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Tracing Linguistic Relations in Winning and Losing Sides

of Explicit Opposing Groups

Ceyda Sanli, Anupam Mondal Erik Cambria

Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab School of Computer Science and Engineering
Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Technological University
arXiv:1703.00317v1 [cs.CL] 1 Mar 2017

Abstract On the other hand, language itself has many dimensions,

Linguistic relations in oral conversations present how opin-
language of a text written by a single author is different than
ions are constructed and developed in a restricted time. The language used in a dialogue or that of a group speech, e.g.,
relations bond ideas, arguments, thoughts, and feelings, re- trialogue discussions. Therefore, it is emergent that current
shape them during a speech, and finally build knowledge conventional NLP should meet with the revolutionary phi-
out of all information provided in the conversation. Speak- losophy of linguistics (Chomsky 1975) and establish new
ers share a common interest to discuss. It is expected that hidden laws applicable in data science: the human mind eas-
each speakers reply includes duplicated forms of words from ily knows and applies by birth, but hardly formulates to un-
previous speakers. However, linguistic adaptation is observed derstand the underlying structure.
and evolves in a more complex path than just transferring
slightly modified versions of common concepts. A conver-
One of the remarkable perspectives to dig into natural lin-
sation aiming a benefit at the end shows an emergent coop- guistic laws is provided by social and behavior sciences,
eration inducing the adaptation. Not only cooperation, but adaptation in language during communication as a result
also competition drives the adaptation or an opposite scenario of changes in opinions and decisions. Opinions and deci-
and one can capture the dynamic process by tracking how the sions are personal in individual level, however, they are
concepts are linguistically linked. To uncover salient complex flexible while facing public opinions and decisions. Lin-
dynamic events in verbal communications, we attempt to dis- guistic adaptation is twofold. In one part, collective voice
cover self-organized linguistic relations hidden in a conver- unifies opinions and decisions in a complex process, ideas
sation with explicitly stated winners and losers. We examine are biased, and consequently people start acting similarly,
open access data of the United States Supreme Court. Our un- talking similarly, and so writing similarly. Twitter con-
derstanding is crucial in big data research to guide how transi-
tion states in opinion mining and decision-making should be
versations (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Gamon, and Dumais
modeled and how this required knowledge to guide the model 2011; Purohit et al. 2013) and popular memes (Myers and
should be pinpointed, by filtering large amount of data. Leskovec 2012; Coscia 2013) prove this similarity in social
Introduction In the other part, when people have a well-defined goal at
the end, they tend to reshape their arguments. In the pres-
Traditionally, in computational linguistics, it is essential to ence of distinct winning and losing sides and social hierar-
integrate models and algorithms with fundamental laws of chy, people at lower status show both cooperation through
language. Widely applied hierarchical dependency trees and that at the higher status and competition among each other.
parsing in natural language processing (NLP) follow exist- Therefore, a verbal discussion in such explicitly opposing
ing grammatical relations. Nowadays, while algorithms and groups host linguistic adaptation, investigated in social ex-
models reach higher levels and available data becomes big- change theory (Willer 1999; Thye, Willer, and Markovsky
ger, not enough linguistic laws are uncovered and can have 2006). While information and emotions are the fundamental
a chance to meet with developed techniques. Language pro- elements of human knowledge, commonsense knowledge is
cessing in data science mainly considers evaluated data as the fundamental element for gluing society (Cambria et al.
single source in terms of language. There are approaches 2009; Cambria et al. 2016). Commonsense is implicit se-
such as cross-media topic analysis, retrieving information mantic and affective information humans continuously tap
referring various data platforms including websites, blogs, on for decision-making, communication, and reasoning in
and mobile phones, and multimodal analysis (Poria et al. general (Cambria and Hussain 2015; Rajagopal et al. 2013;
2016; Poria et al. 2017a; Poria et al. 2017b), combining Poria et al. 2013; Tran, Cambria, and Hussain 2016). Effec-
text data with images, videos, and audio, however, they only tive speeches and public talks use commonsense efficiently
