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© Harcourt Publishers Limited 2002

© Elsevier Limited 2007

The right of Professor A. D. Walmsley, Professor Trevor Walsh, Professor F. J. Trevor Burke,
Dr Adrain C. Shortall, Dr Philip Lumley, Mr R. Hayes-Hall and Dr Iain A. Pretty to be identified
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Second edition 2007

ISBN (13) 9780-443-10246-2

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Fixed and removable prosthodontics

A. Damien Walmsley BDS MSc PhD FDSRCPS
Professor of Restorative Dentistry, The University of Birmingham
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, South Birmingham Primary Care Trust, Birmingham, UK
Trevor F. Walsh BDS MSc DDS FDSRCS
Professor of Restorative Dentistry, The University of Sheffield
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Sheffield, UK
Philip J. Lumley BDS MDentSc PhD FDSRCPS
Professor of Endodontology, The University of Birmingham
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, South Birmingham Primary Care Trust, Birmingham, UK
Operative and adhesive dentistry
F. J. Trevor Burke DDS MSc MDS FDS MGDS RCS (Edin) FDSRCPS (Glas) FFGDP (UK)
Professor of Primary Dental Care, The University of Birmingham
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, South Birmingham Primary Care Trust, Birmingham, UK
Operative and adhesive dentistry, fixed prosthodontics
Reader in Restorative Dentistry, The University of Birmingham
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, South Birmingham Primary Care Trust, Birmingham, UK
Richard Hayes-Hall BDS DGDP (UK)
Lecturer in Conservative Dentistry, The University of Birmingham
Associate Specialist in Restorative Dentistry, South Birmingham Primary Care Trust, Birmingham, UK
Caries and preventative dentistry
Iain A. Pretty BDS (Hons) MSc PhD MFDS RCS (Edin)
Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry, Dental School and Hospital Manchester, Manchester, UK


In 2002, the first edition of Restorative Dentistry was whilst it will be of interest to the junior undergraduate
launched on an unsuspecting dental profession. It was student first entering the clinic, it also contains areas of
an attempt to bring together all aspects of restorative interest to more senior students coming towards the end
dentistry and allow an understanding on how they inter- of their studies. Informal feedback from the first edition
acted with each other. Whilst the book was well received, has also shown that the book is useful to the young
there were some useful comments suggesting where the clinician who wishes to obtain an overview of restorative
content could be further improved. Therefore in this new dentistry. There are sections where the depth may extend
edition, many of the chapters have been updated and new beyond the undergraduate level but it is hoped that by
material has been included. We welcome the contribution doing so it provides an insight into the more varied work
from our new co-author, Iain Pretty. Iain is clinical lecturer that can be done when specialising in this area. There are
and honorary specialist registrar in restorative dentistry at many texts available which will allow the subject areas
Manchester Dental School. He has added a new chapter contained within the book to be followed up, and these are
on ‘Caries and Other Reasons for Restoring Teeth’ and listed in the further reading section at the end of the book.
also rewritten the introduction to the chapter on simple Once again I am indebted to the work of my co-authors
restoration of teeth. We welcome his contribution as it and I thank them for once again assisting me in the prepa-
provides a bridging link between the basic science and the ration of the material.The publishers have been immensely
clinical application of caries management. The provision helpful, and this second edition would not have been
of immediate and complete dentures was not included in possible without the constant help and encouragement of
the original edition and after feedback from our readers Mr Michael Parkinson and Dr Lulu Stader from Elsevier.
this has been added as a new section in the chapter ‘The Finally I am grateful for the many comments and other
Principles of Tooth Replacement’. All these new changes feedback that I have received from readers of the first
reflect the wide range of procedures and techniques that edition. It is my wish that the book acts as a guide to the
are involved in restorative dentistry. care of restorative patients and will lead to further reading
Covering the whole subject of restorative dentistry is a and debate around this important area of dentistry. Such
difficult task, and this book does not pretend that it can be feedback makes such projects worthwhile and on behalf of
done in a single text. However, what it does aim to do is all the authors I wish to extend a big thank you for taking
generate enthusiasm for this subject, which is at the the time to read and learn from Restorative Dentistry.
essential core of dentistry. It is hoped that it will introduce
readers to restorative dentistry and encourage them to A.D.W.
learn more by using it as an introductory text. Therefore, Birmingham 2007


In the age of clinical photography, both digital and conven- Mr P. Murphy and Mr W. B. Hullah. All were involved
tional, the authors themselves took many of the photo- in the vast majority of the technical work seen in the text.
graphs displayed in the text. However, we would like to The authors would also like to thank the Conservation
express our gratitude to Mr M. Sharland and Miss M. Laboratory for assistance in the fixed restorations
Tipton of the School of Dentistry at the University of illustrated in the book.
Birmingham for their assistance in the reprinting and The authors wish to thank all our colleagues at the
duplication of many of the clinical photographs. There Universities of Sheffield, Birmingham and Manchester
are many examples of excellent technical work contained who gave helpful advice during preparation of the text.
within the book and it would be impossible to name every- Those colleagues who allowed us to include their clinical
body’s work, but the authors would like to thank in photographs have been acknowledged in the text.
particular Mr P. Browning, Mr S. Smith, Mr D. Spence,

1 Introduction to restorative

Keeping teeth is important for many functions, such as prior to the instigation of periodontal care. A patient with
eating and speech, whilst in our present society good irreversible pulpitis requires pain relief, which involves the
aesthetics are a high priority for the majority of people. use of endodontic care. The fracture of a tooth needs
A realistic outcome of dentistry must be a healthy com- temporising or, when occurring to the anterior teeth, a
fortable mouth with sound intact teeth. Dental care must temporary crown or other restoration is required. The list
also be designed to prevent any future problems and to of interactivity between the traditional disciplines is long
help to maintain this healthy environment. Restorative and shows the diverse nature of treatment planning that
dentistry involves the care of patients who require restora- will take place.
tion of the oral and dental tissues. This area of dentistry Prevention of damage to the tooth is a fundamental
crosses many of the traditional departments that exist part of restorative care. This will range from motivating
in teaching hospitals throughout the world and includes patients to clean their teeth effectively, to monitoring their
the disciplines of periodontology, operative dentistry, diet and giving appropriate advice. An increase in the
endodontics, and fixed and removable prosthodontics. demand for more advanced treatment reflects changes in
Other specialities, such as oral surgery and orthodontics, patient expectation, with a reluctance to accept tooth loss
are often involved in the planning of restorative care. and an increasing demand for advanced restorative treat-
Although the restoration of the oral tissues requires ment.There is often a need for comprehensive periodontal
technical skills, the clinician is intimately involved in the assessment and for advice and treatment of periodontal
decision-making process. A patient should receive inves- problems, which in the past have received insufficient
tigations that lead to a correct diagnosis. The clinician attention. Tooth wear is an increasing problem that causes
reaches the diagnosis after careful history-taking and sufferers concern, requiring careful assessment and some-
examination of the patient. Only then can a treatment plan times complex reconstructive techniques to avoid future
be drawn up which helps to achieve oral stability. The treatment and failure.
clinician should be an expert in all the disciplines that The restorative dentist is the leader of the dental team
make up restorative dentistry, but should also be able to and is responsible for the management of nursing and
integrate them in a sensible order and not as compart- hygiene care and laboratory support. Such a dentist must
mentalised procedures. be active in the field of clinical audit, establishing indices
The subject areas in the book are arranged in a tradi- of treatment need and measures to assess the outcome
tional order with periodontology at the start, and fixed of treatment procedures. Clinical governance is defined
and removable prosthodontics towards the end. The last as corporate accountability for clinical performance and
chapter hopes to show, with the use of case studies, that is about standards of quality. The restorative dentist
the progress of patient care often does not follow such should take part in continuing professional development
steps. Patients often require intervention with an imme- programmes and offer leadership to develop and improve
diate partial denture towards the beginning of treatment the quality of restorative dentistry care.

2 The healthy mouth

Lips and cheeks 3 and mandibular alveolar processes. Posteriorly, the ptery-
Alveolar processes 4 gomandibular raphe – a fibrous tissue band – stretches
Floor of the mouth and tongue 4 from the pterygoid process to the retromolar pad of the
Hard palate, soft palate and pharynx 5 mandible (Fig. 2.1). Anteriorly the mucous membrane is
The teeth 6 continuous with that of the lips.
The primary dentition 6 In the maxillary second molar region, the mucous
Permanent dentition 7 membrane of the cheeks is pierced by a duct – the parotid
Pulp dentine complex 7 duct – which ends as a papilla of variable size. Further
Periodontal tissues 8 down in the cheek, level with the occlusal surfaces of the
Gingiva 8 teeth, there is often a slightly raised, horizontal whitish
Junctional epithelium 9 band (Fig. 2.2). This is a band of keratinisation produced
Periodontal ligament 10 by chronic trauma from the teeth. While often barely
Cementum 10 noticeable, it can be pronounced and lead to confusion
Alveolar bone 10 with other, pathological, types of white lesion.
Posteriorly and in line with the corners of the mouth
there are often a small number of ectopic sebaceous glands.
These are of no significance but can be alarming when
The mouth is a highly specialised organ whose complex
present in large numbers. At times a large area may be
topographical anatomy reflects the diverse activities that it
covered by such sebaceous glands which appear as yellowish
must perform.
spots – Fordyce’s spots – and these can cause anxiety when
noticed for the first time.

The lips are muscular structures surrounding the opening

of the mouth. Externally they are covered with skin which
is tightly bound down to the underlying connective tissue
and muscle, and which contains sweat glands, hair follicles
and sebaceous glands.
The inner surface of the lips is covered with stratified
squamous epithelium, tightly attached to the underlying
connective tissue and muscle. The epithelium is thin, and
through it the underlying blood vessels are visible. The
surface is irregular with slight prominences caused by the
presence of large numbers of small mixed salivary glands.
The mucous membrane of the cheeks is also tightly
bound down to the underlying connective tissue and
muscle.To allow for stretching, and accommodation to the
movements of the mouth and cheeks, the mucous mem-
brane has a finely wrinkled form in the resting state. Fig. 2.1 The pterygomandibular raphe (arrow), a fibrous tissue
Superiorly and inferiorly, the boundaries of the inner band which stretches from the pterygoid process to the retromolar
surface of the cheek are the buccal sulci of the maxillary pad of the mandible. 3
Restorative Dentistry

problem. Fraena may also be a contributory factor in

periodontal disease by interfering with plaque removal,
and in the edentulous patient where the denture base
may need to be deeply notched to provide relief over the
fraenum. The fraenal attachment may then require
surgical removal.


The mucous membrane covering the alveolar processes

is of two types. That part which is continuous with the
sulcus, the alveolar mucosa, is thin and loosely attached to
the underlying bone by thin connective tissue. This allows
Fig. 2.2 The occlusal line (arrow), a slightly raised, horizontal
it to accommodate to the free movement of the lips and
whitish band of keratinisation produced by chronic trauma from
the teeth. cheeks and permits the painless deposition of local anaes-
thetic into the underlying connective tissue. The thinness
and the plentiful blood supply give it a red colour.
Superiorly and inferiorly, the mucous membrane which In health, the alveolar mucosa is separated by a scalloped
is bound down to the underlying muscle loses its attach- line, the mucogingival junction, from a band of thicker
ment and is reflected onto the bone of the alveolar tissue – the gingiva – which are keratinised and which
processes. The zone of reflection – the sulcus – must allow surround the teeth in a band approximately 5 mm thick.
for the mobility of the cheeks and the mucous membrane
is attached to the underlying structures only by loose
connective tissue. The sulci are horseshoe-shaped and are FLOOR OF THE MOUTH AND TONGUE
divided into buccal and labial sections related to the
cheeks and lips, respectively. Where the sections join, their On the lingual side of the mandibular alveolar process, the
continuity is interrupted by a variable number of sickle- attached mucosa surrounding the teeth changes to loosely
shaped fraenal attachments. The most consistently present attached alveolar mucosa which is reflected from the bone
of these are in the upper midline (Fig. 2.3), which is usually onto the ventral surface of the tongue, so forming the
well developed, and the lower midline, which is less so. lingual sulcus and the floor of the mouth. The lingual
Smaller fraenal attachments are usually found in the upper sulcus is horseshoe-shaped.
and lower sulci in the canine/premolar region. Fraenal From its most distal point, the lingual sulcus runs
attachments do not contain muscle and consist only of forwards as a channel bounded medially by the hyoglossus
mucous membrane separated by a little thin fibrous tissue. muscle and laterally by the origin of the mylohyoid
The upper midline fraenal attachment may be enlarged muscle, widens to form the floor of the mouth and ends at
and have a fibrous insertion into the maxilla which, if it is the midline lingual fraenum. In the floor of the mouth
associated with lack of bony fusion, may be an orthodontic runs a fold which increases in size postero/anteriorly and
contains the submandibular duct. The fold runs over a
slight mound in the premolar region which marks the site
of the sublingual gland. The ducts of the sublingual gland
mostly enter the submandibular duct as it passes over its
surface. The submandibular duct, and its overlying fold of
mucosa, passes further forwards until it ends close to the
midline in a papilla, in the centre of which is the duct
orifice. With the tongue raised, the midline fraenum is
tensed and the right and left papillae can be seen as
swellings on either side of the midline (Fig. 2.4). Some-
times the midline fraenum is short and tight, binding
down the tip of the tongue and giving rise to a ‘tongue tie’.
The condition does not often give rise to functional diffi-
culties, although at one time surgical removal was a
common recommendation. Occasionally it makes cleaning
the lingual surfaces of the mandibular anterior teeth diffi-
Fig. 2.3 A well developed fraenal attachment in the upper cult, causing periodontal problems, and in these cases its
4 midline. This may interfere with oral hygiene. removal may be indicated.
2 / The healthy mouth

the tongue, posteriorly, can be found a few foliate papillae

containing numerous taste buds.
A marked central fissure is often characteristic of the
anterior two-thirds of the dorsum of the tongue. The
posterior third of the tongue is pale pink and faces back
into the pharynx. It is covered with lingual follicles, which
are low prominences containing lymphoid tissue and
surrounded by shallow furrows. The sum total of the
lymphoid tissue in the posterior third of the tongue is
called the lingual tonsil.


Fig. 2.4 With the tongue raised to tense the midline fraenum, The hard palate forms the roof of the mouth and, having
the right and left papillae can be seen as swellings on either side
an accessory part to play in mastication, is covered with
of the midline.
keratinised epithelium. Peripherally it is covered with
mucoperiosteum continuous with the attached gingiva,
The undersurface of the tongue is marked by several and attached firmly to the underlying bone. More centrally,
fimbriae or folds and is covered by squamous epithelium. in the angle between the palatine and alveolar processes of
Beneath the thin mucosa, tortuous, bluish veins are often the maxilla, it is separated from the bone by intervening
visible. The marked tortuosity allows for accommodation connective tissue containing blood vessels and nerves. The
to the movements of the tongue. presence of connective tissue between the epithelium and
The dorsal surface of the tongue is divided into two bone allows anaesthetic to be infiltrated without causing
zones. The anterior two-thirds is separated from the pain. Further centrally and in the midline, the epithelium
posterior third by a V-shaped groove – the terminal sulcus is again tightly bound down to the underlying bone, which
– the apex pointing backwards. Several types of papillae is sometimes raised in the midline as a midline palatal
are visible. Immediately anterior to the terminal sulcus is torus of variable size.
a line of large, mushroom-shaped circumvallate papillae, In the midline, behind the central incisor teeth lies the
the larger nearer the midline. Each is surrounded by a incisive papilla, an oval prominence covering the incisal
trough containing taste buds. Much of the remainder of fossa and marking the entry into the mouth of the naso-
the anterior dorsal surface is covered with filiform and palatine nerves.The incisive papilla serves as a useful land-
fungiform papillae. The filiform are the more numerous mark when attempting to anaesthetise the nerve supply to
(Fig. 2.5), each being hair-like, keratinised and surround- the soft tissues lingual to the maxillary central incisor teeth.
ing the shorter, mushroom-like fungiform papillae. The Just distal to the incisive papilla there are a variable num-
fungiform papillae have a thinner coating of epithelium ber of roughly parallel irregular raised folds of muco-
and are correspondingly more red in colour. They contain periosteum, the palatal rugae (Fig. 2.6). Even further
variable numbers of taste buds. On the lateral border of posteriorly, marking the junction of hard and soft palate,

Fig. 2.5 The dorsal surface of the tongue showing filiform and Fig. 2.6 The anterior hard palate showing the incisive papilla and
fungiform papillae; the filiform are the more numerous. rugae. 5
Restorative Dentistry

lie two small indentations, one on either side of the mid- beyond the gingival margin into the patient’s mouth.
line. These are the foveae palatini, where the ducts of two Variations in clinical crown length are often produced by
small clusters of salivary glands open into the mouth. different levels of gingival attachment to the tooth and are
The soft palate is covered with stratified squamous seen in patients suffering from gingival recession and hence
epithelium and divides the oropharynx from the naso- showing increased clinical crown length. Short clinical
pharynx. It terminates distally in a short muscular projec- crowns are seen in teeth that have worn excessively,
tion, the uvula, and by its contact with the posterior wall commonly due to bruxism, or where teeth have been worn
of the pharynx regulates the flow of air through the mouth down by attrition.
and nose when breathing and speaking. At this point on Incisors and canines have four axial surfaces converging
the posterior wall of the pharynx, a functional thickening in an incisal edge. Premolars and molars have five surfaces,
of the superior constrictor muscle, called the ridge of the incisal edge being replaced by an occlusal surface.
Passavant, aids production of an airtight seal. The surface of the crown shows many elevations and
Laterally the side of the pharynx is marked by two depressions which make up the typical appearance of the
arches. The anterior is produced by the presence of the tooth. The following terms are used in the description of
palatoglossus muscle. It is separated by the pharyngeal crown anatomy:
tonsil from the distal arch, which is formed by the palato-
Cusp: an elevation or mound on the occlusal surface.
pharyngeus muscle (Fig. 2.7). The pharyngeal tonsil is a
collection of lymph tissue and in young patients is Cingulum: the lingual convex bulge on an anterior tooth.
frequently red and swollen in response to infection. In
Tubercle: a small elevation on some part of the crown
later life, it atrophies and even shows calcification, which
produced by an extra formation of enamel and dentine.
can be a source of diagnostic confusion on panoramic
These are quite frequently seen buccally on deciduous
radiographs. The pharyngeal tonsil is part of a ring of
first molars (the tubercle of Zuckerkandl) and lingually on
lymphoid tissue, the other parts of which are the lingual
upper first molars (the cusp of Carabelli).
tonsil, found on the posterior third of the tongue, and the
adenoids, a collection of lymph tissue found in the midline Ridge: a linear elevation on the surface of a tooth. A good
of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx. example is the marginal ridge found on the mesial and
distal surfaces of molars and premolars.
Fissure: an irregular linear depression in the tooth
surface. A pit is a small pinpoint depression.
A tooth may be divided into crown and root, the crown Developmental groove: a developmental deformity in
being covered by enamel and the root by cementum. The the crown and/or root of a tooth. This type of defect will
two surfaces meet at the cement–enamel junction which encourage the formation of a periodontal pocket, particu-
is visible as the cervical line on the neck of the tooth. In larly when it involves the root, because dental plaque will
the healthy mouth of a young adult, the level of gingival collect there undisturbed. Grooves are sometimes seen on
attachment will be coronal to the cervical line. The permanent upper lateral incisors, especially on palatal
anatomical crown ends at the cervical line, in contrast to surfaces.
the clinical crown which is the amount of tooth protruding
Mamelon: any one of the three rounded protuberances
found on the incisal edges of recently erupted anterior
teeth. Mamelons wear away quickly, usually within two
years of eruption.

Facet: a small, smooth, flat surface seen on the occlusal

aspect of the crown indicating an abnormal pattern of
wear on the enamel.

Perikymata: seen commonly on recently erupted incisors

as a series of horizontal ridges running parallel to the
incisal edge and quite often affecting the whole of the
labial surface of the crown.

The primary dentition

The eruption of the primary teeth begins at about 6 months
Fig. 2.7 The lateral wall of the pharynx: A, palatoglossal arch; of age with the mandibular incisors. All primary teeth have
6 B, pharyngeal tonsil; C, palatopharyngeal arch. usually erupted by the age of 2 years, although there is
2 / The healthy mouth

considerable individual variation, with some children not

Box 2.1 Dentine
exhibiting their first teeth until they are over 1 year old.
There do not appear to be any ethnic differences in the • Dentine is permeable
dates of eruption, but severe malnutrition may cause delayed • This permeable structure allows noxious stimuli to reach
the pulp
eruption as well as seriously affecting other aspects of the • Noxious stimuli may result in the production of sclerotic
child’s growth. dentine, which limits diffusion
The usual order of appearance of the primary teeth in
the mouth is:
1. central incisors
2. lateral incisors
development. Odontoblasts have a process around which
3. first molars
dentine tubules are formed. These tubules make up
4. canines
approximately 20–30% of the total volume of human
5. second molars.
dentine, which, as a result, is permeable and can allow
Mandibular teeth usually erupt before maxillary teeth. As noxious stimuli through to the pulp. Thus odontoblasts
the child approaches the age of 5 years, spacing will appear link dentine and pulp and are the first cells to encounter
between the primary teeth as a result of the jaw growth irritation. Partial or complete occlusion of dentine tubules
required to accommodate the developing permanent teeth. may occur with age or in response to noxious stimuli.
When tubules become filled with mineral deposits the
dentine is termed sclerotic and limits diffusion of noxious
Permanent dentition
stimuli; the decreased permeability of dentine protects the
Eruption of the mandibular permanent teeth tends to pulp from irritation.
occur slightly ahead of the maxillary, by a few months. Radiographs give some idea of basic root canal anatomy
Some studies have shown boys to have delayed eruption although the reality is far more complex. The variations in
compared with girls. Interestingly, black children in the internal root canal anatomy are infinite. Single roots may
USA show slightly earlier eruption dates compared with contain more than one canal, which may remain separate
Caucasians. This has also been shown to be true when or join along their length. Studies of cleared extracted
African Blacks are compared with European Caucasian teeth have shown that all roots enclose a minimum of one
subjects. Only the permanent molars erupt without dis- root canal system, which frequently consists of a network
placing a primary predecessor, and the first permanent of branches. The apical anatomy is usually described as
molar appears at the age of 6 years. there being a narrowing (constriction) and a wider foramen
on the side of the root (Fig. 2.8). This classical anatomical
arrangement, however, does not always exist, especially in
PULP DENTINE COMPLEX cases where there is apical pathology or frank evidence of
root resorption. In such situations the apical constriction
The pulp dentine complex consists of pulp tissue, odonto- may be absent.
blasts and dentine. The dental pulp is a soft tissue con- Communications with the periodontal ligament exist
taining nerves, blood vessels, cells and ground substance. either in the furcation (furcal canals) or laterally (lateral
The young pulp has numerous cells and few fibres, whereas canals). In addition, the root canal may frequently termi-
the older pulp has relatively few cells and more fibrous nate as more than one opening (as opposed to the single
tissue.The dental pulp is contained within a rigid chamber exit described above) with an array of accessory canals
of dentine, which limits its ability to expand during episodes forming an apical delta. These furcal, lateral and apical
of vasodilation such as an inflammatory response to noxious communications have been termed ‘portals of exit’ from
stimuli.The response produces a rise in intrapulpal pressure the root canal system. Furcal, lateral and accessory canals
and it has been suggested that this rise in pressure may
result in compression of blood vessels and reduction in Root apex
blood supply. The amount of damage is dependent upon
the severity and length of insult, with local feedback Foramen
mechanisms limiting damage by increasing the rate of Apical constriction
fluid removal. Thus pulpal damage may be localised in a
specific area of the tooth rather than throughout.
The main function of the dental pulp is to produce
dentine (Box 2.1), the major structural part of the tooth;
however, it also has a sensory role.
Dentine is produced by odontoblasts, columnar-shaped
cells which differentiate during the bell stage of tooth Fig. 2.8 The apical anatomy as classically described. 7
Restorative Dentistry

are created during tooth formation either when there is a

Box 2.2 General considerations on pulpal anatomy
break in the sheath of Hertwig or when the sheath grows
around an existing blood vessel. On occasions, such canals • The shape of the coronal pulp and the outline of the
canals are a reflection of the outline of the crown and
can be as large as the apical foramen. Their significance is
root surfaces (Fig. 2.10)
not fully understood, but it would seem sensible to use a • Root canal anatomy is frequently more complex than
preparation technique that aims to clean as much of the radiographs suggest
root canal system as possible. • Pulp morphology is altered by age, irritants, attrition,
The pulp chamber and root canal orifices may be caries, abrasion and periodontal disease
reduced in size as a result of deposition of secondary and • Most roots are curved; however, many curvatures are
towards or away from the two-dimensional radiographic
tertiary dentine. If the irritation is severe, with extensive film
destruction of pulpal cells, then further inflammatory
changes involving the rest of the pulp will take place and
could lead to pulp necrosis. Such pulpal degeneration starts
coronally and progresses apically. Necrotic pulpal break-
down products may leach out of the root canal system to
form lesions of endodontic origin around the portals of
exit. Frequently these changes in the periodontium will
be visible lateral to the root before they are apparent
apically. It is therefore extremely important to examine
Fig. 2.10 Cross-sections of root canal anatomy showing
roots periradicularly as opposed to periapically, as such the relationship between pulpal and radicular shape.
examination may provide an early indication of pulp
degeneration (Fig. 2.9).
Some general considerations on pulpal anatomy are
given in Box 2.2.
Sensory nerves of the pulp arise from the trigeminal resistant to necrosis and C fibres may still be able to
and enter via foramina in close association with blood respond to stimulation in the degenerating pulp.
vessels. They pass upwards through the radicular pulp and Dentine sensitivity is thought to be due to the move-
fan out to form the plexus of Raschow. The two types of ment of fluid in the tubules and is referred to as the hydro-
sensory nerve fibres principally found in the pulp are A dynamic theory of sensitivity.This movement is thought to
(myelinated) and C (unmyelinated). Ninety per cent of the be translated by sensory receptors into a pain stimulus,
A fibres are A-delta, located in the region of the pulp usually of short duration, which is responded to principally
dentine junction. They have a relatively low threshold and by A fibres.
produce sharp responses. C fibres are distributed through- Painful pulpitis is more associated with C fibre stimu-
out the pulp, have a high threshold and are usually asso- lation and results in a dull aching and poorly localised
ciated with tissue injury; the response is more severe than response.
that of A-delta fibres. Nerve fibres of the pulp are relatively


The periodontal tissues consist of the gingiva, covering the

alveolar processes, and the periodontal ligament, with dense
bundles of fibres which run from the cementum lining the
root surface to the alveolar bone to which the fibres are
attached (Fig. 2.11).

The gingiva line the external surface of the periodontium
(Fig. 2.12, Box 2.3). The gingival tissue runs from the
mucogingival line, which marks the boundary with the
non-keratinised buccal mucosa, and covers the coronal
aspect of the alveolar process. On the palatal aspect, the
mucogingival line is absent as the gingiva here is con-
tinuous with the keratinised, non-mobile palatal mucosa.
Fig. 2.9 Radiograph of periradicular lesion associated with a The gingiva ends at the cervix of each tooth, surrounds
8 lateral canal. it and attaches to it by a ring of specialised epithelial tissue
2 / The healthy mouth

Box 2.3 The gingiva

The gingiva may be divided into the following areas:
• free marginal gingiva, about 1.5 mm wide in health
• the attached gingiva, of variable width
Gingiva • the interdental gingiva, occupying the embrasure space
between adjacent teeth
• the gingival crevice or sulcus leading from the marginal
Periodontal ligament gingiva to the junctional epithelium

Alveolar bone

Cementum ing the external surface of the gingiva, the crevicular epithe-
lium lining the gingival crevice, and the non- keratinised
junctional epithelium (Fig. 2.13).The crevicular epithelium
Fig. 2.11 The periodontal tissues.
resembles the oral gingiva coronally and the junctional
epithelium apically. The degree of keratinisation varies,
– the junctional epithelium. This epithelial attachment therefore, according to relationship to the tooth. Under-
provides continuity of the epithelial lining of the oral cavity neath the gingiva is the dense gingival connective tissue.
with the surface of the teeth.
Healthy gingiva is described as ‘salmon’ or ‘coral pink’. It
Junctional epithelium
may be pigmented, which reflects the ethnic origin of the
subject. The gingiva is firm in consistency and firmly The junctional epithelium (JE) adjacent to the tooth is that
attached to the underlying alveolar bone. The surface of part of the gingiva which attaches the connective tissue to
gingiva is keratinised and may exhibit an orange peel the tooth surface (Fig. 2.14). It forms a band 2–3 mm
appearance, called ‘stippling’.The width of attached gingiva
can vary dramatically between patients and within an
Epithelial attachment
individual’s mouth, from as little as 1 mm to over 10 mm.
Figure 2.12 shows healthy gingiva. The free gingival Junctional epithelium
margin covers the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) and
the gingival papillae fill the embrasures. A shallow linear Oral gingiva
depression, the gingival groove, can be observed in some Circular fibres of
areas, distinguishing the free gingival margin from the gingival tissues
attached gingiva. Microscopically, gingiva consists of strati-
Free gingiva
fied squamous epithelium supported by a thin layer of
dense fibrous connective tissue (Box 2.4). The gingival Blood vessels
epithelium may be divided into the oral epithelium cover- Dentine
Alveolar bone
Periodontal ligament Attached gingiva
principal fibres
Mucogingival junction
Lining mucosa
Fig. 2.13 The dento-gingival area.

Box 2.4 Fibres of the free gingiva

The collagen fibres of the free gingiva are arranged in
three main groups:
• circular fibres – these form a collar around the neck of
the tooth holding the free gingiva tightly against it
• gingival fibres – these originate from the cementum of
the cervical part of the root and fan outwards into the
free gingiva
• transeptal fibres – these run from the cervical cementum
Fig. 2.12 Labial view of lower incisor teeth showing features of on the distal side of one root to the cementum on the
the gingiva: adjacent to the teeth is the free gingiva, and below mesial aspect of the next tooth
this the attached gingiva which merges into the lining mucosa at
the mucogingival junction. 9
Restorative Dentistry



Lamina densa


Fig. 2.14 The junctional epithelium and its relationship to the

tooth surface.
Fig. 2.15 A radiograph of teeth with surrounding periodontally
healthy tissues.
wide around the tooth, and is approximately 15–30 cells
thick coronally and tapers to a single cell apically. This
attachment is continuously being renewed throughout life. reduction seen in the height of the alveolar bone and the
JE turnover rate is high (4–6 days) compared with oral crest of this is located about 1 mm apical to the CEJ. The
epithelium (6–12 days). The cells are non-keratinised and lamina dura is seen as a white line around the teeth,
have wide intercellular spaces. The JE attaches to enamel indicating that the rate of bone turnover is low.
(in a patient without recession) by a basal lamina and
intercellular hemidesmosomes.
The JE has a key role in the maintenance of periodontal
health: it creates the firm attachment of the soft gingival tissue The thin layer of cementum which covers the whole surface
to hard tooth tissue. However, as it is permeable, it serves of the root is an important tissue for the maintenance of
as a pathway for diffusion of the metabolic products of plaque periodontal health as it attaches the fibres of the
bacteria such as toxins, chemotactic agents and antigens. periodontal ligament to the tooth. Two types of cementum
Even when the gingiva do not appear inflamed clinically, are recognised: cellular cementum, which contains cells
the JE has many polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) called cementocytes, and acellular, which does not. The
moving through it towards the sulcus. These form an first formed cementum is usually of the acellular type and
important part of the defence mechanism. that formed later is cellular. Therefore, acellular cemen-
tum is found covering the cervical two-thirds of the root,
and cellular cementum tends to cover the apical third and
Periodontal ligament
normally overlaps the acellular type.
The periodontal ligament is the connective tissue attach- Cementum is softer than dentine and is similar in many
ment between the root and the alveolar bone. It consists ways to bone. Just over 55% is a thin organic matrix of
of collagen fibrils arranged in dense fibre groups and their collagen fibres lying parallel to the root surface and muco-
supporting cells, blood vessels, nerves and ground sub- polysaccharide ground substance. As well as the thin fibres
stance. The fibres are almost entirely collagenous and are of the matrix, there are larger Sharpey’s fibres, which are
of two main types: the embedded portions of periodontal fibres. Cementum is
not a static tissue, but alters in response to the functional
• Interstitial fibres – these are randomly arranged through- requirements of the tooth.Throughout life there is a three-
out the periodontal ligament, supporting the blood
fold increase in thickness of cementum as more is deposited
vessels and nerves
on the root surface by the cementoblasts (Box 2.5).
• Principal fibres – these are much more dense than
interstitial fibres and are the fibre bundles which run
from cementum to bone, holding the tooth firmly in Alveolar bone
its socket.
Like all bones, the alveolar bone consists of outer and
These fibre groups, known as Sharpey’s fibres, are inner cortical plates, between which lies the cancellous
inserted into the alveolar bone at one end and run across bone. Between the two cortical plates are the tooth sockets
into the cementum lining the root. The fibres are named which are lined by a thin plate of bone, termed the lamina
according to the direction in which they run: crestal, dura. This is visible on dental radiographs (Fig. 2.15) and
horizontal, oblique, interradicular and apical. Figure 2.15 is often of diagnostic importance. Into the alveolar lamina
10 is a radiograph of periodontally healthy teeth. There is no dura are inserted the ends of the periodontal fibres which,
2 / The healthy mouth

mandible that the alveolar crest is scalloped in outline,

Box 2.5 Important changes facilitated by the continual
deposition of cementum matching the gingival contour. The thickness of the labial
and lingual alveolar cortical plates varies considerably from
• Newly formed periodontal fibres can be embedded in one area to another and from person to person and this
the cementum, replacing those which have aged
• Alteration of the inserted fibres allows the tooth to has a significance when inflammatory periodontal disease
move bodily through the alveolar bone. This occurs affects the tissues. It tends to be thin on the labial aspect
during eruption, growth and orthodontic treatment of the anterior teeth and may even be completely missing
• The deposition of more cementum at the apex of in places, which is termed a dehiscence. Dehiscences are of
the root helps to compensate for wear of the occlusal
some importance with regard to the progress of periodon-
surface or incisal edge during the functional life of the
tooth tal disease and they may be a leading factor in the occur-
rence of localised severe gingival recession.
The bone of the alveolar process is not static but is
being continually remodelled by osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
Osteoblasts deposit bone and osteoclasts resorb it. Both
like those inserted into the cementum, are called Sharpey’s these cells are present in the tooth socket and it is by their
fibres. The lamina dura is also pierced by large numbers of action that teeth can move bodily through the bone, either
bony canals called Volkmann’s canals and, for this reason, during growth or during orthodontic treatment. The bone
it is often referred to as the cribriform plate. of the socket on the side towards which the tooth is moving
The rim of the tooth socket is termed the alveolar crest is resorbed by osteoclasts, while more bone is deposited on
and it may be seen from a dried specimen of the maxilla or the opposite side by osteoblasts.

3 Examination of the
patient and treatment

Overview 13 structured but which does not necessarily lead the patient.
Phase 1: history and examination 13 A medical history is taken at this stage in order to ascertain
Reason for attendance 14 whether the patient has any conditions of relevance to the
Complains of 14 dental treatment. Certain medical conditions may affect
History of present complaint 14 the management of the patient and these should be
Medical history 15 identified when the treatment plan is being drawn up.
Dental history 16 Once this is completed, the clinical examination, which
Personal/social history 16 includes both the extraoral and intraoral examinations, can
Phase 2: examination 17 be started.The extraoral examination includes observation
Extraoral 17 and investigation of the patient and structures around the
Intraoral 17 mouth. The intraoral examination includes the soft and
Special investigations 20 hard tissues and a restorative assessment.
Phase 3: diagnosis 21 This chapter aims to help the reader undertake a good
Treatment plan 21 history and examination with guidance to the formulation
Signature 21 of a treatment plan. The plan should involve a holistic
Summary 22 approach to what is required. It is important that the
patient’s mouth is not seen merely as a long list of items
each of which requires completion before the next one can
be started. Furthermore, the patient should not be classed
OVERVIEW as a ‘perio’ or ‘cons’ patient. All dental disciplines, from
prosthetics to oral surgery, may need to be considered and
A patient attending for treatment of a restorative nature integrated into the patient’s subsequent care.
may present for a variety of reasons. Many patients will be
returning for their regular half yearly or annual recall.
Others will be attending with a problem, which may be PHASE 1: HISTORY AND EXAMINATION
related to their gums, the hard tissues of the teeth or to the
restorative work that has been undertaken on previous Greeting patients in a friendly manner during the initial
visits. As the clinician you possess the skills to intervene introductions goes a long way to establishing personal
and rectify problems and to undertake requests for dental contact and allows them to familiarise themselves with
treatment. Patients may present with a problem or a both yourself and the surroundings. When seating patients
clinical situation which is not immediately apparent to in the chair, the ideal arrangement for conducting the
them but which requires intervention. It cannot be history is to be facing them while maintaining eye contact.
overstressed that the outcome of this first visit is vital to A simple, but effective and necessary, method to initiate
the success of any subsequent treatment undertaken. the proceedings is to confirm that the patient’s details are
This success is built upon careful history-taking coupled correct. Talking about the weather, travel, holidays, news
with a logical progression to diagnosis of the problem that topics, sports and the like will quickly initiate a two-way
has been presented to you. Each stage follows on from the discussion and often relaxes the patient. A few minutes
preceding one. A description of the patient’s complaint spent in this way can often gain a patient’s confidence and
should be carefully recorded in the notes. This written establish a rapport that will bring rewards in the latter
record is based on accurate questioning which is carefully treatment stages.
Restorative Dentistry

Reason for attendance

When patients present with pain in or around the
Patients should be asked why they made this appointment, mouth, clinicians must use their skill to discover the cause
and their response should be recorded as a simple of the discomfort. Pain histories are obtained (Table 3.1).
statement, including why they have come to you, from These will include the location and the type of pain. Its
whom and from where. character may be described as sharp or dull. In addition,
the intensity can be estimated with the aid of simple
questions; for example, does it interfere with sleep or
Complains of
eating? Asking the patient when the pain began will reveal
At this stage, patients are simply asked if they have any the onset. A chronic pain will have been present for many
problems with their mouth. This is important in order to weeks, whilst an acute episode will require rapid action to
establish the nature of the problem, and a few simple ensure relief. The duration is recorded as the time that the
sentences paraphrasing the patient’s own description of it pain is present. Questions related to the previous history
should be recorded in the notes. The final treatment plan may reveal that this pain has occurred before, and an
must consider how to solve this problem or the patient indication of how it was treated may offer a possible
may well not be happy with the outcome of this initial explanation for the recent episode.The pain may have only
consultation. occurred once or it may come on many times during the
day and this will indicate its frequency. There may be
initiating factors such as thermal stimuli or discomfort on
History of present complaint
biting on the tooth. There may be certain relieving factors
This often proves to be the most important aspect of the such as pressure on the tooth.
history-taking and, with experience, can be developed into All these factors will build up a picture of the pain and
a sensitive clinical tool. Encourage the patient to articulate will assist during the examination of the patient (Table 3.1).
worries or complaints and record these findings in your They will allow you to begin to formulate the different
notes. The skill at this stage is to use carefully structured possibilities of what might be producing the pain. Pain
questions which help to establish the problem. Often, should not immediately be seen as necessarily tooth-related.
listening to the approaches of other clinicians will help you The pain history may be related to the periodontal tissues,
to identify both good and bad techniques of history- partially erupted teeth or removable prostheses. It is a
taking. Patients will have different complaints. The most common mistake to look for a pulpal cause immediately
obvious complaint will be of a ‘painful tooth or gum’. and to dismiss other common causes such as painful gums
However, complaints may also be related to loose or problems with wisdom teeth.
restorations such as bridges or dentures; there may even be A history may not only be of specific pain but may also
uncemented or missing crowns. Another important relate to a problem that has occurred over a lengthy time
complaint that is often high on the patient’s agenda period. For instance, a presenting periodontal problem
concerns the aesthetics of the teeth and restorations. There may have started several years ago with bleeding of the
may be dissatisfaction with previous treatment. Any gums followed by localised abscesses.
complaints about previous dental treatment should be Another problem that may arise is looseness of a bridge
entered into the notes, but you should not take sides in any or denture. The questions will then include how and when
dispute. The aim is to listen and to learn about the the restoration became loose. The patient is asked when
patient’s concerns and problems. bridges were placed and how many have been constructed

Table 3.1 Questions to help build a pain history

Aspect of pain Questions to ask

Location of pain Where is the pain? Is it localised or does it radiate?
Intensity How severe is the pain? Does it keep you awake at night?
Onset When did the pain start and how long has it been present?
Duration Does it last a few seconds or a couple of hours?
Previous history Has this pain occurred before?
Frequency How often do you get the pain?
Initiating factors Is the pain spontaneous or does it require a stimulus? Is it affected by hot or cold, sweet things, biting or
postural position?
Relieving factors What relieves the pain? Is it helped by analgesics, biting or the application of cold?

3 / Examination of the patient and treatment planning

previously. Problems related to denture-wearing may Listen to and observe other clinicians and always be
include a history of previous denture-wearing. This should prepared for the unexpected. History-taking is an art form
include the age of the denture, how many have been and it has only been possible to provide the basic building
constructed in the past and how successful these previous bricks in this account, but the clinician should always be
dentures were. Any alteration of shade or appearance of prepared to learn and be aware of the patient’s presenting
the teeth that has been noted by the patient is recorded. symptoms.
Wear of the teeth may only have been noticed at a recent
examination and brought to the patient’s attention by his
Medical history
or her own dentist. Patients will first become aware of loss
of tooth substance when their teeth are starting to become This is an essential part of any examination and will have
smaller in length. Tooth wear may be associated with an important bearing on all aspects of the diagnosis and
sensitivity of the teeth and this symptom may highlight an subsequent treatment planning. Any relevant medical history
erosive diet or the possibility of parafunction during sleep. is required, for the protection of a patient, other patients
It is impossible to cover all the different histories that and the dental team. A simple way to avoid missing any
may arise. No history is the same and, often, histories taken relevant aspects of a patient’s history is to use a medical
of the same patient by different dentists are different. history sheet, an example of which is given in Box 3.1.

Box 3.1 Example of a medical history questionnaire. The form is designed as an aide-memoire and it is essential that
relevant details of positive medical history information are sought and recorded.
Are you: Yes No Details
1. Receiving medical or hospital treatment at present?
2. Taking any tablets, medicines or any other substance, Please list on separate page
e.g. inhalers?
3. Allergic to any tablets, medicines or any other
substance, e.g. penicillin/latex (rubber)?
4. Pregnant (if appropriate)?
Have you:
5. Ever had a heart murmur, rheumatic fever (e.g. chorea,
St Vitus’ dance) or any other problem with your heart?
6. Ever had raised blood pressure, angina, a heart attack
or thrombosis, e.g. CVA, DVT?
7. Ever had hepatitis, jaundice or been diagnosed with
HIV disease?
8. Ever had any chest problems, e.g. asthma/bronchitis
or tuberculosis?
9. Ever had an operation or illness treated in hospital?
10. Been diagnosed with epilepsy?
11. Been diagnosed with diabetes?
12. A family member or close relative with
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD)?
13. Ever had prolonged bleeding following a tooth
extraction or other surgery?
14. Ever had a problem with local or general anaesthetic
15. Any other problems that may be relevant?

Date Signature …………………………

Medical history form updated and checked
Date Signature …………………………
Date Signature …………………………
Date Signature …………………………

Restorative Dentistry

The first questions ask patients whether they are receiving patients. Diabetics will range from those whose diabetes
medical treatment, and this includes medicines, tablets or is diet- or tablet-controlled to those who are insulin-
injections. It is often useful to ask patients to bring any dependent. Dental procedures may be influenced accord-
medication they are taking along to the next visit, so that ing to when they last ate. Their diabetes may also have
the precise drugs and dosages can be identified. Some direct relevance to their periodontal status (see p. 29).
aspects highlighted in the form may need to be clarified by Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are rare, fatal
contacting the patient’s doctor. Many patients are taking degenerative brain diseases which may affect humans. Any
a concoction of drugs and an up-to-date version of the patient with such a disease (e.g. Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease)
British National Formulary (BNF) will help to identify their would require the clinician to undertake the highest standard
use and, more importantly, any known interactions.This is of cross-infection control with the use of disposable instru-
important for dental procedures, which often involve the mentation. Likewise, serious problems with bleeding must
use of drugs, ranging from local anaesthetics to sedatives. be recognised and will necessitate contact with the patient’s
Penicillin and related drugs are commonly given prophy- medical practitioner. Patients are also asked whether they
lactically or to treat infections, and allergies to them should have had problems with local or general anaesthesia and
be recorded to avoid the occurrence of any anaphylactic any positive responses are recorded.
reactions. Furthermore, the increased use of latex gloves The final question of the medical history is to enquire
and rubber dam for operative and endodontic procedures whether there is any other health matter or other problems
has led to an increased incidence of contact dermatitis. that are of relevance and that have not been mentioned
Such potential allergic reactions to rubber should be noted. earlier. Any relevant history may be discussed with the
Females of child-bearing age are asked if they are pregnant. patient’s GP, either by letter or by telephone, who will
The next set of questions cover the cardiac and respira- always be happy to help and give advice.
tory systems together with other important conditions of A patient’s medical history is not static and it is prudent
immediate relevance to dentistry. Patients who have had the to ensure that changes are regularly checked and updated
following conditions may require some form of antibiotic and that this is clearly recorded as a dated entry in the
cover: rheumatic fever, chorea, heart defect, heart murmur patient’s clinical notes. It is useful to have an agreed
or heart valve replacement. Up-to-date antibiotic regimes marker on the patient’s notes (such as a red sticker) that
are covered in the BNF. The need for antibiotic cover may immediately flags up, at a glance, an important aspect of
well influence the subsequent treatment planning. For the medical history to other clinicians who may be involved
instance, lengthy treatment plans over many visits may not with the patient’s treatment. A list of those conditions
be feasible and simplification may well be required. Patients which justify such a marker is given in Box 3.2.
who have suffered angina or heart attacks must be closely A well-structured medical history, completed, signed
monitored and their appropriate medication should be on and dated and subsequently updated on a regular basis, is
hand if problems arise. Patients with raised blood pressure a key part of the essential duty of care owed by a dentist to
may be on medication that will interact with local his or her patient.
anaesthetics and other drugs. The risk of cross-infection is
high in patients suffering from hepatitis or those with a
Dental history
history of jaundice. Simple questioning will reveal whether
it was hepatitis A or the more infectious B, C etc. condi- Careful questioning at this stage can quickly reveal the
tions. Details of other infectious diseases such as HIV are patient’s approach to dentistry. Such questioning includes
checked at this stage. the frequency of visits to the dentist and details of the last
Patients may also reveal relevant medical details when sequence of treatment. This may often reveal differing
asked about operations and other illnesses they may have attitudes to dentistry that will assist in later planning. Any
had. Chest conditions may limit the tolerance of a patient difficulties patients have previously experienced with
to certain procedures of long duration, and consideration dental treatment may well influence your treatment plan.
should be given to this in the treatment plan. Asthma is a Also at this stage, a patient presenting with complex dental
condition that is rising in prevalence. Patients may be problems may express a reluctance to undertake a series of
taking corticosteroids with inhalers and these should be lengthy visits.
present in case patients become distressed and suffer an
asthma attack during treatment. Tuberculosis (TB) is an
Personal/social history
infectious disease that is increasing in prevalence. Patients
identified as suffering from TB will often require special The clinician can gain an insight into the patient’s dietary
cross-infection control procedures, and contact must be habits and approach to oral hygiene measures by careful
made with their doctor. Epileptics are identified and the questioning. The frequency, amount and diversity of sugar
clinician should be prepared for an attack. Advanced intake are recorded. Any erosive eating or drinking
restorative procedures such as bridges and removable preferences need to be identified and noted for further
16 partial dentures may need careful planning with such discussion. This requires some sensible questioning as
3 / Examination of the patient and treatment planning

Box 3.2 Conditions that justify a hazard sticker attached to the front of the hospital record
• Cardiac surgery • Systemic steroid therapy
• Pacemaker • Intravenous drug user
• Cardiac murmur (other than functional) • Hepatitis B/C
• Organ transplant • HIV/AIDS
• Rheumatic fever • Chronic renal failure
• Infective endocarditis • Severe asthma
• Hypertension • Active tuberculosis
• Warfarin therapy • Epilepsy
• Bleeding disorder • Diabetes
• Drug allergies • History of head and neck radiotherapy

patients may not attach importance to such details in their be recorded. An assessment is made on the vertical
diet, but they may be highly relevant to their dental condi- dimension as to whether it is normal or if there is over-
tion. For instance, many patients link fruit consumption closure. Gross skeletal discrepancies in the relationship of
with health and are therefore unlikely to associate this the mandible to the maxilla are recorded during the exami-
with their dental problems. An initial idea of a patient’s nation. Other problems such as swellings or generalised
oral hygiene can be obtained from the frequency of tooth- asymmetry to the overall face are noted. Muscular hyper-
brushing and the use of interdental aids such as dental trophy may be evident and is a useful empirical indicator
floss or brushes. If the patient wears dentures, the prosthetic of parafunctional activity. The muscles of mastication
hygiene regime should be recorded. should be palpated to check for any tenderness. Assess-
Smoking and alcohol intake should be enquired about ment of the temporomandibular joints is made by palpa-
and, where necessary, as a health professional, it is your tion, looking for the presence of clicks and observing any
duty to advise on such matters. Smoking habits will have a unnatural movements on opening and closing of the jaw.
direct influence on periodontal treatment; for example, Deviation may relate to a number of conditions or may be
wound healing is delayed following surgery in smokers. a normal observation. The submandibular lymph nodes
This may well, once again, dictate the level of dental care are palpated. Good access to the lymph nodes is obtained
that is given to the patient. by asking the patient to bring the head forwards and drop
Enquiry into a patient’s personal/social history is often the chin. The lymph nodes can then be located by drag-
covered in a superficial manner, but with careful question- ging them over the lower border of the mandible and feeling
ing, a patient’s attitude towards and motivation in respect their subsequent recoil to the soft tissue. Any palpable
of dentistry will be revealed and these may provide clues nodes may be indicative of a recent infection.
to the presenting problem that may not have been imme-
diately apparent in the earlier history-taking. Furthermore,
the subsequent treatment process may be influenced by
the patient’s ability to cope with the treatment. This could Soft tissues
affect your decision on whether to embark on a short
A thorough inspection should be made of the surfaces of
simple course of visits or a complicated treatment plan of
the tongue, palate, floor of mouth, buccal and lingual
an advanced nature.
mucosa (including the lips), looking for any abnormalities
such as ulcers, erosive areas and colour changes of the
mucosa. The cheeks and tongue may show markings and
indentations which may be an indication of tongue or
cheek biting. This will be the result of some form of para-
During the examination process, only what is seen is
functional activity of the teeth.
recorded and any formal diagnosis should be left until the
end. It is easy to become diverted and go immediately to
the patient’s problem. The whole mouth should be Periodontal assessment
examined in a systematic manner before the main area of
An examination of the periodontal tissues should be made.
complaint is considered.
The aim is to provide a basic screening of the tissues and
to obtain an indication of the treatment requirements of
Extraoral the patient.
A general impression of the overall appearance of the Basic periodontal examination (BPE). This is
patient is a useful indicator and any abnormalities should performed clinically using the CPITN (community 17
Restorative Dentistry

periodontal index of treatment needs) periodontal probe.

It is a simple and effective method which provides a rapid
overview of the periodontal status (Fig. 3.1). The mouth is
divided into six sextants and the worst score in each
sextant is recorded (Table 3.2).
Plaque assessment. Further to the BPE it is useful to
record the plaque control status, which can simply be noted
as poor, fair or good control. A simple plaque and bleeding
index using four surfaces of the following teeth may be
used to give a baseline on tooth cleaning: UR6 & 1, UL4,
LL1 & 6, and LR4. The tooth surfaces are identified as
shown in Figure 3.2 and the presence or absence of bleed-
ing or plaque is noted. This is recorded in the patient’s
notes and used for further reference.
Recession. Any recession or loss of attachment around
the teeth should be noted and recorded in the patient’s Fig. 3.1 Picture of a basic periodontal examination (BPE) probe.
notes. This is most likely to occur around those teeth that
are prominent either buccally or lingually in the arch.
Mobility. The mobility of the teeth is simply recorded as
dental probe is only used to remove debris in order to get
grade I to III, where I indicates slight movement, II
better visual access to the tooth.
excessive side-to-side movement in the socket, and III
both lateral and vertical movement. Restorations. The standard of the restorations can be
simply recorded as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory, with
the latter being highlighted in the notes. Any decementa-
Conservative assessment (including endodontic
tion of cast restorations should be recorded. The margins
and fixed prosthodontics)
of crowns are probed for any gaps or recurrent caries. The
The teeth that are present are recorded and displayed in clinician should look for any possible uncementation of
the patient’s notes. A full dental charting may be included, the crown that has not been noticed by the patient.
especially if this is the patient’s first visit to your practice
Tooth surface loss. Many patients are now presenting
(Fig. 3.3). On subsequent visits, unless there have been
with some form of tooth surface loss and this can simply
major changes, a detailed charting is not required.
be recorded as present or absent. If present, an indication
Dental caries. As well as marking the dental chart, a brief of the severity is written down. The appearance of the
written note should be made of those teeth that have active teeth is noted and also where the tooth surface loss is
and arrested caries. Good illumination is required and a occurring.Wear may not be found on the occlusal surfaces

Table 3.2 Scoring for basic periodontal examination

Score Indicates Treatment required

0 Health
1 Bleeding on probing only OHI
2 Plaque retentive factor (calculus/overhang) Removal of retentive factor
3 Probing depth 3.5–5.5 mm OHI
Black band is partially visible Scale and polish
Review need for root planing
4 Probing depth is greater than 5.5 mm Radiographs indicated
Black band disappears Detailed probing depth and attachment charting
Plus OHI, scale and polish, root planing
— Used when no teeth present in sextant
OHI, oral hygiene instruction.

3 / Examination of the patient and treatment planning


6 1 4 TOTAL 6 1 4 TOTAL

4 1 6 4 1 6

Fig. 3.2 Simple plaque and bleeding index chart.



18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28




48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Fig. 3.3 Dental chart including basic periodontal examination (BPE) scores.

alone, but may also be taking place on buccal and palatal of cause, and allows monitoring of the effectiveness of
surfaces. Recording tooth surface loss is a difficult proce- preventive measures, even when the aetiology is obscure.
dure and a number of indices have been used. One of the
more commonly accepted scoring systems is the Smith Tooth fracture. Any trauma or fracture of the teeth is
and Knight index, which is shown in Table 3.3. This index recorded, together with an indication of any looseness of
records the degree of wear on all tooth surfaces, regardless the tooth in its socket.

Table 3.3 The Smith and Knight index. This requires the surface of each tooth to be given a score between 0 and 4
according to its appearance

Score Surface Criterion

0 BLOI No loss of enamel characteristics
C No change of contour
1 BLOI Loss of enamel surface characteristics
C Minimal loss of contour
2 BLO Enamel loss just exposing dentine < 1/3 of the surface
I Enamel loss just exposing dentine
C Defect less than 1 mm deep
3 BLO Enamel loss just exposing dentine > 1/3 of the surface
I Enamel loss and substantial dentine loss but no pulp exposure
C Defect 1–2 mm deep
4 BLO Complete enamel loss, or pulp exposure or 2° dentine exposure
I Pulp exposure, or 2° dentine exposure
C Defect more than 2 mm deep, or pulp exposure or 2° dentine exposure
B, buccal or labial; L, lingual or palatal; O, occlusal; I, incisal; C, cervical.

Restorative Dentistry

Discoloration. Alteration in the colour or any other posterior to the intercuspal position. Interferences are
similar problems related to the natural teeth are noted. abnormal contacts that interfere with the smooth
Any alteration to the shade and appearance of any fixed movements of the mandible and may be the cause of tooth
restorations is entered into the notes. fracture or cementation failure of a crown etc., or may lead
to tooth mobility. Such deviations from the normal
movements are recorded in the notes.
Removable prosthodontic assessment
The following information gives a simple overview of
Special investigations
any removable prosthesis that the patient is wearing. It
can also be modified for an assessment of the load- Having reached this part of the examination, the clinician
bearing structures prior to the decision to construct a will have identified any problems that may be present. If
prosthesis. the patient has a specific problem then it will have become
evident during the examination. The clinician may now
Partially dentate/edentulous. The nature of the support wish to examine in more detail the area of complaint. It is
given to the prosthesis is recorded. This may be simply useful to make a provisional diagnosis of the condition
recorded as either tooth or mucosa, or a combination of prior to these tests. This hypothesis will then be either
the two, i.e. tooth/mucosa. This latter situation is encoun- proved or disproved during these stages leading to a final
tered with the free end saddle. diagnosis. However, to confirm such a judgement, further
Edentulous areas. The quality of the mucosa and bone investigations must be undertaken, such as those
support is evaluated. The ridge may be palpated to deter- described below.
mine its firmness. Any bony irregularities or structures
that may interfere with the design of the removable partial Vitality testing of the pulp
denture (RPD) should be examined.
Vitality of the tooth may be tested using either electrical or
Condition of existing dentures. If existing dentures are thermal stimulation. Electrical testing will require a small
present they should be examined and an assessment made charge to be applied to the tooth. The charge is generated
of their stability, the base extension and the retention of by a machine and the patient becomes part of the circuit
the prosthesis. when the tip is applied to the tooth. Good electrical
contact is achieved by the use of prophylactic paste. The
present machines do not require clinician contact, as the
Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth/prosthesis
use of rubber gloves often prevents a good electrical circuit
All teeth are examined for tilting rotation, overeruption, being formed. Thermal stimulation may be through either
malalignment, wear faceting and burnished areas on cold or heat, but cold stimulation is preferred.This is done
restorations.The patient is asked to close the teeth together using an ice stick or a pledget of cotton wool soaked in
and an assessment is made of the occlusal relationship.The ethyl chloride, which will give a quick response. However,
occlusion is assessed as canine protected or group func- a more intense cold stimulus can be provided by the use of
tion, and any non-working side contacts are noted. dry ice (CO2).
The intercuspal position is the relation of the mandible
to the maxillae when the teeth are together in maximum
Study casts
intercuspation. The majority of patients have a habitual
intercuspal position (i.e. a comfortable position that they Study casts of the teeth may be required and these may
close into without any guidance). be poured from preliminary alginate impressions taken
Lateral excursions are guided commonly by the canine in a stock try. A more accurate determination of the
and the premolar teeth. In canine guidance, the posterior occlusal relationship will require alginate impressions in
teeth will disclude in lateral excursions. In group function, individual trays made from the preliminary casts.
a group of teeth, such as the canines and premolar teeth, Registration of the occlusion together with a face bow
are contacting on the working side (i.e. the side to which recording may be necessary. This will be incorporated
the mandible moves). In protrusive movements, the in the provisional treatment plan prior to the finalised
anterior teeth move over each other with the posterior treatment.
teeth discluding. However, in tooth wear, the posterior
teeth may be in function due to excessive wear of the
Other tests
anterior teeth. The retruded contact position of the
mandible is where it is in its furthest distal position when These include the use of a diet sheet to investigate for high
contacting the upper teeth. Generally the patient can be caries/erosive nature. Any suspicious alteration to the
guided into this position, which is usually 1–2 mm further mucosa within the mouth will require the opinion of an
3 / Examination of the patient and treatment planning

oral medicine or oral surgery specialist, who may wish to
obtain a biopsy of the area to confirm the diagnosis from
Once a firm diagnosis has been made, a treatment plan is
a histological specimen. This may also include blood tests
drawn up which is aimed at correcting the patient’s
if an underlying disorder is suspected.
presenting problem. This plan may be provisional or final
and should not be changed without good reason. It is often
Radiographic examination tempting, if one has not seen the patient at the examina-
tion stage, to change another clinician’s plan. If this is to be
The most common special investigation performed is the
done, any changes should only be made following discus-
radiographic examination. This will provide further
sion with the person who instigated the treatment. A
evidence that may confirm your provisional diagnosis.
treatment plan should be drawn up with the patient’s
The most useful technique is long cone radiography, in
consent and should take into consideration the patient’s
order to produce bite wings or periapical views of the hard
commitment to the work involved and the number of visits
dental tissues together with the immediate supporting
required to complete it.
tissues. Bite wings are indicated where there are multiple
contacts between the teeth and they are the only reliable
method for detecting approximal caries. They should be
taken on a 2-yearly basis unless there are indications of
a rapid carious process taking place, in which case they
A patient’s history is a legal document and should be
should be taken more frequently. If the patient is new to
signed clearly. Although written records are still kept, there
your practice then a set of bite wings should be taken.
is a trend towards the computerisation of data. This can
Information gained from such radiographs includes the
still be held as a legal document but there must be safe-
presence of caries (new or recurrent), bone levels around
guards regarding access to the information, and back-up
the teeth and the marginal contour of the restorations.
files need to be made in case of disk failure.
When there is apical involvement, as indicated by the
history, a long cone periapical is taken. This will provide
information over and above that obtained from the bite
Box 3.3 Aide-Memoire*
wing radiograph and will reveal any problems related to
the pulpal chamber, such as internal resorption, status of Referred by: Reason for referral:
previous root canal therapy (if present) or the surrounding
periapical tissues (i.e. bone loss due to periapical infection Date of referral: Date seen:
or cyst formation). It will also provide more detailed
1. Reason for attendance RFA
information relating to alveolar bone loss between the
2. Complains of CO
teeth or furcation involvement.
3. History of present complaint HPC
Where indicated, further radiographic examination
may be required to examine larger structures, e.g. ortho- 4. Medical history MH
pantomographs (OPG) for the mandible, occipital mental 5. Dental history DH
(OM) for the sinuses and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) 6. Personal/social history PH/SH
views.Where there are areas of concern that are not imme- 7. Examination
diately apparent, the views of a consultant radiologist (a) Extraoral EO
(b) Intraoral IO
should be sought.
Soft tissue exam
Hard tissue exam
Periodontal assessment
Assessment of edentulous areas
Assessment of removeable/fixed appliances
You are now in a position to formulate a definitive diagnosis
Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth/prosthesis
concerning the nature of the problem. A brief summary of
8. Special investigations
the findings should be written down and the diagnosis
9. Diagnosis
stated. Many individuals find this statement difficult to
articulate and it is often left open. The diagnosis must be 10. Treatment plan
stated in the notes. For example, it may be caries caused 11. Signature
by high sugar consumption, or chronic adult periodontitis; *An 11-point structure to history-taking, examination, diagnosis
there may be reversible or irreversible pulpitis. It is impor- and treatment planning with appropriate abbreviations (these may
differ between teaching institutions but the general approach will
tant to be precise and to write down your diagnosis clearly. be similar).
It can be modified in the light of further contact with the
patient but it is the key to your treatment planning.
Restorative Dentistry

SUMMARY to difficulties, misunderstandings or mistakes at later

clinical visits. Finally, as an assistance to taking a good
The legal nature of the notes cannot be stressed enough history the aide-memoire shown in Box 3.3 may be used
and it is important that entries into patients’ records are to assist with the basics of patient note taking.
neat and legible. Untidy or inaccurate records often lead

4 Inflammatory periodontal

Gingivitis 23 the history, together with the appearance of the lesions.

Types of gingivitis 23 Physical causes include toothbrush trauma, especially when
Periodontitis 26 a new brush has recently been purchased, and damage
Adult periodontitis 26 from sharp items inserted into the mouth, an activity
Aggressive forms of periodontal disease 26 particularly common in children. One type of damage may
Acute periodontal abscess 30 be caused deliberately by the patient – a condition termed
‘gingivitis artefacta’. When this condition is associated
with a psychiatric disorder, it is termed ‘gingivitis artefacta
major’ and when it is an innocent habit it may be termed
Recent epidemiological evidence indicates that between
‘minor’. Despite its innocent background, severe damage
10 and 20% of the world’s population is highly suscep-
may be caused to the gingiva, even leading to tooth loss, as
tible to some form of destructive periodontal disease; 40%
shown in Figure 4.1. This problem is particularly seen in
are likely to suffer from milder forms of plaque-induced
young children.
periodontal diseases.These inflammatory diseases will vary
Other causes of acute traumatic gingivitis are damage
from early forms of gingivitis, frequently seen in children
from hard food and iatrogenic damage from dental treat-
and adolescents, to advanced periodontitis, more preva-
ment. Many dental procedures have the ability to cause
lent in the fourth and fifth decades of life. It has been
transient acute gingivitis. These include cavity preparation
shown by clinical and epidemiological studies that the
adjacent to the gingiva and gingival abrasion by brushes
majority of inflammatory periodontal diseases are initiated
and burs. In all such situations, the gingiva will be eroded
by microbial plaque deposits on the teeth and the adjacent
to some degree, often with a ragged margin with visible
tissues. However, they may be complicated by the presence
tags of damaged epithelium. Long-standing cases will have
of systemic diseases or the taking of medication, as well as
a surrounding area of keratosis where the stimulus has
other restorative factors.
been less acute.


Gingivitis is characterised by superficial inflammation of the

gums, shown by the classic signs of redness, swelling and
loss of stippling. There is no clinical bone loss or mobility.
Any pocketing is of the ‘false’ variety, caused by gingival
swelling, which may be oedematous or fibrous in nature.

Types of gingivitis
There are a number of different types of gingivitis includ-
ing both acute and chronic forms.

Acute traumatic gingivitis

This condition may be caused by physical, thermal or
chemical factors. Diagnosis will usually be apparent from Fig. 4.1 Severe gingivitis artefacta in a young child. 23
Restorative Dentistry

Thermal causes are principally related to eating hot

food. The classic history of hot, melted cheese on French
onion soup or fondues sticking to and burning the gingiva
is well known. Dental cautery or overheated ultrasonic
scalers may produce similar damage. The history of the
condition will usually identify the cause.
Chemical trauma may be caused by a number of
substances. Burns caused by the application of aspirin to
the gingiva alongside a tooth that is a source of pain, in the
belief that this will have a local or topical effect, are still
occasionally seen (Fig. 4.2). As well as a relevant history,
the early chemical lesion will have a white covering where
the epithelium has been damaged, but this is rapidly lost
to leave a tender area of acute gingivitis.
Fig. 4.3 Acute non-specific gingivitis: an exacerbation of pre-
existing chronic gingivitis.
Acute non-specific gingivitis
This condition is most commonly seen as an acute exacer-
bation of pre-existing chronic gingivitis (Fig. 4.3). The control toothpastes to hide the unpleasant taste of the
diagnosis is made by excluding other causes of acute pyrophosphate active agent. The histological features of
gingivitis, including acute necrotising and herpetic gingival biopsies are generally non-specific, although the
gingivitis. It may be associated with a lowering of host presence of a plasma cell infiltration may sometimes be
resistance, such as occurs with systemic illnesses. There seen.
may also be local causes such as lack of lip seal in the
upper incisor area or mouth breathing, which may cause
Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis
palatal acute gingivitis.
This is an acute gingivitis characterised by necrotising
interdental ulcers which rapidly spread to the other areas
Acute hypersensitivity reactions
of the gingiva. Characteristically, the ulcers are covered
Hypersensitivity reactions to the constituents of tooth- by a yellowish pseudomembrane which is composed of
pastes and occasionally cosmetics are sometimes seen as sloughed epithelial cells, polymorphs, fusiforms and
an ‘allergic gingivitis’ (Fig. 4.4). The symptoms reported spirochaetes in a fibrinous exudate. The condition is
may vary considerably but a common feature is a wide- usually very painful and the gingivae are very sore to touch
spread diffuse granular gingivitis involving the full width and bleed easily on manipulation. There is a characteristic
of the attached gingiva. Other features may include oral halitosis and the sufferer may report spontaneous haemor-
ulceration, glossitis and cheilitis. The commonest hyper- rhage from the ulcers (Fig. 4.5). There may be swelling
sensitivity reaction is to the cinnamonaldehyde constituent and tenderness of the regional lymph nodes together with
of toothpastes. This flavouring is currently used in tartar systemic fever and malaise. Although the condition starts

Fig. 4.2 A burn produced by applying aspirin directly to the soft Fig. 4.4 Acute allergic reaction in the marginal gingiva produced
24 tissues. by a reaction to a toothpaste.
4 / Inflammatory periodontal diseases

more severe cases, there may be ulceration similar to that

seen in acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis.

Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis

The oral cavity may be involved in infection with herpes
simplex viruses, types I and II. Infection with type I
usually occurs in childhood, but because infection is
increasingly avoided in childhood it is becoming more
common in both adolescents and adults (Fig. 4.6). Type II
infection, which is usually sexually transmitted, is more
commonly seen in adults. Clinically, both types have
similar oral manifestations. The oral signs are soreness of
the oral mucosa, with small vesicles which form and
Fig. 4.5 Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis in a young patient rapidly burst to form ulcers surrounded by a bright red
with a smoking habit. halo. There may also be a concomitant marginal herpetic
gingivitis. Systemically, there is often malaise, fever and
lymphadenitis. Children will be irritable, salivate exces-
as an acute condition, it often subsides into a chronic state sively and may have difficulty in eating. Dehydration may
which is identical to adult-type periodontitis, except for occur within a short period of time.
the presence of typical tissue deformities. The American
Academy of Periodontology has recently adopted the term
Chronic marginal gingivitis
‘acute necrotising ulcerative periodontitis’, which relates
to the loss of attachment that is an invariable consequence Gingivitis has been shown by epidemiological, clinical and
of this stage of the disorder. research investigations to be initiated and maintained by
The aetiology of the condition is unclear but certain the presence of mature plaque deposits around the teeth.
common predisposing conditions may be observed. The Dental plaque has been shown to develop a complex
patient, who is frequently aged between 18 and 30 years, gram-negative anaerobic flora with time which releases a
usually has a pre-existing inflammatory periodontal variety of irritant metabolites, destructive enzymes and
disorder, either gingivitis or periodontitis, and is often a antigens that stimulate the inflammatory and immune
smoker. There may be a history of a recent systemic illness systems. These cause local damage in the gingival tissues
such as the common cold, which lowers the tissue which bring about breakdown and the classic signs of
resistance, or the disease may follow a stressful episode in gingivitis.
the patient’s life, such as bereavement, divorce or redun- The severity of chronic gingivitis may vary from a slight
dancy. Recently the disease has been found to have a high change in texture and colour of the gingival margin to a
occurrence in HIV-infected individuals. severe erythema with a tendency to spontaneous bleeding
The microbiology of the condition is interesting. following minor trauma. Hyperplastic swelling of the
Vincent (1898) first described the fusospirochaetal com- gingiva may also be a feature of the disorder. Although
plex consisting of the microorganisms Bacillus fusiformis
and Borrelia vincentii. Since that time, a variety of other
organisms have been shown to be usually present, includ-
ing Vibrio, Bacteroides and Selenomonas species. The part
played by these organisms in the development of the
condition is unclear.

HIV-associated gingivitis
Recently an acute form of gingivitis has been described
that is seen in sufferers of acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS); this has been categorised as a definitive
form of gingivitis. It is most probable that this condition is
only an exaggerated or unusual response to dental plaque
due to the immune deficits that occur in these patients.
The commonest symptom is an intense marginal
gingivitis in a patient who has been diagnosed as infected Fig. 4.6 Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis: vesicles can be seen
with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In the scattered throughout the oral mucosa. 25
Restorative Dentistry

the underlying disease is usually a chronic inflammatory

process, acute exacerbations are common.
Chronic gingivitis is largely symptomless and most
people suffering from it are totally unaware of the fact. On
occasions, however, one of the following may be noted:
• bleeding from the gums, especially after toothbrushing
• colour change with varying degrees of redness
• change of texture with loss of gingival stippling
• alteration in consistency as the gingivae lose their
firmness and become soft and spongy
• alteration in form with loss of the knife-edge gingival

Chronic desquamative gingivitis

This is a chronic gingival condition characterised by Fig. 4.7 Chronic desquamative gingivitis.
red, sore gingiva with thin, poorly keratinised gingiva
(Fig. 4.7). It is more common in females of 40 or 50 years
of age. Chronic desquamative gingivitis presents many of disease, mobility and drifting of the affected teeth may
the features of chronic gingivitis, overlaid with superficial occur. Other symptoms may include halitosis and pus
acute erythema of the surface epithelium. The epithelium formation in walls of the pockets, some of which progress
can be rubbed off easily with slight physical pressure. On to lateral periodontal abscesses.
occasions, small vesicles may form which, when they
rupture, leave raw, painful areas. Patients may complain of Adult periodontitis
sore gums which are aggravated by hot or spicy foods. The
sore patches may persist for long periods of time and then This is the commonest type of periodontitis. It usually
gradually clear, only to recur at a later date. Recurrent occurs in older patients, whose tissues respond well to
episodes may continue for several years and, in some plaque-induced damage and break down slowly over a
cases, may then stop completely. long period of time. Although there may be periods of
Most cases of desquamative gingivitis have a back- rapid breakdown, as with any type of inflammatory disease,
ground of dermatological problems, the commonest of generally the increase in probing depths is slow (Box 4.2).
which are lichen planus or lichenoid reactions and occa- There may be a large amount of reparative fibrosis in the
sionally benign mucous membrane pemphigoid. It is inflamed gingiva (Fig. 4.8).
thought that these conditions lower the tissue resistance
and alter the character of the gingivitis. Aggressive forms of periodontal disease
There are a number of other types of periodontal disease
PERIODONTITIS which may be considered to be aggressive inflammatory
conditions, either because they occur in younger age
Periodontitis typically is revealed by loss of attachment, groups than adult-type periodontitis, or because they
either pocketing and/or recession which, together with
bone loss, are all historical signs of past disease. Present
activity may be indicated by bleeding on gentle probing
from the base of the pocket, pus formation or other signs Box 4.1 Clinical characteristics of periodontitis
of active inflammation, as well as progressive loss of • Variable degree of gingivitis
attachment. • Loss of attachment shown by:
Unlike gingivitis, where the inflammation is confined – pocketing
to the superficial gingival tissues, periodontitis affects all – recession
– combination of both
of the periodontal tissues, especially the ligament or mem-
brane. It may be accompanied by a variable amount of • Pocket activity demonstrated by:
– bleeding on deep probing
gingivitis, which may differ not only from patient to – suppuration
patient, but also from one site to another in the mouth. – deepening of pocket
The characteristics of periodontitis (Box 4.1) are loss of • Bone loss
attachment caused by the apical migration of the junc- • Mobility
tional epithelium, which may present as pocketing and/or
26 recession, together with bone loss. In the later stages of the
4 / Inflammatory periodontal diseases

Fig. 4.8 A patient with adult periodontitis showing large Fig. 4.9 A young patient with prepubertal periodontitis. A lower
amounts of dental plaque deposits but a low-grade inflammatory incisor has already fallen out.

Box 4.3 Systemic diseases associated with prepubertal

Box 4.2 Clinical features of adult periodontitis periodontitis

These are very varied but will always include the following • Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome
features: • Insulin-dependent diabetes
• Primary or acquired immunodeficiency
• Loss of attachment, which will present as periodontal • Leukaemias
pocketing or gingival recession, or a combination of • Hypophosphatasia
both • Histiocytosis X
• Bone resorption • Neutropenia
• Tooth mobility • Chediak–Higashi syndrome
• Agranulocytosis
• Drifting
• Suppuration from the active sites

has been described in the affected gingival tissues. The

patients may also have a history of other problems,
progress at a more rapid rate, and for this reason they are including respiratory and middle-ear infections. Little is
often termed ‘aggressive or progressive disease’. known about the microbiology of this disease.

Prepubertal periodontitis Juvenile periodontitis

As can be judged from its name, prepubertal periodontitis Juvenile periodontitis is an unusual form of periodontitis
occurs in children before adolescence (Fig. 4.9). The which occurs around the permanent teeth of adolescents.
greatest incidence occurs during the eruption of the Classically, the periodontal lesions occur around the first
permanent dentition, although the primary teeth are not molars and the incisors (Fig. 4.10), although, as with
exempt from its ravages. The occurrence of true pocketing prepubertal periodontitis, localised and generalised forms
and progressive periodontitis in children is rare and, when
it occurs, is often a sign of a systemic defect (Box 4.3),
although in some children no underlying predisposing
disease can be demonstrated.
The characteristics of this disease are not well known,
although localised and generalised forms have been
described. The gingival inflammation is extremely acute,
and granulation or proliferation from the active sites may
occur, giving rise to gingival swellings termed epulides
which are often of the pyogenic variety. There is often very
rapid destruction of alveolar bone and sometimes gingival
recession. Immune system defects, including functional
defects of peripheral blood leucocytes and monocytes, Fig. 4.10 Radiograph of a patient with juvenile periodontitis.
may be found in these patients and a lack of neutrophils Note the bone loss around the molars and incisors. 27
Restorative Dentistry

have been described. The disease has its onset at puberty,

although it may present at any time between 11 and 13
years of age. More females than males are seen with this
problem in treatment clinics, but epidemiological investi-
gations in the community have shown that the prevalence
is equal in both males and females.
The amount of gingival inflammation seen in these
patients is frequently low and the oral hygiene may vary
from excellent (Fig. 4.11) to appalling. In all patients,
however, the degree of breakdown is excessive for the
amount of local irritants. There is some evidence that this
disease may be subject to remission or burn-out.
The defects occur in siblings and the familial distribu-
tion is consistent with an autosomal recessive genetic trait.
It is thought that all affected individuals probably have Fig. 4.12 A clinical photograph of a patient with rapidly
progressive periodontitis. Note the granulomatous reaction of
functional defects of neutrophils or monocytes. The micro- the gingiva to plaque.
biology has been studied in some depth and two endotoxin-
producing organisms, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
and Capnocytophaga, have been identified in a large number to give rise to granulomatous gingival epulides. Some
of these patients. Interestingly the toxins produced by three-quarters of the patients have been shown to have
these organisms inhibit phagocytic cell function, which functional defects of neutrophils or monocytes, and
may account for the defects seen in the neutrophil and systemic manifestations including depression, weight loss
monocyte function. and general malaise have been reported.
This type of periodontitis has been claimed to follow
juvenile periodontitis in some patients and is also more
Rapidly progressive periodontitis
commonly seen in sufferers of certain systemic diseases.
This has been recently described in the literature. There is a higher prevalence in individuals with a number
Typically the sufferers have severe and rapidly advancing of systemic disorders (Box 4.4).
lesions (Fig. 4.12).There is some disagreement as to when
it first occurs, although the consensus is that it is usually
Refractory periodontitis
seen between the ages of 25 and 35 years. The lesions are
frequently generalised, with all the teeth affected to a In a small number of sites in some patients the periodontal
greater or lesser degree, without any consistent pattern lesion will remain active, as shown by continued signs of
of destruction. The microbiology is uncertain but two inflammation, pus formation or pocket deepening despite
organisms are often found: Porphyromonas gingivalis and active treatment (Fig. 4.13). Although it is frequently not
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. possible to find a cause for a site proving refractory, there
During the active phases of rapidly progressive periodon- may be a number of reasons for the failure of the site to
titis, the lesions are acutely inflamed and may proliferate heal (Box 4.5).
Inadequate oral hygiene. This may be defined as a level
of supragingival dental plaque which is incompatible with
marginal periodontal health. This will vary from patient
to patient, but the clinical level of residual plaque should
be sufficiently low as to permit the marginal gingival
tissues to be free of visible inflammation. If marginal
inflammation persists, then a complex subgingival flora is
soon re-established and pocket activity will again occur.

