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E-Governance: Definitions/Domain Framework and Status Around The World

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E-government facilitates provision of relevant government information in electronic

form to the citizens in a timely manner; better service delivery to citizens;

empowerment of the people through access to information without the bureaucracy;
improved productivity and cost savings in doing business with suppliers and
customers of government; and participation in public policy decision-making.

Definitions/Domain Framework
and Status around the World
E-government refers to the delivery of national or local
government information and services via the Internet or other
digital means to citizens or businesses or other
governmental agencies. E-government is a one-stop Internet
gateway to major
government services. E-government facilitates provision of
relevant government
information in electronic form to the citizens in a timely manner;
better service delivery to citizens; empowerment of the people
through access to information without the bureaucracy; improved
productivity and cost savings in doing business with suppliers and
customers of government; and participation in public policy
E-Governance refers to how managers and supervisors utilize IT
and Internet to execute their functions of supervising, planning,
organizing, coordinating, and staffing effectively.
Keywords: E-Government, e-Governance, Domain Framework,
Inter-Organizational Systems, Manager Functions

1. E-Government Definitions
E-government is a generic term for web-based services from agencies of
local, state and federal governments. In e-government, the government
uses information technology and particularly the Internet to support
government operations, engage citizens, and provide government
services. The interaction may be in the form of obtaining information,
filings, or making payments and a host of other activities via the
World Wide Web (Sharma & Gupta, 2003, Sharma, 2004, Sharma 2006).
E-government is defined by other
sources as follows:
World Bank ( definition (AOEMA report): E-
Government refers to the use by government agencies of
information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the
Internet, and mobile computing) that have the ability to transform
relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government.
These technologies can serve a variety of different ends: better
delivery of government services to citizens, improved interactions
with business and industry, citizen empowerment through access
to information, or more efficient government management. The
resulting benefits can be less corruption, increased transparency,
greater convenience, revenue growth, and/or cost reductions.
United Nations ( definition (AOEMA report): E-
government is defined as utilizing the Internet and the world-
wide-web for delivering government information and services to
Foundations of E-government
Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce - GBDe
( definition (AOEMA report): Electronic government
(hereafter e-Government) refers to a situation in which
administrative, legislative and judicial agencies (including both
central and local governments) digitize their internal and external
operations and utilize networked systems efficiently to realize
better quality in the provision of public services.
Gartner Groups definition: the continuous optimization of service
delivery, constituency participation, and governance by
transforming internal and external relationships through
technology, the Internet and new media.
Definition of the Working Group on E-government in the Developing
World ( "E-government is the use of
information and communication technologies (ICTs) to promote
more efficient and effective government, facilitate more accessible
government services, allow greater public access to information,
and make government more accountable to citizens. E-government
might involve delivering services via the Internet, telephone,
community centers (self-service or facilitated by others), wireless
devices or other communications systems.
2. E-Governance Definitions
E-governance, meaning electronic governance is using information and
communication technologies (ICTs) at various levels of the government
and the public sector and beyond, for the purpose of enhancing
governance (Bedi, Singh and Srivastava, 2001; Holmes, 2001; Okot-
Uma, 2000). According to Keohane and Nye (2000), Governance
implies the processes and institutions, both formal and informal,
that guide and restrain the collective activities of a group.
Government is the subset that acts with authority and creates
formal obligations. Governance need not necessarily be conducted
exclusively by governments. Private firms, associations of firms,
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and associations of
NGOs all engage in it, often in association with governmental
bodies, to create governance; sometimes without governmental
authority. Clearly, this definition suggests that e-governance need not
be limited to the public sector. It implies managing and administering
policies and procedures in the private sector as well.
The UNESCO definition ( is: E-governance is the
public sectors use of information and communication technologies
with the aim of improving information and service delivery,
encouraging citizen participation in the decision-making process
and making government more accountable, transparent and
effective. E-governance involves new styles of leadership, new
ways of debating and deciding policy and investment, new ways of
accessing education, new ways of listening to citizens and new
ways of organizing and delivering information and services. E-
governance is generally considered as a wider concept than e-
government, since it can bring about a change in the way citizens
relate to governments and to each other. E-governance can bring
forth new concepts of citizenship, both in terms of citizen needs and
responsibilities. Its objective is to engage, enable and empower the
E-democracy builds on e-governance and focuses on the actions and
innovations enabled by ICTs combined with higher levels of democratic
motivation and intent (Clift, 2003). The concept of electronic
governance chosen by the Council of Europe covers the use of electronic
technologies in three areas of public action; relations between the public
authorities and civil society; functioning of the public authorities at all
stages of the democratic process (electronic democracy); the provision
of public services (electronic public services) (Council of Europe, E-
governance is defined as the, application of electronic means in (1)
the interaction between government and citizens and government
