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A Phase 3 Randomized Double-Blind

Comparison of Ceftobiprole Medocaril Versus
Ceftazidime Plus Linezolid for the Treatment of
Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
Samir S. Awad,1 Alejandro H. Rodriguez,2 Yin-Ching Chuang,3 Zsuszanna Marjanek,4 Alex J. Pareigis,5 Gilmar Reis,6
Thomas W. L. Scheeren,7,8 Alejandro S. Snchez,9 Xin Zhou,10 Mikal Saulay,11 and Marc Engelhardt12
Section of Surgical Critical Care, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; 2Joan XXIII University Hospital, Tarragona, Spain; 3Chi-Mei Medical Center,
Tainan City - Yung Kang District, Taiwan; 4Javorsky dn City Hospital, Argenti Dme, Hungary; 5Medical Arts Associates Ltd, Moline, Illinois;
Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, Brazil; 7Department of Anesthesiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands;
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University Hospital Rostock, Germany; 9Policlnico Modelo de Cipolletti, Rio Negro, Argentina;
First Peoples Hospital, Shanghai, China; 11Aptiv Solutions, Allschwil, and 12Basilea Pharmaceutica International Ltd, Basel, Switzerland

Background. Ceftobiprole, the active moiety of ceftobiprole medocaril, is a novel broad-spectrum cephalospo-
rin, with bactericidal activity against a wide range of gram-positive bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus (includ-
ing methicillin-resistant strains) and penicillin- and ceftriaxone-resistant pneumococci, and gram-negative bacteria,
including Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Methods. This was a double-blind, randomized, multicenter study of 781 patients with hospital-acquired pneu-
monia (HAP), including 210 with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Treatment was intravenous ceftobiprole
500 mg every 8 hours, or ceftazidime 2 g every 8 hours plus linezolid 600 mg every 12 hours; primary outcome was
clinical cure at the test-of-cure visit.
Results. Overall cure rates for ceftobiprole vs ceftazidime/linezolid were 49.9% vs 52.8% (intent-to-treat [ITT],
95% condence interval [CI] for the difference, 10.0 to 4.1) and 69.3% vs 71.3% (clinically evaluable [CE], 95% CI,
10.0 to 6.1). Cure rates in HAP (excluding VAP) patients were 59.6% vs 58.8% (ITT, 95% CI, 7.3 to 8.8), and
77.8% vs 76.2% (CE, 95% CI, 6.9 to 10.0). Cure rates in VAP patients were 23.1% vs 36.8% (ITT, 95% CI, 26.0
to 1.5) and 37.7% vs 55.9% (CE, 95% CI, 36.4 to 0). Microbiological eradication rates in HAP (excluding VAP)
patients were, respectively, 62.9% vs 67.5% (microbiologically evaluable [ME], 95% CI, 16.7 to 7.6), and in VAP
patients 30.4% vs 50.0% (ME, 95% CI, 38.8 to 0.4). Treatment-related adverse events were comparable for cefto-
biprole (24.9%) and ceftazidime/linezolid (25.4%).
Conclusions. Ceftobiprole is a safe and effective bactericidal antibiotic for the empiric treatment of HAP
(excluding VAP). Further investigations are needed before recommending the use of ceftobiprole in VAP patients.
Clinical Trials Registration. NCT00210964, NCT00229008.
Keywords. ceftazidime; ceftobiprole; linezolid; hospital-acquired pneumonia; ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is the second and a leading cause of death in hospitalized patients
most frequent hospital-acquired infection in adults, [1, 2]. Common pathogens in HAP are Staphylococcus
aureus (including methicillin-resistant S. aureus
[MRSA]), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter bau-
Received 3 December 2013; accepted 20 March 2014; electronically published 9
April 2014. mannii, Klebsiella species, Escherichia coli, and Entero-
Correspondence: Marc Engelhardt, MD, Basilea Pharmaceutica International Ltd, bacter species; Streptococcus pneumoniae may also play
Basel Switzerland (
a role in HAP [3].
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014;59(1):5161
The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious There is a signicant unmet need for new antibiotics
Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: effective against bacterial pathogens responsible for
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciu219
HAP. Treatment guidelines for HAP recommend