Box 4.4 Systemic disorders associated with juvenile

• Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome
• Down’s syndrome
• Chediak–Higashi syndrome
Fig. 4.11 A clinical photograph of a 16-year-old patient with • Insulin-dependent diabetes
juvenile periodontitis. Note the drifting of teeth despite the good
28 oral hygiene.
4 / Inflammatory periodontal diseases

Root surface defects. Defects such as grooves, flutes,

gingival pits or enamel projections are seen in some sites
with refractory inflammation (Fig. 4.15). The root surface
defects prevent complete debridement and inflammation
will persist.

Inadequate host response. This is seen in a small

number of individuals, who usually have defects involving
their polymorphonuclear leucocytes or monocytes. These
defects are difficult to detect and impossible to treat. The
only factor that can be changed in these unfortunate patients
is to reduce the level of plaque deposits even further.

Unidentified systemic factors. Factors such as anaemia,

diabetes or other similar problems occur in a very small
Fig. 4.13 A clinical photograph of a patient with refractory
periodontitis. Note the severe inflammation despite previous root
number of patients. Although it is not appropriate to
debridement. screen all patients with refractory lesions, if multiple sites
are active, the tissues highly inflamed and the plaque levels
low, it is worthwhile for the patient to have a haema-
Box 4.5 Some of the commoner reasons for refractory tological screening including whole blood count, film and
sites serum chemistry.
• Inadequate oral hygiene Periodontic-endodontic lesions. Occasionally the
• Persistence of root surface deposits
• Root surface defects
refractory lesion may be due to primary or secondary
• Inadequate host response involvement of the pulpal tissues. The source of the
• Unidentified systemic factor continued infection may be due to persistent periradicular
• Periodontic-endodontic lesions infection and successful treatment will require both
endodontic as well as periodontal therapy.

Acute necrotising ulcerative periodontitis

Root surface deposits. These are always left after
treatment, but usually the host response is able to cope On occasions, the tissue destruction seen in acute necro-
with a low level of retained irritants, such as dental plaque, tising ulcerative gingivitis will spread into the deeper
calculus and cementum-bound endotoxin. However, it is periodontal tissues causing widespread tissue loss. When
not always possible to debride the root surface adequately this occurs the condition can clearly no longer be termed
due to difficulties with access, visibility or root contour as a ‘gingivitis’ but justifies the term ‘periodontitis’. This
shown in Figure 4.14. In general, anterior, single-rooted condition is seen very commonly when the ravages of HIV
teeth are usually amenable to instrumentation, whilst infection have reduced the host resistance to a critical
posterior, multiple-rooted teeth with furcation involvement level.
are least likely to be successfully treated.

Fig. 4.15 A clinical photograph of a patient with a palatal root

Fig. 4.14 A tooth surface that would have been difficult to groove associated with severe pocketing. The groove acts as a
instrument due to the depth of the periodontal lesions. local plaque retention factor. 29
Restorative Dentistry

HIV-associated periodontitis
It is unusual for a periodontal abscess to occur in the
Periodontitis associated with patients whose immune absence of severe periodontitis, although it may be initiated
systems are compromised by HIV infection may show by acute trauma. The precipitating causes are not clearly
unusual features (Box 4.6). The marginal gingivitis may understood and it is quite possible that they may vary from
be intense and sometimes the overlying soft tissue will patient to patient. The main causes are shown in Box 4.7.
be necrotic, exposing marginal bone around the tooth. The abscess may present as a localised swelling with
Pocketing, when present, will be deeper than expected. erythema of the overlying mucosa. The tooth may be
There is often an associated candidal infection. tender to biting or percussion, and the patient may
complain of throbbing which is relieved by pressure. The
swelling is frequently, but not invariably, fluctuant. There
Acute periodontal abscess
may be systemic symptoms, such as lymphadenitis of the
A periodontal abscess can occur with any type of local lymph nodes, as well as raised temperature. This is
periodontitis and is therefore not a type of periodontitis more common when the condition is acute, but once
but a particular feature or symptom. A periodontal abscess drainage has been achieved the abscess becomes chronic
forms when pus collects in the connective tissue wall of with a lessening of symptoms.
a pocket. It is important to distinguish this from a peri-
radicular abscess caused by an infection emanating from
the pulp, and in order to emphasise this distinction the
term ‘lateral periodontal abscess’ is often used. The differ- Box 4.7 Commoner factors associated with an acute
ential diagnosis may be made based on the history, clinical periodontal abscess
examination, vitality tests and appropriate radiographs. • Entry of organisms into the connective tissues adjacent
to the periodontal pocket, which has been shown to
occur in deep periodontal lesions
Box 4.6 Manifestations of HIV periodontitis • The forcing of plaque, calculus and other irritant debris
through the pocket lining during scaling and root
• Inflammatory periodontal disease debridement procedures
• HIV-associated gingivitis • Impaction of foreign bodies into the periodontal pocket.
• Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis This is often quoted as a cause of the problem but the
• Acute necrotising ulcerative periodontitis authors have never seen a periodontal abscess
• Acute necrotising stomatitis associated with this type of damage
• Gingival ulceration associated with: • Blockage of a pocket with obstruction of drainage.
– herpes simplex Although this is a possible cause, the majority of
– herpes zoster abscesses seen are draining through the pocket on
– human cytomegalovirus presentation
– non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma • Reduction of host resistance as seen in some conditions
– Kaposi’s sarcoma such as diabetes, which are associated with frequent
– neutropenia periodontal abscesses

5 Management of
inflammatory periodontal

Management of gingivitis 31 Early gingivitis may be completely reversed by an

Acute traumatic gingivitis 32 improvement in the standard of oral home care, provided
Acute non-specific gingivitis 32 that there are no factors such as deficient restorations or
Acute hypersensitivity reactions 33 calculus that make plaque removal difficult. Later stages
Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis 33 may pose more complex problems, such as gingival hyper-
HIV-associated gingivitis 33 plasia which may need surgical removal. The key factor
Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis 33 in the management of all types of periodontal disease is
Management of adult periodontitis 33 effective home care.
Management of aggressive periodontal diseases 34 However, it is insufficient to merely show patients how
Prepubertal periodontitis 34 to brush their teeth and clean interdentally. They will need
Juvenile periodontitis 34 to be educated so they understand why they need to clean
Rapidly progressive periodontitis 35 their teeth efficiently, and they must have the motivation
Refractory periodontitis 35 to want to undertake thorough cleaning on a long-term
HIV-associated periodontitis 35 basis. They also need to be instructed in the physical skills
Acute periodontal abscess 36 required to achieve effective plaque removal. These are the
Non-surgical management of the root surface 36 main steps for achieving control of gingivitis.
Scaling instruments 37 There are a number of obstacles that have to be success-
Instrumentation guidelines 37 fully negotiated before one can achieve the restoration of
Hand instruments 39 gingival health in these patients:
Powered scalers 40
Supragingival scaling 42 • The encouragement of motivation. There are a number
Subgingival scaling 42 of ways of motivating patients, and one of the most
Root debridement, root planing or root cleaning 42 effective is to demonstrate disease in their own mouth.
Antimicrobial adjuncts in periodontal therapy 43 The identification of periodontal pockets and bleeding,
Mouth rinses 43 especially if there are healthy sites for comparison, will
Subgingival antimicrobials 45 give most patients a personal interest in the measures
needed to restore health.
• Linking the disease to the cause. Demonstrating the rela-
tionship between gingival inflammation and its cause
MANAGEMENT OF GINGIVITIS (e.g. dental plaque) in the patient’s own mouth will often
motivate that person. The use of disclosing agents to
Gingivitis is characterised by superficial inflammation of the colour plaque may assist in this.
gingival tissues with no loss of attachment, although swelling • Providing information on cleaning requirements. Informing
may cause false pocketing to be present. It is the one type patients about measures that can be undertaken to
of periodontal disease that has been categorically shown remove plaque and restore health is a necessary step in
by experimental studies to be related to the oral hygiene of their education. Realistic targets should be set for plaque
the patient.The severity of gingivitis may vary from a slight control. The use of a quantitative index for the plaque
change in texture and colour of the gingival margin, to an level and gingival inflammation will be of great assistance
intense erythema with a tendency to spontaneous bleeding in this phase of the treatment.
following minor trauma. Although it is usually a chronic • Instruction in oral hygiene. Careful instruction in appro-
inflammatory process, acute episodes are common. priate methods of oral hygiene is the last link in the 31
Restorative Dentistry

chain of home care advice and the main methods are

Box 5.1 Types and techniques of mechanical oral
shown in Box 5.1. In addition, it is also helpful to hygiene
undertake a professional prophylaxis for patients with
gingivitis. This leaves the mouth clean, starts the healing • Toothbrushing
– bass
process, and has the effect of reinforcing home care. – miniscrub
The removal of calculus and overhanging margins of • Interdental cleaning
restorations makes oral hygiene more effective, and the – floss/tape
removal of stains and plaque improves motivation. – sticks/points
– interdental brush
– superfloss
It will be necessary to follow up the patient to monitor • Disclosing
the effect of the advice, provide feedback and reinforce the – tablets
motivation. Figure 5.1 illustrates the improvement that – solution
may be obtained in these patients.
In addition to these general guidelines there are a
number of specific acute types of gingivitis and the follow-
ing sections describe additional measures that can be under- 7 days and may be diluted if the tissues are very sensitive.
taken when the specific diagnosis is known. It is not suitable for children under 12 years of age.
If the condition is being aggravated by aggressive brushing
then it might be advisable for the patient to stop brushing
Acute traumatic gingivitis
for a period and rely on the use of a chemical anti-plaque
This condition may be caused by physical, thermal or agent such as 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse.
chemical factors. Diagnosis will usually be apparent from This will allow keratinisation of the abraded gingiva to occur,
the history, together with the appearance of the lesions. prior to brushing being resumed. In some areas, it may be
The first step in the management of patients with acute possible to cover the damage with a periodontal dressing or
traumatic forms of gingivitis is to identify the cause. Some adhesive patch to facilitate healing and prevent further injury.
patients may not admit to a damaging habit and food
trauma may not have been noticed, especially if the meal
Acute non-specific gingivitis
has been accompanied by alcohol. Once the cause has been
identified, treatment is directed towards reassuring the This condition is most commonly seen as an acute exacer-
sufferer and providing palliative measures, such as lidocaine bation of pre-existing chronic gingivitis. There may also
gel, to ease the pain and antiseptic mouthwashes to decrease be local causes, such as lack of lip seal, leading to drying
the duration of secondary infection. An alternative mouth- out of the upper incisor area; alternatively, mouth breath-
wash, particularly if a thermal burn is suspected, is ing, which has a similar effect palatally, may cause acute
benzydamine hydrochloride, which will decrease soreness gingivitis in this area. Often, although there is no practical
considerably. This is dispensed as a 0.15% solution and treatment of the precipitating cause, careful oral hygiene
the patient should rinse with about 15 mL for 2 min every together with scaling and polishing will allow recovery to
1–3 h as required. It should not be used for more than occur. Where the soreness of the condition makes oral

(a) (b)
Fig. 5.1 (a) A patient with gingivitis before treatment: note the red, swollen gingiva. (b) The same patient after treatment. The gingival
32 tissues have shrunk, reducing the swelling. The gingiva are now pink with light stippling.
5 / Management of inflammatory periodontal diseases

hygiene difficult, the use of chemical methods of plaque coping with the HIV infection. The oral lesions should
control is indicated. always be reported to the consulting physician as they may
indicate the development of AIDS in an HIV sufferer. The
oral lesions should be sampled with a smear and checked
Acute hypersensitivity reactions
for candidal infection, as this is often present and may
Hypersensitivity reactions to the constituents of tooth- cause an acute form of gingivitis. Assuming that no unusual
pastes and occasionally cosmetics are sometimes seen as organisms are found, reinforcing the oral hygiene, together
an ‘allergic gingivitis’. An important principle in the treat- with chemical plaque control by using a 0.2% chlorhexidine
ment of these patients is not to expose them to further gluconate mouth rinse, will help in controlling the problem.
chemicals to which they may react. The urge to use a
chemical anti-plaque agent should be avoided and the
Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
patient should be reassured and the toothpaste changed to
allow healing to occur. Oral signs of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis include sore-
ness of the oral mucosa, with formation of small vesicles
that rapidly burst producing ulcers surrounded by a bright
Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG)
red halo. There is often a concomitant marginal herpetic
This acute gingivitis is characterised by necrotising inter- gingivitis and also signs of systemic involvement, including
dental ulcers which spread rapidly to the other areas of the malaise, fever and lymphadenitis. The most important
gingiva. The management of sufferers of ANUG is based aspect of management is to maintain fluid balance by
on recognition of the predisposing factors. In view of encouraging fluid intake. Food should be soft and cold
the relationship between ANUG and stress, and the need items may be soothing. This is one of the few occasions
for appropriate home care to prevent recurrence, a very when the clinician may recommend ice-cream with no
careful explanation of the problem together with possible sense of guilt. Bed rest should also be advised.
treatment should be provided to the patient. Advice The use of a 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse
should be given on the avoidance of smoking and the need will help to reduce the severity of secondary infection in
for an adequate diet. The initial acute phase should be the oral lesions. In the older patient, the use of benzocaine
treated by careful debridement of the lesions with the lozenges or lidocaine viscous paint will help to reduce
spray from an ultrasonic scaler. Advice on home care discomfort during eating. Paracetamol or aspirin can also
should include the purchase of a new soft toothbrush. be recommended to reduce discomfort and lower temper-
Although colonisation of the toothbrush bristles by the ature, and promethazine elixir will act as a sedative and
organisms involved in the condition is a theoretical allow sleep in the younger child.
possibility, the main reason for this advice is to ensure that When there are severe systemic symptoms, aciclovir may
an adequate brush is used. be taken either in tablet form or as an elixir. The cream
Many periodontists would prescribe the drug presentation is also useful in treating the problems of
metronidazole (Flagyl) 200 mg, taken three times a day herpes labialis.
with meals for 3 days, although for severe cases, a higher
dosage used for longer would be indicated. This
chemotherapeutic agent is very effective against the gram- MANAGEMENT OF ADULT PERIODONTITIS
negative organisms involved. However, there are some
worries about its teratogenic potential and use in preg- Adult periodontitis is, after chronic gingivitis, the commonest
nancy is contraindicated. If combined with alcohol, it may of the inflammatory periodontal diseases.The management
cause severe nausea. Penicillin is a safe and effective alter- of all forms of periodontitis is very complex and time-
native although it is less specific in its antimicrobial action. consuming, and the main principles are as follows:
It will be necessary to follow up the patient, as relapse
and recurrence are common. As the condition usually • Assessment and diagnosis of the disease. It is the respon-
occurs in patients with a pre-existing inflammatory sibility of dental surgeons to carry out screening of
periodontal condition, this will also require treatment patients under their care, to undertake an assessment
once the acute phase is under control. In some patients, and to arrive at an appropriate treatment plan.
gingival deformities caused by the interdental ulceration • Discussion of the findings with the patient. This is to
will require surgical correction, by either gingivoplasty or determine the patient’s attitudes and expectations. At
flap surgery. this stage, relief of pain, if present, may be carried out.
Decisions on any teeth of hopeless prognosis, e.g. those
with little supporting bone, should be made, to avoid
HIV-associated gingivitis
any misunderstanding about what might be achieved
This is an acute form of gingivitis seen in AIDS sufferers. with therapy. Extractions should be carried out at an
The primary treatment in these patients is directed towards early phase in the treatment plan. 33
Restorative Dentistry

• Decision on treatment strategy. Any decision on the type Box 5.3 Special investigations indicated for patients
of treatment must be made in conjunction with the with prepubertal periodontitis
patient and with fully informed consent.
• Providing advice on appropriate plaque control. This will • Whole blood count and film
• Differential white cell count
include advice on home care measures and the removal • Serum chemistry, including random serum glucose
of plaque retention factors such as calculus.This part of • Serum folate, iron, vitamin B12 and total iron binding
treatment is often called the ‘hygiene phase’ or ‘cause- capacity
related’ therapy. Home care would usually involve a sub- • Urine analysis, including glucose and protein using a
dipstick test
gingival brushing technique, interdental cleaning and,
for many patients, the use of disclosing agents where
supragingival plaque control measures are suspect.
• The use of chemical adjuncts. In some patients, the use of
chemical adjuncts to plaque control may be indicated treatment, often proves to be difficult. Some success may be
and this is discussed later in the text. obtained by the use of long courses of antibiotics, such as
• Allowing a healing period. During this phase of treatment, tetracycline, or chemotherapeutic agents such as metronida-
a period of time, often 6–12 weeks, is allowed for healing zole.The most effective therapies are thorough prophylaxis
before the tissue response is reassessed and a decision is of the active sites with a low abrasive fluoride-containing paste,
made on the need for further treatment (Box 5.2). together with flushing of pockets with an ultrasonic scaler,
making use of the cavitation and acoustic streaming effects.
For the small group of patients who do not respond to Oral hygiene should be kept simple and the child’s parent or
the above regimes, it may be necessary for periodontal guardian must be involved in its supervision and monitoring.
surgery to be undertaken.
Juvenile periodontitis
Although the treatment of these patients follows the general
principles laid down for adult-type periodontitis, the rapid
progression of this condition makes the monitoring much
Prepubertal periodontitis
more critical. There are two areas, however, in which
The overriding need of patients with prepubertal periodon- management does differ radically. It is now widely accepted
titis is to undertake systemic screening to identify or that these patients should be treated with tetracycline to
eliminate systemic defects. Although in many patients the eradicate the associated organisms (Box 5.4). It is a matter
results may prove negative, the identification of a serious of clinical judgement whether the antibiotic is given imme-
defect in even a small number will justify such an approach. diately the condition is diagnosed, or with mechanical root
The techniques of these investigations and their follow-up surface treatment. There is some evidence that this condi-
are outside the scope of this text, but should include, as a tion does not respond well to root debridement, and the
very minimum, the tests outlined in Box 5.3. most optimal result is obtained from a combination of early
If any of the special tests proves positive then referral to surgery and a course of systemic tetracycline.
a medical practitioner and further investigations would be
necessary, depending upon the nature of the defect. The
periodontal therapy, although secondary to the medical
Box 5.4 Recommended antibiotic regimes in juvenile

Box 5.2 Treatment of adult periodontitis following • Tetracycline or oxytetracycline – 250 mg four times a day
the hygiene phase for 3 weeks
• Minocycline – 100 mg twice a day for 1 week
This will depend upon the healing response and may (both pro rata depending upon body weight)
include one or more of the following:
• When good healing has been achieved, or if there are • Hypersensitivity to tetracyclines
signs that healing is occurring, the patient is monitored
• Pregnancy or lactating
and treatment is provided to ensure that the tissues
• Urinary tract disorders
return to maintainable health
• Recurrent candidal infections
• If a healing response is not occurring and the home care • Anticoagulant therapy
is inadequate, the cause should be sought and further
advice on oral hygiene provided Possible problems
• Where the lack of healing is accompanied by an • Care with birth control pill
adequate level of home care, root debridement would • May cause nausea, vertigo or rashes
be carried out as described elsewhere in this text • Avoid milk products, which may hinder absorption

5 / Management of inflammatory periodontal diseases

Rapidly progressive periodontitis

quate. Good lighting, a mirror – preferably a magnifying
The general principles of the treatment of periodontitis one – and a comfortable seat are essential.
apply to these patients. Recently, adjunctive treatment
Subgingival irrigation. Some studies have shown that
with tetracycline, metronidazole or a combination of
the introduction of a chemical antiseptic such as 0.2%
metronidazole and amoxicillin has been advocated, with
chlorhexidine digluconate into the pocket will have an
variable results. Box 5.5 shows possible therapeutic regimes.
additional depressant effect on the subgingival flora.There
The use of subgingival irrigation with chlorhexidine is
are two main ways of introducing the chemical sub-
often helpful.
gingivally – using a pulsed water irrigator or a syringe with
a large blunt needle. The irrigation should be undertaken
Refractory periodontitis on a daily basis until the lesion is under control.
There are a number of actions that can be taken to stabilise Repetition of root debridement. It is worthwhile
refractory lesions, including checking the previous therapy repeating the root debridement on a tooth adjacent to an
and using antimicrobials. These main measures are active site, on at least two occasions, with a period of at
indicated in Box 5.6. least 3–6 months in between. It must be remembered that
it may take up to 6 months for the full effects of root
Recheck the home care. Firstly check that the patient is debridement to be achieved. Root debridement should
using a subgingival brushing method, such as the bass include the use of an ultrasonic or sonic scaler, as the
or miniscrub techniques. It is important to note that flushing effect will reduce both the level of subgingival
although many methods of brushing, such as the roll microbes and cementum-bound endotoxin. The root
technique, are quite adequate for the healthy patient, they debridement may be combined with the use of a topical
will not cope with the presence of pocketing or gingival subgingival antimicrobial such as 2% minocycline, 25%
swelling. The use of a powered toothbrush has also been metronidazole, tetracycline cord or chlorhexidine chips.
shown to improve the efficiency of plaque removal and
they should be strongly recommended to these patients. Systemic antimicrobials. The use of systemic agents such
Also ensure that the patient is using a disclosing agent after as amoxicillin, tetracycline, minocycline or metronidazole
brushing to monitor residual plaque levels. may in some cases produce dramatic improvements,
The need for good daily interdental cleansing must provided they are combined with mechanical root surface
be stressed and insisted upon. Finally, ensure that the treatment in the form of root debridement or flap surgery.
environment in which oral hygiene is undertaken is ade- Tetracycline is the most popular antibiotic and is used
in a dosage of 250 mg four times a day for 2 or 3 weeks
for an average adult. Metronidazole is also a useful agent
Box 5.5 Dosages of systemic antimicrobials that may at a dosage of 200 mg three times a day for 1 or 2 weeks.
be used in patients with refractory periodontitis Recently, a regime combining both metronidazole and
amoxicillin for 2 weeks has been described, with signifi-
• Tetracycline – 250 mg four times a day for 3 weeks
• Metronidazole – 200 mg three times a day for 2 weeks cant improvements noted. The recommended doses are
• Metronidazole plus amoxicillin shown in Box 5.5.
– metronidazole 200 mg four times a day
– amoxicillin 250 mg four times a day Periodontal flap surgery. For those sites which persist
– both for 2 weeks despite previous treatment and when home care is consid-
ered adequate, the raising of a periodontal flap is necessary
to permit access to the root surface for instrumentation.
The commonest procedure undertaken is the replaced
flap, often called the modified Widman procedure.
Box 5.6 Measures which may control refractory
periodontitis Professional debridement. Sometimes, when the lesions
• Recheck the home care procedures, such as use of will not stabilise, it is necessary to undertake repeated
interdental cleaning professional debridement of the active sites, especially
• Introduce subgingival irrigation using a pulsed irrigator with the sonic or ultrasonic scaler.This will be sufficient in
• Repeat the root debridement together with the use of a
topical subgingival antimicrobial such as tetracycline, many patients to prevent extension of the lesions with the
minocycline, metronidazole or chlorhexidine problems of further loss of attachment.
• Prescribe systemic antimicrobials at the time of root
• Undertake periodontal flap surgery HIV-associated periodontitis
• Continue prolonged frequent professional debridement,
using ultrasonic instrumentation Treatment undertaken for patients with HIV involves close
liaison with the physician managing the HIV infection.
The most important benefit that the dentist can give to the 35
Restorative Dentistry

patient is to institute effective plaque control measures, smooth the root surface and remove a thin layer of cemen-
which should include the regular use of chlorhexidine tum, thus reducing the endotoxin burden. Some author-
gluconate mouth rinse. The mouth must be monitored on ities do not feel that effective scaling can be carried out
a regular basis and checked carefully for signs of patho- subgingivally unless followed by root debridement. Root
logical change. debridement may also be termed root cleaning or root
When HIV-associated periodontitis does occur, it planing. Both procedures need to be undertaken with
should be treated with the usual regime of scaling, root prophylactic antibiotic cover in the patient at risk of
debridement and the use of antimicrobials. If there is a infective endocarditis.
candidal infection in the mouth, this needs treatment with It is thought that root debridement reduces the amount
antifungals. of cementum-bound endotoxin to a biologically acceptable
The periodontitis should be managed conservatively level and thus allows healing of the adjacent periodontal
and surgery avoided if at all possible in view of the poor soft tissues. However, recent research has shown that
healing potential of these patients. If bone denudation endotoxin may be reduced to the level seen on healthy root
occurs, it should be covered with a dressing and antibiotics surfaces by very light root cleaning, providing that the root
prescribed in conjunction with the physician responsible surface in the pocket is instrumented in a thorough,
for the medical care. systematic way. It may well be that the only difference
between scaling, root cleaning and root debridement is the
overall reduction in root surface contaminants and these
Acute periodontal abscess
have to be lower in some patients who have decreased
A periodontal abscess occurs when pus collects in the resistance to the influence of dental plaque and its by-
connective tissue wall of a pocket and is frequently seen in products. There are, of course, differences between the
patients with periodontitis.The initial problem is managed instruments used in scaling, which is often a supragingival
by establishing drainage of this pus, so the first joint procedure, and root debridement, which is always carried
decision to be made by the operator and patient is whether out in subgingival sites.
this should be achieved by extracting the tooth. The three fundamentals which allow effective control
If it is decided to attempt to save the tooth, initial of acquired tooth surface deposits are their detection,
drainage may be obtained by scaling and root debridement adequate removal and the prevention of recurrence.
of the lesion. Should this not relieve the pressure then a Calculus deposits may be detected by visual and tactile
fluctuant lesion can be incised at its most dependent point methods. Visual detection can be aided by a stream of air
or by raising a small flap to expose the defect and allow directed at the gingival margin from the triple syringe,
effective debridement. Any local anaesthetic used should thus drying out supragingival calculus, which will lighten
not be placed into the inflamed area. and appear chalky against the tooth surface. Subgingival
The patient should be advised to use hot salt water mouth calculus may appear as a dark ring often visible through
rinses during the healing period to encourage drainage. the overlying gingiva, and deflecting the gingival margin
Once the lesion has settled, further root debridement or with the air syringe will reveal these deposits directly
surgery may be required to encourage healing.This type of (Fig. 5.2).
lesion will require careful, long-term follow-up to ensure A variety of probes may be used to feel for calculus
that recurrence does not occur. within the periodontal pocket and the two most useful are
the World Health Organization 622 probe and the cross



A key factor in the non-surgical management of the root

surface involved in an active periodontal lesion is the
effective removal of root surface deposits. The acquired
deposits that are found adhering to tooth surfaces include
salivary pellicle, dental plaque, calculus and a variety of
stains. Scaling is the procedure by which these deposits are
removed from the tooth surface. Although the significance
of salivary pellicle and its relationship to dental disease are
unclear – it probably has a protective function – both
dental plaque and calculus are associated with inflam-
matory periodontal disease. Scaling differs from root
debridement in that the latter procedure consists of instru- Fig. 5.2 Subgingival calculus revealed by deflecting the gingival
36 mentation not only to remove surface deposits, but also to margin with air from the triple syringe.
5 / Management of inflammatory periodontal diseases

calculus probe (Fig. 5.3). Both of these probes are able to

detect the roughness of calculus when they are run over
the root surface and they will usually catch beneath the
apical edge of the deposits.

Scaling instruments
All hand scaling instruments consist of three basic sections:
the handle, the shank and the working tip (Fig. 5.4).
Modern scaling and root debridement instruments have
balanced grip handles, which give better distribution of Fig. 5.3 The WHO 622 probe (right) and the cross calculus probe
weight and a large area of contact for the fingers. Often the (left).
handle is hollow which, besides reducing the weight, is
claimed to give greater tactile discrimination. The shank is
that part of the instrument connecting the working tip to the Box 5.7 Guidelines to improve the efficiency of
handle. The angle and length of the shank determine the instrumentation
access obtained by the tip to the tooth surface. • Be comfortable; ensure that both you and the patient
The working tip contains the cutting edge or edges are seated comfortably
which remove the acquired deposits. Scalers are classified • Position yourself for maximum visibility. If possible, work
according to the shape of the tip, and there are five basic with the site in direct vision with a good, well-adjusted
operating light
designs: sickles, hoes, files, push (or chisel) and curettes. • Follow an orderly sequence of instrument use and make
sure they are laid out in the order of use before and
after application. This will help to avoid the time wasted
Instrumentation guidelines in searching for instruments on an untidy worktop
The successful practice of periodontics depends not only • Use as few instruments as possible and know the
function of each instrument
upon the ability to motivate patients in the daily use of • Maintain control of instruments during use, not only to
effective oral hygiene, but also on the skilful use of instru- prevent inefficient scaling but also to avoid traumatic
ments during scaling and root debridement (Box 5.7). damage caused by slipping – good finger rests are
For many patients these procedures may be undertaken essential
without any form of anaesthesia. In some cases, however, • Maintain a clear field by use of cotton wool rolls and
aspiration. Both haemorrhage and saliva will require
especially when carrying out root debridement, some control
analgesia will be required. Often the use of a topical • Ensure your instruments are sharp and serviceable
anaesthetic cream will suffice, particularly when at least • Use a slow, deliberate and methodical approach but do
2 min is allowed to elapse between application and scaling, not confuse roughness with thoroughness
so that maximum anaesthesia is achieved. When topical • Always talk to the patient in a friendly and sympathetic
manner not only on completion of the task but also
anaesthesia is inadequate, block or infiltration anaesthesia during the procedure. This ensures that the patient
will be required; some patients will need even this to be adjusts to the procedure even if he or she found it
reinforced with inhalation relative analgesia. difficult and time-consuming
The instrument should be held in the correct way, as • Always clean up the patient before departure from the
this will determine the amount of control and thus the surgery. This is a courtesy appreciated by all patients
• Use effective techniques as described in the text
stability and effectiveness in use. There are three possible
ways to hold a scaler:

• Standard pen grip. The instrument is held between the

thumb and index finger and the medial part of the • Modified pen grasp. This modification of the standard
middle finger is used to control its movement. This grip pen grip is used for many procedures. Instead of the
is not commonly used (Fig. 5.5). side of the medial surface of the middle finger being

Working Shank Handle


Fig. 5.4 Component parts of a hand scaling instrument. 37

Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 5.5 The standard pen grip.

used, the terminal pad is utilised on the shank of the

instrument, giving increased control (Fig. 5.6).
• Palm grip. On rare occasions during scaling, the palm
grip is used to give more power, but at the price of
decreased control and visibility. The handle of the Fig. 5.7 The palm grip.
instrument is held in the palm of the hand with the
fingers grasping the handle and the thumb placed on
the shank to control movement (Fig. 5.7).

As well as an appropriate instrument grip, it is also

essential to establish a finger rest to ensure stability and
lessen the possibility of slipping when applying pressure.
The third or ring finger is the main source of the finger
rest and the fourth or small finger is often used in addition
(Fig. 5.8; see also Box 5.8).

Fig. 5.8 A good finger rest.

Box 5.8 Possible finger rests, in order of preference

• On the tooth being scaled
• On the adjacent teeth
• On teeth in the same jaw, but some distance away
• On teeth in the opposite jaw
• On the external soft tissues overlying bone, e.g. on the
patient’s chin
• In difficult cases, the fingers of the non-working hand
may be rested and the finger rest placed on these

Most dental procedures, including scaling, are under-

taken with the patient in a near horizontal position, which
gives the seated operator the ability to perform most of
38 Fig. 5.6 The modified pen grasp. the work using direct vision. However, working with a
5 / Management of inflammatory periodontal diseases

horizontal patient does require three important precautions supragingival calculus. Hoes such as those in the MacFarlane
to be taken: set (Fig. 5.10) are suitable for scaling mesially, distally,
facially and lingually, whilst modified hoes (Fig. 5.11) are
• Eyesight protections must be provided. useful for scaling and root debridement in furcations.
• The airway must be watched carefully and protection
in the form of a butterfly sponge used if necessary. Method of use. The working tip is slid down the root
• Some method of moisture control will usually be required. surface over the calculus until the bottom edge is palpated.
Pressure is applied to hold the hoe against the deposits
Hand instruments and the shank against the crown. The instrument is then
moved towards the crown to plane away the calculus.
The sickle scaler
This is a generic term which includes all scalers with a The periodontal file
working tip projecting from the shank at approximately a
right angle and having a sharp pointed end (Fig. 5.9). The This file has a series of cutting edges set at right angles to
method of use may be by pulling, such as the Jaquette the shank on a round, oval or rectangular base (Fig. 5.12).
no. 1, or rotation of the handle (Jaquette nos 2 and 3 and Uses. The file is used for subgingival scaling and root
hygienist sickles). They have two cutting edges which are debridement, but will not cope with heavy deposits which
formed by the convergence of the top surface and the two must be removed with a hoe scaler first.
lateral surfaces. The cross-section of the working tip is
triangular in shape. Method of use. The instrument is slid down the root
surface to the lower edge of the calculus. Pressure is
Uses. The sickle scaler is used mainly for supragingival scaling.
applied to hold the cutting edges and the shank against the
It may also be used to scale or root plane just beneath to
the gingival margin, provided the gingival pocket is fairly
loose. This instrument should not be inserted too deeply
into a pocket as the sharp tip will lacerate the soft tissue wall.
Method of use. The cutting edge is placed against the
tooth if possible with a positive rake angle, but 90° is an
acceptable compromise. It is then moved up the tooth with
a pull stroke.

The periodontal hoe

This has a straight cutting edge on a short wide blade
projecting at right angles from the shaft.

Uses. The hoe is the principal instrument for removing

heavy deposits of subgingival calculus and for root debride- Fig. 5.10 Periodontal hoes: buccal/lingual (top) and mesial/distal
ment. It may also be used to remove heavy deposits of (bottom).

Fig. 5.9 The sickle scaler used to remove subgingival calculus in Fig. 5.11 A modified curette useful for scaling the roof of
an accessible area. furcations. 39
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 5.13 A push scaler in use between lower incisors.

Fig. 5.12 Periodontal files.

tooth, and the instrument is moved towards the crown, Uses. The curette is the principal instrument for fine
removing the deposits. The design of a file requires subgingival scaling, root debridement and root surface
repeated strokes to be made whilst instrumenting an area. smoothing. It may also be used for curetting the soft tissue
wall of the pocket, a procedure called subgingival
curettage, which is no longer favoured in western Europe.
The push scaler
The push, or chisel, scaler has a single straight bevelled Method of use. The working tip is inserted into the base
cutting edge set at right angles to the shank (Fig. 5.13). of the pocket and tilted to give a positive rake angle. It is
used with a pull stroke towards the occlusal surface.
Uses. The push scaler is used to remove heavy deposits of
supragingival calculus from the interdental surfaces of the
anterior teeth. It should only be used when the embrasure Powered scalers
spaces are open and sufficient space is present.
Powered scalers are used in dentistry to remove plaque,
Method of use. The cutting edge is placed from the labial calculus and stains from the teeth. The use of these
aspect against the tooth surface and pressure is applied to automated scaling instruments makes the work of the
cleave away adhering calculus deposits. operator much easier, and for many patients makes the
scaling procedure more acceptable. They have a valuable
role in the removal of gross deposits and flushing out
The dental curette
the pocket. Ultrasonic scalers operate between 20 and
This has a spoon-shaped working tip with a curved cutting 40 kilohertz (kHz) and sonic scalers in the 3–6 kHz range.
edge. There are two principal types: the universal with two Both types of instrument need a water spray, as heat is
cutting edges, and the site-specific which has a cutting produced during use at the working tip and the cooling
edge on one side only (Fig. 5.14). spray has the additional advantage of washing away dis-

(a) (b)
40 Fig. 5.14 (a) Universal dental curettes (Langer’s). (b) Site-specific dental curettes (Gracey’s).
5 / Management of inflammatory periodontal diseases

lodged deposits, but also the distinct disadvantage of the root surface. A variety of differently shaped tips is
producing an aerosol. Box 5.9 provides a comparison available to achieve this result. There are differences in the
between ultrasonic and sonic scalers. oscillatory patterns of ultrasonic and sonic scalers. The
ultrasonic has a higher energy output and is not easily
Ultrasonic scaling instruments. These operate at
damped by loading and is generally a linear action. The
frequencies above the level of human hearing, usually
sonic scaler has a larger, usually circular and more coarse
between 20 and 40 kHz.There are two different types avail-
pattern of movement to compensate for the lower energy
able on the market: magnetostrictive and piezoelectronic.
level and is more easily damped by high loading, although
Magnetostrictive types. These use a core or stack of this may not be obvious to the operator. It is, however,
magnetic material, usually a nickle alloy, which is acted easier to sterilise than the ultrasonic instrument.
upon by electrical windings in the handpiece producing an
Cavitational effects. These are usually seen with the
alternating magnetic flux. When the stack is magnetised,
ultrasonic scalers as the sonic variety do not generally have
it contracts and as it is connected to the working tip this
sufficient energy output at the tip to cause cavitation. All
mechanical change is relayed to the tooth surface. The
powered scalers are provided with a flow of cooling water
electronics of the unit changes the alternation of the
directed at the tip to remove any heat caused by friction
magnetising current to an ultrasonic frequency, causing
between the tip and the tooth surface. The water contains
the tip to vibrate at a similar rate.
minute air bubbles which are expanded by the energy in
Piezoelectronic types. A piezoelectric material such as quartz the vibrating tip which causes them to have a negative
will oscillate if an ultrasonic current is placed across it.This internal pressure for a fraction of a second and then
vibration is then transferred to the attached scaling tip. implode, releasing large shock waves. Such forces have
been shown to remove plaque and calculus from the tooth
Air or sonic scalers. Sonic scalers are operated by a surface. One of the side-effects of the water flow and
pressurised air line usually connected to an air turbine. cavitation is the generation of a large aerosol against which
This air is passed over a reed or through an eccentric cam precautions should be taken.
in the handpiece which then vibrates in the air flow. Sonic
scalers operate at frequencies below that of the limit of Acoustic microstreaming. All powered scalers set up
hearing, typically in the 3–6 kHz range. vigorous movements of the water around their tips and
this is termed acoustic microstreaming. The large shear
forces associated with this phenomenon assist in the
Method of action removal of some of the tooth surface deposits and in the
The removal of calculus and other deposits by mechanical disruption of plaque colonies.
scaling instruments is achieved in three ways: mechanical Both the cavitational and acoustic microstreaming
abrading action, cavitational effects and acoustic micro- effects produce an intense acoustic turbulence around
streaming. the scaling tip. This has been shown to assist the root
debridement process by scrubbing the root surface and
Mechanical abrading action. The action is a mixture of disrupting associated bacteria.
back-and-forth and circulatory movements and this
mechanically abrades and chips away at the deposits on
Principles of use of powered scalers
Modern ultrasonic scalers are self-tuning and have a
Box 5.9 A comparison between ultrasonic and sonic variable power control. The higher the power setting, the
scalers greater the vibration and the more likely it is for the
Ultrasonic patient to experience discomfort. In general, a low to
• Electrically powered, tip vibration above 20 kHz medium setting should be used and this has the added
• Oscillatory pattern variable but often linear advantage of reducing the risk of unwanted tooth surface
• Cavitation occurs in water stream close to the tip
• Acoustic microstreaming occurs damage. Studies have shown this to be just as effective for
• Not easily damped by loading periodontal healing. The instrument should be positioned
• Not all models are easy to sterilise with the oscillating working tip almost in the long axis of
Sonic the tooth with a very small rake angle. Light pressure
• Air-powered, tip vibration between 3 and 6 kHz should be applied and the tip kept constantly on the move
• Oscillatory pattern usually circular or elliptical with a light circulatory stroking action. The tip should
• Cavitation not present not be held stationary in any one area for too long as this
• Acoustic microstreaming occurs will cause excessive abrasion of the tooth in that area.
• May be damped by excess loading
• All models are sterilisable Instrumentation should not be rushed and the surface
should be checked from time to time for smoothness. This
can be done with the tip without the power on. 41
Restorative Dentistry

Potential hazards of powered scalers Supragingival scaling

The most serious hazard from the operator’s point of The removal of supragingival deposits of dental calculus
view is the considerable aerosol generated, especially by is most efficiently achieved with an ultrasonic or sonic
the ultrasonic machines. The operator should wear a scaler. This should be applied gently to the tooth surface
good quality mask and protective spectacles, in addition and moved with small overlapping or circular strokes to
to the usual gloves. The patient should be asked to rinse remove the deposits. If a powered scaler is not available,
with an oral antiseptic such as chlorhexidine digluconate the patient cannot tolerate it, or the patient has a medical
0.2% for 1 min before the procedure, to reduce the oral condition such as HIV infection which contraindicates
flora, and high volume aspiration should be used to the use of a powered scaler, the following hand instru-
remove the remaining aerosol. In view of these problems, ments may be employed: a large excavator or cumine
ultrasonic or sonic scalers should not be used with highly scaler will remove large accumulations of calculus; the
infectious patients. The tooth surface can be damaged by push scaler can then be used between the lower incisor
frictional heating if insufficient coolant is used and by teeth to remove interdental deposits; a sickle or Jaquette
abrasive scratching if the tip is incorrectly applied. scaler can be used on the lingual and interdental areas;
Porcelain jacket crowns may be fractured by the tips and and finally an appropriate hoe will remove facial and
it is possible for a cement lute to be broken, so it is best to lingual calculus.
avoid contact with crown and bridgework when using The removal of supragingival calculus is often combined
powered scalers. with subgingival scaling.
A potential danger exists with patients fitted with an
electronic cardiac pacemaker. The ultrasonic scaler is
Subgingival scaling
known to emit a large electromagnetic field which may
interfere with the older types of pacemaker, and it is Ideally, supragingival scaling should be completed before
wise to avoid its use with this category of patient. More subgingival scaling, as the presence of deposits on the
modern pacemakers are shielded and compensated to crown of the tooth will hinder visibility and prevent the
reduce this risk but it would be unwise to test the effec- correct application of the instrument to the root.
tiveness of this in the dental chair. The field of inter- Before activating the instrument, a series of exploratory
ference is small, of the order of 1 m, and is only likely to strokes should be made to determine the location and
have an effect on the patient being treated. Sonic scalers topography of subgingival deposits. A scaling instrument
do not operate electrically so they have no effect on or WHO probe is passed down the root surface to the base
pacemakers. of the pocket. If any apparent obstruction is felt, the
Older versions of ultrasonic scalers could not be effec- instrument is moved out from the root surface and gently
tively sterilised, as the stack containing the electrical wind- extended apically to distinguish between a ledge of calculus
ings could not be removed from the power cable. Recent and the junctional epithelium. As a general rule, calculus
models have removable and autoclavable stacks which will feel hard and the junctional epithelium will be softer
reduce the risk of cross-infection. in consistency.
When the pocket and deposits have been mentally
mapped out, scaling can commence. The best instrument
Comparison of powered and hand instruments
to start with is the ultrasonic scaler. This will dislodge and
The powered scaler is said to be quicker and easier for the flush out the larger deposits. Following this, a hoe scaler
operator and has been shown to reduce hand fatigue and is used to continue the scaling, working round the site in
strain. The water flow flushes out pockets and removes a methodical, overlapping manner. Finally, dental curettes
debris during scaling. Visibility may be improved by the are used to remove fine deposits and leave a smooth root
washed field effect. It has been concluded by several surface.
researchers that the use of a powered scaler can produce a Following the scaling, the pocket should be flushed with
similar root finish to that achieved by a hand instrument, the triple syringe or the spray from an ultrasonic scaler to
but this will obviously vary with the skill of the operator. A remove any retained particles or microorganisms. The use
greater potential for damage exists, especially if the equip- of a ‘through-flow’ scaling tip, which delivers water into
ment is misused. Some patients will find instrumentation the site, is to be recommended.
with powered scalers uncomfortable, especially if exposed
cervical dentine is present. The lack of tactile sensation
Root debridement, root planing or root cleaning
may also be a problem particularly if visibility is hampered
by the water spray.The equipment is expensive and, like all Root debridement is indicated when, in the presence of
powered items, prone to breakdown. Despite these draw- good supragingival plaque control, and following the
backs, it is generally agreed that their use is to be routinely removal of all clinically detectable subgingival deposits,
recommended for most scaling and root debridement the activity of a periodontal pocket persists. The aims of
42 procedures. root debridement are to remove a thin layer of endotoxin-
5 / Management of inflammatory periodontal diseases

laden cementum as well as all deposits of plaque and ANTIMICROBIAL ADJUNCTS IN PERIODONTAL
calculus. The root surface should be left clinically smooth. THERAPY
This will encourage resolution of inflammation and
healing of the site. When inflammatory periodontal diseases are present,
If these aims are achieved then the root surface should effective removal of plaque deposits on a regular basis will
be rendered biologically inert and the persistent periodontal usually return the inflamed tissues to health. Mechanical
lesion begin to resolve. For the majority of patients, local oral hygiene measures are sufficient to reverse early gingivitis
anaesthesia will be required for the teeth to be root- provided that tissue swelling has not reached a level where
planed. In the maxilla this will require the use of infiltra- subgingival plaque is protected from the cleaning aids, or
tion techniques, but in the mandible, block anaesthesia calcified deposits hinder effective plaque removal. In these
together with a long buccal infiltration is necessary. cases, additional scaling and polishing are also required.
Instrumentation during root debridement is very However, it has been shown that oral hygiene does not
similar to that used during subgingival scaling, but the eliminate inflammation in periodontitis where pocketing is
technique is more exacting, although often there is no present. Subgingival scaling, root debridement, local and
calculus to remove. It is again worthwhile to commence systemic antimicrobials and surgery may all be required
and finish with an ultrasonic scaler as there is some to render the root surface free from microbial deposits
evidence of improved healing following its use. To permit and permit healing. Current mechanical therapy aims at
the ultrasonic tip to reach the base of the pocket, the use providing regular pocket debridement to eliminate most
of modern slimline scaling tips is essential. subgingival plaque and calculus, and so prevent the
The method of use of instruments also varies from development of microbial complexes which may result in
scaling. The initial strokes should be made from the base disease progression. A sustained reduction in the levels of
of the pocket up the root surface with an overlapping pathogenic microorganisms occurs in periodontal pockets
technique as shown in Figure 5.15. This should be following this therapy. The results of clinical studies also
followed by a consolidating series of movements at 45° support the value of regular maintenance care, and an
to the initial strokes. In this way the root surface is quar- appropriate interval for remotivation and plaque removal
tered by the instrument and the majority of the contam- appears to be 3-monthly. However, oral hygiene practices
inated cementum removed. The pocket is then flushed may not be successful for the reasons given in Box 5.10.
with the water spray to remove loosened deposits. This As a result chemical antimicrobials are often used as
may be achieved by using the ultrasonic scaler, provided adjuncts in the management of inflammatory periodontal
care is taken not to further roughen the root surface diseases.
following the hand smoothing. Finally the pocket is
irrigated with an anti-plaque agent such as 0.2%
Mouth rinses
chlorhexidine digluconate.
Contraindications to root debridement are poor patient Various chemicals have been used in the form of mouth
motivation, teeth of a hopeless prognosis, severe dentinal rinses to assist in the treatment of inflammatory
sensitivity (which will be worsened by the procedure) and periodontal diseases. The influence of mouth rinses on
the presence of acute infection. the course of inflammatory periodontal diseases may be
categorised as follows:

• They may have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic action,

killing the organisms or preventing their multiplication.
• They may have anti-inflammatory actions, reducing the
damage caused by the tissue response to plaque antigens.

Box 5.10 Reasons why mechanical oral hygiene

practices may be unsuccessful
Base of • They may be technically difficult for many patients to
pocket perform
• They are very time-consuming to undertake effectively
• They require a high level of motivation and habituation
to be continued over a long time period
• They are only effective at removing organisms from
Fig. 5.15 An overlapping technique suitable for root accessible tooth surfaces
debridement. (a) Initial overlapping strokes from base of pocket • They are unable to remove organisms in deep pockets
up to the enamel–cement junction; (b) secondary quartering
strokes to complete surface instrumentation. 43
Restorative Dentistry

• They may alter the plaque environment by changing, Box 5.11 Characteristics of mouth rinses
for example, the acidity.
• Vary in their activity against microbial plaque
As a general rule, mouth rinses will act at either the plaque • Have differing retention times in the oral cavity
level or, to a very limited extent, at the tissue response level (substantivity)
(Fig. 5.16). Despite these limitations, there are situations • Useful in the treatment of gingivitis
• Limited effect on periodontitis as they do not penetrate
when the use of a mouth rinse is clearly indicated: pockets to any significant extent
• Potential side-effects such as severe extrinsic tooth
• when gingivitis does not respond to oral hygiene staining limit their usefulness
measures and good home care • Most effective when used following careful scaling and
• for patients with oral ulceration such as aphthae or root debridement
herpetic lesions • Retard the subsequent recolonisation of pockets
following periodontal therapy and lead to a greater
• for patients suffering from oral mucosal conditions such
reduction of inflammation when used following root
as lichen planus and benign mucous membrane debridement
• when jaws are fixed together such as following fractures
or jaw surgery
• following periodontal surgery, to permit adequate
healing when plaque control may be painful Amongst commercial dental companies there has
• for very high-risk patients such as those who are been considerable interest in mouth rinses containing
immunocompromised, e.g. following renal, liver or cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC). CPC in the laboratory has
heart transplants. considerable bactericidal activity. However, the retention
time or substantivity of CPC in the oral cavity is limited
The general characteristics of mouth rinses are outlined and therefore frequent use is required to provide any
in Box 5.11. useful anti-plaque activity. These mouth rinses have a less
unpleasant taste and fewer staining problems than
experienced with chlorhexidine.
Chemicals in mouth rinses
Another mouth rinse is 1% w/v povidone-iodine, a formu-
The most effective anti-plaque mouth rinse at the present lation which is claimed to overcome the very occasional
time is the bis-biguanide salt chlorhexidine gluconate, which mucosal sensitivity reactions that occur with the use of
has a broad antimicrobial spectrum and is active against chlorhexidine. It should be noted that the prescribing
both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Another information supplied by the manufacturer for this mouth
mouth rinse, in addition to chlorhexidine, which has been rinse includes the possibility of mucosal irritation and hyper-
approved by the Council of Dental Therapeutics of the sensitivity reactions, and its use is contraindicated in preg-
American Dental Association, is a phenolic anti-plaque compound nant females and young children. Prolonged use is not recom-
with anti-inflammatory properties (Listerine). Research has mended and it should not be used for more than 14 days.
shown that, although this formulation has less anti-plaque Another chemical, triclosan, has proved to be very useful
and antimicrobial activity than chlorhexidine, when used in toothpastes.When used as a mouth rinse combined with
as a supplement to normal oral hygiene it has a similar zinc salts or co-polymer, it has moderate substantivity and
effect in reducing the clinical gingivitis scores. In addition, gives beneficial plaque reductions.
phenolic anti-plaque compounds have been shown to have Chlorine dioxide-containing mouth rinses have been
anti-inflammatory effects at subclinical concentrations. claimed to eliminate volatile sulphur compounds and thus
reduce halitosis.

Tooth surface Gingiva Type of inflammatory

periodontal disease Potential problems of mouth rinses
There is a small risk when using any mouth rinse that the
Mature plaque Inflammatory and superficial signs of disease (e.g. redness, bleeding from the
deposit immunological
responses Gingivitis marginal gingiva) may lessen, but deeper activity in the
pocket may extend, leading to insidious progression of
Periodontitis periodontitis over a period of time. Dentists and patients
should be aware of this possibility.
Two other features of mouth rinses that cause concern
Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory and which could damage the oral tissues are their alcohol
mouth rinses mouth rinses (ethanol) content and the acidity levels (pH). Popular
Fig. 5.16 The relationship between plaque deposits, host mouth rinses on sale in the UK have pH levels from 3.4 to
44 response and mouth rinses. 6.8, and alcohol levels from 0 to 27%. Ethanol in various
5 / Management of inflammatory periodontal diseases

Subgingival antimicrobials
concentrations is used in many mouth rinses. Its main
functions are to act both as a preservative and as a solvent, Local drug delivery has been advocated in the management
to stabilise and solubilise various flavouring and active of periodontitis, as an addition to mechanical subgingival
ingredients in the mouth rinse. The pH of the rinse is debridement, in order to overcome the problem of deliver-
usually a product of the total acid content countered by ing antimicrobials into periodontal pockets. In the UK,
the buffering capacity of the other constituents. Recently, the following commercial subgingival antimicrobial systems
the adverse effects of acidic drinks on dental enamel have are currently available:
been documented and it is possible that acidic mouth
rinses may have a similar effect. • 2% minocycline gel (Dentomycin) – requires three or
Of concern is the fact that the concentration of alcohol four applications every 2 weeks with no repetition
in some mouth rinses equals or exceeds that in many within 6 months. It inhibits most periodontal pathogens
alcoholic beverages and if used over a long term could be but is rapidly cleared from pocket
a contributory factor in oral cancer, but there is some • 25% metronidazole gel (Elyzol) – applied twice at
disagreement over this. There is also the possibility that 1-week intervals; this product has a slow-release base
acute ethanol toxicity could occur following ingestion of (biodegradable monoglyceride gel rich in mono-olein
large quantities of mouth rinse. The greater danger lies with sesame oil)
with ingestion by children, where only a small volume is • 25% tetracycline hydrochloride in ethylene vinyl acetate
needed to produce morbidity and mortality. co-polymer monofilament (Actisite) – this elastic cord
In response to their possible drawbacks, many manu- is packed into the pocket and left for a 12-day period.
facturers are taking steps to remove alcohol from their Despite being very time-consuming to insert, Actisite
products and to ensure that any acidity is well buffered or has long retention and sustained release. There is, how-
that the pH is neutral. ever, a subsequent need to remove the cord which is
very bulky in the pocket
• 55% chlorhexidine gluconate in hydrolysed gelatine
(Periochip) – this is based on a sustained-release device,
It may be concluded that mouth rinses are beneficial for which is a method of delivering the antimicrobial
patients with gingivitis not responding to local mechanical subgingivally over a prolonged period of time. It is very
treatment or with specific problems which prevent normal easy and quick to insert with minimum discomfort to
oral hygiene. For patients with periodontitis, their use is the patient. The product is biodegradable so there is
more limited, although the most effective time for using a no need to remove it, and it has been shown to have
mouth rinse is immediately following non-surgical or effective activity over a 10-day period.
surgical periodontal therapy. However, as with any agent
used in medical treatment, the dental practitioner should
Subgingival irrigation
be aware of the potential disadvantages of the product, as
well as the possible therapeutic gain (Box 5.12). Another method of local drug delivery is by the use of
pulsed oral irrigation systems, which are supplied with
modified tips to allow professional subgingival irrigation in
Box 5.12 Potential disadvantages and therapeutic
the surgery.
gains resulting from the use of mouth rinses At home, local antimicrobial delivery may be achieved
by irrigation using a blunt syringe or a pulsed oral
• Superficial reduction in inflammation, leading to loss of irrigator. However, the syringing of periodontal pockets
warning signs can be a time-consuming procedure and many patients
• Reduction in efforts at mechanical plaque control will not possess a sufficient degree of manual dexterity
• Concern over alcohol content of some products to undertake effective local drug delivery. Many of the
• Concern over acidity pockets may be in posterior areas and are not very
• Problems of long-term use of chemicals
• Sensitivity to mouth rinse constituents in small numbers accessible. Concern has also been expressed about the
of subjects high pressures that can be exerted using subgingival
irrigation with syringes and blunt needles. However, it
Therapeutic gains
• Improved reduction in plaque levels has been shown that, unlike syringe irrigation, most pulsed
• Increased reduction of gingivitis oral irrigators produce low pressures which are tolerated
• Pleasant taste by the tissues. In addition, the use of pulsed irrigation
• Plaque reduction in inaccessible areas or when may allow lower concentrations of chemicals to be used.
conditions do not permit oral hygiene (e.g. with However, the amount of the antibacterial agent delivered
ulcerative conditions)
• Anti-caries effect of fluoride content to the site is the critical factor in achieving its maximum
effect. For these reasons, the use of a pulsed oral irrigator
has been suggested as a practical alternative to syringing. 45
Restorative Dentistry

Pulsed oral irrigation. Irrigation is achieved by the action pulsed irrigation is only useful as an adjunct to standard
of a small motor which activates a pump. Water is fed to therapy in selected patients.
the pump from a reservoir and is emitted via a handpiece In contrast, when there are problematic lesions, e.g.
into which a variety of tips can be fitted. These permit deep pockets, furcations, complex fixed oral appliances or
both supra- and subgingival irrigation to be undertaken. refractory periodontitis not responding to standard therapy,
There are minor differences between the various makes, pulsed irrigation with a suitable chemical may enable these
some having pressure-limiting systems to prevent excess patients to improve their periodontal healing further. It is
pressure being applied whilst maintaining the pulse rate. unrealistic to expect all patients with periodontitis whose
Some machines are supplied with a range of supra- and pockets exceed 3 mm – and which therefore are not acces-
subgingival applicators for home and surgery use. sible to the toothbrush or interdental aids – to constantly
prevent colonisation with disease-associated periodonto-
Clinical effects. Studies have shown that pulsed oral pathic organisms. Where the will and ability exist to carry
irrigation after scaling and root debridement may further out meticulous mechanical oral hygiene measures, these
reduce plaque levels, bleeding index and pocket depths, are at best crude and inefficient means of removing
especially when combined with an antimicrobial. With organisms from the periodontal tissues. It must therefore
regard to the most efficacious chemical for use with such be concluded that pulsed oral irrigation has potential in
a system, chlorhexidine appears to be the agent of choice, the management of inflammatory periodontal diseases.
although there is no agreement as to the most appropriate
concentration. Indeed, there is considerable disagreement Safety. High irrigation pressures may propel organisms
as to the activity of chlorhexidine in periodontal pockets. into the gingival tissues and both abscesses and
Experience in our clinics suggests that a 0.05% concen- bacteraemias have been reported. However, studies have
tration in an oral irrigator is sufficient to improve most shown that, provided the irrigation pressure does not
patients with significant periodontitis, although many exceed 480 kPA, no soft tissue injuries occur. It has been
other chemicals have also been shown to improve clinical shown that a pulsed oral irrigator exerts a pressure that is
parameters. tolerated by the tissues.
There is general agreement in the literature that pulsed When using an apparatus that combines water with an
oral irrigation reduces gingivitis and improves the efficiency electrical supply, the issue of electrical safety must also be
of antimicrobial chemicals. However, when the efficacy of addressed and it is preferable that a safety outlet, such as
scaling and root debridement is compared with subgingival a razor socket, be used. On no account should a trailing
irrigation, the former is the most effective. Therefore, cable be taken into the bathroom.

6 Occlusion

Introduction 47 To understand how this system functions a thorough

Basic definitions 47 knowledge of the anatomy of these components and their
Anatomical components 47 interrelationships is required.
The muscles of mastication 47
Temporomandibular joint 48
Basic mandibular movements 49 BASIC DEFINITIONS
Border movements 49
Border movements in the sagittal plane 50 The mandible is unique in that it exists as a single bone
Resting articular position of the mandible 50 crossing the midline, with symmetrical articulating com-
Occlusal interferences and occlusal harmony 51 ponents at each end. This, in combination with the unique
Concept of mutual protection 52 nature of these articulating components, leads to a compli-
Complete removable prosthetic considerations 53 cated three dimensional geometry of movement. Secondary
Occlusal function as an aetiological factor in dental to the primary articulation of the TMJs is the articulation
pain 53 of the upper and lower teeth, and it is with this secondary
Restorative considerations 55 articulation that the restorative dentist is involved. The
Articulators 55 relationship of the maxillary and mandibular teeth when in
Summary 56 contact is called the occlusal relationship and the teeth are
said to be in occlusion.The term occlusion defines no precise
or specific tooth contact nor does it infer any particular
quality of interarch contact, it defines nothing more than
INTRODUCTION the existence of a state of interarch tooth contact.The teeth
out of contact are said to be in disclusion.
Restorative dentistry is concerned with the restoration of Occlusal relationships may be classified not only by the
the teeth. It is easy to consider a failing tooth as a single quality of the relationship but also by spatial parameters.
entity but it must always be remembered that that tooth is The student is referred to an orthodontic text for descrip-
only one component of a functioning unit composed of: tions of the generally accepted orthodontic classifications.
It should be noted, however, that the orthodontic classi-
1. the teeth and all their supporting tissues fications consider occlusal relation in the absence of func-
2. the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) and their tional movement and as such should be considered as
associated structures classification of static occlusion.
3. the neuromusculature.
The study of occlusion involves the consideration of ANATOMICAL COMPONENTS
how these individual components interrelate and function
as a whole. It should be recognised from the start that the The muscles of mastication
human dentition, whilst an anatomical structure, is subject
The muscles that give rise to mandibular movement are
to the influences of human emotion and psychology. The
classified as the muscles of mastication (Table 6.1). The
interrelationship is unique to each individual. The wide
principal muscles of mastication comprise:
variation in the ability of each individual to adapt to
apparent discrepancies from the precise mechanical prin- • temporalis
ciples can give rise to a wide range of apparently confusing • masseter
symptoms. • medial and lateral pterygoid muscles. 47
Restorative Dentistry

mandible downward and forward; separately the lateral

Table 6.1 Description of movements of muscles of
pterygoid draws the mandible laterally. The medial and
lateral pterygoid muscles are surprisingly powerful for
Muscle Principal Movement their relative sizes and they can exert much force on the
Temporalis Closes mouth mandible during functional and parafunctional activity.
Masseter Closes mouth
Some distal movement of mandible Temporomandibular joint
Medial pterygoid Closes mouth
It is the unique anatomy of the temporomandibular joint
Lateral pterygoid Two muscles together: (TMJ) that provides the range and extent of the movement
Pulls mandible down and forward of the mandible. The TMJ is a freely movable joint, a
Separately: diarthrosis. It is capable of undergoing two uniquely
Moves the mandible laterally
different types of movement, a hinging movement in one
plane and a gliding movement or translation (Box 6.1). It
functions therefore as a hinged sliding joint and is the only
joint in the human body in which the articulating bone can
The accessory muscles of mastication include the freely translate away from and toward its resting articular
suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles, most notably the position. The capacity for these individual movements
digastric muscles. arises from its unique anatomy and therefore a thorough
knowledge of the anatomy and dynamics of the human
The temporalis muscle originates from the temporal
TMJ is critical to an understanding of the functional
fossa of the temporal bone and the deep surface of the
dynamics of the human dentition.
temporal fascia. The muscle fibres converge to form a
The TMJ is the principal articulation of the mandible
tendinous attachment, passing deep to the zygomatic arch,
to the cranium. Functional contact of the maxillary and
and insert into the medial surface, apex and anterior
mandibular teeth can be said to constitute a secondary
border of the coronoid process of the mandible. Its
articulation. In the ideal rest position the condylar head
function is to elevate the mandible and its action is to close
of the mandible, separated by the interarticular disc or
the jaws. The posterior portion is said to exert a retracting
meniscus, articulates with the posterior aspect of the
action upon the mandible.
articular tubercle of the temporal bone, the articular
The masseter muscle consists of two heads, the eminence. The joint is enclosed within a ligamentous
superficial and the deep. The heads of both portions of the capsule that in combination with other ligaments includ-
muscle arise from the lower border of the zygomatic arch. ing the temporomandibular, sphenomandibular and
The superficial head inserts into the lateral surface of the stylomandibular ligaments limits the range of motion of
ramus of the mandible; the deep head inserts into the the joint.
lateral surface of the coronoid process and the superior The TMJ is divided into two compartments by the
half of the ramus. The masseter muscle’s function is presence of the interarticular disc (meniscus): the superior
principally elevation and its action is to close the jaws. and inferior joint spaces. These joint spaces are lined by
synovial membrane and contain synovial fluid that in a
The medial pterygoid muscle arises principally from
healthy individual lubricates the joint. The disc is
the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate and the
biconcave in shape. The superior surface is saddle shaped,
pyramidal process of the palatine bone adjoining the
being concave anteroposteriorly and slightly convex
maxilla. The fibres pass laterally, posteriorly, and inferiorly,
mediolaterally to mirror the posterior surface of the
and insert into the posterior and inferior part of the medial
articular eminence. The inferior surface is concave in both
surface of the ramus and angle of the mandible. When
directions and is adapted to the articular surface of the
acting together, the medial pterygoids draw the mandible
condyle. The biconcave nature of the disc results in it
upwards. Acting alone, they draw the mandible laterally.
being thinnest at its most central point. The disc is
The lateral pterygoid muscle is a short thick muscle
extending horizontally between the infratemporal fossa
and the condyle of the mandible. This muscle is said to Box 6.1 Movements within the temporomandibular
comprise two functional units, the superior and inferior joint
heads. Both heads arise principally from the pterygoid Upper joint space Sliding movement
plate of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone. The (translation)
superior and medial fibres of the superior head are
Lower joint space Hinging movement
inserted into the anterior aspect of the articular disc. The (rotation)
inferior head inserts into the anterior aspect of the condyle
48 and condylar head. Acting together these muscles pull the
6 / Occlusion

attached to the medial and lateral heads of the condyle and Orbiting condyle Rotating condyle
as such the disc sits on the condyle like a cap.


From the standpoint of mandibular movement, considera-

tion of each muscle group in isolation can be misleading.
It is important to recognise that these muscle groups must
function as a coordinated and balanced whole. As such
these muscles exhibit a complex dynamic interrelationship Non-working side Working side
of contraction and relaxation. Not only may the mandible
be elevated to close the mouth, but also lateral excursive,
protrusive and retrusive movement may occur uniquely in
one joint or in combination, in both joints. As a result
there is usually a combination of groups of muscles func-
tioning simultaneously to effect mandibular movement.
As stated the muscles of mastication provide the motive
force for mandibular movement. Contraction of the lateral Left lateral excursion
pterygoid muscles will result in both condyle-disc assem- Fig. 6.1 Movement of the mandible showing the working and
non-working sides. There are rotating and orbiting condyles.
blies being pulled anteroinferiorly down the articular
eminence. The movement occurs within the superior joint
space and the mandible is said to translate. The hinging of motion are termed the border movements. As such the
motion of the joint occurs within the inferior joint space, anatomy of the joint and muscles gives rise to an extreme
the meniscus remains static and the condyle rotates below range of movements, i.e. there is a limit to how wide the
it. In the absence of movement in the superior joint space mouth can open, how far forward it can move and to the
the mandible will arc about a horizontal axis of rotation left and right.The three-dimensional nature of mandibular
passing through the centres of rotation of each joint movement, for the purposes of analysis, can be considered
(terminal hinge axis). in the horizontal and sagittal planes.
Rotation of the mandible about a vertical axis through Next we will consider the border movements of the
a single condyle occurs when the contralateral condyle mandible in the horizontal plane and the relationship of
translates anteriorly, inferiorly and medially down its asso- the TMJ function to posterior tooth morphology.
ciated articular eminence. The mandible is said to make a In the absence of tooth contact an arbitrary fixed point
lateral excursion to the working side; the contralateral side is associated with the mandible, such as the contact point
termed the non-working side. The condyle on the working between the lower central incisors being on the midline of
side is termed the rotating condyle and the condyle on the the mandible, will trace a reproducible pattern, unique to
non-working side is termed the orbiting condyle (Fig. 6.1). the anatomical constraints of the individual’s TM joints.
Applying this terminology, if the mandible moves to the The outline of this tracing varies only in relation to the
left side the mandible is said to have undergone a left geometric relation of the fixed point to the joints. As
lateral excursion; the left condyle is said to be the rotating suggested if the tracing is made from a point on the mid-
condyle and the right condyle is said to be the orbiting line of the horizontal plane the resultant tracing, in an ideal
condyle; the working side is on the left and the non- healthy individual, will be symmetrical about the midline
working side is on the right. Some authorities alternatively and is commonly termed a gothic arch tracing, as its outline
term the working side the non-balancing side or rotating is reminiscent of its architectural namesake (Fig. 6.2).
side. Similarly the non-working side is alternatively termed Likewise selected points displaced from the midline will
the balancing side or orbiting side. trace similar arch-like tracings which will appear distorted
and asymmetrical.
The occlusal surfaces of the adult permanent teeth are
BORDER MOVEMENTS characterised by the distribution of cusps and fossae. It
is sufficient to state at this level that the lower first
The extreme range of both lateral and vertical movement permanent molar has five cusps, three buccal and two
of the mandible is constrained by the ligamentous attach- lingual, separated by a fossa pattern determined by the
ments of the TMJs and therefore the mandibular move- cuspal distribution. The cusp tips of the maxillary teeth
ments occur within definable boundaries.These boundaries may be considered to be fixed in space in relation to the
constitute an envelope of motion. The movements of the occlusal surfaces of the opposing moving mandibular
mandible along the extreme boundaries of the envelope teeth. It can be appreciated that the imaginary tracings 49
Restorative Dentistry

superior joint space, pure rotational movement of the

mandible will occur about a horizontal axis passing
through both condylar heads. When, in the absence of any
TM joint pathology and masticatory muscle dysfunction,
both condylar heads are in their most stable superior
position the axis of rotation in a relaxed healthy individual
with the teeth just apart is termed the terminal hinge axis.
The same anatomical constraints apply in the vertical
dimension as has been described in the horizontal
dimension, in that the extreme range of vertical movement
is constrained by the ligamentous attachments of the TM
joints. The border movements of the mandible in the mid-
sagittal plane were first described by Posselt. In the same
Fig. 6.2 Lateral movements of the mandible traced at the midline way that an arbitrary fixed point on the midline of the
form a symmetrical ‘gothic arch tracing’. The tracing created in the
region of the lower molar coincides with the cusp–fossae lines of
mandible will trace a horizontal outline termed a gothic
the occlusal morphology. arch tracing the same point, in the vertical plane will trace
an outline termed Posselt’s envelope. The point of origin of
the tracing coincides with the terminal hinge axis. Initial
scribed by the maxillary cusp tips on the occlusal surfaces opening is purely rotational. As the degree of opening
of the functioning mandibular teeth must coincide with approximates 20–25 mm, the condyle-disc assemblies
the anatomical fossae patterns in order to avoid functional begin to translate down the articular eminentiae; simul-
interferences. As can be observed in Figure 6.3, this tracing taneously, continued rotation of the condyles occurs until
coincides with the anatomical distribution of the cusps the mandible reaches maximal opening. Pure rotational
and fossae of the posterior teeth. movement from maximal opening to the first point of
The cusp–fossae distribution of the posterior occlusal contact of the teeth establishes maximal protrusion. Move-
surfaces is directly related to the functional anatomy of the ment back to the terminal hinge axis is influenced by the
TM joints. occluding surfaces of the teeth occurring principally as
translation of the condyle-disc assemblies. However, some
rotation of the condyles will occur to accommodate the
Border movements in the sagittal plane
degree of vertical overlap of the dental arches.
The TMJ confers upon the mandible the fundamental The border movements in both the vertical and hori-
movements of rotation and translation. In considering the zontal planes can only be reliably reproduced with conscious
functional anatomy of the TM joints it has been effort or guidance from another person. Free movements of
established that in the absence of movement in the the mandible may describe an infinite number of patterns
that resemble, but are not identical to, one another. Free
movements must occur within the boundaries of the
ICP envelope of function. An individual’s habitual path of open-
RCP ing and closing is a free movement, the closing end point
2 1
being termed the intercuspal position (ICP). Intercuspal posi-
tion is alternatively termed centric occlusion. In the inter-
cuspal position there is maximal stable contact between
5 the occluding surfaces of both upper and lower teeth.



As stated the TMJ is the only joint in the human body in

which the articulating bone can freely translate away from
and toward its resting articular position. This has led to
4 some confusion and debate as to the nature of the resting
Fig. 6.3 Posselt’s envelope of border movements. RCP, retruded position of the joint. However, it is important from a
contact position; ICP, intercuspal position; RCP → 5, rotational
diagnostic and therapeutic point of view to establish the
opening about the terminal hinge axis; 4, maximal opening; RCP
→ ICP, slide down deflective contact; ICP → 1 → 2 → 3, protrusive nature of the resting position of the TMJ.
guidance; 3, maximum protrusion; 4 → ICP, path of habitual Intercuspal position is the occlusal relationship of the
50 closure; R, rest position. mandible to the maxilla when maximal stable intercus-
6 / Occlusion

pation of the teeth occurs. By virtue of the anatomical the rest position their horizontal axis of rotation is termed
fixed relationship of the condyles to the mandibular teeth the terminal hinge axis. In the absence of TMJ pathology
the rest position of the condyles in intercuspal position is and masticatory muscle dysfunction, the RP and associated
directly related to the nature and quality of the teeth. terminal hinge axis are reproducible fixed anatomical
Intercuspal position is determined entirely by the position landmarks from which accurate geometric measurements
and morphology of the teeth; however, interventive dental may be established. During the initial pure rotational
care can, and readily does, alter the position and border movement the condyles remain in the RP with the
morphology of the teeth and as such can change or consequence that this position can occur over a limited
influence the resting position of the condyles. range of mandibular opening, the resultant arc of move-
In the absence of any dental influence the resting ment being termed the retruded arc of closure. The
position of the condyles is determined by the anatomical mandibular position at the occlusal end point of the
and physiological nature of the TM joints and masticatory retruded arc of closure is termed the retruded contact
musculature. Under these criteria the head of the condyle position (RCP). Retruded contact position is alternatively
appears to be accommodated in a superior position within termed centric relation contact position (CRCP).
the glenoid fossa; as a result there has existed historically The great majority of individuals do not exhibit perfect
a common misconception that at rest the condyle coincidence between RP and ICP. The relationship of the
articulates superiorly. It would be reasonable to reach this RCP to ICP is influenced by the deflective contact. The
conclusion if one’s observations were based on assessment deflective contact may be defined as an occlusal inter-
of tomographic radiographs of the TMJ, experience of ference the presence of which prohibits RCP–ICP coin-
dry specimens and the perceived wisdom of the time. cidence. The teeth must therefore slide down or over
Observations such as assessment of cadaver specimens, the deflective contact to establish ICP. Posselt reported
MRI images of functioning joints in healthy individuals that 90% of individuals have an RCP to ICP movement
and histological observation of the joint components of 1.25 ± 1 mm. Some authorities alternatively term the
provide a more rational assessment of the condylar articu- deflective contact the premature contact.The term premature
lation. The condylar head at rest is accommodated in a contact should not be used in relation to the natural den-
superior position within the glenoid fossa; however, the tition and is more appropriate to the artificial dentition.
condyle articulates with the posterior aspect of the With complete dentures, there is no natural intercuspal
articular eminence. position, and ICP and RCP are made to coincide. The
When this relationship occurs the mandible is said to be patient learns, subconsciously, to close into maximal inter-
in the retruded position (RP). This position can therefore be cuspation. When, as a result of inaccurate occlusal regis-
defined as that relation of the mandible to the cranium tration, the ICP and RCP of the complete dentures do not
that occurs when the condyles are on the articular discs coincide, the patient may slide into maximal intercuspa-
and located at their mid-most, most superior position on tion or alternatively the dentures may move.This is known
the posterior aspect of the articular eminentiae. The RP as premature contact and is clearly unsatisfactory. The
position is alternatively termed centric relation position (CR) artificial teeth do not have a periodontal proprioceptive
and the condyles are said to be in centric relation. system, and so the position of an artificial ICP cannot
Some authorities consider the use of the expression readily be detected. With a natural dentition the ICP is
‘centric’ potentially misleading, favouring the use of the well recognised by the neuromuscular mechanism and the
term ‘retruded’. They consider that centric relation and mandible closes habitually into ICP in the majority of
centric occlusion may be easily confused as a result of their involuntary closing movements. It may not be so in the
similarity. They also consider that ‘centric’ implies dental chair when the mandible is brought under volun-
centricity of the condyles in their fossae, centricity of the tary rather than involuntary control. In these circum-
midline of the mandible with the midline of the face, or stances, even if the first contact appears to be a premature
centricity of the cusps within the fossae of the opposing contact, this should not be assumed to be the normal
teeth, none of which may be the case. Whilst accepting the pattern of closure, but only the result of the patient concen-
rationality of this premise, it can be argued that the use of trating on a movement that is usually entirely automatic.
the expression ‘retruded’ may give rise to at least a similar For these reasons the term premature contact should be
potential for misunderstanding and inappropriate tech- avoided in relation to the dentate patient.
nique. It cannot be emphasised enough that the RP is not
the most retruded, distal or posterior position the mandible
can obtain. The condyles can by means of inappropriate OCCLUSAL INTERFERENCES AND OCCLUSAL
manipulation, especially in a less than healthy individual, HARMONY
be forced posteriorly.
The RP should be an unstrained and comfortable The deflective contact has been presented as an example
position in which the condyles are allowed to adopt their of an occlusal interference. An occlusal interference may
superior-anterior articulation. When the condyles are in be defined as any occlusal contact that gives rise to 51
Restorative Dentistry

disharmony in the free gliding movements of the mandible Fulcrum

whilst it maintains occlusion with the maxilla. In consid-
ering the horizontal border movements of the mandible, it
was established that in an ideal occlusal relationship the
cusps of the functioning lower first permanent molar can
pass the occluding cusps of the opposing maxillary molar
harmoniously only if the fossae pattern of the lower molar Load
is in harmony with the functional anatomy of the TM
joints. If the cusp–fossae pattern is altered, for example
by tooth migration, over-eruption or inappropriate restora-
tion, the functioning cusps will collide, the resultant contact
being described as an occlusal interference.
It has been previously stated that the majority of
individuals exhibit some degree of occlusal interference to
which they adapt satisfactorily with no significant problems. Action
Indeed normal occlusion can be described as a malocclusion (a)
in which the requirements of function and aesthetics are Fulcrum
satisfied but the individual has adapted satisfactorily to
minor occlusal interferences. Occlusal interferences are
only considered significant if they are associated with a
degenerative or pathological condition, such as tooth
fracture, mobility or excessive wear. It is generally accepted
that an individual’s ability to adapt to the presence of
occlusal interferences is strongly influenced by their Action
emotional and psychological state.
An occlusal contact on the non-working side that causes
either disclusion of the teeth on the working side or
displacement or pathology of the non-working side tooth
is termed a non-working interference. An occlusal contact
on the working side that disrupts the smooth harmonious
movement of the functioning tooth contacts is termed a
working interference.
Fig. 6.4 A class III lever as related to the temporomandibular
joints, musculature and teeth. Posterior teeth positioned closer
to the applied load (musculature) are subjected to greater axial
CONCEPT OF MUTUAL PROTECTION force than corresponding anterior teeth.

