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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable

Raceway Systems for Electric

Generating Facilities

IEEE Power and Energy Society

Sponsored by the
Energy Development and Power Generation Committee
Insulated Conductors Committee

3 Park Avenue IEEE Std 422-2012
New York, NY 10016-5997

11 January 2013

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Central Florida. Downloaded on January 27,2014 at 21:56:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 422-2012

IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable

Raceway Systems for Electric
Generating Facilities


Energy Development and Power Generation Committee

Insulated Conductors Committee
of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Approved 5 December 2012

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Central Florida. Downloaded on January 27,2014 at 21:56:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: Guidance for the design and installation of cable raceway systems for all types of
electric generating facilities is provided. Recommendations, methods, and best engineering
practices for the design of cable raceway systems including selection of equipment, materials,
and the configuration of raceway are described.
Keywords: cable, conduit, electrical design, generating facility, IEEE 422, raceway
configurations, raceway design, raceway installation, tray

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright 2013 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 11 January 2013. Printed in the United States of America.

National Electrical Code, NEC, NFPA 70 are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.
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PDF: ISBN 978-0-7381-8084-7 STD98070

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At the time this IEEE guide was completed, the Station Design, Operations, and Control Subcommittee of
Energy Development and Power Generation Committee and Generation Station and Industrial Cables
Subcommittee of Insulated Conductors Committee Working Groups had the following membership:

John E. Merando, Jr., Chair

William G. Bloethe, Vice Chair

Michael G. Bayer Robert E. Fleming Daniel G. Mainstruck

Kenneth E. Bow Robert A. Gehm Arturo J. Maldonado
Eric J. Bulington Ajit K. Gwal Nader Moubed
William A. Byrd Thomas R. Jurczak Donald Smith
John R. Cancelosi Richard J. Kolich Albert H. Spear III
Preston Cooper Robert L. Konnik Philip A. Spotts
Douglas S. DePriest David R. Kummer Gabriel J. Taylor
Frank DiGuglielmo Michael K. Lauxman Robert F. Wobick
Gary R. Engmann* Gerald R. Liskom Dawn F. Zhao
Russell Lowe


The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

William Ackerman Ajit K. Gwal Jerry Murphy

Stan Arnot Hamidreza Heidarisafa Rhonda Netzel
John Barker Lee Herron Michael S. Newman
Farouk Baxter Gary Heuston Joe Nims
Michael G. Bayer Lauri Hiivala Lorraine Padden
Robert Beavers David Horvath Percy Pool
William G. Bloethe R. Jackson John Randolph
Kenneth E. Bow Clark Jacobson Michael Roberts
Daniel Brosnan Paul Johnson M. Sachdev
Gustavo Brunello James Jones Bartien Sayogo
William A. Byrd Chad Kiger Douglas Seely
Thomas Campbell Joseph L. Koepfinger Devki Sharma
Robert Carruth Richard J. Kolich Gil Shultz
Suresh Channarasappa Robert L. Konnik Michael Smalley
Randy Clelland Jim Kulchisky James Smith
Matthew Davis Saumen Kundu Nagu Srinivas
Frank DiGuglielmo Chung-Yiu Lam Gary Stoedter
John Disosway Gerald R. Liskom S. Thamilarasan
Gary Donner Debra Longtin James Thompson
Michael Dood Russell Lowe Michael Tucker
Gary R. Engmann Greg Luri Joe Uchiyama
Rostyslaw Fostiak Arturo J. Maldonado Gerald Vaughn
David Giegel William McBride John Vergis
James Gleason John E. Merando, Jr. Kenneth White
Jalal Gohari Georges Montillet David Zaprazny
Randall Groves Kimberly Mosley Dawn F. Zhao

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 5 December 2012, it had the following

Richard H. Hulett, Chair

John Kulick, Vice Chair
Robert M. Grow, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Satish Aggarwal Alexander Gelman Oleg Logvinov

Masayuki Ariyoshi Paul Houz Ted Olsen
Peter Balma Jim Hughes Gary Robinson
William Bartley Young Kyun Kim Jon Walter Rosdahl
Ted Burse Joseph L. Koepfinger* Mike Seavey
Clint Chaplin John Kulick Yatin Trivedi
Wael Diab David J. Law Phil Winston
Jean-Philippe Faure Thomas Lee Yu Yuan
Hung Ling

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative

Michael Janezic, NIST Representative

Julie Alessi
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development

Malia Zaman
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 422-2012, IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric
Generating Facilities.

IEEE Std 422TM was originally issued in 1977 and revised in 1986, but was administratively withdrawn by
IEEE in the mid 1990s as a result of not being re-affirmed or revised in the interim. This document was
originally developed as a guide for the design and installation of wire and cable systems in generating
stations with the objective of minimizing failures and their consequences. It was not intended for use in the
design of wire and cable systems in switchyards or substations, which is covered in IEEE Std 525TM. The
guide was originally written to apply to both nuclear and non-nuclear electric power generating stations
except for the special requirements of wire and cable installations in Class 1E systems of nuclear stations
for which the user was referred to IEEE Std 690TM. Most of the existing nuclear plants make reference to
IEEE Std 422-1986 in their governing documents and use the guidance of IEEE Std 422-1986 in their
designs, especially for non-nuclear applications, such as water treatment, cooling towers, administrative,
and warehouse structures, etc. It is not the intent of this revision to change what was done in the past, or
require any new design changes to existing operating nuclear plants, or to prohibit the use of the guidance
in this document when it is referenced in nuclear plant governing documents. The intent of this revision is
to clarify the applicability of this document to future nuclear plant designs.

The general practice at many existing nuclear facilities was to use one cable raceway design criteria within
the vital areas rather than having one criterion apply to the non-safety systems, and another criterion apply
to the structures and components of the safety related systems. Thus having two documents, IEEE Std 422
and IEEE Std 690, apply to the vital areas within nuclear plants allows for the possibility of two sets of
overlapping or conflicting requirements to govern the design of cable raceway systems, especially
considering that safety related and non-safety related cables are often routed in same room and may even
go to the same end device. Therefore, the user is advised to verify the applicability of this document when
doing nuclear plant cable raceway design work to prevent using it in situations where IEEE Std 690

Therefore, a revision to IEEE Std 422 has been undertaken to remove those design requirements (such as
associated circuits) that are specific to only nuclear power generating stations with the understanding that a
similar revision to IEEE Std 690 is in progress to capture any nuclear design requirements (such as
associated circuits) which apply to nuclear plants but do not apply to non-nuclear generating stations. In
addition, it should be noted that the 1986 version of IEEE Std 422 contained some information regarding
cable installation practices which has now been incorporated into IEEE Std 1185TM-2010, and therefore has
been removed from this revision of IEEE Std 422. For additional guidance on raceway design and
installation requirements for nuclear facilities, also see IEEE Std 628TM.

In addition to fossil fueled generating stations, this document applies to hydroelectric, solar, photovoltaic,
wind, ocean, geothermal, and other renewable power generating stations but not to residential, commercial
facilities, or emergency standby generators that serve their own facilities. This document may be of benefit
for the proper design of cable raceway systems in industrial, commercial, governmental, and public
facilities when similar cable raceway systems are used.

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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1

2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 1

3. Definitions and acronyms........................................................................................................................... 2

3.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................ 3

4. Cable selection ........................................................................................................................................... 4

4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 4
4.2 Cable circuit classifications ................................................................................................................. 4
4.3 Service conditions................................................................................................................................ 4
4.4 Cable performance............................................................................................................................... 5
4.5 Cable thermal limits............................................................................................................................. 5

5. Cable conductor sizing and voltage levels.................................................................................................. 6

6. Electrical segregation of cable systems ...................................................................................................... 8

6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 8
6.2 Segregation .......................................................................................................................................... 8

7. Separation of redundant cable systems..................................................................................................... 10

7.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 10
7.2 Design considerations........................................................................................................................ 10

8. Shielding and shield grounding ................................................................................................................ 12

8.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 12
8.2 Medium voltage power cable............................................................................................................. 12
8.3 Instrumentation cable shielding ......................................................................................................... 14

9. Raceway ................................................................................................................................................... 15
9.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 15
9.2 Conduit .............................................................................................................................................. 15
9.3 Cable tray........................................................................................................................................... 17
9.4 Wireways........................................................................................................................................... 20
9.5 Direct burial, tunnels, and trenches ................................................................................................... 20
9.6 Floor trenches .................................................................................................................................... 21
9.7 Raised floors ...................................................................................................................................... 21

Annex A (informative) Bibliography .......................................................................................................... 22

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable
Raceway Systems for Electric
Generating Facilities

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1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This document provides guidance for the design and installation of cable raceway systems for all types of
electric generating facilities.

