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Up in Arms: Controlling The International Trade in Small Arms

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Up in Arms

Controlling the international

trade in small arms

An Oxfam GB paper for

the UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms
and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
July 2001

Oxfam GB 2001


The UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons should
be a launch pad for future detailed work on measures to control the trade in small
The conference should agree a Plan of Action, giving a detailed timeline by which
progress should be achieved. The Plan of Action should contain: negotiating
timetables for a Code of Conduct on all arms transfers by 2005; a convention on
marking, tracing and record keeping by 2002; a convention on brokering by 2005;
and follow-up mechanisms, including another conference to review progress in
International efforts to tackle the problem of small arms proliferation must also
address demand factors, providing financial and political support to local
community disarmament initiatives.
Civil society organisations have an important contribution to make to the
conference. Member states should welcome NGO participation in the conference.


1. In July 2001, the United Nations is convening in New York the UN Conference
on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.
Significant progress has already been made over the last three years on
formulating an agenda, thanks to the work of the UN Panel of Governmental
Experts on Small Arms, preparatory committees and regional organisations. In
July, the member states will face the challenge as to how to take this agenda
further so as to tackle small arms proliferation on the global level.

2. No one knows exactly how many small arms are circulating in the world today.
Some sensible estimates put the figure around 500 million, which would mean one
weapon for every 12 people on this planet. Whilst such numbers can only remain
conjectural, evidence that small arms are readily available in many parts of the
world is not hard to find. As supplies flood the market, prices are falling in real

In north-eastern Kenya, the barter rate for an AK-47 has dropped from 10
cows in 1986 to its present level of 2 cows.
In Sudan, an AK-47 can be purchased for the same price as a chicken.
In Central America, automatic weapons sell for around $400.
In the Philippines, local manufacturers sell machine-guns on the black market
for around $375 and revolvers for as little as $15.

3. The proliferation of small arms has changed the nature of conflict in many parts of
the developing world. Wars, which only a decade ago were fought with spears,
bows and arrows, are now waged with automatic and semi-automatic weapons (an
AK-47 fires 600 cartridges per minute; an M-16 rifle shoots between 700 and
850). For the civilians living in areas of conflict and insecurity, the consequences
are horrific.

According to the UN Secretary General, the death toll from small arms in
most years greatly exceeds the toll of the atomic bombs that devastated
Hiroshima and Nagasaki (We the People, 2000).
In 1990s around 5 million people died as a direct result of conflict.
International Committee of the Red Cross estimates that half the people killed
in conflict are civilians caught in the crossfire.
In Angola, the UN estimates that 1 million people 10% of the population -
have been forced to flee their homes as a result of the conflict.
In Colombia there are around 30 000 violent deaths each year, 74% involving

Why is Oxfam GB interested in small arms?

4. Oxfam GB has worked with victims of conflict for 58 years. We are present in
over 70 countries, 27 of which are in conflict. In many parts of the world, we
have seen armed conflict and insecurity resulting in enormous human suffering,
through deaths and injuries, human rights violations, obstruction of humanitarian
aid, the destruction of livelihoods, and mass displacement of people. One lesson
drawn from our experience, whether in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe or Latin
America, is that conflicts are fuelled by the international transfer of arms, most
notably small arms and ammunition. Ease of access to the weapons of war has
become a fundamental humanitarian concern.

5. A second lesson drawn from Oxfam GBs work is that action to restrict the supply
must be matched by measures to address the complex factors that contribute to
end-user demand, including poverty, insecurity, lack of sustainable livelihoods,
lack of equitable access to services, assets and opportunities. Without action being
taken to break the cycle of violence, many communities will be reluctant to
surrender them.

Small arms are destroying this community. Every family has a weapon
because they are afraid to be without one (District Chief of Police in Wajir,
northern Kenya, November 2000).

6. Oxfam GB recognizes the right of countries to export and import weapons for
legitimate purposes of self defence and law enforcement. However, states that
engage in the arms trade have a corresponding duty to respect international human
rights and humanitarian law and to promote peaceful international relations.
Foremost amongst these responsibilities is taking the necessary action to ensure
that weapons do not end up in the wrong hands, whether non-state parties or
security forces that violate human rights.

What should be on the UN conference agenda?

7. The UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All
Its Aspects offers the international community an opportunity to begin work on a
global approach to controlling the trade in small arms. To be effective, the
conference must consider both the licit and illicit trade in small arms as the two
are inextricably linked. UN member states should also recognize the important
role civil society organisations have to play in combating the proliferation of small

arms, both as representatives of arms-effected communities, and as a source of

expert information. NGOs have a vital role to play in implementing and
supporting disarmament projects. Oxfam GB urges member states to develop a
constructive dialogue with civil society organisations and to welcome NGO
participation in the conference.

8. Progress on small arms issues has already been made internationally through
regional initiatives. The conference should support and build on this work, for
example by considering how regional agreements can be widened to embrace new
parties and by offering technical and financial support to implement existing

Progress in 1998
The Organisation of American States Convention against the Illicit
Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and
other Related Material in 1998 made important progress on harmonising
license procedures and introduced a requirement for firearms to be marked at
the time of manufacture.
The European Unions Code of Conduct on Arms introduced human rights,
regional stability and development criteria into consideration of licence
application, as well as setting up a system of denial notifications.
The Southern African Development Community has endorsed the Southern
Africa Action Programme on Light Arms and Illicit Arms Trafficking, laying
out a programme to tackle illicit trafficking, increase regional co-operation,
remove and destroy surplus weapons, and strengthen controls on civilian
possession and tracing of arms transfers.
The Economic Community of West African States signed a Moratorium on the
Exportation, Importation and Manufacture of Light Weapons.
In 2000
The Nairobi Declaration on the Problem of the Proliferation of Illicit Small
Arms and Light Weapons in the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa
put forward a strategy for dealing with the root causes of small arms
possession, including tackling internal political strife and extreme poverty.

