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Reflexive Government For Sustainable Davelopment

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Reflexive Governance for Sustainable

Reflexive Governance
for Sustainable

Edited by

Jan-Peter Vo
Dierk Bauknecht
ko-Institut Institute for Applied Ecology, Germany
Ren Kemp
MERIT, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Edward Elgar
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA
Jan-Peter Vo, Dierk Bauknecht and Ren Kemp 2006

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a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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permission of the publisher.

Published by
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
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Glos GL50 1UA

Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.

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Massachusetts 01060

A catalogue record for this book

is available from the British Library

ISBN-13: 978 1 84542 582 1

ISBN-10: 1 84542 582 0

Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall
List of figures vii
List of tables ix
List of contributors x
Preface xiv

1. Sustainability and reexive governance: introduction 3
Jan-Peter Vo and Ren Kemp


2. Reexive governance: politics in the global risk society 31
Ulrich Beck
3. Reexive modernisation as a governance issue, or: designing
and shaping re-structuration 57
John Grin
4. A co-evolutionary approach to reexive governance and its
ironies 82
Arie Rip


5. Transition management: a reexive governance approach 103
Ren Kemp and Derk Loorbach
6. Adaptive management to restore ecological and economic
resilience in the Tisza river basin 131
Jan Sendzimir, Piotr Magnuszewski, Peter Balogh and Anna Vri
7. Sustainability foresight: reexive governance in the
transformation of utility systems 162
Jan-Peter Vo, Bernhard Truer and Kornelia Konrad
8. Foresight and adaptive planning as complementary elements in
anticipatory policy-making: a conceptual and methodological
approach 189
K. Matthias Weber

vi Contents


9. Precaution, foresight and sustainability: reection and
reexivity in the governance of science and technology 225
Andy Stirling
10. The (re)search for solutions: research programmes for
sustainable development 273
Katy Whitelegg
11. Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary
research 294
Marie Cline Loibl


12. Niche-based approaches to sustainable development: radical
activists versus strategic managers 313
Adrian Smith
13. The sustainable transformation of sanitation 337
Bas van Vliet
14. The transition towards sustainable production systems in
Austria: a reexive exercise? 355
Philipp Spth, Harald Rohracher, K. Matthias Weber and
Ines Oehme
15. The transformation of agriculture: reexive governance for
agrobiodiversity 383
Franziska Wol

16. Reexive governance: a view on an emerging path 419
Jan-Peter Vo, Ren Kemp and Dierk Bauknecht

Index 439
5.1 Four phases of transition 106
5.2 A transition is the result of system innovations and other
innovations and changes 107
5.3 Current policy versus transition management 110
5.4 Transition visions: images and pathways 114
5.5 Activity clusters in transition management 121
5.6 The Dutch vision for biomass 124
6.1 The Tisza river basin with tributaries in catchments in the
Carpathian mountain range across portions of ve
dierent national territories (Romania, the Ukraine,
Slovakia,the Federation of Serbia and Montenegro, and
Hungary) 133
6.2 An artists interpretation of dierent landscape mosaic
patterns in the Tisza river oodplain both before (a) and after
(b) the execution of the original Vsrhelyi river engineering
plan in 1871 138
6.3 The adaptive management process as a structured learning
cycle that iteratively links four phases: assessment,
formulation, implementation, and monitoring 141
6.4 Adaptive management framework revised according to system
dynamics modelling approaches of Sterman (2000) to
incorporate performance indicators explicitly 151
6.5 Conceptual model (mental model map) of key variables and
causal loops that interact to aect Tisza river oodplain
resilience to climate related hydro-dynamic variability 154
9.1 Working denitions for unreectiveness, reection and
reexivity for the present chapter 228
9.2 Risk, uncertainty, ambiguity and ignorance as degrees of
incertitude (with examples) 239
9.3 Contrasting methodological responses appropriate under
dierent degrees of incertitude 241
9.4 Implications of reection and reexivity for the role of
science in sustainable governance 247
13.1 Variables characterising sanitation technologies 342

viii Figures

14.1 Overview of the methodology developed for the project 369

16.1 Types of combining opening-up and closing-down in
governance 434
1.1 Strategy elements of reflexive governance 18
7.1 Overview of the sustainability foresight process 170
7.2 Participants in scenario workshops 171
7.3 Overview of scenarios of utility transformation 178
8.1 Possible roles of EU transport technology policy over the
innovation cycle 196
10.1 Overview of targeted SD programmes 281
12.1 Comparison of strategic niche management and alternative
technology 328
15.1 Ideal types of (non-reexive) approaches to agrobiodiversity
maintenance 393

Peter Balogh is a geographer and head of research of the Floodplain
Management Pilot Project in Nagykru, introducing the principals and
practice of sustainable water and land use in the Tisza-region.
Dierk Bauknecht is a research fellow and project leader with the Energy
and Climate Group, ko-Institut, Institute for Applied Ecology, Germany.
He works on the transformation of energy infrastructures, innovation
studies and transdisciplinarity.
Ulrich Beck is professor of sociology at the University of Munich and at
the London School of Economics. He is editor of the Second Modernity
Series published by Suhrkamp Verlag. Research foci are theories of moder-
nity and the sociology of risk.
John Grin is a professor of policy science, in particular system inno-
vation, at the Department of Political Science of the University of
Amsterdam. His current research focuses on system innovations, that is,
reexive modernisation of socio-technological practices, especially in the
areas of agriculture, water management and health care.
Ren Kemp is a senior research fellow at MERIT (Maastricht Economic
Research Institute on Innovation and Technology). He has been working
since 1988 on innovation and environmental policy issues, as an economist
and policy analyst. He has a broad range of expertise, covering various sectors
(manufacturing, transport, energy, waste and to a lesser extent services).
Kornelia Konrad is with the research group CIRUS (Centre for
Innovation Research in the Utility Sector) at EAWAG (Swiss Federal
Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology) in Switzerland. The CIRUS
research focus is on sustainable transformation of infrastructure sectors
from a social science perspective.
Marie Cline Loibl is with the Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology. Her
research interests include: methods for interdisciplinary and transdisciplin-
ary research projects, team-coaching in environmental research, consulta-
tion for designing and organising environmental research-programs, process
evaluation and participatory methods for integrating representatives from
municipalities, enterprises and private initiatives into research projects.

Contributors xi

Derk Loorbach is a researcher at Dutch Research Institute for Transitions

(DRIFT) in Rotterdam. He graduated in political sciences in 2000 and is
currently working on his PhD on the subject of transition management. In
addition he is involved as scientic advisor in a number of projects. His
main research interests are complex and evolutionary governance, sustain-
able development and transitions.
Piotr Magnuszewski is an adjunct professor in the Institute of Physics,
Wroclaw University of Technology and research associate in the
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. His research interests
are qualitative and quantitative modelling, adaptive management and
complexity science.
Ines Oehme is with the German Environmental Protection Agency, where
she deals with product related environmental protection. Before that, she
was with the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and
Culture in Graz (Austria). She has expertise in issues of technology and
society and ecological product policy. Recent research projects dealt with
strategies for transition towards sustainable production and consumption
systems and on green public procurement.
Arie Rip is a professor of the philosophy of science and technology at the
University of Twente in the Netherlands. He works and publishes exten-
sively on science policy, technology dynamics and technology assessment,
and forms of expertise.
Harald Rohracher is director of the IFZ: the Inter-University Research
Centre for Technology, Work and Culture in Graz, Austria and research
fellow at the Department of Research on Technology and Science, Faculty
for Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF), at the University of Klagenfurt. His
main elds of research are the social shaping of technology, diusion and
adoption of environmental technologies, and the role of end-users in tech-
nological innovations.
Jan Sendzimir is a systems ecologist and works in research and project
development at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
(IIASA) on applications concerned with wicked problems, problems with
apparently unsolvable combinations of ecological, economic and socio-
political factors, that occur over relatively large areas such as river basins,
major watersheds and mountain chains. The theoretical framework includes
theories of resilience, catastrophe, complex adaptive systems and chaos.
Adrian Smith is a research fellow at SPRU (Science and Technology
Policy Research Unit) at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. His
research draws upon various social science perspectives in order to better
xii Contributors

appreciate the relationships between technology, society and sustainable

Philipp Spth is a senior researcher at the IFZ: the Inter-University
Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture in Graz, Austria. He
is lecturing in the social studies of technology at the Universities of Graz
and Klagenfurt. His main elds of research are new modes of gover-
nance and cross-cutting issues of technology- and innovation policy,
energy- and environmental policy. His work focuses on strategies for
transitions towards sustainable energy systems and sustainable produc-
tion systems.
Andy Stirling is a senior lecturer at SPRU (Science and Technology Policy
Research Unit) at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. He works on
practical and theoretical issues around scientic uncertainty, precaution,
divergent values and public engagement in risk and technology policy.
Bernhard Truer heads the research group CIRUS (Centre for Innova-
tion Research in the Utility Sector) at EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute for
Aquatic Science and Technology) in Switzerland. The CIRUS research
focus is on the sustainable transformation of infrastructure sectors from
a social science perspective.
Anna Vri is senior research fellow in the Institute of Sociology,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Professor at the Department of
Environmental Management at the Budapest University of Technical and
Economic Sciences. Her fields of research and teaching include health and
environmental policy, risk analysis, conflict management and public par-
Bas van Vliet is a lecturer and researcher at the Environmental Policy
Group at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands. His research interests
are environmental sociology, infrastructure management and consumer
Jan-Peter Vo is a research fellow and project leader with the Energy and
Climate Group, ko-Institut, Institute for Applied Ecology, Germany. His
research interests are governance studies, innovation and technological
change, methodology of transdisciplinary research.
K. Matthias Weber is head of the Department of Technology Policy at
ARC Systems Research, one of the institutes of Austrian Research Centres
ARC, and lecturer in innovation economics and technology policy at the
University of Economics in Vienna. He works mainly on issues of priority-
setting and governance of science, technology and innovation policy, but
Contributors xiii

also on foresight and transitions in production-consumption systems and

in information society technologies.
Katy Whitelegg is a researcher in the Department of Technology Policy
at ARC Systems Research, Seibersdorf, Austria. Her research interests are
in policy integration, research for sustainable development and women in
Franziska Wol is a research fellow and project leader with the
Environmental Law Group, ko-Institut, Institute for Applied Ecology,
Germany. Her research interests focus on the analysis of institutional
arrangements and governance structures, policy instruments and processes
as well as German and international environmental politics, especially agri-
culture and biodiversity.
We make our own history but we do not choose it. An indication of this
statement is the fact that policy and public debate are primarily concerned
with problems that arise from past economic, political, scientic and tech-
nological activities. Unemployment, social disintegration, ecological desta-
bilisation, globalisation, migration, and proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction are all examples of systemic eects of past decisions that indi-
viduals and collectives made to deal with problems for the actors con-
cerned. Successively, the central and most pressing problems of modern
society are those which are caused by the side eects of past problem-
solving. Cognitive and institutional patterns of society build up around
these problems. Their consequences bring about adaptations, and capaci-
ties are developed to restore where possible. Social policy, innovation
assessment, environmental policy, humanitarian and development aid
represent examples.
The notion of reexive modernisation as developed by Beck, Giddens
and other authors captures this dynamism through a reconceptualisation
of society which spirals around itself, stumbles over its own feet, and busies
itself with self-created problems rather than heroically conquering the
world, unfolding civilisation, and progressing towards truth and ideal
order. The insight of reexive modernisation gives rise to an understand-
ing of societal development in which instrumental rationality and the
search for best solutions take on an uncertain direction in shaping the
course of societal development. If progress gets overthrown by unintended
side eects, the ideals of certain knowledge, unambiguous evaluation as
well as planning and control become revealed as illusionary. Governance
practices, which are based on these illusions, appear as problem producers
rather than problem solvers. An alternative orientation for governance is
needed as are new methods that can ll the gap which scientic predic-
tion, analytic assessment, and control-oriented management approaches
have left. Like society in general, governance is also thrown back on itself
and forced to reect its cognitive and institutional foundations in the idea
of modernisation. But what could an alternative understanding and respec-
tive strategies and practices look like which might create a better future?
This is the topic that this book confronts. It explores the concept of
reexive governance as a course for the shaping of societal development,

Preface xv

which incorporates uncertainty, ignorance, heterogeneity, ambiguity, unin-

tended eects, error and lack of control. These qualities are all aspects that
modern problem-solving procedures try to eliminate. Incorporating these
indeterminacies implies looking for ways to work with them. This means
developing strategies and methods for problem-handling and institutional
arrangements, which can make productive use of them as constitutive ele-
ments of societal development.
Our discussion under the heading of reexive governance relates to
recent discussions in technology studies, policy studies and science studies.
In technology studies, impact assessment emerged as its own professional
eld, which is oriented towards the anticipation of possible side eects
of new technologies. In this eld, methods have emerged that involve sci-
entists, citizens, and practitioners in mutual learning with technology
experiments. In policy studies, new modes of governance have been con-
ceptualised to capture informal interactions and self-organisation as
important factors for regulating societal development. Participatory policy
analysis takes distributed knowledge as a basis for policy advice. In science
studies, including in the philosophical and more empirically oriented
strands, a shift in focus can be observed from academic disciplines to het-
erogeneous networks as places of knowledge production. The embedding
of knowledge in social contexts of interaction raises fundamental method-
ological questions about the possibility and usefulness of value-free know-
ledge that can be generalised. Reexive governance may provide a concept
through which these discourses can join together. It oers a general concept
of societal problem-handling; that is, interaction in which a group of inter-
dependent actors constructs problems and tries to inuence ongoing devel-
opments to make them disappear. As such, reexive governance comprises
cognitive and social dynamics and is directed at knowledge, technology and
institutions alike.
A characteristic of the reexive governance concept is that it is also con-
cerned with itself. It understands reexive governance to be part of the
dynamics which are governed. Governance processes can become the
object of shaping strategies. At the same time, broader dynamics, which are
not usually considered to be part of governance, are acknowledged to play
an important role in shaping societal development and therefore become
part of governing (such as science, public discourse, social networking,
and technological development). Reexive governance puts itself up to
probing. It acknowledges that governing activities are entangled in wider
societal feedback loops and are partly shaped by the (side) eects of its own
working. It incorporates such feedback by opening problem-handling
processes for diverse knowledge, values and resources of inuence in order
to learn about appropriate problem denitions, targets and strategies of
xvi Preface

governance for sustainable development. As such, reexive governance is

about the organisation of recursive feedback relations between distributed
steering activities. In this book we make rst steps in articulating the
concept of reexive governance by elaborating some theoretical aspects
and pointing out practical ways of putting it in to practice.
As such it can be the beginning of a path of thinking and acting. The
book presents a specication of the concept of reexive modernisation
with respect to theoretical and practical problems of governing. It diers
from other works about reexive modernisation in that it investigates con-
crete empirical practices in policy and management, which take up the
repercussions of reexivity: uncertainty, ambiguity and dispersion of social
control. Reexive strategies are examined in empirical elds such as utility
transformation, energy policy, renaturalisation of river basins, research
policy, research management, technology policy and agricultural policy.
This volume presents a link between abstract theoretical discussion and
the very specic forms in which reexivity is played out as practical experi-
ence. At the same time, it includes critical theoretical discussions, which
relate to other general concepts such as globalisation, structuration, post-
modernism, planning theory, risk assessment and epistemology.
A unique feature of the book is the systematic link that is developed
between the theory of reexive modernisation and the concept of sustain-
able development and practices which refer to it. Sustainable development
is analysed as a chire by means of which reexive modernisation becomes
politically negotiated and by means of which practical governance innova-
tions can join together.
After saying what this book is about, we should also say what it is not
about. The book is not a discussion of political science or a comparative
analysis of changing governance patterns nor a discourse analysis of
reexive modernisation. The core themes focus on the rationale of a specic
type of governance rather than a systematic analysis of the governance of
certain sectors of society. Its impetus is towards revised concepts and logic
of steering and problem-solving and how these play out in practice.
The book developed out of a series of workshops which brought
together researchers from nine European countries with an interest in
boundary-crossing between disciplines and practical societal problem-han-
dling. Accordingly, the people involved came from both academic and
transdisciplinary research sectors and from dierent home disciplines. The
broad subject of the workshop series included questions that were con-
nected to the shaping of sustainable transformation processes. Such ques-
tions entail problems of knowledge production of interactions between
society, technology and nature, the assessment of alternative options
and transformation paths, and the development and implementation of
Preface xvii

strategies which can eectively inuence the course of socio-ecological

transformation processes.
The book project took shape only gradually. It started as a compilation
of abstracts for chapters in which workshop participants would elaborate
their perspective on sustainable transformation and elaborate links to other
papers. This was an occasion to reect on the dierences in perspectives
when presented side by side and to lead into the preparation of a draft
version for an introductory chapter, which would draw out the common
questions and general lines according to which the specic governance
issues from the empirical cases could be arranged. This is where the concept
of reexive governance rst emerged. At this point the book began to take
on a life of its own. Over the course of iterated revisions, the book took on
new shape, with important new contributions from Beck, Grin, Rip and
Stirling on reexive governance. Some characteristics of the book may hint
at the prevalence of uncertainty, ambiguity and the lack of complete
control during the production process. Yet we did not make a strong
attempt to streamline chapters according to any ex-post rationalisation of
what has happened to bring us where we are. Instead, we decided to let the
book tell the story of reexive governance as an emerging concept, a
concept which has a high degree of interpretive exibility, which is not
closed down but open to interaction with several other concepts and empir-
ical problem areas, and which as a result of these interactions is expected
to change its shape. For this reason we decided to include the original
version of the introductory chapter (presenting the conceptual outline of
reexive governance), which the authors used to develop their discussion in
the subsequent chapters. Only in the concluding chapter do we make an
attempt to draw together what we have learned for the overall concept. This
enables the reader to follow the concept of reexive governance on the path
of its evolution and become tempted to engage in taking it further.
It would be interesting (and possibly rewarding in terms of insights about
appropriate ways to organise research processes) to trace the various inter-
actions small talks, jokes, drawings, discussions of more and less struc-
tured types, presentations, comments and amendments to draft texts
which form the history from which the product in hand emerged. Because
this could grow into another book project, we name just a few outstanding
ingredients to the production process without which this book would not
have been possible. The Socio-ecological Research Programme at the
German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) needs to be men-
tioned at the outset, not only with respect to the funding for a truly experi-
mental project of knowledge networking,1 but also for the sake of
representing an inspiring example of reexive governance in the eld of
research policy. This refers to the combination of strategic foresight and
xviii Preface

exible adaptation to unforeseen developments which exemplies the pro-

grammatic idea of the learning research programme and is purposefully
put into practice by Ingrid Balzer, Angelika Willms-Herget, and Bernd
Fischer. Further credits go to the Industrial Transformation Project of the
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental
Change (IT-IHDP), which endorsed our project and provided a platform to
connect with a wider community of sustainability researchers worldwide.
We also want to mention the people who have been involved in the work-
shop series and its preparation, but do not have a contribution to which
their name is credited in this book. Regine Barth, Bettina Brohmann,
Susanne Bruppacher, Dirk Bunke, Frank Ebinger, Mikls Fule, Irmgard
Hubauer, Mns Nilson, Tams Plvlgyi, Susanne Schidler, Claus Seibt,
and Jrgen Wettestad have contributed in various ways to the discussion
from which this book emerged. We especially appreciate the work of
Isabella Kessel who made important contributions to bringing about inte-
gration at the workshops and thus prepared the ground on which this
product has grown. Bernadette Kiefer did an impressive job in grappling
with the heterogeneity of contributions in terms of formatting and making
them converge into one coherent document. Olivia Voils and Tom Walker
did the best they could to make the English of us non-native speakers com-
prehensible to a broader public.

Dierk Bauknecht
Ren Kemp
Jan-Peter Vo
Freiburg, Maastricht, Berlin, May 2005


1. The German Research Ministry funded the workshop series within the programme on
socio-ecological research as a measure to develop the research infrastructure for sus-
tainability research. It was chaired by the ko-Institut the Institute for Applied Ecology,
as part of the project Schnittstellenentwicklung fr die Integration akademischer und
praxisbezogener Forschung im Bereich Sozial-kologie (knowledge interfaces).
1. Sustainability and reexive
governance: introduction
Jan-Peter Vo and Ren Kemp


Disappointment abounds in public discourse about sustainability. Many

say that the outcome of sustainability strategies has been meagre compared
to the outpouring of rhetoric regarding the concept towards the end of the
last century. The long-standing denition of the Brundtland Commission
development that meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is accepted
everywhere as a general normative orientation (WCED 1987), as is the
criterion for a good society of equal consideration for ecological, economic
and social development goals (UNCED 1992, Ch. 8). But when it comes to
practical implementation, the concept seems to dissolve into rhetoric that
masks familiar conicts over concepts, goals and instruments that for
decades have dominated societal action in problem areas such as energy,
transport, agriculture and housing.
A widespread attitude is that the concept of sustainability adds nothing
new for the treatment of practical problems. It is said that the concept
waters down the new parameter of political decision making introduced by
the concept of ecological carrying capacity (see Matthes 2002). The organ-
isational and technological arrangements of modern society are said to be
reproduced with all their ambivalences under the banner of sustainability
(Conrad 1997). The vague label diuses concrete challenges and presents a
veil behind which particular interest groups can evade responsibilities and
commitments that they had previously been urged into through public pres-
sure and political struggle. For many, sustainability appears at best an
empty phrase and at worst a Trojan horse for the redenition of the public
interest by a powerful few.
This book takes a dierent standpoint. It argues that the multi-
dimensional and dynamic concept of sustainability (Rammel et al. 2003)
has fundamental implications for the governance of modern society.
The systemic and long-term nature of social, economic and ecological

4 Introduction

development brings complexity and uncertainty to the fore as key issues for
sustainability. Sustainability cannot be translated into a blueprint or a
dened end state from which criteria can be derived and unambiguous deci-
sions taken to get there. Instead, it should be understood as a specic kind
of problem framing that emphasises the interconnectedness of dierent
problems and scales, as well as the long-term and indirect eects of actions
that result from it. Societal discourse on sustainability has highlighted the
ambiguity of social goals, uncertainty about cause and eect relations
and the feedback that occurs between steering activities and social, tech-
nological and ecological development. Sustainability calls for new forms of
problem handling. These dier from the forms that are adequate for delim-
itable, decomposable problems that can be managed in a linear way. The
concept of sustainability has brought with it recognition of the limits of
rigid analysis and the inadequacy of policy approaches that aim at plan-
ning and achieving predetermined outcomes.
From this perspective, sustainable development is more about the organ-
isation of processes than about particular outcomes. It is about the modes
of problem treatment and the types of strategies that are applied to search
for solutions and bring about more robust paths of social and technological
development. We set out to explore these new modes of societal problem
treatment under the heading of reexive governance.


Reexive governance refers to the problem of shaping societal develop-

ment in the light of the reexivity of steering strategies the phenomenon
that thinking and acting with respect to an object of steering also aects
the subject and its ability to steer. Examples of such reexivity include
research policies bringing up new knowledge that shifts policy objectives,
or subsidies increasing the lobbying power of supported industries and
thereby changing political force elds. Reexive governance thus implies
that one calls into question the foundations of governance itself, that is, the
concepts, practices and institutions by which societal development is gov-
erned, and that one envisions alternatives and reinvents and shapes those
As suggested by Becks notion of reexive modernisation (Beck 1994;
Beck et al. 2003), the reexivity of governance also includes the possibility
that certain governance patterns undermine themselves by inducing changes
in the world that then aect their own working. Rationalist problem solving
(being central to modernity and past and present governance) undergoes
change to deal with problems overlooked in past problem solving. It is
Sustainability and reexive governance 5

easy to understand why this is so. Rationalist problem solving depends on

both the analysis of system dynamics to predict the eects of alternative
options and the precise denition of goals and assessment of options to
determine which is the best to be implemented through powerful interven-
tions and sophisticated control systems. This kind of problem solving seeks
to eliminate uncertainty, ambivalence and interference from uncontrolled
inuences. Using this approach, it was possible to achieve tremendous
technological developments, sophisticated patterns of social regulation
and high economic eciency of production. The trick is simple: to decide
and act rationally, one needs to isolate discrete dimensions of complex
reality, that is, to select relevant elements, express cause and eect in
linear form, establish the priority of goals and assign responsibilities. This
pattern of productive reduction of complexity orchestrates modern science,
technology development, bureaucratic organisation, project management,
policy making and broader patterns of social organisation such as the
dierentiation of functional subsystems for economics, law, science, polit-
ics and so on (see Luhmann 1990; Schimank 1996; Mayntz 1999). This
problem-solving approach yields tremendous power because it constructs a
multitude of specialised perspectives, enabling more precise targeting of
purposes, concentration of action capacities and control over processes
within the system boundaries thus dened (Schimank 1988). At the same
time, however, this kind of problem solving leads relentlessly to unintended
consequences (Drner 1989; Bhret 1990). The more problem solving is
disengaged from the full, messy, intermingled natural reality and oriented
towards the worlds of specialists, the larger is the share of interdependencies
and dimensions of embeddedness ignored in the development and imple-
mentation of supposed solutions. The more evasive such problem solving is,
the more eective it becomes with respect to particular instrumental pur-
poses and the stronger the impacts of unintended consequences become.
These impacts are perceived either as externalities, from the perspective
of other specialised problem orientations or, from the problem solvers own
perspective, as side-eects or repercussions. Examples include interfer-
ence between dierent policy or corporate departments such as transport
and environment or R&D and marketing as well as trac congestion,
technological risks, environmental problems and individualisation as
results of industrialisation. These unintended consequences cause new,
often more severe problems that are more dicult to handle because they
require setting aside specialised problem solving. These can be called
second-order problems (Jahn and Wehling 1998). Sustainability is one, if
not the main second-order problem of modernist problem solving. Second-
order problems work successively to disrupt the structure of modernist
problem solving because to grasp them to reconstruct them cognitively, to
6 Introduction

assess them and to get competences together to act on them they require
putting aside the isolation of instrumental specialisation, widening lters
of relevance, trading o values and engaging in interaction with other spe-
cialists. In short, these problems require transgressing the cognitive, evalu-
ative and institutional boundaries, which, paradoxically, undermines the
modernist problem-solving approach. Problem solving becomes paradox-
ical in that it is oriented towards constriction and selection to reduce com-
plexity but is forced into expansion and amalgamation to contend with the
problems it generates (see Beck 1993). This is what we call the constellation
of reexive problem handling or, on the societal level, reexive governance.
Reexivity has two dierent but related meanings here that are often
confused in accounts of reexive modernisation. The rst meaning of
reexivity refers to how modernity deals with its own implications and side
eects, the mechanism by which modern societies grow in cycles of produc-
ing problems and solutions to these problems that produce new problems.
The reality of modern society is thus a result of self-confrontation. This can
be called rst-order reexivity. The second meaning of reexive moderni-
sation refers to the cognitive reconstruction of this cycle in which problem
solving through instrumental rationality generates new problems. The
impacts of technology, scientic knowledge production and the legitimacy
and eectiveness of democracy are examples of problem areas where
such reection has brought up critical reassessments of rational problem-
solving methods and led to the development of alternative methods and
processes of problem handling that are more open, experimental and learn-
ing oriented. Often these approaches aim to foster interaction between
dierent perspectives and actively explore the uncertainties, ambivalences
and control problems articulated in such a confrontation of rationalities.
Constructive technology assessment, deliberative policy making and trans-
disciplinary research are alternative concepts to rational problem solving
that all underlie concrete practices. New problem-handling paradigms and
institutional arrangements based on critical assessments of modern
problem solving and its reexivity have themselves become characteristic
features of reexive modernisation. But these phenomena are reexive in a
dierent way from that of the self-confrontation of modernisation with its
own side-eects. They represent a second-order reexivity that entails the
application of modern rational analysis not only to the self-induced prob-
lems, but also to its own working, conditions and eects. In this way, second-
order reexivity interrupts the automatism of executing problem-solving
routines. It transcends particular rationalities, and breaks the vicious circle
of rst-order reexivity. Reexive modernisation, or reexive governance,
comprises both the condition of being shaped through its own side-eects
and the transcendence of this cyclic pattern through reection of the
Sustainability and reexive governance 7

modern understanding of rationality itself. It is shaped by the interplay of

rst-order and second-order reexivity. This book focuses mainly on
second-order reexivity and particularly on the emergence of an additional
level of integrative, unrestrained and open-ended second-order govern-
ance that reects, orients and supervises diverse specialised problem-solving
processes. In this way, the powers of specialisation and integration can
check and balance each other. The benets of rational problem solving
can be exploited while the fact that problem solving is embedded in
more complex contexts and their dynamics is accepted as a constraint.
Such second-order governance, however, can no longer be called problem
solving. Only unambiguous and conned problems can be solved in a
deliberative manner. Second-order governance consists of a procedural
approach towards reecting the interdependencies, understanding aggre-
gate eects of specialised concepts and strategies, and engaging in the
modulation of ongoing societal developments by establishing links and
organising problem-oriented communication and interaction among dis-
tributed steering activities (for related ideas about steering see for example
Rip 1998; Beck 1993; Dobuzinskis 1992).
Various reexive governance approaches can be identied that confront
the challenge of shaping sustainable development by reecting the complex
interactions underlying problematic development. By initiating procedures
through which problem perceptions, assessment criteria and action strat-
egies of dierent actors can be exposed to each other, actors can begin
mutually to adapt their perceptions, criteria and strategies before such
adaptation is imposed in a much more costly way as a consequence of the
external eects of specialised problem-solving processes.
Such governance approaches often focus on specic dimensions of
problem handling such as analysis, goal denition, assessment or strategy
implementation. Constructive technology assessment, foresight exercises,
transdisciplinary research, participatory decision making and cooperative
policy making are examples of those approaches. Others, such as transi-
tion management and adaptive management, are more comprehensive.
However, they all share a general understanding, which is related to the
concept of reexivity as outlined above. By creating interaction between
various rationalities, they take account of the complexity of interlinked
social, technological and ecological development, the fundamental uncer-
tainty with respect to system dynamics, the ambiguity of sustainability cri-
teria and assessment and the contingency of the eects of human action in
the context of long-term system change. Reexive governance modes are
therefore geared towards continued learning in the course of modulating
ongoing developments, rather than towards complete knowledge and
maximisation of control.
8 Introduction

Practical instances of reexive governance can be found in dierent parts

of society in general ways of producing knowledge and making policy and
in production-consumption systems such as energy and agriculture. They
can also be found at dierent levels of problem treatment from the man-
agement of an individual organisation to networks and sectors and up to the
global level. Governance practices within these dierent contexts follow
particular streams of historical development and are usually discussed
within the framework of professional concepts and language. Similarities
are therefore not easily recognised. One concern of this book is to develop a
perspective in which the similarities and linkages between these approaches
become visible. This will help us to take stock of governance innovations in
various practice areas that reexively deal with the complexity and ambiva-
lence inherent in sustainable development, to compare the conditions and
historical paths from which they have emerged and to enable mutual learn-
ing in terms of concepts and practical experience. Finally, an integrated
review of reexive governance innovations helps to shift the debate about
the usefulness of the concept of sustainability from immediate outcomes to
more hidden process innovations and ways of structuring and handling
problems. Even if their eects are of a more diuse and long-term nature,
they should not be overlooked in assessing what has come out of the sus-
tainability concept and in discussing strategies to develop its potential.
To establish a common frame of reference for diverse kinds of gover-
nance innovation for sustainability, we elaborate some strategic corner-
stones of the concept of reexive governance. We do this by rst dening a
broad notion of governance as the patterns of processes by which society
handles its problems and shapes its own transformation. We then discuss
the specic problems of governance for sustainable development along
the dimensions of systems analysis in the light of complexity, goal formu-
lation in the light of the ambiguity of sustainability and strategy imple-
mentation in the light of distributed control. In the course of this
discussion, we derive cornerstone strategies that help to identify adequate
ways of handling governance problems of sustainable development. A
compilation of these strategies represents a practically-oriented framework
of reexive governance that can serve as a common reference for the diverse
conceptual aspects and practical instances discussed in the remaining chap-
ters of the book.

Governance as Problem Handling

In this volume, we use the term governance to describe the characteristic

processes by which society denes and handles its problems. In this general
sense, governance is about the self-steering of society.
Sustainability and reexive governance 9

Problem handling and self-steering, however, do not imply that gover-

nance is a linear process that follows a plan or is controlled by a specic
actor or group of actors. Rather, governance is understood as the result of
the interaction of many actors who have their own particular problems,
dene goals and follow strategies to achieve them. Governance therefore
also involves conicting interests and struggle for dominance. From these
interactions, however, certain patterns emerge, including national policy
styles, regulatory arrangements, forms of organisational management and
the structures of sectoral networks. These patterns display the specic ways
in which social entities are governed. They comprise processes by which
collective problems are dened and analysed, processes by which goals and
assessments of solutions are formulated and processes in which action
strategies are coordinated. We use the term governance to describe the
process of societal problem handling that comprises these three dimen-
sions. As such, governance takes place in coupled and overlapping arenas
of interaction: in research and science, public discourse, companies, policy
making and other venues. To understand how specic patterns of social
change come about or to assess the performance of problem handling, it is
important to take into account interdependencies across various arenas of

System Analysis and Complexity

A principal feature of the problems confronting sustainable development

is that the systemic interconnections to which these problems refer are enor-
mously complex. With the exception of quite narrowly dened disciplinary
or professional situations, the problems of sustainable development cannot
be grasped by means of simple models. Sustainable development focuses
the long-term dynamics of particular forms of social organisation within a
global context. Even single companies or local communities consist of a
large number of very dierent elements of a social, technological or eco-
logical nature. They contain subsystems or are themselves dierentiated at
various levels of organisation. The unfolding of processes within these
structures even more so the change of the structural conguration itself
is thus not suciently grasped by models that have only a few independent
and dependent variables and assume clearly-dened, linear relationships of
cause and eect. The understanding, explanation and analysis of the
problem of sustainable development thus becomes a problem in itself.
With sustainability problems it is dicult to isolate a unique cause or to
predict the eects, both desired and undesired, of a particular intervention
(Funtowicz et al. 1998). Three specic features associated with the com-
plexity of sustainable development problems are discussed in the next three
10 Introduction

sections: rst, the heterogeneity of elements, which precludes relying on

disciplinary expert knowledge; second, the impossibility of predicting
system developments and the eects of interventions, which makes errors
unavoidable; and third, the irreversibility of social development, which
embeds a strong path dependency in decision making.

Heterogeneous interactions
The understanding of long-term transformations in socio-ecological
systems such as, for example, energy production and use, transport or agri-
culture requires knowledge about the very heterogeneous elements of these
systems. Such elements include technological artefacts and networks,
chemical substances in soil, water and the atmosphere, the organisation of
rms and markets, political institutions, scientic theories and cultural
values and attitudes. Knowledge is needed about the processes in which
they each change and about how they relate and interact with each other.
Conventional disciplinary science does not deliver this kind of knowledge
about the interlinked and complex nature of reality (Gallopn et al. 2001:
228). Instead, it concentrates on a very specic selection of elements and
interactions analytical slices of reality. In real world entanglements,
however, there is no clear boundary between these categories and the net-
works of cause and eect that cut across them. Each specialised perspec-
tive denes the systemic embedding of the particular analytical abstraction
with which it is concerned as non-existent. In specic cases, this may be
methodologically justiable because linkages have been found to be
insignicant. Parts of reality can sometimes be viewed in isolation without
losing important aspects. In most cases, however, especially in the area of
sustainability problems, linkages extend well beyond the scope of the prob-
lems as they are dened by disciplines and the cognitive models that are
used to understand them.
The knowledge restrictions of specialised perspectives relate not only to
scientic disciplines but also to the scientic method of knowledge pro-
duction in general. The full set of factors and interactions that are relevant
in real world problem settings cannot be handled through systematic mod-
elling alone. More synthetic kinds of knowledge, gained from practical
experience, are an important complementary source. Knowledge produc-
tion for sustainable development cannot therefore rely only on scientic
knowledge produced within the institutions and along the methodological
guide rails of formal science. It also needs to integrate the tacit knowledge
of societal actors. This tacit knowledge often cannot be subjected to con-
ventional methods of scientic inquiry. It can only be generated in inter-
active settings in which knowledge is co-produced by scientists and actors
from respective elds of societal practice. But also with respect to practice,
Sustainability and reexive governance 11

it is important to integrate a diversity of perspectives because professional

roles also entail selective perspectives.
Considering the heterogeneity of the elements that play a part in sus-
tainable development, eective problem treatment calls for the use of
methods of integrated knowledge production that transcend the bound-
aries between disciplines and between science and society. Practical and
conceptual steps in this direction have been taken under the heading of
transdisciplinary knowledge production (Nowotny et al. 2001; Hirsch
Hadorn 2003; Bechmann and Frederichs 1996; Thompson Klein et al.
2001; Bergmann 2003).

The interdependence of social, technological and ecological elements
makes system transformation a complex and uncertain process. The overall
process, its factors and drivers, cannot be analysed by linear models of
cause and eect because feedback is pervasive. If the process of sustainable
transformation for example, of electricity provision or agriculture is
further understood as a process that takes place within a multi-level struc-
ture of nested subsystems at the local, regional and global level, the inter-
action on each level adds to the overall complexity. The result is that
socio-ecological transformation cannot be predicted. Unpredictable inter-
actions may give rise to self-stimulating processes like self-organisation, or
to destructive resonance. Examples of such contingencies include topics in
public discourse, social movements, BSE, strategic action under regulation
and stock market crashes. Thresholds for catastrophic change cannot be
dened by a single parameter but rather are driven by a conuence of many
factors, not all of which can be suciently ascertained to determine corri-
dors of safe levels of activity. Examples of this kind of diculty include
ecological pressure that causes a breakdown of ecosystem resilience, social
injustice that causes upheaval or tax increases that lead to an economic
depression. This is a fundamental constraint because of the impossibility
of measuring all incremental factors that are relevant, especially the human
factor. Non-linear system dynamics may give precisely those apparently
minor factors a signicant voice in where the system will go, as in the
buttery eect (Gleick 1998; Byrne 1998). Here an apparently small eect
tips the balance (examples can be found in Gladwell 2000).
This is why it is not possible to rely on simple models of the causes under-
lying sustainability problems. Even if complexity is excluded from cogni-
tive models, the world still remains as complex as ever and the connections
that are ignored will still be eective (Drner 1989). Inadequate problem
constructions thus return in the form of unexpected consequences when
strategies are implemented in the real world (Bhret 1990). This means that
12 Introduction

for processes of socio-ecological transformation, we face fundamental

uncertainty about the eects of policy interventions or management deci-
sions (see Dobuzinskis 1992; Stacey 1996).
The only way out of this dilemma is to remain within it but to do so
consciously: to accept that there will always be a high degree of ignorance
and uncertainty connected to societal action within socio-ecological
systems. Unintended consequences will persist because no comprehensive
and exact model for the prediction of socio-ecological dynamics is possi-
ble. With a growing impact through the scale and depth of human inter-
vention, a high probability of unintended consequences needs to be
assumed as an essential condition of problem-solving strategies. This
would mean that ignorance and uncertainty are actively dealt with rather
than being denied by pretending complete knowledge and the existence of
best solutions (Walker et al. 2001).
A second requirement for the adequate treatment of sustainability
problems can therefore be stated: because of inherent uncertainty about
long-term dynamics and systemic eects, strategies as well as cognitive,
institutional and technological structures need to be adaptive to allow for
error and learning. This process necessitates the capacity to respond to
unexpected eects and developments. Strategies should feature experiment-
ation, monitoring and evaluation so that they may respond systematically
to new experiences, altered interpretations and changed circumstances.

Path dependency
In addition to being unpredictable, socio-ecological developments and the
eects of human activity within them feed into a continuous process of
structural changes. These ongoing transformations are sometimes more
subtle, hidden in the background of system structures, and sometimes more
visible as in the overthrowing of established patterns. Increasingly, it is
human activity that shapes world development including its ecological
dimension even when it is not the intention to do so. The global climate
is a prominent example. Deep-rooted changes associated with modernisa-
tion cannot be attributed to particular policies or other strategies. Instead,
such changes are brought about as the aggregate and long-term eect of
unsuspected daily practices in production, consumption and political regu-
lation (Rip and Kemp 1998). Metaphorically speaking, one could say that
future socio-ecological system structures grow behind the backs of the
actors who create them.
In this continuous process of development, patterns emerge in which
social values and institutions, technology and ecological systems become
interdependent. Positive feedback may occur between developments in
technology, corporate organisation, regulation, consumption habits and
Sustainability and reexive governance 13

ecological factors. This response leads to a mutual stabilisation of the

various elements within a given socio-ecological regime (compare the
notion of regime in Kemp 1994). In addition to stabilisation, positive feed-
back can also give rise to structural dynamics that give regions or key indus-
trial sectors a life of their own beyond the control of any single actor.
Initially minor changes and marginal developments may evolve into
massive structural congurations that then restrict the variety of directions
open to future changes. The cognitive, institutional, technical and eco-
nomic patterns thus established become a selection environment for innov-
ations and future change. In this way, socio-ecological transformation is
path dependent. Future developments are inuenced, enabled and con-
strained by structures that have grown out of particular historical develop-
ments. Both the fossil fuel-based electricity system and the individual
transport-based mobility system are examples of such path dependency.
Even the renewable energy component within the electricity system can be
seen as a regime developing according to its own path dependency.
Path dependency imposes severe constraints on the transformations
needed to achieve sustainability. Because certain social and technological
functions must be maintained, revolutionary disruptions are to be avoided.
This means that even when an extreme hazard of certain regimes become
apparent as is now the case with greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fuel
electricity generation it takes great eort, much time and high costs to
work against the dynamics of system development and shift it to a dierent
trajectory. Though some sophisticated strategies are being developed to
counteract these rigidities and to induce and modulate system innovations
or regime shifts systematically, the prospects for success remain uncertain.
For some problems, long lead times of as much as 50 years may simply be
too long to motivate change. This underscores the importance of shaping
new technologies, social practices and institutional arrangements at an
early stage of their development while they are still malleable. Later they
may become stabilised through manifold interconnections within their con-
texts. It remains a dilemma that at this early stage impacts are not known
yet and cannot always be predicted (Collingridge 1980). However, some
alternative paths of future development and possible impacts can be antici-
pated using methods such as scenario forecasting.
Sustainable development therefore requires careful anticipation of the
long-term systemic eects of ongoing actions and developments and
assessment of the resulting paths. Due to the complex dynamics of socio-
ecological transformation, development paths cannot be predicted with
certainty. Rather, anticipation refers to an explorative evaluation of alter-
native development paths that may be spurred by the actions that are
taken today. Such actions should take into account various possible future
14 Introduction

developments. The general aim is to explore future opportunities for which

a portfolio of options should be kept open and to avoid lock-in to trajecto-
ries that forestall the achievement of sustainable development. Such
processes can, for example, be based on scenario construction, participa-
tory modelling or policy exercises (Godet 1987; Elzen et al. 2002).

Goal Formulation and the Ambiguity of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is often referred to as a normative orientation.

Generically, however, it refers to a functional condition a process that can
be sustained over time without eroding its own foundations. From this per-
spective, the concept of sustainable development is normative only to the
extent that it implies a value decision to sustain societal development on
earth rather than to annihilate it. It can hence be rephrased as the long-term
viability of socio-ecological systems. On this level of abstraction, not sur-
prisingly, there is overwhelming consensus. But the crucial question is: how
can societal development be sustained? Which kinds of practices or pro-
duction and consumption structures are needed to sustain societal devel-
opment? A prerequisite to answering this question would be to know and
assess the full systemic consequences of alternative practices and the steps
that would need to be taken to get there. This would require the ability to
produce certain knowledge about complex social and ecological systems,
the ways in which they are coupled, the dynamics of their development and
the factors that inuence that development. Viewed in this way, sustainable
development is a cognitive, analytical question, not an evaluative, norma-
tive one. It could therefore be argued that the denition of targets for sus-
tainability is not a matter of ethical discourse or politics, but of science.
In spite of the functional condition at the heart of the concept of sus-
tainable development, however, other problem features, such as those elab-
orated in the paragraphs above, impede an objective scientic clarication.
The fundamental limitations to predicting socio-ecological system devel-
opment mean that there can be no certain knowledge about the dynamics
and thresholds critical to the resilience of societal systems and ecosystems,
such as the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or the
unequal distribution of wealth in societies. It may be possible to determine
parameters within which stable system behaviour can be expected with sat-
isfying probability. These may be used to dene corridors of sustainabil-
ity within which dangerous system change can be avoided by, for example,
using indicators for emissions and living standards. In practice, however,
sustainability assessment almost always deals with parameter values at the
fringe of so-called sustainability corridors. For these issues uncertainty
is high, thus the evaluation of risk becomes decisive. Risk assessment,
Sustainability and reexive governance 15

however, is highly value- and world-view dependent. Evaluations of what

is an acceptable risk dier greatly between actors and contexts. Several
values come into play and may need to be traded o against each other.
Such questions cannot be decided scientically.
People hold dierent values. This also means that if they evaluate
options, they make dierent decisions. Even if everybody agreed about
what is good and what is bad, there would be dierences in how certain
values are ranked. This is especially relevant for sustainability assessment
since equally legitimate goals such as social justice, the reduction of envir-
onmental risk or economic viability can only seldom be achieved simul-
taneously and to the same extent. Sustainability problems concern many
dierentiated social contexts such as everyday family life, technology
development laboratories and global business in which particular value
structures are dominant. Value trade-os are therefore a common charac-
teristic in the daily practice of dealing with sustainability and they
eectively feed social disputes about what is sustainable and what is not.
These disputes, however, can only partially be resolved scientically, but
also need to be addressed with social discourse or political decision.
Taken together, this means that sustainable development necessarily
remains a contested concept. Its substantial content a denition of the
structure and the parameters of socio-ecological systems that can sustain
their development cannot be scientically determined as objective
knowledge but will always incorporate normative valuations that only
become ascertained in the process of social interaction. Sustainability as an
orientation for societal development therefore delivers ambiguous goals. It
may not be possible to eliminate the inherent discrepancies that exist
between dierent goals or to dene a clear ranking order by way of ratio-
nal argumentation and empirical evidence. Social conicts are inherent in
the concept and need to be carried out with it.
Another aspect is that sustainability goals cannot be determined once
and for all. Because substantial notions of sustainability are built on the
basis of uncertain knowledge and social evaluation, they must be expected
to change over time. Knowledge about socio-ecological system dynamics
changes with scientic progress and with it the public articulation of every-
day experiences of societal change. Moreover, value changes are endoge-
nous to the process of socio-ecological transformation. They may lose
importance precisely because they are being followed successfully. And
there is no way to know what the needs of future generations will be.
Sustainability is thus an ambiguous and moving target that can only be
ascertained and followed through processes of iterative, participatory goal
formulation. In principle, sustainability goals and assessments cannot be
determined permanently, but only through participatory processes that
16 Introduction

need to be carried out for specic assessment situations. The broad partici-
pation of aected societal actors in the process of goal formulation is
necessary, because their values and respective perception of problems con-
stitutes a basic condition of sustainable social development.

Strategy Development and Distributed Inuence

A third feature of shaping sustainable transformation is related to the

implementation of strategies. Even if certain knowledge about socio-
ecological systems, clear goals and dened conditions for sustainability
could be taken as given, specic diculties with implementation must still
be addressed. These refer to the distribution of capacities to inuence the
direction of socio-ecological transformation. Those capacities are at the dis-
posal of a broad range of actors. Societal development is not steered from
a single point, but from the interaction of state actors and interest groups,
producers and consumers, scientists and the media, just to name a few. To
inuence long-term societal change, it is necessary to coordinate the actions
of various actors at dierent places along the lines of collective strategies.
The fact that inuence is dispersed is a general characteristic of govern-
ance in modern societies rather than an exclusive property of sustainabil-
ity problems. There is a growing awareness of this, which is evident in the
shift, with regard to societal management, from government to governance
(Kooiman 1993; Rhodes 1996). The capacity to inuence societal change is
distributed between dierent governance levels, for example, the nation
state and the EU, dierent functional domains such as production, con-
sumption and political regulation and between dierent actors within
these domains (Schneider and Kenis 1996; Mayntz 1998; Kohler-Koch and
Eising 1999). Public ocials are only one type of actors among several,
although they are equipped with democratic legitimacy as a special source
of power. Moreover, the competencies of the state are fragmented into dis-
parate bodies such as governmental departments, regulatory agencies,
political parties and so on that often have dierent positions on issues con-
cerning sustainable development. These conditions have to be taken as a
starting point for strategy formulation and implementation. Of course,
dierences among governance situations do exist with respect to the extent
to which resources for control are dispersed and whether one actor, such
as the head of government, or a small coalition of actors, hold sucient
power to make other actors follow a collective strategy. Generally, however,
the coordination of dierent actors strategies cannot be taken for granted,
but it needs to be asserted anew for each specic problem.
Control capacities regarding problems of sustainable development are,
in general, particularly widely distributed because they touch upon the
Sustainability and reexive governance 17

fundamental institutional and technological structures of modern society.

Structural innovations are highly contingent upon a multitude of factors in
the hands of many dierent actors more so than governance processes
that take place within established structural frameworks.
There are no established, overarching competencies and procedures for
shaping structural, governance of governance change. Transformation
thus appears to happen uncontrolled as a result of daily interactions between
consumers, producers, policy makers, researchers, journalists and various
other actors. Actors involved in shaping socio-ecological transformation
follow their own vital interests, partly in cooperation and partly in conict.
And they each have power over specic resources to enforce their strategies.
Transformation, ultimately, results from the intended and unintended eects
of these fuzzy interactions. In contrast to normal policy arenas such as
health or energy, the governance of transformation is not institutionalised.
This is also the case for informal policy networks in which all important
actors work towards a collective strategy for sustainable development.
Distributed control capacities thus have to be taken into account when
devising strategies for sustainable development. In shaping socio-ecological
transformation, it is necessary to coordinate heterogeneous actors. Such
coordination cannot rely on institutionalised hierarchies, but must take
place in networks in which the perception of problems, the interests and the
practical knowledge of the various stakeholders become linked together in
processes of interactive strategy development.


The basic problems of shaping sustainable development have been outlined
in the preceding paragraphs. From that discussion of the resulting diculties
for system analysis, goal formulation and strategy implementation, we have
derived and briey discussed particular requirements for strategies of
reexive governance. Compiled into a strategic framework, those require-
ments can be taken as a reference for discussing governance innovations
needed for sustainable development. Table 1.1 gives an overview.

Integrated (Transdisciplinary) Knowledge Production

Sustainability problems require integrated concepts. Since the problem

of sustainable development is one of unintended side-eects, dierent
perspectives that specialise in particular aspects of the world such as eco-
nomics, politics, culture, technology and ecology need to work together to
Table 1.1 Strategy elements of reflexive governance

Aspect of System analysis Goal formulation Strategy

problem implementation
Specic Co-evolution of Uncertainty and Path-dependency Sustainability Capacities to
problem heterogenous ignorance about of structural goals involve value inuence
features elements across transformation change, high trade-os, are transformation

multiple scales dynamics and eects societal impact endogenous to are distributed
(society, of intervention transformation among actors
Strategy Trans-disciplinary Experiments and Anticipation of Iterative participatory Interactive strategy
requirement knowledge adaptivity of long-term goal formulation development
production strategies and systemic eects
institutions of measures
Sustainability and reexive governance 19

dene problems and perform analysis without exclusions. This refers to

both the involvement of dierent scientic disciplines and the participation
of actors from other subsystems of society. Problem denition and analy-
sis for promoting sustainable development must be based on integrated
knowledge produced in relation to the relevant perspectives.

Adaptivity of Strategies and Institutions

Because it is impossible to predict socio-ecological transformation accur-

ately and because underlying values may change, solutions to the sustain-
able development problem cannot be dened ex ante. Particular strategies,
even if they appear to be the best solution from the perspective of current
problem denitions, must therefore be seen as hypotheses that are to be
probed in practical interaction with the world. This requires that the eects
are thoroughly monitored and that strategies, policy programmes and the
respective institutions can be adapted according to experience and learn-
ing. Responsiveness and adaptability of social and technical structures can
therefore serve as procedural criteria for sustainable development.

Anticipation of the Long-term Systemic Eects of Action Strategies

Within socio-ecological system dynamics, eects may appear detached from

their causes. The repercussions of action strategies often occur at dierent
places in dierent social subsystems or in other parts of the world and
appear long after the triggering event took place. If system boundaries of
space and time are drawn restrictively, problem analysis and the assessment
of action strategies are likely to ignore important eects. Positive feedback
dynamics that may lead to increasing self-stabilisation of undesired devel-
opment paths, or lock-in are particularly important with respect to socio-
technical development (Arthur 1997; Pierson 2000). Lock-in can be avoided
through the construction of explorative scenarios that integrate the percep-
tions and expectations of various actors. Such scenarios raise awareness of
a range of interdependent factors that feed into the process of societal
development and can highlight the structural dynamics that may be trig-
gered by seemingly minor decisions. Governance for sustainable develop-
ment should therefore pursue the systematic and interactive anticipation of
indirect eects and long-term dynamics linked to present actions.

Iterative Participatory Goal Formulation

Sustainability goals cannot be dened objectively once and for all. This
would require ascertainment of the necessary conditions for the long-term
20 Introduction

viability of socio-ecological systems. Involved risk assessments and trade-

os of values cannot be decided scientically but only through social dis-
course or political decisions. Moreover, values may change in the course of
transformation processes. Sustainability goals thus constitute ambiguous
and moving targets. This needs to be taken into account in participatory
processes for formulating sustainability goals. Goals need to be revised
regularly to adapt to changing values and perceptions of problems in the
course of transformation.

Interactive Strategy Development

Socio-ecological transformation is an outcome of social interactions. These

interactions cut across institutionalised policy elds and functional
domains such as production, consumption, regulation, research or the
media. A broad range of heterogeneous actors is involved who follow their
own interests and have control over specic resources of inuence.
Government and other public actors are only one type of actor among
many, although they are equipped with political legitimacy as a special
source of inuence. To shape transformation processes, diverse actions
have to be aligned in a collective strategy. Strategies therefore have to be
developed in interaction with relevant stakeholders to integrate their know-
how and resources and assure support for implementation.


At the beginning of this chapter, we claimed that reexive governance pro-
vides a framework that can connect various concepts and practices of gov-
ernance for sustainable development. We also stated the hypothesis that
many recent governance innovations, which can be described and analysed
with respect to the framework of reexive governance, are related to the
discourse of sustainable development and can be considered a practical
consequence of the concept itself. The following chapters of this volume
present evidence for these assertions. They provide theoretical reections
on the concept of reexive governance and in-depth analyses of govern-
ance processes in various applied elds of societal problem handling, from
research management to global politics. The chapters are organised so that
they lead from general and abstract treatment of reexive governance to
more concrete empirically-grounded analyses of governance practice.
In Part One, Ulrich Beck, John Grin and Arie Rip take this introduction
as a starting point for reections on the concept of reexive governance.
Sustainability and reexive governance 21

In so doing, they establish linkages between reexive governance and other

strands of theoretical discourse such as transnationalisation of govern-
ance, policy analysis, co-evolution and risk assessment. They also work out
some critical aspects and articulate further conceptual questions about
reexive governance.
Ulrich Beck elaborates on aspects of how reexive modernisation aects
the very categories in which politics is conceived and discussed. He recap-
tures the theory of second modernity with an emphasis on ambiguity,
uncertainty and unpredictability and the resulting demands for a new logic
of political action. Sustainable development plays a role in this context as
it eclipses old shared self-evidences of politics. Beck frames reexive gov-
ernance as a new political theory, based on the critique of methodological
nationalism that evolves around the idea of negatively motivated processes
of global social integration arising from the handling of risks (global risk
communities). Against the background of an outline of elements of such
a theory, he sketches the dynamics of rule-altering politics linked to it and
articulates a plea for cosmopolitan realism as a guiding vision for the self-
transformation of the state under conditions of reexive governance.
In the next chapter, John Grin explores reexive modernisation as a gov-
ernance issue. He elaborates on a governance approach with which reexive
modernisation can be promoted in practice against existing structures of
simple modernity that ght back. His argument is based on empirical
studies of Dutch agriculture, where he sees sustainable development as a
form of reexive modernisation, focusing on risks and side-eects that
concern ecological, animal welfare and human health aspects. He proposes
an approach where sustainable development is dened through a combin-
ation of broad principles set by the institutions of representative democ-
racy and concrete practices developed by those who are involved locally. To
orchestrate diverse eorts at innovation, he proposes the organisation of
trial-and-error learning complemented by visions of attainable futures that
can serve as a functional equivalent to institutions while existing ones
undergo transformation.
Arie Rip introduces a perspective on reexive governance rooted in a
co-evolutionary understanding of societal and technological development.
He emphasizes de facto governance in the form of cognitive and institu-
tional patterns that are the unintended outcomes of interactions that have
dynamics of their own. He argues that steering actors are inside and part
of changing de facto governance patterns, not outside. For illustration, he
refers to regime shifts in science policy. With this insight he outlines a
modulation approach that embraces repair work, opening-up of learning
spaces, macro-alignment of actors and anticipation-in-action. The latter
core aspect is about enabling future-oriented interactions between actors
22 Introduction

who constitute each others selection environment and supporting them to

create narratives about unintended consequences, which then shape action.
Rip emphasises maintaining diversity in the form of grey zones and inter-
stices within existing orders or actors who irritate, contest or are mischie-
vous as an important component of reexive governance, since this is
where the possibility for renewal lies. He concludes his chapter by reecting
on the possibility of strategies that take into account their own, partly
unknown eects, which leads him to propose the articulation of ironies
rather than strategies to guide attempts at shaping societal development.
Part Two comprises four chapters that introduce governance concepts
responding specically to uncertainty, ambiguity and limited control. In
addition to theoretical discussion and programmatic conceptualisation,
these chapters also report on practical experience with implementation.
They can therefore be taken as empirical instances of reexive governance,
showing that quite radical changes in governance are actually occurring in
connection with sustainable development. Moreover, they represent empir-
ical examples in which the concept of reexive governance can be probed
and from which one can learn about the conditions of implementation in
Ren Kemp and Derk Loorbach introduce the concept of transition
management, which has been adopted by Dutch policy makers to work
towards sustainability. They start from a discussion of the complex dynam-
ics of change and propose transition management as a reexive approach
to organising the evolutionary processes that give rise to those dynamics.
The approach relies on a model that views transitions as a multi-level
system change based on interaction between innovations and on a two-
pronged strategy that combines vision-constructing exercises with learning
through experiments. The establishment of a transition arena for change-
oriented stakeholder interaction is at the heart of practical arrangements
for transition management. Kemp and Loorbach go on to discuss the
concept of transition management with respect to the strategy elements of
reexive governance and with respect to practical transition policies in the
Dutch energy sector.
Jan Sendzimir, Piotr Magnuszewski, Peter Balogh and Anna Vri elab-
orate on the approach of adaptive management and its application to the
re-naturalisation of the Tisza River Basin in Hungary. They analyse
ooding brought on by hydro-engineering and industrial agriculture as a
major second-order problem for which no technical solution has proven
feasible. The authors propose adaptive management as a framework for
handling re-naturalisation. This builds on the recognition of uncertainty by
organising management as a learning cycle that includes assessing what is
known, developing policies as hypotheses, implementing management
Sustainability and reexive governance 23

action as tests of hypotheses and monitoring and evaluating the results.

They put special emphasis on the use of models and indicators in the
context of reexive governance.
Jan-Peter Vo, Bernhard Truer, and Kornelia Konrad introduce sus-
tainability foresight as a method for shaping socio-technical transforma-
tion and they document its application in the German utility sector. The
method recognises that problem-solving approaches based on prediction
and control cannot succeed because of uncertainty about system dynam-
ics, ambiguity of sustainability assessment and fragmentation of the cap-
acity to inuence structural change. Instead, the authors turn towards
feedback between expectations and action as an entry point for shaping
transformation. They describe a three-step procedure that combines explo-
rative scenario construction, mapping of values and modulation of innov-
ation processes as a way to employ foresight as self-reecting prophecy.
They conclude with a discussion of practical experience and lessons for
reexive governance.
Matthias Weber elaborates on an approach and methodology he terms
adaptive foresight. He reviews recent developments in foresight method-
ology and strategic planning and illustrates them with examples from
several areas of technology policy. The adaptive foresight approach is char-
acterised by a sequence of steps including innovations system analysis,
explorative scenario construction and assessment, and multiple back-
casting and portfolio analysis. A key element is the development of a port-
folio of real options, including technologies and policies, that are robust
under evolving conditions or that can be adapted to them. Weber concludes
with a critical discussion of unresolved questions within the framework of
reexive governance.
Part Three focuses on the dimensions of knowledge production and goal
formulation and assessment. The three chapters gathered here deal with
distinct but complementary issues. They provide an in-depth treatment of
the epistemological issues involved in producing knowledge and assessing
options regarding sustainable transformation. They also scrutinise prac-
tices and methods at the research programme level and interactions at the
project level.
Andrew Stirling approaches the subject of reexive governance with a
focus on assessment problems. His chapter takes a specic denition of
the terms unreectiveness, reection and reexivity as its background.
Unreectiveness refers to conceptions and interventions that are restricted
to the most obvious, instrumental attributes of an option. Reection is when
this narrow focus is widened to take account of the full range of attributes
and all possible consequences of an option, including unforeseen conse-
quences. Reexivity is when attention is shifted to include also attributes of
24 Introduction

the actors who do the assessment as a constitutive element of appraisal.

These attributes may include, for example, disciplinary perspectives, insti-
tutional interests, cultural values or economic priorities. Within this frame-
work, Stirling conducts a critical discussion of conventional risk assessment
and the uses of the precautionary principle in governance practice that leads
him to the formulation of grounded perspectivism as an understanding of
the role of science in governance for sustainability that is both reected
and reexive. He concludes with a discussion of practical strategies for
precautionary foresight.
Katy Whitelegg compares research programmes for sustainable develop-
ment in several European countries. She begins with a description of the
general form of such research programmes: they combine dierent disci-
plines and types of knowledge, they are oriented towards the creation of
social innovation networks and they assign to research the role of an active
player in facilitating and dening societal change. Dierentiating between
general programme features, criteria for selecting projects and learning
processes in project administration, she identies elements of reexive gov-
ernance in research policy and highlights the inuence of established struc-
tures of national research systems.
Cline Loibl moves from the programme to the project level of sustain-
ability research. Her chapter deals with interaction processes in heteroge-
neous research teams and reexive strategies of project management. It is
based on two monitoring studies of research programmes in Austria,
Switzerland and Germany. She emphasises the need to deal reexively with
the dierent cognitive, cultural and institutional contexts of actors from
dierent domains of academic science and practice and with the challenges
that are imposed by the embedding of research processes in changing socie-
tal contexts. For this purpose, she proposes elements of strategy for the
reexive governance of transdisciplinary research processes.
In Part Four of the book, attention shifts from knowledge production
and assessment to issues of technology development and policy imple-
mentation. The four chapters in this section provide in-depth analyses of
the introduction of new technologies and institutional arrangements in
energy, water, raw material production and agriculture and assess to what
extent they represent practical instances of reexive governance.
Adrian Smith investigates the processes in which radical, grassroots
experiments with new technologies can contribute to sustainable system
innovations. For this purpose he compares the concept of strategic niche
management with rather dierent niche-based concepts articulated by the
Alternative Technology Movement in the 1970s. This leads him to empha-
sise the problem of conicting world views in integrated knowledge pro-
duction, the constraining eect of context conditions on carrying out
Sustainability and reexive governance 25

experiments and the need for learning in niche developments to be com-

plemented by top-down policy changes if experiments are to lead to system
Bas van Vliet uses the concept of reexive governance to evaluate two
cases in which new sanitation systems were tested for implementation in the
Netherlands. He nds that dierences in outcomes can be related to the
inclusion of social and infrastructural aspects in knowledge production,
the extension of experimentation to include social arrangements, the adop-
tion of a broad socio-technical systems perspective in anticipation, the
development of goals by users and providers and the organisation of strat-
egy development as an interactive process.
Philipp Spaeth, Harald Rohracher, Matthias Weber and Ines Oehme
undertake the evaluation, from a reexive governance perspective, of a
project in Austria supporting socio-technical change in materials produc-
tion. Basing their analysis on a detailed description of the process derived
from a participatory scenario building with stakeholders involved in diverse
R&D projects, they identify important prerequisites and pitfalls of reexive
governance in application. These ndings highlight the nature of moti-
vational and institutional constraints on stakeholders engaging in partici-
patory governance, the need for coordination and adequate framework
conditions in carrying out experiments and the need for institutional
backing for initiators and moderators of reexive governance processes.
Franziska Wol scrutinises global policies for agrobiodiversity in terms
of reexive governance. She identies various instances of reexive strate-
gies in institutional arrangements such as the ecosystems approach under
the Convention of Biological Diversity, participatory breeding, farmers
rights in the International Seed Treaty, farmers eld schools, and so on. As
a general assessment, however, she concludes that many provisions for
reexive governance lack implementation and have limited eect, which she
explains results from conicting beliefs and adverse constellations of inter-
est and power. Wol identies inherent aws of participatory governance
and stresses the need to consider conict regulation rather than problem-
handling as lessons for reexive governance.
In the concluding chapter, Jan-Peter Vo, Ren Kemp and Dierk
Bauknecht undertake a reassessment of the concept of reexive governance
in the light of the ndings and discussion throughout the chapters of the
book. They provide a discussion of critical points that have been raised with
respect to the concept as formulated in the introduction and revise the
concept accordingly. Four issues are addressed in depth: (1) The relationship
between reexive modernisation, reexive governance and sustainable
development is worked out more precisely: sustainable development is
posited as a chire by which reexive modernisation is politically negotiated.
26 Introduction

(2) The concept of reexive governance is extended by a dierentiation of

governance levels: shifting boundaries of governance systems and multi-
level interaction. (3) Criteria for evaluating reexive governance are intro-
duced: process-based criteria to monitor the symmetry of interaction.
Finally, (4) the focus of reexive governance on exploration and opening up
with respect to complexity, ambiguous goals and multiple options is criti-
cally, but constructively, taken up in a typology of dierent ways to combine
it with procedures for exploitation and closing down: balancing reexive
appraisal with action-oriented reduction of complexity.


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Reections on reexive governance
2. Reexive governance: politics in the
global risk society
Ulrich Beck


The question raised by this contribution to the present volume is that of an

alteration, at the beginning of the twenty-rst century, to the very found-
ations of politics. Its thesis is the following: we are witnessing today a meta-
transformation of the political. In other words, the change we see is neither
a change occurring within an established system of politics nor a change
from one such system to another. Rather, the change is one that aects the
very language in which politics is conceived and discussed. We require
new, exploratory ideas and schemata, for example, reexive governance,
in order to describe, understand, observe and explain the shifts now occur-
ring in the very foundations of political action.
States alone no longer constitute the arena of collective action. In other
words, political actors are no longer assigned and prescribed, in and by
their respective state, the space and the rules of the game including the
indispensable social institutions for decision and for the execution of deci-
sions of their actions. Rather, a question is raised both in practice and in
reality as to the degree in which this meta-transformation of the political is
becoming reexive, or self-confronting. That is, to what extent are the foun-
dations of state power and of state-based politics themselves becoming
subject to globalpolitical and globaleconomic metamorphosis? The sce-
nario whereby nation states, and the system of international relations
between such states, determine the space of collective political action is
presently falling apart under both internal and external pressures. This col-
lapsing system is being partially covered up by and has actually already
been, to some extent, replaced by a more complex system. This new system,
which is transgressing former borders and boundaries, is altering the rules
governing political power and the handling of political problems; this is the
rule-system of reexive governance.
What does this actually mean? I shall elucidate this in three stages. First,
I will give a general sketch of the theory of a second modernity. I will then

32 Reflections on reflexive governance

apply this theory specically to political action in order to end up at the

concept of reexive governance. Finally, using hypothetical prognoses,
I shall present certain conclusions relative to a cosmopolitan realism.


For purely pragmatic and methodological reasons that is, without any
intent to hypostatize the terms in question into categories of ontological
status and signicance I make a distinction in this essay between a rst
and a second modernity. The present context does not permit a full descrip-
tion of the premises from which I proceed in making this distinction, let
alone all the elds in which and topics to which this distinction nds appli-
cation. In fact, the second modernity can be traced from the sphere of
science and technology, through that of social inequality, lifestyles and
forms of biography, the organization of work, forms of the interrelation of
capital and enterprise, up to the state and politics in both national and
transnational contexts (Beck and Bon 2001; Beck and Lau 2004). Here,
I shall consider only some elements of the theory which are important for
the concept of reexive governance.
Speaking very generally, the theory of a second modernity can be divided
into three related complexes: the theorem of the global risk society, the
theorem of forced individualization and the theorem of pluridimensional
globalization. All three theorems represent developments of the same line
of argument such that each interprets and reinforces, and is interpreted and
reinforced by, the others. Global risk society, individualization and
globalization (or, alternatively, cosmopolitization) are conceptionalized
as radicalized forms of a dynamic of modernization. As the twentieth
century gives way to the twenty-rst century, this dynamic, which is turning
back reexively in the sense of a kind of self-confrontation upon itself,
is now dissolving the familiar formulae of simple modernity.
The rst the classical or high modernity, which is specically asso-
ciated with industrial society, was characterized by a logic of organization
and action, which is only now, at a time when its practical relevance is
diminishing, becoming clearly recognizable as such. This logic involved
establishing of extremely ne divisions between categories of people, things
and activities and making distinctions between spheres of action and forms
of life such as facilitating an unambiguous, institutional ascription of com-
petence, responsibility and jurisdiction. Today, the limitations of this logic
of ne division and unambiguousness are becoming ever more evident. It
is proving increasingly dicult to justify and substantiate, and in some
areas it has completely collapsed. This logic of unambiguousness one
Politics in the global risk society 33

might speak here, metaphorically, of a Newtonian social and political

theory of the rst modernity is now being replaced by logic of ambigu-
ity which one might envisage, to extend the metaphor, in terms of a new
Heisenbergian fuzziness of the social and the political.
For the institutions of advanced Western societies, the transition to a
second a reexive, in the sense of a self-confronting modernity means
the challenge of developing a new logic of action and decision, which no
longer nds its orientation in the principle either this or that but rather in
the principle this and that both. In various spheres from science and
technology through the state and the economy, individualized life-worlds
and social structures, up to the level of the present debates and confronta-
tions regarding the new ordering of global politics one thing is becoming
more and more apparent: that great body of distinctions, standardizations,
norms and role-systems essential to the very institutions of the rst moder-
nity can no longer be treated as valid; these elements describe the current
normal condition of societies, states and inter-state relations less and
less adequately. The reality we face today is rather that of a (more or less)
acknowledged plurality in respect of forms of work, family life, lifestyle,
political sovereignty and politics in general. We see the fusion of formerly
strictly separated spheres as, for example, in the area of genetic engineer-
ing and the new risks attached to technology and the growing obsoles-
cence of old boundaries and divisions also in such areas as the organization
of enterprises, movements in civil society, the legal systems of nation states
and cultural identity (Beck 1993; Beck and Lau 2004). Consequently, it is
quite generally true that spaces of action and experience have ceased to be
exclusive. To return to a metaphor already up-to-date in the social sciences,
we live in the era of ows: capital ow, cultural ow, ows of human
beings, information and risks (the risk of terrorism being only the latest in
the evolution of the global risk society).
We recognize the nature and extent of this fundamental transformation
in noting how new key concepts new semantics of conict are currently
in the process of eclipsing, subverting and rendering open to new political
possibilities the old shared languages and shared manifestations of the pol-
itics of the nation state. One of these universal magic words is sustainable
development. Noteworthy here is how the demand for sustainability has
eclipsed or entirely displaced both the discourse of technicaleconomic
progress and that of Nature and the destruction of Nature. This talk of
sustainable development, accusatory, exhortatory and ever more omni-
present, is an indication not only that the old shared manifestations regard-
ing economic growth and technological progress have ceased to be
perfect and immediate, but also that their proponents now nd themselves
very much on the defensive, forced to argue in favour of these erstwhile
34 Reflections on reflexive governance

axioms and against alternatives to them, at every level of the process of

industrial modernization.
Moreover, the heat of the debate about what sustainable development
actually is or what it should be, what it implies and what it does not imply
is evidence of the degree to which so-called environmental problems have in
fact long ceased to be seen and treated merely as problems of the world
around us and have become integrated into the social world itself, emerg-
ing in almost all social institutions (from trac systems to architecture to
the system of consumption), as political (ethical, economic, legal) conicts.
This is all the more the case as the very phrase sustainable development
harbours a potentially litigious contradiction: sustention and development,
which is to say, development and non-development. Which of these two
mutually exclusive demands actually imposes itself (or which of the two
imposes itself to the greater, which to the lesser, degree) remains as we are
taught by a fundamental theorem of sociology qua institutionalized
contradiction a question to be decided in the arena of political power.

On the Distinction Between the Reection and the Reexivity

of Modernity

I speak, then, of a second, a reexive modernization where modernization

nds itself ever more occupied with the mastering of problems arising from
the process of modernization itself. Here, it encounters certain limits of
established problem-solving procedures: specically, the limits to the possi-
bility of applying the process of modernization to the side-eects of this
very process. This is not without consequences for modernitys own self-
understanding, which nds to an ever diminishing degree its foundation in
simple formulae of control and supervision, of progress and of human
welfare. It is a contention of the theory of a second modernity, however,
that this reexivity is not to be confused with reection; rather, reexivity
tends to undermine the foundations of modern self-descriptions. It
becomes a problem for reection.1
The sociological theory of modernity stresses, still today, two forms of
self-reference above all others as typical of this epoch of social develop-
ment: namely, reection and reexivity. Often, these two forms of self-
referentiality are treated as if they were identical, a practice which has led,
particularly in the English-speaking world, to misunderstandings in the
reception of the theory of a second, reexive or self-confronting modernity
(Giddens 1997). The transition, however, from the rst or industrial
modernity to the second modernity the epoch of risk is one which occurs
unintentionally, imperceptibly and obligatorily, in the course of a process
of modernization which, in accordance with a logic of latent side-eects,
Politics in the global risk society 35

acquires its own independent dynamic. One might almost say that the social
congurations characteristic of the global risk society arise as a conse-
quence of the actual thought and action of human beings and institutions
coming to prevail over the assumed manifestations of industrial society
(the consensus regarding progress; the abstraction from ecological con-
sequences and perils; the optimism with respect to the limits of control and
supervision). The global risk society is no option which might have, or
might still be, chosen or rejected in a process of political debate. This soci-
etal form is rather one which arises due to the autonomous dynamic of
processes of modernization which have acquired an impetus of their own
and which are quite blind to consequences and quite deaf to warnings of
danger. These processes, indeed, tend, taken as a whole, to latently engen-
der various self-imperilments which go to delete, to transform and to politi-
cize the foundations of that rst modernity associated with industrial

On the Distinction Between Second Modernity and Post-Modernity

What distinguishes a second modernity, so described, from post-modernity?

Now, there are surely as many dierent kinds of post-modernism as there
are post-modernists. The theory of a second modernity presupposes,
indeed, and proceeds upon post-modernisms critique of a certain (namely,
the rst) modernity. On the other hand, a theory which conceives of itself
specically as a theory of the post-modern tells us only what is not the case,
not what is the case. My main criticism of the various forms of post-mod-
ernism, then, is the following: that the proponents of these theories have got
deconstruction down to a ne art without, however, taking the least care
as to reconstruction; in other words, that they forget that the social sciences,
no less than individual social actors, require, if they are really to understand
and overcome the mischievous uncertainties and ambivalences arising in the
present age, new, informative ideas of proven empirical validity. Measured
by this requirement, the post-modern idea proves inadequate. It explains,
indeed, why the old ways of perceiving modernity are no longer valid; but it
does not even pose the question as to what concepts we need in order to
describe, to analyse and to make ourselves masters of the new realities which
are gradually being imposed.
It is, moreover, by no means the actual case that as the theorists of post-
modernity typically maintain, often in tones of celebration all borders,
boundaries and dualities are currently in the process of melting into air.
On the contrary and the insight into this truth is another feature which
distinguishes the theory of a second modernity from theories of post-
modernity the collapse of the old boundaries and dualisms rather compels
36 Reflections on reflexive governance

to a decision between alternatives. The fewer the number of boundaries and

dualities, which confront the social actor as givens, the greater the obliga-
tion to take decisions, the greater the necessity to establish provisional moral
constructions in the form of provisional divisions and distinctions. This is
what is meant by politics of the boundary (Beck et al. 2004).
All social actors governments and political parties, international orga-
nizations, labour and capital, rich and poor, people of dierent religions
and races need to nd, in this transnational eld of forces, new positions
for themselves, a necessity which cannot but result in profound fractures
and conicts. Financial and other burdens must be redistributed, goals
redened, new paths discovered, new alliances formed and visions devel-
oped of a future co-existence in a shared and single world. A key question,
then, for our second modernity is: how, in a modern age characterized by
the collapse of xed and given boundaries, politics of the boundary is to
be dened, reconstructed and developed? Modernity, as I have said, gives
rise, while undermining the institutionalized conventions which once
formed the xed foundations for social decisions, precisely thereby to pres-
sures which oblige social actors to take decisions. The conicts and confu-
sions, which ensue from such dilemmas on all levels and in all contexts of
social action, form and will continue to form the key problem of our second
modernity and the central theme also of this second modernitys investig-
ation by the social sciences.