1.2 Purpose

The guide provides recommendations, methods, and best engineering practices for the design of cable
raceway systems including selection of equipment, materials, and the configuration of raceway.

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

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IEEE Std 422-2012
IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

IEEE Std C2-2012, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 1, 2

NFPA 70-2011, National Electrical Code (NEC) 3

3. Definitions and acronyms

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 4

3.1 Definitions

cable shielding: A magnetic or nonmagnetic, conductive material applied over the insulated conductor or
conductors to confine the electric field of the cable to the insulated conductor or conductors or to protect
the insulated conductors from external electromagnetic or electrostatic interference.

cocoon (cable system enclosure): A cable wrap or enclosure used to protect cables from fire hazards and
used to permit cable separation distances less than that normally required and which is typically made of a
fire resistant material.

conductor (strand) shield: The conductor shield consists of a layer of semi-conductive polymer or a
material with a high dielectric constant that is extruded over the conductor. The conductor shield reduces
the dielectric stress at the inside surface of the insulation and prevents partial discharges by filling in the
voids and irregularities of the conductor surface and by providing a smooth, equi-potential surface at the
inside surface of the insulation.

design life (of a cable): The time encompassing the service life of a cable and the anticipated margin
beyond during which a cable is expected to operate and perform its intended function.

design life (of a power generating station): The time during which satisfactory station performance can
be expected for a specific set of design operating conditions.

drop-out fitting: An attachment to a cable tray that maintains the proper cable minimum bend radius at the
point that the cable exits from a tray. These fittings are available in configurations that can be attached to
the bottom, side, or end of a tray.

insulation shield: The insulation shield is a layer of semi-conductive polymer or a material with a high
dielectric constant that is applied to the outer surface of the insulation in order to establish an equi-
potential surface on the outside of the insulation. This ensures that there are no areas of concentrated
electric field due to sources outside of the cable, and minimizes the dielectric stress within the cable

minimum pulling bend radius: The minimum allowable value of the radius of an arc that an insulated
conductor, insulated wire, or insulated cable can be bent under tension while the cable is being installed.

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IEEE Std 422-2012
IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

minimum training bend radius: The minimum allowable value of the radius of an arc that an insulated
conductor, insulated wire, or insulated cable can be bent under no tension for permanent installation.

service life (of a cable): The time during which satisfactory cable performance can be expected for a
specific set of service conditions.

3.2 Acronyms

ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene fabricated conduit

EMI Electromagnetic interference

EMT Electrical metallic tubing

EPC-40 Electrical plastic conduit for type DB applications, fabricated from PE; or for type DB
and Schedule 40 applications, fabricated from PVC

EPC-80 Electrical plastic conduit for Schedule 80 applications, fabricated from PVC

EPT Electrical plastic tubing for type EB applications, fabricated from PVC

FMC Flexible metallic conduit

FRE Fiberglass reinforced epoxy fabricated conduit

HDPE High density polyethylene

IMC Intermediate metal conduit

LFMC Liquid-tight flexible metal conduit

NEC National Electrical Code

NESC National Electrical Safety Code

PE Polyethylene

PVC Polyvinylchloride

RFI Radio frequency interference

RMC Rigid metal conduit

RTRC Reinforced thermosetting resin conduit

Schedule 40 Duct designed for normal-duty applications above grade

Schedule 80 Duct designed for heavy-duty applications above grade

Type DB Duct designed for underground installation without encasement in concrete

Type EB Duct designed to be encased in concrete

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IEEE Std 422-2012
IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

4. Cable selection

4.1 General

This clause provides guidance for cable performance and should be considered in the selection of cable for
installation in power generating stations. A balance of cable characteristics matched to the environmental
conditions of the plant, as well as good installation, design, and construction practices are essential to
ensure a reliable cable system which will operate during the expected design life of the power generating
plant. See Section 16 of the NESC 5 for general information regarding conductors that should be used in
power plants.

4.2 Cable circuit classifications

Medium voltage power cable circuits are designed to supply power to utilization devices of a plant
auxiliary system rated 2400 V to 34.5 kV.

Low voltage power cable circuits are designed to supply power to utilization devices of a plant auxiliary
system rated 2000 V or less.

Control cable circuits are designed to provide low current levels for intermittent operation to change the
operating status of a utilization device of the plant auxiliary system and are rated less than 1000 V.

Instrumentation, thermocouple extension, and communication cables are used for transmitting variable
current or voltage signals (analog) or for transmitting coded information (digital).

Fiber optic cable circuits are used for the transmission of light by glass or plastic fibers for signaling,
control, and instrumentation purposes.

Specialty cable circuits are designed to accommodate high frequency and high data rates and are selected
based on the application from cable types such as coax, triax, twinax, ethernet, category, data cables, etc.

4.3 Service conditions

Since cable systems are exposed to a wide variety of environmental service conditions, the determination of
the appropriate service condition for each situation is a critical step in the cable system design.

Cables may be directly buried, laid in trenches, routed in tunnels, installed in duct banks and raceways
below grade, or installed in cable trays, conduits, and wire-ways above ground both indoor and outdoor.
Cable installed in any of these locations should be suitable for operation in wet/damp and dry conditions.

The use of MC or TC-ER type cables in exposed areas above ground is acceptable if properly supported
and protected, and installed in accordance with the NEC and local governing codes.

Any cable anticipated to be installed in conditions such as underground ducts, vaults, manholes, trenches,
tunnels, and other areas which are expected to be submerged in water for any part of their route should be
designed to operate under submerged conditions over the expected design life of the cable. This can be
achieved either by using semi-conductive shielding, insulation and jacketing compound materials designed
to be resistant to water degradation or by the use of moisture barrier layers to protect the cable core, water-

Information on references can be found in Clause 2.

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IEEE Std 422-2012
IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

blocking, or other means to achieve a moisture impervious condition and prevent long term cable
degradation due to submerged water conditions. See IEEE Std 1142TM [B30] 6 for selecting, testing, and
installing cables with moisture barriers or water blocking features. Another installation design option is to
re-route the cable so as to bypass the potentially submerged environmental condition. Depending on the
cable type (shielded or unshielded), potential electrical degradation of cable electrical properties may be
detected by one or a combination of the following tests: capacitance measurements, time domain
reflectometry (TDR), and integrated measurement techniques such as computer-based electronic
characterization and diagnostics trouble shooting and condition monitoring tools.

Cable operating temperatures in power generating stations are normally based on 40 C ambient air or 20
C to 30 C (depending on location) ambient earth. Special consideration should be given to cable installed
in areas where ambient temperatures are different from these values.

Cables should be suitable for all other environmental conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity, solar
(ultra-violet) radiation, water submersion, chemicals, EMI/RFI, etc.) that occur in the areas where the cable
is expected to be installed.

4.4 Cable performance

Normally the service life of the cable should be at least equal to the design life of the power generating
station to minimize cable replacement during the station service life.

The cable should maintain its insulating properties for its service life as required by operating conditions
when subjected to maximum ambient temperature and the heat generated by the current within the cable
and the heat from nearby cables or other heat sources.

Cables installed in open or enclosed cable trays, wire-ways, or in other raceway systems where flame
propagation is of concern should pass the applicable flame test requirements of IEEE Std 1202TM [B33] or
a comparable flame propagation test standard.