and businesses, as well as (2) in internal government operations to
simplify and improve democratic, government and business
aspects of Governance. (Backus, 2001).
3. E-Governance and E-Government
Some authors contend that e-government constitutes only a subset
(though a major one) of e-governance. According to these authors, e-
governance is a broader concept and includes the use of ICT by
government and civil society to promote greater participation of citizens
in the governance of political institutions, e.g., use of the Internet by
politicians and political parties to elicit views from their constituencies
in an efficient manner, or the publicizing of views by civil society
organizations which are in conflict with the ruling powers (Howard,
2001 and Bannister and Walsh, 2002). It is clear that considerable
confusion exists in explaining e-government and e-governance. In what
follows, we attempt to resolve the ambiguities and come up with clear
and non-overlapping definitions. Our premise is simple: e-governments
focus is on constituencies and stakeholders outside the organization,
whether it is the government or public sector at the city, county, state,
national, or international levels. On the other hand, e-governance
focuses on administration and management within an organization,
whether it is public or private, large or small.
Based on this classification, e-governance concerns internally-focused
utilization of information and internet technologies to manage
organizational resources capital, human, material, machines and
administers policies and procedures (both for the public sector or private
sector). The telecommunications network that facilitates e-governance is
the Intranet. What has been generally termed as G2E (Government to
Employee) will be now under the label of e-governance. E-governance
deals with the online activities of government employees. The activities
might include information to calculate retirement benefits, access to
important applications, and content and collaboration with other
government employees anytime, anywhere.
Any interaction of a governmental agency (G) with outside
constituencies is called e-government. Outside constituencies can be
citizens (C), businesses (B), or other governmental agencies (G)
themselves. Government agencies should be held responsible and
accountable for their actions in collecting taxes from its citizens in
various forms and then using these revenues to provide diverse services
to its constituents in the areas of defense, security, economic vitality,
education, and health care. To perform all these activities efficiently and
effectively, if the governmental agencies deploy information & Internet
technologies, it is called e-government. The TC network that provides
these is the Extranet or the Internet itself. One special type of G2C is
when elected representatives and political parties interact with the
citizens nationally or in their constituencies. This type of G2C is also
called e-democracy. Different categories of e-government services are
described in the next section.
In case of private enterprises, any interaction through information
systems with external organizational entities customers, suppliers,
partners in the global supply chain management fall within the domain
of inter-organizational systems. Such systems generally utilize extranets.
Under this category, we will have B2B (e-procurement, e-CRM, e-
MarketPlace, e-Learning), B2C (e-tailing, e-banking, e-insurance, e-
Grocery, e-ticketing), and even C2C primary examples being Craigs
list and e-Bay.
According to Sheridan and Riley (2006), e-governance is a broader
concept that deals with the whole spectrum of the relationship and
networks within government regarding the usage and application of ICTs
whereas e-government is limited to the development of online services).
According to them, e-government is an institutional approach to
jurisdictional political operations where as e-governance is a procedural
approach to co-operative administrative relations, i.e. the encompassing
of basic and standard procedures within the confines of public
Irani, Al-Sebie & Elliman (2006) formulated a four-phase e-governance
(we call it e-Government) model. According to this model, governments
start with the delivery of online information, but soon public demand
and internal efficiency ask for more complex services. In each of the
four phases, the delivery of online services and use of ICTs in
government operations serve one or more of the aspects of e-
governance: democracy, government, business.
4. A Taxanomy of E-Government Services
According to Backus, the three main target groups that can be
distinguished in e-governance (we call it e-Government) concepts are
government, citizens and businesses/interest groups. The external
strategic objectives focus on citizens and businesses and interest groups,
the internal objectives focus on government itself (Backus, 2001). In
the following discussion, we include another one Government to
Constituencies (e-Democracy).
G2C Government to Citizen
G2C are those activities in which the government provides one-stop, on-
line access to information and services to citizens. G2C applications
enable citizens to ask questions of government agencies and receive
answers; file income taxes (federal, state, and local); pay taxes (income,
real estate); renew drivers licenses; pay traffic tickets; change their
address; and make appointments for vehicle emission inspections and
driving tests. In addition, government may disseminate information on
the web; provide downloadable forms online; conduct training (e.g., in
California, drivers education classes are offered online); help citizens
find employment; provide tourism and recreation information; provide
advice about health and safety issues; allow transfer of benefits like food
coupons, file flood relief compensation (as in the case of Hurricane
Katrina in New Orleans, USA) electronically through the use of smart
cards; and the list goes on.
G2B Government to Business
In G2B, the government deals with businesses such as suppliers using
the Internet and other ICTs. G2B includes two two-way interactions and
transactions: government-to-business and business-to-government
(B2G). B2G refers to businesses selling products and services to
government. Two key G2B areas are e-procurement and auctioning of
government surpluses. Government buys large amounts of MROs
(Maintenance, Repairs, and Operations) and other materials directly
from suppliers. In many cases, RFQs are mandated by law.
The tendering system is essentially a reverse auction (buy-side auction).
The Hong Kong government provides some good examples of B2G
services. The major projects of the Hong Kong government include:
Electronic Service Delivery Scheme (ESD), Interactive Government