The Production of Uncertainty and the Acknowledgement of Ambivalence

Returning to the distinction between reexivity and reection, it must be

understood that, given the mere fact that the structures typical of classical,
industrial modernity have been subverted and transformed, it by no means
follows automatically that the society emerging from this subversion and
transformation will be one which consciously reects upon the changes
which have produced it. Whether or not the dissolution of the structures of
industrial society and their replacement by other structures will eventuate
in a public and scientic reection on how these changes aect us and this
reection in turn eventuate in a transformation of politics whether, in
other words, such changes will become an abiding topic for the mass media
and mass political parties, a subject of public controversies or an issue in
elections and reform programmes this question is subject in the end to no
conrmation or disconrmation except an empirical one. Only time will
provide an answer to it, depending as this answer does on many factors and
conditions which cannot be predicted by any theory. Far, though, certainly
from the self-dissolution and self-transformation of the rst modernitys
automatically and inevitably eventuating in modernitys reection on itself,
Politics in the global risk society 37

it is quite possible that these developments might issue rather in movements

of a directly anti-modernizing nature.
The analytical core of the theory does not aim at raising sanguine hopes
for the future but consists rather in a contention entirely morally neutral:
namely, that reexive in the sense merely of blindly self-confronting
modernization has led to a shaking of the foundations of our social world
which can eventuate either in an animus against modernity per se which will
add grist to the mill of neo-nationalism or, should things happen to turn
out quite dierently, in the development of new capacities for reection and
in a refoundation and reinvention of the political, apt, at least in principle,
to mitigate or even entirely to solve, in continuing by new means the gradual
process of social rationalization, the problems thrown up by moderni-
zation. There thus emerges at the very cutting edge of modernity, and as a
consequence of the modernization process itself, the challenge: how am I,
how are we, to deal with the uncertainty and unpredictability which is pro-
duced as a result of societal rationalization precisely in its most advanced
This question is of vital political importance because, in the risk society,
it is precisely by the guardians of law, order, prosperity and freedom that
these latter values have come to be most endangered. It is of vital existen-
tial importance because this endangerment is one which extends into the
deepest privacy of the private individual, placing in question his manner of
life and indeed his life tout court. Thus, the transformation of the over-
looked side-eects of industrial production into ecological crisis-breeders
of global import is anything but a problem of the environment, of the
world around us alone, rather, it is a profound institutional crisis of indus-
trial modernity, and of its typical political form of the nation state itself.
So long as we persist in the attempt to grasp these developments in
terms of the conceptual apparatus provided by the rst modernity they
will seem no more than regrettable side-eects of an apparently funda-
mentally responsible and calculable human action, and their actual propen-
sity to bring, through their consequences, the whole system of industrial
modernity to collapse will remain unrecognized. It is only when seen and
grasped from the perspective of the global risk society that their real and
central signicance shows forth, and shows a new self-denition and self-
determination to be imperative for our society in the face specically of the
condition of modernitys self-confronting reexivity.
In the phase of global risk society, the acknowledgement of the incalcu-
lable nature of the perils unleashed by technicalindustrial development
compels to reection upon the foundations of the social whole and to
re-examination of accepted conventions and of shared criteria of rationa-
lity. Society becomes, where it begins to understand itself as a risk society,
38 Reflections on reflexive governance

reective (in the narrower sense of the word). That is to say, society itself
becomes, for itself, a theme and a problem. What, at bottom, tends to
disturb here might be called the return of uncertainty into society. By this
is meant, in the rst instance, that ever more social conicts are treated
not, as hitherto, as problems of social ordering but rather as problems of
social risk. The dening quality of such risk-problems is that they are not
susceptible of univocal solutions but are rather distinguished by an essen-
tial ambivalence which may indeed be, in most cases, theoretically grasped
by recourse to calculations of probability but cannot, by such calculations,
be eliminated. It is in this inherent ambivalence that there consists the
dierence between risk-problems and problems of social ordering, the
latter being per denitionem oriented toward unambiguousness and decid-
ability. So that the return of uncertainty into society implies in the second
instance also an almost inevitable dwindling, in the face of the multiplic-
ation of ambiguities or of problems susceptible of being handled only in
terms of the logic of this and that both, of faith in the project of the tech-
nical construction and ordering of the social.
Risks not only presuppose decisions but also promote them in indivi-
dual cases as on the level of general principle. Questions of risk cannot
be translated into terms which will render them questions of social order-
ing, because these latter questions tend as it were to choke on the plural-
ism immanent in questions of risk and to metamorphose ultimately,
unavowedly and despite whatever pseudo-objective statistical faades
might be erected in the attempt to hide the fact, into questions of power
and questions of subjective moral decision. In other words, questions of
risk compel or, put more cautiously, incite to the recognition of
ambivalence (Zygmunt Bauman).



Not least in importance among the factors contributing to this dynamic

of global risk society is the transformation in the nature of science itself.
There was a time when science was something which took place in a labo-
ratory a spatially and temporally limited form of the process of scientic
investigation. This equation of science with laboratory experiment has
been rendered obsolete, however, by nuclear energy and the new systems of
weaponry. Suddenly, the whole earth has become a laboratory the risks
are now as it were mobile, uid, owing over and under national and other
boundaries. Genetically modied wheat, for instance, exemplies, in its
extreme mobility, these new diculties. Modern science tends more and
Politics in the global risk society 39

more to treat the whole world as its laboratory, thus spreading risks across
the globe.

The Critique of Methodological Nationalism

This point about the collapse of boundaries and the new mobility of risks
has fundamental implications for the social sciences inasmuch as it helps
us to the insight that sociology (as well as historiography, political science,
jurisprudence, and so on) remain bogged down in a methodological
nationalism. What is this methodological nationalism, and why is it a
Methodological nationalism rests on the assumption that modern
society and modern politics are synonymous with a society and a politics
organized in terms of nation states. The state is understood as creator,
supervisor and guarantor of society. Societies (the number of which is
equal to the number of nation states) are understood as mere containers,
arising and subsisting in a space dened by the power of the state. This way
of thinking, which equates societies with national societies and conceives
of the former as by their nature territorially limited, is deeply ingrained in
all that the social sciences understand by concepts and perspectives, by
gathering and comparing data and conducting empirical research. It is, one
may say, constitutive of the sociological imagination (Beck 2004).
We need, indeed, to distinguish clearly between two aspects of this
problem. Where such dogmas are manifest in the words and attitudes
of individual social actors, I speak of a national point of view; where
they prove to be implicit in the third-person-language and third-person-
perspective of the social sciences, I speak of methodological nationalism.
This distinction between the perspective of subjects acting in society and
the perspective of the social scientist is an important one because there is
no logical connection between the two. The correspondence here is to be
traced back merely to the similarity in the conditions of their historical
emergence. The rise of the social sciences coincided with the rise of the
nation-state, of the system of international politics and of nationalism. It
is this specic historical involvement which alone accounts for the method-
ologically nationalist axioms upon which the social sciences proceed and
which dictate that nation, state and society constitute the natural social
and political forms of the modern world.
At some point in the not too distant past (say, around the 1960s) there
occurred a qualitative transformation in the perception of social order. This
order ceased, at this time, to be understood primarily as a conict centered
on the production and distribution of goods; from then on, the primary
issue became the contradiction between the production and distribution of
40 Reflections on reflexive governance

bads and the claims to control raised by the established institutions of the
nation states. This shift in the categories of self-perception threw modern
societies manner of organizing their own institutions and functions into a
crisis of global interdependence which has expressed itself in phenomena
of widely divergent political value and signicance climate change, global
poverty, transnational terrorism, the BSE crisis, AIDS, and so on. This
crisis of global interdependence I call the global risk society. Also thrown
into crisis by this shift are that social science and that political theory which,
combining Karl Marx with Max Weber, attempt to understand modern
society in terms of the categories capitalism and rationalization. It is this
unleashing of perils and uncertainties engendered by the civilizing process
itself and characterized above all by a global interdependence, as well as the
dominance of a public, mass-media-dominated perception of risk, which
constitutes a transition from one epoch into another.

The Political Theory of Global Risk Society

What distinguishes new risks from old risks and dangers and why must the
dynamics of conict typical of the global risk society be understood as a
second, reexive phase of radicalized modernization? These questions I
intend to answer by means of ten theorems or characterizing clarications:

1. Global risks as social construction: one must clearly distinguish

between, on the one hand, the (physical) event of the catastrophe (or
ongoing process of destruction) and, on the other, the global risk as
the increasingly boundless expectation of such catastrophes. Whether
a possible destructive event counts as a global risk or not does not here
depend only on the number of the dead and injured or the extent of
the actual damage done to nature but is rather the expression of a
career of social recognition. Concern for environmental issues, for
example, was perceived for a long time as a quirk of the Germans; this
is no longer the case since the Rio de Janeiro Conference of 1992. In
other words, the ongoing process of destruction and the career of
recognition which falls to the lot of a global risk are in no sense to be
conceived of in terms of a causeeect relationship; rather, process
and risk have their places in opposite contexts and systems of meaning
and must, as regards their actual causes and eects, be examined and
understood quite separately from one another.
2. Global risk as reexive globality: global risks are a form of expression
of global interdependence and they force, in turn, its pace of develop-
ment. Sociologically speaking, this means an alteration in spatial and
temporal relations; what was far away draws near, in the dimension
Politics in the global risk society 41

of time as well as space. In contrast to global chains of commodity or

food production, which need not become objects of perception or
awareness, the physical explosiveness of global risks and their atten-
dant propensity to shatter all political boundaries ensures that they
break as a rule into public awareness. One of their peculiarities con-
sists in the combination they present of global interdependence and
actual consciousness of global interdependence, that is, in their
reexive globality.
3. The production of uncertainty: global risks possess a potential for
destruction equal to, or possibly even greater than, that of wars (as is
veried by the projections made of the consequences of gradual cat-
astrophic climate change).

The paradigm of threats to national security characteristic of the Cold War

has not indeed, since the end of this latter, become entirely obsolete; there still
exist states which compete for territory and resources and pose military
threats to one another. Nevertheless, the dangers which, since the end of the
EastWest conict, are pressing ever more strongly into public perception are
dangers of quite another sort. These dangers often involve no concretely
denable perpetrator, no hostile intention, nor need any role be played in
them by any military potential. The danger is not direct, intentional or
certain, but rather indirect, unintentional and uncertain. In short, it is a ques-
tion not of threats but of risks . . . We may say, then, that a risk to security is
distinguished from a threat to security by the lack, in the former case, of any
certainty of expectation, such certainty falling out of the equation wherever
one or more of the quantities making up the classical security calculation
agent, intention, potential becomes an unknown. Where this occurs, the
simple threat triangle becomes an indenite plurality of risk factors and the
number of possible dangers increases exponentially. (Daase 2002: 15f)

An essential dierence between the international system of the rst

modernity and that system of the second modernity which is less
exactly to be described as international consists in the fact that the
old system was, in principle, calculable and predictable, since the
states which composed it held each other in check, whereas the new
system is in principle incalculable and unpredictable. This inasmuch
as it not only happens to be the case that we do not know if and when
some suicide bomber will y an aircraft into an atomic power station
and set o a reactor catastrophe, or if and when climate change will
give rise to oods in this region or the devastation of landmasses in
that; far more than this, we cannot ever possibly know such things,
because here there can be no recourse even to calculations of proba-
bility. We are dealing here with unknown unknowns (Beck 1996;
Wehling 2001). In this respect, the international system of our second
42 Reflections on reflexive governance

modernity is subject to transnational imperilments which are under-

mining the stability of that state system which gradually emerged
during the era of a rst modernity.
4. Uncertainty lends power to perception: the more obvious it becomes
that global risks are insusceptible to being calculated or precisely
predicted by scientic method, the more inuence accrues to the per-
ception of risk. The distinction diminishes and gradually vanishes
between real risks and the perception of risk (Douglas and Wildavsky
1983). More important than all the ingenious probability scenarios of
the experts becomes the question of who believes there to be a risk,
and why. In other words: central importance accrues to the social
scientic investigation of cultural risk perception.
5. Unclear lines of conict: global risks mean the start of a meta-power-
game involving the deconstruction and reconstruction of boundaries,
rules, responsibilities, them-and-us identities, spaces of action and
action priorities. Paradoxical in all this is the fact that the ruling
uncertainty, the indeterminability of the risk, also goes to create new
certainties for example, the clear conscience of those who being in
possession of the global risk, while the risk-consciousness of the
others is plainly paranoid, irrational, highly questionable and mis-
leading as to their own real interests. The choice between dierent
risks is also a choice between dierent visions of the world. Essentially
involved in it are the grander questions of who is guilty and who inno-
cent, whose star is in the ascendant and whose in decline military
force or human rights, the logic of war or the logic of peaceful accord.
Adapting the famous phrase of Samuel P. Huntington, we might say
that we are concerned, in the recent trans-Atlantic political disagree-
ments, with a clash of risk cultures: the USA accuses Europe of
suering from ecological hysteria, while Europe accuses the USA of
having succumbed to a hysterical fear of terrorism.
6. The failure of national and international rule-systems: the phrase
global risk society must be understood in a specically post-social
sense, since there exist neither in national nor in international politics
and society rules and institutions that can provide xed procedures
for dealing with these risks, for ranking them in terms of urgency or
for developing political and military strategies to counter them. To
this extent, there tends to be played out, in each specic conict
between dierent perceptions of risk, also a meta-power-game con-
cerning what rules must be adopted in future with regard to such inde-
terminate and illimitable risks.
7. A new politics of uncertainty: global risks compel to a new politics of
uncertainty. They make imperative a distinction between things which
Politics in the global risk society 43

lie by their nature beyond all possible control and things which
happen in fact presently not to be under control. Dangers in the pre-
modern sense these are not, because they rest on decisions and there-
fore raise questions regarding the attribution of responsibility and the
just distribution of blame and of costs. Political counter-measures are
in every case seen to be imperative. Neither national nor international
political authorities and multi-national companies are often today
in the same case can point to the fatal uncontrollability of the
modern world to absolve themselves of the obligation to take action;
rather, they are placed by the discourse of risk conducted throughout
the global public sphere under an absolutely irrecusable pressure to
justify themselves by action. They are damned to counter-measures.
This intense expectation of counter-action alone suces to lend life
to the contrafactual hypothesis of controllability, even when all avail-
able models of response prove inadequate. Not to take action in the
face of recognized risks is politically out of the question regardless
of whether the measures taken do in fact minimize the risk, increase
it or have no eect at all.
8. The politics of risk construction and the politics of risk minimization:
here we must distinguish between two forms of risk politics, namely
(A) the politics of risk construction (the social construction of risks)
and (B) the politics of risk minimization (provision, prevention, min-
imization and appropriate cross-border intervention). (B) presup-
poses (A), while (A) helps to dene (B)s sphere of action. Both
represent forms of the denition of reality: (A) on the cognitive level,
(B) on the level of an actual moulding and remoulding of this reality
by political action; (A) is a dening characteristic of sociological
constructivism, (B) rather one of politicalscientic realism.
9. Consequences for the social sciences: the global risk society poses new
challenges not only to the politician and the man in the street but also
to the practitioner of the social sciences. Not only must these sciences
recognize that social interaction is no longer so clearly spatially and
temporally dened as it was assumed to be in the old nation-state par-
adigm (critique of methodological nationalism). Global risk society
also introduces them to a model of global socialization which is at
odds with the traditional picture of positive social integration on the
basis of shared norms and values, resting as it does upon the conict
around negative values (risks, crises, dangers of annihilation). Here,
the issue is not so much the multiplication of uncontrollable risks of
a sort apt to generate a global interdependence as the freeing of these
risks from all formerly decisive boundaries and this at once on the
spatial, temporal and social plane.
44 Reflections on reflexive governance

On the spatial plane, we nd ourselves confronted with risks which

pay no regard to the borders of nation states or other political enti-
ties. Climate change, air pollution and holes in the ozone layer are
matters that concern everybody (albeit in dierent ways). The same
holds true on the temporal plane. Given the long latency period
involved for problems such as the removal of nuclear waste or the
eects of genetically manipulated foodstus these issues cannot be
handled in the same manner as earlier industrial perils. Likewise on
the social plane, a problem has emerged as regards the ascription of
potential endangerment, and therefore also of ultimate liability. It is
hard to establish who has been, in a legally relevant sense, the cause
of environmental pollution (or of a nancial crisis), since such phe-
nomena arise out of the conuence of the actions of many indivi-
duals. These dangers to civilization arising out of civilization present
themselves as in large measure de-territorialized, and thereby dicult
to trace back to guilty parties and to check and control within the
framework of an individual nation-state.
We must distinguish at least three dierent axes of conict in the
global risk society. The rst turns on risks apt to generate a global
interdependence and ecological in nature; these tend immediately and
by their very nature to set a global dynamic in motion. The second
turns on risks with a similar aptitude but economic in nature; these
are at least initially susceptible of being individualized and dealt
with within a national framework; thirdly, we have an axis turning on
interdependence-generating risks of a specically terrorist nature
(Beck and Grande 2004). For all the dierences between them, these
three types of risk have one essential characteristic in common: they
cannot be classied as external risks in the sense of risks arising solely
from the world around humankind the environment but must
rather be understood as consequences, deeds and uncertainties which,
for all their posing threats to civilization, are clearly products of the
human civilizing process itself. To this extent, such risks aecting
civilization in the double sense of risks to civilization arising from
the process of civilization have the potential to render keener a glob-
ally-shared consciousness of norms, to help establish a global public
sphere and to facilitate the emergence of a cosmopolitan point of
view (Beck 2004). In the global risk society such is my thesis
questions as to the causes of, and as to the persons or groups respon-
sible for, global endangerments tend to spark new political conicts,
which tend in turn to promote, in and through the ensuing struggle
over denitions and responsibilities, the emergence of an institution-
alized cosmopolitanism.
Politics in the global risk society 45

Conicts over civilization risks in the sense just described emerge, for
example, where opinions diverge as to how far the industrialized coun-
tries have a right to demand that developing countries protect such
important global resources as the rainforests, given that the former
countries arrogate to themselves the lions share of energy resources.
A certain reasoning sees, indeed, in precisely such dierences of
opinion a reason not to speak here of a form of global socialization.
But to reason so is to make the mistake of equating society with con-
sensus. In fact, such conicts themselves already have an integrative
function, inasmuch as they make it clear that the solutions found will
have to be cosmopolitan ones. Such solutions are hardly imaginable,
however, except on the basis of new global institutions and parame-
ters and thereby also of a closing, to some degree, of the gap between
industrial and developing worlds. Just that, indeed, is a key distin-
guishing feature of the idea of reexive governance. The long-term
consequences transgressive by their nature of all borders and bound-
aries of that constitutively unexpected to which, nonetheless, there
can be no possible response but the development of uncertain expec-
tations, can provide the spark and the fundament for transnational risk
communities Folgen-entlichkeiten, or public spheres emerging
from and sustained by the necessity to deal with commonly suered
consequences which might in their turn lead to an (indeed involun-
tary) politicization and thus, should the circumstances be right, to a
reinvention of politics on a transnational or global level.
The development referred to here that whereby the space of
everyday experience becomes a space of cosmopolitan interdepen-
dence is not to be conceived of as a kind of universal love-in. The
condition evoked is one arising and subsisting in and through the per-
ceived emergency of situations of global imperilment. The risks
which make up this imperilment give rise to a pressure for coopera-
tion which cannot be ignored. With the social construction and
general social acceptance of the idea of a cosmopolitan dimension of
imperilment, there is created, in disregard of national borders and
their attendant enmities, a space of common responsibility and
common action which, analogously to the space formed by the terri-
tory of a nation, can (although it need not) provide an impulse for
subjects without prior bond with one another to engage in common
political action. This potential is realized where the socially acknowl-
edged dimension of imperilment leads to cosmopolitan norms and
agreements in other words, to an institutionalized cosmopolitanism.
Research done to date, however, into the emergence of the supra-
and trans-national forms of organization which would correspond to
46 Reflections on reflexive governance

such an institutionalized cosmopolitanism and actually embody

reexive governance has shown how dicult it is to make the transition
from a determination of the fact of imperilment to a determination
as to action. Constant communication regarding various imperilments
forms an important component of the informal cosmopolitan
development of shared norms. It does not suce, in order to grasp ade-
quately the character of global risk society, to conceive of its potential
as just the potential to create new and not yet existing institutions
of successful global governance. Already prior to all cosmopolitan
institutionalization, global norms take form as a spontaneously
emerging outrage over certain situations perceived as situations simply
intolerable. That is, these norms characteristic of reexive governance
can emerge also there where no conscious eort of positive norm-
establishment has been made, but rather a certain as it were negative
consensus has established itself with regard to the evaluation of global
crises and dangers. This is shown by the fact alone that, where conicts
emerge, the lines of confrontation are not susceptible of representation
in simple regional terms. Rather, we see new lines of confrontation (for
example, that between First and Third World) which do not coincide
with geographical distinctions.
This means that cosmopolitanism has ceased to be what it was in the
understanding of one of its earliest inuential modern proponents: a
Kantian Idea of Reason, and even as such a controversial Idea, and
has descended whatever the price, in terms of distortion, of this
descent out of the philosophical empyrean into concrete reality.
More than this: it has become the characteristic of our second moder-
nity, in which the boundaries and distinctions between the nation
states are dissolving and being, in a process we might call a politics of
politics, renegotiated. If we are to grasp, in this newly cosmopolitan
world, the social and political realities in which we live and act, we
urgently need a new observational viewpoint: in terms of the social
agent the cosmopolitan point of view; in terms of the third-person-
language of the social sciences a methodological cosmopolitanism.
The cosmopolitan point of view (or methodological cosmopoli-
tanism) makes possible a non-nostalgic critique of the category of the
national of the law of nations, of international institutions, of the
turn toward new wars which becomes a threatening possibility as
the guiding dualism: national and international fade and decline
in the spirit of a cosmopolitan critical theory (Beck 2002).
10. The global public sphere as a secondary consequence of secondary
consequences: a further central characteristic of reexive governance
is the law of the secondary consequence. The self-imperilling process
Politics in the global risk society 47

of civilization produces secondary consequences of the rst order

risks and uncertainties which tend to be ever less rather than ever
more calculable and these give rise in their turn, as a secondary con-
sequence of the second power, to public spheres stretching across
borders and boundaries. This thesis, as an element of the theory of
the global risk society, casts into question, and itself steps into the
shaken position of, a basic premise of political theory: what calls
public spheres into vital existence is less the practice of decision-
making than the consequences of decisions, insofar as these are per-
ceived to be problematical, to be dangerous. Decisions as such are a
matter of indierence and even tend to render social subjects
indierent. What tears these subjects out of their indierence and
their egoism rst by annoying them and dismaying them, but, in so
doing, also animating them and making them concerned is percep-
tion of the problematical consequences of decisions and communica-
tion to one another of such perceptions, so that in this way there is
gradually established the commonality and the community of a trans-
and post-national public space of action. In other words, dangers are
not just dangers, and the dierence between them with regard to their
social and political logic that is, with regard to their construction
in terms of economic, ecological or terrorist conict is not the only
signicant dierence between them. Rather, constructions of risk
have for their own part secondary consequences: they establish a
public sphere, and this public sphere does not extend so far as the
mass consciousness staged by the mass media. Here we have a further
aspect of reexive governance: one of the eects of global risks which
we can reliably expect to follow from them as an unintended conse-
quence is their contributory role in regard to the public and political
aspect of modern existence. In a risk-sensitive global public sphere,
it is particularly the recognized unimaginability of possible conse-
quences that raises the question as to power. There where we had once
seen national and universal integration on the basis of shared values,
we see, with the advent of a globality of risks reected in a global
public sphere, a new kind of dialectic of cross-border conict and
cooperation. It is only in this way, and on pain of total destruction,
that there can and must be invented and negotiated, in the context of
reexive governance, formulae of consensus for international action
and international institutions. Naturally, it remains an open question
whether such formulae will in fact be successfully developed.
Interestingly, it is not, or at least not exclusively, social movements
let alone revolutionary coups dtat but rather the catastrophic
intensication of the global risks themselves which involuntarily and
48 Reflections on reflexive governance

imperceptibly bring into being the global public sphere (under

certain conditions): the more omnipresent the threat in the mass
media, the greater the political force of risk-perception in breaking
down borders. And in this sense risks can be understood as negative
media of communication. Almost all involved want to hide and hush
them up. In distinction from the positive media of communication,
money, truth and power, risks establish unintended structures of
action across national and systemic boundaries, forcing into existence
a communication where communication is not wished for and a public
sphere where all attempts were being made to hinder its emergence.
They allocate obligations and costs to those who reject such alloca-
tion (and often in this have the law of the day on their side). In other
words, risks shatter the self-referentiality of the systems and of the
national and international agendas of politics, overthrow their prior-
ities and establish structures of action between parties and camps
which of themselves tend to ignore and to clash with one another.

The Metamorphosis of the Political, New Global Actors and Strategies

I quote from The Reinvention of Politics (Beck 1993):

This return of politics after the EastWest conict and after the old certainties
of the industrial epoch compels and justies a further distinction, which runs
traversely to that above, that is, the distinction between rule-directed and rule-
altering politics. The former type can certainly be creative and nonconformist,
but it operates within the rule system of industrial and welfare state society in
the nation state (or, in our terms simple modernity). Rule-altering politics, on
the other hand, aims at a politics of politics in the sense of altering the rules
of the game themselves . . .
Even inside simple politics, the bridge game, there are a number of individual
variants of a more or less sophisticated type which one can play with various
degrees of skill and mixed success. A completely dierent situation arises,
however, if the rules of the game themselves are altered or switched. The height
of confusion is attained when one plays both at once, bridge and the game of
switching its rules. People play with swapped rule systems in order to change the
rule systems themselves. Some continue to play bridge and are outraged as
others attempt to invent and implement new displaced rules of the game during
the bridge game. We face precisely this kind of normality and absurdity every-
where today.
The game of classical industrial society, the antagonisms of labour and
capital, of left and right, the conicting interests of the groups and the political
parties, continues. At the same time, many demand and actually begin to turn
the rule system itself inside out . . . Rule-directed and rule-altering politics
overlap, mingle and interfere with one another . . . The distinction between
ocial politics and sub-politics, which is oriented to the systemic structure of
society, must therefore be contrasted with the distinction between simple
Politics in the global risk society 49

(rule-directed) and reexive (rule-altering) politics . . . The phrase politics of

politics, or reinvention of politics, which aims at this need not be meant nor-
matively by any means . . . Ever since the end of the Cold War, we have been
speaking in linguistic ruins in which, behind the shiny faades of words, new
realities are nesting everywhere, breeding and being set up . . . Strictly speaking,
this is a faadism in politics which is made possible by the collapse of the
EastWest order. Drastic as it may sound at rst, the image from architecture is
completely apt. The Biedermeier faades of the old western republic are pre-
served and at the same time, below the threshold of visibility or criticism, the
walls and oors behind those faades are being replaced by new ones. One could
say that not a single brick or principle remains in its accustomed place.
Take military policy as an example. The Bundeswehr is still the Bundeswehr
(NATO is still NATO and so on). At the same time, the old domestic Bundeswehr
is being transformed into a new global Bundeswehr. The Bundeswehr is being
gutted. Its Biedermeier appearance remains, but otherwise it bears only a
distant resemblance to the military organization of the same name.
Foreign policy is another example. In the EastWest constellation, the princi-
ple of non-intervention in the aairs of other countries was an iron-clad rule.
Anyone who demanded military interventions was suspected and accused of
war-mongering, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Now the opposing principle
applies or seems to apply: intervention for humanitarian and moral/political
reasons under the aegis of the United Nations, a kind of positive Brezhnev doc-
trine of the former West. The latter denounces itself as weak and cowardly
whenever it does not defend human rights in other countries, no matter where
or when or on the basis of what independent verdict. Such a defence, however,
implies the invasion of a foreign country, that is, attacking and war-making. It
must therefore be permissible to inquire how this axial shift of politics and the
global political constellation became possible, how it is justied and how it
should be handled in a violent world. (Beck 1993: 20613)

The neo-liberal agenda is the attempt to give enduring institutional form

to the momentary historical gains of globally politically mobile capital.
The perspective of capital, thought through radically to its logical conclu-
sion, posits itself as an autonomous absolute and thus unfolds classical eco-
nomics strategic space of power and possibility as a sub-political, but also
global-political, power-oriented mode of action. In these terms, what is
good for capital is best for everyone. Everyone so runs the promise will
get richer, and in the end even the poor will prot. The seductive power of
this neo-liberal ideology does not, then, lie in the unleashing of egoism or
in the maximization of competition but rather in the promise of global
justice. The insinuated message is: in the end, the maximization of the
power of capital is the better way to socialism.
The neo-liberal agenda insists, indeed, also on a second point: namely,
that capital, in the meta-power-game, has disposition over two counters
and two moves, while all other players dispose, now as heretofore, over
just one counter and just one move. The power of neo-liberalism, then,
50 Reflections on reflexive governance

rests on a radical inequality in the matter of who is permitted to break the

rules and who is not. The changing of the rules is and remains the revolu-
tionary privilege of capital. All other actors are damned to conform to
them. The national point of view in politics (and methodological national-
ism in political and social theory) cements this power-advantage of capital,
which has broken the bounds of the specically national power-game and
which continues to enjoy the power-advantage that it does enjoy essentially
because the states have not made this boundary-breaking move along with
it because politics, for its part, continues to conform to the old rules and
to tie itself up in the old structures of the state as nation-state.

The Counter-Force of a Global Civil Society

The role of counter-force with respect to the rule-altering force of capital

falls, in public consciousness, not to the states but to global civil society and
to the plurality of agents who make it up. The counter-force constituted by
the social movements rests on the gure of the political consumer, whose
power consists in the fact that he can, always and everywhere, refuse to buy.
This no-sale weapon is subject to no limitation, be it geographical, tem-
poral or substantial. It is indeed dependent upon certain conditions for
example, that some money is there to be disposed of, or that the supply of
products and services to some degree exceeds demand. Precisely, however,
where these conditions namely, the plurality of opportunities to buy and
to consume cease to apply, there cease also to be any subjective costs
attached to penalizing this product of this company by means of an organi-
zed refusal to buy. For every act of buying can be transformed into a voting
slip casting a vote for or against a company policy without any disadvan-
tage accruing thereby to the buyer.
It is fatal to the interests of capital that there should exist no counter-
strategy against the growing oppositional force of the consumer. Not even
all-powerful multi-nationals can dismiss their consumers as they can their
workers. Unlike workers, consumers neither have nor aspire to the status of
members. Nor can the consumer be blackmailed by the threat to shift pro-
duction to other countries, where the consumers are better behaved and
swallow whatever is dished up to them. In the rst place, the consumer is
already globalized (and this precisely as a consequence of the globalization
strategies of the enterprises) and, as such, indispensable if the companies
are to make prots. In the second place, to respond to consumer protests in
one country by marching o into another one would mean, for the com-
panies, a maiming of themselves. Nor is it feasible, as it had been in the case
of states, to play o against one another the national solidarities of con-
sumers. In other words, all of that, which workers were and are, consumers
Politics in the global risk society 51

are not. And it is this which makes the counter-force represented by the
consumer a counter-force which has as yet barely begun to exert itself
so dangerous for the force of capital.

The Transformation of the State

In the last analysis, however, there can be no getting around the problem of
how to redene politics specically qua science and practice centred on the
instance of the state. No question, indeed, but that the advocates and
agents of global civil society play an indispensable role in the global play of
force and counter-force, and in particular in the process of the establish-
ment of global norms and values, or, in other words, of reexive gover-
nance. We should never, however, so far over-estimate this role as to think
that the contradictions, crises and indirect consequences of our second
modernity could ever possibly be entirely, and on a global scale, civilized
away by the forces embodying this merely civil-societal form of political
commitment. Whoever thinks in this way revives and repeats the old, old
error of the man who would prefer to steer clear of politics.
In the face of this error, it must be insisted upon that the globalpolitical
meta powergame cannot be restructured as a system of reexive gover-
nance cannot, that is to say, be turned from a loselose into a winwin
situation except through the transformation of politics qua politics of the
state (along with, concomitantly, state theory and political theory). The key
question, then, is: how can and must the concept and the form of organi-
zation of the state be opened up and reconstructed in the face of the
challenges posed by the global risk society? How can a cosmopolitan self-
transformation of the state be made possible?
If we can safely dismiss, as a discredited shibboleth dear to those who
think themselves above politics, the idea that the existence of global civil
society renders the renewal of state-oriented politics superuous, the same
does not hold of the new and as yet untested idea that civil society might
itself as it were seize power. Indeed, such a symbiosis of civil society and
inter-state cooperation constitutes the very nature of reexive governance.
The key question is: how can the ideas, theories and traditions of the state
be freed from their national limitations and opened up to the challenges
posed by a cosmopolitan interdependence? In order, in this connection, to
avoid altogether entering into a pointless discussion of the falsely-stated
alternative (state-centered politics or a politics of civil society), it is neces-
sary clearly to distinguish between centeredness on the state and centred-
ness on the nation state. One proceeds rightly, indeed, in abandoning
political theorys erstwhile xation on the nation state, since this latter is
today no longer the actor in international politics but only one actor among
52 Reflections on reflexive governance

many; anybody who extends, however, his critique of the nation state
xated point of view so far as to exclude, both on the analytical and the
political plane, the very possibility of a continued eective activity and a
self-transformation of the system of state relations, is throwing out the
baby with the bath-water. Reexive governance means, then, that states too
must be understood and investigated as entities contingent and politically
transformable or, where they are not already so, must be made so. The
question thus posed is: how is the transnationalization of states to become
There is such a thing as the law of the decline of the power of the nation
state: he who plays the national card in the global meta-power-game must
lose. What is required, then, is a reversal of this perspective. That is to say,
the principle also holds that the counter-force represented by states
becomes really active and eective where these latter undergo a process of
transnationalization and cosmopolitization. Only if the states succeed in
keeping step with mobile capital and in redening and reorganizing their
power-positions and their moves in the game will it prove possible to put a
halt, internationally, to the process of the collapse of state power and
authority, and even to reverse this process.
We thus see posed a whole series of questions answers to which would
amount to a veritable reinvention of politics: who is it, in fact, who has the
authority and the right to take decisions and to create institutions such as
will be able to manage the currents of international nance? What sort of
consensus is necessary, and who must be involved, in order that an appro-
priate response emerges to the worldwide climate catastrophe? Can the
decision to struggle against AIDS (or alternatively to neglect or forego such
a struggle) really be a decision legitimately taken in the private space of an
alleged non-attributability since it is one on which turn the lives of millions
of human beings? And what sort of political agents or political institutions
might ideally be proposed as appropriate to handle this problem, on what
level and with what sort of mandate? In what manner are global, transna-
tional, national and local authorizations of decisions related to one
another and at the same time distinct and separate from one another? Who
is it in fact who imposes, over the heads of the nation states, norms and
rulings which are nonetheless binding on said nation states, and which
norms and rulings do they impose, and what legitimates their doing so?
The insight is gaining ground that new, global institutions are required
in order to address such themes as global environmental damage, weapons
control, world nancial order, currents of migration, poverty and justice
and respect for human rights; no such institution, however, nor any
measure taken by such an institution, should be permitted to overlook the
fact that these global problems have also a regional that is to say a
Politics in the global risk society 53

national and local side to them. Who, then, should control these agencies?
To whom should they be responsible? Only to the national states? To which
parliaments, which public sphere? To the United Nations? To the NGOs?
If we are to escape, in our thought and our action, the trap of national-
ity, the drawing of a distinction between sovereignty and autonomy is
essential. (Methodological) nationalism rests upon the equation of the
former with the latter. Seen from this perspective, such things as economic
dependence, cultural diversication and military, legal and technical coop-
eration between states automatically lead also to a loss of sovereignty, inas-
much as they imply a loss of autonomy. However where one takes as ones
criterion of sovereignty the power to structure social existence politically
or, in other words, the success of a state in increasing the prosperity of its
population and in bringing closer to a solution such urgent national prob-
lems as unemployment, protection of the environment, crime and social
and military security then that loss of autonomy implied by increasing
interdependence and cooperation is seen to result, in fact, in a substantial
gain in sovereignty. The capacity of governments actually to guide and steer
political developments becomes ever greater, the closer the cooperation and
integration of states with one another and the greater the political advan-
tage accruing from this closeness. In short, then: the division of sovereignty
and its reconcentration into a new nexus situated on some other plane than
that of the individual state proves not, in fact, to be tantamount to a reduc-
tion in the sovereignty of this latter but rather to its expansion.


In the light of all this, we may say that there lies at the basis of reexive gov-
ernance a cosmopolitan realism, a brief outline of which I want now, by
way of conclusion and in the form of ve theses opening prospects for the
future, to sketch (Beck 2004; Beck and Grande 2004):
Firstly: the emergence of the global risk society has ensured that, at this
point in history, a new logic has become key to the operation of all other
social logics, according to which no nation can deal with its problems alone.
This is no longer an idealistic principle of utopian internationalism or a
philosophy of the social sciences thought up in some ivory tower. It is, on
the contrary, an insight, and one gained, moreover, on the basis of the most
sober Realpolitik. It is the fundamental law of cosmopolitan realism.
Secondly: global problems create transnational common concerns. He
who plays the national card, loses. He alone will survive who understands
and practises national politics in a cosmopolitan spirit and from a
54 Reflections on reflexive governance

cosmopolitan point of view. National states be they weak or strong are

no longer the primary entities as regards the solution of national problems.
Interdependency, far from being a scourge of humanity, is rather the
precondition of humanitys survival. Cooperation is no longer a means to
an end, but rather the end itself. States act, for the most part, at the same time
unilaterally and multilaterally, depending on which issues concern them and
which spheres they are operating in. The more recognized and conscious the
condition of globalism becomes the more cultures, countries, govern-
ments, regions and religions come to be aected by it the less eective the
less realistic does unilateral action become, since, in a world where both
ecacy and legitimacy have become functions of cooperation between
states, he who acts unilaterally is correspondingly more likely to fail.
Thirdly: international organizations are more than just the continuation
of national politics by other means. They draw national interests into new
nexuses in such a way as actually to transform these interests. The emer-
gence of such organizations means the beginning of a positive-sum game
between the participant states which can replace the negative-sum game of
national autonomy. The (neo-)realism of nation-state oriented thinking
says: international organizations serve above all national, not international
interests. Cosmopolitan realism says: international organizations serve
interests which are neither (in the old sense) national nor primarily inter-
national; rather, they alter, maximize and expand national interests into
transnational interests and thereby open new transnational spaces of
power and restructuration for globalpolitical actors of the most various
kinds, states among them.
Who or what sustains this cosmopolitan integration of states? Certainly
(as the politicalscientic realists maintain) the calculation, by the partici-
pant states and governments, of their national interests but precisely with
the addition of a cosmopolitan bonus which has undergone an essential
alteration. In the end, everyone prots from this, since it is only in such an
expanded national political area that those global problems which are also
national problems can be, if not solved, then at least reined in. The creation
of international organizations presupposes the USAs readiness to itself
place limits on its own power, be it only as a strategy for said powers legit-
imation and for its cooperative expansion. Something else emerges, some-
thing new, when states asymmetrical in power decide, in the face of global
threats, to work together under conditions of law and of democratic values.
Fourthly: this is the reason why two institutions closely related to one
another in aim and intention the European Union and the United
Nations are so important for the ecacy and the legitimacy of global risk
politics. That certain European states as well as the UN Security Council
refused to play the role of rubber stamp for solo military adventures on the
Politics in the global risk society 55

part of the US government has not, as many commentators supposed it

would, led to a loss of power by the European Union and the UN. On the
contrary, both bodies have, on the global scale, gained in credibility thereby.
The legitimacy of reexive governance is founded in essence in a global
division of powers between the force of military disposition on the one
hand and the force, on the other, of a consensus gradually achieved through
the medium of a worldwide public sphere. If the unipolar military force
that is the USA is to achieve at all the legitimacy it needs to achieve, it can
do so only by virtue of the proven autonomy, in the face of this force, of
the European Union and the UN.
Fifthly: unilateralism is uneconomical. Cosmopolitan realism, on the
other hand, is also economic realism. It reduces costs and also redistributes
them. It reduces them not only because actual military costs are in any case
far, far higher than would be the costs of a political strategy to render said
military costs unnecessary, but also because a nations loss of political legit-
imacy brings with it an exponential increase in costs of all sorts. It redis-
tributes them because the opposite principle also applies: a shared
responsibility, a shared sovereignty also means shared costs. Solo adven-
tures on the part of individual nations close o the possibility of such
courses of action, which are characteristic rather of a transnational poli-
tics. In other words: cooperation between individual states on the one hand
and between states and social movements on the other and it is such coop-
eration that goes, in no small part, to constitute the attitude of cosmopoli-
tan realism is good business.


1. The problem described here is by no means restricted to the theory of a second moder-
nity. Similar diagnoses might be formulated on the basis of Luhmanns systems theory
and of various theories of action. These theories too work with models of reexive
processes which are not self-stabilizing but lead rather to contradictions, ruptures or
dialectical suicides (Beck and Holzer 2004) of entire systems.


Bauman, Zygmunt (1995), Moderne und Ambivalenz: das Ende der Eindentigkeit,
Hamburg: Junis.
Beck, Ulrich (1993), Die Erndung des Politischen, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.
Beck, Ulrich (1996), Wissen oder NichtWissen? Zwei Perspektiven, reexiver
Modernisierung, in Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash (1996),
Reexive Modernisierung, Eine Kontroverse, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp,
pp. 289315. [World Risk Society, Cambridge: Polity Press]
56 Reflections on reflexive governance

Beck, Ulrich (2002), Macht und Gegenmacht im globalen Zeitalter, Frankfurt a.M.:
Suhrkamp. [Power in the Global Age, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005]
Beck, Ulrich (2004), Der kosmopolitische Blick, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp. [The
Cosmopolitan Vision, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005]
Beck, Ulrich and Wolfgang Bon (eds) (2001), Die Modernisierung der Moderne,
Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.
Beck, Ulrich, Wolfgang Bon and Christoph Lau (eds) (2004), Entgrenzung und
Entscheidung, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp. [Second modernity as a research
agenda: theoretical and empirical explorations in the meta-change of modern
society, British Journal of Sociology, 2005]
Beck, Ulrich and Edgar Grande (2004), Kosmopolitisches Europa, Frankfurt a.M.:
Suhrkamp. [Cosmopolitan Europe, Cambridge: Polity Press, forthcoming]
Beck, Ulrich and Boris Holzer (2004), Reexivitt und Reexion: Ulrich Beck and
Christoph Lau, Entgrenzung und Entscheidung, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp,
pp. 16593.
Beck, Ulrich and Christoph Lau (2004), Entgrenzung und Entscheidung, Frankfurt
a.M.: Suhrkamp.
Daase, Christopher (2002), Internationale Politik, in Christopher Daase, Susanne
Freske and Ingo Peters (eds) Internationale Risikopolitik, Baden-Baden: Nomos,
pp. 936.
Douglas, Mary and Aron Wildavsky (1983), Risk and Culture, Berkeley, CA:
University Press.
Giddens, Anthony (1955), Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics,
Cambridge: Polity Press.
Wehling, Peter (2001), Jenseits des Wissens?, in Zeitschrift fr Soziologie 30,
pp. 46584.
3. Reexive modernisation
as a governance issue, or: designing
and shaping re-structuration
John Grin


In this chapter, I will assume (cf. Grin, 2005) that the concept of reexive
modernisation, which I will more accurately circumscribe below, provides
a sensible orientation for socio-technological development in a variety of
domains as they nd themselves in late modernity. My purpose is to present
a view on reexive modernisation as a governance issue. What does it mean
to consider reexive modernisation as a governance issue? A quick and basic
answer is easy to give. Whatever denition of governance we take, it centres
on the idea of what we may loosely indicate as shaping the market and
society [and science J.G.] into a desired form. (Pierre and Peters, 2000: 1)
This basic denition implies that the two basic questions on reexive mod-
ernisation as a governance issue are: (1) how to determine the reexively
modern shape that society and the market should take? and (2) how to
eectively shape society and the market? And, indeed, it is these two ques-
tions on which this chapter will focus.
Yet, in order to deal with these questions in any fruitful way, we have to
gain a deeper understanding of what it means to consider reexive mod-
ernisation as a governance issue. As we will see, such understanding implies
a re-formulation of these questions in more specic and subtle terms. Why
is this necessary? One point here is that governance and reexive modern-
isation are referring both to concepts (and elaborations of these concepts
into theory) about phenomena, and to these phenomena themselves. A
second point is that both, as concepts, explicitly consider the institutions of
state, market, science and society and their relations (and the ways in which
they are conceived) not as givens, but as objects of more or less considerable
scrutiny and change. Thus the expression reexive modernisation as a
governance issue is essentially non-trivial.
Therefore, in the next section I will discuss the concept of governance in

58 Reflections on reflexive governance

light of the concept of reexive modernisation. Then follows a brief review of

a recent conversation on reexive modernisation theory so as to identify more
precisely what should be the unit of analysis when we employ governance
theory to discuss the phenomenon of reexive modernisation as a challenge
for governance practices. It is in light of the considerations raised in these two
sections that I will then discuss the above basic questions of governance.
The fact that the concepts brought together here are associated with
a reconceptualisation of politics, the market, science and society and their
boundaries, also implies that we must fundamentally review not only basic
concepts in sociology, political science and other social sciences, but also the
boundaries between these disciplines. In addition to all the usual warnings,
this implies a fundamental reason for considering the view presented in this
chapter as a rather tentative one more than anything else, it sketches a pro-
gramme for the social sciences, which they must necessarily undertake in
close association with practice.1



Governance must be understood here in a more precise sense than the cur-
rently fashionable, casual use of the term for designating any kind of social
regulation. We will deal with the concept as one that refers to new modes of
governing, of shaping the market and society into a desired direction, that
dier from classicalmodernist government. A range of factors are men-
tioned in literature as the rationale for the shift from government to govern-
ance (for example, Rhodes, 1997; Pierre and Peters, 2000; Kooiman, 2003).
While authors dier concerning the meaning of and the mutual relations
between these factors, it is probably fair to say that most lists include: the
changing (views on) the capacity of states to shape society and the market;
the deterioration of the states self-evident authority vis--vis increasingly
fragmented societies; the relative autonomy of economic and societal devel-
opments that challenge that nation state and its relations with the market and
society; and globalisation processes that imply another challenge to a nation
states sovereignty. The quintessence of the dierence between government
and governance is, in line with this rationale, often described by saying that
practices of governance (that is to say, of shaping the market and society)
can neither be located exclusively in nor be solely directed by
politicaladministrative institutions (as the government concept presumes)
but essentially involves interactions between state, market and society.
This depiction is problematic not in the way it portrays governance, but in
the way in which it considers classicalmodernist government. Underlying
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 59

that conception is a presumption that goes back to the received view that,
in the course of modernity, the state, market, society and science have
become separate realms. To be sure, it is not dicult to see that functional
dierentiation between these institutional realms has indeed occurred. Yet,
if we take this received view as an adequate description of modernity, we
have to paraphrase Latour (1993) never been modern. The received view
is too simple in one crucial respect: it neglects the fact that the development
of these institutional realms in ways that vary between nation states and
societal domains can best be described as a process of co-evolution, guided
by a common orientation. That orientation may be summarised in two
dogmas, which belong to the core of the Enlightenment project. The rst one
is that it is possible to know Truth on the basis of universal knowledge,
grounded in some Archimedal point. The second dogma is that it is possible
to control reality on that basis, and that this will yield social progress by
freeing humans from fate.
These two dogmas received widespread adherence in the course of the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (Kumar, 1995: 7880), as a response to
what Richard Bernstein (1983) has called the Cartesian Anxiety: the quest
for certain, universal, grounded knowledge to deal with the widely felt
threat of chaos. While the notion of progress through control was, in the
path of the work of Galileo, Newton and other natural scientists, initially
primarily related to nature, it soon evolved into a worldview that also
included the idea of a controllable social reality. From the early eighteenth
century onwards, this view has guided the development of nation states.2
Views on the cosmos and on the polity melted into a Cosmopolis (Toulmin,
1990), and rational knowledge became the basis on which nation states
relied to ensure the legitimacy of their actions and the success of their
attempts to promote social progress for the people within their territories.
In addition, especially since the Industrial Revolution, it was this vision that
provided orientation to a process of ne-tuning between nation states, soci-
eties, the market and science. (Kumar, 1995: 812; Gill, 2003: 11548) As a
consequence, these dierent realms have co-evolved as parts of the same
project. In modern nation states, domains like healthcare, agriculture,
water management, transportation and so on have grown into systems of
ecient and carefully interrelated institutions that are tailored to nurture
knowledge-driven development that was supposed to and in many respects
actually did yield socialeconomic progress.
The concept of reexive modernization theory starts from the recogni-
tion that these simple modernization processes of rst modernity (Beck,
1997) have now been recognized to bring with them risks and side eects
that society does not tolerate, or no longer tolerates. This is because modern
institutions, which have emerged around this development towards progress
60 Reflections on reflexive governance

through control, have developed blind spots for risks and side eects and
lack capacities for designing and pursuing strategies which are able to deal
with them eectively. This is partly due to the fact that modernisation
processes have brought about a logic of homogenisation and virtual elim-
ination of local knowledge or, with an Aristotelean notion, of metis - the
craft to take contextual conditions into account (Scott, 1998: 302; 30941).
This disdain for and the associated undermining of metis - has reduced
societys capacity to compensate for these blind spots.
The idea behind the concept of reexive modernisation is the idea (Beck,
1992) that the very processes that were designed to and did yield progress,
also produced side eects and risks. The same institutions that nurtured
progress have developed blind spots for the negative eects that come with it.
A re-orientation of modernisation is therefore necessary towards the vision
of a radicalised modernity or second modernity (Beck, 1997): the vision
that we may and must eventually realise the demand of the Enlightenment.
The normative dimension of this concept of reexive modernisation is espe-
cially clear from the way in which Beck contrasts it with the arbitrariness
which he nds with some post-modern thinkers, and which he rejects
because, in his view, it amounts to throwing away the child (the demand of
Modernity: using rationality to improve the human condition) with the
bathwater (side-eects and risks) (ibid., p. 14). Such a re-orientation, he
further assumes, is possible and is occurring (see also Beck et al., 2003). It
presumes and brings with it3 a process of institutional transformation to
remedy the limited sight of existing institutions.
It is precisely in this respect that the concept of reexive modernisation
qualies the concept of governance. There is a tendency in literature, and
even more so in practice, to focus governance on the transformation of
the ways in which government and societal and market actors are dealing
with each other. Governance then gets elaborated through such notions
as network management (Kickert et al., 1997), public participation
(Newman, 2001) or promoting self-organisation (Rhodes, 1997). To be
sure, each of these (and other) notions provides a range of opportunities to
organise governance beyond the modernist control fashion. This is,
however, not a sucient condition for using these concepts as ingredients
for a governance concept for reexive modernisation. The reason is that,
without further measures, practices of network management, public par-
ticipation, self-organisation and so on will reect many of the assumptions
of rst modernity, and reproduce the patterns of action typical for it.
Governance practices based on these concepts may help to promote
reexive modernisation as a phenomenon if, and only if, these concepts
and practices are designed from the perspective of reexive modernisa-
tion as a concept, a Vision of bringing about a radicalised modernity
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 61

through not only other modes of action, but also a profound institutional
This has two important implications. The rst is that these processes of
transformation from a particular substantial perspective (dealing with risks
and side eects in relation to progress) need in concreto be underpinned
by a substantive understanding. More precisely, they presuppose an under-
standing, for that concrete context, of the substance of the specic transfor-
mation of societal development sought, of the associated institutional
transformation and of the precise relations between them. Given that the
substance and praxis of policy analysis appears to be inuenced by its insti-
tutional embedment (Hoppe and Grin, 2000), this presents a challenge which
policy analysts normally do not have to meet, and therefore requires the
development of rather new types of policy analytical practice. We will return
to this subject in the nal section of this chapter on the basis of an example.
The second implication is that the locus of governance, the polity, cannot
be found in any of the current institutions, or in any well-dened location in
between them. Over the past decades, a rather complex institutional land-
scape has developed, which combines important modernist institutions with
a variety of institutional arrangements that have emerged more recently
(Van Tatenhove et al., 2000). Governance is thus facing what Hajer (2003)
has called an institutional void, a lack of xed and generically usable insti-
tutional arrangements in which it can eectively take place. As a conse-
quence, the polity itself has become discursive. Where we might look for
contextually suitable polities is a question we can only deal with after we have
taken up a question that needs be answered rst: (why) is it meaningful to
consider reexive modernisation as a governance issue?



A good starting point for discussing this question is provided by a recent

exchange in Theory, Culture and Society between, amongst others, Bruno
Latour and Ulrich Beck. The conversation focuses, in Latours paper (2003:
42) framing, on their common undertaking in understanding how moder-
nity has progressed in the last 20 years. Latour characterises their dierence
as one of analytical focus: while Beck deals with the substance of the phe-
nomena studied, Latour is interested in the collective interpretation given
to these phenomena. He argues (ibid. 3841) that this distinction is relevant
both concerning the question whether rst modernity has actually ended,
and to the question whether reexive modernisation is actually occurring.
62 Reflections on reflexive governance

Latour then continues by admittedly playing the role of devils advocate

through listing a set of questions for empirical inquiry that could provide
evidence whether processes of what he prefers to call re-modernisation are
actually occurring. He suggests that it will be dicult to provethis, and then
concludes (2003: 456) by noting that reexive modernisation might not
describe what has already happened, but it can oer a powerful lever to make
new things happen, by in the language of section 2 oering guidance to
societal development from the perspective of a radicalised modernity.
Beck et al., in their account (2003), argue that the idea that the paradigm
of modern society reproduces itself through a ux of continuous self-
renewal reects the presumption of a particular hierarchy of history,
namely the dominance of the past and history over the future. Reexive
modernisation is the attempt to leave this assumption of the hierarchy of
time in favour of a more radical modernity.
Beck et al. assert that we should not ignore an actual dynamics of second
modern society, quickly adding that [o]f course, one must take into account
the resistance to this overthrowing of the categories of time (Beck et al.
2003: 123). They then develop an argument on meta-change resulting from
the unintended consequences of simple modernisation, that is, structural
adaptations that are created by the politicisation of side-eects (2003: 145).
In these processes of meta-change, modern institutions lose their taken-
for-granted character, and are being considered and treated as objects that
may be transformed. At the core of meta-change is a dierent view of ratio-
nality: from universal, grounded, certain knowledge to contextual wisdom.
In outlining dierent modes of meta-change, Beck is referring to practices
in which development processes are politicised and institutional arrange-
ments are actually being transformed so as to facilitate reexive modernisa-
tion (such as radically new legislation following a veterinary crisis).
Reviewing this exchange, we may rst observe that it seems fair to
acknowledge that Beck and his collaborators are correct to point to existing
dynamics of reexive modernisation, which are all too quickly neglected by
Latours deliberate irony; in the next section we will add an example to the
ones given by Beck et al. The problem is that their discussion proceeds on the
basis of examples concerning isolated practices, while reexive modernisa-
tion, as we have seen in section 2, involves the entire range of interrelated gov-
ernmental, market, scientic and societal practices in a particular domain.
Unless dierent practices are being created and made to respond to each
other, guided by the vision of a radical modernity, there is a signicant risk
that the isolated institutional changes created by such individual practices
are hardly eective: the processes of reexive modernisation they are
designed to promote may easily y into the face of the modernist institutions
otherwise surrounding them a risk further increased by the lack of other
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 63

practices with which they might ally to counter that threat and produce
reexive modernisation. A better understanding beyond the mere recogni-
tion of potential resistance is needed of how these practices may reach out
to each other in such a way that they may start to reinforce each other and
together contribute to a process of increasingly comprehensive transforma-
tion, both substantively and institutionally.
The second observation to be made here relates to that point. Unless the
sort of understanding just mentioned is developed, a focus on practices
that create signicant institutional change may leave us vulnerable to the
classical mistake of structuralist approaches (to which, to be sure, they do
not subscribe): a focus on structural transformation as determinant of trans-
formation of action, without considering ways in which the existing
structure may ght back. Latours attention to the role of collective inter-
pretation and his related lever metaphor are interesting and highly relevant
ingredients for an approach that does more justice to the duality of structure
(Giddens, 1984). It oers opportunities for elaborating the general prescrip-
tion that Fox and Miller (1996: 91) derive from structuration theory: to
transform normally recursive practices through discursive will formation.
Discursive will formation, though far from trivial, may help both to act
beyond existing structures and to transform these structures. This possibil-
ity is implied by structuration theory as well as all other recent social
theory. As a range of authors from very dierent backgrounds including
Law (1992), Joas (1993), Leydesdor (2001) and Archer (2003) have
observed, these theories share the idea that structures operate through an
acting agent, who in principle may exhibit reexivity as Law nicely puts it,
structure is a verb.
However, in order to provide guidance to such moments of discursive
will formation, Latours proposal for attributing to reexive modernisation
primarily a criticalreective role needs to be complemented with an elab-
oration of how this might help to transform practices and identify and
create new opportunities for these practices to connect with each other,
and contribute to a more comprehensive process of what I like to call
re-structuration: the interrelated transformation of structure and action
through structuration processes guided by the deliberate re-orientation
which Latour holds to be re-modernisations primary meaning.
These two observations imply that we may consider reexive modernisa-
tion not only as a concept but also as a phenomenon, provided that this
concept gets dened in a contextually meaningful way for particular prac-
tices; provided that it gets a chance to provide direction to these practices;
and provided that these practices are made to connect with each other in
some more or less orchestrated way, just as occurred throughout simple
modernisation processes, as illustrated below in the case of agricultural
64 Reflections on reflexive governance

modernisation. To consider reexive modernisation as a governance issue

is to focus attention on the implications of this conclusion.
It is in this light that we must consider the two basic questions of gov-
ernance presented in the introduction. Who is to decide more precisely
what constitutes a contextually meaningful elaboration of the concept of
reexive modernisation for a particular practice, and how many meaningful
elaborations may be expected? And how can governance eectively deal
with a multitude of practices, surrounded both by the still powerful remains
of modernist institutions? As these questions remain rather abstract
without further specications of these practices and their institutional sur-
roundings, we will now discuss one domain in which reexive modernisation
is starting to take place. This will illustrate some of the basic notions in the
preceding two sections as well as provide an empirical referent, which will
add precision to our treatment of these questions in the nal sections of this



An appropriate illustration is the agricultural domain in the Netherlands.

Following the late nineteenth centurys agricultural crisis, a process of mod-
ernisation, typical of rst modernity, was deliberately set in motion to
improve the countrys competitiveness in the primary sector vis--vis
France, Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein and the United States. During this
crisis, farmers started to organize themselves. An Agricultural Commission
was established in 1886 to advise the government, and in 1896 it was
decided to turn agriculture hitherto left to the free forces of the market
into an object of governmental policy making. A crucial part of policy
making concerned the establishment of a knowledge infrastructure: higher
and lower forms of education, as well as a variety of research and devel-
opment institutes. In the earliest decades, the eorts undertaken in this
fresh knowledge infrastructure focused on enhancing competitiveness
through product improvements and land saving (Bieleman, 2000).
After the Second World War, which ended with a traumatic Hunger
Winter, this knowledge infrastructure then part of the Ministry of
Agriculture and covering all levels of agricultural education, extension ser-
vices and research institutes and experimenting stations was rapidly
extended, eventually comprising some 7000 academic professionals. The
pace of modernisation further increased; its objective shifted to ensuring
domestic food production at aordable prices (eventually without the
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 65

product subsidies introduced early after the war) and freeing the labour force
for industry.
This change initiated a very rapid pace of rationalization (Bieleman,
2000). The primary sectors share in the labour force decreased from 19 per
cent in 1947 to 5 per cent in 1990; land use for the primary sector diminished
to some 30 per cent; and the amount of capital goods (machines; cattle;
buildings) increased by 80 per cent. A main focus was on exporting animal
produce. Domestic production of food in the Netherlands increased from
typically 1520 per cent of the domestic demand in 1945, up to typically
200300 per cent half a century later. Simultaneously, the high quality of
Dutch food specialties on the one hand, and the competitive prices of inten-
sively produced bulk goods on the other hand signicantly improved the
economic potential of the sector. Progress was based on increasing control
over nature: new generations of cows were designed to yield 1.5 per cent
more milk every year; their udders were shaped to be milked by machines;
grain was designed to be harvested more easily by giving it uniform length
and shape; diseases were controlled through vaccination of animals and the
use of pesticides in crop production.
This successful simple modernisation has been signicantly facilitated
by its embedment in smoothly functioning institutional provisions. Of par-
ticular importance were two institutional triangles. The first is the so-called
OVO triad (OVO being the Dutch acronym for research, information and
education), which generated knowledge and technology through innovative
agricultural research and disseminated it to agricultural practice through
information services to practising farmers as well as through agricultural
schools where new generations were educated. The dominant, mutually
recognised task division of farmers and researchers remained such that
researchers generated knowledge and technology, which farmers were sup-
posed to apply. By basing their work on experience with farming (many agri-
cultural researchers come from farming families) as well as imposing an
understanding of farming as a knowledge-intensive, rationalised enterprise,
the utilisation of knowledge and technology, guided by the activities of the
OVO triad, occurred relatively smoothly (Bieleman, 2000; Van der Ploeg,
The second triangle was the iron triangle of the Agricultural Ministry,
agricultural branch organisations and agricultural specialists in parliament
(Bekke et al., 1994; Wisserhof, 2000). It was based on a strong consensus
partly maintained through personal commitments and unions of dierent
kinds on the policy objectives that were already mentioned. The consen-
sus also pertained to the strategy for realising them: stimulating further
knowledge and technology development, financial measures, land redistri-
bution to enable concentration and specialisation, improvements in water
66 Reflections on reflexive governance

management to increase the carrying capacity required by increasing cattle

density and the use of machinery. Not co-incidentally, Dutch agricultural
policy and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European
Economic Community developed a significant synergy.4
Modernisation also led to and was facilitated by profound institutional
changes in the market. While the number of animals stayed the same and
their individual productivity increased over time, the number of farms dra-
matically decreased (Bieleman, 2000: 21). This was accompanied by consid-
erable specialisation. Within decades, virtually no mixed farms, which had
both animal and crop production, were left; and, a further specialisation
developed towards farms that only breed or fatten pigs, or keep cows or
chickens the latter two even split into meat production on the one hand and
dairy products on the other. In addition, economic chains in the agrofood
market became longer and more dierentiated. Farms increasingly focused
on the function of actual animal holding or crop cultivation, as other tasks
became the domain of other players, specialised in (knowledge intensive,
advanced) activities that produced input to the farm or processing and
distributing its products (Bieleman, 2000; Priester, 2000).
This tightly woven system that can well serve to illustrate how mod-
ernisation processes involve, as we put it in section 2, fine-tuning between
institutions of state, market, society and science on the basis of a common
orientation was, for a long time, widely appreciated for its many successes.
Social support began to diminish in the late 1970s and mid 1980s, however,
when concerns were raised on overproduction, animal welfare and environ-
mental emissions, especially from manure and pesticides. Like the progress,
these side-eects were rooted, to a significant degree, in the modernisation
process and the institutions which nurtured it. Together with an increase of
productivity through rationalisation, product subsidies, both national and
European, led to over-production. Animal welfare concerns were associated
with the controlling nature paradigm that was central to the modernisation
process. Productivity altogether also implied a high density of pollution.
Pollution itself was associated with the use of pesticides to control diseases
as well as with the fact that increasing specialisation and dierentiation of
food production chains had reduced opportunities for closing cycles of
manure substances in ways that had been normal practice in earlier times
when mixed farms combined animal and crop production.
Although some actors were well aware of the degree of embeddedness of
concerns in the practices of the agricultural system at the time, and pleaded
for a radically dierent agriculture, these calls for reexive modernisation
were far from being generally shared. Policy responses in the 1980s did not
fundamentally call these practices into question. Measures mainly focused
on environmental regulation to reduce the environmental burden of existing
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 67

practices; as well as financial stimuli and voluntary agreements that,

together with the announcement of further regulation and governmental
funding of incremental innovation programmes, were to stimulate incre-
mental adaptations in agricultural production.
The classical institutional arrangements (the OVO triad and the iron
triangle) were opened up under the pressure of outside actors (non-
governmental actors, citizens; their echoes in parliament) and successful
attempts by the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Housing and the
Environment to achieve a place at the table of agricultural decision making.
In addition, new institutional arrangements, especially ones for strength-
ening market operation, were emerging (Wisserhof, 2000).
These institutional transformations may have paved the way for more
extensive policies a decade later, following the dierent epidemics that
swept agriculture throughout Europe: classical swine fever, BSE, foot and
mouth disease and so on. In addition, developments in the World Trade
Organisation talks as well as the burden of the CAP on the EU budget
created pressure for reform (Ackrill, 2000; Hennis, 2001; Bekke and de Vries,
2001). As a consequence, the policies that had emerged in the 1980s were
supplemented by programmes that aimed to stimulate the development of
a dierent kind of agricultural practice. New institutional arrangements
emerged from these programmes. One example was the transformation of
the Agricultural Research Advisory Board, earlier an important part of the
OVO triad, into an organisation that was to induce, at arms length distance
from the Ministry, projects for reexive modernisation (De Wilt, 2004).
Similar practices occur in a range of programmes in the agricultural
research complex, commissioned by the Ministry and undertaken in delib-
erative arrangements among researchers, farmers, societal organisations
(such as environmental groups and animal welfare organisations), industry
and other stakeholders (Bos and Grin, forthcoming).
Some of these practices are explicitly aimed at innovations that go beyond
the rules implied by existing institutions. These may be seen as interesting,
pioneering work towards the reexive modernisation of agriculture. At the
same time, it is also becoming clear that they are facing the sort of resistance
indicated at the end of section 3. One frequently encountered diculty is
that new production systems, which are to close energy and substance cycles
through integral designs that relate dierent elements of agrofood produc-
tion chains (for example, using the manure and heat produced by pigs as
inputs for crop production and waste from the latter as inputs for the first),
appear to be at odds with the highly dierentiated economic chains that have
developed around simple modernisation processes. Further development of
such projects will depend on the ability to realise and connect with new types
of market arrangements. Another example is that new practices in animal
68 Reflections on reflexive governance

production, designed around animal welfare as the central concern, run into
existing food safety regulations, which, in addition to product criteria, also
include demands on the production process, which is tailored to existing
intensive agriculture. Government ocials frequently find it dicult to be
responsive to such problems, partly because national regulation is embed-
ded in European legislation, partly because exceptions are dicult to realise
within the existing legal framework, with principles like equality before the
law, firmly anchored in the Rechtsstaat.



Let us now turn to the first basic question of governance: how to determine
the reexively modern shape that society and the market should take?
Taking together the conclusions reached in sections 2 and 3, we need an
answer to the question of where political judgement must take place: in the
classical bodies of the nation state; in the variety of practices now charac-
terising many policy domains (as we have seen in the example of Dutch
agricultural policy), each of which may make claims to elaborate reexive
modernisation meaningfully; or in between these loci?
While the nation state can still claim democratic legitimacy to a larger
extent than all kinds of more or less ad hoc institutional arrangements, it is
a crucial point of departure of governance literature that it simultaneously
faces tough problems in defining what constitutes meaningful elaborations
for societal and economic actors. How does one define a direction for soci-
etal development that may expect suciently wide support if the authority
of expertise is no longer self-evident, if globalisation and individualisation
challenge existing delineations and identities and if societies are thus
increasingly normatively fragmented? And how can government judge
whether this direction will actually be realised in practices in which at least
some sub-set of society participates? The simple answer that such judgement
be left to these practices is too simple, not only because of the legitimacy
aspect, but also because, as we saw at the end of section 3, such practices
cannot be left to themselves.
In answering these questions, one fruitful point of departure is the recog-
nition that reexive modernisation should not be seen as an unambiguous
objective, but rather as an essentially contestable or open-textured concept
that may be elaborated into societal practices that represent a variety of
interpretations of the concept. Consider, for instance, the ambition of a
transition to a sustainable agriculture. If understood in the more radical
sense indicated above, sustainable development can be seen as a form of
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 69

reexive modernisation, which focuses on risks and side-eects concerning

ecological, animal welfare and human health aspects. Compared to the
intensive agriculture that resulted from twentieth-century modernisation
processes, practices in which such forms of sustainable agriculture are being
designed are much less exclusively oriented to productivity increases.
Each of the criteria considered central in these practices (concerning emis-
sions, animal welfare, and so on) may be fulfilled in a variety of ways. For
instance, emissions may be prevented by traditional organic farming
methods, but also by employing advanced technology to close substance
cycles by using the remains of one production process as inputs for another
one. Similarly, animal welfare may be promoted by traditional, small-scale
organic farming, but also by designing cow housing systems in a way that
allows a farmer to follow rather than control the animals natural behav-
iour. If each of the criteria can be fulfilled in various ways, optimising agri-
cultural practices in terms of all these criteria can also be done in a variety
of ways.
This can be easily generalised to other practices of reexive modernisa-
tion, which by definition assume a multi-dimensional problem as a point of
departure.5 It is important to point out here that this is not a relativistic
viewpoint. While it recognises that there is no universally valid, single best
option for each of the dimensions of sustainable development let alone
concerning their integration into a valid elaboration of sustainable agricul-
tural practice it does not claim that anything might go under that
heading. Denying the existence of a single truth does not preclude the pos-
sibility of identifying particular options as nonsense.
In more formal terms, the underlying epistemological position is that all
knowledge is situated (Haraway, 1991). This is true for the instrumental
rationality that is typical for simple modernisation processes; but it is no less
true for critique of that rationality. Privileging one form of critique and the
elaboration of a practice tailored to meet that particular critique denies this
situatedness as much as taking the validity of instrumental rationality
beyond critique. Similarly, in commenting on the debate on post-modernity,
Bernstein (1993) has reminded us that the hermeneutic turn in epistemology
has taught us that the legitimacy of critique must not be sought in its object-
ive foundations, but in the assertion in whose or whats name critique is being
exercised. Critique is thus a matter, not of neutral observers, but of involved
participants, which is located in a particular context and reects a specific
viewpoint. Plural societies are characterised by a diversity of contexts and
viewpoints. As a corollary, any elaboration of reexive modernisation, as a
social transformation that attempts to take critique on side eects and risks
as seriously as the need to fulfil human needs (Beck, 1997: 23), is necessarily
70 Reflections on reflexive governance

A second point of departure is the recognition that practices have to be

organised around a pragmatically sensible elaboration of reexive mod-
ernisation. In our example, this idea focuses on an agricultural practice that
is optimised in terms of ecology, animal welfare and so on, in a way that is
deemed practical and attractive by a particular category of farmers; the
products of which can be processed by a particular category of processing
firms, whose products are preferred by a particular category of consumers
and so on. Such an elaboration thus corresponds to a form of action-
oriented agreement that we have elsewhere called congruency (Grin and
van de Graaf, 1996a and 1996b). Congruency does not rely on normative
consensus. Rather, it is based on the understanding that collective action is
possible if (1) the various individual contributions are considered sensible
by those who are supposed to co-produce them and (2) it is deemed accept-
able by those having a stake in the problematics. Congruency also does not
imply a form of grey consensus. Congruency is to be achieved in processes
of political judgement, in the sense of phronsis (Flyvbjerg, 2001;
Bernstein, 1983), in which new opportunities for collective action are iden-
tified by creatively employing the tension between what can be made feasi-
ble and what is deemed desirable. (Loeber, 2004: 5477, 2978)
Taken together, these two points of departure imply that the ambition of
reexive modernisation may be defined on two dierent levels. On the one
hand, the political community as a whole may, through its democratically
legitimised institutions, decide that reexive modernisation in a particular
domain is desired without specifying it: we should move away from dom-
inant existing agriculture, and elaborate sustainable agriculture. On the
other hand, this still very open-textured concept may be elaborated more
specifically in a variety of practices. This way of dealing with judgement on
reexive modernisation comes close to Seyla Benhabibs (2002) dual track
democracy, which is rooted in the epistemic position just discussed (and
developed in an interesting way in Benhabib, 1992). This notion is her
answer to the need of multicultural societies both to have some common
principles and to allow for a variety of social practices: while it is import-
ant for a society to agree on the notion of freedom, women may dier
amongst each other on the question whether a headscarf is or is not an
expression of, or compatible with, freedom. The latter cannot be deter-
mined by a majority, but primarily needs reection and debate with regard
to dierent social practices and between these practices and the political
community as a whole. The possibility should a priori be included that this
question be answered in plural.
Obviously, this answer to our first question needs considerable elabora-
tion in terms of a variety of important questions. What sort of fora may be
established in between parliament and social practices so as to determine
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 71

what practices may and which ones may not be seen as valid elaborations
of the general ambition of reexive modernisation? What rules could guide
the relations between parliaments, such in-between fora and social prac-
tices? What are adequate heuristics for arriving at a number of elaborations
that are large enough to oer something to a significant part of normatively
fragmented societies and small enough to prevent the need for an imprac-
tical variety of R&D programmes, hallmarks with which to communicate
them to consumers, regulations to ensure food safety, machinery for the
associated agricultural practices and so on?
Interesting and promising answers to these questions may be (and are
being) given and tried in practice. Examples of the diversity of practices
can be found in the dierent programmes in which reexive modernisa-
tion of Dutch agriculture is now being waged. For the first time ever on
17 February 2004, the Agricultural Commission of the Dutch Parliament
met outside the parliamentary sessions in a joint session with farmers and
others from the rural areas in the north of the country. There is discussion
between market parties on the legitimacy and practical implications of the
existing variety of hallmarks for sustainably produced foodstus. These
exemplary practices raise new questions (including the question of how
they relate and might be related to each other) and thus need more atten-
tion than can be given here and more reected answers than can be given
now. Asking these questions are expressions of what it means to consider
governance from the concept of reexive modernisation; developing
and testing answers is part of considering reexive modernisation as a
governance issue.



In section 2, we have seen that, from the conceptual perspective of reexive

modernisation, the traditional concept of government is to be characterised
not only by referring to its plan-and-control mode of governing (relying on
reason), but also by its assumption of a neat separation between government
and the society/economy/science it is governing. Thus, governance must be
understood as a concept, which fundamentally diers from government in,
first, going beyond rational planning and its neglect of the autonomy of soci-
etal and economic practices; and, second, in critically opening up, making
discursive, the existing shapes and mutual alignment of the institutions of
state, society, market and science, which have been tailored to the vision of
simple modernisation. Next, in section 3, I have argued that reexive mod-
ernisation does require governance, in the sense of a deliberate inuencing
72 Reflections on reflexive governance

of societal and economic practices so as to re-orient these practices to the

idea of radical modernity, as well as to bring about alignment and rein-
forcement between these practices. In this section, I will try and take up the
challenge implied by these findings and indicate the contours of a govern-
ance concept for reexive modernisation.

Good Old Planning Theory

Considering our search for non-control based strategies with which to

inuence a variety of practices, it is useful to start with the recognition that,
for a long time already, several authors have elaborated planning theories
that depart from an explicit acknowledgement of the principal limitations
of planning: that information used as a basis for planning can never be
complete; that rationality is bounded rather than comprehensive; and
that the practices to be steered face and also respond to other circum-
stances and developments than policy interventions, in ways that depend
on the interpretations of the actors that perform these practices. Already
during the heydays of planning, this was recognised in work by authors
like Charles Lindblom (1959; 1965; 1979) and Sir Georey Vickers (1965
[1995]). Later, when significant discrepancies started to be discerned
between expectations and realities concerning governmental intervention
in advanced welfare societies, work by such authors as Herman van
Gunsteren (1975), Aaron Wildavsky (1973; 1979) and David Collingridge
(1980) provided important and early insights.
In a thought-provoking essay, James Meadowcroft (1999) has argued
that the basic features of such planning theories actually meet many of the
reservations of some notorious critics of planning. Referring to the work of
Friedrich Hayek (1960), he stresses how firmly Hayek was committed to the
ideal of human progress. That Hayek nevertheless rejected planning reects
more than his deep mistrust in planning economies. It also reects, first, his
view that progress cannot be planned, because it essentially is a voyage in
the unknown, to which not-planning is a better recommendation than plan-
ning. Contrary to this, as Meadowcroft (1999: 257) observes, one can
propose that Hayeks scepticism is more defensible against long-range plan-
ning for progress than against deliberately pursuing more limited practices
for improvement; and that in many cases, improvement has been achieved
in deliberate actions, based on the expectation of improvement. (What
Meadowcroft fails to point out here, is that this, in many cases, is contingent
upon the fact that even supposedly free interactions have been embedded
in the carefully fine-tuned institutions for modernity an issue we shall
return to later.) Both the planning and non-planning of such practices are
facing major uncertainties. However, rather than asserting that inaction
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 73

would be best, we should conclude that practices have to be planned by

organising trial-and-error learning.
Hayeks rejection of planning also reects his solid faith that human
beings, if left to their own resolve, will bring about progress; deliberate inter-
ventions in institutional conditions for such practices may inuence them.
Meadowcroft (ibid.) points out, ironically, that Hayek thus implicitly recog-
nises that planning through adaptation of the institutional conditions that
govern practices is possible, provided that it focuses on limited practices and
includes processes of learning.
Let us consider the work by Charles Lindblom as one important example
of how these lessons may be taken into account in planning theory. In
A century of planning, Lindblom (1999) claims that the most successful
cases of planning have been those in which government has subtly shaped
the market, not only through regulative interventions, but also through cre-
ating the societal conditions under which the market might operate. After
listing a range of examples including taxation, economic mobilisation for
the Second World War, research and development and city planning he
notes that they imply four lessons, identified in his earlier works (Lindblom,
1959; 1979):

Do not plan in order to organise but plan to alter the existing social
mechanisms, whether market or not, that govern x.
Show some modesty: focus on just a well-defined segment of life, spe-
cialised, even narrow, rather than vast, synoptic and broad. That is
[J.G.], it should be focused on specific practices.
Planning rarely succeeds through a big step; rather it should aim at
an endless succession of short and fairly rapid steps in a process of
trial-and-error learning or serial adjustment.
Fourth: There may be we do not yet know enough big dierences
between a succession of short rapid steps that is inuenced by a long
term perspective, and one that is not, the former probably being the
more successful form of planning and decision-making. (Lindblom,
1999: 478)

It should also be embedded in a process of mutual adjustment: since policy

choice cannot be based on reason alone, but essentially involves power and
imposition. Since rationality of each single actor is bounded, processes of
choice should be a matter of learning and contestation between a variation
of practices (Lindblom 1965; 1999: 60 ), and ultimately on some process
of choice.
This view of planning is fundamentally compatible with what we noted,
in the previous section, on political judgement. First, planning is to be
74 Reflections on reflexive governance

located at the same spots where we located, in the previous section, polit-
ical judgement: in the institutional arrangements of the political commu-
nity as a whole; in socio-economic-scientific practices; and in between.
And, second, this account of planning reinforces and presupposes the
notion of taking a plurality of practices as a point of departure a notion
that has appeal both from the perspective of the problem of homogenisa-
tion and elimination of practice, which we have seen (in section 2) to be
associated with simple modernisation, and from the perspective of the
approach to democratic decision-making proposed in the previous section.

