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Senate Hearing, 108TH Congress - Wildfire Preparedness

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MARCH 13, 2003

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Committee on Energy and Natural Resources


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PETE V. DOMENICI, New Mexico, Chairman
JON KYL, Arizona MARIA CANTWELL, Washington
ALEX FLINT, Staff Director
JAMES P. BEIRNE, Chief Counsel
ROBERT M. SIMON, Democratic Staff Director
SAM E. FOWLER, Democratic Chief Counsel
FRANK GLADICS, Professional Staff Member
DAVID BROOKS, Democratic Senior Counsel


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Akaka, Hon. Daniel K., U.S. Senator from Hawaii .............................................. 2
Bingaman, Hon. Jeff, U.S. Senator from New Mexico .......................................... 4
Conlin, Linda Mysliwy, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Trade Develop-
ment, accompanied by Doug Baker, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tour-
ism, Department of Commerce ............................................................................ 16
Craig, Hon. Larry E., U.S. Senator from Idaho .................................................... 1
Feinstein, Hon. Dianne, U.S. Senator from California ......................................... 2
Kyl, Hon. Jon, U.S. Senator from Idaho ................................................................ 2
Murkowski, Hon. Lisa, U.S. Senator from Alaska ................................................ 3
Scarlett, Lynn, Assistant Secretary, Policy, Management and Budget, Depart-
ment of the Interior ............................................................................................. 8
Smith, Hon. Gordon, U.S. Senator from Oregon ................................................... 25
Tenny, David, Deputy Under Secretary, Natural Resources and the Environ-
ment, Department of Agriculture; accompanied by: Jerry Williams, Director
of Fire and Aviation Management, Forest Service; Corbin Newman,
National Fire Plan Coordinator, Forest Service; Jack Blackwell, Pacific
Southwest Region, Forest Service; and Alice Forbes, Assistant Director
of Operations, Fire and Aviation Management ................................................. 5

Responses to Additional Questions ........................................................................ 45


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Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:22 a.m., in room
SD366, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Pete V. Domenici,
chairman, presiding.
Senator CRAIG [presiding]. Good morning, everyone. The Senate
Energy and Natural Resources Committee will come to order.
Chairman Domenici is en route back, but he wanted us to get
started. We have had a series of two votes on the floor. So not to
detain any of you any longer and also to make sure we have ade-
quate time for your testimony and any questions we may ask, let
us start.
It is my pleasure to welcome Assistant Secretary of Policy Man-
agement and Budget for the Department of the Interior, Lynn
Scarlett. Thank you for being with us this morning.
Assistant Secretary, U.S. Trade and Development Agency, Linda
Conlin. Linda, thank you for being with us this morning.
And the Deputy Under Secretary of Natural Resources in the De-
partment of Agriculture, Dave Tenny. Dave, thank you for being
with us.
We are here today to review the fiscal year 2002 fire season and
the impact of those fires on the environment and local business in
an effort to examine preparedness and the impact that could occur
in the coming fire season.
I ask the witnesses to summarize their statements. And I ask
unanimous consent that their full statements be a part of the
record. Each member will then be recognized in order of arrival for
purposes of statement and questioning.
So it is an important hearing this morning, as we have done ex-
amination to continue and to have a broader understanding also of
the impact of fire, not just on the environment, but on the com-
merce and the economies of communities associated and/or adjacent
to fires.
With that, let me turn to the ranking member of the committee
for any opening statement he would make, Senator Bingaman.
[The prepared statements of Senators Akaka, Feinstein, Kyl and
Murkowski follow:]

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Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this hearing on a topic that is very impor-
tant for many of our communities. In Hawaii, we also have areas of drought and
high fire risk, so this hearing is timely and appropriate for multiple regions of the
country. I am interested to hear what the witnesses have to say.
Unfortunately, it appears that forest fires are inevitable. In North America, exten-
sive fires have been documented in the prehistoric past, in the near past when in-
digenous people occupied the continent, and in the historical post-contact past. With
the dramatic increase of people using national forests and public lands for camping,
hiking, off-road vehicle use and dirt bikes, the extension of residential areas into
forest lands, and natural causes such as lightning (which caused 15 percent of fires
last year), it appears that we are going to have wildfires around for the foreseeable
future. The question is how best to integrate them into forest management without
sacrificing more acres to invasive harvesting.


Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding this hearing. Like the rest of us here, I care
deeply about the condition of our forests as we head toward another fire season.
What is striking to me is that all of us agree on about 80% of the issues here, Demo-
crats and Republicans alike. I want to talk briefly about some of these areas of
agreement as we try to figure out ways to improve the condition of our forests.
First, we all agree that we need to train rural industries and empower rural com-
munities to do fuels reduction work. It is a true win-win for the environment and
the economy to nurture small-scale rural businesses that use wood products. Wheth-
er they are biomass plants, forest products manufacturers or other industries, these
small businesses will reduce the cost of hazardous fuel reduction efforts by provid-
ing an outlet for the wood.
Second, we agree that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We need
to spend more money on hazardous fuel reduction, and less on fighting fires after
they have started. In a fall 2002 report, the National Academy of Public Administra-
tion has suggested that firefighting can be made more efficient. We have a common
interest in reining in unnecessary expenditures on fire suppression.
Third, we agree that last years budget was a mess. The need to spend all avail-
able money for fire suppression forced us to cancel hundreds of millions worth of
contracts for hazardous fuel reduction and other purposesonly to restore most of
the funds a year later. It is terribly disruptive to rural businesses to cancel con-
tracts, and unnecessarily disruptive if we eventually restore the money later. We
all agree that we need to find a way to structure our budget to avoid cancelling hun-
dreds of millions of dollars of contracts with rural communities. We need to explore
real options herewhether its increasing funding for firefighting, establishing an
emergency reserve fund in the budget, or some other option.
Finally, all of us in the Southwest and most of us in the West have a common
problem with beetle bark and similar forest epidemics. Over 150,000 acres of South-
ern California forests are infested with bark beetles, posing a serious threat to com-
munities such as Lake Arrowhead and Idylwild, and the Governor has declared a
State of Emergency. Many of you have similar problems in your states. We agree
that we need to find ways to respond quickly to these forest epidemics to reduce
their spread if possible before they are out of control.
I deeply hope that recognition of these areas of agreement can help us move for-
ward in a bipartisan fashion to restore our mighty and majestic forests.


Mr. Chairman, although I appreciate and support the need to focus attention on
protecting communities from catastrophic wildfire, it is wrong to believe that limit-
ing hazardous fuel reduction treatments to the wildland/urban interface provides a
long-term solution to catastrophic wildfire and the risk it poses to forest commu-
nities. It is based on several errors in logic that include: 1) the only thing people
in forest communities care about are their homes; 2) that towns can be isolated from
catastrophic fire in the greater landscape; and, 3) that hazardous fuel reduction
around towns will solve the real problem, which is degraded, and declining forest
ecosystems. There are many examples from Arizona that support my position, not

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the least of which was the Rodeo/Chediski fire, as well as the numerous community
collaborations underway in the state.
Forest communities want to protect more than their homes. Protecting property
and lives in fire prone forests is important. However, people live in forest commu-
nities because they appreciate, and in many ways are dependent on, the greater for-
ests that surround them. Towns and distant cities consume water flowing from for-
ests, in northern Arizona tourism plays a significant role in the local economy and
forests support the fish and wildlife habitat that are important to all citizens.
The interface area is much larger for people in these towns than for people devel-
oping policies in Washington. For example, the Greater Flagstaff Forests Partner-
ship (a collaborative group of 25 organizations dedicated to restoring forests in and
around Flagstaff) determined that their wildland/urban interface would cover
180,000 acresnot a small buffer around the town. Contrary to the false assump-
tion that a community will want to protect their homes first, the Partnership lo-
cated their first treatment site at a place called Fort Valley. The site is strategically
located to the southwest of the San Francisco Peaks and Kachina Wilderness Area
and is designed to protect the peaks from fire leaving the town.
You cannot effectively protect towns from degraded forests. Treating a small area
around towns merely gives the illusion of fire protection (particularly when an ade-
quate number of trees are not removed which is often the case). The Rodeo/Chediski,
Viveash, Cerro Grande and other fires have demonstrated extreme fire behavior
that defies suppression. Plume dominated fires, caused by high fuel loads, can cause
burning embers and spotting miles in advance of the main fire. Towns are not an
isolated component of the forest; they are human habitat in a forest ecosystem. In
dry forest types the greater forest will always burn and so will the towns if the
greater forest is ignored.
Hazardous fuel reduction around towns is a short-term response to a symptom of
sick forests, not a long-term solution. Forest fires are only one symptom of a sick
forest. So are bark beetle outbreaks, declining plant and wildlife habitat, declining
water yield and decreased recreational opportunities due to forest closures. The
problems we are facing are much greater than the geographically isolated wildland/
urban interface. The problem includes the entire forest, the total cost of suppression
and the long-term ecological and economic cost of catastrophically burned forest.
The data show that fire seasons are lengthening and fires are more frequent, severe
and larger. We cannot wait until communities are protected before treating the
greater forest. Mr. Chairman, we must fix forests with comprehensive restoration-
based treatments that are designed to restore forest health while simultaneously re-
ducing the threat of unnatural fire. This problem is particularly acute for my state,
where it will only take six or seven more Rodeo Chediski fires before we have sig-
nificantly altered the largest contiguous ponderosa pine forest in the world.


Mr. Chairman thank you for calling this hearing today regarding forest fire im-
pacts and preparedness for 2003.
This is a very important issue to my State of Alaska, and I look forward to hear-
ing the testimony of todays panel.
The 2000 and 2002 fire seasons have been some of the worst on record. Forest
fires continue to create many problems for Americans, predominantly in the West.
The danger of fires is most prevalent at the so called wildland-urban interface.
Clearly, the number of people living near wildland areas has increased, and this in-
creases the likelihood of the loss of life and damage to property.
As these dangers have increased, Congress has responded by increasing funding
for fire suppression. In fiscal year 1999 Congress appropriated $1.1 billion for fed-
eral wildfire management and this funding doubled by fiscal year 2002, when Con-
gress appropriated $2.2 billion. These increases are important.
I encourage this committee and Congress to continue full funding for fire suppres-
sion. In addition to loss of life and damage to property, forest fires destroy millions
of acres of wildlife and fisheries habitat. Of course, scientific evidence shows that
some fire is important for some forests to be healthy and grow.
There are many unique issues relating to forest fire in my State of Alaska. When
large forest fires break out that cannot be handled by first response local crews and
equipment, one of 11 Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC) will provide re-
sources for fire suppression. If these geographic area resources cannot adequately
fight the fire, then the GACC requests assistance from the National Interagency Co-
ordination Center (NICC).

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These resources often come from other states. Alaska is not located adjacent to
any other state; therefore it is costly to get resources from other states to Alaska.
Also, Alaska lacks a wide range hydrant infrastructure. This requires water to be
transported by other means. This too is very expensive.
It is important to mention the damage that has been caused to forests in Alaska,
particularly in the Chugach Mountains, and on the Kenai Peninsula, by the spruce
bark beetle. The spruce bark beetle has drastically changed some forests in my
State. Over 5 million acres of trees in south central and interior Alaska have been
lost to insects over the last 10 years. This infestation has been called the most sig-
nificant terrestrial ecological disturbance to hit the south central region of Alaska
in recorded history.
These dead or dying trees, located near many private residences, are very suscep-
tible to fire. Wildfires have occurred in these infested forests. Coupled with the low
amount of snowfall Alaska has received the potential for further disaster is great.
We must reduce the environmental restrictions that limit the possibility for forest
management. Public land laws should not make it difficult to cut down the dead
or dying trees that are nothing but potential fuel for forest fires.
In general, this nations policy has to allow for responsible forest management
that includes the ability to remove, when appropriate, wildfire fuel from forests.
I ask the members of this committee to keep these facts in mind as we consider
acting on issues of federal wildfire management. We need to continue to fund fed-
eral fire suppression activities and require the Administration to work with state
and local agencies in a cooperative manner to ensure that these fires are fought in
the best possible way to protect people and property.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Senator BINGAMAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I ap-
preciate the hearing.
This is a very important set of issues. We have had several hear-
ings on the subjects to be covered here. I am interested in two
areas of concern, which I am sure the witnesses will address. One
is the funding, and how do we avoid the situation we seem to have
had over the last several years, where we do not provide adequate
funds in the accounts that are intended for firefighting and, there-
fore, we shift funds from other accounts into those? That prevents
other activities from taking place. So how do we deal with that
The second is the issue about legislative authority and what ad-
ditional authority this administration is now urging on Congress.
We expanded the authority for forest restoration activities substan-
tially in the omnibus appropriation bill last year, and I wanted to
find out, if possible, what more is intended.
Thank you very much.
Senator CRAIG. Well, thank you very much, Senator Bingaman.
Let me now turn to our panelists. And we will start this morning
with Dave Tenny, the Under Secretary of Natural Resources in the
Department of Agriculture.
Dave, if you would proceed, please. And yes, turn your mikes on.
Thank you.

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Mr. TENNY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is a privilege to be
with you today. We appreciate the opportunity to appear before the
committee to talk about this important issue.
I think the first thing we need to do is thank you for the work
that was done to help us out in the omnibus appropriations bill for
2003. The repayment of the fire borrowing is extremely helpful and
timely. The funding that was provided at or near the levels that
were requested for fire operations and for suppression and further
important aspects of the fire plan are appreciated.
The additional authority for stewardship contracting is also
greatly appreciated. And we look forward to being able to use those
resources and that authority in a way that is going to be positive
in addressing the concerns that we are all here to talk about today.
I am joined today, for your information, by a number of people
from the Forest Service, who have a lot to do with the things that
we are talking about. Jerry Williams is our Director of Fire and
Aviation Management with the Forest Service. Corbin Newman is
our National Fire Plan Coordinator. Jack Blackwell is with us from
the Pacific Southwest Region of the Forest Service. That is Califor-
nia. And then Alice Forbes, who is the Assistant Director of Oper-
ations, Fire and Aviation Management is out of our NICC in Boise,
Idaho. And certainly these folks are available, if you have questions
that you would like to direct directly to any of them. I would be
happy to accommodate those.
What I would like to doyou have the written testimony. And
in our seamless fashion, we have one piece of testimony between
the Department of Agriculture and Department of the Interior. I
would like to summarize my remarks by addressing a portion of
what we have stated in that testimony, and then Lynn Scarlett
from the Department of the Interior will carry on from there and
talk about the remainder of it.
I would like to address three things: First, a summary, a very
brief summary, of the 2002 fire season, what we observed, what oc-
curred; secondly, an outlook of what the 2003 fire season might
look like; and then finally, a brief discussion of what we are doing
to prepare for this upcoming fire season.
There is some good news about the 2002 fire season, believe it
or not. The good news was that because of the resources that were
made available to the agencies, we were able to succeed in pros-
ecuting fires on an initial attack in 99 percent of the cases. That
is important. We were able to pre-position our resources where we
needed them, where we knew the fires were likely to be severe.
And because of that, we were able to minimize, to a large extent,
the outbreak of large conflagrations.