Ceftobiprole for Nosocomial Pneumonia CID 2014:59 (1 July) 51

rapid empiric therapy with combinations of antibiotics based <20 mL/hour unresponsive to uid challenge) or hepatic dys-
on local resistance patterns and patient risk factors [1]. function (at least 3 times the upper limit of normal for total bili-
Ceftobiprole, the active moiety of its prodrug ceftobiprole rubin, alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase),
medocaril, is a novel cephalosporin that binds tightly to the evidence of infection with ceftazidime- or ceftobiprole-resistant
penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), including those responsible pathogens, and clinical conditions that would interfere with ef-
for -lactam resistance in staphylococci (PBP2a) and pneumo- cacy assessment, such as sustained shock, active tuberculosis,
cocci (PBP2x), with a low propensity for resistance development lung abscess, or post-obstructive pneumonia. With predened
[46]. It demonstrates potent activity against gram-positive exceptions, participants must not have had systemic antibiotic
pathogens, including MRSA and penicillin-resistant S. pneumo- treatment for >24 hours in the 48 hours before enrollment.
niae, together with activity against gram-negative pathogens
commonly associated with pneumonia [714]. Ceftobiprole Interventions
demonstrates in vitro activity against S. aureus resistant to line- Eligible patients were randomized 1:1 to ceftobiprole 500 mg
zolid, vancomycin, and daptomycin [15], and ceftriaxone- every 8 hours as a 120-minute intravenous infusion, plus place-
resistant S. pneumoniae [16, 17]. It also demonstrates superior bo every 12 hours as a 60-minute intravenous infusion, or cef-
bactericidal activity to daptomycin, linezolid, and vancomycin tazidime 2 g every 8 hours as a 120-minute intravenous infusion
in several animal models of endocarditis [18, 19], osteomyelitis plus linezolid 600 mg every 12 hours as a 60-minute intrave-
[20, 21], meningitis [22], mediastinitis [23], and peritonitis [24], nous infusion. For blinding reasons, the 120-minute infusion
and good efcacy in animal models of pneumonia and skin in- time was longer than the recommended infusion time in the
fections [25, 26]. Ceftobiprole is therefore a promising agent ceftazidime label. Planned treatment duration was 7 days, to a
with potential utility for difcult-to-treat infections. maximum of 14 days. Additional open-label treatment with a
Ceftobiprole has been shown to be a safe and efcacious uoroquinolone or an aminoglycoside was allowed for patients
option in the treatment of patients with severe community- at risk of pseudomonal infection.
acquired pneumonia [27].The aim of this study was to demon-
strate that in patients with HAP, ceftobiprole is noninferior to Assessments
combined treatment with ceftazidime and linezolid for the pri- Clinical assessments were performed at baseline, at days 4, 8,
mary endpoint of clinical cure at the test-of-cure (TOC) visit. and 14, and at the end of treatment (EOT, within 24 hours
after last study drug infusion). The TOC visit was 714 days,
METHODS and the late follow-up visit 2835 days, after EOT. Mandatory
laboratory safety tests were performed at baseline and EOT, and
Study Design mandatory chest radiographs were performed at baseline and
This was a multicenter, double-blind, randomized controlled TOC. Samples for bacterial culture and Gram stain were ob-
trial conducted between 6 April 2005 and 22 May 2007 at 157 tained predose, and on days 4, 8, and 14 if sputum or other re-
sites in Europe, North and South America, and the Asia-Pacic spiratory tract specimens were available. Blood samples for
region, following approval by independent ethics committees/ bacterial culture were obtained at baseline, and on days 4, 8,
institutional review boards for each site. Signed written in- and 14 if clinically indicated. Pathogen identication and sus-
formed consent was obtained for all participants prior to ceptibility testing was conrmed by a central laboratory accord-
enrollment. ing to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute methodology.
Safety and tolerability were assessed from treatment-
Participants emergent adverse events (AEs), changes in pre- to posttreatment
Men and women aged 18 years or older were eligible for enrollment physical examination results, vital signs, 12-lead electrocardio-
if they had a clinical diagnosis of pneumonia after at least 72 hours gram results, and clinical laboratory results. An independent
of hospitalization or stay in a chronic care facility, clinical signs or data monitoring committee assessed blinded safety-related
symptoms of pneumonia (at least 2 of purulent respiratory secre- data during the study to ensure the safety of study participants.
tion, tachypnea, or hypoxemia), fever or leukocytosis/leukopenia,
new or persistent radiographic inltrates, and an Acute Physiology Sample Size and Noninferiority Margin
and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score 8 and Assuming a clinical cure rate of 50% and a clinically evaluable rate
25. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) was dened as of 60%, a sample size of 770 patients (ITT) was calculated to pro-
pneumonia developing >48 hours after onset of mechanical venti- vide 90% power at a 2-sided signicance level (type 1 error) of 5%
lation. Of the 781 HAP patients enrolled, 210 had VAP. to demonstrate the noninferiority of ceftobiprole to ceftazidime/
The main exclusion criteria included severe renal impairment linezolid within a margin of 15% for the primary endpoint of clin-
(calculated creatinine clearance rate <30 mL/minute or oliguria ical cure rate at TOC in the overall study population.

