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Aruba Declaration 2017

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Aruba Declaration


On the initiative of the Caribbean Countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and with
financial and technical support from the Netherlands, Representatives of 32 Governments,
private companies, NGOs, universities and applied research institutions from the Caribbean


Representatives of the United Nations (UN Environment, UNDP, FAO, and IPCC) and
regional intergovernmental organizations (OAS, EU-CARIFORUM, CCCCC, and CTO)
together with American and European academics involved in regional conservation and
sustainable development;

Acknowledging that the Caribbean Region encompasses part of the Atlantic Ocean with its
Caribbean sea, in which 32 small states (islands and low costal countries; some independent,
others OCTs, but all with multi-cultural young populations living, in fragile tropical
ecosystems), are nations in which natural events caused by climate change, such as
hurricanes, with flooding and landslides, earthquakes, extreme droughts and rising of the sea
level are already having huge developmental impacts. Therefore, they have welcomed the
initiative to establish the Caribbean Sustainable Development Forum (CSDF) as an
opportunity to join minds, hearts, and means in establishing effective regional cooperation on
the urgent conservation of Caribbean ecological systems and implementation of UN
Sustainable Development Goals.
Participants in the first Caribbean Sustainable Development Forum wish to:
reaffirm Caribbean multi-stakeholders commitment to the Paris Agreement;
underscore that although the peoples of the Caribbean contribute to a very small percentage
of the destructive greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change, they share highly in the
impacts of climate change which threaten the livelihoods, security and well-being of the
populations while destroying vital infrastructure, water and land resources, fisheries, coral
reefs, and tourism income;

recall the outcome of the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States
in Samoa in 2014, and the S.A.M.O.A. Pathway, in which it was stated that small states
remain a special case for sustainable development in view of their unique and particular
vulnerabilities and that they remain constrained in meeting their goals in all three dimensions
of sustainable development;

stress the importance of the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals and
related Strategy, the 2030 Agenda;

recognize that the Caribbean Region is experiencing almost a decade of rather intense
economic slowdown and growing external debt, while at the same time the islands and low
coastal countries are experiencing a decline in financial and technical assistance;

emphasize that ongoing global economic and financial restructuring combined with the
challenge of sustainable growth, requires a shift in the approach of multi-stakeholders in the
Caribbean Region towards outcome-oriented, region-wide cooperation on conservation and
sustainable growth; thereby pooling public and private resources, combining technological
innovations, and consequently attracting more foreign direct investment and development

further develop understanding on priority sectors and themes for regional and sub-regional
cooperation and the design of region specific implementation frameworks in a multi-
stakeholder setting, whereby the Caribbean Sustainable Development Forums (CSDF) may
provide comprehension and participatory planning of implementations;

Priorities for Action CSDF 2017-2018

In the first CSDF meeting in Aruba, 21-23 February 2017, the 102 multiple stakeholders
discussed ten interlinked priority sectors and themes for strengthened regional collaboration
as follows:
1. Regional promotion of sustainable governance and greening of SMEs in a public-
private partnership.

2. The challenge of rebuilding fish stocks, while protecting the integrity of marine and
river eco systems.
3. The challenge of conserving rainforest in cooperation with local inhabitants.

4. Regional cooperation on water management and waste management.

5. Green agriculture and healthy food promotion.
6. Sustainable and affordable energy.

7. Caribbean Master plan on Green- and eco-tourism.

8. Region-wide education and training for transformation to creative green behavior.
9. Region-wide connection of research and training institutions.

10. Financing conservation and sustainable development in the Caribbean Region.

The outcomes of the ten working sessions at the first CSDF in Aruba are attached below.

1) Regional promotion of sustainable governance and greening of SMEs in

a public-private partnership.

The problem:

SMEs are crucial to the economic development of the Caribbean. However, there are only
few SMEs aware of the opportunities and the importance of economic activities that promote
sustainability. How can we create governance and incentives that promote green enterprises
and green jobs?

Toward solutions:

More innovation is needed and financial sustainability is just as important as environmental

sustainability. Efforts to protect SMEs in times of shock should be prioritized.

There is a need for more effective policies. Tax credit duty free is not enough to get the SME
sector moving. There should be less bureaucracy facing the SME sector and reduce or
moderate monopolistic behaviors. More financing is needed for SMEs and green initiatives.
Removing the barriers are more important than incentives.