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We were also able to provide assistance to 11,000 communities

on the prevention side of the ledger. And we were able to provide
training and equipment to 5,000 rural and volunteer fire depart-
ments throughout the country.
In addition to that, and notwithstanding the severity of the fire
season, we were able to treat 2.2 million acres of land in natural
fuels treatment activities that needed to be done. That actually ex-
ceeded the target that we had set for ourselves between the two de-
partments by almost 200,000 acres.
Now there is good news and then there is other news. Notwith-
standing the fact that we were able to contain most of our fires on
an initial attack, those that got out of control were monsters. And
we saw them. We heard about them. We read about them in the
newspapers. We saw them on the national news. We had the worst
fires recorded in the State of Arizona and Colorado and Oregon in
their history. These were destructive fires. They were devastating
to communities. They were devastating to the environment.
We had 62 days at fire preparedness level five. That is our high-
est level of preparedness. That was a full 6 weeks ahead of sched-
ule, ahead of our earliest beginning point, at which we reached
that fire preparedness level five. It was 22 days longer than the
record length of time that was experienced in 2000. We saw nation-
ally 7.2 million acres burned. And the cost was extraordinary in
terms of the financial resources that we had to use to fight these
fires. $1.6 billion was spent on suppression, the costliest fire season
in history. And we all saw the impact that that had on the day-
to-day operations of the agency, as we had to borrow deeply from
our funds to cover those costs.
That is one aspect of cost, the direct cost of suppression. There
were other costs that were also incurred because of these fires. And
I will just tick through them fairly quickly. There were costs in air
quality. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality deter-
mined that the Rodeo/Chediski fire was an air quality public health
emergency in that State for 10 days, from June 20 through June
30. That affected over 30,000 people.
Because we were able to deploy smoke samplers on these major
fire sites, we were able to track this information. And it found, for
example, in Colorado that the Missionary Ridge fire recorded par-
ticulate matters levels that were considered hazardous to peoples
health. That meant they would likely increase their visits to health
care providers and cause respiratory problems. Downtown Denver
measured unhealthy levels of particulate matter that were the
highest ever recorded in that States history.
Smoke from the Biscuit fire in Oregon and other large fires in
Oregon caused the Department of Environmental Quality in that
State to issue air pollution advisories to the public. That is air
There were also costs in terms of habitat. The localized impact
of some of these fires on the habitat of important species was also
of concern to us. The Biscuit fire in Oregon, for example, destroyed
85,000 acres of nesting, foraging, and roosting habitat for the
northern spotted owl.
The Rodeo/Chediski fire destroyed 55 of the 962 identified pro-
tected activity centers for the Mexican spotted owl. That was a 5-

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percent decline or a 5-percent removal of those protected activity

The Missionary Ridge fire in Colorado burned 15,000 acres of
lynx denning and winter foraging habitat. The Hayman fire in Col-
orado burned 22 percent of the designated critical habitat for the
Mexican spotted owl on the Pike National Forest. And that in-
cluded one of the two most northern sites occupied by this owl in
recent years.
The fire season was costly in terms of water quality. And we
have yet to see what some of those impacts are going to be, espe-
cially in areas like Colorado, where the Hayman fire surrounded
the Cheeseman Reservoir, which is a reservoir that provides a
source of drinking water to the Denver community. We recall that
in years past, when fires burned in Colorado around this area, that
we had extreme cases of siltation in the rivers and in the reservoir
that was very costly to the State to clean out in order to provide
the supply of drinking water, let alone the quality of drinking
water that was envisioned by the State under its long-term plan-
There are other costs as well. And it would take a fair amount
of time to go through all of them. Not only the resource costs, but
the other ancillary economic costs to communities when people are
displaced, when jobs are interrupted, when commerce is inter-
rupted. And there is lots more to be said about that.
The outlook for the 2003 season: I wish I could say that it is
going to be a lot better. But at this point, it looks as though we
are going to have another challenging season. We have a map here
that will give you an idea of what it looks like. What you see in
the red crosshatch are areas of concern where they are going to
have above-normalwhere we anticipate, unless weather condi-
tions change from what we predict, we predict above-normal fire
activity. Areas in crosshatch green will experience below-normal
fire activity.
As you can see, the drought that we are experiencing, which in
some cases is the worst drought on record, is going to persist and
intensify over much of the interior West. We have above-normal
fire season predicted in the Pacific Northwest, the Northern and
Central Rockies, California, portions of the Southwest, and in the
Great Lakes.
We are endeavoring to prepare, and I think we have prepared for
this fire season. There are a couple of issues of particular concern
that are important. We have roughly the same level of prepared-
ness this year that we had last year. That is important, because
the pre-positioning of resources enables us to prosecute fires on an
initial attack effectively.
We have been coordinating and continue to coordinate with the
National Guard and with the Department of Defense to ensure
that, if needed, the reserves that we called upon last year are going
to be available notwithstanding the potential for war.
We have cooperative agreements in place with New Zealand and
with Australia and with the Canadians to ensure that we have suf-
ficient managerial experience on large incidents should we need to
call upon those resources.

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We have plans and contracts in place for heavy lift helicopters,

for our modular firefighting aircraft that we have used in the past
to ensure that we have enough aviation support to prosecute these
fires, as well, notwithstanding the fact that we had to ground our
C-130s and our PD4Ys because of fatalities that occurred last year.
We do have some areas where we might see a bit of concern, as
we move forward into this next fire season, probably the most im-
portant of which is the fact that State funds are declining, State
budgets are in deficit. And that is having an impact on our first
responders, who are funded at the rural and volunteer fire depart-
ment level. Notwithstanding that, we are continuing to provide the
support that has been given to us through the appropriations from
Congress in providing the same level of help that we have provided
to these local responders in the past.
Now this is what we are doing in a reactive mode. But really, to
get beyond the problem we have to be proactive, and I think we
all recognize that. The proactive side of the ledger is of paramount
importance. And that really is the basis for the Presidents Healthy
Forest Initiative. Lynn Scarlett, who is here representing the De-
partment of the Interior, is going to talk to that part of the equa-
That concludes my testimony. I look forward to your questions.
The CHAIRMAN [presiding]. Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary.
I apologize for the delay. But I got in late on the last boat and
had to make sure that I got back over there to make it.
So thank you very much, Senator Craig, for starting the hearing.
We are now going to have Lynn Scarlett, Assistant Secretary for
Policy, Management and Budget for the Department of the Inte-
rior. We have your written testimony. It will be made a part of the
record. And please proceed to summarize it for us.
Ms. SCARLETT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the
committee. We really appreciate at the Interior Department having
the opportunity to discuss this critical issue with you today. I
would also like to thank you for the tremendous efforts, as Dave
Tenny did, that Congress has provided us, both in terms of the
stewardship contracting authority and the resources to enable us
to pursue the efforts that we have undertaken.
I would like to point out that since the initial funding of the Na-
tional Fire Plan, the first year of that funding in 2002, the Depart-
ment of the Interior has made substantial progress in increasing
its capacity building for both initial attack and extended attack. We
now have nearly 1,800 front line additional firefighters and a sig-
nificant amount of additional equipment to enable us to do our job.
We are confident that in the year coming forward we will be able
to maintain the readiness that we had built up over the last 2
years. Firefighting, however, as Dave pointed out, is but one aspect
of our efforts to protect communities and natural resources. Also
key to our efforts is a more proactive effort to reduce hazardous
fuels through a variety of treatment techniques essential to reduc-
ing the very unnatural levels of fuel buildup in our forests.

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As you no doubt have heard before, some 190 million acres of

Federal forest and range lands in the lower 48 States face high risk
of catastrophic fire because of the high buildup of dense forest ma-
terials. Reducing those fuel loads, we believe, is essential to miti-
gating the risk not only to communities, but also to ecosystems as
Prior to the National Fire Plan in fiscal year 2000, the Depart-
ment of the Interior completed about 480,000 acres of hazardous
fuels reduction activities. By 2002, I am pleased to say that we ac-
tually completed nearly 1.1 million acres of fuels treatment, a more
than doubling in just a 2-year period, showing the investment we
are putting in this effort.
Key to reducing fuels and in particular reducing risk is
prioritizing this effort. So we are focusing our efforts on the WUIA,
the Wildland Urban Interface Area. We are focusing on the munici-
pal watershed areas. Also key is coordination. We are working very
closely with the National Association of Counties, with the State
foresters, with the Western Governors Association in collaboration
to help identify priority fuels treatment projects. We think that this
coordinated effort to really target our focus on priority risk areas
will help us to get greater bang for the buck and greater risk re-
As you all know and as Dave has alluded to, the impacts of cata-
strophic fires to local communities are profound, both on the natu-
ral resources and on lives and property. Just as a few examples,
the Rodeo/Chediski fire inflicted enormous resource and economic
impacts to the White Mountain Apache tribe. It destroyed some 60
percent of the tribes timber, resulting both in loss of investment
and adversely affecting long-term employment opportunities.
The fire also, and other fires, have had severe impacts on human
lives through potential flooding and erosion. High erosion hazards
often threaten municipal watersheds, as Dave Tenny noted.
Wildlife habitat also suffers. For example, if we look at the Bis-
cuit fire in Oregon last summer, it destroyed some 80,000 acres of
nesting and roosting habitat for the Northern spotted owl. Many
other species throughout the regions that experienced these cata-
strophic fires have a similar tale to tell.
Many challenges, despite our advances, lie before us; and, hence,
the Presidents Healthy Forest Initiative, in its effort to give us the
tools to address some of those challenges. We seek to restore the
lands to a condition where they can resist disease, where they can
resist invasive species, where they can resist insects and hence be
much less vulnerable to catastrophic fires, fires that can burn at
extremely high and unnatural intensities.
With the Forest Service, the States, tribes, and local partners, we
are moving forward on our Healthy Forest Initiative. And I want
to highlight just a few of those efforts.
First, we have collaborative agreement with our partners to
prioritize, as I noted, the selection of fuels treatment projects. This
is the foundation of our 10-year comprehensive strategy and imple-
mentation plan. We have developed two guidance documents to ex-
pedite consultation on the Endangered Species Act, so that we can
move our fuels treatment projects forward expeditiously while
maintaining the consultation requirements of the Act and ensuring

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protection of those species. We have also proposed two categorical

exclusions for hazardous fuel reduction and post-wildfire resource
and rehabilitation.
In addition, we had proposed, as part of that initiative, the stew-
ardship contracting provisions which Congress has provided us.
And we are now working to develop the priorities and outlines for
implementing that contracting authority.
We have also worked with NOAA and our Fish and Wildlife
Service to develop guidance documents relating to taking into ac-
count net benefits; that is, short-term harm to species versus the
long-term, tremendously costly harm that catastrophic fires can
We look forward to working with you to continue to give us the
tools that we need to move forward expeditiously with these
projects. We have expedited our own appeals process, not changing
the process, keeping full access to citizens to the participation that
they both desire and need, but through an expedited process ensur-
ing that those appeals go to the front of the list so that they get
early resolution.
I look forward to discussing with you any future Healthy Forest
Initiative actions that Congress might wish to work with us on and
am happy to answer any additional questions.
Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. I thank you very much for your testimony.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Tenny and Ms. Scarlett follows:]
Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to
meet with you today. Since the Department of the Interior and the Department of
Agriculture work closely together in fire management and in implementing the Na-
tional Fire Plan, it is appropriate to use one statement to talk about the 2002
wildland fire season, and discuss our work on the National Fire Plan and the Presi-
dents Healthy Forest Initiative. President Bushs proposed Healthy Forests Initia-
tive is based upon a common-sense approach to reducing the threat of catastrophic
wildfires by restoring forest and rangeland health. Our goal is to ensure the long-
term safety and health of communities and natural resources in our care. Our re-
sponsibility is to ensure the long-term health of our forests and rangelands for the
use, benefit and enjoyment of our citizens and for generations to come.
As we move into the 2003 fire season, fighting wildland fires is only one aspect
of the work we must do to protect communities; we must also reduce the amount
of hazardous fuels, and restore healthy ecosystems to protect communities and our
natural resources.

With the fire adapted ecosystems of North America, we have the challenging task
of reducing fuels and the vulnerability of our communities to wildfire while restor-
ing the health of our forests and rangelands. This challenge is national and long
term in scope. Of the three factors that most influence wildland fire behavior
weather, topography, and fuelland managers can effectively affect only fuel. Since
the severe 2000 wildland fire season, Congress has funded the National Fire Plan
for federal agencies to work on a long-term program to reduce fire risk and restore
healthy fire-adapted ecosystems in the Nations forests and rangelands. Federal
agency field units, States, Tribes, and other partners have been busy, putting into
action the concepts of the National Fire Plan. Bipartisan Congressional support pro-
vided the funding necessary in 2002 for 17,400 federal fire employees and thousands

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of contract fire personnel to prevent, detect, and suppress wildland fires, treat haz-
ardous fuels, and provide leadership for the organizations. In 2002, despite the se-
vere drought, the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior accomplished
a total of 2.2 million acres of hazardous fuels reduction; of that, almost 1 million
acres were in the wildland urban interface. This is 168,000 acres more than 2001.
We also reduced hazardous fuels on slightly more than 1million additional acres
through wildland fire use. For 2003, we anticipate treating 2.5 million acres of haz-
ardous fuels of which 1.1 million acres are in the wildland urban interface.
Recently, the Forest Service, Department of the Interior, National Association of
State Foresters and National Association of Counties agreed to a collaborative proc-
ess to identify fuels treatments. In order to more expeditiously protect communities
and improve forest and rangeland health, the parties agreed to coordinate this proc-
ess across ownerships and jurisdictions.

The 2002 wildland fire season was intense, difficult, and historic. Long-term
drought over most of the West contributed to an earlier and very severe fire season.
Fires burned in every type of vegetation from grasslands to subalpine pine and in
every type of ownership. Of the 7.2 million acres burned in 2002, only a few
wildfires were the large, uncontrolled fires seen on television. These were the fires
that burned in and around wildland-urban interface areas requiring extensive evac-
uations of communities, subdivisions, and ranches. Fire activity was intensified by
unfavorable weather conditions and in many situations posed a safety threat to fire-
fighters and members of the public.
Large wildfires can create unhealthy air conditions. In 2002, at the request of cer-
tain local health agencies, the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Fish
and Wildlife Service, and EPA cooperated in deploying air quality monitors near
where the public might be affected by the smoke. On the Hayman and Rodeo-
Chedeski fires, the smoke at all of the special sites did not reach unhealthy levels
as defined by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards or state alert levels. On
the Missionary Ridge fire, the monitor at Bayfield exceeded the one-hour PM2.5
alert levels, which means that air quality was more hazardous to peoples health.
State of Colorado monitoring in downtown Denver, however, measured unhealthy
levels and were the highest levels ever measured. The Biscuit Fire in Oregon also
had high (unhealthy) levels from wildfire smoke. The smoke from these wildfires
reached more unhealthy levels and was of a much longer duration than any that
might be produced by prescribed burning. Prescribed burns are of shorter duration,
are done under conditions that disperse smoke, and are in compliance with states
smoke management programs.
When we realized the potential severity of the 2002 wildland fire season, we hired
seasonal firefighters early and we staged firefighting crews and equipment in loca-
tions where they could be mobilized quickly and effectively. Federal wildland fire
agencies had enhanced initial attack capabilities in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado,
Montana, and Nevada by pre-positioning resources ranging from air support, to
hand crews, to engines in strategic locations. Although several fires were large, the
additional resources made a difference in reducing the size of many of the fires.
Without the added National Fire Plan support, our response would not have been
as strong. Initial attack suppression activities were highly successful, as about 98%
of 2002 wildfires were stopped during initial attack. We sustained 62 days of Pre-
paredness Level 5, our highest level of activity, 22 days longer than the 2000
wildland fire season, another record year. Modular Airbourne Firefighting System
military aircraft were based in Colorado, Utah, Washington, Idaho, and California
to support ground fireline building activities. One battalion from the U.S. Army,
Task Force Destroyer (1/5 FA 1st Battalion, 5th Regiment) Fort Riley, Kansas was
also assigned for 30 days. International firefighting assistance was provided by Can-
ada, Australia, and New Zealand. These international resources provided a total of
thirty-nine 20-person hand crews, and 131 overhead or management personnel as-
sisted in fire suppression activities across the West.

For most of the twentieth century, all wildland fires were generally thought to
be bad. As a result, fires were suppressed as soon as possible to reduce their nega-
tive effect. Aggressive fire suppression was effective but had an unintended con-
sequence. The frequency and intensity of wildfires appears to have increased due
to the buildup of fuels such as dead and dying trees and dense growth of flammable
vegetation. Fire exclusion resulted in woody species encroachment into shrublands
and grasslands, altered wildlife diversity and populations patterns through habitat

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modification, and increased disease, insect infestations, and invasive plant species.
This build up of fuel coupled with other factors like drought have raised increasing
concerns about the overall wildland condition and particularly the health of the for-
est and rangelands.
These conditions of increased fuel and severe drought have resulted in increas-
ingly large and severe wildland fires. Damage to watersheds is the most undesirable
environmental impact associated with these large and severe fires. Damage to wild-
life habitat and forests, temporary but reduced air quality, and erosion, also are the
undesirable effects of large and severe fires. Where these types of fire occur in the
wildland urban interface, the risks to people and the expense are greater.
However, where the natural fire return interval has been maintained through pre-
scribed burning or where the buildup of fuels, such as thick understory and dense
trees, have been thinned by environmentally sound forest management practices,
these wildfires can be beneficial. This is particularly so in plant communities that
have historically experienced frequent light fires such as ponderosa pine. Light and
moderate fires generally leave the soil intact, recycle nutrients, and stimulate the
regeneration of many beneficial plant species. These fires often create a patchy mo-
saic on the landscape, increasing the overall biological diversity or health of the area
over the long term.

Rehabilitation and restoration are critical parts of responding to the aftermath of

wildfire. These efforts focus on lands unlikely to recover quickly and naturally from
wildfire. Rehabilitation activities generally take several years and include reforest-
ation, watershed restoration, road and trail rehabilitation, noxious weed control, and
fish and wildlife habitat restoration. Native plants and trees are used whenever pos-
The majority of the work to be accomplished in FY 2003 results from the negative
fire effects from the Rodeo/Chediski, Hayman, McNally, Biscuit, and Missionary
Ridge Fires of 2002. Treatments planned in FY 2003 will accelerate the restoration
of forested ecosystems and wildlife habitat, will more rapidly improve water quality,
and allow for earlier access for visitation to National Forests by returning rec-
reational facilities to safe conditions.
Previous commitments and priorities for rehabilitation of damage caused by the
fires of 2000, are also the focus of this years planned rehabilitation and restoration
efforts. These priorities include completing multi-year reforestation work already
underway with nurseries, and continuing watershed and road work provided for in
the Bitterroot Settlement agreement.
Through Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) plans in 2002, $72 million
was made available for immediate emergency stabilization after fires. This post-fire
work focuses on preventing additional damage to the land, and minimizing threats
to life or property resulting form the effects of fire. This work typically begins before
the fire is completely contained and is generally accomplished with the first year
after the fire.
Like the Forest Service, the Department of the Interior experienced a demanding
workload for stabilizing and rehabilitating burned areas after wildfires. Interior
made $78.5 million available for emergency stabilization and burned area rehabili-
tation last year, with $15 million carrying over to continue stabilization efforts this
year. The carryover from FY 2002 plus the FY 2003 appropriation will provide the
Department with $35 million for emergency stabilization and rehabilitation in FY
2003. This funding has been targeted to priority projects to protect public health
and safety, protect municipal water supplies, threatened and endangered species
habitat, and prevent invasive plant establishment.

