the composite is rein- cal Behaviors of Fiber Reinforcement as Applied to Tooth
forced with fibers. Stabilization that woven material is superior to unidirectional
Dental composites, like all brittle materials, fail as a result of material in vivo. Whereas unidirectional material exhibits supe-
crack propagation. Geometric defects within the structure act as rior strength in the direction of the fibers, there is little correla-
points of stress concentration. These irregularities can be holes, tion between the stresses placed on a dental restoration and the
bubbles, cracks, sharp corners, and so on. These faults cause the unidirectional stresses placed on the materials in laboratory
stresses within the material to become focused at these points, testing. Rudo and Karbhari argue that the load-bearing action
causing the initiation of fracture, even though the overall stress of the fibers is secondary to their crack-stopping function.
within the material is well within its theoretical strength. This Therefore the fibers need not be unidirectional. Woven fibers
is the same principle used in cutting glass. A small scratch is may offer greater strength, because the intersecting fibers are
etched on the glass surface, and a stress is applied to the material. more effective at stopping and deflecting cracks.
The scratch acts as a source of stress concentration, and the glass Regardless of the mechanism, the incorporation of reinforc-
fractures cleanly along the line scratched in its surface. If the ing fibers into dental composite increases the materials strength.
scratch does not continue completely across the sample, the The tensile (and therefore the flexural) strength of the resulting
fracture still begins where the scratch concentrates the stress structure is enhanced by the fibers. The more fibers that can be
and propagates irregularly across the glass, because the end of incorporated, the greater the strength achieved. The principle is
the fracture becomes the new point of stress concentration, until well stated in the rule of mixtures, which states that the mechani-
failure occurs. Clinical success or failure of FRC may be as much cal properties of a composite material are proportional to the
a function of our success in minimizing the microcracks and volume and properties of the individual components in the mix.
irregularities in the structure as of the inherent strength of the In reality, the strength of FRC dental restorations tends to be
materials. less than theory would suggest, mainly because the limitations
The fracture resistance of any material is less a function of its imposed by the space and design considerations of a dental
strength than of its toughness. Fracture toughness is the resis- restoration reduce the amount of fiber that can be incorporated
tance of a material to form cracks and is a measure of the damage into the structure. The literature tells us that the amount of fiber
tolerance of the structure. Glass and steel have similar tensile incorporated into most dental structures is low, usually on the
strengths, but no one would suggest the two are interchangeable; order of 15% by volume.
steel is tougher than glass. One small crack in a pane of glass
results in rapid propagation of the crack, resulting in fracture of
the glass. Small cracks in steel do not necessarily produce frac- MATERIAL OPTIONS
ture. When the structure is placed under stress, thousands of
microcracks are created within the material. These microcracks FRCs have been used with great success in industrial applica-
tend to travel through the structure and, if they are permitted tions for many years. The most common and best known of
to connect with one another, eventually coalesce into macro- these materials is fiberglass, the generic term for various forms of
scopic cracks, then fracture lines. plastic reinforced with glass fibers. (Fiberglas [with one s] is a
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 307

registered trademark belonging to Owens-Corning [Toledo, they are over-etched, their strength diminishes dramatically; if
Ohio] for their glass fibers, which are used both in composite they are under-etched, the bond to resin is inadequate.
materials and as insulation.) These materials are used in the man-
ufacture of myriad products, including boat hulls, automobile
bodies, aircraft propellers, and windmill blades. The enormous TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
popularity of high-performance homebuilt aircraft was made
possible in large part by the availability and reliability of FRCs. The introduction of FRC represented the first opportunity for
Available materials include epoxy and polyester resins reinforced composite bridge fabrication that could be considered success-
with fibers such as glass, aramid, graphite, and ceramic. In addi- ful. Numerous authors have described techniques meeting with
tion, these fibers are available in various configurations, includ- varying degrees of success. The techniques may be indirect or
ing unidirectional, bidirectional, woven, and braided. direct.

Commercially Available Fiber Systems Indirect Methods

All fiber reinforcement products are variations on two major Several manufacturers have developed FRC materials for
systems: plastic or glass. Plastic fibers generally have handling laboratory-fabricated prostheses, with mixed success. One
characteristics superior to those of glass, whereas glass is gener- advantage of the indirect technique is that it uses techniques and
ally the stronger material. procedures reasonably familiar to most dentists. The concepts of
Most plastic fiber systems are polyethylene. The fibers are preparing the teeth, making an impression, and fabricating a
usually braided or woven into a ribbon, with each manufacturer provisional restoration differ little from making a porcelain-
claiming to have the superior configuration. In reality, how fibers fused-to-metal bridge. The procedure for bonding the prosthesis
are woven makes little difference in the strength of the resulting is the only departure from more traditional techniques.
restoration. It can, however, result in differences in how the Another advantage to the indirect technique is that it is pos-
material handles. Concerns also arise about the ability to fully sible to cure the composite using heat and pressure to enhance
impregnate certain tightly woven configurations of fibers the strength and wear resistance of the cured composite. Unfor-
with resin. tunately, this also results in the greatest shortcoming of indirect
The surface of plastic fibers is usually treated with cold gas composite techniques. When a composite restoration is fabri-
plasma to enhance the bond between fibers and resin. In this cated in a laboratory, especially when it is cured with heat and
technique the fibers are exposed to a partially ionized oxygen gas pressure, it must be bonded using almost entirely microme-
that acts through a process of ablation and activation. The abla- chanical means, because the polymerization of the composite
tion results in an etching of the fiber and an increase in the will have progressed to the point that there will be few free
presence of chemically active groups on the fiber surface. These radicals left for chemical bonding to the composite resin. The
groups chemically bond to the resin, while the etched surface composites surface may also become corrupted by myriad
facilitates a micromechanical bond. The plasma treatment also contaminants during the fabrication process, including the
enhances the wettability of the fiber surface, which increases the surface of the stone cast. These contaminants must then be
resin in contact with the fiber and helps to reduce the presence removed. Whatever technique is employed to clean and etch the
of voids and bubbles at the resin-fiber interface, which act as surface before bonding will remove any air-inhibited layer,
points of stress concentration. Cold gas plasma treatment is eliminating any chance for chemical bonding. Thus there is an
highly susceptible to contamination, however. The fibers there- obvious advantage to fabricating the entire prosthesis in place in
fore must be handled carefully to prevent contamination before the mouth.
they are impregnated with resin. One manufacturer includes a
pair of cotton gloves in the kit to protect the fibers during han-
dling, but these are not practical. Carefully avoiding touching
Direct Methods
the fibers before impregnating them is adequate. In 1981, Belvedere placed some of the first directly bonded FRC
Glass fibers are of two types, E-glass or S-glass. The two resin bridges using Kevlar fibers. The first bridge was a four-
materials are different chemically, but handling is essentially unit prosthesis replacing two maxillary central incisors using the
identical. S-glass is the stronger of the two and has a higher laterals as abutments in a 22-year-old woman. At last report
modulus of elasticity. Glass fibers are stronger in theory than (1989) the bridge was still in service and had not been repaired
plastic, but their stiffness makes them much more difficult to or replaced. Nearly 400 bridges have been reported to be in
work with clinically. S-glass fibers are stiffer, so elastic memory service, with a 98% survival rate over an 8-year period.
is more problematic in handling and placement for dental In 1994 Abel described a technique for the direct fabrication
applications. of an FRC bridge to replace incisor teeth. The technique was a
Glass fibers are etched and silanated to enhance the resin-to- bold attempt but failed to deal with several important issues.
fiber bond. The etching process is similar to etching porcelain Significant in any bridge design is the tissue contact surface of
before bonding, although the actual process is proprietary. the pontic, and Abels technique fails to address this. The article
Etching glass fibers is, by all reports, duration and chemistry is unclear, but it appears that he simply fabricated the pontic in
critical. Glass fibers cannot be etched and silanated chairside. If place, in direct contact with the tissue, and allowed the gingiva
308 Fiber Reinforcement Direct Fiber-Reinforced Restorations

of the edentulous space to develop the tissue surface form of the supported at both ends, the tensile stresses are concentrated
pontic. below the neutral axis of the beam. In a bridge that is encastr
Culy and Tyas described a technique for direct fabrication of (retained) at both ends, as in a fixed partial denture, tensile
FRC anterior bridges. They replaced 26 single upper anterior stresses are also located above the neutral axis toward the ends
teeth and one premolar using hybrid composite reinforced with of the bridge. In a cantilever beam (or a cantilever bridge),
plasma etched polyalkane fibers (Fibrespan, Nulite Systems, tensile stresses are located above the neutral axis of the beam.
Sydney, Australia). They followed their cases for only 10 months, Beam theory teaches that the stress on a beam increases as the
and two bridges failed as a result of trauma. Of the 27 bridges, square of the distance from the neutral axis to the tensile side.
25 were of cantilever design, which the authors argue is more Fibers should be located where they will absorb the tensile
predictable because there is no differential movement between stresses within the structure, so when a cantilever bridge is being
the abutments. This runs counter to conventional wisdom constructed, the fibers must be concentrated toward the occlusal
regarding bridge design. The authors also found the process to or incisal part of the restoration. In fabricating a three-unit fixed
be technically demanding, particularly with respect to the prosthesis, fibers should be concentrated below the neutral
pontic saddle design, but offered the technique as a viable option axisthat is, toward the gingival portion of the bridge. In prac-
for conservative tooth replacement. tical terms, it is desirable to incorporate as much fiber into the
In 1998 Belvedere described how to fabricate a direct FRC structure as possible. The limitations of fabricating a dental
bridge to replace missing central or lateral incisors. His tech- prosthesis, especially directly in the mouth, are such that we can
nique addresses the problem of controlling the tissue surface of seldom incorporate as much fiber as desired. The risk of using
the pontic with the fabrication of a pontic button. The portion too much does not exist from a structural standpoint but can
of the pontic in contact with the tissue is fabricated in place in be a problem in that it must be completely covered with com-
the mouth and trimmed, and the tissue surface is contoured and posite resin.
polished before being incorporated into the restoration. The Unfortunately, the forces applied to a dental prosthesis are
abutment teeth are prepared and bonded, the fibers are placed, not as simple as they are when building a floor. Among the
and the pontic button is positioned under the fibers. The coronal complex forces seen in clinical applications of fiber-reinforced
portion of the pontic is then custom fabricated in place in the technology is the phenomenon of torquing of posterior bridge
mouth. The technique is a marked improvement over previous pontics. When occlusal loads are applied to a posterior bridge
attempts but requires significant clinical skill to manipulate all pontic, they are not necessarily applied to the center of the
the parts and materials successfully into position. pontic or beam. Off-center loading results in a torsional force,
Although many of the problems associated with the direct or twisting of the pontic or beam. These torsional forces are best
fabrication of FRC resin bridges have been solved, the clinical resisted by fabricating a pontic or beam with long unidirectional
techniques for bridge fabrication still need refinement. Belve- fibers that are spiral wrapped with unidirectional fibers. This can
deres technique addresses the problem of controlling the tissue be accomplished in the fabrication of indirect prostheses and is
surface of the pontic. Unfortunately the technique is so techni- included in several of the commercially available systems used
cally demanding that few clinicians are willing to attempt it on for laboratory fabrication. Unfortunately, spiral wrapping of the
a regular basis. reinforcing fibers is an engineering principle that is difficult to
achieve when fabricating the restoration directly in the mouth.
For direct posterior bridge fabrication in the mouth, one must
Technical Considerations for Direct keep the bucco-lingual width of the pontic to a minimum and
design the anatomy to eliminate working and balancing con-
Bridge Fabrication tacts. This reduces the potential for off-center loading of the
Several issues must be considered when fabricating FRC bridges pontic and the resulting torsional stresses on the bridge.
directly in the mouth. Voids and bubbles act as points of stress
concentration within the structure, so it is worthwhile to mini-
mize the bubbles trapped within the mix. The greatest problem CLINICAL CONSERVATION
in accomplishing this is adequately wetting the fibers. Fibers
require wetting with an unfilled resin; filled or flowable materials CONCEPTS WITH FIBER-
have higher viscosity and do not wet the fibers as effectively, REINFORCED COMPOSITE BRIDGES
permitting bubbles and voids to become entrapped on the fiber
surface. Once the fibers have been wetted with unfilled resin, The concept of preserving tooth structure is hardly new to den-
they can be further wetted with a flowable composite before they tistry. Partial veneer crown retainers, pinledge retainers, and the
are introduced to the more highly filled composite. Although MacBoyle retainer were all attempts to preserve as much valuable
intuitively this seems to represent the greatest potential for tooth structure as possible, although the motivation behind this
getting filled composite in intimate contact with the reinforcing may have been more the inability to imitate enamel with then
fibers, at the time of this writing this has not been supported or available materials. Todays restorative materials are so predict-
disproved by research. able and esthetic that preserving tooth enamel may not seem as
In deciding on the placement of the fibers within the restora- essential as in the past, but it is still an important consideration
tion, beam theory can supply guidance. In a three-unit bridge in dentistry.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 309

With the development of acid etch bonding by Dr. Michael Simonsen hypothesized that the weak link in the acrylic
Buonocore in the mid-1950s, the potential for conservative, denture tooth bridge was the bond between the acrylic tooth
esthetic tooth replacement increased dramatically. In the late and composite resin. He further reasoned that if the pontic
1970s the Maryland and Rochette bridge designs were devel- were made from composite, the bridge would be stronger. In
oped as conservative methods of anterior tooth replacement. his technique the pontic was fabricated from composite resin
These were the first to find their way into routine use in den- using a clear plastic crown form. The pontic was then bonded
tistry. Ironically, both proved to be more effective as posterior into place with the same technique as for acrylic denture teeth.
bridge techniques, largely because the bond between tooth and The survival rate for prostheses fabricated with a composite
metal was not adequate to retain the bridge without supplemen- pontic was an improvement over the acrylic denture tooth
tation by mechanical retention. Both techniques continue in use technique.
as conservative alternatives to fixed prosthetics with full coverage
retainers. With proper case selection and careful implementation
they provide predictable and conservative restoration. Their dis- CLINICAL TECHNIQUES
advantages include a tendency of the retainer color to be trans-
mitted through the abutment teeth causing a gray discoloration,
Bridge Fabrication
and frequent debonding from the abutment teeth. Fabrication of the pontic button is the key to this technique.
Other attempts to develop conservative techniques for tooth Until the procedure for fabricating the pontic button and polish-
replacement include the technique described by McIntyre for ing it out of the mouth was developed by Belvedere, direct FRC
replacing maxillary first bicuspids and lateral incisors using bridges were doomed to have an irregular and potentially
a bridge design with a conventional full-coverage retainer on uncleansable tissue contact surface. Unfortunately, fabrication of
one end and a small metal extension on the other end that is the pontic button and its subsequent incorporation into the
embedded in composite in a conservative class III preparation. structure along with the fibers also complicate the procedure. It
A similar technique for replacing posterior teeth was described can be quite challenging to manipulate all of the parts into place
by El-Mowafy. In this technique a bridge is fabricated with and hold them there long enough to polymerize them without
cast projections on both ends. These projections are embedded contamination with saliva. The following techniques are modi-
in composite in conservative preparations in the abutment fications of Belvederes approach and designed to simplify the
teeth. process by keeping the number of components that must be
In the late 1970s, Belvedere used fine wire mesh to reinforce positioned at the same time to a minimum.
bonded composite bridges, but these were not particularly suc-
cessful. With no bond between the metal mesh and the compos-
ite, the metal did little to reinforce the structure and may have
Anterior Bridge Technique
weakened it by acting as a focus of stress concentration. The technique for direct intra-oral fabrication of an anterior
Before fiber-reinforced technology was developed, attempts FRC bridge begins with a set of study models. The model is
were made to bond acrylic denture teeth directly to natural modified with wax or composite to create the lingual contours
teeth. Ibsen first described a technique for using unreinforced desired of the completed bridge (Figure 12-3, A). The author
composite to bond acrylic denture teeth to natural teeth in typically uses composite to mock up the lingual portion of the
1973. In 1978 Jenkins reported on 31 bridges placed in 22 pontic and then flows inlay wax onto the lingual surface of
patients using acrylic teeth bonded in place with composite the abutment teeth on the models to simulate the thickness
resin. The technique was spectacularly unsuccessful, with a of the retainer and the fibers on these teeth. The labial surface
slightly better than 50% survival rate at 3 years. The mode of of the pontic is of no concern at this stage; it will be developed
failure of the restorations was consistently fracture of the com- in the mouth when the bridge is fabricated.
posite. He found the success rate for lower prostheses to be A matrix is then fabricated using clear polyvinyl impression
encouraging, however. A likely explanation for the discrepancy or bite registration material. This material is mixed according to
between the upper and lower restorations is the fact that the the manufacturers instructions and applied to the lingual surface
uppers are subjected to a greater proportion of tensile loading, of the model to register the contours developed in the mock-up
whereas the lowers are subjected to more compressive loads, (Figure 12-3, B). Opaque matrix material can be used as shown
which particulate composite is better suited to resist. in Figure 12-3, B, but transparent materials allow for the struc-
In 1980 Jordan and colleagues reported on 88 bridges in 78 ture to be polymerized through the matrix after the initial trans-
patients fabricated using acrylic denture teeth bonded in place enamel polymerization, which ensures all the composite will
with composite resin, with pins used in the abutment teeth for fully gel before the matrix is removed.
additional retention in some cases. The results were disappoint- It has been argued that the need to do a mock-up on the
ing, the majority being lost within a year. The researchers study model negates its advantage of being completed in one
observed that when failure occurred, it was invariably fracture visit. This is rarely a problem, as study models are such a routine
of the composite, and concluded that the limiting factor in the part of the diagnostic procedure before fabrication of any bridge.
technique was the strength of the composites available. They also Because the entire bridge fabrication procedure takes the average
concluded that the most predictable application of the technique dentist about 2 hours, it is unlikely that the procedure will be
is the replacement of a single mandibular incisor. performed on a patient who has never been seen before.
310 Fiber Reinforcement Direct Fiber-Reinforced Restorations




FIGURE 12-3 A, The lingual contours of the bridge are mocked up in composite or wax on a study model. B, The matrix is
fabricated from vinyl polysiloxane putty. If teeth are dark or opaque, transparent material can be used to permit polymerization
through the matrix. C, The matrix is inserted in the mouth to ensure good fit. It will be used as a mold to form the lingual
and gingival surfaces of the pontic button. Marks on the matrix are made to simplify placement of the matrix in the mouth.
D, Composite is injected into the space created by the matrix, tissues, and abutment teeth to create the basic form of the pontic
button. E, The pontic button is trimmed to establish an outline form and tissue surface contours. F, Once the appropriate contours
are established, the tissue surface and lingual surface of the pontic button are polished to a high shine.

At the fabrication appointment the abutment teeth are anes- good choice. This composite forms the pontic button and is
thetized and carefully scaled and polished to remove plaque polymerized enough to make it sufficiently solid to manipulate.
or calculus. The appropriate shade or shades of composite are Thorough polymerization is neither necessary nor desirable at
selected. The previously fabricated matrix is positioned in the this stage. If the pontic button remains only initially polymer-
mouth, and composite is injected or pressed into the matrix and ized, it will bond better to the rest of the structure when incor-
edentulous space so that the edentulous ridge acts as a mold for porated into the bridge.
the tissue surface and the matrix molds to the lingual surface The pontic button is removed from the mouth, and the tissue
(Figure 12-3, C and D). The material chosen should be an surface is contoured to the desired pontic form (Figure 12-3, E ).
appropriate shade and highly polishable. A microhybrid is a The tissue surface of the pontic button is polished to a high shine
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 311




FIGURE 12-3, contd G, A chamfer finishing line is created around the outline of the labial surface to establish a welldefined
line to finish the composite to when developing the rest of the pontic. At this time the pontic is also contoured to ensure adequate
room for the fibers to pass between the pontic button and the abutment teeth. H, The completed pontic button should be rea-
sonably stable when placed back on the matrix. I, When the fibers and the pontic button are ready, the teeth are prepared by
roughening the enamel and preparing conservative class III preparations on the abutments. The teeth are then etched and a dentin
adhesive applied. J, Dental tape or floss is positioned and cut to length to serve as a pattern for the fibers. K, The dental tape
pattern is used to measure the length of the fibers required. The fibers are cut to length and placed on a piece of tin foil, which
will be used to protect the wetted fibers from ambient light while the teeth are prepared for bonding. A light-resistant container
can also be used. L, The fibers are wetted with unfilled resin and then impregnated with light body composite resin.
312 Fiber Reinforcement Direct Fiber-Reinforced Restorations




FIGURE 12-3, contd M, The tin foil is folded over to protect the impregnated fibers from ambient light and set aside. N, As
the assistant ensures the teeth remain dry and uncontaminated, the dentist places the pontic button on the matrix and a small
amount of low-viscosity composite on the abutment area of the matrix. O and P, Composite is then applied to the abutment
areas of the matrix. The impregnated fibers are recovered from the tin foil and placed in position on the matrix. Q, All parts of
the anterior direct fiber-reinforced composite bridge are shown in place on the matrix and ready for insertion in the mouth.
R, After curing with the matrix in place, the lingual surface of the bridge is essentially complete. Only minor trimming and
polishing are required.

to discourage plaque accumulation (Figure 12-3, F). The labial should be reasonably stable when fitted into the matrix. Both
surface of the pontic button is contoured to allow for adequate the matrix and the pontic button should fit in position in the
bulk of fibers and composite to complete the bridge. The margins mouth, with the pontic button seated on the matrix (Figure
of the pontic button are finished with a round end crown and 12-3, H). The completed pontic button and matrix are set
bridge diamond to create a definite finishing line, similar to what aside.
is done in a veneer preparation (Figure 12-3, G). This allows the The abutment teeth can now be prepared (Figure 12-3, I ).
composite that will form the balance of the pontic to be finished The outer layer of enamel is often fluoride rich and will be
to this line, avoiding the creation of any flash that could com- contaminated with salivary proteins and other debris. For ade-
promise the highly polished tissue surface of the pontic. It quate bonding, this layer must be removed. The entire lingual
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 313



FIGURE 12-3, contd S and T, The lingual surface of the completed bridge demonstrates a modified ridge lap pontic design to
facilitate hygiene. U and V, This 8-year follow-up of the case demonstrates that direct fiber-reinforced bridges no longer need to
be considered purely provisional or temporary restorations.

surface should be cleaned and roughened with a diamond bur. aspect of one abutment tooth, over the pontic button, to the
The amount of tooth structure actually removed amounts to a same point on the other abutment tooth (Figure 12-3, J ). The
few microns. If greater clearance is required for occlusal consid- overall length for a three-unit bridge is about the mesio-distal
erations, 1-mm deep dovetail slots are cut in the lingual surface width of the three teeth involved. The dental floss pattern is used
of the abutment teeth to make room for the composite and to measure the fibers, which are cut to the appropriate length
fibers. The grit of the diamonds used for preparation is a matter using a sharp scalpel or serrated scissors (Figure 12-3, K ). The
of personal preference. The author prefers to use a medium more fibers that can be incorporated into the finished structure,
diamond, which leaves a slightly rough surface for better reten- the better.
tion. Small class III preparations are made in the abutment teeth The fibers are impregnated with resin by applying a few drops
as well. These preparations should be internally rounded, but of unfilled resin. They are then laid on a mixing pad and the
with an overall rectangular form to resist displacement of the excess resin milked out of the fibers with a mixing spatula or
composite that will eventually fill them. Any existing composite other instrument. This should leave the fibers fully and uni-
restorations should also be removed at this time. They will be formly wetted with unfilled resin. A low-viscosity filled resin is
replaced with composite, which will become part of the bridge then applied to the fibers. This can be a flowable composite or
structure. the light-cured component of a dual-cure resin luting cement.
Fibers are now selected. Which material to use is again dic- The resin is worked well into the fibers until they are thoroughly
tated by personal preference. The author prefers to use poly wetted. The fibers are placed on a piece of tin foil, which is then
ethylene products because they are easier to position. The glass folded over to protect the impregnated fibers from ambient light
fibers are quite springy and tend to resist all attempts to position and set aside (Figure 12-3, L and M ).
them, but they can be used as well. The pontic button is posi- With all the components ready for assembly, the teeth can
tioned on the matrix, and a length of dental tape or floss is laid be prepared for bonding. After cleaning and disinfection with
across the matrix and the pontic button and trimmed to length 5% sodium hypochlorite or other agent, the teeth are etched
so that the floss extends from about 1mm short of the distal with 35% phosphoric acid in the usual manner. An appropriate
314 Fiber Reinforcement Direct Fiber-Reinforced Restorations

dentin bonding agent is applied to the teeth and either light polished thoroughly. The rubber dam is a useful adjunct to
cured or not, according to the manufacturers instructions and/ control the cheeks and tongue. Usually a slit dam technique
or the preference of the operator. After the teeth have been is more than adequate and allows for exposure of the
prepared for bonding, the assistant takes control of the prepared edentulous ridge.
teeth, ensuring that they do not become contaminated while the Unlike the anterior technique, preparation of the teeth
dentist readies the remaining parts of the bridge for assembly. precedes the fabrication of a pontic button (Figure 12-4, A).
The dentist retrieves the matrix and positions the pontic Preparation of the teeth begins with removal of any existing
button on it. A small amount of the low-viscosity composite is restorations. Proximal box preparations should be made on the
applied to the matrix in the area of the abutment teeth (Figure abutment teeth adjacent to the edentulous space to allow the
12-3, N ). Over this is applied a small portion of hybrid com- fibers to pass from the occlusal portion of the preparations to
posite followed by the fibers, which are laid across the matrix in the gingival portion of the pontic. Remember that the fibers
the way they will be positioned in the final bridge structure, should be located toward the gingival part of the pontic in a
starting at one abutment, across the pontic button, and over the three-unit bridge. Proximal cavosurface margins are created with
other abutment (Figure 12-3, O and P). a long bevel using a fine finishing diamond.
The matrix with the pontic button, fibers, and composite is Once the preparations are complete, the pontic button is
placed in position in the mouth (Figure 12-3, Q). Sufficient fabricated. The choice of composite for the pontic button is the
pressure is applied to seat the matrix against the teeth, ensuring same as for the anterior technique. Microfill or microhybrid
that the pontic button is properly positioned in the edentulous composite of the appropriate color is used to ensure a highly
space. In an ovate pontic design a small amount of pressure can polished surface in contact with the soft tissue. A quantity of
be applied to the pontic button with an instrument to press composite is rolled into a ball and pressed into place in the
the pontic into the edentulous ridge as the composite is poly edentulous space (Figure 12-4, B). The pontic button is shaped
merized. Once the matrix, pontic button, fibers, and composite with the composite-forming instrument of choice. The pontic
are appropriately positioned, any excess composite that can be button should extend to the gingival outline of the pontic and
accessed with the matrix in place is removed using an appropri- slightly into the proximal boxes of the abutment teeth. These
ately shaped artists brush. When all excess composite has been small steps in the proximal boxes will serve as positive stops,
shaped or removed, the entire assembly is light cured by apply- which will assist in positioning the pontic button as the bridge
ing the light guide to the labial surface, illuminating the entire is assembled.
tooth. Light is transmitted through the tooth, polymerizing the The pontic button is then trimmed and polished in a manner
composite through trans-enamel polymerization. Sixty seconds similar to that used for the button in the anterior technique.
of light application to the labial surface of each abutment tooth The tissue contact surface is trimmed and polished to a high
is usually sufficient to cause the composite on the lingual to gel shine. The peripheral areas are treated to a heavy chamfered
sufficiently for the matrix to be removed. The use of a transpar- finishing line to which the composite forming the rest of the
ent matrix permits the light to be applied through the matrix as pontic can be finished (Figure 12-4, C). The completed pontic
well. The matrix can be removed when the operator is confident button should be as thin as practical, highly polished on the
the lingual composite has gelled. The composite is then thor- underside, and should seat positively into position using the
oughly polymerized from all directions. rests in the proximal boxes of the abutment teeth (Figure
At this point the lingual surface of the bridge is essentially 12-4, D). The completed pontic button is set aside (Figure
completed, the final shape having been created by the matrix 12-4, E).
(Figure 12-3, R). The labial surface of the pontic is then fabri- The length for the fibers is selected by measuring the prepared
cated by applying composite exactly as if making a direct teeth. The fibers should extend the full length of the bridge,
composite veneer. Opaquer may be required before composite from the mesial part of the mesial-most prepared tooth to the
application with some composite systems to block light transmis- distal extent of the distal-most prepared tooth. A Boley gauge
sion through the structure, which will give the pontic a grayish or divider is useful for establishing this measurement. A dental
cast. Hybrid composite is preferable for its superior strength in tape or floss pattern can also be used. The fibers of choice are
any stress-bearing areas. Microfill can be used in esthetic zones cut to length using a sharp scalpel or serrated scissors and
for its polishability. Once the buildup of the pontic is complete, impregnated first with unfilled resin, then with filled low-
any excess is trimmed, the occlusion adjusted, and the completed viscosity composite, as before. Once again, the impregnated
structure polished to a high shine (Figure 12-3, S and T ). As fibers are wrapped in tin foil to protect them from ambient light
with any other bridge, the patient is instructed in the use of a and set aside.
floss threader to maintain hygiene gingival to the pontic. Figure The teeth are now prepared for bonding. They are cleaned
12-3, U and V, show the 8-year follow-up of this case. and disinfected with 5% sodium hypochlorite or other appropri-
ate agent, rinsed, etched with 35% phosphoric acid, and rinsed,
and the dentin adhesive is applied. If the abutment teeth have
Posterior Bridge Technique missing walls other than where the fibers will go, these should
Posterior bridges do not require the use of a matrix to position be restored at this time. For example, if the mesial abutment
the pontic button. As with the anterior bridge procedure, tooth has a mesial-occlusal-distal (MOD) preparation, a clear
the patient is anesthetized and the teeth are scaled and Mylar matrix band is placed and the mesial box is restored,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 315


FIGURE 12-4 A, The existing bridge is removed along with all restorative materials. The pin under the lingual cusp of the
bicuspid could not be removed and was cut off level with the dentin. B, A ball of composite is pressed into the edentulous space
to form the pontic button. The composite overlaps the gingival floor of the proximal boxes of the abutment teeth. This will
provide a positive stop to assist in positioning the pontic button. C, A chamfer margin is created around the outline of the labial
surface to create a finishing line for the composite that will form the rest of the pontic. D, The tissue surface of the pontic is
polished to a high shine. Continued

leaving the occlusal and distal portions of the preparation empty Occlusion is adjusted, and the patient is instructed in main
at this time. taining oral hygiene.
When the teeth are ready, the pontic button is carried to
place, and a small drop of flowable composite is positioned
where the pontic button contacts the abutment teeth. Excess
Fiber-Reinforced Provisional Bridges
flowable composite is removed using a small artists brush. The It is not uncommon in complex restorative cases to provisional-
flowable composite is then light cured. This is sufficient to ize the case for several months. In these cases contemporary
maintain the pontic button in position while the rest of the provisional materials can be problematic. Because these materi-
bridge is completed (Figure 12-4, F ). als are designed to stand up for only a week or two, such patients
The fibers can now be placed in the prepared teeth and over frequently visit the dentist with fractured provisionals, a frustrat-
the pontic button. They should be thoroughly wetted with low- ing situation for dentist and patient alike. In addition, some
viscosity composite. More composite can be added at this stage patients simply break temporaries in short order. Fiber reinforce-
if there are any voids or bubbles. As much fiber as possible ment is a quick and convenient method of reinforcing provi-
should be incorporated into the bridge (Figure 12-4, G). Hybrid sional bridges for longer-term survival.
composite is applied over the fiber and shaped until it is as Incorporating fiber-reinforced composite into a provisional
close to the final contour as possible. There should be just restoration is simply a matter of fabricating a reinforcing beam
enough hybrid composite over the fibers to prevent exposure that is wholly enclosed in the body of the restoration. A vacuum-
of the fibers when adjusting the occlusion. The final shape of formed stent is fabricated in advance of the patient visit, using
the pontic and the abutment teeth is created in composite, and a diagnostic wax-up or any form of mock-up of the bridge on
the entire structure is cured thoroughly. The completed bridge the study model. This may be as simple as attaching a denture
is trimmed and polished to a high shine (Figure 12-4, H ). tooth to the edentulous space.
316 Fiber Reinforcement Direct Fiber-Reinforced Restorations



FIGURE 12-4, contd E, The pontic button is now reduced to make room for reinforcing fibers. The completed pontic button
is set aside to await preparation of the fibers and the teeth. F, The teeth are etched and the dentin bonding agent is applied. A
partial matrix is placed and the distal surface of the bicuspid is restored, leaving room for the fibers. The pontic button is posi-
tioned between the abutment teeth, and a drop of low viscosity composite is placed at the point where it contacts the abutment
teeth, and polymerized to tack the pontic button in place. G, The fibers are impregnated thoroughly, first with unfilled resin and
then with low viscosity composite. The wetted fibers are laid in position over the pontic button and into the prepared teeth and
polymerized. H, Completed prosthesis displays natural color and harmonious contours. Although the tissue is inflamed in this
immediate postoperative view, the ultimate response of the tissue to the bridge is excellent.

After the teeth are prepared and the impression is made, a The impregnated fibers are recovered from their light-resistant
section of reinforcing fiber is cut to sufficient length to span the container, laid across the abutment teeth, and cured (Figure
abutment teeth and overlap the occlusal surfaces of the prepara- 12-5, C). The desired configuration is easily achieved if the fibers
tions. The same design considerations apply as when fabricating are positioned in stages. Using a small (4mm) tip on the curing
a composite bridge. The fibers should be positioned to resist the light, spot cure the ends of the fibers to the abutment teeth. The
tensile forces found in the lower (gingival) part of the pontic. rest of the fiber bundle can be positioned with an instrument
Although it is generally advantageous to incorporate as much and cured in the desired shape.
fiber as possible into a prosthesis, a provisional bridge usually The vacuum-formed stent is then filled with the provisional
requires only a single reinforcing band. acrylic material and positioned in the mouth over the abutment
The fibers are impregnated with unfilled resin and then teeth and the reinforcing fibers (Figure 12-5, D). Once the
flowable composite and set aside in a light resistant container bridge has reached the appropriate state of cure, it can be
(Figures 12-5, A and B). If the teeth have been restored with removed, trimmed, polished, and cemented as usual (Figures
composite cores on the same day as the bridge is being fabri- 12-5, E to G).
cated, a separating medium should be applied to the abutment The incorporation of reinforcing fibers into a provisional
teeth to prevent the fibers from bonding to the abutment teeth. bridge substantially increases its resistance to fracture and can
Glycerin is a suitable separating medium as it is easily removed be a tremendous advantage when the patient has a history of
with water and will not interfere with bonding of the final fractured provisionals or in complex cases in which long-term
restoration. provisionalization is required.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 317



FIGURE 12-5 A, Fibers are cut to length and wetted with unfilled resin and flowable composite before being placed in a light-
resistant container. Here a piece of tin foil is used to protect the wetted fibers from ambient light. B, The tin foil is simply folded
over to protect the wetted fibers from ambient light. C, The wetted fibers are positioned on the prepared teeth and cured in place.
D, The vacuum-formed stent is filled with provisional acrylic and placed over the prepared teeth and the reinforcing fibers.
318 Fiber Reinforcement Direct Fiber-Reinforced Restorations


FIGURE 12-5, contd E, The provisional restoration is removed and trimmed. F, The provisional restoration is checked for
occlusion. G, The completed provisional bridge is polished and cemented with a suitable provisional cement.

SUGGESTED READINGS Freilich MA, Duncan JP, Meiers JC, Goldberg AJ: Fiber reinforced composites,
Chicago, 1999, Quintessence Publishing.
Aird F: Fiberglass and composite materials, New York, 1996, Berkeley Publishing. Freilich MA, Duncan JP, Meiers JC, Goldberg AJ: Preimpregnated, fiber
Abel MG: Alternative bridge designpart 1, Oral Health 84(3):23-26, 1994. reinforced prostheses. Part I. Basic rationale and complete-coverage and
Abel MG: Alternative bridge designpart 2, Oral Health 84(3):39-40, 1994. intracoronal fixed partial denture designs, Quintessence Int 29:689-696,
Altieri JV, Burstone CJ, Goldberg AJ, Patel AP: Longitudinal clinical 1998.
evaluation of fiber- reinforced composite fixed partial dentures: a pilot Freilich MA, Duncan JP, Meiers JC, Goldberg AJ: Preimpregnated, fiber
study, J Prosthet Dent 71:16-22, 1994. reinforced prostheses. Part II. Direct applications: splints and fixed partial
Belvedere PC: A metal-free single sitting, fiber reinforced composite bridge for dentures, Quintessence Int 29:761-768, 1998.
tooth replacement using the EOS-system, Swiss Dent 11(6):7-18, 1990. Freilich MA, Karmaker AC, Burstone CJ, Goldberg AJ: Development and
Belvedere PC: Single sitting, fiber reinforced fixed bridges for the missing clinical applications of a light-polymerized fiber-reinforced composite,
lateral or central incisors in adolescent patients, Dent Clin North Am J Prosthet Dent 80:311-318, 1998.
42:665-682, 1998. Goldberg CJ, Burstone CJ: Fiber reinforced composites in dentistry [abstract
Belvedere PC, Turner WE: Direct fiber reinforced composite bridges, Dent 638], J Dent Res 70:345, 1991.
Today 21(6):88-94, 2002. Goldberg AJ, Burstone CJ: The use of continuous fiber reinforcement in
Blotter PT: Introduction to engineering, New York, 1981, John Wiley & Sons. dentistry, Dent Mater 3:197-202, 1992.
Buonocore MG: A simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic Goldberg AJ, Burstone CJ, Hadjinikalaou I: Hydrolytic stability of
materials to enamel surfaces, J Dent Res 34:849-853, 1955. continuous glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics [abstract], J Dent Res
Creugers NJH, Kayser AF, Vant Hof MA: A seven and a half year survival 71:313, 1992.
study of resin bonded bridges, J Dent Res 71:1822-1825, 1992. Goldberg AJ, Freilich MA, Haser KA, Audi JH: Flexure properties and fiber
Culy G, Tyas MJ: Direct resin-bonded fiber-reinforced anterior bridges: a architecture of commercial fiber reinforced composites [abstract 967],
clinical report, Aust Dent J 43(1):1-4, Feb 1998. J Dent Res 77:226, 1998.
Eirich FR: Reinforcement of polymers, J Dent Res 46:1193, 1967. Gordon JE: The new science of strong materials: or why you dont fall through the
El-Mowafy OM: Posterior resin-bonded fixed partial denture with a modified floor, Princeton NJ, 1976, Princeton University Press.
retentive design: A clinical report, J Prosthet Dent 80(1):9-11, 1998. Gordon JE: The science of structures and materials, New York, 1988, Scientific
Feinman RA, Flexible ceramic bonding, Dent Econ 82:54-55, Dec 1992. American Books.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 319

Ibsen RL: One appointment technique using an adhesive composite, Dent Stolpa JB: An adhesive technique for small anterior fixed partial dentures,
Surv 49(2):30-32, Feb 1973. J Prosthet Dent 34:513-516, 1975.
Jenkins CBG: Etch retained anterior ponticsa four year study, Br Dent J Targis Technical Report, Ivoclar North America, 175 Pineview Drive,
144:206-208, 1978. Amherst, NY 14228.
Jordan RE, Suzuki M, Sills PS, et al: Temporary fixed partial dentures Turner WE: Direct fiber reinforced composite bridges, Part 1, J Cosmet Dent
fabricated by means of the acid-etch resin technique: a report of 86 cases 16(4):46-50, 2001.
followed up for three years, J Am Dent Assoc 96:994-1001, 1978. Turner WE: Direct fiber reinforced composite bridges, Part 2, J Cosmet Dent
Kelly JR: Perspectives on strength, Dent Mater 11:103-110, Mar 1995. 17(1):56-66, 2001.
Kilfoil BM, Hesby RA, Pelleu GB: The tensile strength of composite resin Vallittu PK: Acrylic resin-fiber compositepart II: The effect of
reinforced with carbon fibers, J Prosthet Dent 50:40-43, 1983. polymerization shrinkage of polymethyl methacrylate applied to
LaVecchia L, Belott R, DeBellis L, Naylor WP: A transitional anterior fixed fiber roving on the transverse strength, J Prosthet Dent 71:613-617,
prosthesis using composite resin, J Prosthet Dent 44:264-266, 1980. 1994.
Malquarti G, Berruet RG, Bois D: Prosthetic use of carbon fiber-reinforced Vallittu PK: A review of fiber reinforced denture base resins, J Prosthodont
epoxy resin for esthetic crowns and fixed partial dentures, J Prosthet Dent 5:270-276, 1996.
63:251-257, 1990. Vallittu PK: The effect of glass fiber reinforcement on the fracture resistance
Manley TR, Bowman AJ, Cook M: Denture bases reinforced with carbon of a provisional fixed partial denture, J Prosthet Dent 79:125-130,
fibers, Br Dent J 146:25, 1979. 1998.
McCreight LR: Overview of fiber composites, J Dent Res 46:1167, 1967. Vallittu PK: The effect of void space and polymerization time on transverse
McIntyre FM: An approach to replacement of maxillary first premolar and strength of acrylic-glass fibre composite, J Oral Rehabil 22:257-261,
lateral incisors in selected cases, J Prosthet Dent 70(2):193-194, 1993. 1995.
Mullarky RH: Aramid fiber reinforcement for acrylic appliances, J Clin Vallittu PK: Lassila VP, Lappalainen R: Acrylic resin-fiber compositepart I:
Orthod 19:655-658, 1985. the effect of fiber concentration on fracture resistance, J Prosthet Dent 71:
Rudo DN, Karbhari VM: Physical behaviors of fiber reinforcement as applied 607-612, 1994.
to tooth stabilization, Dent Clin North Am 43(1):7-35, Jan 1999. Vallittu PK, Lassila VP, Lappalainen R: Transverse strength and fatigue of
Schreiber CK: Polymethyl methacrylate reinforced with carbon fibers, Br Dent denture acrylic-glass fiber composite, Dent Mater 10:116-121, 1994.
J 130:29, 1971. Viguie G, Malquarti G, Vincent, B, Bourgeois D: Epoxy/carbon composite
Schreiber CK: The clinical application of carbon fiber/polymer denture resin, resins in dentistry: Mechanical properties related to fiber reinforcements,
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Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement:

A Unique Treatment Modality
Jonathan Scharf

field. Fiberglass vehicles and boats are lightweight but strong

RELEVANCE OF FIBERS TO because of reinforcement fibers. Most non-metallic items in the
ESTHETIC DENTISTRY sports industry, such as golf clubs and poles for vaulting, are
made of high-performance fiber-reinforced materials.
One of the more popular current trends in dental treatment is Historically, the dental bonding revolution began in 1955
the use of non-metallic restorative materials. Removing metal when Dr. Michael Buonocore published his paper A Simple
from restorations makes them more esthetically pleasing because Method of Increasing the Adhesion of Acrylic Materials to
there is no added bulk from the metal and the non-metallic Enamel Surfaces. A second significant advancement occurred
materials are in general more lifelike in appearance. Non-metallic in 1962 with Dr Ray Bowens development of Bowens
dentistry also allows for alternative techniques. It permits the Formula, which used the bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate
dentist to decide what materials to use as opposed to relying (BIS-GMA) molecule to form the basis for most of the modern
exclusively on the laboratory. Composite resins with internal composite resins used in dentistry. In 1982 porcelain laminate
reinforcement fibers can be directly placed, giving the dentist veneers used in conjunction with silane coupling agents were
control of function and esthetics in the dental office. Dentists introduced commercially to the dental profession. Clinicians
must be careful not to overextend the use of composite resin were now able to take a ceramic material, etch that material,
in stress-bearing areas of the mouth. When using alternative silanate it, and apply composite cement to adhere it to tooth
materials such as composite resins for bridgework to span surfaces. In 1983, Dr. Jeff Golub-Evans used fabric to support
across spaces in the mouth, dentists must be aware that the freestanding composite restorations (Box 12-1). This led to the
materials have more than adequate compressive strength but introduction of the Silk-Wrap concept and the Manhattan
lack tensile and flexural strength. Through incorporation of bridge. The author of this section was teaching ceramic dentistry
fibers for internal reinforcement, additional tensile and flexural and working on a flexible ceramic bonding material at that time.
strength can be achieved, providing successful performance He used an etched, silanated fiberglass to achieve the same type
across long spans. of results that Golub-Evans did with silk-wrapped material and
believed, however, that the ceramic material was stronger, would
hold up better, and exhibited specific properties shown through
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL porcelain veneer technology to be advantageous. In 1992 he
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION introduced the first article on flexible ceramic bonding in the
Journal of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (Direct
OF FIBER REINFORCEMENT Flexible Ceramic BondingA New Treatment Modality),
IN DENTISTRY which discussed the use of etched, silanated E-glass fiber to
internally support all types of unique restorations. In 1993,
The concept of internal reinforcement is not new. In ancient GlasSpan (GlasSpan, Inc., Exton, Pennsylvania), a ceramic fiber
times straw was placed into clay bricks for the creation of the reinforcement material, was released to the dental profession.
pyramids. In the twentieth century, long-span bridges made of Since that time, a number of ceramic and plastic fiber reinforce-
concrete also employed similar reinforcement techniques. Con- ment systems have been made available for use in dentistry,
crete is very much like composite resin and has tremendous allowing fiber reinforcement to be a significant tool in the restor-
compressive strength. However, when spanned across rivers, the ative armamentarium.
material does not exhibit adequate flexural and tensile strength
required to support the structure. Steel girders and steel rods are
placed within the concrete to reinforce the material. Currently, RELATING FUNCTION
internal reinforcement is used with composite structures in the AND ESTHETICS
aerospace and aeronautic industries as well as for automotive
composite structural components, which are used to lighten Composite resins are mostly used for direct techniques. These
and strengthen automobiles. It is common to see composite materials exhibit more than satisfactory compressive strength
structures with internal reinforcing materials in almost every but lack the tensile and flexural strength required to span long

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 321

BOX 12.1 Fiber FolkloreJeff Golub- for immediate application, and the procedures can be accom-
Evans and Fiber Reinforcement plished in one visit.
The technique employs a synergistic effect, taking advantage
One of the more interesting applications of fiber of the compressive strength of the composite and flexural and
reinforcement technology occurred in the early 1980s tensile strength of the fibers to provided more than adequate
in the office of Dr. Jeffrey Golub-Evans, a Manhattan clinical strength to the restorations.
dentist to the stars. The lead singer of an extremely Once the dentist understands how these materials work, they
popular rock band had a concert scheduled on a Saturday are very easy to use. They present an extremely cost-effective
night but was involved in a barroom fight before the alternative for patients who are not good candidates for conven-
show, resulting in two badly fractured central incisors; he tional bridgework. In the event of a partial failure, most are easy
felt unable to perform with his teeth in that condition. to repair. If minimally invasive dentistry and conservatism are a
He sought Dr. Golub-Evans for help. In the early 1980s, treatment objective, fiber-reinforced restorations can be a good
however, there was no known conventional way to extend treatment choice. It should be noted that the technique should
the available types of composite resin to that length be limited to cases where conventional bridgework is not a good
and expect them to remain in place unsupported. Dr. alternative, and, as stated earlier, the dentist must make sure the
Golub-Evans cleverly cut a piece of fabric from a patient does not have unrealistic expectations of the restorations
white t-shirt, soaked it in clear resin, and bonded it to longevity.
the teeth. This formed the matrix upon which he
reconstructed the teeth with toothcolored composite.
The procedure, which worked extremely well, was one of Contraindications
the earliest known applications of fiber reinforcement in There are some contraindications to the use of the internal fiber
dentistry and led to the introduction by Dr. Golub-Evans reinforcement techniques. Overextension is one such contra
of the Silk-Wrap system and the Manhattan Bridge. indication. If the distance to be spanned is too great, there is
an increased chance of restoration failure. Cases need to be
chosen carefully. As with any other dental procedure, if there is
sensitivity to any of the components in the restorationthat
is, the fibrous material, the bonding agents, or the composite
resinthe use of these materials in the patients mouth is con-
distances. Spaces that result when teeth are lost have necessitated traindicated. Significant consideration should be given to patient
the use of alternative splinting approaches. Conventional com- expectations. The dentist must ensure that patients understand
posite resin cannot be stretched across a missing tooth space the life expectancy of the materials and of the restoration itself
without fracturing owing to the lack of flexural and tensile and not have an unrealistic expectation about how long these
strength If an internal fiber is incorporated, it adds enough alternative restorations will last. This is not to imply that they
strength that the material can function successfully. The syner- do not last; three- and four-unit bridges and periodontal splints
gistic effect of the compressive strength from the composite resin placed almost 15 years ago are still functioning properly and are
and the tensile and flexural strength from the internal fiber gives esthetically acceptable.
the dentist a stronger, more functional result.

Fiber reinforcement materials can be broken down into three
GlasSpan fiber-reinforced material has been used successfully for basic groups; there are certain commonalities and differences
at least 15 years. Some of the primary uses for fiber-reinforced among these groups. Ceramic fibers, plastic fibers, and uncon-
materials are periodontal splinting, post-orthodontic retention, ventional types of fibers have been used successfully to internally
trauma splints, re-implantation of avulsed teeth, immediate reinforce dental restorations.
tooth replacements, denture and retainer reinforcement, fiber-
reinforced posts and cores, and the reinforcement of transitional
bridgework, as well as a unique method of space maintenance.
Ceramic Fibers
Ceramic fibers include the following:
GlasSpanan etched, silanated, E-glass fiber that is good
Advantages for most if not all of the applications considered matches
The advantage of any fiber-reinforced material is its profound for fiber reinforcement. The author has used the GlasSpan
effectiveness in the absence of any metallic support. The fibers system to produce all of the restorations mentioned earlier.
offer the same support that is achieved when metallic restora- It employs a clear fiber that attaches both mechanically
tions are used. In addition, the laboratory does not need to be and chemically to the composite resin with which it is
involved in these restorations, so the dentist is in complete paired. It is compatible with most composite and acrylic
control. In addition, most of these procedures are designed resins on the market.
322 Fiber Reinforcement Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement: A Unique Treatment Modality

Splint-It (Pentron Clinical, Wallingford, Connecticut)a the material no longer imparts the required tensile strength to
resin-coated glass fiber. It is not etched or silanated, but the restoration. Ceramic materials are much more dimensionally
it is pre-impregnated with clear resin. It is appropriate for stable than plastic materials and do not creep and elongate under
general use. the stresses and pressures of chewing. For that reason, they
Fiber-Splint (Polydentia SA, Switzerland)a relatively provide the required amount of tensile strength over time for
unknown ceramic fiber appropriate for general use. It is long-term success. GlasSpan is the only ceramic fiber reinforce-
not used by many dentists but is cited for historical ment material that has a patented etched and silanated surface
purposes. treatmentvery much like a porcelain veneer. It ensures a con-
Stick Tech (Stick Tech Ltd, Turku, Finland)a resin- tinuous, strong bonded attachment to the composite resin in
coated, glass fiber that has a propensity to be cost prohibi- which it is embedded.
tive. Its cost can make it more appropriate to use Generally, ceramic materials exhibit lower absorption and do
conventional dental procedures when finances enter into not wick. Wicking is the phenomenon that draws moisture into
the diagnostic decision-making process. the fiber and permits it to enter the restoration, increasing the
Targis and Ventris (Ivoclar Vivadent, Amherst, New York) potential for failure. Should any of the fibers become exposed
and Sculpture and FibreKor (Pentron Clinical)labora- because of chewing or partial fracture, ceramic fibers will not
tory fibers often used as internal reinforcement for labora- wick water moisture into the restoration. Plastic fibers exhibit a
tory restorations. certain amount of wicking. If the fibers become exposed to the
surface, there is the potential for moisture to enter the restora-
tion internally, causing it to fail.
Plastic Fibers Ceramic materials have a much higher melting point, so it is
Plastic fibers include the following: possible for dentists to post-cure them in a heating oven. This
Ribbond (Ribbond Corporation, Seattle, Washington)a is particularly useful if the dentist would like to increase the
plasma-coated polyethylene fiber for general use. strength, longevity and polishability of direct bridge pontics by
Connect (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California)open- heat processing. Most plastic fibers cannot withstand the heat
weave polyethylene ribbon. required, so ceramic fibers are considerably more desirable if
post-curing and heating are part of the restorative process.
In the future, it is expected that some very high-performance
ceramic fibers will be developed that can be embedded into
Other Types of Fibers and Applications porcelain restorations and fired at extremely high temperatures
The third category of fibers is less well-known: without melting. One such ceramic material, Astroquartz (JPS
Fibreflex (BioComp, Ventura, California)a Kevlar fiber. Composite Materials Corporation, Anderson, South Carolina),
Kevlar is a yellow, opaque material that is especially useful is an example of a fiber that can withstand extremely high heat
in non-esthetic areas. It works extremely well as an orth- and shows promise in this area. Plastic materials, on the other
odontic appliance reinforcement or as a repair material hand, cannot be heated to the same extent because their melting
because it is extremely strong. points are considerably lower. One consideration when cutting
C-POST (Bisco, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois)the origi- some of the ceramic fibers is their slight memory, or inclina-
nal material (carbon) was black. When all-ceramic crowns tion to unwind. The dentist must place a small amount of clear
are used on top of a C-POST, the challenge is trying to bonding resin and light-cure at the cutting point to prevent this
mask the black color. As a result, the use of the C-POST effect. Once the dentist understands the technique, it presents
was rather limited, especially in the smile zone. no real obstacle.
Fiber-Post (Pentron Clinical)a material that was con As a group, plastic materials have the advantages of being
sidered an improvement over the carbon fiber post. It is esthetic, strong, and biocompatible. Some also include a surface
a glass fiber post that is neutral in color. It improves treatment to improve the adhesion to the composite resin.
the esthetic results when compared with metallic posts. Ribbond has a plasma-coated surface treatment that ensures a
Another advantage of the Fiber-Post is that it has more strong bond to the composite resin. However, plastic materials
toothlike flexural characteristics than metal posts, reduc- can be dimensionally unstable and exhibit creep, as previously
ing the chance of tooth fracture during placement. noted. In addition, these materials have potentially a high water
absorption rate. If the fibers become exposed to the surface or
if there is a partial fracture, they can wick and allow internal
Advantages and Disadvantages contamination with saliva. If wicking occurs, it can cause failure
One of the advantages of ceramics is that they are esthetic mate- of the restoration. Furthermore, plastics lower melting point
rials, strong enough to support most of the restorations described. somewhat restricts the ability to heat process these materials. The
They are biocompatible materials and, most important, dimen- plasma coating on the Ribbond cannot be touched with fingers
sionally stable. Ceramic materials do not exhibit a characteristic or with saliva because once it is contaminated it must be dis-
called creep, a phenomenon that occurs when a fiber is stretched carded. Ribbond is more difficult to cut than some of the other
from point A to point B and a load is placed on it. Elongation materials, requiring a special pair of scissors included with the
of the material under that pressure is creep. Once creep occurs, kit, or a stainless steel razor blade.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 323

Kevlar has the distinct advantage of being extremely strong when these types of restorations have been placed. The patient
one of the strongest fibers available. Its disadvantage is that it is needs to understand the importance of a routine professional
a yellow material that is un-esthetic and cannot be used in maintenance schedule in order to monitor the integrity of these
esthetic areas. It is useful to reinforce orthodontic retainers. restorations as well as their overall oral health. If the patient
Carbon is also very strong and exhibits tremendous dimen- does not need to significantly alter his or her lifestyle or eating
sional stability. Because of its black color, it is un-esthetic and habits, the treatment approach was appropriate and mainte-
can be used only in areas not requiring acceptable esthetics. nance should not be difficultthe restoration can be considered
a success.

During the past 15 years the author, Dr. Scharf, has taken an
empirical approach toward reviewing and observing the clinical A sufficient number of these restorations have been placed utiliz-
success of the fiber reinforcement technique. Multiple restora- ing these techniques, leaving no question that there is an advan-
tions placed by Dr. Scharf as well as thousands by other notable tage to using internal fiber reinforcement where indicated. Most
clinicians in every category have resulted in overwhelming clini- of the controversy relates to the choice of material. Ultimately,
cal success and patient satisfaction with a minimal failure rate. the successes of these techniques far outweigh the controversy
of which material to use. It is important to realize that
fiber reinforcement is a great addition to the dental armamen-
CLINICAL CONSERVATION tarium that allows the dentist to perform procedures that are
CONCEPTS otherwise difficult or impossible. The choice of material is basi-
cally an individual decision based on the clinicians personal
The concept of fiber reinforcement is consistent with a mini- preference.
mally invasive dental approach. Many of these restorations
can be placed extracoronally if they do not interfere with
the patients occlusion. This makes tooth reduction completely
unnecessary. Even when intracoronal placement is required, NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
minimal preparation will usually be sufficient owing to the avail-
ability of ultra-thin tape configurations offered by a number of The use of specific high-performance fibers such as Astroquartz
fiber reinforcement manufacturers. is being tested. Astroquartz is a flexible quartz fiber that has a
melting point high enough to allow porcelain to be fired around
it. Potentially, the laboratory may be able to use porcelain
MAINTENANCE pontics fired in an oven with internal fiber reinforcement and
fiber wings. Thus a fiber-reinforced, laboratory-fabricated, indi-
Proper home care instruction, including the use of floss thread- rect bridge with porcelain as opposed to composite pontics
ers where teeth have been connected together, and routine office becomes a possibility.
checkups are part of an appropriate dental regimen, especially Text continued on p. 336

C A S E 1 Fabrication of the GlasSpan Natural Tooth Bridge

Recycling of tooth structure is uniquely consistent with the philosophy of preserving the natural dentition.
When extraction becomes necessary because of diseased roots, the use of a GlasSpan natural tooth bridge offers
many advantages. The natural tooth bridge fits easily into the available space and is shaped and shaded to blend
properly with existing dentition. Also, the emotional loss felt by some patients is minimized because the visible
portion of the natural tooth is retained.
The natural tooth bridge technique has been simplified and the long-term prognosis greatly improved through
the development of the GlasSpan fiber reinforcement system, which uses flexible ceramic ropes and tapes.
GlasSpan includes a special surface treatment, allowing it to easily bond to and strengthen dental restorative
Components of the system are supplied in a kit (Figure 12-6, A) that includes 12 flexible-strength members
in four braided rope and tape configurations (Figure 12-6, B), sufficient for 12 applications. Custom kits are also
available. A 20-page illustrated manual provides detailed instructions for various chairside and laboratory pro-
cedures such as post-orthodontic retention, periodontal splinting, immediate replacement of lost or missing
teeth, transitional implant bridges, and construction of a natural tooth bridge. The natural tooth bridge is espe-
cially useful for transitional tooth replacement when financial considerations prohibit placement of permanent
fixed bridgework.

Continued on next page

324 Fiber Reinforcement Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement: A Unique Treatment Modality

C A S E 1 Fabrication of the GlasSpan Natural Tooth Bridge (contd)

This 37-year-old female patient had several complaints, including pain, inflammation, and suppuration sur-
rounding her maxillary left lateral incisor (Figure 12-6, C). Radiographic examination (Figure 12-6, D) revealed
advanced external resorption, leaving the tooth with a hopeless prognosis. The patient exhibited extreme anxiety
over losing the tooth and wanted to save as much of it as possible, so placement of a GlasSpan natural tooth
bridge became the treatment of choice.
After careful tooth extraction, the surgical flap was tightly sutured to prevent fluid contamination of the
operative field (Figure 12-6, E). It is important to preserve the buccal plate of bone for maximum esthetics.
Examination of the tooth revealed severe destruction caused by external resorption (Figure 12-6, F).
A measurement was made to determine the length of the natural tooth to be saved (Figure 12-6, G and H).
The granulation tissue was dbrided from the area of resorption, and the root was removed at the determined
length (Figure 12-6, I). The tooth structure lost to the resorptive process was reconstructed using a restorative
composite resin. These procedures produced an ovate-shaped pontic that presents a more natural emergence
profile from the ridge. A channel was cut into the lingual surface of the natural tooth pontic (Figure 12-6, J ).


FIGURE 12-6 A, The GlasSpan fiber reinforcement system. B, Flexible strength members in braided rope and tape con-
figurations. C, Inflammation and suppuration surrounding patients maxillary left lateral incisor. D, Radiograph showing
advanced external resorption.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 325

C A S E 1 Fabrication of the GlasSpan Natural Tooth Bridge (contd)

A GlasSpan rope was selected to reinforce the bridge (Figure 12-6, K). The portion of ceramic rope to receive
the pontic was treated with a flowable composite resin and left uncured. A layer of hybrid composite resin was
placed into the pontics channel. The rope was seated and then completely covered over with a second layer of
composite resin (Figure 12-6, L). This was polymerized using a visible light-curing unit. The ceramic ropes extend-
ing from each side of the natural pontic served as attachments to adjacent natural dentition and remained
untreated at this time (Figure 12-6, M).
Class III preparations were made on the adjacent teeth to ready them for placement of the rope attachments
(Figure 12-6, N). A try-in of the natural tooth bridge confirmed proper fit and adequate tooth preparation. The
two rope attachments were treated with a flowable composite resin and left uncured. The abutment tooth




FIGURE 12-6, contd E, After tooth extraction, tightly sutured surgical flap that prevents fluid contamination in the
operative field. F, Extracted tooth showing severe destruction caused by external resorption. G and H, Measurement
determines the length of the natural tooth to be saved. I, The tooth structure lost to the resorptive process reconstructed
using a restorative composite resin. An ovate-shaped pontic was produced that gives a more natural emergence profile from
the ridge. J, Channel cut into the lingual surface of the natural tooth pontic.
Continued on next page
326 Fiber Reinforcement Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement: A Unique Treatment Modality

C A S E 1 Fabrication of the GlasSpan Natural Tooth Bridge (contd)

surfaces to receive the attachments were treated with an adhesive bonding system. A layer of hybrid composite
resin was placed into the class III preparations, and the bridge was seated (Figure 12-6, O). The rope attachments
were completely covered over with an additional layer of composite resin. This was again polymerized using a
visible light-curing unit. After the occlusion was checked and adjusted, conventional fluted carbides, interproxi-
mal carvers, and polishing agents were used to open embrasures, provide acceptable contours, and impart a
final surface luster to the restoration (Figure 12-6, P). Although wound healing still needed to take place (Figure
12-6, Q), the patient was instructed in the proper use of floss threaders and other oral hygiene procedures for
cleaning the natural tooth bridge.
Final finishing and polishing of the restoration were performed 2 weeks postoperatively (Figure 12-6, R and
S). The final treatment result (Figure 12-6, T and U) is both natural in appearance and satisfying to the patient.



FIGURE 12-6, contd K and L, GlasSpan rope reinforces the bridge. M, Ceramic ropes extending from each side of the
natural pontic serve as attachments to adjacent natural dentition. N, Class III preparations made on the adjacent teeth to
ready them for placement of the rope attachments.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 327

C A S E 1 Fabrication of the GlasSpan Natural Tooth Bridge (contd)



FIGURE 12-6, contd O, A layer of hybrid composite resin placed into the class III preparations and the bridge seated.
Results immediately after treatment. P, Occlusion adjusted and contouring of the restoration. Q, Final finishing and polish-
ing of the restoration performed 2 weeks postoperatively. R and S, Final treatment results shown.
328 Fiber Reinforcement Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement: A Unique Treatment Modality

C A S E 2 Simplified Trauma Splints Using the GlasSpan Single Use Trauma Kit
Rapid stabilization and fixation of traumatized or avulsed teeth are often critical to their long-term prognosis.
Immediate placement of a trauma splint on injured teeth is often needed to facilitate healing as well as improve
the patients comfort level when eating. Traditional methods using metal ligating wire in conjunction with com-
posite resin are time-consuming and uncomfortable for the patient and potentially create more trauma in already
compromised teeth. A simplified trauma splint may be fabricated using the GlasSpan Single Use Trauma Kit.
This 46-year-old female patient had fallen and struck her face on a hard floor. Her chief complaint was that
her upper front teeth were painful and loose. Clinical examination revealed mobility in the maxillary centrals
and laterals, with no apparent fractures of the clinical crowns of these teeth. Radiographic examination con-
firmed the absence of any fractured roots. The treatment of choice was stabilization of these teeth using the
GlasSpan Single Use Trauma Kit.
The GlasSpan Trauma Kit (Figure 12-7, A) uses bondable ceramic ropes to give exceptional flexural and tensile
strength to a flowable composite resin, which allows the clinician to quickly and easily stabilize injured teeth.
Components of the system are supplied in a kit that includes two flexible strength members (15cm) in a hollow
braided rope configuration, sufficient for stabilizing two arches, as well as a self-etch adhesive, a light-cured
nanohybrid flowable composite resin, an applicator brush, a syringe tip, and illustrated instructions (Figure 12-7,
B). The GlasSpan etch-bond is a one-step adhesive particularly useful for this technique because it can be placed
in a moist environment, which is often the case when there is a trauma situation. The GlasSpan flowable, light-
cured, nanohybrid composite is uniquely suited to the splinting technique, especially in conjunction with the
specially designed GlasSpan injectable, hollow braided rope material.
A piece of GlasSpan rope was cut and measured to the desired length using sharp scissors (Figure 12-7, C ).
The dentist must be sure to remove the end binders on both ends of the GlasSpan so the cut ends unravel
(Figure 12-7, D), facilitating injection of the flowable resin into the GlasSpan rope. A needle tip was placed on
the tube of GlasSpan flowable composite resin and inserted 2 to 3mm into one end of the hollow GlasSpan
rope (Figure 12-7, E). The composite was injected until it extruded from the other end of the rope, ensuring
complete wetting of the ceramic fibers internally (Figure 12-7, F ). The external surface of the GlasSpan rope
was then completely covered with the flowable composite (Figure 12-7, G) and set aside, protected from light.
Clinical note: Do not light polymerize at this time.
The foil cover of the GlasSpan etch-bond is penetrated using the applicator brush (Figure 12-7, H). The etch-
bond was applied with the applicator brush onto the wet enamel and dentinal surfaces (Figure 12-7, I) to receive
the splint and agitated for 30 seconds. A gentle air stream was used for 10 seconds to thin the adhesive and
then polymerized for 10 seconds (Figure 12-7, J ). A bead of GlasSpan flowable composite resin was placed on
the tooth surfaces to receive the splint (Figure 12-7, K ). Clinical note: Do not polymerize at this time. The treated
GlasSpan rope was then placed onto the teeth against the beads of composite and polymerized for 20 seconds
on each tooth (Figure 12-7, L). Additional flowable composite resin was applied over the GlasSpan rope to cover
all exposed fibers and light polymerized for an additional 20 seconds for each tooth (Figure 12-7, M). The
completed splint required about 15 minutes of chair time (Figure 12-7, N). The patient experienced immediate
relief and was able to eat normally during the healing period until the teeth were restabilized. Removal of the
splint was easily accomplished 3 weeks later using multifluted carbides in a high-speed handpiece with water
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 329

C A S E 2 Simplified Trauma Splints Using the GlasSpan Single Use Trauma Kit (contd)




FIGURE 12-7 A, The GlasSpan Trauma Kit. B, Components of trauma kit. Top to bottom, Applicator brush, self-etch
adhesive (left), syringe tip (right), GlasSpan rope container, two flexible strength members (15cm) in a hollow braided
rope configuration, and light-cured nanohybrid flowable composite resin. C, A piece of GlasSpan rope cut to the desired
length using sharp scissors. D, End binder removed from the GlasSpan rope. Open end facilitates the injection of flowable
resin. E, Needle tip placed on the tube of GlasSpan flowable composite resin and inserted 2 to 3mm into one end of the
hollow GlasSpan rope. F, Composite injected until it extruded from the other end of the rope. G, The external surface of
the GlasSpan rope completely covered with the flowable composite. H, Foil cover of the GlasSpan etch-bond penetrated
using the applicator brush. I, Etch-bond applied with the applicator brush onto the wet enamel and dentinal surfaces
to receive the splint. J, A gentle air stream used for 10 seconds to thin the adhesive; the adhesive is polymerized for
10 seconds. K, A bead of GlasSpan flowable composite resin placed on the teeth surfaces to receive the splint. L, Treated
GlasSpan rope placed onto the teeth against the beads of composite and polymerized for 20 seconds on each tooth.
M, Additional flowable composite resin applied over the GlasSpan rope to cover all exposed fibers. It is light polymerized
for an additional 20 seconds for each tooth. N, The completed splint.
Continued on next page
330 Fiber Reinforcement Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement: A Unique Treatment Modality

C A S E 2 Simplified Trauma Splints Using the GlasSpan Single Use Trauma Kit (contd)





FIGURE 12-7, contd

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 331

C A S E 3 Combination Splinting with Tooth and Soft Tissue Replacement, Direct

and Indirect Method
The primary presurgical prosthetic management objectives in the periodontal patient include the stabilization of
mobile teeth, the replacement of lost or missing teeth, and the esthetic correction of defects resulting from
previous surgery, trauma, or the disease process itself. This case demonstrates the use of a number of dental
restoratives used in a unique way to achieve these objectives.
The GlasSpan fiber reinforcement system, composed of silane-treated etched-glass fiber ropes and tapes,
served to strengthen the periodontal splint made from composite resin, while eliminating the need for unsightly
cast-metal or bent-wire support in the final restoration. It also served as a matrix on which a pontic was con-
structed. The pontic was fabricated indirectly in the laboratory using a conventional posterior composite resin.
The high melting point of the GlasSpan ceramic fiber allowed the pontic to be heat-cured under pressure to
increase its surface hardness. A gingiva-colored composite resin was bonded directly to the tooth surfaces where
recession had occurred and incorporated into the tissue base of the pontic to replace lost alveolar ridge tissue.
The case description that follows is intended to provide the clinician with an insight as to the usefulness of these
contemporary materials and techniques and how they may simplify the challenges commonly encountered
during the presurgical prosthetic management phase of comprehensive periodontal therapy or alternative
therapy if required.
A 61-year-old female patient reported discomfort in the upper right quadrant caused by mobility of her
second bicuspid tooth with chewing (Figure 12-8, A). Clinical and radiographic examination revealed that the
tooth, although exhibiting a mobility degree of 2, had sufficient support to warrant inclusion in a future per-
manent prosthesis but would benefit from immediate stabilization (Figure 12-8, B). The first and second bicus-
pids, which demonstrated areas of gingival recession, cervical erosion, and previously placed restorations with
current decay on their facial surfaces, were un-esthetically long in appearance. The upper right first molar
tooth was missing, and the second molar was heavily restored with amalgam.
During the first clinical visit the following were obtained: an alginate impression of the arch to be restored,
a counter-impression for indirect laboratory fabrication of the transitional bridge, and a bite registration (Figure
12-8, C).
The shades for the pontic and soft tissue base were selected at this time (Figure 12-8, D). Lumin A-3.5 was
chosen for the pontic, and, using the Gingiblend shade guide, it was determined that the medium gingiva-toned
composite was the closest shade to the adjacent attached gingiva. By adding a white modifier, a more exact
shade match to the natural soft tissue was achieved. A test sample was mixed and polymerized on a toothpick
to confirm the suitability of the color blend. The impressions were poured. Clinical note: All subsequent steps
in the prosthesis fabrication can be completed by the dentist or by a laboratory technician.
In the laboratory the models were mounted and articulated. The location of the attachments was marked
with a pencil (Figure 12-8, E). The abutment teeth were prepared on the model to accept a continuous strand
of GlasSpan rope (Figure 12-8, F and G). This may be a straight channel, horseshoe-shaped channel, or class II
preparation. The GlasSpan rope was placed into the preparation on the model and tacked into the pontic area
with a flowable composite resin (Figure 12-8, H). The free ends of the GlasSpan were trimmed away (Figure
12-8, I). The entire portion of the GlasSpan to receive the pontic was also treated with a clear resin and a coating
of porcelain veneer luting paste (Figure 12-8, J). The pontic was constructed directly on the rope using a posterior
composite resin (Figure 12-8, K). For this purpose, an auto-cure, light-cure, or heat-processed resin restorative
system may be used. As the GlasSpan will accept all composite and acrylic resins, the technician is free to choose
the system with which he or she is most familiar or that is already available in the laboratory.
The tissue base for the pontic was created from the previously determined shade mix of gingival-colored
composite resin. Owing to tooth shifting, the available space permitted a pontic with the mesio-distal dimension
approximating that of a bicuspid (Figure 12-8, L and M).
During the second clinical visit, local anesthesia was administered to ensure patient comfort. Although
occlusal channels or class II preparations are generally suitable for receiving the GlasSpan rope, the second molar,
with an extensive amalgam restoration and recurrent decay, required more extensive preparation (Figure 12-8,
N). Try-in of the GlasSpan splint and bridge combination confirmed proper fit and ridge adaptation as well as
adequate tooth preparation, good shade match, and sufficient extension of the GlasSpan support material
(Figure 12-8, O). The second molar was etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 10 to 15 seconds, and a dental
adhesive was placed. The lost tooth structure was restored using a tooth-colored posterior composite resin. A
channel was made in the occlusal surface of the composite to receive the GlasSpan rope. A depression was also
placed in the composite extending from the existing soft tissue margin on the labial surface to the level at which

Continued on next page

332 Fiber Reinforcement Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement: A Unique Treatment Modality

C A S E 3 Combination Splinting with Tooth and Soft Tissue Replacement, Direct

and Indirect Method (contd)
the new gingival border was to be created. This was filled with the previously chosen shade of gingival-colored
composite and then light cured.
The flexible attachments of the bridge were treated with the appropriate resins as previously described (Figure
12-8, P). Tooth surfaces were prepared using a dental bonding adhesive (Figure 12-8, Q). A layer of posterior
composite was placed on the floor of the tooth preparation, and the bridge was seated into place (Figure 12-8,
R). The patient was asked to bite down to help position the bridge while the composite was light cured. The




FIGURE 12-8 Pre-treatment clinical photo (A) and radiograph (B) show the first and second bicuspids with areas of
gingival recession, cervical erosion, and previously placed restorations with decay on their facial surfaces. They are
un-esthetically long in appearance. The upper right first molar tooth is missing and the second molar heavily restored
with amalgam. C, Alginate impression stone model of the arch to be restored (top left), counter-impression for indirect
laboratory fabrication of the transitional bridge (top right), and bite registration (bottom). D, Shade guide used to select
correct color for the pontic. E, Location of the attachments marked on the model with a pencil. F, Abutment teeth prepared
on the model for fiber reinforcement.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 333

C A S E 3 Combination Splinting with Tooth and Soft Tissue Replacement, Direct

and Indirect Method (contd)
GlasSpan attachments were completely covered over with restorative composite resin to the level of the occlusal
surfaces, which were then polymerized with a curing light (Figure 12-8, S). The occlusion was checked and
adjusted (Figure 12-8, T). Conventional fluted carbides, interproximal carvers, and polishing agents were used
to open embrasures, provide acceptable contours, and impart a final surface luster to the restoration (Figure
12-8, U).
The existing restorations were removed from the facial surfaces of the bicuspid teeth, and the recurrent decay
was excavated (Figure 12-8, V). To eliminate the long appearance of the teeth and establish a more pleasing




FIGURE 12-8, contd G, A continuous strand of GlasSpan rope forced into the prepared teeth in the mode. H and I,
The GlasSpan rope placed into the preparation on the model and tacked into the pontic area with a flowable composite
resin (H). The free ends of the GlasSpan trimmed away (I) and the entire portion of the GlasSpan to receive the pontic
treated with a clear resin and a coating of porcelain veneer luting paste. J, The pontic constructed directly on the rope
using a posterior composite resin. K, Tissue base for the pontic created from the previously determined shade mix of
gingiva-colored composite resin. L and M, The pontic has the mesio-distal dimension approximating that of a bicuspid.
Continued on next page
334 Fiber Reinforcement Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement: A Unique Treatment Modality

C A S E 3 Combination Splinting with Tooth and Soft Tissue Replacement, Direct

and Indirect Method (contd)
balance between crown length and soft tissue height, a combination of tooth and gingival-colored composite
was used as previously described (Figure 12-8, W and X). Fluted carbides followed by composite polishing paste
(Figure 12-8, Y ) provided a final contour and luster to the composite surfaces.
The esthetic result successfully eliminated mobility in the quadrant and offered a unique method of tooth
replacement (Figure 12-8, Z ). This restoration has remained clinically intact and esthetically pleasing for 15 years
at the time of this writing.




FIGURE 12-8, contd N, Teeth prepared for receiving the GlasSpan rope. The second molar, with an extensive amalgam
restoration and recurrent decay, required more extensive preparation. O, Try-in of the GlasSpan splint and bridge combi-
nation. This confirmed proper fit and ridge adaptation, adequate tooth preparation, good shade match, and sufficient
extension of the GlasSpan support material. P, The flexible attachments of the bridge treated with the appropriate resins.
Q, Tooth surfaces prepared using a dental bonding adhesive. R, A layer of posterior composite placed on the floor of the
tooth preparation and the bridge seated into place.
C A S E 3 Combination Splinting with Tooth and Soft Tissue Replacement, Direct
and Indirect Method (contd)





FIGURE 12-8, contd S, GlasSpan attachments completely covered over and the preparations filled with restorative com-
posite resin. T, Fluted carbide used to provide proper contours. U, The restoration showing the final anatomy and luster
of occlusal surface. V, Existing restorations removed from the facial surfaces of the bicuspid teeth and recurrent decay
excavated. W and X, Combination of tooth (W) and gingiva-colored composite (X) used to eliminate the long appear-
ance of the teeth and establish a more pleasing balance between crown length and soft tissue height. Y, Composite polishing
paste used to provide a final contour and luster to the composite on facial surfaces. Z, The completed restoration.
336 Fiber Reinforcement Ceramic Fiber Reinforcement: A Unique Treatment Modality

SUGGESTED READINGS Scharf J: Fabricating a fiber-reinforced post and core using GlasSpan ceramic
fibers by GlasSpan, Inc., Dent Prod Rep 31:22-23, 1997.
Abel M: The GlasSpan splint, ASDA Today 1:3, Winter 1994. Scharf, J: Fabricating fiber-reinforced space maintainers using GlasSpan
Feinman RA: Flexible ceramic bonding, Dent Econom 82(12):54-55, 1992. bondable ceramic fibers by GlasSpan, Dent Prod Rep 33:126, 1999.
Feinman RA: Periodontal splinting alternatives or periodontal splinting with Scharf J: Fabrication of a flexible ceramic bonded bridge, Dent Prod Rep
flexible ceramic bonding, Dent Today 13(10):94-95, 1994. 26:26-27, 1992.
Feinman RA: The aesthetic composite bridge, Pract Periodont Aesthet Dent Scharf J: Fabrication of a GlasSpan Reinforced Protemp Transitional Bridge by
9(1):85-89, 1997. GlasSpan, Inc. and ESPE Premier, Dent Prod Rep 29:14-15, 1995.
Feinman RA, Nash R, Singer B: Flexible ceramic bonding, Dent Today 12:56, Scharf J: Fabrication of the GlasSpan Natural Tooth Bridge by GlasSpan, Inc.,
58-59, 1993. Dental Products Report Europe, November 1994.
Golub JE: The Manhattan bridgea new silk-wrap technique, N Y J Dent Scharf J: Laboratory fabricated GlasSpan bridge, Dent Prod Rep 31, 1997.
56(6):226-228, 1986. Scharf J: Presurgical prosthetic management of the periodontal patienta
Golub JE: The silk wrap technique for composite bonding, N Y State Dent J modern approach, Alpha Omegan 87(4):17-25, 1994.
53(5):28-30, 1987. Scharf J: The Indirect GlasSpan bridge, Trends Tech Vol. 10 24-25, November
Scharf J: Denture and orthodontic repair utilizing GlasSpan fiber- 1993.
reinforcement material by GlasSpan, Inc., Dent Prod Rep 14, August 1998. Scharf J: Trauma splints using GlasSpan reinforcement fibers and Revolution
Scharf J: Direct flexible ceramic bonding, Dent Today 11(2):58-59, 1992. Flowable Composite, Dent Prod Rep 30(18), April 1996.
Scharf J: Direct flexible ceramic bonding: a new treatment modality, J Am Singer B: Intracoronal esthetic splinting, Compendium 17(5):458-468,
Acad Cosmet Dent 7:1, 14-16, 1992. 1996.
C H A P T E R 13

Glass Ionomer Restoratives

Carlos A. Munoz-Viveros

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC ionomers can recharge any lost fluoride (i.e., add fluoride
DENTISTRY back into the restorations for subsequent release) by exposing
the surfaces to fluoride ion sources such as fluoride-containing
Although glass ionomer restoratives are not highly esthetic, they toothpastes, fluoride mouthrinses, or topical fluorides. This
are considered the material of choice for class V lesions in temporarily boosts the fluoride concentration, but unfortu-
patients at high risk for caries and erosion lesions. They are also nately the boosted levels are not high enough for even a
used in deciduous class I and II restorations. Glass ionomers in short time to be considered clinically efficacious as an anti-
general are tooth colored but rather opaque in appearance. caries therapy.
Esthetically they are inferior to conventional resin composites,
but they offer the advantages of providing adhesion and fluoride
release. The physical properties of glass ionomers tend to be infe-
rior to those of resin composites, so they cannot be used for large Glass ionomers are useful for posterior class II restorations, class
restorations or cavities that will be subjected to occlusal forces. II restorations prepared using the open sandwich technique
(placed in the proximal box of a preparation at the cementum
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL and dentin interface), and carious or noncarious class V restora-
tions. They also serve as pit and fissure sealants and in atraumatic
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION restorative technique (ART) restorations.
Glass ionomers were developed in the 1970s by mixing silicate
cement with polyacrylic acid. They set via an acid-base chemical Glass ionomers should not be used in stress-bearing restorations
reaction. They bond chemically to enamel and dentin. Glass or areas where esthetics is a concern. Large class II, class III, and
ionomers are supplied as a liquid and powder system. class IV restorations are better handled with other materials.
Because of the poor physical properties of glass ionomers, in
the late 1980s resin-modified glass ionomers were introduced.
They have an acid-base reaction in addition to free radical MATERIAL OPTIONS
polymerization, either light or chemically activated. These
refined materials (also called hybrid ionomer cements) offer better
physical properties, are easier to finish, and set on demand. Conventional glass ionomers offer many biotherapeutic advan-
In the early 1990s compomers were developed to mimic tages (Table 13-1). They provide long term release of fluoride
resins. These can be used with conventional dental adhesive ions, ability to bond to tooth structure and are very biocompat-
systems. A liquid water-free polyacid monomer is used in place ible. Because they posses a coefficient of thermal expansion
of the polyacrylic acid. Compomers bond and set like composite similar to tooth structure, they are able to provide excellent mar-
systems. Initially they release fluoride but that diminishes with ginal seal around the preparation. They have adequate strength
time. Compomers are fairly popular in pediatric cases. In the and release fluoride. These materials are not very expensive.
late 1990s metal-reinforced glass ionomers were introduced for
use as core buildups. These contain a silver alloy admix.
Despite the long term release of fluoride, glass ionomers have
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS limited clinical applications. Compared with other restorative
materials, glass ionomers are less durable, harder to finish,
Although the caries-inhibiting effect of glass ionomers has sensitive to changes in its water content and not very esthetic.
been established, their clinical effectiveness has been questioned It is also necessary to use a protective glazing coat over the
because of their relatively short clinical durability. Glass surface.

338 Glass Ionomer Restoratives

TABLE 13-1 Representative Glass Ionomers and Modified Glass Ionomers

Ketac-Fil+ Fuji II LC Dyract eXtra (DENTSPLY Caulk) Ketac Silver Vitrebond Plus
Ketac-Molar Fuji Filling LC Hytac Aplitip (3M ESPE) (3M ESPE)
(3M ESPE) (GC America) (3M ESPE) Fuji Lining LC
Fuji II Vitremer Compoglass F (Ivoclar Vivadent) (GC America)
Fuji IX Photac-Fil Quick
Fuji Triage Ketac Nano
(GC America) (3M ESPE)

Current Best Approach treatment should be based on the interpretation of the activity
of the lesion and risk assessment. For example, patients are living
It is best to use resin-modified glass ionomers for general restor- longer, and an increasingly larger number are taking medications
ative procedures. that decrease salivary flow. This increases the potential for
rampant caries: a thorough assessment of the caries activity, oral
hygiene, and risk assessment should be fully evaluated before
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS deciding on a non-invasive or invasive restorative option.

Highly viscous glass ionomer materials are useful for ART

The dentist begins with rubber dam isolation. A traditional
Scientific Elements preparation with no bevels is performed, including small reten-
The original glass ionomers developed in the 1970s are still on tive undercuts if needed. Otherwise no retention is needed. Any
the market. Over the years, several improved versions have been unsupported enamel is removed.
introduced during the past 30 years. More recently a new gen-
eration of high-strength glass ionomers has been developed.
These materials are very popular especially for use on children
and older aldults. The cavity is cleaned with polyacrylic acid and rinsed. The
matrix is applied, followed by the restorative material. The res-
toration can be either light cured or allowed to harden.
Technological Elements
Encapsulated versions make this material easier to use. Auto
mix syringe versions have recently been introduced to the
marketplace. is the new generation of glass ionomers allows the practitioner
to contour and polish the material immediately. However, place-
ment procedures that minimize the need to finish and polish
TREATMENT PLANNING glass ionomers should be used. Several manufacturers provide a
resin-based protective coating to be applied over the restoration
Options after finishing.
Glass ionomers are the ideal materials for older individuals with
decreased salivary flow, individuals with poor oral hygiene, and
persons with disabilities. These materials are also being used as
a liner under resin composite restorations, a base, a core build-up, CLINICAL CONSERVATION
and in individuals who are a high risk for developing carious CONCEPTS
As new materials are developed, it becomes increasingly difficult
to choose the most appropriate material for a particular clinical
Sequence situation. Currently there are no specific clinical guidelines, and
Case evaluation is very important. Traditionally, radiographic no long-term, evidence-based clinical studies are available. The
evidence of demineralization was the main decision process physical properties of current glass ionomers, especially their
for placing a restoration. Modern research has shown that the poor wear resistance, limit the use of these materials.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 339


FIGURE 13-1 A, Microleakage observed on class II restorations in a high-risk caries patient. B, Removal of existing restoration
and preparation. C, One-year postoperative view of glass ionomer restoration. D, Glass ionomer class V restorations after 1 year.
Note the loss of gloss on the restoration surface.


In general, glass ionomer cements need to be replaced more The senior patient in Figure 13-1 had recurrent caries under
often than conventional resins. However, newer generation of restorations. Physical examination revealed poor oral hygiene
glass ionomers have shown to be successful after 10 years of and mild xerostomia. There were several recurrent lesions, some
clinical use. of which were located subgingivally. Esthetics was not an issue.
It was determined that amalgam, resins, and flowables were not
suitable for this situation.
CONTROVERSIES The treatment plan was to remove the old restorations
and any recurrent carious lesions. After removal of the old
There is insufficient clinical documentation to show that glass restoration and re-shaping the preparation, the cavity was
ionomers are a viable permanent option for long-term use. cleaned with a mild acid. The new restoration was placed,
Manufacturers are developing and introducing new materials contoured, and finished. A protective coating was applied.
with very little clinical evidence, which creates further confusion
among dentists. SUGGESTED READINGS
Abdalla AI, Alhadainy HA, Garcia-Godoy F: Clinical evaluation of glass
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS ionomers and compomers in Class 5 carious lesions, Am J Dent 10:18-20,
Billings RJ, Proskin HM, Moss ME: Xerostomia and associated factors in a
Glass ionomers with higher viscosity, higher fluoride content, community-dwelling adult population, Community Dent Oral Epidemiol
and greater ability to recharge are being developed. 24:312-316, 1996.
340 Glass Ionomer Restoratives
Burgess JO, Summitt JB, Robbins JW, et al: Clinical evaluation of base, Haveman CW, Burgess JO, Summitt JB: A clinical comparision of restorative
sandwich and bonded Class 2 resin composite restorations [abstract 304], materials for caries in xerostomic patients (Abstract 1441), J Dent Res
J Dent Res 78:531, 1999. 78:286, 1999.
Cranfield M, Kuhn A, Winter GB: Factors relating to the rate of fluoride-ion McComb D, Ericson RL, Maxymiw WG, Wood RE: A clinical
release from glass-ionomer cement, J Dent 10:333-341, 1982. comparison of glass-ionomer, resin-modified glass ionomer and
Eichmiller FC, Marjenhoff WA: Fluoride-releasing dental restorative materials, resin-composite restorations in the treatment of cervical caries in
Oper Dent 23:218-228, 1998. xerostomic head and neck radiation patients, Oper Dent 27:430-437,
Frencken JE, vant Hof MA, van Amerongen WE, Holmgren CJ: Effectiveness 2002.
of single-surface ART restorations in the permanent dentition: a Yip HK, Smales RJ, Ngo HC, et al: Selection of restorative materials for the
meta-analysis, J Dent Res 83:120-123, 2004. atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) approach: a review, Spec Care
Gallo JR, Burgess JO, Ripps AH, et al: Three-year clinical evaluation of a Dentist 21:216-221, 2001.
compomer and a resin composite as Class V filling materials, Oper Dent Welbury RR, Murray JJ: A clinical trial of the glass ionomer
30:275-281, 2005. cement-composite resin sandwich technique in Class II cavities
Hermesch CB, Wall BS, McEntire JF: Dimensional stability of dental restorative in permanent premolar and molar teeth, Quintessence Int 21:507-512,
materials and cements over four years, Gen Dent 51:518-523, 2003. 1990.
C H A P T E R 14


Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

George Freedman

A s the techniques and materials available to dentists have

improved over the past few decades, better and more
conservative restorations have become possible. Extensive prepa-
Theophrastus wrote that it was considered a virtue to shave
frequently and to have white teeth.
If any attention was paid to dental hygiene and appearance
ration and tooth destruction have given way to a genuine during the Middle Ages, there is little surviving documentation.
concern for the preservation of tooth structure. Most recently, Life spans were short, education was minimal, and the primary
much attention has been devoted to the esthetic aspects of den- concerns were survival, food, and shelter.
tistry and the patients concerns regarding appearance. The past Guy de Chauliac, a fourteenth-century surgeon, commented
three decades have been the most dynamic period that the pro- extensively on his dental observations and produced a set of rules
fession has ever seen. for oral hygiene that included the following tooth-whitening
As the populations dental awareness has grown, so has its procedure: Clean the teeth gently with a mixture of honey and
demand for a natural (or preferably supernatural) smile. The one burnt salt to which some vinegar has been added. His texts were
inescapable fact is that patients are very eager to have whiter and considered authoritative for the subsequent 300 years.
brighter smiles. The desire for whiter teeth is the strongest The following era of dentistry brought the study of dental
driving force in peoples quest for dental treatment. Whereas oral anatomy and oral disease and a great interest in the prosthetic
health and function are paramount for the practitioner, the replacement of teeth whose loss could not yet be avoided. As the
patients attention tends to focus rather exclusively on appear- craft of dental technology expanded, dentists were better able to
ance and esthetics. In the cultural environment encouraged by replicate both form and function. Then, in the nineteenth
toothpaste advertisements and Hollywood and bolstered by the century, dentistry began its recognizably modern form of restor-
personal need to appear healthy and young, discolored or dark ing carious and even infected teeth. These advancing skills
teeth are no longer socially acceptable. Patients are therefore resulted in patients retaining their teeth for a greater portion of
seeking, and even self-administering, dentist-mediated as well as their lives, and an expectation that these aged teeth could be
exotic and questionable treatments to achieve the whiter smiles made visually acceptable.
they desire. It is the dentists responsibility to supervise patients Patient demands, combined with rapidly advancing medical
who seek to undergo a whitening treatment to ensure that the chemistry, resulted in the first vital tooth bleaching agents and
maximum cosmetic benefit is within the boundaries of oral and procedures. Chapple proposed oxalic acid as the material of
systemic health. choice in 1877. Shortly after, Taft suggested calcium hypo
chlorite as an effective whitening solution. The first mention
of peroxide as a whitening agent was over a century ago; in 1884
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL Harlan published a report concerning a material that he called
hydrogen dioxide.
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION Some of the more arcane bleaching proposals at the turn of
OF THE PROCEDURE the century included electric currents and ultraviolet waves
(Rosenthal). Obviously, neither of these really caught on with
The desire for whiter teeth is not completely a recent phenom- the mainstream dentist. Acid dissolution of brown fluoride
enon. Even in Biblical times white dentition was considered, stains was yet another approach to discoloration. This technique
attractive, youthful, and desirable. In third-century BC Greece, was first documented by Kane in 1916. The technique involved

342 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

FIGURE 14-2 The custom-molded tray bleaching process was

introduced in 1989. (Pictured: White & Brite Professional
Tooth Whitening System [3M ESPE, St. Paul, Minnesota].)
FIGURE 14-1 Superoxol, a whitening agent whose effects
were pioneered by Abbot in 1918. (Permission granted by Integra Miltex, which the patient was required to place over the teeth for hours
a business of Integra LifeSciences Corporation, Plainsboro, New Jersey.)
at a time. This gentle solution worked to gradually whiten the
teeth in a much more predictable, safer manner than the earlier
the use of 18% HCI to dissolve the superficial layers of enamel. bleaching methods.
Further investigations were conducted by McCloskey in 1984. As the dental awareness of the population has increased, the
In 1918, Abbot pioneered the whitening effects of Superoxol most common esthetic complaint has been a generalized tooth
(Figure 14-1). He found that although the chemical was suitable discoloration or darkness visible when the patient smiles. Today
for bleaching teeth, its activity could be enhanced by the addi- the anterior teeth are nearly always vital. The desired whitening
tion of heat and light. Some current bleaching techniques are change is often a moderate modification such as lessening the
based on Kane and Abbots developments. yellow or gray component of the overall color scheme of the
The earliest attempts at non-vital bleaching were made at the teeth. Given that the teeth are vital and therefore more likely to
end of the nineteenth century, but little progress was made until be sensitized by aggressive treatment, and that the desired color
the 1950s. As endodontic therapy became a routine part of change is not a radical one, there is no need to use the caustic
dental practice, the increase in functional but un-esthetic teeth materials and extensive procedures that were associated with
prompted dentists to search for newer tooth-whitening tech- earlier bleaching techniques.
niques. In 1958 Pearson reported on the use of Superoxol sealed Safe vital whitening requires an activating material that is
within the pulp chamber. He stated that within 3 days the acceptable to both the hard and soft tissues, one that is both
oxygen-releasing capacity of the solution had whitened the non-caustic and non-toxic. Feinman, in discussing peroxide-
experimental teeth to some degree. heat-light bleaching procedures, stated that bleaching vital teeth
By 1967 Nutting and Poe had refined this method, a tech- was more difficult than treating non-vital ones. With the more
nique now known as walking bleaching. A 30% mixture of recent, less caustic tooth whitening techniques, precisely the
Superoxol and sodium perborate was left in the pulp chamber opposite is now true. It is not only much easier to whiten vital
for up to 1 week. This technique provided a dependable treat- teeth than non-vital ones, it is even easier to whiten the entire
ment modality for tooth bleaching, but its use was obviously arch than to work with a single discolored tooth. This paradigm
limited to endodontically treated teeth. This technique was for shift alone may account for the immediate acceptance of at-home
several years the most dependable system available but was often tooth whitening by the dental community (Box 14-1).
associated with internal absorption of the tooth structure some The historical background of in-office tooth whitening is
years later. It is no longer used extensively. Far-fetched as it may rather extensive. Whereas historically tooth whitening was first
now seem, before the new vital toothwhitening procedures, tried about 150 years ago, the materials were very toxic, caustic,
some dentists actually recommended the removal of healthy and not always effective. In the early 1990s the innovative tech-
pulp tissue for the sole purpose of introducing bleaching solu- niques of at-home bleaching created a demand for a more accel-
tions inside the chamber of severely discolored teeth. erated in-office procedure. Not all patients were content to wait
It is only in the last two decades that dentistry has finally the weeks required with at-home or tray-mediated bleaching.
begun to provide patients with reasonable methods for vital The innovations attempted by dentists and manufacturers
tooth color de-staining. In 1989 a new procedure was developed were usually designed to increase the percentage of the active
(Figure 14-2) whereby a stabilized solution of carbamide perox- ingredient, either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, in
ide or perhydrol-urea was placed into a custom molded tray, the bleaching gel. The typical 10% carbamide peroxide used in
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 343

BOX 14.1 Tooth Whitening Timeline

Initial Attempts at Bleaching
1877 Chappleoxalic acid
1888 Taftcalcium hypochlorite
1884 Harlanhydrogen dioxide
1895 Electrical currents
Non-Vital Bleaching Initiated
1895 Garretson
1911 Rosenthalultraviolet waves
1916 Kane18% hydrochloric acid
Modern Bleaching Techniques Begin
1918 AbbotSuperoxol and heat
Successful Non-Vital Bleaching
1958 Pearsonintrapulpal bleach
FIGURE 14-3 Paint-on rubber dam isolation techniques offer
1967 Nutting and Poewalking bleach gingival protection to the soft tissues during the in-office
1978 Superoxol heat and light bleaching process (Pictured: Kool-Dam, Pulpdent Corpora-
Modern Techniques tion, Watertown, Massachusetts.)
1989 Munrooutpatient tooth whitening
1990s General usein-office vital bleaching appearance of the surface enamel and dentin layers through
1995 Yarboroughlaser-assisted beaching the deposition or elimination of chromogenic molecules. These
stains do not affect the interocclusal or interproximal relation-
ships of the dentition. Thus there need be no concern about
altering these relationships during the bleaching procedure.
early products was increased to about 35% carbamide peroxide In general, tooth de-coloration should be undertaken before
(Lumibrite, Den-Mat, Santa Maria California). The carbamide restorative treatment, but not for functional reasons. It makes
peroxide was applied for short periods of time in a tray. This sense to establish the baseline coloration of the overall dentition
material was somewhat caustic to the gingiva but performed so that all restorative efforts can be directed toward a definitive
effective bleaching of tooth structures. However, materials with goal. Thus, in the esthetic algorithm, the bleaching process is
an anhydrous formula tended to suck moisture out of the tooth often the first to be undertaken and completed. Coincidentally,
structures, causing both treatment and post-treatment sensitiv- this conforms to the patients goals as well.
ity, which could be significantly uncomfortableat times.
The percentage of hydrogen peroxide in gel or liquid form
was also increased. The problem with this innovation was that CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
hydrogen peroxide, even in low concentrations such as 10%, can
be quite caustic to the soft tissues. Although it does not appre- In-office bleaching is useful in the removal of stains throughout
ciably affect the hard tissues, it can create peroxide burns on the the arch (e.g., age, diet or tetracycline staining), for lightening
gingiva or papillae and nearby oral soft tissues. Thus, application a single tooth in an arch (e.g., post-endodontically), or perhaps
of higher percentage peroxides, up to 35% or 50%, required an even for treating specific areas of a single tooth (e.g., as in some
effective paint-on rubber dam barrier to protect the gingiva and types of fluorosis). The dentist is in complete control of the
the oral tissues. Regular rubber dams allowed liquid peroxides process throughout treatment. This provides the advantage of
to seep between the teeth and the dam and burn the peridental being able to continue treatment or to terminate the de-staining
soft tissues. Protective gels were often applied to the soft tissues process at any time. In-office bleaching is usually so rapid that
as well, but some of the higher-concentration peroxides still visible results are observed after even a single visit. As patients
managed to cause damage. The paint-on rubber dams (Figure become visually motivated at the first appointment, they tend
14-3) (Pulpdent Kool-Dam paint-on dam) offered protection to be more compliant for the second and third appointments
for the lips, cheeks, and face. that are often required to complete the in-office treatment
process. Many patients prefer bleaching by the dental profes-
sional (rather than utilizing at-home techniques) because it
RELATING FUNCTION requires less active participation on their part. In order to best
TO ESTHETICS serve their patients, dentists should ideally be familiar with both
at-home and in-office treatment modalities. It is not uncommon
Because tooth bleaching does not affect the structural integrity to combine both techniques for a customized whitening treat-
of the dentition, there is no relationship of tooth function and ment of a single patient. In this way the patient sees immediate
de-coloration. Both staining and de-staining affect only the results and is encouraged to continue the treatment both at
344 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

home and in the office. By the combination of these two tech- BOX 14.2 Tooth Stains
niques, the whitening process is continued between the office
bleaching sessions, and thus the final result is achieved more Extrinsic Stains
rapidly than if either technique were to be used alone. Tobacco
Foods and beverages
Intrinsic Stains
The only necessary indication for tooth whitening is the patients Pre-Eruptively Caused Discolorations
desire for whiter teeth. The choice of whitening technique Alkaptonuria
depends on the specific cause of the discoloration; for instance, Amelogenesis imperfecta
non-vital bleaching techniques should be used only for non-vital Dentinogenesis imperfecta
teeth. Bleaching techniques are use to treat some or all of the Endemic fluorosis
following: Erythroblastosis fetalis
Developmental or acquired stains Porphyria
Stains in enamel and dentin Sickle cell anemia
Yellow-brown stains Thalassemia
Age-yellowed smiles Tetracycline staining
White or brown fluorosis
Post-Eruptively Caused Discolorations
Mild to moderate tetracycline stains
Dental metals
Contraindications Foods, beverages, and habits such as smoking
Idiopathic pulpal recession
There are few contraindications for tooth whitening or bleach-
Non-alloy dental material
ing. Of course, any patient who is allergic or sensitive to any of
Traumatic injury
the bleaching components or materials should not attempt the
treatment. Allergies of this type are virtually nonexistent.
Women who are pregnant or nursing should also not undergo
tooth bleaching. Although there are no reports of problems with
this population group, it is simply safer not to begin or continue
cosmetic procedures whose effects may, under certain specific Traditionally, tooth discolorations are divided into extrinsic and
conditions, be deleterious to the fetus or newborn. Again, there intrinsic categories (Box 14-2).
is no evidence that such effects have ever occurred, but safe is
better than sorry. Extrinsic Stains
Vital tooth bleaching techniques, whether performed at Long-chain polysaccharides and proteinaceous materials create
home or in office, should be avoided for teeth with large pulp a tenacious coating on the exposed surface of teeth called the
chambers or those that have exhibited sensitivity. In fact, all pellicle. The pellicle is easily stained, with the most severe stains
patients who complain of tooth sensitivity should have this occurring at the gingival margin and in the interproximal areas,
problem solved before commencing tooth de-staining. which are less accessible to toothbrushing. The pellicle can
Patients with erosions, whether chemical, abrasive, or caused display many colors, ranging from white to red to brown to
by recession, may experience more bleaching sensitivity through green, and can become extremely opaque, depending on the
and after treatment, and thus these erosions should be treated pigmentation source.
before treatment. The same treatment approach should be fol- Extrinsic stains are routinely removed during standard pro-
lowed for those with abfractions. phylaxis. Patients can remove this layer daily during brushing.
Factors that can limit the success of bleaching are the degree Effective oral hygiene instruction can help them to achieve
and quality of the discoloration. If the teeth are extremely dark, maximum results. Occasionally patients must use toothpastes
no matter what the cause, the whitening procedures may require with a relatively high index of abrasion or even a medium- to
supplementation with other restorative procedures, such as por- hard-bristled toothbrush. Usually, simple persistence with a soft
celain veneers. This is particularly true with stains in the gray- brush and low-abrasive toothpaste is sufficient.
blue range, which do not respond as well to whitening as stains
in the yellow-brown range. Intrinsic Stains
Intrinsic stains are the result of color changes in the internal
Differentiating Stains structures of the teeth caused by factors that are may be systemic
Differentiating the quality and cause of stains is of more than or local in origin. Not only are intrinsic stains more difficult to
merely academic interest. Knowing what caused the dental stain- treat than extrinsic stains, but because of their distribution
ing allows the dentist to better plan the whitening technique throughout the tooth, they are more readily apparent. With
and to provide a more accurate prediction of the outcome. Stain- modern tooth-whitening procedures, most intrinsic stains can
ing and discoloration of the teeth can be caused by many factors. be removed. Those difficult situations that do not respond to
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 345

tooth-whitening procedures can be esthetically improved using brown. These teeth are also have a rough and pitted surface.
composite or porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns. Hypoplastic teeth have enamel that is quite thin, often to the
Intrinsic stains can be divided into those arising during odon- point where interproximal contacts are eliminateed. Hypoplastic
togenesis and those occurring after tooth eruption. The difficul- teeth have a smooth, hard, yellow appearance, with pitting
ties in removing stains and the expected degree of success depend found on occasion.
on the type of discoloration being addressed. During odonto- The treatment of amelogenesis imperfecta depends on the
genesis, teeth may incorporate discolorations into the enamel or condition of the enamel. If the enamel is sufficiently thick, the
dentin through quantitative or qualitative changes or by the teeth are aggressively treated with topical fluoride, after which
inclusion of pigments to their structure. Post-eruptively, teeth direct bonding procedures may be appropriate; the more pre-
can become intrinsically discolored when discoloring agents are dictable treatment, however, is providing full prosthetic coverage
integrated into the hard tissues internally from the pulp chamber for the affected teeth; insufficient tooth thickness or abraded
or extrinsically from the tooth surface. enamel are indications for full prosthetic coverage.
Dentinogenesis imperfecta (Figure 14-5) is an inherited trait
Intrinsic Discolorations Created during Odontogenesis that is the most prevalent hereditary dystrophy affecting tooth
Alkaptonuria is a recessive genetic deficiency resulting in the structure. Typically seen more severely in the primary dentition,
incomplete oxidation of tyrosine and phenylalanine, causing the clinical crowns appear reddish-brown to gray opalescent. The
increased levels of homogentisic (or melanic) acid. It is also enamel is often friable and breaks off soon after eruption. The
known as phenylketonuria and ochronosis. The condition can exposed softened dentin rapidly abrades away. The thin or non-
cause a dark brown pigmentation of the permanent teeth. Tooth existent enamel makes full prosthetic coverage the only viable
whitening can lessen or even eliminate the discoloration. In treatment option. Vital bleaching is contraindicated.
severe cases the teeth may require restorative esthetic procedures Endemic fluorosis (Figure 14-6) is an enamel discoloration
to achieve acceptable results. caused by excessive intake of fluoride during odontogenesis.
Amelogenesis imperfecta (Figure 14-4) is considered a genetic
defect that can affect both the primary and the permanent denti-
tions. The most common modes of inheritance are either auto-
somal recessive or autosomal dominant. Three categories have
been identified: hypomaturation, hypocalcific, and hypoplastic.
These display considerable differences in appearance both within
and among groups. Hypomaturation has an autosomal domi-
nant mode of inheritance, and presents as enamel that has
chipped away from the underlying dentin. Hypocalcific cases
exhibit enamel that has normal thickness but is soft. The enamel
is often completely abraded away soon after eruption. The tooth
crown ranges in appearance from a dull opaque white to a dark

FIGURE 14-4 Amelogenesis imperfecta, hypocalcified type. FIGURE 14-5 (A) Clinical and (B) radiographic appearance
(From Pinkham J, Casamassimo P, Fields H, etal: Pediatric dentistry: infancy of dentinogenesis imperfecta. (From Ibsen O, Phelan J: Oral pathology
through adolescence, ed 4, St Louis, 2006, Mosby.) for the dental hygienist, ed 5, St Louis, 2009, Saunders.)
346 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry


FIGURE 14-6 Fluorosis. A, Mild form of fluoride mottling, exhibiting white opaque flecks near the incisal edges with the surface
remaining smooth and intact. B, Moderate form of fluoride mottling with ridges of hypoplasia and white and brownish enamel.
C, Severe form of fluoride-induced hypoplasia and discoloration with associated cracking and chipping of the enamel. (From Sapp
JP, Eversole L, Wysocki G: Contemporary oral and maxillofacial pathology, ed 2, St Louis, 2004, Mosby.)

Fluorosed teeth range from slight wisps or flecks of opaque followed by tooth-whitening procedures. If the improvement is
white to mottled or pitted darkened surfaces. The condition not sufficient, conservative bonding procedures are indicated.
was described as early as 1916, although the causative agent Erythroblastosis fetalis is a blood disorder of the neonate
was not identified until 1931. Black thought the stain was caused by Rh incompatibility between the fetal and maternal
caused by replacement of the normal cementing substance blood supplies. It is characterized by agglutination and hemoly-
between enamel rods by a material that he named brownin. sis of the erythrocytes, producing free blood pigments. These
It is now known that dental fluorosis is a form of enamel can discolor all the teeth that are in the process of being con
hypoplasia, resulting from metabolic alteration of the amelo- currently formed. Affected teeth can range in color from brown
blast during enamel formation. Dental fluorosis is often found to green-blue. This condition is usually self-treating, and the
in communities where the fluoride content of the drinking staining resolves as the child matures. Treatment is usually not
water exceeds 1 part per million. The severity of the staining is needed.
directly proportional to the amount of fluoride absorbed. The Porphyria (Figure 14-7) is a porphyrin metabolism disorder
teeth can be affected from the second trimester in utero that results in increased formation and excretion of porphyrins.
through age 9 years. It is usually genetically transmitted and rare, but may develop
Areas of the tooth that are darkened by endemic fluorosis later in life. Neurological, psychological, and gastrointestinal
respond to vital tooth-whitening procedures. If the stains are set symptoms may present as well. The hematoporphyrin pigment
deep into the tooth and are very opaque, however, only limited causes a characteristic reddish-brown discoloration of the teeth
success can be achieved. In these cases, tooth-whitening proce- (erythrodontia). The dental effects are more common in the
dures should be followed by bonded porcelain or composite. primary than the permanent dentition. Coloration is dispersed
Teeth that exhibit white areas cannot be darkened by the tooth- throughout the enamel, dentin, and cementum, and fluoresces
whitening process. For superficial areas, enamel abrasion under ultraviolet light. Tooth whitening, and possibly bonding,
(although it is invasive of tooth structure) can be used. If the can be effective.
tooth has both dark and opaque white areas, the treatment of Sickle cell anemia and thalassemia are both inherited blood
choice is abrasion of the areas where the stain is superficial, dyscrasias that result in tooth discoloration similar to that caused
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 347

staining caused by tetracyclines is related to the calcium binding

in the tooth. Tetracycline binds to the tooth calcium, forming a
tetracyclinecalcium phosphate complex. It occurs throughout
the tooth but is most highly concentrated in the dentin near the
dentino-enamel junction. Both the quality and the severity of
the discoloration are directly related to the specific tetracycline
ingested as well as the dose. Some early investigations revealed
that teeth affected by tetracycline first exhibit a yellow coloration
and a bright yellow fluorescence that differs significantly from
the blue fluorescence of normal, healthy teeth. The color of the
affected teeth gradually changes over the succeeding months or
years. The shade change is most noticeable in those teeth that
are most exposed to extraoral lightspecifically, the facial sur-
faces of the anterior teeth. Wallman and Hilton clearly demon-
FIGURE 14-7 Congenital erythropoietic porphyria. Brown- strated the role of light in this process in 1962 by splitting a
ish teeth fluoresce under Wood lamp examination. (From Kliegman tetracycline-stained tooth lengthwise and exposing only one
R, Behrman R, Jenson H, Stanton B: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, ed 18, St half to light. The light-exposed half underwent a color change
Louis, 2008, Saunders.) to brown, whereas the unexposed half remained yellow. For
this reason many researchers believe that the use of heat and
light bleaching systems to treat tetracycline stains may be
Clinically, tetracycline-stained teeth can exhibit light-yellow
to dark-gray bands. These bands may correspond to the active
area of tooth formation at the specific time that the tetracycline
exposure occurred. Usually the darker shades are confined to the
gingival third of the teeth, but the lighter, hay-colored shades
are most often located in the incisal third. Standard tooth whit-
ening can be expected to improve the appearance, although the
results are less than ideal. The differentiation between the light
and dark tooth areas is usually diminished by the whitening
process. On some teeth, selectively etching the darker enamel
areas prior to whitening can further improve the result. Bonding
is usually required in more darkly stained teeth to achieve an
acceptable result, although the degree of improvement from vital
tooth whitening alone can be profound. Because the differentia-
tion between the lighter and darker areas becomes less distinct,
FIGURE 14-8 Teeth stained as a result of tetracycline admin-
many patients are satisfied and content to defer bonding. Teeth
istration. This is an extreme example of tetracycline staining:
the entire enamel (and dentin) has become pigmented. As the with a yellow or brown discoloration generally whiten more
staining is built into the structure of the tooth, bleaching pro- completely than those with a gray or blue stains.
cedures do not usually greatly improve the appearance of these
teeth. Crowns or, more conservatively, veneers will do so. (From Post-Eruptive Discoloration
Berkovitz BKB, Holland GR, Maxham BJ: Oral anatomy, histology, and embry- Age can be a cause of discoloration. Several non-pathologic
ology, ed 4, St Louis, 2010, Mosby.) (Courtesy Dr. M. Ignelz.) conditions related to the aging process gradually discolor the
teeth. The natural process of gradual pulp withdrawal with the
simultaneous formation of secondary dentin causes the tooth to
by erythroblastosis fetalis. Unfortunately, unlike erythroblastosis appear more yellowish-brown. This is perhaps the most common
fetalis, these discolorations are more severe and do not improve indication for tooth whitening. The results are the most rapid
with time. Tooth whitening plus bonding procedures can be and predictable. Standard vital tooth whitening treatment
effective for the more difficult cases. options are applicable.
The potential for tetracycline to cause discoloration (Figure Dental metals are the most ubiquitous source of staining
14-8) of the dentition is well documented and studied since it specifically, leeching of amalgam corrosion products (Figure
was first reported by Schwachman and Schuster in 1956. Because 14-9). Threaded stainless steel pins or gold-plated retentive pins
tetracycline can cross the placental barrier, tetracycline affects can cause similar extremely dark stains that pose significant chal-
both the deciduous and permanent dentitions, making the teeth lenges for any whitening effort.
vulnerable throughout odontogenesis. Even an exposure as short Teeth that are stained by dental alloys or pins must first have
as 3 days can cause discoloration of the teeth at any time between the offending dental metals replaced by composite or porcelain
4 months in utero and age 9 years. The mechanism of the restorations. If the stain is very dark, the whitening prognosis is
348 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

FIGURE 14-9 Extrinsic metallic stain. (From Daniel S, Harfst S, FIGURE 14-10 Custom-fabricated bleaching tray for at-home
Wilder R: Mosbys dental hygiene, ed 2, St Louis, 2008, Mosby.) whitening procedure.

not good. Adhesive restorative procedures are required for clini- specifically localized. The selected destaining procedure is deter-
cally acceptable results. mined in the same fashion as for idiopathic pulpal recession
Some of the most common staining agents are foods and stains. If the tooth is non-vital, standard non-vital bleaching
beverages, such as tea, coffee, and soft drinks and lifestyle choice can be used. Occasionally the stains are so dark and resistant
substances such as smoking and chewing tobacco. The degree to whitening that additional adhesive restorative dentistry is
and quality of staining directly reflect the type, frequency, indicated.
length, and intensity of exposure to the staining agents. Fortu- Traumatic injury to the tooth may result in an internal hem-
nately, tooth whitening prognosis excels with these stain catego- orrhage. The ensuing diffusion of bilirubin into the dentin
ries. The standard techniques can be expected to produce rapid, tubules causes an initial pink discoloration that is usually devel-
dramatic results in most cases. ops over time to a darker, diffuse red-brown stain.
Idiopathic pulpal recession sometimes occurs in teeth. The If the pulp is sufficiently resilient to avoid necrotic degenera-
teeth remain vital but gradually display a yellow to brown dark- tion, the crowns natural color returns within a few weeks after
ening. The appearance is often similar to that of a non-vital injury. If the pulp degenerates, the natural color does not return
tooth; vitality testing differentiates the two. Such teeth usually and the discoloration becomes darker. In some cases, a growing
typically exhibit a diminished pulp chamber diameter on radio- pink spot on the enamel surface indicates progressive internal
graphic examination. Standard tooth-whitening procedures are resorption.
indicated if the desired result is an overall whitening of all the Tooth whitening treatment should not be instituted until the
teeth. This procedure effectively removes the discoloration of the dentist is certain that the tooth has fully recovered from the
tooth with idiopathic pulpal recession and usually whitens all trauma. Sometimes the natural color returns without interven-
the neighboring teeth as well. The discolored teeth typically tion. In cases with residual staining, the tooth is tested for vital-
destain more rapidly than the other teeth, resulting in a better ity and radiographed. If the tooth is vital with no evidence of
blending and better matching of the shades of adjacent teeth. internal or external resorption, tooth-whitening procedures can
The patient thereby eliminates the problem of a single darker be initiated. If the tooth is non-vital, endodontic therapy is
non-matching tooth, and whitens all the others in the arch followed by non-vital bleaching. If there is internal resorption
through the course of treatment. Where there are porcelain in a vital tooth, endodontic therapy is indicated, then non-vital
crowns that match the existing general shade, this approach is bleaching.
not desirable, as ceramic restorations are not made whiter by
bleaching. An alternative in this situation is to mask the discol-
oration with composite. MATERIAL OPTIONS
Many of the materials used routinely in dentistry have the
potential to cause tooth discoloration. Non-alloy dental materials The material options for at-home bleaching include bleaching
such as eugenol, formocresol, and root canal sealers are impli- trays. In most cases a custom-made tray is fabricated by the dental
cated in a wide range of tooth discolorations. The prescribed office or laboratory and given to the patient (Figure 14-10). The
treatment is the same as for dental alloy stains. If the tooth patient injects the bleaching agent into the tray during the day,
is vital, standard vital tooth whitening is usually effective. overnight, or both, and inserts the tray over the teeth; treatment
The most common complication is that the stain may be very for an entire arch (or both arches) typically requires about 2 to
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 349

FIGURE 14-11 Tray-less at home whitening systems have an

inner soft tray containing the bleaching material and a harder FIGURE 14-13 Bleaching strips are worn for about 30
outer tray used to position the soft tray over the teeth. (Pic- minutes per application.
tured: Opalescence Trswhite Supreme ([courtesy Ultradent Products,
Inc., South Jordan, Utah].)

FIGURE 14-12 Bleaching strips are placed over the teeth and
FIGURE 14-14 Custom trays provide predictable volume of
adapted to the teeth with the patients fingers.
bleach application to the teeth.

4 weeks. At-home tray-less techniques are similar; no prefabri- tray can be comfortably worn for several hours to overnight,
cated or custom-fabricated trays are needed. Double-tray systems, even though the efficacy of the bleaching gel decreases progres-
such as Opalescence Trswhite Supreme (Ultradent Products, sively and the material becomes inactive for bleaching after 3 to
Inc., South Jordan, Utah), have an inner, softer tray pre-loaded 4 hours. Most of the bleaching effect occurs in the first 30 to
with the bleaching gel and an outer harder tray that is used to 60 minutes. Reservoirs can be built into the internal surface of
position the entire system over the teeth (Figure 14-11). This the tray (Figure 14-15) on the buccals of some or all of the teeth
technique does not require the in-office fabrication of a tray and to increase the speed of the bleaching by leaving more carbamide
thus offers time advantages for most practices. Bleaching strips peroxide in contact with the dental surfaces. The tray is generally
without trays, such as Crest 3D White Whitestrips (Procter & quite thin and is made of transparent material so it can be worn
Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio), are placed over the teeth and manu- during the day, even during work (Figure 14-16).
ally adapted to the tooth anatomy (Figure 14-12). The patient Disadvantages of the tray system include the need to acquire
pats the strips onto the tooth surfaces and leaves them in place an impression (Figure 14-17) of the dentition prior to tray
for about 30 minutes per application (Figure 14-13). fabrication. This impression is then poured in stone, and a tray
is fabricated with a heat and suck-down tray-former such as the
UltraVac Vacuum Former (Figure 14-18) (Ultradent Products,
Tray Bleaching Systems Inc.). This device is relatively easy to operate but does require
Advantages of the tray system include the predictable volume some chairside and in-office laboratory time. Typically tray
(Figure 14-14) of the bleach applied to the teeth and the ability fabrication in the dental office can be delegated to an
to effectively spread the bleach to every tooth, covering their auxiliary who will complete the task in 30 to 60 minutes. Since
occlusal, buccal, lingual and interproximal aspects as well. The the bleaching treatment is often an impulse decision for the
350 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

FIGURE 14-15 Reservoirs built into the custom tray increases

the speed of bleaching by allowing more carbamide peroxide
to be in contact with the tooth surface.

FIGURE 14-18 Custom bleaching trays are formed using a

vacuum former.

FIGURE 14-16 Custom trays are thin and transparent, allow-

ing the patient the convenience of bleaching the teeth any-
where and anytime.

FIGURE 14-19 Scissor trimming of the custom bleaching


patient, it is typically unplanned. As a direct result, tray fabrica-

tion can contribute to scheduling problems. However, it is
important once the patient decides to have their teeth bleached
to begin treatment as soon as possible, thus taking advantage of
the patients active, but possibly fleeting, interest in the color of
their dentition. Furthermore, most auxiliaries are not particu-
larly fond of trimming the bleaching trays (Figures 14-19 and
14-20), which should terminate just shy of the gingival margin
of the soft tissues. Generally it is a good idea to not have the
bleaching tray impinge on the soft tissues (Figure 14-21), as this
may cause gingival irritation and patient discomfort. The tissues
FIGURE 14-17 A disadvantage of the custom bleaching tray must be approached as closely as possible (Figure 14-22) to
is the requirement for an impression. maximize the whitening effect and to minimize treatment time.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 351

FIGURE 14-20 Custom bleaching trays should be trimmed

just shy of the gingival margin of the soft tissues.
FIGURE 14-23 The soft tray material in the tray-less bleach-
ing systems may slip off sooner than desired.

FIGURE 14-21 Custom trays should not impinge on the soft

tissues, as this will cause gingival irritation and patient
discomfort. FIGURE 14-24 The tray-less bleaching system in place.

Customizing the margins to adapt them to the dentition takes

several minutes and can be exacting, even with the proper

Prefabricated Tray and Tray-less

Bleaching Systems
The major advantage of the at-home prefabricated tray system
is that no bleaching tray need be fabricated in the office. The
only real caveat is that the patient must be thoroughly instructed
in the use of the prefabricated tray bleaching process. He or she
must fully understand how to properly insert the pre-loaded
trays on their dentition.
FIGURE 14-22 The custom tray should approach the soft Disadvantages include: the inner, soft tray material (Figures
tissues as closely as possible without actually making contact 14-23 and 14-24) that is adapted to the teeth can slip off sooner
to minimize the treatment time. than desired, leaving the teeth less bleached than anticipated.
352 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

2. The performance record of the product or a material that

has previously been used for human treatment can be
examined for deleterious side effects.

As was to be expected, concerns were raised regarding the

safety implications of vital tooth whitening when the technique
was first introduced. These issues were largely related to the use
of carbamide peroxide (a buffered hydrogen peroxide solution
or gel) in the oral environment. (The terms carbamide peroxide,
urea peroxide, and perhydrol urea are often used interchangeably.)
The typical worries centered on whether carbamide peroxide
might be toxic, dangerous, or oncogenic in the short and long
terms. These apprehensions were simply the evidence-based
inquiries of a responsible profession, as no scientific evidence
FIGURE 14-25 Strip systems cover cuspid to cuspid but not had been advanced to support these positions. Some of the
much beyond these teeth. initial commentaries also asserted that dentistry had little experi-
ence with this particular chemistry.
This was not entirely true; although the profession had little
direct experience with carbamide peroxide for tooth-whitening
Most patients lose comfort (and patience) with the bleaching purposes, there was a scientific record of the intra-oral use of
material on their teeth after about 20 or 30 minutes, and some- carbamide peroxide for other purposes that spanned 50 years.
times even less. The soft tray is very easy to remove. Thus com- The recorded scientific data include both animal and human
pliance with the prefabricated tray system is not as predictable studies, short and long term, that have evaluated the issue of this
as with the custom-fabricated tray systems. materials safety in the oral cavity.
Advantages of the Crest 3D White Whitestrips tray-less The testing revealed that carbamide peroxide not only pro-
system are ease of application, reduced expense, and less labor motes gingival healing but is actively anti-plaque in nature and
compared with the tray systems. The only clinical time require- may be anti-cariogenic, as well. The focus of the carbamide
ment is that set aside for the patient instruction to properly use peroxide testing in past years was to evaluate it as an antiseptic
the material and place the strips over the teeth. Disadvantages (not as a tooth-whitening agent), but the intra-oral conditions
include that the strips tend to slip off (or are removed by under which the tests were conducted were identical to those
patients) somewhat sooner than desirable. It is relatively easy associated with whitening procedures.
to slip the strips off the teeth with the tongue or fingers. Carbamide peroxide is not a substance that is new to den-
Neither the at-home prefabricated tray, nor the strip systems tistry, nor was its development for dental purposes accidental.
have as much patient compliance as the custom-fabricated tray Aqueous hydrogen peroxide has long been used by the dental
system. However, the strip systems are very easy to use and (and medical) profession; its lack of toxicity and minimal side
rather inexpensive. effects, combined with both cleansing and bactericidal proper-
Strip systems can be limited by their overall length; they cover ties, make it particularly attractive for intra-oral use. A major
the teeth cuspid to cuspid but not much beyond these teeth practical problem with hydrogen peroxide is its extremely rapid
(Figure 14-25). Once strip bleaching is completed, the cuspids breakdown on contact with body tissues, a reaction that is
or first bicuspids will be whitened but the molars will remain greatly accelerated by peroxidase and catalase enzymes, which
more or less at their original color. If these teeth are visible are commonly found in the mouth and the body. Foaming
on the smile, supplemental tooth whitening treatment is (Figure 14-26) is often observed at the initial application (or
necessary. re-application) of hydrogen peroxide whitening agents. This is
an oxygenated foam that demonstrates the catalysis of the per-
oxide. A 10% preparation of carbamide peroxide in anhydrous
glycerin is equivalent in chemical activity to 3% aqueous hydro-
AT-HOME BLEACHING gen peroxide, yet far more stable and predictable.
CONSIDERATIONS The search for effective clinical materials led to the investiga-
tion of more stable and longer acting peroxides. It was found
The Safety of Tooth Whitening that carbamide peroxide has a much slower rate of reaction and
The dentists primary concern for any dental procedure must be oxygen release at tissue surfaces, particularly at oral and room
its safety. The entire dental team must have absolute confidence temperatures (hydrogen peroxide in warm concentrated solu-
in, and comfort with, the dental treatments that are recom- tions lacks stability). In fact, carbamide peroxide was found to
mended to patients. Safety is typically established by one of two still be active after 20 minutes of body tissue contact. When the
well established mechanisms: peroxide is held adjacent to intra-oral surfaces by a glycerin or
1. A new product can be tested on animals in order to Carbopol solution, the effective reaction time is significantly
predict its toxicity in humans prolonged.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 353

handicapped, carbamide peroxide was used as a rinse five times

per day for 3 weeks. Even when the formula was used at twice
the recommended dosage and frequency, no irritation or inflam-
mation were produced in the subjects.
Fogel and Magill conducted research with orthodontic
patients. Carbamide peroxide in anhydrous glycerol was applied
orally to prevent caries development. Seventy full-banding
patients participated in this study for 2 to 3 years. Four daily
applications and no rinsing afterward provided an effective
tissue-contact time of up to 2 hours per day or 1500 to 2300
hours total exposure over the entire orthodontic treatment study.
The results were positively anti-cariogenic, and there were no
reported side effects.
Shipman investigated the effects of an 11% carbamide per-
FIGURE 14-26 Foaming is often observed with the applica- oxide gel on the gingiva over a period of 1 month (11 hours of
tion of hydrogen peroxide whitening agents. This oxygenated tissue contact time) and pronounced the material safe. In 1976,
foam demonstrates the catalysis of the peroxide. it was suggested that carbamide peroxide should be considered
as a routine oral hygiene adjunct. In another study, sixty orth-
odontic patients rinsed with carbamide peroxide over a period
of 3 months (90 hours of tissue exposure). Significant plaque
Ambrose reported favorably on the use of carbamide peroxide reductions were observed, and no adverse reactions noted.
in the cleansing of tooth surfaces prepared for restorations. The studies just listed, and many others that have reached
Arnim recorded the improvement in plaque control provided by similar conclusions, indicate the safety, local and systemic, of
carbamide peroxide in anhydrous glycerol in the absence of any 10% to 15% carbamide peroxide in a carrier gel. Although
other means of hygiene. Just four minutes of rinsing per day at-home tooth whitening is a relatively novel dental service, the
provided significant plaque reduction with no negative side safety and efficacy of the various materials used in the procedure
effects reported. are well documented and well established. It is unlikely that any
Manhold compared four oxygenating agents, all available new treatment modality can be introduced with an established
commercially, for their effects on wounded rat tissues. All the safety history, but at-home bleaching comes as close to that ideal
oxygenating agents helped to promote faster healing than would as possible.
have been expected, and carbamide peroxide provided the fastest
and most complete therapy. Another rat study in 1982 deter-
mined that the anti-cariogenic effectiveness of the oxygenating
Long-Term Stability of Tooth Whitening
topical agents was related to their ability to release active oxygen Tooth whitening begins to relapse at the very moment the active
rather than their ability to neutralize plaque acid. Carbamide bleaching process is ended. It is quite obvious that certain delete-
peroxide was found to be highly effective in reducing plaque rious habits such as smoking, excessive coffee, cola or tea, and
accumulation and caries incidence. Carbamide peroxide has chewing tobacco or betel nut paan may cause the teeth to dis-
even been tested with neonates to treat oral candidiasis. It was color more rapidly and should be avoided. Normal dietary items
found to be very effective and without any adverse effects. can be equally guilty in the re-staining of the teeth, however.
The following studies demonstrate the safety of extended Blueberries, red wine, and beets, just as examples, can color teeth
experimental oral contact with carbamide peroxide. This allows quite rapidly. In fact, most natural foods are somewhat pig-
the dentist to calibrate the recommended time parameters for mented, and many processed foods incorporate harmless dyes
the comprehensive home whitening procedure. Currently avail- that can stain teeth. Fortunately, after an initial rapid color
able at-home bleaching techniques require 20 to 200 hours of fallback, the progress of re-staining is rather slow. The positive
oral exposure over a period of several weeks. color changes of tooth whitening are often still clearly visible
Williams advocated the use of carbamide peroxide to combat (and measurable) 3 to 5 years after the original treatment.
pharyngeal and throat infections. The total contact time over An educated avoidance (or decreased consumption) of chro-
1 week was about 10 hours, and to ensure that the test material mogenic foods, particularly during and immediately after tooth
was adequately distributed throughout the infected areas, whitening, can delay the inevitable color relapse. A meticulous
patients were instructed to swallow it after gargling. It was regimen of oral hygiene on the patients part (Figure 14-27) also
observed that any minimal side effects were transitory, that the assists in maintaining the whiteness of the teeth for a longer
treatment was analgesic, and that tissue irritation was reduced. period. Improved home care is often a noticeable and beneficial
The clinical effectiveness of carbamide peroxide in reducing consequence of whitening procedures, as the patient becomes
dental plaque and gingival inflammation with institutionalized more personally aware of the benefits of a healthy smile.
patients was observed by Zinner. The total treatment time Tooth whitening should be considered a cosmetic treatment
was 15 hours over 4 weeks. No side effects were reported. To that can provide a major appearance-related benefit to the
evaluate an effective oral hygiene supplement for the severely patient, but one that is transient, much like a hair-dyeing
354 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

regular basis. This serves the primary care dentist well in provid-
ing opportunities for regular cleaning, dental checkups and pro-
fessional monitoring. Patients must also be informed that
although their teeth are more esthetic, they are no more resistant
to decay or periodontal problems than they were before

At-Home Innovative Elements

Scientific Elements
The underlying scientific innovation for at-home dental bleach-
ing was the application re-orientation of a series of commonly
used, proven-safe materials that had the ability to de-stain both
FIGURE 14-27 Meticulous home care assists in maintaining vital and non-vital teeth. Fortuitously, there had been extensive
the whiteness of teeth (Pictured: Crest Pro Health Whitening research (and published documentation) of the use of these
Toothpaste). materials intra-orally for purposes other than tooth whitening.
For example, carbamide peroxide rinses had been used for more
than 50 years to decrease gingival inflammation. It had been
noted that an unintended side effect of these rinses was that the
teeth appeared to become whiter with continued use. Until
Munro applied the same chemistry and an innovative applica-
tion format to bleaching use, the potential value of these materi-
als as tooth whiteners was not recognized. The availability of a
safe, easy-to-use, and relatively predictable material that was
capable of whitening the teeth made carbamide peroxide bleach-
ing much more attractive and popular. In fact, there should be
a warning on the label of each at-home bleaching kit that as an
unintended side effect, gingival health will improve.
Rinsing with carbamide peroxide liquid will whiten teeth,
but unfortunately the destaining process would be very slow and
rather tedious. Most patients would lose interest in the process
long before their teeth became visibly whiter.

Technologic Elements
Several technologic advances have had a great impact on the
FIGURE 14-28 Including a color check at routine checkups interest in at-home tooth whitening over the years. These were
for patients with bleached teeth increases patient awareness. often minor procedural or product changes that, although not
(Courtesy Vident, Brea, California.)
very dramatic on their own, made the patient use and the office
delivery of at-home whitening more comfortable, more pleasant,
and more practical.
One of the early problems with carbamide peroxide home
treatment or a manicure. Because dental bleaching does not bleaching was the flavor of the active ingredient. Carbamide
compromise the teeth or soft tissues, it can be repeated as neces- peroxide is also known as urea peroxide; for obvious reasons, it
sary (in the patients evaluation). Most manufacturers provide does not have a particularly pleasant taste. The early at-home
touch-up kitsscaled-down versions of the original whitening tooth-whitening products reflected the urea flavor, and many
kits. The application of carbamide peroxide to teeth that have patients chose to not complete the recommended regimen. In
been previously treated is quite dramatic; the final bleached the mid 1990s the introduction of a mint flavor into the bleach-
coloration can be re-achieved in a few hours or over a night ing gel (Figure 14-29) created an overnight boom in the popu-
or two. larity of at-home bleaching. Although the flavor tended to
Inserting a color check for patients with bleached teeth dissipate within a few minutes, the initial urea taste shock was
(Figure 14-28) as a part of the routine checkup makes these absent, and patients were less likely to react negatively when the
appointments more significant to the patient and increases recall flavor turned less than minty.
cooperation. Most patients are far more interested in maintain- The reservoir technique (Figure 14-30) was designed to
ing their appearance and smile than they are in undergoing deliver increased oxygen ion presence at the tooth surface. The
caries diagnosis, gingival health evaluation, and the scaling of patients impression was poured with a fast-setting stone. Once
subgingival calculus. Thus the color check is often more success- the stone model was set and dry, a drop of colored resin was
ful in motivating patients to attend recare appointments on a cured on the buccal surfaces of the teeth to be whitened. When
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 355

that is to be included in the bleaching tray. The stone is vibrated

into the impression beginning at the posterior of one side of the
arch (Figure 14-31, F ) and flowed consistently from there until
it covers the entire arch up to the previously marked height line
(Figure 14-31, G). The excess stone in the posterior is trimmed
with a spatula (Figure 14-31, H ), and the top of the stone is
flattened (Figure 14-31, I ). This surface will form the base of
the model. For maxillary trays, the palate area is cleared (Figure
14-31, J ). The use of a fast-set stone permits the modeling stone
to be set for tray fabrication in a much shorter period of time
(Figure 14-31, K ). When the stone has hardened, the impres-
sion and the stone are wetted underwater (Figure 14-31, L) to
make the separation of the stone from the impression easier
(Figure 14-31, M ). A cleoid-discoid or similar pointed instru-
FIGURE 14-29 The mid 1990s brought the introduction of ment is used to accentuate the margins of the teeth both on the
mint-flavored bleaching gel. (Pictured: NiteWhite, [Discus Dental, Culver buccal and on the lingual (Figure 14-31, N ). This creates a
City, California].) better seal at the margins to keep the bleach and released oxygen
ions in close proximity to the tooth. The base of the stone model
is trimmed and the flanges are removed to minimize the foot-
print of the stone arch model (Figure 14-31, O). This allows the
vacuum former to work at its maximum efficiency. For the
reservoir technique, a light-cured colored resin is placed on
the buccal surface of the teeth to be bleached (Figure 14-31, P).
The general parameters for the reservoir dictate that its margins
should be located at least 1mm from the incisal edge and the
mesial, distal, and gingival margins so as not to interfere with
retention and to maximize the trays seal over the dentition.
Generally all the teeth to be bleached should have reservoirs
fabricated on the model (Figure 14-31, Q). The model is then
placed on the suction surface of the vacuum former; the plastic
tray material is secured in the upper armature close to the
heating element (Figure 14-31, R). As the heating progresses,
FIGURE 14-30 The reservoir technique was designed to the plastic sags below the retention arm (Figure 14-31, S ). The
increase the oxygen ion presence at the tooth surface. vacuum is turned on at the same time as the entire upper arma-
ture including the heated tray material is quickly brought down
over the model (Figure 14-31, T ). With the vacuum continuing
the model was vacuum formed, the resin bubble left a small to draw the plastic onto the model, the plastic is contoured and
space, or reservoir for additional whitening material, immedi- adapted onto the model with a wet gauze (Figure 14-31, U ). It
ately adjacent to the buccal surface of each tooth. The additional is possible to trim the tray material into the final intra-oral form
bleaching agent that was trapped in the reservoirs released more with scissors, but it is much easier to accomplish this with a
oxygen ions, whitening the teeth more quickly and more heated instrument (Trim-Rite electric knife). The heated knife
effectively. is first used to separate the bulk of the tray plastic from the stone
model well away from the marginal areas (Figure 14-31, V ).
The Bleaching Tray Lab Technique This leaves an over-extended tray whose margins impinging on
It is first and foremost important to have the best impression the mucosa could irritate the soft tissues if worn as is (Figure
possible. It is essential to have the ideal mix of water and stone 14-31, W ). Another cut is made right at the gingival margin to
in pouring the impression to create the model. The prescribed develop the anatomic margins of the bleaching tray (Figure
amount of water (as described in the manufacturers instruc- 14-31, X ). This leaves a tray that is well adapted and just shy
tions) is measured (Figure 14-31, A) and added into the mixing of the gingival margins both at the buccal and the lingual
bowl first (Figure 14-31, B). This prevents caking of unwetted over the entire arch (Figure 14-31, Y). The tray can then be
stone at the bottom of the mixing bowl. The stone powder is removed from the stone model and tried in the patients mouth
pre-measured as well, and added to the water in the bowl (Figure (Figure 14-31, Z ).
14-31, C). The slurry is thoroughly mixed with a spatula to a Most of the early carbamide peroxide products were supplied
smooth consistency (Figure 14-31, D) either manually or prefer- in an anhydrous gel. These gels, by their chemistry, tended to
ably on a mixing turntable. The height of the stone pour is suck out water and moisture from the tooth surface, creating
marked on the impression (Figure 14-31, E ). This height should sensitivity during and after bleaching. The use of non-anhydrous
be at least 3 or 4mm beyond the gingival margins of every tooth gels in later bleaching products made the process much more
356 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry







FIGURE 14-31 A, The prescribed amount of water is measured. B, The pre-measured amount of water is added to the mixing
bowl. C, The pre-measured amount of stone powder is added to the liquid. D, The slurry is mixed with a spatula to a smooth
consistency. E, The desired height of the stone is marked on the impression. F, The stone slurry is vibrated into the impression
beginning at the posterior. G, The stone is flowed in consistently until it reaches the previously marked line. H, Excess stone is
trimmed with a spatula. I, The top of the stone is flattened. J, The palate is cleared for the fabrication of maxillary trays. K, The
use of fast-set stone accelerates the tray fabrication procedure. L, Once the stone has hardened, the impression and stone are
placed under the tap. M, The wetting of the impression and model makes their separation easier. N, A cleoid-discoid instrument
is used to accentuate the margins lingually and buccally. O, The base is trimmed and flanges are removed to minimize the footprint
of the stone model. P, A light-cured colored resin is used to create a reservoir. Q, A reservoir is created for each tooth in the arch
to be whitened. R, The model is placed on the vacuum former, and the plastic tray material is secured on the heating platform.
S, As the tray material heats, it sags below the retention arm.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 357



FIGURE 14-31, contd T, The vacuum is turned on and the heated tray material is brought down over the model. U, Wet gauze
is used to contour the soft plastic onto the stone model. V, A heated knife is used to separate the bulk of the plastic material from
the stone model. W, An over-extended tray will irritate soft tissues. X, A heated knife is used to trim the tray to the required
height at the gingival margin. Y, The trimmed tray is well adapted, just shy of the gingival margins buccally and lingually. Z, The
tray is removed from the model for delivery to the patient.

comfortable for patients and less problematic for dentists and increase as well. In Graph 1 it can be seen that as the concen-
their staff. tration of the carbamide peroxide in the bleaching gel is
The process of tray fabrication for the at-home procedure is, increased, the length of time needed to achieve maximum
by necessity, an in-office task; however, when at-home bleaching tooth whitening is decreased somewhat. It is important to note
was first introduced most dental offices and auxiliaries were not that there is a ceiling of whiteness beyond which additional
particularly familiar with the associated techniques. On the carbamide peroxide at-home treatment (or in-office, for that
other hand, it was financially impractical to ask the dental labo- matter) does not seem to whiten the teeth. The downside to
ratory to fabricate these bleaching trays and to pay for the this approach is that as carbamide peroxide concentration is
bi-directional transportation. The development of auto-heating increased from 10% to 16%, the cases of reported sensitivity
and single-switch suck-down tray formers made the tray fabrica- are doubled. If the concentration of the carbamide peroxide is
tion process much easier, significantly faster and more predict- increased from 16% to 22%, there is another doubling of
ably accurate. However, the task of trimming the bleaching tray reported sensitivity in the first 7 days of at-home treatment.
around the gingival margins on both the buccal and the lingual Thus, while the process of bleaching can be accelerated to
of every single tooth in each arch was still a time-consuming and eliminate several days from a total treatment span of 14 to
tedious task. Unfortunately, the anatomic adaptation step in tray 28 days, the concomitant rise in reported sensitivity does not
preparation step has not been made easier over time. make this approach acceptable.
Over the years there has been a trend to speed up the Although the sensitivity that is associated with at-home
bleaching process by increasing the concentration of the active bleaching is transient, lasting several hours or days but rarely
ingredient. The concept was reasonable; if the concentration longer, the patient can be very uncomfortable, particularly if the
was doubled from 10% to 20%, then the at-home bleaching reaction is severe. The fact that this sensitivity has always disap-
time could be reciprocally cut in half. Although it is demon- peared within 30 days after treatment does not make the suffer-
strable that increasing the carbamide peroxide concentration ing any easier for the patient or the dental team. The prudent
does speed up the bleaching process somewhat, one unforeseen practitioner chooses an approach that is most likely to achieve
side effect is that in-treatment and post-treatment sensitivity successful bleaching within a reasonable treatment period and is
358 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry


7 14 21 28
60 120

50 100

40 80


30 60
20 40

10 20

0 0
7 14 21 28

least likely to cause sensitivity that requires additional patient tray onto the teeth. Once the bleaching gel has adhered to the
care and chairtime. dental surfaces, the carrier tray is removed (Figure 14-32, D).
The development of bleaching strips that adhere to the teeth This leaves the inside, pre-loaded tray formed over the dentition
had a major impact on the delivery of tooth whitening. Crest (over the entire arch) (Figure 14-32, E ). The inside tray contain-
3D White Whitestrips were simple-to-use and less expensive ing the bleaching material should be left in place for up to 30
alternatives to earlier bleaching procedures. Professional Whit- minutes. This approach eliminates the need to fabricate vacuum-
estrips (with a higher concentration of bleach) are available for formed custom bleaching trays in the office and eliminates
the dental practice, whereas regular Whitestrips can be pur- approximately 30 to 60 minutes of auxiliary chairtime.
chased over the counter at numerous outlets. The ubiquitous
promotion that was put into motion at the time of the com-
mercial introduction of Whitestrips created an immediate
At-Home Treatment Planning
worldwide awareness of the bleaching process and its advantages. Tooth whitening actually begins with the patient evaluation,
The impact of this promotional campaign was such that because a thorough medical and dental history should be per-
the global standards for esthetic smiles were redefined formed before any therapy is initiated. In addition to the usual
virtually overnight. Whitestrips focus on the anterior dentition, health history, however, information should be gathered regard-
typically covering the front six to eight teeth. They often ing the probable causes of the patients present condition, as well
create an additional demand for further bleaching at as the patients hopes and expectations for the treatment. Pho-
the professional level to de-stain the remaining teeth. In virtually tographs are also taken before any whitening or other treatment,
all cases, patients who have used Whitestrips are more aware including prophylaxis. These should include at least one photo-
of their dentition and more focused on their appearance graph with a standard shade guide tab in the field for color refer-
and healthan impetus to seek regular and comprehensive ence. If another method of color assay is available, such as a
dental care. full-spectrum colorimeter, it can be used in place of the shade
The most recent technical innovation in at-home tooth whit- tabs (VITA Easyshade Compact, Vident, Brea, California, and
ening has been the development of the pre-formed double-tray MHT, Arbizzano di Negrar, Italy).
system (Figure 14-32, A) (Opalescence Trswhite). The dental Notations should be made in the patients chart describing
team delivers a treatment regimen of 10 each upper and lower the shade and condition of the teeth before treatment. It is
pre-loaded whitening trays (Figure 14-32, B). The patient is advisable to make the patient aware of the starting shade.
instructed to insert the carrier tray over the appropriate arch In addition to performing the normal clinical evaluation, the
(Figure 14-32, C ) (the mandibular tray is smaller than the dentist should carefully inspect all teeth that will come into
maxillary tray), and then finger form the pre-loaded whitening contact with the whitening liquid. Of particular interest is the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 359



FIGURE 14-32 A, A pre-formed double-tray at-home whitening system (Opalescence Trswhite). The treatment contains a
regimen of 10 upper and 10 lower pre-loaded whitening trays. B, The carrier tray is squeezed, which in turn forms the inner tray
to the teeth. C, The carrier tray is placed over the appropriate arch. D, The outer carrier tray is then removed.
E, The inner tray containing the bleaching material is left in place for approximately 30 minutes.
360 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

discovery of major cracks in the teeth or decay or leakage under

existing restorations. Transillumination can be of great help in MATERIAL OPTIONS: IN-OFFICE
detecting these problems. Leaky fillings or frank caries may be BLEACHING
restored temporarily before the whitening process is initiated.
The patient should be informed that these and all other existing In-office bleaching materials generally consist of higher-
tooth-colored fillings will remain largely unchanged, even concentration oxygen-releasing compounds that are considered
though the teeth themselves can be expected to whiten. In fact, safe for intra-oral use. They are expected to work rapidly and
the degree of whitening can often be gauged by the increasing effectively, but always under the direct supervision of the dentist
contrast between the existing composite restorations and the or the designated auxiliary.
surrounding tooth structure. The patient should also be informed The power bleach or gel materials include varying concen-
before whitening that any visible anterior composites or crowns trations of hydrogen peroxide liquid, liquid and powder, or gel
will probably need to be replaced at the end of the bleaching (fluid thickened with stabilizers and/or coloring agents). The
procedure. The dentist should also note any cervical abrasion, hydrogen peroxides are designed to be used at 15% to 35%.
exposed root structure, or severely diminished enamel Those power bleaching products that are premixed tend to lose
thickness. effectiveness over time with storage and by heating during trans-
After the establishment of these baseline conditions, it is port; the materials where the components are packaged sepa-
usually necessary to perform a thorough prophylaxis of the teeth, rately and mixed immediately before use are more likely to be
which is then followed by a re-examination. At this point it is closer to their advertised oxygenating strength.
important, although not critical, to ascertain the type of discol- Higher-strength carbamide peroxides can also be used for
oration that has affected the teeth. This analysis will help in in-office tooth whitening. Even the 35% concentrations of the
predicting the degree of lightening that can be expected, along carbamide products can be used safely, but carefully, without soft
with the amount of treatment time needed. Careful discussions tissue protection (35% carbamide peroxide has the bleaching
using good listening skills should be employed to gauge the effectiveness of a 10% to 12% hydrogen peroxide solution).
patients level of expectation for the procedure. Once the type Light- and laser-mediated in-office bleaching has been
and severity of the discoloration have been diagnosed, the dentist popular within the profession, but wildly popular among
must align the patients expectations with reality. Often, discus- patients, since its appearance in the mid 1990s. The most impor-
sions concerning the treatment plan can be more meaningful if tant question that the professional must ask is whether there is
the patient is shown photographs of similar situations with other an actual photoinitiator or photoactivator within the bleaching
patients and the type and the extent of favorable results that liquid or gel. This specific ingredient can make the process a
have been achieved. If this is done, however, the patient must light or laser treatment; the absence of a photo-reactive
be made aware that every dentition is different and the examples material in the bleach makes this claim inaccurate.
cannot constitute a guarantee of similar results with his or her Many terms are used to describe in-office bleaching. They
particular teeth. can be confusing for the professional and even more so for
Patients should also be told exactly what to expect in terms patients.
of the treatment itself. They are naturally interested in knowing In-office bleaching contrasts the professionally monitored
such things as whether there will be any discomfort, whether process with patient-administered at-home procedures.
they will be able to talk while wearing the tray, and whether they Chairside bleaching is just another term that reflects the
can eat while wearing the tray. Before initiating any sort of treat- in-office nature of the procedure.
ment, all of these aspects should be discussed and clear financial Power bleaching is a reference to the higher concentrations
arrangements made. of bleaching materials that are used.
Once the patient has elected to have the whitening procedure Laser bleaching refers specifically to a laser-lightmediated
performed, the dentist can fill in any large areas of cervical abra- treatment but in practice is the terminology used to
sion or abfraction on the teeth to be whitened. If this is not describe any light source that is utilized as part of a whit-
done, there may be a slight risk of sensitivity during the whiten- ening process. The light may be an argon laser, a diode
ing procedure. In addition, if the tray is closely adapted to the laser, a curing light, or a proprietary activating light.
facial anatomy of teeth, into the cervical abrasions, the tray
becomes difficult to insert and remove. Therefore these provi-
sional cervical restorations should be placed at this time, knowing ADVANTAGES
full well that they will need replacement after tooth whitening
is completed. The underlying advantage of in-office bleaches is that they can
Even when all cervical abrasions are bonded over with resin, claim to work more quickly than the at-home products. For the
patients with exposed root structure or severely diminished most part, this claim is true. There are other possible benefits,
enamel thickness should be informed that they may have to limit as well. Some manufacturers claim the use of an in-office gel
the time of continuous exposure to the whitening liquid if they bleach decreases the incidence of tooth sensitivity by reducing
experience any sensitivity. During treatment, they should gener- the tooth desiccation commonly observed with the liquid and
ally avoid exposure to citrus fruits, apples, and other acid- the liquid-powder products. The gels typically contain 10% to
containing substances to avoid exacerbating dental sensitivity. 20% water, which serves to rehydrate the teeth throughout the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 361

bleaching procedure. The viscous consistency of the gel allows contact with the bleach. Protection of the patients face, soft
it to remain in more intimate contact with the tooth, more tissues, eyes, skin, and lips is mandatory!
predictably and for longer periods. The presence of water in the Dental assistants can also experience tissue burns as they mix
gel reduces the shelf-life, and some of these products must be the materials or clean up after the appointment. Meticulous and
refrigerated both during transport and in the practice until they defined protocols are therefore required for preparing and dis-
are used. posing of bleaching materials.
The thicker gels decrease the incidence of inadvertent soft Thirty-five percent hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent are
tissue contact as they tend to remain where they are placed on unstable and have a very short shelf-life. They should be refriger-
the tooth surfaces. The viscous nature of the gels may promote ated or stored at a cool temperature.
increased oxidizing ion penetration into the enamel and dentin Finally, but very significantly, Bowles, Thompson, and
by allowing the gel to act as a blanket to prevent the escape of Ungwuneri found that the teeth may be made more sensitive
the liberated oxygen ions. Gels can be freshly mixed immedi- with the in-office technique alone.
ately before treatment, and a fresh solution should be mixed for
each patient. (Hydrogen peroxide shelf-life is rather limitedas
little as 6 months. Always verify the expiration date of the Complications with Stronger
hydrogen peroxide liquid before mixing it with the powder to
form a gel.)
Bleach Concentrations
Stronger concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, such as 35%, can
cause soft tissue damage, gingival ulcerations, and skin burns.
Disadvantages These soft tissue irritations appear as a white lesion surrounded
There are several disadvantages to power bleaching that must be by a red rim.
considered. It takes more chairside time in the operatory and The patient may be the first to notice a tingling or burning
thus has a greater practice cost associated with it. The results of in the gums during the bleaching treatment. They should be
in-office bleaching can be rather unpredictable, as it is not continually questioned during the procedure to ascertain
known exactly how well the teeth will respond to the whitening whether this is happening. If a tissue burn does occur, it should
procedure in the very short term. be rinsed with copious amounts of water to neutralize the per-
Typically the procedure involves longer and more frequent oxide effects on the soft tissue. Blanching, or gingival burns,
in-office appointments than at-home bleaching, as one session are quite common. These typically disappear after a few minutes,
is often insufficient to achieve an acceptable color change. The heal quickly, and are very unlikely to cause any permanent
chair time and material costs for each subsequent in-office damage. When tissue burns do occur, the patient must be told,
bleaching appointment (or re-treatment) are the same as those shown, and reassured.
for the initial treatment, whereas at-home bleaching is less It is advisable to use soft tissue protection for most in-office
expensive with respect to consumables and much less expensive bleaching techniques: rubber dam or light-activated liquid resin
with respect to chair-time. soft tissue coverage.
In 1991, Rosensteil, followed the re-staining that occurs after
use of 30% hydrogen peroxide to bleach teeth in vivo. It was
reported that there was a 50% drop-off from the immediate CURRENT BEST APPROACH
post-treatment color change effect at 1 week, and only 14% of
the whitening remained at 6 to 9 months. These results indicate The current best approach for in-office bleaching requires a
that although hydrogen peroxide alone is an efficient short-term number of components and a number of steps. Typically in-office
bleaching agent, significant re-staining occurs with time after a bleaching, particularly if it encompasses several sequential
single bleaching treatment. Regression of the color may occur in-chair sessions for the patient, should involve at-home bleach-
much more quickly with in-office treatments than with at-home ing in between the sessions. For single-appointment in-office
bleaching. Therefore multiple appointments are required, and bleaching procedures, there should be a post-bleaching regimen
in-office whitening should be accompanied by an at-home treat- accomplished at home to de-stain the teeth as well. Todays best
ment component in-between or after in-office sessions. approach may also consist of a combination of procedures for
It is well known that the teeth are dehydrated during bleach- difficult stains such as tetracycline (or to increase the rapidity of
ing treatment. This can complicate the accurate measurement the treatment, or to decrease postoperative sensitivity). Some
and evaluation of actual bleaching shade change. The rehydra- improved bleaching materials include a much lower level of
tion of desiccated bleached teeth manifests as a somewhat darker hydrogen peroxide, 3% to 3.5%, compared with many in-office
coloration and is often misinterpreted by patients as rebound bleaching materials, which contain up to 35% hydrogen
discoloration. peroxide.
There are serious safety considerations with in-office bleach- Advantages of the lower level peroxide bleaching materials
ing, as well. The chairside bleach often employs a stronger, more include their direct application to the patients dentition
caustic peroxide concentration and can be problematic if it without risk of damage to the surrounding gingiva, tongue,
spreads beyond the hard tissues. Soft tissue burns can occur on mucosa, and other parts of the oral cavity. Although it is still a
the patients lips, cheeks, and gingiva simply from transient good idea to place barriers on these non-bleachable soft tissue
362 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

areas, the accidental exposure to 3.5% hydrogen peroxide be readily treated in the practice or at home. Gingival sensitivity,
bleach is unlikely to have any major effects in terms of sensitiv- even when left untreated, typically resolves within 1 to 2 days.
ity, discomfort, or surface irritation. These low-peroxide Tooth sensitivity can be readily eliminated with various desen-
bleaches work with the addition of an activating material that sitizing agents but will often disappear within 1 to 2 weeks.
accelerates the bleaching process. Initiators include the sodium
pyrophosphate family and potentiate the effect of the peroxide
de-staining even at very low concentrations. They are applied in INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
the same fashion as conventional procedures and can be deliv-
ered either directly or with gauze to keep the bleach in place. Recent innovations have tended to make the chemistry of
The bleach is applied three times over the course of a single bleaching materials less caustic and thus less irritating to the soft
treatment session. After each application, the spent material tissues, as well as more effective in the bleaching of the tooth
that has exhausted its bleaching properties is wiped off the den- structures. Some materials, such as tetrasodium pyrophosphate,
tition and replaced with freshly reactive material. Thus the have been shown to potentiate the effects of the bleaching. As a
threefold application of the bleaching material to the teeth, result, much lower concentrations of the active bleach ingredient
directly or indirectly, with or without light, preferably at lower can be used. A 3.5% hydrogen peroxide bleach with tetrasodium
peroxide concentrations and with as little postoperative sensi- pyrophosphate is comparable to hydrogen peroxide alone in
tivity as possible, is the preferred application or best approach concentrations up to 35%. Despite a significantly lower concen-
at this time. tration of hydrogen peroxide, the catalytic effect of the tetraso-
dium pyrophosphate can provide excellent bleaching power.
This lower-concentration peroxide can be used safely and effec-
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS tively without gingival protection (gel, paint-on resin, or rubber
dam). It should be noted that 3.5% hydrogen peroxide is equiva-
One of the most important practice considerations is that tooth lent in terms of tissue causticity to 10% carbamide peroxide, a
whitening or bleaching often opens up the doors to additional material that is routinely used without protection on the soft
treatment requests by the patient. Most patients are really not tissues of the mouth.
all that aware of, or focused on, their teeth; once they have seen The chemical approach to improving the parameters of dental
the possibilities offered by the bleaching of their teeth, however, bleaching materials will continue to advance bleaching effective-
and the vast improvement that this generates in their appearance ness, bleaching speed, and patient comfort and safety. As these
and their self-confidence, they develop increased interest in technologies are added to the dental armamentarium, more dif-
having veneers, crowns, and other esthetic procedures done. As ficult cases such as tetracycline staining can be more readily
a corollary effect, patients also tend to significantly improve their addressed.
oral hygiene as a direct consequence of their increased focus on
their teeth.
Tooth bleaching is offered not only by the dentist; kits are BLEACHING LIGHTS
available over the counter from numerous dental or dentally
related companies. In many countries, the patient can pick up Bleaching lights have been portrayed by some, particularly the
a treatment kit in a pharmacy or supermarket. During the first manufacturers of the lights, as tremendously enhancing the
11 years of tooth bleaching (1990 to 2001), when dental tooth-whitening procedure. These lights are offered in various
de-staining was available exclusively from dental practitioners, forms: freestanding, chair mounted, or handheld; small, medium,
about 15 million individuals, mostly in North America, had or large; and of general or limited-range wavelengths. They may
their teeth whitened. Since these products became available over be sleek and exciting or simply functional.
the counter, combined with the massive advertising power of Whatever the parameters, the general feeling among the
large companies such as Procter & Gamble (Whitestrips line), patient population is that bleaching lights actually assist in the
it is estimated that more than 500 million people worldwide tooth-whitening process. In actual fact, most research indicates
have whitened their teeth to some extent. This not only opens that bleaching lights do not make any difference whatsoever in
up tremendous opportunities for patients, it also focuses their the speed, effectiveness, or duration of the whitening process,
minds on oral health, creating more regular attendance at the nor do lights alter the results of the treatment on the teeth.
dental practice for treatment and, in particular, maintenance. Furthermore, there are some specific problems associated with
Given that in many jurisdictions tooth bleaching can be the use of bleaching lights. The early lights were very hot and
accomplished by auxiliary personnel, the procedure helps to they were typically positioned quite close to the face in order to
extend a dentists time and treatment capabilities to more raise the temperature of the bleach at the tooth surface. This
patients within a limited amount of clinical time. Fortunately, rather significant temperature change (often greater than 10 C)
very few ill effects have been reported with tooth whitening, occasionally led to severe operative and/or postoperative dental
consisting mostly of tooth and/or gingival postoperative sen sensitivity owing to the effect of the heat on the dental pulp. In
sitivity. These problems can generally be avoided by selecting some cases, the prolonged heating of the teeth caused irreversible
appropriate bleaching materials and applying them with the pulpitis and eventually necessitated endodontic treatment. Some
recommended techniques. When sensitivity does occur, it can bleaching lights had emissions in the ultraviolet range, which
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 363

can be dangerous for unprotected eyes (patients, staff, and heat-mediated rate that is approximately 3% greater (320/
dentist) as well as any exposed skin. Patients required very com- 310 = 1.03 or +3%) than at regular body temperature.
prehensive skin protection for their faces and appropriately fil- Clinically, this means that a 60-minute in-office bleaching
tered safety glasses for their eyes. The operator and the auxiliary procedure can be shortened by 3%, or 2 minutes.
staff also required similar protection. Heat-based bleaching The risks of heating teeth are significant (Figure 14-33),
lamps, if they were held too close to the mouth, were capable however. Heating a tooth 10 C is the temperature differential
of overheating (and occasionally burning) the lips and the that has been recommended to activate bleaching but even this
facial skin. thermal change is likely to cause severe sensitivity and possible
Theoretically, the bleaching light has two possible modes of pulpal damage. Furthermore, even this risky process of over
action. One is the stimulation of a photo-activating substance heating the teeth to the point of endangering the integrity of
within the bleach; the other is a temperature increase that cata- the pulp can only realize a maximum 3% increase in bleaching
lyzes a faster bleaching reaction. The photo-activator option is speed.
most easily dealt with. A photo-reactive substance in the bleach- For these reasons, both from the technological and chemical
ing material could conceivably catalyze the treatment to proceed perspectives, neither the application of a bleaching light or
more rapidly and more effectively during light stimulation. If curing light nor the raising of the surface temperature of the
there is no photo-reactive substance contained within the bleach, teeth has any significant clinical benefit for the patient undergo-
no catalytic effect can possibly occur. Most power bleaching ing bleaching. In fact, there are numerous dangers inherent to
procedures that recommend bleaching lights do not list any both of these approaches that can lead to significant ancillary
catalytic substances among their ingredients. Thus, no photo- problems for both hard and soft tissues.
stimulation is possible. As a result of the advertising, promotion, and media expo-
The heat-bleaching concept is based on the fact that sure over the past 15 years or so, many patients expect and even
most reactions progress more quickly at higher temperatures. demand that a light or laser be incorporated into their
Chemical reaction speeds are calculated using Kelvin ratios, bleaching treatment. In some cases, the patient cannot ratio-
or the environmental temperatures as they relate to absolute nally accept that the bleaching light adds no benefit to treat-
zero (0 Kelvin or 273 Celsius). Generally, a reaction taking ment, and may in fact be problematic from a health perspective.
place at a higher ambient temperature proceeds at a faster Rather than arguing the point with the patient, it is acceptable
rate, and the speed of the reaction can be calculated as a to use a bleaching light that is far enough away from the mouth
direct ratio of the temperature differential between the two (Figure 14-34) to cause no heating of the teeth. This offers the
environments. patient the required psychological support without endangering
This phenomenon likely occurs with heated bleaching prod- the health of his or her teeth and soft tissues. The distant light
ucts on the teeth as well but can be shown to be insignificant source causes no damage; however, it provides an adjunct that
clinically. The temperature of the teeth (the same as the bodys is important to the patient. Thus it constitutes a patient man-
temperature, or slightly lower) is typically 37 C, which trans- agement approach that, while not contributing any treatment
lates to 310 Kelvin. When a bleaching material is heated to advantage, does make the patient more comfortable and more
a temperature of 320 K from a normal mouth temperature confident, contributing to the success of the overall treatment
of 310 K, the bleaching reaction does proceed faster, at a process.


FIGURE 14-33 A, Heating the tooth with an instrument. B, Heating the tooth with a light. The risks associated with the heating
of the teeth during a whitening procedure are significant. An increase of 10 C is likely to cause sensitivity and possible pulpal
364 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

2. Facial and ocular protection are placed on the patients head

(Figure 14-36, B).
3. Gauze soaked in 35% hydrogen peroxide liquid is placed on
the teeth and allowed to stay for periods as long as 30 minutes
(Figure 14-36, C ).
4. A heating light is set approximately 30cm away from the
teeth to warm the peroxide (Figure 14-36, D).
5. The procedure may be repeated at 1- or 2-week intervals.