Introducing Discursive Moments in Recursive Practices

However, one crucial diculty still remains to be solved. As indicated,

Meadowcroft ignores the degree to which social practices are embedded in
institutions that have been fine-tuned on the basis of the vision of modernity
that is elaborated in domain-specific visions. Similarly, Lindbloms careful
words about the role of long-range perspectives seem to reect an underes-
timation of the degree to which such visions do actually play a role, even if
implicitly. We need to take into account through what mechanisms specific
expressions of the guiding vision of first modernity may inhibit practices for
reexive modernisation, as well as to understand better the nature of the
institutional adaptations needed to counter them. How does, as we put it in
section 3, the existing structure fight back, and what does this imply for the
structural transformation needed? Subsequently, on the basis of the answers
to these questions, we have to answer two other crucial questions: can the
latter be done in a way compatible with Lindbloms pledge for modesty,
through limited institutional adaptations? And how may these limited adap-
tations add up to the larger project of reexive modernisation?
Evaluations of projects for reexive modernisation of agriculture in the
Netherlands may provide valuable insights on both the mechanisms through
which institutionalised features may enter such practices, and the nature of
the institutional adaptations needed to successfully pursue such projects6
(Grin et al., 2004). A first mechanism is that participants in these projects
often import such features into the projects in the form of self-evident rou-
tines of thought. For instance, in projects for sustainable livestock systems,
the problem is often raised that improving animal welfare through giving
animals more freedom of living will lead to increased susceptibility to
pathogen organisms, and thus to disease. This claim reects established vet-
erinary thinking which developed throughout the process of agricultural
modernisation in which the keeping of animals is seen as a matter of
control. It is important to recognise that dierent views on animal health
exist in literature, though far less researched than this established view of
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 75

directive control: the paradigm of recursive control, in which animal health

maintenance is based on the animals natural behaviour and natural inter-
action with the environment (Bos et al., 2003). The implication is that, while
some small steps may already be made, in order to proceed to a bigger
change in parallel programmes for paradigmatically new knowledge gener-
ation will need to be started to prepare the groundwork for later steps that
truly lead to the road of reexive modernisation. Such programmes by
themselves are an example of reexive modernisation: they may be expected
to presuppose and bring about changes in the institutions of science, viz. of
the distinctions between and within scientific disciplines. In addition, they
enable development of non-control based agricultural practices, which,
moreover, create a need for dierent food safety regulations (because these
usually include not only prescriptions on product quality, but also on the
production process).
Second, features embedded in modern institutions may creep into prac-
tices of reexive modernisation through the anticipations of participants on
the way in which the designs achieved in these practices will, eventually,
travelinto the real worldand be able to live and survive there. One example
was encountered in a project for a pigsty, in which substance cycles were to
be closed by considering pig raising (and crop cultivation elsewhere) in an
integral way, the outputs of one activity considered as the input for another
one, rather than as waste (Bos and Grin, 2003). It appeared that such an inte-
gral design would run into two problems. The first was the tradition embed-
ded in investment patterns between banks and farmers that farmers would
not procure an entire sty at once, but rather buy a new component every now
and then to connect it themselves to the other components. The second was
that no integral pigsty producers seemed to exist; rather, a range of highly
specialised firms existed that might each produce a highly sophisticated com-
ponent. Both factors reected the dierentiated, specialised product chains
that had emerged in the agrofood sector throughout agricultural modern-
isation. Pursuing the project would require some institutional adaptations in
the market.
These two mechanisms importation of assumptions and anticipations
of the real world may come together. In the project just mentioned, it was
calculated that the costs per kilogram of meat would be 1.42 compared
with 1.37 for a more traditional pig house. This was considered prohibitive
in the market, as it was assumed to be a law of economics that this 0.05
price increase would imply that consumers would pay an additional 0.50 in
the store, and because it was anticipated that this would be entirely unaccep-
table to consumers. Upon closer scrutiny, however, it appeared that both the
assumption and the anticipation were contingent on the existing power rela-
tions in the long and dierentiated economic chains. More specifically,
76 Reflections on reflexive governance

the assumed law reects the usual practice that all players downstream
obtain some additional added value from the price increase of the primary
product. The anticipation that consumers will not be prepared to pay an
additional price neglects consumption patterns that have recently emerged
(grazing; increased reliance on prepared food rather than primary prod-
ucts Van Otterloo, 2000), which rely on products in which players in the
centre of the food chain put significantly more added value on primary prod-
ucts. Here again, institutional adaptations are needed to be able to go
beyond this multiplication lawand to somehow accept relatively small price
increases of the primary product in the significant value added by the
processing industry.
What do these examples teach us in terms of the first question above? They
indicate that the devil is in the detail, that seemingly self-evident assump-
tions and anticipations need to be put under critical scrutiny in moments of
discursive will formation. They also indicate that the diculties implied
may be dealt with through a combination of initial small steps beyond the
rules of existing institutions and longer term institutional transformations.
In the case of the first example, one short-term step might be to start an
experimental project in which results of a transdisciplinary study on novel
ways to maintain animal health in that project are tried out. Another simul-
taneous step might be the start of a more comprehensive programme
(involving both scientists and practitioners, contributing their metis) - for
developing the recursive control paradigm in veterinary sciences, as well as
its consequences for other areas of the animal sciences (housing, breeding,
feeding, and so on). Next steps might involve improvement and extension of
the experimental project on the basis of the experiences gained, as well as
on the insights gained from the programme on recursive control. Ultimately
in the longer term, new distinctions may emerge surrounding this pro-
gramme: between science and practice (Grin, 2005) and within and
between scientific disciplines. A similar strategy of step-by-step transfor-
mation may be followed to deal with diculties due to market features.
Against this background, let us now turn to the final two questions raised
in the introduction to this section. Reexive modernisation on a more
encompassing level may emerge from these practices, provided synergy is
realised between them. Such synergy may result from actions by planners
who make smart connections (Grin et al., 2003), but also from these prac-
tices reaching out to each other. It is in this way that what I called above
re-structuration may be induced. To elaborate this further into a gover-
nance concept, two additional insights may prove particularly helpful.
The first relates to the fact that recent social theory has shifted the ana-
lytical viewpoint from the chicken-or-egg question of structure and action
(does S determine A, or is it the other way around?) towards practices in
Reflexive modernisation as a governance issue 77

which they shape each other. This theorem of the duality of structure is of
course the core of Giddenss structuration theory; but it is also central to
for example Bourdieus (1977) notion of the habitus as well as to the way in
which Leydesdor (2001) has elaborated Luhmanns theory. Common to all
these approaches is the fact that the mutual shaping of structure and action
takes place through the work done by acting subjects structure, in a phrase
of John Law, has become a verb.
The implication of the preceding is the insight that governance should
focus on providing central actors in a variety of practices7 with the strategic
insight to induce a succession of steps in which structure and action inter-
act with each other towards a radical modernity. Meta-theoretical insights
from the theories mentioned may be enriched and made more operational
by empirical studies of earlier processes of regime change (Geels, 2002)
and by dierent bodies of middle-range theory, including methods of
regime analysis that are based on complex system theory (Rotmans et al.,
2000; 2001); and insights from the field of science and technology studies
concerning the interdynamics of niches, regime change and trends of
change in the wider environment (Rip and Kemp, 1998; Roep et al., 2003; as
well as Kemp and Loorbach, Chapter 5 in this volume, Rip, Chapter 4 in
this volume).
The second insight that may be of use here concerns the importance of
guiding visions. Relying on a wide range of empirical and theoretical liter-
ature from science and society studies, Dierkes et al. (1995) have argued that
successful processes of socio-technological change derive their success, to
a significant extent, from guiding visions. These visions have a dual func-
tion that is well expressed in the German term Leitbild: they serve as a
mental image of an attainable future shared by a collection of actors and
they guide the actions of and interactions between those actors. An attain-
able future here is one that oers a perspective of going beyond established
assumptions and anticipations. A vision with such characteristics can serve,
as the authors put it, the functional equivalent of institutional arrange-
ments, in those cases where existing arrangements are object of transfor-
mation and therefore cannot be taken as guidance. Developing the vision
of radical modernity into context-specific visions (in plural) may therefore
contribute to joint action for reexive modernisation.
These two insights may enhance each other: visions which portray a world
in which we can do better (Roep et al., 2003: 206) can help identify in ways
suggested by the above examples the concrete strategies needed on the
niche and regime level. Conversely, trends that have been discovered to yield
strategic opportunities for regime transformation may be integrated into
visions. Together, they may give esh and blood to Latours metaphorical
lever eect.
78 Reflections on reflexive governance

The examples also suggest that this is far from a trivial task. Development
of new approaches to policy analysis, which are tailored to support a variety
of actors in this task, is an additional topic for elaborating a governance
concept for reexive modernisation. Such a topic deserves much more atten-
tion than it has been given both here and in literature more generally (but see
Forester, 1999 and Fischer, 2003).

1. In fact, the insights presented here will be further developed in the context of the Dutch
Knowledge Network on System Innovations, of which the author is co-director and in
which scientists from a wide variety of areas (complex system theory and integrated analy-
sis, the social history of technology, innovation studies and the policy sciences) cooperate
with each other and with practitioners (Rotmans et al., 2003).
2. In processes that have been far from uniform between nation states.
3. This dual expression reects the duality of structure (Giddens, 1984).
4. Countries like Germany and France had basically similar policies, and the first European
Commissioner of Agriculture was Mansholt, the first post-war Dutch minister of agri-
culture. See Ackrill (2000).
5. The risks and side-eects, together with more established criteria as economic viability,
are taken as the dimensions.
6. For similar examples in the area of health care, see Grin (2004).
7. In line with what I argued on the loci for both political judgement and planning, this
includes actors on the level of the political community as a whole; in socio-economic-
scientific practices; and in between.

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4. A co-evolutionary approach to
reexive governance and its ironies
Arie Rip

In the Introduction to this book, sustainability is characterized as open-

ended, complex and uncertain, and governance approaches are identied
to cope with such a challenge, in particular, to overcome the limitations of
simplistic modernist approaches. Reexive governance for reexive moder-
nity is the aim. In this chapter, I will add to this undertaking by developing
reexive governance independent of the particular requirements intro-
duced by sustainability. There is complexity of governance independent of
the complexity of the object of governance, sustainability. The strategies
for sustainability identied in the Introduction are important, but they tend
to be strategies for governance of reexive modernity, rather than strategies
in and thus part of reexive modernity.
Why do I create the contrast between governance of reexive modernity
and governance in reexive modernity? The Introduction already provides
arguments about the endogenous nature of steering and other attempts at
governance. Still, political actors, and more generally, actors with a govern-
ance responsibility, will see themselves as somehow outside the system that
they have to govern. This is almost unavoidable: to articulate a strategy, one
has (so it appears) to diagnose a situation out there and formulate a
response. In addition, governance actors will be held accountable for what
they set in motion, and for that reason they will be positioned (and will
position themselves) as independent of the system that is being governed.
The eects of their strategies, however, are determined by ongoing dynam-
ics outside their inuence, and by the response of other actors to the strate-
gies of the governance actors.
Implementation studies have addressed this by emphasizing the import-
ance of bottom-up processes (Hanf and Toonen 1985, see also Pressman
and Wildavsky (1984) on mutual adaptation between policy making
and what happens on the ground) and turned it into advice for modest
policy making, or better, policy making that takes implementability into
account. On the other hand, even modest policy making needs to make a
dierence, not just follow what is happening anyway and occasionally grasp

A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance 83

an opportunity. This is a well-known debate, and has been analysed by

Lindblom and Woodhouse (1993) in terms of (enlightened) incrementalism.
I want to broaden this debate by including de facto governance, as it emerges
and might be modulated by governance actors who are part of this process.
In other words, they have to work from the inside.
In general, constraining and enabling patterns and structures evolve. This
constitutes de facto governance, in that they guide the actions and interac-
tions of actors and can be appreciated in terms of embedded goals and
actual outcomes. Reexive governance can then have two forms. In its
enlightened modernist version, de facto governance embedded in patterns
is seen as a challenge, as something to be overcome in order to reach a
better situation (even if it is still open as to what will be better). In its non-
modernist version,1 the governance actor recognizes that being part of the
evolving patterns, s/he can at best modulate them just as all the other actors
are modulating the patterns through their actions and interactions, inten-
tionally or unintentionally.
Of course, being part of evolving patterns is the basic situation, whether
this is recognized or not. Also enlightened modernist governance actors
recognize this, and act accordingly. But they see such actions as a neces-
sary detour and would continue to see themselves and their goals as
outside the system. Non-modernist governance actors see governance as
part of the overall evolution, and will draw other lessons from failures, for
example by accommodating to the (evolving) situation, somewhat like
Donald Schns professional and his conversation with the situation
(Schn 1984).
Thus, reexive governance, in both forms, must be predicated on a diag-
nosis of ongoing patterns and their constraints, how to act in their context
and perhaps improve on them. Such a diagnosis has to start with the insight
that in a sense, society hangs together through unintended eects, both posi-
tive and negative (Portes 2000). There is overlap with Becks diagnosis of
reexive modernity as modernity confronted with its own, more or less unin-
tended eects.2 Or as Rip and Groen (2001: 21) suggest: Unintended and
often unexpected eects occur because actors do not take the overall [socio-
technical] dynamics into account. Thus, while society continues to be scat-
tered by unintended eects, there can also be institutional anticipation,
which hopefully mitigates the negative consequences.3
To develop the notion of reexive governance further, I will articulate a
co-evolutionary perspective. There is an instrumental argument to do so:
because co-evolution happens, take that into account, accommodate, antici-
pate, and create nexuses (Van den Belt and Rip 1987, Schot and Rip 1997).
There is a normative argument as well: variety is important, and while lock-
ins occur, they may have to be broken up again, so lateral, disturbing actions
84 Reflections on reflexive governance

must be welcomed. I will build on my analysis of co-evolution of science,

technology and society (Rip 2002a, 2002b), but the thrust of the argument
is not limited to science and technology and their reexive governance. The
phenomena of emerging path-dependencies and possible lock-ins which
I will identify are not unique to science, technology and society, nor are the
attendant limitations on the scope of steering.

Let me start with evolutionary theories and then add mutual translations
or mutual selections which can add up to patterns.4 This route is denitely
plausible for scientic and technological change, but can be taken to apply
to social change and social order more generally, even if it may be dicult
to develop specic theories. As a perspective, it can still be used to draw
attention to certain phenomena.
There is an abundance of evolutionary theories about technological
change, and some evolutionary theories about science and its institutions.5
There are good reasons for such theories, because central to modern science
and technology is the introduction of novelties, which like biological muta-
tions will at rst be tentative and uncertain hopeful monstrosities (Mokyr
1990, Stoelhorst 1997), but can grow and modify, and become accepted.
Evolutionary theories in biology often emphasize that variation as well as
selection are blind so that there is no guarantee of the quality of the out-
comes other than that they will t the contingencies of the selection envi-
ronment. For science and technology, and for social life generally, the
selection environment is not blind, and when variations, that is, novelties, are
produced, there is anticipation on eventual selection up to attempts to
change the selection environment so as to increase the chances for the vari-
ation to survive. Van den Belt and Rip (1987) showed (using the label of
quasi-evolutionary theory) that nexuses between variation and selection
emerge (with test laboratories for new products as an example) and posi-
tioned the existence of paradigms in science and technology as a temporary,
but forceful stabilization of selection and thus continuity in variation leading
to a trajectory or path of further development.
In the co-evolution of science, technology and society, patterns at the insti-
tutional and societal level also emerge and stabilize (and open up again). For
example, there is a diuse social contract between science and society visible
in expectations about science, its mandate and division of responsibilities,
and the institutional arrangements. The phrase Science, The Endless
Frontier (after Vannevar Bushs report to the US President in 1945) is often
used to characterize the post-Second World War social contract, with its
A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance 85

dual character of funding open-ended basic research on the one hand that
would somehow deliver great things to society, and on the other hand, having
big public laboratories, for example, for defence, nuclear energy, new mate-
rials (Guston and Kenniston 1994). The quasi-autonomous dynamics of
science appear to be so strong that governance actors cannot do much more
than try to modulate what is going on anyway.6 In fact, during most of the
twentieth century, science policy was dened as the support of science. It is
only recently that more interventionist measures are considered and imple-
mented which then lead to concerns that emphasis on short-term relevance
could undermine the quality of science, or at the very least introduce epis-
temic drift (Elzinga 1985). Science policy actors now experience the tension
between accommodating to ongoing dynamics, and assuming a political
responsibility which implies some intervention.7
In other words, the earlier diuse social contract has started to break
down. By now, a new regime of Strategic Science, that focuses on wealth
creation and support for decision making and quality of life, is emerging.
This includes a more distributed character of knowledge production, which
is visible in the way new elds in ICT, genomics and nanotechnology are
organized (Rip 2002a).
The patterns of such regimes enable productive work and interactions,
while at the same time constraining them. This can be welcomed as well as
criticized. The evolutionary perspective does not oer immediate entrance
points for normative evaluation that is, as it were, delegated to the selection
environment but a second-order normativity can be drawn on: the import-
ance of allowing for further evolution. Specically, stabilization of patterns
and of emerging irreversibilities more generally could create a lock-in that
is dicult to escape. In the case of recent changes in and around science,
I have argued that the regime of Strategic Science might be closing in upon
itself too soon, because of strong economic and decision-making pressures
to deliver, and to exclude alternative, or just dierent approaches, like
community-oriented research and indigenous knowledges. Without neces-
sarily pronouncing on the value of these approaches per se, I argue that they
play a role in maintaining heterogeneity (Rip 2000).
Another feature where second-order normativity can be articulated is the
increasing reexivity of the co-evolution of science, technology and society.
The rise of explicit science policy making (since the Sputnik shock of 1957)
is a rst indicator. Technology assessment, debated expertise, and partici-
pation are recent phenomena, and have become accepted as a necessary
element (Rip 2002c). Such reexivity is not just a matter of discourse and
debate, even if that is part of it. It is about institutionalized feedback rela-
tions, which handle in this case interactions between science, technology
and society. In other words, the de facto governance arrangements become
86 Reflections on reflexive governance

reexive. This can be welcomed as a desirable development, somewhat inde-

pendent of the nature of the actual arrangements and the outcomes.
I have developed the co-evolutionary perspective discussing science and
technology in society. The existence of co-evolutionary dynamics appeared
to be predicated on the partial autonomy of the developments in science and
in technology with respect to developments in (other parts of) society. Such
relative autonomy is itself a historical phenomenon, coming into its own in
the nineteenth century. Formally, co-evolution is the linked evolution of two
(or more) dynamics, each of which can be conceptualized in terms of vari-
ations and selections (and retentions), but can also be used more informally.8
The linkages give rise to patterns with dynamics of their own, like paradigms
and regimes. The term has been used by Nelson (1994) for technology, rms
and institutions, by Leydesdor (2000) for science, government and indus-
try, and by Rip and Kemp (1998) for technology and society. Other studies
not using the term still address such questions, for example in the analysis of
historical path dependency of national economies (North 1990). The further
claim now is that co-evolutionary dynamics occur generally, because there
are always emergent irreversibilities and patterns with some dynamics of
their own which will interact.
Such an approach is not unlike emergent systems approaches and actor-
centred institutionalism (for example, Schimank 1988, 1992). Complexity
theory has a dierent starting point, but arrives at similar insights about gov-
ernance.9 The extra feature here is the evolution-theoretical claim that varia-
tion and selection are basic phenomena. The introduction and nurturing of
novelties is not unique to science and technology: the occurrence of variations
is a general phenomenon of social life, and agency can be positioned as vari-
ation rather than intentional action. Such novelties may not always be visible,
because the variations are often transformed back into the regular (cf. repair
work as studied in symbolic interactionism) or excluded or otherwise made
invisible. Whether variations remain visible and have eects depends on the
constellation in which they occur: selective co-evolution, now in the small.
An interesting example of such variation-in-context is how on 1 December
1955 Rosa Parks, a black lady from Montgomery (Alabama), sat down in the
bus on a place reserved for whites. She was forced to get o the bus, and this
sparked o the bus protest movement. Hundreds or thousands of black
persons had had this experience previously without anything much happen-
ing. Now, the circumstances were right, and other actors in the situation,
notably in the nascent civil rights movement in Alabama (and later more
widely) who could use Rosa Parks as a case for their cause, co-produced the
eect.10 As Beck et al. (2003: 26) phrase it, the subject becomes part of a self-
selected network which allows connections and communication, but also
makes it the object of the choices and decisions of others.
A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance 87

Thus, there are good reasons to continue with a co-evolutionary approach,

broadly speaking: its basic assumptions apply in the small, and its implica-
tions are important in the large. What does this imply for the role of actors?
They are denitely not the lone individuals of rational choice analysis, where
rules and institutions appear purely as constraints on their freedom (the
second-order normativity of rational choice theory is visible here). Rational
choice analysis can oer interesting insights, but only for cases where prefer-
ences can be considered as given, and anticipation and interaction are shaped
according to strategic games with known rules.
For our actors, there is the experience of eects of co-evolution in terms
of constraints, uncertainties, and multi-actor, multi-level dynamics: mutual
interdependencies, the force of path dependency, anticipation of selection,
as well as, even more precariously, anticipation of emerging patterns (the
struggle for an industry standard is an obvious example). Intentional and
strategic action does contribute to the co-evolution and the patterns which
structure action, but the resulting patterns may not be desired by any of the
actors. These emerge behind their backs, as it were. Using the well-known
boat-shaped diagram of Coleman, where individual actions add up to pat-
terns at the collective level (Coleman 1990), this can be phrased as: actors
jostling in the bow of Colemans boat, and so moving it ahead and creat-
ing structures larger than themselves in that movement.
While path dependencies are unavoidable (in fact, can be productive),
some paths will turn out to be better than others. Actors would want to antic-
ipate, and then do something about the paths that emerge, and the regimes
and lock-ins that limit the scope of intervention for change. In the emergent
phase, the direction of the path will be unclear, but intervention is relatively
easy, and its eect when taken up in the path or regime will continue. (see Rip
and Schot 2002 on loci for modulation of technological development.)
Furthermore, when actors, through a better understanding of their selec-
tion environments and the dynamics of co-evolution, try to achieve desired
outcomes, other actors will react, and the enlightened strategies cannot be
stable. Analysis of such processes should therefore endogenize (as econo-
mists would say) all steering attempts, including those of the principal or
other focal actor, as elements of the overall process. The actors attempt at
endogenizing himself, at least in the analysis, may show up in a dierent
action (further variation) and contribute to overall reexivity.
These are basic elements (and foundational issues) of a rst-round diag-
nosis of the complexities of governance. It shifts the role of governance
Instead of the heroism of the policy actor vis--vis the system, there is a variety
of actors and roles, and a distributed coherence which is self-organized. Some
actors may contribute more to the self-organization than others, but there is no
88 Reflections on reflexive governance

general rule. Or better, there are lots of rules, dominant positions etc., but these
are contingent and cannot be taken for granted. Instead of steering, there is
reective (and reexive) intervention: mutual translations (thats what happens
anyway) are now seen as the basic process. (Rip 2002)

This is more than the well-known criticism of rational planning and control
approaches and reference to interactive approaches, policy networks, self-
regulation and so on. Distributed coherence is now the eect of reexive
co-evolution, and a variety of agents are involved who all contribute to
governance. Among this variety, these are reexive agents like Constructive
TA agents described in Schot and Rip (1977): ideally, all actors could
take up that role. The present book implies, already in the way the editors
and authors view their task, that there are sustainability agents who can
prot from their analysis. Lindbloms disjointed incrementalism is not
only practical advice to a governance actor with limited power and limited
insight, but also a way to advance what he calls intelligent democracy,
where all citizens would be reexive-governance agents. Lindblom advo-
cates a political position. Schot and Rip are more ironical, and recognize
the struggles between opponents of various kinds that are necessary to have
incentives to act and learn.


How to develop the rst-round diagnosis further and translate it into strate-
gies for reexive governance? Basically, it must be steering from within
the co-evolutionary process (what I have called modulation), possibly
also referring to second-order normative notions of variety, reexivity
and distributed coherence. The notion of steering, with its implication of
an agent faced with an object to be steered, is of course misleading
since the steering agent is part of an evolving system including the object
and himself. To keep the tensions visible, I will use the term non-modern
steering, a contradictio in terminis, as a programmatic concept. The enlight-
ened modernist version of reexive governance then becomes a specic
version of non-modern steering, where anticipation-in-action takes the co-
evolution into account, but primarily in order to better achieve ones goals.
My approach in this section is to collect possible instances of non-
modern steering, and draw out insights in how to do steering-from-within
and what the problems and some of the paradoxes are. Let me start again
with science and science policy.
The co-evolution of science, technology and society cannot be steered in
a simplistic interventionist way other than for short periods of time and/or
A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance 89

in special circumstances. For science policy agents this is clear, for example,
in the way they depend on the aggregation of views and insights in the
scientic community to set priorities, even if they can make a dierence by
deciding on the funding. But even there, they are subject to credibility pres-
sures; for example, which science policy agent can nowadays refuse to
support genomics and nanotechnology? Further analysis is possible, in
particular in terms of multi-level development with mutual dependencies
between a policy and governing decision level, an intermediary level (for
example, funding agencies) and the level of research performing actors (Rip
1998). This framework can be used to understand overall developments in
research systems (Rip and Van der Meulen 1996), but also to understand
how actor strategies emerge and interact (Morris 2004).
Important for the general idea of non-modern steering is the opportunity
the framework oers to include the eect of context on policy instruments.
In contrast to a major (even if now being criticized) thrust in the policy lit-
erature, policy instruments should not be discussed in isolation. They do not
work because of their intrinsic characteristics but because of the context in
which they are applied, and in particular, the amount of repair work that is
done at other levels. This helps to articulate the global notion of steering
from-the-inside and adds the possibility that success derives from repair
work elsewhere in the overall system.
Such repair work happens all the time, and unavoidably so, but it tends
not to be recognized because of the modernist illusion. I have argued a
number of times that the apparent eectiveness of some modernist policies
(in science policy, in risk regulation) derives from the repair work done
during implementation and ongoingly in local practices. Thus, acceptance
of local repair work in order to keep things going is necessary, and one
component of non-modern steering is to ensure its quality rather than try
to control it from a distance. In other words, as Bruno Latour (1991) claims,
we have never been modern, and the hybrid monsters backgrounded by
modernist ideologies actually continue to do their work and thus ensure
that the modernist venture carries on, in spite of the ideologies.11 Non-
modern then does not negate modernism, but draws attention to its actual
There are instances of non-modern steering. Opening up learning spaces,
as emphasized in the Introduction to this book, can be seen as non-modern
steering. The orientation then is less towards solving problems (of sus-
tainability), but towards creating and maintaining spaces for working
towards solutions. This might include increasing reexivity as an institu-
tional capacity. In a co-evolutionary perspective, reexivity and attendant
learning is located in the processes and at the system level, not in the heads
of individuals.12
90 Reflections on reflexive governance

A dedicated approach from the inside is the setting up of what I have

called macro-alignment actors (Rip 1995): since successful development
and embedding in society of a novelty (for example a new technological
option or promising product) requires socio-technical alignment, also at the
macro-level, various actors to be involved in such alignment can be brought
together to work actively towards it, and can attempt to shape co-evolution
together.13 Because further articulation is necessary as well, such platforms
are also spaces for learning: new ventures are discussed and negotiated, while
participants select from the various tidbits they have heard about actual and
possible developments. In a sense, while such a platform may avail itself of
analytical support, what happens is social reduction of uncertainty, through
coordination, supported by articulating a repertoire of arguments and
assurance. Pro-active eorts at alignment occur also in the battle for a dom-
inant design or an industry standard. Sometimes platforms or committees
are formed, but even while actors recognize that a collective good has to be
produced, it is only under special circumstances that there is a collaborative
eort (Deuten 2003).
However important alignment is for development and success, there is
also the issue of too rapid alignment, possibly in a less desirable direction,
or in any case so soon that not enough learning has occurred. For science
and technology policy, policy actors, because of their distance (thus, loose
coupling) from performing actors, may have a governance task here. They
are in a position to consider whether ongoing developments threaten to get
locked-in into what might well be an unproductive path, and then actively
create incentives to avoid the lock-in.14
A recurrent issue is how to understand the dynamics of development of
which one is a part (in general, and in the particular case) so as to be able to
anticipate the process to some extent.15 This practical concern can be linked
to the co-evolutionary perspective: future-oriented interactions have to be
enabled between actors who constitute each others selection environment,16
and such arrangements must be supported by some understanding of overall
dynamics so that the eventual alignment will be informed by this under-
standing. Such understanding is more than action-oriented knowledge; it is
often embedded in and articulated through action.
Donald Schn (1984) showed how professionals and other practitioners
work on the basis of reection in action. Some components of reection-
in-action he identied, like naming (seeing the present situation as an
instance of what happened before) and framing (addressing the present
situation from a perspective that has worked before), are anticipation-
in-action and might well be relevant for our question which focuses on the
general issue of anticipation-in-action. A third component in Schns analy-
sis is also important: conversation with the situation. This can directly be
A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance 91

linked with interactive approaches of governance actors, but has a learning

aspect as well.17
Anticipation-in-action can be functionally dened as part of reexive
modernity, embedded in feedback loops, so it is part of second-order
reexivity.18 Knowledge is involved, but anticipation is action-orientated
supported by attitudes (for instance, precautionary or risk-embracing), intel-
ligence about what might happen (including not only monitoring and learn-
ing, but also early warning and early signalling in general), and structured
knowledge about patterns and dynamics.
Such action-oriented anticipatory knowledge is increasingly visible in our
societies, up to institutionalized anticipation arrangements. These include
approaches to compensate for uncertainty, like risk assessment, prudence
(in general, and via precautionary principle). There is a massive amount of
technical work, but this should be located in terms of overall changes.19
There cannot be simple instrumental use of anticipatory knowledge. This
is particularly clear in the case of early warnings, but the point is general:
actors will respond to the availability of anticipatory knowledge, and the
eventual uptake will depend on their reactions.20 If anticipation is taken as
a separate cognitive task, how to guesstimate the future, it is modernist
Apart from the cognitive problems of recognizing and ascertaining pat-
terns in the dynamics so as to be able to anticipate, there are self-fullling
and self-negating anticipations, and mutual anticipation in strategic games
which reinforce (as with Moores Law22) or shift the dynamics (as with
some science policy interventions) depending on the nature of the strategic
Thus, actors should not only anticipate on future developments including
strategic action from their colleagues, competitors and other actors in the
system, but also anticipate on the patterns that might evolve. A sort of socio-
logical enlightenment, including the paradox that such insights when shared
will lead to further strategic actions which will shift the pattern and thus
undermine the value of the insights. For example, actors have been learning
about the way industry standards emerge, and try to get their standard dom-
inant by exploiting this insight as all the other actors will do. This will shift
the dynamics and make the original insight inappropriate.
A further complexity is the contested nature of anticipatory claims, taken
up in various forms of societal debate, but often inconclusively (which is
perhaps what should be the case!). This can be further linked with the trend
of producing anticipatory knowledge that is not limited to controlled
circumstances as in a laboratory (the traditional precondition for predic-
tion), in particular through (simulation) modelling. The models of global
climate change are a case (and a contested case) in point. Models have in fact
92 Reflections on reflexive governance

become regular decision support tools, for example in water management or

trac management. They can, but need not, push the complexity of gover-
nance issues out of sight (Nooteboom and Teisman 2003).
Clearly, anticipation-in-action has governance eects. One can actually
see it as an example of non-modern steering: there will be responses, but
not exclusively from a centre. And uptake and implementation occur in a
variety of ways, and are distributed across a range of actors.
What one sees are multi-authored narratives about unintended conse-
quences and the need for prudence; narratives about the nature of such con-
sequences, and about general strategies to address them. These are linked
to (often implicit) narratives about how people behave, and how society
evolves. Such narratives, especially when they reect ongoing stories and
storylines which constrain and enable, can be powerful in shaping action.23
Thus, and necessarily, reexive governance is predicated on the stories that
circulate and the circulation can be modulated.
Reexive governance is also about enabling the learning that occurs,
including the need to avoid lock-ins which would limit further learning. One
should recognize, though, that learning does not occur by itself. Actors will
invest in learning only when they are forced to do so, to ensure their survival
and/or to meet contestation.24
Even with the benet of initial understanding and further learning, an
eternal tension will remain between the need to x an approach in order to
do something here and now and perhaps make a dierence, and the still
insucient understanding of what might happen which makes it dicult to
x the appropriate approach. For new product development, for example,
one might want to remain exible as long as possible, but then run the risk of
never realizing a new product, an anticipation/exibility dilemma (Verganti
1999). For reexive governance, with its multi-actor and multi-level charac-
teristics, such tensions and dilemmas of anticipation-in-action are even
more problematic. On the other hand, recognizing these tensions for what
they are is the rst step to handling them more productively.


Anticipatory knowledge (in action) is not just a locus of reexive gover-

nance, but it is also a key element in co-evolution. In my co-evolutionary per-
spective on reexive governance, the two should of course go together. In a
distantiated view, modernist, enlightened modernist and non-modern steer-
ing are just possible cross-sections of co-evolution. Anticipation can be used
instrumentally by the modernist, and interactively by the non-modernist.
One approach need not be better than another.
A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance 93

Still, I have put up non-modern steering as the preferred approach. I oer

three kinds of argument. First, because non-modern steering (through
hybrid monsters) is what happens anyway, and modernist steering is an
overlay, and not necessarily eective, even in its own terms. Second, because
modernist steering in a risk society increases risks since unintended eects
will proliferate. This is Becks argument, but the further point is that mod-
ernists, when positioning themselves outside their object, will also bracket
their goals as given, protect them by claims about good intentions or working
towards a public good, and follow a concentric approach in realizing them.
The attendant myopia has been signalled before (Deuten et al. 1997, Van
Gunsteren 1976). Third, because non-modern steering in principle allows
variety and lateral movement, which is important to avoid lock-ins (cf. also
the second-order normativity of the evolutionary perspective).
While stabilization of patterns and paths is unavoidable, it should not
become complete. This is not an automatic consequence of non-modern
steering, however. One should take a hard look at the actual practices of non-
modern steering and the good intentions of the reexive-governance agent.
In any case, it will be important to have grey zones and interstices within
existing orders. And actors who create diculties for existing orders, because
they irritate, contest, or like tricksters, are just mischievous. A further com-
ponent of reexive governance is then to entertain such contesting, or merely
lateral, actions, also when they might obstruct a particular reexive gov-
ernance approach as originally envisaged by the agent. In this respect,
constructive disequilibrium is an interesting characterization as its two com-
ponents are contrasts and invite negotiations and trade-os.
There is another reason to take a hard look, and perhaps even go for a
Machiavellian version of reexive governance.25 Adaptivity and experi-
mentation, strategies identied in the Introduction to this book, are
important in their own terms, but what are the conditions necessary to
make such strategies possible? Adaptivity assumes a willingness to accom-
modate but this may not exist, and learning need not occur unless there are
incentives. The Machiavellian approach is then to neglect some of the desir-
able features in order to realize a minimal version. Again, this becomes a
trade-o, now between conditions necessary for realizing a desirable goal,
which then introduce undesirable features as well.26
Another consideration which suggests that further reection is necessary
about positioning reexive governance as the solution to problems, for
example of sustainability, is how in spite of myopic actors (or better, myopic
action) in the private as well as the public sector, and thus only limited
reexive governance, some good outcomes are still realized. Rip and Groen
(2001) raise this question and oer a complex analysis emphasizing mutual
translations and credibility pressures but do not oer a real answer.
94 Reflections on reflexive governance

One entrance point, at the level of actors, is the phenomenon of produc-

tive illusion of agency (Deuten and Rip 2000). The illusion of the modernist
actor is to just go for agency (that is, making a dierence), and fail or be suc-
cessful, not because of the strength of his agency, but depending on circum-
stances out of his control. Even so, such illusions are productive because they
motivate action and repair work, and thus something (whatever) is achieved.
The distantiated, ironical stance of the non-modernist actor is the stance of
an observer, and thus risks giving up on action altogether. To avoid the irony
of ironies, which lead to suspension of action, non-modernism should
develop something like irony-in-practice.
In the sixteenth century, William the Silent, Prince of Orange (suppos-
edly) said: Point nest besoin desprer pour entreprendre, ni de russir pour
persvrer. This aphorism about being prepared to persevere even if there is
no hope of realizing ones goals is widely quoted.27 If acted upon, this would
imply that irony need not stie action. This would save non-modern steering
from evaporating into reexivity.
While this would be a tting conclusion, a further touch of
Machiavellianism is in order. Take this sentence: Revolution is good,
because it lets the oppressed become tyrants. I encountered it written in big
capitals on a wall in a shopping centre in Rotterdam, not as a grafitti, but as
a decoration put up by those responsible for the shopping centre.28 How
about phrasing the nal lesson of this chapter as: Reexive governance is
good, because it maintains the illusion of governance?

Without the encouragement and comments of Jan-Peter Vo, this chapter
could not have been written. His contributions have been substantial, and
this is only partially visible in the text.


1. I have used the term post-modernist to characterize this second approach (Rip 2002),
because of its connotation with a variety of small stories rather than one big story, as
Lyotard (1984 [1979]) characterized the contrast. See also Visscher and Rip 2003, who
identify dierent types of business consultants: enlightened modernists, ironists and
2. Beck contrasts reexive with reective, the latter indicating reection on what is hap-
pening. If such reection is part of further action and interaction, it would enhance
reexivity. Jan-Peter Vo adds to this (personal communication, 2004): There is rst-
order reexivity, the self-shaping or self-constituting nature of a societal arrangement
via feedback from its own action in and on the world. But then also (in late modernity),
A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance 95

second-order-reexivity. Society adapts to this constellation, knowingly and unknow-

ingly, it is shaped by its experience of unintended feedback. This is visible in how forms
of knowledge production, technology development, governance etc. are developed,
which reects the need to deal with (the possibility) of such feedbacks.
3. I owe this phrase to Jan-Peter Vo (personal communication, 2004).
4. The concept of mutual translation derives from actor-network theory (Callon et al.
1986), and is most often used in case studies to describe specic interactions and as a
building block of analysis of co-production and co-construction (Jasano 2004). It is
also applicable to the set of interactions adding up to precarious social orders (Rip and
Groen 2001), and then refers to the same phenomenon that evolutionary theorists like
Leydesdor (2001) refer to as mutual selection.
5. For technological change there is Basalla on artefacts, Henderson on technological
species, Nelson and Winter (1997, 1984) on innovative rms, Dosi (1984) on techno-
logical trajectories, Metcalfe on populations of rms, Van den Belt and Rip (1987) on
heuristics and exemplars, Freeman on techno-economic paradigms. See also Ziman
2000. For science, see Nowotny et al. (2001) and Rip (2000, 2002a), and the approaches
of evolutionary epistemology (Donald Campbell, Stephen Toulmin).
6. Science, its quality control, and its (re-)contextualisation in society (Nowotny et al. 2001),
is shaped in many ways, also cognitively (Rip 2002a), but is dicult to shape intentionally.
7. Similar tensions can be found at other levels in the science system. An interesting
example is how universities have to adjust to the requirements of ongoing developments
in science and scholarship, as conveyed by their scientic sta, but also have an institu-
tional responsibility to prole themselves at a national and international level and
manage their contacts with relevant government ministries and agencies. Deans acutely
feel the pressures from below (scientic sta) and above (university board), and seize
opportunities to realize at least some of their goals, rather than implement a strategy.
8. Co-evolution is often used as a broad characterisation of co-development and mutual
shaping, without specic reference to evolutionary theory. In the ESRC report
on genomics and society, business and economics are shaping and being shaped by
genomics, while the next page has co-evolution of laws and legal structures and
genomics (IAF/CRIC 2002, Report 1, pp. 8, 9). Such terminology carries a message (and
an important message): things hang together and linear causeeect relationships are
the exception rather than the rule. Similarly, Nowotny et al. (2001) emphasize the co-
evolution of science and society, not as a theory, but as a diagnosis, and a plea for more
interaction between science and society. Co-evolution denotes an open, and certainly
more integrated, system of science-society interaction which enhances the generation of
variety, whether in the choice of scientic problems, colleagues or institutional designs, on
the one hand, or the selective retention of certain choices, modes or solutions on the other
hand. (Nowotny et al. 2001, p. 248).
9. There is a burgeoning amount of literature that applies ideas about complex evolving
systems to questions of organisation and governance. Ralph Stacey and Eve Mittleton-
Kelly represent two key authors in this area. There is reference to co-evolution, in terms
of organisms adapting and thus changing the tness landscape for other organisms, and
to emerging path-dependencies.
10. The common storyline here is that of an individual act of courage that triggers collec-
tive display of deance. Schuyt (1972) already emphasized the incidental character of
the action itself, noting that Rosa Parks had no intention to protest, she was just too tired
to remain standing. Whatever the intentions, a lateral action occurred, across rather
than against the existing order. Lovell (2003) adds that Rosa Parks did have a history in
human rights activities, and then shows that she, rather than other blacks who suered
this treatment, was selected as a standard bearer because she was working class and
11. Cf. Latour (2003: 36) reexive means, in my reading of it, that the unintended con-
sequences of action reverberate throughout the whole of society in such a way that they
have become intractable. Thus reexive does not signal an increase in mastery and con-
sciousness, but only a heightened awareness that mastery is impossible and that control
96 Reflections on reflexive governance

over actions is now seen as a complete modernist ction. (. . .) We do not run more
dangers than before, but (. . .) we are now entangled, whereas the modernist dream was
to disentangle us from the past.
12. Rip (2000d), a similar point about repertoire learning already in Rip (1986).
13. The European Commission is now establishing what they call Technology Platforms for
that same purpose.
14. An example is the way that attempts to stimulate the use of local knowledge in rural agri-
culture in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) get locked into supplying organic food at
premium prices (if the volume and transport problems can be solved). See Rip (2003).
15. A variety of tools and approaches to anticipate so as to improve the actors own posi-
tion are available. Learning curves, product life cycles, trajectories all presume contin-
uation of the past into the future. Actors must still decide whether to t and thus
reinforce existing dynamics, or to stretch and modify the environment so as to accom-
modate their new venture.
16. I am indebted to Jan-Peter Vo for this turn of phrase and the underlying thought.
17. Interestingly, there is now a movement towards decentred, open-ended environmental
management in which, in practice, restoration strategies do not orchestrate the return to
a specied earlier stage of an ecosystem, but engage practically with the physical envi-
ronment and learn what is possible and desirable (Castree 2001). Conversation occurs
with the ecosystem (and with relevant human actors).
18. See note 2.
19. Cf. Beck (1992), pp. 171 .
20. The title of a report of the European Environmental Agency, Late lessons from early
warning (Harremos, 2001) together with the existence of such an agency and their
writing such reports, is indicative. As the reference to early warningindicates, such antici-
patory knowledge is part of actors strategies and reactions, and its fate, i.e. uptake, is
determined by existing and emerging overlapping strategic games. An example of over-
lapping strategic games determining uptake is the story of uorochlorocarbons and the
ozone layer from the mid-1970s onwards. An early warning from Molina, uncertainty
exploited by industry to argue against regulation, the rst phase of checking and expand-
ing knowledge: while some regulatory agencies started to regulate anyway because they
wanted to protect their turfor extend their scope before other agencies step in (Rip 1992).
21. The emergence of forecasting in the 1950s and 1960s, and the way it was taken up in some
policy making is a clear example. Of course, forecasting activities (now also foresight)
can be part of anticipation-in-action.
22. For its regularity over the last four decades, Moores Law of regular increases in the
density of units on a chip (an integrated circuit) and the speed of micro-processors,
depends on the continuity of the strategic game among the chip producers and their gov-
ernment and R&D allies, using Moores Law as a reference.
23. For examples from product development see Deuten and Rip (2000), in societal debate
on acid rain, Hajer (1995). See also my analysis of social science and evidence-based
policy making (Rip 2001). The narrative approach has further implications, for example
how it can carry the past into the future.
24. Cf. Rip 2002d on Max Miller, and Rip 1986 on collective learning in controversies
shaped by forceful foci. Deuten (2003) showed that technological learning, for example
about reinforced concrete, occurred only because of demanding customers.
25. I use the common-sense version of Machiavellian here, which refers to The Prince not to
Machiavelli who wrote The Republic.
26. Donald Campbell has made a similar suggestion about the tribal norms necessary for
scientic communities in order to produce good science (Campbell 1979). I have taken
up this point in my discussion of scientic expertise, regulation and the precautionary
principle (Rip 2001a).
27. In French stylistic guidelines, the quote appears again and again, and is sometimes followed
by a reverse version: Il nest pas ncessaire dentreprendre pour esprer ni de persvrer
pout russir. (, visited 13 November, 2004).
A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance 97

28. In the same vein, the city of Rotterdam features a line from the painter and poet,
Lucebert, in big letters on top of a prominent building: Alles van waarde is weerloos
(everything of value is defenceless). See also proliferation of the sentence on buildings
and placards, Trust me. I am you. Modern societies are reexive!


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Strategies for sustainable system
5. Transition management: a reexive
governance approach
Ren Kemp and Derk Loorbach1


This chapter discusses the concept of transition management that has

been adopted by Dutch policy makers for working towards sustainability.
Transition management can be described as forward-looking, adaptive,
multi-actor governance aimed at long-term transformation processes that
oer sustainability benets. Transition management relies on each of the
strategies of reexive governance delineated in the introduction of the
book: knowledge integration, anticipation of long-term systemic eects,
adaptivity of strategies and institutions, iterative participatory goal formu-
lation and interactive strategy development. It helps to inuence and orga-
nize evolutionary processes of societal change in a reexive manner.
Transition management could be viewed as evolutionary governance as
it is concerned with the functioning of the variationselectionreproduc-
tion process at the societal level: creating variety informed by visions of and
experiments for sustainability, shaping new pathways and reexively adapt-
ing existing institutional frameworks and regimes. It is a model for escap-
ing lock-in and moving towards solutions that oer multiple benets, not
just for users but also for society as a whole. It is not an attempt to control
the future but an attempt to incorporate normative goals into evolutionary
processes in a reexive manner. Learning, maintaining variety (through
portfolio management) and institutional change are important policy aims.
In this chapter we outline the model of transition management and describe
Dutch transition policies in the energy sector.


Our society is always changing. Over the past decades, however, driven by
transnational trends such as internationalization, informatization and indi-
vidualization (Schnabel, 2000), the process of social change has become

104 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

increasingly complex. Choices at a societal level are the outcomes of interac-

tion between the individual actions and strategies of a large number of actors
that have dierent perspectives and goals. Increasingly, policy-makers are for
example forced to take into account the issues of societal actors and social
partners in the process of policy-making (Mayntz, 1994; Kooiman, 1993).
This happens at dierent levels in parallel, generating complex multi-level
governance structure (Scharpf, 1994; Kohler-Koch, 1999). Coordination
within this structure seems absent since the overall picture is that of a
battleeld with numerous competing networks and actors that all try to
realize their own agenda, at the expense of other ones.
The liberal approach towards business and the individual, which has
been dominant since the 1980s, has fostered this development that allowed
for varied individual choices and stimulated competition. Although eco-
nomic growth and technological progress have resulted from this approach,
environmental and social benets have not. This becomes clear in a number
of societal sectors and systems that now face major revisions since they
were previously based on old solutions which are not sustainable: the
energy-supply system, the health-care system, mobility and transport, agri-
culture and urban development. In all these sectors, symptomatic problems
like power shortages, trac jams or cattle diseases (to name a few prob-
lems) lead policy-makers to react with force to such incidents, while ignor-
ing the complexity of the problems. These sustainability problems, also
called wicked problems, are so complex because they are related to eco-
nomic, social as well as spatial and ecological issues. The problems are
manifested at dierent levels, involve many actors (not just business actors)
and they require a very long time to manage eectively.
The need to develop our society in a sustainable direction has been
acknowledged at dierent levels, both at the local as well as at international
levels (for example: UN, Agenda 21). Implementing sustainable develop-
ment however is a cumbersome process since the notion itself is inherently
ambiguous and subjective (Kasemir and Van Asselt, 1999). This does not
mean however that it cannot be operationalized (Rotmans, 1998). To do so,
sustainable development must be related to a specic context: something is
developed sustainably. This can be for example the sustainable development
not only of a region or city, but also of a utility system like energy provision
or the mobility system. But what sustainable development means in such a
specic context is again open to debate, since dierent actors with dierent
values at dierent levels of society will try to put forward their denitions
and goals. It is thus something highly subjective and the meaning of it will
change over time. It is a continuing quest that involves both learning about
solutions to problems and learning about needs. Finding sustainability thus
becomes a learning-by-doing exercise; experimenting with partnerships,
Transition management 105

new institutions, new technologies and new regulations within the ecologi-
cal limits dened.
Taking such a comprehensive approach towards sustainable develop-
ment requires a redenition of policy-making in this context; a more evo-
lutionary and adaptive strategy is needed that allows for self-organization
within certain limits, both ecological limits as well as social limits (often set
by government, but they can include social norms as well). The central
focus of such a strategy should be to realize long-term and large-scale inno-
vations or transitions towards more environmentally and socially benign
societal systems (such as agriculture or energy supply). Since realizing long-
term, diuse sustainability goals should be the aim of such policies, an
emphasis on interaction, experiment and learning is crucial. In this chapter
we will rst address the concept of transition as a systems way to view
societal change. Secondly, we will present the approach of transition man-
agement as a new form of governance for sustainability and will focus on
the reexive elements in the strategy.



The basic underlying assumption of transition theory is that society

changes in a rather evolutionary and organic way, to a certain extent com-
parable to the behaviour and development of ecosystems (for example,
Gunderson and Holling, 2002), and is therefore inherently complex. On a
societal level, we can recognize patterns of variation and selection (of new
technologies, but also of new fashions, ideas, politicians and so on) and of
co-evolution (between politics and economy for example). Although
drawing straightforward parallels between ecosystems and societal systems
is not possible at this point, transition theory tries to make instrumental use
of insights from disciplines such as ecology, complexity and systems
science.2 Systems-thinking in terms of causal relations, feedback mecha-
nisms, resilience and thresholds is central to the transition concept and
essential for transition management.
A key notion is transition. Before we can go into transition management,
it is necessary rst to dene the notion of transition. According to the fourth
Dutch national Environmental Policy Plan (NMP-4 2000) and the ICIS-
MERIT report that provided the scientic background to the NMP-4, a
transition is a gradual process of societal change in which society or an
important subsystem of society structurally changes (Rotmans et al. 2000,
p. 19). A transition is the result of the interplay of developments that sustain
and reinforce each other. Transitions are not caused by single variables a
106 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

price change, policy act or a new technology but are the result of develop-
ments in various domains which sustain each other: technology, economy,
institutions, behaviour, culture, ecology and images/paradigms (p. 20). The
process of transition is non-linear; slow change is followed by rapid change
when things reinforce each other, which again is followed by slow change in
the stabilization stage.
Although transitions are characterized by non-linear behaviour, the
process itself is a gradual one, typically spanning one or two generations
(2550 years).3 The nature and speed of change dier in each of the tran-
sition stages:

In the predevelopment phase there is very little visible change on the

societal level but there is a lot of experimentation.
In the take-o phase the process of change gets under way and the
state of the system begins to shift.
In the breakthrough phase structural changes take place in a visible
way through an accumulation of socio-cultural, economic, ecologi-
cal4 and institutional changes that react to each other; during this
phase, there are collective learning processes, diusion and embed-
ding processes.5
In the stabilization phase the speed of societal change decreases and
a new dynamic equilibrium is reached.

for social




Source: Rotmans et al., 2000 and 2001

Figure 5.1 Four phases of transition

Transition management 107

Transitions require a number of interacting system innovations (see also

Figure 5.2): organization-exceeding, qualitative innovations which are real-
ized by a variety of participants within the system, and which fundamen-
tally change both the structure of the system and the relations between the
participants.6 System innovations transcend the level of an individual, an
individual rm or individual organization, but take place at the level of, for
instance, a sector, a branch, city or region (Dirven et al., 2002). This involves
innovation of production and consumption processes, technological inno-
vation, institutional innovation and politicalgovernmental innovation.
Within these system innovations in turn, innovations occur at the individ-
ual level, in terms of product, process and project innovations. An example
is a possible future energy transition to biomass, which will necessarily
involve interacting system innovations in transport (bio fuels), electric-
ity generation (co-combustion, gasication of biomass), agriculture (bio
crops), as well as in policy (integral biomass policy regarding energy, biodi-
versity, space use, agriculture and transport) and culture (to surmount bar-
riers among the public against alternative energy carriers).7 To achieve these
system innovations, experiments and innovations are needed for example
with regard to technologies (new engines, new infrastructures, and new pro-
duction facilities), behaviour (in use and production of energy) and regula-
tion (subsidies, market conditions, legal regulations). Transitions can thus
be seen as a cascade of innovations at dierent levels and at dierent speeds.
Transitions are interesting from the viewpoint of sustainability, because
they oer the prospect of a magnitude of environmental benets, alongside
wider social benets through the development of systems that are inher-
ently more environmentally benign. However, transitions of course also

A transition

... is the shift from an initial dynamic equilibrium

to a new dynamic equilibrium

... is characterized by fast and slow developments

as a result of interacting processes of
structural change

... involves innovation in an important part of a

societal subsystem

Source: Butter et al., 2002

Figure 5.2 A transition is the result of system innovations and other

innovations and changes
108 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

oer the perspective of breaking down existing systems, infrastructures and

institutions, which will mean the loss of investments and thus opposition.
Examples of system innovation are: a biomass energy supply, industrial
ecology and customized mobility.
A second concept that is used to describe transitions is the multi-level
model originating from innovation studies (Rip and Kemp, 1998 and Geels,
2000 and 2002a), which is being used in the TIN-20 project (Technology
in the Netherlands in the 20th century) to describe the contextual history of
technology in the Netherlands. This model dierentiates three levels of
socio-technical systems: macro-landscape, meso-regimes and micro-niches.
In the context of transitions, these levels can be interpreted in terms of
(1) societal landscape, (2) dominant-actor networks and institutions
(regimes) and (3) micro-behaviour. The societal landscape is something that
surrounds us and consists of the macro economy, political culture, demog-
raphy, natural environment and worldviews. The term landscape refers to the
socio-technical surface structure of the land with its gradients, which makes
certain advances easier to accomplish. The landscape is rather autonomous
and changes relatively slowly. The second, arguably most important, level
for functional systems is the meso-level of regimes: the dominant infra-
structures and technologies in combination with the rules, roles and belief
systems that underlie strategies of companies, organizations and institutions
and policies of political institutions. Regimes give stability and guide
decision-making but (because of that) also have a high level of inertia and
tend to reproduce rather than innovate. In this sense, regimes often tend to
block change. At the micro level (niche level) there are those individual
actors, technologies and local practices that present or develop alternatives
to the dominant regime. At this level, variations to and deviations from the
status quo can occur as a result of new ideas and new initiatives, such as new
techniques, alternative technologies and social practices.
A transition is the result of interaction between changes and innovations
at these dierent levels; slowly changing trends lead to new ways of think-
ing (paradigms) that lead to innovation and vice versa. Giving these inter-
dependencies, a transition can be accelerated by one-time events, such as a
war or large accident (for example, Chernobyl) or a crisis (such as the oil
crisis) but not be caused by such events. Transitions are the result of endoge-
nous and exogenous developments: autonomous trends and changes
inuence transitions as well as innovations and changes that emerge from
within the systems. Technical change interacts with other changes, social
change and economic change, which means that one should look for process
explanations (multiple causalities rather than individual causal patterns).
Attempts at steering are done by actors who are part of transitions. Policy-
making or rather governance, is thus situated in a context of socio-technical
Transition management 109

systems that oer functional services and disservices, housing interests and
organizations with capabilities and mental models, who function in a world
of beliefs, values, capital goods, prices, settlements, lifestyles and novelties.
By denition, complex systems are highly chaotic and impossible to steer in
the sense of command-and-control because of numerous feedback loops,
inert institutions and unpredictable developments. Rather than focusing
on individual components of these systems, governance for sustainable
development should try to nd governance strategies at a systemic level
and try to change the condition of the system for the better. This idea has
been accepted by the model of transition management of Rotmans and
others (Rotmans et al., 2000; Kemp and Rotmans, 2001, 2002; Loorbach
and Rotmans, 2002). Through transition management one tries to inuence
the direction and speed of transitions by coordinating and enabling the
processes that occur at dierent levels in a more systemic and evolutionary
way, which leaves room for variation and selection mechanisms and innova-
tion. This can be done in many dierent ways, through various types of steer-
ing mechanisms, none of which incidentally can be prescribed or even
repeated in detail.
In the following pages we will give a description of our model of transi-
tion management accepting that there are other models. When we speak of
transition management we mean the ICIS-MERIT model of transition
management in whose development we were involved ourselves. It is an
attempt at goal-oriented modulation, not an attempt to achieve predened
outcomes through planning and control. Transition management works
with dynamics not against them. Ongoing developments are exploited strate-
gically. Transition management for sustainability tries to orient dynamics to
sustainability goals. The goals are chosen by society through the political
process: the systems to satisfy these goals are worked towards in an adaptive,
forward-looking manner. The goals and policies for furthering the goals are
constantly assessed and periodically adjusted in development rounds.
Policies will dier across the dierent transition phases. In early phases,
policy should be concerned with the formulation of transition goals
and engage in the formulation of sustainability visions (quality images),
which are re-assessed during later phases. The attention to innovation will
be a continued feature of all phases; it is not just something for the early
A schematic view of transition management is given in Figure 5.3.
Policy actions are evaluated against two types of criteria: (1) the imme-
diate contribution to policy goals (for example in terms of kilotons of CO2
reduction and reduced vulnerability through climate change adaptation
measures), and (2) the contribution of the policies to the overall transi-
tion process. This means that under transition management, policies have
110 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

Political Existing policy process: short-term goals (myopic) Societal

margins for goals

State of
of solutions Sustainability
Transition management: oriented towards long-term sustainability visions
goals and visions, iterative and reflexive (bifocal)

Figure 5.3 Current policy versus transition management

a content goal and a process goal. Learning, maintaining variety and

institutional change, are important policy aims, and policy goals are used
as means for change. The evaluation and adaptation of policies (strategies,
involved actors, progress and so on) in development rounds brings
exibility to the process without losing a long-term focus.
Transition management is thus bifocal and based on a two-pronged strat-
egy of simultaneously stimulating system improvement and system inno-
vation. No choice is made between system improvement and system
innovation, but special attention is given to system innovation (representing
a new trajectory of development or transformation), given the many barri-
ers to this type of change. Through its open-endedness, transition manage-
ment breaks with the old planning-and-implementation model aimed at
achieving particular outcomes and is based on a dierent, more process-
oriented philosophy. This helps to deal with complexity and uncertainty in
a constructive way. Transition management is a form of process manage-
ment against a set of goals chosen by society. Societies problem-solving
capabilities are mobilized and translated into transition programmes, which
are legitimized through the political process.
Key elements of transition management are:

systems-thinking in terms of more than one domain (multi-domain)

and dierent actors (multi-actor) at dierent scale levels (multi-level);
how developments in one domain or level gel with developments in
other domains or levels; trying to change the strategic orientation of
regime actors;
long-term thinking (at least 25 years) as a framework for shaping
short-term policy;
Transition management 111

back-casting and forecasting: the setting of short-term and longer

term-goals based on long-term sustainability visions, scenario studies,
trend analyses and short-term possibilities;
a focus on learning and the use of a special learning philosophy of
learning-by-doing and doing-by-learning which includes carrying
out experiments to develop required knowledge and the other way
an orientation towards system innovation and experimentation;
learning about a variety of options (which requires a wide playing
participation by and interaction between stakeholders.


The foremost reason for engaging in transition management is that we are

locked into trajectories driven by short-term benets instead of longer-term
optimality (Kemp and Soete, 1992). Uncertainty, short-term costs, the need
for change at various levels and vested interests all create barriers to system
innovation. Some concerted action is needed but public policy is highly
fragmented and oriented towards short-term goals. Transition management
is supposed to deal with these problems. In the past section we described the
basic idea behind transition management. We will now discuss the basic
steps or elements. Before we do this it is important to note that transition
management is not an instrumental activity. The actual policies are the
outcome of political negotiations and the processes of co-evolution, which
inform further steps.
The process of transition management consists of a number of activities,
which can only be dened in general terms, because they are largely
dependent on the nature of the transition problem at hand and, because of
the interactive nature of transition management, on the actors involved. As
such, transition management is an approach rather than a method; it has
to be adapted and individualized for every specic context or problem.

Transition Arenas and Multi-actor Governance

The transition arena as a new institution for interaction can be considered

a meta-instrument for transition management and facilitates interaction,
knowledge exchange and learning between the actors. The transition arena
is an open and dynamic network in which dierent perspectives, dierent
expectations and dierent agendas are confronted, discussed and aligned
where possible. In its rst phase, the transition arena is a relatively small
112 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

network of innovators and strategic thinkers from dierent backgrounds

that discusses the transition problem integrally and outlines the transition
goals. In this phase, it is important to come up with creative, inspiring and
integrating goals and ideas. Further on in the process, the network will
expand to include less strategically oriented actors (such as local authorities
and people with practical knowledge about processes of change) in order to
develop transition paths and link these to existing (not only governmental)
policies. Finally, short-term experiments and actions are derived from the
goals and paths and more operationally oriented organizations and actors
will be involved.
The establishment and organization of a transition arena forms the basis
of the transition management process. The selection of participants for this
transition arena is of vital importance; they need to reect the complexity
of the transition at hand. These participants need to have some basic com-
petences at their disposal: they need to be visionaries, forerunners, have to
be able to look beyond their own domain or working area and be open-
minded. They must function quite autonomously within their organiza-
tions but also have the ability to convey the developed vision(s) and initiate
it within their organizations. Apart from this, they need to be willing to
invest a substantial amount of time and energy into playing an active role
in the transition arena process. Often, only a handful of such people exist
within specic societal networks and they are easily identied because of
their standing, function or networks. It is nevertheless important to specify
explicitly the criteria based upon which the participants of the transition
arena are selected and to document these criteria.

Problem Denition

The starting point for transition management for sustainability is the per-
sistent problems of existing functional systems. Because of the system-
inherent nature of the problems they do not have a single owner. Rather
than looking for a villain to blame, one looks for a common problem
denition in which all problems are considered, not just those problems that
can be dealt with relatively easily. Transition management is targeted at
widely acknowledged problems that require a response for which no ready-
made solution is (or will be) available. Often these are not single problems
but a range of problems. For energy for example, the problems are depen-
dence on scarce (non-renewable) resources (oil, natural gas), emissions of
greenhouse gases stemming from the combustion of fossil fuels that cause
climatic change, price volatility from shortfalls in supply often as a result of
wars, and the military conict over oil resources and oil power. By develop-
ing a shared problem perception based on the input of dierent actors,8
Transition management 113

those actors involved will adjust their own problem denitions and percep-
tions because of a better understanding of the nature of the problem and
the perspectives held by other actors and accordingly their behaviour (that
is, second-order learning). This however will only come about if enough time
and energy is invested in these discussions. A problem here is that each solu-
tion to these problems has its own disadvantages. In the short term there are
all kinds of tradeos. The aim of transition management is to provide an
environment in which these trade os are made visible and can be negoti-
ated. This will be a collective task for which one needs transition goals that
reect societal aspirations.

Transition Visions and Transition Goals

A long-term vision of sustainability can function as a guide for formulating

programmes and policies and the setting of short-term and long-term objec-
tives. To adumbrate transitional pathways, such a vision must be appealing
and imaginative so as to be supported by a broad range of actors. An inspir-
ing nal vision is useful for mobilizing social actors, although they should
also be realistic about innovation levels within the functional subsystem in
question. The overall vision helps to set qualitative standards or goals for
the system as a whole. There is also a role for quantitative standards based
on the boundaries within which we want our development to take place.
For example, a sustainable energy supply system has been dened in the
Netherlands as reliable, cost-eective, and carbon-low with the ocial goal
of a reduction of 30 per cent in CO2 emissions by 2020.9
The inspiring, imaginative and innovative vision is translated into tran-
sition images at a sub-system or thematic level, for example biomass or
clean gas. (What would energy production and consumption look like?)
Rather than considering transition images as optimal societal blueprints,
we consider them as integral target images, which evolve over time and are
dependent on the required insights and learning eects. The transition
images embrace transition goals, which are qualitative rather than quanti-
tative, multi-dimensional, and should not be dened in a narrowly techno-
logical sense, but should represent the three dimensions of sustainability:
economic, ecological and socio-cultural. Ideally the images should be
democratically chosen and based on integrated risk analysis, but this does
not imply a consensus on these goals since a number of (even contradict-
ing) images and goals can be chosen.
The transition images could be thematic or sectoral, but have to present
an inspiring future state of that specic sector or theme. This means that
the starting points of the overall vision are translated into the institutional,
economic, ecologic and socio-cultural aspects associated with that specic
114 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

nal image. The images should be adjusted as a result of what has been
learned by the actors in the various transition experiments. The participa-
tory transition process is thus a goal-seeking process, where the transition
images change over time (the transition goals are likely to remain the same).
This diers from so-called blueprint thinking, which operates from a xed
notion of nal goals and corresponding visions.

Transition Paths and Interim Objectives

Transition paths are possible routes towards the nal images. The images
do not necessarily have to be consistent (only with the vision) and multiple
paths can be developed for one image (see Figure 5.4). It is important to
incorporate interim goals and objectives in the transition paths that become
more concrete the closer they are to the present. The transition paths
however also have to reect the necessary trend breaks and behavioural and
institutional changes, the uncertainties associated with the pathway and the
barriers and chances for implementation. Finally, practical experiments
(programmes) are planned, which are targeted at exploring the transition
paths derived from the analysis and developed strategy.
The vision, in combination with the images, the transition paths and the
experiments, forms the joint transition agenda at the tactical level. This is
where coalitions come together around specic options or expectations, for
example specic technologies or new institutions. For example, one could
think of developing new consumption patterns for sustainable agriculture;
a coalition to develop this idea and explore it further would include local

Basket of

Figure 5.4 Transition visions: images and pathways

Transition management 115

and national government, agriculture, business, NGOs and knowledge

institutes. A transition path towards a sustainable energy supply could be
via the use of biomass; a coalition there would include biomass producers,
factories, the transport sector, national and local government, NGOs, and
so on. These coalitions can develop experiments to test their ideas and to
provide input for the overall transition programme. The development of
transition paths is aimed at both comprehending in a more integral way the
possible routes that specic innovations can go within a specic transition
context as well as translating the visionary and long-term goals at the
strategic level to everyday practice at the operational level.

Programmes for System Innovation

Another important element of transition management includes pro-

grammes for system innovation for exploring visions of sustainability. An
example is a programme for integrated mobility, identied by Kemp and
Rotmans (2002) as suitable by combining user benets with sustainability
benets. An integral part of such programmes is the real use of new tech-
nologies in society to learn from practice and facilitate processes of mutual
adaptation and institution building. Experiments with new solutions and
instruments are an important element of transition management. The
experiments should be based on the images and should also inform them.
For instance one could think of a series of consecutive experiments with elec-
tric mobility or integrated mobility. They should be undertaken as part of
programmes for system innovation. They should be designed for specic
learning purposes and not be undertaken in the ad hoc manner of todays
experiments with sustainable technologies.
Such support programmes should be time-limited and exible so as to
prevent the creation of white elephants. The choice of the programmes
should be based on assessments of sustainability benets and user benets.

Evaluating and Learning

Transition management involves monitoring and evaluation as a regular

activity and the use of so-called development rounds, where what has been
achieved in terms of content, process dynamics and knowledge is evaluated.
The interim objectives are the rst aspect of evaluation: have the objec-
tives been achieved, and if not, why? Have there been any unexpected social
developments or external factors that were not taken into account? Have
the actors involved not complied with the agreements that were made?
The second aspect of the evaluation concerns the transition management
process itself. The set-up and implementation of the transition process is
116 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

scrutinized. How do the actors concerned experience the participation

process? Is it dominated by certain parties (vested interests)? Is it too con-
sensual (too cosy), or is there too little commitment? Are there other actors
who should be involved in the transition process? Are there other forms of
participation that must be tried out?
The nal issue for evaluation is the amount of learning or enrichment
that has taken place in the previous period. A special point of attention is
what has been learned from the experiments carried out to stimulate the tran-
sition. What have been the most important learning moments and experi-
ences? Have these led to new knowledge and new circumstances? And what
does this mean for future policies? Monitoring and evaluation (of experience
but also goals and visions) are key elements of transition management.
In our model of transition management, learning is a policy goal in its own

Creating Public Support and Broadening the Coalition

A continuing concern is the creation and maintenance of public support.

This is important for continuing the process and preventing a backlash,
which may occur when quick results do not materialize and setbacks are
encountered. One route to follow is through participatory decision-making
and the societal choice of goals, by engaging for example in experiments with
technologies in areas in which there is local support for them. The experience
may take away fears elsewhere and give proponents a weapon. With time,
solutions may be found for the problems that limit wider application.
Education can also allay fears but real experience is probably a more eective
strategy. In niches new instruments (such as road pricing) may be tried.
The interactions between actors will change within the context of transi-
tion management. First and foremost the wider public is involved in policy-
making, through the choice of transition goals and discussions about
the future, and there is a greater orientation to innovators who are encour-
aged to come up with imaginative solutions. The innovators may be incum-
bent companies or outsiders. The latter group is more likely to come up
with radical solutions. Transition management thus involves a change in
governance, that is, the ways in which the plurality of interests is transformed
into coordinated action, through deliberation, responsibilities and roles
(Eising and Kohler-Koch, 1999, p. 5). There is still a great deal of delibera-
tion as in the Dutch polder model and other models of interactive gover-
nance, but transition management is directed strongly to innovators and not
the actors with large vested interests and is only consensual with regard to
the overall ambition (or urgency) of sustainable development and the overall
qualitative vision.
Transition management 117



Transition management, as formulated by Rotmans and us, is a form of

reexive governance. It aims at dealing with real and perceived problems of
forms of modernization and tries to avoid or at least deal proactively
with risks and negative side eects of solutions. Each of the ve elements
of reexive governance is addressed in transition management, even if it
was developed prior to the theoretical framework of reexive governance.
It was informed largely by insights from innovation literature and systems
theory. This section will describe in what ways each of the ve elements is
part of transition management.

Knowledge Integration

Transition management can be best described as a process of learning-

by-doing and doing-by-learning. Sustainability as such is not a xed goal
that can be worked towards but rather a journey of discovery. In order to
explore new solutions and strategies, transition management relies on the
involvement of a diverse number of actors in the transition arena. Not only
will the dierent actors bring in dierent competencies, roles and networks,
they will each provide a dierent kind of knowledge. Within the transition
arena, in-depth discussions amongst the dierent participants will lead to
confronting their dierent perspectives and to developing shared percep-
tions of the problem10 besides the development (integration) of new know-
ledge and the identication of gaps in knowledge.
This way, dierent elements of knowledge are integrated into a common
understanding of the complex problems and processes at hand. These
elements of knowledge are by denition very diverse (ranging from techni-
cal knowledge about regulation, codes, or procedures to soft or tacit
knowledge about behaviour, institutions or other practical issues) so that
a lot of energy has to be invested in the process in order to develop a general
level of understanding amongst the participants. By trying to discover sus-
tainability in the form of new goals and solutions, also the lack of relevant
knowledge in certain areas will become clear. New questions will be posed,
which in turn will generate development of new knowledge. This process of
(re)combining dierent knowledge elements is referred to as coproduction
of knowledge in which scientic knowledge is often only one part (Gibbons
et al., 1994).
A further goal of transition management is of course to diuse the new
knowledge (ideas, goals and solutions, innovations, alliances, competences,
etc.) into larger networks rather than to keep it within the transition arena
118 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

per se. Transition management therefore is a network strategy that also tries
to use the networks of the participants in the transition arena to spread the
thoughts developed there. The discussions with other actors (about the
(complex) system, its problems and dynamics, but about strategies as well),
will have to be extensive and confrontational enough to lead to second-
order learning amongst the participants. In practice, this means that the par-
ticipants will reect on their own dispositions, their own practices and their
own roles within the larger context. They will supposedly take home such
new insights as well as the new ideas on cooperation, solutions, and so on.
By creating within their own organizations new arenas that address more
specic elements of the common approach and strategy, they will contribute
to realizing a structure of arenas and thus knowledge and experiences can
be shared and exchanged between these arenas. If actively pursued, such an
elaborated structure could be seen as an instrument for knowledge produc-
tion, knowledge diusion and knowledge integration (McElroy, 2003).

Anticipation of Long-term Systemic Eects

Especially in the programmes for system innovation there is anticipation of

long-term systemic eects through the use of scenario-analyses and trend-
analyses, back-casting and forecasting exercises and identication (and
selection) of innovations. Insights from innovation studies about self-
reinforcement are used for creating paths while at the same time one is careful
not to get locked into sub-optimal solutions by opting for a exible, adaptive
approach and by engaging in portfolio management. In this way the antici-
pation and control dilemma of Collingridge (1980) with control possibil-
ities being largest when you know the least about the problem is dealt with.
It is still possible that side eects become apparent at a later time, when
the technologies are in use, but the chances of this happening are reduced.
Transition management combines elements of push and control, which is
one of its advantages.
Transition management does not aim to control the future (to use
Wildavskys term) by engaging in comprehensive planning (based on blue-
prints). It relies heavily on market forces for the delivery of functional
services for the obvious reason that no authority can plan for the ecient
delivery of specialized services. Yet transition management does not
blankly rely on market forces, but is concerned with the conditions under
which market forces operate, by engaging in context control so as to orient
market dynamics towards societal goals. The context control consists of
regulations, economic instruments (the use of taxes, subsidies and emission
trading), the use of policy goals and covenants and specic types of plan-
ning (such as land use planning). It consists of the governments acting to
Transition management 119

secure circumstances that will maximize the possibilities for progressive

social development by promoting innovation and mitigating negative
eects (Meadowcroft, 1997, p. 27).11
Anticipative strategies help to deal with three problems of intelligent
change: (1) ignorance: uncertainties about the future and the causal struc-
ture of experience, (2) conict: inconsistencies in preferences and interests,
(3) ambiguity: lack of clarity, instability and endogeneity in preferences and
interests: (March and Olsen, 1995).12 Like Lindblom, March and Olsen are
very negative about the use of expert intelligence, saying that the history
of eorts to act intelligently in democracies is a history of mistakes. They
are especially critical about political change based on anticipatory ratio-
nality, based on backward reasoning from anticipated consequences:13

Too many atrocities of stupidity and immorality have been based on anticipa-
tory rationality, and too many eorts to improve human action through import-
ing technologies of decision engineering have been disappointing. (March and
Olsen, 1995: 1989)

This clearly shows the limitation of the use of anticipatory outcomes but
is probably too negative with regard to anticipation. In transition manage-
ment, experiences inform next steps more than grand visions do.

Adaptivity of Strategies and Institutions

Making adaptive steps forward is also a key element of transition manage-

ment. Transition management opts for a step-by-step process, which is also
characteristic of incrementalism. A step-by-step approach has three advan-
tages: rst, it is feasible because it is not disruptive from the viewpoint of
special interests; second, the costs of a certain step being a mistake are kept
low; third, it allows one to change course (one gets less locked into partic-
ular solutions)14 and fourth, useful lessons may be learned informing
further steps. Even though it is generally seen as slow it may bring change
faster than more dirigistic approaches. Charles Lindblom powerfully states
the case for incremental politics:

Abstractly considered, incremental politics looks very good. It is intelligently

exploratory when linked with sequences of trial and error. It reduces the stakes
in each political controversy, thus encouraging losers to bear their losses without
disrupting the political system. It helps maintain the vague general consensus on
basic values (because no specic policy issue ever centrally poses a challenge to
them) that many people believe is necessary for widespread voluntary accept-
ance of democratic government. Moreover, incrementalism in politics is not in
principle slow moving. It is not necessarily, therefore, a tactic of conservatism.
A fast-moving sequence of small changes can more speedily accomplish a drastic
120 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

alteration of the status quo than can a mere infrequent major policy change.
(Lindblom, 1979: 520)15

Transition management is an incrementalist strategy for changing soci-

etal systems.16 The reason for this is that with new technology systems, as
with politics, you cant get it right the rst time. There are too many vari-
ables; one has to opt for small steps in what is generally perceived as the
right direction by trying dierent solutions (cf. Lee, 1993). By means of this
process in an iterative way, the right direction will be redened, as will the
associated goals. Like politics, technologies are not born perfect (Latour,
1991; Rosenberg, 1976) but require adaptation before they constitute a
good solution. It is often insuciently realized that the eciency of
markets rests on the weeding out of suboptimal designs of products and
technologies through market competition. Evolutionary change, founded
on trial and error, while wasteful in the short term, is often the most intel-
ligent approach in the long run. This view has greatly inuenced the vision
of transition management.
Transition management does not argue for blind incrementalism and
takes into account criticisms levelled against incrementalism such as lack
of orientation, conservatism, and negative stance against analysis (Weiss
and Woodhouse, 1992). Analysis plays a role in the choice of incremental
steps (doing by learning). Analysis also has an important role to play in the
determination of goals, the identication of visions of sustainability for
meeting such goals, and the determination of steps (policy steps and tech-
nology steps) to learn about the visions and make a contribution to them.
This is not so easy. According to Weiss and Woodhouse (1992; 260) incre-
mentalism whilst intellectually appealing has never been very helpful to
practitioners, as it has failed to set forth a strategy for making fairer, more
intelligent, or otherwise better social choices. Transition management is
believed to be more helpful in making a number of concrete proposals, one
of which is to develop the long-term vision and intermediate goals to
inform incremental action. Whether this leads to better decisions is still
an open issue, but practice has already shown at least that novel and alter-
native steps are identied.