Service Directory (IGSD), the Electronic Tendering System (ETS), the
HKSAR Government Information Center (enables people to view news,
government notices, information on leisure and cultural activities, and so
on), and the HK Post e-Cert (this authority issues digital certificates to
individuals and organizations). The ESD project provides 38 different
public services through eleven agencies transport department,
immigration, tourist association, labor department, social welfare
department, inland revenue department, registration and electoral office,
trade and industry department, treasury department, rating and valuation
department, innovation and technology commission.
5. Foundations of E-government
In group purchasing, suppliers post group purchasing offers, and
discount the price as more orders are placed. Government hospitals and
public schools actively purchase in groups online. Many government
agencies auction equipment surpluses ranging from vehicles to
foreclosed real estate. The U.S., General Services Administration (GSA)
launched a property auction site online, where real-
time auctions for surpluses and seized goods are conducted.
Furthermore, businesses in the USA and other countries file income
taxes and financial reports electronically. Electronic filing of taxes is
now done in over 100 countries, from Finland to India to Thailand to
United States. Even sales taxes and value added taxes can be paid
G2G Government to Government
G2G deals with those activities that take place between different
government organizations/agencies. Many of these activities are aimed
at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of overall government
operations. Examples in the United States include Intelink (an intranet
that carries classified information shared by different U.S. intelligence
agencies), procurement at GSA (aggregating demand quantity for
different units of the government), federal case registry (locating
information about child support), and procurement marketing and access
network (a searchable database that contracting officers in various
government units use to find products and services sold by small,
disadvantaged, or women-owned businesses).
Government to Constituents (E-Democracy)
E-democracy refers to online activities of governments, elected
representatives, political parties and citizens for democratic processes.
This includes political or current affairs discussion and online
consultation between representatives and their constituents. During the
2004 U.S. presidential elections and 2006 midterm elections, both major
party candidates had their own information portals and also sent e-mail
messages to potential voters. In South Korea, since web surfers seldom
read newspapers or watch TV, politicians have to rely on the Internet to
recruit voters. Padaq, the Seoul-based over-the-counter stock exchange,
offers an Internet game that allows players to buy stocks in a
politician. This game resulted in over 500,000 members signing up in
just one year. Yet another common use is the broadcasting of city council
meetings, press conferences and public addresses.
Electronic voting is another important application within the domain of
e-democracy. Manual voting processes are subject to error,
manipulation, fraud, and rigging leading to losers calling for recounts.
Voting faces a broad spectrum of technological and social problems that
must be systematically addressed voter registration to voter
authentication to the casting of ballots to the counting and tallying of
results. Such voting problems may result in major political crises, as
happened in November 2004 in the Ukraine and the Gore-Bush
presidential race in 2000 in the U.S. The first country to fully
computerize balloting, as of 2000, was Brazil. Electronic voting
machines were used successfully in Indian state elections in the 2004
parliamentary election. More than 600,000 electronic voting machines
were used. The Election Commission of India used two similar voting
machines made by Electronics Corporation of India and Bharat
Electronics. These machines are battery-operated machines which are
portable, easy to operate, reliable, tamper-proof and error free. The
machines were operated by supervised officials at polling stations. The
illiterate voters were able to vote based on pictures and logos of the
candidates and the party they represented. It not only greatly reduced the
counting process time but also saved tons of ballot paper. There were
hardly any complaints against the use of this system in India.
E-democracy involves electronic engagement (e-engagement):
engaging public in the policy process via electronic networks;
electronic consultation (e-consultation) which refers to interaction
between public servants and the citizenry and interest groups; and
electronic controllership (e-controllership) consisting of the capability
to manage the cost, performance, and services of an organization
electronically (Riley, 2003). As described in a previous section, e-
Governance means utilizing IT to guide and restrain collective activities
of groups that manage formally and informally processes and institutions
in private as well as public enterprises. The emphasis here is on IT
aiding managers to accomplish their functions effectively. What are the
functions of managers? In literature, these have been defined in different
ways the most prominent ones are supervising, planning, organizing,
controlling, and staffing. Mintzberg (1971) classified managerial roles
into three categories: interpersonal, informational, and decisional.
Information systems that help in accomplishing these functions and roles
include MIS, DSS, and ESS. DSS and ESS are sometimes collectively
called Management Support Systems. IT can reduce internal
management (governance) costs. According to agency theory, a firm is
viewed as a nexus of contracts among self-interested individuals rather
than as a unified, profit-maximizing entity (Jensen and Meckling, 1976).
A principal (owner) employs agents (managers and employees) to
perform work on his/her behalf. However, agents need constant
supervision and management; otherwise they will pursue their own
interests rather than those of the owners.
As firms grow in size and scope, agency costs or coordination costs rise
because owners must hire more and more managers to supervise,
monitor, and coordinate activities of employees. IT, by reducing the
costs of acquiring and analyzing information, permits organizations to
reduce agency (and hence governance) costs because it becomes easier
for managers to oversee a greater number of employees. IT enables firms
to increase revenues while shrinking the number of middle management
and clerical workers also called flattening of organizations.

