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Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)


Ajay Kr. SINGH

Department of Commerce
Delhi School of Economics

SMS, GGSIP University, Delhi
Sr. Faculty
Birla Institute of Technology

Government of India (GoI) recognizes that e-Governance, in the context of developing
countries, provides an excellent opportunity for improving governance. These changes
could not only go a long way in improving the quality of life of these sections of society, but
could actually provide them more equitable access to economic opportunities than ever
before. Hence the Government of India views e-Governance as a vehicle to initiate and
sustain reforms. The present work focuses on various e-government initiatives in India and
China. This study aims at finding users perception on level of Satisfaction from e-filling
Project in Indian companies. Questionnaire is administered on Company Secretaries,
Chartered Accountants of various manufacturing and Service Sector companies of India.
Descriptive as well as inferential statistics were used for analyzing data. Data analysis
suggested e-filling system need to be strengthened on various parameters like Connectivity
with server, Forms format, Ease in communicating information to outsiders, and data
Accuracy in India. Implications of the study, limitations and future research directions have
also been discussed in this paper.
Key Words: E-Government, E-Governance
JEL Classification: H11 - Structure, Scope, and Performance of Government
With the advancement of ICT (Information, Communication Technology), the words like
E-government and E-governance have come into prominence. In fact both these terms are
used synonymously although they are quite different and have differing audiences to cater
to and different objectives to achieve.
1.1 Definition of e-Government and e- Governance
The concept of e-government, according to the UN Global E-Government Readiness
Report, mainly involves government websites, the goal of which is to build “…a people-
centred and inclusive information society, putting the potential of information and
communication technologies at the service of development and addressing new challenges
of the information society” (

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

The primary delivery models are: Government-to-citizen/customer (G2C), Government-to-

Business (G2B), Government-to-Government (G2G), and Government-to-Employees
e-governance is the public sector's use of information and communication technologies
with the aim of improving information and service delivery, encouraging citizen
participation in the decision-making process and making government more accountable,
transparent and effective.
The scope of e-Governance covers: Electronic Service Delivery (G2C), Delivering
information and services electronically to citizens and businesses, Government to Business
Transactions (G2B), Delivering information and transacting electronically with businesses,
Government procurement and infrastructure projects, Internal Government Administration
(G2G, G2E), Improving efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of intradepartmental
and inter-department interactions within government, and with government employees, and
Foreign Trade (G2X).
1.2 Difference between e-Governance and e-Government
There is no major difference between (munshi, 2008) e-governance and e-government.
These two terms e-governance and e-government are used interchangeably, still could be
defined and differentiated appropriately. To summarise the corresponding characteristics of
e-government to e-governance:
superstructure - functionality
decisions - processes
rules - goals
roles - performance
implementation - coordination
outputs - outcomes

electronic service delivery - electronic consultation
electronic workflow - electronic controllership
electronic voting - electronic engagement
electronic productivity - networked societal guidance
1.3 Components of e-Government
It refers to the use by government agencies of information (
technologies (such as wide area networks, internet, and mobile computing) that have the
ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government, as
per World Bank definition. E-Government is expected to allow for less corruption, provides
increased transparency, affords greater convenience, improves revenue and reduces costs.
Preconditions for e-government are (a) Government in good working order, (b) Functioning
governance processes, (c) Availability of resources, (d) Consensus on drivers for e-
Government and (e) Political support & leadership. Government Stakeholders include
citizens, businesses, government employees, government ministries, department and