4.5 Cable thermal limits

All power cables have thermal limitations, for example: cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) and ethylene
propylene rubber (EPR) products are limited to 90 C/105 C steady state continuous operation, 130 C/140
C emergency, and 250 C short circuit thermal limits per ICEA standards. Consult the cable manufacturer
for the thermal limitations for other cable types such as: paper and lead, polyethylene, silicone rubber, etc.,
which may have different thermal limits than those given above.

These thermal limitations restrict the amount of current a power cable can carry, and are normally stated for
cables routed indoors in free air. Thus, it is extremely important that all cable systems be properly rated, or
de-rated, for the service environment. Any areas that have hot spots, have unusual heat buildup, restrict
thermal heat release or restrict air flow, or are in direct sunlight must be thoroughly evaluated and
understood for proper cable selection. Otherwise, thermal runaway can occur. Thermal runaway can cause
cable system destruction, damage to associated hardware, raceways, and fixtures. It can cause damage to
the generating station or even cause personal injury.

Since thermal runaway of a power cable is a dangerous problem for a generating station, the cable raceway
system designer should review the areas listed below.

The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.

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IEEE Std 422-2012
IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

4.5.1 Raceways

a) The number of cables in a raceway,

b) Cable locations and proximity to each other,
c) Location of any environmental heat source near the raceway,
d) Environmental (ambient) temperature,
e) Air movement, or lack of air movement, to carry away heat and avoid heat buildups.

4.5.2 Circulating currents

a) Electrically balancing of cables,

b) Circulating currents in the grounding paths or cable sheaths that can increase thermal loss and
reduce current carrying capacity,
c) Shields type used for grounding on the cables: tape, stranded wire, etc.

4.5.3 Tunnels and enclosed zones

a) Check all the cable racks, or raceways, against the requirements stated in 4.5.1,
b) Proper air movement to carry away the heat being generated by the cable systems either naturally
or by forced cooling,
c) Locations in the tunnel that restricts air flow or narrows that can cause heat buildup,
d) Coordinate cable ratings with air movements and cable current loads that vary due to time of day,
changing environmental conditions, or temporary work,
e) Thermal insulating wraps or coatings typically used for fire protection trapping air and possibly
leading to higher temperatures (reduced ampacity).

4.5.4 Hardware connections, splices, and equipment attachment points

a) Check all hardware connections, clamps, and splices for potential hot spots, which are usually due
to loose or dirty electrical connections.
b) Check current de-rating of splices that may often be hotter than a cable without a splice.
c) Be aware of transition locations where cable systems are changing their arrangements in order to be
attached to other devices. These are prime locations for thermal hot spots, which can occur while
trying to force a cable into a thermally restricted area, coming into close proximity to heat
producing equipment, or connecting the cables to heat producing equipment such as transformers,
generators, etc.

Cable network systems should be carefully analyzed on a thermal limiting current capacity basis. Always
check it thoroughly, or have the cable supplier provide expert advice as it pertains to the locations and
operational restrictions of their cable in the exact locations or situations in which they are being applied.

5. Cable conductor sizing and voltage levels

The proper design of power cable systems requires the consideration of many factors. These factors include
ambient temperature, normal and emergency loading, system fault levels, voltage drops, and system
nominal voltage, service factor, power factor, grounding, etc.

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The type of load (resistive, capacitive, inductive, or combination thereof) and ambient temperature are
important design parameters because they determine the continuous current-carrying capability (ampacity)
of a cable for a given size in a particular type of installation. In areas where temperatures exceed stated
ambient, cables require ampacity de-rating or special types of insulation and jacket materials to be used.

The ampacity of low and medium voltage power conductors may be determined from tables provided in
NEC Articles 310.15(B) or 310.60(C) or under engineering supervision as provided in NEC Articles
310.15(C) or 310.60(D).

The ampacity of medium voltage power cables in cable trays with single layer or maintained spacing
should be in accordance with NEC Articles 392.22(C) and 392.80(B).

Power cables should be designed to carry normal and emergency load currents. IEEE Std 835TM [B25]
provides cable ampacity tables for various cable constructions and methods of installation. These tables are
based on 40 C ambient air and 25 C ambient earth and include data for various conductor temperatures.
The ampacity ratings for the cable shown in the tables of IEEE Std 835 [B25] will require adjustment if the
site ambient air or earth temperatures are different. Appropriate factors for cable and conduit grouping are
also given, as well as an adjustment formula for change in parameters. Ampacity for cable in an
underground duct bank is based on all power cable ducts being peripherally located and having the cable
shields of single-conductor, non-triplexed, medium voltage cables grounded at one point.

Ampacities for non-spaced, random filled cables in open top trays should be determined from ICEA P-54-
440/NEMA WC51 [B11], unless the circuit is routed in both underground and open top trays. For this case,
the most conservative ampacity should be used. However, normally the ampacity tables listed in IEEE Std
835 [B25] are not applicable for the non-spaced, random filled cables in open top tray applications. The
publications listed in Annex A also provide guidance for de-rating the cable ampacity. There is an ampacity
difference for the same size cable between the NEC (NFPA 70) and ICEA P-54-440 [B11] where a single
layer with no spacing is used. IEC 60287-1-1 [B16] provides a simplified formula for the ampacity of
cables in a trench. Trenches are complicated from the heat transfer perspective, and more sophisticated
calculation techniques may be required.

Where cables are routed through several types of installation conditions (buried, outdoors exposed to
sunlight, exposed conduit, covered cable trays, wireways, near hot steam lines, etc.), the conductor size
should be selected for the most severe thermal condition. The application of fire-retardant coverings,
penetration fire stops, etc. may also affect cable ampacity and may require further de-rating.

Guidance for fault current and short circuit characteristics of insulated conductors is provided in ICEA P-
32-382 [B9]. Fault current capabilities of metallic shields and sheaths are provided in ICEA P45-482 [B10].

Voltage regulation requirements should be considered when selecting the conductor size. Motor feeder
voltage drop under starting and running conditions should be limited to allow the motor to operate within
its design specifications.

System nominal voltage level and the type of grounding (solidly grounded, resistance grounded, or
ungrounded) determine the rating and insulation level (i.e., 100%, 133%, or 173%) of medium voltage
cable. AEIC specification CS8-07 [B1] and ICEA S-73-532 [B12], ICEA S-93-639 [B13], ICEA S-95-658
[B14], and ICEA S-97-682 [B15] provide guidelines for the proper selection of cable rating and insulation
level as well as the overvoltage capabilities associated with cable voltage ratings.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

6. Electrical segregation of cable systems

6.1 General

Cable systems should have electrical segregation according to voltage levels, signal levels, and
vulnerability to electrical noise pickup.

6.2 Segregation

6.2.1 General

Cables installed in stacked cable trays generally should be arranged by descending voltage levels with the
higher voltages at the top. Distance between tray voltage levels should be a minimum of 30 cm (12 in)
measured from the bottom of the upper tray to the top of the lower tray. A larger spacing may be desirable
for ease of cable installation.

6.2.2 Medium voltage power cables

These cables should be installed so that the medium voltage cannot be impressed on any lower voltage
system. Methods for achieving this segregation are:

a) Installation of medium voltage cables in raceways that are separated by either a minimum of 30 cm
(12 in) or a solid metal barrier from low voltage power, control, and instrumentation cables.
Installation of different classes of medium voltage power cables in separate raceways is
b) Utilization of shielded cables helps to contain the magnetic and electric fields within the insulated
conductor of the cable. Induced current in the shield acts to reduce the magnetic field if the shield is
grounded at both ends because the current in the shield flows in the opposite direction from the
conductor current. However, the shield current is normally limited to reduce the losses in the cable.
Since the shield is not normally made from ferromagnetic materials, there is little magnetic
shielding without shield current. If the shield is single point grounded, there is no electromagnetic
c) Utilization of armored cables may help to contain the magnetic and electric fields within the cable
depending on the type of armor material and the grounding scheme. Even when armored cable is
used, separation of raceways is desirable to reduce propagation of heat from the medium voltage
cable and to minimize physical damage in the event of high magnitude faults internal to the
medium voltage cable.