gather all available channels and do not address the richness to drive opinions and change decisions in large scales (Drath
of language. and Palus 1994). The resultant unified collective motion is
Copyright c 2017, Association for the Advancement of Artificial extremely interesting in social groups (Borge-Holthoefer et
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. al. 2011; Gonzalez-Bailon et al. 2011).
Opinions and decisions are personal in individual level. after a while in the communication, word selections, their
However, as observed, they are quite flexible facing with a forms, and frequencies mirror each others language pref-
collective decision. Complex knowledge extraction process erence. The linguistic coordination is systematically quanti-
in micro state suddenly becomes less valuable and group de- fied by (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. 2012) and the argu-
cision gains (Conover et al. 2011). We can argue that our ments follow the principles of exchange theory examining
opinions are biased when our decisions mostly rely on our behavior dynamics in low and high power groups (Willer
previous knowledge, e.g., commonsense, and so richness of 1999; Thye, Willer, and Markovsky 2006): Lawyers tend
opinions kept in each individual is relatively unimportant. to cooperate more to Justices than conversely and demon-
We can further argue that commonsense drives an adaptation strate strong linguistic coordination in their speech. More-
in extracting knowledge. To measure commonsense for a over, lawyers show even more cooperation to unfavorable
particular situation is hard, however, adaptations can be eas- Justices than favorable ones.
ily captured in Twitter conversations (Danescu-Niculescu- Here, we enrich the comparison including the identity of
Mizil, Gamon, and Dumais 2011; Purohit et al. 2013), in winners and losers in lawsuits. The data provides whether
memes (Myers and Leskovec 2012; Coscia 2013), and face- the petitioner or the respondent is the winner at the end of
to-face discussions (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. 2012). each lawsuit. In addition, the speaker of each utterance is la-
In this paper, our main concerns are firstly to construct beled as their position, e.g., Justice or lawyer. Furthermore,
discussion groups including agents having different social Justices votes and the side of lawyers are tagged with the
powers and serving opposite aims. Secondly, we investigate utterances. Table 1 identifies all roles carried by Justices and
how we can track the progress of opinions together with lawyers. For Justices, both the vote (middle) and whom to
their influences on decisions in oral conversations. We claim speak (last) are given. Lawyers are allowed to speak only
that linguistic relations (Poria et al. 2015) preserve all rich when Justices address their side.
phenomena, shortly discussed above, including collective
voice, reshaping arguments, and so adaptation. To analyze ID Roles of Justices (J) and Lawyers (l)
adaptation induced by both cooperation and competition, we 1 J - Vote Petitioner - Speak to Petitioners l
consider court conversations: they are held in clearly stated 2 J - Vote Petitioner - Speak to Respondents l
winner and loser groups with distinct hierarchy in decision- 3 J - Vote Respondent - Speak to Petitioners l
making due to the presence of Justices and lawyers. 4 J - Vote Respondent - Speak to Respondents l
To this end, we evaluate the open access data of the 5 l - Petitioner Side
United States Supreme Court (Hawes, Lin, and Resnik 2009; 6 l - Respondent Side
Hawes 2009; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. 2012), prepare
conversation groups with different adaptation levels, imple- Table 1: The segregation schema of the roles in conversa-
ment a suitable algorithm to extract linguistic relations in tions: Support sides of Justices and sides of lawyers. 1-6
these group conversations, and finally provide a comparison summarize all potential roles present in the data. In 1-4, who
between the groups and the discovered linguistic relations. supported by the Justice is given in the middle. Furthermore,
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the first sec- the last indicates the side of lawyer the Justice speaks to.
tion presents the dataset we consider and designed conver-
sation groups out of the data; the second section describes Referring exchange theory (Willer 1999; Thye, Willer,
our algorithm in detail; the following section explains how and Markovsky 2006) and the measured coordina-
we implement pointwise mutual information for the conver- tion (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. 2012), one can order
sation groups and then link with linguistic relations; finally, the relative power of each Justice and lawyer pair
we provide experimental results and conclude the paper. P (Ju , l) > P (Js , l), (1)