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

agencies, union leaders, community leaders, politicians and foreign investors. Governments
are the societal superstructure for politics, policies, and programs. The components of e-
government are as follows:
i) Electronic Service Delivery (Dawes and Prefontaine, 2003)
Governments can query, inform, and transact with the public over electronic networks. The
expectations were,
• Access by a person to all the personal data on that person that is held in
government data banks. So far this is limited by security, privacy, and
confidentiality concerns.
• Access to all government documentation of all kinds by anyone. At present the
storage and retrieval costs are prohibitive, and there are also security, privacy, and
confidentiality concerns here as well.
• Information architecture that permits one-stop-shopping for all information from
all governments in a simple thematic directory. There are also cost constraints, and
no known technology to integrate, index and search all of this information.
ii) Electronic Workflow (Golubchik et al, 2003)
There are some user-friendly templates currently designed and deployed throughout
government intranets. There has to be the same standardized set for every type of
transaction located in every government department and agency. Like "business rules",
there is the potential to develop "administrative rules" that would routinize substantially
information processing and decision-making. The larger issues in this area are security,
privacy, and confidentiality.
iii) Electronic Voting (PUMA, 2002)
The system is working well in India. In developed countries, the concerns over security,
privacy and confidentiality could be more challenging than with most other electronic
interactions. If the suspicion arises that candidates can access the record of electronic
voting, voters are unlikely to trust the process enough to agree to use it. The challenge for
any proposal to increase electronic voting is to build sufficient public trust in the security of
the record of results.
iv) Electronic Productivity (OECD, 2003)
The rationale for e-government is better operations at lower cost, i.e., productivity. The
social need to ensure public health and safety, national security and crime control,
economic prosperity and environmental sustainability, will all guarantee the presence of
governments and their active involvement in our lives, whether visibly or "behind the
scenes". Efficiency of the expenditures has to be the target.
1.4 Components of e-Governance
E-Governance involves making and implementing decisions, proper Leadership, putting in
place Organizational arrangements, ensuring Resources and funding, establishing
Accountability and measuring success. The infrastructure requirements include,

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

Telecommunications network, internal agency systems, Cross- Government systems,

Service delivery network – access points, Internet access and skilled staff. The expected
outcomes are Better delivery of government services to citizens, improved interactions with
business and industry, Citizen Empowerment through access to information and more
efficient government management. The accruable benefits are increased transparency,
Greater convenience, reduced corruption, Revenue growth and reduced cost of running
government. Governance is the societal synthesis of politics, policies, and programs. The
components are as follows:
i) Electronic Engagement (OECD, 2003)
The possibilities for the public to engage in the policy process via electronic networks
range all the way from sending elected officials e-mail to creating a distinct conferencing
facility (e-mail box, document repository, chat room, etc.) for each major policy initiative
(whether a new policy, or changes in an existing policy).
ii) Electronic Consultation (Fountain, 2003)
This refers to interaction between public servants and the citizen and interest groups,
contact between the public service and interest groups. But two recent developments have
come together to produce something quite extraordinary: (1) ordinary citizens now have the
potential to participate in rule making (crafting regulations); and (2) electronic rule making
has gained a foothold in the U.S. national government.
iii) Electronic Controllership (Pearlson, 2001)
There are two aspects to successful controllership, both of which much be optimized and
integrated to achieve full benefits, namely hardware configuration, and software
customization. To effect controllership, all informatics and telematics hardware must be
interconnectable into a single system. Capacity should also be standardized. Employee e-
mailboxes should have similar storage space; all Internet connections should have the same
band rate, and attached documents should all have the same byte-limit on their size.
Electronic technologies are playing a large role in shaping the mind-set of citizens, and they
will want that mind-set reflected in social governance. Governance software should also be
standardized. The other aspect of software design that needs standardization to accomplish
controllership is the use of extensible markup language (XML) for file formats and
document layouts. It is used on the Internet, and can be incorporated into each and every
software application.
iv) Networked Societal Guidance (Cullen and Cushman, 2000)
Who watches the watchers, who govern the governors, has been a central question of
political analysis. The concept of distribution of powers, between branches within a
government, and between jurisdictions within a country, has gone part way to answering
this question. Those who are competing for power will watch each other, either to keep
everyone honest or to expose the illicit practices of competitors. The rise of the mass media
served to inform public opinion of such infractions much more quickly and thoroughly than
when all news traveled by word of mouth. Recently the Internet has become an even
speedier vehicle for such disclosures.