The segregation of medium voltage cables in trays is mandatory in areas that are subject to the
requirements of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70).

In the past, cables rated up to 5000 V have been made without insulation shields (commonly referred to as
unshielded or non-shielded cables), and these cables were used extensively in systems which had a
nominal system voltage of 4160 V. However, since the 2005 Edition of the NEC, cable used on a system
with a nominal voltage rated above 2400 V is required to be provided with a semiconducting shield except
for special applications. A semiconducting polymer shielded cable design confines the electric field to
symmetrical configurations around the cable, provides a uniform ground plane to facilitate cable testing,
and allows monitoring or testing cable installations for damage. Nonmetallic shielded medium voltage
cables for systems with a nominal voltage higher than 2400 V (line-to-line) have also been used in the past.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

However, their use is now limited to designs that are not subject to NEC. In addition, the limited
availability of non-shielded medium voltage power cable further restricts their use to replacement
applications or special designs such as internal generator leads. Rule 124 of the NESC requires these cables
to be guarded and requires that all such unshielded cables be installed in completely enclosed raceways
such as a conduit. However, the 2011 revision to the NEC has relaxed the restrictions imposed by 2005
NEC Edition and allows an expanded use of non-shielded 5 kV cable for such activities as retrofit work and
other special applications.

6.2.3 Low voltage power and control cables

Low voltage power and control cable classifications may be mixed if they have compatible operating
temperatures and voltage (600 V or less) ratings. The objective is to prevent physical damage to the cable
due to size difference or physical construction of the cable. It is generally possible to have 120 V control
and 480 V power cables in close proximity, as the characteristics of the insulated conductors of both types
of cables are similar. The heat generation of the power cables should be small enough to avoid excessive
temperatures in the installation. The size of the power cables should be compatible so as not to present a
risk of physical damage to the control cables during installation and service. In case of doubt, the cable
manufacturer should be consulted.

NEC Article 725 imposes additional requirements for segregation in locations such as remote-control,
signaling, and power-limited circuits.

6.2.4 Instrumentation cables

These cables should be installed to minimize noise pickup from adjacent circuits and equipment. Methods
for achieving segregation are:

a) Provide physical separation between the instrumentation cables and any electrical noise source;
b) Install instrumentation cables in separate enclosed raceways made of magnetic materials;
c) Use cable construction configurations such as twisted conductors and shielded pairs with overall
d) Install analog signal cables separate from all power and control cables and from unshielded cables
carrying digital or pulse-type signals. Shielded voice communication cable (without power supply
conductors) may be included in raceways with analog signal cables.

6.2.5 Fiber optic cables

Fiber optic cables are not affected by electrical interference from other cables, nor do they create any
electrical interference issue with other cables. Since most fiber optic cables are relatively small, compared
to most power plant cables, fiber optic cables should be segregated from larger cables to prevent damage to
the fiber optic cables during installation and maintenance. This segregation can be obtained by using a
separate raceway for small cables or a barrier to separate the fiber optic cable from other cables.

6.2.6 Adjustable speed drives and other non-linear loads

Several different technologies are used for adjustable speed drives (a.k.a. variable frequency drives, etc.)
and other non-linear loads which often create high frequency components in their load currents. These
higher frequency currents are more easily coupled to nearby conductors compared to power frequency (50
Hz-60 Hz) currents. The use of adjustable speed drives requires special conductor size considerations,

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

thicker insulation walls, and special cable shielding/grounding considerations to contain the EMI/RFI
emissions generated by the drive circuitry.

Therefore, it is important that the cables associated with these loads be segregated from low voltage power,
control, and instrument cables. Segregation may be accomplished by the use of armored cable, use of
conduit, or by the use of special cables between the inverter source and the load. When possible, the cable
length between the inverter source and the motor load should be minimized to reduce the potential for
unwanted effects of EMI/RFI coupling.

In addition, the modern solid state devices used in adjustable speed drives are capable of producing
waveforms with fast rise times. Under some conditions, this can be a source of transient over-voltages in
power circuits and noise in nearby instrumentation circuits. Therefore, it is important that power cables
from the adjustable speed (variable frequency) drive to the motor load be carefully selected. Power cables
for these applications are specially designed and may have increased insulation thickness, three conductor
configurations with ground wires under common jacket, extra ground wire configurations, braided sheaths,
armored sheaths, or other features to mitigate voltage spikes produced by variable frequency drives.

7. Separation of redundant cable systems

7.1 General

This clause provides guidance for the separation of redundant cable systems. Redundant cable systems are
two or more systems serving the same objective. They may be systems where personnel or public safety is
involved, such as fire pumps, or systems provided with redundancy because of the severity of economic
consequences of equipment damage. Turbine-generator ac- and dc-bearing oil pumps are examples of
redundant equipment under this definition. Partially redundant systems, such as a system consisting of three
50% feedwater pumps provided so that maintenance on any one pump can be performed without loss of
operating capability, are another example of design redundancy which require redundant cable systems.

7.2 Design considerations

Redundant cable systems should be separated to assure that no single credible event (fire, seismic, flood,
etc.) will prevent the operation of a required plant function.

Separation should also be applied to partial capacity systems, such as three 50% systems, to improve
service reliability.

The degree of separation required varies with the potential hazard to the cable systems and the specific
power generating station area. Where transient fire loads are possible and need to be accounted for,
administrative controls such as procedures, security measures, or fire watch patrol could constitute
acceptable measures of protection.

These areas may be classified as follows:

a) Mechanical damage area:

Physical arrangement, or protective barriers, or both should be incorporated into the design so that
no credible event such as missile, pipe whip, or jet impingement can cause the destruction of both
the main and the redundant cable systems. Possible event sources include:
1) Large rotating equipment,

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

2) High-pressure/high temperature piping and pressure vessels,

3) Transformers and switchgear,
4) Overhead cranes,
5) Temporary power or equipment installations.
b) Fire hazard area:
Cables should be selected that have passed an appropriate vertical tray flame propagation test, and
cable systems should be arranged to assure that a postulated fire does not:
1) Damage more than one system. Even though separation and routing of redundant cable
systems is not a substitute for a fire-rated cable or fire-rated barrier, cables should not be
routed through an area where there is potential for accumulation of large quantities of oil or
other combustible material (including coal dust, grain dust, natural gas, etc.). Where
avoidance is not possible, cable should be routed in the appropriate hazardous duty rated
raceway and equipment, and fire-rated cables should be considered.
2) Propagate from one system to another. Cables of redundant systems should have sufficient
horizontal (minimum of 3 m [10 feet]) and vertical (minimum of 6 m [20 feet]) separation to
prevent ignition of the cables in one system by a fire in the other. If this separation is not
attainable, a fire-resistant barrier should be installed or one system should be wrapped with a
minimum of a 1-hour fire rated cocoon, and fire-rated cables should be considered.
c) Cable spreading area:
The cable spreading area is normally adjacent to, above or below, the control room where cables
leaving the panels are dispersed into various cable trays for routing to all parts of the plant.
1) Where cables of redundant systems are located such that there is no adequate assurance that a
postulated fire in one system will not ignite the cable in the redundant system, barriers should
be installed between the redundant cable systems. Enclosing both systems in metallic
raceways and enclosing one system by cocoon are examples of acceptable barriers, providing
the barriers are fire-rated. The NEC now requires fire barriers to be a minimum 2-hour rating.
Where cocoons are used, cable ampacity de-rating should be taken into account during the
design of the cable system.
2) The cable spreading area should not contain high energy equipment such as switchgear,
transformers, rotating equipment, or potential sources of hot or combustible fluids, missiles,
or piping and should not be used for material storage, especially flammable or toxic
chemicals. Circuits in the cable spreading area should be limited to control and instrument
functions and those power supply circuits and facilities serving the control room and
instrument systems. Power supply feeders to instrument and control room distribution panels
should be installed in enclosed metallic raceways.
3) The cable spreading area should not contain station batteries due to the off gassing of
flammable or toxic fumes.
4) High pressure or high temperature piping should not be routed through or traverse the cable
spreading area.
5) When redundant cable systems cannot be sufficiently separated by means identified above,
consideration should be given to providing two cable spreading rooms, one above and one
below the control room, with separate chases providing segregated paths to each from the
plant, which allows cable to enter the control room from the top or bottom.

