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Procalcitonin Guidance of Antibiotic Therapy in

Community-acquired Pneumonia
A Randomized Trial
Mirjam Christ-Crain, Daiana Stolz, Roland Bingisser, Christian Mu
ller, David Miedinger, Peter R. Huber,
Werner Zimmerli, Stephan Harbarth, Michael Tamm, and Beat Mu
Departments of Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Pneumology, Emergency Medicine, and Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital, Basel;
Medical University Clinic, Kantonsspital, Liestal; and Division of Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland

Rationale: In patients with community-acquired pneumonia, guidelines recommend antibiotic treatment for 7 to 21 d. Procalcitonin
is elevated in bacterial infections, and its dynamics have prognostic
Objective: To assess procalcitonin guidance for the initiation and
duration of antibiotic therapy in community-acquired pneumonia.
Methods: In a randomized intervention trial, 302 consecutive patients with suspected community-acquired pneumonia were included. Data were assessed at baseline, after 4, 6, and 8 d, and
after 6 wk.
The control group (n 151) received antibiotics according to usual
practice. In the procalcitonin group (n 151), antibiotic treatment
was based on serum procalcitonin concentrations as follows:
strongly discouraged, less than 0.1 g/L; discouraged, less than
0.25 g/L; encouraged, greater than 0.25 g/L; strongly encouraged, greater than 0.5 g/L. The primary endpoint was antibiotic
use; secondary endpoints were measures of clinical, laboratory, and
radiographic outcome.
Results: At baseline, both groups were similar regarding clinical,
laboratory, and microbiology characteristics, and Pneumonia Severity Index. Procalcitonin guidance reduced total antibiotic exposure
(relative risk, 0.52; 95% confidence interval, 0.480.55; p 0.001),
antibiotic prescriptions on admission (85 vs. 99%; p 0.001), and
antibiotic treatment duration (median, 5 vs. 12 d; p 0.001) compared with patients treated according to guidelines. After adjustment for Pneumonia Severity Index, the hazard ratio of antibiotic
discontinuation was higher in the procalcitonin group than in the
control group (3.2; 95% confidence interval, 2.5 to 4.2). Outcome
was similar in both groups, with an overall success rate of 83%.
Conclusions: Procalcitonin guidance substantially reduces antibiotic
use in community-acquired pneumonia. These findings may have
important clinical and public health implications.
Keywords: antibiotic therapy; community-acquired pneumonia;

(Received in original form December 17, 2005; accepted in final form April 4, 2006 )
Funding obtained from Brahms (Hennigsdorf, Germany), Pfizer (Schweiz AG),
and Mepha (Schweiz AG) was used for assay material and salaries of technical
personnel involved in laboratory work and for shipping and handling of data and
specimens and presentation of data at scientific meetings. Additional support,
which provided more than two-thirds of the total study costs, was granted by funds
from the Departments of Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, the Stiftung
Forschung Infektionskrankheiten (SFI), and, mainly, from the Departments of Endocrinology and Pulmonary Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Mirjam
Christ-Crain, M.D., University Hospital, Petersgraben 4, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland.
This article has an online supplement, which is accessible from this issues table
of contents at
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 174. pp 8493, 2006
Originally Published in Press as DOI: 10.1164/rccm.200512-1922OC on April 7, 2006
Internet address:

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the major infectionrelated cause of death in developed countries (1, 2). Approximately 10 to 20% of hospitalized patients with CAP must be
admitted to the intensive care unit, where 20 to 50% of them
will ultimately die (3, 4).
CAP is characterized by recently acquired respiratory symptoms and by an inltrate on chest radiograph, signs that are
unspecic. In CAP, respiratory symptoms can be ambiguous,
and especially elderly patients may present without fever (5).
The differential diagnosis of clinically suspected CAP includes
infectious (bacterial and nonbacterial) and noninfectious causes.
In bacterial CAP, prompt initiation of antibiotic therapy is
pivotal, as a delay of more than 4 h can be associated with
increased mortality (6). The optimal duration of antibiotic therapy in CAP is unknown (7). Most likely, it varies from patient
to patient. Current guidelines recommend antibiotic courses of
7 to 21 d, depending on illness severity and type of pathogen
(2, 8, 9). However, adherence to guidelines is variable (10, 11)
and physicians tend to treat longer, especially in elderly patients
with comorbidities and patients with severe CAP (12, 13). Duration of antibiotic therapy can be guided by clinical signs such as
defervescence, decrease in sputum production and coughing, or
improvement of general condition. However, interpretation of
the clinical response lacks standardization and validation and is
prone to interobserver variability (14).
A novel approach to estimate the presence of an infection
and its treatment response is the use of biomarkers (15, 16).
Circulating levels of calcitonin precursors, including procalcitonin, are elevated in bacterial infections (17, 18). As a prototype
of a hormokine mediator, procalcitonin can follow either a
classical hormonal expression pathway or, alternatively, in the
presence of an infection, a cytokine-like expression pathway (18,
19). The ubiquitous release of procalcitonin during infections is
induced either directly by microbial toxins (e.g., endotoxin) and/
or indirectly by humoral factors (e.g., interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-, and interleukin-6) or the cell-mediated host response (19). This induction can be attenuated by cytokines
released during viral infections (e.g., interferon-) (16, 19). Importantly, procalcitonin is a pivotal mediator in systemic infections and immunoneutralization of hyperprocalcitoninemia improves survival in several animal models of sepsis (1823).
As a diagnostic marker, procalcitonin guidance markedly and
safely reduced antibiotic prescriptions in a mixed population
with lower respiratory tract infections, using a sensitive assay
(13). The dynamics of procalcitonin levels have prognostic implications, as persistently elevated levels are associated with adverse
outcome (24). Conversely, decreasing procalcitonin levels suggest
a favorable outcome, usually showing a log-linear drop-off and a
half-life of 20 to 24 h (18). In this randomized intervention trial,
we assessed the capability of procalcitonin guidance to shorten
antibiotic duration in patients with all severity levels of CAP
admitted to the emergency department. We hypothesized that