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

Some e-Governance Initiatives in India

State/Union Initiatives covering departmental automation, user charge collection,
Territory delivery of policy/programme information and delivery of entitlements
Andhra e-Seva, CARD, VOICE, MPHS, FAST, e-Cops, AP online—One-stop-
Pradesh shop on the Internet, Saukaryam, Online Transaction processing
Bihar Sales Tax Administration Management Information
Chattisgarh Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion Society, Treasury office, e-linking
Delhi Automatic Vehicle Tracking System, Computerisation of website of
RCS office, Electronic Clearance System, Management Information
System for Education etc
Goa Dharani Project
Gujarat Mahiti Shakti, request for Government documents online, Form book
online, G R book online, census online, tender notice.
Haryana Nai Disha
Himachal Lok Mitra
Karnataka Bhoomi, Khajane, Kaveri
Kerala e-Srinkhala, RDNet, Fast, Reliable, Instant, Efficient Network for the
Disbursement of Services (FRIENDS)
Madhya Gyandoot, Gram Sampark, Smart Card in Transport Department,
Pradesh Computerization MP State Agricultural Marketing Board (Mandi
Board) etc
Maharashtra SETU, Online Complaint Management System—Mumbai
Rajasthan Jan Mitra, RajSWIFT, Lokmitra, RajNIDHI
Rajasthan Jan Mitra, RajSWIFT, Lokmitra, RajNIDHI
North-Eastern States
Arunachal Community Information Center. Forms available on
Manipur, the Meghalaya website under schemes related to
Mizoram & social welfare, food civil supplies and consumer affairs, housing
Nagaland transport etc.
1.5 India slips on UN e-Governance List
In spite of the growing Internet ( connectivity, increasing
awareness of the Right to Information Act and a spurt in funding for e-governance
programmes, the digital divide between the government and its citizens seems to be
widening in India. The country’s has fallen from a rank of 87 in 2005 to 113 in 2008 on e-
government readiness.
According to the UN E-government Survey 2008, India has slipped 26 places in the last
three years and been overtaken by countries like Maldives (ranked 95), Sri Lanka (101) and
even Iran (108). However, they too, have themselves slipped from their 2005 rankings.

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

Sweden has surpassed the United States as the leader in the overall E-readiness index, with
Denmark, Norway coming in second and third respectively. The US slipped to fourth place.
Pakistan and Bangladesh have both improved, climbing to 131(from 136) and 142 (from
162) respectively.
The fourth edition of the UN survey measures the progress made by various member states
in drawing and implementing e-government policies to improve public services. It uses e-
participation and web assessment as two broad categories to rank countries on the basis of
e-information, e-services and e-tools provided by their governments to meet the demands of
transparency and accountability voiced by citizens. India did fairly well on both these
In the e-participation index, India was ranked 49 globally, whereas in the web measurement
assessment, which measures the online presence of national websites, with those of the
ministries of health, education, welfare, labour and finance of each country, it was ranked
The survey makes a mention of the government’s user-friendly site,
which promotes e-governance as an important national policy and strategy, including a link
to the National e-Governance Plan (NEGP).
i) e-Choupal, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh
ITC Limited initiated e-Choupals project to deliver relevant technology in the hands of the
farmers, which can improve the economic condition of the entire village, reduce the number
of middlemen involved between agriculture commodity producers and final consumers,
create networks in rural areas, which can function as virtual agricultural commodity market
ii) Bhoomi, Bangalore, Karnataka
The crucial document which records various parameters and information pertaining to land-
holding is the Record of Right Tenancy and Cultivation (RTC), which earlier were
maintained by 9,000 Village Accountants (VAs or village revenue officials). The RTC is
required for land transactions, to obtain crop loans, other loans and concessions linked to
the size of the land holding. The drawbacks of the manual system of maintaining RTCs
were: exploitative and bribes were often extracted, there was considerable scope for
manipulation, harassing citizens, tampering with the records and other corrupt practices.
When the Bhoomi project was launched, the generation time of the RTC has been reduced
from one to 30 days to five to 15 minutes. Similarly, the mutation process cycle time has
decreased from 90-180 days to 30-45 days. Crop record updating has increased to 80-100
percent from 50-70 percent. Around 12 million users have used Bhoomi since its inception,
which has resulted in the collection of Rs 180 million as user charges. Presently, 0.7 million
people are using Bhoomi centres every month and monthly user charges collected amount
to around Rs. 10 million.
iii) TARAhaat, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

