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2 Kjsdnfaisjknvc Immoral Doctrines, Obscene Publications and Exhibitions - 1 PD 960

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2/26/2018 Presidential Decree No.

960 | Amending Article 201 of Revised Penal

July 14, 1976



WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the State to safeguard the morality

of society, particularly the youth, against the eroding influence of immoral
doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions and indecent shows; cdtai

WHEREAS, in order to arrest the proliferation of such doctrines,

publications, exhibitions and shows, it is necessary to amend the pertinent
provision of the Revised Penal Code;
Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do
hereby order and decree as part of the law of the land, the following:
SECTION 1. Amendment of Article 201, Revised Penal Code.
— Article 201 of Act Numbered Thirty-eight hundred and fifteen, otherwise
known as the Revised Penal Code, is hereby amended to read as follows;
"Art. 201. Immoral doctrines, obscene publications and
exhibitions, and indecent shows. — The penalty of prision mayor or a
fine ranging from six thousand to twelve thousand pesos, or both
such imprisonment and fine, shall be imposed upon:
"1. Those who shall publicly expound or proclaim
doctrines openly contrary to public morals;
"2. The authors of obscene literature, published
with their knowledge in any form, the editors publishing such
literature, and the owners/operators of the book store or other
establishments selling the same;
"3. Those who in theaters, fairs cinematographs or
any other place, shall exhibit indecent or immoral plays,
scenes, acts or shows, including the following:
"(a) Films which tend to incite subversion,
insurrection or rebellion against the State; cdtai

"(b) Films which tend to undermine the faith

and confidence of the people in their Government
and/or duly constituted authorities; 1/3
2/26/2018 Presidential Decree No. 960 | Amending Article 201 of Revised Penal

"(c) Films which glorify criminals or condone

"(d) Films which serve no other purpose but
to satisfy the market for violence, lust or pornography;
"(e) Films which offend any race or religion;
"(f) Films which tend to abet traffic in the
use of prohibited drugs;
"(g) Films contrary to law, public order,
morals, good customs, established policies, lawful
orders, decrees, edicts, and any or all films which in the
judgment of the Board of Censors for Motion Pictures or
other agency established by the Government to
oversee such motion pictures are objectionable on
some other legal or moral grounds.
"4. Those who shall sell, give away of exhibit
prints, engravings, sculptures or literature which are offensive
to morals." cdt

SECTION 2. Confiscation of articles. — The literature, films,

prints, engravings, sculpture, paintings, or other materials and articles
involved in the violation referred to in Section 1 hereof shall be confiscated
and forfeited in favor of the Government to be destroyed.
SECTION 3. Jurisdiction. — Violations of Section 1 hereof shall
be subject to trial by the military tribunals and the offenders shall be
subject to arrest and detention pursuant to existing laws, decrees, orders
and instructions promulgated pursuant to Proclamations No. 1081, dated
September 21, 1972 and No. 1104, dated January 17, 1973. cd i

SECTION 4. Additional Penalties. — Additional penalties shall

be imposed as follows:
1. In case the offender is a government official or employee
who allows the violations of Section 1 hereof, the penalty
shall be imposed in the maximum period and in addition,
the accessory penalties provided for in the Revised Penal
Code, as amended shall likewise be imposed.
2. The license or permit of the theater, cinematograph or
other place or establishment where the violation has been
committed shall be cancelled temporarily or permanently,
depending upon the gravity of the violation as determined
by the proper military tribunal.
SECTION 5. Effectivity. — This Decree shall take effect fifteen
(15) days after its publication by the Department of Information in two (2)
newspapers of general circulation. 2/3
2/26/2018 Presidential Decree No. 960 | Amending Article 201 of Revised Penal

DONE in the City of Manila, this 14th day of July, in the year of Our
Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Six. 3/3

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