We thank you and your committee for your support of the men and women who
make up our firefighting corps. Our firefighters do an impressive job under adverse
conditions and they deserve our thanks and admiration. Firefighting is a high risk,
high consequence activity. Following the Thirtymile Fire tragedy in July 2001,
where four firefighters lost their lives, we reexamined our safety programs and
made a number of improvements. Through training and reinforcement, we are em-
phasizing management of firefighter fatigue, use of the 10 Standard Fire Orders and
the 18 Watch Out situations. We have revamped our training to include findings
and lessons learned from the Thirtymile incident. Firefighter briefings now include
standard components that address planned suppression operations, hazards and
risks, critical fuels and weather conditions, and other crucial information. We have

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an improved fire shelter which is used as a last resort tool and a key component
of fire fighter safety equipment.
Despite our efforts, there were 23 fire-related Federal, states, or volunteer fatali-
ties in the 2002 wildland fire season. Over half the fatalities were contractors to fed-
eral agencies; most of the fatalities were the result of vehicle accidents, some attrib-
uted to fatigue. Therefore, we are including in FY 2003 contracts federal firefighter
work-rest guidelines to minimize fatigue for contracted firefighters and support per-
sonnel. Six fatalities resulted from 3 aviation accidents. The Forest Service and Bu-
reau of Land Management commissioned an aviation blue-ribbon panel that sur-
veyed the aviation program and made findings. Based on the findings, the Depart-
ments made several changes to the aviation program, including extensive inspec-
tions of airtankers as well as grounding other aircraft until air worthiness can be
assured. In addition, Sandia Lab in Albuquerque is developing increased aircraft
safety criteria for Forest Service contracted aircraft.

More than 2,000 structures were lost to wildfires last year. Of the structures de-
stroyed, 835 were primary residences, 46 were commercial properties, and 1,500
were outbuildings. Communities can help themselves to prevent this sort of loss in
the future. Indeed, with our State Forester partners through the State Fire Assist-
ance program, we assisted over 11,000 communities by developing local projects on
fire prevention, fire suppression, hazard mitigation, and creating FIREWISE com-
munities. In 2002, both Departments helped over 5,000 rural and volunteer fire de-
partments by providing training, protective fire clothing, and firefighting equipment
through the Volunteer and Rural Fire Assistance programs. Additional efforts will
promote partnerships, community action plans, and projects where communities can
themselves reduce fuel hazards, improve building codes, and create fire resistant
National fire prevention teams were activated throughout the year in many West-
ern states where fire danger was extreme. Teams were dispatched for month-long
assignments to assist local resources in assessing human-caused fire starts. Once
assessments are complete, these trained fire prevention professionals prepare a site-
specific strategy of unique fire prevention solutions for the area. Fire prevention
teams were placed in Salt Lake City, UT, Santa Fe, NM, Custer, SD, Seattle, WA,
Sequoia National Forest, CA, and Colorado Springs and Durango, CO.
In addition, citizens can take action through the FIREWISE program, which helps
people who live or vacation in fire-prone areas educate themselves about wildland
fire protection. Homeowners can learn how to protect their homes with a survivable
space and how to landscape their yard with fire resistant materials. A consortium
of wildland fire agencies that include the Forest Service, the Department of the In-
terior, the National Fire Protection Association, and the National Association of
State Foresters sponsors the program.

There is no question that fighting these fires was expensivethe total cost for
both Departments was almost $1.6 billion. The Forest Service transferred approxi-
mately $1 billion from other accounts to fund fire suppression costs. We want to
thank Congress for acting upon the Administrations request for repayment. The
Forest Service has established a priority process to repay the accounts from which
funds were transferred, and every effort will be made to repay these in a timely
Interior also had emergency wildfire response costs that exceeded funding avail-
able within the fire management appropriation by more than $250 million last year.
The Secretary transferred $240 million from the construction and land acquisition
accounts of the land management bureaus and BIA to cover most of the additional
costs for emergency suppression and stabilization. The fire program also repro-
grammed $14 million intended for fire facility maintenance and construction and
hazardous fuels reduction projects.
Recent criticism of how the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior
spend funds to suppress wildfire is of great concern to the Departments and the
agencies. In response to criticisms that occurred during this past fire season, Forest
Service Chief Dale Bosworth in cooperation with Interior agencies promptly dis-
patched an accountability team to review specific expenses and policies that may
have contributed to unnecessary expenditures on large fires. As a result of this and
other interagency efforts, new procedures have been established that will focus on
cost containment strategies in suppressing wildfire and eliminating unnecessary ex-
penses; establish clearer financial management accountability of incident command-

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ers and line officers; and provide for improved controls and incentives for suppres-
sion costs.
Additionally, the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior will fully im-
plement performance measures that reflect the level of risk reduced by treatments
as part of the interagency effort to increase accountability of Federal wildand fire
management efforts.
In implementing these performance measures, it is important to emphasize that
firefighter safety and the protection of communities will not be compromised. As we
focus on an efficient wildland firefighting organization, we must not lose sight of the
fact that fire suppression often is an expensive operation where major costs will be
most substantially reduced by accomplishing the goals of the Presidents Healthy
Forests Initiative and the National Fire Plan.

At this time, our experts at the National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC)
in Boise, Idaho, indicate that long term drought persists and is expected to intensify
over much of the interior West. Mountain snow pack and precipitation remains
below average for most of the western states with the exception of northern and cen-
tral California. The outlook for February through April calls for above normal tem-
peratures and below normal precipitation over the Pacific Northwest, Northern
Rockies, portions of the Great Lakes, and the Ohio River Valley. Unless the weather
patterns provide relief, 2003 has the potential for an above normal fire season in
these areas, especially in the interior West, the Lake states, and northern Maine.
Drought conditions and dense vegetation increase the risk of wildfires that burn
longer, faster, and more intensely. We know that fire historically played a positive
role in sustaining ecological stability. Where appropriate, we will manage wildland
fire use as prescribed in land and resource management plans. However, because
of the altered condition of many forests and grasslands, use of fire for forest man-
agement has become much more complex. It requires scientific support and new
tools to help plan, implement and monitor fire management activities. One of these
tools is the Presidents Healthy Forest Initiative.

In May 2002, working with the Western Governors Association and a broad cross-
section of interests including county commissioners, state foresters, tribal officials
and other stakeholders, we reached consensus on a 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy
and Implementation Plan to reduce fire risks to communities and the environment.
The plan sets forth the blueprint for making communities and the environment
safer from destructive wildfires. The plan calls for active forest management focus-
ing on hazardous fuels reduction both in the wildland-urban interface and across
the broader landscape. Active forest management includes: thinning trees from over-
dense stands that produce commercial or pre-commercial products, biomass removal
and utilization, and prescribed fire and other fuels reduction tools.
In order for the 10-Year Implementation Plan to succeed, the Forest Service and
Interior agencies must be able to implement critical fuels reduction and restoration
projects associated with the plan goals in a timely manner. Often, however, the
agencies are constrained by procedural requirements and litigation that delay actual
on-the-ground implementation. As we testified last September, the three factors
most contributing to project delay are: 1) excessive analysis; 2) ineffective public in-
volvement; and 3) management inefficiencies. We have reached a point where we
must change to allow agencies to implement management decisions to achieve
healthy forests and rangelands.
On August 22, 2002, President Bush announced Healthy Forests: An Initiative for
Wildfire Prevention and Stronger Communities. The Healthy Forest Initiative would
implement core components of the 10-Year Implementation Plan, enhancing and fa-
cilitating the work and collaboration agreed to in that document.
The Presidents initiative directs us, together with Council on Environmental
Quality Chairman Connaughton, to: improve procedures for collaborative selection
and implementation of fuels treatments and forest and rangeland restoration
projects; reduce the number of overlapping environmental reviews; develop guidance
for weighing the short-term risks against the long-term benefits of fuels treatment
and restoration projects; and develop guidance to ensure consistent NEPA proce-
dures for fuels treatment activities and restoration activities. We will report today
on several actions the Secretaries have taken to accomplish these objectives.

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The USDA Forest Service and the Department of Interior have proposed two cat-
egorical exclusions that can be utilized in certain circumstances by the agencies to
carry out hazardous fuel reduction and post-wildfire resource activities and activi-
ties infrastructure rehabilitation. These two categorical exclusions were based on an
analysis of over 3,000 hazardous fuel reduction and post-wildfire restoration
projects. Our analysis of these activities has shown that these types of narrowly de-
fined actions have not resulted in individually or cumulatively significant environ-
mental impacts, and therefore, may be conducted without preparation of an environ-
mental assessment or environmental impact statement. We expect to publish final
categorical exclusions later this year.
A categorical exclusion may not always be the appropriate level of analysis; each
project is different and some may not meet the criteria for use of a CE. Therefore,
Chairman Connaughton has issued guidance which clarifies the policy on the prepa-
ration of environmental assessments for fuels treatments. The clarification address-
es the purpose and content of a model Environmental Assessment for fuels treat-
ments. The guidance is being applied initially to ten Interior and five Forest Service
projects to test the adequacy of the model EA to address the impacts typically found
in fuels treatment projects. Process lessons learned in developing these projects will
be shared widely throughout all agencies for application to additional projects.
The Forest Service has proposed revising its implementing regulations under the
Appeals Reform Act. Proposed changes are designed to encourage early and mean-
ingful public participation in project planning, rather than focusing the public on
review of a completed EA and on appeal of a decision after it has been made. The
proposal gives the line officer discretion over the timing of the 30-day notice and
comment period, rather than requiring that it take place after the environmental
assessment is complete. There would also be limitations on appeals based on early
project involvement and on raising new issues that had not previously been raised.
A final policy is expected to be published later this year.
The Department of the Interiors Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) and the
BLM are proposing a series of changes to their administrative rules, to streamline
their appeals process for hazardous fuels treatment projects. Interior wants to en-
sure that appeals from decisions involving either forest or rangeland health are re-
solved quickly without depriving the public of the right to participate in the admin-
istrative process. Frequently, delaying a project can be the same as stopping a
project. The proposed rules would require OHA to resolve any appeal involving for-
est or rangeland health within sixty days from the filing of all paperwork from the
parties. Forest and rangeland health appeals will not be subject to any different
standards than other types of appeals. Under this proposal, they must simply be
handled first. The proposed rules also contain a number of technical changes that
will allow OHA to do its job more efficiently and apply rules more consistently.
The Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
istration issued a joint guidance memo on Endangered Species Act Section 7 con-
sultation in October, 2002. It emphasizes the use of programmatic interagency con-
sultation under the Endangered Species Act for Healthy Forests Initiative projects.
It also emphasizes the grouping of multiple projects into one consultation. These
agencies also issued joint guidance in December, 2002 providing direction on how
to fully consider and balance potential short- and long-term beneficial and adverse
impacts to endangered species when evaluating proposed Healthy Forests Initiative
In addition to these Healthy Forests Initiative actions, the Forest Service has pro-
posed the addition of three new timber harvest categorical exclusions (CEs) to its
authorities. Projects would include limited timber harvesting of live trees, salvage
harvests, and sanitation of dead and dying trees for insect and disease control.
Projects of this nature occur routinely as part of managing National Forest System

In August 2002, the Administration transmitted legislation to implement the

Healthy Forest Initiative. Recently, the Congress passed the Consolidated Appro-
priations Resolution, 2003 [PL 108-7]. Section 323 of the Act contains stewardship
contracting language that includes the Bureau of Land Management and extends
authority through fiscal year 2013 for the Forest Service to enter into long-term
stewardship contracts with the private sector, non-profit organizations, local com-
munities, and other entities. Long-term contracts provide contractors the oppor-
tunity to invest in equipment and infrastructure needed to productively use mate-
rial generated from forest thinning to make forest products or to produce energy.

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The Departments are currently developing public involvement methods and are
working with the state Governors, counties and interested parties to develop proce-
dures for stewardship contracting.
As the Committee knows, the Presidents budget included proposals for the
Healthy Forest Initiative. We look forward to working with your Committee to de-
velop Healthy Forest legislation and pledge our cooperation.

With the outlook for an upcoming severe fire season, the five federal land-manag-
ing agencies and our partners at the State and local level are doing all that we can
to be prepared. Safety of firefighters and communities is our first priority. With the
fire adapted ecosystems of North America, we have the challenging task of reducing
fuels and the vulnerability of our communities to wildfire while restoring the health
of our forests and rangelands. This challenge is national and long term in scope.
The 10-Year Implementation Plan and the Wildland Fire Leadership Council will
continue to foster cooperation and communication among Federal agencies, States,
local governments, Tribes, and interested groups and citizens. With your continued
help, all the agencies can accomplish robust performance-based programs for the na-
tions forests and rangelands, and do so in full collaboration with state governments,
communities, Congress and the American people.
We look forward to working with you in implementing the agencys programs and
would be happy to answer any questions.
The CHAIRMAN. And now we will take Linda Conlin, Assistant
Secretary for the U.S. Trade and Development. It is nice to have
you here. And the same holds for you as regards your testimony.


Ms. CONLIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Chairman Domenici and members of the committee,
for inviting me here to testify before the Energy and Natural Re-
sources Committee. I would like to submit my written testimony
for the record.
Last fall, my colleague from the Department of Commerce, Dep-
uty Assistant Secretary for Tourism, Doug Bakerwho is with me
here todayand I joined colleagues from the Departments of Agri-
culture and Interior on visits to States that were severely impacted
by what is recognized as the second largest fire season that we
have had in the last 50 years.
It was during a town hall meeting in Show Low, Arizona, that
I came to understand the concerns of ranchers, business owners,
families, and local county officials and mayors. The people of Show
Low were deeply impacted by the fires. And they were very fearful
of what they might face in the future, if their concerns about forest
management were not addressed.
They asked that the management of public lands promote stabil-
ity and predictability in the use and maintenance of the public
lands surrounding their communities. And they ask that the man-
agers of these public lands be allowed the flexibility to adapt to
changing social, economic, and ecological conditions.
Today what I would like to share with you is the connection be-
tween tourism and these devastating fires and the impact upon
tourism and what we, within the Department of Commerce, can do
to help restore tourism to the gateway communities affected by
these fires.

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Often when we think of tourism in America, we think of Disney

World, Las Vegas, and the Big Apple. And these certainly are pop-
ular destinations. But tourism is also about thousands and thou-
sands of small and medium-sized businesses throughout the United
States. In fact, 90 percent of tourism-related companies are small
and medium-sized businesses. There are communities like Show
Low all over this country that depend upon restaurants, hotels, mo-
tels, local historic and natural attractions, and other service-ori-
ented businesses for revenues and for jobs. When visitation is dis-
rupted, it is these companies and their employees who feel the
most immediate impact.
And we also know that international travelers, unfamiliar with
State geography, are likely to believe that a fire in one region could
prohibit travel to an entire State or, I would also venture to say,
to an entire region. And this can have severe economic con-
sequences for communities around our natural areas, especially
when you consider that the National Park Service estimates that
20 percent of its visitors are, indeed, international visitors.
In fact, many of us remember the 1988 fires in Yellowstone. The
number of visitors to Yellowstone dropped by almost 400,000 when
compared to 1987 visitation numbers.
Now while complete data is not available to assess the impact of
the fires of 2002, I would like to quickly just cite one or two exam-
ples from Arizona. According to the Arizona Department of Reve-
nue, Arizona lodging and lodging tax revenue were down nearly
four percent in 2002 compared to 2001. According to the National
Park Service, 2002 visitation to Arizonas national parks were
down eight percent compared to 2001. State park visitation in 2002
was down over ten percent compared to 2001.
Looking at the parks closest to the fires, however, the declines
were even more stark. And they were in the range of between 45
to 56 percent. And I think those facts are illustrative of the impact
of these fires.
I would like to just talk briefly about what the Department of
Commerce is doing overall to help tourism. According to our latest
data, domestic travel is improving following the devastating events
of September 11. However, we do not expect to reach peak levels,
which we saw in the year 2000 until the year 2004. Long term, if
we look at international travel and tourism to the United States,
it looks more promising with 32-percent projected growth from
2001 to 2006.
After September 11, Secretary Evans gathered his colleagues in
the Cabinet to form what was called the Federal Tourism Policy
Council. And these are agencies and departments throughout the
Federal Government whose policies and programs impact tourism.
This is one thing that we are doing to help make sure that Federal
policies are coordinated.
The Commerce Department is also involved directly with travel
and tourism in the West. I took part in the signing of a historic
agreement with the Western States Tourism Policy Council to help
States and gateway communities adjacent to public lands. Last
year this policy council received a $400,000 grant for a public/pri-
vate partnership to help restore travel to gateway communities in
these States.

