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Sayo v. Chief of Police of Manila, GR 2128, 1948

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guilty for delay in the delivery of detained persons under Art. 125


a) Petitioners Arguments (Sayo and Mostero - Win)

- Filed a criminal case against Respondents for delay in the delivery of detained persons under
Art. 125

-Argued that they were arrested for robbery but was not delivered to the proper judicial
authorities within 6 hours under Art. 125

b) Respondents Arguments (The Chief of Police and OIC of Mun. Jail of Manila - Lost)

- Argued that Petitioners were delivered to the proper judicial authorities within 6 hours for they
filed a complaint at the fiscals office but was not acted upon by the fiscal


- Whether or not Respondents are guilty for delay in the delivery of detained persons under Art.



- Respondents are not guilty but Petitioners should be released

- We are of the opinion that the words "judicial authority", as used in said article, mean the courts
of justices or judges of said courts vested with judicial power to order the temporary detention or
confinement of a person charged with having committed a public offense, that is, "the Supreme
Court and such inferior courts as may be established by law"
-The judicial authority mentioned in section 125 of the Revised Penal Code can not be construed
to include the fiscal of the City of Manila or any other city, because they cannot issue a warrant
of arrest or of commitment or temporary confinement of a person surrendered to legalize the
detention of a person arrested without warrant.

- To consider the city fiscal as the judicial authority referred to in article 125 of the Revised
Penal Code, would be to authorize the detention of a person arrested without warrant for a period
longer than that permitted by law without any process issued by a court of competent
jurisdiction. The city fiscal, may not, after due investigation, find sufficient ground for filing an
information or prosecuting the person arrested and release him, after the latter had been illegally
detained for days or weeks without any process issued by a court or judge

-A peace officer has no power or authority to arrest a person without a warrant upon complaint of
the offended party or any other person, except in those cases expressly authorized by law. What
he or the complainant may do in such case is to file a complaint with the city fiscal of Manila, or
directly with the justice of the peace courts in municipalities and other political subdivisions. If
the City Fiscal has no authority, and he has not, to order the arrest even if he finds, after due
investigation, that there is a probability that a crime has been committed and the accused is guilty
thereof, a fortiori a police officer has no authority to arrest and detain a person charged with an
offense upon complaint of the offended party or other persons even though, after investigation,
he becomes convinced that the accused is guilty of the offense charged

- In this case, however the Court does not make any pronouncement as to the responsibility of
the Respondent officers who intervened in the detention of the petitioners, for the policeman
Dumlao may have acted in good faith

- Thus, Respondents are not guilty but Petitioners should be released

Republic of the Philippines


G.R. No. L-2128 May 12, 1948


BOTH OF CITY OF MANILA, respondents.

Enrique Q. Jabile for petitioners.

Acting City Fiscal A. P. Montesa, Assistant City Fiscal Arsenio Naawa and D. Guinto Lazaro
for respondents.

Upon complaint of Bernardino Malinao, charging the petitioners with having committed the
crime of robbery, Benjamin Dumlao, a policeman of the City of Manila, arrested the petitioners
on April 2, 1948, and presented a complaint against them with the fiscal's office of Manila. Until
April 7, 1948, when the petition for habeas corpus filed with this Court was heard, the
petitioners were still detained or under arrest, and the city fiscal had not yet released or filed
against them an information with the proper courts justice.

This case has not been decided before this time because there was not a sufficient number of
Justices to form a quorum in Manila, And it had to be transferred to the Supreme Court acting in
division here in Baguio for deliberation and decision. We have not until now an official
information as to the action taken by the office of the city fiscal on the complaint filed by the
Dumlao against the petitioners. But whatever night have been the action taken by said office, if
there was any, we have to decide this case in order to lay down a ruling on the question involved
herein for the information and guidance in the future of the officers concerned.


The principal question to be determined in the present case in order to decide whether or not the
petitioners are being illegally restrained of their liberty, is the following: Is the city fiscal of
manila a judicial authority within the meaning of the provisions of article 125 of the Revised
Penal Code?

Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code provides that "the penalties provided in the next
proceeding article shall be imposed upon the public officer or employee who shall detain any
person for some legal ground and shall fail to deliver such person to the proper judicial
authorities within the period of six hours."

Taking into consideration the history of the provisions of the above quoted article, the precept of
our Constitution guaranteeing individual liberty, and the provisions of Rules of Court regarding
arrest and habeas corpus, we are of the opinion that the words "judicial authority", as used in
said article, mean the courts of justices or judges of said courts vested with judicial power to
order the temporary detention or confinement of a person charged with having committed a
public offense, that is, "the Supreme Court and such inferior courts as may be established by
law". (Section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution.)

Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code was substantially taken from article 202 of the old Penal
Code formerly in force of these Islands, which penalized a public officer other than a judicial
officer who, without warrant, "shall arrest a person upon a charge of crime and shall fail to
deliver such person to the judicial authority within twenty four hours after his arrest." There was
no doubt that a judicial authority therein referred to was the judge of a court of justice
empowered by law, after a proper investigation, to order the temporary commitment or detention
of the person arrested; and not the city fiscals or any other officers, who are not authorized by
law to do so. Because article 204, which complements said section 202, of the same Code
provided that "the penalty of suspension in its minimum and medium degrees shall be imposed
upon the following persons: 1. Any judicial officer who, within the period prescribed by the
provisions of the law of criminal procedure in force, shall fail to release any prisoner under arrest
or to commit such prisoner formally by written order containing a statement of the grounds upon
which the same is based."

Although the above quoted provision of article 204 of the old Penal Code has not been
incorporated in the Revised Penal Code the import of said words judicial authority or officer can
not be construed as having been modified by the mere omission of said provision in the Revised
Penal Code.

Besides, section 1 (3), Article III, of our Constitution provides that "the right of the people to be
secure in their persons...against unreasonable seizure shall not be violated, and no warrant [of
arrest, detention or confinement] shall issue but upon probable cause, to be determined by the
judge after the examination under oath or affirmation of the complaint and the witness he may
produce." Under this constitutional precept no person may be deprived of his liberty, except by
warrant of arrest or commitment issued upon probable cause by a judge after examination of the
complainant and his witness. And the judicial authority to whom the person arrested by a public
officers must be surrendered can not be any other but court or judge who alone is authorized to
issue a warrant of commitment or provisional detention of the person arrested pending the trial of
the case against the latter. Without such warrant of commitment, the detention of the person
arrested for than six hours would be illegal and in violation of our Constitution.

Our conclusion is confirmed by section 17, Rule 109 of the Rules of court, which, referring to
the duty of an officer after arrest without warrant, provides that "a person making arrest for legal
ground shall, without unnecessary delay, and within the time prescribed in the Revised Penal
Code, take the person arrested to the proper court or judge for such action for they may deem
proper to take;" and by section 11 of Rule 108, which reads that "after the arrest by the defendant
and his delivery to the Court, he shall be informed of the complaint or information filed against
him. He shall also informed of the substance of the testimony and evidence presented against
him, and, if he desires to testify or to present witnesses or evidence in his favor, he may be
allowed to do so. The testimony of the witnesses need not be reduced to writing but that of the
defendant shall be taken in writing and subscribed by him.

And it is further corroborated by the provisions of section 1 and 4, Rule 102 of the Rules of
Court. According to the provision of said section, "a writ of habeas corpus shall extend any
person to all cases of illegal confinement or detention by which any person is illegally deprived
of his liberty"; and "if it appears that the person alleged to be restrained of his liberty is in the
custody of an officer under process issued by a court or judge, or by virtue of a judgement or
order of a court of record, and that the court or judge had jurisdiction to issue the process, render
judgment, or make the order, the writ shall not be allowed. "Which a contrario sensu means that,
otherwise, the writ shall be allowed and the person detained shall be released.

The judicial authority mentioned in section 125 of the Revised Penal Code can not be construed
to include the fiscal of the City of Manila or any other city, because they cannot issue a warrant
of arrest or of commitment or temporary confinement of a person surrendered to legalize the
detention of a person arrested without warrant. (Section 7, Rule 108; Hashim vs. Boncan, 40 Off.
Gaz. 13th Supp., p.13; Lino vs. Fugoso, L-1159, promulgated on January 30, 1947, 43 Off. Gaz.,
1214). The investigation which the city of fiscal of Manila makes is not the preliminary
investigation proper provided for in section 11, Rule 108, above quoted, to which all person
charged with offenses cognizable by the Court of First Instance in provinces are entitled, but it is
a mere investigation made by the city fiscal for the purpose of filing the corresponding
information against the defendant with the proper municipal court or Court of First Instance of
Manila if the result of the investigation so warrants, in order to obtain or secure from the court a
warrant of arrest of the defendant. It is provided by a law as a substitute, in a certain sense, of the
preliminary investigation proper to avoid or prevent a hasty or malicious prosecution, since
defendant charged with offenses triable by the courts in the City of Manila are not entitled to a
proper preliminary investigation.