Patients can expect their teeth to be sensitive for a few

days after treatments owing to the heating effect of the light
on the dentition. The desiccation of the teeth through any
heat-mediated bleaching procedure adds to the patients

Bleaching with Lasers

FIGURE 14-34 It is best to have the bleaching light at a Laser-assisted bleaching was introduced in the mid 1990s as an
further distance from the patients mouth to avoid heating of attempt to improve and accelerate the bleaching process. The
the teeth.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Ion Laser
Technologys (Salt Lake City, Utah) argon and carbon dioxide
lasers in 1996. The patient population, always enthralled by
IN-OFFICE BLEACHING: lasers, was very keen to try laser bleaching, which was promoted
TREATMENT PLANNING SEQUENCE as a procedure superior to earlier bleaching methods. There was,
and is, little clinical research to support the laser bleaching
Power Bleaching Techniques Using Heat technique, its safety, or its benefits. There is little documentary
The bleaching effects of heat and oxygen ions released from evidence to indicate that lasers are any more effective than tra-
hydrogen peroxide on the pulp were analyzed numerous times ditional bleaching methods. Most of the published reports in
from the 1960s to the 1980s. Heat has been shown to cause this area are anecdotal and empirical. Joness in vitro study in
decreases in pulpal circulation, increases in pulpal inflamma- 1999 indicated that one session of laser bleaching did not dem-
tion, and irregular dentin formation. These factors can explain onstrate any perceivable color change and recommended that
much of the sensitivity that some patients report during and/or additional or longer applications may be required. This study
after power bleaching. Excess heat activation increases the found that exposure to 20% carbamide peroxide produced the
intrapulpal temperature, damaging odontoblasts, and causing greatest perceivable color change. However, this was an in vitro
inflammatory changes to the organic portions of the tooth that study and did not account for the intra-oral presence of saliva
often lead to irreversible pulpal damage. A small number of and in vivo hydrodynamic pulpal pressures.
oxygen ions from hydrogen peroxide inevitably penetrate the
pulp during bleaching but have been shown to have no dis
cernible effect. Although heat mediated bleaching is rarely used Types of Lasers
today, the various heating procedures are described briefly in Many lasers have dental applications, including diode, carbon
the following sections. dioxide, argon, neodymium-doped:yttrium-aluminum-garnet
(Nd:YAG), and erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-
Bleaching with a Heating Instrument garnet (ErCr:YSGG) lasers. Some are used for bleaching
1. The rubber dam and mucosal protection are placed on the procedures.
teeth and soft tissues (Figure 14-35, A).
2. Gauze soaked in 35% hydrogen peroxide liquid is placed on The Role of Lasers in the Bleaching Process
the teeth (Figure 14-35, B). Lasers are intended to enhance the efficiency of bleaching mate-
3. A heating instrument is positioned on the gauze to enhance rials. Lasers catalyze the oxidation reaction by providing addi-
and/or speed the bleaching effect (Figure 14-35, C ). tional energy for the more rapid breakdown of hydrogen peroxide
4. The heat can be applied for up to 3 minutes, assuming into its componentswater and an oxygen ion. This serves to
that the patient can tolerate the discomfort. increase and speed the release of the oxygen ions into the stained
5. The dentist must avoid touching hard or soft tissues with the tooth surface. The liberated oxygen free radicals break apart the
heater (Figures 14-35, D and E ). double bonds of the longer stain molecules into shorter, more
soluble, and possibly less pigmented chains.
Laser manufacturers claim that there is no pulpal effect
Bleaching with a Bleaching Light during laser bleaching; the laser energy heats the bleaching solu-
1. The rubber dam and mucosal protection are placed on the tion far more quickly and efficiently than conventional heat
teeth and soft tissues (Figure 14-36, A). sources (heating instrument or light source), with most of the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 365



FIGURE 14-35 A, The rubber dam and mucosal protection are placed on the teeth and soft tissues. B, Gauze soaked in 35%
hydrogen peroxide liquid is placed on the teeth. C, A heating instrument is positioned on the gauze for up to 3 minutes to enhance
and/or speed the bleaching effect. D and E, The dentist must avoid touching soft or hard tissues with the heater.

energy absorbed directly into the chemical reaction and dissi- Disadvantages of Laser Bleaching
pated quickly thereafter. Some manufacturers claim that their 1. Equipment cost: lasers are expensive.
laser is focused on catalyzing the water-based bleaching reaction. 2. Chairside cost: the procedure, like all in-office bleaching
Others assert that the laser energy is totally absorbed by the treatment, is time-consuming.
bleaching gel on the tooth surface. 3. Postoperative sensitivity can be significant. (Anecdotal reports
indicate moderate to severe post-treatment pain after laser-
Advantages of Laser Bleaching assisted bleaching.)
Laser bleaching may work more quickly owing to a higher con-
centration of the active bleaching ingredient or a more defined
and localized release of the active oxygen ions in close proximity Laser Bleaching Procedure (Dr. David K. Yarborough)
to the tooth surface. It is often used to jump-start more difficult 1. The patient is first assessed both clinically and radiographi-
cases such as tetracycline staining and fluorosis. cally (Figure 14-37, A and B).
366 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry



FIGURE 14-36 A, The rubber dam and mucosal protection are placed on the teeth and soft tissues. B, Facial and ocular protec-
tion are placed on the patients head. C, Gauze soaked in 35% hydrogen peroxide liquid is placed on the teeth and allowed to
stay for periods as long as 30 minutes. D, A heating light is set approximately 30cm away from the teeth to warm the

2. The proposed treatment plans are discussed and evaluated, 11. The teeth are then washed and rinsed, and the bleach is
and the course of treatment is selected. re-applied up to five more times in a single appointment.
3. The appropriate consent forms are completed and The entire procedure takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes
signed. of chairtime (Figure 14-37, I).
4. Pre-operative photographs of the teeth must be recorded, 12. Use of aluminum oxide disks and/or diamond polishing
preferably under repeatable conditions (Figure 14-37, C ). paste restores the enamels luster (Figure 14-37, J and K ).
5. The teeth are isolated with a protective mucous membrane 13. The dam and then the protective soft tissue seal are removed,
seal to protect the gingiva (Figure 14-37, D). and the mouth is rinsed (Figure 14-37, L).
6. The laser bleaching gel is mixed according to the manufac- 14. The shade of the teeth is now re-assessed.
turers instructions (Figure 14-37, E ). 15. Postoperative photographs must be recorded under the
7. The gel is placed in a 1- to 2-mm thickness on the buccal same conditions as the pre-operative images (Figure
surface of the teeth to be bleached (Figure 14-37, F ). 14-37, M ).
8. The 488-nm argon laser light is applied for 30 seconds 16. The patient can see the bleaching result in a mirror (Figure
about 1 to 2cm from the buccal surface of each tooth and 14-37, N ).
moved from right to left over the tooths surface (Figure
14-37, G ). An alternative technique involves using both argon and
9. After laser illumination, the gel is left on the tooth for carbon dioxide lasers. The argon laser is used as described; then
3 minutes. the carbon dioxide laser is employed with another peroxide-
10. The spent bleaching gel is then removed from the teeth, based solution to enhance the penetration of the bleaching agent
wiped with a damp gauze to avoid splatter of the highly into the tooth to whiten below the surface. Argoncarbon
caustic 35% hydrogen peroxide gel (Figure 14-37, H ). dioxide laser bleaching can take 1 to 3 hours.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 367






FIGURE 14-37 A and B, The patient is first assessed both clinically and radiographically. C, Pre-operative photographs of the
teeth must be recorded, preferably under repeatable conditions. D, The teeth are isolated with a protective mucous membrane
seal to protect the gingiva. E, The laser bleaching gel is mixed according to the manufacturers instructions. F, The gel is placed
in a 1- to 2-mm thickness on the buccal surface of the teeth to be bleached. G, The 488-nm argon laser light is applied for 30
seconds about 1 to 2cm from the buccal surface of each tooth and moved from right to left over the tooths surface. After laser
illumination, the gel is left on the tooth for 3 minutes. H, The bleach gel is then removed from the teeth, wiping with a damp
gauze to avoid splatter of the highly caustic 35% hydrogen peroxide gel. I, The teeth are then washed and rinsed and the bleach
is re-applied up to five more times in a single appointment. The entire procedure takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes in the
chair. J, The dam and then the mucosal membrane seal are removed, and the mouth is rinsed. K and L, Aluminum oxide disks
and/or diamond polishing paste is used to restore the enamels luster. M, Postoperative photographs must be recorded under the
same conditions as the pre-operative images. N, The patient is shown the bleaching result in a mirror.
368 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

The patient is reclined horizontally, gingival tissues are iso-

Clinical Techniques lated, and the peroxide paste on the tooth surfaces is illuminated
In-Office Tooth Whitening with Light by the bleaching light (Figure 14-38, I ). The light may be useful
ApplicationDry Technique in activating the bleaching materials. The slow-speed suction
The smile image (Figure 14-38, A) reveals the anterior 12 teeth extends out of the patients mouth, continually removing excess
and a corresponding close-up of the maxillary anterior teeth saliva to keep the bleaching area free from contamination. The
(Figure 14-38, B) before bleaching. The accumulated stains in light activates the material for about 10 minutes, drying it until
the teeth are seen darkening and yellowing the tooth surfaces on it becomes very opaque white. Re-wetting of the peroxide paste
both the maxillary and the mandibular arches. Once the deci- is not recommended at this stage.
sion has been reached by the patient and the dentist to proceed The spent bleaching material is mostly removed from the
with bleaching, the next step is to prepare the patients mouth teeth with a wet gauze (Figure 14-38, J ). Some bleaching mate-
and teeth for the bleaching process and materials. The teeth rial remains interproximally and toward the gingival. This
have been polished with a non-fluoride prophylaxis paste. Tooth remnant can be left pending the next step of the bleaching
cleansing systems that deliver a remineralizing bioactive glass procedure.
such as NovaMin (calcium sodium phosphosilicate) (Figure The bleaching gel is re-applied to the surfaces of the teeth
14-38, C ) can be used not only to clean the surface but also to (Figure 14-38, K ). The gel is automixed through a dual-barrel
harden both the enamel and the dentin through a process called syringe, ensuring that the mixing of the components occurs
peening (Figure 14-38, D). immediately before use and that the peroxide paste is therefore
Several steps are required before bleaching is commenced. always fresh and at its maximum bleaching potential. Segregated
The first step of the process is to retract the cheeks in order to component storage extends shelf-life considerably. The material
provide clear visibility of the all the teeth to be treated, to allow is spread evenly over the facial surfaces of the teeth and over the
clinical access, to separate the upper and lower teeth, and to incisal edges, ensuring that all the visible surfaces of the teeth
block the tongue from interfering for the next 60 minutes or so. are whitened and that the material does not seep beyond the
The facial shield, which protects the surfaces of the lips and face, gingival barrier to the soft tissues, facial surfaces, lips, or tongue.
is applied and secured along with the cheek retractor. The blue The patient is reclining with the next gel application in place
gingival barrier is also applied to protect the marginal soft tissues on the maxillary and mandibular tooth surfaces with the activat-
from the peroxide bleach. The barrier is placed on the gingival ing light on (Figure 14-38, L). The application lasts 10 minutes.
areas that approximate the margin of the gingiva at the tooth Once completed, the material is simply suctioned off without
interface. This material is delivered in a thin 2- to 3-mm viscous rinsing. Fresh gel is re-applied and the patient again undergoes
gel layer positioned on the soft tissues just beyond the margins the 10-minute light-activation procedure. This application of
of the tooth-gingiva interface. The gel is immediately light cured light-activated gel is repeated a total of three times as part of the
to ensure that it stays in place throughout the procedure. This overall treatment sequence.
barrier protects the free gingiva adjacent to the teeth that are to Figure 14-38, M shows the patient during the gel light-
be bleached in case the caustic bleaching materials overflow the activation step with the slow-speed suction removing excess
hard tisuue surfaces (Figure 14-38, E ). saliva. The maxillary and mandibular teeth are separated and the
Although the bleaching materials, when used as instructed, cheeks retracted. The surfaces of the face and lips are covered by
do not affect the tooth surface in any deleterious way, they can the face protector, and the gingival barrier protects the teeth.
occasionally cause white chemical burns (Figure 14-38, F ) on The patient is not in a position where he or she can easily read
exposed gingival tissues. These tissue burn areas are not generally or watch a television screen during this phase of treatment. The
detrimental to the patient but can certainly cause patient alarm bleaching light can be seen at the top of the image.
as well as generating localized and transient sensitivity in the Once the three bleaching applications have been completed,
affected tissues. If required, cotton rolls can be applied in the the spent bleaching gel is suctioned away with high-speed
occlusal folds distal to the bleaching to further isolate these areas, suction. A wet gauze is used to remove as much of the remaining
to prevent salivary contamination, and to improve access and bleaching gel as possible. Then the gingival barrier, the cheek
visibility. retractor, and the facial barrier are removed and the patient is
Many bleaching systems recommend a pre-whitening step. asked to rinse with water. After rinsing, the full-smile (Figure
This is typically an agent that conditions the enamel and dentin 14-38, N ) and close-up (Figure 14-38, O) images demonstrate
surfaces to bleach more quickly and/or effectively. In this case the extent to which the anterior teeth have been bleached. The
the conditioning liquid and powder are mixed together to yield teeth are now significantly whiter.
a 35% hydrogen peroxide paste, which is subsequently applied In some cases white spots may appear on the teeth. These
to the tooth surfaces, the gingival barrier keeping it away from white spots, as can be seen on the distal-incisal of tooth No. 21
the gingival areas (Figure 14-38, G ). (Figure 14-38, P), will disappear with time (2 to 5 days) as the
The air-water spray is contraindicated to wash away this layer, teeth re-hydrate and remineralize. There is often a dramatic
as the water can reactivate the peroxide and inadvertently spray post-treatment decline of the whitening effect as the teeth
it into unprotected areas of the mouth where the caustic slurry re-hydrate, because at least part of the bleaching effect is the
can irritate the soft tissues. The spent conditioning material is result of tooth desiccation during the bleaching appointment.
now ready for wet gauze removal (Figure 14-38, H ). A bleaching session represents 60 to 90 minutes during which
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 369


D After treatment with Sylc Powder

SE 30-MAY-06 WD14.7mm x2.OK 20um SE 01-Jun-06 WD13.8mm x2.OK 20um SE 01-Jun-06 WD13.9mm x2.OK 20um





FIGURE 14-38 A, Pre-treatment photograph showing the upper and lower arch. B, Close up pre-treatment photograph.
C, An illustration showing the benefits of cleansing the tooth surfaces. D, Diagrams showing the effects of remineralizing bioac-
tive glass materials that clean the tooth surface and harden the enamel and dentin. This process is called peening. E, Light-cured
resin gingival barrier protects the soft tissues during the bleaching process. F, Chemical burn caused by the bleaching material
coming into direct contact with the gingival tissues. G, A powder-liquid formula is mixed to create a 35% hydrogen peroxide
paste, which is applied to the teeth. H, A bleaching light is used to activate the bleaching material. The light is applied for 10
minutes. The low-volume suction continually removes excess saliva from the patients mouth, keeping the bleaching area free from
contamination. I, The spent peroxide paste is dry after the light application. J, The spent bleaching material is mostly removed
using wet gauze. K, The bleaching material is re-applied to the tooth surfaces. L, A bleaching light is again applied for 10 minutes
to activate the bleaching material. M, Because the patient is reclined, he or she may read or watch a ceiling-mounted television
during this phase of the treatment. N, Postoperative image of the anterior teeth. O, Postoperative close-up image of the anterior
teeth showing a significant change. P, White spots, as can be seen on the distal-incisal of tooth No. 21, will disappear with time
(2 to 5 days) as the teeth re-hydrate and remineralize.
370 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

the teeth have no contact with saliva or other non-bleaching darker than the other anterior teeth, possibly because of earlier
liquids. Some dentists apply fluorides in a polish or gel onto the trauma or injury. It is likely to bleach less effectively than the
teeth after bleaching to speed remineralization. This step does adjacent teeth.
not affect the whiteness of the teeth but may improve the surface Any commercially available prophylaxis paste that does not
hardness and is likely to decrease any postoperative sensitivity. contain fluoride can be used, but increasingly, remineralizing
materials containing NovaMin are selected. The facial protective
In-Office Tooth Whitening with Light barrier is applied and then the cheek retractor is used to separate
ApplicationWet Technique the maxillary and mandibular arches, displace the cheeks, and
The bleach and gauze technique is different from the dry gel expose the upper and lower anterior teeth for bleaching. Next
application in that gauze is kept in a bleach-moistened state on the gingival barrier is placed in a gel form and light cured to
the teeth throughout the treatment process. This ensures that hardness such that it is retained on the tissue without adhesives;
the bleaching material is continually active in releasing oxygen its physical shape and the undercuts of the gingival areas are
ions, that active bleaching material remains in contact with the adequate to retain the barrier in place throughout the entire
tooth surfaces at all times, and that the released oxygen ions have bleaching process (Figure 14-39, B).
a decreased ability to escape the immediate proximity of the Cotton rolls may be applied in the mucosal folds to staunch
tooth surface. The bleach and gauze wet technique can be used salivary flow and to keep the operating area dry. A slow-speed
with most in-office bleaching materials. Treatment modalities suction should be at the ready in case excess saliva forms in the
are selected according to clinician preference and patient patients mouth. The bleaching gel is first applied on the buccal
comfort. surfaces of the teeth, and then the bleach-moistened gauze is
The first step in this procedure, as with most in-office bleach- placed over the first layer of gel (Figure 14-39, C ). The bleaching
ing systems, is to polish the surfaces of the teeth to remove all material seeps through the gauze slowly. If it is necessary to add
the debris and eliminate any remaining extrinsic surface stains more bleaching material to thoroughly wet the gauze, gel is
that have not been locked into the enamel lattices and dentinal added on the outside surface of the gauze. The clinical image
tubules. In Figure 14-39, A, the right central incisor is slightly shows one gauze on the maxillary teeth and one on the



FIGURE 14-39 A, Pre-operative photographs show that the right central incisor is slightly darker than the other anterior teeth.
It is likely to bleach less effectively than the other teeth in the arch. B, The patients soft tissues are protected with a light-cured
resin barrier. C, The bleaching gel is applied to the buccal surface of the maxillary and mandibular teeth, followed by placement
of a bleach-moistened gauze over the teeth. Additional bleaching gel can be applied if necessary. D, A bleaching light is applied
to the buccal surface of the teeth. E, The application of the bleach and the light is repeated at least three times. After the barrier
and retractors have been removed and the teeth have been thoroughly rinsed, the teeth are significantly whiter. F, A close-up of
the right central incisors shows the yellow stain before treatment. G, A close-up of the right central incisor after treatment.
Although the stain remains, it is less prominent after the bleaching procedure.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 371

mandibular, whitening both arches simultaneously. If the gauzes The patient rinses to eliminate any bleaching gel remaining
begin to desiccate, additional gel is applied on the gauze surface. between the teeth or around the soft tissues. The teeth are now
The bleaching gel penetrates the gauze and may ooze out in some significantly whiter than they were before treatment (Figure
areas. In other areas, the gauze has insufficient bleach beneath 14-39, E ). Some fall-back in tooth coloration can be expected
it to be completely wetted. In these areas, whitening material is to occur over the next 1 to 2 weeks (mostly caused by surface
added from the outside, either buccal or lingual, to ensure that rehydration, not re-staining). The in-office procedure is typically
the gauze is completely moist with bleaching gel. a multi-appointment procedure encompassing two or three ses-
Although the bleaching gel with the gauze should whiten the sions, with home bleaching as a highly recommended course
teeth effectively, some dentists, and in particular some patients, of therapy between in-office sessions. This combined in-office
prefer to have the light-activated protocol used in addition to and at-home regimen offers the best and longest-lasting tooth-
the chemical reaction of the bleach. The bleaching light is whitening results.
applied to the surface of the gel and the underlying gauze (Figure The right central incisor has remained somewhat yellower
14-39, D). The objective is to always have excess gel in close than the other teeth (Figure 14-39, F and G ). Although it is less
proximity to the tooth. The light activation liberates oxygen ions dark than before, it is still less bleached than the adjacent teeth.
from the bleach product, breaking down the peroxide (H2O2) Previous trauma or injury likely caused a narrowing of the pulp
to water (H2O) and oxygen ions (O). This allows the free chamber to make this tooth somewhat darker than the others.
oxygen ions or radicals that are close to the tooth surface to It is generally accepted that trauma can cause internal bleeding
penetrate the semi-permeable surface of the enamel and dentin. and circulatory damage within the pulp chamber. Bilirubin
Once inside the tooth structures, they break down the double deposits from the damaged blood vessels are secreted in various
bonds of the long-chain stain molecules. The smaller, shorter- layers of the tooth structure. As the bilirubin ages, it becomes
chain stain molecules can then pass through the semi-permeable yellower and/or browner, giving the entire tooth a somewhat
layer from the enamel and dentin into the oral cavity, where they darker tinge. These bilirubin stains can be removed, but the
are rinsed or washed away. process may be difficult or impossible in many cases. In these
Many bleach activating lights are available. Some bleach situations, bleaching is not an adequate approach and veneers
manufacturers recommend proprietary lights, whereas others or crowns are indicated.
recommend generic light sources including composite curing Before bleaching, the incisal composite restoration on the left
lights. For the practitioner the most important clinical consid- central incisor was relatively well color matched to the remainder
eration is to ensure that the selected light source does not over- of the tooth (despite the visible margin). After bleaching, the
heat vital teeth to the point at which painful in-treatment restoration is far less color matched and has become an esthetic
discomfort, post-treatment sensitivity, or permanent pulpal liability. Thus it is important to note that patients who have
damage can occur. In the case shown in Figure 14-39, a curing visible, but color-matched, anterior restorations must be warned
light was used to activate the bleach. Approximately 1 minute that these restorations are likely to require replacement after
of total light-activation time, delivered from the buccal, was bleaching to match the whitened coloration of the teeth. Typi-
judged necessary per tooth. To prevent excessive heat buildup in cally the replacement of old restorations should not commence
the teeth, the wave technique is recommended. A 20-second until at least 1 to 2 weeks after the bleaching procedure has been
application of the activating light is delivered to one tooth. The completed; the variable fall-back (to darker coloration with
operator then moves on to an adjacent tooth for a 20-second in-office procedures) or continuation (to whiter coloration with
light activation, and so on, until the entire arch has been acti- at-home procedures) that occurs after the end of the bleaching
vated. Then the operator returns the light to the first tooth for treatment is rather unpredictable. These post-treatment color
the second 20-second session of light reactivation of the gel. By changes often alter tooth shade significantly in the days imme-
this time, the tooth has cooled down from the first activation, diately after bleaching. After about 2 weeks, the rehydration or
and over-heating is far less likely. With the wave technique the de-staining of the teeth is complete, and tooth coloration
tooth is never allowed to heat up more than 1 to 2 C over its becomes quite stable, changing only as a direct result of normal
normal intra-oral temperature. Furthermore, the tip of the acti- intra-oral staining.
vating light is kept several millimeters away from the tooth, gel,
and gingival surfaces (there should not be any actual physical In-Office Tooth Whitening to Remove White
contact). This prevents the hot tip of the activating light from or Dark Mottling
thermally damaging either the soft or the hard tissues. One of the common complaints reported to dental professionals
The entire process of applying the gauze and the bleaching is white or brown mottling: splotches that mar the esthetic
gel (and optionally the activating light) should be repeated at harmony of the anterior teeth. These spots may result from
least three times to constitute a single bleaching procedure or malformation, developmental discoloration, excessive consump-
session. tion of fluoride during enamel formation, secondary to ortho-
After the bleaching is complete, the gauze is removed with dontics, or poor oral hygiene. In all cases the treatment approach
college pliers and the remaining gel is wiped away with a wet is the same. For post-orthodontic patients, it is essential that the
gauze. Once is the remaining gel has been thoroughly elimi- dentist be certain that all residual composite adhesive materials
nated, the gingival barrier can be removed. Then the cheek and bonding agents have been removed from the tooth surface.
retractors are taken away, and the facial protection is lifted away. The residual bracket adhesive resin (Figure 14-40, A) is often
372 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry







FIGURE 14-40 A, A post-orthodontic patient with residual adhesive material that has stained. This staining can be mistaken
for brown mottling. B to D, Patient has generalized brown and white mottling of the maxillary and mandibular teeth. E to G,
All maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth are treated with Opalustre. H, The teeth are polished with the custom-designed
OpalCup. This is a prophy cup with bristle brushes in the polishing concavity. I, The Opalustre is polished to an even layer on
all the teeth to be treated. J and K, The teeth are rinsed. L, After a through rinsing, the initial de-staining of the buccal surfaces
can be seen. De-staining and color blending may require five or more separate Opalustre treatment steps. Operator patience is
an asset during this procedure. M to P, Initial post-treatment photographs show that the teeth have whitened and the mottling
has been diminished. Q, After two more in-office treatment appointments, significant de-staining and de-mottling can be seen.
White mottling on the laterals, cuspids, and lower incisors is still present. R, After four in-office treatments, final post-treatment
photographs show a whiter and less mottled smile. The patient is pleased with the esthetic result.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 373

stained, appearing darker than the surrounding enamel, and can bristle brushes in their polishing concavity. They were devel-
be mistaken for brown mottling. oped to work the bleaching material into the tooth surface
The patient in Figure 14-40 exhibited a generalized brown more effectively in order to achieve a more rapid and more
and white mottling of the teeth. The occurrence of both white effective de-staining. The Opalustre is prophied into the
and brown mottling presents the greatest de-staining challenge buccal tooth surface with the OpalCup at a very low speed.
to the dentist. The patient had initially considered having por- The slower rotation of the OpalCup is best achieved with a
celain veneer coverage of the anterior 10 maxillary teeth to gear reduction slow speed handpiece. The Opalustre is pro-
improve her smile. However, since the teeth had excellent shape phied into the buccal surface of every anterior tooth (and the
and proportion and the patient was under 20 years of age, it was lingual and proximal surfaces if they are accessible). The
decided to approach the situation as conservatively as possible. bleaching material is worked into the entire buccal surface but
While keeping the porcelain veneer modality in reserve, the with a particular focus on the mottled areas. Care must be
treatment plan commenced with a more conservative bleaching taken not to heat the tooth. Although the polishing of a tooth
approach to determine if de-staining alone could achieve the may last up to a total of 60 seconds, it is advisable to separate
esthetic results that the patient desired. this time into 15-second segments with a wave technique.
The mottling of the teeth, both brown and white, is quite After one tooth has been polished for 15 seconds, the operator
evident both in photographs and in the smile (Figure 14-40, B then moves to the adjacent tooth. When the entire arch is
to D). The dark margins of the brown discolorations indicate completed, the operator returns to the first tooth for another
earlier unsuccessful attempts to bond over the stained areas. 15 seconds; this sequence continues repeatedly until 1 minute
Although the patient did not remember having bonding proce- of polishing has been completed for each tooth. This allows
dures on the buccal surfaces of the central incisors, it is clini- the tooth to remain cool throughout the treatment (shorter
cally obvious that this approach was tried. The resin material polishing sessions) and to cool between consecutive 15-second
was removed very conservatively with a slow-speed round sessions. The Opalustre paste is polished to a more evenly dis-
carbide bur, at less than 1000rpm, and the bleaching proce- tributed layer on the teeth (Figure 14-40, I). The slurry may
dure begun. inadvertently be sprayed onto the gingiva; this has never
Opalustre bleaching (Ultradent Products, Inc.) material is caused any gingival irritations or burns, and has never been a
applied to the teeth (Figure 14-40, E). A small dab of the concern in past treatments.
bleach is dispensed on the central part of the buccal surface. This The operator has the option of leaving the Opalustre slurry
material is designed for chemical and mechanical enamel abra- on the teeth for a number of minutes to intensify the decolor-
sion. It consists of a slurry that contains 6.6% hydrochloric acid ation, or rinsing as soon as the prophylaxis is complete.
(HCl) and silicon carbide micro-particles in a water-soluble The teeth are rinsed as shown in Figure 14-40, J. It is not a
paste. It is readily syringable for accurately positioned applica- problem if some of the Opalustre or the rinsed Opalustre
tion to the specific target locations on the teeth. The manufac- happens to be sprayed onto the gingiva. However, it is good
turer recommends that a rubber dam be in place prior to the practice to completely eliminate the bleaching material from the
application of Opalustre. Although this is certainly a prudent mouth with a thorough rinsing. It might be necessary at this
course of action, it has not been found necessary in clinical stage to replace the cotton rolls if they have become wet with
practice. The cheek retractor is used to pull the lips and cheeks saliva or water, but it is important to keep the cheek retractor
well away from the bleaching operative area. The lips are pro- in place.
tected by cotton rolls inserted into the mucogingival folds to In Figure 14-40, K, additional rinsing has washed most of
position the soft tissues away from the teeth. The Opalustre is the Opalustre from the surfaces of the teeth. Although this is
applied over the entire buccal surfaces of the teeth that are to be only an intermediate stage, the de-staining of the buccal tooth
de-stained, and specifically to those areas that are mottled brown surfaces can be readily seen.
or white. The Opalustre de-staining process is a gradual one. Whereas
The Opalustre slurry is applied to both the maxillary and the some teeth may be more affected than others, it is often found
mandibular teeth as indicated. The bulk of the material is applied that there is little evidence of de-mottling after the first, second,
directly the areas of mottling and is designed to be polished from or even third Opalustre application. It is important not to be
these areas onto the remaining tooth surface. Note that the discouraged at this stage. The nature of the Opalustre is such
tongue extension of the cheek retractor keeps the tongue away that a certain critical level of tooth surface oxygenation must be
from the potentially irritating materials that are used to bleach attained before the dental appearance actually begin to improve.
the teeth. The retractor also keeps the patient from licking their De-staining and color blending may occur after a single applica-
teeth. It is a good idea to have slow-speed suction in place at tion of Opalustre (Figure 14-40, L) or it may take five or more
this stage to remove any excess saliva that may form in the separate treatment steps, but invariably it does occur at some
patients mouth. point. Operator patience is definitely an asset.
All the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth that are In the course of treatment the teeth have become de-stained
visible in the smile are to be treated with Opalustre (Figure and de-mottled but there is now a small thin layer of stained
14-40, F and G ). The permeation of the Opalustre slurry into composite that is still present (Figure 14-40, M to P). Because
the tooth surface is accomplished with the custom-designed the Opalustre cannot be expected to de-stain the adhesive resin,
OpalCup (Figure 14-40, H). OpalCups are prophy cups with this composite must be very gently removed. The best method
374 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

for eliminating this residual resin material is to abrade it with a It can be expected that in-office bleached teeth will experi-
fine round diamond or carbide bur, removing the stained com- ence some fall-back in coloration (owing to rehydration) over
posite, layer by layer, very gently and without any anesthetic. the next 1 to 2 weeks unless at-home bleaching is provided
The most predictable method for differentiating between healthy concurrently with the in-office procedure. Therefore the patient
enamel and composite resin is to dry the tooth surface and to was asked to use a home bleaching regimen between scheduled
observe the differing levels of glossiness in the two materials. appointments to prevent the in-office whitening results from
Composite typically appears more matte, whereas enamel is falling back in the interim.
more glossy. If there is any doubt as to whether the surface Most important, the procedure is ultraconservative. There
material is enamel or composite, it should be left until after the was no removal of tooth structure and no damage to the dentin,
next application of Opalustre. The surface differences between enamel, or soft tissues. When selecting the ideal esthetic tech-
composite and enamel are magnified by bleaching, allowing the nique, the most conservative one is always the best choice.
practitioner to remove the restorative material with greater
The Opalustre was rinsed and re-applied to the teeth five EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
separate times, with the process repeated exactly as shown. Each
application step, or pass, takes about 10 minutes, and the A large body of evidence-based scientific data is available to
appointment should be scheduled accordingly. support both the safety and the efficacy of bleaching. Bleaching
It is very difficult to estimate in advance how many bleaching actually works on the basis of dissolving long-chain stain mol-
passes will be required for any particular case. Patients are gener- ecules within the enamel and the dentin. Short-chain stain mol-
ally informed that the bleaching passes will be repeated until ecules enter the enamel lattices and dentinal surfaces, where they
they are satisfied with the color of their teeth (with a limit of join with double bonds to form longer-chain molecules, which
five to eight passes per appointment). The teeth can nearly are not easily dislodged. Over time the buildup of long-chain
always be made whiter. The underlying question is the patients stain molecule formation within the enamel and dentin makes
personal tooth coloration goal. There is always a convergence the tooth appear darker.
point at which the patients desire for whiter teeth is balanced Figure 14-41 shows a stylized cross-section of the whiter
by his or her willingness to pay for additional bleaching. The enamel, yellower dentin, and reddish pulp. Each stylized dental
Opalustre procedure does not damage the teeth or the tooth component is representative of the tooth structures in the human
surfaces; thus from a dental perspective it can be considered a mouth. There is a micro-porous semi-permeable barrier at the
strictly cosmetic treatment and continued until the patient is enamel and dentin surface that can be permeated by small liquid
satisfied. molecules from both sidesthe oral cavity and the enamel and
After every Opalustre treatment session, whether it involves dentin of the tooth. Semi-permeable implies that stain molecules
one, five, or up to eight applications in a single appointment, can readily be exchanged between the oral cavity and the enamel
a fluoride application is advantageous. Ultradent recommends and dentin. The passage of these liquid stain molecules is limited
Flor-Opal Varnish, a 5% sodium fluoride compound. Fluorides only by their size; molecules that are smaller than the porosities
can be used, but some are more suitable than others. Stannous can pass through, whereas molecules that are larger cannot.
fluorides can often cause tooth coloration to regress somewhat Staining liquids originate from sources outside of the mouth:
into the darker shades; acidulated phosphate fluorides cause food, drinks, or other materials that the patient consumes or
tooth sensitivity and may etch the enamel and dentin surfaces, places into the mouth (Figure 14-42). The staining liquids typi-
leaving them susceptible to rapid re-staining. cally consist of smaller molecules that are readily able to pass
The patient is seen after two in-office appointments (Figure through the semi-permeable membrane and enter the enamel
14-40, Q). Significant de-staining of the centrals has been and the dentin (Figure 14-43). Stains may flow back and forth
achieved, but the white mottling of the laterals, cuspids, and through the membrane. Larger-molecule stains are kept out by
lower incisors is still present. The patient elected to continue the semi-permeable membrane because they are too large to fit
with the treatment to better blend the colors and to achieve a through the porosities. Inside the enamel lattices and the dentin
more esthetic result. (dentinal tubules and intertubular dentin), the smaller stain
For this particular patient the process was long but not molecules tend to polymerize by forming double bonds with
arduous. While the treatment involved several chair-hours for other small stain molecules, becoming longer-chain stain mol-
the patient, there was no discomfort at any stage and no anes- ecules (Figure 14-44). In both the enamel and the dentin, these
thesia was required at any time. The mottling was stubborn, with larger, longer-chain stain molecules are too big to exit through
the white mottling even more difficult to eliminate than the the semi-permeable membrane porosities and remain trapped
brown. It took four appointments to achieve an esthetically within the tooth (Figure 14-45).With time, the stain builds up
acceptable result that left the patient in her esthetic comfort zone in both the enamel and the dentin, making the tooth structures
(Figure 14-40, R). This end point will vary for every patient. It appear progressively darker.
is difficult, if not impossible, to accurately predict, in advance, The stains in the enamel and dentin can be treated with a
the number of treatment sessions that will be required for the variety of bleaching materials. The most common treatment
de-staining process. modalities include hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 375

Enamel Enamel
Semi- Stain
Dentin permeable Dentin Stain
barrier Stain

Stain Stain

Stain Stain


Stain Stain

Stain Stain

FIGURE 14-41 Stylized cross-section of tooth structure FIGURE 14-43 Staining liquids typically consist of smaller
showing white-yellow enamel, yellower dentin, and reddish molecules that can pass through the semi-permeable mem-
pulp. The semi-permeable layer that exists at the enamel and brane. Stains may flow back and forth through the
dentin surfaces can allow the absorption of very small liquid membrane.
stain molecules.

Enamel Enamel
Dentin Stain Dentin

Stain Stain
Stain Stain



Stain Stain
Stain Stain

FIGURE 14-42 Staining liquids originate from food, drink, FIGURE 14-44 Once inside the enamel and dentin, the
or other materials that are placed in the mouth. smaller stain molecules tend to form double bonds, becoming
longer-chain molecules.

Carbamide peroxide is a buffered form of hydrogen peroxide chemical in the human body and is readily processed by the
that is less caustic to soft tissues but also liberates significantly digestive system. Thus, carbamide peroxide, the active bleaching
less whitening ionic oxygen at the tooth surface. Carbamide agent, is quickly reduced in the oral cavity to its constituents:
peroxide is applied to the tooth surface in a tray delivery format carbamide, water, and oxygen. The first two byproducts (carb-
(Figure 14-46). This buffered bleaching material breaks down amide and water) pass through the alimentary system quite
quickly into its components, carbamide and peroxide (Figure naturally and without harm or irritation, leaving the oxygen ions
14-47). Carbamide is a common dietary product that is rou- in close proximity to the tooth surfaces (Figure 14-49). There
tinely encountered by the digestive system in the consumption are, ideally, vast numbers of oxygen ions remaining from the
of meats, nuts, beans, and other protein foodstuffs. It passes breakdown of the peroxide in the vicinity of the tooth. These
through the human alimentary system without any ill effects, oxygen ions can attach to one another to form oxygen molecules,
with the exception of occasionally increasing flatulence. In turn, escape into the oral cavity, or percolate into the tooth structures
the peroxide breaks down into molecular water and oxygen ions (enamel and dentin) through the semi-permeable membrane. In
(Figure 14-48). Water, of course, is the most abundant single order to increase the likelihood of the latter option, a tray or
376 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

Enamel Enamel

Stain Stain H2O2

Dentin Dentin
Stain Stain

Stain Stain
Stain Stain

Stain Stain
Stain Stain

FIGURE 14-45 The longer-chain stain molecules are now too FIGURE 14-48 The peroxide breaks down into water mole-
big to exit through the semi-permeable membrane and remain cules and oxygen ions.
trapped in the tooth, causing the teeth to look yellower and

Enamel Enamel
Stain Stain O
Dentin Dentin
Stain Stain O
O O 


Stain Stain O
Stain Stain O


Stain Stain O
Stain Stain O

FIGURE 14-46 Bleaching material is applied to the tooth FIGURE 14-49 The carbamide and water pass through the
surface. human alimentary system without any ill effects, leaving
oxygen ions in close proximity to the tooth surface.

Enamel similar containment device is used to keep the bleach and the
Stain liberated oxygen ions close to the tooth surface (Figure 14-50).
Carbmide H2O2
Dentin The bleaching tray prevents the ions from escaping and positions
them in close proximity to the tooth surface to maximize the
de-staining result.
When the liberated oxygen ions are contained effectively

Stain and forced into the tooth surface rather than being allowed to
Stain escape into the oral cavity, they tend to penetrate the enamel,
dentin, and pulp within 5 to 15 minutes (Figure 14-51). The
oxygen ions do not have any deleterious effects on any of

Stain these structures, including the pulp. They can, however,

destroy the double bonds that have grown the stain molecules
so large that they cannot escape through the semi-permeable
The oxygen ions attack the double bonds of the long-chain
FIGURE 14-47 The buffered bleaching material breaks down stain molecules (Figure 14-52) and break the bonds, reducing
into its components, carbamide and peroxide. the stains into their original shorter constituents (Figure 14-53).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 377

Enamel Enamel
O O O2
Stain O Stain
Dentin O2 Dentin O
Stain O Stain O
O O  O 
O2 O O 
O O2
O O2
Stain O Stain O
Stain O Stain
OO2 O O O2

O O2 O
Stain O  O Stain O 
Stain O  Stain O 
O2 O2

FIGURE 14-50 The oxygen ions can join together to form FIGURE 14-52 The oxygen ions attack the double bonds of
oxygen molecules or remain as free oxygen ion radicals. The the long-chain stain molecules.
use of a bleaching tray or similar containment device keeps
the bleach and the released oxygen ions in close proximity to
the tooth surface. Enamel
O O2
Dentin O
Stain O
Enamel O 
O O O 
Stain O O O2
O O2
Dentin O2 Stain O
Stain O
O O Stain
O2 O O O2

Stain O O2 O
O O Stain O 
Stain O O
O Stain O 
O O2

Stain O 
Stain O  FIGURE 14-53 The double bonds are broken by the oxygen
ion radicals, and the stains are returned to their original shorter
O2 components.

FIGURE 14-51 Effectively contained oxygen ions are forced

into the tooth surface to penetrate the enamel and the dentin Enamel
as well as the pulp. O O2
Dentin O
Stain O
The elimination of the double bonds shortens the stain O
molecules to their original sizes, such that they can again pass O O2
through the semi-permeable membrane at the tooth surface. Stain O
This allows the stains molecules to exit the enamel and dentin Stain
into the oral cavity (Figure 14-54). Within a short period, O
O O2
typically days, most of the stain has left the tooth structures O

(Figure 14-55). O2 O
O Stain O 
The tray is removed after each treatment session and the teeth O
Stain O 
are rinsed with water (Figure 14-56). The patient should be O
encouraged to brush and floss to remove the remaining stain O2
molecules and to maintain the whiter smile (Figure 14-57).
The tooth appears less dark because the double-bonded long- FIGURE 14-54 The shorter stain molecules can now again
chain stain molecules are no longer present in the enamel or the pass through the semi-permeable membrane and exit from the
dentin. After bleaching, both the enamel and the dentin are less enamel and dentin into the oral cavity.
378 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

Enamel Enamel
O O2
Dentin O O Dentin
Stain O
O O 
O O2
O Stain
O O2 O

O2 O
O O 
Stain O
Stain O

FIGURE 14-55 Within a short period of time, most of the FIGURE 14-57 Brushing and flossing are encouraged to
stain has left the tooth structures. maintain the teeth at their whitest.

Before After

Enamel Dentin
O O2
Dentin O O
Stain O
O O 
O O2

O Stain
O O2

O2 O
Stain O
Stain O
FIGURE 14-58 Both the enamel and dentin have been whit-
ened. The pulp is unaffected.

FIGURE 14-56 The tray is removed, and the teeth are rinsed
with water, eliminating the stain molecules from the oral
cavity. The process of bleaching is conservative because it does not
act on tooth structures; the process is specifically targeted to the
double bonds of long-chain stain molecules that have taken up
discolored than they were before (Figure 14-58), as confirmed residence inside tooth structures. The oxygen ions released by
by many clinical studies. bleaching techniques attack these double bonds, breaking down
the long-chain stain molecules. The shorter stain components
dissolve into the oral fluids and are carried away from the tooth
CONSERVATION CONCEPTS during normal masticatory function and cleansing.
The conservative and successful nature of tooth bleaching,
Tooth whitening or bleaching is simply the most conservative combined with the widespread public awareness of the proce-
procedure that is available to the dental profession. De-staining dure, creates a demand for further restorative and reparative
of the teeth is even less abrasive than routine prophylaxis and conservative procedures in the minds of patients and profession-
scaling. There is no loss of tooth structure, dentin, or enamel als alike. Tooth whitening has set a high standard: it provides a
and no weakening of the surfaces if appropriate materials are great change in the patients smile with no impact or ill effects
used according to instructions. Numerous studies have con- on the hard and soft tissue structures of the mouth. This has
firmed that there is no demineralization of the enamel or the now become the stated goal of all restorative dentistry. Of
dentin during tooth whitening or thereafter. course, it is not always possible to be quite this conservative, but
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 379

certainly the focus of dentistry has shifted from surgical inter- Fortunately, bleaching touch-ups are easily accomplished. There
vention to prevention, minimal intervention, and healing. is no contraindication to re-bleaching teeth, and there is no
More specifically, in the dental practice a patients dental minimal waiting time before additional whitening procedures
bleaching experience leads to increased dental awareness, can be initiated. Thus when the patient or the dental team notes
increased dental health motivation, and increased consumption that the color of the teeth is beginning to regress, it is a simple
of minimally invasive services such as adhesive restorations, matter to touch up the results.
veneers, and conservative crowns and onlays. Fortuitously, the touch-up process is less time-consuming
The currently popular bleaching techniques were introduced than the initial whitening procedure. For an at-home bleaching
to the dental profession concurrently with glass ionomer restor- treatment that initially took 2 to 4 weeks, the touch-up may
ative materials and predictable resin-adhesive restorations. involve a mere 1 or 2 nights of wearing a bleaching tray. For
Together, these innovations have transformed the dental practice in-office bleaching, a touch-up can involve a single 15-minute
and the public perception of dentistry. They have also revolu- chairside application of the bleach, or the wearing of a bleaching
tionized patients perceptions of their own smiles and the profes- strip to revitalize the whiteness of the teeth.
sion that is responsible for transforming appearances. Alternatively, there are specifically designed, easy-to-use,
It is not a coincidence that the last two decades have been over-the-counter materials such as SuperSmile Quikee (Figure
the most productive and exciting in the history of the dental 14-59, A) (Robell Research, Supersmile, New York) that can be
profession. applied directly to the anterior teeth by the patient to de-stain
the anterior teeth. Quikee specifically targets the stain accumu-
lated over the course of a meal. It is not always practical or
MAINTENANCE possible to brush ones teeth, or even to carry around a tooth-
brush outside of the home. The Quikee tube is small and easy
The basic question of maintaining the bleached appearance of to open unobtrusively (Figure 14-59, B). A small dab of the
the smile presents an interesting dilemma. Patients often ask Quikee paste is applied to the teeth (Figure 14-59, C ) and
how they can keep their teeth white. The answer is relatively innocuously spread over the anterior teeth by the tongue (Figure
simple: avoid eating and/or drinking foods that have the poten- 14-59, D). The peroxide in the Quikee eliminates the meal stain
tial to stain. Unfortunately, virtually all foods contain chromo- and brightens the teeth in moments (Figure 14-59, E ). The
genic molecules that can migrate into the enamel and dentin, Quikee tube can be quietly slipped into a pocket (Figure 14-59,
thereby staining them. In fact, both patients and dentists recog- F ). Teeth have never looked so good after a staining meal.
nize that staining is a normal side effect of living and aging. Many people like to chew gum. It is important that these
There are certain food consumption patterns that can be modi- products not contain sugars that attract and feed bacteria,
fied, but few can be eliminated. Asking patients to avoid stain- leading to acidulation at the tooth surface. Numerous chewing
inducing foods and beverages is impractical and unlikely to be gum products are safe; in fact, some have beneficial effects on
successful. the dentition. There are even tooth-whitening chewing gums
In recognition of this fact, patients should be encouraged and available. Supersmile Professional Whitening Gum (Figure
motivated to brush regularly, floss their teeth daily, and return 14-60, A) packets contain two pieces of gum. The gum tablet
to the practice for routine prophylaxis and scaling two to four can be unobtrusively inserted into the mouth (Figure 14-60, B),
times a year. Even those patients who are quite fastidious in their where the beneficial sugar-free effects of the gum are combined
oral health maintenance are likely to exhibit staining over time. with the peroxide-releasing chemistry to maintain or even
It is important to identify and to warn against foods that have enhance tooth coloration (Figure 14-60, C ).
the greatest staining potential. These dietary components vary The overriding guiding principle of maintaining tooth white-
by region and by diet. For example, blueberries are known to ness is that re-staining cannot be avoided, but the re-bleaching
impart a very dark stain to the teeth, as are red wine, curries, or touch-up process is simple, quick, and effective.
colas, and soy-based sauces, among a multitude of other foods.
The stain tends to vary in direct proportion to the staining
potential of chromogenic food and its quantity. Even tinted CONTROVERSIES
mouth rinses have been implicated in tooth staining. The dental
team should suggest that patients rinse their mouths thoroughly The earliest recent bleaching controversies (1990s) centered
after consumption of these products, if at all possible. The on the introduction of the at-home bleaching systems. Naturally,
immediate dissolution of the stains combined with habitual the manufacturers and proponents of the in-office heat-mediated
home care and regularly scheduled professional cleaning should bleaching then in vogue reacted negatively to the newer, more
be enough to keep the teeth relatively free of stain. patient-friendly techniques. The claims that at-home bleaching
It has been observed that bleaching effects regress over time. materials were dangerous, ineffective, and possibly carcinogenic
It is not the bleaching effect that changes, but simply the dietary were known to be spurious given the extensive existing research
and habit-induced staining that is undoing the whiteness of the and documentation but were disseminated anyway.
teeth. For many individuals, re-staining can take years, but for The last claim specifically targeted one of the most likely
some, particularly heavy drinkers of red wine and smokers, the consumer groups for at-home tooth whitening: smokers. It is
esthetic benefits of bleaching can diminish rather quickly. also important to note that the segment of the population that
380 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry



FIGURE 14-59 A, Over-the-counter de-staining material Quikee SuperSmile. B, Quikee is packaged in a small, easy-to-open
tube. C, Quikee is applied directly to the teeth after a staining meal. D, Quikee material is spread over the teeth with the tongue.
E, Food stains are quickly and easily eliminated. F, The Quikee tube is easily returned to a pocket or purse. (A, Courtesy Robell Research
Inc. [SuperSmile], New York, New York.)


FIGURE 14-60 A, Supersmile Professional Whitening Gum packets each contain two pieces of gum (Robell Research Inc., New
York, New York). B, Many people are regular gum chewers. C, The sugar-free effects of the gum combined with the peroxide-
releasing chemistry maintain and even enhance tooth coloration.

smoked at that time was much greater than it is today. In retro- The other issues with bleaching at a very early or very advanced
spect, none of these claims were evidence or observation based, age are the patients tolerance for the intra-oral trays and the
and none turned out to be relevant. length of the bleaching procedure. The dentist must also con-
At-home bleaching materials are actually quite unique in that sider the age of the young patient and evaluate whether the
they were used intra-orally to treat conditions other than stained desire for whiter teeth is realistic in the context of the patients
teeth for more than 50 years, and their safety was established, age. Children under 6 years of age are not likely to be affected
well researched, and documented. by the color of their teeth because they do not readily identify
Since the introduction of at-home tooth bleaching, several a self-image. Teens, on the other hand, are extremely self-
hundreds of millions of cases have been documented worldwide. conscious. It is up to the dental team and the parents to balance
No ill effects have been reported with professionally delivered the normal and reasonable color of the dentition with the teen
bleaching and with the proper use of direct-to-patient products. patients desire to improve his or her perceived appearance. In
Eventually the weight of clinical evidence eliminated most this age group, there are physiological and psychological forces
bleaching controversies. at play, and the judgment of the practitioner is paramount.
One problem that often arises in the practice is how to treat Surprisingly, some dental professionals still question the role
very young or very old patients who are interested in bleaching. of tooth whitening in dentistry. Many dentists are focused on
The active ingredients are safe at any age. In fact, neonates have function as the most important dental parameter. Bleaching,
been treated with carbamide peroxide for candidiasis. Thus, in of course, has no effect or role in function, but bleaching is
theory, bleaching the teeth immediately after eruption is not the basis for the smile. It can restore or develop the patients
contraindicated. However, unless there are exceptional circum- confidence and self-esteem. An improved smile can have a major
stances, there is little reason to consider bleaching the deciduous impact on the psychological mindset of an individual, and an
dentition or the permanent dentition until at least the mid-teen engaging smile has been shown to have a dramatically positive
years. Bleaching products do not contain any components that effect on an individuals personal life, relationships, career devel-
interfere with the medications or health conditions of older opment, and success. If the dentist can improve the patients life
patients, although this should always be individually confirmed. in so many areas with a non-invasive, non-harmful procedure,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 381

does this not become the dental professions responsibility? It

must be added that no other profession is licensed or able to
treat the dentition, and the dental team is by far the best
equipped to provide this treatment from diagnostics to treat-
ment planning to treatment delivery and to post-treatment
Tooth whitening is a treatment that falls squarely within the
scope of the dental practice, and every dentist should be familiar
with various procedures that can be used, the available materials,
and the benefits that can be afforded to patients.

Bleaching has always been more popular with patients than with
the profession. The past two decades have seen a regular progres-
sion of the bleaching process; it has become easier and faster.
Recent significant developments have included the elimination
of the need for the dental auxiliary to fabricate a custom tray in
the practice. Procter & Gambles Crest 3D White Whitestrips
(Figure 14-61) and Ultradent Opalescence Trswhite (see Figure
FIGURE 14-61 Crest 3D White Whitestrips have led the
14-13) have led the field. The Whitestrips are simply adhered to market in over-the-counter bleaching products.
the teeth by the patient, and the Opalescence Trswhite system
uses a pre-loaded, pre-fabricated tray system.
There has been a tendency to increase the percentage of
carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide in bleaching agents



FIGURE 14-62 A, Peroxide activating rods have begun to appear on both professional and over-the-counter markets (Pictured:
Supersmile Professional Activating Rods). B, Opening of the activating rod package. C, The capsule is broken. D, The swab is
inserted, allowing the activating agent to wet the cotton tip. E, The swab is fully inserted when the cotton tip is thoroughly
wetted. F, The peroxide is applied directly to the tooth surface. G, These activating rods are often used in conjunction with a
whitening toothpaste system. (Pictured: Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste system. A and G, Courtesy Robell Research Inc.
[SuperSmile], New York, New York.)
382 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry


FIGURE 14-63 A, Severe tetracycline staining. B, Treatment plan for this case included continuous home bleaching and regularly
scheduled in-office procedures every 6 weeks. C, Three months into the treatment, there is obvious tooth color change. D, At 9
months of treatment, the patient is satisfied with the esthetic result of the bleaching treatment.

to speed the whitening process. The additional oxygen ions satisfied with the maxillary coloration and ready to begin the
function as desired, but the side effect is increased sensitivity. mandibular teeth. In most cases, the maxillary and mandibular
Various buffering agents have been introduced to decrease or teeth are treated simultaneously.
eliminate this post-treatment discomfort. These buffers have The profession is likely to see expansion of these concepts as
improved with time, and within the next 10 years should be well as combinations of various delivery formats that improve
perfected to a point where rapid tooth bleaching can be initiated the bleaching process over the next few years. The inexorable
without any concern for sensitivity, whether during or after process of research and development in dentistry assures the
treatment. profession that future bleaching procedures will be better, faster,
A number of paint-on bleaching products have appeared. and easier.
These bleaching pens are best used for a single discolored
tooth. The user has to be careful, of course, not to touch the
bleached area with the tongue, lips, or teeth in order to avoid SUGGESTED READINGS
peroxide soft tissue burns. Abbot C: Bleaching discolored teeth by means of 30% perhydrol and electric
Peroxide activating rods have begun to appear at both the light rays. Allied Dent Soc 13:259, 1918.
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Simply open the product (Figure 14-62, B), break the capsule Ornegan 575:157-187, 1982.
(Figure 14-62, C ), and insert the swab (Figure 14-62, D) until Atkinson I-IF: An investigation into the permeability of human enamel using
osmotic methods, Br Dent I 233:2205-2214, 1947.
the bleaching liquid thoroughly wets the cotton tip (Figure Avny WY, Heirnan GR, Madonia W, et al: Autoradiographic studies of the
14-62, E ). These rods dispense various levels of peroxide directly intracanal diffusion of aqueous and camphorated parachlorophenol in
onto selected teeth (Figure 14-62, F ). They are often used con- endodontics, Oral Surg 36:80-89, 1979.
currently with a whitening toothpaste system (Figure 14-62, G ). Bergman G: Microscopic demonstration of liquid flow through human dental
The immediate results can be significant, particularly consider- enamel, Arch Oral Biol 8:233, 1963.
Bishara SE, Sulieman AH, Olson M: Making a clinical decision for vital tooth
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Tetracycline, medication, and metal stains can be treated more Black GV, McKay F: Mottled teeth: an endemic developmental imperfection
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is often long, sometimes lasting a full year, and involves many dentistry, Dental Cosmos 58:129-156, 477-484, 627-644, 781-792,
894-904, 1916.
sessions. On the positive side, treatment for these disfiguring Bowles WH, Thompson LR: Effect of enamel bleaching on the bonding
conditions is at last possible. In the case shown in Figure 14-63, strength of orthodontic brackets. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
A, the teeth were severely stained by tetracycline at an early age. 104(5):444-447, 1986.
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Bowles WH, Ungwuneri Z: Vital bleaching: the effect of heat and hydrogen
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Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 383

Chapple JA: Restoring discolored teeth to normal, Dent Cosmos 19:499, Morrison SW: Vital tooth bleaching: the patients viewpoint, Gen Dent
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Innovative Elements from a Scientific or Technological Perspective that

Have Appeared in Bleaching over the Past Decade
Robert W. Gerlach

disease. Coincidentally, unanticipated tooth color changes were

RELEVANCE OF BLEACHING noticed as a side effect of treatment, and these observations
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY ultimately contributed to the night guard vital bleaching
Bleaching, now commonly referred to as tooth whitening, is the This adaption of periodontal treatment explicitly to whiten
most popular of the esthetic dental procedures. Whitening is teeth was the first breakthrough in vital tooth bleaching. First
broadly applicable with few contraindications and represents described in the literature in 1989, this technique involved use
perhaps the least invasive procedure in dentistry. Because it is of a 10% carbamide peroxide gel in a custom tray overnight over
typically one of the first cosmetic procedures accessed by dental several weeks for tooth whitening.1 This custom-tray and perox-
patients, it is directly relevant as a useful introduction to the ide gel approach was adapted to yield other dentist-dispensed
broader field of esthetic dentistry. whitening methods that could be readily accomplished by
Tooth whitening can influence patient demand for additional patients at-home. The second breakthrough was the introduc-
dental services, whether esthetic or restorative. In fact, tooth tion in 2001 of easy-to-use whitening strips. These strips, which
whitening is a major driver of interest in both general and carry a peroxide gel on one side only, are typically removed from
esthetic dentistry. There is considerable evidence that where a backing liner and then applied directly to the desired arch
tooth whitening is advertised or promoted in the general media (Figure 14-64). This allowed broad application of a controlled
and there is broad access to tooth-whitening agents, access to peroxide dose over a short period of time under different settings
and use of all types of esthetic dentistry have increased. than were available with the custom-tray night guard vital
The recent introduction of the innovative easy-to-use prod- bleaching approach.2
ucts that have been heavily promoted in the mainstream media A number of other products have been introduced and
provides one such example. After the introduction of easy-to-use technologies developed. One area of particular focus has been
whitening strips in North America, tooth whitening emerged as techniques to improve the speed of whitening. Research and
the single most-asked common topic of patients to dentists, and development are ongoing, but to date, few products have shown
one of the most requested dental procedures. This level of patient consistent promise, and none has risen to the level of popularity
awareness and the linkage of beauty and health have contributed of the original custom trays or the more recent easy-to-use strips.
to demand for more definitive care after tooth whitening.


OF THE TOOTH-WHITENING Whereas tooth whitening can be quite successful and may rep-
PROCEDURE IN DENTISTRY resent a useful early step in esthetic dentistry, it is not a proven
solution for nonbehavioral function-related issues. Tooth whit-
There is a long history of peroxide use in dentistry. Initial appli- ening per se directly improves appearance and indirectly improves
cations in tooth whitening were for non-vital bleaching, with patient motivation, interest, and acceptance of esthetic and
different peroxide applications used over the past century to other dental procedures. If the patient has functional issues that
lighten the color of non-vital teeth. The introduction of whiten- are not strictly behaviorally related, tooth whitening may not be
ing of vital teeth is a phenomenon that derives a heritage, in appropriate because it will likely neither promote nor degrade
part, from clinical observation after use of peroxides in peri- functional situations.
odontal therapy to control plaque bacteria and reduce gingivitis. Tooth whitening could play a potential role in behavioral
Although many techniques were proposed, some dentists used functionrelated issues. For example, numerous case studies
peroxide in mouth guards overnight for patients with persistent illustrate how white teeth can favorably affect both first-person

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 385


FIGURE 14-64 A, One type of maxillary whitening strip on a backing liner. B, Strip application on the maxillary arch.

and second-person perception. Whether improved perception teeth, but there are few to no randomized controlled studies,
translates to increased focus on health and functional needs so the quality of the evidence is uncertain.
is a matter of some speculation. Research to date is generally A third area often considered a contraindication is pregnancy.
unrevealing, but in the absence of contrary research, tooth whit- Women of childbearing potential represent the most common
ening likely has a neutral or supportive impact on function. group undergoing whitening, and there is no evidence of medical
complications associated with treatment of these women. The
perceived contraindication is likely related to explicit warnings
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS found on some common whitening products that caution
against use in pregnancy. Few practices recommend pregnancy
Indications testing before whitening, so dentists may want to consider use
Few techniques in dentistry are as broadly applicable as tooth of one of the appropriately labeled products, and/or limit use to
whitening. The indications for tooth whitening are direct one of the lowest peroxide dosage options when treating women
patient desire for tooth whitening and/or restorative treatment of childbearing age.
needs involving the overtly visible smile. First, the patient has
to desire whiter teeth and a more uniform tooth color. Because
the most prominent whitening techniques are consistently suc-
cessful, tooth color will improve relatively quickly, and these TECHNIQUE OPTIONS
changes will be readily evident to the patient (first person) and FOR TOOTH WHITENING
others (second person).
The second indication involves patients with a treatment plan Tooth whitening covers a broad range of techniques. For
that includes restorative or esthetic dentistry involving the visible example, various oral hygiene products such as dentifrices or
dentition. Individuals requiring anterior cervical restorations, rinses may contribute to appearance via extrinsic stain removal
single or multiple crowns or veneers, posterior esthetic restora- or inhibition of surface staining. Whereas some of these may
tions, and the like typically are optimal patients for tooth whit- contain peroxides for stain control, these products are generally
ening. In these cases pre-restoration whitening allows for optimal indicated for use in controlling surface staining associated with
restorative care later. diet (such as coffee and tea consumption) or behavior (such as
tobacco use). In contrast, durable tooth whitening targets intrin-
sic tooth color. This method uses application of peroxide to
Contraindications tooth surfaces, generally for a period of 5 minutes or longer;
While there are few contraindications, special consideration treatment is commonly repeated several times over a short period
should be applied in cases of sensitivity, pediatrics, or pregnancy. until intrinsic color change (whitening) is achieved. This
First, existing tooth sensitivity is a potential contraindication. If approach, often called intensive whitening, represents the princi-
the patient has sensitive teeth (thermal or tactile dentinal hyper- pal approach used to achieve durable tooth whitening.
sensitivity), peroxide application will generally not diminish that With the most recent innovations, tooth whitening may be
sensitivity; rather, tooth sensitivity may be exacerbated over the professionally administered, professionally dispensed, or self-directed.3
short term. If there is pre-existing sensitivity that goes unnoticed Table 14-1 summarizes the different tooth-whitening treatment
and is not addressed as part of treatment planning, it can inter- options and their implications for treatment planning and use.
fere with patient compliance and thereby become problematic. With professionally administered tooth whitening, treatment
For these reasons, existing tooth sensitivity is perhaps the most is administered in the office by the dental professional after
important contraindication to whitening. diagnosis and patient consent. The whitening process is
The second potential contraindication involves pediatric use totally under professional control. Typically, very high concen-
to whiten the primary dentition. There is little information to trations of peroxide-containing products are used, along with
date, so these cases must be undertaken with caution. A few case light or other vehicles to presumptively boost the whitening
studies suggest that these agents can be readily used on primary process.
386 Bleaching Innovative Elements from a Scientific or Technological Perspective

TABLE 14-1 Summary of Whitening Treatment Options

Whitening Treatment Options
Diagnosis/need Dentist Dentist Patient
Treatment Dentist Patient Patient
Peroxide levels High or very high Low to medium Very low to medium
Popular products Zoom! in-office bleaching* Opalescence Trswhite supreme Crest 3D White
pre-load tray Whitening strips
*Discus Dental, Culver City, California.

Ultradent Products Inc., South Jordan, Utah.

Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio.

The second treatment category involves the use of profession- Often, these professionally dispensed trays are used in combina-
ally dispensed products. The most prominent systems use custom tion with in-office treatment in order to yield immediate whiten-
trays to deliver a peroxide gel to the teeth for extended periods ing and a durable benefit that can last over a period of months
overnight, or optionally during the day. Peroxide concentrations or years.
vary widely across products, from relatively low to relatively high Self-directed products can be easy to use, accessible, and
levels. Other products have been introduced, for example, the affordable. It is important to note that these techniques can offer
semi-custom trays that can be adapted to fit many dental arch real advantages with respect to control, because whitening onset
forms, thereby eliminating the need for a separate visit for may be more gradual compared with other methods. For whit-
custom tray fabrication; and more recently some practitioners ening strips in particular, there is a fixed, usually low amount of
have chosen to use high-concentration whitening strips for peroxide, so the total peroxide dose tends to be minimal. Like
home use. Irrespective of the delivery system (custom trays, the professionally dispensed trays, these whitening strips have
semi-custom trays, or strips), the diagnosis is rendered by the been shown to yield consistent results, and unlike with the
professional and peroxide application is accomplished at home professional trays, the evidence extends beyond patients to
over a period of days or weeks. include the general population and several sub-groups.
The third treatment category is the self-directed use of per- There are clear disadvantages with each technique. The
oxides for tooth whitening. With this method the patient or in-office technique can necessitate multiple visits, and clearly
another individual decides the patient should undergo tooth follow-up is needed, often meaning a combination of treatments
whitening. The individual monitors his or her own status and in the office and at home. The trays can deliver more peroxide
provides treatment at home. Products may be obtained through than necessary to whiten teeth, and tissue impingement can
the pharmacy, over the counter, via the Internet, or through be a problem. The patient can experience some irritation, sore-
various other sources. Peroxide application may be via a stock ness, or sensitivity from the tray alone, even without peroxide.
tray, strip, paint-on system, or various other delivery options. The strips also typically whiten only the anterior facial tooth
The most prominent of these are the easy-to-use hydrogen per- surfaces. Although that may be an advantage with respect to
oxide whitening strips. Different versions of strips may be avail- convenience or safety, it might be a disadvantage for certain
able, ranging from short-term use over a few days to regular use. types of smiles.
In addition, there are a few nonperoxide-containing products The current best approach for in-office treatment is use
on the market, but evidence of their ability to actually change of a high-concentration peroxide gel followed by a lower-
internal tooth color is not clear. concentration take-home tray. That has the potential to whiten
immediately and also deliver sustained, meaningful, durable
whitening over time. The best trays are custom bleaching trays,
Current Best Approach much akin to a night guard, that are used overnight with low
There are clear advantages to each technique. Some research to intermediate concentrations of peroxide. The current best
reports that in-office products can result in immediate whiten- approach for the self-directed products is use of the hydrogen
ing, making it possible for the patient to leave the dental office peroxide whitening strips for short periods of time during the
with whiter teeth. Treatment time can be quite short. Peroxide day over the course of 7 to 21 days or so, depending on which
is applied by a clinician (which could be useful where spot products are selected.
treatment were necessary), and care is directly monitored in the
office should adverse events occur.
Tray products, particularly those that use carbamide peroxide OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
or hydrogen peroxide, deliver generally consistent results with
overnight use and somewhat consistent results with daytime use. Other considerations concerning whitening involve the presence
These products often represent a standard of professional care, of white spots on the teeth. Mild fluorosis or snow capping can
offering predictable whitening results when used overnight. respond quite favorably to tooth whitening with peroxide. This
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 387

produces a much more uniform appearance of the teeth and

blends the white snow capping from dental fluorosis out very
nicely. Iatrogenic white spots, injury-related white spots, or
stains that appear in the middle of the central incisors respond
quite differently depending on the nature of the white spots.
Response for these sites can be highly variable, so the informed
consent process should identify a priori the possibility of more
complex esthetic treatment after whitening.
One other case type warrants special consideration: patients
with existing esthetic restorations, especially in the anterior den-
tition, who want to forgo further dental care. Although whiten-
ing is not contraindicated, existing restorations will likely not
change during whitening. Whitening the natural dentition for
esthetic purposes, then, could yield a different kind of cosmetic
problem after treatment: unmatched restorations. Patients FIGURE 14-65 Maxillary arch after strip whitening. (Courtesy
should be adequately informed of these outcomes and the poten- Dr Ingvar Magnusson.)
tial need for further restorative or esthetic care after successful
A final consideration is behavior and compliance. If patients
are not likely to comply with long-term treatment, it may be
more appropriate to prescribe short-term or higher-concentration
products that fit patient behavior. For patients who are unlikely
to sleep with mouth guards, a short-term daytime program with
a tray or whitening strip may be a better choice. Knowing
patient compliance and expectations is always an important
component of treatment planning and case management.

Innovative elements in tooth whitening leverage the known
concentration and contact time effects of peroxide and tooth
whitening. Each is a clear and important driver of clinical
response. There is extensive evidence demonstrating (other
FIGURE 14-66 Maxillary arch strip whitening in an adoles-
things being equal) that increased peroxide concentration or cent. (Courtesy Dr Kevin Donly.)
increased peroxide contact time will yield better whitening per
unit of time. This peroxide concentration and contact time
paradigm provides the fundamental rationale for the use of a
physical barrier (such as a tray) during tooth whitening for relative to other methods. Clinical response with hydrogen per-
optimal results. For intrinsic whitening to be achieved, per oxide strips can be visible within a few days. Treating the maxil-
oxide must remain in contact with tooth surfaces for a period lary arch first can further promote patient compliance, as the
of time for diffusion into and through enamel, with whitening contrast between the treated maxillary arch and the untreated
resulting from the oxidation of intrinsic stains within the tooth mandibular arch becomes readily evident (Figure 14-65).
surface. Introduction of the easy-to-use whitening strips has (1)
The innovation found with the easy-to-use whitening strips resulted in an entirely new technology to be able to whiten
leverages this paradigm. With the whitening strips, a low fixed teeth easily at home, and (2) contributed an extensive body of
amount of peroxide at a higher concentration is applied directly clinical trial evidence on patient safety with and efficacy of
to tooth surfaces and adjacent gingiva, without need to protect tooth whitening.4 One important finding is that there is a clear
the gingiva with a rubber dam or other isolation technique. The relationship between patient age, tooth color, and whitening
whitening strips further demonstrate that it is possible to limit response. This fundamental understanding helps dentistry
treatment to the visible dentition and not treat lingual surfaces define patient populations and likely responseyounger
of posterior teeth that are not readily visible. patients and those with yellower teeth will achieve better
Because the strips use hydrogen peroxide, a 6% strip is whiteningand can help clinicians direct treatment to non
approximately the equivalent concentration of an 18% carb- traditional patient types. For example, dentists can readily
amide peroxide gel used for tray whitening. The strip technology recommend tooth whitening for adolescents, after orthodontia
allows a decrease in the overall amount of peroxide administered, or at other time points, with predictable clinical response that
to improve tolerability and reduce total peroxide exposure is clearly visible and appreciated (Figure 14-66).5 In addition,
388 Bleaching Innovative Elements from a Scientific or Technological Perspective

FIGURE 14-67 Maxillary arch strip whitening in an older

adult with lower salivary flow. (Courtesy Dr Athena Papas.)
FIGURE 14-68 Maxillary arch strip whitening of tetracycline
stain. (Courtesy Dr Gerard Kugel.)

recent research shows that older adults and elderly individuals TREATMENT PLANNING
can be successfully treated, even under conditions of hyposali-
vation (Figure 14-67).6
Options for Patients
The treatment options involve trade-offs between concentration
and contact time, plus cost and convenience. It is possible to
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS increase the amount and rate of whitening and decrease the total
treatment time if the concentration of peroxide is increased.
Artistic elements of importance to tooth whitening include pre- Dentists can select a higher-concentration tray-based option, for
existing esthetic or restorative dentistry, starting tooth color, example, a 15% to 16% carbamide peroxide gel instead of a
tooth shape and alignment, and other factors. Whereas peroxide- 10% carbamide peroxide product, to diminish the total treat-
based whitening generally results in a more uniform tooth color ment time. The trade-off involves an expected increase in adverse
overall, adjacent (unchanged) esthetic restorations may become events (usually transient tooth sensitivity and oral irritation)
more visible after whitening. Treatment planning may need to during treatment.
identify this possibility and plan for subsequent replacement The trade-offs are best addressed through the selection of one
after whitening is completed. of the three options for care (professionally administered, profes-
The actual nature of the tooth color is also a factor. Although sionally dispensed, or self-directed) that best meets the needs of
yellowish tooth colors will probably have great responses (VITA each individual patient. Convenience, cost, and patient expecta-
shades in the As or Bs on the VITA Shade Guide [Vident, Brea, tions often drive this choice, rather than safety or effectiveness,
California]), tooth colors that are greenish (VITA C shades) because each of the options can be successful.
can yield compromised outcomes. Some of these patients, such
as individuals with evidence of tetracycline discoloration, may
require treatment for several months.7 From an artistic perspec-
tive, tetracycline-stained teeth that are banded can whiten first
Options for Dentists
at the incisal tips, with response slowly progressing apically. Professionally one must consider the presence or absence of
This may cause a temporary increase in banding, which in turn existing restorations. If there are existing esthetic restorations in
could adversely affect perception and compliance. Although the anterior dentition that are not being replaced in the esthetic
tooth color will improve with extended treatment, the end plan, whitening adjacent teeth may be best accomplished with
result of these tetracycline cases may appear dead white, a low-intensity whitening system that will whiten teeth gradu-
lacking color characterizations (Figure 14-68). Further esthetic ally. Use of one of these systems at home, such as a daytime tray
dentistry may be indicated to achieve optimal outcomes. or whitening strips for a short period (perhaps an hour), allows
A third artistic element is obvious. Whitening products do self-assessment and limits the potential for overtreatment. If
not improve tooth shape or alignment in any fashion. Therefore there are no existing esthetic restorations, a larger portfolio is
any pre-existing conditions affecting tooth form or architecture available for use, with age and tooth color as driving factors in
are not treated through the process of whitening. After comple- terms of treatment planning.
tion of whitening, some patients now focus on achieving an even For patients who have existing tooth sensitivity, options are
better smile, so treatment planning may need to anticipate to lower the peroxide concentration, shorten the contact time,
further care to meet expanded patient expectations. or even skip treatments for periods when they are especially
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 389

sensitive. Temporary restorations, desensitizing agents, or other

treatments may be indicated to help prevent sensitivity.

Generally, tooth whitening occurs early in the treatment sequence,
usually after any preceding emergency or other care indicated to
stabilize oral health. There are both direct and indirect reasons
for such early treatment. Perhaps the most direct reason involves
planning subsequent dental care to match the color esthetics of
the newly whitened smile. Depending on the system used, it
may take a few days or weeks for tooth color to stabilize after
treatment, after which further esthetic restorations can be placed.
Indirect benefits relate to the effects of whitening on patient
motivation and compliance. Because results from whitening can
FIGURE 14-69 Oral irritation seen with tooth whitening and
be readily seen within a few days (on both first- and second- aggressive brushing.
person bases), favorable patient recognition can contribute to
good compliance and support for other esthetic or restorative
dental care.
There is one other reason to defer treatment for a few days than white outcomes. Informed consent is always an impor-
or weeks after completion of whitening. Some literature indi- tant factor, particularly for patients with paper white
cates that tooth whitening can interfere with certain bonding expectations.
agents. The evidence is limited to a few combinations of bonding One other consideration in at-home treatment involves pos-
materials, and peroxide whitening systems, so these findings may sible oral irritation. Although dental plaque does not need to be
not be generalized to all cases. Nonetheless, research suggests removed in order for peroxide to diffuse through enamel at a
that immediate post-bleaching bonding may affect bond integ- level sufficient to cause tooth whitening, patients may believe
rity and thereby contribute to restoration failure. Delaying that rigorous oral hygiene will actually help the bleaching
bonding for a few weeks after the completion of whitening may process. In addition, detergents in toothpastes can temporarily
be preferred. deactivate local protective enzymes in oral soft tissue and saliva,
such that immediate post-brushing bleaching can result in local
minor burning or irritation. Adverse outcomes are usually symp-
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS tomatic only, but occasionally clinical signs may develop that are
consistent with toothbrush trauma (Figure 14-69).
DURING PREPARATION, One practical tip to limit oral irritation is to separate tooth-
PROCEDURE, AND FINISHING brushing and tooth whitening. Separating the brushing and
bleaching processes by a few minutes will reduce the potential
Recent innovations in tooth whitening have contributed to new- for oral irritation. In addition, some clinicians elect to fabricate
found treatment considerations for esthetic dentistry. In addi- custom trays far short of the gingival margin to limit peroxide
tion to the increased patient demand for white teeth, there is an contact in those areas. With many in-office systems, a gingival
emerging new recognition by patients (and clinicians) as to what barrier is applied to prevent the very high-concentration perox-
constitutes white. Some patients expect (and some clinicians ide from contacting the adjacent gingival and oral soft tissue.
treat) to achieve greater degrees of whitening. For broader The barrier integrity must be checked, whether liquid or simple
esthetic care, this has been manifested in dental materials science rubber dams, to prevent the very high-peroxide gels from con-
by innovations in shade guides and the different colors of restor- tacting the adjacent tissue, resulting in local gingival irritation.
ative materials to meet the increased expectations as to what Peroxide will diffuse in various directions, so it does not have
constitutes white. This requires dentists to have good informed to be placed immediately adjacent to the soft tissue to whiten
consent discussions with patients and to guide them in setting teeth next to soft tissue. Trays should be tried in because they
their expectations as to what they will see at the end of can impinge on the dentition and generate orthodontic forces,
treatment. and the empty custom tray has been reported to contribute to
In use, patients will reach a plateau on the amount of oral pain.8 First use should be demonstrated. Although this is
tooth whitening that can be achieved with topical application not a problem with uniform fixed-dose products such as whiten-
of peroxide. This may occur earlier in treatment with higher- ing strips, patients commonly dispense more peroxide gel than
concentration products and later with lower-concentration needed into their tray prior to insertion. The excess can run up
products, but overall, at-home treatment will not likely take over the tray onto the gingiva, and sometimes down the back of
patients to some unnatural, unrealistic level of whiteness. the throat. Among other things, research leading to the develop-
Although it is possible to treat unnecessarily, at-home use of ment of the low-peroxide whitening strips demonstrates that
peroxide will not generally result in overtreatment or whiter very little gel is needed to effectively whiten teeth.
390 Bleaching Innovative Elements from a Scientific or Technological Perspective

Care must be taken with the concurrent use of local anesthet- typically fully resolve during treatment (without modifying use)
ics and peroxide-based tooth whitening. For patients with exist- or soon after discontinuation.
ing sensitivity, some clinicians advocate use of local anesthesia
to improve tolerability and allow timely accomplishment of
in-office whitening. Unfortunately, there is virtually no adequate MAINTENANCE
and well-controlled research on this practice. To date, tooth
whitening has been extraordinarily safe, with essentially no Maintenance is one of the more interesting aspects of tooth
reports of serious adverse events, irrespective of the method used. whitening. It has risen to prominence, with millions of people
Strips, in-office systems, traysthese methods are almost uni- having undergone tooth whitening since the advent of the
versally exceedingly safe because the intact pain response likely easy-to-use whitening strips. Thus there is a large body of
plays a key role in limiting excess exposure. Although it is evidence, including various clinical studies that have evaluated
possible to conduct clinical and radiographic examinations for patients over time. Findings indicate that tooth color will relapse
the presence of cracks or cavitations, peroxide readily diffuses after the completion of intrinsic whitening, and separately, that
through intact enamel and into the dental pulp irrespective of teeth will become discolored due to staining over time. Whiten-
the application method. The mild-to-moderate sensitivity occa- ing color relapse and superficial staining are separate processes,
sionally experienced during whitening is likely a local inflamma- and vary considerably based on the type of whitening material
tory response to peroxide application. That pain is not persistent, used for treatment, the initial color response, personal behavior,
and research demonstrates that short-term discontinuation of and other factors. Immediate treatment, such as the in-office
treatment is the best palliative treatment. Therefore for patients systems, carry the greatest risk for relapse, and research shows
who are sensitive, dentists should use lower-concentration prod- this relapse may occur over a period of several days or weeks.10
ucts for shorter periods of time or look at treatments besides Response with the tray- or strip-based systems is generally more
tooth whitening to improve tooth color rather than using local durable, and although there is little systematic evaluation, most
anesthetics to block the pain sensation. evidence suggests that re-treatment may be indicated every 3
years or so. The re-treatment process is identical to but typically
shorter than the original care.
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES There is some evidence to support the use of whitening
toothpastes and rinses after tooth whitening, but the area has
There is considerable and substantial evidence concerning the not been extensively studied. Whitening toothpaste and rinses
safety and effectiveness of tooth whitening. The most rigorous may help with stain formation superficially, especially for indi-
form of evidence is traditionally considered to be the ran viduals who follow certain diets or behaviors that contribute to
domized double-blind controlled clinical trial. Two of the staining. Staining can be perceived as an overall color change,
approachesthe tray-based method and the whitening strips which can contribute to the perception of decreased intrinsic
have considerable randomized double-blind clinical trial evi- tooth color. Whitening toothpastes or rinses and regular routine
dence and systematic review support. Prominent published dental maintenance care may play a role in keeping teeth white
reviews describe the safety and effectiveness of certain tray-based over time.
and strip-based systems.8,9
The two approaches with the greatest amount of randomized
clinical trial research and systematic evidence involve very spe- CONTROVERSIES
cific types: custom traybased systems using 10% carbamide
peroxide, and whitening strips at various peroxide concentra- There are two areas of controversy, one within the profession
tions. One of thesewhitening stripsactually represents the and one outside the profession. The controversy inside the pro-
most studied dental technology during the past decade. Other fession revolves around the usefulness or appropriateness of
tooth-whitening systems have little to no evidence and few if light- or heat-aided in-office treatment to accelerate peroxide
any randomized controlled trials to support them. reactivity and provide tooth color changes in the office using
short contact times with high-concentration products. A con-
siderable body of conflicting research exists, with some studies
showing improved response and others showing no meaningful
CLINICAL CONSERVATIVE benefits. Cost and safety trade-offs further complicate assess-
CONCEPTS ment of accelerated whitening systems, leading to controversy
in the profession.
Tooth whitening is the most conservative esthetic procedure, and one The controversy outside the profession concerns local regula-
of the most conservative treatments in dentistry. It is non-invasive, tions that can limit access to tooth-whitening products. In some
with few to no contraindications, and treatment can be admin- parts of the world, popular tooth-whitening products are readily
istered with or without supervision by healthcare professionals. available and accessible to both clinicians and patients. This
Adverse events are generally few in number and self-limiting, access has been shown to benefit dentistry, especially esthetic
with mild and transient tooth sensitivity and oral irritation dentistry, by improving awareness and removing certain barriers
representing the most common undesired outcomes. Such cases to treatment. Other parts of the globe have very limited access
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 391

to products with very limited usage, with local regulations and REFERENCES
other factors affecting availability of tooth whitening. Awareness
of benefits of esthetic dentistry can lag in those areas. 1. Haywood VB, Heymann HO: Nightguard vital bleaching, Quintessence
Int 20:173-176, 1989.
2. Gerlach RW: Shifting paradigms in whitening: Introduction of a novel
system for vital tooth bleaching, Compend Contin Educ Dent 21:S4-S9,
3. Gerlach RW, Zhou X: Vital bleaching with whitening strips: summary of
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS clinical research on effectiveness and tolerability, J Contemp Dent Pract
2:1-16, 2001.
4. Gerlach RW: Clinical trials and oral care R&D, J Am Coll Dent
There is active research ongoing, and new products are 73:26-31, 2006.
being introduced to improve the magnitude and durability 5. Donly KJ: The adolescent patient: special whitening challenges, Compend
of whitening that occurs with in-office systems. In the past those Contin Educ Dent 24:390-396, 2003.
products as stand-alone treatments did not deliver the kind of 6. Papas AS, Kugel G, Singh M, et al: Placebo-controlled clinical trial of
use of 10% hydrogen peroxide whitening strips for medication-induced
whitening possible with take-home products because of the limi- xerostomia, Gerontology 55:511-516, 2009.
tations on peroxide concentration contact time. Newer products 7. Leonard RH: Nightguard vital bleaching: dark stains and long-term
have been developed that offer potential benefits over some of results, Compend Contin Educ Dent 21:S18-S27, 2000.
the original products, and further research and development 8. Gerlach RW, Barker ML, Karpinia K, Magnusson I: Single site
may yield greater tooth color changes from in-office whitening meta-analysis of 6% hydrogen peroxide whitening strip effectiveness and
safety over two weeks, J Dent 37:360-365, 2009.
alone that are more durable than possible with the early 9. Hasson H, Ismail AI, Neiva G: Home-based chemically induced
approaches. whitening of teeth in adults, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4:CD006202,
Efforts are also being made to improve the easy-to-use prod- 2006.
ucts. Easy-to-use products have as their major characteristics 10. Kugel G, Ferreira S, Sharma S, Barker ML, Gerlach RW: Clinical trial
affordability, accessibility, and ease of use, but they give up some assessing light enhancement of in office tooth whitening, J Esthet Restor
Dent 21:336-347, 2009.
things esthetically. Whitening strips and trays used on the man-
dibular arch can slip or move, adversely affecting the results.
Newer and better options are being developed to improve adher- SUGGESTED READINGS
ence of the peroxide to the tooth surfaces and hold it in place
under a barrier. In addition, considerable effort has been Gerlach RW: Tooth whitening clinical trials: a global perspective, Am J Dent
20:3A-6A, 2007.
expended on developing barrier-free peroxide-containing prod- Gerlach RW: Clinical trials, case studies and oral care R&D: inclusivity,
ucts, and peroxide-free products, but little promise has been consistency and other atypical evidence, J Evid Based Dent Pract 10:10-12,
shown with either approach. 2010.

Tooth Bleaching
Linda Helene Greenwall

RELEVANCE OF TOOTH These developments were initially widely accepted, but prob-
lems soon surfaced. A combination of 35% hydrogen peroxide
BLEACHING TO ESTHETIC and sodium perborate had a synergistic effect, producing a
DENTISTRY definitive concentration of 50% hydrogen peroxide, which can
be too strong to be sealed inside the pulp chamber of a non-vital
There general public is self-driven to have healthy-looking white tooth. The literature reported internal resorption of the root and
teeth. In addition to having the teeth cleaned regularly, patients cervical resorption of the tooth, although these may have been
see bleaching as a way to improve their smiles and enhance their secondary effects of the devitalizing trauma to the tooth. The
dental appearance. Bleaching is normally the first step in esthetic typically extreme heat and light that were associated with the
treatment after emergency treatment has been undertaken and bleaching may have contributed to these failures. Research
the mouth is stable. It will continue to be a part of ongoing focused on seeking safer and more predictable methods, includ-
esthetic maintenance after the comprehensive treatment plan is ing sodium perborate and water. Van B. Haywood recom-
completed. mended that peroxide mouthwash used in a tray could whiten
teeth. William Klusmeier, an orthodontist in Fort Smith, Arkan-
sas had been using the technique since the 1960s. He noticed
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL that the gingivae became inflamed during and after orthodontic
treatment, and recommended that his patients use a peroxide
DEVELOPMENT AND THE mouthwash in their orthodontic positioner at night after com-
EVOLUTION OF BLEACHING pletion of orthodontic treatment. He recorded that with this
approach the gingivae were healthier and the teeth were whit-
Improving the shade of discolored teeth has been a quest among ened. Haywood and Heymann (1989) showed that night guard
patients for many years. Although many techniques and materi- vital bleaching was a very predictable, safe method for whitening
als have been used over the last 400 years in attempts to lighten teeth. These researchers used 10% carbamide peroxide overnight
discolored teeth, it was the very early dental practitioners who in the night guard. Freedman (1990) reviewed the proven safety
used uric acid to whiten teeth. There was a major upsurge in the of carbamide and hydrogen peroxide in widespread medical and
late 1880s when power bleaching first became fashionable; 30% dental use over the previous half century. Extensive research over
hydrogen peroxide liquid was applied directly onto the teeth via the past 20 years has confirmed the efficacy, safety, and predict-
strips of gauze. Sometimes a light emitting heat was used in an ability of night guard vital (home) bleaching. Further research
attempt to enhance the whitening effect. Procedures continued on power bleaching has focused on newer chemistry, as well as
to develop throughout the rest of the nineteenth century, and light to accelerate the bleaching effect and to shorten treatment
well into the twentieth century. duration.
Hydrogen peroxide has been identified as the most predict- In 2000, over-the-counter (OTC) whitening materials were
able material for bleaching teeth. Developments in the 1950s introduced. The modalities for the general public include those
and 1960s included non-vital bleaching and a walking that lighten the six anterior teeth using strips coated with varying
bleach technique (utilizing a mixture of sodium perborate concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Controversy has devel-
and water). In 1961, H.F. Spasser first described sealing a oped as whitening procedures have been expanded to non-
mixture of sodium perborate and water into the endodonti- professional settings such as bleaching bar kiosks under the
cally treated pulp chamber for a period of 1 week. The combi- direction of non-dental professionals. Beauty therapists in a
nation walking bleach technique was described in 1963 by variety of spas are undertaking to deliver tooth whitening, but
E.B. Nutting and G.S. Poe. They used a combination of 30% their lack of knowledge, resources, and education often makes
hydrogen peroxide and sodium peroxide sealed into the pulp the treatments ineffective and the materials that are used may
chamber for 1 week. be damaging.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 393

incorporated into the tooth structure, causing gray-blue staining

RELATING TOOTH BLEACHING well after tooth formation is complete. Minocycline stain can be
TO FUNCTION very difficult to remove with whitening.

The goal of bleaching is to whiten all the teeth to the same Fluorosis Staining
lighter shade. When a bleaching tray is worn, an individual In fluorosis staining, the patients excessive uptake of fluoride
cannot drink or eat, and thus some bleaching treatments are over many years as the tooth is developing causes brown, yellow,
undertaken overnight, so normal function can be maintained. and orange staining (see Figure 14-71). These teeth are suscep-
However, patients who brux will quickly wear through a normal tible to whitening treatments. The typical whitening treatment
bleaching tray; they require a stronger one that is manufactured removes the brown stain first, then the orange, and finally the
from thicker plastic. The bleaching tray should extend across the yellow-brown. Some patients may also have white mottling. The
peripheral surface of the teeth from the most posterior teeth contrast of the white spots is of concern to patients. Bleaching
across the arch. lightens the background color of the tooth and the spots become
less obvious. However, patients should be warned that the white
spots become even whiter during treatment to alleviate transi-
Intrinsic discolorations can also result from genetic and
Indications systemic conditions and medications taken during gestation
Bleaching is undertaken for the treatment of tooth discoloration. and infancy. Tooth discoloration are seen in patients with
Tooth discoloration is classified as extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic hematological problems such as bilirubin and hemoglobin
stain occurs on the outside of the teeth and can be removed with insufficiencies.
a professional cleaning, not necessarily requiring bleaching.
Intrinsic stain occurs inside the tooth, always requiring bleach- Pulpal Changes
ing. The most common causes of tooth discoloration are age Pulp necrosis can result from bacterial, mechanical, or chemical
yellowing, diet, smoking, tetracycline, tooth trauma, excess irritation of the pulp. These teeth require endodontic treat-
exposure to fluoride, and chemicals. However, many persons ment prior to bleaching.
who have normally shaded teeth also tend to want whiter teeth. Tooth trauma may result in tooth darkening due to internal
There are two patient categories: those with significant general bleeding from the pulp. The teeth may become gray or black-
discoloration and those with normal tooth coloration who desire brown and then turn dark yellow-brown. The discoloration
to whiten and lighten their dentition. Treatment of both classes results from intradental hemorrhage followed by lysis of the
of patients can be successful, but require dentist-patient discus- red blood cells into products such as iron sulfide that enter
sions prior to treatment and clear explanations of the benefits, the dentin tubules staining the surrounding dentin.
risks, and length of treatment. Dentin hypercalcification or calcific metamorphosis (CM) (see Case
1) is the result of the traumatized tooth forming tertiary or
Tetracycline Staining excessive irregular dentin that can invade and obliterate the
Patients who have intrinsic stains such as tetracycline can benefit pulp chamber and canal,. A trauma-related temporary dis-
from whitening. There are four categories of tetracycline stain- ruption in the blood supply is followed by atypical odonto-
ing, depending on the degree of tetracycline exposure: blast activity. Many of these teeth remain vital although they
1mild tetracycline stainingyellow to gray staining have a dark yellow appearance.
with no banding, and uniformly spread throughout the
tooth. Caries
2moderate tetracycline stainingyellow-brown to Dental caries can cause staining as well. Amalgam restorations
dark gray staining. can become less gray as whitening eliminates the oxide layer
3severe tetracycline stainingblue-gray or black from the surrounding tooth structures.
staining, accompanied by significant banding across the
tooth. Aging
4intractable stainingvery dark gray-brown and Aging changes contribute to tooth discoloration. As the patient
black staining that often cannot be successfully removed ages, the enamel thins through wear, erosion, abrasion, and
with whitening, but treatment should be attempted in abfraction, the yellower dentin underneath shows through and
any case. darkens the tooths appearance. With age, the dentin also thick-
ens and darkens, resulting in the yellow and brown shades seen
Research shows that tetracycline stains can be removed from in older patients.
the teeth with an extended period of bleaching, sometimes
taking as long as 12 months. Six weeks may elapse before the Activities That Cause Staining
bleaching becomes noticeably effective. Smoking causes both intrinsic and extrinsic stains that can be
Another form of tetracycline stain is caused by minocycline, difficult to remove, particularly if there are vertical or horizontal
an acne therapy often given to teenagers. The minocycline is craze lines through the tooth.
394 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching

BOX 14.3 Contraindications to in cleansing the pigment molecule and allowing the teeth to
Bleaching become whiter. The carbamide peroxide agent contains urea,
which elevates the pH of the product. The urea also stabilizes
Patients with unrealistic expectations the hydrogen peroxide and improves the wound healing proper-
Deep discolorations ties of the whitening gel.
Tetracycline discolorations A disadvantage of using hydrogen and carbamide peroxide
Patients with insufficient enamel to bleach treatments is that patients can develop transient tooth sensitiv-
Patients with existing extreme sensitivity ity; the most common side effect. Hydrogen peroxide products
release oxygen more quickly than the carbamide peroxides.
Patients may express concern if they do not observe their
teeth becoming rapidly whiter. It is important to discuss the
Patients who swim often in chemically treated pools exhibit stages and phases of the bleaching treatment before treatment is
chlorine staining. Staining is also may be observed in patients undertaken with them. Impatience may allow for insufficient
with a penchant for fried foods; the frying reaction that browns bleaching. This is most common with lower anteriors and upper
foods can also affect the teeth. Long-term ingestion of iron cuspids, and yields a snow-capped appearance of a half
tablets may cause reddish staining of the teeth. bleached tooth. Since the bleaching process works from the
incisal tip, the cervical part of the tooth remains yellow well into
the bleaching treatment. Patients must be encouraged to con-
Contraindications tinue treatment for a longer period of time until the entire tooth
Bleaching is contraindicated for patients who have reduced is uniformly whiter. Some of the newer bleaching materials have
tooth enamel thickness caused by severe erosion and those with sensitivity reduction agents incorporated that significantly
heavily restored teeth that have little remaining enamel to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth during the bleaching process.
whiten. These patients may be better treated with restorative These agents include potassium nitrate, various fluorides, and
dentistry to cover eroded areas. Patients who have unrealistic amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). They may be incorpo-
outcome expectations may not be suitable. Another contraindi- rated into the bleaching gel, applied directly onto the teeth by
cation is severe mucosal disease such as lichen planus, which can patients, or worn in the bleaching trays between whitening
be exacerbated by whitening chemistry; while there is no scien- treatments.
tific evidence for this, it has been observed clinically. Patients
taking medications that interact with ultraviolet light may also
be poor candidates for certain power bleaching treatments
Current Best Approach
(Box 14-3). It is essential to explain all the steps of the bleaching process and
There are no age restrictions on tooth bleaching. A child or the risks and benefits of treatment to patients that they fully
adolescent who is psychologically affected by severe tooth dis- understand what is involved. This encourages the patient to
coloration can be encouraged to undertake treatment. cooperate and comply with the instructions. The best and most
Patients undergoing or scheduled for chemotherapy or other predictable approach is home bleaching; it is the most predict-
cancer treatments should only have whitening treatments if able and longest-lasting. Many patients are influenced by media
they have had clearance from their oncologist or medical and television programs to believe that power bleaching is the
doctor. Individuals affected by gastric problems must check only way to go, not realizing that the advertisements use mis-
with their gastroenterologist about their susceptibility to whit- leading time-lapse photography. Normally, more than one power
ening products. In general, patients with complex medical his- bleaching session is required to achieve the desired white shade.
tories and significant medicament lists, must be cleared by their Home bleaching is the safest, most effective, and most cost-
general medical practitioners before they commence tooth effective method. Published research has documented positive
whitening. results lasting up to 17 years.


The basic bleaching materials consist of hydrogen peroxide and
Concentrations of Carbamide Peroxide
carbamide peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide materials have been The most commonly used material is 10% carbamide peroxide.
used for bleaching teeth for more than 100 years, and there is Other concentrations are also used, but most of the research
ample evidence to demonstrate that they are effective for dental confirms the safety and effectiveness of the 10% solution. While
bleaching and whitening treatments. Carbamide peroxide breaks a higher concentration assures faster bleaching, it is also associ-
down into to hydrogen peroxide and urea. The urea breaks down ated with a greater likelihood of sensitivity. Some patients prefer
into ammonia and carbon dioxide. The hydrogen peroxide 15% carbamide peroxide, as bleaching takes place more quickly.
breaks down further into water and oxygen ions, and it is the The carbamide peroxide materials can be used overnight or for
oxygen ions that penetrate through the enamel into the dentin, 1 to 2 hours depending on the patients schedule. Higher con-
usually within 15 minutes. Oxygen is the effective ingredient centrations of carbamide peroxide, 20% to 30%, are introduced
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 395

into pulp chambers for the non-vital bleaching. Single dark vital BOX 14.4 Summary of the Different
teeth and dark cuspids are treated with 20% carbamide peroxide. Bleaching Treatments
Thirty-five percent carbamide peroxide is used for power bleach-
ing procedures. All these materials can be placed directly onto Basic bleaching treatment patients have healthy teeth
the teeth or into the bleaching trays, though the higher concen- requiring no restorative dentistry. Bleaching treatments
trations may require gingival protection with a light-cured resin are straightforward: either a home bleaching treatment,
material. such as night guard vital bleaching, or a single power
Power bleaching materials range from 6% to 35% hydrogen whitening session. It can take up to 6 weeks to reach
peroxide. Power bleaching treatments are scheduled for 1 to 2 shade B1.
hours because the unbuffered oxygen dissipates rapidly. Hydro- Intermediate bleaching is a combination of treatments
gen peroxide materials can be used in trays as well; they require such as non-vital bleaching and home bleaching, home
less application time. Hydrogen peroxide tray products are indi- bleaching and microabrasion, or home bleaching or
cated for daytime (waking) use. power bleaching followed by home bleaching. It may
take 4 to 8 weeks to reach shade B1. These patients
may require some basic restorative dentistry after
Bleaching Treatment Classifications whitening.
Not all bleaching treatments are the same. They are classified for Advanced bleaching could require a combination of
purposes of treatment planning and fee assessment. bleaching treatments and/or advanced restorative
Basic bleaching involves healthy teeth requiring no restorative dentistry or advanced esthetic dentistry. These
dentistry. The bleaching takes 2 to 6 weeks to achieve treatments can include extensive tetracycline bleaching,
shade B1. which can take 6 to 52 weeks to improve the shade
Intermediate bleaching is used to manage a combination of to B1.
bleaching treatments, such as general non-vital bleaching
and power bleaching and/or microabrasion. It may take
longer to achieve the B1 shade, but it can be achieved.
Some restorative dentistry may be needed before and/or about a month after the orthodontic treatment is under way.
after bleaching treatment. The bleaching process may be more rapid, as the trays are more
Advanced bleaching manages severe discoloration and requires rigid, have a tighter fit, and the patient wears the aligners 24
prolonged or extended bleaching treatments. Advanced hours a day.
restorative dentistry may also required, possibly including
complex implant treatment, veneers, or microabrasion to
remove residual dark or white spots. It may not always be ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
possible to achieve complete whitening, but the discolor-
ations can be considerably improved. Patients may want to have white teeth because they do not
accept that their teeth are becoming yellower with age, or it
Discussions prior to treatment are designed to ensure that the may reflect the growing trend for people to equate whiter teeth
patient understands the realistic limits of treatment. Box 14-4 with health and success. After whitening or bleaching treat-
provides a brief summary of the different classifications of ment, the patient is often inspired and motivated to improve
bleaching treatments. their oral hygiene and to seek additional esthetic dentistry.
Research shows that of patients who undertake whitening, 80%
return for further procedures. After whitening treatment, many
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS patients choose to have their amalgam fillings replaced with
composite restorations. The use of composite bonding has
Scientific Elements become a routine part of the treatment plan with the develop-
While bleaching is not recommended for extended periods of ment of bleach shade composites and porcelains. There is
time, recent research shows that bleaching materials improve even a new shade guide for the whiter bleach shades. The artis-
gingival health, reduce root decay for the elderly, and improve tic element is the continued improvement in the natural smile
caries reduction rates. New bleaching additives offer a reduced and in the composite materials. Sometimes it is necessary to
incidence of sensitivity and continuing safety. refurbish earlier dentistry to match the new shade of the whit-
ened teeth.
Technological Elements
Innovative home bleaching and OTC methods have been devel- TREATMENT PLANNING
oped for administering the bleaching gel. A novel tooth whiten-
ing use is that teeth can be bleached while the patient is It is essential that protocols be established before bleaching is
undergoing clear retainer orthodontic treatment. It has become undertaken. A thorough clinical evaluation, patient history,
popular to bleach during Invisalign treatment, commencing and a detailed clinical examination are documented to arrive at
396 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching

a differential diagnosis to determine the nature of the discolor- The procedure and sequencing of the home bleaching treat-
ation and explore options for bleaching treatment. Clinical dis- ment are also important. The patient must be shown how to
cussions with patients should cover the risks and benefits of place the gel in the bleaching tray, how much gel to use, and
the treatment. The dentist must explain what can be realisti- how to seat the tray in the mouth. The dentist should ensure
cally achieved and what the patiuent can expect. Patients must that the patient has confidence in using the bleaching materials
be fully informed regarding the expected outcome and what in the tray and can follow the instructions at home. The gel is
could go wrong during treatment. They must be told that given to the patient, and arrangements are made for the next
further dentistry might be needed after bleaching. For example, appointment.
dark teeth with existing shade-matched composites may In sequencing home bleaching, the upper teeth are treated
require replacement restorations matched to the new shade first. Whitening is achieved more quickly on the upper teeth,
once the teeth have been whitened. This should be noted on and there is often greater comfort and less sensitivity with the
the treatment plan before starting the bleaching. Bleaching is upper trays. Two weeks later the patient is assessed and bleaching
normally the first step of treatment, after any emergency treat- of the lower teeth begins. Lower tooth bleaching is normally
ment. The treatment plan should outline, in full, the compre- undertaken for 3 weeks with overnight treatment. Then the
hensive treatment that the patient requires. This starts with the shades of the upper and lower teeth are reassessed to ensure that
bleaching, continues to the bonding, and then includes more the patient is happy with the treatment progress. The patient is
complex interventions, such as composite or porcelain inlays, assessed every 2 weeks until the patient and the dentist are satis-
onlays, or crowns. Patients should be informed of the different fied with the level of whiteness.
types of bleaching treatments available: home, power and It is essential to explain the full power bleaching procedure
combination. to the patient, as well. This includes pointing out the existing
Definitive restorative treatment should not start immediately tooth shade, that the bleaching involves sitting under a light
on completion of bleaching. After the penetration of oxygen for 1 to 2 hours, and the sequence of clinical steps. The infor-
into the tooth, there is a period of time, normally 2 weeks, before mation includes the strength of the light, the heat, and
the shade settles to its stable long-term color. At that stage, whether there is a possibility of transient post-operative dental
all the oxygen will have effectively dissipated through the tooth. sensitivity. The patient should be told analgesics may be
The author recommends a wait of 3 weeks prior to undertaking required after the power lightening treatment, how to manage
composite restorations and up to 6 weeks before porcelain lami- these medications at home, and what to do post-operatively to
nates or crowns. maintain the new shade of whiteness and to reduce the sensi-
tivity. Medico-legal complaints after power whitening revolve
around not having received sufficient pre-treatment explana-
Assessing the Teeth tions and the soft tissue irritations that can occur if the gel
Radiographs of the teeth assess that the teeth are healthy coro- inadvertently touches the gingiva, mucosa, or tongue. In addi-
nally and periapically. Any discolored teeth must be assessed for tion, the patient may be disappointed with the outcome. It is
vitality as well. Endodontic treatment should be undertaken for important for the patient to be forewarned about all possible
non-vital teeth or those with an existing periapical lesion, before complications.
bleaching. It is customary to wait 1 month post-endodontically Once the patient is satisfied that sufficient whitening has
before bleaching. A comprehensive intra-oral evaluation includes been achieved, it is important to discuss maintenance. After the
assessment of the teeth, occlusion, restorations, and surrounding recommended 3 to 6 weeks home bleaching protocol, he or she
tissues, including periodontal charting, recession and periodon- no rewhitening should be required for several years. The teeth
tal tissue thickness documentation, and mobility testing. The may remain whiter than the original shade for up to 17 years.
nature of the discoloration is diagnosed and the bleaching Power bleaching patients who complete the treatment may need
modality selected. Discussion treatment options and further further whitening applications to maintain the white shade. If
esthetic dentistry with the patient is important. the patient does not wish to wear bleaching trays, bleaching
A pre-examination questionnaire that determines the patients strips can be used.
aspirations and expectations for the whitening treatment and
with esthetic dentistry in general. It is also used to discover the
shade that the patient desires. These issues are important in
assessing whether the patient has realistic or unrealistic Signed treatment consent forms are eseential. Documentation
expectations. in the take-home pack includes a discussion about what to
Patients must have a full explanation of the nature of the expect during and after bleaching, answers to commonly asked
procedure, what steps are involved in bleaching, what the treat- questions, information about how to manage sensitivity, instruc-
ment will do for them, what modality they will require, how tions for applying the bleaching gel into the trays, and a bleach-
long the treatment will take, how long it will last, how long the ing log to monitor treatment times and the presence of sensitivity.
whiter dental shade can be maintained, whether further treat- Patients often do not remember all the verbal instructions
ments will be needed to maintain the white shade, and what to received at the dental practice and may need to refer to the
expect during and after treatment. written instructions.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 397

Photography Soft tissue irritation can be caused by: an ill-fitting tray or

excess bleaching gel.
Standardized photographs before, during, and after the bleach- Altered taste sensation can be caused by: concentrated flavors
ing treatment are mandatory. Photographs taken before bleach- such as cinnamon (no longer used)
ing show the range of existing shades. This allows the patient to Thermal tooth sensitivity: typically transient. Disappears
see the shade of the teeth before, during, and after treatment once treatment is terminated.
and to evaluate the results of bleaching. Normally it is the por- Gastric irritation may be caused by: prolonged bleaching
celain shade guide that is used to assess the shades during bleach- (rare).
ing. It is important to standardize the location of the shade guide
at a particular position in the smile. The authors preference is
to place it opposite the upper left teeth. The shade tab must be
Power Bleaching
parallel with the teeth, and it is palced in the exact same position Power bleaching (also known as chairside whitening) takes place
at the second and other bleaching appointments. in the dental office and involves the use of various strengths of
These photographs can be used for practice marketing as well. hydrogen peroxide liquids and gels. This approach is popular
Before-and-after images are a dramatic demonstration of the with both patients and dentists, as it can be completed in as little
results of tooth whitening. Most patients prefer a full-smile view as 1 hour. The teeth to be whitened are isolated with dental
to cheeks retracted view. The patient information and marketing rubber dam or light-cured resin. The whitening agent is applied
smile library consists of only portrait and smile views. to the teeth, and a light or laser source may be employed to
The first photograph taken before treatment is a small por- augment the process.
trait of the smiling patient. At the end of treatment, a similar
portrait is taken (see Cases 1 and 2). These pictures are taken Side Effects (Box 14-5)
before retractors are used because retractors can leave marks on Thermal sensitivity is normally transient.
the lips and cheeks. Standardization of these photographs allows Soft tissue irritation and blanching can occur if the highly
fair before and after comparisons. The dentist photograph is the concentrated bleach gel contacts the soft tissues. Patients
full-smile retracted view documenting the smile more clearly. should be warned to notify the supervising staff member
Patients may forget these original shades. Viewing photographs should they experience any tingling or burning during the
before and after treatment shows the full effect of the bleaching whitening procedure.
treatment throughout the teeth. Soft tissue chemical burns can result from patients moving
their mouths unexpectedly. Quick action should be taken to
limit its severity (see Box 14-5).
Whitened teeth may suddenly turn yellow or brown imme-
TYPES OF TREATMENTS diately after the ingestion of curry or red wine after power
bleaching. This is rare side effect.
Home Bleaching Patients may exhibit claustrophobia when undergoing treat-
Home bleaching falls into two broad categories: OTC kits ment. The intraoral bleaching apparatus plus the proximity
sold directly to the patient and professional kits available only of the light source may be intimidating for some individuals.
through a dentist. OTC kits comprise a variety of products that A treatment supervisor should always be present to immedi-
are manufactured by both larger and smaller oral health compa- ately manage any possible problems or side effects.
nies. The three most common types of OTC systems available Dehydration is caused by anhydrous bleaching materials or
are whitening strips, brush-on whitening products, and non extended bleaching time.
custom-fitted trays with bleaching gels. Results are typically not Gingival ulceration is the result of irritating materials that
as dramatic as those achieved with dentist-supervised products contact the peridental tissues for extended periods of time.
and occasionally gingival and tooth surface damage can occur. Swollen lips are observed after extended bleaching sessions,
Overextended trays irritate the gingiva and other soft tissue and are caused by excessive heat or desiccation. Temperature
structures, and acidic bleaching gels damage the enamel and management and tissue lubrication solve this problem.
dentin, pitting, dissolving, and staining the surfaces. Most pro- Post bleaching sensitivity typically occurs due to an excessive
fessional kits involve a custom-fitted tray made in the dental increase in dental temperature or dehydration of tooth sur-
office (or at the dental laboratory), which is loaded with a carb- faces during bleaching.
amide or hydrogen peroxide gel. Usage regimens vary, but the
results are relatively predictable, with the teeth often signifi-
cantly lighter and brighter after the process.
Side Effects
Gingival irritation can be caused by: an overextended tray, Because sensitivity is a common side effect of bleaching treat-
too much bleach applied into the tray, and an exaggerated ments, it is essential to have protocols in place to manage the
concentration of peroxide in the bleaching gel. discomfort that patients experience during and after the
398 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching

BOX 14.5 Treating Problems That Occur during Power Bleaching

Chemical Burn Sensitivity
A chemical burn can often occur on the papilla between the A disposable tray with preloaded fluoride is used. The tray,
central incisors. which is sealed in a blister pack,

is applied onto the teeth and squeezed tightly. The outer

This can happen unexpectedly if the patient moves the green tray is removed, leaving the softer inner tray behind.
mouth. A proprietary soothing material can be applied
directly onto the surfaces of the teeth to reduce sensitivity.

This is worn for a period of about 1 hour. This can be

used for the reduction of sensitivity for power and home
bleaching. The patient is given trays to take home to use if
further sensitivity should occur.
Fluoride gel, a soothing material, is placed directly onto the
tooth. This will help to reduce the likelihood of sensitivity
occurring as a result of dehydration of the teeth during
power bleaching.

Materials Used to Reduce Sensitivity

treatment. There are several possible mechanisms that cause
sensitivity to occur: bleaching materials and/or oxygen rapidly
during Bleaching
entering the dentin tubules and the pulp may be responsible, Fluoride, in gel form or in pre-loaded disposable trays,
complicated by treatment time, the pH of the whitening gel, reduces the sensitivity by blocking the dentinal tubules.
and the frequency of application. Patients should be warned of Potassium nitrate in toothpaste, gel, or disposable tray format.
the possibility of sensitivity, and be given desensitizing materials Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) seals open dentinal
to use at home. tubules and remineralizes tooth surfaces.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 399

Dentin bonding agents. heavily staining drinks (coffee, tea) and foods helps to maintain
Dentin desensitizing agents. the whiteness. Over maintenance may lead to patients becom-
Desensitizing whitening toothpastes. ing obsessed with the white shade of the teeth. This condition
Proprietary soothing agents, which may contain a combina- is called bleachorexia, the patient continually whitens their
tion of fluoride, potassium nitrate, or ACP. teeth, even though they are already very white, and are not
getting any whiter. They become obsessed with extremely white
tooth shades and want to continue to extreme whiteness. These
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES patients tend to constantly ask the dentist to supply additional
whitening gel. It is the dentists responsibility to explain these
More than 20 years of clinical research has been conducted in problems to the patient and to ensure that the patient under-
the specific area of nightguard vital bleaching, demonstrating stands this condition, and then not supply additional bleaching
the efficacy, safety, and health benefits of bleaching teeth with gel. A pre-agreed bleaching end point should be establsihed
various peroxide concentrations. The effective management of between the dentist and the patient.
sensitivity, treatment timing, and the use of desensitizing materi-
als has also been extensively explored. Research on the enamel,
the dentin, and the pulp has demonstrated that it is safe to treat CONTROVERSIES
enamel with dentist-prescribed products without long-lasting
negative effects or damage to the teeth. The danger for patients who over-bleach or bleach for too long
is that their teeth may appear. very translucent teeth; further
bleaching lightens them to extreme levels where they develop a
blue-gray shade. There is an endpoint for bleaching after which
CLINICAL CONSERVATION no further whitening will be achieved although tetracycline
CONCEPTS research shows that it is safe to bleach for up to 1 year for severe
Bleaching is the most conservative treatment possible for enamel Whitening withouth the supervision of a dental professional
and dentin surfaces. All the original enamel is preserved without is also controversial. The individuals delivering the bleaching are
preparation or restorative intervention. There is no change or not qualified, unprepared to assess patient suitability, or to
damage to the surface or the micromorphology of the enamel. expertly examine and evaluate the mouth, periodontal status,
The enamel, dentin, and pulp are preserved in their entirety. abscesses, and mucosal conditions. While some may say that
Because bleaching is the most conservative treatment possible, dentists are simply protecting their control over the whitening
it is the first option, and always the first step, when esthetically practice, there is no data to indicate bleaching safety, longevity,
improving the teeth. or effectiveness under non-dental supervision. Some beauty
therapist whitening involves chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide
is an acidic substance, and may cause permanent damage to the
MAINTENANCE tooth. Chlorine dioxide abuse in spas cause the patients teeth
to become permanently etched and rough, picking up darker
At the end of whitening treatment, the patient must understand and more resistant stains that do not respond to whitening. The
the maintenance required. The home bleaching protocols that teeth actually become darker than their original shade.
have been described require less maintenance. Most do not see
a whiteness drop-off for several years. Some patients request a
touch-up treatment after 1 to 2 years. A single tube of touch-up NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
bleaching material is administered to the patient, who uses the
home treatment for 3 to 4 days to re-establish the white shade. The near-future will see an introduction of faster whitening with
However, patients who whiten quickly with high-concentration power accelerators. These chemicals will be part of the bleaching
whitening may not be able to maintain the bleached shade for material to speed up the whitening process. There may be a more
a long period of time. Those patients may need to constantly effective use of lasers, ozone therapy, and lights to accelerate and
re-whiten to maintain their coloration. Restricting the intake of enhance whitening procedures.
400 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching


C A S E 1 Single Dark Tooth and Home Bleaching (Figure 14-70)

This case involved a patient who had sustained trauma to the upper left central incisor tooth 15 years previously.
As a result of the trauma, the upper left central incisor had became discolored. The patient was also concerned
about the yellow discoloration of the other teeth. It was the goal of the treatment to improve the whiteness of
all the teeth generally, and to specifically whiten the single dark tooth to match the new shade of the
The upper teeth were treated first using 10% carbamide peroxide in the bleaching tray overnight for 2 weeks.
The upper left central incisor was treated using 20% carbamide peroxide for 4 weeks. (This tooth had experi-
enced trauma, and subsequently, obliteration of the pulp chamber by secondary and tertiary dentin. The nerve
was vital. This post-traumatic repair process slows bleaching in that more, and darker, dentin must be whitened.)
The treatment protocol should include the extra time necessary to achieve the whiteness of the central incisor.
Higher concentrations of bleaching gel can be used on this darkened tooth as the obliteration of the pulp canal
makes it unlikely to be sensitive. While the upper left central incisor was treated with 20% carbamide peroxide,
the rest of the upper teeth were treated with 10% carbamide peroxide.
Once the desired shade had been reached for the upper arch, treatment continued with the left central
incisor until it matched the right central incisor exactly. The lower teeth were treated with 10% carbamide
peroxide in the tray overnight for 3 weeks to achieve the desired shade and until they matched the shade of
the upper teeth. The upper and lower trays are often applied separately to improve patient compliance; upper
teeth are treated first, as bleaching is more rapid on the maxilalry arch. Then, the lower tray whitens the teeth
to match the upper teeth.



FIGURE 14-70 A, Appearance of the teeth before whitening. The upper left central incisor tooth had become discolored
owing to mild trauma 15 years previously. B, Retracted view of the teeth showing the dark shade of the upper left central
incisor and the contrast with the surrounding teeth. C, The appearance of the teeth after whitening using 10% carbamide
peroxide for a total of 6 weeks. D, Before (left) and after (right) portrait shots of the patient. E, The improvement in the
white color of the teeth. At the end of treatment, the upper central incisor matches the adjacent teeth.
C A S E 2 Fluorosis Stains (Figure 14-71)
This case involved fluorosis stains. Brown spots can be seen on the two upper central incisor teeth, and the
overall color of the teeth is yellow-orange. Treatment plan options included bleaching with extended bleaching
treatments, with possible microabrasion if this was not completely successful. The patient was also a candidate
for composite bonding or porcelain veneers. These plans were discussed in detail with the patient prior to
The treatment plan implemented involved extended overnight home bleaching for 6 to 8 weeks using 10%
carbamide peroxide gel in trays. During treatment, the white band on the central incisors became whiter. After
the desired general whitening shade had been achieved, the teeth were treated with two sessions of microabra-
sion. The material used for the microabrasion treatment was 5% hydrochloric acid in a silica carbide paste. The
aim of the microabrasion treatment was to reduce, or preferably, eliminate the white stains that remained after
whitening. Although some of the small white stains persisted, the overall treatment has resulted in a vastly
improved appearance of the teeth.




FIGURE 14-71 A and B, Appearance of the teeth before treatment. The teeth are stained and mottled owing to fluorosis.
C, The retracted view showing mottled appearance of the teeth. D, Retracted view showing appearance of the teeth after
whitening of the upper teeth only. E and F, Retracted views of the teeth from the left lateral position (E) and right lateral
position (F) showing the results after whitening. G, Retracted view of the teeth after completion of whitening treatment.
H and I, The portrait of the patient (H) and her smile (I) after completion of treatment. The shade has whitened and there
is improvement in the color and less mottling visible. The patient was delighted with the result.
402 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching

SUGGESTED READINGS Freedman G: Whitening the smile, Dental Practice Management Summer
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Books Greenwall LH: Home bleaching, J Dent Assoc S Afr June:304-305, 1992.
Hasson H, Ismail A, Neiva G: The home-based chemically induced whitening
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Greenwall L: Bleaching techniques in restorative dentistry, London, 2001,
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Martin Dunitz, Taylor and Francis.
Haywood VB: Achieving, maintaining and recovering successful tooth
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Haywood VB: Nightguard vital bleaching: current concepts and research,
Kelleher M: Dental bleaching, London, 2007, Quintessence Publishing.
J Am Dent Assoc 128:19S-25S, 1997.
Kwon R, Ko S-H, Greenwall L: Tooth Whitening in esthetic dentistry, London,
2009, Quintessence Publications.
Internal Bleaching
Websites Abou- Rass M: Long-term prognosis of intentional endodontics and internal
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Ari H, Ungor M: In vitro comparison of different types of sodium perborate
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Bleaching Single Vital Teeth Damaged

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C H A P T E R 15

Direct Veneers

Direct Composite Bonding

Emanuel Layliev, Jeff Golub-Evans

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC In the late 1970s macrofill composites were not very polish
able, so dentists could not achieve as much of a shine as is pos
DENTISTRY OF DIRECT sible today. These resins gave way to two classes of materials in
COMPOSITE BONDING the middle 1980s: the microfills, hybrid microfills and nanofills.
The microfills are extremely polishable but stain over time. The
Direct composite bonding has been around since the 1970s. It nanofills did not evolve into successful products until after the
has had an enormously beneficial impact, making it possible to 1990s.
improve a patients appearance via a very simple, straightforward In the 1990s, hybrids came into a fairly common use. These
technique without impression and a laboratory to make por combine larger and smaller particles to fill the spaces between
celain veneers. With composite, a better smile can be created the resin filler material. With less resin material, there is less
for the patient very quickly and efficiently using a noninvasive stainability. The hybrids are harder resulting from longer lasting
technique. Dentists are able to dramatically change a patients surfaces.
appearance and thus improve self-image and boost confidence. Around the turn of the century, the nanohybrids were intro
Essentially, the procedure is done in a single sitting by the duced. Extremely tiny particles fill in even smaller spaces and
dentist. Patients come in and within a matter of hours leave with eliminate much of the resinous material. This makes the material
their new look. It is a fairly predictable procedure because the stronger, more polishable, and less likely to stain. Today bonding
esthetic dentist is in full control of the procedure. It also allows is done with nanohybrids, sometimes including a very thin
for modifications in the future, as it is possible to add to the surface layer of microfills for even greater polishability.
composite for further improvement. Patients have the opportu
nity to influence the outcome as well. Their involvement in the
treatment process makes them more likely to be satisfied with
the final result.
Patient Expectations
In the 1980s patients were happy with rectangular white teeth.
Todays patients are much more educated, discerning, and
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE demanding. They want their teeth to look very natural and want
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION replacement teeth that cannot be differentiated from natural
healthy teeth.
OF THE DIRECT COMPOSITE In the 1980s, only porcelain veneers could produce an
BONDING PROCEDURE acceptable result. Today, dentists can replicate the look of por
celain with composite, although its durability and polishability
The procedure for direct composite bonding has undergone are not as good. Composite is not as natural in appearance as
an incredible evolution, along with an upgrade in materials that porcelain, but it has evolved to create a better immediate result.
help create proper esthetic anatomy, characterization, hue, value, Composite normally requires some maintenance at least every 1
chroma, position, form, function, direction, and texture. It is to 3 years to polish the surface or correct any chips that may
now possible to improve a patients look predictably. have occurred.

406 Direct Veneers Direct Composite Bonding

BOX 15.1 Relating Function and masking layer, an opaquer, placed first and then a buildup of the
esthetics desired colors in layers.
Underdeveloped teeth, such as a peg lateral, are usually not
1. Check for functional problems: color compromised. Generally, existing tooth structure and

composite are used to build out a functional, larger, more

true-to-life tooth in the space available. With orthodontically
2. Include functional treatment as part of the esthetic compromised teeth, orthodontic therapy can be done first or a
plan buildup to create a thicker tooth to compensate for the malpo
sition. Fractured and chipped teeth are treated similarly. Worn
teeth are the result of parafunction, faulty occlusion, or loss of
vertical dimension. It is essential to pay careful attention to
RELATING ANTERIOR FUNCTION how function and the desired esthetics relate, evaluate the con
AND ESTHETICS dition on a mounted model using a face-bow.

The typical reason a patient requires the placement of direct

composites in the anterior include normal wear and tear, occlu
sal disturbances, aggressive tooth brushing, or eating too much Contraindications include limitations. One must be very aware
crunchy food. To create the proper look cosmetically, it must of the limitations that prevent the opening of the bite for one
first be determined what has made such treatment necessary. It reason or another. The best way to evaluate whether it is possible
is important to evaluate the patients habits and normal func is to add some composite incrementally to the posterior denti
tion. This will reveal occlusal problems, perhaps abrasion, nutri tion. A night guard also open a patients bite. Then the patient
tional problems, erosion, or bruxism. The wear is evaluated to can determine if he or she is comfortable in that raised vertical
identify its cause, and then treatment possibilities and precau position.
tions are planned (Box 15-1). The goal is to avoid such wear in Contraindications to using direct composite bonding include
the future or at least minimize the threat of repetition. This gross loss of tooth structure where composite would not be
involves evaluating what has happened to the individuals teeth, strong enough. In these cases a porcelain, crown, or veneer may
and to the opposing dentition (e.g., the lower arch) to ensure be more suitable. A grossly decayed, or brittle teeth or poor oral
that a better profile, shape, and position can be created for those hygiene are also negative indicators. With poor hygiene it is
teeth. Various modalities such as Invisalign (Align Technology, difficult to maintain the margins, and decay will reoccur.
Inc., San Jose, California), bonding, or enameloplasty may be
If the esthetic evaluation indicates that it is desirable to MATERIAL OPTIONS
extend the patients central incisors by 2mm in length incisally,
it must be assessed whether this is possible. The outcome depends It is the authors recommendation to use a 37% phosphoric
on functional, protrusive excursive, and lateral excursive move acidetch with a light-cured adhesive (fifth generation), specifi
ments. It may also be necessary to extend the coverage of the cally, OptiBond Solo (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California).
composite onto the tooth more to the lingual surface to create Composite materials used for veneering include hybrid Point
a stronger restoration, a night guard, and to evaluate the condi- 4 (Kerr Corporation) available in various shades, including
tion of the posterior teeth to rearrange the vertical dimension opaques. As a final layer, Herculite (Kerr Corporation) Enamel
so it is possible to build up the anterior segment by 2mm. This Light or Extra Light is placed. Obviously the material of choice
generally involves opening the bite in the posterior region by depends on whether the adjacent and other teeth are light
less than 2mm. enough to match. The color is built up in a microhybrid used
To summarize, first evaluate the functional situation for both below a microfill. The actual color of the dentin is placed over
previous and current problems and then keep those situations that. At times translucency is required. Vitalescence (Ultradent
in mind when planning treatment. Functional treatment plan Products, South Jordan, Utah) and Trans Smoke or Iridescent
ning is an essential part of the esthetic program. If esthetics and Blue shade are excellent.
function are not addressed together, the case will fail.
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS The advantages of composite versus porcelain direct veneers
include that they are the more conservative option, are nonin
Indications vasive, give immediate results, involve no lab expense, and are
If a patient has chipped, discolored, stained, underdeveloped, more predictable because they are done chairside. They are less
fractured, or worn teeth, it is possible to bond and repair specific expensive for the patient than porcelain veneers. They are indi
areas to improve the condition. When addressing a chipped cated over ceramic while the candidate is still developing, up to
tooth, the chip restoration and veneering can be done at the age 22 or 23 years. Composite veneers are reversible because the
same time. Discolored or stained teeth generally require a tooth structure does not need to be prepared.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 407

gingival margins of the restoration, and as the gum recedes, the

Disadvantages margins may stain, or black triangles can be created at the gin
All required maintenance is a disadvantage. Composites can gival embrasures.
stain, chip, and lose luster. They are also very technique sensitive; The time spent on a composite veneer is about 60% to 70%
the dentist must be adept and very detail oriented to achieve a that of a porcelain veneer. No second visit is required for the
successful result. It is necessary to polish composites to establish composite, aside from a follow-up evaluation.
a superficial layer that replicates the glaze of natural tooth struc
ture. Polishing is also important to avoid future staining. Stain
can accumulate in days or weeks from normal food intake. INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
Patients are advised to not drink or eat anything that may stain
the composite for about 2 days after treatment because the
Scientific Elements
composite is slightly porous. However, microfill is not as porous Increased bond strengths are the major element that has made
as a hybrid. In addition, if one polishes well enough, it will composites successful and predictable. These materials are also
diminish the chance of staining and dulling. more polishable and are available in a wide range of shades. This
Patients who smoke, drink dark beverages (red wine and dark is important considering patient desires to make teeth look as
coffee), or eat highly staining foods are at greater risk for staining white as possible. Ten to 15 years ago, people were not as aware
their direct composite veneers. Such habits must be evaluated, cosmetically and did not expect the esthetic results that can be
and patients advised to avoid and limit them as much possible. achieved now. Today media hype and celebrities drive patients
Patients should be made aware that the composites may need desire to get teeth super white. Shade, increased bond strength,
regular polishing or resurfacing. and increased polishability are scientific elements that have
Current Best Approach
Young adults are better candidates for direct composite bonding
Technologic Elements
than they are for porcelain veneers because their teeth are still Research leads to a continuing upgrade in materials. With this
developing. The gingival margins can show once the teeth fully dynamic evolution, there is always something new at conven
develop. Later, composites can be upgraded to porcelain veneers. tions with regard to the sixth- and seventh-generation adhesives
Patients should be given the choice of a porcelain veneer or a and better composites. Every decade has brought a quantum
composite direct veneer bonding and the rationale behind each leap in technology, so composites are now easier to place, more
choice, the advantages of each, and the cost. convenient, stronger, and more esthetic.
When patients have had bonding in place for over 5 or
10 years, they may be ready for the porcelain upgrade, or they Relationship among Adhesives,
may choose resurfacing, the removal and reapplication of the
composite in its entirety or partially.
Bonding, and Etching
For the patient without any anterior decay, composite veneers Typically 34% to 37% phosphoric acid is used as an etchant. It
are very popular. They are noninvasive and conservative, offering is available from many manufacturers. Once the enamel and
a more holistic approach without any reduction of tooth dentin have been prepared with phosphoric acid, dental bonding
structure. agents and restorative composite materials complete the process.
There are two major categories of composites and adhesive
materials in dentistry. One is BIS-GMA, and the other is poly
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS urethane. Fortunately for the dental profession, these materials
interact seamlessly. Without knowing the chemistry of individ
Some of the other considerations are the natural look of porce ual bonding agents and veneer composites, the dentist can feel
lain, the invasiveness of the procedure, and finances. Porcelain secure in using any bonding agent with any composite. Manu
best emulates enamel because it can recreate natural-appearing facturers prefer that the dentist use the bonding agent and
translucency more predictably than composite. composite within the same system, but from a dentists perspec
Porcelain veneers are a more invasive option because a certain tive, if an adhesive from one manufacturer and a composite from
space is necessary. Veneers usually require reduction, although another manufacturer seem to be more suitable, this is not a
ultimately it depends on the position of the teeth. In most cases, problem in terms of chemistry, longevity, or adhesion.
preparation is necessary to create retention or to break the
contact between the interproximal teeth.
When looking at the financial considerations, there is a lab ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
expense involved with porcelain and the price reflects that fee.
The price of composite veneers is about 50% to 75% of the cost It is necessary to evaluate the impact of bonding on the face,
of porcelain veneers. In addition, porcelain veneers often last 15 not just on the actual appearance of the teeth. The entire face
to 20 years compared with only 8 to 10 years for composite must be considered. This includes analyzing the shape of the lips
bonding. Generally the gingival line recedes away from the and cheeks.
408 Direct Veneers Direct Composite Bonding

In analyzing the look of the face, it can be measured or visual that have fluorescence built in to recreate this. Otherwise,
ized. For example, a patient may have a round or oval face. anterior veneers built up with a nonfluorescent composite
The treatment choice depends on what the patient wants. disappear under black light conditions. It seems that the indi
If the teeth look too flat and make the face look too round, viduals teeth are missing, which is not esthetically pleasing.
the dentist can solve the problem by making the teeth appear a Natural fluorescence also has components that benefit the
bit longer. If the patients face is too oval, the dentist can shorten appearance under natural and sunlit conditions, creating a
the length of the teeth. If it appears that there is too much certain glint that is defined as natural looking. Natural fluo
negative space at the buccal corridor in the posterior, the dentist rescence is an important addition to composites used in direct
can refurbish the smile by adding more tooth structure, thus composite bonding.
plumping out the arch and creating a fuller, more youthful


The golden proportion relates to the anterior teeth as they prog The options for treatment are presented to the patient so that,
ress toward the posterior. It is a specific ratio, 1.618:1. The two along with the dentist, a mutual decision can be made regarding
central incisors are larger than the corresponding laterals. The what will be done. The orthodontic condition of the teeth must
visual proportion of the centrals to the laterals is 1.618:1. The first be assessed. It may be wise to first reposition the teeth with
visual proportion of the laterals to the cuspids (viewed from either traditional orthodontic care or with Invisalign. Once
the front) is 1.618:1. The visual proportion of the premolars completed, one can alter the position, shape, and color of the
and molars follows a similar ratio. teeth with either porcelain or composite veneers. Another
This proportion appears repeatedly in nature, and seems to method is to temporarily alter the appearance with a Snap-on
have a very pleasing effect on the human eye, although it is not Smile technique in which an impression is taken and sent to
clearly understood why this is so. The effect occurs consistently, the laboratory; the shade is chosen to create the desired look and
in dentistry and in other areas of esthetic harmony. color of the teeth.

Hue, Chroma, and Value Sequence

The hue is the actual color portrayed. The chroma is the satura It is best to pre-evaluate what can be done on the teeth with
tion and richness of that specific color. The value is the degree orthodontic wax applied on the tooth structures. This is the
of gray versus white. Usually the dentin imparts the hue and traditional initial wax mock-up. Alternatively, composite can be
chroma, and the enamel layer imparts the value. If one has a used, a digital imaging software system may be used as well.
high value, the teeth are white; if the value is low, the teeth are These smile design programs can be used to create an esthetic
grayish or dark. Of the three, value is the one that is the most look. The images are printed out and given to the patient to
important, the one feature that the eye picks up most readily. consider. Photographs and impressions are also taken. A wax
mock-up can be constructed on a model in a laboratory, or in
the office. A three-dimensional model is made to show the
Translucency, Opacity, and Fluorescence patient the desired look.
Tooth structure is also translucent, a quality that must be Assuming the patient has accepted the treatment, an appoint
matched in the restoration. Normally enamel is not completely ment is scheduled. Anesthetic can be used or not. There is no
transparent but translucent to a degree. To recreate that look need to numb the patient unless the procedure is more invasive.
requires various staining composites. Translucency is usually The dentist and patient commit to the procedure and determine
more pronounced in the incisal thirds of teeth. whether it is necessary to reduce a tooth. Then the actual
To create translucency, the violet, blue, and red are added as bonding process is undertaken, followed by polishing. A
appropriate. For female patients a blue hue is used; for male follow-up visit checks on the integrity of the bonding, to make
patients a more violet color is chosen. The enamel layer (or sure the contacts are proper, to ensure that the margins of the
microfill) is placed over the translucent characterization. composite do not impinge on healthy gingiva, and to protect
Opacity originates in the dentin. It is seen throughout the the veneers with a night guard to prevent chippings from para
entire tooth structure, mostly at the gingival third and mid- functional activity.
third, but is less apparent interproximally. As one approaches The impression for the night guard is taken after the com
the incisal segment, the teeth are translucent rather than opaque. posite have been applied. If the patient is happy with the look,
In building up a chipped tooth, the internal dimension requires an impression can be taken then, and a night guard fabricated
a more opaque layer. in the office. The type of night guard depends on the parafunc
Fluorescence is defined as the look of the teeth under a tional activity. There are different types of designs, laboratory,
black or ultraviolet light. Natural teeth sparkle white, unnat and in-house. The NTI Tension Suppression System, made by
urally so, under a black light. The dentist must use composites Trident Dental Laboraties (Hawthorne, California), an anterior
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 409

incline, covering either the entire arch or half of the arch from out. A base layer is applied to control color over the whole
canine to canine. These soft splints have a soft interior and a tooth. This is cured, and then subsequent layers are placed,
hard exterior. curing between each layer of composite.
To recreate the ideal three-dimensional incisal anatomy of the
anterior teeth, the composite is applied to the inner dentin first.
The lingual portion of the incisal is placed against a matrix of
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS silicone or rubber template to recreate the lingual. There are
usually three layers applied up to the incisal area, depending on
Treatment depends on the position and shape of the teeth and the degree of transition needed. The goal is to impart a natural
whether they are chipped, discolored, and so on. Generally the look of translucency and to include any necessary stain.
dentist tries to prepare as little as possible. The goal is to be on Most of the buildup is done with microhybrid material, then
the enamel and not in the dentin because enamel achieves a a layer of microfill is added to the correct buccal anatomy
better bond. If the tooth exhibits sharp ridges or sharp edges, it without overbuilding. If needed, trimming can be done.
is not necessary to reduce it. It may be possible to add the com
posite to it without reduction. The authors practice is to bevel
the enamel to create a flare so the finish appears flush with the
superficial tooth structure. Beveling increases the surface area for Finishing diamonds are used from coarse to medium to fine.
maximum durability and esthetics. Then polishing carbides create a smoother finish followed by a
If there is a very dark but limited discoloration, it is removed white stone. Finally disks Super Snap Shofu, from coarse to
with a bur before application of composite. fine. Dental Corp. (San Marcos, California) followed by
diamond polish paste called Diaglaze by Antraco Inc. (Livings
ton, New Jersey) to produce a polished texture.
Preferred Locations for Margin
on the Buccal Clinical Conservation Concepts
The extent of the esthetic problem dictates how much of the Basically, direct composite bonding is the most conservative
tooth structure is involved. It may be advisable to extend it all approach after the orthodontic option because it is noninvasive
the way down to the gum line, or to stop midway through the and reversiblethe dentist does not trim healthy tooth
tooth with a bevel. structure.

Preference for Finishing Margin MAINTENANCE

on the Lingual Composite bonding should be checked yearly, at least, and touch
On the lingual, the margin is positioned where there is enough ups may be required. It is possible to resurface the composite
space to retain the beveled surface without sharp edges. When using the above technique. It is also possible to revitalize com
the patient occludes, the occlusion should not be at the margin, posite. At times they may absorb some pigment and stain from
where composite meets the enamel. Occlusion should occur consumed substances. Polishing the dull surfaces improve their
either on the composite or on natural tooth structure, not at the appearance immediately. Patients are also advised to avoid or
actual margin. minimize eating things that are too hard or crunchy. Examples
include ribs and pistachio nuts. Patients must be meticulous in
their homecare. This includes oral hygiene.
Preferences Interproximally
In the interproximal, it is preferable to break contact only when
absolutely necessary. Results are more predictable when tooth CONTROVERSIES
structure remains at the contact area.
It is important to ensure no gingival irritant from the margin of
the composite is introduced that might affects the health of the
Treatment Considerations for Bonding gingiva.
For the bonding procedure the goal is to have as much enamel
present as possible. The enamel is completely etched and rinsed
but not completely desiccated. Adhesive is then applied. The site NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
is isolated from the adjacent tooth with a clear Mylar strip.
After application, air drying, and light curing of the All of the composite materials available are excellent, but there
bonding agent, the initial layer of composite is adapted to the is always room for improvement. One goal is to emulate tooth
tooth, starting at the interior of the preparation and building structure as well porcelain.
410 Direct Veneers Direct Composite Bonding

C A S E 1
A female patient had short and narrow upper anterior teeth with space present interproximally. She was unhappy
with her appearance (Figure 15-1, A and B). A treatment plan was established to include bonding the maxillary
anteriors, canine to canine, while the rest of her upper dentition involved crown and bridgework. The end result
portrays teeth that met her esthetic and functional expectations, and made her look attractive, and comple-
mented her appealing facial features (Figure 15-1, C and D). The procedure took about 4 hours to complete
and was done in a single sitting. She returned for a follow-up about 2 weeks later to make sure her gingiva
were healthy, the bonding intact, and the esthetics up to her expectations.


FIGURE 15-1 Pre-treatment intraoral (A) and full face

(B) photos showing short and narrow upper anterior teeth
with space present interproximally. Post-treatment intra-
oral (C) and full face (D) photos showing an esthetically
pleasing result.

Transitional Bonding
Corky Willhite

RELEVANCE OF TRANSITIONAL well. The microhybrid and nanofill composites that have been
developed in the last 20 to 25 years are critical for the success
BONDING TO ESTHETIC of transitional bonding. Handling properties that allow for
DENTISTRY placement, sculpting, curing on demand, contouring, and
polishing allow these restorations to mimic natural tooth
Transitional bonding allows practitioners to make major or structure.
minor changes in occlusion and esthetics with little or no reduc In the last few years the advantages of increasing VDO for
tion of tooth structure (Figure 15-2). With this approach it is patients who have lost some vertical dimension or who never
possible to address cases with various esthetic problems, and, had a fully developed VDO have become more accepted. This
perhaps more important, health issues can often be treated. procedure can be predictably successful when the occlusion is
Examples include wear from bruxing; loss of occlusal tooth handled properly.
structure from erosion, decay, or fractures; and numerous teeth
missing. Such situations may cause a decrease in vertical dimen
sion leading to esthetic and functional problems. Restoring teeth
that have worn down or are developmentally small so that the RELATING FUNCTION
teeth are long enough or large enough to look more attractive AND ESTHETICS
without opening the bite could create a very deep overbite or
other negative change. By increasing the vertical dimension one Often the dentist is faced with conflicting demands between
can often compensate for that. function and esthetics. The first step in preparing for any major
Increasing the vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) change is an esthetic evaluation of the patient, using photogra
allows more space or clearance for restoring wear and lengthen phy, study models, and a clinical examination. For a patient with
ing the teeth. Most people will experience some loss of VDO obvious esthetic shortcomings, an improved smile should not
with age. Many adults by the age of 50 could benefit from be the goalthat is too easy. The goal should be to determine
treatment that lengthens teeth for esthetic and/or functional what changes would provide the best smile possible for a
improvements. patient. A systematic approach to smile analysis, using smile
design principles, promotes this goal. This would include prin
ciples such as the height-to-width ratio of the esthetic zone,
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL width-to-length ratio of the upper central incisors, arch and
tooth widths and proportions, and smile line, as well as numer
OF MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES Once the esthetic treatment plan has been determined, then
the tooth size, shape, and position are evaluated in terms of
The ability to adhere restorative materials to enamel and dentin whether they permit the ideal functional outcome. At this point
is a critical development. Clinical dentists are now able to bond the dentist determines whether the centrals have been length
composite to tooth structure with a strength comparable to the ened sufficiently and whether that would create a deep bite that
bond of enamel to dentin. This adhesive bond is very long might compromise occlusal function. Determination of whether,
lasting and, under normal occlusal forces, will provide retention and how, to adjust the occlusion to obtain ideal function would
of a restoration for years. be the next important step. That might include increasing verti
Current composites are not routinely more fracture resistant cal dimension or, rarely, decreasing it. After occlusal principles
than early versions, but by having particle sizes that allow them have been used to confirm whether this esthetic change will
to be more polishable, the current materials are more esthetic. work functionally, then the proposed treatment plan for the
These materials wear resistance is similar to that of enamel as patient can be presented.

412 Direct Veneers Transitional Bonding




FIGURE 15-2 Transitional bonding completed on the eight upper teeth, the cusps of the lower premolars, and the first molars
to restore wear for esthetics and function. Vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) was increased slightly. Pre-treatment (A, C, and
E) and post-treatment (B, D, and F) photos.

There will be some cases in which the esthetic and func CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
tional treatment plans cannot be rectified. For instance, increas
ing upper anterior tooth length results in greater overbite unless
the VDO is increased. If the patient is an occlusal Class II, A common situation is severe wear caused by bruxism, in which
increasing VDO to compensate for this will result in an the patient has a reduced vertical dimension. Such teeth can be
increased overjet if the mandible is in centric relation. So a restored to their original condition or better. In less common
compromise may be required to either the esthetic or the func cases there may be a skeletal growth problem that produces a
tional plan. mismatch in the size of the maxilla and mandible, and a Class
Each case is evaluated considering the dental and periodon II or III occlusion. In a Class III patient whose maxilla is under
tal condition, but occlusion is a major factor. Generally, the developed and tooth display is less than desired, upper teeth can
goal is to end up with teeth of normal size and length, having be lengthened and bulked out facially for better esthetics includ
a normal amount of overbite and overjet, with anterior guid ing increased tooth display and lip support. By opening the
ance in protrusive and canine guidance in right and left lateral vertical dimension in such cases, it may be possible to alter these
excursions. Ideally the guidance provides posterior disclusion. cases enough that a Class I occlusion results, because when the
In successful cases these esthetic and functional goals will have mandible is in centric relation and VDO is increased, overjet
been achieved. also increases.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 413

Extensive decay is a less common indication. Decay may be Another significant contraindication is the dentist who
severe enough that loss of tooth structure has allowed some does not feel confident of his or her clinical skills related
collapse of VDO as with tooth loss. Restoration of the teeth to technique. Transitional bonding is a somewhat technique-
including increasing VDO creates better esthetics and sensitive procedure, and without the training and experience to
function. achieve predictable results, many dentists should hesitate to
Another indication is a bulimic patient who has sufficient attempt it.
erosion of the upper lingual surfaces that anterior teeth have
supererupted. Such patients may not have experienced an actual
loss of vertical dimension if the posterior teeth are intact, but MATERIAL OPTIONS
opening the bite can create enough occlusal clearance to restore
these eroded surfaces without having to prepare them as for a Glass ionomers and resin ionomers are not appropriate material
traditional restorationprobably a crownresulting in more choices because of handling and mechanical properties. The
loss of tooth structure. material should be sculptable and fairly viscous, providing
The prior examples all include increasing VDO. However, enough working time to adapt the material and then cure on
the majority of restorative cases will not require that. A more demand. These materials do not hold up well in the occlusal
common indication would be a patient who has worn the ante situations with incisal edges and built up cusp tips. The compres
rior teeth enough that anterior guidance is deficient, with result sive and shear forces during normal masticationand certainly
ing posterior interferences. Restoring anterior guidance can be during bruxingwould likely cause fracture and wear on sur
accomplished without opening the bite. Building more guidance faces subjected to mastication. Esthetically these materials are
than the patient originally had may also be possiblein patients lacking, as well.
with developmentally small teeth, for example. Amalgam is not appropriate because of its un-esthetic
Overbite is increased if incisal length is added without properties and the difficulty in building up an incisal edge.
increasing VDO. As long as this result is not excessive, there is Certain posterior situations might allow amalgam to be one
no reason to consider this a deterrent. choicefor instance, if old fillings or carious lesions also need
Ideally, incisal and canine guidance should be built so that restoration.
the posterior teeth disclude in all excursions. This posterior Ceramics may be appropriate but only for a definitive
disclusion protects the posterior teeth. If the anterior teeth con restorationnot a transitional restoration. Cost is a significant
tinue to wear, then rebuilding them as posterior interferences disadvantage as well. There are situations in which it is appropri
recur is a valid option, as opposed to equilibrating away enamel ate to restore some teeth in porcelain, whereas other areas of the
on posterior cusps. mouth are treated with transitional bonding.
Another indication would be a patient who has a slide from Composite is the ideal material for this procedure. It is the
centric relation (CR) to maximum intercuspal position (MIP). most versatile of all restorative materials and offers many advan
Rather than equilibrate (removing enamel) to correct this, con tages including the ability to adhere to tooth structure even in
sider positioning the mandible at the first point of contact the most non-retentive situations. Handling and mechanical
(typically second molars touching on one side) and augmenting properties allow these restorations to be built intra-orally and to
other cusp tips to create new occlusal stops to stabilize this survive for an extended time.
mandibular position, which now becomes the MIP. The slide
can be eliminated without any enamel loss. Anterior centric
stops can be built by adding to the lower incisal edges, but more
Advantages of Composite
commonly the author achieves this by adding to the lingual of A significant advantage of using composite and the transitional
the upper anterior teeth; often in combination with lengthening bonding procedure is that it is possible to be extremely conserva
the upper anteriors. tive in maintaining tooth structure. The great majority of cases
This type of approach provides the patient with a more ideal require little or no preparation. If preparation is needed, it is
occlusion (CR now coincides with MIP, and anterior guidance more conservative than with any other option.
provides posterior disclusion) and results in a more esthetically Another advantage is that these restorations are very easy to
pleasing smile (restoring worn upper anterior teeth for more adjust as the dentist is refining occlusion or completing esthetic
tooth display); and conserves tooth structure (little or no prep contouring. The composite can be reduced quite quickly or can
ping, nor an equilibration, is required). Numerous other advan be added to without much difficulty, if necessary.
tages are achieved as well, but these alone make this option very The technique is a direct technique, so it does not require
desirable. laboratory involvement other than for a diagnostic wax-up. A
wax-up on mounted models is recommended so as to create a
template (e.g., putty index) to aid in the intra-oral procedure.
Contraindications An excellent alternative to obtaining a lab wax-up is for the
Periodontal disease and tooth mobility with anterior flaring dentist to use composite on the mounted models and mock up
could also be a reason for decreased VDO and a collapsed bite. the case. This provides valuable practice in handling composite,
One contraindication to lengthening teeth is periodontally sculpting, and contouringall skills that enhance the intra-oral
involved, unstable, mobile teeth. result.
414 Direct Veneers Transitional Bonding

Composite can be very esthetic. Although the transitional highest priority. The advantages described earlier may be more
bonding technique does not maximize the esthetic results valuable to many patients than longevity.
because there is no layering of materials for effects such as incisal Technique sensitivity of any adhesive restoration is still a
translucency or shade blendinga major esthetic improvement challenge. Moisture control in the wet environment of the
can still be expected. The author estimates that 70% to 90% of mouth is often less successful than desirablebut this equally
the esthetic improvement can be accomplished with transitional affects all materials to be bonded, not just composite.
bonding as compared to ultimate esthetics composite restora
tions or porcelain restorations.
Another advantage is the option to upgrade the treated teeth
Current Best Approach
to definitive ceramic restorations at some point (either all at Composite resin is the only material available that allows den
once or phased in a few teeth at a time), using any remaining tists to accomplish the transitional bonding procedure. The best
compositeafter preparationas a core buildup. Another approach is with composite.
option is to improve the esthetics with composite by prepping
away a portion of the transitional bonding and then layering
composites of varying shades and/or translucencies for a more OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
ideal, esthetic result.
In addition, the compatibility of composite with natural Since transitional bonding takes less time than definitive treat
tooth structure in terms of wear is ideal. Having a material that ment, and no lab fees are incurred, the cost should be less than
wears slightly faster than enamel is desirable because it is prefer for almost any other option. It is easier for more patients to
able to have restorations wear rather than opposing natural accept treatment when it can be offered at a more affordable
teeth, as may occur with porcelain restorations. cost. Financial considerations are the most important factor for
Fracture resistance is another advantage. The fracture tough many patients. Having an option between traditional definitive
ness values are so similar between composite and feldspathic treatment and no treatment allows more patients to take
porcelain that there is no significant statistical difference. In advantage of what dentistry can do to improve their lives.
normal situations when the restorations are built properly,
there should be no greater incidence of fracture than with por
celain restorations, similar to the incidence with natural teeth, INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
as well.
Marginal integrity is an advantage, as well. With composite The ability to make a major changewhether it be a smile
it is possible to develop margins that are extremely smooth and makeover for cosmetic purposes or a full-mouth rehabilitation
sealedespecially supragingival margins ending in a feathered for patients with severe breakdownwithout prepping or with
finish over a bevel on enamel. On the other hand, consider the only very minor prepping is an important step forward. There
margin of a class II posterior composite with a deep proximal is essentially no loss of tooth structure even though the esthetics
box: there is little or no enamel to bond to, more distance from and occlusion are dramatically improved.
the curing light, potential moisture control problemsall Therefore, transitional bonding in most cases could be con
routine challenges for achieving sealed, smooth margins in class sidered reversible treatment. When dealing with complex cases
II composites. Most of the margins built in transitional bonding or very demanding patients, the option to give the patient their
are supragingival, so the situation at the margin is very different; old teeth back may be very appealing.
there is enamel, and a beveled margin means minimal bulk of The ability to bond composite to tooth structure is critical.
composite, making polymerization shrinkage less criticalall Using adhesive techniques that provide predictably excellent
factors that lead to margins that are very resistant to bond strengths is easy today, with many adhesive systems and
microleakage. options available.
Finally, fees should be lower than for definitive restorations. Current composite materials provide many benefits including
If only anterior teeth are being treated, the savings may not be good handling properties, fracture resistance comparable to
as dramatic as when many posterior teeth are included. The most porcelains, wear compatibility with tooth structure, excel
time to complete anterior teeth should be less than performing lent esthetics, and polishability.
definitive restorations, but there is a much greater differential
when building up buccal cusps of posterior teeth. So when
more teeth are included in the treatment plan, generally the TREATMENT PLANNING
savings grow exponentially. This is a critical advantage for many
Depending on the patients needs and goals, the major portion
of the treatment plan could be transitional bonding. If tradi
Disadvantages of Composite tional, definitive treatment is plannedsuch as ceramic veneers
Longevity is still not as good as one might like. The restorations or crownsthe provisional stage should accomplish many of the
will not last as long, in most instances, as porcelain restorations. same benefits as transitional bonding. For more complex cases
The dentist should appreciate that longevity is not every patients or demanding patients, transitional bonding allows more time
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 415

to work out esthetic or functional issues as needed, before defini The lower posteriors should be completed before the upper
tive treatment. teeth. When building lower buccal cusp tipsthese functional
Many treatment plans could include some definitive treat cusps can be built up 1mm or so to increase VDOit should
ment combined with transitional bonding. An example would save time to avoid the template so that as each cusp tip is sculpted
be 10 maxillary porcelain veneers and on the mandibular, tran the patient can occlude into the new bite position before curing.
sitional bonding to align worn incisal edges and open the VDO This single uncured composite cusp conforms to the opposing
slightly to enhance the overall result, for a patient who cannot tooth and is cured while the patient is holding that bite. After
afford all the teeth to be restored in porcelain. initial curing, the patient opens and the excess can be quickly
Another option is that additional treatment may be accom contoured. If the amount of composite sculpted onto the cusp
plished when specialists are involved, so interdisciplinary treat tip is fairly close to the correct amount, each cusp can be built
ment can be completed before definitive restorations. This in about 10 minutes so that all the posterior centric stops may
option can help ensure that costs are minimized. For example, be developed in an hour or two. If more than 1.5 to 2.0mm is
a patient needs periodontal surgery to correct a dehiscence but to be added to any cusp, it may be necessary to add composite
also needs restorations because of significant wear that affects to upper occlusal surfaces as well to create centric stops, so the
the occlusion and may be contributing to the periodontal lower buccal cusps do not become too long and pointed.
problem. The transitional bonding can be done first to achieve The upper posterior buccal cusps are completed last. These
most of the esthetic and occlusal goals, then the surgery can be may be simple enough to sculpt freehand, or it may be helpful
completed and time allowed for healing. If the surgery is suc to cut the upper template in half (at the centrals) and use the
cessful, definitive treatment can proceed, and if not, an extrac right and left halves to form these longer cusps. Once the upper
tion is followed by an implant or bridge. and lower posterior teeth are completed, checking excursions for
posterior interferences is the next step. Adjusting the occlusion
so that the centric stops are maintained and interferences are
eliminated is accomplished by contouring only on the cusp
Sequence slopes, not at the cusp tip with the centric stop.
After an initial consultation, a comprehensive clinical examina
tion of the patient is done. Once those records are gathered,
diagnosis and treatment planning are accomplished. For cases TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
with major changes, a diagnostic wax-up on mounted models is
invaluable (Figure 15-3). Providing detailed instructions to the
laboratory regarding tooth size, shape, and occlusal consider There is virtually no preparation needed for most of these res
ations helps ensure a successful outcome. torations. It is recommended that the teeth be pumiced with
With the diagnostic wax-up in hand, a template is made to plain water mixed with fine pumice to ensure that the surface
aid in the actual fabrication of the restorations in the mouth has no plaque, stain, or even pellicle layer to potentially inhibit
using a rigid polyvinyl siloxane material dispensed from an adhesion. Next, any worn or chipped enamel surface should be
automix cartridge system or a hand-mixed putty. The template lightly prepped, along with any exposed dentin. This accom
will be used to build the lingual and incisal surfaces of these plishes two goals: first, any sharp edges that have worn in should
restorations. be rounded slightly; second, any sclerotic dentin should be
If upper and lower anterior teeth are to be restored, the lower lightly freshened for maximum adhesion.
anterior teeth should be treated first, followed by the upper On any anterior teeth that are visible in a smile, a very
anteriors. Generally the template is used to form the lingual and shallow bevel on the facial surface will provide a better blend
incisal surfaces of the anterior teeth being treated. Rarely should from the composite to any visible tooth structure, which mini
more than six teeth be augmented at once; attempting more will mizes a two-tone effect. This bevel should be so minimal that
make control more difficult, increasing the chance of bonding dentin should never be exposed. In fact, the author recommends
teeth together. Then each individual tooth is directly built up that less than half of the facial enamel thickness be reduced even
on the facial and proximal surfaces freehand. where the preparation would be deepestat the incisal edge
Once the anterior teeth have been completed, setting changes becoming shallower as the bevel extends to the margin. There
in vertical dimension and anterior guidance, then the posterior should be no chamfer, with the bevel ending on the facial surface
teeth are started. Normally the buccal cusp tips on lower teeth 2 to 3mm from the incisal edge; a general guideline would be
are functional cusps (accepting crossbite cases) and it is not to make the bevel about as long as the amount of length to be
necessary to build the lingual, non-functional cusps; lower added by the restoration (Figure 15-4).
buccal cusps create the new centric stops on the existing upper
occlusal surfaces. On the other hand, the upper buccal cusps are
non-functional, so they are built only for esthetic reasons, typi
cally to blend the smile line of the longer anterior teeth toward Because transitional bonding is so conservative, there is rarely a
the posterior; upper lingual cusps are functional, but as long as need for anesthetic. Unless a tooth is hypersensitive or there are
there is at least one centric stop on each tooth, long-term stabil subgingival extensions of the restorations, anesthesia should be
ity can be expected. unnecessary for the great majority of patients.
416 Direct Veneers Transitional Bonding





FIGURE 15-3 A to C, Pre-operative condition: severely worn teeth resulting from bruxism. D to F, Diagnostic wax-up at the
new, increased vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO). G to I, Teeth restored with transitional bonding. Occlusal views demon-
strate the pre-operative condition of the worn teeth (J and K).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 417


FIGURE 15-3, contd L and M, the diagnostic wax-up with the new occlusal stops at an increased VDO. Note that the upper
anterior teeth have had wax added to the lingual and incisal surfaces, the lower anterior teeth have had wax added to the facial
and incisal surfaces, and the posterior stops are developed by adding to the lower buccal cusps only. The post-operative photos
(N and O) have the occlusal indicator paper marks present to highlight the new centric stops around the arch. These marks also
show the protrusive, right and left lateral excursive contactsthis anterior guidance provides posterior disclusion.

Pre-operative Procedure extend beyond the teeth to be treated and onto surfaces
A template is fabricated on a duplicate model of the wax-up without planned augmentation (including some of the lingual
using a rigid and accurate material. The template is trimmed to gingival tissue) to provide a place to apply pressure to fully seat
form the lingual and incisal surfaces while fully exposing the the template. It is important not to press hard where compos
facial. Time is allowed for a polyvinyl siloxane material to ite is being added, as this could distort the template as it is
de-gas before any composite is loaded. The template should seated.
418 Direct Veneers Transitional Bonding

FIGURE 15-4 A and B, The transitional

bonding completed on the central and
lateral incisors, demonstrating the shade
blend from composite to enamel as
viewed from the facial. Facial (C) and
occlusal (D) views of an upper central
incisor (before the minimal preparation)
showing severe wear and dentin expo-
sure. E and F, Minimal preparation with
sharp corners slightly rounded, sclerotic
dentin freshened, and a shallow facial
bevel. Note the thickness of the facial
B enamel in the pre-operative view com-
pared with the prepped view, which
shows that less than half of the facial
A enamel thickness is reduced.

Shade Selection Preparation Minimal preparation may be necessary, although

The shade and opacity of composite closest to the body shade many teeth should require no tooth reduction at all. If there are
of the tooth to be restored are chosen. The same shade is not worn surfaces the preparation would involve slightly rounding
used for all the teeth if the shades vary. For example, the incisors any sharp corners and freshening exposed sclerotic dentin with
may be A1, whereas more chromatic canines may be A2. If the a fine diamond bur. In addition, any facial surfaces that will not
final result will disguise the entire visible tooth, a different shade be completely covered with composite require a bevel to blend
may be chosen, although typically the author does not whiten the shade if the margin will be visible with a full smile. Margins
the overall smile very much during transitional bonding; that is that are not visible need not have a bevel, because the bevel is
reserved for the upgrade to definitive treatment. used strictly for esthetic reasons, not for retention.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 419

Seat the Template The template is fully seated, and any excess
is sculpted away, with special care taken to maintain a slight gap
between teeth so as not to bond teeth together (Figure 15-6, E).

Light Cure and Remove the Template Curing from the facial
is performed for a long enough time to set the composite on the
lingual (Figure 15-6, F ). The template is removed (Figure 15-6,
G), and the lingual is checked for any areas of uncured compos
ite; any pulled areas are sculpted and smoothed, then the mate
A rial is cured.

Ensure Separation If any composite has bridged the proxi

mals, it is recommended to separate the teeth using a diamond
strip or saw before continuing.

Fully Form Each Tooth Add composite to the proximal and

facial surfaces. Incremental buildup may be done for conve
nience but is not a requirement because the same composite
is used to build the entire restoration. The restoration is
B light cured.

FIGURE 15-5 Before (A) and after (B) views. Using a Contour Contouring is extremely important for achievement
templatefabricated from a wax-up or mock-upcan save of the best esthetic result. Because transitional bonding restora
time when building composite restorations. These before and tions are a single shade, correct contour will offset somewhat the
after views show the old composite that was replaced on the
lack of polychromy. Without good contours however, these res
upper six anterior teeth. Part B was taken immediately
post-operatively. torations can appear very unnatural and Chiclet-like. Taking
the time to learn accurate contoursespecially of the upper
anterior teethgoes a long way toward having satisfied patients,
regardless of the material and technique being used.
Clean any unprepped surfaces with plain fine pumice and Using fluted carbide burs as well as contouring disks and
water in a prophy cup. It is important to remove any plaque, strips is the most effective way to accurately develop contours,
stain, or pellicle to achieve maximum adhesion. including adjusting occlusion. It is recommended that the fin
ishing process be considered as two separate steps: contouring
Template Technique (Figure 15-5) and polishing. Contouring should be completed before any
Loading the Template Generally the template is used to form polishing.
the lingual and incisal surfaces of the anterior teeth being treated
(Figure 15-6, A and B). Again, note that if the template is used Final Cure Light curing in the presence of air creates an
for more than six teeth at a time, controlling the composite may oxygen-inhibited layer on the surface of composite. If this layer
be difficult. is not removed, the surface of the restoration will be less resistant
Try in the template and evaluate how much composite should to wear and stain, and it will not polish as well. To ensure this
be loaded so as to develop the lingual and incisal surfaces (Figure is avoided, the restoration is covered with glycerin gel to block
15-6, C ). Having too much or too little material loaded will the air, then cured. Although curing for 5 to 10 seconds is gener
likely create time-consuming side effects such as gaps at the ally sufficient to set an increment of composite so that it is rigid,
lingual margin or teeth bonded together. Using compules may 60 seconds is required for it to be maximally cured. So at some
save time loading the template with composite. Then the mate point after a restoration is fully formed but before it is polished,
rial should be smoothed and shaped so the proximals are sepa a final cure of 60 seconds with glycerin gel in place is advised.
rated (Figure 15-6, D). Place the loaded template in a dark place Commonly this is done after several teeth are built up, and
(a cabinet drawer may be a good option) until ready for seating. the final cure is done on all these teeth at once by the dental
Etch and Adhesive No shortcuts should be taken! The
unprepped enamel is etched for approximately 60 seconds and Polish Once the contours are correct, it is appropriate to polish.
the dentin for no longer than 15 seconds; prepped enamel can If any polishing occurs and more contouring is needed after that,
be etched for any length of time from 15 to 60 seconds. The the polishing will have been a wasted step. It may be helpful to
directions for the adhesive of choice should be followed to accomplish the basic contours during the first treatment appoint
ensure a good bond strength. Caution: Self-etching primers ment but have the patient return another day to fine-tune the
(sixth-generation agents) do not reliably bond to unprepped contours and polish. When ones eyes and attention are fresh, it
enamel. can be easier to see what needs to be changed. This is even more
420 Direct Veneers Transitional Bonding




FIGURE 15-6 Template technique. A, A composite mock-up on a stone model is used to make the template from a rigid poly-
vinyl siloxane material. B, The template is trimmed so the entire facial surface is free and clear while the lingual surface and the
full incisal edge of each tooth are formed by the template. C, The old composite is carefully removed so the underlying tooth
structure is maintained. (There is a history of peg laterals in the patients family.) After any minimal preparation is completed,
the template is tried in to evaluate for how much composite should be placed into it. Once the template is loaded and the com-
posite smoothed (D), it is stored in the dark to prevent premature curing (a drawer may be a good spot). After etch and adhesive,
fully seat the template. E, Remove excess composite and blend so all junctions with the tooth structure are smooth. Ensure that
the composite does not bond teeth together. F, Light cure sufficiently to set the composite. Curing to set the lingual may take a
little longer. G, Remove the template and check that all areas of composite are cured. Smooth and light cure more if necessary.
The lingual and incisal surfaces should be formed. Then each tooth is built up freehand to complete the case.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 421

effective if photographs and study models are taken for review and smaller risk to opposing natural teeth. Furthermore, the
before the patients return. underlying tooth is essentially still intact (little or no preparation
Polishing with finer disks and strips, or polishing cups having been needed).
embedded with polishing agents, should be a rapid process once
the contours are correct. Within 1 to 2 minutes, a correctly
contoured restoration should have the best polish the material MAINTENANCE
can offer.
Patients are instructed to treat these restorations in the same
End Result Because much of transitional bonding is done free way as natural teeth. That means using them normally but not
hand, it can be a fairly tedious process. To perform the procedure abusing them. Patients who are bruxing should wear a proper
on eight to 12 teeth, assuming that at least six are anterior teeth, appliance every night. Harmful habits should be limited; it is
may require a full-day appointment in the office. Doing a full important that patients be cautioned not to use the teeth as
mouth could take 2 full days. Posterior teeth can generally be tools such as fingernail clippers, nut crackers, or scissors.
built much faster than anterior teeth, but overall it is still a rela Normal usechewing and incisingis acceptable with com
tively slow procedure. But considering that several restorations posite restorations, porcelain restorations, or natural teeth.
can be accomplished in a single appointment (because no deliv Abuse, however, is not likely to be consistent with maximum
ery appointment is needed) it can still be time-efficient and longevity with any of these.
certainly well worth the effort. In the practice, the hygienist should use aluminum oxide
polishing paste rather than typical prophy paste during prophy
laxis, to maintain the finish on the restorations longer.
This procedure is a new application of composite and a dramatic CONTROVERSIES
change from the traditional uses commonly accepted for this
material. Numerous articles validate the material properties of There are questions about whether major changesesthetically
composites including a wear rate similar to that of enamel and and occlusallyshould be accomplished with composite. Tradi
fracture resistance similar to that of porcelain and tooth struc tionally considered a second rate material compared with por
ture. Although the application of the material is innovative, the celain or gold, the idea that the same cases can be treated with
history of the material is long-standing. composite is controversial to some. None of these cases will hold
up as well over many years compared with traditional restorative
options, yet it is important to consider that transitional bonding
CLINICAL CONSERVATION can conserve virtually all of the tooth structure and that it can
CONCEPTS save the patient potentially thousands of dollars in the initial
treatment. For many patients, these benefits offset or outweigh
Conservation of tooth structure is a primary benefit of this the issue of longevity.
technique. This is such a significant advantage that it makes this
technique worth considering for many patients.
Another aspect that makes this beneficial is how composite NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
fails. It is likely to be a kinder, gentler method of failure
similar to enameldevelopment of wear facets or small chips Ideally the computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-
compared to a more dramatic failure with porcelain. Patients CAM) technology available for porcelain will be available for
who traditionally would be treated with porcelainusually uncured composite, so it would be possible to have the incisal
considered the strongest esthetic restorative materialmay edges or occlusal surfaces of the teeth custom made and pre
be better served by having composite used. Consider a patient sented to the dentist for placement. Uncured composite, if
who is a bruxer but is unwilling to wear a nighttime appliance. highly filled, should be rigid enough to hold its shape. Such
(Of course, even patients who intend to be compliant often restorations could be fabricated from impressions of teeth with
do not consistently wear their appliances.) Noncompliant the minimal preparation already completed, if needed (such
patients will likely damage any restorations or opposing natural minimal preparation would rarely necessitate temporaries).
teeth much sooner than expected, therefore composite may be Potentially this could be accomplished entirely with a digital
a more ideal choice for these patients since opposing teeth are system at some point in the future. With fairly rigid yet uncured
unharmed and failure of the restorations are more similar to restorations in hand, the teeth could be etched, adhesive placed,
enamel failure. That includes noncompliant bruxers as well as and each restoration positioned, with margins smoothed with a
patients who have habits such as biting their fingernails or sculpting instrument, and then cured. In some cases the patient
crunching on ice. could bite onto the restoration before curing, for an easier
The author believes transitional bonding could be a better adjusting of the occlusion. That would be an impressive time-
option in the long run for noncompliant patients than more saver and would make this technique much more likely to be
definitive treatment because of lower initial cost, ease of repair, used more frequently. In addition, esthetics and functional
422 Direct Veneers Transitional Bonding

properties might be improved to the point that this could be Magne P, Holz J: Stratification of composite restorations: systematic and
considered another definitive treatment optiongreatly benefit durable replication of natural aesthetics, Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent
8(1):61-68, 1996.
ing both patients and dentists. Magne P, So WS: Optical integration of incisoproximal restorations
using the natural layering concept, Quintessence Int 39(8):633-643,
SUGGESTED READINGS Mair LH: Ten-year clinical assessment of three posterior resin composites and
two amalgams, Quintessence Int 29(8):483-490, 1998.
Drummond JL: Degradation, fatigue, and failure of resin dental composite Marshall GW Jr, Balooch M, Gallagher RR, et al: Mechanical properties of
materials, J Dent Res 87(8):710-719, 2008. the dentinoenamel junction: AFM studies of nanohardness, elastic
El Mowafy OM, Watts DC: Fracture toughness of human dentin, J Dent Res modulus, and fracture, J Biomed Mater Res 54(1):87-95, 2001.
65(5):677-681, 1986. Morena R, Lockwood PE, Fairhurst CW: Fracture toughness of commercial
Ergc Z, Trkn LS, Aladag A: Color stability of nanocomposites polished dental porcelains, Dent Mater 2(2):58-62, 1986.
with one-step systems, Oper Dent 33(4):413-420, 2008. Pilliar RM, Vowles R, Williams DF: The effect of environmental aging on the
Fujishima A, Ferracane JL: Comparison of four modes of fracture toughness fracture toughness of dental composites, J Dent Res 66(3):722-726, 1987.
testing for dental composites, Dent Mater 12(1):38-43, 1996. Reality Online database (website): Accessed
Ilie N, Hickel R: Investigations on mechanical behaviour of dental November 16, 2010.
composites, Clin Oral Investig 13(4):427-438, 2009. Spear F: Fundamental occlusal therapy considerations. In McNeill C, editor:
Jandt KD, Sigusch BW: Future perspectives of resin-based dental materials, Science and practice of occlusion, Chicago, 1997, Quintessence.
Dent Mater 25(8):1001-1006, 2009. Taira M, Nomura Y, Wakasa K, et al: Studies on fracture toughness of dental
Kim KH, Okuno O: Microfracture behaviour of composite resins containing ceramics, J Oral Rehabil 17(6):551-563, 1990.
irregular-shaped fillers, J Oral Rehabil 29(12):1153-1159, 2002. Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Geller W: Aesthetic and restorative dentistry: material
Knobloch LA, Kerby RE, Seghi R, et al: Fracture toughness of packable selection and technique, Hanover Park, Ill, 2010, Quintessence.
and conventional composite materials, J Prosthet Dent 88(3):307-313, Wassell RW, Walls AW, McCabe JF: Direct composite inlays versus
2002. conventional composite restorations: 5-year follow-up, J Dent 28(6):375-
Kovarik RE, Ergle JW, Fairhurst CW: Effects of specimen geometry on the 382, 2000.
measurement of fracture toughness, Dent Mater 7(3):166-169, 1991. Watanabe H, Khera SC, Vargas MA, Qian F: Fracture toughness comparison
Krmer N, Reinelt C, Richter G, et al: Nanohybrid vs fine hybrid composite of six resin composites, Dent Mater 24(3):418-425, 2008.
in class II cavities: clinical results and margin analysis after four years, Wilder AD Jr, May KN Jr, Bayne SC, et al: Seventeen-year clinical study of
Dent Mater 25(6):750-759, 2009. ultraviolet-cured posterior composite class I and II restorations, J Esthet
Kvam K: Fracture toughness determination of ceramic and resin-based dental Dent 11(3):135-142, 1999.
composites, Biomaterials 13(2):101-104, 1992. Willems G, Lambrechts P, Braem M, Vanherle G: Three-year follow-up of five
LaBoda M, Sheridan J, Weinburg R: The feasibility of open bite with an Essix posterior composites: in vivo wear, J Dent 21(2):74-78, 1993.
retainer [thesis], Louisiana State University, 1995, Department of Willems G, Lambrechts P, Lesaffre E, et al: Three-year follow-up of five
Orthodontics. posterior composites: SEM study of differential wear, J Dent 21(2):79-86,
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vivo wear of human enamel, J Dent Res 68(12):1752-1754, 1989. Wiskott HW, Belser UC: A rationale for a simplified occlusal design in
Lundin SA, Koch G: Class I and II composite resin restorations: 4-year restorative dentistry: historical review and clinical guidelines, J Prosthet
clinical follow up, Swed Dent J 13(6):217-227, 1989. Dent 73(2):169-183, 1995.
A Histological Approach to Layering Direct Anterior
Composite Restorations
Jeff T. Blank


The continued evolution of composite layering techniques OF DIRECT ANTERIOR COMPOSITE
has significantly enhanced clinical delivery of predictable and RESTORATIONS
natural-looking resin restorations. Dentists today are embracing
the concept of composite stratification, and most contemporary Early composite systems were based on the overall hue, value,
composite systems include an assortment of opacities designed and chroma of natural teeth and did not consider the optical
for use in advanced layering techniques. Simply stated, replacing characteristics of each histological layer of natural teeth. They
or repairing natural tooth structure conservatively and beauti offered a range of colors, often based on the VITA Shade Guide
fully is the future of dentistry. Whereas trends in dentistry evolve (Vident, Brea, California), and rendered effective but inferior
with the constant development of new restorative materials and vitality compared with the more advanced systems today. If
techniques, one tenet endures, and that is to treat with the most dentists wanted to create transition zones of saturation, darker
conservative modality available. In this age of communication, shades such as A4 were placed at the gingival third, then A3,
the term cosmetic dentistry has entered the global vernacular followed by A2, then A1 sequentially to the incisal edge. This
of the general population. As more information about health yielded an apparently polychromatic restoration in terms of
and beauty becomes widely available, patients seeking esthetic overall hue, but the result lacked the translucent properties of
dental services have become educated consumers. Dental prac natural teeth.
titioners today must be equipped both technically and verbally
to address the complex concerns and desires of patients who
come for esthetic reconstruction. The hallmark of a truly con CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
scientious esthetic dentist is taking the time to listen to the
patient, develop an understanding of the treatment goals, and Indications
communicate all of the acceptable alternatives available. Quite Patient Factors
often this includes minimally invasive procedures such as ortho Direct composite veneers are best suited for improving basic
dontics, vital tooth bleaching, or conservative bonding proce tooth color, morphological enhancement, and closure of small
dures. Highly invasive procedures such as full-coverage crowns (less than 2mm) diastemata. Though direct composite veneers
and indirect laminates or inlays have their place in modern are appropriate for patients of all ages, they are particularly
esthetic care, but should be reserved for cases in which conserva suited for teens and young adults. These patients often present
tive techniques are structurally inappropriate or definitively with healthy, but esthetically displeasing smiles where conserva
unacceptable to the patient. tive low prep or no prep direct composite veneers may be an
Although direct restorations may have a more limited ideal alternative to more expensive and possibly more invasive
life span than some indirect restorations, they possess certain indirect laminates. Young patients who are still actively growing
advantages: may experience some degree of continued eruption of the ante
They are kinder to opposing dentition than porcelain rior dentition which may lead to unesthetic exposure of
alternatives. un-restored tooth structure gingival to restoration. When direct
Composites are more easily (and dependably) repaired. composite veneers are utilized, these areas can easily be aug
Less tooth reduction (sometimes none at all) is mented with composite, whereas porcelain laminates may have
involved. to be replaced to yield an equally esthetic result.
With proper skill, expenses can be significantly less than Direct composite veneers are typically less expensive than
with indirect restorations. porcelain laminates because fewer appointments are required
Depending on the situation, fewer appointments may be and lab fees are either minimal or non-existent. Many patients
required. desire the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, but simply cannot

424 Direct Veneers A Histological Approach to Layering Direct Anterior Composite Restorations

afford the higher cost of indirect porcelain laminates. When Clinical Factors
practitioners expand their skill and knowledge of advanced com Regardless of case selection, all candidates for direct composite
posite techniques and materials, this significantly increases veneers should be made aware of the increased potential for
patient access to esthetic care. Increased access leads to higher chipping and fractures over time compared with indirect porce
case acceptance which enhances practice revenues and satisfies lain. Direct composite materials have less fracture toughness,
consumer demand. compressive strength, and greater flexural modulus than most
porcelain systems, therefore patients must be willing to accept
Clinical Factors the potential for increased maintenance of these restorations
One of the primary clinical considerations when considering over time in exchange for lower placement costs. Case selection
DCVs as a restorative option is the patients occlusal scheme. for direct composite veneers is critical. DCVs are generally not
DCVs are best indicated for patients with Class I or II occlusions recommended for Class III occlusions (end-to-end bites). Some
when there is adequate cuspid and group function with no ante patients may be candidates, depending on posterior guidance
rior interferences in excursions. Unmanaged, active bruxism and status (malocclusions). Patients presenting with large diastemata
parafunctional activity such as nail biting can mitigate objection (greater than 2mm) are often poor candidates for DCVs because
able shear forces that may lead to premature fracture. DCVs can the compressive strength of composite may not be sufficient to
also be an appropriate option for patients with mild to moderate be cantilevered to this extent when opposing occlusal forces are
crowding and mild to moderate spacing issues (diastemata). significant. Patients who exhibit signs of uncontrolled bruxism,
oral habits such as nail biting, or severe crowding may not
benefit from the use of DCVs. Cases such as these may be more
Contraindications predictably restored with indirect alternatives.
Patient Factors
Patients must be made aware that direct restorations of
any formulation do not possess the same physical properties MATERIAL OPTIONS
as indirect porcelain in terms of fracture toughness, wear
strength, or flexural strength. Patients who are unwilling to When selecting composite materials for direct composite veneers,
accept a compromise in longevity compared with indirect the primary considerations include overall physical properties,
alternatives are not good candidates for some large direct com optical characteristics, handling, color stability, polishability, and
posite restorations (where indirect restorations would also be retention of surface luster over time. Over the past 20 years,
indicated) or DCVs. In addition, patients who consume large major advances have been made in composite formulations and
amounts of chromogenic foods and beverages (coffee, tea, red clinicians now have a wide variety of composite materials that
wine, dark sauces for certain food preparations) or who smoke are ideally suited for direct composite veneer placement.
may not be pleased with the potential for direct anterior resto Historically, microfill composites have been the desired mate
rations to stain over time. Direct composite restorations are rial for direct anterior esthetic composite restorations because of
light-cured materials that achieve about an 80% degree of their vital translucency and high, sustainable polish. The filler
conversion (degree of polymerization). Some laboratory- content of microfills consists primarily of 0.004-m fumed
processed composites (e.g., belleGlass, Kerr Dental Laboratory silica, a fine particle embedded in resin that is extremely polish
Products, Orange, California) can achieve 100% polymeriza able. However, the major limitations to microfills are the inher
tion in a laboratory curing oven. The unpolymerized resin ent low strength physical properties and lack of opacity than
component residual in composite systems is the weak link in come with high resin content and minimal filler loading. Some
water sorption and absorption of chromagenic food and bever microfill composites exhibit 50% to 70% lower fracture tough
age stains. Poorly finished and polished composite restorations ness, 60% to 75% lower flexural modulus, and 50% lower
are less resistant to staining over time, so proper finishing and flexural strength compared to modern hybrids, nano-hybrids
polishing technique is essential. and true nanofilled materials. However, this material is extremely
Patients must also be willing to accept the potential for a desirable where the pre-existing arch form is ideal and occlusal
color shift or fade over time. Such shifts are caused by the forces are minimal. In less than ideal cases, some dentists chose
formation of colored degradation products, changes in surface to make arch form corrections (such as adding incisal edge
morphology (roughening or losing surface gloss as a result of length, closing diastemata, or Class IV repairs) with a more
wear or poor finishing), or extrinsic staining. Also, in light-cured durable micro-hybrid or nanofilled material and then utilize a
composites, certain formulations of tertiary amine accelerators microfill as the surface enamel layer.
(photoinitiators such as camphorquinone) tend to display a One particular issue with older hybrids was the large-particle
color shift to orange when exposed to ultraviolet light over time. fillers, which led to poor optics and esthetics as well as unac
Improved color stability for this commonly used initiator is in ceptable wear. Additionally, over time the larger glass fillers were
progress and many current materials offer formulations that may loosened by degradation of the surrounding resin, resulting in
eliminate degrading color stabilty. Innovations include propri particle loss and a subsequent void in the resin matrix. Termed
etary additions to the amine ring and other photoinitiators such particle plucking, this negative attribute of early hybrids led
as phenyl-propanedione (PPD) and Lucirin TPO to reduce this to poor gloss retention and extensive staining. Modern micro-
color shifting tendency. hybrids now have high filler volume (75% to 85% filler by
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 425

weight) and use various fillers with optical qualities similar to tooth color (hue and chroma) is imparted by the intermediate
those of the resin matrix. This permits what should be a very dentin layer Enamel predominantly serves as a modulator of
opaque material to be translucent and vital in appearance. dentin color, and depending on its thickness, serves to primarily
Modern micro-hybrids have an average particle size of 1m or influence the value, or brightness of the underlying dentin
less. The proprietary formulations affix the glass to the resin substrate
chains to reduce the potential of particle plucking. Thus optical Dentin has a unique shape and contour. The dentin layer is
qualities are highly improved and the polish rivals that of micro thickest at the cervical third of the tooth where it is close to the
fills. This polish is sustainable because particles stay attached to labial surface. Because dentin is the most chromatic histological
the resin chain and do not fall out, leaving craters in the resin layer, the proximity of dentin to the labial enamel surface creates
to scatter light. Examples of microhybrid systems are Esthet-X greater saturation in the cervical third. Concomitantly, the
HD (DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware), Gradia (GC enamel layer is thinnest in the cervical area, which also contrib
America, ALSip, Illinois), and Venus (Heraeus Kulzer, South utes to greater color saturation in the cervical third. Dentin
Bend, Indiana). tapers to the lingual as it approaches the incisal two thirds of
Nanofillers have been around for years in the form of fumed the tooth. As the chromatic dentin layer thins, the enamel layer
silica. However, in recent years the ability to mill or fabricate becomes thicker, leading to desaturation of overall hue. This
filler particles in the nano size range (0.001m) has been desaturation progresses from the cervical third to the incisal
achieved. Some composites use nanofillers exclusively (e.g., edge. Dentin typically ends about 1 to 2mm from the incisal
Filtek Supreme Ultra [3M EPSE, St Paul, Minnesota]), whereas or occlusal edge or surface. The thickness of enamel on the
others mix traditional microfills with nanofiller particles (e.g., incisal or occlusal edge or /surface varies based on heredity, wear
Artiste [Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, Connecti and age, and fractures.
cut]). These systems claim high filler loading comparable to that Dentin itself has a unique morphology as it approaches the
of micro-hybrids, high polishability, and excellent physical incisal third. Typically it displays a highly variable lobular or
properties. scalloped form (not consistent from tooth to tooth in the
same mouth). Often called dentin mammelons, the lobed or
notched form, especially in anterior teeth, creates highly vari
Current Best Approach able incisal translucent edge effects that impart vitality and
Because physical properties and polishability are similar among youth to teeth. Because the overlying enamel is basically trans
micro-hybrids and nanofilled composites, the selection of mate parent with some degree of tint, the darker oral cavity behind
rial is usually based on handling characteristics and the avail the anterior teeth shows through these dentin mammelons and,
ability and accuracy of various shades and opacities. Some depending on the tint of the overlying enamel, creates erratic
clinicians prefer creamier handling characteristics, whereas clear, gray, or blue internal translucent zones. In natural teeth,
others prefer a system that sculpts and stays put as each layer is light passes into the tooth and is communicated both cervically
built. What is essential in polychromatic layering is the use of a and incisally to illuminate the tooth like a fiber optic bundle.
composite system that follows a histological layering approach. As light exits the incisal edge of anterior teeth, the finite edge
These systems have a minimum of three opacities, each corre often appears to glow. This glowing incisal edge is often called
sponding to the degree of opacity found in the three distinct an incisal halo. The exuberance of this halo depends on the
histological layers of natural teeth. Therefore for best results conductivity of deeper chromogenic portions of the tooth and
clinicians should use a composite system that has an opaque the bevel or slope of the incisal edge.
material that mimics the optical characteristics of deeper, more Enamel is basically a translucent histological layer that offers
opaque dentin; a dentin body opacity that mimics the optical little hue or chroma to the overall tooth appearance. Though
properties of shallow or intermediate-depth dentin; and a more highly variable, enamel commonly displays gray, white, or yellow
translucent, mildly tinted enamel opacity that mimics natural tints. Some enamel is so translucent it appears as a clear layer.
enamel. It is important to choose a system that is designed to Enamel thickens as it approaches the incisal or occlusal two
mimic the fluorescence and opalescence of natural teeth. In thirds and serves to desaturate the more chromatic underlying
addition, radiopaque materials are often preferred, particularly dentin. Enamel is thickest in the incisal or occlusal third and,
in the posterior region. depending on heredity and wear, about 1 to 2mm in depth.
Internal maverick tints also are often present in natural teeth.
During the formation of the dentin and enamel layer, many
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS genetically and environmentally induced colored inclusions are
deposited just under the enamel layer. Examples of environmen
With a histological approach, only the opacities that mimic the tal inclusions are heavy metal deposits and other colored inclu
layers being restored are used. For instance, if the lesion is a class sions induced by febrile events, illnesses, medications, or high
IV anterior restoration, all three histological layers are missing fluoride levels in drinking water. These maverick tints are highly
(deep opaque dentin, intermediate-depth or shallow dentin, and variable but often appear as gray (tetracycline induced), brown,
enamel). Therefore a three-opacity system is preferred. For low- or amber zones or inclusions.
or no-prep veneers, only intermediate dentin and enamel are Hypermineralized and hypomineralized areas must also be
required. It is important to recognize that the majority of natural considered. A number of environmental and genetic variables
426 Direct Veneers A Histological Approach to Layering Direct Anterior Composite Restorations

can influence the degree of mineralization of a natural tooth Seasons [Ivoclar Vivadent, Amherst, New York]) that when used
and alter its appearance. Often termed dysplasia, patched or skillfully can prove useful to clinicians seeking to match or
under-mineralized or over-mineralized portions of a tooth can replicate the subtle intricacies of the human dentition. These
lead to a white, spotty appearance. These areas can be diffuse may include shaded translucent and value-influencing enamel
throughout the entire dentition, or localized and appear as formulations to mimic the translucent effects found in the
white spots or zones in a select number of teeth or even a incisal edge of natural teeth. The nomenclature of the incisal
single tooth. Hyper-mineralized zones of tooth structure (hyper or enamel materials can be confusing (e.g., T1 Venus [Heraeus
plasia) can be genetic or environmentally induced by excessive Kulzer], Pearl Frost Vitalescence [Ultradent], or V1 4
calcium, phosphate, or fluoride levels present during tooth Seasons [Ivoclar Vivadent]). Systems that use simplified nomen
formation. External environmental factors such as acids released clature for the enamel materials such as grey enamel (Esthet-X
by long-standing plaque colonies (poor oral hygiene), acidic HD, DENTSPLY Caulk) or A Enamel (Artiste, Pentron Clini
foods and drinks (citrus fruits, soft drinks, sports drinks, energy cal) are also available.
drinks), and excessive digestive acids can de-mineralize the
external portions of enamel. Conditions leading to an excess of
digestive acids include gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD),
Nano Technology
bulimia, morning sickness in pregnant women, and the fre The traditional composite formulations use filler particles such
quent vomiting of alcoholism that occurs while conscious or as glass, quartz, and/or fused silica ranging from fractions of a
unconscious. These areas of demineralization often appear as micron to 20m in size. The term nano in material science
frosty, white patches in variable areas of teeth, depending on the implies a particle size of 1 billionth of a meter, which is much
acid exposure. Both hyper-mineralized and hypo-mineralized smaller than the typical bacterium. Nanofillers used in dentistry
areas affect the overall appearance of a natural tooth and often range from 2 to 20nm but in general average 15nm in size.
must be replicated in direct composite restorative clinical Nanofillers are synthetically engineered on the molecular
scenarios. level from colloidal solutions of silica and zirconyl salts. Nano
fillers can be isolated as independent particles or aggregated into
engineered nanoclusters (e.g., Filtek Supreme Ultra [3M EPSE]).
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS They are chemically bonded to the resin matrix via proprietary
coupling with ester functional groups. High filler loading can
Nearly all modern composite systems currently available contain be achieved with larger numbers of nanoparticles and nanoclu
not only the full range of the VITA shades but also a variety of sters similar to or better than traditional microhybrids. This
bleach shades. Most systems offer a range of opacities that mimic produces composites with physical properties equal to or supe
the histological layers of natural teeth and permit the replication rior to those of microhybrids.
of each tooth layer being restored in a material with appropriate Nanoclusters (pre-engineered aggregates) typically are similar
optical characteristics. The popular composite systems (e.g., in size to microhybrid fillers but, when subjected to wear, release
Filtek Supreme Ultra [3M EPSE], Esthet-X HD [DENTSPLY independent nanofills attached to the cluster. Microhybrids typi
Caulk], or Artiste [Pentron Clinical]) usually include at least cally eject the entire larger filler particle, leaving a larger void in
three opacities: opaque dentin, body shades, and translucent the resin matrix (particle plucking). By avoiding particle pluck
enamel or incisal shades. ing, nanofilled composites have the potential to retain polish
The opaque dentin formulations have optical properties that over time. An example of nanoformulation is Filtek Supreme
mimic those of deep dentin. Most are a more opaque version of Ultra (3M EPSE).
the body shade. These are the most chromatic or color-intense
materials. This layer is helpful in masking undesirable dentin
stains and eliminating show-through of the darker oral cavity
Low-Shrinkage Composite Formulations
behind class IV restorations and diastema closures. One primary objective for manufacturers of new composite
Body shades are the most commonly used composite materi formulations is the reduction of polymerization contraction
als and possess the optical properties of shallow or immediate stress. Traditionally, composite polymerization of carbon-based
dentin. When used in a layered DCV, the body shade is the formulations (e.g., BIS-GMA) is accomplished through a
optically dominant material that imparts the primary hue of the chain-shortening chemistry. Carbon double bonds are con
final restoration. Body shade composite materials are sometimes verted to carbon single bonds, initiated by free radical attack
called dentin body shades and typically correspond to the and combined with co-monomer cross-linking, typically pro
VITA Guide plus bleach shades. Although color rich, these ducing 1% to 4% volumetric reduction. Excessive polymeriza
materials possess a degree of translucency that is greater than tion stress is relative to the formulation of the composite
their opaque dentin counterparts and varies based on formula monomer, the degree of filler loading, the rate of polymeriza
tion and filler composition. tion, the degree of polymerization and cross-linking, and the
Translucent enamel or incisal shades are often tinted to volume or thickness of the composite placed at one time.
mimic the vitality and natural translucency of enamel. Some Excessive polymerization stress can result in debonding of
systems offer more sophisticated levels of opacities (e.g., Vitales composite from the cavity wall, open margins, white lines,
cence [Ultradent Products, Inc., South Jordan, Utah] or 4 and postoperative sensitivity.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 427

Traditional BIS-GMA Resins Limitations of this technology include the need for a dedi
Until recently, nearly all dental composite materials used the cated, nonBIS-GMAcompatible bonding resin. These materi
BIS-GMA monomer developed in 1956 and modified in the als also exhibit inferior optical properties compared with current
early 1960s by Rafael Bowen. BIS-GMA is an acronym for BIS-GMA formulations and delayed final polymerization.
the monomer 2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyl-oxyporoxy)
phenyl] propane. Monomers of similar functionality, such as
triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) and ethylene ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA), are frequently used with or in
substitution for BIS-GMA to improve degree of polymerization, Although one may argue that porcelain veneers and crowns are
color stability, and other physical properties. The polymerization the established gold standard for creating and restoring beautiful
of BIS-GMA resin-based materials involves a reduction in volu smiles currently, not every patient desires indirect restorations,
metric mass of the dimethacrylate monomer by polymer chain nor is it always appropriate to place them. Within the past few
shortening through covalent bond formation. This involves years, manufacturers of direct composite resin systems have
exchanging van der Waals inter-carbon distances for covalent begun to offer practitioners tools that rival the most advanced
bonds. In addition, the intermolecular distance decreases from indirect systems in terms of beauty, ease of placement, and range
0.3nm to covalent bond lengths of 0.15nm, and there is cross- of color and opacity. It is now possible to create beauty in the
linking of the polymetric chains. dental office, but some practitioners hesitate to recommend
In general the volumetric shrinkage of BIS-GMA monomers DCVs for various reasons.
ranges from 2% to 6%. Factors determining the shrinkage that The three primary obstacles preventing many practitioners
occurs include the types and quantity of monomers used, the from offering DCVs as an alternative to indirect materials are as
level of filler loading (the less monomer, the less shrinkage), the follows.
degree of polymerization and cross-linking (degree of conver 1. Foremost is the fear of complete reliance on the dentist
sion), and the rate of polymerization (the slower the rate, the to be the artist in creating natural, vital-appearing res
more time for cross-linking). torations. Because most dentists are trained primarily as
The current approach to reducing polymerization shrinkage clinicians, many have not received advanced training in
and polymerization stress with traditional BIS-GMA mono the basic layering techniques commonly used by talented
mers is to first increase filler loading. This is accomplished ceramists. Through an acquired dependence on laborato
through the control of size and distribution of glass, and/or ries, many practitioners have not developed the artistic
fumed silica and the use of nanofills and nanoclusters. Second, skill required to perform this valuable service.
the rate of polymerization is controlled through the use of free- 2. The time involved in the placement of DCVs is directly
radical inhibitors. Third, proprietary mixtures of various mono proportional to the clinicians technique of placement.
mers are used. Fourth, it is achieved through the use of Although many courses are available that teach polychro
lowelastic modulus formulations in the form of flowables matic layering, replete with the use of tints, opaquers,
under more wear-resistant higherelastic modulus final restor stains, and varying opacities and formulations of compos
ative materials. Examples include SureFil SDR (DENTSPLY ite, some courses fail to address the clinical reality that
Caulk), Fusio (Pentron Clinical) and Vertise Flow (Kerr). These doctors must be able to perform this service quickly in
are bulk fill flowable formulations that are specifically order to be productive. Taking hours to veneer one tooth
designed to be used as rapid dentin replacement materials, usually translates to lost productivity, which serves as a
either are self-adhesive themselves or are used with self-etching key deterrent for many otherwise talented esthetic
adhesives, and can significantly expedite posterior composite dentists.
placement. These current materials lack the physical properties 3. Clinicians long for a simplified technique that will gener
of traditional restoratives and must be overlayed with tradi ate consistent, predictable results and address the first two
tional restorative material. objections.