52 CID 2014:59 (1 July) Awad et al

Randomization and Blinding in the CE analysis set who had a valid pathogen at baseline and
Participants were randomly assigned to treatment via a central were microbiologically evaluable at the TOC visit) and microbi-
interactive voice response system based on a computer-generated ological ITT analysis set (all patients in the ITT analysis set who
randomization schedule. Randomization was stratied by dis- had a valid pathogen at baseline). Endpoints were analyzed with a
ease entity ( patients with and without VAP) using randomly 2-sided 95% condence interval (CI) for treatment difference.
permuted blocks for each of the 2 strata, and by APACHE II Noninferiority of ceftobiprole to ceftazidime/linezolid was to be
score (819; 2025). Patients with VAP were further stratied concluded if the lower limit of this interval was 15%.
by time to randomization after onset of mechanical ventilation A post hoc multivariate logistic regression analysis (MVLRA)
(<5 days or 5 days of ventilation). The study was conducted in was performed on the VAP subgroup to explore individual factors
a double-blind fashion. (eg, baseline pathogens, sex, age, comorbidities, vasopressor use)
or a combination of factors that might explain differences in clin-
Statistical Analysis ical and microbiological outcomes between the 2 treatment
The primary endpoint was clinical cure (resolution of signs and groups in VAP patients. A total of 37 factors were included in
symptoms of infection, or improvement to such an extent that no multivariate analyses (using stepwise, forward, and backward
further antimicrobial therapy was necessary) at TOC, in the co- factor selection with and without consideration of treatment by
primary ITT (all patients randomly assigned to treatment) and factor interactions) to assess their impact on clinical cure, micro-
clinically evaluable (CE) ( patients who received at least 1 dose biological eradication, and 30-day all-cause-mortality.
of study medication and were clinically evaluable at the TOC
visit) analysis sets. Patients who received systemic nonstudy anti- RESULTS
biotics between baseline and the TOC visit for the treatment of
pneumonia were considered to have clinical failure; patients Recruitment
who received systemic nonstudy antibiotics for indications Of 795 patients screened (Figure 1), 781were randomized,
other than pneumonia were excluded from the CE analysis set. with 391 assigned to ceftobiprole and 390 to ceftazidime/
The main secondary endpoint was microbiological eradication linezolid (ITT analysis set). The CE analysis set comprised
at TOC in the microbiologically evaluable analysis set (all patients 251 ceftobiprole and 244 ceftazidime/linezolid patients.

Figure 1. Patient disposition. Abbreviations: Ceftaz, ceftazidime; Dx, diagnosis; mITT, microbiological intent-to-treat; NP, nosocomial pneumonia; TOC,
test-of-cure; Tx, treatment.

Ceftobiprole for Nosocomial Pneumonia CID 2014:59 (1 July) 53

Table 1. Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics (Intent-to-Treat Analysis Set)

All Patients, No. (%) HAP (Excluding VAP), No. (%) VAP, No. (%)

Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/ Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/ Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/

Variable (n = 391) Linezolid (n = 390) (n = 287) Linezolid (n = 284) (n = 104) Linezolid (n = 106)
Male sex 278 (71) 243 (62) 202 (70) 170 (60) 76 (73) 73 (69)
Age >65 y 177 (45) 185 (47) 148 (52) 147 (52) 29 (28) 38 (36)
Age < 45 y 81 (21) 65 (17) 42 (15) 34 (12) 39 (38) 31 (29)
European Union 220 (56) 219 (56) 165 (57) 165 (58) 55 (53) 54 (51)
United States 48 (12) 47 (12) 34 (12) 34 (12) 14 (13) 13 (12)
Other region 123 (31) 124 (32) 88 (31) 85 (30) 35 (34) 39 (37)
Smoking 113 (29) 116 (30) 83 (29) 85 (30) 30 (29) 31 (29)
Diabetes mellitus 79 (20) 77 (20) 59 (21) 60 (21) 20 (19) 17 (16)
Chronic care 45 (12) 44 (11) 41 (14) 42 (15) 4 (4) 2 (2)
Emphysema 34 (9) 43 (11) 33 (11) 33 (12) 1 (1) 10 (9)
Asthma 21 (5) 28 (7) 15 (5) 23 (8) 6 (6) 5 (5)
SIRS 283 (72) 286 (73) 217 (76) 226 (80) 66 (63) 60 (57)
CRP >100 mg/L 240 (61) 218 (56) 169 (59) 153 (54) 71 (68) 65 (61)
Prior AB within 24 h 225 (58) 243 (62) 169 (59) 176 (62) 56 (54) 67 (63)
APACHE II 15 162 (41) 160 (41) 101 (35) 104 (37) 61 (59) 56 (53)
APACHE II 20 47 (12) 51 (13) 25 (9) 26 (9) 22 (21) 25 (24)
Baseline ventilation 145 (37) 150 (38) 41 (14) 44 (15) 104 (100) 106 (100)
Ventilated 5 d 76 (19) 86 (22) 0 (0) 0 (0) 76 (73) 86 (81)
Valid baseline 269 (69) 267 (68) 179 (62) 181 (64) 90 (87) 86 (81)
Valid gram-positive 136 (35) 149 (38) 85 (30) 102 (36) 51 (49) 47 (44)
Valid gram-negative 196 (50) 177 (45) 122 (43) 116 (41) 74 (71) 61 (58)
Polymicrobial 95 (24) 92 (24) 50 (17) 56 (20) 45 (43) 36 (34)
Pseudomonas 49 (13) 52 (13) 29 (10) 30 (11) 20 (19) 22 (21)
MRSA 41 (10) 48 (12) 28 (10) 32 (11) 13 (13) 16 (15)
MSSA 55 (14) 72 (18) 27 (9) 44 (15) 28 (27) 28 (26)
Bacteremia 41 (10) 45 (12) 24 (8) 27 (10) 17 (16) 18 (17)
CrCl <50 mL/min 63 (16) 65 (17) 56 (20) 55 (19) 7 (7) 10 (9)
CrCl 150 mL/min 67 (17) 66 (17) 37 (13) 38 (13) 30 (29) 28 (26)