More effort should be made to make businesses, especially SMEs, part of programs and
projects. Also efforts should be made to promote sustainable value chains. There should be
more regional experience sharing and regional cooperation on the SME agenda. There
should be greater investment in training to create the workforce of the future.

The transition from brown to green economies is an opportunity for the SME sector, as is the
development of green and blue economies. PPPs are an important mechanism that may be
used to address the challenges of countries, both at the macro and micro levels. Neither the
public sector nor the private sector is configured to effectively manage PPPs, the tourism
sector can model good PPP practice.

Capacity building and networking of SMEs in different languages of the Caribbean should be
2) The challenge of rebuilding fish stocks, while protecting the integrity of
marine and river eco systems.
The problem:

Overfishing is a threat to the sustainability of our ocean resources. Not only fish stocks, but
also marine and river ecosystems, including coral reefs and mangroves, are at risk from
excessive fishing for short-term gain. In addition to the coastal protection capacities of coral
reefs, they are a vast source of income from tourism, which is also being endangered.

Toward solutions:

The state of coral reefs is essentially a marine health indicator. But it says nothing about the
diverse set of processes that cause coral degradation. Adoption of a Caribbean Delta Plan to
save coral reefs should be taken up at international/ UN level as well.

Most problems faced by coral reefs originate from land and human activity. Today we see
that in countries that have implemented protective measures for the marine environment 30
years ago, the rate of coral degradation is slow compared to countries that have not done so.

The knowledge gap between recent science and general knowledge on this topic is very large.
The greatest challenge lies in getting the communication strategy right. We need to reframe
the public discussion about the importance of ecological conservation for a bottom-up

And the private sector must incorporate the protection of marine life in their marketing
strategy. They are dependent on tourism, and consequently too on the vitality of coral reefs
and marine life.

To adopt a regional approach to protect important spawning aggregations since fisheries are a
shared resource in the Caribbean.

3) The challenge of conserving rainforest in cooperation with local


The problem:

Obviously, as far as forests are concerned, the best management practice would be to leave
them untouched. However, as suppliers of energy, metals, foodstuffs, wood, and other
primary goods (such as oil, iron, copper, gold, bauxite, and timber), some of the Caribbean
forests are profoundly affected by increased global demand for these materials. Fed by
foreign demand and investment and supported by national policies, large-scale extractive
production of these raw materials is on the rise, and major parts of resource-rich countries are
now under concession for exploration, while new infrastructure may provide access to the
most remote areas.

Toward solutions:
Guyana has a best practice on community forest management delivered since 2006. There is a
difficulty in OCTAs in accessing financing: because OCTs are not eligible to receive funding
from multilateral financing mechanisms such as the GEF or the Green Climate Fund.

Countries are encouraged to report to the United Nations Forum on Forests on progress made
in sustainable forest management, including through voluntary national contributions".
Hence, efforts should be made to develop a regional forest financing strategy with a map of
financing opportunities for sustainable forest management, including public international
funding (e.g. GEF, Green Climate Fund) and innovative financing mechanisms (e.g. REDD+,
debt-for-nature swaps); The Caribbean should explore the possibility of a multi-country
project proposal on sustainable forest management and climate change.

As Caribbean SIDS are considered middle income countries (be it highly indebted), many
donors do not consider them to be priority countries for accessing funding (Green Climate
Fund, European Development Fund). The issue of access to conservation funding is even
more complicated for Caribbean OCTs as they are considered via motherlands to belong to
the donor community. The United Nations Forum on Forests, through its Global Forest
Financing Facilitation Network, should provide support in developing national and multi-
country forest financing strategies and project proposals on sustainable forest management at
the request of all countries in the Caribbean Region.

More efforts should be made to explore the opportunity of regional and South-South
cooperation in terms of sharing experiences, lessons and best practices, especially in light of
the similarities between countries of the region. Proposed initiatives on forest management
should consider national sustainable development priorities, as well as full recognition of
indigenous and local knowledge and needs.

4) Regional cooperation on water management and waste management

The problem:

Globally, the challenge of water in the 21st century is one of both quantity and quality.
As Caribbean freshwater resources are limited and face mounting pressures from drought,
flooding, industrial pollution, and competition from many uses (e.g., ecosystem protection,
drinking water, agriculture, energy production, recreation/ tourism), technology innovation
can and should help address these water challenges and put them on a more sustainable path
while supporting Inclusive Green Growth.
Toward solutions:

The use of green energy in desalination is growing. Some countries are considering to ban
importation of Styrofoam (for packaging food), and real-time monitoring of water resources
and water quality, which is a lot cheaper and easier now. The main opportunities include the
need for the simplification of procedures for accessing funding for the sector. You can
improve experience sharing and the possibilities of achieving economies of scale and more
efficient use of limited human resource by merging some utilities and going regional or sub-

At the regional level, one could use CWWA or similar approaches to take the political heat
off local professionals. More efforts can be made to reduce the incidents of untreated wastes
entering the ocean by the promotion of best practices. More could be done to help in ground
water extraction control and regulation in Aruba and similar islands by sharing best practices
in other islands.