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And lastly, in the recently signed 2003 omnibus bill, the Depart-
ment of Commerce received $50 million to undertake an advertis-
ing and promotional campaign to encourage international travelers
to visit the United States. Of course this campaign will involve the
promotion of what I call our national treasures or the natural
areas, which are so popular with international visitors.
Mr. Chairman, I hope, however briefly, that I have been able to
give the committee some sense of how catastrophic fires can impact
tourism in local communities and how the Department of Com-
merce, within the parameters of its mission, can help to alleviate
this impact.
Again, Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you and the members of
this committee for holding this hearing. And I look forward to your
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much. That is a very interesting
aspect that many do not consider. And we are glad to have you,
and it is good to have this on the record.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Conlin follows:]
Thank you, Chairman Domenici and Members of the Committee for inviting me
to testify before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Mr. Chairman, I
want to thank you for holding this hearing.
As we all know, last year we witnessed the second largest fire season in the past
50 years. And Colorado, Arizona and Oregon recorded their largest fires in the last
Last fall, my Deputy, Doug Baker, and I joined colleagues from the Departments
of Agriculture and Interior on visits to several states impacted by fire. I personally
visited Colorado and Arizona. It was during my visit to Show Low, Arizona that I
truly came to understand first-hand the long-term natural and economic devastation
that these communities face when fire threatens and overruns them.
I flew into Show Low from Phoenix, which required flying over the Rodeo-
Chediski burned areas. That was my introduction to the Show Low community. It
was during a town hall meeting in Show Low the next day that I came to under-
stand the concerns of the ranchers, business-owners, families and local county offi-
cials and mayors. The people of Show Low were deeply impacted by the fires and
they were very fearful of what might face them in the future if their concerns about
forest management are not addressed.
Our national forests and public lands are managed for the benefit of the national
public, but the residents of Show Low and other communities we visited made it
clear that the manner in which they are managed most directly impacts the gate-
way communities near these lands.
They asked that the management of public lands promote stability and predict-
ability in the use and maintenance of the public lands surrounding their commu-
nities. And they asked that the managers of these public lands be allowed the flexi-
bility to adapt to changing social, economic and ecological conditions.

Often, when we think of tourism in America, we think of Disney World, Las

Vegas, and the Big Apple. But tourism is really about thousands and thousands of
small businesses throughout the United States. In fact, 90 percent of tourism-relat-
ed businesses are small and medium sized businesses.
There are communities like Show Low all over this country that depend on res-
taurants, hotels and motels, local historic and natural attractions, and other service-
oriented businesses for revenues and for jobs. When tourism is disrupted, it is these
businesses and their employees who feel the most immediate impact. There is an
economic ripple effect when people start losing jobs in industries directly-related to
While we are still calculating overall international arrivals data and the economic
impact of the fires on travel in Arizona, lodging, national and state park visitation
for 2002 show sluggish performance in the specific areas affected by the fires. Ac-

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cording to the Arizona Department of Revenue, Arizona lodging and lodging tax rev-
enue were down nearly 4 percent in 2002 compared to 2001.
According to the National Park Service, 2002 visitation to Arizonas national
parks was down 8 percent compared to 2001. Arizona state park visitation in 2002
was down over 10 percent compared to 2001. Looking at the parks closest to the
fires, however, the declines are even more stark.
Fool Hollow Lake and Tonto Natural Bridge were two of the nearest state parks
to the massive Rodeo-Chediski fire. While the fire raged in June and July, 2002,
Fool Hollow attendance was down over 45 and 56 percent respectively, compared to
2001. Tonto Bridge was down nearly 34 and 45 percent for the same comparison
period. Year to date totals for Fool Hollow were down nearly 31 percent compared
to 2001, Tonto Bridge totals were down nearly 17 percent.
The Arizona Office of Tourism reported that wildfires might have affected travel
decisions for national park visitors. The Rodeo-Chedeski fire and media reports of
wildfire activity likely affected visitor patterns and discouraged travel to some of
these areas. We know that international travelers unfamiliar with state geography
are likely to believe that, for example, a forest fire in Yellowstone could prohibit
travel to the entire state of Wyoming. International and domestic travelers may
alter their plans to visit Western destinations, especially.

My colleagues on the panel are the experts when it comes to land management
and I will leave that to them, but I would like to take this opportunity to address
some of the efforts made at the Department of Commerce to increase the number
of international visitors coming to the United States. Although many of these activi-
ties were initiated in response to the effects of the September 11, 2001 terrorist at-
tacks on tourism in the United States, these efforts will also benefit tourism in fire-
impacted communities as well.
According to the latest data, domestic travel is on the mend, but slower than an-
ticipated. Levels comparable to 2000 will not be reached until 2004. The year 2000
is considered to be a peak year for international tourism.
While the long-term forecast for international travel and tourism to the U.S. looks
promising with 32% projected growth from 2001 to 2006, the Department of Com-
merce is forecasting a flat 2002. Again, it wont be until 2004 before we reach the
peak of 2000 international visitation levels.
We have been aggressive in communicating to travelers from around the world
that it is safe to visit the United States. Since September 11, I have been heading
up the Tourism Policy Council on behalf of Secretary Evans to help ensure that U.S.
tourism interests are considered in Federal decision-making, and to help coordinate
travel and tourism efforts among 15 Federal agencies and offices.
The Commerce Department is also involved directly with travel and tourism in
the West. I took part in the signing of an historic agreement with the Western
States Tourism Policy Council (WSTPC), to set up a strategy of mutual support, co-
ordination and cooperation that will benefit states and towns throughout the West
that are dependent upon travel and tourism. The WSTPC is a coalition of the tour-
ism departments of 13 states (Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Ne-
vada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico).
In October of last year, the Department of Commerce awarded a $400,000 finan-
cial assistance award to the WSTPC. The funds were made available through the
Commerce Departments Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP), a pub-
lic-private partnership developed to help small- and medium-sized U.S. firms ex-
pand exports that support jobs. The MDCP is a competitive matching grants pro-
gram that builds partnerships by providing federal assistance to non-profit organi-
zations involved in export promotion.
WSTPC will conduct training programs to help small and medium size businesses
in the gateway communities to develop effective marketing strategies to attract
international visitors. Trade missions to key markets in Europe and Asia by gate-
way communities business representatives will provide opportunities to meet with
potential buyers of their services and develop new business. An important element
of the project is the partnerships that will be established with public and private
sector suppliers locally, nationally and internationally.
We have also launched a special public/private sector Tourism Export Expansion
Initiative in Japan to help buoy travel flows to the United States, including the
Western States. Japan has historically been a top source market for visitors to the
United States.
In addition, in the recently signed 2003 Omnibus bill the Department of Com-
merce received $50,000,000 to support an international tourism promotion campaign

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to encourage international travelers to visit the United States. Secretary Evans will
appoint representatives from the travel and tourism industry to a U.S. Travel and
Tourism Advisory Board to provide advice on appropriate activities for the funding.
In an effort to help states seeking aid to offset firefighting costs, the Department
of Commerce, through one of the International Trade Administrations sister agen-
cies, the Economic Development Administration (EDA), has provided direct assist-
ance to communities affected over the past few years by fire disasters.
In 2000, Los Alamos County, NM received a $100,000 investment to develop a
strategy for addressing and mitigating long-term economic impacts in Los Alamos
County resulting from fires. The evacuation of 18,000 people from Los Alamos
caused one to two weeks of business closures and resulted in incalculable stress on
area businesses. As you may recall, the fires in Los Alamos forced the closing of the
Los Alamos National lab, which stops the economic engine for the community and
to a great extent, for the region.
Also in 2000, Pueblo of Jemez, NM, received a $415,000 investment from EDA to
help establish a permanent base-of-operation as a first step in implementing the
Walatowa Woodlands Initiative. This project was designed to enhance forest health
and reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfire through fuel-load reduction.
In 2001, in the Village of Pecos, NM a $400,000 investment was awarded for the
construction of a 5,000 square-foot fire facility to house fire and emergency vehicles;
provide the training, conference, and office space necessary for the planning and
execution of major firefighting and fire danger reduction efforts; and will contain
emergency medical services vehicles.
These investments in improving fire protection will reduce the cost of development
and increase the chance of private investment in tourism related industry. Reducing
insurance costs in this heavily forested area will help existing businesses weather
the loss sustained because of the Viveash Fire and improve profitability for existing
and emerging businesses.
In September of 2002, EDA provided assistance to two Arizona communities as
well. The Rodeo-Chediski Fire burned 276,000 acres of the Fort Apache Reservation.
A EDA grant was provided to assist the White Mountain Apache Tribe with pur-
chasing equipment to salvage and process the charred timber still standing in the
area devastated by the fire. The grant award was $168,573 with a local match of
$42,076 for a total of $210,649.
The second award of $100,000 was provided to the Northern Arizona Council of
Governments to develop a long-term economic revitalization plan for Navajo,
Apache, Coconino, and Yavapai Counties. The plan will assist the impacted commu-
nities to recover, and be more resilient in future disaster situations.
Mr. Chairman, I hope that I have been able to give the Committee some idea of
how catastrophic fires can impact tourism in local communities and how the Depart-
ment of Commerce, within the parameters of its mission, can help to alleviate this
Again, Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you for holding this hearing and I look
forward to your questions.
The CHAIRMAN. I am going to proceed based upon time of arrival.
So, Senator Craig, you are first. Senator Bingaman, Senator Thom-
as, then I will go unless some other Senator is in a hurry.
Senator Craig.
Senator CRAIG. Well, I thank all three of you for being here today
to testify about a much broader aspect of the character of fire and
wildfire on our public lands and resources than I think most people
realize. I know oftentimes when I am here and there is a fire in
Idaho, I get people asking me, Is it safe to go to Idaho? If they
have a trip planned, it is, Should I cancel? Most have no idea of
the expanse or size of those Western States. And they are con-
cerned. They express a great deal of concern.
I am going to read a statement. Dave, you do not necessarily
have to react to it. But my question will follow then. It will be a
comparison of what a State agency might be doing under the direc-
tive that I am going to read versus what the U.S. Forest Service
will be doing under the new stewardship authority that you have.
Governor Gray Davis recently determined that three California
counties are at risk of imminent fire danger and declared the coun-

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ties a state of emergency. Through the proclamation, the California

Department of Forestry shall immediately, and I quote, assist
local jurisdictions to prepare safety plans for evacuation, expedite
the clearing of dead, dying, and diseased trees that interfere with
emergency response and evacuation needs, and may enter into con-
tracts for the procurement of materials, goods, and services. Some
contract guidelines are suspended. Competitive bid requirements,
to the extent they would prevent, hinder, or delay the clearing of
public evacuation corridors.
That is in the context of the emergency declaration. Then the
Governor issued a press release criticizing the passage of the stew-
ardship contracting because it would weaken protection of Califor-
nias national forest. The provision would also allow private con-
tractors to harvest valuable trees in exchange for thinning brush
and undergrowth in forests considered to be at risk to wildfire.
And lastly, Governor Davis said, These ill-advised policy
changes will fail to protect Californias forests and will threaten
our natural legacy for future Californians.
Now I do not want to get involved in a political battle here today.
But we have State agencies doing one thing in the name of immi-
nent danger and high risk because of the condition of forests, State
forests in this instance. And we know these States forests are
intermingled with Federal forests in many instances. And yet we
have some who are at high levels in State government criticizing
the very action we are taking here and find it necessary to take
to improve the health of these forests.
What is different about what the U.S. Forest Service may be
doing under its new authority versus what you understand the
State California Department of Forestry would be doing under its
emergency authority that the governor has so described?
Mr. TENNY. I think the way to describe it is there is a parallel
that could be drawn between that situation and a wildland fire sit-
uation, because what we are really seeing out there with respect
to this particular beetle infestation, which now covers over 150,000
acres on the San Bernardino National Forest, it is spreading at a
rate of as much as 500 acres a day. It is just an amazing
Senator CRAIG. So it is predominantly a beetle-caused situation.
Mr. TENNY. Yes. And so it is almost as if it is a fire situation
out there, and we are responsive to it. We have to be reactive to
it. And that is what requires then emergency actions to be taken,
declarations of emergency. And we are working with the State.
There is a task force that has been put in place that is working
cooperatively with San Bernardino County and CalTrans and Cali-
fornia Department of Forestry to address this situation. And we
are meeting on it today with the Department of the Interior to put
our action plan together so that we can address this situation in
an emergency fashion, because it is an emergency.
Senator CRAIG. But my question is: What is the Governor saying
you can do on State lands in California but is criticizing that which
we might be willing to do and can do by new authority on Federal
lands in California?
Mr. TENNY. Well, there isthe ownership patterns out there are
intermingled. And in order to put a footprint on the landscape that
you want to achieve to reduce the overall risk, not only to the pri-

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vate lands, the private land holders, the residents, what are also
the values that we want to protect and maintain on the Federal
land, you have to have consistency of policy and approach.
The stewardship contracting authority that you mentioned, for
example, is a way to look at a landscape. It is end results oriented.
You takethe idea begins with what you want to achieve on the
ground and then moves you over a period of time toward that end.
And it requires a full integration of resources and policies in order
to make it work as well as it might.
And I might add, it is also a means of treating the landscape be-
fore we get to the emergency situation, to get ahead of the curve
to the extent that we can, so we do not have to scramble in an
emergency like we so often do. But as far as the authorities go and
as far as what needs to be done and the timeliness of it, there is
no difference between a piece of Federal land and a piece of State
land with respect to risk.
Senator CRAIG. My time is up. Please take this note and go back
and ask the Chief: What is the difference in the San Bernardino
Forest that would cause them to act that they are not doing in the
Nez Perce Forests of Idaho and the Red River drainage in relation
to Elk City? Because we have a wildfire of bug infestation and
death going on there.
Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Senator.
Senator Bingaman.
Senator BINGAMAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
According to the Washington Post last week, there was a hearing
over in the House Appropriations Interior Subcommittee. Chief
Bosworth said his agency was struggling to develop a long-term so-
lution to a perennial problem; that is, finding enough money to put
out hundreds of wildfires each year. In most cases, the agency
transfers money from other accounts to pay for firefighting, a prac-
tice that lawmakers have criticized.
Here is a quote from Chief Bosworth. He says, The worst thing
we could do is be back in a situation like last year. It is absolutely
crazy to continue year after year wondering if we have to transfer
money to cover fire costs. Then a little later, the article quotes
Chief Bosworth as saying The Forest Service is planning for a
budget shortfall this summer. He expects to transfer up to $612
million now targeted for fire prevention to fire suppression.
And he thinks it is crazy for us to do this year after year. Is that
not exactly what we are doing? I mean, is there anything that is
going to happen between now and the fire season to head off this
exact problem that he is bemoaning here?
Mr. TENNY. I think there are a lot of ideas that have been floated
for addressing this recurring problem. One of the things that Chief
Bosworth mentioned, which is very helpful, was this flexibility that
was provided in the appropriations bill for fiscal year 2003. It al-
lows us to transfer or move suppression dollars to preparedness
dollars as needed, in order to pre-place resources in those areas
where we are going to find, or where we expect fire severity to be
the greatest. That enhances our ability on initial attack. That will
ultimately reduce costs. It has the impact of reducing cost, to the

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extent that we can keep a fire from growing into a large conflagra-
The issue of what to do for the long term is one that, frankly,
will have to be addressed together because of the difficulty of that
situation. Our annual appropriations are funded at a 10-year aver-
age. It is very difficult to determine. Although we can have an out-
look, until the fires start to burn, it is difficult to determine exactly
what kind of fire activity and what cost is going to be incurred for
the upcoming season. We use our averages. And our funding levels
have been increasing, based upon those averages. We do the best
that we can with the available authority that we have to minimize
the disruption to the agency when we are in a position where we
have to borrow. But there are some long-term options that we could
work on together and consider.
Senator BINGAMAN. Yes. Let me just say, I think this notion that
your funding ought to be determined on the basis of a 10-year aver-
age, there is nothing written in stone that I am aware of that says
that. If we have a fire problem in the Westwe did last year, we
did the year before, we are going to again this yearwe ought to
put some extra money in and deal with it.
Another issue I would be interested in, we have this terrible
problem throughout New Mexico, and particularly in northern New
Mexico, as a result of the bark beetle having killed out a tremen-
dous number of our trees and expected to kill out a lot more. Is
there anything being requested by the administration in the way
of resources to deal with that particular problem?
Mr. TENNY. We are doing a lot ofthere are a couple of areas.
One is in research, where we are doing research on this kind of ac-
tivity so we can understand it better. There is a lot of good work
that is going on in New Mexico, as you know, to look at how to get
ahead of that curve because it is, like I mentioned before, like a
fire. And it does become a reactive situation rather than proactive.
We anticipate
Senator BINGAMAN. This is long-term research you are talking
about, right? You are not suggesting you have any resources to deal
with the problem this year or next year.
Mr. TENNY. Research is one aspect of it. What the agency is
doing in cases where we have these big outbreaks is prioritizing so
that we, first of all, protect those communities and structures and
resources that are going to be at imminent risk because of the out-
break and then try and contain it so that it does not spread further
to those areas that are presently not experiencing that kind of ac-
What we do have coming forward that will be helpful is some of
the authorities that we are seeking underthat we are putting in
place or the administrative actions that we are putting in place
under the Healthy Forest Initiative that will enable us to move
more quickly and be more responsive in some of these areas. The
stewardship contracting can also be helpful on the prevention side.
On the proactive side, we are using the resources that we have
in those regions to address the situation as quickly as we can,
going through the regular process that we normally would have to
go through.
Senator BINGAMAN. My time is up, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.