6. Status of E-Government around the World

To assess e-government status, few indices have been developed. One of
them is by the United Nations Division for Public Economics and
Public Administration. This index is an indicator of the progress the UN
member countries have made in implementing e-government services.
Several parameters and factors are taken into consideration. These
include web presence measures (indicating stages of government
websites), telecommunication infrastructure measures which define the
capacity of a countrys ICTs (indicators are Internet hosts per 10,000
people, percentage of a nations population online, and PCs, telephone
lines, mobile phones, and televisions per 1000 people); and human
capital measures (using the UNDP Human Development Index, the
Information Access Index, and urban/rural population ratio as
The assessment of e-government readiness index that included 191
countries was undertaken by the United Nations in 2001, 2003 and 2005.
The 2001 study used the premise that the state of e-government
readiness is a function of the combined level of a countrys state of
readiness, economic, technological development and human resource
development. A final product of their analysis was the construction of a
synthetic indicator named the e-Government Index. Two years later in
2003, a second survey slightly changed the definition of the e-
government index and named it the e-Government Readiness Index. The
2005 readiness index is a composite measurement of the capacity and
willingness of countries to use e-government for ICT-led development. It
is a composite index comprising the Web Measure Index, the
Telecommunication Infrastructure Index and the Human Capital Index
(The UN global E-Government Readiness Report 2005). A related index
is the E-Participation Index. These are described below.
The Web Measure Index
Web Measure Index 2005 is based upon a five stage model of e-
government framework. These five stages are; emerging, enhanced
presence, interactive presence, transactional presence and networked
presence. These stages are similar to those described in an earlier
Emerging Presence is Stage I representing information which is limited
and basic.

Foundations of E-government
The online presence comprises a web page and/or an official website;
links to ministries/departments of education, health, social welfare, labor
and finance may/may not exist; links to regional/local government
may/may not exist; some archived information such as the head of states'
message or a document such as the constitution may be available on
line; most information remains static with the fewest options for citizens.
Enhanced Presence is Stage II in which the government provides greater
public policy and governance sources of current and archived
information, such as policies, laws and regulation, reports, newsletters,
and downloadable databases. The user can search for a document, there
is a help feature and a site map is provided. A larger selection of public
policy documents exists, such as an e-government strategy, policy briefs
on specific education or health issues. Though more sophisticated, the
interaction is still primarily unidirectional with information flowing
essentially from government to the citizen.