More can be done to improve waste recycling methods.

There are opportunities to share best practices in the use of green energy in water production
as well as harvesting water from "back to basics" methods and to examine small wastewater
treatment plants from regional best practices.

Help should be provided to strengthen urban planning in small islands as a means of

protecting the resource. Also more should be done to implement ground water quality and
quantity monitoring using best practices. Strengthening of utilities management by working
with business and other stakeholders. Countries should adopt the "Kralendijk declaration " on
coastal zone management.

5) Green agriculture and healthy food promotion.

The problem:

While export agriculture potentially can make a significant contribution to economic

development in the Caribbean (and elsewhere), there is need for considerable re-thinking of
the current model. The criteria for defining success in export agricultures contribution to
economic development is no longer focused on the generation of foreign exchange and
economic growth. Important examples of sustainable agriculture can be found in the region,
in the Dominican Republic, St. Lucia, and Cuba, among others. But these have not been
widely shared or adopted throughout the Caribbean.

Toward solutions:

In addressing non communicable diseases and local production the tourism industry provides
a market for healthy locally produced foods and import substitution. Cassava flour and
cassava mash (grated cassava) is now used to substitute for as much as 40% wheaten flour
to make muffins, bread and porridge. A similar approach can be used to substitute other
locally produced crops for imported ones

Model farms which demonstrate green agriculture practices are more easily adopted by
farmers. The successes of these farms also encourage partnerships with input suppliers to
develop products for green agriculture.

There is a need for government support for agriculture to ensure farmers markets are
protected and to provide the enabling environment for green agricultural production.
Information on best practices of climate smart technologies needs to be shared among the
countries. Farmers are reaching or have reached the point of saturation and have grown to
distrust and dislike governmental bureaucracy and inefficiency. The threat of input suppliers
becoming the sole source of information on technologies for farmers can lead to
environmental degradation. Non-profit entities need to be more flexible and support the
transfer of information about farmers areas of interest.

Green Agriculture is still a new concept and must not become a relabeling tag of Sustainable
Agriculture or Organic Agriculture. Renewable energy i.e. solar panels, have shown to be of
great benefit to rural farmers. Other Climate Smart Technologies also exist, such as
Geothermal cooling.

The Caribbean is a heterogeneous region with diverse production systems and will require
technological applications that fit their agricultural needs. This last bit needs be reiterated in
the vision and policy platforms of CARDI, UWI, and other R&D centers.

More should be done to mainstream climate smart agriculture, incentives, financing and the
use assessment and monitoring tools. The use of labeling to persuade consumers to make
healthier choices was also proposed. The introduction of nutrition education for example
through school feeding programs is a way of inculcating lifelong healthy eating habits to
promote healthy food consumption from an early age.

Farmers are more interested in information on Ecological Resilience than potential sources of
funding. In this regard, opportunities exist for the use of food wastes for the production of
composts of green agriculture. Microbes could also be identified, studied and possibly
utilized to help plants grow in essential nutrient-depleted topsoil.

Possible areas for regional collaboration include: the development of a platform for
information sharing on best practices in climate smart and green agriculture technologies as
well as the development of production models for selected crops which are targeted for
import substitution, using climate smart technologies along the value chain - for example
undercover production, the use of solar panels to provide power for irrigation, the use of
rainwater harvesting etc. in the production system.

6) Sustainable and affordable energy

The problem:

Globally, renewable energy sources (RES) contribute to climate change mitigation through
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, achieve sustainable development, protect the
environment and improve citizens' health. Moreover, renewable energy is also emerging as a
driver of inclusive economic growth, creating jobs and reinforcing energy security across the

Although most Caribbean islands and mainland countries have sufficient renewable energy
sources (wind, solar, geothermal, ocean thermal, waste to energy, hydroelectric, biomass) and
even more incentives (budgetary, environmental, tourism, and health) to convert to full-
fledged renewable energy, the vast majority is still primarily using imported fossil fuel to
generate energy.