Abbreviations: AB, antibiotics; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; CrCl, creatinine clearance; CRP, C-reactive protein; HAP, hospital-acquired
pneumonia; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MSSA, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response
syndrome; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Three hundred eighty-six patients in each treatment group were in Europe, 12% in the United States, 32% in other regions.
available for safety assessment. 71% vs 62% of the patients in the ceftobiprole and the compar-
Of the 247 patients who discontinued the study, 126 patients ator groups, respectively, were men, and 45% vs 47% were aged
(32%) were from the ceftobiprole group, and 121 (31%) were >65 years. A substantial proportion of the patient population
from the ceftazidime/linezolid group. The most common rea- was severely ill: 41% of the patients in each treatment group
sons for discontinuation were death (77 ceftobiprole [20%] had an APACHE II score 15, and 12% of ceftobiprole patients
and 74 ceftazidime/linezolid [19%]), and AEs (14 ceftobiprole and 13% of ceftazidime/linezolid patients had an APACHE II
[4%], and 6 ceftazidime/linezolid [2%]). score 20. Seventy-two percent and 73% of the patients, respec-
tively, presented with systemic inammatory response syn-
Baseline Data drome, 10% and 12%, respectively, had bacteremia, and 58%
Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics are provided and 62% had received prior antibiotics within 24 hours of en-
in Table 1. The study recruited patients in 32 countries; 56% rollment. A pathogen considered to cause pneumonia was

54 CID 2014:59 (1 July) Awad et al

Table 2. Primary Endpoint: Clinical Cure at Test of Cure (Intent-to-Treat and Clinically Evaluable Analysis Sets)

Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/Linezolid

Analysis Set Group No. No.a (%) No. No.a (%) Difference (%)b (95% CI)c
All patients 391 195 (49.9) 390 206 (52.8) 2.9 (10.0 to 4.1)
HAP (excluding VAP) 287 171 (59.6) 284 167 (58.8) 0.8 (7.3 to 8.8)
VAP 104 24 (23.1) 106 39 (36.8) 13.7 (26.0 to 1.5)
HAP, mechanically ventilated 69 21 (30.4) 70 19 (27.1) 3.3 (11.8 to 18.3)
Clinically evaluable
All patients 251 174 (69.3) 244 174 (71.3) 2.0 (10.0 to 6.1)
HAP (excluding VAP) 198 154 (77.8) 185 141 (76.2) 1.6 (6.9 to 10.0)
VAP 53 20 (37.7) 59 33 (55.9) 18.2 (36.4 to .0)
HAP (excluding VAP), 38 21 (55.3) 37 15 (40.5) 14.7 (7.6 to 37.1)
mechanically ventilated

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HAP, hospital-acquired pneumonia; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.
No. of patients with clinical cure at test of cure.
Difference ceftobiprole minus ceftazidime/linezolid.
Two-sided 95% CI is based on the normal approximation to the difference of the 2 proportions.

found at baseline in 69% of the patients in the ceftobiprole demonstrated in patients with HAP (excluding VAP) within
group and in 68% of the patients in the ceftazidime/linezolid the predened noninferiority margin of 15%. The cure rates
group. Ten percent and 12% of the patients, respectively, were at TOC for HAP (excluding VAP) patients in the ITT analysis
infected with MRSA. In patients with VAP, 73% in the ceftobi- set were 59.6% for ceftobiprole and 58.8% for ceftazidime/line-
prole and 81% in the ceftazidime/linezolid group had been ven- zolid (difference, 0.8 [95% CI, 7.3 to 8.8]), and 77.8% and
tilated for 5 days prior to enrollment. 76.2%, respectively, in the CE analysis set (difference, 1.6
[95% CI, 6.9 to 10.0]) (Table 2). Results for the primary end-
Outcomes point in HAP (excluding VAP) patients were also comparable
Results for the primary endpoint are provided in Table 2. The for ceftobiprole and ceftazidime/linezolid when analyzed by
study achieved its primary objective demonstrating noninferior- baseline demographic and clinical characteristics. Clinical
ity of ceftobiprole to ceftazidime/linezolid for clinical cure rate cure rates for HAP (excluding VAP) patients were comparable
at the TOC visit within the protocol-dened margin of 15% in in subgroup analyses by sex, geographical region, age, and dis-
the coprimary ITT and CE analysis sets. The cure rates in the ease severity (APACHE II score) (Table 3).
ITT analysis set were 49.9% and 52.8% for ceftobiprole and cef- In the CE analysis set, a higher proportion of HAP (excluding
tazidime/linezolid, respectively (difference, 2.9% [95% CI, VAP) patients in the ceftobiprole group than in the ceftazidime/
10.0 to 4.1]), and 69.3% and 71.3%, respectively (2.0% linezolid group (CE, 86.9% vs 78.4%; difference 8.5 [95% CI, .9
[95% CI, 10.0 to 6.1]), in the CE analysis set. 16.1]) showed early improvement (4 days after onset of therapy)
Consistent with regulatory guidance distinguishing HAP (ex- as assessed by the investigator based on the resolution of clinical
cluding VAP) and VAP [28, 29], further efcacy analyses were signs and symptoms. The largest difference was for patients
conducted of the HAP (excluding VAP) and VAP patient pop- with a baseline culture positive for MRSA, with 94.7% in the
ulations. The results for HAP (excluding VAP) patients and ceftobiprole group having early improvement vs 52.6% in the
VAP patients are therefore discussed separately below. ceftazidime/linezolid group (difference, 42.1 [95% CI, 17.5
66.7]) (Table 4).
Subgroup Analyses of the Primary Endpoint Of the 198 ceftobiprole and 185 ceftazidime/linezolid HAP
In the ITT analysis set, 73% of all patients enrolled were HAP (excluding VAP) patients in the CE analysis set, 38 (19%) and
(excluding VAP) patients (287 in the ceftobiprole group and 284 37 (20%), respectively, required mechanical ventilation during
in the ceftazidime/linezolid group). Baseline characteristics of treatment, or developed pneumonia within 48 hours after the
HAP (excluding VAP) patients were comparable to those of start of ventilation (ie, did not fall within the denition of
the overall study population (Table 1). Noninferiority of cefto- VAP). For these ventilated HAP (excluding VAP) patients, high-
biprole to ceftazidime/linezolid for clinical cure at TOC was er cure rates were observed in the ceftobiprole group than in the