Christ-Crain, Stolz, Bingisser, et al.: PCT-guided Antibiotic Therapy in CAP

procalcitonin guidance could signicantly shorten antibiotic duration with a similar clinical and laboratory outcome (25, 26).

Setting and Study Population
This is a randomized, controlled, open intervention trial involving patients with all severities of CAP admitted to the emergency department
(27). We compared antibiotic therapy in patients treated according to
usual practice (control group) with patients in whom antibiotic treatment was guided by serum procalcitonin levels (procalcitonin group).
The study was approved by the institutional review board and registered
in the Current Controlled Trials Database as Procalcitonin-guided Reduction of the Duration of Antibiotic Therapy in Community-acquired
Pneumonia (the ProCAP-Study; ISRCTN04176397). Written, informed
consent was obtained from all included patients or their legal representatives. All data were held and analyzed by the authors.
All patients with suspicion of CAP admitted from November 2003
through February 2005 to the University Hospital (Basel, Switzerland),
a 950-bed tertiary care hospital, were assessed for eligibility (Figure 1).
Included were adult patients (older than 18 yr of age) with CAP as
principal diagnosis on admission, dened by a new inltrate on chest
radiograph and the presence of one or several of the following acute
respiratory signs or symptoms: cough, sputum production, dyspnea, core
body temperature exceeding 38.0C, auscultatory ndings of abnormal
breath sounds and rales, and leukocyte count greater than 10 109 or
less than 4 109 cells L1 (2). Excluded were patients with cystic brosis
or active pulmonary tuberculosis, patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia, and severely immunocompromised patients.
Patients were examined on presentation to the emergency department by a resident supervised by a board-certied specialist in internal


medicine. Baseline assessment included clinical data and vital signs,

comorbid conditions, and routine blood tests. A senior radiologist,
blinded to group assignment and laboratory ndings, reviewed all chest
radiographs. The procalcitonin level was communicated to the physician
in charge with corresponding protocol-derived recommendations regarding antibiotic use in the procalcitonin group. The Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI) was calculated (28). The functional status of the patients
was assessed with a Visual Analog Scale, ranging from 0 (feeling extremely ill) to 100 (feeling completely healthy), and by a Quality-ofLife questionnaire for patients with respiratory illnesses (13).

Measurement of Serum Procalcitonin

Measurements were done with a time-resolved amplied cryptate emission technology assay (Kryptor PCT; Brahms AG, Hennigsdorf,
Germany) (13) with a functional assay sensitivity of 0.06 g/L, about
fourfold above mean normal levels (29). Assay time is less than
20 min and results were routinely available within 1 h. According to
the manufacturer, the price per procalcitonin measurement in Switzerland is approximately $15, including (only) assay material, and $30,
including reagents, technicians time for processing specimens, and purchase and maintenance of durable laboratory equipment, respectively.
A fee of about $50 is currently reimbursed by Swiss health insurance
and sickness funds.

Antibiotic Treatment
On admission, patients were randomly assigned to one of the two groups
by sealed, opaque envelopes. In the control group, antibiotic therapy
was chosen on the basis of usual practice guidelines (2, 8, 9). The
treating physician was unaware of serum procalcitonin levels (9, 30).
In the procalcitonin group, the antibiotic treatment was guided by
serum procalcitonin levels. Thereafter, the physician in charge was

Figure 1. Trial profile. CAP community-acquired

pneumonia; HAP health careassociated pneumonia; ITT intention to treat.