Supreme Court Data where J and l represent Justices and lawyers, respectively
(note that for comparing individually following the social
We borrow the textual data of the conversations in the exchange theory, P (J) > P (l) for both supportive and un-
United States Supreme Court pre-processed by (Hawes, Lin, supported Justices). The subscript u indicates that Justice
and Resnik 2009; Hawes 2009) and enriched by (Danescu- doesnt support the side of lawyer and the supportive ver-
Niculescu-Mizil et al. 2012) including the final votes of sion is described by s. For instance, in Table 1, in the com-
Justices. Both the original data and the most updated ver- munications of 1 and 5; 4 and 6, Justices show supports and
sion used here are publicly available (Danescu-Niculescu- play as Js , whereas that of 3 and 5; 2 and 6, lawyers are
Mizil et al. 2012). The data gathers oral speeches before the unsupported by Ju . The scenarios and pairs guide to con-
Supreme Court and hosts 50,389 conversational exchanges struct groups with different cooperation level induced by P
among Justices and lawyers. as illustrated in Table 2.
Distinct hierarchy between Justices (high power) and We further add another dimension in the relative power:
lawyers (low power) impose lawyers to tune their arguments Winners and Losers, havent been investigated in the pre-
under the perspective and understandings of Justices, and as vious study (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. 2012). To this
a result, speech adaptation and linguistic coordination leaves end, Eq. 1 is reformulated
their traces in a sudden occurrence of sharing the same ad-
verbs, conjunctions, and pronouns. Tracking initial utter- P (Ju , l)win > P (Js , l)win , (2)
ances, the sides present a unique and personal speaking, but P (Ju , l)lose > P (Js , l)lose . (3)
Group ID Cooperation Pool of J and l able for any discussion concept. To generalize the task, we
I.i supportive, P (Js , l) 1 and 5 first determine noun phrases in the data following the def-
I.ii unsupported, P (Ju , l) 3 and 5 inition in (Pennacchiotti and Pantel 2006). The phrases are
II.i unsupported, P (Ju , l) 2 and 6 combinations of adjectives and nouns. The technical steps
II.ii supportive, P (Js , l) 4 and 6 include standard part-of-speech tagging including grammar
based chunk parser. We then restrict our attention to address
Table 2: Grouping communications with respect to level the relations linking only determined noun phrases within
of cooperation, based on the relative power of the partners one sentence. The data shows utterances of grammatically
in the conversations. 1-6 and the power pairs P (Js , l) and correct and well-organized sentences. To this end, we ap-
P (Ju , l) as defined previously. ply rule-based relation extraction. While Fig. 1 shows each
step of the developed algorithm, steps (A-C) indicate the dis-
cussed concept recognition of noun phrases.
Here, win and lose subscripts highlight that the concerned The rule-based schema starts with first restricting linguis-
Justice and lawyer pairs are the partners in a won or lost tic relations and then constructing static surface patterns
lawsuit. As an illustration, P (Js , l)win occurs in the group (regular expressions) for them. The assigned patterns run as
I.i when petitioners are the winner and also in II.ii while re- an iterative process searching the exact match of the real pat-
spondents are the winners of the lawsuits. On the other hand, terns between any concept pair, which is any noun phrase
P (Js , l)lose is the Justices-lawyers of I.i in respondent won pair here. Within a sentence, multiple relations can be ad-
lawsuits as well as of II.ii in petitioner won lawsuits. The dressed based on the comparison in the iteration, to cap-
situations are generated for the unsupported Justice-lawyer ture both different relations or the same relation but with
groups and all are listed in Table 3. the different patterns. To balance the relations without over-
weighting extreme cases, we first apply classical IsA (Hearst
Cooperation Gathering Group ID 1992) and PartOf (Girju, Badulescu, and Moldovan 2003)
A supportive, win: P (Js , l)win I.i of Pe + II.ii of Re relations. The patterns of the relations follow both lexico-
B supportive, lose: P (Js , l)lose I.i of Re + II.ii of Pe syntactic formalisms (Klaussner and Zhekova 2011) and
C unsupported, win: P (Ju , l)win I.ii of Pe + II.i of Re manual investigations of the data.