6) When low voltage power circuits are required to traverse this area, they should be assigned to
a minimum number of routes consistent with their separation requirements and allocated
solely for these power circuits. Such power circuits should be separated from other circuits in
this area in accordance with 6.2. An acceptable alternative routing for such traversing power
circuits would be to route them in embedded conduit or in a separate raceway (e.g., a conduit

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

or dedicated wireway), which in effect removes them from the cable spreading area. Medium
voltage and high voltage power circuits should not be routed in the cable spreading area.
d) Cable penetrations:
Penetrations exist where cables are required to pass through barriers such as walls, floors, ceilings,
fire stops, etc. Redundant cable systems passing through a barrier should be installed where either:
1) Cables are in separate penetrations that provide physical separation
2) Cables are sufficiently separated by physical arrangement, protective barriers, or both inside a
single penetration such that no credible event can cause the destruction of the redundant cable
3) When cables pass through fire-rated walls, ceilings, and/or floors; these penetrations shall be
sealed with a fire stop material of equal fire rating to the fire rating of the wall, ceiling, or
floor being penetrated

8. Shielding and shield grounding

8.1 General

This clause provides guidance for shielding and grounding of the metallic shield of medium voltage power
and instrumentation cable systems.

8.2 Medium voltage power cable

8.2.1 General

The use of metallic shielding and grounding of the shield of a medium voltage power cable is a common
practice to reduce the hazard of shock to personnel, to confine the electric field within the cable, and to
minimize deterioration of cable insulation and jackets caused by surface discharges. The selection of the
shield grounding locations and the effects of single and multiple point grounds are design considerations
for the proper installation of shielded cable.

The conductor (strand) shield consists of a layer of semi-conductive polymer or a material with a high
dielectric constant that is extruded over the conductor. The insulation is then extruded over the conductor
shield. The strand shield reduces the dielectric stress at the inside surface of the insulation and prevents
partial discharges by filling in the voids and irregularities of the conductor surface and by providing a
smooth, equi-potential surface at the inside surface of the insulation.

The semiconducting insulation shield on an extruded dielectric cable consists of a partially conductive
(semi-conductive) polymer, or a material with a high dielectric constant, extruded over the insulation. This
polymeric material collects leakage currents and provides a uniform electric field around the cable core. A
semiconducting insulation shield is a separate layer in most cable designs, but there is one cable design that
uses a semiconducting jacket with embedded drain wires as a combination insulation shield and jacket.

The core of the cable is then surrounded by metallic tapes, or wires, or straps concentrically applied over,
or embedded in, the semi-conductive layer. These metallic shields collect the leakage currents from the
semiconducting insulation shield by contact and provide a path for them to ground at the grounding points
for the metallic shields. In addition, the grounding points of the shield provide a path for fault and short
circuit currents to ground. The metallic shield is normally grounded at one or more points depending on

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

circuit length. The length between grounds is chosen to reduce the shock hazard from high voltages
appearing at the surface of the cable. In addition, the grounding points of the shield provide a path for fault
and short circuit currents to ground.

8.2.2 Shielding practices

All medium voltage cables above 2400 V should be shielded with metallic components.

Cables without metallic shielding typically result in a shorter cable life when exposed to the conditions
listed below; therefore, metallic cable shielding is necessary where any of the following conditions exist:

a) Transition from a conducting to a non-conducting environment

b) Transition from moist to dry earth
c) Dry soil, such as in a desert
d) Damp or wet conditions such as underground conduits
e) Connections to overhead lines
f) Locations where the cable surface collects conducting materials, containments such as soot or salt
g) Locations where electrostatic discharges are sufficient in magnitude to interfere with control and
instrumentation circuit functions
h) Locations where safety to personnel is involved
i) Long underground cable routes
j) Single-conductor cables in trays

8.2.3 Power cable shield termination practices

The insulation shield system should be removed carefully and completely, and proper stress control
materials or devices used to avoid severe dielectric stress in the area of the termination. Manufacturer's
instructions and recommendations as to termination of cables should be followed. If all elements of the
insulation shield are not removed, excessive leakage current with tracking or flashover may result.

8.2.4 Power cable shield grounding practices

Metallic cable shields and sheath/armor should be solidly grounded at one or more points so that they
operate at or near ground potential at all times. The length of cable run should be limited by the acceptable
voltage rise of the shield (typically 25 V for steady state voltage) if the shield is grounded at only one point.
The shield voltage is usually reasonable in the following cases for all but very long three-phase circuits:

a) Three-conductor cables encased by a common metallic shield or sheath

b) Single-conductor metallic shielded cables 500 kcmil conductor or smaller installed together in a
common duct
c) Triplexed or three-conductor individually metallic shielded cables 500 kcmil conductor or smaller
d) Single-conductor lead-sheathed cables 250 kcmil conductor or smaller installed together in a
common duct

Where the sheath voltage reaches higher than acceptable values on long cable runs, the shields can be
broken into shorter sections, each of which is grounded, or the sections of shield can be cross bonded to

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

cause cancellation of the induced voltage. CIGR Technical Bulletin 283 [B4] provides guidance in such

Because of the frequent use of window-type or zero-sequence current transformers for ground-over-current
protection, care should be taken in the termination of cable shields at the source. If the shield wire is passed
through the window-type current transformer, it should be brought back through this current transformer
before connecting to ground in order to allow the correct operation of relays.

8.2.5 Shield losses that affect ampacity

Metallic shields or sheaths that are grounded at more than one point carry induced circulating currents. The
magnitude of the circulating currents in shields grounded at more than one point depends on the mutual
inductance between the cable shielding and the cable conductors and the mutual inductance to the
conductors in other cables, the current in these conductors, and the impedance of the shield. Circulating
currents heat the shield and reduce the effective ampacity of the cable.

If a single-point metallic shield grounding scheme is used, the cable jacket should be a non-conducting or
insulating material. The use of a semi-conducting jacket with a single-point grounded metallic shield may
cause premature cable failure and may cause safety issues (the induced voltage on the shield will cause
arcing and/or tracking at locations where the semi-conductive jacket contacts any grounded surface).

IEC Standard 60287-1-1 [B16] describes the method for calculating the shield loss for ampacity
calculations. Volume 4 of the EPRI Power Plant Electrical Reference Series [B46] provides additional

Shielded power cable ampacity tables that are based on IEEE Std 835 [B25] include the effects of cable
shield losses.

8.2.6 Effect of shield grounding on switching over voltages

The propagation and reflection of switching and other transients is affected by the shield grounding
arrangement selected. The effects of the shield grounding technique on the exposure to transient over
voltages should be considered for loads with low tolerances against transient over voltages, such as rotating
machines. IEEE Std C62.21 [B35] provides additional information on this topic.

8.3 Instrumentation cable shielding

Instrumentation cable shielding and grounding is used to prevent the coupling of interfering signals and
noise into circuits carrying instrument signals, many of which are of low magnitude. The cables used for
instrumentation have construction features to make the instrument circuits more immune to external
interfering electric and magnetic fields. Typical features include using twisted pairs for balanced circuits
along with a shield that is typically grounded at a single point. Cables for use in high lightning
environments, or where fault currents may be a concern, have an overall, relatively thick, metallic shield
grounded at both ends while the twisted conductor pairs inside the overall shield have foil shields grounded
at one end. The construction of these cables is described in IEEE Std 1143 [B31]. Grounding and shielding
techniques are described in IEEE Std 1050 [B28].