By developing and exercising the skills and techniques asso

New Low-Shrinkage Monomers ciated with direct bonding, the clinician may develop a unique
The latest innovation in reducing polymerization contraction and deeper understanding of the complex dynamics associated
stress is the use of spiro orthocarbonates (SOCs) and oxiranes. with smile reconstruction. With modern direct bonding tech
Epoxy-based monomers that are very different from traditional niques and materials, practitioners can mask aberrant stains and
BIS-GMA can be used, as can bicyclic compounds that use inappropriately dark tooth structure, create illusions of length
ring opening during polymerization. With these compounds, and width, develop esthetic gingival and incisal embrasures,
for every van der Waals distance converted to covalent dis and control tissue contours to alleviate negative interdental
tances, at least two rings are opened during polymerization. space. In addition, learning to create vitality through polychro
The net in overall shrinkage of the monomer is close to zero. matic stratification of color, eliminating negative show-
In lay terms, the material polymerizes without creating stress on through with proper opaque and body materials, and
the bond. A current example is Filtek Supreme LS (low shrink) developing proper edge position, gingival zenith, and surface
(3M ESPE). morphology give the practitioner immeasurable depth that
428 Direct Veneers A Histological Approach to Layering Direct Anterior Composite Restorations

parlays to other disciplines such as indirect restorative proce When there are numerous changes to the axial inclination or
dures. Just as the conductor of an orchestra must understand arch alignment, preliminary diagnostic impressions should be
each instrument in order to lead a symphony, clinicians who made, and planned changes corrected on the casts to assess the
physically understand the complex dynamics of esthetic restora scope of the esthetic reconstruction. This permits the use of a
tion construction can better communicate, and therefore dele silicone index transferring occlusion and lingual and facial
gate, the fabrication of an indirect restoration to a technician embrasures. Major corrections to the smile line can be accom
when the conditions dictate. plished on the articulator via a simple stick bite or by using
the Kois Dento-Facial Analyzer System (Panadent, Cotton,
California). The stick bite consists of aligning a cotton-tipped
TREATMENT PLANNING applicator with the interpupillary line so that the casts can be
mounted such that they are oriented level to the horizone Pre-
Options planning the case reduces improvisation at the chair and defines
Case planning for anterior direct composite restorations must the smile line, axial inclination, and general width and length
consider whether the need is restorative or cosmetic. There are of the teeth.
many restorative clinical conditions that dictate when direct A direct composite mock-up is advisable for large class IV
anterior composites are ideal. Primarily these are the most con restorations, for large diastema closures, and when moderate to
servative in terms of tooth preparation, with low- to no-prep severe changes in incisal length are indicated. This approach
situations often possible; are cost-effective, involving no labora allows the dentist to establish the lingual plane in proper occlu
tory cost and done at one appointment; are time effective; and sion and thereby eliminate the potential for destroying layers on
are esthetic restorations. It is far easier to match the shade of the occlusal adjustment. In addition, a silicone index transferring
existing dentition directly than to communicate the subtleties occlusion and lingual and facial embrasures can be created.
of hue, value, chroma, and internal tints and translucency to a Facial contours are inconsequential in mock-up.
laboratory technician. Specific indications include minor to
moderate class IV fractures, minor to moderate class III and V
restorations dictated by decay or failing restorations, incisal edge
fractures, and white-spot lesions (areas of hypo-mineralized
Freehand Technique
enamel and dentin). Some white spots extend well into the The freehand technique is used when dealing with minor
dentin. Clinicians who have tried to simply use a body shade to tooth alignment and minor diastemata. Obviously it is some
repair these types of lesions recognize the value of histological thing that is more appropriate for single-tooth restorations
layering. In lesions such as these, it is imperative to replace the and some class IV situations. Generally, this occurs when the
dentin portion of the preparation with a material that matches axial alignment and the general smile line harmonized with
the optical properties of dentin, and the enamel with a translu the patients esthetic preferences and occlusion. In these cases
cent enamel material. the dentist is not making major changes to the overall edge
When patients are considering a cosmetic smile enhance position or labial or lingual position, but only to the patients
ment, histologically layered DCVs are an excellent option. It axial inclination.
is important to consider the indications already listed. In The freehand option typically employs minimal preparations
addition, DCVs are indicated when the patient is seeking an and often does not involve any increased edge length. It is the
affordable alternative to indirect ceramic restorations; desires a most basic of all the options for doing DCVs. The dentist uses
conservative low-prep, or even no-prep, reversible procedure a body type material. If some sort of adhesive edge material is
(e.g., diastema closure); or is an adolescent or young adult to be added, that can be done with various techniques.
patient for whom tooth conservation is considered extremely


Whether restorative or cosmetic, a comprehensive clinical exam
ination along with appropriate radiographs and preoperative Possibly the most attractive feature of DCVs is that, with
photographs is mandatory. In addition, a thorough evaluation proper skill and technique, they can generate outstanding
of the patients occlusal scheme, potential malocclusion, and esthetic results with little to no tooth preparation. When
presence of abfractions, aberrant wear facets, history of noctur patients have mild to moderate crowding and/or rotations,
nal bruxism, signs of temporomandibular joint disorder, or lack only the ectopically displaced portions of teeth need to be pre
of adequate vertical dimension must be conducted. It is the pared to permit the creation of ideal alignment. It is optimal to
authors opinion and clinical observation that occlusal dysfunc have all preparations for DCVs in enamel, extending into
tion and parafunctional habits such as nail biting are the primary dentin only when absolutely necessary to correct minor align
factors that cause DCVs to fail prematurely. These issues must ment problems. Long-term, enamel preparations are superior
be diagnosed and managed before initiation of cosmetic bonding to those in dentin. It is preferable to have the finish line in
procedures. interproximal diastema situations along the mesial or distal
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 429

marginal ridge so that the entire interproximal contact areas systems permit more intricate details to be created at much lower
are developed in composite. speeds.


Trendy Technique The techniques discussed in this chapter and the various materi
Dr Didier Dietschi of Geneva, Switzerland first termed this als and technology available today have been widely used in
procedure the three-layered trendy technique.1 Typically it involves dentistry, some for over 50 years. Until recently, most composite
the use of a silicone index, made from either a preoperative formulations have used derivatives of BIS-GMA resins. Recently,
wax-up or a chairside mock-up, to create a transparent lingual highermolecular-weight monomers such as that found in
shelf onto which subsequent layers are stratified. This lingual Kalore (GC America) have been introduced, and others are
shelf is used as scaffolding on which a dentin body and enamel being studied. Historically, the primary focus of composite resin
materials are applied. The three opacities used are the opaque, technology has been improvement of physical properties, han
body, and translucent materials. This technique has been advo dling, optical properties, and polish. Clinically, the current
cated by many asthetic clinicians. Although it is challenging materials, such as nanofilled composites, microhybrids, and
to master this method, the results generated are extremely combinations thereof, are finding great success in dentistry.
impressive. Failure rates have been low, and successes in terms of creation
of histologically layered polychromatic restorations are well
Finishing and polishing are among the most important aspects
affecting the overall appearance and durability of DCVs. Fin- CLINICAL CONSERVATION
ishing is the act of defining various anatomical features previ CONCEPTS
ously placed in the composite layering process. Polishing is the
act of creating a luster or shine and involves a minimal amount The most conservative restorations available in dentistry are the
of morphological alteration. Composite finishing often begins direct composite restorations. Often preparation is minimal and
with the use of progressively less abrasive diamond or carbide existing fractures are evident, so clinically the dentist simply
burs at varying speeds. Numerous composite finishing and pol replaces the segments of the teeth lost rather than using an
ishing kits are on the market, and dentists often use a mixture indirect alternative. If the indirect choice is a crown, that
of burs, sandpaper disks, and silicone polishers on a single res demands circumferential removal of tooth structure, which is
toration. For instance, carbide or diamond composite finishing more aggressive than the direct bonded technique. Although
burs may be used to refine interproximal and subgingival areas crowns and other indirect preparations have their place in den
as well as to initiate refinement of developmental lobes and line tistry, they should not be used indiscriminately. Direct compos
angles. Silicone cups, points, and disks are ideal for creating and ites should be considered as a conservative alternative to more
refining developmental depressions, lingual contouring, and aggressive indirect restorations.
polishing. Sandpaper disks of varying grit are highly efficient
and popular tools for final finishing and polishing. Available
with thicker paper backing or thinner plastic backing, many MAINTENANCE
clinicians find the feel of sandpaper disks to be ideal, particu
larly when creating a final high shine. Regardless of which Maintenance of direct composite restorations by the patient, at
system is used, it is imperative to actually achieve a uniform and home, centers around avoiding chromogenic foods such as red
substantial state of finish before actually beginning the polishing wine, sauces, or berries that may cause staining. Smokers typi
process. cally struggle more to maintain a good surface color because
Surface texture and secondary and tertiary anatomy are best staining is more likely in these patients. Patients are advised to
accomplished at lower speeds. It is important for clinicians to avoid chromogenic foods in excess and to continue with normal
recognize the subtle nuances of surface texture, reflective line brushing and flossing habits as prescribed. Composites are wear
angles, developmental lobes, and height of contour before initi resistant to toothbrush abrasion, and the modern formulations
ating finishing and polishing. It is often useful for clinicians to typically tolerate not only manual tooth brushing but also sonic
use a colored pencil to map or highlight desired anatomical and rotary tooth brushing. Obviously the use of an approved
features directly on the composite surface. When a single tooth toothpaste formulation is wise. Such a dentifrice will not unnec
or large class IV restoration is placed, a pencil may also be used essarily scratch or mar the surface finish.
to highlight various morphological features of the un-restored In terms of office maintenance, hygienists should be advised
contralateral tooth, creating a blueprint to guide the finishing not to use coarse prophy paste when polishing direct restora
process of the restoration. Though some clinicians are adept at tions. It is actually more appropriate to use a very fine prophy
using diamond and carbide burs of varying grit and shape at paste or limit the polishing of the restoration to composite
high speed (200,000rpm), most current electric handpiece polishing paste, several of which are available. Such pastes are
430 Direct Veneers A Histological Approach to Layering Direct Anterior Composite Restorations

manufactured in medium and fine polishing textures. Obviously demonstrate the desire to be compliant. It is advisable to assess
one of the critical issues in terms of both home care and dental each patients dentition prior to treatment for aberrant chips or
office care are adequate marginal seal, good interproximal finish fractures of incisal edges and to query the patient as to how they
ing, and no ragged edges. The use of various sandpaper strips or occurred. Often patients will admit to using their teeth to tear
diamond strips can ensure that floss does not catch and that open packages, hold nails or hair pins in their teeth, crunching
there are no food or plaque entrapment zones and no areas of ice, or number of other bad habits. If they have been able to
irritation that can lead to gingivitis and gingival inflammation. chip or fracture their natural teeth, it is highly likely that they
will break any restoration placed on them unless they cease such
CONTROVERSIES Photographic documentation of the pre-existing condition of
each patients dentition is imperative. Accidents do happen, and
There are few controversies surrounding DCVs. The most composite restorations can often be repaired easily. However,
common concern is typically focused on the inherent durability dentists should not assume the responsibility of maintaining
compared to indirect porcelain alternatives. However, patients direct composite veneers for life; and patients must be willing
who are receiving cosmetic care can be properly informed that to pay the costs associated with repairs over time. If they are not
composites may have a life expectancy less than that of indirect willing to assume this responsibility, then it is wise to consider
alternatives but offer benefits such as being more conservative, more durable indirect alternatives and null the patient as a can
less expensive, and often completed in a single visit. Estimating didate for direct composite veneers.
the longevity of direct composite veneers is difficult. It is the
authors opinion that when done meticulously on ideal candi
dates, DCV restorations can last 8 to 10 years before they begin NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
to show signs of heavy wear or degradation of color. The primary
factors that compromises the longevity of direct composites are There are numerous conceptual ideas about how to improve
untoward occlusal forces, parafunctional bruxism, and noxious composites. One proposal is the use of actual organic enamel
habits such as nail biting. Though some clinicians may be con crystals as filler content. Another is the use of truly fluoride-
cerned with the color stability of DCVs over time, modern releasing compounds, fluoride-based filler particles, or engi
formulations show great promise in correcting previously neered filler particles, such as fluorohydroxyapatite. There is
observed color shifts in older materials. The color degradation also talk of having antibacterial composites. Most of the things
of modern composites is typically due to overly aggressive tooth on the immediate horizon are continuing improvements on
brushing with coarse toothpastes and the use of highly chroma low-shrinkage monomers. Such improvements include spiral
genic foods, beverages and tobacco products. It is the authors carbonates, improved color, better finishing procedures, and
opinion that when careful attention is paid to case selection and greater compatibility with existing bonding resins rather than
the major contraindications are avoided, the longevity of direct having to work with proprietary bonding resins. The likely
composite veneers is largely contingent on the patients care changes tend to be incremental and evolutionary rather than
of the restoration. Patients should be educated on how best revolutionary.
to maintain their restorations and they should willingly Text continued on p. 435

C A S E 1 Direct Bonded Layered Composite to Improve Esthetics

A 24-year-old woman came for a cosmetic consultation. She had been dissatisfied primarily with multiple gaps
between her teeth. She was engaged to be married and had recently finished college, so economically she could
not afford expensive options such as indirect alternatives using porcelain. The patient was seeking a lower-cost,
more immediate service, and DCVs were discussed as a remedy for her esthetic concerns. She chose to move
forward with a direct bonded layered composite. A comprehensive examination was done, revealing no tem-
poromandibular dysfunction, and her occlusion was optimal for this type of procedure. With regard to her tooth
alignment in general, the spacing was fairly uniform. A preoperative photograph and impressions were taken.
A stick bite was taken to orient models on an articulator, and the case was waxed up. A silicone lingual index
was created on the wax up and used as a guide, the lingual walls were reconstructed by placing an opaque
dentin material in the index and seated on the etched and bonded teeth and light cured. The selected shade
of dentin body material was placed over the more opacious lingual material, and sculpted to cover the facial
aspect of the teeth and the interproximal areas (Figure 15-7).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 431

C A S E 1 Direct Bonded Layered Composite to Improve Esthetics (contd)


FIGURE 15-7 A, Preoperative facial view. B, Pre-operative intraoral view. There are multiple diastemata between the teeth
but relatively good alignment. The patients occlusion is a Class I, and she does not exhibit any excessive signs of bruxism.
She was a good candidate for direct bonded veneers. C, Esthetic wax-up created by the dental laboratory. The golden pro-
portion is obviously met. The general smile line, the alignment of teeth as positioned, incisal embrasures, occlusionall
were worked out in this diagnostic construct.


FIGURE 15-7, contd D, Laboratory-based silicon index, an incisal edge guide, and a lingual in the closing of the diastema.
E, The prepared teeth. In this case, all margins were kept in the enamel. For the preparations to continue to the enamel,
some interproximal reduction was done primarily on the maxillary right lateral incisor. Preoperatively there was no large
diastema present there, yet there was one between the left central incisor and the left lateral. With that kind of disparity in
a smile, it is best to make the right lateral incisor the same size as the left lateral incisor. Sometimes this kind of reduction
is needed to permit the proper width and proportions on both sides of the midline. F, The freehand bonding technique
with a unique body microhybrid material on the facial and interproximal surfaces of the teeth from the first premolar to
the first premolar on the opposite side. The body material is used to fill the full contour. The silicon index created from the
wax-up is constantly reseated and checked for the lingual and interproximal contours, incisal edge length, smile line, and
incisal embrasures.


FIGURE 15-7, contd G to I, The length of the body layer has been developed on the teeth from the maxillary right first
premolar to the maxillary left first premolar. The incisal edge characterization or incisal translucency can be placed by cutting
back the body layer.
Continued on next page
432 Direct Veneers A Histological Approach to Layering Direct Anterior Composite Restorations

C A S E 1 Direct Bonded Layered Composite to Improve Esthetics (contd)


FIGURE 15-7, contd J, Use of a medium or defined flame-shaped diamond is seen here inside of dentin. Mamelons are
actually created similar to what is done in the three-layer trendy technique. The dentin mamelon lines allow show-through
on the darker oral cavity and create a thin germ of incisal translucency mimicking natural teeth. The cut-back technique is
typically employed only in a smile makeover of the central and lateral maxillary incisors. The cut-back is in the incisal third
of the tooth, and characteristic notches or dentin mamelons are created. J, The incisal edge cut-back has been created. The
teeth are then rinsed. They are etched for cleaning purposes only to remove debris and oral or salivary contaminants that
may be on the tooth. They have been rinsed again, and the bonding agent applied to an individual tooth, in this case the
maxillary right incisor. K, A translucent enamel material is placed in the incisal two thirds of the tooth. Changes in the
enamel material allow the darker oral cavity to shine through the dentin bonding on dentin mamelons created through
the cut-back technique and permit the display of incisal translucency. K, L, Placement of an incisal layer, which is an optical
path plot seen naturally in teeth by the exit of light. On the incisal edge it is often displayed naturally in ceramics as well
as in composites. Often the tooth has inadequate incisal halo or white frame or glowing to the incisal edge. A more opaque
white composite material can be placed on the incisal edge to mimic this natural phenomenon.


FIGURE 15-7, contd M, Immediate result of placement of the direct composite veneers with incisal edge characterization.
Note the polychromatic effect of the restoration. There is more saturation in the gingival half of the tooth because no enamel
material was placed over the dentin bonding material in that region. The saturation diminishes as the restoration approaches
the incisal edge. The translucent edge is also apparent. The restorations show a desaturation in the gingival edge of the
incisal edge by increasing the thickness of the enamel layer applied on the incisal third of the restoration. Note the glowing
edge of the incisal halo that was placed. A series of carbide finishing burs, sandpaper disks, and composite paste and finish-
ing points were used to accomplish this luster. N, Two-week postoperative portrait of the smile makeover. Note how the
smile integrates with the patients face and lips. The buccal corridors have been sealed off. The immediate concerns regard-
ing the patients spatial and color issues were addressed. O, The retracted view. Note again the overall lifelike characterization
achievable through histologic layering and stratification of the various opacities of composite material.


FIGURE 15-7, contd P, Preoperative smile of the patient. Q, Postoperative smile of the patient. Note the gingival health
of the interproximal contours, the alignment of the incisal edge, and the lifelike characterization in the restoration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 433

C A S E 2 Class IV Fracture Repair Using the Three-Layer Trendy Technique

An 8-year-old boy had a significant class IV fracture on the maxillary right central incisor as the result of a bicycle
accident. The tooth tested vital, and a direct composite repair was prescribed. The rationale behind direct com-
posite versus veneer or crown was obviously age: the tooth was only partially erupted, and the patient was a
child. A properly done DCV could last into his early adult years, at which time the restoration could be replaced
or a porcelain veneer or crown could be placed. The technique recommended for this type of repair is called
the three-layer trendy technique. With only minor beveling indicated, no anesthesia is required, and this treat-
ment is considered additive. Anything other than a no-prep porcelain veneer requires prepping healthy tooth
structure, so direct repair is the most conservative approach (Figure 15-8).




FIGURE 15-8 A, Preoperative appearance of the tooth. B and C, With Esthet-X HD, the recipe for the three layers is
printed on the shade tab for the system. In this case, A-1 is selected, which denotes White Opaque (WO), A1 Body, and
GE enamel. D and E, Mock-up is created with the body shade. The focus of a mock-up is primarily to establish lingual
contours and occlusion. In simple terms, there is nothing more frustrating than to attempt to freehand layer a class IV
restoration and find at the end that the occlusion is off, so it is necessary to grind away the back layers. The mock-up is
done quickly without etching (the author applies a little bonding agent) for easy removal. The general outline of the tooth
form is shaped and the occlusion is adjusted. E shows the final mock-up. F, DENTSPLY Caulk Aquasil Putty, which is
ideal for making indexes. G, The putty is mixed, seated on the lingual aspect of the restoration, wrapped over the incisal
edge, and allowed to set. H, The mock-up restoration is removed and the index seated to inspect adaptation. Note that all
friable enamel is smoothed with a 1- to 2-mm bevel on all margins. I, The tooth is etched for 15 seconds, then rinsed, and
the dentin is left moist.
Continued on next page
434 Direct Veneers A Histological Approach to Layering Direct Anterior Composite Restorations

C A S E 2 Class IV Fracture Repair Using the Three-Layer Trendy Technique (contd)




FIGURE 15-8, contd J, DENTSPLY Caulk XP Bond is applied in multiple coats over 20 seconds, air volatilized, and
light cured for 10 seconds. It is unique in that it contains butanol rather than ethanol or acetone. Compared with NT
it has a longer evaporating time, and is not as sensitive to dentin moisture. K, Esthet-X HD shade CE (Clear Enamel)
is used for the lingual shelf. It is important to use a clear shade here because light must be able to communicate through
it for vitality. L, Shade CE is applied to lubricated (with XP bond) index. The objective is to create as thin and even a
layer as possible. Approximately 0.5 to 1mm is ideal. The dentist must ensure that this layer is well adapted to the
lingual margin and leaves room for two or three layers facial to this shelf. M to P, The lingual shelf creation in detail.
Q, A major problem with class IV situations is hiding the transition seam between natural tooth structure and the res-
toration. The author advocates placing a thin ribbon-shaped amount of opaque material (the shade of which is determined
from the Esthet-X shade guide) along the cavosurface fracture line as demonstrated here. This layer is adapted against
the clear lingual shelf and kept well shy of the facial surface, leaving room for both body and enamel shades on top of
it. R and S, Technique for application and curing of opaque.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 435

C A S E 2 Class IV Fracture Repair Using the Three-Layer Trendy Technique (contd)





FIGURE 15-8, contd T, Body shade of Esthet-X HD shade A1 from shade tab recipe. U, This layer is adapted to the
lingual shelf and covers the opaque layer. It is slightly thicker (to the facial) at the fracture margin and tapers back to the
lingual as it approaches the incisal edge. Dentin mamelons are created in a random notch pattern just shy of the incisal
extent of the lingual shelf. V, An incisal halo or milky white frosty appearing edge is created by using Esthet-X HD body
shade White. W, A small amount of White is dispensed and rolled into a ribbon shape, applied to the incisal edge, and
wrapped slightly along the mesial and distal line angles. It is then light cured. X, The final layer is the GE enamel layer.
Y, The final layer is blended at the cavosurface bevel and applied in increasing thickness as it approaches the incisal edge.
By being applied in this fashion, the translucent enamel desaturates the more chromogenic body layer beneath, giving the
restoration depth and vitality. Z, Layered restoration before finishing and polishing. AA to CC, Finishing and polishing are
completed with a mixture of coarse diamonds for surface texture and various composite finishing carbides (the author
recommends Q-Finishers [Komet USA, Rock Hill, South Carolina]) and various grits of sandpaper disks (Cosmedent, Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois). The final luster is achieved with Cosmedents FlexiBuff and their paste (Enamelize). DD, Final restora-
tion. Note the proper saturation of color, the seamless transition from restoration to tooth, the vitality and depth of the
overall restoration, and the translucent edge effects and incisal halo.

Data source: Comparison of manufacturer data from Esthet-X (Dentsply
Caulk), Vitalescence (Ultradent), Herculite XRV (Kerr), Renamel Microfill
(Cosmedent), Durafill VS (Kulzer), Silux Plus (3M).
Dietchi D: Free-hand bonding in esthetic treatment of anterior teeth: creating
the illusion, J Esthetic Dent 9:156-164, 1997.
16 C H A P T E R

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Ross W. Nash

RELEVANCE OF PORCELAIN which were used for essentially the same purpose. Porcelain
VENEERS TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY veneers made it possible to utilize the services of a talented
AND BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL dental technician and to adopt a team approach rather than
building the entire restoration freehand on the patients tooth
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION structure, as with direct composite. Indirect porcelain veneers
OF THE PROCEDURE also offered other advantages: the ceramic material has a more
durable surface than composite restoratives. Ceramic does not
The application of porcelain veneers has been in the general have a resin matrix to absorb fluid, and thus it is more color
dentists list of procedures since the early 1980s when it was stable. It also exhibits great physical strength once it has
discovered that one could etch the inside of a porcelain restora- been laminated to an underlying structure, whether tooth or
tion and get micromechanical retention similar to that achieved another material.
on etched enamel. It was also possible to treat the surface with The reason the thin layers of porcelain work, even in func-
silane and thereby increase bond strength. Surface treatments tional areas, is because of the lamination process. Ceramics are
with etching and silane achieved bond strengths of over 2000 inherently brittle, but when supported, their strength is consid-
pounds per square inch (psi) whereas, without these steps only erable. An example is a piece of floor tile. A strong man can
about 230psi was possible. A further discovery was that thin break a piece of floor tile in his hands, but once it is laminated
layers of porcelain could be bonded to tooth structure; this was to the floor, it generally never breaks as long as the adhesive stays
far better than having to remove significant tooth structure for intact. Supported ceramic materials are very strong. In porcelain-
a thicker restoration in order to attain the retention and resis- fused-to-metal restorations, the porcelain is laminated to a metal
tance form, needed with G.V. Blacks preparation designs for substrate. Now it is possible to laminate it directly to the tooth
amalgam, gold, and porcelain-fused-to-metal. structure. This expands the possibilities. Thin layers of laminated
As a result of these discoveries, dentists could be more con- porcelain are strong enough to withstand the forces of intraoral
servative with respect to tooth reduction. It was possible to function well. The lamination process is also known as the
maintain the maximum amount of natural tooth structure and bonding procedure.
still achieve the results the patient wanted in terms of tooth Porcelain veneers differ from porcelain laminates. Laminates
appearance. Surface improvements included better color, appar- can cover any part of the tooth, whereas a porcelain veneer is
ent angulation and positioning (i.e., making teeth that were not usually limited to the buccal or facial of the tooth. The lamina-
entirely straight look straight), and the closing of spaces without tion process can be used successfully on any part of the tooth
orthodontic treatment. It became possible to do these things lingual, occlusal, facial, or proximal. These restorations can be
without removing extensive amounts of tooth structure. Some- thought of as extended veneers. Knowledge of function and
times none was removed at all. bite patterns is required for correct usage of this technique.
The author began offering porcelain veneers in the mid- Through the use of these types of restorations, patients have
1980s, after having applied many direct composite veneers, options that were not available before.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 437

however, prefer to use ceramic veneers for the purpose of lami-

AND ESTHETICS Stacked porcelain is composed of ground glass particles
and/or manufactured powdered glass. The ceramist adds a little
There is no real separation between function and esthetics. liquid, mostly water, to that powder, forming a paste or slurry.
Restorations must function properly or they will not function This is applied incrementally, approximating tooth anatomy, to
in the mouth. When they function properly, they tend to look a refractory cast; the cast is inserted into the porcelain oven
right. Apparently the ultimate design of tooth structure in an and then is cut away from the stone model after the ceramic is
oral environment was the appropriate one. Function is some- baked. The ceramic can also be swedged onto a platinum foil
thing that all dentists need to focus on and understand as matrix as in the porcelain jacket technique where the matrix is
completely as possible before they begin placing any restora- teased off the die and placed in the oven, with the matrix
tions, particularly elective ones. peeled off after baking. Regardless of the technique, these
ceramic materials all involve incremental layering. The ceramist
then has the opportunity to add color and opaquers to the
ceramic during this build phase. This allows the colors to blend
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS into the porcelain itself, making the stacked porcelain look
very natural, preventing unesthetic surface tinting or surface
Some considerations arise when ceramic materials are lami- staining.
nated to tooth structure. Most have to do with function; if The use of the stacked porcelain techniquewhether
interocclusal relationships are developed incorrectly, the entire employing natural or synthetic materialrequires less aggres-
system is likely to fail, even if it is natural tooth structure. sive tooth reduction than other techniques. The ultimate resto-
ration does not have as much strength in most cases as a
pressed ceramic, which is manufactured in much the same way
Indications as cast gold or metallic restorations; it is waxed up to the full
Porcelain veneers are applicable in general dentistry when the contour and then sprued. Next, the wax pattern is invested in
patient wants a restorative process for the teeth and in elective stone and melted out. A molten glass pellet is then pressure-
situations where the patient wishes to have not only a functional forced into the vacant mold. Due to the nature of the pressing
tooth but an esthetic appearance as well. The word elective is process, the ceramic material gains a higher density and there-
quite significant today. Many people are choosing to improve fore higher bending and compressive strengths. Bending
their smile, something not required for health and function at strength is important in ceramic materials. Unlike composite
all, purely for cosmetic purposes. So the indications for porcelain resins, ceramics have no resilience and cannot rebound after
veneers can be to improve function, but the procedure also can stress.
be totally elective, for improved appearance. The higher bending strength of the pressed ceramics is advan-
tageous for functional areas, where these materials are generally
preferred over stacked porcelain. However, their major disadvan-
Contraindications tage is that they are monochromatic; they are pressed in one step
Contraindications are usually related to function. If the func- from a single ingot and exhibit one single color throughout. To
tional situation in the mouth does not allow rebuilding of a gain the vitality of stacked porcelain restorations, the practi
tooth with ceramic restorative material, instead requiring the tioner must leave adequate space to cut back about 0.2mm from
strength of gold, then that is a contraindication, as is poor the pressed material to develop the esthetic depth and staining
dental health. To start elective treatment in the presence of of the layering porcelain, which yields the desired color. Thus,
dental disease is a prescription for failure. The disease must be more working space and a deeper tooth reduction is needed for
addressed first. As healthcare professionals, dentists should keep the pressed ceramic restoration unless the patient is willing to
the treatment of disease and the return of the patient to health accept a monochromatic appearance or is satisfied with surface
in the forefront of their minds. One should not try to do elec- or inside staining and/or tinting. For conventional restorations
tive work in the presence of dental disease. However, in the with pressed ceramics, up to 1.0mm of tooth reduction is
presence of dental health, elective cosmetic dentistry can be required, whereas stacked porcelain needs only half that prepara-
wonderful for a persons self-esteem. tion. Over the years, practitioners have learned to use pressed
ceramics for many different purposes, including laminate
Conventional pressed ceramics are made from silica-based
MATERIAL OPTIONS materials. Lithium disilicate, however, is now available for press-
ing as well. It has a much higher strength and can be utilized in
Several materials are available for indirect laminates and layers as thin as stacked ceramics. Of course, it is still mono-
veneers today. Indirect composite resin can be heat-treated and chromatic until layering porcelain is added to characterize the
polymerized to a much greater degree than direct composite surface. The additional strength provided by this material allows
and thus is suitable for indirect veneers. Most practitioners, thin veneers, full crowns, and bridges to be pressed. There are
438 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Veneers

even several pressed block products on the market that can be ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
milled to produce veneers.
Every dentist can learn to bond ceramic materials to the teeth
with clinical success; it is simply a matter of training. The
Current Best Approach patients overall smile appearance is improved more through
The current best choices depend on clinical philosophy. The artistry than science or mechanical procedures, however. Thus,
authors philosophy is to maintain the maximum amount of one dentist may achieve an extremely beautiful result, whereas
natural tooth structure; consequently, the layered porcelain another dentist, using the same materials and techniques, may
technique is preferred for elective cases. Sometimes, no tooth develop an appearance that is unsatisfactory.
structure at all is removed. If there is adequate room after the The artistry lies in the skills not only of the dentist, but also
clinical preparation, pressed ceramic may be chosen because in the capabilities of the team that the dentist selects. A very few
it has wonderful marginal adaptation and higher structural dentist-ceramists are able to prepare the tooth, undertake the
strength than most stacked alternatives. However, room should laboratory procedures for the restoration, and place it in the
not be created by additional tooth reduction if stacked porce- patients mouth. Most practitioners take the team approach, and
lain will function well. The authors preference is to select seek out talented ceramists who can use these dental products
whichever process allows saving the maximum amount of artistically. Dentists employ the technicians skills to comple-
tooth structure while still achieving the desired functional and ment their personal talents in patient treatment; a successful
esthetic results. combination yields magnificent restorations. Art is not inexpen-
sive, however, and the personalized process often requires addi-
tional time.
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS For elective procedures, clinical success is unimportant if the
patient does not like the appearance of the restoration. If
The clinician or patient may prefer having a porcelain coverage the dentist chooses to accept an elective case, it is imperative
on the lingual surfaces of teeth, particularly the six maxillary that the patients esthetic concerns be satisfied. Dentists must
anteriors, despite the downside that the placement of ceramic educate patients on the appearance of natural teeth, but ulti-
material on these areas often requires additional tooth prepara- mately, what the patient wants is paramount. The process
tion (since there is no clearance space or room between the becomes an interactive art. The successful dentist develops the
mandibular and the maxillary incisors in the normal Class I artistic skills related to patient treatment and the management
occlusion). skills related to patient satisfaction. It is necessary to learn and
Extended veneers, or 360 laminates, are sometimes used to practice the science behind dentistry, but the art is an essential
cover the circumferential surfaces of a tooth. These veneers can part as well.
actually be considered crowns because they encircle the tooth. Continuing education courses that are taken after graduation
These laminates are inserted over the contacts, creating a taco from dental school offer the most significant training. Many
shell laminate. This method bonds porcelain on both the facial progressive dental schools today offer courses in esthetics, but
and lingual surfaces of the maxillary or the mandibular anterior there is so much to learn at the undergraduate level that it is
teeth. This approach is often very successful because it involves generally difficult to allocate adequate time to esthetics training
bonding ceramic to enamel, a particularly strong adhesive that is necessary for the performance of such procedures, until
relationship. after dental school. Most dentists subscribe to post-graduate
continuing education to achieve competency in this and
other areas.
Smile design principles are essential to the study of artistry
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS in dentistry. Training in such artistic elements is offered through
dental schoolsponsored continuing education courses and at
Scientific Elements independent schools or institutes. Practicing dentists have the
Porcelain maintains its surface smoothness and color over opportunity to learn skills and to develop information-sharing
time, unlike composite resin, which tends to absorb staining relationships with mentors. There is much more to esthetics than
fluids and to lose its surface hardness, smoothness, polish, and just science and technology; smile design and occlusion princi-
luster. The surface structure of ceramic is durable in the long ples must also be mastered. Education must address function
term, stain resistant, and esthetic, which are all significant and patient feelings about appearance at a high level to contrib-
advantages. ute to the practice of esthetic dentistry.

Technologic Elements TREATMENT PLANNING

Researchers have discovered how to make porcelain stronger,
color stable, esthetic, and adhesive to tooth structures. Innova- In a general practice, dentists have an opportunity to discuss
tive ceramic applications have transformed many aspects of den- esthetics with their patients as they address other dental health
tistry in the past fifty years, and continue to do so. concerns. Certain practices are focused on esthetics; patients
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 439

seek these venues out specifically for esthetic or cosmetic reasons. diagnostic evaluation is performed. A thorough periodontal diag-
There are three types of dentistry offered in general practice: nostic evaluation thoroughly evaluates the periodontal status,
Conventional dentistry focuses on treatment for dental disease charting each individual tooth. Full upper and lower impressions
and diminished oral function (traditional dentistry). and a bite record are obtained so the laboratory can pour study
Esthetic dentistry also focuses on treatment for dental disease models and mount them in a centric relation position on a semi-
and function, but has the added proviso that the restora- adjustable articulator. The author uses the Denar face-bow system
tion strongly resembles the original tooth in shape and (Whip Mix Corporation, Louisville, Kentucky).
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on elective treatment. The differ-
ence between esthetics and cosmetics is semantic: esthetic
dentistry is needed dentistry with a naturally esthetic At the pre-operative appointment, a full set of digital photo-
result whereas cosmetic dentistry is elective dentistry that graphic images is recorded, including full-face, smile, retracted,
alters the appearance beyond natural parameters. and occlusal views. Photography serves as a communication tool
between doctor and patient and doctor and laboratory, provides
Most dentists see patients on an ongoing basis for dental documentation, and is a learning tool. This records appoint-
health treatment only. Once patients become aware that the ment lasts 60-90 minutes. All materials are sent to the labora-
dentist offers esthetic treatment modalities, however, they tend tory. The technician then pours the full-arch models, mounts
to request these procedures. Ideally, the patient asks for the the models on a semi-adjustable articulator, and does a complete
treatment spontaneously or after education. This is far better wax-up of the case as the dentist and patient would like it to
than the dentist trying to sell a treatment approach. Dentists look when it is finished.
prefer to have the patient say, Doctor, I would like to have this Smile design principles are followed in a critique of the
procedure. I know you do it well. I have seen your other angulation, proportions, and alignment of each tooth for the
patients. This is a situation that is set up for success. Many patient. The design is based on sound anatomy and occlusion
patients in a general practice are interested in esthetic proce- and usually takes a week or so for the lab to complete
dures. They simply are not aware that the dentist provides these The patient then returns for the first operative appointment.
treatment options. Dentist and dental team education to the For some patients, the author uses conscious sedation and relax-
patients on what is available is the key. ation techniques. These are particularly useful for very long
The first step in a cosmetic consultation or during a general appointments. Others patients require only a local anesthetic.
practice esthetic discussion is the taking of photographs. These The ultimate goal is to help the patients relax. To this end, they
images include: a full-face image, a smile picture, angled smile may be given a comfortable blanket, earphones so they can listen
views, side views, retracted views, and occlusal views. Those to soft music, a dark eye mask to shut out light, or a massaging
images are uploaded onto a computer screen in the operatory or chairs back massage. Once the patient is totally comfortable, the
in a consultation room so that patients can see themselves more dentist can apply the anesthetic.
accurately than even before. It is almost as though they are The dentist then begins the preparation of the selected
looking at someone else because they perceive the images to be teeth, a process which may take several hours. After tooth pre
different from what they see in a mirror. Patients are not accus- paration, occlusal registrations and the final impressions are
tomed to viewing their smiles in this clinical fashion. They also obtained. The dentist fabricates provisionals at the first opera-
tend to be more objective when looking at a picture rather than tive appointment with a putty stent technique. (A polyvinyl
looking in the mirror. The dentist and patient examine the siloxane putty impression over the wax-up is used to make a
images together and decide the extent of the smile zone, typically stent, which in turn is used to fabricate provisional restorations
the front 10 maxillary teeth and the front eight mandibular for the patient.)
teeth. They then determine what changes need to be made, Provisionals are made with a bis-acrylic material applied
whether a single tooth is involved, all the smile zone teeth, or directly onto the prepared teeth. These can be made to look very
all the teeth. This initial evaluation can often be conducted esthetic and to simulate the appearance of the finished ceramic
without radiographic or full clinical examinations. Once the restorations. The colors of these acrylic materials are similar to
patient decides to proceed, the dentist completes the full clinical the shades of the proposed ceramics. The patient can actually
and radiographic examinations to supplement the photographic preview the final result through the provisional process. The
record. The patient then decides their treatment objective and patient normally wears the provisionals for 2 to 3 weeks.
the dentist recommends suitable clinical procedures. The impressions and bite registrations are sent to the labora-
tory. Photographs have been taken at every step along the way
to show the prepared teeth, the shade guide with the prepared
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS teeth, the provisionals, and models of the provisionals. The
dentist communicates with the laboratory using all of this
Preparation information.
Once it has been decided that the patient will proceed with Once the technician has fabricated the ceramic veneers or
treatment, a full set of radiographs is obtained. Panoramic, bite laminates, the patient returns and the dentist spends up to a full
wing, and a full set of periapical films are taken, and a complete day placing these restorations. The patient is relaxed and then
440 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Veneers

anesthetized at this second appointment. The provisionals must The longevity of porcelain laminates has proved even better
first be removed. (While they can function well for several than the early expectations. Twenty five years ago, dentists
weeks, provisionals ultimately fail.) During removal, the dentist hoped for a 10 year span of function and esthetics. That was
typically breaks them apart to protect the underlying tooth enough for most patients who wanted the advantages of the
structures; they are not reusable. porcelain veneer appearance. Generally, dentists prefer to under-
With routine home care, the tissue should be relatively promise and over-deliver. They do not want to promise results
healthy. Gingival bleeding can make the adhesion process dif- that they cannot achieve for patients. Fortunately, the early
ficult or impossible. The dentist tries on the laboratory-fabricated assurances proved to be inaccurate assessments; most of these
restorations on the prepared teeth. Water may be used as a try-in patients still have their porcelain veneers, and they still look
medium between the teeth and the ceramic. If the restoration good. Some patients have experienced gingival recession, some
looks good with water, an untinted resin luting cement is used margins have become stained, and some ceramics may have
to bond it into place. If some color modification is necessary, chipped due to the natural fatigue process in the oral cavity.
tinted resin cement materials may be considered at this time. Overall, the veneers have lasted a very long time, and this is
The dentist must ensure that the patient is satisfied with the what patients need to understand. Porcelain laminates are not
results at this stage. The patient typically inspects these restora- permanent but they do tend to last a very long time, far longer
tions while lying down on the dental chair through a hand-held than originally expected.
mirror; this is the worst way imaginable to look at the restora-
tion, but is the only practical option. This is the step where the
dentist must solicit the patients approval for the restoration.
Ideally, the esthetics are right the very first time. If the patient CLINICAL CONSERVATION
is less than satisfied, and does not like the appearance, the res- CONCEPTS
torations are not yet cemented, and the dentist can change them
as needed. The authors philosophy has always been to assist the patient in
maintaining the maximum amount of natural tooth structure.
One might ask why a dentist would want to maintain the
Finishing maximum amount of natural tooth structure, when reductive
Once the patient has approved the restorations, the dentist goes preparation permits increased retention and a better resistance
through the steps required to bond them to the tooth. A total- form (concepts that drive amalgam, gold, and porcelain-fused-
etch procedure, utilizing tooth etching, adhesive bonding to-metal techniques). The simple answer is that the author does
agents, and luting composite may be used. After the luting not feel comfortable in guaranteeing the patient that porcelain
material is polymerized, the dentist must clean away any excess laminates are a permanent restoration. It is likely that the
resin from around the margins. The occlusion must be verified process will have to be redone at some point in the future. If the
and/or adjusted after the laminates have been bonded into place dentist has previously prepared the tooth with resistance and
because the ultimate strength of the restoration is gained only retention form for a specific type of restoration, it is difficult to
through the lamination process. When occlusal adjustments remove the restoration without removing more tooth structure.
are required, fine diamonds, 30-fluted carbide finishing burs, It is likely that significant additional tooth structure must be
and porcelain polishing points are used, in that order, to obtain removed when the restoration is to be replaced. In situations
a finished surface that is actually smoother than glazed where the tooth has been reduced to the point where there is
porcelain. little remaining natural structure, the patient has few options for
Patients are usually asked to return 1 to 2 weeks later for a re-treatment. It is therefore wise to maintain as much natural
final check and a complimentary cleaning. All the margins are tooth structure as possible to maximize future choices for the
smoothed yet again, and any remaining excess resin is removed. patient.
A 3 month follow-up is scheduled, and then the patient is placed Porcelain laminate products, and thus clinical treatment
on a 6-month recall rotation. options, are constantly improving. Pressed ceramics appeared in
the early 1990s, and zirconium in the early 2000s. These newer
options are available to the patient and dentist. While the
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES author prefers stacked porcelain laminates to pressed ceramics
for elective veneers, innovative materials such as lithium disili-
Like most practicing dentists, the author can offer his clinical cate allow for thin veneers that have all the strength of pressed
experience as evidence. He has provided laminated porcelain for materials. The ever-developing fields of esthetic and cosmetic
patients for well over 20 years. dentistry continue to provide improved intraoral solutions for
Dentists and patients should understand that these restora- our patients.
tions require on-going long-term maintenance. There are no The authors approach has always been to conserve as much
permanent dental restorations. Natural teeth suffer from fatigue, natural tooth as possible. The best dentistry is no dentistry;
wear, break, and shift positions in the oral environment; so minimizing the amount of tooth structure reduced is a service
certainly do restorations. As the patient ages, both will likely to the patient. Adhering to the principle of maintaining natural
need some maintenance. tooth structure is the most conservative approach.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 441

MAINTENANCE It is important that patients not abuse these restorations by

chewing ice or hard candy or any other activity that would
A common concern is whether every porcelain veneer patient normally cause harm or stress to the natural anterior or posterior
needs a night guard as part of the treatment. The author believes teeth. However, these restorations can also be replaced. A frac-
that functional occlusion is the key to the long-term restoration ture or a delamination is not the end of the world; it is simply
and long-term maintenance of natural tooth structures. If the a temporary irritation.
patient has comfortable, good occlusion with anterior guidance Patients should continue regular in-office maintenance with
and posterior disclusion, a night guard is rarely needed. Those non-abrasive polishing paste as the porcelain surface glaze can be
patients who exhibit bruxism and occlusal wear of the natural scratched and the esthetic gloss lost. There are methods available
teeth are furnished with appliances (these represent 10% of the to repolish porcelain if necessary. The hygienist should not use
authors patients who wear nightguards). an ultrasonic scaler at the margins.
Beyond the above, patients may treat these laminates just as It is recommended that acidulated fluorides not be used
they do natural tooth structure. Brushing, flossing, and bi-annual because they tend to etch porcelain. A Prophy-Jet remove stains
dental visits are mandatory. Patients with these bonded restora- from natural tooth structures, but it can roughen the surface of
tions can comfortably eat corn on the cob and apples, chew porcelain and make it more susceptible to staining. Hand clean-
meats, and function quite normally. They must be aware, ing and polishing with prophy cup and nonabrasive prophy
however, that these laminates can fracture just like natural teeth. paste is sufficient.

Clinical Case Study

The elective case presented here was performed to enhance the patients smile by providing 10 porcelain veneers
with minimal preparation. Layered porcelain was used to achieve the maximum esthetics in a veneer. Figure
16-1, A, shows the patients smile before treatment. Her teeth were slightly malaligned, but were in excellent
condition. She was free from dental disease and was well aware that the cosmetic treatment she was seeking
was not reversible and not permanent. She was comfortable with a 10- to 15-year life expectancy of her veneers
and was prepared to replace them when needed to achieve the esthetic benefits they would provide. Figure
16-1, B, shows a retracted view of the maxillary 10 most anterior teeth before treatment, and Figure 16-1, C
shows the incisal view of her teeth before treatment.

The first step was to anesthetize the patients teeth and place depth cuts of 0.5mm on the facial surfaces of
the teeth to be veneered (Figure 16-2, A). The depth cuts were joined with a chamfer-ended diamond bur (Figure
16-2, B). Subtle chamfer margins were created at the height of the tissue (Figure 16-2, C). Incisal preparation


FIGURE 16-1 A, The patients smile before treatment with elective veneers. B, Retracted view of maxillary teeth to be
veneered. C, Incisal view of the maxillary teeth to be veneered.
Continued on next page
442 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Veneers

Clinical Case Study (contd)






FIGURE 16-2 A, Application of 0.5mm depth cuts. B, Reduction of depth cuts with chamfer-ended diamond. C, Facial
reduction complete. D, A 1.5-mm incisal reduction. E, Elbow preparation to the proximal contact. F, Interproximal
stripping with diamond strip. G, Horizontal seating groove. H, Finished preparations, facial view. I, Lateral view of finished
preparations. J, Incisal view of finished preparations.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 443

Clinical Case Study (contd)

involved 1.0 to 1.5mm of reduction, leaving a butt margin and rounded corners (Figure 16-2, D). Interproximal
preparation involved continuing the chamfer to the proximal contacts, forming an elbow preparation (Figure
16-2, E). A diamond strip was used to slightly open the contacts (Figure 16-2, F). Where no occlusal preparation
was performed on the premolar teeth, a 0.25-mm horizontal groove for seating purposes was placed (Figure
16-2, G). The finished preparations are shown from the facial view in Figure 16-2, H. Figure 16-2, I, shows the
prepared teeth from the lateral view, and Figure 16-2, J, illustrates the preparations from the incisal view. Nearly
all preparation was completed in the enamel layer.

A polyvinyl siloxane impression material was used to take a full arch impression. A light body material was
injected around the margins (Figure 16-3, A) as the impression tray was loaded with a heavy body material
(Figure 16-3, B). The tray was seated (Figure 16-3, C) and the material was allowed to set completely before it
was removed from the patients mouth. The final impression is shown in Figure 16-3, D. An opposing full arch
impression was also taken in a polyvinyl material (Figure 16-3, E). A hard-setting occlusal registration was taken
(Figure 16-3, F). Figure 16-3, G, shows the bite registration after removal from the patients mouth.

Provisional Restorations
Though provisional veneers are often unnecessary in such conservative cases, they are often desired by the
patient. They can be made directly on the prepared teeth from a matrix made over a model of the unprepared
teeth or a wax-up of the desired changes on a stone model. A polyvinyl siloxane material can be used to make
a matrix over the wax-up, or a vacuum-formed plastic matrix can be made over a hard stone model as in
this case.
Spot etching on the facial surfaces of the enamel can help with retention of the provisional veneers (Figure
16-4, A). The etching gel needs only 10 seconds for the etching process and is rinsed thoroughly. The prepared
teeth are air dried, and a desensitizing agent (containing glutaraldehyde or benzalkonium chloride and HEMA
in an aqueous solution) can be applied to the tooth surfaces (Figure 16-4, B) and dried (Figure 16-4, C). A bis-
acrylic provisional material is then injected into the matrix (Figure 16-4, D and E) and placed over the prepared
teeth (Figure 16-4, F) and allowed to set. The provisional material can be left in place and finished directly on
the teeth or removed and replaced using light-cured flowable composite as cement. The bis-acrylic material can
be shaped and polished in a similar fashion as a composite resin veneer.
Figure 16-4, G, shows the provisional restorations in place. The patient should be instructed in proper clean-
ing with floss threaders or other interproximal devices because the provisionals are splinted together.

Veneer Fabrication
The final impressions, occlusal registration, and other materials such as a face-bow record are then sent to the
dental laboratory with instructions on material choices, color, translucency, texture, and other parameters desired.
The veneers are delivered to the dentist after fabrication; they should be inspected and accepted. Figure 16-5,
A shows the 10 veneers for this case on the working model. The internal etched surfaces are shown in Figure
16-5, B. If the laboratory does not deliver the veneers etched for micro-mechanical retention, hydrofluoric acid
can be used in the dental office to etch the internal surfaces.

At the delivery appointment, the provisional veneers are removed and the tissue inspected. With good home
care there should be little to no gingival hemorrhage, and no retraction cord will be necessary. If hemorrhage
control is necessary, placing one long cord with an aluminum chloride solution may be desirable. In this case
tissue health was excellent, and no cord was needed. Figure 16-6, A, shows the prepared teeth after removal
of the provisional veneers.
The veneers are tried in to check for fit, contacts, and esthetics. No occlusal adjustment should be attempted
until the veneers are bonded into place, because they achieve their ultimate strength after they are laminated
to the teeth through the bonding process. Water is a good try-in medium as in this case, but try-in pastes can
be used if desired. Figure 16-6, B shows the veneers tried in. They are approved by the patient, and they are
removed and cleaned.

Continued on next page

444 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Veneers

Clinical Case Study (contd)

In this case a multiple placement technique was used. Matrix strips are placed in the interproximal areas
distal to the last veneers (Figure 16-6, C). Then 37% phosphoric acid gel is applied to all the prepared sur-
faces (Figure 16-6, D) and left for 10 seconds. The etching gel is thoroughly rinsed (Figure 16-6, E), and the
teeth are left slightly moist for the wet bonding process. A fifth-generation bonding agent is liberally applied
to all the prepared surfaces (Figure 16-6, F) and dried to remove the residual moisture and solvent carrier
(Figure 16-6, G).

FIGURE 16-3 A, Light body impression material. B, Heavy body impression material. C, Impression in place. D, Final
impression. E, Opposing impression. F, Occlusal registration in place. G, Occlusal registration.
Clinical Case Study (contd)



FIGURE 16-4 A, Spot etch for temporary retention. B, Desensitizer applied. C, Desensitizer dried. D, Bis-acrylic material
injected into provisional matrix. E, Bis-acrylic material in provisional matrix. F, Provisional matrix in place. G, Provisional
restorations in place.


FIGURE 16-5 A, Porcelain veneers on working model. B, Internal etched surfaces of porcelain veneers.

Continued on next page

446 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Veneers

Clinical Case Study (contd)




FIGURE 16-6 A, Provisional restorations removed. B, Porcelain veneers tried in. C, Matrix bands in place. D, Acid etch.
E, Etching gel rinsed. F, Bonding agent applied. G, Bonding agent dried. H, Luting composite applied. I, First veneer
placed. J, Second veneer placed.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 447

Clinical Case Study (contd)

FIGURE 16-6, contdK, Removal of excess uncured luting composite. L, Each veneer is tack cured. M, Excess uncured
luting composite is cleaned. N, Material is light cured to completion. O, Excess cured luting composite is removed with
finishing carbide. P, Excess luting composite removed with abrasive cup. Q, Excess luting composite on lingual aspect
removed. R, Interproximal area finished with diamond strip. S, Interproximal area polished with aluminum oxide strip.
Continued on next page
448 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Veneers

Clinical Case Study (contd)

The matrix bands are placed (Figure 16-6, C ) and the teeth are etched (Figure 16-6, D) and rinsed (Figure
16-6, E). The bonding agent is carefully applied to the prepared tooth surfaces (Figure 16-6, F ) and dried
(Figure 16-6, G).
Silane is applied to the etched internal surfaces of the veneers and dried. A light-cured composite luting
agent is then placed into the internal surfaces of the veneers (Figure 16-6, H). Each veneer is set into place
(Figure 16-6, I and J). Excess luting composite is cleaned with a brush (Figure 16-6, K), and each veneer is held
in place and spot cured for 2 seconds with a light-emitting diode (LED) curing light (Figure 16-6, L). Additional
cleanup is then accomplished with floss and instruments (Figure 16-6, M). Final light curing is accomplished
with an LED curing light (Figure 16-6, N).
Remaining excess cured luting composite is removed with carbide finishing burs in a high-speed handpiece
and abrasive cups in a slow-speed handpiece (Figure 16-6, O to Q). Interproximal smoothing is accomplished
with diamond strips (Figure 16-6, R) and aluminum oxide strips (Figure 16-6, S).

Final Result
The finished veneers are shown from the facial view in Figure 16-7, A and B and from the incisal view in Figure
16-7, C. The patients new smile can be seen in Figure 16-7, D.



FIGURE 16-7 A, Ten porcelain veneers in place (facial view). B, Lateral view of final result. C, Incisal view of final result.
D, Patients new smile.

Inserting Esthetic Restorations

Graeme Milicich

The Griptab provides total and secure control of the restora-

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC tion. Modifying the internal tints and colors in bonding resins
DENTISTRY for veneers requires a firm, stable grip on the veneer while
various areas of the veneers are loaded with different colored
One of the major challenges in placing indirect esthetic resto resins as needed for optimal esthetic matching.
rations is handling and controlling the restoration during prepa- Managing small inlays and onlays during hydrofluoric
ration for bonding, loading with bonding material, and accurate etching and silanation is problematic. The Griptab system pro-
placement of the restoration. The Griptab system (Triodent vides total control, not only during preparation for bonding, but
Corp., Katikati, New Zealand) (Figure 16-8) has been designed also during the placement of the resin cements and final place-
as a universal system for controlling all indirect restorations ment of the restoration in the cavity.
during prebonding and cementation procedures. It comes with
plastic tabs of three different shapes that can be bonded to por-
celain and metal restorations with a light-cured adhesive. The CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
Griptab is held with a pair of pin tweezers that provides a secure
grip while at the same time allowing free rotation through 180
degrees in one plane. The Griptab is designed as a universal system for the prebonding
steps and placement of all ceramic and metal restorations. It is
also effective in many clinical situations when control of small
BRIEF HISTORY OF CLINICAL objects is required, including the placement of Maryland bridges,
rebonding of extracted teeth using Ribbond wings, and the
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION placement of implant abutments, to name a few. The use of this
OF THE PROCEDURE system will be limited only by dentists imaginations once they
see its simplicity and logic.
Several products have come to market trying to deal with these
issues. None have been completely successful in achieving the Griptab Being Used to Manage a Difficult
goals of reliable adhesion, ease of placement, and the ability to Restorative Problem
passively release the restoration and pick it up again during An elderly patient with limited financial means had a periodon-
preparation for bonding and then to passively release the restora- tally involved tooth No. 31 that had to be extracted. The lower
tion again once it has been located on the tooth. Some products anteriors would also have benefited from periodontal splinting,
work adequately with veneers but do not work with irregularly and the patient did not want to wear a removable prosthesis.
shaped inlays, onlays, and crowns. The goal has been to develop The newly edentulous space was restored 5 days after extraction
a product that has universal application to all restoration types, by bonding the extracted tooth 31 (lower left central incisor)
reliable adhesion to the restoration, ease of pickup and release, into place using Ribbond after the tip of the root had been
and easy and clean removal after placement of the restoration. removed (Figure 16-9, A). At the same time the lower anterior
teeth were splinted. Control of the small tooth and attached
Ribbond would have been very difficult but for the Griptab
RELATING FUNCTION attached to the labial surface before the beginning of the proce-
AND ESTHETICS dure. A groove was cut in the lingual of the tooth and Ribbond
attached into the groove, ensuring that no bonding resin
Accurate placement of veneers is critical. The removal of adhe- extended out into the exposed Ribbond (Figure 16-9, B and C).
sive stick systems can lead to accidental displacement of a veneer, Easy manipulation of the tooth and Ribbond simplified resin
causing accidental and unnoticed air entrapment, and failure at bonding and placement of a layer of composite onto the Ribbond
either a bonding or esthetic level. (Figure 16-9, D) before placement of the splint or bridge into

450 Porcelain Veneers Inserting Esthetic Restorations

FIGURE 16-8 The Griptab system. A, Pin-Tweezers used for holding the Griptab, Wave-Wedges and Tab-Matrices from the
V3 Ring system. B, Assortment of Griptabs on rack. C to E, The three sizes of Griptab. The small one (C) is designed for inlays
and small onlays. The medium one (D) is for average-sized restorations and veneers, and the large one (E) is for full crowns and
bridges. F, Griptab being held with the pin tweezers. (Courtesy Triodent Corp., Katikati, New Zealand.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 451




FIGURE 16-9 A, Griptab bonded to extracted tooth after root tip removal and held with the pin tweezers. Try-in to check length
of root reduction. B, Ribbond bonded to lingual groove. Ease of manipulation provided by the Griptab. C, Try-in to check accu-
rate length of the Ribbond. D, Ribbond impregnated with resin, and composite layered onto the Ribbond with a composite
unidose tip. This is very difficult to accomplish without the control provided by the Griptab. E, Initial placement and contouring
of the composite-loaded Ribbond to the etched, bonded teeth. Griptab remains in place when released from the pin tweezers.
F, Completed composite buildup before polishing.

the mouth. Final placement of the splint or bridge was facilitated element during insertion. By simply allowing the pin tweezers
by the use of the Griptab to accurately locate the tooth while to rotate on the Griptab, any torquing moment is removed,
the splint was initially polymerized (Figure 16-9, E and F ). allowing the restoration to be passively seated. The occlusion can
be checked on crowns and onlays while the Griptab is still
attached. After placement and the setting of the restoration
Contraindications adhesive, the Griptab can be easily peeled off the restoration
There are no contraindications. with no adherent residue.


New users may accidentally hold the wrong end of the pin
Advantages tweezers and accidentally release the restoration. Holding the
The Griptab system allows total control of any restoration. The proximal end of the tweezers keeps them closed, and squeez-
use of the pin tweezers to hold the Griptab means angulation ing on the distal half of the tweezers releases the Griptab. The
can be changed at will and there is control of the rotational bite cannot be checked when placing small inlays while the
452 Porcelain Veneers Inserting Esthetic Restorations

Griptab is attached, but this is not possible with any of the TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
placement systems available. The Griptab adhesive is specially
formulated to bond to ceramics. Dentists must not be
tempted to use ordinary dental resins as a replacement for the The dentist must ensure that the surface the Griptab is
Griptab adhesive, as they provide a very unreliable bond to being bonded to is clean. No wax, oil, or silane should be
glazed and polished porcelain and will fail at the most inop- present.
portune moment.

Current Best Approach Procedure

Other approaches include various adhesive sticks, waxes, and The adhesive is applied to the Griptab, which is then placed on
vacuum systems. All have shortcomings that leave dentists strug- the desired surface of the restoration, and the adhesive is polym-
gling to find a universal approach to confidently manage indirect erized for 10 to 20 seconds. The Griptab is bonded before com-
adhesive restorations. The Griptab system is the most useful mencement of any prebonding preparation such as Hydrofluoric
modality available today. acid etching and silanation.


The Griptab is peeled off with a flat-bladed metal instrument.
Scientific Elements No further finishing is required. If remnants of the adhesive
Scientific elements include a simple, semi-flexible, light-cured remain on an inlay, they can be easily removed with a sharp
ceramic adhesive, combined with an innovative tab that is curette or scaler.
bonded to the restoration. The bonding adhesive is light cured
with a conventional dental curing light and changes from red to
gold when polymerized.
Technological Elements CONCEPTS
The combination of a simple pin tweezer design, in conjunction The Griptab reduces stress by eliminating the juggling act associ-
with the Griptab and associated adhesive, provides secure control ated with controlling and placing small, slippery, cement-laden
of the restoration. There are three Griptab sizes to accommodate restorations.
all types of restorations, ranging from bridges, crowns, veneers,
and onlays and down to the smallest of inlays.
Artistic Elements Once the restorations are ready for placement, the appropriate
As suggested, the Griptab aids in the control of veneers during Griptab is selected from the strip, grasped with the pin tweezers,
the loading of the bonding resins. If subtle color matching is and twisted off the rack. There is the option for laboratories to
required, the Griptab provides a secure and stable grip of the provide indirect restorations to the dentist with the Griptab
restoration while various areas of the veneers are layered with already attached.
different tints or flowable composite. This improves the accuracy The dentist ensures that the restoration is free of any oil or
of resin placement and consequently improves the esthetic contamination by wiping with alcohol. To ensure a secure bond,
outcome. the Griptab is applied before hydrofluoric acid etching and
silanation. The presence of silane will prevent a secure bond
between the porcelain and the Griptab. A small amount of
adhesive is applied to the fitting surface of the Griptab, and the
TREATMENT PLANNING Griptab is placed onto the desired area of the clean restoration,
taking into account the area of the mouth into which the resto-
Options ration is going to be placed. It might be easier in certain situa-
What system should be used that is appropriate for the tions for the Griptab to be placed on the palatal surface of an
current case? There are several systems available on the market upper posterior crown, rather than the buccal. Depending on
that go some way toward addressing the problems associated the stability of the Griptab, it can be released from the pin
with control, handling, and placement of indirect restorations. tweezers before light curing of the adhesive, or the Griptab can
The Griptab system comprehensively addresses all the issues, be held on the restoration while the adhesive is cured. Depend-
with the goal being to make life as simple as possible for the ing on the intensity of the curing light, the adhesive will poly
practitioner. Griptabs were designed by dentists, for dentists. merize in 10 to 20 seconds and change from red to gold. It is
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 453


FIGURE 16-10 Adhesive is applied to the Griptab (A and B), which is applied onto the crown (C and D). It is then light cured.

important that the adhesive be well cured to ensure a sound requires ultrasonic cleaning at any stage in the preparation
bond (Figure 16-10). procedure.
The placement of inlays requires a slightly different tech- Once the restoration is ready to be loaded with cement and
nique. A small amount of adhesive is dispensed onto a pad, the placed, the restoration is picked up such that the orientation of
end of the inlay Griptab is dipped into the resin, and this is the pin tweezers will provide the best angulation for ease of
applied to the occlusal surface just behind the marginal ridge. placement of the restoration (Figure 16-14). Once the restora-
This technique avoids accidental overloading of the Griptab and tion is placed, the pin tweezers are released, and cleanup and
having the adhesive flow over the margins of the restoration, polymerization of the cement continue. The Griptab is then
compromising the seating of the inlay (Figure 16-11). removed by peeling it off the restoration with a flat-bladed metal
Once the Griptab has been attached (Figure 16-12), the instrument such as a Ward wax carver (Figure 16-15). One
restoration can be picked up and put down again as often as is should not try to remove a Griptab from an inlay or a veneer
required during the prebonding preparation phase (Figure before it has been bonded in place, as there is a risk of fracturing
16-13). The Griptab will stay securely attached if the restoration the restoration.
454 Porcelain Veneers Inserting Esthetic Restorations



FIGURE 16-11 Inlay Griptab dipped into adhesive (A and B) and located on one of the marginal ridges and polymerized (C
and D). Locating the Griptab at one end of the restoration will aid in placing the restoration in the correct orientation.

FIGURE 16-12 Griptabs applied to an onlay, crown, veneers, and inlays, ready for bonding.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 455


FIGURE 16-13 The Griptabs provide easy manipulation and control during hydrofluoric etching and silanation of the


FIGURE 16-14 Griptabs being used for the location of a veneer (A), inlay, and onlay (B). Note the location of the Griptab on
the onlay. The ability to rotate the Griptab within the pin tweezers makes this a simple procedure.


FIGURE 16-15 The Griptab adhesive is semi-flexible and can be peeled off the restoration with a flat bladed metal
456 Porcelain Veneers Inserting Esthetic Restorations

Case Study
After completion of endodontics on the first molar, the first and second molars (Figure 16-16, A) were restored
with E4D computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM) restorations using e.max CAD porcelain.
The prepared teeth were scanned and the restorations then designed and milled in e.max porcelain, then
glazed and fired (Figure 16-16, B). An inlay Griptab was bonded to the occlusal surface of the second molar
restoration, and a mid-sized Griptab was bonded to the buccal surface of the first molar endodontic onlay
(Figure 16-16, C).
Once the Griptabs were bonded, they were used to control the restorations during hydrofluoric acid etching
(Figure 16-16, D), then placed into an ultrasonic cleaner to remove the etching byproducts from the porcelain
(Figure 16-16, E) before being picked up again with the pin tweezers for silanation (Figure 16-16, F). The Griptabs
are not affected by ultrasonic cleaning, and the adhesive is not challenged by the presence of silane once it has
been polymerized.
After placement of an Isolite (Isolite Systems, Santa Barbara, California), Triodent Wave-Wedges were placed
below the gingival interproximal margin to aid in control of the cleanup of the bonding cements. The restoration
was placed first, and then the appropriate-sized Wave-Wedge was gently placed. Observation was made to see
whether or not the wedge had displaced the restoration. The restoration was removed by reattaching the pin
tweezers to the Griptab, but the Wave-Wedges were left in place. Alternatively, as was the case in this situation,
the Wave-Wedges can be placed first (Figure 16-16, G and H) and then the restorations can be tried-in, checking



FIGURE 16-16 A, Pre-treatment state of the teeth. B, Completed E4D computer-aided design and manufacturing e.max
low-translucency restorations. C, Griptabs bonded to the restorations. D, Pin tweezers holding the Griptab during hydro-
fluoric acid etching.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 457

Case Study (contd)




FIGURE 16-16, contd E, Ultrasonic cleaning. F, Pin tweezers holding the Griptab during silanation of the restoration.
G, Placement of the Wave-Wedge with the pin tweezers. H, Interdental papillae protected with Wave-Wedges of different
sizes. They also control the flow of expressed cement, aiding in cleanup. I, Minimal interproximal cement was present once
the Wave-Wedges were removed. J, Completed restorations immediately post-cementation.
Continued on next page
458 Porcelain Veneers Inserting Esthetic Restorations

Case Study (contd)

that the margins are closed to confirm that the wedges are not interfering with the seating of the restorations.
The Wave-Wedges also protect the interdental papilla when the preparation surfaces are air abraded before the
bonding procedures.
The bonding procedures were completed for the tooth and restoration, and the bonding cement was placed
on the restoration, which was placed again into the cavity. The Wave-Wedge will prevent excess cement from
contaminating the interproximal restoration margins and reduce the volume of interproximal excess. Once the
cement has begun to gel, removal of the minimal excess cement is facilitated by the removal of the Wave-Wedge
(Figures 16-16, I and J).

Porcelain Laminate Veneers

Galip Gurel

RELEVANCE OF PORCELAIN to treat all cases with veneers, no matter how crowded the teeth
VENEERS TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY were or what their positioning, and exposed a lot of dentin
structure. When the concept of interdisciplinary dentistry came
Veneers are one of the most revolutionary techniques devel- to the forefront, dentists thinking changed toward how best to
oped over the past 25 years. Implants and bonding changed align teeth on the dental arch. After the teeth had been brought
the profession of dentistry. When dental professionals realized into correct position, the preparation focused on how to get the
that porcelain can bond onto composite and therefore onto best esthetic results without removing too much sound tooth
the tooth surface, it changed everyones livesincluding structure.
patients. With veneers it is possible to create amazing esthetic Currently, the name of the game when it comes to minimal
results and yet retain considerable solid tooth structure. The tooth preparation is being additive on the tooth surface.
key to being successful in these restorations is keeping tooth Except in the case of color changes, veneers are mainly being
preparation as minimal as possible. In that way dental profes- applied on middle-aged or older teeth. Regardless, besides the
sionals respect the tooth structure by leaving enamel in place. incisal attrition on the incisors, some volume is lost on the
The bonding figures change dramatically when all the enamel facial sides of the tooth, and they needed to be brought back
is removed from the tooth surface. By maintaining enamel, to their original volumes. Even if there is no abrasion on the
the dentist prepares a good surface for bonding. The focus facial surface, dentists need to try to create the smile design by
is on the patient in the chair and trying to save all the adding onto the teeth. The more that is added, the more space
sound tooth structure and yet produce an esthetically pleasing is created for the post (tooth) structure. Working in an additive
result. fashion, with mock-ups and smile design, is the best way to be
minimally invasive but to achieve maximum esthetics. People
with thick lips can easily support such buildups. If it is impos-
sible to achieve the esthetics, meaning whatever is added to the
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL patients smile does not look good, then adjunctive therapy,
such as orthodontics or aligning those teeth 0.5mm more lin-
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION gually to create space for porcelain, should achieve the desired

Pioneers in the field, Drs John R. Calamia and Harold Horn

were the first to publish on this procedure, and dental technician
Adrian Jurim was the first to make it a feasible discipline. In the RELATING FUNCTION
early 1980s, because of the adhesives available, it was not pos- AND ESTHETICS
sible to bond to dentin. At that time the dentists goal was simply
to keep the preparation in the enamel, and this made it some- The goal should consist of equal parts function and esthetics.
times impossible to obtain the best esthetic results owing to If one or the other is compromised, the case is prone to
tooth positioning. When newer and better bonding agents were failure.
developed and it became possible to bond onto dentin, it was The first step is to complete the mock-up in mouth, trying
then possible to both expose some dentin and obtain a better to roughly gauge the esthetic outcome on the face. If the occlu-
esthetic result. Dentists pushed the limits too far when they tried sion is working relatively well, the mock-up is transferred to the

460 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Laminate Veneers

laboratory and the laboratory technicians are asked to wax up bonding to dentin or enamel, that whatever is sound in the
the case on a mounted model. With that it is possible to see tooth structure should be left on the tooth, and dentists should
(1) the esthetic outcome and (2) how the restoration fits with push the limits to make veneers or composite veneers instead
the patients functional movements (occlusion). Usually either of crowns, which should be the last option.
the shape or the length of the teeth is altered. This allows the
dentist to modify the anterior guidance in the patients
Current Best Approach
The wax-up is sent back from the laboratory and tried in the When a patient has esthetic concerns for the front teeth, the
patients mouth. (The author refers to the wax-up as the aesthetic dentist should always have an in-depth conversation with the
pre-evaluation temporary [APT], as the test for esthetics and patient in order best understand what the patient really wants.
function.) The patient has not been anesthetized and the teeth Sometimes the patient can have unrealistic expectations. It is
have not been prepared, but the model is in the patients mouth. essential that the dentist understand what the patient needs and
It can be left in place for a couple of minutes or a couple of expects.
days. After the occlusion and the esthetic outcome have Next the dentist should communicate with the patient on a
been double-checked, if everything is working fine, the case can three-dimensional basis using a solid mock-up. This mock-up
proceed. should approximate the new length of the teeth. The increased
volume on the facial surfaces of the teeth can effect lip support
and may also have a partial impact on phonetics. The mock
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS up will give an idea of what can be achieved toward the
desired end.
Indications The author first builds up the case as desired, including all
There are many indications for veneers: changing the shape the esthetic parameters, utilizing his artistic ability in the new
of the teeth, changing the color of the teeth, aligning the smile design. If the patient likes it, the case can be continued
teeth, and, when there are existing composite veneers that are right away. If the patient finds that the mock-up is short or
chipping, changing color or replacing them for better long, that it is too bulky, and so on, then adjustments can be
esthetics. made until the patients and dentists esthetic values line up.
Once the patient and dentist agree on the incisal edge position
(vertically and horizontally) and the facial contours of the teeth
Contraindications with this mock-up, this information is transferred to the labo-
Veneers are contraindicated when the tooth preparation will ratory. The laboratory then makes an index and builds the
result in excessive exposure of the dentin and when conditions wax-up according to the index. This wax-up is basically the
affect tooth alignment. If there is extreme protrusion, a better same as the mock-up, but it incorporates small details such as
treatment option is the interdisciplinary approach to bring the the incisal silhouette of the incisors, incisal embrasures, inter-
teeth in or to carefully prepare the surfaces where the veneer proximal contact, and surface features. The dentist then creates
will be bonded. Another contraindication is damaged dentin a clinical index and a template from this wax-up. This is
that needs to be bonded (e.g., sclerotic dentin). These critical brought chairside for the second appointment.
issues should be considered before beginning a treatment using Before the author starts treatment (anesthetizing the patient,
veneers. tooth preparation), the template is placed in the patients
mouth using a provisional material. As mentioned earlier, this
can be referred to as the aesthetic pre-evaluative temporary
CLINICAL OPTIONS (APT) because it fits precisely in the patients mouth, making
it easy to check the lip supports, the final esthetic values, the
Patients can be treated with ceramic veneers, composite phonetics, and the occlusion. It is possible to see if a con-
veneers, crowns, or not at all. The whole process begins with stricted envelope has been created, whether the patient feels
the patients expectations and needs. If the patient comes to trapped by the length of the upper and lower veneers, and so
the office for a posterior filling and does not require anything on. There are two possible results at this stage: everything looks
additional, it is not necessary to introduce veneers. But if the fine, or the patient or dentist may have complaints about the
patient asks for better esthetic results, the option should be wax-up that can easily be corrected. If changes are needed, an
offered. The simplest treatment can be a composite or a porce- impression is taken and sent back to the laboratory to guide
lain veneer. If the case involves a single tooth or two teeth that the buildup.
must be better positioned, composites can do a great job. For
creating a new smile design, composite veneers are not the first
choice. The author prefers to do the mock-up with composite INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
and then to bring the case (with the wax-up) to a talented
ceramist to get the best results. If the tooth has not been previ- Several scientific elements have changed over the last 30 years
ously prepared for a crown, there is no need for a crown resto- to make porcelain veneers possible. In the early 1980s, veneers
ration. Today the bonding materials are so strong, whether had limited indications because dentistry considered them only
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 461

something to be built on the enamel surface. With the introduc- wide, bright, straightforward smile may be the easiest thing to
tion of third-generation bonding materials that could be used do, but creating a natural smile should be the focus in todays
on dentin and with wet bonding, dentists realized that it was dentistry.
possible to bond porcelain to the dentin surface. The newly
expanded indications started the development of veneer mate-
rial. The introduction of pressable ceramics, refractory die
systems, and platinum foil systems have all added to the profes- TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
sion. Todays veneers (and some partial veneers) can be bonded
on non-prepared teeth, which makes it possible to keep the
entire sound tooth structure intact and still achieve great esthetic Each case is unique and will have its own special considerations.
results with porcelain. For minimally invasive dentistry, it is necessary to try to work
as additively as possible. Adding materials, especially with the
thickness of a veneer, is the best approach. This will result in the
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS removal of a minimal amount of tooth structure or possibly even
no tooth structure removal.
One of todays significant artistic elements involves building up The first stage in any case is the mock-up. This mock-up will
from the outside in, which means developing the smile design give a rough indication of the smile design. Once the mock-up
first and then adding appropriate elements to the buildup. has been created and the patient and dentist have agreed on the
These elements can be veneers, implants, or crowns, but the incisal edge positions and the facial contours of the restora-
main starting point is determining the proper design for the tions, then the mock-up is sent to the laboratory so a real-size
esthetic outcome. In addition to this design, relating the form, wax-up can be created. Using silicone indexes and matrices, the
the surface texture, and the layered colored element within the laboratory attempts to make the exact smile design out of wax.
porcelain buildup structure are all extremely important. It is When the wax-up is returned to the dentist (stage two), it is
also important to relate the form, the shape, and the texture of placed into the mouth as an APT, which allows both the dentist
the teeth so that they will match the character and age of the and the patient to see the results before beginning the case. It is
patient. possible that the patient may not like it, and rarely it may be
All of these elements have a major influence on the esthetic necessary to stop the case at this point. If the patients expecta-
outcome. For example, matching the veneers with a patients age tions are very high or impossible to reach, usually this will be
requires careful consideration. Young teeth have great texture revealed at this stage. The patient is not numb, which means
and a surface refractive index that is totally different from that there is lip control and it is possible to check phonetics, the
of an aged persons teeth. A young tooth has a brighter color and incisal edge, lip posture, and so on. If the patient is happy, the
a more reflective index. As a patient ages, the shape of the tooth teeth can be prepared.
also ages. There may be some attrition in the incisal edges, which The APT, which defines the final facial contours of the
will make the tooth look shorter. The shorter the teeth the expanded restoration, is left on the tooth. The dentist starts
smaller the incisal embrasures, so the incisal curvature turns out preparing the tooth through the APT. The author recommends
to be an incisal line with no embrasures. The facial structure also using a depth cutter, chosen on the basis of the thickness of the
begins to round, and sharp surface textures start to soften. The porcelain to be applied. That depends on the color of the tooth,
color hue gets higher, and the value gets lower. These changes the porcelain material being used, and so on. The depth cutter
develop from the teenage years through the mid-30s and the 40s chosen will be used through the APT and will yield an exact
and into old age. thickness of the porcelain to be built on that tooth. Most of the
When treating a 60-year-old patient, the dentist may find time the dentist will not even touch the tooth surface, as it is
that all the surface texture is gone, the teeth are shorter, and the built up additively at the mock-up stage. The author suggests
need is to restore an esthetic smile. In planning for smile resto- that this is the best type of smile design, because, when it
ration, the first goal is to make the patient look younger. The comes to the tooth preparation, this leads to the most mini-
elements found in a younger appearance include longer central mally invasive tooth preparation techniques. Once the facial
teeth, teeth following the lips, and better incisal embrasures. (average 0.5mm) and incisal (average 1.5mm) reductions have
The key is to decide what age to bring that patient to. For a been done, the remnants of the APT are removed and the
60-year-old patient, the maximum aim should be making the preparation of the margins is continued under high magnifica-
smile look 10 to 15 years younger, not 40 years younger. tion (with loupes or microscope). During that time, 99% of the
Instead of using the elements seen in a teenager, it is best to preparations will be limited to the enamel, so the bonding
analyze what the tooth or the smile could look like for this will be perfectno microleakage, no delamination risks. If
patient at age 45 years. It is not appropriate to attempt to the dentist appropriately manages the occlusion, there will be
produce a drastic surface texture, dramatic incisal embrasures, almost no breakages.
or extremely wide teeth. Next the dentist makes an impression and, by using the same
When beautifying a smile, many things must be approached wax-up template, finishes the provisionals of the patient. These
carefully, including the color of the tooth and how imperfections steps produce a predictable, precise, and repeatable result each
are included in a smile to make it look more natural. Making a time, whether an easy or a complicated case.
462 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Laminate Veneers

all the veneers are in place. The whole thing should be cleaned
Procedure before polymerization. If there is any material left, it can be
The author uses the depth cutter on the APT and concentrates removed using No. 12 blades.
on preserving tissue around the tooth. It is important to be
very precise with the margins. Subgingival margins are avoided
unless one is closing a gap or masking a discoloration. Other EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
wise, placing the margin in either a gingival or supragingival
location is appropriate. Margins are finished under the micro- When it comes to porcelain veneers, every step is evidence based.
scope. There should be no sharp right angles or sharp corners. The major concern is the tooth preparation. The tooth has a
The best way to accomplish this is to finish all the prepara- certain amount of flexure in it. The more a tooth is prepared,
tions with extra-fine round and fine finishing burs. The the greater this flexure will be. Much research has been done
author recommends a sandpaper disk for rounding all the showing that if all the enamel is removed from the surface of
sharp edges. The author also uses a white Arkansas stone the tooth, this flexure becomes dramatically higher. It is always
finish of the preparations to polish. For impression taking, better to keep the preparation minimal in order to avoid tooth
the author rarely uses retraction cords but instead tries to flexure. With all the enamel on the tooth surface, there is less
keep the tooth and soft tissues as dry as possible in order to flexure because enamel is a very brittle but rigid substance that
achieve the best result, no matter which impression material protects tooth integrity. The more enamel that is removed, the
is used. more flexure there will be, and the more danger that the veneer
After the impression is obtained, a provisional is made. (For may break afterward.
this provisional the author recommends using the rapid Another advantage of making teeth preparations minimally
simplified veneer provisionals [RSVP] technique developed by invasive is that it allows margins to stay on enamel. Hundreds
Robert Margeas and Robert Nixon.) First, a one-third incisal is of evidence-based research papers cover how composites or
placed into the patients mouth, light cured, and fully polymer- luting resins bond to enamel. There is also an extensive amount
ized. The shrinkage of the composite (or any kind of provi- of research that documents how best to prepare the internal force
sional material) will cause it to lock itself to the incisal of the veneer to obtain optimal bonding surfaces. The time
embrasures so that the provisional veneers will not come off. frame for application of the acid, the concentration of the acid,
The other two-thirds gingival part is filled with freehand carved the type of the porcelain, and whether it is glass based, pressed,
composites. These are some simple tricks that can be used or reinforcedall these factors will affect the quality of the
every time. porcelain surface treatment. The applications of saline solution,
adhesive, and luting resins are all evidence based and must also
be considered.
The veneer can hold onto dentin surfaces. It is possible to
Finishing bond veneer composites on dentin surfaces, but on a natural
The author uses a sectional rubber dam when finishing veneers tooth there is an amazing fusion of enamel to dentin that cannot
in almost every case. It makes the work very easy, but if there is be replaced by artificial materials. Therefore it is always better
sulcular fluid exuding, only a retraction cord or a rubber dam to keep natural enamel and dentin fusion and to add something
specifically prepared for that single tooth can be used. on top of it. If, for some reason, this junction is lost, then it is
The second stage starts with bonding the veneer. First, the possible to bond veneers on the dentin surface as well. It is
inside of the veneer is filled with the luting resin; it is applied impossible, however, to recreate the same strength as bonding
from the incisal tip to the incisal edge of the tooth and gently on enamel.
rolled. This helps to avoid having air bubbles that could be
blocked under the veneer. When the veneer is gently pressed
over the tooth, the dentist should feel the excess luting agent
expressing at all the margins. If not, that means there isnt CLINICAL CONSERVATION
enough luting resin in the area, and there is a chance of CONCEPTS
leaving a small gap between the tooth and the veneer.
One should not fully polymerize at this stage. The dentist With todays bonding possibilities, there is almost no reason to
may want to clear out the excess resin with some cotton-tipped prepare a tooth for full-crown coverage when there is a lot of
swabs. However, the whole area may become extremely messy. sound tooth structure tissue. An exception might be teeth that
The authors preference is to spot tack the middle third with a have already been prepared for a crown or teeth that need to
2-mm turbotip in order to hold the veneer in place. The be the anchors of bridgework. The author rarely prepares teeth
dentist then switches to a larger light-curing tip and gently for a full-coverage crown.
light cures it for 1 or 2 seconds. This brings all the excess Porcelain veneers are the optimal choice. In some cases these
materials into a jelly-like consistency that can be easily peeled offer the opportunity to treat teeth without preparation. If the
off. The dentist then cures the veneer completely, with nothing indication is there, prep-less porcelain veneers should definitely
left to do at the margins. It is vital to not touch the margins be the first choice. In many cases dentists should also consider
with any kind of bur after the veneer has been cemented until the interdisciplinary approach.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 463

There are two ways of making (or attempting to make) prep- appropriate, but some data indicate that it is not important.
less veneers: There is nothing wrong with sealing the dentin in advance, but
1. If possible, an additive technique must be used to keep it complicates the provisional process, as the dentin must be
the tooth in its original position. The goal is to add the sealed completely so that the veneer will not bond onto that
optimal volume to the tooth in order to bring the tooth surface. If the patient is hypersensitive, sealing immediately
back to its previous volume. Patients with thicker lips will when the teeth are prepared will prevent hypersensitivity reac-
accept this more readily. If material can be added onto that tions. Bonding on fresh dentin is always best.
surface and the esthetics are acceptable, it is a good choice In immediate dentin sealing, the surface is sandblasted, the
because then the thickness of the mock-up will be replaced surface energy reactivated, and then the bond is generated. The
by the thickness of the veneer. This means dentists will author recommends the immediate dentin bonding technique
prepare almost nothing from the tooth structure. but notes that it should be done using a thick filled adhesive.
2. If the appearance is not esthetically pleasing, dentists have Later, when bonding the veneer, the author gently sandblasts it
the choice of using orthodontics to bring those teeth 0.5 and then re-etches and bond to that surface.
to 1mm palatally, creating space for the porcelain to be

The materials available now have extremely nice optical
Once veneers are in place on the patients teeth, issues in main- effects. The bonding strength to porcelain is already beyond the
tenance must be considered. Whenever a piece of glass is bonded strength needed. There may be stronger porcelain developed, but
onto the patients teeth, the material is brittle and needs to be the strength of even the weakest porcelain is 60 to 70
protected. This can be accomplished in two ways. For example, megapascalsmore than enough if the veneers are bonded
if the patients occlusion is not adjusted well, it is likely that the properly.
veneers will break. Habits also play an important role. These It is possible that manufacturing systems may be able to mill
include habits such as biting a pencil and grinding or clenching the glass ceramics down into 0.05 to 0.1mm. That would create
during sleep. It is strongly urged that patients wear a night guard extremely thin cosmetic porcelain.
after the veneers are in place. Clear or transparent veneer cements are already available.
Commonly, all veneers are finished supragingivally, so the Colored cements tend to change color with time, becoming
dental hygienist scales the area well away from the veneers. darker or yellower, and an opaquing color resin does not
However, if the margin is located subgingivally, the hygienist help when dealing with a major color problem. To make this
may need to use plastic tips around these areas. work perfectly, good communication between the laboratory
and the dentist should be established. The communication
should not be simply written or verbal, but should include
CONTROVERSIES several photos in different settings showing the problem
areas. In the laboratory the veneers should be built on a
The major controversy concerns exposing too much dentin. specifically colored duplicate die material and the final veneer
The question of whether one should immediately seal the color adjusted so that when the veneers come back the color
dentin in these cases arises. Strong data indicate that this is should be correct.
464 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Laminate Veneers

Clinical Case
A 50-year-old man desired treatment for an un-esthetic smile. There was loss of enamel on the facial surfaces
owing to excessive lemon consumption. The patient received veneers, and the esthetic outcome was successful
(Figure 16-17).



FIGURE 16-17 A to C, Un-esthetic smile with incisally chipped and abraded teeth. D to F, Loss of enamel on the facial
surfaces of the teeth from the excessive consumption of lemons.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 465

Clinical Case (contd)



FIGURE 16-17, contd G and H, Views of the palatal surfaces, which have not been affected by acid erosion. I, The aes-
thetic pre-evaluation temporary (APT) built up in the mouth. APTs are completed chairside (before tooth preparation) with
the help of the template done from the wax-up. J to L, Both functional (occlusal) contacts and esthetic outcomes are evalu-
ated and communicated with the patient.
Continued on next page
466 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Laminate Veneers

Clinical Case (contd)




FIGURE 16-17, contd M, Tooth preparation through the APT using depth cutter burs. N, The necessary depths created
facially and incisally. O, The main gross reductions made according to the initial preps using the depth cutter. P, The
remaining APT material removed (mostly from the interproximal areas). Q, Note the minimal preparation that was neces-
sary as a result of the use of the technique. R, The depth is double-checked with the help of a silicone matrix created from
the wax-up. S, The old composite fillings are removed and the preparations are complete.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 467

Clinical Case (contd)




FIGURE 16-17, contd T to V, The same strategy described for the upper teeth is used on the lower teeth: necessary depths
(T), minimal preparation (U), and depth double-checked (V). W and X, Facial (W) and lateral (X) views of the smile after
the veneers have been placed. Y to AA, Intraoral views of the veneers. Note the corrected occlusal plane.
Continued on next page
468 Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Laminate Veneers

Clinical Case (contd)



FIGURE 16-17, contd BB and CC, Occlusal views of the veneers. DD to FF, Before-treatment view (DD) and after-treatment
views (EE and FF) of the patients smile.
C H A P T E R 17

Esthetic Inlays and Onlays

Ron Jackson


Esthetic inlays and onlays have become viable restorative alterna- ONLAY PROCEDURES
tives for moderately broken down posterior teeth and an integral
means of restoring teeth. Advances in adhesive technology and Development and Use of Direct
esthetic dental materialsfor example, composite resins and Amalgam Fillings and Gold Inlays
ceramicshave enabled clinicians to use conservative prepara-
tions to place restorations that also reinforce the remaining tooth
and Onlays
structures. In addition, these restorations satisfy the increasing Amalgam fillings have been used for well over a century and offer
patient expectations for a natural or enhanced appearance. The the most user-friendly material for restoring posterior teeth.
directly placed resin restoration is clearly the most conservative Their low technology advantages include technique forgiveness
posterior restoration in contemporary dentistry. Although this and tolerance for conditions encountered when not using a
technique requires only that diseased tooth structures be removed rubber dam, such as susceptibility to contamination from blood,
and replaced, direct resin is subject to shrinkage when it is light sulcular fluid, or saliva. Amalgams are also condensable, so
cured. This can result in stretch forces on the bond or the tooth contact can be more readily achieved. From the dentists stand-
with the potential for postoperative sensitivity and/or microleak- point, amalgam has been a good restorative material, being
age if these forces are not relieved by elastomeric flow in the applied through a technique that is easy to learn and execute.
resin. Although this development is less problematic in smaller Amalgam also has good longevity and the lowest cost of any of
class II cavities and can be controlled or limited somewhat by the restorative materials. Among amalgams significant deficien-
technique, it is of greater concern in larger carious lesions. cies are its susceptibility to constant corrosion, inability to
Esthetic inlay and onlay restorations attempt to minimize this strengthen the teeth, inability to seal teeth initially, and lack of
inherent property of light-cured resins, because only the thin esthetics. Many patients and dentists are also concerned about
layer of luting resin is subject to polymerization shrinkage at the mercury issue, because amalgam is 50% mercury. Recently,
restoration placement. environmental concerns about contamination of the water
The effect of patient expectations on the growth of tooth supply have led to increased regulations and even calls for a ban
colored posterior restorations has been significant. In 1990, 94% on further use, which has been instituted in some countries. Cast
of American dentists chose amalgam as their primary posterior gold has been used for over a century. Gold is an inert material,
filling material, but this dropped to 76% by 1995. In 2010 can be alloyed to almost an ideal hardness value, so as to be kind
Limoli & Associates, a company that tracks dental procedures to opposing tooth structure, and when properly applied has been
and fees, reported that posterior composite restorations outnum- shown to have a longevity of decades. Often gold is considered
bered amalgam by 2 to 1. In a survey conducted by the American the gold standard of restorative dentistry. Its main deficiency
Dental Association in 2002, the question was asked, In your is its color. However, when the restoration is placed in second
dental practices, is amalgam still your material of choice? At molars or when the patient is not concerned about the color,
that time only 54% of dentists chose amalgam as their primary selecting cast gold for moderate to large cavities is one of the
filling material. By 2005, about a third of U.S. dentists no longer wisest choices the dentist can make.
used amalgam at all, and the remaining two thirds reported that The esthetic inlay and onlay procedure successfully using
amalgam use was continually declining. A significant impetus ceramic and/or processed composites began to be used around the
for this change in practice has come from patients. Also, a sig- mid-to-late 1980s, shortly after the introduction of ceramic
nificant number of dentists, perhaps the majority, believe that a veneers for anterior teeth. Both treatments paralleled advances
conservative, bonded, tooth-reinforcing, sealed restoration is in adhesive dentistry in general. Stacked, feldspathic porcelain
restoratively better than an amalgam filling. Patients, however, or indirect composite inlays and onlays were also introduced to
focus almost exclusively on appearance, a reflection of societys address some of the deficiencies of direct composites, which at
desire for nice smiles and better-looking teeth. the time, were considerable when applied to posterior teeth.

470 Esthetic Inlays and Onlays

They included high wear, low strength, high shrinkage, and has much higher compressive strength, flexural strength, and
difficult placement, especially in light of dentists training in modulus of elasticity than direct composite.
placing metals in posterior teeth, a technique quite different In essence, these restorations are ideal for the moderately
from what is used for direct composites. In addition, laboratory- broken-down posterior tooth, the type of situation in which the
fabricated ceramic and processed indirect composite yielded cavity is too large or the tooth is subjected to too much func-
improved physical properties, improved contours, predictable tional demand, contraindicating the placement of an amalgam
ideal proximal contacts, and the potential for better, more or direct resin restoration, yet in which the dentist may be
appropriately placed functional occlusal contacts. uncomfortable preparing the whole tooth for a full-coverage
crown. This consideration is becoming increasingly important
as patients are educated about the benefits of modern adhesive
dentistry, for example, esthetics, conservation of tooth structure,
RELATING FUNCTION better seal, and tooth reinforcement. When patients understand
AND ESTHETICS the reduction of the natural tooth needed for crown restorations,
they often prefer esthetic inlay or onlay restorations to preserve
Achieving a predictable-quality proximal contact can be chal- remaining healthy tooth structure.
lenging in class II direct resin restorations, particularly in a
moderately broken down tooth. It can also be difficult to rou-
tinely achieve adequate contacts in teeth with a compromised
arch position or a mal-alignment. Certainly, the amount of Similar to all adhesive restorations, inlay or onlay restorations are
tooth structure being replaced can be a factor in treatment plan- contraindicated when adequate isolation and control of saliva,
ning specific to the ease of placement and quality of the defini- sulcular fluid, or blood contamination cannot be achieved for the
tive result. The functional loading on the restorative material, adhesive process. Second molars, when they are the last tooth in
especially when one or more cusps are missing, is certainly the dental arch, can be particularly challenging esthetic inlay or
greater than in smaller cavities. Also, it is known that occluding onlay restorations. They frequently have short clinical crowns,
forces increase from anterior to posterior. Therefore, posterior can be difficult to isolate, and are subject to higher occlusal forces,
esthetic restorations not only have to satisfy patient desires for particularly in patients who clench or brux. Over-engineering
natural appearance, but they need the necessary strength factors the restoration in these teeth may be a wise approach, meaning
to be durable over time. onlaying cusps that might not be onlayed on other teeth or
Finally, the reduction of microleakage, particularly when gin- proceeding to a full-coverage crown rather than placing a large
gival margins are in dentin, may also be a factor when choosing multicusp onlay. It is the authors opinion that a cast gold inlay
an inlay or onlay over a direct composite restoration, especially or onlay is restoratively preferable to an esthetic one in the second
in larger cavities. Although there are studies showing these type molar location. Fortunately, many patients are okay with the lack
of indirect restorations show reduced microleakage in such of esthetics because of the reduced visibility.
instances, not all investigations are in agreement, and complete
elimination of microleakage at dentin margins has not been
achieved by any of the current adhesive systems. MATERIAL OPTIONS
Commercial and indirect resin ceramic systems are listed in
The two primary esthetic inlay or onlay restoration indications
are as follows: (1) the patients desire for a nonmetal restoration, Some of the laboratory-fabricated resin systems have been in
making this indication essentially patient driven, and (2) restor- existence for 10 to over 22 years and have proven clinical efficacy.
ative considerations determined by the clinician. In recent years the physical properties and clinical performance
Generally it is believed that a direct resin restoration should of these materials have improved significantly (see Table 17-1).
be restricted to smaller cavities, defined as those whose cavity Although controversy exists as to which material, indirect com-
width is one third or less of the buccal lingual width of the tooth. posite or ceramic, provides the optimum long-term, durable,
Once the cavity exceeds a third of the buccal lingual width, esthetic restoration, this author believes both indirect resin and
a significant amount of the functional demand is being placed ceramics can be used successfully. The final determination should
on the restoration, with much less on the tooth. In these cases, rest with the clinician and be guided by personal preference.
indirect composite or ceramic restorations should be considered Numerous factors contribute to a high-quality restoration, and
rather than direct resin restorations. Even using the maximum each must be examined with respect to the material, the fabrica-
polymerization energy and time, direct composites that are light tion process, and the clinical technique. Clearly, indirect com-
polymerized achieve a maximum conversion of about 60%. posite materials are being fabricated with enhanced durability,
When the composite is secondarily processed in the laboratory, wear resistance, and fit. The ultimate long-term success is a
polymerization can be driven to 95% or higher and the mate- function of the materials used, the technique used by the
rials physical properties are increased accordingly. Ceramic clinician and the laboratory technician, and the patients care.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 471

TABLE 17-1 Commercial and Indirect seems to be currently the preferred material. For onlays the mar-
Resin Ceramic Systems ketplace is weighted more toward ceramics than indirect com-
posite but not by much. Numerous clinical trials have shown
PRODUCT PRODUCT ceramic inlays or onlays to be viable restorations over time.
Commercial Indirect Resin Systems ESTHETIC INLAYS OR ONLAYS
Visio Gem Sinfony 3M ESPE (St Paul, Options
Conquest Sculpture Plus Pentron Clinical Figure 17-1 shows a very large amalgam in the first molar replac-
(Wallingford, ing a cusp. In the second molar there is an occlusal amalgam.
Connecticut) In treatment planning for the second molar, which has some
recurrent caries, the amalgam restoration can easily be replaced
Herculite Lab Premise Kerr Corp. (Orange,
with a direct composite because of the relatively small size.
Indirect California)
The first molar has a very large amount of amalgam in need of
Concept* Adoro Ivoclar (Schaan, replacement, so the decision is between going to a full-coverage
Liechtenstein; crown, which would necessitate virtually removing the three
Amherst, New remaining cusps, or removing all the old alloy plus any associ-
York) ated disease, leaving the three remaining cusps, and placing a
Cristobal+ DENTSPLY bonded esthetic onlay. The latter is far more conservative because
International (York, of the tooth reinforcement achieved by bonding to a significant
Pennsylvania) amount of enamel and because the three cusps are preserved.
Gradia Indirect GC America (Aslip, Potentially this tooth may never need to be crowned. The case
Illinois) in Figure 17-2 shows the advantages, both conservative and
Tescera ATL Bisco Inc. esthetic, of adhesive onlay restorations.
(Schaumberg, Figure 17-3 shows four amalgams, two in molars and two in
Illinois) premolars. Those in the premolars would be defined as relatively
small restorations. When one also considers the amount of
Commercial Ceramic Systems
occlusal force premolars are subjected to, these amalgams could
Duceram LFC DENTSPLY be replaced with direct composite resin restorations.
International (York, The distal lingual cusp of the first molar is cracked. Because
Pennsylvania) the restoration will be an onlay, and given the heavy functional
Omega 900 Vident (Brea, demand on first molars, this author believes that an onlay is the
California) best restoration, whether it be cast gold, ceramic, or indirect
Finesse or DENTSPLY composite. This patient preferred an esthetic restoration, so an
Finesse All International (York, indirect composite was used. The width of the cavity in the
Ceramic Pennsylvania) second molar qualifies it as a small cavity, which might be well
Authentic Jensen Dental served by a direct composite restoration. However, the func-
(North Haven, tional aspects of this particular tooth must also be considered.
Connecticut) There is a greater than normal inter-tooth distance between the
OPC Pentron Clinical first and second molars as evidenced by the placement of the
(Wallingford, amalgam on the distal of the first molar well into the proximal
Connecticut) space and the placement of the amalgam in the second molar
well into the proximal space so that these two fillings contact.
IPS Empress or Ivoclar Vivadent
This creates a very large gingival embrasure and a lack of support.
IPS e.max (Schaan,
Although this is not a particular problem with amalgam, which
has great strength to withstand function without tooth support,
Amherst, New
direct resin has neither the flexural strength nor the fracture
toughness to withstand the functional forces in the second molar
*Concept was known as Isosit SR Inlay/Onlay outside North America. area when the restoration is virtually cantilevered into the proxi-

Premise Indirect was formerly belleGlass HP.

Adoro is available only outside the United States. mal area. Therefore an indirect restoration, such as indirect
composite or ceramic inlay, would be preferred over direct com-
In comparison to ceramic materials, inlay or onlay restorations posite material, which otherwise might have been considered
composed of composite resin can generally be fabricated with because of the small size of the cavity.
greater ease in the laboratory. Resins also demonstrate improved The ideal option for the second molar is an inlay, but that
wear compatibility against opposing tooth structure and can be inlay could have been of cast gold as well as an esthetic material.
repaired more easily intra-orally. For inlays, indirect composite The patient desired a non-metallic restoration (Figure 17-4).
472 Esthetic Inlays and Onlays


FIGURE 17-1 Case demonstrating the advantages (conservative and esthetic) of adhesive onlay restorations.


FIGURE 17-2 A, A very large amalgam in the first molar (replacing a cusp) and occlusal amalgam in second molar. B, Amalgam
replaced with direct composite (second molar) and bonded esthetic onlay (first molar).

FIGURE 17-3 Four amalgams, two in molars and two in FIGURE 17-4 Non-metallic restoration of the case in
premolars. Figure 17-3.

stability in the posterior is critical to the durability and longevity

Sequence of any cosmetic anterior service.
Unless full-mouth reconstruction is planned along with an
increase in vertical dimension, esthetic inlay or onlay restora- CLINICAL PROCEDURES
tions can be sequenced according to urgency of need. As with
all adhesive restorations, if the patient is undergoing bleaching,
a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks should pass before one proceeds The principles of cavity preparation for esthetic inlays or onlays
to restoring the teeth. The timing of inlays and onlays versus differ from those for gold restorations. For esthetic inlay or onlay
other restorative services is determined on a case-by-case basis. restorations, bevels and retention forms are not needed. Resis-
Although patients are often eager to proceed with anterior tance form is generally not necessary but may be required in
esthetic improvements, they need to understand that restored very large onlay restorations. Cavity walls are flared 5 degrees to
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 473

15 degrees in total (10 degrees to 12 degrees ideal), and the cusp before overlaying of the cusp is considered. Studies have
gingival floor can be prepared with a butt joint. The internal line investigated the use of bonded inlay or onlay restorations
angles are rounded, the minimum isthmus width is 2mm, and for this area, but no clinical consensus on when to remove a
the minimum depth thickness is 1.5mm (Figure 17-5). cusp has been reached. Because these restorations reinforce the
For onlay restorations, nonworking and working cusps are remaining tooth structure, the traditional guidelines for overlay-
covered with at least 1.5mm and 2mm of material, respectively. ing a cusp as in cast gold onlays have been modified. When there
If the cusp to be onlayed shows in the patients smile, a more is no dentin support directly underneath the cusp tip, the author
esthetic blended margin is achieved by a further 1- to 2-mm routinely onlays the cusp. The palatal or working cusp is onlayed,
reduction with a 1-mm chamfer (Figure 17-6). The proper cavity even with dentin support if the margin is within 1mm of the
form can be prepared using bur kits (e.g., Esthetic Inlay/Onlay, cusp tip (Figure 17-7). When the margin is beyond 1mm from
Brasseler USA, Savannah, Georgia). the cusp tip, the cusp gains dentin support and bond strength
When the occlusal aspect of the cavity is prepared, undercuts increases. The horizontal lines depict the direction of the enamel
should not be eliminated by removing healthy tooth structure, rods. At the cusp tip the enamel rods are almost vertical and
which compromises the conservatism of this approach. The etching would be on their sides. As the margin moves away from
objective is to establish divergence in the enamel, then block out the cusp tip the ends become etched, which has been shown to
all undercuts. This is possible using bonded resin or a resin- increase bond strength (Figure 17-8).
modified glass ionomer. For cemented castings it is generally best The non-working or buccal cusp is not onlayed in this
to overlay a working cusp when the cavosurface margin is more diagram even when the margin is at the cusp tip. If the posterior
than 50% up the incline of the cusp. The cavosurface margin teeth are discluded in lateral jaw movements, there are no forces
can extend up to 75% up the cuspal incline of a nonworking applied to this cusp.
In the authors experience it is not uncommon to find cracks on
the pulpal floor under cusps when removing amalgams that have
6 6 been in place for some time, particularly moderate-sized ones.
2.0mm min.
Whether the teeth exhibit pain on chewing (e.g., cracked tooth
syndrome) or are asymptomatic, these cusps should be overlayed.

Onlay cusp

90 - 120

Flared walls- no bevels Palatal Buccal

Gingivalfloor - butt joint 5 - 15 divergence
Internal line angles - rounded

FIGURE 17-5 Preparation for aesthetic inlay. (Courtesy Montage

Media Corporation, Mahwah, New Jersey.)

FIGURE 17-7 Onlay cusp.

Do not onlay cusp

1.5 - 2.0mm

Palatal Buccal
2.0mm Undercut
min. blocked out

1 mm
FIGURE 17-6 Preparation for aesthetic onlay. (Courtesy Montage
Media Corporation, Mahwah, New Jersey.) FIGURE 17-8 Do not onlay cusp.
474 Esthetic Inlays and Onlays

Logic also dictates that for patients with parafunctional original strength of the tooth. Clinical evidence also supports
habits (e.g., bruxism or clenching) the cusps should be overlayed the longevity of these restorations. A significant number of
more aggressively. patients show longevity greater than 10 years.
A popular technique to which this author subscribes is called
immediate dentin sealing (IDS). First described by Paul and
Scharer in 1997, this technique has been clinically popularized by
Dr Pascal Magne. The technique is based on the logic that the There are two aspects to maintenance: normal patient mainte-
strongest dentin bond is achieved when dentin is bonded imme- nance (brushing, flossing, and routine home care) and reparabil-
diately after being cut and before becoming contaminated, such ity of the restoration. Compared with ceramic, indirect composite
as occurs during the provisional phase. Besides the pulpal protec- is more predictable in terms of intra-oral repair. Having a repa-
tion afforded by this procedure, the patient has more comfort rable restoration extends its longevity without replacement
while the provisional is in place. Finally, early data show that the issues, which almost always involve the removal of extra tooth
ultimate bond of the restoration and the marginal integrity over structure and added tooth trauma.
time are improved. There are different approaches using different In repair of an indirect composite resin, first the fractured
adhesives to achieve IDS, but this author prefers placing a self- areaincluding the enamel and the existing resin composite
etching adhesive followed immediately after curing by a very thin restorationis roughened using a diamond bur. Often the resto-
layer of very-low-viscosity flowable composite resin. Any under- ration is also micro-etched before etching of the cavity and place-
cuts are blocked out simultaneously with the flowable resin. After ment of the bonding agent. The missing structure is then built up
curing, it is necessary to remove the air-inhibited layer. This can in direct composite. The restoration is then finished and polished.
be done by wiping the surface with a cotton pledget soaked in
alcohol. An alternative technique is to cover the surface with a NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
glycerin product such as DeOx (Ultradent, Products, Inc., South
Jordan, Utah) and light curing again. After washing and drying, The computer-assisted design and computer-assisted manufac-
the vertical enamel walls are prepared again with a finishing bur turing (CAD-CAM) approach is a valid procedure for fabricating
to remove any adhesive that may have flowed onto these surfaces. esthetic inlays or onlays. Many of the ceramic inlays or onlays
After preparation, an impression is obtained using an accu- ordered by dentists today are fabricated in the laboratory using
rate re-pourable material. This is sent to the laboratory with any milling machines. The two machines available in the marketplace
additional models, records, or information needed to fabricate today are the CEREC (Sirona Dental Systems, Charlotte, North
the restoration. The level of esthetics achieved with this restora- Carolina) and the E4D (D4D Technologies, Richardson, Texas).
tion is directly proportional to the level of communication The quality of the restorations that can be fabricated with these
between the clinician and laboratory technician. Consequently, milling machines in the dental office today is as good as that of
the color prescription must contain the occlusal base shade of laboratory-fabricated indirect resin or ceramic restorations with
the restoration, the gradient of shade from central fossa to cavo- respect to fit and function. Both approaches depend on the com-
surface margin, the degree and color of the desired pit and fissure mitment and skill of the operator. This can be the dentist or a
stains, and any maverick highlights present. For onlay restora- dental auxiliary who actually does the design and operates the
tions in the esthetic zone, the base shade at the facial margin milling equipment.
must be communicated to the laboratory technician via a Because this technology has been on the marketplace for a
detailed color prescription or a color photograph that includes number of years, growing literature documents the efficacy,
a shade tab in the picture. The shade is taken before preparation durability, and longevity of the restorations milled in the office
to avoid the misleading effects produced in a desiccated tooth. with CEREC machines. This technology has undergone and
Once this diagnostic information has been obtained, a direct continues to undergo constant upgrading and improvement.
provisional restoration (e.g., E-Z Temp Inlay or Onlay [Cosme- The issue to be considered is the level of esthetics achieved. In
dent Inc., Chicago, Illinois], Systemp Inlay or Onlay [Ivoclar most cases restorations fabricated in the laboratory are more
Vivadent, Amherst, New York]) is placed while the definitive esthetic because of the ability to do custom stains and create
restorations are fabricated in the laboratory. restorations with dentin opacity and enamel translucency. It
would take increased effort in the office to do this. Some dentists
fabricate the restorations on their milling machines and then
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES stain and glaze them in porcelain ovens to create a higher level
of esthetics. However, many dentists who use these machines in
Effectiveness and Potential Longevity their offices find monochromatic esthetics more than adequate
A good deal of science is documented in studies over the past for most patients. The final considerations are (1) costat the
20 years. Significant evidence details the effectiveness of the present time these machines require a significant expenditure,
enamel bonds in terms of both bond strength and durability. especially in initial costsand (2) integration of the technology
For esthetic inlays or onlays, evidence supports the effectiveness seamlessly and smoothly into the practice so that it enhances
of these enamel bonds with regard to tooth reinforcement. production rather than delays or complicates it. It is the authors
The literature lists tooth reinforcement numbers that indicate opinion that the final decision as to whether or not to use tech-
that when there are significant enamel bond surfaces, tooth nology is not a clinical decision but a business one.
reinforcement is achieved, even up to 70% to 80% of the Text continued on p. 480
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 475

C A S E 1
A 30-year-old man had a large failing mesial occlusal lingual amalgam in his lower right first molar (Figure 17-9,
A). He stated that it had been sensitive to cold for some time. On examination, marginal breakdown and recur-
rent decay were evident. All other teeth in the quadrant were virgin, and the patient requested a tooth colored
restoration. A direct composite resin was considered but rejected owing to the large cavity size and the high
function of a first molar. An esthetic full-coverage crown was rejected as being too aggressive, especially in light
of the patients youth. A more conservative esthetic indirect composite onlay was prescribed (Figure 17-9, B
to N).



FIGURE 17-9 A, Lower first molar with an mesial occlusal lingual amalgam filling that exhibits broken-down margins
and recurrent decay. B, The first step is to remove the alloy thats present without removing any tooth tissue. The second
step is to remove all caries, and cement bases, or liners present, generally with a slow speed round bur. C, The next step
in the preparation sequence is to prepare the occlusal portion of the cavity. This is done using a bucket-shaped diamond
bur with a taper of about 6 degrees, giving a divergence on the occlusal surface buccal lingual aspect of about 12 degrees.
The bur has a rounded shoulder so that internal angles will be rounded. Where there are undercuts, the only portion of
the bur doing any work is the part that is against the enamel walls. The objective is to create a divergence of the enamel
walls. Any undercuts will be blocked out, not removed by removing sound healthy tooth structures. Where there are no
undercuts the bur will work along its entire length, creating from the pulpal floor up to the cavosurface margin a diver-
gence of 6 degrees. After the preparation of the occlusal portion of the tooth, the proximal walls of the preparation are
then refined. D, Proximal portion is prepared using a tapered diamond bur of the appropriate sizesmall or largebased
on tightness of the preparation, closeness of the adjacent tooth, and so on. Once again, a tapered bur with a rounded
shoulder end is used. The enamel walls are prepared to a divergence of about 6 degrees.
Continued on next page
476 Esthetic Inlays and Onlays

C A S E 1 (contd)



FIGURE 17-9, contd E, To prepare the gingival margin, an end-cutting diamond bur is used to create a butt joint.
F, All caries and cement bases have been removed. Enamel walls and gingival margin are prepared. The dentin is now
sealed with an adhesive. This concept is called immediate dentin sealing (IDS) or sometimes resin coating. The materials
used reflect the dentists choice. This author prefers to use a two-step self-etch adhesive, but practically any adhesive could
be used. CLEARFIL SE BOND (Kuraray, America, Inc., New York), CLEARFIL PROTECT BOND (Kuraray), All-Bond
SE (Bisco), and AdheSE (Ivoclar, Vivadent Amherst, New York) are examples. After the adhesive has been cured, a thin
layer of flowable composite is applied in a layer 0.5mm or less over the entire pulpal floor. The flowable composite is also
used to fill in the undercuts. The air-inhibited layer is removed either by using a cotton pledget dipped in alcohol or by
covering the flowable composite with glycerin and light curing again. G, A carbide finishing bur is used to remove any
adhesive that inadvertently is placed on the enamel. Primarily, the concern is the occlusal enamel walls and occlusal portion
of the proximal enamel walls. The gingival margins, whether they have enamel or not, are not refinished. The adhesive
and flowable composite are carried out to the external margin in this location. H, With the preparation complete, the
dentist removes the rubber dam and takes the impression using his or her preferred impression material and technique.
Various temporary techniques can be used, including a direct light-cure temporary restoration. To prevent the material
from bonding to the cured flowable liner of the preparation, a lubricant such as PRO-V COAT (Bisco) must be placed
before a light-cured temporary restoration. Among direct light-cured temporary materials are E-Z Temp from Cosmedent
and Systemp Inlay or Onlay from Ivoclar Vivadent. For very large onlays, when multiple cusps are missing, the dentist
may want to use an indirect bis-acryl temporary material, routinely used for temporary crowns.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 477

C A S E 1 (contd)



FIGURE 17-9, contd I, The patient returns to the office to have the restoration placed. Often, because the IDS seals and
protects the dentin, no anesthesia is needed. The removal of the directly placed temporary restoration is quite simple. A
spoon excavator or scaler is used. Both E-Z Temp and the Systemp Inlay or Onlay direct temporaries are flexible. After
removal of the temporary restoration, a rubber dam is placed and a wax floss ligature is tied around the tooth to secure
the rubber dam subgingivally. The tooth is then cleaned with flour of pumice and water; the author prefers Consepsis
Scrub and the ICB brush by Ultradent in a slow-speed handpiece. J, The restoration is tried in place. The assistant holds
the restoration with an instrument while the dentist checks the contact with floss and observes for fit, correct seating, and
closure of all margins. Once the contact and good fit have been achieved, the restoration is set aside while the tooth is
treated. K, A matrix band is placed around the tooth to confine the phosphoric acid etchant to the tooth being restored.
The band avoids risking etching of the adjacent tooth or having etchant flow subgingivally. At the time of this writing,
phosphoric acidetched enamel is regarded as the standard, so the author prefers an etch-and-rinse adhesive. The enamel
is etched first with 30% to 40% phosphoric acid; etching extends beyond the margin on the occlusal surface, then is
carried to the gingival area. The tooth is completely filled with etchant, left for 12 to 15 seconds, then washed thoroughly
with water. The dentin is then blotted with a cotton pellet or Microbrushes to a slightly dull finish but not desiccated.
Technically, because the dentin was sealed during the preparation, moist bonding to dentin should not be an issue.
However, this careful dentin-etch procedure is used because, in the final finishing of the enamel walls at the preparation
appointment, some of the dentin might have been exposed again. The three-step or two-step adhesive is applied according
to the manufacturers directions and cured. The internal surface of the restoration is sandblasted with either 50-m alu-
minum oxide particles or CoJet sand (3M ESPE St. Paul, Minnesota). A handle is attached to the inlay to aid in treating
and placing the restoration. These handles come in the form of a Pic-n-Stic by Pulpdent Corporation (Watertown, Mas-
sachusetts), OptraStick by Ivoclar Vivadent; or True-Grip by Clinicians Choice (New Milford, Connecticut). If the restora-
tion is made out of indirect composite, phosphoric acid is applied to the internal surface to acidify the internal surface,
then immediately washed off and the surface dried. Silane (various manufacturers) is applied and allowed to sit for 15 to
20 seconds and then air dried, preferably with warm air. If the restoration is made of pressed ceramic such as Empress,
e.max Press, or e.max CAD (Ivoclar Vivadent), the internal surface of the restoration is etched with a 5% hydrofluoric
acid (IPS Ceramic Etching Gel, Ivoclar). This is applied for 1 minute (Empress) or 20 seconds (e.max Press or e.max
CAD), washed thoroughly, and dried. After drying, a silane of choice is applied, allowed to dry for 20 seconds, and then
dried, preferably with warm air. For indirect composite and ceramic restorations thicker than 2mm, a dual-cured luting
resin is recommended, such as NX3 (Kerr, Corporation), Variolink II (Ivoclar Vivadent), Calibra (DENTSPLY), or DUO-
LINK (Bisco). L, The cement is mixed, base and catalyst, one to one, and applied to the internal surface of the restoration.
Only if all undercuts have not been blocked out would it be necessary to apply cement to the tooth.
Continued on next page
C A S E 1 (contd)


FIGURE 17-9, contd M, The band is removed from the tooth, and the restoration is seated. The assistant uses a ball
burnisher or a plastic instrument to hold the restoration in place. Two cleaning methods can be used at this point. The
dentist can either not cure the cement first or lightly cure the luting resin (flash cure). If not flash curing, the dentist cleans
the excess cement from the occlusal and proximal with a rubber-tipped instrument or a plastic instrument, not a brush.
Often an explorer is used for the interproximal area. The last cleaning step is to sweep floss down the proximal contact
one time to clean the gingival margin. Light curing takes place with the floss left in place. The alternative techniquea
flash curequick cures the occlusal and proximal surfaces. The dentist now peels or chips away the excess luting resin.
This author prefers to do the former because it ensures bonded excess luting resin on the occlusal surface of the tooth,
which helps protect the margins. After complete curing of the dual-cure cement with appropriate-intensity light, any excess
luting resin can be removed with a No. 12 blade from the proximal and accessible surfaces. Interproximal surfaces some-
times require the use of either a scaler or an esthetic trimming knifefor example, CR21 Esthetic Carving Knife from
Hu-Friedy (Chicago, Illinois). The rubber dam is removed and the occlusion checked and adjusted if necessary. If the
restoration is indirect composite and has been adjusted, appropriate composite finishers and polishers are used to refinish
and polish adjusted areas. If the restoration is ceramic, appropriate finishers and polishers are used. N, Two-year postop-
erative view of a Premise Indirect composite resin onlay.

C A S E 2
A 48-year-old man had a heavily worn and fractured silver cermet filling in the second molar and a fractured
distal marginal ridge with evidence of decay in the first molar (Figure 17-10, A). The first molar was asymptom-
atic, but there was pain on chewing on the second molar. The distal buccal cusp tested positive for a crack
(Figure 17-10, B and C). Onlays were recommended for both teeth. The patient chose tooth colored material
over gold (Figure 17-10, D and E).



FIGURE 17-10 A, Two lower molars have broken-down restorations, evidence of fractured enamel, and recurrent decay.
B, The existing fillings and caries are removed. Observing the preparation floor in the second molar, one can see a crack
that starts at the distal, passes along the pulpal floor, extends under the distal buccal cusp, and exits out the buccal groove.
Cracks in teeth are not uncommon in large non-supporting fillings, particularly in molar teeth. If a crack exists, symptom-
atic or asymptomatic, the cusp must be onlayed, so the distal buccal cusp of the second molar will be onlayed. The first
molar was asymptomatic but had a crack in the pulpal floor that extends mesially, just slightly over halfway from distal to
medial, and stops. With this type of horizontal crack in the floor of preparation, both cusps on the buccal and lingual are
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 479

C A S E 2 (contd)

No dentin support


FIGURE 17-10, contd C, Different angle on the first molar. One can see the lack of dentin support under those buccal
cusps. Even if no crack had been found, the distal buccal cusps would be onlayed because of the lack of dentin support
directly under the cusp tip. D, Preparation completed. This case, done before the concept of the immediate dentin seal had
been introduced, had only the undercuts blocked out with resin modified glass ionomer. The dentin was not sealed using
an adhesive. E, After photo shows both onlays in place 1 year postoperatively. These restorations are indirect composite
(Tescera ATL from Bisco). The tissue reaction is excellent, and esthetics are good. Function has been restored, and there has
been no further crack progression to the point of pain or pulpitis. The erosion lesion seen on the mesial buccal (occlusal)
cusp tip of the first molar was not included in the preparation outline. Instead, at onlay placement the enamel and dentin
were roughened, etched, and bonded and direct composite placed.
480 Esthetic Inlays and Onlays

C A S E 3
A 46-year-old man had the mesio-buccal cusp of his upper first molar fractured off (Figure 17-11, A). No caries
was evident, and the disto-buccal cusp had been previously onlayed with amalgam. Because it makes no sense
to remove two good cusps in order to replace two missing cusps, an onlay was prescribed instead of a crown
(Figure 17-11, B).


FIGURE 17-11 A, Fractured cusp in a molar with a large filling. B, Large onlay in the molar after 16 1 2 years. Indirect
composite (Concept or Isosit SR Inlay or Onlay Ivoclar Vivadent). The patient is now 63 years old and the tooth has
yet to (and may never) proceed to needing a crown.


Advances in tooth-colored materials and adhesive technology belleGlass NG: Kerr, Product Literature, Orange, California;
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are difficult to properly contour or crowns, which are signifi- composite, J Dent Res 84(7):663-667, 2005 July.
cantly more invasive, are placed. Because they seal teeth and Donly KJ, Jensen M, Triolo PT, et al: A clinical comparison of resin
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are considered by many teaching clinicians as ideal for the mod- Fasbinder DJ: Clinical performance of chairside CAD/CAM restorations,
erately broken-down tooth. These restorations may even delay J Am Dent Assoc 137(Suppl):22S-31S, 2006.
or prevent the progression of medium to large cavities, previ- Fradeani M, Aquilano A, Bassein L: Longitudinal study of pressed glass-
ously restored with amalgam, that have already been restored ceramic inlays for four and a half years, J Prosthet Dent 78:346-353, 1997.
Frankenberger R, Petschelt A, Krmer N: Leucite-reinforced glass ceramic
with amalgam from progressing to the point at which they inlays and onlays after six years. Part I: Clinical behavior, Oper Dent
would require a full-coverage crown. At the very least, their 25:459-465, 2000.
conservative nature, when compared with the preparation for Fuzzi M, Rappelli G: Survival rate of ceramic inlays, J Dent 26:623-626,
full-coverage crowns, banks the tooth structure for future use. 1998.
These benefits, combined with the durability and esthetics of the Fuzzi M, Rappelli G: Ceramic inlays: clinical assessment and survival rate,
J Adhes Dent 1(1):71-79, 1999.
indirect composite or ceramic inlay or onlay restoration, are very Givan DA, ONeal SJ, Suzuki S: Eight-year clinical performance of heat and
important to patients and should continue to direct the nature pressure cured indirect composite [abstract], J Dent Res 79(4), 2000,
of restorative dentistry. Abstract 1523.
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Helkimo E, Carlsson GE, Helkimo M: Bite force and state of dentition, Acta Reiss B: Long-term clinical performance of CEREC restorations and the
Odontol Scand 35(6):297-303, 1997. variables affecting treatment success, Compend Contin Educ Dent
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Kramer N, Frankenberger R: Clinical performance of bonded leucite- luted with a solely light curing composite resin, J Dent 33:433-442, 2005.
reinforced glass ceramic inlays and onlays after eight years, Dent Mater Shor A, Nicholls JI, Phillips KM, Libman WJ: Fatigue load of teeth restored
21(3):262-271, 2005. with bonded direct composite and indirect ceramic inlays in MOD class
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18 C H A P T E R

Esthetic Posts
George Freedman

T he increasing predictability and popularity of endodon-

tic procedures, attributable in no small measure to the
decreased discomfort associated with the process, have encour-
thickness, the greater the fracture resistance. Posts are selected
to provide maximal retention for the overlying restoration while
minimally invading remaining dentinal tissue. Adhesively
aged patients to treat and maintain their dentitions for their bonded posts increase the retention of the post and core system
entire lifetimes. Largely responsible is a very successful long-term and improve the restored tooths prognosis. Bonded non-metallic
public education process by the dental profession. Increased posts also tend to distribute functional stresses over larger inter-
endodontic coverage by insurance carriers also motivates more nal radicular surfaces, decreasing the force per area of root and
patients to choose restoration rather than extraction. In todays thus the possibility of root fracture. The core platform is the
information-based society, patients are more aware of dental accessible and visible supragingival extension of the post that
treatment options and more actively involved in co-diagnosis supports the crown. Because the core is the physical link between
and cotreatment planning. Their concerns include the biocom- the remaining subgingival dentin and the overlying crown, its
patibility of the post-endodontic restorative materials (posts, shape and position are critical in managing the direction and
cores, and cements), the invasiveness of the restorative proce- magnitude of forces transferred to the remaining tooth. The core
dure, and, most important, the overall functional and esthetic material may be exposed through partially translucent or ceramic
result. crowns, and thus the ideal core coloration is the dentinal shade.
The post-endodontic complex forms a monobloc which com-
prises the multi-layered tooth-to-restoration structure with no
RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC inherently weak interlayer interfaces. Sequential bonding of the
DENTISTRY dentin to the post resin cement, to the post, to the core, to the
crown resin cement, and to the crown is critical. The adhesive
Dental professionals experience over the past half-century has strength at each interface must be greater than the bond of the
confirmed that most, if not all, endodontically treated teeth natural tooth to itself. Successful treatment offers strength and
require a comprehensive restoration such as a full crown or onlay resistance to the post-endodontic continuum from the residual
to restore the tooth structure destroyed by decay, fracture, or dentin to the final restoration that approach the strength and
endodontic access. The clinical aspects of the restoration, given resistance of the original non-decayed tooth.
the variety of post and core materials along with the remaining
tooth structure, can be a challenge. Endodontically treated teeth
seen in a dental practice have lost appreciable amounts of coronal BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL
tooth structure to caries and/or the access preparation. The
objective of the post and core buildup is primarily to replace the DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION
missing coronal tooth structure which will provide retention and OF POSTS AND CORES
resistance for the crown that will ultimately restore the tooths
function and esthetics. Although some controversy surrounds Post and core materials are divided into three separate classes:
the absolute need for post and core treatments, the issue can be post material, core material, and cement. The criteria that dental
reduced to mechanical terms. When much of the coronal tooth professionals must use for determining which materials to use
structure remains, a post may be indicated but not required. are based mostly on scientific data, the dentists clinical experi-
When the remaining root exhibits little or no remaining coronal ence, and, to a lesser extent, patient preference. The first two
tooth structure, the foundation provided by the post and core would seem to be self-evident. The material must work in the
buildup is an absolute precondition for crown preparation. The realm of scientific predictability and it must be successful clini-
post anchors the restoration to the remaining radicular dentin cally in terms of time spent, results achieved, and comfort of
without necessarily strengthening the root. both patient and practitioner. Patient preference is largely a
The prognosis is often directly proportional to the bulk matter of esthetics. As more and more all-ceramic restorations
of the remaining dentin: the greater the remaining dentin find their way into dental treatment, the nature of the

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 483

sub-structure that supports the crown is increasingly relevant The function of the post and core as the intermediate restora-
to the ultimate esthetics of the final restoration. If metal shows tion between the remaining root and the crown depends on a
through a tooth-colored ceramic and creates a shadow on the strong adhesion among the various restored components. The
surface of the restored tooth, the esthetics of the restoration will dentin adheres to the cement, the cement adheres to the post,
not be acceptable. Therefore, of all the criteria for post and core the post adheres to the core, and the core adheres to the crown.
treatment, esthetics is among the most important. All adhesive strengths exceed the natural adhesive strength of the
Dental posts first began as gold pins inserted into teeth, pos- tooth to itself. With an adhesively retained post and core, and
sibly at considerable pain to the patients. They were used about subsequently an adhesively retained crown, the tooth can actu-
2500 years ago in the Etruscan lands of ancient Italy. These ally be as strong as the natural dentition prior to any decay.
retentive pins were inserted into the radicular canals, which Earlier cements such as zinc phosphate and polycarboxylate
were probably untreated, and anchored carved ivory chunks to provided no bonding strength to any of the substrates to which
restore the patients function and appearance. Over the past they attachedenamel, dentin, metal, or ceramic. Resin cements
150 years or so, cast gold has played a significant role in restor- attach adhesively to all of these materials effectively.
ing endodontically treated teeth. Gold posts were cast using a
lost wax process and fit the post space more or less accurately.
About 30 years ago, the prefabricated stainless steel post was CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
introduced. It was stronger and easier to fit, in some respects,
than gold. The titanium post, manufactured from an even
stronger material, was next to be used in dentistry. Subse- Esthetic posts are clinically similar to and generally more con-
quently, the carbon fiber post was introduced, noted less for its servative of tooth structure than other prefabricated posts. They
strength than its ability to be slightly bendable. However, can be used for virtually any post-endodontic situation. They
carbon fibers have the black coloring of carbon and were not are more conservative and easier to place than cast metal restora-
esthetically acceptable. They were relatively quickly replaced by tions and typically require one chairside appointment versus a
various glass and fiber rod posts. Core materials have also pro- minimum of two sessions for indirect procedures.
gressed from gold to amalgam to glass ionomer, and finally to Esthetic posts are made of materials that are chemically inert,
composite resin materials. Cements began with zinc phosphate eliminating any hazard associated with sensitization or allergy in
materials, and have been relatively unchanged until recently, the patient.
when composite resin cements became available.
There are no known contraindications to the placement of
RELATING FUNCTION AND esthetic posts when a post (of any type) is clinically indicated.
Typically, the post becomes virtually invisible when it is covered
by a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. Areas that may pose a MATERIAL OPTIONS
visible liability include around the gingival margin where a
shine-through of the metalgold, stainless steel, or titanium
through thin dentinal root walls and thin gingival attached There are many posts available to the dental practitioner, as well
tissue covering the bone on the buccal of anteriors, can give as many core materials and cements. The best way to evaluate
the entire tooth a grayish appearance. This is particularly the most suitable material in each category is to review the sci-
problematic when patients have high lip lines and tend to smile entific data, check the research support, and evaluate the materi-
a lot. als. The dentists clinical experience, including ease of clinical
An esthetic post should assume the same coloration as the use, predictability, and ease of placement, are significant factors
underlying dentin, ideally becoming indistinguishable. Thus, as well. The patient, of course, expects and should be receiving
whether working with a porcelain-fused-to-metal or a ceramic a long-lasting solution for their post-endodontic condition that
crown, there is no shine-through. The only shade that is actu- is essentially better, faster, and easier than the other procedures
ally visible is of the same hue as the dentin and blends into the available.
tooth structure. A slight discrepancy is easy to cover up with Of the available post materials, the most common are the
current ceramic restoration technologies. It is also very impor- cast metal, the prefabricated metal, and the resin fiber posts.
tant to use a cement that is either dentin colored or preferably Cast metal posts (Box 18-1), whether in gold or base metal,
translucent when developing the esthetics of the post and core. have certain advantages. They are laboratory fabricated, elimi-
Translucent cement materials allow the underlying tooth color- nating chairside technique sensitivity. Cast as metal objects, they
ation to shine through and to blend with the ceramic margin. have great transverse strength and are very unlikely to break. The
Tinted cements often create the potential for an additional negatives of cast metal posts include difficulty taking impressions;
color mismatch that further complicates the marginal esthetics it is hard to place hydrophobic impression materials into the
of the restoration. narrow confines of the post-endodontic canal and to ensure the
484 Esthetic Posts

BOX 18.1 Pros and Cons of Cast BOX 18.3 Pros and Cons of Resin
Metal Post Fiber Post
Pros Pros
Lab fabricated Chairside, bonds
Great transverse strength Excellent transverse strength
Long history Shock absorber
Difficult impression Cons
Difficult fit New technique
High cost Poor esthetics (some)
Does not bond Data from Mannocci F, Ferrari M, Watson TF: Intermittent loading of teeth restored
using quartz fiber, carbon-quartz fiber, and zirconium dioxide ceramic root canal
posts, J Adhes Dent 1:153-158, 1999.

BOX 18.2 Pros and Cons of Prefab

Metal Post
Good transverse strength appointment and incremental laboratory and transportation
Lasts 20+ years costs for the practitioner. The metal itself has good transverse
Cons strength. Unless the prefabricated metal post is abused during
Poor adaptation or after insertion, it is unlikely to break or bend during clinical
Does not bond use. More than 30 years of clinical experience with these materi-
Poor esthetics als have generally been very positive.
The negative aspect is that the post hole must be made to fit
the shape of the post. Because this fit is an approximation at
best, the adaptation between the remaining tooth structure and
absence of air or water bubbles. The pour of the impression at the post itself is not precise. The intervening space is ultimately
the dental laboratory is perhaps even more difficult; it is virtually filled by cement, typically less strong than the post. The prefab-
impossible to orient the direction of the post precisely when ricated metal does not bond to either the underlying tooth
pouring the stone impression, so the angulation of the post with structure or the overlying core or crown. Prefabricated metal
respect to the tooth and/or core is often slightly off the mark. posts tend to have the same poor esthetics as cast metal posts.
This minute discrepancy can very easily compromise the fit of They cast a gray shadow through esthetic restorations if there is
the entire post and core complex. not enough masking material in the core cement or the ceramic
Most dentists will identify with the difficulty of seating the to overcome this esthetic liability.
cast metal post and core into the residual root. In fact, adjust- Resin fiber posts (Box 18-3) were introduced to the dental
ments are often needed either on the restorative material or on profession in the early 1990s. The advantages of these posts
the remaining tooth structure in order to actually develop an include the fact that they are placed chairside in a single
acceptable fit. However, the great advantage of the cast metal appointment and they bond to the underlying tooth structure
post is its supposedly tight fit into the remaining canal system. whether enamel or dentin, to the overlying core, and subse-
Therefore, in modifying this tight fit in order to be able to seat quently to the overlying crown if suitable resin cements and
the restoration, the major advantage of the cast metal post is techniques are used. They have excellent transverse strength;
eliminated. The increased cost of the cast metal post arises from they are composed of many fibers that are bundled together
the expenses of the technicians work and transportation to and with BIS-GMA, the basic component of composite dentistry.
from the laboratory. If gold or similar precious metals are used, The fibers tend to bend under load rather than break. As
the cost to the dentist and patient can be even higher. The great- they bend, they also act as shock absorbers. This means that
est problem of cast metal posts is that they are typically manu- as forces are placed on the crowned tooth, the underlying
factured of noble or non-reactive materials and thus do not bond post can actually absorb most of the shock rather than trans-
to the tooth structureeither enamel or dentin. Furthermore, mitting it to the remaining tooth structure. Resin fiber posts
these materials do not bond to the overlying crown through the are available in a variety of colors. The earliest ones were
cement. All the interfaces in the cast metal post system are luting black (carbon fiber), very well researched, and highly regarded
interfaces which provide a filling of the space between materials, by the profession but posed an esthetic liability in visible
but no adhesion. anterior areas. The more recent ones are tooth colored, white,
Prefabricated metal posts (Box 18-2) have the advantage of or translucent, making them much more adaptable to an
being inserted chairside, thus eliminating the need for a second esthetic objective.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 485

Researchers have indicated that carbon fiber posts and glass or force on the amalgam core is likely to fracture it. Its dark
fiber posts with composite resin cores are less likely to cause root coloration also offers very poor esthetics. The dark gray of the
fractures than stainless steel posts with composite resin cores. amalgam (which turns black when it is corroded by time and
saliva) definitely shows through ceramic crowns or at the margins
of overlying restorations. The other disadvantage of amalgam is
Cores that it tends to leech into the surrounding dentinal and soft
Over the years, a number of core materials (Box 18-4) have tissues, creating amalgam tattoos. Even when it is not directly
been used to fabricate post and core restorations. They include visible to the viewer, its effects can be seen as a gray silver pallor
cast metal, amalgam, glass ionomer, cermet, and composite of the soft or hard tissues.
resin. Glass ionomer cores (Box 18-7) were proposed in the mid-
The advantages of the cast metal core (Box 18-5) are that it 1980s because they release fluoride, and this was viewed as a
is laboratory fabricated and involves little chairside work for the distinct advantage. Although there is no doubt that glass iono-
dentist. The thickness of the core provides great transverse mers do release fluoride, the amount of fluoride absorption by
strength to this part of the restoration. It is extremely unlikely the remaining tooth structure is debatable. There is little evi-
to ever fracture. The cast metal post and core are actually cast as dence to indicate that the remaining non-vital tooth structure
a single unit, together providing a very strong substructure for actually absorbs fluoride from an adjacent polymerized restor-
restorations. The major disadvantage of the cast metal core is its ative material. Glass ionomer also has a weak bond to the tooth
esthetic appearance under ceramic crowns. The bright yellow of structure, about 6 to 10MPa. This is considered a strength by
the gold metal core or the darkness of the base metal shine some, but a weakness by most clinicians. Glass ionomer cores
through ceramic restorations and making esthetic results rather have poor compressive strength and tend to fail.
difficult. The color is quite intense and the porcelain thickness Cermets are glass ionomer materials that have metal filings
is limited. Masking cements are difficult to use when the discol- added to their chemistry. These materials are supposed to be
oration is intense, so acceptable esthetics are unlikely if a ceramic somewhat stronger than traditional glass ionomers. In fact, they
restoration is placed over a cast metal core. Because cast metal have stronger compressive strength but tend to be even weaker
cores are laboratory fabricated and require two appointments, overall than glass ionomers. They also have the esthetic liability
their cost is higher, particularly when gold is used. The cast metal of amalgam-like coloration.
also does not bond either to the underlying tooth structure or Composite cores (Box 18-8) are very strong. They are
to the overlying crown. The luting cement will provide stability made of the same restorative materials that were developed mid-
but no chemical or mechanical adhesion. century and have been used clinically since the 1970s. They form
The amalgam core (Box 18-6) is inexpensive, very easy to a strong bond to tooth structures, both enamel and dentin, as
place (most dentists are familiar with its use), and has good well as to all the dental cements in use today. The composite cores
adaptation to the internal anatomy of the pulp chamber. are bondable to the ceramics and metals of overlying crowns.
However, amalgam forms no chemical bond to the tooth struc- They are placed onto the tooth in a flowable state and thus have
ture even when amalgam bonding materials are used. It has a an excellent adaptation to the anatomy of the chamber, the canal,
very poor transverse strength; any significant horizontal pressure and underneath the crown, as they create a monobloc.

BOX 18.4 Types of Core Materials BOX 18.6 Pros and Cons of Amalgam
Cast metal Core
Amalgam Pros
Glass ionomer or cermet Inexpensive
Composite resin Easy
Good adaptation
BOX 18.5 Pros and Cons of Cast Metal No chemical bond
Core Poor transverse strength
Poor esthetics
Lab fabricated
Great transverse strength
Long history BOX 18.7 Disadvantages of Glass
Cons Ionomer Core
Esthetics under ceramic crowns Poor compressive strength
Cost Weak bond
Does not bond Tends to fail
486 Esthetic Posts

BOX 18.8 Pros and Cons of Composite BOX 18.9 Pros and Cons of Compomer
Core Cement
Pros Pros
Strong bond to tooth, porcelain Releases fluoride
Excellent adaptation Very high bond strength
Creates monobloc
Con May fracture overlying ceramic restorations
Change in clinical technique

BOX 18.10 Pros and Cons of Resin

A number of materials are available for cementing posts into the High bond strength to tooth, metal, ceramic
radicular tooth structure. These include zinc phosphate and Easy and predictable
polycarboxylate luting materials, glass ionomer, compomer, and
composite cements, some requiring a distinct etching step while Con
others do not, as they are self-etching. New techniques
Clinically, it must be questioned whether cements are really
necessary as a separate step? After all, there is little difference
between adhesive resin cement and core buildup materials. They dentinal tissue. Glass ionomer cement proponents are satisfied
are typically quite similar in terms of chemistry, characteristics, with the weak bond to the tooth structure, typically 6 to 10MPa,
and application mode. The major difference is that the core but it makes more sense for a post and core system to be
material is somewhat more filled. If, however, a suitable com- cemented into place with a stronger bond to the tooth structure,
promise can be found between the core material and the resin specifically by using resin cements with bond strengths of
cement, it makes sense that the same material can be used for 20MPa or higher. Glass ionomer solubility in oral fluids is
both applications. In fact, this has been common practice since particularly critical at the restorative margins where salivary
the late 1990s. Using the same material for cementation and fluids and dietary acids corrode the cement. If a margin is
core buildup eliminates the waiting time for the polymerization exposed, the acid can ultimately dislodge the entire post and
of the cement inside the post spacea chairside gain of 7 to core complex.
10 minutes. Compomer cements (Box 18-9) are resin-reinforced glass
Zinc phosphate cements have a long history in dentistry. ionomers, and have considerable bond strength to tooth struc-
They are effective luting materials but do not adhere to enamel, ture, on the order of 50MPa and higher. They also release
dentin, metal, or ceramic and therefore provide no incremental fluoride. These properties would make them seem the ideal
strength to the restoration. With respect to the overall scheme cementation materials for post and core systems. However, com-
of the monobloc, they provide an interface that offers absolutely pomer cements tend to absorb water after they set, and this
no adhesion of the component materials. They are highly irritat- causes them to expand. Even a small coefficient of linear expan-
ing to vital tooth structures due to their application acidity sion translates into a very large volumetric expansion with water
(pH ~2.0) and their long term acidity once set (pH ~4.5-5.0). sorption. As a result, compomer cements have been reported to
Polycarboxylate cements have been available since the fracture overlying ceramic restorations. Theoretically, when used
1970s. They were widely used because they exhibited lower as post cements, they can also fracture the remaining radicular
postoperative sensitivity. Their lower acidity is less irritating to root structure. It is not possible to predict the actual direction
tissues. In the post-endodontic situation, this is not an impor- in which the compomer cement will expand after setting. These
tant consideration because the removal of the nerve means that materials should not be used for post cementation.
there is no sensitivity possible in the tooth. Polycarboxylate, like Resin cements (Box 18-10) entered common use in the early
zinc phosphate, does not bond to enamel, dentin, metal, or 1990s. Their advantages include a high bond strength to tooth
ceramic. In fact, it is not as strong as zinc phosphate and there- structures, both dentin and enamel, as well as to metal and
fore has even less application in the post cementation field at ceramic. They are easy to use and very predictable in their lon-
the present time. gevity. Resin cements may or may not release fluoride but are
Glass ionomer cements have the inherent advantage of virtually insoluble in oral fluids. It is therefore expected that they
releasing fluorides. However, they provide a weak bond to the will remain as placed for very long periods of time. The bond
tooth and are slowly soluble in oral fluids. As previously men- strength of resin cement to tooth structures and metal or ceramic
tioned, there is no evidence that the fluoride released by the is typically over 20MPa. Thus the resin cement provides the
adjacent glass ionomer is actually picked up by the remaining ideal interface among the various components of the post-
dentinal tissues. Although the fluoride can act as a local antibac- endodontic restorative monobloc. It can be used to cement every
terial, it has little, if any strengthening effect on surrounding interface securely and predictably.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 487

There are two kinds of resin cements currently available. One development in post delivery is the utilization of the cement as
involves the typical etching, bonding, and resin process wherein a core buildup material and vice versa. Using the same material
the tooth structures are etched, rinsed, and then bonded with for both functions eliminates the 7- to 10-minute waiting time
the adhesive components either mixed or used in sequence. The for cement polymerization, allowing the practitioner to proceed
other, more advanced option involves single-step, self-etching, immediately after having placed the cement and light curing.
self-adhesive cements applied directly into the moist prepared This permits the practitioner to accomplish the post and core
tooth. These materials are injected (after auto-mixing) either procedure in far less time and far more efficiently than ever
into the post space or onto the post. The post is then securely before.
cemented into the tooth. These self-curing cements are light
initiated and can be used for the core buildup as well.
The ideal post system (Figure 18-1) for the post-endodontic INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
tooth is a fiber post that is adhered into the remaining prepared
radicular structure with a resin cement that bonds to both the
Scientific Elements
post and the root structure. This resin cement, which is the same Among the scientific innovations in current post techniques
material as a core buildup material, is used to build up the are the self-adhesive, dual-cure resin cements. These materials
form and function of the core that will be prepared to receive eliminate the multiple steps needed to prepare the tooth struc-
the crown. ture for the resin cement. Previously, the radicular structure
had to be cleansed, etched, bonded with several materials
(accurately mixed or sequentially applied), and light cured,
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS hopefully to the bottom of the post space. The cement had
to be mixed and inserted. Placing the self-adhesive cements is
Time and convenience are important chairside factors in post far easier. The entire sequence of stepsetching, priming,
and core fabrication. The major advances in post development bonding, and cementingis accomplished in the single step
in the latter part of the twentieth century included changes in of inserting the auto-mixed cement into the post space and
post delivery, post cementation, and core buildup. The advent inserting the post. In this manner, 7 to 10 minutes of prepara-
of the single-appointment, single-step post and core procedure tion requiring four or six hands (the dentist plus one or two
has made this process much easier for the dental practitioner; it dental assistants) has been reduced to a procedure that can
is also far more practical and more easily financially attainable be readily accomplished by the solo practitioner in 30 seconds
for the patient. or less.
Post cementation has become considerably more predict-
able, as well. Adhesive cements have replaced luting cements,
enabling the development of the adhered monobloc rather than
Technical Elements
the cemented restoration, which was readily dislodged by force, The technological advances in post technology center upon the
trauma, or vibration. Adhesive cements also have the advantage move away from cast and prefabricated metals to carbon and
of distributing the load of forces over the entire radicular glass fibers. The benefit is that the metal, whether cast or pre-
surface rather than focusing the forces to two areas, typically at fabricated, tended to transmit most of the occlusal and lateral
the fulcrum and the point of a post. The most recent forces that were applied to the crown directly to the remaining
tooth structure (Figure 18-2). In fact, the cast metal post trans-
mits about 88% of all forces that are applied to it to the fulcrum
areas and the apical tip of the post. This places a tremendous
amount of stress on the remaining radicular tooth structure and
occasionally causes root fracture. Prefabricated posts, because
they do not typically fit as well as the cast posts and have the
cushion of the cement between the post and the tooth to absorb
some of the pressure, transmit only about 62% of the crown
forces to the fulcrum and apical tip areas. These loads can also
cause root fractures but are somewhat less likely to do so than
the cast metal posts. The bonded fiber post actually tends to
bend. All the individual fibers, which are held together by
BIS-GMA or polyurethane adhesives, bend and flex slightly
under pressure. Thus they tend to absorb most of the forces
placed on the crown; only 28% is transmitted to the remaining
tooth structure. Furthermore, the fiber post is bonded to the
entire remaining radicular tooth structure; this relatively small
residual force is actually spread out over the entire remaining
radicular tooth structure, not concentrated on the fulcrum or
FIGURE 18-1 Ideal post system. post apical tip areas.
488 Esthetic Posts

Fiber post Cast post Pre-fab post

Healthy Low-modulus High-modulus High-modulus

A tooth B restoration C restoration D restoration

FIGURE 18-2 The healthy tooth (A) is subjected to various forces, vertical, lateral, and diagonal. The natural enamel and dentin
are particularly well suited to absorbing and distributing these forces. The low-modulus fiber post restoration (B) is bonded to
the remaining dentin and the core. This relationship absorbs the majority of stresses on the crown bonded to the core, and dis-
tributes them over the entire remaining radicular structure. The highmodulus cast post restoration (C) ideally fits snugly into
the post space, held in place with a luting, non-adhesive cement. Forces on the cemented crown transmit and focus the majority
of the forces to two specific areas, the juncture of the post and the core and the apical tip of the post. This is where most of the
root fractures observed with cast posts occur. The highmodulus pre-fabricated post restoration (D) fits less snugly than the cast
post; the cement acts as a shock absorber, transmitting less force from the crown than the cast post, but much more than the
fiber post. The pre-fabricated post also focuses and transmits forces to the juncture of the post and the core and the apical tip of
the post. Because they are less efficient in transmitting forces, pre-fabricated posts are less likely to fracture roots than cast posts.


There are a number of options for post placement in endodon- The post and core complex can be placed only after the end-
tically treated teeth. The fundamental issue is whether a post is odontic treatment has been successfully completed. It must be
actually required as part of the post-endodontic treatment securely in place before the crown preparation can start. If the
plan. The literature is divided roughly half and half in this endodontic procedure is not successful or not yet comfortable
area. There is agreement, however, among all concerned that for the patient, it does not make sense to seal the endodontic
when there is little or no supragingival tooth structure left, the access opening with a post and core that obstructs further end-
only method for developing the core that can accept crown odontic intervention. Typically the practitioner should wait
placement is to anchor one or more posts in the remaining until all sensitivity has dissipated and the patient is comfort-
radicular tooth structure, and then to develop the occlusal able enough to proceed with the post and core procedure
end(s) into a core that protrudes above the gingival margin without any need for local anesthesia. Should problems develop
such that the crown can, in fact, be secured. Thus, if there is a after the post has been placed, the bonded post is rather diffi-
lot of tooth structure left, it is arguable whether or not a post cult to remove, and the tooth might require an apical end-
should be placed. If there is little or no coronal tooth structure odontic procedure, or apicoectomy, directly through the buccal
left, there is no argumentthere simply is no other method to or lingual; this approach is certainly an option but a secondary
affix a crown. one at best.
In most cases, the time the dentist invests in developing the
post and core restoration in an endodontically treated tooth is
far less costly and troublesome than the alternative of treating a
tooth that has suffered the loss of a crown due to a post-less core
Treatment Considerations
that has fractured off at the gingival margin. Therefore this In preparing the post hole, the practitioner should follow the
author recommends that a post be placed as a retentive and a gutta percha root filling material into the canal. To avoid perfo-
protective device in all post-endodontically treated teeth. rations, the position of the reamer with respect to the gutta
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 489

percha should be verified every 1-2 millimeters. Where direct developed. The cement would actually be a component of the
light visibility is difficult, additional lighting can be used to post, either surrounding it in the form of a gel cement cover-
identify that the gutta percha is, in fact, in the center of the post ing, or a substance that is sound or light activated to release
space that is being reamed with the drill. The restorative proce- cement from its structure such that it adheres to the surround-
dure should use fourth generation adhesives (followed by resin ing surfaces.
cements) or preferably the more simplified single-step self-
adhesive cements.


There is little surface finishing involved, and polishing is cer- The post-endodontic tooth is first isolated (Figure 18-3, A) and
tainly not required. Essentially, the crown preparation consti- the reamer is used to shape and define the post space inside the
tutes the finishing procedure for the post and core. tooth (Figure 18-3, B). Note the flecks of tooth structure and
gutta percha. It is very important during the reamer preparation
to keep the gutta percha centered in the canal with frequent
verification. This avoids inadvertent perforation of the radicular
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES structure. When the post space reaming is completed, the post
is tried in it (Figure 18-3, C ).
The materials, technologies, and techniques described for the The remaining radicular structure is etched (Figure 18-3,
esthetic post and core procedures have been in use since the early D). Etching should take no more than 15 seconds. The etch
1990s. There is an abundent amount of scientific data on the is washed away completely (Figure 18-3, E ) both on the
materials and steps used in this procedure. surface and inside the post space. The bonding agent is then
applied to the tooth structure (Figure 18-3, F ). In this case
a dual-curing fifth-generation bonding agent, DenTASTIC
UNO-DUO (Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachu-
CLINICAL CONSERVATION setts) is applied to the tooth structure (Figure 18-3, G ). This
CONCEPTS material is self-curing and will be light initiated and continue
to completion on its own. All the excess bonding agent must
The driving factor in this area is that as little remaining radicu- be blown away with an air syringe until there are no droplets
lar tooth structure as possible should be removed. Therefore, scattering across the surface (Figure 18-3, H). At this point,
sized posts that are closely adapted to the post endodontic the adhesive is cured (Figure 18-3, I ). The curing light will
canal diameter should be used. Most manufacturers produce a not be effective for more than 2 or 3mm into the canal or
variety of post sizes and size-mated reamers. Fortunately, there into the post space, but the dual-cure nature of the adhesive
is a wide variety of choices in the products available for this ensures that even in the deepest unlit portions of the post
kind of restoration. Generally speaking, the gutta percha space there will be a self-cure within a minute. The auto-
should be removed initially with the smallest reamer available. mixing resin cement or resin core material is bled onto a pad
The reamer should be sized up to ensure that all post space (Figure 18-3, J , inset) to ensure the quality of the material,
preparation is located in relatively strong, healthy dentin. Once then injected directly into the post space (Figure 18-3, J ),
that has been achieved, the post is tried for fit and depth, and preferably from the deepest portions out; once the post space
the procedure is continued. has been filled with the resin cement, the post is inserted into
the canal (Figure 18-3, K ). It is placed into the canal pas-
sively, but the pressure of the post on the still-fluid core mate-
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS rial eliminates any voids or air bubbles that might exist.
The post is inserted to its total depth into the still-fluid core
The current techniques for posts and cores are clinically material. The core material is Spee-Dee (Pulpdent Corporation)
simplermuch better, much faster, and much easier than at (Figure 18-3, L ). After the post has been inserted, the core
any time in the past. The materials are such that it is readily material is used to fill in any voids that may be visible (Figure
conceivable that the entire post and core procedure can be 18-3, M), then the whole complex is light cured. It is then pos-
accomplished in no more than 15 minutes as part of the post- sible to continue building up the core immediately without
endodontic crown fabrication procedure. It is difficult to see waiting for the cement to set (Figure 18-3, N ); each successive
how much faster and how much easier this process could be. layer is cured separately. The process can be continued immedi-
One possibility is the self-adherent post, a post that has a self- ately after each curing step.
etching, self-adhesive cement pre-applied to its surface such Once the buildup procedure has been completed, the excess
that it can be placed into the prepared post space without post length is removed with a high-speed bur (Figure 18-3, O ).
additional steps. Alternatively, posts that could be polymerized The post and core are now ready for preparation into the crown
or otherwise light initiated to adhere mechanically and possibly abutment. Figures 18-3, P and Q show the prepared abutment
chemically to the surrounding dentinal walls may be from the occlusal and the buccal aspects.
490 Esthetic Posts




FIGURE 18-3 A, Isolated post endodontic tooth. B, Post space inside the tooth defined and shaped using a reamer. Flecks of
tooth structure and gutta percha noted. C, Post tried in after the completion of post space reaming. D, Radicular structure etched.
E, Etch completely washed away on the surface and inside the post space. F, Bonding agent applied to tooth structure.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 491





FIGURE 18-3, contd G, DenTASTIC UNO-DUO bonding agent is applied to tooth structure. H, Excess bonding agent blown
away with an air syringe until there are no droplets scattering across the surface. I, The adhesive being cured. J, Resin cement
bleed on pad (inset photo) and resin cement injected into the post space. K, Post inserted into the canal after it is filled with the
resin cement. L, Spee-Dee core material. M, Core material used to fill in any visible voids. N, Core can be built up immediately
without waiting for post cement to polymerize. Continued
492 Esthetic Posts


FIGURE 18-3, contd O, The core is built up and excess post length is removed. P and Q, Prepared abutment, occlusal (P) and
buccal (Q) views. (G and L, Courtesy Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts.)

C A S E 1 Post and Core Restoration of an Endodontically Treated Tooth

Figure 18-4, A, shows a temporarily restored endodontically treated tooth. The provisional material is removed
(without local anesthetic) using a Great White #557 bur (SS White Burs, Lakewood, New Jersey) (Figure 18-4,
B), and the two canals are filled with gutta percha (Figure 18-4, C). Figure 18-4, D, shows the suitable-sized
reamer used to clean out the gutta percha to the appropriate depth (Figure 18-4, E ). It is important to note the
direction of the reamer so that the posts can be inserted and cemented in the same direction. The canals are
ready for adhesive procedures. The two posts are tried into the canal to ensure there is no interference as they
are inserted (Figure 18-4, F), which may cause problems during the cementation with the access of one or the
other post. The post spaces and the pulp chamber are cleaned out thoroughly (Figure 18-4, G); the entire post
and core space is etched (Figure 18-4, H), and bonded. Note that the bonding procedures cannot be shown
because the flash from the camera will cure the adhesive inside the canal. Silane is placed on the post to increase
its adhesion to the composite (Figure 18-4, I inset). The core material is inserted into the two post spaces at
the same time, and the posts are placed to their full depths (Figure 18-4, I ). The core is light cured (Figure 18-4,
J). After curing and successive layer buildup, the final step is the placement of the core all the way to the occlusal
surface (Figure 18-4, K). The excess post length is removed with a bur (Figure 18-4, L). Both diamonds and
carbides can be used. The occlusal surface of the tooth is polished (Figure 18-4, M). This tooth is now ready for
function or preparation for a crown. After the rubber damn has been removed, the post-treatment view of the
tooth can be seen (Figure 18-4, N), with the pretreatment view on the inset.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 493

C A S E 1 Post and Core Restoration of an Endodontically Treated Tooth (contd)




FIGURE 18-4 A, Temporarily restored endodontically treated tooth. B, Provisional material removed using a Great
White bur. C, Two canals filled with gutta percha. D, The reamer used to clean out the gutta percha for the
appropriate depth. E, Canals reamed to the appropriate depth and ready for adhesive procedures. F, Two posts tried into
the canal.
Continued on next page
494 Esthetic Posts

C A S E 1 Post and Core Restoration of an Endodontically Treated Tooth (contd)




FIGURE 18-4, contd G, Post spaces and the pulp chamber thoroughly cleaned. H, Entire post and core space etched
and bonded. I, Silane is placed on the post (inset photo) and core material inserted into the two post spaces. The posts are
placed to their full depths. J, The core is light cured. K, Placement of the core all the way to the occlusal surface. L, Excess
post length removed with a bur after final layer is cured.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 495

C A S E 1 Post and Core Restoration of an Endodontically Treated Tooth (contd)


FIGURE 18-4, contd M, Occlusal surface of the restoration is polished. N, Post-treatment view of the tooth, comparing
it to the pretreatment view (inset).