Iterative Participatory Goal Formulation

Transition management relies on iterative participatory goal formulation

within transition arenas (as we discussed at length in section 5). Goals
chosen by and in society are continuously re-assessed, together with poli-
cies to move closer to those goals. One of the crucial elements in transition
management is its own evaluation, both in terms of process as well as
Transition management 121

Organizing a multi-
actor network

Evaluating, sustainability
monitoring visions and
and learning transition

Mobilizing actors and

executing projects and

Figure 5.5 Activity clusters in transition management

content. By organising evaluation systematically, formulated goals, experi-

ments and policy approaches can be adapted, which leads to a new round
of learning-by-doing. The cyclical and iterative element of transition man-
agement is portrayed in Figure 5.5.
Experiential learning plays an important role in this. A real problem here
of course is that you not only want to learn about a singular solution but
about system innovation, and to facilitate processes of change. To learn
about system innovation one should do strategic experiments as part of
programmes for system innovation. Results from evaluation should feed
into the projects and the overall programme; it should inform decisions at
the operational and strategic level. Lessons learned depend on how exper-
iments are designed and the types of experiments that are being under-
taken. Having a good portfolio of experiments is therefore important.
Experiments not only help provide information about technology and
instruments but also help actors to learn about goals. It is important to
engage in higher-level learning about both goals and approaches.
The participatory nature of transition management also allows for itera-
tive problem-formulating and goal-formulating processes between dierent
122 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

types of actors. For example the interaction between scientic knowledge,

practical experience from practitioners and the regulatory context can lead
to new insights into problems, complementarities, innovation and uncer-
tainties. Through a systemic evaluation and adaptation of the programmes
the process moves forward.

Interactive Strategy Development

Interactive strategy development is necessarily a part of transition manage-

ment. In the Netherlands over the last decade, a standard practice has been
to involve societal actors in policy-making, searching for agreement on envi-
ronmental and economic issues. The famous or infamous Dutch polder
model is a clear example of this involvement of stakeholders, which was
based on negotiations to reach consensus between the vested interests
(actors in the regime). The goal of transition management is to facilitate and
organize outsiders, trying to empower them to be able to develop and imple-
ment alternatives. Through transition management, outsiders, especially
innovators, are given room and listened to. The transition arena is created
for this. Through transition management citizens and citizens organiza-
tions including NGOs are involved in policy-formulation as well as business
interests. They are involved in the setting of goals and in discussions of pos-
sible futures. Participation is not merely used to generate public support
although this has some important advantages, noted by Coenen (2002).
Citizen involvement enhances the legitimacy of policy, helps to reduce the
risk of conict and oers an additional source of ideas and information.
Through their involvement people and organizations learn about problems
and solutions. Citizen involvement is not a substitute for government; a clear
role is expected of and needed from the government (Coenen, 2002).
The question thus is how to organize participation and interaction while
maintaining eective governance. The solution oered by transition man-
agement is to place the process in the centre and rely on mutual adaptation
against a set of collectively chosen long-term goals. When organized prop-
erly, transition management thus enables self-coordination and steering
among actors without controlling the process in the classical top-down
control mode. This mechanism has been described on a broader level by
Lindblom (1965, 1997) as partisan mutual adjustment: in a generally under-
stood environment of moral rules, norms, conventions, and mores, interde-
pendent actors modify their own behaviour just enough to accommodate
the diering purposes of others, but not so much that the mutual adjusters
lose sight of collective goals.
For transition management, this implies organising and facilitating inter-
action, while not inuencing the content of the process, since the outcomes
Transition management 123

are the result of the interaction itself and not of individual choices or
demands. By co-developing visions and agendas and collectively carrying
out practical projects and experiments, the mutual adjustment of these per-
spectives and expectations takes shape.


Transition management as developed by Rotmans and others is not a theo-

retical fancy. The Dutch government uses the model of transition manage-
ment to manage four transitions: the transitions to sustainable energy,
sustainable mobility, sustainable agriculture, and the biodiversity and
natural resource transition. This section will describe how this abstract
model is translated into policy in the energy area. The ministry responsible
for this transition is the Ministry of Economic Aairs (responsible for indus-
try and energy). This ministry has been very active since 2001 in developing
transition policies for the transition to a sustainable energy-supply system
by 2050 (see In 2001, the Ministry of Economic
Aairs started consulting various stakeholders (companies, researchers,
NGOs) to assess whether they saw possibilities for the transition to take
place, and if so, what the chances were. Based on these conversations and an
intensive scenario-study (LTVE), they selected ve robust elements or sub-
projects in the transition to a sustainable energy system, with a time horizon
of 2030:

Biomass International;
New Gas Services;
Sustainable Industrial Production;
Toward a Sustainable Rijnmond (an industrial ecology project);
Policy Renewal.

In 2002, the Ministry started Project Implementation Transition man-

agement (PIT), which was meant to investigate whether the selected sub-
projects would meet enough support, enthusiasm and commitment from
the relevant stakeholders to create a climate in which they would be willing
and able to work together. The project was initially nanced with 35 million
euros and supported by an eight-person sta. The main conclusions from
this phase were that the transition approach proved to be appealing to
the majority of the stakeholders and they would be willing to invest (time
and money) and commit themselves to such a process under the condition
that the transition management approach would be made more concrete,
that more explicit visions for the future would be developed, and that the
124 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

2050 Biomass 2040% of primary energy supply Vision

2020 1015% in power production 1520% in transport
A. Gasification

B. Pyrolysis
Exp Transition
C. Biofuels



Note: Exp  experiments; EOS  R&D

Source: presentation of Hugo Brouwer from Ministry of Economic Aairs in the

Netherlands at nal BLUEPRINT workshop in Brussels in 2003

Figure 5.6 The Dutch vision for biomass

government would support the transition endeavour both nancially as

well as process-wise.
Based on these ndings, the green light was given for the implementation
of phase 2 in 2003. The objectives of this phase were to develop a long-term
vision on energy in general and for each of the sub-projects supported by
all relevant actors, to have these actors committed to the process, to map
possible paths, barriers and necessary preconditions for the transition, to
set up plans for knowledge development and knowledge sharing and com-
munication, to chart international developments and nally to develop
transition experiments. For biomass this resulted in the following vision17
which is to be adapted with time.
Dierent options are explored. A portfolio approach is used also with
respect to research. So-called Spearheadprojects were selected as part of the
new energy research strategy on the basis of two criteria: knowledge position
of the Netherlands and contribution to a sustainable energy system. The two
criteria resulted in the following categorization of projects: spearhead pro-
jects, knowledge export projects, knowledge import projects and irrele-
vant (for those projects that scored low on both accounts). The portfolio
approach used in nance to hedge risks ts with transition management.
Transition management 125

Following these developments, 35 million euros were made available in

2004 for strategic experiments. In the Policy Renewal project the Ministry
is reconsidering its instruments and interactions with society. They are
opting for a more participatory and interactive type of governance. An
example of this is the establishment on 21 January 2004 of an intervision
group for the energy transition, an independent think tank composed
mostly of non-energy experts and independent people.
Dierent ministries are now using the model of transition management
and applying it in their own way. It is too early to evaluate outcomes, but what
already seems apparent is that the approach leads to integration of activities
across the spectrum. The rst successes, in terms of agreements, projects,
subsidies, inspiring images and so forth, serve as a ywheel and attract an
increasing number of actors to the process. However, organizing the process,
especially within the context of the existing institutional frameworks, has
proven to be dicult because of the tension between the existing interests
and institutionalized routines and the innovation promoted by the transition
network. Through engaging in transition management activities, the barri-
ers to innovation become clear and conicting interests are identied. This
leads to tension, negative feedback, irritation and sometimes conict, but
these are necessary to achieve the intended changes. The exploitation of
winwin options does not get you far. So far also little progress has been
made in involving citizens in the transition process in a direct way. The goals
of 2040 per cent biomass for example have been chosen by business inter-
ests. The selected transition goals of reliability, cost eciency and reductions
in carbon dioxide emissions were chosen by the government.


In this chapter we outlined the concept of transition management that is

currently used in the Netherlands for managing the transition to sustain-
able energy, sustainable mobility, sustainable agriculture, and the bio-
diversity and natural resource transition, and delineated the reexive
governance characteristics. Transition management for sustainable devel-
opment consists of deliberate attempts to work toward social, economic and
ecological objectives in a gradual, forward-looking manner in full recogni-
tion of system dynamics and windows of opportunity to eect change.
Transition management is concerned with the normative orientation of
socio-economic processes and seeks to overcome the conict between long-
term imperatives and short-term concerns. Because of its focus on the evo-
lutionary dynamics of socio-technological innovation processes, transition
management pays particular attention to learning, maintaining a variety of
126 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

options (through portfolio management, see also Chapter 8 by Weber in this

book) and institutional change to avoid becoming locked into evolution-
ary traps and to escape existing ones.
Transition management employs an integrative and multi-scale frame-
work for policy deliberation, choice of instruments, and actions by individ-
uals, private and public organizations, and society at large. Transition
management is inclusive and calls for setting long-term and intermediate
goals, alignment of short-term and long-term policies and strategic experi-
mentation in addition to traditional policies. Because it aims for long-term
change through relatively small steps, the risk of getting locked into subop-
timal solutions is limited.
In this chapter we explained why transition management de facto is a form
of reexive governance, even though it was developed independently of the-
ories of reexive modernization (Beck, 1997) and reexive governance.
Transition management is based on each of the strategies of reexive gover-
nance delineated in the Introduction to this book: knowledge integration,
anticipation of long-term systemic eects, adaptivity of strategies and insti-
tutions, iterative participatory goal formulation and interactive strategy
development. Alternative labels are evolutionary governance, directed incre-
mentalism (Grunwald, 2000) and goal-oriented modulation (Kemp and
Rotmans, 2001).18
It should be clear from what we said that transition management is not
a megalomaniac attempt to control the future but an attempt to orient
dynamics to sustainability goals in a reexive manner. Policy is concerned
with the dynamics of variation, selection and reproduction, not just with
obtaining predened policy outcomes. By opting for relatively small steps
transition management seems feasible, and by implementing it not only the
knowledge problem but also the governability problem (Mayntz, 1994) can
be addressed. Whilst the idea of managing variation-selection processes
sounds very abstract, the model of transition management oers practical
suggestions for how to do it, in terms of institutions and instruments. It is
not an instrument as such, but a new perspective for decision-making and


1. We thank Bernhard Truer, Jan-Peter Vo and Dierk Bauknecht for comments on an

earlier version of the chapter.
2. Senge (1990) has also underlined the importance of systems-thinking for enabling inter-
action, learning and cooperation. More recently, Midgley (2000) has synthesized most
recent work on systems thinking under the heading critical systems thinking, a looser
way to apply systems properties and use systems language. For transition management,
Transition management 127

systems-thinking is not a straitjacket, but rather a way to identify main drivers, be aware
of side eects and develop more integrated strategies.
3. The time span is not a dening characteristic but a result.
4. Because of changes in human activity, technologies and production processes used, the
ecological impact of the activities changes.
5. In Rotmans et al. (2000 and 2001) this phase is called the acceleration phase.
6. Transitions can be seen as system innovation at the highest level of societal systems.
These societal systems can be broken down into sub-systems (for example the regulatory,
the technological or the user sub-system) at which level system innovations take place.
Within these sub-systems, simple or singular innovations occur.
7. Other examples of system innovation are: biomass-based chemistry, multiple sustainable
land use (the integration of the agricultural function with other functions in rural areas)
and exible, modular manufactured construction (Ashford et al., 2001).
8. Discussions within the transition arena have to be based on a systems approach, which
allows for a more comprehensive and integrated analysis of the problem. The focus has
to be on the issue of what the structural origins of all the individual (symptomatic) prob-
lems of the dierent actors are.
9. See also section 7. The website gives an overview of the result of
discussions amongst Dutch actors related to energy, which resulted in the vision, images
and transition experiments.
10. The discussions are based on a participative systems analysis in which the dierent par-
ticipants contribute specic knowledge about specic parts of the system so that they
together develop an integrated image of the systems at hand and the main causal rela-
tions and dynamics within this system.
11. Context control may be viewed as a form of planning (see Meadowcroft 1997, p.27).
12. A nice discussion of adaptive policy with operational elements is Walker et al.s paper
13. The criticism of anticipatory rationality should probably not be taken as criticism of
anticipation or a call for short-sightedness but as a criticism of a particular method for
dealing with the future: strategic planning. According to Club of Rome member
Mesarovic (2001), sustainability requires anticipatory democracy.
14. We take the view that path dependencies cannot altogether be prevented, each act will
inuence future acts in ways that are not entirely clear. Incrementalism, portfolio man-
agement and the stimulation by policy of robust solutions help to circumvent but not
altogether prevent the problem of suboptimal solutions. Lindblom (1997) proposes
relying on the intelligence of interaction by relying on partisan mutual adjustment.
15. Of course there is a danger of conservatism but forces of conservatism (in the form of
special interests, veto powers, and timid/unimaginative thinking) always play out them-
selves, at any time and place, as noted by Lindblom in a defence to his critics.
16. Not just incremental steps are taken. From a contemporary point of view, we have dis-
continuous policies and steps.
17. What is referred to here is what we described in section 5 as a basket of images. From all
scenario studies, it was concluded that biomass will play a signicant role in any future
energy supply system. The form in which biomass will be used however is uncertain.
Within the context of the overall vision for a sustainable energy supply, dierent images
have been developed (gasication, pyrolysis and biofuels), linked to dierent transition-
paths, which together must lead to the overall ambition.
18. Similarly, transition management could also be considered an example of a mixed scan-
ning approach, a hierarchical mode of decision-making that combines higher-order,
fundamental decision-making with lower-order incremental decisions that work out
and/or prepare for the higher order ones (Etzioni, 1986). The fundamental choices are
the long-term goals, the creation or abandoning of programmes for system innovation,
reliance on certain ways of decision-making. The fact that we can use dierent labels for
transition management shows that the ideas behind it are not new; what is new is the
operationalization of these ideas.
128 Strategies for sustainable system transformation


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6. Adaptive management to restore
ecological and economic resilience
in the Tisza river basin
Jan Sendzimir, Piotr Magnuszewski,
Peter Balogh and Anna Vri


While many of the chapters in this volume deal with the governance of
socio-technical systems to make them more sustainable, the management
of complexity has been an important issue in the area of socio-ecological
systems for quite some time. Adaptive management (AM) has been devel-
oped as a structured learning process to deal with uncertainty of socio-eco-
logical development in natural park management, sheries and so forth.
These approaches can be viewed as instances of reexive governance
since they acknowledge the impossibility of planning and control in a
complex and changing world. They anticipate unintended eects of man-
agement strategies and actually build on them in an understanding of
management as learning.
This chapter discusses the set-up of an Adaptive Management process
for renaturalisation in the Tisza River Basin (TRB) in Hungary where it
has been applied in order to deal with increasing ood risks which repre-
sent a second-order problem of modern hydro-engineering and indus-
trial agricultural practice. River basins rarely gain our attention except
in the context of great oods, but their future revolves around far more
than pulses of water. Their integrity and development also depend on
how their communities interact with ows of people, commerce, and
ideas. Sustainable progress in the evolution of these regional socio-
ecological systems (sensu, Walker et al. 2000) depends on the resilience and
dynamism of their heritage, in all its ecological, economic and social
dimensions. Over the past century, regional decline, and even collapse, of
the heritage of major river basins on every continent signal our failure to
understand or manage all the intertwined processes that drive these
complex systems.

132 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

To answer this challenge, it is neither science nor policy but their inte-
gration in a learning cycle along with local knowledge and practice, that will
help us adapt to the uncertainty and surprise of complex, large-scale
systems like river basins, coasts, continental plains and mountain ranges.
None of the perspectives along the way can be neglected, and small
steps seldom taken address how we steer the process of learning and man-
aging as we integrate these views, reect and experiment. Adaptive man-
agement is an on-going experiment for developing such a steering process
(Gunderson et al. 1995, Gunderson and Holling 2002, Sendzimir et al.
1999, 2003).
Adaptive management is an example of a reexive governance (RG)
approach, starting from some of the same premises and pursuing some of
the same methods as those described in the Introduction to this volume. AM
begins from the assumption that surprise is inevitable in complex evolving
systems and will confound and ultimately defeat eorts to control and
eliminate uncertainty through science, policy, or practice. If the uncertainty
inherent in natural and social evolution is compounded by inexible
attempts to control ambient variability, then management only increases
uncertainty. However, the eect is further amplied because it often emerges
after a period of initial success lulls society into complacent dependence on
short-sighted methods. Delays are potent sources of destabilizing surprise in
evolving systems (Sterman 2000). The adaptive label is partly an attempt to
recast management in the wider role as a nimble experimenter, with the
patience to consider long-term consequences. As such, management takes
place in a learning cycle as the driver and implementer of the experiments
proposed by science to probe how the world is changing and by what means
we can adapt to that change.
RG and AM jointly advocate and pursue a number of adaptive strategies
(see Table 1.1 in the Introduction). For example, both apply transdiscipli-
nary knowledge production as a means to address co-evolutionary rela-
tions between dierent dimensions (ecological, economic or social) across
multiple scales. AM invokes modelling techniques (conceptual and formal)
to integrate the insights of multiple perspectives across these scales.
Likewise, as mentioned above, AM embraces uncertainty through a cycle
that links hypothesis with policy with implementation with monitoring. In
this way we can adapt how we understand and how we react to the shifting
re-alignments of inter-relations within socio-ecological systems. The RG
goal of facing the dangers of path dependence and technological lock-in
(Arthur 1983) through anticipation of long-term systemic eects is often
addressed by looking at long-term system dynamics and sensitivities
through the use of formal models in AM exercises. AM processes are fun-
damentally iterative and participatory and have been aimed at RG strategy
The Tisza river basin 133

element 4, iterative participatory goal formulation (Sendzimir et al. 2003)

as well as goal 5, interactive strategy development.
This chapter describes how AM can be applied in the Tisza River Basin
(TRB) to address a key RG target second-order problems, unintended
and unanticipated consequences that are more severe than the initial chal-
lenges that provoked the original management intervention. The Tisza
River ows from the Trans-Carpathian region of the Ukraine, and, fed by
numerous tributaries from Romania and Slovakia, cuts across the Great
Hungarian Plain (Alfld), the largest sedimentary basin in Europe (Juhsz
1987, Smegi 1999). While the length and breadth of the Tisza River Basin
(TRB) are not imposing in size (see Figure 6.1), the vast dierential
between them and the far larger four-nation area it drains (more than
150 000 square kilometers in parts of Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia and
Hungary) give the Tisza some of the most dramatic ow uctuations in
Europe (Kovcs 2003). Loosely hemmed in by the bowl shape of the Alfld,


Village of



Figure 6.1 The Tisza river basin with tributaries in catchments in the
Carpathian mountain range across portions of ve dierent
national territories (Romania, the Ukraine, Slovakia, the
Federation of Serbia and Montenegro, and Hungary)
134 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

these uctuations spread like ood waves over vast areas of oodplain, sus-
pended there for considerable periods by thick, impermeable sediments.
Pre-industrial societies managed to develop cultures that could utilize and
thrive on massive, periodic ooding, by building sheries and fruit enter-
prises that made them one of the richest regions of Hungary before 1850
(Andrsfalvy 1973, Molnr 2003, Paget 1850, Tth 2002). How could such
a self-sucient region collapse to its present state of economic and social
poverty, and be threatened increasingly by the very oods on which it used
to thrive?
This chapter examines some of the sources of uncertainty from both
human and environmental sources that have combined to produce such
surprising regional collapses. It then considers adaptive management (AM)
as a reexive governance approach, which has proven useful in addressing
uncertainty in river basins and describes its implementation in the Tisza
River Basin.



Condence in human capacity to manage Nature surged with the dramatic

scientic and engineering advances that drove the Industrial Revolution
(Davies 1996), which increased societys throughput of energy and materials
by several orders of magnitude (Odum 1996). That condence faded, begin-
ning with a series of surprising, catastrophic collapses of regional sheries,
agriculture and forestry in the twentieth century (Gunderson et al. 1995,
Holling 1986, Walters 1986). As variability has increased at macro scales (for
example with climate change and globalization), uncertainty increasingly
replaces condence as a central attitude driving the search for policy. The
stubborn refusal of many such crises to respond to any remedy (the decline
of rural society and mad cow disease to name but two prominent cases in
the past 20 years) has earned them a reputation as wicked problems (Rittel
and Webber 1973). In many cases, policies that initially cured problems
have suddenly foundered on policy resistance, the counter-intuitive, often
delayed, emergence of new challenges that would reverse initial success
(Sterman 2002).
The degree and quality of uncertainty inherent in the dynamics of eco-
logical, social and economic change can be classied as statistical uncer-
tainty, model uncertainty, or fundamental uncertainty (Hilborn 1987).
Discourse about change in the popular media may acknowledge the shal-
lowest level of uncertainty, namely statistical uncertainty, wherein one may
not know the condition of a variable at any one point, but the overall
The Tisza river basin 135

chances of its occurrence (probability distribution) are known. An example

of this might be the chances of being struck by lightning.
More profound kinds of uncertainty are currently encountered at the
frontiers of science and practice. For example, the depth of surprises
that occur in natural and human systems are forcing us to re-examine our
most basic ideas about how variables are connected in a model (model
uncertainty) or whether we can conceive of any model at all that applies
(fundamental uncertainty) (Peterson et al. 1997). In the case of model
uncertainty one still can predict the impacts of outcomes but have no idea
of their likelihood. For instance, evidence from periodic drops in Europes
temperatures is best explained at present by the switching o of a deep
ocean current, the Atlantic Conveyor, yet we have little idea what
processes combine to toggle these systems on and o and less idea of their
likelihood (Broecker 1996). Fundamental uncertainty applies to situations
so novel that no current model applies. The discovery of the atmospheric
ozone hole exemplied such profound novelty; at that time we couldnt
even conceive of a cast of characters let alone a set of relationships
between them.
One begins to appreciate the complexity of systems when one realizes
that, as our Earth is increasingly connected by ecological and human
processes, all three levels of uncertainty can apply at any one place.
Uncertainty, therefore, arises from sources both external and internal to
society. We consider two of the most prominent sources of uncertainty cur-
rently confronting river basins: climate (primarily external with respect to
river basins, though over-development within the basin may trigger larger
ood pulses (Ripl 1995), and our history of river basin engineering (inter-

Uncertainty in Nature

Climate change (CC) is anticipated to increase uncertainty in river man-

agement through short-term direct eects on temperature and precipitation
that may generate medium- to long-term indirect eects on the rates and
functioning of ecosystem processes and the interactions between them
(IPCC 2001, Walther et al. 2002, Parmesan and Yohe 2003, Sendzimir et al.
in review). CC impacts can complicate ood management by increasing the
variability of river inputs from melt water, groundwater and precipitation.
Rising temperatures and shorter winters should diminish both ice and snow
volumes thereby decreasing melt water contributions and increasing the
dominance of rainwater inputs to river ow.
Over the past 50 years rising atmospheric temperatures have already
decreased alpine glacier ice volumes by 50 per cent and should completely
136 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

melt all glaciers that feed the Rhine river by 2070 (source: www., accessed June 2004) and consequently decrease steady
melt water inputs by 15 per cent in summer. CC impacts are expected to drive
increases in rainwater uctuations, such as a 20 per cent increase in winter
precipitation. Rising temperatures can drive higher throughput of the
hydrological cycle with higher rates of evapotranspiration (water ux
through plants and the soil back to the atmosphere) and precipitation (IPCC
2001). Higher precipitation rates will probably lead to increased spatial het-
erogeneity of precipitation, concentrating rainfall into tighter patterns of
more intense rain and thereby increasing the likelihood of ooding.
Such intensication of the volume and spatial pattern of rainfall is likely
to be amplied by human conversion of oodplain land cover from wet-
lands to agriculture or habitation. This lowers contributions of wetland
functions that buer uctuations in gases, particulates, nutrients, toxics,
water, temperature and kinetic energy (for example wave and wind). For
example, wetland productivity contributes to carbon sequestration and
evapotranspiration uxes that moderate air and water temperature vari-
ability. As a result, cooler micro-climates over river valleys and marsh plains
sustain higher rates of smaller, local rainfall events, thus buering the
basin from more intense rain upstream that generates more extreme ood
events (Pokorny et al. 1998, Ripl 1995). The combined decline of steady
base inows and increase in rain-driven input variability should increase
ood volumes and peak levels substantially. Along the Rhine river, ood
peaks should rise 20 per cent higher than previously experienced (source:, accessed June 2004).

Uncertainty in Society

The sources of surprise and uncertainty in the TRB emerge not only from
the complexity of Nature but also from the ways that human intervention
has lowered the basins resilience to change. We consider here the ways that
the basins structure and function have been altered through shifts in land
use and basin morphometry (shape in three dimensions, such as elevation,
area of oodplain) by hydro-engineering.
By the nineteenth century the promise and power of the ideas of the
Enlightenment began to shake and recongure commerce and society in
Europe. As Davies (1996) notes: There is a dynamism about nineteenth-
century Europe that far exceeds anything previously known. Europe
vibrated with power as never before: with technical power, economic power,
cultural power, intercontinental power. A rising tide of energy, raw mater-
ials and people converged on growing urban agglomerations that became
regional manufacturing centres for new products and economic opportunity,
The Tisza river basin 137

which in turn drew yet more people and resources from the countryside.
Nations grew following the new, modern industrial model, swelling every
index of growth, including urban populations and the demand for food.
This demand was seen as a new opportunity by the major landholders on
the TRB. The Habsburg nobility, including the Emperor, as well as
Hungarian aristocrats and nobility, to some extent, began to convert the
agricultural land of the oodplain from a diverse polyculture of fruits, nuts
and maize to larger elds with monocultures of wheat (Kovcs 2003).
There was far more prot in providing a durable grain for the main staple
of urban populations, bread, than in handling the enormous variety of per-
ishable fruits, which were far more daunting items to store and ship. Within
a few decades Hungary would become the rst wheat-exporting nation in
Europe, earning large prots in the short run but at a far higher price in the
long run than originally imagined.
Agricultural transformation immediately raised two challenges. First,
no variety of wheat known then could withstand ooding or even high
groundwater levels for any length of time, so the Tisza had to be tamed to
keep its surges o the oodplain. Second, the twisting meanders of the
Tisza across the Great Plain had to be straightened to shorten shipping dis-
tances and make export protable. Changing the shape and content of the
elds led to the Herculean task of reshaping the entire oodplain and the
river channel itself, ocially conceived and implemented by the Austro-
Hungarian Empire as the Vsrhelyi Plan. Such radical surgery on the
landscape was an aront to tradition and sparked great controversy (see
Vay 2002), but eventually the Plan was pushed through in 1870 and the
wood and coal-red power of the nineteenth century began to sculpt the
Tisza River valley with the clean and smooth lines of an engineers ruler
(Figure 6.2).
To grow, protect and export wheat the Tisza oodplain was modied
for ood defence, and the river was straightened and deepened. Wheat
export became possible when the ow of the Tisza was concentrated in a
single, deeper channel that cut a smoothed arc through the maze of twists
and turns of a braided rivers oodplain. Overall the Tiszas length was
shortened by more than 400 km (Botri and Krolyi 1971). In addition,
the original Vsrhelyi Plan began a process that over a century eventu-
ally protected 97 per cent of the basin at risk from ooding with over
4500 km of primary and secondary dikes along the Tisza and its tribu-
taries. Overall, the dike defence system lowered the oodplain area by
more than an order of magnitude, from 38 500 km2 to 1800 km2 (Horvth
et al. 2001).
Simply mentioning that a major Tisza ood could inundate 17 per cent
of Hungary (Vradi 2001) made the threat so palpable that it locked up
138 Strategies for sustainable system transformation



Figure 6.2 An artists interpretation of dierent landscape mosaic

patterns in the Tisza river oodplain both before (a) and after
(b) the execution of the original Vsrhelyi river engineering
plan in 1871

most funding in dike defence. Water authorities are driven by enormous

political pressure in the event of any loss of life or injury following dike
failure in a ood (Linerooth-Bayer and Vri 2003). However, the prodi-
gious engineering of the dike defense system failed repeatedly under the
mounting pressure of oods with higher crests and volumes. More and
larger oods created a race to raise and reinforce the dikes higher than the
next major ood, but the history of dike failures shows how re-engineering
the defense system could never catch up.
The TRB has known large oods for more than a millennium of recorded
history and undoubtedly over the eons of geological time since the rise of
the Carpathian range. Tisza oods are events of European stature, with
volumes (4000 cubic meters a second) that approach half that of the far
larger Danube River at ood stage. The Tisza may be moderate in dimen-
sions, but the forces moving through it are considerable. Such extreme
oods are currently estimated to occur on average every ten to twelve years
in the Tisza River Basin (Wu 2000), but the last century has seen rising
trends in all facets of ooding: ood crest or peak height, ood volume, and
ooding frequency. Since the average minimal ow has declined, the
dierence between ood and drought extremes is increasing. The interval
between extreme oods has declined sharply from once every 18 years
The Tisza river basin 139

(between 1877 and 1933) to once every three to four years (between 1934
and 1964) to almost every other year over the last decade. An engineering
race to raise the dikes started after each ood, as each subsequent ood
exceeded the previous one in height (Fetivizig 2000).
Practically in step with mounting ood statistics, regional development
has also climbed since the mid-nineteenth century, and the clash between
these two rising trends has created ever larger losses. The infrastructure of
towns and row crop farms burgeoned and spread into the ood danger
zone, the TRB oodplain, with reassurance from the apparent security of
a dike and canal ood defense system. The security promised by hydro-
engineering might hold for a decade or two, but ever-larger oods breached
these defenses, and as a result devastated homes, roads and crop elds.
Damage to built capital and commerce from one major ood event could
reach as high as approximately 25 per cent of the riverine basin GDP or
79 per cent of the national GDP (Halcrow Group 1999). The most vul-
nerable groups, such as low income farmers, are often hit hardest, deplet-
ing their scarce reserves and pushing them to the brink of bankruptcy
(Linerooth-Bayer and Vri 2003). The force of major oods perennially
rises to surpass expensive eorts to engineer, reinforce and defend the dike
system. Without a very quick, competent and heroic capability to react to
oods in crisis, the failures of hydro-engineering would be even more
apparent (ibid.).

Entangled Dynamics that Give Rise to Wicked Problems

The TRB faces a complex of related problems that are so entangled as to

defy understanding or remedy. The subset of challenges underlying such
wicked problems includes ecology (loss of biodiversity, habitat, rising
intensity and frequency of oods), economy (farms and related businesses
disappearing, loss of sheries, fruit, nut and timber industries) and society
(disappearance of schools, communities, children uninterested in history
and culture). These problems have been compounded by a series of pro-
found interventions to re-engineer the river basins morphometry and to
replace completely local agricultural methods with dryland wheat produc-
tion. In ways paradoxical to the modern sense of progress, investments in
technology have increased, rather than diminished, the uncertainty that
faces the inhabitants of the TRB. Periodic disasters increase in intensity
while the ecological, economic and social bases of resilience erode slowly.
Clearly, future actions must rely on wider disciplinary foundations than
the narrow engineering and economic concepts that have been applied
so far.
140 Strategies for sustainable system transformation



Uncertainty challenges more than our need to understand, because the

responsibility to manage systems of humans and nature creates tension
between two needs: for useful simplications to communicate and probe
with (theory) and for eective action (practice). This tension increases as
natures uncertainty is compounded by societys attempts to learn and
manage. Both natural and human systems constantly change and evolve,
sometimes in synchrony and sometimes not. If our appreciation of uncer-
tainty forces us to admit that there are no truths which persist, and that no
person or group is the guardian of such truths, then we can recognize the
importance of discussion between a variety of competing ideas. In other
words, coping with novelty and surprise requires the sustained capacity to
learn and to manage exibly. For more than thirty years a decision making
process has been evolving to address the twin challenges of learning and
management. This process, adaptive environmental assessment and man-
agement (AEAM), also known as adaptive management (AM), has been
rened in a series of on-the-ground applications in problems of forestry,
sheries, national parks, and river systems (Holling 1978, Walters 1986,
Gunderson et al. 1995, Gunderson and Holling 2002, Sendzimir et al. 1999,
The driving assumption underlying AM is that uncertainty is inevitable,
because the behaviour of complex systems is only partly knowable.
Therefore, as ecosystems and societies evolve, humans must adapt and
conform as systems change. However, the challenges presented by the
degrading condition of Nature and society require action. Historically,
understanding has often proven shallow and of limited use when developed
in isolation from the discipline of managing a changing system. Therefore,
AM is not about learning before one can manage; rather it is learning while
one manages (Gunderson et al. 1995). Structured learning in an iterative
cycle (see Figure 6.3) is the way that uncertainty is winnowed. Surprise is
never eliminated, but by embracing uncertainty we may reduce the conse-
quences of the way our understanding lags behind evolving systems. That
embrace includes deepening understanding and adaptively responding to
system changes. Adaptive responses and management actions must meet
social objectives, such as protecting people or resources, but learning must
continue as policies are modied to adapt to surprises. Therefore, a second
function of management is to probe the system, perturbing it slightly to
provoke some minimal, safe response that gives an indication of the
working and true structure of the system (Walters, 1986). AM has taken
many dierent pathways as its implementation responded to local needs,
The Tisza river basin 141

(as test of hypothesis)

Assessment Management


Monitoring and

Figure 6.3 The adaptive management process as a structured learning

cycle that iteratively links four phases: assessment,
formulation, implementation and monitoring

but the following four phases oer a template of activities that integrate
research, management and practice in a cycle (see Figure 6.3).

Phase 1 Assessing the Known and the Uncertain

The assessment phase simultaneously engages two apparent opposites,

integrated understanding and uncertainty, and counter-poses them in ways
that are revealing to both. Rather than dodging uncertainty with simplify-
ing assumptions or rationalizations, the AM process focuses on uncertainty
from the very beginning, utilizing disagreements to reveal and highlight
gaps in understanding and other sources of uncertainty. The adaptive
process identies new bases for sharing understanding when gaps or uncer-
tainties are recognized as common to all the dierent disciplines, sectors,
occupations, trainings and experiences represented in the discussion.
The common gaps and links in understanding can bridge the various
backgrounds present and establish a foundation of trust that may eventually
unlock information and experiences that were previously unshared. This
trust is one way in which the AM process addresses the refusal to share infor-
mation, a frequent source of gridlock in environmental decision processes.
Another way is to select representatives of various backgrounds based on
142 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

competence, respect within their group and the willingness to cooperate.

Participants are given to understand, that a great potential for communica-
tion can emerge only if each person leaves his/her gun at the door, whether
that gun is an opinion, a philosophy or a mandate from ones organization.
The assessment phase aims to initiate and foster discussion by using an
informal workshop setting and computer models. Care is taken to intro-
duce and use computer models simply as translators and integrators of
peoples understanding, not as technically superior vehicles of truth. If
dialogue begins where there was none before, then the computer model has
succeeded. If people begin to reassess their assumptions seriously because
model output based on their ideas seems questionable, then important and
novel insights are possible.
The goal of the assessment phase is to integrate understanding and ponder
uncertainties to the point that they can be clearly stated as hypotheses about
how the system works and what eects interventions (management or uncon-
trolled human actions) might produce. Complexity in adaptive systems is
partly the result of the diversity of causes, and the alternative explanations
that address these causes can become the basis for policy in the next phase.

Phase 2 Policies as Hypotheses

Policies are one means to constrain or encourage various kinds of human

behaviour. They t within a societys collection of social institutions that
range from the formal (government acts, laws, administrative codes, and
legal contracts) to the informal (understandings and shared views among
groups). But policies are more than the governing plan. AM casts them as
the question set based on experience that sets the stage for further action.
Instead of pursuing the correctpolicy as a solution to problems, AM diers
from traditional engines of policy by seeking policy sets that strike a balance
between the need to learn in the face of uncertainty and other social objec-
tives, such as minimizing vulnerability to change (Gunderson and Pritchard,
2002). In this light, policies are not magic bullets that address the right mix
of objectives to solve a problem; rather they are astute hypotheses about
how the world works or questions masquerading as answers in the words
of Steve Light (Gunderson et al., 1995). AM embraces uncertainty by trying
to nd the best questions, and thereby tries to dodge the trap of rallying
around solutions based on assumptions of certainty.

Phase 3 Management Actions as Tests

Many environmental problems stem from administrative pathologies, such

as those that narrow the focus of policy and research to achieve eciency
The Tisza river basin 143

at the expense of awareness about where the system is going. For example,
if initial policies achieve high production and prot levels, one could bank
on maximizing the prot of such success by cutting research costs, but only
if one was sure of where the system is going. The AM process strives to
avoid this pathology by broadening implementation to mean the testing
and evaluating of hypotheses (policies). This prevents the intent of policy
from being changed during implementation, and shifts the search for
eciency from cost reduction to checking whether management actions
were executed as anticipated (Gunderson, 1998). This gives implementa-
tion a disciplinary rigor of consistency in execution, because otherwise the
test of the policy becomes meaningless, and one loses the power to gain new
information about the system.
For example, in the mid-1990s when the Canadian government re-opened
the Newfoundland cod shery primarily for political reasons (unemploy-
ment), it severely endangered the scientic process of selecting criteria by
which to measure the recovery of the cod population and thereby set policy
about when to open or close the shery. The policy disconnected permission
to sh from the dynamics of the sh population, making it impossible to test
ideas based on evidence. An AM process would have posed policies as tests
of what action (or lack of action) can re-establish the resilience and carry-
ing capacity of the shery.

Phase 4 Monitoring and Evaluation

One of the more fundamental weaknesses of modern policy processes is the

failure to recognize the constant need to monitor and evaluate the impacts
of policy implementation. This weakness is evident in failures to fund the
manpower, time and equipment adequately to establish baseline (pre-imple-
mentation) and policy (post-implementation) databases and to analyse
them for trends. For example, up until the 1990s environmental regulatory
agencies in Florida usually received funding to oversee and police the
process of obtaining permission to develop land but nothing for follow-up
to see how the development proceeds. The authors personal experience is
that it was often only the rare personal commitment of agency ocers that
led them to revisit development sites on their own unpaid time that revealed
inadequacies in the execution of the project. The policy process sets up a
high wall of restrictions at the beginning, but once permission is obtained
the process is often blind to the eects.
The AM process explicitly targets these weaknesses and tries to increase
the breadth of learning across society by including all stakeholders as part
of the monitoring process. Eective participation in policy processes
addressing the complexity of socio-ecosystems requires deep knowledge of
144 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

what is meaningful and useful in terms of data, analysis and conjecture.

Such knowledge comes mostly from direct experience, and as policy makers
and concerned citizens gain this knowledge their capacity to introduce their
unique experience to the policy process increases. For example, the multi-
year experiment to reintroduce meanders in the Kissimmee River involved
close collaboration between scientists, policy makers and the public in the
evaluation of the pilot projects that tested ideas about how to re-naturalize
a river. With time and experience scientists, in their eorts to design next
generation pilot experiments, increasingly recognized the input of con-
cerned citizens as valuable (Light and Blann 2000).

Integrative Learning A Summary

Amassing information does little to help anticipate surprise and uncer-

tainty. Projections based on previous system behaviour have limited utility
in the face of true novelty. Integration of the information gained in policy
probes has little to do with data quantity and everything to do with quality.
To what extent have we winnowed uncertainty and closed the gap on these
elusive and dynamic systems? How is this put into action? First, it integrates
across multiple disciplines and backgrounds. Second, the focus group, and
the community at large, learns by doing. In this way understanding deepens
by probing the workings of ecosystems and society and by considered and
thoughtful sharing of new ideas and previous experiences. Such inquiry is
structured by expert facilitation of discussion, summing up new insights
and consolidating gains before reformulating the questions at hand. Finally,
this understanding often builds from ground made more fertile by complete
re-inspection of assumptions and conceptual frameworks (Gunderson
et al. 1995).
Enhancing understanding through integrated learning is a second loop
type of learning (Sterman 2000, Light and Blann 2000, Magnuszewski et al.
2005) that is fundamental to adaptive management in several ways. Whereas
single-loop learning tries to improve the cycle of learning directly from
experience, double-loop learning tries to establish a second loop that links
the rst loop with the ways in which our underlying assumptions and world
views inuence how we see and interpret the world. When both loops are
invoked eectively, we have a transparent process in which we can con-
sciously change how we assess and understand, formulate policy, act,
monitor, analyse, and, nally, how we frame the world with our assumptions.
Any phase can interact with any other phase.
AM has developed the use of modelling far beyond the reexive gover-
nance conception (as described in this books Introduction) of modelling
as part of rationalist problem-solving tools. Within the AM learning cycle,
The Tisza river basin 145

especially the assessment phase, modelling is not used to blend away the
messy entanglements of relations to distil them down to one rational vision
of a system. Distillation and simplication are possible, but within a far
wider context that can also generate a diversity of views at the end.
First, the modelling phase often addresses in parallel not one but many
dierent hypotheses about how a system operates to create the problem of
concern to stakeholders. Thus, stakeholders may consider not one but many
models that emerge from dierent world views, trainings and experiences.
The pressure to distil these many visions further stems from the urgency for
the group to move on from assessment and formulate policy. Thus a small
subset (perhaps one or two) of the full set of hypotheses (and perhaps
dierent models) are chosen as the basis for policy recommendations. That
subset has not been elevated to the rationalist truth but has been selected
as the most compelling sub-set of questions for the project to test. This
selection is done with full awareness of the fact that when the cycle of man-
agement implementation of policy, monitoring and evaluation again
returns to the assessment phase, other hypotheses and models may now
appear to be the most compelling. Therefore, we do not end with one model
and one explanation. Rather, the full set of models is retained while the
current favourites are tested in policy implementations. Furthermore, as
opposed to rationalist conclusions, modelling is used to dig down to a less
rational sub-terrain to reveal to stakeholders the implications of their
assumptions. The models are pictures of a world that is based on their
assumptions. Modelling exercises are opportunities for stakeholders to bore
beneath the ocial faade of conventional explanations to encounter what
their, often not very rational but profoundly powerful, sub-conscious
assumptions are. Profound questioning of ones assumptions is a major step
to honestly and earnestly examining the world through other assumptions,
through the eyes and hearts of others. As such, it oers a key to grid-lock
and confrontation that opens the door to compromise. Such compromise is
facilitated by the AM atmosphere of experimentation. If every next step is
not a proof but a test, then we are less likely to become stuck on one posi-
tion, but will continue to experiment and revise how we see the world and
how we do things.
Adaptive management is not unique. It is similar to an entire family of
approaches used to understand and manage uncertainty in ecosystems and
society (see Walker et al. (2002) for a current survey). It reects the theor-
etical and methodological training in ecology and modelling that the pro-
fessionals used as they developed AM as a framework to deal with regional
environmental crises. It represents ecologists attempts to communicate and
work with a variety of disciplines as well as the governance and business
sectors of society. It continues to evolve and mature as theory and methods
146 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

of economics and the social sciences are incorporated in its application. For
example, the study of institutions has gained equal status with that of
natural sciences and economics in the articulation and bounding of the
question at hand and in formulating hypotheses and policies (see Ostrom
(1999) and Andersson and Jansson (2004) as examples of the growing
inuence of institutional analysis in AM).
AM has not always succeeded. It has been stymied by failure to reach a
conclusion or to produce meaningful and concrete results, because partici-
pants can indulge in endless discussion and modelling if they are not vigi-
lant or are incompetently guided by facilitators. Some applications of AM
have been criticized as too theoretical and therefore impractical to act as
a framework for people without advanced education or sophisticated
means of discussing complexity. This latter point may depend on the com-
plexity of the system and the questions at hand, as well as on the skill and
patience with which AM is applied. However, AM still represents the best
opportunity to create truly multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral cooperation
that can unite research, policy and praxis in a learning cycle.
For practitioners interested in applying AM the daunting reality is that a
scientic, transparent participatory process is not enough by itself. Success
in engaging the uncertainty of complex, evolving systems requires a vast
array of factors (Gunderson et al. 1995, Light and Blann 2000) that many
people might sweep into one broad category: luck. Experience in the Odra
river valley in Poland (Sendzimir et al. 2003) suggests that little can be
accomplished without one critical factor: a foundation of trust built over
years of fruitful collaboration between actors (government, NGOs, scien-
tists) and stakeholders. If this trust can be carefully and respectfully
expanded to embrace novel ideas and methods (such as AM, modelling and
even the scientic method) then real innovation in participatory science and
management may be possible. However, dozens of factors can potentially
derail this innovation (see Figure 1.12 in Sterman 2000). It often founders
simply because funding horizons are too short to sustain research, commu-
nity dialogue, policy implementation and monitoring long enough for real
learning to occur and to respond to long-term change.



Government, academia and NGOs in Hungary are coming to the same con-
clusion as the Dutch (Van Stokkom et al. 2002, van der Molen et al. 2002)
about ood security: hydro-engineering cannot, by itself, maintain ood
safety and stop the degradation of the biological and cultural heritage of
The Tisza river basin 147

the Tisza River Basin (TRB). The prospect of yet another round of massive
investment in dikes after failure of the defence infrastructure during the last
major ood in 2001 brought about a fundamental re-examination of alter-
natives. Several years of discussion produced a new ood protection initia-
tive in the TRB, the new Vsrhelyi Plan. This initiative is named after the
engineer who fathered the original reshaping of the Tisza in the nineteenth
century, as an ocial faade to maintain some solidarity with past engi-
neering traditions. However, for the rst time a response to the ood crisis
does not recommend raising and reinforcing dikes. Instead, the potential to
remove the dikes and use certain areas of the original oodplain is being
developed. This was never an easy consideration for water engineers in
Hungary, because dike failure leading to loss of life was the fastest way to
lose ones job and even end up in jail. But the series of dike failures over the
past century pointed only to ongoing failure as climate change and other
factors increased ood frequency and intensity.
By utilizing the oodplain for ood control, the new Vsrhelyi Plan
raises a new set of questions. Should the oodplain only be used for ood
control? What are the opportunities to re-establish the traditional roles of
ooding to store water on a dry landscape and to sustain biodiversity as
well as sh productivity? And where and how should people live and earn
a living if they must move o the ooded parts of the plain?
Beginning in 2002 a new research initiative (Kovcs 2000), sponsored
and coordinated in part by WWF Hungary, set out to answer some of these
questions in the middle reaches of the Tisza around the village of
Nagykr. It aims to explore questions related to ecology, agriculture and
sheries as part of a comprehensive assessment of the impacts of re-con-
necting the oodplain with the Tisza river channel. We now consider some
of the key elements of this programme within the context of proposing how
adaptive management could serve as a framework for linking these research
projects with management interventions and eorts to start local
oodplain-based enterprises.

Nagykr Study Area

The village of Nagykr is located in the middle reaches of the Tisza River
(see Figure 6.1). The village of some 10 000 people is situated on a ridge of
high ground that extends along an eastwest axis to within a few hundred
meters of the Tisza river as it swings in a wide arc from north to west. The
village ridge is surrounded by low areas that, prior to hydro-engineering,
were ooded relatively frequently (almost annually). The spatial hetero-
geneity of depressions of dierent depths in the oodplain oered a wide
variety of water storage options. Local people developed a culture that used
148 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

this dynamic water storage potential to sustain a mosaic of a rich and diverse
landscape that supported a variety of uses: orchards, grazing meadows and
sh ponds.
People today would scarcely recognize the TRB landscape and culture
that existed before the industrial revolution. Far from its current depressed
appearance, the economy of the TRB was thriving, self-sucient and rich
enough to export fruits, vegetables, timber and sh (Dr Veres Nandor,
Mayor, village of Nagykr, personal communication). Our modern sense
of diversity, tuned to the three or four varieties of any domestic fruit a
supermarket might oer, would be amazed to nd the hundreds of varieties
of fruit and nuts traditionally grown in the TRB.
Such extreme variety in agricultural produce is neither an extravagant
gesture nor some slavish adherence to tradition. This ancient tradition has
ourished for centuries in the TRB (Andrsfalvy 1973, Molnr 2003, Paget
1850, Tth 2002). It represents a strategic response by which people have
adapted to the variability in nature in every region of the globe since the
Neolithic era (McNeely and Scherr 2003). Plants and people must contend
with severe uctuations in water within the TRB, from sudden and intense
ooding that lasts for weeks over hundreds of square kilometres, to droughts
that may last for years over the entire basin. These sudden ows and slow
ebbs produced a huge variety of ooding durations over the dierent eleva-
tions on the oodplain, and the web of sluices connects the many depressions
in the landscape with the river channel, which links sh nursery areas with
the river.
A diversity of capabilities has been the traditional answer to the uncer-
tainty inherent in such extreme uctuations from wet to dry in river valleys.
Farmers along the Tisza developed fruits that were dierentially adapted
to variable durations and intensities of ooding and drought. They also
developed a local corn variety so well adapted to a short growing season
that one could plant it after the annual spring oods and still harvest a
mature plant by autumn. In comparison to the pesticides and fertilizers
required by the relatively few global varieties that consumers from the UK
to Austria recognize, these local TRB varieties have proven far more robust
against insect pests and diseases, and did not require as much pruning or
intensive care (Siposs and Kis 2002). However, continental and global var-
ieties are rapidly replacing them.

Science Initiative to Re-establish Sustainable River Basin Culture

Decades of scientic research have examined the natural and social history
of the Tisza basin. This scientic legacy oers a wealth of information, but
many local people are oended by how few concrete results all this scientic
The Tisza river basin 149

research has yielded on the ground. Some stakeholders threaten not to

cooperate with scientists in the future, saying that the scientists only stay
long enough to get the information they need to further their careers but
never engage in the long-term struggle to convert new insights into policies
or structures that improve peoples lives. The WWF research initiative
attempts to address this admonition by working in parallel on both the eco-
logical and economic potential created by reconnecting the oodplain to
the Tisza River channel. This potential includes traditional fruit orchards,
shponds, and wet meadow grazing by ancient breeds of cattle.
The challenge to any science policy initiative is that our present under-
standing is insucient to re-establish a functioning society, agriculture and
ecosystem in a naturalized Tisza river basin. Research has given us an incom-
plete view of what ecological services and functions existed and what
humans did to exploit those opportunities sustainably. However, even if we
had a complete view, the past cannot simply be resurrected (Light and Blann
2000). The context never remains the same. The landscape and its human and
animal communities evolve and co-evolve. Eorts to try to freeze the land-
scape context in some arbitrary vision of the past are doomed to failure,
because new species and new arrangements must learn to survive in a context
that has shifted from the past. The landscape may not be very dierent from
what was, but it will be dierent. In brief, simple reverse engineering futilely
aims to resurrect a system that no longer exists. And since society is chang-
ing far more rapidly than the ecosystem, we need a framework to integrate
our research, policies and practices to adapt to the evolving context of
changing society and ecosystems.
Adaptive management (AM) oers such a exible framework. It can be
modied to increase public participation and engage all local stakeholders,
even those who feel exploited by professional scientists and policy makers.
One way to open the process and make it more transparent is to use it to
provide tools to measure progress. AM does this rst and foremost by
oering structure. It provides a set of activities in an iterative cycle. The
pause for each activity signals how far the community discussion has gone.
AM has worked well in dening issues and problems and formulating pol-
icies to test hypotheses as to why the problem exists. However, how can the
community be involved in measuring the performance of these policies?
Participants gain a sense of progress in the AM process in a number of ways.
One is the structure of the learning process itself, where movement from one
phase to another, while not always serial (the process may jump back and
forth to address issues that suddenly arise), can give a sense of progress.
Similarly, progress can be apparent in how discussion and the sense of
understanding matures with advancement in formulation of hypotheses,
development of models to examine hypotheses, elaboration of goals,
150 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

policies to achieve those goals (and test hypotheses) and interventions to

assess the impact of policies. Measuring progress can be addressed directly
by explicitly formulating indicators of progress or change in variables con-
sidered key to achieving a projects goals.
To this latter end we propose an AM approach below that allows partici-
pants to derive and use a variety of tools for developing graphic maps of the
whole system, key variables, goals, policies to achieve those goals and indi-
cators of successful performance of policies. Experience in applying AM in
the Odra river valley (Sendzimir et al. 2003) shows that we can use the
scoping exercises at the beginning in ways dierent from the classic AM
previously described (see Figure 6.3). Following that example, we can begin
with problem articulation and identify the key variables and their interac-
tions that are involved in the problem(s) of concern to stakeholders.
Stakeholder-driven discussion can help connect the variables into a graphic
map of the interactions that are the skeleton or structure of the system
(mental model map).
While the Odra river valley AM process continues, reection on our expe-
rience to date suggests the following structure for an AM framework (AMF)
to help people identify and use sustainability indicators (see Figure 6.4). This
more elaborate learning cycle still employs modelling to articulate hypothe-
ses and to organize a mental map that incorporates inputs from all stake-
holders into an overview of the problem. However, such maps do not replace
a common vision. The vision of where a community wants to be is the over-
arching goal against which all actions and ideas can be measured. This AM
framework mandates that directly after mapping the system such a vision be
pursued as part of setting objectives. This claries the identication of indi-
cators, because key variables for which we determined indicators are
considered important only in relation to objectives. Therefore, making
objectives explicit accelerates the identication of indicators that clearly
relate to the communitys vision and goals, not merely to variables that are
prominent and easy to measure.



The capacity to adapt and innovate is at a low tide in the TRB. Among local
stakeholders, little trust remains in central government, outside experts or
between the people themselves to solve their dilemma. This results from a
combination of prolonged and recurrent ood defence failures, degrada-
tion of natural and social heritage, economic decline and the lack of demo-
cratic traditions in a centralized political system. No sustainable future can
The Tisza river basin 151

be built without re-establishing a foundation of trust, rst within the com-

munity and then as a bridge to people and agencies working at regional,
national and international levels.
Trust arises as a sense of deeper understanding, commitment and accom-
plishment shared across the broader community through participation
in cycles of learning and doing that continue over long time periods. The
AM framework establishes a base of trust in developing a shared vision,
and that trust is extended as all participants work together in proposing
dierent policies and action plans to test the vision and how to attain it. In
this way, AM allows all participants recurring chances to correct the para-
digms, hypotheses, policies, action plans, and measuring tools (such as indi-
cators) in a transparent and cyclic process.
Achieving a sustainable river basin culture requires a framework like the
AMF to allow scientists and stakeholders to collaborate in research and in
revising policy and local practices. In a social context such as the TRB that
is suspicious and sometimes antagonistic to outside academics, the AM

Mapping objectives

2 3

articulation 1 4 Finding

Monitoring 7


Figure 6.4 Adaptive management framework revised according to system

dynamics modelling approaches of Sterman (2000)
to incorporate performance indicators explicitly
152 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

process should oer the means for collaboration across the community to
investigate, intervene and act, and measure progress. We propose that the
AM experience of the Odra and Barycz Rivers (Sendzimir et al. 2003),
while preliminary, still suggests that local stakeholders will provide solid
experience and support if they become engaged in all phases of a trans-
parent process, especially monitoring of indicators of policy performance.
For example, an AM dialogue about the challenges of establishing a land-
scape park along the Odra River revealed the key indicator of successful
implementation as the frustration level of the foresters who were left by
default to make a similar plan work along the river some years before. As
higher governmental levels mandated a park without any extra resources
(funding, personnel or equipment) to support its establishment or execu-
tion, foresters were forced to divide their resources between normal duties
and supporting the park. Failure to work with all stakeholders to design the
park programme or to fund it eventually led to the parks collapse into
disuse as the foresters could no longer manage two jobs. Subsequently,
these same foresters came to stand against any similar new plan.
Local stakeholder experience can prove vital to experiments that explore
how to establish an economically viable culture on a re-naturalized
oodplain in the TRB. Key research tasks include: testing what varieties of
fruit and nut trees can withstand extremes of ooding and drought, what
sluice and channel morphologies establish hydroperiods that support pro-
ductive sheries, what breeds of cattle can thrive on oodplain wet meadows.
Such questions will provide stakeholders and policy makers with the most
compelling evidence of the potential oered by denaturalizing rivers. As
local stakeholders become condent, through their participation, that eco-
nomic (and hence social) development is well addressed in the AM process,
they are more likely to support the expansion of inquiry into the ecological
impacts of re-establishing river oodplain hydroperiods some of which are
complex and dicult to communicate to non-scientists. However, AM also
oers the opportunity for such questions to become more understandable
when a wider portion of the community has participated in the framing of
the questions and the eld monitoring of the experiments.
We have adapted the general adaptive management framework to suit the
needs of the project (see Figure 6.4). The modied framework consists of a
series of steps (see Magnuszewski et al. 2005 for details) that begins with a
vital step whose imposing delicacy and complexity make its proper imple-
mentation and practical description rare: forming the group of participat-
ing stakeholders and actors. This step may seem simple, either because it
seems straightforward to attempt to include every viewpoint or if one antici-
pates that one has to accept whoever is available, since few people can aord
to attend or want to participate. However, including people who refuse to
The Tisza river basin 153

learn, cooperate or compromise or who actively try to sabotage such

processes can destroy such an AM process and hinder future eorts to create
such an initiative. Thus mistakes made here can doom the entire process to
bitter stalemate.
We recommend that part of identifying where to establish a learning cycle
process includes locating places where some trust and understanding exists
through participation in local activities, often with the help of insightful
government or NGO facilitators. In such an atmosphere, the chances
increase of nding people with the rare combination of integrity (such that
their decision and opinion will be respected by the group they represent after
the AM process makes a determination of policy) and willingness to com-
promise. Often, collaboration with local government and NGOs can be ini-
tiated in a preliminary set of meetings that address ways to deal with the key
local problems. AM is just one candidate to be considered at these meetings
during which the most productive and suitable local partners can be
identied and qualied through closer discussions.
The capacity to adapt requires that the learning process has no absolute
end point(s) or beginning point(s). The point of entry depends greatly on the
context created by evolution of society and Nature. Sucient trust and
understanding may have developed over time to make rapid entry and
progress in an AM process possible from the outset. However, when the
social atmosphere is dominated by profound distrust and acrimony, it may
require years of patient mediation and then education about possible learn-
ing paths before an AM process can openly commence. And while AM
has been criticized for sometimes failing to escape endless discussion and
take concrete steps forward, fundamentally there is no end to learning. The
process may appear to stop while certain steps take time to carry out.
However, true adaptation may require leaps forward, backward or across to
other points on the cycle (as suggested by the arrows in Figure 6.4). In
summary, the learning cycles may appear as a linear series for initial clarity,
but implementation may require weaving a far more complex path.

Visualizing and Measuring Change with Models and Indicators

As an extension of the WWF science initiative we plan to use conceptual

modelling to develop a river basin model to identify the most important
variables (see Figure 6.5 for the results of an anticipatory modelling eort)
and then derive and apply sustainability indicators using the following
steps: identify key variables, derive indicators for each variable, develop cri-
teria to measure the usefulness of indicators, use the criteria to select a
practical, small sub-set of the best indicators, collaborate with the partici-
pating stakeholder group in monitoring the indicators. While many projects
Atmospheric CO2
Local ET recycle
as rain Regional
+ +
Extreme rain
events Toleration of ++
Poltical pressure for
+ flood control Wheat
+ damage
River production

channel +
engineering Dike height and
Flood damage
length + Tree plantation
Human development
 in floodplain
Flooding +

+ +
+ +  Water
Extreme Drought river Floodplain +
contained in
velocity High water elevation Fish nursery Orchard

events channel
level + productivity production
+ + + + + +
Silting in
River bed
+ channels
Normal water
+ level
Fruit tree
Groundwater diversity
level elevation +

Hydro-connectivity and
 water storage on

Figure 6.5 Conceptual model (mental model map) of key variables and causal loops that interact to aect Tisza
river oodplain resilience to climate related hydro-dynamic variability
The Tisza river basin 155

may terminate by successful nomination of an impressive slate of indica-

tors, the purpose of an AM process is to sustain learning over time periods
long enough to adapt to change at all levels in socio-ecological systems,
even long term change like climate. Therefore, the true test of an AMF is
whether it catalyses broad participation in using the indicators, analysing
the indicator data over time, and revising indicators when they no longer
track factors that are critical to the sustainability of the system. Indicators
are not the goal; sustained learning is. They are simply one more tool that
allows stakeholders to revise their assumptions, world-views, goals, models,
policies, interventions and activities.
Following the AM approach used in the Odra river valley in Southwest
Poland (Sendzimir et al. 2003, Magnuszewski et al. 2005), NGO stakehold-
ers and systems science researchers in the TRB initiative will meet in an initial
series of scoping sessions to establish a common language. Variables and
links between the variables are the basic elements of this language, which will
be used to develop mutual understanding shared by all participants and join
diverse experiences and backgrounds of the participants into a common
model. First a list of potential variables will be elicited. The scoping process
then proceeds to winnow the list of key variables down to a practical range
(fewer than 25) and uses causal loop diagramming (Sterman 2000) as a
discussion guide in linking variables and slowly developing a graphic image
of the system structure. Experience in using recursive, learning processes
that develop and rene performance indices in businesses the Balanced
Scorecard approach (Kaplan and Norton 1996), but see Rydzak et al. 2004
for a dynamic interpretation provided a target range for a reasonable
number of indicators that the participants can keep in mind and use. The AM
process must also examine broader issues than local ecology and economy,
however, since it is not yet determined whether local production should
support local consumption or must also generate income from export. Such
questions expand the range of inquiry to include institutions, markets, and
ecological processes that operate on a scale larger than the village of
Nagykr. For example, dening the scope (including mental mapping) of
factors that inuence sustainability in the Nagykr area of the Tisza river
basin, should address institutions such as EU, national and provincial regu-
lations, markets and distribution networks at dierent scales, and the poten-
tial impacts of climate change on regional precipitation and river dynamics.
For the TRB initiative sustainability indicators will be developed using the
soft approach following Bell and Morse (1999), Sendzimir et al. (2003) and
Magnuszewski et al. 2005. Accordingly we will try to avoid or mitigate its
weaknesses in two ways. We will use a structured learning process within an
adaptive management framework to identify and address errors transpar-
ently. The same framework will allow us to integrate dierent phases tightly,
156 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

using them to challenge and reinforce one another. For example, we can
mesh the phases of bounding and then measuring the problem by linking the
results of the conceptual modelling phase with the process of dening indi-
cators. As conceptual modelling provides the big picture of the problem
and helps to overcome human information processing limitations, it also
makes the process of indicator selection more rigorous and leads to more
comprehensive results.
Causal loop diagramming will therefore be used as a discussion guide in
linking variables and slowly developing a graphic image of the system struc-
ture. As the web of relations takes shape, certain sections become more
understandable as identication of reinforcing and balancing feedback
loops reveals the macrostructure of the system. In this way the vast and dense
thicket of links is reduced to a smaller set of clusters of variables that tend
to interact with each other. The groups desire to focus on specic parts of
the model often generates sub-model diagrams that clarify some of the
causal details underlying the more aggregate variables and relations in the
general model.
Causal loop diagrams can been used to elicit from the participants their
underlying assumptions and mental models and to express it graphically in
the form of a map that contains key factors and processes in the region.
While a range of exercises for participating individuals and groups can be
used to dene underlying paradigms, assumptions or world-views before
scoping and modelling begins (Hare and Pahl-Wostl 2002), the give-and-
take of discussion in dening the models can also help to reveal the mental
frameworks participants rely on to judge and predict. Fundamental world
views present great opportunity and great risk. Because they lie so close to
a participants emotional core, their revelation can open profound trust and
cooperation, breaking political stalemates. On the other hand, exposure, or
even the possibility of exposure, can also provoke hostility and resistance.
Such revelations are often best left to emerge on their own from a well run
AM process that makes it natural and obvious to explore all inuences on
the problem, even how we think and construct the world in our minds.
However, some very skilled facilitators may try consciously to assess the
paradigms that participants bring to the AM process.
The mental map functions as the knowledge container, open and easily
modiable as new facts or ideas are provided or revealed during the process.
Graphic tools such as diagrams and mental maps open the discussion of
complex systems to include people who nd verbal descriptions too com-
plicated or too long and involved. Often a single map replaces pages of text
required to describe all the variables and their interactions. In every dis-
cussion a map (or maps) on the wall or in the computer will plainly show
the complex relations between nature and society in the Tisza landscape.
The Tisza river basin 157

Using the map will provide discipline for the group discussions in a
positive sense as follows: (1) dierences (and agreements) in opinions will
be articulated much more precisely; (2) gaps in understanding will be dis-
covered more eciently.
Figure 6.5 illustrates an exercise in advance modelling in preparation for
the TRB initiative. Building from the centre outward, the model evolved by
addressing key issues as clusters of interactions and described derivative or
spin-o issues by attaching new clusters to the emerging core structure. The
evolution of model structure also recapitulates the chronology of events.
As the web of relations takes shape, certain sections become more under-
standable as identication of reinforcing and balancing feedback loops
reveals the system macro-structure. The groups desire to focus on specic
parts of the model often generates sub-model diagrams that clarify some
of the causal details underlying the more aggregate variables and relations
in the general model. While model evolution is impossible to predict, we
may anticipate that a model of TRB factors and interactions will likely
examine some of the following areas. Provided that it does not create a new
set of biases for a discussion facilitator or a modeler, modelling a system in
advance of stakeholder participation can help prepare him/her by chal-
lenging assumptions and exploring dierent interpretations of variables
and model structure. Such preliminary exercises can deepen ones intuition
about how to avoid conceptual traps when exploring system structure and

No system of analysis, policy, or practice will ever eliminate surprise and
uncertainty. Innovation and novelty as well as wicked problems incessantly
emerge from evolving systems of nature and humanity, and will continue to
do so. Our understanding of complexity suggests that control and cer-
tainty are romantic notions born on the rising tide of the optimism of
the early Enlightenment. Radical and profound change from climate and
technology (genetic engineering), to name only a few sources, will certainly
surpass our current imagination of how the environment and society can be
recongured in unprecedented ways over the next few decades. Our respon-
sibility to address the impacts of evolution through new ways of learning,
managing, and discussion must engage uncertainty as a stimulus to explore
innovations and not as a basis of apprehension and apathy.
Adaptive management oers a framework to meet that challenge by
addressing, among other things, the ve strategic requirements of reexive
governance. It creates trans-disciplinary knowledge production (Strategy 1)
158 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

and anticipation of long-term systemic eects of action (Strategy 3)

through an interactive discussion framework within which modelling tools
(conceptual and formal) can integrate the perspectives not only of dierent
disciplines but those of dierent sectors of society by integrating research,
policy and practice. The learning process at the heart of the AM approach
challenges assembled stakeholders and actors to bound and dene a
problem and develop a vision and goals (iterative participatory goal for-
mulation Strategy 4) once they have dened the problem. The process iter-
ates so as to link dynamically the groups formulation of hypotheses and
resultant policies (ibid.) with subsequent eorts to implement, monitor and
evaluate these policy experiments (Strategy 2 experiments and adaptivity
of strategies and institutions).
Proponents of reexive governance may nd it quite useful to experiment
with modelling in the wider sense pioneered within AM projects. Modelling
can be a source of multiple visions of causation, not the tool with which to
distil complexity down to one rationalist perspective. As the AM learning
cycle iterates, a suite of models that reect a diversity of perspectives can
be tested, either in sequence or in parallel. Systems analysis and modelling
can be paths for stakeholders to work together to clarify messy entangle-
ments of assumptions, biases and habitual thought patterns that underlie
ways in which we lter information and construct reality. Such exercises in
double-loop learning help us integrate our messy world views with the
logical decision-making processes that command the political high ground
at present.
AM is not a panacea. It can falter for lack of generating concrete results
while endlessly processing and discussing. Its evolutionary character is
threatening to people who favour clear and simple rules and answers as dis-
tinct paths through uncertainty. But through all these applications AM still
oers a window into how democratic action might operate in a technologic-
ally complex society, allowing people from all relevant philosophies, back-
grounds, political classes, and organizations to share experience, learn
together, and devise the policies and practices that allow socio-ecological
systems to adapt better to change. Applications of AM in river basins
such as the Tisza should generate the experimental evidence needed to found
new forms of agriculture, sheries as well as a new understanding of river
ecology. When executed with a high degree of scientic rigor and cross-
society collaboration, an AM process can generate the trust and under-
standing that will drive full implementation of useful but unrecognized
innovations. The authority of good science broadly understood and sup-
ported across society is essential for taking risks with new ideas in an age of
increasing uncertainty.
The Tisza river basin 159


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7. Sustainability foresight: reexive
governance in the transformation
of utility systems
Jan-Peter Vo, Bernhard Truer
and Kornelia Konrad


Utility systems play a key role in a broader project of transforming indus-

trial society for sustainable development. At the same time, these sectors are
particularly resistant to change. This is due to strong interlinkages between
technological systems, natural resources, institutions and value orientations
which stabilise consumption, production and governance patterns and con-
stitute a so-called socio-technical regime (Kemp 1994; Rip and Kemp
1998). The interconnectedness of the elements mentioned and the depend-
ency of modern societies on the provision of utility services make it hard to
introduce radically new production and consumption patterns such as
energy provision based on renewable sources, recycling of drinking water or
provision contracts based on demand-side management. The high com-
plexity implies that it is dicult to predict the consequences from exchang-
ing parts of the prevailing socio-technical regime.
The large scale introduction of intermittent renewable energy sources
such as oshore wind energy in electricity systems is a case in point. As a con-
sequence, incumbent interests may prot from such uncertainties by empha-
sising risks to the security of supply in order to prevent changes which could
endanger their established position. Political power based on the existence
of asymmetrical information therefore plays a crucial role in stabilising
regimes of utility provision. Some research work and political eort has been
put into strategies to transform prevailing socio-technical regimes (Kemp
et al. 1998; Summerton 1992; Mayntz and Schneider 1995).
Utility systems have often been chosen as a eld of application (Vo
2000; Kubicek 1994; Schneider 2001; Mez 1997; Arentsen and Knnecke
2003). Utility regimes are currently undergoing accelerated and fundamen-
tal changes linked to liberalisation and privatisation policies which started

Sustainability foresight 163

in the 1990s. These comprise corporate organisations, political institutions,

technology, cultural values and theoretical concepts of utility provision.
The current phase of transformation succeeds a long period of structural
stability which has persisted starting from the Second World War until the
beginning of the 1990s. During this phase utility systems were characterised
by a socio-technical regime that consisted of public or semi-public mono-
polies and was organised around the principle of central control of large-
scale generation and integrated distribution networks. During the 1970s
and 1980s, pressures on the regime had built up. They included, for example,
the reduced eectiveness of rate-of-return regulation of monopolies to a
point where great investments for the extension of network infrastructures
were not needed anymore because domestic markets were saturated; a
growing perception of environmental problems connected with the estab-
lished regime structure; and the advance of new technologies which would
create opportunities for more decentralised and competitive modes of
service provision.
In combination with neo-liberal ideas these changes culminated in the
adoption of liberalisation and privatisation policies in the 1990s (Midttun
1997; Arentsen and Knnecke 2003; Schneider 2001). In parallel and sup-
ported by some of these changes, a shift towards decentralised technology
could be observed in most industrialised countries (Patterson 1999).
Furthermore, a new understanding and evaluation of utility system per-
formance began to take shape over the past couple of years. The society-
wide shared goal of public service is fading, giving way to values like
eciency, entrepreneurial spirit and consumer sovereignty. These changes
trigger further adaptive changes that build up momentum, thus opening
spaces for a spectrum of new socio-technical congurations ranging from
highly decentralised generation of electricity, heat and water in the context
of intelligent buildings, to centralised renewable electricity generation in
areas of concentrated energy ows such as o-shore wind elds or solar
plants in deserts. The future structure of utility provision is being shaped by
a myriad of individual actions and decisions: companies sketching market
or investment strategies, consumers purchasing appliances or signing up for
supply contracts, policy makers negotiating subsidies or drafting rules for
network access.
Shaping these ongoing changes with the aim of a sustainable transfor-
mation of utility systems is linked to some fundamental problems. As illus-
trated above, the transformation process comprises complex non-linear
interactions between many very heterogeneous factors. We nd that co-
evolutionary concepts of development make good sense of the contingent
and open-ended character of socio-technical transformation (Rip and
Kemp 1998; Norgaard 1994). In such a context, straightforward steering is
164 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

not an option. Co-evolutionary dynamics have no single control centre

where information and power are concentrated. Moreover, the ambiguity
of the sustainability concept impedes the application of standard modes of
rational problem-solving as it presupposes a clear denition of goals,
which are independent of the process of problem-solving. The dilemma can
be demonstrated by confronting the presumptions of conventional
problem-solving approaches with the conditions given for the shaping of
sustainable transformation in utility systems. Whereas conventional
problem-solving requires the following:

(Aconv) system analysis for the prediction of consequences of alter-

native actions,
(Bconv) a clear denition of goals in order to rank alternatives, and
(Cconv) a powerful steering centre able to implement specic

we face dierent conditions in all three points in the case of complex prob-
lems such as the long-term transformation of utility systems.

(Acomplex) Potential transformation paths and eects of intervention

are highly uncertain, because they are a result of complex interac-
tions between social, technical and ecological processes which cannot
be fully analysed and predicted.
(Bcomplex) Sustainability goals remain ambivalent, because they are
endogenous to transformation itself. Conicts between objectives
cannot be resolved scientically or politically, once and for all.
(Ccomplex) The power to shape transformation is distributed among
many autonomous, yet interdependent actors without anyone having
the power to control all others.

But how can such co-evolutionary developments across the boundary of

society, technology and nature be shaped in order to assure sustainability,
that is, the long-term viability of society? In the following pages we present
and discuss an approach to deal with the specic challenges that are linked
to the shaping of ongoing socio-technical transformation. The approach is
called sustainability foresight and comprises the following three steps:

1. Exploring transformation dynamics: constructing alternative paths of

transformation in participatory scenario workshops, and identifying
highly dynamic elds of innovation.
2. Sustainability assessment: eliciting evaluation criteria held by dierent
stakeholders and discursive assessment of transformation paths with
respect to sustainability impacts.
Sustainability foresight 165

3. Developing strategies: analysing options and constraints for actors to

shape transformation, developing measures to modulate innovation
processes with respect to sustainability.

The sustainability foresight method was developed and is currently being

tested in German utility systems (provision of electricity, natural gas, water
and telecommunications).1 Building on and extending established foresight
methodology, this approach aims at providing a platform for collective,
future-oriented learning across the four utility sectors and the action
domains of production, consumption and regulation.
Using the sustainability foresight method, we want to explore alternatives
to conventional problem-solving with a view to assessing their practical
potential for implementing reexive governance for sustainability. We expect
sustainability foresight to work complementarily to conventional problem-
solving by increasing the reexivity in wicked problem areas which do not
lend themselves to straightforward problem-solving (Hisschemller and
Hoppe 2001). As such it can play a mediating role in shaping sustainable
transformation. Sustainability foresight provides for emerging structural
patterns to be shaped not only by the interference of external eects of
specialised rationalities and narrowly dened strategies but also by the
anticipation of long-term consequences on a system level and prior mutual
adaptation of strategies.
We rst explain the conceptual background behind the method. We then
give a more detailed description of the sustainability foresight approach
with examples from the application in the German utility system. This will
be the basis for discussing the results which are hitherto available and
putting the approach in relation to the concept of reexive governance as
formulated in the Introduction. In a concluding section we reect on the
practical potential of reexive governance in general and sustainability
foresight in particular to shape processes of socio-ecological transforma-
tion in a sustainable way.