Because of the high frequencies associated with computer equipment, the length of typical cables becomes
significant compared to the wavelength associated with the signal being transmitted by the cable. In this
case, classical single-point instrument system grounding can no longer be used, and a system of multiple
ground connections is more suitable. This method of grounding is described in IEEE Std 1100 [B29].

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

9. Raceway

9.1 General
This clause provides guidance for raceway grounding, for assuring grounding/bonding continuity of
metallic raceway sections, for a means of supporting cable runs between electrical equipment, and for
physical protection to the cables. Raceway systems consist primarily of cable tray and conduit.

Raceways should be adequately sized as determined by the maximum recommended percentage fill of the
raceway area.

Guidance for the maximum fill of cable trays is provided in Article 392 of the NEC.

Guidance for the maximum fill of conduit is given in Chapter 9 of the NEC.

9.2 Conduit

9.2.1 Conduit application

NEC Articles 342, 344, 348, 350, 352, 353, 355, 356, and 358 provide criteria that can be used for conduit
design and installation, including uses permitted and uses not permitted.

9.2.2 Conduit system design

Flexible conduit should be used between rigid conduit and equipment connection boxes where vibration or
settling is anticipated or where the use of rigid conduit is not practical. A water impervious sealed flexible
conduit is commonly used for this application. Flexible conduit length should be as short as practical, but
consistent with its own minimum bending radius, consistent with the minimum bending radius of the cable
to be installed, and be installed for any relative motion expected between connection points. Under certain
circumstances a separate ground wire may be required around the flexible conduit. See Article 250.134(B)
and Article 250.102 of the NEC for additional guidance.

Where it is possible for water or other liquids to enter conduits, conduits should be sloped and low point
drainage provided.

Electrical equipment enclosures installed outdoors should have the conduit installed in a manner to prevent
the entrance of water and condensation. Drain fittings and air vents in the equipment enclosure should also
be considered. Expansion couplings should be installed in the conduit run or at the enclosure to prevent
damage caused by frost heaving or expansion.

The entire metallic conduit system, whether rigid or flexible, should be electrically continuous and

When cable is installed in conduit made of a magnetic material, all phases of a three-phase ac circuit and
both legs of single-phase ac/dc circuits should be installed in the same conduit or sleeve. If all phases of a
three-phase ac circuit or both legs of single-phase ac/dc circuit are not installed in the same conduit, the
cable may require de-rating.

All conduit systems should have suitable pull points (pull boxes, manholes, handholes, etc.) to avoid over
tensioning the cable during installation.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

Care should be taken in routing above-grade systems to minimize interference with traffic and equipment

9.2.3 Embedded conduits and manholes

Spacing of embedded conduits should permit fittings to be installed. The spacing may vary in accordance
with the class of concrete being used around the conduits.

Conduits in duct runs containing one phase of a three-phase power circuit or one leg of a single-phase
power circuit should not be supported by reinforcing steel forming closed magnetic paths around individual
conduits. Reinforcing steel in the manhole walls should not form closed loops around individual
nonmetallic conduit entering the manhole. Nonmetallic spacers should be used.

Concrete curbs or other means of mechanical protection should be provided where other than rigid metal
conduit (RMC) turn upward out of floor slabs.

The lower surface of concrete-encased duct banks should be located below the frost line. When this is not
practical, lean concrete or porous fill can be used between the frost line and the duct bank. Concrete-
encased duct banks should be adequately reinforced under roads and in areas where heavy equipment may
be moved over the duct bank.

Direct buried nonmetallic conduits should not be installed under roadways or in areas where heavy
equipment may be moved over them unless the conduits are made from resilient compounds suitable for
this service or are protected structurally.

Conduits in duct banks should be sloped downward toward manholes or drain points.

Duct lengths should not exceed those which will develop pulling tensions or sidewall pressures in excess of
those allowed by the cable manufacturers recommendations. Bends in conduit should be greater than the
cable minimum pulling bend radius.

Manholes and vaults should be oriented to minimize bends in duct banks.

Manholes and pits should have a sump to facilitate the use of a pump.

Manholes and vaults should be provided with the means for attachment of cable-pulling devices to facilitate
pulling cables out of conduits in a straight line. Provisions should be made to facilitate racking of cables
along the walls of the manhole or vault. Exposed metal in manholes and vaults, such as conduits, racks, and
ladders, shall be grounded. End bells to provide a smooth surface for cable entry should be provided where
conduits enter manholes, vaults, or building walls. Manholes and manhole openings should be sized so that
the cable manufacturers minimum allowable cable bending radii are not violated. Alternately, the entire
top of the manhole may be removed to facilitate cable pulling activities.

9.2.4 Conduit installation

Supports of exposed conduits should follow industry standards. See the NEC Section 250 and NESC
Section 32 for additional information on conduit systems.

Conduits and ducts embedded in concrete, installed indoors in wet areas, or located outdoors, should have
threaded conduit joints and connections and be made watertight and rustproof by means of the application
of a conductive thread compound which will not insulate the joint. Each threaded joint should be cleaned to
remove all of the cutting oil before the compound is applied. The compound should be applied only to the
male conduit threads to prevent obstruction.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

Running threads should not be utilized, and welding of conduits should not be done.

Field bends should show no appreciable flattening of the conduit. The total number of bends should not
exceed an amount that would prevent pulling cable through the conduit without exceeding permissible
pulling tensions or sidewall pressures. The NEC Articles 342, 344, 348, 350, 352, 353, 355, 356, and 358
provide guidance for the maximum number of bends between pull points permitted in a run of conduit.
Large radius bends should be used to reduce the cable sidewall pressure during cable installation and in
conduit runs when the bending radius of the cable to be contained in the conduit exceeds the radius of
standard bends. The conduit bend radius should not be less than the minimum pulling bend radius of the
cable as allowed by the cable manufacturer.

Conduits installed in concrete should have their ends plugged or capped before the concrete is poured.

All conduit interiors should be free of burrs and should be cleaned after installation.

Exposed conduit should be marked in a distinct permanent manner at each end and at points of entry to, and
exit from, enclosed areas such as manholes and vaults.

Flexible conduit connections should be used for all motor terminal boxes and other equipment which is
subject to vibration. The connections should be of minimum lengths and should comply with the minimum
trained bending radii established by the cable manufacturer. Since the cross-sectional area of the ground
return path is small in flexible conduit, adequate provisions should be made to maintain the continuity of
the ground return path through the flexible section. In some cases, the flexible conduit may be
supplemented with a ground jumper or similar device.

Conduit should not be installed within 30 cm (12 in) of hot pipes or other heat sources. This
recommendation assumes that the hot pipe is insulated and allows for insulation removal in the event of any
future pipe maintenance or modification work. This minimum distance also allows for some air flow
around the conduit.

Proper fittings should be used at conduit ends to prevent cable damage.

Conduit building entrances should be provided with barriers or conduit seals to protect against rodents, fire,
and weather.

9.3 Cable tray

9.3.1 Tray construction

Cable tray design should be based upon the required loading and the maximum spacing between supports.
Loading calculations should include the static weight of cables and a concentrated load of 890 N (200 lbf)
at mid-span. The tray loading factor (safety factor) should be at least 1.5 based on collapse of the tray when
supported as a simple beam. Refer to NEMA VE 1 [B43] for metallic tray or NEMA FG 1 [B39] for
fiberglass tray, and NEMA VE 2 [B44] for cable tray installation guidelines.

When the ladder-type tray is specified, rung spacing should be a nominal 23 cm (9 in). For horizontal
elbows, rung spacing should be maintained at the center line.

Cable tray covers should be provided on the top tray to minimize the accumulation of fluids and debris in
the trays. Raised covers may be used to avoid additional de-rating of the cable.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

9.3.2 Tray system layout

The optimal vertical spacing for cable trays is a minimum of 30 cm (12 in), measured from the bottom of
the upper tray to the top of the lower tray. A minimum clearance of 23 cm (9 in) should be maintained
between the top of a tray and beams, piping, etc., to facilitate installation of cables in the tray.