A theory of occlusal harmony in relation to the border

movements of the mandible has been considered. How- The mechanical advantage of such a distribution is inversely
ever, an individual’s normal range of function occurs proportional to the distance of the load to the force. The
within the envelope of motion in the form of free move- anterior teeth will be subject to fewer loads per unit force
ments. To provide for harmony of the infinite number of than the posterior teeth.The posterior teeth therefore must
free movements, the posterior teeth would have to be be able to withstand substantial vertical load. Anterior teeth
effectively cuspless. Indeed some individuals present with are subjected to fewer loads both vertically and laterally
extreme tooth wear, the consequence of which is that the relative to the posterior teeth. The inclined overlapping
cusps of the posterior teeth have been obliterated. In view occluding surfaces of the anterior teeth do not readily with-
of these observations, to allow for the harmonious func- stand vertical load but are ideally suited to distributing
tioning of cusps some other feature of the occlusal rela- lateral load. The long single roots of the anterior teeth
tionship must confer some element of protection. further aids in withstanding lateral loads whereas the
The TM joints, musculature and teeth can from the multiple rooted nature of the posterior teeth aids in with-
standpoint of mechanics be considered as a lever system standing vertical load. The nature of the anterior teeth
(Fig. 6.4). The joints constitute the fulcrum, the muscu- confers upon them the ability to protect the posterior teeth
lature the applied force and the teeth the load. The masti- from the potentially damaging effects of lateral inter-
catory muscles as a whole insert onto the ramus of the ferences by providing a discluding influence. This rela-
mandible and its associated structures and the teeth lie tionship between anterior and posterior teeth is termed
anterior to the musculature. As the fulcrum is the joint this mutual protection. The posterior teeth provide posterior
52 distribution of force and load constitutes a class III lever. stops to closure of the mandible and the anterior teeth
6 / Occlusion

provide a disclusive influence, which causes the posterior

teeth to disclude on lateral excursions of the mandible
thereby protecting them from lateral contact. Consider-
ation of the mechanics suggests that the most appropriate
tooth to provide the anterior disclusive influence would be
the most anteriorly placed teeth in the arches, the incisors,
this being termed incisal guidance. The canine teeth are
commonly the most substantial of the anterior teeth and
as such particularly well suited to withstand the associated
lateral load. Their position lateral in the anterior arch is
well suited to provide the anterior disclusive influence.
The guiding influence provided by the canine teeth is
termed canine guidance (Fig. 6.5).
If the guiding influence is not specific to the incisors or
Fig. 6.6 Clinical example of group function.
the canines but distributed between them the term shared
or group anterior guidance may be applied. The capacity for
the teeth to withstand load is dependent on such factors as constructed to ICP–RCP coincidence, will provide good
their periodontal status and root integrity. A simple rule of stops to vertical closure. However, if the tooth alignment
thumb in establishing the therapeutic quality of the anterior is constructed to the criteria of mutual protection the
guidance is to place it on the healthiest anterior teeth resultant anterior guidance will tend to compromise the
capable of withstanding lateral load. In some cases the stability and retention of the denture bases. With a view to
quality and distribution of the anterior teeth requires that improving the stability, the occlusal relation of complete
the discluding influence be shared with posterior tooth cusps. dentures is constructed to the criteria of bilateral occlusal
The teeth are then said to be in group function (Fig. 6.6). balance (Fig. 6.7).
It is most important in establishing group function that The prerequisites of occlusal balance are ICP–RCP coin-
the lateral load is distributed evenly and simultaneously cidence; on the working side the buccal inclines of the
over all the teeth involved. Failure to do so will only poten- maxillary palatal cusps are set in even group function
tially introduce lateral interferences. with the lingual inclines of the mandibular buccal cusps.
Simultaneous with the working side contacts, on the non-
working side the palatal inclines of the maxillary buccal
COMPLETE REMOVABLE PROSTHETIC cusps are set in even group function with the buccal
CONSIDERATIONS inclines of the mandibular buccal cusps. In the protrusive
excursion the incisal edges of the maxillary six anteriors
As has been alluded to in consideration of the term are set in even group function with the incisal edges of the
premature contact, complete removable dentures give rise mandibular eight anterior teeth. All the posterior teeth
to a range of unique occlusal criteria.The lack of periodon- have balancing functional contact simultaneously with the
tal support leads to both a modified and diminished anterior teeth.
proprioceptive awareness and reduced stability. In the case The angle of the protrusive anterior guidance is normally
of complete dentures there is no natural ICP and ICP and less than the angle of the protrusive path made by the
RCP are made to coincide. Adequately extended dentures, condyles passing down the articular eminentiae. In order
to establish protrusive bilateral balanced occlusion the
angles of the cusp inclines of the more anterior posterior
teeth must be set shallow relative to the most posterior
teeth, and the inclines of the cusps must get steeper as they
are set more posteriorly. Commercial denture teeth are
constructed to a prescribed single cusp angle. In order to
establish a graduated cusp incline the denture teeth must
be set on an anteroposterior curve termed the compensating
curve of Spee.



Individuals do not normally make prolonged occlusal

Fig. 6.5 Clinical example of canine guidance. contacts during normal functional activity. During eating, 53
Restorative Dentistry

(a) Any clinical procedure that seeks to modify intentionally

or that unintentionally changes the occluding surfaces of
the teeth may potentially influence the intercuspal position.
Humans possess a unique capacity for cognitive thought
and memory and as such are subject to the influence of
hindsight. Fortunately the majority of individuals are able
to adapt to minor changes in their occlusal relationships
with no specific or long-term disadvantages. This capacity,
however, should not be considered as an excuse for poor
clinical practice; clinical procedures should have as their
goal a stable harmonious occlusal interrelationship which
Occlusal balance in complete dentures – the teeth
avoids the introduction of potentially harmful contacts
are meeting together bilaterally at rest and interferences.The cerebral higher centres influence an
individual’s neuromuscular feedback and proprioceptive
capacity. Therefore, the individual’s capacity for adaption
to change may be heavily influenced by their mood and
Working side Balancing side psychological state. Relatively minor changes to the occlusal
morphology, such as the provision of a new crown, which
the patient rationally perceives as being a specific physical
change, may expose an incapacity for that particular indi-
Direction of
movement vidual to adapt within normal limits to such change. Signs
of mandible and symptoms, the primary aetiology of which the patient
perceives to be changes in occlusal form or relationship,
should more correctly be considered secondary to the
patient’s primary underlying altered psychological state. A
classic example of this is the group of conditions collectively
termed temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Historically,
Occlusal balance in complete dentures – the teeth it has been held that the presence of a deflective contact
are meeting together bilaterally during movement and or occlusal interferences may give rise to masticatory
of the mandible without any cuspal interference
muscle hyperactivity leading to the pain and symptoms
Fig. 6.7 (a) Occlusal balance in complete dentures: the teeth are
meeting together bilaterally at rest. (b) Occlusal balance in of TMD. In reality there is very little well-constructed,
complete dentures: the teeth are meeting together bilaterally reproducible research data to support this hypothesis.
during movement of the mandible without any cuspal Indeed the reverse argument is more tenable. Changes in
interference. the patient’s mood or psychological state, as a result of
stress and specific life events, alter the capacity to tolerate
or adapt to occlusal discrepancies. Through the capacity
for cognitive thought and hindsight the patient rationalises
these discrepancies as the primary cause of the pain rather
speech and at rest the teeth only make contact for com- than secondary to the primary aetiological factor, the
paratively short periods, applying relatively moderate force. altered psychological state or mood. Modification of the
Abnormally forceful prolonged occlusal function is termed interarch relationship to provide for a stable harmonious
parafunction and is commonly an expression of masticatory occlusal relationship conforming to the criteria of an
muscle hyperactivity. The prolonged forceful nature of optimal occlusion will eradicate the secondary occlusal
parafunctional activity gives rise to a considerable increase factor and in many individuals can lead to reduction in
in the load applied to the occluding teeth. Such increased TMD symptoms. Such occlusal modification is achieved
loading may give rise to a range of signs and symptoms by means of the provision of an appropriate prosthesis
including cracking of the teeth which may be excessive rather than by the destructive and potentially irreversible
enough as to give rise to pulpal inflammation with resultant adjustment of individual tooth contacts and cusp inclines.
symptoms of pain. In extreme cases catastrophic failure The prosthesis should take the form of a rigid, removable
of a tooth may occur, presenting as cuspal fracture or appliance designed to give full coverage of the occluding
more severe root fracture. Parafunctional activity is surfaces of one or other dental arch.
commonly associated with abnormally high rates of tooth This will give rise to even opposing tooth contact
wear, especially in individuals with an unusually raised coincident with RCP, axial loading of the posterior teeth
acidic dietary component such as fruit juices or carbonated with mutual protection provided by the inclusion of an
drinks. Such tooth wear may present with symptoms of anterior guiding incline that establishes posterior tooth
54 pain and sensitivity. disclusion on protrusive and lateral excursions (Fig. 6.8).
6 / Occlusion

(a) (b)
Fig. 6.8 (a) Full coverage occlusal appliance constructed for maxillary arch. (b) A clinical view of appliance in place providing right lateral

RESTORATIVE CONSIDERATIONS morphology may be constructed so as to be in harmony

with both TMJ function and the anterior guidance.
Certain clinical procedures, such as the provision of com- Where multiple anterior teeth require restoration and
plete dentures, full mouth reconstruction involving the the pre-existing anterior guidance is to be reproduced,
provision of multiple indirect restorations or comprehen- a customized anterior table may be fabricated to provide
sive orthodontic treatment, have as their primary objective a three-dimensional record of the anterior guidance and
the establishment of a therapeutically prescribed inter- function.
cuspal position. Such prescribed treatment modalities
may be said to provide reorganisational care. As has been
previously established, in the absence of pre-existing tooth ARTICULATORS
contacts the only reproducible interarch relationship is
the retruded position or centric relation position. To this The movements of the mandible may be mimicked by an
end reorganisational care has as its objective the provision artificial jaw known as an articulator. They range from a
of harmonious occlusal contacts where the intercuspal simple hinge (Fig. 6.9) to a fully adjustable articulator.
position and retruded contact position (centric relation The simple hinge will only provide movement in a vertical
contact position) are coincident and therefore a deflective direction and therefore there is no provision for side-to-
contact is absent. The occlusal relationships should side movement. It has some use in providing a relationship
conform to the criteria of optimal occlusion. Such treat- between two casts but it should be avoided at all times due
ment objectives should not be viewed as the end result of to its severe limitations in reproducing jaw movements.
all restorative procedures, only those where insufficient
occlusal contacts exist to provide a stable comfortable pre-
existing ICP. Where a stable pre-existing ICP occurs,
restorative procedures should be undertaken such as not
to alter the ICP and should be completed to a standard
that does not introduce occlusal disharmonies. Such care
is said to be conformative as the restorations provided
conform to the pre-existing ICP. The treatment objec-
tives of conformative care include maintenance of the
existing ICP and avoiding the introduction of non-
working contacts and deflective contacts on the restored
When a mouth is to be restored with multiple restora-
tions that include both the anterior and posterior teeth,
it should be remembered that the anterior teeth provide
the anterior controlling influence of the occlusion, i.e. the
anterior disclusive influence. The anterior teeth should
be constructed first in order that the posterior tooth Fig. 6.9 Simple hinge articulator. 55
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 6.10 The average movement articulator. Fig. 6.12 The face bow is used to relate the condylar axis to the
occlusal plane and provides further accuracy in replicating the
movements of the patient’s mandible.

The average movement articulator (Fig. 6.10) introduces The face bow is used to relate the terminal hinge axis to
some lateral movement to the assembly. The condylar the occlusal plane and provides further accuracy in
guidance angle is set at 30° to the horizontal. This is taken replicating the movements of the patient’s mandible (Fig.
from an average value of the general population and 6.12). Articulators may be classed as being either arcon or
attempts to reproduce the movement of the mandible non-arcon. Arcon stands for articulator condyle and the
moving downwards in the glenoid fossa.There is an incisal term relates to whether the condyles are fixed to the lower
pin which is set to contact a guidance table. The table has arm such as with the Whipmix (arcon) or to the upper arm
an average guidance of 10° which once again is a repre- (non-arcon).
sentative value taken from the general population. Finally there are fully adjustable articulators available
An adjustable articulator such as the Whipmix articu- which may be made to closely reflect the individual patient’s
lator (Fig. 6.11) allows for the side shifting of the artificial jaw movements and are beyond the scope of this text. The
condyles to take place. There is also the ability to adjust use of articulators covers a broad spectrum of movements
the guidance angles of both the condyles and the incisal from the simple hinge which only allows for an opening
table to take account of individual movements. Articulators movement in the vertical plane to the fully adjustable articu-
allow a face bow transfer to be attached at the time of lator which attempts to fully reproduce all the possible move-
positioning the upper cast. ments of the natural temporomandibular joint. The use of
the articulator will be discussed further in Chapter 12.


Occlusion is an important consideration in the restorative

care of a patient. An understanding of the movements of
the mandible and how restorative dentistry may influence
them should be considered in any treatment plan. Most
patients, happily, can accommodate small changes in their
occlusal relationship but large disruption of the occlusal
scheme is more likely to give rise to symptoms which may
shorten the life of any restorative care undertaken.
A small but significant group of patients will find minor
modifications to their occlusal scheme to be highly destruc-
tive and/or disharmonious and lead to symptoms that are
out of proportion to the size of the discrepancy. Such alter-
Fig. 6.11 Whipmix articulator. ations should be avoided at all costs.

7 Caries and other reasons
for restoring teeth

Introduction 57 It should also be remembered that the majority of

Dental caries 57 restorations placed are replacements of those that are
Aetiology 57 perceived to have failed.The decision to place a restoration
Caries terminology and progression 59 should not be taken lightly, as it will, invariably, commit
Caries detection and diagnosis 60 the patient to a series of increasingly complex replace-
Caries risk assessment 63 ments throughout the lifetime of the tooth (Fig. 7.1).
Tooth fracture 64 Equally, clinicians should assess the replacement need
Tooth substance loss 67 of a restoration carefully and consider the possibility of
Measuring tooth surface loss 69 monitoring or repair.
Abfraction 69
Tooth discoloration 70
Replacement of restorations 71 DENTAL CARIES
Summary 72
Despite common misunderstandings among both lay and
professional persons, caries is not a disease of the past and
remains the commonest cause of tooth damage and loss.
INTRODUCTION Over 40% of 5-year-olds still have caries and this has a
long-term impact on their oral health throughout life.
There are a multitude of reasons for making the clinical Significant advances in our understanding of the caries
decision to ‘restore’ a tooth and patients have increasing process have enabled us to describe a dynamic system;
expectations that not only the function, but also the aesthetics between the biofilm (composed of pellicle, plaque and
of a tooth will be restored or even enhanced. Dental hard saliva) and the host tooth surface there is an almost
tissues can suffer from a number of insults that result in loss constant interchange of ions and this is increased follow-
of structure either in a gross fashion, for example in the ing eating or drinking. In most cases any demineralisation
case of trauma, or more chronically, for example as a result that occurs can quickly be replenished from stocks of
of erosion. A decision to restore a tooth may be made in the calcium, phosphate and magnesium within the saliva.
absence of significant loss of material, for example in the case Only when this delicate balance of demineralisation and
of intrinsic or extrinsic staining, or perhaps to alter the shape remineralisation is disrupted does the accumulation of
of a tooth to improve a contact point or access for cleaning. mineral loss lead to the development of a carious lesion.
While considering treatment plans, clinicians should Such an imbalance occurs when the causative factors
always bear in mind that an option for no active treatment, outweigh the protective factors over an extended period.
but instead to monitor a tooth, should always be considered. (Fig. 7.2). Development of the lesion is by no means
As our understanding of, for example, the dynamics of the certain, and there are several points at which the process
caries process increases, we should also consider how we may either stop (arrest) or even regress (recover).
can prevent diseases progressing and even how we can
improve the chances of regression. Treatment plans can
involve the stabilisation of the dentition by identifying and
removing potential causes of tooth damage and are helped The factors leading to a caries lesion are now well under-
by a close relationship between clinician and patient, with stood.The biofilm on the tooth surface consists of bacteria
patients being encouraged to take ownership of their own that will produce acids (typically lactic acid) as a metabolic
health outcomes. by-product.These bacteria are named acidogenic bacteria; 57
Restorative Dentistry



Fig. 7.1 The restorative cycle. (Adapted from Dietschi & Spreafico 1997, with permission of Quintessence Publishing.)

Protective factors Causative factors

Salivary flow and components Reduced salivary function

Proteins, antibacterial components Bacteria: Mutans streptococci,
and agents Lactobacilli
Fluoride, calcium and phosphate Dietary components: frequency
Protective dietary components and carbohydrates

Remineralisation and Demineralisation and

inhibition of demineralisation inhibition of remineralisation

Fig. 7.2 The caries balance. (Adapted from Featherstone J D (1998). Prevention and reversal of dental caries: role of low level fluoride.
58 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology;27(1):31–40. Munksgaard International Publishing. With kind permission of Blackwell Publishing.)
7 / Caries and other reasons for restoring teeth

Caries terminology and progression

i.e. they produce acid following the metabolism of fer-
mentable carbohydrates. Typical examples of fermentable Caries is a chronic, normally slowly progressing disease
carbohydrates include glucose, sucrose, fructose and that is rarely self-limiting, with the end point of the disease
uncooked starch. The acids produced diffuse through the being tooth destruction and loss. The caries process can
plaque and into the porous subsurface enamel (or exposed occur on enamel, dentine and cementum, and lesions are
dentine). As they travel through this system they dissociate, often described using the anatomical structure affected;
producing hydrogen ions that can readily dissolve the for example root caries referring to caries limited to, or
mineral component of the teeth freeing calcium and phos- initiated on, exposed dentine surfaces. Other terms for
phate into solution. Hence the process of demineralisation lesions include primary caries, that which occurs on
occurs. If this mineral loss is not halted or reversed the previously sound, unrestored surfaces, and secondary
demineralisation will spread rapidly through dentine and caries, that which is associated with or immediately adja-
may threaten the vitality of the pulp. cent to a dental restoration. It can be useful to provide an
The two most important groups of acidogenic bacteria indication of lesion activity, especially as this can impact
are the mutans streptococci and the lactobacilli. Each of on management, and so terms such as ‘arrested lesion’ can
these groups contains several species, all of which are be seen in patient notes (Box 7.2).
cariogenic. Examples include Streptococus mutans and S. The carious process commences as a small subclinical
sobrinus. These two groups of bacteria can be described as subsurface demineralisation which appears white, the so-
the primary causative agents of dental caries. The produc- called ‘white-spot’ lesion. In its earliest phase this will only
tion of acid following consumption of food can be rapid, appear when the tooth is dried, emphasising the need for
reaching the so-called ‘critical pH’ (around pH 5 for careful clinical examination. The surface at this stage is
enamel) within minutes. Recovery of a normal, neutral especially prone to damage from probing and, with an
plaque may, however, take up to an hour. This is well increased surface porosity, to the take-up of stain. The
illustrated by the Stephan curves of plaque pH (Fig. 7.3). degree of demineralisation at this stage is unlikely to cause
The buffering role of saliva is crucial in the recovery of a loss of mineral density detectable on a radiograph,
the Stephan curve and this is well demonstrated by the although some of the novel techniques of caries detection
disastrous effects that significant xerostomia causes to the may be able to visualise these lesions (see next section).
dentition (see Box 7.1 for medications that may reduce Most importantly, white-spot lesions have the potential
salivary flow). to be remineralised, and this can be augmented by the
use of remineralising treatments. During the remineralisa-
tion and demineralisation cycle, the dissolution of the

chocolate Box 7.2 Caries terminology

7.0 Anatomical
• Enamel caries
• Root caries
• Occlusal caries
6.5 • Smooth surface caries
Chocolate • Interproximal caries
Condition of site
• Primary caries
• Secondary caries/recurrent caries
• Residual caries
0 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 Activity
Minutes • Active lesion
Fig. 7.3 Typical pH curve following ingestion of two types of • Arrested or inactive lesion
chocolate. • Remineralised lesion
• Chronic lesion
Box 7.1 Medications which may reduce salivary flow • Rampant caries
– Bottle (nursing caries)
• Antidepressants, tranquillisers and hypnotics – Early childhood caries
• Antihistamines and anti-nausea drugs – Radiation caries
• Anticholinergics and muscle relaxants – Drug-induced caries
• Antihypertensives and diuretics • Hidden caries
• Appetite suppressants • Incipient lesions

Restorative Dentistry

hydroxyapatite, in the presence of fluoride, permits the amenable to remineralisation and long-standing dentine
incorporation of further calcium and phosphate to create lesions that are hard, black and shiny are not uncommon.
a surface coating of fluorapatite which has a reduced In an ageing population that are retaining their teeth for
solubility (critical pH) and hence it confers some caries longer, root caries is likely to be a major challenge in terms
protection to the lesion surface (Figure 7.4). of detection, diagnosis and management.
The extent of the subsurface lesion may progress and The stage of the lesion is one variable in the clinical
involve the underlying dentine, become radiographically decision-making process to treat a tooth; either by preven-
visible and yet still retain a visually intact surface. Such tative or surgical means. However, the caries diagnostic
lesions may still be amenable to remineralising therapy; process is a complex one involving a variety of assessments
and, depending on both tooth and patient factors, a deci- that should be carefully weighed by the clinician before a
sion to monitor may be justified. If demineralisation con- treatment strategy is developed.
tinues, the undermining of the surface will eventually lead
to cavitation, creating a protected environment in which
Caries detection and diagnosis
acidogenic bacteria can thrive.The further complication of
a difficult to clean site renders further remineralisation An important distinction should be made between caries
a remote possibility. Further spread into dentine results in detection and diagnosis. Detection is the process of identi-
bacterial colonisation of the hard tissue with resulting fying an area of demineralisation, and this can be under-
dentine softening and continued undermining of enamel. taken either visually, or by one of several novel devices.
In rare cases, extensively cavitated lesions may reminer- However, the process of diagnosis is undertaken by a
alise, their bases becoming black and hardened as a result trained clinician, who collates information from a variety
of improved access and cleaning. However, rapidly pro- of sources before deciding upon a diagnosis and appro-
gressing caries quickly overtakes the protective mechanisms priate treatment plan. In caries diagnosis, there should be
of the pulp and vitality is hence threatened. the identification of a lesion (presence of demineralisation),
Caries of root surfaces is essentially the same physio- the severity of the lesion (depth) and whether or not it is
logical process although the differences in presentation and progressing (active) or if it is arrested; therefore intrinsic
natural history are important. The differing biochemical within caries diagnosis is an assessment of activity. Such
and optical properties of dentine preclude the development an inclusion is essential as it will inform, to a great degree,
of a white spot and hence the initial mineral loss may be the treatment plan that will follow the diagnosis. For
difficult to detect clinically. Unlike enamel when lesions example, it would be inappropriate to restore an arrested
are well hydrated there is often little loss of profile or lesion that was of no aesthetic concern to the patient.
structure. The softened dentine is particularly susceptible To identify a caries lesion, the tooth surface must be
to further physical or chemical damage, but is also clean and dry. In fact the individual drying of teeth with

Critical pH Critical pH
of HA of FA
pH 6.8 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0

Dissolution of HA
Production of HA and FA FA forms if fluoride available Acid
calcium and phosphate dissolution of
in saliva Remineralisation crystal
FA reforms

8.0 6.8 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0

Formation Remineralisation Caries Erosion

of calculus Demineralisation

HA is hydroxyapatite FA is fluorapatite

Fig. 7.4 Demineralisation and remineralisation cycle for enamel caries. (Adapted from. Mount G J & Hume W R (1998) Preservation and
60 Restoration of Tooth Structure with permission of Mosby.)
7 / Caries and other reasons for restoring teeth

compressed air is an essential step in the classification of There are a number of techniques that can augment
lesions; and may be an indicator of their potential to visual examinations, for example fibreoptic transillumi-
remineralise. On smooth surfaces, the classic ‘white spot’ nation (FOTI). In this technique a high intensity light is
is seen although long-standing lesions may become darker shone down a narrow aperture probe on to the surface of
as they take up extrinsic stain (Fig. 7.5).The use of a sharp the tooth. Due to backscattering caused by demineralised
probe is not recommended as this can damage early enamel, carious lesions restricted to enamel appear dark,
lesions causing cavitation and make remineralisation more with those extending into dentine appearing orange
problematic. Some dentists believe that moving a probe (Fig. 7.7). FOTI provides an increased sensitivity to visual
from lesion to lesion will facilitate the spread of microor- examinations and enables clinicians to discriminate more
ganisms. Bite wing radiographs are an essential aid in the easily between those lesions restricted to enamel and those
diagnosis of approximal caries, although the radiographs extending into dentine. An advanced version of the system
will underestimate the extent of the histological lesion by incorporates a small camera enabling the images to be
as much as a third. Bite wing radiographs are of little use viewed on a computer screen and retained for longitudinal
in the detection of early occlusal caries (when it can be monitoring; this system is known as digital image FOTI,
seen, it is invariably well into dentine), which remains a or DiFOTI (Fig. 7.8). A further technique of use in a visual
difficult diagnostic challenge, even for the most experienced examination is the use of orthodontic elastics to separate
clinicians. Bite wings should always be taken using a film adjacent teeth allowing, after 5–7 days of placement, to
holder to ensure that the beam is at right angles to the film visualise directly the proximal surface of the tooth.
and the contact areas of the teeth. (Fig. 7.6). Other techniques for caries diagnosis include laser
fluorescence (DiagnoDent, KaVo), light fluorescence
(QLF, Inspektor), electronic caries monitor (ECM, Lode)
as well as some more developmental systems such as ultra-
sound or thermal imaging. The DiagnoDent device (Fig.
7.9) is a small, compact unit that uses the fluorescence of
bacteria, or their metabolic products, to detect if a lesion
is present. Two tips are supplied with the system, one for
smooth surfaces and the other for fissures, and this is
simply placed on the area of interest. Within a second a
digital readout presents a number from 0 to 99. A number
of researchers have suggested interpretative indices so that
clinicians can relate these values to a clinically relevant
description, i.e. >30, caries into dentine. The system is
simple to use but research suggests that it is adversely
affected by stain, and the angulation of the tip is critical to
obtaining meaningful results. The QLF system uses an
intraoral camera to capture fluorescent images of tooth
Fig. 7.5 Example of early white-spot lesions on the labial surfaces
of maxillary incisors. Such lesions are amenable to surfaces.The system enhances the contrast between sound

Fig. 7.6 Example of a bite wing radiograph. Note caries between Fig. 7.7 Example of fibreoptic transillumination highlighting
the mandibular first molar and second premolar. dentine caries in a premolar. 61
Restorative Dentistry

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7.8 Example of digital fibreoptic transillumination (courtesy of Professor George Stookey and Dr M Ando, University of Indiano).
(a) Imaging of occlusal and interproximal surfaces. (b) Imaging of smooth surfaces. (c) Demonstrating image of occlusal and interproximal
lesions. (d) Example of a smooth surface lesion.

and demineralised enamel by at least ten times, and hence for example ‘hidden caries’ where visually intact occlusal
it is easier to visualise early caries (Fig. 7.10). Software surfaces are revealed, following radiography, to have exten-
accompanying the system permits dentists to quantify the sive dentine lesions. However, careful clinical examination
degree of mineral loss and then monitor the lesion over of clean, dry teeth, combined with careful, selective and
time to determine if a given tooth is responding to preven- properly indicated radiographic views, should enable the
tative care, or if restorative intervention is required. clinician to gauge the likely severity of most lesions.
The electronic caries monitor measures the resistance The final stage in the diagnostic sequence is estab-
of the tooth to a mild electrical stimulus and is related to lishing whether or not the lesion is active. It can be argued
the porosity of the lesion (Fig. 7.11). Used in combination that the only way that this can be truly established is by
with a 5-second compressed air jet, the system relates the monitoring the lesion over time and detecting changes.
time taken to stabilise, with larger, wetter lesions taking Before the advent of the QLF and DiagnoDent systems
longer to stabilise then smaller, dryer ones. The ECM tip this was impossible in all practical clinical situations, as
is very small, and suffers from issues of reliability when one simply cannot recall accurately the status of the lesion
successive measurements, so important in measuring caries from one visit to the next. However, both of these systems
activity, are taken over time. All of these systems should enable early lesions to be followed and their activity deter-
be considered as additional tools in the armamentarium mined. It is interesting to note that the QLF system can
of the clinician and enhance, but do not replace, effective detect the products of bacterial metabolism, and these are
diagnosis by a clinician. shown in red on fluorescent images. It has been proposed
Once the presence of demineralisation has been estab- that lesions that exhibit this red fluorescence are at an
lished, the next stage of the process is to determine the increased risk of progression as they contain metabolically
likely severity of the lesion, most often interpreted as the active bacteria. Should clinical trial evidence support this,
depth of the lesion. Caries progresses in a generally pre- it could be one method by which activity could be measured
62 dictable way, but the visual indications can be confusing, in a single visit (Fig. 7.12).
7 / Caries and other reasons for restoring teeth

appear darker, and may be black, are frequently shiny and

hard to gentle examination by a blunt probe or excavator.

Caries risk assessment

Once all of the components of a caries diagnosis are
complete; a calculation of the patient’s caries risk should
be conducted. Patients have a range of risk and modifying
factors and these should be identified and managed as part
of any treatment plan. A system has been developed with
16 major risk factors for caries, divided into 11 primary
and 5 modifying factors. These are shown in Table 7.1.
Each of these factors has a direct or indirect influence on
the biofilm, and many work in combination. For example,
(a) high frequency intake of fermentable carbohydrates
produces an acidic biofilm which further favours the
development of acidogenic bacteria which in turn further
lowers the pH. Caries activity is best assessed by
examination of the patient’s dentition, given that clinical
evidence may be considered the most useful indicator of
caries risk. The patient who gives a history of repeated
restorations, who has multiple new lesions on clinical or
radiographic examination, or who has a large number of
crowns at a comparatively young age is an obvious high
caries risk. Other methods of caries assessment include
salivary flow tests and saliva buffering capacity. Since there
is some evidence that individuals with low levels of strep-
tococci may have low risk of caries, and that high levels of
lactobacilli may indicate high caries activity, kits have been

Fig. 7.9 The DiagnoDent device (a) The system box, indicating
Table 7.1 Risk factors for the development of caries.
current and maximum readings. (b) The tip employed in the
Primary risk factors
assessment of pit and fissure caries. (Courtesy of KaVo.)
Saliva 1. Ability of minor salivary glands to
produce saliva
2. Consistency of unstimulated (resting)
It is, however, possible to assess the likely activity of a saliva
lesion using visual methods, again, on impeccably clean 3. pH of unstimulated saliva
and dry teeth. On smooth surfaces active lesions tend to 4. Stimulated salivary flow rate
be adjacent to the gingival margin, or other plaque stagna- 5. Buffering capacity of stimulated saliva
Diet 6. Number of sugar exposures per day
tion areas (such as a poor restorative margin), and are dull
7. Number of acid exposures per day
in appearance. Running a blunt probe over such lesions Fluoride 8. Past and current exposure
results in a sensation of roughness. Inactive lesions are Oral biofilm 9. Differential staining
often distant from the gingival margin (i.e. achieved during 10. Composition
tooth eruption) and have a surface lustre or shine. Exami- 11. Activity
nation with a blunt probe reveals a smooth, glass-like Modifying factors
surface. Some of these lesions will have discoloured, being 12. Past and current dental status
dark black or brown due to the incorporation of extrinsic 13. Past and current medical status
14. Compliance with oral hygiene and
stain. Obviously these examinations are complicated in the dietary advice
case of pit and fissure caries and those on the inter- 15. Lifestyle
proximal surfaces of teeth. 16. Socioeconomic status
Root surface caries presents initially as well-defined Modified from Ngo H & Gaffrey S (2005) Risk assessment in the
discoloured lesions in areas of plaque accumulation, often diagnosis and management of caries. In: Mount G J & Hume W R
(eds) Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure. Sandgate,
close to a recessed gingival margin. Active root surface Queensland: Knowledge Books and Software, pp. 61–82.
lesions are soft or leathery in consistency and may exhibit
a loss of surface contour or cavitation. Arrested lesions 63
Restorative Dentistry

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7.10 The QLF device. (a) The QLF handpiece, with disposable mirror tip. (b) Example of a lesion under normal conditions on the
mesial surface of the maxillary left canine. (c) View of the same tooth under QLF conditions, with tenfold increase in lesion enhancement.
(d) Analysis of this lesion, a coloured map of the degree of demineralisation illustrating that the centre of the lesion is the most severely
effected. This lesion would be amenable to remineralisation therapy. (Courtesy of Inspektor.)

manufactured to measure Streptococcus mutans and a decision on the most appropriate restorative material to
Lactobacillus counts many of which are suitable for use in be used following cavity preparation. Further details on
general practice. Given the function of saliva in clearing the preventative and surgical approach to caries manage-
the mouth of food and debris, as well as its buffering ment can be found in Chapter 8.
capacity, a reduction in salivary flow, due to either disease
or medications, is likely to predispose to caries (Box 7.1).
Following the diagnostic processes and the assessment
of risk, it should be possible to make a decision on the
Tooth fractures are a significant dental problem and are
need (or otherwise) to treat a caries lesion. The decision
reported to be the third most common cause of tooth loss,
not to actively treat should not be interpreted as no treat-
after caries and periodontal disease. The majority of tooth
ment but suggests that the patient is given oral hygiene
fractures are associated with a restoration and are there-
instruction and perhaps dietary advice. In these circum-
fore not the cause of a restoration per se; rather, they are
stances the whole mouth is considered, rather than an
the cause of an enlarged restoration. In a significant number
individual lesion. If active treatment is to take place a deci-
of cases, tooth fracture occurs subgingivally or involves a
sion on whether or not this will include surgical inter-
vertical root fracture and may render the tooth unrestorable.
vention should be reached. If the degree of the caries has
Fractures may be complete or incomplete:
been properly assessed then a non-surgical remineralisa-
tion treatment may be indicated. If surgical removal of • Complete fracture–visible separation at the interface of
64 infected dentine is required this is normally associated with the segments along the line of the fracture
7 / Caries and other reasons for restoring teeth



Fig. 7.11 The electronic caries monitor (ECM). (a) The ECM device
with digital readout. (b) The ECM tip–compressed air is released
during the measurement process. (Courtesy of Lode.) (b)

• Incomplete fracture–demonstrable fracture but with no

visible separation of the segments.

Diagnosis of the complete fracture is usually straight-

forward, but the diagnosis of an incomplete fracture may be
problematic. Diagnostic signs for the incomplete fracture,
or cracked tooth, include pulpitis-like symptoms in a vital
tooth, tenderness of one cusp (the fractured one) to percus-
sion, with the patient experiencing pain on biting (Fig. 7.13).
Tooth fracture is normally associated with increased
force on a tooth. This may be caused by direct trauma
from an external body (exogenous trauma) or by impact
forces originating from the dentition (endogenous trauma). (c)
In case of trauma this is commonly combined with other
oral-facial injuries. Early recognition and management of Fig. 7.12 Red fluorescence (RF) on QLF images may be related to
traumatic fractures can greatly improve tooth survival and lesion activity. (a) This occlusal lesion demonstrates RF at a baseline
functionality. Approximately 82% of traumatised teeth are examination. (b) Six months later the lesion has progressed.
maxillary, with the distribution on the central incisors (c) Twelve months later further progression can be seen.
(64%), lateral incisors (15%) and canines (3%). Exogenous
trauma may result from falls and collisions, physical abuse oropharyngeal intubation has recently been added to this
(which, in children, the dentist has a duty to report), list. When examining complete fractures the Ellis classifi-
assaults, accidents and sporting injuries; trauma from cation system can be used: 65
Restorative Dentistry

(a) (b)

Fig. 7.13 Patient reported tenderness of one cusp on biting. The diagnosis was not obvious until the fractured cusp was found to be
separated from the remaining tooth (b).

Cavity preparation increases the risk of tooth fracture

substantially; the risk is further increased by the following:
• a greater number of surfaces involved
• a deep pulpal floor
• an isthmus width greater than one-third of the inter-
cuspal distance.
Restorations with no cuspal protection also increase
the risk, as does endodontic access and preparation and
the placement of dentine pins. Restorations with cuspal
coverage tend to prevent future fracture – a sound restora-
tive principle which often involves only minimal additional
preparation/loss of tooth substance to accomplish in a
large cavity. Failure to provide such coverage, especially in
endodontically treated teeth, will significantly increase the
Fig. 7.14 Clinical example of trauma with all three grades of Ellis
risk of tooth threatening fractures (Fig. 7.15).
fracture presented. An additional restorative concept is that of the restora-
tion which fractures in such a manner that the remain-
ing tooth structure is easily restored, i.e. the restoration
‘protects’ tooth structure and acts as a ‘fail-safe’, rather
• Ellis I – fractures only involving enamel, and are usually than fracturing synergistically with the tooth in such a way
minor chipping with roughened edges. that the tooth is rendered unrestorable.
• Ellis II – fractures involving enamel and dentine. Patients It is important to remember that root fractures can
may complain of pain to touch and sensitivity, especially occur either in isolation or in combination with a crown
younger adults.
• Ellis III – fractures involving enamel, dentine and pulp.
Patients complain of significant pain to touch, air and Box 7.3 Occlusal relationships considered to
predispose to tooth fracture
• Anterior open bite and posterior cross-bite or edge-to-
See Figure 7.14 for a clinical example of each of these. edge relationship
The Ellis classification is a helpful system as it generally • Altered cusp–fossa relationship of Angle’s class II and III
indicates a likely treatment plan; for example, an Ellis III • Poor posterior disclusion
will almost certainly require endodontic treatment if this • Tight interlocking occlusion
has not previously been undertaken. Non-traumatic crown- • Parafunctional activity
fractures have typically been described when large forces • Strong masseter muscles
result from biting unexpectedly on a hard object, with the • Drug-related clenching
• Non-working side interferences
force being concentrated on a small area of one or two teeth, • Excessive working side contacts
and there are several occlusal factors that can contribute
66 to this (Box 7.3).
7 / Caries and other reasons for restoring teeth

Fig. 7.15 Tooth fracture in an endodontically treated tooth with

heavy occlusal loading demonstrating the need for cuspal

fracture and are generally classified as complete/incomplete

and horizontal or vertical. For example, Figure 7.16 demon-
strates a complete horizontal fracture. Such fractures are
complex to treat and may result in the ultimate loss of the
tooth, although this may be delayed by many years with
appropriate treatment.


Apart from dental caries and fractures, the main mecha-

nisms for loss of tooth substance are attrition, abrasion
and erosion. In this text, the term tooth substance loss (TSL)
will be used to describe the loss of enamel and dentine Fig. 7.16 Example of a horizontal root fracture.
from each of these processes.
As individuals in the developed world continue to live
longer and retain more of their teeth into old age, it is
likely that the prevalence of TSL will increase. TSL has a latter being used to describe extreme TSL. Physiological
number of aetiological factors and the interrelationship of TSL occurs throughout life, and in most individuals will
these factors is often difficult to determine. However, it is be of no clinical consequence. Pronounced attrition-related
rare to see all teeth in a particular mouth affected by TSL wear may be associated with parafunctional activity, with
to the same degree; indeed, TSL may affect the anterior teeth showing distinct faceting, and with the facets in one
teeth only, and often only the teeth of one arch. Reports arch matching those in the opposing arch in positions of
from colleagues in the UK seem to suggest an increasing contact (Fig. 7.17). Additionally, iatrogenic wear may
incidence of TSL in both the elderly and the young, and result from contact between tooth substance and an
this is likely to give rise to a parallel increase in the need abrasive, hard surface such as a poorly polished ceramic
for restorative care. restoration. Bruxism is a common cause of attrition, and
The mechanisms of TSL often act concurrently. As a in those with canine guided occlusions, it is these teeth
general rule, in patients with severe, progressive TSL, the which will most often demonstrate the classic pattern of
clinician should look for a multifactorial aetiology. cuspal flattening. Indeed attrition can result in a shift from
canine guidance to a group function occlusal system.
This type of TSL occurs due to tooth-to-tooth contact in
the absence of food or other material and is often seen on Abrasion can be described as the ‘wearing of tooth
the incisal edge of teeth. Some minor TSL may also occur substance that results from the friction of exogenous
interproximally. There may be varying degrees of attrition, material forced over the surface by incisive, masticatory,
such as physiological, intensified and pathological, the and grasping forces’. Abrasions can be distinguished from 67
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 7.17 Example of severe attrition demonstrating effects on
both upper and lower arches.

an attrition facet as they tend to result in rounded or blunt

tooth cusps and occlusal surfaces may well be pitted. Age
is an important factor in abrasion, with newly erupted
teeth demonstrating less abrasion than those that have
been in function for some time. In Western populations
with soft, processed diets, the main cause of abrasion can
be attributed to over-vigorous oral hygiene measures such
as toothbrushing and flossing. This can be enhanced by
the use of abrasive dentifrices, and is seen especially in
areas of gingival recession when the softer, more easily
abraded, dentine is exposed. Other examples of abrasion (b)
include loss of tooth substance due to repeated chewing of
Fig. 7.18 Occupational examples of abrasion. (a) An electrician
a pipe stem, using a toothpick or biting thread. Certain who uses his teeth to strip electrical wires. (b) A seamstress who
professions such as electricians, hairdressers and seam- held pins in her maxillary left central incisor.
stresses will often exhibit occupation related abrasion as a
result of, for example, stripping wires or holding pins
between the teeth (Fig. 7.18). enamel may remain, and these teeth often look as if they
have been prepared for indirect veneers. Once the enamel
has been breached and dentine is exposed, the process
accelerates rapidly. Sensitivity is often a feature of active
Erosion may be described as the loss of dental hard tissues erosion lesions into dentine. In the presence of a reduced
due to acid dissolution not involving bacterial activity. The salivary flow the effect of both intrinsic and extrinsic acid
source of the acids can be described as either intrinsic will be accentuated.The buffering effect of saliva is the best
(gastric regurgitation), occupational (workers in chemical protection against erosion, in combination with behavioural
plants, wine tasters) or dietary (acidic foods or drinks)
(Box 7.4).The clinical presentation of erosion will typically
depend on its aetiology. Intrinsic acid principally affects Box 7.4 Causes of dental erosion
the palatal surfaces of the upper teeth, with the incisors
Intrinsic factors
being particularly at risk. Dietary acid principally affects • Regurgitation of acid food
buccal, occlusal and incisal surfaces. Surfaces affected • Gastric reflux disease (GORD)
by erosion will present as smooth, rounded areas of TSL, • Chronic vomiting (e.g. eating disorders, alcoholism)
with loss of the normal tooth surface detail. Restorations Extrinsic factors
in amalgam may appear ‘proud’ of the remaining tooth • Acid foods, such as citrus fruits
surface in patients with severe erosive TSL, such as those • Acid drinks, such as carbonated drinks, sports drinks,
with bulimia (Fig. 7.19). As erosion begins, there is an juices and wine
initial loss of surface definition, with the enamel edges • Medications, such as asthma inhalers
• Occupational exposure, such as workers in the chemical
becoming rounded and characterless. The enamel surfaces industry or professional wine tasters
become concave, smooth and glossy although, especially
68 with palatal erosion, a marginal area of sound, non-affected
7 / Caries and other reasons for restoring teeth

(Fig. 7.20). Several more advanced methods exist, such as

the use of laser scanners to determine loss based on serial
impressions, although these are outwith the scope of clinical
practice and are largely restricted to use in research.


Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are wedge-shaped

areas of loss of tooth structure limited to the cervical area
of the tooth (Fig. 7.21). Their cause is the source of some
debate. Traditionally, the pathogenesis of class V NCCLs
has been associated with abrasion or erosion. Their preva-
lence is increasing, particularly in older patients, and gender
Fig. 7.19 Restorations in amalgam may appear ‘proud’ of the differences have also been reported. It may therefore be
remaining tooth surface in patients with severe erosive tooth the case that other factors are involved in the pathogenesis
substance loss, such as those with bulimia. of NCCLs. It has been suggested that tensile stresses
resulting from occlusal overload may be involved, the so-
called ‘occlusal’ theory. Bending stresses may cause disrup-
and diet changes as required. Individuals should be advised tion of the surface enamel in the cervical area, resulting in
against toothbrushing following an episode of vomiting or increased susceptibility to dissolution and abrasion at the
acidic food intake, and should instead be recommended affected sites and in the development of lesions (Fig. 7.22).
an alcohol-free, fluoride mouth rinse.

Measuring tooth surface loss

Recording TSL is a difficult procedure and a number of
indices have been used. One of the more commonly
accepted is the Smith and Knight index as discussed earlier
(p. 19,Table 3.3). A simple method of recording the amount
of TSL that has occurred is the use of a silicone index.
Impressions are taken of the teeth and the resulting casts
are given to the patient for safe-keeping. At subsequent
future appointments (i.e. 6 months later), silicone putty
impressions are taken of the teeth, sectioned and relocated
on the original casts. Any TSL can be identified by dis-
crepancies between the impression and the silicone index

Fig. 7.21 Clinical example of both wedge-shaped non-carious

cervical lesions and abrasion.

Fig. 7.22 The occlusal pathogenesis of non-carious cervical

lesions. Chipping of the cervical enamel occurs when the tooth
flexes, exposing an area which may then be affected by other
Fig. 7.20 Use of a silicone index to record tooth wear. forms of tooth substance loss. 69
Restorative Dentistry

These NCCLs have also been termed ‘abfractions’,

Box 7.5 Causes of tooth discoloration
which is an engineering term derived from the Latin for ‘to
break away’ and relating to stress corrosion. Increasingly, Intrinsic factors
tooth flexure is becoming accepted as a mechanism for the • Alkaptonuria
• Congenital erythropoietic porphyria
loss of dental hard tissue, although this is the least studied • Amelogenesis imperfecta
of the processes thought to cause TSL. • Dentinogenesis imperfecta
• Tetracycline staining
• Fluorosis
TOOTH DISCOLORATION • Enamel hypoplasia
• Pulpal haemorrhagic products
• Root resorption
Tooth colour is dependent on the intrinsic pigmentation • Ageing
of the tooth, which is naturally/genetically controlled. Extrinsic factors
The majority of natural tooth colour is determined by • Metallic
the dentine (yellow to brown), the enamel being relatively • Non-metallic
transparent contributing blue, green and pink tints. Internalised discolorations
Historically tooth discoloration has been divided into • Developmental defects
intrinsic or extrinsic, with a further category of inter- • Acquired defects:
nalised stain or discoloration recently being suggested. It Tooth wear and gingival recession
Dental caries
is essential when considering treatment of a discoloured
Restorative materials
tooth to determine the aetiology of the stain. Failure to do
so may result in an overly aggressive treatment (e.g.,
porcelain veneers for extrinsic staining) or a treatment
unlikely to succeed (e.g. tooth bleaching for severe tetra-
cycline staining). tion of this drug to susceptible age groups, and while
excessive intake of fluoride rarely causes mottling in the
developed world, there is still a risk of over-ingestion of
Intrinsic discoloration
fluoride to the extent that enamel opacities are becoming
Intrinsic tooth discoloration is a result of a structural more prevalent. As a result, children under the age of
change in either the thickness or composition of the dental 6 years who are at low risk of developing dental caries
hard tissues. Examples of causes are provided in Box 7.5. should use a toothpaste containing no more than 600 ppm
The most common examples are the brown discoloration, of fluoride; children at higher risk of caries should use
known as mottling, caused by excessive intake of fluoride a standard (1000 ppm) or higher (1450 ppm) fluoride
(Fig. 7.23), and the yellow/grey discoloration resulting toothpaste, and accept that there may be a small risk of
from administration of tetracyclines (Fig. 7.24). developing enamel opacities. In the UK fluorosis is likely
Fortunately, staining due to tetracycline is not as preva- to be mild, presenting as white striations, or ‘ice caps’ on
lent as in the past, due to medical awareness in the prescrip- the incisal edge. Fluorosis should be distinguished from
demarcated enamel opacities which are usually the result
of trauma to the developing permanent dentition. Such
lesions are deeper than the somewhat superficial fluorotic
hypomineralisation and, if treatment is required, this is
usually more aggressive than that for fluorosis.
Intrinsic tooth discoloration cannot be polished away
without the use of special abrasive techniques. In cases
where the discoloration is severe and of concern to the
patient, restorative intervention may be warranted. The
least invasive techniques are hydrochloric acid micro-
abrasion, macroabrasion and veneering with resin com-
posite or ceramic. There has been reported success using
tooth bleaching techniques (using hydrogen peroxide in
custom trays) to reduce the aesthetic impact of fluorosis.
In these cases the whiteness of the tooth is increased,
creating a more homogeneous appearance. Some success
Fig. 7.23 Mottling of enamel caused by excessive intake of with this technique has also been described for cases of
fluoride. mild tetracycline staining.

7 / Caries and other reasons for restoring teeth

Extrinsic discoloration
Extrinsic staining may result from two main mechanisms:
those compounds that become incorporated into the pellicle
and produce a stain based on their innate colour and those
that result in a discoloration by chemical interactions at
the tooth surface. Direct staining comes from, for example,
tobacco or dyes from foodstuffs. Additionally, the oral
microflora may contain chromogenic (pigment-producing)
microorganisms which may cause black, brown, green or
yellow/orange stains. Indirect staining is associated with
cationic anti-septics and metal salts. Typically the causa-
tive agent is without colour, or of a different colour to the
resultant stain. An example of this is chlorhexidine. There
is some evidence that suggests that the salivary composi-
tion of individuals can make them more or less susceptible
to stain. Extrinsic staining may be polished away using
conventional prophylaxis. In certain cases, a more thorough
technique, such as microabrasion, is indicated.
Restorative materials may also discolour intrinsically as
a result of chemical changes occurring following initial set,
but this is an undesirable factor which has largely been
overcome in modern materials. Restorative materials should
ideally have a surface morphology which resists the accu-
mulation of extrinsic stains. The development of stain
around the margins of restorations is usually indicative
of poor marginal adaptation, especially when using tooth-
coloured restorative materials and these should be
polished, repaired or replaced as indicated.
Internalised discoloration
Teeth may possess either developmental or acquired defects
that result in an increased porosity and thus propensity to
stain. Developmental defects are those described under
‘intrinsic’ staining, but post-eruptively these defects can
acquire further stain. Conditions that cause any form of
enamel hypoplasia are especially prone and exposed
dentine is especially vulnerable to the uptake of dietary
chromogens. Acquired defects result from the use, misuse
and abuse of teeth over their lifetime and include such
things as caries and gingival recession both of which are
associated with an increased uptake of stain. The treat-
ment of this type of discoloration must be determined
(c) after a careful consideration of the aetiology. For example,
inactive, highly stained caries on an occlusal surface would
Fig. 7.24 Examples of tetracycline staining. (a) Mild banding with be treated quite differently to stained dentine following
the stain restricted to mainly cervical areas. This degree of stain
gingival recession.
may be amenable to tooth bleaching treatment, either alone, or
to facilitate the placement of more translucent (and hence
aesthetically acceptable) ceramic veneers. (b) Severe tetracycline
staining from long-term use. The upper teeth have been restored REPLACEMENT OF RESTORATIONS
with veneers but due to their opacity they are aesthetically poor.
Such cases are difficult to treat. (c) Case exhibiting the greyness of
The reasons for replacing restorations are often subjective.
this form of staining. This mild form may respond well to long-
term home use bleaching. Replacement has sometimes been carried out because of
confusion between secondary caries and marginal leakage,

Restorative Dentistry

the former being diagnosed erroneously. In fact, the corre- SUMMARY

lation between secondary caries and marginal leakage is
low, and in cases where there is doubt, the astute clinician Any damage or aesthetic change to a tooth may require a
will smooth and polish a rough margin and then observe, form of restoration to be placed, although other treatment
rather than replacing the restoration. Replacement should alternatives such as preventative care may be indicated.
be avoided because of the potential for further insult to The correct diagnosis and identification of the aetiology
pulpal tissues and because tooth substance is invariably of tooth damage are the clinician’s responsibility. As with
lost when a restoration is removed. Conservative cavity all diagnoses, careful application of special tests, such as
preparation designs should be encouraged, not only for radiographs, should be employed only when necessary and
restorations which adhere to tooth substance but also for likely to result in an increase in diagnostic yield. Written
amalgam and other non-adhesive materials. This is of notes on diagnostic decisions should be copious and,
particular relevance in approximal restorations, given the remembering that many dental hard tissue conditions are
potential for a mesial-occlusal-distal restoration to weaken chronic, the clinician may choose, in the absence of pain,
tooth substance and predispose to cuspal fracture, espe- and in the presence of a diagnostic dilemma, to make
cially in premolar teeth. careful notes of the presentation and review any lesion
Marginal staining may be considered a reason for until a definitive answer is achieved.The decision to restore
replacement of tooth-coloured restorations, but the should not be taken lightly as one is committing a tooth to
clinician should be aware that the principal motivation in a lengthy and perhaps ultimately destructive restorative
this case is aesthetics, rather than a high risk of secondary cycle and the tenets of minimally invasive practice should
caries. As for marginal gaps, the correlation between be adhered to when possible. Only when a firm clinical
marginal staining of composite restorations and secondary diagnosis is made can the treatment planning for the
caries is not well defined. Poor aesthetics may be a reason restoration of the tooth take place.
for replacement of a restoration, but this is something for
the patient to consider rather than the clinician.

8 Restoration of teeth
(simple restorations)
and preventative dentistry

Preventative dentistry 73 patient and therefore an accurate history is an essential

Introduction 73 first step in preventative practice. Key questions on diet
Role of oral hygiene and caries prevention 73 and oral hygiene are essential and these should be tailored
Role of fluoride in preventative dentistry 74 to the patient’s age. For example, in younger individuals it
Role of diet in preventative dentistry 75 is likely that high-volume, high-frequency fermentable
Role of fissure sealants in preventative dentistry 75 carbohydrate intake may be responsible for caries, while
Restoring teeth 76 in the elderly a failure to control plaque combined with
Amalgam 76 reduced salivary flow may result in demineralisation. Once
Cavity preparations for amalgam 77 the causative factors have been identified, it is possible to
Achievement of resistance form 77 develop a preventative treatment plan that reflects the
Adhesive restorations 77 aetiology and natural history of the disease.
Resin composite 78
The glass ionomer family 80
Role of oral hygiene and caries prevention
Cavity preparation principles for adhesive
restorations 83 Oral hygiene alone has been shown to have little effect in
Occlusal cavity designs: the preventive resin reducing caries development. The value of toothbrushing
restoration 83 is mainly related to the delivery of fluoride via a fluoridated
Approximal cavity designs for direct-placement resin dentifrice. Plaque removal is secondary and has an obvious
composite restorations 83 benefit in periodontal disease. There are a number of
Placement of class II composite restorations 84 toothbrushing techniques that have been described in the
The use of bases under resin composite restorations 85 literature, and these mainly relate to achieving adequate
Contemporary cavity designs for glass ionomer plaque removal around gingival margins. The main aim
restorations 85 must be to instigate a regular, habitual twice daily brushing
Contemporary cavity classifications 85 with fluoride dentifrice. It is recommended that individuals
Tunnel restorations 85 brush their teeth in the morning and before bedtime.
Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) technique 86 Given the increasing consumption of acidic fruit juices
Adhesive restorative techniques with bonded at breakfast time, it may be advisable to brush before
amalgam 87 breakfast and then after the evening meal.
Summary 87 An assessment of toothbrushing efficiency can easily be
carried out by using disclosing tablets and these are as

Box 8.1 Factors associated with demineralisation


Introduction • High-volume, high-frequency intake of fermentable

As described in Chapter 7, caries is a multifactorial disease • Reduced salivary flow
and hence attempts at prevention must be based on a • Inadequate plaque control
• Unfavourable microflora
multifactorial approach. Demineralisation of dental tissues • Unfavourable anatomy, plaque retention sites
can be influenced by a number of factors (Box 8.1). The
importance of any one of these factors will vary between 73
Restorative Dentistry

useful on adults as children, many of whom are surprised

at the amount of plaque remaining on the teeth. Similarly,
adults and teenagers will report brushing for two minutes
(the recommended time) yet when a stop-clock is used
they are often amazed to see that less than a minute has
elapsed. Some individuals will have particular difficulties
in toothbrushing, for example those with muscular or
arthritic problems, and in these groups the use of wide-
handled or electronic brushes may be recommended.
Certain individuals will require more extensive oral
hygiene procedures, and these may need to be augmented
by additional medicaments. Individuals with reduced
salivary flow, high sugar medication users, those with fixed
orthodontic appliances and removable partial denture
wearers will all benefit from the use of floss or other inter- Fig. 8.1 Example of a primary dentition where gross caries has
been arrested by the provision of preventative measures including
dental cleaning aids, therapeutic mouth rinses (especially
fluoride and increased oral hygiene. Note that where restorations
those containing fluoride) and more regular brushing with have been placed (UR1, UR2), active caries can be seen.
high (2800, 5000 ppm) fluoride dentifrices.

turers, and there is no evidence suggesting that one is

Role of fluoride in preventative dentistry
more effective than another. Examples include sodium
As was described in Chapter 7, caries is a dynamic fluoride (NaF) and mono-fluorophosphate (MFP). Levels
process, and, in the presence of fluoride, fluorapatite can of fluoride also vary, with some pastes being targeted at
be formed following dissolution of hydroxyapatite. This is young children, with 250–500 ppm, adult pastes with
of benefit to the tooth surface as fluorapatite is more 1000–1500 ppm and pastes designed for those at high risk
resilient to acid attack with a critical pH of 4.5 rather than of caries, both adults and children, with levels between
5.5 for hydroxyapatite. Fluoride also directly inhibits the 2500 and 5000 ppm (Fig. 8.2).
demineralisation process and promotes remineralisation, Other methods of delivering fluoride include solutions,
and, if present in high enough concentrations, will prove tablets, gels and varnishes as well as over-the-counter
toxic to cariogenic bacteria, inhibiting their metabolic products such as chewing gums and mouth rinses.
pathways. Other evidence suggests that fluoride will inhibit Concentrated gels are normally applied in trays and are
further plaque formation and reduce the ‘wettability’ of generally prescription only. Fluoride concentration of these
the tooth structure (Box 8.2). Fluoride is not only helpful gels may be up to 12 300 for APF (acidulated phosphate
at inhibiting early lesions, but can cause the arrest of larger
lesions (Fig. 8.1) and in adults, this is frequently in root
There are numerous vehicles for fluoride delivery and
the choice of mechanism should be based on a careful
assessment of the patient, including a thorough examina-
tion of current sources of fluoride, including dentifrice
use, drinking water and any self-administered supplements.
By far the most prevalent method of delivering fluoride to
the oral hard tissues is via the use of a dentifrice. 1000 ppm
fluoride pastes have been shown to reduce caries levels by
as much as 30% even in the absence of any form of dietary
control. Fluorides in toothpastes differ across manufac-

Box 8.2 Mechanisms of fluoride action

• Produces fluorapatite – a more acid-resilient mineral
• Inhibits bacterial metabolism at high concentrations
• Inhibits demineralisation and promotes remineralisation Fig. 8.2 Example of the range of dentifrice products available,
• Inhibits plaque formation including those for children, children at high-risk and also high-
risk adults. Products with high fluoride should be prescribed with
care. (Courtesy of Colgate.)
8 / Restoration of teeth (simple restorations) and preventative dentistry

Role of diet in preventative dentistry

The role of diet as a causative factor in caries cannot be
underestimated. The presence of persistent acidogenic
challenges caused by ‘grazing’ foods inhibits the buffering
capacity of saliva and ensures that the oral pH is always at
a critical level.This shifts the dynamic of the caries balance
resulting in net demineralisation and the initiation and
progression of caries. Change in diet will require a highly
motivated and cooperative patient who must be prepared
to complete a diet questionnaire and diary as well as be
willing to undergo changes.Younger patients will frequently
imbibe large amounts of sugary drinks and their consump-
tion of sweets may also be significant and almost constant
throughout the day. In adults, the addition of sugar to hot
drinks is often a highly contributory factor. As with all
causative factors in caries, diet should not be assessed in
Fig. 8.3 Example of topical fluoride application. These products are isolation, but rather in combination with other factors,
fluoride foams that can be used in stock trays. Their pleasant taste such as salivary flow which may well modify the quantities
makes them especially suitable for children. (Courtesy of Colgate.) of fermentable carbohydrates that can be considered a risk
for demineralisation.

fluoride). In high-risk individuals such applications may

Role of fissure sealants in preventative dentistry
be used at up to 6-week intervals. Such products are often
made into pleasant tasting mousses for younger children, The use of targeted, well-placed fissure sealants has a
(Figs 8.3, 8.4). Varnishes have the benefit of longer reten- wealth of supportive research evidence. They have been
tion times in the oral cavity and can be site specific, i.e. shown to be a highly effective measure against the develop-
targeting those tooth surfaces with lesions amenable to ment of carious pits and fissures in young children and for
remineralisation therapy. Varnishes may contain up to all age groups at high risk of caries. Some authors advocate
2600 ppm fluoride and are generally viscous coloured resins. their use for erupting third molars as these are often diffi-
When planning fluoride therapy one should remember cult to clean. Fissure sealants can play an important role
that the probable toxic dose for adults is 5 mg/kg body in the management of patients with special needs, particu-
weight per day. It is also important to remind adults who larly if they are unable to control the causative factors
are provided with high-fluoride dentifrices for home use themselves.There is mounting evidence that fissure sealants
that these should be kept away from small children. that are placed on early demineralisation will arrest such
lesions, although case selection is crucial. Indeed, it is in
applications such as these that the new caries diagnostic
tools may be helpful. Fissure sealants based on glass-
ionomer, with fluoride release, may remineralise existing
incipient lesions, but those based on unfilled composite
resins will prevent further demineralisation but will not
promote remineralisation.

There is a spectrum of treatment need for any given
lesion; this is not solely based on the severity of the
demineralisation, but on the assessment of a number of
factors including diet, oral hygiene, ability to attend,
attitude to change etc. The clinician must work through
a complex set of decisions before embarking on a poten-
tially destructive restoration, or on a plan of preven-
tative work that may fail, leading to an increased treat-
Fig. 8.4 Range of rinses and gels available for high-and medium-
ment need. Such decisions are influenced by experience
risk patients such as those with reduced salivary flow, or and careful history-taking as well as communication with
removable partial denture wearers. (Courtesy of Colgate.) the patient.
Restorative Dentistry

Box 8.3 Materials used in tooth restoration

Until recently, cavity design for the restoration of teeth Adhesive

affected by caries followed the recommendations of G.V. Composite (using intermediate bonding layer)
Glass ionomer and derivatives
Black which were proposed at the end of the 19th century. Ceramic (using bonding techniques)
Today, with the increasing use of adhesive materials, cavity
preparations no longer require the potentially tooth- Amalgam
destructive retentive features that were necessary for non- Gold
adhesive materials. Ceramic (using ‘traditional’ luting materials)
Contemporary restorations may therefore be divided
into two groups, depending on the restorative material and
placement technique utilised: non-adhesive and adhesive
(Box 8.3).
This classification is not absolute, given that some Box 8.4 Advantages of high-copper amalgams
materials may be placed in cavities either with or without • Less easily deformed
adhesive techniques. For example, while amalgam restora- • Stronger in compression
tions have, until recently, been placed without the use of • Reduced potential for corrosion
adhesive techniques, the bonding of amalgam to tooth • Less marginal deterioration than traditional amalgams
substance is now becoming more common. Furthermore,
while ceramic restorations have frequently been luted with
traditional non-adhesive luting materials, it is now recog-
nised that their performance is enhanced if these are Dental amalgams are classified according to their com-
bonded directly to teeth using enamel and dentine bond- position or particle shape.
ing systems. As a result, resin cements are increasingly The main categories of amalgam are low-copper alloys,
being used, especially in ceramic restorations. The advan- which were commonly used until the 1970s, and high-
tage of cavity designs for adhesive materials is primarily copper alloys, which have been available since the 1970s
the saving of tooth substance that accrues from not having (Table 8.1). High-copper amalgam (Box 8.4) contains
to prepare retentive features in the cavity, such as occlusal smaller concentrations of Sn–Hg compound (gamma-2
keys and undercuts. This will ultimately lead to a reduced phase). This compound is relatively softer than the rest of
risk of subsequent tooth fracture. Furthermore, this the amalgam, resulting in a set material which may deform
reduced preparation leads to fewer dentinal tubules being or flow under occlusal stress, an undesirable property
opened and less likelihood of pulpal damage, although the known as creep. The gamma-2 phase is also responsible
degree of pulp damage, per se, is also dependent on other for an increased susceptibility of the low-copper alloys to
factors such as the placement of a material that bonds to corrosion.
the dentine and does not permit microleakage. Amalgams may also be classified according to the shape
of the alloy particles, this being spherical, lathe-cut or
admixed. Spherical alloys are prepared by an atomisation
AMALGAM process in which the molten alloy is sprayed into an inert
atmosphere, with the spherical particles forming on solidi-
An amalgam is defined as an alloy of mercury. Dental fication. Lathe-cut alloys are irregularly shaped, with sharp
amalgam is a mixture of mercury, tin, silver, copper and edges, having been cut on a lathe. Admixed alloys are a
other elements. It has been used in dentistry since 1826. combination of lathe-cut and spherical alloys. The alloy

Table 8.1 Composition of low- and high-copper amalgam alloys

Low-copper amalgam alloys High-copper amalgam alloys

Silver 70% 40–60%
Tin 25–27% 25%
Copper 3–5% 30%
Palladium and other elements Small amounts to improve strength and
corrosion resistance
Resultant mixture 45–50% mercury by weight Smaller concentration of Sn–Hg compound
(gamma-2 phase)

8 / Restoration of teeth (simple restorations) and preventative dentistry

particle shape does not affect the physical properties of It is the loss of occlusal tooth substance in forming
the set amalgam, but it does affect the handling charac- the occlusal key which predisposes most to the fracture of
teristics, with spherical alloys requiring less force for posterior teeth, especially premolar teeth. This is more of
adequate condensing than lathe-cut alloys. In addition, the a risk if the cavity is a mesial-occlusal distal preparation.
suggested instruments for condensing spherical alloys Retentive cavity features which obviate the need for occlusal
should be of a larger diameter than those used for lathe- keys should be encouraged. It is no longer considered
cut alloys. necessary to extend a cavity into self-cleansing areas in a
buccolingual direction. However, it is essential that an
approximal cavity is prepared through the contact area in
Cavity preparations for amalgam
a gingival direction, given the potential for caries at the
Non-bonded amalgam restorations depend entirely upon contact area (Fig. 8.7). This will also help with matrix
mechanical features built into the cavity preparation to band placement.
achieve their retention. The principles of cavity design for
such restorations are derived from those presented by G.V.
Achievement of resistance form
Black towards the end of the 19th century.
In brief, the principles of cavity preparation following This is intended to produce a cavity which will adequately
removal of caries are as follows: resist occlusal forces, i.e. the cavity floor should ideally be at
a right angle to the direction of the occlusal forces. Further-
• Resistance to displacement in an occlusal direction. more, the cavity should allow for the placement of a suffi-
Originally this was achieved by production of an under- cient depth of restorative material compatible with its
cut cavity, but it is now generally accepted that a cavity physical properties.With amalgam and composite materials,
with parallel, or minimally divergent, walls will suffice. this is generally considered to be approximately 2 mm.
• Resistance to displacement in an approximal direction. For Enamel margins should be finished so that there is no
class II cavities, this is achieved by the production of unsupported, overhanging enamel. Failure to achieve this
occlusal ‘locks’ (Fig. 8.5), or, less frequently, by grooves will result in fracture of the margin if loaded, with the
in the approximal ‘box’ (Fig. 8.6). production of a defect at the cavity margin.


‘Adhesive’ cavity design principles may be applied when

using materials such as resin composite, which may be
bonded to tooth substance, and glass ionomer which itself
Occlusal lock forms a bond to enamel and dentine (Table 8.2).

Fig. 8.5 The occlusal ‘lock’ or ‘key’ was an integral feature of

nonadhesive cavity designs.

Fig. 8.7 If a cavity is not prepared through the contact area,

there is a potential for caries to recur beneath the restoration,
with the diagnosis of such caries being difficult other than by
Fig. 8.6 Grooves in the approximal ‘box’ may provide the radiographs. Approximal cavities should therefore be prepared
retention required for a non-adhesive restoration. through the contact area in a gingival direction. 77
Restorative Dentistry

Table 8.2 Principles of cavity preparation

Traditional For adhesive materials

Outline/convenience form Access form
Caries removal Caries removal
Resistance and retention form Bonding form
Cavity toilet Cavity cleansing

Fig. 8.9 Macrofilled composites contain fillers of between 5 and

10 μm.

Resin composite
Basic principles
Composites of polymers and ceramics, known as resin
composites, are now widely used in restorative dentistry Many composites are based on an aromatic dimethacrylate
(Box 8.5). Early materials contained methyl methacrylate, system, such as the monomer Bis-GMA, which is the
but in the mid-1960s, dimethacrylate polymers, such as reaction product of bisphenol-A and glycidyl methacrylate.
Bis-GMA (Fig. 8.8), were developed and used in dental This is a highly viscous monomer which polymerises to
restorative materials. Since that time, considerable develop- form a rigid cross-linked polymer. Because of the viscosity
ment has taken place, especially in the filler technology. Bis-GMA, it is necessary to add diluent monomers to the
Contemporary composite materials are ceramic-filled composite restorative so that its handling is appropriate for
dimethacrylates. These materials are widely used and are intraoral use. A smaller number of composites contain
now finding a growing application in posterior teeth, as urethane dimethacrylate as their principal monomer.
patients increasingly request tooth-coloured restorations, Diluent monomers are typically low-molecular-weight
and as a general alternative to amalgam as concern grows monomers which reduce the viscosity of the material. In
among patients about the use of mercury-containing general, low-viscosity resins have greater polymerisation
materials. shrinkage than high-molecular-weight resins. These low-
molecular-weight resins contribute substantially to the
overall polymerisation shrinkage of the composite material.
A number of manufacturers have recently developed and
Box 8.5 The components of a contemporary composite introduced alternative resin systems to the ‘traditional’
material systems described above.
Principal monomers Early composites, termed macrofilled composites
Bis-GMA (Fig. 8.9), contained fillers of between 5 and 10 μm, but
Urethane dimethacrylate these materials produced restorations which were diffi-
Diluent monomers cult to polish and of poor wear resistance. Microfilled
Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate composites (Fig. 8.10), which contained colloidal silica
Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) filler particles of about 0.04 μm, were developed in the
Inorganic fillers mid- to-late 1970s and are still available. Restorations in
Small/large particle fillers (1–7 μm) these materials were easily polished. Current materials
Microfilled fillers (circa 0.04 μm) may contain fillers of lithium aluminosilicates, crystalline
quartz, or barium aluminoborate silica glasses.The filler in
Silane coupling agents materials designed for use in posterior teeth should be
Initiator/activator components radio-opaque. Many composites contain a combination of
Chemical – benzoyl peroxide
Light cure – α-diketone (camphorquinone and an amine) a barium glass and another filler – these are termed hybrid
composites (Fig. 8.11). Their mean filler particle size is
typically in the range 1–2 μm.


78 Fig. 8.8 A dimethacrylate polymer, Bis-GMA, which is the reaction product of bisphenol-A and glycidyl methacrylate.
8 / Restoration of teeth (simple restorations) and preventative dentistry

• light is attenuated by a restoration or tooth substance

• darker material shades, which absorb more light.
Overcuring is not harmful, so longer curing times
should be used rather than shorter.

Physical properties
Contemporary resin composite materials possess adequate
physical properties for all classes of restoration. Wear
resistance is substantially improved in comparison with
Fig. 8.10 Microfilled composites contain colloidal silica filler older materials. These materials do not form a bond to
particles of approximately 0.04 μm.
tooth substance, and an intermediate bonding system is
therefore required. Resin composite materials are generally
supplied in a wide range of shades. Their aesthetic proper-
ties are good.