9. In addition to developing regional progress, Oxfam GB urges the participants in

the UN conference to take the following global steps:

Agree a Plan of Action to map out the way forward for introducing more
effective controls on exports of small arms and light weapons. The plan should

A statement of shared norms and standards on small arms exports to

underpin future work. These standards should take into account whether small
arms are at risk of being exported (or diverted) to countries where they may be
used in human rights abuses or in violation of humanitarian law, fuel conflict
or undermine development. The statement should provide the basis for a
Code of Conduct to be agreed by 2005.

Follow-up mechanisms. The conference should agree to reconvene by 2005

to agree, consolidate and assess progress on small arms controls. To ensure

that momentum is sustained in the interim, an inter-governmental panel of

experts, reporting to the Secretary General, could be established to give advice
and monitor the progress on improving international export controls.

A timeline for future work, setting a brisk pace to achieve realistic goals by

Agreement to work towards a convention on marking, tracing and record

keeping by 2002. This should build on the work of the UN Vienna Protocol
on Firearms, which - if agreed in early 2001 may establish an internationally
recognized system of marking firearms on manufacture and on each
subsequent transfer. The primary target of the protocol is transnational
organized crime and has been devised to prevent illegal diversion of arms into
criminal hands. Whilst work on the protocol continues on a parallel track to
the disarmament remit of the UN 2001 conference, the success of the Vienna
negotiations will have an important effect on the illicit trade in small arms and
light weapons. Lessons may also be learnt from the OAS experience of a
regional marking regime, such as the need for swift ratification by all parties
and technical assistance to developing countries to bring the convention into
force. Introducing such a system will be an important step in distinguishing
between licit and illicit arms, empowering authorities in their attempts to
control the flows of weapons through their territory.

Agreement to work towards a convention on international regulation of

brokering and shipping agents by 2005. Again, building on the work of the
Vienna Protocol, the conference should acknowledge that brokering and
shipping should be regulated internationally in order to prevent brokers or
shippers from evading legal controls by moving between jurisdictions.
National laws provide helpful precedents to the formulation of a convention:

i. In the US since 1998 any US citizen or foreign national working as a

broker has to register and apply for licences on each subsequent
transaction. The law also applies to US citizens acting outside US
ii. In Sweden, brokers have to apply for a permit to trade and then apply
for licences for all subsequent transactions. These are judged by the
same criteria as the rules governing arms exports from Sweden.
iii. Arms brokers are required to apply for a licence for deals organised on
German territory. This law, however, demonstrates the need for
international regulation for it does not cover the broker working from
another country and therefore it is fairly simple for him or her to slip
into another jurisdiction to make the deal, thus evading control.

Learning from these experiences, an international convention on brokering and

shipping should:

i. Be based on shared norms and standards as established in the Plan of


ii. Establish that each nation exercises jurisdiction over its citizens and
foreigners working in its territory, and where possible, over its citizens
working abroad.
iii. Include a commitment to establish national registers and national
systems for licensing individual transactions.
iv. Establish a system of information exchange on those prohibited from
acting as brokers or shippers.
v. Provide technical assistance to developing countries to implement the

The conference should also acknowledge the part that demand factors play in the
trade in small arms. A fully balanced approach must be taken to tackle demand
factors in recognition that the desire to possess small arms is often a symptom of
complex underlying problems of ongoing conflict, insecurity or lack of access to
justice. Poverty and lack of development opportunities also play an important part
in creating a context in which communities resort to arms. The conference should
respond to the challenge presented by demand factors by committing themselves
to tackle poverty and invest in development. The conference should also more
directly offer financial and political support to conflict prevention and local
disarmament projects.

In addition to the four priorities mentioned above, Oxfam GB would welcome

progress on a wide range of other measures, including

i. Introducing an international system of end-user certificates

accompanied by provision for follow-up mechanisms;
ii. stockpile management and destruction of surplus arms;
iii. improved international customs and police co-operation;
iv. strengthening the UN embargo system through improved monitoring
and implementation procedures, including substantially greater
resources to monitor UN Security Council sanctions

What are the prospects for success at the conference?

10. The magnitude of the problem of small arms provokes a long agenda of possible
responses. It may well not be possible to achieve all the steps listed above in July
2001. At the very least, however, the conference should be approached
constructively by all participants, and be seen as an opportunity to map out the
way to make progress in the future. Whilst the nature of this first conference
makes any legally binding outcome, such as a convention, unlikely, participants
should seek common ground on which they can make a politically binding
commitment to a plan of action.

11. It is also vital that the conference should give a boost to the progress already
achieved in regional fora. Whatever is agreed in July should not hamper these
initiatives. Momentum on tackling small arms proliferation must be sustained so
that the men, women and children of the world need no longer live in fear of the

First published by Oxfam GB in July 2001.

Published by Oxfam GB under ISBN 978-1-84814-119-3 in October 2010.

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