Ceftobiprole for Nosocomial Pneumonia CID 2014:59 (1 July) 55

Table 3. Clinical Cure Rates at Test of Cure by Demographic and Clinical Characteristics (Clinically Evaluable Analysis Set) in Patients
With Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (Excluding Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia)

Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/Linezolid

No. n % No. n % Difference (%)a (95% CI)b

HAP (excluding VAP) 198 154 77.8 185 141 76.2 1.6 (6.9 to 10.0)
1844 y 27 24 88.9 22 18 81.8 7.1 (12.9 to 27.1)
4564 y 60 48 80.0 66 52 78.8 1.2 (12.9 to 15.3)
65 y 111 82 73.9 97 71 73.2 0.7 (11.3 to 12.7)
Male 139 107 77.0 112 86 76.8 0.2 (10.3 to 10.7)
Female 59 47 79.7 73 55 75.3 4.3 (9.9 to 18.6)
Geographical region
United States 27 20 74.1 24 14 58.3 15.7 (10.0 to 41.5)
Europec 112 93 83.0 104 90 86.5 3.5 (13.1 to 6.1)
Otherd 59 41 69.5 57 37 64.9 4.6 (12.5 to 21.7)
819 185 146 78.9 171 134 78.4 0.6 (8.0 to 9.1)
2025 13 8 61.5 14 7 50.0 11.5 (25.7 to 48.8)
Care facility
ICU 73 51 69.9 59 39 66.1 3.8 (12.3 to 19.8)
Non-ICU 125 103 82.4 126 102 81.0 1.4 (8.1 to 11.0)
Prestudy antibioticse
No antibiotics 53 44 83.0 59 49 83.1 0.0 (14.0 to 13.9)
Using 24 h 65 52 80.0 59 45 76.3 3.7 (10.8 to 18.3)
Using >24 h 80 58 72.5 67 47 70.1 2.4 (12.3 to 17.0)
Antipseudomonal antibioticsf
Yes 27 15 55.6 19 10 52.6 2.9 (26.3 to 32.2)
No 171 139 81.3 166 131 78.9 2.4 (6.2 to 10.9)
Abbreviations: APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; CI, confidence interval; HAP, hospital-acquired pneumonia; n, number of patients with a
clinical outcome of cure; ICU, intensive care unit; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Ceftobiprole minus ceftazidime/linezolid.
Two-sided 95% CI is based on normal approximation to the difference of the 2 proportions.
Europe includes Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro,
Spain, Switzerland, and Ukraine.
Other region includes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Honduras, India, Israel, Mexico, Peoples Republic of
China, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan, and Thailand.
The window for prestudy antibiotics was limited to 72 hours prior to baseline.
Empirical treatment with antibiotic therapy was added to the study drug regimen for 48 hours in patients with a suspected infection due to Pseudomonas
aeruginosa or for 57 days for patients with proven infection due to P. aeruginosa.

ceftazidime/linezolid group: 55.3% vs 40.5%, respectively (CE; characterized by a substantial heterogeneity in baseline charac-
difference, 14.7 [95% CI, 7.6 to 37.1]) (Table 2). teristics (Table 1).
Noninferiority was not demonstrated in VAP patients. The
cure rates at TOC for VAP patients in the ITT analysis set Subgroup Analyses of Secondary Endpoints
were 23.1% for ceftobiprole and 36.8% for ceftazidime/linezolid Microbiological Eradication
(difference, 13.7 [95% CI, 26.0 to 1.5]) (Table 2). An For the main secondary endpoint, the microbiological eradica-
MVLRA did not reveal any specic patient factors in VAP pa- tion rates at TOC for HAP (excluding VAP) patients in the
tients that could explain the differential clinical and microbio- microbiologically evaluable analysis set were 62.9% for ceftobi-
logical outcome between the treatment arms in this subgroup. prole and 67.5% for ceftazidime/linezolid (difference, 4.6%
The subgroup of VAP patients was relatively small, and was [95% CI, 16.7 to 7.6]) (Table 5). For patients with VAP, the