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The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator.

Senator Thomas.
Senator THOMAS. Thank you, sir.
Ms. Conlin, I mentioned the fire in Yellowstone having to do with
travel. What would you do about a fire in Yellowstone?
Ms. CONLIN. Well, Senator, one of the challenges that we have,
and Senator Craig pointed this out earlier, is that perception often
is not close to reality. And oftentimes our visitors, particularly our
international visitors, have an exaggerated view of devastation and
extended devastation. So the important thing that we need to do
is provide accurate information and to help promote our destina-
tions, our natural parks.
Senator THOMAS. All right. That is fine. The point is: In the
park, you cannot do anything about avoiding fires. You do not fight
fires. They just are natural and go on, which is kind of difficult
I notice, Mr. Tenny, that you have talked about the plans here.
And we are providing funding for 17,000 employees and so on. And
you indicated that maybe, in terms of prevention, 2 million acres
last year were dealt with. It appears to be 190 million acres that
has to be done. Are we makingI went to the Forest Service Foun-
dation meeting in Cody last year and they had a plan, and it just
was not being implemented. We just are not moving very fast on
terms of the prevention aspect. How do you react to that?
Mr. TENNY. Probably in much the same way you do. It is a very
difficult problem. And the problem, simply stated, is that our fuels
are accumulating faster than we are treating them.
Senator THOMAS. Well, what is the primary inhibition for moving
a little more?
Mr. TENNY. There are a number of factors. Of course funding is
always a factor. Process is always a factor. Chief Bosworth put out
a report that was entitled Process Predicament, which identified
some of the hurdles that agency has to clear and that the agency
ought to improve upon in order to be more proactive. There are dis-
ruptions that occur when we have a severe fire season, when per-
sonnel have to be pulled from
Senator THOMAS. I understand. But we really need to focus in on
what the problem
Mr. TENNY. Yes.
Senator THOMAS. The fact is the environmentalyou know how
to manage fires in the Forest Service. You know how to take care
of bark beetles. That can be done. Are there environmental restric-
tions that keep you from doing the things that you know how to
Mr. TENNY. A lot of times it is the pace at which we are able to
put actions on the ground. And sometimes that isand frequently
that is a function of the time frame within which we have to move
through our process. The Healthy Forest Initiative is intended to
provide tools that will move us through that process more quickly
without sacrificing the values that we associate with that process
in terms of
Senator THOMAS. I understand. But there has been thinning, for
example, commercial thinning, going on in Wyoming for a good
long time. It works. All you have to do is have a contract manager.

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And it seems like we always talk about the problems. We talk

about the damage that has been done. But we do not seem to talk
a lot about what the inhibitionwhat is prohibiting us from mov-
ing more quickly. I mean, 17,000 people. I realize most of those
would be firefighters. But we really need to be able to get on the
ground a little more than we have, it seems to me.
Mr. TENNY. It certainly does start on the ground. And I observe
that in terms of the will within the agency, the will is there. And
there is a great desire to move forward. That will sometimes meets
headlong with frustration because of the process that we have to
go through in order to get what we need to get done on the ground.
Senator THOMAS. I guess that is what I am saying to you. In-
stead of just having three pages of talking about all the things that
are going on, it seems to me that the professionals ought to say,
Here are the major obstacles. And here is what we think can be
done about them, because we keep hearing the same thing, frank-
ly. I mean, forest fires have been going on for a long time, but more
particularly in the last couple of years.
And for instance, 4Y airplanes: You know, we have had some
real problems in Wyoming with the airplanes. The 130s perhaps
are a different situation. But I would have to tell you that I think
the FAA ought to be the people who decide what is going on with
the airplanes, not the Forest Service. And they grounded the 4Ys.
And there are lots of good reasons why they probably do not need
to. At any rate, you might want to take a look at that.
Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much.
Senator, it is my turn, but I will yield to you. I will follow you.
Senator SMITH. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman.
And, Dave, it is good to see you. Appreciated your coming to Or-
egon last year, last summer, for a meeting.
And, Mr. Chairman, I have asked that my full statement be in-
cluded in the record.
The CHAIRMAN. It will be included.
[The prepared statement of Senator Smith follows:]
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding todays hearing. It is essential that we con-
tinue an active dialogue between policy-makers, appropriators, and federal agencies
to ensure that the menace of wildfires is being attacked on all fronts as effectively
as possible. These hearings are also important for the public to gain a better under-
standing of wildfire issues and about the imminent threats to their public forests.
Id also like to thank Dave Tenny for being here today. Early last summer, Dave
joined me out in Oregon for a very successful public meeting about wildfire in
Let me first address the impact of last years wildfires. The nations largest and
most destructive fire was in my state. The Biscuit Fire burned half a million acres,
much of which was high intensity, incinerating 80,000 acres of spotted owl habitat.
Owl populations are expected to decline by twenty percent. The fire also burned 99%
of a treasured wilderness area visited by thousands of people a year.
Last fall, a number of Senators and I requested that the General Accounting Of-
fice investigate the environmental impacts of catastrophic wildfires. This investiga-
tion will also be looking at how federal agencies take these effects, both actual and
potential, into account in the land management process. In other words, how are
the risks of catastrophic wildfire weighed in environmental documentation. I believe
the results of this investigation will be very helpful to this Committee as we con-
tinue our dialogue on wildfire and forest health issues.

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I am also very interested in learning more about the effect of wildfire on tourism
and recreation. For over a decade, rural communities in Oregon have been told that
as their mills close and timber jobs are exported to other countries, a new recre-
ation-based economy will emerge. The fact that Oregon leads the country in hunger
and unemployment partially dispels that theory. The fact that each year we lose
large tracts of back-country forests to wildfire, and whole communities are evacu-
ated, further impacts the potential for tourism.
As we approach the 2003 wildfire season, I have serious concerns about the effec-
tiveness of fuels reduction and forest health efforts on the ground. Whether funding
or litigious obstruction is the culprit, not enough dollars are reaching the ground,
the backlog of fuels treatment is growing, and I expect many communities in my
state will again be staring down a wall of flames. It is frustrating to me because
scientists know what needs to be done, industry has new technologies to accomplish
ityet the two never seem to meet.
Again, Mr. Chairman, I greatly appreciate your strong focus on forest health
issues, and I look forward to working on a west-wide basis to neutralize the specter
of catastrophic wildfire.
Senator SMITH. On Senator Thomass point, there is a University
of Oregon report that the Forest Service and the BLM in Oregon
and Washington were given $242 million for fiscal year 2001. That
is specifically for national fire plan activities. Of that, about 10 per-
cent, in other words $25 million, was used to procure goods and
services, such as thinning, brushing, et cetera. But of the $25 mil-
lion, only $8.2 million was used for actual thinning work. So that
is 3 percent of the $242 million allocated to Oregon and Washing-
ton. So I guess my question is: Where did the other 97 percent go?
Senator BINGAMAN. Mr. Chairman, we need to cut back on what
goes into Oregon and Washington. It is obvious.
Senator SMITH. I was just stunned to see these reports. And I
just wondered if you can shed a little light on it, because
Mr. TENNY. I have not seen the reports directly. But what you
are saying certainly stirs a chord within. I would expect that what
we are seeing is a look at fire plan dollars that include suppression
activities. The Biscuit fire, for example, was $150 million just to
fight the fire.
And you make a great point. What happens if we could divert
those resources to the prevention side rather than the reactive
Senator SMITH. I am just making the point that I think we have
the cart before the horse.
Mr. TENNY. Yes.
Senator SMITH. And I think that is the whole logic behind the
Healthy Forest Initiative. And I am not blaming any of you. I am
just saying we are fighting fires, and we ought to be thinning for
forest health, because there is an environmental benefit to that as
well. And to the point, I mean, those who would say Just leave
it alone, let it burnjust the Biscuit fire, I wonder if my col-
leagues realize that a half a million acres burned with enormous
intensity. And it incinerated 80,000 acres of spotted owl habitat,
80,000 acres of an endangered species. Owl populations are ex-
pected to climb by 20 percent.
The fire also burned 99 percent of the whole wilderness area; 99
percent of it is just gone. I have been there. I have seen it. It is
just sticks. And it is hideous looking. And so all of the riparian
areas have been cooked as well. And this was an area that was vis-

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ited by thousands of people that do not have anything to visit any-

There is clearly a lose-lose going on. We are losing a whole lot
more to fire than we ever were to chainsaws. And it does seem to
me that the promise made to these timber-dependent communities
is that We will replace your timber industry with a tourism indus-
try. But nobody goes to look at sticks and a moonscape. They are
just not interested in that.
It has just left us in a terrible situation in rural places. And I
would just encourage you good folks to see if we can do more with
those roughly $250 million at the front end instead of the back end,
because both the environment and the economy are getting reamed
in this process.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much.
I would like to talk about three areas as quickly as I can. First,
let me state for the record, with reference to the stewardship con-
tracts and agreements that were provided for in the supplemental,
I have takenI have had the opportunity to read that in its en-
tirety and read the history of the five years of experimenting that
have taken place in the Forest Service, by the Forest Service, with
reference to this approach.
Frankly, I think the tremendous amount of negativeor the neg-
ative attitude that has arisen with reference to it is ill-placed, un-
less you all choose in the BLM and the Forest Service to pervert
the intentions of that provision on stewardship agreements. It is
not intended to be a new logging contract arrangement. It is in-
tended to be a tool to permit you to clean up the forests, maintain
them under contracts whereby others would do that for you in ex-
change for taking from that forest things of value to them, be de-
termined in advance and managed properly.
Frankly, I believe the tool is an exciting one. And I urge, to the
extent that you have any impact in it, that you use it properly and
that you not circumvent the logging laws, whether you like the log-
ging laws or not. It would seem to me this is something we have
been waiting for. It is there, and now we ought to use in properly.
As an example, Senator Bingaman asked about the beetle infes-
tation up there in New Mexico. Part BLM, part Forest Service, he
tells me. It would seem to me that right now you have one option.
One option would be to let a logging contract. That would never
work. Nobody would let you do it, to remove this, to rend this
blight of trees that are all infested.
The other would be to pay for it and go out and do it yourself.
I do not think that is going to happen, spend the money to go do
it through the Forest Service.
The other would be some kind of agreement that is prescribed
under this stewardship contract arrangement. And I would urge
that not only there, but you begin to look at that and not wait for-
ever because it seems to be a common sense approach to moving
at some of these areas. It is not limited to infestation.
But would you agree with me that you could look at that, and
that might be an approach, where there is BLM and Forest Service
land in a totally blighted area? Either of you, Lynn or Mr. Sec-
retary of Agriculture.

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Ms. SCARLETT. Senator, thank you very much. We do think, as

you have said, that the stewardship contracting authority gives us
a tremendous tool to try get ahead of the game here. And as soon
as we received that authority, we began sitting down on an inter-
agency basis with the Forest Service and all of our bureaus, land
management bureaus, to develop criteria that do indeed focus on
just exactly what you say; that is, bringing these forests to health.
We have, I think, three elements to that. One is good planning
so that we have identified ahead of time the key areas in high risk
and in need. Two, we are actually prioritizing through collaboration
so we get to where communities need the resources to go. And then
three, a focus on the actual results. Is this going to bring the for-
ests to health, reduce risk? So we think that this is a very good
tool to do just what you said.
The CHAIRMAN. The other thing I did not mention: Obviously, if
there were thinning and managing in advance, infestations would
be much better controlled. Even the one in our State, which is not
as big as the one previously discussed, would clearly not spread as
fast or gobble up so much land. When everything is that close and
it catches, the contagion just goes like a wildfire.
Let me move on to just a couple of other things. And then we
will go to Senator Wyden.
From my standpoint, I want to concur and urge for this record
and to the administration that one of the serious problems that we
have had since President Bush took office and before, is that we
never have enough money for the emergencies. Therefore, every-
thing that is well planned during the year gets robbed of money to
pay for the emergency maintenance and upkeep and prevention.
I think that will be a topic this year under the existing budget.
And I personally say I am going to urge that we either do some-
thing in a supplemental to make up for what I think is a $500 mil-
lion to $650 million shortfall. But to my way of thinking, I joined
this committee and decided to take it and be chairman if we are
in control here for 6 years because I thought it would take a long
time to change what we have been doing to make more common
sense out of our practices. And I still feel that way. And one thing
that seems to me to be absolutely imperative is that we do a better
job of managing, maintaining, and thinning these forests.
And might I ask, can you state for the record as to both Depart-
ments where we are with reference to maintenance and manage-
ment thresholds? Where are we with reference to planning man-
agement and maintenance across the forests? And tell us what the
next steps are in terms of better management, as you have them
planned. Would you do that for the record, please, both of you?
All right. Thank you very much.
Senator Wyden.
Mr. TENNY. Perhaps the place to start there
The CHAIRMAN. Well, we will get that in writing.
Mr. TENNY. Oh, okay.
The CHAIRMAN. I mean, if you want to give a half-minute state-
Mr. TENNY. Be happy to.
The CHAIRMAN. I would like you to give it in detail so our staff
can have it and take a look at it.

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Thank you.
Senator Wyden.
Senator WYDEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think the point
that you have made, Mr. Chairman, and the point that Senator
Bingaman has made is critical.
I would just say to my colleagues that Mr. Tenny is a good man.
He has been very helpful to this committee. For example, we would
not have the county payments legislation without Mr. Tenny. He
has really reached out. I do not want to be hard on Dave Tenny
But I think, with respect to the fire plan, it is time to end the
shell game, folks. There is a real shell game going on out there,
where everybody says that implementing the fire plan is a big deal,
and then you do not put the resources into actually getting the
work done.
I am going to leave here in a couple of minutes and go to the
Budget Committee where I am going to offer an amendment to in-
crease funding authority for implementing the fire plan. I think
Senator Domenicis and Senator Bingamans earlier statements
have reflected this bipartisan concern.
I look at these numbers, and particularly for the Fire Service,
they are not even close to adding up. Let me just give you one ex-
ample. Last year, $1.6 billion was borrowed just on the suppression
account. The budget this time calls for $800 million. So you scratch
your head and you say, Everything we are hearing from the sci-
entists now is that we are going to have infernos all over the West
this summer. I have clippings from all over my State. I am sure
that is true in New Mexico, and Idaho, and all over the West.
$1.6 billion was borrowed last time for suppression, while this
budget provides $800 million for suppression. I think we have all
seen the bipartisan concern that we would like to get away from
suppression and do more of what would be termed ecologically
sound forest management, and just have not been able to get the
resources for that either.
I do not like to shoot the messenger because the message is a
tough onebut my question for Dave Tenny is: What will you sup-
port by way of a bipartisan effort in the budget to get real on this
funding question? My first choice would be to double the budget au-
thority so that we could implement this fire plan.
Dave, you obviously cannot speak for the administration. I un-
derstand their budget authority. But tell us how in the world we
are going to come close to implementing this fire plan with the re-
sources that have been proposed and how you are going to react to
an effort in the Budget Committee to get some more resources.
I think flexibility is fine, Dave. Make no mistake about it. We
like that. It is clear on the ground that flexibility is the key. But
flexibility cannot be a substitute for being in the ballpark with re-
spect to resources. And we are not in the ballpark.
For purposes of today, all you can give is a personal opinion, be-
cause you cannot speak for the administration. But how are you
going to react to my efforts to try to get a more realistic level of
funding for the fire plan, an effort that is going to begin in about
20 minutes?