advised to classify the patients into four groups, according to the probability of bacterial infection. This classication and the cutoffs used were
derived by calculating multilevel likelihood ratios and validated in a
previous study (13). A procalcitonin level of less than 0.1 g/L suggested
the absence of bacterial infection and the initiation or continuation of
antibiotics was strongly discouraged. A procalcitonin level between 0.1
and 0.25 g/L indicated that bacterial infection was unlikely, and the
initiation or continuation of antibiotics was discouraged. A procalcitonin level from 0.25 to 0.5 g/L was considered to indicate a possible
bacterial infection and the initiation or continuation of antibiotic therapy was encouraged. A procalcitonin level greater than 0.5 g/L strongly
suggested the presence of bacterial infection and antibiotic treatment
and continuation was strongly encouraged. Reevaluation of the clinical
status and measurement of serum procalcitonin levels was recommended after 624 h in all patients from whom antibiotics were withheld. Procalcitonin levels were reassessed after 4, 6, and 8 d. Antibiotics
were discontinued on the basis of the procalcitonin cutoffs dened
above. In patients with very high procalcitonin values on admission (e.g.,
greater than 10 g/L), discontinuation of antibiotics was encouraged if
levels decreased to levels less than 10% of the initial value (e.g., 1 g /L,
instead of less than 0.25 g/L).

randomized into the procalcitonin group (n 151) or into the

control group (n 151; Figure 1). Baseline characteristics on
admission were similar in both groups (Table 1). In both groups,
fever exceeding 38C was present in 60% of patients with CAP
overall and in 55% in those with positive blood cultures. The
temperature was not higher in those patients with CAP with
positive cultures (38.4C [37.738.9C]) as compared with patients with negative blood cultures (38.4C [37.739.2C]; p
0.6). The classic triad of cough, fever, and dyspnea, as reported
by the patients, was present in 58% of cases of both groups.
One-fth of the patients had already received antibiotics at the

Outcome Measures

Age, yr
Male sex, no. (%)
Smoking status
Current smoker, no. (%)
Pack-years, current and ex-smokers
Antibiotic pretreatment, no. (%)
Coexisting illnesses, no. (%)
Coronary artery disease
Hypertensive heart disease
Congestive heart failure
Peripheral vascular disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Renal dysfunction
Liver disease
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Neoplastic disease
History, no. (%)
Rales, no. (%)
Body temperature, C
Oxygen saturation, %
Respiratory rate, breaths/min
Heart rate, beats/min
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg
Laboratory findings
Procalcitonin (g/L), median (IQ range)
C-reactive protein (mg/L),
median (IQR)
Leukocyte count ( 109/L)
Quality-of-Life score, points
Visual Analog Scale, %
Imaging, no. (%)
Pleural effusion
Multilobar pneumonia
PSI, points
PSI class, no. (%)
I, II, and III

The primary endpoint was total antibiotic use (i.e., antibiotic prescription [percentage] and duration [patient days]). The incidence density
ratio of antibiotic exposure was calculated as total antibiotic exposure
time divided by total follow-up time, until Week 6 (expressed as relative
risk). Appropriateness of initial antibiotic therapy was dened as previously described (31). Secondary endpoints were measures of laboratory and clinical outcome.
Primary and secondary endpoints were recorded on Days 4, 6, and
8 and at follow-up after 6 wk, respectively. At the follow-up visit after
6 wk, the outcome was evaluated by clinical, laboratory, radiographic,
and microbiological criteria. Cure was dened as resolution of clinical,
laboratory, and radiographic signs of CAP. Improvement was dened
as reduction of clinical signs and symptoms, improvement of laboratory
ndings, and reduction of the number or intensity of radiographic signs
of CAP. Treatment success represented the sum of the rates for cure and
improvement. Treatment failure included death, recurrence, relapse, or
persistence of clinical, laboratory, and radiologic signs of CAP, and
patients lost to follow-up.

Statistical Analysis
Discrete variables are expressed as counts (percentage) and continuous
variables as means SD. Endpoints were predened and analyzed on
the basis of intention to treat. A study sample of 150 patients in each
group gave the study a power of 95% to detect a 30% reduction in
antibiotic exposure from 10 to 7 d per patient assuming a two-tailed
test, a 1% level of signicance, and a SD of 6 d in both groups. This
sample size gave the study a power of 74% to detect a 10% increase
in the combined treatment failure and complication rate (from 10 to
20%), using the procalcitonin algorithm with a one-sided value of
0.05. Comparability of the control group and the procalcitonin group
was analyzed by 2 test and nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. The
time to discontinuation of antibiotic treatment was compared between
the two study groups by use of the log-rank test. Using Cox proportional
hazards regression analysis, we estimated the rate of antibiotic treatment discontinuation, after adjustment for the PSI class. We performed
crude cost and sensitivity analyses to estimate direct costs associated
with changes of repeated measurements of procalcitonin and antibiotic
therapy. Indirect costs (e.g., adverse events, emergence of antibiotic
resistance, and need for high-priced second-line antibiotics for future
treatment) were not considered. The economic analysis was conducted
in Swiss francs and then converted to U.S. dollars, using the average
actual currency conversion rate during the trial period.