D unsupported, lose: P (Ju , l)lose I.ii of Re + II.i of Pe We then recommend further relations as UsedBy, Used-
For, UsedIn, UsedOver, and UsedWith to cover the rest
Table 3: Designed conversation groups based on different
of the data. The Used relations do not accumulate for
expectations for the level of linguistic coordination, induced
certain lawsuits and nicely distribute over entire data, which
by distinct P . The groups are presented in A, B, C, and
provides us reliable analysis. Fig. 1(D and E) highlight the
D, whether they preserve supportive or unsupported con-
iteration process to detect all potential relations. To illustrate
versations as well as a winner or loser status stated by the
the outcome of our algorithm, we provide examples for
Supreme Court. Pe and Re represent the particular lawsuits
each relation. They are given with the detected noun phrases
where Petitioner and Respondent as the winner, respectively.
in Table 4. The identity of the sentences, a-g, are to guide
Gathered conversations of the cases I.i, I.ii, II.i, and II.ii and
the following concerned examples, where the linked noun
the relative powers P are as introduced earlier.
phrases are highlighted in bold:
(a) That was so because her claim is that J. Howard
Calculating utterances in , we have 21,105 for A, 15,116 intended to give her a catchall trust.
for B, 15,489 for C, and 24,461 for D, gathered by differ- (b) And when you look at the core value of the two clauses,
ent combinations of 195 lawsuits. The large number of each they do not clash.
pool convinces that we have enough examples to perform (c) And what Im trying to do here for the Court is
statistics and our measurement wont be biased by the size to draw upon your own authority, the word youve
effect. On the other hand, noting the total number of 50,389 spoken, as opposed to the test proposed by the
utterances, almost the half of the data presents P (Ju , l)lose Criminal Justice Foundation and by the United States.
type social relations, e.g., case D. Eqs. (2) and (3) do not (d) One, the manufacturing process allows there to be a
include the comparison of {P (Ju , l)win ; P (Js , l)lose } and safe use for one of the components in marijuana.
{P (Ju , l)lose ; P (Js , l)win } on purpose since it is unknown (e) The phrase Justice Harlan used in the Davis case.
whether P (Ju , l) > P (Js , l) is still valid in the presence (f) For 124 years, as state power over alcohol has ebbed
of win and lose, bringing interesting perspective while cou- and flowed.
pling the power hypothesis with the cooperation and not (g) The haulers are required today to comply with the
considered in social exchange theory. We aim to understand program.
this full picture by correlating determined linguistic relations The validation of the discovered linguistic relations and
with the separated relative power groups. their suggested patterns are systematically satisfied by the
following protocol. From each conversation group in Ta-
Linguistic Relation Extraction ble 3, 1000 utterances are randomly selected. Utterances
The Supreme Court hosts lawsuits of rich subjects. To design present averages sentences of 2-4, the minimum is for
specific linguistic relations in each distinct lawsuit is chal- the group C, P (Ju , l)win , and the maximum for group D,
lenging and not required. Our aim is to suggest relations suit- P (Ju , l)lose .
(A) in Fig. 1(D-F). The overall average scores, comparing the
input sentence relations generated by our algorithm with the ground truth,
are obtained as 59.92% for Recall, 67.2% for Precision, and
(B) 63.35% for the resultant F1. The scores are relatively higher
than that of the rule-based relation extraction algorithms
for more general purposes applied in large data sets (Pan-
(C) noun phrases (np): tel, Ravichandran, and Hovy 2004). Our manual efforts, the
grammar + parsing grammatically correct sentences, and relatively small and
well-organized data are the reasons behind the good perfor-
(adjectives & nouns) mance. However, we observe that the foremost reason is the
linguistic coordination extracting many relations from the
(D) same static patterns.
regular expressions: In the rest of the paper, we will demonstrate how we in-
terpret these linguistic relations in the Supreme Court con-
(np) ::is that:: (np)
versation groups of different relative powers.
(np) ::used in:: (np)
check others