SUGGESTED READING Mattison GD: Photoelastic stress analysis of cast-gold endodontic posts,
J Prosthet Dent 48:407-411, 1982.
Bassiouny M: Adhesive tensile bond strength of light activated dentin Nathanson D, Ashayeri N: New aspects of restoring the endodontically
bonding agents, J Dent Res 65:314, 1986. treated tooth, Alpha Omegan 83:76-80, 1990.
Bravin RL: Post reinforcement tested. The functional stress analysis of post Plasmans P, Welle PR, Vrijhoef M: In vitro resistance of composite resin
reinforcement, J Calif Dent Assoc 4:66-71, 1976. dowel and cores, J Endod 14:6, 1988.
Broome JC, Duke ES, Norling BK: Shear bond strengths of composite resins Practice InnovationsHow to select esthetic posts for your practice, Dental
with three dentin adhesives, J Dent Res 64:244, 1985. Product Reports, 36:46-52, 2002.
Cooney JP, Caputo AA, Trabert KC: Retention and stress distribution Reinhardt J, Chan D, Borer D: Shear strengths of proprietary dentin bonding
characteristic of tapered-end endodontic posts, J Dent Res 61:237, 1982. agents, J Dent Res 65:238, 1986.
Deutsch AS, Musikant BL, Cavallari J, Lepley JB: Prefabricated dowels: Sokol DJ: Effective use of current core and post concepts, J Prosthet Dent
a literature review, J Prosthet Dent 49:498-503, 1983. 52:231-234, 1984.
Freedman G: Bonded post-endodontic rehabilitation, Dent Today 5:50-54, Sorensen JA, Engleman MJ: Ferrule design and fracture resistance of
1996. endodontically treated teeth, J Prosthet Dent 63:529-536, 1990.
Freedman G: The carbon fibre post: metal-free, post-endodontic Sorensen JA, Martinoff JT: Intracoronal reinforcement and coronal coverage:
rehabilitation, Oral Health 86(2):23-26, 29-30, 1996 Feb. a study of endodontically treated teeth, J Prosthet Dent 51:780-784,
Freedman G, Glassman G, Serota K: EndoEsthetics: intraradicular 1984.
rehabilitation, Ont Dent 69(9):28-31, 1992. Sorensen JA, Navyar A, Nicholls JI: Current clinical trends in restoring the
Freedman G, Klaiman HF, Serota K, Glassman GD: EndoEsthetics Part II: endodontically treated tooth, J Clin Dent 1:39-47, 1988.
Castable ceramic post/core restorations, Ont Dent 70(5):21-24, 1993. Standlee J, Caputo A, Hanson E: Retention of endodontic dowels: Effects
Freedman G, Novak IM, Serota KS, Glassman GD: Intra-radicular of cement, dowel length, diameter. and design, J Prosthet Dent 39-401,
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Gross JD, Retief DH, Bradley EL: Tensile bond strengths of dentin bonding systems, J Dent Res 65:173, 1986.
agents to dentin, J Dent Res 64:244, 1985. Torbjrner A, Karlsson S, Odman PA: Survival rate and failure characteristics
Hock D: Impact resistance of posts and cores. Thesis, University of Michigan, for two post designs, J Prosthet Dent 73:439-444, 1995.
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19 C H A P T E R

Single-Tooth All-Ceramic
Edward Lowe

RELEVANCE OF ALL-CERAMIC Early PJCs tended to fail owing to the microfractures that
occurred on the internal surface. The answer to this problem
SINGLE-TOOTH RESTORATIONS first appeared in the early 1950s with renewing interest in the
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY PFM crown. Because the internal surface of the porcelain is
bonded to a metal coping in PFM restorations, the metal-
All ceramic is the most esthetic choice for full-coverage restora- porcelain bond prevents the stress cracks from developing. In
tions. If given a choice, a patient will always select the natural- the 1960s the aluminous core PJC was developed. This crown
looking restoration over an artificial one. Currently there is was made on a refractory die rather than on platinum foil.
virtually no need to place a single unit with a full gold crown PFM restorations gained popularity exponentially and are to
or a porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crown in most clinical situ- this day the most widely used type of single-tooth full-coverage
ations. Researchers have been trying for years to come up with restoration. The main disadvantage of the metal ceramic restora-
a material similar to that of a natural tooth. Although the quest tion still appears to be the ability of the overlying porcelain to
for the ideal all-ceramic material continues, some materials used mask the underlying metal, especially in porcelain-tometal
today approach the esthetics and strength of the enamel-dentin collar and porcelain-to-margin (combination) types. This esthetic
complex in natural dentition. barrier resulted in a burst of research and development in ceramic
technology for anterior restorations.
In the 1970s this research culminated in the development of
the collarless ceramometal crown and porcelain shoulder (butt)
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL margins. The 1980s brought developments in the posterior den-
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION tition for single-unit crowns. These included early glass ceramics
such as Dicor (DENTSPLY Prosthetics, York, Pennsylvania) and
OF ALL-CERAMIC SINGLE-TOOTH Cerestore (Johnson & Johnson Professionals, Inc., East Windsor,
RESTORATIONS New Jersey). Although these were fairly good restorations, they
were all conventionally cemented because resin bonding and
Before the development of the all-ceramic restoration, crowns resin cements were in early development. One of the first resin
made of gold or gold alloys with an acrylic or porcelain facing cements was Resiment (JL Blosser, Inc., Liberty, Missouri), an
were considered state of the art. Esthetics were lacking, as the auto-curing, filled, multipurpose cement.
resulting restorations were a far cry from the look of the natural An early development was VITA In-Ceram ALUMINA
dentition. (glass-infiltrated alumina crowns) (VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad
The porcelain jacket crown (PJC) was the first tooth-colored Sckingen, Germany). These had a very hard aluminous core,
full-coverage restoration. Introduced by Dr. Charles H. Land in creating challenges for the dentist if one had to be removed.
1903, the porcelain jacket was made with feldspathic porcelain These crowns tended to be a bit opaque, as the layering porcelain
clay layers successively fired over platinum foil. The finished PJC had the dubious task of hiding the opacious coping.
was luted to the tooth using zinc phosphate cement. Although This paved the way for VITA In-Ceram SPINELL (glass-
it could fulfill some of the esthetic drawbacks of its predecessor, infiltrated magnesium alumina crowns), which sacrificed some
it was not without its shortcomings. First, the removal of the physical properties in flexural strength and hardness in order to
platinum foil after the crown was fired meant that there was produce a coping with greater translucency.
always a substantial gap left at the margin from which the zinc These were followed by the high-strength VITA In-Ceram
phosphate cement could leach out, leaving the tooth prone to ZIRCONIA (glass-infiltrated alumina with partially stabilized
caries. Second, the porcelain tended to be too opaque to match zirconia) crowns, which failed esthetically but were useful as
the surrounding teeth. Finally, this old-fashioned porcelain high-strength posterior crowns and bridge abutments.
crown inherently lacked robust physical properties and strength. From the early 1990s, various leucite-reinforced glass ceramic
PJCs were definitely contraindicated for posterior teeth, as they (LRGC) materials offered anterior single-unit esthetics using
were prone to failure even on anterior teeth. either the staining or the cut-back and layering technique.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 497

Empress (Ivoclar Vivadent, Amherst, New York) pressed-leucite necessary to mask out a dark post, these restorations perform
porcelain was the most esthetic material, but it was typically a very well.
weak material when used in the posterior region, especially in Posteriorly, function is more important. Patients needing
the case of a full-coverage restoration. If this material was used, posterior restorations in general are concerned about function
the restorations were typically stained and not layered. and longevity. The best choice for these patients often is a
Among the indirect resins tried in the posterior area were PFM or full gold restoration. For a single-tooth restoration
materials such as Concept (Ivoclar Vivadent), Artglass (Heraeus focused on function plus esthetics, a zirconia or a lithium disili-
Kulzer, Hanau, Germany), Targis and Vectris (Ivoclar Vivadent), cate corebased restoration would be the restoration of choice.
belleGlass (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California), Sinfony (3M Lithium disilicate restorations work best if bonded; however
ESPE, St Paul, Minnesota), and Cristobal (DENTSPLY Pros- they can be conventionally cemented as well. In the zirconia
thetics) that were never really meant to be used for full-crown restoration, the core is very strong, but the layering porcelain
restorations. Although attempts were made, the results were quite still seems more likely to chip away from the core with a zirconia
disastrous, with severe wear being the main instigator of func- restoration than it does with a PFM restoration.
tional failure. These crowns typically lasted 5 years or less at best. In relation to function, the best course of action is to use the
Better esthetics with greater strength was achieved with the most esthetic material to match an anterior tooth and use the
development of Empress 2 (Ivoclar Vivadent), although this strongest core in the posterior region. That is why lithium disili-
initially met with disastrous results because of the difficulty in cate is an ideal material. Its core can be taken right to the surface,
getting the two coefficients to match the thermal expansion it is esthetic, and it has fracture resistance, thereby allowing it
coefficient of the layering porcelain made of fluorapatite. In to be more than adequate for most situations.
these restorations ceramists stacked layering powder-liquid
ceramic, but cracking was a problem. This led to reworking the
lithium disilicatefluorapatite formula and renaming it Eris. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
The Procera materials (Nobel Biocare, Yorba Linda, Califor-
nia), which are polycrystalline ceramics, were the next thing
developed. With the very hard Procera cores, the color is opa- The primary indication for all-ceramic restorations is obviously
cious white, almost too white. Trying to hide the white core with improved esthetics and lower cost. The consideration for improved
the layering ceramic became a challenge. esthetics is apparent. The lower cost is a result of the escalating
Zirconia core restorations such as Lava (3M ESPE) were costs of precious metals. For example, in the anterior region,
developed in response to the demand for an all-ceramic frame- because the cost of precious metals is rising, the PFM crown with
work for fixed partial dentures (FPDs) in addition to the single- a porcelain butt margin ends up costing a bit more than a ceramic
unit crowns. These zirconia restorations have an infrastructure core restoration with porcelain on top. The other clinical consid-
that is designed using conventional waxing techniques or com- erations in the anterior are the all-ceramic restorations ability to
puter-aided design (CAD) technology. The infrastructure is match the existing dentition and the ability to keep the restora-
milled from yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal tion margins supragingival or equigingival, because masking the
(Y-TZP) blanks using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), metal margins of the restoration is not a factor.
after which the layering ceramic is stacked on to build the crown.
Lithium disilicate, Empress 2, has been re-introduced as
e.max (Ivoclar Vivadent) and is available either in a pressable or
a CAD-CAM form. This seems to be the ideal material because The physical properties and strength of all-ceramic crowns have
instead of cutting back the core and laying powder or liquid improved. Studies show that they can provide the same length
ceramic on top, the preparation is milled to anatomic form and of service as a properly made metal ceramic restoration. These
stained, making this an extremely hard restoration. The whole do well in areas without high stress. Because stress can cause
crown is made up of lithium disilicate, which makes it mono- fractures, even PFM crowns with porcelain occlusal surfaces are
lithic rather than a bilayer ceramic, and accounts for its improved susceptible to fracture of the layering porcelain. In such cases,
strength and esthetics. Although it can be cemented convention- metal on the occlusal surface may be indicated. In areas such as
ally, the lithium disilicate restoration can also be bonded to the the second molar region where there is inadequate room for the
tooth with resin cement. ceramic to achieve its peak physical properties or where tooth
structure is inadequate to prepare the tooth, all-ceramic restora-
tions are contraindicated.
With the anterior single-tooth all-ceramic restoration, esthetics
takes precedence. Most of the materials being used now are All-purpose feldspathic porcelains are mainly used with PFM
strong enough to be used in the anterior region, except in certain restorations and ceramic corebased all-ceramic restorations as
cases complicated by parafunctional activity. For the most part, the layering ceramic in a bi-layer restoration. They may be used
these restorations are the restorations of choice. Even if it is to create porcelain veneers, inlays, and onlays as well.
498 Single-Tooth All-Ceramic Restorations

The three main groups of materials used in the construction alter the final shade of the restoration. Anterior crowns made
of an all-ceramic core are pressable glass ceramic, glass-infiltrated from a core material of this type have shown exceptional success
ceramic, and polycrystalline ceramic. rates. The flexural strength has been measured at 105 to 120MPa,
and the fracture toughness is 1.5 to 1.7MPa m0.5.
Materials such as these, with low strength, are best used in
Pressable Glass Ceramics the anterior region. The strength of these restorations is supple-
Pressable glass ceramics are composed of two main groups: the mented by etching the internal surfaces with hydrofluoric acid,
LRGCs and the lithium disilicate glass ceramics (LDGCs). They silanating, and bonding to treated tooth structure with resin
both contain a fluid glassy phase and crystalline components. cements (Figure 19-1).
LRGC restorations such as IPS Empress (Ivoclar Vivadent), LDGC restorations such as IPS Empress II, IPS Eris, and IPS
OPC (Pentron Ceramics Inc., Somerset, New Jersey), Finesse e.max (Ivoclar Vivadent) have been in use since 1999. LDGCs
All-Ceramic (DENTSPLY Prosthetics), and Authentic porcelain are recommended for anterior and posterior crowns as well as
(Jensen Dental, North Haven, Connecticut) have been in use for three-unit FPDs from the second premolar and forward.
for over 20 years. LRGCs are highly translucent so they are good These materials are not recommended for posterior bridges
for esthetic restorations. Another advantage is the ability to wax with a molar abutment. Flexural strength is about 360MPa for
the restoration to full contour, check the shape and occlusion, e.max CAD and closer to 400MPa for e.max Press. Fracture
and invest and press it to form, resulting in a restoration that toughness is about 2.25MPa m0.5 for e.max CAD and closer to
covers the site and can be bonded. The restoration is natural 2.75MPa m0.5 for e.max Press.
looking with accurate margins. Copings can be fabricated by Once again, the core is fabricated with lost wax and heat-
using either a lost waxheat pressing technique or CAD-CAM pressure techniques. These restorations are etched with hydro-
technology. fluoric acid and adhesively cemented, although they are strong
The disadvantage of this material is its inability to hide a dark enough to be conventionally cementedanother advantage.
discolored core. Because of the materials high translucency, a In using LDGC to fabricate a bridge, large connectors are
discolored tooth, metal core buildup, or implant abutment will needed between the abutments and the pontic tooth in both




FIGURE 19-1 Fiber post, composite core, and Empress pressed-leucite porcelain crown used to match existing veneers.
A, Retracted pre-operative view of discolored tooth No. 7. Anterior restoration is 10 years old. B, Close-up pre-operative view
showing shine-through of metal post and microleakage. C, Removal of gold cast post and core after crown removal. D, Composite
core buildup around cemented fiber post. E, Finished post and buildup and tooth preparation. F, Preparation shade selected after
the acrylic provisional has been placed. G, The final shade of the crown is selected. H, The shade of the new crown is checked
on the preparation die against the anterior teeth. I, Try-in gel used to check the shade of the new restoration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 499







FIGURE 19-1, contd J, Hydrofluoric acid porcelain etch is used on the intaglio surface of the crown for 15 seconds and then
rinsed off. K, Silane coupling agent is applied to etched porcelain for 1 minute and then dried. L, The tooth is etched for 15
seconds with 35% phosphoric acid. M, Bonding agent is applied to the moist tooth surface. N, Light-cured resin cement is loaded
into the crown. O, The crown is seated and spot tacked in the center of the facial surface with a 2-mm tacking tip for 1 second.
P, Excess cement removed from the margins with a rubber tip. Q, The contacts are flossed and the floss pulled through to the
lingual. R, Glycerin is placed around the margins to ensure curing of the oxygen inhibition layer. S, The crown is light cured into
place for 20 seconds per surface. T, A scaler is used to remove excess cured cement. U, A 32-bladed finishing bur is used to remove
cement from the margins. V, The bite is checked with articulation paper. W, Contact must be light, and one should be able to
drag shim stock through when in maximum intercuspation. X, Close-up postoperative view of the completed Empress crown.
Y, Retracted postoperative view of the leucite crown restoration on tooth No. 7. Z, Pre-operative smile. Note the protected smile
and asymmetrical upper lip dynamics. AA, Postoperative smile. Note the fuller smile and symmetrical upper lip dynamics.
500 Single-Tooth All-Ceramic Restorations

facial-lingual and incisal-cervical orientations. This material is any other metal or metal-free restoration. With a flexural
not to be used for anterior bridgework when a 4.0-mm strength four times greater and a fracture toughness almost two
4.0-mm connector is not possible. times greater than those of LRGC, it is no wonder that use of
The earlier core materials made from lithium disilicate were LDGC core material in both its pressable and CAD-CAM ver-
originally not as translucent as the LRGCs. Both materials can sions (IPS e.max Press, IPS e.max CAD [Ivoclar Vivadent]) has
be fabricated to full anatomic contour and characterized with grown in popularity (Figure 19-2).
surface stains, or the cores can be cut back and layered with LDGC is emerging as a restorative material of choice for
feldspathic effect porcelains. single-unit all-ceramic indirect restorations. It is increasingly
Like the LRGCs, the LDGCs have many indications and being integrated into North American and Western European
uses. The pressable lithium disilicate material (IPS e.max Press) dental practices. Being strong, versatile, and lifelike, it comes
is indicated for inlays, onlays, partial crowns, thin veneers, with a variety of translucencies and can be layered to maximize
veneers, anterior and posterior crowns, three-unit anterior esthetics in select cases.
bridges, three-unit premolar bridges, telescope primary crowns,
and implant restorations. In some cases in which minimal or no
tooth preparation is desired (e.g., thin veneers), laboratories are
Glass-Infiltrated Ceramics
able to press restorations as thin as 0.3mm while still ensuring Glass-infiltrated ceramics are a product of infiltrating molten
a strength of 400MPa. Indications for the machinable lithium glass to partially sintered metal oxides such as alumina, magne-
disilicate material (IPS e.max CAD) are inlays, onlays, veneers, sium alumina, and partially stabilized zirconia. Sintering is a
partial crowns, anterior and posterior crowns, telescope primary method for making objects from powder, by heating the material
crowns, and implant restorations. For a posterior crown fabri- in a sintering furnace below its melting point (solid state sinter-
cated to full contour using CAD methods, lithium disilicate ing) until its particles adhere to one another. Glass-infiltrated
offers 360MPa of strength through the entire restoration. As a ceramics are part of the In-Ceram (Ivoclar Vident) family of
result, restorations demonstrate a monolithic strength unlike restorations introduced in 1989.




FIGURE 19-2 e.max lithium disilicate crowns used for anterior restorations. A, Retracted pre-operative view. B, Close-up pre-
operative view. C, View of teeth Nos. 8 and 9 prepared for crown restorations. D, The teeth provisionalized with acrylic crowns
made from a pre-operative PVS impression and cemented. E, Model of the preparations. F, View of the full-contour wax-ups of
the anticipated restorations. G, The individual wax patterns sprued and invested. H, Cut-backs are completed after the fit of the
restorations was verified and the incisal matrix is placed on the model to verify the proper reduction. I, All contours are shaped
(using a variety of diamond burs), and the surface anatomy and morphology added to make the restorations blend with the sur-
rounding teeth.






FIGURE 19-2, contd J, Small amounts of stain are applied where needed, and the restorations are fired. K, After the restorations
have been fitted back on the solid model, contacts are checked, full embrasures are confirmed, and No. 2 pumice is used to finish
the surface to the desired satin luster and reflectivity. L, View of the completed restorations on the master model at the dentists
office. M, The appropriate shade of luting cement is chosen. N, The restorations are tried in with glycerin try-in gel. O, The
preparations are etched with 35% phosphoric acid. P, The crowns are seated, and excess cement is allowed to escape from the
margins before cleanup. Q, Glycerin is placed around the margins to ensure curing of the oxygen inhibition layer. R, The crown
restorations are light cured into place. S, Retracted postoperative view of the lithium disilicate crown restorations on teeth Nos.
8 and 9. T, Close-up pre-operative view of the completed restorations. U, Pre-operative smile. V, Postoperative smile. W, Pre-
operative headshot. X, Postoperative headshot.
502 Single-Tooth All-Ceramic Restorations

Glass-infiltrated alumina has a high-temperature, sintered The design of the Y-TZP substructure is achieved conven-
alumina glass-infiltrated infrastructure and is used in anterior or tionally by some restorative systems using a wax-up and milling
posterior crowns as well as three-unit FPDs in the anterior. It process and by others using CAD-CAM technology. The size of
has a flexural strength ranging from 236 to 600MPa, and the the partially sintered, milled infrastructures is increased to com-
fracture toughness ranges from 3.1 to 4.6MPa m0.5. The coping pensate for the 20% to 25% reduction in size that typically
or framework can be fabricated by the ceramist using either a occurs with during final sintering. Pressed ceramics or layering
slip-casting technique (in which a slurry is poured into a porous porcelains can be used over the substructures to give the restora-
mold and the liquid is filtered out through the mold, leaving a tion the final desired esthetic outcome.
layer of solid porcelain body) or CAD-CAM technology. The One of the main advantages of this material is that one can
core is opacious and limits VITA In-Ceram ALUMINAs use as create long-span bridgework because the material is available in
a highly esthetic material. large blocks and in a horseshoe shape.
This lack of translucency in the core of glass-infiltrated Zirconia-cored crowns are susceptible to chipping of the
alumina is what led to the development of glass-infiltrated mag- veneering ceramic. The fracture rate has ranged from 8% to 50%
nesium alumina. Although it has lower flexural strength, about at 1 to 2 years. In comparison, the reported rate of chipping
283 to 377MPa, the VITA In-Ceram SPINELL core material with PFM crowns is 4% to 10% after 10 years. The mechanism
is almost twice as translucent as the In-Ceram ALUMINA core. of chipping is not clear. It might be attributable to core flexure
It is mostly used for anterior crowns in situations where or bond failure.
maximum translucency is required at the expense of strength. Another possible cause of chipping is the lack of uniform
This risk has been demonstrated to be one worth taking, as support of the veneering ceramic by the core. A well-known
VITA In-Ceram SPINELLs track record has proven to be suc- principle for PFM restorations is that the metal core should
cessful over an extended period of time. support a uniform thickness of veneering ceramic and that there
In-Ceram ZIRCONIA contains partially stabilized zirconia, should be a maximum of 2mm of unsupported porcelain. This
which increases the core materials core flexural strength from is accomplished with an anatomic-contour wax-up and con-
about 421MPa to 800MPa. Fracture toughness ranges from 6 trolled cut-back.
to 8MPa m0.5. This strong core allows the material to be used Zirconia cores are made by dental laboratories by scanning
for posterior bridgework as well. The drawback of this material the die and then milling a uniform core of 0.3mm for ante-
is its higher opacity, and because the main reason for using all- rior teeth and 0.5mm for posterior teeth. Because of the bell-
ceramic materials is to improve light transmission and translu- shaped nature of teeth that must be reduced to remove
cency, the use of this core material is limited to the posterior undercuts, uneven thicknesses of the veneering ceramic will
dentition. result, some of which may exceed the industry standard of
2mm of unsupported porcelain stacked on top of the zirconia
core. The technician can correct this problem before he or she
Polycrystalline Ceramics mills the core, by designing the uneven thicknesses into the
Polycrystalline ceramics are machinable using CAD-CAM tech- core rather than relying on the layering ceramic to pick up
nology and include materials such as the Procera AllCeram the slack.
system (Nobel Biocare), which is a densely sintered high-purity As far as most clinicians are concerned it does not matter how
aluminum oxide. These cores are glass free and have a flexural fracture resistant the core isa restoration is only as good as its
strength of 500 to 650MPa and a fracture toughness of 4.48 weakest link. If the layering porcelain fractures or breaks, the
to 6MPa m0.5. The material is recommended for anterior and restoration must be remade or repaired.
posterior crowns. However, its use is questionable for three-unit The high-strength polycrystalline ceramic zirconia and
bridges. alumina restorations cannot be etched and bonded readily. It is
The other polycrystalline ceramic system is made of Y-TZP. necessary to use materials such as a resin-modified glass ionomer
Y-TZP is the foundation for a number of high-strength systems, cement (e.g., RelyX Luting Plus Cement [3M ESPE], GC
such as Lava (3M ESPE), Cercon (DENTSPLY Prosthetics), FujiCEM (GC America, Alsip, Illinois). These cements are well
Cerec inLab (Sirona Dental Systems, Charlotte, North Caro- known for their lack of associated postoperative tooth sensitivity,
lina), and Procera AllZirkon (Nobel Biocare). The machinable acceptable strength, and fluoride release.
Y-TZP blocks can be used for FPD frameworks as well as ante- A second option is to use a self-adhesive universal resin
rior and posterior crown copings. In vitro studies of Y-TZP cement such as RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE) or MaxCem Elite
demonstrate a very strong flexural strength of 900 to 1200MPa (Kerr Corporation). These cements contain an incorporated self-
and a fracture toughness of 9 to 10MPa m0.5. The strength of etching bonding agent.
the Y-TZP is attributed to a process known as transformational A third option is to use resin cements that require the use of
toughening and to the materials small 0.3- to 0.5-m grain a separate self-etching bonding agent such as PANAVIA F
structure. When a crack begins to spread through the ceramic, (Kuraray America, New York, New York) and Multilink Automix
a high-energy stress state develops that causes the Y-TZP to (Ivoclar Vivadent). Both of these resin cements have a two-
repair itself by transforming from a tetragonal crystal configura- component liquid self-etching bonding agent that is intended
tion to a monoclinic configuration, stopping crack propagation to be applied to the tooth preparation before the restoration is
within the framework. seated with the resin cement. The self-etching bonding agent is
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 503

intended to seal the dentinal canals and provide bonding to both the tooth is prepared. With a metal-ceramic crown, it is very
the enamel and the dentin. easy to put a hole on top of it, do the endoscopic work, close
Some authorities advocate the use of air abrasion on the the hole, and not lose the crown. An all-ceramic crown is a little
intaglio surface of zirconia-cored restorations with a tribochemi- different because cutting a hole through it invariably results in
cal silica coating (Rocatec or CoJet system [3M ESPE]) to a defect that can lead to catastrophic failure of the crown. In
increase the bond strength between the resin cement and the developing the margins of the finish line, it should be as smooth
ceramic, whereas others feel that air abrasion inside the entire as possible. Polishing of the finish line is critical for the long-
surface of the restoration can cause a transformational change term heath of the restoration. Margins must be placed deep
that ages the restoration and reduces its life expectancy. enough into the gingival sulcus that minor recession will not
It is important to understand that simply placing an all- expose them. With these restorations it is not necessary to place
ceramic restoration instead of a metal-ceramic restoration will the margins so deeply that the biologic width is violated, result-
not guarantee outstanding esthetics. The clinician must ensure ing in a chronic inflammatory response. In most instances the
that there is proper tooth preparation with a good finish line. margin can be placed equigingivally or 0.5mm subgingivally, so
To attain ideal esthetics and an adequate amount of strength, analyzing these soft tissues before tooth preparation is para-
the dentist must achieve sufficient reduction to give the ceramist mount with the all-ceramic restoration.
room to create a restoration with physiological crown contours Understanding what the ceramist needs when preparing the
as well as excellent esthetics. The clinician must remove a teeth, performing shade-matching procedures, and using the
minimal cross-sectional thickness of 1.2 to 1.5mm of enamel correct cement material are all important. It is critical for patients
and dentin circumferentially to provide sufficient room for these to give informed consent and understand that long-term survival
polycrystalline alumina or zirconia cores and veneering porce- rates for all-ceramic restorations are likely to be slightly lower
lains. These are aggressive preparations, and an increase in bio- than for PFM restorations.
mechanical risk is incurred for the sake of esthetics. If the patient is a nocturnal bruxer, use of a night guard is
recommended to lengthen the life span of these restorations.


The higher-strength all-ceramic materials make many clinicians
feel at ease with using them because of their improved esthetics Everyone is striving to make the ideal restoration. Applied sci-
and lower cost. entific research is constantly seeking ways to make a hard-core
If esthetics is the main concern and the conditions are ideal, full-coverage restoration that is esthetic, has great physical prop-
the best approach for anterior full-coverage restorations is a erties, and can be cemented conventionally. If it were possible
leucite-reinforced glass ceramic fabricated with the IPS Empress to create an all-ceramic restoration with the track record and the
system. These restorations must be bonded adhesively with resin positive aspects of a full gold crown, it would be ideal.
cement. Technologically, research is ongoing into materials that are
In the posterior, a lithium disilicate full-coverage restoration more translucent. The more translucent the material, the more
made with the IPS e.max system meets the requirement for glass there is, and the weaker it is. Researchers are working on
strength and esthetics. These restorations can be bonded with materials that are hard enough but less opaque. The harder the
resin cement or cemented conventionally with resin-modified material is, the more opaque it tends to be.
glass ionomer or self-adhesive resin cements. In addition, active CAD-CAM technology is being devel-
The use of zirconia full-coverage posterior restorations is oped to mill cores made of harder materials that can be delivered
acceptable if conditions allow for it and there is adequate tooth to the dentist at a reasonable cost. Milling centers may reduce
structure and retention. the cost.
The latest zirconia restoration to appear on the market is a
solid monolithic zirconia crown or bridge restoration (BruxZir
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS [Glidewell Laboratories, Newport Beach, California]) with no
porcelain overlay. BruxZir is ideally suited for posterior molar
Using an all-ceramic restoration does not automatically guaran- crowns when the patient desires a tooth-colored restoration but
tee esthetic success. Besides choosing the right material, it is lacks the preparation space for a PFM crown or has broken one
important to choose a good ceramist and pay attention to the in the past owing to bruxing. A shoulder preparation is not
details regarding tooth preparation and cervical margin design, required, and a feather edge is acceptable. It is a conservative
margin placement, soft tissue management, and quality of the preparation similar to full-cast gold, so any preparation with at
impression. A thorough history is needed so the dentist knows least 0.5mm of occlusal clearance is satisfactory, although 1mm
which restoration is appropriate. It is necessary to assess whether is ideal.
the pulp of the tooth is healthy before the crown is prepared. Other innovative elements include digital impression systems
Are endodontic procedures needed? If there is any reason to such as Chairside Oral Scanner C.O.S. (3M ESPE) and iTero
question the vitality of the pulp of a tooth receiving an all- (Cadent, Carlstadt, New Jersey), which can optically scan the
ceramic crown, endodontic therapy should be considered before patients teeth and bite. The digital impression is used to create
504 Single-Tooth All-Ceramic Restorations

a stereolithographic model, die, and wax coping for crown Is the tissue level at the right height, where the crown is
creation. needed?
If the person fractured the tooth, was it right at the gum
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS Did this tooth have a previous crown on it?
When it was removed, was the tooth black? If so, is there
One of the hardest tasks for a dentist is to match a single crown a metal post in it?
to an existing natural tooth. In the anterior region of the mouth,
the task becomes more daunting as the patient wants an anterior The amount of ferrule on a crown preparation should be
crown to look exactly the same as the adjacent central incisor. considered when planning an anterior all-ceramic crown. For
In some instances, both teeth are done in order to meet the example, a patient comes in with a crown from the upper right
patients expectations. central incisor in hand; the crown obviously broke off at the
Some of the artistic elements that dentists must know include gum line. The remaining tooth structure is less that 2mm in
natural tooth shape and tooth anatomy, emergence profile, line height, and the dentinal wall is less than 1mm thick. This tooth
angles, and tooth arrangement. In addition, dentists must is at risk of not surviving longer than 5 years. Decisions must
understand color and be able to capture and translate the color be made at the treatment-planning stage. Is it necessary to use
and the details of that tooth into ceramic, whether by photog- orthodontics to extrude that tooth? Is crown lengthening needed,
raphy, by taking a study model, by taking a shade map, or by or is it best to extract the tooth and consider the option of an
using shade-selection software. The dentist must be able to trans- implant and an implant crown? These are some of the things
fer this information correctly to the ceramist. If working with a dentists must consider when sequencing treatment. Before color,
ceramist locally, a dentist may have the luxury of doing custom shape, and so on are contemplated, the viability and prognosis
shade matching. However, many dentists use laboratories that of the tooth must be determined.
are in a different part of the city or state or often in another Relative to the tissue around the tooth, is the tissue healthy?
country. Is the gingival height the same on the two central incisors? Does
A good knowledge of digital photography and the ability to it look natural next to the surrounding teeth and soft tissue? Is
translate all of this information to the laboratory are also artistic there tooth and gingival symmetry? Does any periodontal work
elements for the dentist. To learn these techniques requires need to be done before the crown is inserted?
looking at teeth a lot, studying a good tooth anatomy book, Once the dentist has looked at the remaining tooth structure
taking a waxing course, and understanding what ceramists look and assessed the specific situation and the surrounding tissue,
for. It is good to have an eye for detail when looking at teeth the color of the final restoration is considered. Patients usually
and to learn to observe embrasures, contact areas, outline forms, ask whether they can bleach the teeth. Should they do that
line angles, and reflective and deflective zones. It is important before the crown procedure or after? In most instances when a
to understand what a tooth naturally looks like and to be able person is going to bleach the teeth, it is best to do the whitening
to copy it. This is the artistic component of working with teeth. first, then wait 2 weeks before proceeding with crown prepara-
Learning and practicing how to do direct veneers and direct resin tion. If the color is not satisfactory to the patient, further whit-
mock-ups will accelerate ones skills and esthetic eye. ening will be planned. If the tooth cannot be whitened to
Most of the artistic elements that the patient sees in the final specifications, porcelain veneers might have to be included in
restoration depend on the talent of the ceramist. The challenge the treatment plan along with the single crown.
is finding a ceramist who has the skill to produce what dentists Another thing to consider is the dark-tooth single crown in
are looking for. A ceramist must understand how and have the which the patient has undergone endodontic treatment but has
ability to use different materials to create the perfect restoration. received no post. If there is an endodontic access, should the
The ceramist must also be familiar with various materials so that dentist internally bleach the tooth to increase the color of the
the correct material may be chosen for the particular situation. preparation shade? If internal bleaching is planned, it is accom-
He or she must be able to look at small things such as the plished before preparation of the entire tooth. If there is a metal
mamelons, lobes, perikymata, and naturally occurring craze lines post, can it be removed safely without causing iatrogenic damage
and must possess the talent to reproduce these in the finished to the remaining tooth structure or catastrophically fracturing
restoration. the tooth?


A good medical-dental history is essential. From this foundation, As an example, a dentist is planning to restore a maxillary central
the clinician considers the following: incisor, and the goal is to match the other one exactly. What
Does the tooth need to be extracted? steps must be taken from start to finish?
Is the tooth that needs a crown endodontically treated? To begin with, it is helpful to mock up the tooth with com-
Did the tooth have an existing post? posite to make it anatomically match the adjacent central. Soft
If not, what type of post and core should be used? tissues should be of the same height. If they are not, a soft tissue
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 505

laser is used to correct any minor tissue discrepancies. A poly not separate from the tray. There are many different materials
vinyl impression is taken and set aside for making an acrylic for taking an impression. The authors preference is either heavy-
provisional restoration after tooth preparation. The patient is or medium-body fast-set polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) and a wash
sent home, having seen the mock-up of the corrected tooth using extra-light-body fast-set PVS.
looking as good as possible and with the soft tissue architecture Triple trays can be used cautiously for a single anterior crown;
looking ideal. however, the full-arch impression will prevent any articulating
A digital photograph of the desired shade of the final restora- inaccuracies. In the case of a single posterior crown when the
tion is taken using a digital single-lens reflex (SLR) camera, crown preparation is not the most distal tooth, a triple tray can
making sure that the shade number is captured along with the be used routinely. The tray should be a reinforced one that is
shade tab. The shade tab is placed next to the tooth being unlikely to distort with impression taking.
restored, making sure the shades of the adjacent teeth are cap- The impression-taking process is begun by having an assistant
tured at the same time. This is a good time to take the photo- load the heavier body impression material, either by hand or
graph because the teeth are moist and the color is true. If the using a Pentamix device (3M ESPE), into the impression tray.
shade is taken after tooth preparation, a higher-value shade may Material does not have to be loaded on the palate portion of the
be mistakenly recorded owing to desiccation of the teeth. tray. It is important to ensure there is an even depth of impres-
The patient is anesthetized with local anesthetic, and tooth sion material in the tray.
preparation begins with a depth cut bur used to make depth cuts As the assistant is filling the tray, the dentist removes the
on the facial, lingual, and incisal surfaces of the tooth. Changing larger No. 1 cord, leaving the No. 0 or 00 cord in place as he
to a coarse bullet-nosed chamfer diamond bur (856-016), inter- or she syringes extra-light-body material with the tip all the way
proximal separation cuts are made so that the preparation is free around the margin of the tooth preparation, on the adjacent
of the adjacent teeth. Next the bur is used to scribe the buccal teeth, and on the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth. When
and lingual margins of the future crown supragingivally on the the assistant hands the dentist the tray, the small tip at the end
preparation. With all the depth cuts complete, the incisal, facial, of the mixing tip is removed, and some light-body material is
lingual, and interproximal reduction is completed by joining injected on top of the heavier-body material in the tray. The
the dots circumferentially. After the crown preparation is impression is inserted into the mouth. The tray should not be
roughed out, a fine red-stripe diamond chamfer finishing bur moved back and forth or rotated after placement. The assistant
(856-016) is used to define the finish line and to make certain holds the tray in place with light pressure over the posterior
everything is smooth. A football-shaped red-stripe fine diamond teeth. The retractors are removed, and the material is allowed to
bur is used to finish the lingual wall of the preparation. The set. The impression is removed; verification is made that the
preparation is checked to ensure there is at least 1.0 to 1.5mm margins and detail have been accurately captured. The impres-
axial reduction, 1.5 to 2.0mm incisal reduction, 1.0mm reduc- sion is placed in a container with the opposing arch and bite
tion at the gingival margin, and 1.5mm lingual contact clear- registrations for the dental lab.
ance. Sharp corners or edges are eliminated. The color of the core and the preparation makes a difference
The healthy placement of the margin is important, so a peri- in the restoration. Preparation shade is documented using a
odontal probe is used to measure or sound the distance from 35-mm digital photograph. This can be emailed to the labora-
the gingival margin to the osseous crest in the facial, midfacial, tory. The picture of the preparation shade is taken, making sure
and interproximal areas to ensure the margin placement does the preparation shade number on the tab is recorded as well. All
not violate the biological width. Before impression taking, a the details are listed on the lab slip and transferred to the labora-
two-cord technique is used for tissue retraction. A No. 0 or 00 tory, including the material to be used to make the crown, the
cord is placed in the sulcus and an Astringident-impregnated final shade of the restoration (cervical, body, and incisal shades),
No. 1 cord is placed circumferentially around the tooth and left the color and amount of incisal translucency, the degree of
in. The definitive margin is refined and finished. surface texture, and surface characteristics such as hypocalcifica-
To polish the preparation, a medium Sof-Lex disk (3M tion and maverick colors.
ESPE) is used, taking out all the sharp corners and making sure In order to make a provisional restoration, Luxatemp (DMG
all is smooth. In a second check, adequate reduction is deter- Chemisch-Pharmazeutische, Hamburg, Germany), Integrity
mined with the patient sitting up, and the angulation of the (DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware) or any self-curing
preparation is checked to make sure the long axis inclines slightly acrylic can be used. The teeth are isolated with self-retracting
mesially to the midline. retractors again. The remaining retraction cord is removed, and
In the impression part of the procedure, a bite registration is the preparation is cleaned with a 0.12% chlorhexidine solution,
taken for the crown using polyvinyl bite registration material. rinsed with water, and left slightly moist.
The lower opposing arch impression is taken with alginate sub- Acrylic is placed into the original triple-tray impression set
stitute or polyvinyl or alginate. For the upper restoration impres- aside earlier. A tip for injecting Luxatemp and not getting an air
sion, self-retracting retractors are placed, then a stock crown and bubble or void when injecting into the polyvinyl impression is
bridge tray is tried in to make sure there is plenty of room. The to keep the dispensing tip down and move it back and forth as
tray should not bind in the first or second molar region to be the acrylic is being dispensed into the pre-operative impression
considered a good fit; if it does, it is too small. The tray is then of the crown. It is important to be generous with the acrylic and
painted with adhesive to make sure the impression material does not to underload the impression.
506 Single-Tooth All-Ceramic Restorations

The tray is positioned over the arch with the prepped tooth. cautioned not to clench down. The restoration is never checked
The patient bites into the tray, and after about 2 minutes, the to see whether it is high enough this early in the seating process,
triple-tray impression is taken out. The new provisional crown to eliminate any chance of damaging the restoration. Adjust-
will either come out with the impression or remain on the tooth. ments are made as needed with a fine finishing diamond, and
If it comes out with the impression, the tray is re-seated and the restoration is polished with a porcelain polisher (CeraGlaze
allowed to set for an additional 2 minutes. If it remains on the [Axis Dental, Coppell, Texas]).
tooth, the dentist must ensure that the crown can be carefully The crown is then tried in with water or a clear glycerin to
eased off the tooth and not shrink-locked onto the tooth prepa- see what the actual shade would look like with transparent
ration. The temporary crown is replaced back on the tooth cement. This helps in selecting a final cement shade for the situ-
preparation and allowed to set. ation. The restoration is tried in and the tooth assessed under
The set provisional crown is removed from the mouth and various different lights, for example, in the operatory light,
checked to make sure the margins are intact and that there are under the halogen light, and in natural daylight. It is helpful to
no voids. If voids are present, a similar shade flowable composite take a digital photograph of the crown to verify that the shade,
resin such as LuxaFlow is used to make repairs. shape, and surface texture of the crown are satisfactory to both
The acrylic crown is trimmed with a 3M medium disk on a the patient and the dentist. Various shades of glycerin try-in
slow-speed handpiece. The same polishing tips such as those paste can be used to alter the color if the patient is dissatisfied.
used for composite, such as Astropol, can be used for fine finish- If a good color match is impossible using the try-in pastes and
ing. Polishing is done with a bristle brush to obtain a dull shine. the restoration is too dark or too light, it is sent back to the lab
A clear uncondensed resin is applied, such as BisCover (Bisco, for modification. It is easier to lower the value of a restoration
Schaumburg, Illinois), LuxaGlaze (DMG America, Englewood, in the incisal that is a bit too bright than to brighten a restora-
New Jersey), or G-Coat Plus (GC America). This clear unfilled tion that is too low in value. The restoration may have to be
resin allows one to achieve a surface that appears like glazed remade if the color or the value is completely off. Any remake
porcelain. The glaze is light cured with a curing light. The crown may involve a different ingot or different porcelain shade to
is cemented with dual-cure provisional luting cement such as make it match. When everything looks acceptable, it is time to or Telio CS Link (Ivoclar Vivadent). A self-curing cement the restoration. If the intaglio surface of the crown was
provisional cement such as TempBond (Kerr Corporation) may adjusted or heavily contaminated, it is etched with hydrofluoric
be used; however, the opaque shade may not be desirable in the acid porcelain etch for a minute and rinsed with water. If it was
anterior region. TempBond Clear or any undetectable shade of simply tried in with try-in paste or water, reactivating the surface
provisional cement may be used as long as all of it is removed of the restoration with 35% phosphoric acid for a minute and
at the seat appointment and it does not hinder the seating of rinsing with water and drying are adequate.
the final restoration. Silane is painted on the intaglio surface of the crown and left
The excess cement is removed and the restoration is light in place for a minute before drying. Depending on the viscosity
cured or allowed to self-cure. The occlusion is checked on the of the resin cement used, an adhesive resin bonding agent may
temporary crown after it is cemented in place. A final impression or may not be needed. If the crown is to be luted with a low-
is taken of the provisional restoration so that the laboratory can viscosity cement like Variolink Veneer (Ivoclar Vivadent) or
copy the provisionals shape and position, especially if it had RelyX Veneer Cement (3M ESPE), a resin bonding agent does
been mocked up. not need to be painted on the inside of it.
In finishing the restoration, much communication goes on If possible, isolate the teeth with a rubber dam. The tooth
with the laboratory. The lab may want a gingival shade selection. preparation is etched for 15 seconds (dentin for 10 seconds and
The patient may go to the lab for a custom shade. The patient enamel for 15 seconds), taking care not to etch the teeth adjacent
may also come back with changes to the provisional restoration to it. The acid etch is rinsed off, leaving the tooth slightly moist.
that must be transmitted to the lab either by phone or through The adhesive bonding agent of choice is applied. The adhesive
a new impression. is scrubbed or rubbed on the tooth for 20 seconds. High-volume
The definitive crown is made with the ceramic material of suction or the warm-air tooth dryer (A-dec, Newberg, Oregon)
choice by the dental laboratory. The restoration is inspected on can be used to evaporate the solvent for 10 seconds. The adhesive
the cut die, the working model die, and the duplication of the on the tooth is light cured with a curing light for 10 seconds. If
uncut die. A soft tissue model may be sent with the case to check for any reason the gum starts to bleed, the bleeding can either
that the emergence profile of the anterior teeth looks good. be stopped with 35% hydrogen peroxide, a clear Astringident,
At the seat appointment, the provisional crown is removed or a diode laser. A repeat of the etching procedure is highly
to make sure that no food or bacteria are present on the tooth advisable because bleeding under an all-ceramic crown leads to
preparation. It is cleaned with 3% hydrogen peroxide and rinsed microleakage from areas that are not bonded, and ultimately
with water. The restoration is tried on to make sure that the failure or discoloration of the restoration.
margins can be observed. All margins should be tight, with no After the tissues are isolated and the tooth is etched, bonded,
gaps. In checking the contact areas, the tooth contact location and ready, resin cement of the desired shade is placed inside the
and tightness should be appropriate. Dental floss should pass crown, making sure that the margins are covered. The crown can
through the contact with a nice snap. The occlusion is lightly be held with a Pic-n-Stic (Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown,
and carefully checked in the restoration. The patient should be Massachusetts) or OptraStick (Ivoclar Vivadent) to facilitate its
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 507

placement. Both of these are placement instruments that feature single units. Evidence shows these are reliable materials. The
a flexible adhesive tip. The tip allows restorations and small only change now with the materials involves bringing the core
objects of all kinds to be picked up. to the occlusal surface. Studies show that the material is not
The crown is placed onto the tooth preparation and seated. abrasive to the opposing teeth.
There will be an excess of cement. Todays curing lights are
powerful enough to go through the entire restoration, so there
is no need to use dual cure cement. Using an instrument such
as a ball burnisher to keep the crown seated down, the center of CLINICAL CONSERVATION
the restoration is cured by spot tacking for 2 seconds with a CONCEPTS
2-mm tacking tip. The excess cement can be cleaned off with
Microbrushes and a Butler rubber tip (Sunstar Americas, These restorations technically need a 1-mm reduction or a
Chicago, Illinois). Alternatively, one can wave the curing light 1.5-mm occlusal reduction, and that is fairly conservative. The
for 2 seconds over the buccal and lingual margins to partially PFM could be made very thin but would never hide the gold.
set the excess cement and then peel it off. Care is taken not to The average reduction is 1.2mm, with 0.2mm for the gold core
cure the cement interproximally. and 1.0mm for layering ceramic. Some other restorations
Flossing is performed interproximally on both sides of the require more ceramic to hide the core. The zirconium may neces-
crown, pulling through the excess cement interproximally. Glyc- sitate more preparation, but it is possible to make the zirconium
erin is injected around the margins to make sure the oxygen- core as thin as 0.5mm. These restorations on the whole are fairly
inhibited layer will be cured. The restoration is final cured on conservative.
the incisal or occlusal, buccal, and lingual surfaces for 20 seconds Gold is still the best choice in the posterior from a biome-
per side with conventional or light-emitting diode (LED) light chanical conservation of tooth structure point of view. A gold
curing. A curette or scaler can be used to chip off little bits of crown can be 0.2mm thick and be functional for a fairly
the cement that are left over. If needed, a 32-blade carbide finish- lengthy period, which is not true of ceramic. However, few
ing bur can be used to remove the excess and smooth the mar- people want to have a full set of gold crowns on their anterior
ginal area. Diamond burs are avoided because they tend to teeth!
scratch the restoration, dentin, or cement.
A pencil can be rubbed along the surface of the porcelain,
which will mark excess cement but not porcelain. A No. 15 MAINTENANCE
Bard-Parker blade is used to remove the excess cement from the
surface of the porcelain. Patients should be advised to not do with these restorations what
Occlusion is checked with articulation paper with the they would not do with their natural teeth. It is unwise to bend
patient sitting up. The patient bites the teeth together to see wire or fix jewelry with the restorations because of the risk of
where centric contact is. The contact is adjusted if necessary chipping. In terms of hygiene, brushing, and flossing, regular
with a football-shaped fine diamond bur. The lateral and pro- general maintenance is sufficient. Abrasive toothpaste, such as
trusive excursions are checked. Any streaks should be even and Pearl Drops, can take the glaze off. When patients come for
perfected. Floss is used to check interproximal contacts again. hygiene, the hygienist should not use a coarse polishing paste.
Any adjustments made on the crown are polished with porce- Instead a fine product such as Proxyt (Ivoclar Vivadent) should
lain point, wheel, and cup finishers and polishers such as be used. These are designed to not remove the finish from the
CeraGlaze. restoration.
The patient is dismissed with instructions to return for occlu- The only controversy that exists with the increased use and
sal adjustments if needed after the local anesthetic wears off. popularity of all-ceramic restorations is that dentists are divided
about them. Old school traditionalists feel that they should
not base the use of all-ceramic restorations on what their patients
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES want. They say all-ceramic crowns should not be used on molars
because they will fail. Some of the controversy involves the facts
A lot of the evidence in the literature involves studies with all- that all-ceramic crowns can fracture and that they lack the depth
ceramic materials. Single crowns have been studied extensively. of evidence-based research of PFM crowns. It is the longevity
Most of the materials, especially the older materials, have 5 years issue versus the esthetic issue.
of follow-up, which bodes well for the single crown. Clinical However, the drive for esthetics and the desire to have teeth
long-term studies have verified the usefulness of the various look like teeth lend good support to dentists who are willing
materials, including Empress, In-Ceram, and Procera. The zir- to try the most esthetic restoration in the appropriate
conium restorations are new and seem to be the hot item in situation.
dental materials right now. Several longer-term studies involving Empress restorations should not be placed in a high load
zirconium restorations are being done. The concern for most areathey will break. The advantages of this material are its
people is whether the restorations will hold up over time. esthetics and its versatility in the anterior region. It is also a
Lithium disilicates have been around since 1999, and over the conservative restoration, as the total amount of tooth reduction
past 10 years or so there have been a lot of long-term studies on is less than that of a standard PFM restoration.
508 Single-Tooth All-Ceramic Restorations

whether the dentist chooses to give this work to a chairside

Near-Future Developments auxiliary or ceramist or chooses to have a lab perform it. It is a
Continued advances in dental laboratory CAD-CAM and chair- major investment to have all this equipment, and an invest-
side CAD-CAM are rapidly progressing. More than 10,000 ment in time and money to do this chairside. If it is worthwhile
dentists in North America are now using CAD-CAM and have or the dentist can assemble a team that does it, it can be very
the ability to mill all-ceramic restorations or restorations made profitable and satisfying.
of other materials chairside. On the lab side, CAD-CAM continues to evolve, allowing
Currently the technology exists for dentists to make a digital dental labs to mill restorations and finish them in a more cost-
impression and mill a crown chairside, or mill multi-unit effective and efficient manner.
bridges chairside. The dentist can choose to design a crown Advances in ceramic science are focusing on development of
with the CERECi or E4D machine, mill the restoration out materials that exhibit esthetics and translucency with good
of a lithium disilicate block, place it in an oven to sinter for strength and physical properties. If the material can be bonded
35 minutes, add external stain, and have a good-looking e.max to the tooth, that would be a bonus.
lithium disilicate posterior crown all fabricated chairside in The quest for the Holy Grail, the perfect all-ceramic crown
about an hour. The possibilities are endless. Growth depends on material, continues.
C H A P T E R 20

Ceramics: Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal
Gary Radz


Initially in dentistry, full-coverage restorations were performed
using cast metals. About 50 years ago, as the demand for more
esthetic restorations was developing, dentists started using acryl-
ics and placing acrylic facings onto the cast metal restorations.
For a period of time this provided a full-coverage restoration
with some esthetic value. About 15 years later, new techniques
were developed so it was possible to fuse porcelain to a metal
casting and thereby provide a far superior, more esthetic full-
coverage restoration. This began the advent of the porcelain-
fused-to-metal restorations available today. As ceramics and
techniques have improved, the porcelain-fused-to-metal restora-
tions have become more and more esthetic.

FIGURE 20-1 Some examples of porcelain-fused-to-metal

Porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations provide the opportunity to AND ESTHETICS
restore damaged, nonfunctional teeth to proper function and
esthetics (Figure 20-1). These restorations have been among the When a tooth has been damaged to the point that it requires a
most popular and most heavily used restorations in dentistry full-coverage restoration, it is of primary importance that the
over the last 50 years. Porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations have tooth be returned to proper function. For patients who desire
a long history of clinical success and provide the opportunity to an esthetic final restoration, the use of porcelain fused to metal
give patients an esthetic option to rehabilitate damaged teeth. allows the dentist to create a final esthetic restoration that
Any tooth can be restored with porcelain fused to metal. achieves the return to full function. The function of the crown
For an esthetic approach to restoring a tooth, the dentist needs is to protect the tooth from further damage and to restore proper
to consider the patients concerns and desires. Most often the anatomy so that the lost structure is restored. By using the
anterior teeth and those that are visible when a patient speaks or porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration, the dentist can restore
smiles are chosen for esthetic restorations. This not only includes function with a tooth-colored esthetic replacement.
the anterior teeth but in many patients includes teeth as far back In some situations, proper restoration of function is difficult
as the maxillary first molar, which is still a tooth to be considered to achieve in an esthetic manner. For example, a patient who
when overall smile esthetics are evaluated. Molar teeth, even man- has a history of bruxing or clenching may demonstrate a lot of
dibular second molars, are often considered for porcelain-fused- tooth wear. Some of these patients have the potential to fracture
to-metal restorations. These restorations are more frequently porcelain. With such patients, a full-coverage restoration in full
requested and done than any other indirect restorations. cast metal is more appropriate because of the increased risk of
fracturing a porcelain structure.
Photography provided by Gary Radz, DDS, (Vident, Brea, California) and In addition, depending on the patients occlusion, porcelain
Amos Harding, CDT, (Captek, Altamonte Springs, Florida). may be in the functional pathway and, because of porcelains

510 Ceramics: Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Restorations

FIGURE 20-2 A lower first molar with a large restoration and

a fractured distal buccal cusp.

abrasive nature, can cause wear on the opposing dentition. In

these situations the dentist may be inclined to place metal as FIGURE 20-3 A porcelain-fused-to-metal crown with a metal
opposed to porcelain in the functional pathway. substructure that has a high gold content.

Any time teeth have been damaged by trauma, decay, or tooth
fracture and/or heavily restored, those teeth are structurally com-
promised (Figure 20-2). These are good candidates for porcelain-
fused-to-metal restorations. In addition, patients who have
high esthetic demands or requirements may be treated with
a porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration. This choice allows the
dentist to create a restoration that can visually restore the tooth
to its proper esthetics.

The primary contraindication would be if the crown preparation FIGURE 20-4 A powder-liquid mixture of porcelain is stacked
onto the metal framework.
cannot achieve sufficient occlusal clearance. This means 2 mm
for the porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration. Another contrain-
dication would be concern about porcelain wearing the oppos- biocompatibility of the metals. Base metals frequently contain
ing dentition when functional occlusion is restored. Porcelain nickel, which is associated with a high incidence of allergic reac-
would not be appropriate in a functional pathway. Instead cast tions in patient populations.
metal would be more desirable. With high noble metals, restorations become a bit more
expensive because of the cost of the material. These offer the
advantage of better biocompatibility than base metals.
MATERIAL OPTIONS The semi-precious metals contain high percentages of gold,
platinum, and palladium, all of which are even more biocompat-
Metals ible (Figure 20-3). These metals also tend to have a slightly better
There are a number of different material options for the metal fit and even the potential for the margins to be burnished, which
substrate of the porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration. The major provides an enhanced clinical result.
classes are base cast metals, high noble metals, and semi-precious
metals. The advantages of each are partially based on cost. Base
metals are inherently lower in price and tend to provide the
Porcelains and Ceramics
structural integrity needed. These lower-cost restorations still Many different types of porcelain can be used. The industry
provide for the patients functional and esthetic needs. However, standard for years has been the use of stacked porcelains, where
the dentist must carefully select patients in whom base metals a powder and liquid are mixed together on top of the metal to
are to be used. Dentists must be concerned about the provide the final esthetic result (Figure 20-4).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 511

Numerous different ceramics are also available, with the slightly more esthetic final result. In cases of high esthetic demand,
selection often made based on personal preference of the dentist the clinician may decide that porcelain-fused-to-metal will not
and/or on discussions with the ceramist. meet the requirements and choose an all-ceramic alternative.
Recently techniques have been developed wherein ceramics
are actually pressed on top of metal. This provides another
ceramic option to the dentist in obtaining an ideal end result. INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
The pressed ceramics offer the advantages of ease of fabrication
and slightly better strength. Porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations have changed over the
years to become more esthetic in nature. Improvements in avail-
able ceramics, which are more biocompatible, and the develop-
Current Best Approach ment of techniques that allow for stacking of porcelain have
The dentist must carefully consider the different options avail- provided a more esthetic, more realistic, and more vital restora-
able for full-coverage restorations. Porcelain-fused-to-metal res- tion. The ability to press ceramics on top of metal has allowed
torations are one of several different types of restorations dentists to create a restoration that is stronger, has higher frac-
available. Based on the patients clinical needs, the dentists ture resistance, and offers more durability in the long term. That
experience, and the laboratory technicians input, the dentist development has allowed more predictable results in a system
must decide what type of full-coverage restoration to use. that was already highly predictable. Over the last 10 years the
Often porcelain-fused-to-metal is an excellent choice to restore development of the metal coping itself has also contributed
the tooth to proper function while fulfilling the esthetic to the effectiveness of these restorations. The product Captek
requirements and demands of the patient. Depending on the (Precious Chemicals Inc., Altamonte Springs, California)
dentists experience and education and the ceramics used, permits the use of a highgold-content metal coping that is
porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations can be used for any tooth. highly biocompatible and still offers high strength as a metal
Some dentists choose to use them more selectively in areas of substructure. The Captek material has raised the esthetics and
high functional demand and functional stress. Porcelain-fused- biocompatibility of porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations to an
to-metal restorations are also ideal for use as bridges and even higher level (Figure 20-6).
implant restorations (Figure 20-5). Porcelain-fused-to-metal
bridge and implant restorations have a long history of clinical
For porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations to produce the best
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS esthetic result and allow the artistic ability of the ceramist to
contribute to this result, it is imperative that the dentist prepare
Other considerations for the use of porcelain-fused-to-metal res- the tooth properly. This means ensuring there is enough room
torations are based on the patients esthetic demands and also to meet the requirements for a metal substructure that will
depend on which teeth will be worked on, how many teeth will support the weight of the porcelain and multiple layers of
be restored, and the existing appearance of the teeth surrounding ceramic on top of the teeth. A primary aspect in achieving the
the one where the restoration will be placed. Porcelain-fused-to- final esthetic result is allowing the ceramist the room to artisti-
metal restorations may or may not be the best choice. In todays cally layer the porcelain in a way that creates vitality and natural
dentistry, all-ceramic restorations have the potential to provide a color within the teeth.

FIGURE 20-5 Six-unit porcelain fused to metal bridge. Pink FIGURE 20-6 The high gold content of a Captek substructure
porcelain is used to simulate gingival tissue. offers excellent esthetics and biocompatibility.
512 Ceramics: Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Restorations

The dentist should also take advantage of the ability to share of crown will be best. Several options must be reviewed, as the
what is needed directly with the ceramist. This means using dentist seeks to understand the desired end result and how the
digital photography to ensure that the ceramist can see what he patients desires can mesh with current restorative materials.
or she is trying to match. With good digital photographs, a The different options in a crown restoration include cast metal,
dentist can communicate with any ceramist in any part of the most often a full gold crown restoration; a porcelain-fused-to-
world and show exactly what the adjacent teeth look like to metal restoration; or a restoration with a zirconium-based
convey the final desired esthetic outcome (Figure 20-7). material. The dentist should also look at all-ceramic alterna-
tives. Depending on the patients desires, the clinical status of
the occlusion, the amount of tooth left, and how much tooth
TREATMENT PLANNING can be reduced, the dentist must determine which specific
material will provide the best end result. Assuming that the
Options and Sequence patient has chosen a porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration, the
When a patient comes to the dentist with a tooth that is clinical requirements for preparation to allow for the appropri-
compromised or potentially compromised and requires a full- ate fabrication are as follows:
coverage restoration, first the dentist must determine what type There must be a minimum of 2 mm of occlusal
The axial walls of the teeth require 1.2 to 1.5 mm of
reduction, depending on the tooth in question and the
desired functional and esthetic result.

Several different margin designs can be used with porcelain-

fused-to-metal restorations. One margin design is the use of a
chamfer (Figure 20-8, A). When a chamfer arrangement is used,
the margin can be in either metal or porcelain. The esthetic
result is slightly compromised if the dentist tries to take porce-
lain to the chamfer margin because there will be a small area
that tends to be slightly opaque. The chamfer design is an excel-
lent design if the dentist wants to end the margin of the crown
in metal.
Having the margins end in metal is desirable because it allows
for an excellent, intimate marginal fit and permits excellent
biocompatibility. However, it compromises the esthetic result of
the crown.
If crown esthetics are imperative, a shoulder margin (Figure
FIGURE 20-7 The ceramist creates the porcelain-fused-to- 20-8, B) should be placed on the facial or buccal surface so a
metal crown using a variety of shades and opacities to meet the minimum of 1 mm of porcelain can be stacked at the margin,
dentists requirements. thereby hiding the metal coping and providing a tooth-colored

FIGURE 20-8 A, Chamfer preparation

margin for a porcelain-fused-to-metal
crown. B, Shoulder preparation margin
for a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 513

esthetic result that abuts where the porcelain crown meets the
tooth preparation.

Preparation and Procedure
During preparation the dentist must create adequate occlusal
clearance. Porcelain has the potential to fracture when it is too
thin, so the dentist must take time to ensure that there are
2 mm of clearance between the opposing dentition from the top
occlusal aspect of the final preparation. The inability to create FIGURE 20-9 A premolar that has a post and core placed
adequate room will leave the restoration with an increased demonstrates a porcelain-fused-to-metal preparation where
potential to fracture in the future. 2 mm of natural tooth are present at the apical aspect of the
Another important aspect of preparation design is proper margin.
axial reduction. For the final esthetic result an absolute minimum
of 1.2 mm, and more ideally 1.5 mm, should be reduced around
the tooth to provide adequate room for the ceramist to stack the
porcelain and create an esthetic result. The dentist must look at
the clinical situation and decide whether esthetics is the primary office. When adjusting an occlusion the dentist should use a fine
concern. If so, the shoulder margins should be placed slightly diamond bur and water spray. Once the occlusion has been
below tissue height. Using retraction cord the soft tissue should adjusted to the ideal, the adjusted areas need to be addressed in
be displaced apically so the margins can drop slightly below the one of two ways. It is certainly possible, and to some people
tissue height, then the shoulder preparation is performed. The ideal, to reglaze the restoration in the dental office; or the res-
shoulder needs to be a minimum of 1.0 mm deep in an axial toration may be returned to the lab for glazing.
direction. Haywood, Heymann, and Scurria demonstrated a simple
For other marginal considerations in areas that are not of in-office procedure that allows for repolishing of the porcelain
esthetic concern it is more ideal and more biocompatible to have to a surface that rivals a glazed surface. Using the following
a metal margin. One of the benefits of porcelain-fused-to-metal sequence the final polishing of porcelain can be equal to or
restorations is that the cast metal coping can be extremely thin possibly surpass the state of the glazed surface. The areas that
at the margin. If there is a chance that the dentist will need to have been adjusted are now polished by first using a No. 30
slice the margin, porcelain-fused-to-metal offers the ability carbide finishing bur at high speed with no water spray. This
to take the metal coping and allow for metal to be placed at is followed with a series of rotary rubber porcelain polishing
the margin. This creates a better marginal fit and better systems at various levels. These polishing systems are available
biocompatibility. from several different companies. For repolishing, the dentist
The preparation design axially should follow the inclinations adjusts the porcelain with a series of rubber polishers to
of the tooth, especially with anterior teeth that exist in more achieve a final surface equal to if not better than a glazed
than one plane or aspect. The clinician should follow the differ- surface.
ent planes of the tooth in their preparation so that adequate
reduction would be achieved at all three aspectsthe cervical
aspect, the mid-body aspect, and the incisal aspect.
With teeth that have been restored with a post and core, it EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
is important, if not imperative, that adjacent to where the post
and core meet the tooth there are 2 mm of natural tooth in the Fifty years of clinical experience and research using porcelain-
marginal aspect of the preparation (Figure 20-9). This is the fused-to-metal restorations has demonstrated excellent clinical
cardinal rule and has been proven numerous times. This 2-mm success over time, whether the porcelain-fused-to-metal restora-
width of natural tooth must be present apical to the tooth and tion is used as a single-unit crown, an implant restoration
where the post and core or core buildup has been placed. (Figure 20-10), or a multiple-unit bridge restoration. Porcelain-
fused-to-metal restorations have excellent longevity and excel-
lent clinical success, providing dentists with the confidence
Finishing to prescribe this particular restoration at extremely high fre-
When the porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration is placed in the quency. These restorations have also allowed for many patients
mouth, a critical aspect for its longevity is making sure ideal to have a functional and esthetic replacement for a severely
occlusion is achieved. The occlusion can be adjusted in the damaged tooth.
514 Ceramics: Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Restorations

promote their whitening capabilities also often contain abrasive

materials that are used to scratch stains off the surface of natural
teeth. Those same substances will also scratch and abrade the
porcelain surface. Patients should therefore avoid abrasive cleans-
ers such as baking soda and whitening toothpastes. Proper
brushing and flossing will maintain the surface and color of the
teeth as well as products that claim to whiten.

The porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations have a very long and
successful history of providing replacements for damaged teeth.
Concerns have been raised over the last few decades regarding
esthetic concerns when these restorations are placed anteriorly
FIGURE 20-10 An implant-supported porcelain-fused-to- and meet the soft tissue at the marginal area. This area can be
metal bridge. un-esthetic and unacceptable to the patient. With the develop-
ment of all-ceramic restorations, it is now possible to avoid this
esthetic problem by eliminating the metal. All-ceramic restora-
CLINICAL CONSERVATION tions give dentists the ability to overcome that objection and
CONCEPTS offer a potentially more esthetic alternative. However, all-ceramic
options are newer technology and are still being explored. The
With porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations the dentist can be all-ceramic technology tends to be more controversial because it
conservative in areas that do not require ceramic coverage. These is compared with the gold standard of full-coverage restora-
areas do not have to be prepared as deeply, conserving tooth tions, which is the porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration.
structure. In an area where only metal will be on the restoration, With respect to clinical success, longevity, and predictability,
a millimeter of reduction is all that is required. Porcelain-fused- porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations offer no controversy. They
to-metal restorations allow for dentists to be selective regarding are proven to work well with the tooth and to withstand the test
where they need to prepare the tooth. Areas that will not be of time.
covered with porcelain will not require the same amount of
reduction as areas that will be receiving porcelain. Specifically,
this will involve posterior teeth that have very short clinical NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
crowns. In these areas it is possible for the dentist to cover the
occlusal surface with metal and the buccal surface in porcelain. The most exciting thing in porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations
The metal occlusal surface does not require as much reduction is the ability to press ceramics on top of the metal coping.
as it would if it were to be covered in porcelain. Pressed ceramics are inherently stronger in all physical properties
than stacked porcelain. The ability to press ceramics and create
that stronger restoration is very exciting. The pressed ceramic
MAINTENANCE also allows for faster fabrication of the restoration. Going
forward in porcelain-fused-to-metal technology is the most
Patient maintenance of porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations exciting technologic development lately in an area that has been
should be very similar to what patients do for their natural teeth. relatively stable for a long time.
This includes regular brushing and flossing and occasional pro-
fessional attention to remove plaque buildup and/or calculus.
The patient should be made aware that the porcelain surface can
be scratched by certain toothpastes and other abrasive materials.
This will leave the surface dull. The dentist or dental professional Haywood VB, Heymann HO, Scurria MS: Effects of water, speed, and
should inform the patient to choose tooth-cleansing materials experimental instrumentation on finishing and polishing porcelain
intra-orally, Dent Mater 5(3):185-188, May 1989.
carefully. For example, the dentist should highly discourage
Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J: Contemporary fixed prosthodontics,
patients from using baking soda. Baking soda, although it St Louis, 2006, Mosby.
was once a popular tooth cleanser, is a highly abrasive material Shillingburg HT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD, et al: Fundamentals of fixed
and can scratch the surface of the porcelain. Toothpastes that prosthodontics, ed 3, 1997, Quintessence.
C H A P T E R 21

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and
Zirconium Crowns and Bridges
Robert A. Lowe

replacing lost function resulting from dental disease, caries, or

DENTISTRY The advent of dentin bonding and high-strength microcrys-
talline porcelain has moved dentistry toward the ultimate goal
To put things in perspective, this chapter looks first at the devel- of a long-lasting tooth-colored restorative material that can be
opment of porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations and then micro-mechanically or chemically affixed to tooth structure.
introduces zirconium as it was developed. PFM crowns in den- This helps create a restoration that resembles natural tooth struc-
tistry have been the mainstay of esthetic restorations since facings ture and at the same time has strength and longevity.
were first placed on the facial surfaces of gold crowns. In the
1960s and 1970s dentists did acrylic or ceramic facings in gold
restorations as the esthetic alternative to a full-coverage crown for CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
anterior teeth. They were also the mainstay for posterior teeth
when crown restorations were needed. When it was discovered
that porcelain could be fused to metal through an oxide layer, The indications for PFM and zirconium overlap, and the require-
this offered a significant improvement in the esthetic quality of ments for tooth reduction or preparation are quite similar. A
the restoration that could be delivered. PFM has been actively full-coverage PFM restoration is indicated when the tooth struc-
used as an anterior crown, posterior crown, and bridge restora- ture is so badly broken down that it requires a complete crown.
tion material for esthetic dentistry for several decades. About These teeth could be endodontically treated teeth with posts and
70% of the laboratory work done for indirect restorative proce- cores or heavily restored teeth that were filled with amalgam or
dures is PFM, so this technique is probably the most widely used composite restorations but suffered recurrent decay or damage
esthetic restoration offered. Since computer-generated materials that could not be addressed by direct filling material. Whether
and processes have come into vogue, specifically termed computer- the indicated indirect restoration will be an inlay or onlay, which
aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM), laboratories have conserves some surrounding healthy tooth structure, or whether
been able to mill both ceramic restorations and understructures it will be a full-coverage restoration, such as a crown, depends
out of metal and out of zirconium. Zirconium offers a benefit on the amount of healthy tooth structure that remains. The
over conventional PFM in that it has a very light tooth like color clinical indications for these restorations are to restore badly
and is dimensionally stabile during the firing process when the decimated posterior and anterior teeth with full-coverage resto-
veneering porcelain is added. One of the challenges of PFM is ration in an esthetic fashion.
hiding the color of the metal by layering ceramic on top of it.
The goal is to produce a naturally colored, translucent tooth.
Zirconium offers the dentist more leeway in the ability to create
a beautiful, translucent, tooth-like restoration. The contraindications deal with the delivery and cementation
when there is inadequate tooth structure for resistance and
retention form. With conservative clinical preparation, dentin
RELATING FUNCTION AND bonding and total etching increase the retention of the restor-
ESTHETICS ative materials. It is not possible to etch zirconium or PFM to
gain the same micro-mechanical retentive quality seen with an
Dr Harold M. Shavell has stated that if it looks good, it all-ceramic restoration, although there is great promise with the
functions well; and if it functions well, it looks good. If this addition of zirconium primers, which are helping to increase the
is the case, the requirements of dental restorative materials bond strength of zirconium and metal to tooth structure.
have been met. The materials must be strong enough to with- The author generally draws the line at a preparation height of
stand masticatory forces yet still look tooth like and esthetic. 3mm or higher. If the height from the exit of the gingiva to the
The aim of every dentist using indirect restorations is to top of the preparation (axial height) is shorter than 3mm, it
create a facsimile of natural tooth form while recreating or is preferable to use total etch and dentin bonding to gain

516 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and Zirconium Crowns and Bridges

additional retention and restore the tooth. (The limit is 2.5mm marginal area. This is much less critical with zirconium because
of axial height remaining.) there is no dark line. Clinically, the author uses an intracrevicular
margin on the facial surface in two situations only:
1. If the tooth color or prep color is dark, as occurs with an
MATERIAL OPTIONS endodontically treated tooth. In this case an intracrevicu-
lar margin is indicated to get a better esthetic result.
A range of materials is available, beginning on the laboratory 2. If the preparation is extremely short in the cervical incisal
end at the material from which the metal substructure is made. dimension, and an extra 0.5 or 1.0mm of the axial
That metal substructure could be a non-precious metal, semi- surface is needed to increase the retentive property of the
precious metal, noble metal, or high noble metal. Higher noble preparation.
metals with a higher gold content are more expensive, and non-
precious metals are less costly. The cost of the fabrication for the In other cases an attempt is usually made to end the margins
PFM restoration is a factor of the metal used and the time of the restoration either at the level of the gingiva or above. Both
ceramists need to build or stack porcelain on top of that metal. of those areas are much more esthetically pleasing with a zirco-
Zirconium restorations are more expensive than traditional non- nium than a PFM restoration.
precious or semi-precious metal or PFM restorations because of
the CAD-CAM technology and the labor needed for milling.
Once the zirconium or PFM understructure has been fabricated, INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
the process of stacking the porcelain is virtually the same.
Although many material options are available when ordering the From the scientific standpoint, PFM technology has changed
standard PFM restoration, price and the specific laboratory used little from the fabrication standpoint. There have been, however,
dictate many of the material choices. advances in the types of porcelains that are used to cover the
Another PFM substructure with which dentists have con substructures. Todays porcelains shrink less, polish better, are
siderable clinical experience is Captek (Precious Chemicals more esthetic, and wear opposing dentition at a lesser rate than
Company, Altamonte Springs, Florida). Captek composite metal the older porcelain materials. Basically a PFM crown is con-
is a combination of platinum, palladium, and gold. No oxide structed via the lost-wax technique to create the understructure.
layer is needed for bonding to block out the metal. Captek offers The dies are coated with wax and the understructure is designed
several advantages over conventional PFM substrates such as a in wax. That wax is invested on a refractory die and burnt out,
thinner, warmer substructure that has been shown to be more then the metal is melted and spun via centrifuge into the invest-
biologically compatible in the gingival sulcus. ment to create the metal understructures or copings. Next the
In general, with PFM the metal substructure is dark and will ceramic is stacked onto the coping, then that is placed in the
not allow light transposition through it. Often it is difficult for ceramic oven. The heating of the metal creates an oxide layer,
the laboratory to create a cervical third of the restoration at a which allows the specific ceramic material to adhere to the outer
high enough value. When a brighter shade or higher value than surface. With PFM it is important to remember that the esthetic
A2 is needed, the technician faces the challenge of masking the quality is highly dependent on the proper preparation design.
low value of the metal without having the crown look too Fit and longevity depend on an excellent impression, as noted
opaque or masking the gingival margins when light does not in the clinical cases presented later in this chapter.
penetrate the metal substructure and illuminate the root. The The creation of Captek involves two materialsCaptek P
marginal areas around PFM restorations create dark lines at the and Captek G. Captek P is a blend of platinum, palladium, and
gingival area. For crowns in anterior areas and with patients who gold suspended in a waxy medium that is press-fit over the die.
have high smile lines, this could be an esthetic problem. This wax coping is put in a burn-out oven and the wax is burned
Alumina and zirconium both have the advantage of being a away, leaving a honeycomb structure of platinum, palladium,
substructure that is more tooth colored or lighter than the metal and gold. The second layer, Captek G, is 97% gold suspended
counterparts. Therefore the porcelain layered on top of it has in a wax medium; it is press-fit on top of Captek P then placed
less trouble blocking out the underneath color. These restora- in a burn-out oven. The 97% gold actually liquefies and fills all
tions tend to be more translucent and more lifelike and have less the capillary networks created in the original Captek P, forming
of a problem with dark lines at the gingival areas because of the a composite coping that is about 0.2mm thick. The average
lack of metal in the restoration. conventional PFM coping is 0.3 to 0.5mm thick. The newer,
thinner Captek castings do not usually require opaquing because
of the high value of the surface. Overall these require less tooth
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS reduction, about 0.5mm, so for younger patients and those who
require high-value restorations the Captek PFM may be a good
Alumina or zirconium can definitely be a more esthetic restora- alternative to the conventional PFM.
tion than PFM, particularly in the gingival third and marginal Other innovative elements in the laboratory involve the use
area. The margin placement for esthetics is crucial for PFM, and of CAD-CAM technology to mill understructures, frameworks,
that placement is usually subgingival or intracrevicular because or complete restorations With chairside CAD-CAM units
these placements will mask or hide the dark line around the such as CEREC or E4D, dentists can create inlays, onlays, and
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 517

single-unit ceramic crowns chairside for the patient. Typically a buildup material. It may also be an endodontically treated
the zirconium CAD-CAM approach from the laboratory is tooth or a post and core structure that was used to reestablish
purely to mill the understructures for zirconium crowns and lost tooth form. For full-coverage options in PFM restorations,
bridges. The laboratory CAD-CAM machine scans the dies; it is possible to use a wide variety of cements in a conventional
from that scanning the computer designs and mills a coping out cementation technique. In todays clinical practice of dentistry,
of a solid block of zirconium. The technician then places that usually PFM restorations are cemented with glass ionomer
on the die and builds the ceramic on top of it. These innovative cements, resin-reinforced glass ionomer cements, or self-etching
elements in the laboratory in both materials and techniques resin cements; there are many options.
give the dentist several options in the types of restorations An important consideration in treatment planning and
available. deciding whether to use a PFM, alumina, or zirconium crown
versus an all-ceramic restoration with acid etch, assuming the
retentive properties of the preparation are not an issue, is the
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS periodontal environment, the tissue, isolation, and the ability to
keep the tooth surface clean, dry, and free of crevicular fluids
The artistic result of the ceramic restoration, in part, depends and blood during cementation. If a full-coverage restoration is
on providing enough space via tooth preparation, for the dental planned and it is difficult to maintain a field, the restoration
technician to create a beautifully esthetic restoration. For a PFM of choice would be PFM or zirconium because they can be
crown, zirconium crown, or bridgework created on either sub- cemented with virtually anything. A pressed ceramic or stackable
strate, the technician needs a minimum of 1.0 to 1.5mm of ceramic requires a totally dry field with acid-etch procedures and
space for porcelain on top of the coping. This means the tooth dentin bonding materials.
in the axial dimension must be reduced at least 1.5mm. For
posterior crowns and bridges the opposing occlusion is also a
consideration. There must be enough space or enough of a
Cementation Criteria
reduction of the occlusal portion of the preparation to allow for First the dentist must evaluate the need for periodontal or endo
the proper thickness of metal and ceramic or zirconium-ceramic dontic therapy. Is there enough ferrule (clinical crown above the
on the occlusal stress-bearing surface. For posterior teeth, long- free gingival margin) on badly broken-down teeth? At least
lasting results require the amount of space to be 1.5 to 2mm, 2mm of ferrule are required. Does the clinical crown need to
which will then be taken up by the metal or zirconium coping be augmented using a post buildup or other type of foundation
and porcelain that stacks on top of that. This allows the techni- restoration? It is also necessary to consider whether the clinical
cian to create all of the elevations and depressions inherent in crowns are in the correct position or whether orthodontics done
posterior anatomic form without compromising the thickness before restorative therapy would create a better position for the
of the ceramic underneath that form, which would reduce its remaining tooth structure. Another consideration in treatment
strength. Often in failures of PFM crowns in posterior teeth, the planning occurs in large rehabilitative cases involving many
ceramic breaks or separates from the metal substructure. Usually teeth, considered occlusal reconstructions. These cases may
this is attributable to occlusal forces and lack of space for the require a period with temporary crown and bridge material such
proper thickness of porcelain. The dentist demonstrates artistry as acrylic or laboratory-processed provisional restorations to
in the preparation design, which allows the technician proper work out the correct functional occlusion and esthetics for the
space and dimension to create a natural-looking tooth in proper definitive restoration.
anatomic form.
The other artistic element goes beyond the scope of the
dentist. This is the artistic technique needed for a technician to TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
recreate a human-looking tooth. This requires much more than
picking two or three shades of porcelain for some patients. It Treatment considerations for the dentist basically focus on the
always requires the ceramists eye for and knowledge of color preparation design. PFM and zirconium preparations both
hue, value, and chromaand his or her ability to mix the require 1.5mm of axial tooth reduction, 1.5 to 2.0mm of
powders in the correct proportions to create the desired result. posterior occlusal reduction, and 1.0 to 1.5mm of incisal reduc-
The ceramist must know and picture the end result while build- tion on the anterior teeth.
ing this restoration to contour the various layers one at a time. The procedure involves selecting the appropriate diamond
instruments to create the desired shape for the preparation. A
common diamond instrument to use for tooth preparation for
TREATMENT PLANNING these types of restorations is a rounded, tapered cylinder. It is
also necessary to know the appropriate diameter of the diamond
When planning treatment for full-coverage restorations, a good instrument tip. It is necessary to create depth cuts into the tooth
portion of the tooth structure is missing, previously filled, or structure following the natural anatomic form of the preparation
decayed and the decay has been removed. Usually this area has and then remove the tooth structure between the depth cuts to
been restored with a foundation restoration, possibly a resin- ensure uniform reduction of tooth structure. The author usually
based buildup material, or, in older cases, amalgam, which uses accomplishes gross preparation with a rough or coarse diamond.
518 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and Zirconium Crowns and Bridges

The preparations are then smoothed using a 30-m composite using restorative material will have a marginal interface between
finishing diamond and Enhance points (DENTSPLY Caulk, the natural tooth and the restorative material. Although 30m
Milford, Delaware). The goal is to have as smooth a preparation is quite acceptable as a restorative interface, bacteria are much
as possible with soft transitional, line, and point angles. The smaller, so preventive maintenance is key. Patients must brush,
technician should not have to paint much die spacer onto the floss, and perform regular home care and daily maintenance of
dies to make up for micro-undercuts, roughness, or sharpness their dental restorations whether the restoration is PFM or
and angles of preparation because that would compromise the zirconium.
final fit of the restoration. In comparing PFM and zirconium A common problem with PFM or zirconium-based porcelain
restorations, should there be a failure of the restoration at a restorations is fracturing of the veneering porcelain. Although
subsequent time, necessitating removal, the PFM is much easier the fractured porcelain does not necessarily cause a health
to cut through with high-speed rotary instrumentation. Zirco- problem, by exposing tooth structure to bacteria in the oral
nium is quite difficult, requiring several diamond instruments environment it can provide or cause an esthetic or functional
for a single crown to get through the understructure and down problem. Unfortunately, few good long-term ways exist to repair
to the tooth structure. Zirconium understructures are extremely veneering porcelain in a PFM crown intra-orally. Porcelain
strong, more tooth colored, and more esthetic, and they produce repair kits allow etching of porcelain, placement of bonding
a more lifelike restoration. The downside is that should they resin, and repair with composite materials, but this is never as
need to be removed, they are much harder to remove than con- good as the original porcelain. Regular recare maintenance
ventional PFM restorations. schedules and visits on at least a 6-month schedule are the
minimum requirements, but for many patients who have mul-
tiple PFM or zirconium restorations, a 3- or 4-month recare
EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES schedule is appropriate.

PFM restorations have withstood the test of time, with PFM

crowns and bridgework serving as a mainstay of restorative den-
tistry for several decades. Patients have had useful service from CONTROVERSIES
their PFM restorations for 20, 30, or even 40 years. No further
evidence is needed to show that these restorations are very good In considering crowns versus inlays or onlays and tooth conser-
dental restorations. They still account for over 70% of the crown vation, the goal is to conserve as much healthy tooth structure
restorations made worldwide. as possible. Sometimes teeth are sacrificed on the altar of false
conservatism (H.M. Shavell). Being conservative by prepping
lessnot creating enough spacecan cause a functional and/or
esthetic failure. It is then necessary to re-prepare the tooth and
CLINICAL CONSERVATION remake the restoration, which is not a conservative in the long
CONCEPTS term. The best choice is a conservative approach that creates
good longevity and does not require another assault on the tooth
Although conserving tooth structure through limited tooth with a rotary instrument.
structure removal during preparation is a goal, the controlling Generally patients considering a crown versus an inlay or
principle is making enough space so that the laboratory can onlay can be approached through the 50% rule. If more than
make the appropriate conventional PFM or zirconium restora- 50% of healthy natural tooth is missing because of decay, old
tion. If the space is insufficient, the strength, longevity, and fillings, and so on, the author recommends that a laboratory-
esthetics of the restoration will be compromised. An axial reduc- processed restoration be made, whether an inlay or onlay or a
tion of 1.5mm is needed for good esthetics and function from crown. With less than 50% of healthy natural tooth missing, a
either PFM or zirconium CAD-CAM restorations. Captek fits high-quality direct restorative material will replace the missing
well as a clinical conservation concept because it is a PFM mate- part. Whether or not it needs an inlay or onlay or a crown
rial that allows far less tooth preparation. The copings are thinner depends on how large the missing part of the tooth is, whether
and require little to no opaquing, which saves about 0.5mm of the remaining part of the tooth is supported well with sound
reduction in most casessignificantly less preparation. Com- dentin, and whether there are internal stress fractures in the
paring Captek, all-ceramic CAD-CAM zirconium-type, and dentin from old restorative materials. The dentist must evaluate
conventional PFM restorations, the same results are obtained on a case-by-case basis whether or not to do an inlay or onlay
but the least preparation is needed for Captek. or a crown. In general it is preferable to over-engineer and
protect the tooth, particularly in compromised areas with much
tooth loss or heavy occlusions in patients who do not have
MAINTENANCE regular maintenance. In those situations it is best to choose a
restoration that will be more predictablea full-coverage crown.
Maintenance for these restorations is similar to what is required In a patient with good hygiene, recare, and a reasonable amount
for all dental restorations. No dental restoration is as good as of healthy tooth left supported by dentin, inlays or onlays are
the natural tooth. Anything dentists can do to repair or replace better choices.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 519

NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS either digital or conventional impressions, and the restoration

will be created without any metal understructures.
For in-office digital impressions a system called iTero (Cadent,
Inc., Carlstadt, New Jersey) is useful. It is very comfortable for
the patient and does not involve placing impression material in CLINICAL TECHNIQUES
a tray with potential gagging, and so on. Impression materials, Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crown
although excellent and able to create outstanding results, are
being surpassed by digital impressions, which not only create
on Anterior Tooth
consistent marginal accuracy but also generate models of poly- Figure 21-1 shows the steps involved in sequential tooth reduc-
urethane rather than dental stone, which can chip and break. tion for a PFM crown on an anterior tooth.
The digital impression models created are excellent, and the
restorations fabricated on them have consistent fit, and often Provisional Restoration
require fewer adjustments. The chairside CAD-CAM systems,
E4D (D4D Technologies, Richardson, Texas) and CEREC
on Posterior Teeth
(Sirona Dental Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina), continue Preparation of posterior teeth for the placement of a bridge to
to improve, and others will follow. replace missing tooth No. 30 is shown in Figure 21-2.
Someday patients may be able to come into the office and in
one visit have multiple crowns made. This would not include
PFM restorations because their fabrication process is not easy
Two Cord Retraction Technique
and cannot be done in a day chairside. They may be of a The process for making a master impression using the two-cord
CAD-CAM variety. Soon it may be possible to use CAD-CAM retraction technique is shown in Figure 21-3.
to create an entire full-mouth splint out of zirconium, which
offers several benefits. Anybody doing a full-mouth restoration
or a full-mouth splint knows that when a metal framework is
Complete Dental Reconstruction
placed back into the oven for a subsequent bake, distortion The patient in Figure 21-4 has had previous orthodontic reha-
occurs, leading to problems with fit, marginal integrity, and so bilitation. He has very short clinical crowns, some large posterior
on. Dentists may eventually prescribe fewer PFM restorations amalgam fillings, and full-coverage PFM restorations. He needs
because the cost of gold will be prohibitive and the CAD-CAM occlusal vertical dimension recapture, creating space between
materials, whether zirconium or something else, will be more the upper and lower teeth to make proper space for restorative
readily available. These will be produced in the laboratory via Text continued on p. 527


FIGURE 21-1 A, Depth cutting the incisal half of the tooth on the facial aspect to the radius of the bur (which is about 0.6mm).
B, The tooth structure has been removed between the depth cuts in the incisal half, and the angle of the bur changed to the facial
plain toward the cervical. The depth cuts are made slightly supragingival in the cervical half of the preparation. The reason the
depth cuts are supragingival is that when the tooth structure is removed between the depth cuts, the final margin placement will
be at the free gingival margin. C, The two facial planes of the central incisor prepared.
520 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and Zirconium Crowns and Bridges



FIGURE 21-1, contd D, The arrows demonstrate that the facial surface has been reduced following the natural anatomic form
in two planes, the cervical half and an incisal half. Note that the incisal edge is palatal to the position of the incisal edge of the
lateral incisor adjacent to it. E, Proximal view of the lingual surface showing the three distinct planes on the lingual surface of
the tooth. A depth channel is placed in the center of the tooth following those planes to ensure that when the surface is reduced
there will be a uniform thickness following the anatomic form of the maxillary lingual concavity. F, An elliptical (or American
football-shaped) diamond bur is used to remove the tooth structure on each side of the depth groove on the lingual surface of
the preparation. The third plane at the cervical around the cingulum will be reduced using the rounded cylinder diamond to
finish the third plane on the lingual surface. G, Facial view of the completed preparation. H, Lingual view of the completed
preparation. Note that from the incisal view, rounded transitional line angles and smooth uniform preparation can be seen. I,
View of the preparation in centric occlusion showing the clearance between the lower mandibular incisal edge and the lingual
surface of the preparation. It is important not only to ensure that the patient has clearance in centric occlusion but also to check
all functional movements to ensure that there is a uniformed reduction of the lingual surface.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 521




FIGURE 21-2 A, Pre-operative view of the mandibular right side where a bridge will be prepared to replace the missing lower
right first molar. B, Depth grooves (arrows) placed on the facial cusps of the occlusal surface at the depth of the grooves, at the
buccal groove, and at the heights of each cusp and at the marginal ridge to ensure uniform reduction of the occlusal surface fol-
lowing the natural anatomic planes. C, Occlusal depth grooves completed and the tooth structure between the depth grooves
removed. D, The same procedure is followed on the lingual cusps, placing depth grooves at the lingual groove, marginal ridges,
and heights of the mesial, lingual, and distal lingual cusps. The same has been done on the lingual surface of the occlusal aspect
of the premolar or the lingual cusps of the occlusal surface of the premolar. E, Occlusal reduction complete. Arrows show the
depth of the central groove. The cusps should be in the same facial, lingual position on the preparations as they are on the unpre-
pared teeth. F, Facial depth grooves are made in the occlusal half of the preparation on the buccal surface of the molar and on
the buccal surface of the premolar. Continued
522 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and Zirconium Crowns and Bridges



FIGURE 21-2, contd G, The occlusal reduction is complete. The tooth structure is removed between the depth cuts on the facial
surface. H, The next plane, the cervical plane, has been depth cut and reduced to create the two-plane reduction on the facial
surface. I, The occlusal depth grooves on the lingual surface of the preparations. J, The occlusal half of the lingual surfaces of the
preparations has been completed. K, The cervical plane on the lingual surfaces is complete. A verification of occlusal clearance
with the patient closing in centric occlusion relation position can be seen. Note that 1.5 to 2mm of space is needed between the
preparations at the cusp tips and at the fossa depths as compared with the opposing dentition.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 523



FIGURE 21-2, contd L, Occlusal lingual view of a provisional restoration after fabrication and custom staining. The teeth
included in the restoration are the lower right mandibular cuspid, lower right first and second premolars, and lower right first
molar. M, Facial view after custom staining with double deflecting contours on the facial surface at the cervical margin. N, The
provisional restoration placed and cemented using polycarboxylate cement. Note that the gingival embrasures are adequately
opened to allow the patient to use floss aids, brushes, and threaders to clean interproximally to maintain the health of the tissue.
Although this is a splinted provisional restoration, the final restorations will be single units. O, The provisional restoration seated
on the master dies. If the cement from the provisional restoration is cleaned out and the die spacer is cleaned off of the master
dies, a well-fitted provisional restoration that fits on the master dies will ensure good tissue management emergence profiles,
marginal integrity, and good occlusal contacts, all of which are important in the provisional restoration.
524 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and Zirconium Crowns and Bridges



FIGURE 21-3 A, In the two-cord retraction technique the first step is the placement of the double zero cord. The double zero
cord is placed at the base of the sulcus and should not overlap when the cord is in position. B, Minor corrections are made at the
marginal area after the placement of the double zero cord. Any little irregularities or lips created from the bur at the edge of the
margin can now be seen and corrected after placement of the double zero cord. C, Placement of the top cord over a number one
retraction cord at the level of the margin. In this case a knitted blue number one retraction cord is placed and should be visible
circumferentially around the preparation to ensure that when it is removed there will be a wide-open patent sulcus 360 degrees
around the preparation. D, Teasing of the number one cord with the tine of an explorer to evaluate the space between the tissue
and the preparation to evaluate retraction. The goal of the final impression is to capture not only the margin but 0.5mm of tooth
or root surface apical to the margin to ensure that the laboratory will have an accurate die so that the emergence profile of the
tooth can be duplicated precisely in the restoration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 525




FIGURE 21-4 A, Pre-operative maxillary arch view of a class II, division I post-orthodontic reconstruction patient. B, Mandibular
view of the class II, division I post-orthodontic rehabilitated patient before tooth preparation. C, Occlusal view of preparations
completed on the maxillary arch. The posterior teeth are prepared for the porcelain to zirconium crowns, and the anterior teeth
are prepared for the feldspathic veneers. D, The mandibular arch prepared for porcelain to zirconium crowns, and the mandibular
anterior teeth prepared for porcelain laminate veneers. E, Full-arch maxillary master impression. F, Full-arch mandibular master
impression. Note that both these impressions show margin and tooth surface beyond the margin so that when these are poured,
the master dies will be an accurate reflection of the tooth preparation and the tooth surface apical to the margin.
526 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and Zirconium Crowns and Bridges



FIGURE 21-4, contd G, The patient in centric occlusion position with provisional restorations placed on the posterior left and
right sides. Note that the posterior provisional restorations hold the patients vertical dimension of occlusion so that the clearance
in the anterior area of the preparations can be accurately assessed. H, A buccal view of the patients right side in centric occlusion
position with the provisional restorations in place. I, A buccal view of the patients left side in centric occlusion with the provi-
sional restorations holding the vertical dimension of occlusion. J, An occlusal view of the completed restorations (porcelain to
zirconium) showing exquisite occlusal detail, morphology, and custom staining. K, Intaglio view showing the zirconium under-
structure of the two mandibular molar restorations. L, Self-etching resin cement being placed into the zirconium crown restora-
tions before seating in the patients mouth.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 527



FIGURE 21-4, contd M, Maxillary view of the completed Class II rehabilitation. N, Un-retracted smile view of the patients
completed restoration. O, Occlusal view of the mandibular arch of the completed restoration. P, Full-mouth retracted view in
centric occlusion relation position of the patients completed porcelain rehabilitation.

material. This is important in the diagnosis because if these teeth

are prepared at the present occlusal vertical dimension and a
Posterior Dental Reconstruction
1.5- to 2-mm space is created occlusally to make room for the The patient in Figure 21-5 has failing, old posterior amalgam
restorations, there will be no axial height for retentive quality fillings and fractured porcelain crowns that are in need of
left in the preparations. The only way for this patient to gain replacement. Porcelain fracture is common when inadequate
sufficient space for restorative material is to recapture lost verti- occlusal reduction causes a lack of space for the material to an
cal dimension between the upper and lower arches. optimum thickness of 1.0 to 1.5mm.
528 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and Zirconium Crowns and Bridges


FIGURE 21-5 A, Pre-operative view of patients right mandibular posterior quadrant. The teeth will be prepared to include the
mandibular right second premolar, mandibular right first molar, and mandibular right second molar. A previous restoration on
the mandibular first molar has fractured porcelain owing to lack of clearance between the preparation and the opposing dentition.
B, Preparations after correction. Note the two-plane reduction on the facial surfaces of the premolar, the molar in view on the
mandibular quadrant, and the amount of space between the preparations and the opposing dentition. C, Mandibular right quad-
rant after both the double zero and number one retraction cords have been placed around the preparations. D, Master impression
made for the mandibular right posterior quadrant; there is a 360-degree cuff around each of the preparations, demonstrating
clearly that not only has the margin been captured, but 0.5mm of tooth or root surface apical to the margin has also been cap-
tured in the master impression.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 529




FIGURE 21-5, contd E, Provisional restorations placed for the mandibular right second premolar, mandibular right first molar,
and mandibular right second molar. Proper occlusal morphology has been carved as an exercise to test that there is proper thick-
ness of provisional material, which will translate into enough space for the restorations to be made without duplicating the fracture
seen in part A. F, Occlusal view of the patients maxillary right posterior quadrant. G, Preparations completed for the maxillary
right first molar and maxillary right second molar. The clearance can be seen between the preparations, and the provisional res-
torations have corrected the occlusal plane on the mandibular right posterior quadrant. H, Master impression for the maxillary
right posterior quadrant including the maxillary right first molar and the maxillary right second molar. I, Occlusal view of the
provisional restorations in place for the maxillary right first molar and the maxillary right second molar. A full-flap periodontal
procedure was performed on the maxillary right first molar to lower the crest of the bone and free the gingival margin to create
enough space or to create enough clinical crown to have a good fitted crown restoration with proper axial height to the prepara-
tion. The free gingival margin is more in harmony with the free gingival margins in the adjacent teeth and achieves overall cor-
rection of the occlusal and gingival planes. J, Quadrant view from the buccal aspect of the completed provisional restorations that
have corrected the occlusal plane, corrected the gingival planes, and corrected tooth position for this posterior rehabilitation.
530 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal and Zirconium Crowns and Bridges



FIGURE 21-5, contd K, Inferior facial aspect of the provisional restorations on the master dies in centric occlusion, which shows
the positions of the cusps and the fossae and the importance of integrating the provisional into the treatment as an interim esthetic
and occlusal rehabilitation that will be used by the laboratory as a blueprint for the fabrication of the completed ceramic restora-
tions. L, The completed ceramic restorations for the mandibular right second premolar, mandibular right first molar, and man-
dibular right second molar. M, Porcelain restorations cemented in the mandibular right posterior quadrant. The occlusion has
been checked with Parkell AccuFilm II. Nice, small punctuate occlusal contacts can be seen. A, B, and C contacts exist on the
occlusal surfaces of the restorations, indicating occlusal harmony with the opposing dentition. N, Maxillary right posterior quad-
rant, two molar restorations, and first and second molars after the occlusion has been checked with AccuFilm. O, Facial aspect
of the completed ceramic restorations with the patient in the centric occlusal relation position. Compare this photo with the view
of provisional restorations in part J. This comparison shows how important provisional restorations are when used as a blueprint
to test out function and form. The best articulator in the world is the one between the patients ears, and this information should
be used in the laboratory to fabricate high-quality ceramic restorations.

SUGGESTED READINGS Lowe RA: Provisionalization: mastering the morphology, Dent Prod Rep
August:56-58, 2003.
Boucher LJ: Occlusal articulation, Dent Clin North Am 23:157-241, 1979. Lowe RA: Predictable fixed prosthodontics: technique is the key to success,
DAmico A: The canine teethnormal functional relation of the natural teeth Compend Contin Educ Dent 23(3 Suppl 1):4-12, 2002.
of man, J South Calif Dent Assoc 26(1-6):6-208, 1958. Rufenacht CR: Structural esthetic rules. In Fundamentals of esthetics, Chicago,
Kois JC: Altering gingival levels: the restorative connection. Part 1: Biologic 1990, Quintessence.
variables, J Esthet Dent 6(1):3-9, 1994. Shavell HM: The art and science of complete-mouth occlusal
Lowe RA: Methodical tooth preparation for predictable esthetic excellence, reconstruction: a case report, Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 11(6):
esthetic technique: a supplement to contemporary esthetics and restorative 439-459, 1991.
practice, 2(4)3-10, 2002. Shavell HM: Mastering the art of tissue management during
Lowe RA: Laser crown lengthening, gingival recontouring, Dent Prod Rep provisionalization and biologic final impressions, Int J Periodontics
June:62-64, 2003. Restorative Dent 8(3):25-43, 1988.
Lowe RA: Instant orthodontics: an alternative esthetic option, Dent Prod Rep Shavell HM: Lecture for Honors Day at Loyala University School of
July:50-53, 2002. Dentistry, April 1980.
C H A P T E R 22

DentistLab Technician
Chuck N. Maragos, Jenny L. Wohlberg

RELEVANCE OF COMMUNICATION The channels for these communications have also broadened
BETWEEN DENTIST AND and deepened, with communications increasingly being handled
digitally. The ease of transmitting photographyas well as work
LABORATORY TECHNICIAN authorizationsdigitally is improving the accuracy, thorough
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY ness, and speed of all communications between dentists and
laboratories, with correspondingly better results for patients.
Communication among patient, dentist, and laboratory tech
nician is one of the most important factors for a successful
outcome in any case, from the relatively routine to the most CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
complex. With thorough, accurate, and timely communication,
all parties understand exactly what they are trying to achieve, All esthetic cases require communication among the technician,
what challenges they need to address, what options are available, dentist, and patient from the start. As the dentist begins discuss
and generally what to expect. The result is greater satisfaction all ing with the patient what he or she does and does not like about
around. The technician has a satisfied dentist-client. The dentist his or her smile, and what concerns the patient may be having
has a happy patient who will refer family and friends. And the with form, fit, and function, the laboratory can play an impor
patient has a smile on his or her facethe smile that the patient tant collaborative role in designing the diagnostic aspects of
wanted from the moment he or she walked in the dentists door. the case. With implants and similarly complex restorative cases,
On the other hand, with inadequate or imprecise communi dentistlaboratory technician communications are always
cation, even the most skilled professionals can fall short. Espe essential. If orthodontic movement, periodontal therapy, or oral
cially today, with so many options available at every stage of the surgery is involved, the laboratory technician should always be
restoration process, communication is the key to making deci part of that team to help facilitate a precise and esthetic outcome.
sions that lead to the excellent result everybody wants. Even with a single tooth case, results can be compromised
Communication has always matteredto a point. But not with inadequate communication. In fact, the laboratory needs
long ago, the decisions to be made and the channels for com as much information with a single central as with a full anterior
municating them were far more limited. restorative case. For example, it is important that the laboratory
technician know the design of the preparation and the underly
ing tooth structure in order to properly select the suitable restor
BRIEF HISTORY OF ative material. If the crown is to cover a metal substructure, or
a root canal with a metal post, some materials, such as zirconia,
COMMUNICATION BETWEEN might not block out the metallic coloration sufficiently. A more
DENTIST AND LAB TECHNICIAN opaque material or a porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration such
as Captek (Altamonte Springs, Florida) would be a better choice.
In the past, communication was brief and simple. The dentist
would specify a porcelain or metal crown, assign it a shade, and
sign a work authorization for the laboratory. Today the material ESTABLISHING PROPER FUNCTION
selection process is far more complex, and there are many more AND ESTHETICS
options. To make the optimal decisions in each case, the labora
tory needs more information from the dentist (Box 22-1). At The more time and effort that the dentist spends intra-orally on
the same time, laboratories have evolved from simply filling fine-tuning the provisionals, the better the template that the
orders to being an important resource to dentists, consulting on laboratory has to work from and the more closely aligned the
everything from materials to procedures. To take advantage of outcome will be with the doctors and patients expectations.
that resource, dentists are communicating with their laboratories Skilled laboratory technicians can do much to enhance the
closely and continually throughout the restorative process. quality of the restoration. But form, fit, and function should be

532 DentistLab Technician Communications

BOX 22.1 Checklist for Cosmetic and as well as factual information. It is perhaps the ideal way for the
Large Restorative Cases laboratory technician to get a sense of the results that the dentist
and patient want. On the other hand, conversation is easy to
The following items are needed to complete a cosmetic or forget and open to interpretation, which is why it is crucial to
large restorative case: have a written laboratory prescription and notes from consulta
Model of pre-operative dentition

tions, as well as photographs. The technician should keep these
Model of diagnostic mock-up or MDM models

records in the case file for 10 years, which means that if the
Photos of pre-operative teeth with shade guide,

laboratory should return to the case several years later, there will
1:1, 1:2, from different angles be no question about what was done, why it was done, and
Photos of prepped teeth with stump shade tabs

exactly which implant parts and ceramic materials were used.
Bite registration: right, left, anterior, segments of

Some dentists prefer to use handwritten prescriptions;
the provision left in place to maintain vertical while others have progressed to handling them digitally. Digital
taking the bites in a tripod fashion records are generally easier for laboratories to use, because
A bite taken with the upper provisional in place

there is not an issue with hard-to-read handwriting. Another
against the lower preparations consideration is that dentists tend to convey their thoughts in
A bite taken with the lower provisional in place

a more organized and complete fashion when using preprinted
against the upper preparations guides. However, when laboratories receive handwritten notes
Stick bite (horizontal plane parallel to interpupillary

that are unclear or incomplete, it is the technicians responsi
line) bility to communicate with the dentist for clarification, and to
Photos of provisionals, full face including eyes, 1:2

take comprehensive notes. Along with the work prescription,
Photos of provisionals, eye to chin, relaxed lip

it is very helpful to have accompanying pictures, either
position emailed, as prints sent with the impressions, or on a disk.
Models of provisionals

These are invaluable for showing the technician the patients
Comments regarding the current provisionals

current state (Figure 22-1). In addition, many dentists include
Desired length of final restorations

photos to suggest how the patient would like to look. All of
Detailed lab prescription expressing goals of patient

this helps the technician to get a feel for the character of the
Implant cases: indication of type and size of each

patient. Taking shade photos and pictures of the dentin or
implant to be restored enamel yields valuable coloration information; a full-face view
Implant cases: indication of preference for type of

can reveal other very important data. For instance, if the
part to be used (i.e., plastic or metal) midline is canted, the lab technician can help to correct this
malinclination. If the buccal corridor should be filled out
more and the dentist did not mention it in the prescription,
the lab technician can diagnose this condition on the photo
clearly established in the finished provisionals, which serve as graphs and then consult with the dentist about adjusting the
the final blueprint for the laboratorys work. restoration accordingly.
Taking shortcuts at this crucial stage leads to communication To be most effective, full-face shots should show a 1:1 or 1:2
problems that can seriously undermine the result. A dentist who straight-on view and right and left lateral views. Photos should
changes laboratories in the middle of a case and requests that include the eyes. Larger multimedia esthetic or specialty cases
the new laboratory complete the restorations using provisionals may be accompanied by a video of the patient and of the inter
based on the patients old crowns will receive crowns that are view between dentist and patient. This is an increasingly popular
both inaccurate and inadequate, with the resulting restoration way to communicate and once again reveals far more than a
satisfying neither the dentist nor the patient. The correct deci series of tooth-only pictures.
sion is to start again, with full provisionals, a Master Diagnostic
Model (MDM), and ongoing communication among patient,
dentist, and laboratory. Although it requires more time, the SHADE COMMUNICATIONS
patient will be far more satisfied with the final result, and the
dentist preserves or creates a valuable relationship. In the past the process of shade selection was simple. Dentists
held a printed shade guide up to the patients mouth and chose
the shade that seemed closest to the patients teeth. Today,
in addition to matching by eye, the dentist has a variety of
CHANNELS FOR DENTISTLAB electronic shade-matching devicesthe VITA Easyshade
TECHNICIAN COMMUNICATION (Vident, Brea, California), the Cynovad ShadeScan (Cynovad
Inc., Montreal, Canada), and the X-Rite ShadeVision System
A great deal of information can be conveyed between dentist (X-Rite, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan)that can be used in
and laboratory verbally, and there is no substitute for conversa combination with photography. A shade machine is useful
tion when it comes to discussing certain aspects of a case. Verbal because it takes human error out of the process, matching shades
communication is direct, open, and fast and conveys emotional precisely regardless of surrounding color and light conditions.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 533

The use of computers and the availability of email for digital
photography communication has revolutionized cooperative
contact in all professions, and dentistry is no exception. The
digital platform allows laboratories and dentists to communicate
in real time, any time. It has also enabled professionals to
enhance their collegial communication through the sharing of
more and better images.
Material improvements are playing a huge role in what can
be done for patientsand what they expect in terms of results.
Ceramics today are much more color stable and consistent than
A they were 10 or 20 years ago. Still, it is common to insert subtle
nuances and to create illusions by using characterizing shades.
Working from the gingival to the incisal, 10 or 11 different
colors may be used to obtain certain desired effects. Although it
is now much easier to create a simple shade and to obtain color
stability, the result is more natural and esthetic when shades are
combined. Again, the key to satisfaction for all parties is com
munication; both the patients desires and doctors expectations
must be as clear as possible.


For the partnership between dentist and technician to yield
consistent outcomes, it is important for dentists to communicate
B what they see in the oral cavity, from an artistic and a technical
standpoint. Subtle nuancessuch as striations, incisal translu
cency, and surface texturemay not be as apparent in photo
graphs as they are in real-life. If technicians are aware of subtleties
such as these, they can respond appropriately, using their exten
sive artistic skills. There is a friendly debate that compares how
much of the case parameters the dentist needs to dictate, and
how much should be left to the artistic discretion of the labora
tory technician. Some practitioners prefer to maintain complete
control, whereas others are comfortable giving more artistic
license to the technician.

For every esthetic and extensive restorative case, the laboratory
FIGURE 22-1 Patient before treatment. A, Full-face picture needs a number of items to successfully complete the task. The
of the patient. B, Close-up picture of the patients smile. technician starts a case with an impression of the existing teeth
C, Retracted view of the patients dentition. in order to make a diagnostic mock-up, or MDM. Following
the dentists work authorization, the laboratory prepares the
The LADDER (Laboratory and dentist digitally enhanced pre-operative models for either crowns or veneers. Then wax
reference) is an excellent tool for helping dentists communicate is added to simulate correct form, fit, and function according
with the laboratory. Showing surface texture, luster and incisal to the interocclusal records provided by the practitioner
translucency, it allows patient and doctor to select images to use (Figure 22-2).
as a visual reference for the laboratory. Technicians find the With the finished diagnostic models, a silicone mold of the
Ladder images extremely helpful, as they provide a clear, objec wax-up is made, along with a clear stent that will be used for a
tive shade baseline, particularly when working with a new reduction guide, and a stone model for the preparations. All of
patient. these materials go to the dentist, who is then ready for the
534 DentistLab Technician Communications

FIGURE 22-2 Master Diagnostic Model (MDM) using wax

to simulate the correct form and function.

patients preparation appointment. This is the time to present

the diagnostic mock-up to the patient, enabling the patient to
see how the finished restoration could look, and to discuss any
questions or concerns. By helping the patient visualize the
outcome and making him or her part of the communication
process at this crucial stage, the dentist helps ensure that the
patients expectations are being met, and that he or she will be
satisfied with the end result.
After preparation and provisionalization, the dentist must B
obtain a tripod bite registration taken in three sections. First
remove the right posterior provisional section, and inject bite
registration material. Then place the right posterior provisional
section back in the mouth, remove the left posterior provisional
section, and continue the earlier technique. With right and left
posterior sections in place, remove the anterior section and take
a bite registration. This completes the tripod bite registration
an anterior bite registration and a left and right posterior bite
registration, thus the tripod effect. In addition, it is important
to do a temporary-to-temporary registration. Finally a stick bite
is taken from the horizontal plane parallel to the interpupillary
(eyes) line.
The laboratory technician also needs 1:2 photos showing the
full face including the eyes. Photos of provisionals with the eye
to chin in relaxed lip position are also helpful. Impressions of
the provisionals provide an exact replica of the patients mouth C
(Figure 22-3).
Comments regarding the current provisionals, noting what FIGURE 22-3 The provisional restorations. A, Full-face
is good and what is undesirable, are helpful as well. These should picture of the patient. B, Close-up picture of the patients
smile. C, Retracted view of the patients smile.
reflect both the dentists and the patients perspectives. The
dentist should indicate the desired length of the final restoration,
and specifically if the final length is to be different from the The dentist should always call the laboratory for an itemized
existing length. Andvery importanta detailed lab prescrip estimate for complex cases. This is important for keeping the
tion should express the goals of both the patient and the dentist. patient informed about estimated treatment costs. If an abbrevi
With all implant cases it is wise to indicate the type and size ated time schedule is needed for a particular case, the laboratory
of implants to be restored, as well as the dentists preference for needs to know in advance, in order to accommodate (if possible)
plastic or metal parts. these restrictions.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 535

At this point, the doctor is ready to send all materials as does documenting and sharing the outcomes photographi
MDMs, tooth impressions, impressions of the provisionals in cally (Figures 22-6 and 22-7).
the mouth, bite registrations, face-bow or stick bite, measure
ments, and photographyback to the laboratory. In implant
cases a few additional items are needed, such as types and size
of each damaged implant being restored. CLINICAL CONSERVATION
Once the impressions have been poured and mounted, the CONCEPTS
laboratory technician can evaluate the case on an adjustable
articulator. The temporary models are then mounted and cross- Although dentists generally favor minimizing preparation in
mounted to the prepped models. This is a good time to evaluate order to preserve healthy tooth structure, laboratories often need
whether any additional reduction is required for the proper to be consulted on the limitations of materials in order to create
thickness of restorative material to duplicate the temporaries an esthetic and functional end result. Clearly dentists and labo
that are in the patients mouth. ratories want the best possible outcomes for patients, but occa
Then the technician reviews plans for the case with the sionally their different perspectives on preparations collide. On
dentist. This is called protocoling the casean opportunity to these occasions, good communication often leads to an enhanced
talk about material options, unusual situations encountered synergistic solution, particularly when the laboratory and dentist
during preparation, and issues that the patient may have been have an ongoing consultative relationship. For instance, in a case
experiencing with the provisional. For complex implant restora in which a two-shade shift is required, the laboratory can suggest
tions, the lab may white-wax the entire case and return it to the that minimal prepping may be counterproductive, because very
dentist to try in the patients mouth for fit, form, and function. thin porcelain cannot accomplish this result. On the other hand,
The dentist should also photograph it in the mouth. Then, the lab may be able to successfully shift one shade if this is
when the case is returned, the lab matrixes the white wax. The acceptable to the patient.
wax is then removed from the frame, and the building process
can begin.
In consultation with the dentist, the laboratory selects mate
rials and proceeds through the finalization of the restoration, MAINTENANCE
using all the models, impressions, photography, and other items
noted in Box 22-1 to duplicate the smile that was presented to A number of options can be chosen to provide easier, more
the patient during the diagnostic wax-up. In this way, the labora accessible maintenance for the patient both at home and in
tory can ensure ongoing consistency and predictability of results the dental office. The dentist makes the decision as to which
(Figures 22-4 and 22-5). The final restorations are then sent to choice is best for the patient. Generally, supragingival margins
the dentist for cementation. are better than subgingival, because the patient cannot accom
Communication between dentist and lab should continue, plish routine subgingival maintenance. Although many den
even after the final restorations are seated. Discussing what went tists are primarily concerned with how much tooth structure
well, what did not, and how techniques can be improved pro is reduced, the interface is potentially the weakest area of the
vides an excellent learning opportunity for all parties concerned, restoration, and the key in determining its longevity. If there
are marginal gapsinterface discrepancies where the cement
seal is not completebacteria can access tooth structure and

FIGURE 22-4 The laboratory technician selects the materials

and finalizes the restorations. FIGURE 22-5 The labial view of the final restorations.
536 DentistLab Technician Communications

FIGURE 22-7 Treatment chart summary of the patients
before and after appearance.

Within the next 5 years it is likely that paperless communication
will become the standard of the profession. Dentists will use
digital technology for everything from transmitting photogra
phy to writing prescriptions to creating virtual MDMs. This
migration to digital communication will offer many benefits.
Nevertheless, there will always be a need for the give and take
B of verbal communication among patient, dentist, and laboratory
as the entire team works closely together to achieve optimal

Aoshima, H: A collection of ceramic works: a communication tool for the dental
office and laboratory, 1992, Hanover Park, Ill., Quintessence.
Magne P, Belser U: Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition: a
biomimetic approach, 2002, Hanover Park, Ill., Quintessence.
Petrungaro P, Maragos C, Mathiesen O: Case planning and sequencing for
patient comfort, esthetics optimal outcome using the master diagnostic
model process to enhance restorative success in implant treatment,
Compendium 21:33-42, 2000.
Petrungaro P, Maragos C, Melkers M: Multidisciplinary oral rehabilitation,
C part I, soft tissue response and aesthetics, Collabor Tech 3:1, 2003.
Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Geller W, et al: Aesthetic and restorative dentistry,
FIGURE 22-6 Post-treatment results. A, Full-face picture material selection and technique, Houston, 2009, Everest Publishing Media.
of the patient. B, Close-up picture of the patients smile. Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Maragos C: Developing an intracoronal restoration
C, Retracted view of the patients dentition. with indirect composite resin: part 1, Dent Today 23(12):78-85, 2004.
Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Maragos C: Developing an intracoronal restoration
with indirect composite resin: part 2, Dent Today 24(1):86-89, 2005.
Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Maragos C: Developing form, function, and natural
aesthetics with laboratory-processed composite resinPart I, Pract Proced
cause recurrent decay. If the margins are not perfect, whether Aesthet Dent 17:5, 2005.
Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Maragos C: Developing form, function, and natural
supragingival or subgingival, the chance of failure is much
aesthetics with laboratory-processed composite resinPart II, Pract Proced
greater. All margins should be checked under the 10/20 Aesthet Dent 17:7, 2005.
microscope to ensure that proper marginal sealing has been Ubassy, G: Analysis: the new way in dental communication, Villa Carcina,
achieved. Italy, 1996, Editrice M.E.A. srl.
C H A P T E R 23


Contemporary Dental Cements

Howard E. Strassler, Eric Levine

Currently the most widely used dental cements, glass ionomer

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC and resin, adhere to the dentin for full-coverage restorations and
DENTISTRY to the enamel and dentin for partial-coverage restorations and
porcelain veneers. These same cements can be used successfully
The number of choices for laboratory-fabricated restorations has to cement cast metal posts and cores, ceramic posts and cores,
increased significantly over the past decade. When planning prefabricated metal posts, and resin-fiberreinforced posts.
treatment to replace missing teeth with fixed or removable
partial dentures or implants, full-coverage crowns, or partial-
coverage inlays and onlays and when restoring the endodonti-
Clinical Considerations
cally treated tooth with cast posts and cores and prefabricated The treatment procedures for laboratory-fabricated restorations
posts, the options include cast metals, ceramics, metal-ceramic, generally require two or more patient visits and a series of treat-
and computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD-CAM) ment decisions to achieve the final restoration. During treatment
based restorative materials. With these developments, the types the clinician will spend significant time with tooth preparation
of cements have also changed. The cementation or luting of (or implant placement), soft tissue management, impression
restorations is an extremely critical phase in placing laboratory- making, fabrication of provisional restorations, and selection of
fabricated restorations. The surface treatments for the various the tooth shade for esthetic restorations. At a later appointment
adhesive cements differ, so it is critical that the clinician and the the clinician will perform the try-in and adjustment of the res-
chairside assistant understand the requirements and steps needed toration and cementation. Preparing for these restorations might
to optimize clinical success with any given cement. also involve a diagnostic wax-up to preview and plan the case,
In the past (and still), the term permanent cement has been or more involved occlusal therapies may be needed during the
used to describe the use of a cement for final, definitive cementa- provisional restoration phase. Over the course of treatment,
tion of indirectly placed laboratory-fabricated restorations. cementation of the restoration requires less than 5% of the
Unfortunately the term as it relates to restorative procedures is overall time spent on clinical steps. In terms of cost for these
inaccurate and gives patients a false sense of security and expec- restorations, whether single crown, inlay or onlay, a more
tation. In the future of fixed prosthodontics, cementation in involved multi-unit fixed partial denture or multiple restorations
restorative dentistry should focus on the placement-cementation for numerous teeth for esthetic reasons (such as a large porcelain
so that the restoration cannot be removed later. Currently, a more veneer case), the practitioner may use an adhesive cementation
proper term for cementation is definitive cementation.1 system costing less than $20 (US), or for a single unit less
than $2 (US), yet the durability of the restoration depends on
this agent.
RELATING FUNCTION Improper and incorrect cement selection for the restorative
AND ESTHETICS material being cemented or poor technique during cementation
can lead to premature failure of the costly restoration. Financial
This chapter describes all types of dental cements for definitive considerations include the cost to the practitioner in laboratory
cementation and includes their composition, properties, and fees, cost to the patient for the restoration, and sometimes cost
indications. A class of dental cements used for cementation of to the practitioners reputation and the staffs perception of the
provisional restorations is described but not covered in detail. success or lack of success with certain procedures.

538 Cements Contemporary Dental Cements

Other factors are equally as vital as the selection of cement BOX 23.1 Desirable Properties of
type for clinical success. For example, during the laboratory an All-Purpose Cement
fabrication of cast and ceramic restorations, some steps can lead
to marginal discrepancies and gaps between the restoration and Low viscosity for easy seating
tooth preparation. Todays contemporary cements provide excel- Easy to mix
lent marginal integrity to compensate for these discrepancies.2-5 Extended working time
An inherent aspect of retention is the taper of the tooth prepara- Short setting time
tion with different cements.6 Zidan and Ferguson6 found that Film thickness compatible with complete seating of a
the retentive values of the adhesive resin cements for a tooth restoration
preparation with a 24-degree taper were 20% higher than the Insolubility in the mouth
retentive values of the conventional cements (zinc phosphate High shear strength
and conventional glass ionomer) for a tooth preparation at a High tensile strength
6-degree taper. The use of resin luting agents yielded retention High compressive strength
values double those of zinc phosphate or conventional glass Bondable to tooth and restoration specific for the
ionomer cement. The type of bur or diamond rotary instrument restorative material of the restoration
used to prepare for crowns can also affect the retention of a Biocompatible with pulp and soft tissue (no
crown placed with different cements.7 postoperative sensitivity)
A significant issue after cementation is the presence of post- Translucent
operative sensitivity. Conventional glass ionomer cements have Radiopaque
higher rates of postoperative sensitivity than other cements,8 Easy post-cementation cleanup
although reports show that when a manufacturers recommenda-
tions are followed, postoperative sensitivity is the same for zinc
phosphate cement and glass ionomer cement.9-11 Before cemen-
tation, the tooth must be clean and dried to a level compatible
with the cement being used. To err on the side of caution, described in American Dental Association (ADA) specification
some recommend avoiding desiccation of the dentin surface of No. 96 and International Organization for Standardization
the preparation before cementation12 to decrease the likelihood (ISO) specification 9917. The three categories of dental cements
of postoperative sensitivity after cementation. Other studies are water-based, resin-based, and oil-based definitive and tem-
describe the use of desensitizing agents and dentin sealers as part porary cements. Examples of each cement type are listed in Table
of the cementation process.13-17 However, certain desensitizing 23-2. This chapter focuses on glass ionomer and adhesive com-
techniques can have a negative impact on adhesion. Although posite resins.
use of a 5% glutaraldehyde sealer15,16 or a resin desensitizer- Water-based cements typically undergo an acid-base setting
sealer14,16,17 is not detrimental to multistep etch and rinse adhe- reaction and are acidic during cementation. These cements
sive resin cements or glass ionomer cements, oxalate desensitizers are either non-adhesive or have a low bond strength to tooth
are incompatible with glass ionomer luting agents.18 structure. Some water-based cements provide for fluoride release.
Examples of water-based cements are glass ionomer, resin-
modified glass ionomer, zinc phosphate, and zinc polyacrylate.
MATERIAL OPTIONS Resin-based cements are chemically similar to composite
resins. They have higher bond strengths to tooth structure when
If there were one cement for all clinical situations, it would have bonded to dental adhesives. In some cases these cements are
to be easily mixed and go through its setting reaction either self-adhesive to dentin. For some resin-based cements, surface
quickly for a single crown or inlay or onlay or be adjustable to treatments of the restoration combined with primers and mono-
set more slowly for multi-unit, more involved cementation cases. mers allow adherence to dental metallic alloys or ceramics.
Unfortunately this holy grail of cements is not available. Although these cements have stronger physical properties, they
However, certain factors and properties can guide the choice of are generally more technique sensitive to use.22
cement for a given situation. In the search for an all-purpose Oil-based cements are typically used for the cementation of
cement, specific physical properties and handling characteristics temporary (provisional) restorations. In the past most contained
have been quantified.19-21 The ideal properties of an all-purpose eugenol, but there are now eugenol-free oil-based cements.
cement include the qualities listed in Box 23-1. Typically these cements have a greater film thickness than
water-based and resin-based cements and much lower physical
properties. In cementing provisional restorations with these
CLASSIFICATION OF agents, the tooth must be thoroughly cleaned before the defini-
DENTAL CEMENTS tive cement is applied.
Each category of cement presents challenges to achieving
Dental cements can be classified based on their chemistry and clinical success. Within each class, these cements have physical
applications19-21 (Table 23-1). All cements must have a film properties that allow for a consistency favorable to cementation
thickness and consistency compatible with cementation, as and a film thickness that will allow for complete seating of a
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 539

TABLE 23-1 Cement Types and Restorative Applications

Water-Based Cements Self-etch self All-metal crowns, fixed partial
Conventional All-metal crowns, fixed partial dentures adhesive dentures
glass ionomer Porcelain-metal crowns, fixed partial composite resin Porcelain-metal crowns, fixed partial
dentures dentures
Zirconia substructure (core), all ceramic Zirconia substructure (core), all
Metal posts ceramic
Cast metal inlay or onlay Metal posts
Implant-supported crowns, fixed partial Cast metal inlay or onlay
dentures Implant-supported crowns, fixed partial
Resin-modified All-metal crowns, fixed partial dentures dentures
glass ionomer Porcelain-metal crowns, fixed partial Fiber posts
dentures Porcelain veneers (light cure only)
Zirconia substructure (core), all ceramic All-ceramic inlay, onlay, crown
Metal posts Composite inlay, onlay, crown
Cast metal inlay or onlay Maryland bridge
Implant-supported crowns, fixed partial Compomers All-metal crowns, fixed partial
dentures dentures
Zinc phosphate All-metal crowns, fixed partial dentures Porcelain-metal crowns, fixed partial
Porcelain-metal crowns, fixed partial dentures
dentures Zirconia substructure (core)
Metal posts all-ceramic
Cast metal inlay or onlay Metal posts
Zinc polyacrylate All-metal crowns, fixed partial dentures Cast metal inlay, onlay
Porcelain-metal crowns, fixed partial Implant-supported crowns, fixed partial
dentures dentures
Metal posts Fiber posts
Cast metal inlay or onlay Porcelain veneers (light cure only)
Resin-Based Cements All-ceramic inlay, onlay, crown
Etch and rinse All-metal crowns, fixed partial dentures Composite inlay, onlay, crown
composite resin Porcelain-metal crowns, fixed partial Maryland bridge
dentures Oil-Based Cements
Zirconia substructure (core), all ceramic Zinc Provisional crown restorations
Metal posts oxideeugenol Provisional inlay or onlay
Cast metal inlay or onlay restorations
Implant-supported crowns, fixed partial Provisional veneer restorations
dentures Noneugenol Provisional crown restorations
Fiber posts zinc oxide Provisional inlay or onlay
Porcelain veneers (light cure only) restorations
All-ceramic inlay, onlay, crown Provisional veneer restorations
Composite inlay, onlay, crown
Maryland bridge
540 Cements Contemporary Dental Cements

TABLE 23-2 Partial Listing of Contemporary Cements

Conventional Glass Ionomer DUO-LINK Bisco
Ketac-Cem 3M ESPE Illusion Bisco
Fuji I GC America CLEARFIL ESTHETIC and Kuraray
Meron AC VOCO PANAVIA F2.0 Kuraray
Riva Luting SDI Variolink II Ivoclar Vivadent
GlassLute Pulpdent Dual Cement Ivoclar Vivadent
CX-Plus Shofu ParaCem Coltne/Whaledent
Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Duo Cement Plus Coltne/Whaledent
RelyX Luting Plus 3M ESPE PermaFlo DC Ultradent
RelyX Luting 3M ESPE Self-Etch Self-Adhesive Resin Cement
Fuji Plus GC America iCEM Heraeus Kulzer
FujiCEM GC America SmartCem2 DENSTPLY Caulk
Zinc Phosphate Multilink Ivoclar Vivadent
Hy-Bond zinc phosphate Shofu RelyX Unicem 3M ESPE
Zinc phosphate Bosworth MonoCem Shofu
Polyacrylate MaxCem Kerr
Durelon 3M ESPE MaxCem Elite Kerr
Hy-Bond polycarboxylate Shofu Embrace Pulpdent
Etch-and-Rinse Resin Cement (Can Be Dual-Cure Breeze Pentron Clinical
or Self-Cure) BisCem Bisco
Infinity Den-Mat G-CEM GC America
ResiLute Pulpent Veneer Cements (Light Cure)
RelyX ARC 3M ESPE Choice 2 Bisco
C&B-METABOND Parkell Illusion Bisco
Calibra DENTSPLY Caulk Calibra DENTSPLY Caulk
COMSPAN DENTSPLY Variolink veneer Ivoclar Vivadent
Twinlook Heraeus Kulzer RelyX veneer 3M ESPE
Nexus 2 Kerr Ultra-Bond Plus Den-Mat
NX3 Nexus Kerr NX3 Nexus Kerr
Cement-It Pentron Clinical CLEARFIL ESTHETIC Kuraray
Lute-It Pentron Clinical CEMENT
C&B Cement Bisco Compomer Cement
Principle DENTSPLY Caulk

restoration. There is variability in the handling characteristics of

each class of cement and even differences within the same class
Water-Based Cements
of cement. A recent survey of usage of definitive fixed prosth- Glass Ionomer Cement
odontic cements noted that conventional glass ionomer was used Glass ionomer cements are classified as either conventional glass
24% of the time, resin modified glass ionomer 46% of the time, ionomer cements, which are water-based without any resin, or
composite resin cements 8% of the time, zinc phosphate cement resin-modified glass ionomer, which has about 10% resin added
10% of the time, and zinc polycarboxylate 12% of the time.23 to improve physical properties. Both types of glass ionomer
Generally the clinician should not assume that cements within cements are adhesive to enamel and dentin via ionic bonding
the same class are mixed and manipulated in the same way. The of the glass ionomer to the calcium and phosphate ions of
dentist and chairside assistant must read the manufacturers the tooth. It usually takes 24 hours for the final adhesive values
instructions relative to material dispensing and mixing before to be attained. Besides being self-adhesive through chemical
using any cement on a restoration.1,18,23 bonding to tooth structure, glass ionomers have the additional
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 541

benefit of leaching fluoride to the adjacent tooth structure, retaining the properties of self-adhesion and fluoride release.
which provides some protection against recurrent caries. Both Some resin-modified glass ionomer cements provide a dentin
types of glass ionomer cement have low solubility. conditioner to improve adhesive bonding. It is acceptable to
Conventional glass ionomer is provided as a powder and clear away excess resin-modified glass ionomer cement when it
liquid that can either be hand dispensed for mixing on a mixing reaches the gel stage or after complete setting. Resin-modified
pad with a cement spatula or used in a preloaded capsule that glass ionomer cements are less vulnerable to the effects of early
is mixed on a mechanical mixer (amalgamator, triturator). The moisture.
capsule has a dispensing tip, and the cement is syringed using
an applicator gun onto the restoration and preparation. Applica- Indications for Water-Based Cements
tor guns are usually manufacturer specific. When using a con- The primary clinical indications for either type of glass ionomer
ventional glass ionomer cement, the excess cement at the margins cement are all-metal and porcelain-metal restorations, alumina
should be protected from moisture and dried using a coating or zirconia core-type all-ceramic restorations, implant-supported
agent or an unfilled bonding resin. It is advisable not to clear crowns and fixed partial dentures, and metal posts. It is this
away excess cement until it is fully set. authors primary cement for use in cementing all-metal and
porcelain-metal restorations. The tooth must not be overly desic-
cated and dried when using this class of dental cement. One
Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Cement usually wets the dentin using a microapplicator or a damp
Resin-modified glass ionomer (Figure 23-1) (also referred to as cotton pellet so the dentin is slightly glossy with no water
resin-reinforced and hybrid ionomer) is supplied as a powder- pooling on the surface. When glass ionomer cements were first
liquid, a paste-paste, or a unit-dose mixing capsule with a dis- introduced there was concern for postoperative sensitivity after
pensing tip. It is easier to mix than the conventional powder-liquid cementation,7 but not all studies have found this to be a
glass ionomer and has improved physical properties while problem.8-10



FIGURE 23-1 Step-by-step cementation of a porcelain-metal fixed partial denture with a resin-modified glass ionomer cement.
A, Preparations for porcelain-metal fixed partial denture. B, Porcelain-metal fixed partial denture being cemented with resin-
modified glass ionomer cement (FujiCEM, GC America, Alsip, Illinois) using an active force when cementing by having the
patient bite down on a saliva ejector. C, Cleaning away the set cement from the crown margins. D, Completed cementation of
porcelain-metal restoration.
542 Cements Contemporary Dental Cements

of initiator. Self-cure composite resin cements use a peroxide-

Resin-Based Cements amine initiator-accelerator; dual-cure composite resin cements
Composite Resin Cements use a combination of amine and photoinitiator; and light-cure
In recent years the number of composite resin cements has resin cements use a photoinitiator only. Self-cure composite
grown significantly. Within this class of resin-based luting agents resin cements can be used to cement all types of indirect restora-
are those that require a separate adhesive application and those tions, but because of potential problems with color stability,
that are self-adhesive. In most cases the indications for these translucent all-ceramic restorations and all-ceramic crowns and
types of dental cement are the same, but the ease of application veneers should be placed with light-cure composite cements.30-32
differs. Adhesive resin cements typically use an etch-and-rinse When light-cure-only composite resin cements are used with
bonding adhesive, whereas self-adhesive resin cements eliminate all-ceramic veneers or crowns, the light-curing time should be
the need for the separate phosphoric acid etching and applica- increased when polymerizing through porcelain thicknesses of
tion of a separate resin adhesive to tooth structure before cemen- 0.5 to 2.0mm.19
tation. Various initiators and packaging are used to promote There has been concern that self-cure and dual-cure com
resin polymerization. Composite resin cements are supplied as posites are chemically incompatible with light-cure-only
powder-liquid and paste-paste hand-mixing formulas, a double- adhesives.33-38 Currently, changes in the chemistry of different
barreled syringe with automixing tips, and a unit-dose dispens- systems and the addition of self-cure activators to fifth-generation
ing and mixing system. adhesives (etch-and-rinse single-bottle adhesives, e.g., Prime &
All cements in this category are relatively insoluble compared Bond NT, DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware; OptiBond
with other dental cements. They have the highest mechanical Solo Plus, Kerr Corporation, West Orange, California) appear to
physical properties, including high compressive strength, high have solved this problem. Also, many of the latest generation of
flexural strength, good fracture toughness, low coefficient of self-etch adhesives are now compatible with dual-cure and self-
thermal expansion and contraction, and highest stiffness of any cure composite resin cements. Each practitioner must read the
dental cement.1,18,23 Composite resin cements are based on the instruction sheet to guide the use of the resin cement and adhe-
chemistry of direct placement restorative composite resins and sive supplied. No agreement on the use of self-cure and dual-cure
are resistant to wear and abrasion. resin cements and etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives yet
This class of cement offers more toothlike translucency. These exists. When a dual-cure resin cement is used, the light-curing
cements are often available in several shades to permit better capability offers the added benefit of easy cleanup. The excess
matches to adjacent tooth structures. Adhesion of this class of resin cement is readily removed from the marginal areas after
cement to not only tooth structure but also etched porcelain and light curing. Whenever any etch-and-rinse adhesive resin cement
sand-blasted metal has been demonstrated.24-27 The interface is used, care must be taken to inspect and remove excess resin
and bond between etched porcelain and composite resin when cement. Unlike more traditional cements, where the excess can
the porcelain has been treated with a ceramic primer (silane) be easily removed with a scaler or curet, a rotary diamond or
strengthens the porcelain and eliminates the propagation of finishing bur is often required to remove set resin cement.
microcracks and fractures between the porcelain, composite
resin, and enamel.28,29 In terms of handling, composite resin Self-Adhesive Resin Cements
cements have easy flow, spread readily over the surface being Self-adhesive resin cements (Figure 23-4) are approaching the
cemented, are not tacky, can be polished, and have a chameleon requirements of a true all-purpose cement. Although their use
effect relative to surrounding tooth structure. is not advisable with translucent ceramic restorations (pressed
ceramic crowns and porcelain veneers), in which a color change
Etch-and-Rinse (Total-Etch) Adhesive Resin in the cement could affect the restorations color and a separate
The resin cements in this category require the use of separate ceramic primer and adhesive are needed to reinforce the porce-
tooth etching with phosphoric acid combined with the applica- lain, they can be used for all other applications. This includes
tion of a separate resin bonding agent. When bonding to dentin, zirconia and alumina core ceramics, cast metal, porcelain-metal,
these cements use the adhesive as the bonding interface with the and cementation of cast post and cores and prefabricated posts.
composite cement. The cements can be classified as self-cure These cements are dual-cure and have an easy cleanup at the
(autopolymerizing), dual-cure (light cure and self-cure), and gel phase.
light cure. Autopolymerizing and dual-cure composite resin Many of the cements in this category are available in dual-tube
cements can be used for all cementation applications, including automixing configurations or in preloaded capsules that are mixed
all-metal, porcelain-metal, and all-ceramic (fritted porcelain, on a high-speed mixer (triturator) (G-CEM, GC America,
pressed porcelain, alumina and zirconia porcelain cores) restora- Alsip, Illinois; RelyX Unicem, 3M ESPE, St Paul, Minnesota).
tions (Figure 23-2). These cements are especially useful in the cementation of fiber
The use of etch-and-rinse adhesive light-cure composite resin posts. RelyX Unicem provides a special tip for delivering the
(Figure 23-3) cements should be limited to porcelain veneers cement into the root canal for post cementation. Other cements
and pressable ceramic crowns that allow the curing light to can be easily placed into root canals for post cementation
penetrate the porcelain so photopolymerization of the cement with needle tiplike delivery using either Jiffy Tubes (Water
under the translucent veneer or crown occurs. The differences Pik, Inc., Fort Collins, Colorado) or AccuDose NeedleTubes
in the polymerization mechanism are based on the chemical type (Centrix, Inc., Shelton, Connecticut). This type of needle delivery
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 543



FIGURE 23-2 A porcelain-metal crown cemented with a dual-cure composite resin cement A, Porcelain-metal crown preparation
being cleaned with a prophylaxis cup with a pumice-water paste. B, Inside of porcelain-metal crown being air abraded to improve
adhesion of composite resin cement. C, After 15 seconds of etching with phosphoric acid, rinsing, and drying, a dual-cure adhesive
resin (Tenure, Den-Mat, Santa Maria, California) was applied to the tooth preparation. D, Cementation of porcelain-metal crown
with a dual-cure composite resin cement using a Profin reciprocating handpiece (Dentatus USA, New York, New York) with a
wooden insert and PDS/MJ2 tip (Dentatus) to fully seat crown with mechanical force. E, Completed cementation of porcelain-
metal crown.

is more effective at filling the root canal than a Lentulo spiral.41 Recommendations for Resin Cements
Even though these cements are self-adhesive using the mechanisms The physical properties of resin cements have been well
of the self-etch class of adhesivesfor example, RelyX Unicem, researched.5,42-44 Resin cements bond well to abraded base
G-CEM, BisCem (Bisco, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois)39,40some metal.27,45 Research shows that resin-based cements and resin-
cements require a separate primer on the tooth surface before the modified glass ionomers are thixotropic, meaning that because
cement is applied (Multilink, Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc., Amherst, they are viscous liquids there is a shear-thinning of the fluid phase
New York).42 Before using a self-adhesive cement, one should be of the cement that takes a finite amount of time to reach
familiar with the steps required. an equilibrium. The various physical characteristics and properties
544 Cements Contemporary Dental Cements




FIGURE 23-3 Restoration with pressed ceramic crowns and veneers, using an etch-and-rinse (total-etch) light-cured composite
resin cement. A, Preoperative view before tooth preparations for pressed porcelain veneers and pressed all-ceramic crowns.
B, Completed tooth preparations: maxillary canines, lateral incisors, and central incisors. C, Porcelain veneers (canines and lateral
incisors) and porcelain crowns (central incisors) returned from laboratory. D, After 15 seconds of etching with phosphoric acid,
rinsing, and drying, a light-cure adhesive resin was applied to the tooth preparations. E, Crowns and veneers have been seated
with a light-cure composite resin cement (NX3 Nexus Cement, Kerr Corporation). F, Light-curing of facial surface of crowns and
veneers. G, Completed all-ceramic crowns (IPS e.max CAD, a lithium disilicate glass ceramic, Ivoclar Vivadent).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 545




FIGURE 23-4 The use of a self-adhesive composite resin cement with alumina core ceramic crowns (NobelProcera, Nobel Biocare,
Zurich, Sweden). A and B, Preoperative facial (A) and lingual (B) views of a patient with a history of bulimia. C, Completed
crown preparations of maxillary lateral and central incisors. D, All-ceramic, alumina core crowns (NobelProcera) returned from
laboratory. E, Self-adhesive resin cement (BisCem, Bisco, Inc.) being placed into the all-ceramic crown using an automixing tip.
F, Completed all-ceramic crowns for the maxillary lateral and central incisors.

of these cements influence the seating of crowns during complete seating of the restoration (not for ceramic inlays or
cementation.46-48 Using force allows the cement to flow when the onlays or pressed ceramic crowns) is to have the patient bite down
restoration is being seated completely on the tooth preparation. on a saliva ejector.50 The hydraulic forces needed to completely
In fact, sustained seating pressure during luting procedures, up to seat a crown, metal inlay or onlay, CAD-CAMfabricated ceramic
3 minutes, increases bond strength and improves marginal integ- inlay or onlay using a resin-based cement or resin-modified glass
rity of the interfacial margins.49 A clinical technique to ensure ionomer require the use of a mechanical advantage.
546 Cements Contemporary Dental Cements

REFERENCES 25. Burke FJ, Fleming GJ, Abbas G, Richter B: Effectiveness of a self-
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Dual-Cured Resin Cements and Esthetic Supragingival Margins

George Freedman

restoration must be precise and complementary. If there is any

RELEVANCE OF CEMENTATION significant variation from this adaptation model, the restoration
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY will be lost rather quickly.
Adhesive restorations are stabilized by the adhesive bonding
Many dental restorations are fabricated indirectly outside of the to both the restoration and the tooth (Box 23-4). This adhesion
mouth. As such they must be affixed to the tooth structures in depends on adhesive surfaces and the materials that can adhere
some manner. Over the years, various cementation techniques to them: the tooth surface, the internal surface of the restoration,
have been used. Although adhesive cementation is not univer- and the intermediary cement. Adhesive cementation also
sally accepted as the only method to fix restorations to tooth depends on a controlled environment. The earlier resin cements
structure, it has been gaining popularity and is increasingly the required that moisture be strictly controlled by effective isola-
choice of both the patient and the dentist (Figure 23-5). Adhe- tion. Any moisture diminished or totally eliminated the bond
sive cements tend to perform more effectively than older luting strength, and led to an early catastrophic failure of the adhesive
cements, making restorations stronger and more resistant to interface, causing loss of the restoration. Adhesive cements also
marginal breakdown and failure. Because they can be manufac- fill the gap between the tooth and the restoration, but unlike
tured in various shades, resin cements can match the color of luting cements they bond to both the restoration and the tooth,
the restoration and the tooth more accurately. In esthetic den- creating a monobloc. In the monobloc, the strengths of the
tistry, a shade-matched intermediary material positioned between adhesion at the various component interfaces, such as the tooth-
the tooth and the restoration is of paramount importance cement, and cement-restoration, are all greater than the cohesive
(Figure 23-6). strength of the dentin itself. When force is applied to the restored
tooth, the force is dissipated evenly over the entire remaining
tooth structure by the monobloc rather than being focused on
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL a particular stress spot, better protecting the entire remaining
The dental profession has used a number of cements over the
OF CEMENTATION past century. The oldest cement still in use is zinc phosphate
cement (Figure 23-7). Its advantages are that it can be used for
Generally, cements can be classified into two categories: luting both all-metal full crowns and bridges, and with porcelain-
cements and adhesive cements (Box 23-2). Luting cements rely fused-to-metal restorations. It has excellent compressive strength
on mechanical retention and are typically based on water and and a good film thickness. Disadvantages are its low hardness
reactive alkaline fillers. They do not adhere to any surfaces. and high solubility in oral fluids, low tensile strength when it is
Adhesive cements are stabilized by adhesive bonding to both tooth stressed, and lack of chemical bonding to either the tooth or the
structure and restoration. They are based on anhydrous and overlying restoration. Immediately after mixing, zinc phosphate
silanized nonreactive filler materials. is very acidic; when applied to vital teeth, there is an excellent
The luting cements reliance on mechanical retention places likelihood that the acidity of the cement on application, which
tremendous clinical demands on the dentists skills (Box 23-3). is about pH 2.0 or less, could be irritating, particularly if no
The preparation that is to receive the restoration must have long anesthesia is used. Once the zinc phosphate has completely set,
axial walls. Ideally there is a slight 6-degree gingival to incisal it maintains a pH of 4.5 -5.0. This is still quite acidic and may
taper to the preparation three dimensionally circumferentially cause short-, medium-, and even long-term sensitivity of vital
around the tooth, and the restoration must have a precise fit of abutments and possibly necessitate post cementation endodon-
about 30 to 100m. Conventional cements simply fill the gap tic treatment. Zinc phosphate cement is called a permanent
between the tooth and the restoration. Much, if not all, of the cement but offers no adhesion to enamel, dentin, metal, or
retention depends on mechanical attributes: both the external ceramic. Crowns cemented with zinc phosphate can be recov-
surface of the tooth preparation and the internal surface of the ered or knocked off the abutment in most cases if the pressure

548 Cements Dual-Cured Resin Cements and Esthetic Supragingival Margins


FIGURE 23-5 A, Tooth prepared with a supragingival margin. B, Esthetic crown cemented with the adhesive cementation

Visible root structure

Translucent resin

Natural dentin shows

through resin cement
and ceramic crown

FIGURE 23-7 Hy-Bond zinc phosphate cement. (Courtesy Shofu

Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California.)

Incisally shaded
BOX 23.3 Luting Cement
Relies on mechanical retention
FIGURE 23-6 An esthetic restoration showing the effect of a Long axial walls

shade-matched intermediary material between the tooth and Slight taper of preparation (6 degrees)

the restoration. Precise fit (30-100m)

Conventional cements fill the gap between the

tooth and the restoration.

BOX 23.4 Adhesive Cement

BOX 23.2 Two Categories of Cements
Stabilizes by adhesively bonding to both restoration
Luting Cement
and tooth
Relies on mechanical retention
Adhesive surfaces
Based on waters and reactive alkaline fillers
Controlled environment (no moisture)
Adhesive Cement
Adhesive cements fill the gap between the tooth
Stabilized by adhesive bonding and bond to both restoration and tooth, creating a
Anhydrous and silanized non-reactive fillers monobloc.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 549

FIGURE 23-8 Hy-Bond polycarboxylate cement. (Courtesy Shofu

Dental Corporation, San Marcos, California.)

is applied carefully in on occlusal direction at the margin. Unfor- FIGURE 23-9 Glass ionomer cement. (Courtesy Shofu Dental Cor-
poration, San Marcos, California.)
tunately, they also occasionally experience cement failure.
Zinc polycarboxylate cements (Figure 23-8) were introduced
to overcome the high rate of sensitivity found with the zinc
phosphate cements. They have been used for more than 25
years and have the ability to release fluoride. There is little evi-
dence that the tooth surface actually incorporates any of the
fluoride released, however. A major advantage with polycar-
boxylate cements is the lack of postoperative sensitivity; the
pH of application and setting are higher (closer to pH 7) than
that of zinc phosphate. These cements are useful for metal and
porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns and bridges but have a lower
compressive strength than zinc phosphate. The negatives of
this material include high solubility and low hardness. The
film thickness can be problematic, particularly if the mixing
is not ideal. The product exhibits low tensile strength and
can deform under loading, leading to de-cementation under
extreme loads. Today, zinc polycarboxylate cements are consid-
ered excellent for long-term provisional indications but not
long-term permanent ones. They are used quite often to
cement implant superstructures where recovery on a regular
basis is important.
Glass ionomer cements have been available for about 30 years FIGURE 23-10 Resin-modified glass ionomer cement. (GC
(Figure 23-9). They also release fluoride but are of only medium Fuji Plus, GC America, Alsip, Illinois.)
adhesive strength to tooth structures. Their weak bond to enamel
and dentin are compensated for by excellent biocompatibility.
The negatives of glass ionomer cements include frequent post-
operative sensitivity caused by the cements acidity. Glass iono-
mers can be compromised by the presence of moisture during Resin-modified glass ionomers (Figure 23-10) have been avail-
setting as well as the moist environment of the mouth. They are able since the 1990s. They release fluoride, have medium bond
also sensitive to mechanical loading and tend not to support strength, cause little postoperative sensitivity, and can be used
high stress. Their low tensile strength precludes them from use under metallic and porcelain-fused-to-metal full crowns and
under extended bridges. Glass ionomers are popular as cements, bridges. These cements often exhibit very high bond strengths
but their properties are relatively weak. Their major drawback is and are not particularly technique sensitive, making them rela-
their solubility in oral fluids, an obvious disadvantage in the oral tively easy to use in dental practice. The powder, however, is
cavity. moisture sensitive. Even after mixing and setting, the cement
550 Cements Dual-Cured Resin Cements and Esthetic Supragingival Margins

FIGURE 23-11 Composite resin cement. (Calibra; courtesy

DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware.)

may absorb moisture and swell three-dimensionally. When this

occurs underneath metal restorations, there is not much of a FIGURE 23-12 One-step resin cement. (Embrace WetBond; courtesy
Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts.)
problem. However, under more friable ceramic restorations, the
expanding resin-modified glass ionomer cement often exerts
greater forces than can be withstood by the ceramic, which is
stressed and can fracture. Although resin-modified glass ionomer selection is correct,, excellent esthetics. The major advantage of
cements can be used for metal full crowns and porcelain-fused- one-step composite resin cements is that no etch, primer, or
to-metal full crowns and bridges, they are definitely contraindi- adhesive are required. There is a release of fluoride, and removal
cated for all-ceramic restorations and veneers. of excess cement is easy when undertaken immediately after
Composite resin cements have been used since the early 1990s application. Because there is no etching of vital tooth surface,
(Figure 23-11). They may be self-cure or dual cure and have high no postoperative sensitivity develops. One-step composite resin
adhesion to both the pretreated tooth structure and the restora- cements are indicated for all restorations: metal, porcelain-fused-
tion. Their high hardness prevents torquing, especially in the to-metal, ceramic, and composite resin.
case of a bridge. They exhibit low solubility in oral fluids and The recent development of alumina and zirconia crowns and
good mechanical properties. Furthermore, when they are cor- bridges has made many of the existing cements obsolete. The
rectly applied, they can contribute to the overall esthetics of the simple problem is that the most current resin materials do not
restoration. Earlier composite resins required separate etchers, adhere to either the alumina or zirconia, and thus become luting
primers, and adhesives, necessitating many steps, and did not rather than adhesive cements. A new category of resin-based
release fluoride. Because they hardened so well and quickly, cements has been developed for these restorations and they
it was important to remove any excess cement quickly, prior provide full confidence for the dental practitioner. These A-Z
to complete polymerization. Etching of the tooth structure cements include ResiCem (Shofu Dental Corporation, San
occasionally caused postoperative sensitivity. Composite resin Marcos, California) (see Figure 23-12). The basic kit includes
cements are indicated for indirect restorations: metal, porcelain- the innovative two-component pre-mixed A-Z primer for the
fused-to-metal, ceramic, high-strength ceramic and composite alumina and zirconia surfaces and the dual-cure ResiCem. This
resin. Their major drawback is the need for separate etching, cement is compatible with the treated restorative surface and the
primers, adhesives, and a large number of skilled hands to remaining enamel, dentin, or composite buildup of the
accomplish all these procedures, which become very technique abutment.
sensitive and thus, problematic. They have little or no fluoride One important note to remember is that zinc phosphate and
release, and can be moisture sensitive during placement. Gener- polycarboxylate cements can be classified as retrievable. Under
ally composite resin cements have good mechanical properties, the right circumstances, and with special care taken to prevent
but their clinical moisture sensitivity is a drawback, particularly damage to the remaining abutment, a cemented restoration can
in situations where the restorative margins are subgingival. be removed if the tooth underneath must be accessed or the
The most recent addition to the cement families is the one- restoration repaired. Glass ionomer cements may be retrievable,
step composite resin cement (Figure 23-12). These cements were but compomer and composite resin cements, both multistep and
first introduced in the early 2000s and show high adhesion to single-step formulations, are not. For crowns affixed with these
restorative and enamel dentin surfaces, high hardness, and very latter cements, if the restoration must be removed from the
low solubility; excellent mechanical properties; and when shade tooth, it must be cut off; to physically knock it off in the fashion
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 551

used to remove zinc phosphatecemented crowns often fractures Matching the color at
the tooth, eliminating the natural crown abutment as well as the the margin
fabricated crown.


Stronger and more resistant cements provide better retention for Cement
functional restorations. Because the restorations placed in the
patients mouth are typically expected to last many years, it is
important that they are able to withstand normal function and Tooth
para-function. Whereas this was the only required property for
cements years ago, today the restoration not only has to function
as a tooth but must look like a tooth as well. Preferably, from a FIGURE 23-13 The cement can be chosen to be the color of
patients perspective, it should be indistinguishable from the the remaining tooth root structure, the color of the crown,
natural tooth. some intermediate color, or possibly a translucent color to
The cement is located at the interface between the restoration bridge the interface between the restoration and the tooth
and the natural tooth structure, called the margin. Typically, the
crown implies previous damage or disease in the natural tooth;
the remaining tooth structure is often significantly darker or
colored differently than the restoration, which is designed to
resemble the original natural tooth. The esthetic issue involves
the management of the marginal area where these differently
colored materials are in close proximity, highlighting their chro-
matic differences. The easiest solution is to locate the margin
subgingivally, because this places the margin out of sight, leaving
the more esthetic part of the crown visible. There are some
drawbacks to this:
1. More tooth structure must be removed to position the
margin subgingivally.
2. Because of the surface roughness of the marginal interface
in comparison with the natural tooth structure, the
margin is often an area where bacteria tend to congregate,
along with deposits of plaque and subsequent gingival
irritation. Gingival irritation causes the gingiva to recede,
eventually allowing the margin that was so meticulously FIGURE 23-14 Supragingival margin showing a cement color
match at the crown-tooth interface.
located subgingivally to be seen.
3. Thus even when the margin is carefully placed in a sub-
gingival location, all too often within a short span of 3
to 5 years it will be fully visible as a result of aging, gin-
gival irritation, or lack of home maintenance on the CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
patients part.
The indications for dual-cure resin cements include crowns,
Another important consideration for cements from an inlays, onlays, and bridges. The contraindications include
esthetic perspective is their actual color. There are various veneers, provisionals, and implants. A dual-cure resin cement
choices. The cement can be chosen to match the color of the will, after mixing, cure to hardness with or without light poly
remaining tooth root structure, to match the color of the crown, merization within 5 to 7 minutes, depending on the product
or some intermediate shade in between Translucent cements and the manufacturer. If it is initiated by a curing light, the
often offer the best, and easiest color matching across the margin; surface material (1 to 2mm) that is directly accessible to photo-
(Figure 23-13). The right cement color makes it possible to activation will cure within several seconds, depending on its
bridge the interface between the restoration and the tooth color and thickness. The remaining dual-cure cement, unaf-
esthetically, allowing the margin to be located supragingivally. fected by direct light, will continue to polymerize within the
This is very advantageous because the marginal cement does not following 5-7 minutes; since the marginal areas are generally
pose an esthetic liability and can be readily maintained by the more exposed to photo-activation, the marginal cement poly
patient (Figure 23-14). merizes first, creating an effective moisture-proof seal for the
552 Cements Dual-Cured Resin Cements and Esthetic Supragingival Margins

remaining cement and allowing it to cure under relatively ideal for only 1 to 2 seconds, allows those margins to be set immedi-
conditions. ately, preventing contamination by moisture, blood, and other
In considering the cementation of crowns, inlays, onlays, or materials and allowing the excess resin cement at the margin to
bridges, particularly metal or porcelain-fused-to-metal restora- be scaled away while it is still relatively malleable (Figure 23-15,
tions, it must be remembered that the curing light cannot pass B). The hardened resin cement can be polished once it is com-
through metal. The metal blocks all the polymerization rays. If pletely set or polymerized. This is not difficult at the more
the resin cement in the areas that are not directly reachable by accessible buccal and lingual surfaces. However, in the inter-
the curing light is to harden, there must be a dual-cure compo- proximal areas, a hardened resin cement can be quite difficult
nent. The dual-cure initiator is typically based on phosphene to remove without damaging surrounding structures, and may
chemistry, which, once initiated by light, will continue to be inadvertently left in place; long-term, this can cause tissue
polymerize the entire cement volume even in the absence of damage and gingival recession. Provisionals, of course, should
direct light. It is incorrectly assumed that light-cure resin cements not be cemented with a permanent cement. Implants must be
can be used with all-ceramic restorations, even if they are thick recoverable as well, in case the retention screw must be tightened
and opaque; the actual amount of light that passes through an for repair, replacement, or addition to the implant-borne resto-
all-ceramic restoration thicker than 0.5 to 1.0mm is virtually ration. Veneers are best cemented with light-cure resin cements
nil, even with the most translucent porcelains. Whether an (Figure 23-16). Phosphenes, the components that catalyze the
indirect restoration is resin, ceramic, metal, or a combination dual-cure cement to polymerize to completion even in the
thereof, as long as there is no direct light access to all areas of absence of light, also tend to yellow the cement with time. This
the cement, the cement used must be a dual-cure resin cement. is not a desirable situation for veneers; therefore phosphene-
Using the curing light at the margins (Figure 23-15, A), ideally free or light-cure resin cement should be used for these

The advantages of using composite resin cements are (1) they
are the strongest available; (2) they have excellent adhesion to
enamel, dentin, ceramic, and metal; and (3) all the interfacial
bonding strengths are higher than the cohesive bond strength of
dentin to itself; the overall interface between tooth and restora-
tion is actually stronger than the natural tooth. Thus a force that
is great enough to break the tooth will usually fracture the tooth
structure cohesively, often the dentino-enamel junction (DEJ),
leaving the tooth-restoration interface intact.
A Resin cements have high hardness. When resin cements are
used for an extended bridge, the torque created by occlusal

FIGURE 23-15 A, Tack curing the margins to prevent fluid

contamination at the tooth-restoration interface. B, Tack
curing allows easier removal of excess cement while it is still FIGURE 23-16 Light cure veneer cement. (Kleer-Veneer; courtesy
not fully polymerized. Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 553


FIGURE 23-17 A, Postoperative radiograph showing

excess resin cement remaining interproximally on the
distal. B, Postoperative radiograph showing all excess resin
cement at the distal margin removed. C, Radiopacity of
resin cements allows for clear distinction among the crown,
C the cement, and the tooth surfaces. Here, the caries apical
to the cement interface is clearly diagnosable.

pressure on one part of the bridge is not likely to debond an excess resin cement left interproximally will be clearly visible
abutment at a location distant from the occlusal force. Because (Figure 23-17, A) and can be eliminated (Figure 23-17, B). Over
the bond strength is so high, occlusal forces, even if placed time, secondary decay may develop beneath a restoration. If
unevenly on a bridge, will tend to be redistributed in a more the cement is radiolucent, it is difficult to differentiate the radio-
balanced fashion by the resin cementbonded bridge to all the lucency of decay from the radiolucency of the cement. The
abutments. The low solubility of the resin cements ensures that professional must rely on the irregularity and shape of decay
they are truly permanent adhesive agents. Their solubility, mea- radiolucency to make an indirect diagnosis. Dual-cure resin
sured over many years in the oral cavity, is a fraction of 1%. With cements that are radiopaque (have radiopaque filler particles
the proper selection of cement and the development of a natural included in their chemistry) clearly show up on radiographs,
and esthetic emergence profile, the practitioner can achieve an usually at the margin. It is easy to distinguish the presence of
imperceptible interface between the tooth and the restoration. the cement between the crown and the tooth; radiolucent areas
The relative absence of postoperative sensitivity with the self- of decay at the margin or elsewhere at the interface are similarly
adhering one-step composite resin cements is a major advantage. clearly identifiable (Figure 23-17, C ).
Many vital teeth require extensive restorations, such as when
large amalgams are being replaced. It is important to maintain
the pulpal health of these teeth and the patients comfort at all
times. Another major advantage of the one-step resin cements Generally, resin-cemented restorations are not recoverable from
is that they involve a single clinical step. No etching, primers, the tooth without concomitant destruction of the restoration
or adhesives are required. Therefore the cementation procedure itself. The bond of the cemented crown to the tooth is so strong
is simple and straightforward, and the dentist requires minimal that attempting to remove it by force often fractures the remain-
assistance during the process. ing tooth structure. Therefore these restorations must be cut
It is important that dual-cure resin cement be radiopaque. away from the tooth structure with diamond and carbide burs
When an immediate postoperative radiograph is taken, any rather than knocked off.
554 Cements Dual-Cured Resin Cements and Esthetic Supragingival Margins

advantage of the dual-cure resin cements is that the practitioner

Current Best Approach can polymerize the exposed marginal surfaces, hardening them
The current best approach to dual-cure resin cementation is the immediately and preventing potential moisture or blood con-
use of self-adhesive one-step resin cement. One-step resin tamination. This also allows immediate cleanup of marginal
cement has minimal technique sensitivity. There are far fewer areas. Generally, light-cured resin cements should be used for
components, far fewer steps, and a reduced likelihood of the porcelain veneers. Dual-cure or self-cure resin cements are useful
dentist or the auxiliary making an error. Multi-step resin cements for all other indirect restorations.
require multiple pairs of hands, two or ideally three team
members, to mix the various components required, to apply
them, and to maintain the mouth in a dry state so that no
moisture contamination of the abutment occurs while awaiting INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
the placement of the cemented restoration. For one-step resin
cements, only one to two pairs of hands are required. Two sets
Clinical Elements
of hands are ideal but even one pair, the operator working solo, A number of innovations have accompanied one-step dual-cure
will suffice. resin cements. Scientifically, manufacturers have made them
The typical process is for the dentist to isolate the tooth to easier to use and more convenient for both dentist and patient.
be cemented (Figure 23-18, A) and, after it has been cleansed, They are also much less technique sensitive. These cements are
to moisten it with water (Figure 23-18, B). The auxiliary, having self-adhesive to both moist enamel and moist dentin. This elimi-
cleansed the internal surface of the crown, simply activates the nates numerous tooth and restoration conditioning steps, the
dual-cure resin cement by pushing a single plunger that presses need to desiccate the remaining dental structures, and decreases
the two components through an auto-mixing tip and injects the the likelihood of post-cementation acid-induced sensitivity of
cement into the prepared crown (Figure 23-18, C). The crown vital teeth.
is then seated on the moistened abutment, the margins are veri- Most recently, totally translucent dual-cure resin cements
fied, and the cement is light initiated (Figure 23-18, D). The have been introduced. These resin cements are effectively trans-
excess resin cement is removed with a scaler (Figure 23-18, E) parent and allow the color of the underlying natural tooth or
and with floss interproximally (Figure 23-18, F ). Within 6 to 7 core restoration to shine through. They eliminate the distinct
minutes, after a final check, the patient is completed (Figure visual boundary between the various materials at the margin.
23-18, G). These materials allow the well-fabricated crown to blend in
The number of component procedures required for the earlier imperceptibly to the tooth structure at the gingival margin. As
multistep resin cements is typically five or more, including a result, translucent resin cements can make the marginal area
etching (Figure 23-19, A), conditioning (Figure 23-19, B), look entirely natural, and allow the margin to be placed supra-
priming (Figure 23-19, C), bonding, mixing, filling (Figure gingivally while respecting the patients demand for esthetic
23-19, D), and insertion (Figure 23-19, E). Each step includes results.
the nagging possibility that errors of improper sequencing or
improper timing will occur. The one-step resin cements are
simply injected directly into the crown, which is then placed
Scientific and Technologic Elements
onto the prepared tooth and photo-initiated. Technological innovations in single-step dual-cure resin cements
Another significant clinical consideration is the chairtime include the chemistry that allows them to bond to moist enamel
involved. Multistep resin cement procedures take 15 minutes or and dentin. In the rather moist environment of the mouth
more per cementation. One-step resin cements require 5 or 7 this makes the practitioners task much easier. He or she will
minutes; at this time, the interface-initiated cement has com- not need to work against all the odds to keep the tooth surfaces
pletely polymerized, and the excess cement has been removed completely dry. Moisture is allowed, but preferably water,
interproximally, buccally and lingually. not saliva, for ideal cementation whether subgingival or supra-
gingival. In situations where deeply subgingival margins are
inescapable, and moisture (crevicular fluid) at the interface is
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS unavoidable, the moisture-tolerating one-step dual-cure resin
cement is likely to result in better, if not ideal, restorative
There are several differences between light-cure, self-cure, and margins.
dual-cure resin cements. Light-cure resin cements are polymerized The comparison between older, more traditional composite
by curing light activation only. Self-cure resin cements are acti- resin cements and newer one-step resin cements is straightfor-
vated by mixing two components and do not require a curing ward and rather dramatic. Unlike the older resin cements, the
light. They are not affected by exposure to a curing light. Dual- one-step resin cements require no etching, no bonding, and only
cure resin cements are manufactured in two components. Once one clinical step versus multiple steps for the older resin cements.
mixed, they will polymerize to completion within several The newer products are usually available in the automix format,
minutes; applying the curing light, however, will polymerize eliminating the inaccurate and bubble-incorporating pad mixing
any exposed surfaces, allowing the setting process to continue required for the older resin materials. Cleanup on the tooth at
below the cured material until all the cement is self-cured. The the crown margins is quite fast and easy.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 555




FIGURE 23-18 A, Occlusal view of the prepared teeth

ready for the final restorations to be cemented. B, Facial
view of the prepared teeth, which have been cleansed and
moistened in preparation for the final restorations to be
cemented. C, Automixed resin cement injected directly
into the final restoration (both porcelain-fused-to-metal
and all-ceramic restorations are cemented exactly the same
way). D, Occlusal view of the resin cementfilled final
restoration. E, Excess resin cement removal with a scaler.
G F, Excess resin cement removal with floss. G, Esthetic res-
torations cemented, finished, and polished.
556 Cements Dual-Cured Resin Cements and Esthetic Supragingival Margins



FIGURE 23-19 A, Prepared teeth. Etching the prepara-

tions. B, Conditioning the preparations. C, Application of
primer in the restoration. D, Mixing cement on the pad,
E risking the incorporation of air bubbles. E, Loading the
restoration with the mixed cement.

ARTISTIC ELEMENTS easiest way to achieve superlative esthetics and an imperceptible

The artistic elements of tooth cementation are virtually infinite.
Any number of shades can be used alone or in combination to
create various effects. The minimal thickness of the cement TREATMENT PLANNING
layer does not permit a major color change to be implemented,
however. Even at the minimal ceramic thickness of the margins, In planning the restorative procedure, it is important to con-
often only a slight color variation can be introduced by the sider which cement will be used. If the cement is to be
filler coloration of the cement. In examining the options avail- un-esthetic, it is best to place the margin subgingivally, recog-
able, using a translucent cement with a well-fabricated crown, nizing that this will eventually, owing to aging, recession and
preferably with all-ceramic and/or translucent margins, is the gingival irritation, become supragingival. When a subgingival
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 557

margin is planned, there is less clinical concern for the color auto-mixing tip, the cement is injected directly into the restora-
shift between the restoration and the tooth or for the color of tion. The cement-filled crown is then fitted onto the tooth.
the cement itself. Out of sight can be out of mind, even
though this might not be a permanent or even a long-term
If the practitioner uses truly esthetic cements, the margin can The finishing of the dual-cure resin cement is accomplished
be placed virtually anywhere, even in full view. Thus the restora- immediately after the initial light cure (1 or 2 seconds) while the
tion can be far more conservative. The margin can be supra resin is still relatively easy to remove, particularly in the inter-
gingival and can be blended with any natural tooth coloration. proximal regions. This best instruments for this task are scalers
If the practitioner uses this knowledge to plan the procedure, and/or floss. It is essential that positive pressure by means of a
much healthy tooth structure can be preserved, and a more finger or an instrument be maintained on the crown until the
conservative restoration can be recommended. Less invasive res- dual-cure set is complete at 5 to 7 minutes. Otherwise the pres-
torations can be selected, and esthetic concerns have less of an sure of the scaling instruments or the floss can actually dislodge
impact on the definitive restoration. the partially cemented crown at a juncture where the resin cement
Cementation is the penultimate step for indirect procedures. between the restoration and the tooth has not completely
The only procedures required after cementation are the polishing polymerized and cannot offer much retention. Furthermore,
of the margins and the verification of the occlusion. All steps trapping cement between the crown and the tooth results in fluid
that lead up to the process of cementation must be accomplished pressure that tends to push the crown off the tooth, away from
accurately if the cementation process is to succeed. Even though a complete seating. Positive pressure during the polymerization
cementation is nearly the final step in indirect restorations, it is phase eliminates this problem. Once the cement has completely
important to include cementation objectives and planning at the polymerized, within 5 to 7 minutes, the remaining excess resin
stage of initial treatment planning. cement at the margins is removed, and polishing is done as neces-
sary (Figure 23-20, A, Jazz composite polishing system for
margins; Figure 23-20, B, Jazz ceramic polishing system for
Preparation ceramic), and a radiograph is taken to verify that there is no resin
Use of dual-cure resin cement is much easier clinically than cement left in the more difficult-to-reach interproximal areas.
it used to be. The preparation must be accomplished with Interproximal flash is highly irritating to the soft tissues if left in
minimal removal of tooth structure, but it is also important place, and can sever periodontal damage.
to provide adequate thickness for the ceramic to create the
proper shade for the final restoration. Whereas tooth prepara-
tion in terms of parallelism and axial wall surface available for EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
retention is not nearly as critical with adhesive resin cements
as with zinc phosphate luting agents, it is still preferable to The monobloc principle ensures that the forces placed on
provide the laboratory technician with a strictly defined prepa- cemented crowns are distributed as evenly as possible to the
ration: tapering walls without undercuts, smooth and rounded underlying tooth structures. The key to this concept is that each
surfaces, and no acutely angled areas of the tooth that could interface between the tooth and the restoration is at least as
stress the overlying ceramic after cementation. Generally, the strong as, or stronger than, the cohesive forces in the natural
rule is to remove as little as possible and only as much as tooth structure. In this model, the interfaces are no longer the
needed. weak points at which excessive forces can break the crown off
Although the ideal luting thickness (and the required thick- the tooth. The forces are transmitted through the remaining
ness for resin cements) may be as low as 10 to 15m, realisti- tooth and root, which together are best equipped to handle
cally the accuracy of most laboratories is more likely to be in the excessive occlusal and lateral forces. If enough force is applied,
30- to 100-m range. Fortunately, the dual-cure resin cement of course, the tooth can fracture, usually cohesively, within the
creates a monobloc from the natural tooth to the restoration; dentin but not at the restorative interface.
the entire cement volume, whether 10 or 100m, consists of When comparing various cements, it is important to compare
a material that is (1) stronger than the natural tooth structure, them equitably. The clinically established pull adhesive strength
(2) adhesively bonded to surrounding structures, and (3) unlikely measurement is the best indicator of the long-term success of a
to be a functional liability. resin cement. Shear strength measurements and compressive
strength measurements mean little in terms of the retention of
a restoration. The periodontal considerations for margin place-
Procedure ment are universally accepted. Since the 1950s the periodontal
The procedure for using one-step resin cements is very straight- literature has pointed to the benefits of a supragingival margin.
forward. Once the abutment tooth has been thoroughly cleaned However, patient demands for esthetics did not permit the
and moistened, the one-step resin cement is mixed and expressed placement of the then-unesthetic restorative margins supragin-
by slightly depressing the plunger, providing exactly the right givally. Patients were focused on esthetics first and tooth conser-
amounts of both components. After disposing of the first bit vation second. Today, however, the profession can deliver both
of cement (which may not be totally mixed) as it exits the esthetic and supragingival margins within the same restoration.
558 Cements Dual-Cured Resin Cements and Esthetic Supragingival Margins

FIGURE 23-20 A, Jazz composite polishing kit. B, Jazz porcelain and metal polishing kit. (Courtesy SS White Burs, Lakewood, New Jersey.)