Stress in composite
The forces generated by polymerisation shrinkage may be
sufficient to damage the bond to dentine, or cause stresses
to develop within the restoration. If the stress exceeds the
adhesive or cohesive strength of the substrates involved,
separation will occur. Stresses are greatest in cavities with
a high ratio of bonded to unbonded surface area (Fig. 8.12).
Fig. 8.11 Hybrid composites typically contain filler particles in the This ratio is termed the configuration factor. The occlusal
range of 1–7 μm with colloidal silica fillers and macrofillers. cavity has the highest area of bonded surface when com-
pared with its unbonded surface (the occlusal surface) and
is therefore the cavity in which, potentially, the greatest
stresses can develop (Fig. 8.12).
Most recently, research has been carried out on the use
Methods to reduce the formation of stresses include:
of nanofillers, which have particle sizes below the wave-
lengths of visible light. Since these nanofillers do not scatter • the use of a material which has a low modulus of
or absorb visible light, they may provide a method for elasticity (e.g. microfill composites)
incorporating radio-opacity into a material without inter- • the use of a flowable composite (see below) of lower
fering with its aesthetics. They may also allow high filler modulus to fill part of the cavity
loading levels to be obtained, with a consequent reduction • slowing the polymerisation of the material by:
in polymerisation shrinkage. – using a light source which gradually reaches maximum
Silane coupling agents (vinyl silane compounds) are intensity over a period of 30 seconds (ramped curing)
incorporated into composite materials in order to bond
the filler particles to the resin. The polymerisation of resin
composite materials may be achieved by chemical means,
using benzoyl peroxide as the initiator. Tertiary amine
activators are also present. However, visible light cure
(VLC) composites which contain an α-diketone such as
camphorquinone and an amine are much more frequently
used. On application of visible light of wavelength
460–485 nm, free radicals are generated, initiating poly-
merisation. Because of the advantage of ‘command’ set,
VLC materials are now widely used. Light sources of
adequate intensity will polymerise most light-cured
materials to a depth of 3 mm.
Causes of undercuring of composites are as follows:

• the light source is not sufficiently close to the material Fig. 8.12 Diagrammatic representation of the various cavity
surface designs. The design at the top left has the lowest ratio of
• the light source is of insufficient intensity unbonded to bonded surface area. 79
Restorative Dentistry

– curing the restoration through tooth substance

Box 8.6 Types of glass ionomer
– bringing the light to the restoration gradually
• use of bulk fillers such as ceramic inserts to reduce the • Conventional glass ionomer
volume of material that shrinks • Metal-reinforced glass ionomer (cermet)
• Resin-modified glass ionomer
• incremental packing, with each increment touching only • Resin-modified glass ionomer luting materials
one wall of the cavity. • Reinforced glass ionomer materials for use in the
atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) technique

Uses of composite materials

Composite materials possess suitable physical characteris-
tics for their use in all Black’s classes of cavity. Problems
of poor wear resistance for class I and II restorations have Cement liquid
been addressed in contemporary materials and the prin-
cipal difficulties are in placement technique and the
achievement of a firm contact point in class II restorations.
Clinical assessments of posterior composite restorations
have indicated ‘high clinical performance’ in a meta-analysis
and ‘adequate clinical service for 10 years’. This would Polyalkenoate Cement powder
appear to indicate that the performance of the materials anions
used in these studies is better than the early materials which
exhibited poor wear resistance and marginal discoloration.
In addition, recent reviews of the literature have indicated Ca2+
that resin composite restorations in posterior teeth perform F-
at least as well as amalgam restorations.
Resin composite may also be used for indirect restora-
tions – the composite inlay technique. Indications are for
larger cavities in which difficulties may be anticipated in
Calcium and
achieving the correct anatomical form. However, these aluminium
difficulties have been reduced by the introduction of matrix polyalkenoates
systems which have been designed specifically for resin
Fig. 8.13 The setting reaction of glass ionomer materials.
composite restorations. The outer layers of the glass particles decompose, releasing Ca2+
and Al3+ ions.
The glass ionomer family (Box 8.6)
Glass ionomer cements contain a fluoroaluminosilicate the freshly set cement is protected from exposure to
(FAS) glass which reacts with a water-soluble polyalkenoic moisture by unfilled resin. The set cement contains a core
acid to form a cement. Fluoride is an important compo- of unreacted glass particles bound together by the matrix
nent of the glass. It lowers the fusion temperature during of reaction products. The set material contains water and
the manufacture of the glass and potentially contributes to is therefore susceptible to drying in mouths where there
the therapeutic value of the cement. In materials designed is reduced salivary flow, or if held under rubber dam for
as bases, radio-opaque glasses are used in which calcium long periods.
may be replaced by barium or strontium. In its original
form, poly(acrylic acid) was used, but many current
Properties (Box 8.7)
materials use a copolymer of acrylic acid with itaconic or
maleic acid. In general, this will be referred to as a Glass ionomer materials release fluoride and adhere to
poly(alkenoic acid). Tartaric acid is added to produce tooth substance. They are biocompatibile unless placed
materials with a clinically acceptable setting time. within 1 mm of the pulp, in which case a sub-base of
In contemporary materials, the polymer is often calcium hydroxide should be placed. Cariostatic proper-
supplied as a dry powder blended with the glass and this ties may result from the release of fluoride by these
is mixed with water. Some materials are supplied in encap- cements, although these properties have been questioned.
sulated form. On mixing the glass with the poly(alkenoic The amount of fluoride released is high soon after place-
acid), an acid–base reaction occurs.The outer layers of the ment but reduces to a constant, lower, level within 1 week
glass particles are decomposed, releasing Ca2+ and Al3+ with most materials (Fig. 8.14). The fluoride has been
ions (Fig. 8.13). These ions cross-link the polyalkenoate shown to be incorporated into surrounding enamel, but
chains, causing hardening of the material. As the material the amount of fluoride in solution around the restoration
80 may take 24 hours to mature, it is recommended that may not be sufficient for long-term cariostasis.
8 / Restoration of teeth (simple restorations) and preventative dentistry

Box 8.7 Properties of glass ionomer cements Box 8.8 Advantages of compomers
• Adhere to enamel, dentine and base metal casting alloys • Generally simple to use and easy to handle
• High compressive strength • Stronger, more aesthetic and less soluble than glass
• Brittle with low tensile strength (therefore not to be ionomer materials
used in load-bearing areas) • Wear resistance is less than resin composite
• Aesthetic properties • Fluoride release is substantially less than glass ionomer
– traditional cements have high opacity materials
– resin-modified cements have satisfactory aesthetics

facturer’s concept was to produce a material with the

Uses of glass ionomer materials
handling and aesthetics of composite (Box 8.8), but with
Glass ionomer cements may be used for abrasion and the fluoride-releasing properties seen in glass ionomers.
erosion cavities, restoration of deciduous teeth, restoration In this respect, while resin-modified glass ionomers (p. 82)
of class III and class V carious lesions, and tunnel restora- are true glass ionomers with some additional resin charac-
tions, and may also be combined with resin composite in teristics, compomers are composite resins with some
the laminate or ‘sandwich’ technique. Their high opacity glass ionomer characteristics. The similarities between
also makes glass ionomer materials suitable for repairing compomers and glass ionomers are principally that they
defective margins around crowns. In view of their less contain similar acid-decomposable FAS glasses and release
than adequate tensile strength, conventional glass ionomer fluoride, although in compomers this is less than one-
materials are contraindicated in load-bearing situations tenth of the fluoride released by glass ionomer materials.
in permanent teeth and in core build-ups. Glass ionomer The acid–base reaction typical of glass ionomer materials
materials may also be used as bases under amalgam or does not occur in compomers, at least not to an extent that
gold restorations. More recently introduced high-viscosity will lead to setting of the material in the dark. Compomers
materials (p. 82) have improved physical properties when are therefore light-cured materials.
compared to conventional glass ionomers. In compomer materials, polyacrylic acid molecules are
incorporated in the resin monomer which forms the
matrix. Compomers are presented as anhydrous one-
component materials, and it is considered that, when the
Compomer materials (polyacid-modified composite resins) material hydrates after being placed in the mouth, a glass
were introduced in the early 1990s. The original manu- ionomer-type setting reaction takes place, leading to the

F- concentration
in solution (ppm)


200 Cumulative





0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (days)
Fig. 8.14 The amount of fluoride released from glass ionomer materials is high soon after placement but reduces to a constant, lower,
level within 1 week. 81
Restorative Dentistry

small amount of fluoride release which is seen. Early introduction of more heavily filled viscous glass ionomer
compomer materials used a self-etching primer for tooth materials.
conditioning and bonding, but more recent materials have
incorporated a phosphoric acid etching stage prior to
Resin-modified glass ionomer cements
placement. It has been demonstrated that microleakage
is reduced when enamel margins are etched prior to Resin-modified glass ionomers (RMGIs) contain a FAS
restoration placement. glass and poly(alkenoic acid), but also incorporate a
A wide variety of compomer materials are currently monomer such as 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA)
available. Their resin matrices vary. One early material or Bis-GMA. These products set by two mechanisms:
contained an elastomeric resin which added flexibility to
• by the curing of the monomer – light cure or chemical
the bonding mechanism. Another material contains an
cure, or both
acid monomer, termed TCB resin (a bi-ester of 2-HEMA
• by the conventional glass ionomer acid–base reaction.
and butane tetracarboxylic acid). This contains two acidic
polycarboxylate groups and two polymerisable methacrylate These materials will therefore set without light curing,
groups which enable polymerisation by light and an as a result of the acid–base reaction (Fig. 8.15).
acid–base reaction when water is present. Water is taken RGMIs are true glass ionomer materials and are of similar
up to a maximum of 3% by weight in a period of months biocompatibility to conventional glass ionomers, with higher
following placement. This diffuses through the restoration rates of fluoride release and better physical properties, espe-
and an acid–base reaction takes place between the stron- cially with regard to tensile strength.Wear resistance is similar
tium fluorosilicate glass and the polycarboxylate groups of to that of conventional glass ionomers, while the aesthetic
the monomer. This acid–base reaction leads to further properties are better. Applications for RMGIs include core
cross-linking of the matrix and release of a small amount build-ups, restoration of class V cavities, linings and bases.
of fluoride.
Compomers are not adhesive to enamel and dentine,
High-viscosity glass ionomer materials
so an intermediate bonding system must be employed.
Bonding via the systems supplied with compomer mate- High-viscosity glass ionomer cements were developed in
rials produces a hybrid layer similar to that produced by the early 1990s following the introduction of the atraumatic
dentine bonding systems, but there may be some adhesion restorative treatment (ART) technique – a minimal instru-
from an ionic bond to the inorganic part of the tooth. mentation technique designed for less industrialised
Bond strength measurements produce values which are communities (p. 86). These materials, if mixed to the
not as high as with dentine bonding systems to resin-based correct consistency, have high viscosity and may therefore
composite, but retention of restorations in non-retentive be condensed into a cavity in a manner similar to amalgam.
cavities does not appear to be a problem. The mechanical The increased viscosity is a result of finer particle size and
properties of compomers are generally inferior to resin- the addition of poly(acrylic acid) to the powder of some
based composite materials but superior to glass ionomer materials. These materials possess improved physical
materials. Filler loading of a typical compomer is approxi-
mately 70% by weight, and polymerisation shrinkage is
3–4%. A wide variety of shades is available with many
systems and, as a result, compomer materials may produce
restorations with good aesthetics. Clinical trial data on the C R
use of compomer materials in class III and V cavities in H2 C
permanent teeth, and in the restoration of primary teeth CH3
are positive. Copolymerization
C with monomer
Cermets O
In CERamoMETal cements, an ion-leachable glass and
fine silver powder are heated to over 1000°C to form an Methacrylated
amorphous mass which is ground to make a powder that carboxylic acid
is then mixed with a poly(alkenoic acid) to form a set
cement. These materials have similar adhesion to dentine C C
and enamel as do conventional glass ionomers and slightly O OO O
improved physical properties. However, the fluoride release Ca2 Ca2 Adhesion to dentin
is lower. Their applications include core build-ups and
as filling materials for deciduous teeth. However, the value Fig. 8.15 Setting reactions in resin-modified glass ionomer
82 of cermet materials has diminished somewhat since the materials.
8 / Restoration of teeth (simple restorations) and preventative dentistry

properties, in particular tensile strength, abrasion resistance

and wear resistance, compared with conventional glass
ionomer materials. Adhesion to enamel and dentine, and
fluoride release are similar to conventional glass ionomers.
The improvement in physical properties has expanded the
range of applications to include conventional glass
ionomer applications, core build-ups, small load-bearing
cavities in permanent posterior teeth where the load is not
excessive, and ART. (a) (b)
Fig. 8.16 Tooth substance is conserved by the use of ‘adhesive’
principles (shaded areas). (a) Typical Black’s design class I cavity.
CAVITY PREPARATION PRINCIPLES FOR (b) The occlusal key may be reduced in size for adhesive restorations
ADHESIVE RESTORATIONS or may not be required, with a commensurate saving in tooth
substance (red shaded area).

Cavity preparations for adhesive materials differ principally

from those for non-adhesive materials in that they are not concept of the preventive resin restoration (Fig. 8.17a–c)
required to achieve resistance to displacement in occlusal in which the caries is removed and a resin composite is
and approximal directions, and there is a potentially sub- bonded to the cavity using a dentine bonding system.
stantial reduction in the loss of non-carious tooth substance During the bonding procedure, the etchant is also
during the preparation (Fig. 8.16). However, the achieve- applied to the remaining fissure system, to which unfilled
ment of a cavity which possesses some innate resistance and resin is applied at the same time as the placement of the
retention form would appear to be desirable (provided that composite restoration. High rates of success have been
this does not require the removal of excessive tooth sub- reported. Glass ionomer materials have also been suggested
stance), as this will ‘protect’ the bond between tooth and for use in preparations of this type.
restoration from excessive loading. In this respect, it may
be argued that a bond which is protected from torquing,
tensile and shear forces may be likely to survive for longer APPROXIMAL CAVITY DESIGNS FOR DIRECT-
periods of time than one which is subjected to such forces. PLACEMENT RESIN COMPOSITE RESTORATIONS

In the case of approximal caries, the need to extend the

OCCLUSAL CAVITY DESIGNS: THE PREVENTIVE approximal cavity is only in a gingival direction through
RESIN RESTORATION the contact point in order to facilitate the placement of a
matrix. There is no need for buccolingual extension for
In the class I situation, once the finished cavity is made prevention. The subsequent management differs from the
caries-free, consideration should be given to the application traditional non-adhesive approach in that there is no need
of sealant to the remaining fissure system. This is the to provide resistance from displacement in an occlusal or

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 8.17 A preventive resin restoration. (a) Caries is diagnosed. (b) Minimal cavity preparation removing only the caries lesion.
(c) The cavity is restored with resin composite and the remaining fissure system is sealed. (Reproduced by courtesy of George Warman
Publications, Guildford, UK, publishers of Dental Update.) 83
Restorative Dentistry

approximal direction. Furthermore, the adhesive material

will offer some support to unsupported enamel and dentine
margins. However, the limiting factor in contemporary
cavity design may be the need to cut sufficient access in
order to remove caries (Fig. 8.18). In this respect, the use
of magnifying loupes may be considered essential for the
accurate viewing of minimal cavity preparations. Indeed,
the use of magnification may be considered essential in
most areas of restorative dentistry.

Fig. 8.18 Cavity design may be limited only by the need to cut
PLACEMENT OF CLASS II COMPOSITE sufficient access to permit identification and removal of caries,
RESTORATIONS and allow placement of a matrix.

The clinical sequence involved in the placement of a class

II composite restoration is outlined in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3 Placement of class II composite restoration

Operation Rationale
Select shade A slight mismatch is desirable in posterior teeth so that cavity margins
can be visualised and enamel damage reduced during finishing
Check occlusal relationship This is done to visualise the ideal final contour of the occlusal surface,
and it avoids the need for time-consuming removal of excess material
Remove caries; smooth rough or gross
overhanging margins
Extend through contact point in a gingival direction Allows placement of matrix
Obtain isolation, preferably by rubber dam The performance of composite materials is compromised when
contaminated by saliva or blood
Place matrix and wedge A firmly fitting matrix is essential to the correct contour of the restoration
Place base if indicated Bases are only indicated in cavities in close proximity to the pulp
Apply components of dentine bonding system Follow manufacturer’s instructions implicitly
Apply layer of flowable composite to the base A layer of flowable composite will reduce microleakage at the gingival
of the interproximal box and the occlusal margin. Curing in excess of the manufacturer’s suggested radiation
floor and cure for a period in excess of time will ensure proper curing as the layer is furthest from the curing
the manufacturer’s instruction light
Apply increments of composite which only touch Increments placed in this manner may minimise stresses within the final
one wall of the cavity at a time and light cure restoration
Use a non-stick, non-slumping composite which can Achieving a tight contact is essential, but difficult to achieve
be packed against the matrix
Build occlusal contours with incremental build-up. Overbuilding requires removal of excess and costs time
Use sectional matrix and ‘bi-time’ ring
Remove rubber dam
Check occlusion in centric relation and lateral
excursions, adjust as necessary and finish using
composite finishing burs
Apply unfilled resin ‘glaze’ and light cure Re-curing the surface will ensure maximum conversion and optimal
physical properties of the outermost layer of composite. The unfilled
resin will fill any microscopic defects

8 / Restoration of teeth (simple restorations) and preventative dentistry

Box 8.9 Causes of thermal sensitivity following Box 8.10 Mounts classification
restoration replacement
This takes account of the site, size and complexity of the
• Direct thermal shock to the pulp as a result of caries lesion:
temperature changes transferred through the (metal) • Site 1 lesions are similar to pit and fissure class I lesions
restoration • Site 2 lesions are those at contact areas:
• Pulpal hydrodynamics due to a space between – size 1 (minimal)
restoration and tooth permitting the slow outward – size 2 (moderate)
movement of dentinal fluid – size 3 (enlarged)
• Bacterial invasion of any space between tooth and – size 4 (extensive)
restoration may result in invasion and inflammation of • Site 3 lesions are those originating close to the gingival
the pulp margin and continuing around the full circumference of
a tooth

The use of bases under resin composite

referred to as Black’s class V lesions, including cavities
Bases or liners were traditionally placed below metal occurring on the mesial or distal tooth surfaces following
restorations as a means of providing additional thermal gingival recession (Fig. 8.19).
insulation, and under resin-based restorations because the Site 2, size 1 (2.1) lesions would therefore be appro-
restorative material was considered to be irritant to pulpal priate for restoration by a tunnel, slot or other minimal
tissue. However, no artificial material which may be placed cavity preparation designed to maintain the maximum
in a cavity provides greater protection than dentine. The amount of tooth structure. Glass ionomer would be an
causes of thermal sensitivity following restoration place- appropriate material for such cavities. This revised classi-
ment are listed in Box 8.9. fication of caries lesions is more appropriate to modern,
In deep cavities, the number and size of the exposed adhesive restorative materials such as glass ionomer than
dentinal tubules increase, and there may be a corresponding that suggested by G.V. Black almost a century ago.
increase in the volume of fluid flow, a possible explanation
for the fact that deeper restorations may be more sensitive
Tunnel restorations
than restorations in shallow cavities. The application of a
dentine bonding agent to ‘seal’ dentine prior to placement In this application, glass ionomer material is syringed
of a restoration will occlude the tubules, prevent fluid flow into a proximal preparation prior to the restoration of
and reduce postoperative sensitivity. the occlusal access cavity with a resin-based material
It is generally considered that placement of a layer of (Fig. 8.20). This procedure will leave the marginal ridge
flowable composite over the occlusal floor and the inter- intact.
proximal box will reduce the potential for microleakage There is a divergence of opinions on the effectiveness of
at the gingival margin, probably because of the ‘stress- tunnel restorations, with some workers reporting no cases
absorbing’ properties of the materials and the ease with of marginal ridge fracture or recurrent caries in ‘dozens’ of
which they may be applied. However, failure to place a restorations. The consensus view from laboratory experi-
matrix that is tightly adapted at the gingival margin will ments is that the strength of the marginal ridge of teeth
result in a damaging excess of material flowing into the
gingival crevice.



Contemporary cavity classifications

For proximal lesions, Mount and Hume (1997) considered
that some modification from conventional cavity design
was necessary, and further developed this idea, suggesting
a new classification for cavities which may be particularly
appropriate for ‘new’ caries situations such as are seen in
gerodontics, e.g. circumferential cavities at gingival level
and proximal lesions which are not appropriate for conven-
tional class II preparations (Box 8.10). It can therefore be Fig. 8.19 A circumferential class V cavity, designated ‘site 3’ in the
envisaged that these would also include those lesions Mount classification. 85
Restorative Dentistry

Bur nozzle

Enamel Glass-ionomer

Dentine Metal matrix Matrix

bar band

Fig. 8.20 The tunnel preparation. (Adapted with permission from Davidson CL, Mjor A, eds (1999) Advances in glass-ionomer cements.
Berlin: Quintessence Publishing Company.)

restored with tunnel cermet restorations is as great as that tooth tissue, including the marginal ridge. Optical aids
of unrestored sound teeth. Other workers concluded that and fibreoptic illumination are required to view the lesion
25% of the glass ionomer and 10% of the cermet tunnel and its preparation satisfactorily. This technique may find
restorations failed, while none of the small amalgam class particular application for patients who have suffered
II restorations placed as controls required replacement. gingival recession, which permits easy access to the lesion
Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that caries is not of caries. As with the tunnel concept, a radio-opaque glass
removed in a proportion of cases. ionomer is most appropriate, so that the proximal area
Anecdotal evidence suggests that this approach is may be checked radiographically for recurrent caries.
technique-sensitive and the use of magnification tech-
niques is essential when carrying out tunnel restorations.
Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART)
Caries detection solutions may also be helpful in ensuring
complete removal of the lesion. Intraoral video cameras
may be helpful in viewing of the preparation. The ART technique was first developed in the mid-1980s,
An alternative approach to the operative management along with interested manufacturers of materials.The concept
of the small proximal lesion of caries may be the ‘lateral’ is based upon hand excavation of caries and the use of an
tunnel or slot preparation (Fig. 8.21), using either a bur or adhesive restorative material and/or sealant. Currently, a
ultrasonic means of preparation. In this technique, the reinforced glass ionomer is employed. ART may be considered
proximal lesion is accessed from the lingual or buccal appropriate for persons living in underdeveloped countries
surface, with the preservation of substantial amounts of and other groups such as refugees. However, ART is only
one component of treatment, which should also include
promotion of other dental health messages such as good
caries present oral hygiene and avoidance of cariogenic foods and drinks.
The ART concept has its basis in minimal cavity
preparation and prevention. It may therefore be applied in
the restorative treatment of many child patients, rather
than confining the concept to less industrialised countries.
Proximal view It is also a treatment option for handicapped patients and
of caries lesion
those in domiciliary care.
The ART technique has been shown to be effective,
with results of studies on the longevity of restorations
placed under field conditions using ART with glass
Proximal view ionomer restorations indicating reasonable success rates.
of slot preparation
ART has been well received by the majority of patients.
The principal stages in the ART technique are as follows:

• isolation of the tooth with cotton rolls

Fig. 8.21 The ‘lateral’ tunnel or ‘slot’ preparation. (Adapted with
• cleaning the tooth with wet cotton wool
permission from Davidson CL, Mjor A, eds (1999) Advances in glass- • making access to the caries with a hatchet or similar
86 ionomer cements. Berlin: Quintessence Publishing Company.) instrument
8 / Restoration of teeth (simple restorations) and preventative dentistry

• removal of caries with an excavator

Box 8.11 Advantages and disadvantages of the
• providing pulpal protection where necessary amalgam bonding procedure
• placement of the restoration
• checking the occlusion
• Reduced need for preparation of retentive features in
• removal of any excess material before it has hardened the cavity
• coating the glass ionomer restoration with varnish or • Reduced need to use pins
petroleum jelly. • Reduced marginal leakage and postoperative sensitivity
• Potential reinforcement of tooth structure
ART is most appropriate to minimal cavities in perma- Disadvantages
nent teeth and to the majority of cavities in deciduous • Increased time for the placement of the restoration
teeth, provided that access is possible without the use of • Increased in cost
• Lack of data on long-term clinical effectiveness
conventional rotary instruments.


The advantages and disadvantages of the amalgam
It has been demonstrated that it is possible to bond bonding procedure are outlined in Box 8.11.
amalgam restorations to the cavity wall and/or base by
the use of adhesive resins. The bond strengths which are
obtained are, in general, not as high as those achieved SUMMARY
between tooth substance and enamel/dentine bonding
systems, and further work is required to evaluate the There has been a progression in restorative dentistry from
performance of the amalgam/resin bond under conditions mechanical to adhesive retention, and along with the
of occlusal loading. However, the restoration/tooth inter- advent of new filling materials, this had led to considerable
face is not stressed in the way that a resin-based composite advances in the techniques involved in the restoration
restoration margin may be stressed by polymerisation of teeth. The use of adhesive restorations should result in
contraction, and amalgam does not contract on setting. a reduction in the amount of tooth substance lost in
The clinical technique involves the use of an autopoly- providing retention for non-adhesive restorations. This,
merised dentine bonding system placed in accordance in turn, will mean a reduced incidence of cusp fracture
with the manufacturer’s instructions, followed by conden- because of weakened tooth substance, and reduced
sation of the amalgam into the cavity before the autocuring potential for pulpal irritation.
bonding system is polymerised.

9 Management of pulpal
and periradicular disease

Introduction 89 INTRODUCTION
Pulpal and periradicular pathology 89
Pulp disease 90 The field of endodontology has undergone rapid growth over
Soft tissue changes 90 recent years. In particular, there has been a revolution in the
Hard tissue changes 90 technology available for use in treatment. These develop-
Classifiation of periapical disease 90 ments, however, have not changed the fundamental reason
Acute apical periodontitis 90 for treatment, i.e. pulpal and periradicular disease, which is
Chronic apical periodontitis 90 principally bacterial in origin.The aim of treatment is there-
Condensing osteitis 91 fore to eliminate these bacteria from within the root canal
Acute apical abscess 91 system and seal the root canal and tooth to prevent re-entry.
Chronic apical abscess 91
Radiographic lesions of non-endodontic origin 91
Management of pulpal and periradicular disease 91 PULPAL AND PERIRADICULAR PATHOLOGY
Chemomechanical debridement 92
Hand instruments 92 Pulpal or periradicular inflammation results from irrita-
Automated instrumentation 93 tion or injury usually from the following sources:
Irrigation 95
Summary 96
• bacterial
Root canal preparation 96
• mechanical
Access 96
• chemical.
Canal identifiation 97 Bacteria, usually from dental caries, are the main sources
Straight-line radicular access and preparation of injury to the pulpal and periradicular tissues and enter
of coronal two-thirds 98 either directly or through dentine tubules.The link between
Length determination 99 bacteria and pulpal and periradicular disease is well estab-
Apical preparation 99 lished, as in the absence of bacteria periradicular pathology
Rotary nickel titanium instrumentation techniques 101 does not develop. Some modes of entry for bacteria are
One-visit root canal treatment 102 listed in Box 9.1.
Root canal obturation 102
Requirements before root canal filing 102
Properties of root filing materials 102 Box 9.1 Modes of entry for bacteria into the root
Types of root filing materials 102 canal system
Gutta-percha filing techniques 102 • Caries
Under- and overfiling 106 • Periodontal disease (dentine tubules, furcal canals,
Root fracture 106 lateral canals)
The remainder of the seal 106 • Erosion, attrition and abrasion (dentinal tubules)
• Trauma with or without pulpal exposure
Assessment of root canal treatment 107 • Developmental anomalies
Success and failure of root canal therapy 107 • Anachoresis (the passage of microorganisms into the
Management of failed root canal treatment 107 root canal system from the bloodstream)

Restorative Dentistry

Examples of mechanical irritation include trauma, chronically inflamed young pulp tissue.Treatment involves
operative procedures, excessive orthodontic forces, sub- root canal therapy or extraction.
gingival scaling and over-instrumentation with root canal
instruments. Chemical irritation may be caused by bacterial
Pulp necrosis
toxins or some restorative materials/conditioning agents,
while periradicular irritation may occur as a result of irri- Pulp necrosis occurs as the end result of irreversible pulpitis
gating solutions, phenolic-based intracanal medicaments and treatment involves root canal therapy or extraction.
or extrusion of root canal filling materials.

Hard tissue changes

Pulp calcification
Irritation from any of the sources mentioned above causes
Physiological secondary dentine is formed after tooth
some degree of inflammation. The response of the pulp
eruption and the completion of root development. It is
depends on the severity of the insult and the resultant
deposited on the floor and ceiling of the pulp chamber
inflammation could be either transient (reversible) or
rather than on the walls and, with time, can result in
irreversible, eventually proceeding to pulp necrosis.
occlusion of the pulp chamber. Tertiary dentine is laid
There is an inconsistent relationship between clinical
down in response to environmental stimuli as reactionary
symptoms and histological findings in pulpal disease.
or reparative dentine. Reactionary dentine is a response
Diagnoses are therefore usually based on patient symptoms
to a mild noxious stimuli, whereas reparative dentine is
and clinical findings. Pulpal disease may result in changes
deposited directly beneath the path of injured dentinal
to both the soft and hard tissues.
tubules as a response to strong noxious stimuli. Treatment
is dependent upon the pulpal symptoms.
Soft tissue changes
Reversible pulpitis is a transient condition which may be Internal resorption
precipitated by caries, erosion, attrition, abrasion, opera-
tive procedures, scaling or mild trauma.The symptoms are Occasionally, pulpal inflammation may cause changes that
usually as follows: result in dentinoclastic activity. Such changes result in
resorption of dentine, and clinically a pink spot may be
• pain does not linger after the stimulus is removed seen in the later stages if the lesion is coronal. Radio-
• pain is difficult to localise (as the pulp does not contain graphic examination reveals a punched-out outline that is
proprioceptive fibres) seen to be continuous with the rest of the pulp cavity. Root
• normal periradicular radiographic appearance canal therapy will result in arrest of the resorptive process,
• teeth are not tender to percussion (unless occlusal but where destruction is very advanced extraction may
trauma is present). be required.
Treatment involves covering up exposed dentine,
removing the stimulus or dressing the tooth as appropriate. CLASSIFICATION OF PERIAPICAL DISEASE
Reversible pulpitis may progress to an irreversible situation.
Irreversible pulpitis usually occurs as a result of more severe Acute apical periodontitis
insults of the type listed above.Typically it may develop as a
progression from a reversible state.The symptoms are as follows: Causes of acute apical periodontitis include occlusal
trauma, egress of bacteria from infected pulps, toxins from
• pain may develop spontaneously or from stimuli necrotic pulps, chemicals, irrigants or over-instrumentation
• in the latter stages, heat may be more significant in root canal therapy. Clinically the tooth is tender to
• response lasts from minutes to hours biting, and widening of the periodontal space may be seen
• when the periodontal ligament becomes involved, the on a radiograph. Treatment depends on the pulpal diag-
pain will be localised nosis, and may thus range from occlusal adjustment to
• a widened periodontal ligament may be seen radio- root canal therapy or extraction.
graphically in the later stages.
Treatment of irreversible pulpitis involves either root Chronic apical periodontitis
canal therapy or extraction of the tooth.
Chronic apical periodontitis occurs as a result of pulp
necrosis. Affected teeth do not respond to pulp sensitivity
Hyperplastic pulpitis
tests. Tenderness to biting, if present, is usually mild, but
This is a form of irreversible pulpitis otherwise known as some tenderness may be noted on palpation over the root
90 a pulp polyp. It occurs as a result of proliferation of apex. Radiographic appearance is varied, ranging from
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

minimal widening of the periodontal ligament space to a

Box 9.2 Radiographic lesions of non-endodontic origin
large area of destruction of periapical tissues. Treatment
involves root canal therapy or extraction. Normal anatomical structures
• Maxillary sinus
• Mental foramen
Condensing osteitis • Nasopalatine foramen
Benign lesions
Condensing osteitis is a variant of chronic apical periodon- • Cementoma
titis and represents a diffuse increase in trabecular bone • Fibrous dysplasia
in response to irritation. Radiographically, a concentric • Ossifying fibroma
radio-opaque area is seen around the offending root. • Primordial cysts
Treatment is only required if symptoms/pulpal diagnosis • Lateral periodontal cyst
• Dentigerous cyst
indicate a need. • Traumatic bone cyst
• Central giant cell granuloma
• Central haemangioma
Acute apical abscess • Ameloblastoma
An acute apical abscess is a severe inflammatory response Malignant lesions
to microorganisms or their irritants that have leached • Squamous cell carcinoma
out into the periradicular tissues. Symptoms vary from • Osteosarcoma
moderate discomfort or swelling to systemic involvement • Chondrosarcoma
• Multiple myeloma
such as raised temperature and malaise.The teeth involved
are usually tender to both palpation and percussion.
Radiographic changes are variable depending on the
amount of periradicular destruction already present, but
there is usually a well-defined radiolucent area, as in many Certain normal anatomical structures may mimic
situations an acute apical abscess is an acute exacerbation radiolucencies. In these situations the associated teeth will
of a chronic situation. A well-recognised event is that of respond normally to pulp sensitivity tests and a radiograph
a phoenix abscess, which refers to an acute exacerbation taken from a different angle will reveal that the lesion is
of a chronic situation during treatment. Initial treatment not closely related to the root. Benign lesions may mimic
of an acute apical abscess involves removal of the cause endodontic pathology, but in such situations the lamina
as soon as possible. Drainage should be established either dura will be intact around the teeth and final diagnosis will
by opening the tooth or by incision into a dependent rely on appropriate biopsy. Malignant lesions are usually
swelling. An antibiotic may need to be prescribed depend- associated with rapid hard tissue destruction.
ing on the patient’s condition. Once the acute symptoms
have subsided, root canal therapy or extraction may be
Chronic apical abscess
Endodontic treatment must be considered as part of an
In chronic cases the abscess has formed a communication overall plan of care in such a way that it represents the
through which it discharges. Such communications may patient’s best interests and wishes. The past dental history
be through an intraoral sinus or, less commonly, extra- will provide much information about attitude towards
orally. Alternatively the discharge may be along the peri- treatment. Good endodontic management takes time,
odontal ligament, such cases mimicking a periodontal requiring a commitment from both clinician and patient,
pocket. Usually these communications or tracts heal spon- and should be performed in a healthy oral environment.
taneously following root canal therapy or extraction. Sequencing of treatment involves the:
1. management of pulpal or periodontal pain as a priority
2. extraction of unsaveable teeth
3. stabilisation of large carious lesions
4. institution of a preventive regimen, including
periodontal therapy.
Although lesions noted on radiographs are usually of
endodontic origin, this is not always the case. Other causes Irreversible pulpal damage occurs as a result of bacteria
may be normal anatomical structures and benign or malig- entering the pulp space. Treatment should be performed
nant lesions (see Box 9.2; this list is not exhaustive and in an aseptic manner with the aim of preventing entry of
readers should refer to an appropriate text on oral further bacteria (e.g. rubber dam and coronal seal) and
pathology). eliminating those already present. The adoption of the 91
Restorative Dentistry

following antiseptic principles is therefore of paramount


• chemomechanical debridement of the pulp cavity

• removal of infected dentine
• use of antimicrobial agents.


Cleaning of root canals is carried out using a combination

of irrigating solutions (chemo) and hand and automated
instruments (mechanical); the use of rubber dam is
mandatory (Fig. 9.1, Box 9.3).
Fig. 9.2 Various types of root canal hand instruments (from top):
Hedstrom, K type and barbed broach.
Hand instruments
Hand instruments include barbed broaches, and Hedstrom
and K type files (Fig. 9.2). Barbed broaches are placed instruments is 0.02 mm/mm and they have a variety of tip
loosely within the canal and turned through 90° to engage sizes ranging from 0.06 to 1.40 mm.The increase in tip size
their barbs. They are used for removing vital pulp tissue or is not uniform, with relatively bigger jumps in the smaller
soft foreign objects such as cotton wool or paper points sizes, for example, the change from size 10 to 15 represents
from root canals. Hedstrom files have a sharp cutting edge a jump of 50%, whilst that from size 55 to 60 represents a
(positive rake) and are used in a linear manner, not in jump of 9% (Fig. 9.3).This 50% increase can lead to difficulty
rotation. Hedstroms are not as popular as K type files for in negotiating narrow canals and has led to manufacturers
instrumentation, but they are useful for flaring canals and constructing files of intermediate sizes, e.g. 0.12 mm.
in retreatment. The two most commonly used motions with K type
K file designs are the type most commonly used in manual files are watchwinding and balanced forces. Watchwinding
root canal instrumentation. The standard taper of hand refers to the gentle side-to-side rotation of the file (30°
each way). This motion is useful for all stages of canal
preparation, especially initial negotiation and finishing the
apical third. Balanced forces (in many ways a development
from watchwinding) involves rotating the instrument 60°
clockwise to set the flutes and then rotating it 120° anti-
clockwise whilst maintaining apical pressure sufficient to
resist coronal movement of the file. Balanced forces is an
efficient cutting motion and has been shown to maintain a
central canal position even around moderate curvatures
whilst allowing a larger size to be prepared apically as
compared with other hand instrumentation techniques.

Change (%)

Fig. 9.1 Rubber dam isolation of upper incisor. 40

33 30
30 25 25
20 17
Box 9.3 Advantages offered by rubber dam 13
11 10 9
• Improved visibility
• Soft tissue protection 0
• Confinement of excess irrigant 6 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
• Prevention of saliva contamination ISO file sizes
• Reduced liability in the medicolegal sense
Fig. 9.3 Graphical representation of percentage increase in file
92 tip diameter.
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

Other methods of movement include reaming and filing. files is increased in size in order to make this reverse
Reaming infers rotating the root canal instrument clock- balanced force manipulation easier. The increased taper of
wise; this motion draws the instrument into the canal and these files reduces the need for stepping back of 0.02 taper
cuts dentine. Filing infers a linear motion of the instrument instruments to taper the canal preparation.
in a push–pull manner. Filing may be performed around A recent development is the introduction of hand
the perimeter of a root canal, especially if it is oval or ProTaper files (Fig. 9.5). This assortment of instruments
dumb-bell-shaped; such instrument manipulation is includes three Shaper and three Finisher files and they are
termed circumferential filing. described in more detail in the rotary nickel titanium
section (p. 94).They are used by hand in either a continuous
rotations or watchwinding motion. The sequence of use
Nickel titanium (NiTi) alloy files
for the hand ProTaper is as for the rotary ProTaper and is
Root canal instruments have traditionally been manufac- described in Box 9.6.
tured out of stainless steel. Nickel titanium, noted for its
hyperelasticity and shape memory, has radically changed
Automated instrumentation
endodontic file design and instrumentation techniques.
Two features of nickel titanium have proved particularly There is considerable interest in trying to make the
beneficial to endodontics. Firstly, the increased flexibility mechanical aspects of canal preparation easier and quicker.
has allowed files of a taper greater than the standard The most obvious example of this is the use of rotary
0.02 mm/mm used for stainless steel instruments. Such stainless steel Gates-Glidden burs to create space coronally.
variably tapered files range from 0.02 to 0.12 mm/mm. File activation by means of a handpiece to speed up the
A 0.06 taper file, for example, is three times more tapered creation of shape deeper in the canal system is also popular.
than a conventional 0.02 mm/mm file. Secondly, the Historically these have used a reciprocating action or
superior resistance of nickel titanium to torsional failure oscillatory motion (ultrasonic or sonic), but the introduc-
compared with stainless steel has allowed the production tion of nickel titanium has allowed rotary instrumentation
of files that can be used in 360° rotation. to be used over the full canal length in many situations.
Greater taper (GT) files are an example of increased
taper hand files. They are available in a tip size of 20 and
Reciprocating handpieces
have four different rates of taper: 0.06, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.12
(Fig. 9.4). The files all have a maximum flute diameter of Developments in endodontic handpieces include a refine-
1 mm to restrict enlargement coronally. The flutes of the ment of the reciprocating motion to one of 60°, as opposed
files are machined in a reverse direction and a balanced to 90°, which provides a watchwinding type motion. A
force movement is recommended for their use, but in variety of file designs with a latch grip attachment are
reverse, in view of the flute direction. The handle on these available for such handpieces; however, the M4 handpiece
allows root canal files (Fig. 9.6) with conventional handles
to be placed in it. Most instruments for use with the
reciprocating type handpiece are manufactured from stain-
less steel and should be used with a light touch to prevent

Fig. 9.5 Series of hand ProTaper files. Shapers: S1, S2, Sx; Finishers:
Fig. 9.4 Greater taper hand files. F1, F2, F3. 93
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 9.6 M4 reciprocating handpiece.

gouging of canal walls or instrument fracture. The watch-

winding motion provided by such handpieces is particularly
useful for negotiating and enlarging fine calcified canals
using small files with a light touch. Fig. 9.8 Range of ultrasonic inserts for use with Spartan
ultrasonic unit.

Ultrasonic and sonic units

Rotary nickel titanium (NiTi) instrumentation
Particular advantages of the vibratory systems (Fig. 9.7)
include the use of concurrent irrigation and the associated Nickel titanium has allowed the production of files that
microstreaming which produces excellent canal debride- can be rotated continuously in a handpiece through 360°.
ment. The shaping ability of these instruments has proved The advantages of the present generation of rotary nickel
to be disappointing and attention has turned to the use of titanium instruments include increased debris removal in
rotary handpieces. The use of a size 15 file in an ultrasonic view of the continuous rotation, reduced canal transpor-
handpiece with irrigation, however, remains an excellent tation and smoother, faster canal preparation with less
way of irrigating root canals. Ultrasound does retain a operator fatigue. Rotary instruments manufactured from
prominent position in endodontics, in particular for vibra- nickel titanium can be classified into two groups: first,
tion of posts/crowns prior to removal, identifying canal those that resemble conventional files but have varying
orifices, removing fractured instruments and in apical tapers (e.g. Orifice shapers, ProFiles, rotary GTs; see Fig.
surgery (Fig. 9.8). 9.9, Table 9.1); and second, the Lightspeed (Fig. 9.10),

Fig. 9.9 A range of rotary nickel titanium (NiTi) files (from top):
94 Fig. 9.7 The Piezon ultrasonic unit. Orifice shapers, ProFile, Rotary GT and ProTaper.
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

Table 9.1 A representative selection of rotary nickel titanium (NiTi) instruments

Instrument Tip size Taper

ProFile, K3 Variable, 15–40+ Fixed 0.04 or 0.06
Standard GT files 20, 30, 40 Fixed 0.06, 0.08, 0.10
Accessory GT files Variable 35, 50, 70 Fixed 0.12
Orifice shapers Variable 20/0.05, 30/0.06, 40/0.06 Fixed 50/0.07, 60/0.08, 80/0.08
ProTaper finishing files Variable 20/0.07, 25/0.08, 30/0.09 Progressive
Lightspeed Variable No taper

which has a thin shaft and cutting bud at the end similar It is important that the irrigant is changed frequently.
to a Gates-Glidden bur. ProTaper files offer variable tip Ideally, irrigation should be performed between each file,
sizes but have multiple tapers along their length. at least every two to three files being the minimum. Instru-
mentation of the root canal wall results in the production
of a smear layer. If removal of the smear layer is desired
then an EDTA-containing irrigation solution should be
Irrigating solutions are usually delivered using a syringe used. There is no clinical consensus as to whether or not
with a 27 or 28 gauge needle, as this allows deeper pene- smear layer removal should be practised.
tration into the canal. Care should be taken to ensure that An effective way of delivering irrigating solutions is
the needle does not bind and that irrigating solution does through an ultrasonic handpiece. Ultrasonic agitation
not pass into the periapical tissues. The role of the irrigant (acoustic microstreaming; Fig. 9.11) has been shown to
is to remove debris and provide lubrication for instruments. be effective in removing debris from canals. Sodium
Specifically, an irrigant such as sodium hypochlorite will
dissolve organic remnants and, most importantly, also has
an antibacterial action. This may be used in a range of
concentrations, from 0.5 to 5.25% (2.5% is popular).
Sodium hypochlorite is caustic and can cause damage if
extruded out of the tooth. Typically this will result in pain,
swelling and profuse bleeding. If a hypochlorite accident F
occurs then the patient should be reassured and the tooth
monitored for about 30 minutes. If the exudate continues
to be profuse, then leaving the tooth on open drainage
for 24 hours should be considered. In severe cases, an
antibiotic and analgesic may need to be prescribed.

Fig. 9.10 Lightspeed nickel titanium (NiTi) instrument (top) and Fig. 9.11 Acoustic microstreaming associated with ultrasonic
stainless steel Gates-Glidden bur (bottom). irrigation. 95
Restorative Dentistry

hypochlorite is, however, corrosive and may rapidly cause The ideal access cavity will achieve the key objectives
deterioration of metallic components in handpieces. but will preserve as much sound coronal and radicular
tissue as possible. Occasionally, however, it may be neces-
Summary sary to enlarge and deflect the access to enhance the prepa-
ration of roots that are especially curved in their coronal
The aim of root canal preparation is to debride the pulp thirds. In these situations, access preparation is dynamic,
space, rendering it as bacteria-free as possible, producing developing as instrumentation progresses.
a shape amenable to obturation. This is complicated by
root canal system anatomy, which is complex and makes
complete cleaning impossible. Gross debridement of the Assessment
root canal is performed using hand and automated instru- Access to the root canal system is aided by examination of
ments. These instruments remove infected dentine but the following:
also, most importantly, create space within the canal which
allows the irrigating solutions to work effectively as it is not • coronal anatomy
possible to clean root canals using instruments alone. • tooth position and angulation
• external root morphology
• preoperative radiograph (or preferably more than one
taken at different angles), which affords information on:
– the size of the pulp chamber +/– calcifications
Current thinking on canal preparation emphasises the
– the distance of the chamber from the occlusal surface;
development of shape in a crown-down manner, removing
overlay the access bur to determine the maximum
infected dentine as it is encountered, starting with the
safe depth
access cavity. Further cleaning of the canal is done using
– the angle of exit of root canals from the floor of the
root canal irrigants (in particular, sodium hypochlorite
pulp chamber; this provides an indication of the
because of its antimicrobial and tissue-dissolving proper-
amount of coronal third root canal modification
ties). Root canal preparation involves gaining access to,
required to obtain straight-line radicular access
cleaning and shaping the root canal system. It has both
– the number of roots, degree of root curvature and
biological and mechanical objectives:
canal patency.
• Biological objectives – eliminate the pulp, bacteria and
related irritants from the root canal system
Endodontic access openings
• Mechanical objectives:
produce a continuously tapering preparation Incisor and canine teeth. The access cavities for maxillary
– maintain the original anatomy central and lateral incisors are similar and generally trian-
– maintain the foramen position gular in shape (Fig. 9.12a). Access cavities for maxillary
– keep the apical foramen as small as practical. and mandibular canines are almost identical and more
ovoid in shape (Fig 9.12b). Access for mandibular central
The sequence of canal preparation is as follows:
1. Access
2. Canal identification
3. Straight-line radicular access and preparation of coronal
two-thirds M D M D
4. Length determination
5. Apical third preparation.

Access to the root canal system involves both coronal access
to the pulp chamber and radicular access to the root canals. M D
The coronal access should:
• provide an unimpeded path to the root canal system
• eliminate the pulp chamber roof in its entirety
• be large enough to allow light in and enable examination
of the pulp chamber floor for root canal orifices or fractures (a) (b) (c)
• have divergent walls to support a temporary dressing
between visits Fig. 9.12 Access cavity outline for upper incisor (a), canine (b) and
96 • provide a straight-line path to each canal orifice. lower incisor (c) teeth.
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

and lateral incisors are triangular in shape and a second

canal may be present in 40% of cases. In general, extend
the access in anterior teeth towards the incisal edge and
under the cingulum (Fig 9.12c).

Premolar teeth. The maxillary first premolar in most D M M D

cases contains two canals and the access cavity is extended
more buccolingually than in single-rooted premolars (Fig.
9.13a). Five per cent may have a third root/canal placed
buccally. In such situations, the access will be triangular in P L
outline with the base towards the buccal.
(a) (b)
The maxillary second premolar and both the mandibu-
lar first and second premolars usually have one centrally Fig. 9.14 Access cavity outline for upper (a) and lower (b) molar
located root canal. However, if the canal appears to be teeth.
situated under either the buccal or lingual cusp, look care-
fully for a second canal under the opposite cusp. The amalgams, copper bands or temporary crowns when it is
opening is a narrow oval in shape. The maxillary second not possible to isolate them with rubber dam. It may be
premolar access is centred over the central groove. Access preferable to perform crown lengthening. Additionally, reduc-
for mandibular premolars is buccal to the central groove tion of the occlusal table makes weakened cusps less
(Fig. 9.13b). vulnerable to fracture, simplifies canal identification and
Maxillary molars. The maxillary molar access is generally instrumentation as well as providing a level point of reference.
triangular in shape with the base to the buccal and the Prior to access cavity preparation, remove:
apex to the lingual. Usually one palatal and two buccal • as much restoration as necessary prior to entering the
canals are identified; however, two canals may be present chamber, in order to reduce the likelihood of filling
in the mesiobuccal root in 70% of cases (Fig. 9.14a). material entering the canal system
Mandibular molars. The mandibular molar access is
• all temporary materials when feasible
more trapezoidal in shape, with its base to the mesial and
• crowns when feasible (full coverage crowns are
frequently not oriented to the original tooth anatomy)
apex to the distal. Mandibular molars usually have two
roots, with two canals in the mesial root and one in the
• all caries prior to entering the pulp chamber.
distal. There is a possibility of a second canal in the distal The access cavity is outlined provisionally on the tooth
root (33%) (Fig. 9.14b). and progress is directed pulpally, being constantly mindful
of the depth of bur penetration into the tooth. A round-
ended bur is preferred, as flat-ended burs may gouge the
Access technique
access cavity walls. It is wise to compare depth of pene-
On occasions, it may be deemed appropriate to initiate tration of the bur with the apparent pulp chamber depth
access prior to placement of rubber dam, as this allows on the preoperative radiograph. If there is vital pulp tissue
better appreciation of external root contour and tooth (haemorrhage), remove the coronal pulp with an excavator
position. Rubber dam should be placed as soon as the and/or radicular pulp with broaches and irrigate with
pulp chamber is identified for the reasons highlighted sodium hypochlorite as good visibility is important. Once
in Box 9.3. Broken-down teeth should be restored with the pulp chamber has been identified, it is de-roofed using
a slow-speed round bur (long-neck bur if necessary)
directed coronally. The walls can then be smoothed and
B flared using a tapered bur in the air turbine.

Canal identification
D M M D Knowledge of dental anatomy and undulations in the floor
of the pulp chamber in multi-rooted teeth are used as a
guide. Magnification and coaxial lighting are particularly
useful in helping to identify small root canal openings and
P L to refine access. The pulp chamber space should be
(a) (b) thoroughly irrigated with sodium hypochlorite solution
and canal orifices identified using a straight probe or
Fig. 9.13 Access cavity outline for upper (a) and lower (b) premolar DG16 endodontic explorer. It is useful to remember that
teeth. dentine is yellow/brown in colour, while the floor of the 97
Restorative Dentistry

pulp chamber is grey. Stop and take radiographs if the the canal exploration. Preliminary assessment of the canal
canal(s) cannot be readily located. can be made with the smallest and most flexible
Further refinement of the access may be performed instruments. Frequently the operator will not be able to
following canal identification to enable straight-line access determine the working length initially as files may be
to the canals (Fig. 9.15). In addition, troughing may be binding coronally.
performed using a small long-neck bur or ultrasonic inserts Pre-enlargement is achieved by watchwinding file sizes
to remove dentine overlying canal orifices when looking 10–35 in series, gradually opening up narrow canal orifices
for difficult canals such as second mesiobuccal canals in to a size sufficient to take a Gates-Glidden bur or Orifice
upper molar teeth (Fig. 9.16). Early progress into such shaper.The pre-enlargement can then be developed further
canals is frequently hindered by an abrupt exit from the to produce straight-line radicular access, taking care to
pulp chamber. Careful removal of overlying dentine permits work the drill away from furcal regions of roots. A file
easier access to these canals, which, prior to enlargement should stand upright in the tooth and pass undeflected
coronally, may only allow small files to pass for 2 mm into the apical one-third of the canal once adequate
before impacting on the outer canal wall. straight-line radicular access has been achieved.
The advantages of preparing the coronal two-thirds first
are listed in Box 9.4.
Straight-line radicular access and preparation
Coronal interferences influence the forces a file will
of coronal two-thirds
exert within a canal. This is of particular importance in
Root canals are infinitely variable in their shapes and sizes. curved canals where files may prepare more dentine along
This variation has more effect on canal preparation than the furcal (danger zone) compared with the outer canal
the instrumentation system used. Larger canals allow easy wall. It is important to be aware of this, to limit the size of
placement of instruments and irrigating solutions, whereas enlargement in curved canals and direct files away from
smaller ones require pre-enlargement coronally prior to the furcal wall to avoid a strip perforation (Fig. 9.17).
Gates-Glidden burs may be used to relocate a canal away
from the danger zone, but care should be taken to avoid
over-enlargement. Gates-Glidden burs nos 6 and 5 should
only be used on the walls of the access cavity, and no. 4 no
deeper than the canal orifice.The no. 3 may be used to the
mid-canal region and the no. 2 to the beginning of the
canal curvature, or to near full bur length in a straight
canal. The no. 1 is quite fragile, but may be used at ultra-
slow speeds provided it is loose in the canal.

Box 9.4 Advantages of preparing the coronal

two-thirds first
Fig. 9.15 Modification of coronal and radicular access to create
• The bulk of pulpal and related irritants are removed,
straight-line access.
reducing debris accumulation apically
• The bacterial count in the more coronal aspects of the
canal is reduced
• Files and irrigating needles/solutions may be introduced
deeper into the canal
• Files pass through irrigant as they move apically
• The increased space allows files to fit passively in the
canal, making extrusion of infected material into the
periapical tissues less likely
• Tactile sense and control when using files in the apical
third are increased because the flutes do not bind
• Precurved files remain curved, can be easily inserted and
freely pass down the canal
• A greater volume of irrigant is present, enhancing pulp
digestion and antimicrobial activity
• Larger files may be used for the working length
• Working length is more accurate because there is a
more direct path to the canal terminus
Fig. 9.16 LN bur and ultrasonic tip used for dentine removal on
98 the pulp chamber floor.
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

and adjusted as necessary. It is recommended that a repeat

(a) (b)
radiograph should be exposed with the file reset if it is
more than 2 mm from the desired position.
Recently, electronic apex locators (Fig. 9.18) have been
developed which greatly assist in the placement of the first
length determination file (Box 9.5). These devices have a
lip clip and a probe, which is touched against the file shaft.
As the file approaches the foramen, the resistance or
impedance changes and a visual display indicates when the
file has touched the periapical tissues. It is usual to recheck
the reading with different file sizes (08, 10, 15, 20 depend-
Danger ing on canal size) to confirm its accuracy. The file position
zone is then checked by exposing a radiograph and adjusted as
necessary. The combination of electronic apex locators and
Cross section
of danger zone radiographs is a reliable way of determining canal length.
Care must be taken to ensure that the pulp chamber is dry
and that there is minimal fluid in the root canals. Other-
wise the fluid may short-circuit the apex locator through
Fig. 9.17 (a) Lateral view of the danger zone where care needs to
be taken in order to avoid strip perforation. (b) Cross-sectional
the gingival tissues and cause a false reading. This is a
view of the danger zone. particular problem in heavily restored or crowned teeth.

Apical preparation
It is important to ensure that the apical region of the
canal is not blocked with dentine debris or pulp tissue Considerable debate exists as to where to complete the
when using a crown-down technique. For this reason, apical preparation. Studies have shown that in vital cases
small files with or without chelating agents are used to
prevent blockage and ensure canal patency. Although
apical preparation develops throughout canal enlargement,
it is not completed until the end of the procedure when
greater control is possible over the files in this most
delicate region of the root canal.

Length determination
It is essential that care is taken over identification of
the correct canal length. Clinically, the aim is to identify
the apical constriction, which is the narrowest point of the
root canal; apical to this the canal space widens to form
the apical foramen. Frequently, however, an apical
constriction is not present and thus a more useful
landmark may be the apical foramen.
The most common way of determining canal length is
Fig. 9.18 Electronic apex locators: the Raypex (left) and the Root
using the working length radiograph. A file is placed in ZX (right).
each canal at what is estimated to be the working length.
This estimate of length is obtained by studying the
preoperative radiograph (after adjustment for elongation Box 9.5 Apex locator usage
or foreshortening) and using knowledge of the average
lengths of teeth. Allowances obviously need to be made for 1. Use a file that is large enough to touch the canal wall
in the apical region
fractured teeth and incisal wear. Tactile feel may also help 2. Dry the pulp chamber and most of the root canal prior
in establishing the approximate working length, provided to use
pre-enlargement has been performed. A bisecting angle 3. Check absence of a short-circuit with metallic
radiograph may be taken; alternatively, the film may be restorations
held using a pair of Spencer Wells artery forceps or an 4. Working length is 0.5–1 mm short of 0.0 reading on
apex locator
Endo Ray film holder (the latter two techniques allow for 5. Confirm length on radiograph
radiographs more resembling a paralleling technique to be
performed). The file position is checked on the radiograph 99
Restorative Dentistry

(when it is unlikely that infection has spread to the apical

2 mm) the best success has been achieved when finishing
2 mm from the radiographic apex. In non-vital cases,
however, bacteria, their by-products and infected dentine
debris may remain in the apical few millimetres which may
prejudice apical healing. Retrospective research has
demonstrated that in these situations improved success is
achieved when root canal preparation is finished at or
within 0.5 mm of the radiographic apex.
In larger, straight canals, the apical portion is prepared
using a slight rotational action of the file to an appropriate
size after straight-line access has been confirmed. The
original canal diameter is the major determinant of apical
preparation size. The apical part of curved canals is Fig. 9.19 A ledge in the apical third of canal preparation.
generally kept small, usually a size 30, or in very curved This usually occurs as a result of using files that are too large or
canals a size 25. Stainless steel instruments larger than size canal blockage.
25 rapidly lose flexibility and will attempt to cut straight
ahead. Repeated use of a small file will result in a canal
preparation larger than the file, in other words the canal is use a patency technique, therefore, infers an intention to
still being enlarged. clean to the full canal length.
Once the apical size has been determined and prepared, It is important that adequate resistance form is created
a greater flaring of the canal is accomplished by using at the end of the root canal preparation in order to reduce
successively larger instruments, each one about 0.5–1 mm the risk of overfilling. There are two ways of achieving
shorter than the previous one. The distance of stepping this: either producing an apical stop (intentional ledge)
back is determined by the degree of canal curvature. approximately 1 mm short of the radiographic root edge
Alternatively, a greater taper hand file may be used in a (Fig. 9.20a), or producing an apical seat (a shape that
reverse balance force mode to flare the junction of the tapers back from the foramen), itself blending with the rest
apical and middle thirds. Greater tapered files, in view of of the canal preparation (Fig. 9.20b). An electronic apex
their increased taper, are more likely to bind coronally, locator is a useful adjunct to the working length radio-
and final apical preparation should always be completed graph when creating an apical seat as part of the patency
with 0.02 taper instruments. Care must be taken not to technique.
advance greater taper files too far down the root canal at The use of excessively large files in curved canals
any one time as this will result in binding and stress along may produce an hourglass shape termed a zip and elbow
their length, greatly increasing the risk of fracture (Fig. 9.21). The choice of apical preparation is a personal
especially at the tip. one. Proponents of a patency technique would claim more
Canal patency must be maintained at all times. This is of the canal is cleaned, whereas opponents emphasise the
accomplished by irrigating after each successively larger increased danger of extruding pulp tissue (infected or
file, and then recapitulating with a file smaller than the one non-infected), dentine chips or obturation material from
that prepared the apical portion of the canal (no. 15 is the root canal.
frequently used). Irrigation is used between each file to
remove debris as well. Failure to recapitulate will result in
canal blockage. Frequently, blockage can be difficult to
clear and attempts to do so may result in a ledge or even
perforation (Fig. 9.19).
Apical patency is considered controversial but is
becoming increasingly accepted, particularly in retreat-
ment or necrotic cases, provided the file is only just taken
out of the root. There is no indication to use large files
vigorously out of the root canal. A patency file is a small
flexible instrument (08, 10) which will move passively
through the terminus of a root canal without binding or
enlarging the apical foramen. The aim is to prevent apical
blockage, which will in turn reduce the incidence of ledge
formation and transportation of the root canal. The use of (a) (b)
a patency file also helps to remove vital (if this is desired)
100 or necrotic pulpal remnants from the end of the canal. To Fig. 9.20 (a) An apical stop. (b) An apical seat.
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

ment, but care needs to be taken in their use to avoid file

separation. Nickel titanium has good shape memory, so it
is difficult to see when files are fatigued. Any instruments
that show the least sign of damage should be discarded, as
should ones used in very calcified or severely curved canals.
Rotary nickel titanium instrumentation techniques are
evolving continuously as a greater understanding is gained
of how best to use these instruments safely (Box 9.7). Pre-
enlargement, coronal flaring and a crown-down approach
are now recognised as important factors for getting the
best results and limiting instrument failure. Each rotary
Zip instrument may be dipped in a lubricant prior to use, and
they should be preceded by irrigation and a small hand
Fig. 9.21 Zip and elbow formation. instrument. This moves irrigating solutions deeper into
the canal system and maintains the canal path. Apical
preparation should be completed at the end.The increased
taper instruments produce canal flaring as they advance
Rotary nickel titanium instrumentation
down the canal. The sequence (Box 9.6) is repeated as
necessary until the 20/0.06 reaches full length; two or
It is important to appreciate that these instruments are for three complete recapitulations may be necessary. It is
canal enlargement not canal negotiation. Increased taper important to finish the preparation by hand as this allows
rotary nickel titanium (NiTi) instruments are particularly gauging of the apical size of the canal and checking that
effective when used in a crown-down manner. These are apical taper is present.
used either large size to small size or larger taper to smaller Increased taper rotary instruments with varying tip
taper (Box 9.6).These new techniques are a major develop- sizes have the advantage that they may be used to produce
a range of sizes of apical preparation and may also be
stepped back to produce more flare if desired. Greater
Box 9.6 Rotary canal instrumentation sequences
taper (GT) files that have the same tip size may under-
prepare the apical region of canals. It is therefore essential
Rotary canal instruments are used either large to small, to use a subroutine with hand instruments to check the
or larger taper to smaller taper. Three instrumentation
sequences are described below. In these techniques,
adequacy of preparation as previously described for the
straight-line access should be present and the canal should hand GT files (p. 100). The ProTaper series has files for
be patent. Apical size and canal taper are determined using shaping the coronal two-thirds and finishing the apical
hand instruments. third. These instruments are available in different tip sizes
Orifice shapers and 0.06 ProFiles (Gates-Glidden burs may and have variable tapers along their length.
be substituted for Orifice shapers)
Orifice shaper 60/0.08
Orifice shaper 50/0.07 Box 9.7 Guidelines for the use of rotary nickel
Orifice shaper 40/0.06 titanium instruments
ProFile 35/0.06
ProFile 30/0.06 • Speed should be limited to 150–300 rpm in an electric
ProFile 25/0.06 handpiece
ProFile 20/0.06 • Instruments must be used with a light touch, such as
would not break a narrow lead propelling pencil
Rotary GT instrumentation (all size 20 at tip)
Rotary GT 0.10
• A touch/retract/touch/retract technique is recommended;
never keep the instrument at the same point in the
Rotary GT 0.08
Rotary GT 0.06
• Advance files no more than 1 mm at a time
ProTaper Shaper and Finisher files • Limit the use of each file to approximately 4 seconds
• S1 to length of exploratory file, brush laterally when • Damaged files should always be discarded
resistance met • It is important to be cautious in certain situations:
• S2 (or Sx if wished to relocate canal) – calcified canals (ideally it should be possible to place
• Establish electronic apex locator length a size 20/0.02 taper file to length prior to using
• S1 and S2 to EAL stop brushing, finishing 1 mm short rotary files in the apical third)
• Then confirm working length – canals having sharp curvature in the apical region
• F1 to EAL 0.0–0.5 mm, gauge with hand files – two canals that join into one smaller canal at a sharp
• F2, F3 as required, may be stepped back at 0.5 and angle
1 mm intervals – large canals that suddenly narrow

Restorative Dentistry

Requirements before root canal filling

Lightspeed instruments are used to create an apical
stop, with canal taper being produced using the instru- Chemomechanical preparation must be complete, the root
ments in a step-back manner. They have the disadvantage canal dry and the tooth asymptomatic before a root filling
of not imparting a taper to the canal automatically because is inserted. Any serous exudate from the periapical tissues
of their design, but the narrow cross-sectional area of their indicates the presence of inflammation. It is advisable to
shaft makes them very flexible. Lightspeed instruments are recheck the canal length in situations of persistent seepage
useful for apical preparation, but there are more effective as this may frequently result from over-instrumentation
rotary instruments for imparting a taper to the root canal and damage to the periapical tissues. If there is persistent
preparation. seepage, calcium hydroxide should be used as a root canal
The rotary nickel titanium instrumentation technique dressing until the next visit.
looks to be a promising development in canal preparation.
However, it is important to be cautious in certain situa- Properties of root filling materials
tions and to practise the technique extensively in extracted
teeth in order to get a feel for the instruments. A root canal filling material should:
• be easily introduced into the root canal
• not irritate periradicular tissues
ONE-VISIT ROOT CANAL TREATMENT • not shrink after insertion
• seal the root canal laterally, apically and coronally
Root canal therapy may be performed in one visit if • be impervious to moisture
time allows and the canals can be dried. However, it is • be sterile or easily sterilised before insertion
important that procedures are not rushed and compro- • be bacteriostatic, or at least not encourage bacterial growth
mised just so that treatments can be performed in one • be radio-opaque
visit. One-visit root canal treatment is particularly appro- • not stain tooth structure or gingival tissues
priate for vital cases such as irreversible pulpitis (Box 9.8). • be easily removed from the canal as necessary.
An advantage of doing a procedure in two visits is that
an intracanal dressing of calcium hydroxide can be placed. A sealer should:
This compound has a high pH and will further help to • satisfy the above requirements of a root filling material
reduce the bacterial flora. Care needs to be taken to ensure • provide good adhesion to the canal wall
that a sound coronal seal of 3–4 mm of temporary dressing • have fine powder particles to allow easy mixing, or be a
material is present to prevent recontamination of the canal two-paste system
between visits. It is also usual to place a small pledget of • set slowly.
cotton wool prior to placing the temporary dressing in
order to prevent it dropping into the canal between visits
Types of root filling materials
or during subsequent removal.
The root filling materials available are as follows:
• solid and semisolid materials (e.g. gutta-percha and
silver points) – silver points are not recommended as
they do not seal the canal laterally or coronally and may
The objective of root canal obturation is to provide a
cause tooth or gingival staining
hermetic (fluid-tight) seal of the canal from coronal to
• sealers and cements (e.g. Tubliseal, AH Plus, Pulp
apical. Complete as opposed to apical seal is considered
Canal Sealer, Roths Sealer, AH 26)
important because recontamination occurs as a result of
• medicated pastes (e.g. N2, Endomethosone, Spad, Kri)
coronal leakage, especially from saliva. If the remainder
– these are not recommended as they may contain
of the coronal seal (temporary or final restoration) is
paraformaldehyde, which is cytotoxic.
inadequate, contamination of the root canal filling will
occur eventually leading to failure.
Gutta-percha filling techniques
Both cold and warm techniques (except where indicated)
Box 9.8 Single- versus multiple-visit treatment
will produce acceptable clinical results if used correctly;
• Single-visit treatment is appropriate for vital however, personal preference usually determines the final
non-infected cases choice (Box 9.9).
• Infected cases benefit from an intervisit dressing of
• Coronal seal must be maintained to prevent Cold lateral condensation
recontamination between visits
The objective of cold lateral condensation of gutta-percha
102 is to fill the canal with gutta-percha points (cones) by
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

condensing gutta-percha: long-handled and finger. The

Box 9.9 Gutta-percha filling techniques
advantage of a finger spreader is that it is not possible to
Cold condensation exert the high lateral pressure that can occur with long-
• Single cone (not recommended as it does not seal handled spreaders, which reduces the possibility of root
laterally and coronally)
• Cold lateral condensation fracture. A master point is selected that allows a friction
fit in the apical portion of the root canal. When this is
Warm condensation
• Warm lateral condensation marked, it is called ‘tug back’ (like pulling a dart out of a
• Thermomechanical compaction dart board). However, this may be difficult to achieve with
• Vertical condensation small size gutta-percha points, and therefore it is usual to
• Thermoplasticised gutta-percha accept a friction fit in narrow canals. If it is not possible
• Carrier-based techniques to place the point to working length, select one that passes
to full length and trim 0.5 mm off the end using a scalpel
(this has the effect of making the point slightly larger).
Retry the point and adjust as necessary. The length of the
condensing them laterally against the sides of the canal point is marked at the reference position and a check
walls (Fig. 9.22). The technique requires a tapered canal radiograph is exposed.
preparation. Sealer is mixed according to the manufacturer’s
A spreader is selected that reaches to within 1 mm of instructions and introduced into the canal by coating the
the working length. Two types of spreader are available for apical third of the master point.This is placed into the root

(i) (ii)


(iii) (iv)

(a) (b)
Fig. 9.22 (a), (i)–(iv) Lateral condensation technique. (b) Radiograph of two canals filled using this technique. 103
Restorative Dentistry

canal slowly to aid coating of the canal walls and reduce simplifying the technique and making it more operator
the likelihood of sealer passing into the periapical tissues. friendly.
If two or more canals are obturated with gutta-percha, The original technique of vertical condensation used
undertake one at a time unless they meet in the apical two types of instrument: a pointed heat carrier that was
third. warmed to cherry-red heat in a Bunsen burner, and a flat-
Once the master cone is seated, a spreader is placed ended plugger that was used cold to condense the thermo-
between it and the canal wall using firm pressure in an plasticised gutta-percha. The introduction of electric heat
apical direction (lateral pressure may bend or break the carriers (Touch and Heat) afforded more control over the
spreader or fracture the root). This pressure, maintained length of time that heat was applied and recently the intro-
for 20 seconds, will condense the gutta-percha apically duction of a more sophisticated thermostatically controlled
and laterally, leaving a space into which an accessory point heat carrier, the System B, has further simplified the tech-
is placed. An accessory cone the same size or one size nique. Two variations in warm condensation of gutta-
smaller than the spreader is used. Rotate the spreader percha exist: the classical interrupted technique, and the
slightly, remove it, and immediately place the accessory recently introduced continuous-wave method.
cone. Repeat the procedure until the root canal is filled. The downpack for both methods is commenced by using
The finger spreader condenses each cone into position; the heat carrier to sear off the gutta-percha master cone at
however, the final cone is not condensed as this would the canal orifice (Fig. 9.23). Immediately following this, a
leave a spreader tract and contribute to leakage. cold, loosely fitting plugger is introduced to condense
The gutta-percha is cut off 1 mm below the cemento- around the periphery of the gutta-percha and seal the
enamel junction or gingival level (whichever is the more canal coronally. A sustained push is now applied to the
apical) using a hot instrument, and vertically condensed centre of the gutta-percha, causing the sealer and warm
with a plugger. It is important not to leave root filling gutta-percha to follow the path of least resistance down
material coronally as it may stain the crown of the tooth. the main canal and along any lateral or accessory canals.
The access cavity should now be sealed, the rubber dam This sustained push is termed a wave of condensation.
removed and a postoperative radiograph taken (Fig 9.22b). In the classical interrupted technique, a series of waves of
condensation are utilised as follows. The heat carrier is
reapplied 3–4 mm into the gutta-percha and removed with
Warm gutta-percha techniques
a small bite of gutta-percha attached. The filling is then
Warm lateral condensation will soften the gutta-percha condensed as described previously to form a second wave
and make it easier to condense, possibly resulting in a of condensation. This cycle is repeated until 5 mm from
denser root filling. The spreader may be heated by placing the canal terminus, or up to the end of the straight part of
it in a hot bead steriliser before insertion into the canal. the canal, and a sustained application of apical pressure is
Alternatively, the friction of ultrasonic vibration may be made as the gutta-percha cools.
used to introduce heat into the root filling. In the continuous-wave method, the downpack consists of
one continuous wave of condensation, rather than several
Thermomechanical compaction involves the use of a
interrupted waves. The appropriate plugger (one of four
compactor, which resembles an inverted file, placed in a
sizes that fits to within 5–7 mm of the canal terminus) is
slow-speed handpiece. The frictional heat from the
selected to match the taper of the canal, and is activated
compactor plasticises gutta-percha and the blades drive
for 2 or 3 seconds as it passes down the canal and condenses
the softened material into the root canal. Care must be
the gutta-percha to just short of its binding point. The
taken only to use this instrument in the straight part of
plugger is then held, applying vertical pressure for 10
the canal in order to avoid gouging of the walls. A
seconds prior to reactivation, which allows the plugger to
modification of the technique has been described as an
drop to its binding point prior to removal together with
adjunct to lateral condensation. First, gutta-percha is
excess gutta-percha.
laterally condensed in the apical half of the canal to
The downpack of both techniques results in obturation
provide apical control, and then a compactor is used to
of the apical third, filling of lateral and accessory canals
plasticise and condense the gutta-percha in the straight
and an empty coronal two-thirds. Backfilling of the canal
coronal half of the canal.
is achieved by delivering increments of thermoplasticised
Vertical condensation of warm gutta-percha involves gutta-percha and condensing them.
applying heat to the gutta-percha, condensing it down the
root canal from coronal to apical (the downpack) and then Thermoplasticised gutta-percha is conveniently delivered
filling the remaining space (the backfill). The procedure using the Obtura gun (Fig. 9.24). Small increments are
aims to seal the terminus of the canal with an accurate placed and condensed in order to keep shrinkage to a
cone fit, and the downpack then forces sealer and gutta- minimum. It is also useful in cases of internal resorption
percha along the lines of least resistance. Significant where the gutta-percha flows into canal irregularities as it
104 changes have been made to the armamentarium recently, is condensed. Care must be taken to ensure that there is
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

(i) (ii) (iii)


(iv) (v) (vi)


Fig. 9.23 (a) Vertical condensation

technique. (b) Radiograph showing how
vertical condensation helps to obturate
complex canal anatomy.

adequate apical resistance form to ensure that excess covering of gutta-percha.The size of the carrier required is
gutta-percha is not pushed out of the canal system. checked using a size verification device. The carrier is
placed in the oven provided and heated until the gutta-
Carrier-based systems consist of a solid central core percha is soft. Sealer is placed in the canal, the carrier is
usually made out of plastic (although originally constructed pushed home to the desired length, and any excess is cut
from stainless steel or titanium) which is supplied with a off in the pulp chamber at orifice level. Carrier-based 105
Restorative Dentistry


Fig. 9.25 Radiograph showing excess obturation material

opposite a lateral canal.

pulp tissue, bacteria and their by-products would be

expected to lead to failure. Overfilling infers that the
whole canal system is obturated but that excess material
has been placed beyond the confines of the root canal, and
represents a quite different situation. The aim of vertical
condensation is not to produce extrusion of filling
material. Nevertheless, this can occur and histological
studies have shown that these overfills do produce an
inflammatory response even though patients do not report
Occasionally gross apical overfills of gutta-percha may
be observed following lateral or vertical condensation.
Such overfills indicate lack of apical control and require
canal re-obturation as it is unlikely that it will be adequately
sealed. Similarly, canals with voids should normally be
reobturated unless the spaces are very small.
Fig. 9.24 (a) The Obtura 2 gutta-percha gun. (b) Internal
resorption case filled with Obtura 2. Root fracture
The obturation of a root canal may rarely produce a root
systems produce excellent results in experienced hands fracture. Periodontally involved teeth or thin roots/over-
but have the disadvantage of a solid central core that can instrumented canals are particularly at risk. Such an event
complicate restoration, especially post-placement. is usually catastrophic for the tooth, except in the case of
multi-rooted teeth where it may be possible to amputate a
root or hemisect the tooth. Root fractures may be avoided
Under- and overfilling
by using passively fitting pluggers/spreaders and not
A small amount of cement may be seen apically after applying excessive obturation forces.
obturation, especially when using warm gutta-percha
techniques. Cement may also be seen opposite large acces-
The remainder of the seal
sory, or lateral, canals (Fig. 9.25). It is therefore important
that a relatively inert sealer is used. Proponents of vertical It is important after completing canal obturation to ensure
condensation argue the distinction between overfilling and that there is an adequate coronal seal over the root filling,
vertical overextension of underfilled canal systems; that is, as coronal leakage has been shown to be an important
filling materials may be overextended or extruded beyond cause of failure. This can be achieved by placing a layer of
a canal system that has not been sealed internally. Under- bonding resin or glass ionomer over the floor of the pulp
filling of a canal system could also indicate that it has not chamber and canal orifices. However, a suitable core
106 been debrided satisfactorily. In such situations, necrotic should be placed as soon as possible (Fig. 9.26).
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

Box 9.10 Indications of failure of root canal therapy

• A lesion occurring subsequent to root canal treatment
• A pre-existing lesion increases in size
• A lesion has remained the same or only decreased in
size over the 4-year observation period
• There is pain, swelling or loss of function
• A sinus tract is present
• Signs of continuing root resorption or hypercementosis
are present

Further causes of failure may be iatrogenic in nature,

in particular when post space has been created without
consideration of the intra- and extraradicular anatomy
(Fig. 9.27). Such cases may result in root perforation or
root fracture at the tip of the post.
Bacteria play an important role in failure. It is therefore
essential that teeth for root canal retreatment can be
isolated with rubber dam, in order to prevent leakage of
saliva and confine hypochlorite irrigation.
Fig. 9.26 Molar tooth with amalcore completing the root canal
seal. Management of failed root canal treatment
Failure, depending on its aetiology, may be dealt with in one
of three ways: root canal retreatment, periradicular surgery
or extraction. Extraction is usually indicated for root
Success and failure of root canal therapy
fractures in single-rooted teeth or in cases of gross caries
Clinical and radiographic observation is required for at where the tooth is non-restorable. On occasions, it may be
least 1 year following endodontic treatment but preferably possible to resect a fractured root in multi-rooted teeth or
for 4 years. Success of root canal therapy is indicated by: perform crown lengthening when gross caries is present in
• no loss of function order to make isolation and future restoration possible.
• absence of pain and swelling
• no sinus tract
• radiographic evidence of a normal periodontal space
around the tooth.
If a radiograph reveals that a lesion has remained the
same or has only diminished in size, then the treatment is
not considered a success. In such situations, observation
for 4 years is advised. If total repair has not occurred by
that time, the treatment is considered a failure (Box 9.10).
The cause of failure may lie either inside (intraradicular)
or outside (extraradicular) the root canal system.
Intraradicular causes of failure include:
• necrotic material being left in the root canal
• contamination of an initially sterile root canal during
• persistent infection of a root canal after treatment
• loss of coronal seal and reinfection of a disinfected and
sealed canal system
• bacteria left in accessory or lateral canals.
Extraradicular causes of failure include:
• persistent periradicular infection
• radicular cysts
• vertical root fractures. Fig. 9.27 Radiograph of a post perforation. 107
Restorative Dentistry

Root canal retreatment

Root canal retreatment is usually considered in preference
to surgical intervention, despite the latter being a quicker
solution, as surgery will only seal over uncleaned canal
space, which will eventually leak. Additional problems with
a surgical approach include the effects of compromising
root length and bone support on prosthetic or periodontal
grounds. If it is considered that access to the root canals
cannot be gained without risk of compromising the tooth’s
prognosis then surgery is indicated.
The aim of root canal retreatment is to eliminate micro-
organisms that have either survived previous treatment or
re-entered the root canal system. The feasibility of root
canal retreatment depends on the operator’s ability to gain
access to the root canal system and, in particular, the Fig. 9.28 Copper band used to support restorative material helps
apical third. Careful assessment of the preoperative radio- isolation in a retreatment case.
graph should be made with regard to whether or not a post
has been used, what type it is, the type of root filling
material (paste, gutta-percha, silver point), and potential
problems such as curves, perforations or ledges. in root retreatment procedures. Loupes and a headlamp
In a retreatment procedure, access is usually compli- will provide good visibility of the pulp chamber floor and
cated by the presence of coronal restorations, retentive canal orifices. Working in the middle and apical thirds of
devices in the root canals and root canal filling materials. the root canal, however, requires an operating microscope
Additional magnification and lighting are especially useful to see clearly.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 9.29 (a) Radiograph showing persistent lateral lesion associated with upper first molar mesiobuccal root. (b) Mesiobuccal region of
108 pulp chamber. (c) Completion of canal preparation. (d) Radiograph showing re-obturated mesiobuccal root.
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

• allowing a thorough check to be made for cracks

• providing excellent access for identifying missed canals.
In cases of extensive breakdown, it may be necessary to
place a copper band and build up a small core prior to
embarking on treatment in order to ensure a seal around
the margins of the dam, avoid compromising asepsis and
establish a four-walled access cavity to contain irrigant
solutions (Fig. 9.28).
It is usual to encounter a core under a coronal
restoration in root canal retreatment cases. The most
common non-tooth-coloured materials include amalgam
and cermet cements. These can be removed using surgical
length round tungsten carbide burs in the high-speed
handpiece followed by long neck burs used at slow speed
Fig. 9.30 Masserann post removal kit. (Fig. 9.29).
When the floor of the pulp chamber is approached,
ultrasonic tips offer a safer alternative to burs for dispersing
The quality of the coronal restoration must be consid-
material remaining over furcal areas and in the orifices of
ered when gaining access. Evidence of leakage coronally
root canals. Tooth-coloured cores are more awkward to
around the restoration margins usually indicates that it
remove as they may be difficult to distinguish from dentine.
should be removed prior to performing root canal retreat-
Careful observation of the dried access cavity floor will
ment. Removal of the restoration has the advantage of:
usually allow differentiation between the dentine and
• ensuring removal of all caries the restorative material. In addition, the texture of the

(a) (b)

Fig. 9.31 (a) Preoperative radiograph of lower molar

containing hard root canal paste. (b) Interim radiograph
to check progress, mesial root canals ledged. (c) Final radiograph 109
(c) following negotiation of canal past the ledge and obturation.
Restorative Dentistry

restorative material is rougher than the dentine and this The fracture of a post within a root canal can pose a
can be detected using an endodontic explorer. The access major problem, and care should be taken to try not to
cavity should be thoroughly evaluated at this stage with further weaken, fracture or perforate the root. Such situa-
regard to its extent and the possibility of discovering tions should first be tackled by troughing around the post
previously untreated canals. to remove the luting cement using a small long-neck bur
The removal of a post should not be attempted if the or an ultrasonic tip. As progress is made up the root canal,
force to remove it could result in root fracture. Ultrasonic the smaller suborifice tips may be used.
vibration may be used initially to try to break the cement Use of ultrasonic tips will remove many fractured posts
seal. It is important not to use ultrasound at too high without having to resort to additional means such as the
power as this may produce microcracks in the root or Masserann kit (Fig. 9.30). In this system, a suitably sized
excessive heat, especially if a coolant is not used. In some trepan is directed along the side of the post in the space
situations, ultrasonic vibrations may result in the post created by the ultrasonic tips. A smaller trepan may then
becoming free within the canal. If ultrasonic vibration is be used to grip and remove the fractured portion (addi-
unsuccessful, it is necessary to use a device to pull out the tional ultrasonic vibration applied to the trepan may be
post and core.This can usually be accomplished in anterior useful at this point). If the post is of the screw type, it may
teeth using a post extractor. be unscrewed after the use of ultrasound to weaken the
cement seal either by placing a groove in its end or by
grasping it with a tight fitting trepan.
Access to the apical third of the root is usually restricted
by the presence of materials used to obturate the canal.
Those most frequently used include pastes, gutta-percha
and silver points. A thorough evaluation of the access cavity
should be performed, modifying it as necessary to give
straight-line access to the root canals prior to attempting
removal of the filling materials.
Soft pastes can usually be easily penetrated using short,
sharp hand files and copious irrigation. The use of an
ultrasonically powered file with accompanying irrigation
can be helpful in these situations, especially for removing
remnants of paste from root canal walls, which may remain
despite careful hand instrumentation. Rotary nickel
titanium instruments may also help with removal. Hard
pastes can be particularly difficult to remove (Fig. 9.31)
and usually need to be drilled out with a small long-neck
bur, or chipped out using an ultrasonic insert as described
previously. These procedures can only be used in the
straight part of the canal and it is important to employ
magnification and lighting, as the risk of going off-line and
perforating is high. Irrigation with EDTA and sodium
Fig. 9.32 Gutta-percha removed by Hedstrom file. hypochlorite should be employed together with frequent

Fig. 9.34 Masserann extractor which may be used for gripping

110 Fig. 9.33 Steiglitz forceps used for silver point removal. silver points or fractured instruments.
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

drying to ensure good visibility, especially deep within range of sizes and have a safe cutting tip that reduces the
the canal. risk of perforation, provided that too large a size is not
Poorly condensed gutta-percha root fillings may be used. Care should be taken with these drills, because, if
removed by rotating one or two small Hedstrom files too fast a speed is used, they may inadvertently screw into
(Fig. 9.32) around or between the root canal filling points, the canal and cause considerable damage (a suitable speed
pulling and removing them intact. If this is unsuccessful, is around 1000–1500 rpm). Other rotary instruments that
removal of the root canal filling should be considered in may be used for the removal of gutta-percha include those
stages, removing first the coronal and then the middle and made from nickel titanium, which are extremely efficient
apical thirds. Gates-Glidden drills may be used coronally in this respect. They may be used with care at higher
in the straight part of the canal. These are available in a speeds (up to 700 rpm) than for canal preparation.