Shaping Transformation Through Foresight

Since the 1960s both the business and public policy sectors have systemat-
ically employed foresight methods to explore the embedding of strategies
in dynamic contexts (Godet 1987; Ringland 1998). The approach has
become popular through the Shell oil company which used it to deal with
the uncertainties of their business environment that cropped up with the oil
crises in the 1970s.
Foresight is about anticipating possible future developments in a
focal area. It diers from forecasting, however, because it recognises the
166 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

impossibility of predicting the future due to the complex dynamics that are
involved in bringing it about. Foresight conceptualises the future as open,
not determined by natural necessities, but contingent and inuenced by
human action. The future is therefore seen as malleable and apt to strate-
gic shaping, not to fatalistic adaptation. Foresight is not a process of fore-
casting the future but rather an attempt to explore the space for human
actions and interventions to shape the future. Foresight is aimed at pro-
ducing orientations rather than predictions; it provides guidance to all
actors and reduces uncertainty (Renn 2002, cited in Borup 2003, p. 3).
Foresight is not about nding out about one most probable path of devel-
opment, but rather it entails the construction of a range of dierent, equally
plausible paths of future development. Such paths are derived from the
partly contingent interaction of various factors of inuence. Foresight is
also referred to as a scenario approach to system analysis (Gallopn 2002;
Berkhout and Hertin 2002). It is qualitative and explorative and does not
aim at numerical predictions. As such it does not focus on exactitude but on
a comprehensive account of the diversity of factors from society, technol-
ogy and nature that work together in shaping transformations in the real
world. For this purpose foresight exercises seek to make use of the distribu-
ted knowledge, expectations and understanding which are contained in the
diverse perspectives of present-day actors on developments of common
By putting these expectations in the form of scenarios, they have an eect
on present-day actions and thus feed back on the development itself. The
actual results of foresight activities are therefore not the more or less prob-
able stories about alternative futures on their own, but the repercussions they
have in social interaction processes in the present (Truer et al. 2003). This
may be that expected opportunities enhance actions, which in turn support
developments that spur their actual realisation (self-fullling prophecy) or,
vice versa, that expected risks call for preventive action, which makes them
less likely to occur (self-defeating prophecy). Foresight processes thus poten-
tially shape the developments they set out to explore. As such they become
a strategic device in shaping socio-technical transformation.
How foresight, which yields alternative futures, aects present actions,
however, diers remarkably from the eect of forecasting, which yields one
most probable future. Beyond self-fullling or self-defeating eects, the
pluralistic vision which is constituted by the alternative scenarios that are
the outcome of foresight exercises has a self-reecting eect. The variety of
future developments across the scenarios calls the inevitability of each
single scenario into question and points out the indeterminacy of long-term
transformation. As such foresight can prepare decision makers for alterna-
tive courses of development and prevent premature lock-in to specic
Sustainability foresight 167

trajectories. In this respect foresight relates to reexive governance as out-

lined in the Introduction to this volume. It is a method for systematically
embedding decision making into contingent contextual developments.
A closer examination of the similarities is provided towards the end of this
Variants of foresight methods exist for dierent purposes. The sustain-
ability foresight approach has been developed for the task of shaping
processes of socio-technical transformation. It is designed to integrate a
broad range of interacting factors from heterogeneous domains. Moreover,
it includes two steps beyond explorative scenario building. This is a partici-
patory procedure for assessing threats and opportunities that are connected
to the scenarios and the development of measures to shape innovation
processes, which appear critical for sustainable development. A more
detailed description of these phases and how they are linked is given in the
next section.
If we try to specify the role of sustainability foresight for the transfor-
mation of utility systems, it seems clear that it cannot easily be assigned to
knowledge production, innovation, or governance. Instead, it appears to be
a hybrid process which combines elements from each of these domains of
social practice. It generates knowledge about utility transformation and
factors that drive it, coordinates interaction processes between interdepen-
dent stakeholders who shape the transformation process, and plays a role
in technological and social innovation processes by providing a specic
form of strategic guidance.
In doing this, sustainability foresight reects a number of lessons from
recent literature on knowledge production, governance and innovation. In
the science studies literature, knowledge production is claimed to transcend
disciplinary scientic boundaries increasingly and to take place in networks
of scientists from dierent disciplines and societal stakeholders (Nowotny
et al. 2001). Governance studies diagnose that policy networks of public and
private actors, which span several institutionalised policy elds and dierent
levels of societal organisations, overcome the limitations of conventional
institutions of national democratic government (Mayntz 1998). Innovation
studies ultimately claim that innovation processes increasingly take place in
networks of heterogeneous actors and become linked with broader social
and environmental developments through intensied and interaction-based
technology assessment and strategic R&D policy (Rammert 1997).
Against this background the sustainability foresight method can be seen
to provide a platform for these developments, which is open to heteroge-
neous actors, institutions and purposes. As a consequence, it can be
expected to full an important integrative function in an otherwise highly
dierentiated modern society. The need for arrangements to transcend the
168 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

established institutional separation between functional domains is repeat-

edly stressed in analyses of modern society and sustainable development
(Beck 1993; Mayntz 1999; Minsch et al. 1998; Brand 2002).
Another approach to conceptualising the working of the sustainability
foresight method is from a co-evolutionary understanding of societal
change (Norgaard 1994; Rip 2002). In this perspective, transformation in
the utility system is conceptualised as the outcome of interacting develop-
ments in technology, the economy, politics, culture, science and so on. For
any one of these developments to unfold it is crucial that it ts the context
which is constituted by all the other developments. Their interaction may
work as selection when, say performance contracting as a new business
model is being tested and does not survive in the market. However, it may
also work as mutual adaptation when market conditions are anticipated in
the development of business models (and vice versa, the emergence of new
business models is anticipated in the development of market regulations
and user practices).
In the co-evolutionary study of technological development, specic
social arrangements have been identied that serve to facilitate mutual
adaptation by linking developments at an early stage when they are still
adaptable (that is, when form and function of an artefact are not irre-
versibly xed and when users have not yet developed stable attitudes
towards that technology). These arrangements have been termed nexus
(van den Belt and Rip 1987). As far as nexus arrangements give actors the
opportunity to probe strategies before they make large investments at the
risk of failure, the actors involved have a substantial benet. By promoting
the alignment of ongoing developments in technology, policy, culture and
so on, the working of nexus arrangements also provides social benets in
avoiding unexpected side eects, irreconcilable developments and social
conict.2 Sustainability foresight can thus be conceptualised as a macro-
nexus for the interaction of actors which bring about sectoral transforma-
tion. By collectively going through a process of exploring and assessing the
aggregate outcome of their actions and drawing conclusions for their own
particular strategies, actors full a necessary precondition for alignment.
The articulation of mutual dependencies and potential interference in the
collective anticipation of system dynamics makes distributed innovation
processes more reexive, that is, they become strategically embedded in
their respective context.
In the following pages we give an overview on the concrete procedural
set-up of sustainability foresight as it is currently applied in German utility
Sustainability foresight 169


Sustainability foresight comprises a three-step process in which a selection

of diverse actors from the utility systems addresses the problem of sus-
tainable transformation. The challenges of system analysis, goal formula-
tion and strategy development are dealt with in sequence.3 The specic
methods which have been devised for each step take account of the inher-
ent complexity and ambivalence:

1. uncertainties of system dynamics are taken up in explorative scenario

2. ambiguity of sustainability goals is taken up in a discursive sustain-
ability assessment procedure, and
3. distributed control capacities are reected in strategies to shape critical
innovation processes.

The process is described in detail in the remainder of this chapter. (For an

overview of the phases, process steps and actors involved see Tables 7.1
and 7.2).
The intended eect of the process can be found in two directions. First,
integrated knowledge about system dynamics, sustainability goals and
strategy options is produced in interaction of various stakeholders who
contribute practical insight and expertise. This knowledge can provide a
robust basis for political action. Direct involvement of stakeholders is likely
to raise issues and achieve encompassing strategies which would not be
obtainable from classical expert policy analysis (Fischer 1993). Second, the
process itself has an eect on the actors involved. They are actively partici-
pating in shaping the transformation of utility systems through their daily
activities. If they learn about the interdependency of their particular strat-
egies and how they are embedded in broader system contexts, they are able
to adapt their strategies accordingly. Moreover, new cooperative relation-
ships between stakeholders may become established and this in turn
increases their capacity for collective action.
In an important initial step of sustainability foresight, the general method
is thoroughly adapted to a specic eld of application. This includes an
empirical study of the structure and dynamics and future expectations that
are put forward by actors. As a starting point we chose to take expectations
on future developments of the utility system which are discussed in the prac-
tice of electricity, gas, water and telecommunications provision. These
expectations are not articulated in the form of full-edged scenarios but
rather appear more often as expectations about prices, technologies, market
structure and so on. If carefully analysed, however, they do link up to form
170 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

Table 7.1 Overview of the sustainability foresight process

Phase Process steps Actors

Adaptation to Scanning of future discourse and visions Project team
problem area discussed in problem area
Development of heuristic conceptual Project team
framework of the transformation process
Phase I: Collection of factors which inuence Stakeholders
Explorative transformation
scenarios Selection by uncertainty and impact, Stakeholders
elaboration of alternative projections for
30 factors
Cross-impact analysis, construction of Stakeholders
scenarios as combinations of factor
projections, composition of narrative
storylines for selected scenarios
Phase II: Elicitation of criteria for sustainability Stakeholders
Discursive assessment held by stakeholders
Sustainability Development of impact prole of scenarios Experts
Assessment with respect to identied criteria
Discursive assessment of risks and Stakeholders
opportunities connected to scenarios and experts
Phase III: Identication of critical innovation processes Project team
Shaping (contingent across scenarios and high
innovation sustainability impact)
processes In-depth analyses of actor networks and Project team
context conditions of critical innovations, and
identication of loci of inuence stakeholders
Development of integrated strategy for Project team
shaping interdependent institutional, and
cultural and technological innovation stakeholders

a more encompassing picture. In our case we identied three central

features of the future utility system which frequently came up in expert

1. System structures are going to be more decentralised than today (for

example, renewable energy, fuel cells, biogas, membrane technology for
drinking water processing and mobile telecommunications).
2. Utility provision will be oriented towards services, not commod-
ities, with the boundary between supply and demand dissolving (for
Sustainability foresight 171

Table 7.2 Participants in scenario workshops

MVV Energie AG small integrated utility company

RWE AG large integrated utility company
Vaillant GmbH heating appliance manufacturer
VIK e.V. association of industrial energy users
Gelsenwasser AG water company
Enervision energy management appliances manufacturer
Deutsche Telekom AG telecommunications company
Alcatel SEL AG control appliance manufacturer
BUND LV Berlin environmental NGO
Ver.di LV NRW trade union
Verbraucherzentrale NRW consumer protection agency
Uni Essen power plant engineering
DIW energy economics
Fraunhofer ISI innovation studies in water and sewage
RegPT regulator for telecommunications
BMWA federal ministry for economic aairs, energy
Umweltministerium Bayern regional state ministry for the environment,
telecommunications department

example, customer generation in small combined heat and power units,

contracting, facility management).
3. Organisational and technical linkages between electricity, gas, water
and telecommunications will become more intensive (for example, inte-
grated service contracts, intelligent networking of infrastructure and
appliances in smart buildings).

These three dimensions of change, as they are referred to in the project,

provide an exploration space in which integrated microsystems of supply is
a hypothetical extreme scenario in which decentralisation, service orient-
ation and the interlinkage between sectors is fully developed. This vision
serves as a background foil for contrasting alternative possible developments.
If not systematically reected, implicit visions may translate into agendas
for action, and eventually socio-technical structures, without being con-
sciously assessed with regard to their actual conditions of realisation includ-
ing wider impacts. Through the sustainability foresight process, however,
they are critically scrutinised and discussed from diverse viewpoints like
those of large utility companies, equipment manufacturers, consumer
groups, environmental associations, trade unions and public administration
(see Grin and Grunwald 2000). The long-term perspective adopted for the
process helps to strengthen a communicative orientation of involved actors
172 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

to prevail over strategic orientations.4 In terms of actually inuencing

transformation processes, sustainability foresight focuses on innovation
processes as the breeding grounds of future structures. Integrating radical
alternatives into established utility structures is less conict intensive at an
early stage in the lifecycle of socio-technical congurations. Fostering inno-
vation is more likely to gain broad societal support than attacking the given
set-up right away. At the same time it can have strong and long lasting
eects, if sustainability considerations already become incorporated into
the design and performance specications of a new system architecture.
They do not have to be asserted against the rationality and inner dynamics
of the utility system then, but rather they have to work for themselves (Rip
and Schot 1999). In light of uncertainty and ambivalence associated with
sustainability assessments of emerging utility structures, however, a crucial
task is to nd ways to shape new structures constructively and at the same
time keep up structural adaptability for adequate responses to new knowl-
edge, evaluations and experiences of unexpected eects.
A second step for problem structuring, besides the empirical study of
future expectations of actors, is the development of a heuristic concept for
the particular transformation process under study. This is necessary to guide
the detailed set-up of the sustainability foresight process. The concept will
provide a comprehensive account of the action arenas and types of factors
of inuence which are important for the course of transformation and its
impacts. Such a heuristic approach is useful in order to ask the right ques-
tions, include the right actors and not overlook any inuential processes.
For the utility systems we have dierentiated the following categories
which we considered important to give a comprehensive image of trans-
formation. Most of them may also be relevant for other areas of transfor-
mation. In principle, however, important categories should be derived from
an empirical study of the specic transformation which is in focus of sus-
tainability foresight:

multiple sectors for provision of electricity, natural gas, water and

telecommunications, which undergo transformation in parallel;
action elds of production, consumption and political regula-
tion whose inherent dynamics as well as their interaction drive
structural dimensions of values, knowledge, institutions, technology
and ecology which in combination enable and constrain patterns of
utility provision;
levels of socio-technical organisation like sectoral regimes, niche
developments within the regime and changes in the socio-technical
landscape in which regimes are embedded.
Sustainability foresight 173

We use co-evolution as a general concept to understand the interaction of

patterns within and across these dierent overlapping categories (Konrad
et al. 2003; Vo 2004).
The conceptual framework is useful for systematically structuring issues
and selecting stakeholders. Especially the latter is important since the
participants have a very strong role in dening the substantial contents and
results of sustainability foresight, whereas the organisers (in our case an
interdisciplinary research team) act to a large extent as facilitators, modera-
tors and service providers in gathering and structuring information. Problem
structuring thus includes the development of a participation concept which
should clearly dene the functions of stakeholders within specic steps in the
procedure and derive respective criteria with respect to recruitment. We dis-
tinguished between diversity of perspectives, aectedness and inuence
on transformation as specic recruitment criteria for the process steps of
scenario analysis, sustainability assessment and strategy development,
respectively. These criteria have been translated into respective quota for
groups of stakeholders to be part of the process.

Phase I: Explorative Scenarios

The objective of the rst phase of the process is to re-construct alternative

visions of future utility systems out of the specic expectations held by
dierent stakeholder groups. This has been carried out in a series of sce-
nario workshops with 20 participants. The participants represented the
variety of perspectives from production, consumption and political regu-
lation in the four sectors (see Table 7.2).
In a rst step various factors which inuence the transformation of
utility systems were collected. This took place in the form of a moderated
process, initiated by the following question: What does the future of
utility provision (electricity, gas, water, and telecommunications) look like
(. . .) and on which factors does it depend?. The rst rather large sample
of factors was clustered and selected according to the uncertainty of their
future value and their potential impact in shaping future structures of
utility provision. For a selection of the 30 most relevant factors, detailed
descriptions were formulated which provided alternative projections of
their value at the end of the exploration period (2025 in our case).
Dierent combinations of factor values formed dierent scenario frame-
works. These were based on a cross-impact analysis supported by a
software tool. Consistent and particularly interesting scenario frame-
works with respect to the three features of decentralisation, service orient-
ation and sector integration were selected and eshed out with narrative
174 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

This rst phase resulted in four elaborated scenarios that represent alter-
native future structures of utility provision as well as a set of detailed descrip-
tions of highly relevant factors inuencing the transformation process. Both
developed from the interaction of heterogeneous perspectives on utility pro-
vision. By means of this procedure it is possible to overcome some limit-
ations often set by particular institutional perspectives like, for example, the
one of technology development, business or consumer protection. This
yields a trans-disciplinary and trans-professional view of the system in
which processes become central that are under everyday conditions often
externalised (such as societal acceptance for new technologies).
Another eect of the collective scenario construction is the creative
destruction of expectations and visions of future development which were
taken for granted by participants. Routine thinking about how things
unfold and what will come next could be replaced with a fan of contingent
alternatives which would each require specic strategic responses. This plu-
ralisation of the future can work as a particular kind of steering through
visions (Canzler and Dierkes 2001; Brand 2002). In this case it is not the
coordinating force of visions which become embraced as commonly held
expectations and translated into agendas (van Lente 1993; Konrad 2004),
but the ambiguity of multiple expectations that may inuence general
action orientations towards experimenting, adaptivity and cooperation.

Phase II: Discursive Sustainability Assessment

The second phase moves from exploration to assessment. The focus is on

the production of knowledge about goals, that is, the criteria for sustain-
able utility development and respective opportunities and threats in
ongoing developments.
It is not possible to determine sustainability criteria objectively. We do
not know the exact conditions for the long-term viability of coupled soci-
etal and ecological systems. Trade-os between goals rest on dierences
in normative values and cannot be resolved scientically. Moreover, values
are endogenous to transformation and may change over its course.
Sustainability goals will therefore always remain ambivalent. What counts
is to keep the balance between equally legitimate but potentially conicting
values and to develop problem-specic practical judgements (Loeber 2003:
20). This can only be achieved in societal discourse among those who own
these values (see Stirling and Zwanenberg 2002). Such discourses may
change the views of actors and allow for consensus or help to identify areas
of irresolvable conict which need careful political attention.
The sustainability foresight method envisages a systematically structured
process in which stakeholders articulate their values, experts assess possible
Sustainability foresight 175

future developments with respect to their eect on these values and a broad
range of aected actors engages in a discursive assessment of opportunities
and threats which have to be taken special care of in future transformations.5
The result of the assessment phase is the explication of threats and
opportunities of transformation from the perspective of the various actors
who are potentially aected by them. In this way critical aspects can be
identied, which form starting points for the development of adequate
strategies. Such an open-ended approach to sustainability assessment
allows for a concretisation of the abstract notion of sustainability without
passing over inherent ambiguities. It yields a map of the societal value
landscape with respect to the transformation of electricity, gas, water
and telecommunications provision. Societal goal formulation can be sup-
ported by dierentiating between facts and values and making them acces-
sible for dierentiated modes of conict resolution such as discourse about
problem framing and bargaining over distributional aspects (see Saretzki

Phase III: Shaping Innovation Processes

The third phase focuses on the development of strategies. It addresses

critical innovation processes to shape broader transformation patterns.
Critical innovations are identied on the basis of the foregoing scenario
analysis and sustainability assessment: factors which have a central role in
the transformation of utility systems as a whole and are linked to out-
standing threats, opportunities or areas of conict with respect to sustain-
ability are candidates for a closer investigation into the innovation processes
that determine future characteristics of this factor. If, for example, service
orientation, demand-side management and market development for
smart building technology are identied as important factors, and discur-
sive assessment shows consensus on the desirability of user involvement in
the utility systems, but at the same time divergent evaluations with respect
to smart building technology, the latter would qualify as a critical innov-
ation process and should be given special attention in strategies for sus-
tainably shaping utility transformation.
Critical innovation processes thus refer to the emergence of new techno-
logical, institutional or cultural patterns in utility provision. Institutional
innovations related to economic, political or cultural contexts are treated
symmetrically with technological innovations in this context. In addition to
smart building technology or small combined heat and power generation,
network regulation, performance contracting schemes or cultural practices
to switch providers or engage in self-supply of utility services could also
receive special attention as critical innovations processes.
176 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

Since it is impossible actually to steer co-evolutionary processes, shaping

strategies need to rely on modulation, that is, inuencing innovation
processes, while knowing that it is impossible to understand and control
their outcome completely (Rip 1998, and Chapter 4, this volume). Inuence
can be exercised by various means of context steering such as extending
innovation networks to comprise users, aected or critical actors, empow-
ering weak actors, providing information, moderating cooperative problem
solving and so on. Such approaches can be eective in opening up oppor-
tunities or making undesired developments less likely, but they cannot
determine nal outcomes (such as what smart building technologies will
actually look like, what they will be used for, etc.). Such a modest approach
with respect to the steering of transformation is not only due to the distri-
bution of power and resulting limitations for central control. It is also due
to uncertainty and ambiguity in assessing the sustainability of innovations.
These conditions make it necessary to create possibilities for social learning
rather than implementing best solutions in a straightforward way.
The core of this approach is to create connections between actors and
processes which are otherwise institutionally separated. Even though they
are separated with respect to strategy and internal dynamics, there can be
strong interference in implementation and outcomes. Such is the case for
example with departmental policies on energy and the environment, with
science dynamics and societal problems, with technology development and
user practices and with political regulation and business strategies. This can
show up in two ways:

Strategies which are developed in isolation from their contexts fail

when they are confronted with their selection environments, because
they did not adequately anticipate conditions of t with their environ-
ment (for example in their technologies, policies, business strategies).
If successful, the interaction of strategies with unanticipated context
developments has unintended consequences (external eects) for
society as a whole and in the form of indirect and delayed feed-
back also for the strategy itself. Problems which are related to sus-
tainable development are indeed mostly linked to such repercussions
(such as the side eects of industrial agriculture, climate change,
poverty induced migration, nuclear risk).

The strategic approach of the third phase of sustainability foresight thus

is to foster the contextualisation of critical innovation processes. This
happens on two levels. On the level of the interactions that are relevant for
critical innovations, new arrangements are created which bring together the
rationalities of developers, investors, users, interest groups, regulators and
Sustainability foresight 177

other stakeholders who represent the socio-ecological context in which

innovations are to take eect. Such arrangements can take the form of
R&D consortia, focused impact assessments, collective experiments and so
on. On the level of expectations of changing sector structures, new visions
are constructed which can serve to orient the search for sustainable trans-
formation paths. Such visions are based on the scenarios and evaluation of
sustainability impacts.
Concrete arrangements for the contextualisation of innovation processes
need to be based on in-depth empirical analysis. This is oriented towards
specic actor constellations and relevant context conditions which have his-
torically contributed to shaping the innovation path and those which are
likely to play a role in future development. On this basis possible courses of
the innovation journey are mapped in relation to contingent actor strat-
egies and context developments. Turning points can be anticipated which
represent windows of opportunity for inuence.
New visions of sectoral transformation need to be based on discussion
among stakeholders which take into account both (1) the breadth of pos-
sible developments and contingency of factor interactions and (2) the
ambiguities in assessing these developments with respect to sustainable
development. It is against this background that reexive visions can be con-
structed, which are based on the diverse expectations of stakeholders.
These visions reect the interaction of multiple factors and pluralistic
viewpoints in utility transformation. Moreover, they can orientate experi-
mentation and shaping strategies to search for sustainable transformation



So far we have given a brief account of the sustainability foresight method.

The method was developed based on general considerations about the role
of foresight for the shaping of socio-technical transformation. A project in
which sustainability foresight is applied in the German utility system and
which provides the empirical experience for this chapter has, by this time,
been implemented half way. It is therefore too early for a concluding eval-
uation. Nevertheless, it is possible to discuss initial results and articulate
some linkages between our case and the more encompassing concept of
reexive governance as outlined in the Introduction to this book.
The scenario workshops brought up four dierent scenarios which repre-
sent alternative future structures of utility systems and which chart a spec-
trum of possible developments until 2025 (see Table 7.3). One interesting
178 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

Table 7.3 Overview of scenarios of utility transformation

Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C Scenario D

Technological Development Broadening The old Rome
competition along the lines technology mix by
in a cooperative of conservative competition of
society ecology transnational

Decentral Central technology Centralised and Central technology

technology Low market decentralised High market
Low market concentration technology concentration
concentration Utility sectors High market Utility sectors
Utility sectors separated concentration separated
tightly coupled Active innovation (international Economic
Visions generated policy (R&D) oligopoly) stagnation
in societal State regulates Utility sectors No active
discourse utility markets separated innovation
become and technology Innovation policy policy
decentrally development concentrated Weak market
implemented on national regulation
State as moderator champions
Competition Strong market
stimulates regulation

aspect, to mention only one example, is the scope of alternative develop-

ments in terms of decentralisation of technologies and concentration of
markets. Here, the four scenarios represent all possible combinations,
including technological decentralisation combined with high market
The scenarios tell stories which make one think in new ways and draw
attention to factors and their ways of interacting that go beyond the
expected paths of future discourse in the utility system. Apart from these
substantial results, the process by which the scenarios were created also
proved eective in itself. Participants armed that they learned about the
utility system as a whole, about long-term dynamics, interdependencies and
about the dierent perspectives and capacities of other actors. Many of
them particularly emphasised the special opportunity to stand aside, take
some time to reect and look at the larger picture of sectoral transforma-
tion a quality of thinking and communicating which they miss in their
daily work.
Sustainability foresight 179

When one examines sustainability foresight from a governance perspec-

tive, that is, concerned with patterns of social regulation, it is important not
to misinterpret its intention. Sustainability foresight is not a steering
approach or a policy instrument in the classical sense. We have already men-
tioned its hybrid character between knowledge production, innovation and
governance. It does not shape utility production, technological innovation,
consumption behaviour or the regulatory process in any direct manner.
Accordingly, it is also not oriented towards the achievement of any specic
output goals such as a determined amount of money spent on R&D, tech-
nologies to be applied in households, or greenhouse gas emissions linked to
utility services. The goal of sustainability foresight is to shape the processes
by which any of these outputs are generated. It could rather be called
second-order governance which is complementary to other modes of
policy making. The central orientation in this respect is to bridge the gaps
between distributed activities which exert inuence on the transformation
process in an uncoordinated way. The black box of large-scale and long-
term transformation will be opened a little to allow for anticipatory adapt-
ation of strategies according to their embedding in larger processes of
As such, the concept of reexive governance described in the
Introduction to this book works well in understanding sustainability fore-
sight. It is not a process to steer transformation, but to modulate it by estab-
lishing linkages between its various sub-processes. As such, it reects,
orients and supervises diverse specialised problem-solving processes (Vo
and Kemp in the Introduction to this volume). The following paragraphs
give an overview on how elements of the sustainability foresight method
can be related to the strategy elements of reexive governance.
Integrated knowledge production: in order to combine distributed
knowledge for the understanding of transformation in utility systems, their
assessment and a development of action strategies, a great variety of stake-
holders is involved in the dierent stages of the sustainability foresight
process. They bring knowledge from production, consumption and polit-
ical regulation in four dierent utility sectors into the process (see Table
7.2). Scientic expertise in the project team is interdisciplinary, comprising
physics, engineering, geography, economics, political science, sociology and
psychology. These dierent types of knowledge are integrated by various
methods which make particular use of the diversity of perspectives such as
scenario workshops, value analysis, discursive assessment, and interactive
strategy workshops.
Adaptivity of strategies and institutions: the exploration of four quite
dierent futures for the utility system and the contingencies which have
been encountered in the process of scenario construction emphasise the
180 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

need to be prepared for adaptation when things turn out to be dierent than
expected. This is what sustainability foresight teaches its participants as
well as the users of its products such as the scenarios, value landscape and
the integrated strategy for shaping innovation processes. Especially the
latter takes due account of uncertainty about system dynamics as well as
ambiguity of sustainability assessments and therefore follows a procedural
and experimental approach by facilitating interactive learning instead of
pushing particular best solutions, be it technologies, policy instruments or
behavioural patterns. Strategies aim to open innovation processes to inte-
grate diverse perspectives and to remain open for the revision of guiding
visions and design principles.6
Anticipation of long-term systemic eects: anticipation is the general
idea behind any kind of foresight process. The approach of sustainability
foresight in particular is to draw the system boundaries in a very broad
manner in order to become aware of distant side eects and long feedback
loops which are linked to certain strategies (for example, the four utility
sectors, action domains production, consumption and regulation, interac-
tions across the dimensions of society, technology and nature). Anticipation
is not done with impact assessment by experts but in the context of moder-
ated interaction of stakeholders from various parts of the system under
investigation. It is important to note that this approach to anticipation does
not aim to make correct projections, but to collectively explore plausible
futures by actors who themselves shape this future by their daily interac-
tions. The process may as such help to create an alignment of strategic
orientations and is therefore more about bringing about and shaping devel-
opments than predicting them.
Iterative participatory goal formulation: the discursive sustainability
assessment which serves to identify risks and opportunities of transforma-
tion acknowledges that sustainability goals must become established and
weighed against each other in broader social processes, not by scientic
experts or politicians alone. It builds on the participation of the spectrum
of dierent social actors who are aected by utility transformation in order
to lay bare the ambivalence involved in sustainability assessment and
prepare the ground for the deliberation of pragmatic judgements. Iteration
is not part of the process itself, if it is only conducted once. By proposing
the method, however, we envision that successive sustainability foresight
processes are performed in order to keep track of the changes in knowledge
and values that are part of the transformation process and adapt goals and
assessments accordingly.
Interactive strategy development: the strategy recommendations which
are elaborated in the course of the sustainability foresight process are inter-
action oriented in two ways. First, they are developed in interaction with the
Sustainability foresight 181

stakeholders who are the ones to implement them or are aected by them.
This happens in the course of group interviews linked to the in-depth analy-
sis of critical innovation processes and in the form of a strategy workshop
for drawing conclusions from these analyses. A second aspect of iterative
strategy development is linked to the kind of strategies which are developed
in the sustainability foresight process. Their procedural orientation actually
puts interactions between actors who are involved in and aected by criti-
cal innovation processes at the core of the shaping approach. Thus, strat-
egies and measures which result from sustainability foresight are indeed
aimed at moderating the self-organisation of actors who play a part in the
transformation process. Distributed capacities to inuence the course of
transformation are utilised by this means without the need to exert central



In the preceding section we have shown how sustainability foresight relates

to the concept of reexive governance. We have established that it actually
represents an illustrative case of interactive anticipation and analysis which
ts very well into the ve criteria for reexive governance for sustainable
development. In this concluding section, we emphasise the lessons learned
from this approach for renement of the reexive governance concept.
Sustainability foresight can be seen as an example of the existence of
reexive governance in practice. As stated in the Introduction it represents
a new form of governance, or societal problem treatment more generally,
which developed out of learning experiences in a concrete area of practice.
In the case of sustainability foresight it is the elaboration of technology
assessment methods which moved from single technologies towards socio-
technical systems as the object of study and from expert assessments to
citizen participation and stakeholder interaction as the ways of producing
knowledge and evaluative judgements. The concept of sustainable devel-
opment played an important role for this process in demanding to take into
account long-term eects of technologies in larger socio-ecological system
contexts (that is, including social impacts and global eects) and to face for
assessment diverse criteria that are not easily reconcilable (such as social,
ecological and economic) (Grunwald 2002).
In this respect the concept of sustainable development has eectively
induced changes in social practice. Up to now, one cannot speak of a full
regime change which has taken place in technology assessment, but it is
clearly visible that new and more reexive forms of governing technological
182 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

change are developing and becoming institutionalised (Simonis 2001).

A separate question which cannot be answered here is about the conditions
of these governance innovations to develop further and diuse to actually
become established as part of a new governance regime. In order to assess
the potential for reexive governance adequately in technology assessment
and possibly elsewhere, however, we can oer some reections on our expe-
riences with the operation of sustainability foresight in practice.
We had to learn that interactive research involving a diverse set of het-
erogeneous actors is a precarious endeavour. It opens the research process
towards ongoing dynamics in the eld of study, and makes it more vulner-
able to the inuence of interests and conicts. This requires a high level of
attention to current political processes, relations between actors, and pos-
sible tensions which will have repercussions within the process. A great deal
of exibility in the management of the process is necessary in order to navi-
gate through the currents of the real world stream of action. The sustain-
ability foresight method, as described here, should thus not be understood
as a toolkit for straightforward application, but rather as an ideal-type
process arrangement which may inspire similar processes elsewhere. This
may also be extended to reexive governance in general. Rather than pro-
viding a specied toolkit, it may serve as a regulative idea which orients
the problem-specic design of process arrangements.
This means that the project team, that is, researchers, public ocials, or
whoever else is initiating and conducting sustainability foresight, has strong
inuence on the process and indirectly on its results. A clear example is the
selection of stakeholders which is an important factor in shaping the
processes of problem analysis, goal formulation and strategy development.
Yet, there is no standard method available by which relevant stakeholders
for a particular problem can be identied. The project team therefore has
important discretionary powers which go beyond the role of a facilitator of
stakeholder interaction. Also the specic set-up and moderation do, of
course, shape the results of sustainability foresight. This central role of the
project team should be reected by providing good documentation of the
specic process set-up and the reasoning behind it. It also underlines
the importance of having interdisciplinary competences and process man-
agement skills represented in the project team.
Another proviso with respect to the capabilities of reexive governance
to bring about sustainable development is the basic dilemma of (critical)
discursive communication about problem-solving on the one hand and
(armative) realism towards interests and power in actual institutional
contexts on the other hand. Although it is necessary to promote an argu-
mentative orientation of the participating stakeholders in order to produce
integrated problem denitions and cooperative strategies, it is questionable
Sustainability foresight 183

if knowledge and strategies which were produced under these conditions

will actually prove to be robust in real world policy processes where insti-
tutional inertia, competitive struggle and opportunistic behaviour are
prevalent. It is necessary to strike a balance between detached observation
and strategic role playing.
Sustainability foresight cannot overcome this dilemma; it can only help
to nd a good way to deal with it. This means that the social processes that
take place when working with the method are not free from particular inter-
ests, asymmetrical power relations and strategic interaction. It is also not
guaranteed that the results which are produced in the laboratory of sus-
tainability foresight can and will be implemented in the real world contexts
to which they refer, because the specic institutional embedding constrains
what actors think, value and what they can do. In this respect, sustainabil-
ity foresight, and perhaps reexive governance more generally, cannot be
regarded as a solution to the problems which are linked to established insti-
tutional patterns in modern societies. In providing space for collective,
problem-oriented learning it can be regarded as a means to create oppor-
tunities for making use of institutional slack to establish more adequate
practices for dealing with uncertainty and ambivalence in the shaping of
sustainable transformation.
In this context it is important to note that sustainability foresight, as
other reexive governance approaches, cannot, in our understanding, be a
complete substitute for more conventional problem-solving methods in
policy making and management which are based on a positivistic concep-
tion of rationality (such as model-based forecasting, costbenet analysis
and mobilisation of powers for political control). One reason is that
taking uncertainty and ambivalence seriously makes one careful to make
nal decisions though this is necessary for taking (collective) action.
Another reason is that the emergence of strategies from stakeholder delib-
erations which sustainability foresight seeks to facilitate does not allow
for assignment of responsibility. Legitimising by democratic control
through those who are not themselves part of the deliberation is therefore
not applicable.
Here is another dilemma which cannot be overcome. Where positivist
problem-solving works productively it does so by constructing an illusion
of agency on the grounds of a simplied conception of system dynamics,
goal denition and steering capacity. The illusion of agency is eective and
indeed necessary for mobilising (collective) action. At the same time,
however, it is bound to induce uncontrollable side eects and second-order
problems precisely with respect to those aspects which are neglected for the
sake of constructing decisiveness. While productive in stimulating action,
conventional governance forms based on a rationalistic problem-solving
184 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

orientation are therefore prone to shift problems rather than solve them.
Reexive governance arrangements, on the other hand, face limits in reach-
ing decisions which are necessary for action as long as they keep up
reexivity and do not evade to pragmatic simplications. Sustainability fore-
sight and other reexive governance arrangements therefore have to be con-
ceived as being complementary to conventional problem-solving. Their
particular value is to buer the side eects of routine problem-solving by
opening up narrow problem conceptions and recontextualising specialised
operations with the perspectives of interdependent and aected stakehold-
ers. It is in this respect that the eect of sustainability foresight should
be valued and evaluated. How the balance of reexive and positivistic
approaches to sustainable development can be evaluated and how they can
be productively combined are questions which lead us beyond the scope of
this chapter. A rst step that we have attempted to take is to contribute to a
better understanding of the specic quality of reexive governance by dis-
cussing sustainability foresight as a specic case.


We thank Dierk Bauknecht, Bas van Vliet and Ren Kemp for comments
on an earlier version and Arie Rip for the discussion of background con-
cepts which shaped our ideas beyond what is visible in the references.

1. We appreciate funding through the programme on socio-ecological research by the German
Federal Ministry for Education and Research (
under the project title Integrierte Mikrosysteme der Versorgung. Dynamik,
Nachhaltigkeit und Gestaltung von Transformationsprozessen in netzgebundenen
Versorgungssystemen (
2. With the concept of Constructive technology assessment, the social phenomenon of
nexus arrangements has been turned into a programmatic approach to overcome the
control dilemma in technology assessment which refers to the discrepancy between a
lack of knowledge about the eects of technological developments at an early stage and
a lack of opportunity to inuence its course at a later stage (Collingridge 1980). For a
more encompassing elaboration of the concept which has also played a role in the devel-
opment of the sustainability foresight method see Rip et al. 1995; Rip 2002; Simonis
3. The three steps are related to the distinction of system knowledge, knowledge about
goals and transformation knowledge as elements of sustainability research (see Mogalle
4. Looking at long-term developments, the uncertainty about ones own position increases.
As a result, a veil of indierence (Rawls 1999) with respect to the distribution of benets
and burdens to particular actor groups may increase the probability of future knowledge
which is less biased with respect to individual interests.
Sustainability foresight 185

5. The procedure resembles the method of participatory policy analysis developed by

Ortwin Renn et al. (1993).
6. Here we touch on a fundamental problem which has to do with the dilemma of explor-
ation and exploitation as elaborated nicely by March (1991). While it is necessary, espe-
cially in the face of uncertainty and ambivalence, to have many options ready and keep
up exibility to adapt, it is also necessary to choose certain paths for concentrated invest-
ment of resources and accumulation of learning eects in order to allow for the develop-
ment of momentum for new structures. By focusing on exploration and opening up, which
we think is important in the current state of utility development, though, we leave the task
of developing appropriate approaches to select paths for exploitation to processes beyond
the method of sustainability foresight as it is presented here.


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a conceptual and methodological
K. Matthias Weber1


Requirements with respect to science, technology and innovation policy

have been changing over the past years. First of all, processes of innovation
have become more interactive, distributed and complex, thus broadening
the range of potential inroads for policy far beyond the realm of science and
technology (Kuhlmann 2001). Secondly, condence in S&T policy has
declined in parallel to the decline of condence in science and technology in
general. This has resulted in demand for more transparency, accountability
and participation in related policy decisions (EC 2001). Thirdly, policy
increasingly requires a more strategic and forward-looking approach in
order to cope with the aforementioned societal risks, uncertainties and
dynamics of multi-level innovation systems (for example, Tbke et al. 2001).
These new requirements are particularly pressing in the context of poli-
cies that address the issue of sustainable development. Several attempts have
been made in recent years to understand better the emerging challenges as
well as to develop approaches for coping with them. As recognised by
Gibbons et al. (1994) and Funtowicz and Ravetz (1993), knowledge produc-
tion needs to take place in dierent ways than it previously did when dealing
with future risks and uncertainties. The long-term impacts that current
knowledge production can have, require comprehensive approaches to the
management of equally long-term transformation processes (Rotmans et al.
2001, Kemp and Rotmans 2005). Such approaches, however, raise questions
of structural change and second-order reexivity. In the introduction to
this volume, Vo and Kemp have translated these new requirements into a
set of basic guidelines of what they call reexive governance: integration of

190 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

knowledge, adaptivity, anticipation, iterative and participatory goal formu-

lation and interactive strategy development.
In spite of much progress in conceptual terms, the implementation of
these approaches is still confronted with many barriers. In policy practice,
it is very dicult to strike a balance between the demands for greater
accountability, transparency and participation on the one hand and the
need to manage potential risks and uncertainties of socio-technical innov-
ation strategically on the other. The reasons for this tension are manifold.
On the one hand, opening up political decision processes to criticism can
put into question their legitimacy as well as the coalitions of interest that
are associated with them. On the other hand, coalitions and alliances are
crucial for successfully implementing strategies for dealing with risks and
uncertainties. Moreover, processes of political agenda-setting tend to be
driven by short-term concerns that can be addressed in the course of the
electoral cycle rather than by long-term concerns. In spite of these rather
detrimental framework conditions, initial changes towards a more reexive
and long-term approach to policy making can be observed. In many
European countries, forward-looking and participatory processes have
been initiated under the heading Foresight (see Gavigan 2002), and tech-
nology assessment has increasingly embraced interactive elements to com-
plement conventional analytical approaches (Joss and Bellucci 2002).
Principles of transdisciplinary research have increasingly gained recogni-
tion in policy as well as in parts of the academic community (Balzer and
Wchter 2002, Thompson Klein et al. 2001). However, the processes of
policy development and design still tend to rely predominantly on conven-
tional retrospective learning and intuition, and they lack a clear systematic
and strategic foundation.
The contribution of this chapter is set in this context. It aims to develop
an approach and methodology in support of policy development and
design that reects the principles of reexive governance. More specically,
it combines insights from recent developments in foresight, strategic plan-
ning and policy portfolio analysis in order to develop a heuristics and
process that can be used as a guideline for developing more reexive policy
In this chapter, rst a brief look will be taken at the new emerging require-
ments for policy-making and the implications for the roles and strategies of
government over the policy and innovation cycle. The next section focuses on
recent developments in foresight and strategic planning, highlighting in par-
ticular the complementarities between these two lines of work. This analysis
will be further specied in terms of a methodological approach to guide
processes of forward-looking, adaptive and portfolio-oriented strategy
development in policy-making and then illustrated by some examples where
Foresight and adaptive planning 191

this adaptive foresightmethodology has already been applied. Finally, some

conclusions will be drawn on the experiences with and the perspectives of
further application of this approach and methodology.



Key Functions of Innovation Systems

The changing nature of innovation processes in connection with the nor-

mative implications of an orientation towards sustainable development
and the decline in condence in government policy raises a number of new
requirements with respect to the functions that innovation systems ought
to full (and that related policies should thus support):2

Transformation: as an overarching function, innovation systems are

supposed to enable processes of innovation and socio-technical change
in society. Moreover, the framework conditions and incentive structures
should ensure that the innovations that are produced contribute to a
process of sustainable socio-technical change. In a wider sense, this
transformation function also comprises the ability of self-transforma-
tion of the innovation system itself, that is, the ability to change the
structural and organisational settings as well as the incentive structures
for innovation in line with new insights about the requirements of sus-
tainable development and the mechanisms determining innovations.
Managing such long-term processes of transformation and structural
change both in society at large and within the innovation system
requires the political ability to realise major reform projects and to make
intelligent use of self-reinforcing mechanisms.
Anticipation: one of the pre-conditions for transformation is the
ability to anticipate alternative future directions of socio-technical
change under conditions of uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity
(Renn 2002). This requires from society a highly developed ability to
explore future scenarios and develop decision options as a foundation
for strategic policy-making. New analytical (for example, benchmark-
ing, evaluation) as well as interactive (for example, foresight, scenario
development) methods are needed to provide strategic input to policy.3
Goal-orientation: another pre-condition for transformation must be
seen in the ability to deliver orientations for the future, for instance by
means of vision-building and pro-active agenda-setting. Government
192 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

can play a key role not only in both respects, but also by dening incen-
tives and incentive structures that are compatible with the visions and
agendas, for instance in R&D policy by striking a balance between
generic support measures for R&D and other, thematically oriented
RTD programmes.
Co-ordination: orientation by visions is a powerful means of sup-
porting processes of co-ordination between dierent actors, but in
particular with respect to horizontal policy matters such as sustain-
ability, the coordination between dierent policy areas and levels
needs to be reinforced, for instance by joint action plans and har-
monised regulations. Similarly, the coordination between policy
actors and other stakeholders requires active measures, which in
most cases will rely on some kind of participation process in the early
phases of the policy cycle.
Experimentation: underinvestment in research and development
under market conditions has been one of the main arguments for
legitimising RTD policy measures since its early days. This argument
holds even more in the face of interactive, interdisciplinary and trans-
disciplinary research practices that require the involvement of a
wider range of disciplines, stakeholders and practitioners. Enabling
bottom-up experimentation (and subsequent learning about the
experiences with and the desirability of innovations) is thus another
important role for research and technology policy.
Adaptation: in an increasingly globalised economy and society,
the ability to adapt to new emerging challenges (for example, envi-
ronmental, migratory) or unpredictable events becomes an essential
asset. It implies that simple goal orientation is not sucient any more
in view of the fact that the evolution of societies depends to a large
extent on decisions made elsewhere. Experimentation and variety-
creation are prerequisites for maintaining adaptability, but adapta-
tion also requires being able to change structural characteristics of
multi-level systems. However, adaptability needs to be balanced with
stabilising characteristics such as goal orientation.
First-order and second-order learning: learning is crucial for being able
to strike the right balances, for instance between adaptation and goal
orientation, or between generic and directed research policy measures.
In the case of sustainability, both rst-order learning about past expe-
riences with policy measures (for example, by means of evaluations)
and second-order learning (that is, reexivity) about the cross-cutting
governance implications of experiences in dierent specialised policy
areas are needed (c.f. Vo and Kemp, in the Introduction to this
volume). Second-order learning implies the ability to change the role
Foresight and adaptive planning 193

of politics and policy (and thus also of other actors) in the course of the
innovation process and the system transformation.
Participation: beyond being a means to enhance the legitimacy of
policy decisions, participation also enhances the integration of tech-
nological, economic, political and institutional sources of knowl-
edge. This is particularly important in the case of sustainability where
underlying conicts about values and risk perception related to inno-
vation and new technologies make it essential to involve a wide range
of stakeholders in policy decisions about these new technologies.
Ensuring the participation of an appropriate range of actors and
stakeholders in network-based processes of preparing policy deci-
sions is thus another functional requirement of sustainability-
oriented innovation systems of which government should take care.

Implications for the Roles and Strategies of Government

Assuming that these observations represent an accurate description of the

new functions of innovation systems and the requirements they raise for
policy, the main role of government can be seen in ensuring that these func-
tions are fullled. In some instances, this may imply a very active role for gov-
ernment, in others a less interventionist one than often adopted in the past.
In any case, they imply a number of obvious departures from the current
interpretation of the role and the strategic behaviour of governments.
First of all, the self-understanding of government actors is likely to
change. They should not regard themselves as external to innovation or
other socio-technical systems but rather as an integral part of them. This
implies that policy-makers are just one type of actor among others who
contribute to processes of system change. One may nevertheless argue that
public policy-making has a special role to play because it is expected to
guarantee certain key functions that are necessary to enable structural
transformations of innovation systems towards sustainability (see the
previous section).
As a consequence of positioning government agents this way, they can no
longer assume a steering role but rather a moderating and modulating func-
tion with respect to the dierent relevant actors (Kuhlmann 1998). For
instance, most foresight initiatives tend to stress the importance of the ability
to shape the future, and the same tends to hold true for most strategy-
oriented approaches to research and technology policy (Elzen et al. 2001,
Rip et al. 1995, Hoogma et al. 2002, Kemp and Rotmans 2004). Participa-
tory initiatives for anticipating future developments and using them as an
orientation for decision-making make the expectations, goals and prefer-
ences of the actors involved explicit and are thus supposed to help make their
194 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

collective and individual decisions more coherent. The shaping power of

governments may be important, but their main function is not to determine
the results of such processes, but rather to make sure that they take place in
a constructive way. Collective learning processes are thus considered crucial
for ensuring the development of better and more coherent public and
private policies (OECD 2005). Such a moderating and modulating role also
entails the responsibility to engage the most suitable range of actors in the
process. This is particularly important when assuming that successful inno-
vation in society is increasingly dependent on the distributed intelligence of
the actors involved (Kuhlmann 2001).
From this perspective, foresight or more generally speaking the man-
agement of expectations has an important role to play as a soft coordi-
nation mechanism for shaping the future, on top of its forward-looking,
anticipatory nature. However, several limitations to the political and social
shaping of future developments are often neglected but are particularly
pertinent with respect to sustainability. These limitations have severe impli-
cations for the role that government can play, and in particular with respect
to the balance between adaptive and pro-active elements of policy strate-
Eriksson (2003) makes this point very cogently by opposing two basic
policy strategies in this respect: strategic opportunism vs. strategic com-
mitment. The former emphasises the adaptive qualities of policy and the
latter the willingness to steer and shape the future. There are many reasons
why the strategic commitment is likely to fail, and why a better balance thus
needs to be found between adaptation and exibility on the one hand, and
goal-oriented steering on the other. This need for a more adaptive approach
to policy-making can be traced back to at least four reasons:

Adaptation to external developments and unexpected events: this is

the classical example of adaptation, aiming to take precautions
against major external events.
Adaptation to other actors: in a governance context, in which other
actors decisions and value positions constrain the possibilities of
governments and where key decisions are increasingly taken by a
range of actors collectively rather than centrally by a single actor, the
adaptations of ones own strategies to those of the other actors
becomes imperative.
Adaptation to a multi-level policy context: being almost a special
case of the preceding point, there is a growing need for adaptation
to other levels of policy making. National policy-making is embedded
in European and international politics and often frames regional
processes. The division of labour between these levels is often unclear.4
Foresight and adaptive planning 195

Adaptation over time, that is, over the policy and the innovation
cycles: policy roles may also change over time. As shown in Table 8.1
for the case of transport technology policy, the appropriate role for
EU policy changes in the course of the innovation process, and key
policy functions may move down to lower policy levels or altogether
out of the policy realm. Moreover, time is also a critical factor from
the perspective of the complex innovation systems because of the
necessity to exploit time windows of opportunity. Similar arguments
can be made with respect to the policy cycle and the resulting changes
in policy roles over time.

These arguments in favour of adaptive policy strategies point to a need

to reassess the balance between pro-active and reactive elements in policy
strategy development. Maintaining the ability to adapt exibly to changing
circumstances seems to become increasingly important. Within such a
framework, a moderating role for government becomes crucial to enhance
the coherence of decisions taken by dierent actors. More specic policy
roles can still be played in a exible manner, that is, adapted to the specic
innovation phases and using a variety of instruments and policies.
In addition to conventional policy instruments (such as regulation,
nance, S&T policy, infrastructure investment), a moderating role also
requires the use of new instruments, such as the stimulation of processes of
networking and knowledge exchange, the initiation of processes of vision-
building and foresight in order to anticipate future developments and gen-
erate orienting knowledge for the actors involved.
In other words, foresight can be interpreted as a valuable instrument that
promises to help make policy-making and governance more reexive.
However, the signicance for policy depends on its embedding in a exible
and forward-looking approach to policy strategy development. This could
be achieved by tightening the linkages between foresight on the one hand,
and modern strategic planning-type approaches to policy-making on the
other. The recent developments in both strands of work as well as the
methodological conclusions that can be drawn from them will be addressed
in the subsequent sections.



In the preceding sections, a number of requirements for sustainability-

oriented policy-making have been identied. They point to the need to
Table 8.1 Possible roles of EU transport technology policy over the innovation cycle

Neutral Monitoring R&D agent Regulator Innovation Implementer Developer



 role has conflict with innovation phase
 role does not match innovation phase
 combination of role and innovation phase is possible
 role ts phase
 role is required in this phase

Source: van Zuylen and Weber (2002)

Foresight and adaptive planning 197

translate ndings of foresight exercises into inputs for formulating policy

strategies, and as a basis for reexive policy-making.
In order to address this challenge, an attempt will be made to combine
foresight approaches with elements from strategic planning. Foresight
emphasises the forward-looking and participatory element of policy-
making that allows taking into account the future perspectives of a wide
range of actors and stakeholders. Strategic planning has particular strengths
to oer in terms of strategy formulation for dealing with future risks and
opportunities, in particular when using the concept of adaptivity as a basis
for developing a exible and forward-looking policy strategy (Eriksson
The purpose of this approach is to help improve the relevance and
impact of the results of forward-looking activities with respect to policy
strategy development and to take into account the roles and requirements
outlined above. At the same time, the frequently stated optimism regarding
the shaping power of foresight is put into question, and instead a more cau-
tious interpretation of its ndings for forward-looking policy-making is

Foresight Recent Developments and Decits

Over the last ten to fteen years, forward-looking approaches under the
headline of foresight have acquired a prominent role in policy-making, in
particular not only in science and technology policy (Gavigan 2002, Tbke
et al. 2001), but also in relation to sustainability and other long-term, risk-
prone issues. In the early years of foresight, mainly Delphi methods were
applied to assess the development potential and the competitive positions
in dierent areas of science and technology. In recent years, participatory
and panel-based approaches have become more common, not the least to
better capture the social and economic aspects related to future changes in
science and technology (see Georghiou 2001). Generally speaking, fore-
sight processes represent a mechanism with which to deal systematically
with future risks, opportunities and options by drawing on a broad range
of future expectations and by involving an equally broad range of actors in
a participatory process. It is applied with respect to emerging developments
in science and technology or socio-economic developments likely to exert
an impact and pull on scientictechnological research and development.
In some countries, foresight has become a widely used tool to support S&T
policy-making, leading to the establishment of a forward-looking political
and governance culture (Gavigan 2001).
There are several dierent types of foresight, each aiming at dierent
purposes. A rst basic distinction refers to the exploratory or normative
198 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

nature of forward-looking activities. Exploratory approaches tend to be

used to identify new emerging developments and resulting risks and oppor-
tunities that open up new issues and agendas for action. They start from the
present and explore the range of possible development paths. In contrast
to forecasting, however, exploratory foresight emphasises the multitude of
possible development paths resulting from the interaction between society
and scientictechnological opportunities.
Normative approaches start with one or several images of the future in
order to assess them along dierent dimensions and to identify the steps
and requirements to realise them. Often, a desirable image of the future is
developed and taken as a starting point, but also doomsday scenarios can
be found, which are confronted with more desirable futures. As such, nor-
mative foresight processes serve to negotiate societal goals and visions
related to science, technology and society.
In practice, most foresight processes that have been realised over the past
years combine both exploratory and normative elements, using a range of
more or less formalised methodologies (Gavigan et al. 2001).
In spite of the variety of possibilities, a number of general trends in fore-
sight can be observed.

First of all, it has moved away from a pure focus on science and tech-
nology that dominated the scene until the early to mid-1990s to an
incorporation of rst market and then also increasingly social con-
siderations. Broadening the scope of foresight in this way can be
interpreted as a reection of the abandonment of linear models of
technological change and the adoption of a systemic understanding
of socio-technical change.
Secondly, foresight has become an increasingly participatory activity.
Initially, foresight activities were mainly based on S&T expert
opinion, but in line with broadening the scope of foresight, the notion
of expert has undergone a re-denition. With respect to participation,
one can observe similar developments in technology assessment
where the growing prominence of social, economic, environmental
and ethical concerns related to scientic and technological develop-
ments has led to a strengthening of participatory and constructive
approaches (Decker and Ladikas 2004, Joss and Bellucci 2002). Here,
the aim is to negotiate consensus on risks and opportunities or at least
achieve transparency about conicting viewpoints to contribute to a
normative debate on desirable future development paths.
Thirdly, we can see today a strong emphasis on and belief in the con-
tribution of foresight activities to shaping rather than predicting the
future. The initial Delphi exercises were still strongly inuenced by the
Foresight and adaptive planning 199

linear idea that the consensus achieved in Delphi could serve as a fore-
cast and thus as a foundation for taking preparatory actions. Today,
by bringing together in a foresight process not only experts, but in par-
ticular also decision-makers from research, industry, policy-making
and society, a shared understanding of current problems, goals and
emerging development options is expected to emerge among those
actors that have an important role to play in shaping the future. This
converging understanding of the issues at play is expected to con-
tribute to improving implicitly the coherence of the distributed deci-
sions of these actors, in line with the shared mental framework
developed. In other words, the future is shaped by aligning expect-
ations and thus creating a self-fullling prophecy. These so-called
process outputs are in the meantime often regarded as more impor-
tant than the actual substantive outputs like reports and websites.5

In this sense, foresight processes provide a mechanism for collecting and

focusing vague future expectations, and for developing shared views of
individual and collective actions to take. Moreover, they also serve as a
means in fact to realise the expectations on which they build by inuencing
agenda-setting and decision-making. However, although only very few
impact assessments of foresight exercises have been conducted so far, their
actual and traceable inuence on decision-making seems to vary to a great
extent. In some cases (such as the UK Foresight Mark I), the inuence was
quite signicant because priority-setting in RTD policy was directly
inuenced by its results, but in hindsight this must be regarded as a rather
blunt impact. In many other cases, the impact chains are dicult to trace,
because the inuence on participants mindsets and decisions is hard to
observe, as well as the inuence on the wider public debates.
Foresight, as it is practised today, also shows a number of shortcomings
that need to be mentioned:

While the optimism as regards the shaping power of foresight exer-

cises is at least founded in some qualitative evidence, there are serious
doubts about whether the inuence of foresight really contributes to
moving in a more sustainable direction. Several critical questions can
be raised with respect to the biases brought in by the foresight process
itself: can we really trust our expectations, or the expectations raised
in a foresight exercise? How can individual actors and policy-makers
in particular protect themselves against the fallacies of false promises
and over-optimistic expectations expressed and brought to the fore in
a foresight exercise? Should we not be more precautionary when
aiming at seemingly desirable scenarios? It is commonly known that
200 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

socio-technical change is tied to a wide range of uncertainties and

ambiguities that can not be anticipated. While on the one hand (over-)
optimistic expectations may be important to increase the momentum
of a topic in public or political discourse, a nave belief in these
expectations may lead to a misallocation of resources and create deep
disappointments at a later stage.
A second main shortcoming of foresight relates to the impressionis-
tic nature of many foresight exercises, where workshops and expert
panels are taken as the main source of information for constructing
scenarios. The ndings run the risk of being insuciently rooted in
a scientic base, where rst the best available and often diverging
sources of knowledge ought to be brought together in an explicit way.
Consolidated integration of retrospective and prospective scientic
methods (such as modelling) and participatory processes and inter-
actions would probably help enhance the scientic credibility of fore-
sight results.
Thirdly, foresight is increasingly used as a basis on which to build
coherent and co-ordinated strategic agendas for action, both in the
public and the private sector. Whereas foresight processes have devel-
oped into quite sophisticated and well thought-through activities, the
subsequent processes of strategy development still lack a similar level
of sophistication, for instance in terms of deriving basic strategies for
dealing with the opportunities, risks and unexpected changes that
have been identied in the context of foresight exercises.

Both the rst and the third shortcoming could be addressed by building
on insights from strategic planning. This is in particular the case as regards
the dilemma between the need to keep future options open in order to be
able to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances on the one hand (adaptive
strategies) and the willingness to actively shape the future on the other
(proactive strategies).

Adaptive Planning Moving Towards Exploratory Scenarios and Policy


Strategic planning has a history as long as foresight. Moreover, both Delphi

approaches and strategic planning have a common root in military strategic
analysis. However, over the past twenty years the interactions between these
two schools of thought have been rather weak. Similar to foresight, strate-
gic planning has undergone signicant changes over the past years. The often
criticised top-down planning paradigm has given way to a perspective that
stresses the notion of adaptivity (adaptive planning) (Walker et al. 2001).
Foresight and adaptive planning 201

The basic philosophy behind adaptive planning consists of deferring actions

and choices as long as possible, that is, until more knowledge is available, in
order to cope with uncertainty. Keeping options open obviously comes with
a cost, namely to continue developing alternative options (for instance tech-
nologies) in parallel until a choice between them is eectively made.
Adaptive planning can be interpreted as an attempt to circumvent the
Collingridge dilemma (Collingridge 1980): making choices about the direc-
tions of new emerging technological options is very dicult in the early
stages of development, because we know too little about their advantages
and disadvantages, costs, opportunities and risks. However, once we know
enough about them to make informed choices, they have already become
so entrenched that eective choices are no longer possible. Adaptive plan-
ning aims to devise strategies to keep open and advance options but
without making denitive choices that would entail too early and unin-
formed entrenchment. In theory, these choices should only be made once
more is known about the technology itself or about the context in its likely
context of use. Proponents of science and technology studies (STS) tend to
be sceptical about adaptive planning, because as they would argue the
actual implementation of technology in its nal context of use is vital to
understanding modes of usage and impacts. As a consequence, adaptive
planning is regarded at best as a partial solution to the Collingridge
dilemma. Still, experimental and learning approaches (such as strategic
niche management see Hoogma et al. 2002 and Weber et al. 1999) have been
suggested within STS that should help one learn about and shape technol-
ogy in an adaptive manner.
The classical approach to adaptive planning is based on a staged devel-
opment process with key decision points to conrm or reject a development
trajectory depending on the progress made and the changes in context.
More recently, adaptive planning approaches have emphasised the need to
combine scenario development to capture a wide range of possible future
contexts with the maintenance of a set or portfolio of real options.6 It has
thus developed into a much more exible tool for supporting strategic
decision-making, by applying principles of continuous monitoring and
decision-making (Eriksson 2003). The portfolio-based approach is partic-
ularly well-suited for dealing with contexts that are in themselves charac-
terised by adaptive strategies of other actors.7
Socio-technical scenarios are thus a rst important building block for
operationalising the principles of adaptive planning. They serve to capture
the range of possible futures in which the addressee might be operating and
which he can partly inuence. In other words, scenario development serves
in the rst instance to make dierent possible future contexts for action
explicit, in scientictechnological and economic as well as in socio-political
202 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

and cultural terms. For the purposes of adaptive planning, socio-technical

scenarios should be neither purely exploratory nor purely normative. In fact,
it is important that they represent a mixture of desirable and undesirable
elements in order to be able to derive non-trivial conclusions.
Usually exploratory scenarios are taken as a starting point for adaptive
planning exercises. However, from a policy perspective, exploratory scen-
arios alone are not sucient as a basis for policy strategies. Dierent
exploratory scenarios just describe how dierent future worlds might look.
While for instance a national government may be able to exert an inuence
on the course of future events, it is by no means in any position to deter-
mine what the future will look like. It only has rather limited power to shape
the future; its room for manoeuvre is restricted by the extent to which the
exploratory scenarios developed are driven by exogenous factors. The nor-
mative dimension comes into play when assessing and selecting dierent
decision options that would allow these largely exogenously driven
exploratory scenarios to be inuenced in a direction that could be regarded
as desirable, even if the actual inuence of these decisions may be rather
limited. Thus, the exploratory scenario approach needs to be combined
with a normative element in order to realise future oriented policy strate-
gies that are in line with major societal objectives (such as sustainable devel-
The notion of portfolios of real options is the second main building
block considered here. Initially the notion of portfolios of options was
introduced in nance and described a set of nancial options that allows
the investor to minimise (or hedge) nancial risks. Sophisticated models
have been developed to deal with portfolio optimisation. In the world of
research and innovation, modelling approaches are also tested but real
options cannot be easily captured in nancial terms (Schauer 2005).
The key argument behind maintaining a portfolio of real options can be
best explained by a simple question: What preparatory and precautionary
actions can be taken today to make sure that an actor can adapt to unex-
pected adverse conditions and exploit unexpected upcoming opportunities
tomorrow? This approach admits that our possibilities to shape the future
are constrained to a large extent by developments outside of our scope, and
that we must be able to adapt to these. It implies that a good portfolio of real
options is characterised by two main features. First of all, there are options
that are helpful under the conditions of all scenarios considered. These
robust options represent the quick gains from a portfolio-oriented scenario
analysis. In other words, robust policies are those that do well under the
conditions of all scenarios considered. Secondly, policy options exist that
enable adaptivity, that is, they are meant to maintain the ability to exploit
upcoming opportunities rapidly or to cope swiftly with major unexpected
Foresight and adaptive planning 203

risks. This can be achieved by maintaining an appropriate portfolio of

options and by developing options that are exible and adapt on their own.
The notion of a robust and adaptive portfolio of options can be applied
to both technologies and policies. Looking rst at technologies, the
approach suggests maintaining two types of options, namely (1) options
that would be benecial under all circumstances in the dierent scenarios
(robust technologies), and (2) options that would allow us to react swiftly
to unexpected events or dierent courses of development than we had ini-
tially expected (adaptive technologies). In concrete terms, for instance,
this approach is compatible with policy recommendations to develop com-
petencies in generic technologies that are likely to be applied in a wide range
of sectors. The relative importance of these sectors may dier across
scenarios. Obviously, although generic technologies are characterised by a
certain degree of robustness and adaptivity, they are usually not sucient
to ensure the level of adaptivity needed. Advancing additional techno-
logical options may thus be necessary. The history of renewable and energy-
saving technologies can serve as an example of the benets of an adaptive
technology portfolio. After the rst oil crisis the introduction of alternative
and ecient energy technologies was promoted, but it took several years to
make some of the options in question (such as heat pumps, combined heat
and power generation, solar collectors, and so on) technologically and eco-
nomically viable. In those countries where these technologies had already
been developed early on, their uptake took place much faster and thus facil-
itated the adaptation to the scarcity and high price of fossil fuels.
In terms of research and technology policy, adaptivity can be achieved
by keeping a fairly broad range of research programmes and activities in
order to be able to build on the acquired competencies if a research eld
turns out to take o or if changing circumstances require adapting and
changing course rather swiftly. Rather than focusing on a very restricted set
of research and technology priorities (which is currently the dominant
argument in the context of competitiveness policies), a portfolio-based and
risk-averse research and technology policy strategy would aim at advancing
a broader set of options in a kind of waitstate and support technologies
that are inherently adaptive. Obviously, as it is not possible to keep all
options open, it is still necessary to prioritize,8 but the notion of portfolios
of real options should be taken into account as an additional building
block for designing strategies to cope with the uncertainties, risks and
opportunities inherent in dierent future scenarios.
The timing of exerting policy options is an important aspect of a
portfolio-based policy approach because of the criticality of the timing for
the impact of a decision. We know from evolutionary and sociological
S&T policy studies that there are windows of opportunity when exerting
204 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

an option (for instance starting a major R&D programme to give a new

emerging technology area a boost) can have a particularly strong impact
because it allows self-reinforcing processes of change to operate eectively
and thus makes a policy strategy eective with minimum resources
(Erdmann 2005). Portfolio analysis is not a purely analytical task, but needs
to refer to the goals and objectives of the addressee(s). Real options are
assessed in terms of the impact they are likely to have on these objectives and
under the conditions of the dierent scenarios. Portfolio thinking is useful
when there is widespread agreement on the objectives to pursue because it
allows discussing the options for moving as closely as possible to the desired
state of the future, even if the course of events makes it very unlikely that it
will ever be reached. A normative vision of the future may then still serve as
an orientation for choosing options of a portfolio that is meant to cope rea-
sonably well with a range of dierent possible future scenarios. However,
there is not necessarily consensus on what the desirable direction of change
is. At this point, value judgements and related conicts regarding the objec-
tives of dierent actors come into play, and the analysis of the potential
impacts of real options under the conditions of dierent scenarios provides
a rational basis for discussing the underlying objectives and values. In both
cases, the incorporation of a process of iterative goal formulation in sce-
nario and policy portfolio development is helpful to enhance the reexivity
of decision-making (Vo and Kemp, Introduction to this volume).
The approach of adaptive planning, when using exploratory scenarios in
combination with policy portfolios, facilitates striking a reasonable balance
between our capabilities and limitations to anticipate the future, our wish
to steer in a desirable direction, and the need to adapt to the occurrence of
events that we can neither predict nor inuence.

Moving Towards Policy Strategies

The preceding overview of recent developments and characteristics of fore-

sight and of adaptive planning has shown that these two conceptual tools
have the potential to contribute to enhancing the reexivity of policy-
making processes in at least three respects:

they strengthen the rational basis by capturing often implicit assump-

tions, expectations and underlying values about the future explicitly
in dierent scenario images and corresponding pathways;
they make policy strategies more realistic by emphasising the limita-
tions to actively shaping the future, as reected in the notion of adap-
tivity and path-dependence in the context of scenario development;
they support strategic thinking about portfolios of options across
dierent scenarios and during dierent phases of the policy cycle.
Foresight and adaptive planning 205

In this sense, foresight and adaptive planning are instruments that facil-
itate exceeding rst-order learning about the impacts of individual instru-
ments (for example by means of conventional evaluation) and enable
second-order learning.


Theoretical and Methodological Foundations

The new requirements for policy-making described above underline that

more is expected today from policy research than retrospectively analysing
and generalising hypotheses as inputs to policy-making. Instead, more
attention needs to be paid to devising transparent and constructive method-
ologies in support of forward-looking policy strategy development. While
Vo and Kemp (in this volume) have elaborated on some of the specic
requirements with respect to a more reexive approach to governance, focus-
ing in particular on the issue of sustainable development, the next step
needed consists of formulating operational methodologies for putting these
principles into practice.
In this section, such a methodology will be presented under the headline
of adaptive foresight. It is based on insights from past experiences with
foresight methods and socio-technical scenarios, but also reects principles
of adaptive planning and reexive governance.9 When geared specically to
the needs of policy-making, these and other tools are often referred to as
strategic policy intelligence (SPI, see Box 1). SPI has previously been rather
weak in terms of explicitly addressing tasks of systematic policy strategy
development. The methodology outlined below aims to ll this gap, and it is
illustrated by a few examples where it has already been employed in practice.
Conceptually, the adaptive foresight methodology builds on ndings
from system approaches in innovation research and from science and tech-
nology studies that emphasise the importance of complex mechanisms for
the explanation of innovation dynamics. Such a complex innovation
systems perspective provides the main elements to be addressed by the
methodology (Weber 2005). The most recent developments in innovation
research stress the importance of multi-level analysis, covering levels from
that of individual actors and networks to the macro-level of national, sec-
toral or functional innovation systems. Providing an explicit theoretical
foundation of the methodology has several advantages: it facilitates the
interaction process with the participants of scenario workshops, it allows
206 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

an explicit interpretation of the ndings of the process, and thus con-

tributes to the overall understanding of potential future innovation dynam-
ics and the role of policy interventions in these.



Over the past twenty years, one could observe a major change in
policy-making as well as in policy research, emphasising the need
for more strategically oriented inputs as a foundation for policy.
Several different approaches that had been employed thus far in a
rather isolated way have been brought together under the heading
strategic policy intelligence (Tbke et al. 2001).They comprise, for
instance, forecasting, foresight, technology assessment, scenario
development and other forward-looking approaches. In particular
scenario techniques have proven a powerful tool to integrate
elements from the aforementioned approaches into consistent
visions of and pathways towards the future. Also methodologies to
enhance policy learning from past experiences fall under the head-
line of strategic policy intelligence, for instance by way of system-
atically evaluating policy programmes, initiatives and institutions or
by comparing national practices (benchmarking). Strategic policy
intelligence is thus expected to support policy-making over the
entire policy cycle from agenda-setting to policy learning.
The strategic turn in policy-making implies a major shift in terms
of governance, and it raises new requirements with respect to the
strategic competencies of policy-makers vis--vis other actors in
the system. First of all, we are increasingly confronted with a situ-
ation, in which the necessary knowledge, competencies and intel-
ligence is distributed across society (Kuhlmann 2001), thus calling
for a higher degree of participation in policy decision in order to
draw on this distributed intelligence. Therefore, strategic policy
intelligence methods tend to employ interactive methods such as
expert panels, scenario workshops, citizen conferences and so on,
in order to complement conventional analytical methods. In other
words, strategic policy intelligence also needs to devise ways of
drawing on these distributed competencies.
Secondly, there is a clear need to devise systematic methods to
exploit prospective findings for the purposes of policy strategy
development. Although strategic policy intelligence is increasingly
Foresight and adaptive planning 207

recognised as important support for policy-making, also with

respect to enhancing participation in political decision making, it
has not been able to provide the necessary systematic approaches
to strategy development thus far. It is in this respect that adaptive
foresight is supposed to deliver new insights.

Looking Back: Problem Denition, System Delimitation and Analysis

Before looking ahead as part of a policy strategy development process, it

is necessary to conduct a solid retrospective analysis of the eld of inves-
tigation, that is, of recent and current developments along the lines of the
conceptual framework of complex innovation systems. And even before
starting such analytical work, two initial clarications need to be achieved.
First of all, one has to be clear what the focal issue of the strategy devel-
opment exercise is, that is, the main question or problem that the addressee
of an exercise would like to have tackled. In government-led exercises, these
focal issues are usually related to societal goals and the (policy) strategies
to pursue in order to achieve them. They can be at highly aggregate levels
(how can we achieve an overarching transition towards a more sustainable
energy supply system?) or more specic to individual sectors and policies
(what innovation and technology policy strategies should be pursued
in order to contribute to the joint objectives of sustainable mobility and
enhancement of the competitiveness of domestic transport technology
Secondly, the analytical boundaries of the innovation system that deter-
mines the evolution of the focal issue need to be claried. This implies
making a distinction between the inside and outside of the system under
study, that is, the distinction between the aspects that can be inuenced by,
for instance, national policy, and those that are outside its scope and
thus to be regarded as exogenous factors. This delimitation of the innov-
ation system will be further rened in the course of the scenario-building
There are several typical elements and aspects that need to be addressed
in the course of an innovation system analysis:

Actors, that is, the entities that exert an inuence on processes of

innovation, either directly or indirectly. These entities do not neces-
sarily have to be individuals or organisations, but can also be based on
looser forms of coordinated behaviour like networks. The set of actors
that makes up an innovation system can obviously change over the
course of time.
208 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

Decision-making processes and interactions, that is, the objectives,

rationales and behaviour of the actors identied, and the processes
of interaction by which these decisions are inuenced.
Structures, that is, an analysis of the structural characteristics of the
system and their transformation. This includes institutional and organ-
isational changes like, for instance, not only a liberalisation of relevant
markets or a nancial crisis, but also major technological develop-
ments, patterns of networking or changes of socio-technical regime.
Socio-technical knowledge base, that is, the entirety of the distrib-
uted knowledge that is available to the dierent actors. Apart from
describing the capabilities and competencies that exist in an innov-
ation system, the knowledge-base also comprises information about
the performance and the potential of new technologies and innov-
ations. Moreover, it may be used to anticipate impacts and generate
future visions and Leitbilder.

Apart from describing these changing patterns in actors, interactions,

structures and knowledge of an innovation system, it is also important to
understand the underlying system dynamics in terms of interdependencies
between the dierent levels of analysis (for example, between actors and
structures). Currently, mechanisms from complex systems research are
increasingly tested to capture basic principles of innovation system dynam-
ics (Fischer and Frhlich 2001), but one must admit that this is an area in
which much research work still has to be done.
In methodological terms, this rst phase is usually based on a combina-
tion of analytical desk research to collect important background informa-
tion and interactive workshops to dene the focal issue and interpret them
with respect to key mechanisms determining system change.

Looking Ahead: Combining Exploratory and Normative Elements

The forward-looking step consists of three main parts, namely an

exploratory part, a specication part and a normative part. The exploratory
part aims to dene dierent possible future scenarios which serve as frames
for further specication and also for adjusting the scenarios according to the
normative objectives and goals.
Both endogenous and exogenous developments (that is, the ones from
within the system and from outside) are taken into account as possible
factors of inuence that are likely to shape the future evolution of the
system under study.10
After collecting the range of factors of inuence, an analysis of current
trends and possible trend breaks can be performed in order to dierentiate
Foresight and adaptive planning 209

between factors that are likely to be stable and others that are still open to
evolve in qualitatively new ways. Especially the latter ones are useful to
dierentiate one scenario from another. Such trends and trend breaks can
be of a technological as well as of a socio-economic nature.
Trends and trend breaks are the basic material from which to develop
scenarios. Here, a variety of methods is available, ranging from bottom-up
methods of constructing and clustering storylines into scenarios to top-
down methods that concentrate on selected dominant factors of inuence,
possibly supported by cross-impact analysis, Delphi methods or simula-
tions to strengthen the credibility of results. However, most of these
methods rely in the end on expert or stakeholder judgement, thus reecting
these actors implicit theories about impact chains.
What is essential for these scenarios is that they are plausible, multi-
faceted and challenging. They must be regarded as tools to stimulate think-
ing about potential future developments rather than as predictions of the
future. Moreover, the distinction between endogenous and exogenous
factors of inuence helps identify where the opportunities and limitations
for action are for the main actors addressed, that is, for instance a national
government. Trends and trend breaks also point implicitly to important
decision options of the dierent actors, that is, the strategic moves they can
make. Games (Planspiele) are a tool by which these implicit strategic
options can be made explicit.
When the basic scenarios are dened, they represent dierent frame-
works that still leave much room for further specication. In fact, they
dene a corridor of actions that needs to be rened and related to the focal
issue under investigation. As guidance for how to describe such framework
scenarios, the main types of factors of inuence can be taken as a starting
point. Typically, categories such as technologies, producers, users, policy
and so on, are dened by the participants, that is, categories that can easily
be related to actors strategies.
The normative dimension is addressed in the subsequent stage. At this
point, goals and values of the dierent actors come into play (see also
Box 2). A possible starting point is therefore a debate on visions related to
the focal issue of the exercise. This is useful in order to clarify shared (or
diverging) policy and/or societal goals, ambitions and underlying values of
the actors and stakeholders involved. A second element is related to the
potential future risks and opportunities tied to the focal issue of the
Both elements serve in the end to agree on the dimensions along which the
exploratory scenarios are to be assessed. In many current cases, sustainable
development is taken as a guiding vision that needs to be operationalised
in terms of dierent assessment dimensions, for instance along the lines of
210 Strategies for sustainable system transformation



In a project that deals with the future of freight transport in Austria,

several different, and sometimes even contradictory, policy objec-
tives had to be taken into account to derive insights into opportu-
nities for defining the future strategy for transport technology and
innovation policy. Transport policy objectives as well as environ-
mental and industrial policy considerations had to be brought to
bear for the conceptualisation of future policy initiatives and strate-
gies. Although, for instance, transport and technology policy were
hosted in the same ministry, the level of cooperation between the
respective Directorates General was only weak. Clarifying these
objectives was thus crucial for incorporating them in suggestions
for new technology policy initiatives as well as for the success of
the entire exercise (Whitelegg 2005, Weber et al. 2002).

the pattern developed by the German Helmholtz Society (Coenen and

Grunwald 2003).
When assessing the scenarios along these main dimensions, it would be
unrealistic to expect clear-cut statements on which is the better or the worse
scenario from the perspective of sustainable development. First of all, the
scenarios are designed in a way so as to avoid scenarios that are simply
good or bad; on the contrary, multi-faceted scenarios are regarded as
most productive. Moreover, in most cases the level of uncertainty of
impacts is such that it will at best allow identifying critical issues that
require the attention of policy-makers or could potentially have signicant
impacts on the focal issue (Weber et al. 2004b). These tend to be issues
which require additional research to understand potential impacts in the
future better. In other words, the assessment serves to identify potential but
uncertain levers for shaping future development in a more desirable direc-
The basic argument behind this approach is that, to a large extent, the
framework scenarios determine the future evolution of the focal issue.
However, within a corridor they dene, there is still room for manoeuvre
and adjustment in a direction that converges with the negotiated goals and
Foresight and adaptive planning 211

The assessment and subsequent identication of critical issues opens up

the opportunity to modify the scenarios developed towards best possible
variants (what could be best achieved within each of the framework
scenarios?), but it is not a necessary condition for the subsequent back-
casting and portfolio analysis.
Methodologically, this step is largely based on interactive and creative
methods, but can at least in principle be supported by computer tools, fore-
casts and modelling.