Baseline Characteristics of Patients

During the study period, 404 consecutive patients with CAP

were screened for eligibility. Of these, 302 were eligible and



Procalcitonin Group Control Group

(n 151)
(n 151)
70 17
94 (62)

70 17
93 (62)

34 (23)
42 27
27 (18)

39 (26)
38 20
34 (23)





134 (89)
108 (72)
118 (78)

136 (90)
113 (75)
111 (74)

137 (91)
38.4 1.1
92 5
24 7
96 20
130 26

134 (89)
38.4 1.1
91 6
23 7
97 19
130 24

0.57 (0.22.5)

0.44 (0.21.9)

111 (57204)
13.7 6.7
40 13
43 20

152 (72212)
13.4 6.6
39 13
39 21

17 (11)
24 (16)
99.7 36.1

20 (13)
29 (19)
99.2 34.5

54 (36)
68 (45)
29 (19)

66 (44)
62 (41)
23 (15)

Definition of abbreviations: IQR interquartile range; PSI Pneumonia Severity

* Plus-minus values represent means SD. p Values of all comparisons between
the control group and the procalcitonin group were not significant as assessed
by 2 test or by nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test, as appropriate. Because of
rounding, percentages may not sum to 100. The conversion factor for procalcitonin is as follows: g/L 0.161 nmol/L.

Higher Quality-of-Life scores indicate worse quality of life.

The Visual Analog Scale ranged from 0 (feeling extremely ill) to 100 (feeling
completely healthy).

Christ-Crain, Stolz, Bingisser, et al.: PCT-guided Antibiotic Therapy in CAP

time of randomization, without a signicant difference between

the groups. Overall, 87% of patients (87% in the control and 88%
in the procalcitonin group; p 0.73) had relevant comorbidities.
After diagnosis of CAP, 3% of all patients were discharged on
the same day. On the day of admission, serum procalcitonin
levels were less than 0.1 g/L in 28 patients (17 in the control
group and 11 in the procalcitonin group; p 0.23), 0.1 to 0.249
g/L in 60 patients (28 in the control group and 32 in the procalcitonin group; p 0.56), 0.25 to 0.49 g/L in 55 patients (27 in
the control group and 28 in the procalcitonin group; p 0.88),
and at least 0.5 g/L in 159 patients (79 in the control group
and 80 in the procalcitonin group; p 0.91). Compiling both
groups, 86 of 302 patients (28%) had procalcitonin levels less
than 0.25 g/L on admission, 125 of 265 (47%) on Day 4, 146
of 240 (61%) on Day 6, and 123 of 176 on Day 8 (70%). In ve
(10%) of the patients without antibiotic therapy based on an
initial procalcitonin level less than 0.25 g/L, antibiotics were
started when procalcitonin levels increased to more than 0.25
g/L at the follow-up after 6 h. In only 2% of these patients did
procalcitonin at the follow-up measurement after 6 h increase
to greater than 0.5 g/L. All patients in whom antibiotics were
withheld on admission based on low procalcitonin levels had
ultimately a favorable outcome. The median (interquartile
range) procalcitonin level in patients pretreated with antibiotics
was 0.5 g/L (0.21.6 g/L), which was not signicantly different
from that of patients without antibiotic pretreatment (0.5 g/L
[0.22.4 g/L]).



In patients with CAP, a causative microorganism was identied

in 80 patients (28%). The rate of positive cultures was similar
in the control group as compared with the procalcitonin group
(25 vs. 28%). In both groups the most frequently isolated microorganism was Streptococcus pneumoniae (14% in both groups),
followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3% in both groups),
Haemophilus inuenzae (1 vs. 3%), Klebsiella pneumoniae
(1 vs. 3%), and Legionella pneumophila (2 vs. 1%).
Primary Endpoint: Antibiotic Use

In 15% of the patients in the procalcitonin group and in 1% in

the control group, antibiotics were withheld on admission (p
0.001; Figure 2A). After adjustment for the PSI class, the rate
of antibiotic discontinuation was signicantly higher in the procalcitonin group than in the control group (hazard ratio, 3.2;
95% condence interval, 2.5 to 4.2; Figure 2B). Consequently,
the total rate of antibiotic exposure decreased in patients with
procalcitonin guidance (relative risk, 0.52; 95% condence interval, 0.480.55; p 0.001).
As compared with the control group, antibiotic duration was
reduced by 55% in the procalcitonin group (median, 12 vs. 5 d;
p 0.001; Figure 3). Procalcitonin levels increased with increasing severity of CAP, as dened by the PSI score (p 0.001).
Patients with mild CAP, as dened by a PSI score of IIII,
had signicantly lower procalcitonin levels (median, 0.3 g/L;
interquartile range, 0.11.1 g/L) as compared with patients with

Figure 2. (A ) Percentage of patients receiving antibiotic

therapy in the control group and the procalcitonin group
on admission and during the course of the disease. AB
antibiotics. (B ) Cumulative frequency distribution curve for
the time to discontinuation in patients for whom antibiotic
therapy was prescribed. Patients in the procalcitonin group
were compared with those in the control group.



Figure 3. Antibiotic duration. The duration of antibiotic courses in the procalcitonin group and in the
control group is given overall (top), in patients classified according to Pneumonia Severity Index risk class
(middle), and blood culture result (bottom). Squares
denote mean values, boxes the SEM, and whiskers
1.96 SEM. Results of the procalcitonin group are
shown in the solid boxes, and results of the control
group are in the hatched boxes.