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Mr. TENNY. I think the safest thing I can say is: I am going to
watch you with great interest. Obviously, the budget has been put
forward. And we know what the levels of funding are that were
provided in the 2003 budget. They were nearly to the levels that
werethe appropriations bill for 2003 was nearly to the levels of
the 2003 budget that was put forward. I acknowledge that there is
a problem that exists. I think we all recognize that. And there are
opportunities to address that.
There have been a number of ideas that have been floated. For
example, there was an idea that was floated in the budget pro-
posal, not this last one but the one before, to create a permanent
authority, for example, that would allow a reserve to be in place
to address some of the shortfalls on a permanent basis. That is one
There are other approaches that are out there. And the discus-
sion that is taking place is an important discussion. The outcome
is something that I think we all have to look together at resolving,
based upon the competing priorities and pressures that are on the
budget, obviously, and in terms of what makes sense. And I think
that is a discussion that is beginning that we need to have and con-
Senator WYDEN. Well, a big chunk of the West is going to become
a rural sacrifice zone, if we do not fund the fire plan properly. I,
for one, am just not going to sit by and let these communities and
the good people that are in these rural areas lose their world. And
that is what is going to happen. So this is not an abstract question.
In 20 minutes, we will see where the administration is. I am
anxious to work with you. Of course I am going to work with Chair-
man Domenici and Senator Craig. We have done all of this in a bi-
partisan way. I will support what the administration seeks to do
on flexibility. I think that is constructive in a number of these
areas, to get away from this one-size-fits-all approach to natural re-
sources policy.
But when you borrow $1.6 billion last year for fire suppression,
and all the science indicates that we are going to have infernos this
summer, and then the budget comes in with $800 million for fire
suppression, you are not in the ballpark. You are just not in the
ballpark. We have to figure out on a bipartisan basis how to do bet-
Mr. Chairman, I look forward to working with you towards that
end. And I thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. If you do not do it on the committee today, we
will talk about it on the floor
Senator WYDEN. Absolutely.
The CHAIRMAN [continuing]. On the budget resolution.
Senator WYDEN. Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Murkowski.
Senator MURKOWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And once again,
I look forward to explaining our efforts again relating to our geog-
raphy. And as it relates to forest fires, in Alaska, we have just
come to accept, as a routine course, that during the summer we
will have fires. We will have acres and thousands and thousands
of acres up in smoke. And it is just something that we deal with
because we live in a State that has huge geography. And we have

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come to accept that as, almost, as a matter of course, which is rel-

atively unfortunate.
And it is particularly unfortunate when these fires come down
into the areas where we do have population centers. And I think
we have been lucky over the years that we have not had very seri-
ous fires that threatened our residents. But you can only press
your luck so long.
And when we look at the plans that other States are able to uti-
lize, for instance, if a large fire breaks out somewhere else, you
have your geographic area coordination centers, and they can pro-
vide the resources for the fire suppression. If that does not work,
you can go to the National Interagency Coordination Center, get
assistance there.
But you are talking about States that have borders with other
States. And in Alaska, we border Canada. We are in a unique situ-
ation there, where we do not have the assistance of our neighbors.
So for us to get the additional fire suppression help, it is very ex-
pensive. It is very costly.
Simply because we are so huge in terms of our geography and
our size, it is impossible to be connected to any kind of a reason-
able hydrant system. So just the restrictions that we have in get-
ting water to put out the fire is extremely expensive.
But the big issue that we have that has caused more consterna-
tion to Alaskans is the infestation of the spruce bark beetle. And
we are looking at a situation where, in the past 10 years, we have
lost over five million acres of trees in south central and interior
Alaska. If you do not know Alaska, these are the parts, this is the
part of the State where we do havethis is where our population
centers are, five million acres of trees.
People get concerned about logging in Alaska. They need to look
at what is really bringing the trees down. It is these spruce bark
beetles. And this infestation is unchecked, out of control. It is prob-
ably the most significant terrestrial ecological disturbance to hit
the south region, the south central region of Alaska in recorded his-
tory. And what it is doing is just putting fuel down on the ground
for the next forest fire. And it is an issue that is, no pun intended,
this is really a hot spot for our State.
So I would like to know, Mr. Tenny, what the position, what the
plan is for specifically dealing with the insect infestation. I was
reading an article that was in the Washington Post a couple of days
ago. Apparently, Forest Service Chief Bosworth was speaking to a
House panel. And there was inquiry about, just as Senator Wyden
had mentioned, the shifting of the funds, moving them from fire
suppressionor moving to fire suppression. But it is apparent that
a good deal of those monies were moved from the prevention of it,
which, from my States perspective, is very, very key.
If we cannot do something to deal with the beetle kill and the
fuel that we are putting on the bottom of our forests, we are going
to have some forest fires in our State that will be beyond out of
control and will truly threaten more than just the trees, but the
residents of Alaska as well. So can you give me some guidance as
to what we might expect?

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Mr. TENNY. Yes, Senator. First of all, I should note that I have
a great mentor who knows Alaska very well. And it certainly is an
area that is on the front of our minds all the time.
The beetle infestation that you are referring to is something that,
although I have not seen it, I have had it described to me. I have
seen pictures. It is truly something to behold. And it does create
a very significant risk. We have been increasing our work on the
Kenai Peninsula. And our fuels treatment work is actually up, from
what I understand, about 20 percent with respect to where it has
been. Is that enough? No, because of the nature of the problem you
have described. It is expansive. It is far reaching. And it is perva-
sive throughout that part of the State.
We arethe National Fire Plan dollars are available nationwide.
They are available to Alaska, as well as to the lower 48 States. We
have some new authority in stewardship contracting. It would be
a good idea to look and see how that authority might play out and
how we might apply that authority up in Alaska.
We have the tools under the Healthy Forest Initiative that we
would like to use where appropriate and where we can use those
to address some of these situations as well, because the bottom line
is we are talking about the risk that is being created out there be-
cause we are not getting ahead of the problem. The problem is
ahead of us. And nowhere is it more pronounced than Alaska.
I think last year, of the total acres that burned, Alaska led every
other State in total acres burned. It is a little known fact, I think,
but Alaska burns more acres on average per year than any other
The problems that you have identified are real. They are of great
concern to us. We would like to use the tools that we have and that
we are getting and apply them there, along with the funding that
is made available under the fire plan and take that trajectory that
we are on, where we are increasing the number acres that we are
treating, and see if we can take that out further until we can get
to the point where we are doing a lot more than we are doing now.
Five million acres, that is a lot of acres. But certainly, we can
do better than we are doing now. And that is the intent. And that
is certainly our objective.
Senator MURKOWSKI. Well, I would like to hope that the funding
that you have referred to that can be made availableand we will
certainly work with you on thatthat those are not lost, if you
will, because we need to deal with the fire suppression, the antici-
pated fires that I think are quite likely this year.
In Alaska, we are no different than anywhere else in the West
this year. We have nowe have very little snow cover in the State
right now, which is incredible for us. So we are anticipating a ter-
rible fire year. So any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Senator.
Senator Akaka, do you want to ask some questions?
Senator AKAKA. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
The CHAIRMAN. You are welcome.
Senator AKAKA. Welcome to the panel.
I would tell you, Mr. Chairman, that this hearing is very impor-
tant for many of our communities. In Hawaii, we do have these

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kinds of problems also. Unfortunately, it appears that forest fires

are inevitable and cost a lot of money.
Mr. Tenny, in 2 out of the last 3 years, it has cost over $1 billion
to contain and suppress forest fires across our Nation. Last year,
it cost $1.4 billion for these efforts, and in 2002, it cost $1.3 billion
dollars. If we were to undertake the programs proposed by the
President to reduce fuel hazards in national forests in high risk
areas near communities, how much would it cost over a 5-year pe-
Mr. TENNY. Well, I think that is a function of a number of things.
Certainly one of the intents of the Healthy Forest Initiative is to
improve our efficiency so that our unit costs for doing the work will
be improved. In and around communities is a proposition that actu-
ally is an expensive proposition, because the cost per acre of treat-
ing areas around communities is greater in many cases, in most
cases, than the cost per acre of treating areas that are not directly
around communities, because of all the various issues that emerge
when you are dealing with communities and areas in and around
An exact dollar figure for 5 years to do the entire amount of work
that is out there would be very difficult to come by. It would be
very large. The reason, because it is so large, we have had to take
a look at how we set our priorities. And that is really the purpose
of the 10-year implementation plan for the 10-year comprehensive
strategy that we have put into place in cooperation with our Gov-
ernors and with our counties and with tribes and others, because
we recognize that we have 191 million acres that are out there that
are at risk.
We have resources that are available to us, but we know the pa-
rameters and realities of budgeting and priority setting. So the idea
is to go to the local level, working with the communities in a col-
laborative fashion, as outlined in the implementation plan, identify
those areas that are of greatest priority and treat them as well as
we can and as quickly as we can and as effectively as we can with-
in the resources that together we decided we can allocate for those
That is the approach we are taking, recognizing that there prob-
ably just is not sufficient funding to do the whole job that needs
to be done, because that is the reality in which we operate.
Senator AKAKA. I am concerned about what has been proposed
for the budget and the cost thus far per fire.
If we accomplish all the necessary fuels reductions outlined in
the Presidents proposals, can you predict confidently that it will
make a measurable difference in the number of acres burned or
number of fires controlled in an initial attack? And if so, how
Mr. TENNY. Okay. I think that probably the best indicator of the
value of the work that we do is identified by the communities that
are benefitted by it. If you look at, for example, the areas where
the Hayman fire burned, and we had portions that had been treat-
ed, where the fire burned to the ground in literally protected struc-
tures and communities because of that, the value of that to the
community is incalculable. It isfor them, it was worth every
penny, every effort that was taken.

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I think that the value of what we do, if we are able to accomplish

all that we have budgeted for and that we plan to accomplish this
year, it will have a real impact on or in and around those commu-
nities and in and around those watersheds where we are doing that
work, because we have seen where it does have an impact. And it
does have a positive impact on fire behavior.
With respect to initial attack, I think you have hit the nail right
on the head. The more successful we can be on an initial attack,
given the conditions of drought, of over density, of insect and dis-
ease activity out there that is increasing the fire risk each year, the
more successful we can be on initial attack, the lower our overall
costs are going to be and the more effective we are going to be at
being able to move forward on the proactive end in preventing the
fires that are occurring out there.
I think that if we are fully successful, if we can move beyond 99
percent successful in attack, on initial attack in controlling fire,
then on the margin that is going to perhaps prevent a Hayman fire
or prevent a Rodeo/Chediski fire, because we are able to get out
there and suppress the fire before it gets to those proportions. And
so I think that there is real benefit that can be derived from that.
There are always uncertainties when you approach a fire season.
There are things that you just do not expect or you do not know
what will happen, because conditions change quickly. And we do
not know what the weather is going to do. The only thing that we
can really affect, the only thing that we can truly go out on the
ground and manage is the fuels and the conditions in the vegeta-
tion. We cannot control the heat. We cannot control the wind and
the weather. But we can control the fuels.
And that is where we focus the attention and our effort, particu-
larly under the Healthy Forest Initiative.
Senator AKAKA. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. My time
has expired. I will submit my questions for the record.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Senator Akaka.
Senator Craig.
Senator CRAIG. A few moments ago, I believe in a question to
Senator Bingaman and to others as it relates to bug kill, you used
the word we are studying it. Foresters have been studying bug
kill for decades. We know exactly how to treat it. We know what
the problem is that creates it or brings greater infestations on.
Why are we studying it? What do we find out by studying it in-
stead of treating it?
Mr. TENNY. The studying that I referred to is the applied type
of study.
Senator CRAIG. In other words, how do you get through the legal
morasses of the day so that you can get out on the ground and do
something proactive to stop the bug spread? How do you get
through the court tests? How do you get through the lawsuits? Is
that what you are suggesting
Mr. TENNY. That needs to be
Senator CRAIG [continuing]. How you thread the legal needle?
Mr. TENNY. That is part of the equation. The legislation that we
sent up last fall addressed some of those concerns. I do not think
it addressed all of them. I think there are additional issues that
have to be addressed and we have to look at together.

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Senator CRAIG. So the greatest impediment today to treating bug

kill, to reducing fuel loading on our forest floors, to addressing five
million acres of potential catastrophic fire in Alaska is not the
knowledge or the talent of individual foresters. It is how you get
through the legal morass that has been built up over the last mul-
tiple decades.
Mr. TENNY. I think that is
Senator CRAIG. Is that a reasonable statement?
Mr. TENNY. That is a reasonable statement. We do know what
to do. We have the experience. And we are getting more all the
time. And research is done on an ongoing basis so we can get better
at what we are doing.
Senator CRAIG. How much money will be spent on the legal side
of things versus the actual thinning, cleaning application side of
fuels treatment? Do you have a percentage of total?
Mr. TENNY. I can tell you, based upon what the Forest Service
prepared for the chief, there is about a quarter billion dollars that
is spent annually on process. If we were able to do some of the
things that were identified in the process predicament, the Forest
Service estimated it would be able to save upwards of $100 million
in process. That is real money. That is
Senator CRAIG. Or will you simply divert? When you see a legal
obstacle over here, you will go somewhere where there may be less
or it may be easier or the terrain or the habitat or the watershed
may be such that it is less sensitive to certain environmental
groups and/or to the application of your treatment. And so you sim-
ply divert practice to avoid legality and being hung up. How much
of that goes on?
Mr. TENNY. Well, I cannot say that it does not go on, because
Senator CRAIG. Oh, yes, it does go on. We know that. Let me
count the number of times in Idaho it has gone on.
Mr. TENNY. And we have seen that, and that is one of the reali-
ties within which we operate. However, from a strategic stand-
point, as we put together our program of work under the fire plan,
under the implementation plan, the 10-year strategy, what we are
looking at is where the work needs to be done, where the risk is
the greatest. And that is where we are going.
In some cases, we are challenged on that. And that is okay. Peo-
ple are going to challenge us. And we have to be able to answer
those questions because we have the information that we need to
answer those questions when we are challenged. Those challenges
take time sometimes to work through. The process adds time. As
that time is added, opportunities in some cases are lost.
But the point is that we are looking at where the risk is. And
we are going to where the risk is to address the problem. That is
the whole purpose of the strategic plan that we are operating.
Senator CRAIG. Sure. And the greater risk today is where people
Mr. TENNY. That is a very big part of the risk.
Senator CRAIG. In other words, if there are no houses near urban
wildland interface, but it is a marvelous watershed of critical value
and it is dying, you do not go there. You go where the trees are
and the people are and the high risk to human structure exists. I

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mean, those are the options you have. And clearly, that is the bat-
tleground here that we face in trying to sort out how we apply or
allocate resources.
Well, I know your problem. We have to try to address that. You
know, the great environmental story will be written in a decade or
two that the environment killed the environment, and environ-
mentalists sat by and watched it die and burn and tied the hands
of those who tried to save it. And we ought to try to do something
about it here. I know the chairman is committed to that, as am I.
My last question: How many in the National Guard become ac-
tive in catastrophic fire years like last year, that we might need
this year, that we will not have this year because they might be
fighting a war or they might be on critical standby for the purpose
of national defense? And have you factored that in? And what do
you do about it, if you cannot use their equipment, you cannot use
their personnel, that are deployed elsewhere?
Mr. TENNY. That is an important question that we have been
grappling with here over the last several months. Last year we
were able to call up a battalion from the Army. And they were
available to do some of the work that we needed to get down out
on the ground. We have had conversations, and are continuing to
have those, in planning for the upcoming fire season with the Na-
tional Guard and with the Department of Defense.
From what I understand, based upon the information that I have
been given from those who are having those conversations, we have
the commitment to have the resources available when we need
them, notwithstanding the prospect of a war. What that means,
though, is that we need to be vigilant in communicating with our
counterparts in the Department of Defense and the National Guard
with respect to the forecast and when we are going to need these
people. And those are the discussions that are taking place right
now, so that those contingencies can be in place.
Senator CRAIG. Well, I thank you. I am pleased to hear at least
that that conversation is going on and that calculation is being
made. That is critical, I think.
The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Conlin, are you with them? Are you on your
own in terms of returning to your office? Are with you with the
other two people here testifying, or are you on your own?
Ms. CONLIN. I am on my own.
The CHAIRMAN. You are excused. You do not have to listen to us
Senator CRAIG. Well, I did have one more question of her.
The CHAIRMAN. Well, we are finished with questioning, are we
Senator CRAIG. Could I ask
The CHAIRMAN. Go ahead and ask it now.
Senator CRAIG. I did not want you to feel lonely, Linda.
Ms. CONLIN. I am just delighted to be here, that the connection
is made between tourism and economic impact because of the fires.
I am delighted to be here, Senator.
Senator CRAIG. How does an area recover long-term? And I cite
an example, Salmon, Idaho, south central eastern Idaho, 2000, cat-
astrophic fire, nearly a million acres burned. The town was shut