Interactive Presence is Stage III in which the online services of the

government enter the interactive mode with services to enhance
convenience for the consumer such as downloadable forms for tax
payment, and application for license renewal. Audio and video capability
is provided for relevant public information. The government officials
can be contacted via email, fax, telephone and mail. The site is updated
with greater regularity to keep the information current and up to date for
the public.

Transactional Presence is Stage IV that allows two-way interaction

between the citizen and his/her government. It includes options for
paying taxes; applying for ID cards, birth certificates/passports, license
renewals and other similar C2G interactions by allowing him/her to
submit these online 24/7. The citizens are able to pay for relevant public
services, such as motor vehicle violation, taxes, fees for postal services
through their credit, bank or debit card. Providers of goods and services
are able to bid online for public contacts via secure links.
Networked Presence is Stage V representing the most sophisticated level
in e-government. It is characterized by an integration of G2G, G2C and
C2G services. The government encourages participatory deliberative
decision-making and is willing and able to involve the society in a two-
way open dialogue. Through interactive features such as the web
comment form, and innovative online consultation mechanisms, the
government actively solicits citizens views on public policy, law
making, and democratic participatory decision making. Implicit is the
integration of public sector agencies with full cooperation and
understanding of the concept of collective decision-making,
participatory democracy and citizen empowerment as a democratic right.

Telecommunications Infrastructure Index

The Telecommunication Infrastructure Index is a composite weighted
average index of six primary measures of a countrys ICT infrastructure
capacity. These are: PCs/1000 persons; Internet users/1000 persons;
Telephone Lines/1000 persons; Online population; Mobile phones/1000
persons; and TVs/1000 persons.
Human Capital Index
The data for the Human Capital Index relies on the UNDP education
index which is a composite of the adult literacy rate and the combined
primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrollment ratio with two third
weight given to adult literacy and one third to gross enrollment ratio.
E-Participation Index
The E-Participation Index is used to assess the quality and usefulness of
information and services provided by a countrys government for the
purpose of engaging its citizens in public policy issues. This index is
indicative of both the capacity and the willingness of the countrys
government in encouraging the citizens in promoting deliberative and
participatory decision-making and of the reach of its own socially
inclusive governance program.
Current Status of E-government Implementations in Different Regions
of the World.