56 CID 2014:59 (1 July) Awad et al

Table 4. Clinical Improvement at Day 4 (Intent-to-Treat and Clinically Evaluable Analysis Sets) in Patients With Hospital-Acquired
Pneumonia (Excluding Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia)

Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/Linezolid

Analysis Set Group No. n (%) No. n (%) Difference (%)a (95% CI)b
HAP (excluding VAP) 287 221 (77.0) 284 214 (75.4) 1.7 (5.3 to 8.6)
Any valid gram-positive 85 69 (81.2) 102 75 (73.5) 7.6 (4.3 to 19.6)
Any Staphylococcus aureus 55 45 (81.8) 76 55 (72.4) 9.4 (4.9 to 23.8)
Any MRSA 28 22 (78.6) 32 19 (59.4) 19.2 (3.6 to 42.0)
Clinically evaluable
HAP (excluding VAP) 198 172 (86.9) 185 145 (78.4) 8.5 (.916.1)
Any valid gram-positive 61 53 (86.9) 69 51 (73.9) 13.0 (.4 to 26.4)
Any S. aureus 39 36 (92.3) 49 35 (71.4) 20.9 (5.736.0)
Any MRSA 19 18 (94.7) 19 10 (52.6) 42.1 (17.566.7)

Clinical improvement was assessed by the investigator. All categories include monomicrobial and polymicrobial infections.
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HAP, hospital-acquired pneumonia; ITT, intent-to-treat; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; n, number of
patients with clinical improvement at Day 4; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Difference for ceftobiprole minus ceftazidime/linezolid.
Two-sided 95% CI is based on the normal approximation to the difference of the 2 proportions.

rates were 30.4% for ceftobiprole and 50.0% for ceftazidime/ baseline pathogens, numerically lower clinical cure and micro-
linezolid (difference, 19.6% [95% CI, 38.8 to 0.4]) biological eradication rates were observed in the ceftobiprole
(Table 5). group.

Clinical Cure and Microbiological Eradication by Pathogen Mortality

Clinical cure and microbiological eradication rates by pathogen Thirty-day all-cause mortality (ACM) and 30-day pneumonia-
in patients with HAP (excluding VAP) were similar for gram- specic mortality were similar between the ceftobiprole and cef-
positive and most gram-negative pathogens (Table 6). For the tazidime/linezolid treatment groups. For HAP (excluding VAP)
most prevalent Enterobacteriaceae and for P. aeruginosa, clini- patients in the ITT analysis set, 30-day ACM was 16.7% for cef-
cal cure and microbiological eradication rates were similar be- tobiprole and 18.0% for ceftazidime/linezolid (difference, 1.2
tween treatment groups. For the relatively small number of [95% CI, 7.4 to 5.0]), and pneumonia-specic mortality was
patients with Haemophilus and Acinetobacter species as 5.9% and 5.6%, respectively (difference, 0.3 [95% CI, 3.5 to

Table 5. Microbiological Eradication at Test of Cure (Microbiological Intent-to-Treat and Microbiologically Evaluable Analysis Sets)

Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/Linezolid

Analysis Set Group No. n (%) No. n (%) Difference (%)a (95% CI)b
Microbiological ITT
All patients 269 105 (39.0) 267 127 (47.6) 8.5 (16.9 to .2)
HAP (excluding VAP) 179 87 (48.6) 181 97 (53.6) 5.0 (15.3 to 5.3)
VAP 90 18 (20.0) 86 30 (34.9) 14.9 (27.9 to 1.9)
Microbiologically evaluable
All patients 162 87 (53.7) 170 106 (62.4) 8.6 (19.2 to 1.9)
HAP (excluding VAP) 116 73 (62.9) 120 81 (67.5) 4.6 (16.7 to 7.6)
VAP 46 14 (30.4) 50 25 (50.0) 19.6 (38.8 to 0.4)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HAP, hospital-acquired pneumonia; ITT, intent-to-treat; n, number of patients with microbiological eradication at test of cure;
VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Difference for ceftobiprole minus ceftazidime/linezolid.
Two-sided 95% CI is based on the normal approximation to the difference of the 2 proportions.

Ceftobiprole for Nosocomial Pneumonia CID 2014:59 (1 July) 57

Table 6. Clinical Cure and Microbiological Eradication, by Pathogen (Microbiologically Evaluable Analysis Set)

HAP (excluding VAP), No. (%) VAP, No. (%) All Patients, No. (%)

Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/ Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/ Ceftobiprole Ceftazidime/