TARAhaat (meaning star market place in Hindi) is a gateway that connects the village user
to information, social services, entertainment, and also to various markets, through a
network of franchised cyber centres, customized in the language of their choice, covering
all three components for rural connectivity: content, access and fulfilment. TARAhaat has
been conceived with the view that it has to be mastered and used by people with wide
variations in literacy, language, financial liquidity and levels of understanding.
iv) CARD Origin, Andhra Pradesh
The goal of the system was to introduce transparency and efficiency in the land registration
process. The main beneficiaries are the land-holding citizens of Andhra Pradesh, for whom
payment of land taxes and registration duties on property was made easier. The tasks
included digitization of records, implementation of hardware and software infrastructure
and training of personnel.
v) Gyandoot Origin, Madhya Pradesh
The project aimed to bridge the digital divide in 38 villages by providing computing
services to rural citizens and also to generate employment for youth who were to man the
kiosks as entrepreneurs. Each Gyandoot kiosk offered services such as: prices of
agricultural produce at various auction centers in the state; copies of the record of rights to
land at a nominal price; online application for revenue, caste or domicile certificates etc.
vi) eSeva Origin, Andhra Pradesh
Located in the urban twin cities of Hyderabad-Secunderabad, e-seva was an attempt to
have a central facility (distributed across the two cities via 48 centres) for payment of taxes,
delivery of certificates, bill payments, document clearance, granting of licences and
permits, asset licensing, forms submission etc (a total of 66 services). The goal was to
eliminate the multiple offices and timings that citizens had to suffer to pay their bills and
obtain other government services.
vii) Akshaya Origin, Kerala
The project was initiated in 2002 by requests from the panchayats (or village councils) to
provide computer training to its constituents, to bridge the digital divide by providing
computer literacy and e-government services, and also to provide employment to rural
viii) Lokvani Origin, Uttar Pradesh
This project was initiated in 2004 to use existing computer kiosks to provide additional e-
government facilities by entering an agreement with the district government. The project
aimed to provide citizens of the district with access to information on government
programmes, on land records, and with a facility to file online grievances. The grievance
mechanism was such as to move the grievance to the district magistrate’s office from where
it was forwarded to the relevant department.
ix) SARI Origin, Tamilnadu
The Sari (Sustainable Access in Rural India) project in the Madurai district of the state of
Tamilnadu was started in the year 2000 to link up village kiosks using a wireless

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

technology. The stated objectives were to improve the quality of life among the rural poor
by creating employment opportunities with the help of ICTs. The kiosks would provide e-
gov services along with information about health care, education, and economic conditions.
(x) MCA21 E-Governance Project
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has implemented MCA21 e-Governance Project. It is
one of the Mission Mode Projects of the Government of India under the National e-
Governance Plan. The project envisages easy and secure online access to all registry related
services provided by the MCA, including registration and filling of documents throughout
the country for all the corporates and other stakeholders at any time and in a manner that
best suits them. MCA21 seeks to fulfill the requirements of the various stakholders
including the corporate, professionals, public, financial institutions, and banks, Govrnment
and the MCA employees.
The key benefits of MCA21 project are as follows:
(a) On line incorporation of companies
(b) Simplified and easy mode of filing of Forms/Returns
(c) Registration as well as verification of charges anytime and from anywhere
(d) Inspection of public documents of companies anytime from anywhere
(e) Corporate centric approach
(f) Building up a centralized database repository of corporate operating in India
(g) Enhanced service level fulfillment and customer relationship building
(h) Total transparency through eGovernance
(i) Timely redressal of investor grievances
(j) Availability of more time for MCA employees for qualitative analysis of corporate infor
Efiling: MCA21 project facilitates eFiling of various forms and applications under the Com
panies Act, 1956 and the Rules and Regulations there under.

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

Fig1. Flowchart of eFiling

3.1 e-Governance in China
In recent years, both central and local Chinese governments have paid increased attention to
e-governance. The infrastructure includes “Three Networks and One Database,” comprising
internal networks, special networks, and external networks, and a databse system. The three
stages in building this comprehensive network include “Office Automation,” the “Twelve
Golden Projects,” and “Government Online.”
According to data from CCID (, in 2004 the Chinese government invested
US$ 5 billion in e-government projects, which accounted for 10 percent of all IT spending.
Analysts projected that total spending in 2005 in the IT industry has increased to US$
billion and by 2009 this amount would reach US$ 10 billion. This translates into a 15.9
percent compound annual growth.
The first phase of e-government in China focuses on twelve networks, widely known as the
“Twelve Golden Projects,” including (a) core systems designed to strengthen supervision
and enhance efficiency (i.e., the Administrative Resources System and the Golden Macro
Project), (b) projects designed to safeguard government revenue and rationalize government
spending (i.e., the Golden Tax Project, the Golden Customs Project, the Golden Audit
Project, the Golden Finance Project, and the Golden Card Project), and (c) systems
designed to ensure basic order in the national economy and social development (i.e. Golden
Shield, Golden Quality, Golden Agriculture, Golden Water Conservancy, and Golden
Social Security). While some of these projects include front-office applications on the
external network, most operate on the -government internal network with direct links to the
main databases. The twelve golden projects are as follows:

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

i) Administrative Resources System (bangong yewu ziyuan xitong) is a comprehensive

system that underlies e-governance operations in all divisions of government work,
including five components: (1) a desktop video-conferencing system; (2) an electronic
meeting announcement and registration system; (3) a State Council supervision
management system; (4) an electronic document transmission system; and (5) a government
crisis management system.
ii) The Golden Macro Project (jinhong), also known as the Macro Economic Management
Information System, aims at increasing connectivity and information sharing among
government bodies in charge of macroeconomic management so that national economic
policymaking will be more efficient, accurate, and transparent.
iii) The Golden Tax Project (jinshui) is designed to prevent tax evasion using counterfeit
receipts and invoices. As one of the most successful golden projects in promoting
efficiency and accountability, the Golden Tax Project since 2002 has covered
approximately 600,000 units, i.e., about 45 percent of taxpayers nationwide.
iv) The Golden Customs Project (jinguan), also known as the Golden Gate Project, was
formally launched in 2001. The Project’s current emphasis is on four application systems
for (1) the management of quotas and licenses, (2) import/export statistics, (3) tax returns
for exporting companies, and (4) international trade currency transactions. The long-term
objective is to facilitate the modernization of China’s international trade and economic
transaction system by using computer network technologies.
v) The Golden Finance Project (jincai) began in 1999. As the main effort to modernize
financial management within the Chinese government, the Golden Finance Project has two
main objectives: first, to integrate the eleven existing sub-systems at the national level from
income and budgeting management to procurement and debt control, and; second, to
establish vertical networks that include provincial and municipal bureaus of finance.
vi) The Golden Card Project (jinka) is a project that promotes electronic currency in
Chinese society. The central government calculates that the spread of electronic currency
will not only enhance e-commerce, but also will allow government to improve the
regulation of financial markets based on a unified payment clearance system.
vii) The Golden Audit Project (jinshen) aims to establish a centrally organized electronic
auditing system for government entities in China.
viii) The Golden Shield Project (jindun) aims at “the adoption of advanced ICTs to
strengthen central police control, responsiveness, and crime combating capacity, so as to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public security work.”
ix) The Golden Social Security Project (jinbao) aims to set up a unified national
information system for labor protection and social security, monitoring changes in the labor
market and providing policy recommendations to government offices at the national,
provincial, and city levels.
x) The Golden Quality Project (jinzhi) aims at transforming quality supervision
authorities into public service providers, enhancing transparency in administration, and
establishing a standardized national network.

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

xi) The Golden Agriculture Project (jinnong) is a project that promotes the utilization of
ICT in agriculture. The Project has three major applications: (1) a monitoring and alert
system that provides warnings regarding agricultural production and animal diseases; (2) an
information system supervising the market for production materials, and; (3) a service
system that provides science and technology information for agricultural production.
xii) The Golden Water Conservancy Project (jinshui) was designed to build basic
infrastructures, increasing the supply of information, and enhancing the capacity of data-
sharing for water conservancy, including a National Flood-Control and Draught-Relief
Command System, as well as a National Supervision Network for Water and Soil
There are some other “golden projects” that were launched thereafter, such as the Golden
Bridge Project (jinqiao) run by China Jitong Telecom Inc., the Golden Hygiene Project, the
Golden Travel Project, the Golden Wisdom Project, and the Golden Trade Project, etc. But
the entire infrastructure is still known as the “Twelve Golden Projects.”
The study involves understanding the e-government initiatives taken in India and abroad.
The main objectives of this study are:
1. To study the components of e-governance and e-government.
2. To study the level of satisfaction from e-filling Project of Government of India.
3. To make recommendations for improvement.
This study begins with a hypothesis and research questions and involves precise procedure
and data source specifications.
• H0a: There is no difference of opinion amongst manufacturing and service sector
professionals on the level of satisfaction from e-filling project of government of
• H1a: There is a significant difference of opinion amongst manufacturing and
service sector professionals on the level of satisfaction from e-filling project of
government of India.
To develop the quality instrument to assess level of satisfaction from e-filling project of
government of India, a two-stage research was designed. The first stage was the qualitative
research consisting of in-depth interviews, the second stage comprised of questionnaire