Toward solutions:

The priorities include the availability of energy for all.

The importance of reducing dependency on fossil fuels to create stability in energy costs.

Efforts should be made to achieve a sustainable and logical mixed-use approach through the
transition to renewables.

There is a need for shared control for power production to share both costs and burdens.

More should be done to improve energy efficiency at the single-user and larger scales.

Technology development for renewables needs to improve, with support for technology
ventures in the region.

More should be done to provide education and training for the region, including both
technical and management aspects.

Also more work on communications to public on how energy works in the region is

There should be work to decrease isolation and silo effects to improve knowledge

The Centre of Excellence in Aruba can be used to promote regional cooperation.

7) Caribbean Master plan on Green- and eco-tourism

The problem:

Tourism is the leading economic sector in most of the countries of the Caribbean. But the
expansion of mass tourism threatens the biodiversity and natural environment of the region,
ultimately undercutting the basis for future tourism as well as local livelihoods.

Being a biodiversity hotspot, the Caribbean supports a range of rich ecosystems, many of
which are threatened. On the other hand it remains true that the region is under-funded and
has been negatively impacted by mass tourism. However, both government and the local
tourist industry in the region are committed to develop eco-tourism

Toward solutions:

Promote sustainable tourism in all forms, social, cultural, economic and environmental.

Should expand the Caribbean sustainable tourism framework which will serve as a guide
from which countries can develop their own plans and policies.
There is a need to require socio-economic and environments impact assessments in tourism

Support initiatives to green the tourism sector, in approaches to water, waste management,
solid waste and energy management.

Carrying capacity should be carefully assessed in terms of tourism development planning.

Building codes and land use planning should be enforced.

Tourism management should address as part of its model, emergency preparedness, with a
special emphasis on safety and security of visitors.

Connect with national disaster management institutions and CDEMA and support community
search and rescue teams.

8) Region-wide education and training for transformation to creative green

The problem:

Sustainability depends on everyones behavior. There is a need to refine and promote the
vision of, and transition to, sustainable development, through all forms of education, public
awareness and training.

Toward solutions:

Greater diversity in communication formats. Could establish a clearing house for green
education materials for sharing. Use an app for this.

A Caribbean flavor is a must. A feature length film on the coral reefs (title: An inconvenient
truth for coral).

Internships in the Caribbean from other global areas to promote training in the Caribbean.

Transfer of skills between education institutions, such as in the areas of diving or under water

Encourage people in the Caribbean to include the Ocean and the Caribbean sea as permanent
part of their livelihood.

Develop awareness of careers and new industries that come from the blue economy.

Work on vocational training programs for Ocean careers, not just scientists.

Private partners need to be more readily approached and utilized to spread the education
9) Region-wide connection of research and training institutions

The problem:

There are many small applied research and training institutions in the region, but they often
work in isolation from each other and are delinked from research in related fields of
Caribbean ecological, economical, livelihood and socio-cultural sustainability concerns. It is
far more efficient for our small societies to approach issues from a multi-disciplinary and
coordinated regional or sub-regional perspective.

Toward solutions:

We need to keep facilitating people around regionally common agendas/topics. Examples of

this are regional events such as the TNO Coastal Bonaire conference and NOAA coral
initiative connecting researchers and regionally relevant initiatives or online platforms such
as the Caribbean Knowledge and learning network.

Local institutions bring indigenous knowledge and can help develop locally appropriate
solutions. However, because of the small scale and limited resources we have to be realistic.
It makes sense to link with larger international institutions where they can bring in research
and innovation and where the local Caribbean entity brings in the local knowledge to
translate to locally appropriate solutions. Examples are Carmabi-University Amsterdam and
TNO-Caribbean TNO NL as local institutions with larger outside Caribbean based partners.

Knowledge is power but in order for centers of expertise to function we have to be willing to
share information and willing to collaborate. To assess whether a network relationship may
work you have to consider the 4 Cs: Common Goal; Complementary; Capacity to
collaborate; and Compatible culture to share

We have to recognize the institutions we have in the region and should establish partnerships.
Therefore, we need more collaboration, rather than a transformation.

We may want to focus on being good and sharing proven practices, things that work.
Resources are of course always an issue, to bring entities together and link them. People or
organizations need to free up resources and time to make this happen, coordinate and share.
Donor support can be of great help. However, it is also important that we create continuities
and find ways to institutionalize the sharing of good practices.

Arubas center of excellence would be very willing to contribute in leading an exercise to do

an overview/inventory/stocktaking of various research institutions.