Esthetic supragingival adhesive margins are far more effective teeth on a regular basis. The likelihood of a patient being able,
than the older luting cement interfaces. Crowns are far or motivated enough, to cleanse a subgingival margin is virtu-
more retentive and require less axial wall preparation. Bonded ally nil. There is no access to this area, no visibility, and little
indirect restorations are less critically dependent on the prepara- awareness in the patients mind that an unseen, unfelt location
tion shape; thus, tooth structures can be conserved and the must be kept clean. Ultimately subgingival margins attract
esthetic aspirations of patients can be served within the same plaque, bacteria, and calculus, restarting the tooth-destructive
procedure. process that was the reason that a crown was needed in the
first place. Thus the subgingival margin simply recreates the
very same problems that it is intended to solve and simply
moves these problems more apically to a less accessible loca-
CLINICAL CONSERVATION tion on the root surface and forward to a point in the near
CONCEPTS future.
In contrast, supragingival margins are very easy to clean. They
Supragingival margins preserve marginal and subgingival tooth are readily visible, readily accessible, and readily cleansable. Even
structure. Placing margins supragingivally requires less tooth patients who only brush are likely to cleanse most of the exposed
structure to be removed. Because less tooth structure must be margins on a fairly regular basis. Margins that are supragingival
removed, more natural tooth is retained, leaving a stronger abut- rarely exhibit decay or breakdown (Figure 23-21, A). They often
ment that is more able to withstand vertical and lateral forces do stain with time, but these surface discolorations are easily
and functional and para-functional stresses. This is evident in polished off. The only clinical question is whether the supragin-
preparing for a bridge. The angulations of the tooth preparations gival margin can be made esthetically acceptable to the patient
and the limitations of parallelism that must be respected neces- (Figure 23-21, B). Posterior supragingival margins are out of
sitate far less removal of tooth structure when the margins are sight and are less esthetically critical (Figure 23-21, C). Anterior
supragingival. More retained tooth structure means a more resis- supragingival margins are in full view, and appearance is very
tant tooth. A more resistant tooth implies that the restoration important.
will last longer, be more effective, and function better for the
patient. With clinical conservation and supragingival margins,
it is far more likely that dentists can provide a restoration that
will be functionally useful for the patients entire life. CONTROVERSIES
Although many controversies have swirled over the use of zinc
MAINTENANCE phosphate cement versus adhesive resin cement, these issues
have largely been resolved. The resin cements have proved to
Maintenance issues have always been problematic with dental be successful in the short and long term and are used by a
restorations. It is important to consider that although most majority of dentists on a regular basis worldwide. The current
patients brush once or twice a day, few patients floss their questions compare the traditional multi-step resin cements
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 559


FIGURE 23-21 A, Supragingival margins rarely exhibit

decay or breakdown. B, Esthetic supragingival margin in
C the posterior region. C, Esthetic supragingival margin in
the esthetic zone.

and the newer one-step resin cements. Because the older resin or material that ultimately rises to mainstream acceptance
cements have so many more steps, are so much more tech- and use.
nique sensitive, and are less clinically efficient, it is simply a
matter of time before the use of one-step resin cements
becomes the mainstream cementation procedure. Most contro- SUGGESTED READINGS
versies seem to occur when new techniques are introduced.
Not all new techniques succeed. When a new technique is Freedman: Adhesive Cementation: One step and predictable, Oral
Health J April 44-48, 2006.
better than an older one, it will, within a short time, super-
Freedman: Simplified Adhesive cementation: What, where, and how, Dent
sede it. When it is not, it will fall by the wayside. Controver- Today 24(3):80-85, 2005.
sies at any given time are simply the new battling against the Freedman G, Glazer HS: Chairside SolutionsCement with self-adhesive
old. Within an educated profession, it is the better technique single step resin cement, Spectrum Dialogue 5(6)94-97, 1988.
24 C H A P T E R

Complete Denture Esthetics

Joseph Massad

RELEVANCE OF COMPLETE by the influence of great professors such as Dr Carl Boucher (and
others of the same philosophy) who authored textbooks on com-
PROSTHETIC DENTURES TO plete denture fabrication. However, dentists in other parts of the
ESTHETIC DENTISTRY country chose to follow alternative methods and techniques with
somewhat different opinions for preparing dentures. Public cur-
Because the goal is meeting the esthetic desires of patients who ricula were generally based on one or two of the major textbooks
have lost their teeth, complete dentures are probably the most written by the most prestigious professors of their time. The
relevant area for esthetics in dentistry. Patients who are com- textbooks documented methods that they had personally per-
pletely edentulous generally have poor self-esteem, generalized formed, not once or twice, but hundreds of times. This was
soreness, and difficulty in effectively chewing many foods. With essentially the first evidence-based dentistry.
complete dentures, a patients self-esteem and self-worth can be Beginning in the 1990s, compilations of many of the major
improved to such a degree that these deprived people will feel textbooks and published articles over the previous 50 years
much better about themselves and become a part of society, able began to be published to create an additive effect, whereby
to communicate easily. Some surveys have estimated that teachings began to be modified by combining parts that lead to
approximately 15% of the global population is edentulous. In predictability. The earlier, less predictable denture outcome,
the United States alone, this accounts for 36,000,000 Ameri- compounded with patient dissatisfaction, influenced an evalua-
cans, or approximately 12% of the U.S. population. When a tion of all the current methods and an overhaul based on an
patient loses all of his or her teeth, one of the options is complete analysis of each reported problem, with development of a solu-
denture therapy, provided that the patient is a good candidate. tion with a consistent predictable result. New protocols and
The practitioner must take into account not only function, but methods were developed that incorporated improved materials
how the final prosthesis will fill the void from the loss of teeth and a better understanding of the effects of the aging popu
and much of the surrounding bone structure. Replacing the void lations role in prosthetic dissatisfaction. It was even more
from inside the oral cavity will assist in recreating (or shaping) important to apply the current understanding of the entire
the outer facial contours by restoring the inner structure, thereby stomatognathic system when creating a valid solution to the
replacing the mass supporting the external muscles and allowing reported problems.
an overall natural smile to be presented to the patient and his
or her beholders.
Historically dentures were predominately designed according to
DEVELOPMENT OF COMPLETE valid anatomical landmarks. Different methods of designing a
DENTURES prosthesis were employed based on different landmarks. For
example, the boundary of the upper denture base between the
The history can be prefaced with a brief quote by Dr John Ander- hard and soft palates and around the tuberosities was designed
son, who once said, If youre going to quote what I said or write, mostly from anatomical landmarks. From approximately the
please put a date on when I said [May, 1980] or published it. I 1940s to 1980s, the use of landmarks not only was accepted but
think that we are all aware that education is always in motion. had reasonably successful outcomes. However, as time passed,
In the days of George Washington, dentures were carved out of the life span of the population began to increase significantly
wood, stone, and ivory. The dentists of that time sculpted and owing to improved healthcare, a better understanding of how
shaped teeth by looking into peoples mouths and matching the factors affecting the body also affect health, and the new age of
natural dentition of most humans. Over the years, numerous pharmaceutical drugs. Even though the predominant anatomical
sources pertaining to the art and science of denture creation were approach was extremely effective for a time, the fact could not
made available to the profession to aid in fabricating complete be avoided that denture procedures needed to be reevaluated and
dentures. In the last century, many in the profession were guided updated to address modern realitiesrealities that frustrated

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 561

both dentists and patients. Considering that life expectancy at to vigorously cough while the dentist occludes the nostrils with
the time the majority of the textbooks were published (from the a rigid impression material extending beyond the posterior
1940s to the 1980s) was close to 16 years less than todays border of the tray, allowing the soft palate to move forward and
average life expectancy, the need for updated procedures can be thereby shaping the left and right post-palatal zones accurately.
easily understood.
So why did it take dentistry so long to update the complete
removable prosthesis process? Because the mission of dentistry RELATING FUNCTION AND
was to stop total edentulism in the world by research. Dentistry
began to flourish in other areas, with new ideas and techniques, ESTHETICS TO COMPLETE
new materials and machinery, and better education in ways to DENTURES
maintain a patients dentition. At that time, dentistry was on the
right track to try to maintain and educate patients on how to In making a complete denture prosthesis for a patient who has
keep their teeth over their lifespan. No one today ever antici- lost all the teeth of both arches, the patients vertical spacing
pated that there would be, in the year 2011, 36 million Ameri- must be reestablished. This vertical spacing, among other func-
cans who are edentulous and are denture wearers. It was thought tions, is what makes the patient look younger or older. Patients
that by improving both education and new technologies, den- with a significant loss of vertical dimension generally will have
tistry would be able to defeat the loss of total dentitions within the lower chin protruding slightly past the upper face. Reestab-
the population. However, what was not taken into account was lishing the appropriate vertical spacing will improve the patients
that as patients grow into their 70s, 80s, and 90s, the dentition appearance by decreasing the sunken and aging appearance. This
may wear out, resulting in an increased number of denture vertical space must be not only esthetically pleasing but also
wearers in the aging population but not necessarily because of compatible with the typical mandibular joint apparatus, includ-
loss of more teeth. In all fairness, dentists need to look back at ing the muscles of mastication. The outer surfaces of the pros-
the forefathers of dentistry and thank them for all they did to thesis should be built to support the facial muscles, thereby
assist their students, who have grown into the new age of knowl- giving the patient a natural, healthy appearance. A patient exhib-
edge, science, and evidence-based medicine. iting flaccid or very weak muscular tone will generally require a
So what can be taken from this? Creation of dentures based prosthesis cameo surface to fill the horizontal vestibular void,
on anatomical and functional musculature and other physiologi- whereas the patient with stronger muscular tone would demon-
cal aspects results in more predictability and less dissatisfaction. strate less horizontal projection of this cameo surface.
A purely singular concept of anatomical design may have worked It is also necessary for the cameo portion of the complete
nicely on a 50-year-old who still had good muscle tone; however, denture prosthesis to be compatible with musculature action to
the same design might not have been appropriate for an 80-year- support the facial muscles and decrease food entrapment around
old because of the loss of muscle tone and alterations in anatomy, and under the natural peripheral borders of the sulcular space.
physiology, and function. Some patients, often those taking Patients should achieve improved efficient chewing capabilities
certain medications, may have artificially lost muscle tone and through appropriate fabrication of the proper cameo prosthetic
may also have had complications of xerostomia, or dry mouth. surface.
These particular situations effectively resulted in less predict- The position of the teeth from labio-buccal and linguo-palatal
ability until dentists began to understand that older patients and within the confines of the musculature action of the lips and
have a different set of rules than those that applied when they cheeks contracting inward and the tongue muscle moving
were much younger. forward and laterally outward will guide the bolus of food to
In the last century the anatomically designed prosthesis was remain on the occlusal chewing surfaces of the teeth during
the standard, and in making definitive impressions, border mastication. This space is what was described as the neutral zone
molding procedures were predominantly dictated by the dentist. by Beresin and Schiesser in their 1973 textbook. This is one of
This method did not necessarily take into consideration all the the clinical considerations that was not popular from the 1970s
possible functional maneuvers patients may perform when in to the 1990s as the anatomical approach dominated education.
their own environments. However, it should be apparent that combining the anatomical,
For example, patients will suck strongly through a straw, physiological, and functional aspects of the muscles, along with
smile a moderate to full grin, and vigorously laugh, which will the proper spacing between the upper and lower jaws, allows
alter the shapes of the peripheral anatomy of both the maxillary modern dentists to use the ideas of their prestigious forefathers
and mandibular sulcular form. It is also understood today that to create a new model for the complete removable prosthesis.
the post-palatal zone is asymmetrical, and the maneuver taught
by Valsalva was enhanced by being able to use impression mate-
rials that respond to resistance 10 to 12mm (a viscosity heavy
enough to properly measure the degree of forward movement of Patients who should not receive complete removable dentures
the soft without the need to have a long posterior perimeter of include those who are psychologically phobic about having any
the tray) and extend beyond the tray border without distortion. foreign objects placed into the oral cavity. Also, patients who
This allows the practitioner to use an impression tray that is have extremely sensitive gag reflexes may not be appropriate
significantly short of the functional zone and allows the patient candidates for a full maxillary prosthesis.
562 Complete Denture Esthetics

Patients who do not want to wear any type of detachable habits. Patients should also be aware that once the prosthesis is
prosthesis are not candidates. Patients with chronic parafunc- completed, maintenance will still be necessary. It is both ethi-
tional habits, including erratic tongue movements, have severe cally and professionally appropriate for the dental practitioner
difficulty with any type of removal detachable prosthesis, as to discuss with the patient the financial considerations associated
patients with chronic erratic spitting problems and those who with the type of prosthesis the patient is choosing. If a patient
cannot control their tongue movements and have habitual receives a complete prosthesis on the maxillary arch and a partial
movements of both the tongue and the jaw. Such parafunctional prosthesis on the mandibular arch, the patient will still be
habits generally are considered a contraindication for a complete responsible for maintaining the remaining teeth on the man-
removal denture. Patients who have neurological deficiencies, dibular arch. Patients should be made aware of the fact that
such as those occurring after a stroke, involving greater numb- once the lower teeth are deemed to be non-restorable, then the
ness on one side than on the other have difficulties in chewing, lower prosthesis will need to be either added to if possible or
especially with any appliance that is not secured in the mouth. replaced completely, depending on the severity of the failing
Patients who indicate that they want only teeth that do not dentition.
come out are not good candidates and should not be encour- It was thought at one time that patients with severe bone loss
aged to have a complete denture unless they are willing to have were not candidates for a complete removable prosthesis.
psychological help to alter their desires. However, it has been shown that even with bone deficiencies
Also among the contraindications are patients who are patients can wear a complete removable denture if the practitio-
chronic bruxers and who generally grind their teeth with heavy ner understands that he or she must take into account the
forces. These patients are liable to breaking the denture and can anatomy, physiology, function, and esthetic considerations in
also sustain severe tissue abrasions. combination and must use a tested protocol to fabricate the
prosthesis. When the prosthesis is created in this fashion, the
patient will have the best opportunity for a successful result. It
MATERIAL OPTIONS has also been thought by many practitioners that implants will
fix denture problems; however, this has not been the overall
The materials used in complete removable prostheses are gener- consensus. Patients who have not been happy with a complete
ally acrylics or methyl methacrylate. Generally the bases of the denture prosthesis and are then converted to an implant-retained
prosthesis are made of acrylic resin and the denture teeth of a prosthesis report satisfaction owing to the retention of the pros-
very similar acrylic, which aids in chemical bonding. Other thesis. However, over the last 20 years, patients who were ini-
choices of materials for denture bases include urethane materials, tially satisfied with the conversion have made other complaints.
which do not have any free monomer and may be indicated for These complaints generally have involved food entrapment in
patients who have hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to acrylic and around the prosthesis, breakage of the prosthesis, mainte-
materials. Options for the teeth include composite and porcelain nance of the prosthesis, and an unnatural feeling with the pros-
materials. It is generally thought by many practitioners that if thetic device in the mouth.
the occlusion is fully balanced, then porcelain teeth have a much These complaints support the concept of designing the com-
longer wear factor. However, there is also controversy because plete denture differently than was done in the 1970s. Implants
porcelain teeth can sustain damage if the occlusion is not always are not a fix for ill-fitting dentures. Once the denture model
in balance. Generally, porcelain teeth are more esthetic because has been analyzed and reconfigured to todays standards, then
they can be layered and have a more crystalline or toothlike implants become a partner in the successful result.
appearance. In the profession today, the composites, even though
they have been reported to fracture, are being improved and have
properties that fall between those of acrylic and of porcelain.
Current Best Approach
Acrylic teeth generally are relatively strong when they are chemi- The current best approach is to use porcelain denture teeth
cally cross-linked with fibers. Thus fractures are less likely than for the anterior portion for optimal esthetics combined with
with porcelain, which is a much harder materialconsider, for hardened acrylic teeth for the posterior area. The patient should
example, a ceramic floor versus a tile floor. Ceramics generally be made aware that porcelain teeth have a more natural appear-
have a higher propensity for cracking but are more natural in ance; however, there is a higher incidence of cracking if the
appearance; the double cross-linked fibered acrylic teeth have prosthesis is dropped or if the patient eats hard candies or brittle
less chance of fracture than porcelain teeth. foods. However, in most cases, dentists use all acrylic and/or
It is extremely important for the dentist and the patient composite prosthetic teeth. This approach has been favored
to have a mutual understanding of the end result. Giving the because of the ability to easily adjust occlusal interferences.
patient appropriate alternative treatment is of the utmost impor- However, the present method of recording occlusion and equili-
tance in allowing him or her to choose from the many options brating in vivo using an intra-oral Gothic arch tracing device
available in dentistry today. It is important in discussing treat- stabilizes the denture bases; if the occlusion is precise, this may
ment with patients who have lost all of the teeth owing to either alter the choice of prosthetic tooth materials. This improved
periodontal disease or caries that the dentist make the patients method prevents the prosthetic bases from rotational movement,
aware that even with an artificial prosthesis, they may still have which alters the base position, prevents proper evaluation of
some difficulty unless they are able to change health and hygiene bilateral balanced occlusion, and prevents the practitioner from
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 563

achieving accurate equilibration to eliminate any balancing position, when measured from a point on the patients chin to
interferences. This method, if done correctly, would lend support a point on the patients nose, can be recorded as the distance
to using all porcelain teeth. As the method is improved and the between these two points when the patient is relaxed. A
new denture model is standardized, porcelain teeth may return method that permits easy measurement is called the exhaustive
as the preferred material. technique; when done correctly, it assists the patient in becom-
There is also the consideration of the practitioners experience ing relaxed and at rest for the practitioner to make a vertical
level. If a practitioner does not use the methods in which detailed measurement. This rest position can be measured by a divider
occlusal records are made and equilibration procedures are per- positioned to the markings on the face to give a relative
formed, then the use of acrylic teeth may present a safety net; reading that tests for repeatability. The patient is instructed to
acrylic teeth will wear faster and are more flexible (thus less breathe inward and exhale outward until the lower jaw
brittle and less likely to crack), and if the occlusion is not bal- muscles become fatigued. The lower jaw is observed as it
anced, then the present thinking is that there will be less harm drops open, and the distance is recorded. With the use of the
to the residual bone and tissues, along with less breakage from newly designed Gothic arch tracing device, this vertical
unbalanced occlusal forces. This is not to say that the predomi- spacing can be held intra-orally and then adjusted to allow for
nant method is flawed; however, one must take into consider- free way space, also called speaking space. These Gothic arch
ation each individual practitioners ability to perform certain tracing devices are made of materials that can be adjusted to
functions with precision. virtually any tooth and/or ridge configuration. The older
The choice of the materials for denture bases is also relevant devices were made of metal, and it was extremely difficult to
today. Acrylic bases have been used for many years. Their advan- adapt to either the edentulous ridge on a baseplate, the
tages include high bond strength to the acrylic teeth. The chemi- dentate, or combination dentate and edentulous situations.
cal bonding of compatible materials increases the ease of The newer devices are easily adjusted to fit the various teeth
processing and improves retention between the prosthetic teeth and ridge sizes and allow alteration of the vertical pin to be
and the denture base. The composite or urethane-based materi- positioned for paralleling the maxillary striking plate with the
als are preferable for patients who have allergies to methyl meth- mandibular vertical pin in a perpendicular axis. This prevents
acrylate or its monomers. Composite bases offer good strength; rotational movement of either a maxillary or mandibular base
however, they will have diminished chemical bonding when while the patients jaw is closed and moving forward, back-
acrylic teeth are used. If a composite or urethane base is used, ward, and excursive. Once the vertical position has been estab-
it would then be suggested that composite teeth be used because lished, the vertical pin is fixed and the patient can easily slide
the two would achieve a chemical bonding and improved the jaws forward and backward and side to side. Forward is a
strength. Improvements with composite prosthetic teeth include protrusive position, backward is an unstrained retrusive posi-
primers and bonding agents that increase the composite tion, and side to side is an eccentric position. The patient
bases strength even when acrylic teeth are used. However, should be able to slide the jaws several times, thereby creating
de-laminations and separation from the base occur more readily a crisp arrow where three lines come together. At the apex of
when specific bonding agents are not used. Acrylic bases are the arrow the patient is at a physiological centric relation.
generally easier to repair because the chemical bond between the Once this area has been identified, it is extremely simple for
teeth and the base is superior to composite or porcelain pros- the practitioner to place a receiving plate at the apex so the
thetic teeth. teeth can be fixated at the physiological centric relation posi-
tion with the use of a bite registration material injected
between the two surfaces holding this position. This method,
SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS initially developed in 1876 and abandoned some years later,
has been reintroduced to the profession because the principles
Muscle performance differs from patient to patient, and varying were valid; however, the mechanics were extremely discourag-
degrees of muscular tone can be expected. It is necessary that ing for the practitioner in the early years.
the practitioner record each patients unique muscle perfor-
mance during chewing. This is essential to provide a comfortable
and functional prosthesis. The concept of the neutral zone
described by Beresen and Schiesser is a proven method of mea- ARTISTIC ELEMENTS
suring the muscles of mastication and facial expressions to define
the optimal position of posterior tooth to coordinate with the Preparing a complete removable denture involves building a
muscles and improve the efficiency of chewing. patients complete dentition. The practitioner can develop a
smile design specific to a particular patient, so that each patient
exhibits a unique look. The final appearance partly depends on
TECHNOLOGICAL ELEMENTS how the teeth are arranged. The goal is to achieve a youthful
look while still capturing the facial features of every patient.
The methods used to obtain the recording of the patients ver- Artistically, very natural-looking prosthetic teeth have been
tical and horizontal spacing have been updated. The occlusal created that can be shaped to each patients mouth to produce
vertical dimension has two component parts. The vertical individuality among patients.
564 Complete Denture Esthetics


Options It is important that the practitioner follow treatment guidelines
After evaluating the patients particular needs, the dentist can based on sound principles following the optimal standard of
devise options for patients to choose from. The recommended care. However, some methods are not always supported by
computed tomography (CT) scan yields the appropriate three- science; therefore following evidence-based principles is highly
dimensional views of the patients maxillary and mandibular recommended when other supporting documentation is not
arches and allows the practitioner to determine the three- available.
dimensional architecture of the remaining bone before deciding
whether or not implants can be suggested. If the patients
anatomy and functional tonicity are adequate, many patients CLINICAL CONSERVATION
may do very well without implants. However, it has been found CONCEPTS
that the use of implants not only will make the prosthesis
more retentive but will decrease progressive bone and tissue The initial goal is to ensure that the patients particular needs
resorption. and wants are addressed. Although it is not always possible to
satisfy all the wishes of patients, it is, however, necessary to be
extremely clear when discussing with the patient what can and
cannot be done. A clinically conservative approach, for example,
Sequence may be to use two implants to support a removable prosthesis
Once the practitioner sits down with the patient and completes instead of four or more implants. This is, however, dependent
a thorough assessment, the complete clinical evaluation is per- on many factors, including the status of the opposing arch. If
formed. It is suggested that a CT scan be taken if the patient the opposing arch is completely edentulous and treated with a
has significant clinical requirements. However, a panoramic complete removable denture, then it is not as necessary to place
two-dimensional radiograph accompanied by a full series of four to six implants on the opposing arch unless there is some
periapical radiographs will be sufficient in most cases. Once all future consideration for placing implants on the maxillary arch.
the images have been taken and reviewed by the practitioner, The optimal treatment should be recommended but should
the patient is then provided with an explanation of the findings allow for alternatives from which a patient may choose. Ethi-
and treatment options, which are dependent on the patients cally, the dentist does not want to bias a patients decision
specific needs and desires. On patient acceptance of the treat- according to the practitioners wishes, but instead the patient
ment, an informed consent is presented to the patient to read; should be offered appropriate alternatives and given the oppor-
any questions are discussed; and the consent is signed before tunity to decide on the final treatment.
commencement of the appropriate procedures. The patient is
asked specifically if there are any questions whatsoever, includ-
ing those regarding possible complications or failure of treat- MAINTENANCE OF COMPLETE
ment. Once the patient has agreed and signed the appropriate DENTURES
informed consent, the practitioner then lays out a specific
protocol to be followed for the prosthetic fabrication. Midway It is recommended that edentulous patients wearing complete
through the treatment, if possible, the patient is presented removable dentures be evaluated twice a year. This is necessary
with a cosmetic try-in to review and comment on before to re-evaluate the patients tissue condition and prosthesis condi-
completion. tion. Once patients have completely adjusted to a complete
Once cosmetic acceptance has been obtained from the removable prosthesis, he or she may still have irritations from
patient, another consent form is given to the patient and dis- time to time depending on their eating habits. It is suggested
cussed, verifying that at this point the prosthesis will be sent for that patients soak the mouth using recommended solutions to
final fabrication. improve the health of the tissues and, with a soft-bristled tooth-
If the patient has any questions regarding the cosmetic brush, begin to brush the tissues in a massaging motion to help
portion of the prosthesis, it is at this time the patient has an improve blood flow and decrease accumulated biofilm. Patients
opportunity to comment and make alterations. will still continue to have some bone resorption once the pros-
thesis has been completed. With age, the tissues generally will
become less elastic, and it is not uncommon that patients will
need to have refitting procedures done possibly each year or at
Additional Treatment Considerations least every 2 to 5 years, depending on their particular overall
Patients who have acute issues requiring immediate treatment health. It is also suggested that a patient be informed before
will have initial therapy performed before fabrication of any prosthetic fabrication that the life expectancy of the complete
definitive restorations. All patients should be given hygiene removable prosthesis is generally 5 to 8 years. Patients who have
guidelines to adhere to for optimal health of the oral cavity; it severe parafunctional habits such as grinding or bruxing gener-
is important to stress that a successful outcome is dependent on ally will have far more wear compared to a patient who does not
vigilant oral care. have parafunctional habits.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 565

NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS possible. It is extremely difficult to scan while the patient is

going through all of the muscular movements. However, the
In our high-tech world today, we have seen many advancements impression itself can now be scanned, and the stone cast can be
in dentistry. Even though scan techniques are becoming com- digitally printed. It all comes down to this: Will the new tech-
monplace in dentistry, the total edentulous patient will likely nology create more cost to the patient at this time? Once the
need to have impressions, as opposed to having the mouth technology has improved to the extent that that the price can
scanned. This is essentially because in order for a definitive be distributed among millions of patients, then it will be afford-
impression to be made, the patient needs to go through different able. However, at this time, conventional methods appear to be
maneuvers, such as coughing, sucking, smiling, laughing, much less costly, because of the high cost for research and
yawning, and to make tongue movement such as licking. development.
Scanning inside the mouth for this application is still not Text continued on p. 574


Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures
for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space
A male patient came to the office in good health after being referred by another dentist. He wanted to improve
both the looks and function of his maxillary and mandibular prostheses that were in need of replacement owing
to severe discoloration and wear. The patient had excess gingival show with his upper prosthesis, and his chief
complaint was that he did not like his appearance and wanted a better-fitting prosthesis (Figure 24-1).



FIGURE 24-1 A, Initial photograph of the patient demonstrating an excess amount of gingival display. B, Panoramic
radiograph showing the patients significant bone height. C and D, Class I maxillary (C) and mandibular (D) ridges.
Continued on next page
566 Complete Denture Esthetics

Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures

for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space (contd)
The patient had significant bone structure on both arches, and adequate retention was noted (see Figure
24-1, B).
It was decided that implants were not necessary at this time, nor were they desired by the patient. It was
agreed that a new prosthesis would be fabricated; however, the optimal conservative approach would be to
fabricate the prosthesis without implant retention. It was then necessary to determine whether or not the
patients desired esthetic improvements were possible. With that much bone structure present, it was wise
to analyze the amount of space between the ridges at rest. That would determine if there was sufficient
space between the maxillary and mandibular ridges for a conventional acrylic denture prosthesis (see Figure
24-1, C and D).
In this particular case the patient had insufficient interridge distance; this, compounded by the distance
between the maxillary lip at rest and the premaxillary ridge crest, measuring 7mm, definitely compromised the
overall esthetics and was the primary reason that the patient presented with excess gingival display.
The treatment plan was formulated, the patient was accepted, and it was recommended that definitive
impressions be made, followed by all necessary records required to fabricate a new prosthesis. Definitive impres-
sions were made using a layering technique. The material used was polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) impression material.
The advantage of this material was that it would allow the practitioner to match the character of the tissue and
the mobility of the tissue, the freni, and the sulcus. Figure 24-2 shows the moldable viscosity of the material.
These viscosities co-laminate when applied properly.
After the impressions were made, capturing both the anatomical and functional aspects, the decision was
made to fabricate a metal casting to allow the prosthesis base to be thin in the area of high esthetics leaving
more room for proper tooth position. An open window was left on the maxillary arch for ease of setting anterior
teeth and to address the inadequate vertical dimension, which contributed to the patients excess gingival smile.
A metal casting was fabricated to allow sufficient space between the arches when the prosthetic teeth were
set. The fact that the patient had inadequate interridge distance made it extremely difficult to make a conven-
tional prosthesis. Therefore the metal casting was used to add strength to the base, which needed to be very
thin in order to fit within the physiological vertical space (Figure 24-3).
The open window in the maxillary metal casting allows the technician to position the teeth higher up to
reduce the amount of gum display. A metal casting was also made on the mandibular ridge for strength. The
casting as fabricated was made short of the borders, so that the finished prosthesis around the peripheral borders
could be adjusted easily in acrylic, see Figure 24-3, B.
The wax rim was tried in the patients mouth, and the patient was asked to smile (Figure 24-4, A). This waxed
rim, also called the esthetic blueprint, outlines how the teeth will look when the patient is at repose or animat-
ing to a full smile. In this patients case, the goal was to avoid the excess gum display that had made the patient
unhappy with his appearance. The esthetic blueprint was adjusted to the patients smile, including the high-lip
position, the midline position, and the cuspid position. This provides a roadmap for the technician to set the
teeth in the esthetic zone.

FIGURE 24-2 Definitive impressions demonstrating the layering of various viscosities to match the ridge character.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 567

Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures

for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space (contd)
Figure 24-4, B, shows a comparison of the height of the esthetic blueprint (left) that was adjusted in the
patients mouth with the patients existing denture (right). The patients existing denture was measured to be
twice the height of the adjusted esthetic blueprint.
Figure 24-5, A, demonstrates the making of the face-bow. It is necessary to make a face-bow to allow the
practitioner the ability to offer the vertical at the end of try-in if necessary, without taking a new occlusal record.

FIGURE 24-3 A, Maxillary metal casting with open anterior window allowing ease of tooth placement. B, Mandibular
tissue-borne metal casting made short of peripheral borders.


FIGURE 24-4 A, Patient smiling to mark esthetic blueprint (EBP) to set teeth. B, Comparison of the height of the EBP
(left) with the existing denture (right).
Continued on next page
568 Complete Denture Esthetics

Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures

for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space (contd)
If it is necessary to alter the vertical space at the try-in stage to enhance esthetics, this can be done without
making a new occlusal record on the articulator, provided that the face-bow record was made. The existing
lower denture was used (Figure 24-5, B) to help hold the upper esthetic blueprint in the mouth while the face-
bow record was made.
Next, the physiological centric relation is made using a Gothic arch tracer. Figure 24-6, A, shows a neutral
zone record base in the patients mouth. The neutral zone record base consists of an acrylic-based plate that is
made over the ridge and with compound wax added to the occlusal portion of the rim. Compounding wax can
be heated to 60C, when placed into the mouth, it softens to allow the muscles to shape the wax as they
contract and records muscle pressures. Once the compound base is placed into the patients mouth, the patient
is instructed to swallow, thereby allowing the muscles to shape the softened compound wax (Figure 24-6, B).
While the compound is soft, the patient swallows several times until the compound has hardened. As the patient
swallows, the cheeks move inward and the tongue moves outward and laterally while the lips are moving inward.
This normal muscle action defines the posterior tooth position.
Physiological-centric relation was recorded using a disposal Gothic arch tracing apparatus. Figure 24-7, A,
shows the maxillary and mandibular base separated by the Gothic arch tracing apparatus, which is attached to


FIGURE 24-5 A, Ear-bow with glabellar support. B, The ear-bow held steady using the patients existing denture.


FIGURE 24-6 A, Heated compound wax over record base to take functional neutral zone recording. B, Before (top) and
after (bottom) neutral zone recording.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 569

Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures

for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space (contd)




FIGURE 24-7 A, Jaw recorder mounted to record bases. The pin is adjusted to proper vertical. B to E, Ink is placed on
striking plate (B); patient slides jaw forward, backward, and side to side (C to E). F and G, Arrow depicts centric relation
(F), and pin receiver is secured over apex (G).
Continued on next page
570 Complete Denture Esthetics

Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures

for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space (contd)




FIGURE 24-7, contd H to K, Patients jaw closed into centric relation (H), and polyvinyl siloxane bite registration placed
(I to K). L, Complete jaw relation recording.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 571

Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures

for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space (contd)
the acrylic bases. On the maxillary base, an inked striking plate (Figure 24-7, B) is mounted; on the mandibular
base a vertical pin apparatus is placed, altering the patients vertical spacing and holding it in position. Once
the appropriate vertical position is obtained, the patient is asked to close, making sure that the pin strikes the
plate perpendicular to the maxillary arch, thereby eliminating rotational forces of either the maxillary and/or
mandibular base when the patient is moving. One of the prime rationales for using the Gothic arch tracing
device is to stabilize the bases and to eliminate rotational forces of the bases, thereby obtaining an accurate
recording. The patient was asked to close so the pin strikes the maxillary plate, and then he was instructed to
slide the jaw forward, backward, and side to side (Figure 24-7, C to E).
As the patient moves the jaw forward, we note that this is a protrusive movement. As the patient moves
the jaw backward, this is a retrusive movement. Then the patient is asked to move the jaw side to side, which
is an excursive movement.
An apex is formed when the patient moves the jaws forward, backward, and side to side. The apex allows
the practitioner to visualize the position of the physiological centric relation, which is where all three lines come
together and is located at the tip of the apex (Figure 24-7, F).
Note that the patients jaw is not pushed by the practitioner, but rather the patient is asked to move the
jaws forward and backward and side to side repeatedly without straining.
To secure the physiological centric relation position (Figure 24-7, G and H) a PVS material is injected between
the spaces of the bases (see Figure 24-7, I to K). This registration material is very light viscosity, thereby eliminat-
ing any pressure against the ridges. However, it sets quickly to a hardened record (Figure 24-7, L). Once this
record has been completed, all of the records are sent to the prosthetic laboratory for complete setup. The metal
casting structure supports have the teeth secured with dental wax (Figure 24-8, A). They were tried into the
mouth for the patients approval (Figure 24-8, B [the mandibular wax try-in]). Note: There is an absence of wax
around the cameo surface. There is only enough wax to hold the teeth in position. Figure 24-8, C (left) shows
the patients existing denture, and Figure 24-8, C (right) shows the patients new prosthesis still in the waxed
form. The patient was asked to review this new prosthesis closely. This was the patients opportunity to
make esthetic changes. If satisfied, the patient is then asked to sign the form accepting the appearance of the


FIGURE 24-8 A, Wax try-in with metal and tissue areas shown. B, Occlusal and tissue view of wax try-in with wax only
supporting teeth. C, The patient before (left) and after (right) treatment.
Continued on next page
572 Complete Denture Esthetics

Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures

for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space (contd)
prosthesis, including the midline position, the high-lip position, and the shape and shade of the teeth. If patients
decide to have something changed after the denture has been completed, then they will be responsible for
paying additional fees. Figure 24-9, A, shows the preparation for taking the cameo impression (external impres-
sion) by ensuring that the wax is off the baseplate above the necks of the teeth. Impression material will be
placed where the wax has been removed. Adhesive has been applied to this surface to ensure that the impres-
sion material will not separate. As noted, the wax has been removed everywhere except around the necks of
the teeth (Figure 24-9, B). A physiological recording is now made in this space to prevent food entrapment
around and underneath the prosthesis and to capture the appropriate horizontal position of the muscle. PVS
material is injected around this surface, and the patient is asked to pouch out and smile and then open wide,
thereby shaping the PVS material to the appropriate horizontal position, making a customized cameo surface,



FIGURE 24-9 A, Wax try-in ready for external impression. B, Maxillary view of wax try-in ready for external impression.
C, Completed external impression using polyvinyl siloxane impression material (front view). D, Completed external impres-
sion (left view). E, Completed external impression (right view).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 573

Esthetic Enhancement in the Fabrication of Complete Dentures

for a Patient with Minimal Interridge Space (contd)
which will be part of the final prosthesis (Figure 24-9, C to E ). This shape will ensure that the cameo surface is
compatible with each individual patients muscular action. The patient achieves both the functional and the
esthetic support needed so that the face does not appear to be sucked in. Figure 24-10, A, shows the prosthesis
completed and ready to be delivered to the patient. Figure 24-10, B shows the shape of the acrylic at the finished
stage. Note: The shape is not conventional but is specific to each individual patients muscle tonicity and
Photographs show the patient in this case before (Figure 24-10, C [left]) and after (Figure 24-10, C [right]).
He was able to take the prosthesis home with him on the day of delivery.
In summary, the patient desired a decrease in the amount of vertical spacing to have a less gummy appear-
ance. A metal casting was made for strength, then the occlusal vertical space between the maxillary mandibular
jaws was decreased from a physiological rest position to allow for approximately 3mm of speaking space. The
improved occlusal vertical spacing was at the optimal centered relation position. The patient looked much better
and had improved function because the vertical and horizontal spacing were now compatible with his particular
physiological situation.


FIGURE 24-10 A, Completed mandibular processed prosthesis. B, Completed processed maxillary prosthesis. C, Before
(left) and after (right) treatment.
574 Complete Denture Esthetics

SELECTED READINGS Cagna DR, Massad JJ: Vinyl polysiloxane impression material in removable
prosthodontics. Part 2: Immediate denture and reline impressions,
Awad MA, Lund JP, Dufresne E, Feine JS: Comparing the efficacy Compend Contin Educ Dent 28(9):519-526, quiz 527-8, 2007.
of mandibular implant-retained overdentures and conventional Feine JS, Carlsson GE: Implant overdentures: The standard of care for edentulous
dentures among middle-aged edentulous patients: satisfaction patients, Chicago, Ill, Quintessence Publishing Company, Inc, p 155,
and functional assessment, Int J Prosthodont 16(2):117-122, 2003. 2003.
Awad MA, Lund JP, Shapiro SH, et al: Oral health status and treatment Massad JJ, Cagna DR: Vinyl polysiloxane impression material in removable
satisfaction with mandibular implant overdentures and conventional prosthodontics. Part 1: edentulous impressions, Compend Contin Educ
dentures: a randomized clinical trial in a senior population, Int J Dent 28(8):452-459, 2007.
Prosthodont 16(4):390-396, 2003. Raghoebar GM, Meijer HJ, Stegenga B, et al: Effectiveness of three treatment
Beresin VE, Schiesser FJ: The neutral zone in complete dentures, St Louis, modalities for the edentulous mandible. A five-year randomized clinical
Mosby, 1973. trial, Clin Oral Implants Res 11(3):195-201, 2000.
C H A P T E R 25

Precision and Semi-Precision

George E. Bambara

RELEVANCE OF PRECISION AND are now selected on a case-by-case basis, according to how the
final prosthesis is planned to function on the remaining support-
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY Various types of attachments have been developed. The preci-
sion attachments are very precise, and are milled out of alloy. The
Precision and semi-precision attachment dentistry allows for male and female parts fit together with tolerances of about 10
esthetic removable partial dentures that do not display the metal microns. They are purchased as a finished product and are sol-
clasps that can make traditional removable clasped cast partial dered or cast to the final prosthesis (Figure 25-3). They are
dentures unesthetic. The attachment itself becomes the clasp, incorporated within the contours of the crown or splint and
rest, reciprocating and stabilizing element and is hidden inside direct the forces of occlusion down the long axis of the tooth.
the partial denture, which renders it invisible. The attachment They are generally rigid attachments in that the prosthesis is able
also provides the retentive element necessary to retain the partial to transfer most of the occlusal force to the teeth in which the
in the mouth at rest and during masticatory function (Figure attachments are incorporated, and less to the tissue-bearing
25-1). Attachments are also used in segmented fixed partial areas.
denture and overdenture prosthetics on natural roots and The semi-precision attachments are much less precise in their
implants. There are two parts to the attachment: a male and a fit and usually have much more resiliency than their precision
female. In planning a removable partial denture, one part is attachment counterparts. These attachments are cast from
incorporated into the casting or root on the crown, bridge, or refractory patterns, and the male or female parts may be made
splint, and the other part is incorporated into the removable of nylon, polymer, or metal. These attachments can allow up to
partial framework or acrylic. As a result, the partial denture 15 degrees (or more) of rotational movement and up to 600
becomes highly esthetic and appealing to patients. Esthetically microns (or more) of vertical movement. Some offer hinge and/
speaking, from a patients perspective, they smile with confi- or lateral resiliency. In removable partial denture cases, they are
dence, knowing that they have functioning, beautiful, natural- cast with the crown or splint and are placed outside the con-
looking teeth. tours of the teeth (Figure 25-4). In overdenture prosthetics,
they are either cast on top of copings, incorporated onto posts
which are cemented into the roots or abutment teeth or incor-
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL porated into overdenture implant abutments. Their resiliency
allows the prosthesis to transfer most of the occlusal load to the
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION tissues and away from the abutment teeth to which they are
The choice of which attachment to use depends on the
The use of attachments as connectors was popularized in the patient and all the data that is gathered during the treatment
twentieth century by Dr Herman E.S. Chayes. He fabricated planning process. This allows the dentist to make decisions that
dental bridgework in segments that were connected by a key and will build longevity into the prosthesis and satisfy the needs of
keyway attachment (Figure 25-2). The attachments allow for the patient.
micro-movement between segments and provide stress relief to
the connected abutment teeth. His philosophy was to provide
a physiologic tooth movement similar to that of natural teeth RELATING FUNCTION
by using dental attachments in treatment planning prosthetics. AND ESTHETICS
This concept eventually led to the development of various
rigid or resilient stress-relieving or stress-breaking attachments. The treatment planning process often places both dentists and
Acting as a fixed bridge, Dr Chayess slot type of dental attach- patients in a dilemma between function and esthetics. Remov-
ment was quite rigid and provided for removability and cleanse- able cast partial dentures are fabricated with clasps, rests, and
ability. Over the years, attachments were fabricated to reciprocating elements that can create visibly unpleasant esthet-
accommodate a wider range of controlled micro-movements and ics as well as wear and torque on the abutment teeth.

576 Precision and Semi-Precision Attachments


FIGURE 25-1 A, Clasped cast partial denture. B, Precision attachment partial denture.


FIGURE 25-2 A, Chayes attachment. B, Chayes attachment in place.

FIGURE 25-3 Sterngold precision attachment.

FIGURE 25-4 Sterngold ERA semi-precision attachment.

Overdentures can be fabricated directly over cast copings or problems. Diverse root or implant angulations may not be able
implant healing caps. Wthout the use of attachments however, to be corrected easily unless a segmenting attachment is used.
the retentive and protective elements that attachments provide (Figure 25-5). The use of dental attachments can obviate many
are lost. As a result, undue stress can be placed on the remaining of these problems as well as provide the desired esthetics. The
roots or implants. Long-span fixed bridgework, fabricated in typical Kennedy class 1, 2, or 4 clasped partial denture relies on
one piece, can be difficult to cast and fit properly. Attachments teeth and soft tissues for stability and support. The use of Class
that will allow fixed bridges to be segmented can solve these 2 clasped lever designs with properly placed and designed clasps
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 577

redirect the forces of occlusion. The redistribution of occlusal

forces improves the function and longevity of the natural teeth,
roots, ridges, and implants while maintaining bone height and
width. The attachment is, or can essentially be, invisible. In
designing fixed segmented bridges, a small amount of the metal
attachment shows on the occlusal. Should this present an esthetic
problem, the attachment can be reversed and placed on the
gingival aspect of the bridge, rendering it invisible. Care must
be taken not to close the embrasure spaces. Beside esthetics,
attachments are indicated in removable partial denture design
to redirect occlusal forces onto or away from the remaining
residual ridges, thereby offering protection to the remaining
teeth or implants. In the overdenture prosthesis, attachments are
used to attenuate occlusal forces onto or away from the remain-
ing residual roots or implants, protecting roots that remain or
implants that have been placed. With enough roots or implants
FIGURE 25-5 Sphero Flex (Rhein 83 USA Inc., New serving as abutments, the prosthesis can be fully supported and
Rochelle, New York). retained without soft tissue. Attachments are indicated in certain
fixed bridges when there is a concern for the loss of posterior
abutments. In these cases certain attachments should be selected
direct occlusal forces along the axial length of the supporting that allow for convertibility to a removable prosthesis should the
teeth and minimize torque to the abutment teeth. Clasps do not posterior abutments be lost. Segmented attachments are also
provide a resilient mechanism for forces to be redistributed to indicated when mesially tipped molars are to be used as abut-
other areas of the mouth without causing movement or wear to ment teeth in fixed bridges when a favorable path of insertion
the connected abutment teeth or supporting tissues. cannot be achieved and/or the abutment may need intentional
Attachments provide the mechanism that solves many of the root canal therapy. Segmenting obviates this problem because
treatment planning problems while offering the esthetics that the abutment teeth do not have to be parallel to each other. The
create natural-looking smiles. dental laboratory surveys the prosthesis and parallels the attach-
ments to create a favorable path of insertion.
Attachments are classified according to how they function in
Class 1Asolid, rigid, non-resilient
Indications Class 1Bsolid, rigid, lockable
Dental attachments can be used in treatment planning all aspects Class 2vertical resilient
of dentistry because they provide cosmetic and functional alter- Class 3hinge resilient
native adjuncts to traditional prosthetic approaches. The indica- Class 4vertical and hinge resilient
tions for using attachments are as follows: Class 5rotational and vertical resilient
Esthetics Class 6universal, omni-planer
Redistribution of forces
Minimization of trauma to soft tissue Attachments are selected after treatment planning is complete,
Control of loading and rotational forces with the dentist having a thorough knowledge of the stability and
Non-parallel abutmentssegmenting integrity of the remaining teeth, roots, and/or implants.
Future salvage effortssegmenting
Proprioception Contraindications to using attachments in treatment planning
are poor oral hygiene, poor manual dexterity, dry mouth, insuf-
The purpose of using precision and semi-precision attach- ficient number of abutment teeth that can be splinted if neces-
ments is that they function as the retentive and supporting sary, and cost. Patients should be willing to commit to 3-month
elements while redirecting the occlusal forces onto the areas that recalls, meticulous oral hygiene, and the use of fluoride rinses.
can support or share the masticatory loads. Keeping natural The patients manual dexterity is also a consideration; attachment-
teeth or roots allows for proprioception and maintains alveolar retained dental prostheses require a degree of adroitness for
bone levels. Proprioception is a protective neurologic feedback insertion and removal. Medications that cause dry mouth are
mechanism provided by the periodontal ligament. Propriocep- always a serious concern because patients lack salivary flow
tion allows for the awareness, feeling and perception of where raising the caries index. Finally, precision or semi-precision
things are in the mouth and between the occlusal surfaces of the attachments, along with innovative prosthetic designs, increase
teeth. Attachments are simply rigid or resilient connectors that the total cost of dental treatment.
578 Precision and Semi-Precision Attachments

MATERIAL OPTIONS Technological Innovations

Precision attachments are milled from high noble metals and Attachment wear must be checked on a periodic basis because
must be cast to high noble metal frameworks. They are obtained a worn out attachment may not allow the prosthesis to function
as finished products ready for the laboratory to use. Their toler- as it was originally intended. Titanium nitride coatings are
ances are so precise that errors in the casting process may prevent placed on some attachments to resist wear (Figure 25-6). New,
the final prosthesis from fitting well. Because of the preciseness smaller designs have been introduced to be used in areas where
of fit, they are considered to be rigid attachments. Laboratory space may not be sufficient. Ridge atrophy and loss of vertical
technicians should have a good working knowledge of attach- dimension may necessitate prosthetic relines.
ments and attachment retained prosthetic fabrication Easily interchangeable parts with varied degrees of retention
techniques. have been introduced over the years. Patients experience greater
Semi-precision attachments can be cast in semi-precious or comfort, eating pleasure, feeling and looking better, wearing
base metal. Because they are cast, their tolerances are not as their prostheses, experiencing less trauma to their natural teeth,
precise as those of their precision counterparts. One element is roots, soft tissue, and implants, returning periodically for regular
generally made of plastic and cast along with the framework. checkups, and being more conscious of their oral hygiene. Man-
The other element can be made of metal or has a metal housing ufacturers have made oversized parts that fit into, or onto, worn
with a nylon or polymer insert. Because of the nature of the male and female components. This has obviated the need to
material, the use of spacers in the curing process which create recreate new frameworks and allows patients to continue to use
vertical resiliency, and other design factors, semi-precision what was originally fabricated. Some attachment companies
attachments are very versatile in their function and are consid- have created kits that allow dentists to successfully convert one
ered resilient. type of attachment-retained prosthesis to another chairside. The
use of threaded attachment options has allowed dentists to easily
remove attachments for placement. New instrument designs
Current Best Approach have facilitated the attachment-removal process for the dentist
Treatment planning consists of cast mounted models, radio- and allow for precise replacement (Figure 25-7).
graphs, periodontal charting, mobility assessments, thorough
evaluation of the remaining teeth and condition of the residual
ridges, arch form, esthetics, and patient desires. These are all
used to determine the prosthetic design and the use of specific
attachments. Cases are planned on an individual basis and deter-
minations are made as to whether the prosthesis will be implant
or root supported and retained, implant or root and tissue sup-
ported and retained, or soft tissue supported and implant or root
retained. Attachments allow dentists to vary treatment planning.
There is no one attachment prosthetic plan that fits all. The goal
is to have a salvageable plan should prosthetic failure occur in
the future.
FIGURE 25-6 LOCATOR implant attachments (Zest
Anchors, LLC, Escondido, California).

Scientific Innovations
Attachment manufacturers have created resilient and rigid
attachments, allowing the dentist to choose which attachment
best serves the treatment plan. New polymers allow increased
retention and less wear on the component parts, and various
degrees of resiliency can be obtained through the use of these
materials. Attachments come with angulation corrections that
allow for more parallel paths of insertion of the prosthesis.
Implants have been designed with attachment abutments
incorporated into a one-piece structure, allowing for various
loading protocols. Smaller implant diameters of less than
3mm with attachments incorporated on them have become
popular and have contributed to reduced costs. Certain over-
denture attachments have special designs that allow for easier
insertion and removal of the prosthesis by the patient. FIGURE 25-7 LOCATOR placement and removable tool.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 579

ARTISTIC ELEMENTS root or implant supported. Once this has been determined,
attachments can be selected by functional classifications,
Attachment dentistry is an esthetic and functional discipline, facilitating attachment selection. The more resilient an attach-
allowing the dentist to create prosthetic designs that have lon- ment is, the more the prosthesis will rely on soft tissue for
gevity and protection built into their treatment plan. Attach- support, redirecting occlusal forces to the tissues and away from
ment dentistry utilizes the true artistic talents of the dentist to the teeth, roots, or implants. The more rigid the attachment is,
create claspless smiles. the more the prosthesis will rely on hard tissue for support. Rigid
attachments redirect occlusal forces away from soft tissue and
onto supporting teeth, roots, and implants. It is wise to consult
TREATMENT PLANNING with the attachment companies to explore the various types of
attachments available.
The choice of whether to use an attachment retained or attach-
ment supported prosthesis must be made in the early stages of
the treatment planning process and discussed fully with the
Sequencing of Tooth Implanting
patient. Once the decision has been made, a plan that harmo- Implant dentistry starts with a thorough medical history,
nizes esthetics and function must be developed. Removable or mounted study models, and a tentative treatment plan based
fixed partial dentures, root or implant retained or root or on occlusal considerations and the desires of the patient. The
implant-supported overdentures, and segmented fixed bridges next step is to have appropriate radiographs and scans to see if
all require considerations. Occlusal schemes must be considered the quantity and quality of bone to verify the patient is a can-
and setups must be made so that the prosthetic plan can be didate for implants. Bone-grafting procedures and sinus aug-
verified and the patient satisfied with the proposed result. If mentation may be a part of the protocol. If implants can be
implants are considered, a stent must be made for the surgeon placed, the type of prosthesis design must now be considered.
so that the occlusion can be maintained (Figure 25-8). Prosthet- The number and placement of the implants will dictate whether
ics drives the surgical component if success is to be achieved with the restorative plan will include fixed, non-removable or remov-
the fewest compromises. able overdenture prosthetics. Depending on the number of
The next step is to decide whether the remaining teeth can implants placed, a determination must be made as to whether
bear the occlusal load of the planned prosthesis or whether these the prosthesis will be implant supported and retained, implant
loads will be shared, or redirected to the supporting tissues. and tissue supported and implant retained, or totally tissue sup-
Rigid attachments will redirect the occlusal forces to the remain- ported and implant retained. Facial esthetics must be consid-
ing teeth, whereas resilient attachments will redirect those forces ered, along with proper lip support and jaw relationships,
to the soft tissue. Careful evaluation of the study models, radio- before a decision can be made regarding fixed or removable
graphs, periodontal charting, amount of usable soft tissue, and prosthetics. Arch form and anterior-posterior spread will deter-
consideration of what the opposing dentition will determine mine reasonable cantilevering from the terminal abutments. It
attachment selection. is mandatory at this time to set up an occlusal scheme that will
The next consideration in planning is to determine if the serve to verify the esthetics as well as vertical dimension (Figure
planned prosthesis will be tissue supported and root or implant 25-9). With the setup used as a guide, a clear plastic duplicate
retained, tissue and root or implant supported and retained, or denture, that will act as a surgical guide or stent, can be made.

FIGURE 25-8 Occlusal implant stent. FIGURE 25-9 Occlusal setup in wax.
580 Precision and Semi-Precision Attachments

The restoring dentist can cut out a lingual channel or section EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
exposing the residual ridge, leaving the facial surfaces of the
teeth intact. Knowing where the teeth need to be helps the This process continues to develop, and much research has been
surgeon in the placement of the implants and ensures successful done to demonstrate how protective and esthetic precision
prosthetic restorations. and semi-precision attachments can be. Research has shown
that healthy teeth in their alveoli can move from 30 to 50m
occluso-gingivally and 50 to 100m bucco-lingually, and pos-
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS sibly more, depending on their support mechanisms. This
natural physiologic tooth movement will vary slightly depending
Preparation on the teeth in question. It occurs because the root is attached
Incorporating dental attachments into treatment planning to the alveolus by vital and mobile periodontal ligaments.
requires a basic working knowledge of how attachments work Implants osseointegrated into bone display no movement since
and how they can be used to create successful results by redirect- there is no periodontal ligament. Measurable movement with
ing occlusal forces onto areas that can better handle increased implants is a result of the compressibility of the surrounding and
stress. Precision attachments incorporated within the confines of supporting bone. As a result, implant movement is far less than
the crown need more tooth reduction to create a restoration that the movement of natural teeth. Attachments allow for various
is not bulky and overcontoured. Semi-precision attachments are degrees of movement along three different planes of space. Using
incorporated outside the crowns so there is no difference in the attachments to attenuate occlusal forces by redirecting them to
preparation of the abutment teeth. Precision attachments incor- better load-bearing areas has proved to be successful.
porated into posterior teeth should be wider and bulkier than
those chosen for anterior teeth. Interarch and interocclusal space
requirements are a consideration, with many attachments CLINICAL CONSERVATION
needing 3 to 5mm of space to be incorporated into the pros- CONCEPTS
thesis. It is best to obtain reference manuals and catalogues from
the various manufacturers and distributors to make sure the The use of attachments in treatment planning allows patients to
proper attachments are selected. experience greater comfort, eating pleasure, a better self image,
less trauma to their natural teeth, roots, soft tissue, and implants,
and a greater consciousness of their oral hygiene. Patients wear
During the Procedure attachment-retained prosthetics almost 100% of the time. They
In extraction cases, it is important to allow adequate healing have a good sense of psychological security and do not feel
time of several months before fabricating a new prosthesis. esthetically compromised. The prosthesis functions much like
Long-term temporaries and transitional dentures or partials the natural teeth and provides them with a greater degree of
will hold the occlusion and vertical dimension, as well as pro- comfort than traditional partial dentures or overdentures.
viding for esthetics during this interim period. Once the final Our goals are to preserve the soft tissue and bone and provide
prosthesis has been inserted, it is important to allow time for it retention and outstanding esthetics. This translates to successful
to settle in place. During this period, all adjustments can be dentistry and many satisfied patients.
made. Once the patient is comfortable, the attachments are
cured into the overdenture or partial denture. This is done for
tissue-supported cases as well as cases that are tissue and root MAINTENANCE
supported or implant supported. The time to place the attach-
ments in the prosthesis is once it has settled, with all adjust- Patients are required to come in for 3-month scaling, prophy-
ments made, and the patient is comfortable. If attachments are laxis and examinations. Routinely patients are given instructions
placed before this time, the proper relationship between the on how to clean their teeth and their prostheses at home. A
prosthesis, the soft tissue, and the attachments will not be standard regimen of brushing and flossing is followed up with
established. In cases that are totally root or implant borne and a fluoride mouthrinse, particularly for patients with fixed appli-
do not rely on soft tissue, it may be best to have the laboratory ances. Removable appliances require fluoride to be placed in the
cure the attachments into place as the support mechanism has attachment before it is inserted in the mouth. Patients are
been accurately established in the impression-taking and fabri- instructed to remove and clean their appliances before they go
cation stages. to bed in addition to maintaining their existing teeth, roots, or
During the visit, the prosthesis is checked in the mouth for
Finishing retention and stability and the need for possible relining. Attach-
Attachment dentistry requires the same attention to detail as any ments are checked for wear and may need to be replaced.
of our general dental procedures. It is important to periodically Attachment-retained overdentures may need relining. In this
recall these patients to check the attachments for proper func- case, new male or female components have to be ordered and
tion and wear, as well as checking the occlusion for any devia- picked up during the relining process, or as a separate procee-
tions that need adjustment and polishing. dure. Attachments are also checked for the presence of plaque
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 581

or calculus, which can lead to attachment failure, loss of the Davidoff SR: Bar supported overdentures, Dent Today 15(9):46, 1996.
tooth, root, or implant. Dolder EJ, Durrer, GT: The bar joint denture, Chicago, Quintessence, 1978.
Doundoulakis JH, Eckert SE, Lindquist CC, Jeffcoat MK: The implant-
Oral hygiene cannot be overstressed and the patients leave supported overdenture as an alternative to complete mandibular denture,
the office with written instructions on home care. J Am Dent Assoc 134:1455-1458, 2003.
English CE: Bar patterns in implant prosthetics, Implant Dent 3:217-229,
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Epstein D: A potpourri of overdenture stud attachment systems, Dent Today
14:1, 84-89, 1995.
Epstein, D: Why overdentures? Dent Today 13:8, 36-41, 1994.
In the near future, stronger, lighter materials will be developed Feine JS, Carlsson GE, Awad MA, et al: The McGill consensus statement
that will allow for smaller attachments. Research with magnets on overdentures. Mandibular two-implant overdentures as first choice
has shown some positive results. Newer, stiffer or resilient poly- standard of care for edentulous patients. Montreal, Quebec, May 24-25,
mers can redirect occlusal forces with less wear. Highly viscous 2002, Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 17(4):601-602, 2002.
Goodman J: EquipoiseThe proven partial denture system, Highland Beach,
relining materials can act as a retentive element, eliminating the Florida, Equipoise Dental Prosthetics, Inc., 1989.
male or female attachment and providing a great amount of Jumber JF: An atlas of overdentures and attachments, Chicago, Quintessence,
retention, support, and stability. 1981.
Morrow, RM: Handbook of immediate overdentures, St Louis, Mosby, 1978.
Naert I, Gizani S, Vuylsteke M, Van Steenberghe D: A 5-year prospective
SUGGESTED READINGS randomized clinical trial on the influence of splinted and unsplinted oral
implants retaining a mandibular overdentureprosthetic aspects and
Sterngold procedure manual, San Mateo, CA, Sterngold Dental LLC, 2011. patients satisfaction, J Oral Rehabil 26:195-202, 1999.
Staubli PE, Bagley D: Attachments and implants reference manual, ed 8, San Preiskel, HW: Precision attachments in prosthodontics: intracoronal and
Mateo, CA, Attachments International, 2007. extracoronal attachments, vol 1, Chicago, Quintessence, 1984.
Preat Reference Manual (revised), Santa Ynez, CA, Preat Corporation, Preiskel HW: Precision attachments in prosthodontics: overdentures and telescopic
2010. prosthesis, vol 2, Chicago, Quintessence, 1985.
Altay OT, Tsolka P, Preiskel HW: Abutment teeth with extarcoronal Rissin L, House JE, Manly RS, Kapur KK: Clinical comparison of
attachments: the effects of splinting on tooth movement, Int J Prosthodont masticatory performance and electromyographic activity of patients with
3:441-448, 1990. complete dentures, overdentures, and natural teeth, J Prosthet Dent
Ambard AJ, Fanchiang JC, Mueninghoff L, Dasanayake AP: Cleansability 39:508-511, 1978.
of and patients satisfaction with implant-retained overdentures: a Schwarz-Arad D, Kidron N, Dolev E: A long-term study of implants
retrospective comparison of two attachment methods, J Am Dent Assoc supporting overdentures as a model for implant success, J Periodontol
133:1237-1242, 2002. 76:1431-1435, 2005.
Burns DR, Unger JW, Elswick RK Jr, Giglio JA: Prospective clinical Shillingburg HT Jr, Fisher DW: Nonrigid connectors for fixed partial
evaluation of mandibular implant overdentures: Part IIPatient dentures, J Am Dent Assoc 87:1195-1199, 1973.
satisfaction and preference, J Prosthetic Dent 73: 364-369, 1995. Tallgren A: The continued reduction of the residual alveolar ridges in
Carlsson GE, Persson G: Morphologic changes of the mandible after complete denture wearers: a mixed-longitudinal study covering twenty-five
extraction and wearing dentures, Odontol Revy 18:27-54, 1967. years, J Prosthet Dent 27:120-132, 1972.
Cecconi BT: Effect of rest design on transmission of forces to the abutment Wismeijer D, Van Waas MA, Vermeeren JI, et al: Patient satisfaction with
tooth, J Prosthet Dent 32:141, 1974. implant-supported mandibular overdenturesa comparison of three
Cinotti WR, Grieder A: Periodontal prosthesis, Vols 1 and 2, St Louis, 1968, treatment strategies with ITI dental implants, Int J Oral MaxillofacSurg
Mosby. 26:263-267, 1997.
Clayton JA, Jaslow C: A measurement of clasped forces on teeth, J Prosthet Zest Anchors (website): Accessed August 10, 2011.
Dent 25:21, 1971. Zlatari DK, Celebi A, Valenti-Peruzovi M: The effect of removable partial
Crum AJ, Rooney GE Jr: Alveolar bone loss in overdentures: a five year study, dentures on periodontal health of abutment and non-abutment teeth,
J Prosthetic Dent 40:610-613, 1978. J Periodontol 73:137-144, 2002.
26 C H A P T E R

Technology and Esthetics


Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology

Edward Lynch, Fay Goldstep, George Freedman


The less destruction of tooth structure, the more conservative
the preparation. The more of the original tooth structure that The earliest perhaps inadvertent attempts at esthetic dentistry or
can be maintained, is generally more esthetic. In dealing with a minimally invasive dentistry were made by Michael G. Buono-
carious occlusal pit and fissure lesion that extends into dentin, core in the 1950s (see Figure 8-16). He was the first to etch teeth
management with a minimally invasive approach is preferable and to begin the process of bonding to tooth structure, which
for example, using the SS White fissurotomy burs (SS White is inherently more conservative of teeth than preparing shapes
Burs, Inc., Lakewood, New Jersey) (Figure 26-1, A) and expos- that physically retain amalgam. As this approach progressed
ing the dentin, plus subsequent treatment with ozonation of from enamel etching to the inclusion of dentin etching/
tooth surface and rinsing with ozonated water (Figure 26-1, B). conditioning in subsequent years, it became more widely used,
The disinfection of remaining carious dentin is possible as long so that by the turn of the twenty-first century over 50% of North
as the lesion is relatively superficial. An acid-etching technique American posterior restorations were performed with adhesive
(Etch-Rite, Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, Massachusetts) procedures. Subsequently the single-bottle, seventh-generation
is then used on the enamel (Figure 26-1, C ), followed by a adhesives were developed. Other innovative technologies helped
use of single-bottle seventh-generation system (Bondforce, to ensure that the surface to be restored was relatively free of
Tokuyama Dental America, Inc., Encinita, California) for bacteria that cause decay, or at least less inclusive of those bac-
bonding to enamel and dentin (Figure 26-1, D). After light teria (Figure 26-4).
polymerization (Figure 26-1, E ), an appropriate flowable com- The philosophy is now even more conservative. The infected
posite resin (BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus, Shofu Dental Corp., San dentin is managed with ozone and photoactivated disinfection
Marcos, California) can be inserted into the cavity (Figure (PAD). This allows the operator to dramatically reduce the
26-1, F). This is a very minimally invasive approach that pro- number of microorganisms remaining in the retained dentin,
duces end results that are esthetically pleasing for the patient which can then be infiltrated with adhesives that bond to this
(Figure 26-1, G ). surface. This process is most conservative with direct composite
Patients who are esthetically oriented are generally more up- restorations. Ozone can penetrate to a somewhat deeper sub-
to-date with modern health concepts and philosophies. Den- surface level than PAD. Ozone is available in a gaseous form,
tistry has moved away from the destructive template approach such as that provided by the HealOzone system (Curozone
that involved cutting prescribed shapes into the teeth (Figure GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany) (Figure 26-5) in action and in
26-2). Modern dental practice is much more focused on a aqueous form with ozonated water.
disease-oriented approach, in which the diseased tissues are PAD is available commercially as well. The most common
removed and only those modifications that are absolutely neces- system used is Aseptim Plus (SciCan, Ltd., Toronto, Canada)
sary to improve the longevity of the restoration are made to the (Figure 26-6, A). A dye that attaches to microorganisms (Figure
cavity site (Figure 26-3). 26-6, B) is placed on the prepared tooth surface then is

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 583


FIGURE 26-1 A, SS White Fissurotomy bur in fissure to the depth of the dentin. B, Rinsing the tooth surface with water.
C, Etching the tooth surface. Continued

irradiated with a light-emitting diode (LED) light to effectively of cavity preparation, which undermines and weakens the
kill the microorganisms near the surface (Figure 26-6, C ). remaining cusp (Figure 26-7). Natural tooth structure is better
The history of minimally invasive dentistry has been a process than the best restorative materials available and supersedes any
whereby the surgical approaches of the past that focused on synthetic material the dentist can place. Generally, if the dentist
removing all diseased or questionable tissues and replacing them can maintain the natural occlusion, the natural form and shape
with restorative materials have been replaced by a philosophy of the tooth, and the functional outline of the dentition and soft
that allows the on-site management and treatment (where pos- tissues, the health of the patients oral environment will be better
sible) of diseased tissues. Increasingly treatment is aimed at and more easily maintained over a longer term.
retaining as much natural tissue as possible as an integral part
of the permanent restorative process.
RELATING FUNCTION The indications for minimally invasive dentistry include every
AND ESTHETICS preparation and intervention that an operator carries out. Mini-
mally invasive techniques are not solely applicable to pits and
Maintaining the natural tooth structure assists in both function fissures but also deal with overall health and patient manage-
and esthetics. For example, if an operator is removing caries from ment. Even deep carious lesions can be managed to avoid trau-
a mesial-occlusal-distal (MOD) cavity in the upper first premo- matic exposure of the pulp or even potential further damage to
lar, and if the base of the retained buccal cusp is supported by the pulp through additional heating, desiccation, or trauma
more conserved tissue, clearly that buccal cusp has greater associated with operative procedures in close proximity to the
strength than that allowed by the traditional invasive approach pulp (Figure 26-8).
584 Technology and Esthetics Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology



FIGURE 26-1, contd D, Applying the adhesive (Tokuyama Bond Force). E, Light polymerization. F, Restoration with
BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus. G, Completed fissure restoration. (Inset D courtesy Tokuyama Dental America, Encinitas, California. Inset F courtesy Shofu
Dental Corporation., San Marcos, California.)

FIGURE 26-2 Traditional preparation class II form. FIGURE 26-3 Conservative Clark class II preparation.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 585

thereby leading to ongoing problems beneath restorations

Contraindications (Figure 26-9). Caries may progress, with all the attending impli-
Minimally invasive dentistry is both a clinical approach and a cations. Of the pharmaceutical approaches to management, the
philosophical one. In practical terms, it is a clinical approach two most notable are ozone (gas or ozonated water) and PAD.
because it is something that every dentist aims to achieve for These approaches destroy or reduce the pathogenicity of the
every preparation for each patient. However, the philosophical cariogenic flora remaining beneath cavity preparations. This
approach of nonminimally invasive dentistry has been pre- allows a much more minimally invasive approach. This
dominant for over a century within the dental profession. It
predated the modern pharmaceutical approach to managing
infected tissues. In the past, a number of studies have shown
that any infection remaining in the tissues could progress,

FIGURE 26-4 Consepsis syringe. (Courtesy Ultradent Products, Inc.,

South Jordan, Utah.) FIGURE 26-5 HealOzone system on tooth.

FIGURE 26-6 A, Aseptim Plus. B, The dye that will be placed on the prepared tooth. C, Tooth irradiated with a light-emitting
diode (LED) light to kill the microorganisms near the surface. (A courtesy SciCan, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)
586 Technology and Esthetics Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology


FIGURE 26-7 A, The unprepared tooth has the greatest

strength. B, The undermined buccal cusp of the traditional
invasive cavity preparation is rather weak and can fracture
under pressure even after restoration. C, The conservative
preparation leaves more supportive tissue under the buccal
cusp, making pressure fracture after restoration less likely.

FIGURE 26-9 A, Occlusal decay is removed with high-speed

and low-speed burs, inadvertently leaving healthy-appearing
but affected dentin toward the buccal area of the cavity
floor. B, The affected dentin is sealed over by the layered steps
FIGURE 26-8 Removing deep caries with the Smart Bur II of the composite restorative material. C, The affected dentin,
(Wehmer Corporation, Lombard, Illinois). still harboring bacteria, begins to re-decay along the tooth-
restorative interface, eventually expanding and infecting
the pulp.

treatment modality is not limited to the management of caries

or cavity preparations; it can be used in endodontics, periodon-
tal therapy, and other areas. of this care throughout the dentists career. The clinical success
in the delivery of dental care, however, is dependent on many
factors including visual acuity and manual dexterity. Enhancing
the diagnostic and clinical armamentarium in ways that enhance
MATERIAL AND the eyes and hands of the operator benefits both patients and
ASSESSING OPTIONS dentists tremendously.
Clinical dentistry can be a rather difficult occupation. The
Ideally the dentist must properly isolate the operative area, oral cavity is not a treatment-friendly space; it is small, has
which requires selecting from the various available isolation restricted access with numerous interfering oral structures, and
methods, including the rubber dam technique where appropri- is generally quite dark. Seeing minute details (during diagnosis
ate. It is also necessary to develop effective visualization access, or treatment) and visualizing procedures in progress can be both
typically involving magnification and illumination. difficult and stressful. The improperly positioned patients head
The dental team, including every single professional member, can cause significant physical discomfort to the practitioner
has both a responsibility and a desire to deliver the best care seeking better visual access and may in time cause the dentist
possible to each and every patient. The experience of clinical physical damage that may impede the continued practice of
practice and continuing education tends to improve the quality dentistry (Figure 26-10).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 587

magnification loupes is required to view the oral cavity and to

Magnification operate from a more ergonomic and healthier sitting position.
Magnification provides the means to alleviate many of these There is less stress on the back and neck muscles, reducing strain
problems and concerns and allows the dentist to practice more and contributing to more comfortable and productive working
comfortably while ensuring that dental procedures can be deliv- sessions. Magnification is responsible for reducing eyestrain by
ered at the most exacting level (Figure 26-11). providing a clear and magnified view of the working area.
The most significant advantages offered by magnification Decreased eye fatigue contributes to a more satisfying clinical
loupes are visualization, illumination, isolation, and preparation. practice, particularly toward the end of a working day or a long
working week. In addition, the improved clinical visualization
Visualization allows more precise and less invasive treatment.
Improved visualization of minute yet significant dental detail Esthetic and cosmetic procedures call for invisible margins
simplifies diagnosis and enhances clinical treatment. The dentist and tooth-restorative interface transitions. These technique-
using magnifying loupes can examine both hard and soft tissue sensitive, yet critical, features are far easier and less demanding
surfaces in more exacting detail, thus often diagnosing problems to develop when the visual working field is enhanced to twice
at an earlier stage than previously possible. Earlier diagnosis normal (or greater) size. If the margin seems to disappear when
benefits the patient through more conservative, less invasive magnified, then it will certainly not be visible to the naked eye.
treatment (Figure 26-12). The fine internal and external colorations and characterizations
Fortuitously, magnification loupes force the operator into a
more ergonomic posture, reducing back and neck strains
(Figure 26-13). A dentist who is using properly fitted

FIGURE 26-10 Dentist leaning over patient at an awkward FIGURE 26-11 Practitioner wearing magnification loupes.
angle. (Courtesy Orascoptic, Middleton, Wisconsin.)


FIGURE 26-12 Distant (A) and close-up (B) views of the same structure.
588 Technology and Esthetics Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology

Head tilt
Head tilt
(about 50)
(about 30)


Declination angle
FIGURE 26-13 Good (A) and bad (B) posture of a practitioner.

FIGURE 26-14 Close-up views of

visible (A) and invisible (B) margins.


that are required for invisible margins are virtually impossible advantages offered by working under magnification. Periodon-
to achieve without appropriate magnification (Figure 26-14). tists and endodontists quickly followed suit. Today magnifica-
A generation ago, magnification was primarily targeted at tion is routinely introduced to dental students while they are in
older practitioners whose age-related eyesight changes were their formative years of dental school.
making routine clinical procedures increasingly difficult to As magnification has become more mainstream in the dental
accomplish. These individuals required mechanical vision modi- profession, it has raised the bar in the assessment of restorative
fication in order to keep practicing dentistry, and loupes, such procedures. Current standards of care demand better materials,
as they were at the time, fit the bill. Then, cosmetic dentists, better techniques, and better self-evaluation. The twenty-first
who were fanatically fussy about margins and other minute century practice finds dentists at every age and stage, in general
clinical details, began to avail themselves of the esthetic practice and in specialties, using magnification to enhance their
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 589

FIGURE 26-15 Practitioner wearing loupes with


FIGURE 26-17 A, Odyssey Mini 3 Watt LED. B, DentLight
Nano Loupe Light. (A courtesy SurgiTel, Ann Arbor, Michigan. B courtesy
DentLight, Richardson, Texas.)

illuminating the immediate working area, often a larger sphere

of visibility is needed (Figure 26-17). In addition, as dental
FIGURE 26-16 Fiberoptic handpiece. professionals get older, their eyes require more light to see and
work effectively. Increasingly they have begun to use illuminat-
ing headlamps. Earlier lighting models were heavy, bulky, wired
(to the battery), and cumbersome. The innovative and very
visual acuity, to see more easily, and to diagnose earlier, more convenient solutions to illumination problems inside the oral
effectively, and more accurately. Today, clinical treatment under cavity consist of LED bulbs that provide 500 foot-candles of
magnification is part of the design concept for most new materi- light intensity or more. Best of all, the headlights weight on
als and techniques. a standard clip is less than 1oz. Headlights are also effective
clinical treatment adjuncts for hygienists as well as others on
Illumination the dental team.
The science and art of illuminating the operative site have
advanced rapidly in recent years. Dentists, like medical surgeons, Isolation
have found that maximizing visual acuity at the work site not There are typically three major problems when working in
only is important, it is essential (Figure 26-15). Suitable lighting the mouth: (1) the lack of visibility of the teeth or soft tissues,
provides much-improved diagnostics, greatly enhanced treat- (2) the physical interference of the tongue and cheeks in the
ment opportunities, and better treatment outcomes. Vision work areas, and (3) the presence of copious amounts of saliva
and visibility in the oral cavity are always major concerns. that tends to flood surfaces just when they need to be dry. In
Hands, instruments, or even a slight movement of the patients fact, most of the benefits of four-handed dentistry involve
head can often obstruct the overhead dental light. Fiberoptic improved isolation and moisture control in the working area.
light handpieces have been the standard of care for several The Isolite system (Isolite Systems, Santa Barbara, California)
decades, and most dentists will not consider high-speed tooth (Figure 26-18, A) isolates the working field by keeping away the
preparation without targeted illumination of the operative site tongue and cheeks. It is attached to the high-volume suction
(Figure 26-16). Although in-handpiece lights are effective in port and aspirates both excess saliva and coolant water from the
590 Technology and Esthetics Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology

the mouth. The continuous aspiration of both the buccal and

lingual sulci keeps the field dry and the working area clean and
clearly visible. The Isolite mouthpiece is flexible and acts as a
single-unit replacement for numerous isolation, illumination,
and aspiration devices.

Clearly the tools that are used to prepare the cavity are very
important. Air abrasion must be well directed and aimed into
A the cavity with appropriate high-aspiration suction so as not to
produce excessive debris around the rim of the preparation
(Figure 26-19, A). The PrepStart H2O (Danville Materials, San
Ramon, California) (Figure 26-19, B) and the RONDOflex
(KaVo Dental, Charlotte, North Carolina) (Figure 26-19, C) are
the two highest-ranked air abrasion systems for use in cavity
preparations, particularly in pits and fissures (Figure 26-19, D
and E ).
The SS White Fissurotomy bur (Figure 26-20) is a novel
approach to ultraconservative dental treatment. The shape and
size of the bur are designed specifically for the purpose oftreat-
ing small, incipient, and pit and fissure lesions. The head length
of the bur is 2.5mm, the average thickness of occlusal
enamel,allowing the dentist to limit the bur tip to cut to just
below the dentino-enamel junction (DEJ)and not further into
the dentin (conservation). The tapered shape of the bur (visual-
ization) allows the cutting tip to encounter very few dentinal
tubules (patient comfort) at any given timeand has been
designed to minimize heat buildup and vibration. Because
the cutting of the Fissurotomy bur is restricted largely to
enamel,patient discomfort is minimized and the need for local
anesthetic is eliminated in most cases. The Fissurotomy bur is
far less invasive than similar length carbide and diamond burs.
Traditional cutting burs remove far more enamel at any depth
of cut and are designed to access caries that has progressed well
beyond the DEJ,whereas the Fissurotomy bur has been ana-
tomically designed to enlarge the fissure and eliminate small
caries without removing excessive healthy enamel or dentin.
The SS White Great White bur (Figure 26-21) is an excellent
instrument for generating conservative preparations, particularly
B in posterior teeth. Its highly dentated surfaces quickly and effec-
tively cut tooth structures, amalgam and composite resin, and
FIGURE 26-18 A, Isolite system provides continuous illumi- restorative metals. Its geometric configuration is highly suitable
nation, aspiration, and retraction. B, Lighting the patients oral for developing ideal cavity preparations for class I and II poste-
cavity from within the mouth. (Courtesy Isolite Systems, Santa Barbara, rior composite resins. The Great White bur does not grab, catch,
California.) stall, or break in harder-to-cut materials such as amalgam, com-
posite, and semi-precious and non-precious castings.
The HealOzone system (Curozone, Wiesbaden, Germany)
handpiece. It also provides bright, shadowless illumination (Figure 26-22) produces ozone that safely kills cavity-causing
inside the mouth through the light distribution system in the bacteria in and on the tooth (Figure 26-23). To prevent potential
Isolite mouthpiece (Figure 26-18, B). The light source is exter- lung inhalation, it is important to follow manufacturer direc-
nal, and the brightness can be adjusted as per the needs of the tions. Ozone treatment (as seen in the HealOzone system) is
operator. The single-use mouthpiece is readily inserted into the highly effective in managing superficial infected dentin.
patients mouth, and patients find the mouthpiece very comfort- The restoration process involves the effective elimination of
able as resting the teeth on the bite block makes it easier to keep remaining bacteria on and in the dentinal surface, followed by
the mouth open for extended periods during procedures. The a single-component adhesive system that can manage enamel
illumination is delivered into the mouth using an LED light and dentin simultaneously. The restorative material buildup for
source; there is no electrical current or any danger of shock in the single-surface occlusal cavity is well documented.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 591


Air abrasion prep Fissure bur prep


D 0007 25KV X80 100m WD36 E 0007 20KV X100 100m WD28

FIGURE 26-19 A, Air abrader on teeth. B, The PrepStart H2O. C, The RONDOflex. D and E, Comparison of air abrasion
preparation and fissure preparation. (B courtesy Danville Materials, San Ramon, California. C courtesy KaVo Dental, Charlotte, North Carolina.)

Single Surface Occlusal Cavity As previously documented in independently, ozonated water can be used in rinsing the cavity
Figure 26-9, A, the majority of the decay is removed. Often, preparation to provide a bactericidal effect (Figure 26-24, D).
undetectable surface bacteria remain that can cause further decay Then a seventh-generation adhesive is applied to the prepared
after the restorative process (Figure 26-24, A). Ozone gas can be surfaces, air dried, and polymerized (Figure 26-24, E ). The
used to kill bacteria in the surface dentin layers (Figure 26-24, composite restorative material is placed into the cavity in small
B). Alternatively, PAD can also be used to destroy the remaining increments (up to 2mm) and polymerized (Figure 26-24, F ).
bacteria (Figure 26-24, C ). After either of these treatments or The composite material is built in increments to the occlusal
592 Technology and Esthetics Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology

1.1 mm

2.5 mm

0.7 mm

2.5 mm

FIGURE 26-20 The SS White Fissurotomy bur. FIGURE 26-23 Principles of operation for healOzone 4.
1, oxygen suppy; 2, air supply; 3, air dryer; 4, differential
pressure sensor; 5, ozone generator; 6, tooth cup; 7, ozone;
8, handpiece; 9, tubing; 10, moisture trap; 11, ozone neutral-
izer; 12, vacuum pump. (Courtesy CurOzone GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany.)
Straight bur Dentated bur

FG-1157 FG-1557

Smooth cutting, but slow and Faster cutting, but has a

can have difficulties cutting tendency to chatter more than
harder materials. the plain fissure or Great White.

SS White great white bur


Faster and smoother cutting. Does

not grab, catch or stall in harder to
cut materials.

FIGURE 26-21 SS White Great White bur.




FIGURE 26-24 A, The visible decay is removed with high-

speed and low-speed dental burs. Affected dentin may remain
in spite of the best preparation efforts. The cavity preparation
is disinfected with ozone gas (B), photoactivated disinfection
(C), and/or ozonated water (D). The disinfected cavity (E) is
now restored with adhesive and layered composite materials (F
FIGURE 26-22 The healOzone 4. (Courtesy Curozone GmbH, Wies- and G). Because there are no live bacteria left in the formerly
baden, Germany.) affected dentin, this step reduces the incidence of re-decay.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 593

surface, polymerized at every step, and then finished to full energy stored in this velocity is directed at the tooth surface.
occlusal contour and esthetics (Figure 26-24, G ). When the particles strike the tooth surface, the energy of the
The Aseptim Plus unit (see Figure 26-6, A) is a PAD device alumina micro-abrades small particles of decay, enamel and
that infiltrates the cell wall using tolonium chloride dye. PAD dentin, layer by layer, from the tooth. Continued air abrasion
is discussed thoroughly in Section D of this chapter. can quickly prepare the cavity, readying it for adhesive restora-
tion. The nozzle is not supposed to touch the tooth surface,
and therefore tactile feedback is severely limited. However,
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS the dentist has good visual control and can directly observe the
elimination of decay on a real-time basis. The fine focus of
The innovative elements include all the new technologies in the stream of alumina particles exiting the nozzle permits pin-
magnification, illumination, and isolation. point, ultraconservative cavity preparation.
Air abrasion is useful for direct-access occlusal, buccal, and
lingual cavity preparations. It can be used to remove existing
Magnification composite restorations and selectively repair composite margins.
Lighter, more comfortable, and easier to adjust loupes have Air abrasion roughens bondable surfaces such as tooth, porce-
made magnification a practical operation for the practitioner. lain, metal, and composite resin, offering improved adhesion for
Improved optics with shorter focal lengths and thinner glass direct and indirect, resin-cemented restorations. It can also effec-
lenses make the wearing of the magnification apparatus conve- tively clean away permanent or temporary cements, providing a
nient and tolerable for the entire day. contaminant-free surface for permanent bonding. Air abrasion
is used to explore pits, fissures, and small cavities to remove any
remaining decay and bacteria before the application of sealants
Illumination and flowables.
The development of diode light sources that are both lighter and
consume less energy have made loupes-based illumination pos-
sible in the dental practice. The significantly decreased heat
production of diode light bulbs is also more comfortable for the Ozone technology (as discussed earlier for the HealOzone
dentists forehead. system) is a documented safe treatment modality.
With the HealOzone system, ozone is delivered inside a
cup directly into the lesion being treated (Figure 26-26). If the
Isolation cup loses its seal, the cup simply sucks air into itself and
The convenient combination of devices to isolate, illuminate, ceases to deliver ozone. Radical ozone ions can be quite dam-
and evacuate the oral cavity into a single unit frees up valuable aging to the lungs and should not be inhaled in significant
operative space inside the oral cavity and makes four-handed dose. The HealOzone system has been proven in many studies
operation far more productive and two-handed treatment to be absolutely safe to use. Even when it is inadvertently
possible. misused, there is no danger of any damage occurring to the
lungs of the patient, the operator, or assistants because of the
safety mechanisms that have been built into the technology
Air Abrasion (Figure 26-27).
With respect to cavity preparation, innovations involve the use
of water with the air abrasive stream, which reduces the dust Water Ozone Systems
that would otherwise spread around the mouth and the opera- Ozonated water systems are also very safe. Any ozone not deliv-
tory (Figure 26-25). The traditional handpiece methods used by ered into the water bottle is converted into oxygen by the safety
dentists to prepare teeth for restoration, combined with their mechanisms, which is then blown into the dental operatory. The
associated sounds and sensations, can have a tremendous impact ozonated water is produced in total safety. The ozonated water
on the image of the practice, its marketing potential, and treat- can be used directly in irrigating syringes, ultrasonic scalers,
ment acceptance by patients. Most patients dislike the noise and cavity preparation rinses, root canal irrigation, or mouth rinsing
the vibration of the drill during the cavity preparation, often for patients before, during, and after treatment to promote
commenting on the need for alternative treatment options. healing (Figure 26-28).
Drill-less techniques have been used in dentistry for more than
half a century. In the last two decades, novel abrasion technolo-
gies and improved adhesive restorative materials have made these
Innovative Elements of Fissurotomy
options practical and effective. The SS White Fissurotomy bur (Figure 26-29) uses shapes as
The operating principle of this technology is based on trans- narrow as 0.7mm and a cutting side as small as 2.5mm long.
lating the velocity of the alumina particles that are propelled The 2.5mm relates to the average depth of the occlusal enamel.
through the abrasive system into abrasive energy at the surface The operator can control the preparation with the Fissurotomy
of the tooth. Although the alumina particles have a very tiny bur to ensure that it continues to cut enamel only, never entering
mass, their velocity on exiting the nozzle is very high. The kinetic the dentin. This eliminates the likelihood of patient discomfort.
594 Technology and Esthetics Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology


FIGURE 26-25 The use of water with the air abrasive provider (A) helps to reduce the dust that can otherwise spread around
the mouth (B) and the operatory (C).

FIGURE 26-26 HealOzone delivers ozone gas directly and FIGURE 26-27 HealOzone generates therapeutic doses of
exclusively into the lesion. ozone at the sight of application.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 595


FIGURE 26-28 Ozonated water can be used in irrigating syringes (A) and or mouthrinses (B).

approach is to first manage the pulpitis if symptoms indicate

that it may be reversible. A minimally invasive approach uses an
ozone treatment as an initial step. The caries is then removed,
leaving as little as 1mm (or less) of infected dentin over the roof
of the pulp chamber. Ozone treatment disinfects the tooth
before the provisional or definitive restoration of the tooth,
using a method that allows the pulp to heal over time. The aim
is to keep the pulp vital and avoid root canal therapy. This is an
integral part of the stabilization phase for pain relief.
For a patient with numerous carious lesions and clinical
symptoms of pulpitis, the dentist can stabilize all of these lesions
with a minimally invasive provisional approach using either
gaseous or aqueous ozone or PAD as an intermediate step to
definitive restoration. At the end of the stabilization phase, the
dentist reviews what additional treatment, if any, may be
required. This might include composite restorations, crowns,
and bridges.

FIGURE 26-29 The tapered, depth-limited SS White Fissur-

otomy bur is used to control conservative preparation of the TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
dentino-enamel junction (DEJ).
Operative Considerations
Restorative Dentistry
The conical shape of the Fissurotomy bur permits comprehen- A patient has the symptom of pain brought on by a cold stimu-
sive visual access to any remaining carious material. lus that lasts only a matter of seconds and does not keep the
patient awake at night. It is not a spontaneous pain, but it is
always precipitated by cold. Radiographs reveal a carious lesion
TREATMENT PLANNING in close proximity to the pulp, but there is no loss of lamina
dura around the root. The operative treatment plan immediately
The dentist should not add minimally invasive approaches to focuses on a minimally invasive approach, aiming to conserve
the armamentarium. These modalities should be very much an tooth structure and to cause minimal damage to pulpal tissues.
integral part of every treatment plan. In the diagnosis of a The operator proceeds to remove the caries without over-
carious lesion, every minimally invasive parameter should be desiccating, dehydrating, or heating the dentin. The goal is to
included as part of the standard treatment evaluation. Minimally leave less than 1mm, a very thin layer of possibly infected
invasive approaches should be built into the psyche of the opera- dentin over the roof of the pulp chamber. To verify this, a sharp
tor as the first determination of every treatment plan. probe is used with very light pressure. If the probe enters the
In the treatment process, operators typically provide pain infected dentin on the cavity floor and then can be withdrawn
relief first. For example, if the patient has pulpitis associated with without any resistance, this indicates that more than 1mm of
a deep carious lesion in a particular tooth, the minimally invasive infected dentin is present. If the probe enters the lesion with
596 Technology and Esthetics Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology


FIGURE 26-30 A, CarieScan PRO. B, THE CANARY SYSTEM dental caries detection system. (A courtesy CarieScan, Ltd., Charlotte,
North Carolina. B courtesy Quantum Dental Technologies, Toronto, Ontario.)

very light pressure and the cavity floor is leathery, sticky, or dentistry. To be effective, all the active ingredients must be in
resistant to the withdrawal of the probe, this indicates that less sufficient doses and delivered via the most appropriate method.
than 1mm of infected dentin is present. Holding the probe up Ozone will react immediately with reductants in culture media.
to the radiograph to estimate the extent of the caries with respect The recommended use is to deliver the ozone under pressure
to the location of the pulp is fraught with the usual dangers of directly into a lesion by pressing the delivery tube onto the
trying to interpret three-dimensional structures using two- carious surface so that it is encouraged to penetrate the lesion.
dimensional radiographs.
The electrical caries monitor (ECM) is used to objectively Periodontal Treatment
quantify the severity of the root caries index (Figure 26-30). Periodontal disease is an infective process usually associated
Previously, primary root lesions were classified by color, texture, with pathogens such as Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans or
hardness, cavitation, size, and severity. The ECM can be used to Prevotella intermedia. Gram-negative anaerobes have developed
determine the severity of primary carious lesions because it is a a selective ecologic niche that leads to the destruction of peri-
less invasive but equally accurate way to detect carious lesions odontal tissues. The use of pharmaceutical agents can dramati-
when compared with tactile methods. cally reduce the number of these pathogens and is of great
When infected dentin remains in a lesion, it is desirable to benefit in periodontal therapy. Many hygienists currently use
destroy the viability of the remaining bacteria. One management ozonated water instead of regular water in their ultrasonic
approach includes ozonation with water as part of the prepara- scalers. This ozonated water not only reduces the number of
tion phase. The ozone gas is delivered for about 60 seconds into pathogens, but assists with healing. For periodontal surgery,
the cavity before the restorative steps are begun. An alternative ozonated water also dramatically reduces the number of patho-
is to use a PAD system. Since dyes have less penetrating ability gens and promotes healing. In managing root caries, ozone has
than gases, photoacticated disinfection is more effective when been shown to reverse shallow noncavitated lesions when used
there is less infected dentin remaining. as part of the full preventive care regimen. This includes reduc-
This technique is appropriate for pit and fissure carious ing the frequency of consuming fermentable carbohydrates,
lesions. For all other carious lesions, the same principles apply increasing the use of fluoride-containing products, and improv-
regarding conservation of the pulpal floor of the cavity, but the ing oral hygiene. Ozone is not effective in managing deep root
periphery of the cavity should have all infected tissue removed caries. The outer carious lesion must be removed, leaving a
so that the adhesive can find purchase on solid tooth structure, maximum of 1mm of caries over the pulpal floor before ozone
whether enamel or dentin. Where no infected tissue remains, a is applied. Common sense must be used in determining how
very good seal can be achieved. For crowns and bridges, the same much infected tissue can be penetrated by the ozone, and dis-
principles apply to manage deeper caries more conservatively. infection or at least a dramatic reduction of the microorganisms
Ozone is one of the most powerful antimicrobial agents used in is needed before restoration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 597

Endodontic Treatment
With respect to ozone and endodontics, studies in which a suf-
ficient dose of ozone is used clearly show that it dramatically
reduces the numbers of microorganisms present in the canals.
When extremely low concentrations in very low volumes of
liquids or gases have been used, results have been mixed. Ozone
used in sufficient doses achieves an excellent result, however.
Ozonated water can be used as a routine final irrigant within
the ultrasonic device. The use of ultrasonics in the root canal
produces very effective acoustic streaming and ozonated water
that penetrates into many portions of the intraradicular anatomy,
well beyond what conventional filing methods can achieve.
The end stage is ideally placed with the root canal containing
ozonated water and ozone gas bubbled to further increase the FIGURE 26-31 Jazz Supreme polishing system. (Courtesy SS
concentration of ozone and reduce microorganisms inside the White Burs, Inc., Lakewood, New Jersey.)
root canal.
Ozone works best when there is less organic debris remain-
ing. The recommendation is to use either ozonated water or
ozone gas after cleaning and shaping. Conventional irrigants can were applied either in a single visit or two visits. Analysis after
be used during the early phase. Ozonated water is then used 6 months found that control root canals treated in a single visit
to irrigate using ultrasonics. Ozone gas can also be bubbled had a success rate of 46%. The success rates for CMCP and
into the ozonated water, and ozonated oil can be used as a ozonated oil were 74% and 77%, respectively. Ozonated oils
medicament. were also the most effective agent against bacterial species
Several studies have investigated the bactericidal effect of commonly associated with periradicular disease.
ozone compared with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) as irriga- The transcription factor NF-B is critical in the processes of
tion solutions in endodontic therapy. Sodium hypochlorite is inflammation, immune function, and apoptosis. It may also
not as biocompatible as aqueous ozone for human oral epithelial regulate periodontal and periapical inflammatory reactions and
cells, gingival fibroblast cells, or periodontal cells. the pathogenesis of periodontal disease and apical periodontitis.
Disinfected root canals were tested for antimicrobial presence Aqueous ozone exerts inhibitory effects on the NF-B system,
then sealed and incubated for a week before bacterial growth indicating possible anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating
was then retested. The absolute bacterial count was significantly abilities.
diminished after disinfection, with equal results for NaOCl,
a mixture of tetracycline an acid and a detergent (MTAD), and Surface Finishing and Polishing
HealOzone. Ozone was shown to have great potential for end- For finishing, the least invasive and the most rapid procedure is
odontic antimicrobial use. Conventional irrigation (including generally the best. The SS White Jazz Supreme polishing system
with NaOCl) should be used during cleaning and shaping. (Figure 26-31) is a one step, one instrument polishing system
Ozonated water, preferably accompanied by ozone gas, is recom- that provides a highly successful clinical approach. Most polish-
mended as the final irrigant with ultrasonication. ing systems offer a series of progressively smoother polishing
In vivo root canal contents and caries, unlike artificial bio- instruments, from coarse to medium to fine, but with the Jazz
films, contain many molecules, including iron, that can increase System a single instrument is used throughout the polishing
the antimicrobial effectiveness of ozone and can help produce process. The progressive abrasiveness depends on the pressure
hydroxyl radicals that can further potentiate the antimicrobial that the operator places on the instrument during the polishing
effectiveness of ozone. Ozone gas has toxic effects on both of the tooth surface. With greater pressure, the effect is more
human oral epithelial cells (BHY) and hepatocyte growth factor abrasive, actually removing or smoothing the surfaces. As less
(HGF-1) cells. Aqueous ozone demonstrates no cytotoxicity and pressure is applied, the burs action tends to buff and produce
is highly biocompatible compared with other antiseptics. Ozone a final luster. Within seconds an acceptable anatomy can be
gas performs well compared with the established endodontic molded, shaped, and polished to a high-gloss, high-luster surface
irrigants, which have equal or higher cytotoxic potentials. Ozone that will last for many years.
irrigation of the root surface of avulsed teeth has shown no
negative effect on periodontal ligament cell proliferation. The
ozone gas applied into the moist root canal, as delivered through EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
the HealOzone device, dissolves in canal fluids, producing
aqueous ozone, which comes into contact with tissues. Research has demonstrated that cariogenic bacteria can be killed
Ozonated oils were investigated histologically and histobac- by directly applied ozone in gas or liquid form and by visible
teriologically for their usefulness in infected root canals. These light after they are photo-sensitized. The ozone technique
were compared with calcium hydroxide in camphorated involves the flooding of a dental structure with ozonated air or
paramonochlorophenol (CMCP) as intracanal medications and water. As the ozone bathes the tooth structure, ozone ions
598 Technology and Esthetics Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Dental Procedures and Technology

penetrate it to various depths and disrupt the cell walls of any Baysan A, Lynch E: The use of ozone in dentistry and medicine. Part 2.
bacteria that are encountered, destroying them. The PADS tech- Ozone and root caries, Prim Dent Care 13:37-41, 2006.
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sensitizes them to the application of visible illumination, which Baysan A, Whiley R, Lynch E: Antimicrobial effects of a novel ozone
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destruction of the target microorganism. lesions in vitro, Caries Res 34:498-501, 2000.
Beighton D, Lynch E: Comparison of selected microflora of plaque and
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CONTROVERSIES Beighton D, Lynch E: Relationships between yeasts and primary root-caries
lesions, Gerodontology 10:105-108, 1993.
Cochrane standards have been applied to the assessment of Beighton D, Lynch E, Heath MR: A microbiological study of primary
root-caries lesions with different treatment needs, J Dent Res 72:623-629,
ozone only as an alternative rather than in addition to current 1993.
methods for managing and treating dental caries. Ozone should Bezirtzoglou E, Cretoiu SM, Moldoveanu M, et al: A quantitative approach
not be applied in isolation; it is designed to be used in conjunc- to the effectiveness of ozone against microbiota organisms colonizing
tion with current caries management methods. Because ozone toothbrushes, J Dent 36(8):600-605, 2008.
is much easier, cheaper, and faster than existing treatments, it Bezrukova IV, Petrukhina NB, Voinov PA: Experience in medical ozone use
for root canal treatment, Stomatologiia (Mosk) 84:20-22, 2005.
should be assessed on its overall effectiveness. Instead of being Bocci V: Oxygen-ozone therapy: a critical evaluation, The Netherlands, 2002,
compared with conventional drilling and filling approaches, it Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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Bocci VA: Scientific and medical aspects of ozone therapy. State of the art,
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Brailsford SR, Lynch E, Beighton D: The isolation of Actinomyces naeslundii
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An interesting area of future development is the use of adhesive Cardoso MG, de Oliveira LD, Koga-Ito CY, Jorge AO: Effectiveness of
resin technologies that can infiltrate infected dentin. If these can ozonated water on Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis, and endotoxins
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patients treated with bisphosphonates, J Craniofac Surg 18:1068-1070, 27:60-64, 1993.
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results, Am J Dent 20:203-208, 2007. of the oxidative consumption of salivary biomolecules by ozone: relevance
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Diode Lasers: The Soft Tissue Handpiece

Fay Goldstep, George Freedman

A lthough dental lasers have been commercially available

for several decades and their popularity among patients
is unparalleled, the dental profession has taken to this treatment
The patient is typically more comfortable during and after treat-
ment, and gingival healing is faster and more stable.4,5

modality rather slowly. Lasers have been thoroughly documented

in the dental literature. They are an exciting technology, widely DIODE LASER: EASE OF USE
used in medicine, kind to tissues, and excellent for healing. So
why have they not been more widely embraced by the practicing Early adopter dentists thrive on new technologies. They enjoy
dentist? There is a wide perception in the profession that the challenges that come with being the first to use a product.
somehow the dental laser is not useful, is too complicated, and Most dentists, however, are not early adopters. Over the past
is too expensive. These concerns have changed forever with the two decades, lasers have intimidated mainstream dentists with
arrival of the diode laser onto the dental scene. There is now a their large footprint, lack of portability, high maintenance
convergence of documented scientific evidence, ease of use, and profile, confusion of operating tips, and complex procedural
greater affordability that makes the diode laser a must have for settings. Common questions have included the following: When
every dental practice. do I use which tip? What setting works for which procedure?
Why do I need a laser when I have been managing well
without one?
Enter the diode laser. It is compact. It can easily be moved
DIODE LASERS: THE SCIENCE from one treatment room to another. It is self-contained and
IN BRIEF does not have to be hooked up to water or air lines. It has one
simple fiberoptic cable, which can function as a reusable operat-
The word laser is derived from the acronym for light amplifica- ing tip. The units come with several presets, although after a very
tion by stimulated emission of radiation. Lasers are commonly short time the operator becomes so comfortable that they are
named for the substance that is stimulated to produce the coher- rarely needed. The power and pulse settings are quickly adjusted
ent light beam. In the diode laser, this substance is a semicon- to suit the particular patient and procedure.
ductor (a class of materials that are the foundation for modern One of the authors is a dentist who does not thrive on the
electronic devices, including computers, telephones, and radios). challenge of brand new high-tech, high-stress technology, having
This innovative technology has produced a laser that is compact tried many lasers in the past that were said to be user friendly
and far lower in cost than earlier versions. Much of the research but were found to be anything but. The 810-nm diode laser
has focused on the 810-nm diode laser. Energy of this wave- provided a totally different experience; after a brief in-office
length is ideally suited for soft tissue procedures because it is demonstration, the laser handpiece felt comfortable enough for
highly absorbed by hemoglobin and melanin. This gives the the author to perform some simple clinical procedures. Further
diode laser the ability to precisely cut, coagulate, ablate, or online training and lecture courses enhanced both clinical
vaporize the target soft tissue.1 comfort level and competency.
Treatment with the 810-nm diode laser (Figure 26-32,
Picasso diode laser, AMD Lasers, Indianapolis, Indiana) has
been shown to have a significant long-term bactericidal effect DIODE LASER: AFFORDABILITY
in periodontal pockets. A. actinomycetemcomitans, an invasive
pathogen associated with the development of periodontal disease Laser technology has always come with a high price tag. Manu-
and generally quite difficult to eliminate, responds well to laser facturing costs are high, and cutting edge technology commands
treatment.2,3 Scaling and root planing outcomes are enhanced steep pricing. Diode lasers are less expensive to produce. Break-
when diode laser therapy is added to the dental armamentarium. through pricing for this technology has now reached under

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 601

The procedures discussed in the following sections are easy

entry points for the new laser user.

Gingivectomy, Hemostasis, and Gingival

Troughing for Impressions
The diode laser (Picasso) makes restorative dentistry a breeze.
Any gingival tissue that covers a tooth during preparation can
be easily removed, as hemostasis is simultaneously achieved
(Figure 26-33). The restoration is no longer compromised
because of poor gingival conditions. There is no more battling
with unruly soft tissue and blood. Excess gingival tissue can be
readily managed (Figure 26-34) for improved restorative access
for class V preparation (ezLase, Biolase Technology, Irvine,
Gingival troughing before an impression is taken (see Figures
26-33, E and 26-34, A [Picasso]) ensures an accurate impression
(particularly at the all-important margins) and an improved
restorative outcome. Packing cord is no longer necessary.
Diode lasers make restorative dentistry less stressful, more
predictable and more enjoyable for the dental team and the

Operculectomy, Excision and/or

Re-Contouring of Gingival Hyperplasia,
and Frenectomy
FIGURE 26-32 The Picasso diode laser. (Courtesy AMD Lasers, Operculectomy, excision and/or re-contouring of gingival hyper-
Indianapolis, Indiana.) plasia, and frenectomy are not commonly offered or performed
by the general dentist. These procedures are examples of the
expanded range of services readily added to the general practice.
The dentist becomes more proactive in dealing with hyperplastic
tissues that can increase risk of caries and periodontal disease
$5000. At this level the diode laser becomes eminently afford- (Figure 26-35).
able for the average practicing dentist. A frenectomy is now a simple and straightforward procedure
(Figure 26-36 [ezLase]).


The 810-nm diode laser is specifically a soft tissue laser. This
wavelength is ideally suited for soft tissue procedures because The use of the diode laser in conjunction with routine scaling
hemoglobin and melanin, both prevalent in dental soft tissues, and root planing is more effective than scaling and root planing
are excellent absorbers. This provides the diode laser with broad alone. It enhances the speed and extent of the patients gingival
clinical utility: it cuts precisely, coagulates, ablates, or vaporizes healing and postoperative comfort.4,5 This is accomplished
the target tissue with less trauma, improved postoperative through laser bacterial reduction (Picasso), dbridement, and
healing, and faster recovery times.6-8 Given the incredible ease biostimulation (Figure 26-37).
of use and its versatility in treating soft tissue, the diode laser A. actinomycetemcomitans, which has been implicated in
becomes the soft tissue handpiece in the dentists armamen- aggressive periodontitis, may also be implicated in systemic
tarium. The dentist can use the diode laser soft tissue handpiece disease. It has been found in atherosclerotic plaque,9 and recent
to remove, refine, and adjust soft tissues in the same way that data have suggested that it may be related to coronary heart
the traditional dental handpiece is used on enamel and dentin. disease.10 The diode laser is effective in decreasing A. actinomy-
This extends the scope of practice of the general dentist to cetemcomitans2,4 and thereby indirectly improving patients heart
include many soft tissue procedures. health.
602 Technology and Esthetics Diode Lasers: The Soft Tissue Handpiece



FIGURE 26-33 Hemostasis is simultaneously

achieved with the laser when gingival tissue covering
E a tooth (A) is removed during preparation (B to D).
E, One week post-op. (Courtesy Dr Phil Hudson.)


FIGURE 26-34 Excess gingival tissue can be readily managed with the laser (A) for improved restorative access to class V prepara-
tions (B). (Courtesy Biolase Technology, Irvine, California.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 603

FIGURE 26-36 Lasers make frenectomies simple and straight-

forward. (Courtesy Biolase Technology, Irvine, California.)

FIGURE 26-35 Hyperplastic tissues (A) that can increase risk

of caries and periodontal disease are easily removed with the
laser (B and C). (Courtesy Dr. Glen van As, Vancouver, BC, Canada.)

FIGURE 26-37 When used in conjunction with routine

scaling and root planing, a laser enhances the speed and extent
of the patients gingival health and postoperative comfort
LASER EDUCATION through improved bacterial reduction, dbridement, and bio-
stimulation. (Courtesy Dr William Chen.)
Most diode laser manufacturers provide some education to get
the new user started quickly and effectively. The most compre-
hensive online diode laser introductory course with certification therapy. Advanced courses are available for more complex
(including the science and safety and clinical procedures) can procedures.
be found at the International Center for Laser Education, The soft tissue diode laser has become a must-have main- (877-522-6863). This course provides stream technology for every general practice. The science, ease
everything necessary to get started with soft tissue diode laser of use, and affordability make it simple to incorporate. The laser
604 Technology and Esthetics Diode Lasers: The Soft Tissue Handpiece

is now the essential soft tissue handpiece for the practice. In This was the science in 2002. More recent studies have shown
fact, a case can be made for having a diode laser in each restor- that instrumentation of the soft periodontal tissues with a diode
ative and each hygiene treatment room. Restorative dentistry laser leads to complete epithelial removal, whereas instrumenta-
becomes easier, more predictable, and less stressful. Laser therapy tion with conventional curettes leaves significant epithelial
expands the clinical scope of practice to include new soft tissue remnants.13
procedures that keep patients in the office. Patients gingival
health is improved in a minimally invasive, gentler manner.
Every time the dentist picks up the diode laser the question is, AN EFFECTIVE INSTRUMENT
Where have you been all my life?
Bactericidal Effects
Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by
DIODE LASERS FOR PERIODONTAL a bacterial infection. Hence the bactericidal and detoxifying
TREATMENT: THE STORY SO FAR effects of laser treatment are advantageous in periodontal
therapy.14 The diode lasers bactericidal effectiveness has been
The concept of using dental lasers for the treatment of periodon- well documented.3,15-17
tal disease elicits very strong reactions from all sides of the Moreover, there is a significant suppression of A. actinomy-
spectrum. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone is certain that his cetemcomitans, an invasive bacterium that is associated with
or her own opinion is correct. But the only certainties are confu- aggressive forms of periodontal disease that are not readily treated
sion and the lack of clear direction in the concept of laser- with conventional SRP. A. actinomycetemcomitans not only is
assisted periodontal therapy (LAPT). present on the diseased root surface, but it also invades the adja-
Much of this uncertainty stems from not comparing apples cent soft tissues, making it difficult to remove by mechanical
to apples in terms of the type of lasers used and the way that periodontal instrumentation alone.16,18,19 This necessitates the
studies are designed. Certain lasers are used specifically for soft use of adjunctive antibiotic therapy.19 The diode laser provides a
tissue treatment. These include the carbon-dioxide (CO2), neo- non-antibiotic solution. A. actinomycetemcomitans has also been
dymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG), and diode found in atherosclerotic plaques,9 and there has been evidence to
lasers. Others can be used for both soft and hard tissue applica- suggest that subgingival A. actinomycetemcomitans may be related
tions. These are the erbium:YAG (Er:YAG) and erbium, chro- to coronary heart disease.10 This makes it even more compelling
mium-doped yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet (Er, to seek methods to control this aggressive pathogen.
Cr:YSGG) lasers. They must be compared within their own
Many of these lasers have been shown to provide periodontal
Wound Healing
treatment benefits. In order to achieve an element of clarity and Diode lasers are very effective for soft tissue applications includ-
simplicity on this very complex topic, the following discussion ing incision, hemostasis, and coagulation.20 Many advantages of
exclusively addresses the use of the diode laser for periodontal the laser versus the scalpel blade have been discussed in the lit-
treatment. erature. These include a bloodless operating field, minimal swell-
ing and scarring, and much less or no postsurgical pain.21,22
When laser surgical procedures are carried out, the surface pro-
A SPECIFIC INSTRUMENT duced heals favorably as an open wound, without the need for
sutures or surgical dressings.14 Studies have shown enhanced,
The diode laser has become an important tool in the dental faster, and more comfortable wound healing when the diode
armamentarium owing to its exceptional ease of use and afford- laser is used in conjunction with SRP.16
ability. It also has key advantages with regard to periodontal
treatment. The diode laser is well absorbed by melanin, hemo-
globin, and other chromophores that are present in periodontal
An Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planing
disease.11 Hence the diode specifically targets unhealthy gingival There is very compelling evidence in the dental literature that
tissues. The laser energy is transmitted through a thin fiber that the addition of diode laser treatment to scaling and root planing
can easily penetrate into deep periodontal pockets to deliver its (SRP) (the gold standard in nonsurgical periodontal treatment)
therapeutic effects. will produce significantly improved results. After SRP, the diode
The 2002 American Academy of Periodontology statement laser is used on the soft tissue side of the periodontal pocket to
regarding gingival curettage12 proposes that gingival curettage, remove the inflamed soft tissue and reduce the pathogens.23
by whatever method performed, should be considered as a pro- Research has demonstrated better removal of the pocket epithe-
cedure that has no additional benefit to SRP alone in the treat- lium compared with conventional techniques.13 Many studies
ment of chronic periodontitis. Also stated is that all the methods have shown increased reduction of bacteria (especially specific
devised for curettage have the same goal, which is the complete periopathogens) when diode lasers are used after SRP.2,3,5 Signifi-
removal of the epithelium and none of these alternative cant improvement in decontamination and effective treatment
methods has a clinical or microbial advantage over the mechani- of peri-implantitis also occur with the addition of diode laser
cal instrumentation with a curette. therapy.24
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 605

Gingival health parameters are significantly improved with and systemic side effects engendered by antibiotic use.15 The
the addition of the diode laser to SRP. Studies have shown laser is a safer, more effective treatment.
decreased gingival bleeding2,25 decreased inflammation and
pocket depth,2,23 as well as decreased tooth mobility and
decreased clinical attachment loss.23 This improvement in gingi- THE PROTOCOL SO FAR
val health remains more stable than with conventional SRP
treatment alone and tends to last longer.4 Moreover, patient The research cited earlier has demonstrated that the use of the
comfort is significantly enhanced during the postoperative diode laser after conventional SRP is superior to the use of SRP
healing phase with the addition of diode laser therapy.16 alone. Various protocols have been developed by clinicians to
The research thus shows diode laser periodontal treatment to incorporate this treatment into the busy dental practice.
be an effective procedure. It is also a minimally invasive proce- These protocols may be performed by the dentist and/or the
dure. Patients are demanding less surgery, and the diode laser hygienist as determined by the regulating organization in the
provides the general dentist with an excellent means of keeping geographic location of the dental practice.
periodontal treatment in the general practice. Individual parameters vary depending on the clinician and
the particular diode laser that is being used. However, most
protocols do follow a simple formula. The hard side of the pocket
A SAFE INSTRUMENT (tooth and root surface) is first dbrided with ultrasonic scalers
and hand instrumentation (Figure 26-38, A). This is followed
Histological testing of roots where the diode laser was used after by laser bacterial reduction and coagulation of the soft tissue
SRP has demonstrated no detectable surface alteration to root (epithelial) side of the pocket (Figure 26-38, B and C).11
or cementum. There were no signs of thermal side effects in any The laser fiber is measured to a distance of 1mm short of
of the teeth treated.26 Many studies have specifically indicated the pocket depth. The fiber is used in light contact with a sweep-
no adverse tissue events, demonstrating the safety of the diode ing action that covers the entire epithelial lining, from the base
laser.2,3,17,27 of the pocket upward.1 The fiber tip is cleaned often with damp
The diode lasers very effective bactericidal action on peri- gauze to prevent the buildup of debris.
odontal pathogens makes the adjunctive use of antibiotics Re-probing of treated sites should not be attempted for 3
unnecessary.19 This eliminates the problem of bacterial resistance months postoperatively (Figure 26-38, D), because healing starts



FIGURE 26-38 A, Hard side of the pocket dbrided. B and C, Laser bacterial reduction and coagulation of the epithelial side
of the pocket. D, Re-probing of the treated site 3 months post-treatment.
606 Technology and Esthetics Diode Lasers: The Soft Tissue Handpiece

at the base of the pocket and the new tissue remains fragile for Second, the laser may not be of any help in very advanced
this period of time.11 cases of periodontal disease. These cases may require a surgical
The power settings and time parameters are determined by approach.
the particular laser used. The diode laser clinician must undergo Third, when discussing the benefits of LAPT, one must
training on the specific laser in the practice to be fully able to specify the particular type of laser used. Several categories of
implement with LAPT. With experience, the user will feel com- lasers have shown positive results. For the sake of clarity and
fortable enough to adapt the protocol to his or her particular simplicity, the following discussion deals exclusively with the
practice. diode laser, because its ease of use and affordability have made
In the future, protocols will be modified and fine-tuned by it the predominant laser in dentistry.
various laser user groups after discussion of their experiences and
results. These results will be incorporated into new procedures
that will bring LAPT to a newer, more effective level.
Two types of diode lasers have been studied for their effects in
The time has come to embrace the routine use of lasers for the LAPT: the diode laser (which emits high levels of light energy),
treatment of periodontal disease. The diode laser has been shown and the low-level diode laser (which emits low-intensity light
to be effective and safe for this purpose. If not now, when? energy).
Patients need treatment. LAPT is non-invasive. With the diode There is very compelling evidence in the dental literature that
laser there is a reduced need for systemic or locally applied the addition of diode laser treatment to SRP will produce sig-
antimicrobials. This leads to fewer allergic reactions and antibi- nificantly improved and longer lasting results.28 SRP is the gold
otic resistance. standard in nonsurgical periodontal treatment.
There is significant proof that the addition of LAPT to con- Low-level lasers for biostimulation have been used in medi-
ventional SRP improves outcomes. This is particularly compel- cine since the 1980s. The therapeutic technique is non-cutting
ling when considering the periodontal healthsystemic health and of low intensity and covers a much wider area than the
link. It is time to embrace laser technology and apply the treat- traditional laser. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is treatment in
ment that is in the best interests of patients. which the light energy emitted by the laser elicits beneficial cel-
lular and biological responses. On a cellular level, metabolism is
increased, stimulating the production of adenosine triphosphate
DIODE LASERS FOR (ATP), the fuel that powers the cell. This increase in energy is
available to normalize cell function and promote tissue
THE STORY CONTINUES The functions of the diode and low-level diode laser have
remained separate until recently. With the introduction of the
Lasers have been a part of the dental scene for over 25 years. biostimulation delivery tip, the diode laser is able to provide
Unfortunately, they have tended to be big, clunky, hard-to-use, both cutting and therapeutic effects. When the low-level tip is
expensive machines that were largely ignored. Affordable, effec- used, the laser energy is delivered over a wider area, decreasing
tive, user-friendly diode lasers have only recently arrived on the the energy level and producing the low-level therapeutic effect.
scene. In fact, the diode laser, in a very short time, has proven Two laser companies have made these auxiliary tips available
itself to be the ideal soft tissue handpiece. (Figure 26-39).
The diode laser functions as the essential handpiece for all Used together, these two laser treatment modalities provide
soft tissue procedures, just as the dental handpiece is essential benefits that help to heal the chronic inflammatory response
for all hard tissue procedures. The advantages of the diode laser in the periodontal pocket. This works well in treating mild
for soft tissue applications include surgical precision, bloodless to moderate periodontitis. Patients can be treated in a mini-
surgery, sterilization of the surgical site, minimal swelling and mally invasive way, without surgery, in the general practice.
scarring, minimal suturing, and virtually no pain during and There is time to try the surgical approach, if needed, at a
after surgery. later date.
What about using the diode laser for the treatment of peri-
odontal disease (LAPT)? An early version of the diode laser was
used effectively in the treatment of periodontal pockets in 1998.2
The Periodontal Pocket
So why is there so much confusion and controversy regarding Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by
the use of lasers in the treatment of periodontal disease today? bacterial infection. The inflammation is the bodys response to
There is need for clarification and simplicity. destroy, dilute, or wall off the injurious agent.31 Unfortunately,
First, as the name laser-assisted periodontal therapy implies, if the situation remains chronic, this protective mechanism of
the laser is only part of the treatment equation. Laser use should the body to defend itself against injury becomes destructive to
not be viewed as a stand-alone treatment for periodontal disease. the tissues.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 607


FIGURE 26-39 A, Picasso high-energy tip (left and middle) and biostimulation tip (right). B, Picasso biostimulation tip.
C, ezlase biostimulation tip. (B courtesy AMD Lasers, Indianapolis, Indiana. C courtesy Biolase Technology, Irvine, California.)

The following is a sequence to show how this can be easily

accomplished in a minimally invasive, nonsurgical way:
1. Calculus is removed with SRP. This procedure has been
well documented throughout the dental literature as
the gold standard of care for nonsurgical periodontal
The diode laser and the low-level diode laser are ideal
for the remaining steps:
2. Because a bacterial infection is the initiator of the chronic
inflammatory response of periodontitis, the bactericidal
and detoxifying effect of laser treatment is advantageous.14
The diode lasers bactericidal efficacy, particularly against
specific periopathogens, has been well documented.3,16-18
Moreover, there is a significant suppression of A. actino-
mycetemcomitans, an invasive bacterium that is not easily
FIGURE 26-40 The periodontal pocket containing calculus, treated with conventional SRP. A. actinomycetemcomitans
bacteria, and granulation tissue. not only is present on the diseased root surface but also
invades the adjacent soft tissue, making it virtually impos-
The periodontal pocket in periodontal disease contains sible to remove with mechanical means alone.17,19,20 The
several substances that contribute to the continuation of the diode laser energy is able to penetrate into the soft tissue
unhealthy condition (Figure 26-40): to eliminate this pathogen.
Calculus and plaque on the tooth surface 3. The diode laser is a specific instrument well suited to
Pathogenic bacteria dealing with diseased soft tissue. The diode laser energy
An ulcerated, epithelial lining with granulation tissue and is well absorbed by melanin, hemoglobin, and other chro-
bacterial byproducts mophores that are present in periodontal disease.11
The 2002 American Academy of Periodontology state-
What is needed for healing of the pocket? ment regarding gingival curettage12 proposes that gingi-
SRP: Elimination of calculus, plaque, and other debris on val curettage, by whatever method performed, should be
the tooth to create a totally clean surface considered as a procedure that has no additional benefit
Decontamination: Elimination of all pathogenic bacteria to SRP alone in the treatment of chronic periodontitis.
dispersed throughout the pocket However, the diode specifically targets unhealthy gingival
Curettage: Elimination of granulation tissue, bacterial tissues, performing an effective curettage that produces a
products, and ulcerated areas to create a clean, even epi- clean, even epithelial lining without tissue tags.
thelial lining without tissue tags (epithelial remnants) Also stated is that all the methods devised for curettage
Biostimulation: To kick-start the healing process (including lasers) have the same goal, which is the
608 Technology and Esthetics Diode Lasers: The Soft Tissue Handpiece



FIGURE 26-41 A, Scaling and root planing are performed first. B, The diode laser tip is placed into the pocket. C, Laser energy
is applied into the pocket to decontaminate and coagulate the soft tissue. D, The biostimulation tip is applied at right angles to
the external surface of the pocket E, Pocket depth is measured pre-treatment and 3 months post-treatment.

complete removal of the epithelium and none of these Secondary effects include increased lymphatic flow,
alternative methods has a clinical or microbial advantage production of endorphins, increased microcirculation,
over the mechanical instrumentation with a curette. increased collagen formation, and stimulation of fibro-
This was the science in 2002. Currently, this American blasts, osteoblasts, and odontoblasts. This stimulates the
Academy of Periodontology statement has not been immune response, pain relief, and wound healing.30
updated. Studies have shown that instrumentation of the Studies have shown that LLLT performed in conjunc-
soft tissues in the diseased periodontal pocket with the tion with SRP in patients with both mild periodontitis33
diode laser leads to complete epithelial removal, whereas and chronic advanced periodontitis34 can significantly
conventional instrumentation with curettes leaves signifi- improve treatment outcomes and the long-term stability
cant epithelial remnants.13 Thus, in fact, the diode laser of periodontal health parameters.
does have a clinical advantage over mechanical instrumen-
tation with a curette. These four steps create the ideal environment in the peri-
4. This step requires the low-level laser tip. Studies have odontal pocket for healing to take place.
shown that low-level laser light affects damaged but not Use of lasers is an adjunct to SRP, not a stand-alone proce-
healthy tissue. Laser biostimulation normalizes cell func- dure. On the other hand, SRP is not a stand-alone procedure.
tion and promotes healing and repair.32 All the pieces of the puzzle are needed to create health.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 609


Now that it is clear what is needed, how can it be achieved? 1. Pirnat S: Versatility of an 810 nm diode laser in dentistry: an overview,
The protocol must incorporate the four steps discussed earlier J Laser Health Acad 4:1-8, 2007.
2. Moritz A, Schoop U, Goharkhay K, et al: Treatment of periodontal
to create the ideal environment for periodontal healing to occur: pockets with a diode laser, Lasers Surg Med 22:302-311, 1998.
a clean, calculus-free hard tissue surface; no pathogenic bacteria; 3. Moritz A, Schoop U, Goharkhay K, et al: Bacterial reduction in
a smooth, clean soft tissue surface; and biostimulation. periodontal pockets through irradiation with a diode laser: a pilot study,
Biostimulation tips are at present available for only two diode J Clin Laser Med Surg 15:33-37, 1997.
lasers: the Picasso (AMD) and the ezlase (Biolase). 4. Ciancio SG, Kazimerczak M, Zambon JJ, et al: Clinical effects of diode
laser treatment of wound healing, AADR 2006, abs 2183.
Individual parameters vary depending on the clinician and 5. Haraszthy VI, Zambon MM, Ciancio SG, Zambon JJ: Microbiological
the particular diode laser used. However, most protocols follow effects of 810 nm diode laser treatment of periodontal pockets, AADR
a simple formula: 2006, abs 1163.
1. The hard tissue side of the pocket is first dbrided 6. Goharkhay K, Mortiz A, Wilder-Smith P, et al: Effects on oral soft tissue
with ultrasonic scalers and hand instruments (Figure produced by a diode laser in vitro, Lasers Surg Med 25(5):401-406, 1999.
7. Walinski CJ: Irritation fibroma removal: a comparison of two laser
26-41, A). wavelengths, Gen Dent 52(3):236-238, 2004.
2. This is followed by laser bacterial reduction and coagula- 8. Adams TC, Pang PK: Lasers in aesthetic dentistry, Dent Clin North Am
tion of the soft tissue side of the pocket11 (Figure 26-41, 48(4):833-860, vi, 2004.
C and D). The laser fiber is measured to a distance of 9. Haraszthy VI, Zambon JJ, Trevisan M, et al: Identification of periodontal
1mm short of the depth of the pocket. The fiber is used pathogens in atheromatous plaques, J Periodontol 71:1554-1560, 2000.
10. Spahr A, Klein E, Khuseyinova N, et al: Periodontal infections and
in light contact with a sweeping motion that covers the coronary heart disease: role of periodontal bacteria and importance of
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pocket and moving upward.1 The fiber tip is cleaned (CORODONT) study, Arch Intern Med 166:554-559, 2006.
frequently with damp gauze to prevent debris buildup. 11. Raffetto N: Lasers for initial periodontal therapy, Dental Clin North Am
3. The low-level laser tip is applied at right angles and with 48:923-936, 2004.
12. American Academy of Periodontology: The American Academy of
direct contact to the external surface of the pocket (Figure Periodontology Statement Regarding Gingival Curettage, J Periodontal
26-41, D) for biostimulation. 73:1229-1230, 2002.
4. Re-probing of the treated sites should be performed no 13. Romanos GE, Henze M, Banihashemi S, et al: Removal of epithelium in
earlier than 3 months after treatment to allow for ade- periodontal pockets following diode (980nm) laser application in the
quate healing (Figure 26-41, E). The tissue remains fragile animal model: an in vitro study, Photomed Laser Surg 22(3):177-183,
for this period of time. 14. Akoi A, Mizutani K, Takasaki AA, et al: Current status of clinical
laser applications in periodontal therapy, Gen Dent 56(7):674-687,
The power settings and duration are determined by the par- 2008.
ticular laser used. The manufacturers should be consulted for the 15. Harris DM, Yessik M: Therapeutic ratio quantifies laser antisepsis:
proper parameters to achieve the best results. With experience, ablation of Porphyromonas gingivalis with dental lasers, Lasers Surg Med
35:206-213, 2004.
the user will feel comfortable enough to adapt the protocol to 16. Ciancio S: Wound healing of periodontal pockets using the diode laser:
his or her particular practice. an interview, Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 18(Suppl):14-17, 2006.
This protocol may be performed by the dentist and/or 17. Fontana CR, Kurachi C, Mendona CR, Bagnato VS: Micorobial
hygienist as determined by the regulating organization in the reduction in periodontal pockets under exposition of a medium power
geographic location of the dental practice. diode laser: an experimental study in rats, Lasers Surg Med 35(4):263-
268, 2004.
18. Andreanna S: The use of diode lasers in periodontal therapy: literature
review and suggested technique, Dent Today 24(11):130, 132-135, 2005
19. Ciancio SG: Effect of a diode laser on Actinobacillus
PERIODONTAL TREATMENT: actinomycetemcomitans, Biol Ther Dent 22(3):1-2, 2006.
THE STORY IS CLEAR 20. Romanos GE, Nentwig GH: Diode laser (980nm) in oral and
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applications, J Clin Laser Med Surg 17(5):193-197, 1999.
Many patients have periodontal disease, but they want to be 21. Pick RM, Colvard MD: Current status of lasers in soft tissue dental
treated in a minimally invasive way. They are not rushing out to surgery, J Periodontol 64:589-602, 1993.
the periodontist to have gum surgery. Their disease must be 22. Gold SI, Vilardi MA: Pulsed laser beam effects on gingiva, J Clin
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treated before it spirals out of control, especially given the link 23. Kreisler M, Al Haj H, dHoedt B: Clinical efficacy of semiconductor
between periodontal health and systemic health. laser application as an adjunct to conventional scaling and root planning,
There is significant proof that the addition of LAPT to SRP Lasers Surg Med 37:350-355, 2005.
improves outcomes in mild to moderate periodontitis. The treat- 24. Bach G, Neckel C, Mall C, Krekeler G: Conventional versus laser
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The tools and protocols are now available to treat periodontal 25. Borrajo JL, Varela LG, Castro GL, et al: Diode laser (980nm) as
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610 Technology and Esthetics Diode Lasers: The Soft Tissue Handpiece
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Photomed Laser Surg 24(6):705-714, 2006.

Soft and Hard Tissue Lasers

Scott D. Benjamin

Michigan. In 1988 it was used for desensitization and in mini-

RELEVANCE OF LASERS TO mally invasive soft tissue procedures.
ESTHETIC DENTISTRY The diode laser came into use in dentistry in 1996. The diode
laser brought the cost of lasers down significantly from the
In esthetic dentistry, lasers allow complete control of the interac- Nd:YAG. In 1997 the erbium:YAG (Er:YAG) laser received
tions with hard and soft tissues. This enables minimally invasive marketing clearance from the FDA for the preparation of teeth
procedures to be done with extreme precision, facilitating care and later for osseous recontouring.
that is not only of high quality but of minimal discomfort and When lasers were first introduced into healthcare, the uses
conservative of tooth structure. Postoperative complications are were left fairly generically wide open. For the first surgical lasers
minimized and appropriate tissue management accomplished. the indications were for incisions made by a general surgeon.
Soft tissue management in esthetic dentistry is extremely impor- As a result, hospitals required a general surgeon to accompany
tant, enhancing care, managing tissues appropriately, maintain- the cardiac surgeon when doing laser cardiac surgery.
ing control of esthetic outcomes as well as retraction, and
managing hemostasis. Hard tissue procedures performed using
the laser to prepare or properly condition the dentin and enamel
for composite restorative materials exhibit greatly increased Usesbasically laser tissue interaction with biologic tissuefall
bond strength compared with those done with traditional rotary into two major categories: ablating (vaporizing) or stimulating
instruments, and this is a primary goal. With lasers, dentists can the tissue. When tissue is stimulated with photonic energy, the
control the amount of power used, the temporal emission mode, process is often referred to as photobiomodulation. Tissue abla-
and the total interaction time while causing minimal conse- tion is accomplished by using the technique of incising, or
quences to the surrounding tissue. excising, or vaporizing the targeted tissue. All laser procedures
are accomplished by using one or more commonly a combina-
tion of these techniques to obtain the desired treatment objec-
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL tive. This allows for an extremely wide variety of procedures to
be performed using a laser treatment modality. One of the most
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION relevant and valuable aspects of laser usage is its antibacterial
OF DENTAL LASERS applications, including periodontal pocket dbridement laser
therapy (PDLT) to assist in the decontamination and mainte-
The concept of laser interaction with tissue was first postulated nance of a healthy periodontal sulcus and attachment apparatus.
by Niels Bohr in the early 1900s and employed spontaneous Additional applications vary depending on the clinicians focus
emission. Between 1916 and 1920, Albert Einstein postulated and procedural expertise. An incisional biopsy is a form of exci-
stimulated emission. From there, the concept has been moving sion, and the destruction of a lesion is considered an ablative or
forward, with Theodore Maiman inventing the ruby laser in vaporizing technique. Photobiomodulation includes procedures
1960 using a ruby rod and photographic flash lamp. with low-level laser energy, which actually stimulate the cells
In 1964 a laser was first used in a laboratory setting on to facilitate an enhanced healing or reparative response.
enamel and dentin. Leon Goldman actually used the laser Laser-induced auto-fluorescence technology is used in caries
clinically for enamel and dentin in 1966. In the early 1980s, detection; the photonic energy actually induces a fluorescence
the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, which is used for soft tissue response from the bacterial endotoxin (porphyrin), which emits
surgery, was developed. The neodymium-doped yttrium- a different wavelength than the light energy it absorbed (was
aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser first received U.S. Food and stimulated with) (Figure 26-42). Light energy absorbed into
Drug Administration (FDA) marketing clearance for use in den- soft tissue can also produce an auto-fluorescence response from
tistry in 1987, facilitated by Terry Myers, a dentist from the tissue, which assists in discerning tissue composition and

612 Technology and Esthetics Soft and Hard Tissue Lasers

FIGURE 26-42 The orange area in the occlusal surface indi- FIGURE 26-44 A 980-nm diode laser being used for bacterial
cates the presence of porphyrin in caries. This fluorescence decontamination and dbridement of a periodontal pocket.
response is emitted from the endotoxin porphyrin when it is
excited with light energy.

FIGURE 26-43 Soft tissue fluorescence image of normal FIGURE 26-45 A 980-nm diode laser being used to create a
tissue in the tonsillar region. Note the variances in the tissue trough for a digital impression using water cooling to maintain
response depending on the composition of the tissue. the healthy gingival contours.

abnormalities (Figure 26-43). Depending on the device and the appropriate and desired tissue contours and architecture, or
evaluation objective, the emitted fluorescence response may be to create the desired environment and/or space to allow an
detectable by either the human eye or various types of sensors. impression to be obtained. As technologies are advancing, the
The use of light energy in dentistry is exploding at an exponen- digital (sometimes referred as virtual) impression is becoming
tial rate. Applications for using lasers extend to almost anything routine, and the lack of an impression material to displace tissue
that can be imagined. necessitates precise soft tissue management. The precision of the
soft tissue laser makes it an indispensible instrument to manage
these situations (Figure 26-45), whether the clinician is using
one of the new technologies or the more traditional techniques
RELATING DENTAL LASERS TO with materials such as the polyvinyls or polyethers.
FUNCTION IN ESTHETICS The soft tissue laser approach gives the clinician simple
and efficient techniques with predictable results to manage
Soft tissue lasers today are increasingly being used to maintain the impression processwhat you see is what you get
and manage the periodontal tissues (Figure 26-44), whether the (WYSIWYG). With use of dental lasers, unlike electrosurgery
goal is to promote health through bacterial control, to establish or radiosurgery, and with proper laser techniques, minimal to
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 613

predictable result, maintaining an appropriate gingival contour

that is desired both by the clinician and by the patient.
Tissue maintenance procedures are arguably some of the
most valuable uses of soft tissue laser. Being able to establish the
desired tissue contours and emergence profile of the anatomic
crown is essential for esthetic outcomes. Being able to discover
precancerous or potentially malignant lesions with the aid of
light-based florescence technology at its earliest stages, and
guiding tissue sampling (biopsies) and conservative treatment
with a laser holds great esthetic promise for patients. Disfigure-
ment is minimized and restorative or replacement procedures
A Hard tissue applications for dental lasers facilitate conserva-
tive preparations. Hard tissue lasers such as the 2940-nm Er:YAG
laser can minimize the amount of tooth structure that is removed,
enhance the retention of the replacement materials, and yield
a very favorable outcome (Figure 26-47). The erbium class
of lasers really shines in controlling hard tissue interactions.
Bone recontouring is achieved to create appropriate and healthy
architecture for the dentition and support the restorative
procedure. Practitioners with an erbium-class laser and the
appropriate visualization and access are able to perform a closed
osseous recontouring procedure without reflecting a soft tissue
flap to achieve access. This minimizes the discomfort to the
patient and enhances reattachment of the soft tissue to the
B Lasers used in periodontal therapy can perform procedures
that have been shown in some situations to create environments
FIGURE 26-46 A, Note the liberal amount of water being that may facilitate the redeposition of bone and stabilize tissue
used for convection cooling of the remaining tissue. This is
previously thought to be questionable in prognosis or even hope-
accomplished by using a high fluence technique with the
980-nm diode laser. B, Controlling the temperature of the less. This allows dentists to maintain the dentition for a much
tissue is accomplished by flowing water across the surgical site. longer and hopefully indefinite period of time. This approach
This type of convection cooling and tissue management also becomes extremely valuable for establishing conservative treat-
assists in minimizing patient discomfort, enabling the proce- ments and case results, especially with the aging population of
dure to be performed with the use of just topical anesthetic. today. More and more geriatric patients have a complete or
nearly complete complement of teeth and would like to main-
tain their natural dentition throughout their entire life. The laser
approach gives the clinician and the patient very conservative
no recession accompanies tissue removal. Radiosurgery and treatment alternatives with reasonably predictable results.
electrosurgery have a long history of causing collateral damage
to soft tissues extending 2 or 3mm or more beyond what
is ideally removed. Lasers today, especially with the use of CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
the high-fluence techniques, can significantly minimize if not
eliminate, the amount of collateral destruction in these situa- The dental laser, because of the fine control over tissue interac-
tions. A 980-nm class laser with high power can be used with tions, enables dentists to do many procedures with a minimal
convection water cooling to facilitate the ability to ablate tissue amount of anesthetic. Often soft tissue procedures are done with
by keeping it hydrated because the primary chromophore is nothing more than a topical anesthetic such as compounds of
water. The convection water cooling of the tissue surrounding 14% to 20% benzocaine in the liquid and gel forms. This allows
the excised or troughed tissue keeps the collateral spread of clinicians to minimize the amount of injectables needed for
heat and its related thermal necrosis to an absolute minimum patients and assists in alleviating a major source of worry for
or eliminates it (Figure 26-46). patients, the fear of the needle. With the selection of the
The ability to manage tissue with a soft tissue laser has far proper laser and controlling its energy, healing is improved and
exceeded anything done in the past and helps expedite treat- there is a minimal amount of postoperative inflammatory dis-
ment. The same philosophy is also applied doing a simple class comfort. With lasers, dentists also have control over hemostasis.
V procedure that extends subgingivally or placing a veneer or Soft tissue lasers in particular help patients who may have
crown in an anterior region that is below the gingival crest; it is compromised health issues. It may be no longer necessary to
possible to completely control the tissue and achieve a highly take patients off their anticoagulants to attain pre-treatment
614 Technology and Esthetics Soft and Hard Tissue Lasers



FIGURE 26-47 A, Pre-treatment image of dentition with cervical breakdown, to be restored with the assistance of an erbium:YAG
(Er:YAG) laser, without the use of a local anesthetic. B, The end firing functionality of the Er:YAG laser enables the clinician to
retract the gingival tissue to access subgingival breakdown with the laser tip without causing any soft tissue damage during the
preparation. C, The most efficient removal of enamel and tooth structure is accomplished, aiming the laser energy parallel to the
enamel rods and dentinal tubules (at a right angle to the tooth surface). D, Note the surface texture of the partially prepared
tooth structure; this roughened surface texture has been shown to greatly enhance the bonding strengths using conventional
bonding techniques. E, Immediate post-treatment appearance of the restored teeth that were prepared with an Er:YAG laser
without the use of any anesthetic.

objectives (Figure 26-48). More and more patients today are lasers versus other techniques. The true measure of efficiency
taking multiple medications, so in minimizing the amount requires considering the time from the start of the procedure
of anesthetic, postoperative complications, and patient discom- until the time the procedure has ended, including pre-operative
fort, the degree of interference with systemic health is also measures and postoperative complication management. The
minimized, and esthetic case acceptance is possible and laser function is a bit slower because of the fine control it allows.
desirable. This is a benefit because such control means dentists do not have
One disadvantage attributed erroneously to lasers is their to (1) wait until an anesthetic takes effect or (2) wait for the
lack of speed. This compares the active treatment phase only of anesthetic to wear off afterward. Procedures can be started as
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 615

focusing on everything from facilitating hydrogen peroxide

release of the cells, to mitochondrial stimulation for improving
outcomes and reducing healing times.
The hard laser category is often broken down into hard tissue
lasers and soft tissue lasers. Hard tissue lasers interact specifically
with bone, osseous structures, and dentition. Because of the
relatively low amount of water in these structures, an extremely
high absorption in water is needed. The hard tissue erbium-class
lasers presently used in dentistry use wavelengths of light energy
of 2780nm for erbium, chromium:yttrium-gallium-garnet
(Er,Cr:YSGG) lasers and the Er:YAG lasers, which have a light
output of 2940nm. These wavelengths have a very high amount
of absorption of light energy into water, causing its vaporization
and facilitating the ablation of the hard structures of the oral
A cavity, the dentition, and the osseous structures. In the future
the 9600-nm laser may be the ideal laser for cutting both denti-
tion and bone. Not only does it have a very high absorption in
water, but it also has a very high absorption in hydroxyapatite,
the main component of both these structures. This addresses
an additional chromophore that today is considered minimal
with the erbium class (2780- to 2940-nm) lasers. The 9600-nm
lasers are in research and development, but the future looks
With soft tissue lasers there are multiple classifications. The
CO2 laser operates at 10,600nm and is often thought of as a
surgical laser. This laser is often used in skin rejuvenation and
by oral and head and neck surgeons to ablate dysplastic tissues.
Nd:YAG lasers operate at a parameter of 1064nm. Nd:YAG
lasers are ideal for periodontal work because they are free-
B running lasers that allow for an extremely high amount of peak
power and control over relaxation time. Nd:YAG lasers have
FIGURE 26-48 Removal of a fibroma with a diode laser for been traditionally thought of as lasers for de-epithelialization,
a patient on 10mg of Coumadin (warfarin) per day. Because and dbridement of the periodontal pocket.
of the hemostatic control that the laser provides, the anticoagu- A disadvantage of the Nd:YAG laser in soft tissue is that it
lant therapy was not altered for the treatment. Note the lack
does not have the same coagulating effects achieved with the
of bleeding both during the procedure (A) and immediately
after it was completed (B). smaller and less expensive diode lasers. The diode lasers on the
market today fall into two basic groups. The 980-nm diode lasers
with a peak power of 12 watts or greater take advantage of a
peak absorption in water in the near infrared range. This
increased absorption enables the clinician to use water cooling
needed, and minimal waiting time or disruptions are required when desired during procedures. As mentioned previously, this
to meet treatment objectives or address complications. Problems ability to use water for convection cooling allows the practitioner
can be handled immediately without changing the overall pro- to control the lasers effects on the surrounding and remaining
tocol and while obtaining a predictable outcome as quickly and tissue to achieve the desired outcome. Diodes with wavelengths
easily as possible. below 950nm and others that require fiber initiation operate
on a principle of blocking the light energy at the end of the fiber
tip so that the fiber becomes a hot glass probe. These lasers func-
MATERIAL OPTIONS tion by ablating the tissue with conductive heat transfer by
contacting the tissue with the hot fiber rather than by photo-
Lasers fall into two basic categories. The first consists of hard irradiation using radiant light energy. All of the diode lasers have
lasersthose that basically have the laser energy absorbed into great coagulation functionality, especially around tooth struc-
the target tissue, heating it to its vaporization point and convert- tures and preparations. They are ideal for procedures such as
ing it to a gas and then vaporizing it. The second category gingivectomy and soft tissue troughing to access subgingival
comprises soft or cold lasers that are used for photobiomodula- margins for restorative procedures as well as many other soft
tion using photonic energy to stimulate the cells to facilitate tissue procedures. Depending on their wavelengths and tempo-
healing responses and improve outcomes, without removing or ral emission modes, they have varying ability for contouring
vaporizing the target tissue. Much research is being done, tissue interactions and the management of the remaining soft
616 Technology and Esthetics Soft and Hard Tissue Lasers

tissue. A high-power 980-nm class laser that gives the clinician possible to conservatively prepare a dental restoration or
complete control of the lasers duty (emission) cycle and pulse re-contour osseous structures with the removal of minimal bio-
duration might be considered the ideal laser at the present time. logic structures to attain the desired outcomes. Restorations
prepared with the use of an erbium-class laser have enhanced
bonding strength when compared with techniques involving
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS rotary instrumentation. Not only do lasers obtain the hard tissue
results that are wanted, but it is also possible to manipulate
Both training and skill are required for the clinician to success- the soft tissue elements and achieve increased longevity of the
fully integrate laser therapy into his or her practice, and there is outcome. In gingivoplasty procedures, it is possible to use soft
no substitute for the importance of clinical experience. One of tissue lasers to actually sculpt the contours of the gingiva to
the most underestimated, overlooked, and expensive aspects of achieve the desired esthetic effect.
any new technology is the time and education required to learn A major misconception of light energy is that this energy
how to properly use the technology. Device-specific education has a significant impact on bleaching, specifically accelerating
is critical and must be appropriately considered as these tech- bleaching. Many articles show that light enhancement insignifi-
nologies are being evaluated. Also of primary concern is the high cantly increases the effectiveness of bleaching and has no signifi-
initial cost of the laser devices themselves. They range in price cant impact on the outcome of bleaching procedures.
from a few thousand dollars to sums approaching $100,000
depending on the laser, the accessories, and the education that
is necessary to use it. All this must be considered as the clinician TREATMENT PLANNING
moves into the realm of laser therapy and patient care.
Understanding the use of energy on the electromagnetic spec- In treatment planning the clinician must assess what technol-
trum and the principles of laser physics involved is also essential. ogy will be available over the course of treatment. Knowing
The laws of physics do not change from devices to device; what goals are obtainable with the various types of lasers and
however, how each device capitalizes on these principles may be other technologies that are available allows the clinician to
significantly different. All lasers, and even all diode lasers, are plan treatment all the way through to the obtainable outcome.
not the same. Having a comprehensive, thorough understanding Laser treatments can minimize the number of appointments
of the science makes all of the devices much easier to use. It needed. The ability to perform many procedures with a
makes it possible to adapt to specific parameters and techniques reduced amount of anesthesia or none at all enables treatment
to compensate for the scientific interactions occurring in the in multiple areas of the oral cavity in the same appointment.
biologic interactions with tissue. In many situations the periodontal component does not have
to be complete before the restorative phase of treatment is
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS Knowing and understanding what can or cannot be corrected
at any phase of the plan is essential. Dental lasers in some situ-
Among the innovative elements is the ability to do caries detec- ations enable to possibility of performing some re-contouring of
tion. It is hoped that in the future a laser will be used to stop both hard and soft tissue structures even in the final stages.
the progression of decay or perform preventive measures rather Lasers permit this to be nicely finessed to obtain the best possible
than just the destructive surgical procedures that are common- results. Whether the approach will involve open flap or closed
place today. It is desirable that areas prone to breakdown might flap surgery, lasers can help in facilitating patient care. Most soft
be able to undergo light therapy in the future to change chemical tissue laser surgeries are done without the need for placing a
composition or the external interface to make the area signifi- periodontal dressing. Being able to plan treatment thoroughly
cantly more resistant to long-term breakdown. facilitates the patient being able to plan out his or her role.
Another innovative element in the use of lasers involves the Patients will know how the treatment will affect their everyday
soft or cold lasers for photobiomodulation. These devices can be life and their normal work schedule or daily activities. Knowing
used to improve healing and promote health, as in bone rejuve- what options are available and where laser therapy fits appropri-
nation. An example of this use has been demonstrated at the ately into the sequence becomes very valuable to the clinician.
University of Texas, Houston, showing that exposing edentulous Having various lasers available opens up myriad possibilities to
areas to certain wavelengths of light repetitively will increase the achieve the best treatment goals.
quality of bone, which in turn makes the site more suitable to
receive dental implants.
Options in the Sequence
It is possible to sequence treatment planning slightly differently
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS today because of the use of lasers. These tools allow minor tissue
control at the time of preparation and at the time of seating or
The ability for a laser to sculpt both hard and soft biologic tissue, final placement of the restorations as well as anywhere in
gives the clinician the ability to perform various types of proce- between. The bulk of what is planned for soft tissues is aimed
dures that cannot be done with any other technologies. It is at being able to be performed before the placement of
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 617

provisional restorations, giving the clinician the opportunity to

make some minor adjustments in the provisional stage and
then, after the case has been completed, to make any needed
adjustments in the soft tissue. With lasers it is possible to
sequence steps without being locked into a certain timeframe,
which is an improvement over the past, before these options
were available.

Studies show that bonding after laser surface preparation is
possible to get significantly stronger than after rotary instrument A
preparation. As a result dentists can do minimally invasive prep-
arations. Minor gingival touching up after a procedure is pos-
sible to address problems that arise because of a lapse in home
care. Dentists would like their patients to be more compliant
than they normally are with home care, but when patients do
not respond as desired, lasers allow corrections as soon as prob-
lems arise.

Hundreds of articles in peer-reviewed journals show the value
of lasers. It all comes back to the physics and the science, which B
enable the clinician to be confident in performing what is
planned. The basic principles of periodontal care have not FIGURE 26-49 In the pre-treatment image (A) note the pull
changed, but the laser modality literally allows the accomplish- and destruction that are occurring in the periodontal tissue of
ment of goals more conservatively and with less discomfort to the lower left central incisor. In the post-operative image (B)
note the immediate improvement in the health and esthetics
the patient. The science is showing extremely desirable out-
in that area.
comes. Laser procedures are well supported and documented in
the literature with regard to their efficacy and effectiveness.


CONCEPTS Patient Maintenance
In the past many clinicians would monitor the effects of the Homecare and maintenance for laser procedures for the most
overtly strong muscle pull on the periodontium until there was part are the same as for other treatments. However, because no
damage to the gingival structures before referring the patient significant inflammatory response is created for many proce-
for a surgical frenectomy, which required multiple appoint- dures, the patient needs to be reminded that he or she has had
ments and caused a fair amount of patient discomfort (Figure a surgical treatment and to take extra care in the area treated.
26-49). Lasers allow dentists to very conservatively intervene For the most part when a dentist is done with the procedure,
and stop the destruction before it reaches a pathologic state the dentition is at a point at which the patient can maintain it
with minimal or no discomfort. This is also accomplished in a properly. Most postoperative instructions after laser soft tissue
single appointment with a procedure that often takes less than surgery are the same as for any other form of soft tissue surgery.
5 minutes. Examples of early interventions to hopefully halt the Basically patients should avoid food that will be irritating to the
progress of disease include vestibuloplasties, frenectomies, and tissue such as spicy and acidic food and beverages. The patient
preventive rather than restorative procedures. The goal of all should also be informed that he or she might notice a white
oral healthcare is to minimize the need for dentistry. This is yellowish fibrin clot forming over the area of soft tissue treat-
even more ideal than performing dentistry in a minimally inva- ment. This is a normal appearance and is part of the healing
sive way; it is best to eliminate the need for the procedure and process and should not cause concern. Thus the care and main-
end the disease state in the first place. Prevention of disease and tenance after a laser procedure are for the most part no different
the preservation of health are the true goals for all healthcare from the care and maintenance after any other type of dental
providers. intervention.
618 Technology and Esthetics Soft and Hard Tissue Lasers

The future of light-based technology is almost limitless. The

Maintenance of the Laser Equipment scope will extend to diagnosis, healing, and minimally invasive
The maintenance and infection control of light-based technol- procedures at a cellular level. Some of the diagnostic light-based
ogy are not significantly different from the maintenance of other modalities being developed include tissue and cellular auto-
kinds of dental equipment. However, some special care must fluorescence, optical coherence tomography (OCT), near-
be performed and special considerations must be taken into infrared (NIR) imaging, and sidestream dark-field (SDF)
account. The electronics of the laser devices cannot be placed imaging.
through an autoclave, but laser handpieces are autoclaved in the With auto-fluorescence, light energy absorbed into a target
same way as other handpieces. Laser fibers and tips should be tissue or substance produces a specific fluorescence response
removed from the handpiece or the device and go through the from the target to assist in discerning the tissue composition,
appropriate sterilization cycle or be properly disposed of. Asepsis morphology, health, and abnormalities.
barriers are often used over user interface screens and switches NIR imaging uses specific wavelengths of light energy to
to prevent cross-contamination between patients. All appropri- make dental enamel become basically invisible. Unfortunately,
ate infection-control considerations and concerns must be these wavelengths of light are outside the range of visible light
addressed in a prudent manner. Maintaining a good service that can be detected with the human eye. However, with the use
contract through the equipment provider is essential. Laser of appropriate receptors, internal abnormalities in dentition
devices should be inspected, calibrated, and routinely aligned to such as caries can be detected with NIR trans-illumination of
make sure that they are functioning properly. It is important to the teeth without using ionizing radiation.
ensure they are operating within the specified tolerances for OCT is also a near-future technique. With OCT it will be
which they were designed, as for all the equipment in a dental possible to perform point spectroscopy. This is basically an
practice. optical biopsy in which clinicians noninvasively investigate
and sample cells to evaluate the chemical and morphologic
composition without having to remove any intact structures.
CONTROVERSIES This information will assist clinicians in determining when
and where tissue sampling or removal would be most
The daily controversy in laser dentistry stems from a lack of beneficial.
understanding of the science behind it. In periodontal care, the In the area of photodynamic therapy (PDT), in the near
concepts of care with lasers are the same as what has been done future it may be possible to use laser energy with the aid
for many years. The concept of the disease process and treatment of an induced chromophore to attack abnormal cells and selec-
has not changed, although the modalities have, with lasers being tively destroy cancer or other diseased cells while leaving
used to simplify techniques and improve outcomes. the adjacent healthy cells intact. Extensive research is being
Clinicians must determine if incorporating a laser into their done at several institutions (such as the Roswell Park Cancer
armamentaria is truly cost-effective. It is important to under- Institute in Buffalo, New York; the MD Anderson Cancer
stand where and when it will enhance and promote quality of Center in Houston, Texas; and the British Columbia Cancer
care and how laser technology will improve the efficiency of the Institute in Vancouver, British Columbia) on how to formulate
way that care is delivered. this process.
Photobiomodulation, or low-level laser therapy, is also
coming into the realm of healthcare. It is often looked at very
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS similarly to the way in which Eastern medicine, such as acu-
puncture, is viewed by adherents of Western medicine. In large
Traditionally the diode lasers were always considered to have a part this is because the study mechanisms for double-blind,
minimal amount of control over their temporal emission modes randomly controlled investigations are difficult to apply.
with a fairly low amount of power, 2 to 4 watts. More and more However, more and more high-quality research from places such
high-powered diode lasers with expanded control over their as Harvard University and Uniformed Services University of
temporal modes are being introduced and used. The goal of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland, are studying photo
these efforts and enhancements is to have diode lasers perform biomodulation. The focus is on how to heal a wound rather
and function more like free-running lasers in addition to the than surgically treat it.
tissue interactions that they already have. This means using very Increasingly, lasers and light-based technologies are being
high peak power and controlling the thermal relaxation time of incorporated into dental practice, as well as all forms of health-
the tissue so tissue can be vaporized or ablated with minimal to care, to assist in attaining better outcomes for patients well-
no collateral damage to the surrounding tissue. being and esthetic appearance.

Photoactivated Disinfection
George Freedman

T he preparation of the tooth is complete. The walls of the

cavity seem hard to the explorer. There is no telltale brown
decay visible, even under magnification. Therefore the cavity must
Given the high levels of bacteria in the oral environment, the
general assumption must be that even cavities freshly prepared
to the level of sound tooth structure have microorganisms
be clean and ready for restoration (Figure 26-50). Or is it? lurking in the dentinal tubules and enamel lattices.
If cariogenic bacteria are retained at or below the tooth- Research has recently demonstrated that photo-sensitized
restorative interface, the long-term health of the remaining tooth cariogenic bacteria can be killed by directly applied visible light
structures, as well as the longevity of the restoration will be (see Figure 26-51). The technique involves applying a photoac-
compromised. For the practitioner this is a significant issue that tive solution that is absorbed selectively by cariogenic bacteria
will determine short- and long-term clinical success and one that to the operative surfaces. This sensitizes them to the application
is not readily diagnosable with currently available tools and of visible illumination, which causes cytotoxic bacterial reactions
technologies. Ozone has been proven to be an excellent antimi- that result in selective destruction of the target microorganism.
crobial agent and is now in use in many thousands of practices
around the world.
Photoactivated disinfection (PAD) is an innovative technol-
Periodontal Therapy
ogy that uses two nontoxic components, a photoactivating A similar problem exists in periodontal pockets; scaling and root
liquid, and a light-emitting diode (LED) light source to selec- planing (SRP) can remove the calculus and plaque but have little
tively tag and destroy cariogenic bacteria and periodontal patho- effect on the acidogenic and aciduric bacterial presence that is
gens. PAD instruments have been evolving for two decades, and the cause of these deposits, and the ensuing periodontal disease
the Aseptim Plus system (SciCan, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, that has been associated with numerous systemic health prob-
Canada) represents the current state of the art in the photoacti- lems. As soon as traditional SRP is completed, the bacteria
vation treatment category (Figure 26-51). resume their damaging activities.
Additional research has indicated that an identical PAD
mechanism combats the bacteria that are largely responsible for
CURRENT CLINICAL PROBLEMS periodontal disease. In fact, it has been observed that PAD treat-
ment can reduce bone loss.
Dental Caries
Dental caries is a disease that initially demineralizes the enamel
and then progresses slowly into the dentin. The advancing zone
of demineralization is preceded by a layer of partially demineral- PHOTOACTIVATED DISINFECTION:
ized dentin infected with bacteria. During clinical evaluation MODE OF ACTION
and/or treatment, it is difficult to differentiate these two zones,
and as a result, significant quantities of sound but demineralized
Scientific Model
tooth tissue are removed during cavity preparation. Photosensitization is a treatment that involves the interaction of
It is conservatively advantageous to retain the partially two non-toxic factors, a photoactive compound (tolonium chlo-
demineralized dentin, but only if the bacteria can be reliably ride) and a directly applied visible light (LED illumination at
eliminated. 635nm). The photosensitization consists of the formation of
There are two possible approaches to conserving remaining metachromatic complexes with lipopolysaccharides that can be
sound tooth structure: photoactivated by visible light illumination to cause oxygen ion
1. The use of bacterial detection agents that assist in the release. The oxygen ions are specifically toxic to a vital structural
removal of the infected (and only the infected) tissue component of the target bacterial cells. The interactions between
2. The use of PAD to eliminate bacteria and then to remin- the phenothiazine dyes, including tolonium chloride and methy
eralize the partially infected dentin lene blue, and many bacteria are well documented.

620 Technology and Esthetics Photoactivated Disinfection


FIGURE 26-50 A, Tooth showing decay. Tooth prepared (B) and ready for restoration (C)but is it really clean and free of

Bacterial cells are typically composed of a variety of cytoplasm substructures in the cell wall. Further magnification (Figure
materials enclosed by a cell wall. Many traditional antimicro- 26-52, C ) identifies that some of theses substructures are lipo-
bial substances must enter and accumulate inside the bacterium somes. Figure 26-52, D, is a stylized liposome that has been
in order to destroy their targets. Because this process requires a magnified further still and sectioned to illustrate what occurs
transport mechanism through the cell wall, it gives the bacteria within.
an opportunity to build up a resistance by modifying the trans- The dissolved tolonium chloride is released by the practitio-
port mechanism required by the drug. This also applies to pho- ner in the general environment of the area to be disinfected
toactivated drugs that must accumulate within the cell. (Figure 26-53) and worked into the tissues for up to 60 seconds.
Some PAD compounds, on the other hand, target the cell The target areas may be hard or soft dental tissues or both. The
wall structures and membranes and do not need to enter the cell. photoactivator is a good wetting agent and quickly flows to all
Only specific adhesion to the targets is required for the light- accessible areas, including surfaces (gingiva) and penetrable
activated destruction of the cell. As a result, target cells cannot structures (enamel and dentin). The absorption is very selective
develop resistance by stoppage of uptake, metabolic detoxifica- into bacterial wall structures, however. No absorption of the
tion, or increasing exportation of the drug. photoactivator can be seen (and therefore no adverse effects from
light application) on adjacent healthy tissues. The tolonium
chloride is selectively and rapidly absorbed into the liposomes
Clinical Model in the bacterial cell walls, as indicated by the small blue circles
In Figure 26-52, A, the bacterial cytoplasm is enclosed by the within the liposome. In looking at the cell wall again, it can be
cell wall. The microorganism must have both in order to survive. seen that many liposomes throughout the structure have
Magnification of the cell wall (Figure 26-52, B) indicates the absorbed the tolonium chloride dye.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 621



FIGURE 26-51 A to C, Aseptim Plus photoactivated oral disinfection system. D and E, Disposable tips. (A courtesy SciCan, Ltd.,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)
622 Technology and Esthetics Photoactivated Disinfection

Then the tolonium chloridespecific 635-nm LED is applied

to the photoactivated surface (Figure 26-54). This relatively
intense light not only photoactivates at the surface of application
but can penetrate to a certain depth within dental structures as
well. A 60-second irradiation is sufficient to release the bacteri-
cidal oxygen ions from the photoactivated metachromatic com-
plexes for carious and periodontal applications. The liberated 0
oxygen ions are shown within the liposome and, in a more
distant view, within the magnified cell wall. 0
The oxygen ions are toxic to the liposomes and hence the cell
0 0
wall. The photoactivation begins to break down the bacterial cell 0
0 0
walls (Figure 26-55). The oxygen ion activity continues as the
0 0
cell membrane is ruptured. The cell contents escape, killing the 0 0
Photoactivated disinfection is very specific to bacterial cells
and will not affect healthy tissues, even those that are immedi- FIGURE 26-54 A, A 635-nm light-emitting diode (LED)
ately adjacent to or surrounding the offending bacteria. light source is applied to the surface to photoactivate the tolo-
nium chloride inside the lipsomes. B, Liberated oxygen ions
shown within the liposome walls. C, Distant view shows
oxygen ions within the magnified cell wall. Oxygen ions are
toxic to the cell wall.

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0
A B C 0 0

FIGURE 26-52 A, Bacterial cytoplasm enclosed by the cell FIGURE 26-55 A, Oxygen toxicity ruptures the bacterial
wall. B, Magnification of the cell wall shows substructures. C, cell membrane. B, Cell membrane ruptured by oxygen ions.
Further magnification identifies certain substructures in the C, Cell contents escape, killing the bacterium.
cell as liposomes. D, Further magnified sectioned of a stylized
liposome illustrates what occurs within.

FIGURE 26-53 A, Dissolved tolonium

chloride applied to surface. B, Tolonium
absorbed into the liposome in the bacte-
rial cell walls (blue circles). C and D, A
significant number of liposomes have
absorbed the tolonium chloride dye.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 623

PHOTOACTIVATED DISINFECTION 2. The carious lesion is accessed and removed (Figure 26-56, A).
TECHNIQUES 3. The Aseptim solution is applied to the entire lesion with an
applicator for 60 seconds (Figure 26-56, B)
Conservative Photoactivated 4. The Aseptim Plus diode handpiece tip is held close
Disinfection Caries Treatment to the tolonium chloridetreated tooth surfaces (Figure
26-56, C ).
(Early Decay) 5. The diode light is activated for 60 seconds, penetrating the
1. Appropriate anesthesia and isolation are applied to the illuminated tissues and disinfecting the remaining tooth
carious tooth. The sectional matrix system is the Triodent V3 structures (Figure 26-56, D).
Ring and Matrix (Triodent, Katikati, New Zealand), a very 6. The cavity is treated with a remineralizing agent.
effectively designed set of instruments for creating predict- 7. The cavity is restored permanently with a resin ionomer or
ably tight interproximal contacts and contour. composite resin (Figure 26-56, E ).



FIGURE 26-56 Conservative treatment of caries (early decay) using photoactivated disinfection. A, Caries lesion has been
accessed and removed. B, Aseptim Plus solution applied to the entire lesion. Aseptim Plus diode handpiece tip is held close to
the tolonium chloridetreated tooth surfaces (C), and the light is activated (D). E, Permanent restoration of the cavity.
624 Technology and Esthetics Photoactivated Disinfection

FIGURE 26-57 Application of Aseptim Plus in caries treatment (advanced decay). (Courtesy SciCan, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)

Conservative Photoactivated
Disinfection Caries Treatment
(Advanced Decay)
1. Appropriate anesthesia and isolation are applied to the
carious tooth.
2. Only sufficient enamel to access the carious lesion is removed FIGURE 26-58 Application of Aseptim Plus in periodontal
(Figure 26-57, A). treatment. (Courtesy SciCan, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)
3. The remaining infected tissue is removed with an excavator
or slow dental handpiece until resistance is felt (Figure 26-57,
B). 3. The Aseptim Plus handpiece with the light guide is inserted
4. The Aseptim solution is applied to the entire lesion with an to the bottom of the pocket (Figure 26-59, D; see also Figure
applicator for 60 seconds (Figure 26-57, C ). 26-58, C ).
5. The Aseptim Plus LED handpiece tip is held close to tolo- 4. The Aseptim Plus LED light is activated for 60 seconds to
nium chloridetreated tooth surfaces (Figure 26-57, D). eliminate bacteria in the periodontal pocket (Figure 26-59,
6. The LED light is activated for 60 seconds, penetrating the E; see also Figure 26-58, C).
illuminated tissues and disinfecting the remaining tooth 5. The patients periodontal status is reviewed at 4 weeks (see
structures (Figure 26-57, E ). (If two interproximal surfaces Figure 26-58, D). Repeat PAD treatment if necessary.
are involved, they must be disinfected separately.)
7. The cavity is treated with a remineralizing agent (Figure The elimination of periodontal pathogens from the depths of
26-57, F ). the pockets promotes the gingival health far more effectively
8. The cavity may be restored permanently with a resin than SRP dbridement alone can. Aseptim Plus periodontal
ionomer or composite resin or restored temporarily with a therapy is clinically straightforward, simple to carry out or del-
remineralizing agent for later definitive restoration (Figure egate, and an excellent adjunct to routine SRP. Used together,
26-57, G ). these treatments offer more predictable long-term clinical results.

The restorative protocols presented are very similar to cur-

rently established ones, with one major difference: with PAD CONCLUSION
treatment, the remaining tooth surfaces are disinfected and
therefore are far more likely to remineralize effectively. Aseptim Practitioners and patients have had understandable qualms
Plus is used with both routine and deep carious lesions to about the level of disinfection that can be practically and realisti-
increase the probability of long-term clinical success. cally achieved during routine dental procedures. Given the high
levels of ambient bacteria in the oral cavity and the difficulty of
isolating surgical treatment sites during and after procedures, it
Conservative Photoactivated is evident that additional disinfection modalities are welcome
Disinfection Periodontal Therapy additions to the dental armamentarium.
PAD offers a heightened level of disinfection during and after
(Figure 26-58) operative and periodontal procedures (in addition to endodontic
1. Routine, thorough SRP debridement is completed, and and peri-implant treatments that were not discussed earlier). A
bleeding is controlled (Figure 26-59, A and B; see also Figure relatively rapid and simple system that is readily inserted into
26-58, A). the treatment routine, the Aseptim Plus destroys bacteria both
2. The tolonium chloride photoactivator solution is inserted to on the surface and underneath to provide healthier periodontal
the depth of the pockets (Figure 26-59, C; see also Figure tissues and more predictable and longer-lasting restorative
26-58, B). interfaces.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 625



FIGURE 26-59 Conservative treatment of periodontal disease using photoactivated disinfection. Dbridement (A) completed
and bleeding controlled (B). C, Toluidine chloride photoactivator solution inserted into the depth of the pocket. D, Handpiece
inserted to the bottom of the pocket. E, Light-emitting diode (LED) light activated.