Pathogen (n = 116) Linezolid (n = 120) (n = 46) Linezolid (n = 50) (n = 162) Linezolid (n = 170)
Staphylococcus aureus 39 49 25 28 64 77
Clinical cure 28 (72) 36 (73) 9 (36) 16 (57) 37 (58) 52 (68)
Microbiological eradication 23 (59) 31 (63) 10 (40) 18 (64) 33 (52) 49 (64)
MSSA 20 30 17 19 37 49
Clinical cure 15 (75) 24 (80) 5 (29) 10 (53) 20 (54) 34 (69)
Microbiological eradication 15 (75) 21 (70) 5 (29) 12 (63) 20 (54) 33 (67)
MRSA 19 19 8 9 27 28
Clinical cure 13 (68) 12 (63) 4 (50) 6 (67) 17 (63) 18 (64)
Microbiological eradication 8 (42) 10 (53) 5 (63) 6 (67) 13 (48) 16 (57)
Streptococcus pneumoniae 7 14 4 1 11 15
Clinical cure 7 (100) 13 (93) 0 (0) 1 (100) 7 (64) 14 (93)
Microbiological eradication 7 (100) 13 (93) 0 (0) 1 (100) 7 (64) 14 (93)
Enterobacteriaceae 46a 45b 18 16 64 61
Clinical cure 33 (72) 32 (71) 5 (28) 6 (38) 38 (59) 38 (62)
Microbiological eradication 29 (63) 32 (71) 6 (33) 7 (44) 35 (55) 39 (64)
Escherichia coli 14 11 6 3 20 14
Clinical cure 8 (57) 7 (64) 2 (33) 1 (33) 10 (50) 8 (57)
Microbiological eradication 8 (57) 7 (64) 2 (33) 1 (33) 10 (50) 8 (57)
Klebsiella pneumoniae 12 19 4 4 16 23
Clinical cure 11 (92) 15 (79) 0 (0) 1 (25) 11 (69) 16 (70)
Microbiological eradication 10 (83) 15 (79) 0 (0) 1 (25) 10 (63) 16 (70)
Enterobacter species 9 7 3 2 12 9
Clinical cure 7 (78) 3 (43) 1 (33) 0 (0) 8 (75) 3 (33)
Microbiological eradication 6 (67) 3 (43) 2 (66) 0 (0) 8 (75) 3 (33)
Proteus species 5 5 2 5 7 10
Clinical cure 4 (80) 2 (40) 0 (0) 1 (20) 4 (57) 3 (30)
Microbiological eradication 3 (60) 2 (40) 0 (0) 2 (40) 3 (43) 4 (40)
Serratia species 5 4 3 3 8 7
Clinical cure 3 (60) 2 (50) 1 (33) 3 (100) 4 (50) 5 (71)
Microbiological eradication 2 (40) 2 (50) 1 (33) 3 (100) 3 (38) 5 (71)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 16 20 11 14 27 34
Clinical cure 12 (75) 14 (70) 5 (45) 10 (71) 17 (63) 24 (71)
Microbiological eradication 9 (56) 11 (55) 4 (36) 8 (57) 13 (48) 19 (56)
Acinetobacter baumannii 8 12 6 5 14 17
Clinical cure 4 (50) 9 (75) 3 (50) 4 (80) 7 (50) 13 (77)
Microbiological eradication 4 (50) 9 (75) 3 (50) 3 (60) 7 (50) 12 (71)
Haemophilus 5 9 4 0 9 9
Clinical cure 2 (40) 9 (100) 1 (25) na 3 (33) 9 (100)
Microbiological eradication 2 (40) 9 (100) 1 (25) na 3 (33) 9 (100)

Numbers in bold refer to the number of patients with a pathogen in the respective group.
Abbreviations: HAP, hospital-acquired pneumonia; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MSSA, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus;
n, number of patients with an outcome of clinical cure or eradication for the respective pathogen at test of cure; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Forty-six patients with Enterobacteriaceae isolated at baseline, including E. coli (monomicrobial), n = 11; E. coli plus Klebsiella spp, n = 1; E. coli plus Proteus spp,
n = 1; E. coli plus Providencia spp, n = 1; K. pneumoniae (monomicrobial), n = 9; Klebsiella oxytoca, n = 1; K. pneumoniae plus Proteus spp, n = 1; K. pneumoniae
plus Serratia spp, n = 1; K. pneumoniae plus Enterobacter spp, n = 1; Enterobacter spp, n = 8; Serratia spp, n = 5; Proteus mirabilis, n = 3; Citrobacter spp, n = 2;
Providencia spp, n = 1.
Forty-five patients with Enterobacteriaceae isolated at baseline, including E. coli (monomicrobial), n = 8; E. coli plus K. pneumoniae, n = 1; E. coli plus Proteus spp,
n = 1; E. coli plus K. pneumoniae plus Serratia spp, n = 1; K. pneumoniae (monomicrobial), n = 14; Klebsiella oxytoca, n = 1; Klebsiella spp, n = 2; K. pneumoniae plus
Proteus spp, n = 2; K. pneumoniae plus Proteus spp plus Serratia spp, n = 1; Enterobacter spp, n = 7; Serratia spp, n = 2; Proteus mirabilis, n = 3; Citrobacter spp,
n = 1; Hafnia alvei, n = 1.