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down for 45 days. It was smoke covered for 30 days. People with
respiratory problems left town. It is the jumping off point for all
the white water or most of the white water of the Greater Salmon
River systems. All of that disappeared.
I tried to help outfitters and guides that lost not only the sum-
mer outfitting, but many lost winter or the fall outfitting of elk and
lost their businesses as a result of it. But we could not directly con-
nect the fire-related situation to them, so they lost out.
How do we deal with that? That is just a lost story as it relates
to fire and fire impact. You have spoken to it today. Now many
these communities are small business communities. Small busi-
nesses do not have strong staying power in most instancesif they
lose a season, they are lostversus big businesses or counterparts
or associates of big businesses.
Some in Salmon benefitted. There were over 3,000 people de-
ployed there at one time. There were goods and services provided.
But by far, a majority of that community lost, because they lost
their tourism season. How do we deal with that? And how do we
respond to it? And how do we bring that tourism back quickly or
communicate effectively? And are there programs being looked at
to communicate that a fire in Salmon, Idaho, does not make all of
Idaho burn, and there are other parts of our State or other States
that are places to go see and do?
Ms. CONLIN. Well, Senator, it goes without saying that protecting
the resource is absolutely number one, so that it continues to sus-
tain travel and tourism over the long haul. Short term, it takes co-
operation between States and cities and the Federal Government
to really provide the information not only domestically but to inter-
national audiences about the extent of the damage, so that we in-
deed are still able to attract visitors to those places that were not
impacted by the fires. So we need to really make sure that informa-
tion gets out there.
And thirdly, we need to work together cooperatively to continue
to promote our public lands. And we do that. At the Department
of Commerce, we work very closely with cities, with States, with
regions. As I pointed out earlier, we have a very ambitious program
with the Western States Policy Council to promote our gateway
communities in the Western States in key international markets
that are top international markets. So I think it is a combination
of all of these three things, Senator.
I would also like to point out that at the Department of Com-
merce we have a network of offices, domestic offices, of the United
States and foreign commercial service, both here in the United
States, as well as our commercial officers that serve in embassies
throughout the world and in our key tourism-generating markets.
These officers directly work with us in trade development at the
Department of Commerce and with the private sector in those
countries to promote the United States and certainly our public
lands, which are indeed our treasures.
Senator CRAIG. Well, I thank you for that. We are headed poten-
tially for another big fire year in the Northwestern tier, if you will.
And, of course, it just so happens that we will be beginning the bi-
centennial of Lewis and Clark. And a fair amount of that country
is the trail of Lewis and Clark. I hope we are able to connect the

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dots there and disallow that potential opportunity from being de-
stroyed by fire.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Craig, let me just suggest, I think you
remember, I am sure that these witnesses remember, that Healthy
Forests, the major kickoff initiative, occurred on the floor of the
Senate because New Mexico suffered the Los Alamos fire, which I
think, I think, so far is the most expensive fire to the government,
because it was determined to be through their negligence that it
Therefore, compared to your towns, the Government paid for ev-
erything. So the 380 houses that burned, the business loss, mean-
ing the case that you just described, was actually paid. They filed
their claims. They had three claims offices, just like an insurance
company. And the companies would have cost over $1 billion to pay
everybody what they had suffered. It was huge in terms of the
acreage that was burned, but nothing like a million acres, the
things you have seen.
Senator CRAIG. Yes.
The CHAIRMAN. I believe that what I haveand as a result, so
you will understand, we went to the floor. And the concern, the
burning concern, was the urban interface issue, because that was
a perfect example. We almost, through an urban interface fire,
burned down Los Alamos National Laboratory. It happened that at
least there was that muchthe laboratories were insulated by
many, many hundreds of yards, but their buildings were not. So
significant buildings, none of which were dangerous, burned. The
laboratory suffered something like $230 million in losses for build-
ing structures and the like.
When we went to the floor, we decided that it was time to man-
date that the Government determine where the urban interface sit-
uations were in the country. You all know now. You have gone
through the exercise twice, I am told by my staff, in determining
where they are. You are finishing that up so that States and local-
ities and you all know this is a dangerous place. The urban inter-
face is not yet completed and taken care of. And you are moving
where you can in those areas.
I believe that one thing you can do that we can look at in terms
of your kinds of questions is to see whether or not the things that
are available for a disaster are all available. We find that some-
times you declare a disaster from a hurricane, and you get certain
kinds of relief. But you do not get the same kind of relief if it is
a forest fire. And I think it would be good to look and make sure
that it is just as broad.
Secondly, just the presence of the Federal Government to help
with tourism seems to me to be very important, if these people are
all suffering, hurting. At least somebody comes there and says, We
are going to help. And I would think that that is done by you and
others, as you suffer the problem. I do not think we can write that
into law. Either they care and are worried and help or they do not.
From my standpoint, the urban interface remains a huge prob-
lem, because we canif we burn down, as a comparison, we burn

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350 houses in Los Alamos, or whatever the number, every big fire
burned 80 or 90 or 100 houses.
Senator CRAIG. We took down 2,000 houses last year.
The CHAIRMAN. See, and these houses, nobody paid you for them.
So those are huge, huge losses to the individual across the country.
And I think the disaster relief might be looked at, not in terms of
paying everybody for their loss, because the government then
would be the insurer of all of this, but it would seem to me that
maybe you can broaden the disaster relief to some extent there.
And it might be helpful.
Senator CRAIG. Well, Mr. Chairman, that is a valid point. The
loss of a home, obviously homes are insured. They have fire insur-
ance. And so I agree with you there. I think we need to be very
careful that we do not offset it so people living in those environ-
ments say, Well, gee, we do not need insurance because the Gov-
ernment will come in and take care of us.
The CHAIRMAN. Yes. And we do not need to clean it up either,
if it burns.
Senator CRAIG. Right. But what we could not determine, but
what was very determinable, at least when I went to outfitters and
guides and said, How many cancellations did you have as a result
of the fire? it was Well, we had X number. And here they were,
and here they are canceled. And that cost us so much money.
And we say to a small business, How much business have you
done on the average over the last 3 years versus how much did you
not do this year? Those are very real figures that are document-
able. And they are not covered in many instances. FEMA does not
pick them up.
You are right, though, if it were a hurricane, then that would be
a different environment.
The CHAIRMAN. Yes. I would suggest to you, and it may not be
worth it at this late date, but I would suggest to you that the files
of the settlements with the businessmen and businesswomen of Los
Alamos might reveal a formula that might be more helpful than
what FEMA is currently doing, because they went through months
of arguing with the business community. And they paid almost all
of them for some business loss; not joyously, not without rancor.
But there was a formula eventually that her little business in jew-
elry got some money, and his restaurant got something. And it
might be that that formula should be transferred over to be applied
more generally.
Senator CRAIG. We will take a look at that. Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Let me close my questioning by suggesting that
we are going to remain interested here in this committee for the
time I am chairman with common sense approaches to your prob-
lems. That is, where are you running into impediments to do things
that make sense, that are common sense? And we want to try for,
in spite of laws that say to the contrary, Where is the common
sense solution? And then if it requires that we seriously debate
why the law is not applying common sense, we are glad to do that.
We are glad to try to amend laws that are causing conduct to be
totally without a common sense approach to our forests.
If we do not do that, it seems to me that we are going to get no-
where except one group is going to blame another group for what

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Senator Craig has described as the gradual, if not more sudden, de-
mise of what used to be great forests. I can tell you, I am not from
a State like Senator Craigs, although mine has plenty of forests
and plenty of beautiful things to be seen. But when I was young,
the forests were beautiful places to just go walk, because you could
walk, you could see. As a matter of fact, I think I have told Senator
Craig, as a member of an Italian community in Albuquerque, we
used to visit regularly the mountains around Albuquerque because
mushrooms just like mushrooms from Italy grew in those beautiful
forests. And you could go up on a Sunday and they were there.
Most of the forests now are so cluttered tree to tree that you
could not walk, if you wanted to. And those areI think those are
the kind of real examples of what has happened that is not what
we would like to be the case 10 or 15 years from now.
With that, I am going to yield to Senator Murkowski for her
questions. And then we will recess.
Senator Murkowski.
Senator MURKOWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Just very, very quickly, and this is probably best directed to As-
sistant Secretary Scarlett. This is as the fire management plans
might relate to wilderness. It is my understanding that if you have
a wilderness area, there is nothing motorized that comes in. You
cannot bring that motorboat in. You cannot bring that chainsaw in.
So if we have a spruce bark beetle infestation and we have whole
areas of a wilderness area, an area that has been designated as
wilderness, then any kind of management plan would not apply.
Am I correct in that?
Ms. SCARLETT. I would respond to that in two ways. For the most
part, first in Alaska, you have forests that are in what we call con-
dition class one. That is, they are in their natural healthy condition
for the most part. And that is, of course, a great benefit and virtue
of Alaska.
On the other hand, as you pointed out, you do also have some
communities increasingly that are wildland urban interface com-
munities. And where you have what might be a natural cyclical
problem with disease or otherwise, it might then start to affect that
What we are trying to do in terms of our prioritizing, as has been
discussed today with treatments, is not go out in those areas where
the forests are generally in healthy condition and have their cyclic
patterns of behavior and are not near communities, but rather to
target our efforts in areas right around communities, such as one
that you did describe, which is in somewhich is experiencing
some problems with infestations.
And so certainly that WUI community would be among those po-
tentially eligible for us going in and doing some treatments to help
to prevent the risk of loss of property, loss of lives, and further en-
vironmental damage.
Senator MURKOWSKI. You used the word treatments.
Ms. SCARLETT. Yes. That is our lingo for going in and actually
removing the diseased timber, removing underbrush. And it is im-
portant to note that this is not simply about thinning and leaving
stuff there so that it actually further creates a prospect for con-
flagration, but going in, thinning, pulling out the material.

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Now that will not treat the disease, it is important to note. But
what that can do is prevent the potential kind of exponential
spread. But again, I do want to underscore that we are talking
about WUI areas here, not outright wilderness areas.
Senator MURKOWSKI. I guess that is a concern that I have in the
Chugach National Forest. This is an area where certain parts of it
are being considered as wilderness designation. That national for-
est happens to be adjacent to quite a handful of population centers.
Now they are not population centers like the good Senator from
New Mexico was talking about. But these are communities, the lit-
tle community of Moose Pass, very, very, very concerned that there
will be a fire. And if we have not in fact done something to address
just the fuel buildup there, then their communities, their homes,
their livelihoods are going to be at risk.
There is a concern here that: Well, what happens if, in fact, we
have gone from a situation where it is just the Chugach National
Forest to an area that has now been designated as wilderness? And
I want to make sure that my constituents are not at risk because
we have decided to take a hands-off approach because it has now
been designated as wilderness.
It is one thing if we have healthy forests. But as I mentioned
earlier, in many, many parts of the State, these are sick and dis-
eased trees because of an infestation thatwe have not brought
this upon the forests. It has not been due to the fault of anybody
living in that area. It is just a sickness that is traveling through
our forests.
I want to be assured that in fact these residents that are living
near these areas are not going to be at risk either for life or prop-
erty injury.
Thanks for your comments.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Murkowski, thank you very much.
I am always amazed and have watched Alaska over the years,
that during the peak of the fire season when thousands of acres
will be burning somewhere in Alaska, by the character of that
State. And of course now, as it populates more, as you have said,
obviously it becomes even critically more important, even though
the destruction of potential resource value timber is ongoing.
Senator MURKOWSKI. I just have to share a comment. This sum-
mer we had some terrible fires out in the interior. And a constitu-
ent who had a mining operation, a significant mining operation
that was in the path of the fire, contacted me and said, What can
be done to save my property, my assets? His life savings had been
invested in it. And we were told by the Forest Service that the plan
was to hope for a change in the wind. And, you know, the good
news for him and for his family was that the wind changed.
The CHAIRMAN. The wind changed.
Senator MURKOWSKI. But he has the pictures that show just
where that wind changed. And it was too close for comfort. I appre-
ciate the opportunity to have this discussion this morning.
The CHAIRMAN. Well, I thank you all very much. Obviously, this
committee remains extremely concerned about your preparedness
and your ability to be prepared and to continue to be and the de-
ployment of resources not only to fight the fire or to become

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proactive in our forests to improve their environment, to improve

their health and the vitality of the habitat. Clearly, we are trying
to do that. Some are misinterpreting it. Some are trying to argue
otherwise. I think the clear intent of a majority of Congress is to
assist you in assisting our forested lands to become healthier.
I have just visited with the people of Elk City. I ask you, Dave,
to take a note of that. The bug kill there is such that the fire sce-
nario now coming is not unlike the San Bernardino, where in many
instances you have one road in and the same road out. And if a
catastrophic fire hits, I said to the mayor, What do you do?
I do not recall the name of the meadow. I am talking meadow,
but there is a stream that flows through it. He says, We will all
run to the meadow, and we will plow out a ways as quickly as we
can and we will hunker down, because we will not be able to get
That is what happens. And that is what will happen in the San
Bernardino area, if we are not careful. If you read the Governor of
Californias proclamation, it is in itself almost a proclamation of a
state of emergency. In fact, he even gives authority for State au-
thority to go onto private lands to thin and clean. I find that very
unique, that the condition has built there to such an extent that
a governor feels he must declare a state of emergency, not only to
try to save the resource, but to protect the people.
There is a great sense of alarm in that area now about access
or the ability to get out in case of a catastrophic fire. I will not go
beyond that. But I understand, in having visited with some, that
that very much is the situation, largely what probably prompted
the governor to act. I am amazed that on one hand he will declare
a state of emergency and almost marshal law, and on the other
hand he will criticize the ability to do that on Federal lands in
other places in the countryside. That is the miscommunication or
the misunderstanding of todays situation, I would guess.
We thank you all very much. We will stay current on that.
You have obviously heard two members of the Budget Committee
not at all happy with the ability or the resources available to fight
fires potentially this summer, and what we need to do. Because
whenmy notes show that when Under Secretary Mark Rey testi-
fied here some weeks ago, he said that the Forest Service had $445
million in backlogs in fire rehab and restoration projects, $445 mil-
lion, from fires that burned in 2000, 2001, and 2002.
Now we are not only not getting into thin and clean, we are not
getting in after the fact to rehab. And mother nature can be pretty
severe in a reasonably small event to catastrophic erosion, if we are
not allowed to move swiftly and quickly in to do that kind of rehab.
And if we are taking money from one account to move it over to
another, that kind of things happens. So this has to be corrected.
My message to you for those you work with, for Mark Rey and
for the chief, is: Let us take a revisit at this. We know where the
administration is at this moment. I think that strongly the likeli-
hood is that they are going to get more resources to deal with, and
we are going to have to decide how they get deployed. And that is
your job, to effectively respond not only to the current fire season
upon us, but also to the idea that once burned, we just sit and
watch it and let mother nature do even more damage and that we

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cannot go in and do rehab or restoration because we have used up

our resources.
I thank you all very much for your time and your tolerance this
The committee will stand adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 12:10 p.m., the hearing was adjourned.]

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Washington, DC, April 8, 2003.
Chairman, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate, Washington,
DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to offer testimony
before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on March 13, 2003. I am
glad the Committee was able to conduct a hearing on the impact of last years fires
and the outlook for the 2003 fire season.
Enclosed please find my answers to the supplemental questions you provided me
on March 14, 2003.
If you, or your staff, have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to con-
tact me or Erin Mewhirter, Acting Director, Office of Legislative and Intergovern-
mental Affairs, at (202) 482-3015.
Sincerely, LINDA M. CONLIN,
Assistant Secretary for Trade Development.
Question 1. Ms. Conlin, you have made the point that tourism sells in many of
these forested areas because of their forested nature and natural beauty. I know you
have seen some of these areas after they have burned. In your opinion are most
tourists traveling across the country, or indeed, around the world to visit areas that
have been devastated by these wild fires?
Answer. Generally speaking, I do not believe that tourists want to visit areas that
have been devastated by fire. Curiosity may cause a visitor already in the area to
view a devastated area, but tourism is built on positive experiences, engaging in the
activities of the area. When the purpose of a trip is to see the beauties of nature,
viewing a decimated area will not fulfill that purpose.
Question 2. Have you found in your research any information on the affects of
large amounts of heavy smoke that these fires produced on tourism in the down
wind cities?
Answer. Our research does not cover any of the environmental impacts on tour-
ism, but we have heard of curtailed business in some of these communities during
the heaviest smoke-laden periods. Phoenix experienced quite a bit of residue and
thick smoke over some of its top tourist areas, such as Scottsdale, for example,
which restricted golfing and other outdoor activities.
Question 3. You have pointed out that international travelers, and to a lesser ex-
tent domestic travelers, have been changing their plans when they see reports of
large fires in a state, even though those fires are not in the area they were slated
to visit. When that happens, are those tourists coming to this country and avoiding
those states that have fires, or are they going to different countries instead?
Answer. International travelers generally will not visit a state with fires because
they are unsure of the specific areas that are affected. While some potential visitors
might cancel their travel plans, most travelers will still visit the country, but they
will go to other destinations.
Question 4. I know that your agency is mostly interested in international tourism,
but I am also aware that your people have gathered a lot of information on the im-
pacts on tourism due to these fires. Given your broad knowledge of this industry:
Can you give me your thoughts on what happens to local tourism based industries

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in areas that have burned heavily, such as the Bitterroot Valley in Montana did in
2000, or the Show Low, Arizona area did in 2002?
Answer. As I mentioned before, Arizonas fires were the worst in a century. Data
is still being calculated, and the continued passage of time will tell a more complete
story. Based on the information Ive alluded to there is no question that the tour-
ism-based industries and local economies have been negatively impacted by the
fires. In 2002, Arizonas lodging, national and state park visitation reports show
sluggish performance in the specific areas affected by the fires.
The Arizona Department of Revenue saw declines in lodging and lodging tax reve-
nue in 2002 compared to 2001. Sales tax and employment were also adversely af-
fected. Arizona national and state parks reported state-wide visitation declines with
the parks closest to the fires reporting the steepest declines.
The Arizona Office of Tourism reported that wildfires might have affected travel
decisions for national park visitors. The Rodeo-Chedeski fire and media reports of
wildfire activity likely affected visitor patterns and discouraged travel to some of
these areas.
Question 5. Many of these fires cause land disturbances and result in trails and
roads being closed due to the danger of falling trees, sometimes for several years
after the fire. In your experience, when the tourist cannot access the areas that they
had repeatedly used before, and they have to shift their recreation activities to other
areas, what happens in the long runare they likely to come back to the burned
area, or will they simply develop a new favorite area to visit in the future?
Answer. A lot depends upon the areas ability to rebuild and recover from the fire.
Part of the recovery also includes providing information to the public that they are
open for business again. While this is happening, many frequent travelers may form
an appreciation for a new favorite destination at the expense of the old site. So,
some of the loyalty could be lost. In contrast, with the rebirth of the destination and
an aggressive campaign to attract visitors, a new clientele will hopefully be devel-
oped. The key is having the resources to rebuild and inform potential visitors about
the attraction or destination. Unfortunately, many states lose the needed resources
to fighting fires.