SUGGESTED READINGS Chan Y, Lai CH: Bacterial effects of different laser wavelengths on
periodontopathic germs in photodynamic therapy, Lasers Surg Med
Baysan A, Lynch E: Effect of ozone on the microbial flora and clinical severity 18:51-55, 2003.
of primary root caries, Am J Dent 17(1):56-60, 2004. Kidd EAM, Joyston Bechal S: Essentials of dental caries: the disease and its
Baysan A, Lynch E: Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone: 6-month management, Bristol, 1987, Wright.
results, Am J Dent 20(4):203-208, 2007. Kmerik N, Curnow A, MacRobert AJ: Flourescence biodistribution and
Burns T, Wilson M, Pearson GJ: Killing of cariogenic bacteria by light from photosensitising activity of toluidine blue o on rat buccal mucosa, Lasers
a gallium aluminum arsenide diode laser burns, J Dent 22:273-278, 1994. Med Sci 17:86-92, 2002.
Burns T, Wilson M, Pearson GJ: Sensitisation of cariogenic bacteria to killing Kmerik N, Nakanishi H, MacRobert AJ: In vivo killing of
by light from a helium/neon laser, J Med Microbiol 8:182-187, 1993. Porphyromonas gingivalis by toluidine bluemediated photosensitization
Calin MA, Parasca SV: Light sources for photodynamic inactivation of in an animal model, Antimicrob Agents Chemother 932-940, Mar
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626 Technology and Esthetics Photoactivated Disinfection
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Lynch E: Evidence-based caries reversal using ozone, J Esthet Restor Dent Wainwright M: Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT),
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Okamoto H, Iwase T, Morioka T: Dye-mediated bacterial effect of He-Ne dentine, Caries Res 38:530-536, 2004.
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Sibata CH, Colussi VC, Oleinick NL, Kinsella TJ: Photodynamic therapy in Zanin ICJ, Lobo MM, Rodrigues LK, et al: Photosensitization of in vitro
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Usacheva MN, Teichert MC, Sievert CE, Biel MA: Effect of Ca+ on the Oral Sci 114:64-69, 2006.
photobactericidal efficacy of methylene blue and toluidine blue against

Soft Tissue Screening

Scott D. Benjamin

RELEVANCE OF SOFT further away a clinician is from his or her courses in oral medi-
cine and oral pathology and from formal education, the less he
TISSUE SCREENING TO or she tends to remember. This is probably no more evident in
ESTHETIC DENTISTRY dentistry than in managing soft tissue and mucosal abnormali-
ties. Over 50 diseases or conditions mimic oral cancer, which by
The goal of soft tissue screening is the goal of dentistry. As itself becomes a very confusing factor. When an abnormality
healthcare providers, dentists aim to promote and achieve an is present, the dentist must establish not only the appropriate
enhanced quality of life for their patients. Dentists evaluate differential diagnosis but the appropriate management.
patients appropriately to make judgments about the status of
the patients health and to identify any disease process at the
earliest possible stage. Then they inform the patient of their BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL
findings and an appropriate course of action. In the dentition, DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION
the focus is on pre-carious, carious, and pulpal pathology; long-
term wear; and/or traumatic lesions or injury. In the periodon- OF SOFT TISSUE SCREENING
tium, dentists assess infections related to bacteremia. With the IN DENTISTRY
surrounding soft tissues of the oral cavity, providers look for a
combination of bacterial infections, traumatic injuries, develop- Soft tissue screening until recent years has been almost non
mental pathology, and inflammatory reactive responses to iden- existent. A sad fact is that the incidence and morbidity of oral
tify disease at the earliest possible stage, before it becomes cancer have not significantly decreased in 50 years.2 It is the only
critical. Too often the goal has been to identify disease after it form of cancer in North America that is actually increasing in
has developed into a pathologic condition rather than managing incidence rather than decreasing. Much of the increase has to
it in the earliest stages. do with the fact that basically for 150 years, until 2001, how
Looking at disease processes in the body, there are reactive dental patients were screened did not change. The assessment
lesions caused by outside stimuli; malignant abnormalities, was strictly a visual and tactile examination with no other assis-
which are tissues growing in an abnormal pattern; and congeni- tive modality. In recent years, things like magnifying devices,
tal defects. Specific to the soft tissues, the goal is to identify any which are now being worn by more and more clinicians, have
condition at the earliest possible stages so that a healthy condi- been developed, significantly improving the dental assessment
tion can be reestablished. Many situations in the mucosal tissues of soft tissue conditions. Digital cameras have also significantly
can be reversed, allowing dentists to function as healers rather helped by allowing dentists to perform photographic documen-
than surgeons. tation of how a disease or condition manifests in the oral cavity;
The disease processes that affect the human body develop photography then assists in assessing the progression or regres-
over time. By routinely evaluating patients, dentists have the sion of the abnormality, as well as how effective therapies and
opportunity to identify diseases at an early stage. Undergoing management have been.
routine evaluation is comparable to women going for an annual In 2001 the first improvement in oral screening was made;
gynecological examination. That is the accepted standard of care until then the only adjunctive technology that was used was a
today, and women understand that their annual examination is toluidine blue (nuclear) stain. It was applied after an area of
crucial to their quality of life. This is the same message that oral concern had been identified; the stain could possibly be used to
healthcare providers need to convey. further identify its location and mark it. This technology had
Dentists knowledge of oral soft tissue diseases can be little to no application in the opportunistic screening of an
described as a use-it-or-lose-it phenomenon. The practitioners asymptomatic patient with no obviously apparent lesion. In
who are most proficient at doing a thorough soft tissue examina- 2001 an aceto-whitening system, which used acetic acid, was
tion tend not to be the experienced clinicians but the ones who introduced. With this white-lesion detection system, the patient
have most recently completed their training programs.1 The rinses with a very mild acetic acid solution. For the cervical

628 Technology and Esthetics Soft Tissue Screening

region, research has shown that 5% acetic acid was the most band (or range of wavelengths) of visible light is directed at
effective way to improve the visualization of white lesions.3 and is absorbed by the tissue to be examined. This excitation
However, 5% acetic acid was too strong to use in the oral cavity, light energy in the tissue is then converted or transformed to
so it was downgraded to a 1% solution, which is basically an emission light created by the tissue itself. This allows the
vinegar. The acetic acid desiccates the patients tissues and allows clinician to observe the fluorescence response of the tissue,
a visibly white lesion to stand out against the pink mucosal which is based on chemical and morphological composition of
background. For the first time an adjunctive technology helped the target tissue.5 The fluorescent response of the tissue gives
oral healthcare providers move forward with soft tissue evalua- the clinician additional information to be used in conjunction
tions. This technique was used in conjunction with a chemically with other findings to assess the patients current status. If the
reactive glow stick, which emitted a light for a short amount of fluorescent response is normal tissue for the region and other
time. Drawbacks included the following: examination findings are within normal limits, it gives the
1. The light lost intensity over time, decreasing its effective- dentist more confidence that the soft tissue is in a healthy
ness in illuminating the oral cavity. state. However, if the fluorescent response is not what would
2. Patients objections to the taste of the acetic acid were be expected of the tissue in that region, there is probably an
substantial. abnormal process present, whether inflammatory, reactive,
3. Introduction of another solution during the dental potentially malignant, or malignant. The introduction of the
appointment interfered with antimicrobial mouthrinses, VELscope (LED Dental, Inc., White Rock, British Columbia,
fluorides, and other procedural steps. Canada) has combined auto-fluorescence and filtration to
allow the clinician to focus on and assess the patients
That technology has not progressed significantly over the well-being.
years. A study from Virginia Commonwealth University showed A field-of-view screening, in which dentists look at the entire
a slight value to using acetic acid mouthrinse, but use of the oral cavity, is very similar in concept to what is displayed or
illumination device was problematic because the acetic acid viewed in a panoramic radiograph. By using a field-of-view
caused increased salivary function and the increased illumina- survey of the entire oral cavity under a visual white-light exami-
tion produced reflections off the saliva.4 This was confusing to nation, performing a tactile examination, and then adding any
look at. More recently, this same concept has been partnered data from a fluorescence examination, the clinician is able to
with an electronic version of the device that is significantly better discover conditions that may not have been detected previously.
as a light source. This approach still has the disadvantages of a These assessments allow the practitioner to detect all sorts of
bad aftertaste and confounding factors. mucosal abnormalities that range from a cheek bite or an irrita-
However, the battery-powered broad-spectrum white-light tion caused by a sharp restoration or dentition to a disease
devices are very valuable in illuminating all areas of the oral process that may be benign, such as geographic tongue, to even
cavity, helping facilitate the visual inspection of the previously an invasive condition such as a malignancy that otherwise may
difficult-to-see structures with the operatory light (Figure have gone unnoticed. Once such a condition is discovered, the
26-60). These instruments have proved valuable for better per- practitioner is able to further investigate it, its present status,
formance of white-light examinations but do not enhance the its potential causes, and interventional processes to manage the
tissue response. situation. These adjunctive tools are invaluable in accessing the
The first major enhancement in the area of visual inspection patients health status.
of the oral cavity is the use of tissue auto-fluorescence. With When a fluorescence visualization device such as the VEL-
tissue auto-fluorescence, energy in the form of a very narrow scope (Figure 26-61) is used, if an abnormal area is discovered,

FIGURE 26-60 Using the Microlux/DL device (AdDent, Inc.,

Danbury, Connecticut) to enhance the white-light illumina- FIGURE 26-61 Clinician using the VELscope to perform
tion of the floor of the mouth. a fluorescence screening of the oral mucosa.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 629

Oral Mucosal and Soft Tissue Evaluation Form

Patient's Name: Date:

Date of Condition
Previous Exam: Duration:
Relevant Medical
History / Status:
Relevant Social
History / Status:
Relevant Dental
History / Status:
Extent of
General Visual
Region of Location /
Soft Tissue: Dentition Reference:
Visual Visual Size
Color: Dimensions:
VELscope / Fluorescence FV Size
Visualization (FV): Dimensions:
Overall Surface
Configuration: of Lesion:
Margin Mode of
Configuration: Attachment:
Consistency: of Lesion:
Pain / Symptoms:
Head Neck Findings:
Clinical Impression /
Preliminary Diagnosis:
Action(s) Taken:
Status /
Other Comments:

Reviewed By:

FIGURE 26-62 Oral mucosal and soft tissue evaluation form.

it should be re-evaluated with white-light examination and the An extremely important part of this process is a focused
findings from examination with both illumination sources (fluo- dialogue between the clinician(s) and the patient on the history
rescence and the broad-spectrum white light) should be com- and possible solutions discussing the appropriate courses of
pared. When an area of concern is being evaluated, several action to manage the condition. This discussion needs to include
observations should be made and recorded (see sample soft tissue the patients systemic health history and present status, including
evaluation form [Figure 26-62]). Some of the basic questions medicationsboth those prescribed by all healthcare providers
the dentist should consider are as follows: Does the shape or size and any over-the-counter self-prescribed treatments and supple-
seem different when comparing the white-light versus the fluo- ments. Also the delivery mechanism for these treatments, such
rescent image? How does the area respond to diascopic pressure as inhalers, dissolving in the oral cavity, elixirs, and rinses, needs
(blanching)? Is it raised or flat? What is the surface texture? What to be considered.
do the borders of the area of concern look like? What is the Other adjunctive techniques may also be helpful when
shape of the area of concern? Where is it located in the oral assessing the tissues of the oral cavity. There are minimally
cavity? Is it painful? invasive technologies that can be used to explore an area of
630 Technology and Esthetics Soft Tissue Screening

concern. Clinicians can brush the area and collect cells in a

disaggregated form and then send the sample to a pathology
lab for evaluation. This process is often referred as a brush
biopsya somewhat inappropriate term. The more accurate
description of the process is transepithelial cytology collection;
the procedure is very similar to the Papanicolaou (Pap) test
that has been used since the 1950s to assess the female cervix.
The clinician collects the cells of the oral epithelium by repeti-
tious brushing over the area of concern, collecting cells from
all three layers of the oral epithelium, with the goal of harvest-
ing cells all the way to and including the basement membrane.
After the cells have been collected on the brush, either they
can be smeared on a glass slide, followed by an application of
a fixative to prepare the slide for viewing, or the cells can be
suspended in a liquid solution that is sent to the oral pathol-
ogy laboratory for processing. When the cells are placed in a
solution, the process is referred to as liquid cytology. This pro- FIGURE 26-63 Histological micrograph of a lesion that the
cedure has been done in the cervical region for many years oral pathologist diagnosed as a well-differentiated invasive
and is now routine for the cervical Pap test. With this method squamous cell carcinoma.
the cells in the liquid solution are placed in a cytospin and fil-
tered to remove the debris and artifacts. The cells are then
applied in a monolayer to a glass slide, stained, and slipcov-
ered for the oral pathologist to read. Slides prepared in this malignancy but rather to rule out a cancer or malignancy and
manner present a better representative collection of lesional then to establish a diagnosis for the disease or condition that is
cells and allow for an easier interpretation because the mono- present.
layer of cells eliminates the blood and other obscuring debris.
This can assist in decreasing the number of false-positive and
false-negative findings when the cells are evaluated by the oral RELATING SOFT TISSUE
pathologist for atypical or abnormal cells.
Besides evaluating the collected material for cellular abnor- SCREENING TO FUNCTION
malities, liquid cytology can be used to test for the presence of AND ESTHETICS
other conditions and organisms such as fungal infestations, her-
petic viruses, the various genotypes of the human papillomavirus Dental clinicians design their cases to create a beautiful appear-
(HPV), and even DNA abnormalities with a ploidy analysis ance for each patientnot just pretty teeth or esthetic looking
the measurement of DNA content within the cells nuclei. teeth, but a very pleasant esthetic oral presentation. Without
Salivary evaluation and screening processes have also been healthy soft tissue it is impossible to have healthy hard tissues,
developed to assist the dentist in non-invasively assessing a that is, the dentition and supporting structures. In addition, it
patient for the presence or risk of several oral conditions. These is desirable to identify disease and stop it from becoming disfig-
tests range from measuring the rate and type of salivary flow, to uring to the patients overall appearance. Just like everything else,
determining the presence, concentration, and types of bacteria the foundation of the healthy soft tissue and supporting struc-
responsible for both cariogenic and periodontal conditions, to ture environment is important. Clinicians assess whether tissues
establishing the presence of various viruses, as well the patients are symmetrical as they are supposed to be and maintain health
genetic risk for various oral diseases. within the proper context.
An important consideration to remember for all the screening
technologies is that they are not designed to be a definitive
diagnostic modality. They are designed to assess a patient who
is basically asymptomatic and assess the possible risks of having CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
any disease process. The only way to confirm a condition, such
as oral cancer, is with a surgical biopsy so the oral pathologist A comprehensive enhanced mucosal examination should be
can look at the intact architecture and determine what cellular done on all adult patients. The statistics on oral disease are
processes are present (Figure 26-63). The surgical biopsy of quite alarming. Over the past few years the incidence of head
tissue with an intact architecture is the gold standard for diag- and neck cancer has increased at the rate of approximately 10%
nosing oral cancer, and all other processes and technologies are per year.7 Traditionally, most clinicians were taught that the
adjunctive modalities to supply additional information to assist causes of oral cancer and other mucosal abnormalities were
in the diagnostic process.6 Their role is to enable the accurate tobacco and alcohol use combined with the aging process.
diagnosis as early as possible in the disease process. The role and Today, 25% of oral cancer cases involve people who do not
the goals of a surgical biopsy are not necessarily to confirm a have any of these traditional risk factors and instead are
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 631

occurring in patients under age 40 years who are not regular look at all of the structures in the oral cavity, not just the denti-
users of tobacco. This is a fivefold increase in the last few tion. The value of stating it this way is that the word cancer
decades in these types of patients.8 The majority of these lesions is mentioned and patients understand that they are receiving
occur in areas along the lateral border of the tongue and the an enhanced comprehensive examination, not just a cancer
floor of the mouth, from the ventral surface of the tongue and examination. The chances of finding cancer are very slim com-
the soft palate complex. A 2002 study done by the Centers for pared with those for other mucosal diseases. By telling patients
Disease Control and Prevention showed that 25% of 15-year- it is comprehensive, the soft tissue evaluation is seen in the
olds had already engaged in conventional intercourse and/or appropriate context. The patient now understands that the
oral sex. By age 19 years, that number had jumped to over value of the dental appointment is to have not just the teeth
75%.9 This trend is alarming because studies now show that taken care of, but the entire oral cavity. This is a significant
there is a correlation between the presence of HPV and oral message.
cancer as well as cervical cancer. Studies show that 70% of all The implications of this are fairly intriguing, as the great
cervical cancers are caused by the HPV genotype number 16 or majority of soft tissue abnormalities are not malignant or
18. These correlations are being mirrored in the oral cavity. potentially malignant. A study presented at the American
Studies from Johns Hopkins10 and other places show this to be Dental Association annual session in 2001 focused on the
an area of concern. All adult patients are at risk, not just those oral evaluation of dentists and hygienists. Of the over 1000
who use tobacco and alcohol. dentists and hygienists, who in theory have the best quality
Oral cancer is the sixth most prevalent cancer globally, yet of oral healthcare, 10% had had some sort of mucosal abnor-
few people are aware of it. A survey done by the Mouth Cancer mality.15 A research project based in the authors office ret-
Foundation in 2008 in the United Kingdom showed that less rospectively looked at a 2-year period. A total of 1317 patients
than 50% of the people in the United Kingdom had even had been examined, and 460over a thirdhad had some
heard of oral cancer.11 This is a frightening statistic and has sort of mucosal abnormality. Of those, there had been 21
significant implications for the dental profession. Oral health- dysplasias that had been confirmed with a surgical biopsy.16
care professionals need to actively inform patients about their Dysplasia is a potentially malignant condition that has the
risks and to what they may be exposed. The use of an oral ability to transform into cancer in about 25% to 35% of
health risk factor questionnaire (Figure 26-64) is an excellent cases.17 Being able to discover the disease or condition at an
mechanism to obtain relevant information and facilitate a dis- early stage allows clinicians and patients to take appropriate
cussion between the patient and practitioner on potential risks action early in the disease process and hopefully prevent pro-
and concerns. gression into a more advanced stage that can involve surgically
A study published in a 2000 showed that less than 15% of removing fairly large areas of tissue. Treatment may be a
the adults in the United States over age 40 years claimed to simple matter of changing controllable risk factors, informing
have had an oral cancer screening ever. Less than half of those the patient of risks, encouraging tobacco cessation, suggesting
had had it done in the previous 12 months.12 These are dis- better dietary practices, and using increased surveillance and
heartening statistics. The incidence of oral cancer is three times monitoring.
that of cervical cancer in North America.13 The incidence of Properly performed noninvasive examinations have no con-
oral cancer in a female is almost identical to that of cervical traindications or negative side effects, thus enabling a screen-
cancer; with this in mind, a comprehensive oral examination at ing to be done on every adult patient at every hygiene visit.
the dental hygiene visit is as important for a woman as a visit Individuals under age 18 years who engage in behaviors such
to her gynecologist. Men presently have twice the incidence of as inner oral piercing, tobacco use, or recreational drug use
oral cancer as women, so for male patients the comprehensive should also undergo an enhanced comprehensive mucosal
oral evaluation is actually twice as important as it is for the examination. In this situation it might be best if they are told
female patient. Despite these facts, more women seek routine that this is specifically an oral cancer examination to motivate
dental care and evaluation than men. The incidence and the them to stop unhealthy behaviors. The incidence of oral
5-year survival rate of oral cancer have not significantly changed cancer today in people under age 18 years is very rare but not
in many decades. The 5-year survival rate still hovers around insignificant. Checking these young patients aids in control-
50% to 55%,14 which is unacceptable. This high morbidity rate ling unhealthy behaviors and their progression into chronic
is related to late diagnosis. To ensure the patients overall health habits. It is not only a diagnostic or screening process but also
and quality of life, clinicians must establish and maintain the an educational process. Other patients under age 18 years who
health of all oral tissues and structures to ensure a good-looking, are of concern are those who have had any form of systemic
attractive, esthetic smile. neoplastic or cancerous lesions. A genetic predisposition makes
A visual and tactile oral cancer evaluation has no contraindi- them potentially more at risk for having oral malignancy.
cations, although clinicians may err by stating that what they A thorough oral evaluation is done routinely to ensure that
are doing is an oral cancer examination and inadvertently alarm they are healthy. The goal of the cancer evaluation in the oral
their patients when there is any area of concern. Clinicians mucosal examination is to ensure health rather than discover
should tell patients that they are performing a comprehensive disease. In the past, dentists waited until lesions were large,
oral evaluation looking for everything from cavities to peri- very visible, and very frank before intervening. The goal today
odontal disease to a cheek bite to cancer. In doing this they will is to find problems when they are minor, possibly only a
632 Technology and Esthetics Soft Tissue Screening

Oral Health Risk Factors

Patients Name:
1. Do you smoke or have you EVER smoked? Yes No
(If No, proceed to question 2)
The amount that you are presently smoking (Check ALL that apply)
None (quit smoking completely) Less than 1 pack of cigarettes per day An occasional cigar
An occasional cigarette 1-2 Packs of cigarettes per day Cigars on a daily/regular basis
A few cigarettes per day 2 or more packs of cigarettes per day Occasional pipe smoker
A pipe on a daily/regular basis
If you have quit smoking, when did you quit?
Less than 6 months ago 6 months to a year ago 1 to 3 years ago Over 3 years ago
How many years have you or did you smoke?
Less than 2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years 10- 20 years Over 20 years
2. Do you/have you EVER chew/chewed tobacco or use/used snuff or other similar substance? Yes No
(If No, proceed to question 3)
Are you STILL using smokeless tobacco or snuff? Yes No
If No, WHEN did you quit?
Less than 6 months ago 6 months to a year ago 1 to 3 years ago Over 3 years ago
How many years did you use or have you used smokeless tobacco?
Less than 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years
3. Approximate average amount of alcoholic beverages presently consumed per week:
None Less than 1 per week 1-5 drinks 6-11 drinks 11- 20 drinks Over 20 drinks
4. Do you have or have you ever had a substance abuse problem? Yes No
5. Do you presently use any recreational drugs? Yes No
6. Do you have or have you ever had an eating disorder? Yes No
If Yes, Please Specify:
7. Do you have or have you ever had any head, neck or mouth piercing(s)? (Other than ears) Yes No
8. Do you have or have you ever been informed that you have been infected with an oncogenic
strain (possible cancer-causing) of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)? Yes No
9. Please list your history or any family members history of cancer :

10. Other concerns and considerations:

CONSENTTo the best of my knowledge, all of the preceding information is correct and if there is ever any
change in health or medications, this practice will be informed of the changes without fail. I also consent to
allow this practice to contact any healthcare provider(s) and to have the patients health information released
to aid in care and treatment. I also hereby consent to allow diagnosis, proper health care and treatment to be
performed by this practice for the above namedindivi dual until further notice. I understand there are no
guarantees or warranties in health or dental care

Signature Date
(Parent or guardian, if patient is a minor)
Reviewed By:

FIGURE 26-64 Oral health risk factors form.

millimeter or so in diameter and restricted to a few cells. If MATERIAL OPTIONS

the dentist can identify lesions at an early stage and manage
them, he or she can make a significant difference in the The options available today include an aceto-whitening
disease process. A patient does not go to bed at night healthy process (e.g., ViziLite Plus [Zila Inc., Fort Collins, Colorado],
and wake up in the morning with cancer. It is an ongoing Microlux/DL, Orascoptic DK [Orascoptic, Middleton, Wis-
disease process. The ultimate in esthetics is establishing overall consin]) in which the patient uses an acetic acid mouthrinse
health for the patient. to make white lesions slightly more visible. However, the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 633

aceto-whitening process does not help detect an erythroplakia context, as part of the evaluation, and not take any one of
(a red lesion). Although all lesions are of concern, only a small these processes alone. The tactile examination, the white-light
percentage of white lesions will progress into a dysplasia or a examination, and the fluorescence examination all work
malignancy. However, 80% of erythroplakias are predisposed together. None of them should be taken as a stand-alone
to becoming dysplastic. Thus the lesions of most concern are procedure.
the red lesions, which are not well picked up by the aceto-
whitening process.
An improved adjunctive approach for assessing the tissues is OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
the use of the tissues auto-fluorescence properties by means of
what is referred to as fluorescence visualization technology (VEL- Clinicians must consider the patients risk factors. Has the
scope, Identafi [DentalEZ Group, Malvern, Pennsylvania], and patient ever smoked or used other forms of tobacco? How
DentLight Dental Oral Exam [DOE] System [DentLight, Inc., much? How long? Does he or she have an occasional alcoholic
Richardson, Texas]). With auto-fluorescence the excitation light beverage? What is his or her alcohol consumption? Has the
energy penetrates into the tissue; the tissue converts the energy patient ever been told that he or she is carrying an oncogenic
from the excitation light and emits the light from the tissue at strain of the HPV virus? Years in the future, dentists will
different wavelengths. The light emitted is created by the tissue have to ask whether the patient has been vaccinated for HPV.
itself from the energy it absorbed; the change in the wavelength The HPV vaccine on the market will help vaccinated young
from that of the light that is absorbed to the longer-wavelength people in the future but has no benefit for adults who did
light that is created by the tissue is called a Stokes shift. The not have the opportunity to be vaccinated before exposure
wavelength of the emitted light created by the tissue is deter- to the HPV strains it covers. Dentists must also consider
mined by the chemical and morphological composition of the other aspects (Figures 26-64 to 26-66): What are the patients
fluorophores within the tissue itself.5 A fluorophore is an absorber occupational risks? What are his or her systemic health and
of light that uses that light energy to create a light of a different pharmacological background? Is the patient taking medica-
wavelength.18 tions that can cause this condition? Is there an immunocom-
The operator uses the device to excite the tissue with a promise concern? All of these are part of assessing the patients
high-intensity blue light of a narrow-band wavelength. The overall well-being.
light emitted by the tissue goes through a series of filters
to help discriminate between healthy and abnormal tissue.
This yields the best overall field-of-view perspective. If a INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
sensitivity, an area of concern, is discovered, it can be more
thoroughly evaluated. Site-specific observations and technolo- Tissue auto-fluorescence is the most innovative technology cur-
gies are employed and recorded (see Figure 26-62). How rently available. With auto-fluorescence the clinician uses light
does it feel under a tactile examination? How does it appear energy to stimulate the tissue. In using lasers the primary targets
under a white-light examination? How does it look under a are chromophores, which are substances that absorb the light
fluorescent examination? Things to consider are surface texture energy. With auto-fluorescence the target are fluorophores,
and how the borders appear: Are they well defined? Are they which are substances that absorb light energy and emit light
diffuse? Regular in shape? In inflammatory responses, the back out in return. The purpose is to look at the concentration
collection of blood in one area tends to have an oval pattern. of the fluorophores in the tissue and how they relate. The
Dysplastic changes tend to have an irregular shape. Is the common fluorophore in relation to the oral epithelium is flavin
area bilateral or unilateral? These are all issues that must be adenine dinucleotide (FAD), which is a component of the mito-
considered. chondria and is in the cytoplasm of the cell. As a condition
Using fluorescence technology is part of a multimodal progresses to a neoplastic state, there is a change in the cytoplas-
examination process. The clinician needs to combine all the mic to nuclear relationship. Mitochondria decrease along with
information available to determine what the next course of a decrease in the percentage of FAD contained in the cell and a
action should be. It might be appropriate to simply keep the loss of fluorescence.18 Also, a large amount of the tissues fluo-
tissue under surveillance with watchful waiting. It also may be rescence also comes from below the basement membrane in the
appropriate to take some corrective measure and observe the stroma from the collagen, in particular the elastin and the cross-
area for a specified period of time or even immediately obtain links that bind the collagen together. When neoplastic activity
a sample of the tissue and send it for a histologic analysis. Epi- begins, there is a breakdown of that collagen matrix and an
thelial tissue on the average takes 21 days for a cell to form increase in metabolic activity. These changes cause a significant
and to be exfoliated into the oral cavity. By re-evaluating the decrease in the natural fluorescence of the tissue, and it appears
patient in 2 to 3 weeks, the clinician should detect changes darker because of this loss in fluorescence. This is evidence of
that indicate if it is a reactive or traumatic lesion that has abnormal metabolic processes. One of the other elements or
improved. If there is no improvement, some other disease substances that fluoresce is fibrin, a clot fiber that develops
process may be going on and a surgical biopsy may be needed. during healing after biopsy or in aphthous ulcer, for example. A
It is a matter of seeing what options are available and manag- fibrin clot will fluoresce very strongly, as will a salivary stone and
ing a case as appropriate. It is important to view things in keratin. These substances will have a gain in fluorescence that
634 Technology and Esthetics Soft Tissue Screening

Health Information and History

Todays Date:
Patients Name: Date of Birth:
If you are completing this form for another person:
Your name: Phone: Relationship:
Emergency Contact: (If not listed above)
Name: Phone: Relationship:
Primary Physician: Phone: City & State:
Date of last physical examination: Date of last blood test/work-up:
Other Physicians and Specialists
Name: Specialty: Phone: City & State:
Name: Specialty: Phone: City & State:
1. With in the last 3 years, have you been hospitalized or had surgery?  Yes  No
If Yes, please give reasons and dates:
2. Have you ever been instructed to take ANY medications or take ANY special precautions before
any dental appointments*?  Yes  No
If Yes, please explain:
3. Are you taking ANY drugs, medications, or treatments at this time?  Yes  No
(If you brought a complete written list with you, give that to the receptionist instead)

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications (such as Aspirin, Advil, allergy medication, sleeping aids, etc):

Vitamins, natural or herbal preparations and/or dietary supplements:

Are you having or have you ever had radiation or chemotherapy treatments*?  Yes  No
If Yes, for how long? Name of facility performing the treatment :
4. Are you taking or have you ever taken / been treated with a Bisphosphonate (Fosamax)?  Yes  No
5. Are you allergic to or have you ever experienced an unusual reaction to:
Latex Metals or jewelry Dental anesthesia (local)
Fluoride Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) General anesthesia
6. Are you allergic to or have you ever had any reaction to any of the following drugs?
Penicillin (or related drugs) Tranquilizers (Valium) Tetracycline Codeine
Aspirin / Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin) Keflex (Cephalexin) Sulfa drugs Iodine
NSAID (Celebrex, Vioxx, Anaprox) Clindamycin (Cleocin) Erythromycin
7. Have you had an allergic reaction or unusual response to ANY other medications, drugs, pills, or
treatments?  Yes  No
If Yes, please list :
Continued on next page... Reviewed By:

FIGURE 26-65 Health information and history form.

makes them look significantly brighter (Figures 26-67 to 26-69). or the presence of fibrin (Box 26-1). Further evaluation should
The presence of a combination of substances that fluoresce and be performed whenever there is a fluorescence response that is
adding in others that will absorb the light, such as hemoglobin, not normal in the tissue that is being examined, and appropriate
oxyhemoglobin, and melanin, produce the fluorescent response corrective action or management should be undertaken by the
that is observed by the clinician. Seeing and understanding the clinician.
normal anatomical variances are extremely important. If the
observed tissue does not respond with a normal appearance, an
abnormal process is going on. The fluorescence pattern observed
may be categorized in several different ways. One would be the TREATMENT PLANNING
normal fluorescence pattern, a second would a loss of fluores-
cence, a third would a loss of fluorescence that returns to a The comprehensive oral soft tissue evaluation should be done as
normal pattern under diascopic pressure, and another would be part of every examination in the office. When the patient comes
a gain in fluorescence that is observed with an increase in keratin in for an initial consultation and work-up, this should be the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 635

Health Information and History (continued)

Patients Name:

8. Do you have, or have you ever had, any of the following? (Please check Yes or No for each question)
Yes No Yes No
Congenital heart defects Asthma
Angina or chest pains Hay fever, skin or food allergies
Atherosclerosis or allergies in general
Congestive heart failure Sinus problems
Coronary artery disease Tuberculosis, emphysema or lung disorder
Heart surgery Skin problems
If Yes, type and date A sore or wound that bleeds easily
Heart attack or does not heal
If Yes, date A thyroid problem or disease
Rheumatic heart disease / rheumatic fever Arthritis
Infective Endocarditis* Glaucoma or any eye diseases
Heart valve(s) damage / Mitral valve prolapse Epilepsy or other seizure disorder
Artificial heart valve Any kidney problems
Pacemaker Ulcers, acid reflux, or stomach problems
Stroke or CVA A compromised immune system
High blood pressure (lupus, HIV, AIDS, radiation immune problem, etc.)
Low blood pressure An active sexually transmitted disease (STD)
Anemia Any mental health issues
Hemophilia or bleeding disorder Been treated for any psychiatric condition
Excessive bleeding from any cut or incident
Diabetes or blood sugar problems Women Only: Yes No
Any artificial joint, joint surgery, or prosthesis Are you pregnant?
If Yes, what joint or area? If Yes, what is your due date?
When was operation done? Do you think you might be pregnant?
Hepatitis, jaundice, or other liver problems Are you presently nursing?
Any form of cancer Are you using birth control medication?
An organ transplant Are you taking hormone replacement therapy?

9. Do you have any other conditions, diseases, or medical problems, or is there ANY other information
that you would like us to know about, or that we should be made aware of?  Yes  No
If Yes, please explain:

CONSENT To the best of my knowledge, all of the preceding information is correct and if there is ever any change in health or medications,
this practice will be informed of the changes without fail. I also consent to allow this practice to contact any healthcare provider(s) and to have
the patients health information released to aid in care and treatment. I also hereby consent to allow diagnosis, proper health care and treatment
to be performed by this practice for the above named individual until further notice.

I understand there are no guarantees or warranties in health or dental care.

Signature Date
(Parent or guardian, if patient is a minor)
Reviewed By:

FIGURE 26-65, contd

foundation for all treatment. Once the case is completed and If patients exhibit some sort of hypersensitivity to certain materi-
the patient established, the patient will be seen at ongoing recare als or xerostomia, it may exert a strong effect on treatment
appointments. Continuous surveillance of the mucosa is planning. An important concern is how the patient will be able
extremely important. As part of the process of life, human bodies to maintain the dentition and oral cavity after treatment. Those
undergo changes. A major part of treatment planning and case types of considerations are extremely important, requiring
presentation is understanding the role these changes may play. careful patient education.
636 Technology and Esthetics Soft Tissue Screening

Dental and Oral Health Information

Patients name: Date:

Please describe any specific dental problem or discomfort you are having at this time:
How long has it been present?
If you have had any of the following dental care please list the dentists and approximate dates:
Periodontal (gum) treatment or surgery:
Braces or any type of orthodontic treatment:
Dental implants:
Any other type of oral surgery:

Do you have/have you had/have you noticed any of the following signs or symptoms in your head, neck, or mouth?
(Please check Yes or No for each question) Yes No Yes No
Teeth that are sensitive to: A clicking, snapping or difficulty when chewing
Hot, cold, sweets, or biting pressure Difficulty opening or moving the jaws
An unpleasant taste or persistent bad breath Difficulty speaking or changes in your voice
Does food catch between your teeth Difficulty moving your tongue or tongue tied
Do your gums bleed when brushing Loose or separating teeth
Red, swollen, tender, bleeding, or sore gums Changes in the way your teeth fit together
Gums that have pulled away from the teeth A color change of the tissues in your mouth
Pus between the teeth and gums Pain, tenderness, numbness, or earaches
Avoid any area when brushing or chewing Any lumps, swelling or swollen glands
You clench or grind your teeth Sores, ulcers, or rough spots in your mouth

Your Dental Health:

How do you rate your overall dental health? Good Fair Poor

How many times a day do you brush your teeth? How many times a week do you floss your teeth?

Do you use any of the following? (Please check Yes or No for each question) Yes No
Mechanical (electric) toothbrush If Yes, what type or brand?
Flossing aids (floss holders, threaders, etc.)
Oral irrigating device (Waterpik)
Fluoride treatments or supplements at home. If Yes, which ones:
Mouthwashes or oral rinses. If Yes, what brand?

Do you have any missing teeth that have not been replaced?
Why have you not had them replaced?
Do you wear any removable dental appliances?
If Yes, what type and for how long?
Have you ever had your teeth whitened or bleached?
Would you like to have your teeth whitened or bleached?
How do you feel about the appearance of your smile and what would you change if you could?

Are you concerned about the finances required to return your mouth to excellent health?
Are you frustrated because you always need something treated or repaired when you visit a dentist?
Do you feel you will eventually wear artificial dentures?
Have you ever had any complications from an extraction or dental treatment?
If Yes, please explain:
Have you ever had any other dental conditions, major trauma or injury to your head, neck, or mouth?
If Yes, please specify:
If you are a new patient to this practice:
Date of last dental visit Dentists name City and State
Reviewed By:

FIGURE 26-66 Dental and oral health information form.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 637

BOX 26.1 Descriptors of Fluorescence

Tissue Response
Retained fluorescenceTissue has a normal fluorescence
Loss of fluorescenceTissue appears darker because of
changes in the chemical and morphological
composition, indicating the possibility that an
abnormal situation may be present.
Diascopic fluorescenceTissue appears to have a loss of
fluorescence but returns to normal fluorescence on
diascopic pressure. (Often referred to as blanching.)
May indicate that an inflammatory process is present.
Gain in fluorescenceTissue appears brighter than normal
because of an increase in the amount of fluorophores
that are present with the tissue.
FIGURE 26-67 Fluorescence image of a fibrin clot. Note the Porphyrin fluorescenceAppearance of a reddish orange
strong gain (increase) in the fluorescence of the fibrin formed glow from porphyrin; indicates an increase in bacterial
as the area heals from a frenectomy surgical procedure. Also activity.
note the strong fluorescence response from the dentition.

For an esthetic case it is important to consider whether the soft
tissue has any complications that will alter the treatment plan.
Over 400 medications cause xerostomia19 or decreased salivary
function. Such a decrease is strongly associated with serious
abnormalities of both the soft tissue and the dentition. Problems
with the dentition and the periodontium must be understood
and corrected or altered where appropriate. Part of long-term
treatment planning includes considering what happens if the
patients condition progresses. Beta-blockers can have an effect
on some patients gingival component, restorations, and esthetic
results. Managing these concerns becomes crucial. The overall
FIGURE 26-68 Fluorescence image of a small salivary stone. health of the soft tissue must be a strong component in the
Note the gain in fluorescence of the stone, with its brighter treatment considerations for the patient.
appearance compared with the surrounding tissue.

The sequence of events in a soft tissue examination is quite
simple. Clinicians are trained to do this as part of routine den-
tistry (Box 26-2). First, the patient is informed that he or she is
receiving a thorough oral examination and oral health assess-
ment, including a comprehensive oral mucosal and soft tissue
examination. This demonstrates that the practitioner is con-
cerned about the patients overall well-being and that the patient
is not there for just a cleaning but is having more than just
the teeth evaluated. The patient is informed that the dentist is
FIGURE 26-69 Fluorescence image of hyperkeratosis of the looking for everything from a cheek bite to cancer.
buccal mucosa. Again, note the gain in the fluorescence when Second, the clinician reviews the patients overall systemic
compared with the surrounding tissue. condition, looking for any disease processes or conditions that
638 Technology and Esthetics Soft Tissue Screening

BOX 26.2 Ten Steps of an Oral Mucosal Examination

1. Inform the patient that he or she is receiving a
FungationVerrucous, cauliflower-like surface
thorough oral examination and oral health assessment,
ElevationPart of lesion is raised above the
including a comprehensive oral mucosal and soft tissue normal level of the surrounding tissue
EnlargementAreas of increased size, especially
It shows that the practice cares about their patients when compared with contralateral side
FixationAttachment of normally mobile tissues
Inform the patient that you are looking for to underlying structures with loss of mobility
everything from a cheek bite to cancer.
Any changes from normal tissue
Assures patients that they are receiving the best
Especially red areas and red and white patches
possible overall oral health care.
Changes in surface texture
Its not just a cleaning! 7. Perform visual intra-oral examination with fluorescence
2. Comprehensively review the patients medical, visualization.
pharmacologic, and dental history. Repeat previously described visual examination of
Past history of cancer, dermatologic or mucosal intraoral structures using the VELscope.
abnormities in the patient and his or her family. 8. Perform photographic documentation of any areas of
Present medical conditions and treatments. concern.
Medications. Both with visible light and with fluorescence
Dental and other oral habits. visualization.

Bruxism, cheek biting, gum chewing, finger 9. Record and document all findings.
habits, and so on Record that no areas of concern were observed
Discuss tobacco and alcohol use along with social (within normal limits [WNL]) if appropriate.
habits and history. If an area is discovered, the Oral Mucosal and Soft
3. Perform visual examination and assessment of the face, Tissue Evaluation Form and Oral Schematics
head, and neck. Form can be used or referred to for assistance.
Look for lumps, bumps, patches, color changes, 10. Inform the patient of all findings and the
asymmetry, and so on. recommended course of action.
4. Perform extra-oral tactile examination (palpation) of the State that no areas of concern were observed (WNL)
head and neck. if appropriate.
Look for abnormal lumps, bumps, nodules, and If an area of concern is noted:
bilateral symmetry.
Seek a probable cause and treat or manage
5. Perform intra-oral and transoral tactile examination appropriately:
(palpation) of hard and soft tissue.
Traumatic or irritational, infectious,
Look for abnormal lumps, bumps, nodules, and developmental, nutritional, caused by systemic
bilateral symmetry. disease, or unknown cause
6. Perform visual examination of intra-oral structures with
If only of mild concern:
Encourage removal of all potential causes of
Pay particular attention to the high-risk areas: the lesion and schedule a recall appointment

Lower lip for re-evaluation in 2 weeks.

Ventrolateral tongue
Consider using adjunctive techniques such as a

Floor of the mouth transepithelial (brush) biopsy.

Soft palate complex
If particularly concerned by the lesions

Lingual retromolar trigone, anterior tonsillar appearance or growth behavior:
pillar, soft palate proper, uvula
Perform full-thickness scalpel biopsy or refer
Look for: patient for a biopsy.

IndurationAbnormal hardness of a lesion or Recommended follow-up
area on palpation Patient instructions

UlcerationLoss of continuity of the mucosal or
any soft tissue
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 639

may have oral consequences or affect any treatment outcomes. Again, this examination should begin with the patient in the
This includes evaluating all medications being taken or treat- same position as at the end of the visible white-light examina-
ments being received that may have oral manifestations. Several tion, for efficiency and to enable a comparison of the white-light
computer programs, such as Lexi-Comp drug interaction soft- to the fluorescence findings if an area of concern is detected.
ware, are available to assist the clinician in deciphering the With these concepts in mind the oropharyngeal and tonsillar
myriad medications that many patients are taking today. Many region that was just inspected should be reexamined first in the
of todays medications have a significant effect on the oral cavity fluorescence examination. If everything appears normal, the
as well as the treatments that dentists are performing. This evalu- patient is returned to a reclining position and the entire visual
ation also includes a review of the patients dental history and examination is repeated using fluorescent visualization. The cli-
oral habits. Is there a history of dry mouth? Have apical amal- nician then uses the fluorescence device to reexamine the entire
gams been placed? Are there any dental situations, concerns, or oral cavity for anything that appears out of context. If something
problems present? does not appear normal with fluorescence it should be reexam-
Third, once the medical and dental history has been reviewed, ined with visible white light and the findings compared to assist
a visual extra-oral assessment of the patient is performed. This in determining the proper course of action.
begins with looking at the patients face, head, and neck. If the Eighth, if an area of concern warrants further care or moni-
patient is wearing glasses, they are removed so the clinician can toring, it should be photographed under both fluorescence and
look for facial asymmetry and other problems that they may be white light as a benchmark of the patients condition, enabling
covering up. This goes along with the basic principles for any monitoring and comparison of the progression or regression of
esthetic case and includes patient color and the patients external the disease process. This photo-documentation also helps in
appearance. communicating with specialists, pathology labs, and any inter-
Fourth, an extra-oral tactile examination is done. The clini- ested third party. Photo-documentation is also an invaluable tool
cian palpates the tissue and lymph node areas from the clavicle for educating and discussing the findings and appropriate course
to the occipital regions, looking for an enlarged node or any of action with the patient. Whenever possible when photograph-
other abnormalitiesanything that is atypical. ing a soft tissue lesion, the clinician should try to include a
Fifth, after the external palpation, a transoral and intra-oral measuring device (see Figures 26-67 to 26-69) and a distinguish-
palpation is done by compressing the tissues between the clini- able anatomical area for reference. The Oral Mucosal Soft
cians fingers or against the osseous structure. After a quick Tissue Evaluation Form (see Figure 26-62) and Dental and
cursory examination of the oral cavity, the soft tissues of the Oral Health Form (see Figure 26-66) can be used to assist in
cheek are squeezed between the fingers. After looking to see any identifying the lesions location.
abnormalities, such as blocked salivary glands, lumps, or bumps, Ninth, documenting the findings is an integral part of the
the dentist palpates the floor and roof of the mouth and the examination process. It is extremely important for medical-legal
alveolar ridge, trying to identify anything that feels abnormal. reasons that all of the examination findings be recorded in the
Sixth is a comprehensive visible white-light examination. All patients clinical record. An electronic health record helps facili-
examinations should be done with the highest magnification the tate the documentation and communication of the findings,
clinician is comfortable wearing. As with all examinations, it allowing the clinician to be very specific concerning the findings
should be performed in a consistent systematic manner to help and technologies used. If an area of concern is discovered, the
ensure that all the oral structures are thoroughly evaluated. For potential causesuch as traumatic, infectious, developmental,
efficiency, the visible white-light examination may start with the or nutritional; caused by systemic disease; or unknown cause
patient still reclined in the supine position after the completion should be noted. Also, the recommended course of action also
of the intra-oral tactile examination. As mentioned, the clinician needs to be charted in the patients clinical record. If a biopsy is
should use magnification and proceed systematically, starting in recommended or required and the clinician is not going to
a region and working through the entire oral cavity. An impor- perform it personally, it is still the practitioners responsibility to
tant component is the use of a 2 2 gauze to hold the tongue make sure that all necessary recommendations have been fol-
and pull it out as far as possible so the posterior region and base lowed by the patient. If an area is discovered, the Oral Mucosal
of the tongue can be inspected. This is extremely important, as Soft Tissue Evaluation Form (see Figure 26-62) and Dental
it is the area of the oral cavity most prone to developing a malig- and Oral Health Form (see Figure 26-66) can be used or
nancy. At the end of the white-light examination the patient referred to for assistance.
needs to be placed in an upright sitting position for inspection If the examination reveals that everything is healthy and
of the oropharyngeal region. This area is very difficult to examine appears within normal limits, it should also be noted in the
with the patient in a reclining position, as the tongue will tend patients record.
to fall back and block this area. Many clinicians have great dif- Tenth and last, it is very important to inform and discuss
ficulty seeing the oropharyngeal region through magnification with the patient all of the findings and the appropriate course
and will look over their magnification or remove it to inspect of action and postoperative instructions. If all of the structures
this area. Having the patient stick out the tongue and say Ah appear to be healthy and within normal limits, the patient
helps visualize much of the oropharynx and tonsillar region. should also be informed of that finding. If an area of concern is
Seventh, once the white-light examination has been com- noted, the clinician should seek out and question the patient for
pleted, the fluorescence visualization examination is performed. a probable cause and treat or manage it appropriately. If an area
640 Technology and Esthetics Soft Tissue Screening

Mucosal Examination Chart Mucosal Examination Chart

Form A Upper/Lower Arch Form B Tongue-Lateral View

Patient name: Patient name:

Case number: Case number:
Exam date: Exam date:
Clinician: Clinician:
LIP Right Left
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

12 11 21 22
13 23
14 24
15 25
16 26
17 27
18 28
Form C: Tongue Underside


48 38
48 38
47 37
36 47 37
35 46 36
44 34 45 35
43 33 44 34
42 32 43 33
42 32

Clinical Clinical
Impression: Impression:

FIGURE 26-70 Oral cavity mucosal recording schematic. FIGURE 26-71 Tongue and floor of mouth recording

is detected but it is not of particular concern, encourage removal medical counterparts. They can become an excellent referral
of all potential causes of the lesion and schedule a re-care source and can better understand that dental professionals are
appointment for re-evaluation in two weeks to ensure that it has an integral part of the medical community and that esthetic
resolved as expected. procedures have more value than just creating a beautiful smile.
These procedures should be part of every examination

The visual examination is the oldest examination in the history The value of the soft tissue examination is that it is completely
of medicine. More enhanced examinations, the enhanced fluo- noninvasive so there are no harmful side effects, unlike a radio-
rescence evaluation, are supported by over $60 million of graphic examination, in which the patient is exposed to ionizing
research medicine. This technology not only is used in the oral radiation. In a comprehensive oral mucosal evaluation the
cavity but has been used in the lungs and various other body dentist is using 100% safe, noninvasive technologies. The blue
areas. In 2005 the American Association for Cancer Research light being emitted by the VELscope is simply a 420-nm wave-
gave a scholar award for the research done to help surgeons length, which is in the middle of the visible blue light spectrum
delineate the extent of a disease process with this device.20 Many so there are no mutagenic effects. There are no harmful side
peer-reviewed medical journal articles document the value of effects so there is no reason not to perform this examination on
fluorescence in the oral cavity. Most research on auto-fluorescence every patient.
has been in the medical literature versus the dental literature, so The value of soft tissue screening in terms of early intercep-
many dental clinicians have not been exposed to it. Clinicians tion of a disease is that the disease management becomes tre-
should be encouraged to share this information with their mendously simplified. Trying to control and treat a condition
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 641

when it is in its early stages and not widespread throughout or Among the advancements is diagnostic software that guides
across regions helps the patient maintain a level of comfort and the clinician to ask appropriate questions and make appropriate
quality of life. By finding a dysplastic lesion in its earliest pos- choices when information has been obtained. This includes the
sible stages, treatment is easier on the patient with better out- specific words to use to describe the lesion and images of the
comes. In theory, cancer is caused by irritations and stimulants lesion or area of concern. The description is run through an
causing an inappropriate turnover of cells. If areas that could be algorithm to determine the most appropriate way to proceed
causing problems for the patient can be identified and corrected, and what clinical signs and symptoms to look for, and the
it might be possible to handle or control disease progression. potential causes. These technologies are being developed now
This yields a better quality of life for patients. If the patient has and will hopefully be available in the near future.
a history of oral cancer or oral dysplasia, a comprehensive fluo-
rescence evaluation should be done at every appointment even
if the patient was just seen 2 weeks earlier. By keeping these REFERENCES
patients under appropriate surveillance, it is possible to better
1. Patton LL, Elter JR, Southerland JH, Strauss RP: Knowledge of oral
control disease progression and improve outcomes.
cancer risk factors and diagnostic concepts among North Carolina
dentists: implications for diagnosis and referral, J Am Dent Assoc
136(5):602-609, 2005.
MAINTENANCE 2. Sankaranarayanan R: A Practical Manual on Visual Screening for Cervical
Neoplasia, International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC Technical
Publication No. 41, Lyon, France, 2003, IARCPress.
The maintenance of the technology includes infection control
3. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research
considerations, which for most diagnostic technologies are either on Cancer: Testing and reporting the results of visual inspection
disposable or are identical to those for other dental instrumenta- with 5% acetic acid (VIA). Available at:
tion such as composite curing lights. Maintenance of the VEL- viavilichap2.php?lang=1. Accessed June 20, 2010.
scope and the DentLight DOE System, for example, is minimal 4. Oh ES, Laskin DM: Efficacy of the ViziLite system in identification of oral
lesions; International Association for Dental Research and American
to none. However, as with all dental equipment and instrumen-
Association 35th Annual Meeting of International Association for Dental
tation, the devices must be properly handled and kept in good Research and American Association for Dental Research, Orlando,
repair. Florida: Presented March 9, 2006.
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CONTROVERSIES autofluorescence, Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 124:1251-1258,
6. Melrose RJ, Handlers JP, Kerpel S, et al: The use of biopsy in
There is no controversy concerning the value of soft tissue dental practice. The position of the American Academy of Oral and
screening. The biggest controversy is in determining the next Maxillofacial Pathology, Gen Dent 55(5):457-461, 2007 Sep-Oct.
step for patients with a diagnosed dysplasia. It is believed 7. American Cancer Society facts and figures, available at http://
that 25% to 35% of dysplasias may progress to cancer over
Accessed July 20, 2011.
time.23 The controversy is whether they should be excised, 8. Schantz SP, Yu GP: Head and neck cancer incidence trends in
oblated, or just watched. The other controversy is whether young Americans, Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 128(3):268-274,
the grading system of the dysplastic lesion truly reflects how 2002 Mar.
the disease will progress. These are more often medical than 9. United States Department of Health and Human Services. National
Center for Health Statistics. National Survey of Family Growth, Cycle VI,
dental issues.
2002 [Computer file]. ICPSR04157-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for
Social Research [producer], 2004. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Inter-university
Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2008-10-01.
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS 10. DSouza G, Kreimer AR, Viscidi R, et al: Case-control study of human
papilloma virus and oropharyngeal cancer, N Engl J Med 356(19):1944-
1956, 2007.
Some of the near-future developments will involve how to
11. The Blue Ribbon Badge Guide 2008:
improve detection and photo-documentation. In addition to the Accessed November 12, 2008.
fluorescence technology of the VELscope, other field-of-view 12. Horowitz AM, Drury TF, Goodman HS, Yellowitz JA: Oral pharyngeal
and site-specific screening modalities such as enhanced salivary cancer prevention and early detection. Dentists opinions and practices, J
diagnostics, optical coherent tomography (OCT), and point Am Dent Assoc 131(4):453-462, 2000.
13. American Cancer Society facts and figures, available at http://www.
spectroscopy are among some of the technologies that are pres-
ently being developed. Many of these technologies are being Accessed July 20, 2011.
designed to enable detection without surgical intervention. With 14. Nation Cancer Institute: SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2008,
all screening technologies the goal is to identify the disease Accessed July 20, 2011.
process as early as possible and to intervene appropriately, ensur- 15. Christian DC: Computer-assisted analysis of oral brush biopsies at an
oral cancer screening program, J Am Dent Assoc 133(3):357-362, 2002.
ing that cases needing surgical biopsy are sent for that process.
16. Benjamin SD: Oral cancer discovery and management: the role and
On the flip side, dentists want to be able to identify areas that responsibilities of the general dental practice. The Inside Summit on Oral
do not need biopsy and appropriately manage those also. The Cancer Discovery: the technologies and the role of dental clinicians,
rule is to not ever rule anything out. Inside Dent 3(Supp 2):23-25, 2007.
642 Technology and Esthetics Soft Tissue Screening
17. Lumerman H, Freedman P, Kerpel S: Oral epithelial dysplasia and the 20. Poh CF: Identification of clinically occult disease in oral cancer patients
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Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 79(3):321-329, 1995. visualization; Presented at the American Academy of Cancer Research
18. Lane PM, Gilhuly T, Whitehead PD, et al: Simple device for the direct Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2005.
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19. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental Craniofacial Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 79(3):321-329, 1995.
chap5.htm. Accessed June 20, 2010.
C H A P T E R 27

Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics

Joe L. Carrick

RELEVANCE OF MINIMALLY The patient with a conventional denture is able to generate

only a fraction of the biting force of the patient with his or her
INVASIVE IMPLANT STABILIZATION own teeth. Through use of small implants for stabilization of
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY the denture, patients gain a significant increase in function. The
denture is stable, no longer moving, and no longer relying on
All cosmetic principles are based on the tooth setup. With den- the tissue for support. This approach achieves greater function,
tures, because of the loss of bone, the teeth must be placed close yields better esthetics, and in many cases positively affects
to the residual ridge to create a stable prosthesis. This often phonetics.
means they cannot be placed in an esthetic position. If, however,
these dentures are supported and stabilized with implants, then
the teeth can be placed in a more ideal position to achieve the
Opening of the Vertical Dimension
desired esthetic look. Not only is the smile improved, but the The face of the patient whose nose and chin look like they are
lower third of the face is redeveloped from the extreme collapse about to touch has the appearance of a chronic frown when
of the vertical dimension. This approach contributes to the viewed straight on. The corners of the mouth turn down because
esthetics of the teeth that create the desired smile and facial of the position of the mandible in relation to the maxilla as a
proportions. result of significant bone loss. If the denture can be stabilized
with implants, it is no longer necessary to rely on tooth position
to create stability. The implants allow the teeth to be set in a
Effect on Facial Proportions more ideal position to reestablish the patients appearance, elimi-
The nose and the chin begin to approximate one another because nating the frown look because the denture is supported by the
of the loss of vertical dimension. When the teeth are placed back implants. This also places the teeth so that they support the lip,
to where they were before bone loss and once stability is achieved rather than the lips supporting themselves. Denture patients
via implants, the facial proportions become more normal. With may look as though they have a wad of tobacco underneath their
a typical denture look as a result of significant lost vertical lower lip because the upper lip is supporting the lower lip and
dimension of occlusion, the nose becomes larger proportionate causes it to curl. These people also experience communication
to the face. Reestablishing the proportion between the nose and problems beyond esthetics. In addition, there is a quality-of-life
other structures actually recreates the lost vertical dimension, issue. The first impression they project is that they are unhappy
giving the patient a proportional lower third of the face relative people because of their facial appearance. Once these structures
to the nose, eyes, and so on. return to a position in which the teeth are in the right place, the
lips are supported, the frown look is gone, the lower third of the
face is reestablished, and the phonetics are cleaned up. Every-
Forces Placed on the Jaws thing returns to a more ideal functional and esthetic state.
and Restorations
In proper position, the front teeth can be compared with the BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL
wheel of a wheelbarrow and the condyles act as the handles of
the wheelbarrow. When vertical dimension is lost, it is akin to DEVELOPMENT OF MINIMALLY
a flat front tire on the wheelbarrow, which puts extra strain and INVASIVE IMPLANT STABILIZATION
stress on the condyles, creating reduced function and increased
muscle fatigue. Reestablishing the vertical dimension and Implants have been in active use for 40 to 45 years. Initially the
putting the teeth where they are supposed to be reestablishes the people who needed the implants the most did not have adequate
condyle in proper position in relation to the base of the skull, bone to support the implants available at the time. The typical
thus allowing the muscles of mastication to function more implants were made of titanium alloy. To use these implants,
ideally. patients had to undergo very invasive grafting procedures that

644 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics

were only occasionally successful. The implants then evolved conventional implants without extensive bone grafting. The
into mini-implants, which were not really different from the ERAmini implants ability to alter the path of insertion and
previous implants as they were still made of titanium and had negate the need for a bar in the maxilla, has opened the door to
the same shape. Early attachments were only good if the implants these smaller implants in the maxilla where minimal bone is
were placed parallel to each other. In most cases this eliminated present, often without additional bone grafting. The success
maxillary treatment because it is almost impossible to place all rate of the ERAmini implants is equal to that of the larger
the implants parallel owing to the anatomic realities. If it was implants in the over denture application primarily due the
necessary to use attachments that allowed the path of insertion ability of the ERA attachment to alter the path of insertion
to be altered when implants were not parallel. Thus, due to the which significantly reduces forces placed on the implant. The
superior position of the attachments the bar created, the implants ERA supported denture, whether on conventional or smaller
were exposed to increased detrimental lateral forces of mastica- ERAmini implants, creates a tissue-supported implant-retained
tion. The denture that was supported by a bar (implant sup- prosthesis. Patients who were not eligible for the treatment
ported and implant retained) was exposed to the same forces as previously can now proceed with a less invasive and signifi-
any fixed restoration. The bar essentially negated the ability to cantly more economical technique. Once a stabilizing platform
use a smaller implant because the surface area was lacking for has been achieved (implant support) and the teeth can be
this fixed application. When regular-sized implants were used in replaced on a denture, the limitations previously caused by a
a bar-retained overdenture, bone loss would occur after only a lack of stabilization for the dentures no longer apply.
few years, primarily because the lateral forces transmitted to the
implants were not addressed. The development of an attachment
that could alter the path of insertion on divergent implants
and minimize lateral forces without a bar was the solution to RELATING FUNCTION
the overdenture challenge. This new over denture technique AND ESTHETICS
produced a tissue-supported, implant-retained prosthesis that
reduced the forces enough to make the smaller implants a pre- The clinicians goal is to place the teeth in the proper position
dictable option. for function and esthetics whether the case is fixed or removable.
The ERA attachment (Sterngold Dental, Attleboro, Massa- The approach in establishing tooth position for function and
chusetts, Figure 27-1) has been available for many years and esthetics is basically the same for dentures as it is for natural
was miniaturized and adapted to these smaller implants. The dentition. Phonetics are used to help identify the position where
ERAmini implant (an ERA abutment incorporated onto a 2.2 the anterior teeth should be relative to one another first and then
or 3.25mm diameter implant) enables the clinician to place the posterior teeth are addressed. The ERA denture patient,
implants in areas that are too atrophic for traditional implants. because he or she has implants now has a stable platform. It is
Thus making it possible to treat many more patients in possible to use the same criteria (with a few exceptions) to rees-
whom the remaining bone width is insufficient to support tablish where the teeth provide maximum function. The practi-
tioner is relatively free to have the patient participate in
establishing esthetics once position of functional stability has
been achieved.
Once the esthetic end result has been determined, the prac-
titioner can proceed to a wax try-in stage. Stabilization via
implants at this stage allows the patient to test the phonetics
and observe their own esthetics. Rather than proceeding to the
finished case and hoping that the patients needs are addressed,
the patient becomes an active participant, leading to better
patient acceptance at the end of the case.

ERA processing male White male creates 0.4-mm space Minimally invasive implant procedures are indicated for patients
in metal jacket for resiliency and hinging who have unstable dentures and want to have the increased
quality of life that stable dentures can provide. There must be a
FIGURE 27-1 The resiliency of the ERA attachment is accom-
plished by using A, ERA male component with the black pro- minimum of 8mm vertical height and 3mm width of bone.
cessing insert that occupies the entire metal housing. B, The These parameters are achieved in about 95% of all denture
white male insert (arrow) creates 0.4-mm space for resiliency patients. Relating this to a conventional implant, the mini-
and hinging inside the metal housing. (Courtesy Sterngold Dental, mums are 8mm height and 5mm width parameters, which are
LLC, Attleboro, Massachusetts.) not seen in most long-term denture patients.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 645

It is important to note that most patients are in their 50s, The technology has expanded, so these implants are starting
60s, and 70s. Because they tend to have a multitude of medical to be used widely as an orthodontic tool to move teeth and grow
problems, dental practitioners must consult these patients bone in lieu of grafting. They are also being used for intruded
medical care providers. With few exceptions, most persons at molars. The primary use for the ERAmini implant still remains
these ages can be treated with guidance from the primary health- to be in the overdenture applications.
care giver.
Contraindications This technology should not be used to support a single tooth
It is unlikely that a good result will be achieved if the patient restoration, a bicuspid or molar, as this would certainly lead to
has severe osteoporosis and minimal bone. A subject with osteo- failure. It is not meant to be used in a fixed application, but
porosis but adequate bone could be treated successfully. Hemo- primarily for overdenture application when there is insufficient
philia is a contraindication for any kind of surgery, and certain bone to accommodate larger implants.
medical and heart conditions may preclude elective procedures
as can radiation treatment of maxilla or mandible.
Current Best Approach
The goal is to enlighten general dentists to treat their denture
MATERIAL OPTIONS patients with ERAmini implants. There are two different pro-
tocols, one for the maxilla and the other for the mandible,
Advantages owing to the different quality of bone in each. If the bone
It is better to place a smaller implant in adequate bone than quality or quantity is difficult to determine with routine radio-
to place a larger implant where the bone is very thin. Because graphs, then a scan appliance with fiduciary markers is created;
the maxilla is addressed and bars are not being used, it is it is important to make the appliance stable and carefully
necessary to use an attachment that will allow for alteration inserted prior to taking a computed tomography (CT) scan.
of the path of insertion. Currently only the ERA Attachment The information from this scan is entered into one of many
System (Sterngold Dental) has the ability to alter the path of computer programs that allow the clinician to view the avail-
insertion (Figure 27-2) and create vertical resiliency with mul- able bone three-dimensionally and virtually place implants
tiple retentive strengths (see Figures 27-1 and 27-2). The other until the result is satisfactory. The plan is recorded along with
small attachments on the market are appropriate only in situ- implant size and sent to be made into a surgical guide appli-
ations in which the implants are parallel. If the implants can ance. The guide allows placement of the implants in the
be positioned parallel, almost anything can serve as an attach- precise position identified on the computer during the virtual
ment. If the osseous contour makes it impossible for the placement. This approach removes anxiety and provides accu-
implants to be placed parallel, only the ERA attachment will racy within a 0.5 millimeter.
alter the path of insertion sufficiently to enable it to be made
Eighty-five percent of patients with bad dentures have already
spent a lot of money without comfort or satisfaction. Often it
becomes an issue of expense. It is possible to retrofit the existing
denture to keep the cost lower. If the patient wants to take the
5 11 17 process a step further, this can be achieved in steps. Initially
stabilization of the denture provides the comfort the patient is
seeking. Once this has been accomplished, the patient is often
more open to looking at the esthetics that a new stable, implant
supported denture can provide.

The attachment used has resiliency, allows alteration of the path
of insertion, and has multiple retentive strengths. This innova-
tion makes it is possible to retrofit the existing denture or a new
FIGURE 27-2 This figure illustrates the female portion of the denture. The implants continue to function as long as the patient
ERA attachment and the way that the path of insertion is needs them. The ERAmini implant was created by combining
altered. (Courtesy Sterngold Dental, LLC, Attleboro, Massachusetts.) a micro ERA attachment with a smaller implant of the same
646 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics

material makeup as the conventional implant and an aggressive tissue because the lab technician can color-match an accurate
self-tapping thread design. Where the bone is not dense, under- photograph of the soft tissue. It is mimicked so that it
sizing the osteotomy, an effect much like squeezing a sponge becomes difficult to see where the soft tissue ends and the
(making the sponge denser), is achieved. In maxillary areas denture base begins. Artistically, something totally artificial is
where the bone is not of good quality, better bone quality is made to look natural.
created by condensing the bone around the implant as it taps
its way into the spongy bone. The implant-bone interface is
much denser then the surrounding bone and provides stability TREATMENT PLANNING
during the healing phase. Altering the path of insertion, without
incorporating detrimental forces of mastication, will correct for
misalignment (see Figure 27-2). The sequencing establishes the number of visits that will be
needed, based on the patients initial presentation, and the labo-
ratory technicians work. All patients are asked about their chief
Technologic complaint. The practitioner may see other things that need to
The use of CT technology is a major advance. The software has be done first, but all factors are thrown into the mix. The
been made more user friendly and provides points of reference denture patient usually wants a stable denture and may not even
that were not previously available. The CT scan is taken with consider the esthetics. The clinicians job is to encourage patients
three metal markers that enable a three-dimensional point of to look beyond the immediate complaint. Once a stable denture
reference. Even without extensive training, it is possible to virtu- has been created, the patient can be asked how he or she would
ally place the implant on the computers three-dimensional rep- like the teeth to appear. A list of options can be offered. To
resentation of a specific patients mouth. It not only gives the achieve a more stable denture usually requires implant place-
location but provides a relative bone density, maximizing implant ment at some point. If the patients other chief complaint is
placement in the densest bone available. The scan also allows the about the plastic on the roof of the mouth, addressing this will
practitioner to view and avoid areas such as the neurovascular require the placement of more implants to provide the support
bundle in the lower jaw and the sinuses in the upper jaw, allow- needed. All of these elements enter into the treatment planning
ing greater predictability and increases the comfort zone for the process.
general dentist. So the process is (1) identifying all the chief complaints,
Using the CT scan prepared guide allows the practitioner to (2) obtaining radiographs, and (3) offering treatment options,
spend less time in the patients mouth, increases efficiency, and some of which will require implants. Along the way it is impor-
reduces overhead. With less overhead, the patient may face a tant to take into account the patients medical status. In most
reduced cost for the procedure, and making it an option for cases, after the dental practitioner has done a thorough work-up,
more patients. Everybody wins because the technology permits the proposal and medications are sent to the primary care physi-
greater efficiency and effectiveness in a shorter amount of time. cian with an assurance that the procedure will be minimally
It also makes the procedure less invasive because of the reduced invasive. The patient must be deemed medically able to undergo
time in the mouth and the lowered potential for post-operative the procedure. If the primary care physician has any suggestions,
swelling, infection, and so on. such as medication changes, these are accommodated as the
procedure unfolds.
After the work-up, consultation is completed and the
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS patient accepts treatment the first phase begins. The patients
current dentures are evaluated and the most serviceable set for
Cosmetic dentistry is both an art and a science. With den- retrofitting identified. Remaining focused on the patients chief
tures, the art has basically been eliminated because the teeth complaint, which is a stable denture, the clinician places the
cannot be placed exactly as desired without creating an unsta- implants and retrofits the existing denture making sure the
ble platform and unstable dentures. With the smaller implants primary implants have no loading forces. On the lower
and the ability to precisely place them using CT technology, denture, several implants may be placed to stabilize the pros-
the artistic aspect returns without compromising stability or thesis along with the primary implants during the healing
function. For example, in replacing an anterior tooth in a phase. These primary implants and stabilizing implants can be
patient with teeth, photographs are used to characterize the identical in size and shape. The stabilizing implants undergo
replacement tooth to match the natural teeth next to it; the immediate loading forces and are meant to last only the 3 to 4
soft tissue is not part of the treatment. Dentures however months of healing, during which it is necessary to protect the
present an additional challenge because the tissue is replaced primary implants from loading forces. In many cases, due to
with a resin supporting the teeth that often does not match the denser bone in the mandible and reduced forces placed on
the patients natural soft tissue, making it look very artificial. the implants by using the ERA attachment, these implants
Once a stable platform has been accomplished, the process can survive.
be taken into a different arena. The patients soft tissues are After 3 to 4 months of a stable and retentive denture, the
photographed, and the photos are sent to the lab. Dentists are patient can start looking at what a desirable end result would
no longer limited to a purple or gray modeling of the soft be. Photographs are used to help the patient choose the mold
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 647

and position of the teeth. It is best to prepare a composite addressed and excessive forces are placed on these implants, they
of five or six photographs, noting the various factors. Working have the potential to collapse as the teeth and bone did before
with the patients choices, a wax try-in is prepared. This can them. The functional occlusion must be accurate. If a patient
lessen the number of visits because it is an advanced starting was unable to maintain the natural dentition and lost the teeth
point. through neglect, it must be impressed on him or her that this is
The restorative phase begins with obtaining occlusal records, the last option. The patient requires instruction about cleaning
reestablishing a functional occlusion, and obtaining the esthetics the at-risk places in particular because many of these patients do
the patient desires. During the 3 to 4 months of the healing not go to the dentist unless they have a problem. Appointments
phase, the vertical dimension of occlusion is opened gradually. should be made every 3 to 4 months to maintain a normal
Resin is added to evaluate the vertical dimension the patient can cleansing cycle. This way, problems are identified before they
tolerate. Over this period of time, the centric record the posi- develop very far. Once the patient can maintain good oral
tioning of teeth is clarified. This planning reduces the amount hygiene, the occlusal scheme is verified to be within accepted
of chair time and the number of visits. parameters. The implants can then be placed under adverse
The final stage comes very rapidly. The patient and labora- forces and they will be successful, just like their larger
tory are active participants in the end result as they have been versions.
since the first day. This makes the process a win-win situation. Because these small implants are placed within the bony
The clinician supports this because he or she is receiving suffi- confines, there is no need for grafting in most cases. Grafting is
cient remuneration for service, the patient is aware of the finan- an added invasive procedure that requires additional expertise
cial commitment, and he or she is extremely happy to have a and additional expense. Avoiding it benefits the patient.
functional denture. The fact that the replacement looks good is
an added benefit.
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS The big brother to these mini-implants has been around since
the late 1980s and has been used for at least 20 years in the
The treatment considerations basically follow the sequencing. United States. It has proven itself useful as the most widely
In the surgical phase the goal and destination are established. used attachment in the world. Although the ERA abutment has
During the treatment phase the needed implants are placed. been made smaller, to conform to the smaller implant (ERAmini
There are two protocols, one for the maxilla and one for the implant) that allows it to be used in areas with minimal bone,
mandible. The maxillary protocol requires under-sizing the oste- it maintains the same retentive strength as the regular its larger
otomy in most cases because the maxillary bone is not nearly as predecessor.
dense as the mandibular bone. The density is increased as
described earlier, providing a more stable position of the
During healing, integration takes place. In the mandible,
transitional implants are generally used to stabilize the denture There are objective ways of measuring the ability of an attach-
and protect the primary implants while they osseointegrate. ment to alter the path of insertion without subjecting it to
These transitional implants can be the same size as the primary lateral forces. The ERA attachment is the only one that can
implants, but they are immediately placed into function. function well beyond 10 degrees. The controversy is a market-
Although many of these implants will go on to integrate, because ing issue. If the divergence of the implant measures beyond
of the dense bone in the mandible they do not integrate with 5 to 10 degrees, which is not unheard of in the maxilla, the
the same success as the primary implants that have no load clinician faces the choice of using a bar, which elevates the
placed. Transitions are also used to stabilize the denture, but they plane of rotation and subjects the implant to significantly
seldom integrate, owing primarily to bone being less dense than higher lateral forces. Until about 10 years ago the only option
that of the mandible. Whereas placement of the implants in the was a bar, and the success rates in the maxilla and mandible
mandible can follow that of the maxilla as far as using a punch differed significantly. Maxillary implants failed considerably
technique to access the bone, it differs considerably from the more often because (1) the bone is less dense and (2) implants
bone level on. The amount of keratinized tissue present and the are in places that allow lateral forces on them and the
awareness of the location of the neurovascular areas will deter- implants cannot continue to sustain the pressure. The lateral
mine whether the punch technique is appropriate. In the man- forces are eliminated by bridging the gap with a tissue-
dible it is usually necessary to make an incision to maintain the supported implant-retained prosthesis, which is what the
attached tissue and avoid areas such as the nerve. A negative ERA is, rather than an implant-supported implant-retained
mandibular ridge will affect the sequencing of the treatment prosthesis, which is what the bar is. The success rate in the
plan because the patient will not have the denture retrofitted to maxilla over the last 8 years is comparable to the rate in the
the transitional implant until after the soft tissue has healed. In mandible with the ERA attachment.
the restorative phase, the occlusal scheme is a consideration. If The other controversy is that a smaller implant cannot do the
a stable platform is achieved but the occlusal scheme is not same job, which on paper is true. The small implants work
648 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics

because the forces are minimized. This is a win-win situation for overdenture that would remove the plastic in the roof of her
many patients financially, is less invasive, is easier on the patient, mouth, one of her main treatment objectives. With this alternate
and gives predictable results. approach she would see no wires and it would reestablish her
appearance when she was younger, based on pictures she had
brought in. The photographs she provided showed an esthetic
NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS scheme that was not what would be considered ideal because of
the soft tissue architecture in the maxillary lateral incisor area,
The smaller implant can be used in other applications because but it was what she had had when her teeth were still present.
it is a tool, not just an implant. It is possible to place these This is much like someone not wanting to close a diastema
implants in a position that will allow the orthodontist to move between two maxillary central incisors; it is a personal
maxillary bicuspids posterior and bring the bone with them preference.
when no molars exist. This will then achieve a height and width The fixed option was ruled out owing to the expense and
of bone better than can be achieved with grafting the sinus area. the invasiveness of the procedure. The final plan that was
These smaller implants can also be placed such that they can accepted was to create an implant-supported removable pros-
provide the orthodontist with and anchor that provides the thesis with an open palate. The lower arch needed to be
ability to intrude molars that have super erupted. completely redone and the crowns had to be removed and
refabricated to establish an occlusal plane proper for both
function and esthetics. A thorough diagnostic work-up was
CASE STUDY completed. Occlusal records were obtained, models were
mounted on an articulator and a graphic survey was done.
Patient History A CT scan with an appliance that contained fiduciary markers
The patient was a very energetic 72-year-old woman from was also taken.
Central America who had just lost her husband of 40 years and
was re-entering the social arena. She did not look or act her age.
Her husband had accepted her with her ill-fitting prosthesis, but
she was not sure she would be accepted by others and was
Clinical Step-by-Step
looking for a change from her cumbersome denture, basically a Pre-surgical Phase
denture with two second molars to help hold it in place. She The pre-surgical phase involves three steps: what the patient and
wanted an esthetic and functional change that would include dentist have decided on as a destination, what obstacles have
removal of some of the denture base on the palate and alter her been identified, and how the clinician will achieve the founda-
significant reverse smile (Figure 27-3, A). tion to support the restorative phase.
Examination revealed a maxilla with an extremely narrow With this patient, the occlusal plane was askew and the
ridge (less than 3.5mm in most areas) and a bone quality that patient had one molar with decay that required a crown. The
was poor (Figure 27-3, B and C ). A Panorex (Figure 27-3, D) goal was to alter her upper denture to eliminate her significant
shows the remaining dentition and alveolar bone status. CT occlusal interferences. The overdenture had to be stabilized to
scans of the maxilla and mandible indicate the proposed treat- prevent it from exerting undue force on the bone around the
ment. The proposed maxillary treatment can be viewed in two implants. A temporary restoration was placed on the upper left
dimensions (Figure 27-3, E ) or three dimensions (Figure 27-3, molar, and an impression of both arches was obtained and
F ). The proposed mandibular treatment can be viewed in two used to make a CT scan appliance. The CT scan guide for the
dimensions (Figure 27-3, G ) or three dimensions (Figure 27-3, maxilla was taken with the temporary crown in place; other-
H ). She had severe premature posterior occlusal interferences wise the CT surgical guide would not fit if the permanent
along with significant hyper-eruption of the lower anterior teeth crown were placed prior to the scan. It was decided that all
and bone that was responsible for the accelerated bone loss of her crowns on the mandible would need to be redone at
in the maxilla. This compromised the occlusal plane three- some point to achieve an ideal arch form and a functional
dimensionally to such a point that an ideal smile design would occlusion.
be impossible without first addressing these factors in the diag- Two implants were to be placed on the lower left at the same
nostic work-up. time the upper implants were being placed; this would allow
crowns in that area instead of a lower partial. An ERA abutment
with a mesial guide plane was incorporated on the crown that
Treatment Plan was to be delivered after the implants had been placed; to place
One possible treatment option to achieve the change she wanted the final crown on the upper molar prior to surgery would have
would have involved extensive grafting bilaterally at both sinuses made the surgical appliance unstable and thus inaccurate. This
and an onlay graft to supply sufficient width bone, additional would, along with the molar on the other side of the maxilla
implants, and close to a year of treatment. The cost would have and two mid-palatal transitional implants, stabilize and protect
been 10 times greater than that of the overdenture. the primary implants. The CT scan appliance was sent back to
Another treatment option suggested to her, which she the lab along with the treatment plan, and a surgical guide was
accepted, was to construct an implant-retained, tissue-supported created that included removable metal sleeves that would allow
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 649


FIGURE 27-3 A, This illustrates the patients two remaining teeth attempting to secure her existing tissue-borne prosthesis
(arrows) with the exaggerated occlusal plane. B, Clinically, the ridge is very deceiving. There is 6+ mm of flabby tissue (arrows),
and the remaining bone is very narrow and of poor quality. C, Location of the actual ridge (blue line) surrounded by 4 to 6mm
of flabby tissue (black arrows). D, The panorex illustrates poor density and a very narrow ridge in the maxillae.

the osteotomies and implants to be placed directly through this prosthesis to be secured to the palatal implants for stability
surgical guide (Figure 27-4). (Figure 27-5, Q). A clasp was also placed that would secure the
prosthesis on the upper left molar (Figure 27-5, R).
Surgical Phase The removable prosthesis was seated to ensure that there was
Using a CT scan that was taken with an appliance with fiduciary adequate relief over the primary implants, which were 2.2mm
markers along with the implant placement software, a CT- in diameter and only 10mm in length. Once this had been
generated surgical guide was created (Figure 27-5, A and B). The accomplished, the proper abutments on the midline implants
implants were placed using this guide, which allowed for a (2.2mm in diameter, 8mm in length) were placed to alter the
minimally invasive procedure, and no sutures were required path of insertion that was compatible with that of the second
(Figure 27-5, C to M ). Seven implants were placed, including molars. The undercut areas were blocked with polyvinyl impres-
two in the midline of the palate, along with a crown on the sion material to prevent subsequent engagement of the pickup
upper right molar to aid in denture stability (Figure 27-5, N ). material (Figures 27-5, S ). Then the male ERA component of
The white alignment handles (Figure 27-5, O) illustrate the path the right molar and the midline implants were attached to the
of insertion based on the molar. Thus the appropriate angle cor- removable prosthesis to provide stability with an auto-cure bis-
rections for the midline implants were cemented in position to acryl resin to provide stability (Figure 27-5, T ). The black pro-
provide the parallel path of insertion based on the molar crown cessing male components were replaced with white retentive
that was cemented immediately after implant placement. Once male components on the molar, and one anterior midline was
these implants had been placed, the crown and angle corrections inserted into the metal housings, leaving the posterior midline
were inserted and cemented (Figure 27-5, P). Two implants were metal housing empty to be engaged when the anterior midline
placed in the lower left mandible to support a fixed application implant became mobile and had to be removed (Figure 27-5,
in that area. While the implants were being placed, the labora- U ). The black male attachments were removed and the denture
tory technician was altering the patients old prosthesis to relieve relined with a resilient non porous silicone-based material that
the areas where the primary implants were placed and allow the Text continued on p. 655
650 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics


FIGURE 27-3, contd E, The pre-operative maxillary computed tomography (CT) scan showing all three views. F, The CT scan
view of maxilla with proposed implant placement. G, The pre-operative mandibular CT scan shows the three dimensional views
that facilitate treatment planning. H, The CT scan shows mandible with proposed implant placement.


FIGURE 27-4 A and B, Surgical guide produced from the treatment plan using VIP Treatment Planning Software (Biohorizons,
Inc., Birmingham, Alabama) and a computed tomography scan. (1) Sleeve removed to allow for appropriate countersink of bur
as determined by abutment height; (2) Guide for 1.6 bur.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 651




FIGURE 27-5 Try-in of the surgical guide. A, Surgical guide in place with 1.6-mm inserts locked in position. B, Surgical guide
in place with 1.6-mm inserts (black arrows) and one area with insert removed to allow for the appropriate countersink bur (red
arrow). The osteotomies are placed through the guide, tissue, and bone. Seven implants are placed around the arch. C, Working
around the arch using the 1.6-mm bur in the guide to 4mm short of the final implant depth density. The implant, due to poor
bone quality was then used as a tap, which allowed it to reach final depth with greater stability. D, The 1.6-mm bur and depth
guide. It took only 7 minutes to create six osteotomies, including the countersink bur for the 2.2-mm-diameter ERAmini
implants. E, Saving the bone from the osteotomy. Continued
652 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics




FIGURE 27-5, contd F to I, Using a tissue punch (F and G [arrow] ) and laser (H and I [arrow] ) to remove the residual tissue
before using the 1.6-mm countersink which is the final bur for the 2.2-mm ERAmini implant protocol in the maxillae. J, Inser-
tion tool and 1.6-mm guide removed it from the surgical guide. K, Countersink bur guided into position to be used via the surgical
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 653




FIGURE 27-5, contd L, Insertion tool with 2.2- 10-mm implant with graft material ready to be inserted back into the guide
and placed into maxillae using a torque-limited surgical motor. M, A 2.2- 10-mm ERAmini implant (arrow) seated using
insertion tool and surgical motor. N and O, Seven primary implants placed with the computed tomography (CT) guide. Two
transitional implants are in the midline. N, Black arrows: six 2.2- 10-mm ERAmini implants after insertion shown with poly-
vinyl material used to seal the female portion of the attachment during healing phase. Blue arrow: one 3.25- 10-mm implant
placed without guide. Yellow arrows: two 2.2- 8-mm implants placed in the midline to be immediately loaded act as vertical
stops to protect the primary implants during the healing phase. O, Black arrow: a previously prepared crown with an ERA partial
attachment and alignment sleeve. Yellow arrows: a 5 and 0 angle correction cemented and also an alignment sleeve. P, The path
of insertion is parallel. The partial will be retrofitted. Q, Relieved partial denture with new clasps altered to achieve a passive fit
before picking up the male ERA black attachments in their metal housings. Continued
654 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics




FIGURE 27-5, contd R, The tissue-supported prosthesis needed to use the molars for support. Posterior vertical stop clasps
(arrow) were added while the implants were being placed. An ERA attachment was placed on the right molar and a clasp was
placed on the left molar to hold the denture in place. This model was produced using an alginate impression and Mach Slow
produced by Parkell (sets in 45 seconds). S, Polyvinyl bite registration material (arrows) placed in the undercut areas, then the
metal housings were picked up. T, InstaTemp auto-cure resin (not acrylic) injected around male ERA housings and into the
denture. U, Denture removed and one of the black male processing inserts is replaced with a white retentive male attachment
(black arrow). The prosthesis is tried back in to ensure fit, then the other two black male inserts (white arrows) are replaced with
white, but one of the midline white inserts will be removed before the patient leaves. V, The black male inserts have been removed
and the denture relined. The resin is removed and replaced with a silicone-based material that does not pick up blood and tissue.
The soft liner is placed. The denture is polished and seated and the patient dismissed. W, One day post-operatively. The patient
was instructed on how to place the prosthesis and was told to leave it out at night.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 655

Two weeks post-op



FIGURE 27-6 Two weeks post-operatively. A, Position of implants in the lower arch to be used for a fixed application later.
B, Area (arrows) where two conventional implants were placed to provide a first molar fixed solution. C, Panorex of all the
implants. The implants were almost completely covered by the soft tissue, which was the desired outcome. The denture base was
no longer touching those areas. If a line is drawn from the two molars to one implant at a time, it shows a tripod effect. When
the patient bites down in the front, those implants prevent the denture from digging into the primary implant; when she bites
down in the back, the teeth prevent the denture from digging into the implant. D, Panorex 1 month post-operatively. Palatal
implants (arrows) and the molars provide vertical stops and retention to protect the 2.2-mm ERAmini implants and one 3.25-mm
ERAmini implant that will eventually support a denture without palatal acrylic.

would not trap blood or other fluids (Figure 27-5, V ). The Healing Phase
upper removable prosthesis was adjusted significantly to remove A portion of the molars in the lower dentition was removed.
the occlusal interferences until the restorative phase, when a new The posterior teeth were adjusted so the patients occlusal scheme
upper denture and lower crowns could be fabricated. Although no longer demonstrated a premature contact. Previously the
this gave the upper prosthesis greater esthetic disharmony in the patients posterior teeth, because of passive eruption and mesial
short term, the patient decided that a new transitional denture drift, had caused significant occlusal interference, thus forcing
would not be worth the cost because it could not significantly her mandible forward and creating adverse loading forces on the
eliminate the esthetic disharmony until the lower arch was denture. This accounts for the significant bone loss in the ante-
addressed. She was sent home with the denture in her mouth rior maxillae and loss of the lower left posterior teeth.
for first night. The patient was seen the next day to show her A little over 4 months was allowed for osseointegration, with
how to place the removable prosthesis using the proper path of the patient returning in 2 weeks (Figure 27-6, A to C ), 1 month,
insertion that had been established (Figure 27-5, W ). She could and 3 months (Figure 27-6, D) for post-operative care and 4
no longer pop it into her mouth and bite it into place; she months for the restorative phase.
needed to line things up and snap it into place. The denture
stability was evaluated to ensure there was adequate relief over Restorative Phase
the primary implants. The soft tissue was already visibly growing The restorative phase consisted first of uncovering the implants
over those implants, which was an indication there was no pres- on the upper and placing the appropriate female ERA angle
sure in these areas. correction to allow for a path of insertion that was established
656 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics

with the upper right and left second molars (Figure 27-7, A After completing the wax-up on the upper denture to deter-
to C ). mine position of the teeth in the new transitional denture, the
The male metal housings with appropriate retentive insert lab technician prepared the diagnostic wax-up on the lower arch.
were retained in the removable transitional appliance. After this The lower wax-up allowed the technician to create a record of
had been accomplished, occlusal records were taken and a final the shape and position of the teeth which would facilitate the
impression for a new transitional was taken using the transi- construction of the new lower temporaries. The next day, all the
tional with the male components in place (Figure 27-7, D and crowns were removed from the mandible and temporaries were
E ). Because the patient was from out of state and travel was a constructed based on the diagnostic wax-up and occlusal records
concern, a wax try-in was made the same day. The laboratory (Figure 27-7, L to N ). The maxillary provisional prosthesis was
technician then proceeded to fabricate the new maxillary tran- relieved to accommodate the male ERA attachments, and
sitional denture using an ideal arch form and did a wax-up on InstaTemp was injected around the male abutments (Figure
the mandibular to accommodate the new maxillary appliance. 27-7, O to Q). Due to the rapid turnaround of the new upper
The upper and lower prostheses were mounted (Figure 27-7, F ). transitional denture, the base plate shade was not refined to
The alignment handles show how all the implants are blend in with the patients natural tissue but this was corrected
aligned to be parallel with the molar on the upper left side on the final prosthesis (Figure 27-7, R). The excess InstaTemp
(Figure 27-7, G ). material was removed from the maxillary transitional denture,
Impressions were taken using the provisional denture that and it was delivered with the metal housings and appropriate
had been worn for 4 months as the impression tray. The mounted retentive inserts (Figure 27-7, S ).
case shows where the male housings should be in order to facili- The tooth preparations on the lower teeth were refined and
tate the wax try-in (Figure 27-7, H). abutments were placed on the two lower posterior implants.
An acrylic base plate was then constructed on the mounted The new fixed resin temporaries on the mandible were relined
model and the teeth were set up for the wax try-in. This allowed and cemented on the teeth and abutments (Figure 27-8). The
for a stable platform to evaluate the placement of the teeth from patient returned on the next day to refine her occlusion.
which the new provisional denture was produced (Figure 27-7, The patient was seen five or six more times in a span of
I to K ). 2 months until occlusal harmony was satisfactory and the patient

Surgical guide



FIGURE 27-7 A to C, Tissue appearance 4 1 2 months post-operatively. Surgical guide (A) is used to locate implants (B) and
remove tissue covering them (C).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 657



FIGURE 27-7, contd D and E, The implants are uncovered, the angle corrections are cemented, and the male ERA housings
are picked up in the patients old denture. Little remained of the retrofitted denture, but it had served its purpose. Occlusal records
were taken along with a reline impression, analogs were placed in the male attachments and the case was mounted with proper
centric relation. F, Impressions taken using the denture that the patient had worn for 4 months as the impression tray. The
mounted case shows where the male housings should be. G, Starting to work toward a wax try-in. The alignment handles show
how all the implants are aligned to be parallel with the molar on the upper left side. H, The day after the attachments were picked
up, a wax try-in was completed. Wax set-up for new overdenture based on occlusal records using altered original denture.
658 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics



FIGURE 27-7, contd I to K, The appropriate corrections were made and a new transitional overdenture was fabricated. L to N,
A wax-up was done lower arch based on the correct position of the teeth on transitional denture (L). The next day all the crowns
were taken off the lower teeth (M) and temporaries were placed based on the diagnostic wax-up and occlusal records (N).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 659



FIGURE 27-7, contd O and P, The maxillary prosthesis is reduced to accommodate the male ERA attachments. Q, Insta-Temp
is injected around the male abutment. R, Transitional denture in place. The base plate is not the same shade as her natural tissue,
and this was corrected in the final prosthesis. S, The ERA male attachments were picked up in the new transitional denture.
660 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics


FIGURE 27-8 A, The day of delivery of the temporary restoration. The patient has temporaries on the bottom and a transitional
denture on top. B to D, The transitonal denture and lower resin crowns day of delivery (finished with transitional phase). The
occlusal scheme was corrected, and a month was allowed for healing.

was happy with the esthetic outcome. The occlusal scheme can
be elaborated on later, but is different from that of a tooth-
supported fixed case because in this case a denture was involved. This patient was able to achieve the appearance she wanted
The final stage was to have the patient return for impressions without an invasive grafting procedure (Figure 27-10, A). If a
for the new final upper prosthesis, and to rebase and reline her fixed restoration had been used, it would have been less accurate
existing transitional prosthesis as a back-up denture with the and more expensive. The patients needs for this case were cho-
improvements that were incorporated into the final prosthesis. reographed, and the implants were placed appropriately. The
When the new final prosthesis was delivered, the lower anterior final esthetic result was based on the photograph of the patient
6 temporaries were removed and impressions for the porcelain when she had her natural teeth. The occlusal plane was altered
crowns were taken. to create a functional occlusion which was lost due to years of
Two weeks later the lower anterior porcelain crowns were neglect. Although the irregular tissue levels were not what many
delivered and impressions were taken for the posterior final would consider esthetically ideal, they reflected the patients
restorations bilaterally. Three to four weeks after the impressions desire to reproduce her desired end result. The changes in her
were taken the posterior final restorations were cemented (Figure function were made slowly and initiated in the surgical phase.
27-9). The patient was placed on a 3-month recall. The refinements in her occlusion took into consideration the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 661



FIGURE 27-9 A, Finished transitional phase 1 week after insertion. B and C, Note the new transitional upper and lower resin
crowns. D to F, Retracted view of the new upper denture and the final prosthesis on the lower. The denture base goes halfway
up the anterior region. Posteriorly the denture base stops halfway up and the natural tissues starts; note the match.
662 Minimally Invasive Implant Esthetics



FIGURE 27-10 A, Facial view of the finished case the day of delivery. B, Finished case after 4 months. The CT scan shows the
implants in place. Lateral views (C and E) and sagittal view (D).

patients esthetic desires and that her upper denture opposed Eckert SE, Carr AB: Implant-retained maxillary overdentures, Dent Clin
lower natural dentition. Her new realigned occlusion was tested North Am 48(3):585-601, 2004.
Heydecke G, Thomason JM, Lund JP, et al: The impact of conventional and
in her final maxillary transition prosthesis and mandibular tem-
implant supported prostheses on social and sexual activities in edentulous
poraries for a period of time to verify that the desired result had adults: Results from a randomized trial 2 months after treatment, J Dent
been achieved. 33(8):649-657, 2005.
The CT scans at 4 months indicate the position and the Kiat-amnuay S, Mekayarajjananonth T, Cron CC, et al: Simplified methods
integration of the implants (Figure 27-10, B to E). for fabricating tissue-supported implant-retained overdentures with
retention from a resilient liner, J Prosthet Dent 82(2):242-245, 1999.
Obeid G, Shafie H: s411: basic surgical and prosthetic aspects of implant-
supported overdentures, J Oral Maxillofac Surg 65(9):S101-S102,
Sadowsky SJ: Treatment considerations for maxillary implant overdentures:
Attard NJ, Zarb GA: Long-term treatment outcomes in edentulous patients A systematic review, J Prosthet Dent 97(6):340-348, 2007.
with implant overdentures: The Toronto Study, J Prosthet Dent 93(2):170, Stephan G, Vidot F, Noharet R, Mariani P: Implant-retained mandibular
2005. overdentures: A comparative pilot study of immediate loading versus
Attard NJ, Laporte A, Locker D, et al: A prospective study on immediate delayed loading after two years, J Prosthet Dent 97(6):S138-S145,
loading of implants with mandibular overdentures: patient-mediated 2007.
and economic outcomes, J Prosthet Dent 97(4):247, 2007. Waddell JN, Ichim I, Lee H, Fangtao L, Payne AGT, Swain MV: Fatigue
Carrick J: Cosmetic dentistry and implant prosthetics, Curr Sci 93, 1994. failures of barattachment brazed joints for implant-supported
Carrick & Storum: Using sound princples to salvage the compromised overdentures, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 74(7):1148-1159,
implant case, Dent Clin North Am 4:781-789, 1997. 2007.
C H A P T E R 28


Periodontal Esthetics and Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Jon B. Suzuki

RELEVANCE OF PERIODONTAL 1960s and 1970s. Control of inflammation was primarily tar-
ESTHETICS AND PERIODONTAL geted at managing disease and preventing gingivitis and did not
address esthetic qualities. Concomitantly with the development
PLASTIC SURGERY TO DENTAL of esthetic dentistry and the dental materials associated with it,
ESTHETICS clinicians began to address the minimum clinical qualities of
the periodontium needed to enhance the esthetic profiles of a
Therapy for periodontal diseases includes treatment for inflam- restoration.
mation of the gingiva, regeneration of the periodontium, As periodontal procedures evolved, surgeries for clinical man-
and maintenance of the dentition. The primary emphasis for agement of disease became more refined. For example, some
initial periodontal treatment should be the reduction and medications contributing to gingival hyperplasia were managed
control of inflammation. Erythematous, edematous gingiva with gingivectomy and other gingival resective procedures to
contributes a very un-esthetic quality to the dentition and there- ensure esthetically acceptable restorations. The recognition of
fore should be primarily addressed during the initial phase of the importance of keratinized gingiva modified periodontal
treatment. treatment planning and surgery. More recently, dentists have
Among the first stages of periodontal therapy are oral hygiene become aware of the importance of keratinized gingiva for
instructions, conservative scaling and root planing, and ultra- dental implants and crown and fixed prostheses. Clinical research
sonic or piezoelectric dbridement therapies. Antibiotics may be has not fully supported the concept of keratinized gingiva for
given systemically (usually not indicated) or locally as necessary. dental implants, but it is clear to most clinicians who place
The second link between esthetics and periodontal therapy dental implants that it is preferable to have keratinized gingiva
includes contouring crowns, improving the esthetic presentation to manage rather than alveolar mucosa.
of prostheses, and minimizing gingival overgrowth patterns
that can develop around dental implants or prosthetic devices.
A third relevant association between periodontal therapies and
esthetic dentistry is the maintenance or establishment of ade- RELATING FUNCTION
quate zones of keratinized gingiva around crowns, bridges, and AND ESTHETICS
dental implants.
The two primary goals in periodontal esthetics are to (1) reduce
gingival inflammation and erythematous, edematous gingiva
HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL and (2) manage the keratinized gingiva. Reduced inflammation
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION eliminates un-esthetic edematous or bleeding gingiva, especially
when the patient speaks or smiles. Enhancement of keratinized
OF THE CONCEPT AND gingiva improves esthetics around dental implants, especially
PROCEDURES in the anterior region. In addition, function is improved for
toothbrushing and other cleansing habits. There can be a dra-
The clinical recognition of periodontal therapy developed at least matic improvement in periodontal support of the dentition with
a half a century ago when studies first equated bacterial plaque improved keratinized gingiva as well as reduced gingival
with gingival inflammation. These studies were published in the inflammation.

664 Perioesthetics Periodontal Esthetics and Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Other alternatives for treatment include local drug delivery

CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS devices such as doxycycline-impregnated spheres (Arestin,
OraPharma, Warminster, Pennsylvania). This type of delivery
Indications system permits local antibiotic release in periodontal pockets for
The diagnosis of periodontal disease is one indication for reduc- the purpose of controlling gingival inflammation (off-label use
ing gingival inflammation. Redness, bleeding on probing, and per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA]). Enhanced
the patients report of signs and symptoms of periodontal disease, keratinized gingiva for prosthetics and dental implants can be
such as sour taste in the mouth, odor, and shifting of teeth, are obtained by using autogenous soft tissue grafts such as from the
additional indications for proceeding with periodontal therapy. palate or the distal area of the most terminal molar as donor
To the clinician, arresting bone loss and regenerating bone and keratinized gingiva.
attachment are also indications for proceeding with periodontal Alternatively, the clinician can use allograft material such
therapy. as AlloDerm (BioHorizons, Birmingham, Alabama), which is
The indications for enhancing keratinized gingiva include freeze-dried human skin. The distinct advantages of allograft
a lack of keratinized gingiva, which is established in the peri- products include not requiring a second surgical site, greater
odontal literature as 1 to 3mm of keratinized gingiva. patient comfort during the procedure, reduced time for the
Amounts less than that or concerns about zones of inadequate procedure, and improved postoperative management. The major
keratinized gingiva related to oral hygiene suggest that disadvantage is cost; the estimated charge per square centimeter
periodontal therapy, including periodontal surgery, should of allogeneic skin is about $150 (US), which may be prohibitive
be planned. for some patients and may not covered by insurance. Other
disadvantages are patient reluctance regarding use of freeze-dried
allogeneic products and the learning curve required for the clini-
Contraindications cian to be able to handle these products.
The contraindications for periodontal therapy are very few, but
they include any medical and medication influences on wound
healing or systemic health. For example, during the first trimes-
Current Best Approach
ter of pregnancy, an obstetrician-gynecologist may warn against It is the authors opinion that the current best approach is to use
more aggressive periodontal therapy. allogeneic skin products to enhance keratinized gingiva.
Contraindications for mucogingival surgeries (which the
American Academy for Periodontology now refers to as peri-
odontal plastic surgery) include medical and medication consid- OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
erations as already noted and the presence of anatomic structures
in the mouth that mitigate against surgical treatment planning. With regard to esthetics, the clinician should be aware of the
Some of these anatomic landmarks include a coronally posi- position of the area of keratinized gingiva. In the anterior part
tioned mental foramen or a prominent mandibular ramus or of the mouth, the clinician should ensure that the smile line is
other structures that may interfere with periodontal surgical accurately recorded, perhaps with clinical photographs. Most
procedures. important are the patients chief complaints and concerns regard-
ing enhancement of keratinized gingiva. Another consideration
is any patient concern related to oral hygiene. For example, are
there areas of the dentition where the patient experiences gingi-
val sensitivity owing to a lack of keratinized gingiva?
MATERIAL AND TECHNIQUE Further considerations also include medical and medication
OPTIONS complications related to surgery, including periodontal therapy
dbridement procedures. Patients who have a history of cardio-
Among the material and technique options available for the vascular disease may be taking blood thinners, resulting in
different stages of periodontal therapy related to esthetic den- increased bleeding risk. Frequently cardiologists will comply
tistry are optimal management to reduce gingival inflammation with the dental clinicians request to either reduce or suspend
and control of periodontal disease. This includes the initial the patients medication for the duration of periodontal or
therapy phase. Generally, oral hygiene instructions with a wide dental therapy.
variety of devices should be included in the treatment plan.
Progression to ultrasonic or piezoelectric dbridement of the
dentition and implants should also be included in the periodon- INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
tal treatment plan, followed by hand scaling and root planing.
This is especially important if pockets exceed 3 to 5mm and
Scientific Elements
there are deposits on the teeth when dental implants are consid- One of the most exciting scientific approaches in periodontal
ered. These are the primary approaches available for dbride- therapy as it relates to esthetics involves the use of lasers. Research
ment of the dentition and implants. continues, but the FDA has approved several laser products for
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 665

limited soft tissue management of periodontal tissues. This therapy or phase one periodontal therapy. Initial therapy includes
includes soft tissue dbridement and control of inflammation. oral hygiene instructions, periodontal dbridement including
ultrasonic and piezoelectric approaches, hand scaling and root
planing, occlusal control (if necessary), evaluation of initial
Technologic Elements therapy 4 to 6 weeks after the conclusion of the last dbridement
Currently both the ultrasonic and piezoelectric approaches can procedure, and periodontal surgical procedures (if necessary).
be used to control inflammation. The tips and qualities of these The result is a reduction of gingival inflammation and arresting
devices have improved significantly. Most recently, a new ultra- of disease progression.
sonic tip (Cavitron THINsert, DENTSPLY Professional, York, When planning for the enhancement of keratinized gingiva,
Pennsylvania) was introduced that is about the size of a peri- especially when this includes dental implants and crowns and
odontal probe. This new tip permits deeper access into peri- bridges, one must include periodontal surgical treatment plan-
odontal pockets and interproximal areas of teeth. ning as already outlined. The enhancement of keratinized
Another technologic approach for both ultrasonic and piezo- gingiva is referred to currently as periodontal plastic surgery. This
electric instruments is the use of plasticized or rubber tips with includes the enhancement of keratinized gingiva by autogenous
dental implants. Controversies remain regarding the use of metal grafting from the palate or by allografts using freeze-dried
tips on dental implants. However, the potential to scratch human skin from a tissue bank. Other periodontal plastic surgi-
implant surfaces and enhance colonization of the plaque biofilm cal procedures in treatment planning are root coverage for teeth
exists. Many companies have made technologic advances in this with exposed roots (connective tissue grafts). The two choices for
area, and the scientific literature supports the use of non-metal such procedures are autogenous gingival and allograft freeze-
tips (Implacare, Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, Chicago, Illinois) dried skin.
for the maintenance of dental implants.


With respect to the artistic elements involved in the control of DURING PREPARATION,
periodontal disease and gingival inflammation, any reduction or PROCEDURE, AND FINISHING
elimination of redness around the teeth will improve the artistic
qualities. This makes it pragmatic for the dental clinician to The most important preparation with regard to treatment plan-
use nature and the healing process to reduce gingival ning considerations is an accurate medical and dental history of
inflammation. the patient. That includes ruling out any medical contraindica-
With regard to the artistic qualities specific to the enhance- tions to therapy and also considering medications that may
ment of keratinized gingiva, the dentists eye and clinical influence periodontal therapy, such as blood thinners or medica-
experience must be used to develop the shape, thickness, tions that would cause gingival hyperplasia. Three recognized
and quality of the gingiva to be transplanted into the site drugs and drug types are phenytoin (e.g., Dilantin), calcium
where keratinized gingiva is lacking. This would include use channel blockers (e.g., nifedipine), and drugs that prevent organ
of the proper thickness (biotype) of either tissue taken from transplant rejection (e.g., cyclosporine). Use of these medica-
the palate (autogenous grafts) or allogeneic freeze-dried dermal tions should be considered during preparation for treatment.
matrix skin to enhance keratinized gingiva. Other artistic The procedure itself requires timing. Some patients, such as
qualities could include the scope of the procedure and the those with early periodontitis, require two appointments for
mesial-distal width and apical coronal height of the keratinized dbridement and initial therapy, whereas other patients with
gingiva in the periodontal plastic surgical site. Artistic tech- moderate to advanced periodontitis need four or five appoint-
niques would include blending the periodontal graft into the ments. This includes patients with periodontitis with furcation
existing gingiva to make it appear as if they are confluent involvement.
with each other. The evaluation of initial therapy takes place 4 to 6 weeks after
the last dbridement procedure. Included is an assessment of the
patients oral hygiene and wound healing. If the periodontal soft
TREATMENT PLANNING tissues are not healing or responding to therapy as anticipated
and the patients oral hygiene is satisfactory, a medical consulta-
Treatment planning is completed in two different areas based on tion may be needed to rule out the influence of systemic
the esthetic procedure to be performed. The treatment planning diseases.
for conventional periodontal therapy has not changed over the The results of plastic periodontal surgical procedures depend
past several decades. The periodontal treatment plan to control on wound healing, typically 2 to 5 weeks after surgery. Evalua-
inflammation includes (1) a review of medical, medication, tion includes the number of millimeters of enhancement of
and dental history, (2) the accurate diagnosis and consultation keratinized gingiva, the blending of the color, and the size and
with the patient, and (3) initial therapy, also termed nonsurgical shape of the grafted tissues.
666 Perioesthetics Periodontal Esthetics and Periodontal Plastic Surgery

natural teeth. If patients have dental implants, they should be

EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES monitored and evaluated using a plastic periodontal probe to
look for pocketing or signs of inflammation around implants or
There is overwhelming support in the literature for periodontal other prosthetic devices, and to reveal other signs of inflamma-
therapy to reduce general inflammation, beginning in the 1960s tion. Radiographs should also be taken, although the frequency
and 1970s. Clinical research shows that the removal of bacterial and interval of radiographs or implant maintenance has not been
plaque and dbridement of the dental root surfaces result in established. The authors recommendation is to perform radio-
improved gingival health; reduced redness, which is an esthetic graphic follow-up of dental implants after 6 months and 1 year
concern; and, most important, management of the attachment to monitor peri-implant bone loss, and then examine dental
surrounding the teeth. implants at least every 1 to 2 years radiographically (unless a
Studies on enhanced keratinized gingiva around the dentition problem develops earlier). Oral hygiene must always be moni-
and dental implants have been conducted for several decades. tored at each recall appointment.
Recently the keratinized gingiva principle has been applied to
dental implants, although the literature is still sparse regarding
how much keratinized gingiva is needed for a healthy dental CONTROVERSIES
implant. This is probably where the evidence-based principles
are somewhat lacking. The strong clinical opinion of many clini- The controversies relate to the use of plasticized instruments
cians is that they prefer keratinized gingiva during suture and versus metal instruments in terms of implant care. Although
soft tissue management when placing dental implants. many clinicians continue to use metal instruments on implants,
others prefer to use titanium metal instruments for dbridement.
There is a growing acceptance of plasticized tips. Hu-Friedy
makes a set of three implant instruments. Plasticized or rubber
CLINICAL CONSERVATION ultrasonic tips are also commercially available and are
CONCEPTS recommended.
The second controversy relates to the interval and frequency
The conservation of the periodontium and the supporting struc- of maintenance care. Periodontitis follow-up is established to be
tures around the teeth is essential to the esthetics and function four times per year of maintenance for the rest of the patients
of the patient. Although these procedures have worked for many life. After gingivitis treatment, patients are checked twice per
patients, for others loss of periodontal attachment continues, year. Currently there are no evidence-based principles for
bone is lost, and other soft tissue problems exist. The conserva- implant follow-up care. The controversy surrounds the fre-
tion concepts related to periodontal therapy are critical in main- quency at which implant patients should be monitored. Cur-
taining the overall periodontal health and attachment apparatus. rently, the author advocates four times per year as a follow-up
For example, the concepts of periodontal surgery have, over the schedule for implant maintenance.
last 10 to 20 years, emerged in regeneration procedures. The use A third controversy surrounds the use of local drug deli-
of bone grafts, whether autogenous, allograph, or synthetic bone very systems such as minocycline-impregnated microspheres
materials, or the use of membranes, resorbable or nonresorbable, (Arestin), doxycycline-impregnated polymer (Atridox), or
to regenerate periodontal tissues is a primary method of conserv- chlorhexidine-impregnated collagen strips (PerioChip). The
ing, preserving, and regenerating lost periodontal tissues. For controversy surrounds the off-label application of these local
conservation of the periodontium, these clinical concepts have drug delivery systems to periodontal pockets. The FDA has
shifted dramatically toward regeneration rather than resective approved these products for reducing inflammation and manag-
surgery. ing periodontal health. Whether these local drug delivery
systems can be applied to clinical situations involving dental
implants and peri-implantitis remains untested. The FDA has
MAINTENANCE not approved these products for peri-implantitis. However, two
evidence-based peer-reviewed studies indicate that selected local
Maintenance for esthetic purposes is extremely important. There drug delivery devices (Arestin, chlorhexidine gel) improve
are strong evidence-based principles that a periodontitis patient inflammation around dental implants and in treatment of
must be monitored and undergo follow-up a minimum of four peri-implantitis.
times per year, every 90 days, throughout his or her lifetime.
Such patients need clinical examination and scaling and root
planing to maintain the periodontal attachment. If the diagnosis NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
is gingivitis, the recommendation is maintenance procedures
twice a year. With regard to esthetics, especially with dental With regard to future developments, the author predicts that
implants, no evidence-based research, clinical or scientific, cur- periodontal therapy will be more focused. For example, lasers,
rently gives recommendations for the ideal maintenance periods improved scaling and root planing, and perhaps root preparation
for follow-up care. Therefore the projections for implant main- using laser therapy may become common time-saving approaches.
tenance have been adapted from the literature in reference to The laser appears to offer greater patient comfort as well.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 667

Other future developments should address the area of kera- gingiva either by different molecular- and cellular-induced
tinized gingiva. Currently, stem cells from the patient can be methods of development or by use of other enhancements to
grown in cell culture in a laboratory to produce autogenous mats improve areas of root recession. This is an exciting area especially
of keratinized gingiva. After several weeks or months, the tissue- applicable to esthetic dentistry. Surgical procedures may not be
engineered autogenous graft will be placed into the patients required in the future. Instead there will be cell culture and stem
mouth surgically. Also on the horizon is enhanced growth of the cell approaches to grow gingiva in the oral cavity.


C A S E 1 Fractured Incisor
A 24-year-old healthy white man had a fractured maxillary right lateral incisor (tooth No. 7 Universal system;
tooth No. 1-2, FDI World Dental Federation notation). The treatment plan featured a surgical crown lengthening
without osseous re-contouring in order to enhance the sound tooth structure for prosthetic replacement with
a crown. At least 5 to 7mm of sound tooth structure can be seen immediate postoperatively.



FIGURE 28-1 A to D, Fractured maxillary right lateral incisor. Surgical crown lengthening (without osseous re-contouring)
completed to enhance tooth structure for prosthetic replacement with a crown. E, Postoperative view shows 5 to 7mm of
sound tooth structure. (Clinician, Dr Kevan Green.)
668 Perioesthetics Periodontal Esthetics and Periodontal Plastic Surgery

C A S E 2 Esthetic Improvement of Maxillary Anterior Dentition

A 20-year-old African American woman was referred by orthodontics for esthetic improvement of the maxillary
anterior dentition. An external bevel gingivectomy procedure involving soft tissues was performed. The postop-
erative image shows improved maxillary anterior teeth.


FIGURE 28-2 A, Maxillary anterior dentition requiring esthetic improvement. External bevel gingivectomy involving soft
tissues completed. B and C, Improved maxillary anterior teeth shown postoperatively. (Clinician, Dr Ann Chernyak.)

C A S E 3 Esthetic Improvement of Gums

An 18-year-old healthy white female patients chief concern was improved esthetics of her gums. An external
soft tissue gingivectomy was performed. Six-month postoperative images are shown.


FIGURE 28-3 A, Gums requiring improved esthetics. An external soft tissue gingivectomy was performed. B, Six-month
postoperative photograph. (Clinician, Dr Justin Zalewsky.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 669

C A S E 4 Esthetic Improvement of Gum Line

A 24-year-old African American woman has full-banded orthodontics and an interest in improving the esthetics
of her gum line. External bevel gingivectomy was performed using a prefabricated stint to result in the images
shown at 1 month and 1 year.




FIGURE 28-4 Patient with full-banded orthodontics requiring improvement of the esthetics of her gum line. Pre-
treatment facial (A), radiographic (B), and intraoral views (C). D to F, External bevel gingivectomy performed using a
prefabricated stint. G, Treatment results at 1 month (top) and 1 year (bottom). (Clinician, Dr Kevin Suzuki.)

American Academy of Periodontology: Local delivery of sustained or Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring T: Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry,
controlled release antimicrobials as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of ed 5, Oxford, 2008, Blackwell Munksgaard.
periodontitis, J Periodontol 77:1458, 2006. Misch CE: Contemporary implant dentistry, ed 3, St Louis, 2008, Mosby
Drisko CL, Cochran DL, Blieden T, et al: Position paper: Sonic and Elsevier.
ultrasonic scalers in periodontics. Research, Science and Therapy Newman M, Takei H, Klokkevold P, Carranza F: Carranzas clinical
Committee of the American Academy of Periodontology, J Periodontol periodontology, ed 11, St Louis, 2011, Saunders-Elsevier.
71(11):1792-1801, 2000 Nov. Suzuki JB, Misch CE, Brunstein D, Mortilla LD: Contemporary implant
Fedi PF, Vernino A, Gray J: The periodontic syllabus, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2000, dentistry, ed 3, St Louis, 2008, Mosby-Elsevier, pp 1073-1088.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Relating Function and Esthetics

David L. Hoexter

appearance, so periodontal esthetic surgery aims to achieve an

RELEVANCE OF PERIOESTHETICS overall outcome that can be maintained using the periodonti-
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY ums shape, form, and color.
An early periodontal esthetic technique was called the curtain
The link between health and appearance in the oral cavity is procedure because often surgeons just cut away the palatal aspect.
highly relevant. Without a healthy periodontal status, no matter It was one of the first compromises in esthetic surgery involving
what has been done with the teethcrowns, veneers, the maxillary anteriors in which the pocket was not removed.
whiteningthe results will not last. Oral esthetic results need a Surgical procedures were done strictly from the palate, then the
background of health to enhance the image desired. For example, surgeons scaled into the labial covering so the tissue level did
if the patient has a long-appearing tooth owing to excessive not expose the interproximal areas. This technique avoided
recession, and the desire is to create a more symmetrical illusion- exposing the roots but left pathology. Arthur Zentler was perhaps
ary smile line, it is necessary to move the tissue with its pink the first periodontist in the United States, and he cut all the soft
keratinized tissue background and then reattach it over the reces- tissue horizontally, exposing the roots, regardless of the type of
sion, which will make the tooth appear beautiful in a smile, tissue. That approach is the opposite of what is really wanted
depending on the patients lips and exposure of teeth. It is essen- today. The goal is to preserve the pink-colored keratinized tissue
tial for health and esthetics to support the results achieved restor- and recognize other colored non-keratinized mucosa.
atively, and that means healthy soft tissue, good color, and Initially, practitioners must recognize appropriate tissue
proper maintenance by patient and dentist. colors. Anatomically there is a horizontal line, the mucogingival
junction, that appears to separate the bluish-red alveolar mucosa
Role of Periodontics from the attached keratinized pinkish gingiva (Figure 28-5). The
alveolar mucosa is reddish purple, movable, and not keratinized.
in the Enhanced Smile The tissue around the teeth, from the mucogingival junction
There is no improved smile without a symbiotic relationship toward the teeths cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), is keratin-
between periodontics and restorative dentistry. To achieve an ized, having the same epithelium with keratin as the outside
enhanced smile one first develops an image of the desired layer. That keratin should be a pinkish-white color. Some people
outcome and then physically tries to achieve that restoratively. have different melanin pigmentation, causing a different color
The soft tissue must be present in the correct proportion if that (Figure 28-6), but the pinkish-white keratin is very important.
outcome is to be achieved. For example, if the tissue level is For an esthetic periodontal background it is necessary to have
altered, it may result in spaces between the teeththe so-called horizontal symmetry of keratinized gingiva and to cover the
black diamonds. No matter how wonderful the restorative CEJs. The pinkish-white background emphasizes and enhances
work is, the eye will be drawn to these dark spaces. It is necessary theforeground. It is the only background with which the patient
to have a picture surrounded by a frame. Periodontics becomes can maintain the teeths health by performing correct oral
the frame that helps visualize what is desired in the smile. Den- hygiene. The pinkish-white background establishes the founda-
tists can alter or enhance the frame. The results will be predict- tion for esthetics in the oral cavity and is needed to maintain
able if periodontic treatment achieves a healthy foundation. health.
Then the smile not only looks good but can be maintained. In 1956, Grupe and Warren described a procedure they called
a sliding flap. They were the first to recognize the ability of the
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL attached gingival to move laterally. This technique is now referred
to as a laterally positioned pedicle graft. Grupe modified this
OF PERIOESTHETICS The first article recognizing the two different gingival zones
was written by Claude Nabers in 1954. He described keratinized
Periodontal surgery can move tissues up and down and/or left attached gingiva versus non-keratinized alveolar mucosa, which
and right to preserve a tooth, disregarding the esthetic compo- had not been distinguished earlier. While Groupe developed
nent. Society today, however, demands an overall standard of sophisticated ways to move the tissue from left to right,

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 671

FIGURE 28-5 The teeth surrounded by pink attached gingiva,

separated from the bluish-red alveolar mucosa by the muco-
gingival junction.

FIGURE 28-6 Keratinized attached gingiva with different

Abrams used it esthetically in a more vertical fashion. This color because of different melanin pigmentation.
author also has contributed articles about taking the depressed
labial tissue and building it out. The labial tissue is built out
labially to eliminate a previously concave depressed area (Figure a strong base for the tissue to be maintained with a good blood
28-7). Free gingival grafts using a connective gingival compo- supply for health. Bone grafts do two things: they increase tooth
nent are used. Through initial release of the recipient area tissue support, and they provide a base in which healthy tissue can be
from the inside, the keratinized tissue is preserved. The connec- placed to achieve the background needed for an esthetic result
tive tissue graft is placed inside the flap, which has a full blood or which can support future implants.
supply. It is used to build out the labial definition so there is an
appropriate physiological background for pontics. The results in
this situation are that the location of the depression will not be
Brief History of Implants
visible and there will not be a large unphysiologic pontic that is Implants have been used since ancient Egyptian times. Endos-
unattractive and collects food. seous oral implants made of different sizes, shapes, and materials
Raising the tissue vertically and exposing the proper amount became quite popular in the 1960s. Also, in the early 1960s
of tooth structure to prepare for a crown in an area that is not titanium began to be used in implants. The titanium alloy
pathologic is called crown lengthening. When pathology is implant came in various sizes and shapes. Retention of the
present, the same technique is called an apically repositioned flap. implant and its crowns could now be considered predictable,
The apically repositioned flap is a technique that results in an and such restorations replacing lost teeth could be considered
existing pocket removal and ends with keratinized attached non-removable.
gingiva surrounding the area. An esthetic enhancement of the By using implants, practitioners could restore vertical dimen-
vertical movement of the tissue is the growing enamel technique sion and tooth length, achieving the correct height between the
(Figure 28-8). It will lengthen the appearance of the maxillary maxillary and mandibular arches with support from a non-
anterior teeth by taking the keratinized tissue and vertically removable prosthesis. This changed the facial component, restor-
manipulating to the CEJ, when there is excessive tissue. Doing ing and eliminating the commissures at the corners of the mouth
that exposes the beautiful natural length of the teeth while and restoring the vertical dimension. Having the correct height
keeping a healthy wide zone of attached gingiva as their of the teeth between the arches results in more youthful teeth
background. because the actual vertical space has been resurrected.
In esthetic tissue grafting, the goal is also to use color to
obtain a symmetrical appearing background in addition to a
keratinized attached zone of health. The tissue is manipulated
laterally, apically, and coronally. A specific technique for coronal RELATING FUNCTION
repositioning is used when there is recession. With recession, on AND ESTHETICS
a few teeth a difference of color can be seenthe white of the
enamel and the yellowish brown of the exposed root. It is not Blending physiology and function is a natural way to create a
desirable for the root to show, so the tissue is grafted in a coronal pleasing appearance. In periodontics there should be symmetri-
position. The result is the covering of the previously exposed cal blending of hard and soft tissue structures so they maintain
root with healthy tissue of the same color as the surrounding each other symbiotically. When dealing with perioesthetics and
tissue (Figure 28-9). periodontics, the image is emphasized by producing a restorative
To support the teeth, practitioners use bone grafts, such as structure that can be maintained. For that, a healthy hard struc-
autogenous bone grafts. Bone grafting is basically taking bones ture is needed underneath. The hard structure (the bone) main-
from different sources and not repairing but regenerating support tains the integrity of the soft structure, which maintains the
for the tooth or the edentulous ridge. By doing that, one achieves background of the smile.
672 Perioesthetics Relating Function and Esthetics




FIGURE 28-7 A, Labial view of a maxillary arch with the No. 9 tooth missing, replace with a removable flipper.
B, Labial view without the flipper, showing depressed ridge. C, Lateral view showing extreme concavity of the depressed area of
tooth No. 9. D, Occlusal view of depressed ridge. E, Occlusal view of flap design including palatal keratinized tissue. F, Flap
released toward the labial, exposing the osseous defect.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 673



FIGURE 28-7, contd G, Connective tissue (CT) graft from the palate, inserted in defect area. H, Flap sutured in desired posi-
tion with CT graft. I, Lateral view before, with depression (arrow). J, Lateral view after, healing with ridge built out (arrow).
K, Final lateral view with prosthesis after ridge augmentation (arrow).
674 Perioesthetics Relating Function and Esthetics


FIGURE 28-8 A, Initial labial view. B, Growing enamel technique sutured in position, exposing the length of natural enamel
crown. C, Final view of healed area showing the entire teeth withoutexposing any root.

CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS tissue from the inside with connective tissue grafts or artificial
bone or bone replacements. These also appear when the results
Indications of an extraction site are too resorbed to place an immediate
What is needed is a healthy keratinized attached gingival zone implant. One should not put an implant in the socket of an
that is symmetrical. It should be symmetrical vertically as well as extracted tooth if there is inadequate buccal bone, because it will
horizontally, with a pinkish keratinized gingival color. It should be in a lingual position, the crown will add shadows, and food
be symmetrical so that it acts as a background for the restorative will collect in that area. These ridges are built out for esthetics
work. A good healthy zone must be in place because it is the only and to add bone support for future implants.
tissue that the patient can keep clean and free of bacteria. New instruments from Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co. (Chicago,
There can also be a concavity from the labial aspect, especially Illinois) are designed to aid in preventing resorption of the
after extraction. This is usually a result of bone resorption. To alveolar ridge after an extraction. These instruments will help
achieve a normal-appearing tooth, the tooth and the labial bone avoid a depression, will preserve the osseous ridge to allow for
must be built up. The convexity emphasizes the natural root. success of the future implant, and will enhance the esthetic
There is a nice slope, and the pink keratinized tissue is on top appearance of the area.
of it. If the tooth is lost, the alveolar bone resorbs, typically Another indication for periodontal esthetics is the color of the
toward the lingual, creating a concavity. If a pontic is to be attached gingiva. Color is based on melanin pigmentation, which
placed, the concavity must be filled. A depressed background may differ in color within the gingiva locally. Some people have
adds to a large unsightly pontic tooth that stands out and collects gingivae that are more symmetrical and pinkish white, some are
all sorts of food and plaque. It is undesirable to see a depression darker brown, some are pink and brownit depends on natural
in the labial tissue, which causes an unsightly shadowy area that heritage (see Figure 28-5) and has little to do with health. In
draws attention to itself. Techniques are used to build out the seeking a gorgeous smile, if the patient has a sporadic dark
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 675


FIGURE 28-9 A, Exposed root recession of tooth No. 11. B, Arrow pointing to recessed area. Horizontal line emphasizing the
amount of recession with adjacent tooth No. 10. C, Labial flap reflected, showing larger amount of recession.

melanin pigmentation and if surgery such as trim scalloping or Recession of the tooth can be either introduced iatrogenically
gingivectomy is performed, the result is often a keratinized scar or produced physically. Physically, it occurs when teeth are
that is a solid pinkish color, called a keloid, which is not desir- moved orthodontically in a labial direction beyond the bones
able. The optimal outcome is a natural pinkish white attached physiological limit, by unphysiologic occlusal trauma (TFO), or
gingiva or symmetry in color, size, and formincisal-cervical as excessive oral habits. It may also reflect a natural growth in
well as horizontal. Gingival grafts using specifically keratinized todays heterogeneous societies, in an arch that lacks space. There
tissue or lateral sliding grafts are done to avoid a non-smooth might be nothing pathologic about recession, as the local area
background of melanin pigmentation. adapts physically. Nonetheless, the recessed area contributes to
Hyperplasia, or overgrowth, of the fibrous keratinized tissue an appearance of being old, or timewornhence the term long
can be caused by medical factors or physical positioning. Medi- in the tooth. The appearance also makes patients sensitive about
cally, it can be induced by some blood pressure medications, as their looksthere is a glistening white smile and then a sharp
well as phenytoin (Dilantin). However, these drugs cause hyper- contrasting brown zone of exposed root. The patient adapts and
plastic overgrowth only if the area is not kept clean, reflecting a learns to keep his or her lip down to hide the recession area.
bodily reaction to the irritant. If the mouth is kept clean, the Various periodontal cosmetic surgical techniques can be used to
odds are that overgrowth will not occur. However, hyperplastic correct these visual defects, such as lateral sliding, coronal repo-
keratinized tissue can lead to a pseudo-pocket. Esthetically, sitioning using membranes, and connective tissue free gingival
this makes the tooth look smaller or longer (Figures 28-10 and grafts using tissue from the palate. A very predictable method is
28-11). The clinician begins to see part of the tooth covered, to use barrier membranes for guided tissue regeneration.
without the natural scalloped shape. Excess keratinized tissue is With respect to membranes, this author prefers resorbable
removed surgically to create a scalloping effect that resembles ones. Use of resorbable membranes avoids the need for a second
the cervical flow of natural teeth. surgical procedure. There are three groups of these resorbable
676 Perioesthetics Relating Function and Esthetics


FIGURE 28-9, contd D, Acellular membrane in place for the guided tissue regeneration (GTR) technique. E, Flap sutured in
a coronal repositioned position. F, Final view showing complete gingival coverage regeneration of thepreviously exposed

FIGURE 28-11 Multiple hyperplastic lesions creating non-

esthetic teeth.
FIGURE 28-10 Singlelesion of hyperplasia.
resorb sooner or later. Clinicians like to maintain the membrane
for 6 to 8 weeks so that the blood supply becomes present. With
natural connective tissue, there is no definite time for tissue graft
membranes: polyglycolic, polylactic, and collagen. The polygly- resorption with a secure blood supply. Collagen membranes
colic membrane has the advantages of being malleable and resorb- offer ease of use, availability of materials with a good shelf life,
able. The most popular member of this group is GUIDOR. The and less expense. Tranzgraft (CK Dental Industries, Orange,
polylactic membranes such as Vicryl and Resolute are resorbable California), an acellular membrane, is an excellent example for
as well but sometimes have inconsistent resorbability. They may use in this category.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 677


FIGURE 28-12 A, Recession of the gingiva, exposing tan root color of tooth No. 11. B, Recession covered after regenerative
root coverage treatment.

If it is desired by the operator to use connective tissues from Another contraindication, primarily for all patients, is poor
the patients palate, we should remember that natural tissue is oral hygiene. Before any esthetic surgery is commenced that
not easy to obtain, and the technique creates a second wound requires regeneration or if a blood supply is lacking, poor oral
for the patient. The patient will undergo local anesthesia in two hygienic habits must first be corrected or new ones instilled. The
different places, the graft does not necessarily mean predictabil- initiating factor of periodontal disease must be eliminated or it
ity, and this sort of wound actually hurts. There are easier ways will reappear. If the patient has poor oral hygiene before the
to do this today without two wounds. All of the techniques procedure or had poor periodontal status, that is likely to recur
move toward the goal of eliminating recession and regaining a because of destructive local bacteria. Poor manual dexterity is
youthful appearance while restoring health (Figure 28-12). The the main reason that power toothbrushes were first created in
esthetics achieved are definitely a great reward. the 1960s, but the key to power toothbrushes or hand tooth-
brushes is the type of bristles being used. The bristles, if not
polished at the tip, might become an irritant themselves.
Medically, there are restrictions. Some people may not be well
enough to undergo perioesthetic treatment. For people taking MATERIAL OPTIONS
Coumadin, it is necessary to work with a physician and usually
have the patient taken off the medication for 3 days before the
Bone Regeneration
procedure. It is also essential to check medically whether a local Autogenous bone is probably best for regeneration because there
anesthetic such as lidocaine can be used. Questions such as the is no antigenicity and there is excellent bone morphogenetic
following arise: Can epinephrine be used with the local anesthe- protein (BMP) because it is from the same patient. The down-
sia or not? Should a local anesthetic such as Carbocaine be used? side is the amount of bone that can be accessed. One major
What are the drawbacks of compromises necessitated by the source of bone is the hip, which supplies a lot of bone. This
medical health of the patient? Obvious results of not using a requires a wound in the hip, which is painful and often must be
vasoconstricting medication would include the shorter period of performed by an orthopedist. Sometimes if the bone from the
no bleeding. The operator should curtail the length of the pro- hip is put around the tooth to regenerate the bone, root resorp-
cedure owing to the bleeding; several operations of shorter dura- tion develops. It is preferable to take the bone and freeze it.
tion might be required. One might consider referring the patient Freezing helps to avoid root resorption. A second major source
for a hospital procedure. In addition, the recommendations for of bone is intra-oral site and this requires a second intra-oral
antibiotic premedication have changed recently, as reported by wound. It is important to determine the cause of the initial
the American Heart Association. Anytime oral medication is bone loss first. Was it poor oral hygiene or an infection of
necessary, the compliance of the patient is always a variable. some type?
Whatever the medical or surgical involvement in perioes- There are also dispensable bone graft materials or bottled
thetic treatments, dentists should use common sense and never bone. The three types are xenograft, alloplastic, and allograft.
cause restriction of the healing. Some patients may take longer Xenograft bone comes from another species and is usually
to heal than others. For example, the diabetic patient usually dried. It is quite good and has the same proteins and same size
takes longer to heal, so this must be considered in the surgical as human bone. It is processed through treatments and sterilized,
postoperative healing time expectations. but once the antigenicity has been sterilized out of it there
678 Perioesthetics Relating Function and Esthetics

is diminished induction quality. Despite this, it has been shown supply is the same. It is inexpensive for the amount available,
to be quite positive in aiding regeneration. and the color regeneration will be correct. The disadvantages of
Alloplastic bone is an artificial material, not taken from tissue regeneration are the limited supply and the need for a
another living source. For example, ceramic is popular to use as second surgical site in most cases. The process is technique sensi-
a bone fill. It performs well for ridge augmentation but does not tive, and learning the procedure, although not difficult, requires
induce bone. It is used for ridge augmentation when dealing time. The patient must deal with an uncomfortable second
with esthetic restorations. Alloplastic bone allows one to build surgical site and wait for both sites to heal.
out the ridge because it causes no inflammatory response and it Xenografts are from other species, specifically bovine and
usually does not resorb. porcine species, and no antigen or antibody reactions are antici-
Allograft bone is from another human being, and there is pated because they have been sterilized so much, but these
worry about antigenicity. The material is sterilized, but it is membranes do not reproduce by themselves. Usually a piece of
resorbable, so it does not last forever. Freeze-dried bone whose the hosts tissue must be propped on top of a xenograft to regen-
source is a human cadaver is considered the gold standard in erate the color. The xenograft offers an excellent blood supply,
allograft materials. Yet it is impossible to know how much con- but color regeneration is not always predictable. So it is used in
ductive quality remains for induction, so it is an unpredictable, guided tissue regeneration (GTR) as a blood supply barrier. This
inconsistent, yet very useful source for bone, acting also as a GTR technique prevents the connective tissue and epithelium
matrix for bone regeneration. It is also readily available and from growing into this recipient area, thus allowing the recipient
requires no second wound site. site blood supply to come through and regenerate a blood supply
to the donor site; that becomes the bed for the covering tissue.
The desired new tissue can be placed and maintained on top as
Tissue Regeneration long as a base blood supply is available. Acrylic material mem-
The gingival tissue is one of the few places in the body where branes have also been used in these techniques but all too often
complete regeneration is possible. Repair does not mean the provoke an allergic reaction and cause necrosis and sloughing at
same thing as regeneration. It does not include return to the the wound site. Then the wound site has to regenerate by sec-
actual nature of the structure. Dentists try for regeneration in ondary intention. The healing area is unpredictable in its healing
the tissues of the periodontal ligament, but it is not possible to time and size, besides being uncomfortable, and might undergo
grow cementum predictably, so the option is tissue regeneration. some further resorption.
This technique may aid in regeneration of the ligament because Allografts come from a human source other than the patient
it is being stimulated and given a place to grow. With the liga- and may be freeze-dried tissue. They can be manipulated and
ment comes cementum, which means reattachment of the tooth. are malleable. The disadvantages of the allograft are cost and
Regeneration of the Sharpey fibers always occurs, and the peri- color inconsistency. It is likely that one will obtain a more bland
odontal ligament attaches the Sharpey fibers to the cementum; pink tissue rather than one that appears natural. The allograft
that is true regeneration of the lost alveolus. resembles scar tissue reaction and is solid pink. That is undesir-
It is possible to regenerate the color by transferring the able labially in the anterior areas. There will probably not be an
melanin pigmentation or the connective tissue from the palate. allergic reaction as long as sterilization is performed, but rejec-
It is a bonus that should be taken advantage of in perioesthetics tion of the material is possible.
because it is not possible to regenerate enamel, dentin, or tooth. To perform these techniques involves a learning curve. The
It is possible to regenerate the support and its color. If the materials are not difficult to handle, but there is a learning
gingiva is incised correctly, guided tissue regeneration can be period for the surgical technique. Additional time is needed to
used to get reattachment and color. Some companies tout regen- do these techniques compared with gingival apical or crown
eration by an artificial collagen material, but that does not repositioning. The techniques do, however, take more time to
regenerate and can cause a keloid (scar tissue). True tissue is correctly place the membranes and to put the tissue correctly
needed to generate true color. One does not want to take the over the membrane.
chance of using artificial material for an epithelial gingival graft
because the color can come out pinker and brighter. It does not
regenerate in the color desiredonly connective tissue can do TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
that. It is possible to regenerate the tissue if it is available, and
it may be regrown someplace else if the blood supply is The three major factors in treatment are the patient, the restor-
adequate. ative dentist, and the periodontist. There must be a coordination
of all three. There must be mutual acceptance, one goal, and a
plan. There should also be one person directing the process. The
Autogenous Tissue Grafts versus patient does not know dentistry. The restorative dentist has the
treatment plan, has laboratory connections, and can coordinate
Autogenous Bone Grafts with the referring dentist as well. The restorative dentist also
Autogenous grafts are accessible because they are obtained from knows the timing, determines the desired tissue level, and knows
the patient. Rejection is minimized because of the lack of the colors desired in the final restoration. All three practitioners
antigen-antibody or allergic reactions. In addition, the blood should contribute input, but one person should be in charge,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 679

captaining the team and keeping all participants informed and maintainable and, esthetically, ensure that the correct tissue is
aware of the treatment schedule. in the background. The restorative dentist must make it all
The treatment plan must be chosen and coordinated, and usable. They must make the margins accessible so the patient
the patient must contribute input into how he or she sees the will not catch on them and will be able to keep them clean. The
process. All participants should relate their desires and goals. A dentist needs the tissue to do that and the correct esthetic back-
schedule should be written, noting the sequence that will be ground so that it is possible to create a picture of health that can
required. Elements that affect scheduling include allowing time be maintained. Constant maintenance must be performed by
for the periodontist to coordinate healing and use of provisionals the periodontist. Constant reinforcement must be supplied by
during that time. This is the patients smile but it is also a team the restorative dentist until the total healing phase is completed
effort that requires a team approach. Although one leader should and the patient can maintain the result. The periodontist then
take charge, that professional also constantly reinforces the transfers the patient back to the restorative dentist. All involved
others, and each practitioner should know the techniques used parties must be coordinating care. When one phase of treatment
by the other practitioners. The perioesthetic phase should be is done, phone calls are made to transfer the patient for the
coordinated with the restorative operator toward the team goal. next phase.
It can be divided into three phases: preparation, procedure, and
The finishing phase should be coordinated with the general
Preparation dentist. At all phases the coordination of communication is
The preparation phase should also include the patient being imperative. Constant reinforcement is needed. Information
educated about the technology of the approach so he or she can must be constantly reinforced for the participants. Complica-
be prepared. This can involve juggling social events, travel, or tions such as personal schedules, healing times, medical inter-
working events. For example, when restoratives are done, provi- ruptions, business interruptions, or vacation schedules can create
sionals should always be provided. A provisional means an distractions, so it is imperative to cooperatively schedule and
interim prosthesis, and that term should be used rather than maintain a knowledgeable, informed team. There is no mainte-
temporaries. The restorative dentist should be prepared to place nance of the illusion of good health if a team approach is
provisionals according to the treatment to maintain the forth- not used.
coming esthetic and healthy periodontium.
Preparation of the area includes in periodontics a nonsurgical
treatment period. It is important to ensure that whatever is being INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
fixed will not recur. So the nonsurgical treatment is preventive
and includes periodontal treatments such as scaling, curettage, Scientific innovations have been improving because the public
and oral hygiene techniques. Each patient is different, and the wishes to look better and because better materials make that
techniques reinforce what should become part of a normal achievable. In past years, innovations adapted hard and soft
oral hygiene regimen. The technique is not difficult, but some tissue grafts and materials so they are better accepted by the
people will never be able to floss or use a floss threader. Other body. Artificial tissues help in gaining gingiva. Color discrepan-
techniques can be substituted. Esthetics must allow the mainte- cies may happen but can be overcome through guided tissue
nance and reachability of all surfaces of the tooth, so they can regeneration. The hard tissues are accepted by the body because
be kept clean by the patient. That does not mean that constant they do not cause inflammation. However, not all these materials
reinforcement will not be required. The periodontist and dentist induce the body to produce regenerative bone. Key factors are
should alternate reinforcing with continuous maintenance, with stability, an accessible blood supply, and asepsis. The blood
appointments at least four times a year. supply must be large enough that it is possible to not only use
the materials as a scaffolding, called conduction, but also use
them inductively. Whether there are any inductive qualities in
Procedure the graft depends on the material being used. Some materials
The procedure phase relates to all treatments involving the soft are resorbable and some are nonresorbable. Ideally, one wants
tissues. This includes getting rid of all inflammation and having inductive material that lasts about 8 to 12 weeks. The term
the patient maintain the health of the tissues. Then the dentist inductive means exactly that. It induces the hematopoietic blood
can consider doing provisionals. If the provisionals are physio- supply coming in to regenerate and develop into the patients
logic, surgical techniques can be used, including bone treatment own new bone. It induces the blood supply to develop into the
planning or implant placement. All healing phases are consid- bone design. More inductive qualities come from autogenous
ered in the treatment plan timing. Constant scaling and hygiene bone than anything else.
reinforcement are necessary until the final prosthesis is in place The newer scientific bone graft materials, although not
and the patient is able to accept the responsibility of maintaining proven yet, refer to the production of the bone morphological
the achieved healthy smile. The key to treatment is coordination proteins (BMPs) being accessible to the dental field. Currently
and maintenance. The patient must be comfortable and able to the only bone graft stem cell material with that abundance of
maintain the teeth. The periodontist must make the restoration BMP is called Infuse (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota).
680 Perioesthetics Relating Function and Esthetics

It, so far, has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin- prosthetic component. In a tooth adjacent to a tooth, the inter-
istration (FDA) to use in sinus area regeneration. Many studies proximal height of the contact points of the teeth are 5mm
in progress use allograft materials. Infuse uses an actual liquid higher than the peak of the interproximal bone. Tarnow and
placed in a bovine collagen membrane, which is then placed in Fletcher brought these facts to awareness in their publication.
the sinus. Urist was the first one to use the term BMP, which The dentist should contour the crown according to height of the
stimulates the blood to aid the differentiation into bone. interproximal bone. With an implant, however, the crest of
Demineralized freeze-dried bone from cadavers is the gold the interproximal bone is sometimes less than 3mm higher than
standard of allografts. Others promise inductive qualities. Allo- the contact. The difficult esthetic component is when an implant
plastics, although artificial, try to emulate real bone but do not is next to a tooth and the implant gingival height is 2 to 3mm,
have pure inductive qualities. They have more of a conductive whereas the interproximal height is 2 to 3mm higher than the
quality or a scaffolding effect that does not produce inflamma- crestal bone. The tooth side might be 5mm. This is where the
tion. These are very helpful in regenerating ridge augmentations. dentists artistic ability comes in. Either one lowers the tooth
Many of these bone materials are resorbable, so in 5 to 10 side and makes it equal to the implant side or one raises the
months they probably will resorb and be replaced, it is hoped, implant side. The interproximal gingival margin height is very
by bonebut not predictably. Ridge augmentations are achieved, important to the restorative dentist to achieve the desired flow
however. One disadvantage of these nonresorbable, non- or scaffolding effect that does not draw the eyes to an unattract-
inductive or conductive materials is that if bone or a ridge of ive area.
partial bone is regenerated and implant has been placed, no When the dentist has an excess amount of keratinized tissue,
endosseous integration occurs throughout all of the implant esthetic periodontal treatment can be accomplished to enhance
surfaces. This makes it not as osseointegrated. The more surfaces the result. If just a marginal amount of keratinized tissue is
attached naturally to bone, the more retention and the more present and the marginal ridges are then re-contoured, there will
protection an implant achieves. then be no keratinized tissue remaining. The result will be a
Bone graft materials have pluses and minuses. They aid in different color background and an unprotected zone. In scallop-
regenerating the bone, and they are the materials that must be ing a resultant bevel, a thin gingival margin should be permitted
resorbed. Materials that are nonresorbable are more conductive. and the integrity of the color of the gingival background should
They help biocompatibility but do not always induce the body be preserved, enhancing its chance of maintenance.
to produce more bone. Compromises have to be made. Cur- As mentioned, everyone involved in restoring a smile must
rently the availability of bone is greater than ever before. The be coordinated. Options must be directed toward the goal. The
buyer must be aware that these bone materials must be approved options must be known by all the practitioners as well as the
by the FDA, they are sterile, and sometimes they are frozen. patient. They do not have to be able to do the procedures, but
Each time they are sterilized, they lose some of their viability. they have to know what is available. Since 1985 the implant
The clinician must also know if the material is demineralized replacement of teeth has been a viable option that is now well
freeze-dried bone and if the cadaver from which it was taken accepted by the public as a way to manage missing teeth. The
was young or older. He or she must also know the laboratory or term endosseous implants refers to replacing teeth with support
company from which this bone was obtained because some use inside the bone. These implants have been popular since the
older cadavers that have less BMP potential than younger ones. early 1960s, with Rafael Cherchve, Leonard Linkow, and Isaiah
There has never before been so much resorbable or nonre- Lew pioneering the field, but the materials were different. Even-
sorbable bone. This bone is found in different forms, not only tually titanium was used in the 1960s. Before that the materials
particulate forms that can be transferred very easily but also gel varied with inconsistency. The forms of the implants varied as
forms, which are premixed and can be added to a gelatin mix. well. Commonly seen were forms called blades, root forms, and
Bone can also be in liquid form and dropped into the actual subperiosteals. Root-formed shapes had been used since the late
membrane when it is placed. 1940s, but with the acceptance of Per-Ingvar Brnemark (the
father of modern implantology), the root-form implant on a
universal platform became socially accepted and in demand. The
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS public today wants to live longer with a better quality of life.
Orally, foods are better handled with implants, so people with
The artistic elements of tissue changing are important. When dentures are not limited to mush. As a matter of social accep-
changing tissue contours, the clinician must know the size and tance, people do not want to take their teeth out if they can help
shape of the final prosthesis. If dentists contoured according to it. With a population that is living longer, there is also the desire
what would be liked, they sometimes would end up with an to look better. Brnemark showed what was known for years
embrasure that is missing, creating a space that unfortunately that titanium is an excellent material that is accepted by the body
requires a larger crown. That is why the prosthesis should be in and remains viable, releasing an oxide.
provisional form, so operators can work together and shape it Shapes of the endosseous implants have changed. There have
beforehand, then the final prosthesis can be completed. been what were called press-fits, in which the dentist drilled a
Vertical height is very important, and positioning of the preparatory site exactly the size of the implant and the implant
interproximal tissues is key. The height of the interproxi was pressed gently into the prepared site. At the same time a
mal tissues clinically represents where the CEJ will be in the screw-fit implant was done. The dentist used very slow-speed
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 681

instruments so they would not burn the bone and screw, twisting extraction site preserves the ridge. It gives more of a bony ridge
the implant in slowly so the body would not get insulted and to choose the best place to position the implant. This increased
resorb. bone gives more predictability for an integrated implant and
On the outside of the implants, efforts have been made to esthetically avoids the depressed labial view, which makes crowns
get more surface area for the original implants. Smooth surfaces stand out and produces shadowing in the submerged portion of
gave way to indentations. Then the implants changed. The man- the implant. Also, implants have a metal collar. One of the
ufacturers put small dots of titanium on the implants, called improvements for esthetics is a light abutment collar. All differ-
plasma spray. At the same time hydroxyapatite, one of the allo- ent types of commercial abutments prevent a poor esthetic view
plastic materials alluded to earlier, was sprayed on as well. All from showing through the gingiva if an abutment is used ante-
these external advances were to gain more of a surface area for riorly for esthetics.
more bone contact. The outside surface of the implant was If the implant site is predictable, oral practitioners should be
sprayed with hydroxyapatite because this material also was pur- able to place the implant. If it is not predictable and the proce-
ported to speed healing. The surface area of the implant has dure will be more technique sensitive, practitioners with a lot of
changed many times. It also changed to what was called an acid experience may be required. Implants generally are not limited
etch or resorbable blasting media (RBM). Different surface to specialists, but they are limited to technique-sensitive, expe-
treatments have been used by different companies in attempts rienced dentists. With the implants being made todaywith
to increase the surface area so that the bone would have more accessibility and interchangeable shapesit is just a matter of
integrative abilities. All such treatments have positive and nega- diagnosing with a good computed tomography (CT) scan before
tive aspects. measuring, using mountings, and using surgical trays to increase
There are hollow chambers inside the implants into which a the predictability.
piece of pre-engineered metal, an abutment, fits exactly. There Not all teeth should be extracted to place implants, but end-
are many ways to achieve this, but impressions can be taken or odontically involved teeth that have more than half the bone
direct pre-made posts, called abutments, are made to fit inside may be considered for extraction while preserving the bony
the implant after it is integrated; restorative crowns are then put ridge. Predictability and longevity are well integrated into the
on top. They can be screwed or cemented on. The cemented procedure, and there will be no caries in the future. Replacing
ones offer the advantage of more positive occlusal direction problem teeth permanently with implants is a large part of
because more anatomy is available. The screw-on ones are said esthetics, not only for the visual but also for the emotional and
to be retrievable because if the porcelain chips, it is possible to mental improvement of the patient.
unscrew it and take it out. Retrievable does not really allude to The various grafts used to replace bone and the treatment
the implant not working; rather, it refers to changing of the options must be understood. Which materials are resorbable,
crown. Implants also must be attached to the abutment. Screws and which ones are not? Which ones induce the bones to regen-
hold the implant in place. The more connections, the more pos- erate, which ones do not? These things must be known before
sibilities for weakness. The advantage of cementing is avoiding use. One type does not replace all. There are different indications
the screw connection of the crown to the abutment. Screws depending on the results desired.
gold screws and titanium screwsloosen. There are pluses and Ridge augmentation is used for esthetics; nonresorbable bone
minuses to each phase. The bottom line is that if the body is appropriate. If ridge augmentation and placement of an
accepts the implant, called intergration, then it can be built up. implant are desired, then nonresorbable bone grafts must be
Esthetically the implant, which has a different shape than a avoided. The goal is to have a ridge with as much bone as
natural tooth, has the emergence profile of a natural tooth. possible.
Restoratively the emergence profile of the crown should look like Tissue grafts are predictable. Esthetic results depend on
that of the natural tooth, but the implant is not bucco-lingually where they originate from as much as what they have to do
as wide as the natural tooth. Many techniques profess to build functionally. A free gingival graft from the palate using the
out. The author uses the same technique as with the ridge aug- epithelium and connective tissue will regenerate well and pre-
mentation. Build-out or ridge augmentation is the general term dictably. Usually these have a whiter color and stand out starkly.
for the building of a ridge. This results once again in pink kera- That is undesirable. If autogenous gingival grafts are needed, a
tinized gingiva appearing as a tooth ridge background. connective tissue graft is best. It is also possible to achieve the
To achieve an esthetic ridge augmentation, dentists prefer same color gingiva by using the tissue adjacent to it. Using a
nonresorbable materials so they stay in place. Inductive resorb- lateral pedicle graft will achieve the goal, yet there will be just
able materials offer bone support. Using a GTR membrane to one wound sitenot two sites as with a palatal graft. It is impos-
do this makes it more predictable. It would be optimal to use sible to use membrane tissues to replace gingival grafts because
Hu-Friedys new instruments to help in the removal of the tooth they do not predictably regenerate in the color desired. They will
initially so there is no resorption. It is important not to extract aid in regeneration of the blood supply if the correct adjacent
the tooth bucco-lingually but to prevent bucco-lingual pressure, tissue is placed on top of it and the blood supply is adequate
which causes ischemia, which leads to the resorption, and to for the tissues to be replaced. It is possible to manipulate the
extract the tooth while preserving all sides of the extraction site, tissue coronally. It is possible to replace the tissue apically
because that is where the blood supply comes from (Figure if keratinized tissue is present. It is possible to manipulate it
28-13). Using inductive, high-quality bone supplements in that vertically and laterally, but the blood supply is essential.
682 Perioesthetics Relating Function and Esthetics



FIGURE 28-13 A, Fractured tooth before extraction. B, View of socket after extraction. Note the preservation of the socket bone
walls, especially the buccal, as well as the preservation of the septum. C, Bone particulate graft placed in osseous socket.
D, Resorbable barrier membrane placed over bone graft.

Resorbable membranes are used to achieve a healthy blood open. The key to evidence-based principles will result in how we
supply so the shifted gingival graft will stay in place and regener- can prevent the need for invasive corrections.
ate. If the donor site is healthy, it always regenerates without

Clinical evidence-based principles depend on the actual indi- In esthetic periodontal surgery compared with periodontal
vidual. There are many studies, but they do not apply to all surgery itself, dentists are trying to achieve an esthetic goal and
individuals, and each culture has a transitional resistance. People there is usually a healthier environment. When dealing with a
from certain cultures never get caries, owing to their diet and pathological situation in which an esthetic result is the goal, it
lifestyle. Research shows there are substitutes to aid the host to is necessary to take more chances than are desirable. The aim of
regenerate more predictably than ever before. The final result is clinical conservative concepts is to conserve as much natural
determined by the oral cavity. It depends on an individual tissue as possible. That includes the restorative conservative
antigen-antibody reaction, the allergy reaction to it, the teeth, replacement of the natural tooth and conservative enhancement
and what caused it. There are many products available with of the natural teeth. People wish to have a wonderful white
clinical support and many products that are not supported, but enduring smile. If it is possible to conservatively enhance the
the true result is a reflection of the oral cavity. No product that natural tooth, then the tissues can be regenerated rather than
comes from outside the mouth works 100%, so the goal is to simply enhanced. More than ever before the natural health of
regenerate within the individuals body itself. The future is wide the oral cavity can be preserved, resulting in not only more
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 683


FIGURE 28-13, contd E, Area sutured, with the graft as well as the membrane. F, Healed area with regenerated bone ridge as
well as keratinized tissue. G, Implant inserted as well, emphasizing esthetic return of the buccal ridge.

material with which to achieve the desired goals but also a better reinforce proper hygiene methods and reward patients. Each
chance of achieving and maintaining them. professional sees the patient through his or her own eyes. It is
better to have four or six eyes seeing the areas than just one person
MAINTENANCE looking and maybe missing something. A team effort was needed
to get the excellent results and a team effort is needed to maintain
Maintaining a beautiful healthy smile should be made as easy as it. The patient should at least alternate between seeing the general
possible. The way it is maintained is by avoiding local bacteria practitioner and the periodontist. The minimum standard for
retention. Hygiene is just as important during and after restora- professional maintenance for most people is four times a year,
tion. The shape of the prosthesis should allow the patient to but visits can alternate between the periodontist and the restor-
maintain good oral hygiene. The periodontal work should be ative dentist. This schedule of maintenance is in the patients best
done to allow the patient to maintain future good oral hygiene. interest and definitely yields a positive reward. If the final result
Everything is done on a physiologic basis so the patient can cannot be maintained, there is no reason to put the patient, the
effectively remove concretions and plaque. Many objects are restorative dentist, and the periodontist through all these tech-
available for use, and clinicians should identify what is best in niques. Some peoples bacteria are more active, and some patients
each individual case. need more motivation or dental support.
A conservative approach will help the patient achieve good
hygiene, but he or she will always need the help of dental profes- CONTROVERSIES
sionals, not only to get rid of local concretions but also to provide
constant reinforcement. The motivational contribution is as Rather than view approaches as radical (surgical) or conservative,
important as the plaque removal. Dental professionals should not it is more accurate to see them as predictable or not predictable.
only tell the patient that he or she has nice clean teeth but also The goal is to perform as predictably as possible. The use of
684 Perioesthetics Relating Function and Esthetics

scaling techniques is fine. The use of surgical techniques is always obtain any blood supply from the adjacent teeth, so the blood
fine. But overall the outcome must be more predictable. Dr Saul supply comes only from the alveolar bone. How far away from
Schluger, one of the grandfathers of periodontics, said that the alveolar bone is the peak of the gingiva? How can it be
when someone was only scaling the teeth in an area in which maintained? It would be a shame to have an unhealthy gingiva
scaling itself would not be able to eradicate disease or maintain with restorative appliances cemented there. The ischemic effect
a healthy periodontium, it was supervised neglect. One of the of the crowns causes resorption of the interproximal tissue,
advantages of a conservative approach is maintenance of resulting in the aforementioned black diamond space.
the area. Going back to those important studies by Dennis Tarnow
Among the advances in the past 15 years is the use of local and Paul Fletcher, they stated that the height of the crestal
rather than systemic antibiotics. No long-term proof is available, bone as it relates to the height of the peak of the interproximal
but the use of local timed-release chemotherapeutic agents has tissue and teeth contacts must be consistent. It is usually about
been popular. The antibiotic used is a form of tetracycline, either 5mm tooth to tooth. The height of the bone to the interproxi-
doxycycline or minocycline. It is released in a base over a period mal contact is only 3mm with an implant. The materials used
of less than 2 weeks. The antibiotic is placed under the pocket by the restorative dentist will not supply any maintainable
in the gingiva. If no pocket is there, the material will not stay viability to the tissue. It confers cleansability, which is just as
in place. To maintain a pocket while avoiding root exposure, important.
especially in the maxillary interiors, atraumatic techniques
would include the use of local antibiotics. They last just a short
period of time, but they do release the antibiotic over a period NEAR-FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
of 10 to 12 days, changing the flow locally. The key to eliminat-
ing bacteria is the accessibility of area, allowing the patient to Currently, attempts are being made to emulate the natural tooth.
rub it all of the time, and these are in compromised situations. Nature is not always kind and does not give people perfect teeth
Another form of local systemic chemotherapeutic agent is or perfectly sized jaws to support these teeth. It is hoped that
chlorhexidine, which does not last as longonly about 11 days. there will soon be predictable natural tooth implants to replace
It must be placed in a definite pocket; the little sliver of carrier all missing teeth. Current methods fail to regenerate new cemen-
releases chlorhexidine over a couple of moments. The chlorhexi- tum on teeth with the fibers attaching to it, so with todays
dine does not induce bactericidal properties; it just kills the implants the periodontal ligament is not attached, resulting in
bacteria for a short period of time. So the antibiotic treatment an ankylosis type of attachment. There is not total regeneration
lasts longer but is not predictable. when a tooth is lost. Regeneration is possible with periodontal
Controversies also relate to where the bone in the grafting tissue if the tissues can be rebuilt. To return the tooth to its ideal
material comes from. Will the bone be viable? Will the donor state is yet in the future and involves dealing with stem cells and
site be a viable one? Will the bone be from a cadaver that has genomes. In certain animals it is possible to take a pure tooth
been there for 5 years, which means it has lost its viability? Will and embed it into the oral cavity. Researchers can also take the
the material be usable, or was the body infected and used and actual gene and embed it in the bone so that it will grow into a
not prepared? How many times has the bone been sterilized? So tooth in the human jaw. Some of the downsides are rejection,
many that it has no viable inductive qualities? These are contro- the pain of teething, and the inability to know what size the
versies that are addressed by knowing the source of the material. tooth will be or its shape. Dentistry also needs to better under-
If allograft or alloplastic material is used, does the material stand the different genes that can reproduce teeth.
do any good? Does it have inductive qualities, or is it just Another gene being used is the bone gene. If there is bone
conductive? loss around the tooth, it may be possible to use stem cells,
Controversies occur because people present different sides of stimulate the correct genomes to produce bone, and regenerate
techniques. For example, Sture Nyman was the first to ask if the ligament around the natural tooth. This is being done in
alloplastic materials, which look white (radiopaque) on radio- animals now. However, it is costly and the results are not
graphs, cause regeneration of missing bone or just fill spaces up. predictable.
An example was hydroxyapatite, which is non-inflammatory and Stem cells are being taken from extracted third molars and
fills spaces wonderfully whitely on radiographs but does not extracted deciduous teeth today. If these cells can be stored in
have any inductive or regenerative quality. Questions to ask containers in a reserve bank, there could be plenty of stem cells
concern inductive or conductive qualities, longevity, source, banked. Is this practical in the dental office? The more the public
and viability. demands stem cell procedures, the more proficient dentists will
Questions also arise about the future condition of the blood become with research and the more practitioners will ultimately
supply in the interproximal tissues because they are the last place use the technology. Until stem cell procedures are practical and
that becomes regenerative. The interproximal tissues do not reproducible, they are not predictable.
C H A P T E R 29

Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry
and Temporomandibular Joint Health
Brock Rondeau

I n esthetic dentistry, it is vital to establish a stable relationship

for the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) before treatment.
The authors treatment philosophy is to establish a correct rela-
have developed self-ligating clear brackets that do not stain and
are highly esthetic. Clear brackets have encouraged many adults
to choose orthodontic treatment.
tionship between the maxilla and the mandible to ensure proper About 20% of the orthodontists worldwide use functional
condylar position within the fossa before any restorative, orth- appliances, with higher percentages in Europe and South
odontic, or prosthetic treatment. Functional jaw orthopedic America. In South America general dentists learn, in dental
appliances and philosophy enable one to achieve treatment goals school, how to use functional appliances for treating children
consistently. early while in dental school, then patients are referred to an
orthodontist for tooth straightening and fixed braces. Dental
schools in North America should start offering courses for
BRIEF HISTORY OF FUNCTIONAL general dentists regarding early orthodontic treatment for chil-
APPLIANCES dren. General dentists worldwide need to embrace the philoso-
phy of developing arches at an early age.
Functional appliances are used to develop arches and to move When the patient has dental crowding, there are two options:
mandibles or maxillae forward. They employ a non-extraction (1) view the teeth as too large for the size of the jaws and extract
technique and were developed in Europe in the early 1900s. For some teeth, or (2) view the upper or lower arches as too narrow
over 100 years, clinicians worldwide have been using these appli- and use an orthopedic appliance that moves the bone. Orth-
ances to improve facial esthetics in patients. Extracting teeth is odontic clinicians alter the shape of the bone and the shape of
very common in many countries, but when one extracts the the arch by expanding the arch. This is easily accomplished in
bicuspid teeth, which are 8mm wide, the upper arch is left children. The mid-palatal suture widens and fills in with bone,
16mm smaller, making for narrow smiles. Often if the teeth are it is a true orthopedic change that allows patients to keep all
retracted, the result is an un-esthetic retrognathic profile. Func- their teeth.
tional appliances were originally used to bring the lower jaw As far as facial esthetics is concerned, the primary goal is a
forward and thereby improve the patients esthetics. More broad, attractive smile. The actors and actresses on TV are often
recently, bringing the lower jaw forward has been shown to the standard used to evaluate everyones smile and smile width.
improve TMJ health as well as prevent snoring and sleep apnea When teeth are extracted, the result is a narrow smile, rather
later in life. Not only do the patients look better, but they are than the broad smile sought through esthetic dentistry. Some
healthier, which should be one of the most important treatment clinicians who do not do orthodontics can still create a broader
objectives. Practitioners of esthetic dentistry, orthodontics, smile by putting veneers on the bicuspids and cuspids, trying to
prosthodontics, or restorative dentistry should strive to improve widen the look of the arch. That is not quite the same as devel-
patients health and their appearance. oping the arch early on.
In orthodontics, one moves the teeth, originally mostly using Techniques and appliances now exist that allow practitioners
metal brackets. In the 1980s clear brackets became available. to develop adults arches. These include self-activating, nickel
In the authors practice, 90% of the adults want clear brackets titanium coil springs that use 150 grams of force to develop
because of esthetic considerations. More recently, manufacturers adult arches. Although it is amazing what can be accomplished,

686 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry

the key is improved health for the patient. First, practitioners appliances are extremely comfortable and can be used to treat
should create a proper-sized maxillary arch without any extrac- patients as young as age 5 years. The midline screw of these
tions, and then relate the mandible properly to the maxilla. That appliances is activated twice a week, which equals 0.5mm per
ensures a healthy TMJ and an improved appearance. Patients week or 2mm per month. They are well tolerated by children
who have unstable TMJs have unstable occlusions, with the and teenagers alike, as there is no discomfort involved. The
mandible often moving to a retrognathic position, which is not appliance should be worn at all times except when cleaning or
considered esthetically pleasing. A straight profile is preferred to for active sports. If a 6mm expansion is required, then the
either a retrognathic or a prognathic look. appliance is activated for 3 months and held for 6 months to
Functional appliances are the key to success in early orth- prevent a relapse. Statistics show that the results are extremely
odontic treatment. Children should be seen before age 7 years stable in patients who are nasal breathers and have no airway
to detect problems with the arches. These include arches that are obstruction (Figure 29-1).
too narrow, the lower jaw being too far back, the presence of a There are basically two theories regarding how to correct the
deep overbite, or habits such as thumb sucking or tongue thrust- problem of crowded teeth in a dental arch:
ing. Those must be corrected early when patients are more 1. Retractive technique. This involves treatment of the perma-
cooperative. nent dentition and recommends extraction of teeth,
In Europe and South America, functional orthopedic appli- usually the bicuspids, to eliminate crowding. Proponents
ances have been used to establish the correct relationship between believe the teeth are too large for the arches so permanent
the maxilla and mandible transversely, sagittally, and vertically. teeth are extracted to solve the crowding problem. The
In North America an increasing number of orthodontists and consequence of this can be a narrow smile and a posteri-
general dentists have used fixed and removable functional appli- orly displaced condyle with resultant internal derange-
ances to treat younger patients. A reason for this is that mothers ment (temporomandibular dysfunction [TMD]).
are constantly asking general dentists to treat the orthodontic 2. Functional technique. This involves treatment of the mixed
problems of their children at an early age, before the permanent or permanent dentition using functional appliances to
teeth erupt. Another reason is that patients are more likely to expand and lengthen the arches so all the permanent teeth
cooperate when wearing fixed functional appliances. fit. Proponents believe the problem results from the arch
being too small for normal-sized teeth, so the arch is
expanded to a normal width. Patients treated with a func-
tional philosophy routinely have normal, symptom-free
The advantages of using functional appliances to expand
Patients want three things: straight teeth, white teeth, and broad constricted maxillary arches include expanding the nasal cavity
arches. When functional jaw orthopedic appliances are used in transversely and vertically (when the palate subsequently drops),
young children and teenagers, clinicians can obtain broad arches which encourages nasal breathing; making more room for the
and therefore broad smiles. eruption of the permanent teeth; and gaining more space for
From an orthopedic (bone) standpoint, the seven keys to the tongue, which helps ensure proper speech. Some children
TMJ health are as follows: with narrow arches have speech impediments. The treatment of
1. The maxilla must be the proper width. choice might be to develop the upper arch to normal first, which
2. The maxilla must be positioned correctly antero in the vast majority of cases provides more room for the tongue,
posteriorly. which solves the speech problem. The expanded upper arch is
3. A proper relationship must be present between the maxilla the first key to achieving long-term health and also ensures that
and the mandible. the patient will have a broad smile.
4. The maxillary incisors must be properly inclined. One important fact that must be recognized is that if the
5. There must be no unilateral or bilateral crossbite. maxilla is too narrow and the mandible is deficient and requires
6. Lower posterior teeth must be upright over the basal advancement, the case will not be stable because the maxillary
bone. teeth will be in buccal crossbite. The retrognathic mandible must
7. There must be a proper vertical dimension. be advanced to improve facial esthetics and to move the condyle
downward and forward to its proper position in the glenoid
fossa. Therefore the first step in the treatment of patients with
Class II skeletal malocclusion with narrow maxillae and retrog-
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS nathic mandibles is to expand the maxillary arch with a fixed or
removable functional appliance.
Proper Maxillary Width Another important point is to never attempt any cosmetic
In developing the maxilla to its correct width using functional procedures, such as crowns or veneers, if the patient has a bilat-
appliances, the simplest apparatus is the Schwarz appliance, eral or unilateral posterior crossbite. This problem must be cor-
which consists of two pieces of acrylic with a midline screw and rected first with functional appliances to expand the maxillary
four retaining clasps, i.e. Adams clasps, on both sides. These arch to normal before restorative treatment.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 687




FIGURE 29-1 A, Constricted upper arch, no room for lateral incisors. B, Traumatic occlusion upper left central incisor.
C, Constricted upper arch, no room for upper central and lateral incisors. D, Constricted lower arch, no room for lower central
and lateral incisors. E, Upper removable Schwarz appliance, one midline expansion screw, two double Adams clasps for retention.
F, Lower removable Schwarz appliance, one midline expansion screw, four ball clasps for retention. Continued

One of the most popular fixed functional appliances for

Maxilla Positioned Correctly children is the Tandem Appliance, which effectively advances
the entire maxilla. Patients with TMDs caused by anteriorly
Antero-posteriorly displaced disks and posteriorly displaced condyles must have the
Despite the fact that only 5% of malocclusions are Class III maxilla properly positioned anteriorly first. Once the maxilla is
skeletal, approximately 80% of these younger patients in the moved forward with a functional appliance, such as the Tandem
mixed dentition stage have retrognathic or underdeveloped max- Appliance, and an overjet has been created, the mandible can be
illae. The ideal time to treat these patients using functional advanced, moving the condyle down and forward. Hopefully,
appliances is at ages 5 to 12 years to improve their facial this will recapture the anteriorly displaced disk and eliminate
esthetics. the signs and symptoms of TMD (Figure 29-2).
688 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry





FIGURE 29-1, contd G, Upper removable Schwarz appliance, one midline expansion screw, two double Adams clasps for reten-
tion. H, Schwarz appliance midline screw opened 6mm. Adequate space for upper centrals and lateral incisors. I, Constricted
upper arch, no room for upper central and lateral incisors. J, Broad arch, upper centrals and lateral incisors have erupted.
K, Traumatic occlusion, upper left central incisor. L, Broad arch, normal overjet, normal overbite. M, Constricted arch, no room
for upper and lower central and laterals. N, Broad arch, adequate space for upper and lower centrals and lateral incisors.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 689

Proper Relationship between Maxilla downward and forward, not rearmost and uppermost, as reported
in many old textbooks. The ideal position of the condyle in the
and Mandible fossa in centric occlusion is to have a larger posterior joint space
An estimated 70% of all malocclusions are Class II, and approxi- than an anterior joint space. The posterior joint space should be
mately 80% are Class II skeletal malocclusion with normally at least 4mm to allow room for the nerves and blood vessels in
positioned maxillae and retrognathic mandibles. These patients the bilaminar zone plus a 2mm superior joint space to allow
traditionally have narrow maxillary arches, moderate to large room for the posterior ligament and a 2mm anterior joint space
overjets, and deep overbites. Routinely, these patients have inter- to allow room for the disk (Figure 29-3).
nal derangements (problems within the jaw joints), evidenced
by posteriorly displaced condyles and anteriorly displaced disks. Joint Vibration Analysis
Condyles that are posteriorly displaced frequently compress the The joint vibration analysis (JVA) device measures vibrations
nerves and blood vessels in the bilaminar zone distal to the within the joint. Each of the five stages of internal derangements
condyle. Functional appliances effectively reposition the lower has a distinct vibration that indicates to the clinician just how
jaw forward, which results in the condyle moving downward serious the problem is before treatment. A normal healthy TMJ
and forward, away from the nerves and blood vessels. makes no noise, causes no pain, and makes no vibrations. The
Two methods of determining whether the condyles are in a JVA diagnostic device can also be helpful during treatment with
pathologic position are described in the following sections. anterior repositioning splints (adults) or with the Twin Block
appliance or Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance
Tomographic Radiographs (MARA) in children or adults to confirm that the disk has been
of the Temporomandibular Joint recaptured (Figure 29-4).
The tomogram shows the position of the condyle in the fossa The treatment of choice for a patient with a retrognathic
when the patient is occluding in centric occlusion. In a recent profile, in order to improve the appearance, is to reposition
article in the Journal of the American Dental Association, the the lower jaw forward using a functional appliance such as a
correct position of the condyle in the fossa was identified as Twin Block (removable appliance) or MARA (fixed functional



FIGURE 29-2 A, Male age 5, anterior crossbite, deep overbite. B, Anterior crossbite, deep overbite, Class III skeletal malocclu-
sion, class III molars. C, Anterior crossbite, class III cuspid, class III molar. D, Tandem Appliance, move maxilla forward, class
III elastics. Continued
690 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry



FIGURE 29-2, contd E, Anterior crossbite, class III cuspid, class III molar. F, Anterior crossbite corrected, Tandem Appliance
at 7 months, maxilla moved forward. G, Pre-treatment, 5-year-old boy, Class III skeletal malocclusion, deficient maxilla, normal
mandible. H, Tandem Appliance at 7 months, maxilla moved forward, normal maxilla, normal mandible.

appliance). The literature is clear that if the disk can be recap-

tured with the functional appliance that moves the mandible
Proper Inclination of Maxillary Incisors
forward, then most patients have a significant reduction in the If the maxillary central incisors are too vertical, or, in the case
signs and symptoms of TMD. The treatment objective for these of patients with Class II, division 2 malocclusion, if they are
patients is to improve not only the facial esthetics but also the lingually inclined, this frequently results in trapping of the man-
TMJ health (Figure 29-5). dible so that it cannot come forward to its correct position.
Clinicians who are concerned with esthetic dentistry must These patients, who also routinely have a deep overbite, often
be concerned first and foremost with the health of the TMJ. exhibit signs and symptoms of TMD. This is particularly preva-
Patients go to dental offices for straight teeth and white teeth. lent in women age 20 to 40 years. It is virtually impossible to
The solution may be orthodontics followed by tooth whiten- correct the TMD using crowns and veneers. These patients must
ing, or, alternatively, some patients may prefer porcelain be referred to an orthodontist or general dentist trained in
veneers, porcelain crowns, or implants. It is important for the orthodontics to correct the malocclusion and TMD before
clinician to first properly evaluate the patients existing occlu- restorative or prosthetic work is preformed.
sion and malocclusion. Dentists who fabricate crowns and bridges for patients with
Patients who were treated orthodontically previously may or Class II, division 2 malocclusion must be extremely careful to
may not have stable TMJs after treatment. This is particularly diagnose and treat the TMD that exists in most cases before
true if the guidelines for a healthy TMJ, as outlined previously, treatment. When the maxillary central incisors are lingually
were not followed. inclined, this frequently traps the mandible and causes the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 691


2 1

5 4
FIGURE 29-3 A, Pre-treatment radiograph (tomograms)
8 6 showing centric occlusion, condyles posteriorly displaced.
B, Tomographic radiograph with mandibular repositioning
splint. Condyles in proper position, posterior joint space
larger than anterior joint space. C, Gelb 4/7 position, ideal
position of the condyle in the glenoid fossa. Patient occluding
C in centric occlusion.

condyles to be posteriorly displaced and the disks to be anteri-

orly displaced (internal derangement) (Figure 29-6).
The treatment of choice is to orthopedically (using functional
appliances) or orthodontically (with fixed braces) torque the
maxillary centrals forward, thereby creating an overjet. Func-
tional appliances that can torque lingually inclined maxillary
central incisors forward include a removable appliance, Maxil-
lary Anterior Sagittal, or fixed appliance (Barrel Three-Way Fixed
Sagittal). This sometimes allows the mandible to come forward
to its proper position and permits decompression of the TMJ,
relieving, it is hoped, the TMD. Sometimes, however, it is neces-
sary to use a functional appliance such as a Rick-A-Nator to
advance the mandible slightly using an incisal ramp and to allow
for the eruption of the lower posterior teeth to increase the
posterior vertical dimension. Clinicians who are contemplating
treating patients with Class II, division 2 malocclusion by end-
odontically treating the lateral incisor and then placing crowns
on all four incisors should reconsider their treatment options.
The author has seen cases where dentists have placed crowns
on lingually inclined central incisors that increased the thickness
FIGURE 29-4 Joint vibration analysis diagnostic device to of the restored teeth on the lingual, causing the mandible to
evaluate the health of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). be distalized further and increasing the TMD. Therefore
The device measures vibrations within the TMJ when the joint the author recommends that general dentists consider an orth-
opens and closes. odontic or orthopedic treatment option before placing crowns
692 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry




FIGURE 29-5 A, Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance (MARA) on model; lower arm is attached to lower first molar
S.S crown. Upper elbow attached to upper first molar S.S crown. Lower arm in front of upper elbow holds the mandible forward.
B, MARA. Lower arm in front of elbow holds mandible forward. C, Patient with Class III skeletal malocclusion with deficient
mandible, deep overbite, class II cuspid, overjet 6mm. D, MARA after 7 months. Mandible advanced 5mm, normal overjet,
normal overbite. E, Pre-treatment Class II skeletal malocclusion, normal maxilla, retrognathic mandible, retrognathic profile.
F, MARA after 7 months. Normal maxilla, normal mandible, Class I skeletal malocclusion, straight profile.

on patients with Class II, division 2 malocclusion with TMD.

The treatment of choice for Class II, division 2 malocclusions is
Correction of Unilateral Crossbite
to torque the crowns and roots of the four incisors, ideally using Patients, young and old, can have unilateral posterior crossbites
either functional appliances or fixed braces. Then the mandible caused by the shifting of the mandible to one side when the
is advanced with a functional appliance such as a Rick-A-Nator patient closes in centric occlusion. This is usually the only posi-
to establish a normal maxillary-mandibular relationship. This tion in which the patient has maximum intercuspation. This
stabilizes the TMJ before any cosmetic procedure. causes a facial asymmetry that results in the condyle becoming
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 693

Lower posterior teeth that are lingually inclined can be uprighted

with functional appliances to help ensure a proper occlusion and
TMJ health. This uprighting of the posterior teeth widens the
lower arch and increases posterior vertical dimension, which is
one of the keys to TMJ health. This increased width of the lower
arch also makes more room for the tongue, which ensures proper
speech (Figure 29-8).

Establishment of Proper
Vertical Dimension
Clinicians who routinely treat patients with TMD are well aware
of the fact that patients with teeth that are overclosed vertically,
evidenced by short lower face heights, large submental creases
under the lower lips, and deep overbites, commonly have TMD.
The cause of the deep overbite can be traced back to mouth-
breathing problems, which cause the tongue to assume a lower
position in the mouth and depress the lower posterior teeth. This
causes a deep curve of Spee. Obviously, the solution to the
problem is to solve the airway constriction that caused the
FIGURE 29-6 Class II, division 2 malocclusion. The maxil- mouth-breathing problem and then to erupt the lower posterior
lary incisors are lingually displaced, restricting forward move- teeth back to their original heights, reestablish correct posterior
ment of the mandible, causing posterior displacement of the
vertical dimension, and eliminate the deep overbite. This
condyles and temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
improves not only the TMD symptoms but also the patients
appearance from the front by increasing lower face height. It also
improves the appearance of the profile by helping to eliminate
the submental crease.
posteriorly displaced on the side to which the mandible shifts Patients with deep overbites routinely have their condyles
during closing. This posterior displacement of the condyle can posteriorly displaced, which compresses the nerves and blood
actually lead to osteoarthritis of the condyle as it continues to vessels distal to the condyle in the bilaminar zone. This compres-
break down and to shorten in length. Posteriorly displaced con- sion can cause many symptoms, such as headaches, earaches,
dyles can often lead to anteriorly displaced disks and internal dizziness, neck pain, ringing in the ears, pain behind the eyes,
derangement within the TMJ. This problem should be corrected ear congestion, tingling of the hands and arms, difficulty swal-
as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the condyle and lowing, and even shoulder and back pain. Depression of the
to prevent TMD. lower posterior teeth by the tongue often causes the muscles to
The treatment of choice is to treat these patients at an early become shortened as the lower face height decreases. This can
age (4 to 12 years) with a Schwarz appliance (removable) or a lead to excessive contraction of the muscles of mastication and
Hyrax appliance (fixed) to expand the maxillary arch. Both of other surrounding muscles.
these appliances accomplish this with midline screws adjusted One of the causes of bruxism is TMD caused by unstable
twice per week. This bilateral expansion allows the mandible to TMJs (internal derangement). Frequently, patients who brux all
center itself within a properly developed maxilla. Treatment is night end up with headaches in the morning. Shortened muscles
usually completed successfully within 3 months, including cor- and bruxing can also increase muscle soreness and, in many
rection of the unilateral crossbite, TMD, and facial asymmetry. cases, cause the formation of trigger points. A trigger point is a
The patient is then encouraged to wear the appliance for 6 more knotted part in a muscle and is extremely painful. These trigger
months to prevent relapse (Figure 29-7). points often refer pain to different parts of the body, including
the head, neck, ear, and shoulder areas.
The solution to the problem is to use a functional appliance
Uprighting of Lower Posterior Teeth such as a Rick-A-Nator with an incisal ramp to stabilize the
lower jaw. The incisal ramp prevents the eruption of the anterior
over the Basal Bone teeth and encourages the eruption of the lower posterior teeth.
When the lower posterior teeth are lingually inclined, it is very When treating in the mixed dentition, the ideal treatment
difficult to obtain a proper occlusion. Certainly, it is not the is to reline the incisal ramp with Triad Provisional Material
ideal situation in which to fabricate crowns or bridges; it is (DENTSPLY International, York, Pennsylvania) to an ideal
preferable to have the teeth upright over the basal bone so that overjet and overbite (1mm overjet, 1mm overbite).
the direction of forces can be along the long axis of the teeth Patients with deep overbites now have a posterior open bite,
and not in a lingual direction, which tends to alter the occlusion. making it extremely difficult to chew and causing the TMJ to
694 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry



FIGURE 29-7 A, Seven-year-old girl with mandible shifted right in centric occlusion and facial asymmetry. B, Patient occluding
in centric occlusion, with constricted upper arch causing the mandible to shift 3mm to the right. C, Constricted upper arch with
lack of space for the central and lateral incisors. D, An upper removable Schwarz appliance used to expand the upper arch, with
one midline expansion screw and two double Adams clasps for retention. E, Upper expansion appliance widened the upper arch
in 3 months and corrected the midline shift.

be unstable. The solution is to build up the first and second lower first molars. Within 2 to 3 months the lower first molars
lower primary molars with composite to allow the patient to will passively erupt to contact the upper first molars and close
chew and to stabilize the TMJ. This is the treatment of choice the posterior open bite. A new occlusal plane has now been
for children who brux, have headaches, or experience ear symp- created for the patient. The composite is left on the lower first
toms such as ringing or congestion in the ears. Clinicians must and second primary molars to support the posterior vertical
take a complete TMJ history for each patient, regardless of age, dimension. When the primary molars are exfoliated, hopefully
to determine whether or not these younger patients have a the lower bicuspids will erupt to the level of the new occlusal
problem. This technique leaves a space between the upper and plane. The author cannot overemphasize the importance of
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 695



FIGURE 29-7, contd F, Photograph showing the lower jaw shifted to the right, causing a facial asymmetry. G, After 3 months,
the upper arch has expanded. The lower jaw has been centered and facial symmetry achieved. H, Profile view of 7-year-old girl
with thin upper lip. I, Profile view of patient at age 9 with full upper lip. A removable orthodontic appliance, an upper Anterior
Sagittal Appliance, was used to advance the pre-maxilla. Treatment time was 5 months.

establishing proper vertical dimension in achieving TMJ health facial esthetics and drastically shortens the treatment time in
(Figure 29-9). fixed braces.

Phase I (Orthopedic Phase)Mixed

TWO-PHASE ORTHODONTIC Dentition (Ages 6 to 11 years)
TREATMENT The objective of Phase I (the Orthopedic Phase) is to treat chil-
dren early so as to prevent the malocclusion from worsening and
Functional jaw orthopedic appliances can significantly change a to shorten the treatment time in fixed orthodontic braces.
patients profile and hence facial esthetics (Table 29-1). The ideal
time to implement treatment is between ages 6 and 11 years,
while the child is actively growing. The treatment of choice is TABLE 29-1 Two-Phase Orthodontic
two-phase orthodontic treatment, the objective being to solve Treatment
the orthopedic problems early in the mixed dentition before the
Phase I (Orthopedic Phase) Ages 6-11 years
eruption of the permanent teeth. The objective in Phase I is to
Mixed dentition
treat all Class II and Class III skeletal malocclusions with func-
tional appliances to a normal Class I skeletal occlusion in the Functional appliances
mixed dentition. Therefore, when all the permanent teeth erupt, Phase II (Orthodontic Phase) Ages 12-14 years
the orthopedic (bone or skeletal) problems have been corrected, Permanent dentition
and the only concern will be orthodontics (crooked teeth). The Fixed orthodontic braces
advantage of this type of treatment is that it produces excellent
696 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry



FIGURE 29-8 A, Seven-year-old boy with constricted lower arch and no room for central or lateral incisors. B, Lower Schwarz
appliance, a removable orthodontic expansion appliance, with one midline expansion screw and four ball clasps for retention.
C, Lower Schwarz appliance with one midline expansion screw inserted. No room for lower central or lateral incisors. D, Lower
Schwarz appliance with midline screw expanded 4mm 6 months later, allowing adequate space for lower centrals and lateral
incisors. E, Lower arch expanded through use of lower Schwarz appliance 6 months later; lower incisors erupted.