Fig. 9.35 (a) Preoperative view of upper

incisor teeth which have been treated
using orthograde apical silver points and
retrograde amalgams. (b) Silver point and
retrograde removed by orthograde
approach. (c) SEM showing flutes of
Hedstrom file in side of apical silver point.
(d) Radiograph showing completed root
canal fillings in upper central incisors.

(a) (b)

(c) (d) 111

Restorative Dentistry

If gutta-percha removal is being attempted around a this region. If this is not possible, the canal should be
curvature, it is important to use a solvent such as chloro- shaped, irrigated and obturated to the level of the frac-
form, oil of cajaput or oil of turpentine to soften the gutta- tured instrument, as in vital uninfected cases success rate
percha, aid mechanical removal and reduce the chance of will frequently not be affected (Fig. 9.37). However, if the
transporting the main axis of the canal. Chloroform is the root canal system is infected then the fractured instrument
most effective solvent for dissolving gutta-percha. may preclude thorough debridement of the root canal
The seal of silver point root canal fillings is rarely as system. In such situations, prognosis is compromised.
good as the radiographic appearance would suggest, and Frequently after removal of filling materials or broken
in many cases relies on the cement used. If this washes instruments, a ledge will be noted in the side of the root
out, then corrosion will occur leading to failure of the root canal.This may usually be bypassed by placing a sharp bend
canal filling.The approach to removal depends on whether at the tip of a small file. The ledge may then be smoothed
the point extends and can be seen to extrude within the using a linear filing motion. Shaping and irrigation of the
pulp chamber. In such situations, many silver points can canal system can then be completed prior to canal obtura-
be removed easily by grasping with Steiglitz forceps or pin tion. Canals may also be blocked; in such situations, the
pliers and levering (Fig. 9.33). If the points cannot be access cavity is refined and a small sharply curved file is
removed easily, ultrasonic vibrations can be applied to the used to pick around the blockage. Frequently the coronal
forceps holding them. part of the blockage is denser and once this is penetrated
If the silver point has been cut off at the canal orifice, rapid progress may be made to the apex. On occasions it
it is usually not possible to grip it. In such situations, an may not be possible to unblock a canal and care must be
ultrasonic tip may be used to cut a trough around the taken not to over-instrument and create a perforation.
point; care needs to be taken not to touch the point as the The success of root canal retreatment is good (94–98%)
silver is much softer than the steel used in the manufacture when it is being undertaken to achieve a technical improve-
of the ultrasonic tip and preferential removal of the point ment in potential failures. When periradicular pathology
will occur. A Masserann extractor (Fig. 9.34) can be used is present, the success rate is much lower (62–78%).
to grip the point and remove it once a trough approximately Retreatment itself can bring its own problems: perforation,
2 mm deep has been prepared. separated instruments and compromised cleaning and
Sometimes it may be necessary to work an ultrasonic obturation of the canal system. It is important that patients
spreader tip down the side of a point placed deep in a root are informed of such factors prior to embarking on this
canal. Removal in these situations may be facilitated by procedure.
placing a Hedstrom file along the side of the point and
pressing it into the soft silver in order to help pull it
Apical surgery
coronally (Fig. 9.35). Occasionally it may help to apply
ultrasonic vibrations to the Hedstrom file prior to pulling. Apical surgery is an alternative to root canal retreatment.
However, conventional orthograde root canal treatment
Instrument fracture. The separation (fracture) of root is preferred to surgery if at all possible, even if it is
canal instruments is a procedural hazard in root canal considered that surgery may be necessary. It must be
therapy. File fracture may be minimised by: remembered that the main cause of failure is inadequate
debridement and bacterial contamination of the root canal
• maintaining a good quality control programme
• discarding any damaged instruments
• not forcing instruments
• using instruments in the correct sequence
• not rotating stainless steel instruments more than a
quarter turn clockwise.
The removal of fractured instruments has traditionally
been performed using Masserann trepans and extractors
together with ultrasonic vibration. New developments in
ultrasonic tip designs, the use of magnification and lighting,
and in particular the operating microscope have simplified
instrument removal (Fig. 9.36). Loupes and a headlamp
will help in the removal of superficially placed instruments.
If working deep within the canal, it is advisable to use the
operating microscope, especially if using ultrasound.
It may be possible to bypass a separated instrument
which cannot be removed. This becomes more difficult
112 apically as the canal is usually rounder in cross-section in Fig. 9.36 Photograph of operating microscope.
9 / Management of pulpal and periradicular disease

(a) (b)
Fig. 9.37 (a) Fractured rotary nickel titanium instrument in mesial root of a lower molar. (b) Radiograph following instrument bypass and

system; hence the importance of root canal retreatment Ideally, surgery should only be performed on cases that
whenever possible. On occasions, however, retreatment of are considered hopeless. Such situations may include large
a tooth may involve the removal/destruction of expensive posts, sclerosed canals and broken instruments. Further
crown and bridgework. In such situations, a patient may important indications for periradicular surgery include
opt for a surgical as opposed to an orthograde approach. obtaining tissue for a biopsy or examination of the root
This should only be undertaken if the patient understands surface to check for root cracks/fractures.
that dismantling of restorations may be necessary in the
future, should the surgery fail.

10 Restoration of teeth
(complex restorations)

Introduction 115 INTRODUCTION

Replacement of lost coronal tooth structure 115
Choice of core material 116 Traditionally, more extensive restorations on teeth were
Dental amalgam 116 performed using non-adhesive techniques. The materials
Resin composite 117 of choice were gold, porcelain and metallic ceramics.These
Glass ionomer cements 117 were placed either intra- or extracoronally and relied on
Resin ionomers and compomers 117 the preparation having near-parallel walls, assisted by a
Preoperative assessment 118 luting cement to fill the marginal gap and help with the
Restorability of tooth 118 retention process. With the development of new materials
Pulpal/endodontic status 118 and techniques for bonding to the tooth, there has been a
Periodontal/occlusal assessment 119 blurring of the methods used, and accordingly restorations
Pin retention for core foundations 119 may rely on a multitude of factors for retention which
Foundation restorations for endodontically treated incorporate both mechanical and adhesive principles.
teeth 119
Crowns 121
Choice of material for indirect restorations 123 STRUCTURE
Gold 123
Porcelain (ceramic) 123 Indirect restorations are frequently placed on teeth which
Indirect composite 124 have lost substantial amounts of tooth structure. Retention
Metal ceramic 124 and resistance form are lost as the height of the tooth
Tooth preparation guidelines for indirect restorations 125 preparation is reduced in relation to the intended occlusal
Features of preparations for indirect restorations 125 surface position of the final restoration. A foundation or
Types of finish margins 125 core build-up restoration may be required to supplement
Preparation stages 125 retention and resistance form. The strength required of a
Indirect adhesive restorations 126 foundation restoration will vary, depending on the location
Tooth-coloured inlays 126 of the tooth in the dental arch, as well as on the design of
The dentine-bonded crown 126 the surrounding tooth preparation. Apart from acting as a
Porcelain laminate veneers 128 transitional restoration in the management of a damaged
Indications 129 tooth, a core build-up restoration must withstand crown
Contraindications 130 preparation and impression-taking and contribute to the
Design considerations 130 retention and support of a provisional crown before the
Tooth preparation 131 definitive crown restoration is placed (Fig. 10.1).
Impression 132 When retention and resistance depend significantly on
Temporary cover 132 the core build-up, the strength of the foundation restora-
Laboratory aspects 133 tion and its retention to the underlying tooth tissue can
Try-in 133 directly influence the survival of the restoration. Some
Cementation or bonding 133 core materials lack sufficient strength and/or adhesion to
Finishing 134 tooth tissues to serve this function. Posterior teeth are
Review and maintenance 134 exposed to greater forces than are anterior teeth and the
Summary 134 direction of load differs. Teeth that have to serve as 115
Restorative Dentistry


Clinically, there are times when the remaining tooth struc-

ture is so reduced that the margins of the crown must be
placed at or just below the core. It is under these condi-
tions that the choice of core material may be critical.
Core build-up materials for direct placement include:
• dental amalgam
• resin composite
• reinforced glass ionomer cements
• resin-modified glass ionomers/compomers (polyacid-
modified resin composites)
Each candidate core material has advantages and
disadvantages. Box 10.1 lists desirable properties for a
core material.

Dental amalgam
Amalgam has adequate mechanical properties for many
core build-up situations. It is radio-opaque and has been
shown to have superior cariostatic properties to com-
Fig. 10.1 Core build-up of lost coronal tooth structure. posites. It has high thermal conductivity and coefficient of
thermal expansion. It is not adhesive to tooth structure,
although methods of bonding amalgam using resin adhe-
abutments for fixed or removable prostheses are subject to sives are available, and glass ionomer/resin ionomer cements
increased stress. show promise. Conventional dental amalgams set too
The restoration of severely broken down teeth is an slowly to allow tooth preparation during the same visit as
increasing problem for the restorative dentist, as more core build-up. Modern fast-setting spherical alloys may
patients retain their natural teeth into older age. Clinical allow preparation 20–30 minutes after placement. Silver
studies demonstrate an increased incidence of tooth frac- amalgam has been reported to be the most reliable direct
tures in teeth with large restorations compared with sound core build-up material under simulated clinical conditions
or minimally restored teeth. because of its high compressive strength and rigidity
Whilst advances in adhesive restorative materials and (Fig. 10.2).
techniques may result in more predictable retention of
restorations with compromised retention, the success of
these techniques is still to be confirmed by clinical trials. Box 10.1 Desirable properties for a core material
Such techniques may be operator-sensitive as the success
• Compressive strength to resist intraoral forces
of an indirect restoration depends on the ability of the • Flexural strength to prevent core dislodgement during
cement or resin lute to prevent dislodgement of the function
restoration from the tooth preparation; the latter must • Biocompatibility with surrounding tissues
possess adequate retention and resistance form. Whilst • Ease of manipulation
resistance form is considered more critical than retention • Ability to bond to tooth structure, pins and posts
• Capacity for bonding with luting cement or having
form, it is impossible to separate these two features. Reten- additions made to it
tion will prevent dislodgement of the restoration along a • Coefficient of thermal expansion conductivity similar to
direction parallel to its path of insertion, whilst resistance dentine
prevents dislodgement in any other direction. Minimal • Dimensional stability
taper and maximum preparation height are critical features • Minimal water absorption
• Short setting time to allow tooth preparation and core
for good retention. The fit of the restoration, any surface placement to be carried out during the same visit
treatments which facilitate adhesion, and the nature of • No adverse reaction with temporary crown materials or
the cement lute are also important variables. If adequate luting cements
retention and resistance form can be developed from • Cariostatic potential
natural tooth structure, the strength of any core or founda- • Low cost
• Contrasting colour to tooth tissue unless being used for
tion restoration is less critical and minor depressions or anterior cores
undercuts in the tooth preparation can be restored with
116 adhesive restorative materials.
10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)

Fig. 10.3 A composite core.

Fig. 10.2 An amalgam core.

products are not radio-opaque. Although they may be

Resin composite
considered to have adequate compressive strength for use
Composite core materials are becoming increasingly as core build-up materials, their flexural strength and
popular for core build-ups. Provided adequate moisture fracture toughness are low. Conventional glass ionomer
control is obtained, these materials may be reliably bonded cements are therefore only suitable where there is substan-
to tooth substance, and their command set nature allows tial tooth substance remaining to support the material and
immediate tooth preparation. An incremental technique is where adequate resistance form may be obtained on natural
required to ensure complete polymerisation unless specific tooth tissue. Cermet cements do not provide advantages
light-activated core composites are used. over conventional glass ionomers and often have poor
Most resin composite core materials possess similar adhesion to tooth structure. More recently-introduced
compressive and tensile strengths to amalgam cores. Only condensable glass ionomer cements may prove a better
radio-opaque composites should be considered as core alternative as these materials can be bonded more reliably
materials. The high coefficient of thermal expansion of and are stronger.
composite cores and their greater potential for water
uptake are negative aspects of these materials. In addition,
Resin ionomers and compomers
eugenol-based temporary cements may soften their
surface or impede bonding of resin-based luting cements. Resin-modified glass ionomers (RMGIs) and polyacid-
Composite is best as a direct core material when substan- modified resin composites (compomers) are attractive
tial coronal tooth structure remains for bonding and where candidates for core materials because they offer the advan-
reliable moisture control may be obtained. Several com- tages of both glass ionomers and resin composites. These
posite core materials contain fluoride which is released in materials offer improved flexural strength in comparison
trace amounts for up to 5 years but no clinically relevant to conventional glass ionomers whilst the high coefficient
cariostatic property has yet to be established for these of thermal expansion of composite has been reduced.
materials (Fig. 10.3). Light activation offers speed of set. Some concerns have
been expressed about the risk of fracture of all-ceramic
crowns when resin ionomers or compomers are used as
Glass ionomer cements
core build-up materials and/or luting cements, and there is
Conventional glass ionomer restoratives are popular with in vitro evidence to support this. Glass ionomers, resin-
many dentists as core materials because of their adhesive reinforced glass ionomers and most compomers are
properties and ease of handling. They are relatively slow- significantly weaker than tooth structure. They should be
setting and their early resistance to moisture is poor. Many limited to situations where only minimal tooth structure is 117
Restorative Dentistry

missing, and where increased tooth strength and abutment mised teeth. In clinical situations, flat one-surface cavity
retention are not required. designs occur infrequently and it is often possible to create
steps or varying levels within a preparation increasing
retention and resistance to occlusal forces. Other methods
of increasing retention and resistance without having to
resort to pins include circumferential slots, amalgapin
Restorability of tooth
channels or ‘pot-holes’ and peripheral shelves.
The extent of caries and the existing restorations should Spherical alloys are best suited to condensing into small
be assessed. When teeth are prepared for crowns there is retentive features of a cavity preparation and suitable
often amalgam remaining in proximal boxes, class V areas small-diameter condensers are required. Slot-retained
and other regions. All previously placed materials should restorations are more sensitive to dislodgement during
be removed (unless the operator has recently placed the matrix removal than pin-retained restorations. Occasionally,
restoration and is sure it is reliably retained to sound tooth when minimal tooth structure remains for mechanical
tissue), allowing teeth to be rebuilt without the risk of retentive features, pins may be required to supplement
an insecure foundation or previous pulpal exposure retention. The amount of remaining coronal tooth struc-
remaining undetected. If more than 50% of the coronal ture (not undermined) is assessed after removal of caries
tooth structure is remaining and there is no requirement and old restorations. Unsupported tooth structure may
for increased tooth preparation strength, then a bonded need to be removed if the build-up is to serve as a direct
compomer or resin ionomer base may be used to restore permanent load-bearing restoration. Retention of thin
the tooth to the ideal preparation form. If ≥50% of the slivers of unsupported tooth structure may, however, be
coronal tooth structure has been lost and there is not a appropriate if the build-up is to serve as a foundation for
minimum of 2 mm sound tooth structure circumferentially a crown.
gingival to the tooth preparation, a high-strength (bonded
amalgam or composite) core build-up is required to increase
Pulpal/endodontic status
tooth strength and aid crown retention/ resistance form.
Mechanical retention in teeth may be increased by: Prior to core build-up, an assessment should be made
of the pulpal status of the tooth in question. If the pulp
• grooves
is exposed or there are signs/symptoms of irreversible
• boxes
pulpitis, endodontic treatment should be performed. In
• dovetails
the case of an endodontically treated tooth, the quality
• converting sloping surfaces into vertical and horizontal
of the treatment should be assessed radiographically
(Fig. 10.4). If the treatment is considered inadequate, a
• reducing/covering undermined cusps.
decision will need to be taken as to whether there is
The use of pins and posts should only be considered as potential for retreatment or whether the tooth would be
a last resort as they will further weaken already compro- better extracted.

Table 10.1 Pattern of tooth destruction and type of restoration indicated

Extent of tooth loss

Pattern of tooth loss Minimal Moderate Moderate to severe Total loss of
coronal tooth
Central/internal Amalgam or Cement base and Pin core and crown N/A
(i.e. occlusal dentine composite (PRR) amalgam
Peripheral/external Amalgam, composite Amalgam, composite Crown N/A
(i.e. tooth surface or RMGI or RMGI
Above combined Amalgam, composite Amalgam (large tooth) Pin core and crown Pin core and
or RMGI or cast gold onlay crown (molars)
(small tooth) or root canal
therapy and
core + crown
PRR, pin-retained restoration; RMGI, resin-modified glass ionomer.

10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)


The increased strength of the latest dentine/enamel bond-

ing agents, coupled with the revived use of retentive slots,
pot-holes, grooves and channels, has led to a reduction in
the use of pins. However, pins may be useful for providing
retention to the core, although they should be used care-
fully. There tend to be more disadvantages associated with
their use, and incorrect placement can lead to pulpal or
root surface perforation. Other problems include crazing/
tooth fracture or failure of the pin to seat fully, leading to
looseness or fracture of the pin (Fig. 10.5).

Guidelines for the use of pin retention for core

• Use one pin per missing cusp or marginal ridge, up to
(a) a maximum of four.
• Use large-diameter pins whenever possible.
• Use the minimum number of pins compatible with
adequate retention (pins weaken amalgam).
• Pins should extend 2 mm into dentine and restorative
• Keep 1 mm of dentine between the pin and the
enamel–dentine junction.
• Pins should be placed away from furcation areas and
parallel to the external tooth surface.
• Coating of pins with adhesion promoters such as Panavia
and 4-META materials improves fracture resistance of
composite and amalgam cores.
• Pins rarely need to be bent.


(b) For endodontically treated anterior teeth with moderate to
Fig. 10.4 Assessment of RCT molar tooth for crown. severe coronal destruction, cast gold post and cores are the
restorative method of choice (Fig. 10.6; see also Box 10.2).
Periodontal/occlusal assessment
The periodontal status of the abutment should be assessed.
If there is inadequate sound tooth structure apical to the
preparation margin for satisfactory retention and resistance
form, surgical crown lengthening may have to be considered.
The occlusal relationships should be assessed, but not all
teeth requiring build-up will subsequently need to be crowned
and the occlusal relationship and the potential functional
stresses on the tooth will influence this decision.
Greater strength is required for crowns in the following

• patients with bruxism or clenching habits

• teeth that support crowns with heavy canine or incisal
• abutments for fixed and removable prostheses. Fig. 10.5 Pins used in amalgam core build-up. 119
Restorative Dentistry


Fig. 10.6 Gold post and core on anterior tooth.

Root-filled molar teeth often perform satisfactorily with

direct cores retained by extension into the pulp chamber
together with a portion of the root canals. Core retention
can be increased by bonding and/or placement of one or
more prefabricated intraradicular posts (Fig. 10.7).
Endodontically treated premolar teeth may be restored
either with custom cast post and cores or prefabricated
posts used with direct core build-ups. Direct pattern post
cores allow better control over the fit and the shape of
the final core. They result in a better-fitting final crown
restoration because they are cemented before crown prepa-
ration and impression-taking. The disadvantage is that (b)
additional clinical time is spent at the chairside in com- Fig. 10.7 (a) Prefabricated intraradicular posts. (b) In situ on
posterior RCT molar.

Box 10.2 Treatment alternatives for endontically

parison to an indirect technique. However, an accurate
treated teeth impression of the prepared post space that extends deeply
into the canal of an endodontically treated tooth is also a
Anterior teeth
• Acid-etch retained composite challenge. Many post crowns fail because posts are made
• Cast gold post/core too short, and frequently the full length of the prepared post
• Composite core/prefrabicated post with and without hole is not employed in the final restoration (Fig 10.8).
pin(s) For optimal post preparation:
Posterior teeth • use a length equal to or greater than the length of the
• Amalgam restoration (with or without cuspal overlay final clinical crown
2–3 mm) or acid-etch composite (semi-permanent)
restoration. No post or pins
• maintain a minimum of 4 mm apical gutta-percha seal.
• Amalgam restoration using pulp chamber retention Shorter posts are undesirable because they:
(molars only). The ‘coronal-radicular amalgam core’
• are less retentive
• Pin-retained amalgam (molars only). One functional • produce unfavourable stresses within the root
cusp missing • predispose to fracture
• Prefabricated post- and/or pin-retained amalgam • result in loss of cementation.
(molars only) where the crown has two or more cusps
undermined or missing A flat seat should be created at the occlusal end of the
• Cast gold post and core where there are molar tooth preparation to prevent possible wedging effects, and
abutments or premolars with undermined/missing as much coronal and radicular tooth structure as possible
cusp(s) should be preserved. Parallel-sided posts are more reten-
• Prefabricated post (+ pin) retained amalgam or tive than custom-made tapered posts; however, when a
composite core where the crown is placed on premolar
teeth with undermined cusp(s) parallel-sided post is used in a thin tapered root there is an
increased risk of perforation laterally towards the apex
120 (Fig. 10.9). Parallel-sided posts with tapering apical sections
10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)

Fig. 10.9 Commercially available parallel-sided posts.


The placement of an indirect restoration requires prepa-

ration of a cavity with undercut-free cavity walls to allow a
path of withdrawal and insertion of the completed restora-
tion. This allows a pattern or impression to be removed
from the cavity.The finished restoration should be capable
of insertion into the tooth without the generation of stress.
Fig. 10.8 A post that has been made too short. Preservation of remaining tooth structure is important
because the restoration relies on the strength and integrity
of the remaining prepared tooth substance for retention.
are commercially available (TYNAX, Whaledent). Post The restoration can be used to protect and reinforce the
width should be the minimum to allow for a close fit remaining tooth structure to some extent, but the less
between post and root canal dentine wall in the coronal remaining enamel and dentine, the greater the risk of
and apical 3 mm of the post hole. mechanical or biological failure.
Small-diameter posts are best made from wrought alloys Indirect restorations must be cemented or bonded into
or heat-treated type 4 cast gold alloys, otherwise there is an place to provide retention and cavity margin seal. The
increased risk of displacement or distortion. Wider posts degree of retention available for a non-adhesive indirect
lead to excessive destruction of tooth tissue and reduce the restoration depends upon the surface area of the opposing
strength of the radicular dentine. The thickness of the
remaining dentine is crucial to avoid root fracture. A post
and core can transfer occlusal forces intraradicularly, pre-
disposing the tooth root to vertical fracture. The role of
the final crown restoration in protecting the post-restored
endodontically treated tooth is very important. Clinical
experience and laboratory studies have shown that exten-
sion of the cast crown restoration at least 2 mm apical to the
junction of the core with the remaining tooth structure
provides extracoronal bracing and prevents fracture of tooth
structure.This ‘hugging action’ of a subgingival collar of cast
metal has been described as the ferrule effect (Fig. 10.10).
This element is more important than the design of the
post if tooth fracture is to be avoided. In vitro fatigue
studies have shown that failure of the cement seal of a
crown occurs first on the tension side of the tooth,
especially when the ferrule effect is small and the post is
off-centre. Clinical studies indicate a higher root potential
for root fracture when cemented crowns do not provide a
ferrule effect (Table 10.2). Fig. 10.10 The ferrule effect. 121
Restorative Dentistry

Table 10.2 Compensating for inadequate retention/resistance form in cast restorations

Extent of tooth loss Clinical situation Operative procedure Final restoration

Moderate to severe Short preparation or Modify isthmuses/boxes Non-standard partial or full veener
excessive taper Add grooves/pinholes
One or two cusps missing Modify sloping surfaces into
but ≥ 50% coronal tooth horizontal walls/horizontal
structure remains planes
Wall thickness/length ratio >1:1 Surgical crown lengthening
Severe Loss of > 50% crown wall Apply necessary pulpal Standard full veneer
Thickness/length ratio <1:1 protection
Short preparation for a long Pin amalgam or composite core
crown Surgical crown lengthening
Total loss of coronal All cusps undermined/lost As above plus elective Standard full veneer
tooth structure Supragingival height < 1 mm endodontics and post/core
for premolars

vertical walls of the cavity and their degree of convergence. odontal condition has been stabilised and their caries risk
Only when the restoration is adhesively luted with a resin- is low.
based luting cement combined with an enamel/dentine The restorative assessment of the individual tooth involves:
adhesive is the luting agent a major contributor to retention. • sensitivity/vitality tests
Indirect restorations may be: • long cone periapical radiograph
• intracoronal (inlays) • examination of the quality of any existing restorations
• extracoronal (crowns) • assessing whether the remaining tooth structure after
• a combination of intra- and extracoronal (onlays). preparation will have sufficient strength
• assessing the need for crown lengthening prior to treatment
Restorations may be: • occlusal considerations.
• wholly metallic (precious or non-precious alloys) The occlusal assessment should involve consideration
• ceramic/composite of the tooth position relative to the opposing as well as the
• a combination of the above (metal-ceramic crown). adjacent teeth, as this will influence preparation design. If
there are occlusal interferences, these may place such a
Crowns may cover all available surfaces of the tooth (full
crown under high functional stresses and will require
veneer crowns), or they may be partial veneer (e.g. three-
removal at a prior visit.The surfaces of the crown will need
quarter or seven-eighths crowns).
to be duplicated so that either the group function or
The stages in the clinical procedure involved in an
canine guidance occlusion is maintained.
indirect restoration are usually as follows:
The tooth may be a key unit in the arch, i.e. partial
1. Decision as to restoration type (full or partial coverage; denture abutment, and the shape of the surface should
intracoronal or extracoronal), materials and method be modified to allow the subsequent placement of the
of luting (conventional cementation or bonding with a denture. In such situations, mounted study casts are a
resin-based luting material) useful aid in planning the preparation design as well as
2. Discussion with patient before tooth preparation stage carrying out the occlusal assessment.
as to type of restoration and aesthetic implications Any tooth preparation for a crown should follow the
3. Tooth preparation (this may require prior occlusal appropriate biomechanical principles (Box 10.3), and when
adjustment or diagnostic wax-up to facilitate production planning replacement of a failed indirect restoration, it is
of provisional restoration) important to identify the cause(s) of failure so that this
4. Fabrication of temporary/provisional restoration may be corrected at the time of preparation.
5. Impressions and occlusal records Common causes of failure include:
6. Shade selection
• poor preparation design/shape resulting in lack of reten-
7. Try-in
tion and/or resistance form
8. Cementation or bonding.
• insufficient reduction or lack of support/thickness for
ceramic or composite
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING • undercut preparations
• failure to identify and/or correct occlusal problems
122 Before considering embarking on indirect restorations, • poorly fitting restorations resulting from poor impres-
patients should be assessed to ensure that their peri- sion procedures or faulty laboratory technique
10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)

Box 10.3 Biomechanical principles of tooth

• Preservation of tooth structure and pulp vitality
• Obtaining adequate retention and resistance form
• Obtaining adequate structural durability of the
• Obtaining adequate marginal integrity
• Preservation of periodontal health
• Appropriate aesthetics

• inappropriate prescription/planning; no preventive

• incorrect shade. Fig. 10.11 Cast gold veneer crown at UL5.


• Evidence of active caries/periodontal disease
There are four types of material that can be used for • Economic and social factors
indirect restorations: • Aesthetics
• Where patient management requires short visits and
• gold
simple procedures.
• porcelain
• indirect composite
• metal ceramic. Porcelain (ceramic)
This is a brittle material which is liable to fracture in thin
Gold section unless appropriate fit surface treatment is performed
This is generally considered to be the most satisfactory (etching and silanisation) and the restoration is adhesively
extracoronal restorative material. It has a hardness similar luted with a resin-based cement (porcelain veneers and
to enamel, and occlusal and axial contours can easily be dentine-bonded ceramic crowns). A minimum margin
built up in the wax prior to casting. Cast gold alloy restora- reduction of 0.8 mm is required with 1.5–2.0 mm incisally/
tions include single and multiple surface inlays. The latter occlusally. Crown margins are prepared just below the
may include partial or complete coverage (onlays) of the gingival margin (intracrevicularly) if aesthetics dictates that
occlusal surface. Extracoronal gold restorations include this is necessary (Fig. 10.12).
full veneer crowns and three-quarter crowns, in which Adequate retention for non-adhesive ceramic crowns
only one surface of the tooth (usually the buccal) is left depends on near-parallelism of opposing walls, particularly
uncovered (Fig. 10.11). in the gingival third of the preparation. Porcelain crowns
Gold can be used in thin sections but it is not aesthetic. are relatively weak restorations and are restricted to anterior
One millimetre of tooth reduction is required occlusally, with teeth unless a high-strength ceramic (Inceram, Procera, or
the exception of the functional cusp bevel where 1.5 mm Empress II) is used.
is necessary. The choice of restoration and preparation
design will depend upon the exact details of each clinical Indications for use
• Large inadequate restorations on anterior teeth, provided
there is enough tooth substance for a strong preparation
Indications for use
• Severely discoloured anterior teeth
• In situations of severe occlusal stress • Over an existing post and core substructure.
• Following endodontic treatment of posterior teeth
• Full or partial coverage of posterior teeth where there Contraindications
has been significant loss of coronal dentine
• In situations where other materials are not suitable for • Teeth which do not allow ideal preparation form to
establishing proper proximal and/or occlusal contacts support the porcelain
• For restoration of adjacent and/or opposing teeth to • Teeth with short clinical crowns
avoid problems arising from use of dissimilar metals. • Edge-to-edge occlusion 123
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 10.12 An all-porcelain crown at UL5.

Fig. 10.13 An indirect composite onlay at UL4.

• When opposing teeth occlude on the cervical fifth of (1.5 mm) is required to allow for both the metal sub-
the palatal surface. structure and metal overlay. These crowns are frequently
over-contoured due to inadequate tooth reduction. Heavy
Porcelain jacket crowns are finished to a shoulder or tooth preparation to achieve adequate thickness for both
butt joint margin design unless the preparation is to be materials may result in an increased incidence of pulp
bonded (dentine-bonded crowns). All-ceramic crowns are death. If this is a risk then a bevelled shoulder or cervical
preferred to metal ceramic crowns on post-crowned teeth chamfer may be preferred to the conventional full 1.5 mm
where there is a risk of trauma. In this case, the weaker axial reduction in cases where the tooth preparation has to
porcelain jacket crown fractures rather than the stress be extended down onto root surface or where there is a
being transferred via the post core leading to root fracture. large pulp. Metal occlusal coverage is generally preferred
to maximise retention and resistance form and to mini-
mise tooth reduction. Metal occlusal contacts are easier
Indirect composite
to create and adjust. Porcelain occlusal surfaces are more
Laboratory composites with improved strength and wear aesthetic but demand additional tooth reduction and
resistance are now commercially available and are increasing create the risk of excessive occlusal wear of opposing tooth
in popularity. Coupled with improvements in resin-based surfaces (Fig. 10.14).
luting cements and dentine bonding systems, indirect com-
posite restorations (with or without fibre reinforcement)
Indications for use
may be considered appropriate for single unit inlays, onlays
and crowns (Fig. 10.13). • Anterior teeth where there is insufficient space for an
Laboratory composites are generally preferred to porcelain all-ceramic restoration
restorations for inlays, whereas the latter offer more permanent • Repeated failure of porcelain jacket crowns (identify
form stability in onlay and crown situations. Some prefer a reason first)
material which is less wear-resistant and as such is sacrificial • Posterior crowns where aesthetics is important and full
in nature to a highly wear-resistant ceramic restoration which or partial veneer gold crowns are contraindicated on
may ultimately cause excessive wear of the opposing dentition. this basis.

Metal ceramic Contraindications

Metal ceramic crown restorations offer a combination of • Where excessive wear of teeth opposing porcelain occlusal
124 strength and good aesthetics. Additional tooth preparation surfaces may be expected. Either a sacrificial indirect
10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)

length can be increased by crown lengthening, and

resistance form may be improved by the use of grooves,
slots or boxes and by converting sloping surfaces into
vertical and horizontal components.
• Occlusal reduction should follow cuspal outline to
maximise retention and minimise tooth reduction. For
porcelain fused to metal crowns and for gold crowns
these distances are 2 and 1 mm, respectively.
• The finished margin position and type are determined
by the gingival contour, the nature of the restorative
material, the presence or absence of a core margin and
the choice of luting agent.Whenever possible, the margin
should be supragingival following the natural gingival
contours. Finish margins should ideally extend at least
Fig. 10.14 Metal ceramic crowns on posterior teeth with (left) 1 mm past core margins to rest on sound tooth tissue.
and without (right) occlusal porcelain coverage.

Types of finish margins (Box 10.4, Fig. 10.15)

composite approach is preferred or permanent night-
time protection with a Michigan splint may be indicated Chamfers and shoulders give definite finish margins which
• Where pulpal damage risk is high, particularly in a young may be identified on preparations, temporary crowns and
patient. Dentine-bonded ceramic crowns have provided dies. Occasionally, knife-edge preparations may be indicated
a more conservative viable option in many of these cases. for full veneer crowns where there are deeply subgingival
margins (however, periodontal surgery may be more appro-
priate here), bulbous teeth or pins close to the preparation
TOOTH PREPARATION GUIDELINES FOR margin. Metal ceramic crowns may be constructed with
INDIRECT RESTORATIONS metal collars, especially on long preparations on posterior
teeth. Lipline on smiling may indicate whether this is a
All preparations should have the maximum height and practical proposition. A chamfer or knife-edge finish may
minimum taper for optimal resistance and retention form avoid excessive tooth reduction in this situation.
consistent with the clinical situation. To achieve this
and to permit an adequate thickness of restorative material
Preparation stages
without over-contour, the surface of the preparation should
mimic that of the intended restoration. The following sequence is usually adopted:

• Occlusal reduction using depth grooves as a guide to

Features of preparations for indirect
the amount of tooth reduction. Grooves are only of use
when the shape of the restoration is intended to match
• Undercut-free preparation – there must be one point the original tooth.
above the preparation from which all the margins and • Gross buccal and palatal/lingual axial reduction. The
internal line angles can be seen. preparation is kept near-parallel cervically and the labial
• A single path of insertion over as great a distance as reduction is made to mimic the contour of the final
possible – this is achieved by preparing opposing walls to restoration in two, or occasionally three, planes. The
be near-parallel to give maximum retention.The position preparation is extended as far interproximally as possible
of the adjacent teeth should be considered as they may without risking contact with adjacent tooth structure.
overhang the margins of the prepared tooth. The path • Initial interproximal reduction is achieved with a narrow
of insertion is therefore dictated by the adjacent teeth. tapered diamond. A sliver of tooth substance/restoration
• Resistance form needs to be provided by restoration to may be left to protect the adjacent tooth at this stage.
displacing forces which are usually occlusal in origin.
• The opposing walls in the gingival half of the prepa-
ration should be made near-parallel. The occlusal third
Box 10.4 Types of finish margins
to half will usually be more tapered as a result of the
two planes of labial reduction required to provide suffi- • Full veneer crown – chamfer
cient room for the restorative material within the original • Metal ceramic crown – buccal shoulder/palatal chamfer
tooth contours. • Porcelain jacket crown – shoulder
• With short clinical crowns there is an increased risk of
failure because of the short insertion path. Preparation 125
Restorative Dentistry

above for adhesive preparations may be employed. This

type of restoration will normally be appropriate to larger
rather than smaller cavities, and will often be a replace-
ment for a failed amalgam or gold restoration.The aesthetic
inlay cavity will therefore often have an approximal ‘box’
and occlusal key. The taper for the preparation should be
greater than that employed for gold inlay preparations, i.e.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) at least 6°, given that the inlays are weak before cemen-
Fig. 10.15 Types of finish margins. (a) Knife edge; (b) bevel;
tation, and try-in or removal from a near-parallel prepa-
(c) chamfer; (d) shoulder; (e) bevelled shoulder. ration may result in fracture of the inlay (Fig. 10.16).
No bevels should be placed on the occlusal aspect of
the cavity, as thin sections of composite or ceramic may be
• Complete axial reduction can determine final finishing prone to fracture under occlusal loading. All cavity margins
line position. Finish margins at least 1 mm past any should be in enamel and they should be supragingival to
existing restorations and just below the gingival margin permit moisture control during placement of the inlay.
labially if required for aesthetics. Cavities should be at least 2 mm deep occlusally. All line
angles should be rounded.
Clinical and laboratory technique for aesthetic inlays
are outlined in Table 10.3. Using these techniques, a satis-
factory aesthetic result is possible (Figs 10.17 and 10.18).
Tooth-coloured inlays (Box 10.5)
The increasing expectation of patients that restorations
The dentine-bonded crown
be tooth-coloured has led to an increasing interest in
direct and indirect composite and ceramic restorations The dentine-bonded crown is a comparatively recent addi-
in posterior teeth. Ceramic and composite inlays are tion to the clinician’s armamentarium. It has been described
generally considered to be appropriate for larger rather as a full-coverage ceramic restoration which is bonded to
than smaller cavities, given that direct placement resin the underlying dentine (and any remaining enamel) using a
composite restorations may provide good service in small-
to medium-sized cavities.
Computer-aided design and manufacture techniques
(CAD-CAM, e.g. Cerec, Siemens, Germany) are capable
of producing accurately fitting inlays from blocks of
ceramic material. These techniques have the distinct
advantage of producing the inlay at the chairside in a short
time (approx. 15–20 minutes), thereby obviating the need
for placement of a temporary restoration and a second
visit for placement.
Composite inlays are constructed from a variety of
Gold inlay Composite inlay
composite types and are ‘supercured’ using a mixture of
heat and pressure, and heat and light. Fig. 10.16 Comparison between typical inlay cavities for gold and
composite inlays.

Clinical technique for adhesive inlays

Despite the differences in the physical properties of com-
posite and ceramic inlay materials, the suggested cavity
preparation designs may be similar.The concepts described

Box 10.5 Examples of tooth-coloured ceramic inlay

• Feldspathic porcelain
• Reinforced ceramics (such as Fortress: Chameleon
Dental, KS, USA)
• Pressed ceramics (such as Empress II: Ivoclar-Vivadent,
Fig. 10.17 Cavity preparation for a composite inlay to replace a
126 failed gold inlay (patient requested tooth-coloured restoration).
10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)

Table 10.3 Clinical and laboratory techniques for aesthetic inlays (stages 1 and 2)

Operation Rationale
Stage 1
Impression technique As for a gold inlay
Laboratory instructions Request for etching of the fitting surface of ceramic inlays with
hydrofluoric acid to provide a micromechanically retentive fitting
The fitting surface of composite inlays are sandblasted as the achievement
of a micromechanically retentive fitting surface is more difficult
A silane bond enhancer should be applied to both ceramic and
composite inlays both in the laboratory and also prior to cementation
Temporary restoration The temporary restoration should be constructed in a light or chemically
cured provisional material and cemented with a eugenol-free
temporary luting material.
Stage 2
Remove temporary and clean cavity with pumice Removes contaminants such as eugenol
Handle inlay with care, try into cavity: do NOT Inlay is weak prior to cementation
check occlusion
If satisfactory fit, clean inlay fitting surface with Fitting surface may have been contaminated with salivary pellicle
phosphoric acid for 15 seconds
Apply silane bond enhancer to inlay fitting Silane will improve adhesion of resin to ceramic inlay by circa 20%
surface and allow to evaporate
Isolate, preferably under rubber dam Saliva and/or blood contamination will reduce bond strength
Apply matrix, or organise alternative means for Excess luting material will cause gingival irritation
removal of excess luting material at gingival
margin, such as floss and Superfloss
Mix luting material and apply to cavity Application of luting material to inlay may result in fracture of inlay
Place inlay slowly and carefully Rapid insertion of the inlay may result in its fracture
Remove excess luting material from accessible Removal of excess luting material is much more difficult when it has
surfaces with sponge pellets or equivalent, and been cured
interproximal excess with a probe or floss if a
matrix has not been placed
Cover margins with anti-air-inhibition gel This will allow full polymerisation of the lute and prevent removal
of the uppermost layer when finishing margins
Light cure from all directions in excess of It is not possible to overcure a composite and light is absorbed by the
manufacturer’s suggested timing inlay, especially if a dark shade has been chosen. Physical properties
of dual-cure materials are better when light-cured
Finish margins, check occlusion in all positions, Smooth margins will not retain plaque
and polish

resin composite-based luting material, with the bond being bonded to the underlying tooth. Indeed, since feldspathic
mediated by the use of a dentine bonding system and a porcelain is often used as the outer ceramic layer in
micromechanically retentive ceramic fitting surface. Appro- many restorative modalities, such as metal-ceramic or
priate ceramics include feldspathic porcelain and aluminous aluminous porcelain, in the dentine-bonded crown tech-
porcelain, but any reinforced ceramic (e.g. Empress: Ivoclar- nique, the tooth acts as the core, bonded to the ceramic
Vivadent, Leichtenstein) may also be appropriate provided by way of the dentine bonding agent and luting material
that it is possible to etch its fitting surface with hydro- (Fig. 10.19).
fluoric acid or a hydrofluoric/hydrochloric acid mixture Advantages and disadvantages of dentine-bonded
to produce a micromechanically retentive fitting surface. crowns are as follows:
The bond between ceramic and resin luting material
is enhanced by application of silane to the fitting surface. Advantages
As with ceramic inlays, these crowns are weak until • Good fracture resistance 127
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 10.18 Composite inlay at placement visit.

• Achievement of good aesthetics
• Minimal axial preparation results in less pulpal irritation
(occlusal/incisal reduction is as for a porcelain jacket
• Reduced potential for microleakage
• Use in situations where preparation taper is large or
crown height poor
• Luting material is virtually insoluble in oral fluids
• Use in patients who are sensitised to any constituent of
casting alloys
• Correctly finished, they should not cause irritation of
the periodontal tissues
• No marginal gap as this is filled with the luting material.
• Problems of isolation for the bonding procedure if deep (b)
subgingival margins are present Fig. 10.19 (a) Dentine-bonded all-ceramic crowns constructed in
feldspathic porcelain on central incisor teeth. (b) Preparation for
• The luting procedure is more time-consuming than for crowns illustrated in (a) shows minimal shoulder and less tooth
conventional crowns, resulting in a higher chairside cost reduction than for conventional crowns. (Reproduced by courtesy
• Lack of extensive long-term clinical data on effectiveness. of George Warman Publications, of Dental Update.)
Dentine-bonded crowns are indicated:
• as replacements for failed, conventional crowns • introduction of Bis-GMA resins and the subsequent
• in cases of tooth wear development of resin composite luting materials
• as alternatives to metal-based alloys. • surface treatments which provide a micromechanically
They are not suitable where isolation is not possible, retentive ceramic fit surface.
such as deeply subgingival margins or in patients with
uncontrolled caries or severe parafunctional habits.
The placement technique for dentine-bonded crowns is
outlined in Table 10.4.This has been considerably simplified
by the introduction of self-adhesive resin luting materials
such as RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) which
obviate the need for separate etching and bonding stages.


The advent of new tooth-coloured restorative materials and

techniques within the last three decades has led to increased
consumer orientation towards aesthetic dentistry (Fig. 10.20).
Three main discoveries have led to the evolution of the
porcelain laminate veneer (PLV):
128 • etching of enamel Fig. 10.20 Porcelain laminate veneers on anterior teeth.
10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)

Table 10.4 Dentine-bonded crown placement technique

Operation Rationale
Remove temporary and clean preparation with pumice Removes contaminants such as eugenol
Handling crown with care, try into preparation; do NOT Crown is weak prior to cementation
check occlusion
If satisfactory fit, clean fitting surface with phosphoric Fitting surface may have been contaminated with salivary
acid for 15 seconds pellicle
Apply silane bond enhancer to fitting surface and Silane will improve adhesion of resin to crown by about 20%
allow to evaporate
Isolate, preferably under rubber dam Saliva and/or blood contamination will reduce bond strength
Organise means for removal of excess luting material Excess luting material will cause gingival irritation
at gingival margin, such as floss and Superfloss
Apply dentine-bonding agent in thin layer to dentine Provides adhesion of resin luting material. Thin layer essential as
surface pooling at internal line angles will prevent seating of crown
Mix luting material and apply to crown Must be handled carefully
Place crown slowly and with care Rapid placement may result in fracture of thin margins
Remove excess luting material from accessible surfaces
with sponge pellets or brushes, and interproximal
excess with a probe and/or floss; run Superfloss
through at gingival margin
Cover margins with anti-air-inhibition gel This will allow full polymerisation of the lute and prevent
removal of the uppermost layer when finishing margins
Light cure from all directions in excess of manufacturer’s It is not possible to overcure a composite and light is absorbed by
suggested timing the crown, especially if a dark shade has been chosen. Physical
properties of dual-cure materials are better when light-cured
Finish margins, check occlusion in all positions, and polish Smooth margins will not retain plaque

These major discoveries, coupled with the continued • Extrinsic permanent staining not amenable to bleach-
evolution of laboratory techniques (platinum matrix build- ing techniques.
up technique for porcelain laminates; refractory invest-
ments; new ceramics with optimised properties specific In addition, discoloured non-vital teeth that otherwise
to porcelain laminates) and materials/clinical procedures might require post crowns can be veneered (perhaps after
(porcelain etching gels; stable silane solutions; veneer internal bleaching has been attempted). Whilst PLVs may
bonding composites/specific instrument kits for tooth afford a more conservative alternative to post crowns
preparation and establishment of appropriate preparation in these situations, these restorations may appear darker
criteria), have made porcelain laminate veneers a well- in time as the root-filled tooth is liable to colour change.
established and predictable treatment modality. External bleaching through the palatal surface of the
natural tooth (or internal bleaching) may reverse this
situation (Fig. 10.21).
Porcelain laminate veneers may also be used to correct
Porcelain laminate veneers can be used in a variety of clinical peg-shaped lateral incisors, to close proximal spacing and
situations. For example, colour defects or abnormalities of diastemas, to repair (some) fractured incisal edges, and
the enamel, such as the following, can be masked: to align labial surfaces of instanding teeth. Any closing of
diastema must take the overhanging porcelain/occlusal
• Intrinsic staining or surface enamel defects caused by: guidance relationship into consideration, since this involves
– physiological ageing the risk of fracture. Converting a canine to the shape of
– trauma a lateral incisor (in the case of a missing lateral) usually
– medications (tetracycline administration) requires a partial veneer crown (reverse three-quarter)
– fluorosis preparation. When major changes to the shape of the teeth
– mild enamel hypoplasia or hypomineralisation are planned, it is advisable that a diagnostic wax-up on
– amelogenesis imperfecta a study cast is carried out first. Alternatively, mock-up
– erosion and abrasion facings of composite or porcelain may be made on a cast 129
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 10.23 Severely rotated teeth not suitable for porcelain

Fig. 10.21 Discoloured teeth that will benefit from porcelain laminate veneers.
laminate veneers.

of the unprepared teeth for chairside and/or intraoral presence of small labial or proximal restorations may not
evaluation by the operator or patient (Fig. 10.22). contraindicate veneers.
When lower incisor teeth meet in close apposition to
the palatal surfaces of opposing maxillary incisors, the
occlusal forces are less favourable and the available bond-
Veneers are contraindicated when there is a poorly motivated ing area is often considerably reduced. Where it is seen
patient with a high caries rate and appreciable amount of that veneers are more difficult to place, they should only
periodontal destruction. Recession, root exposure (with be considered when all other alternatives are unacceptable
discoloration) and a high lip line are other contraindications. to the patient.
PLVs are normally contraindicated if the preparation Another situation in which PLVs may not be appro-
does not preserve at least half of the surface area remain- priate is when teeth are severely discoloured. Opaque
ing in enamel or if it has to be extended onto cervical root porcelains and luting cements can be used but the end
structure. A more extensive restoration such as a metal- result may be a dull, ‘lifeless’ over-contoured restoration
free dentine-bonded ceramic crown or a conventional high- with poor cervical appearance because the veneer can only
strength porcelain jacket crown may be more appropriate be extended onto the enamel-covered crown surface. It is
in these situations. difficult to achieve a good aesthetic result on a single, very
Labially positioned, severely rotated or overlapped teeth discoloured tooth with a PLV and, in such cases, a crown
will prove difficult to restore with veneers (Fig. 10.23), as restoration may be more appropriate.
will teeth in which there is loss of substantial amounts of
structure, including labial enamel, and those with inter-
Design considerations
proximal caries or unsound/leaking restorations. The
Teeth can be veneered without any preparation (e.g. an
instanding upper lateral incisor) but this is generally not
favoured as it will result in over-contouring (complicating
plaque control) and the restoration may be difficult to
locate accurately on cementation. Indications for a ‘non-
preparation’ approach include patients who are averse to
having any tooth preparation (they must have the impli-
cations of this fully explained to them in advance and this
must be recorded in the notes).
Removal of surface enamel makes resin–enamel bond-
ing more effective. The presence of small labial or proximal
restorations may not contraindicate veneers. They may
be incorporated into the preparation and they should be
replaced before or during veneering to ensure caries
removal, effective bonding and good marginal seal. Restora-
tion with glass ionomer cement rather than composite
130 Fig. 10.22 Diagnostic wax-up of teeth. resin may be indicated.
10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)

Tooth preparation respect. Although small areas of the preparation can

involve dentine without adversely affecting retention, it is
Labial reduction
best to avoid this if possible. Dentine bonding agents may
A polyvinyl siloxane putty template of the tooth prior to be used to bond the resin luting cement to dentine but this
preparation may be used to help the clinician measure the is not ideal, particularly at the preparation margins. Labial
amount of reduction. Depth orientation grooves may be reduction should finish with a chamfer margin at the
prepared using commercially available depth-limiting burs proximal ‘stop’, thus preserving the contact area.
specially designed for PLVs. Alternatively, hemispherical
depth orientation dimples may be prepared using a 0.5 mm
Cervical margin placement
radius round diamond bur (Fig. 10.24).
Great care must be taken to avoid perforation of thin Porcelain laminate veneers generally allow supragingival
cervical enamel (sometimes it is better to leave the cervical margins to remain visible (because of their optical proper-
region minimally prepared or unprepared because the ties) and tooth preparation allows a good emergence profile
enamel is so thin). Lack of sensitivity during preparation to be maintained. Supragingival or equigingival margins
(without local anaesthetic) is not a reliable indicator in this should normally be preferred for the following reasons:
• they are less likely to involve cervical dentine
• the margins are accessible for finishing and polishing
• plaque control is simplified
• assessment of marginal fit is easier
• moisture control during bonding is simplified.
About 0.3–0.5 mm of enamel should normally be removed
(0.3 mm cervically) and the preparation should end proxi-
mally just short of the contact point(s) and level with the
gingival margin (or supragingivally if the lip line permits)
in enamel. A 0.3 mm chamfer creates a finish line which is
easy to identify and reproduce in the laboratory. It allows
correct tooth contour to be established cervically. It facili-
tates veneer placement and reduces the risk of margin
fracture at try-in. Greater reduction, up to 0.7 mm in depth,
may be required to mask heavy tetracycline discoloration,
and if the lip line is high, the preparation may also have to
be extended intracrevicularly to achieve satisfactory
aesthetics. The surface produced by conventional medium
grit diamond burs is adequate, as composite/enamel
bonding is facilitated by the rough surface. A finishing bur
is, however, preferred for margin refinement.

(a) Proximal reduction

Although undercut areas should not be introduced in the
preparation, care should be taken that the veneer extends
adequately in the proximal subcontact areas (cervical to
the contact points) to avoid an unsightly band of exposed
tooth structure remaining (especially mesially). A labial or
labio-incisal path of insertion helps to prevent this. The
aim is to place the margin beyond readily visible regions.
Provided the tooth does not have proximal restorations,
placement of the proximal ‘stop line’ should be guided by
aesthetic considerations. It is essential to extend the margin
of the veneer beyond the visible area.
This is especially important when the colour of the
tooth differs greatly from that of the veneer. Assessment of
correct proximal margin placement should be determined
(b) from frontal and/or side-on views. Proximal extension of
Fig. 10.24 (a, b) Labial reduction for porcelain laminate veneer. the veneer to the lingual proximal line angle may be 131
Restorative Dentistry

required to achieve a favourable restoration contour when protect part of the palatal surface, or when the incisal edge
there are diastemas to be masked or when there is caries is poor aesthetically due to minor chipping etc. Incisal
or an existing restoration proximally. reduction must provide a minimum ceramic thickness of
at least 1 mm. A thicker layer should be used for canine
teeth and lower incisors. The lingual margin placement for
Incisal coverage
a lower incisor may be extended one-third of the way
The veneer is extended to or taken over the incisal tip down the lingual surface, transforming the veneer in effect
depending on the need to rebuild or lengthen this area into a partial crown. With this type of preparation the
(taking into account occlusal constraints). An incisal bevel ceramic will be exposed mostly to compressive stresses
is the preparation of choice when the tooth to be veneered and less to flexural stresses. Despite the small preparation
is of the correct length and the anticipated functional surface area, the failure rate is relatively low. The degree of
occlusal loads will be low. If the occlusion permits, the extension onto the lingual/palatal surface will depend
incisal edge of the tooth should not be routinely covered upon the particular clinical situation. The lingual finish
as the preparation is then more conservative and does not margin should be prepared as a hollow ground chamfer to
alter the patient’s natural incisal guidance/tooth contacts. a depth of 0.5–0.7 mm. This margin should be located
However, when the incisal edge of the tooth is not over- away from centric stops or areas of direct occlusal impact.
laid, the occlusal third of the PLV is often very thin (0.3 mm
or less). If there is edge-to-edge occlusion or evidence of
incisal wear then there is a greater risk of chipping or incisal
fracture of the veneer from occlusal load (Fig. 10.25). A silicone impression taken in a full arch stock impression
In addition, when the teeth are thin, the difference in tray is adequate. Alternatively, a twin-mix single-stage
resilience between the prepared natural tooth and the PLV addition-cured silicone impression taken in a special tray
can, under occlusal load, lead to cracking or fracturing of may be used. Occlusal stops should be placed on teeth away
the ceramic. A similar consideration applies if extensive from those prepared. Retraction cord placement is rarely
composite restorations are present. necessary and, if required, may indicate overpreparation.
Complete coverage of the incisal edge with a minimum Simply blowing with an air syringe should reveal the
thickness of 1 mm of ceramic (preferably 1.5 mm) will offer margin in the final preparation. Gingival retraction,
the following advantages: however, is required to record the root emergence profile
when the cervical margin is placed equigingivally or sub-
• It restricts incisal fracturing in cases of heavy occlusal load. gingivally for aesthetic or other reasons. Non-medicated
• It facilitates changes in tooth shape/position. retraction cords (small braided cords – Ultrapak No. 1 or
• It facilitates handling and positioning of the PLV at try- No. 2, Ultradent) are preferred to reduce any risk of
in and during bonding.
gingival recession. Any undercuts created by the cervical
• It allows the veneer margin to be placed outside the embrasure spaces may be filled in lingually with softened
area of occlusal impact.
wax to avoid the risk of the impression tearing.
• It facilitates achievement of good aesthetics in the final
Temporary cover
An incisal edge overlap preparation is used when tooth
lengthening is indicated, when it is necessary to cover/ This is rarely indicated for minimal veneer preparations
and, when required for a single veneer, can be accomplished
with light-cured composite resin build-up.The tooth prepa-
ration is coated with a layer of water-soluble separator
(glycerin), light-cured composite restorative is applied and
excess removed from interproximal spaces before curing.
After light curing, the hardened material may be removed
for shaping and polishing. It may be cemented to the tooth
surface with a layer of composite after the preparation has
been spot-etched centrally (Fig. 10.26).
Pairs of veneer preparations may be made at the chair-
side or in the laboratory on a quick-setting plaster cast
poured from an impression. Multiple temporary veneers
may be made at the chairside with the aid of a transparent
vacuum-formed plastic mould prepared from a model in
the laboratory. A light- or chemically cured provisional
composite resin may be used to make the provisional
132 Fig. 10.25 Incisal preparation for porcelain laminate veneer. veneers. After trimming and adjustment, the veneers may
10 / Restoration of teeth (complex restorations)

Fig. 10.26 Spot-etching of UR1 prior to temporary coverage for
porcelain laminate veneer.

need to be relined to improve marginal fit.These temporary

prostheses are generally not separated but are cemented
in one piece. A eugenol-free temporary cement or zinc
phosphate may be used for this purpose or a resin-based
temporary cement (Temp Bond Clear, Kerr).When there is
incisal coverage or the veneer has had to be extended inter-
proximally or converted to a partial cover dentine-bonded
crown (reverse three-quarter), there is a greater need for
a provisional restoration to satisfy patients’ aesthetic
demands and to reduce the risk of tooth sensitivity.

Laboratory aspects (b)

Fig. 10.27 Luting (a) and finishing (b) of porcelain laminate
Porcelain veneers may be fabricated on platinum foil veneer.
matrices, or using refractory dies. With both techniques
the fit surface of the fired porcelain veneer is grit-blasted
with 50 micron Al2O3.The veneer fit surface is then etched glycerin if required for initial aesthetic try-in (an air gap
with a hydrofluoric acid etch gel and a silane solution is will adversely affect the shade evaluation). Only if essential,
applied to it. It is important, if possible, to get most of the use a trial mix of luting composite applied to the veneer fit
desired final shade from the porcelain restoration itself surface (having wetted the tooth surface with water) for
rather than the luting cement. shade assessment. Switch off the operating light before-
hand! Wipe out excess resin with cotton wool and place
the veneer in an appropriate solvent (ethyl alcohol) to
remove remaining unpolymerised luting cement.
Clean prepared teeth with a pumice/water slurry, rinse and
dry. If necessary, clean interproximally with finishing strips.
Cementation or bonding
Care is needed to avoid trauma to the gingival margin and
bleeding. The tooth is isolated (cotton wool rolls, suction) Obtain strict moisture control with cotton wool rolls,
and airway protection (gauze or throat pack) is placed. saliva ejectors and sponges, etc. Gingival retraction cord
The individual veneers are checked for fit and contour. may also be required. Adjacent teeth are protected with
(If multiple, try in together). Do not seat veneers forcefully soft metal matrix (Dead soft matrix material, Den Mat) or
but adjust as required with diamond burs (veneers are mylar strips folded over uninvolved contacts to secure in
fragile at this stage and final minor adjustments are best place or use wedges.
left until after bonding). If porcelain margins are exposed, Acid etch with phosphoric acid gel for 30 seconds, rinse
silane and bond resin have to be reapplied in the labora- for 20 seconds, and dry until a frosted appearance is
tory before proceeding (Fig. 10.27). evident. (If areas of exposed dentine are present, use an
Choose the correct shade of composite luting cements enamel/dentine bonding system in accordance with the
(use the shade of veneer itself as a guide). Use water or manufacturer’s instructions.) 133
Restorative Dentistry

Apply unfilled bond resin and blow thin. Do not light

cure! It is essential that excess bond resin is not allowed to
pool in interdental or cervical areas where it may prevent
complete veneer seating.
Place the chosen shade of composite resin luting cement
as a thin layer over the veneer fit surface (avoid incorpo-
rating air bubbles) and seat the veneer onto the tooth with
slow continuous pressure until fully in place. Remove gross
excess cement from the margins with a probe (or a brush
tip dipped in unfilled resin). Run Superfloss interproximally
in a labial to palatal direction to remove interproximal
excess. If the veneer is correctly seated, ‘tack’ it into place
with a 10–20 second period of light irradiation incisally.
Remove more excess resin taking care not to drag out
cement from under the margins. Complete light curing by
overlapping light guide tip applications (60 seconds each)
in incisal, labial and proximal areas.
Cement adjacent veneers one at a time (always check
for correct seating beforehand!).

Gross excess cement can be removed with hand instru-
ments such as scalers and composite finishing burs.
Remove residual excess from the margins with water-
cooled composite finishing burs which may also be used
for fine trimming of porcelain margins. The gingiva is
protected by retraction with the blade of a ‘flat plastic’
hand instrument and the proximal area is finished with
composite finishing strips. The contact point should be (b)
checked so that it allows floss to pass between smoothly. Fig. 10.28 Final finishing of veeners.
The finished result is shown in Figure 10.28.
The final polish of margins is undertaken with impreg-
nated polishing discs and cups (Enhance-Dentsply),
polishing pastes (Prisma-Gloss/Dentsply) and/or composite adjusted if required. It is known that properly executed
polishing discs (Soflex 3M). A final check is made on the porcelain veneers rarely fail due to bond failure. However,
occlusion and the PLV is adjusted to remove premature a mouth guard should be provided for contact sports
contacts in all excursions. players to avoid damage.

Review and maintenance

The patient is reviewed 1 week later to ensure that all
excess resin cement has been removed and that correct Complex restorations are clinically rewarding but they do
plaque control procedures are being employed. The require careful treatment planning to ensure their longevity
marginal integrity is checked for signs of marginal leakage, in the mouth. This aspect of restorative dentistry ensures
colour, aesthetic acceptability and gingival health at regular that the patient has a functional restoration which is
recall. The occlusion is inspected for interferences and mechanically sound but also biologically compatible.

11 Treatment of tooth
substance loss

Incidence of tooth substance loss 135 REASONS TO TREAT TOOTH SUBSTANCE LOSS
Reasons to treat tooth substance loss 135
The history 136 Treatment of TSL may be required for a variety of
The examination 137 reasons:
Treatment of tooth substance loss 138
Classifications for treatment of TSL 138
• The patient may request it because of poor aesthetics of
the worn teeth or because of sensitivity or pain.
Treatment of category 1 patients 138
Treatment of category 2 patients 139
• There may be infections associated with teeth which
have become non-vital as a result of severe TSL.
Treatment of category 3 patients 140
Types of restoration 140
• Patients may also complain of difficulty in eating
because of reduced masticatory function.
Summary 143
• There may be temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.
• There may be problems in phonation.
Although the patient may not complain of any symptoms
INCIDENCE OF TOOTH SUBSTANCE LOSS or notice problems, the clinician may suggest treatment
because the TSL is progressing and the dentition requires
There is a paucity of data on the incidence of tooth protection from further tooth loss by restorations. The
substance loss (TSL) in the population, but anecdotal dentist may also suggest treatment because of reduced
evidence suggests that in some countries, such as the UK, function, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders or
it is increasing among all age groups, while in others, such compromised aesthetics.
as the USA, the problems are not so severe, at least within From the above, it is apparent that there will be cases in
the younger age groups. In general, the TSL which affects which the patient is unaware of the problem because of its
the younger age groups tends to be erosive, as a result of slow rate of progression. In general, therefore, except in
overconsumption of carbonated beverages, while in the cases of erosive TSL in young patients, treatment can be
older age groups, TSL is more likely to be multifactorial. planned at a relaxed pace.
The prevelance of tooth wear from different studies in A definition of pathological tooth wear is given in
children is shown in Table 11.1. Box 11.1.

Table 11.1 Summary of prevalence studies of tooth wear in children

Age (years) % affected

Hind & Gregory (1994) 1–4 20
Millward et al (1994) 4–5 38
Chadwick et al (2006) 5–6 52
UK Child Dental Health Survey (1993) 11 25
Bartlett et al (1998) 11–14 57
Milosevic et al (1994) 14 30

Restorative Dentistry

Box 11.1 Pathological tooth wear as defined by Smith Box 11.2 Causes of erosive tooth wear (Watson &
& Knight (1984) Burke 2000)
• Pulp exposure Extrinsic erosion
• Loss of vitality due to tooth wear (caused by acid originating outside the body; generally the
• Exposure of tertiary dentine pH is 2.5 or less)
• Exposure of dentine on buccal or lingual surfaces • Environmental – wine tasters, swimmers, acid fumes
• Notched cervical surfaces (unlikely since the advent of industrial legislation)
• Cupped incisal or occlusal surfaces • Dietary – soft drinks, acidic food
• Wear in one arch more than the other • Medications – vitamin C, mouthwashes
• Inability to make contact between worn incisal or • Lifestyle – sports drinks, ecstasy (drug), frothing
occlusal surfaces in any excursion of the mandible
Intrinsic erosion
• Restorations projecting above the tooth surface
(due to stomach acid reaching the teeth, with a pH of 1;
• Wear producing persistent sensitivity
this acid is typically 100 times stronger than in extrinsic
• Reduction in length of incisor teeth so that the length is
erosion, and therefore much more destructive)
out of proportion to the width
• Gastric reflux:
– Sphincter incompetence: oesophagitis, hiatus hernia,
pregnancy, diet, drugs, neuromuscular disease
– Increased gastric pressure: obesity, pregnancy, ascites
– Increased gastric volume: after meals, gut obstruction,
• Vomiting:
In all cases, it is essential that a full history is taken and a – Psychosomatic: stress-induced, bulimia nervosa,
complete examination carried out with the aim of making anorexia nervosa
– Gastrointestinal disorders
a definitive and accurate diagnosis (Box 11.2). Patients – Drug-induced: primary, secondary, xerostomia
should be asked to give details of their concerns and • Regurgitation
symptoms, if any, and for how long the symptoms have • Rumination
been present. A patient complaint of sensitivity to cold and
heat may indicate rapid loss of tooth substance, as
secondary dentine is not being laid down as quickly as the
TSL is occurring. This may suggest that early intervention
is indicated before the pulp becomes irreversibly damaged. tation. In this habit, recently eaten food is forced from the
Chipping of incisal enamel is another factor that patients stomach by strong contractions of the abdominal muscles.
may notice. The rapidity with which this is occurring may The food is chewed again and re-swallowed, often many
also indicate the rapidity of the TSL. Most commonly, the times, thus providing the opportunity for erosion of the
patient’s presenting complaint will be of poor aesthetics teeth. Surprisingly, this strange behaviour is fairly common
relating to shortened teeth, incisal translucency and/or and the habit can last a lifetime.
chipping, or functional problems such as difficulty in Pregnancy may indirectly be associated with TSL, given
chewing. Ascertaining the patient’s reason for attendance the possibility of repeated vomiting as a result of morning
should give an indication of eagerness for treatment and sickness.
what particular factors should be addressed. The history A number of medications may be associated with TSL,
should also give an indication of possible patient including chewable vitamin C, hydrochloric acid for
compliance, given that patients who are unaware of their achlorhydria and some iron-containing preparations. The
dental problems are unlikely to be willing to undergo an use of the drug ecstasy reduces salivary flow. The mixture
extensive course of treatment. In such cases, the problems of dry mouth, vigorous ‘raving’ and rehydration with acidic
should be carefully explained and an appointment made to drinks is linked to erosion.
review the patient’s attitude. Should the patient’s compliance Diets high in fibrous foods and citrus fruits may also
be in any way suspect, minimal treatment only should be predispose to TSL, as may diets which are high in
offered at the outset. carbonated beverages such as cola drinks. Some patients
The patient’s medical history should be taken carefully, ‘swish’ the cola drink around their mouths, which is likely
with special reference to medical conditions associated to increase the overall erosive effect, by increasing the time
with TSL. These include gastric ulceration, hiatus hernia, that the drink is held in the mouth. In cases where diet is
oesophagitis, gastro-oesophageal reflux and, indeed, any suspected as being contributory to TSL, the patient should
medical condition which predisposes to gastric regurgita- be asked to keep a diet diary for a number of days.
tion. The patient should be asked about indigestion and Excessive alcohol consumption may result in vomiting
heartburn, both of which may indicate a tendency for and/or gastritis, both of which could be contributory
gastric reflux. However, the condition may be subclinical, factors to TSL.
in that the patient may be unaware of the occurrence of In the past, the patient’s occupation was considered to
136 gastric reflux. Rumination is often confused with regurgi- be of relevance (e.g. erosion was found to be associated
11 / Treatment of tooth substance loss

with the acidic environment of a car battery factory).

However, contemporary industrial employment legislation
is likely to preclude the occurrence of such erosive condi-
tions. More recently, erosion in a wine taster has been
reported, and also in members of an Olympic swimming
team, due to the acidic nature of the chlorinated water in
which they were swimming. However, while these isolated
cases are of interest, they are not principal causes of TSL.
Occasionally the cause cannot be identified. Given the
secretive nature of some eating disorders (such as anorexia
nervosa), and the possibility that alcoholism may also be a
causative factor in some erosive cases, discussion of the
cause of TSL may be difficult with some individuals.
Nevertheless, a caring approach may help patients to
discuss their problems. Often the patients appear to be Fig. 11.2 A restoration which is proud on the tooth surface due
more willing to discuss these problems with the dental to erosive tooth substance loss of the surrounding hard dental
nurse, and there may therefore be some merit in leaving tissues.
the patient with the nurse once the subject has been
brought up. In this respect, the pattern of TSL in bulimic
patients is well defined and possibly pathognomonic, with clenching and/or grinding habits is a cause of TSL in a
TSL typically affecting the palatal surfaces of the upper proportion of patients. These patients may or may not be
incisor, canine and possibly premolar teeth (Fig. 11.1) and aware of their habits, but may complain of symptoms such
the occlusal surfaces of the mandibular molars and as tender masticatory musculature on waking. Some may
premolars. Amalgam restorations which are present in have TMJ problems.
these teeth may appear ‘proud’ of the remaining tooth Identification of all potential causative factors of TSL is
substance, given that the amalgam is less soluble in gastric desirable prior to treatment. Wear appears to occur inter-
acids than tooth substance (Fig. 11.2). mittently and there may be active and inactive periods. An
Abrasion may occasionally be identified as a cause of assessment of the rapidity of progression is of value in
TSL, e.g. from pen chewing and, in seamstresses, from assessing the need for treatment and its urgency. As a
holding pins between the anterior teeth. However, it general rule, increasing sensitivity of a tooth or group of
should be noted that the abrasive action of toothbrushing teeth is an indication that wear is progressing faster than
is increased dramatically when it is carried out within 30 the deposition of reparative dentine. Also, chipping of incisal
minutes of the teeth having been subjected to an erosive edges of anterior teeth is a sign that TSL is undermining
attack by citrus juices or food, or by regurgitation of the enamel in these areas. These are often reasons for
gastric acid. patients to express anxiety and request treatment.
While erosion has been considered to be the most
prevalent reason for TSL, attrition associated with

An assessment of status is essential and should include a

full clinical examination, radiographs, mounted study casts
and intraoral photographs. Often special investigations
such as 24-hour monitoring of potential gastric reflux may
be indicated, but this, for example, should only be under-
taken with the assistance of a gastroenterologist. The
number and position of missing teeth should be noted, as
too should the position of over-erupted teeth. In cases
where there is a loss of posterior support, the number of
teeth in occlusal contact should be counted in order to
ascertain the need for provision of posterior support by
prosthodontic means. The tooth surfaces affected by TSL
should be noted and may be graded by the use of an index
of tooth wear such as that discussed earlier (Ch. 3).
Fig. 11.1 Tooth substance loss in a bulimic patient, typically
Despite the fact that, for TSL to occur, teeth must
affecting the palatal surfaces of the upper incisor, canine and be well supported and firm, the clinician must not
possibly premolar teeth. assume that all firm teeth are free from periodontal 137
Restorative Dentistry

Classifications for treatment of TSL

disease. A full periodontal assessment is therefore
important. Given the importance of assessing the vertical Tooth substance loss may be classified simply into:
component of the occlusion, the freeway space should
• localised
be measured. Radiographs will provide an indication as
• generalised.
to the amount of reparative dentine and the proximity of
the pulp (in teeth affected by TSL) to the tooth surface. Only rarely are large numbers of teeth affected by
The radiographs may also show teeth in which pulpal TSL and normally it will be localised to a small number,
damage has led to pulpal death and an associated area usually in one arch. In general, when only a small number
of periapical radiolucency. Extraoral examination may of teeth are affected, these alone should be treated.
reveal muscle hypertrophy, which may be as a result of However, the cause of the TSL should also be determined,
bruxism, or enlarged parotid glands, which may be where possible, so that the patient may be advised about
associated with bulimia. preventive measures.
Generalised TSL is usually the result of several
contributory factors, e.g., the bruxist who also consumes
TREATMENT OF TOOTH SUBSTANCE LOSS excessive quantities of carbonated beverages, especially
at bedtime, or the bulimic who consumes excessive
The principles for treatment of caries were developed carbonated beverages and who brushes his/her teeth with
over a century ago and, until recently, remained largely an (abrasive) toothpaste shortly after vomiting. These
unchanged (see Ch. 6). By contrast, the principles for patients will often require extensive restorative treatment,
treatment of TSL have been suggested comparatively dependent on the factors discussed below.
recently and have been developed as a result of treatment A widely accepted classification of TSL, which then
experience rather than scientific evaluation. forms a basis for treatment, is to assess the appearance of
A number of difficulties compound the problem of the patient and the need to increase the occlusal face
treating teeth which are already affected by TSL. Principal height. The classification categories are as follows:
among these is the mechanism by which continuous tooth
1. Appearance satisfactory
migration/eruption and alveolar bone growth compensates
2. Appearance not satisfactory: no increase in occlusal
for occlusal and incisal TSL. By this means, occlusal face
face height required
height is maintained. As a result, despite considerable
3. Appearance not satisfactory: increase in occlusal face
TSL, there may often be little interocclusal clearance, as
height required:
demonstrated in Figure 11.3. However, in other cases,
(i) sufficient space available
the freeway space may be maintained, despite severe TSL.
(ii) insufficient space available.
It has also been suggested that cementum is deposited
at the root apex of teeth involved in the compensatory For cases in category 1, the treatment indicated is
mechanism. counselling, restoration of edentulous spaces where appro-
priate, control of any bruxist or clenching habits, adjust-
ment and elimination of any occlusal interferences and
routine dental work. For cases in category 2, the treatment
indicated is as for category 1, plus conventional restorative
measures to deal with the aesthetic problems. The treat-
ment of cases classified into category 3 is more complex.
At the outset, the clinician must decide whether the patient
can tolerate the increase in occlusal vertical dimension.

Treatment of category 1 patients

Prevention is an essential aspect of the management of tooth
wear. Accordingly, for patients in whom the appearance is
satisfactory and there is little or no loss of occlusal vertical
dimension, treatment may be limited to the following.