58 CID 2014:59 (1 July) Awad et al

Table 7. Treatment-Related Adverse Events Reported in 1% of safety prole of ceftobiprole was consistent with that of other
Patients in at Least 1 Treatment Group (Safety Analysis Set) cephalosporins.
The population of this study was representative of nosocomi-
Ceftazidime/ al pneumonia patients in terms of age, underlying conditions,
Ceftobiprole Linezolid
(n = 386), (n = 386),
and severity of disease, which is reected in the mortality rate
Adverse Event No. (%) No. (%) of approximately 19% in the overall study population (17% in
Total No. of subjects with at 96 (24.9) 98 (25.4) HAP [excluding VAP] and 23% in VAP) [3033]. Patients in
least 1 related adverse event the study had a broad range of gram-positive and gram-negative
Hyponatremia 17 (4.4) 10 (2.6) bacteria typically causing HAP [3].
Diarrhea 12 (3.1) 25 (6.5) Differences in clinical cure and eradication rates by pathogen
Nausea 8 (2.1) 8 (2.1) between treatment groups, with a tendency toward higher cure
Phlebitis 8 (2.1) 5 (1.3)
and eradication rates in the ceftazidime/linezolid group, were
Oral candidiasis 6 (1.6) 4 (1.0)
observed overall (all patients, see Table 6). However, for
Hypokalemia 6 (1.6) 3 (0.8)
gram-positive pathogens and most of the gram-negative patho-
Vomiting 6 (1.6) 3 (0.8)
Dysgeusia 5 (1.3) 0
gens, these differences were driven by the inferior outcome of
Pyrexia 4 (1.0) 2 (0.5) ceftobiprole in the subgroup of VAP patients. For pathogens
Rash 3 (0.8) 6 (1.6) in the larger group of HAP (excluding VAP) patients, clinical
Alanine aminotransferase 3 (0.8) 6 (1.6) cure and microbiological eradication rates were similar for
increased gram-positive pathogens and also most gram-negative patho-
Aspartate aminotransferase 3 (0.8) 4 (1.0) gens. Analyses of clinical and microbiological outcome by base-
line pathogen show comparable results between treatment
groups for gram-positive pathogens, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumo-
4.1]). For VAP patients, 30-day ACM was 26.9% for ceftobiprole niae, Enterobacter species, Proteus mirabilis, and P. aeruginosa.
and 19.8% for ceftazidime/linezolid (difference, 7.1 [95% CI, Only for Acinetobacter baumannii and Haemophilus species
4.3 to 18.5]), and pneumonia-specic mortality was 8.7% were numerically lower clinical cure and microbiological erad-
and 7.5%, respectively (difference, 1.1 [95% CI, 6.3 to 8.5]). ication rates observed in the ceftobiprole group, but this has to
be interpreted with caution due to the small sample size.
Safety and Tolerability Noninferiority of ceftobiprole compared with ceftazidime/
Treatment-related AEs were reported for 96 ceftobiprole pa- linezolid was not demonstrated in VAP patients. The fact that
tients (24.9%) and 98 ceftazidime/linezolid patients (25.4%) clinical cure and mortality rates in mechanically ventilated
(Table 7). Ceftobiprole patients had fewer treatment-related HAP (excluding VAP) patients (ie, ventilated patients who did
events of diarrhea than patients treated with ceftazidime/line- not have VAP) either favored ceftobiprole or were comparable
zolid (3.1% and 6.5%, respectively), whereas hyponatremia to those for ceftazidime/linezolid suggests that mechanical ven-
was observed more frequently with ceftobiprole than with cef- tilation itself does not account for the outcome in VAP patients.
tazidime/linezolid (4.4% and 2.6%, respectively). Dysgeusia oc- A multivariate analysis did not reveal any specic patient factors
curred only in patients treated with ceftobiprole (1.3%), as that could explain the differential outcome in VAP patients in
ceftobiprole medocaril is known to arouse a caramel taste. both treatment arms. The substantial heterogeneity in baseline
There were 15 treatment-related serious AEs reported for cefto- characteristics of VAP patients [3436] is the most likely expla-
biprole (3.9%), and 12 (3.1%) for ceftazidime/linezolid. No clin- nation for the differential outcome in VAP patients. Moreover, a
ically relevant differences in other laboratory values, vital signs, population pharmacokinetic model showed that ceftobiprole
physical examinations, or electrocardiograms were observed be- plasma concentrations were sufcient for a targeted minimum
tween treatment groups. inhibitory concentration of 4 mg/L in 92% of all patients, sug-
gesting that plasma concentrations of ceftobiprole were also ad-
DISCUSSION equate in VAP patients [37].
In summary, ceftobiprole is a novel cephalosporin with
The results of this large global study demonstrate that ceftobi- broad-spectrum and bactericidal activity against gram-positive
prole is noninferior to ceftazidime plus linezolid for clinical and gram-negative pathogens typically found in HAP, including
cure at the TOC visit in treating patients with HAP. Noninfer- MRSA and P. aeruginosa. This large, double-blind, randomized
iority of ceftobiprole to ceftazidime/linezolid was also demon- study demonstrates that ceftobiprole is noninferior to the com-
strated in the large subgroup of HAP (excluding VAP) patients bination of ceftazidime and linezolid, and is therefore a safe and
but not in the smaller subgroup of VAP patients. The overall effective monotherapy for the empiric treatment of HAP

Ceftobiprole for Nosocomial Pneumonia CID 2014:59 (1 July) 59

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