CAP and a PSI score of IV or V (median, 0.7 g/L; interquartile

range, 0.33.3 g/L; p 0.001). Only in the procalcitonin group
not in the control groupdid patients with a high PSI score
(classes IV and V) have a signicantly longer duration of antibiotic treatment compared with patients with a low PSI score (class
I to III; Figure 3). Equally, only in the procalcitonin group was
the mean antibiotic duration in patients with positive blood
cultures signicantly longer compared with patients with negative blood cultures (Figure 3). Duration of antibiotic therapy
was similar in patients with bacteremia in the control and procalcitonin groups (Table 2). Antibiotic duration was inuenced by a
positive culture from respiratory specimens in the control group
(17.7 10.7 and 12.3 5.6 d; p 0.03), in contrast to the
procalcitonin group (6.2 5.8 and 4.8 3.6 d; p 0.52).
Initial empiric antibiotic therapy was appropriate in 97%,
similar in both groups (Table 2), based on microbiology results
and local resistance patterns. Combination therapy with two
or more antibiotics was used in 34%, similar in both groups.
Administered antibiotics included amoxicillinclavulanate (control group, 122 [82%]; procalcitonin group, 102 [80%]), clarithromycin (control group, 55 [37%]; procalcitonin group, 44 [35%]),
ceftriaxone (control group, 37 [25%]; procalcitonin group, 20
[16%]), and other agents (control group, 49 [33%]; procalcitonin
group, 42 [33%]), with a similar distribution in both groups.
Antibiotic treatment including macrolides did not affect the
change in procalcitonin levels during the course of CAP.

On admission, antibiotics were given to one patient (1%)

with end-stage pulmonary brosis and a procalcitonin level less
than 0.1 ng/ml and in 19 patients (13%) with a procalcitonin
level of 0.1 to 0.25 g/L (6, severe chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease; 2, end-stage pulmonary brosis; 11, other severe comorbidities). Antibiotics were not withdrawn after 4, 6, or 8 d against
the recommendation of the algorithm in 8% of patients (5, severe
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; 4, lack of clinical improvement; 1, persistent fever due to cryptogenic organizing
pneumonia; 1, request of the patient; 1, communication error).
Median costs of antibiotics in the procalcitonin group were
$100 per patient, as compared with $190 per patient in the control
group (Table 3). In the procalcitonin group, the marker was
measured 529 times (151 on admission, 21 at follow-up after 6
to 24 h, 139 on Day 4, 128 on Day 6, and 90 on Day 8), thus
3.5 times per patient. Thereafter, the use of procalcitonin for
antibiotic stewardship in CAP would become cost-effective below $25 per analysis.
Secondary Endpoints: Clinical and Laboratory Outcome

In both groups, laboratory and clinical measures of outcome

were similar at baseline (Table 2), during the early course of
the disease (Days 4, 6, and 8; data not shown) and at follow-up
after a mean of 6.9 1.9 wk. Of the patients who completed
the follow-up visit after 4 to 6 wk, 91% had a follow-up measurement on Day 4, 84% a follow-up measurement on Day 6, and 61%

Christ-Crain, Stolz, Bingisser, et al.: PCT-guided Antibiotic Therapy in CAP




Procalcitonin, g/L median (IQ range)

Day 6
Primary outcome (antibiotic use)
Antibiotics prescribed, no. (%)
Initial appropriateness
Initial combination therapy
Mean duration of therapy, d
If prescribed, d
If bacteremic, d
Per 1,000 d of follow-up, mean (95% CI)
Antibiotic costs total , U.S. dollars
Per patient, median (IQR)
Secondary outcomes
Hospitalization, no. (%)
Hospitalization, d
Complications, no. (%)
Need for ICU stay
Microbiological recurrence
Microbiological relapse
Clinical and radiologic recurrence
Persistence of pneumonia
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Pneumonia-related mortality
Laboratory outcomes
C-reactive protein (mg/L), median (IQR)
Day 6
Leukocyte count, 109/L
Day 6
Body temperature, C
Day 6
Oxygen saturation, %
Respiratory rate, breaths/min
Heart rate, beats/min
Day 6
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg
Day 6
Quality-of-Life score, points
Visual Analog Scale, %||
Follow-up, no. (%)
Outcome at follow-up, no. (%)

Procalcitonin Group
(n 151)

Control Group
(n 151)

p Value

0.03 (0.020.08)
0.2 (0.10.3)

0.04 (0.020.07)
0.2 (0.10.5)


128 (85)
124 (97)
40 (31)
5.8 5.3
6.8 5.1
13.0 8.9
136 (126146)
100 (33186)

149 (99)
144 (97)
55 (37)
12.9 6.5
13.1 6.4
13.9 4.9
323 (309338)
190 (133337)


146 (97)
12.0 9.1

146 (97)
13.0 9.0




5 (211)
26 (1378)
10.4 3.8
10.2 3.7
36.8 0.4
37.2 0.6
96 3
17 2
77 12
76 13
129 14
132 19
10 10
79 18
149 (99)




4 (212)
47 (1796)
10.2 4.7
10.6 5.6
36.7 0.5
37.3 0.6
95 3
18 3
80 13
79 13
129 14
131 20
11 10
74 20
151 (100)




Definition of abbreviations: CI confidence interval; ICU intensive care unit; IQR interquartile range.
* Plus-minus values represent means SD. The conversion factor for procalcitonin is as follows: g/L 0.161 nmol/L.

if prescribed means that mean duration was calculated when only patients were considered in whom antibiotics were
prescribed on admission.