Pathways Towards the Future: Multiple Backcasting

Conventional backcasting approaches take a single and desirable image of

the future as their starting point (for example, Vergragt 2000). While this is
a valid method for clarifying necessary steps towards a desirable future, it
underrates the limitations imposed on the ability to shape a desired future,
and in particular the dependence on decisions outside of ones own control.
In order to make use of backcasting in a more realistic, strategy-oriented
manner, its application to each of the scenarios developed is regarded as
more helpful (multiple backcasting).
In essence, backcasting looks at the steps necessary to achieve a specic
scenario. This requires analysing barriers and incompatibilities with which
the realisation of a scenario may be confronted over the course of time. Key
decisions and bifurcations need to be identied, and the compatibility of,
for instance, technologies, values and actors interests need to be assessed
as a rst consistency check.
By staging the pathways that lead to the realisation of dierent scenar-
ios, it is possible to identify needs for action and intervention that can serve
as important inputs to the subsequent portfolio analysis. In principle, back-
casting the scenario pathways in stages also allows for discussion of the
appropriate timing of policy and other measures, for instance, in terms of
windows of opportunity for introducing a new technology or starting a
policy initiative. By developing consistent pathways, the backcasting exer-
cise represents a second level of testing the credibility of a scenario.
Methodologically, backcasting tends to rely on qualitative methods in
order to capture the full range of aspects that can potentially come into
play in the course of a scenario pathway. However, in particular, quantita-
tive tools can also support consistency checks.

Portfolio Analysis: Robust and Adaptive Policy Options

So far, individual scenarios were developed, rened and analysed. Each of

the scenarios and pathways can be characterised in terms of technologies
212 Strategies for sustainable system transformation



In order to support the medium- to long-term strategy development

of a research programme on The Factory of Tomorrow (see also
Spth et al., Chapter 14 in this volume), a scenario-building exer-
cise has been implemented for the area of woodplastic compos-
ites, fibre composites and biopolymers from renewable resources
(see Weber et al. 2004b). The emphasis was put on the policy
options on the basis of which Austrian technology and innovation
policy could influence the future evolution of this transition field
towards more sustainable production systems. As the ability to
shape the evolution of this field from within a rather small policy
area in a small country like Austria are comparatively limited, policy
options were explored within the context of different framework
scenarios that were largely driven by developments outside of the
reach of Austrian technology and innovation policy. By using this
approach, the limits to the political shaping of the future were
explicitly taken into account, and the emphasis was rather put on
the need to adapt to and prepare for scenarios that are driven by
external factors, and not the least also international and European

and policies that have been realised. The options delivered by the scenarios
have also been assessed with respect to our focal issue.
From todays perspective, portfolio analysis then looks across dierent
scenarios to assess and select those technology options and correspond-
ing policies that promise to be either robust or adaptive (or both). In other
words, robust options are fairly easy to identify, because they are posi-
tively assessed in all or most scenarios. Adaptive options have been
identied as part of a normative stage of scenario development when pos-
sibilities are sought to move the basic scenario in a more desirable direc-
tion. They are thus either crucial for avoiding major negative impacts or
for exploiting specic opportunities in a single scenario. These kinds of
insights should then serve as input for todays policy-makers to prioritize,
for instance, emerging technologies and design policies correspondingly.
Foresight and adaptive planning 213

Of particular interest are technologies that embody characteristics of

both robustness and adaptivity, that is, in general terms they are benecial
in all scenarios, but their specic shape depends on the conditions of the
respective scenarios. In fact, many technologies tend to have a double-edged
character, because they can be benecial under certain circumstances and
detrimental under others. What kind of impact they will have depends on
the context of use and often on politically dened framework conditions.
Embedded systems, to take an example from the information and telecom-
munication technologies, are expected to have a very positive impact within
an optimistic information society scenario. The same technology, however,
can be abused in a big brother type of scenario when used for invading the
privacy of individuals.
The matter is further complicated by the fact that policy options can have
an impact at dierent levels. For instance, they can refer to the promotion
of individual technologies (for example an R&D programme) as well as to
the structural settings of the innovation systems (such as the liberalisation
of energy supply). Moreover, the impact of policies depends on their time
of implementation.
These examples show that the analysis of portfolios of real options is far
from easy and that technological options and policy options are closely
intertwined. However, the basic principle still holds that promising tech-
nology and policy portfolios are composed of options that promise to have
at least the potential to help improve the focal issue in all scenarios (robust
options) and either avoid major problems or help exploit opportunities in
some selected scenarios (adaptive options).
Methodologically, interactive methods can be used to discuss dierent
options from a range of viewpoints. In order to come up with new and fresh
ideas for policy options, comparative analysis of other countries practices
can be instructive. Finally, while they are by far less sophisticated than
in nancial portfolio analysis, modelling tools are being developed that
promise to be applicable also to real options in quantitative terms, for
instance for analysing research and technology portfolios (Schauer 2005).

Policy Implementation and Learning: Monitoring, Shaping and Adjusting

to the Future

Suggesting policy options and portfolios is just an input to actual policy design
and implementation. In other words, so far we have been mainly discussing the
early phases of the policy process. The implementation of policies, as well as
the learning processes that take place between design and implementation,
represent the wider framework in which adaptive foresight processes are situ-
ated. Moreover, emphasis has been on the strategy level, where the basic
214 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

orientations and guidelines for policy are dened to trigger and frame more
specic initiatives. In practice, however, policy design and implementation rely
on concrete actions and initiatives, often even at local level.
If the principles behind adaptive foresight are to be eective, they need to
be closely tied not only to policy design, but also to policy implementation
and learning, at the strategic as well as at the local level. More specically,
the experiences made in the course of local implementation need to be mon-
itored and fed back to strategy development.
In other words, adaptive foresight should be interpreted as part of a
broader continuous learning process that comprises the implementation and
evaluation of specic policy measures as well as monitoring relevant devel-
opments in policy at large.
Strategy development, policy design, implementation and learning
should thus not be understood as distinctly separate phases but rather as a
continuous process of mutual adjustment. This adjustment refers to goals
and objectives, to the identication of new socio-technical options, to the
growing knowledge and understanding of their impacts, to the design of
new types of policy options and to their integration into portfolios.
Within such a comprehensive setting, the impact of guiding policy strate-
gies should nevertheless not be underestimated, in particular because
public policy strategies full an orienting function for many private actors
as well, and in the best case play an implicit coordinating function in their
One of the main diculties of this continuous process consists of the fact
that all actors involved can recur to strategic and adaptive (and thus inter-
dependent) behaviour. This is why issues of policy coordination both
between dierent policy areas and between public and private actors have
started to play such an important role in policy-making.
In practice, processes of scenario developments and portfolio analysis will
nevertheless hardly be conducted on a continuous basis but rather be
repeated every few years, for instance in line with an update of the overall
technology and innovation policy strategy. The practical tools and methods
are available based on many years of experience with foresight, adaptive
planning, evaluation and monitoring; what is still missing is the integration
of these methods in a continuous and long-term strategy development


The purpose of this chapter has been to introduce an operational method-

ological proposal of how reexive governance principles can be implemented
Foresight and adaptive planning 215



The impact of ICT on transport and mobility (ICTRANS) is a sce-

nario development exercise that aims to explore in a qualitative
way policy options at the European level to enhance the impact
that the use of ICTs could have on the volume, modal choices and
efficiency of mobility service provision in the realms of living,
working and producing (Wagner et al. 2004). As the potential
impacts of ICT on mobility are subject to a high degree of uncer-
tainty and dependent on the future of the information society in
general, the scenarios developed had to span a wide spectrum of
possible futures. Moreover, potential impact chains of ICT use on
transport and mobility had to be identified before the actual explo-
ration of future impacts could be implemented. The role of different
policy options for shifting impacts in a more sustainable direction
could then be explored under the conditions of the different sce-
narios. Some options clearly turned out to be robust in the sense
of being helpful in all scenarios, while others could be identified as
being adaptive in the sense of being necessary to prevent nega-
tive impacts in one specific scenario or to maintain the ability to
exploit upcoming opportunities specific to that scenario.

at the level of policy strategy development. Adaptive foresight, as suggested

here, is based on a combination of participatory foresight processes, socio-
technical scenario building and policy portfolio development. More
specically, the approach is geared towards policy strategy development in
the area of research, technology and innovation policy. To assess whether
this objective has been met, the ve main requirements of reexive gover-
nance as formulated by Vo and Kemp (in this volume) will be used to discuss
the pros and cons of the approach presented.

Integrated Trans-disciplinary Knowledge Production

Based on a participatory process, the methodology is designed to allow for

the incorporation of a variety of perspectives and attitudes of experts and
stakeholders, and as such enables inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary
knowledge production. This also holds true with respect to expectations,
216 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

goals and values, due to the incorporation of normative elements in the

A systems language is employed in order to integrate the diversity of the-
oretical and practical insights. The weakness of the systems language, which
is often criticised for having little theoretical value in itself, thus turns out to
be a major advantage by providing a platform for knowledge integration
across disciplinary boundaries as well as between research and practice.
In the context of policy-making, additional boundaries between domains
of knowledge production need to be taken into account. One of the main
barriers to developing interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary solutions
consists of the lack of policy coordination between dierent policy depart-
ments. Also in this respect, the methodology suggested can serve as a tool for
facilitating cross-departmental knowledge production.

Anticipation of Long-term Systems Eects of Action Strategies

In general terms, the adaptive foresight methodology can be applied for

dierent time horizons. It is certainly possible to use it for anticipating long-
term system changes as part of the scenario and policy portfolio develop-
ment process. Impact assessments, especially of long-term impacts, can in
principle be conducted within the context of each individual scenario, but
the high degree of uncertainty associated with these assessments calls for a
very cautious interpretation. This observation underlines the importance of
a portfolio-based approach, which aims to avoid structural lock-ins, main-
tain a range of options and ensure a high degree of exibility to react to
unexpected developments and impacts.
A major diculty with respect to anticipation of long-term eects must
be seen in the impossibility to anticipate the strategic behaviour of other
actors that in principle would have to be taken into account in order to
dene ones own strategy. While this sounds straightforward in theory, it is
extremely dicult to achieve in practice. The methodology proposed does
not claim to meet this requirement fully, but at least acknowledges the
strategic behaviour of other actors. Potentially, current developments in
agent-based simulation will open up new possibilities to take into account
the strategic behaviour of several actors simultaneously.

Adaptivity of Strategies and Institutions

Adaptivity is one of the key concepts underlying the proposed method-

ology. The notions of robust and adaptive policies and of policy portfolios
interrelate conventional scenario development and policy strategy devel-
opment. Policy decisions of an individual actor may play an important role
Foresight and adaptive planning 217

in shaping future scenarios in a particular eld, but it is by no means the

only or most decisive force. It is often necessary to adapt to developments
brought about by exogenous events, by other actors strategies, by new
technological opportunities and in particular by international develop-
ments. A continuous policy learning process is vital for monitoring such
exogenous developments, as well as the impacts of any policy measures
taken. Adaptive foresight processes as part of such a learning process are
thus a means to enable decision-makers to think through strategies and
options that are both adaptive and proactive.
Adaptivity is not just a matter of specic policy measures and portfolios,
but also of institutional and structural settings. Therefore, the notion of
policy measures as employed here should be interpreted as also compris-
ing measures that have a structural and institutional impact, for example
by creating new organisations or introducing major structural reforms.

Iterative Participatory Goal Formulation

Adaptive foresight is meant in the rst instance as a support to policy, but

in line with the current perception that participation is increasingly import-
ant for eective governance of long-term and uncertain issues. This
support relies on the involvement of a broad range of stakeholders. Wide
participation is even crucial for long-term, sustainability-oriented issues,
not the least in order to ensure public support for issues beyond the short-
term agendas. The normative phase of the methodology facilitates address-
ing the goals and values of the participants. The claim for making this
process a continuous or at least iterative activity would then ensure that
these goals are recurrently put into question, based on the new scientic
and policy insights gained in the meantime. Access to reliable quality infor-
mation and the existence of an eective monitoring system thus turn out to
be crucial for this dimension of reexivity as well. The participants in such
a process may then serve as a sounding board and quality check for the
monitoring results to adjust policies as well as goals. The methodology can
thus be regarded as a participatory learning space that brings together
experiences from several dierent areas, ranging from individual impacts of
past policies via external and technological developments to new scientic
insights on impacts and societal goals.

Interactive Strategy Development

The existence of a joint space where dierent actors come together to

discuss scenarios, goals and policy options can be regarded as a soft co-
ordination mechanism of their heterogeneous strategies. By debating
218 Strategies for sustainable system transformation

problem perceptions, long-term expectations, scenarios and pathways, a

transparent, though sometimes diverging view on dierent futures is
reached that serves as a basis for discussing strategic needs and activities.
This does not necessarily lead to consensus about well-orchestrated joint
strategies, but the individual strategies get embedded in wider pictures that
comprise a consolidated understanding of other actors strategies. At best,
coalitions are built that can move joint agendas forward. A major benet
could be achieved if adaptive foresight processes were also used beyond the
reach of individual policy areas and would thus contribute to a better coor-
dination between them, for instance as an important stepping stone towards
making sustainability a guiding principle across policy areas


1. The author would also like to thank Dierk Bauknecht and Jan-Peter Vo for construc-
tive comments on draft versions of this contribution.
2. For more details see the article by Jacobsson and Johnson (2000) on functional innov-
ation systems. More specically, the conceptual framework that underlies the arguments
raised here is elaborated in Weber (2005) under the heading complex innovation
systems. It species the interactions between policy-making processes on the one hand
and innovation processes on the other, as well as the resulting dynamics.
3. See Tbke et al. (2001) for a review.
4. See also Renn (2002) who argues with respect to foresight processes that mainly episte-
mological discourses, that is, debates about potential opportunities and risks based on
a common vision and the likely developments that we can foresee without relying on pure
speculation, should be conducted at the EU level, whereas debates about assessments of
trade-os and values require stronger participation from the bottom up and taking local
specicities into consideration. However, we should also be aware that this argument
may have to be dierentiated with respect to dierent problem areas, because in a highly
internationalised or Europeanised eld (such as climate change or aeronautics, genetic
technology), the appropriate level for assessment and value discourses may well be at
these higher levels.
5. Obviously, there are also certain types of foresight exercises that have a less pro-active
intention by concentrating only on the identication of future challenges and issues
rather than aiming at solutions.
6. The term real options is used to stress their dierence from nancial options in which
portfolio management has become a standard practice.
7. The concept of real options is usually applied with respect to a specic actor or addressee
who has the choice between dierent options. It is important to be very clear about the
addressee of an adaptive planning activity and about the scope of his or her decision
options because this determines what is to be regarded as an endogenous or an exogen-
ous variable, that is, as a factor he/she can or cannot inuence. In most policy-oriented
exercises, this addressee can be society at large, but in more operational terms it is usually
a public agent like a ministry or a regional government.
8. Priority-setting in research and technology policy has become a major issue in most
European countries, both due to concerns about global competitiveness and in response
to the realisation of the European Research Area. Transparent processes, heuristics and
rationales for setting priorities are still widely absent from the policy debates, but build-
ing blocks are currently being developed (Weber et al. 2004a).
9. See also Elzen et al. (2005) on socio-technical scenarios and their application to the evo-
Foresight and adaptive planning 219

lution of dierent large technical systems. However, they mainly applied the scenario
method for purely experimental purposes and did not link them up with actual policy-
making processes.
10. The boundaries between the inside and the outside of a system do not need to be stable
but can change in the course of a scenario, thus also inuencing the range and the scope
of options for the actors considered.


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Knowledge production and assessment
9. Precaution, foresight
and sustainability: reflection
and reflexivity in the governance
of science and technology
Andy Stirling



The introductory chapter to this volume demonstrates how the advent of

the sustainability agenda holds crucial signicance for the prospects of
more reflexive governance. (Vo and Kemp, this volume). Nowhere is this
truer than in the governance of science and technology. Discourses on sus-
tainability are dominated by understandings and possibilities mediated by
science. They are pervaded by the aims and potentialities associated with
dierent forms of technology. It is also the experience of the unfolding
implications of twentieth-century science and technology that forms the
principal reference point in Giddenss (1990) and Becks (1992) seminal
applications of the concept of reflexivity to modernity and which continue
to feature prominently in the subsequent literature on this theme. (Giddens,
1994; Beck et al., 1994; Lash et al., 1996; Adam et al., 2000). However, social
scientic discourses on reflexivity are also notorious for the questions that
they beg, as well for those that they raise, illuminate or resolve. It is against
this background that the present chapter will seek to examine some of the
key issues that arise when considering the prospects for establishing more
deliberately reflexive governance for sustainable science and technology.
As also hinted at in the Introduction to this book (Vo and Kemp, this
volume), one key question that emerges right at the outset concerns the
extent to which sustainability and reflexivity can necessarily always be
assumed to hold convergent, or even consistent, governance implications.
Wynne has observed, for instance, that questions might be raised about the
degree of reflexivity embodied in increasing preoccupations with policy
agendas framed in terms of environment and risk (Wynne, 2002). Given
that these are key constitutive themes of sustainability, similar concerns

226 Knowledge production and assessment

might be raised on this somewhat broader canvas. Certainly, where such the-
matic labels encourage the objectication and compartmentalization of
dierent governance domains, or where they are appropriated instrument-
ally to legitimate particular favoured interventions, then they may actually
militate against reflexivity in wider governance processes. I return to this
theme in the next section. For the moment, it suces to note that this kind
of compartmentalization (Weale, 2000) and instrumental legitimation
(Stirling, 2004) are all too often a feature of the relationship between sus-
tainability and wider areas of governance.
It is with this type of question about the precise nature of the relationship
between reflexivity and sustainability in governance discourses, with which
this chapter might most usefully begin. A key initial point in this regard con-
cerns the proliferating understandings of exactly what is meant by the term
reflexivity in various contexts bearing on this theme (Gouldner, 1970;
Giddens, 1976; Steier, 1991; Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992; Alvesson and
Skoldberg, 2000; Woolgar, 1988). In particular, questions arise about dis-
tinctions between normative and descriptive usages, and about the role of
intentionality (Lash, 2001). For purposes of clarity in the present account,
it may therefore be useful to begin with a clear working distinction between
three key concepts on which this analysis will rest: unreflectiveness, reflec-
tion and reflexivity. This is not intended as an eort at general synthesis,
but simply as a consistent and transparent point of departure for the present
discussion. Accordingly, each term will be addressed in relation to modes of
representation, understanding and intervention in the governance of
science and technology. Schematic pictures of key elements in these working
denitions are provided in Figure 9.1.
Unreflectiveness is, in these terms, a governance situation in which repre-
sentations, understandings and interventions are eectively restricted to
whatever are held to be the most obvious, operational, or instrumentally per-
tinent attributes of the object under attention. Here (and in Figure 9.1), the
subject is the governance system itself. The object, in this context, might
be a resource allocation across contending scientic research programmes,
a choice among alternative technological trajectories or a decision concern-
ing wider regulatory or technology policy commitments. In the context of
discussion over sustainability, these might hypothetically be exemplied by
the way in which the governance system relates to the development of a
family of novel chemicals. Here, representations take the form of dierent
forms and styles of regulatory appraisal including risk assessment,
costbenet analysis, expert advisory committees, stakeholder negotiations
and wider political discourses over the nature and scale of contending inter-
ests. Options for governance intervention might include: mandatory
requirements on production processes, emission controls, product-specic
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 227

standards, voluntary agreements, labeling provisions, liability rules, life

cycle management protocols, phase-out targets and negotiated moratoria or
legislation for bans.
In a case like this, the governance situation might be one in which the main
selection pressure (Nelson and Winter, 1982) exerted by an innovation
system focuses primarily on operational ecacy: Do the chemicals work?
This kind of relatively unreflective representation provides only a circum-
scribed basis for tightly bounded forms of governance intervention. For
instance, it ignores the possibility that attributes of the chemicals in question
that are not seen as relevant to operational ecacy, might be relevant in some
other way perhaps through causing unintended environmental or health
consequences. In other words, this suggests systematic neglect of what Vo
and Kemp (this volume) term the second-order problems associated with
sustainability. In current governance debates, this equates quite closely with
influential laissez-faire normative positions over the appropriate style for
risk regulation and technology policy (Morris, 2000).
Reflection (or reflectiveness), by contrast, refers to a mode of representa-
tion, understanding and intervention by governance systems in which atten-
tion extends to a full range of whatever are held to be broadly salient
attributes of the object in question. Relevant dictionary denitions yield col-
loquial senses like deep serious consideration (OED, 1989). By analogy
with a mirror, this entails faithful reflection of all that lies in the eld of view.
In the case of the novel chemicals already mentioned, this might involve the
application of a comprehensive technology assessment, including symmet-
rical attention to alternatives, as part of the innovation or regulatory process
(OBrien, 2000). In economic appraisal, this implies attention to a full range
of externalities (Hanley and Spash, 1993). Likewise, there are formulations
of the precautionary principle (discussed later in this chapter), which hold
that complete account should be taken of all possible environmental or
human health consequences before any commitments be made in govern-
ance (Martuzzi and Tickner, 2004). It is by such means, that we may hope to
minimise the scope for adverse unintended consequences from any given
governance intervention (Vo and Kemp, this volume).
Reflexivity (or reflexiveness) goes beyond the deep serious consider-
ation of reflection. Dictionary denitions here yield the sense that atten-
tion turns back on itself (OED, 1989). According to the mirror analogy,
reflexivity involves recognition that the subject itself forms a large part of
the object as a matter of self-awareness (Giddens, 1976:17) or self
reflection (Bohmann, 1996). Reflexivity thus requires attention not just to
the representation of the object to the subject, but also to the way in which
the attributes of the subject help condition the representations of the object
and how these representations themselves can help recondition the subject.
Unreflectiveness: Attention focuses only on most obvious or instrumentally pertinent attributes of object
(restricted representation, circumscribed basis and focus for intervention),
e.g.the chemicals work so let's use them.

Object (scientific or

Representation Intervention

(system of

Reflection: deep, serious consideration extends to all salient aspects of the object of attention
(full representation, aspiration to objective synoptic basis and focus for intervention),
e.g. lets take account of all possible consequences before using the chemicals.

Object (scientific or
commitment) Representation

(system of
Intervention governance)
Reflexivity: Attention simultaneously encompasses and helps constitute both subject and object (recursive
mutual contingency of subjective representations and interventions),
e.g. the consequences depend on our point of view and our expectations of use.

Multiple representations
Object (scientific or

(system of

Co-constituted interventions

Figure 9.1 Working denitions for unreflectiveness, reflection and reflexivity for the present chapter
230 Knowledge production and assessment

In other words, we face a recursive loop, in which it is recognized that rep-

resentations are contingent on a multiplicity of subjective perspectives, and
that these subjective perspectives are themselves reconstituted by processes
of representation. As a result, any associated interventions are also simul-
taneously contingent on and help condition a series of divergent but
equally valid potential subjective representations.
In the present illustrative example of a family of novel chemicals, reflex-
ivity is distinct from reflection in that it requires an appreciation of the way
in which any representation of the purposes, conditions or consequences
associated with use of these chemicals must necessarily be socially contin-
gent (Wynne, 1992). Dierent disciplinary perspectives, institutional inter-
ests, cultural values and economic priorities will typically influence the
interpretation of evidence and analysis in dierent ways (Stirling, 2004).
Contrasting social commitments will thus yield divergent prescriptive bases
for governance interventions. In this way, reflexivity implies a recursive
nesting of representations of science/technology in governance and gov-
ernance in science/technology. An intentionally reflexive system of govern-
ance therefore involves explicit recognition that policy appraisals are
contingent and constructed, in part by commitments to the interventions
that they ostensibly inform.
Right at the outset, these working understandings raise a number of key
issues for the relationship between reflexivity and sustainability in govern-
ance. First, there is the question of whether we are principally concerned
with reflexivity or reflectiveness in the particular senses distinguished here
(cf: Beck, 1994:6; Chapter 2, this volume). Dierent areas of the literature
highlight one or the other meaning in dierent ways and to varying extents.
For instance, a framing of reflexive governance largely in terms of respon-
siveness to unintended consequences (Vo and Kemp, this volume) focuses
at least as much on reflectiveness as it does on reflexivity. This is the case,
because unintended or unpredicted consequences are as likely to be due to
a lack of reflection as reflexivity. For many purposes, this distinction is of
only secondary importance. But there may be occasions when reflection and
reflexivity hold dierent governance implications. For instance, where
reflection implies an aim of constructing representations that are as fully
comprehensive as possible, then it may encourage rather unreflexive, syn-
optic ambitions for appraisal (Wynne, 1975; Collingridge, 1980; Stirling,
2004). This idea contrasts strongly with the pluralism and humility
prompted by recognitions of the intrinsic indeterminacies of appraisal
under a reflexive approach (Wynne, 1992; Stirling, 2003). The ensuing sec-
tions of this chapter will focus on a number of dierent practical conse-
quences of this working distinction between reflection and reflexivity in
sustainable governance.
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 231

The second key issue concerns the role of intentionality in governance

(Lash, 2001). Both sustainability and reflexivity may, in principle, vary in
the extent to which they result from the premeditated exercise of agency in
the governance system. Sustainability and reflexivity may each arise as a
result of deliberate action or design. On the other hand, they might, to
varying degrees, arguably simply be incidental, spontaneous or contingent
features of the system. In the case of sustainability in governance, the
degree of intentionality makes little dierence to the rst order analytic
use of this term. Yet for reflexivity in governance, an incipient paradox
emerges if the term is used of an unpremeditated reflex, or blind self-
confrontation (Beck, Chapter 2, this volume). This is because any unre-
flexive governance system will, by denition, be prompted to respond to the
realization of unpredicted consequences as a reflex. Yet if unintentional
reflexes are included within the meaning of the term reflexive, then the
inevitable fact of such an eventual response would make the system both
reflexive, as well as unreflexive! In other words, given a terminology that
includes unintentional or blind reflexes alongside (or instead of) deliber-
ate reflexivity, it is dicult to imagine how any governance system could be
viewed as anything other than reflexive. The usage of the adjective reflex-
ive to include unintentional action thus seems in this context not so much
a description of a form of governance, as a declaration of a general epis-
temic commitment under which all governance systems are seen as reflex-
ive. Among other things, this would render dicult any attempt to
discriminate general relationships between reflexivity and sustainability in
governance. It is for this reason that the present discussion takes the term
reflexive governance to imply the exercise ex ante of deliberate agency,
rather than to describe ex post unintentional reflexes in the face of unpre-
dicted consequences.
With these broad questions in mind, the next section will begin on a wide
canvas, with a review of the signicance of the sustainability discourse for
persistently influential deterministic notions of technological progress.
Despite the serious ambiguities, it will be argued that the broad normative
scope of the sustainability agenda signicantly enhances the pressure for
more reflective technology appraisal. Perhaps more importantly, it also
presages a move towards greater reflexivity over the plural nature and
potentialities of progress and the sensitivity of scientic and technologi-
cal trajectories to being shaped by patterns of governance.
Building on this, the discussion then moves on to review the specic
implications of the sustainability agenda for the development of discourses
on technological risk. It is shown how newly enriched appreciations of the
depth and diversity of dierent forms of incertitude are posing a formid-
able challenge to the dominant role in governance of conventional risk
232 Knowledge production and assessment

assessment techniques. It will be shown that a disparate array of alterna-

tive approaches exists by means of which more reflective and reflexive
appraisal for the sustainable governance of science and technology can be
achieved. This leads to a particular illustration of one way in which we can
distinguish and build on some of the practical implications of imperatives
to reflectiveness and reflexivity over the role of science.
Attention then turns to the manner in which these themes are currently
being integrated in governance discourses under the rubric of the precau-
tionary principle. Again, it is shown that we can usefully distinguish the
implications of reflectiveness and reflexivity. For all their value as an impulse
to greater reflection in the governance of technology, it is shown that con-
ventional representations of precaution as a putative decision rule are
often little more reflexive than reliance on current risk-based approaches.
The resolution of this issue is argued to lie in a move towards a more process-
based understanding of precaution. It is on this basis that precaution might
more readily be articulated with existing foresight procedures into more
integrated and reflexive forms of governance for sustainability.
Finally, drawing on the ve adequate strategies for reflexive governance
developed by Vo and Kemp (this volume), the chapter will close with a
review of some practical implications of the integration of strategies for
precaution and foresight for the more reflexive governance of sustainabil-
ity. It will be concluded that the full importance for sustainability of imper-
atives to more reflexive governance cannot be realized simply by reference
to improved processes of ex ante technology appraisal such as those
embodied in discourses of foresight and precaution. In the end, it is by
opening up the institutions and procedures of technology choice, and by
deliberately encouraging greater diversity in their outcomes that we may
hope better to fulll the potentials for reflectiveness, reflexivity and sus-
tainability alike.


For many generations, Enlightenment notions of progress have dominated

western governance discourses on science and technology (Mokyr, 1992).
Although accompanied by persistent pockets of dissent, general ideas of
scientic and technological progress have attained something of a hege-
monic status (Smith and Marx, 1994). Indeed, scientic and technological
progress continue to be viewed as normative ends in their own right. The
substantive indicators of such progress amount to little more than the
emergent consequences of incumbent patterns of research and innovation.
The result is an unreflexive normative teleology, in which the manifest
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 233

unfolding of certain scientic or technological trajectories is itself taken as

the principal evidence of their intrinsic social merit.
This circular character to the rhetoric of progress is endemic in high-level
governance debates (Blair, 2000; CEC, 2000) as much as in wider cultural
discourse. (Smith and Marx, 1994; Morris, 2000) It is common to hear
scepticism about some specic technology, labelled by defendants of the
incumbent order as being generally anti-technology or anti-innovation
in sentiment (CST, 2000). This is the case even in the institutional heart-
lands of the sustainability debate (UNDP, 2000). Likewise, the direction of
particular innovation pathways is frequently justied by ocial and indus-
try bodies, simply by reference to a general pro innovation position
(Brown, 2004). Policy documentation continues to treat technological
innovation (both in principle, and as realized in practice) as a self-evident
good in its own right, without reference to wider contextual or evaluative
discussion (HMT, 2004).
Of course, the specic outcomes of scientic and technological progress
are vociferously contested in numerous particular arenas. The urban auto-
mobile, intensive agriculture, hazardous chemicals, fossil fuels, nuclear
power, compulsory vaccinations, supersonic transport, public surveillance,
processed food, genetic modication and reproductive cloning all provide
examples of energetic but ultimately isolated challenges to the way that
incumbent interests are conditioning the unfolding of particular scientic
or technological pathways. Indeed, there are even episodes as arguably
with nuclear power in OECD countries, federal stem cell research in the
USA or agricultural biotechnology in Europe in which the resulting con-
flicts show signs of exerting a substantive influence on the momentum or
direction of particular established trajectories.
Yet, even where criticism is successful, the salient themes nonetheless
tend to be treated as risk issues that are subject to relatively circumscribed,
unreflective, regulatory debate. As a result, governance discourses on
science and technology tend to be mediated by and constrained to wran-
gles over expert-led analyses of the magnitude, likelihood or distribution of
benets or harm. What is missing are general arenas to enable uncon-
strained discourse about the orientation of scientic and technological
choices. In short, we lack a truly reflective (let alone reflexive) politics of
technology. Indeed, the hegemony of Enlightenment vocabularies of
progress is so entrenched that we lack even the language to appreciate fully
the magnitude of this gaping void in contemporary governance discourses.
It is against this background (and at a similar discursive level to the
theme of progress) that we are now seeing the ascendancy of sustainabil-
ity as a generally accepted normative orientation (Vo and Kemp, this
volume). Sustainability discourses certainly do embody a remarkable array
234 Knowledge production and assessment

of explicitly normative commitments. These can take a series of ostensibly

highly substantive and even measurable forms, including improved
resource eciency, lower environmental impact, reduced health eects,
enhanced welfare and increased social equity (UNCED, 1987). Notions of
sustainable technology subsume a range of specic means to achieve these
normative ends, including clean technology (Stone, 1990), cleaner pro-
duction (Markman, 1997) and environmental technology (Boyce, 1996).
These encompass a series of concrete practices and disciplines such as
industrial ecology in bulk chemicals (Graedel and Allenby, 2002), inte-
grated pest management in agriculture (Norris et al., 2002) and energy
eciency in buildings and appliances (Sorrell et al., 2004). Taken together,
there can be little doubt that sustainable technology discourses call for the
adoption of a broad range of challenging normative objectives, such as
high-level architectural design principles, at an early stage in the innova-
tion process.
At face value, this represents an impressive contrast with the essential
normative vacuum associated with mainstream discourses on technologi-
cal progress. However, in other ways concepts of sustainability are hardly
less normatively ambiguous than is the unqualied notion of progress
itself. Indeed, as with other boundary objects (Jasano, 1990), a certain
level of interpretive flexibility (Bijker, 1995) is an essential element in the
burgeoning discursive success of concept(s) of sustainability. As a result,
there is often ample latitude for divergent interpretations of the concrete
implications of sustainability for crucial choices between real techno-
logies. For instance, take the example of competing (and in large part con-
tradictory) claims to sustainability on the part of nuclear and renewable
energy technologies as a basis for carbon reduction strategies in electricity
supply. Likewise, genetic modication and organic farming present con-
tending and (as presently constituted) mutually exclusive means to reduc-
ing pesticide use in agriculture. Indeed, it is sometimes the case that the
object of the sustaining is not only ambiguous, but can amount to little
more than the status quo. For example, in current debates within the UK
Department of Environment, Food and Rural Aairs (DEFRA), the term
sustainable science is sometimes used to include support for activities
associated with the general innovation and dissemination of pesticides
(DEFRA, 2002). Yet this conflicts with the well-established normative
commitment under sustainability agendas to a reduction in pesticide use.
Indeed, just such a commitment is acknowledged elsewhere in DEFRAs
own sustainability indicators (DEFRA, 2004). Where sustainability is
used in this way, simply to mean sustaining existing practice, it embodies
essentially the same normative teleology to that displayed by discourses
on technological progress. Either way, it is clear that sustainability can
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 235

readily be invoked on opposite sides of the argument even in highly specic

cases of technology choice.
These kinds of mismatch may sometimes reflect the scope for genuinely
divergent views on the detailed implications of authentic, normative com-
mitments to sustainability. In other cases, we might interpret such disjunc-
ture as instances of what Wynne (2002) identies as legitimatory discourse.
In the terms discussed in the introduction to this chapter, this involves the
appropriation of the language of sustainability, in order to justify dierent
normative, or instrumental ends. Wynne makes a persuasive case that this
kind of legitimation can often indicate a lack of reflexivity in governance.
Moreover, there is no doubt about the important (and often invisible) role
that this kind of strategic engagement plays (Rowell, 1996). Yet, where such
appropriations themselves are informed by understandings of the interpre-
tive flexibility and social contingency in the notion of sustainability, they
might actually be considered on occasion to embody an element of reflex-
ivity, rather than its absence.
Indeed, it is possible that the reflexivity in this kind of legitimatory appro-
priation can work two ways. This might be the case, for instance, with incor-
poration of the environmentally focused sustainability agenda itself, into
the more mainstream economist language of sustainable development.
In one sense, this represents an appropriation of the radical thrust of this
environmental agenda, resulting in a dilution of eorts to this end (Rowell,
1996). In another sense, this might be seen as the reverse appropriation,
using economist discourse to legitimate and thus help foster the more radical
agenda. The correct interpretation in any given context will remain a matter
of perspective, and probably time scale. Either way, the key point is that the
discursive relationship between sustainability and reflexivity is not neces-
sarily one of straightforward synergy and positive reinforcement, but can be
quite complex, multivalent and even conflicting. Whichever way the process
works, it is reflexivity that drives the articulation of dierent representations
of sustainability in constituting the associated interventions.
Whilst they may be signicant for any understanding of the relationship
between sustainability and reflexivity, these kinds of rather abstract consid-
erations may seem less obviously important to the practical promotion of
sustainability itself. In this case the dominant picture is that the ecacy of
governance interventions routinely falls far short of the professed ambitions.
Even where there is agreement on the specic normative commitments and
clarity about the implications for real technology choices, Vo and Kemp
(this volume) are correct to observe that the results are all too often disap-
pointing. This is manifestly the case, for instance, with curbs on EC fossil
fuel emissions, reductions in urban automobile use and the achievement of
step changes in energy eciency. Whether this reflects legitimation, or the
236 Knowledge production and assessment

sheer inertia in technological and governance systems, the eect is essentially

the same.
Yet, just as we appreciate the daunting scale of this mismatch between
the aspirations and actuality of sustainability, we also encounter a further
important, neglected, but more hopeful implication of governance. This
relates not to the normative orientation or substantive character of what-
ever might be deemed to constitute a sustainable technology in any given
instance. Rather, it concerns the way in which sustainability discourses
involve the emphatic introduction of the normative dimension itself. Even
where we may be unsure or disagree about the precise meanings of sus-
tainability, it is clear that with this term, we are invoking at least some kind
of transcendent evaluative framework. In itself, this constitutes a serious
blow for the hegemonic status of the established Enlightenment notions of
progress. No longer can the mere existence of a particular scientic or tech-
nological potentiality be taken as a self-evident indication of normatively
desirable progress. In this sense, the very existence of legitimation dis-
courses as a subset of wider discourses on sustainability is a positive indi-
cation of some transcendent substance to the concept of sustainability. In
this respect, it contrasts strongly with a concept of progress under which
it seems that legitimation is the substance. Even where the detail of the sub-
stantive implications are in doubt, the ascent of the sustainability agenda
into the most rareed arenas of governance raises the prospect of an
unprecedented transformation in discourses on science and technology. For
the rst time, we catch a glimpse of the potential for a move away from iso-
lated risk controversies and circumscribed regulatory debates towards a
more truly reflective and reflexive general politics of technology.1
The importance of this political trend in governance debates is all the
more notable, because it is reinforced by parallel epistemic develop-
ments. Here, the abandonment of teleological ideas in biological evolution
(Dennett, 1996; Dyson, 1998) signals an independent pressure for the
demise of derivative but more durable understandings in technological
evolution. This takes the form of a growing recognition across a variety of
disciplines of the crucial role played by context, agency and path depend-
ency in the forms and directions taken by scientic and technological tra-
jectories. Despite the dierent specialist vocabularies, understandings of
sciencesocietytechnology relationships that arise in philosophy, econom-
ics, history and social studies paint a remarkably common picture (Williams
and Edge, 1996). In each of these specialist arenas, early linear, determinis-
tic notions of technological progress are giving way to a more complex and
dynamic picture of contingency (Mokyr, 1992), autopoeisis (Luhmann,
2000); homeostasis (Sahal, 1985); network interactions (Callon et al., 1986),
social-shaping (Bijker, 1995), co-construction (Misa et al., 2003), paradigms
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 237

and trajectories (Dosi, 1982), path dependency (David, 1985), momentum

(Hughes, 1983), lock-in (Arthur, 1989), autonomy (Winner, 1977), regime-
building (Kemp et al., 1998) and entrapment (Walker, 2000). Accordingly,
the form and direction taken by our science and technology are no longer
seen as inevitable and unitary and awaiting discovery in nature. Instead
they are increasingly recognized as open to being shaped by individual cre-
ativity, collective ingenuity, economic priorities, cultural values, institu-
tional interests, stakeholder negotiation and the exercise of power. In other
words, these dierent emerging conceptualizations signal further enhanced
reflexivity over the way in which scientic and technological commitments
are both conditioned by, and help reconstitute, encompassing systems of
In this sense, a reflective governance of science and technology seeks to
anticipate and understand the complete range of implications associated
with a contending array of scientic trajectories or technological choices,
including a wider array of normative considerations than those convention-
ally applied by incumbent institutions and markets. This is the domain of
many invaluable procedures for technology assessment (Loveridge, 1996),
options appraisal (OBrien, 2000) precautionary regulation (Raensberger
and Tickner, 1999) and participatory deliberation (Joss and Durant, 1995;
Renn et al., 1995). Beyond this, the reflexive governance of science and tech-
nology seeks to appreciate the contingencies on, and conditioning by, its own
representations and interventions in the processes of social choice. It is to
this end that we see emerging experiments mentioned by Vo and Kemp in
the Introduction to this book: constructive technology assessment (Schot
and Rip, 1997), transition management(Rotmans et al., 2001), social intel-
ligence (Grove-White et al., 2000) and upstream engagement (Europta,
2000; Wilsdon and Willis, 2004; Stirling, 2005). Ensuing sections of this
chapter explore some of the specic ways in which these opportunities for
greater reflection and reflexivity relate to each other and challenge estab-
lished procedures in the governance of science and technology.



A second conceptual product of the Enlightenment, that has closely

accompanied the notion of progress through the past few centuries, is its
notorious alter ego, risk (Beck, 1992). Socially conditioned through suc-
cessive cultural and institutional developments such as fashions for games
of chance (Bernstein, 1996), the historical advent of stock and insurance
markets (Hacking, 1975), the growth of nancial annuities and statistically
238 Knowledge production and assessment

based administration (Weatherford, 1982) and the emergence of engineer-

ing-focused risk analysis (Starr, 1969), the classical formulation of the
concept of risk envisages a determinate set of outcomes, each with an
associated magnitude and likelihood.
Although it is often based on qualitative judgments, the idiom of this
risk assessment approach is overwhelmingly quantitative. Whether liter-
ally or metaphorically, both likelihoods and outcomes are typically con-
sidered reducible at least in principle to some simple cardinal scale. For
the likelihoods, this is a probability. For the magnitudes, there is a multi-
plicity of metrics depending on the context, with leading contenders
being mortality, morbidity, utility or monetary value (Stirling, 2003). In
this way, even where it is partly qualitative, this risk assessment approach
typically involves reduction under individual metrics and aggregation
across dierent metrics.
So deeply ingrained is this reductive aggregative understanding of risk,
that it is typically viewed as being essentially synonymous with the applica-
tion of rationality to science-based decision-making under circumstances
of incomplete knowledge (Berlinski, 1976; Byrd and Cothern, 2000; USDA,
2000; Morris, 2000; Lloyd, 2000). Dierent variants of this reductive
aggregative style have emerged to address dierent empirical and institu-
tional contexts. Decision theory (Hogwood and Gunn, 1984), life cycle
analysis (van den Berg et al., 1995), technology assessment (Loveridge,
1996), risk assessment (von Winterfeldt and Edwards, 1986; Suter, 1990),
multi-criteria evaluation (Janssen, 1994; Clemen, 1996; Dodgson et al.,
2001) and costbenet analysis (Pearce and Turner, 1990; Hanley and Spash,
1993) all compete at the margins of jealously guarded disciplinary niches.
Yet all share the common application of this same kind of reductive aggrega-
tive framework. In short, they all aspire to convert by this means the inde-
terminate and contested socio-political problems of incomplete knowledge
into precisely dened and relatively tractable decisionistic puzzles (Kuhn,
1970; Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1989; 1990; Wynne, 1997).
Perhaps the best recognized challenge to this elegant and ambitious, but
relatively unreflective, analytic programme, lies in the diculties with
denitive substantiation of the key concept of probability (Hacking, 1975;
Weatherford, 1982). Although obscured by sometimes acrimonious disputes
between frequentist and Bayesian understandings (Collingridge, 1982;
Jaynes, 1986; Wallsten, 1986) and variously allied epistemological perspec-
tives (Szekely, 1986; Klir, 1989; Watson, 1994; Porter, 1995), the diculties
here are essentially quite simple. How might we distinguish between circum-
stances under which there exist greater or lesser grounds for condence in the
probabilities that may be assigned to dierent outcomes? The classical
formulations of risk, constructed entirely in terms of probabilities and
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 239

Knowledge Knowledge about

about possibilities

Not problematic Problematic

Not problematic Risk Ambiguity

e.g. routine floods; e.g. greenhouse scenarios;
transport safety; energy impacts;
known diseases concept of GM harm

Uncertainty Ignorance
e.g. many carcinogens; e.g. BSE;
floods under climate change; CFCs and the ozone hole;
Problematic corporate share holder value endocrine disruption

Figure 9.2 Risk, uncertainty, ambiguity and ignorance as

degrees of incertitude (with examples)

magnitude, simply do not allow for this dimension of incertitude to be

addressed, or even represented (Stirling, 2003).
It was for this reason that early work in economics (Knight, 1921;
Keynes, 1921), which was repeatedly endorsed and reinforced in other dis-
ciplines (Luce and Raia, 1957; Morgan, et al., 1990; Rowe, 1994), devel-
oped a canonical distinction between concepts of risk and uncertainty.
In short, risk is a condition in which it is considered possible to derive
condently probabilities for a range of discrete outcomes (or for incre-
ments on a continuous magnitude scale). The condition of uncertainty (in
this same strict sense) refers to a situation in which it is possible to dene a
nite set of discrete outcomes (or a single denitive continuous magnitude
scale), but where it is acknowledged that no single basis exists for the
condent assignment of corresponding probability distributions. For
heuristic purposes, the resulting denitions for contrasting states of incer-
titude may be represented in graphical form as Weberian ideal types as
shown in Figure 9.2, together with some corresponding examples (Stirling,
1998; 2003).
Although uncontroversial from most disciplinary perspectives, this dis-
tinction between risk and uncertainty is hotly contested and often
denied under a reductive aggregative risk-based approach (Lumby, 1984;
McKenna, 1986; Brealey and Myers, 1988). This is of crucial importance
to the governance of science, technology and sustainability, because it is
this risk-based approach that typically dominates mainstream regulatory
discourses. Essentially, the grounds for dispute might be seen to arise from
240 Knowledge production and assessment

varying degrees of reflectiveness over the extent to which diering condi-

tions of incomplete knowledge about likelihood can be condently cap-
tured in probabilities. Where empirical data are held (or asserted) to be
applicable and complete, analytic models robust and sucient, or expert
opinions adequate and credible, there is little problem with the application
of elegant and sophisticated methods of risk analysis. However, where
further reflection admits the possibility that these conditions may not hold,
the reductive aggregations of risk assessment are of more limited value.
Under such circumstances, it is signicant that the celebrated probability
theorist, de Finetti, reflected that probability does not exist (De Finetti,
1974 quoted in Morgan et al., 1990:49).
This is not to say that some of the more versatile risk-based methods
such as Bayesian, conditional, or imprecise probabilities might not still
be deployed in relatively more or less reflective fashions. If they are aimed
simply at scoping or exploring the various salient subjectivities and con-
tingencies, then cautiously handled they may oer signicant heuristic
value. But where such techniques are used to aggregate a single ostensibly
denitive picture, then they represent a highly unreflective denial of the
real nature of uncertainty. In the words used in his Nobel acceptance
speech by the economist Hayek, this represents little more than pretence
at knowledge (Hayek, 1978:23).
Such persistent adherence to narrow reductive aggregative methods is
in any case unnecessary in an analytical sense, because a wealth of alterna-
tive approaches exists that do not require the treatment of uncertainty in
a reductive, aggregative fashion, as if it were mere risk. These include
various forms of scenario (Werner, 2004), sensitivity (Saltelli, 2001) and
interval analysis (Jaulin et al., 2001), as well as a range of dierent deci-
sion heuristics (Forster, 1999). The specic value of some of these methods
will be reviewed in a little more detail in the nal section of this chapter.
For the moment, the central point is more general. The tendency for regu-
latory procedures to remain xated with conventional probabilistic tech-
niques and an associated reductive aggregative idiom typically leaves the
full potential of these more reflective approaches greatly under-fullled.
Following the structure adopted in Figure 9.2, Figure 9.3 shows the wide
variety of alternatives that exist to risk-based approaches. As with
Figure 9.2, it is important to recall that this is a matrix of concept
denitions that are represented as Weberian ideal types. There is no nec-
essary implication that there will be any one-to-one mapping with circum-
stances as they prevail in the real world, which will almost always constitute
a combination of these conditions. However, what is clear from this picture,
is that the disciplinary controversies involved in distinguishing uncer-
tainty from risk are unfortunately just the most obvious and tractable tip
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 241

Knowledge Knowledge about

about possibilities
Not problematic Problematic

Not problematic Risk Ambiguity

use: risk assessment; use: participatory deliberation;
multiattribute utilities; Q-method, scenario workshops;
costbenefit analysis; multi-criteria and deliberative mapping;
Bayesian methods interactive modelling

Uncertainty Ignorance
use: level and burden of proof; use: transdisciplinary engagement;
decision heuristics; research and monitoring;
uncertainty factors; horizon scanning;
Problematic sensitivity analysis flexibility, diversity, resilience

Figure 9.3 Contrasting methodological responses appropriate under

dierent degrees of incertitude

of an epistemic and ontological iceberg. Attention will now turn to the

further challenges highlighted in the right hand column of the matrix.



As shown in the right hand column of Figures 9.2 and 9.3, the accepted
twofold formal denition of risk also implies, beyond uncertainty, two
further equally coherent and complementary, but still more seriously
neglected states of knowledge. These are the conditions of ambiguity and
ignorance. Ambiguity describes a state of knowledge in which the
problem lies not in the basis for determining the likelihood of each of a
variety of dierent outcomes, but in coming to a common understanding
of how to select, partition, characterize, prioritize, bound or interpret the
meanings of these outcomes (Wynne, 1992, 2002; Rosenberg, 1996;
Stirling, 1998). Ambiguity is thus about the framing of the appraisal
process the questions that are posed, the perspectives that are engaged,
the methods that are adopted, the assumptions that are made and the mode
of representing any ndings in wider governance discourses (Wynne, 1992,
2002; Stirling, 2004).
Although often intimately intertwined with uncertainty, the condition
of ambiguity is thus conceptually quite distinct. Examples of this kind of
dilemma might be seen in the denition of harm in the regulation of
242 Knowledge production and assessment

genetically modied crops (Grove-White et al., 1997; Levidow et al., 1998;

Stirling and Mayer, 1999), the understandings of institutional motivations
and practice in the regulation of food safety (van Zwanenberg and
Millstone, 2004), the framing of comparative assessments of impacts from
dierent energy technologies (Keepin and Wynne, 1982; Stirling, 1997;
Sundqvist et al., 2004), divergent disciplinary, sectoral or regional inter-
pretations of global climate change temperature scenarios (Shackley and
Wynne, 1996) and the inclusion and exclusion of dierent categories and
permutations of conditions, vectors and end-points in chemical risk assess-
ment (Amendola et al., 1992; EEA, 2000; Saltelli, 2001). Under ambiguity,
the answers that arise in appraisal of scientic and technological pathways
are thus highly contingent on disciplinary approaches, social perspectives,
cultural values, economic constraints, institutional interests and political
priorities. Instead of uncertainty, ambiguity involves contradictory cer-
tainties (Thompson and Warburton, 1985).
What is interesting about this challenge of ambiguity is that (in dierent
terminology) it forms the focus of some of the most elegant classical theo-
retical work in the eld of rational choice (Kelly, 1978; MacKay, 1980;
Collingridge, 1982; Bonner, 1986). Here, it is well established axiomatically
that there can be no eective analytic means to compare rigorously the
intensities of subjective preference displayed by dierent social agents
(Bezembinder, 1989). Indeed, even where social choices are addressed
simply in ordinal terms as a matter of relative rankings the economist
Arrow went a long way toward earning his own Nobel Prize by demonstrat-
ing formally that it is impossible under the rational choice paradigm itself to
guarantee any denitive aggregation of preference orderings in a plural
society (Arrow, 1963). Although variously nuanced and qualied by refer-
ence to frameworks outside the reductive aggregative rational choice pro-
gramme (Sen, 1970; Jaeger et al., 2001), the central elegant tenets of this
work have not been refuted within this paradigm, which underlies the sound
science rhetoric of risk assessment. Yet, these crucial ndings remain virtu-
ally ignored in the practical implementation and representation of the
resulting approaches in policy analysis and technology appraisal (Stirling,
What is especially important about this result is that it is based on prin-
ciples of rationality which themselves underpin reductive aggregative
approaches to risk assessment. In this sense, it is an admirable example of
reflexivity on the part of what might otherwise be argued to be a relatively
unreflexive paradigm. For all the rhetoric, such reflexivity is rarely achieved
with such specicity elsewhere in the social sciences. The irony then, is
twofold. First, the impossibility nding is itself an example of reflexivity,
yet indicates a crucial lack of reflexivity on the part of the same disciplines
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 243

under circumstances where this nding is ignored. Second, the impossibil-

ity nding is a sound scientic result in social choice theory that refutes
the general applicability of sound science in social choice. Aspirations
(still more, claims) to science based prescriptions on risk are thus not just
unrealistic, unreflective and unreflexive. In a plural society, they are a fun-
damental contradiction in terms (Stirling, 2003). Sound scientic decision
making is an oxymoron.
As with uncertainty, no shortage of practical responses exists to this con-
dition of ambiguity. Yet, as before, these remain unduly neglected by the ten-
dency to over-apply the risk-based understanding of incertitude. As
summarized in Figure 9.3, the portfolio of approaches includes some quan-
titative techniques, such as the relatively narrow (restrictively dualistic) pro-
cedures of fuzzy logic (Klir and Folger, 1988; Dubois et al., 1988; Zadeh and
Kacprzyk, 1992), Q-methodology (McKeown and Thomas, 1988) and
various forms of interactive modelling (de Marchi et al., 1998) and open
forms of multi-criteria appraisal (Stirling, 2005). Beyond (and potentially
encompassing) this, a well-documented diversity of qualitative frame-
works exists for specialist deliberation, stakeholder negotiation and citizen
participation (Fischer, 1990; Irwin, 1995; Sclove, 1995). These include citi-
zens panels (Renn et al., 1995), consensus conferences (Joss and Durant,
1995), scenario workshops (Berkhout et al., 2001) and deliberative mapping
(Davies et al., 2003). In addition to the contending, normative, democra-
tic and instrumental institutional imperatives (Stirling, 2004), all these
approaches oer concrete means to be more explicit, rigorous and truly
reflexive about the framing and conduct of appraisal.
The heuristic mapping of the neglected dimensions in risk-based under-
standings of incertitude that is schematized in Figures 9.2 and 9.3, prompts
one further imperative to reflectiveness and reflexivity in the governance of
science and technology. This concerns the nal condition of ignorance,
which occupies the lower right-hand corner of this denitional matrix. This
is a state of knowledge under which we are neither able to quantify likeli-
hoods entirely nor to characterize, partition or commensurate all the pos-
sible attributes for characterizing outcomes denitively. Although they are
even more subject to neglect and denial than the strict understanding of
uncertainty, both the concept and the term ignorance have long been rec-
ognized in economics and wider decision analytic and social study of incer-
titude (Keynes, 1921; Shackle, 1968; Loasby, 1976; Collingridge, 1980,
1982; Ford, 1983; Ravetz, 1986; Smithson, 1989; Wynne, 1992; Faber and
Proops, 1994; Stirling, 2003).
Put at its simplest, ignorance is a reflection of the degree to which we dont
know what we dont know (Wynne, 1992). Approached variously as episte-
mological or ontological in character (Winkler, 1986; von Winterfeldt and
244 Knowledge production and assessment

Edwards, 1986; Rosa, 1998), ignorance represents our uncertainty about our
uncertainty (Cyranski, 1986). It is an acknowledgement of the importance
of the element of surprise (Brooks, 1986; Rosenberg, 1996). This emerges
not just from the actuality of unexpected events, but from their very possi-
bility (Dosi and Egidi, 1987). It is a predicament that intensies directly in
relation to the social and political stakes that bear on a particular decision
(Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1990). It emerges especially in complex and dynamic
environments in which social agents and their cognitive and institutional
commitments may recursively influence supposedly exogenous events
(Dosi and Egidi, 1987). Indeed, it is due to this reflexive relationship between
environmental learning and social commitments, that Wynne has seminally
emphasized that ignorance entails even more intractable forms of what he
terms indeterminacy (Wynne, 1992, 2000).2
The relevance of the predicament of ignorance to the governance of sus-
tainability is obvious. Many of the most pressing specic challenges that
have arisen in this eld were, at their inception, not so much matters of
inaccurate attributions of probability to anticipated outcomes, as they were
of intrinsically unexpected outcomes. This was the case, for instance, with
recognition of halogenated hydrocarbons as key agents in stratospheric
ozone depletion (Farman, 2001), endocrine disruption as a novel mech-
anism of harm in chemical regulation (Thornton, 2000) and the resilience
to processing and interspecies transmissibility of certain spongiform
encephalopathies (van Zwanenberg and Millstone, 2001).
Of course, the specic locus of ignorance within the governance process
can vary from case to case and over time. Ignorance can be a property of a
particular institutional context for decision-making as well as a pervasive
societal condition (Stirling, 2003; EEA, 2001). The former is addressed by
processes of communication, engagement and organizational learning. The
latter is mitigated by processes for baseline monitoring, scientic research
and wider social learning. Wherever they apply, such procedures might
together be referred to as precautionary approaches to the appraisal of
scientic, technological and wider policy choices in sustainable governance.
Some examples are indicated in Figure 9.3, alongside the parallel responses
in appraisal to risk, uncertainty and ambiguity. The implications will be
further explored in the following sections.
Before turning in more detail to these precautionary approaches,
however, it is worth considering the complex way in which considerations
of reflection and reflexivity emerge from the contrasting approaches sum-
marised in Figure 9.3. It is not simply the case that those methods that are
restricted to application under risk are necessarily uniformly less reflective
or reflexive than those that are more appropriate under uncertainty, ambi-
guity or ignorance. Under each idealized state of incertitude, the array of
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 245

available and applicable approaches enables and embodies contrasting

degrees of reflection and reflexivity. Indeed, judgements on this question
are likely to be determined more by the detailed manner and context of
implementation than by any generic structural features of the method.
This said, however, it is possible to discern some broad tendencies
within as well as between the four dierent groupings of approaches in
Figure 9.3. For instance, it is arguable that multi-attribute techniques oer
more reflective approaches to risk than do conventional reductive proba-
bilistic risk assessment or costbenet analysis. This is because the accom-
modation of a variety of dierent metrics (nominal and ordinal as well as
cardinal), permits greater flexibility and scope. They might also be consid-
ered to enable greater reflexivity, by virtue of the more deliberate and
explicit attention to contending modes of aggregation. Likewise, the case
may be made that the interactive element in participatory deliberation
makes these approaches generally more reflexive towards ambiguity than is
the case for the highly structured, uni-directional form of communication
in attitudinal surveys (Spash et al., 1998). Similarly, participatory deliber-
ation may allow greater reflexivity than more structured interactive model-
ling methods. Yet the extent to which this may also indicate greater
reflectiveness will depend further on the particular range and quality of
information that is taken into account in either case. Where interactive
modelling involves greater scope or deeper scrutiny, it may achieve
enhanced levels of reflectiveness, despite an arguably lower level of reflex-
ivity than many less structured approaches to participatory deliberation.
The purpose of the preceding discussion is tentative and indicative rather
than denitive. Any condent conclusions would require much more
detailed and empirically grounded treatment. The aim is simply to illustrate
the way in which considerations of reflectiveness and reflexivity, in the
senses dened for the purposes of this chapter, might reasonably be decou-
pled. What does seem to emerge quite clearly from this account, however,
is an injunction to caution over the automatic assumption that greater
reflexivity will always accompany greater reflectiveness, and vice versa.
It is on this point that one nal implication of the contrasting
signicance of reflection and reflexivity for emerging understandings of
uncertainty, ignorance and ambiguity arises. This concerns the status and
role of science in the governance of sustainability. Here, it is important to
be clear that the critical tone of the preceding discussion should not be
taken as a general denigration of the value of science or even of risk-
based methods in particular. This is far from the intention. Figure 9.2
shows that there are many circumstances where the dominant condition in
governance might justiably be identied as one of risk in the strict sense.
Where such conditions are held to prevail, even the narrowest of risk-based
246 Knowledge production and assessment

methods may be both applicable and useful. Beyond this, there is nothing
in this analysis that denies the essential role that science plays in the wider
appraisal of uncertainty, ambiguity and ignorance. The key point is not
that risk science is always problematic. It is that science oers a necessary,
rather than sucient, basis for the governance of sustainability.
The question then arises as to exactly how we should think about the role
and value of science in the reflexive governance of sustainability? This
raises a series of deep epistemic and ontological issues concerning the mul-
tiple natures (respectively) of knowing and being (Leach et al., 2005).
Without presuming to attempt a synthesis of the rich, complex and open-
ended character of these discourses, Figure 9.4 provides a schematic snap-
shot of some key implications of the present discussion of reflection and
reflexivity. For this purpose, the role of science is conceived as a means to
determine and represent the truth value associated with dierent possible
ontologies (ways of being in the world) and epistemologies (ways of
knowing the world).3 The initial point that immediately arises is that even
the slightest element of reflection or reflexivity refutes what might be
termed the nave realist position, to the eect that science provides precise
representations of whatever might be held to be either epistemic or onto-
logical truth.
Yet the invocation of reflexivity raises its own challenges. Discussion can
quickly descend into animated fears over the spectre of a caricature relativist
conclusion that anything goes(Feyerabend, 1975, 1978). As a paradigmatic
example of reflexivity, the adoption of a social constructivist principle of
symmetryover contending representations of scientic knowledge provides
a highly rigorous framework for analytical understandings of the social
dynamics behind these representations (Barnes and Edge, 1982; Woolgar,
1988). But this does not necessarily mean that this can be applied equally
robustly as a normative principle in governance, for the purpose of arbitrat-
ing between contending scientic and other types of knowledge. Indeed,
such an extension from analytic to normative usage would risk being unre-
flective in a similar fashion to the over-application of risk assessment. Just
as risk assessment fails to address diering grounds for condence in the
framing of analysis, so would unqualied normative use of a principle of
symmetry fail to address the manifest social fact of the existence of
diering degrees of plausibility and (self-recognised) self-consistency
attached to dierent knowledge claims about sustainability. For instance,
such caricature relativism would not only fail to adjudicate the contending
positions on global climate change. It would compel equal attention to any
representations of the science no matter how ill-conceived, inconsistent
or fanciful. At the extreme, it would neglect any particular role for specialist
expertise, empirical grounding, analytical rigour, or technical discipline.
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 247

Space of epistemic/ontological

Accepted representation of truth

All other points in this empty space
are false

Mainstream fallibilism Grounded perspectivism

High reflectiveness

One representation is approximately true A number of representations are equally true

Low reflexivity High reflexivity

Nave realism Caricature relativism

Low reflectiveness

One representation is precisely true All representations are equally true

Figure 9.4 Implications of reflection and reflexivity for the role of science
in sustainable governance

This would eectively deny the relevance of error and leave no operational
means by which governance discourses might address crucial issues of
quality or strategic bias in the wider conditioning of knowledge by circum-
stance and power.
In the mainstream governance of sustainability, the conventional resolu-
tion to the dilemma represented schematically in the lower half of Figure 9.4,
lies in recourse to various forms of what might be summarized as Popperian
fallibilist perspectives (Popper, 1963). 4 Here, it is acknowledged that the
more bullish realist claims sometimes made on the part of science are nave
and potentially misleading as a basis for policy making. In particular, falli-
bilism is more reflective than nave realism about the nature of uncertainty
248 Knowledge production and assessment

and error. It recognizes that science is only rarely able to justify the provision
of unitary, precisely formulated prescriptive representations for instance
concerning sustainability. Accordingly, this mainstream fallibilist perspec-
tive holds that science should be viewed rather as oering only approximate
representations. Yet the persistent adherence in fallibilism to a generally
unitary prescriptive understanding of the normative role of science in gov-
ernance still justies a continued (if more modest) use of the language of
science based and sound scientic decisions (Byrd and Cothern, 2000) in
sustainability discourses.
This is where the importance of the implications of reflection and reflex-
ivity begin to become clear (as shown in the top right hand corner of
Figure 9.4). For there are other possible understandings of the role of science
in the governance of sustainability, that lie beyond the conventional
dichotomy between fallibilism and relativism as alternatives to realism.
Indeed, there seems no reason in principle why we may not combine the high
level of reflection shown by fallibilism to uncertainty and error with the deep
degree of reflexivity shown by relativism towards ambiguity. This fourth type
of understanding over the role of science in governance might be described
as a kind of grounded perspectivism5 (Hales and Welshon, 2000). It is
grounded because it includes a role for criteria of self-consistency, societal
robustness and analytic or empirical quality. It is perspectivist because it
acknowledges that the latitude for divergent framings of such consistency,
robustness or quality in knowledge extends beyond the monocentric
approximations of fallibilism.
In other words, under grounded perspectivism, it is acknowledged (with
fallibilism) to be possible to discriminate between dierent representations
of the science on the basis of their plausibility or self consistency under
any particular set of framing conditions. Accordingly, unlike caricature rel-
ativism, there is reflection over uncertainty and the possibilities of bias or
error. Yet grounded perspectivism also displays reflexivity over the plural-
ity of possible socially contingent and institutionally conditioned framings
of science, each of which will yield dierent criteria of plausibility and self-
consistency. It thereby refrains from the unreflexive assumption that there
will always be a unitary (if approximate) coherent scientically founded
basis for governance commitments. Instead, grounded perspectivism enter-
tains the possibility that multiple, equally scientically valid, representa-
tions may prescribe radically dierent governance interventions.
The practical implications of this grounded perspectivist position for the
governance of sustainability are obvious. Even the most authoritative
expertise, the most detailed bodies of evidence and the most rigorous modes
of analysis typically admit a number of equally valid but mutually inconsis-
tent interpretations. Yet, just because a number of representations may be
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 249

equally true, does not mean that many are not false (Rosa, 1998; Stirling,
2003). The key challenge is thus presented as one of combining reflection
over uncertainty and error with reflexivity over ambiguity and ignorance.
Rather than aspiring to derive a single uniquely science based representa-
tion, this requires reflexive procedures for exploring and arbitrating among
a limited number of equally self-consistent, plausible and scientically
founded but mutually incoherent alternatives. By denition, this is not a
matter on which science alone can play a lead role. In order truly to realize
the implications of both reflection and reflexivity in governance of sustain-
ability, the bottom line is an emphatic paraphrase of the Churchillian injunc-
tion that science should be on tap, not on top (Lindsay, 1995).


It was argued in the last section that twin imperatives for reflection and
reflexivity compel more broad-based and pluralistic understandings of the
role of science in the governance of sustainability. Conventional reduc-
tive aggregative risk-based techniques are of only limited applicability. A
variety of alternative but neglected responses to uncertainty, ambiguity and
ignorance were identied, which oered varying degrees of reflectiveness
and reflexivity. This raises the obvious question as to how we might articu-
late these disparate approaches alongside risk-based techniques in a coher-
ent operational fashion, and how we might in practice apply them as part of
more reflective and reflexive institutions for the governance of sustainability.
Perhaps the most useful and prominent arena for critical discussion on
this theme, lies in heated policy discourses over the precautionary principle.
Arising repeatedly in dierent guises since the 1972 Stockholm Environment
Conference (ORiordan and Cameron, 1994), the precautionary principle
found its rst coherent formal shape in the Vorsorgeprinzip in German envi-
ronmental policy (Boehmer-Christiansen, 1994). Since then, initially
through the campaigning and lobbying eorts of international environ-
mental organisations, precaution has moved from the eld of marine pollu-
tion (Hey, 1992) into diverse areas such as climate change, biodiversity,
genetic modication, chemicals regulation, food safety, public health and
trade policy (Sand, 2000). As a result, the precautionary principle has
become a potent and pervasive element in contemporary risk and environ-
ment policy (ORiordan and Cameron, 1994; Fisher and Harding, 1999;
Raensberger and Tickner, 1999; ORiordan and Jordan, 2001). Precaution
forms a key intrinsic element of sustainability the classic and most globally
influential exposition being Principle 15 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on
Environment and Development. Here, the crucial operational passage holds
250 Knowledge production and assessment

that: . . . Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of

full scientic certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-
eective measures to prevent environmental degradation (UNCED, 1992).
This language provides an elegant synthesis of a highly complex set of
ideas. It addresses many practical issues. Indeed, for some a number of
quite direct implications follow. In chemicals policy, for instance, the con-
sequence of triggering the precautionary principle might be that regula-
tion takes place on the basis of hazard (anticipated outcomes) rather than
risk (degrees of likelihood) (MacGarvin, 1995; Johnston et al., 1998;
CEC, 2001b). Essentially, this involves greater reflectiveness over the nature
of incertitude. It achieves this by approaching decision-making in terms of
outcome-based criteria of seriousness and irreversibility (using proper-
ties like carcinogenicity, bio-accumulativity or persistence), rather than on
an attempt to determine precise probability distributions of the kind that
are formally inapplicable under uncertainty (Jackson and Taylor, 1992).
However, the more reflective status of these interventions remains hotly
contested (Morris, 2000). Indeed, this forms the focus of repeated intensive
high prole diplomatic disputes between the USA and Europe, adjudicated
under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation (Vogel, 2000). Here,
the various formulaic statements of the Precautionary Principle are found
themselves to be vague, circumscribed and underdetermining (Morris,
2000). Under the statement of precaution cited above, for instance, what
implicit threshold of likelihood is embodied in the notion of a threat?
How serious is serious? How are we to dene irreversibility? By what
means and under what authority can the degree of scientic certainty be
judged? What is the most appropriate metric of cost, and to whom? With
respect to what end are we to measure eectiveness? In short, these kinds
of questions appear simply to reproduce many of the same issues that
qualify and limit the straightforward applicability of reductive aggregative
risk-based approaches to which challenges, precaution is ostensibly a
response. Were the critics of precaution inclined to use this kind of social
scientic language, they might nd the persistence of these ambiguities as
an indication of a comparable lack of reflexivity, to that with which risk
assessment itself stands charged. In terms of the present discussion (sum-
marized in Figure 9.4), such understandings of precaution are of a rela-
tively unreflexive, fallibilist form and in tension with the more pluralistic
grounded perspectivism that is argued to form the best basis for achieving
both reflectiveness and reflexivity in the governance of sustainability.
It is in recognition of this dilemma that the influence of more reflexive
social scientic understandings, though often tacit, are beginning to be pos-
itively felt in discourses on precaution in sustainable governance. This
becomes most evident in considering the question of what might be called
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 251

precautionary appraisal the means by which precaution informs wider

processes of social learning and decision-making (Stirling, 1999; 2003;
Stirling and van Zwanenberg, 2003; van Zwanenberg and Stirling, 2004).
Here attention turns away from attempts to characterize the substance of
an intrinsically intractable problem denitively. Instead, the focus lies
more pluralistically in the process of responding to this problem (Hunt,
1994; Fisher and Harding, 1999). When precaution is understood as a
social process, rather than as a formulaic decision rule, a number of ana-
lytic, institutional, juridical, commercial and regulatory implications begin
to grow clear (ORiordan and Cameron, 1994; Raensberger and Tickner,
1999; Fisher and Harding, 1999; ORiordan and Jordan, 2001). Some of
these will be addressed in the nal section of this chapter. For the moment,
what is signicant is that this shift from closed decision rule to open
process represents a potentially major step towards enabling greater reflex-
ivity in the application of precaution (Stirling, 2005). In addition, it reveals
some striking synergies between precaution and the principal governance
discourse with which it is often seen to be in tension: that over foresight
for technological competitiveness.
In many ways, foresight is the normative counterpoint to the precaution
discourse. Here, the great challenge of governance lies in anticipating those
scientic or technological trajectories that oer the greatest opportunities
and in developing the most competitive means to learning and exploitation.
The dangers lie not in the unanticipated adverse external eects of the pre-
caution agenda, but in the failure to realize the potential benets of a given
technology either through the imposition of undue constraints and
burdens, or through the making of premature commitments to what turn
out to be relatively uncompetitive innovation trajectories.
As such, there are obvious and persistent contrasts between precaution
and foresight. Whereas precaution tends to highlight pessimistic perspec-
tives on technological innovation, foresight embodies more up-beat senti-
ments. Precaution addresses the restrictive aspects of social ambiguity and
the dangers of ignorance. Foresight highlights the creative propensities
of social diversity and the positive potentialities of incertitude. Although
well established in a range of forms (and under a variety of names) in gov-
ernment and corporate settings, and subject to strong debates over the
ecacy of dierent specic approaches, the activity of foresight as a whole
tends also to be signicantly less high prole and controversial than
precaution. That this is so may be seen as a further indication of the
persistent hegemonic status of deterministic notions of technological
progress. Where optimal technological pathways are essentially predeter-
mined, eorts to promote competitiveness by successfully anticipating their
orientation are eectively the only legitimate or reasonable basis for wider
252 Knowledge production and assessment

social engagement in innovation, and therefore brook little dissent, or even

Until recently, the particular procedures embodied in foresight have like
risk assessment been of a rather reductive, aggregative and expert-centered
nature. They have tended to construe the competitiveness of organizational
or national innovation systems in a rather narrow, corporate-oriented
fashion (Irvine and Martin, 1984; Martin and Irvine, 1989; Martin, 1995).
However, these activities have, over the past decade, been subject to a variety
of broad, social scientic influences (Martin and Johnston, 1999; Grupp and
Linstone, 1999; Hansen and Clausen, 2000). Emerging cross-disciplinary
understandings of the contingent and socially constructed nature of the
innovation process were discussed earlier in this chapter and have exerted an
important impulse towards greater reflexivity (Winner, 1977; Hughes, 1983;
Arthur, 1989; Kemp et al., 1998). Likewise, specic new insights have
emerged concerning the benets of cross-sectoral processes for knowledge
production (Nowotny et al., 1995). Appreciation for the importance of
transdisciplinary alignments and institutional heterogeneity in fostering
innovation has grown (Callon et al., 1986). Moreover, on a broader canvas,
intimations of a key role are emerging that institutional diversity and cul-
tural pluralism play in fostering more productive innovations (Grabher and
Stark, 1997; Stirling, 1998).
Taken together, these converging themes have begun to exert strong pres-
sures towards the development of more reflective and reflexive discourses on
foresight. In many ways, these influences reproduce many of the key features
of the incipient development of precaution, from principle towards process.
For all the dierences, both precaution and foresight are concerned with
intrinsic indeterminacy, social contingency and path dependency in the gov-
ernance of science and technology. Both display similar trends towards
methodological pluralism and political engagement. In particular, there is
the recurrent refrain that governance procedures should be augmented and
extended in a number of concrete ways. First, they should go beyond the
reductive, aggregative, specialist analysis and extend to more qualitative,
heuristic processes of social learning. Second, these procedures should be
conducted in a more open, inclusive and accessible fashion, providing for
engagement of a wider range of disciplines, a greater variety of institutions,
a more diverse body of stakeholders and the more representative array of
public constituencies. Although not explicitly formulated in terms of the
encompassing concepts of precaution and foresight, we have begun to see
the advent of new, more expansive, integrated understandings of this dis-
course in transcendent terms like strategic intelligence (Kuhlman, 1999),
post-modern steering (Rip, 1998), constructive technology assessment
(Schwarz and Thompson, 1990; Rip, 1995; Rip et al., 1996; Schot and Rip,
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 253

1997; Grin et al., 1997; Schot, 2001), transition management (Rotmans

et al., 2001) and upstream engagement(Europta, 2000; Wilsdon and Willis,
2004; Stirling, 2005).
Though many features of these more broad-based architectures have yet
to be instituted in practice, they do suggest (at least in principle) provision
for signicantly greater reflectiveness and to some extent reflexivity in
processes of science and technology governance. Yet, for all their undoubted
value and potential, it is clear that the wealth of emerging, more reflective,
frameworks for the governance of science and technology still have some
way to go before they might truly claim to full the integrated promise of a
truly reflexive integration of precaution and foresight.
For instance, for all their breadth, notions of strategic intelligence gen-
erally presume (implicitly or explicitly) an over-arching instrumental
agenda, thereby marginalizing normative deliberation over the framing of
this agenda. In this way, they risk leaning towards relatively unreflexive
adoption of whatever happen to be the interests of those incumbent insti-
tutions that shape this agenda. Likewise, there is a slight tendency in the
transition management literature to neglect the provenance and nature of
the formative deliberations that underlie the development of the guiding
vision (Berkhout et al., 2004). Where this is the case, it may foster a certain
lack of reflexivity over the implications of those contending candidate
guiding visions that are not adopted. For its part, by contrast, the bur-
geoning literature on upstream engagement seems to sidestep slightly the
reflexive character of the relationship between scientic and technological
systems and their encompassing governance processes. Indeed, the very
term upstream engagement suggests in the linear metaphor of a stream
flow precisely the monolithic deterministic notion of progress that more
reflexive understandings have come to refute (Stirling, 2005).
For all their shortcomings, these emerging approaches oer real oppor-
tunities to enhance reflection and reflexivity in governance systems towards
more sustainable science and technology. In a eld of academic discourse,
which sometimes seems to revel in endless deconstruction, complication
and elaboration of practical implications, what is even more remarkable
about these approaches is that they oer an unusually elegant and parsi-
monious opportunity for practical integration. Together, they embody an
emerging acknowledgement that if governance is to make a success of
either precaution or foresight individually, it must eectively do both
together. The real question is how might we harness this practical oppor-
tunity and build more reflexive governance institutions for realizing this
integrated process of precautionary foresight?
254 Knowledge production and assessment



This chapter began by noting the fact that prevailing discourses of techno-
logical progress suppress a general politics of technology. Given this back-
ground, the institutional integration of precaution and foresight discourses
constitutes a key element in the development of more reflective and reflexive
governance for sustainability. In short, precautionary foresightinvolves the
adoption of more long-term, holistic, integrated and inclusive social
processes for the exercise of explicit and deliberate social choice among
contending scientic and technological trajectories (Stirling, 2003; 2004).
In particular, this entails a series of concrete elements that are well
documented and increasingly the subject of parallel methodological and
institutional experimentation in the individual elds of precaution and fore-
sight. In drawing some nal practical conclusions for policy making, it is
interesting to note how closely these specic emerging and converging fea-
tures of precautionary foresight relate to each of the ve adequate strate-
gies for reflexive governance that are developed in the Introduction of this
book by Vo and Kemp. To illustrate this fact, each strategy may be taken
in turn.