10) Financing conservation and sustainable development in the Caribbean

The problem:

The Caribbean Region remains saddled with low growth, high debt burdens, and fragile
financial institutions. The region did not create the problems of unsustainable market activity
and hence cannot afford to solve its problems without outside assistance.

Toward solutions:

There is a need to reduce administrative burden of different project reporting formats. The
Green Climate Fund reporting could prove to be very challenging for small states. Need to
have simple reporting formats for small grants for NGOs and CBOs. Regional capacity and
global capacity should be drawn on for helping with project formulation and implementation.

More attention should be paid to disaster risk reduction.

There should be a facility for SME support.

There should be a reconsideration of debt to GDP ratios taking into consideration specifics of
SIDS dynamics. Look for scaling debt for adaptation swaps.

Study ways to promote more bottom-up planning.

Analyze problems related to OCT status.

Reconsider the present categorization of Caribbean small states being middle income.

Establishing the CSDF as a Caribbean Collaboration Network of the

At the end of the first Caribbean Sustainable Development Forum, participants committed
themselves to remain involved in multi-stakeholders collaboration for conservation and
inclusive sustainable growth in the region, establishing the CSDF as a more permanent
platform of voluntary members, aiming at joint action to conserve the Caribbean Region (sea
and soil) and to move it forward in implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition, participants have welcomed the invitation by Mr. Rainieri of the Punta Cana
Group to host the next CSDF in 2018 in Punta Cana, and suggested that until then the CSDF
Secretariat in Curacao should keep the momentum by pro-active information sharing.

Oranjestad, 23 February 2017

Participants in the first CSDF

Name Country Designation

Acevedo, Diego Aruba Executive Staff Bluerise
Ackerman, Frank USA Global Economics Governance Institute, Boston University
Alders, Arxen Netherlands Policy Officer
Aquing, Patricia Trinidad Executive Director Carribean Water and Waste Organization
Arnold, Marc Sint Maarten Policy Advisor St Maarten
Barrett, Channelle Anguilla Representative Cora Richardson Hodge, Minister of Environment of Anguilla
Bitondo, Barbara USA Knowledge Management Officer, International Finance Corperation
Blewitt, Richard United Kingdom RC UNDP
Bobbink, Luuk Curacao Secretariat CSDF
Boersma, Arno Aruba Manager of the Center of Excellence for Small Island Developing States UNDP
Bosman, Andre Dominican Republic Services Unit Caribbean & Central America Director
Boudestijn, Jeroen Aruba Press & Communication CSDF
Brouwer, Timo Curacao Green Force
Brown, Louis St Maarten Secretary General VROMI
Cashman, Adrian C. Barbados Senior Lecturer Water Resources Management
Chamberland, Valerie Curacao Carmabi foundation
Charles, Amanda Barbados Caribbean Tourism Organization
Cordova Lopez, Luis Cuba Technical University of Havana
Croes, Jocelyn Aruba Cabinet Advisor to the Prime Minister of Aruba
Cummings, Daniel St Vincent & the Grenadines President, Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association
De Haseth Curacao Delegation Mr. Koeiman
De Meza, Mike Eric Aruba Minister of Tourism, Transport, Energy and Environment
Delgado Rosa, Humberto Belgium EU Directorate-General for the Environment
Demon, Inez Suriname Executive Director CELOS
Dumphries Mr. Aruba
Duraiswamy, Naresh USA Senior Operations Officer, Operations Policy and Country Services, World Bank
Ebbing, Jan Aruba TNO-Caribbean
Eisden, Eunice M.D. Curacao Minister Plenipotentiary of Curacao to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Eman, Mike Aruba Prime Minister / Chair of OCTA
Fer, Leslie J Curacao Ministerie van Algemene zaken
Fletcher-Paul, Lystra Trinidad Representative FAO
Coordinator CLCC and President of the Puerto Rico Chapter of the American Fisheries
Garcia Bermudez, Miguel A. Puerto Rico Society
Gibson, Norman Trinidad CARDI
Goberdhan, Tamara Trinidad Education Officer PaP Wildfowl Trust
Gravenhorst, Marco Bonaire 2nd Deputy TAO, Program Manager
Hanoman-van Sluytman, Zalika Barbados EU Delegation Barbados
Henriquez, Leo Aruba
Hesselink, Erwin Netherlands Go Dive Houten, Dive Instititute
Jackson, Ronald Barbados Executive Director CDEMA
Kaidou - Jeffrey, Donna Barbados Caribank
Katawazi, Gatool Curacao Secretariat CSDF
Khan, Roshan Guyana Founder, Director / Masterclass University
Kheel, Jake USA Vice President Punta Cana Group
King, Damien Jamaica Co-executive director CAPRI
Koeiman, Hensley Curacao Prime Minister of Curacao
Lampe-Chiquito, Rubiela Aruba Managing Director ACE Firm Engineering
Lee, Andy The Netherlands Minister Plenipotentiary for Aruba at Royal Dutch Embassy
Leslie, Kenrick Belize Executive Director CCCCC
Lindeboom, Han Bonaire Professor, Programme Save the Coral Reefs
Maduro, Nathalie Aruba Director of the department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Marlin, William St Maarten Prime Minister of St Maarten
Martinez, Luty Aruba Student Guidance at EPB
Martis, Albert Curacao Meteo Curacao
Maxime, Jedidiah Antigua and Barbuda Director of Agriculture
Mc Millan, Upaul Cuffy Dominica
Mclymont-Lafayette, Indi Jamaica Development Communication Specialist
Meijer, Elena Curacao
Moeniralarm, Irving Curacao Delegation Mr. Koeiman
Moons, Robert-Jan Aruba TNO-Carribean
Mora-Ramis, Taiana Dominican Republic President of the Chamber of Commerce for the promotion of trade and investment
North, Leslie Ann USA Centre for Human GeoEnvironmental Studies, Western Jentucky University