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)


7.1 Primary Survey on level of Satisfaction from e-filling Project under MCA21 E-
Governance Project
Questionnaire is administered on 150 Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants of
various Manufacturing and Service Sector companies of India.
Fig 2. Usage of e-filling

Usage of e-filling

Usage of e-filling
Never Seldom Sometimes often frequently

Table 1. Satisfaction level from various features of e-filling process

Features of Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly
e-filling Satisfied (%) (%) (%) Dissatisfied
(%) (%)
from e-filling 46.7 33.2 13.4 3.7 2.8
Ease of e-filling 37.1 14.4 31.2 8.5 10.6
Speed 40 22.8 18.2 10.2 8.5
Security Checks 28.5 34.2 14.2 9.4 13.4
with server 11.4 16.2 18 20 34.2
Forms Format 34.2 14.2 5.7 25.7 17.1
User friendly 45.7 31.4 2.8 5.7 11.4
e-checking 35.1 27.7 12.4 16.1 8.5
ease in
information to
others 42.8 14.2 5.7 25.7 11.4
Form accuracy 34.2 28.5 10.5 6.5 20
completeness 30.5 34.2 8.5 14.2 12.2

In analyzing the survey results, the questions deal with the satisfaction level from e-filling
project. The survey responses indicate that respondents are highly satisfied from features
like Comfortability, Ease, Speedy, User friendly, Security checks, e-checking forms,
Completeness while dissatisfied from Connectivity with server, Forms format, Ease in
communicating information to outsiders, and data Accuracy.

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

Table 2. Comparison of level of satisfaction from e-filling process amongst

Manufacturing and Service sector professionals
Manufacturing Service ‘Z’
(N=70) (N= 80) Value
Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
Overall Satisfaction
from e-filling process 3.8 1.96 4.6 1.32 3.07
In order to test for the difference in satisfaction of Manufacturing and Service sector
professionals, standard deviation and ‘z’ values were computed. At 5% level of significance
the critical value of ‘z’ is 1.96 and table 2 reveals that the calculated value of ‘z’ is higher.
Therefore, Manufacturing and Service sector professionals differ on the level of satisfaction
from e-filling process.
7.2 Discussion of the results from the survey
As the calculated value of ‘z’ is higher than the critical value, it is found that Manufacturing
and Service sector professionals differ on the level of satisfaction from e-filling process.
Service sector professionals (4.6) were highly satisfied than Manufacturing sector (3.8). In
manufacturing sector, professionals have to attach more documents with the forms and
when server connectivity is low, it takes too much time.
Based on the survey results and analysis, it was found that e-filling system is successful and
used by most of the companies in India, which need to be strengthened.
As respondents are found to be dissatisfied from Connectivity with server, Forms format,
Ease in communicating information to outsiders, and data Accuracy. Even in
computerization of workflows, there will be a need to update the data periodically. In the
event of each individual completing the work assigned to him, even in the present system
delays would not have occurred. It will be extremely naive to assume that the updating of
data would be regularly and periodically done just because the system is computerized, In
fact, in the workflow computerization model there is a very real danger of substantive
investments being made in hardware, application software and even in training and still the
issue of prompt and regular updating of data not being effectively addressed. In the above
context, it is clear that substantive administrative reforms would have to precede attempts at
e-Governance. In other words, the emphasis will have to be on simplifying procedures,
rationalizing processes, restructuring Government and then use IT to institutionalize such
During the last few years there has been major initiatives among different Governments
towards ushering in Information Technology and its tools in the functioning of
Government. The emphasis has been on providing better services to citizens and in
improving internal productivity. It has been widely accepted that IT implementation in
Government is a most difficult process and hence requires careful planning and formulation
of strategies for effective implementation.

Vol 1, No 1, 2009 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online)

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Fountain, (2003), "Prospects for Improving the Regulatory Process Using E-Rulemaking"
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Munshi, V. (2008), E-Government in Developed Nations: An Insight, ISBN: 978-81-314-
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John Wiley & Sons.
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