Values are given from Day 8 of hospital stay. All other follow-up measurements were done after 4 to 6 wk.

Higher Quality-of-Life scores indicate worse quality of life.

The Visual Analog Scale ranged from 0 (feeling extremely ill) to 100 (feeling completely healthy).

Including deaths and those lost to follow-up.

had a follow-up measurement on Day 8. There was a gradual

decline in procalcitonin levels (median [interquartile range])
from admission (0.5 [0.22.2] g/L), to Day 4 (0.3 [0.10.9] g/L),
Day 6 (0.2 [0.10.4] g/L), and Day 8 (0.1 [0.090.3] g/L), which
was similar in both groups.
The nal course of CAP (i.e., failure or success) as determined
46 wk after admission was similar in both groups. The percentage and cause of readmission was comparable in both groups.
Similarly, the number of patients who received any antibiotics
during long-term follow-up was comparable in both groups.

On admission, patients who died during the course of the

study had signicantly higher levels of procalcitonin as compared
with patients who survived (median [interquartile range]: 0.7
[0.43.0] and 0.45 [0.22.0] g/L, respectively; p 0.02), higher
mean PSI ratings (124.3 29.2 and 95.9 34.7, respectively;
p 0.001), and a lower Visual Analog Scale score (31.1 18.8
and 41.8 20.4, respectively; p 0.001). C-reactive protein
(CRP) levels and leukocyte counts were similar in patients who
died and in patients who survived (153 [93204] vs. 126 [63211]
mg/dl, respectively; p 0.57). On Day 4, both procalcitonin


Procalcitonin Group
(n 151)

Control Group
(n 151)

p Value

100 (33186)
200 (150200)
290 (212378)

190 (133337)
190 (133337)


383 (241544)
432 (250630)
481 (250716)

379 (266673)
474 (332842)
569 (3991010)






190 (133337)
190 (133337)
190 (133337)


As in this trial
Costs for antibiotic therapy
Costs for procalcitonin measurement
Sum of costs for antibiotics and procalcitonin
Sum assuming higher antibiotic costs
Sum assuming lower procalcitonin costs
$30 per measurement
$25 per measurement
$20 per measurement
$15 per measurement
Sum assuming less procalcitonin measurements
per patient
Three measurements
Two measurements
One measurement


250 (183338)
200 (133288)
150 (83238)

Definition of abbreviation: NA not applicable.

* In U.S. dollars per patient, and assuming comparable costs for consummation of other hospital resources in the procalcitonin
group and the control group based on the similar duration of hospital stay and rate of complications as listed in Table 2 (including
intensive care unit admission and mortality). Short-term cost for adverse events of antibiotic therapy, such as diarrhea, and longterm cost for monitoring of antibiotic susceptibility patterns and a possible increase in antibiotic resistance are not considered.

Considering 3.5 procalcitonin measurements per patient during the course of CAP and the prize of procalcitonin ($50 per
measurement) and antibiotic therapy currently reimbursed by health insurances in Switzerland, respectively.

and CRP levels were higher in nonsurvivors as compared with

survivors (median [interquartile range]: 0.72 [0.253.29] vs. 0.25
[0.110.87], p 0.002; and 117 [85183] vs. 60 [30117] mg/dl,
p 0.002). Deaths in the two groups were due to respiratory
failure (eight in the control group and ve in the procalcitonin
group), cardiac failure (six and ve, respectively), septic shock
(two and three, respectively), tumor (three and three, respectively), multiorgan failure (none and two, respectively), and intracerebral hemorrhage (one and none, respectively). Eighteen
of the 20 deceased patients in the control group had procalcitonin
levels greater than 0.25 g/L at admission and 2 had procalcitonin
levels between 0.1 and 0.25 g/L. All were treated with antibiotics on admission. All 18 patients who died in the procalcitonin
group were treated with antibiotics on admission, 17 based on
high procalcitonin levels exceeding 0.25 g/L and 1 based on a
procalcitonin value of 0.20 g/L. Initial procalcitonin levels in
patients with pleural effusion were (median [interquartile
range]) as follows: patients with pleural effusion, 1.0 (0.25.3)
g/L; patients with empyema, 0.9 (0.23.4) g/L (p 0.4). The
clinically and radiologically documented recurrence rate was
2.6% in both groups.