Oduber, Ryan Aruba

Olmberg-Soesman, Hannah Suriname
Panton, Janice Montserrat Montserrat government centre UK
Peterson, G Aruba
Petronilia, Flora Aruba
Philipps, Ann Curacao Director Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Curacao to the Netherlands
Pichs Madruga, Ramon Cuba Director del Centro de Investigaciones de la Economa Mundial
Pietersz, Judric Curacao Delegation Mr. Koeiman
Polk, Jason Samuel USA Researcher on Climate Change
Rade, Kees Netherlands Director of the department of the international promotion of Inclusive Green Growth
Rahman, Rita Curacao Chair CSDF
Rainieri, Francisco Dominican Republic Punta Cana Group
Richards, Simon Barbados Director Megapower Ltd.
Riviears, A.L. Aruba
Rogers-Ryan, Lavern Montserrat GIS Manager
Schoolderman, Ruurd Aruba TNO-Carribean
Seferina, Gisette Curacao Site Manager WAITT Institute
Sieben, Herman Bonaire Executive Director Dutch Carribean Nature Alliance
Singer, Benjamin USA Expert in Community based Forest Management and Forest Affairs Officer at the UN FF
Singh, James Nirmal Guyana Commissioner of Forest, Guyana Forestry Commission

Smith, Khadine Trinidad & Tobago Project Coordinator - Caribbean Future Forum
Springer, Cletus USA Director Sustainable Development, OAS
St Martin, Chaney Trinidad & Tobago Inter - American Institute For Cooperation on Agriculture
Stokkermans, Paul Curacao Director Carribean Research & Management of Biodiversity Foundation
Sweeney, Vincent Canada Head Carribean Sub-regional office UNDP
Director Education and SRI Human Capital Development, Performance Management And
Delivery Unit (Pemandu) Prime Ministers Department
Tengku Nurul Azian Malaysia
Tiemessen, Fredericus Bonaire Deputy TAO - Deputy Secretary General of Public Entity of Bonaire
Trench-Sandiford, Carolyn Belize Belize Association of Planners
Trotz, Ulrich O'D Belize Deputy Director & Science Advisor CCCCC
Van den Berg, Marietta Dominican Republic CEO SAVID, Bio-banana and bio- Mango production and export
Van den Berg, Niels Netherlands Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Van Dijsseldonk, Vanessa Curacao Delegation Mr. Koeiman
Vermeij, Mark Curacao Science Director Carmabi Foundation
Vervloed, Johannes Aruba Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Wagner, Lynn USA Manager International Institute for Sustainable Development
Wever, Muzanin Aruba
Whiskey, Nicolas Trinidad Vice President Business Development Caribbean Tech Trendz Limited
Williams, Mark St Maarten Ministry of VROMI
Wolf, Franziska Germany Deputy Head, Research and Transfer Centre Applications of Life Sciences
Yung, Tesha Curacao Secretariat CSDF
Zaunberger, Karin Belgium DG European Commission
Zwart, Peter Aruba Intern Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs

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