Treatment is designed to solve all functional problems such as

constricted airways as well as skeletal problems. The causes of Phase II (Orthodontic Phase)
constricted airways include narrow maxillary arches, high Permanent Dentition (Ages 12
palates, enlarged tonsils, deviated septa, enlarged turbinates,
allergies, and enlarged adenoids. Other functional problems are
to 14 years)
habits such as tongue thrusting or thumb sucking. Functional Orthodontic braces are used in the permanent dentition to
appliances, fixed and removable, are used to correct skeletal correct dental problems such as crooked teeth, to close spaces,
problems, including constricted arches and retrognathic (under- and to correct rotations. It must be emphasized that phase II
developed) maxillae and mandibles. orthodontic braces address only dental concerns and are not
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 697



FIGURE 29-9 A, Ten-year-old boy with 6mm deep overbite, headaches, Temporomandibular Dysfunction. B, Deep overbite,
Class II malocclusion, condyles posteriorly displaced, overjet 4mm. C, Normal overbite, normal overjet, Rick-A-Nator, composite
buildups, eliminate TM dysfunction. D, Rick-A-Nator, fixed appliance to correct deep overbite and move lower jaw forward. Two
molar bands, .045 S.S connector wires, incisal ramp (indexed). E, Normal overbite, normal overjet, Rick-A-Nator, composite
buildups, eliminate TM Dysfunction. Continued

designed to significantly improve skeletal problems. Clinicians times per day. With mouth breathers, the tongue assumes a
who are concerned with overall facial esthetics and not just lower position in the mouth and does not expand the maxilla
straight teeth need to incorporate early treatment techniques for during swallowing, causing maxillary constriction. Growing
children with skeletal Class II and Class III malocclusions. patients with dentofacial deformities must be diagnosed and
If the causes of the airway constrictions are not resolved, treated early for maximum results. Most Class III malocclusions
instability and relapse are likely. If the airway is constricted and in the mixed dentition result from midfacial deficiencies caused
the patient becomes a mouth breather, the maxilla will constrict by the underdeveloped maxilla.
and the teeth will become crowded again. During normal swal- Treatment for these patients involves wearing a removable
lowing in a nasal breather, the tongue expands the maxilla 2000 functional appliance such as an Anterior Sagittal Appliance,
698 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry



FIGURE 29-9, contd F, Normal overbite, normal overjet, Rick-A-Nator, composite buildups, eliminate TM dysfunction.
G, Lower jaw comes forward because of Rick-A-Nator. The patient occludes in front of the incisal ramp. Composite buildups are
created on lower primary molars to help patient chew. Lower first molars passively erupted to correct deep overbite, 3mm in 3
months. H, Class II skeletal malocclusion, normal maxilla, retrognathic mandible, TMD headaches, retrognathic profile. I, Rick-
A-Nator after 6 months. Class I skeletal malocclusion, normal maxilla, normal mandible, no headaches, straight profile.

which moves the upper incisors forward to correct an anterior narrow maxilla. Therefore clinicians who are concerned with
crossbite. More serious malocclusions involving deficient facial esthetics must be concerned with airway obstructions and
maxillae require the Tandem Appliance (fixed functional their negative ramifications.
appliance). When these functional appliances are used during As mentioned previously, the orthodontic profession is
active growth, these dental deformities can be easily corrected, divided about the use of two-phase orthodontics for early treat-
and the need for orthognathic surgery at age 17 years is ment with functional appliances to treat Class II skeletal mal
eliminated. occlusions versus waiting until all the permanent teeth have
It is vital to the health and normal development of the child erupted and treating the case with bicuspid extractions or cervi-
to achieve nasal breathing. Mouth breathing can be the first sign cal face-bow headgear (retractive technique). The decision to
of many problems, including snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, treat patients with Class II skeletal malocclusions with TMD,
and malocclusions such as posterior crossbites, anterior open narrow maxillae, and retrognathic mandibles either with the
bites, and retrognathic (under-developed) maxillae and mandi- functional technique or the retractive philosophy has far-
bles. Orthodontic authorities such as Dr Edward Angle and Dr reaching health ramifications quite apart from the psychological
Donald Woodside have stated that the cause of skeletal Class II and profile considerations.
malocclusions is primarily airway obstruction, which causes the Functional appliances open the nasal airway by expanding
maxilla to slowly constrict and then the mandible to subse- the maxilla, which increases the width and height of the nasal
quently assume a more posterior position to occlude with the airway, located directly above the palate. Functional jaw
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 699

repositioning appliances increase the pharyngeal airway by lip. Some proponents believe that the overjet is primarily a result
moving the lower jaw and tongue forward. Treatment of chil- of a protrusive maxilla.
dren with Class II skeletal malocclusions with underdeveloped In the authors clinical experience, there are few prognathic
mandibles using functional appliances to reposition the lower maxillae in Caucasian patients (less than 5% of Caucasians have
jaw forward can help prevent problems with snoring and prognathic maxillae). In view of this fact, the routine extraction
obstructive sleep apnea along with their negative health ramifica- of upper first bicuspids in the majority of Caucasian patients
tions. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea may develop high who have moderate to severe overjets is not in the best interests
blood pressure, increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, type of the patient. If the maxilla is in the correct position, it is not
2 diabetes, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). How appropriate to extract bicuspid teeth, causing a retraction of the
children are treated orthodontically and orthopedically can maxilla and negatively affecting facial esthetics. The extraction
affect them as they grow older. What the author has found clini- of upper bicuspids and subsequent retraction of the maxillary
cally is that everything done to improve facial esthetics using anterior teeth of patients who have normal maxillary lip support
functional appliances also positively affects the patients overall cause retraction of the upper lip, making the nose appear more
health. prominent, a condition that many patients do not want.
One of the main problems seen in an orthodontic-TMD The extraction of 16mm of tooth structure also causes
practice is Class II skeletal malocclusions. There are basically constriction of the maxillary arch, resulting in a much nar-
three main ways to treat Class II skeletal malocclusions with rower smile because of the loss of two upper bicuspids. The
normally positioned maxillae and retrognathic mandibles. These author believes that this constriction of the upper arch result-
patients frequently have narrow maxillary arches, moderate to ing from bicuspid extraction is in violation of the first key to
large overjets, and deep overbites, and the teeth are skeletally TMJ health, which is to establish a properly sized maxillary
overclosed (reduced vertical dimension). Also, as previously arch. As teenagers grow older, their noses grow and their chins
mentioned, these patients often have posteriorly displaced con- move forward. When teeth are extracted, this has a negative
dyles and anteriorly displaced disks with internal derangements effect on the patients profile approaching adulthood. The
resulting in TMD. midface becomes more flattened as a result of the extractions,
and the profile becomes more concave with age, unacceptable
to many patients. The other major consideration is that in the
case of most Class II skeletal malocclusions the mandible is
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS retruded and the condyles are posteriorly displaced and as the
patient grows older will gradually compress the nerves and
Orthodontic Treatment Philosophies blood vessels distal to the condyle. When the anterior teeth are
There are basically two main philosophies in orthodontics. The retracted to correct the overjet, the mandible becomes trapped
retractive philosophy, often referred to as the bicuspid extraction and unable to come forward to decompress the joint and to
philosophy, treats mainly patients in permanent dentition. The correct or prevent the TMD, which usually gets worse with age
functional philosophy treats children in the primary or the mixed (Figure 29-10).
dentition with functional appliances. The functional philosophy However, the author is not opposed to bicuspid extractions
is mainly a non-extraction, nonsurgical approach to orthodontic in the following situations:
treatment. Depending on the type of treatment instituted, there African American and Asian patients often have promi-
will be a profound effect on the patients facial esthetics. There- nent maxillae and mandibles and a malocclusion known
fore it is important for all general dentists to understand the as a bi-maxillary protrusion. These patients have extremely
advantages and disadvantages of both philosophies so they can full upper and lower lips and want this fullness reduced
make the appropriate referrals for orthodontic treatment. as part of their treatment. The extraction of upper and
lower first bicuspids is the treatment of choice for this type
of malocclusion.
Orthodontic Treatment Options The extraction of bicuspids would be an alternative treat-
ment in cases with severe crowding, with no TMD, and
for Class II Skeletal Malocclusions when the patient in permanent dentition refuses to wear
Retractive Philosophy a functional appliance to either expand or lengthen
The retractive philosophy is still extremely popular among orth- the arch.
odontic clinicians worldwide who do not use functional appli-
ances. The retractive philosophy usually involves the extraction Surgical Technique (Orthognathic Surgery)
of upper bicuspids and treating patients in permanent dentition In the surgical technique, the lower jaw is repositioned forward
with fixed orthodontic braces. This is a common technique to correct the overjet in Class II skeletal malocclusions with
when patients have a moderate to large overjet. After the extrac- retrognathic mandibles. Orthognathic surgery usually takes
tion of the upper first bicuspids, the six anterior teeth are place after age 17 years, at the end of most patients growth
retracted back into the extraction sites to correct the overjet. This spurt. The downside of this technique was reported by two
is an acceptable technique if the patient has no signs or symp- prominent orthodontists, Drs Sabine Ruf and Hans Pancherez,
toms of TMD and has a prognathic maxilla or a protrusive upper who treated 46 Class II skeletal malocclusions with orthognathic



FIGURE 29-10 A, Fifty-two-year-old woman after orthodontic treatment and bicuspid extraction. The patient had temporo-
mandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) and was unhappy. B, Patient after orthodontic treatment. The condyles are posteriorly
displaced, and the patient has TMD. C, Patient after orthodontic treatment and extraction of four bicuspids, with the maxillary
incisors lingually inclined and a deep overbite (5mm). D, Patient after orthodontic treatment and extraction of four bicuspids,
showing the concave profile and thin upper lip. E, Patient after orthodontic treatment. Tomographic radiograph of the left tem-
poromandibular joint shows that the condyle is posteriorly displaced and severe osteogenic breakdown of the head of the condyle
is present.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 701

surgery and 23 similar patients with a fixed functional appliance teeth and to improve nasal breathing. Children and their parents
(Herbst appliance). They reported that their patients who prefer early treatment, which in the majority of cases eliminates
had pre-existing TMD (articular disk displacementinternal the need for extractions and orthognathic surgery.
derangements) did not have a resolution of their TMD when The treatment of choice under age 11 years would be to use
the mandibles were surgically advanced. Ruf and Pancherez also the Twin Block, which was developed by an orthodontist, Dr
reported that 50% of the patients treated with orthognathic William Clark, from Fife, Scotland over 30 years ago. The Twin
surgery experienced neurosensory disturbances of the lower lip. Block is a removable appliance that consists of two blocks, upper
Other complications included nonunion or malunion of the and lower, that interlock at 70 degrees mesial to the lower first
bony fragments and condylar resorption. They were highly suc- molars. These interlocking blocks hold the mandible in a more
cessful in improving TMJ health with the fixed functional forward position, and this corrects the overjet (Figure 29-11).
Herbst appliance. Therefore patients with Class II skeletal mal- To correct the overbite, the clinician reduces the acrylic on
occlusions with TMD must be treated with a jaw repositioning the upper block covering the lower first molars, which are then
appliance such as a Herbst appliance or MARA in order to allowed to passively erupt. When the first molars erupt, this
resolve the TMD problem and to prevent any post-surgical corrects the deep overbite. When this appliance is worn for 7 to
complications. 9 months, the lower jaw stays forward as long as the following
criteria have been achieved: normal overjet and overbite, first
Functional Philosophy molars in contact, and absence of a dual bite.
It has been estimated that 70% of all malocclusions are Class II, For patients over age 11 years the MARA would be the appli-
and the majority of these patients have normally positioned ance of choice to reposition the underdeveloped lower jaw
maxillae and retrognathic mandibles. If the patient had a moder- forward. The MARA was developed by an orthodontist, Dr Jim
ate to severe overjet and the mandible was retrusive, it would Eckhart, Manhattan Beach, California. The advantage of these
seem obvious that the treatment of choice would be to use some two functional appliances, the Twin Block and the MARA, is
type of functional jaw repositioning appliance to advance the that patients can be treated nonsurgically (Figure 29-12).
mandible to a more normal position. From an esthetic stand- Parents and patients much prefer treatment with functional
point, the most acceptable esthetic result is transformation from appliances for 7 to 9 months when the patient is actively
a Class II skeletal malocclusion with a retrognathic profile to a growing, rather than orthognathic surgery. In the latter case,
Class I skeletal malocclusion with a straight profile using func- treatment involves both orthodontic treatment and orthogna-
tional appliances. thic surgery at age 17 years when the majority of the patients
The functional philosophy involves treating patients in the growth is complete. It sometimes involves wiring the jaw
primary, mixed, or permanent dentition using functional jaw shut for 6 weeks, as well as considerable discomfort and risk
orthopedic appliances to develop the maxillary and mandibular that some nerves could be damaged, causing permanent
arches transversely and to reposition the deficient lower jaw paresthesia.
forward to correct the moderate to severe overjet. The use of The authors experience and that of many other clinicians
functional appliances at an early age, while the child is actively who evaluate TMJ health before, during, and after orthodontic
growing, enables the clinician to develop the arch transversely, treatment confirm that if there is an existing TMD before orth-
sagittally, and vertically to make room for all the permanent odontic treatment, neither the retractive nor the surgical method

FIGURE 29-11 Seven-year-old boy with Class II

skeletal malocclusion, normal maxilla, retrognathic
mandible, and retrognathic profile. Nine months
after treatment with the Twin Block (a removable
functional appliance that repositions the mandible
forward) patient has Class I skeletal occlusion, normal
maxilla, normal mandible, and a straight profile.

Before After
702 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry

FIGURE 29-12 Twelve-year-old girl before treat-

ment: Class II skeletal malocclusion, normal maxilla,
retrognathic mandible, retrognathic profile. After use
of MARA appliance, 8 months later, patient has Class
I skeletal occlusion, normal maxilla, normal mandi-
ble, and a straight profile. Before treatment Class II
malocclusion, forward head posture, neck pain after
treatment head uprighted over cervical spine, neck
pain relieved.

Before After

FIGURE 29-13 Twelve-year-old girl with Class II

skeletal malocclusion, normal maxilla, retrognathic
mandible, retrognathic profile. Nine months after
treatment with the Herbst appliance, patient has
Class I skeletal occlusion, normal maxilla, normal
mandible, and a straight profile.

Before After

solves the problem. Conversely, when the lower jaw is reposi- appliances or find orthodontists who are familiar with the Twin
tioned anteriorly either with a Twin Block (for patients under Block, Herbst appliance, and MARA so they can make the
age 11 years) or the MARA or Herbst appliance (for teenagers appropriate referrals. This is particularly critical if the patient has
or adults), there is a significant reduction in the signs and symp- any pre-existing TMD, indicated by TMJ signs, including click-
toms of TMD. This can be confirmed by employing a TMJ ing, jaw locking, bruxism, clenching, crepitus, lack of adequate
health questionnaire, range-of-motion measurements, muscle range of motion, restricted interincisal opening, and so on.
palpations, JVA, and TMJ radiographs (tomograms) before, Additional TMJ symptoms include headaches, earaches, neck
during, and after orthodontic treatment (Figure 29-13). pain, ringing in the ears, pain behind the eyes, ear congestion,
It is important that general dentists who make referrals to and shoulder or back pain. According to Ruf and Pancherez,
orthodontists for the treatment of Class II skeletal malocclusions patients with pre-existing articular disk displacements (TMD)
with deficient lower jaws be aware of the treatment options who are treated with orthognathic surgery actually have their
available. The author recommends that general dentists either symptoms worsen post-surgically. Therefore it would seem to be
take courses to learn how to use functional jaw repositioning in the best interests of the patients overall health to advance the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 703

mandible nonsurgically with functional appliances before age down so they will not be so disruptive in the classroom. Their
17 years to avoid orthognathic surgery and its unfavorable com- medical doctors frequently prescribe a central nervous system
plications. Parents do not want their children to have Class II stimulant called Ritalin or a similar drug to calm them down.
skeletal dysplasia through high school if the children can be In some cases this causes the children to become too subdued
treated with functional appliances before they reach high school. and almost listless and unresponsive. ADHD is extremely
Children with large overjets and underdeveloped mandibles are common and affects 1 in 12 children. Earlier research showed
often teased and called hurtful names such as buck teeth and that children who snore because of airway obstructions, such as
Bucky beaver. This can have an extremely negative effect on a enlarged tonsils, are four times as likely to have ADHD as chil-
childs self-esteem. dren who do not have enlarged tonsils.
Conversely, the author has found that when functional appli- Dentists must assess airway obstructions using cephalometric
ances are used early in the childs development, the significant radiographs and then communicate this information effectively
improvement in the profile and the correction of the overjet have to otolaryngologists so that the patients tonsils and adenoids, if
a positive effect on the childs self-esteem. Certainly most parents obstructing the airway, can be removed. The cephalometric film
agree that the earlier this problem is corrected, the better it is must be properly analyzed so that the upper airway (adenoid
for the patient both from a self-esteem standpoint and from an area) is 6 to 10mm wide and the lower airway (tonsil area) is
overall health standpoint. As mentioned earlier, when jaw repo- 10mm wide. The diagnosis of enlarged adenoids can be made
sitioning appliances are used, this has a positive effect on the by viewing the obstruction on the cephalometric film, as dis-
health of the TMJ as well as increasing the size of the airway. cussed, or by having an otolaryngologist use an endoscopic
This movement of the tongue forward helps to prevent snoring device through the nose to illuminate the adenoid tissue located
and sleep apnea in children and eventually in adults. above and behind the uvula on an enlarged screen, similar to
A thorough history must be taken for any patient who the intra-oral camera used in dentistry. The tonsils can be viewed
requests porcelain veneers or crowns as a finishing technique. by pushing the tongue down with a mouth mirror and deter-
Patients treated with either the retractive technique or orthog- mining the size of the tonsils on either side of the uvula (Figure
nathic surgery (Class II skeletal malocclusions) must be evalu- 29-14). The tonsils are graded as follows:
ated carefully before any permanent restorations are begun. The Grade 1Covers one quarter of one side
TMJ problems must be corrected first, and only patients with Grade 2Covers one half of one side
stable TMJs should be offered porcelain crowns or veneers. Grade 3Covers three quarters of one side
Patients with unstable TMJs will clench and brux all night and Grade 4Covers the entire side
will slowly destroy the restorative dentists work. When the
crowns and veneers fail, this poses a major problem for the Grade 3 and 4 tonsils effectively block the posterior pharyn-
dentist, whose objective is to satisfy the patient. Always stabilize geal airway, and the patient should be referred to an otolaryn-
the TMJs first and then proceed with restorative, orthodontic, gologist for removal. The ideal treatment would be for dentists
or prosthetic treatment. and otolaryngologists to work together to diagnose and then
remove the cause of the obstructed airway (enlarged tonsils and/
or adenoids). This is preferable to just treating the symptoms of
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA ADHD with drugs. The removal of the tonsils and adenoids also
helps to eliminate snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Ritalin
AND ATTENTION-DEFICIT/ and similar drugs do not assist with the treatment of snoring
HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER and obstructive sleep apnea.

One of the serious consequences of snoring and obstructive sleep

apnea in children is a lack of oxygen because of the obstructed
airway, which can often lead to attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD). Airway obstructions reduce the amount of
oxygen in the blood, resulting in frequent interruptions in
breathing during sleep, causing the brain to become aroused and
waking up the child several times per night. These incidents
are called arousals and are effectively measured with hospital
and sleep clinic overnight sleep studies called polysomnograms.
They can also be evaluated using home sleep studies such as the
Embletta X100 (a portable polysomnography [Embla Systems,
Thornton, Colorado]). When the child sleeps in his or her own
bed and therefore the environment is much more favorable to a
normal nights sleep.
Children with ADHD often become hyperactive and aggres- FIGURE 29-14 Eighteen-year-old male patient with severely
sive in school and frequently pose a problem for teachers. These constricted airway causing snoring and sleep apnea. He has
children are referred to medical doctors to try and calm them enlarged grade 4 tonsils and a large uvula.
704 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry

Elden and colleagues, citing a short-term follow-up study of classmates who are not mouth breathers and do not have airway
children who underwent adenotonsillectomy for obstructive obstructions.
sleep apnea, reported that symptoms disappeared in 80% of the Another sign indicating a child may have an airway obstruc-
cases. In a study conducted by Dr Ronald Chervin, Director of tion is the inability to concentrate in school, which adversely
the University of Michigan Sleep Disorders Center, Ann Arbor, affects grades. This also causes trouble competing at a high level
Michigan, of 22 children diagnosed with ADHD, the problem in sports because of the inability to breathe properly. The fre-
was eliminated in 11 children after a tonsillectomy. quent arousals when children have obstructive sleep apnea can
In a study involving 105 children aged 5 to 12 years, children lead to an extremely serious social problem for the child in the
with enlarged tonsils had their tonsils removed. The study form of a bedwetting habit. It is almost impossible for the child
showed at the onset that the children with enlarged tonsils had to control this because bedwetting occurs during sleep after
far more behavioral and sleep problems than children without all the arousals caused by sleep apnea. This is of major concern
enlarged tonsils. However, after surgery the two groups were to both parents and children during sleepovers at other
the same. childrens homes.
Although tonsils are one of the main problems causing airway
construction, other problems include nasal allergies and struc-
tural abnormalities such as constricted maxillary arches, high
palates, and Class II skeletal malocclusions with retrognathic FUNCTIONAL APPLIANCES
mandibles. As mentioned previously, functional appliances can AND IMPROVED ESTHETICS
be used in children to prevent and indeed treat patients with
ADHD as well as snoring and sleep apnea. The use of functional appliances helps improve esthetics. If the
The use of functional appliances can maintain a patent teeth are lingually inclined (tipped back) the ability to put a
airway, which ensures that the patient receives an adequate functional appliance behind those teeth and advance either with
amount of oxygen to achieve a normal restful sleep. Functional nickel-titanium coil springs or expansion screws allows one to
appliances open the airway by expanding the maxilla, which tilt those teeth out and be more artistic. The author does not try
increases the width and height of the nasal airway located to do everything with braces alone but recommends using dif-
directly above the palate. These appliances also increase the ferent orthodontic appliances. The appliances today can expand
posterior pharyngeal airway by repositioning the lower jaw and arches, move the front teeth forward, and move the back molars
tongue forward (Figure 29-15). back. They can do many things that improve the look of the
Airway obstruction can also have a damaging effect on the arches and the appearance of the patient.
growth of the child. Growth hormones are secreted by the
pituitary gland when the child reaches the deep stages of sleep. Team Approach for the Best Artistic
When a child has an airway obstruction, causing sleep apnea
and numerous arousals, these arousals prevent the patient
and Functional Result
from obtaining deep sleep and therefore, interfere with the secre- Orthodontics involves movement and straightening of teeth.
tion of growth hormones by the pituitary gland. Many of these Restorative or prosthetic dentistry involves the placement of
children are smaller in stature and weigh less than their crowns and veneers, but these procedures should be done after

FIGURE 29-15 A, Pre-treatment radiograph, overjet 2mm, small posterior pharyngeal airway. (Angle of mandible.) B, When
the mandible was advanced to 3mm protrusive, the size of the posterior pharyngeal airway doubled.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 705


FIGURE 29-16 A, Pre-surgical radiograph of nasal cavity obstructed by enlarged turbinate bones. Patient has severe obstructive
sleep apnea according to the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI): 76 times per hour. B, Post-surgical radiograph of nasal cavity after
resection of the inferior turbinates. There was a 50% reduction in obstructive sleep apnea.

orthodontic treatment. The important thing is setting up the or do not treat this way when the patient has a deep overbite.
foundation. The foundation would be making the jaws wide Some orthodontic clinicians will try to intrude the anterior teeth
enough, both upper and lower, and positioning the lower jaw to correct the overbite, which the author believes is not as good
forward so that there is no overjet, which helps to stabilize the for the TMJ as erupting the posterior teeth. Instead one should
TMJ. If the TMJ is not stable, the patient may look good with insert an appliance such as the Rick-A-Nator or a Twin Block II
the new veneers but could have headaches for the rest of his or or some type of anterior bite plate to prevent the anterior teeth
her life, hardly an acceptable result. Achieving a healthy TMJ is from over-erupting. When one erupts the posterior teeth, this
the first step that must be accomplished before the dentist can significantly improves TMJ health. That is the functional phi-
get any kind of satisfactory result with the patient. The func- losophy. If this functional philosophy is followed before the
tional jaw orthopedic approach is used with children and adults application of any cosmetic dentistry, veneers, or crowns and the
and creates a stable and healthy TMJ. TMJ is stabilized first, the outcome will be a healthier patient.
Before beginning, it is vital to eliminate airway constrictions, Once the jaw has been stabilized, the dentist can offer patients
problems with large tonsils or adenoids, a deviated septum, or crowns and bridges as a secondary finishing technique. The
large turbinates (Figure 29-16). author now uses CEREC crowns or CEREC overlays on the
The patient must be able to breathe through the nose, not lower posterior teeth to take the place of the splint after phase
the mouth. Next the dentist develops the upper arch to a normal I splint therapy or orthodontics. In the authors practice, more
shape and size so all the teeth will fit. Sometimes it is necessary and more adult patients want to have porcelain onlays put on
to move the front teeth forward and the back teeth back and to their posterior teeth. Another alternative is to have the porcelain
lengthen the arch. Sometimes the arch must be widened and onlays fabricated by a commercial lab, which is a nice way to
lengthened. That can be done at any age, but it is better if it is finish some cases. The authors practice has evolved from strictly
done when the child is actively growing. If the patient has an orthodontics to include treatment of patients with TMJ dys-
overjet and an underdeveloped jaw, proper treatment would be function, snoring, and sleep apnea. The patient who has a mild,
to bring the lower jaw forward with the functional appliance. moderate, or severe overjet, a retrognathic mandible, and a deep
If the patient is under age 11 years, a Twin Block is used. For overbite frequently has a Class II malocclusion and TMJ dys-
patients over age 11 years, a MARA is used. These functional function. The mandible is back and the condyles are up and
appliances were both developed by orthodontists. The lower jaw back. The patient snores and has sleep apnea because the man-
is brought forward to improve facial esthetics. If the face has a dible is back, allowing the tongue to fall back and block the
retrognathic profile, it can be made straight. The dentist also airway. This functional approach makes it possible to help all
brings the condyles down and forward away from the nerves and three problems. The author feels that not only does this approach
blood vessels in the bilaminar zone, which helps improve TMJ make patients look better, but it significantly improves their
health. Some orthodontic clinicians disagree with this approach health.
706 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry

There is a strong correlation in the medical literature, particu- the American Academy of Pediatrics stated in 2002 that all
larly over the last 3 to 4 years, and most notably in cardiology routine checkups for children should include questions about
journals, between obstructive sleep apnea and an increased ten- snoring and sleep apnea. These sleep disorders can have serious
dency for heart attacks, strokes, type II diabetes, and GERD. health implications, including high blood pressure, bedwetting,
These are all serious health considerations that need to be stunted growth, and chronic fatigue that often translates into
addressed by the medical and dental professions. Through the hyperactivity and learning disabilities.
functional approach the author can lower the blood pressures of Obviously, patients who have retrognathic mandibles with
these patients with oral appliances just by bringing the jaws already retruded tongue positions are more susceptible to airway
forward. It is very rewarding not only to stop the patients obstructions, which can lead to snoring and obstructive sleep
snoring but also to improve his or her quality of life. apnea. Functional appliances that advance the mandible, which
subsequently moves the tongue forward, are therefore effective
in eliminating the possibility of snoring and obstructive sleep
apnea in children and adults.
Early Orthodontic Treatment Early Orthodontic Treatment
In the authors opinion, despite the fact that 70% of children
and Childhood Development by age 12 years have some form of malocclusion and could
It is vital to the health and normal growth and development of therefore benefit from orthodontic or orthopedic treatment, the
the child to achieve nasal breathing. Mouth breathing can cause majority are not being treated earlier than age 12 years. The
many problems, including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, main reason for this is that there is a great deal of controversy
malocclusions such as posterior crossbites, anterior open bites, within the orthodontic profession today regarding the impor-
deep overbites, and retrognathic (underdeveloped) mandibles. tance of treating children early.
The cause of skeletal Class II malocclusions has been previously Most orthodontic clinicians prefer to treat patients after all
attributed to airway obstruction (nasal, oral, or throat), which the permanent teeth have erupted. The conclusion that many
causes the maxillary arch to slowly constrict and the mandible general dentists offer when they refer their patients for treat-
to move posteriorly to try and find a position of maximum ment is, No treatment is indicated at this time. The patient is
intercuspation (centric occlusion). too young. The malocclusion will be observed and treated when
Snoring is caused when the tongue falls back and partially the permanent teeth erupt. For some orthodontic clinicians
obstructs the airway (Figure 29-17). The air vibrates on the (orthodontists and general dentists) who are trained with a pre-
soft tissue at the back of the throat creating the sound of ventive philosophy, this approach appears irrational when sta-
snoring. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the tongue falls tistics prove that these malocclusions left untreated worsen over
back and completely blocks the airway for 10 seconds or time.
longer and more than 5 times per hour. Apnea is defined as Two leading orthodontic researchers, Drs Donald G.
a cessation of breathing for 10 seconds or more. Hypopnea is Woodside and James A. McNamara, Jr., working extensively
defined as a reduction of 4% in oxygen desaturation. Together, with adolescent monkeys and functional jaw repositioning
they are measured on a scale of severity called the apnea- appliances, reported that condylar changes occurred when the
hypopnea index (AHI) (Table 29-2). monkeys were actively growing. Why condylar position is so
It has been estimated that approximately 580,000 children essential for TMJ health and stability has already been explained.
in North America may have sleep apnea. In a set of guidelines, If the research clearly demonstrates that the clinician will obtain

TABLE 29-2 Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI)

AHI 0-5 Normal
AHI 6-15 Mild obstructive sleep apnea
AHI 16-30 Moderate obstructive sleep apnea
AHI 31+ Severe obstructive sleep apnea

FIGURE 29-17 Patient lying on the back; the tongue falls

back and completely blocks the airway (obstructive sleep AHI greater than 1 can be severe
apnea). (From Albert RK, Spiro SG, Jett JR: Clinical respiratory medicine, ed obstructive sleep apnea
2, Philadelphia, Mosby, 2004.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 707

the greatest response when the patient is still actively growing, have short or long lower face heights. The use of functional
one wonders why most patients are left untreated in the mixed appliances and orthodontic fixed braces increases short lower
dentition. The term supervised neglect seems appropriate. face heights to normal. Patients with Class II skeletal malocclu-
In North America, few dental schools make an effort to sions with normally positioned maxillae and underdeveloped
include early treatment orthodontics in their curricula. There- mandibles are less attractive than those with Class I skeletal
fore general dentists graduate without the basic knowledge to occlusions with straight profiles.
either diagnose or treat children with orthodontic (dental) or There are literally hundreds of articles in the literature written
orthopedic (bone or skeletal) problems. In some cases, not only by well-known orthodontists that substantiate functional jaw
is the general dentist not given an adequate education, but he orthopedics. This treatment modality has been around for over
or she is also discouraged from ever wanting to learn about 100 years, and there are numerous appliances that can be used,
orthodontics. There is no doubt that general dentists can learn both removable and fixed, to solve these problems. From a clini-
to treat easy orthodontic cases and can become extremely com- cians standpoint, if a technique works, one keeps doing it; if it
petent in treating the mixed and permanent dentition in does not work, one stops doing it. The authors practice is getting
children. good results or he would not keep doing it. There is a high level
There are many reasons why early orthodontic treatment is of success with patients using the functional philosophy who
good for a childs self-esteem and overall health. Each year more have these malocclusions, TMJ problems, snoring, and sleep
orthodontic clinicians (orthodontists, general dentists, and pedi- apnea.
atric dentists) are treating younger patients with functional In treating children and adults, the goal is to choose a non-
appliances. A positive sign is the fact that for several years the extraction technique as often as possible. Patients are advised
American Association of Orthodontists has promoted early that the arches will be developed without extraction of teeth. If
treatment on its website by recommending that all children be the patient has an overjet of 7mm and if from the side view the
screened by age 7 years. maxilla is perfectly positioned, the upper lip is in perfect posi-
tion, and the nose looks good, but the patients chin is insuffi-
cient, the treatment of choice is obviously to reposition the lower
FACIAL ESTHETICS jaw forward with a functional appliance. If that patient has the
two upper first bicuspids removed and the upper six anteriors
When clinicians think about esthetics, they must consider facial brought back, that will have a devastating effect on facial esthet-
esthetics. What is it that makes patients appear attractive facially, ics. The upper lip will go back at least 4mm and the nose will
and what facial types are less attractive? Dentists, orthodontists, appear longer because there is no more support for the upper
and prosthodontists have a profound effect on facial esthetics. lip when the bone and teeth are moved back. That is very
Consider a patient who is edentulous and appears overclosed un-esthetic, and as the patient grows older, the nose continues
vertically, with a short lower face height and prognathic man- to grow and the chin continues to grow until growth is com-
dible and profile. The fabrication of new dentures with an plete, while the face becomes more concave and unattractive.
increase in posterior vertical dimension can significantly improve That is not the look that patients want, and it also has a devastat-
the patients appearance. When the vertical is increased, the ing effect on the TMJ. Many of these patients later in life will
mandible rotates downward and slightly backward, which results start clicking as the condyles move posteriorly and the disks
in a straight profile and a normal lower face height. The patient become anteriorly displaced, a clinical sign of TMD. As men-
is now more attractive from the frontal view as well as the profile. tioned previously, some patients later in life will develop obstruc-
In orthodontics the same principle applies. If a young child tive sleep apnea because their lower jaw is back too far and their
has a Class III malocclusion profile, normal mandible, and defi- tongue is blocking the airway. Had they been given a functional
cient maxilla that is also overclosed vertically, the treatment of appliance for a deficient lower jaw, it would have moved the
choice would be to advance the maxilla with a functional appli- lower jaw forward, improved facial esthetics, and possibly pre-
ance such as a Tandem Appliance and increase the posterior vented snoring and sleep apnea in the future, especially if the
vertical dimension by either adding composite to the lower patient becomes overweight. A snoring appliance moves the jaw
primary molars or by allowing for the eruption of the lower first forward and helps correct the problem. Anyone with children
permanent molars. This treatment can have a profound effect who have underdeveloped jaws should consult an orthodontist
on the facial esthetics of the child as well as an extremely positive or general dentist who uses functional appliances, perhaps Twin
effect on his or her self-image and self-esteem (Figure 29-18). Blocks or MARAs or other appliances, and have the jaw moved
Early orthodontic treatment in children with Class III maloc- forward while the child is actively growing and the face is
clusions can also prevent the probability of orthognathic surgery developing.
at age 17 years. It is preferable to use functional appliances to Early treatment and functional philosophy are key, along
modify the growth of children while they are actively growing. with non-extraction orthodontics. If general dentists or ortho-
Because 90% of the face is developed by age 12 years, it is critical dontists embrace this philosophy, mothers will want them to
that treatment be initiated early. treat their children. When parents see a malocclusion, either
Patients who have the most pleasing faces esthetically have crooked teeth or crooked or narrow jaws, they do not like being
Class I skeletal occlusion with normally positioned maxillae and told to wait and come back when all the permanent teeth have
mandibles and normal lower face heights. Less attractive patients erupted. Dentists treat periodontal pockets and carious lesions
708 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry

FIGURE 29-18 Six-year-old boy with Class III skel-

etal malocclusion, deficient maxilla, and deficient
upper lip. Eight months after use of Tandem Appli-
ance, patient has Class I skeletal malocclusion,
advanced maxilla, and full upper lip.

Before After


FIGURE 29-19 A, Thirteen-year-old patient with upper fixed expansion, molar distalization appliance, Hyrax expansion screw,
and two self-adjusting nickel titanium coil springs to distalize the upper molars. The upper arch expanded 7mm, and the molars
distalized 4mm. B, Thirteen-year-old patient with lower fixed expansion, molar distalization appliance, one Hyrax expansion
screw, and two self-adjusting nickel titanium coil springs to distalize lower molars. The lower arch expanded 7mm, and the molars
distalized 4mm.

when they are small. Why wait to treat a malocclusion when it buccal portion of the alveolar process. This new bone was called
is developing? Dentists should not wait but should treat early woven bone. This was a revolutionary innovation because previ-
and embrace the functional philosophy. ously some orthodontists felt it was impossible to expand the
arches of adults once the suture had closed. The author has been
developing adults arches for 25 years, and very few have not
LATEST INNOVATIONS been able to develop. With this new appliance it is possible to
IN ORTHODONTICS cement the appliance using molar bands and bicuspid bands.
The nickel-titanium coil springs expand the upper and lower
Arch Expansion in Permanent Dentition arches. The treatment of choice is to develop the narrow arches
Dr Michael Williams of Gulfport, Mississippi, and Dr Neil to normal with these or other arch development appliances
Murphy of University of California, Los Angeles, have recently before any cosmetic procedures such as veneers, crowns, or
conducted studies using nickel-titanium coil spring appliances. implants. Many patients want a broad smile and white teeth.
The nickel-titanium coil springs were used on adults to slowly These new orthodontic appliances ensure that when the arches
develop the upper arch and lower arch. Samples taken from the are expanded the patient can achieve that broad esthetic smile
alveolar process showed that there was new bone growth in the (Figure 29-19).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 709

Clear Braces for Adults

As mentioned previously, from an esthetic standpoint, the clear
brackets that have appeared in the last 20 years have also been a
major improvement. Clear brackets are very popular with adults.
Invisalign has done a great job of marketing to adults who
thought they would never want braces because only metal brack-
ets were available. It is now possible to encourage adults to use
the plastic aligners to move the teeth. Plastic aligners are fine if
the case involves minor crowding, but for severe crowding, brack-
ets and wires are needed to straighten the teeth, as they are much
more effective. Invisalign (Align Technology Inc., Santa Clara,
California) has caused many adults to ask for treatment. If they
come to the office with minor crowding, the author recommends
plastic aligners. Owing to the high cost of the Invisalign system, FIGURE 29-20 NeoLucent clear brackets: 0.014 composite
many orthodontic labs are now fabricating these plastic aligners clear archwire, lower teeth straightened with this extremely
at a much reduced cost to the dentist and the patient. If there is esthetic appliance.
more crowding, it is possible to offer clear brackets. These patients
often are willing to try them because they look much better than
the metal brackets.
The dental profession has done a poor job of marketing such
services to the public. The only two esthetic practices the public
really knows about are tooth whitening, which is often not adver-
tised by dentists but by whitening companies, and Invisalign. It is
television makeover programs that have done the best job of pro-
moting esthetic dentistry to the public. The author believes the
dental profession should do more. The combination of orthodon-
tics and restorative procedures is extremely important. General
dentists need to work together with specialists. The foundation
must be laid by developing arches and lining up all the teeth. If the
dentist is fabricating a crown or a bridge, the roots need to be lined
up, which is sometimes not possible unless brackets are placed first.
Then the crown and bridge procedure can be done. Orthodontic FIGURE 29-21 Twelve-year-old girl with gummy smile, and
clinicians have to work with prosthetic and restorative dentists. A deep overbite. Two incisal temporary anchorage devices (TADs)
general dentist who is also good at cosmetic dentistry, prosthodon- intrude the upper central incisors, reduce the gummy smile,
tic dentistry, and orthodontics can do the whole case alone. It really and correct the deep overbite.
helps to be knowledgeable in all three areas (Figure 29-20).
anchorage and tooth movement. If the clinician wants to make
sure a molar does not move forward, the TAD is placed and tied
Colorless Wires to the molar so the molar cannot move. These devices also help
BioMers (Bothell, Washington) has created colorless wires made to intrude a molar; the TAD is placed into the bone above the
of composite. Adults much prefer the esthetic appeal of clear molar, intruding the molar with an elastic power chain. TADs
brackets and clear colorless wires. This has increased the number can also be used for uprighting molars, retracting cuspids, distal-
of adults who seek orthodontics. This has proved to be an excel- izing molars, and intruding incisors. At the end of the treatment
lent alternative to Invisalign. The disadvantages of Invisalign are the TAD is unscrewed and discarded. They are very easy to use.
that the clear aligners are very expensive, do not effectively They go only about 7mm into the bone and are about 1.5mm
correct moderate or severe crowding problems, and are incapable wide. They resemble a little pin, and they do not osseointegrate
of adequately moving the roots of teeth. Conversely, the BioMers and are therefore not like regular implants. This important inno-
wires with clear orthodontic brackets (NeoLucent clear brackets vation in orthodontics helps clinicians to better control unwanted
[Ortho Organizers, Carlsbad, California]) do an excellent job orthodontic forces and shortens treatment time (Figure 29-21).
correcting crowded teeth and moving the roots.

Temporary Anchorage Devices SUMMARY

Another new device in orthodontics is the temporary anchorage Clinicians must be willing to diagnose and either treat or refer
device (TAD), the mini-implant. These have recently become children with narrow upper and lower arches, retrognathic max-
available and make orthodontics easier because they help control illae and mandibles, and overclosed vertical problems. These
710 Ortho-Esthetics Relevance of Functional Appliance Treatment to Esthetic Dentistry

children can easily be treated with functional appliances before esthetics for our patients, we must also strive to achieve optimum
the permanent teeth have erupted, to reduce the need for extrac- health.
tions and orthognathic surgery.
As mentioned previously, one of the keys to preventing
TMD, snoring, and sleep apnea is to treat younger patients with SUGGESTED READINGS
functional appliances before the eruption of the permanent American Academy of Orthodontists: The right time for an orthodontic
teeth. It is far better for the children and parents to prevent check-up: no later than age 7, Accessed July, 2011.
orthognathic surgery, extractions, TMD, snoring, and sleep Bean LR, Thomas CA: Significance of condylar positions in patients with
apnea by treating early with a functional philosophy. temporomandibular disorders, J Am Dent Assoc 110(1):57-60, 1985.
Bonham PE, Currier GF, Orr WC, et al: The effect of a modified functional
As healthcare professionals, dentists and orthodontists must
appliance on obstructive sleep apnea, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
look beyond the teeth and treat the patients whole body. Because 94:384-392, 1988.
a patent airway and jaw position are vital to the patients overall Chervin RD: How many children with ADHD have sleep apnea or periodic
health, it is imperative that practitioners learn to diagnose and leg movements on polysomnography? Sleep 28:1143-1148, 2005.
treat patients who have orthodontic, orthopedic (skeletal), Chervin RD, et al: Sleep-disordered breathing, behavior, and cognition in
children before and after adenotonsilectomy, Pediatrics 117:769-778,
TMD, snoring, and sleep apnea problems. It has been estimated
that 70% of children have some form of malocclusion, so the Clark W: Twin Block functional therapy: applications in dentofacial orthopaedics,
need is certainly there for general dentists, pediatric dentists, and ed 2, Barcelona, Spain, 2002, Elsevier Sciences Limited.
orthodontists to develop their skills with functional appliances Eckhart J: Class II therapy with the Mandibular Anterior Repositioning
so they can help these children. Device, World J Orthod 2:135, 2003.
In the authors opinion, orthodontics (straightening teeth) Eckhart J: Clinical management of the MARA, Manhattan Beach, California,
1998, Paula Allen-Noble.
and cosmetic dentistry (crowns, bridges, implants, and veneers) Elden LM, et al: Snoring and sleep apnea in children, ed 3, Philadelphia,
are finishing techniques. These final procedures should be done Lippincott, 2003, Williams, & Wilkins.
to give the patient a proper esthetic result. The orthopedic con- Fisher, J: The wall-hanger effect, Orthodontic Products, Tennessee, 2006,
siderations, the shape of the maxilla and mandible, and the Memphis, September.
position of the maxilla in relationship to the mandible are criti- Hedner J, Grote L: The link between sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 163:5-6, 2001.
cal problems that must be treated first. This is the foundation Jean-Louis G, Zizi F, Clark LT, et al: Obstructive sleep apnea and
for the house, figuratively speaking, whereas the roof would be cardiovascular disease: role of the metabolic syndrome and its
the orthodontic braces, crowns, or veneers. Clinicians must components, J Clin Sleep Med 4(3):261-272, 2008.
diagnose and treat the orthopedic (bone) problem first to achieve Klempner L: Early orthopedic Class III treatment with a modified Tandem
Appliance, J Clin Orthod 37(4):218-223, April 2003.
the best esthetic results. Correction of skeletal problems and jaw
Page D: Your jawsyour life, Baltimore, Maryland, 1998-2003, SmilePage
stabilization must be the first priority procedures, using func- Publishing.
tional appliances or splint therapy before orthodontic or cos- Rondeau B: Rick-A-Nator appliance, J Gen Orthod 3:16-20, March 1992.
metic dentistry. To finish an orthodontic case with straight teeth Ruf S, Pancherz H: Orthognathic surgery and dentofacial orthopedics in adult
while TMD remains is practicing below the standard of care. To Class II, Division I treatment: mandibular sagittal split osteotomy versus
Herbst appliance, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 140-152, August 2004.
finish a cosmetic case with new porcelain crowns or veneers and
Williams M, Murphy N: Beyond the ligament: a whole-bone periodontal
TMD is certainly not acceptable. Although one of our various view of dentofacial orthopedics and falsification of universal alveolar
treatment objectives is to achieve excellent dental and facial immutability, Semin Orthod 14(4):246-259, December 2008.

Orthodontics as a Basis for Esthetics

Ingrid R. Castellanos

molar when a lower first molar is missing so that the dentist can
RELEVANCE OF ORTHODONTICS place a three-unit bridge. Generally the relevance of orthodon-
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY tics to esthetic dentistry is that orthodontists can re-position
natural existing teeth to be more suitable for restorative
Orthodontics creates the foundation for which esthetic proce- procedures.
dures, and esthetic dentists can create perfect smile results. The
orthodontist can align the patients dentition to provide a sound
and more exact foundation for the dentist. When the adult BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL
patient has crowded or misaligned teeth or diastemas, the ortho-
dontist can align the teeth, close the diastemas, or make the DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION
spaces even so that the restorative dentist can correctly place OF ORTHO-ESTHETICS
veneers and bridges. The orthodontist can also influence the end
result of the soft and hard tissue structures of the oral cavity. In In previous years, it was thought that orthodontics only addressed
cases of gingival misalignment, the orthodontist can extrude or malocclusions. Now that more adult patients are seeking treat-
intrude the teeth to correct crown-length discrepancies between ment, other problems have presented. Patients have old and
the maxillary and lateral incisors and canines. When there are failing restorations, edentulous spaces, abraded teeth, periodon-
periodontal asymmetries in different areas of the mouth, ortho- tal bone defects, gingival level discrepancies, and various other
dontists can help to stabilize both the hard and soft tissue levels. restorative and periodontal problems that can compromise the
Orthodontists can also move bone to create more support for orthodontic result. For these patients it is important to establish
overlying esthetic restorations. In areas of missing teeth, the realistic, not idealistic, treatment goals. In these cases, the
orthodontist can slowly move the teeth into the space to create team (orthodontist, periodontist, oral maxillofacial surgeon, and
new bone. This bone can be used to place an implant; this is in restorative dentist) must work together to make prudent treat-
the anterior area. ment decisions for the patient. Together they analyze the profile
If there are spacing issues in the anterior region, where some of the patient, how it changes as the teenaged patient grows, and
of the teeth have very large spaces between them and others have other factors involved in the smile.
small spaces or none, orthodontic treatment can be used to As a team the orthodontist and esthetic dentist work together
equalize these spaces. This makes restorative dentistry proce- to provide better results for the patient, with periodontists also
dures easier and more predictable. a part of the team for adult patients. This multifunctional team
In cases with peg laterals, orthodontists can move the canines does their best to achieve the best clinical result for the patient.
distally to create space for normal-size lateral incisors. When The leader of the team is the general dentist. The general
teeth have erupted in misalignment, they are not generally suit- dentist acts as the central repository for the sequence of treat-
able support for bridges or esthetic restorations. Orthodontic ment and its timing. The others share ideas about how to
treatment can be used to move them into better arch alignment proceed, and the general dentist coordinates the treatment. He
such that they provide the needed support for multiple abutment or she usually sees the patient first and then consults with the
bridge situations. orthodontist and/or the periodontist. Sometimes the patient
Orthodontists can place teeth in the proper position. They needs periodontal treatment first. Preventive periodontal work
communicate with the restorative dentist, who determines is completed before orthodontic therapy. The orthodontist sends
where the tooth needs to be for placement of the restoration; the patient back to the general dentist during the course of
if necessary, the orthodontist also communicates with the perio- treatment for progress checks. In the meantime, the patient goes
dontist. Among them, they will determine the best treatment through all the maintenance and cleanings with the general
plan for the patient. For example, they can upright a second dentist. Once the orthodontics are finished, the patient returns

712 Ortho-Esthetics Orthodontics as a Basis for Esthetics

for the general dentist to place whatever restorations are

needed. Throughout the process, the orthodontist is responsible CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS
for keeping the general dentist and the other specialists on the
team informed.
When the patient has large diastemas or severe crowding, severe
overbite or overjet, crossbite, missing teeth, or simply wants to
have a bridge (when the molar is at the wrong angulation or in
RELATING FUNCTION the wrong position), orthodontic treatment may be required
AND ESTHETICS before esthetic work begins. Patients with TMJ problems may
require help with occlusion. Essentially orthodontists try to solve
As mentioned previously, orthodontics provides a better plat- minor to moderate problems of displacement, positioning,
form for the esthetic dentist. The orthodontist can proportion angulation, and spacing to make the restorative job easier. Orth-
and place the teeth in the correct location so the general dentist odontic procedures are particularly useful for severe crowding.
can sequence the treatment of fabricating bridges, crowns, or
veneers to achieve better stability. In the adult patient, ortho-
dontists must address the dental history: occlusal habits, tem-
poromandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, wear facets, abraded Patients with poor oral hygiene, minor crowding, or a small
incisors, or other signs that would suggest that the treatment diastema can be managed with direct bonding. Some patients
plan should include altering the existing occlusion. In some cases prefer not to have orthodontic treatment. For patients with
it is not necessary to correct posterior crossbite in adults who severe bony dysplasia (condition in which one arch is much
have no occlusal interferences and no shift of the mandible and larger than or malpositioned with respect to the other) a com-
whose dentition can be restored adequately despite their poste- bination of orthodontic therapy and orthognathic surgery may
rior crossbite relationship. be required. Esthetic procedures are possible after the orthogna-
When a patient is missing a lot of teeth, it is important to thic surgery. The orthodontic therapy must be done first, though,
establish treatment objectives that are occlusally realistic for the because the teeth must be aligned for the surgeon.
specific patient and not necessarily to establish idealistic Class I Other circumstances where orthodontic treatment before
posterior occlusion. For instance, the restorative dentist may esthetic treatment is contraindicated include severe caries and
suggest altering the Class I occlusion to facilitate restoration of poor oral hygiene.
the teeth. It is important for the orthodontist to be aware of
these proposed restorations before bracket placement in order to
achieve an occlusally realistic relationship for the restorative TECHNIQUE OPTIONS
patient. It is possible to predetermine the final occlusal and
restorative outcomes by preparing a diagnostic wax-up. This is
highly recommended for patients who are missing multiple per- Both fixed and removable orthodontic appliances are available.
manent teeth or where implants will later be used to anchor The advantage of the removable appliances is that the patient
restorative abutments. The wax-up will help to position the can put them on and take them off as needed. An example is
implants properly before the beginning of orthodontic treat- Invisalign braces (Align Technology, Inc., Santa Clara, Califor-
ment. Working as a team, the restorative dentist and the ortho- nia), which are a good option for people who do not have severe
dontist harmonize orthodontic objectives. problems. The Invisalign system consists of computer-fabricated
A common problem in the adult orthodontic patient is wear aligners that are relatively transparent and easier to clean than
or abrasion of the maxillary incisors, with uneven gingival levels traditional braces. They do not irritate the gingiva as much as
and unequal crown length of adjacent central incisors. The treat- traditional braces. The aligners are numbered and worn for
ment for this problem consists of periodontal crown lengthening 2 weeks each in sequence; treatment time is well established.
to level the gingival margins, orthodontic intrusion of the longer The system includes a computer simulation showing how the
central incisor, or extrusion of the shorter tooth. To diagnose patients teeth will move during treatment. This allows the
this problem, one first needs to evaluate the labial sulcular depth patient to see the projected final outcome. This system works,
of the maxillary incisors. If the secular depths are uniformly but the movement is slow and the orthodontist must depend on
1mm, then the discrepancy is a result of uneven wear or trauma the patients compliance. The trays are most appropriate for
of the incisal edges. In these cases, the gingival margins are used small, anterior diastemas. Tooth rotations present a challenge. A
as a guide to position the brackets and not the incisal edges. Hawley retainer with an anterior spring aligner corrects upper
Also, mandibular incisal edge abrasion is common. When this or lower interior incisors exhibiting minor rotations, but as
occurs, the mandibular incisor typically erupts to maintain mentioned, the results depend on patient compliance, and some
contact. In these cases the orthodontist intrudes the mandibular patients lose the alignerseven adult patients.
incisors to create space for the restorative dentist. If this is not The other option is the fixed appliance, which is the authors
done, the other option requires periodontal crown lengthening preference because the orthodontist is in control and the results
with bone removal, and apical positioning of the gingival are faster. Fixed appliances are metal or ceramic. There are two
margin. options for the bracket placement: facial or buccal/lingual.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 713

Lingual braces are metal and placed behind the teeth, which patient would bite on the clip, requiring frequent change of
makes them virtually invisible. Orthodontists need special train- wires. Self-ligating brackets tend to be more expensive than
ing to be able to treat patients with lingual brackets, therefore regular brackets. Special instruments are needed to open and
not every orthodontist provides them. Lingual braces tend to close the brackets.
irritate the tongue, make it difficult to speak at first, treatment
can take months longer than with traditional braces, and in
some cases regular brackets have to be placed to finish the orth- OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
odontic treatment.
Metal brackets can be silver or gold, are very strong and can The patients compliance is essential. If rubber bands are used,
withstand most treatment forces. Most traditional metal braces the dentist relies completely on patient cooperation and good
require an elastic O-shaped rubber band called a ligature to hold oral hygiene. Patients may not miss any of their appointments.
the arch wire onto the bracket. One of the big advantages of these Cosmetic patients are picky. As the orthodontist is perform-
brackets is that they are strong and rarely break. The ceramic ing the treatment, he or she sends the patient back to the esthetic
brackets are made of ceramic or composite materials. They are or restorative dentist to assess if the movement is occurring as
very strong as well and generally do not stain. Adults usually planned. The restorative dentist may change the treatment plan,
choose ceramic because they blend in with the teeth and are less or other clinical considerations may present. At the beginning
noticeable than metal. The ligatures that hold the arch wire onto of the treatment, the esthetic or restorative dentist may have had
the ceramic brackets are white or clear. This looks great at first, one result in mind (ideal), but may modify the treatment plan
but the ligatures can stain. Some patients feel that ceramic braces because things appear differently (more realistic). The treatment
are more comfortable than metal and irritate the soft tissues less. plan can also be altered if the patient changes his or her mind
Self-ligating brackets do not need ligatures or metal tie wires after seeing the new appearance. For example, if the patient
to hold the arch wire onto the bracket. These brackets allow the originally chose porcelain veneers and the orthodontist aligned
wire to slide back and forth with less friction, requiring fewer the teeth for the restorative dentist, the patient may be satisfied
adjustments and fewer appointments. A passive trapdoor or with his or her smile and simply elect to have the teeth
sliding door secures the arch wire to the bracket. These self- whitened.
ligating brackets are smaller than traditional metal appliances, If the patient has active caries, ortho-esthetics is not indicated
and less food is trapped during mastication. Additional advan- because it is unlikely that the patient will alter habits and begin
tages include a reduction in plaque build-up, additional comfort controlling the caries. Similarly, a patient who seems to have
due to smooth, molded edges, and less chance of periodontal fairly significant periodontal problems would be referred to a
problems as there is no rubber ligature to harbor bacteria. Also periodontist first to be sure everything is under control. Once
being twin technology, these brackets provide four solid walls the periodontist stabilizes the situation, treatment can begin.
which enables effective torque expression and rotation control for However, the patient still must undergo follow-up cleanings
meticulous finishing. every 3 or 4 months. For these visits the wires are removed by
When using self-ligating brackets, the dentist begins with the orthodontist so the hygienist has better access. The author
special lower-tension wires and moves up. Appointments are also does not put bands on the molars, using bond tubes instead,
made every 6 to 8 weeks. The first wire in phase I is a .014 minimizing worry about pockets. Some orthodontists continue
nitinol. Cosmetic wires are also available for a totally esthetic to use molar bands.
look. The author is currently treating her daughter who had
crowding. In 3 months, all her anterior teeth were straightened.
She went from Class II to a Class I simply by undergoing align- INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
ment and leveling, elimination of the rotations, and beginning
arch form development.
Scientific Elements
In planning the biomechanical aspects of orthodontic treatment
for a specific patient, it is imperative that the orthodontist con-
Disadvantages sider not only the forces required for the necessary tooth move-
The disadvantages of Invisalign braces are that they cost as much ment to achieve the patients objectives, but also the undesired
(possibly more) as traditional braces; treatment can take as long tooth movement that may occur in response to these forces. In
as treatment with traditional braces; and in some cases the the past, orthodontists searched for the perfect anchorage to
patient may still need traditional braces for a few months after minimize these undesired tooth movements, investigating head-
Invisalign treatment to correct specific problems. gear, elastics, adjacent teeth, and more. However, the main draw-
Ceramic brackets look good but the clear or white ligatures back was that they all relied on patient compliance in order to
can stain, which defeats the esthetics. They can be changed at be successful. Mini-implant anchorage was created to assist the
the monthly adjustment appointments, however. From a purely orthodontist in controlling tooth movement. The primary
esthetic point of view, ceramic brackets are a bit larger than advantage over the previously mentioned forms of anchorage is
metal brackets. that implants provide skeletal anchorage, which is undoubtedly
The early self-ligating brackets had a clip-like door, and the more predictable and stable than methods requiring patient
hinge was very weak. With time, the clips would break or the compliance.
714 Ortho-Esthetics Orthodontics as a Basis for Esthetics

Recently, mini-screw implants have become very common come together as a team to explore options. With some
for implant anchorage, based primarily on their ease of place- patients the process can be complicated, so it may be appropri-
ment and retrieval. Once placed, the mini-screw is available for ate to offer options A, B, and C, corresponding to basic, inter-
immediate load placement in conjunction with the specified mediate, and ideal approaches. The patient is offered all three
treatment plan. Because mini-screws are retained in the inter- treatment options and allowed to choose. For example, a
dental and interradicular alveolar crest, osseointegration is not patient may be interested in only correcting lower anterior
required. However, because osseointegration is not required, the crowding, but the orthodontic work-up notes not just the
possibility exists that minor movement of the mini-screws (loss lower crowding but also a deep bite, a severe C-curve, or an
of anchorage) may occur. A final important consideration in the overjet. The team offers option A, to treat the lower anterior
placement of mini-screws is the precise placement between the crowding; option B, to open the bite; and option C, to address
roots of adjacent teeth and the risks that may be associated with the entire smile. In the last, the ideal option, the team would
such a technique. open the bite a bit, treat the lower anterior, and create a full
Sometimes the periodontist sees these patients, but usually smile by managing the collapsed upper arch, or cross bite. The
the orthodontist performs this procedure. The treatment is a team points out the smile. The patient can then consider the
relatively minor procedure. Once orthodontics is finished, the options. It may be possible to use an imaging system to visu-
implants are simply removed. ally present the options.
The dentist and orthodontist show the patient the perfect
smilewhich treats the jaw and the biteeven when the patient
Technologic Advancements may not have reported problems in these areas. Often patients
The most significant technologic advancement is the self-ligating have thought about such problems but do not realize that
bracket. Most brackets have a slot for the arch wire, and small they can be addressed until the team points out the possible
O-shaped rubber bands (ligatures) or metal tie wires to hold the solutions.
arch wire into the bracket. Several companies have developed Part of the presentation is to tell the patient how long each
techniques for holding the arch wire in place without ligatures. treatment option will take and what the cost will be. An advan-
Orthodontist Dwight Damon uses a sliding door technique tage of orthodontics is the longer term of the treatment phase.
in conjunction with the Damon Bracket (Ormco Corporation, The patient can make a down payment and then be given time
Orange, California) and low-force wires. By using self-ligation to complete payments over the course of treatment. Some patients
technology, the brackets allow the wire to slide back and forth. may choose post-orthodontic veneers; others may choose bleach-
This allows for fewer adjustments and appointments. These ing. The team must ensure that the patient sees the benefits and
brackets do not need ligatures to hold the arch wire in place. drawbacks of each option. The patient can see how the braces
They use a trap door to secure the arch wire to the bracket. and bleaching can inter-relate. This sequence of treatment was
They are smaller than traditional metal brackets, and less food utilized in Figure 29-22.
is trapped around them when the patient eats. The new brackets
have a small hook; the orthodontist just presses the wire on it
and pushes it, and the clip closes. As a result, the wire moves
freely around the slot; there is nothing holding it. 3M Unitek TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
(St Paul, Minnesota) also came out with a self-ligating passive
bracket called SmartClips. Unlike other self-ligating systems,
SmartClips brackets do not have a sliding door or separate Prior to treatment, the orthodontist considers the soft tissues
clip. The arch wire is held in place with a specially designed clip and caries status to ensure the tasks of the general dentist, perio-
built into the bracket. With the traditional style bracket, there dontist, and/or endodontist has been accomplished. No brackets
is more pressure and more friction. The friction is reciprocal to are placed if caries are present.
the root and can create root resorption when the pressure is Once the oral state is satisfactory, the orthodontic work
severe, more so with a heavy wire. With the self-ligating bracket, commences, using the indirect technique. Preliminary Panorex
movement is faster and less dangerous to the remaining tooth images are taken. In the indirect technique, impressions are
structure. obtained and sent to the lab, with specific instructions to
Ceramic brackets are as retentive on the tooth as metal brack- correct any tooth rotations, severe curve of Spee is corrected,
ets. The earliest versions had problems with fractures, but the lower incisors are intruded, and so on. Everything is measured
ceramic brackets used currently have overcome that problem. It and planned so the placement of the brackets facilitates the
is possible to bond them to any surface. treatment. When the patient comes for bracket placement, the
brackets are placed one by one using a special lab-provided
TREATMENT PLANNING The orthodontist places all the brackets on a tray. The author
typically bonds brackets to the first or the second molar (adults
For the new patient, the orthodontist does a full examination, whose bites are being opened). All the brackets can be placed
prepares study models, and takes photographs and radiographs. within 1 hour. Generally, the posterior is done first, and then
Then the dentist, orthodontist, and periodontist, if needed, the anterior segments.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 715




FIGURE 29-22 A to F, Patient with a class II malocclusion with a posterior crossbite, collapse of the upper arch, and crowding
of the lower incisors. The treatment plan is first to expand the upper arch with a Schwarz appliance, then to place self-ligating
brackets, and finally to finish the case with a non-vital bleach for the maxillary left central and power bleaching for the entire
dentition to overcome the patients concern about the color of her teeth. Continued

When treatment is complete, the author removes the brack- better see the difference between enamel and resin along with
ets and excess resin without using burs. She recommends first completing this process dry so that it is easier to see where the
using a Sof-Lex Extra Thin XT coarse disk (3M ESPE, St. Paul, enamel and the resin are. After removing the resin and ensuring
Minnesota) to remove the bulk of the resin followed by an the finish, the author applies rubber polish to make sure every-
Enhance disk (DENTSPLY Caulk, Milford, Delaware) to thing is clean.
ensure the finish. This method removes none of the enamel After orthodontic treatment is complete and the brackets and
while other methods can scratch the enamel, leaving it more resin removed, an Essix retainer (0.35 thickness) is placed. This
susceptible to demineralization, plaque accumulation, and is a clear or transparent retainer, similar to a night guard, which
decay. The author recommends using magnification loupes to extends molar to molar.
716 Ortho-Esthetics Orthodontics as a Basis for Esthetics




FIGURE 29-22, contd G to I, Palatal expansion with Schwarz appliance. J and K, First appointment with self-ligating brackets.
L and M, Results after orthodontic treatment. The patient was in treatment for 18 months.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 717




FIGURE 29-22, contd N to P, Before (N) and after non-vital bleaching of tooth No. 9 (O). The mesial Class IV restoration was
replaced 1 month after the bleaching was completed (P). Q to T, After the non-vital bleaching, the teeth were power bleached
using the Zoom! Whitening System (Discus Dental, Culver City, California) to finish the case.
718 Ortho-Esthetics Orthodontics as a Basis for Esthetics

follow-up appointments. The teeth can move incorrectly, so the

EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES patient must see the orthodontist every 3 to 4 weeks with the
older systems or every 4 or 5 weeks with the new wires. If
Treatment basically follows the principle of minimal destruction the wires are not correctly adjusted, the tooth may move in
of healthy structure along with maximal preservation of healthy the wrong direction and cause periodontal problems. Mainte-
enamel and dentin. The repositioning of the teeth into more nance includes brushing, use of a Water Pik, use of Proxy brush
suitable, load-bearing areas and good occlusion make the forces or Piksters, and follow-up with the regular dentist and hygienist
on them more readily tolerated by the bone and soft tissue as well as the orthodontist.
infrastructure. Therefore it is likely not only that the restorations The typically accepted recall pattern is every 6 months. When
will last longer but that the teeth themselves will be healthier. the patient is wearing fixed orthodontic appliances and wires,
he or she should be seen more often. Before appointments with
the hygienist the orthodontist should temporarily remove the
CLINICAL CONSERVATION patients wires so the hygienist can clean the teeth more easily,
CONCEPTS after which the wires are replaced. Some caries-prone adult
patients require oral hygiene care every 3 or 4 months.
Orthodontic repositioning treatment is preferable to the tooth
destructive procedures of crown or veneer preparation. Orth-
odontic treatment is less invasive, moving the entire tooth.
When preparing for a crown, it is possible to move the tooth
into the right position. A severely inclined tooth may require Bellamy LJ, Kokich VG, Weissman JA: Using orthodontic intrusion of
endodontic treatment and a post before crown placement is abraded incisors to facilitate restoration: the techniques effects on alveolar
bone level and root length, J Am Dent Assoc 139:725-733, 2008.
possible. Orthodontic repositioning places the tooth in a more
Herman R, Cope JB: Miniscrew implants: IMTEC Mini Ortho Implants,
parallel situation with the other abutments. In addition, the Semin Orthod 11:32-39, 2005.
occlusal and lateral pressures on an abutment will be better sup- Miles PG: Self-ligating brackets in orthodontics: do they deliver what they
ported if the pressures and the forces are angulated along the claim? Aust Dent J 54:9-11, 2009.
long axis of the tooth rather than at a severe angle. Orthodontic Miller MB: Reality: the information source for esthetic dentistry, Houston, 2009,
Reality Publishing, Co..
treatment ensures that the tooth is in the best position, where
Nanda RS, Tosun YS: Biomechanics in orthodontics: principles and practice,
the forces that act on it are optimally distributed. Hanover Park, IL, 2010, Quintessence.
Reicheneder CA, Gedrange T, Berrisch S, et al: Conventionally ligated versus
self-ligating metal bracketsa comparative study, Eur J Orthod 30:654-
MAINTENANCE 660, 2008.
Kokich VO, Kokich VG, Kiyak HA: Perceptions of dental professionals and
laypersons to altered dental esthetics: Asymmetric and symmetric
The patient must keep the teeth clean, both by performing situations, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 130:141-151, 2006.
maintenance at home and by making regular appointments Vincent K, Frank S: Guidelines for managing the orthodontic-restorative
with the dentist. Patients also must attend regular orthodontic patient, Semin Orthod 3:3-20, 1997.
C H A P T E R 30

Pediatric Dental Procedures

Jenn-Yih (Simon) Lin, Joel H. Berg


Parents are more concerned about esthetics than ever before. In
the past, parents accepted whatever restoration the dentist used, Esthetically desirable procedures for children have undergone a
whether it was dental amalgam or stainless steel crowns. Those continuous development process. Twenty or 30 years ago there
are still used in pediatric dentistry, but parents are asking more were few choices of procedures or materials. Before command-
and more that the dentist incorporate an esthetically desirable cure resin composites were available, using a self-cured compos-
approach into the restorative dentistry or other procedures. It ite in a moving, young child was very challenging. Light-cured
may be an extension of the phenomenon in society that every- composites have been extremely important in pediatric dentistry.
thing is about esthetics, perhaps as a result of the consumer Stainless steel crowns have been a mainstay and still are used for
marketing world or the professional world of dentistry. In pedi- primary molars when the decay extends beyond ideal size for a
atric dentistry, parents are typically young and often have had composite restoration. Amalgams have not stood the test of time
whitening or veneers. The difference between adult dentistry well, whereas stainless steel crowns have. The convergence of the
and pediatric dentistry with regard to esthetics is that pediatric primary molar toward the occlusal surface anatomically makes
patients are rarely brought in specifically for esthetic purposes. it more challenging to perform an intracoronal restoration. The
Esthetics is an added part of restoration fairly exclusively, permanent counterparts, stainless steel crowns, have been around
whereas in adult dentistry esthetics is often the primary and are still used, but, as noted, parents are asking for esthetically
objective. desirable alternatives. The clinicians have responded by trying
to create window facings on stainless steel crowns or to place
composite resin (strip) crowns. Other substitutes for stainless
steel crowns are more esthetically desirable prefabricated veneered
Effect of Esthetically Undesirable stainless steel crowns.
Teeth on Childs Self-Image, Growth,
If a child loses the primary maxillary incisors prematurely, that
is, before the permanent successors are erupted, he or she can
Primary Anterior Teeth
have 2 or 3 years during which there is a space. The child might The greatest area of challenge in primary anterior teeth is the
be made fun of in school or other social situations. Many studies degree of surface decay present. Typically, interproximal and
show that children with crowded teeth may have low self- lingual decay sites are found in early childhood caries, formerly
esteem.1,2 A main cause of crowding in the permanent dentition termed nursing bottle decay. Restoring these teeth esthetically
is space lost in the primary dentition because orthodontic treat- with composite is a significant challenge for pediatric dentists
ment was not performed. If the skeletal causes of orthodontic because these lesions are mostly close to the pulp and may
problems are excluded, crowding in the permanent dentition extend subgingivally. It is necessary to determine the pulps
most often results from the early loss of primary teeth through status before the tooth is restored. If the pulp is involved in the
decay or infections. Space may also be lost without loss of the preparation, with or without disease, pulpectomy should be
tooth when an interproximal caries lesion remains untreated. included in the treatment plan. The diameter of the crown
Clearly the primary dentition can have an effect on the per mesio-distally is greater than the length cervico-incisally, which
manent dentition and can potentially damage the childs makes the tooth appear wider. The retention of the restoration
self-esteem. is compromised by the short crown length.

720 Pediatric Dental Procedures

Diagnostic Techniques usually some metal showing. They are indicated for severely
First, a radiograph is obtained to find out if the decay is close decayed teeth or children with evident severe bruxism.
to the pulp. Second, the history is carefully reviewed with the
parents. The diagnosis is based on the information obtained Veneered Stainless Steel Crowns Many manufactures sell pre-
from the history, the dental radiographs, and the soft tissue veneered stainless steel crowns. A few studies have addressed
examination. The visual and tactile examinations are very impor- their success in primary anterior teeth. More tooth structure
tant. The dentist may not be able to see a sinus tract, but careful reduction is required for veneered stainless steel crowns to
palpation can sometimes reveal small craters on the labial side, accommodate their thickness. The advantages of these crowns
indicating that the pulp is involved. are that they are (1) relatively less technique sensitive and (2)
less time-consuming than resin composite crowns and stainless
Pulp Considerations steel crowns with window facings. However, crimping of facial
If pinpoint bleeding develops, direct pulp capping or pulpotomy margins cannot be performed, and retention relies mainly on
on primary anterior teeth is contraindicated. A pulpectomy is the lingual surfaces. In cases of anterior crowding, they can
required. become very difficult to fit.

Treatment of Choice SummaryPrimary Anterior Teeth

Resin Composite (Strip) Crowns Resin composite crowns Esthetically, resin composite crowns are the best option among
are the most esthetically desirable anterior restorations for the other substitutes. In terms of gingival health, properly fin-
primary anterior teeth but are also among the most technique- ished resin composite crowns are also better than either stain-
sensitive procedures. With crowding of the anterior teeth, it less steel crowns with window facings or veneered stainless steel
is quite challenging to perform a direct composite restoration. crowns. However, adequate remaining tooth structure and con-
Also, primary teeth are whiter than permanent teeth. Most trollable gingival hemorrhage are crucial for their success.
of the time, shade A1 or Extra White must be used. If in Studies have reported high parental satisfaction with veneered
doubt, a tab of composite can be placed on the tooth and stainless steel crowns.4,5 The failure of the resin facings can be
light cured to account for the shade changes occurring during problematic, and these crowns cannot be repaired easily, as
polymerization. Once the proper shade has been selected, the opposed to resin composite crowns. The stainless steel crowns
process continues using that composite. Figure 30-1 presents with window facings are very retentive and can be used for
an example of adhesively bonded resin composite (strip) teeth with minimal remaining structure. The facings may be
crowns. dislodged as with veneered stainless steel crowns. Owing to
Preparation Design Preparation design for primary anterior their time-consuming and compromised esthetics compared
teeth is different from what is needed for permanent anterior with other options, stainless steel crowns are not very promis-
teeth because the teeth are small and more amenable to good ing for a future in which alternative and easier solutions may be
esthetically desirable results. There should be sufficient incisal available.
reduction (about 1.5mm) to avoid incisal fracture. In the pre-
ferred design, more reduction on the labial surface is required.
A small undercut on the facial surface in the gingival third of
Primary Molars
the tooth is recommended to serve as a mechanical lock. On the The typical restoration for primary molars with decay involving
lingual surface there is often minimal reduction (about 0.5mm) multiple surfaces is the stainless steel crown. Alternatives to these
and a feather-edged gingival margin. crowns are also used. In a situation with intracoronal decay,
Isolation Technique Because placing composite is so tech- both composite, glass ionomer, and amalgam have been used
nique sensitive, it is necessary to use rubber dam isolation to for many years. The typical choice will be a direct composite
achieve a good result. Many isolation techniques have been used for small or single-surface lesions. Other esthetically desirable
by clinicians. Traditionally the most popular techniques are the alternatives are direct composite buildup, resin-modified glass
use of ligature ties with dental floss to retract the gingival tissue ionomer, and veneered stainless steel crowns.
or gingivectomy with electrosurgery. A simplified technique
using orthodontic elastomers was recently proposed and shown Treatment of Choice
to be both efficient and effective.3 Direct Composite Figure 30-2 illustrates a case involving a
direct composite buildup.
Stainless Steel Crowns with Window Facings Placement of
stainless steel crowns with window facings is the most time- Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Figure 30-3 presents a case
consuming of the anterior esthetically desirable procedures. A involving a resin-modified glass ionomer.
two-step procedure is required to place a stainless steel crown
with a window facing. The preparation is almost identical to that Veneered Stainless Steel Crowns A study showed that all
for a strip crown except that no facial undercut is needed. Con- veneered stainless steel crowns demonstrated chipping of facings
touring and crimping of the stainless steel crown can provide after four years.6 No difference was found for marginal exten-
adequate retention and a good marginal fit. Esthetically, these sion, occlusion, crown adequacy, or periodontal health between
crowns are not as pleasing as the strip crowns because there is stainless steel crowns and the esthetic crowns. Veneered
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 721



FIGURE 30-1 Resin composite (strip) crowns. A, Clinical photograph shows extensive caries lesions and white spot lesions on
all four incisors. Left untreated, these lesions will develop into larger lesions and possibly affect the adjacent teeth and the under-
lying permanent successors. B, Palatal view. Caries lesions are found in all the interproximal areas of the incisors. Wear facets are
seen on the lingual aspect close to the gingival line. These wear facets result from the grinding of teeth, which is very common
in primary teeth. C, Rubber dam isolation technique. Dental floss is used to secure the elastic rings. The procedure is performed
using general anesthesia. Decayed areas are removed and the area restored. In this case, the lingual surface was prepared and tooth
reduction was performed mainly on the facial and interproximal surfaces. The pulp was not exposed in these four incisors after
complete removal of decay. D, Immediate post-treatment photograph shows gingival bleeding from the sulcus. E, Post-treatment
photograph shows a slightly open bite. In restoring the case, the bite was intentionally opened slightly to eliminate the wear on
the lingual facets of the maxillary anterior teeth.

stainless steel crowns would be appropriate for primary molars SummaryPrimary Molars
with decay involving multiple surfaces and when the parents The choice for the restoration of primary molars should depend
request a more esthetically desirable substitute than stainless on the size and location of the decay, as well as the patients
steel crowns. Parents need to be aware of the high failure rate of caries risk. With a high-caries-risk patient, the traditional stain-
the esthetically desirable facings in order to make an informed less steel crown without veneer is the best option. For a moderate-
decision on whether to use these esthetically desirable crowns caries-risk patient, resin-modified glass ionomer or a direct
versus traditional stainless steel crowns. composite would be adequate. The main problem with veneered
722 Pediatric Dental Procedures




FIGURE 30-2 Direct composite. A, Clinical photograph showing extensive occlusal and buccal decay. Based on the radiographic
examination, mesial and distal surfaces were intact. The parents requested no metal restorations in the mouth because of the
childs history of allergies to metal. B, Rubber dam isolation. The technique shown is a slit technique. There are no individual
holes. The second primary molar, first primary molar, and canine were isolated. C, The caries lesion removed, revealing involve-
ment of the pulp. D, A pulpotomy was performed. The coronal pulp tissue was amputated and the bleeding was well controlled
with wet cotton pallets. E, The radicular pulp was capped with zinc-oxideeugenol and then a layer of glass ionomer cement
owing to the possibility that the eugenol might interfere with the polymerization of the composite. F, Post-treatment photograph
after direct composite application. The entire procedure took 15 to 20 minutes.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 723


FIGURE 30-3 Resin-modified glass ionomer. A, Pre-treatment bitewing radiograph shows interproximal decay on the mesial
surface of the maxillary right first primary molar and second primary molar and on the distal surface of the primary first molar
in the maxillary right quadrant. Note the emerging permanent teeth. The primary pulp chamber is relatively larger than that of
the permanent teeth. The enamel is also thinner than on the permanent teeth, so the progression of caries lesion is more aggres-
sive. If no restoration is undertaken, the pulp may become infected and develop into an abscess. Untreated interproximal decay
can also cause a loss in space. B, Rubber dam isolation (slit) technique. C, Cavity preparation. Existing amalgam was removed
owing to a marginal defect. Continued

stainless steel crowns is that the veneer chips away over time and Management
is hard to repair. The advantages of the direct composite are its Bleaching Figure 30-4 demonstrates the use of bleaching in a
esthetics and that less tooth preparation is required. Direct com- 15-year-old female patient who had experienced trauma.
posite restorations are also poor choices for high-caries-risk Micro-Abrasion Micro-abrasion is a conservative and con-
patients. Full-coverage crowns although possible to place, are trolled technique for removing a thin layer of enamel to
extremely technique sensitive, particularly with young and improve discolorations limited to the outer enamel layer. It
potentially uncooperative patients. involves an abrasive polishing powder to remove the very thin
layer of enamel. Micro-abrasion is appropriate when the discol-
oration is limited to the outer layer of the enamel. Often,
Young Permanent Anterior Teeth white spot lesions are too severe to be improved by this
Discolored Anterior Teeth approach.
Differential Diagnosis The causes of discoloration of the Control of White Spot Lesions Figure 30-5 demonstrates
anterior teeth include trauma; intrinsic staining as a result of the the use of a light-cured glass ionomer material (Vanish XT, 3M
use of tetracycline, which is not common today because most ESPE, St Paul, Minnesota) to control the progress of decalcifica-
pediatricians are aware of the adverse effects of tetracycline; and tion on the white spot lesions. The patient, a 15- year-old girl,
extrinsic staining from tobacco use, soft drink, coffee, or tea had received orthodontic treatment a year previously. After that
drinking, or other dietary exposures. Thorough history taking treatment was completed, the patients main complaint was the
and clinical and radiographic examinations are essential to rec- white spot lesions on all facial surfaces of her anterior teeth. A
ognize the cause in order to best manage the discoloration. patient who has undergone good orthodontic treatment and
724 Pediatric Dental Procedures


FIGURE 30-3, contd D, Contoured matrix band placement. The most commonly used matrix band is the T band, but because
the primary molars have more prominent curvatures, a regular T band will not be able to achieve the ideal contour. In this case,
a contoured matrix band was used. For separation of the two teeth, a ring that comes with the matrix band was used. The normal
etching, bonding, and restorative procedures were then performed. E, Final restoration. The final occlusion was checked carefully
to avoid any occlusal overloading spots. F, Post-treatment bitewing radiograph. Note ideal contour of the posterior restorations,
which matches the original contour.

follows good homecare practices while wearing braces should evaluate the periodontal tissue in cases with crown or root frac-
not develop this kind of decalcification. tures. Periodontal surgery may be needed to achieve the estheti-
Direct Composite or Veneers For moderate discoloration cally desirable result and long-term success.
cases in mixed dentitions or young permanent dentitions, direct
composite or veneers might be considered. The young perma- Management
nent tooth has a relatively large pulp chamber. Over-reduction Direct Composite Figure 30-6 shows a 15-year-old boy who
of tooth structure may cause damage to the pulp tissue. The sustained trauma in a sports-related accident that caused fracture
main concern regarding veneers is that the margins will gradu- of the crown of the maxillary right central incisor and maxillary
ally become visible as the anterior teeth continue to erupt. The right lateral incisor. The patient was not in pain but complained
margin can be easily discolored, consequently compromising the of sensitivity with various exposures.
esthetics. Full Ceramic Crowns Severe trauma involving the pulp
requires endodontic treatment. When this is completed, if the
Chipped or Broken Teeth patient requires no further orthodontic treatment to align the
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning The treatment plan teeth, full ceramic crowns are an option.
depends on the severity of the trauma and how much of the
structure was lost. An esthetic analysis should be done to deter-
mine whether a tooth can be restored to its original shape and
Young Permanent Posterior Teeth
position. If there are any orthodontic concerns, such as an open Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Young permanent
bite, crossbite, or crowding issues, the goal would be to improve molars are more susceptible to pulpal damage caused by deep
on the original function or reshape the teeth to achieve an caries lesions owing to their relatively large pulps. Indirect pulp
acceptable, esthetically desirable result. The clinician should also capping often is required for managing deep caries lesions. If the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 725


FIGURE 30-4 Bleaching. A, Gingival bleeding was present around tooth No. 8, but tooth mobility was within normal limits.
No treatment was performed. B, At the 6-month recall, the patients chief complaint was discoloration of No. 8, but no pain,
swelling, or discomfort was present. Soft tissue and tooth mobility were within normal limits. Tooth No. 8 was non-vital based
on repeated vitality tests. Pulp necrosis was confirmed at access opening. After completion of the root canal treatment, glass
ionomer (Fuji IX, GC America, Alsip, Illinois) was used to seal the canal orifice before bleaching was begun. An internal bleach
was performed using 35% carbamide peroxide for 15 minutes. C, Clinical photograph showing the results immediately after a
single bleaching appointment with 35% carbamide peroxide. The tooth was rinsed and the access to the canal restored with a
direct composite. The composite was placed directly on top of the glass ionomer.

patient has a need for orthodontic treatment, it is generally excessive wear of opposing teeth may result in changes of occlu-
preferred to defer the permanent restorations until after the sal planes in the long term. Strategic placement of ceramic
orthodontic treatment. inlays or onlays can be performed in teeth that are not subject
to heavy occlusal loading and will result in more predictable
Management long-term success.
Direct Composite Figure 30-7 shows a 15-year-old female Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing Milled Res-
patient with pit and fissure decay on the mandibular right first torations Chairside computed-aided design and manufactur-
permanent molar. ing (CAD-CAM) milled restorations can be accomplished in
Indirect Restorations Indirect restorations are indicated one appointment. This is the main advantage over laboratory-
when the decay involves multiple surfaces and ideal contouring fabricated restorations, especially for young patients. The need
is difficult to achieve by matrices. An impression must be taken for a temporary restoration or a second injection of local anes-
after tooth preparation and sent to the laboratory for fabrica- thetic at delivery can be eliminated. Both ceramic and compos-
tion. This procedure requires a minimum of two appoint- ite materials are available for milling. These restorations are
ments rather than one. Material choices include composite proven color stable and wear at a clinically acceptable rate. The
and ceramic. Placement of ceramic restorations to restore phenomenon of submargination is consistently observed owing
caries lesions in posterior teeth requires careful attention. The to wear of the luting composite on occlusal surfaces. However,
726 Pediatric Dental Procedures



FIGURE 30-5 Control of white spot lesions. A, Clinical photograph showing obvious white spots on the canine and lateral
incisor. B, After the teeth were cleaned, only the decalcified areas were acid etched for 15 seconds. C, A resin-modified glass
ionomer (Vanish XT Extended Contact Varnish 3M ESPE, St Paul, Minnesota), from which fluoride leaches, was applied. It
helps to prevent decalcification of the enamel. Once the tooth had undergone light curing, it presented a smooth surface. D, The
completed Vanish XT Extended Contact Varnish. E, The 3-month recall clinical photograph. The decalcifications have become
much smaller and much less apparent. Whether treatment will be repeated depends on the patients choice. In this case, the treat-
ment was not continued because the patient was satisfied with the result at this point.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 727



FIGURE 30-6 Direct composite. A, Fifteen-year-old boy was involved in a traumatic sports-related accident that resulted in the
fracture of the maxillary right central incisor crown and the maxillary right lateral incisor. The patient was not in pain but com-
plained of sensitivity with various exposures. B, Occlusal view shows the dentin exposed on the maxillary right central and lateral
incisors. This explained the patients sensitivity. C, Frontal view of the traumatized central and lateral teeth before restoration.
D, Silicone guide or template to facilitate the composite buildup. After the initial examination, a study model was obtained and
then a wax-up was done on the study model. A silicone impression was taken on the model and cut off the labial part of the sili-
cone. E, A veneer preparation was done on the labial surface, and a light chamfer was done on the palatal surface.
728 Pediatric Dental Procedures



FIGURE 30-6, contd F, Finished preparation from the occlusal aspect. G, After shade selection, a flowable composite is used to
achieve better marginal adaptation. A composite buildup is used to replace the dentin and to mimic the mamelons on the young
permanent incisors. The color used is slightly more yellow than the final restoration to replicate the actual dentinal color. The
next step is to build up the enamel. A different shade is used to match the enamel. In this case, a bit of opaque was used to
replicate the details of contralateral incisors. H, Frontal view of the final restoration. I, Occusal view of the final restoration. Note
the perfect mesio-lingual and disto-lingual line angles achieved with this technique. The arch contour has been maintained on
both the buccal and the lingual aspects. Those teeth fit in naturally with the existing dentition. After the treatment was performed
a mouth guard was made to act as a protective device and for sports participation. It is anticipated that the patient will need
further treatment at some point in the future, and possibly full ceramic crowns, after definitive orthodontic treatment.

consequences of this type of wear leading to restoration failure because it is cost-effective and less time-consuming. If the
have rarely been reported7 (Figures 30-8 and 30-9). lesion involves multiple surfaces, indirect restoration such as
laboratory made or chairside CAD-CAM milled restorations
are the better options. CAD-CAM dentistry has improved tre-
SUMMARYYOUNG mendously in the past decades and appears to be very promis-
PERMANENT TEETH ing for the future. However, it requires investing in expensive
equipment, and additional training is needed for dentists and
The choice of treatment depends on the size and location of their staff.
caries lesions and the caries risk of the patient. If the lesion
involves only a single surface, direct composite will be ideal




FIGURE 30-7 Direct composite. A, 15-year-old girl with pit and fissure caries on the mandibular right first permanent molar
on clinical examination. The patient had no previous fillings placed on this tooth. Isolation was done under a rubber dam. A local
anesthetic was used. B, After the pit and fissures were opened, more extensive decay involving the dentin was uncovered. That
often happens when the enamel has been hardened by fluoride. As soon as the decay goes into the dentin, it balloons out.
C, After the cavity perforation, glass ionomer is used to replace the dentin. D, Glass ionomer base. E, Enamel is acid etched for
15 seconds and rinsed with water. The bonding agent used was Adper Easy Bond (3M ESPE, St Paul, Minnesota). F, Direct
composite placed. G, The occlusion is checked after removal of the rubber dam and the clamp. It is carefully inspected to be sure
the restoration does not have any heavy contact points on the restoration. H, Final restoration.
730 Pediatric Dental Procedures



FIGURE 30-8 Eleven-year-old girl with an amalgam restoration with recurrent caries. A, Rubber dam placement with a slit
technique. B, Clinical photograph showing the complete removal of the amalgam and decay. A resin-modified glass ionomer is
placed as a base to protect the pulp and provide a flat surface. C, Powdering the preparation for an optical impression for a
computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM) restoration. Once the optical impression is taken, the software will
convert the data so that a three-dimensional (3D) model of the preparation is generated. Software will facilitate the design of the
restoration. Once that is completed, the 3D restoration data are sent to the milling machine. When the restoration comes out of
the milling machine, it is ready to be tried in. If it fits, it can be cemented. D, Final restoration was cemented with a composite
cement. The final product is polished to the margins, yielding a very esthetically desirable, functional, and strong restoration.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 731




FIGURE 30-9 Twelve-year-old girl with severe decay on the maxillary right permanent molar. The clinical examination shows
extensive distal decay plus secondary decay around the occlusal amalgam. Occlusal (A) and buccal (B) views of amalgam and
caries lesion. Note the shadow on the mesial of the occlusal surface. The lesion was confirmed on a bitewing radiograph. Local
anesthesia with infiltration was used. C, Final cavity preparation. D, Occlusal view of the try-in of the restoration. E, Buccal view
of the restoration before cementation. All the margins were examined carefully with the explorer. F, The restoration was cemented
with the composite cement. It was polished, and the occlusion was adjusted.
732 Pediatric Dental Procedures


IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 1. Agou S, Locker D, Streiner DL, Tompson B: Impact of self-esteem on the
oral-health-related quality of life of children with malocclusion, Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 134(4):484-489, 2008 Oct.
More esthetically desirable products will be on the market soon. 2. Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML, Paiva SM, Pordeus IA: Malocclusion:
Many manufacturers are trying to improve existing esthetically esthetic impact and quality of life among Brazilian schoolchildren, Am J
desirable crowns for severely decayed primary anterior and pos- Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 129(3):424-427, 2006 Mar.
terior teeth. No products actually achieve long-term success at 3. Psaltis GL, Kupietzky A: A simplified isolation technique for preparation
and placement of resin composite strip crowns, Pediatr Dent 30(5):436-
this point. For smaller areas of decay involving one or two sur- 438, 2008 Sep-Oct.
faces, tooth-colored materials will prevail. Dentists treating chil- 4. Champagne C, Waggoner W, Ditmyer M, et al: Parental satisfaction with
dren will appreciate the continuing improvement of esthetically preveneered stainless steel crowns for primary anterior teeth, Pediatr Dent
desirable, easy-to-handle materials with good physical properties 29(6):465-469, 2007 Nov-Dec.
and fluoride release. With CAD-CAM dentistry booming, it 5. Shah PV, Lee JY, Wright JT: Clinical success and parental satisfaction with
anterior preveneered primary stainless steel crowns, Pediatr Dent
is easy to foresee more applications for young permanent 26(5):391-395, 2004 Sep-Oct.
dentition. 6. Ram D, Fuks AB, Eidelman E: Long-term clinical performance of esthetic
primary molar crowns, Pediatr Dent 25(6):582-584, 2003 Nov-Dec.
7. Fasbinder DJ: Clinical performance of chairside CAD/CAM restorations,
J Am Dent Assoc 137(Suppl):22S-31S, 2006 Sep.
C H A P T E R 31

Sleep and Snoring

Wayne Halstrom

RELEVANCE OF OBSTRUCTIVE the ideal target for information on the snoring of her husband.
There is nothing esthetic about the appearance of a snoring
SLEEP APNEA TO ESTHETIC patient with the usual dropped jaw accompanied by ugly noises.
DENTISTRY The snoring population has been the subject of much deri-
sion for generations. Often the target of cartoonists and humor-
Esthetic dentistry implies a move to a more pleasing counte- ists, the snorer has long been the butt of jokes. The development
nance by enhancing the smile and inspiring confidence with an of sophisticated technology to define the medical importance of
assured appearance. Sleep-disordered breathing, ranging from oxygen deficiency during sleep was the starting point for redefin-
snoring to medically significant sleep apnea, demonstrates a very ing of the relationship between snoring and sleep apnea. The
clear, direct, and dramatic connection to tooth grinding and term sleep apnea was not used in general medical practice as late
clenching. Bruxism is very frequently present in the snoring and as the 1970s. With the availability of the defining technology,
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patient. The most powerful reflex medical researchers moved to seek treatment for nocturnally
action possessed by the mammal is to protect the airway. There oxygen-deprived patients. Although there are distinct differences
is clear evidence that the act of clenching of the teeth will result among some classifications of sleep apnea, the focus of this
in some increase in the size of the airway. For many generations chapter is OSA.
of dentists the root causes of bruxism have been issues of debate. In response to the need for therapy for this condition, a home
Dentistry has considered stress and habit to be among the causes ventilator device was developed. The device delivers continuous
of this phenomenon. A shutdown of the airway may be the positive airway pressure (CPAP). The CPAP machine is a life
beginning of a long trail of clenching and grinding in the sleep saving device for people with the more severe form of sleep
apnea patient. Bruxing patients will tear apart the beautiful apnea. The downfall of CPAP therapy is that it is generally
dentistry achieved through the many esthetic procedures avail- overprescribed, in the sense that general medical practice has
able to dentists in the twenty-first century. It is common within been to prescribe CPAP whenever any form of sleep apnea is
a practice to be able to recount experiences in which cases with present. The management of the device is difficult. There are
great similarities in dental requirements have resulted in a wide difficulties with finding a mask that fits. The device requires that
variation of time of service of the restorations. Often the patient during sleep the wearer must be attached to a blower by a hose,
who tears apart the dental work is a sleep-disorderedbreathing which limits the ability to turn over. In general, a CPAP device
patient whose condition went undiagnosed. The dentist, being is invasive to the sleep posture and comfort. If ones life is in
unaware of the threat to the dental health, will have gone ahead danger every time the eyes are closed, which is unquestionably
in good faith to restore and protect the dentition, only to find the case for the severely apneic patient, the patient will usually
that the restoration may break down as a result of an undiag- accommodate to anything. It is the milder levels of sleep apnea
nosed and untreated OSA condition. that, although medically significant, do not necessarily catch the
No group of health professionals is more ideally placed to attention of the patient. In the mild sleep apnea patient, the use
screen for people with sleep-disordered breathing than the dental of the CPAP machine is limited by the inconvenience and dis-
team. Patients see their dentists on a regular and ongoing basis. comfort for the patient as well as the noise and disruption to
Only on rare occasions is the dental service accompanied by the sleep of the sleep partner.
pain, suffering, and general health disease. Compared with a The use of oral appliances to treat sleep-disordered breathing
medical practice, in which patient appointments are most com- became common after the late 1980s. The first recorded use of
monly associated with some form of medical concern, dental manipulation of the tongue position to alleviate OSA occurred
appointments are much more benign. Dental patients who come in 1934. The technique lay dormant for the next 50 years until
in for regular recall visits can and should be screened for other patient compliance with the use of CPAP therapy was identified
issues related to their dental concerns. A mother sitting in the as being problematic and other solutions were required. Since
waiting room while her child is having a recall appointment is 1990 an enormous amount of research has been done, which

734 Sleep and Snoring

eventually led to the release of the American Academy of Sleep symptoms associated with OSA, whereas many diagnosed with
Medicine position paper on the use of oral appliances in the mild OSA have significant and life-altering or life-threatening
treatment of sleep apnea and snoring. Until the release of this symptoms. OSA is divided into mild, moderate, and severe
paper, which was 10 years in the making, one significant barrier categories. Oral appliance therapy, as outlined by the American
to the use of oral appliances was the position taken by the insur- Academy of Sleep Medicine, is best suited but not necessarily
ance community identifying the therapy as being experimental limited to the treatment of OSA in the mild and moderate
and therefore not a covered service. Since the release of this categories.
position paper the landscape has dramatically changed, with
most insurers, including some governmental agencies, now cov-
Sleep apnea appliances are useful for people who snore. The
RELATING FUNCTION dental office should develop a screening program that starts with
AND ESTHETICS three basic questions:
1. Do you snore?
In considering oral sleep appliances, it is necessary to relate 2. Are you sleepy during the day?
function and esthetics. Appliances used to treat sleep disorders 3. Does your sleep partner report that you stop breathing at
offer protection for the teeth against damage resulting from night?
destructive oral habits and jaw muscle responses related to
sleep apnea. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, a more com-
Protection is important whether one has a natural dentition prehensive screening is suggested. There are a number of vali-
or a restored dentition. One important distinction is that the dated questionnaires available. If the results indicate a high
dentist treating the sleep disorder and the restorative dentist are probability for OSA, the patient should be referred for a medical
not necessarily the same person. Appliance selection and the assessment and diagnosis. By virtue of training, experience, and
transmission of knowledge about the sleep disorder treatment to licensure, dentists are not legally able to differentially diagnose
the general or specialist dentist are of paramount importance. patients who snore and do or do not have OSA. The opportunity
There may be repercussions from wearing a jaw advancement to treat snoring patients exists. Proceeding with treatment
device during the night. The five most feared words in the without confirmation of the patients medical assessment engen-
vocabulary of the sleep dentist is Doctor, my bite has changed. ders risk. The medical condition of OSA may be negatively
Although a change in bite may be inevitable in some patients, affected by the use of oral appliances in some cases. Medical
ensuring that the patient is aware of and understands this pos- backup is not only advisable but essential.
sibility is only one part of the equation. Ensuring that other
members of the patients dental team are aware is critical to
avoiding unnecessary inconvenience and perhaps medico-legal CLINICAL OPTIONS
Research at the University of Montreal has shown that for A number of approaches are available for treating people with
patients who have OSA, the use of a single-arch maxillary night sleep-disordered breathing. The number one cause of this disor-
guard can make that patients condition worse by a factor of der is a genetic predisposition to the condition. Patients inherit
50% in half of the cases. This puts an entirely new light on the a set of craniofacial characteristics that predispose to having a
mass use of night guards to protect teeth from nighttime threats. nighttime breathing problem. Typical Class II malocclusion
If a patient exhibits the need for night guard therapy, the dentist patients are prime candidates because the tongue is jammed back
should investigate the possibility of an OSA problem. It is owing to the mandibular positioning. Patients with a small air
important to remember that snoring and OSA are a part of a passage or a soft palate and uvula positioned low behind the
continuum. Snoring is the first and most obvious sign of a tongue are at greater risk. The second of the evil trio is ageing.
compromised airway. From there patients proceed along the As one ages, every set of tissues in the body loses tone. This
spectrum of sleep-disordered breathing. The airway that is means that the collapsible tube called the velopharynx, which is
obstructed but not occluded presents a condition known as 2 1 2 inches long and is positioned right behind the tongue, will
upper airway resistance syndrome. These patients are struggling to grow lax. The tube becomes progressively more collapsible over
breath. The body response is hypertension leading to elevated time. The third of the prime causes is being overweight.
blood pressure. In the dental realm is the natural body response When considering treatment alternatives, lifestyle changes
of bruxism to alleviate a compromised airway. are a first line of treatment. Treatment of a patient who is 40
One very common aspect of sleep-disordered breathing is pounds overweight will be a much greater challenge than if a
that the signs and symptoms of the condition do not necessarily loss of 20 pounds could be achieved. Lifestyle changes are the
fall in line with the empirical numbers established by sleep most cost-effective but may also be the most challenging.
studies. Many patients with a mild diagnosis will exhibit aggres- Surgical approaches are a possibility. In appropriate anato
sive symptoms, and the converse is also true. Some of the mical situations, surgery may offer the only other cure for
more severely affected patients disavow the daytime sleepiness the problem. The surgical approach ranges from the most
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 735

extremetracheostomyto laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty.

Alteration of the throat anatomy by resecting the uvula and soft
palate has been shown to be effective. One technique that has
come available in the last few years is the Pillar Procedure. This
intervention involves the placement of two or more rods in the
soft palate to stiffen the tissue and thus relieve the snoring.
However, no matter how the procedure is done, surgery is inva-
sive. Conventional wisdom is to pursue the non-invasive options
before going to the surgical alternative.
CPAP has been the most highly regarded therapy, as previ-
ously discussed. With compliance issues has come the impetus FIGURE 31-1 Silencer appliance. (Courtesy Silencer Products Interna-
tional Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia.)
to consider alternatives. The use of oral appliances to reposition
the mandible during sleep has presented a welcome alternative.
Consensus exists that the tongue is the biggest of the players in appliance of this type was in continuous service for 16 years.
sleep-disordered breathing problems. The most restorative and Durability and other characteristics vary with the type of appli-
rejuvenating sleep is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. During ance chosen.
REM sleep there are only two sets of muscles active: the orbital The process for finishing the device is the same as for all
muscles of the eyes and the cardiovascular system. As all other dental devices. Appliances should be sleek and smooth, with no
muscle groups and tissues become relaxed; the weight of the appendages that will break and result in either ingestion of pieces
teeth, jaw, jowls, tongue, and lower half of the face become a or injury to soft tissue. Springs, clasps, and wires are not welcome
dead weight to the jaw joint. The collapsing of the tongue into additions. The author prefers relying on the interproximal areas
the airway then causes the airway to become obstructed. to secure retention rather than using things that the patient
There are two functional aspects to the use of oral appliances. might ingest or aspirate to create a medical emergency.
The first is stabilization of the lower jaw. Dramatic evidence of
the collapse of the lower jaw is best publicly demonstrated by
looking at the sleeping passengers on an airplanenot particu- OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
larly esthetic.
The second attribute of the oral appliance is the repositioning Clinicians all develop biases based on knowledge and experience.
of the lower jaw in a forward position during sleep. As the jaw The authors bias is toward the use of implant-grade titanium
is repositioned forward, the tongue, attached as it is to the infe- precision attachments to deliver the best results both in durabil-
rior aspect of the mandible, will be pulled forward and out of ity and function. The Silencer appliance (Figure 31-1) uses preci-
the airway. sion attachments to enable adjustments in both the anteroposterior
Oral appliances exhibit significant advantages over other positioning and the vertical positioning of the mandible.
treatment modalities. The surgical approaches are invasive. The author believes that the use of the vertical adjustments
CPAP is not only invasive at the human level but also an incon- in treatment of OSA patients is important. Bite change is a
venience when traveling. The shirt pocket placement of an oral common companion to mandibular advancement therapy.
appliance makes its use while traveling very attractive. There is a lack of consensus as to the reasons for this phenom-
enon. Experience involving a case load in excess of 3000 patients
over a period of 20 years has convinced the author that in
CURRENT BEST APPROACHES patients with a steep condylar pathway the increase of vertical
dimension not only enhances the comfort of the wearer but also
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now avoids stretching of the mandibular ligaments, which can invite
approved over 30 different oral appliances. Some appliances are a posterior open bite. Identifying the slope of the condylar
very simple thermoplastic devices that can be used as screening pathway is possible using computed tomography (CT) scanning
tools to identify patients who may respond well to oral appliance technology; however, further complicating the costs of therapy
therapy. Others are complex custom-made devices that are may be unwelcome. Very careful titration of the appliance in
designed to offer significant adjustment features that engender both dimensions will offer the best protection against unwel-
comfort as well as performance. Differing materials offer other come occlusal changes.
challenges. The thermoplastic materials may invite tooth posi-
tioning changes. The author prefers the use of a hard acrylic
overlay to provide strength to the appliance but also to inhibit INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS
tooth movement. The hard acrylic is brought to just beyond the
height of contour of the teeth, offering small cups of hard The earliest devices used to treat OSA were monobloc-style
acrylic to stabilize the teeth. The body material of the appliance appliances that simply repositioned the jaw forward. No lateral
is an injected high-impact permanently elastic material the offers movement was possible, and there were no adjustment features
retention and comfort. The average length of service of this type beyond segmenting the blocks of acrylic and rejoining them in
of appliance has been shown to be 5 years. The longest-used a more forward position.
736 Sleep and Snoring

FIGURE 31-3 Upper denture patient with appliance in place.

(Courtesy Silencer Products International Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia.)

whether it will have something that sticks out of the mouth

during sleep or if it is sleek and will disappear into the oral
cavity. The size of the device and blending of the device into
the configuration of the lips and the oral cavity are important
artistic considerations. It is important to recognize that for
many patients the motivation for seeking therapy is driven by
the sleep partner.
FIGURE 31-2 A, Halstrom Hinge. B, Disassembled Hal-
strom Hinge. (Courtesy Silencer Products International Ltd., Vancouver, British
Once the patient has been diagnosed, it is necessary to make a
In the early 1990s, research at the University of British choice of weapons. Should the dentist use a press-fit type of
Columbia identified the use of the Halstrom Hinge (Figure appliance as a test to demonstrate to the patient the possible
31-2) in the management of jaw position. The Silencer appli- advantages of therapy? The author cautions that in using these
ance, using the Halstrom Hinge, permits incremental forward devices a dentist should prepare the patient for the fact that this
adjustment of the jaw as well as lateral movement. The lateral is not what it is like to wear a custom-made appliance. If the
movement is critical to both patient comfort and relief of the patient is nervous about the claustrophobic element or about
impact of bruxism. the size of the appliance in the mouth, the author would choose
Modern appliances offer sensitivity to specific nuances. Con- not to go forward with a temporary device, as this may affect
sider, for instance, the class II patient. Cluttering the mouth the treatment acceptance. Patient selection is particularly impor-
with apparatus will further crowd the tongue space. Differently tant to the successful oral appliance practice. Study models are
designed appliances can alleviate this problem. The severe bruxer an important part of the pre-treatment process. The best confir-
must also be considered. The design of the appliance must allow mation about whether oral appliance methods work is found in
for the jaw of the bruxing patient to move not only laterally but the research.
also elliptically. One variation of the Halstrom Hinge allows the A question arises as to the possibility of treating edentulous
mandible to accomplish the elliptical movement through a rede- patients with oral appliances. It is possible to successfully use an
sign of the apparatus to prevent the mandible from falling back- oral appliance in edentulous individuals. There has been consid-
ward while permitting the patient to thrust the mandible forward erable success with the maxillary edentulous; however, fully
to the maximum extension and permitting the elliptical move- edentulous patients should undergo other treatment alternatives.
ment so common to the bruxing patient. In the authors experience, patients without upper teeth can be
treated by using the maxillary component of the Halstrom
Hinge precision attachment in a duplicate maxillary denture
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS (Figure 31-3). This can be effective as long as there are sufficient
lower teeth present to retain the appliance. One can expect suf-
The artistic area involves the design of the appliances being ficient retention from a well-fitted maxillary denture to manage
used. Some patients, even though they know they will be asleep, the mandibular advancement necessary to have successful
worry about what the appliance will look like. They wonder therapy.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 737

TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS oral appliance candidate. In such cases a referral to an otolaryn-

gologist or ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeon for further
The first issue to consider is whether or not the patient is a evaluation is in order. In some cases a surgical procedure may
candidate for oral appliance therapy. Four anatomical consider- be of assistance in reducing the tissue bulk and rendering the
ations that might be barriers to treatment success are assessed. patient an oral appliance candidate.
Dental issues that are important include the condition of the The fourth consideration is the depth of the posterior lingual
teeth required to support an appliance. The presence of evi- space. Even though a patient may have a class II or III Mal-
dence of bruxism will influence the decision as to the type of lampati configuration, if the posterior lingual space is sufficiently
appliance to be used. The mandibular range of motion is large, successful treatment may be attained.
important. The average range of motion from centric relation For custom-made appliances, the dental procedures begin
to maximum protrusion is 14mm. If the range of motion is with an evaluation of the patient from the standpoint of dental
restricted to less than 7mm, expectations of success from man- qualification to wear an oral appliance. The presence of sufficient
dibular advancement must be reduced. The success gained teeth to provide retention of the device is paramount. Some
from support to the lower jaw is unaltered, but the tension to appliances require more tooth support than others.
be placed on the musculature around the airway will be It is important to identify any issues that will present prob-
reduced. lems for the use of the appliance. The configuration of the
The second barrier to success may be the size of the tongue. dentition must be compatible with the fitting of an appliance.
The critically obese patient is more likely to have a tongue that Having qualified the patient, the dentist will go through the
will be difficult to manage. The more crowded the intra-oral usual format for appliance creation. Impressions and bite regis-
space, the more difficult it will be for the patient to become tration begin the process. Once the appliance has been fabri-
accustomed to the appliance. cated, the dentist will fit the appliance, ensuring proper
The third consideration is the positioning of the soft palate retention and comfort. Successful therapy is a marriage between
and uvula. A classification is used to guide practitioners in this comfort and function. Without comfort there can be no func-
respect. The Mallampati scale (Figure 31-4) rates patients from tion. With the patient sufficiently informed and prepared, the
I through IV. titration process begins. A start point will be taken during the
A class I patient will most likely not have an airway problem, bite registration at approximately 50% of the range of motion.
as the arches of the soft palate are clearly visible without depress- From this point the airway response of the patient to the
ing the tongue. Conversely, the class IV patients tongue must support of the lower jaw and the anterior positioning must be
be significantly depressed in order for the uvula and the assessed. This may be accomplished only over time. The patient
arches to be seen. The class IV patient is the least desirable must become accustomed to wearing the device before an effec-
tive assessment of the function of the appliance may be accom-
plished. Once the patient can report success in wearing the
appliance every night, the process of assessment of the proper
positioning may begin. There will be a sweet spot in the posi-
tioning of the lower jaw that will deliver the best result. Deter-
mining this position will be a work in progress. It is always a
good idea to make sure the patient understands this process will
involve some trial and error. When the patient can report that
there is some progress in the reduction of the symptoms that
drove him or her to seek therapy, it is time to do a follow-up
sleep test. There are alternatives from which to choose in this
regard. These alternatives will range from the most simple
pulse oximetryto fully monitored polysomnographic over-
Class I Class II night studies. The choice will be made by the practitioner based
on the advice and council of the medical advisors involved with
the dental practitioner. The first and most obvious sign of a
compromised airway is snoring. Elimination or relief in this
symptom is the first sign that treatment is on the right track.
Different settings may be chosen by the titration team, which
may consist of the dentist, a respiratory therapist, and a regis-
tered nurse and/or a physician. When the appliance is function-
ing at the best position possible, a decision must be made as to
the effectiveness of the treatment. This is a decision for the
patients physician. Communication between the titration team
Class III Class IV
and the physician is essential so that the titration accomplishes
FIGURE 31-4 Mallampati classification. (From Phillips N: Berry the desired results. Some patients cannot be successfully treated
and Kohns operating room technique, ed 11, St Louis, 2007, Mosby.) by either CPAP or oral appliance therapy. When a patient with
738 Sleep and Snoring

severe apnea cannot wear the CPAP device owing to the pres- when in fact the bite may not have been perfect in the
sure required to maintain the airway, an oral appliance may be beginning.
required to support the jaw and gain as much mechanical
opening of the airway as possible. This form of combination
therapy can be highly successful. EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
Successful therapy is assessed by a combination of resolution
of clinical symptoms supported by hard data obtained via The amount of research on sleep-disordered breathing is exten-
follow-up testing. Once the patient response is determined to sive. It has been said that the sheer quantity of sleep-related
be successful, the patient will be placed on long-term recall so research now rivals the amount of cardiovascular research. A
that the dentist can check the appliance on a regular basis. The great deal of current research has dealt with the efficacy and
time chosen for recall will be dependent on individual clinical advantages of oral appliance therapy, with a number of projects
considerations. involved with comparison studies between the modalities of
A question that very frequently comes up is the relationship CPAP and oral appliances. Over the last 15 years, a body of
between temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues and oral appli- evidence has accumulated that is irrefutably in support of oral
ance therapy. Because the purpose of oral appliance therapy is appliances. The latest element of interest has been the impact of
to advance the mandible, most TMJ issues will be mitigated bruxism. Bruxism was previously classified by the American
rather than made worse. It is prudent to treat patients with a Academy of Sleep Medicine as a parasomnia. Bruxism has now
history of TMJ issues in the most conservative fashion in relation been reclassified to stand on its own as a sleep-related movement
to the amount and timing of the mandibular advancement, disorder. This reclassification opens up the opportunity for more
which can be delayed until the effects of a minimal amount of research on bruxism as a sleep disorder.
mandibular advancement have registered as beneficial to the
TMJ symptoms.
In this regard it is pertinent to consider the issue of bite CONTROVERSIES
registration. The author prefers the use of a gothic arch tracing
(Figure 31-5) as the mechanism to determine the starting point There is an ongoing debate as to the relevance of vertical adjust-
for the therapy. The advantage of using a tracing is that the ment capability in oral appliances. In the authors opinion, it is
clinician is able to measure the range of motion accurately. In not only important but critical to success in cases in which
addition, the use of the gothic arch tracing enables a level of minute adjustments can mean the difference between success
TMJ diagnostics. Patients who have closed locks or other TMJ and failure. Adjustments to the vertical can also be important
malfunctions can be identified by the variations in the pattern to patient comfort. Some patients are more comfortable in a
of the mandibular movement. If TMJ issues can be identified at more closed position, and in others the reverse is true.
the outset, problems may be either predicted or mitigated. There remains debate as to the effectiveness of magnetic
Saving the tracing as a part of the permanent health record can resonance imaging or acoustic resonance as a mechanism to
be of inestimable value in cases in which there have been bite predict airway response. Further research will help clarify this
changes resulting from the wearing of a mandibular advance- issue.
ment device. The actual tracing apparatus is retained with the Another ongoing controversy is the treatment of bruxism,
study models. It is possible to recreate the patients bite rela- which requires extensive research to fully understand the under-
tionship at any time, thereby permitting a defense against lying issues and their resolution.
claims that there have been negative bite relationship changes

Precision attachments will become available that will enable
dentists to further customize appliances to fit unusual cases.
The use of oral appliances in support of other therapies will
become more common as the medical community affords the
necessary respect to the value of oral appliance therapy.
The issues third-party payment will become resolved as the
medical acceptance of oral appliance therapy moves forward.
Most insurers leave the question of validation of procedures to
a medical board. The respect gained within the medical com-
munity will carry this issue. Maintaining the dentist-physician
relationship is essential to building the respect that oral appli-
ance therapy deserves. Failure to recognize this issue pits the
physician and the medical team against the dental team and will
FIGURE 31-5 Gothic arch tracer (GAT). (Courtesy Silencer Products frustrate the potential of oral appliances as a recognized treat-
International Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia.) ment modality.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 739


It is important that the dentist look at the relevance of other By following a strict protocol, the sleep dentist may engender
medical conditions that are core liabilities associated with sleep- respect within his or her medical community as well as providing
disordered breathing. OSA invites diabetes, as oxygen deficiency a highly needed service that will affect and perhaps save the lives
inhibits the production of insulin. Reduced production of tes- of patients.
tosterone that results from depressed blood oxygen may limit
sexual performance in men. Patients may be compromised
through stroke and cardiovascular disease. Patients with signifi- SUGGESTED READINGS
cant apnea have a 2.5-times-higher risk of heart disease and a
2.8-times-higher risk of stroke than individuals without apnea. The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (www.
Sleep disorders are a factor in obesity. They have negative offers a reading list that is both extensive and com-
effects including the accumulation of fatty deposits as a result plete. The author advises all dentists interested in this field to
of changes in hormones that affect the appetite as well as the peruse this list and consider joining the Academy, an ongoing
metabolic process of burning of the fuel (calories) taken in. source of information and support.
Reversal of blood oxygen deficits may enable the overweight
population to have more success with weight loss programs.
32 C H A P T E R

Sterilization and Disinfection



George Freedman

RELEVANCE OF STERILIZATION Sterilizabletypically metal and heavy-duty plastic items

Disposablecotton, paper, or lightweight plastic recy-
It is well established in the medical profession that antiseptic clable items (Figure 32-4, B)
procedures involves more than just washing hands and by exten-
sion cleansing instruments. Sterilization of instruments is one of Eventually it became apparent that dental instruments were
the cornerstones of modern dentistry. It is accepted without of two major types with respect to sterilization:
question that the process of cleansing instruments and other Instruments that are solid, whose external surfaces must
equipment between patients is a fundamental requirement of be sterilized (Figure 32-5, A)
any dental procedure. In the process of delivering esthetic treat- Hollow instruments, such as handpieces, that have inter-
ment to patients, it is extremely important not to risk the trans- nal lumens that can harbor bacteria and viruses and
mission of any disease. All materials that are inserted into a require flushing out during the sterilization process (Figure
patients mouth must be free of bacteria as well. The esthetic 32-5, B)
procedure must be performed under conditions that offer low
risk to the patient, the dentist, and any auxiliary personnel. The Today, effective sterilization systems are available that can be
sterilization procedures explained here are standard in the dental utilized for every type of dental instrument, whether solid or
profession. No special precaution or procedure is required for hollow, and regardless of shape or size. It is important to recog-
esthetic procedures. nize that sterilizer verification is an absolute necessity. Not only
must the sterilizer be working, but it must be regularly and
continuously proven to be working effectively. Sterilizer verifica-
BRIEF HISTORY OF STERILIZATION tion can be done in house (Figure 32-6), at the dentists office
with kits that are commercially available, or by outside agencies
At one time merely wiping down dental instruments with an that provide the service for a fee.
antiseptic solution was considered adequate to prevent the trans- Different jurisdictions have different requirements for steril-
mission of disease from one patient to another (Figure 32-1). In ization, and each practitioner must follow the rules in his or her
time, techniques progressed to cleansing instruments in solu- local area. No matter what the rules are, the practitioner has an
tions that were designed to eliminate most, if not all, bacteria obligation to the patient and staff to maintain a healthy, clean
and possibly viruses as well. It was then recognized that steriliza- practice environment.
tion was the only effective means of ensuring that bacterial The process of sterilization can be effectively accomplished
transmission did not occur (Figure 32-2). Coincidentally, the using two separate components: (1) pre-sterilization (removing
use of personal barriers such as gloves, masks, and protective the debris) and (2) sterilization (eliminating the pathogens that
eyewear also became common during this period (Figure 32-3). can transmit and transfer disease). Both of these steps must be
Dental materials and instruments were categorized into two accomplished effectively and efficiently. If the sterilization proce-
subsets: dure takes too long, it can encourage individuals to take shortcuts

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 741

that are detrimental to all concerned. Longer sterilization proce-

dures also require more instruments sets, creating a financial
liability for the practice. Sterilization must be predictable, effec-
tive, and efficient.

There are various approaches to in-office autoclaving, but a
common thread of these procedures is that pre-sterilization (or
washing) of the instruments is an indispensable step. Guidelines
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
the British Dental Association, and the Robert Koch Institute
FIGURE 32-1 An instrument being wiped off with a piece of indicate a preference for automated washing over manual
cloth. washing (Box 32-1). These guidelines and standards should be
considered when establishing dental office protocols.

FIGURE 32-2 An autoclave flash sterilizer used for steriliza-

tion of instruments and handpieces (Statim 5000s, Courtesy SciCan,
Toronto, Ontario). FIGURE 32-3 Gloves, mask, and protective eyewear.


FIGURE 32-4 Metal and plastic instruments that can be sterilized (A), and cotton, paper, and lightweight plastic instruments
that should be disposed of and not sterilized (B).
742 Sterilization and Disinfection Sterilization

FIGURE 32-5 A, Instruments with

solid external surfaces. B, Hollow



FIGURE 32-6 In-office systems used to monitor the effectiveness of sterilizers. A, SporeCheck. B, Bioview Incubator. (A courtesy
Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, Chicago, Illinois; B courtesy North Bay BioScience, Traverse City, Michigan).

The clinical success of pre-sterilization is directly related to instruments (Figure 32-7). The effectiveness of manual decon-
two main factors: tamination is highly suspect. No brushing instruments or
Effectiveness of the procedure scrubbing techniques can effectively eliminate 100% of all the
Efficiency of the process debris on every single dirty instrument. Even if this could be
accomplished, questions arise concerning how long the cleans-
Pre-sterilization consists of three separate actions, each of ing takes and how to verify its effectiveness. The evaluation of
which must be successfully completed to prepare for effective debris removal by scrubbing should be microscopic, but in the
autoclaving. These are: (1) debris removal and washing, (2) bustle of an active practice, often only a quick visual glance is
rinsing, and (3) drying. All too often, some or all of these essen- practical. The inherent risks of manual scrubbing are serious
tial steps are overlooked or missed. ones:
1. Glove and/or skin punctures risk the dental auxiliarys
health and well-being (Figure 32-8).
Debris Removal 2. Incomplete debris removal risks cross-infection among
The removal of organic and inorganic debris and protein is patients (Figure 32-9).
typically the most labor-intensive, most time-consuming, least 3. The scrubbing action aerosolizes fluid droplets that can
effective, and most dangerous of the three actions. The most strike the auxiliarys unprotected arms, face, eyes, or
common technique for debris removal is hand scrubbing the mouth, risking the auxiliarys health (Figure 32-10).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 743

BOX 32.1 Organizations That Handle Infection Control

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United Kingdom has been financed by the English
Atlanta, Georgia Department of Health.
Overview Website
The CDC is one of the major operating components of the
Department of Health and Human Services. They made
their first set of complete recommendations directed The Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Berlin, Germany
specifically toward dentistry in 1986, with updates in 1993 Overview
and 2003. Most infection control procedures today are The tasks of the RKI include the monitoring of emerging
based on the 2003 recommendations. diseases and risk factors in the general population as well as
Website the provision of scientific research. These tasks make the RKI the central institution and the coordination center for
index.htm the Federal Ministry for Health for applied and basic
research in the following areas:
British Dental Association (BDA), London, Infectious diseases, including infection epidemiology

England Epidemiology of non-transmissible diseases

Overview The RKI takes part in the preparation of guidelines,

The BDA is the professional association and trade union for recommendations, and expert opinions for the federal
dentists in the United Kingdom. The BDA advice sheet, government, the parliament, and the scientific sector and
Infection Control in Dentistry, was developed in 2003 with engages in other health-related political issues.
the Department of Health in England and is consistent with Website
current infection control policies in the National Health
Service. Its production and distribution to dentists in the node.html?__nnn=true


FIGURE 32-7 A, Dental auxiliary hand scrubbing an instrument. B, Close-up of the brush being used to scrub the

FIGURE 32-8 Glove punctured by an instrument. FIGURE 32-9 Debris left on an instrument.
744 Sterilization and Disinfection Sterilization

FIGURE 32-10 Fluid droplets on mask

and skin of the dental auxiliary caused by
the scrubbing action.


professional-grade, hospital-grade washers. They are loaded with

instruments after the chairside removal of any residual dental
materials, such as cements and composites, which are insoluble
in water. Effective in removing over 99.9% of all protein from
instruments, the washer provides uniform results in pre-
sterilization instrument processing. The automated washing,
rinsing, and drying procedure is hands-free, eliminating punc-
ture and aerosolized microbe risks for the auxiliary.
Not all cleaning solutions are equally compatible with all
instruments, and this is clearly indicated on packaging. Dentists,
however, must deal with various metals and coatings, including
stainless steel, carbon steel, and aluminum. It makes sense to use
advanced chemistry cleaning solutions that have the best com-
patibility profile, such as HIP (HYDRIM Instrument Protection
[SciCan Ltd.]) (Figure 32-13). HYDRIM washers automatically
FIGURE 32-11 Instruments sitting in an ultrasonic bath. dispense small, optimal amounts of HIP solution to the pre-
wash, wash, and rinse cycles for maximum effectiveness, provid-
ing benefits not only for dental instruments but also for the
Ultrasonic baths and solutions (Figure 32-11) have been used
to remove debris for many years. They apply high-frequency
sound waves to separate debris from the instruments. The two
major concerns with this approach are that ultrasonic baths may Instruments that have been manually scrubbed or placed in an
not have enough power to remove all of the debris (requiring an ultrasonic bath are rinsed with cold or warm water at normal
additional hand scrubbing session) and the ultrasonic process pressures to remove loosened debris. It is unlikely that even
can destroy the sharpness of dental instruments. Ultrasonic solu- detached debris can be effectively rinsed out of the nooks and
tions are not disinfecting and have no antimicrobial properties, crannies of dental instruments (Figure 32-14).
yet they are often used for more than one patient over a day or Automated washers use elevated water temperatures and
longer. Hence instruments may be cross-contaminated prior to concentrated spray pressure to effectively rinse loosened debris
sterilization. from the instruments, leaving them ready for uncompromised
Automated debris removal with instrument washers (such as sterilization. This is done hands-free as part of an automated
the HYDRIM C51w and HYDRIM L110w [SciCan, Ltd., cycle. Fresh water and cleaning solutions are used in the
Toronto, ON, Canada]) (Figure 32-12) is far less technique HYDRIM unit for each cycle, eliminating concerns about
sensitive and much more predictable. These units are cross-contamination.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 745


FIGURE 32-12 The HYDRIM C51w (A) and HYDRIM L110w (B) instrument washers. (Courtesy SciCan, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.)

The two overriding concerns surrounding the drying procedure
during pre-sterilization are the effectiveness and length of time
for the desiccation process. If instruments are to be wrapped or
bagged during the sterilization process, they must be thoroughly
dried before being placed in the sterilizer.
Passive drying can often take an hour or longer (Figure
32-15, A). During this time the instruments are out of active
clinical circulation. Patient treatment is an ongoing and con-
tinuous process, and each individual requires a freshly sterilized
set of instruments. The longer the combined pre-sterilization
and sterilization procedures take, the longer a set of instruments
is out of active clinical use, requiring the practice to have more
instrument sets. Because the typical instrument setup (including
handpieces) can cost $2000 to $3000 or more, the number of
FIGURE 32-13 HYDRIM Instrument Protection (HIP) instrument kits not in active clinical use at any given time has
cleaning solution. (Courtesy SciCan, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.) a major bearing on practice overhead.
Manual scrubbing and ultrasonic cleaning are usually
followed by manual drying (patting dry) (Figure 32-15, B).
However, manual drying does not completely eliminate wetness,
risking instrument corrosion and compromising the sterilization
process when instruments are wrapped or bagged. Manual
drying risks puncture contamination for the auxiliary, and the
process is also very time-consuming whether done properly or
not. Automated drying in the HYDRIM is accomplished hands-
free and is totally technique insensitive. Because the instruments
are already warm from the thermal rinse, they take only 10
minutes or less to dry. Thus, instrument kits are efficiently cycled
for rapid, efficient sterilization, reducing overall practice over-
head. HYDRIM baskets are designed to fit precisely into a
Statim sterilizer, allowing for their direct transfer from one unit
to the other, further increasing efficiency.
The automated pre-sterilization technique is very simple and
1. The instruments are loaded into the washer in cassettes
and/or baskets (Figure 32-16, A).
2. The appropriate washing cycle is selected (Figure
FIGURE 32-14 Instruments being rinsed. 32-16, B).
746 Sterilization and Disinfection Sterilization


FIGURE 32-15 A, Passive drying of instruments. B, Manual drying of instruments (patting dry).


FIGURE 32-16 A, Instruments loaded into the washer in cassette and baskets. B, Washing cycle selected. C, Cassettes and
instruments in baskets being unloaded.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 747

TABLE 32-1 Definitions in Sterilization and Disinfection

Cleaning Technique of removing visible contamination from a dental instrument or surface through
physical scrubbing (manual decontamination), an energy-chemical process (ultrasonic
cleaning), or automated washing to ensure it is thoroughly cleaned, free of debris, and ready
for effective sterilization.
Automated washing eliminates the need to pre-soak or scrub instruments.
Process is used only as a preamble to sterilization and is unacceptable as a solitary cleaning
procedure for dental instruments.
Disinfection Destruction of microorganisms, pathogenic or otherwise, by physical or chemical means.
Destroys most known pathogens but may not affect bacterial spores; in dental practice, the
concept of most but not all pathogens can result in cross-infection.
Sterilization Destruction of all viable microorganisms, including many resistant bacterial spores, by a physical
(including heat) or chemical process.
Process covers broad range of pathogens found in the oral cavity and is the only clinically
acceptable means for dealing with reusable instruments between patients.

3. On completion of step 2, the cassettes and instruments

are unloaded directly into the autoclave (Figure 32-16, C). STERILIZATION AND
The technique is easily taught and easily learned, even by
those with the least experience in dentistry. The debris removal Over the past two decades there has been a quantum leap in the
result will be the same regardless of who performs the task. understanding of the microbial threats in the dental practice.
Many new diseases and potentially dangerous organisms have
also been identified. Fortunately, these threatening trends have
been accompanied by significant advances in the science and
Automated Pre-Sterilization technology of in-office sterilization and disinfection.
Automated, active pre-sterilization offers many benefits. The Sterilization can be a complicated subject, but dental profes-
first and foremost is to fulfill the requirements of the pre- sionals must have an adequate basic knowledge in this area of
sterilization process: effectively remove debris; accomplish com- dentistry to protect patients and staff members health and lives.
prehensive washing, rinsing, and disinfecting; and effectively The dentists health and that of his or her family, as well as the
and efficiently dry the instruments. Because the only time that ability to continue to practice as a dental professional, are predi-
instruments are actually handled is during the loading phase cated on the ability to apply the best current science and tech-
(typically using cassettes), there is virtually no danger of punc- nology to sterilization and disinfection in the dental office.
ture or aerosol contamination to the auxiliary. This reduces a Much of the confusion surrounding decontamination can be
very real risk for these dental team members. Effective auto- traced to the lack of simplified, straightforward information and
mated pre-sterilization also eliminates the risk of cross- conflicting advertising claims in three categories:
contamination for patients. Basic definitions of sterilization and disinfection (Table
Automation of the various steps creates improved overall 32-1)
clinical simplicity, reduces technique sensitivity that can Autoclave cycle classification (Table 32-2)
adversely affect sterilization, and thereby ensures the success Validation (standardized techniques and outcome evalua-
of the entire procedure. The greater efficiency of automated tions) (Figure 32-17)
pre-sterilization reduces the effort required, freeing up time
and energy for other tasks. The reduced time required for
HYDRIM pre-sterilization improves the turnover rate for Classification of Autoclave Cycles
instrument kits. This shorter cycle time allows more frequent
use of each instrument kit, which in turn translates to fewer
(See Table 32-2)
kits needed in the practice. In most dental offices, having The various types of autoclave cycles are differentiated by what
fewer handpieces, hand instruments, cassettes, and so on will they will or will not sterilize and how long they take to complete
significantly lower the investment in these products. Hence the process. The two most important parameters are whether the
the investment in an automated washer can be financially instruments are solid or hollow and whether they can be wrapped
beneficial as well as reducing the risks of cross-contamination or must be left unwrapped. The concept of porous load also
in the dental practice. plays a major role in cycle definition. A sterilizing agent has more
748 Sterilization and Disinfection Sterilization

TABLE 32-2 Classification of Autoclave Cycles

Small Sterilizers
Materials that can be sterilized Solid only Solid and hollow Solid and hollow
Non-wrapped only Multi-wrapped and non-wrapped Wrapped and non-wrapped
Air removal Gravity displacement Forced Pressure pulsed
Standard minimum cycle time 25 minutes 45 minutes 6-9 minutes
(16 L standard)

FIGURE 32-18 N-cycle sterilizer, classified as passive system

(also known as gravity, non-vacuum, or downward displace-
ment system). (From Robinson DS, Bird DL: Essentials of dental assisting,
ed 4, St Louis, 2007, Saunders Elsevier.)

FIGURE 32-17 Biological indicator vial. (Courtesy Hu-Friedy Mfg.

Co., LLC, Chicago, Illinois.)
The least noticed phase of sterilization is the drying time.
Instruments or wrapped packs should be allowed to dry inside
difficulty penetrating and sterilizing a hollow object such as a the sterilizing chamber before removal and handling. If they are
handpiece than surface-contacting a solid object such as a dental handled while they are moist and hot, the packing can act as a
mirror. The chemical or physical agent can be simply passed over wick, absorbing moisture and bacteria from the outside and
a solid surface, whereas it must be forced or sucked into internal transporting them to the instruments inside.
spaces that have restricted access. Many dental instruments are The N-cycle is suitable for sterilizing unwrapped, solid
hollow in that they have lumina or difficult-to-access areas. The instruments. N-cycle sterilizers are the most popular bench-top
key problem is that the air and liquids trapped inside these autoclaves and are classified as passive systems (also known as
hollow areas cannot be easily removed to allow the sterilizing gravity, non-vacuum, or downward displacement systems) (Figure
agent to contact the instrument surface. 32-18). Typically, as steam is admitted into the sterilization
The sterilizing agent also takes longer to penetrate to instru- chamber, it forces unsaturated and saturated air out through a
ments through wrapping (unwrapped instruments require no vent. The major concern with the N-cycle sterilizers is the non-
penetration). The wrapping effectively envelops the instruments removal of trapped air (especially air pockets in hollow instru-
in a hollow into which the agent must be forced or sucked. On ment lumina and difficult-to-access areas of the load) during
the other hand, the convenience and organization of wrapping gravity displacement. Errors in packaging or overloading the
instrument kits together can greatly increase practice efficiency sterilizer chamber can result in cool air pockets where items are
and success. Another advantage of wrapping is that the instru- not sterilized.
ments maintain their sterility during storage after autoclaving. The B-cycle is used to sterilize solid, hollow, and porous
The ideal sterilization cycle for the dental practice is one that instruments, wrapped or unwrapped (Figure 32-19). These pre-
can handle both hollow and solid instruments, wrapped or vacuum sterilizers are usually fitted with a pump that creates a
unwrapped. vacuum to remove air from the sterilizing chamber before the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 749

chamber is pressurized with steam. This technique allows faster The length of the cycle time is the other important issue in
and more effective steam penetration throughout the entire selecting a sterilizer. The longer the cycle time, the more instru-
instrument load compared with the gravity displacement tech- ment sets and handpieces a busy practice requires. The time
nique used in sterilizers with N-cycles. Any air not removed required for a sterilization cycle depends on several factors. The
from the chamber interferes with steam-instrument contact and type of cassette and the size of the sterilization chamber are both
may compromise sterilization. B-cycle sterilizers must be tested critical. Light, thin cassette walls promote rapid heating and
periodically for adequate air removal. cooling. Smaller chambers, assuming they are large enough for
The S-cycle is indicated for unwrapped solid products; the typical instrument load, remove air more quickly so steam
porous, hollow, single-wrapped products; or multi-layer wrapped and pressure can be introduced. Expelling the excess steam at
products. Thus all dental instruments can be sterilized with this the end of the cycle speeds up the drying stage and shortens the
cycle. The S-cycle uses forced air removal created by vacuum or cycle time.
steam pulsing. The positive-pressure pulse system removes air Because the limitations of N-cycle sterilization make it
from the sterilization chamber without a vacuum pump. Pres- impractical for use in the dental office, the clinical choices
surized steam is injected into the chamber, gradually forcing the should be limited to B- and S-cycle autoclaves. The B-cycle
air out through a valve. Once the chamber is pressurized, the sterilizer takes a minimum of 47 minutes to complete versus the
chamber is vented to near-atmospheric conditions. This process 6 to 9 minutes of a pressure-pulsed S-cycle (without drying).
is repeated multiple times until effective air removal has been With regard to time management, pressure-pulsed autoclave
achieved. S-cycle autoclaves such as the Statim 2000s, 5000s (see systems make the most sense. Furthermore, because the S-cycled
Figure 32-2), and 7000s (Figure 32-20) (SciCan) use positive- instruments (particularly expensive and delicate handpieces)
pressure pulsed air displacement to offer a sterilization cycle spend less time in the corrosive environment of hot air and
specifically designed for clinical convenience so they can sterilize moisture, this technology offers not only a quicker but also a
products effectively (with validation) with reduced cycle times. gentler sterilization for the dental practice.

Manufacturers should be able to provide autoclave users with
microbiological validation confirming that their autoclaves are
effective in sterilizing the instruments for which they are indi-
cated, under the conditions listed in the instructions. Further-
more, each autoclave must be monitored on a regular basis to
ensure the equipment can attain the physical parameters required
to achieve effective sterilization. Chemical, biological, and tem-
perature monitoring test kits can be used. These tests can be
cumbersome, however, and are easily forgotten.
Statim autoclaves are microprocessor controlled, and all the
important parameters are constantly monitored internally. The
FIGURE 32-19 B-cycle sterilizer; pre-vacuum sterilizer that necessary information is presented on a user-friendly screen
uses a pump to create a vacuum to remove air from the steril- display, including prompts for continued operation as well as
izing chamber before the chamber is pressurized with steam. error messages. Because Statim automatically aborts the steriliza-
(Dri-TecV, courtesy SciCan, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.) tion cycle in the case of malfunction, every completed cycle


FIGURE 32-20 S-cycle sterilizer; uses forced air removal created by vacuum or steam pulsing. (Statim 7000, courtesy SciCan, Ltd., Toronto,
750 Sterilization and Disinfection Sterilization

TABLE 32-3 Quick Guide to Sterilization and Disinfection Options

Debris Removal
Time (minutes) 20 15 10
Drawbacks Puncture Not disinfectant None
Risks Contamination Enough power? None
Aerosolization Dulls instruments
Time (minutes) 10 10 9
Drawbacks Not effective Re-uses solutions None
Risks How many times? Cross-contamination None
Debris remains
Drying Pat dry Pat or drip dry Automated active dry (hands-free)
Time (minutes) 60+ 60+ 10
Drawbacks Inefficient How effective? None
Risks Puncture Inefficient
Contamination Puncture
Re-Use Solution No Yes No
Risks Cross-contamination None
Total pre-sterilization 90+ 85+ 29
time (minutes)

guarantees successful sterilization of the contents. However, load the dental professional and assurance to the dental staff and
control and monitoring (chemical and biological indicators) are patients.
essential parts of the effective sterilization process. The guiding principles in sterilization, as in other dental
areas, should be proven and demonstrable effectiveness in
destroying pathogens, ease of use in a daily clinical setting, and
STERILIZATION OVERVIEW practical efficiency.

In-office sterilization of instruments between patients need not

be a difficult or complicated process. A simplified description of REFERENCES
the sterilization and disinfection options available quickly guides
1. Small steam sterilizers, British-Adopted European Standard, Voluntary
practitioners to the one that is most suitable for their dental European Standard EN 13060:2004, 2005.
offices (Table 32-3). A quick overview of the different steriliza- 2. Kohn WG, Collins AS, Cleveland JL, Harte JA, et al: Guidelines for
tion cycles, their benefits and limitations, and their utility and Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings, Division of Oral
operating times further guides decision making. Finally, the Health National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, CDC MMWR 52(RR17):1-61, 2003.
validation process provides confidence regarding sterilization to

Peter Chiu Shun Tsang, Lakshman P. Samaranayake

monitor and verify that these procedures are being done suc-
RELEVANCE OF DISINFECTION cessfully and predictably.
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY The verification process documents the effectiveness of the
sterilization. Spore testing and testing loads either every week or
Infection control is of great importance for dental practitioners every day ensure that the process is being performed as it should.
and patients. Every dentist should practice good infection Also, the autoclave tape indicator shows the effectiveness of the
control. Esthetic dentistry should not be the exception. It is the sterilization or the drying process.
duty of the dentist to ensure that all staff members in the dental Previously only patients known to have an infectious disease
office practice good infection control. There should be little to were treated with infection-control procedures. Usually dental
no risk of infection to the patient or the dental staff during staff did not wear face masks or gloves. The introduction of
dental procedures. universal precautions led to every patient being treated as infec-
As esthetic dentistry is becoming more popular, some dental tious. With the introduction of standard precautions, infection
procedures are being done outside of dental practice sites. If an control has been upgraded to consider saliva or any liquid secre-
esthetic procedure is being carried out without a dentist, such tion as infectious, which is a better standard (Box 32-2).
as whitening done in a bleaching center that is operated by non-
dentists, there may be a greater risk. The dentist makes sure that
infection-control procedures are properly carried out. Without
that oversight, there is a greater danger that the knowledge of TRANSMISSION-BASED
infection control will be lacking or that lack of infection control PRECAUTIONS
will cause problems for the patient.
Transmission-based precautions are required in patients known
or suspected to be infected with highly transmissible or epide-
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CLINICAL miologically important pathogens, in which standard precau-
tions may be insufficient to prevent transmission. The three
DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION types of transmission-based precautions are as follows:
OF INFECTION CONTROL Airborne transmission precautionsThese apply to situa-
tions in which pathogens can be transmitted by the air-
About 115 years ago it was recognized that dental instruments borne route, that is, by small droplets of 5 m or smaller
could transmit infection from one patient to another. In the (e.g., the organisms that cause tuberculosis, measles, and
earliest days, washing instruments or wiping them with chickenpox and Aspergillus).
alcohol and similar materials was the only infection-control Droplet transmission precautionsThese apply to situa-
technique. In hospitals or in larger clinics the boiling of the tions in which pathogens can be transmitted by large
instruments was considered a better practice and did remove particle droplets, greater than 5 m (e.g., the organisms
most of the then-known bacteria that could be transferred. As that cause mumps, rubella, and influenza).
more has become known about the infectious process and Contact transmission precautionsThese apply to situa-
about the pathogens that cause disease, there has been more tions in which pathogens can be transmitted by direct or
pressure on the dental and medical fields to create a compre- indirect contact (e.g., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
hensive process of infection control. Today dentistry and aureus [MRSA], herpes simplex virus, and hepatitis A
medicine require a number of infection-control processes. virus).
They usually include vacuum or chemical autoclaving treat-
ment cycles that involve high pressure, high temperature, or Using the concept of standard precautions, everyone who
both. Most recently it has become important not only to go comes into the clinic should undergo the same protocols, unless
through the process of disinfection and sterilization but also to more serious infectious such as tuberculosis are involved, in

752 Sterilization and Disinfection Disinfection

BOX 32.2 Concept of Standard would make him or her possibly more difficult to treat. However,
Precautions that depends heavily on whether the patient knows about his or
her personal medical history. Patients may not know what medi-
In 1996 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cines they are taking and may not be sure about their medical
introduced the concept of standard precautions, which history. In these cases the dentist must contact the patients
integrate and expand the elements of universal physician to obtain missing information.
precautions to protect both healthcare practitioners and If the patient indicates he or she is taking certain medica-
patients from pathogens that can be spread by blood or tions, these may be flags that more information is needed. Den-
any other body fluid, excretion, or secretion. Standard tists should discreetly ask patients about any issues that could
precautions apply to contact with (1) blood; (2) all body be of concern. There are really no questions that are improper
fluids, secretions, and excretions (except sweat), regardless to ask. Any medical conditions, past medical history, or medica-
of whether they contain blood; (3) nonintact skin; tion use that could put the patient at risk or put members of
and (4) mucous membranes. the dental team at risk should be investigated.

Personal Protection
There are issues for the patient, the assistant or other staff
which case special protocols are employed. Standard precautions member, and the dentist with respect to personal protection.
apply to contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, or excre-
tions, except sweat. These precautions are used regardless of Patient
whether the fluids contain blood; they involve both nonintact To protect patients from getting infected, first of all the dental
skin and mucous membranes. No specific or special consider- team should have proper vaccinations. They should be properly
ations are followed for patients with hepatitis. They should be immunized so that they will not become infected and the patient
treated in the same manner as other patients. There are other will not become infected through the dental team. The dental
infectious diseases, such as airborne diseases, that are treated office should be properly disinfected and the instruments steril-
differently and with more precautions. ized to protect the patient. The dental staff should also be
In general practice it is important for each dental clinic to properly attired to keep the patient properly protected from
have infection-control protocols in place so that each staff becoming infected from the dental staff.
member knows his or her role and performs infection control It is not possible to control what immunizations the patient
effectively. It is the duty of the dentist to determine protocols has had. If a patient is coughing or is obviously sick with an
and ensure that the staff follows those protocols. Each clinic unknown condition and this is not an emergency or urgent
should have its own protocols, but some generalizations are pos- dental treatment for a condition that is causing the patient
sible. The dentists role is to make sure that the staff members pain, the dental practice should defer treatment and reschedule
follow the instructions. The dental assistants role is to properly after the symptoms decline. If the patient has an oral or general
perform cleansing and ensure that the instruments are ade- infection, the performance of nonurgent dental treatment
quately cleaned. The dental hygienist also makes sure that stan- depends on the nature of the infectionspecifically, whether it
dard precautions are carried out in a proper way. The cleaning can be transmitted during the dental procedure. If not, it is
of the area is done mainly by dental assistants. acceptable to perform the treatment. If there is a risk of trans-
mission through dental treatment, the appointment should be
When patients come for treatment, they are in their street
CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS clothes and street shoes, not having necessarily washed their
hands or even rinsed their mouth. There is a slight risk of infec-
Patient Evaluation tion when the patients clothes are not clean, but it is minimal.
When the patient first comes in, it is important to obtain a It has been suggested that patients rinse with antibacterial
detailed medical history. Along with standard questions, it is mouthrinse before dental treatment.
important to know the travel history of the patient, especially
in light of the H1N1 influenza pandemic and other pandemic Dental Team Members
diseases. It is also important to know if there is any systemic It has already been stated that dental team members should be
disease, because that may make the patient more prone to immunized. Depending on the nature of the infection, a dental
infection. The dentist should also check the medical history of team member with a current infection may or may not be
the patient to see if there are any current infections indicating allowed to work in the dental practice. If there is no risk of
special precautions. Some immunosuppressed patients may be transmitting the infection to the patient, the dental team
at greater risk of spreading infection, and extra precautions are member should be able to work in the clinic.
necessary. The typical attire of team members to minimize the likeli-
The medical questionnaire can also indicate if the patient has hood of the transmission of infection should include masks,
been ill with any antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that head caps, protective eyewear, gloves, and gowns.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 753


FIGURE 32-21 A, Example of an N95 respirator mask. B, Standard surgical masks (and safety glasses). (A courtesy Kimberly-Clark
Worldwide, Inc., Neenah, Wisconsin. B courtesy Crosstex, Hauppauge, New York)


FIGURE 32-22 A, Latex examination gloves. B, Latex-free nitrile gloves. (A courtesy Crosstex, Dallas, Texas. B courtesy DASH Medical Gloves,
Inc., Franklin, Wisconsin.)

Dentist water droplets cannot reach the underlying garments. Usually

Dental practitioners should also have all appropriate immuniza- disposable gowns are preferred.
tions. They also will wear protective masks, headgear, eyewear, In terms of hand hygiene, before putting on and after
gloves, and gowns. removing gloves the dental team members should properly
wash the hands. The most popular hand-washing agent is
chlorhexidine hand scrub. When face masks and surgical gowns
Equipment or head caps are worn, the hands also should be properly
In terms of personal protective equipment, there are standards washed. Studies have shown that double gloving reduces the
to be observed. There are respirator surgical masks (or N95 risk of perforating the innermost gloves and thus is recom-
masks; Figure 32-21, A), but for routine patient treatment, mended for high-risk surgical procedures. The worldwide stan-
surgical masks should be sufficient (Figure 32-21, B). If there is dard for infection control in terms of hand protection is latex
a known history of the patient having influenza, such as H1N1, or nitrile gloves (Figure 32-22). A non-allergenic vinyl or neo-
the dentist may have to wear an N95 face mask. The gowns that prene glove can also be used if the patient or staff member is
the dentist and the team wear should be waterproof so that the allergic to latex.
754 Sterilization and Disinfection Disinfection

MATERIAL OPTIONS IN oven may also have problems with spontaneous combustion
of paper.
Cleaning, Decontamination,
The dentist should choose materials that work quickly, are not
irritating to the patient or staff, are safe to use, and have a long
and Pre-Sterilization
shelf life. For general disinfection of the clinical area, clinic There should be designated clinical areas for cleaning so that
soap or sodium hypochlorite is the common agent used. The clean and dirty instruments are washed at different designated
advantages are that these options are inexpensive and easy to sites. The purpose of the cleaning is to remove residual dirt using
clean up. The disadvantages are the possible erosion of the water, soap, and detergent with a brush or cloth. Dental assis-
metal, an unpleasant flavor, and eye irritation during the prepa- tants should wear heavy-duty clothes to do this before the instru-
rations. These agents also have a short shelf life and after prepa- ments are placed into the autoclave or dry heat oven. If there
ration should be used within 1 day. Other materials include are any deposits on the surface, they may reduce the efficiency
alcohol, which is easy to use but has the problem of flammabil- of the sterilization process. It is important that they be thor-
ity and cannot be stored in the clinic where an open flame may oughly clean before disinfection or sterilization. When ultra-
be used. sonic cleaners, washers, or disinfectors are available, they should
TriGene is a halogenated tertiary amine that both disinfects be used for pre-sterilization cleaning (Figure 32-23). The use of
and cleans. Compared with sodium hypochlorite, it is not as mechanical cleaning equipment can minimize the risk of sharps
corrosive to metal, does not have an irritative smell, and has a injury and decrease exposure to blood and body fluids. Use of
long shelf life. In addition, it does not cause discoloration of washer-disinfectors is currently popular, as they serve a dual
surfaces. purpose. These are glorified dishwashers with a chemical disin-
fectant added to the washing cycle.

Sterilization Disinfection of the Dental Units
Sterilization can be achieved by one of three methods: moist
and Clinical Areas
heat, which is steam under pressure; dry heat; or gaseous or At the beginning of each session, the dental unit and work
chemical cleansing. Moist heat sterilization is a very effective way surfaces should be disinfected with a liquid surface disinfecting
to sterilize. The steam liberates latent heat when it condenses to agent and left to dry. Equipment and surfaces in the clinic area
form water and thus potentiates microbicidal activity. Moreover, should then be covered with clear plastic wrap to limit contami-
the steam contracts in volume during condensation, thus rein- nation. The plastic cover must be removed from each surface
forcing penetration. after completion of a patients treatment to avoid contamina-
Dry heat penetrates less well, and sterilization is less effective tion. It should then be replaced if another patient is to be seen.
than with moist heat. Therefore both higher temperatures and
longer times are required for dry heat sterilization.
A number of chemicals can be used for sterilization,
including a combination of formaldehyde, alcohol, acetones,
ketones, and steam under pressure. They achieve highly effec-
tive surface sterilization. Chemiclaves are faster than dry heat
sterilizations and do not cost as much or corrode metal or
burs. The problem is that adequate ventilation must be pro-
vided. Moreover, chemiclaves are not popular owing to the
environmental contamination and related issues associated
with them.
For sterilization the autoclave has a short cycle, usually just
3 to 30 minutes. The duration of the chemiclaves cycle is
between those of a hot-air oven and an autoclaveabout 30
to 45 minutes. Sterilization with dry hot air takes longer
more than 60 minutes. Hot air often does not leave any
residual moisture, but the autoclave and chemiclave create
residual moisture and can cause corrosion. The long-term
effect on instruments that are autoclaved is corrosion. The
chemiclave has a minimally corrosive effect on instruments.
Hot air may affect the effectiveness of instruments sharp FIGURE 32-23 Example of an ultrasonic cleaning unit. (Cour-
edges. Chemiclaving may cause chemical hazards. A hot air tesy Midmark Corporation, Versailles, Ohio.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 755

Clinic floors should be washed daily using 1:49 sodium Sharps

hypochlorite solution. Additional procedures for extra cleaning All sharps should be handled with great care. Used sharps are
and scrubbing should be introduced according to need. placed in a puncture-resistant sharps container that is clearly
labeled for such disposal (Figure 32-24). Sharps containers
should be located at the workplace to enable immediate disposal
Disinfection of Laboratory Work after use. These containers are to be sealed and discarded
For hydrocolloids, plaster, and polyether impressions, rinse the when they have been filled to the designated Fill line on the
impression under running water first and shake off the surface container.
water. The impression is then dipped in 0.5% sodium hypochlo-
rite solution and removed in 1 to 2 seconds. It is then rinsed
under running water, and any surface water is shaken off. It is
then placed again in sodium hypochlorite for 1 to 2 seconds.
The impression is covered with gauze dampened with the sodium
hypochlorite solution and left for 10 minutes. After that the
impression is rinsed well under running water and the surface
water shaken off. Hydrocolloid impressions should be covered
with gauze and placed in a polythene bag, then sent to the
Other impressions or items of laboratory work are rinsed
under running water, and then the surface water is shaken off
before immersion in sodium hypochlorite solution for 3 minutes.
The item is then rinsed again under running water. A label is
applied to indicate to the technician that the appliance or
impression was disinfected before being sent to the laboratory.

General Handling of Waste
Careful attention must be paid to the safe disposal of waste, as
this is potentially infectious material. Staff members who handle
waste must wear gloves.
Needles and other sharp objects, including broken glass, FIGURE 32-24 Sharps container. (From Malamed SF: Handbook of
must be discarded into puncture-proof containers. The contain- local anesthesia, ed 5, St Louis, 2004, Mosby Elsevier.)
ers must then be securely sealed.

Clinical Waste
Clinical waste categories that require special disposal include the
Group 1Used or contaminated sharps
Group 2Laboratory waste
Group 3Human and animal waste
Group 4Infectious materials
Group 5Dressings (dressings or swabs and all other
waste dripping with blood, caked with blood, or contain-
ing free-flowing blood)
Group 6Other waste items that are likely to be con-
taminated with infectious material (other than those
referred to in Group 4) or any clinical waste belonging to
Group 1, 2, 3, or 5 that may pose a significant health risk

Extracted Teeth
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration con-
siders extracted teeth to be potentially infectious. Extracted teeth FIGURE 32-25 Universal biohazard symbol. (From Bird DL, Rob-
are disposed of as regulated medical waste unless returned to the inson DS: Torres and Ehrlich modern dental assisting, ed 10, St Louis, 2012,
patient. Saunders Elsevier.)
756 Sterilization and Disinfection Disinfection

Personal Protective Equipment, Drapes, Nonclinical Waste

and Bibs
Dental healthcare personnel should fold or roll up soiled per- All hospital waste other than that listed in categories of clinical
sonal protective equipment, drapes, and bibs into the center. waste that requires special disposal can be treated as domestic
The soiled portion remains contained in the center of the waste and disposed of in black plastic bags.

Packaging Hong Kong Hospital Authority Head Office Operations: Implementation of
Waste bags should be securely fastened when three-fourths clinical waste management plan version 2007, Circular 5, 2008.
full. Clinical waste requiring special disposal must be disposed Kohn WG, Collins AS, Cleveland JL, et al: Guidelines for Infection Control
of in red plastic bags conspicuously marked with the biohaz- in Dental Health-Care Settings2003, MMWR Recomm Rep 52:1-61,
ard symbol (Figure 32-25). This clinical waste bag should be
Pankhurst CL, Coulter WA: Basic guide to infection prevention and control in
tied up using the swan-neck method of sealing. The clinical dentistry, Ames, Iowa, 2009, Wiley, Blackwell.
waste bag will be picked up by licensed clinical waste Samaranayake LP: Essential microbiology for dentistry, ed 4, Edinburgh,
contractors. 2011, Churchill Livingstone.
C H A P T E R 33


Patient Communication

Howard S. Glazer

fine-tuned to be able to address the specific needs relevant to

RELEVANCE TO ESTHETIC esthetic demands.
Unless the dental professional adequately and accurately com-
municates with the patient, it will be impossible to discuss his KEY TERMS TO USE IN VERBAL
or her treatment needs. Patients come to the dental office with AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS
wants, and dentists have an obligation to review what their needs
are. If the dentist cannot communicate accurately and ade- Several words can be used in verbal and written communications
quately with the patient, it will not be possible to convert those that will encourage patients to seek esthetic dental procedures
wants into needs. (Box 33-1). For example, when talking with a patient about
Communication is probably more relevant to esthetic den- whitening, it is easy to use many of these words to help the
tistry than other areas in that patients are now more aware of patient better understand about the procedure, as follows:
what can be done esthetically for their smile. They come to the Mr Smith, we have a new and easy way to whiten and
dental office and say, I want this smile, often showing photo- brighten your teeth. The advantage of this process is that
graphs from magazines. The dental professional then must trans- you will have a beautiful smile and the results will be won-
late that into a determination of how to satisfy the patients want derful for you. The benefit is that you will have a more
in a way that will mesh with the patients actual needs. One of youthful appearance and a healthier smile. We can do this
the most attractive things about a person is his or her smile; the for you in a safe and proven way.
ultimate fashion accessory is an attractive smile (Figure 33-1).
Communication is essential so that the dentist understands what
the patient wants and the patient understands what he or she
needs and what the dentist can do. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS
Telephone Communications
BRIEF HISTORY OF PATIENT The telephone is often the first chance that the dental office has
to interact with the patient. The telephone can be considered
COMMUNICATION WITH RESPECT the first line of offense. Patients typically call the office first
TO ESTHETICS rather than walk in. When the patient calls, the dental office has
about 20 to 40 seconds to make the individual feel warm,
Patient communication has changed with the increased demand welcome, and comfortable and to sense that this is the best pos-
for esthetic procedures. Typically patients used to come to the sible office to satisfy his or her needs.
dentist for either routine continuing care or for procedures that How one answers the telephone creates the initial impres-
were urgently needed and/or reparative in nature. Today, they sion for the patient or prospective patient. The person answering
come for elective procedures. Dentists communication must be the telephone should maintain a very upbeat voice that indicates

758 Communication Patient Communication



FIGURE 33-1 Examples of attractive smiles.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 759

BOX 33.1 Key Words for Patient Dr, or whatever the formal title of that person is. If the caller
Communications is perceived to be younger, it is probably acceptable to use the
callers first name. When the respondent is not sure, the first
Easy New Advantage thing to ask after ascertaining the callers name is May I call
You Safe or safety Results you [callers first name]?
Positive Guarantee Proven Once the respondent has identified the caller and used his or
Save Progress Discovery her name, it is necessary to try to find out why the caller has
Help Now Money contacted the office. Often when a patient or prospective patient
Security Benefit Love calls the office, he or she will volunteer the reason for the call
up front. If the caller says, I broke a crown, the next obligation
is to gather information from him or her relative to what the
immediate need is. The first and foremost question to ask is Are
you in pain? As healthcare providers who truly care about
patients, dental professionals need to ascertain whether or not
the patient is in pain and how quickly the patient can come into
the office to address that problem. The caller may also report
that a tooth is sensitive when something hot or cold is eaten.
Regardless of the symptoms reported, the dental office respon-
dent encapsulates the callers reason in a response and assures
the caller that the situation should not be a problem and that
the office can make him or her very comfortable. The call should
end with a reassurance, such as We look forward to seeing you
in our office so that we can help you.
If the patient is not in pain, a series of questions can be asked
to gather more information. This includes asking when it was
that the individual last saw the dentist. A new patient will never
have seen the dentist but often will have been referred by a
current patient. People tend to refer people similar to them-
FIGURE 33-2 A voice that is upbeat and sounds happy makes selves. Type A patients are referred by type As, type Bs by type
the person calling feel comfortable and gives him or her the Bs, and so on. If the referring patient has always been a good
sense that this is the best possible office to satisfy his or her patient and someone who has received esthetic treatment, the
needs. (From Finkbeiner BL, Finkbeiner CA: Practice management for the respondent may have a sense of why this prospective patient has
dental team, ed 7, St Louis, 2011, Mosby Elsevier.) elected to call this office. Another way to find out that someone
has chosen this office through a referral is to ask, Who may we
thank for referring you to our office? This helps build a relation-
that the person is smiling and happy to have received this call ship with the prospective patient and sends the message that (1)
(Figure 33-2). An appropriate beginning is to say: this office likes referrals and (2) it thanks those who refer others.
Hi, thank you for calling us. This is Dr ________s office. The initial conversation should also include a request for
How may I help you? the callers phone number. This ensures that should the call be
dropped the respondent can immediately call back.
This conveys to the patient a warm, sincere welcome and When the caller says he or she is in pain, the easiest way to
indicates this is the right office. determine whether the situation is an emergency is to ask the
Once the initial introduction or salutation has been made, caller, How soon can you be here? If the caller cannot come
an information-gathering process begins. One of the first until after work is finished for the day, it may not be an emer-
pieces of information to collect from a caller is the persons gency. If the caller can come in right away, this is likely an
name. Once the telephone respondent has the callers name, he emergency and every effort should be made to accommodate the
or she should begin to use that name in the rest of the conversa- caller and relieve the pain. After that, a more formal appoint-
tion with that individual. The exchange may be as follows: ment can be made during which a more complete treatment can
Thanks for calling. May I have your name? be developed.
Its John Smith. Once it has been determined that the caller will be coming
Thank you, Mr Smith, for calling our office. How may I be to the office, the respondent should ask whether the patient has
of service to you? ever been told to take medication before seeing the dentist. This
does not mean taking a full medical history, but an affirmative
The key thing is to personalize ones communication by using answer to the simple question alerts the dental office that pre-
the callers name. medication is required.
The rule of thumb is typically that if the caller is perceived Other information to discuss includes transportation infor-
to be older than the respondent, always use Mr, Mrs, Ms, mation, parking availability, and directions. All of this
760 Communication Patient Communication

information helps the dental office to better handle potential or Patient Communications
established patients who call in.
The attitude of the person answering the phone is essential
at the First Visit
to good telephone communication. If the caller perceives that The first visit with the dentist and staff is critical in establishing
the person on the other end of the phone line is not paying a relationship. It has been said that it takes 5 minutes for the
attention, is not receptive to what the caller is saying, or sounds patient to know whether he or she will be in the dental office
grumpy or bothered by the call, he or she forms a negative for the next 15 years, and 15 years to figure out if he or she has
opinion of the rest of the office. It is important to greet each been in the right office. If a new patient, Mr Smith, is coming
caller with a positive attitude in a very upbeat voice that conveys in, the person at the front desk should be prepared to stand up
a sincere desire to help the caller and make a connection. The and greet Mr Smith when he walks through the door. An appro-
caller then knows this is the best possible office to help resolve priate greeting would be:
his or her dental problem. Mr Smith, its so nice to meet you. My name is Jane, and
The person answering the telephone should be able to engage we are so glad that you are able to join us in the office
the caller in conversation relative to the callers desires. For today.
example, the prospective patient might be concerned about the
color of his or her teeth, and the dental team member answering In addition, when the morning staff meeting is held, every-
the phone should be well versed and comfortable in discussing one should be made aware of who the new patient is and how
the treatments available to whiten and brighten teeth. If the many new patients are coming in that day. Then everyone
patient is concerned about cracked or chipped teeth, the respon- should try to greet each new patient by name and welcome him
dent should be able to discuss in broad terms treatment options or her to the office. That first contact is critical in securing a
such as porcelain veneers or crowns. Keep in mind, though, that positive relationship with the patient.
a diagnosis cannot and should not be made over the phone. The
person answering the phone should be clear that he or she is
speaking in generalities and it is only the doctor who can fully
assess the patients needs when he or she visits. The patient will
Establishing Rapport
then be informed of possible treatments before any services are In establishing rapport with the patient, the acronym FORM is
performed. useful. This stands for family, occupation, recreation, and moti-
vation. Using that acronym provides points of conversation that
Follow-up to the First Call will help you build a relationship with the patient.
Following up with the patient after making the initial Most people like to talk about their family, making this topic
appointment is a second important step. If the situation is not an easy way to begin a conversation, as follows:
of an urgent nature, the follow-up call would probably be Mrs Smith, I see you have a picture of your grandchild on
made the day before the appointment. A typical call would be your necklace. How many grandchildren do you have?
as follows: I know you were referred here by Jane Roberts because your
Mr Smith, it was great talking with you the other day. If children are in the same playgroup. How many children
you recall, we have an appointment time set aside for you do you have?
tomorrow at 2:00. We look forward to having you here
with us. Is there anything I can help you with to make Another subject is occupation or work. This should be
your visit a little easier? Do you need directions to our evident on the initial questionnaire from the patient. Noting the
office? May I tell you, if youre coming by car, where patients occupation, a conversation could begin as follows:
parking is available? You indicated that you need to take I see youre an administrative assistant to the vice president.
medications before the appointment; please remember to What do you do in that capacity? You probably have a lot
do that. of responsibilities.

The follow-up call is made only if time permits before the People generally like to talk about what they do, so this
patients appointment. subject may be a good conversation starter.
People also enjoy talking about their recreation, or what they
Key Words and Phrases for the First like to do for fun. The dental assistant could ask the patient what
Telephone Call he or she likes to do in their spare time. It is important to be
Some specific phrases to use are as follows: able to discuss subjects like this with the patient.
Are you in any discomfort? The last question to typically ask a patient deals with motiva-
We will be happy to take care of your problems. tion, in particular the motivation pertaining to the dental visit.
We look forward to seeing you. A sample would be:
I understand from Sally that when she made the appoint-
The message is couched in positive terms. Although no single ment you were having trouble with a tooth on the lower
sentence will guarantee a successful outcome for the call, making right side. Can you tell me a little bit about the specific
sure that the call ends on a positive note is vital. problem you are having?
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 761

With this approach, the dentist has indicated that although is done by the dentist or the staff. With a new patient, the
the office staff members know why the patient is here, they are current procedure is to take full face and intra-oral photographs
seeking further information about what the patient would like (Figure 33-3, A to C). Also, study impressions and models of
to accomplish in this visit. the teeth may be made (Figure 33-3, D), and there may be a
need for radiographs (Figure 33-3, E to I ). Depending on how
the staff and office are set up, a complete diagnostic work-up
What to Expect in the Dental Visit may be performed. Some of these tasks are handled by the
Typically the patient is told what to expect either on the phone, dentist; some fall to the dental hygienist or auxiliary staff. The
depending on the length of the conversation, or at the initial patient is fully informed of everything that will be done before
visit. First, it is important to meet with the patient, whether this the initial visit.


FIGURE 33-3 Information that may be obtained when a new patient comes to the office. A, Facial photograph. B and C, Intra-
oral photographs. D, Study model. Continued
762 Communication Patient Communication



FIGURE 33-3, contd E and F, Analog radiographs. G to I, Digital radiographs.

WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Sending a health history form (Figure 33-4) to the patient in
advance does two things: (1) it allows the patient to fill the form
Depending on the time available from the initial phone call out at home with access to all his or her medications so they can
to the appointment time, it is a nice touch to send the pro- be recorded accurately, and (2) it gives the patient the opportu-
spective patient a note, preferably handwritten. This initial nity to read the form through completely and slowly. This is
packet should also contain directions to the office, where preferable to having the patient, while feeling nervous about the
parking is available for the office, and what bus, train, or first appointment or perhaps being late getting there, going
subway station is closest to the office, as appropriate. The note through a sheaf of papers covering the health history, Health
could say: Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) forms,
Dear Mrs Smith, and financial forms. All of that can be overwhelming at the first
It was great talking to you on the phone and I really look appointment, so sending these materials ahead of time, allowing
forward to seeing you at your appointment next Tuesday patients to be prepared with them when they come into the
at 2 PM. Ive enclosed an appointment reminder card as office, will make the procedure go more smoothly and ensure
well as directions to our office. Ive included a health the patient feels relaxed and welcome.
history form that you can fill out in advance, as well as Dental offices often have a formalized policy that deals
one of our recent newsletters. with subjects such as appointment scheduling, financial
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 763

These are reviewed and a treatment plan is developed before the

consultation. The purpose of the consultation is to present
the treatment plan to the patient. The dentist should have all
the exhibit materials readily available and be prepared to discuss
at length what the problem is, what the major treatment
approaches are, what the best option is for this case, and if there
are additional options. The dentist must also present the negative
and positive aspects of the various options and be prepared to
alter the treatment plan based on the patients input.
The consultation can be accomplished in the treatment room,
in the dentists private office, or in a separate consultation room.
If the needed treatment plan is direct and short, it is generally
acceptable to sit and explain it to the patient right in the opera-
tory or treatment room. If the plan includes a smile makeover
or full-mouth rehabilitation, more time will be needed to explain
it all to the patient. In those cases it might be best to set aside
a quiet area in which to have the discussion, with all the demon-
strative aids readily available. If there is no private consultation
area, the discussion can be carried out in the treatment room as
long as it is quiet and distractions from other areas in the office
are not present.
FIGURE 33-4 Health history form. Regardless of where the discussion takes place, the key is
preparedness. The dentist must have carefully reviewed the case,
arrangements, or cancelling appointments. It is important that and all relevant information must be available at the discussion.
if the office has a specific policy, it is explained to the patient in The dentist should clearly and succinctly express what is needed
a written form. If this written policy is available and there is to the patient in a form that is easily understood. The dentist
time, the form should be sent to the patient in advance of the must remember that the patient is a layperson and will require
first appointment. careful explanations of procedures. If demonstrative models,
There are several reasons for there to be written policies in pamphlets, or short videos are available, these may prove useful
place. First, written policies can be used to train new employees in explaining the treatment plan and options.
as they join the team. Second, they can be used to cross-train Various staff members can take part in the consultation,
team members so that everyone becomes familiar with all office depending on what the patients specific needs are. Often the
policies. The policies should be initially developed by the dentist initial consultation begins when a hygienist or dental assistant
and then discussed with the staff for comment and input. In the comments on the patients appearance or dental status. For
end, policies are the dentists decision because it is his or her example:
office. Ive noticed that youre missing your lower right first molar.
Examples include the following: Im sure Dr ________ will want to talk to you about how
Appointment scheduling: The policy should include a state- to replace that.
ment of how far in advance a patient must notify the office
if he or she cannot make an appointment, for example, This plants the seed for the consultation. The dentist should
24 or 48 hours. Notice should be given to the patient that be the one responsible for the detailed consultation with the
a charge will be assessed for any appointment not can- patient because he or she is the ultimate treatment provider. The
celled within that timeframe as well as for any broken or dentist should have a relationship established with the patient,
missed appointments. be able to carry out the treatment plan, and be available to
Financial policy: The policy should discuss forms of payment answer questions relative to it.
accepted, such as cash, check, or credit card. If the practice
will be accepting credit cards, which cards will be accepted?
The policy should also indicate if budgeted financial Handling Future Appointments
arrangements are possible.
and Financial Arrangements
Future appointments and financial arrangements are handled in
CONSULTATION various ways. The front desk person can handle both scheduling
and the explanation and review of financial arrangements with
Pre-Treatment Consultation patients. The person who makes the financial arrangements is
Before having a pre-treatment consultation with the patient, the responsible for collecting on those financial arrangements
dentist should interview the patient and collect records as because that person has established the appropriate relationship
needed, including radiographs, study models, and photographs. with the patient. If the patient understands that this staff person
764 Communication Patient Communication

is responsible for collecting money, the patient will know who assistant is not comfortable addressing, the dentist should be
to contact for financial concerns. available to come to the phone or call back immediately. Making
the call to the patient reinforces the value of the decision to trust
that particular dentist as the dental treatment provider.
Telephone Rounds
Dentists usually have the luxury of making rounds of patients
by telephone from home or the office after hours. An exception
Post-Treatment Consultation
might be the oral surgeon. The average practitioner or general After treatment has been rendered by the provider, it is impor-
dentist has the ability and responsibility to follow up with tant to have another consultation visit. First, the dentist expresses
patients after treatment. For example, after a root canal treat- appreciation for the fact that the patient has valued the doctor-
ment or extraction, the dentist can call the patient after hours patient relationship and followed through on the care plan rec-
to see how well he or she is doing. This is a key phrase. Rather ommended. This is an opportunity to go back to the original
than calling to ask how the patient is doing, the dentist should diagnostic models and photographs, showing the patient where
ask how well the patient is doing. This plants the seed of positive the case began and where it is now. The dentist can point out
well-being. Calling to ask how the patient is doing may suggest how well the dental care has addressed the patients needs. This
that the dentist expects that the person will not necessarily be is also an opportunity to ask for referrals. A sample exchange
doing well. The call almost becomes an apologetic effort rather might include the following:
than a positive contact. If the patient has any particular prob- Mr Smith, we are really glad that you accepted our treat-
lems, they can be raised at the follow-up call. ment plan. You have been a delightful patient for us to be
If the dentist cannot make telephone rounds at the end of able to help and treat. Perhaps you know others in your
the day, the next best person to do that is the treatment assistant family or your circle of friends who might want to avail
because he or she was in the room during the procedure. This themselves of our care. We would be delighted to see those
individual knows exactly what transpired and can easily make individuals. Please take a couple of these cards and pass
that call. If the patient mentions something that the treatment them to your friends and family.



FIGURE 33-5 It is important to take postoperative photographs so they can be compared with the pre-treatment photographs.
A and B, Pre-treatment photographs. C and D, Post-treatment photographs.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 765

If the dentist is not comfortable handling the referral requests, as potential patients. When the opportunity arises, they
the staff can handle this. The staff should have their own business can say:
cards and be able to refer and market the practice to potential I work for a great dentist. I enjoy what I do and I know we
patients. could help you. So, heres our business card.

Having the staff ask for referrals and give out business cards
Postoperative Photographs during also can be seen as job security. If the dentist has fewer patients,
the Post-Treatment Consultation the need for staff also falls. The dentist and staff are in the den-
During the post-treatment visit, it is important to take postop- tistry business as a TEAMan acronym for Together Everyone
erative photographs (Figure 33-5). Both patients and doctors Achieves More.
can forget where the process started. These photographs can be
compared with pre-treatment photographs in the consultation
room. This gives doctor and patient a record of where the case CONCLUSION
began and how it has finished. The dentist can give the patient
a copy of the pre-operative photographs; patients are their own Dentists must understand that patients are not an interruption
postoperative photographs. It is wise to stamp the back of these of work; they are the work, and the reason the practice exists.
pre-operative photographs with the dentists name, address, and In talking to patients and practicing dentistryin fact, when
phone number. A staff member in the room then gives the going through lifethe three keys to being successful are doing
patient a business card as well. everything sincerely, doing everything confidently, and doing
If the staff members believe that they are working for the everything with enthusiasm. Dentists must communicate well
best dentist in the city, they should feel comfortable marketing and take every opportunity to market both themselves and their
that practice. Staff members may have different social contacts practices. They must also remember to do this sincerely, confi-
than the dentist. They can be trained to look at individuals dently, and with enthusiasm.

Patient Management
Louis Malcmacher


Involved esthetic cases differ significantly from the typical case
The key relevant topics for esthetic dentistry are financial man- involving individual restorative dentistry. Addressing this differ-
agement, which is needed to finish any kind of esthetic dentistry ence is a major challenge for most dentists. When a patient
case, and patient communication. Managing the patients expec- comes in with a broken tooth, the need for a root canal, a crown,
tations in esthetic dentistry requires managing how the dentist or both is clear. Generally the fee in the United States is a few
relates to the patient personally and how he or she deals with thousand dollars, and insurance pays half. This type of simple
clinical and financial issues. Patients look to the dentist, espe- treatment presentation is seen every day. Dentists develop a
cially in esthetic dentistry, almost for a lifestyle changenot just mindset in which they are trapped into considering just these
a change in the teeth or the smile. Usually they want to change small cases. A complex esthetic dental case may involve other
something in their lives, perhaps to overcome low self-esteem dental treatments including orthodontic procedures, periodon-
because of poor esthetics, to manage the effects of a recent tic procedures such as crown lengthening and gingivectomy,
divorce, or to address the effects of another major life event. endodontic therapy, implants, whitening, and finally prostho
Dealing with the teeth is only a small part of the equation. dontic restorations such as esthetic crowns or porcelain veneers.
Dentists must consider the overall facial esthetics of the patient, The complex esthetic case involves a totally different dynamic in
including psychological aspects, and be aware of where the the way treatment is presented, how the patient will accept it,
patient is, where he or she wants to go, and how he or she thinks and how it will be paid for. These larger cases cost $3500 to
an attractive smile will help accomplish that. With the rise of $5000. The process through which the patient determines
Botox and dermal fillers in dentistry, it is imperative that dentists whether or not to go ahead is not the same as for a small case.
learn how to administer these procedures because a dental Dentists often have the frustrating experience of sitting down
esthetic case is not complete without esthetically treating the with the patient and talking for 10 minutes to an hour about
surrounding soft tissues of the mouth to complete the patients the tooth case presentation, then having the patient say, You
smile. It is now mandatory that dentists are trained in these know what, Doctor? Ill get back to you, and the patient is
procedures as this has totally transformed dental esthetics into never seen again. To avoid this type of experience requires estab-
a more comprehensive approach that patients expect. lishing the proper buying mentality. Patients must go through a
Some patients see an advertisement for an esthetic dental or process, a cycle of decision making, and dentists must patiently
facial product, such as teeth whitening, Botox, dermal fillers, or guide them through that process.
veneers, and are already sold on the concept. They then begin
working through issues such as whether it is right for them,
exactly what they are looking for, and whether they want a PRACTICE MANAGEMENT
tooth makeover or an entire smile makeover. At this point the CONSIDERATIONS
bond with the dentist comes into play. As a leader and teacher,
the dentist helps the patient determine what he or she wants Practice management considerations for esthetic dentistry differ
and whether that is appropriate. Often the dentist and patient markedly from those for any other kind of dentistry. The first
must work through what it is that the patient really wants, and consideration is recognizing that the patient wants to have a
many times patients have no clue. Usually they want straight, great-looking smile when the treatment is finished. To convey
white teeth, but they want the dentist to lead them along the great results, the dentists and team members own teeth must
path to get there. Occasionally patients ask for a specific esthetic look esthetically pleasing. If the patient is asking about tooth
dental product; those can be the easiest cases. The only ques- whitening and bleaching and the assistant who is presenting the
tion is whether the patient is an appropriate candidate for that procedure to the patient has yellow ordinary teeth that are
product. crooked or malpositioned, the patient is unlikely to choose that

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 767

office for whitening and bleaching. Patients will ask themselves, Group (Calgary, Canada), which has been highly successful in
If the dentist and staff dont invest in these procedures, why providing esthetic smiles for patients, makes beautiful practice
should I go ahead and do it? Patients are affected by what the management aids for motivating patients to go ahead with the
team members look like in terms of their own smiles and how esthetic dentistry (Figure 33-8). Dentists should take down
they present themselves. The staff can be role models for patients. some of the beautiful paintings that are supposed to calm
For example, if the patient wants bleaching, it is effective to call patients and make the office a nicer looking place. Instead they
over a team member who has had bleaching. Team members should put up beautiful pictures of before-and-after smiles,
keep their pre-operative pictures in their pockets; their post whitening pictures, or veneers to show patients the difference
operative picture is actually in their mouth. Patients see the (Figure 33-8). These large pictures of what can happen, or books
dental team members beautiful teeth and quickly understand that show before-and-after pictures, can be quite effective.
that the office really believes in esthetics and achieves excellent Ideally, a patient will come into the office, sit down in the chair,
results. The message is that just as it was successful for the team point to a poster on the wall of the before-and-after whitening
member, it will be successful for the patient. case or before-and-after veneer case, and ask to have his or her
The dental team is extremely important in patient acceptance teeth look like that. When patients ask questions about treat-
of esthetic procedures. They are the primary motivators and ment, they are very close to being ready to accept treatment.
educators and must be knowledgeable enough to answer ques-
tions about all esthetic options. The dental team must be part
and parcel of the office philosophy regarding esthetic dentistry.
Pictures of successful esthetic cases and testimonials from other
patients and the team members themselves are powerful tools
that the team can provide to patients to begin the discussion of
esthetic dentistrys benefits. Often overlooked is the teams role
and relationship with the patientindeed, more often than not
the patient will trust the dental team before he or she accepts
the treatment recommendations.
Second, the dental practice must have an esthetic-looking
office and website. The office must be up to date, look sleek, and
have an esthetic presentation. The website should be attractive
and user friendly. The appearance of the practice conveys the
priority placed on esthetics by the practitioners there. The office
and website that reflect that esthetic procedures are a main
consideration directly affect patients choice with regard to these FIGURE 33-7 Types of communication tools. Pictured is
procedures (Figure 33-6). the InStyle Smile Starter Kit. (Courtesy Trident Dental Laboratories,
Third, a wide variety of communication tools are available to Hawthorne, California.)
help bring the patient to an understanding and an acceptance
of the esthetic dentistry procedure that is required (Figure 33-7).
Pictures speak thousands or millions of words. In esthetic den-
tistry, pictures can tell the entire story. Most esthetic dental
companies will send educational materials with before-and-after
shots to show to patients or put up in the office. The Aurum

FIGURE 33-8 Poster provided by dental lab. (Poster courtesy

Aurum Ceramic Dental Laboratories, Co., Calgary, Canada. Dentistry courtesy Ted
FIGURE 33-6 Esthetically pleasing dental office. Hadgis, DDS.)
768 Communication Patient Management

FIGURE 33-9 Before (A) and after (B)

treatment photos.