This is the rst randomized trial investigating guidance of antibiotic treatment duration in CAP by a laboratory test. Procalcitonin stewardship markedly reduced antibiotic exposure in patients with CAP, mainly by individually reducing the duration of
antibiotic courses from a median of 12 to 5 d. In the procalcitonin
group antibiotic courses were markedly shorter as suggested by
current guidelines. Measures of clinical and laboratory outcome
were similar in both groups.
The use of procalcitonin improves the accuracy of the clinical
diagnosis of sepsis (16, 24). For this purpose it is more helpful
than CRP and other laboratory markers (17, 32). Circulating
procalcitonin levels correlate with the clinical course of a sys-

temic infection and its dynamics has prognostic implications

(33). Accordingly, in 2005, the Food and Drug Administration
approved procalcitonin in conjunction with other laboratory
markers to aid in the risk assessment of critically ill patients
with sepsis. Limits to the use of procalcitonin as a biomarker
have been reviewed (16, 34). Clinically apparent infections are
a sequel of complex and variable interactions between host immune response, microbes, and their toxins. Obviously, any infection is far too complex to be reduced to a single cutoff of any
surrogate marker. Therefore, we propagated and validated the
use of cutoff ranges for antibiotic stewardship (13, 16). This was
based on the principle that the likelihood for a bacterial etiology
of an infection increases gradually with increasing procalcitonin
levels. Conversely, systemic levels of procalcitonin may be less
helpful in the diagnosis of the presence or the development of
localized infections. Although the overall number of patients
with encapsulated empyema in this study was low, several of
these patients presented with a low procalcitonin level.
Herein we extend the concept of antibiotic stewardship by
procalcitonin from a heterogeneous group of patients with lower
respiratory tract infections to a larger cohort of patients with
suspected CAP (13). These patients may suffer from a severe
bacterial infection and are more likely to experience an adverse
outcome compared with patients with any type of respiratory
tract infection. Procalcitonin appears to be a more reliable measure for individual tailoring and early discontinuation of antibiotic therapy as compared with routinely used clinical and other
laboratory parameters. For example, only in the procalcitonin
group was duration of antibiotic courses adapted to the severity
of CAP. The presence of fever is an important clinical sign
indicating infection. However, defervescence is of limited value
to stop antibiotic therapy in view of the up to 40% of patients
with CAP who present without fever. Similarly, in more than
70% of patients with CAP of presumed bacterial origin the
causative microbe cannot be identied (13, 3537). Therefore,
culture results are not considered central to the clinical care of

Christ-Crain, Stolz, Bingisser, et al.: PCT-guided Antibiotic Therapy in CAP

this infection. This wide ambiguity of clinical symptoms and the

high rate of negative culture results could explain the reluctance
to stop antibiotic therapy early in the control group (35). Conversely, especially in bacteremic patients, CAP is associated with
adverse outcome and, thus, longer antibiotic courses are recommended (3840). Accordingly, in the procalcitonin group antibiotic therapy was longer in bacteremic patients, with a median
duration of more than 10 d.
In bacterial CAP, delayed initiation of antibiotic therapy can
be associated with increased mortality (6). Therefore, in the
emergency management of suspected CAP antibiotic therapy is
rapidly initiated in all patients. The presence of nonbacterial
diseases is usually suspected only after failure of antibiotic therapy, with the ensuing risks related to untreated, potentially lifethreatening nonbacterial disease (41). In self-limiting viral infections, cure of CAP under antibiotic therapy may be falsely
considered as a proof of bacterial etiology. In the procalcitonin
group, antibiotics were withheld from 15% of the patients with
suspected CAP, based on low procalcitonin levels, conrming
previous ndings (13). The uneventful course strongly argues
against the presence of a clinically relevant bacterial infection in
these patients. If a patient shows an inltrate on chest radiograph
in the presence of acute respiratory symptoms and repetitively low
procalcitonin levels, clinicians may consider watchful waiting or
early discontinuation of antibiotic therapy and actively seek an
alternative diagnosis to bacterial pneumonia, including viral pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, malignancy, cryptogenic organizing
pneumonia, and congestive heart failure, among others (42). Conversely, in patients with diagnostic ambiguities the nding of procalcitonin levels greater than 0.25 g/L to greater than 0.5 g/L
supports the clinician in his diagnosis of CAP.
Previous attempts to shorten antibiotic therapy in CAP used
dened treatment regimens (e.g., 5 vs. 10 d) and excluded patients with severe pneumonia and a PSI score greater than 130
(43, 44). Azithromycin was also used for shorter antibiotic
courses in CAP (45, 46). However, therapy for 3 to 5 d with a
long-acting macrolide is arguably the equivalent of a longer
course for another drug. Furthermore, sustained subinhibitory
antibiotic concentrations represent a selective pressure for colonizing, resistant bacteria (47).
Several limitations merit consideration. First, this study was
an open intervention trial, where clinicians knew that their treatment decisions were observed. Moreover, the treating physicians
may have learned from their experience with procalcitonin testing and improved their clinical judgment. Although we cannot
control for these biases, Hawthorne and spillover effects, if present, would be conservative for outcomes such as the antibiotic
prescription rate and the duration of antibiotic therapy and
would bias the results toward null.
Second, in our cohort of predominantly elderly patients with
CAP with a high rate of comorbidities, length of hospitalization
was similar in the two groups. One might argue that once antibiotics are discontinued hospital discharge should be safe. However, we did not intervene with patient management in anything
other than duration of antibiotic therapy, to minimize potential
bias. This assured similar surveillance for complications during
the early course of the infection in both study groups.
Third, because of the sample size, our study had limited
power to prove the safety of the procalcitonin strategy in clinical
care and to assess the optimal duration of antibiotic therapy for
different types of bacteria, especially atypical pathogens, and
resistance patterns, respectively. Overall, the complication rate
was similar in both groups and comparable to previous ndings
(13, 41, 48).
Fourth, the mean duration of antibiotic therapy of 13 d in
the control group appears rather long, as more recent guidelines