These patients should be apprised of the cause of their
TSL and how further progress of the condition may be
Fig. 11.3 Patient with considerable tooth substance loss, but little limited. It may well be that their rate of disease progres-
138 interocclusal clearance. sion is slow and they should be told this. For patients in
11 / Treatment of tooth substance loss

whom the cause of the TSL is erosive, dietary advice

should be given, and these patients should be left in no
doubt that further TSL will occur if strict dietary guide-
lines are not adhered to (Box 11.3).
For patients in whom the TSL is a result of regurgi-
tation of gastric acid, such as those with gastric ulcers or
hiatus hernia, the dentist and patient should collaborate
with the patient’s general medical practitioner in an effort
to reduce the effects of reflux. This will generally include
avoiding foods which cause regurgitation and the use of an
antacid mouthwash (e.g. bicarbonate of soda) immediately
after regurgitation or vomiting to neutralise the acid in the
mouth. Patients suffering from bulimia or anorexia may
receive help and advice from self-help groups which have
been set up in many major towns and cities. Patients may
Fig. 11.4 Localised areas of tooth substance loss, where dentine is
also benefit from chewing sugar-free chewing gum and from exposed, may be restored by conventional means.
topical application of bicarbonate-containing toothpastes.
For TSL patients in whom parafunctional habits are
thought to play a part, treatment is by provision of a splint casts are best given to the patient for safe keeping. Long-
or night bite-guard to be worn while sleeping. Hypnotherapy term models should be cast with die-stone, as they
may also be of value. themselves are prone to wear with repeated handling. If
a silicone index was originally taken, it can be placed on
the latest casts for easy viewing of potentially worn sites
Conventional restorative treatment
(Fig. 11.5, Box 11.4).
Localised areas of TSL, where dentine is exposed, may be
restored in order to prevent further wear of the exposed
Treatment of category 2 patients
dentine surfaces (Fig. 11.4). Reduced posterior support,
which has been considered to be a contributory factor in These patients require similar treatment to category 1
TSL, should be treated by provision of dentures, bridges patients, as well as conventional restorative measures,
or implants. such as crowns or resin composite restorations, to
overcome aesthetic problems. Dentine-bonded all-ceramic
crowns are particularly appropriate as they require
minimal (~1 mm) tooth reduction axially. This is of
Monitoring is an important aspect of the treatment of particular importance in teeth which are already affected
category 1 patients. This may be carried out with the aid by TSL. Such crowns are aesthetically good, promote
of mounted study casts and intraoral photographs, and by gingival health by well-finished margins and do not
making the patient aware that symptoms such as tooth contain metal.
sensitivity or chipping of enamel at incisal edges may be an
indication of progressive TSL. Dated reference casts (study
models) can be used at follow-up visits for macroscopic
comparison with the teeth in order to monitor wear.These

Box 11.3 Advice for patients with an erosive element

to TSL
• Reduce the amount and frequency of intake of acidic
drinks, such as carbonated beverages or citrus fruit
• Avoid ‘frothing’ or swishing these drinks
• Avoid brushing the teeth for at least 30 minutes after
• Chill the drink – the erosive potential of cold drinks is
less than that of warm drinks
• Avoid drinking such drinks before bedtime or during the

Fig. 11.5 Use of a silicone index on a patient’s teeth. 139

Restorative Dentistry

constructed to cover the palatal surfaces of the anterior

Box 11.4 The use of a silicone index
teeth. This caused disclusion of the posterior teeth, but
1. A silicone putty impression is taken in an unfixed these ultimately erupted into position, leaving a space
sectional tray between the anterior teeth into which a restoration could
2. The putty is removed from the tray and the impression be placed. The treatment was further refined by the use of
is sliced into sections a fixed prosthesis, usually constructed in cobalt chromium
3. When a section is replaced it is a perfect fit. If wear (Fig. 11.6), and most recently by the placement of resin
progresses then a gap will become visible at future visits composite or ceramic veneers to achieve the resultant
movement (Fig. 11.7). It is thought that the space between
the anterior teeth is obtained as a result of compensatory
over-eruption of the posterior teeth and intrusion of the
anterior teeth.
Treatment of category 3 patients
As tooth substance is lost (group C), there may be
Treatment of these cases may be complex. An increase in flattening of the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth.
the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) may be required to This, in turn, may lead to the patient adopting a more
obtain space for the proposed restorations. Dahl considers anterior ICP and cause an increase in the horizontal space
that patients readily accommodate to an increase in the between the RCP and the ICP. It may be possible to
OVD of up to 2 mm (Briggs et al 1997). If an increase in exploit this space in a small number of cases where room
OVD of greater than that amount is indicated, a diagnostic is required for the restoration of anterior teeth.
splint or overlay appliance should be constructed in order
to ascertain the patient’s ability to cope with the change in
OVD. Such an appliance will often require adjustment at TYPES OF RESTORATION
regular intervals until the patient is comfortable with the
height. Alternatively, the increase in OVD may be achieved In cases where extensive numbers of full-coverage posterior
by applying acid-etch-retained resin composite provisional restorations are required, these may be constructed in
build-ups to the occlusal surfaces of the patient’s posterior metal ceramic or gold, the latter requiring less reduction of
teeth. Again, these may be adjusted at regular intervals tooth substance (of special importance in teeth which may
until the patient is comfortable. There is little evidence have already been subjected to some TSL). Metal occlusal
that moderate changes in the OVD lead to TMJ or muscle surfaces may also produce less wear of the opposing denti-
dysfunction problems provided that the occlusion is tion, but patients are less likely to accept these, especially
correctly managed. in the lower arch, for reasons of aesthetics. In cases of
Space for restoration(s) may be obtained in one of the shortened crown height, additional retention may be
following three ways, or by a combination of each: achieved by the use of boxes and grooves. These will not
only improve the retention, but also the resistance form.
A. By achieving a generalised increase in OVD by crown-
If all that is required is the building up of the occlusal
ing or building up most or all of the teeth in one arch
surfaces of the posterior teeth, and the teeth are relatively
B. By orthodontically intruding teeth which require
sound, it may be possible to use adhesive ceramic or
composite onlays.
C. By exploiting the difference between retruded contact
position (RCP) and intercuspal position (ICP).
Patients in group A should be provided with a diagnostic
restoration as described above prior to proceeding with
definitive restorations. There are no rules about whether
the crowns which increase the OVD should be placed in
the upper or lower arches, or both: it is for the clinician
to decide which teeth are most in need of full-coverage
Patients in group B may be treated using what is termed
the ‘Dahl principle’. In this category, only a small number
of anterior teeth require restoration, but space is not
available because of the compensatory mechanisms
previously described, and preparation of the teeth may
either reduce the teeth to an unmanageable degree or
risk pulpal damage. In the original concept, designed
for the treatment of patients whose upper anterior teeth
140 had suffered palatal TSL, a removable prosthesis was Fig. 11.6 A ‘Dahl’ appliance.
11 / Treatment of tooth substance loss

(a) (b)

Fig. 11.7 Use of the ‘Dahl principle’ to obtain vertical space by

orthodontic movement of teeth. (a) Erosive TSL affecting palatal
aspect of maxillary anterior teeth. (b) Composite placed over
exposed dentine using a dentine bonding agent. This effects an
increase in OVD of approx. 2 mm. (c) Disclusion of the posterior
teeth occurs. These teeth will erupt into contact in 1–3 months.

For anterior teeth, the choice of restorative material viable alternatives, in view of the reduced rates of success
depends, to some extent, on the amount of tooth substance of post-retained crowns, when compared with other full-
remaining. A shortened crown will be unlikely to achieve coverage restorations. It should also be stressed that the
the necessary retention for a non-adhesive restorative retention of each individual crown is of importance and
procedure such as a metal ceramic crown cemented with that no additional retention is gained by splinting a series
a ‘traditional’ cement. In such cases, it will be necessary of crowns which, individually, have compromised reten-
either to undertake a crown-lengthening procedure or to tion. The use of adhesive, dentine-bonded crowns in cases
use an adhesive crown, such as a dentine-bonded crown. of TSL appears to be increasing, due to the ease by which
If the latter is used in cases where the tooth is shortened retention may be achieved, the need for only minimal
due to TSL, the completed restoration is also likely to be additional tooth preparation and the good aesthetic result
shorter than is ideal from an aesthetic viewpoint, and the which may be achieved. Further research is required to
patient may elect to undertake crown-lengthening surgery determine the long-term success of these restorations in
to achieve an improvement in aesthetics by improving the such cases.
crown length to width ratio (Fig. 11.8). Finally, for patients whose TSL has a bruxist element, it
It should be stated that the addition of retentive features is essential that this is controlled before treatment, or that
such as grooves may enhance resistance form and protect the patient agrees to wear a night bite-guard or splint
the bond in adhesive techniques. The preparation for following the restorative process (Fig. 11.9). Furthermore,
dentine-bonded crowns should not be extended subgin- such patients should be made aware that their bruxist
givally because of difficulties in isolation at the fit appoint- habit is likely to reduce the longevity of their new restora-
ment, but for non-adhesive crowns, full use of the gingival tions. Patients whose teeth have been affected by TSL at
crevice may be necessary to achieve the optimal retention. an early age should also be made aware that their restora-
It is the considered view of the authors that devitalisation tive cycle has commenced at a much earlier stage than
of the pulp and root canal treatment for reasons of reten- would have occurred if normal physiological mechanisms
tion should not be resorted to unless there are no other had been the cause of their TSL. They should be told that 141
Restorative Dentistry

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)
Fig. 11.8 Crown-lengthening surgery. Case prior to surgery (a); inverse level incision (b, c); removal of soft tissue (d); 1 mm of bone is
142 removed (e); the flap is repositioned (f) and sutured (g); the final result (h).
11 / Treatment of tooth substance loss


The treatment of TSL can be complex and it is first

necessary to determine the cause of the problem. This will
only be found by the taking of a careful and sometimes
sensitive history and carrying out a careful examination.
The best form of treatment is to stabilise the tooth loss
and prevent the situation becoming worse. Only when the
TSL is under control can it be treated. The more com-
plex cases can be very time-consuming and involved and
often require consultation with a clinician with specialised
training in this area.

Fig. 11.9 Occlusal guard to protect teeth from nocturnal


this cycle of restorative care will continue throughout their

life, and that this should be budgeted for in the same way
as cars and household items which eventually require

12 The principles of tooth

Introduction 145 Conventional approach to complete dentures 185

Fixed or removable prosthesis? 145 An example of provision of a set of complete
Dental factors 146 dentures 187
Clinical assessment of the individual space to be Other techniques 190
restored 148 Final considerations 191
Design 148 Introduction to implants 191
Fixed prosthesis (bridges) 149 Osseointegration 191
Types of bridge 150 Clinical procedure 191
Treatment planning/preparatory work 152 Present implant systems 192
Principles of tooth preparation 152 Treatment planning 192
Choice of retainers 154 Surgical procedure 192
Clinical decisions 155 Single tooth implant 193
Pontic design 156 Overdentures 194
Resin-bonded bridges 157 Failure of implants 194
Bridge design 156 Summary 196
Hybrid bridges 159
Resin-bonded versus conventional bridges 159
Metal/resin retention techniques 160
Guidelines for resin-bonded bridge 161 INTRODUCTION
Longevity of resin-bonded bridges 162
Removable prostheses (removable partial dentures) 162 The edentulous space which occurs following tooth loss
Surveying 164 may be filled using a fixed prosthesis, such as a bridge, or
Design stages 166 a removable prosthesis such as a partial denture. Loss of
Final considerations 174 tooth substance can be managed by other advanced proce-
Overdentures 175 dures such as overdentures or osseointegrated implants. In
Introduction 175 many cases intervention may not be required, if the patient
Overdenture cases 176 has no overriding aesthetic or functional problems. The
Clinical synopsis 177 most common choice facing the clinician is whether to
Selection of abutments 177 provide a fixed or a removable prosthesis and this impor-
Sequence of treatment 178 tant area is discussed below. Alternative methods of
Types of overdenture 178 replacing teeth are discussed later on in the chapter.
Copings and attachments 179
Maintenance 180
Immediate dentures 181
Introduction 181 This choice will be influenced by many factors relating to
Treatment planning 181 the nature of the tooth loss and the wishes of the patient.
Design of immediate dentures 183 Teeth have many functions. Posterior teeth, for example,
Additions of teeth to partial dentures 183 are required for chewing. Anterior teeth are required for
Provision of new immediate denture 183 biting, and they also have an aesthetic function. Teeth are
Complete dentures 184 also important for speech, as certain sounds, e.g. ‘th’ and 145
Restorative Dentistry

‘sh’, rely on contact between the tongue and the surfaces long term, with a removable prosthesis being present
of the hard and soft tissues. during the healing phase. Bridges are ideal for restoring
For a patient, the idea of a fixed prosthesis is usually small spaces within an otherwise complete arch where
more attractive than that of a removable partial denture there are strong and well-supported teeth on one or both
which has to be taken out to be cleaned. However, although ends of the space. If the vertical height of the space has
a patient’s wishes are an important consideration, the been diminished by the over-eruption of an unopposed
clinical decision on the final prosthesis may be driven by tooth, it is sometimes possible to crown it to produce a
dental concerns (Box 12.1). In some cases, where aesthetics more favourable occlusal plane (Fig. 12.1). Alternatively,
is not a consideration and the occlusion is stable, a simple the over-erupted opposing tooth can be intruded by a
option is to leave the space unfilled and monitor the situa- Dahl appliance. This involves the use of a removable or
tion. A prosthesis in this situation will often add compli- cemented appliance to encourage axial tooth movement
cation and interfere with periodontal care and should not (Fig. 12.2). As the numbers of missing teeth increase, the
be contemplated unless there is a strong clinical reason to balance swings in favour of removable partial denture
do so. therapy. Some patients may be best treated by a combi-
nation of bridgework and removable prostheses. Further-
more, the concept of the ‘shortened dental arch’ should
Dental factors
be kept in mind when considering treatment options
The number and position of teeth that are lost will (Fig. 12.3, Box 12.2).
influence the clinical decision. Furthermore, the status of The abutment teeth must have sufficient tooth structure
the abutment teeth on either side of the edentulous space to be able to withstand the extra forces placed on them.
will dictate the type of restoration to be placed. A single
incisor tooth with sound abutment teeth will favour the
provision of a fixed restoration such as an etch-retained
bridge, whilst the loss of four anterior teeth will produce a
large span that may be more suitable for a removable
partial denture. The loss of a single tooth is often best
treated with a fixed prosthesis or implant fixture in the

Box 12.1 Factors that govern the clinical decision on

type of prosthesis
Dental factors
• Abutment teeth present
• The number of teeth lost
• Position of the tooth loss
• Periodontal considerations:
– tooth support (a)
• Conservation status of the teeth:
– strength of tooth tissue
• Root canal treatment proposed or required
• Quality of underlying ridge and bone
• Presence of soft or hard tissue pathology
• Occlusion considerations:
– canine guided
– group function
– opposing teeth
Patient factors
• Patient’s wishes and expectations of treatment
• Age
• Susceptibility to dental disease:
– caries experience
– periodontal experience
• Medical conditions
• Social factors:
– diet (b)
– smoking history Fig. 12.1 (a) Over-erupted lower molar tooth opposing edentulous
– cost involved span. (b) Postoperative view after reduction and crowning of over-
erupted molar to restore occlusal plane before restoration of
146 space with fixed prosthesis.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

and any restorations should be sound with no caries present.

A tooth with no restorations may preclude the placement
of a fixed prosthesis, as considerable tooth removal may be
required if crown preparation is required. However, it may
allow the placement of an adhesive bridge. Proposed root
canal treatment or the presence of a root-filled tooth needs
careful consideration. Root canal treatment may lead to loss
of tooth structure, which may weaken the tooth, and therefore
other abutments may be required to take the increased
load. Loss of alveolar bone following the removal of a tooth
may lead to reduced ridge height. A removable prosthesis
will often provide better aesthetics and soft tissue support by
helping to replace this tissue loss. Furthermore, the presence
of underlying soft or hard tissue pathology may require
surgery, which may compromise the treatment plan.
Fig. 12.2 Dahl appliance using gold onlays. (Courtesy of Mr A.
Baxter.) The occlusion requires careful assessment during treat-
ment planning.This often requires properly mounted study
casts on a semi-adjustable articulator to fully appreciate
the influence of the occlusion on the case being assessed.
The loss of a canine tooth will be difficult to replace if the
occlusion is canine-guided on excursive movements, whilst
group function will involve several teeth. Articulated casts
will also show the interocclusal clearance present, crown
height, over-eruption or tilting of teeth.
When explaining the differences between a bridge (fixed
prosthesis) and a denture (removable prosthesis) to a patient,
the advantages of a denture must not be minimised. At the
same time, the disadvantages of a removable denture with
the large area of tissue covered need to be mentioned and,
if possible, demonstrated on a model. Any display of metal
from clasps or occlusal rests should be explained.The main
advantage of a bridge is that it cannot be removed from the
mouth. In addition, it usually only involves teeth adjacent
Fig. 12.3 This patient has a shortened dental arch from LR5 to LL4.
to the space, thus simplifying plaque control. The major
disadvantages are the time and cost involved, together with
the problems associated with repair after damage. Other
Box 12.2 Shortened dental arch problems include cementation failure, tooth fracture and
• Intact arches from 2nd premolar to 2nd premolar, in pulp death.
both jaws Although there are no absolute age barriers for the
• Functional occlusion provision of crown and bridgework, such treatments are
• Concentrate all resources on these teeth rather than on generally avoided in a very young patient because of
a lower standard of treatment for the remainder of the
possible risks to the dental pulp from extensive conser-
vative procedures and the likelihood of subsequent trauma
during childhood. Furthermore, incomplete eruption of
the teeth often precludes satisfactory retention of retainers
and continued eruption will gradually expose the gum
This is true whether the replacement restoration is fixed or margin of the tooth preparation, which may spoil the
removable. The periodontia must be healthy, even though appearance of an anterior crown. Higher failure rates of
reduced, before any restorative work is undertaken and the conventional fixed prostheses have previously been reported
patient’s plaque control must be good. The periodontal (in young versus middle-aged patients) because of these
tissues must be healthy with little or no pocketing present factors. Caution should be exercised with elderly or debili-
and adequate bone support. The presence of periodontal tated patients who may find it difficult to withstand the
disease can be determined by the usual screening parameters rigours of extensive operative treatment.
of low plaque and bleeding scores, and BPE scores of less Careful history-taking will quickly establish the patient’s
than 2. Ideally the teeth should exhibit little or no mobility. wishes and expectations of the treatment proposed. Past
The conservation status of the teeth should be satisfactory dental history, including an assessment of the patient’s 147
Restorative Dentistry

susceptibility to dental disease such as caries, and expe- functional loads. This is an important visit and it is easy to
rience and attitude to periodontal care, will provide further make mistakes during the impression-taking and design
insights to the complexity of the treatment that should be stages which may influence the final restoration. High-
undertaken. Diet sheets are a useful way of identifying quality casts which reproduce both hard and soft tissues
potential caries or erosive attack of the teeth. History of will determine the accuracy of the design (Fig. 12.4).
smoking will indicate a potential susceptibility to peri-
odontal disease and is contraindicated in advanced
treatment procedures (such as implant placement) due to
poor post-surgical healing. Long-drawn-out procedures or An occlusal record is required and this is made at a
treatment plans may not be possible with patients who separate clinical visit. It will involve a retruded axis regis-
have medical conditions which prevent regular attendance. tration in wax combined with a face bow recording. If a
The majority of patients become keenly interested in fixed number of teeth are missing then wax occlusal rims are
bridgework when the advantages of such treatment for required. The jaw relationship is recorded and the casts
restoring edentulous spaces are explained to them. Those mounted on an articulator before the provisional design of
who lack interest or refuse to accept their role in the control restoration is made.
of dental disease are not suitable candidates for indirect
work. Very nervous patients may also be unsuitable on
Registration of the jaw relationship
grounds of temperament.
Social factors which will influence attendance, such A specific jaw relationship is required for transfer to the
as distance to travel, employment considerations or family articulator. This will be made for a contact relationship of
circumstances, must be considered. Finally, the costs the teeth, which may be either the intercuspal position
involved will have a bearing on treatment options and it (ICP) or retruded contact position (RCP). The ICP is the
is always wise to plan for the least demanding option position of maximum intercuspation of the posterior teeth.
which brings about the most success and which is also It is characterised by simultaneous contact with no
cost-effective. anteroposterior or lateral slide as the mandible closes. A
patient will enter this position spontaneously and it is the
closest relationship of the mandible to the maxilla. The
CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL RCP is a contact relationship of the mandible located up
SPACE TO BE RESTORED to 1–1.5 mm distal to the ICP. There is a forward move-
ment from RCP to ICP with no deviation. If there are
The provision of a fixed or removable partial denture is sufficient teeth present, the casts may be hand articulated
written up in a detailed treatment plan contained within without the need for occlusal rims, but a full registration
the patient’s notes. In simple cases, such a procedure will will be required if there are insufficient teeth for stable
often be the last item of treatment provision. However, positioning of the casts. This latter position will be needed
in more complex cases, where there are multiple plastic if there is no natural tooth-to-tooth contact.
restorations and possible provision of crowns, considera- The registration is made with wax occlusal rims on a
tion of the fixed or removable prosthesis is made at an shellac base for the upper, and a wire strengthener for the
early stage in the treatment. lower. If there are insufficient numbers of missing teeth,
When the previous restorative treatment has been
completed, the initial preparatory work consists of taking
preliminary impressions and a design is drawn up using
these preliminary casts. The vitality, periodontal support
and health of the potential abutments should be assessed.
Radiographic investigation will aid in determining:
• the size and position of the dental pulp
• the gingival and pulpal extent of any caries or restorations
• the condition and level of the alveolar support
• the shape and length of the abutment root(s)
• the periapical status.
The patient’s occlusion should be checked in inter-
cuspal position and in lateral and protrusive excursions,
to assess the clearance that can be achieved during tooth
preparation. An assessment should be made of the occlusal
forces likely to be borne by the prosthesis during function.
148 Marked wear facets are often an indication of heavy para- Fig. 12.4 Mounted study casts duplicating hard and soft tissues.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

the registration is made using beauty wax which covers the

Box 12.3 Articulators
occlusal surfaces with an aluminium palatal strengthener.
If there is deviation on closure from the first initial con- Commonly used articulators include:
tact to the ICP, the relationship is recorded at the point just • Hinge
• Average movement
before any tooth contact occurs.This will be on the retrud- • Semi-adjustable
ed hinge axis. This pre-tooth contact registration allows • Fully adjustable
the occlusion to be analysed on the articulator (Fig. 12.5). For treatment planning, average movement and semi-
adjustable articulators are used in conjunction with a face
bow recording.
Mounting on articulator
Diagnostic casts with the teeth registered in occlusion are
mounted on an average movement or semi-adjustable
articulator (Box 12.3). This is preferred to a simple hinge
articulator which gives limited information on the move-
ment of the jaw. An average movement articulator incor-
porates an average condylar guidance path which is set
at approximately 30°. A face bow recording is used to
orientate the upper occlusal plane to the condyles. This
gives an accurate recording of the relationship that is then
transferred to the laboratory where it is used to orientate
the maxillary cast (Fig. 12.6).

Fig. 12.6 Picture of face bow recording using the Dentatus face

The maxillary cast is mounted in its correct position

relative to the condylar axis by means of the face bow
recording. The average movement articulator is limited in
its reproduction of mandibular movements and for greater
accuracy a semi-adjustable articulator is used. These
(a) articulators allow for a greater range of movement for the
condylar and incisal guidance. They also allow for the
bodily shift of the mandible (Bennett movement) during
lateral excursion.
Fully adjustable articulators allow a greater amount of
movement to take place and bring a greater degree of
accuracy. The majority of cases can be analysed using
semi-adjustable articulators and it is beyond the scope of
this text to cover the fully adjustable articulator.
The design and production of the restoration is now
made. This may be either fixed (bridge) or removable
(partial denture).


Fig. 12.5 (a) Initial contact (pre-tooth contact) on retruded arc
Study casts have added advantages when planning for a
of closure. (b) Accurate study casts mounted on an articulator are fixed prosthesis. These include making a more detailed
required for treatment planning of the edentulous space. assessment of the occlusion and undertaking trial 149
Restorative Dentistry

procedures such as a diagnostic wax-up prior to embarking In preparing teeth for conventional bridge retainers, it
on the bridge procedure (Box 12.4). is often necessary to remove substantial amounts of sound
Photographs can form a valuable record of the preoper- tooth tissue. Whilst an unrestored sound tooth makes the
ative condition. The patient must be given an estimate of best abutment to prepare from a mechanical viewpoint,
the total time involved in treatment as well as the probable extensive cutting of tooth tissue can lead to loss of pulp
length of appointments and the intervals in between. Serial vitality. The amount of tooth tissue to be removed may be
study casts may also be of use in assessing the progress of greater than for individual preparations because mutual
tooth wear and whether the occlusion has stabilised.There parallelism may be required between abutments that are
are many clinical reasons for constructing a bridge, such as out of alignment. In addition, space may be required within
deterioration of the occlusion if a space is left unrestored. the retainer contours for a movable joint. The decision to
Teeth adjacent to the space may drift and cause premature provide a bridge must take these factors into account and
occlusal contacts or loss of contact leading to food packing the operator must be convinced that the risk of pulpal
and the risk of caries and periodontal disease. Loss of necrosis is minimal before proceeding with such treatment.
function is not a serious issue if the gap is small. Although
occlusal stability may initially be lost as a result of extraction Types of bridge
and non-replacement, tooth movement may result in an
occlusal relationship that becomes stable over time and is
functionally acceptable. In cases of doubt, serial study casts In this type of bridge, all joints are either soldered or cast
will allow an assessment to be made as to whether there in one piece, rigidly connecting all the abutment teeth
is occlusal stability. In some circumstances, orthodontic (Fig. 12.7). It requires equal or good retention at either
treatment will be required to realign teeth or to regain lost end of the edentulous span, and it must be possible to
space before embarking on bridgework. In these circum- produce mutual parallelism of all retainers. This type of
stances, the bridge may serve an additional function of bridge is simple to construct and affords rigid splinting. It
maintaining the result of the orthodontic treatment. provides maximum retention and support for long spans
Improvement of appearance is an important reason and gives cross-arch splinting for larger bridges when the
for constructing an anterior bridge. In many cases, a well- periodontal tissues are reduced. It demands heavy tooth
constructed partial denture may prove superior to an preparation with the risk of overtaper when preparations
anterior bridge from an aesthetic viewpoint. However, are not mutually aligned and/or the span is long. Accurate
the greater comfort and stability provided by a bridge may construction and cementation may be difficult in cases
outweigh the previous consideration. Finally, a most with long spans. Significant framework distortion may occur
important indication for a bridge flows from the fact that when firing the porcelain veneer. For this reason it is recom-
all types of restoration may cause damage to the teeth and mended to avoid metal/ceramic bridges over four units in
supporting tissues. A bridge may be superior to a denture length. Catastrophic failures frequently occur when this
because it covers less tissue and consequently has less type of bridge is incorrectly prescribed or poorly executed.
potential for periodontal damage. Replacement of missing
teeth with partial dentures may be a common source of
periodontal disease when diet and plaque control are not
adequate. However, there is a biological price to pay with This type of bridge incorporates a stress-redistributing
a conventional fixed prosthesis, and long-term studies of device which allows limited movement at one of the joints
crowned teeth show that in 0.5–10% of cases, pulpal necrosis
and periapical lesions may develop following extensive
crown procedures.

Box 12.4 Advantages of articulated casts for

• Detailed assessment of the occlusion
• Preparations may be rehearsed on the study cast
• Diagnostic wax-up allows the patient to assess
appearance prior to tooth preparation
• Waxed-up study casts can be duplicated and Vacuform
matrices prepared for temporary bridgework to be
made at the chairside
• Alternatively, a temporary bridge can be made in the
laboratory on ‘rough cut’ preparations

150 Fig. 12.7 Fixed-fixed bridge at UL3 to UL5.

12 / The principles of tooth replacement

between the pontic(s) and the retainer(s). The fixed end of

the bridge has a rigid connector with the major retainer
that is usually distal to the pontic (Fig. 12.8). The minor
retainer houses the movable joint and does not require as
much retention as the major retainer.The joint is normally
of a slot and dovetail type. Because the abutment carrying
the minor retainer can be depressed without the retainer
being held rigidly to the rest of the bridge, there is no need
for full occlusal coverage with this retainer. The movable
joint gives support to the pontic against vertical occlusal
forces and allows minimal movement in response to lateral
forces.This prevents movement of one retainer transmitting
torsional forces directly to another, leading to loss of
cement seal. The ‘cantilever’ effect of the non-rigid design
can place additional stress on the major retainer and a Fig. 12.9 Cantilever bridge with UL1 prepared for a crown
strong abutment is required and may be contraindicated retainer.
for long spans. Where there is non-parallelism of the abut-
ment teeth and a common path of insertion cannot be
prepared, a fixed-movable bridge may be the solution. simplify plaque control and are indicated where occlusal
In summary, fixed-movable bridges are more conser- forces are light. They require a strong pontic/retainer
vative and potentially more aesthetic than fixed-fixed joint; there is only unilateral support and span length is
bridges. They allow independent tooth movement and can limited.
use divergent abutments. Hybrid designs are possible and
there is greater control of cementation. They are more
Spring cantilever
complex to make and less rigid. A strong major retainer
is required and span length is usually limited. The This type of bridge supports a pontic at some distance
construction of temporary bridgework may be difficult. from the retainer(s). It is both tooth- and tissue-supported
and is only indicated in the maxilla. A metal bar, which fits
in contact with the palatal mucosa, connects the retainer
to the pontic (Fig. 12.10).
A cantilever bridge has a pontic connected to a retainer
at one end only. Hence leverage is imposed on abutment
teeth. For this reason, multiple abutments are often used
and this type of bridge is not employed when occlusal
forces on the pontic will be heavy (Fig. 12.9). Thus distal
cantilevers are rarely indicated. The retainers should be
balanced for strength and retentive potential and must
be joined rigidly. They are conservative, aesthetic, and

Fig. 12.8 Fixed-movable bridge with major retainer distal to Fig. 12.10 Spring cantilever bridge replacing UR1 with FVC
pontic. retainers at UR5 and UR6. 151
Restorative Dentistry

The spring cantilever bridge provides an aesthetic solu- occurred, it may be possible to correct it orthodontically.
tion to the problem of replacing a missing upper incisor Alternatively, retainers may be constructed that are
when the anterior teeth are spaced. The connecting bar narrower mesiodistally than the original abutment teeth.
should follow a wide curve to provide additional mucosal Overlapping pontic designs can give a pleasing appearance
support and limit adverse leverage. The bar should be oval in some situations. If the span length is excessive for a
in cross-section and taper from the retainer to the pontic. normal-sized pontic, alternative possibilities include ortho-
It is not well suited for patients with steeply vaulted dontic treatment, wider retainers, and alternative designs
palates. Oral hygiene can be maintained by using dental of bridgework such as spring cantilever.
floss to clean beneath the bar. This type of bridge involves
permanent mucosal coverage and should therefore be
Principles of tooth preparation
used with discretion. Its use has fallen out of favour in
recent years with the advent of more predictable implant Optimal tooth preparation involves the triad of biological,
treatment. mechanical and aesthetic principles (Box 12.6). The
strength of a bridge is limited by the strength of its indi-
vidual components. It is dependent on the materials used,
their dimensions and the method of linkage to each other
A combination of any two or more of the above designs and to the supporting tissues. Regions of potential weak-
may be referred to as compound or complex. As a general ness are solder joints, connectors, and occlusal and incisal
principle, it is best to use several small bridges to replace a surfaces. The requirements of strength for any bridge will
number of missing teeth, rather than replace them all with depend on the amount of masticatory force it has to resist
one large complex or compound bridge. This will simplify over the length of the span. A bridge opposed by a denture
replacement if a single bridge unit fails. has to resist much less occlusal force than one opposed by
natural teeth. Aesthetics becomes increasingly important
towards the front of the mouth. If the patient is prepared
Treatment planning/preparatory work
to show some gold, a more conservative retainer design
Box 12.5 provides a useful checklist after the bridge design may be possible (either conventional partial veneer or
has been completed and prior to commencement of the resin-bonded). Metal ceramic crowns can produce
clinical procedures. excellent appearance, but considerable tooth reduction is
required labially and occlusally in order to accommodate
the metal frame and the porcelain veneer. In situations
Orthodontic considerations
where there is minimal occlusal stress, an all-porcelain
It may often be necessary to correct malpositioned teeth metal-free bridge can provide the best appearance. The
adjacent to an edentulous space. When a tooth is tilted, it failure rate of such bridges has been reduced with modern
is difficult to obtain a common path of insertion with other adhesive materials and techniques. Fibre reinforced
abutments and it may also be difficult to prepare for a composites are also being introduced for metal-free
retentive retainer. Furthermore, if abutments are prepared adhesive bridgework. These may be used with direct
in their tilted position, periodontal problems may occur (chairside) or indirect (laboratory fabricated) approaches.
between abutment and pontic, as plaque removal becomes They are considered to be best in anterior fixed-fixed
difficult when interproximal spaces are inaccessible. restorations where occlusal loading is less and support is
The space available for the pontic is important in the provided at both ends of the span.
anterior region to allow good appearance. If space loss has

Box 12.6 Triad of principles for tooth preparation

Box 12.5 Checklist prior to clinical bridge procedures
• Conservative
• All preparatory conservation work completed • Supragingival margins
• Good plaque control/periodontal condition • Correct contours
• Abutments tested for vitality • Tooth protection from fracture
• Relevant radiographs available
• Occlusion assessed (adjustment required?)
• Retention form
• Diagnostic wax-up (Vacuform matrix required?)
• Resistance performance
• Selection of abutment(s)
• Resistance to deformation
• Doubtful restorations investigated and replaced
• Trial preparations on mounted casts Aesthetic
• Design of restoration (simple preferred) • Adequate porcelain thickness (buccally/occlusally)
• Integrate design to existing/anticipated treatment needs. • No or minimal metal display/show through

12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Bridge design
In choosing the design of bridge for a particular space, a
number of decisions have to be made. Even for the
replacement of a single missing tooth there are many
possible variants in bridge design, including the number of
abutments to be employed, the types of retainers to be
used, the design of bridge to be selected and the choice
of luting cement. Meta-analyses of the survival of conven-
tional fixed prostheses show that whilst the survival prob-
ability is good at 5-year recall (4 or 5% failure), the failure
rate increases after 10 years. At 15-year recall, failure rates
are typically 25–30% and the principal mode of failure is
by loosening or recurrent caries. When there is partial loss
of cementation of a bridge, this may go unnoticed by the
patient for some considerable time. This can result in
extensive caries of the failed abutment, which can jeopar-
dise the success of any replacement bridge or lead to loss
of that abutment (Fig. 12.11).
When the abutment in question is a critical or terminal
abutment, a replacement bridge may then become impos-
sible, and hence the choice of bridge design and selection
of retainers are crucial for long-term success. A common
cause of bridge failure is the choice of abutments with Fig. 12.11 Extensive caries revealed following removal of a
crowns that are too small to provide sufficient retention.The complex bridge. The distal retainer required extraction.
clinical crown height should be sufficient to allow adequate
retainer preparation. Any tooth with less than 4 mm crown only occurs in intercuspal position because of canine
height from marginal ridge to gum margin is questionable guidance. The extent of previous restorations, caries or
as an abutment. Slots, grooves, pins and adhesive cements endodontic treatment may have severely weakened the
may be used to increase retention in the case of short crown of a potential abutment. The extent of any caries on
crowns, but their use complicates design and construction. previous restorations must be known before the choice of
The longer the span, the greater the stress on the retainer can be finalised. Failure to do so can result in a
retainers will be and the greater the risk of cementation hasty design change during tooth preparation, which can
failure. Replacement of a missing molar requires more lead to early failure. Whilst minor internal undercuts in a
retentive preparation than for a lower incisor. Replacing an preparation can be obliterated with cement, larger losses
upper first premolar in a patient with group function of tooth tissue are best dealt with by incorporating features
occlusion will make more demands on bridge retention into the tooth preparation to compensate for inadequate
than for a situation where occlusal function on the pontic retention/resistance form (Table 12.1).

Table 12.1 Compensating for inadequate retention/resistance form in cast restorations

Extent of tooth loss Clinical situation Operative procedure Final restoration

Moderate to severe Short preparation or Use isthmuses/boxes Non-standard partial
excessive taper Add grooves /pinholes or full veneer
One or two cusps Modify sloping surfaces into
missing but > 50% coronal horizontal walls /horizontal and
tooth structure remains vertical components (terracing)
Width/length ratio >1:1 Surgical crown lengthening
Severe Loss of > 50% crown Pin amalgam or bonded Full veneer
Width/length ratio <1:1 Composite core
Short preparation for a Surgical crown lengthening
long crown

Total loss of coronal All cusps undermined/lost As above plus elective endodontics Full veneer
tooth structure Supragingival height <1 mm and post/core for premolars
1.5–2.0 mm circumferential ferrule

Restorative Dentistry

Root-treated teeth may require a post placed to aid to full crown retainers. This is because the abutment can
retention of the core. The shape of an abutment crown be depressed in its socket while the retainer is supported
may present retention problems when dealing with conical by the remainder of the bridge. This can cause fracture of
or short teeth. Retention of this type of retainer depends the relatively weak cement seal. However, inlay retainers
on placing grooves or slots in axial surfaces in addition to have been shown to be more successful in resin-bonded
obtaining near-parallelism of opposing surfaces.Whilst the bridgework. This is because of the better mechanical
standard texts recommend taper angles of 2–6°, this is not properties and adhesion of the luting resin cement to
routinely possible in clinical practice. A taper angle of 3° retainer and tooth. The MOD inlay with covered cusps
equates to a convergence angle of 6°. Mean convergence (also called MOD onlay) is the minimum design of major
angles of bridge preparations from commercial laboratories retainer that should normally be considered for a posterior
range from 15° to 30° and hence a taper angle of 8° is bridge. It has been argued that both approximal surfaces
more realistic. Long, narrow tooth preparations can have should always be covered for major retainers as subsequent
greater taper than short, wide preparations without sacri- caries of an uninvolved surface could endanger the bridge.
ficing resistance. The latter require near-parallel walls if A more modern biological approach would be to secure
adequate resistance form is to be obtained. Special atten- adequate retention and resistance features by appropriate
tion should be given to any tooth where the extent of bridge design and material selection. Caries rate must be
caries of previous restoration has jeopardised pulp vitality. low and caries control excellent before any bridge is provided
Investigations of crowned teeth reveal a twofold increase in for a patient. Buccal and lingual extensions of an onlay
pulpal necrosis where the tooth has a pin-retained core. preparation will aid the retention of this type of retainer
When there is doubt about continued pulp viability, it may even if only one proximal surface is involved (Fig. 12.12).
be wise to undertake elective endodontic treatment in
advance of proceeding to abutment tooth preparation. Partial veneer crowns
Partial veneer crowns are preferred to full veneer crowns
Choice of retainers where adequate retention and resistance form can be
obtained, even when they are used as retainers for conven-
Factors which affect the choice of retainer include:
tional bridge preparations. The advantages and disadvan-
• the retention required tages of partial veneer crowns as compared with more
• bridge design extensive full veneers are as follows:
• amount of sound coronal tissue available
• strength of dentine after preparation
• Conservative
• extent of existing restorations
• Minimal gingival involvement
• occlusal protection required
• Vitality testing possible
• amount of metal display tolerable.
• Fit is readily assessed
Supragingival margins are preferred wherever possible • Cementation is easy
because they simplify bridge preparation, impression-taking • Margins are accessible
and cementation, in addition to helping maintain peri- • Versatile insertion path.
odontal health. Retainer margins may have to be placed
subgingivally in order to cover existing restorations, gain
adequate retention or hide metal display anteriorly. In such
situations, the biological width must always be maintained.
Tooth preparations should only ever be placed into the
gingival sulcus and not encroach on the epithelial attach-
ment. Inlays, partial and complete veneer crowns, and
telescopic crowns, are the alternative retainers available to
bridgework. Pins, posts and adhesive cements will all add
to the retention.

Intracoronal inlays
In the case of the conventional bridge design, the use of
intracoronal inlays without cuspal coverage is restricted to
the minor retainer of a fixed-movable bridge. Studies have
shown that when inlays are used without cuspal coverage Fig. 12.12 Mesial half-crown preparation for long-span mandibular
as the retainers in a conventional fixed-fixed bridge, the resin-bonded bridge. Note buccal and lingual slots and presence of
154 failure rate is increased greater than 10-fold in comparison varnish to facilitate removal of excess resin after bonding.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Disadvantages optimal path of withdrawal can be determined in this way.

• Less retentive (short/bulbous teeth) Mutual parallelism can be confirmed by preparing critical
• Less rigid (long spans/mobile abutments) surfaces first. Adequate box dimensions for the connector
• Metal display of a fixed-movable bridge can be checked in advance (Fig.
• Insertion path critical 12.15). Planned occlusal changes can be made by a trial
• Root-filled teeth. adjustment of the mounted casts in advance of tooth
preparation and a diagnostic wax-up can be employed to
help assess potential aesthetics.
Telescopic crowns
Conservative tooth preparations and the use of partial
Telescopic crowns are constructed in two parts: an inner rather than complete coverage favour the employment
sleeve is cast and cemented, and an outer full veneer of resin-bonded designs of bridgework. In the case of
crown is made to cover the inner sleeve. The outer crown conventional tooth preparations, direct and indirect
is soldered to the other bridge units. This type of retainer pulp capping should be avoided and elective endodontics
can sometimes be used to overcome differences in the considered if there is doubt about ongoing vitality follow-
inclination of abutment teeth which cannot be solved by ing bridge preparation. Preparations should be prepared
other designs of retainer. The amount of tooth tissue that to a minimum practical taper avoiding unnecessary apical
would have to be removed from the mesial surface of a extension. A Vacuform matrix made from a diagnostic
tilted lower molar abutment to ensure a path of insertion cast can assist in determining adequate depth of tooth
for a fixed-fixed bridge may lead to dramatic loss of reten- preparation together with the use of occlusal and axial
tion.The use of a telescopic crown in this situation enables depth cuts.
the mesial and distal surfaces of the tooth preparation to
be prepared near-parallel for optimum retention whilst the
path of insertion of the bridge is reproduced on the outer
surface of the sleeve. In the case of multi-unit bridgework
and splinting, the outer crowns may be placed with a
temporary luting cement, allowing them to be removed
subsequently for inspection or repair (Fig. 12.13).

Metal ceramic crowns

Metal ceramic crowns are frequently used as bridge
retainers. They may be designed with metal or porcelain
occlusal surfaces (Fig. 12.14, Table 12.2).

Clinical decisions
Many decisions about tooth preparation design can be
Fig. 12.14 Posterior metal ceramic bridge retainers at UL3 and
made from trial preparations on articulated diagnostic
UL5 showing partial and full porcelain cover.
casts. The best location for partial veneer margins and

Table 12.2 Indications for metal versus porcelain

occlusal surfaces

Metal Porcelain
Short teeth Aesthetics is critical
Large pulp Large teeth
Opposing enamel/metal Heavily restored teeth
Parafunction Opposing porcelain occlusal
Group function occlusion Steep anterior guidance
Simple adjustment Difficult adjustment
Average technical support Excellent technical support

Fig. 12.13 Telescopic crown retainer at LL7. 155

Restorative Dentistry

posterior segments in a single bridge. This is shown in

Figure 12.16, which illustrates a bridge replacing a missing
lower first premolar. The second premolar had a short
conical root which had lost bone support from previously
treated periodontal disease. Both the second premolar
and the first premolar were already crowned. The canine
was sound. If a conventional fixed-fixed design using the
canine and the second premolar as abutments had been
chosen, this would have failed because of differential
mobility. Splinting the canine to the second premolar and
first molar in a four-unit fixed-fixed bridge would have
protected the weak intermediate abutment to some extent
from occlusal forces. However, this would have created
problems with cementation where teeth have differential
Fig. 12.15 Adequate box dimensions in Typodont three-quarter mobility and the failure rate of pier or intermediate abut-
crown preparation to house male component of fixed-movable ments is high because of flexing of the span imposed
joint. by differential tooth movement under load. By choosing
a fixed-movable design and employing a resin-bonded
retainer for the major connector, it was possible to over-
Estimating the amount of abutment root
come this problem with a hybrid bridge.
In 1926 Ante proposed that the combined peri-cemental
Pontic design
area of the abutment teeth should be equal to or greater
than the area of the tooth or teeth to be replaced.The work The principles for optimal pontic design are as follows:
of Nyman, Lindhe and others has since shown that this
statement is too rigid. The longevity of a bridge depends
as much upon the quality of periodontal support as its
• No pressure on ridge
quantity. In addition, appropriate occlusal design of
• Tissue surface cleansable
retainers and pontics is important in preventing undue
• Access to abutments.
stress on periodontal tissues. Any bridgework should be Mechanical
designed so that it is in harmony with the patient’s occlu- • Rigid
sion, and occlusal guidance created to protect the bridge
during function. The number, length and shape of the
abutment roots will indicate the support available for a
bridge. In general, a canine may be an acceptable abut-
ment for a lateral, but not vice-versa.
If the abutment tooth has lost half of its bone support
in length, the effective loss is more than this because of
root taper. Roots that are flattened or oval in cross-section
offer greater rotation resistance than roots which are
round in cross-section. Molars with fused roots offer less
resistance than those with divergent roots. If roots are
short and tapered, they will offer less resistance to the
additional masticatory forces imposed by a bridge span.
The traditional way of overcoming this problem was to
increase the number of abutments. Rigid splinting of teeth
in such circumstances often led to long-term failure because
the retention and support available from the abutment
teeth differed. The magnitude and direction of occlusal
forces placed on a bridge abutment depends on the
location of the tooth in the dental arch. Teeth vary in their
amount of mobility in axial and buccolingual directions.
When a bridge involves teeth anterior and posterior to
a canine, there is a higher risk of failure if a fixed-fixed
design is used. Every effort should be made to choose Fig. 12.16 Hybrid replacing lower left first premolar (see
156 alternative designs that do not invade both anterior and accompanying text for further details).
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

• Strong connectors connector. This avoids having the pontic/cement junction

• Correct framework design. next to the tissue.
• Shade matched
• Adequate porcelain bulk
• Appears to ‘grow out’ of the ridge.
A resin-bonded bridge consists of a cast metal framework
The angle of contact formed by the junction of the that is cemented with resin composite to an abutment(s)
buccal and lingual or palatal surfaces of the pontic must which has preparation(s) confined either entirely or almost
be kept as wide as possible to discourage food stagnation. entirely to enamel. These bridges originated from direct
An acute angle between pontic and mucosa may lead to composite bonding techniques which were used to provide
food trapping. Similarly, covering as much of a convex short-term replacement of missing teeth. They used either
ridge surface as the original tooth did (a saddle design of natural crowns or acrylic resin or composite pontics. The
pontic) will create problems with plaque control. Hence, limiting factor was the weakness of the resin composite
a modified ridge lap form of pontic is preferred, wherever (connector). Wire mesh, orthodontic brackets and metal
possible, for aesthetic pontics because it removes the pins placed interdentally have all been used in attempts
concavity from the mucosal contact area (Fig. 12.17). to increase the life of these restorations. The more recent
In the mandibular posterior region, where appearance introduction of fibre-reinforced systems (glass fibres,
is not usually an issue, a simple solution has been to use Kevalar and ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene
pontics that do not cover the mucosa and have a smooth fibres) has renewed interest in metal-free direct and indirect
rounded tissue surface. They are called hygienic, wash- resin composite bridges. Advantages of the fibre-reinforced
through or sanitary pontics. The latter term may be for composite (FRC) bridge include:
non-ceramic designs. However, if the distance between
the tissue surface of the pontic and the residual ridge crest
• well suited to single-visit immediate tooth replacements
is small (<3 mm), it may encourage food trapping and a
• frequently little or no tooth preparation required
dome or bullet design of pontic where there is contact with
• improved aesthetics
the ridge surface is preferred. Interdental embrasure spaces
• transitional restorations and long-term provisionals
should never be occluded and should always be accessible
• suitable for the young and the elderly
to cleaning by interdental brushes or floss threaders. All-
• wear is kind to opposing teeth
gold pontics may be used to replace molars where appear-
• low treatment costs
ance is not important. Metal ceramic pontics are suitable
• readily repaired.
for anterior regions. Pontics for spring cantilever bridges Materials issues include fibre type, volume fraction, wave
may take the form of a porcelain jacket crown cemented to pattern, wetting agents and veneering composites, Clinical
a core/diaphragm assembly at the terminal end of the bar FRC bridges may be constructed using direct, semi-direct and
indirect or laboratory fabricated approaches. Any reinforcing
effect is only related to the position of the fibres in the
restoration, thus making fibre volume fraction an important
issue.The fibre should be placed in the most advantageous
location and direction within the restoration to inhibit crack
propagation. Existing design parameters for traditional
metal-wing-retained adhesive bridges do not apply for FRC
adhensive bridgework. Failure rates from studies to date are
quite divergent and until further evidence accumulates, FRC
bridges are best restricted to anterior transitional replace-
ments in low stress situations. New high-strength ceramic
systems may also have a role in the metal-free replacement
of missing teeth with adhesive bridge techniques. Available
evidence suggests thse are best restricted to simple cantilever
anterior situations when a single tooth is missing.
Resin-bonded bridges were originally used for the
replacement of individual missing anterior teeth in young
patients where conventional bridgework was contraindicated
because of pulp size, crown length or patient management
problems. These patients often presented with sound
abutment teeth but inadequate plaque control and little
Fig. 12.17 Modified ridge lap pontic. or no experience of operative treatment. Many of them 157
Restorative Dentistry

participated in contact sports and removable partial

Box 12.8 Advantages and disadvantages of resin-
dentures had often been the compromise solution in spite bonded bridges
of their potential negative effect on periodontal health.
Resin-bonded bridges became the preferred treatment
• Conservative
and were used as interim or semi-permanent prostheses. • Patient acceptability
Little, if any, enamel preparation was undertaken and the • Reduced chairside time
technique was essentially irreversible. Frequently they • Economical
were described as non-preparation bridges. High failure • Supragingival margins
rates were experienced with these initial designs of resin- • Simple impression
• Not temporary
bonded bridges. Meta-analyses revealed failure rates of • Versatile
25% or more at 4-year recall. Subsequent more retentive
designs involving tooth preparation to develop retention • Require sound aesthetic abutments
and resistance form gave a higher success rate.With appro- • Pontic and retainer space critical
priate choice of materials (non-precious alloy frameworks, • No trial cementation
chemically active resins), appropriate case selection and • Unsuitable for long spans
suitable preparation techniques, success rates of greater
than 90% have been obtained with this design of bridge at
10-year recall. Optimal requirements for these bridges are
outlined in Box 12.7. ing of a fixed-fixed design may lead to rapidly progressive
Such bridges can be used as an intermediate restora- caries under the debonded retainer before the patient
tion, avoiding the need for a removable prosthesis where seeks treatment (Fig. 12.18).
expense or uncertain prognosis contraindicates other If a single abutment simple cantilever bridge debonds,
treatment. Resin-bonded bridges may also be used for the the patient will seek treatment immediately. Simple can-
replacement of multiple teeth when an unusually large tilever designs are preferred anteriorly, although fixed-
surface area of enamel is available for bonding and the movable designs may be required posteriorly for adequate
occlusion is favourable. support. The minor retainer of a fixed-movable design
All the clinical and laboratory stages involved in the must have a positive rest with a non-rigid connector (Fig.
planning, construction and cementation of a resin-bonded 12.19). This design allows independent tooth mobility
bridge are as critical as with a conventional bridge in order and there is therefore less torsional stress on the luting
to ensure success. Whilst a resin-bonded bridge may be a composite. The pontics are supported during function but
conservative restoration for appropriate patients, there is a are free to separate in the unseating direction. Such
high risk of failure in unsuitable cases and careful patient
selection is essential. Advantages and disadvantages of
these bridges are outlined in Box 12.8.

Bridge design
Although fixed-fixed, fixed-movable, cantilever and spring
cantilever designs have all been used, the preferred designs
for resin-bonded bridgework are cantilever and fixed-
movable. Debonding of one retainer of a fixed-fixed design
is relatively common because of differences in retainer
coverage and retention combined with variations in peri-
odontal support and occlusal loading. Unilateral debond-

Box 12.7 Requirements for resin-bonded bridges

• Space for an aesthetic pontic
• Sufficient area of surface enamel for bonding
• Abutment teeth unrestored or minimally restored
• Adequate occlusal clearance (0.5–1.0 mm in high stress
areas) without exposing dentine
• Stable posterior occlusion
• Pontic is protected during function from opposing teeth
• Good isolation by rubber dam
Fig. 12.18 Cementation failure at distal unit of a conventional
158 fixed-fixed bridge. Extensive caries has resulted.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Fig. 12.20 Long-span fixed-movable hybrid design of bridge.

Note the bracing arm milled palatally on the premolar crown in
addition to the non-rigid connector distally.

Fig. 12.19 Minor retainer of fixed-movable design of resin-

bonded bridge. The rest seat preparation has been waxed into the
retainer at LR5 for a non-rigid connector.

bridges may be employed successfully even in long spans

(Fig. 12.20).

Hybrid bridges
These are ideal where a heavily restored or previously
crowned tooth exists at one end of an edentulous span and
there is a sound abutment tooth at the other end. Resin-
bonded retainers may be used in combination with
conventional bridge retainers when a fixed-movable
connector is employed. If a fixed-fixed design was used,
cementation would be complicated by the need for mixing
and using different cements simultaneously. In addition, if
Fig. 12.21 Hybrid fixed-movable bridge with resin-bonded onlay
there is cementation failure of the resin-bonded retainer, major retainer on molar.
caries of the abutment is invited because the bridge is still
retained by the more retentive conventional unit. For
hybrid bridges the resin-bonded retainer should be made casting to the telescopic crown. If the resin-bonded unit
as the major retainer (Fig. 12.21). Debonding will there- becomes uncemented, it is an easy matter to remove the
fore not require replacement of the original retainer. It is bridge, and if the overcasting becomes uncemented,
also easier to create room for a removable joint within the the telescopic crown protects the conventional unit from
confines of a conventional retainer. Placing the joint extra- caries.
coronally in the pontic section is not recommended as the
lever arm created invites failure. Alternatively, a telescopic
Resin-bonded versus conventional bridges
or sleeve crown may be permanently cemented to the
carious or restored tooth and a fixed-fixed design employed Resin-bonded bridges should always be considered first
whereby a chemically active resin cement is used to retain and rejected as a possible option before a conventional
the resin-bonded unit and a temporary conventional bridge design is considered.This is because they are highly
cement is used to cement the conventional crown over- conservative, involving minimal tooth preparation. No 159
Restorative Dentistry

anaesthesia is required unless there is dentine involve- is weakened by the perforations and the fact that the
ment. Modern dentine-bonding agents have expanded the composite lute is exposed to the oral environment (Fig.
indications and versatility of resin-bonded bridges. Whilst 12.23). However, Rochette bridges still have a role as
the tooth preparation is quick, it is also exacting because immediate or interim replacements or as part of a complex
of the ‘white on white’ effect of confining preparations to treatment plan. Where the prognosis for a bridge is in
enamel during development of retention and resistance doubt because of questionable support, a Rochette bridge
form. There is no risk of soft tissue trauma because of the may be constructed as a diagnostic measure with no tooth
supragingival finish lines for these impressions and this preparation. Once it has been established that the
simplifies preparation. There is usually no need for any periodontal support is sufficient, then it is a relatively easy
provisional restoration. Occlusal clearance can be main- matter to remove this type of bridge by simply drilling out
tained by spot-etching and placement of a small amount of the resin composite from the retention holes and tapping
composite on the opposing tooth to act as a centric stop the bridge off.
(Fig. 12.22). Other types of mechanical retention such as mesh and
Where dentine is involved at the base of a groove or particle roughened retention have fallen out of favour
occlusal offset, this can be covered temporarily with a because they add bulk to the casting and are not as
polycarboxylate cement. An air scaler is useful to remove retentive as alternative designs. The most popular type of
the cement without further damage to the preparation at micromechanical retention involves grit-blasting with
the time of cementation. Whilst modern designs of resin- 50 μm aluminium oxide, followed by silicon oxide coating
bonded bridge usually incorporate retention and resistance (the Silicoater technique) or use of a chemically active
form together with a precise path of seating, it is frequently resin cement. In this situation, retention is both mechanical
not possible to assess the need for occlusal adjustment and chemical (microchemical). Electrolytic and chemical
until the bridge has been seated. Cementation or ‘bond- etching techniques have fallen out of favour because the
ing’ is more technique-sensitive than for a conventional laboratory technique was highly sensitive to error and
bridge and requires considerably more time; hence the special apparatus was required. In addition, beryllium-
time that is gained during tooth preparation and provisional containing nickel chrome alloys, which were most amenable
prosthesis is offset during cementation. Resin-bonded bridges to etching, are now not considered safe for routine labora-
must not be seen as a quick-fix solution. tory use. Chemically active resin composite cements form
bonds to the oxidised surfaces of non-precious alloys. Two
effective materials are Panavia 21 (Kuraray) and Metabond
Metal/resin retention techniques
(Parkell). The former contains an active phosphate ester
Reliable retention of resin cements to prepared enamel and the latter 4-META as the active chemical agents.
surfaces may be obtained with the acid-etch technique. Contamination of the grit-blasted non-precious alloy
This bond is micromechanical in nature. The retention surface must be avoided as this seriously impairs the bond.
techniques for resin to metal are based on mechanical, Even momentary contamination with saliva will reduce
micromechanical or microchemical techniques with or the bond by 50% and contaminated surfaces are very diffi-
without the use of chemically active resin cements. The cult to clean effectively. This can involve 30-minute ultra-
Rochette design has limited retention and the framework sonic treatment in a suitable surfactant solution at high
temperature. Chairside grit-blasting units allow metal

Fig. 12.22 Spot-etch resin to stabilise occlusal relationships

160 between preparation and bonding of resin-retained bridge. Fig. 12.23 Two simple cantilever Rochette bridges.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

surface treatment between try-in and cementation. In the a chemically active resin. Type 3 or type 4 gold alloys
case of precious metals, effective adhesion of resin to metal (containing more than 8% copper) can be heat-treated for
may be obtained either by tin plating (Fig. 12.24) or by 4 minutes at 400°C after try-in and grit-blasting to make
heat treatment of hard gold alloys which contain more them amenable to bonding with a chemically-active resin
than 8% copper (Fig. 12.25). cement.
An alternative technique for chemical bonding is based
on the adhesion of a resin to silane-bonding agents. The Guidelines for resin-bonded bridges (assuming
Silicoater technique allows a very thin glass-like layer to be metal framework used)
built up on the roughened metal fit surface of the bridge.
Abutment tooth preparations
This surface has to be protected with an opaque layer or
a layer of resin if the bridge is not to be cemented within Appropriate preparation improves the retention of resin-
30 minutes of treatment. This has limited the widespread bonded bridges by increasing the available area of enamel
application of this technique. for bonding and by reducing functional stresses on the
Non-precious alloys (Ni/Cr or Co/Cr) are preferred for resin composite lute. Preparation also provides increased
resin-bonded bridge frameworks because they are more occlusal clearance and creates a positive path of insertion
rigid in thin section. Their modulus of elasticity is twice and seat for the restoration during try-in and bonding.
that of a type 4 gold. In addition, they are more amenable The removal of the outer enamel surface layer, which is
to bonding with chemically active resins and simply require frequently aprismatic and rich in fluoride, allows for more
grit-blasting of the surface after try-in. Precious metal predictable etching. By removing axial undercuts and
alloys for metal ceramic frameworks (Au/Pd) are best tin- developing guide plane retention, the effective preparation
plated or silicoated after try-in and then cemented with length is increased.
The aim of tooth preparation should be to cover the
maximum enamel area consistent with (i) aesthetic
considerations, (ii) occlusal constraints, and (iii) the need
to fit a rubber dam. A precise path of insertion and seating
should be developed by the preparation for the metal
framework. A retentive framework design limits the
stresses placed on the cement lute and dramatically
increases the success rate. Preparation features and
sufficient alloy thickness should be allowed to reduce
stresses on the bonded joint.

Anterior preparations
• Reduce palatal enamel to allow 0.5 mm interocclusal
clearance in all functional mandibular excursions. Less
reduction is required/indicated for mandibular teeth.
Fig. 12.24 Chairside tin-plating of fit surface of full veneer gold Allow 1 mm clearance for regions of heavy occlusal load.
crown. • Extend cervically to 1 mm from gum margin.
• Extend within 1–2 mm of incisal edge depending on
functional and aesthetic considerations.
• Extend proximally (adjacent to the edentulous space)
as far as appearance permits.
• Extend proximally (opposite to the edentulous space)
to within 1 mm of the contact area.
• Provide a cingulum rest to aid resistance form.
• Use proximal grooves and/or cingulum pinholes as sub-
stitutes for labial wrap circumferential retention. Stabilise
the framework on each abutment in the plane perpen-
dicular to the path of insertion with these features.

Posterior preparations
• Replace any small proximal amalgam restorations with
Fig. 12.25 Fit surface of heat-treated gold onlay for upper molar composite and/or glass ionomer cement or use a
with luting resin composite. dentine adhesive. 161
Restorative Dentistry

• Reduce proximal and lingual/palatal axial surfaces to fixed-fixed resin-bonded bridges difficult and less successful.
provide a >180° ‘wrap-around’ effect. When crown Single retainer simple cantilever designs are the first choice
height is limited, a 360° sleeve coverage can be used wherever possible; if circumstances do not permit then
whilst maintaining occlusal stability. Obtain a minimum fixed-movable or hybrid designs are the next best.
of >3 mm guide plane retention axially. There is a higher failure rate for perforated retainers,
• If necessary, accept knife-edge finish proximally and/or multiple abutments and/or pontics, mobile teeth and young
lingually to avoid dentine exposure. patients. Common reasons for failure include:
• Use occlusal onlay coverage to supplement bonding
area on short teeth.
• poor case selection
• Make occlusal rest seat preparations.
• inadequate bridge design
• Use shallow proximal grooves and occlusal inlays to
• inadequate tooth preparation
assist retention and compensate for lack of circum-
• faulty bonding procedure
ferential retention.
• occlusal factors.
• Join intracoronal retention features to the extracoronal Whilst some authors advocate the re-cementation of
part of the preparation with offsets and isthmuses to a debonded resin-bonded bridge, such a procedure
maximise retention and resistance (Fig. 12.26). frequently leads to repeated failure.The risk increases with
each rebond. Frequent debonding and replacement of
restorations is clinically frustrating and economically
Try-in and cementation or bonding
unsound. Rebonding a resin-bonded bridge involves much
• Try-in the bridge to check for fit, contour and path of more time and effort than merely re-cementing a loose
insertion. crown or conventional fixed prosthesis. It is necessary to
• Assess occlusion at this stage if the bridge is sufficiently remove contaminants from both adherent (bridge fit surface
stable. and tooth) surfaces and to re-prepare them for rebonding.
• Place a rubber dam, allowing slack in pontic region for This procedure inevitably reduces the precision of fit and
passive seating of the bridge. increases the luting resin film thickness. Indications for
• Clean the prepared teeth with a pumice/water slurry, rebonding are given in Box 12.9.
rinse and dry. The main cause of debonding must be remedied, provided
• Protect adjacent teeth with matrix strips and acid-etch this does not compromise restoration design.
enamel, rinse and dry.
• Check for characteristic frosted appearance of correctly
etched enamel.
• Apply enamel-dentine (ED) primer to exposed enamel
and dentine surfaces for 60 seconds.
If the decision has been made to undertake a removable
• Evaporate solvent with air.
partial denture (RPD) then a provisional design is com-
• Apply mixed Panavia 21 to retainer fit surfaces.
pleted at the initial treatment planning stage on the
• Seat bridge promptly and remove gross excess with a
articulated casts before undertaking any other restorative
brush or suitable instrument.
treatment.This must be drawn up on a design sheet.Whilst
• Maintain seating pressure. Apply barrier agent
undertaking a design, the following decisions are made
(Oxyguard 2) to the bridge retainer margins after
when assessing whether mouth preparation is required:
removal of excess cement.
• Remove excess cement after set from margins with • Rest seat preparation. This is undertaken to provide both
suitable hand and/or rotary instruments. sufficient space and a horizontal surface for any support
• Remove rubber dam. Check and adjust occlusion. component of a cast metal partial denture. It also aims
• Final finishing of resin/metal margins (using water-cooled to prevent any interference with the occlusion.
burs) is best delayed until 1 week after cementation.

Longevity of resin-bonded bridges Box 12.9 Indications for rebonding

Rebonding is indicated where there is an identifiable fault
Whilst there is currently little consensus on what is optimal with:
design for resin-bonded bridgework, there is good evidence • Abutment surface treatments
from clinical investigations that rigid framework designs • Framework fit surface treatments
coupled with retentive abutment tooth preparations dramati- • Nature of the bonding agents
cally increase longevity.The preparation and retainer design • Handling errors
• Correctable occlusal errors
must protect the resin/enamel bond from high stresses to • Any combination of the above
avoid fatigue failure. Non-perforated metal frameworks
162 make removal and re-cementation of partially debonded
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 12.26 Posterior presentation. (a) Diagnostic wax-up of

resin-bonded bridge to replace lost deciduous molar.
(b) Cast of tooth preparations. (c) Occlusal view of three
simple cantilever design resin-bonded bridges. Note the rigid
design for premolar preparations created by circumferential
wrap-around with joining of palatal and occlusal components
of retainers. (d, e) Fit surface and occlusal view of simple
cantilever resin-bonded bridges showing proximal slots and
(e) wrap-around retainer designs.
Restorative Dentistry

• The tooth contour may require modification. This may

necessitate grinding of the tooth or the addition of light-
cured composite resin, to improve the placing of clasp
arms. The occlusal relationship may require adjusting
by removing prominent cusps or reducing over-erupted
teeth. In some cases this may involve the placement of
crowns with guide surfaces incorporated in the restora-
tion (Fig. 12.27).

The design is then transferred to the study cast and this

is combined with a design diagram, which is clear, neat
and labelled where necessary. These study casts are kept
throughout the treatment for future reference and the
definitive design is produced when other restorative treat-
ment has been completed. A definitive design must also
be clear, neat and adequately labelled, which allows
the technician to complete the requested task correctly
(Fig. 12.28). The design should include details of the path
of insertion, any mouth preparation such as rest seats and
guide surfaces. The components are labelled where this is
needed for clarity. To assist the technician, the approved
definitive design is also drawn up on the diagnostic cast.
This should be all completed before the master impression
is obtained.

Fig. 12.28 Design sheet correctly and neatly drawn up.
The initial step in producing any design is a survey of the
casts; a dental surveyor is used for this purpose. This
instrument is used to determine the relative parallelism of
two or more surfaces of the teeth or other parts of the cast
of a dental arch (Fig. 12.29). Several tools are used with
the surveyor, including an analysing rod, undercut gauges, When examining the casts, movement of the RPD away
a graphite marker and wax/plaster trimmer. It is the from the cast is identified. Any denture will have a path
clinician’s responsibility to survey the casts and use of displacement away from the cast/mouth. It is possible to
this information to design the denture. The surveyor is introduce a path of insertion and removal which is different
used to identify, mark, measure and eliminate undercuts on from the path of displacement (Fig. 12.30). Usually the
the teeth. two are coincident and the clinician will rely on clasps and
guide surfaces for retention of the RPD. However, a path
of insertion and removal different from the path of
displacement will lead to a more retentive denture.
In this identification process, guide surfaces are sought.
They consist of two or more parallel surfaces on the abut-
ment teeth which are used to define the path of insertion.
They also help to aid in stabilising the denture. These
surfaces can be either natural or artificially prepared. This
latter procedure involves either altering the shape of the
tooth with a dental bur or the use of a restoration, which
may range from the simple addition of composite material
to the use of a cast restoration. Retentive surfaces receive
the same identification process. Undercuts around the
teeth are examined and the depth measured. If a clasp is
to be placed, the last third (the retentive part) must rest in
the undercut. This is the elastic element of the clasp which
sits within the undercut. It is the elastic recoil of the clasp
164 Fig. 12.27 Guide surface incorporated into crown. that needs to be overcome as the denture is removed. A
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Path of insertion and removal

Path of displacement

Fig. 12.30 Diagram showing insertion and removal different from

path of displacement.


Fig. 12.31 The cast is tilted with the heels down to take
advantage of the labial undercut.
Fig. 12.29 (a) Dental surveyor. (b) Surveying tools used (clockwise
from bottom left): analysing rod, undercut gauges, graphite
marker, wax trimmer.
of bony undercuts, prominences or inclined teeth, which
can be avoided by the use of an anterior or posterior tilt.
cast cobalt chrome (Co/Cr) clasp requires a 0.25 mm
undercut and a wrought clasp requires a 0.5 mm undercut
to be effective.
If the undercut were 0.75 mm or greater, it would cause Once the cast has been thoroughly examined and the areas
permanent deformation of the clasp. An inverted depth of interest or concern identified, it is necessary to mark on
gauge is used to measure such undercuts on the tooth, and the survey lines with the black graphite marker. An alter-
if required the use of a bur or composite material will native colour, such as red, is used to mark any tilting that
either reduce or create potential undercuts. If natural is needed.
surfaces are favourable then tilting of the cast will allow
the RPD to utilise them. This additional surveying is
carried out with both anterior and posterior tilts. This
is sometimes referred to as ‘heels down’ or ‘heels up’ Any undercuts that are present are then measured with
(Fig. 12.31). This will result in two survey lines, which the undercut gauge (0.25–0.75 mm), which will enable
may help with clasp position, especially in cases with diffi- decisions to be taken on the type of clasp material
cult tooth angulations. Good aesthetics may be important, (wrought stainless steel vs. cast Co/Cr) and its subsequent
especially at the front of the mouth, and the insertion of design (gingival/occlusal approaching). A decision is made
the denture may lead to unsightly gaps between it and the as to the best orientation of the cast for the final survey,
natural teeth. If these occur, they should be eliminated. which gives the best path of insertion together with
Other problems that may be identified include the presence optimal retention. 165
Restorative Dentistry

The clinician can then prepare to eliminate the problems
and assess the need for mouth preparation. Undercuts can
be blocked out using plaster of Paris, which is done on the
master cast. Saddle
The information from the surveyor needs to be
recorded to enable the survey to be interpreted correctly
in the laboratory. The best method for achieving this is
by the process of tripoding, which involves the placement
of three marks on the palatal surface of the cast by the
graphite marker, with the vertical arm of the surveyor
locked at a fixed height (Fig. 12.32).

Design stages
After surveying the cast, the design is drawn up and this
Support Retention
can conveniently be seen as comprising six stages: saddles,
support, retention, reciprocation and bracing, connection
and finally indirect retention (Fig. 12.33).

Saddles rest on and cover the alveolar ridge and include
the artificial teeth and gum work. It is this component
of the denture that carries the replacement teeth (Fig.
When reviewing the design of the saddle area, the Reciprocation and Connection
extension of the base is considered and should follow
complete denture principles. It should extend to the depth
of the functional sulcus, unless there are aesthetic consid-
erations such as at the front of the mouth, posteriorly onto
the buccal shelf and halfway up the retromolar pad. The
positioning of the teeth may dictate the saddle position.
Where a tooth is missing, it does not necessarily mean that
a replacement is required, especially when replacing
posterior teeth at the end of the arch. The saddle material
Indirect retention

Fig. 12.33 Useful images to remember the design stages for

removable partial dentures.

is either all acrylic or a Co/Cr substructure supporting the

acrylic teeth and gumwork. The saddle cannot enter the
undercut around the tooth and therefore, although a wax
trial denture may be satisfactory, if the undercuts have not
been blocked out it will be impossible to seat the partial
denture at the insertion stage. This situation is prevented
by giving instructions to the technician to process the
denture on a duplicate cast where such undercuts have
been previously blocked out.
The occurrence of edentulous areas lends itself to a
simplistic classification. The Kennedy classification iden-
tifies the number and positioning of the saddles (see Fig.
12.35a). It has the disadvantage that it only indicates the
Fig. 12.32 An illustration of the tripoding technique to record missing teeth and does not provide information on the
166 the angle of tilt of the cast. nature of the support that is present.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Support is the resistance to vertical force (i.e. masticatory
forces) directed towards the teeth and mucosa. The partial
denture should dissipate these forces and resist downward
pressure. Resistance to masticatory forces is provided by
either the mucosa or the teeth, or by a combination of the
two. The way in which this resistance is provided deter-
mines the classification of the support (Fig. 12.35b).
Quality of the support. The type of support available
may vary and assessment of its quality is made during
design procedures. Tooth support will be dependent upon
the root area of the abutment teeth, their periodontal
status, conservation status and whether they are able to
withstand occlusal forces. The root area of the abutment
teeth will vary and both molars and canines are the best
suited for this purpose as they have the greatest root
Fig. 12.34 Two unbounded saddles are shown on this wax trial
surface area. The saddles will also influence this support.
denture saddle.
Large saddle areas (three to four teeth) will exert a large

Class I Class II Class III

Upper Upper

Class I Class II Class III Class IV

Modification I Modification I Modification I

Lower Lower


Mixture of
Class III teeth and
Class I Class II mucosa

Teeth may Saddles are large

be used Mucosa used for support

Fig. 12.35 (a) Diagram of Kennedy classification. Note that the Kennedy IV has no modifications. (b) Support classification. 167
Restorative Dentistry

force on the adjacent teeth. If large masticatory forces • Point contact between adjacent standing and artificial
from opposing natural teeth are expected, this will increase teeth – intact upper dental arch with contact points
the loading on the saddle areas and therefore onto the which are buccally placed. Point contacts between
supporting elements. natural and artificial teeth are distributed mesiodistally
Mucosal-borne dentures may work well in upper arches, along the arch.
especially if the palatal area is used for support. An area of • Wide embrasures between contiguous standing and
approximately 5 cm2 in the centre of the palate does not artificial teeth.
resorb and it is this which assists in the retention and • ‘Free occlusion’ – a free occlusion with no tendency
stability of upper dentures. Lower acrylic dentures are for the upper and lower cusps to interlock or hinder
often provided but they can cause problems by ‘sinking’ movement.
into the tissues under occlusal loading. This will lead to • Uncovered gingivae – no contact with the gingival
gum stripping and other periodontal problems. Therefore tissue. Palatally the acrylic should be at least 3 mm from
lower mucosal-borne dentures should be avoided unless the gingival margins.
they are seen as transitional in nature (i.e. ready for future • Contact of the denture with the distal surface of the last
immediate additions). standing tooth – distal stabilisers contact posterior teeth
The ‘Every’ type acrylic partial denture is a special and maintain point contact by preventing drifting.
design which attempts to minimise periodontal damage • Maximum retention following the principles used in
and maximise retention (Fig. 12.36). There are six prin- full denture construction – the denture base covers as
ciples involved in its construction: large an area as possible; the fit of the denture is accu-
rate and polished surfaces should be shaped to assist
muscular forces.

The open design allows a hygienic denture to be con-

structed which is retentive and stable and minimises damage
to the supporting and surrounding tissues. It does require
the presence of bounded saddles so that point contact can
be maintained throughout the arch form. Even where the
most distal tooth is missing, however, ‘Every principles’
can still be incorporated into the denture design.
Decisions on the nature of the support are based on the
teeth and the mucosa. A tooth-supported denture will
require rest seat design and tooth preparation. A rest
enables the forces to be directed down the long axis of
the tooth (Fig. 12.37). During the design stages, teeth are
identified which can support the denture, usually with a
rest. Clinical decisions are made on how the tooth should
receive the supporting element. The tooth may naturally
have a depression within the occlusal surface within which
the rest can sit. If this is not present then the tooth is
shaped with a diamond bur. The rest is saucer-shaped
with a deeper portion towards the centre of the tooth
(Fig. 12.37).
A natural tooth may not allow the operator to cut a
rest too deeply due to problems of breaching the enamel.
However, the presence of a restoration or the prescription
of a crown will allow the operator to make a more distinct
shape to the rest design. A mucosa-supported denture will
rely on maximum saddle extension and on the quality of
the mucosa and underlying bone. An area that requires
special consideration is the combined support from the
teeth and the mucosa. This clinical situation is better
known as the free end saddle.
Management of the free end saddle
The clinical situation. The unbounded free end saddle is
168 Fig. 12.36 An Every denture. commonly seen following posterior tooth loss. It presents
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Mesial rest

(a) (b)
Fig. 12.37a A mesial rest prepared in the tooth with guide Fig. 12.37b Diagram of mesial rest.

a difficult clinical situation with its characteristic mixture decision. Where possible, a purely mucosal-borne lower
of tooth and mucosa support. Near to the abutment tooth denture in acrylic should be avoided due to the lack of
there is a predominance of tooth support, but further away support available. However, if the teeth have poor peri-
there is more mucosal support (Fig. 12.38). This differen- odontal support then an acrylic denture is provided which
tial support is the problem during loading of the saddle is transitional in nature. Where there are teeth present
area. The upper free end saddle is often easier to treat, as which have a poor prognosis and will require eventual
support is gained from the palate. Generally it is the lower extractions, it is easier to make additions to an all-acrylic
free end saddle that presents the greatest difficulty due to denture than to a metallic one. After examination of the
the reduced anatomical area. free end saddle problem, a diagnosis of the situation is
made and a treatment plan is drawn up to resolve it.
Clinical procedure. A good history of the presenting Initially a preliminary impression in alginate is obtained
problem is taken and the saddle area is assessed during the and this should record the abutment teeth together with
clinical examination. A past history is also taken to see detail of the free end saddle area. Support of the alginate
what previous treatment has been carried out and whether impression is assisted by the use of impression compound
it was successful. Both the periodontal and conservative in the edentulous areas of the tray. Following pouring of
status of the abutment teeth will also influence the clinical the casts, if it is not possible to hand articulate them, an
assessment of the occlusion is required and the patient is
brought back for a preliminary registration.