7. Concluding remarks
This conference is titled International Conference on E-Governance.
Most researchers and practitioners interpret E-Governance as having
something to do with governments. According to our definition and
domain framework, that connotation is very misleading. All
organizations public or private, large or small, for profit or non profit
exploit IT and Internet to accomplish efficient and effective governance
of their diverse functions at multiple levels of management. Now the
conference organizers can decide what is their focus E-Governance
or E-Government or both. Our best hope is that researchers and
practitioners worldwide will embrace this framework and avoid any
more confusion in all kinds of communications research papers, text
books, conferences, speeches, presentations. E-Governance is all over
so we did not attempt to provide its status around the world. However,
we have provided status of e-Government around the world.
My References:
1. Backus, M. (2001) E-Governance and Developing Countries,
Introduction and examples, Research Report, No. 3, April 2001
2. Bannister, F. and Walsh, N. (2002) The virtual public servant:
Ireland's public services broker. Information Polity: The International
Journal of Government & Democracy in the Information Age, 7 (2/3)
3. Bedi, K., Singh, P.J. & Srivastava, S. (2001) government net: new
governance opportunities for India. New Delhi: Sage.
4. Clift, S. (2003) E-Governance to E-Democracy: Progess in Australia
and New Zealand toward Information-Age Democracy
5. Fraga, E. (2002) Trends in e-Government: How to Plan, Design, and
Measure e-Government. Government Management Information
Sciences (GMIS) Conference, June 17, Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.
6. Holmes, D. (2001) eGov: eBusiness Strategies for Government.
London, U.K.: Nicholas Brealey.
7. Howard, M. (2001) E-Government across the globe: How will "e"
change government? Government Finance Review, vol. 17, Issue 4, pp.
8. Irani, Z.; Al-Sebie, M.; Elliman, T. (2006) Transaction Stage of e-
Government Systems: Identification of Its Location and Importance,
System Sciences, 2006. HICSS Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii
International Conference, Volume 4, Issue, 04-07 pp. 82c - 82c.
9. Jensen, Michael C., and William H. Mackling, Theory of the Firm:
Managing Behavior, Agency Cost, and Ownership Structure, Journal of
Financial Economics, Volume 3, 1976.
10. Keohane, R. O. and Nye, J. S. Introduction, In Nye, J. S. and
Donahue, J.D. (editors), Governance in a Globalization World.
Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. 2000.
11. Kettl, D. F. The Transformation of Governance, John Hopkins
University Press, U.S.A. 2002.
12. Leitner, C. (2003) eGovernment in Europe: The State of Affairs,
European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, the
13. Mintzberg, Henry, Managerial Work: Analysis from Observation,
Management Science, volume 18, October 1971.
14. Okot-Uma, R.W. (2000) Electronic Governance: Re-inventing Good
Governance. London, U.K.: Commonwealth Secretariat.
15. Riley, T.B. (2003) E-government vs. E-governance: Examining the
Difference in a Changing Public Sector Climate, The Commonwealth
Secretariat and Government Telecommunications and Information
Services, Public Works and Government Services, Canada.
16. Sharma, S.K. (2004) Assessing E-government Implementations,
Electronic Government Journal, 1(2), 2004, pp. 198-212.
17. Sharma, S. K. (2006) An E-Government Services Framework,
Encyclopedia of Commerce, E-Government and Mobile Commerce,
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Information Resources Management Association,
Idea Group Reference, USA, pp. 373-378. 2006.
18. Sharma, S. K. and Gupta, J. N. D. (2003) Building Blocks of an E-
government A Framework, Journal of Electronic Commerce in
Organizations, (1:4), 2003, pp. 34-48.
19. Sheridan, W., and Riley, T.B. (2006) Commonwealth Centre for e-
Governance, e-Gov Monitor, Monday, 3 July, 2006.
20. UN Global E-government Readiness Report. From E-government to
E-inclusion, UNPAN/2005/14, United Nations publication, United
Nations, 2005.
Author Definition
Hernon (1998) E-government is . . . simply using information technology to deliver
government services directly to the customer 24/7
McClure (2000) Electronic government refers to governments use of technology,
particularly web-based internet applications to enhance the access to
and delivery of government information and service to citizens,
business partners, employees, other agencies, and government entities
Fountain (2001) E-government is a government that is organized increasingly in
terms of virtual agencies, cross-agency and public-private networks
whose structure and capacity depend on the internet and web
Brown and Brudney (2001) E-government is the use of technology, especially web-based
applications to enhance access to and efficiently deliver government
information and services
Kaylor et al. (2001) E-government is taken to be the ability of citizens to communicate
and/or interact with the city via the internet in any way more
sophisticated than a simple e-mail letter to the generic city (or
Webmaster) or e-mail address provided at the site
Relyea (2002) E-government often came to be used as a symbol, an ambiguous
reference to both current applications of IT to government operations
and a goal of realizing more effective and less costly performance of
government functions
World Bank (2003) E-government refers to the use by government agencies of
information technologies (such as wide area networks, the internet,
and mobile computing) that have the ability to transform relations
with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government
Jaeger and Thompson (2004) E-government is the provision of government information through the
internet to citizens and businesses and among government agencies
Gil-Garcia and Pardo (2005) E-government as the intensive or generalized use of information
technologies in government for the provision of public services, the
improvement of managerial effectiveness, and the promotion of
democratic values and mechanisms
Tung and Rieck (2005) E-government is believed to lead to better delivery of government
services, improved interaction with business and industry, citizen
empowerment through access to information, or more efficient
government management
Evans and Yen (2006) E-government means the communication between the government
and its citizens via computers and a web-enabled presence
Vassilakis et al. (2007) Electronic government (e-government) can be defined as an everincreasing and
pervasive use of information and communication
technologies in the context of the Information Society, which more and
more affects the public sector; the importance of this development is
increasingly acknowledged in many countries around the world and
experiments are being conducted at all levels of government . . . to
improve the functioning of public services concerned and to extend
their interaction with the outside world

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