check others
Pointwise Mutual Information
re-design expressions

(E) assigning relations:

Pointwise mutual information (PMI) is a metric to measure
e.g.: coincidence of two discrete random events. It combines in-
no dividual probabilities of events and their joined probability
relation (np) ::IsA:: (np)
to determine how often the two events occur at the same oc-
(np) ::UsedIn:: (np)
... casion. We quantify to what extend linguistic relations R are
addressed by conversation groups and whether we observe
(F) any variation in the selections.
manual To this end, PMI between R and is introduced (Pantel,
annotation Ravichandran, and Hovy 2004)
f (R,)
Figure 1: Flow diagram of the rule-based relation extrac- M I(R, ) = log all R all
. (4)
tion algorithm. The important steps are summarized from f (Ri ,) f (R,j )
(A) to (F): (A-C) present suggesting concepts based on Ri


noun phrases of combined adjectives and nouns. (D-E) de-
scribe the iteration of applying designed static surface pat- Here, f (R, ) represents the frequency of occurrence for
terns (regular expressions) together with supervising for the certain R in particular and N is the total number of all R
6 relations, namely, IsA, PartOf, UsedBy, UsedFor, UsedIn, in all . So, while the numerator describes the probabilistic
UsedOver, and UsedWith. (F) indicates the final step of vali- occurrence of R in , the denominator provides individual
dation compared with the manual annotation set and formu- probability of R and that of in the pool. We expect high
lating again regular expressions in (D) to increase the per- M I(R, ) while R appears in a specific and that is an in-
formance. dicator of its rare presence in the other conversation groups.
Unlike the previous study (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et
Relation Linked Noun Phrases Sent. ID al. 2012), entirely tracking back and forth utterances and
IsA claim :: catchall trust (a) proving the adaptation, e.g., linguistic coordination, by iden-
PartOf core value :: clauses (b) tifying the frequency of selected keywords, we directly uti-
UsedBy test :: Criminal Justice Foundation, (c) lize their overall conclusion and claim that linguistic rela-
United States tions already preserve the adaptation and any other complex
UsedFor safe use :: components, (d) collective linguistic process induced by both cooperation
marijuana and competition in different power groups. We expect that
UsedIn phrase Justice Harlan :: Davis case (e) the variation in M I(R, ) of gathered utterances of each rel-
UsedOver state power :: alcohol (f) ative power group, independent of the utterance order, sug-
UsedWith haulers :: program (g) gests which relations can distinguish the difference in the
groups and the magnitude of M I(R, ) of that difference
Table 4: Extracted relations with our algorithms and the cor- highlights which relative power groups drastically influence
responded (linked) noun phrases. Sent. ID refers the labeled the applied language. We will analyze M I(R, ) following
example sentences above in the main text. this discussed understanding in coming Section.

Then, manual annotations are provided for each pool, We perform M I(R, ) for each group separated by dif-
which works as the ground truth, and the patterns are re- ferent coordination level and linguistic dynamics, expected
adjusted if necessary based on the performance, as shown due to the distinct relative powers as introduced in Table 3,
and each relation R described in Section Linguistic Rela- states impose observable deviations and none group resem-
tion Extraction. The results are presented in Fig. 2 and sug- bles each other, oppositely, each presents very unique behav-
gests rich behavior. First, M I for the relations IsA, PartOf, ior. In a simplified picture, M I(R, ) for C always indicates
and UsedBy is almost indistinguishable overall . We un- significantly positive values. This proves that the utterances
derstand that these relations cannot uncover the linguistic in C consider all type of relations, can be the reason behind
variations in different power groups. This is an obvious out- the success of the win state in spite of the presence of un-
come of NLP and examining sentences by lexico-syntactic supported Justices.
patterns: Any sentence can consider them with no complex
linguistic process such as coordination and competition. On Conclusion
the other hand, we observe quite remarkable separation start-
ing with UsedFor. Successfully, the results of UsedIn, Use- We investigated the linguistic dynamics in terms of a re-
dOver, and UsedWith show that their appearances in are stricted set of linguistic relations in oral conversations
not arbitrary. while the actors have different powers such as Justices
(high power) and lawyers (low power) in the United States
Supreme Court. Initially, defined cooperation of lawyers to
Justices and the resultant linguistic coordination are only
based on the relative power. This is a microscopic pic-
A ture underestimating the dynamics of emergent competition
Pointwise Mutual Information, MI(R, )