Anticipation of Long-term Systemic Eects of Action Strategies

It is with the aim of achieving greater breadth and depth of reflectiveness in

the anticipation of possible positive and negative eects of governance inter-
ventions, that the integration of foresight and precaution, itself, represents
the principal strategy. Vo and Kemp rightly identify the rich variety of
practical frameworks under which this might be pursued. These include
strategic intelligence (Kuhlman, 1999), post-modern steering (Rip, 1998),
constructive technology assessment (Schwarz and Thompson, 1990; Rip,
1995; Rip et al., 1996; Schot and Rip, 1997; Grin et al., 1997; Schot, 2001),
transition management (Rotmans et al., 2002) and upstream engagement
(Europta, 2002; Wilsdon and Willis, 2004; Stirling, 2005). Although each
embodies important means towards greater reflection and reflexivity in the
senses dened at the beginning of this chapter, the preceding section outlined
a series of specic diculties and residual challenges. And it is these
diculties and challenges that are addressed by the complementary strate-
gies for the reflexive governance of sustainable science and technology dis-
cussed below.
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 255

Iterative Participatory Goal Formulation

Iterative participatory goal formulation includes, but goes beyond, the

emphasis on the potential volatility of changing social values and interests
mentioned by Vo and Kemp (this volume). It also involves a high degree
of reflexivity concerning the constructed and partly contingent character
of scientic knowledge in the process of social appraisal (Wynne, 1992;
Fisher and Harding, 1999; Stirling, 2003). Crucially, it highlights the mul-
tifaceted nature of social priorities and interests (and associated know-
ledges) at any given point in the governance process. Under the associated
grounded perspectivism developed earlier in this chapter, we see that the
crucial property of independence in risk regulation or scientic research
systems increasingly rests on pluralistic engagement, rather than claims to
unitary transcendent notions of scientic objectivity, institutional legit-
imacy or expert or moral authority. A move from independence through
objectivity, to independence through pluralism, is thus a key feature of
more reflexive approaches to iterative participatory goal formulation in
the governance of sustainability.
One particular necessary feature of such an approach involves the adop-
tion of greater humility on the part of analytical methods, scientic disci-
plines and expert institutions involved in the governance process (Dovers
and Handmer, 1992; Mayer, 1994; ESTO, 1999). In practice, this can be
achieved by the greater use of heuristic tools in appraisal, such as those
indicated in Figure 9.3. For instance, although rarely used in this way, even
something as straightforward as sensitivity analysis (Saltelli, 2001) can
(depending on the chosen parameters) reveal some of the contingency
under divergent framings of any quantitative method. A similar role is
played by provision for explicit deliberation over the use of dierent deci-
sion heuristics (Forster, 1999) under uncertainty such as maximizing
minimum benets, minimizing maximum impacts or focusing on regrets.
Likewise, attention may extend to the contending implications of dierent
ways of setting levels of proof or assigning alternative burdens of per-
suasion in the interpretation of scientic data (ESTO, 1999; EEA, 2001).
This involves a greater degree of reflexivity over the weighting in social
appraisal of the perspectives of those who stand to be aected by a
scientic or technological commitment, in relation to those proposing it
(ORiordan and Cameron, 1994; Wynne, 1996). At a more general level, the
simple expedient of a shift from unitary and prescriptive to plural and
conditional policy recommendations (Stirling, 2003) can enable even rela-
tively narrowly constituted forms of scientic advisory bodies to make real
contributions towards more reflexive governance.
256 Knowledge production and assessment

Integrated (transdisciplinary) Knowledge Production

Beyond the integration of precaution and foresight, both as elds and cul-
tures of interest, there are three somewhat more specic ways in which we
may envisage more integrated frameworks of knowledge production for the
sustainable governance of science and technology. The rst is that attention
should extend across an array of contending technology and policy options,
rather than restricting attention to the opportunities, competitiveness,
acceptability, tolerability or safety of a single option taken in isolation
(Johnston et al., 1998; OBrien, 2000). This resists outcomes under which
the governance process is driven in a path-dependent fashion by those inter-
ests and perspectives that happen to be most privileged in the framing of the
initial problem formulation, research question or regulatory issue.
The second aspect of additional reflection, concerns the extension of the
scope of social appraisal to address production systems taken as a whole
(including full resource chains and life cycles), rather than a single product,
process or technology viewed simply in terms of the use phase (Jackson
and Taylor, 1992; MacGarvin, 1995; Tickner, 1999). This holds out a
signicant role for more broad-based analytical tools, such as life cycle
assessment, and energy inputoutput analysis as well as more wide-ranging
discursive processes.
The third area for integration involves attending to the pros (benets,
justications and purposes) as much as the cons (costs, risks and wider
impacts) (Jackson and Taylor, 1992; MacGarvin, 1995). It is interesting
that in dierent ways this resonates with all sides in a typical technol-
ogy governance controversy. Proponents are often concerned by what they
hold to be a dearth of attention to the claimed benets of their favoured
technologies. For their part, sceptics are typically frustrated by the lack of
scrutiny of these claims, when compared with the exhaustive regulatory
demands to substantiate any suspected disadvantages. It is a rare opportu-
nity indeed to meet both concerns simultaneously.

Adaptivity of Strategies and Institutions

Together, emerging precaution and foresight discourses point to two princi-

pal means by which reflexive governance might seek to achieve the crucial
properties of responsivenessand adaptivityhighlighted by Vo and Kemp
(this volume). The rst involves a particular implication for the regulatory
eld, of their highlighting the general role of monitoring. At present, the reg-
ulation of science and technology for instance in the elds of chemicals or
biotechnology is based to a large extent on laboratory experimentation
and theoretical models (Jackson and Taylor, 1992; Tickner, 1999; EEA,
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 257

2001). It is a key implication of the greater humility of precautionary

approaches towards ignorance (mentioned above) that signicantly greater
emphasis should be placed on scientic baseline studies and the systematic
and comprehensive monitoring of environment and human health. The
history of risk regulation repeatedly highlights how the neglect of basic
monitoring and associated avenues for scientic research has signicantly
impeded the rate at which society comes to learn of what are later recognized
to be serious problems (EEA, 2001).
A second means to foster adaptive responsiveness in governance involves
a variety of strategies for enhancing the resilience of scientic and techno-
logical trajectories in the face of residual ignorance of a kind that can
never be reduced through monitoring or research (Stirling, 1999). For
instance, the deliberate pursuit of a diversity of technology or policy options
avoids putting all the eggs in one basket (Stirling, 1998). Intriguingly,
diversication also oers an under-recognized strategy for accommodating
the divergent interests and perspectives associated with the condition of
ambiguity. Where we are unable to identify a single optimal course of action
(satisfying all points of view), a judicious mix of actions may prove much
more eective. It is generally much more practical to focus on constituting
portfolios of options than it is to pick a winner or engineer a consensus
through denitive analysis or deliberation over all possible benets, impacts
and scenarios.
Beyond this, there exists a series of further attributes of resilience.
Options may dier in their agility in the face of particular possible devel-
opments (Clark and Bradshaw, 2004), involving the degree to which they
might be recongured to adapt to a range of alternative scenarios (Holling,
1994; Killick, 1995; Farber, 1995). Flexibility concerns the ease with which
commitments may be withdrawn from a particular option should it prove
to be the object of adverse surprise (Collingridge, 1983). Likewise, there are
issues around the robustness with which the strengths and weaknesses of a
portfolio of options complement one another, such as to address the full
range of potential developments or stakeholder concerns (Stirling, 1999).
All these oer a basis for dynamic, adaptive system strategies, oering con-
crete ways to enhance the reflexivity of the governance process in the face
of intractable challenges of ignorance and ambiguity.

Interactive Strategy Development

The promotion of productive interactions between dierent constituencies

and networks of social actors, links at a more strategic level with the themes
of transdisciplinarity and participation in appraisal already addressed
above in relation to Vo and Kemps strategy of iterative participatory
258 Knowledge production and assessment

goal formulation. The key common challenge faced here lies in nding
practical ways to articulate complex forms of integrated transdisciplinary
appraisal with deeper and more inclusive forms of stakeholder engage-
ment and citizen deliberation this time in strategy implementation. For
its part, the theme of interactive assessment of contending strategic
options is a well-established and highly topical governance discourse in its
own right (Grin et al., 1997; de Marchi et al., 1998). Divergent rationales
for interactive engagement here extend well beyond precaution and fore-
sight to include general discourses on democratic governance. Even with
respect to highly specic operational matters of strategy development,
they raise a range of profound normative, substantive and instrumental
Under many normative democratic points of view, for instance, more
inclusive forms of interactive engagement are quite simply the right thing
to do, irrespective of the outcomes. Under more instrumental under-
standings, interactive engagement is justied on the grounds that it may
help secure greater condence or trust in existing institutions and proced-
ures (Fiorino, 1989; NRC, 1996) or support for particular decisions (Vo
and Kemp, this volume) or social intelligence for the purpose of manag-
ing residual adverse reactions (Grove-White et al., 2000). Here, the aim may
be to provide legitimation for particular outcomes. The specic argument
for interactive engagement highlighted in the precaution and foresight dis-
courses, however, invokes a third rationale, which we may call substantive.
Here, the aim is one of establishing a broader knowledge base and more
eective social learning in order to achieve better outcomes in the imple-
mentation of strategy (Stirling, 2005).
It is important to distinguish between these three (normative, instrumen-
tal and substantive) rationales and orientations for interactive engagement
in strategy development. This is so, not least, because each approach embod-
ies signicantly dierent forms of reflexivity with respect to the prevailing
distribution of political, institutional and economic power (Stirling, 2004).
This is relevant, for instance, with respect to Vo and Kemps (this volume)
identication of the importance of the alignment of such interaction
towards a single collective strategic goal. This kind of hegemonic ambition
is consistent with an instrumental, but less with normative or substantive
approaches to inclusive engagement. Returning to issues raised at the begin-
ning of this chapter in relation to legitimation discourses over sustainabil-
ity, the presumption of an orientation towards alignment may foster a
certain vulnerability to the justicatory exercise of power (Collingridge,
1980; Wynne, 2002).
It is perhaps in the achievement of greater reflexivity over the role of
power in the framing of interaction in strategy development, that the
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 259

aspiration to more reflexive governance faces what is arguably its greatest

challenge. One possible means to help enhance this particular form of
reflexivity, may lie in deliberate initiatives to complement existing preoccu-
pations with alignment, aggregation and closure in social appraisal with
more deliberate attention to the opening up of a full range of expect-
ations, implications and possibilities (Stirling, 2004).6 As it stands, there
tends to be a presumption that eective inclusive engagement (by means
such as consensus conferences and citizens juries) is eectively synony-
mous with an aspiration to consensus or common ground. Yet there is
increasing recognition, both in precaution and foresight discourses
(Pellizzoni, 2001; Dryzek, 2000; Dryzek and Niemeyer, 2003; Stirling,
2004), of the positive role that persistent scepticism, divergence and dissent
may play.
Just as there is a variety of concrete heuristic tools to facilitate more plu-
ralistic forms of iterative participatory goal formation (discussed above), a
range of more radical institutional means is also available for achieving
greater reflexivity through the opening up of what are presently relatively
closed processes of strategy development. Scenario workshops (Werner,
2004) oer ways to develop and explore a number of alternative and mutu-
ally inconsistent strategies, perspectives and possibilities, and explore their
permutations, without requiring their nal aggregation. Various forms of
interactive modelling (for example, de Marchi et al., 1998) show how partici-
patory approaches can be articulated with even the most complex forms of
quantitative specialist analysis. Q-methodology (McKeown and Thomas,
1988) oers a unique means to reflect on the social contingency of the qual-
itative frameworks that underlie any exercises in quantication, but itself
uses quantitative methods in an open-ended fashion to illuminate inter-
relationships between contending (sometimes implicit) social discourses.
Multi-criteria mapping (Stirling and Mayer, 2000) adapts decision analytic
techniques to a more heuristic purpose, as a means to elicit and explore the
implications of divergent social framings, providing a transparent basis for
informing deliberation over areas of convergence as well as divergence.
Deliberative mapping (Davies et al., 2003) builds on this approach to enable
symmetrical engagement between divergent citizen as well as specialist and
stakeholder perspectives, without compartmentalizing the contribution of
each or emphasizing facilitated closure.
Although challenging and radical in some of their implications, the
adoption of these kinds of opening up approaches need not be intrinsi-
cally inconsistent with established institutions, procedures or even individ-
ual methods. What all these approaches have in common is the fact that
they oer concrete ways to build greater reflexivity over the role of power
in closing down wider governance discourses.
260 Knowledge production and assessment

Opening up in the Reflexive Governance of Sustainability

If we are to weave these various threads of discussion into a single norma-

tive chord, then this nal theme on opening up discourses on science and
technology arguably introduces the single most important practical impli-
cation of reflexivity for the governance for sustainability (Stirling, 2004).
The present chapter has shown a number of ways in which such opening up
goes beyond the requirement simply for greater reflection in social appraisal
important though this is. For sure, the precautionary extension of atten-
tion to a wider variety of options, complexities, perspectives and possibili-
ties, oers crucial means to mitigate exposure to the inevitable unintended
consequences of science and technology. Yet, though necessary, this aspira-
tion to greater depth and completeness in social appraisal is, in itself,
insucient as a basis for more reflexive governance. Indeed, hubristic aspi-
rations to this kind of synoptic reflection may even militate against reflexiv-
ity. They do this by neglecting the intrinsically subjective and contingent
nature of appraisal. Rigorous assessment no matter how deeply reflective
or broad in scope is thus essential, but not enough.
Likewise, this chapter has tried to show how a reflexive opening up of
science and technology choice, also goes beyond the currently much-
discussed shift away from expert risk assessment and towards more inclu-
sive upstream processes of participatory deliberation. It is here that we
witness the potentially fruitful conjunction between precaution and fore-
sight. Yet, where the reductive aggregations of risk assessment or the con-
sensus orientations of deliberation are aimed at unitary prescriptive
representations to policy making, they both fail a further criterion of reflex-
ive governance. This is especially the case where such reflexivity includes
consideration of the eects of political and institutional power. Powerful
instrumental pressures towards institutional legitimation and decision
justication serve to privilege consensus in participatory deliberation just
as they demand aggregation in risk assessment. Either way, power exerts
familiar pressures towards an unreflexive closing down of wider dis-
courses and possibilities in science and technology choice.
The essence of reflexive governance, which is aimed at more sustainable
science and technology, certainly includes these kinds of deeper, broader
reflections and engagements. However, it goes beyond them by addressing
the inherently plural and conditional natures, both of scientic under-
standings and of technological potentialities. Here, it has been further
argued that we must transcend the stylized dichotomy between the main-
stream fallibilism of science-based decision-makingand an anything goes
caricature relativism on the role of science in governance. Neither option
captures the multiplicity of contending, equally scientically-founded
Precaution, foresight and sustainability 261

representations typically sustained by uncertainty, ambiguity and igno-

rance. Instead, reflectiveness (over bias and error) and reflexivity (over diver-
gent framings) can be reconciled by what might be called a grounded
perspectivist understanding. In this way, it is possible to achieve reflexivity
over the plurality of legitimate interpretations of science without requiring
an unreflective neglect of scientic discipline itself.
Likewise, the multiplicity of contending orientations for sustainable
technology is also plural and conditional. They are plural in that a mul-
tiplicity of divergent but equally dynamically-viable trajectories typically
exists. They are conditional in that these disparate technological pathways
are themselves contingent on (and themselves reconstitute) dierent forms
of governance intervention. The opening up of discourses on sustainable
governance simply recognises this intrinsically plural and conditional
nature of both science and technology.
We may therefore conclude that the reflexive governance of sustainable
science and technology requires explicit, deliberate attention to this multi-
plicity of challenges. We have seen in the last section of the chapter how there
is is no shortage of practical methodological tools or institutional processes
by which to help foster the requisite opening up of the social appraisal of
science and technology and the delivery of plural and conditional repre-
sentations to wider discourses on sustainable governance. These can surely
assist by catalyzing, nurturing and guiding more reflective and reflexive insti-
tutions and procedures. However, in drawing this argument to its conclusion,
we might recall the observations made at the outset over the implications for
governance of persistently monolithic notions of scientic and technologi-
cal progress. No amount of methodological, institutional or discursive
procedure can negate the central normative imperative of reflexive gover-
nance. In the end, this lies not in unied policy architectures or deliberate
procedural design but in the flowering of a spontaneous, vibrant, unruly
general politics of technology.


Thanks are due to Ren Kemp and Jan-Peter Vo for the initial stimulus,
subsequent patience and invaluable advice, to Brian Wynne for longstand-
ing inspiration and to Adrian Smith, Erik Millstone and Melissa Leach for
some extremely helpful comments. This chapter builds on a number of
earlier discussions, especially Stirling (2003) a great debt is also owed to
commentators on these preceding incarnations. The usual disclaimer
applies to the more embarrassing passages.
262 Knowledge production and assessment


1. This may represent one specic element in Becks observation (Chapter 2, this volume) of
a current meta-transformation of the political.
2. The relationship between Wynnes (1992) seminal concept of indeterminacy and that of
ambiguity (Stirling, 1999) is briefly discussed in Stirling (2003). Indeterminacy can be
interpreted relatively unreflexively as a physical feature of quantum or nonlinear systems
(Faber and Proops, 1994; Ruelle, 1991), separable from subjective social processes
(Harremoes, 2000). As such, unlike uncertainty, ambiguity and ignorance, it suggests
an objective property of an observed system, rather than a state of knowledge that is
co-constituted by the subjective conditions of the observer. In any event, Wynne himself
also later uses the present term ambiguity in an essentially similar sense (2002).
3. I am extremely grateful to Melissa Leach for reminding me of the potential for treating
contending ontologies, as well as epistemologies, in these terms (see Leach et al., 2004).
This is reflected in Figure 9.4. But with gratitude for enlightening conversations with
Erik Millstone I believe that the basic point here applies in principle to a variety of
understandings of the relationship between ontology and epistemology (see Quine, 1961;
Wittgenstein, 1953).
4. I also owe to Erik Millstone a valuable clarication over the correct terminology on this
5. I use the present term in a sense which broadly resonates at a societal level with the more
individualistic Nietzschean concept of weak perspectivism (Nietzsche, 1968; Hales and
Welshon, 2000). This stands independently of any subsequent political baggage (Ortega
Y Gasset, 1980), and usefully transcends an alternative term like epistemological plural-
ism, in suggesting an engagement not only with epistemic issues, but also with ontology
and power.
6. This normative call for enhanced balance between processes of closing down and
opening up in the social appraisal of scientic understandings and technological poten-
tialities displays interesting resonances with Becks programme of cosmopolitan interde-
pendence (Chapter 2 this volume).

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10. The (re)search for solutions:
research programmes for
sustainable development1
Katy Whitelegg


The more accepted the concept of sustainability becomes, the more obvious
are the shortcomings of current forms of policy making and knowledge
production. The departmentalisation of policy making and the isolation of
research disciplines cannot provide the integrated solutions needed to
pursue sustainable development. Implementing sustainable development
depends on the integration of dierent areas of policy making and
conicting goals with research and practical experience. However, attempts
at integrating and co-ordinating policy areas, research disciplines and praxis
have been increasing over recent years. Not only are there more mechanisms
and initiatives to increase the coherence and co-ordination of policy elds
to support sustainable development, but also in research policy the design
of programmes has begun to reect the need for greater integration.
Research activities have always been valued for their contribution to fur-
thering the aims of sustainable development both through activities on
understanding the natural environment and through analysing the impact
human activities can have. Such research activities have led to the develop-
ment of a wealth of instruments for dening what sustainable development
means in concrete areas and measuring the current distance from it. More
recently, however, the demands on the research system have been changing
and expanding. Research is no longer seen as the mere provider of infor-
mation on the basis of which policy decisions can be taken and targets
determined. Research is now expected to be a more active player in facili-
tating and dening change. It should play a role in moving from the provi-
sion of information to the development of integrated solutions. Research
on goals and indicators for sustainable development can be brought
together with the problem of nding context-specic solutions. In this way
abstract goals can be confronted with looking at the expectations, values
and behavioural patterns of the actors involved.
274 Knowledge production and assessment

The integrated and context-specic approach to the role of research has

gained strength over the last decade. Research programmes have been
established with the specic objective of facilitating research activities that
provide problem orientated context-specic solutions, programmes that
require a combination of expertise from dierent disciplines together with
praxis relevant knowledge.
This chapter looks at research programmes that focus on sustainable
development and asks to what extent they can be seen as an example of
reexive governance. In the introduction ve elements of reexive gover-
nance are suggested that are important for the development and imple-
mentation of policies and initiatives that are sustainable.
At rst sight it would seem as though all research programmes that
support sustainable development are organised along the lines of the ve
principles. However, closer observation shows that this is not the case and
that there are considerable dierences between the ways in which the pro-
grammes address the ve principles.
The focus on programmes and not on the project level is a deliberate one.
Much work has been done on transdisplinarity on the project level. Less
emphasis has been placed on how programmes for sustainable development
work and especially on comparing the dierent approaches European pro-
grammes take to dening and implementing programmes for sustainable
The chapter starts by dening the object of observation. It asks what a
research programme for sustainable development is. It then develops a
framework for assessing the programmes. This framework works along
slightly dierent lines to the ve principles outlined in the introduction as
it was developed specically to capture the characteristics of research pro-
grammes. The framework breaks the programmes down into a series of
interacting levels. The programmes are then assessed along the levels in the
framework, but also drawing on the ve elements of reexive governance
in order to discuss the extent to which the levels in the programmes can be
called examples of reexive governance. The conclusion draws together the
assessments of the dierent levels and suggests key characteristics that
enable research programmes to be reexive.



Over the past two decades most European countries have designed and
established research programmes that specically focus on sustainable
development. Putting sustainability as the main goal of the programmes
The (re)search for solutions 275

has meant thinking about the implications of translating the concept of

sustainable development into concrete research activities and dening the
role that research should play.
The concept of sustainable development entails combining environ-
mental, economic and social goals. On a relatively abstract level there is
general consensus that the current development model is unsustainable
and that we should be moving towards a more sustainable model that is
able to integrate dierent aims and not trade one o against the other.
Trying to dene the concept on a more concrete level, however, automati-
cally leads to disputes. There is no one vision of what sustainable devel-
opment means and dierent players have their own interests and ideas.
One of the main questions asked of researchers is what exactly these aims
could mean on a concrete level and how to achieve the transition. Research
on sustainable development should not only dene aims, goals and visions
and translate them into strategies and indicators, but should also look at
how to embed sustainable development institutionally. Supporting policy
goals, which are integrative in terms of its policy aims, time scales, spatial
dimensions and actors, challenges the current research system to provide
equally integrative answers.
The expectations of sustainable development programmes are high and
the methods to meet them diverse. The focus here is on programmes that
dene themselves as being research programmes that support sustainable
development. This is an inductive approach and the programmes pre-
sented here have not been selected by any external criteria or evaluation
process. These programmes are organised dierently than conventional
research programmes are in that they combine dierent disciplines and
dierent types of knowledge. Many of the research programmes do not
just attempt to create new knowledge but aim to form new networks
around themes and to change the way in which issues are perceived.
Although the term research programme is used here, the activities within
the programmes go beyond what is commonly understood as a research
This chapter draws on an analysis of the sustainable development
research programmes in seven European countries.2 These programmes do
not represent a comprehensive review of research programmes in support
of sustainable development in Europe. However, they include a broad
selection of dierent approaches and methods for organising research for
sustainable development. The focus here on research programmes also
cannot provide a representative sample of research activities on the
national level as they make up only a small proportion of overall research
funding in each country. Research funding is channelled through a variety
of dierent methods including institutional funding, general university
276 Knowledge production and assessment

funds and more generic funds. However, this research has shown that in
many cases programmes are important ways for the policy-making process
to introduce and direct new areas of research.


Problem-orientated sustainability research questions cannot be ade-

quately answered by one disciplinary perspective alone, but instead
require a variety of disciplines (both from the social and natural sciences)
and view points in order to understand the problem fully. However, con-
ventional research methods and practices are generally not supportive
towards this type of inter-disciplinarity and trans-disciplinarity research
On a practical and organisational level this type of research is dicult
to perform due to the fact that research systems are organised according to
discipline-based rules. There are barriers to performing inter-disciplinary
and trans-disciplinary research on many levels. This can be observed from
their funding mechanisms, to their networks to their career possibilities
whether at postgraduate or professorial level. However, it is not just the
organisational set-up, but also the logic that underlies current research
methods that favour disciplinary research. A research process that is based
on the collection of data on the basis of a particular hypothesis, the search
for correlation and causalities, and objectivity is of limited use for
non-discipline-based, problem-orientated and highly complex questions
(Frederichs 2001).



The aim of this book is to analyse to what extent existing policies already
contain elements of reexive governance. Such an analysis can be con-
ducted by assessing the ve strategy implications outlined: transdiscipli-
nary knowledge production, adaptivity of strategies and institutions,
anticipation of long-term eects, participatory goal formulation and inter-
active strategy development. These ve elements can be applied to the way
in which research programmes are designed and established. However,
before the programmes can be analysed it is necessary to develop a frame-
work to assess the programmes.
The (re)search for solutions 277



Analysing programmes that aim to support sustainable development

requires an analytical framework that allows for a pragmatic comparison
across a number of diverse programmes with considerably dierent aims,
frameworks and national characteristics. It has to be a framework that cap-
tures the similarities whilst maintaining an eye on the detail so as not to
remain on a supercial level. It also has to be a framework that takes both
the concept of sustainable development and the characteristics of the
research system into account.
The rst step of most national sustainable development programmes are
faced with when designing new programmes is how to incorporate these
new requirements into the design and implementation of a research pro-
gramme. Policy makers face issues concerning the translation of the
concept of sustainability into concrete research activities and also the level
on which sustainable development should be incorporated or whether all
levels from the programme to the project level should be able to prove their
relevance to supporting sustainable development. Also what elements
should a sustainable programme or project be comprised of and how do
project and programme levels t together? The framework used here
includes four elements that incorporate the dierent levels of programme
design and development to analyse how programmes for sustainable
development are structured. These are dening the role of sustainability
research, creating programmes lines, selecting projects and learning within
the programmes. These four elements should not be seen as separate enti-
ties, but as a continuum from the strategic programme level to the practical
implementation on the project level. They are not xed parts of individual
programmes, but are designed to support the analysis.



There is no such thing as a denitive role for research that supports sus-
tainable development. Dening the role research should play in the tran-
sition process takes place separately in each country on the national level.
The reason for starting with this meta-level approach to analysing the
programmes is that it provides an important contextual background for
understanding the design and development of the individual programmes.
Analysing the denition sets the framework within which the programmes
are established and implemented. Dening the role that research can play
278 Knowledge production and assessment

in supporting sustainable development is one of the main elements that

supports the process of developing successful programmes. A precise
denition and clear vision of the role that research can play provides a
stable framework within which the development of research areas and
individual projects can take place.

Creating Programme Lines

Following the denition of the role that research can play for sustainable
development, comes the need to create specic thematic programme lines. In
many cases, the overlying denition given to the research activities plays a
large role in creating the thematic content of the programmes by inuencing
the methods used to dene the content. The methods can range from linking
the thematic content to national sustainable development plans to using
methods such as foresight and backcasting to identify long term goals and
measures to achieve them. However, although the programmes use dierent
methods to dene the content, there are similarities in the approaches taken,
as programmes that support sustainable development tend to take a broader
and systemic approach to dening the thematic content of the programmes.
The focus is on systems or on chains and thus allows a problem to be exam-
ined and analysed from a holistic point of view and to understand the causes
and not just the eects of the problem. A regional focus (either rural or
urban) to such programmes is a common way of dening such a system.
Others approaches to dene the borders of the system under analysis include
innovation processes, consumption and production processes and health
issues. The six most common programme categories that can be identied are:

behaviour, organisation and structures;

consumption, nutrition or health;
region, city or a spatially dened eco-system;
sustainable technologies and sustainable innovation systems;
sustainable economic development;
global change and sustainable development.

The above list gives an idea of the systems approach that research pro-
grammes in support of sustainable development take. However, although
many of the overall thematic topics appear to be similar, it would be mis-
leading to believe that the implementation and the detailed denition of the
programmes within the specic national contexts is the same in each cate-
gory. There are considerable thematic dierences between the programmes
in the dierent countries as the thematic approach is often determined by
national cultural specicities and problems.
The (re)search for solutions 279

Selecting Projects

Once the thematic content of the programmes is in place, the next level to
be dened is the selection of individual projects within the programmes.
This concerns the issue of how to ensure that the individual projects
comply with the overall thematic and programme goals and to guarantee
that the project level also fulls criteria related to sustainable development.
Many programmes have developed methodologies for implementing
research for sustainable development and have dened sets of criteria (see
below) for ensuring that each individual project contributes to further the
aims of sustainable development. This has been important to ensure
quality assurance in projects that do not adhere to formal current research
methods and practices.
Since the rst sustainable development programmes were established in
the Netherlands, the body of literature on designing research for sustainable
development has been growing. There is considerable consensus that
research for sustainable development diers from more conventional types
of programmes and that the design of such research activities needs to adapt
to integrate both inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research activities.
Using conventional research organisation methods in such circumstances
would not achieve the desired results. Some programmes have put the
process design element rst, ahead of thematic goals, claiming that achiev-
ing the right process will have a signicant eect on the thematic content.
Some of the criteria used for selecting projects are now relatively well
understood whereas the inclusion of others in the design of research pro-
grammes has not yet been fully operationalised. In many cases this is due
to the fact that these concepts are not easily introduced, but entail a com-
plete restructuring of the research process. The most commonly used
elements for designing programmes include interdisciplinarity, stakeholder
involvement, inclusion of dierent time frames and geographical areas and
an emphasis on the dissemination of the results.
Inter-disciplinarity, or the integration of dierent academic disciplines in
a research project is often dened as a prerequisite for problem-solving
research activities and the majority of the SD targeted programmes dene
the inclusion of dierent disciplines as a core element of the research activ-
ities. Equally, stakeholder involvement (trans-disciplinary research) or the
involvement of non-academic stakeholders has been dened as one of the
main criteria for selecting projects for sustainable development research.
Stakeholders not only have a dierent understanding of the problem, they
are also able to implement change. Other criteria for selecting are not as
well understood. These include the inclusion of dierent time frames, geo-
graphical areas and dissemination despite being considered important.
280 Knowledge production and assessment

Combining short-term and long-term goals as well as local, regional and

national perspectives is proving more challenging.
Dissemination and networking are an important part of the overall
design of programmes for sustainable development. As the results of the
projects are often specic to a certain context, learning between projects has
to be supported through other means. Setting up horizontal or support pro-
grammes can signicantly assist the establishment and the development of
this type of research. They can encourage the transfer of knowledge from
one programme or project to another. They can also develop methods that
allow an easier transfer of knowledge from one discipline to another, or they
can support the formation of new networks across traditional disciplinary
boundaries. All these go beyond the individual programme and are aimed
at the longer term development of research activities and communities.


Learning plays a central role in the development, design and implement-

ation of research programmes for sustainable development. This does not
just apply to the development of the programme level and the integration
of sustainability into research aims. It also applies to the way in which
actors within the programme interact with each other. As one of the key
aims of programmes in support of sustainable development is to bring
together dierent actor constellations in order to dene more sustainable
ways of organising processes, learning from one another is at the centre of
the research activities. One of the main ways in which the programmes have
attempted to increase the learning on both levels is to create programme
management structures that facilitate learning. These structures see their
role as broader than the organisation of calls and administration of
research activities. In many cases they see their role as increasing the accept-
ance and embedding research in support of sustainable development in
national research contexts and increasing know-how concerning the estab-
lishment and implementation of such programmes. Programmes with these
types of long-term programme management structures and clear struc-
tured programmes are often referred to as umbrella programmes.



Concentrating on the four elements described above (dening the role of

sustainability research, creating programmes lines, selecting projects and
learning within the programmes), the following analysis illustrates the
The (re)search for solutions 281

approaches taken by dierent programmes in dening and implementing

research programmes in support of sustainable development. Table 10.1
provides an overview of the programmes analysed. The left hand column
indicates the type of organisation (to be detailed below), whereas the right
hand column lists the individual programmes or, in the case of umbrella
programmes, the sub-programme level.

Table 10.1 Overview of targeted SD programmes

Country Programme
Austria Austrian Landscape Research
(individual Austrian Programme on Technology for Sustainable
programmes) Development
PFEIL 05 Programme for Research and Development in
Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
Belgium Scientic Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy 1
(umbrella (Sustainable management of the North Sea, Global
programmes Change and Sustainable Development, Antarctica 4,
and sub- Sustainable Mobility, Norms for Food Products, Telsat 4,
programmes) Levers for a Sustainable Development Policy and
Supporting actions)
Scientic Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy 2
(Sustainable Modes of Production and Consumption,
Global Change, Eco Systems and Bio-diversity,
Supporting Actions and Mixed Actions)
Scientic Support to an Integration of Notions of Quality and
Security of the Production Environments, Processes and
Goods in a Context of Sustainable Development
Germany Research on the Environment
(umbrella Research on Sustainable Economic Management,
programme Regional Sustainability, Research on Global Change,
and sub- Socio-Ecological Research)
The Netherlands Economy, Ecology and Technology (EET)
(umbrella Dutch Initiative for Sustainable Development (NIDO)
programme HABIFORM (Expertise Network Multiple Use of Space)
with struc-
tured and
282 Knowledge production and assessment

Table 10.1 (continued)

Country Programme
Sweden Urban and Regional Planing
(individual Infrasystems for Sustainable Cities
programmes) The Sustainable City
Economics for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Forestry in Southern Sweden
Sustainable Food Production
Sustainable Coastal Zone
Sustainable Management of the Mountain Region
Paths to Sustainable Development Behaviour, Organisations,
Structures (Ways Ahead)
Innovation Systems Supporting a Sustainable Growth
UK3 Environmental Strategy Research Programme
(individual Towards a Sustainable Urban Environment
programmes) EPSRC Infrastructure and Environment Programme
Environment Agency Sustainable Development R&D
Sustainable Development Commission
Sustainable Technologies Initiative LINK Programme

Source: Whitelegg et al. 2002

Dening the Role of Research for Sustainable Development

The denition of research for sustainable development behind the

programmes has a profound eect on the way they are designed and
implemented. The debate on the denition of research for sustainable
development has been prominent in many European countries since the
middle of the 1980s. Initially, the Dutch experience dominated the discus-
sion. More recently, however, the German approach to organising
research for sustainable development has taken centre stage in the debate.
Both these countries have highly structured programmes that clearly
dene the role that research for sustainable development should play and
its dierent approach to current research methods and practices. In con-
trast, research policy in Belgium, Sweden and the UK reveal dierent
approaches. Whereas Sweden and the UK have both made attempts to
establish new types of research on a smaller scale and with a stronger the-
matic delineation, Belgium has taken a more science-policy approach to
organising the research process.
The (re)search for solutions 283

The Dutch sustainable development research policy debate began in the

late 1980s and concentrated on the development of indicators. Part of this
denition process was orientated towards assessing the scale of the chal-
lenge of sustainable development. The results concluded that resource pro-
ductivity would have to be improved by a factor of 10 to 20 over the period
up until 2050 in order to secure economic growth, environmental protec-
tion and greater global equity. This was understood as a clear message to
integrate sustainable development into research policy. The main motiv-
ation was that current productivity improvement rates were unlikely to
achieve the levels aspired to. It was clear that there was a need for innov-
ation in the innovation process itself that would create a shift towards a new
development paradigm in which economic, social and environmental
policy aims can be achieved simultaneously (Weaver and Jansen 2002).
The result was an Inter-Ministerial Sustainable Technology Development
Programme (DTO/STD) (19927).
The DTO/STD programme was an attempt to integrate sustainability
policy and technology policy. The programmes approach was to view inno-
vation as a social process where social networks play a key role in creating
and stabilising new technologies. It integrated a series of tools that ensured
the basic principles of stakeholder participation, adaptive management
and learning-by-doing were implemented. These included backcasting,
whole chain approaches, constructive technology assessment and social
niche management. An important element of the programme was the
identication of three dierent time tracks: short, medium and long term.
The assumption behind the three-track approach is the long lead time for
developing and securing sustainable technologies. Work on the medium
term of ve to twenty years needs to start now. This runs in parallel to
short-term environmental protection aims and longer-term system renewal
The experiences of the DTO/STD programme have had a signicant
impact on the development of subsequent research programmes in support
of sustainable development in the Netherlands. The methods developed for
encouraging innovation in the innovation process are being further devel-
oped in the NIDO4 programme. Several of the innovation lines are being
developed in the EET5 and ICES-KIS6 impulse projects.
In Germany, the Scientic Council came to the conclusion in 1994 that
the human science research activities investigating the relations between
society and environment [. . . .] are up to now little developed elements of
environmental research (Wissenschaftsrat 1994, quoted in Coenen and
Krings 2002). The rst step taken to integrate the social sciences with envir-
onmental research was the funding priority, Urban Ecology. It was,
however, the establishment of the German Research on the Environment
284 Knowledge production and assessment

programme in 1997 that marked the move from problem-orientated

research to sustainability-orientated research with regard to the integration
of environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development
(Willms-Herget and Balzer 2000, quoted in Coenen and Krings 2002).
The programme Research on the Environment is comprised of four
funding priorities, Sustainable Economic Management, Regional Sustain-
ability, Research on Global Change and Socio-Ecological Research. Each
funding priority consists of four to ve thematic priorities. The strength of
the programme lies in the fact that it combines thematic dimensions with a
strong new methodological element aimed at the integration of the three
pillars of sustainable development. The central features of the approach
are inter-disciplinarity and the integration of eld actors into the research
The new research process has been named search processes as the
research also includes projects which aim to explore the potential of such
research. The funding priority Socio-Ecological Research is such an
example. The approach described here is, however, not rigidly applied
throughout the programme and each funding and thematic priority adapts
it to suit its own needs and actors. It is more important to communicate
and establish this type of research than it is to impose particular individual
In the Socio-Ecological Research programme this is also achieved
through the three central goals of project funding, structural funding and
training the next generation of researchers. These three are specically
aimed at including small, non-university and non-governmental research
institutes in the research process and through the establishment of a new
generation of academics who are qualied to do trans-disciplinary work.
The Dutch and the German programmes have in common the fact
that they have both dened what research activities can do to support
sustainable development. Both programmes have large involvement of
non-academic participants and aim to use research as a driver of change
towards a sustainable transition.
Although there are similarities between the two programmes described
previously (Dutch and German) and the Belgium programme, the basic
understanding of the role of research for sustainable development diers
fundamentally. The similarity lies in the fact that the Belgian programme is
also highly structured. However, the Belgian approach to organising
research for sustainable development does not place the same emphasis on
the research process and the inclusion of dierent types of actors that can
be found in the Dutch and German programmes.
The Belgian Scientic Support Plan for a Sustainable Development
Policy does precisely what it states and focuses on research that will support
The (re)search for solutions 285

the policy-making process. The rst support plan was conceived in 1996 and
moved into its second phase in 2000. The plan is closely linked to the Belgian
Federal Plan for Sustainable Development. Although the aim of the pro-
gramme is to support an integrated approach of both policy areas and
scientic disciplines, it does not display the same level of methodological
development that forms the basis of the German and Dutch programmes.
The nal two national programmes described in this section, Sweden and
the UK, have had signicantly higher barriers to overcome in their respect-
ive research systems. This has inuenced their ability to dene research for
sustainable development. The funding structures of both countries are
fragmented and consist of individual research councils who bear the main
responsibility for dening research activities in their own elds. The
co-ordination barriers to dening research policy for sustainable develop-
ment are considerably higher than in the three countries described previ-
ously. In Sweden and in the UK there are many more smaller and less
co-ordinated research programmes that thematically t into the competen-
cies of one of the funding bodies. This does not mean that the individual
research activities are not interesting and well developed, but that the
approach taken towards research for sustainable development is neither
as methodologically nor as thematically developed as in the Dutch or
German case.
The UK has taken several steps in recent years to rectify the lack of
co-ordination and strategy regarding research policy for sustainable devel-
opment. It has established a research network for sustainable development.
The network aims to become a clearing house for research that addresses
sustainable development. Research for sustainable development is dened
as research that combines environmental research with either the economic
or social dimension, or the one-plus-one criterion (Eames and Policy
Studies Institute 2001).

From Denitions to Creating Thematic Priorities

The type of research and the role of research for sustainable development
identied by national research policy dene to a certain extent the frame-
work for the thematic content. This can be seen in the case of the Dutch
programme described above and its focus on innovation processes.
However, the focus in the Netherlands is equally formed by the specic
Dutch geographical, economic, social and environmental situation. The
thematic focus is closely linked to immediate environmental problems.
The Netherlands has a particular geographical situation that consists of a
high water table and slow drainage. On the other hand, the country gener-
ates high levels of waste due to its processing activities mainly from its
286 Knowledge production and assessment

strong rening and petrochemicals sector. The Dutch economy is heavily

dependent on adding value to imports and exporting nal products.
Approximately 70 per cent of GDP is derived from imported eco-capacity
(Weaver et al. 2000).
The context in the Netherlands goes some way to explaining the sustain-
able development research policys focus on de-coupling economic growth
from sustainable development. The same context-specic approach to pro-
gramme denition can be observed in Austria. Although there are several
separate programmes that focus on sustainable development in Austria, the
programme with the broadest thematic approach to sustainable develop-
ment is the Austrian Landscape Research Programme. It focuses on the sus-
tainable utilisation of landscapes in Austria. Austrias dependency on
tourism also goes some way to explaining the need to focus research on inte-
grating dierent economic and environmental policy goals with regard to
safeguarding its landscapes.
The national, political, cultural and environmental setting thus shapes
the context in which the programmes are developed. Within these contexts,
however, a variety of concepts are used to dene the individual programme
goals. In Germany and Austria, the denition process is considered to be
an integral part of the research programme. The German funding priority
Socio-Ecological Research was not launched as a call for proposals but
rather as an initial programme phase of 25 explorative projects that aimed
to develop the aims of the programme and to mobilise researchers to get
involved in inter-disciplinary projects (GSF 2002). The thematic focus of
the rst call for tenders is based on the results of the rst phase. These
themes include nutrition and health, policy strategies, infrastructure of
public utilities and regional sustainability.
Other national programmes have also developed considerably dierent
methods for designing the thematic goals of the research programmes. Of
particular interest are the Belgium Scientic Support Plan for a Sustainable
Development and the Dutch back-casting methodology used to help for-
mulate the DTO/STD programme.
The Belgium national sustainable development programme aims to
support the Federal Plan for Sustainable Development.7 The plan is devel-
oped by an interdepartmental committee and follows the Agenda 21 guide-
lines. The research activities are designed to provide advice to the policy
makers who are responsible for the Federal Plan. The specic programme
themes thus concentrate on those in the Federal Plan. The research con-
centrates on the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development
and the implications for the policy-making process.
Dutch sustainability research works on three dierent levels based on
sustainability targets with horizons of 30 to 50 years. Activities are designed
The (re)search for solutions 287

to address the dierent levels. The structured nature of the activities in the
Netherlands entails good coverage of issues and also consists of formal
reviews that are able to identify important gaps, also through foresight
studies. This is by far the most sophisticated method for dening short,
medium- and long-term goals in research programmes.

Selecting Projects through Process Criteria

Research into sustainable development and the generation of context

specic knowledge presents challenges not just with regard to the denition
of research programmes but also concerning the implementation of such
research activities. The goals and objectives of sustainable development
research dier from those of conventional research practices. This also
means that the implementation of such programmes has to dier. These
programmes require the development of ways to include concepts such as
trans-disciplinarity, inter-disciplinarity, multiple time frames and dierent
spatial levels into research activities.
The development of concepts and methodologies for the implementation
of research for sustainable development is more advanced in those pro-
grammes that have dened a role for sustainable development such as
Germany and Holland. National programmes in Sweden and the UK are
interesting from a thematic point of view, but the programme methodology
is not as developed.
The UK has interesting thematic programmes, and the Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has developed new pro-
grammes to support sustainable development. The Infrastructure and
Environment Programme is of particular relevance. This programme aims
to set up a series of multi-disciplinary consortia who will work closely with
the users of the research. Another EPSRC programme is the programme
Towards a Sustainable Urban Environment. It has also been designed to
carry out inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary projects concerning the
future development of the urban environment. There is, however, less
understanding in these projects of the diculties of inter-disciplinary and
trans-disciplinary research activities and less support for the consortia,
despite the fact that the UK research councils are aware of the diculties
faced by such research activities (Joint Research Councils 2000).
Two examples from the German Research on the Environment pro-
gramme give interesting examples of how trans-disciplinarity can be used
as a key element to promote sustainable research activities at the project
level. The objective of the Regional Approaches funding measure of the
Regional Sustainability priority area is to create social processes. Scientic
knowledge is combined with dierent perspectives including social and
288 Knowledge production and assessment

interest groups from the region. The goal of the projects is to combine
theory with practice and to initiate social change through developing new
models and options for acting. Experiences so far have highlighted the
diculties of integrating the social dimension. Addressing all three dimen-
sions of sustainable development together can cause conicts. However,
valuable lessons have been learned concerning the involvement of non-
scientic actors. Such actors have to be included in the project at an early
stage and kept involved throughout. They should not just be handed the
nished project.
Another example is the funding measure, Framework for Innovations
Towards a Sustainable Economic Behaviour. This sub-programme aims to
expand on the achievements made in technical eciency by including the
social dimension. It looks at three central questions: the role of the State,
the development of indicators for sustainable development, and the inte-
gration of political institutions such as the Federal Environment Oce, the
Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Trade and Commerce
into the research process, as these institutions are responsible for the frame-
work conditions for innovation. One of the interesting aspects of the Socio-
Ecological Research Programme is the continuous development of the
research methodology. An example is the project Evalunet, an infrastruc-
ture project, which is aimed at developing assessment methods and crite-
ria for trans-disciplinary research.
The Belgian approach is dierent again as its current Scientic Support
Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD II) consists of two parts
that are linked by separate projects. The rst part has a greater social
science focus on issues such as energy, agro-food and transport, and the
second part has a greater environmental focus on climate and ecosystems.
These two parts do not attempt to integrate disciplines. This is left up to the
mixed actions that aim to draw on the results of both parts. The selection
criteria for these projects are based on the precautionary principle, vertical
and horizontal policy integration and social equity to name just a few
(Verbeiren 2002). The Belgium programme is very focused on the require-
ments of the policy process. It does not include actors other than those
from the policy-making process.
Developing selection and assessment criteria that are sensitive to
research for sustainable development is also important. The German
Socio-Ecological Programme has taken steps in this direction and assesses
a projects ability to formulate the problem eld clearly. Projects are fur-
thermore assessed as to their relevance to three cross-cutting central
topics: theoretical development of methods and instruments, the relation-
ship between theory and practice, and the relationship between gender and
The (re)search for solutions 289


The comparison of the programmes of seven countries has shown that

some individual countries have established highly developed programmes
and have recognised the necessity to restructure the research process by
redening each of the four key elements of programme design. In the
majority of the cases, this has meant developing a concept of sustainabil-
ity research and giving the programmes a high national prole. In Belgium,
Germany and the Netherlands, sustainability research does not take place
on the level of the individual programme, but rather is organised into
a structured umbrella programme that denes the focus of each sub-
programme and places this within the framework of the whole programme.
There are many benets to organising sustainable development research
under one programme and not in separate programmes focused on thematic
themes. Firstly, synergies can be used through the development of process
and organisational aspects of programme design. In umbrella programmes
research on the research process plays an important part in the development,
of the programme. The development of concepts and methods to deal with
inter-disciplinarity and trans-disciplinarity and other concepts described
above is vital for the development of the programme. These are supported
as a separate element that feeds its results into the other sub-programme and
projects and is continually fed with results from their experiences.
Equally important is the continuity that umbrella programmes provide.
Research for sustainable development aims to establish a research commu-
nity that is able to perform inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary
research. This can be facilitated through umbrella programmes that are
able to run long-term programmes and have the visibility to attract actors
who would not otherwise have been involved. It takes time to build up a
network of researchers who can perform such research. Individual research
programmes that are run by one ministry or research council nd it more
dicult to establish a research community. This is especially the case when
the programme ends and the networks that have been established are, to a
certain extent, lost if there is no follow up programme or resources avail-
able for inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research.
A nal benet can be seen in the ability of the umbrella programme to
co-ordinate research activities. It is able to identify gaps and see synergies in
the themes and subjects that are addressed. Such programmes also have the
opportunity to set aside a proportion of the resources for denition at a later
date. That is, they are able to take stock of the results and dene the alloca-
tion of the second stage based on the results of the rst stage. The study on
which this chapter is based gave the impression that individual programmes
tended to be more rigid in their planning and have less room for change.
290 Knowledge production and assessment



A comparison of such complex programmes that cover a wide range of

subjects and use a variety of methods can easily get lost in describing the
benets of each individual programme in its own context. However, the
purpose of this analysis was to identify key elements (dening the role of
sustainability research, creating programme lines, selecting projects and
learning within the programmes) and analyse the dierent ways they are
dealt with in the various national contexts.
The comparison shows that in many countries the establishment of
programmes that specically focus on sustainable development is well
developed. Inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research activities are
becoming more accepted as a way of understanding the interaction between
the human and physical environments and as a way of nding solutions. The
national and context-specic focus of sustainable development pro-
grammes is also evidence of the way in which programmes attempt to bridge
the gap between the abstract goals of sustainability and the operational level
of nding concrete solutions. In this way, research activities play an import-
ant role in ensuring that sustainable development is more than a logo and
that the concept is broken down into concrete solutions.
The specic and local nature of the results of programmes for sustain-
able development often makes the research results dicult to translate to
another circumstance. This does not mean to say that these types of pro-
grammes and projects cannot learn from each other. They can learn about
the process and can reect on the barriers and the success stories of design-
ing and implementing these types of research activities. Conceptually and
methodologically there are many areas where greater contact would be
benecial especially concerning the institutionalisation of such forms of
knowledge production.
Programmes that support sustainable development also carry problems
with them. There is the danger that research for sustainable development
becomes ghettoised with the result that other programmes do not consider
it their responsibility to integrate sustainability concepts into their own
research. There is also the issue of authenticity. Not everything that claims
to be sustainable is sustainable, and this also applies to research pro-
grammes. Inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research activities are
more dicult to carry out than mainstream activities. This presents a
danger that individual projects will quickly revert back to disciplinary
methods unless there are mechanisms in place to prevent this from happen-
ing. Hence, more exchange and interaction is needed on how this kind of
research works.
The (re)search for solutions 291



The introduction of this book discussed ve strategy implications for

reexive governance (transdisciplinary knowledge production, adaptivity
of strategies and institutions, anticipation of long-term eects, participa-
tory goal formulation and interactive strategy development). To a large
extent these issues are addressed in the content of the programmes and
especially within the individual projects. It is more interesting, however, to
ask whether the programmes themselves as individual policy initiatives are
organised according to the ve strategy implications.
All the programmes analysed consider trans-disciplinarity to be an
important part of research for sustainable development. Combining
dierent academic disciplines and sources of knowledge is the key to pro-
ducing knowledge that can cope with complex situations. As has been men-
tioned above, some programmes (German and Dutch) are more thorough in
putting the concept of transdisciplinarity into practice than others where it
is mentioned, but not practised.
Adaptivity is a more dicult concept to apply to research programmes.
On the one hand, programmes that address sustainable development need to
be exible and need to take into account the problem-orientated nature of
this kind of research. On the other hand, the need for legitimisation requires
the programmes to have clear goals and for the projects within the pro-
gramme to work towards these goals. Too much adaptivity within the main
goals of the programme would be counterproductive. One way in which the
Dutch and German programmes have been able to solve the issue of adapti-
vity has been to run parallel funding strands within the programmes. These
can either address dierent time horizons or can be left more exible so as to
include short-term changes.
The inclusion of long-term eects is one aspect of research programmes
for sustainable development that is less understood than others (such as
trans-disciplinarity) in terms of how to translate it into the research pro-
gramme concept. Only some of the Dutch programmes seem to have taken
the long-term perspective into account systematically and applied a back-
casting method to the design of their programmes. On the other hand, it is
important to consider on which level concepts such as long-term eects and
transdisciplinarity should be taken into account in a research programme.
In many cases (especially the Belgian), not every part of the programme
and every project have to be organised along these lines. There needs to be
a careful combination of dierent types of research in one programme.
The participatory nature of the denition of goals within research pro-
grammes is less of an issue. The denition of the programmes is usually
292 Knowledge production and assessment

undertaken by the relevant ministries together with the research commu-

nity. Participation with a wider range of actors is usually left to the project
level. The same can be said for interactive strategy development. The
involvement of heterogeneous actors is very important on the project level
and also for building up a community of researchers and practitioners for
sustainable development. They are, however, also not usually involved in
the denition of the programme itself.
Research programmes for sustainable development are very strong exam-
ples of reexive governance. The specic context of research programmes
and the national research contexts, however, entails that some programmes
are more reexive than others. This book emphasises the process approach
to governance for sustainable development. Some of the programmes (espe-
cially the German programme) subscribe to this approach to organising
research for sustainable development. Other programmes take a dierent
approach to research for sustainable development and focus on other goals
such as policy support or technological development. This does not mean
to say that such programmes are not reexive in their approach, but that
they dene reexivity in a slightly dierent way.


1. This chapter is based on the paper Organising Research for Sustainable Development: An
assessment of National Research Programmes rst presented at the Conference on the
Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Knowledge for the Sustainability
Transition: The Challenge for Social Science, 67 December 2002 in Berlin.
2. The paper is based on the results of the study Identifying and assessing national research
activities on sustainable development set up through the ESTO network in February
2001. The study identied and assessed the national SD research programmes of seven
European countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and
the UK. One hundred and two programmes were assessed using both a set of thematic
and process-orientated criteria.
3. To be able to compare the programmes across the seven countries, not all UK programmes
identied in the country report as addressing SD have been included in this table.
4. NIDO Nederlands Initiatief voor Duurzame Ontwickkeling (Dutch Initiative for
Sustainable Development).
5. EET Economics, Ecology and Technology Programme.
6. ICES-KIS is the Inter-ministerial working group that advises on strengthening the know-
ledge infrastructure. It advises on the spending of a budget drawn from natural gas rev-
enues. This budget funds the programmes HABIFORM Expertise Network Multiple
Use of Space, CONNEKT transport congestion programme, NIDO Economics,
Ecology and Technology Programme and SKB Soil Quality Management.
7. It should be noted that Belgium (together with the Netherlands) is one of the only coun-
tries that specically links its sustainable development programme to its federal sustain-
able development plan. In other countries the responsibilities are divided among dierent
ministries or research councils.
The (re)search for solutions 293


Brand, K.-W. (ed.) (2000), Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Transdisziplinaritt, Berlin.

Coenen, Reinhard and Bettina-Johanna Krings (2002), Country report Germany
national research activities and sustainable development, [online], available at:
Eames Malcolm and Policy Studies Institute (2001), Sustainable development
research network, 1st Annual Report (November 2000April 2001) London: PSI.
Frederichs, G. (2001), ITAS-Projekt Umweltforschung zwischen Wissen und
Handeln, TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten, 2, 10. Jg, S. 10511.
GSF (Forschungszentrum fr Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH), (2002), Zukunft
gewinnen Der Beitrag fr der sozialkologischen Forschung, Bonn: Bundes
Ministerium fr Bildung und Forschung.
Joint Research Councils (2002), Promoting interdisciplinary research and
training report of the Joint Research Council visits to 13 UK universities,
[online], available at:
Verbeiren, Sara (2002), Country report Belgium national research activities
and sustainable development, [online], available at:
Weaver, Paul and Leo Jansen (2002), Country report, the Netherlands national
research activities and sustainable development, [online], available at: ftp://ftp.
Weaver, Paul, Leo Jansen, Geert van Grootfeld, Egbert van Spiegel and Philip
Vergragt (2000), Sustainable Technological Development, Sheeld: Greenleaf
Whitelegg, Katy, Matthias Weber and Fabio Leone (2002), National research
activities and sustainable development, research report EUR 20389 EN.
Vienna/Seville: ARC/JRC-IPTS, available at:
Wilms-Herget, A. and I. Balzer (2000), Auf dem Weg zu einer
Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, in K.-W. Brand (ed.) (2000), Nachhaltige Entwicklung
und Transdisziplinaritt, Berlin, pp. 197208.
11. Integrating perspectives in the
practice of transdisciplinary
Marie Cline Loibl


This chapter deals with the integrated production of knowledge within

heterogeneous research teams, namely the challenge of facilitating such
knowledge production via productive communication within the team.
While integrated knowledge production is one of the elements of reexive
governance, it can only be achieved, if the process of knowledge produc-
tion itself is based on reexivity, that is, is marked by professional obser-
vation and analysis of problem perceptions, interpretations and
argumentation. Designing and steering such team processes demands a
high degree of self-reexivity also from team-leaders. They have to be very
attentive to tensions within their teams, to the multitude of possible reasons
behind such tensions and to the eects of their own interventions into team
dynamics and into the process of knowledge production.
Conicts within teams are very natural, when dierent disciplines, insti-
tutions and professions work together. They have to cope with a plurality
of problem views, solution strategies and quality norms. Thus in order to
use the full variety of team competencies, such teams need reexive, inter-
nal communication and management strategies for converting this hetero-
geneity from a source of friction into a source of understanding.


The introduction to this publication refers to the disappointment prevailing

in the public discourse about sustainability (Vo and Kemp, this volume).
In fact interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research co-operations have
been very much promoted throughout these last years for being innovative

Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary research 295

and eective models of sustainable knowledge production (Gibbons,

Limoges and Nowotny 1994, Hberli and Grossenbacher-Mansuy 1998,
Nowotny, Scott and Gibbons 2003, Bamm 2004). But at the same time they
have caused intense and still ongoing discussions as to their proportional
empirical relevance within science as a whole and as to their practical rele-
vance for real world policy implementation (Krott 1996, Weingart 1997,
Krcken 2001, Weingart 2001).
The reproach of poor outcome as compared to the rhetoric boom, the
concept set o after the end of the twentieth century, was, in fact, accom-
panied by frustration of many researchers who personally had been involved
in interdisciplinary sustainability research initiatives. Disappointment was
not only perceived amongst the addressees of sustainability research who
had hoped for particularly innovative research results with clearly higher
social and political impacts. It also aected many teams who had started o
their co-operation with great enthusiasm and ambition to overcome the bar-
riers and blinders of traditional disciplinary science.
Having assumed the responsibility for a long-term methodological mon-
itoring project within a large Austrian sustainability research programme
from 1995 to 2001,1 the author had the opportunity to observe this devel-
opment closely. She was also able to observe cases of personal frustration
and resignation as well as learning processes and the implementation of
new adequate working methods and adapted team models.
The solution of forming working groups that bring together all the dis-
ciplines necessary to analyse the complexity of interlinked problems of
ecological, economical and social developments had seemed very promis-
ing. However when working together on a practical level and when trying
to link theoretical backgrounds and methods and to integrate ndings,
the researchers found that good will and a common vision in no way guar-
antee the successful integration of competencies. The experiences with
interdisciplinarity revealed that, in deciding upon questions of data rele-
vance, criteria weighting and product development, the pragmatic pressure
to dene common quality standards caused very tricky problems.
The cooperation of sciences and humanities especially turned out to be
a complex challenge. On the one hand, egalitarian and democratic team
models assuring equal importance to all the disciplines involved promised
a maximum of multidimensional insights to the problem elds that were to
be analysed. It had seemed reasonable at rst glance that the more complete
the number of relevant quality standards, the more representative the
results would be. The possibility of producing scientically robust know-
ledge, which would provide a solid base for holistic sustainability strategies,
had also seemed feasible. However, disappointment set in when it became
obvious that in many cases paradigms and background theories turned out
296 Knowledge production and assessment

not to be compatible and that it was nearly impossible to accumulate con-

cepts of excellence without an external frame that would help in weighting
criteria and values. In many cases these values turned out to be not only
incompatible but contradictory and as there existed no common cognitive
structure or external value system that would allow deciding these dicult
questions of relevance and scientic reliability consensually, results would
either remain disintegrated or would be selected rather then integrated. In
fact, in many projects such questions of relevance and of quality standards
were not decided by scientic discourse but by formal and informal power
relations within the research teams.
With regard to the output of the projects, many of the researchers who
worked in interdisciplinary projects had to face the fact that ultimately their
results were not considered very innovative by the addressed scientic com-
munities. The mixture of disciplines did not at all automatically increase the
probability of producing outstanding ndings that would provide a scientic
reputation for individual career-strategies of the team members. Even pub-
lishing results was denitely more dicult because they were not strictly
linked to actual disciplinary discourses. Furthermore, it was a disappointing
experience to discover that the results were also no more practical for imple-
mentation than the ndings of disciplinary research. The multitude of
dierent scientic terms was even harder to understand for professionals
and users. Moreover, the multidimensionality of disciplinary perspectives
turned out to be more of an increased burden than a surplus of comprehen-
sibility and attractiveness.
Thus the next step within the development of sustainability research was
to try and cooperate much more closely with practitioners, decision makers,
consumers and citizens in order to handle these challenges of dening a
common reference frame for relevance discussions and priority setting.
Transdisciplinarity research approaches that already involve non-scientic
partners throughout the phase of project development should assure the
identication of the most urgent problem areas in which it would be most
reasonable to invest public research funding. Also, for the transfer of the
working results and for the design of all kinds of products out of the research
process, it seemed to be a good idea to involve the addressees. The integra-
tion of addressees should help nd out how to communicate the ndings of
the projects in a most understandable way and how to connect them with the
specic priorities of the addressed target groups. Participatory and impact-
oriented research promised not only to contribute innovative ideas for sus-
tainable transformation strategies but also to produce practicable and
eective implementation concepts.
What can we learn from these projects today? Were they successful
and was it easier to handle the dilemma of dierent but equally valid
Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary research 297

disciplinary relevance scales simply by raising the heterogeneity in involv-

ing non-scientic partners? What are the specic challenges that such trans-
disciplinary project teams have to cope with, and did the teams develop
ecient strategies to cope with these challenges?


As described above, transdisciplinary models of knowledge production are

becoming more and more common in the context of sustainability research
because of their potential to cope with the complexity of problem settings
to be worked on. Especially in elds in which not only knowledge produc-
tion as such is demanded, but more than that the production of know-
ledge that will answer the urgent needs of society, non-scientic actors are
being involved or consulted in order to form transdisciplinary working
groups for knowledge generation. Due to the resulting internal hetero-
geneity of paradigms and cultures, such teams are inevitably confronted
with problems that are caused by incompatible rationales and competing
obligations towards background institutions. Amongst these problems
arising from dierent institutional function and success criteria (as to the-
ories of social differentiation see Schimank 1996), two key challenges can
be identied, the successful handling of which turned out to be a crucial
precondition for the success of transdisciplinary research projects. The rst
challenge is to develop strategies of integrated knowledge production (cog-
nitive dimension of transdisciplinarity). The second challenge is to develop
new approaches to reexive project steering (social and operational dimen-
sion of transdisciplinarity).

Focusing on Diversity

Sustainability research that seeks to emphasize the interlinkages of ecolog-

ical, economical and social problems and that seeks to reect long-term and
indirect eects of solution strategies must delve deeply into the dierences
of rationales of the involved interest groups. Transdisciplinary projects that
integrate selected actors into their research process can make use of the
value conicts that occur within the team for exploring the dynamics of
problem-relevant societal interests and driving forces outside. Such inten-
tions to explore the frictions of value systems and problem sights amongst
the team members seem, however, to endanger the delicate coherence of
heterogeneous teams that are not held together by institutional forces
but that are only linked by temporary agreements. Will not disintegration
298 Knowledge production and assessment

rather than integration be the consequence of focusing on the dierences

instead of the common visions within the team?
In order to turn the identication of incompatibilities from a source of
disintegration into a strategy of integration, it is necessary to create a coun-
terbalance of centripetal forces that holds together the teams and to
develop an alternative working base that somehow replaces the tempting
illusion of common grounds in perceptions and interests. The question is
which technical approaches and cognitive shifts can provide such a stabi-
lizing compensation to the team members and an inspiring kick to the
research process.

Steering Flexibility

The introductory chapter to this book refers to the need for new strategies
of coping with the complexity of interlinked social, technological and eco-
logical development claiming that reexive governance modes should be
based on processes for continued learning and modulation of ongoing
developments, rather than on complete knowledge and maximization of
control (Vo and Kemp, this volume). Could this reexive approach for
dealing with complexity possibly be ecient not only for organizing tran-
sition processes in society but equally productive within the process of
transdisciplinary knowledge production and value balancing itself ?
Frequent painful experiences with unpleasant instabilities of agreements
and a general lack of control and predictability in transdisciplinary
research have revealed the striking similarities between steering problems
in society and steering problems in complex research settings.
The mix of disciplinary and professional project partners in transdisci-
plinary teams is not only a strategy to maximize the knowledge base of a
project but also a strategy to reproduce the heterogeneity of competing
real world interests and rationales. It consequently results in a multitude
of uncertainties and unforeseeable team dynamics. Far from fullling
classic standards of traditional disciplinary research, such transdisci-
plinary projects seem to systematically undergo radical relaunches con-
cerning research objectives, methodological strategies, time planning and
product development. In consequence, the projects are often confronted
with reproaches that concern insucient quality management (muddling
through) and reduced scientic consistency of the results due to the mul-
titude of adaptations in research plans.
That is the reason why there is in addition to knowledge integration a
second key challenge in transdisciplinary research: the implementation of
exible but nonetheless stable steering processes and decision models that
derive eciency not from xed targets and criteria but from uttermost
Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary research 299

reexivity and transparency. This increased reexivity must compensate for

the loss of control and certainty that is characteristic in transdisciplinary
research processes. The prot of transdisciplinarity consists in stimulating a
considerable surplus of insights on hidden driving forces within the problem
system by transforming tacit knowledge of involved actors into manifest
contributions to the joint research process. The identication and integra-
tion of such precious but unpredictable outcomes is an important product
of transdisciplinary research. At the same time, the realization of this added
value is very demanding in terms of providing a set of stable reference factors
and frames to allow transparent adaptivity and prevent arbitrariness.



In watching and analysing the special team dynamics, which are being set
o by priorily focusing dierences within a team instead of common
denominators, a surprising impression could be experienced throughout
two long-term monitoring studies for an extensive Austrian research
programme on sustainable regional development.2 Within the monitoring
study experiences of researchers have been analysed with dierent team
models, working methods and integration strategies implemented in
11 interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects of this large research
programme. These teams had up to 20 members, including a multitude of
disciplines and many non-scientic partners.
It was one of the most interesting and useful outcomes of this study, that
team performance is not necessarily combined with a high degree of accor-
dance amongst team members but that it rather seems closely connected
to the conscious handling of team heterogeneity and to a very open and
down-to-earth analysis of divergences. A most striking result of the moni-
toring study was the observation that a number of projects that had been
merged by the programme management and that consequently passed
through an extremely dicult start phase of team building, performed very
well in the end: these merged teams soon enjoyed and cultivated the very
direct style of discussion they had developed during the hot kick-o periods
of the projects, and they felt more satised with their scientic results than
other teams, that had started o in harmony and that later on had great
diculties in establishing a culture of open confrontation of contradictory
views. What was it, that enabled these merged projects to perform success-
fully after having passed an extremely dicult start, marked by experiences
of open disunity and heavy conicts? These teams had done something in
the beginning, that is unusual amongst new teams that generally want to
300 Knowledge production and assessment

establish quickly a solid team coherence and a good working atmos-

phere: instead of investing their energy directly into team coherence, the
members of the merged project teams had bluntly confronted their dierent
analytical and theoretical views, their competing research interests and
their incompatible backgrounds. The only common denominator in the
beginning of the co-operation was the annoyance towards the programme
management and an overall consent of deep dissent.
In collecting the multiple reasons for the impossibility of properly
joining their teams and their research approaches they broke the taboo of
going into the details of the organizational pressures and constraints they
were exposed to and that would apparently make it impossible to inte-
grate their dierent working objectives. Instead of producing common
perceptions as to the research problem, they jointly measured the abysses
separating their research interests and their theoretical backgrounds. In the
start phase of the co-operation the members of these teams had very little
motivation to seek common denominators and much more commitment to
constructing an arrangement that would allow them to keep as much dis-
tance as possible within these enforced mergers. There were no illusions set
up with respect to common views and values.
Only at rst glance, it seemed a paradoxical eect that putting the empha-
sis on dierences of perceptions and values could nonetheless produce
coherence instead of increased distance. In fact the open confrontation of
interests and constraints did not only establish, as has been described, a
scientically very productive culture of open and critical discussion; it also
very eectively trained the team competencies in reecting institutional
driving forces and limited action scopes, which are key factors in the context
of sustainability research.
Teams to the contrary that had cultivated a rather harmonic and con-
sensual style of discourse from the very beginning of their cooperation and
that unexpectedly came across incompatible paradigms and methodologies
in the middle of their working processes, were often deeply irritated by
these incompatibilities and further knowledge integration was blocked con-
siderably; blocked not only by cognitive barriers (not having realized the
existence, the nature and the backgrounds of dierent perceptions and
values in the team) and by communicative barriers (not having established
an atmosphere of critical confrontation and discussion) but also by heavy
emotional disturbances: the unintended and sudden dissolution of a
consent that had been considered stable and reliable, caused frustration
and inner withdrawal. It turned out extremely disappointing to go through
such processes of late and spontaneous team disintegration. In many cases
such delayed and accidental exposures of divergent team interests and
quality concepts ended up in heavy de-motivation of the team members,
Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary research 301

partly experienced as proper project disasters. However, other than such

unexpectedly-popping-up team dissonances, well-directed and intended
eorts of identifying internal resonance eects to external disciplinary and
institutional heterogeneity proved to be powerful integrative experiences.
This observation seemed contradictory at rst sight, but was well under-
standable, after taking a closer look at the characteristic strategies of suc-
cessful transdisciplinary research.


Identication of Dierent Rationales

Understanding the reasons and the functional logics behind dierences

and incompatible positions in transdisciplinary project teams, which serve
as labs of society, builds new meta-levels for understanding and compar-
ing the involved functional rationales. The rst step is to analyse the
reasons behind diversity amongst the team members and their back-
grounds. The next step is to do the same for the problem elds and the insti-
tutional interests, which the project is addressing. Transdisciplinary teams
should through their heterogeneity develop the competence to reect
the real world dynamics by investigating their resonance eects within the
team (Hollaender et al. 2003). Interest conicts amongst team members
can then be instrumentalized as indicators for institutional and societal
interest conicts behind sustainability problems. It is a very eective strat-
egy of knowledge integration to combine the variety of team competencies
for uncovering the hidden complementarities of dierent rationales, and
even more important for developing sustainability strategies to identify
the blind spots of policies and market dynamics that are not covered
eciently by any of these rationales.

Adaptive Management of the Research Process

To handle the challenges of transdisciplinary research in practical applica-

tion, a three-level steering approach for facilitating the process of know-
ledge integration in transdisciplinary research can be recommended. This
three-level approach has been developed from both the results of the
Austrian monitoring study mentioned above, and from the results of an
international survey3 following that study. The survey analysed team expe-
riences on an expanded quantitative base of four research programmes in
Austria, Switzerland and Germany, which involved all 650 researchers
working in the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects of these
302 Knowledge production and assessment

four programmes (Loibl 2003). The three-level steering approach has been
derived by integrating the ndings of the preceding Austrian monitoring
study and the following international survey. It has been successfully tested
in dierent contexts like project meetings, team coaching and quality
circles. Its objective is to connect project development and team building by
training group capacities in reecting dierent functional rationales, as well
as dierent individual relevance lters and success criteria. The steering
model is based on the experience that a fruitful solution to the problems
caused by team diversity is to use a self-reexive learning approach by fre-
quently and systematically changing between three dimensions:

1. The rst dimension reects the real-world problems upon which the
research project focuses: transdisciplinarity strives to produce innova-
tive insights into the dynamics behind the examined problems and to
create sustainable solutions by better integrating and balancing the
diversity of societal interests, institutional structures and sector poli-
cies (external heterogeneity).
2. The second dimension constitutes the operative working process
within the research project: it is this second analytical dimension that
reects the plurality of disciplinary knowledge, of practical expertise
and of working methods, forming the joint knowledge base of trans-
disciplinary project teams: the diversity of various techniques of
problem analyses and data interpretation and the dierent cultures of
communication and project management (internal heterogeneity).
3. It is the third dimension, which represents the meta-level of building a
common understanding for patterns and functionality of heterogene-
ity itself, which stimulates the crucial process of knowledge-integration
within transdisciplinary teams. For the societal project of sustain-
ability, it is of increased importance to discover the dynamics behind
the formation of dierent value systems and relevance perceptions in
society. Moreover, it is just as important for the success of heteroge-
neous teams to nd out which relevance criteria are of higher import-
ance to specic team members than to others and to understand why
it is these very criteria and not others. Relevance scales and success crit-
eria employed within the research team are obviously not strictly iden-
tical to those of the actors in the problem eld, but they will
correspond if the transdisciplinary team is well composed. The third
dimension of analysis focuses on eects of societal and institutional
plurality within the microsystems of transdisciplinary research teams.

A frequent problem that occurs when teams want to work with this three-
dimensional approach is that the very special competencies which are
Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary research 303

necessary to analyse dierences of disciplinary paradigms, organizational

logics and institutional forces, are rarely represented within the team and
certainly are not familiar to all of the team members. A robust and simple
approach is needed for identifying patterns of heterogeneity and for pro-
ducing integrated knowledge on interrelations between research problems
(external interest conicts) and research team problems (internal interest
conicts). Due to the fact that the internalized experience of institutional
pressures is rather part of the tacit knowledge than of disciplinary skills,
these paradigmatic blinkers can be revealed best by joint eorts of a mixed
team providing mutual cognitive assistance (Loibl 2005, pp. 13254).

Joint Analysis of Institutional Backgrounds

It is a comprehensible and very productive approach to reveal such dierent

functional logics through analysing the professional environments of the
team members (project level) as well as the institutional structures relevant
to the research questions (problem level) by using the following set of add-
itional analytical perspectives.
The rst perspective, which is useful to reect the plurality of involved
rationales, focuses on the conditions of admission to a specic discipline,
organization or institution. Formulating such criteria of aliation helps
one to better understand the diversity of career pressures and quality crit-
eria within the team and amongst the addressees of a project. Making such
pressures explicit helps to consider adequately the scope for action for team
members as well as for real world actors and to remain realistic in design-
ing research concepts as well as in developing action programmes and
strategies of sustainable transformation.
The second perspective focuses on hierarchical structures and on vertical
dierentiation within the organizational and institutional environments of
the project as well as on strategies by which these structures of power dis-
tribution are safeguarded. It is by understanding such dierent modes of
power regulation, structural stabilization and innovation control that inte-
grated knowledge for reexive governance can be produced and sustainable
transformation can be successfully stimulated. In public as well as in private
research institutions, in enterprises, administrations, political parties and
NGOs it is a most important success criteria for individual career planning,
to link personal working objectives with survival interests of background
institutions and organizations. The special challenge of constructing
interinstitutional win-win coalitions of individual and organizational
survival interests can only be handled successfully by transdisciplinary
working teams if the diversity of involved power structures and regulation
mechanisms is thoroughly examined and well considered.
304 Knowledge production and assessment

The third perspective focuses on horizontal dierentiation of the organ-

izations, which are involved in the research activities and of the institutional
actors, which are involved in the problem area. In complex organizational
systems, competencies are generally divided and separated into dierent
departments and such territories of competence defend vigorously their
boundaries of inuence if recommendations out of a research project
undermine their importance by disregarding decision structures and threat-
ening sectorial power. The same eect can be observed on the project level:
for the implementation of an eective project management and for the
development of feasible research approaches, the members of transdiscipli-
nary teams need to understand mutually how wide individual competence
territories can be extended without provoking reproaches and resistance in
the background institutions, which are caused by territorial defensiveness.
The challenge of integrated knowledge production, therefore, is not
reducible to the micro system of the research team on the one hand or to the
directly addressed target groups on the other hand. Side eects due to power
balancing counter-reactions within addressees as well as within the back-
ground institutions of team members are extremely eective resisters. High
team performance and successful implementation of results are linked
with integrated analytical eorts to anticipate such counter-reactions.
Transdisciplinary knowledge production must strive not only to produce
integrated knowledge but also to interlink this process of knowledge
production with the environments that are aected by the process of know-
ledge production as well as by the process of real-world transformation.
Integrated knowledge could also be understood as a special category of
knowledge, including profound consideration of institutional forces and
preconditions that are relevant for its implementation.
The fourth perspective focuses on central and peripheral dierentiation
within the involved social systems. The identication and dierentiation of
the various criteria of centrality, which are relevant within a discipline as
well as within an interest group or an enterprise, help to analyse the specic
way in which communication ows and knowledge management are organ-
ized and which product and communication strategy is adequate in order
to achieve a maximum of attention and acceptance for the results of the
Last but denitely not least, it is crucial for the process of knowledge inte-
gration in transdisciplinary projects to discuss by which criteria orthodox
and reformist positions can be dierentiated within project environments,
organizations of team members and addressees of the project. Very often it
happens that more reform-oriented actors of an administration or enter-
prise get involved in transdisciplinary cooperations and that at rst they feel
extremely comfortable and empowered by the backing of such avant-garde
Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary research 305

task forces. The dominant orthodox strategies and majority positions within
their background systems get out of sight or are considered outdated at best.
This might work very well until the reform-oriented results begin to cause
irritation amongst the more conservative colleagues or superiors of the
department and at this moment many transdisciplinary projects encounter
heavy turbulence sometimes so heavy that the projects have to undergo
complete relaunches or to live with the fact that their results will have very
little impact because of system resistance. In order to optimize the output
(products) as well as the outcome (policy implementation) of transdiscipli-
nary sustainability research, it is of predominant importance to understand
the various dynamics of system stabilization and reformation.

Double-loop Learning Through Team Reection

Knowledge integration and double-loop learning can be achieved by

reecting alternatingly on the research problems as such and on the meta-
level of team heterogeneity. The frequent and intended change of perspec-
tives between problem level and project level reveals similarities between the
two of them. Discussing these interrelations between research problems
and project environments on the one hand and disciplinary and institu-
tional socialization of team members on the other hand is a process of
mutually explicating internal knowledge. Systemic techniques of group
reection and supervision are helpful to support such eorts of comparing
rationales and relevance lters and to apply the results in team management
and knowledge integration. Successful knowledge co-production amongst
scientists and actors is linked to the systematic transformation of societal
expertise and tacit knowledge into explicit insights and positions.