Cables installed in stacked cable trays should be arranged by descending voltage levels, with the higher
voltage at the top.

For stacked trays, the structural integrity of components and the pullout values of support anchors and
attachments should be verified.

Trays should not be installed within 30 cm (12 in) of hot pipes and other heat sources. This
recommendation assumes that the hot pipe is insulated and allows for insulation removal in the event of any
future pipe maintenance or modification work. This minimum distance also allows for some air flow
around the tray.

9.3.3 Tray application

The materials from which the trays are fabricated include aluminum, galvanized steel, stainless steel, and
fiberglass. In selecting material for trays, the following should be considered.

A galvanized tray installed outdoors will corrode in locations such as near the ocean due to the humid salt
air, or immediately adjacent to a cooling tower where the tray may be continuously wetted by chemically
treated water. If an aluminum tray is used for such applications, a type resistant to corrosion should be
specified. Special coatings for a steel tray may also serve as satisfactory protection against corrosion. The
use of a nonmetallic tray should also be considered for such corrosive applications.

When comparing aluminum and steel trays, there are many properties that are different between these
metals. Below are a few that may help when choosing between an aluminum tray and a galvanized steel
tray. Note that differences in alloys and coatings can affect the choice as well.

a) CorrosionAluminum tray may be better in some wet or corrosive areas. Whether aluminum is
better than steel is dependent on the coating materials used on steel for corrosion protection. In
highly corrosive areas, a nonmetallic tray or a stainless steel tray may be more suitable. Consult the
tray manufacturer for more information or further guidance.
b) Physical propertiesAluminum is lighter than steel and depending upon the tray design, it may be
easier to install. Depending upon the alloy and temper used, steel may be able to carry a greater
c) Expansion coefficientThe expansion characteristics as well as the change in load bearing
properties with temperature are different between aluminum and steel. The rate of expansion needs
to be considered when grounding the tray.
d) Fire resistance (melt point)Aluminum tray is generally not recommended where the tray is
expected to be used as a support in a fire because of the much lower melting temperature of
aluminum than steel.
e) Grounding (conductivity)Aluminum conductivity varies with the alloy, but aluminum is
generally much more conductive than a steel tray. Appropriate precautions with dissimilar metals
and expansion coefficients should be considered at ground connections.
f) Other electrical effectsAluminum is not magnetic, but mild steel that is used for galvanized steel
trays is magnetic. In general, no de-rating of the cables in the tray is required based on magnetic
properties of the tray.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

For cable trays and tray supports located outdoors, the effect of the elements on both the structure and the
trays should be considered. Ice, snow, and wind loadings should be added to tray and cable loads.
Aluminum alloys 6061-T6, 6063-T6, and 5052-M34 are typically used, with careful recognition of the
differences in strength. Steel tray that is mill-galvanized should normally be used for indoor applications in
non-corrosive environments. Steel tray that is hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication should be used for
outdoor and damp locations.

When the galvanized surface on the steel tray is broken (i.e., nicked, cut, damaged, scraped, etc.), the area
should be recoated to protect against corrosion. The layer of galvanize is designed to sacrificially corrode to
protect the steel when it has dissipated in the damaged area, then corrosion of the underlying steel may
occur. Recoating should help to prevent the corrosion from progressing.

9.3.4 Tray loading capacity

The quantity of cable installed in any tray may be limited by the structural capacity of the tray and its
supports. Tray loading capacity is defined as the allowable weight of wires and cables carried by the tray.
This value is independent of the dead load of the tray system. In addition to, and concurrent with, the tray
loading capacity and the dead weight load of the tray system, a tray should neither fail nor be permanently
distorted by a concentrated load of 890 N (200 lb) at mid-span whether the load is at the center line of the
tray or on either side rail.

9.3.5 Cable tray installation

Drop-out fittings should be provided when they are required to maintain the minimum cable training radius.

Where conduit is attached to the tray to carry an exiting cable, the conduit should be rigidly clamped to the
side rail. When conduit is rigidly clamped, consideration should be given to the forces at the connection
during dynamic (seismic) loading of the tray and conduit system. Conduit connections through the tray
bottom or side rail should be avoided.

Covers should be provided on exposed vertical tray risers at floor levels and other locations where potential
physical damage to the cables could occur.

9.3.6 Tray grounding

Cable tray systems should be electrically continuous and solidly grounded. When cable trays are used as
raceways for solidly grounded or low-impedance grounded power systems, consideration should be given
to the tray system ampacity as a conductor. Inadequate ampacity or discontinuities in the tray system may
require that a ground conductor be attached to, and run parallel with the tray, or that a ground strap be
added across the discontinuities or expansion fittings. The ground conductor may be bare, coated, or
insulated, depending upon metallic compatibility.

9.3.7 Identification

Cable tray sections should be permanently identified with the tray section number as required by the
drawings or construction specifications.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

9.3.8 Supports

The type and spacing of cable tray supports generally depends on the loads. Tray sections should be
supported near section ends and at fittings such as tees, crosses, and elbows. Refer to NEMA VE-1 [B43]
or NEMA VE-2 [B44] for more information.

9.4 Wireways

Wireways are sheet metal troughs with hinged or removable covers for housing and protecting wires and
cables. Wireways are used for exposed installations only and should not be used in hazardous areas.
Guidance in the determination of hazardous areas is given in the NEC. Consideration should be given to the
wireway material where corrosive vapors exist. In outdoor locations, wireways should be of rain-tight
construction. The sum of the cross-sectional areas of all conductors should not exceed 40% of the interior
cross-sectional area of the wireway. Taps from wireways should be made with rigid, intermediate metal,
electrical metallic tubing, flexible-metal conduit, or armored cable.

9.5 Direct burial, tunnels, and trenches

9.5.1 Direct burial

Direct burial of cables is a method whereby cables are laid in an earth excavation with cables branching off
to various pieces of equipment. The excavation is then backfilled. A layer of sand or cement stabilized sand
is usually installed below and above the cables to prevent mechanical damage. Care should be exercised in
backfilling to avoid large or sharp rocks, cinders, slag, or other sharp materials. A warning system to
prevent accidental damage during excavation is advisable. Several methods may be used including treated
wood planks, a thin layer of colored lean concrete, a layer of cement stabilized sand, a layer of sand, strips
of plastic, and above ground markers. Untreated wood planks may attract termites, and overtreatment may
result in leaching of chemicals harmful to the cables. Spare cables or ducts may be installed before
backfilling. This system has low initial cost but does not lend itself to changes or additions and provides
limited protection against the environment unless moisture barrier sheaths are used. For more information,
see references [B3] and [B30]. Damage to cables in a direct burial system requires excavation at the point
of damage to make a repair. For more information on direct burial systems, see NESC Section 35 and NEC
Section 300.5.

9.5.2 Cable tunnels

Walk-through cable tunnels may be used where there are a large number of cables to be run. This system
has the advantages of minimum interference to traffic and drainage, good physical protection, ease of
adding cables, shielding effect of the ground mat, and the capacity for a large number of cables.
Disadvantages include high initial cost and danger that fire could propagate between cable trays and along
the length of the tunnel. Fire hazards may be reduced by providing fire stops; however, if fire stops are
applied, the effect on the cable ampacity should be evaluated. Cables with ratings for limited fire
propagation [B33] may also reduce the fire hazard, while cables with ratings for reduced flame propagation
and low smoke properties should further reduce both the fire propagation and safety hazards.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

9.5.3 Permanent trenches

Trench systems, also called troughs, consist of large groups of cables, usually main runs, through the
centers of equipment groups, with short runs of conduit, smaller trenches, or direct-burial cable branching
off to individual pieces of equipment.

Duct entrances may be made at the bottom of open-bottom trenches or through knockouts in the sides of
solid trenches.

Trenches may be made of cast-in-place concrete, fiber pipes coated with mastic, usually of a bituminous
nature, or precast concrete.

Where trenches interfere with traffic, vehicle crossovers, permanent or temporary, may be provided as
needed. Warning posts or signs should be used to warn vehicular traffic of the presence of trenches.