0.4 B arises in a losing state (lost lawsuits), which can change

D the nature of the linguistic coordination and make the lin-
0.2 guistic relations richer. Our argument is proven by measur-
ing M I(R, ) always positive for the group C, P (Ju , l)win .
Novelty of our approach is that it evaluates supportive and
0.0 unsupported situations in more realistically. The principle
of exchange theory suggests P (Ju , l) > P (Js , l) and one
should expect high coordination in the former.
0.2 However, this can be always true if there is no explic-
itly stated decision at the end of the communication: Winner
or loser lawyer. We can observe P (Js , l)lose ' P (Ju , l)lose
0.4 and so the linguistic coordination (dynamics) for both can
be comparable, as we trace in our result, e.g., very sim-
IsA PartOf UsedBy UsedFor UsedIn UsedOverUsedWith ilar trend of M I(R, ) for groups B and D. Therefore,
Relations (R) both social exchange theory and their impacts on the lin-
guistic behavior need to be reinterpreted under exogenous
Figure 2: PMI between relations R and conversation groups factors such as win-lose situations. Furthermore, we experi-
: M I(R, ). The overall values indicate that, unlike IsA, ence that the rule-based relation extraction is well-applicable
PartOf, and UsedBy relations, the occurrences of UsedFor, for speech data, in this grammatically correct form with mi-
UsedIn, UsedOver, and UsedWith are driven by the rela- nor noise, because of the presence of the linguistic adap-
tive power and the resultant linguistic coordination and fur- tation, providing a better performance than its usage for
ther complex process. The marker representations are as fol- other type of textual data such as internet data. Furthermore,
lows: Circles (blue) for A, squares (red) for B, left triangles M I(R, ) brings another perspective to uncover complex
(green) for C, and right triangles (yellow) for D. linguistic dynamics, including cooperation and competition,
and discover the correlations between the linguistic relations
and the relative powers. We establish the preliminary set-up
Evaluating the results in more detail, let us remind Ta- to examine the linguistic dynamics of trialogue discussions
ble 3. A is expected to have the least relative power, hosting in social groups with distinct hierarchy.
P (Js , l)win , and consequently, no significant variation is ob- Our main conclusion is that win and lose states impose
served. However, the situations are much more challenging further complexity and change the conventional application
for B, C, and D: They face with many conceptual chal- of social exchange theory in language and communication.
lenges while defending their sides and competing with the In our future study, we attempt to analyze back and forth
opposite arguments, C and D, and to experiment different utterances in detail regarding semantics bonding by the lin-
communications in a losing state, B and D. Each difficulty guistic relations by applying advanced tools.
is a potential origin of the competition, some can build suf-
ficient cooperation and make the lawyer winner, C, some
cannot help to overcome the situation, keep the coordina- Acknowledgments
tion limited, and so we experience lost lawsuits, B and D. This work was conducted within the Rolls-Royce@NTU
To remind, B for P (Js , l)lose , C for P (Ju , l)win , and D Corporate Lab with support from the National Re-
for P (Ju , l)lose . If we just call social exchange theory, for search Foundation (NRF) Singapore under the Corp
any measurable linguistic quantity, we would need to have Lab@University Scheme. We thank San Linn for his useful
A B and C D. However, we show that the win and lose comments on the rule based relation extraction approach.
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