The only executive officers authorized by law to make a proper preliminary investigation in case
of temporary absence of both the justice of the peace and the auxiliary justice of the peace from
the municipality, town or place, are the municipal mayors who are empowered in such case to
issue a warrant of arrest of the caused. (Section 3, Rule 108, in connection with section 6, Rule
108, and section 2 of Rule 109.) The preliminary investigation which a city fiscal may conduct
under section 2, Rule 108, is the investigation referred to in the proceeding paragraph.

Under the law, a complaint charging a person with the commission of an offense cognizable by
the courts of Manila is not filed with municipal court or the Court of First Instance of Manila,
because as above stated, the latter do not make or conduct a preliminary investigation proper.
The complaint must be made or filed with the city fiscal of Manila who, personally or through
one of his assistants, makes the investigation, not for the purpose of ordering the arrest of the
accused, but of filing with the proper court the necessary information against the accused if the
result of the investigation so warrants, and obtaining from the court a warrant of arrest or
commitment of the accused.

When a person is arrested without warrant in cases permitted bylaw, the officer or person making
the arrest should, as abovestated, without unnecessary delay take or surrender the person
arrested, within the period of time prescribed in the Revised Penal Code, to the court or judge
having jurisdiction to try or make a preliminary investigation of the offense (section 17, Rule
109); and the court or judge shall try and decide the case if the court has original jurisdiction
over the offense charged, or make the preliminary investigation if it is a justice of the peace court
having no original jurisdiction, and then transfer the case to the proper Court of First Instance in
accordance with the provisions of section 13, Rule 108.

In the City of Manila, where complaints are not filed directly with the municipal court or the
Court of First Instance, the officer or person making the arrest without warrant shall surrender or
take the person arrested to the city fiscal, and the latter shall make the investigation above
mentioned and file, if proper, the corresponding information within the time prescribed by
section 125 of the Revised Penal Code, so that the court may issue a warrant of commitment for
the temporary detention of the accused. And the city fiscal or his assistants shall make the
investigation forthwith, unless it is materially impossible for them to do so, because the
testimony of the person or officer making the arrest without warrant is in such cases ready and
available, and shall, immediately after the investigation, either release the person arrested or file
the corresponding information. If the city fiscal has any doubt as to the probability of the
defendant having committed the offense charged, or is not ready to file the information on the
strength of the testimony or evidence presented, he should release and not detain the person
arrested for a longer period than that prescribed in the Penal Code, without prejudice to making
or continuing the investigation and filing afterwards the proper information against him with the
court, in order to obtain or secure a warrant of his arrest. Of course, for the purpose of
determining the criminal liability of an officer detaining a person for more than six hours
prescribed by the Revised Penal Code, the means of communication as well as the hour of
arrested and other circumstances, such as the time of surrender and the material possibility for
the fiscal to make the investigation and file in time the necessary information, must be taken into

To consider the city fiscal as the judicial authority referred to in article 125 of the Revised Penal
Code, would be to authorize the detention of a person arrested without warrant for a period
longer than that permitted by law without any process issued by a court of competent
jurisdiction. The city fiscal, may not, after due investigation, find sufficient ground for filing an
information or prosecuting the person arrested and release him, after the latter had been illegally
detained for days or weeks without any process issued by a court or judge.

A peace officer has no power or authority to arrest a person without a warrant upon complaint of
the offended party or any other person, except in those cases expressly authorized by law. What
he or the complainant may do in such case is to file a complaint with the city fiscal of Manila, or
directly with the justice of the peace courts in municipalities and other political subdivisions. If
the City Fiscal has no authority, and he has not, to order the arrest even if he finds, after due
investigation, that there is a probability that a crime has been committed and the accused is guilty
thereof, a fortiori a police officer has no authority to arrest and detain a person charged with an
offense upon complaint of the offended party or other persons even though, after investigation,
he becomes convinced that the accused is guilty of the offense charged.

In view of all the foregoing, without making any pronouncement as to the responsibility of the
officers who intervened in the detention of the petitioners, for the policeman Dumlao may have
acted in good faith, in the absence of a clear cut ruling on the matter in believing that he had
complied with the mandate of article 125 by delivering the petitioners within six hours to the
office of the city fiscal, and the latter might have ignored the fact that the petitioners were being
actually detained when the said policeman filed a complaint against them with the city fiscal, we
hold that the petitioners are being illegally restrained of their liberty, and their release is hereby
ordered unless they are now detained by virtue of a process issued by a competent court of
justice. So ordered.

Paras, Actg. C.J., Pablo, and Bengzon, JJ., concur.

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