Occlusal bond
Design considerations
A simple rigid design. A well-designed but rigid Co/Cr
framework is a simple method of treatment. Modifications
may be indicated if the abutment tooth does not possess
an ideal crown shape with suitable undercuts. The tooth
may be modified using composite or guide surfaces created
by grinding with a diamond drill. In the case of heavily
restored teeth, crowning may be indicated. Where the
abutment tooth has poor bone support, the design should
spread the loading away to other adjacent teeth. In order
to dissipate the loading, clasping of the tooth is made with
wrought clasps as distinct to cast clasps. In theory, the
more elastic wrought material will act as a shock-absorber,
reducing loading on the tooth.
At this end the Mixture of tooth At this end of the
tooth absorps saddle force is Modifications. Where there is a free end saddle present,
most of occusal and mucosa transmitted to
bond the mucosa conventional designs should incorporate a mesial place-
ment of the rest. This will reduce anterior posterior forces
Fig. 12.38 Diagram showing differential support. acting on the tooth. As mentioned previously, potentially 169
Restorative Dentistry

damaging lateral forces on the tooth can be reduced by The Co/Cr casting over the free end saddle may either
the use of more flexible wrought clasps and gingivally contact or sit 1–2 mm above the ridge. The latter is
approaching clasps. preferable as it allows relining at a later date. Generally,
the saddle area is a mesh design which allows the acrylic
Use of the altered cast technique. This technique is a selective to be processed underneath. To help with seating, a ‘foot’
impression technique, which imparts a functional load to (small part of Co/Cr which contacts the posterior region)
the denture. A Co/Cr denture constructed for a free end is incorporated into the casting. This acts as a valuable
saddle will need the differential support offered by the abut- reference point when the fit of the framework is checked,
ment tooth which is relatively rigid in its socket, supported by both on the cast and in the mouth. Any lack of contact
the periodontal ligament and the more displaceable denture- may be eliminated by the altered cast technique. There is
bearing mucosa. This impression technique takes into debate on whether this technique is useful but it does
account the differential support provided by both the oral provide an improved impression of the saddle area.
mucosa and the teeth.The treatment follows the use of both
RPI system. Studies on the differential loading of free end
preliminary and master impressions. The Co/Cr casting is
saddles suggested that the mesial placement of occlusal
constructed ready for trial fitting in the mouth (Fig. 12.39).
rests and the use of wrought clasping on the abutment
A close-fitting acrylic special tray is constructed on the
tooth led to more favourable distribution of loading. This
free end saddle of the casting. An impression is taken of
concept is further modified in the RPI system (R = rest;
the free end saddle using either zinc oxide/eugenol impres-
P = distal plate; I = gingivally approaching I-bar). The
sion paste or a medium-viscosity silicone.When the frame-
mesial rest contacts the mesiolingual surface of the abut-
work is placed in the mouth, the impression is taken with
ment tooth and, with the distal plate, reciprocates the
loading on the support elements of the framework only.
action of the retentive I-bar clasp. The abutment tooth is
No finger pressure is applied on the saddle area as this
held in a mesial–distal direction (Fig. 12.40).
would lead to over-displacement of the mucosa. Border
Under functional load the denture will tend to rotate
moulding is carried out as the impression material is
around the mesial rest. Both the plate and I-bar will move
setting. In the laboratory, the free end saddle areas on
downwards and forwards and disengage from the tooth.
the master cast are sectioned and removed. The denture
This will limit the stresses placed on the tooth during
is positioned on the cast and the new saddle areas are
function. Although often well understood theoretically, the
poured. The resulting cast represents the free end saddle
RPI is not always drawn on designs correctly.
areas under conditions which attempt to mimic functional
load. The original technique used functional waxes and Balance of forces. This can be considered as a further refine-
was described as the Applegate technique.The altered cast ment of the RPI system. It consists of a mesial rest and guide
technique improves the distribution of loading on the free surface with a lingual clasp arm extending into the distal
end saddle and the denture is more stable. However, the undercut from the rest. The aim is to ensure that the loads
technique requires good cooperation with the laboratory during function are directed vertically along the long axis of
and may lead to disruption of the occlusion, especially if it the tooth in order to avoid torque and leverage (Fig. 12.41).
is undertaken as a rebasing of the finished denture. This The tooth is held in a similar fashion (i.e. mesial–distal)
can lead to considerable adjustment at the chairside. to the RPI system, but both a mesial rest and guide surface
are prepared in the tooth. The guide surface may be

Fig. 12.39 The use of the altered cast technique – a special tray is
170 made over the free end saddle area. Fig. 12.40 The RPI system.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

correctly then application of an autopolymerising acrylic

to define the saddle area at the chairside is indicated. The
setting of the material should be made under functional
occlusal load, taking care not to allow material to set into
undercuts. (This will be embarrassing clinically as it will
prove impossible to remove the denture unless acrylic is
removed – the true prosthetic emergency!) Laboratory
relining of impressions may also be technique-sensitive
and can lead to disruption of the occlusion.

Retention of a RPD is achieved by the following means:
• mechanical – clasps engaging undercuts on tooth
Fig. 12.41 Clinical use of the balance of force clasp. • neuromuscular – muscles acting on the polished surfaces
• physical forces – arising from maximal coverage of mucosa
• other means – guide surfaces, precision attachments.
unsightly and will often require preparation of the natural
tooth. This will not be a problem if the treatment plan Clasping of the tooth by thin flexible metal remains
involves the placement of a full veneer crown as the mesial the conventional method of achieving retention. A clasp
guide surface can be designed into the crown. The clasp is is a metal arm, which retains or stabilises a denture by
designed so that the retentive tip of the clasp arm is contacting a tooth. It can be described as either occlusally
positioned on the interproximal surface of the abutment approaching or gingivally approaching (Fig. 12.42).
tooth adjacent to the edentulous saddle. The material, length and cross-sectional shape influence
Retention is achieved mesiodistally as opposed to the flexibility of a clasp. The metal clasps may be either
buccolingually. During function there is similar rotational cast Co/Cr or wrought stainles steel, with the latter having
movement to the RPI system and the clasp will disengage. greater flexibility. Typically occlusally approaching cast
In the UK and the USA, dentures using the balance of force Co/Cr clasp needs to be 15 mm long in order to enter into
system are constructed under licence (Equipoise designs). an undercut of 0.25 mm. This is feasible on a molar tooth
Use of stress breakers. These designs attempt to provide some but would not be possible on a premolar tooth. A wrought
degree of flexibility between the clasp unit and the free end clasp can enter the 0.25 mm undercut with a length of
saddle. They can have either a movable joint or a flexible 8 mm and still retain its flexibility. Alternatively, the cast
connection between the direct retainer and the saddle. clasp can maintain a length of 15 mm if it is designed as a
Precision attachments may be used to provide the movable gingivally approaching clasp.
joint. An example of the flexible design is where the Co/Cr An additional feature of the gingivally approaching
casting is split to enable the differential loading between clasp is that it has a trip action on removal that assists with
the saddle and tooth-supported elements. Although such retention. Finally, if the cross-sectional shape of the clasp
designs can be useful, they can be complicated and involve is changed from a round section to a half-round one then
excessive coverage of teeth leading to periodontal problems. it is more resistant to movement in the vertical plane and
will maintain its position relative to the undercut. These
Design of saddle and occlusal table. The design of a are the physical properties of the clasp arm but there are
free end saddle should also follow traditional guidelines other factors which influence the choice.
for denture construction. Such measures should include
maximal extension of the saddle (halfway up the
retromolar pad, extension into the buccal shelf). This will
reduce the load per unit area being placed on the saddles
during function. Narrow posterior teeth will reduce the
degree of lateral force applied by the musculature during
function. Omitting the most distal tooth will reduce the
amount of loading on the abutment tooth by reducing
leverage. The use of narrow teeth will assist in tooth
position and improve the occlusal loading by allowing the
patient to penetrate food more effectively without
increasing the load to the saddle area.
Gingivally approaching Occlusally approaching
Relining of free end saddle. This can prove to be a
frustrating clinical experience. If a saddle is not seating Fig. 12.42 Occlusally and gingivally approaching clasps. 171
Restorative Dentistry

The depth of undercut on the tooth has a direct influence orthodontically during placement and removal, eventually
on the retentive force of the clasp but its position is also leading to non-function of the clasp arm. A reciprocating
important. Typically an occlusally approaching clasp is arm is used to prevent this lateral movement during
placed on molar teeth, and gingivally approaching clasps denture displacement (Fig. 12.44).
are placed on the premolar being influenced by both flexi- The reciprocating element is rigid and therefore forces
bility and aesthetics. There are two designs of occlusally the retentive element to flex as it moves out of the under-
approaching clasp: the three-arm clasp and the ring clasp. cut over the bulbosity of the tooth. This leads to effective
The use of either design depends on the relative position use of the clasp forces on the tooth. Reciprocating elements
of the undercut on the tooth. For instance, a mesial lingual may be contained within the arm of the clasp, as in a
undercut may be best clasped using a ring clasp, whilst a ring clasp, or in an extra arm which is positioned on the
distal lingual undercut may require a three-arm clasp. opposite side of the clasp arm on the tooth. Other recipro-
Extra forces on insertion and removal will be placed on cating elements may be the minor connectors, occlusal
a tooth when it is clasped. Teeth which have reduced rests or guide surfaces which are designed to keep the rest
periodontal attachment may require a more flexible clasp in its correct position and prevent tooth escape when the
such as wrought stainless steel. clasp is activated during displacement.
The sulcus shape will influence decisions on the choice Bracing provides resistance of the whole partial denture
of clasp design. A gingivally approaching clasp may inter- to forces to which it may be subjected during mastication.
fere with bony prominences, prominent frenal attachments These forces attempt to dislodge the denture in both
and shallow sulci. Taking it away from the tissue undercut anteroposterior and lateral directions. The lateral forces
may make it more noticeable to the buccal tissues. may inflict damage on the periodontal and alveolar tissues.
The length of the clasp may be reduced if only premolar Bracing elements may include rests, reciprocating elements
teeth are available for clasping. In order to maintain a and clasps, or other parts of the denture including the
flexible clasp for the appropriate undercut on the premolar saddles (Fig. 12.45).
tooth either a short, occlusally approaching wrought clasp
or a longer, cast Co/Cr gingivally approaching clasp may
be selected.
Finally, aesthetics will dictate the positioning of the clasps. The saddles, clasps and reciprocating elements need to be
Metal is unsightly and an occlusally approaching clasp connected in order to function as a complete unit. Minor
anterior to the premolar teeth should be avoided where connectors include parts of the Co/Cr framework which
possible; the gingivally approaching clasp is to be preferred. hold these local elements together, while major connectors
However, there are special tooth-coloured porcelain clasps connect the main saddles of the denture.
which can overcome this problem (Fig. 12.43) In the upper metal partial denture, these will cross the
palate and there are many variations on the design. The
main consideration is that all the parts are connected
Reciprocation and bracing
together. The simplest connector design is a full metal
When a tooth is clasped, the arm exerts a lateral force onto plate that covers the palate (Fig. 12.46). This has the
the tooth during insertion and removal of the RPD. If this advantage of rigidity and ease of design; however, the full
lateral force is not resisted, the tooth will be moved coverage may not be comfortable for every patient and

172 Fig. 12.43 Tooth-coloured clasps. Fig. 12.44 The buccal clasp is reciprocated by the palatal arm.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

does increase the weight of the denture. An alternative

approach is to use anterior and palatal bars where the
central portion of the palate is left uncovered. This may be
necessary if there are palatal tori present which need to be
left uncovered. Other designs are a variation on the theme
and include anterior only, posterior only and mid-palatal
bars. The choice of design may relate to patient preference
or problems with tolerance.
The lower major connector will be influenced by both
the space available and periodontal considerations (Fig.
12.47). A lingual bar is the best choice where there is
clearance of approximately 1 cm from the lingual sulcus to
the gingival contour of the lower incisors. This allows a
rigid bar to be constructed which does not interfere with
either the sulcus or the gingivae of the teeth. Where space
is limited, a sublingual bar may be made which lies in the
Fig. 12.45 The palatal components act as bracing by preventing
lateral movement of the denture.
lingual sulcus and is pear-shaped in cross-section. A good
impression of the sulcus area, recording its depth and

(a) Full coverage (b) Anterior and posterior palatal bars

(c) Anterior palatal bar (d) Posterior palatal bar

Fig. 12.46 Examples of upper connectors. 173

Restorative Dentistry

Lingual bar or Lingual plate

sublingual bar

Fig. 12.47 Examples of lower connectors.

width under function, is required. The quality of the clasps are placed on the molar teeth. The clasp axis will be
impression of the sulcus directly influences the design of posteriorly placed and allow rotation of the anterior saddle
the bar. The bar should sit in the lingual sulcus with during function. To prevent this, indirect retainers are
minimal discomfort to the patient. An alternative solution placed on the most posterior teeth or the palatal connector
is to use a lingual plate, which lies on the tooth surface is extended towards the soft palate (Fig. 12.49). If this
above the cingulum.This is surprisingly comfortable to the is not possible, the lack of indirect retention will be a
patient but also results in total coverage of the periodontal problem. A path of insertion may also be considered to
tissues. This design should be selected with care and utilise any anterior buccal undercut that is present.
should not be constructed if there are problems with oral
hygiene. Other designs such as the lingual bar combined
Final considerations
with a continuous clasp or the use of a dental bar resting
on the cingulum surfaces of the teeth are complicated The overall design is checked and the occlusal relationship
castings and often prove to be poorly tolerated by the is reviewed to ensure that there are no interferences present.
patient. The design should be correctly drawn on an accompany-
ing piece of paper which should include details of all the
components and the teeth involved. Clarity is essential for
Indirect retention
the technician to understand the correct design and any
The RPD unit will have a tendency to rotate around an problems are resolved with direct communication. The
axis formed by the tips of the clasps. The eating of sticky design is also drawn on the cast to assist the technician.
foods will cause the saddle to move occlusally around this
clasp axis. It is analogous to a see-saw: if the saddle moves
upwards then the components anterior to the clasp will
rotate downwards. If there is no resistance to this move-
ment, damage to the underlying soft tissues may result. A
support unit, an indirect retainer, is placed anterior to the
clasp axis to prevent this movement (Fig. 12.48).
Indirect retainers do not prevent displacement towards
the ridge. This movement is resisted by the occlusal rest
on the abutment teeth and by the maximal extension of
the saddle. Decisions on indirect retention are made at the
end of the sequence of design stages. However, there are Clasp
two common design situations where it proves to be a axis
problem. In the lower bilateral free end saddle situation,
support units need to be positioned anterior to this clasp
axis and the example of a design with such indirect
retainers is shown in Figure 12.48.
The upper RPD replacing anterior teeth (Kennedy class
IV) is problematical. The forward position of the saddle
Indirect retainers
makes indirect retention of the denture a problem. The
174 design uses support from the posterior teeth and retentive Fig. 12.48 Example of an indirect retainer.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Clasp axis

Use of tooth supported Use of tissue-supported

indirect retainer indirect retainer
(a) (b)
Fig. 12.49 Kennedy class IV and solutions. (a) Tooth-supported indirect retainer. (b) Tissue-supported indirect retainer.

There has been much progress in the use of computer-

aided design programs, of which RaPiD is the most
advanced. RaPiD stands for removable partial denture
design, artificial intelligence, and contains rules based
upon a wide range of specialist prosthetic opinion. The Edentulous spaces may be replaced by more advanced
designs produced are drawn on the screen and the program prostheses such as an overdenture. Such dentures may
verifies each design before it is sent via an internet connec- prove useful where there is loss of tooth structure due to
tion to the local laboratory (Fig. 12.50). tooth wear or difficulty in placing a conventional RPD. An
A summary of the visits required in the process of overdenture is a prosthesis that derives support from one
producing a partial denture is given in Box 12.10. or more abutment teeth which may have been reduced in

Fig. 12.50 An example of the RaPiD computer-aided design program. 175

Restorative Dentistry

were taken over a 5-year period to assess the resulting

Box 12.10 Summary of the visits required to produce a
partial denture bone levels. The amount of bone loss in the two groups is
shown in Figure 12.52.
Clinical Laboratory
Findings from this study showed that, in the lower
1. History and examination jaw, where roots had been retained there was a reduction
Preliminary impressions
in the bone resorption over the edentulous group. Further-
2. Registration of jaw Surveying
more, it was found that the retention of roots helped to
relations Mounting of casts on
articulator maintain bone not only in the immediate vicinity of the
Preliminary design teeth but also in adjacent areas such as along the eden-
Proposed tooth alteration tulous ridges. The study also observed the bone loss that
Draw out partial design on: occurred in the maxilla. There were no observable differ-
• design sheet ences between the resorption ridges whether the roots had
• study cast
been retained or the maxilla was edentulous.The retention
3. Tooth modifications
Master impressions
of roots in the maxilla offers other advantages, by
absorbing increased loads that may be delivered by an
4. Try-in of frame work
opposing natural dentition.
5. Try-in of frame work/wax
6. Delivery of denture Sensory feedback
It is recognised that the teeth are rich in proprioceptive
fibres. These confer several advantages to the patient:
• control of the amount of masticatory force
• recognition of the size and texture of objects
height and which encloses them beneath its impression
• help with spatial positioning of the mandible during
surface. Figure 12.51 shows a typical situation where an
masticatory function.
overdenture is indicated. The canines have a high root
surface area and are often the only teeth remaining in the Where there are teeth present, there is increased tactile
arch. In this situation the provision of a partial denture discrimination which allows a dentate patient to exert high
may prove difficult and the crown/root ratio of the teeth is occlusal loads during mastication with more precision.
not favourable. Following root canal therapy, the teeth are In contrast, a complete denture-wearer is six times less
reduced in height. Finally, complete upper and lower efficient at detecting small objects.
dentures have been provided. The lower prosthesis is an Teeth with large surface areas, such as canine teeth, are
overdenture. rich in mechanoreceptors and therefore able to help with
Overdentures can range from this simple example to location. Natural teeth are more sensitive to lateral than
more complex forms of overlay on the teeth.The procedure to axial forces. Such sensory perception is not as readily
brings together many different components of restorative detected by the edentulous patient. Therefore it can be
dentistry, such as periodontal, preventative care and argued that the patient with overdentures will retain the
endodontics. It is also a demanding form of treatment and advantages of sensory feedback associated with the retained
requires great care in the selection of suitably motivated roots. However, the wearing of an acrylic prosthesis may
patients. Overdentures offer several advantages: also reduce this sensitivity but it will still be superior to a
complete denture.
• alveolar bone is maintained
• sensory feedback is provided Reduction of psychological trauma
• psychological trauma is reduced.
The retention of roots will often help the patient to come
to terms with the need for restoration of the remaining
Alveolar bone maintained
dentition. This can help in transitional situations where
The retention of teeth maintains the alveolar bone around a patient is eventually going to lose teeth due to past
the root. Over a 5-year period, Crum & Rooney (1978) neglect.
observed the bone changes that occurred in two groups of
patients who still had their natural teeth prior to prosthetic
Overdenture cases
treatment. The two groups can be summarised as follows:
in group 1 the lower canine teeth were retained and the Overdentures are a useful treatment option in many clinical
patients were provided with a lower overdenture; in group situations. A simple complete lower overdenture which
2 all the remaining lower teeth were extracted and a lower encloses the roots of two root-treated canines has been
176 complete denture provided. Cephalometric radiographs shown above (Fig. 12.51). Cases can be more complicated
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

(a) (b)
Fig. 12.51 (a) The canines are the last teeth remaining but have an unfavourable crown/root ratio. (b) Overdentures have been
constructed which completely enclose the remaining roots.

than this. The reduction in the crowns of the teeth may from the consumption of acidic drinks? The remaining
have occurred due to tooth wear from a combination of dentition has been restored and a definitive overdenture
erosion and attrition. In the elderly, where such tooth placed.
reduction has occurred, root canal treatment may not be
necessary. The removal of the roots will not benefit the
Clinical synopsis
patient and the overdenture is the best form of treatment.
Less common situations, such as partial anodontia, Successful overdenture treatment involves careful patient
cleft palate or loss of tooth crown substance in dentino- selection and treatment planning. Similar criteria to those
genesis imperfecta, may also require restoration using used in selecting bridge or partial denture abutments are
overdentures. The distinction between an onlay and an employed.
overdenture is not clear-cut and a potentially difficult
partial denture treatment, such as the restoration of a free
Selection of abutments
end saddle, may be helped by the coverage of a canine or
molar tooth with a reduced crown rather than a more When selecting the appropriate teeth for overdenture
involved crown restoration. abutments, there are many factors which influence the
In the case illustrated in Figure 12.53, an elderly patient clinician’s choice. The abutment teeth should exhibit good
has severe tooth surface loss. The aetiology of this wear periodontal health with adequate bone support. There
must be diagnosed before treatment is commenced. For should be minimal attachment loss and ideally they should
instance, is this wear a result of parafunction or erosion be surrounded by attached gingivae with no bleeding and

0.6 mm 5.2 mm

Fig. 12.52 The resulting bone loss over the 5-year period of the Crum & Rooney (1978) study (see text). 177
Restorative Dentistry

(a) (b)
Fig. 12.53 (a) This elderly patient has lost tooth structure over many years in the upper arch. (b) The remaining dentition has been
restored and a final overdenture placed. (Courtesy of Mrs E.A. McLaughlin.)

minimal plaque deposits present.The potentially damaging prior to manufacture of the overdenture. The prosthesis is
lateral loads are reduced with a more favourable crown/ completed towards the end of the treatment unless there is
root ratio. This can be achieved by reducing the height of a need for a provisional denture to stabilise the occlusion
the abutment tooth following root canal treatment. during treatment. Finally, the importance of follow-up,
Ideally, the abutments must be located on both sides of careful maintenance of the overdenture and regular review
the arch and evenly distributed. The best teeth for over- of the state of the oral tissues must be stressed to the
denture abutments are those with the largest root surface patient (see Box 12.11).
area such as canines and molars. If less favourable teeth,
i.e. lower incisors, are to be used for overdenture abut-
Types of overdenture
ments there should be a number of them together in order
to spread the loads. The teeth should be restorable and There are three methods of providing overdentures:
have enough supragingival tooth structure to allow them
to be used as abutments. If root canal treatment is required
• They may be placed immediately on reduction of the
then the tooth should have canals that are readily negotiable
and the long-term prognosis of the tooth should be good.
• If the patient wears a removable partial denture, this
may be converted to an overdenture.
Although a tooth may be in a suitable position for use
as an abutment, there may be a large bony prominence
• Existing overdentures may require replacement.
that would preclude the use of a flange for the final A patient may already have an existing prosthesis, in
prosthesis. Such a situation may occur with the retention which case it is possible to convert the existing partial
of upper canines as overdenture abutments, where a large denture into an overdenture at the time of reducing the
bony eminence will often prevent the placement of a abutment teeth. Such dentures may be constructed at the
flange and/or detract from aesthetics. It may be necessary chairside or in the laboratory.
to incorporate a precision attachment and this will require
a tooth that has sufficient strength and root surface area to
support the increased loading. Box 12.11 Typical stages involved in overdenture
Overdenture treatment is sophisticated and may require provision
many clinical visits and there will be a high cost element.
1. Examination
All of this will influence the patient’s suitability for such
treatment and should be dicussed with the patient at the 2. Diagnosis, treatment plan
planning stage. 3. Preparatory treatment:
– periodontal
– abutments
Sequence of treatment – conservation
– root canal treatment
Following the drawing up of the treatment plan, preliminary 4. Other treatment
preparation may be started. Such treatment should include 5. Denture construction
any periodontal work and conservation and/or root canal 6. Follow-up and maintenance
treatment of the abutments. If advanced work is required,
178 such as copings or attachments, this should be completed
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

After a period of time, overdentures may require

replacing due to occlusal wear or fracture of the acrylic
baseplate. Other problems that may occur include damage
to the underlying abutments either by parafunctional forces
or due to caries. Poor oral hygiene may have led to increased
periodontal breakdown leading to tooth loss.
The clinician may wish to replace the overdenture if this
has served well using a duplicate denture technique. This
may prove to be a more successful method than a conven-
tional technique. If there has been fracture of the baseplate
due to excessive occlusal loads, a metal base of Co/Cr may
be required.

Copings and attachments

Copings Fig. 12.54 A coping used to protect the root surface.

In some cases, the root face of an abutment tooth may

have been damaged by caries or there may be a need to There are generally three different types of precision
protect the root face. A coping consists of either a gold attachments available: studs, bars and magnets. Studs are
thimble over the tooth or a post-retained dome and is generally placed in the root face and the attachment, in the
constructed in a similar fashion to a post crown (Fig. form of a press clip, is retained in the denture (Fig. 12.55a).
12.54). Copings are used to protect a weakened tooth Bars have the advantage of spreading the loading between
from fracture and wear but they do not prevent caries. the abutment teeth. However, they impart high loading to
those teeth, are difficult to clean and relining is complicated.
The bar is attached to the root face via a post system and
the clip or sleeve is held in the denture (Fig.12.55b).
Precision attachments can be used to aid retention from Magnets used in dentistry are made from either cobalt–
the root. However, they are expensive items and their samarium or iron–neodymium–boron. They have the
maintenance is difficult. If required, they should only be advantage that they are less likely to cause lateral stresses
placed in the more motivated patient.The increased reten- to the abutment tooth and are clinically easy to use. Their
tion brings about higher loading of the teeth, particularly disadvantage is that they are liable to corrode in oral fluids
in the lateral direction, and such forces are potentially over time. Special base metal is supplied for use with
damaging to teeth. If precision attachments are not main- magnets, which is cast into copings and cemented into the
tained properly, failure due to caries around the attach- root face. The magnets are positioned in the mouth and
ment or periodontal breakdown is a potential hazard. retained in the denture using a self-cure acrylic (Fig. 12.56).

Example: Dalla Bona

Consist of: Example: Ackermann

Male part attached to root

Female part within denture

Other systems – Dolder, Kurer

(a) (b)
Fig. 12.55 Examples of (a) studs and (b) bars used to retain dentures. 179
Restorative Dentistry

Root caries may take place on an unprotected root face.
Patients should be given correct dietary advice together
with advice on measures aimed at protecting the roots. It
has been shown that, in those patients who used a fluoride
gel daily, only 5% of teeth developed caries. This is in
contrast to those patients who did not use such a gel, in
whom 20% of the teeth developed caries.

Periodontal disease
Studies show that 35% of patients wearing overdentures
experience some loss of attachment. Furthermore, when
examining patients’ dentures, only 50% of their prostheses
were plaque-free. All these findings were related to poor
Fig. 12.56 Dental magnets placed on abutment keepers ready to
be cured to the denture. oral hygiene status of the patient.

Maintenance regime
When planning treatment for overdentures, the clinician
should consider whether the support will come from the It is imperative that the patient receives regular mainte-
teeth, the mucosa or a combination of the two. Increasing nance with plaque control of the abutments and care of
the support provided by the tooth root may lead to the root face. A fluoride gel, which can be placed in the
increased lateral stresses which may be detrimental in the recess of the denture where it contacts the abutments,
long term. A mucosal-supported denture receives increased should be prescribed. Regular oral hygiene appointments
retention and support from the greater amount of alveolar with the hygienist must be mandatory.
bone that is present. Within 1 month of preparing the abutment teeth for the
patient in Figure 12.57, the UR3 had developed recurrent
caries. The caries was removed and a new restoration was
placed. A strict regime of regular recalls was commenced,
The continual after-care of the prepared teeth underlying including application of a fluoride gel containing 0.05%
the overdenture is aimed at preventing both carious attack fluoride. Four years later, the abutment UR3 had an
and periodontal destruction, which would lead to root extended amalgam present but both root faces had been
extraction. This would then require modification or stable for this period of time. The darkening of the root
construction of a new overdenture.The prevention of such dentine is a result of the high levels of fluoride. In contrast,
problems should form part of the management in this the patient shown in Figure 12.57(b) was not well
restorative procedure. controlled and after placement of the overdentures did not

(a) (b)
Fig. 12.57 Both these root faces developed caries. The root face in (a) has been restored and a strict regime of oral hygiene and topical
180 fluoride instigated. In (b) the root required extraction.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

return for review. Three years later the root face had
recurrent caries and the root required extraction.

Overdentures are a useful form of restorative treatment
when replacing teeth. They are indicated where teeth are
to be covered or where there is crown loss which is not
restorable by other methods. The procedure requires the
careful interaction of periodontal treatment, good operative
procedures and root canal treatment, thus allowing the
final placement of the removable prosthesis to be success-
ful.This success is built on appropriate treatment planning
and a high quality of clinical care. As with any advanced
procedure, it is important to maintain a careful review of
the ongoing function of such treatment.


Introduction Fig. 12.59 Radiograph shows poor bone support for the anterior
An immediate denture is a denture that is made prior to
the extraction of the natural teeth, which is inserted into
the mouth immediately after the extraction of those teeth.
It is seen as a provisional prosthesis (Figs 12.58–12.61).
The provision of an immediate denture has may advan-
tages for a patient including maintaining the soft tissue
contour of the face and helping the patient at a time when
losing a tooth or teeth may be a traumatic and difficult
emotional process. An immediate denture has the big
advantage in that it aids in the process of adaptation to
dentures. As patients’ dental health has improved, the
provision of immediate dentures has changed from exten-
sive removal of all the teeth to simple additions to existing
dentures. Once again such dentures are seen as
transitional in nature (Figs 12.62–12.64).
They are used to assist in aesthetics or mastication over
a period of time (6 to 12 months) prior to provision of a
Fig. 12.60 The teeth have been removed.

more permanent restoration. They are also used to help a

patient gradually acclimatise to dentures, as the teeth are
lost over a period of time. Advantages and disadvantages
are outlined in Boxes 12.12 and 12.13.

Treatment planning
The treatment planning of the patient will dictate which
of the existing teeth require extraction (Box 12.14). For
instance, it may not be necessary to extract the teeth as
they may be used for overdenture abutments or if they
have a poor prognosis they may be temporarily kept for
the transition to denture wearing. Other options include
extracting teeth of poor prognosis and not fitting the
Fig. 12.58 The patient has several anterior teeth that are causing denture for approximately 6 months. This is only done for
problems. posterior teeth, which allows resorption to take place and 181
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 12.61 The immediate denture has been placed over the
extraction sockets.

Fig. 12.64 The transitional denture is in situ.

then provides a stable base for subsequent partial denture

treatment. Anterior teeth will always be extracted and
wherever possible immediately replaced with a restoration
such as an immediate denture.
When immediate dentures are proposed, it is important
that patients are advised of the necessity for early relining
and/or remaking with associated additional visits and extra
costs. Communication and understanding of such involved
treatment and potential difficulties will prevent any mis-

Box 12.12 Advantages and disadvantages of

immediate dentures to clinicians
• Potential to use the existing occlusion of the natural
Fig. 12.62 Lower arch with several teeth of poor prognosis. teeth for jaw registration procedures
• Presence of the teeth to be extracted allows the clinician
to make a suitable assessment of the aesthetics
• There is no trial denture stage possible and therefore
there is the potential for the final result not to be
exactly what the patient was expecting
• Gross irregularities of the teeth including broken-down
teeth, which require surgical extraction, may result in an
uneven ridge or ill-fitting dentures

Box 12.13 Disadvantages to undertaking immediate

dentures from the patient’s viewpoint
• There will be many visits required and as the bone
resorption sets in following the loss of teeth, there will
be progressive loss of fit of the dentures. The patient
should be ready to expect this and appreciate that it will
also result in an increased cost. Therefore good
cooperation is necessary
Fig. 12.63 Following extraction, three teeth have been retained
182 which will assist in the transition to a complete denture.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

cleansed of debris, plaque and calculus and the impressions

Box 12.14 Treatment plan
are taken in alginate. There is then a clinical decision:
• additions to partial dentures • If sufficient tooth contact is present for jaw relationship,
• transitional immediate dentures then an interocclusal record is taken with shade and
or mould of teeth.
• new dentures, complete or partial, • If there is insufficient tooth contact, then occlusal rims
• to replace teeth that are missing and/or to be extracted will be required and the registration will have to take
place at an extra clinical visit.
Instructions are given to the laboratory and the teeth
for extraction indicated on working casts. If the immediate
understanding or potential future disagreements. It is restoration is a partial denture, those undercuts to be blocked
useful to provide the patient with written instructions of out are specified.The technician will set up the artificial teeth
what is involved in the immediate denture process. in the edentulous spaces for trial insertion in the mouth.
At the trial insertion stage the occlusion and aesthetics
are checked but it will not be possible to see the finished
Design of immediate dentures
result, as the teeth to be extracted are still present. At this
When providing immediate dentures the replacement teeth visit arrangements for the tooth extraction are made.
on the denture should be supported by a flange. This Before the trial denture and cast is sent in for process-
provides strength and stability to the dentures and allows ing, it is the responsibility of the clinician to prepare the
the area that is healing to be protected. Subsequent cast ready for placement of the artificial teeth by the tech-
relining of the denture is straightforward as the flange acts nician.The clinician will then determine bone levels around
as a template allowing further addition of acrylic in place. teeth using a periodontal probe and assessing radiographs
Dentists may come across dentures where the teeth sit into of the teeth. This provides an estimation of the amount of
sockets of the extracted teeth. These are termed socketed soft tissue collapse that will take place immediately follow-
immediate dentures and will lead to long-term problems. ing tooth extraction. Therefore the clinician will trim the
Whilst this technique is favoured by technicians as it cast appropriately.
will provide good initial aesthetics, over time this is lost. At the next visit the teeth are extracted and the imme-
Typically the appearance is only satisfactory for a couple diate dentures inserted. In order to avoid trauma to the
of weeks, after which the resorption of bone leads to a poor anaesthetised tissues, any acrylic pearls, spicules and
aesthetic result. Furthermore, the denture will become undercuts are removed from the fitting surface of the
unretentive and difficult to reline. denture. This will help with the insertion of the denture.
Any obvious occlusal discrepancies and overextension are
corrected. It is best to leave any finer adjustments of the
Additions of teeth to partial dentures
dentures including the occlusion to a later appointment
When providing additions an alginate impression in a stock because of subsequent swelling that occurs.
tray is used. The impression is taken over the correctly Instructions are given to the patient that the dentures
seated denture in situ. The full functional width and depth should not be removed for 24 hours and post-extraction
of the sulcus is recorded in the area of the tooth to be instructions are given as for routine tooth removal.
extracted. It is useful to mark teeth to be added to the The patient is reviewed at 24 hours, when the dentures
denture with indelible pencil to avoid confusion and are removed from the mouth and cleaned with brush, soap
mistakes. It may be necessary to use a wax or silicone inter- and water, and the mouth is examined for areas of sore-
occlusal record if there are several teeth to be replaced. An ness. The dentures are adjusted to relieve any overexten-
opposing alginate impression is taken. This is sent to the sions, excessive pressure from denture base or obvious
laboratory with correct patient and clinical information occlusal discrepancies. Instruction on oral and denture
after appropriate cross-infection precautions. An appoint- hygiene is given together with a patient handout.
ment is arranged for both tooth extraction and insertion of At the next review, which should be at one week, all
denture at the same visit. factors at 24-hour review are checked again with evalua-
tion and adjustment of occlusion. Regular review appoint-
ments are then arranged for the patient at suitable periods
Provision of new immediate denture
as follows: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and then annually
If there are substantially more teeth to be removed then the thereafter (Box 12.15). It is also good practice to remind
treatment is spread over several appointments. Preliminary the patient that temporary relining will be necessary at a
alginate impressions for study casts are taken and once review in the near future and that permanent relining or
customised special trays are constructed the working impres- the construction of new dentures will be necessary at a
sions are taken at the second clinical visit. The teeth are later stage. 183
Restorative Dentistry

Mechanistic approach
Box 12.15 Review timetable
In this approach the artificial teeth will be set up on the
24 hours Simple check on patient status – adjustments crest of the remaining alveolar ridges. The concept here
geared to make patient comfortable is that the underlying ridges will take the occlusal stresses
1 week More involved check of patient status – during function. This is simple and straightforward to
thorough examination followed by understand. Unfortunately it does not consider the
adjustments of impression and occlusal
biological consequences of adopting such an approach in
the longer term.The edentulous ridge will resorb over time
1 month Review for further adjustments. and therefore their position will change. The associated
Any placement of temporary or permanent
linings should be delayed until 3 to soft tissues will also be compromised. For instance in the
6 months unless absolutely necessary lower arch, the mechanical positioning of the teeth on the
6 months Review the need for reline of denture as
ridge will often produce an occlusal form that takes no
much of the resorption will have taken account of the positioning of the tongue. This may lead to
place soreness of the tongue and instability of the lower denture.
12 months Provision of new dentures
Copy dentures
Many patients present with dentures that they have been
wearing for several years and are generally comfortable
COMPLETE DENTURES with them. Their presenting problems are often related
to looseness or difficulty with eating. The patient has
Although patients are keeping their teeth longer and the developed good neuromuscular control over the years.
demands for fixed prosthodontic solutions in restorative Therefore the polished surfaces of the dentures (i.e. the
dentistry are growing, there will still remain a sizable general denture form) are correct. The problem is either
number of patients who are edentulous. This group of related to the artificial teeth that have worn leading to a
patients will generally be elderly and with current life poor occlusion or the impression surface no longer corre-
expectation increasing will live without teeth for a sub- sponds to the ridge shape that has resorped over the years.
stantial number of years. This will pose several problems It may be sufficient in such cases to undertake a copy
including the ability of the patient to adapt. Also the skill denture technique (Fig. 12.65).
base of clinicians who are capable of providing such treat-
ment will slowly decrease as the demands for other types
of treatment increase. In short complete denture cases will
become more clinically challenging. This text can only Watt and MacGregor demonstrated in the early 1960s that
serve as an introduction to the provision of complete den- there is a remnant of the palatal gingival vestige that
tures and the reader is advised to further such knowledge remains as a stable anatomical structure. This may be
by the use of postgraduate courses following graduation. identified on the upper edentulous denture-bearing area
A simplistic way to consider complete dentures is to even after many years of bone resorption. This vestige may
look at how they are designed in a similar manner to then be used to assist in the placement of the artificial
partial dentures. This concept of designing then assists teeth. The subsequent guidelines can prove to be very
during the diagnosis of the patient’s problem and subse- useful in knowing where the teeth should be placed. Further
quent treatment planning. Complete dentures may be reading on this technique may be found in the further
considered in four different ways (Box 12.16). reading section at the end of this book (Fig. 12.66).

Box 12.16 Designing complete dentures

Mechanistic Artificial teeth placed on the ridge Simple to understand
Does not take account of biological changes
Copy dentures Use of a template of old dentures which is modified Builds on previous success
May be more expensive to produce from laboratory
Biometric Uses guidelines of previous position of natural teeth Useful guidelines
Not always applicable as a rule to every case
Neutral zone Places teeth in context of muscular structures such Assists where lower denture stability is a problem
as the lip, cheeks and tongue Not always a success

12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Fig. 12.65 This is a copy denture template which has been

Fig. 12.67 A typical neutral zone impression where a rim of a
produced from impressions of a patient’s old dentures.
tissue conditioning material has been moulded into the neutral

Functional approach
Assessment of the patient
The neutral zone technique is an alternative approach for
the construction of lower complete dentures. It is defined As in any patient consultation, a careful history is essential
as the area between the tongue on one side and the cheeks and leading questions will often open up a more detailed
and lips on the other where soft tissue displacing forces are assessment that will have consequences for the subsequent
least. It is most effective for dentures where there is a treatment of the patient. Asking the patient a few leading
highly atrophic ridge and a history of denture instability. open questions assists in drawing up the picture of the
The technique aims to construct a denture that is shaped patient’s problems. For instance: how many dentures have
by muscle function and is in harmony with the surround- been made for you? When did you become edentulous?
ing oral structures. The technique is by no means new but Which denture has been the most successful? The
is a valuable one to use in difficult cases (Fig.12.67). scenarios can be many and varied but the following are
examples. A patient who has been edentulous for many
years where each denture has lasted well over 5 years may
Conventional approach to complete dentures
be considered to be a relatively successful denture wearer.
The following description of examination and subsequent However, a history of a couple of years of edentulousness
treatment follows a traditional outline of treatment. with a series of dentures that have not functioned well will

Former position of central incisor


Incisive papilla
Former position
of canine
Palatal gingival
vestige PGV

Fig.12.66 This is an edentulous arch and the overlay shows some of the biometric guidelines that may be used for tooth positioning. 185
Restorative Dentistry

send warning signs. These typical examples will imme- palate), and any soft tissue that is present. The health of
diately give a clinical impression to the operator to what the tissues should also be noted. Any inflammation over
has gone before and how it will influence the subsequent the area that the denture fits indicating the presence of
success. The provision of complete dentures is an area of Candida albicans in the denture is recorded.
dentistry where the psychological profiling of the patient The lower edentulous ridge is examined and an estima-
is an important component of the diagnosis and treatment tion of its shape, health and the bone quality is made.
planning. Figure 12.68 shows examples of upper and The previous dentures, if present, are then examined
lower edentulous arches. and placed in the mouth. These will provide important
The previous medical history is taken as outlined in clues to both the clinical problem and methods of how
Chapter 3 (p. 15). However, many of these patients will be to possibly resolve the situation. The denture may be
elderly and will be taking a complex cocktail of medica- examined in the following manner.
tions. One of the common problems with many of these Impression/fitting surface – the extensions of the border of
patients is that the variety of drugs they are taking may lead the denture are examined to determine if it is adequately
to a reduced salivary flow.The consequences of this include extended. Overextension may reveal pain and soreness
a dry mouth which may lead to poor denture retention. whilst underextensions may relate to the complaint of
Social history may reveal more details of their personality looseness and lack of retention.
and other non-dental considerations which may have a Occlusal surface – when the patient closes the teeth
direct impact on the treatment. As such patients are elderly together, the maximum number of teeth should meet. If
there may be pressures such as transport arrangements, the patient is then asked to move the teeth over one another
care of elderly relatives, etc., all of which may have an this should occur in an even gliding movement without
impact on treatment. any cuspal interference. If this is present then the teeth are
The first visit with a patient requiring complete dentures in occlusal balance. The lack of such balance will often
is an opportunity to find out why the patient wishes new present as either pain underneath the denture or looseness
dentures and to diagnose any problems. At the end of the during function. Often clinicians will look to the fitting
visit, as a clinician, you should be in a position to draw up surface of a denture as to the source of such discomfort or
a treatment plan. The subsequent examination allows you denture instability without considering occlusal discrepancies
to bring in the patient’s presenting complaint with the as the potential source of the problem.
clinical presentation. Polished surfaces – the tongue, lips and cheeks contact
the denture whilst in function and may be major factors in
retaining and stabilising it during function. If the surfaces
are not in balance with such soft tissues then this will
The examination of the edentulous patient will include present as denture looseness. An assessment of the lower
visual inspection of the soft tissues. This will be followed denture in the neutral zone is made.
by examination of the denture-bearing tissues which will An estimation of the vertical dimension of occlusion is
include the upper ridge, where the shape of the ridges is made. Typically patients require approximately 2 to 3 mm
observed and noted (i.e. ‘u’or ‘v’ shaped, high or low space between the teeth at rest.This interocclusal clearance

(a) (b)
186 Fig. 12.68 (a) and (b) Examples of upper and lower edentulous arches.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

(freeway space) may be measured with a Willis bite gauge The period of edentulousness has allowed the tongue to
(Fig. 12.69). If there is excessive freeway space then this spread laterally and this will compromise the position of
will lead to instability and looseness with the patient the teeth. It is possible to identify several structures on the
appearing overclosed. Too little or no freeway space will upper denture-bearing area including the incisive papilla
not allow the patient to rest and the underlying tissues will and the palatal gingival vestige. These may be useful as a
be under constant stress. This will lead to discomfort and potential guide to positioning the teeth. For instance, in
may also interfere with speech. general the central incisors should be placed approximately
Finally the most difficult assessment to make is the 1 cm in front of the posterior border of the incisive papilla.
psychological profile of the patient and their ability to cope This has been determined to be close to the previous
or adapt to the wearing of dentures. Sometimes the position of the natural incisors.
complaint is out of proportion to the clinical results found The lower denture-bearing area reveals a narrow ridge
following clinical examination of the dentures. Alterna- and the tongue spread may make the positioning of the
tively the remaining hard and soft tissues do not lend posterior teeth very difficult. The subsequent determina-
themselves to the provision of dentures. It is useful to tion of the neutral zone for tooth placement may well be
explain at this stage to the patient what complete dentures difficult.
are ‘A replacement of no teeth’. Patients’ expectations run The diagnosis was an edentulous situation where com-
high and simple communication of why there may be plete dentures were required. However, care and attention
difficulties with the wearing of dentures following the loss to the placement of the artificial teeth in relation to the
of natural teeth is an important factor in the overall care of soft tissues is important.
the patient. The treatment plan was to construct the complete den-
The clinician will by now have made an assessment of tures using a conventional approach but using biometric
the patient and a diagnosis is made of the clinical problem. guidelines to assist in the provision of the complete den-
From this diagnosis a treatment plan is drawn up as to the tures. A decision on the placement of the lower teeth would
overall clinical techniques that will be used. be made at the registration stage (Box 12.17).

An example of provision of a set of complete

Preliminary impressions
Preliminary impressions were taken using impression
History-taking, examination and treatment
compound (Fig. 12.70). The stock trays were selected
for both the upper and the lower arches. The material
The following patient presented edentulous following the was warmed in a water bath at 37° and both upper and
removal of all his teeth for medical reasons. He had been lower impressions were taken. Impression compound is a
edentulous for over a year and the intraoral presentation thermoplastic material made up of a mixture of resins,
immediately shows the problem that may be faced in the shellac and powder. It is a high viscosity material that is
treatment of this patient (Fig. 12.68). able to support itself and thus compensate for any defi-
ciencies of the stock trays. A high viscosity alginate may
also perform the same task.

Fig. 12.69 The free space is being measured with a Willis bite
gauge. Typically the difference from resting position and occlusal Fig. 12.70 An upper preliminary impression that has been taken
contact position is 2–3 mm. in impression compound. 187
Restorative Dentistry

Box 12.17 Typical stages involved in complete denture

• Preliminary impressions
– Use a viscous material that supports itself, ideally a
high viscosity alginate or impression compound
• Final impressions
– Record fine detail and the use of a special tray
• Registration of jaw relationship
– Record blocks
• Aesthetics
• Trial dentures
• Delivery of dentures

Master Impressions
Fig. 12.72 The lower impression shown has been taken with zinc
A laboratory request for the provision of upper and lower oxide/eugenol.
light-cured special trays is made. The upper is spaced
(2 mm) and the lower is close fitting. The upper tray is is minimal saliva contamination during the taking of the
tried into the patient’s mouth and checked that the exten- impression.
sions relate to the functional depth of the sulcus. Correc- In order to protect the representation of the sulcus on
tions may be made to the tray with a suitable autopoly- the dental cast, red carding wax is added to the lower
mersing acrylic resin. A portion of ‘carding’ wax is placed impression; this creates a land area when the impression is
on the impression surface of the tray to maintain the neces- poured. The process is called beading.
sary spacer present for the alginate impression material.
The upper impression is taken with a low viscosity
alginate (Fig. 12.71). This is a mucostatic material, which
gives detailed reproduction of the upper denture-bearing This is the most involved stage of the construction of
area. It is dimensionally accurate but not dimensionally complete dentures. There are several important objectives
stable and therefore the subsequent cast should be poured to be achieved at this clinical stage (Box 12.18).
straight away. The laboratory will have been asked to provide wax
The lower special tray is constructed as a close fitting occlusal record rims. The upper is strengthened by the use
for a wash impression with zinc oxide eugenol (Fig. 12.72). of a shellac or polystyrene base and the lower will have a
The close fitting special tray provides a mucodisplacive wire strengthener. Do not be tempted to use all wax bases
force on the lower ridge. Zinc oxide-eugenol is a mucostatic as they distort. Occasionally heat-cured (i.e. processed)
impression material that provides an accurate represen- bases may be made from the casts. These are useful if you
tation of the fine detail of the mucosa. Other materials want to know at an early stage how your denture will fit.
that may be used include medium-bodied silicone. The However, the cast will no longer be with you and if exces-
additional benefit of using a close fitting tray is that there sive trimming is required then you will quickly learn that
wax is much easier to adjust than acrylic.
It is useful to consider the registration stage in three
separate stages.

Box 12.18 Clinical considerations at the registration

• The lip support and other muscular support
• Position of the teeth which not only brings about a
stable denture but adds to the aesthetics of the denture
• The vertical relationship of the lower and upper denture
to each other
• The horizontal relationship of both dentures
• Mould and shade of the teeth
• Transfer of clinical material and instructions to the
laboratory about the setting up of the teeth

188 Fig. 12.71 An upper impression that has been taken in alginate.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Stage 1. If previous dentures are present then it is wise to

ask the patient whether they liked the look of the dentures
or have a preference on how their previous teeth looked as
this can then be incorporated into the new denture.
The upper rim is tried into the mouth and it is adjusted
to an ideal vertical level, which is generally accepted to be
1 to 2 mm below the upper lip to give a pleasing appear-
ance. To ensure that the rim is trimmed to the correct
level, a Fox’s occlusal record plane is used.
Once the rim is correctly trimmed, then the centre line
and the canine lines are added. Furthermore, ask the patient
to smile and mark the extent the lip rises up the record
rim. All this information helps the technician, who has not
seen the patient.

Stage 2. The aim is to establish the occlusal vertical

dimension and register this at the ideal horizontal Fig. 12.73 The upper and lower record rims are shown correctly
dimension. This can be a difficult procedure. The Willis trimmed and ready for sealing.
bite gauge is used to measure the free space. The lower
record rim (only) in the mouth is placed in the mouth, and
with the patient in a relaxed position the distance between Stage 3. Finally the selection of teeth is made.This proce-
two fixed points (i.e. under the chin and nose) is dure is very much an art form and is subjective. In its
measured. The upper record rim is placed in the mouth simplest form the shape and size of the teeth are selected
and the patient is asked to close together and the distance to harmonise with the rest of the face and more impor-
is remeasured. You may need to adjust the lower record tantly with the patient’s wishes. The shade of the teeth is
rim but do not alter your correctly trimmed upper rim. selected with similar considerations.
The difference between the two measurements should The laboratory is asked to set up trial dentures in wax
typically be around 2–3 mm. on preferably an average movement articulator (Fig. 12.74).
As discussed earlier, if dentures are provided with no
freeway space then this will affect speech and comfort as
Trial dentures
the patient will always be clenching on them. If there is too
much (i.e. 12 mm) freeway space then this will lead to The trial dentures are presented with the artificial teeth in
overclosure and unretentive dentures. There are different wax. The clinical work undertaken at the last stage is
ways of approaching the correction of such a large freeway checked. Check the stability of the dentures, the vertical
space and this includes incremental additions to the denture dimension with a Willis bite gauge, that the occlusion
or assessment on closing the free way space to a smaller meets evenly on both sides and there are no interferences
value such as 6 mm. During measurement of the resting
face height the lower record rim is placed in the mouth,
which allows the tongue to adopt a correct position. If
there are difficulties with the measurement of the resting
face height using the Willis bite gauge, such as no chin (i.e.
the chinless wonder) or the patient with a beard, it may be
prudent to use marks or stickers on the face.
The important stage is reached when the lower record
rim is trimmed so that it is contacting the upper rim evenly
and at the suitable freeway space for the patient (Fig.
12.73). The rims are then sealed together in the ‘retruded
jaw position’. The retruded jaw position is the most poste-
rior position of the condyles on the retruded arc of closure.
Studies have found that it is a reproducible position.
The rims may be sealed together with a variety of
materials including wax or zinc oxide/eugenol.The material
should have good flow properties and not distort when set.
Always cut the notches on the upper rim as this will assist
the technician in the setting up of the upper rim on the Fig. 12.74 The trial dentures are made on an average movement
articulator. articulator. 189
Restorative Dentistry

between the opposing teeth. Retention is not a major issue

at this stage as the trial dentures are primarily composed
of a wax base that will distort and does not provide a good
border seal. Reassure patients that it will be better at the
finished stage and that this looseness is not an indication
of what is to come. The patients are also asked to check on
the appearance of the teeth and whether the shade and
mould is to their liking.
If all is satisfactory then it is a simple matter of asking
the technician to flask, process and finish the dentures in
pink acrylic.
However, try-in may not be accurate, with a common
problem being that the registration is incorrect. If the teeth
are not meeting correctly then certain decisions need to be
made. If the aesthetics of the upper rim are satisfactory
then the lower premolars and molar teeth are removed and
the posterior segment will with placement of extra waxwork Fig. 12.75 The finished dentures have been registered with
revert to a lower record rim.Then it is a matter of re-regis- some wax to enable them to be transferred to an articulator for
tering the trial dentures. The dentures are then sent back adjustment.
to the laboratory to be reset for a further trial denture visit.

experiences any problems.The advice includes not to wear

Delivery of complete denture
the dentures at night and to soak them in an appropriate
The processed dentures will arrive wrapped up in moist hypochlorite cleaner overnight. Further brushing with a
gauze to prevent the acrylic from drying out. The fitting scrubbing brush and soap and water is more than suffi-
surface of the dentures is first checked for any spicules or cient to maintain cleanliness and prevent the colonisation
acrylic pearls which will irritate the mucosa and if present of the dentures with Candida albicans. If the patient expe-
these are smoothed away with an acrylic bur.The dentures riences any pain or discomfort during the wearing of the
are placed in the mouth and the retention and stability dentures then he should leave them out of the mouth.
checked. The vertical and horizontal dimension is also They should only be worn for 24 hours before the review
checked and the aesthetics. The placement of the lower appointment in order for the clinician to identify where
denture is inspected and the neuromuscular control the dentures are causing problems.
reviewed as the patient is trying out the dentures.
Always check the occlusion as there may be processing
Review appointment
faults that can occur during the processing of the complete
dentures. The occlusion may be checked with articulating At the review appointment the patient may have expe-
paper and any prematurities removed. Unfortunately the rienced several problems from the dentures. Problems may
mouth is not a good vehicle for assessing such interferences be related to the patient such as undercuts, poor amount
as the patient will adapt to any problems and therefore of bone, or poor adaptation to dentures. There may be
avoid them. If there is a larger discrepancy present then a faults with the denture and these will be related to the
‘check record procedure’ is required. In this a layer of wax three surfaces of the denture. Generally, looseness may be
is placed on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth, softened attributed to faults with all three surfaces of the denture
and then the patient is asked to close in the retruded arc (impression, occlusal and polished) whilst pain and dis-
of closure. However, he is prevented from making tooth comfort may be attributed to problems originating from
contact as if this occurs his adaptive processes will then the impression and occlusal surfaces. At the review appoint-
‘kick in’ and you will record an incorrect registration. The ment a detailed history is taken of the problems and an
dentures are sent into the laboratory and lightly ‘tacked’ examination is made of both the denture bearing areas and
into position on an articulator (Fig. 12.75). The wax is the dentures themselves.
removed, the incisal pin removed and the artificial teeth
are allowed to contact. The technician will then adjust the
Other techniques
occlusion accordingly.
Both copy dentures and the use of a neutral zone tech-
nique provide an alternative technique or approach to the
Instructions to the patient
construction of complete dentures. Space does not allow a
The patient is provided with instructions on what to full detailed description of their use. The copy denture
190 expect with wearing his denture and what to do if he technique involves duplicating the patient’s previous
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

dentures and then adding modifications to the resulting tion requires long-term care and this requires high patient
templates. Registration follows similar principles as those cooperation. This also makes such treatment costly for the
described in this text. Impression taking is relatively patient in comparison to more conventional forms of tooth
straightforward as the duplicate dentures will act as a replacement, such as dentures or bridges. Furthermore,
special tray allowing wash impressions to be taken. The patient exceptions may be high and it is often not possible
neutral zone technique is introduced at the registration to restore every mouth using implants. Often situations
stage of denture construction. Once the upper rim is where an implant is suitable can be resolved with the use
trimmed the lower rim is built up in a suitable mouldable of a bridge or RPD. The clinician must prevent a denture/
material such as the tissue conditioner Viscogel. This is bridge problem becoming an implant problem through
allowed to mould to the neutral zone as the patient is incorrect treatment planning.
asked to speak, sip some water, thus allowing the tissues to The success of such treatment is assessed by the follow-
influence the shape of the rim. The teeth are subsequently ing four clinical parameters:
set up within the space created by this rim.
• implants are clinically immobile
• no peri-implant radiolucency
Final considerations • vertical bone loss less than 0.2 mm/year
• no pain or infection.
If there are some teeth left then these may be root filled
and overdentures provided. If the present techniques do Modern implantology is very successful but there were
not provide satisfactory retention and stability of the many other methods used by clinicians in an attempt
dentures then an implant-supported overdenture may be either to improve denture-wearing or to provide support
considered for the patient. for a crown and bridgework. Initially, surgeons used pre-
prosthetic surgery to improve the denture-bearing area.
These were mainly soft tissue operations and included
INTRODUCTION TO IMPLANTS vestibuloplasties which aimed to improve the buccal
sulcus. Such operations had mixed success rates.
The use of implants in the field of dentistry has grown Early techniques focused on subperiosteal implants.
rapidly since its introduction in the early 1980s. This First the mucosa was reflected and an impression of the
specialised area is generally considered a postgraduate bone made. A framework was constructed and placed
subject and the majority of the work takes place in the under the periosteum. These failed as the body attempted
private sector. However, a small percentage of dental to encapsulate the metal framework with epithelium, and
implants are placed within the NHS, mainly for priority inevitably they were lost due to infection. An early fore-
cases and for the purposes of clinical trials. This section runner of the modern implant was the blade implant.
serves as an introduction to the subject and aims to These were hammered into the bone, which was allowed
encourage further reading. to grow around the design, thus providing anchorage. The
metal used was stainless steel and these implants had a
poor success rate, with infection being the usual reason for
A successful dental implant must be biologically accepted Blocks or crystals of hydroxyapatite were used in an
in the bone and is termed osseointegration. There is attempt to augment the resorbed ridge and met with limited
direct apposition of the bone to the implant material and success. These blocks were of limited value, as they tended
there is no intervening fibrous tissue present. Osseointe- to be unstable and migrate under the periosteum. This
gration is a misnomer because there is no actual integra- resulted in a flabby rather than a firm denture-bearing area.
tion occurring between implant and bone, only close It was the studies undertaken by Professor Brånemark
apposition of the bone to the implant material. There are and his team in the early 1980s that introduced the concept
many materials which are biologically acceptable and can of osseointegration into implantology. Their work showed
serve as dental materials. However, titanium metal is the that implants constructed from titanium and placed under
material of choice owing to its high compatibility and the a certain clinical protocol brought about high success. The
ability to machine the material into the required shapes. following is a brief description of these techniques.
The titanium oxide surface layer makes the material
relatively inert and also provides a degree of bonding with
Clinical procedure
the bone.
The main advantage of an implant is that it replaces lost Most modern implant treatment consists of a two-stage
teeth with a non-removable restoration. In doing so, it procedure. After treatment planning, the bone is surgically
helps to restore function, aesthetics and speech. Although exposed and a pure titanium metal implant is placed
successful, there are some disadvantages associated with therein. This is left buried in the bone and unloaded,
the treatment. The provision of an implant-borne restora- usually for 3 months in the mandible and 6 months in the 191
Restorative Dentistry

Treatment planning
maxilla. After this healing period, the implant is uncovered
and the final prosthesis is placed. There is an exception The best planning is via a team approach. This should
with one system (Straumann/Bonefit) which allows the ideally involve the oral surgeon and restorative dentist
implants to communicate with the mouth during the (specialities generally involved are fixed and removable
healing phase and this enjoys similar rates of success. prosthetics and periodontology). The dental technician
Professor Brånemark based his clinical protocol on expe- should be involved in the planning process and the
rience gained over a 10+ year period of implant treatment hygienist during the maintenance phase.
in over 700 patients between 1965 and 1982 and demon- Treatment planning is very important, as is a good
strated a high success rate. It paved the way for extensive history.The clinician can quickly select on the psychological
research and clinical reports which demonstrated the profile and personality of the patient. The patient’s attitude
success of the implant technique. It is now known that the to dentistry and motivation towards a long and intense form
success of osseointegration in well controlled clinical trials of treatment are also important. A clinical examination is
is > 95% in the mandible and > 90% in the maxilla. The undertaken followed by radiographs such as sectional CT
lower success in the maxilla appears to be related to the scanning to assess the bone levels. An acrylic stent may
bone density and structure. be used to assist this process, and can be converted to a
surgical stent to assist the oral surgeon (Fig.12.77).
All surgical/prosthetic implant kits come with a selection
Present implant systems
of burs and various instruments for use with fixture and
Although the implant is made of commercially pure abutment placement. The burs supplied have a marking
titanium, many of the systems that are available attempt to system to allow the clinician to determine the depth of
improve osseointegration by increasing the surface area hole cut in the bone. Ideally a fresh bur should be used for
(Fig. 12.76). This is done by: each patient.
• providing a hollow screw
• spraying implant surface with titanium plasma hydro- Surgical procedure
A mucoperiosteal flap is raised and the tissues are
• surface roughening by titanium blasting
reflected to reveal the underlying bone. The holes are cut
• providing external threads on the implant.
using a saline-cooled bur driven by a torque reduction
The final restoration may be either a fixed or a removable handpiece. The cutting temperature must not exceed
prosthesis, and fixed restorations are all implant-supported 60°C, otherwise the bone cells will be destroyed leading to
designs.There are also specialised single tooth restorations. implant failure. Depending on the system used, the hole
The removable implant designs are based on traditional may either be tapped for placement of a threaded implant
overdenture procedures and may be retained by the use of or receive a self-threaded implant. A depth gauge is used
studs, bars and magnets in a similar fashion to conven- to verify the correct length of implant to be placed. The
tional overdentures. implant is handled by instruments and delivered to the
surgical site. The mucoperiosteal flap is then closed and
the area left to heal. The implants should not be loaded,
thus enabling osseointegration to take place.

Fig. 12.76 Examples of a commercially available implant with

screw thread. One surface is machined titanium (left) and the Fig. 12.77 An acrylic stent with metal markers to assist in the
192 other has been titanium-blasted (right). planning of where to place the implants.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

The implants are left buried and unloaded for 3 months

in the mandible and 6 months in the maxilla. During this
time, dentures, if present, are lined with a tissue condi-
tioner. If sufficient natural teeth are present then a
temporary bridge may be placed. Wherever possible, any
loading of the site which may prevent osseointegration
taking place is avoided.
During the surgical procedure, if there is a bone defi-
ciency, a non-resorbable membrane such as Gortex may
be used to promote bone infill during implant placement.
After the healing phase, a small incision is made and the
implant is uncovered. An abutment connector or a healing
cap is placed and a period of time allowed for the peri-
implant mucosa to heal within a controlled environment
(Fig. 12.78). Following healing, the bridge is constructed Fig. 12.79 Completed clinical case of a free end saddle replaced
as shown in Figure 12.79. with implants.

with a graduated probe under local) to determine the

Single tooth implant
presence of adequate bone, an implant is placed and allowed
Single tooth implants follow similar procedures. After to osseointegrate (Fig. 12.80). After the second surgical
radiographic analysis and ridge mapping (depth gauging phase, the abutments are placed and the crowns constructed

Fig. 12.80 Implant abutment in position prior to placement of a

(a) cantilever bridge.

Fig. 12.78 (a) Implants correctly placed with cover screws prior to Fig. 12.81 Four implants joined by a bar. (Courtesy of Professor
closure. (b) Radiographs of the implants in situ. W.R.E. Laird.) 193
Restorative Dentistry

following conventional clinical and laboratory procedures. housing situated in the denture and the stud attached to
A transfer coping at the impression stage is passed to the the abutment is illustrated in Figure 12.82.
laboratory to assist in the crown manufacture. Magnets provide a simple and effective method of retain-
ing overdentures. They are made from iron–neodymium–
boron encapsulated in a steel housing and are retained in
the denture. They attach to a ferrous keeper which is
Implant-borne overdentures offer a simple and effective attached to the implant abutment (Fig. 12.83). Up to two
method of retaining dentures. This is done using a bar, to four implants may be used for magnetic retention of the
studs or magnets. A bar prosthesis provides positive reten- denture in the lower jaw.
tion and stability to the complete lower overdenture. The
clip is retained in the denture and the bar is linked to
Failure of implants
between two and four implants in the lower jaw (Fig.
12.81).The retentive clips are held in the denture.The bar Plaque and calculus will attach to titanium implants,
is attached to caps which are retained by screws on the which will lead to inflammation of the tissues (Fig. 12.84).
abutments. It is important that good oral hygiene is All these situations respond to increased awareness of oral
maintained around the abutments, especially at the join of hygiene procedures. An early complication of the implant
the bar. placement is infection. This occurs within a few days of
The ball-and-socket attachment relies on the frictional placement and will often lead to non-integration of the
attachment of the gold housing over the stainless steel ball. implant. Other common failures are related to the attach-
The grip of the housing may be adjusted by opening or ments. Single tooth crowns and bridges may fail due to
closing the gold wings. Sufficient retention may be gained
by the use of two implants. A clinical picture showing the

Fig. 12.83 The magnet placed on the keeper and abutment

which will be processed into the denture.

Fig. 12.82 (a) Two implant abutments with stud attachments. Fig. 12.84 Patients may receive implants but poor after-care leads
194 (b) The associated clips are cured into the denture. to failure.
12 / The principles of tooth replacement

Table 12.3 Advantages and disadvantages of treatment options

Type of treatment Advantages Disadvantages

Fixed restoration
1. Conventional bridgework Fixed Involves tooth preparation which can result in
pulp death
Good aesthetics Failure due to decementation and caries of
abutment teeth may lead to further tooth loss
Medium-term predictability is good Moderately expensive
for short-span bridges
Good control of occlusion possible Highly operator-dependent, requiring
exacting techniques both clinically and
Minimal compromise of oral hygiene Requires lengthy clinical time and temporary
2. Resin-bonded bridgework Minimal or no preparation Lack of predictability
Average life span 5–7 years
Good aesthetics if ideal spacing exists Requires high operator technique and enamel
surface area for bonding
Less expensive than conventional bridges Change in colour/translucency of abutment
teeth due to presence of retainer
Consequences of failure are relatively May interfere with occlusion, particularly
small incisal guidance
Debonding of retainer may lead to reduction
in life span
Removable partial denture Replaces multiple teeth in multiple sites Patient acceptance may be poor
Mucosa and/or teeth support Connectors cover soft tissue such as palate
and gingiva
Generally do not require extensive Coverage of gingival margins will lead to
preparation of abutment teeth plaque retention and increase periodontal
disease and caries
May be designed to accommodate Aesthetics compromised by retentive elements
future tooth loss such as clasps
Replaces missing soft tissue and provides Moderate maintenance requirements and
soft tissue support durability
Aesthetics may be very good
Low cost
Implant-retained prostheses Fixed or removable Requires the presence of adequate bone
quantity and quality
Independent of natural teeth for Involves surgical procedures
retention of crowns, etc.
No dental caries, reduced or altered High operator technique/technique-
response to dental plaque dependent
High level of predictability High initial expense and lengthy treatment
Good maintenance of supporting bone Moderate maintenance requirements
especially for removable or extensive fixed

Restorative Dentistry

incorrect assessment of the occlusion, leading to excessive

forces being placed on them; consequences include loss
of crowns and breakage of the attachments. Overdenture
attachments are prone to wear and tear in the clinical
environment. Clips used for either studs or bars may wear
with use and require replacement (Fig. 12.85 ). If the steel
casing is broken around a magnet, it will quickly corrode.


This chapter has covered many different methods of

restoring the edentulous space. Each has advantages and
disadvantages and these are summarised in Table 12.3.
Fig. 12.85 Failure of attachments. One of the attachments (LR3) The restorative care, as has been seen, can be complex and
has fractured, leaving a screw thread in place. there are different indications for each treatment.

13 Integrated treatment

Simple restorative treatment plans 197 subsequent visits.The most useful clinical tools in this case
Complications 197 are simple plaque and bleeding indices. The patient may
Overview of the specialities and their influence on the require a scaling with the removal of both supra- and
treatment plan 198 subgingival calculus followed by polishing of the teeth.
Periodontal procedures 198 Simple plastic restorations may be undertaken and usually
Simple operative procedures 198 the patient is discharged with a recall being set for
Endodontic therapy 198 6–12 months. Such treatment planning is simple and
Fixed and removable prosthetics 199 undemanding and the majority of regular attenders fall
Maintenance 199 into this category.
Modifications to initial treatment planning 199
Case studies 200
This simple approach will change if the patient presents in
pain or has other problems such as lost fillings or fractured
Restorative dentistry covers many different disciplines. It teeth. The emphasis of any treatment planning must
is relatively easy to consider undertaking treatment such include aims to eliminate the immediate cause of this pain.
as root canal therapy, restorations involving occlusal or Once this is solved, the routine treatment can be carried
proximal surfaces, or the provision of a removable partial out. Elimination of the pain may well require temporisa-
denture. However, bringing all these events together in a tion. Decisions are made to resolve the situation and then
logical clinical sequence is the decision process involved in the clinician can move back to the simple plan. An example
a restorative treatment plan. There may be many different of such emergency treatment is the construction of an
approaches to similar problems and these can vary from immediate denture prior to the removal of a tooth. This
simple monitoring to more elaborate restoration of an may involve the addition of an artificial tooth to the patient’s
occlusion. When considering a treatment plan, the skills denture. Once resolved, it is then possible to return to
and experience of the treating clinician are applied to the simple treatment planning, eventually remaking the den-
problem, at the same time taking account of the patient’s ture. Emergency treatment planning can involve different
wishes and demands. parts of restorative dentistry.Teeth marked down for extrac-
tion are removed. Simple root canal therapy is started and
the patient is made comfortable. It may be possible to
SIMPLE RESTORATIVE TREATMENT PLANS complete the root filling quickly, but usually the root canal
is dressed with calcium hydroxide and stabilised. Gross
Simple restorative plans often arise when a patient is a caries is removed from the teeth, which are then stabilised.
regular attender and there are no presenting complaints. The majority of treatment plans will include an initial
Such treatment planning will often contain the following phase of periodontal treatment. Such clinical work can
items of treatment. In the first instance, the patient will give the clinician an idea of the patient’s motivation and
require oral hygiene instruction. The teeth are disclosed this may influence subsequent treatment. This phase will
and the patient is shown an appropriate toothbrushing enable the clinician to motivate the patient and work at
technique. If there are concerns about the level of oral establishing a baseline from which further complicated
hygiene, it will be necessary to monitor the patient over procedures can be done.

Restorative Dentistry


Many operative procedures involve the placement of plastic
restorations.These are done in sequence either by quadrant
Periodontal procedures
or by complexity. Their placement follows any emergency
As discussed in Chapter 3, the basic periodontal examina- treatment and the periodontal phase of therapy and any
tion (BPE) provides an indication of the treatment needs treatment plan may be modified as such (Box 13.2).
of the patient (Box 13.1). This initial screening can be Anterior restorations may need to be completed first
expanded to involve plaque and bleeding scores, recording where aesthetics is important to the patient. Treatment
of probing depths where indicated and the use of of root caries or abrasion cavities will be completed at
radiographs. Following this treatment the patient will be this stage as well. This is followed by the placement of
reviewed, and where a BPE score of 3 or 4 has been posterior restorations. This may be all that is required and
recorded, there may be a further series of appointments the patient can be discharged and recalled at an appro-
for root planing of the teeth in these areas. A need for priate time in 6–12 months. This recall will be dependent
periodontal surgery may become evident on subsequent upon the previous caries exposure and periodontal
review appointments. problems but many patients may generally be seen on a
Finally, a maintenance phase is put into place to see 12-monthly basis. More advanced operative procedures
the patient regularly and check on the condition of the such as inlays, crowns, adhesive bridgework, and the
periodontium. This maintenance phase is important, as placement of veneers would be left towards the end of the
the patient needs to be monitored so that there are no treatment plan and may require articulated casts and
lapses in home care. This periodontal treatment may then diagnostic wax-ups to assess the situation. A single crown
indicate the need for further treatment or, if there is poor may be incorporated into the plan comfortably; however,
patient compliance, the patient may only require simple multiple crown work would necessitate articulation of
restorative treatment. This is not the end of the peri- casts and the use of radiographs to assist in the treatment
odontal considerations in the treatment planning process. planning process.
Assessment of the conservation work may reveal over-
hanging ledges or poor crown margins that need attention.
Endodontic therapy
The design of any removable partial denture must take
account of any detrimental effect it may have on the asso- Simple endodontic procedures are positioned early in the
ciated periodontal tissues. Finally, there is always the need treatment plan in a similar manner to operative work.
to monitor and maintain periodontal health. Single-rooted teeth such as the anterior incisors or canines
This approach to integrated planning involves the use may only require one to two visits to complete treatment.
of periodontal treatment and its subsequent influence However, other teeth may exhibit variations in root canal
as the first phase of therapy. This would then be followed morphology, and if complications occur during treatment
by any operative or endodontic procedures. Fixed bridge- it may be wise to stabilise the tooth with a dressing and
work or removable partial denture options are undertaken leave further intervention until later on in the treatment
towards the end of the treatment. Unfortunately, in many plan. Any root canal treatment must take into account
patients treatment is not straightforward and, as previously the subsequent restorative procedure, such as a pinned
discussed, some patients may well require several visits retained amalgam core and placement of an extracoronal
to help draw up a provisional treatment plan, which may restoration.
change during treatment. If there are anticipated problems with the final
restoration, such as insufficient tooth substance remaining
to support a crown or compromised periodontal health,
then an early decision should be made as to whether the
tooth is viable as a functional unit. Options such as hemi-
Box 13.1 Periodontal procedures
1. Basic periodontal examination (BPE)
2. Plaque and bleeding scores Box 13.2 Modified treatment plan for simple
3. Recording probing depths where indicated operative procedures
4. Use of radiographs 1. Plaque and bleeding scores. Probing depths recorded
5. Root planing 2. Scale and polish
6. Reassess for surgery 3. Root planing where indicated
7. Maintenance phase 4. Placement of anterior and posterior plastic restorations

13 / Integrated treatment planning


sectioning or crown root lengthening may appear to be
solutions but are advanced procedures about which the
patient must be fully informed, including the likely prog-
If a patient presents with a high caries rate (Box 13.3) then
nosis. It is often easy to overlook alternative options such
one of the first considerations is the implementation of a
as tooth removal and bridge provision in favour of a more
diet sheet. This will be undertaken over three visits. First,
complicated and potentially less successful procedure if
the sheet is given to the patient to take away and record
the tooth has a poor prognosis. Molar root canal proce-
food consumed over three separate days, one of which
dures are best left to the latter stages of a plan and may
should be during the weekend when eating habits are often
require specialist intervention. The overdenture procedure
different. The times at which food is eaten are required
will require early endodontics prior to the provision of
together with the time that the patient retires to bed. At
the removable prosthesis. The use of overdentures brings
the second visit the diet sheet is collected, and it is
together many restorative procedures and a typical plan is
analysed prior to the third visit (Fig. 13.1).
as follows:
Sugar, fizzy and acidic drink consumption is identified
1. Extraction of non-viable teeth together with any other caries or erosive foodstuffs. The
2. Root canal treatment (RCT) of canines time at which the last meal/snack is taken prior to bedtime
3. Reduction in height of teeth is also identified. The simple rules are that sugar/erosive
4. Fitting of overdenture. drinks should be consumed immediately after main meals
and any snacks should be non-carious. No food or drink
Apical surgery is an important part of endodontic
other than water should be taken within 30 minutes of
procedures and if a conventional approach is not success-
going to sleep. All this is aimed at reducing the frequency
ful then on reassessment an apicectomy is performed and
of the sugar intake. This advice should be given to patients
retrograde root filling may be indicated.
early in the treatment and reinforced periodically during
subsequent clinical visits.
Fixed and removable prosthetics Tooth surface loss is becoming more commonplace.
The causes of this condition are multifactorial and a
The placement of bridges or removable partial dentures
diagnosis is required before advanced restorations are
will often require the production of casts and their articu-
commenced. Compliance with dietary advice will quickly
lation. This will allow the clinician to assess the problem
prior to the subsequent appointment with the patient.
Box 13.3 Treatment plan in patients with a high caries
Casts production and articulation rate

Casts are important aids in treatment planning. They may 1. Dietary advice (usually over three visits)
require two visits in order to obtain secondary impressions 2. Temporise/stabilise gross caries
which are made from special trays constructed on the 3. Reassess after a short recall (3 months)
preliminary casts. The master casts need to be articulated
on a semi-adjustable articulator and this information is
obtained from a registration and the use of a face bow
recording. Such a diagnostic procedure will assist the
clinician in the formation of a treatment plan for a complex
case. As the case proceeds, the original treatment plan may
need to be revisited using the articulated casts to assess the
need for fixed and removable designs. It is at this stage that
it will be possible to draw up the definitive denture design.
Following this, the advanced crowns can be undertaken
followed by the provision of the removable partial denture.


Once advanced work is complete, the patient should be

kept on a review regime. If advanced fixed prosthetic work
has been undertaken, this should be protected by the use
of an occlusal guard to prevent damage from parafunc-
tional activities such as the grinding of teeth during sleep. Fig. 13.1 Example of diet sheet.
Restorative Dentistry

become apparent during treatment. Examples of ongoing

tooth surface loss include amalgams becoming proud of
the surrounding tooth substance and obvious carious
cavities that do not show signs of arresting (Fig. 13.2). A
simple way of assessing tooth loss is by the production of
casts, which are given to the patient to take away. At recall
these casts are brought along to be re-examined and
changes can be quickly detected.

The discussion above gave some guidelines to approaching
the integration of the different specialities that are involved
in restorative dentistry. However, each patient is very
different and it is difficult to cover all scenarios the clinician
may come across. The following pages present a series of
Fig. 13.2 Erosion occurring on a tooth which has left the
cases which involve different approaches to restorative amalgam proud.
treatment planning together with their eventual outcome.
These cases should serve as an example of how to inte-
grate the different specialities into a logical treatment plan. Case 1
Each case is discussed using a layout that follows the sub-
headings (and their abbreviations) for examining a patient Mrs PS (25 years old)
that were introduced in Chapter 3 (Box 13.4).
RFA. This female patient was referred by her local dentist
for replacement of her upper anterior crowns. They had
been replaced 1 year earlier due to the poor gingival
condition, which was thought to be due to poor crown
Box 13.4 Aide-memoire
margins. The new crowns had not improved the situation.
Referred by: Reason for referral:
CO. The patient complained of gums that bled on
Date of referral: Date seen: brushing around the upper anterior crowns.The rest of the
mouth did not have any symptoms (Fig. 13.3).
1. Reason for attendance RFA
HPC. The original crowns had been provided 5 years ago
2. Complains of CO
as the teeth were heavily restored.The problem had occurred
3. History of present complaint HPC
shortly after the original crowns were fitted.
4. Medical history MH
5. Dental history DH MH. There was no relevant medical history.
6. Personal/social history PH/SH DH. She attended regularly for treatment. She received
7. Examination routine care from her dentist, including scaling and polishing
(a) Extraoral EO every 6 months.
(b) Intraoral IO
Soft tissue exam
Hard tissue exam
Periodontal assessment
BPE screen
Assessment of edentulous areas
Assessment of removeable/fixed appliances
Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth/prosthesis
8. Special investigations
9. Diagnosis
10. Treatment plan
11. Signature
*An 11-point structure to history-taking, examination, diagnosis
and treatment planning with appropriate abbreviations (these may
differ between teaching institutions but the general approach will
be similar)

200 Fig. 13.3 Bleeding gums.

13 / Integrated treatment planning

PH/SH. The patient brushed her teeth three times a day

and occasionally used floss. Her diet was normal.
Extraoral. There were no problems with the temporo-
mandibular joints (TMJs) and no other extraoral abnor-
mality was diagnosed.
Intraoral. The oral soft tissues were healthy except in the
upper anterior region adjacent to the porcelain crowns.
Teeth present:
7654321 1234567
7654321 1234567

Periodontal assessment
4 3 4
4 2 4

There were very low plaque accumulations around the


Conservative assessment
The patient had few restorations present and these were in
a satisfactory state.

Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth
The occlusion was normal with no significant deviations.

Special investigations – radiographic examination

Full-mouth, long cone periapicals were taken. There was
no generalised bone loss except early loss noted around
the anterior crowns.