recommend a duration of antibiotic therapy in CAP of 7 to 10 d

(2, 8, 9). However, we aimed to mirror usual care in clinical routine
in the control group. Physicians tend to overtreat patients, and
10 to 14 d is the usual length of treatment, especially in severely
sick patients who require admission to the hospital (12). In patients
with PSI scores in classes IIII, procalcitonin guidance shortened
the duration of antibiotic therapy safely to a mean of 4 d, well
below the most recent guideline recommendation.
Fifth, our results refer mainly to hospitalized patients;
whether procalcitonin guidance can reduce antibiotic use in the
outpatient setting is currently being investigated (49).
One might argue that antibiotic duration in CAP could also
be reduced using stewardship with CRP. To the best of our
knowledge, no such study has been done. CRP is an acutephase reactant that has proved useful in various clinical settings.
However, the reliability of CRP for guidance of antimicrobial
therapy is hampered by its protracted response with late peak
levels; a suboptimal specicity, especially in patients with severe
inammation and infection; and a reduced increase in patients
with steroid or other immunosuppressive therapies (16, 17, 50).
Thus, the routine use of standard laboratory tests such as CRP
or white blood cell count seems to be motivated more by the
low cost, easy availability, and historic practice rather than by
its diagnostic accuracy. Costs of procalcitonin measurement and
potential savings in consumption of hospital resources are to be
considered to establish cost-effectiveness from a public health
perspective. It could become cost-effective either by reducing
the number of measurements; by lowering the cost per analysis,
in settings with high costs of antibiotic agents, considering potential effects on hospitalization rate and duration, or including
short-term cost for adverse events, such as diarrhea, and longterm cost for a possible increase in antibiotic resistance and its
Respiratory tract infections are responsible for more than
half of antibiotic prescriptions (51). Thus, if applied on a larger
scale, markedly reduced antibiotic use by procalcitonin guidance
might have important public health implications. A trial investigating the impact of procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy in
acute respiratory tract infections in the primary care setting is
ongoing (49). Reduced costs, fewer side effects, improved patient
compliance, and, most important, reduced selective pressure for
the emergence of resistance favor shorter courses of antibiotic
therapy (9, 52, 53).
In conclusion, procalcitonin guidance leads to more judicious
antibiotic use, mainly by individual tailoring and earlier discontinuation of antibiotic therapy in patients with CAP. The vast
majority of eligible patients agreed to participate in this study,
assuring applicability of the proposed approach under real life
conditions. To evaluate the external validity of our concept,
larger multicenter intervention trials are encouraged. Thereby,
procalcitonin must be repeatedly measured by a sensitive assay
and it should never be used as a substitute for a careful clinical
assessment during the entire course of the disease (29).
Conflict of Interest Statement : M.C.-C. does not have a financial relationship with
a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. D.S.
does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest
in the subject of this manuscript. R.B. does not have a financial relationship with
a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. C.M.
does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest
in the subject of this manuscript. D.M. does not have a financial relationship with
a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. P.R.H.
does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest
in the subject of this manuscript. W.Z. does not have a financial relationship with
a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. S.H.
received a grant of CHF 70,000 in 2006 and lecture fees of 350 in 2003 and
1,000 in 2005 from Brahms AG. M.T. does not have a financial relationship
with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript.
B.M. received from Brahms AG, the manufacturer of the procalcitonin assay, from
2003 to 2005 a total of U.S. $20,000 for advisory board activities and $50,000



for lecture fees. The sponsors of this investigator-initiated project had no

involvement in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management,
analysis, and interpretation of the data; or in the preparation, review, and approval
of the manuscript or decision to submit the manuscript.
Acknowledgment : The authors thank the staff of the clinics of emergency medicine, internal medicine, and endocrinology, and the Department of Clinical Chemistry, notably Fausta Chiaverio, Martina-Barbara Bingisser, Maya Kunz, Ursula
Schild, and Vreni Wyss, for support during the study; Jorg Leuppi, Andres Christ,
Daniel Staub, and Philipp Schutz for help in patient recruitment; and Jonas
Rutishauser, Ulrich Keller, Andreas Widmer, Andrej Trampuz, Manuel Battegay,
Eric Nyle`n, and Winfried V. Kern for critical discussions.

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