They are engaged. If the dentist tries to sell a procedure through

a long discussion with lots of pictures, the patient may or may
not be interested by the time it is done. If patients ask questions
about what they have seen, they are much closer to being ready.
From a practice management perspective in esthetic dentistry,
the key is getting the patient to be ready. If a patient is ready to
go ahead and commit financially, it is much easier to proceed.
It is critical that the before-and-after photographs be full-face
shots and that the after views show happy people who have
had treatments done (Figure 33-9). Dentists love the retracted
views that get in close to the mouth structures; professionals
want to make sure that all the dental angles, emergence profiles,
and restorative margins are proper. But for talking to patients or
showing them before-and-after pictures, full-face images are
best. Patients cannot understand the significance of seeing white
teeth until they see the full-face pictures and how a white smile FIGURE 33-10 Diagnostic wax-up.
fits into the overall facial esthetics. Teeth are not isolated from
the rest of the face. A full-face photograph of a beautiful esthetic
dental case shows the patient how beautiful teeth transform into
a beautiful smile, which is what the patient wants. Seeing the However, diagnostic imaging is very popular with patients
differences in the patients entire face is what makes the most because they can see a corrected smile right on their face and
impact. take home a photograph of what they will look like. Dentists
may be nervous with this approach because there is no guarantee
that this is exactly the way the smile will look. However, when
dealing with a full-face photograph, most diagnostic imaging
MOTIVATING PATIENTS programs get very close to the actual outcome. Some dental
TO ACCEPT TREATMENT companies make diagnostic imaging fairly easy. Many esthetic
dental laboratories and companies make diagnostic imaging easy
Clinical Considerations for dentists to provide in their office. The provider sets up a
To help the patient decide to have esthetic dentistry, the dentist system in the office so the dentist can take as many pictures as
can take an impression and send it to the laboratory for a diag- wanted during the day. These are emailed directly to the labora-
nostic wax-up (Figure 33-10). This is popular with dentists. tory while the patient is still in the chair. Within 20 minutes,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 769


FIGURE 33-11 A, Patient with slightly misaligned teeth. B, Composite mock-up on maxillary teeth. C, Esthetic mock-up smile
shown to patient.

an image of the patient with the new smile comes through. That
is a very strong message; the patient can be sent home to show
family and friends what he or she would look like with the new
There are simple digital imaging processes available online.
A patient can select a smile, then upload a self-image to get a
general idea of what he or she would look like with that smile.
Both digital imaging and diagnostic imaging are very successful
in motivating patients to go ahead with treatment.
Another approach to motivating patients is to give them an
in-the-mouth and intra-oral demonstration. If a patient comes
in for an oral examination or 6-month recall visit, and the
prophylaxis is being done, it is possible to set the patient up
and create a composite mock-up in the mouth. This works
best for patients who have space between the two front teeth
or a very dark front tooth (Figure 33-11, A). Composite resin
in a light shade is used to cover the site, closing the diastema FIGURE 33-12 Dentist working with patient.
or replacing the dark tooth with the mock-up (Figure 33-11,
B). This can be shown to the patient in the mirror so he or
she can see what the finished smile would look like (Figure
Financial Considerations
33-11, C). While the patient is watching, the dentist can take The best person to talk to the patient about payment depends
the mock-up off; this gives a before-and-after effect (Figure on the individual office. In most cases, it is best to separate
33-12). Once patients see what they might look like after cos- the dentist from the financial discussion, as most dentists are
metic dentistry, they can become motivated to pursue this not comfortable dealing with these issues. In addition, the
option. dentist should be focusing on providing dental treatment and
770 Communication Patient Management

should delegate this part of the process to trained office per-

sonnel. Front office managers are best able to work with the
patients in discussing the various options available, segmenting
the dental treatment with the payment schedule, and arrang-
ing financing if necessary. The key is to make the esthetic
dental treatment comfortable for the patient in terms of
schedule and lifestyle.
The other major motivating factor involves making cosmetic
procedures affordable for patients. Many patients want the treat-
ment but want to know how they will be able to afford it before
proceeding. With the higher cost of esthetic dentistry, patients
go through a different kind of decision-making process, and
affordability is a major part of that process. When a person buys
a house, a car, or anything else major, they will obtain financing
for it. This same process is used when patients seek to purchase
esthetic dentistry services. The best way to make these proce- FIGURE 33-13 Patient communications tools: reminder
dures affordable is through financing. Patients can put the fees postcards, appointment cards, and others.
on a credit card and take almost as long as they like to pay off
the balance. Alternatively, and probably the most popular way
of financing dentistry, the CareCredit program (CareCredit
LLC, Costa Mesa, California) provides a way to manage esthetic
dentistry costs with 0% or low-interest payment plans for up to
24 months. This approach has been a huge boon to getting COMMUNICATION DURING
people to accept esthetic dentistry. TREATMENT PLANNING
Patients often request minimal dental treatment, for example,
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS I only want two veneers on these front teeth. The dentist
must determine what the patient really wants. Today patients
Patients may not agree to esthetic procedures on their first visit. want white teeth, but simply putting two white veneers on the
It is possible that they are not convinced yet, they do not have front teeth will make the rest of the teeth look dark, and the
the money yet, they do not see a need for esthetic procedures patient will not be happy. In fact, research shows that each
yet, or they have not yet experienced a major life event that unhappy patient will tell 20 friends about being unhappy.
convinces them of the value of esthetic dentistry. It is critical Instead of limiting treatment to the patients request, the
that the dental office keep communicating with the patient. dentist should give the patient a mirror and say, Mr. Jones,
Most dentists believe that they recommend treatment for the what youre really looking for is a great smile. Lets count the
patient and the patient chooses to go with it or not, and that number of teeth that make up that smile. The patient quickly
ends the interaction. With esthetic dentistry cases, the dentist realizes that it is usually at least six teeth, often eight, and
needs to get patients to be ready. One way to do that is to be in many times the smile extends back to the second bicuspid and
constant communication, be it by email, text messaging, news- the tenth tooth on the upper arch, including some teeth on the
letters, or other services (Figure 33-13). For example, Patient lower arch. In this way the dentist leads the patient out of
Activator at 1-800-DENTIST (Los Angeles, California) is a tooth mode and substitutes smile modebecause what is
technologic way to keep in touch with patients. This service really wanted is a great smile. Once patients understand this
develops beautiful esthetic materials that are communicated to that the smile they want involves six, eight, or 10 teeththen
patients on a regular basis. These materials will stimulate patients they must choose what comes next. The dentist can offer
acceptance because the idea is kept in front of them. In market- choices in terms of treatment planning and how the smile can
ing and advertising, this is called being top of mind and means be accomplished. Part of the process is dealing with financial
that when patients are finally ready for esthetic dentistry, they realities. At about $1000 per tooth for 10 front teeth, thats
will already know where they can go. Dentistry is a very com- $10,000 (in the United States). Often the patient cannot
petitive business. Patients are inundated with advertisements afford that. The way to accomplish these cases, then, is to
from various dental practices. Patients may want a small make- segment them.
over and may have talked it over with their dentist. Then they The minimum number of teeth recommended for a seg-
see an ad that another dentist offers a new twist such as the mented case is four, although in the best case scenario it would
Aurum Groups minimally invasive Cristal veneers, and the be six teeth, extending from cuspid to cuspid. The changes that
patient ends up going to that dentist. Constant reminders are result are quite dramatic. If the patient chooses to do only four,
very important for patients so that they remember what they it is recommend that the lateral and central incisors be treated.
expressed an interest in and that their dentist is the one who can In such cases the practice should obtain a strong informed
provide it. consent from the patient as well. The dentist may agree to start
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 771

with the four but must warn the patient that the color will be and that it will involve specific treatment. Ideally, most
radically different from that of the rest of the teeth. At that dentists want patients to go through some type of orthodontic
point, patients often choose to do four immediately, then save treatment, then move to esthetics to finish the case. Unfortu-
up for the next treatment. Once patients see how beautiful the nately, few patients agree to do that. The dentist should also
results look, they usually choose to complete the rest of the share what he or she feels the case will develop into, including
recommended treatment. the complications that might arise. It is important to note
This approach gives a good start on what the patient is some of the compromises that must be made because of the
looking to accomplish. Patients must be reminded that the patients existing oral status. Most of the time when patients
dentist is creating a beautiful smile, not just beautiful teeth. say they want white teeth, they are not interested in the shape
Dentists should be cautioned not to compromise to please or the position of the teeth. In every case, though, it is impor-
patients by agreeing to do only one or two teeth. This makes tant to let patients know what they are asking for and what is
patients look minimally better but seldom satisfies them. On the possible. This includes covering individual topics such as highly
other hand, the dentist must also be cautioned about the other chromatized teeth and incisal translucence and whether the
extreme. If procedures on 10 teeth are recommended, the dentist patient wants them.
should not insist that the patient do all 10 teeth or nothing. The Looking at the beautiful smiles on celebuties, patients see
best cases in esthetic dentistry are segmented, taking into account natural white teeth and think that is what they want. The
the patients desires and what the patient can afford. To have a dentist needs to communicate with the patient that what he or
successful case requires taking the long-term view rather than she thinks is a perfect natural tooth may be different from
the short-term view. what a dentist thinks of as a perfect natural tooth. Dental prac-
Difficult patients or patients with impossible esthetic expec- titioners think of the nonchromatic or translucent perfect teeth
tations are best dealt with preventatively. In other words, you from dental schoolnot usually what patients want. Many
need to diagnose these difficult patients before you begin any patients do not want incisal translucence or polychromatic
kind of treatment on them. If patients have been to many other teeth. To clarify these issues, dentists should show pictures to
dentists and have not been satisfied, there is little chance that patients of what these things are and discuss what the patients
you will be the hero they are seeking. If their expectations of have. If the patient has polychromatic teeth, this should be
white teeth are unrealistic, then it is best to refer these patients pointed out, and he or she should be asked if this is desired in
elsewhere. the esthetic dentistry plan. The same process is used for incisal
Dissatisfied patients are hard to deal with for every dental translucence. If patients have no incisal translucence, they
office. This is why the discussion of what the patient wants to probably will not want it in their revised smile either. It is
achieve and whether the dentist can achieve it is important to important to have a clear conversation about exactly what the
have before treatment is begun. An informed consent is manda- patient desires in these areas. If the dentist does not know what
tory for esthetic dental cases; this document must spell out the patient desires, there is no way to know what is appropriate
clearly what the benefits and risks of treatment are as well as the for the case. These conversations will direct treatment, reveal
challenges the individual case presents that may prevent the whether or not the patient has unrealistic expectations, and
dentist from achieving the patients desired goals. help determine the color really wanted for the teeth. Dentists
can glean a lot of information by discussing the technical
aspects that dental professionals take for granted. People can be
very particular about the look they want, so dentists must
CONSERVATION CONCEPTS identify potential problem areas ahead of time.
Patient management of the esthetic dental case is very pos-
Patient communication is critical. First, dentists must make sure sibly more important than the clinical aspects of the case.
that the patient has realistic expectations. Patients have visions Every dentist can do the dentistry the patient needs. As train-
of coming out of the dental office looking like a Hollywood star, ing is needed to achieve proficiency in the clinical techniques,
with 28 gleaming, white, perfect teeth immediately. They also training in being able to adequately communicate with
want them simply, without braces or complex treatment. These patients and stimulate them to accept treatment is also essen-
are unrealistic expectations. To be successful in esthetic dentistry, tial for office personnel. Patient management takes as much
dentists must have the verbal communication skills to moderate skill and as much care in completing a successful esthetic
their patients expectations. dental case.
Second, it is better to under-promise and over-deliver than
over-promise and under-deliver. If the dentist over-promises
and under-delivers, the patient will almost never be happy. All SUGGESTED READINGS
conversations with the patient beforehand must be based on
the dentists skills and knowledge of where he or she thinks Carnegie D: How to win friends and influence people, Pocket Books, New York,
this patient can go in terms of esthetic dentistry. Whether that
Homoly P: Making it easy for patients to say YES, Available at: http://www.
involves making the teeth perfectly straight and perfectly white
or accomplishing more difficult tasks, the dentist must be clear Joyal F: Everything is marketing: the ultimate strategy for dental practice
that the goal will not be accomplished without some time growth,
772 Communication Patient Management
Malcmacher L: Big case acceptance success (audio CD series), Common Sense Malcmacher L: Total Facial Esthetics for Every Dental Practice Training,
Dentistry: comprehensive seminars, American Academy of Facial Esthetics,
BigCaseAcceptance.html facial-esthetics-training/facial-esthetics-dvd/volume-one/
Malcmacher L: Building the best team ever (CD audio series), Common Malcmacher L: No Prep Veneers for Every Dental Practice Training DVD:
Sense Dentistry: Comprehensive Seminars, www.commonsensedentistry. American Academy of Facial Esthetics,
com facial-esthetics-training/facial-esthetics-dvd/no-and-minimal-
html preparation-veneers/
McKenzie S: Realizing the practices true potential stopping system collapse,
C H A P T E R 34

Practice Management

Establishing an Esthetic Dental Practice

Roger P. Levin

In terms of patient demand, patients are becoming savvier

HOW PRACTICE MANAGEMENT about cosmetic procedures. The primary reason is Internet
MATTERS IN ESTHETIC DENTISTRY education, which has made the entire world much more aware
of cosmetic opportunities. Second, there is increasing social
Establishing a cosmetic practice differs dramatically from build- pressure to look good. People want to look nice and to appear
ing an everyday or traditional dental practice. Traditional den- young at every age, even at 90 years old. When deciding who
tistry typically focuses on need-based dental care and deals with might be interested in cosmetic procedures, do not discount
broken teeth, decayed teeth, malocclusion, and so on. Cosmetic older people.
dentistry is an elective area wherein patients make a buying Another reason for the increased demand in cosmetic den-
decision as to whether they want to spend discretionary dollars tistry is the improved convenience of these procedures. Patient
to improve their appearance. satisfaction surveys over the years reveal that the number one
In talking about building a cosmetic practice, it is necessary complaint concerning cosmetic dentistry was the lack of conve-
to first explore how practices grow. Cosmetic dentistry has pro- nient access. This included obtaining appointments and sched-
vided a powerful engine for practices to experience a growth rate uling completion of the procedures required. Today cosmetic
that is much more rapid than usual. Typical practices, when the dentistry is widely available worldwide. Not only are appoint-
economy is stable, will grow about 5% to 7% annually. Even in ments easier to schedule, but also the procedures themselves
a depressed economy, practices can still grow. Cosmetic dentistry require considerably less time than previously. We can literally
cases have a higher production level and higher profit margin change a mouth in a few days to a week if the patient is properly
but require less time and less overhead, not including possibly prepared and the case well designed.
increased laboratory costs. Cosmetic dentistry typically has a Additionally, cosmetic practices have also benefitted from
higher comprehensive fee because most cases involve more than the extremely high success rate. In the 1980s and early 1990s,
one tooth. Also, many cases involve smile design in both the cosmetic materials were inferior to those available today. Cos-
maxillary and the mandibular arches. Thus we see higher average metic dentistry is now much easier and quicker to perform.
production rates per patient for esthetic dentistry cases, along When easier and faster are combined, the result is a service that
with a higher profit margin. For these reasons cosmetic dentistry breaks down several of the barriers identified by patients in years
is very alluring to practices as an added service that most trained past. Most patients will invest 3 days to a week to complete a
dentists can readily accomplish. case, or 2 to 3 weeks or longer if implants are involved.
Dentists themselves often find cosmetic dentistry to be enjoy- In the United States, patient financing is available for cos-
able and satisfying. Dentists may feel limited by managing one metic procedures, which is yet another reason cosmetic dentistry
tooth at a time. Adding cosmetic dentistry is a gratifying choice has grown in popularity. This option enables patients to access
because patient satisfaction is evident immediately after the case a separate loan or line of credit. About 65% of patients are
is completed. This positive feedback energizes both the dentist approved for these procedures, and 85% receive the entire
and the dental team. amount requested.

774 Practice Management Establishing an Esthetic Dental Practice

Levin Group recommends that practices establish a system As this hierarchy demonstrates, the want business differs
for superior customer service that provides patients with an from the need business. Dentists are trained to meet needs, and
exceptional experience so that they expresses appreciation for the many do not fully comprehend the difference between a need
doctor and staff and become an active referral source. By deliver- and a want. A need is something one has to have, often imme-
ing exceptional customer service, dental practice team members diately. People find ways to obtain what is needed, such as food,
begin to realize that the sole focus is no longer on treating teeth clothing, or shelter. A want is something that is not necessary
but also providing an experience for the patient throughout the but is desirable. In dentistry, a want is considered elective. In
entire process. the elective zone, patients are willing to start thinking about
Although cosmetic dentistry decreased slightly during the elective dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and discretionary expendi-
recent recession, it is coming back again and offers a tremendous tures. Often, wants are related to an individuals age or social
opportunity for practice growth. Cosmetic dentistry services situation.
should be a part of the service mix in every general practice. The
minimum target proposed for elective dentistry is 22% of the
practice production.
Establishing a Practice within a Practice
Adding cosmetic dentistry to an existing traditional dental prac-
tice means having essentially two distinct practices under one
roof. In many cases cosmetic dentistry is not being considered
THE BUSINESS OF ELECTIVE as a different kind of business with different systems, which
VERSUS TRADITIONAL DENTISTRY creates problems. Five factors must be considered (Box 34-1):
1. Dentists trained in traditional dentistry have received
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs education that usually merely touches on cosmetic
Abraham Maslow created a pyramid referred to as Maslows procedures and implants. Dental schools have so much
Hierarchy of Needs (Figure 34-1). As Figure 34-1 shows, for to cover that they really have no time to give the full
people at the physiologic level, lacking shelter or food, array of information or to challenge students by doing
improving their life beyond meeting these physiologic basic many cases in this area. This approach stays with most
needs is not an issue. Moving up the pyramid, people become dentists well into their career.
interested in meeting other needs, such as safety or love and 2. Clinical excellence does not create clinical success.
relationships. Once basic needs are satisfied, people become Most dentists spend considerable time on continuing
interested in addressing more complex needs, such as relation- education but do not realize that clinical excellence is not
ships. At the higher level, esteem, people may be seeking cos- a guarantee of either practice performance or practice
metic dentistry. success.

Goal setting for personal

growth and developing of
talents and skills

Responsibility for self with

self-confidence, able to help others

Meets social needs of friendship, family, and a sense of belonging

Economic security, protection from injury and danger

Food, shelter, air, water, temperature, elimination, pain avoidance, rest

FIGURE 34-1 Maslows hierarchy of needs. (From Gerdin J: Health careers today, ed 5, St. Louis, Mosby, 2012.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 775

BOX 34.1 A Practice within a Practice BOX 34.2 Cosmetic Dentistry Growth
Reason OneDental Schools Teach Traditional Plan
Dentistry Phase One
Curricula are mostly traditional dentistrynot 1. Value creation
cosmetics or implants. 2. First phone calladd value
Cosmetics and implants are learned haphazardly 3. All new cosmetic and implant patients scheduled
through continuing education. within 7 to 10 days
There are gaps in cosmetic and implant education. 4. Scriptingbenefit statements
5. Rule of 10
Reason TwoClinical Excellence Does Not
Create Success Phase Two
Clinical excellence is essential, but it is one of the least 1. Office to scream cosmetics
important factors in building a successful practice. 2. Every patient should have cosmetic education
Clinical skill alone will not build a cosmetic and 3. During new patient calls, mention cosmetics
implant practice. 4. Show before-and-after photos
Reason ThreeTraditional Dentistry Is Phase Three
Self-Evident 1. List of top three benefits per service
When something hurts, breaks, or fails, people know 2. Ask for feedback
they need to fix it! 3. Develop a relationship
When something seems desirable to buy, people think 4. Five key questions
about value.
What is it?

What will it do for me?
Reason FourCosmetics Are Always Elective
How long will it take?
Cosmetic dentistry is not about need.
How much does it hurt?
There are multiple factors in cosmetic decision
How much does it cost?
Cosmetic dentistry is always based on discretionary Phase Four
income. 1. Train all staff to discuss and promote cosmetics
2. Do not give technical information
Reason FiveElective Choices Are Emotional
3. All should have an outstanding attitude
Need decisions are based on logic.
4. Have a beautiful environment
Cosmetic dentistry is not a need.
Cosmetic patients want motivation and excitement.

3. Traditional dentistry is self-evident. When something

hurts or breaks or fails, we know it and we know it must COSMETIC DENTISTRY
be fixed. Our only consideration is which option we will GROWTH PLAN
choose. When something is not necessary but is desirable,
we tend to think more about value. We may or may Four phases can be used to enhance growth in the percentage of
not choose to act, and we evaluate the choices very cosmetic dentistry done in the practice (Box 34-2).
4. Cosmetic dentistry is always elective; it is never about
need. People can live a long life without cosmetic den-
Phase 1
tistry. No one ever dies from having an unattractive smile. The first phase has five parts.
Cosmetic dentistry is based on discretionary income and Value creation. Dentists need to increase or replace the
the choice often comes down to money and whether or current systems serving the practice. These current systems are
not the patient feels the procedure is worthwhile geared toward need-based dentistry, and adding cosmetic den-
personally. tistry requires systems geared toward want-based dentistry along
5. Elective choices are basically emotional. When you with the need-based side. Scripting is a critical component of
have a need, you make a logical decision after evaluating the changes because in a cosmetic practice, the language must
the options. With cosmetic dentistry, there is no need, so motivate and excite the patient plus create a sense of value and
patients make decisions based more on motivation, excite- desirable return on investment. The basic script, which has
ment, or external investment. These are all more emo- proved functional with traditional approaches, must be aug-
tional than logical ways to make a decision. mented with text that conveys value. It can convey such value
776 Practice Management Establishing an Esthetic Dental Practice

by helping people become knowledgeable and enthusiastic about 4. Use before and after photography. Psychologists show that
cosmetic dentistry. people learn by comparison. Often they do not know they
1. The initial phone call. In the first phone call about 20 steps have a less-than-attractive smile until they get a sense of what
and 18 scripts are available that can take just a few minutes a beautiful smile could look like.
to use. The approach is more than just getting the patients
scheduled and their basic information. The patient also learns
a little bit about the dentist and is exposed to some of the
Phase 3
cosmetic procedure choices. The receptionist or front desk Phase 3 of the Cosmetic Dentistry Growth Plan also has four
staff person who handles telephone communications actually steps.
spends time building a relationship with the patient. This is 1. Identify the top three benefits of every service a practice offers
critical because the patient should always finish the phone and tell the patient these benefits for the desired service. You
call having the sense that this is the right office and placing can offer at least 10 or 20 benefits, but when you give adults
a higher value on that office than before the call was made. three, they respond best. Everyone in the office should know
2. All new cosmetic and implant patients should be scheduled the top three benefits of each cosmetic procedure. Most
within 7 to 10 days. The reason is that the longer it takes to patients, after a treatment consultation, will go to the front
schedule the patient, the more the patients motivation desk and ask a quick clinical or clarifying question. The
wanes. The patient may cancel the appointment or some- answer they receive must give the same information as what
thing else may arise that raises a barrier to the cosmetic was obtained from the dentist, hygienist, or treatment
procedure. The scheduling system should be flexible enough coordinator.
to permit time for a certain number of patients to be seen 2. Request feedback. In about 10 to 12 seconds, the patient is
and treated within a 7- to 10-day cycle. Focus on adding asked what he or she is thinking. This is important informa-
value by using benefit statements. Patients start wanting to tion so that a customized presentation can be developed to
know more about why the procedure will benefit them and help the patient understand the procedure and be comfort-
how it actually will work. able that it is something that he or she wants. The patient
3. The Golden 10, which means we learn 10 personal things will then become motivated to accept treatment. Use of
about each patient before we ever touch him or her. By learn- several feedback loops is suggested, stopping to ask questions
ing these 10 things, we move from a professional-only rela- along the way.
tionship to a professional and a personal relationship. 3. In part three of phase 3, one tries to develop a key relation-
ship with the patient. This relationship was begun in phase
1, but now it is advanced to cover more about why the
Phase 2 patient would want cosmetic dentistry, what the individual
After training the office staff in how to implement the five parts thinks it will accomplish in his or her life, and what area he
of phase 1, we move to phase 2, which has four steps. or she would specifically like to improve.
1. The office should scream cosmetics, from the offices dcor 4. Focus on the key questions a patient is likely to ask during
to patient education, it must be clear that the practice offers the presentation of cosmetic dentistry, specifically (1) What
cosmetic dentistry. Many practices have focused on looking is it? (2) What will it do for me? (3) How long will it take?
beautiful but have ignored marketing their cosmetic services. (4) How much does it hurt? (5) How much will it cost? Most
It is important to create a complete cosmetic feel that includes of the time is spent on question 2 because the answer focuses
the physical beauty of the facility but goes further to specifi- on benefits.
cally focus on cosmetic opportunities.
2. All patients in a practice should know about cosmetic dental
options, whether they need them or not and whether they
Phase 4
have rejected them in the past or not. Patients should be In phase 4 of the Cosmetic Dentistry Growth Plan, four things
educated about what is available, from whitening to the are recommended.
newest crown and bridge, to posterior white restoration of 1. All of the staff members are trained to discuss and promote
the ceramic, porcelain, or composite. The goal is to create an cosmetic procedures. The hygienist, assistants, and front desk
understanding that cosmetic dentistry is available, real, in the attendants should all be comfortable discussing cosmetic pro-
mainstream, and worth considering. cedures and motivating patients in an educational manner.
3. In the new patient phone call, cosmetic opportunities should 2. Do not overstate technical information. Most patients do not
be mentioned even if the prospective patient did not call care about the details of the clinical procedure. When they
about cosmetics. This can simply be informing the patient are interested, they will ask for more information. In most
that the office offers a complete array of cosmetic dental cases they want to understand benefits, not technical
services and the dentist will be delighted to discuss proce- information.
dures at the visit if the patient is interested. When you 3. Address the entire attitude of the office. Everyone on the
combine this introduction with the office screaming team in a cosmetic office must be an upbeat, energized indi-
cosmetics, you are beginning to influence and open the vidual whose presence is enjoyable and who comes to work
patients mind. every day excited and enthusiastic about cosmetic dentistry.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 777

BOX 34.3 Cosmetic Dentistry Growth BOX 34.4 Logical versus Emotion
Plan: Features versus Benefits Logical Thinking
Features Need-based dentistry is a logical decision.
Features are commodities. I broke my tooth, I need a crown.
Features are boring. Evaluates options.

Features do not sell procedures. The decision is only about money.

Benefits Emotional Thinking

Benefits motivate, excite, and energize. Cosmetic dentistry is an emotional decision.
Benefits create desire. I got divorced, I need to look better.
Benefits sell procedures. I look olderthis sucks.
May make no decisions.

Evaluates options.

The decision is about money and desire,

motivation, excitement, impulse, and belief.

4. The office must create a beautiful environment. No one will
buy or believe he or she can buy excellent cosmetic dentistry The Dentist Must
in an office that does not represent a superior cosmetic facility Motivate
appearance or design. Excite
Create trust
The need questionDo I need this or not?
Features are about commodities and making comparisons, The want questionDo I want it or not?
which are boring and typically do not create the excitement Want is affected by:
needed to sell the case. Benefits motivate, excite, and energize Self-perception

the patient. Benefits answer the question What will it do for Self-esteem

me?which is where the bulk of the time in treatment presen- Monetary situation

tation is spent. Benefits create desire and sell the case (Box 34-3). Social situation

Life Factors to Evaluate Emotion

As already mentioned, logical thinking is how need-based den- Age
tistry should be approached (Box 34-4). Patients know when Appearance
something is necessary and know they must select an option. So Life change
they evaluate their options, but the final decision is generally Life Factors to Evaluate
dictated by money. They do not always make the best choice, Effect of advertising
but they will do what they can afford. In cosmetic dentistry, Effect of beauty magazines
emotional thinking takes precedence. For example, emotional Comparison with others
thinking is I got divorced, I need to look better to be more Income
attractive or I look older and this is not enjoyable. For an Upcoming life events
emotional decision, one may choose to not make a decision
because there is no deadline or hurry. The emotional thinker
evaluates options and makes decisions based on money, desire,
motivation, excitement, impulse, and belief. To influence Patients will make decisions about cosmetic dentistry based
patients to accept cosmetic dentistry, one must find what moti- on the following factors:
vates the patient, create excitement, and then energize the 1. Comfort. If patients are comfortable with their smile, they
patient (meaning the patient actually gains more energy as he may never do anything unless the dentist can demonstrate,
or she learns more). As a result, the patient is led to trust the through a comparison, how a more beautiful smile can be
dentist to provide what is being offered and to ensure that it is achieved and the benefits of doing so.
all that has been promised. 2. Convenience. Some patients would love to have cosmetic
Patients who consider cosmetic dentistry ask themselves if dentistry but they find the appointment times or the office
they want it or not. The answer will depend on their own self- inconvenient or they do not want to go through it at this
perception, self-esteem, monetary situation, and social situation. point in life, so they choose not to do it.
This is why the dental offices presentations must be 3. Age. People at age 30 years have very different perceptions
individualized. than people at age 50 or 70 years.
778 Practice Management Establishing an Esthetic Dental Practice

4. Appearance. If patients are unhappy with their smile, they BOX 34.5 Elective Marketing
may ask for cosmetic dentistry. If the person is happy with
the appearance or does not value the smile, he or she may Internal
not be interested. Patient quarterly emails
5. Life change. Often treatment is accepted based on a life Promotion of patient referrals
changea milestone event such as an engagement, a Cosmetic and implant brochures
wedding, a job change, a divorce, or a significant birthday Specific messagingthe theory of three
(e.g., age 40 or 50). Motivational scripting
6. Advertising. Many people never consider cosmetic dentistry Revisiting of conversations
until they see advertising for these procedures. Then they Website education
began to think about whether or not they should do it. The Posters
effect of advertising can be a powerful factor for choosing Social media
cosmetic services. External
7. Beauty magazines. The world is populated by movie stars, Magazines
celebrities, athletes, and politicians who have beautiful Direct mail
smiles. Patients can relate to these attractive people and Newspaper
want the same look for themselves. Radio
8. Comparison with others. Neighbors, brothers or sisters, and TV
others may have had their smiles redone and may look Web
much better than before, so the patient decides to have it Search engine optimization
done too. Comparison is a powerful motivator.
9. Income. Individuals in higher income groups will pay for
cosmetic dentistry much more readily than those in lower
income groups. Cosmetic dentistry is chosen as an accepted
practice in proportion to the income of the individual.
10. Upcoming life event. This may be a special party, a reunion, websites that do not belong to the practice. The problem is that
a visit to see family for the first time in 30 years, and so on. it does not contain a call to action. Most dental advertising is
The occasion is important enough that patients want to really branding. When you do enough high-quality external
look their best. marketing, you begin to influence the local community, but
there are no guarantees that you will personally regain your
initial investment. Some practices do extremely well with exter-
MARKETING COSMETIC nal marketing, but others do not. Taking this step requires care
DENTISTRY and thought about what you are getting into and what external
marketing will do to your costs.
Internal Marketing
Internal marketing (Box 34-5) is an approach using the existing
patient base as the target market for cosmetic services. Ways to NINETY PERCENT OF CASES
reach patients include sending quarterly emails, promoting ACCEPTED
patient referrals, offering cosmetic brochures and implant bro-
chures, and using specific messaging. In the theory of three, If everything that has been discussed is implemented, 90% of
patients hear about cosmetic dentistry in three different subtle the potential cosmetic cases are accepted (Box 34-6). Practice
ways each time they come to the practice. This requires motiva- management is all about systems, so the first step is to put
tional scripting, but it can also rely on staff members who have appropriate systems in place. The preliminary steps of case
used the cosmetic services. They can talk about themselves, acceptance are as follows:
which is quite motivating. If patients do not accept cosmetic 1. Educate every patient about cosmetic and implant dentistry.
dentistry when it is first presented, the topic should be re-visited Any patient who does not know about cosmetics is a poten-
when they are seen at the 6- or 12-month recall visit. Other tial loss for the practice.
sources are website educational presentations from the practice 2. Teach the three benefits of each service to all the staff. If the
and posters placed throughout the office. The results of internal staff does not know the benefits, they cannot talk about it,
marketing are highly predictable: It will create cosmetic cases they will not be excited, and they will gradually forget about
when done properly. cosmetic dentistry.
3. Assume patients will want cosmetic dentistry or an implant.
Do not assume they will not want it because that attitude
External Marketing will destroy the level of cases accepted.
External marketing (see Box 34-5) can be quite expensive and 4. Consider having no-cost consultations for people who were
has an erratic success rate. It involves advertising in magazines, referred and for new cosmetic patients. Eliminating the fee
in direct mail pieces, in newspaper, on radio, on TV, or on is a small gesture that can eliminate one hurdle so people will
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 779

BOX 34.6 Ninety Percent Case 6. See interested patients within 7 to 10 days because the longer
Acceptance they wait, the greater the chance they will lose interest in
moving forward.
Preliminary Steps of Case Acceptance
1. Educate every patient about cosmetic and implant During the case presentation, about 10% of the time should
dentistry. be spent answering the question What is it? The answer
2. Teach three benefits of every service to all staff. focuses on the technical factors of cosmetic procedures. About
3. Assume patients will want cosmetics or implants. 60% of the time should answer the question What would it
4. Offer no-cost consultations for referrals and new do for me? This answer refers to benefits. Ten percent of the
patients. time is to be spent explaining how long the treatment will last.
5. Have flexible financial options. Ten percent should review how much it will hurt, and 10%
6. Offer convenient 7- to 10-day scheduling. how much it will cost. Practitioners must cover all of these
The ConsultationFive Amazing Questions areas so that patients will not create their own obstacles or
1. What is it? (10%) negative feelings. Remember, cosmetic dentistry is an emo-
2. What will it do for me? (60%) tional decision.
3. How long will it last? (10%) If the cases are presented and the patient does not accept
4. How much will it hurt? (10%) treatment right away, consider offering a second or third con-
5. How much will it cost? (10%) sultation, or invite the spouse or a relative to accompany the
patient and help make the decision. Accommodating the key
Follow-Up decision maker is a factor for many people who do not want to
1. Two or three consultations spend money without talking to a spouse or someone else. You
2. The key decision maker may want to arrange for an evening telephone consultation so
3. Evening follow-up everyone can review the presentation. We have found this to be
4. The law of motivation1-week follow-up a powerful technique that creates high levels of case acceptance.
The Law of Motivation states that if the patient has been in,
either the case should be started in 7 to 10 days or the office
should follow up within 7 to 10 days with a second consultation
or a phone call. More than a week should not go by without
come in, and it encourages people to feel more comfortable some specific contact or notation so the patient does not lose
referring other people. motivation.
5. Have different payment options that work for the practice.
It is not possible to have everybody pay the whole fee up-
front because many patients do not have the needed cash
available. Offer the option of credit cards and outside financ- SUGGESTED READINGS
ing. No matter what methods are chosen, ensure the patients Levin Group Inc. (website): Accessed September 2,
that the payment options and financing plans are safe. 2011.

Managing an Esthetic Dental Practice

Debra Engelhardt-Nash

RELEVANCE OF PRACTICE Are we walking the walk?

Do we have the type of dentistry in our own mouths that
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES TO we are suggesting our patient wants?
ESTHETIC DENTISTRY Are we living models of our work?
Do we have an enthusiasm that is palpable to patients
It is important for the dental team to understand the compo- when they come in?
nents of esthetic dentistry and what esthetic dentistry means.
Sometimes there is confusion. Those who represent the practice, These are all important components. Of course, if we do not
from the person answering the telephone to the treatment coor- manage the patient account appropriately or the system of treat-
dinator or concierge, to the hygienist and the dental assistant, ing the patient well, that will be a chink in the armor that can
the team must have considerable understanding of esthetic den- lead to a potentially decisive moment when the patient says,
tistry and what it means. Typically they are the first people who Ouch! That didnt feel good. I dont like the way they handled
will articulate the nature of the practice to the patient. The my scheduling protocol. I dont like the way I had to wait in the
practice is introduced through whatever external marketing has reception room too longthat doesnt feel good. I need to feel
drawn patients to the office. When the patient calls in for a first important, and they didnt give me that feeling.
contact, the message must be congruent with these external It is important to look at the office systems to be certain that
messages. What patients hear when they call, what they see when the management of the patient on paper is done in a way that
they walk in, and how they are being treated as a patient must is congruent with the quality of care being provided. A dental
line up with the image presented in the advertising. office can claim to offer beautiful dentistry and show examples
Esthetic dentistry must also feel different and sound different of the work, but if the presentation is not consistent at every
from regular dentistry. Esthetic dentistry is necessary or elective step of the wayhow we speak to patients, how we write to
dentistry done with cosmetic materials. Whether or not it is them, how we look to them, how we interact with themif that
necessary to address decay, disease, or function, the dentist is is not congruent, the patient may question the quality of the
asking the patient to make a personal choice to invest in his or care. Most experts say that the patients decision to accept den-
her own dental care and personal dental appearance. For many tistry actually happens within the first 10 minutes of entering
consumers that involves discretionary spending and time. It is the practice. If that is the case, the patient has not even met the
necessary to appeal to patients discretionary sense of why they dentist yet. Typically he or she has met only dental team
would choose to make this investment with this specific practice. members.
This is not an insurance-driven type of practice in which the Most patients do not choose a dentist based on the quality
patient is asking, What is my maximum allowance per year of care or the clinical abilities of the dentist. They do not
going to pay for? This is another tier of dentistry and requires usually know what those clinical abilities are and whether they
the individuals in the practice to be different, to be exceptional, are superb, average, or below average until that is demonstrated
and to be noticed by the patient from the first contact. From and unless the patient is educated. The last person to educate
correspondence that has welcomed the patient or brochures that the patient about the quality of dentistry typically is the
have been sent out, the message must be consistent and excep- dentist. The team members should introduce the outstanding
tional. If we are talking about appearance-oriented dentistry, we abilities and clinical aptitude of the person for whom they
also must talk about the sort of appearance being provided to work. Most dentists do not walk into an operatory and say,
the patient in the practice literature, the facility, and the appear- Im really good and youre lucky to be here. They typically
ance of the dental team. This does not necessarily mean that they have a humility regarding themselves. There are very few den-
all must look as though they have come from a supermodel tists who walk into an operatory aggrandizing themselves;
magazine. They must, however, be professional. Questions to ask such a huge clinical ego could offend or put off a patient. It
include the following: is important for the team members to understand that they

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 781

are the frontrunners, the liaison to the patient, and have the another pioneer of practice management, along with the Roadys.
responsibility of explaining, demonstrating, and using visual The Roadys practice management sprang from their dental
aids to help the patient understand the clinical expertise and supply company.
abilities of the practitioner. That is a part of training and prac- Practice management was a bit of an afterthought until the
tice management. 1990s, when it became more accepted. There were times when
With respect to clinical considerations, it is important for the dentists did not want their colleagues to know that they had
dentist to demonstrate his or her clinical aptitude to everyone hired a practice management consultant, implying they could
on the team. The financial coordinator who is talking to patients not figure out how to do things on their own. Eventually dentists
about their dental investment must understand the skill, artistry, came to realize that they did not go to dental school to learn to
and intensity required to achieve the specific level of dental care. run a business, be a personnel director, or act as a human
To be superb, to provide a fine product to the patient, and to resources director. They also realized that their education and
achieve a fantastic end result requires that everyone on the team skills training were in the technical aspects of a dental practice,
understand and appreciate the dentists passion and commit- and they now had to address other components, such as person-
ment to providing the highest level of care to the patient. The nel, hiring, overhead, basic accounting, and all the systems and
passion and commitment of the dentist then are transferred to training. These are as important as the clinical aspects of den-
the team members, who transmit them to the patient. The tistry. The two must marry well.
patient must be able to sense from the team the genuine and Practice management started with a few people who had great
authentic commitment to an excellent level of care. Above all experience and a lot of charisma. They began doing a smattering
else, that is a winning point. of lectures, and the process grew. After Jennifer de St Georges
and Linda Miles, Practicon Dental (Greenville, North Carolina)
and some of the other companies developed. It began as a
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE cottage-type industry and has become big business.

MANAGEMENT Current Status
Consulting companies work hand in hand with practitioners.
In dentistry in the late 1970s there was one practice manage- It is a more accepted protocol to have a consultant or coach
ment company, which had started as a vendor of dental forms. today. More and more people talk about having a life coach or
In response to questions they received from their clients, they dental coach who helps not only with managing the practice
started doing some practice management and eventually con- but also with managing life. More and more practice manage-
sultation. Among the pioneers in practice management are ment consultants have now received coaching training and are
Jennifer de St. Georges and Linda Miles. They worked in offices becoming life coaches for their clients. This trend is continu-
that were successful, so other people asked them questions and ing to grow and reflects a critical component of practice
tried to model their own behaviors on what was working for management.
those practices. That is how it all startedwith a very sea- Often the dentist who needs the consultant most is the
soned, very experienced, very mature, enthusiastic, passionate dentist who can afford it least. Sometimes they say, My wife is
person in dentistry who started talking about what worked. In going to manage my practice and my wife is going to work in
the history of practice management, if a staff member told a the office with me. The question a practice consultant should
dentist that he or she wanted to attend a practice management ask is, What kind of experience has your wife had in a dental
program, the dentists first question was, How will that help office or managing people? Usually she has not had any. She
me clinically? It does not help clinically, but before the dentist may have a degree in accounting, which would be helpful, but
clinically treats the patient, the office must behave in a way she will still need the help of a specialist, a consultant in the
that moves the patient to the dental chair. More and more healthcare field. Consulting has grown considerably and contin-
people have realized that this is something that happens only ues to grow.
oncethat patient gets in the chair for the first time. The
challenge is how to get patients there, how to treat them, and
how to motivate them to pay their bills and understand the Clinical Excellence
More and more systematic practice management companies
and Practice Management
formed. In the 1980s the author was with a company that Clinical excellence must always come before practice develop-
started with dental office design and building for practitioners. ment. It also comes before marketingthere must be something
Dentists started coming back to the designer and asking, I have to market. It has been said that Before you cook a gourmet
this beautiful facility; now what do I do? Ive got the external meal, you have to clean up the kitchen. Clinical excellence is
part of itwhat do I do with the inside, the guts of the more than even what happens at the dental chair. It is a dem-
practice? A successful dentist from California, Dr Philip onstration to everyone of the dentists level of commitment to
D. Whitener, DDS, began applying business principles to dental the patient and to his or her work. Dentists, whether they want
practice management and team management. Dr Whitener was to be or not, are role models for their teams. To develop a
782 Practice Management Managing an Esthetic Dental Practice

practice the dentist must be able to demonstrate to the team dentist gave me a free photo shoot. Especially for esthetic prac-
members and to the world that what he or she does is excellent tice management, one must consider what can be done to make
and worthy of their trust. Clinical excellence must come first. patients notice the practice.
Team members may come to the practice consultant and Considering the work environment and practice manage-
indicate concern about the dentists level of commitment at the ment, one innovative element is to encourage a sense of enjoy-
chair. Some dentists might say it is not the team members or ment or serenity. Certain steps will make sure that when patients
the staffs responsibility or their right to judge the dentists clini- enter the office, they will feel good while they are there. One
cal ability. Whether it is their right or not, team members may thing dental practices can do is ensure this sense of feeling good.
sense what is happening at the chair or may experience some- Consumers buy from people they like and frequent places where
thing that concerns them. It is very difficult for team members they feel comfortable or at ease. The office can have rules, pro-
who do not believe in the dentists clinical abilities to sanction tocols, and manuals. All of those are important internal elements
the practice. They may stay, but they view it as just a jobit is and form the foundation of a solid dental business. Innovators
not their profession or their career, and they have no further go a step beyond, seeking what can be done in the practice that
interest; it just pays the bills. This attitude makes a huge differ- gets noticed by patients. This is behavior that would not be
ence. A lack of clinical excellence affects the way the team expected in most dental offices.
behaves. Yesterday I asked a gentleman who admittedly had been
It is important that the staff be able to be authentic and looking at some other dental practices for his cosmetic
genuine in their marketing endeavorswhat patients are dentistry, What made you choose us? He said, I had
being told, what is being written to them, and what the com- been to a few other dental offices and I received treatment
munity is being told. If the marketing person is writing about plans and fee information but I was not choosing the office
a commitment to quality or excellence or superb clinical skills based on the fee. I wanted to go to somebody who had the
and it is not ringing true, patients will sense that the team is right experience and the expertise I would need, so I did
not on board with the written word or what has been some research. I found your website and read about the
advertised. dentists credentials. Then I called the office and was
impressed by the way that I was treated. Your office shared
information with me that no one else shared. Typically
INNOVATIVE ELEMENTS when I called a dental office they asked my name, asked
about my insurance, and asked other perfunctory ques-
The cycles of any dental practice are predictable. The first stage tions, but they didnt really talk to me about what I was
of a dental practice is fairly generic. Patients expect certain looking for. They were more concerned about getting my
behaviors when they walk into the dental office. Someone should information than they were about asking what I wanted.
greet them, give them an appointment card, notify them when Also, when I walked in, I was impressed by how graciously
they are scheduled to come back again, handle financial arrange- I was treated here, how much information was shared with
ments, and so on. me, and how much time was spent with me during my
The next cycle is called augmented behavior. Here, the expected appointment. I just knew I was in the right place.
behavior is kicked up a notch to make things more readily
accepted by the patient and more pleasant. For example, for- When talking about innovations, we must consider what
merly when patients walked into a dental practice they expected kind of information is put on the website and in other external
a reception room with magazines to read while waiting. Now promotional material. All of those things are part of a system
they expect a flat-screen television in the reception room. Taking that is designed to make the patient want to come to the prac-
it one step further, the dental office may include an Internet tice. It is not happenstance but a systematic approach to putting
section so patients can access the Web or check their email while an attractive face on the practice.
waiting for their appointment. Another augmentation may be Innovations also apply to how patients are handled and how
having a videogame system so they can play golf or do yoga while protocols are set up in the office. The goal is to have the patient
they wait. say, Wow! The dilemma is that the more one does these types
In the third cycle, called potential behavior, things can be of things, the more likely they are to become a trend. Then it is
done in the office to make people take noticethings that make necessary to think of the next step. A patient in the authors
the office so different that people tell others about it. Patients practice mentioned another office he had visited; many of the
typically do not tell their friends, I had the best periodontal things that office did were the same as in the authors practice.
charting today! You must go see Dr. Smedley because he does a The dentist spoke to the patient, saying, I really appreciate the
phenomenal perio chart! or You will not believe how beauti- fact that they like what we do so much that they copy us. I
fully they filled out my insurance form! or even Look at the suppose I should consider it a compliment. Once one office
tertiary anatomy on my crown. Isnt that margin fabulous? They starts doing something and it becomes a trend, then the dental
might go to their friends and say, I just left my dental office team must think about how to stay on the forefront.
and at the end of my visit I received a Sonicare toothbrush and Once an office has established its protocols, plans, marketing,
a beautiful spa kit with bath salts and a loofa or I received a and so on, it must tell itself that it is ever evolving. Just as the
gift certificate to go have a makeover at the local spa or My art and science of dentistry continue to evolve, so does the art
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 783

of practice management. It must continue to be innovative. dentist had been a local football hero in his high school years.
Things that are recommended now may not have been recom- Although this was fun, it was not drawn professionally but
mended 5 or 10 years ago. looked like a childs drawing. For business cards and such, the
Something that many offices do not do before they embark dentist must ask if this is the image he or she really wants to
on an external or internal marketing plan is a psychographic or have in the community. Although a few patients might be
demographic study of their practice. They do not study their attracted to the stick figure card, many more would not. They
location and what suits the consumers they are trying to reach. would view it as amateurish.
Certain questions should be asked, such as the following: There must be someone who understands the artistic nature
What is the target? of images, from logo, to website, to stationary and card design,
Will the office be a general practice or an esthetic to brochure designall must be done very carefully. Some excel-
practice? lent companies have generic and in-stock brochures, literature,
To whom is the practice trying to appeal? and patient forms; these can be used, but one must consider
Whom does the practice want to attract? again the cycles of a dental practice. Such forms are what is
Within what mile radius does the practice want to reach expected, they are generic, and they are not artistic for the most
customers? part. An excellent graphic designer can design a logo and put it
Should the practice become a destination practice or a on all of the elements of the practice, including website advertis-
local practice? ing pieces. That person will ask the right questions, and from
the answers he or she will create an image that truly reflects the
An innovation for many offices is to actually step back and passion, the vision, and the personality of the dentist. If the
scrutinize: Who are we? Where are we? To whom do we appeal? dentist claims that he or she does beautiful, precise, meticulous
What is our market? To actually have a plan is innovative for dentistry but then gives out a patient form that is a crookedly
some offices. reproduced fourth-generation photocopy, that does not convey
Sometimes the dentist and/or other team members attend a meticulous attention to detail.
seminar and hear a great idea. They decide to go back to the Often this is an area requiring a referral. The author person-
office and use it. It may not be appropriate for their practice or ally charges no referral fee.
their location. Then they will say, That did not work for us. It The clinical artistic abilities of the dentist must also be dem-
may not have worked because of geography or some other factor onstrated by meticulous attention to the artistic details in the
that differs from the situation presented at the seminar. Before image of the office. The facility does not have to be grandiose
innovation comes study. Great resources, often inexpensive, are or expensive, but it should convey the right message. If the first
available so that offices can do research, including psychographic thing the patient sees when he or she walks into the clinical area
or demographic studies. Perhaps the community has changed is a torn and frayed operatory chair with the foam coming out
over the last 2 to 5 years; maybe it has become more transient. of the top of the dentists stool, the facility is not conveying a
Maybe the median age of the residents has changed. Maybe the concern for appearance or details. It is critical to reflect the
dental office needs to change how it is addressing that popula- artistry of what the esthetic dentist does in what is shown to the
tion relative to age, employer, or socioeconomic factors. To patient.
be innovative requires doing some homework, analysis, and

ARTISTIC ELEMENTS Dental Team Involvement
The dental team is not involved in the diagnosis, but in terms
There are several components related to artistic elements. First, of introducing possibilities to the patient, showing the patient
can the art and science of dentistry, the artistic abilities of the what is available, and finding out what the patients interests
dentist, be taught? The answer is that they can, but some den- are, the team is definitely part of treatment planning. Having a
tists have more innate abilities than others. In practice manage- dental team member involved in the initial conversation may
ment it is necessary to look at the clinical artistic abilities of prompt the patient to reveal more about what he or she is
the dentist. Both artistic ability and professional image are crit- looking for than when the initial conversation is with only the
ical. Second, in marketing there are external and internal dentist. Certain patients feel more comfortable having a heart-
aspects. Dentists, even esthetic dentists, need to have a special- to-heart chat with a team member. They may share informa-
ist on the teamwhether a graphic artist or an advertising tion, expectations, and desires more openly with team members
directorwho has the savvy, the experience, the networking than with the dentist. This may reflect differences between the
abilities, and the know-how to create the right image for the way the team practices and how the dentist approaches the
practice. The author recalls a dental office in a small town patient. The dentist may be more clinical and not as relation-
where she received a business card that had been designed by a ship based as the team member. Every interaction with the
team member. It depicted a stick figure holding a tooth, with a patient should be based on a relationship, not limited to the
football goal on it and a football helmet on the figure. The clinical area.
784 Practice Management Managing an Esthetic Dental Practice

Treatment planning involves asking the right questions and

making the patient aware of what treatment possibilities are CLINICAL CONSERVATION
available. Displaying examples of the kind of work that the office CONCEPTS
can provide is a wonderful way of transitioning the patient into
the clinical meeting with the dentist. This can lead to discussing It is important in practice management for the team members
patient expectations, talking about dental history, and noting to understand the dentists treatment philosophy because they
concerns or objections. It is also a great introduction to the are responsible for articulating it to the patient. The philosophy
dentist. The team member can talk about the dentists clinical is expressed in all forms: the website, printed matter, advertising
virtues and artistic abilities during the initial treatment planning pieces, welcome letters, and so on. Some offices have a written
process. treatment philosophy that is posted in the reception room. None
The other area where the team member is involved in treat- of the previously described things can replace having a conversation
ment planning is being present during the process. The dentist with a patient about the dentists treatment philosophy.
should never walk into an operatory by himself or herself. The dentists treatment philosophy to conserve as much
There should always be a team member present with the natural tooth as possible may extend to the point of being radi-
patient when the dentist enters the operatory. The team cally conservativeperhaps not even doing tooth whitening
member then stays during the examination and diagnosis. because I believe you should live with the color that God gave
Team members may act as the dentists scribe in documenting you. Team members need to find a way of positively articulating
the treatment plan and the clinical findings, so they are quite that life philosophy, which has transcended into a treatment
involved during the examination, diagnosis consultation, and philosophy. For example, one could present this treatment phi-
documentation process. They are critical to that and often also losophy as so conservative that the dentist will do a beautiful
explain the treatment, clinical findings, and recommendations job of blending restorations in with the natural color of the
to the patient. Some dentists do this well and some do not. teeth. This is an extreme example, but the patient must under-
The latter can defer to someone on the team who is a more stand that there are several ways to approach esthetic dentistry.
effective communicator. Everyone on the team should be Explanations are given without denigrating other approaches.
trained and professional enough to be able to articulate a treat- The team members need to focus on their employers approach
ment plan to the patient, whether he or she has acted as a and be committed to it entirely. When patients call the practice
treatment coordinator or as a dental assistant. It is good some- and ask about a particular procedure or product, it is possible
times to designate one person to be a treatment coordinator. to say, I can understand why you would ask about that particu-
This is the only person who has the training and possibly the lar procedure [or product] because its been advertised widely.
personality to present treatment plans effectively to the patient. For some patients that is a viable solution. Let me explain that
That can be an obstacle, however, because if for some reason particular procedure [or product] and what it is best for. The
that person is no longer available or is not available at the time practice may not perform that procedure or use the product in
and no one else can function in that capacity, then it cripples a restoration, but it can be discussed noncritically and educa-
that office. tionally. Relaying the dentists philosophy is critical, but one
It is critical for the team to be very involved in the treatment does not have to build oneself up by tearing others down.
plan. Should the team members offer opinions? Probably not
that could confuse the patient. They need to make sure that
treatment recommendations and diagnosis are left to the dentist, SUGGESTED READINGS
but defining, explaining, and further educating the patient
about the treatment plan are absolutely appropriate. One must JdSG International Inc. (website): Accessed September 1,
be careful, however. Overly aggressive team members can become Miles Global (website): Accessed September 1, 2011.
too involved and start diagnosing the patient. That is taking a Practicon Dental: Practice Management (website):
strength and making it a weakness. help-detail.aspx?oid=121.
C H A P T E R 35

Evaluating Esthetic Materials

Michael Miller

RELEVANCE OF EVALUATING Unless there is some science behind the materials or methods
used in dental trials, there is no way a clinician can know
MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES whether a product works as advertised. Experience in evaluating
TO ESTHETIC DENTISTRY dental materials, including esthetic materials, devices, and
equipment, reveals that many claims made by manufacturers are
shaky or even untrue.
Important Terminology Numerous evaluations are available, so it is important to
AccuVol: Volumetric shrinkage of restorative composites assess the source of the evaluation. The people doing the evalu-
is determined using this specialized scanning device ation must be totally unbiased. If there is any commercial over-
designed by Bisco. tone in an evaluators profile, that tends to negate many of the
Bond strength: Bond strength tests are done with findings. For example, the evaluator may be working under a
operators and assistants working together to simulate grant from a manufacturer, suggesting bias. It is well known that
the clinical procedure. those who pay the bills are more favorably treated, so it is very
Digitized microleakage: Microleakage at the margins of important to know who is doing the evaluation, what is behind
class V restorations is measured using an imaging it, and who is paying for it.
algorithm reading from sectioned specimens viewed The methods by which evaluations are done are also
through a stereo microscope. important. For example, a facility tests a new nanocomposite
Fluorescence: Fluorescence of materials is tested intra- restorative material and finds that the product does not light
orally in a live subject in a custom-made black light cure well at the bottom of a proximal box. If a clinician is
cabinet. It is not possible to test fluorescence using using this in a class II situation and places it on a gingival
extracted teeth or discs. wall and cures it for the manufacturers recommended
Hardness: Depth of cure of composites and curing time time, most likely the material will be undercured. The manu-
as it relates to hardness are tested in a digital hardness facturer may not have ever performed a test under those
tester. conditions. Many products on the market have undergone testing
Modified molar for depth of cure: Modified class II but nothing that subjects the product to all the uses for which
preparation is used to determine depth of cure and it is recommended. The issue of validation for the clinical
gingival wall hardness instead of the much more dentist is one of confidence in use. To be confident that
common but clinically irrelevant metal cylinder the material will function in a certain manner, the dentist
technique. must have an independent non-manufacturer, non-distributor
Porosity: Trans-illuminating and digitizing disks of evaluation that indicates the uses of the material and the
composite quantify porosity in composites. Materials results expected.
with high levels of porosity can cause problems during Many materials are good materials made by ethical, well-
the finishing and polishing phase of a restoration. meaning manufacturers. As noted, the way the products are
Specimen preparation: Specimens for bond strength used is not always investigated by the manufacturer. Even
testing are prepared on a dual-wheel model trimmer. when the manufacturer has a recommended technique, that
Thermocycler: A thermocycler is used to simulate the technique may not be appropriate or may not optimize the
temperature extremes that a restoration would materials performance. In these cases, dentists using these
experience intraorally. products according to the manufacturers directions come up
Translucency and opacity: Spectrophotometry determines with less-than-optimal results. Often a manufacturers direc-
the translucency and opacity of materials to allow tions are based on outdated tests designed by the International
more specific selection. These properties are important Organization for Standardization (ISO), the American Dental
in choosing materials to replace enamel and dentin Association (ADA), or other regulatory bodies. These tests
and to simulate incisal effects. may have been applicable years ago but no longer apply to
modern materials. Tests must be adjusted frequently so they

786 Evaluating Esthetic Materials

reflect how a product is being used clinically. The way to

optimize the products use is not necessarily in the instruc- RELATING FUNCTION
tion manual that comes in the box. Most instruction manuals AND ESTHETICS
or, as manufacturers call them, the DFUs (directions for
use), are poorly written, presented in extremely small type, When a material or product is used during a clinical procedure,
and printed on paper that is not amenable to disinfection it is important to understand its function as well as its esthetics.
procedures. If the dentist picks up the instructions while REALITY grades materials every year, and the clinical evaluation
using the material and his or her gloves are contaminated, team fills out a new online comprehensive survey form. A
the instructions can blur and become contaminated. The product might initially work quite well. The evaluator may place
instructions may also be ambiguous. Probably the most egre- a composite, for example, finish it, polish it, and see that it looks
gious example is adhesives, because many adhesives today great. However, a year later the evaluation rating process is
demand that the dentist use certain types of moisture sub- repeated, and if the restoration does not appear as good, the
strates. Moist states range from the tooth glistening with evaluator will downgrade the original rating. Esthetics and func-
moisture to being completely dry. The manufacturers descrip- tion obviously go hand in hand. In the laboratory, products are
tion of what the dentist should achieve in the substrate tested from a property standpoint, a handling standpoint, and
condition is typically so ambiguous that it is virtually impos- a clinical standpoint. When these products approach their expi-
sible to achieve. ration date, they may be retested. The goal is to make sure that
the expiration dates offered by the manufacturers are accurate.


OF EVALUATING ESTHETIC What drives product use is most often the products advantages
MATERIALS over previous products in that category. For example, resin
cements were originally modified lower viscosity composites. It
The ADA and ISO have testing programs and regulations in was still necessary to etch teeth, place some kind of adhesive,
place for materials presumably before they can go on the market. and then use the resin cement either in a light-cure situation or
Because these quasi-governmental bodies are somewhat slow in mixed by hand and used in a self-cure situation. Resin cement
responding to changes, many products are not tested properly has morphed to include self-etching primers and eliminate the
or involve old materials. In the 1970s, Clinical Research Associ- etchant. Going from using an etchant to primer to the cement
ates (CRA) started a private testing program. Although its is three steps. Now the driving force is the ability to use only
testing program is acceptable, there are flaws in it because den- two steps, which is easier, faster, and less complicated. Those are
tists do not conduct the tests, so they are not always clinically factors that always play a part. The latest rendition in resin
relevant. cement would be the self-adhesive versions, in which not only
In the early 1980s the Dental Advisor offered a testing the etchant but also the primer is eliminated. At least some resin
program along the same lines as those used by CRA or universi- cements are just as easy to use as a more conventional or tradi-
ties. The main researcher behind that program was not a dentist. tional cement in which the tooth is simply cleansed before the
REALITY Publishing Company ( restoration is cemented. Driving product use are (1) ease of use,
came on the scene in 1986. The goal of REALITY is to test (2) how fast it can be used, (3) the complications involved, and
products in a more clinically relevant manner, as used by normal (4) the clinical results. If the product performs well, is simpler,
dentists in normal practices. is easier to use, and meets or exceeds the advantages of a previ-
REALITY follows a three-pronged attack method. First, ous-generation product, it will be used.
the products are tested in the REALITY research lab, which is
staffed primarily by research dentists plus some auxiliaries who
handle non-dental activity. The products are tested in a con-
trolled manner using techniques that match clinical techniques Unfortunately these same factors also drive the contraindica-
as closely as possible. There is always a gap between laboratory and tions. Often in dentistry when steps are cut out, the efficacy of
clinical views, but the techniques are designed to simulate the clini- the product is diminished. Sometimes the decreased efficacy is
cal situation as closely as possible. Second, 38 clinical evaluators not clinically apparent and is not a big deal. Continuing with
throughout the world, with various types of experience and the example of a resin cement, use of etchant, primer, and
academic credentials, are used to obtain a good geographic cement may have been overkill. Although it was not necessarily
balance between clinical and academic, scientific and practical hurting anything, it made the process too complex, increasing
assessments. This yields a variety of opinions on these materials, the risk of complications and the chance that something would
products, and equipment. Third, the scientific literature is go wrong. Through simplification of the process, fewer things
reviewed even though much of it has little relevance to clinical could go wrong. However, if the simplification process makes
practice. the product perform below a threshold level of clinical
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 787

acceptance, problems may develop. For instance, using the production time, which will cost money and goodwill with the
example of self-adhesive resin cements, several have already been patient. In selecting products for more or less definitive restora-
taken off the market because of poor performance. Other com- tions, most dentists are better off relying on an evaluation service
plaints have been made about products that remain on the such as REALITY.
market. Simplification can drive product development but may
have a downside to it, so it is a double-edged sword.
MATERIAL OPTIONS One of the weaknesses of composite materials is their shrinkage.
Over the last 20 years or so there has been a concerted effort
Both clinical and laboratory evaluations can bring out differ- by manufacturers to produce composite materials with lower
ences in materials that appear on the surface to be very similar. shrinkage, which presumably will reduce stress at the margins,
For example, continuing with the example of cements, one leading to lower leakage levels, less opportunity for recurrent
cement may have a longer working time than another cement. caries, and less sensitivity potential. Some evidence shows that
That longer working time will be revealed both in the laboratory composite shrinkage can actually fracture enamel margins, pro-
evaluation and in the clinical evaluation. When the dentist typi- ducing untoward effects. Many new composites advertise low
cally seats only one or two restorations at a time, that long shrinkage or low stress. Shrinkage is one issue, but if a product
working time for cement is probably not important. However, shrinks less but the stress at the margin is not reduced, the
if the dentist seats multiple restorations at one time, requiring a shrinkage is probably of little or no import.
longer working time, these evaluations will distinguish between With low shrinkage, typically something else is sacrificed. Some
materials. In seating multiple restorations, if the cement starts low-shrinkage materials have other undesirable effects. For example,
to set during the procedure, it is a major issue to clean it out of one of the lowest-shrinkage materials currently on the market
the restoration, especially if some of these restorations are already shrinks about 1%, whereas most conventional composite mate-
being seated on preparationsthey do not go all the way down. rials shrink about 3% or 4%. A 1% shrinkage is a fairly signifi-
Just considering this one parameter, the clinical evaluations com- cant advance over the old material, but there are also problems
bined with the laboratory testing can significantly influence the with this particular material. First, it requires a special adhesive.
choice between what seem to be similar materials. Because it has a new monomer system, conventional adhesive
Today in dentistry many products are made by one manu- does not work, limiting use by type of adhesive. Second, the
facturer but placed on the market under different names. This material does not cure well. It is quite opaque and requires
is the clones phenomenon. It is not dissimilar from what is extended light curing. This particular material is marketed for
done for products in supermarkets when a particular item is posterior use, and it does not cure well at the bottom of the
made by a well-known branded manufacturer but offered under proximal box. Third, this particular product has a high exo-
both that brand name and a store brand. The products are therm, so heat is produced during curing not by the curing light
exactly the same, but one is cheaper than the other. The problem but through the exothermic reaction itself. Those three factors
in dentistry is that if the clone is used, the dentist does not know alone raise eyebrows as to whether having low shrinkage really
who makes the product. That becomes a problem if an untoward offers sufficient advantages. The product may be adding disad-
effect occurs. It becomes much more difficult to trace it. vantages on one end even though it offers an advantage on the
Regarding clones, or very similar products, it is preferable to other end. Whenever there are technical leaps into new territory,
have dentists use branded merchandise made by the manufac- it is wise to be aware of the downsides that accompany these
turer listed on the box for critical procedures. This includes advances.
cement and composite, among other products. Off-brand or From a scientific perspective, low shrinkage seems good in all
clone-type merchandise is acceptable when it comes to things regards. The less a material shrinks, the better the results com-
like paper products or anesthetics. It is clear immediately after pared with materials that shrink more. On the other hand, from
an anesthetic is used whether the patient is numb or not, so that a clinical perspective, there may be no advantages. The practicing
is generally not an issue. When the dentists reputation is linked dentist may not realize any benefits. Many newer materials
to a specific product and it fails, the result is bad for both dentist shrink 2%. Going from 2% down to 1% could be said to halve
and patient. For critical procedures, clones are not indicated. the shrinkage. However, it must be determined whether that 1%
With regard to the evaluation process, dentists can assess will really pay off from a clinical perspective. Materials that
anything in their own offices. If they choose they can purchase shrink 2% are still a major advance over materials that shrink
two or three similar products, such as headlamps or magnifica- 4%, for example. Even clinical studies showing the benefits of
tion loupes, to test because most of these manufacturers actually low-shrinkage materials are quite difficult to conduct, difficult
allow dentists to use their products for up to 30 days. If the to track, and hard to analyze properly. It is necessary to look at
dentist does not like the product, it can be returned. When it them over a period of perhaps 5 years, but no manufacturer does
comes to restorative products, most cannot be easily changed a 5-year study because it is too expensive and competition is too
out without risk and patient displeasure. With these, if the stiff. Many materials are brought onto the market based on
dentist chooses incorrectly, both dentist and patient will be short-term studies, maybe 6 months or a year, and they may not
inconvenienced and the dentist will be out significant be comparedmeaning no control material was included in the
788 Evaluating Esthetic Materials

study. About the only thing such studies do is place a 1% shrink-

age material in 50 teeth and recheck at the end of 6 months or TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
a year. If the teeth are still doing well, researchers state that the
material performs well with little marginal leakage or few gaps Knowledge of the materials and their usage and result parame-
detected at the margins and note whether the material met other ters makes a difference in treatmentfor example, when choos-
criteria. In essence, the material is compared with older materi- ing for patients with a high caries rate. A variety of restorative
als, so advances are much more difficult to analyze. materials must be assessed. Included would be an ionomer, a
compomer, a giomer, and a nanohybrid, microhybrid, or micro-
fill. The needs of each patient must be considered. Choice of material
ARTISTIC ELEMENTS is based on what will help that specific patient.
For example, the authors daughter had a disto-buccal lesion
Polishing is easy to test. Tests of translucency and opacity of on her lower left first molar. Her mother, who is an orthodontist,
materials show clearly which materials have a dentin-like opacity was preparing to place a bracket on the tooth and put her
and which have an enamel-like opacity. For an incisal edge it is into orthodontic treatment. The author chose to use an ionomer
possible to look at the translucency of incisal-type material. because of the fluoride release and because the patient was a
Those types of aspects are easily determined with a great deal of 10-year-old with braces who might not be as conscientious
precision. However, it is not possible to test the elusive chame- about cleaning as would be ideal. The differential diagnosis
leon effect that many composites claim to have. Those types of led the author to choose the ionomer material with its fluoride
tests must be done in a clinical situation. It is difficult to even release despite its esthetic and surface finish liabilities, which
try to do them on extracted teeth because extracted teeth do not really did not come into play in that particular instance anyway.
exhibit the same type of optical properties as vital teeth in
patients. The same thing applies to fluorescence. Fluorescence
of material is an artistic or physical property area that is highly EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES
relevant to certain categories of individuals who are in the per-
forming arts, in broadcasting, and so on. Fluorescence testing Both evidence-based principles and experience-based knowledge
done by manufacturers has used a black light on disks. If the have a place in the selection of materials and techniques. Prob-
material glowed, it was classified as fluorescent. The problem lems with experientially based decision making are that it is
with such tests is that it is possible to have a material that fluo- impossible to do side-by-side comparisons and that everyone is
resces too much or not enough. Fluorescence of material is now subject to personal biases. Dentists will look at work that they
tested in live models. Non-vital teeth fluoresce differently than have done differently than if someone else did it. For example,
vital teeth. Overall, some artistic elements can be tested very the dentist may look at a restoration that he or she placed,
precisely whereas others are more difficult and elusive to test. perhaps an anterior restoration, and believe it looks beautiful.
Then the dentist takes a picture and looks at it later on the
computer screen or as a blow-up through a projector and sees
TREATMENT PLANNING that it is not perfect. The camera does not lie. Looking at some-
thing from a clinical perspective is always important, but first it is
Knowing the true parameters of various dental materials can necessary to know that something will work from an evidence-based
help in treatment planning. If treatment planning is being done standpoint. Some laboratory-based values, as alluded to earlier,
for an individual who is in the public eye, the treatment plan for allow one to assess performancefor example, the ability of a
a restorative process will differ from a plan for somebody who is not composite on the gingival wall of a proximal box to cure clini-
in the public eye or who has priorities that are much different. The cally. Even down the road it may be difficult for dentists to look
latter types of individuals may be more inclined to think of the interproximally and determine whether the material was cured
teeth as something to eat with, without having much concern properly. The curing can be measured specifically as part of the
about how the teeth look. For such individuals the plan would laboratory testing. Ultimately both experiential and evidence-
focus on a stronger and perhaps less esthetic material without based data are necessary. The laboratory testing is done first, then
worrying about fluorescence, and so on. the experientially based testing can be done, but it is important
to have both.
Knowing the parameters of materials helps with the sequence
for use as opposed to instructions stated in the manufacturers CLINICAL CONSERVATION
manual. There are procedures that must be followed. When the CONCEPTS
sequencing is disrupted, whether because of the manufacturers
directions, the clinicians habit, or another reason, the dentist There has been a general trend toward conservation. Evaluating
can get into trouble. In the testing process a method is estab- materials can help in selecting those that will conserve more
lished by which the use of these products is optimized so dentists healthy tooth structure and generally keep more natural tooth
do not get into trouble. structure intact in the mouth. A dentist owns the carious
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 789

material, but the patient owns the enamel. This means leaving common use are better than less common products or whether
unsupported enamel when preparing posterior teeth using such new products are better than products that have been around
techniques as tunnel preps and other preparation configurations for a while.
such as slot preparations. Another advantage of these prepara- When one looks at testing from different areas and different
tions is not opening up contacts. A remineralization product testing centers, there may be vastly different results. However,
recently came on the market that uses resin-based infiltration of the ranking of products in any given category is usually quite
caries-invaded enamel. The technique involved is cumbersome, similar across the board. The difference in testing methods is
but conservation of tooth structure is an appropriate goal. Some responsible for the different values. Tests can be done in ways
conservative techniques are difficult to actually assess in the that are radically different. For example, analysis of depth of cure
laboratory. This is one area in which clinical testing probably is by most institutions and manufacturers uses the ISO method,
much more applicable than doing laboratory tests. For example, which is a brass ring that is filled up with composite and cured
testing how strong a marginal ridge is over a tunnel preparation from one side. It is actually a split mold. The tester opens it up,
is difficult in the lab owing to the many variables such as the scrapes off the uncured material, measures the resultant cylinder,
integrity of the remaining marginal ridges. Clinical conservation and then takes 50% of that height to determine the depth of
of tooth structures is a trend all dentists should be aware of and cure of the composite material. However, this has no bearing on
should practice. what dentists do in the mouth. A new, nondestructive test was
designed using a real tooth in a modified Class II preparation
that measures true hardness using a computerized and calibrated
MAINTENANCE hardness machine. Testers measure the difference between the
hardness of the composite at the top and at various depths. What
Years ago the author was an editor for a publication called is actually being measured is the depth of cure in a real tooth
Maintaining Esthetic Restorations (Reality Publishing, 1989). the way the dentist would actually restore it in the office. The
This book outlined various ways that auxiliary personnel such results, however, are radically different. The literature and some
as expanded duty assistants and hygienists can help maintain manufacturers may point out that composites can cure to 4, 5, 6,
restorations in the office. There were also hints for patients, or even 8mm deep in as little as 10 seconds. Results in real-life situ-
telling them what they could be doing. The unfortunate fact is ations are not even close to thatthe maximum is usually 2 to
that very little of this was evidence based; there has been little 3mm. The ranking of products may go from very deep curing
information on whether, for instance, proper polishing tech- to moderately deep to shallow. The ranking using other measure-
nique will create a longer-lasting restoration. It certainly looks ments may be in a similar sequence, even though the informa-
better and feels better to the patient and probably is retained tion the clinician obtains is radically different. Some calibrated
better. There has not been much information offered nor testing tests may give the clinician a distorted view of how deeply a
done in this area. Mouthwashes and other products that contain composite can cure.
alcohol have been tested and have been shown to potentially Some manufacturers think of evaluators as thorns in their
affect the surface integrity of various restorative materials. sides. However, legitimate, well-meaning manufacturers look at
Even so, most of those studies were done in the laboratory and evaluators as a way to improve their products. Most manufactur-
were not clinically based or even conducted using clinically ers, even though they may not always like what evaluators say,
relevant techniques. Maintaining restorations in the mouth see the value of independent evaluations. Manufacturers often
either by the dental office or by the patient is still an area that convene focus groups, which are really a kind of evaluation,
needs work. although not to the depth that one might like to see. Manufac-
turers also spend considerable time on research and develop-
ment. When they are ready to introduce a product, if they
CONTROVERSIES IN EVALUATING receive negative comments through testing and evaluations,
ESTHETIC MATERIALS either clinical or laboratory, they lose valuable time. They must
answer to their stockholders and consider financial aspects.
The most important controversy involves how materials are Many manufacturers appreciate the information and use test
evaluated and whether the laboratory testing of materials is results to improve their products.
relevant. Some may say the clinical test is the final test and labora- There should be a cooperative effort in product testing.
tory testing cannot be definitive. However, it is not possible to take Product evaluation should improve the quality of materials for
a product and put it on the market based on clinical use because the benefit of the practitioner and the patient. If the evaluation
clinical use does not show everything that could happen. In addi- shows the product to be everything the manufacturer says, then
tion, many tests have been done by agencies whose methods the manufacturer has more credibility and reaps a benefit. The
and criteria have not been updated over the years, so the results evaluation process can be a positive force that benefits all parties
probably do not really tell clinicians whether products in involved.

A Adper Easy Bond, 256, 729f Anterior direct composites

A Enamel composite system, 426 Adper Scotchbond SE, 196f-197f beveling/contouring/finishing, 227-228,
Abbot, C, 341-342, 342f, 343b Advertisements, 770 227f-230f
Abel, MG, 307-308 Aesthetic pre-evaluation temporary (APT), class IV restorations for, 232-236, 236f-243f
Abfraction, dental bonding in, 210, 210f-213f 460-461 color/shade of, 226-228, 226f
Abrasive disks/strips, 268-269, 278, 279f, 289, Age considerations for
291f-292f oral screening and, 631-632 clinical, 219-220, 219f-222f, 233
Abrasive particles, 269, 269f, 278-279, 288-289, response to tooth whitening and, 387-388, treatment, 220-224, 235
288f-291f 387f-388f controversies in, 235
Abrasives, loose/paste, 270-271, 270f sleep apnea and, 734 future developments in, 231, 235
Abutments, implant, 681 See also Pediatric dental procedures handling properties of, 226
AccuDose NeedleTubes, 542-543 Aged appearance histological approach to layering, 423-435,
Acetic acid mouthrinse, 628, 632-633 dental restorations for, 132-134, 431f-435f
Acid etching in dental bonding, 204 133f-134f history/evolution of, 214
Acrylic in dentures, 562-563 tooth discoloration due to, 347, 393 maintenance regimen for, 228-231, 231f, 235
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, 596, 601, Air abrasion, 252, 591f, 593, 594f material options for, 215-216
604 Air dispersal of water, 204, 205f-206f minimally-invasive and esthetic, 214,
A-dec tooth dryer, 506 Airway obstruction, 705, 705f-706f, 734 215f-216f, 224
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels Airway resistance syndrome, upper, 734 morphology (artistic elements) of, 224, 225f
in caries risk assessment, 6, 8 Alcohol in mouthrinses, 30-31 opaquing system for, 216-218, 217f
low-level laser therapy and, 606 Alignment of anterior teeth, 216f in smile design, 224-226, 226f
Adhesive (resin-based) cements, 547, 548b. See Alkaptonuria, 345 tints and, 218-219, 218f
also Cements, dental All-Bond 2, 169b treatment planning for, 220-224, 223f-224f,
Adhesive techniques/technologies Allergic reaction to metals, 510 234-235
clinical considerations for AlloDerm, 664 Anterior Sagittal Appliance, 694f-695f, 697-698
caries detection and, 170-172, 171f-173f Aluminum-oxide paste/particles, 228, 231f, Anterior teeth
caries management and, 13, 13f, 25, 278-279 alignment of, 216f
27-28 Amalgam cores, 485, 485b primary, 719-720, 721f
conservation dentistry and, 84, 85f, 171f, Amalgams young permanent, 719, 725f-728f
187-188 advantages/disadvantages of, 413 Antimicrobial therapy
controversies in, 188 to composites, 191f, 255 in caries treatment, 3, 5, 8-9
esthetic dentistry and, 168, 190, 191f versus composites, 256 in periodontal therapy, 663-664, 666, 684
for esthetic try-in, 117 inlays/onlays to replace, 472f Apically repositioned flap, 671, 672f-673f
evidence-based principles for, 187 limitations of, 81 Apnea, obstructive sleep
future developments in, 188 retreatment for old, 250-251, 250f, 253-255, functional appliances for, 703-704, 703f-704f,
history/evolution of 253f-255f 706-707
in 1-7th generations, 168-170, 169b, tooth discoloration due to, 393 oral appliance therapy for, 733-739,
172-177, 175f-176f use of, 469 735f-738f
in 4-7th generations, 190-195, 191f-199f Amelogenesis imperfecta, 345, 345f Apnea defined, 706
in conservative dentistry, 170, 171f American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), 706, 706t
innovative elements in, 178-179 (AACD) examination, 55, 55f-58f Appliances, functional
maintenance in, 188 American Academy of Pediatrics, 706 after restorations, 31
selecting, 177-178, 177f-178f American Academy of Periodontology, 604, caries risk and, 24
treatment planning for 607-608 clinical considerations for
overview of, 179-180, 179f-180f American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 733-734, crossbite in, 692-693, 694f-695f
finishing/curing in, 185-187 738 lower posterior teeth upright in, 693,
at intertubular level, 185, 186f-187f American Dental Association (ADA) 696f
moist/wet bonding in, 181-182, 181f caries criteria by, 17 maxilla positioned correctly in, 687,
preparation in, 182-185, 182f-184f caries risk assessment form by, 5-6 689f-690f
surface contamination and, 185 dental cement classification by, 538 maxilla/mandible relationship in, 689-690,
See also Bonding; Cements, dental dental materials tests by, 785-786 691f-692f
research unit of, 33, 34f maxillary incisors inclination in, 690-692,
Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), 693f
394 maxillary width in, 686, 687f-688f
Page numbers with t denote tables; f denote Anderson, John, 560 vertical dimension in, 693-695,
figures; and b denote boxes. Angle, Edward, 698 697f-698f

792 Index
Appliances, functional (Continued) belleGlass composite, 424 Bleaching of teeth (Continued)
esthetics and belleGlass indirect resin restoration, 497 at-home treatment planning for, 358-360
facial, 707-708 Belvedere, PC, 304, 307-309 categories of, 397
improving, 704-706, 705f Beresin, VE, 561, 563 professionally dispensed, 386, 386t
relating, 686 Bertollotti, Raymond, 169 self-directed, 362, 386, 386t, 392
history of, 685-686 Beveling anterior restorations, 227-228, 227f side effects of, 397
innovations in orthodontics and, 708-709, Beverages. See Foods/beverages, chromogenic. innovative elements in, 362, 387-388,
708f-709f Biclear Matrix Systems, 247 387f-388f, 395
orthodontic treatment for Biofilm, dental maintenance regimen for, 379, 380f, 390,
planning, 706-707, 706f, 706t CAMBRA and, 8-9, 26 399
using, 695-699, 695t caries as disease of, 1-2 in-office material options for, 360
treatment considerations for dental plaque and, 15 advantages/disadvantages of, 360-361, 394
Class II skeletal malocclusions in, 699-703, dentures and, 564 bleaching lights as, 362-363, 363f-364f
700f-702f risk factors and controlling, 5-6 carbamide peroxide concentrations in,
philosophies of orthodontic, 699 Biohazard symbol, 755f, 756 394-395
sleep apnea/ADHD in, 703-704, 703f-704f Bioluminescence technology, 6 complications with, 361
See also Oral appliance therapy BioMers colorless wires, 709 current best approach using, 361-362,
Arch. See Maxillary arch, developing. Biopsy, brush, 629-630 394
Arestin. See Minocycline-impregnated Biozonix water ozone system, 583f-584f, 594f in-office techniques for
microspheres. Bis-acrylic composites advantages/disadvantages of, 385-386, 388
Arm and Hammer Baking Soda products, 5 in layering direct composites, 427 classifications of, 395, 395b
Artglass indirect resin restoration, 497 for provisional restorations, 102-104, 103b, dry, with light, 368-370, 369f
Articulator in smile design, 103, 108-109 104f, 109 with lasers, 364-366, 367f
Artiste composites, 425 BisCem (cement), 542-543 power, with heat/light, 364-366, 365f-366f,
Artistic elements, 788 BisCover resin, 506 397, 398b
Aschmann, F, 272-273 Bisphenol A glycidyl methacrylate (BIS-GMA) professionally administered, 362, 385,
Aseptim Plus resins, 110 386t
about, 582-583, 585f, 593 Bite change, 734-735 to remove mottling/white spots, 371-374,
for photoactivated disinfection, 619, 621f, 623f Bite patterns, porcelain laminates and, 436 372f, 386-387
techniques for using, 623-624, 624f Bite registration sequence of, 389
Asmussen, Erik, 190 for esthetic try-in, 120-124, 120f-121f, 130f wet, with light, 370-371, 370f
Astropol polishing tip, 269, 506 for oral appliance therapy, 738, 738f in-office treatment planning for, 389-390, 389f,
Astroquartz, 323 for smile design, 107 395-397
Atopobium, 1-2 Biting, after restorations, 31 patient behavior and. See Patient involvement/
Atridox. See Doxycycline-impregnated spheres. Black, GV expectations
Attachments, precision/semi-precision, 575-581, about, 1-2, 12, 27-28 in pediatrics, 723-724, 725f
576f-579f composite preparation style of, 252-253, 253f Bleaching pens/rods (paint-on), 382, 382f
Attention-deficient/hyperactivity disorder Black diamonds, 670 Bleachorexia, 399
(ADHD), 703-704 Blades, 680 Blood thinner medications, periodontal therapy
Aurum Group (Alberta), 767-768, 770 Bleaching bar kiosks/spas, 392 and, 664, 677
Authentic pressable all-ceramic porcelain, 498 Bleaching lights, 362-363, 363f-364f Bohr, Niels, 611
Auto-fluorescence, tissue. See Fluorescence Bleaching of teeth Bond 1, 169b
visualization technology. artistic elements of, 388, 388f, 395 Bond Force, 169b, 209-210
A-Z cements, 550 case presentations of, 400-401, 400f-401f Bonding
clinical considerations for, 343-348 dentin
B differentiating stains in, 344-348, 344b, in abfracted lesions, 210, 210f-213f
Bacteria 393-394 of ceramic/resin veneers, 210
culture of, in caries risk assessment, 6 existing restorations in, 387-388 chemistry of agents for, 178
dental plaque and, 14, 14f existing tooth sensitivity in, 388-389, clinical effect of acid on, 209, 209f
salivary secretion and, 24 397-399 esthetic dentistry and, 190
See also Biofilm, dental indications/contraindications in, 344-348, generation 4-7 agents compared for,
Bacterial infection, cariogenic 385, 393-394, 394b 190-197, 194f-199f
diagnosing, 26-27, 26f-27f conservation concepts in, 378-379, 390, history/evolution of, 190-197
diode laser for, 601, 603f, 604, 612, 612f 399 need for moist/wet, 181-182, 181f
evolution of strategies for, 1-2, 582-583, 585f controversies in, 379-381, 390-391, 399 sensitivity after, 206-209, 207f-208f
innovative strategies for, 9 esthetics/function of, 343, 384-385, 392-393 total-etch/self-etch agents for, 197-201, 200f,
minimally-invasive treatment of, 595-598, 596f evidence-based principles for, 374-378, 256, 502-503
photoactivated disinfection for. See 375f-378f, 390, 399 total-etch/self-etch procedures for, 201,
Photoactivated disinfection (PAD) future developments in, 381-382, 381f-382f, 202f-203f
restorative dentistry and treating, 1, 26-28, 391, 399 dentures and, 563
246-247 history/evolution of, 132, 341-343, 342f-343f, direct composite
Baking soda, restorations and, 514 343b, 384, 392 about, 405-410, 410f
Bands, circumferential matrix, 262 at-home considerations for, 352-360 histological approach to layering, 423-435,
B-cycle sterilizer, 748-749, 749f innovative elements in, 354-358, 355f 431f-435f
Beam theory, 305-306, 305f long-term stability in, 353-354, 354f See also Anterior direct composites; Posterior
BeautiBond, 85f, 169b, 198f-199f, 209-210 safety and, 352-353, 353f direct composites
BEAUTIFIL Flow, 117f, 211f-212f, 583f-584f at-home material options for, 348-352 transitional
BEAUTIFIL II, 210, 213f custom-fabricated tray as, 342f, 348f-351f, controversies in, 421
Beauty therapists/spas for bleaching, 392, 399 349-351, 355-358, 356f-357f esthetics/function of, 411-412, 412f
Behavioral changes over-the-counter kits for, 362, 385f, 386, evidence-based/conservation principles of,
of biofilm, 9 386t, 392 421
of habits, after restorations, 31 pre-fabricated double tray system as, 349f, financial considerations for, 414
as modifiable risk factor, 5, 25 351-352, 351f future developments in, 421-422
as treatment strategy, 2 tray-less strip system, 349f, 352, 352f, 358, history/evolution of, 411
See also Patient involvement/expectations 359f, 384 indications/contraindications for, 412-413
Index 793

Bonding (Continued) Cancer, screening for oral, 629-632, 630f, Caries/carious lesions, dental (Continued)
transitional (Continued) 632f preparing single-surface occlusal, 585f-586f,
innovative elements in, 414 Candida albicans, 2 592f
maintenance regimen for, 421 Captek, 511, 511f, 516 risk factors for
material options for, 413-414 Carbamide peroxide explained, 23-25
treatment considerations for, 415-421, concentrations of, 394-395 identifying, 25
419f-420f evidence-based principles of, 374-377, modifiable/non-modifiable, 6
treatment planning for, 414-415, 416f-417f 376f-378f, 395 time and formation of, 15
See also Adhesive techniques/technologies mint-flavored gel, 354-357, 355f treatment options for, 2-5, 252. See also Ozone
Bone grafts mouthrinses, 354 technology; Photoactivated disinfection
innovative materials for, 679-680, 684 in-office use of, 360 (PAD)
types of, 666, 671, 678 safety of, for home use, 352-353 CariFree products, 5
Bone loss/resorption Carbide bur, 288-289, 289f-290f, 298f CariFree Treatment Rinse, 3
dentures and, 562, 643 Carbohydrates, control of, 26. See also Sugar CariScreen meter, 27, 27f
tooth extraction without, 681, 682f-683f intake CariScreen score, 6, 7f, 8, 9f-10f
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), 677, CareCredit program, 770 Case acceptance. See Consultation.
679-680 Caridex chemical dissolution system (not Case presentations/studies
Bone regeneration, 677-678, 684 available), 252 bleaching
Boucher, Carl, 560 Caries management by risk assessment fluorosis stains, 401, 401f
Bowen, Rafel, 33, 34f (CAMBRA) at-home single-tooth, 400, 400f
Bowen, Ray, 320 case examples of, 9f-10f caries risk (high/low), 9-10, 9f-10f
Bowles, WH, 361 clinical conservation concepts in, 8-9, 21f class IV anterior restorations, 236, 236f-243f
Braces controversies in, 9 denture fabrication, 565-573, 565f-573f
clear, 709, 709f, 712-713 evidence-based principles in, 8 direct veneers
lingual, 712-713 future developments in, 9 composite bonding of, 410, 441f
Brackets maintenance and, 9 histological approach to layering, 430,
ceramic, 713-714 restorative dentistry and, 26-27, 26f 431f-435f, 433
ligature, 713 Caries risk assessment facelift, nonsurgical, 133-134, 134f
self-ligating, 713-714, 715f-717f in dental restorative patients, 23-25, 24f fiber reinforcement
Brnemark, Per-Ingvar, 680 evolution of, 1-2 using GlasSpan natural tooth bridge,
Breakage of prosthesis, 562 form for, 5-6, 7f 323-326, 324f-327f
Bridges, fiber-reinforced indications for, 2 using GlasSpan reinforcement with tissue
anterior, technique for, 309-314, 310f-313f innovative strategies for, 6 replacement, 331-334, 332f-335f
conservation concepts in, 308-309 orthodontic treatment and, 713 using GlasSpan Trauma Kit, 328,
fabrication of, 309 patient-specific information in, 6 329f-330f
indirect/direct, 307-308 restorative dentistry and fractured incisor, 667, 667f
mechanisms of failure of, 306 esthetic outcome of, 6-8 gingivectomy to enhance perioesthetics,
posterior, technique for, 314-315, 315f-316f outcome of, 5 668-669, 668f-669f
provisional, technique for, 315-316, relevance of, 1-2 implant-supported denture, 648-662,
317f-318f treatment plan based on 649f-662f
British Columbia Cancer Institute, 618 controversies in, 9 inlays/onlays, esthetic, 475, 475f-480f, 478,
British Dental Association, 741, 743b evidence-based principles for, 8, 14-16, 24 480
Brundo, GD, 107-108 future-developments in, 9 porcelain veneers (indirect)
Brushing after restorations, 30 maintenance in, 9 inserting using Griptab system, 456-458,
Bruxism modifiable/non-modifiable factors in, 6 456f-457f
after restorations, 31, 503, 509 options/sequence in, 8, 9f-10f laminate, 464, 464f-468f
dentures and, 562, 564 using conservation concepts, 8-9 technique for, 441-448, 441f-442f,
sleep apnea and, 733-734, 736-738 CarieScan PRO, 22-23, 23f, 596f 444f-448f
TMJ and, 693 Caries/carious lesions, dental posts/cores, esthetic, 492, 493f-495f
BruxZir restoration, 503 ADA criteria for, 17 smile design, 107-108
Buonocore, Michael G, 190, 191f, 214, 309, 320, as bacterial infection, 1-2, 26-28 Cavitron THINsert tips, 665
582 detection of Cementation
Burlew Wheel, 206 adhesive techniques and, 170-172, artistic elements of, 556
Burns, skin, bleaching and, 361 171f-173f clinical considerations for, 551-552, 552f
Burs. See Fissurotomy burs. auto-fluorescence technology for, 611-612, of composites
Burstone, CJ, 304 612f about, 41, 42f
Butler rubber tip, 507 ICDAS for, 3, 4f color change and, 143, 143f, 148-149, 153t
traditional versus contemporary, 3, 16, if posterior direct, 250-251
C 16f definitive versus permanent, 537
Calamia, John R, 459 diagnostic tools for, 17-23 dual-cure resin
Calcific metamorphosis (CM), 393 etiology of, 14, 14f controversies in, 558-559
Calla lily Class I preparation, 254-255, 255f larger, inlays/onlays for, 469 current best approach using, 554,
Cameras management of 555f-556f
body/lens of, 53, 63-64, 64f evolution of procedures for, 1-2, 12-13 maintenance regimen for, 558
brands of, for dentists, 54, 62, 62f, 71 technology and. See Minimally-invasive treatment planning for, 556-557, 558f
color to black & white feature of, 65, 65f dentistry. See also Curing systems
entry-level digital SLR, 52, 52f, 62, 62f traditional versus contemporary, 13-16 history/evolution of, 72, 73f, 496, 547-551,
flash/focus of, 53-54, 53f, 62-65, 63f-65f, medical model of 548f-550f
71 changing to, 26 retrievable, 550-551
light metering of, 54 incorporating, 27 strength/margins/color in
multiple, in office, 53 innovative elements in, 6 conservation concepts in, 558
Camphorated paramonochlorophenol (CMCP), versus surgical model, 1-3 esthetics/function of, 547, 548f, 551, 551f
597 posterior direct composites and, 246-247, 250f, evidence-based principles for, 557-558
Canary System for caries detection, The, 20, 21f, 252 Cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), 670, 671f, 674f,
596f preparation tools for, 590-593, 591f-592f 680
794 Index
Cements, dental Chayes, HES, 575, 576f Color and shade of teeth (Continued)
classification of Chemotherapeutic agents in periodontal therapy, systems available for taking
ADA/ISO categories of (3), 538-545 684. See also Chlorhexidine overview of, 154-155
applications of each, 539t Chemotherapy and tooth bleaching, 394 VITA Easyshade Compact, 146, 146f, 154,
brands listed in each, 540t Cherchve, Rafael, 680 158-159, 159f-160f
traditional categories of (2), 547, 548b Chewing VITAPAN 3D-Master Shade, 139f, 154,
esthetics/function of, 537-538 after restorations, 29-30 156-158, 157f-158f
material options based on properties of, 538, and dentures, 562-563 VITAPAN Classic Shade Guide, 139f,
538b Chewing simulator. See Articulator. 154-156, 155f-156f
oil-based, 538 Chiclets look, 90, 91f, 419 tooth whitening and, 358
resin-based (adhesive) Child. See Pediatric dental procedures. using, to create restorations
about, 547, 548b Chlorhexidine clinical technique for, 164-167, 164f-167f
advantages/disadvantages of, 552-553, 553f for caries treatment, 3, 5 considerations for, 162
clinical considerations for, 551-552 for periodontal treatment, 684 indications for, 161
compomers as, 255, 486, 486b in restorative dentistry, 27 material options for, 161-162
composite (light-/self-/dual-cure) types of, Chlorhexidine gluconate, 30-31 relevance/history of, 161
538, 542, 550, 550f, 552f, 554 Chlorhexidine varnish, 30-31 treatment planning for, 162-164
composite (one-step) type of, 550, 550f, Chlorhexidine-impregnated collagen strips, See also Lab technician/dental labs
554, 558-559 666 Color blindness, 142-143, 143t
etch-and-rinse adhesive as, 542, 543f-544f Chlorine dioxide, 399 Color check at routine checkups, 354, 354f
recommendations for, 543-545 Circulatory insult Color map, tooth, 138, 138f, 150, 151f, 153t. See
self-etch self-adhesive as, 41-42, 42f, 502, restorative dentistry and, 247 also Shade tabs/guides
542-543, 545f tissue regeneration and, 684 Color of gingival tissue
translucent (dual-cure) type of, 82-83, 83f, Clark, William, 701 after tissue grafting, 671, 675f-676f
85, 86f, 554 Clark Class II restoration for health and symmetry, 670, 671f, 674-675
water-based (luting) posterior direct composites and, 245f, 250f, tissue regeneration and, 678
about, 538, 547, 548b 252, 253f Color wheels/organization, 135, 136f
glass ionomer type of, 486, 502, 540-541, preparation for, 584f Colorimeter, 139-140
549-551, 549f Cleaning, teeth, 17, 30, 98 Communication, dentist-lab technician. See Lab
resin-modified glass ionomer type of, 73f, Clearfil SE Bond, 209-210 technician/dental labs.
486, 541, 541f, 549-550, 549f Clinical case presentations. See Case Communication, patient
zinc phosphate type of, 72, 73f, 486, presentations/studies. conservation concepts in, 771
547-551, 548f, 558-559 Clinical evidence. See Evidence-based esthetic dentistry and, 757, 758f
zinc polycarboxylate type of, 549-551, 549f principles. in esthetic try-in, 113f, 118-119
See also Adhesive techniques/technologies; Clinical excellence, 781-782 key terms used in, 757, 759b
Bonding Clinical Research Association (CRA), 786 photography for, 51, 60, 61f, 62, 64-65
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cohen, G, 280-281 in smile design, 101-103, 107
on HPV and oral cancer, 630-631 CoJet silica coating, 503 in tissue screening, 629
on infection control, 741, 743b Collagen membranes, 675-676 tools for, 767-768, 767f, 770, 770f
CeraGlaze porcelain polisher, 506-507 Color and shade of teeth tooth whitening and, 360, 395
Ceramic crown anterior direct composites and, 216f, 222f, during treatment planning. See Consultation.
in pediatrics, 724 226-228, 226f verbal
posts/cores and, 483 artistic elements of, 148-149, 149f establishing rapport in (FORM acronym),
Ceramic systems, commercial, 471t cements and esthetics of, 547, 548f, 551, 760-761
Ceramics, dental 551f telephone and, 757-760, 759f, 764
bonded, 82-84, 82f clinical considerations for matching video for, 532
compared to other materials, 81, 81f, 413 additive system in, 140, 140f written, 762-763
in esthetic try-in, 110 color perception and, 139, 142-143, Compomers, 255, 486, 486b, 539t-540t
future developments in, 98 142f-143f, 143t, 149, 149f-150f, Composhine, 269
history/evolution of, 72, 73f 153t, 154-155, 154f-155f Composite cements. See Cements, dental.
materials for polishing, 279-280, 284f importance of, 137-138 Composite cores, 485, 486b
pressed, 437-438, 440 metamerism in, 142f, 143-145, 144f-145f Composite stains. See Stains, composite/porcelain.
for single-tooth restorations, 497-503 subtractive system in, 140-141, 140f-142f, Composites, direct/indirect
See also Porcelain restorations; Porcelain-fused- 141t advantages/disadvantages of
to-metal (PFM) restorations traditional/digital techniques and, 138-140, versus amalgams, 191f
Ceramists. See Lab technician/dental labs. 138f-140f for transitional bonding, 413-414
Cercon restoration, 502 communicating, 532-533 in ultraconservative dentistry, 81-82,
CEREC crowns/overlays, 705 devices for selecting 81f-82f
CEREC inLab restoration, 502 digital shade-matching, 139-140, 140f adverse health effects of (possible), 256
CEREC milling machine, 474, 516-517, 519 digital shade-scanning, 137f, 145-148, anterior. See Anterior direct composites.
CERECi milling machine, 508 145f-148f components of, 34-36, 35f-36f
Cerestore single-unit crown, 496 in esthetic dentistry (overview), 135 in dentures, 562-563
Cermets, 485 future developments matching, 153-154 fiber-reinforced. See Fiber reinforcement.
C-factor (configuration factor), 246, 247f-250f history/evolution of using, 135-137, 136f-138f, filler particles in (classes of ), 39-40
Chairside bleaching defined, 360 144f if hybrid, 39, 39f
Chairside Oral Scanner C.O.S., 503-504 selecting if macrofilled, 39, 39f
Chairside restoration technology. See Computer- evidence-based principles for, 139f, 152 if microfilled, 39, 39f
aided design/manufacturing (CAD-CAM) overall technique for, 137f, 150, if nanofilled, 39, 40f
technologies. 150f-151f levels of, by volume, 39-40
Change Your Smile (Goldstein), 12 preparation/documentation and, finishing/polishing. See Finishing and
Chapple, 341, 343b 150-152 polishing.
Charting, dental troubleshooting problems with, 152-153, flowable, 427
periodontal, in smile design, 107 153t fluoride-releasing, 43, 43f
photography for, 51 single-tooth restorations and, 504 future developments in, 44-45
See also Documentation, clinical in smile design, 102, 102f history of, 33-34
Index 795

Composites, direct/indirect (Continued) Costs Dentin, tooth

laminate, 304 all-ceramic restorations and, 497 hypercalcification of, 393
luting and cementing, 41, 42f attachments and, 577 remineralization of teeth and, 15
in pediatrics, 720-721, 722f, 724-725, cementation of restoration and, 537 Dentin-enamel junction (DEJ), adhesive
727f-729f digital versus film photography and, 52, techniques and, 171, 172f
physical properties of, 36-39 60 Dentinogenesis imperfecta, 345, 345f
elastic modulus in, 36-37, 37f direct composite bonding and, 407 Dentist
expansion in, 37-38, 38f esthetic try-in and, 116-117 color sensitivity of, 142-143, 143t
shrinkage in, 38-39, 38f, 44 financial arrangements for, 763-764, 766, communicating to dental lab. See Lab
strength in, 36f-37f 769-770, 773 technician/dental labs
toughness in, 37, 38f of gingival allografts, 664 office of. See Practice management.
posterior. See Posterior direct composites of implant-supported dentures, 645 as photographer, 54
resin. See Resin composites of instrumentation, 745 role of
retreatment for failed, 250f, 253-255, laboratory-fabricated composites and, 81 in esthetic dentistry, 99, 110-111
253f-255f of laser technology, 600-601 in smile design, 101-102, 105, 107-109
self-adhesive, 44 obtaining estimates of, 534 in ultraconservative dentistry, 85-86
smart type of, development of, 44-45 oral appliance therapy and, 735, 738 Dentistry, types of
specialized formulations of, 41, 41f shade-matching systems and, 137, 139 combining, 774-775, 775b
strength-resistance compromise of in smile design, 108 defined, 439
if flowable, 40, 40f tooth bleaching and, 352, 365, 388, 390 Dentition
if packable, 40-41, 41f transitional bonding and, 414 history of rehabilitation of, 72, 73f-74f
strength-resistance compromises in, 40-41 types of metals used and, 510, 519 leaving mixed, untreated, 706-707
Comprepol, 269 Coupling agents in esthetic try-in, 110 mission of dentistry versus dentures for, 561
CompuMaster, 269 CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) reinforcing, using physical properties of
Computed tomography (CT) machine, 733, 735, 737-738 materials, 109-110
denture fabrication and, 564 C-POST fiber reinforcement, 322 self-image/quality of life and, 246b
implant-supported denture and, 646, CPP-ACP (casein phosphopeptide-amorphous showing wear. See Tooth wear
648-649, 649f-654f, 662f calcium phosphate), 2 supervised neglect of, 683-684, 706-707
mandibular advancement therapy and, Cracked tooth. See Fracture of tooth. See also Tooth/teeth
735 Crest 3D Whitestrips, 348-349, 349f, 352, 352f, DentLight DOE System, 641
Computer software, esthetic try-in and, 130 358, 381, 381f DentLight Nano Loupe Light, 589f
Computer-aided design/manufacturing (CAD- Cristobal indirect resin restoration, 497 DENTSPLY Caulk, 257
CAM) technologies Crossbite, correction of, 689f-690f, 692-693, Denture adhesive for esthetic try-in, 117, 118f
for inlays/overlays, 474 694f-695f, 715f-717f Dentures
for pediatric dental procedures, 725-728, 730f, Crown lengthening, 671 complete, 560-574, 565f-573f
732 Crowns. See Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) implant-supported, 643. See also Implants,
for porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations, restorations; Posts/cores, esthetic; Single- tooth
515-519 tooth all-ceramic restorations; Stainless steel partial, 575, 576f
for single-tooth restorations, 497, 500, crowns; specific type or brand. DeOx, 474
502-503, 508 Culy, G, 308 Diabetes, sleep apnea and, 698-699
in transitional bonding, 421 Curing Diaglaze, 409
in ultraconservative dentistry, 98 adhesive techniques and, 185-187 DIAGNOdent, 3
Computerized shade-matching system, 136-137, heated composites and, 255 Diagnostic software development, 641
137f-138f, 140f polymerization shrinkage and, 246, 248f-250f, Diagnostic wax-up
Condylar pathway, slope of, 735 265 patient motivation and, 768f
Connect fiber reinforcement, 322 Curing lights, 34, 34f in smile design, 101f, 102-103, 103f, 108
Consent, patient Curing systems Diamond-containing polishing devices, 269,
for dental/facial photography, 54 chemical/self cured material as, 43, 43f 278-279, 288-289
for tooth whitening, 396 comparison of, 43-44 Diastema
during treatment planning, 770-771 dual-cure, 44, 44f before/after closure of, 301f-303f
Consepsis syringe, 585f photoinitiator, 43-44, 44f anterior direct composites for, 220f
Conservation dentistry Curtain procedure, 670 orthodontic treatment and, 712
50% rule in, 518 Cynovad ShadeScan, 147, 147f, 151f, 532 Dicor single-unit crown, 496
CAMBRA and, 8-9, 21f Cytology, liquid, 629-630 Dietary habits
communicating, 771 caries risk and, 15, 24
concepts in, 788-789 D caries treatment and, 5-6, 26
defined, 28 Damon, Dwight, 714 dental plaque and, 14
minimally-invasive dentistry as, 8-9 Damon bracket, 714 Dietschi, Didier, 429
See also Ultraconservative dentistry Danville Materials matrix system, 263 Diffusion of low-viscosity bonding agent, 204,
Consultation de Chauliac, Guy, 341 205f-206f
case acceptance in, 778-779, 779b de St. Georges, Jennifer, 781 Digital fiberoptic transillumination (DIFOTI),
post-treatment, 764-765 Dbridement therapy. See Pocket dbridement 19
screening laser therapy (PDLT); Scaling and root Digital impression systems, 503-504, 508, 519
patient medical history in, 752 planing (SRP), laser-assisted. Digital photography. See Photography, dental.
in pre-treatment consultation, 763-765 Decalcification, anterior direct composites for, Digital shade-matching devices. See Shade-
in smile design, 107, 439 215f matching devices, digital.
treatment planning in, 766, 770-771 Demographic factors, caries risk and, 16 Digital transitional bonding system, 421-422
See also Referrals, patient Den-Mat, 342-343 Diode lasers
Contact problems with composites, 247 Dental materials. See Materials, restorative. about, 604
Contamination during restoration, 185, Dental practice. See Practice management. affordability of, 600-601
246-247 Dental visit, first, 761, 761f-762f ease of use of, 600
Contouring anterior direct composites, 225f, 228, DenTASTIC UNO, 194f-195f, efficacy/safety of, 604-605
228f 211f-212f future developments in, 618
Controversies on materials, 789 DenTASTIC UNO-DUO, 175, 176f, 489, indications for, 601, 602f-603f, 612,
Cosmetic dentistry defined, 439 490f-492f 612f-613f
796 Index
Diode lasers (Continued) Essix retainer, 715 Eyck, Jan van, 136, 137f
for periodontal treatment, 601, 603f, 604, Esthetic dentistry defined, 439 E-Z Temp Inlay/Onlay, 474
606-609, 607f Esthetic Inlay/Onlay bur kit, 473 ezlase 940, 601, 607f, 609
protocol for use of, 605-606, 605f, 608f, Esthetic inlays/onlays. See Inlays/onlays, esthetic.
609 Esthetic restorations F
science of, 600, 601f after caries assessment, 5-8 Face lift, dental restorations as non-surgical,
Discoloration of teeth. See Stains, tooth. chairside, future developments in, 98 132-134, 133f-134f
Disease management. See Caries management by evolution of, 132, 191f Faceplate. See Tooth guide/indicator and faceplate
risk assessment (CAMBRA); Medical model histological approach in, 423-435, 431f-435f for esthetic try-in.
of caries. posterior direct composites and, 244, Facial esthetics
Disinfection 245f-246f, 252 ortho-esthetics and, 685, 707-708
defined, 747t self-image and, 246b proportions in, 408, 643
esthetic dentistry and, 751-756, 752b, See also Restorations, dental Facial expressions and dentures, 563
753f-755f. See also Infection control; Esthetic try-in (ETI) Failed composites, retreatment for, 250f, 253-255,
Sterilization esthetic dentistry and, 110-111, 111f-113f 253f-255f
options for, 750t evidence-based/conservation principles of, Feinman, RA, 342
Disputes, patient, photography for, 51, 60, 124-130, 130f-131f Feldspathic porcelain restorations, 84, 85f,
64 future computerized developments in, 130 497
Documentation, clinical indications for, 116-117, 120 Ferguson, GC, 538
to accompany photography, 532, 534 innovative tooth guide for, 119, 119f Fiber reinforcement
check list for, in smile design, 108 material options for, 117-118, 117f-118f case examples of
photography for, 51-52, 54, 60, 61f, 62, 430, previewing/assessing using GlasSpan natural tooth bridge,
535, 536f esthetic sense via, 111-116, 113f-115f 323-326, 324f-327f
of shade-matching, 152, 533 occlusal relationships via, 115, 115f-116f using GlasSpan reinforcement with tissue
of tooth whitening, 358, 396 size and shape via, 115-116, 116f-117f replacement, 331-334, 332f-335f
using multimedia, 532 treatment planning for, 120-124 using GlasSpan Trauma Kit, 328,
Doxycycline-impregnated spheres, 664, 666 analyzing facial shape/size in, 121f-129f 329f-330f
Drawing artistic/scientific approach to, 119-120, clinical techniques for, 309-316
occlusal sketch versus photographing, 52 130 anterior bridge in, 310f-313f
over preoperative photos, 102-103, 103f communication with lab in, 118-119, 119f, posterior bridge in, 315f-316f
Drinking after restorations, 30 130f provisional bridge in, 317f-318f
Dubbe, JW, 272-273 equipment for, 120f-121f conservation concepts in, 308-309, 323
Dyer, SR, 305 sequence of, 120 considerations for
Dysplasias, screening for oral, 631 using composite mock-up, 769, 769f clinical, 305-306, 305f, 321
Esthetics treatment/technical, 307-308
E evolution of, 132 controversies in, 323
E4D milling machine, 474, 508, 516-517, rules of esthetics/function of, 320-321
519 artistic/scientific approach to, 105-107, evidence-based principles for, 323
Eakle, WS, 210 105f-107f, 106b future developments in, 323
Easy Bond, 251-252 history of, 99-100, 100f history/evolution of, 304-305, 320, 321b
Eating after restorations, 29-30 Esthet-X HD composite system, 424-426 maintenance regimen for, 323
Edentulous patients ET Carbide Finishing Kits, 228f material options for, 306-307, 321-323
caries risk assessment and, 2 Etch and rinse cements. See Cements, dental. Fiberoptic transillumination (FOTI), caries
dentures and, 560-561, 563 Etch-Rite, 194f-195f, 582, 583f-584f detection and, 19
oral appliance therapy and, 736 Ethnic populations, incidence of malocclusions in, Fiber-Post fiber reinforcement, 322
Education, patient/practitioner 699 Fiber-Splint reinforcement, 322
center for laser, 603-604 Ethyl alcohol, caries treatment and, 3 Fibreflex reinforcement, 322
photography to increase, 51 Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA), 427 FibreKor fiber reinforcement, 322
in ultraconservative dentistry, 86, 94-95 Eugenol, 538, 539t Fibrin clot, visualization of, 633-634, 637f
Elden, LM, 704 Evaluation of esthetic materials, 785-789, 785b Field-of-view screening, 628
Electric handpieces to remove old dental work in Evidence, photography as, 58-59 Filtek Low Shrink Posterior Restorative System,
smile design, 108 Evidence-based principles 256-257, 427
Electrical caries monitor (ECM), 596, 596f of esthetic materials, 788 Filtek Supreme, 252
Electrical conductance, caries detection and, 19 indicating surgical intervention, 3 Filtek Supreme Ultra restorative, 425-426
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), of medical model of caries, 26 Financial arrangements, 763-764, 766, 769-770,
caries detection and, 22-23, 23f of minimally-invasive approach, 3 773. See also Costs
E-mail communication, 770 of treatment by risk assessment, 8-9 Finesse All-Ceramic, 498
e.max restorations. See IPS e.max restorations; IPS Examination, visual Finishing and polishing
e.max Press restorations. clinical tactile method of, 17 artistic elements of, 271, 281, 291, 292f, 295f
Embletta X100 home sleep study, 703 described, 17 clinical considerations for, 268, 268f, 271, 278,
Embrace Dual Cure Cement, 82-83, 83f, 256 efficacy of, 3 286, 289, 294f
Empress restorations. See IPS Empress. illumination for, 589, 589f, 593 clinical techniques for, 273-275, 274f-275f,
restorations; IPS Empress II restorations. isolating working field for, 589-590, 590f, 289f, 291f, 301-302, 301f-303f
Endodontic treatment in minimally-invasive 593 controversies in, 272, 285, 301
dentistry, 597 magnification loupes for, 587-593, 587f-588f defined, 277
Endodontics, restorative dentistry and, 28, meticulous clinical method of, 17 esthetics/function of, 277, 278f, 286, 287f,
29f-31f with temporary tooth separation 292-293
Endosseous implants, 680-681 alone, 17 evidence-based/conservation principles of,
Enhance points, 269, 517-518, 715 and impression of the approximal lesion, 271-272, 282-283, 299
EP Esthetic Polishing System, 269 17 future developments in
Epic, 5 ExciTE F bond, 169b, 175-176 abrasive-impregnated brushes as, 272-273,
ERA Attachment System, 644-649, 644f-645f, Exhaustive technique for denture fitting, 563 272f
651f-654f, 656f-659f Expectoration. See Spitting and dentures. challenges of, 285
Erythroblastosis fetalis, 346 Explorer tip. See Probing instrument. rotary devices as, 273, 273f
Essential oils/ethyl alcohol for caries treatment, 3 Extreme Smile Makeover Kit, 767f single versus progressive polisher in, 301
Index 797

Finishing and polishing (Continued) Foods/beverages, chromogenic Gingival levels

glazing versus, 299 direct veneers and, 429 color pigmentation at, 670, 671f
heating during, 280-281 tooth discoloration due to, 344b, 348, 353, recession of tooth and, 675-677, 677f
history/evolution of, 267, 277, 286 379, 394, 399. See also Stains, tooth in smile design, 107, 107f
innovative elements in, 271, 290-291, 294f FORM acronym to communicate, 760-761 See also Margin, restorative
maintenance regimen for, 272, 283-285, 4-Seasons composite system, 426 Gingival troughing, 601, 602f, 612, 612f
441 Fracture mechanics, fiber reinforcement and, 306 Gingival ulcerations/blanching, bleaching and,
material options for Fracture of prosthesis, 566 361
table of (listed), 287t-288t Fracture of restoration Gingivectomy
abrasive disks/strips as, 268-269, 289, direct veneers for, 411, 413 to enhance perioesthetics, 668-669, 668f-669f
291f-292f esthetic posts in, 486, 488 laser, 601, 602f
abrasive particles on instruments as, fiber reinforcement for, 315-316 See also Periodontal plastic surgery
278-279, 278f-279f inlays/onlays for, 474 Glass ceramics, pressable, 496, 498-500,
abrasive particles via instruments as, porcelain veneers for, 441 500f-501f. See also Leucite-reinforced glass
288-289, 288f-291f porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations for, 509, ceramics (LRGCs)
abrasive pastes/loose abrasives as, 32, 513, 518, 527, 528f-530f Glass ionomer cements. See Cements, dental.
270-271, 270f single-tooth all-ceramic restorations for, Glass ionomer cores, 485, 485b
advantages/disadvantages of, 271 497-498, 502, 507 Glass ionomers restoratives
current best approach using, 271, 279-281, Fracture of tooth about, 337-340, 338t, 339f
288-289, 288f-293f adhesive techniques and, 206, 207f advantages/disadvantages of, 81, 255, 413
rubber wheels/cups/points as, 269f, 271, anterior finishing/polishing, 296, 297f
289, 293f class IV restorations for, 232-236, 236f-243f if previous posterior restoration, 250-251
in minimally-invasive dentistry, 597, 597f direct composites for, 216-218, 217f, 219f for initial caries treatment, 6-8
need/rationale for, 32, 267-268 direct veneers for, 406, 411 in pediatrics, 720, 723f-724f
restorations in children, 724, 727f-728f resin-modified, 255
anterior direct composite, 228, 228f-230f clinical case presentation on (incisor), 667, Glass-infiltrated alumina crowns, 496, 502
ceramic-based, 279-280, 284f 667f Glass-infiltrated ceramics, 500-502
class V, 296f, 299 esthetic posts and root, 485, 487, 488f Glass-infiltrated magnesium alumina crowns,
esthetic try-in (temporary), 118, 118f inlays/onlays for, 478, 478f-480f, 480 496
posterior direct composite, 256, 257f in porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations, 510, GlasSpan fiber reinforcement
resin composite, 279, 280f-283f 510f ceramic fibers in, 321
zirconia and, 280 posterior, composites for, 244-246, 245f, 249, clinical considerations for, 321
treatment planning for, 271, 281-282, 291f, 250f history/evolution of, 320
296-299, 296f-300f Fracture toughness in natural tooth bridge, 323-326, 324f-327f
Fissurotomy burs of direct veneers, 414, 421 with tissue replacement, 331-334, 332f-335f
adhesive techniques and, 172, 173f of esthetic posts, 482, 485 GlasSpan Trauma Kit, 328, 329f-330f
in minimally-invasive dentistry, 582, 583f-584f, fiber reinforcement and, 304-305, 309 Glazing, 299
586f, 590, 592f, 593-595, 595f of inlays/onlays, 471 Gluma Comfort Bond, 169b
Flashbuster, 273 of single-tooth all-ceramic restorations, 498, Gluma Desensitizer, 207-208, 208f
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 633-634 500, 502 Gluma Solid Bond, 192f-193f, 211f-212f
Fletcher, Paul, 680, 684 Freedman, G, 392 Glutaraldehyde sealer, 538
FlexiBuff/FlexiStrip/FlexiDiscs, 228, 229f-231f, Frenectomy, laser, 601, 603f Gold crown for single-tooth restorations,
269 Fuji IX glass ionomer, 725f 496-497
FlexiCups, 269, 273 Fuji IX GP EXTRA, 210, 213f Gold inlay/onlay, cast, 469-470
Flossing FujiCEM, 502 Gold posts, 483
after restorations, 30 Fusayama, A, 169 Gold standard of full-coverage restoration, 514
anterior direct composites and, 228 Fusio Liquid Dentin, 427 Goldberg, AJ, 304-305
attachments and, 580 Goldman, Leon, 611
caries detection after, 17 G Goldstein, Ronald, 12
Fluorapatite-containing restoration, 497 Gag reflex and dentures, 561 Goldstep, Fay, 187
Fluorescence defined, 408 Garretson, 343b Golub-Evans, Jeff, 320, 321b
Fluorescence visualization technology Garrison ring matrix device, 262-263 Gothic arch tracing device, 563, 738, 738f
laser technology for, 611-612, 612f, 618 Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) Gradia composite system, 424-425
for tissue screening, 628-629, 633-634, 637b, restorations and, 425-426 Grafts. See Bone grafts; Tissue grafts.
637f sleep apnea and, 698-699 Great White bur. See SS White Burs.
Fluoride tooth discoloration/bleaching and, 394 Grinding teeth. See Bruxism.
after restorations, 31 G-CEM (cement), 542-543 Griptab system, 449-458, 450f-451f, 453f-457f
in bleaching agents, 394 G-Coat Plus resin, 296-297, 506 Grupe, 670
CAMBRA and, 8 Gelb appliance in non-surgical face lift, GUIDOR Bioreabsorbable Matrix Barrier,
caries risk and use of, 15-16, 24 133-134 675-676
for caries treatment, 2, 5 Gene sequence in caries risk assessment, 6 Gum chewing
pre- versus post-eruptive use of, 15 Gene therapy, caries treatment and, 9 restorative dentistry and, 27
rinses after attachments, 577, 580 Genes, bone regeneration and, 684 tooth-whitening, 379, 380f
sugar consumption and, 15 Gingiva Gygax, M, 13
Fluoride varnish color and symmetry of
after restorations, 24 after tissue regeneration, 678 H
for initial caries treatment, 5-8 in healthy tissue, 671f, 674-675 HA Nano Gel, 2
Fluoride-releasing composites, 43, 43f, 45 enhancement of keratinized, 663-669, Hagger, Oskar, 190
Fluoride-releasing glass ionomers, 6-8 667f-669f. See also Margin, restorative Halo Metal Porcelain, vintage, 85f
Fluorosis stains, bleaching, 345-346, 346f, Gingival curettage, 604, 607-608 Halstrom Hinge, 736, 736f
386-387, 401, 401f Gingival health, restorative dentistry and, 247, Harlan, 341, 343b
Flur-Opal Varnish, 374 663, 667, 667f Harvard University, 618
Fogel, 353 Gingival hyperplasia Hashimoto, M, 178, 213
Food entrapment, 562 laser re-contouring of, 601, 603f Hawley retainer, 712
Foods, hard/crunchy, 409, 441 medications and, 665, 675, 676f Haywood, VB, 392, 513
798 Index
HealOzone system, 582, 585f, 590, 592f, 593, Implants, tooth (Continued) IPS Eris restoration, 497-498
594f to support dentures (Continued) Iron tablets and tooth discoloration, 394
Heart attacks, sleep apnea and, 698-699 evidence-based principles for, 647 Isolation of working field, 589-590, 590f
Heat generation when polishing, 280-281 expense of, 645 Isolite System, 589-590, 590f
Heating to enhance bleaching, 364, 365f future developments in, 648 iTero digital impression system, 503-504, 519
Hemaseal and Cide Desensitizer, 206 history/development of, 643-644, 644f
Hemostasis, lasers for, 601, 602f, 604 indications/contraindications for, 644-645 J
Hepatitis, 755 innovative elements in, 645-646, 645f Jaw, forces placed on, implant-supported denture
Herbst appliance, 701-703, 702f material options for, 644f-645f, 645 and, 643
Hering, Ewald, 135 treatment planning/considerations for, Jaw orthopedic appliances. See Appliances,
Heymann, HO, 392, 513 646-647 functional.
Histological layers, restorations based on, Impression systems Jazz Ceramic and Composite polisher, 118
423-435, 431f-435f controversies in, 50 Jazz P35 Porcelain and Metal 3-step Polishing
Histological micrograph of oral lesion, 629-630, for custom-tray bleaching, 349-351, 350f System, 91f, 558f
630f digital, 503-504, 508, 519 Jazz Supreme Composite 1-Step Polishing System,
Hollywood crowns, 132 esthetic dentistry and, 46, 47f 256, 257f, 558f, 597, 597f
Home care after restorations for esthetic try-in, 119f-120f, 120-124 Jenkins, CBG, 309
future developments in, 98 future developments in, 49t, 50 Jenson, L, 3
instructions for, 29-31 gingival toughing prior to using, 601, 602f Jiffy Polishing Brush, 273
Horn, Harold, 459 history/evolution of, 46, 47f-48f Jiffy Tubes, 542-543
HPV infections, oral cancer and, 630-631, indications/contraindications for, 46-47 Johns Hopkins on oral cancer, 630-631
633 innovative elements in, 48, 49f Joint vibration analysis, 691f
Hy-Bond polycarboxylate cement, 549f material options for, 47 Jones, 364
Hy-Bond zinc phosphate cement, 548f for smile design, 102 Jordan, RE, 309
Hybridization process in adhesion, 169, 180-182, treatment plan/considerations for using, Jowl problem, dental restorations for, 133-134
181f, 185, 186f, 194f-195f, 201-206, 48-50
205f-206f In-Ceram restorations, 500, 507 K
HYDRIM C51w/L110w sterilizers, 744, 745f Incisors Kalore monomer composite, 429
HYDRIM Instrument Protection (HIP) solution, anterior direct composites for peg/missing, Kane, 341-342, 343b
744, 745f 221f Karbhari, VM, 306
Hydrogen peroxide correcting inclination of maxillary, 690-692, KaVo DIAGNOdent, 20, 20f
activating rods, 381f, 382 693f Kennedy class partial denture, 575-577
developments in use of, 392 India, smile design in, 101, 101f Kleer-Veneer Light Cure Cement, 42f, 82-83,
evidence-based principles of, 395 Infection. See Bacterial infection. 83f
in-office use of, 360-362 Infection control, 740, 741f, 751-756, 752b, Klusmeier, William, 392
safety of, for home use, 352, 353f 753f-755f. See also Disinfection; Kois Dento-Facial Analyzer System, 428
tetrasodium pyrophosphate and, 362 Sterilization Kool-Dam, 343, 343f
Hydroxyapatite Inflammation, mucogingival
for caries treatment, 2 aqueous ozone treatment for, 597 L
on implants, 681 periodontal therapy to reduce, 663-669 Lab technician/dental labs
radiographs and, 684 Influenza, 751-752 communicating to, 535f
Hygienist, dental Infuse Bone Graft, 679-680 check list for, 532b
color sensitivity of, 142-143, 143t Injury, traumatic tooth, tooth discoloration due for esthetic try-in, 118-119, 119f, 124
maintenance regimen after restorations by, to, 348, 393 photography for, 531-536, 533f-536f
31-32 Inlays/onlays, esthetic for porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations,
as photographer, 54 about, 469-481, 471t, 472f-473f 512, 512f
role of case presentations of, 475, 475f-480f, 478, 480 for shade-matching, 148, 152-153, 153t
in smile design, 107 Innovative elements, 787-788 for single-tooth restorations, 503
in tooth bleaching, 362 In-office bleaching defined, 360 in smile design, 102-103, 102f-103f,
Hypertension, sleep apnea and, 698-699, 734 Inspektor Biluminator, 20, 22, 22f 108-109
Hypoplasia, anterior direct composites for, Instrumentation role of
215f for amalgams versus composite, 262 versus dentist control, 533
Hypopnea, 706, 706t to be sterilized, 740, 741f-742f in direct composites, 214
Hyrax appliance, 693 for finishing/polishing. See Finishing and in esthetic dentistry, 99, 110
polishing. in esthetic try-in, 130f
I removing debris from, 741f, 742-744, in porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations,
Icon technique for caries removal, 252 743f-744f 517
Identoflex Polishers, 269 titanium-coated, 224, 225f in single-tooth restorations, 503
Ikam shade analysis system (METALOR), 148 washers for, 741, 744, 745f in smile design, 105
Illumination of working field, 589, 589f, 593, Insurance in ultraconservative dentistry, 85-86
628 financial arrangements and, 766 Lactobacillus
Imaging for motivation, 768-769, 769f oral appliance therapy and, 738 antimicrobial therapy and, 3
Immediate dentin sealing (IDS), 474 Integrity provisional restoration, 505 caries formation and, 1-2, 24
Implacare tips, 665 International Caries Detection and Assessment culturing, 6
Implants, tooth System (ICDAS), 3, 4f dental plaque and, 14, 14f
attachments to, 575 International Center for Laser Education, salivary tests for, 26-27
versus dentures, 562 603-604 treatment strategy and, 26
enhancing gingiva around, 663, 666, 684 International Organization for Standardization Ladder (image tool), 533
history/evolution of, 671 (ISO), 538, 785-786 Laminate composites, 304. See also Porcelain
innovative elements in, 680-681 Internet and awareness, 773 laminate veneers
to support dentures Invisalign braces, 709, 709f, 712-713 Land, Charles H, 496
artistic elements of, 646 IPS e.max restorations, 497-498, 503 Laser ablation, 252
case study on, 648-662, 649f-662f IPS e.max Press restorations, 500 Laser bleaching, 360, 364-366, 367f
controversies in, 647-648 IPS Empress restorations, 496-498, 503, 507 Laser caries detection technology, 3
esthetics/function of, 643-644 IPS Empress II restorations, 497-498 Laser education, 603-604
Index 799

Laser fluorescence, caries detection and, 3, 20-22, Malocclusions, skeletal MD Anderson Cancer Center (TX), 618
20f-22f orthodontics for, 693f, 699-703, 700f-702f, MDM (master diagnostic model), 533, 534f, 536
Laser-assisted periodontal therapy (LAPT) 708f, 715f-717f Medical history of patient
as adjunct to scaling/root planing, 601, 603f, sleep apnea and, 734 caries risk and, 25
606, 608f, 609 Mandible health history form for, 762-763, 763f
compared to other laser therapies, 604 improving relationship between maxilla and, infectious diseases in, 752
protocol for, 605-606, 605f, 609 689-690, 691f-692f Medical model of caries
Lasers/laser technology measuring range of motion of, 563, 738, 738f changing to, 26
for hard/soft tissue management, 611-618, Mandibular advancement therapy, 735 incorporating, 27
612f-615f, 617f, 664-665 Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance innovative elements in, 6
types of, in dental applications, 364, 604, (MARA), 689-690, 692f, 701-703, 702f, versus surgical model, 1-2
611 705 Medications
See also Diode lasers Manhattan Bridge for reinforcement, 321b gingival hyperplasia and, 665, 675, 676f
Lava zirconia-core restoration, 497, 502 Manhold, 353 periodontal therapy and, 664, 677
Law, Isaiah, 680 Margeas, Robert, 462 tooth stains/bleaching and, 344b, 347, 347f,
Layering. See Histological layers, restorations Margin, restorative 382, 382f, 393-394
based on. anterior direct composites and, 222f Mercury issue with amalgams, 469
Lee, WC, 210 cements and esthetics of, 547, 548f, 551, 551f, Metal coping, 511
Legal issues 556-557 Metals as restorative materials
photography and, 51, 60, 64 in direct composite bonding, 409 advantages/disadvantages of, 81
photography for, 58-59, 64 evidence-based principles for, 92-93, 95f for inlays/onlays, 469-470
snoring/apnea treatment and, 734 maintenance regimen for, 95-96 for porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations, 510,
Leucite-based ceramics materials and defining location of, 73f, 83-84, 510f, 516, 519
bonded, 83-84, 87-88 83f-84f for posts/cores, 483-485, 484b-485b
finishing/polishing, 279-280, 284f microscopic exam of, 535-536, 587-588, 588f tooth discoloration due to, 347, 348f
Leucite-reinforced glass ceramics (LRGCs), posterior direct composites and, 247, 250f Metamerism, 142f, 143-145, 144f-145f
496-498 posts/cores and, 483 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Light See also Gingiva, enhancement of keratinized (MRSA), 751
caries detection and, 17 Marketing, 770, 778, 778b Methyl methacrylate dentures, 562
to enhance bleaching, 363f-364f, 364, 366f Marsh, Philip, 1-2 MHT color system, 358
See also Curing lights Maryland bridges, 309, 449 MI Paste, 2
Light metering in photography, 54 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, 774, 774f Microabrasion, 723
Light-based technology, 618. See also Lasers/laser Mastication. See Chewing. Microbrush, 205f-206f, 507
technology Materials, restorative Midwest Caries I.D., 20
Light-cure cements, 540t, 542, 552, 552f, 554 application of specific composites in, 40-44 Miles, Linda, 781
Light-emitting diode (LED) curing systems compared in, 43f-44f Minimally-invasive dentistry
for illumination, 589, 589f fluoride-releasing composites in, 43f as conservation dentistry, 8-9
to kill microorganisms, 582-583, 585f, 619 luting and cementing in, 42f medical model of caries as, 26
Lingual space and sleep apnea, 737 pit/fissure sealants in, 43f patient demand for, 111
Linkow, Leonard, 680 self-adhesive resin cements in, 42f restoration strategies for, 3, 4f
Listening skills. See Communication, patient. specialized formulations in, 41f technology and
Lithium disilicate, 437-438, 497 strength-resistance compromise in, 40f-41f controversies in, 598
Lithium disilicate glass ceramics (LDGCs), temporary restorations in, 42f esthetics/function of, 582-583, 583f-584f,
497-500, 500f-501f classes of, 39f-40f 586f
LOCATOR attachments, 578f components of, 35f-36f evidence-based principles for, 597-598
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), 604-606, 608, descriptions of basic, 34-40 future developments in, 598
618 evaluating, 785-789 history/development of, 582-583, 585f
Lucirin TPO, 424 future developments in, 44-45 illumination in, 589, 589f
Lussi, A, 13 historical perspective of, 33-34, 34f indications/contraindications for, 583-586,
Luting (water-based) cements, 547, 548b. See also physical properties of, 36f-38f 586f
Cements, dental terminology in, 785b innovative elements in, 593-595, 594f-595f
Luting composites, 41, 42f tooth discoloration due to, 348 isolating working field in, 589-590, 590f
LuxaFlow resin, 506 in ultraconservative dentistry magnification loupes in, 587-593, 587f
LuxaGlaze resin, 506 for defining the restorative margin, 83-84, positioning patient for, 586, 587f
Luxatemp provisional restoration, 505 83f-84f preparation tools for, 584f-586f, 590-593,
history/evolution of, 72, 73f-74f 591f-592f
M versus restorative dentistry, 81-84, 81f-83f treatment planning/considerations for, 2,
MacBoyle retainer, 308 See also Impression systems; specific restoration 595-597, 596f-597f
Magill, 353 type visualization in, 587-589, 587f-588f
Magne, Pascal, 474 Matrix systems for posterior composites, 262-266, tools for, 20
Magnification handpiece, 589, 589f 264f-265f See also Ultraconservative dentistry
Magnification loupes MaxCem Elite, 502 Minocycline. See Tetracycline-discolored teeth.
about, 587-593, 587f Maxilla Minocycline-impregnated microspheres, 666
with illumination, 589, 589f, 593 correcting position of, 687, 689f-690f Mirror, caries detection and dental, 17
improved visualization using, 587-589, improving relationship between mandible and, Mixtures, rule of, 306
587f-588f 689-690, 691f-692f Mock-up, composite, 769, 769f
isolating working field, 589-590, 590f, 593 Maxillary Anterior Sagittal fixed appliance, Models, study, in smile design, 107
Maiman, Theodore, 611 691-692 Molars
Maintaining Esthetic Restorations, 789 Maxillary arch, developing, 685-686, 708, 708f, all-ceramic restorations and, 507
Maintenance regimens 715f-717f inlays/onlays and second, 470
after restorative dentistry, 28-32, 789 Maxillary width, developing correct, 686, posterior direct composites and, 249, 252
in CAMBRA, 9 687f-688f primary, 720-723, 722f-724f
in caries management, 12 McCloskey, R, 341-342 Montreal, University of, 734
need for, 13, 13f McIntyre, FM, 309 Moore silicon carbide disks, 269
Mallampati scale of airway obstruction, 737f McNamara, James A, Jr., 706-707 Moore-Flex polishing system, 269
800 Index
Mottling of teeth, 371-374, 372f Operative dentistry, 28, 29f Pancherez, H, 702-703
Mouth Cancer Foundation (UK), 631 Operculectomy, laser, 601 Parasomnia, 738
Mouthrinses OptiBond Solo Plus, 542 Particle plucking, 424-425
acetic acid, for tissue screening, 628, 632-633 Optical coherence tomography (OCT), 22, 23f, Pashley, DH, 206
after restorations, 30-31 618, 641 Patient Activator, 770
for attachments, 577 OptiClean, 273 Patient involvement/expectations
attachments and, 580 OptiDisc, 269 diagnostic wax-up for, 768-769, 768f
carbamide peroxide (whitening), 354 Optimal Pressable Ceramic (OPC), 498 establishing rapport in (FORM acronym),
denture wearing and, 564 OptraStick, 506-507 760-761
fluoride, after restorations, 24, 27 Oral appliance therapy, 733-739, 735f-738f. See esthetic dentistry and, 99, 111, 405, 439
studies on, 789 also Appliances, functional first visit and, 761, 761f-762f, 782
Mucogingival junction, 670, 671f. See also Oral environment, maintaining healthy, 12-16, history/evolution of, 72
Gingival levels 24f. See also Caries management by risk Internet and, 773
Mucogingival surgery. See Periodontal plastic assessment (CAMBRA); Caries/carious motivation tools in, 768-770, 768f-769f, 774,
surgery. lesions, dental; pH environment, oral 774f
Multilink Automix bonding agent, 502-503 Oral hygiene orthodontics and, 713
Multimedia communication/documentation, 532 orthodontic treatment and, 712 tooth whitening and, 360, 362, 387, 394-395
Munksgaard, EC, 177 periodontal therapy and, 664, 666, 677, 683 in ultraconservative dentistry, 85-86, 91-92
Munro, 343b, 354 tooth whitening and, 362, 379 See also Behavioral changes
Munsell, Henry, 135, 136f Oral hygiene instructions Patient management. See Communication,
Murphy, Neil, 708 for attachments, 577, 581 patient; Consent, patient; Consultation;
Mutans streptococci. See Streptococcus mutans. for caries treatment, 2, 5-6, 25 Disputes, patient; Education, patient/
Myers, Terry, 611 Orthodontic movement in smile design, 109 practitioner; Referrals, patient.
Orthodontics Paul, SJ, 474
N advantages/disadvantages of, 712-713 Pearl Drops paste, 507
Nabers, Claude, 670-671 for class II skeletal malocclusions, 699-703, Pearson, H, 342, 343b
Nakabayashi, N, 169, 213 700f-702f Pediatric dental procedures
Nasal cavity obstruction, 705, 705f esthetics/function in, 686, 711-712 child development and, 706-707, 706f, 706t,
National Institute of Standards and Technology evidence-based/conservation principles of, 718 708f, 719
(NIST), 33 functional appliances used by. See Appliances, clinical considerations for
N-cycle sterilizer, 748, 748f functional permanent anterior teeth, 719, 725f-728f
Neglect, supervised, 683-684, 706-707 history/evolution of esthetic, 685-686, 711-712 permanent posterior teeth, 724-728,
Neurological deficiencies and dentures, 562 indications/contraindications for, 712 729f-731f
Newsletter communication, 770 innovations in primary anterior teeth, 719-720, 721f
Newton, Isaac, 135 arch expansion as, 708, 708f primary molars, 720-723, 722f-724f
Nickel-titanium coil springs, nickel-, 708, 708f clear braces as, 709, 709f esthetic dentistry and, 719
Night guard colorless wires as, 709 functional appliances in, 686
after restorations, 31, 441, 503 mini-implant anchorage as, 713-714 future developments in, 732
vital bleaching using, 392 self-ligating bracket as, 714 history/evolution of, 719
Nixon, Robert, 462 temporary anchorage devices as, 709, 709f orthodontic phases of, 695-699, 695t
NovaMin, 2, 368, 369f, 370 maintenance regimen for, 718 tooth bleaching in, 385
Nursing bottle decay, 719 patient behavior and, 713 Peening, 368, 369f
Nutting, EB, 342, 343b, 392 treatment philosophies in, 699 Pellicle, 344
Nuva-Fil, 214 treatment planning/considerations for, Perhydrol urea. See Carbamide peroxide.
Nyman, Sture, 684 714-715, 715f-717f Peridex, 3
Nyvad, B, 1-2, 9 two-phase treatment in, 695t PeriGuard, 3
orthodontic phase (ages 12-14), 696-699 PerioChip. See Chlorhexidine-impregnated
O orthopedic phase (ages 6-11), 695-696 collagen strips.
Obesity, sleep apnea and, 734, 739 Orthopedic appliances, jaw. See Appliances, Periodontal plastic surgery
Occlubrush, 273 functional. about, 663-669, 667f-669f
Occlusal sketch, photography for, 52 Oxiranes, 427 laser-assisted. See Laser-assisted periodontal
Occlusal surface esthetics, 245f-246f, 246b Oxygen deficits, effects of, 739 therapy (LAPT)
Occlusal vertical dimension. See Vertical Ozone technology in minimally-invasive dentistry, 596
dimension occlusion (VDO). for caries preparation, 590-593, 592f, 595, orthodontic treatment and, 713
Occlusion 595f TMJ assessment before, 685
anterior restorations and, 224f, 233 controversies in, 598 See also Gingivectomy; Pocket dbridement
cuspid-guided, 101 for endodontic treatment, 597 laser therapy (PDLT); Scaling and root
See also Skeletal malocclusions esthetics/function of, 582, 583f-584f planing (SRP), laser-assisted
Ochronosis, 345 evidence-based principles for, 597-598 Periodontal pocket, 606-608, 607f, 611-612
OCT Dental Imaging System, 22, 23f HealOzone system in, 582, 585f, 593, 594f Periodontal therapy. See Periodontal plastic surgery.
Odontoblastic process, 206-207, 207f history/development of, 582-583 Perioesthetics
Odyssey Mini # Watt LED, 589f indications for, 585-586 artistic elements of, 680-682, 682f-683f
Oil-based cements, 538, 539t for periodontal treatment, 596 controversies in, 683-684
Olsenella, 1-2 in restorative dentistry, 596 evidence-based/conservation principles of,
Omnii 3M, 5 water systems in, 593, 595f, 597 682-683
One Step bond, 169b Ozone therapy, 399 function and, 671
One Step Plus bonding system, 175, 176f Ozonix ozone generator, 592f future developments in, 684
One-step composite resin cement. See Cements, history/evolution of, 670-671, 671f-676f
dental. P indications/contraindications for, 671f,
Opacity defined, 408 Paffenbarger, G, 33, 34f 674-677, 676f-677f
OpalCup, 373 Paffenbarger Research Center (PRC), 33, 34f innovative elements in, 679-680
Opalescence Trswhite Supreme, 348-349, 349f, Pain, facial, 101 maintenance regimen for, 683
358, 359f, 381 Palate, soft, and sleep apnea, 737, 737f material options for, 677-678
Opalustre bleaching, 372f, 373-374 Palodent matrix system, 262 restorative dentistry and, 670
Opaquers, direct composites and, 216-218, 217f PANAVIA F bonding agent, 502-503 treatment considerations for, 678-679
Index 801

Permagen, 169b Plaque, dental Posterior direct composites (Continued)

PermaSeal, 296-297 caries and, 1-2 material options for, 251-252
pH environment, oral onset/progression of, 14-15, 14f matrix systems for contacts of, 262-266,
caries and, 1-2 salivary secretion and, 16 264f-265f
dental plaque and, 14-15 Plaque control, caries risk and, 5, 24 treatment planning for, 252-253, 253f, 255f,
developments in improving, 6, 9 Plasma spray, 681 264
dietary habits and, 15 Plaster cast in smile design, 108, 108f Posterior teeth
fluoride and, 15 Plastic surgeons and esthetics, 132 correcting inclination of lower, 693, 696f
fungal infections and, 2 Pocket dbridement laser therapy (PDLT), young permanent, 724-728, 729f-731f
remineralization of teeth and, 15 606-608, 607f, 611-612, 619. See also Posters in waiting room, 767-768, 767f
salivary secretion and, 16 Periodontal plastic surgery Posts/cores, esthetic
treatment strategies to improve, 2, 5-6, 8 Poe, GS, 342, 343b, 392 case presentation of, 492, 493f-495f
See also Oral environment, maintaining PoGo, 269 cements for, 486-487, 486b, 487f
healthy Point spectroscopy, 641 clinical techniques for, 489, 490f-492f
Phenylketonuria, 345 Polish, types of, 91f, 118, 441 considerations for
Phenyl-propanedione (PPD), 424 Polishing restorations. See Finishing and polishing. clinical, 483
pHluorigel HA, 2 Polycrystalline ceramics, 497, 502-503 time and convenience in, 487
Phobia of objects in oral cavity, 561 Polyglycolic membrane, 675-676 core materials for, 485, 485b
Photoactivated disinfection (PAD) Polymerization shrinkage of cavity preparation amalgam, 485b
for caries preparation, 591-593, 592f, 595 inlays/onlays and, 469 cast metal, 485b
for caries treatment, 619, 620f-621f layering of anterior direct composites ands, composite, 486b
history/development of, 582-583, 585f 426-427 glass ionomer, 485b
in minimally-invasive dentistry, 596 posterior direct composites and, 246, esthetics/function of, 482-483
mode of action of, 619-622, 622f 247f-250f, 265 evidence-based/conservation principles of,
for periodontal treatment, 585-586, 619 Polysomnograms, 703 489
techniques for, 623-624, 623f-625f Porcelain, 438 future developments in, 489
Photobiomodulation, 611-612, 615, 618 Porcelain, stacked/layered, 437-438 history/evolution of, 482-483
Photodynamic therapy (PDT), 618 Porcelain dentures, 562 innovative elements in, 487, 488f
Photography, dental Porcelain jacket crown (PJC), 496 post materials for, 483-485
artistic elements of, 54-55, 66f-71f, 71 Porcelain laminate veneers cast metal, 484b
consent for, 54 about, 459-468, 464f-468f prefab metal, 484b
digital extended (360), 438 resin fiber, 484b
backup/storage of, 57-61 versus porcelain veneers, 436 treatment planning for, 488-489
cameras for, 52-54, 52f, 62, 62f Porcelain restorations Posture of dentist, ergonomic, 587, 587f-588f
current best approach to, 53-54, 53f, 62-65, evolution of, 132 Potassium nitrate, 394
63f-64f feldspathic, 84, 85f, 497 Povidone iodine for caries treatment, 3, 5
digital negative format (RAW file) in, 58-59 history/evolution of, 72 Power bleaching, 364-366
future developments in, 59, 71 maintenance regimen for, 109 defined, 360
history/evolution from film to, 51-52, 60-61 posterior direct composites and, 249, 252 with heat, 365f
image manipulation in, 58, 60-61, 64 in smile design, 102f, 105, 109 with lasers, 367f
innovative elements in, 54, 65, 65f zirconium, 84, 85f with light, 366f
in periodontal therapy, 664 See also Ceramics, dental; Veneers Practice management
in porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations, 512 Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations considerations for, 766-768, 767f, 769f-770f
preparation for, 57, 64-65 about, 509-514, 509f-514f elective-versus-traditional-dentistry business of,
in single-tooth restorations, 504 advantages/disadvantages of, 81, 81f 774
theft of, 61 for porcelain veneers, 132 establishing a practice within a practice,
for tissue screening, 627 posts/cores and, 483 774-775, 775b
transportation of, 60-61 for single-tooth restorations, 496-497, 502, esthetic dentistry and, 773-774
in esthetic try-in, 111 507 growth plan in, 775-777, 775b, 777b
for first dental visit, 761, 761f-762f as zirconium crowns/bridges, 515-530 logic versus emotion in, 777-778, 777b
incidence of use of, 60 for anterior tooth, 519f-520f marketing in, 770, 778, 778b
for lab technician, 532-536, 533f-536f for complete reconstruction, 525f-527f relevance/history/elements of, 780-784
need for, 51-52, 60, 61f for posterior reconstruction, 528f-530f See also Communication, patient
photographer for, 54 for posterior tooth (provisional), 521f-523f Practicon Dental, 781
for post-treatment consultation, 764-765, 764f using two cord retraction, 524f Practitioners. See Dentist; Hygienist, dental; Lab
risks of not using, 51, 64, 430 Porphyria, 346, 347f technician.
in smile design, 102-103, 102f-103f, 107 Positioning head for dental care, 586, 587f Precautions, transmission-based, 751-752, 752b
standard views (12) for, 55-57, 55f-58f Posterior direct composites Pregnancy, tooth bleaching and, 385
in tooth bleaching, 397 artistic elements of, 252 Prep Start H20, 590, 591f
in waiting room, 767-768, 768f bonding of, 209-210, 250-251 Preparation, guided approach to. See Esthetic
Photoinitiator/photoactivator in bleaching, case examples of, 257-261, 258f-261f try-in (ETI).
360-362 considerations for Preparation guide/stent in smile design, 108,
Picasso diode laser, 600-601, 601f, 607f, 609 clinical, 249-251, 263 108f
Pic-n-Stic, 506-507 treatment, 253-255, 253f-255f, 264, Prescriptions, written, 532, 536
Piezo tips, 665-666 264f-265f Press-fits implants, 680-681
Piezoelectric dbridement therapy, 663, 665 controversies in, 256-257 Prevotella intermedia, 596
Piksters, 718 esthetics/function of, 244, 245f-246f, 246b, Preza, D, 1-2
Pillar Procedure, 734-735 252, 257f Prime & Bond NT, 169b, 542
Pink esthetics evidence-based/conservation principles of, Proactive Intervention Dentistry, 187
restorative dentistry and, 247 255-256, 256t, 265f, 266 Probing instrument, caries detection and, 3, 17
in smile design, 107, 107f five Cs of, 244-247, 247f-250f Procera AllZirkon restoration, 502, 507
Pin-Tweezers for posterior direct composites, future developments in, 257 Procera polycrystalline ceramics, 497
264 history/evolution of, 244 Product evaluation, 785-789, 785b
Pits and fissures, sealing, 172 innovative elements in, 245f, 252 Profin reciprocating handpiece, 91f
Pitts, NB, 17 maintenance regimen for, 256, 257f Prophy-Jet, 441
802 Index
Prosthesis Resin systems, commercial indirect, 471t Root planing. See Scaling and root planing (SRP),
fixed versus removable, 101 Resin-based composite cements. See Cements, laser-assisted.
implant-retained, 562, 575-577, 577f, 643 dental. Rosensteil, SF, 361
removable. See Dentures Resolute reabsorbable mesh, 675-676 Rosenthal, 341-342, 343b
Prosthetics design, fiber-reinforced materials for, Resorbable blasting media (RBM), 681 Roswell Park Cancer Institute (NY), 618
307 Restorations, dental Rubber wheels/cups/points for polishing, 269,
Protocoling the case, 535 checklist for large, 532b 269f, 278, 279f, 289, 293f
Provisional restorations Clark Class II, for posterior composites, 245f, Rudo, DN, 306
about, 5, 8, 10f 250f, 252, 253f Ruf, S, 702-703
oil-based cements for, 538, 539t class I, II, and IV, for posterior composites,
for posterior teeth, 519, 521f-523f 249-250, 262 S
in single-tooth restorations, 505 class IV, for anterior composites, 232-236, Safety of diode lasers, 605
in smile design, 102f, 103-104, 103b, 104f 236f-243f Safety of tooth bleach/bleaching, 352-353, 353f,
See also Esthetic try-in (ETI); Temporary class V restorations, finishing, 293-296 361
restorations fiber-reinforced. See Fiber reinforcement. Salivary diagnostics, 641
Proxabrush tips, anterior composites and, 228 finishes of, 8 Salivary secretion
Proxyt polishing paste, 507 finishing/polishing. See Finishing and polishing. caries risk and, 16, 24
Pseudoramibacter, 1-2 fractures of. See Fracture of restoration. evaluation of, 598
Pulp necrosis, tooth discoloration and, 393 handling/placement of, 449-458, 450f-451f, surface contamination and, 185
Pulpal recession, idiopathic, 348 453f-457f See also Xerostomia
Pulpal-dentin complex, restorative dentistry and, material options for. See Materials, restorative Salivary tests, 26-27, 26f
28, 29f-31f minimally-invasive, 2-3, 4f Scaler, ultrasonic, 441
Pulp-capping composite development, 45 provisional Scaling, hand
Pulp-capping liner development, self-adhesive, 44 about, 5, 8, 10f anterior direct composites and, 228
Pulpdent UNO-DUO, 169b oil-based cements for, 538, 539t for attachments, 580
for posterior teeth, 519, 521f-523f outcome of, alone, 683-684
Q in single-tooth restorations, 505 Scaling and root planing (SRP), laser-assisted
Quality of life and dentition, 246b in smile design, 102f, 103-104, 103b, 104f efficacy of, 601, 603f, 683-684
Quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF), 3, See also Esthetic try-in (ETI) evidence for routine use of, 604-606, 609
20, 22, 22f removing for maintenance, 96-97, 96f periodontal pocket and, 607-608, 619
Quikee touch-up bleaching, 379, 380f temporary protocol for, 605-606, 605f, 608f, 609
about, 42, 42f safety of, 593
R maintenance regimen for, 109 See also Periodontal plastic surgery
Radiographs as part of preparation, 101, 101f Schrer, P, 474
alloplastic materials and, 684 without caries assessment Scharf, J, 323
bitewing, caries detection and, 3, 17-18, 18f incidence of replacing, 2 Schiesser, FJ, 561, 563
computer-aided, 18-19, 19f as weak link in tooth interface, 13, 13f Schluger, Saul, 683-684
digital, caries detection and, 3, 18, 18f See also Esthetic restorations Schwarz appliance, 687f-688f, 693, 694f-696f,
for first dental visit, 761, 761f-762f Restorative dentistry 715f-717f
panoramic, in smile design, 107 caries management and Screening consultation. See Consultation;
tomographic, for functional appliance, 691f esthetic outcome of, 6-8 Referrals, patient.
Radiopaqueness of cement, 553, 553f importance/relevance of, 1-2, 12, 13f Screw-fit implants, 680-681
Rapid simplified veneer provisionals (RSVP), 462 maintenance regimen for, 12, 28-32 Sculpture fiber reinforcement, 322
Rapport, FORM acronym for patient, 760-761 outcome of, 5 Scurria, MS, 513
R.A.P.T.O.R. burs, 288-289, 291f restoration longevity in, 12, 13f S-cycle sterilizer, 741f, 749, 749f
REALITY Publishing Company, 786 restorationdental pulp complex in, 12, 28, Sealants, composite
Recaldrant, 2 29f-31f after restorations, 32
Record keeping material options in, versus ultraconservative pit and fissure, 43, 43f
for denture fabrication, 563 dentistry, 81-84, 81f-83f Seal-n-Shine, 296-297
digital/paperless, 532, 536 operative considerations in, 595-596, 596f Selenomonas, 1-2
length of storage in, 532 periodontics and, 670 Self-etch adhesive cements. See Cements, dental.
photography for, 51, 66f-71f, 71 TMJ assessment before, 685 Self-image and dentition, 246b
Referrals, patient, photography for, 52, 60 treatment strategy in Sensitivity, tooth/gingival
Rehabilitation of dentition, 72, 73f-74f overview of, 25 dental bonding and, 206-209, 207f-208f, 538,
Reinforcement treatment. See Fiber reinforcement. criteria for, 25 553
RelyX Luting Plus Cement, 502 diagnosing caries as infection, 26-28, 26f polishing-generated heating and, 280-281
RelyX Unicem cement, 502, 542-543 timing of, 25-26 restorative dentistry and, 247
RelyX Veneer Cement, 506 Retief, DH, 177 tooth bleaching and, 357-358, 360-362, 365,
Remineralization of teeth, dental caries and, 15 Retreatment for failed composites, 250f, 253-255, 380-382, 385, 388-389, 394, 397-399
Remineralization therapy for caries treatment, 2, 253f-255f Sequence, 788
5, 8 Retrievable cements, 550-551 Shade. See Color and shade.
Renamel Restorative System, 215f-220f, 216-218, Retrievable implants, 681 Shade tabs/guides, 138-139, 139f, 152, 155f. See
222f-224f, 226f-227f, 230f Ribbond fiber reinforcement, 322 also Color map, tooth
Reservoir technique for bleaching teeth, 354-355, Ribbond wings, 449-451 ShadeEye NCC (no longer available), 147-148,
355f Rick-A-Nator, 693, 697f-698f, 705 147f
ResiCem cement, 550 Ridge augmentations, esthetic, 680-681, Shade-matching devices, digital, 137f, 139-140,
Resiment, 496 682f-683f 140f, 154-155
Resin composites Risk assessment. See Caries risk assessment. Shade-scanning devices, digital, 137f, 145-148,
fiber-reinforced. See Fiber reinforcement. Roady, 781 145f-148f
materials for polishing, 279-281, 280f-283f Robert Koch Institute, 741, 743b Shape & Shine polisher, 256, 257f
for transitional bonding, 414 Rocatec silica coating, 503 Sharpey fibers, regeneration of, 678
Resin desensitizer-sealer, 538 Rochette bridge design, 309 Sharps container, 755, 755f
Resin fiber posts, 484-485, 484b RONDOflex, 590, 591f Shavell, Harold M, 515, 518
Resin ionomers, 413 Root canals, disinfection of, 597 Shipman, 353
Resin restoration, commercial indirect, 497 Root forms, 680 Sickle cell anemia, 346-347
Index 803

Silanes, 110, 113f Sof-Lex disks, 291f Stroke, sleep apnea and, 698-699
Silencer appliance, 735-736, 735f Sof-Lex Extra Thin XT coarse disk, 715 Subperiosteals, 680
Silicate replacements, history of, 33, 34f Sof-Lex Finishing/Polishing System, 269 Suck back, 250f
Silicon carbide particles for polishing, 278-279, SOPROLIFE, 20, 21f Sucking, dentures and, 561
288-289 Sorensen, JA, 305 Sucrose. See Sugar intake.
Silicone Points C type, 269 Spasser, HF, 392 Sugar intake
Silk-Wrap system of reinforcement, 321b Speaking space and dentures, 563 control of, 26
Simonsen, RJ, 309 Spectra laser device, 20, 22f dental caries and, 1-2, 5
Sinfony indirect resin restoration, 497 Spectrophotometer, 137f, 139-140, 140f, 150, dental plaque and, 14
Single Bond, 169b 151f fluoride and, 15
Single-tooth all-ceramic restorations Spectroscopy, 22-23, 23f See also Carbohydrates
artistic elements of, 504 SpectroShade (MHT), 138f, 140f, 147, 147f, Super Snap disks, 269, 409
considerations for, 497, 503 151f Supersmile Professional Whitening Gum, 379,
esthetics/function of, 496-497 Spee, curve of, 693 380f
evidence-based/conservation principles of, 507 Spee-Dee, 489 SureFil, 257
future developments in, 508 Spero Flex implant attachment, 577f SureFil SDR flow, 427
history/evolution of, 496-497 Spiro orthocarbonates (SOCs), 427 Surface, composite/tooth
innovative elements in, 503-504 Spitting and dentures, 562 contamination of, and bonding, 185, 247
maintenance regimen for, 507-508 Splint-It fiber reinforcement, 322 esthetics of lower posterior, 246f
material options for, 497-503, 498f-501f Spry, 5 texture and color of, 135, 281f
treatment planning/considerations for, SS White Burs, 582, 583f-584f, 590, 592f, Surgical model of caries
504-507 593-595, 595f disease management versus, 26
Sinus area regeneration, 679-680 STAINBUSTER bur, 290, 294f indications for, 3
Skeletal malocclusions Stainless steel crowns, 720-721 not accepted standard, 1-2
orthodontics for, 693f, 699-703, 700f-702f, Stainless steel posts, 483 Swimming and tooth discoloration, 394
708f, 715f-717f Stains, composite/porcelain Systemp Inlay/Onlay, 474
sleep apnea and, 734 problems with, 252 luting cement, 506
Sleep apnea, obstructive removing, 32
functional appliances for, 703-704, 703f-704f, Stains, tooth T
706-707 in children, 723-724, 725f Taco shell laminate, 406
oral appliance therapy for, 733-739, 735f-738f de-staining. See Bleaching of teeth Taft, 341, 343b
Sleep study, home, 703 differentiating, 344, 393-394 Takahashi, N, 1-2, 9
Smart Bur II, 586f evidence-based principles of, 374, 375f-376f Tandem Appliance, 687, 689f-690f, 697-698
SmartClips, 714 extrinsic, 344 Targis fiber reinforcement, 322
Smedley, 782 intrinsic, 344-348 Targis/Vectris indirect resin restoration, 497
Smile Analysis Sheet for esthetics try-in, post-eruptive, 347-348, 348f Tarnow, Dennis, 680, 684
125f-130f pre-eruptive, 345-347, 345f-347f Tay, FR, 206
Smile design treating mottling as, 371-374, 372f, 723-724, TEAM acronym, 765
anterior composites and, 224-226, 226f 725f-726f Technological communications, 770
artistic versus scientific approach to See also Foods/beverages, chromogenic Technology and esthetics. See Diode lasers;
golden proportions and, 106-107, 106f-107f Standard of care/materials Minimally-invasive dentistry.
rules/formulas and human variations in, 105, ADA process on, 33 Telephone communications, 757-760, 759f
105f-106f, 106b CAMBRA and, 9 Telephone rounds by dentist, 764
clinical principles for, 102, 102f risk assessment form for, 5-6 Telio CS Link luting cement, 506
diagnostic wax-up for, 102-103, 103f surgical model not accepted, 1-2 TempBond Clear luting cement, 506
esthetic dentistry and, 99-100, 758f Stem cell material, 679-680, 684 Template, silicon putty, in smile design, 103,
evidence-based/conservation principles of, Sterilization 103f
108-109 decontamination procedures and, 741f, Temporary anchorage device (TAD), 709,
function/esthetics of, 101-102, 101f 747-750, 747t-748t, 748f-749f 709f
history of procedures in, 100-101, 100f-101f defined, 747t Temporary restorations
maintenance regimen for, 109 esthetic dentistry and, 740 about, 42, 42f
ortho-esthetics and, 685 history of, 740-741, 741f-742f maintenance regimen for, 109
in periodontal therapy, 664, 680 overview of options for, 750, 750t as part of preparation, 101, 101f
periodontics and, 670 washing/rinsing/drying in, 741-747, 743b, See also Provisional restorations
provisional restorations for, 103-104, 103b, 743f-746f Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
104f. See also Esthetic try-in (ETI) See also Infection control appliances for dysfunction of. See Appliances,
treatment planning/protocol in, 107-108, 108f Sterilizer verification, 740, 742f, 748f, 749-750 functional.
ultraconservative dentistry and, 85 Sterilizers, autoclave, 741f, 747-749, 748f-749f, assessment of
Smoking 748t in esthetic dentistry, 685
restorations and, 30, 429 Sterngold semi-precious attachment, 576f in smile design, 101, 107
tooth discoloration due to, 379, 393 Stick bite, 428 keys to health of, 686
Snacking, frequent Stick Tech fiber reinforcement, 322 sleep apnea appliance and, 738
caries risk and, 1-2, 9f-10f Stim-U-Dent plaque removers, 228 unfinished restorations and, 292-293
oral pH and, 5, 15 Streptococcal bacteria (other than mutans), 1-2 Tetracycline-discolored teeth, 347, 347f, 382,
See also Dietary habits Streptococcus mutans 382f, 393
Snoring, oral appliance therapy for, 733-739, CAMBRA controlling, 9 Tetrasodium pyrophosphate, 362
735f-738f caries etiology and, 1-2 Text messaging communication, 770
Snow-capped appearance of bleached tooth, caries risk and, 24 Thalassemia, 346-347
386-387, 394 culturing, 6 Theophrastus, 341
Social factors, caries risk and, 16, 25 dental plaque and, 14, 14f TherOzone, 583f-584f, 595f
Social pressure, 773 levels of Thompson, LR, 361
Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) salivary tests for, 26-27 Three-layered trendy technique, 429
for caries treatment, 3, 5 treatment strategy and, 26 Time
versus ozone technology, 597 traditional caries treatment of, 3 digital photography saving, 51-52
Sof-Lex Brush, 272-273 treatment of, in restorative dentistry, 27 tooth whitening in less, 365, 388
804 Index
Tints, direct composites and, 218-219, 218f. See Toothbrush Ultraconservative dentistry (Continued)
also Color and shade after restorations, 30, 429 treatment
Tissue ablation, 611-612 anterior direct composites and, 228 patient decisions in, 91-92
Tissue grafts dentures and, 564 planning/sequence/followup in, 86-87, 87f
color of, 671, 675f-676f Toothpaste (patient use) after restorations tooth preparation in, 87-88, 87f-89f, 88b,
innovative elements in, 679, 681-682 fluoride-containing, 16, 30 90-91, 92f-95f
types of, 664-665, 678 low-abrasive, 429, 514 veneer placement/finishing in, 88-90,
Tissue management, hard/soft pumice-free, 283-285 89f-91f
artistic elements of, 680-682, 682f-683f with whitening capabilities, 514 veneer preparation in, 77-80, 78f-79f
dental lasers for, 611-618, 612f-615f, Toothpastes (office use), fine, 507. See also See also Minimally-invasive dentistry
617f Abrasives, loose/paste Ultrasonic cleaning unit, 754, 754f
Tissue protection, soft Toothpicks, anterior composites and, 228 Ultrasonic dbridement therapy, 663, 665
bleaching and, 360-361 Tooth/teeth Ultrasonic tips, 665-666
dentures and, 564 correcting inclination of lower posterior, 693, UltraVac Vacuum Former, 349-351, 350f
Tissue regeneration, 678, 684 696f Ungwuneri, Z, 361
Tissue regeneration (GTR), guided disposing of extracted, 755 Uniformed Services University of the Health
for recession of tooth, 675-677, 677f forces on healthy, 488f Sciences (MD), 618
xenograft for, 678 tissue recession of, 675-677, 677f Universal Posterior Bioclear Matrix, 258f-260f
Tissue removal, soft See also Dentition Urea peroxide. See Carbamide peroxide.
artistic elements of, 680 Transcription factors and aqueous ozone, Uvula and sleep apnea, 737, 737f
laser-assisted, 601, 602f-603f, 604, 597 Uvulopalatoplasty, 734-735
607-608 Transepithelial cytology collection, 629-630
in ultraconservative dentistry, 72, 96 Transformational toughening, 502 V
Tissue screening, soft Transillumination before tooth whitening, V3 ring matrix for posterior composites, 262-266,
clinical considerations for, 630-633, 632f, 358-360. See also Digital fiberoptic 264f-265f
634f-636f transillumination (DIFOTI); Fiberoptic Vaccination, caries treatment and, 9
esthetics/function of, 627, 630 transillumination (FOTI) Vallittu, PK, 304-305
evidence-based/conservation principles of, Translucency Valsalva maneuver, 561
640-641 artistic element of, 252, 408 Vanish XT Extended Contact Varnish, 726f
future developments in, 641 detection of, 150, 151f Variolink Veneer, 506
history/evolution of, 627-630, 628f-630f innovations in, for restorations, 503 VELscope, 628-629, 628f, 633, 640-641
innovative elements in, 633-634, 637b, shine-through in, 216-218 Veneer cements (brand names listed), 540t
637f Translucent cements, 82-83, 83f, 85, 86f, Veneering teeth in ultraconservative dentistry. See
material options for, 629f, 632-633 554 Esthetic try-in (ETI); Ultraconservative
procedural steps in oral, 629f, 637-640, 637f, Transmission precautions, 751-752, 752b dentistry.
638b, 640f Tranzgraft collagen matrix, 675-676 Veneers
treatment planning and, 634-635, 637 Trauma. See Injury, traumatic. ceramic, dental bonding in, 210
Titanium nitride coatings, 578, 578f Treatment planning/considerations, 788 composite resin
Titanium on implants, 680-681 Triad Provisional Material, 693 dental bonding in, 210
Titanium posts, 483 Tribochemical silica coating, 503 direct composite bonding of, 405-410,
Tobacco stains, 344b Tri-Clip matrix device, 262 410f
Tobacco usage and oral cancer, 630-631 Trident, 2 histological approach to layering, 423-435,
Tofflemire matrix system, 263 Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), 431f-435f
Tokuso ceramic primer, 110, 113f 427 transitional bonding of. See Bonding.
Tokuyama Bond, 85f Triodent V3 Ring and Matrix, 262-264, 623 extended (360 laminate), 438
Tokuyama Bond Force, 198f-199f, 582 Triturator, 542-543 porcelain (indirect)
Toluidine blue (nuclear) stain, 627-628 tRNA extraction in caries risk assessment, 6 about, 436-448
Toluidine chloride photoactivator solution, 622, Trubyte Bioform Mould Chart, 129f advantages/disadvantages of, 407
622f, 625f Trubyte Tooth Indicator and faceplate, 119f, case examples of, 441-448, 441f-442f,
Tomography. See Optical coherence tomography 120-124, 121f-122f, 124f-125f, 127f 444f-448f
(OCT). Tuff-Temp provisional veneer, 87f color and shade of, 135
Tongue movements and dentures, 562 Twin Block appliance, 701-703, 701f, 705 esthetic dentistry and, 73f
Tongue size and sleep apnea, 737, 737f Twin Block II appliance, 705 esthetic-try-in for. See Esthetic try-in (ETI).
Tooth extraction without resorption, 681, Two cord retraction technique, 519, 524f evolution of, 132
682f-683f Tyas, MJ, 308 inserting, 449-458, 450f-451f, 453f-457f
Tooth guide/indicator and faceplate for esthetic laminate, 436, 459-468, 464f-468f
try-in, 117f, 119-124, 119f, 121f-128f U replacing aging, 124-130, 131f
Tooth needs, hierarchy of, 256, 256t Ultraconservative dentistry in smile design, 111f
Tooth stains. See Stains, tooth. artistic elements in, 85-86 Ventris fiber reinforcement, 322
Tooth structure, conserving controversies on preparation in, 73f, 97-98 Venturini, D, 273
in esthetic dentistry, 111, 111f, 113f esthetic dentistry and, 72, 73f Venus composite system, 424-426
in esthetic try-in, 110, 124-130, 130f-131f esthetic try-in as, 110, 112f, 130f Vertical dimension occlusion (VDO)
hierarchy of tooth needs and, 256, 256t evidence-based principles for, 92-93, 95f in esthetic try-in, 115, 115f-116f
in minimally-invasive dentistry, 583, 584f, future developments in, 98 functional appliances for proper, 693-695,
586f history/evolution of, 72, 73f-74f 697f-698f
in post/core buildup, 482 indications for, 80, 80f implant-supported denture and, 643
in smile design, 109 innovative elements in, 84-85, 85f-86f in smile design, 107
in ultraconservative dentistry, 72, 96-97, maintenance regimen for, 94-97, 96f-97f transitional bonding for. See Bonding,
97f material options in transitional.
See also Conservation dentistry for defining the restorative margin, 83-84, in ultraconservative dentistry, 74-77, 74f-77f
Tooth wear 83f-84f Vertise Flow, 427
anterior direct composites for, 215f, 223f versus restorative dentistry, 81-84, VICRYL woven mesh, 675-676
dentures for, 561 81f-83f Video, dental, 532
See also Fracture of tooth occlusal vertical dimension in, 74-77, Vig, RG, 107-108
Tooth whitening. See Bleaching of teeth. 74f-77f Viguie, G, 305
Index 805

Virginia Commonwealth University study, 628 Water, air dispersal of, 204, 205f-206f Y
Visual examination. See Examination, visual. Water Pik, 718 Yap, AUJ, 273
VITA Classical Shade Guide, 423 Water-based cements. See Cements, dental. Yarborough, 343b, 365-366
VITA Easyshade Compact system, 146, 146f, Wave-Wedge for posterior composites, 263-266, Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal
154, 158-159, 159f-160f, 222f, 358 264f (Y-TZP) blanks, 497, 502
VITA Easyshade system, 137f, 145-146, 145f, White spots on tooth, 723-724, 725f-726f
532 Whitener, Philip D, 781 Z
VITA In-Ceram ALUMINA, 496, 502 Whitening, tooth. See Bleaching of teeth. Zach, L, 280-281
VITA In-Ceram SPINELL, 496, 502 Williams, 353 Zentler, Arthur, 670
VITA In-Ceram ZIRCONIA, 496, 502 Williams, Leon, 1-2 Zidan, O, 538
Vitalescence composite system, 426 Williams, Michael, 708 Zinc oxideeugenol/noneugenol cements, 539t
VITAPAN 3D-Master Shade system, 139f, 152, Wolf fiberoptic handpiece, 589f Zinc phosphate cement, 72, 73f, 486, 539t-540t,
154, 156-158, 157f-158f Woodside, Donald G, 698, 706-707 547-551, 548f, 558-559
VITAPAN Classical Shade Guide, 139f, 152, Wound healing, diode laser for, 604 Zinc polyacrylate cement, 539t-540t
154-156, 155f-156f Zinc polycarboxylate, 549
ViziLite Plus, 632-633 X Zinc polycarboxylate cement, 549-551, 549f
Voids, composite, problems with, 252 Xerostomia Zirconia core single-tooth restorations, 497, 502
Vomiting, restorations and, 425-426 attachments and, 577 Zirconia/zirconium
V-ring matrix, for posterior composites, 262. in caries risk assessment, 2, 6 evolution dental products and, 132, 440
See also V3 ring matrix for posterior dentures and, 561 for full-mouth splint, 519
composites X-Rite ShadeVision System, 148, 148f, 532 polishing restorations containing, 280
Xylitol for porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations, 516
W CAMBRA and, 8 for single-tooth restorations, 496-497
Warren, 670 for caries treatment, 5, 8 solid monolithic, restoration, 503
Washington, George, 560 oral pH and, 15 Zoom! Whitening System, 715f-717f
Waste disposal, 755-756, 755f restorative dentistry and, 27 ZR zirconia porcelain, vintage, 85f

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