The trenches may interfere with surface drainage and should be sloped to storm sewers, sump pits, or
French drains. Open-bottom trenches may dissipate drainage water but are vulnerable to rodents. A layer of
light concrete or cement stabilized sand applied around the cables in the trench may protect the cables from
damage by rodents. Trenches at cable entrances into buildings should be sloped away from the building for
drainage purposes. The trenches also should have a barrier to prevent fire or rodents from entering the

The tops of the trench walls may be used to support hangers for grounded shield conductors. The covers of
trenches may be used for walkways. Consideration should be given to grounding metal walkways and to
providing clearance above raised walkways for safe passage. Caution should be given to the use of wood
for walkways and structural components of the trench due to the potential flammability of wood.

9.6 Floor trenches

Trenches cast into concrete floors may be extensive, with trenches run wherever required; or a few trenches
may be run under the electrical equipment with conduits branching to various pieces of equipment.

Removable covers may be made of metal, plywood, or other materials. Nonmetallic cover materials should
be fire retardant. Trenches cast into concrete floors should be covered.

Where cables pass through holes cut in covers (i.e., in rear or inside of switchboards) the edges should be
covered to prevent cable damage from contact with the sharp edges.

9.7 Raised floors

Raised floors, often used in computer rooms, provide maximum flexibility for additions or changes.
Entrance from the outside into the raised floor system may be made at any point along a wall. A tray
system under a raised floor should be considered whenever the number of cables to be installed is large or
when different cable types (i.e., instrument, control, LV power, fiber optic, data transmission, etc.) are
anticipated. Use of a fire protection system under the floor should also be considered.

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

Annex A


Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use

[B1] AEIC CS8-07, Specification for Extruded Dielectric Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 through 46
kV. 7
[B2] ASTM E119-12, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 8
[B3] Bayer, M. G., Bow, K. E., Snow, J. H., and Voltz, D. A., Chemical-Moisture Barrier Cable-
Concept and Practice, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 31, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 1995.
[B4] CIGR (2005) Technical Bulletin 283, Special Bonding of High Voltage Cables, Paris: Congress
on Large High Voltage Systems (CIGR).
[B5] Engmann, G., Ampacity of Cable in Covered Tray, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
Systems, vol. PAS-103, no. 2, pp. 345-352, Feb. 1984.
[B6] Engmann, G., Cable Ampacity in Tray with Raised Covers, accepted for presentation at the 1985
IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting.
[B7] Esteves, O. M., De-rating Cables in Trays Traversing Firestops or Wrapped in Fireproofing, IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-102, no. 6, pp. 1478-1481, June 1983.
[B8] Hester, V. J., Barry, R. E., and Began, T. A., Ampacity Test of a Silicone Foam Firestop in a Cable
Tray, IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-100, no. 11, pp. 4680-4684, Nov.
[B9] ICEA P-32-382-2007, Short-Circuit Characteristics of Insulated Cable. 9
[B10] ICEA P-45-482-2007, Short Circuit Performance of Metallic Shields and Sheaths on Insulated
[B11] ICEA P-54-440 2009/NEMA WC51, Ampacities of Cables Installed in Cable Trays.
[B12] ICEA S-73-532/NEMA WC 57-2004, Standard for Control, Thermocouple Extension, and
Instrumentation Cables.
[B13] ICEA S-93-639/NEMA WC 74-2006, 5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for Use in the Transmission
and Distribution of Electric Energy.
[B14] ICEA S-95-658/NEMA WC 70-2009, Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the Distribution of
Electrical Energy.
[B15] ICEA S-97-682-2007, Standard for Utility Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 through 46 kV.
[B16] IEC 60287-1-1 (2006) Electric cablesCalculation of the current ratingPart 1-1: Current rating
equations (100% load factor) and calculation of lossesGeneral. 10

AEIC publications are available from the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, 600 N. 18th Street, P. O. Box 2641,
Birmingham, AL 35291-0992, USA ( AEIC publications are also available from Global Engineering
Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112-5704, USA (
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA (
ICEA publications are available from the Insulated Cable Engineers Association, ICEA P.O. Box 1568 Carrollton, GA 30112, USA

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IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

[B17] IEEE Std 400-2012, IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded
Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above. 11
[B18] IEEE Std 400.1-2007, IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable
Systems Rated 5 kV and Above with High Direct Current Voltage.
[B19] IEEE Std 400.2-2004, IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very
Low Frequency (VLF).
[B20] IEEE Std 400.3-2006, IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems
in a Field Environment.
[B21] IEEE Std 525-2007, IEEE Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Substations.
[B22] IEEE Std 690-2004, IEEE Standard for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems for Class 1E
Circuits in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[B23] IEEE Std 628-2011, IEEE Standard Criteria for the Design, Installation and Qualification of
Raceway Systems for Class 1E Circuits for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[B24] IEEE Std 634-2004, IEEE Standard Cable-Penetration Fire Stop Qualification Test.
[B25] IEEE Std 835-1994, IEEE Standard Power Cable Ampacity Tables.
[B26] IEEE Std 848-1996 IEEE Standard Procedure for the Determination of Ampacity De-rating of Fire-
Protected Cables.
[B27] IEEE Std 946-2004, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Auxiliary Power Systems
for Generating Stations.
[B28] IEEE Std 1050-2004, IEEE Guide for Instrumentation and Control Equipment Grounding in
Generating Stations.
[B29] IEEE Std 1100-2005, IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic
Equipment (IEEE Emerald Book).
[B30] IEEE Std 1142-2009, IEEE Guide for the Selection, Testing, Application and Installation of Cables
Having Radial-Moisture Barriers and/or Longitudinal Water Blocking.
[B31] IEEE Std 1143-1994, IEEE Guide on Shielding Practice for Low Voltage Cables.
[B32] IEEE Std 1185-2010, IEEE Recommended Practice for Cable Installation in Generating Stations and
Industrial Facilities.
[B33] IEEE Std 1202-2006, Standard for Flame-Propagation Testing of Wire and Cable.
[B34] IEEE Std 1210-2004, IEEE Standard Tests for Determining Compatibility of Cable-Pulling
Lubricants with Wire and Cable, including INT 1 (2010).
[B35] IEEE Std C62.21-2003, IEEE Guide for the Application of Surge Voltage Protective Equipment on
AC Rotating Machinery 1000 V and Greater.
[B36] Namgne, R., and Ashbaugh, L., Fire Protection of Cables in Central Generating Stations, IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-97, no. 2, p. 326, March 1978.
[B37] NEMA FB 2.10-2012, Selection and Installation Guidelines Fittings for Use with Non-Flexible
Metallic Conduit or Tubing (Rigid Metal Conduit, Intermediate Metal Conduit, and Electrical Metallic
Tubing). 12

IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical Commission, 3 rue de Varemb, PO
Box 131, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland ( IEC publications are also available in the United States from the
Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,

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IEEE Std 422-2012
IEEE Guide for the Design of Cable Raceway Systems for Electric Generating Facilities

[B38] NEMA FB 2.20-2012, Selection and Installation Guidelines Fittings for Use with Flexible Electrical
Conduit and Cable.
[B39] NEMA FG 1-1993, Fiberglass Cable Tray Systems (Revision 1 dated November 1994).
[B40] NEMA TC 3-2004, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing.
[B41] NEMA TC 6 & 8-2003, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Utilities for Underground Installations.
[B42] NEMA TC 9-2004, Fittings for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Utilities Duct for Underground
[B43] NEMA VE 1-2009, Metallic Cable Tray Systems.
[B44] NEMA VE 2-2006, Cable Tray Installation Guidelines.
[B45] Nemeth, C. W., Rockliffe, G. B., and Legro, J. R., Ampacities for Cables in Trays with Firestops,
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-100, no. 7, pp. 3573-3579, July 1981.
[B46] Petty, K. A., (1987) EL-5036, Power Plant Electrical Reference Series, Volume 4, Wire and Cable,
Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute.

NEMA publications are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, USA

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