[Note: Responses to the following questions were not received at

the time this hearing went to press.]

There is conclusive scientific research and technology available to protect struc-

tures from forest fireshomes, businesses, buildings and the areas immediately ad-
jacent to those structures. In this area we can have a direct impact on property loss
and fire spread in communities.
Question 1. Would you agree that public education and private sector cooperation,
in preparing lands and buildings to resist wildfires, is an essential feature of wild-
fire management?
Question 2. Why has the community assistance portion of the National Fire Plan
been zeroed out in the Presidents FY 04 budget request? Additionally, why have
the burned area restoration and rehabilitation programs received decreases in fund-
ing, culminating in a request of no funds for FY 04?
Question 3. With these decreases, how do you plan to foster private sector co-
operation to use the technology and research we already have, in order to save
homes and buildings in the wildfire interface?


When we talk about fire danger in the west, we must be mindful of fires effect
on water. As you know, catastrophic wildfires can have catastrophic effects on wa-
tersheds where towns and cities located below the National Forest boundary get
their water. Denver is still paying millions to try to recover from the devastating
effects that the Hayman Fire has had, and may still have, on the citys water sup-
ply. Durango is struggling with similar issues in the wake of the Missionary Ridge
Colorado and much of the West is experiencing the worst drought on record.
When I am back in Colorado talking to water users, they are concerned about the

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threat of ash and sediment from wildfires clogging their ditches, reservoirs, and
drinking water intakes in the middle of this drought.
Question. Mr. Tenny, I would be interested to learn a little more about how the
Forest Service is working with local communities to guard against future water con-
tamination due to fires, as well as what they are doing now to rehabilitate those
affected watersheds.
From your response, the Forest Service seems to really appreciate the effects fire
has on existing municipal water supplies and is willing to work with the state.
Recognizing the drought conditions that the West, in particular, is facing, I think
that it is more important than ever for the Forest Service to commit to work with
the states in good faith on water issues. Unfortunately, some in the Forest Service
have tried to impose bypass flows in our national forests, and circumvent working
through state instream flow programs. You are aware that bypass flows are esti-
mated to cause a reduction in the dry-year water supplies available from water fa-
cilities on National Forest lands by 50 to 80 percent?
Isnt the Forest Services official policy to work with the states, pursuant to state
law in administering water?
Can I tell city officials in Colorado, as well as farmers and ranchers, that you and
the Forest Service, in general, are committed to working through the state instream
flow program and eliminating the perception of threats to existing water supplies
by imposing bypass flows?
Question. Colorado experienced its worst fire season on record last summer. My
compliments go to the brave men and women who risked their lives to fight these
fires. We also learned some lessons last summer and maybe you can tell me what
adjustments we are making in anticipation of this years fire season.
Particularly, how do we use our local resources in suppression operations?
How do we follow up with our communities to make sure we are reducing the
One other thing, with the drought and the forest conditions what can we do better
during the first 72 hours of a fire?
Question. Wildfires always seem to bring a lot of attention to the forest manage-
ment problems facing our national parks. However, interest and coverage of these
problems seem to wane as the fires die out.
In fact, remediation and rehabilitation in the aftermath of a fire that is often the
most costly and difficult part of the process. Reseeding, erosion control, and preser-
vation of archeological sites are costly and beyond the budget and resources of most
national parks.
Parks in my home state of Colorado received monies through the Burned Area
Restoration Program, but still are several million dollars short of funding to save
resources damaged in last summers fires.
How are you going to handle these budget shortfalls?
Question. Every state is facing significant fiscal challenges as they grapple with
budget shortfalls. Tourism is Colorados second largest source of revenue, contribut-
ing approximately $7 billion in a normal year.
Unfortunately, the 2002 fire season was not a normal year. Although hard num-
bers are still being gathered, the Hayman, Missionary Ridge, and other fires cost
the state of Colorado billions in tourist revenue.
In response to the fires in 2000 and 2002 park visits dropped 40% in the months
of July and August in Mesa Verde Park in Durango. Closure due to wildfires re-
duced their overall visitations by almost 30% for the year. Correspondingly, the sur-
rounding community of Durango suffered a 26% drop in tourist-related revenues.
Clearly, this reduction in visits reduces their revenues and overall projected budget.
We have then what amounts to a triple hit to the Parks available fundsthose
used to fight fires, those used for cleaning up the damage caused by fire, and a loss
of overall revenue because of closures due the fire.
What sorts of plans are in place to handle this type of unplanned funding deficit?
Question. I would like to commend the efforts of Mesa Verde Park Superintend-
ent, Larry Weise, and his staff for saving park resources, structures, and most im-
portantly, lives, in last years devastating Missionary Ridge fire near my hometown
of Ignacio, CO.
Obviously, as fires are raging, there is not time to draft and complete Environ-
mental Impact Statements (EIS) for fire-fighting efforts. I am wondering what kind
of flexibility you are going to give parks in the future in dealing with wildfires when
sufficient time does not exist to complete the EIS process?
Question. As you know, thinning projects have been very successful in my home
state of Colorado. Partnerships between parks and local communities have particu-
larly been effective in reducing fire risk in the critical urban interface areas. How

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do community-based thinning programs fit into the Park Services wildfire reduction
plans in the future?


Question 1. In your testimony, you indicated that the U.S. Forest Service and the
Department of the Interior performed hazardous fuels reduction activities on a total
of 2.2 million acres, of which almost 1.0 million acres were in the wildland urban
Of the approximately 1.0 million acres treated in the wildland urban interface in
2002, approximately 764,000 acres of National Forest lands were treated. Of these
764,000 acres, how many acres were treated within one-half mile of at-risk com-
munities as listed in the Federal Register (66 F.R. 753)?
In 2003, the Forest Service estimates that it will treat approximately 893,000
acres in the wildland urban interface. However, in 2004, the Forest Service proposes
to treat 716,000 acres. Can you explain why the agency would reduce the acreage
treatment in high priority areas?
To better understand the actual work performed, can you provide the Forest Serv-
ices definition of wildland urban interface?
Question 2. My understanding is that the most effective way to reduce the risk
to communities is to focus hazardous fuels reduction efforts on the wildland urban
interface. Given the limited nature of funds for hazardous fuels reduction, what is
the rationale for treating more lands outside the interface zone, than inside, in
Question 3. Of the seven million acres that burned during 2002, please provide
a breakdown of acreage burned according to the following classifications:
(1) Productive forest land on the National Forest System (lower 48)
(2) Productive forest land on the National Forest System (Region 10)
(3) Unforested and non-productive forest land on the National Forest System
(4) Forested BLM lands
(5) Unforested BLM lands outside of Alaska
(6) Unforested BLM lands (Alaska State Office)
(7) National Park System lands
(8) National Wildlife Refuges (except for Region 7)
(9) National Wildlife Refuges (Region 7)


Question 1. Please provide the Energy and Natural Resource Committee a list of
all known major insect and disease outbreaks (over 300 acres in size) by State. In-
clude data on the rate of spread, what steps have been taken to control the spread,
sanitize the infestation, or salvage the timber killed by the pathogen. Additionally,
provide data on each project including NEPA documents that have been started and
when they are expected to be completed. Finally, please indicate when each project
is expected to be implemented (a copy of the desired format is attached additional
information can be added).
Question 2. I understand that fires that burn in the boreal forests tend to produce
very high levels of green house gases and other pollutants such as mercury, due to
the amount of duff and peat that are consumed. What has the Department of the
Interior done to study those fires and are your fire suppression people considering
that pollution when they decide whether or not to fight these fires?
Question 3. Which states and areas are you most concerned for in terms of De-
partment of the Interior lands, if we have another bad fire season this year?
Question 4. Can you highlight areas on Department of the Interior lands that are
at an increased risk of fires as a result of insect, disease, or recent windthrow?
Question 5. In terms of this upcoming fire season, what are the biggest challenges
your agencies face?
Question 6. We know that the BLM, in terms of both budget and number of em-
ployees, is quite smaller than the Forest Service, yet it has a large number of people
who serve on fire fighting overhead teams and fire fighting crews. How did the 2000
or 2002 fire seasons affect the other work that the agency was expected to complete?
Question 7. We are now three years into implementation of the National Fire Plan
and should be getting some idea of what has worked as planned, and what changes
might need to be made. Ms. Scarlett, from where you sit today, in terms of imple-
mentation of the National Fire Plan, are there any parts of that plan that need to
be updated or changed?

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Question 1. Please provide the Energy and Natural Resource Committee a list of
all known major insect and disease outbreaks (over 300 acres in size) by State. In-
clude data on the rate of spread, what steps have been taken to control the spread,
sanitize the infestation, or salvage the timber killed by the pathogen. Additionally,
provide data on each project including NEPA documents that have been started and
when they are expected to be completed, and finally please indicate when each
project is expected to be implemented (a copy of the desired format is attached addi-
tional information can be added).
Question 2. What steps can the Federal government take to be good neighbors,
before the start of this coming fire season, in order treat federal stands that are
adjacent to those areas target by Governor Daviss Emergency declaration?
Question 3. I would also like to know what we can do in other areas where we
have huge insect and disease outbreaks to clean them up before they burn?
Question 4. I have seen a number of reports on some of the damage that was done
to Mexican and Northern Spotted Owl activity centers in Arizona and Oregon last
year. Can you expand upon that information for some of the other areas that have
burned over the last three years and some of the other threatened or endangered
species habitats that have been impacted?
Question 5. Has the agency made any systematic nationwide attempt to assess the
damage, and the impacts of that damage to Threatened & Endangered Species,
caused by these large catastrophic fires over the last decade?
Question 6. At least twice in the last three years we have seen relatively small
rain storms after fires that have done significant damage to the burned watersheds.
The one I am most familiar with is the Viveash Fire in 2000 in New Mexico, when
rains caused terrible damage to those watersheds. This past year after the Mission-
ary Ridge Fire, outside Bayfield and Durango, Colorado, rains did significant dam-
age as well. Could your people put together a study to examine the short and long-
term costs of having to deal with these rain-after-fire events over the last decade?
Question 7. Please describing the air pollution problems that these fires cause,
and what your people do, in relation to the health of the fire fighters, when they
are exposed to these pollutants day-after-day?
Question 8. I understand there have been a number of instances over the last cou-
ple of years that have caused State environmental protection agencies to consider
evacuation of communities due to poor air quality during these large project fires.
What are the costs of this type of air pollution on these communities and on your
fire fighters?
Question 9. How many acres of planned hazardous fuels treatments and burned
area rehabilitation and restoration projects had to be terminated in 2002 because
funding for those activities was transferred to fire suppression?
Question 10. How many years will it take to treat the total number of acres cur-
rently in condition class 3 status under a best-case-scenario analysis?
Question 11. Wildfires are getting bigger and more expensive to fight. The 2002
wildfires cost both the USDA and DOI over $1.4 billion and scorched over 7.1 mil-
lion acres. The National Fire Plan is designed to address wildfire threats on all
lands, public and private. What is the Administration doing to provide wildfire as-
sistance for State and private lands? What are the needs?
Question 12. How are State and local firefighting resources integrated into federal
wildfire suppression response?
Question 13. Are State and local officials integrated into the decision making proc-
Question 14. I see from Forest Service harvest data that in the late 1980s you
harvested 650,000 and 960,000 acres of forest a year in some type of treatment.
During those years the agency was very focused on getting insect and diseased
killed trees harvested and removed before they were hit with fires. In 2001, that
level fell to less than 250,000 acres. Now the Forest Service is having a devil of a
time getting these areas treated before they are hit by fire. What has changed since
the 1985-1990 period and today? It seems to me that the same laws, and many of
the same regulations that were used then are still in place. If that is the case, then
what has caused the change in the number of acres?
Question 15. Given the Administrations policy initiatives and the new steward-
ship contracting authority that youve been provided, is it possible to increase treat-
ment levels in these high risk stands above the levels we saw treated in the 1980s?
Question 16. What is the Forest Services policy on priority when it comes to large
insect infestationsdo they still receive the highest priority for treatment?
Question 17. In the past the Forest Service has acquired the equipment from
DOD. I understand the program to do this was changed last year, and the FS and

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the States are no longer eligible to receive equipment during the initial screening
phase of this process. As a result, there is great difficulty in finding suitable equip-
ment to provide to the local and volunteer fire departments. What is the Forest
Services position on this issue?
Question 18. Would you support legislation to restore the Forest Service and your
State partners to the initial screening phase for this excess equipment that is no
longer needed by the Department of Defense?


Question 1. I have a question for Deputy Under Secretary Tenny about the bark
beetle problem. San Bernardino National Forest Superintendent Gene Zimmerman
has told my staff that he believes solving the bark beetle problem will require at
least $300 million dollars, including approximately $5-6 million which is needed im-
mediately simply to insure that evacuation routes are maintained, critical fire
breaks are established and the necessary manpower and equipment is on hand. The
omnibus provided about $3.3 million for this problem, which is a start but not near-
ly enough. How does the Forest Service intend to address this problem?
Question 2. As I said before, I think that when the fires are being fought this
summer, all us want a budget that is safe from raids on fire prevention measures
or on projects building rural forestry infrastructure. Assistant Secretary Scarlet and
Mr. Tenny, can you seriously commit to us to support such a budget? What can you
do to produce such a budget?
Question 3. Last fall, the National Academy of Public Administration suggested
that Interior and the Forest Service could make firefighting more efficient. Ms. Scar-
let and Mr. Tenny, what can you do to save scarce federal dollars in response to
this report?
Question 4. I recently had the pleasure of meeting with Wally Covington and Sen-
ator Kyl on fire-related issues. Professor Covington talked about how fuel reduction
treatments in ponderosa pine and similar low elevation stands are very different
from what treatments would be applicable in higher elevation, wetter forests. Mr.
Tenny, do you agree that there is a stronger case for thinning treatments in the
lower elevation forests that naturally had high frequency, low intensity fires that
regularly cleared out the underbrush?
Question 5. There are far more acres needing treatment than what we can treat
in the next few years. I believe there are as many as 73 million acres of Category
3 lands alone. My question is whether we can start out by treating portions of the
landscape to reduce fire risk. For example, there is a strategy known as Strategi-
cally Placed Area Treatments that has been used in the Sierra Nevada Framework
as an effort to treat 30-40% of the landscape, in order to prevent fires from reaching
catastrophic levels and spreading across miles and miles. Similarly, the Quincy Li-
brary Group project relies on Defensible Fuel Profile Zones, broad fuelbreaks. Mr.
Tenny, do you think these strategies of treating select areas have promise?


Question 1. How are you involving universities in the science, education and tech
transfer parts of National Fire Plan?
Question 2. With respect to air assets available for the 2003 fire season, U.S. For-
est Service studies show that large, heavy-lift helicopters used on initial attack that
can insert and/or rappel ground firefighters and then immediately follow up with
water or retardant drop operations are an extremely effective firefighting tool.
What plans does the Forest Service have to contract for this type of aircraft for
the 2003 fire season?


Question. With respect to air assets available for the 2003 fire season, U.S. Forest
Service studies show that large, heavy-lift helicopters used on initial attack can ef-
fectively insert ground firefighters and follow up with water or retardant drops.
What plans does the Forest Service have to contract for this type of aircraft for the
2003 fire season?

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