A diagnosis of early adult periodontitis was made, asso-
ciated with the subgingival crown margins.

Treatment plan Fig. 13.4 Periodontal excisional flap to reduce gingival height to
The main objective of treatment was to provide an exci- the level of the crowns.
sional flap to move the gingival margins apically away from
the edges of the crowns. This would permit healing of the
5. Replace the crown if the revealed margins are seen to
grossly inflamed gingival tissues.
be deficient.
Therefore, the following treatment plan was drawn up:
1. Check on home care measures
2. Scale and polishing
3. Periodontal excisional flap to reduce the gingival height Another possible treatment would be to remove the crowns
to the level of the crowns (Figs 13.4 a, b, c). and replace them with ones with excellent margins. This,
4. Follow-up and maintenance (Fig. 13.5). combined with good subgingival plaque removal, will result 201
Restorative Dentistry

CO. Pain from the lower jaw.

HPC. He had several broken teeth but had neglected
visiting a dentist due to apprehension of having dental
treatment. He had general pain on eating, especially on the
right side of the mouth, but it had not been keeping him
awake at night.
MH. There was no relevant medical history.
DH. Irregular attender.
PH/SH. He used to drink 10 cans of sugared cola a day
but was trying to cut down and was now at three per day.
He worked as a telephone engineer.
Fig. 13.5 Follow-up and maintenance. Extraoral There were no problems with the TMJs and no
other extraoral abnormality was diagnosed.
in resolution of the inflammation. However, in this case Intraoral The soft tissues were healthy.
this had already been attempted and the hoped for improve-
Teeth present:
ment had not occurred, perhaps due to the subgingival
location of the crown margins in this periodontally suscep- 8765321 1235678
tible patient. In this case an excisional flap may be under- 8765321 123567
taken to move the gingival margins apically away from the
edges of the crowns. Ideally the crown margins should be Clinical photographs of the case are shown in Figures
left at the gingival margin as shown in this example. 13.6a, b, c.

Outcome Periodontal assessment

The patient’s gingival health around the crowns improved BPE:
dramatically and the periodontal condition was stabilised
during the review period, which was for 2 years.The patient 2 2 2
was then returned to her general dental practitioner who 3 2 3
keeps her under regular review. She receives a hygiene
appointment every 6 months. The level of oral hygiene was adequate but there was
chronic marginal gingivitis present.

Case 2
Conservative assessment
Mr KG (23 years old) The patient had one restoration present. Frank caries was
observed in the LR56 and the UL7.There was evidence of
RFA. The patient attended the emergency department of erosive tooth wear which was most evident on the lower
his own accord. anteriors.

(a) (b) (c)

202 Fig. 13.6 Clinical photographs of Case 2 pre-treatment.
13 / Integrated treatment planning

Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth Treatment plan

The patient came together in an intercuspal relationship The main objective of treatment in this situation was to
and was canine guided on lateral excursions. relieve the patient’s pain and then encourage him to become
a regular attender at the dentist.The treatment plan should
include a regime to prevent further tooth loss by caries
Special investigations – radiographic examination and erosion and to improve the patient’s oral hygiene.
Left and right bite wings and selected long cone periapicals Early on in the treatment plan those teeth that were not
were taken (Figs 13.7a–f). These show caries in several considered restorable should be extracted. The following
teeth and a periapical area associated with the LR1. visits should be aimed at improving the periodontal care,
Radiolucencies are present where the caries has involved removing caries and giving dietary advice. Once the active
the dentine in the following teeth: disease was stabilised, the restorations, including the root
canal treatment (RCT), could be undertaken. Finally the
78 patient should be recalled on a regular basis to ensure that
65 5 the preventative regime is being followed.
The LR1 has a radiolucency, which involves the apices of Therefore the following treatment plan was drawn up:
the LL12 teeth. The root filling in the tooth is not well 1. Relieve pain by temporary dressing to LR5
condensed. Following the radiographs the lower incisors 2. Extraction of non-restorable teeth:
were subjected to electronic pulp testing and it was found
that all were responsive except LR1. 78

Diagnosis 3. Instigate oral hygiene procedures with scale and polish,

oral hygiene instruction. Issue diet sheet
The following was diagnosed:
4. Remove caries and stabilise LR6 and LL5. Collect
• caries and advise on diet sheet
• chronic marginal gingivitis (some evidence of historical 5. Restorations:
bone loss)
• periapical infection related to the non-vital LR1 7 5
• tooth wear.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Fig. 13.7 Radiographic examination of Case 2. 203
Restorative Dentistry

6. RCT LR1 HPC. There was a 2-year history of bleeding gums and his
7. Assess RCT LR6 or extraction own dentist had prescribed a course of antibiotics for an
8. Aesthetic restorations on lower incisors intraoral swelling.
9. Study models for patient and reassess for possible
MH. There was no relevant medical history.
advanced restorations
10. Recall. DH. The patient was a regular attender every 6 months.
PH/SH. He brushed twice a day and for interdental
Discussion cleaning used a bottle brush and floss. He smoked three
cigarettes per day.
The clinical pictures show that the acid erosion (from cola)
had affected many teeth, as seen by their glassy appearance, Extraoral. No problems with TMJs and no lymph-
and ridging of the incisal tips.There is little staining on the adenopathy.
smooth surfaces, in spite of inadequate oral hygiene. This
Intraoral. Subgingival calculus present, swelling LL2 region.
suggests that regular ‘acid washing’ was present, prevent-
ing stain from forming. The treatment plan includes both Teeth present:
dietary advice and the use of study models, which are a
87654321 12345678
record of the tooth surfaces and can be examined at subse-
87654321 12345678
quent appointments.

Periodontal assessment
The patient had the teeth removed and is undergoing
treatment successfully. The RCT of the LR1 showed that 4 4 4
there was an extra canal present that had not been treated 4 4 4
(45% of lower central incisors have an extra canal). The
patient has complied with dietary advice but the real
evidence will be the observation of no change with silicone Conservation assessment
index impressions taken at review appointments and
Some small amalgam restorations were present. No active
compared with the patient’s study models.
caries was noted.
Attendance and motivation were high and eventually
the molar RCT was undertaken towards the end of the
treatment plan. If compliance had been low, the option Occlusal relations
of extraction would have been considered. This plan
The patient had a class I relationship. On right lateral
shows the need to stabilise dentitions, instigate preventa-
excursion there was contact on LR2 and on left lateral
tive regimes and undertake more complicated procedures
excursions on LL2. Both the LL2 and LR2 were over-
such as molar RCT later in the treatment plan.
erupted by 1 mm.

Special investigations
Case 3
Pulp test. LL2 positive, LL3 negative, LL4 positive.
Mr NS (26 years old) Radiographic examination. Bone loss 60–70% generally,
50% on LL3. There was a periradicular radiolucency
Endodontic problems may arise in association with on LL3.
periodontal disease. Examples include sensitivity due to
exposed cervical dentine or an abscess. In such situations
it is important to analyse the situation in a systematic
manner as the abscess may be periodontal or endodontic 1. Rapidly progressive periodontitis with secondary
in origin. occlusal trauma
2. Perio-endodontic lesion LL3.
RFA. This man was referred to the periodontal depart-
ment for management of his periodontal disease.
Treatment plan
CO. One year previously the patient had been advised by
his own dentist that he had gum disease. He was aware of The objectives of the treatment plan were to stabilise the
an abscess in his lower jaw near the front of his mouth and periodontal condition and provide endodontic treatment
204 this was troubling him. LL3:
13 / Integrated treatment planning

1. Reinforce oral hygiene with attention to interproximal is an apical delta.The periradicular lesion lay on the mesial
cleaning aspect of the root, reflecting the position of the portals of
2. Full-mouth fine scaling exit/entry.The LL3 was not carious but the degree of bone
3. Endodontic treatment LL3 loss could have exposed the more coronally placed portals
4. Review oral hygiene with view to further periodontal of exit/entry. This, together with the previous periodontal
therapy. instrumentation, may have resulted in pulp necrosis.
The obturation film shows sealant overfill through the
portals of exit. The coronal and middle third communica-
tions lie adjacent to the periodontal pocket. The follow-up
The radiographs of this patient show an example of complex radiograph shows bone infill with an absence of sealer
root canal anatomy (Figs 13.8–13.10). The LL3 had two laterally (Fig. 13.11). The infill has occurred as a result of
root canals, which merge apically. One lateral canal can be managing the microbiological problem in the root canal.
seen in the coronal third, two in the middle third and there

Fig. 13.10 Two root canals can be seen on the angled

postoperative radiograph.

Fig. 13.8 Preoperative radiograph showing periradicular lesion

and periodontal bone loss associated with LL3.

Fig. 13.11 Six-month follow-up radiograph showing absence of

Fig. 13.9 Postoperative radiograph showing complex root canal sealer and bony infill laterally. Apical healing is also progressing
anatomy (straight on view). satisfactorily. 205
Restorative Dentistry

The sealer excess may have been washed out by gingivo-

crevicular fluid or removed during subsequent scaling
procedures. Apical healing is progressing well despite the
sealer, although it may be slightly delayed.

This case illustrates that healing will occur in the presence
of excess filling material, provided treatment is directed at
microbiological management. It also highlights the impor-
tance of a systematic approach and the use of appropriate (a)
special tests to reach a diagnosis.

Case 4

Mr RC (23 years old)

RFA. Referred by general practitioner following a fall.

CO. The patient complained of broken teeth which were
sensitive. (b)
HPC. The patient fainted in the heat and fell down on the
pavement after finishing his degree examination! He fell
on his chin, which led to shearing of several teeth and cuts
to his tongue.There was a midline fracture of the mandible.
Emergency treatment consisted of dressing the broken
teeth and monitoring the fracture, which was stable. He
was anxious to get treatment underway as he was having
job interviews outside the area.
MH. There was no relevant medical history.
DH. He was a regular attender and had undergone little (c)
dental treatment previously. Fig. 13.12 Clinical photographs of Case 4 pre-treatment.
PH/SH. The patient cleaned his teeth twice a day and was
a non-smoker.
Extraoral. Initially following the accident there had been
problems with pain on opening over the left TMJ and
limited opening. Now there was no pain and he had normal The mouth was well cared for but gingival inflammation
opening. Mouth opening at time of examination was was present around those teeth that were fractured.
approximately three fingers.
Intraoral. The soft tissues were healthy. Conservative assessment
Teeth present: The following teeth were fractured:
87654321 12345678 654 4
87654321 12345678 6 1 6
Clinical photographs of the case at the time of presen- The UR456 were badly fractured whilst the others were
tation are shown in Figures 13.12 a, b, c. less severe.The UL1 had a porcelain jacket crown although
this had an overhanging margin.The other amalgams were
Periodontal assessment simple surface restorations in apparent good order.
2 2 2 Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth
206 2 2 2 The patient was able to achieve an intercuspal position.
13 / Integrated treatment planning

Special investigations
the teeth as they met violently in occlusal contact at the time
Radiographic examination. Anterior long cone periapicals of the fall. A decision was made early on to assess which
and a panoramic radiograph were taken and these are teeth were not restorable and this was immediately apparent:
shown in Figure 13.13. A hairline fracture is associated UR4, 5 and 6 were removed by a minor oral surgery proce-
with the lower incisors. UR4, 5 and 6 have fractures, which dure. Fortunately aesthetics was not a problem and there
are at or below the bone level with evidence of pulpal was not a need to provide an immediate replacement.
involvement. LR6 and LL6 crowns are fractured with no Following healing the patient can receive hygiene treat-
pulpal involvement. LL7 has occlusal caries. ment after which the teeth can be restored. Before advanced
restorations are carried out, impressions are taken and the
Thermal and electrical pulp testing. This revealed that
resulting casts are articulated.The provisional RPD design
all teeth with the exception of the severely fractured teeth
is made and then the crowns can be commenced. Finally
were responsive to testing.
the RPD is constructed. In this case it was not possible to
fill the space with a fixed bridge as the span was too large.
Diagnosis Furthermore, the UR3 was intact and the UR7 had been
fractured in the fall and therefore there was a question-
Fracture of mandible and several teeth due to fall after
mark over its ability to support such a bridge design.
fainting. Gingivitis is also present.

Treatment plan
Although a well-thought-out treatment plan was drawn up,
The main objective of treatment was to remove those teeth
there were complications during treatment.This was related
which were severely fractured and restore function and
to the LL6 and LR6. A few months after the accident both
aesthetics of the other teeth in the arches. Therefore the
teeth became sensitive and caused pain and discomfort.
following treatment plan was drawn up:
The LL6 started to give pain of a throbbing nature. This
1. Investigate UR 4, 5 and 6 with a view to their imme- was worse on biting and on presentation had interrupted
diate extraction sleep. A diagnosis of acute apical abscess was made. Root
2. Instigate oral hygiene procedures with a scale and polish canal treatment was commenced but over four visits it was
3. Restore UL6, LR6, LL6 and UR7 with amalgam not possible to achieve a dry and symptom-free mesiolingual
4. Articulated study casts for upper partial denture canal. It was concluded that the root might be fractured
5. LR6, LL6 and UR7 full veneer gold crowns and the tooth was extracted. A month later the LR6 gave
6. UL1 replace porcelain jacket crown similar symptoms and this time the patient requested
7. Upper cobalt/chromium removable partial denture extraction in preference to the RCT option. All other
(RPD). restorative treatment was completed and the RPD was
provided. The final result is shown in Figures 13.14 a, b, c.
Case 5
The patient received the initial emergency treatment at a
local casualty department. Radiographs were taken to
assess for any facial fractures and the midline fracture was
Mr IE (50 years old)
considered to be stable so that dental treatment could be
RFA. Practitioner referral requesting a periodontal
carried out. The impact on the chin resulted in shearing of
assessment of the patient and a request for treatment.
CO. The patient complained of loose teeth and poor
HPC. The problem of loose teeth had become apparent
over the last few months. However he had had several gum
infections which had been treated with antibiotics.
MH. There was no relevant medical history.
DH. Not a regular attender but has started to visit the
dentist due to concerns about his teeth. He needed to have
his upper posterior teeth removed in the last few weeks
due to looseness and infection.
PH/SH. The patient brushed occasionally but tended to
Fig. 13.13 Radiographic examination of Case 4. rely on mouthwashes. He smoked 20 cigarettes per day. 207
Restorative Dentistry

Clinical photographs of the case are shown in Figure

13.15 a–d.

Periodontal assessment
4 4 4
4 4 4

There were large deposits of plaque and calculus on the

teeth. Mobility of several teeth was present and this was
most pronounced in the upper arch. The lower teeth did
not show excessive mobility.

Conservative assessment
The patient had few restorations present and these were in
a satisfactory state, although the lower restorations were
poorly contoured.

Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth

The patient closed together in intercuspal position which
was not fully stable due to mobility of upper teeth.

Special investigations – radiographic examination

Full-mouth, long cone periapicals were taken prior to
(b) removal of the upper posterior teeth (Fig. 13.16). This
shows generalised bone loss which is most pronounced in
the posterior sextants.The upper canines show better bone
support than the other teeth in the upper arch.

Removable prosthodontic assessment

The patient was wearing an ill-fitting upper acrylic partial
denture to replace the UL1. This was unstable and
unretentive with poor aesthetics.

A diagnosis of chronic adult periodontitis was made.

(c) Treatment plan

Fig. 13.14 Case 4 after restorative treatment.
The main objective of treatment was to improve the
periodontal status of the patient which had led to
considerable loss of bone around the teeth. The prognosis
for the majority of the teeth was poor and the patient
Extraoral. There were no abnormalities detected.
faced the prospect of wearing an upper and lower
Intraoral. The soft tissues were healthy. complete denture. However, it was considered possible to
conserve the lower arch and, with the potential use of the
Teeth present on examination:
upper canines as abutments, an overdenture could be
54321 2345 provided.
208 654321 123456 Therefore the following treatment plan was drawn up:
13 / Integrated treatment planning

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 13.15 Clinical photographs of Case 5 pre-treatment.

Fig. 13.16 Radiographic examination of Case 5.

1. Oral hygiene instruction and improve motivation would be extracted. A decision was made to keep those
towards dental treatment teeth that had a reasonable prognosis. The lower arch had
2. Probing depth measurements in sextants scoring 4 reasonable bone support and the periodontal treatment
3. Scale and polish followed by root planing focused on this area. The teeth in the upper arch had a
4. Removal of all upper teeth with the exception of the poor prognosis. However, the canines could be saved and
canines and the construction of an immediate replace- they would prevent bone resorption from the loads applied
ment denture by the lower natural teeth. This would prevent the forma-
5. RCT on upper canines tion of a flabby ridge where the tissue remained but where
6. Removal of crowns, convert canines to overdenture there was resorption of the underlying bone. The abut-
abutments and addition of artificial teeth to present ment teeth would also help with retention and stability of
denture the upper denture.
7. Review and monitor situation until new complete
denture made in 12 months’ time.
The periodontal treatment was carried out and the patient
made exceptional progress. The teeth were cleaned and
The periodontal condition of this patient was poor and this was followed by root planing of the lower quadrants.
there was a strong possibility that the majority of the teeth The removal of the upper teeth was undertaken as planned 209
Restorative Dentistry

and at the time of extraction an immediate denture was

placed. Root canal therapy was undertaken after which the
crowns were removed and replacement teeth added to the
denture. After 12 months a final complete upper
overdenture was made. In order to assist with retention,
the new denture incorporated magnets within its fitting
surface. The keepers were made from ferromagnetic metal
and fashioned into overdenture abutments. This magnet
retention was successful and the patient has been stable
for over 5 years, only requiring the re-cementation of one
of the copings (Figs 13.17 a, b, c).

Case 6 (a)

Mr AG (60 years old)

RFA. An opinion from the patient’s local general dental

practitioner was requested.
CO. The main complaint was a loose upper denture.
HPC. The patient had been losing teeth progressively over
a number of years and now the dentures were causing
problems. This was mainly due to the difficulty of wearing
a denture that covered his palate which was causing him to
gag due to the looseness. The lower denture was also loose
and was causing similar problems.
MH. There was nothing relevant.
DH. The patient was a regular attender at his own dentist
and had worn his present dentures for about 5 years.
PH/SH. The patient brushed twice a day and occasionally
suffered from bleeding gums.
Extraoral. On talking it was noticed that the occlusal
plane of the teeth sloped downwards on one side but no
other abnormalities were observed.
Intraoral. The soft tissues were healthy.
Teeth present:
3x 2x 1 12 7
7 321 123 4x
Clinical pictures of the case are shown in Figures 13.18a–d.
Fig. 13.17 Case 5 post-treatment. The keepers (a) are cemented
Periodontal assessment with the magnets processed in the denture. The completed case is
showned in (c).
– 2 3
3 2 – Conservative assessment
UR23 were overdenture abutments and required restoration
due to root caries. LL4 was grossly carious. Other problems
The standard of oral hygiene was poor, with deposits of included UL12 crowns that had deficient crown margins
210 plaque and calculus. and evidence of tooth wear on the lower anterior teeth.
13 / Integrated treatment planning

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 13.18 Clinical photographs of Case 6 pre-treatment.

Removable prosthodontic assessment Special investigations – radiographic examination

The upper denture-bearing area was well formed but Long cone periapicals are shown in Figure 13.19. These
denture-induced stomatitis was present across the hard show fracture of the UR3 overdenture abutment, deficient
palate. The lower denture-bearing area was well formed in crown margins and radiolucent areas associated with the
the edentulous areas. The present dentures were mucosal- LL4 root and the LL2.
borne. The upper denture was constructed from cobalt/
chromium but there was minimal palatal coverage with
no attempt at support from the teeth. The lower denture
was acrylic but its stability and retention were poor Chronic adult periodontitis, root caries and unstable
and appeared to contribute to the high level of plaque dentures.
formation and gingival trauma that occurred around the
Treatment plan
The main objective of treatment was to prevent further
Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth
tooth surface loss from both parafunctional activity and
The face height was decreased and there was an occlusal poor diet. The patient had received restorative work
stop on the UL12 without the dentures placed in the previously which had included an overdenture option.
mouth. The present dentures had worn occlusal surfaces However, neglect and poor diet had resulted in root caries.
and had led to a sloping occlusal plane and this resulted in Once the preventative treatment was seen to be working,
an adaptive muscular position where the patient protruded further restorative work could be commenced. This would
forward onto the anterior teeth. There was minimal be aimed at restoring the patient’s occlusion with upper
contact on the left side of the teeth. and lower removable dentures but designed so as not to 211
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 13.19 Radiographic examination of Case 6.

Fig. 13.20 Endodontic treatment of LL2 in Case 6.

compromise gingival health. Some of the teeth were not maintenance visits. Consequently, his dentition had been
restorable and would require extraction, to be carried out neglected.There was fracture of an overdenture abutment,
early in the treatment plan. periapical pathology and deficient crown margins related
Therefore, the following treatment plan was made: to root caries. The treatment plan aimed to remove those
teeth that were not restorable and then to provide
1. Scale and polish and intensive oral hygiene instruction
preventative treatment. Very early on in the treatment, a
– this to be undertaken by a hygienist.The instructions
provisional denture design should be drawn up and this
to the hygienist should include particular emphasis on
would help with the subsequent restorative treatment. A
denture hygiene
provisional appliance should be placed to correct the
2. Extraction of UR3 and LL4
increased occlusal vertical dimension and to protect the
3. RCT LL2 (Fig. 13.20)
replacement crowns prior to the construction of the final
4. Restore LL23
denture. Then it will be possible to undertake the root
5. Draw up provisional removable partial denture design
canal treatment and the replacement of the crowns.
6. Provisional occlusal splint to increase the occlusal
Finally the dentures should be made and the patient
vertical dimension
placed on a strict maintenance regime.
7. Gold coping UR2
8. Replace porcelain-bonded crowns UL12, incorporating
rest seats in the cingulum area Outcome
9. Construction of upper and lower removable partial
In this case the treatment progressed without complication
according to the original plan that was made. Maintenance
10. Maintenance.
has been ongoing for 2 years and at the 24-month stage it
was noticed that wear of the occlusal surfaces of the acrylic
teeth had occurred and a new denture was constructed.
This plan brought together all the specialities involved The periodontal condition and other restorative work has
within restorative dentistry. The patient had worn his remained stable and there has not been any new root
present denture for 5 years but had not been on regular caries diagnosed (Figs 13.21a–e).
13 / Integrated treatment planning

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 13.21 Case 6 post-treatment.

Case 7
CO. The patient complained of sensitivity to cold drinks
on several posterior teeth and additionally stated that she
Miss MM (27 years old) was aware that her anterior teeth were ‘chipping’ and
becoming shorter.
RFA. The patient attended, having complained that her
teeth were sensitive to hot and cold drinks at a meeting with HPC. The patient had experienced similar problems for
a psychologist at an eating disorders self-help group. The approximately 3 years but stated that the problem was
psychologist subsequently arranged a dental appointment. worsening on the right side of her mouth.
Restorative Dentistry

MH. The patient stated that she had been bulimic for 4 Teeth present (Fig. 13.22):
years and that she had previously vomited up to 15 times
87654321 12345678
per day. She also said that, now that she was attending the
7654321 1234567
self-help group, she was getting the habit under control
and that she now wished to have the appearance of her
teeth improved and the sensitivity treated.
DH. She had been a regular attender in the past, when she 1 1 1
had received a number of amalgam restorations, but had 1 2 1
only received one course of treatment since she started
The standard of oral hygiene was fair with some plaque
suffering from bulimia. That treatment had involved the
and calculus deposits.
placement of three crowns in the upper left quadrant for
the treatment of sensitivity.
Conservative assessment
PH/SH. The patient brushed her teeth many times per
day, usually after vomiting. She rarely used floss. Her diet Full crown restorations were present at UL 654. Restora-
history was vague. tions of amalgam were present in many posterior teeth. In
many of these teeth, dentine was exposed occlusally and
Extraoral. There were no problems with the TMJs, no
amalgam restorations which were present stood proud of
facial asymmetry and no cervical lymphadenopathy.
the tooth surface (Fig. 13.23). Such features are typical of
Intraoral. The soft tissues were generally healthy. Plaque the patient suffering from bulimia. Dentine was exposed
deposits were noted on the buccal aspects of some upper on the palatal aspects of the upper anterior teeth, with the
posterior teeth. incisors being particularly affected. The incisal edges of
the upper anterior teeth were chipped, and in UL12 they
were translucent due to the loss of support for the incisal
enamel (Fig. 13.24). The mandibular incisor teeth also
exhibited tooth substance loss (TSL), with dentine being
exposed at the incisal edges of these teeth.
Many teeth contained restorations in amalgam. Many
required replacement because of tooth substance loss
around the restorations and because of the patient’s
complaint of sensitivity. The full crown restorations in the
maxillary left quadrant were of good fit. Caries was noted
in a number of mandibular posterior teeth.

Static/dynamic occlusion of teeth

This was class I and was canine-guided on both sides.


(b) Fig. 13.23 In teeth affected by erosive tooth substance loss,

Fig. 13.22 Mirror view of upper arch (a) and lower arch (b) at amalgam restorations may stand proud of the remaining tooth
214 presentation in Case 7. surface.
13 / Integrated treatment planning

necessary for a metal-ceramic restoration. The crowns are

luted with a dual-cure resin cement, with the dentine being
treated by a dentine-bonding agent.
Other teeth suffering from TSL, but for which restora-
tion was not considered necessary at this stage, would be
kept under review and treated if TSL was thought to be
The treatment plan was therefore as follows:
1. Counsel patient with regard to her bulimic habit. The
patient was advised not to brush her teeth after
vomiting, as this will lead to excessive loss of dentine
from the surfaces which have been affected by acid.
Instead, the patient was advised to rinse her mouth
with a sodium bicarbonate mouth rinse, and to brush
Fig. 13.24 View of anterior teeth with teeth apart. her teeth 30 minutes later. In view of the presence of
caries, a fluoride mouth rinse was also prescribed.
2. Reinforce home care, provide dietary advice, scaling
Special investigations – radiographic examination and polishing.
3. Treat caries in mandibular posterior teeth with
Full-mouth, long cone periapical radiographs were taken.
amalgam restorations.
These showed no loss of bony support, that there was
some secondary dentine formation in the maxillary anterior
teeth, and confirmed the presence of caries in a number of
mandibular posterior teeth. No teeth were found to have
areas of periapical radiolucency.

Diagnoses of erosive tooth substance loss and caries were

Treatment plan
Treatment objectives were to counsel the patient in respect
of the causes of the erosive TSL, to cover the areas of
exposed dentine which were causing sensitivity, to treat
the caries, to improve oral hygiene and to improve the
appearance of the upper anterior teeth. Fig. 13.25 Preparation for full-coverage dentine-bonded crowns
It was decided that the caries would be treated by on UR45 and onlay at UR6.
placement of amalgam restorations. The TSL, which was
particularly severe at UR456 and LL54, would be treated
by placement of full coverage restorations, except at UR6
in which it was considered that an onlay-type restoration
would be satisfactory. Because of the erosive TSL, the
teeth to be crowned were of reduced crown height. It was
therefore considered that conventional crowns would be
likely to be poorly retained, so adhesive restorations were
indicated, i.e. dentine-bonded crowns.
The anterior teeth should also be crowned. Palatal
veneers in ceramic or composite could be provided. These
would effectively cover exposed areas of dentine but would
have no impact on the poor aesthetics about which the
patient had expressed concern. It was therefore decided
that minimal preparation full crown restorations should be
placed, i.e. dentine-bonded crowns. In these restorations,
there is no metal framework, so the preparation is less than Fig. 13.26 Restorations in UR46 at placement. 215
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 13.27 Preparations for full-coverage dentine-bonded crowns Fig. 13.30 Crowns at UR12UL12 at placement.
at LL45.

6. Maintenance – review tooth substance loss at

UR3UL3 and LL123 LR123 by way of study casts
and photographs (Figs 13.31 a, b, c).

Patients are increasingly presenting with TSL, the causes
often being multifactorial, involving erosion and attrition.
A management priority must be removal of the cause, and
this will involve counselling the patient once the causative
factors have been identified. However, in cases of erosive
TSL when the patient is bulimic, counselling may be
difficult, as the patient may not, at the outset, admit to the
bulimic habit. In this respect, it has been considered that
Fig. 13.28 Restorations at LL45 at placement. bulimia or other gastic reflux habits may account for a
substantial proportion of cases presenting with severe TSL
in which the patient does not admit to dietary factors such
as excessive consumption of citrus drinks or fruits, or
carbonated beverages.
Treatment of patients suffering from bulimia may be
problematic, as these patients often suffer from other
problems such as drug or alcohol abuse. Accordingly,
there may be problems with attendance. These patients
may have poor self-esteem and poor body image. The
dentist may therefore play a real part in improving this.
There are problems related to the retention of restorations
in teeth affected by TSL, so the adhesive techniques,
which are available, may be indicated. However, there is
no rule which states that tooth wear must be treated by
tooth-coloured restorations, and so many of this patient’s
mandibular teeth, which were affected by TSL and caries,
Fig. 13.29 Minimal preparations for dentine-bonded crowns at were treated by placement of amalgam restorations in an
undergraduate student clinic. There are other problems
often associated with the treatment of teeth affected by
4. Provision of dentine-bonded crowns at LL54, UR45 TSL, namely the over-eruption of opposing teeth leaving
and a ceramic onlay at UR6 (Figs 13.25–13.28) reduced – or no – space for restorations. In such cases,
5. Provision of dentine-bonded crowns at UR12, UL12 the use of a Dahl appliance or the Dahl principle may be
216 (Figs 13.29 and 13.30). necessary. In this case, this did not present as a problem,
13 / Integrated treatment planning

(a) (b)

Fig. 13.31 Review of tooth substance loss at UR3UL3 and

LL123LR123 by way of photographs.

which meant that treatment could be carried out without C.O. The main complaint was a loose lower denture.
any change to the patient’s occlusion.
H.P.C. The patient had been rendered edentulous over
15 years ago. An immediate denture had been provided
Outcome with subsequent conventional sets over the years. The
patient has always found it difficult to cope successfully
The patient responded well to the efforts of the dental
with a lower denture and this has caused problems espe-
team. She stated that she ‘felt much better about herself’
cially during eating and speaking. She is rapidly becoming
and eventually reduced her bulimic habit and returned to
a recluse as she does not accept invitations to go out to
work. While this may not have been solely due to the
dinner with friends due to embarrassment caused by not
dental treatment that the patient received, the fact that
being able to eat properly. If the dentures are worn for
someone was prepared to care for her and treat her
a long period, i.e. a few hours, then the patient suffers
dentition – which also resulted in an aesthetic improve-
with ulcers.
ment – may have helped to improve her self-esteem.Those
of the patient’s teeth which have not received full coverage P.M.H. There was nothing relevant.
restorations are now checked 6-monthly for TSL. Caries
P.D.H. The patient has had four sets of dentures made
appears to be under control.
since the teeth were extracted but none of the lowers have
been successful. In contrast the patient has not experienced
any problems with wearing a complete upper denture.
Case 8 P.H./S.H. The patient uses dentural (hypochlorite based
cleaner) to soak the dentures at night time.
Mrs FW (63 years old) Extraoral. No abnormalities observed.
R.F.A. The patient was referred for an implant assessment. Intra oral. The soft tissues were healthy. 217
Restorative Dentistry

Denture-bearing areas
The upper edentulous ridge was well formed and the tissues
were healthy. There was a good vault to the palate. The
lower ridge was present and appeared healthy. However,
although there was a ridge present, it was poorly defined
compared to the upper ridge.

Prosthodontic assessment
The upper denture was both stable and retentive. In
contrast, the lower denture was not stable or retentive. It
was easily displaced by the soft tissues of the tongue and
the lips.
Fig. 13.32 A panoramic radiograph showing the position of two
Static/dynamic occlusion of artificial teeth endosseous implants in the anterior part of the mandible.

The teeth met in occlusion when the patient closed into

the retruded contact position. The freeway space was
measured at 3 to 4 mm. The dentures were not stable as
they contacted each other in lateral or protrusive excursive
movements of the mandible. During such movements the
lower denture became excessively loose and was displaced
away from the lower denture-bearing area.

A diagnosis was made of an unstable and unretentive
lower denture as a result of a poor anatomical form of the
lower denture-bearing area.

Treatment plan
This patient has had a long history of difficulties with
wearing a lower denture over a number of years. After a
joint consultation with the oral surgery team a decision Fig. 13.33 The second surgical stage revealing a healing
was made to provide an implant-retained lower over- abutment over one of the implant fixtures.
denture for the patient. Two implants were placed in the
anterior part of the lower mandible and these were left in
situ for 3 months. After this time a small surgical proce-
dure was undertaken to expose the underlying fixtures
and two abutments with studs were placed into position
(Figures 13.32–13.36).
The existing denture was adjusted in the area where the
studs were positioned so that the patient could wear the
old dentures during the construction of the new dentures.
The major task when providing the new lower denture is
the provision of gold clips which are incorporated into the
denture. These precision attachments are held in the
acrylic baseplate and attach onto the studs when the
denture is placed into the mouth. The implant manu-
facturer will supply transfer impression copings which may
be picked up at the final impression stage.This enables the
technician to construct a replica of the studs and process
the clips into the acrylic baseplate. The making of the new
prosthesis follows traditional stages of complete denture Fig. 13.34 The one-piece stud abutments which attach to the
218 construction and at the final process stage the gold clips implant fixture.
13 / Integrated treatment planning

Fig. 13.35 The lower denture-bearing area with two stud


Fig. 13.37 A silicone impression which incorporates the copings.

Fig. 13.36 Impression copings placed on the studs.

Fig. 13.38 The cast of the impression with the replica studs in
are processed into the denture (Figs 13.36–13.39; see also
Figs 13.40 and 13.41).
The resulting denture is secured by the clips attaching
themselves onto the studs. These clips are similar to press
studs and can be either loosened or tightened depending
on how firmly the denture is to be held on the implants.

This is a simple overview of one particular method of
using implants to secure a loose lower denture in place.
Other methods of attaching the denture to the underlying
implants include the use of a linked bar with clips in the
denture or the use of magnets in the baseplate adhering
onto keepers held on the fixtures. This form of treatment
for the edentulous patient is becoming a popular method
of improving the quality of life of those people who have
found wearing of complete dentures to be unsatisfactory. Fig. 13.39 The finished acrylic baseplate with the two clip
The reader is directed to the further reading section at the attachments in position. 219
Restorative Dentistry

Fig. 13.41 The lower denture in position.

Fig. 13.40 The lower arch ready to receive the dentures.

end of the book, where further information may be sought SUMMARY

on this subject area.
It should be appreciated that there can be many different
variations in the presentation of patients requiring
treatment. The making of a diagnosis and then following
The outcome of treatment was a successful lower denture this with an appropriate treatment plan are key factors to
which provided much needed stability and retention. In success in restorative dentistry. It is hoped that the above
such cases there is still a need to monitor the patient’s oral cases provide some insight into this process and allow a
hygiene around the implants on a regular basis.The attach- clearer understanding of this interesting and challenging
ments have a finite life and the continual removal and discipline of dentistry.
placement of the overdentures will lead to wear of the
attachments with the eventual need for its replacement.
This can vary from patient to patient but generally 3 to
5 years is seen as an average life for a precision attachment.

References and suggested
further reading

Caries Materials
• Bjornal L, Kidd E A 2005 The treatment of deep dentine • Coombe E C, Burke F J T, Douglas W H 1999 Dental
caries lesions. Dental Update 32:402–413. biomaterials. Kluwer Academic Press, Boston.
• Burke F J, Wilson N H 1998 When is caries caries, and what • McCabe J F, Walls A W G 1998 Applied dental materials,
should we do about it? Quintessence International 8th edn. Blackwell Munksgaard, Oxford.
29:668–762. • Roeters J J, Shortall A C, Opdam N J 2005 Can a single
• Kidd E A 2005 Essentials of dental caries. The disease and composite resin serve all purposes? British Dental Journal
its management, 3rd edn. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 199:73–79.
• Kidd E A 2004 How ‘clean’ must a cavity be before
restoration? Caries Research 38:305–313. Occlusion
• Mount G J, Hume W R 2005 Preservation and restoration of • Klineberg I, Jagger R 2004 Occlusion and clinical practice.
tooth structure, 2nd edn. Knowledge Books and Software, Elsevier Books, Edinburgh.
Osseointegrated implants
Complete dentures • Feine J S, Carlsson G E 2005 Implant overdentures: the
• Basker R M, Davenport J C 2002 Prosthetic treatment of standard of care for edentulous patients. Quintessence, UK.
the edentulous patient, 4th edn. Blackwell Munksgaard, • Hobkirk J A, Watson R, Searson L 2003 Introducing dental
Oxford. implants. Elsevier Books, Edinburgh.
• Crawford R W, Walmsley A D 2005 A review of
prosthodontic management of fibrous ridges. British Dental
Journal 199:715–719. • Basker R M, Harrison A, Ralph J P et al 1993 Overdentures
• Gahan M J, Walmsley A D 2005 The neutral zone in general dental practice, 3rd edn. British Dental Journal
impression revisited. British Dental Journal 198:269–272. Books, London.
• Watt D M, MacGregor A R 1986 Designing complete • Crum R J, Rooney J R 1978 Alveolar bone loss in
dentures, 2nd edn. John Wright, Bristol. overdentures: A five year study. Journal of Prosthetic
Dentistry 40:610–613.
Core build-up and veneers
• Lynch C D, McConnell R J 2002. The cracked tooth
syndrome. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association • Drisko C H 2000 Nonsurgical periodontal therapy.
68:470–475. Periodontology 25:77–88.
• Summit J B, Robbins J W, Hilton T J et al 2007 • Lindhe J, Karring T, Lang N 2003 Clinical periodontology
Fundamentals of operative dentistry. Quintessence and implant dentistry, 4th edn. Blackwell Publishing,
Publishing, Chicago. Oxford.
• Tonetti M S 2000 Advances in periodontology.
Endodontics Primary Dental Care 7:149–152.
• Cohen S, Burns R 2002 Pathways of the pulp, 8th edn.
Prevalence studies on tooth wear
Mosby, St. Louis.
• Lumley P J, Tomson P, Adams N 2006 Practical clinical • Bartlett D W, Coward P Y, Nikkah C et al 1998
endodontics (dental update). Churchill Livingstone, The prevalence of tooth wear in a cluster sample of
Edinburgh. adolescent schoolchildren and its relationship with
• Ørstavik D, Pitt Ford T R 1998 Essential endodontology, potential explanatory factors. British Dental Journal
Blackwell Science, Oxford. 184:125–129.
• Walton R E, Torabinejad M 2001 Principles and practice of • Chadwick B L, White D A, Morris A J et al 2006
endodontics, 3rd edn. Elsevier Health, Amsterdam. Non-carious tooth conditions in children in the UK, 2003.
British Dental Journal 200:379–384.
Fixed prosthodontics • Hind K, Gregory J R 1994 National diet and nutrition
• Rosenstiel S F, Land M F, Fujimoto J 2006 Contemporary survey; children to 4.5 years, volume 2: Report of the dental
fixed prosthodontics, 4th edn. Elsevier Books, St Louis. survey. Office of Population Census and Surveys. HMSO,
• Smith B G N, Howe L G 2006 Planning and making crowns London.
and bridges, 4th edn. Informa Healthcare, Oxford. • Millward A, Shaw L, Smith A 1994 Dental erosion in
four-year-old children from differing socioeconomic
Indirect tooth-coloured restorations backgrounds. ASDC Journal of Dentistry for Children
• Dietschi D, Spreafico R 1997 Adhesive metal-free 61:263–266.
restorations: current concepts for the esthetic treatment • Milosevic A,Young P J, Lennon M A 1994 The prevalence
of posterior teeth. Quintessence Publishing Company, of tooth wear in 14-year-old school children in Liverpool.
Berlin. Community Dent Health 11:83–86.
References and suggested further reading

Resin-bonded bridgework • Dyer K, Ibbetson R, Grey N 2001 A question of space:

• Botelho M 2000 Design principles for cantilevered resin- options for the restorative management of worn teeth.
bonded fixed partial dentures. Quintessence International Dental Update 28:118–123.
31:613–619. • Lussi A 2006 Dental erosion from diagnosis to therapy.
Karger AG, Basel.
Toothwear • Addy M, Embery G, Edgar W M et al 2000 Tooth wear
• Bartlett D W 2005 The role of erosion in tooth wear: and sensitivity. Clinical advances in restorative dentistry.
aetiology, prevention and management. International Dental M Dunitz, Oxford.
Journal 55(4 Suppl 1):277–284.
• Bartlett D W, Shah P 2006 A critical review of non-carious
cervical (wear) lesions and the role of abfraction, erosion,
and abrasion. Journal of Dental Research 85:306–312.


Note: page numbers in bold refer to Anorexia, 137, 139 Bridges—cont’d

figures or tables Antimicrobials compound types, 152
periodontal therapy, 32, 33, 34, 35, design, 153–157, 158–159
A 36, 42, 43–46 factors in choosing, 146, 147, 148,
prophylactic, 16 150, 153, 159–160, 195
Abfractions, 69–70, 69 tooth discoloration, 70, 71 fixed-fixed, 150, 150, 156, 158, 158,
Abrasion-related tooth substance loss, Apex locators, 99, 99 159
67–68, 68, 137 Apical abscesses, 91, 207 fixed-movable, 150–151, 151, 156,
Abscesses Apical anatomy, 7, 7 158–159, 159
acute periodontal, 30, 36 Apical investigations, 21 hybrid, 156, 156, 159, 159
apical, 91, 207 Apical periodontitis, 90–91 integrated treatment planning, 198
lateral periodontal, 30 Apical preparation, root canal treatment, intracoronal inlays, 154, 154
periradicular, 30 99–100, 100–101, 101, 102 partial veneer crowns, 154–155
Access cavities Apical surgery, 112–113, 199 pontic design, 156–157, 157
root canal retreatment, 109–110 Approximal cavity designs, 83–84, 84 powered scalers and, 42
root canal treatment, 96–97, 96–97 ART technique, 82, 83, 86–87 resin-bonded, 157–162, 163, 195
Acidogenic bacteria, caries, 57, 59, 60, Articulators, 55–56, 55–56, 149, 149 retainers, 153, 154, 155, 155, 159,
61, 62, 63, 65 Asthma, 16, 17 159, 163
Acids, dietary, 68–69, 136, 137, 199, Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART), spring cantilever, 151–152, 151, 158
204 82, 83, 86–87 telescopic crowns, 155, 155, 159
Acoustic microstreaming, 41, 95 Attrition-related tooth substance loss, tooth preparation, 150, 152, 155, 156,
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome 67, 68, 137 161
(AIDS) Average movement articulators, 56, 56, treatment planning, 152
history-taking, 16, 17 149 Bruxism, 141, 143
HIV-associated gingivitis, 25, 33 Bulimia, 68, 69, 137, 137, 139, 213–217
Actisite, 45 B Burns, traumatic gingivitis, 24, 24, 32
Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis Burs, 93, 97, 98, 98, 101, 109, 111
(ANUG), 24–25, 25, 29, 30, 33 Bacteria
Adenoids, 6 caries, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65 C
Adhesive restorations pulpal/periradicular disease, 89,
caries-affected teeth, 76, 77–87 91–92, 96 Calcium hydroxide dressings, 102
indirect, 126–128, 126–129, 141 root canal retreatment, 108 Calculus
Aerosol generation, powered scalers, 42 Balance of force system, 170–171, 171 implants, 194
Aesthetic inlays, 126, 126–128 Balanced forces motion, 92 removal, 36–37, 39–42, 43
AIDS, 16, 17, 25, 33 Barbed broaches, 92, 92 Canine guidance, 53, 53
Air (sonic) scalers, 40, 41, 42 Bars, overdenture retention, 179, 179, Canine protected occlusion, 20
Alcohol content, mouth rinses, 44–45 194, 196, 219 Canines
Alginate, low viscosity, 188, 188 Basic periodontal examination (BPE), mutual protection concept, 53
‘Allergic gingivitis’, 24, 24, 33 17–18, 18, 19, 198 order of appearance, 7
Allergies, 16, 17 Benzydamine hydrochloride, 32 overdentures, 176–177, 177
Altered cast technique, 170, 170 Biofilm, 57, 59, 63 replacement, 147, 156
Alveolar bone Biometrics, denture design, 184, 185 root canal preparation, 96–97, 96
HIV-associated periodontitis, 36 Bis-GMA composites, 78 topographical anatomy, 6
overdentures, 176, 177 Bite wing radiographs, 21, 61, 61 Cantilever bridges, 151–152, 151, 158,
prepubertal periodontitis, 27 Bite-guards, 141, 143 160, 163
radiography, 21 Black’s cavity classifications, 76, 77, 83, Carbohydrates, caries and, 59, 63, 75
topographical anatomy, 10–11 85 Cardiac pacemakers, 42
Alveolar crest, 11 Blade implants, 191 Cardiovascular disease, 16, 17
Alveolar processes, 4 Bleaching, 70, 71, 129, 130 Caries, 57–64
Amalgam restorations Bleeding disorders, 16, 17 aetiology, 57, 59, 75
complex, 116, 117 Bleeding index chart, 19 arrested lesions, 59
root canal retreatment, 109 Border movements, mandible, 49–50, 50 bridges and, 153, 153, 154
simple, 76–77, 76, 77, 87 Bracing, partial dentures, 166, 172, 173 case study, 202–204
Amoxicillin, 35 Bridges, 149–162 conservative assessment, 18
Analgesia, root debridement, 37, 43 abutment root support, 156 demineralisation–remineralisation
Anatomical crown, 6 cantilever, 151–152, 151, 158, 160, 163 balance, 57, 58 223

Caries—cont’d Chisel (push) scalers, 40, 40, 42 Crown restorations, 115–128

demineralisation–remineralisation Chlorhexidine gluconate, 32, 33, 35, 36, case study, 215–217
cycle, 59–60, 60 42, 43, 44 cavity preparations, 118, 121
detection, 60–61 in hydrolysed gelatine (Periochip), 45 clinical stages, 122
diagnosis, 60, 61–63 pulsed oral irrigation, 46 dentine-bonded, 126–128, 128–129,
management, 64, 76–87 Chlorine dioxide mouth rinses, 44 139, 141, 215–216
adhesive restorations, 76, 77–87 Cingulum, 6 endodontically treated teeth, 118,
amalgam restorations, 76–77, 87 Clasps, removable partial dentures, 119–121
case study, 203–204 171–172, 171, 172 indirect adhesive, 126–128, 141
cavity preparations, 76, 77, 78, 79, Classical interrupted technique, root integrated treatment planning, 198
83–84, 85–87 canal obturation, 104 materials for core build-up, 116–118
integrated treatment planning, 198, Clinical crown, 6 materials for indirect, 123–125
199, 203–204 Clinical examination, 13, 17–21 pin retention for core foundations,
overdentures and, 180–181, 180 Cobalt/chrome (Co/Cr) framework, 119
prevention, 73–75 partial dentures, 169, 170, 171 preoperative assessment, 118–119
progression, 59–60 Cold gutta-percha filling, 102–104 preoperative considerations, 121–122
restorative cycle, 57, 57 Colour, tooth, 70–71, 72 preoperative planning, 122–123
risk assessment, 63–64 porcelain laminate veneers, 129, 130, tooth preparation, 122–123, 125–126
secondary, 71–72 130 tooth substance loss, 139, 140–141,
terminology, 59 tooth-coloured inlays, 126, 126–128 215–217
‘white spot’ lesions, 59–60, 61, 61 see also Stains, removal types of, 122
Case studies, 200–220 Community periodontal index of Crowns
Casts, 20, 139, 148–150, 148, 149 treatment needs (CPITN), 18 partial veneer, 154–155
altered cast technique, 170 Compensating curve of Spee, 53 telescopic, 155, 155, 159
complete dentures, 188, 188, 191 Complete dentures, 184–191 Curettes, 40, 40, 42
immediate dentures, 183 delivery of, 190 Cusp, 6
integrated treatment planning, 199 design approaches, 184–185,
removal partial dentures, 164–165, 190–191 D
170 impression taking, 187–188, 187, 188,
Cavity preparations, 76 191 Dahl appliance, 146, 147
adhesive inlays, 126, 126 instructions to patients, 190 Dahl principle, 140, 141
adhesive restorations, 77, 78, 79, patient assessment, 185–186 Dehiscences, 11
83–84, 83, 85–87 patient examination, 186–187 Dental charting, 18, 19
for amalgam, 77, 77 registration, 188–189, 190, 190 Dental surveyors, 164, 165
crown restorations, 118, 121 review appointments, 190 Dentifrices, 74–75, 74–75
root canal retreatment, 109–110 trial set, 189–190, 189 see also Toothpaste
root canal treatment, 96–97, 96–97 Complex restorations, 115–134, 198 Dentine
Cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), 9 Compomers, 81–82, 117–118 caries, 59, 60, 61, 64
Cementum Computer-aided denture design, 175, porcelain laminate veneers, 131
caries, 59 175 pulp calcification, 90
root debridement, 36, 43 Condensing osteitis, 91 resin-bonded bridges, 160
topographical anatomy, 8, 10, 11 Conformative care, 55 resin composite restoration, 85
Centric occlusion, use of term, 51 Connectors, partial dentures, 166, resorption, 90
see also Intercuspal position 172–174, 173–174 root canal retreatment, 109–110
Centric relation contact position Continuous wave method, root canal root canal treatment, 92–96, 97–98
(CRCP), 51, 52 obturation, 104 sensitivity, 8
Centric relation (CR) position, 51, 55 Copings, overdentures, 179, 179, tooth colour, 70, 71
Ceramic inlays, 126, 127 218–219 tooth substance loss, 67–69, 139, 139
Ceramic restorations Copper bands, root canal retreatment, topographical anatomy, 7, 8
bridge retainers, 152, 155, 155 108, 109 Dentine-bonded crowns, 126–128,
caries-affected teeth, 76 Copy dentures, 184, 185, 190–191 128–129, 139, 141, 215–216
crowns, 123–124, 124, 125, 126–128, Core build-ups, crown restorations, Dentine tubules, 7, 8
139, 140, 141 115–118, 119, 120 Dentistry, role of, 1
porcelain laminate veneers, 128–134 Coronal tooth structure, replacing lost, Dentomycin, 45
Ceramometal cements (cermets), 82, 86, 115–116 Dentures
109 see also Crown restorations; assessment, 20
Cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), 44 Overdentures case studies, 207, 210–213, 216–220
Charts, 18, 19 Cosmetics, hypersensitivity to, 24, 33 complete, 184–191
Cheeks Counselling, tooth substance loss, immediate, 181–184
examination, 17 138–139, 216 occlusion, 51, 53, 54, 55
topographical anatomy, 3–4 CPITN (community periodontal index overdentures, 175–181, 194, 196, 210,
Chemical bonding, resin-bonded of treatment needs), 18 218–220
bridges, 160–161 Cribriform plate, 11 removable partial, 147, 162–175, 195,
Chemical trauma, gingivitis, 24, 24 Crown anatomy, 6 207
Chemomechanical root canal Crown-lengthening surgery, 141, 142 Desquamative gingivitis, 26, 26
debridement, 92–96 Crown preparation, root canal Developmental groove, 6
224 Chest conditions, 16, 17 treatment, 98–99, 98–99, 101 Diabetes, 16, 17

DiagnoDent device, 61, 62, 63 Files Glass ionomer materials and

Diagnostic process, 21 fracture, 112 restorations, 76, 80–83, 85–87, 109,
Diet root canal retreatment, 111, 112 117–118
acute traumatic gingivitis, 24, 32 root canal treatment, 92–95, 92–94, Gold alloys, resin-bonded bridges, 161
caries, 59, 63, 75, 199 98, 99, 100, 101 Gold crowns, 123, 123, 125, 140
dental erosion, 68–69, 136, 199, 204 Filing movement, 93 Gold posts, 119, 120
history-taking, 16–17, 20, 136, 148 Finish margins Gothic arch tracing, 49, 50
integrated treatment planning, 199 crown restorations, 125, 126 Greater taper (GT) files, 93, 93, 94, 95,
preventive dentistry, 75 porcelain laminate veneers, 131 100, 101
tooth discoloration, 71 Fissure, 6 Grit-blasting, 160–161
tooth substance loss, 136, 139 Fissure sealants, 75 Group anterior guidance, 53
Diet sheets, 199, 199 Fixed-fixed bridges, 150, 150, 156, 158, Group function, 53, 53
Digital image FOTI (DiFOTI), 61, 62 158, 159 Group function occlusion, 20
Dimethacrylate polymer composites, 78 Fixed-movable bridges, 150–151, 151, Gutta-percha root filling, 102–106, 110,
Disclosing tablets, 73–74 156, 158–159, 159 111–112
Disclusion, definition, 47 Fixed prosthetics, 149–162, 159
Discoloration, tooth, 70–71, 72 integrated treatment planning, 198, H
porcelain laminate veneers, 129, 130, 199
130 Floor of the mouth, 4, 17 Hard palate, anatomy, 5–6
tooth-coloured inlays, 126, 126–128 Fluoride Healthy mouth, 3–11
see also Stains, removal overdentures, 180 Heart conditions, 16, 17
Drug allergies, 16, 17 preventive dentistry, 73, 74–75, 74 Heat carriers, root canal obturation, 104
in restorative materials, 80, 81–82 Hedstrom files, 92, 92, 111, 112
E tooth discoloration, 70, 71 Hepatitis, 16, 17
Fluorosis, 70 Herpetic gingivostomatitis, 25, 25, 33
Eating disorders, 68, 69, 137, 137, 139, Follicles, lingual, 5 High-viscosity glass ionomer cements,
213–217 Food see Diet 82–83
Edentulous spaces Food trapping, bridges, 157 Hinge articulators, 55, 55, 149
filling see Tooth replacement principles Fordyce’s spots, 3 History-taking, 13–17, 136–137,
Kennedy classification, 166, 167 Foveae palatini, 6 147–148, 185–186, 187
Electronic apex locators, 99, 99 Fractures HIV
Electronic caries monitor (ECM), 61, instruments, 112, 113 gingivitis associated with, 25, 29, 30,
62, 65 root, 67, 67, 106, 107, 110 33
Ellis classification, tooth fractures, 65–66 tooth, 19, 64–67, 77, 121, 206–207 history-taking, 16, 17
Elyzol, 45 Fraenal attachments, 4, 4 periodontitis associated with, 29, 30,
Emergency treatment planning, 197 Free movements, mandibular, 50, 52 35–36
case studies, 202–204, 206–207 Freeway space, 187, 187, 189 Hybrid bridges, 156, 156
Enamel Hybrid composites, 78, 79
caries progression, 59 G Hydrodynamic theory of sensitivity, 8
porcelain laminate veneers, 131 Hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp), 90
resin-bonded bridges, 160–161 Gastric reflux, 136, 137, 139, 216 Hypersensitivity reactions, gingiva, 24,
tooth discoloration, 70, 71 Gates-Glidden burs, 93, 98, 101, 111 24, 33
Enamel loss, 18–19, 19, 67–69 Gels
see also Tooth substance loss overdentures, 180 I
Endodontic therapy see Root canal preventive dentistry, 74–75
treatment Gingiva Iatrogenic tooth substance loss, 67
Endotoxin, cementum-bound, 36, 42–43 inflammatory disease see Gingivitis; Iatrogenic trauma, gingivitis, 23
Epilepsy, 16, 17 Periodontitis Immediate dentures, 181–184, 181–182
Erosive tooth substance loss, 68–69, patient care of, 31–32 Implants, 146, 191–196, 192–194,
136, 137, 139, 141, 199, 200, 204, topographical anatomy, 8–10, 9 217–220
213–217 Gingival groove, 9 Impressions see Casts
Ethanol, mouth rinses, 44–45 Gingivitis, 23 Incisal guidance, occlusion, 53
Every dentures, 168, 168 acute herpetic gingivostomatitis, 25, Incisive papilla, 5, 5
Examination process, 13, 17–21 33 Incisors
complete dentures, 186–187 acute hypersensitivity, 24, 24, 33 crown restorations, 119, 120
tooth substance loss, 137–138 acute necrotising ulcerative, 24–25, mutual protection concept, 53
Extraoral examination, 13, 17, 138 25, 29, 30, 33 order of appearance, 7
acute non-specific, 24, 24, 32–33 porcelain laminate veneers, 132, 132
F acute traumatic, 23–24, 23, 24, 32 root canal preparation, 96–97, 96
case study, 202–204 topographical anatomy, 6
Face bow recording, 56, 56, 149, 149 chronic desquamative, 26, 26 Indirect adhesive restorations, 126–128,
Facet, 6 chronic marginal, 25–26 126–129, 141
Ferrule effect, 121, 121 HIV-associated, 25, 29, 30, 33 Indirect composite crowns, 124, 124
Fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) management, 31–33, 43–45, 46, Infectious diseases, 16, 17, 42
bridges, 157 203–204 Inflammatory periodontal diseases, 23–30
Fibreoptic transillumination (FOTI), 61, periodontitis and, 25, 26, 29 case studies, 200–206, 207–213
61, 62 Gingivitis artefacta, 23, 23 management, 31–46 225

Inlays Magnets, overdenture retention, 179, Mount cavity classification, 85, 85

bridges, 154, 154 180, 194, 194, 210, 219 Mouth rinses/washes, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
tooth-coloured, 126, 126–128 Mamelon, 6 42, 43–45
Instruments Mandible Movement methods, root canal
fracture, 112, 113 fracture, 206–207 debridement, 92–94
root canal debridement, 92–95, maxilla and Mucogingival junction, 4, 8, 9
92–95 intercuspal position, 20, 50–51, 54, Mucous membranes
root canal retreatment, 110–111, 112 55, 148–149 examination, 17, 20–21
root canal treatment, 100–102 occlusal relationship, 47 topographical anatomy, 3, 4
scaling, 37–42, 37–40 tooth replacement principles, Muscles, mastication, 47–48, 49, 51, 52
Integrated treatment planning see 148–149 Mutual protection concept, 52–53
Treatment planning occlusion and
Intercuspal position (ICP), 20, 50–51, articulators mimicking, 55–56, 149, N
53, 54, 55, 140, 148–149 149
Interocclusal clearance (freeway space), basic movements, 49, 49 Nanofillers, resin composites, 79
187, 187, 189 border movements, 49–50 Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis, 24–25,
Intracoronal inlays centric relation position, 51 25, 29, 30, 33
bridges, 154, 154 definitions, 47 Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis, 25,
tooth-coloured, 126, 126–128 interferences, 51–52 29, 30
Intraoral examination, 13, 17–20, muscles of mastication, 47–48, 49, Neutral zone technique, denture design,
137–138, 186–187 51, 52 184, 185, 185, 191
Intrapulpal pressure, 7 mutual protection concept, 52–53 Nickel chromium (Ni/Cr) resin-bonded
Irrigation resting articular position, 50–51 bridges, 161
root canal retreatment, 110–111 retruded position, 51 Nickel titanium (NiTi) alloy files, 93
root canal treatment, 95–96, 101 temporomandibular joint anatomy, Nickel titanium (NiTi) rotary
subgingival, 35, 45–46 48–49 instruments, 94–95, 94–95,
tooth replacement, 148, 149 101–102, 110, 111
J overdentures and, 176 Night bite-guards, 141, 143
radiographic examination, 21 Non-adhesive restorations, caries, 76–77
Jaquette scalers, 39, 42 titanium implants, 191–192, 193 Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs),
Junctional epithelium (JE), 9–10, 9, 10 Marginal gingivitis, chronic, 25–26 69, 69
Juvenile periodontitis, 27–28, 27, 28, 34 Masserann kit, 109, 110, 112 Note-taking, 13, 21, 22
Masseter muscle, 47, 48
K Mastication muscles, 47–48, 49, 51, 52 O
K type files, 92, 92 mandible and Occlusal balance, 53, 54, 186
Kennedy classification, 166, 167 intercuspal position, 20, 50–51, 54, Occlusal cavity designs, 83, 83
55, 148–149 Occlusal guards, 141, 143
L occlusal relationship, 47 Occlusal interferences, 51–52, 54
tooth replacement principles, Occlusal line, 3, 4
Labial reduction, porcelain laminate 148–149 Occlusal ‘locks’/‘keys’, 77, 77, 83
veneers, 131, 131 overdentures and, 176 Occlusal relationships
Lactobacilli, caries, 59, 63–64 titanium implants, 191–192, 193 classification, 47
Lamina dura, 10–11 Medial pterygoid muscle, 47, 48 definition, 47
Laser fluorescence, caries diagnosis, 61, Medical history-taking, 13, 15–16, 15, tooth fractures and, 66
62, 63 17, 136, 186 see also Occlusion
Lateral condensation gutta-percha Medicated pastes, root filling, 102, 110 Occlusal table, partial dentures, 171
filling, 102–104 Medications, tooth substance loss, 136 Occlusal vertical dimension (OVD), 140,
Lateral periodontal abscesses, 30 Metal ceramic crowns, 124–125, 125, 141
Lateral pterygoid muscle, 47, 48 140 Occlusion, 47–56
‘Lateral’ tunnel restorations, 86 as bridge retainers, 152, 155, 155, 161 anatomical components, 47–49
Legal documents, records as, 21, 22 Metal-reinforced glass ionomers articulators, 55–56, 55–56, 149, 149
Light-cured composites, 79 (cermets), 82, 86, 109 assessment, 20, 122, 148–149
Light fluorescence, caries diagnosis, Metronidazole, 33, 35 bilateral occlusal balance, 53, 54
61–62, 64, 65 Metronidazole gel, 45 centric see Occlusion, intercuspal
Lightspeed instruments, 94, 95, 102 Microfilled composites, 78, 79 position
Lingual tonsil, 5 Micromechanical retention, resin- crown restorations, 119, 122, 125
Lips, topographical anatomy, 3 bonded bridges, 160–161 definitions, 47
Listerine, 44 Microscopes, operating, 112, 112 dental pain and, 53–54
Long cone radiography, 21 Midline fraenum, 4, 5 harmony, 51–52, 54
Lymph nodes, submandibular, 17 Minocycline gel, 45 intercuspal position, 20, 50–51, 53,
Lymphoid tissue, 5, 6 Molars 54, 55, 140, 148–149
crown restorations, 120 interferences, 51–52, 54
M order of appearance, 7 mandibular movements, 49–50, 49, 50
root canal preparation, 97, 97 mutual protection concept, 52–53
Macrofilled composites, 78, 78 topographical anatomy, 6 non-carious cervical lesions, 69, 69
226 Magnetostrictive scalers, 41 Mottling, 70 porcelain laminate veneers, 130

Occlusion—cont’d Perikymata, 6 Pontic design, bridges, 156–157, 157

removable prosthetics, 51, 53, 54, 54, Periochip, 45 Porcelain crowns, 123–124, 124,
55 Periodontal abscesses, 30, 36 126–128, 128, 139, 140, 141
resting position of mandible, 50–51 Periodontal files, 39–40, 40 bridge retainers, 152, 155, 155
restorative considerations, 55 Periodontal flap surgery, 35 Porcelain fused to metal crowns, 124,
study casts, 20, 148–150, 148, 149 Periodontal hoes, 39, 39, 42 125, 125
tolerance of discrepancies, 54, 56 Periodontal ligament, 8, 9, 10 Porcelain inlays, 126, 127
tooth replacement, 147, 148–150 inflammatory disease see Periodontitis Porcelain laminate veneers (PLVs),
case study, 211–212 Periodontal procedures, treatment 128–134, 128, 130–134
complete dentures, 186–187, 189 planning, 198 Portals of exit, 7–8
immediate dentures, 183 see also Periodontitis, management Posselt’s envelope of border movements,
resin-bonded bridges, 160 Periodontal tissues 50, 50
tooth substance loss, 138, 138, 140, 141 complete dentures, 186 Posts
Odontoblasts, 7 crown restorations and, 119 crown restorations, 119, 120–121,
Operating microscopes, 112, 112 examination, 17–18, 137–138, 186, 198 120, 121
Oral hygiene, 17 inflammatory diseases, 23–46, 180, root canal retreatment, 110
bulimic patients, 215 200–206, 207–213 Povidone-iodine mouth rinse, 44
caries prevention, 73–74 overdentures and, 180 Premature contact, occlusion, 51
causing tooth substance loss, 68, 137 tooth replacement principles, 147 Premolars
implants, 194, 220 topographical anatomy, 8–11 crown restorations, 120
inflammatory periodontal diseases see also Alveolar bone; Cementum root canal preparation, 97, 97
mechanical, 28, 31–32, 33, 34, 35, Periodontitis, 26 topographical anatomy, 6
43, 46 acute necrotising ulcerative, 25, 29, 30 Prepubertal periodontitis, 27, 27, 34
mouth rinses, 43–45 acute periodontal abscesses with, 30, 36 Preventive dentistry, 1, 73–75
subgingival antimicrobials, 45–46 adult-type, 26, 27, 27, 33–34, 207–213 Primary dentition, 6–7
overdentures, 180 aggressive forms, 26–30 prepubertal periodontitis, 27
treatment plans, 197 apical, 90–91 Probes, calculus, 36–37, 37, 42
Orifice shapers, 94, 94, 95, 101 case studies, 200–202, 204–206, ProFiles, 94, 94, 95, 101
Orthopantomographs (OPG), 21 207–213 Prosthodontics, assessment, 20
Osseointegration implants, 191–194 HIV-associated, 29, 30, 35–36 see also Fixed prosthetics; Removable
Osteoblasts, 11 juvenile, 27–28, 27, 28, 34 prosthetics
Osteoclasts, 11 management, 33–46 ProTaper files, 93, 93, 95, 95, 101
Overdentures, 175–181, 194, 196, 210, prepubertal, 27, 27, 34 Psychological state
218–220 rapidly progressive, 28, 28, 35 complete dentures and, 187
refractory, 28–29, 29, 35 occlusion and, 54
P Periradicular abscesses, 30 overdentures and, 176
Periradicular disease, 89 Pterygomandibular raphe, 3, 3
Pacemakers, 42 case studies, 203–206, 207 Pulp
Pain classification of periapical, 90–91 bridges and, 154
occlusal function and, 53–54 management, 91–113 calcification, 90
treatment plans and, 197, 202–204 non-endodontic origin, 91 crown restorations, 118
Pain histories, 14, 14 pathology, 89–90 degeneration, 8, 8
Palatal root groove, 29 Periradicular surgery, 107, 108, 112–113 disease see Pulpal disease
Palate Personal history-taking, 16–17, necrosis, 90
examination, 17 136–137, 148, 186 refractory periodontitis, 29
topographical anatomy, 5–6 Pharyngeal tossil, 6, 6 sensory nerves, 8
Papillae, lingual, 4, 5, 5 Pharynx, 6, 6 topographical anatomy, 7–8, 8,
Parafunctional activity, 54 Phenolic anti-plaque compound, 44 97–98
Parotid duct, 3 Piezoelectronic scalers, 41 vitality testing, 20
Partial dentures see Removable partial Pins, core build-up foundations, 119, Pulp dentine complex, 7–8, 97–98
dentures 119 see also Dentine; Pulp
Partial veneer crowns, 154–155 Plaque Pulp polyp (hyperplastic pulpitis), 90
Pastes, for root filling, 102, 110 assessment, 18, 19 Pulpal disease, 89
Patients, 13 chemical antimicrobials, 32, 33, 34, case studies, 203–206, 207
assessment for dentures, 185–186 35, 36, 43–46 hard tissue changes, 90
examination, 13, 17–21, 137–138, chronic marginal gingivitis, 25 management, 91–113
186–187 HIV-associated periodontitis, 36 non-endodontic origin, 91
expectations, 1 implants, 194 pathology, 89–90
history-taking, 13–17, 136–137, oral hygiene, 31–32, 33, 34, 35, 43, soft tissue changes, 90
147–148, 185–186, 187 73–74 Pulpitis, 8, 90
instructions about dentures, 190 overdentures, 180 Pulsed oral irrigation, 45–46
oral hygiene instruction, 31–32, 197 pH, 59 Push scalers, 40, 40, 42
tooth substance loss counselling, rapidly progressive periodontitis, 28
138–139, 216 refractory periodontitis, 28, 29, 29, 35 Q
Periapical disease scalers for removal, 40–42, 43
case study, 202–204 Polyacid-modified composite resins QLF system, caries diagnosis, 61–62,
classification, 90–91 (compomers), 81–82, 117–118 64, 65 227

R Restorations—cont’d Saliva
replacement, 57, 71–72 caries and, 59, 63–64, 75
Radiographic examination, 21 simple, 76–87, 197 erosion and, 68–69
caries diagnosis, 61 Restorative dentists, role of, 1 tooth discoloration and, 71
root canal length, 99 Retention Salivary pellicle, 36
tooth substance loss, 138 bridges, 153, 154, 155, 155, 159, 159, Salt water rinses, 36
RaPiD, 175, 175 163 Scaling, 36
Rapidly progressive periodontitis, 28, 28, overdentures, 179–180, 179, 180, 194, instruments for, 37–42, 37–40
35 210, 218–219 root debridement and, 36
Reaming movement, 93 partial dentures, 166, 171–172, 172, Sealants
Reciprocating handpieces, root canal 174, 174, 175 fissure, 75
debridement, 93–94, 94 Retruded arc of closure, 51 root canal retreatment, 112
Reciprocation, partial dentures, 166, Retruded contact position (RCP), 51, root canal treatment, 102, 103–104,
172, 172 53, 140, 148 106, 107, 112
Record-keeping, 13, 21, 22 Retruded position (RP), 51, 55 Sebaceous glands, cheek, 3
Refractory periodontitis, 28–29, 29, 35 Ridge, 6 Sensitivity, hydrodynamic theory, 8
Registration, complete dentures, Ridge of Passavant, 6 Sensory feedback, overdentures and,
188–189, 190, 190 Rochette bridges, 160, 160 176
Removable partial dentures (RPDs), Root canal anatomy, 7–8, 97–98, 205 Sensory nerves, dental pulp, 8
146, 147, 162–175, 195 Root canal investigations, 21 Shared guidance, occlusion, 53
case study, 207 Root canal retreatment, 107, 108–112, Sharpey’s fibres, 10, 11
dental surveying, 164–166 108–113 Shortened dental arch, 146, 147, 147
design, 166–175 Root canal treatment, 92–113 Sickle scalers, 39, 39, 42
bracing, 166, 172, 173 assessment, 107 Silane coupling agents, 79
computer-aided, 175, 175 bridges and, 154 Silicoater technique, 161
connectors, 166, 172–174, 173–174 canal preparation, 96–102 Silicone index, 69, 139, 139, 140
indirect retention, 166, 174, 174, case studies, 203–206, 207 Silver amalgam, 116, 117
175 chemomechanical debridement, 92–96 Silver point root canal fillings, 102, 110,
reciprocation, 166, 172, 172 crown restorations and, 118, 119–121, 111, 112
retention, 166 171–172, 172 119, 120–121 Simple restorations, 76–87, 197, 198
saddles, 166, 167, 168–169, 170, 171 integrated treatment planning, Sinuses, 21
support, 166, 167–171, 167–171 198–199 ‘Slot’ preparation restorations, 86
visits required for, 175, 176 management of failed, 107–113 Smear layer removal, 95
design sheet, 162, 164, 164 obturation, 102–107 Smith and Knight index, 19, 19, 69
rest seat preparation, 162 one-visit, 102 Smoking, 17
tooth contour modification, 164 Root cleaning, 36 acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis,
Removable prosthetics see also Root debridement 25, 25, 33
assessment, 20 Root debridement, 36, 42–43 tooth replacement and, 148
case studies, 207, 210–213, 216–220 acute periodontal abscesses, 36 Social history-taking, 16–17, 136–137,
complete dentures, 184–191 analgesia, 37, 43 148, 186
factors in choosing, 145–148 HIV-associated periodontitis, 36 Socketed immediate dentures, 183
immediate dentures, 181–184 instruments for, 37–39, 40, 43, 43 Sodium hypochlorite, 95–96
integrated treatment planning, 198, refractory periodontitis, 29, 35 Soft palate, 5–6
199 scaling and, 36 Sonic units
occlusion, 51, 53, 54, 54, 55, 55 Root filling materials, 102–106 root canal debridement, 94
overdentures, 175–181, 194, 196, 210, root canal retreatment, 110–112 scaling, 40, 41, 42
218–220 Root fractures, 67, 67, 106, 107, 110 Spongiform encephalopathies, 16
partial dentures, 146, 147, 162–175, Root planing, 42–43 Spreaders
195, 207 see also Root debridement root canal obturation, 103, 104
Reorganisational care, 55 Root surface caries, 60, 63 root canal retreatment, 112
Resin-bonded bridges, 157–162, 163, 195 Root surface defects, refractory Spring cantilever bridges, 151–152, 151,
Resin composites and restorations, 76, periodontitis, 29 158
78–80, 78–79, 81, 83–85, 83, 84 Root surface deposits Stains, 70–71, 71
bridges, 157–162, 195 non-surgical management, 36–43 caused by restorative materials, 71, 72
complex, 117, 117, 126 see also Root debridement removal, 36, 40–42, 70, 71
thermal sensitivity, 85 refractory periodontitis, 29 Stephan curves, plaque pH, 59, 59
tooth-coloured inlays, 126, 128 Rotary nickel titanium (NiTi) Streptococci, 59, 63–64
Resin-modified glass ionomers instrumentation, 94–95, 94–95, Stress breakers, partial dentures, 171
(RMGIs), 81, 82, 82, 117–118 101–102, 110, 111 Studs, overdenture retention, 179, 179,
Respiratory conditions, 16, 17 RPI system, 170, 170 194, 194, 196, 218–219
Restorations Rubber dams, 92, 92, 97, 107 Study casts see Casts
causing tooth fractures, 66, 77 Rugae, palatal, 5, 5 Subgingival antimicrobials, 45–46
complex, 115–134 Subgingival calculus, removal, 36, 36,
see also Crown restorations S 39–40, 43
conservative assessment, 18, 20 see also Subgingival scaling
integrated treatment planning, 197, Saddles, removable partial dentures, Subgingival curettage, 40
228 198–199 166, 167, 168–169, 170, 171 Subgingival irrigation, 35, 45–46

Subgingival scaling, 42 Tooth discoloration, 70–71, 72 Treatment planning—cont’d

see also Subgingival calculus, removal porcelain laminate veneers, 129, 130, endodontic therapy, 198–199
Sublingual gland, 4 130 fixed prosthetics, 198, 199
Submandibular duct, 4 see also Stains, removal maintenance, 199
Submandibular lymph nodes, 17 Tooth examination modifications, 199–200
Subperiosteal implants, 191 conservative assessment, 18–20 periodontal procedures, 198
Sulci, 4, 5 special investigations, 20–21, 137 removable prosthetics, 198, 199
Supragingival scaling, 42 tooth substance loss, 137–138 simple operative procedures, 198
Syringe irrigation, 45, 95 Tooth fractures, 19, 64–67, 66–67, 77, simple restorations, 197
121, 206–207 Triclosan, 44
T Tooth grinding, 141, 143 Tubercle, 6
Tooth replacement principles, 145–196 Tuberculosis (TB), 16, 17
TCB resin, 82 assessment of the space, 148–149 Tunnel restorations, 85–86, 86
Telescopic crowns, 155, 155, 159 bridges, 146, 147, 148, 149–162, 195
Temporalis muscle, 47, 48 case studies, 207, 210–213, 216–220 U
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), choice of prosthetics, 145–148, 195
54 complete dentures, 184–191 Ulcerative gingivitis, 24–25, 25, 29, 30,
Temporomandibular joints (TMJs), 17 immediate dentures, 181–184 33
anatomy, 48–49 implants, 146, 191–196, 217–220 Ulcerative periodontitis, 25, 29, 30
occlusion and, 47, 48–49 overdentures, 175–181 Ultrasonic irrigation, 95–96
mandibular movements, 49, 50 partial dentures, 146, 147, 162–175, Ultrasonic units
mutual protection concept, 52, 52 195 root canal debridement, 94, 94
occlusal interferences, 52 Tooth substance loss (TSL), 67, 135 root canal retreatment, 110, 112
resting position, 50–51 assessment, 18–19, 69, 137–138, scaling, 40, 41, 42, 43
tolerance of discrepancies, 54 139, 140 Uvula, 6
radiographic examination, 21 case studies, 202–204, 213–217
Terminal hinge axis, 50, 51 incidence, 135 V
Tetracycline integrated treatment planning,
juvenile periodontitis, 34 199–200, 203–204, 215–217 Veneers, porcelain laminate (PLVs),
refractory periodontitis, 35 mechanisms, 67–69, 68–69, 136, 137 128–134
tooth discoloration, 70, 71 treatment, 135, 138–143 Vertical condensation of gutta-percha,
Tetracycline hydrochloride (Actisite), 45 Tooth surface biofilm, 57, 59 104, 105, 106
Thermal sensitivity, 85, 213–217 Tooth surface defects, 29 Vinyl silane compounds, 79
Thermal trauma, gingivitis, 24, 24, 32 Tooth surface deposits Visible light cure (VLC) composites, 79
Thermomechanical compaction, root non-surgical management, 36–43 Volkmann’s canals, 11
canal obturation, 104 refractory periodontitis, 29
Thermoplasticised gutta-percha, see also Root debridement W
104–105, 106 Tooth wear
Titanium implants, 191–194, 192–194 definition of pathological, 135, 136 Warm gutta-percha techniques, 103,
Tongue, 4–5, 17 parafunctional activity, 54 104–106
‘Tongue tie’, 4 see also Tooth substance loss Watchwinding motion, 92, 94
Tooth anatomy, 6–7 Toothpaste Waves of condensation, 104
Tooth bleaching, 70, 71, 129, 129 fluoride content, 70, 74 Whipmix articulator, 56, 56
Tooth brushing, 73–74 hypersensitivity reactions, 24, 24, 33 Willis bite gauge, 187, 187
acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis, preventive dentistry, 74 Written records, 13, 21, 22
33 Topical fluoride products, 74–75
causing tooth substance loss, 68, 137 Transient acute gingivitis, 23 Z
refractory periodontitis, 35 Traumatic gingivitis, 23–24, 23, 24, 32
traumatic gingivitis, 32 Traumatic tooth fractures, 65 Zinc oxide/eugenol impressions, 188,
Tooth-coloured clasps, 172, 172 Treatment planning, 13, 21, 197–220 188
Tooth-coloured inlays, 126, 126–128 case studies, 200–220 Zip and elbow formation, 100, 101


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