Iterative Goal Formulation and Participatory Decision Making

Transdisciplinary research projects need to develop and implement exible

modes of project steering and risk management. However, the high degree
of team diversity that results from multiple research interests, working
styles and quality concepts causes a lot of problems in realizing this
concept of exibility. One of the most accentuated results of the empirical
surveys was the conclusion that successful reexive project steering is only
manageable if a team invests a considerable share of analytical attention
and operational energy in the steering process as such. Careful progress
monitoring and documentation is an essential precondition for successfully
carrying out steps of joint team reection and self-evaluation. The project
teams need clearly dened check points and milestones in order to decide
whether changes of the research plan are necessary, because the risk of
306 Knowledge production and assessment

continuing as planned would be higher than the risk of change for the nal
success of the project. But in order to take such decisions after having
reected on interim ndings and team experiences, it is necessary to
monitor constantly the progress of a project and to oblige explicitly all
team members to keep an eye on the question of whether the research path,
the instruments and products still correspond to the increased and inte-
grated knowledge base the project has reached at that time.
The possible range of research questions and corresponding team com-
positions in sustainability research make it extremely dicult to dene a
set of general success criteria of project progress to be observed for self-
monitoring. The eort of discussing and agreeing on a set of contextual-
ized success criteria for the progress of the specic project is considered a
crucial element for reexive project steering, because it is mostly through
this eort that tacit knowledge bases of the team members can be made
explicit and available for the entire team.
Constantly monitoring and analysing the performance of social systems
(be this a research team, an enterprise, a community or society as a whole)
and systematically opening up the complexity of competing but inter-
linked interests is essential for promoting sustainable development. But
in order to manage transdisciplinary research (and reexive governance)
successfully in practice, a complementary challenge of closing down again
this process of unfolding the multiplicity of heterogeneous interests and
action strategies must be mastered (Vo, Kemp and Bauknecht, Chapter
16, this volume). After the phase widening up the analytical approach to a
maximum, it is necessary to narrow the focus again and to reduce the com-
plexity of perceptible system dynamics for developing a manageable port-
folio of research products and action strategies. In order to master this
challenge, a reliable model of nal decision-making must be formally
agreed in the beginning of a transdisciplinary research project. It is indis-
pensable though, to integrate strong participatory elements in this decision
model because disciplinary as well as functional dierentiation needs the
element of participation for reintegrating partial problem perceptions and
identifying externalities and blind spots. Team members should not only
participate in designing the research plan and in dening the rules for team
co-operation, they should in particular participate in decisions on method-
ological question, criteria weighting and interpretating results.

Integrated Knowledge Production

In order to produce coherent project results and not just a sample of multi-
disciplinary problem views and solution approaches, transdisciplinary
teams need to integrate working steps and interim ndings throughout
Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary research 307

the whole length of the project. The integration of academic knowledge

with knowledge from practical actors has special relevance, because
problem denition, goal formulation and the development of strategies
include normative assessments. In heterogeneous teams this integration
cannot be easily achieved by referring to common paradigms and value
scales, because many paradigms and value scales tend to be inconsistent or
even contradictory. Integration is only possible on the basis of common
meta-criteria developed by the team in discussing the evolution of the
dierent interests and value scales occurring amongst the team members.
Identifying and discussing the functional logics behind these dierent
values leads the team to common explanations for the inner heterogeneity
of relevance conceptions and quality norms.
In constructing explanations for this diversity of their own research
interests, the team members create the very set of meta-criteria that will
allow the joint analysis of various societal interests behind the sustainabil-
ity problems the project is dealing with. Though the specic range of such
criteria depends on individual research problems and team constellations,
there is one common element that seems to be of fundamental importance
for transdisciplinary research: it is through better understanding not only
the achievements, but especially the problematic consequences of func-
tional dierentiation in society, that the members of transdisciplinary
research teams can establish common value frames for the confusing diver-
sity of involved methodological standards and quality norms. The specic
contribution of their research ndings to identifying (and transcending)
inadequate institutional structures and to designing (and implementing)
new modes of reexive governance can serve as the foremost meta-criteria
for the quality of transdisciplinary research ndings and the long-term rele-
vance of working results.
The joint eorts of developing common success criteria can be facilitated
by focusing the analytical view of the team rather on the question of how
to identify and to balance the original human needs beyond the specic
research problems then on the question of how to maximize the satisfaction
of involved societal interests. It is in transgressing the limited analytical
horizons of institutionalized problem perceptions, that transdisciplinarity
can help to create sustainable solutions for re-integrating ecological and
societal aspects that have so far been externalized and neglected.


This chapter has examined the specic aspects of integrated knowledge

production in transdisciplinary research projects. It has shown how the
308 Knowledge production and assessment

heterogeneity of research teams can be dealt with as both a vital ingredient

for integrated knowledge production and a major challenge. It has actually
shown how diverging interests and viewpoints, which could potentially
hamper the research process, can be turned into important assets.
This chapter has especially highlighted the nested character of reexive
process management on the micro-level of transdisciplinarity as on
the macro-level of governance. Reexive governance of transdisciplinary
research is based on a set of specic strategies for integrated knowledge
production: the identication of dierent rationales, adaptive management
of the research process, joint analysis of institutional backgrounds, double-
loop learning through team reection as well as iterative goal formulation
and participatory decision-making.
Reexive governance models cannot be implemented without installing
numerous feedback loops to assure the consideration of potential side
eects or without constant meta-analysis of process eectiveness. Goals
and agendas have to be re-evaluated and redesigned regularly due to the
particularly high degree of uncertainty concerning the feasibility and the
eectiveness of solutions. It is only possible to react adequately to unfore-
seen interim results and their implications by combining stable models for
participatory decision-making and exible procedures of goal adjustment.
Therefore, it is a major success factor for transdisciplinary research, to
provide a exible frame for project adjustments by installing self-reecting
learning teams (corresponding to the learning organizations described
by Senge et al., 1997), that walk the talk of reexive governance in realiz-
ing participatory models of knowledge production and self-evaluation.


1. Translation of complex sustainability strategies into regional environmental manage-

ment; duration 19952001; Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology for the Austrian
Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture research programme: Austrian
Landscape Research.
2. Reseach programme: Austrian Landscape Research 19952003 ( Monitoring
projects: Translation of complex sustainability strategies into regional environmental
management; duration 19952001; Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology for the
Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture and D-A-CH
Co-operation on inter- and transdisciplinary environmental research 19982000;
Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology for the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education,
Science and Culture.
3. D-A-CH Co-operation on inter- and transdisciplinary environmental research;
duration 19982000; Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology for the Austrian Federal
Ministry for Education, Science and Culture; research programme: Austrian Landscape
Integrating perspectives in the practice of transdisciplinary research 309


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(eds), Die Krise der Universitten Lenathan Sonderheft 20, Opladen:
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in Kooperation im Niemandsland. Neue Perspektiven auf Zusammenarbeit in
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Methoden zum konstruktiven Abbau von Konikten in inter- und transdiszi-
plinren Projekten. Verlag fr Systemische Forschung (VSF) im Carl-Auer
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Development of technology and policy
12. Niche-based approaches to
sustainable development: radical
activists versus strategic managers
Adrian Smith

Policies for science and technology must always be a mixture of realism and
idealism. (Freeman, 1991)

Recent social science research into innovation and sustainable develop-

ment can be classied into two related areas of work: cleaner technology
(for example, Howes et al., 1997); and systems innovation (for example,
Hoogma et al., 2002). Cleaner technology research tends to analyse the
development of individual technologies whose throughput of energy,
materials and contamination is lower per unit of output. Questions
regarding the innovation of systems tend to shift attention upwards,
towards the transformation of entire socio-technical regimes into more
sustainable forms (Kemp et al., 2001). Cleaner technology research might,
for example, look at greening individual farming techniques. Systems
innovation seeks to understand the transformation of entire food produc-
tion systems into more sustainable ensembles.
The concern for reexive governance as outlined in the Introduction to
this book (Vo and Kemp, this volume) can be considered, in part, to
include this shift towards a systems innovation perspective. Research into
sustainable technological development is feeding back recommendations
for new governance processes, based on inadequacies identied in existing
governance processes. System innovation recommendations arise from a
belief that: (1) the diusion of cleaner technologies is being held up by an
absence of complementary changes in wider systems of production and
use; and (2) that individually cleaner technologies may not deliver sucient
progress towards sustainable development (Berkhout, 2002). In short,
interest in system innovation has arisen for second-order reasons, and is a
response that contains elements similar to strategies given for dealing with
reexive governance.

314 Development of technology and policy

One body of work prominent in recent systems innovation debates has

been strategic niche management (SNM) (for example, discussions and
papers under the auspices of the Blueprint network of systems innovation
researchers).1 SNM involves the planned creation of novel socio-technical
niches. Advocates argue that the knowledge created by these experimental
niches can subsequently seed the transformation of the relevant incumbent
socio-technical regime. As we shall see, SNM seeks to integrate knowledge
production through these experiments, and recommends the subsequent
pursuit of adaptive strategies on the basis of these lessons. Throughout, the
leitmotif for SNM is to promote social learning through participatory and
iterative experimentation. As such, SNM recommends innovations in gov-
ernance along lines not too dissimilar to those argued in the Introduction
to this book. It is a governance innovation (Vo and Kemp, this volume)
that merits analysis as a candidate strategy for coming to grips with the
challenge of reexive governance.
The key task for this chapter is to provide an analysis of that strategy.
This is done by contrasting recommendations for SNM with another niche-
based approach to transforming technological regimes, namely the alter-
native technology (AT) movement, which ourished in the 1970s.2 Unlike
SNM in which academic research recommends an approach for technol-
ogy policy-makers the AT movement involved activists seeking out more
sustainable ways to live with technology. Activists were grassroots innova-
tors,3 in the sense that they sought sustainable technological transformation
through community-based action. This history suggests that niche-based
approaches to transforming technology systems may not be as novel as is
sometimes supposed. Indeed, by drawing comparisons and making con-
trasts between SNM and AT perhaps some more enduring and fundamen-
tal issues can be drawn about the role of niches in sustainability governance.
Both SNM and AT seek changes to the use of technology. Dunphy (1996)
has suggested, in the context of change in organisations, that comparative
analysis be drawn using ve elements: (1) the basic metaphor for the organ-
isation; (2) the analytical framework for understanding change processes;
(3) the ideal model of an eectively functioning organisation; (4) a theory
of how best to bring the organisation closer to the ideal; and (5) identifying
the change agent. This useful checklist suggests that comparative analysis
must consider the way a problem is understood, the change objectives, and
the model of change pursued. Such comparative analysis is strengthened
when we place each approach in its social and historic context. A gap of 30
years separates academic/policy-oriented SNM from activist/community-
based AT. Analysts must be sensitive to such dierences in circumstance.
Only then can comparison begin to identify more enduring, fundamental
challenges that confront niche-based approaches.
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 315

Given these methodological points, SNM and AT are compared along

three common dimensions in this chapter origins, objectives, and models
of change beginning with SNM. SNM is illustrated in the case of Danish
wind energy and cites this as exemplifying how policy-makers can help
nurture sustainable niches. It is relevant to this chapter because it is also an
AT success story, and thus acts as a bridge between the two approaches.
Comparisons between the two are discussed after a section that analyses
AT. The chapter concludes by considering the implications of the analysis
for niche-based approaches to sustainability.
It is stating the obvious to mention how inappropriately anachronistic it
is to consider AT as a case study in strategies for reexive governance. The
AT movement emerged 30 years before such strategies had been conceptu-
alised. SNM, which clearly seeks to draw out second-order learning, is
more explicitly in tune with the ideas and strategies for reexive governance
outlined in this book (as will become apparent in the next section). Even
so, SNM advocacy has led to little practical and prospective implementa-
tion to date (although developments in the Netherlands are promising
see Kemp and Loorbach, Chapter 5). Neither case can be considered an
empirical study in implementing strategies for reexive governance.
Nevertheless, if drawn carefully, then it should be possible to draw lessons
relevant for such strategies (cf. testing empirical cases of the strategies
themselves). In this respect, the way that the history of AT informs
comment upon SNM means it can also carry lessons over to strategies for
reexive governance.


SNM has been promoted since the late 1990s (Schot et al., 1994; Kemp
et al., 1998; Weber et al., 1999; Kemp et al., 2001; Hoogma et al., 2002).
Work has been conducted in several areas, including transport, energy and
wastewater. Many of these are ex post analyses in which an SNM interpret-
ation is made for the success or otherwise of experiments in sustainability
(success being niche growth, branching and inuence upon the incumbent
technology system). SNM is, however, proposed as a forward-looking
policy approach. As such, it has been discussed in a Working Paper by the
Science and Technology Foresight Oce of the European Commission
(von Schomberg, 2002). Most advanced, however, are Dutch government
attempts to incorporate a version of it into its technology policy (Hoogma
et al., 2002; Rotmans, 2003; VROM, 2003; Ministry of Economic Aairs,
316 Development of technology and policy


A number of researchers have contributed to the intellectual develop-

ment of SNM. While researchers from several European countries have
been involved, many of the seminal ideas for SNM came from the
Netherlands (for example, Schot et al., 1994; Kemp et al., 1998; Kemp et
al., 2001). Collective research experience in a number of areas was drawn
upon. These areas include co-evolutionary approaches to innovation,
Constructive Technology Assessment, and sociological studies of past
transformations (for example, Kemp and Soete, 1992; Shot and Rip, 1997;
Schot, 1998; Geels, 2002). Thus ideas about socio-technical regimes and
trajectories, the value of widening participation in innovation, and the role
of niches as crucibles for change are all present in SNM.
SNM injects normative purpose by conceiving niche experiments as a
compass for guiding future regime transitions in sustainable directions.
Given its intellectual heritage, SNM understands technology in a socio-
logical sense. It argues that discussion of technology must include relations
between the hardware/technological artefact and the software/social organ-
isation that enables the overall socio-technical conguration to be con-
sidered to work successfully (Rip and Kemp, 1998). Technologies are
shaped by society (the knowledge, values, skills and resources of the soci-
eties producing them); whilst, at the same time, technologies shape society
(opening up new opportunities, imposing restrictions, bringing benets,
distributing risks).
The term socio-technical regime captures this co-evolutionary perspec-
tive. A regime is the set of rules of the game that guides the direction of
technological innovations for meeting human needs, such as the fossil fuel-
based regime currently dominating energy (Geels, 2002). Socio-technical
regimes tend to lter expectations and constrain the realms of the realistic.
Innovations consequently follow a trajectory set by the regime, which is
sustained by social processes and institutions. A socio-technical regime
includes, by denition, both a narrow element associated with engineering
routines and knowledge (Nelson and Winter, 1982), and a wider element
associated with the social context in which the technology is customarily
used (Rip and Kemp, 1998). A key challenge for SNM is to integrate
knowledge across these domains. Analysis of regimes should include: tech-
nology; user practices and application domains; symbolic meanings of
technology; infrastructures; industry structure; policy; and knowledge
(Geels, 2002; Schot, 1998).
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 317


The key objective for SNM is to transform regimes in accordance with a

long-term sustainable development vision. Transformation results in a
new selection logic and innovation trajectory (for example, greater stress
on environmental criteria). New incentives, social organisation and con-
sumption patterns must interact with the innovation of technological
hardware in order to make this transition (Kemp et al., 1998: 184).
Strategic niches are sites where these new rules can develop. As we shall
see, these broad ambitions are not too dissimilar to those of AT activists
30 years ago. There is a dierence in the expected pace of change. Where
SNM anticipates an evolutionary process of transformation over many
years led by government and business, AT perceived the imminent ecolog-
ical crisis (for example, Limits to Growth; Meadows et al., 1972) as
demanding revolutionary change in society.
The SNM literature does not seek a single, precise denition of what a
sustainable regime will look like. It understands sustainable development in
a very broad sense: concerns for intergenerational justice; trade-os
between economic growth and environmental sustainability; more equity
within generations; and society, government and business working longer-
term (Hoogma et al., 2002). The argument is that sustainability can be
learnt as niche experiments grow, exert inuence, recede, branch, or are suc-
ceeded by others. The strategy is adaptive and iterative. However, this sits a
little uneasily with the SNM requirement that a guiding consensual vision
be the basis for building coalitions of support for niche experiments
(Berkhout et al., 2004). In practice, a vision for sustainability is inevitably
and implicitly present in the way the niche is congured.

Model of change

Historically, innovative socio-technical congurations that seed regime

transformations are understood to begin as novel niches, emerging at the
margins of the incumbent, mainstream regime (Kemp et al., 2001). The
transition from sail power to steam power in maritime shipping provides an
archetypal example (Geels, 2002). This long transition process required the
perfection of steam ship technologies. It also needed infrastructure change
(a network of coal stores at ports suited to take the new boats), as well as
new skills, and novel organisational routines (amongst other social innov-
ations). Early steam technology could not compete with sail ships, and a
niche role as tugboats proved important in developing technology use. The
steamboat niche grew into other areas as the socio-technical conguration
improved: mail shipments, and then into the new, higher value market of
318 Development of technology and policy

transatlantic passenger shipping. Ironically, sail ships retreated into a niche

shipping coal to the global network of depots for steam ships (Grbler,
1990). Eventually the performance of steam became suciently attractive
to compete in markets shipping lower value bulk goods (Geels, 2002).
Historical examples prompt SNM advocacy of the purposeful nurturing
of niches. Whether such niche-based transformations are universal histori-
cally or not is not the point. Rather, it is the case that a niche-based model
has inspired the SNM advocacy for purposive transitions in socio-technical

The introduction of novelty has been studied in great detail. However, the
adoption of novelty is decisive for society, not its introduction. Adoption is an
active process, and has elements of innovation itself. Individual behaviour,
organisations, and society have to rearrange themselves to adopt, and adapt to,
innovation. In this sense, the introduction of a new technology is an unstruc-
tured social experiment. (Rip and Kemp, 1998: 338)

SNM is an attempt to help adoption. Lessons learnt from niches will

enable sustainable socio-technical congurations to breakthrough and
become mainstream practice. The literature is at pains to point out that
niche experiments that fail to grow and branch nevertheless succeed in gen-
erating useful experience. Little is wasted in their probe-and-learn strategy
(Hoogma et al., 2002). The central tenet in SNM is social learning. Two sets
of lessons are drawn from the niches, both of which can help advocates
promote niche growth and regime transitions.

1. Lessons internal to the niche

The rst set of lessons is internal to the niche: how can the technological
artefacts, social practices, and their underlying values be improved so that
the conguration works more eectively? More precisely:

to learn more about the technical and economical feasibility and

environmental gains of dierent technological options, i.e. to learn
more about the social desirability of the options; and
to stimulate the further development of these technologies, to
achieve cost eciencies in mass production, to promote the develop-
ment of complementary technologies and skills and to stimulate
changes in social organisation that are important to the wider
diusion of the new technology. (Kemp et al., 1998: 186)

2. Lessons external to the niche

SNM recognises that top-down support can provide opportunities for
niche growth. After all, it was socio-economic changes (mass migration to
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 319

the Americas in the nineteenth and early twentieth century) that reinforced
demand for regular passenger shipping, and sustained steam technology
diusion. The second set of lessons is consequently more outward looking:
which types of institutional reforms can help niche growth? SNM advo-
cates describe the purpose of this set of lessons as:

to articulate the changes in technology and in the institutional

framework that are necessary for the economic success of the new
technology; and
to build a constituency behind a product of rms, researchers,
public authorities whose semi-coordinated actions are necessary to
bring about a substantial shift in interconnected technologies and
practices. (Kemp et al., 1998: 186)

Top-down intervention suggests, as a minimum, a supportive role from

policy-makers and/or key economic interests is needed for SNM to succeed.
The SNM literature tends to be non-prescriptive on who should actually
manage niche building. Wide participation is considered important. This
ensures that a diverse and widely relevant set of knowledge is created
through niche learning-by-using, and that this knowledge becomes widely
disseminated. The inclusion of groups beyond usual policy and corporate
participants in technology policy is intended to move thinking beyond the
constraints of the incumbent regime. SNM is the collective endeavour of
state policy-makers, a regulatory agency, local authorities (for example, a
development agency), non-governmental organizations, a citizen group, a
private company, an industry organization, a special interest group or an
independent individual (Kemp et al., 1998: 188). SNM is a technology
policy approach, however, so government actors would appear, implicitly
at least, to hold a key position in niche management.
As we shall see from the AT analysis, some civil society actors hold views
on sustainability dierent to those held by members of incumbent tech-
nology policy networks. So whilst government and corporate organisations
may appear to hold the ring, they will also need to have carefully thought-
through strategies for responding to such diversity. It must be clear to
everyone just how responsive dierent participants are prepared or able to
be in the light of lessons generated by the niche, especially the more power-
ful participants from government and business. There can be limits to the
degree to which strategic niche managers can respond to all lessons at any
one time. Indeed, the diversity of participants might mean dierent groups
will draw dierent lessons entirely, let alone act dierently on the same
lessons. Under which circumstances might a mainstream rm search for
lessons from alternative niches? How are such activities brought to their
320 Development of technology and policy

attention? How easy, and by which processes, do these lessons become

translated into a form more in accordance with the logic of the existing
regime? As niche lessons get adapted, or if the niche grows, what were once
relatively clear distinctions between niche and mainstream may become
blurred. These points, regarding action based on the social learning gener-
ated by SNM, will be picked up in the discussion and conclusion.


It is interesting that the origins of the Danish wind energy industry are inter-
preted positively by SNM advocates (Kemp et al., 2001). Wind energy began
its international expansion in the early 1990s. The fact that Danish turbine
designs could generate 70100 per cent more electricity than competitors,
owing to a robust and reliable design (Karne, 1996), meant the former were
able to lead in the new markets. The Danish wind industry is the world
leader, generates a turnover of 3 billion, and commands 50 per cent of the
world market.4 Advocates of SNM claim this success was due to the fact that
Danish technology policy evolved an approach similar to their own: sup-
porting bottom-up development in niches; in contrast to the large, technol-
ogy-push R&D projects elsewhere (Kemp et al., 2001; Douthwaite, 2002).
Modern Danish wind began with AT activists who experimented with
small turbines in the mid-1970s. These idealists wanted alternatives to the
nuclear vision of the electricity utilities. Social networks built up, which
shared experience in turbine construction and use. The Organisation for
Renewable Energy held meetings and disseminated performance informa-
tion about dierent turbines through its magazine Naturilig Energi
(Natural Energy). A social innovation a new form of community-based
wind co-operative facilitated the purchase of turbines for local use,
thereby creating a market. Local agricultural machinery manufacturers
noticed this niche market, and began manufacturing turbines. In both
cases, the designs drew on past practical experience, and tended to be
robustly made owing to the engineering skills and tools available.
The grassroots also lobbied government for support. The (pro-nuclear)
electricity utilities needed persuading over the connection of community
turbines to the grid. Government support to this eect eventually emerged,
as did the creation of a public testing facility for turbine manufacturers
at the governments Ris laboratory. This standardised practical experi-
ence. The well-tested Danish turbines consequently performed relatively
well in the Californian wind-rush of 1980 to 1986. Policy support was by
no means easily forthcoming, but what support there was seemed to help
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 321

the niche. Indeed, learning-by-doing improved reliability and performance

to such a degree that the government announced investment subsidies for
turbine installations. This made it easier for wind co-operatives to purchase
and install grid-connected turbines, and so helped sustain home markets
through an international retrenchment in the late 1980s.
The early 2030 kW machines do not compare with modern 12 MW
turbines of today. The industry has come a long way from the back-yard
idealists. However, analysts argue that policy support for grassroots innov-
ation placed the Danish wind industry onto a favourable development tra-
jectory. Policy for wind energy in other countries focused R&D around big
(MW), high-tech projects and technology push. This accorded with the
prevailing regime for centralised electricity generation. While these pro-
jects contributed to wind energy science, all were practical failures. None
was robust and reliable. The relatively simple, extensively road-tested
Danish design performed better (Jrgensen and Karne, 1995).
What is apparent is how (unwittingly, perhaps) policy-makers acted as
strategic niche managers. Unsurprisingly, this case has been used to exem-
plify SNM:

From the perspective of regime management, the Danish policy is very inter-
esting. It conrms our model of technological transitions about the importance
of the coincidence of successful niche policies against the backdrop of chang-
ing regimes. It also shows the importance of learning, the creation of new actor
networks, and changes in the institutional framework. More importantly, it
demonstrates some of the advantages of a exible, sequential policy aimed at
modulating the dynamics of socio-technical change into socially benecial
directions and using windows of opportunity within the evolving dominant
regime. (Kemp et al., 2001: 287)

It is also a case whose roots lie in the AT movement. Here is a direct link
between the two approaches. What SNM considers an exemplar is consid-
ered a success story in grassroots innovation (Douthwaite, 2002). It was AT
idealists that were opposed to nuclear power who seeded the billion-euro
export industry of today.


The AT movement ourished in the 1970s. A 1979 survey by the OECD

Development Centre found that 388 organisations from 79 countries were
active in AT (Jquier, 1979). A follow-up study in 1984 added 316 organi-
sations to the list (in 90 countries) (Jquier and Blanc, 1984). Just Faaland,
President of the Development Centre, wrote how AT was no longer the
322 Development of technology and policy

preserve of small marginal groups but had become a major preoccupation

of national science and technology policy institutions, governmental
research centres and private industrial rms (preface to Jquier and Blanc,
1984). The surveys included organisations with a developing country focus
as well as those with a developed country focus. A concern for environ-
mentally harmonious technologies attuned to local needs, and whose
control is possible in a convivial, socially-inclusive manner is common to
AT in the North and South (Schumacher, 1973). However, the circum-
stances under which AT sought inuence in developed countries contrasted
considerably with the situation in developing countries, and the legacy and
impacts of each has been dierent (Willoughby, 1990). AT in industrialised
countries is relevant here, with the UK serving as the example.


The AT movement was the R&D department for Utopia. It combined the
reality of environmental degradation with the idealism of the new left and
counter-culture (Veldman, 1994). Activists were interested in technologies
that would serve a society radically dierent to industrial capitalism
(Dickson, 1974). They demanded a transformation of technology systems
(and society) into forms that did not threaten ecological catastrophe, and
which were much more convivial in use. AT would not be as alienating or
soul-destroying to work and live with, compared to the mass production
and consumption oered by the large corporations. AT was utopian in
the sense that widespread expansion of the niches they created would be
virtually impossible within the existing structure of society (Dickson,
1974: 99). Might the same be said of SNM?
Today, apart from a visitor centre in Wales (the Centre for Alternative
Technology attracts around 60 000 visitors each year), the label AT is
rarely used in the UK. The Alternative Technology Group at the Open
University which was home for some AT movement intellectuals
became the Energy and Environment Research Unit in 1986. What was the
Urban Centre for Alternative Technology in Bristol is now the Centre for
Sustainable Energy, with over 30 sta promoting community energy pro-
jects nationally. Nevertheless, alternative niches and ideas continue to be
(re)created at the grassroots level. Beneath the slow evolution of govern-
ment and corporate policies for sustainable technology, networks of grass-
roots innovators continue to create alternatives to the mainstream. Niches
exist in community-supported organic food schemes, eco-housing and
community energy projects. Not all participants will have heard of AT, nor
SNM for that matter, and yet, in their own way, these grassroots innovators
reclaim an approach last attempted by AT.
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 323


AT was, above all, a social movement, and consequently held a diversity of

views together in a dynamic relationship. Consensus over objectives was
sometimes present, and at other times not. AT activists were concerned
with technology systems in so far as they would facilitate more sustainable
communities. In contrast to SNM, some in the AT movement did attempt,
however vaguely, to picture their ideal, sustainable vision. This tended to
be based on decentralised, relatively self-sucient communities; in which
participatory democracy is widely practised in the management of steady-
state economies; and in which goods and services were provided through
local production, using low inputs and renewable resources in relatively
closed cycles (Ecologist, 1972; Hollick, 1982). The tools and machines
required to maintain this alternative would necessarily embody a dierent
set of social and cultural values from those we possess at present. These
tools and machines, together with the techniques by which they are used,
form what is generally meant by the term alternative technology (Dickson,
1974: 96). This vision is the antithesis of reexive modernity. The AT vision
anticipates a world where economic relations are steady-state, the pattern
of society more enduring, and exploitation of the environment can be sus-
tained. There is no room for the kind of perpetual crises and adjustments
thrown up by the unanticipated side eects and second-order characteris-
tics of modern technological societies.
Within their guiding visions of the ecological society, the practical
objective for AT activists was to facilitate developments such as a switch
to soft energy paths (using diverse, local renewable sources) rather
than the hard energy path (centralised nuclear energy and fossil fuels)
(Lovins, 1976). The gentle features of AT were dened in contrast to the
brutish technologies perceived in industrial society: ecologically sound,
not unsound; resource ecient, not materials intense; long-lasting, rather
than throw away; participatory, not technocratic; supply based upon
needs, not prots; using production cycles, not lines; and so on (Clarke,
Not everyone in the AT movement foresaw such xed specications as
practicable or desirable (Harper, 1976; Willoughby, 1990). More critical
advocates argued that blueprints and lists were misguided. Wind-pumps
were of little improvement if they were still used, say, in the proigate over-
abstraction of water resources from nite aquifers. Decentralisation
without limits might be just as inappropriate as growth without limits. The
smelting of ores into metals, and the production of items such as light
bulbs, screws, spectacles, cement, and so on, might simply be better per-
formed using mass production techniques (Harper, 1976). The focus on the
324 Development of technology and policy

small-scale, non-complex, and so forth tends to bias the outcome of the

inquiry in advance (Winner, 1979: 83).
At this point in the debate, alternative principles for technology choice,
and ensuring their appropriateness for specic social and environmental
circumstances, became the objective for AT (Willoughby, 1990). Indeed,
it is these critical AT principles, rather than AT artefacts per se, that still
strike some resonance for today. We continue to grapple with principles for
economic and ecological balance and forms of socially responsible
production. Questions keep being raised about received wisdom, such as
economies of scale and narrow conceptions of economic eciency. In
this light, AT contributed to the awakening of a widespread realization
that technology is a controllable force for human betterment, rather than
an autonomous juggernaut (Hollick, 1982: 226; see also Winner, 1979). So
the common objective of the AT movement was to transform technology
use into a strong form of sustainability. Precise strategies were shrouded in
debates about what did and did not constitute an alternative technology,
and whether AT should deliver a social blueprint or develop principles for
participatory technology choice.
Such debates, reconsidered today, pose questions of relevance for the
promotion of sustainable technologies and possibility for social learning,
such as in SNM experiments. Can sustainable technologies be listed like
artefacts, or does everything depend upon their context of use? If context
is important, then how reasonable is it to expect technologies to diuse
across divergent contexts without degrading or changing their sustain-
ability (for example, from niche to mainstream)? The fact that SNM is
attempting to change the principles by which socio-technical practices are
developed (cf. technologies are diused) provides clues for answers to such
questions. Nevertheless, more research is needed to work through them.

Model of Change

A further debate within the movement was over the purposes of AT niches
in relationship to social change. Some activists foresaw the widespread
diusion of AT, but recognised that this would not be possible without a
radical transformation of society. Others were primarily interested in devel-
oping the ecologically-harmonious technologies that would facilitate their
retreat from the system into relatively self-sucient communities (usually
in rural locations). The idyll created by the latter might or might not be
intended as a beacon for others to follow, if they so wished (Rivers, 1975).
An accommodation was reached between the social revolutionaries and
the back-to-the-land folk, because they could meet around the locus of AT
niches. For the rst group, niches pregured the technology systems that
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 325

were needed in the more progressive, sustainable society of tomorrow.

For the second group, AT provided tools for retreat from the society of
today. A stream of practical initiatives emerged. Grassroots innovators
experimented with organic farming techniques, solar heating systems, wind
energy, recycling, low-impact housing, and so on. Whatever the philo-
sophical dierences, a unifying objective was the creation of practical,
AT niches. It is the aspiration to wider transformation held by the rst
group that orientates their approach to technology along a broadly similar
bearing to SNM.
AT networks shared their experiences in developing a wide-range of
human centred technologies (Boyle and Harper, 1976). Practical educa-
tion was mixed with political consciousness raising in publications like
Undercurrents magazine, which began in 1972 and served as a forum for the
movement. Annual AT gatherings organised by the Comtek group in Bath
attracted hundreds of activists in the 1970s. The Network for Alternative
Technology and Technology Assessment (NATTA), created in 1979, con-
tinues to produce a regular newsletter to this day.5
Activists pursued a twin-track approach. On the one hand, they set
about creating AT niches. These oered practical examples of the sustain-
ability that could diuse more widely and eectively under the right con-
ditions. It was therefore important to lobby for those conditions. Here the
activities of the wider environmental movement were important. Groups
such as Friends of the Earth6 and the Socialist Environmental Resources
Association7 were advocating AT-friendly policies as solutions to the envir-
onmentally destructive industries they criticised. Other political alliances
were less successful. Few AT activists joined trades unionists in their cam-
paign to avoid industrial redundancies by switching to socially-useful, AT
production such as the Lucas Plan in 19756 (Wainwright and Elliott,
1982). Union initiatives received positive coverage in some AT circles, but
attempts at building bridges (for example, a Conference on Industry, the
Community and Alternative Technology held in November 1975) became
mired in political dispute (Undercurrents, Issue 14: 12). Back-to-the-land
activists saw the unions mass production of AT as contradicting key
lifestyle principles, while unions became frustrated over limited practical
help from AT dreamers (New Scientist, 20 November, 1975: 472).
Local government initiatives at alternative economic development in the
early 1980s provided another opportunity for some in the AT movement.
The Greater London Enterprise Boards (GLEB) technology networks
included NATTA and other AT activists amongst its membership. The net-
works attempted to use AT in economic development plans (Mole and
Elliott, 1987). However, neither local government initiatives nor trades
union greening survived the rightwing Thatcher government.8 Some niches
326 Development of technology and policy

did manage to survive political hostility and business indierence,9 and a

less hostile political climate today is encouraging grassroots initiatives to
re-emerge. Often, AT niches were really experimenting with relatively
straightforward or already existing technologies. The grassroots innovators
were exploring how to live with AT, trying to improve performance, assess-
ing limitations, learning-by-using:

having realised the non-neutrality of technology, they consciously seek to

design the life-style, and the technology that would go with it, as an integrated
whole . . . [their] ideals are rmly placed in technological practices that, in many
cases, have already been successfully developed, albeit in piecemeal and frag-
mented fashion. (Dickson, 1974: 100)

As with SNM, the role of AT niches was learning-by-using. The Danish

wind energy industry is one example of the successful diusion of a tech-
nology system that was initiated by grassroots innovators who were sympa-
thetic to AT ideals. The initial turbine design was based on one used in the
1940s. The solar heating boom in Austria in the 1990s is another example
that appears to t the AT tradition. Over 100 000 Austrian homes produce
hot water from the sun. A large network of do-it-yourself solar clubs exists.
The movement was inspired initially by motives similar to AT (that is, a
practical expression of living more ecologically). Grassroots user involve-
ment in the testing of the dierent designs available, and information activ-
ities similar to the early days of wind turbines in Denmark, are attributed to
the successful diusion of solar heater technology. However, another
important (and obvious) factor in this success was that this mode of
diusion helped improve technology performance for users and made it
much more cost-eective for them (Ornetzeder, 2001). Thus, while the ideas
and motivations that kick-started this example (as with wind energy)
permits comparison with AT, it was less idealistic, more conventional
factors that determined wider technological diusion (albeit achieved in
socially innovative ways, that is, co-operatives and solar clubs). Would par-
ticipants label themselves AT today? Probably not: times and terms change.
An interesting question for such examples is, even if they do share features
with the AT tradition, might they be labelled SNM, too?


So far we have introduced both SNM and AT. SNM was introduced as a
candidate in governance innovation for dealing with reexive governance
in technology issues. The objective now is to try and draw some lessons
through comparative analysis. There is a gap of 30 years between AT and
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 327

SNM. The gap is felt in the language of each approach and the ideals
associated with their experiments. So what can we learn from a compari-
son, and with what implications for future research? Table 12.1 compares
the approaches in summary form. This section discusses the issues that a
comparison with AT raises for SNM.

Niche Purposes

The core approach for SNM and AT is to generate knowledge, learn

lessons and demonstrate alternatives based around niche socio-technical
congurations. Members of the AT movement were willing to learn to live
with sustainable technologies, such as solar water heating, even if initial
instalment was costly or performance less convenient. But participants
sometimes interpreted the niches dierently. Some entrepreneurs sort to
sell designs on a commercial basis (for example, the rm Conservation
Tools and Technology). However, given the radical roots of other activists,
some were less comfortable embracing or creating markets. Niches can be
nurtured for dierent purposes. Some in AT were developing and using
technology that permitted an escape from industrial society, others saw it
pre-guring ecological socialism, and others still were green entrepreneurs.
Depending upon the diversity of actors involved, SNM participants will
also approach the experiments with a variety of purposes in mind. This
could have concomitant inuence on the degrees of adaptation each par-
ticipant is willing to make. This reminds us that niches are boundary
objects, in which actors come together with dierent motivations, per-
spectives and expectations; and, as a result, social learning will be plural
and unlikely to be integrated automatically into a seamless, transdiscipli-
nary knowledge that diuses unchanged.

Widening Participation

Both approaches wish to open innovation to new participants. As one

AT advocate put it many years ago: [Our] approach diers from the
technology-push approach that underlies most of todays technology
promotion policies, by bringing knowledge and expertise of users and other
actors into the technology development process. In fact, this was not
written by an AT pioneer. It was written about SNM in 1998 (Kemp et al.,
1998: 186). The list of participants suggested for SNM experiments is not
very dierent to those involved in the radical local government initiatives
supported by AT activists.
One big dierence appears to be the provenance of niche initiatives. AT
came from activists in civil society, who sometimes found it dicult to engage
328 Development of technology and policy

Table 12.1 Comparison of strategic niche management and alternative


Feature Strategic niche management Alternative technology

Origins Emerged in late 1990s. Takes Emerged in the early 1970s.
ideas from evolutionary Developed its ideas from
economics, constructive radical science, environmen-
technology assessment, talism, counter-culture,
and sociological histories new left and critique of
of past technology technocracy.
Objective The transition to socio- Demonstrate technologies that
technical regimes that meet could function in a less
human needs more alienating society more in
sustainably. harmony with nature.
Understanding The technological and social Technology is not neutral. It
of technology are bound together in a co- embodies social values.
evolutionary relationship.
Model of Evolutionary. Create socio- Revolutionary. Create
change technical niches which practical, bottom-up
generate lessons for: alternatives to:
1. technology and its use; 1. act as beacons for others;
2. policies to support 2. challenge mainstream
growth of promising intransigence.
Change agents Strategic niche managers. Grassroots innovators. Focus
Focus is on business and is on civil society.
Style Managerial. Political.
Focus Learning-by-doing: socio- Learning-by-doing: diusion
technical diusion as of alternative technologies.
Impact Probably advocated more Probably advocated more
niches than actually created. niches than actually created.
Contributed to ideas about Challenged faith in
steering technological technological progress
trajectories in a more and contributed to critical
sustainable direction. technology assessment.
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 329

with business and government. SNM calls for government and business to
engage more with civil society in innovation. Whilst widening participation
brings in wider knowledge, it also opens up the challenge of reaching con-
sensus between diverse groups, social values and priorities. More radical
niches will experience a greater gulf between advocates and mainstream par-
ticipants, presenting a challenge for reexive governance strategies.

Political Activism, Education, and Innovation Management

Both approaches recognise that higher-level changes are necessary in order

for their niches to breakthrough into everyday practice: evolutionary insti-
tutional reform, in the terminology of SNM, a revolutionary restructuring
of society for AT. AT activists saw sustainable technology as a political
task: they wanted a radical science and peoples technology (as the
Undercurrents slogan stated it). SNM is reformist and managerial in tone:
feeding lessons into policy and business strategies, in order to modulate
ongoing dynamics (Hoogma et al., 2002: 198).
After 30 years it is clear the AT movement did not build their original
blueprint, for Utopia remained persistently at the end of the rainbow
(Rivers, 1975: 34). That said, the legacy of AT merits serious consideration.
Not only do grassroots innovations continue to emerge today, but some AT
ideas have made an important contribution to thinking about sustainable
technologies (such as the design of greener homes, the distributed use of
renewables). Having cut their teeth in AT projects, some individuals have
moved into the new environmental professions that AT had a hand in cre-
ating (Jamison, 2001).
Some AT activists were involved in developing the rst commercial wind
farms in the UK in the 1990s, and some now advise government on renew-
ables policy. Others continue to press for change through political involve-
ment in the green movement or in journalism. Finally, activist involvement
in university teaching and research is another route that inuences thinking
today.10 Indeed, some consider AT activists critical analysis of technocracy
to have paved the way for sociological understandings of technology and
the development of the sciencetechnologysociety academic discipline
that some of us work in today (Bijker, 1995; Darnovsky, 1991; Waks, 1993).
In sum, the burst of radical activity and debate generated a residual
measure of social learning.
Perhaps the most striking contribution of AT is an explicit recognition
that questions of political and economic power must be a concern in regime
transformations. A constituency of political support will need to push for
the necessary institutional and infrastructure reforms if, say, an electric
vehicle system is to breakthrough. The agitprop role that the AT activists
330 Development of technology and policy

envisaged in their alternative niches is a useful reminder to SNM of the

higher-level political challenges in sustainability.
On the other hand, by grounding recommendations in evolutionary
economics (cf. revolutionary) and creating more measured expectations
over the pace of regime change, SNM may oer a tool for sustainable
technological transformation that is palatable within the status quo.
Incumbent rms may consequently become involved in niche experiments
in ways they found dicult with AT activists. SNM takes on the (no less
Herculean) challenge of modulating the existing dynamics of innovation,
rather than building a whole dierent rhythm (Rip and Kemp, 1998).
Consequently, the SNM literature seems to devote more attention to nur-
turing endogenous niche growth, compared to AT interest in wider social
and political change. This comparison suggests that change will come
through a combination of social learning and political power. Whilst
learning can challenge power, power can lter learning. The art for inno-
vative governance strategies will be knowing when it is appropriate to
challenge and confront, and when to seek consensus and cooperate.

Mechanisms for Purposeful Regime Transformation

Beyond creating knowledge about alternatives, what are the precise mech-
anisms available for niche-based change? In SNM, niche growth generates
transformations. Given its evolutionary orientation, it is unsurprising that
growth is ensured through: (1) a degree of niche compatibility with the
dimensions of the incumbent regime; (2) niche performance should be
robust, and (3) that the niche shows development potential, for example
through extension to new applications and, especially, markets (Weber
et al., 1999). Thus the idealists who might initiate a niche need to be joined
by more entrepreneurial systems builders. The managerial challenge is to
carry niche development through to the stage when it can attract the big
capital needed for the niche to become a commercial prospect. The paradox
is that the good compatibility criteria can imply that niches at radical odds
with the incumbent regime will need to oer considerable positive returns
if they are to attract investment. The alternative technologies developed in
GLEB networks struggled because, besides a hostile political climate, the
social needs they served lacked purchasing power in markets (Mole and
Elliott, 1987). In a sense, the AT movements attachment to higher level
political change recognised that their niches would never attract such
capital unless investment incentives (and institutions) were altered radically
through public policy.
There is another mechanism by which niche initiatives might inuence
mainstream change (Geels, 2002). Some aspect of the niche activity may
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 331

oer a solution to problems or tensions experienced in the incumbent

regime. Obviously, many socio-technical regimes currently experience
environmental tension, to the extent that social mechanisms (such as regu-
lations or consumer boycotts) seek to constrain the degree to which they
exploit the natural environment. The political focus of AT suggests that
one way for regimes to be placed under targeted tension is political cam-
paigning.11 Relevant and palatable components of the niche are adapted by
incumbent regime actors, and thereby modify the regime.
We can see this in the way supermarkets are including organics in their
food range, in response to perceived consumer concerns. One UK super-
market is even investing in organic R&D. Organic food, however, remains
a niche product range (56 per cent of which is imported (Soil Association,
2004)). Supermarkets are adapting organic farming to suit their business
commitments. Some organic activists believe supermarket adaptation does
nothing to deliver other sustainability principles evident in their niches:
intensive farming remains dominant, imports cause polluting food miles,
and local rural economies do not revive. The current growth in local food
initiatives can be considered a response to continued inadequacies in the
way supermarkets have co-opted organic farming into their dominant
business model.
In a similar vein, the giant (2MW) wind turbines built by electricity util-
ities in the oshore wind elds of north-western Europe do not meet
activists ideals for energy conservation and small-scale, community energy
provision. Yet in both cases, the technology solutions to incumbent regime
problems can be traced back to niche origins. What is interesting is the way
social lessons are drawn dierently, and both bend and t around existing
economic structures to varying degrees.

Niche Values and Technology

The way the mainstream appropriates sustainable practices raises questions

about values and technology. Indeed, the notion of sustainable technology
becomes slippery. The supermarkets and local organic groups, and the util-
ities and community energy groups, each claim their initiatives as sustain-
able even though each has a dierent socio-technical conguration, which
embodies dierent understandings of sustainable development, and which
prioritises dierent environmental, social and economic criteria.
Niche inuence in regime shifts may relate to the degree to which
the values and criteria originally forming the niche adhere to the socio-
technical conguration. If values and criteria are tightly related to the
socio-technical practice, will this limit the variety of contexts (values
and criteria) to which the conguration can be applied without major
332 Development of technology and policy

modication? In other words, unless the mainstream buys into the values
embodied in the niche, then the scaling-up of the niche will be distorted
perversely or simply not happen because adoption demands too much
change to the mainstream. On the other hand, if socio-technical practices
can easily be stripped of values, and adapted to suit incumbent interests
and contexts, then the niche socio-technical conguration may well diuse
much more easily, but with key sustainability features becoming lost in the
translation. Niche inuence is wider, but less profound.


This chapter has compared two niche-based approaches to systems innov-

ation. Clearly, SNM and AT are dierent. Yet what they share in common
is an aim to create knowledge about sustainable technology use in niches
that can (hopefully) transform incumbent regimes. Considered together
they raise a number of issues for research and practice of relevance to gov-
ernance. Thinking about alternative technology niches and the sustainable
development of mainstream society forces us to consider the following.

1. Integrated Knowledge Production

AT was rooted in civil society, and was inclined toward political lobbying
as well as grassroots initiative. The AT experience illustrates how innovative
ideas can emerge through informed dissent beyond conventional business
contexts. SNM is oriented more toward policy-makers and technology
producers, and suggests how they may engage with change by including
leading users and other participants. In practice, the ability to create niches
with transformation potential is distributed, unevenly, across a variety of
social actors. It makes sense to include technology producers, users, regu-
lators and others with the necessary skills, money, tools, knowledge, and
power to force legitimate change.
However, as AT debates illustrate, there exists exibility over how a
sustainability problem gets interpreted. Diverse solutions are favoured
dierently by dierent actors, depending upon their ideas, values and expe-
rience. Integrated knowledge production will have to navigate the (some-
times conicting) social values attached to dierent knowledge claims and
priorities. In short, how can world views be bridged and the energies and
capabilities of political activists and business investors harnessed more
eectively? Though both elements are important for progressive change, it
may simply be unrealistic to expect them to co-ordinate neatly in the
systematic way anticipated by some governance innovations.
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 333

2. Experimentation and Adaptation

Real world change is far more messy, challenging and context-dependent

than neat processes of niche growth and their bottom-up displacement of
incumbent regimes (Berkhout et al., 2004). Only aspects of niche practices
might breakthrough into the mainstream, for technical, institutional or ide-
ological reasons. The mainstream appears a shade greener as a result, but
darker green fundamentals remain unaddressed. More radical, challenging
niches can persist or re-emerge. System building entrepreneurs in govern-
ment and business can try and bridge these two worlds. This is a challeng-
ing position to be in because, on the one hand, the systems builders are
trying to cajole an incumbent regime into change and, on the other hand,
they are having to compromise over niche principles. System building
proves to be a political task. Indeed, system building is probably the wrong
term since it implies social change to be the smooth rearrangement of inter-
acting functions. In practice, change may be subject to social forces beyond
the system builders unilateral control.

3. Social Learning and Power

Further translation eorts, which enable more challenging niche ideas to

cross into mainstream practice, can be facilitated through higher-level policy
and institutional changes. However, there may come a point, as argued in
some AT debates, when the only way to progress a radically sustainable idea
is to challenge existing structures. AT faced considerable institutional rigidi-
ties and was unable to force adaptation. At some point, and in some way,
technology policies for bottom-up niche creation must be augmented with
top-down changes that favourably restructure the selection environment.
This chapter has illustrated how the intrinsic properties of green niches
alone can struggle to drive a breakthrough. They need the assistance of
higher-level changes and the opportunities that these create. In multi-actor
governance settings, the challenge is to get these top-down and bottom-up
processes operating in relative harmony. Moreover, at this point governance
has to confront questions of power. The positive lessons learnt from sus-
tainable niche experiments may simply be too unpalatable or incompatible
with the powerful interests, entrenched institutions, economic commitments,
and prevailing social values that operate at the level of the incumbent regime.
As the history of AT reminds us, the grassroots provide a rich stream of
niche sustainable initiatives. Some have asked how many alternative niches
provide an optimum degree of diversity? Approaches to optimising diver-
sity do exist (Stirling, 1998). However, activists are likely to be impervious
to such measurements, so long as they have energy and time, they will try
334 Development of technology and policy

and lever in the resources to create their ideal niches. Governance strategies
committed to sustainable development might consider how better to
support this innovative zeal. This chapter has tried to argue such support
must not merely be quantitative. There is a qualitative dimension in the way
support transmits niche lessons to the mainstream and facilitates action for
their incorporation. Indeed, new interest in niche-based approaches rekin-
dles a challenging research and policy agenda.

This chapter draws upon research funded by the UK Economic and
Social Research Council (ESRC) under their Sustainable Technologies
Programme. I am grateful to all those people who have given freely of
their time, conversation and insights during the course of the research. Of
course, the views expressed here remain my responsibility.


2. This chapter is based on an earlier version published as Smith, A. (2004) Alternative
technology niches and sustainable development, Innovation, Management, Policy and
Practice, 6(2), pp. 22035, in A. Griths (ed.), Corporate Sustainability: Governance,
Innovation Strategy, Development and Methods (ISBN 0975043625), eContent
Management, Maleny, Queensland. I am grateful to the publishers for permission to
develop it into this chapter.
3. Grassroots innovators develop bottom-up solutions to public problems. They tend to
come from outside mainstream rms and operate instead in civil society arenas. They are
often idealists, and experiment with social innovation as much as technological hard-
ware. Indeed, limited access to nancial and other resources can force interest to focus
upon the software issues of social organisation and new rules.
4. Data supplied by the Danish Wind Industry Association.
5. The focus now is limited to sustainable energy issues, but it retains AT sensibilities with
a concern for community action. See
6. Amory Lovins, a high-prole soft energy advocate, worked as Energy Campaigner for
FoE in the 1970s.
7. Which later aliated to the Labour Party.
8. The Conservative government introduced legislation restricting trades union activity;
local government spending was brought under tighter central control; and GLEB dis-
appeared with the abolition of the Greater London Council in 1986.
9. Community groups running home insulation schemes, for example, have evolved into
regional dissemination centres, such as the Centre for Sustainable Energy mentioned
10. Such as the thousands of students who studied AT as part of courses at the Open
11. Of course, uncoordinated socio-economic trends and changes might also manifest
tension in particular socio-technical regimes, such as demographic changes and water
demand. Niches may still oer solutions.
Niche-based approaches to sustainable development 335


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13. The sustainable transformation
of sanitation
Bas van Vliet


Probably the most sensible and most pressing environmental problem in

Western cities of the nineteenth century was the accumulation and inap-
propriate handling of human waste. Since the discovery of the relationship
between the lack of sanitation on the one hand and epidemic diseases
like cholera on the other, networks of drinking water supply and sewage
systems have been rolled out in almost all urban centres of the world.
Water works that were constructed during the last century largely solved
the urban problems of waste accumulation, malodours and health risks.
Treated water is delivered through municipal pipelines and used as drink-
ing water. Human waste is transported out of the cities by means of huge
quantities of water-ushing sewer pipelines. During the last decades most
of these sewer pipe lines have been connected to waste water treatment
systems before the waste water is discharged in open waters.
Yet, while having solved many public health-related and environmental
problems, water works have introduced problems that relate to sustainabil-
ity. The availability of a cheap and clean water supply system caused an
increase of water consumption in the Netherlands from 97 litres per capita
per day in 1970 up to 126 litres in 2004 (Vewin, 2004). Drinking water pro-
duction depletes valuable ground water resources above its carrying capac-
ity and causes irreversible desiccation of natural reserves, swamps and
wetlands. Future water supplies in the Netherlands will therefore increas-
ingly be based on surface water sources. Utilisation of surface water for the
production of drinking water is problematic as well, as it requires reserva-
tion of space for storage basins and lots of energy and chemicals to obtain
drinking water of a minimum quality. For these various economic and envi-
ronmental reasons, the government, water companies and consumers have
taken measures to save on water use.
Sewer systems use huge amounts of drinking water to transport human
waste out of the cities. Toilet ushing alone consumes one quarter of daily

338 Development of technology and policy

personal drinking water use (Vewin, 2004). Apart from wasting high
quality water, the dilution of human waste by huge amounts of water
makes waste water treatment highly inecient in terms of capacity use,
energy consumption and overall treatment performance. Instead of being
recovered, the nutrients from human waste are ultimately landlled, incin-
erated or discharged to open waters.
An increasing number of environmental scientists and engineers (GTZ,
2003; Lens et al., 2001) argue that all of these valuable ows could and
should be brought back into a closed-loop system, which recovers the nutri-
ents from human waste and minimises the use of energy, water and mater-
ial resources. Closed-loop systems dier radically from contemporary
waterworks and sewer systems in both technical and social respects. To
implement closed-loop systems, a strategy is needed which incorporates
both technical and social changes within the practices of sanitation. Rather
than an expert-driven approach, which leads to environmentally optimal
technical systems, there is a need to widen the closed-loop approach to a
more reexive strategy including participatory goal denition by a wide
variety of actors rather than only sanitation experts.
This chapter aims to draft the key elements of a reexive strategy of
socio-technical change in waste water systems. Firstly I elaborate in
Section 2 on the kind of socio-technical changes that are (implicitly) pro-
posed in closed-loop systems to solve the second-order sustainability prob-
lems of sewer systems. Section 3 presents two cases of experimentation with
such systems in the Netherlands. The cases are selected on the premises that
they dier in particular in terms of reexive governance. This is followed
by an evaluation of the cases (Section 4) based on the ve process require-
ments for reexive sustainable governance as presented in the Introduction
of this volume. The conclusion addresses the lessons learned and the key
elements of a strategy of sustainable transformation of sanitation as well
as a critical assessment of its implications.


Multi-level Change

Closing the loop means that the very principles of current water works
should be altered, and that large-scale physical infrastructures of water
works should be abolished and replaced over time. Proponents of such
closed-loop or eco-sanitation systems aim to introduce radically dierent
house-on-site and community-on-site systems to treat human waste. These
systems minimise water use to transport faeces and urine so as to obtain
The sustainable transformation of sanitation 339

highly concentrated waste for ecient treatment. Urine can be separated

from other wastes for ecient recovery of specic nutrients. In most
systems, energy is produced during the process of digestion and treatment.
The recovered nutrients can be re-used as fertiliser in agriculture (Werner
et al., 2003).
The establishment of eco-sanitation systems requires more than just a
next step in a well-dened trajectory of sewer technology development.
It is a radical shift away from the basic principles of sewer technology.
For one: it encompasses treatment of concentrated waste instead of treat-
ment of a mix of waste water and storm water. Secondly, treatment of
waste is done mostly on-site or close to waste production, while the sewer
system transports waste and water to distant centralised treatment facili-
ties. Thirdly, closed-loop systems generate energy from bio-gas that is
produced, and reuse treated waste water and its nutrients, for example, in
irrigation and fertilisation, while sewer systems consume energy and
produce large quantities of sludge that cannot be reused (Zeeman and
Lettinga, 1999).
Such major technological shifts require dierent rules and regulations
and institutional organisation as these are now perfectly geared to manage
sewer systems, not eco-sanitation systems. The changes that users, suppli-
ers and service managers need to make in their daily practices are equally
as radical. Consumer roles may change from those of passive users of
sewer systems to co-managers of decentralised waste treatment. In sum:
apart from a change of technological hardware, technological shifts of
this magnitude encompass much more of a socio-technical change. Socio-
technical change can be distinguished on three levels (adapted from Kemp
et al., 1998):

Socio-technical landscapes (macro level): a range of contextual

factors that inuence technological development but cannot be
changed by technology actors;
Regimes (meso level): rule sets that are built up around a dominant
technology and give it stability;
Niches: protected spaces of social learning around new technologies
at the micro level.

The management of radical and long-term social-technical changes is

called transition management (Rotmans et al., 2001) and is presented by
Kemp and Loorbach in Chapter 5 of this volume. Transition management
does not provide a clear recipe for changing network-bound systems.
The approach leaves much room for changing insights, feedback and
reformulation of goals during the long-term course of socio-technical
340 Development of technology and policy

change. The long-term view also complicates the issue of implementing

eco-sanitation probably more than environmental engineers would have
wished. However, the kinds of changes eco-sanitation inherently tries to
establish can only be achieved over the long term and by built-in
reexivity as is done in transition management. In case of a transition
from sewer to eco-sanitation systems, the three levels of socio-technical
systems can be described as follows.

The landscape metaphor refers to the structural character of its inuence
on technological development: technological trajectories are guided by
the gradients in the landscape. Changes at this level only occur gradually
and very slowly. An example of such a gradient is the robustness of socio-
cultural notions and practices that have been developed around the avail-
ability of the sewer system (and the connected devices like water closets).
At the beginning of the twentieth century, water closets became highly
desired artefacts to have installed in modern homes. Today, in many coun-
tries and areas were there is no sewer system, the water closet is still a land-
mark of a modern lifestyle. Moreover, most people who have one would
not consider the use of water closets and sewer systems as particularly
problematic, on the contrary: they are quite happy with it. The principle
of ush and forget is especially appealing when it comes to the handling
of human waste. An attempt to change the system radically will probably
render harsh public opposition, especially when such a system would
require extra eort with, or would cause a (more frequent) sight or smell
of human waste.


The regime level refers to the cognitive, social and technical rule-sets that
are embodied in practices, artefacts and organisations. The rules are carried
out by a heterogeneous network of producers, providers, users, researchers,
governmental and non-governmental bodies.
The new eco-sanitation techniques require a dierent regime as com-
pared to the systems in place. Sewer systems and other water works are
mostly centrally managed and controlled by state-owned organisations.
It has taken a whole century to construct not only a huge network of
pipes, pumps and treatment facilities, but also to set up a legislative and
organisational framework to govern the entire system. Eco-sanitation
The sustainable transformation of sanitation 341

techniques require much more distributed control capacities compared

to the centrally controlled sewer systems. In some cases, house-owners
will become the managers of waste treatment; in other cases, entire new
intermediaries should be put in place to manage the much more frag-
mented chain from human waste collection, transportation, treatment and


Equally radical are the changes that users, suppliers and service managers
need to make in their daily practices related to sanitation. Urine separa-
tion toilets require male users to sit down (!); composting toilets involve
timely management and control at the household level. In general, collec-
tion, storage and discharge of human waste in eco-sanitation systems bear
more resemblance to modern domestic waste management (separation in
dierent fractions with dierent collecting systems) than to the current
sewer system.
Earlier social scientic studies on socio-technical change revealed that
a focus on the practices of providers and consumers that deal with infra-
structures and the changing relations between them oers new insights
in the process of infrastructural reconguration (see also Van Vliet, 2002;
Southerton et al., 2004; Van Vliet et al., 2005). One insight is the increas-
ing dierentiation of consumer roles towards infrastructural provision.
Apart from remaining captive consumers, consumers may become clients
or even co-providers of the services that were formerly exclusively oered
by utility companies. For this reason, I need to explore and compare not
only the technical layout of eco-sanitation and sewer systems, but also the
changes in social practices around the building and the use and manage-
ment of these sanitation systems.


This contribution is partly based on ongoing empirical research of socio-

technical change in sanitation in the Netherlands.1 In order to do case
study research on the issues of niche development and changing consumer
provider relations in sanitation as elaborated above, a variable set was
designed for the selection of cases. The variable set includes the scale of
technology; level of consumer involvement; a central or decentralised
organisation; and the separation or combination of incoming or
342 Development of technology and policy

Large-scaled system
Central organisation Low involvement of end

Combined water
Separated water flows

High-involvement of Decentralised organisation
end users Small-scaled system

Figure 13.1 Variables characterising sanitation technologies

outgoing water ows. These variables can be put in a diagram as follows

(see Figure 13.1):
Three main clusters of variables can be made to categorise sanitation
systems: conventional systems (A), alternative systems (B) and what may
be called modernised mixtures (C).

A. Conventional systems can be found in the clustering of values at the

top of the diagram: central organisation, large-scaled systems and low
user involvement.
B. Alternative systems are to be found at the opposite end of the diagram:
small-scale systems, responsible users, de-centralised organisation.
C. Various combinations of social and technical variables make up for
modernised mixtures.

Conventional sanitation systems (A) are centralised systems designed for

the treatment of single water ows. Large-scale sewer systems that collect
all water ows are the extreme example of this category. The end-user
involvement in these systems is low.
The category of alternative systems (B) has since the early 1970s been
propagated and developed by supporters of Schumachers small is beauti-
ful thesis (Schumacher, 1975), which encompasses consumers, technicians,
philosophers and environmentalists. The idea is that not only the hardware
of sanitation systems should be of a small, human size, especially the
social organisation around the design, implementation, use and mainte-
nance should be kept as small or local as possible to secure democratic
control by the users of such systems. Besides, it is believed that such small
systems are the most environmentally sound. Examples within such an
alternative category are stand-alone systems that do not need a connec-
The sustainable transformation of sanitation 343

tion to larger infrastructures, like composting toilets or rainwater recycling

The category of modernised mixtures (C) encompasses various score-
sets on the four variables mentioned. Examples include centrally managed
vacuum systems at the scale of a residential area with a high separation of
ows and low consumer involvement; or small-scale but sewer-connected
water systems that are based on the dual water ows and high consumer
involvement. As these empirical examples illustrate, we are dealing here
not only with a mixture of conventional and alternative technological
aspects but also with a mixture of social elements. The modernised mix-
tures bring together social and technical elements that used to be strictly
separated and organised into ideological debates between the opponents
and defenders of conventional, centralised and complex large technical
Our case studies have been conducted at small and medium scaled
systems in which some waste streams are treated on-site and others are
transported and treated elsewhere for reasons of environmental eciency.
In such cases of modernised mixtures, the process of initiation, develop-
ment and implementation of the new technology has been monitored. The
views of providers (technology developers, municipalities, utilities, water
managers) about possible routes of diusion and the role of end users have
been assessed. In addition, particular emphasis is placed upon the involve-
ment of end users in design, diusion, use and management and the con-
sequences of these changes for current practices and standards of
convenience, cleanliness, comfort (Shove, 2003) and health that people tend
to uphold.



Two projects are selected to discuss reexive governance in eco-sanitation.

They were both set up to implement new ideas and technologies for the sake
of sustainability, but dier greatly in the execution of these. The data are
derived from the previously mentioned project that focuses on the diusion
of eco-sanitation in the Netherlands.

Vacuum Toilets and Digestion Tanks in Newly Built Apartments

The rst case that is monitored is the planned installation of a vacuum

transport and anaerobe treatment system of toilet and kitchen waste in a
new residential site in the city of Wageningen. After obtaining a subsidy
344 Development of technology and policy

from a ministerial programme for environmental innovation in 2001

(Programme Economy, Ecology, Technology), a project group of environ-
mental engineers (the initiators), the municipality, the regional water
supply company, project developers, and two other rms (one specialist in
building anaerobe digestion installations and one in vacuum systems) was
formed. It was commissioned to make a technical design for the separated
collection, transport and treatment of grey water, concentrated toilet
waste and kitchen waste in a new, small apartment block (six apartments)
within a larger housing project that is located close to the centre of
The project proposal emphasised that this was a technological demon-
stration project: the techniques of vacuum toilets and especially anaerobe
treatment systems were to be tested. It was explicitly mentioned that the
reuse of digested sludge in agriculture was beyond the scope of the demon-
stration project. Thus, during the two-year project the sludge was to be
treated in an existing waste water treatment plant. The organisation of
sludge collection and transport was to be decided upon among the project
members during the preparation phase.
Although most parts of the proposed system have been successfully
applied in other settings (vacuum toilets in trains and aircraft, anaerobic
treatment in industry), this would be the rst application of such technol-
ogy in a domestic urban setting in the Netherlands. The technology can be
characterised as medium- to small-scale, based on a separation of waste-
water ows, and on a decentralised organisation. There was no involve-
ment of end users as they were unknown until the apartments had been
built and sold. The case resembles many aspects of a technological niche-
project: the installation of a deviating technology for (human) waste treat-
ment as well as its transport system (vacuum pipes and toilets) needs
protection in the form of (legal) exemptions and subsidies. Among the
many legal hurdles to take is the national building regulation that states
that the design of a biological wastewater treatment system should cater
for a sucient inow of air to maintain an aerobe biological treatment
process.2 Anaerobe systems as proposed in this project are not even men-
tioned as a possibility in such regulations. Subsidy is required for instance
to build and reserve extra space in the basement of the apartment building
for the installation of utilities.
Although these measures of niche protection were more or less secured
in advance of the project, it was certainly not enough to get the project
started. In discussing the project among the actors of the project group, it
became apparent that both the municipality and the project developers
claimed to be spokespersons for the still unknown end-consumers. As
project developers and real estate agents are, generally speaking, the risk
The sustainable transformation of sanitation 345

takers in selling the apartments, they were the rst to object to experiments
that may aect either the price or the attractiveness of the apartment to the
potential buyer, or both. The municipality, although committed to the exe-
cution of the project, felt responsible for the well-being of its (future) citi-
zens, as well as for the proper management of the whole system.
At the start of the project, many aspects of the experiment with vacuum
toilets and anaerobe treatment systems were still unresolved from seem-
ingly trivial issues like the shape and colour of toilets to more crucial
aspects of management and transfer of technology after the experiments
came to an end. The initiators (a group of environmental engineers) tried
to resolve these problems during a number of project meetings as well as
bi-lateral meetings; however, there was no satisfactory result. Both the
municipality and the project developers decided in 2003 to withdraw from
the project and another building site had to be found to implement the
proposed technology.
In hindsight, the following can be said about why the project failed in
achieving its goal, which was the testing of eco-sanitation techniques in a
residential area. A rst lesson that can be drawn is that apart from a com-
mitment of the municipality and a subsidy for the installations, one has
to deal with many more conditions under which such anomaly in the
current system can be developed. Municipalities and water boards are
legally responsible for the proper handling of human waste and they want
solid guarantees that alternative systems will work as well as, or even
better than, the systems they are used to working with. Project developers
and real estate agencies are even more reluctant to accept the risks of
technical or managerial failure. As long as there are as many uncertainties
as in the current project, the willingness of all these actors to co-operate
is limited.
Furthermore, commitment of institutional partners was not adequately
secured before the project started. Before the subsidy was granted, there
was a commitment of the local city alderman to join the proposed project,
as it would very much add to the municipalitys green image. Once the
project really started, however, the municipality was represented by the civil
servants of Public Works, who did not show an equally green commitment
as their political boss. Furthermore, there was a major disagreement about
the character of the group of end users. The initiators of the project
claimed that there are enough potential buyers in Wageningen who are
committed to the environment to join such an environmental innovation
project voluntarily. The builders (project developers) disputed this and
claimed that any alteration in the standard sanitary system will be consid-
ered a hazard, even to green consumers.
346 Development of technology and policy

Eco-sanitation in Lanxmeer, Culemborg

The second example case (EVA Lanxmeer, Culemborg) is in many respects

dierent from the rst case, but both cases have some principles of the (pro-
posed) waste water treatment system in common. In both cases a separa-
tion is made between the treatment of grey water (that is, from
kitchen-sink, shower and washing machine) and black water (from toilets).
Black water is to be treated on-site in anaerobe digestion tanks, thus
without using sewer pipes and central treatment facilities (although there is
a connection in case things go wrong).
The process of implementation of these technologies in Culemborg,
however, diers signicantly from the Wageningen case. The initiative for
the building project of about 200 homes was born in 1994 when Stichting
EVA3 was founded. Its objectives are to create a living environment in which
there is room for involvement of its residents in the natural environment
through making environmental issues visible and sensible. Moreover, it
aims to enable environmentally sound lifestyles and to restore damaged
ecosystems (Siemensma, 2000). The foundation wished to build a residen-
tial site that could full these objectives. In 1996 it found a municipality
(Culemborg) that was willing to realise it. A project team was established
that consisted of the municipality, Stichting EVA, an association of
(future) residents and a project bureau. Architects, landscape architects,
energy consultants and other experts were commissioned on an ad hoc
basis. The presence of future inhabitants and the enthusiastic participation
of the project partners that were involved resulted in a higher level of envir-
onmental ambition than could probably be realised otherwise.
Another success factor is based on the philosophy behind the project.
It encompasses a much broader vision of the outcome of the project than
in the Wageningen case. It is a vision of sustainable living that links quality
of life with quality of the surrounding environment, in which the use of
sustainable technology is just the means to an end, not the centre of the
project itself.
Half of the residential site is now completed. The reed-bed lters for
grey water treatment started operation in 2003 but the biogas installation
is still to be completed. Initially, the plan was to install a vacuum system
for the transport of toilet waste and organic kitchen waste. The group of
residents, however, successfully opposed this technology. They pointed
out its higher energy consumption compared to other transport systems
and expressed their concerns about hygiene and possible clogging. In the
end, low-ush toilets with boosters were installed. These will be connected
to the biogas installation by means of a local sewer system (Siemensma,
The sustainable transformation of sanitation 347

Due to time pressure, the level of inhabitant participation was much

lower then envisaged beforehand. Although three workshops were held in
which the wider group of inhabitants could ventilate their wishes, they were
not able to modify their houses individually, as was planned. The profes-
sionals who were involved in the project were mainly responsible for the
choice of sustainable technologies; inhabitants had no say in the choice of
water-saving toilets as opposed to a vacuum system or composting toilets.
Inhabitants do not seem worried about this lack of participation; they do
not mind the fact that the professionals decide on the denite technology,
as long as this technology meets the environmental and living standards of
its users.
Two major dierences between the two cases discussed here might
explain the limited results to date in the rst case and the initially success-
ful course of the second case. One dierence is that of the scope of the
project: the rst case is mainly about the implementation of a new tech-
nique. The hardware was known, but problems emerged as soon as issues
about the software (management and maintenance issues) became appar-
ent. The scope of the second case was much broader from the very start of
the project: the technology itself was not placed in the foreground, but the
implementation of a sustainable way of building and living, for which new
technologies should be developed and implemented. In other words: tech-
nology is the means and not the end towards sustainable living.
The second major dierence between the two projects concerns the
involvement and representation of (future) inhabitants. They were not
known in the rst case so only general assumptions could be made about
their acceptance of new routines. The mere existence of (future) end users
in the second case prevented other actors from presenting themselves
as their spokespeople. But this is certainly not the only success factor.
Consumer participation in the design and in assessing principles of a project
seems to have enhanced the willingness to change routines and to accept new
responsibilities towards the use and management of new technologies.



The two cases presented above only show a small segment of the variety
of todays innovations and experimentation in eco-sanitation. Moreover,
they were not deliberately set up to test a special mode of governance,
rather to test technologies and new arrangements for sustainable living.
However, the analysis of the two cases can provide a starting point to draft
reexive governance strategies to transform sanitation systems into a more
348 Development of technology and policy

sustainable way. Below I address the ve process requirements for sustain-

able governance as outlined in the Introduction of this volume.

Integrated Knowledge Production

The solving of problems of sustainability around conventional sewage

systems requires, in the rst place, knowledge of technology and techno-
logical processes: microbiology of (an)aerobic waste water treatment and
the technical layout of infrastructure and other hardware. This was clearly
covered especially in the rst case. But presenting such technical solutions
to a world that is (willingly or not) quite ignorant of the sustainability prob-
lems of current sewage systems is not enough. Knowledge of the socio-
cultural aspects of sanitation, the institutional set-up of sanitation and
waterworks in general, actor-networks around housing and building, and
the local and national regulation (all of which are regime and landscape
characteristics) should be produced as well. In the Wageningen case, this
kind of knowledge production was totally absent in the project outline. The
learning objects predominantly addressed the (combination of) technolo-
gies applied rather than the implementation of a socially and technically
deviating sanitation practice within wide networks of providers and end
consumers. In contrast, in the second case the application of sustainable
technologies was just a means to meet the widely expressed goal of sus-
tainable living rather than a main objective. Knowledge about new tech-
nologies, building processes, all kinds of legislation around housing and
building and urban water management or policies of utility companies has
been generated from the start until today. However, such integrated know-
ledge production has mainly been done on an ad hoc basis, without sys-
tematic planning or pre-set learning goals. The case also showed the
limitations to the kinds of knowledge the dierent actors can absorb. For
instance: inhabitants did not care too much about the peculiarities of
dierent treatment technologies for black water. Likewise, some of the
experts invited to develop parts of the system were not too committed to
the holistic goals of the initiators.

Adaptivity of Strategies and Institutions

Integrated knowledge production is only a rst step. Implementing eco-

sanitation also requires a renewal of institutions around sanitation, as the
existing institutions (that is, all rules and regulations around waste water
transport and treatment, and the responsibilities of dierent actors) are
built around and specically geared to large-scale sewage systems. New
institutions should be developed, and they should be exible enough to be
The sustainable transformation of sanitation 349

applied in dierent social contexts and adaptive enough to cater for chang-
ing insights during the course of transition. For sure, this is easier said than
done. In most cases of eco-sanitation, especially in developed countries, not
only is a large sewage infrastructure very close by, but so are the institutions
supporting it. The two cases discussed here showed that in the rst place
one should massage existing institutions, rather than invent new ones.
Only when traditional parties like water boards, municipalities and utilities
are willing to cooperate, may one invent new forms of management that
will t the new socio-technical arrangements. An example of such new
management might be the management of reed-bed lters by working
groups of inhabitants.
The main cause of failure in the rst case was that institutional changes
seemed to be considered of minor importance compared to the technical
installations and were to be dealt with only after the start of the whole
project. The second case demonstrated new forms of management and col-
laboration (between municipality, future residents, architects, water boards
and urban planners) that were conducive to the success of the technical
implementation of eco-sanitation.

Anticipating Long-term Eects of Measures

The Wageningen implementation project was scheduled until 2007. Within

this period all technical assistance, transport of sludge and management
was nancially secured. It turned out to be a major impediment to the
municipality that nothing was arranged for the period after 2007. Who will
maintain the installations? Who is going to bear the costs of deconstruction
of the installation if that turns out to be necessary? Who will be responsible
for the transport and treatment of remaining sludge from the digestion
tanks? These were still unanswered questions even after the project had
ocially started. Obviously, proper niche-management would include an
anticipation of such longer term requirements. The cases showed that
ideally speaking such anticipation should be done well in advance of a
project rather than during the implementation phase. The scope of such
anticipation should also be expanded to include institutional, social and
ecological eects, rather than only technological and nancial eects.

Iterative Participatory Goal Formulation

The case of Culemborg showed that the projects aim was not just to
experiment with new technologies, but also to reach sustainability in
housing and living. The whole area was planned to full the explicit overall
vision of sustainable living as articulated in various workshops by the
350 Development of technology and policy

group of future residents, landscape architects, environmental engineers

and sustainable housing experts. The vision embraced everything between
the materials that were used in building and construction, to the commu-
nal garden growing organic vegetables and an education centre with a
living machine to visualise the treatment of waste water. The terms of ref-
erence for the whole urban design was based on the wishes of a group of
interested future inhabitants who were assembled by the EVA foundation
even before the location of Culemborg had come into sight. A series of
three workshops was organised to inform the participants on the state of
the art and especially to invite them to present their views on the project.
A brochure was produced and oered to a project group of professionals
who where commissioned to make a rst urban plan. This was presented
in 1997 during a so-called masterclass but did not meet the high expect-
ations. Inhabitants experienced a lack of understanding of the holistic
vision and special character of the site. A new project team was formed to
do the work all over again. This resulted in a year of delay, which among
other things limited the number and scope of further participation meet-
ings with future inhabitants (Kaptein, 1999).
Both positively and negatively, the two cases teach us that in the formu-
lation of goals and means of a niche project, the character and phasing of
involvement of on the one hand a wide network of providers (not only
the technological experts responsible for the experiment, but also the water
board, municipality, local technicians and plumbers, project developers,
investors, toilet manufacturers and their representatives, and so on), and
consumers on the other, are crucial for implementing new techniques of
sanitation. The cases are recent, hence the iterative aspect of goal formula-
tion and the ways of dealing with the moving target of sustainability could
not be properly assessed during the course of these projects. There is no
doubt, however, that the sustainability concept as envisaged in Culemborg
will turn out to be specically related to todays innovative sustainable
building methods and technologies and todays concerns about housing
and living. For this project is just like all other previously built sustainable
housing projects that in hindsight appear to reect the social and environ-
mental considerations of the time era in which they were built.

Interactive Strategy Development

Transformation in sanitation does change the social interactions between

sanitation providers and consumers. As we have seen in other infrastruc-
tures in transformation (Van Vliet et al., 2005), consumers obtain new roles
in the system of provision. Eco-sanitation may involve end users in the
management and maintenance of waste treatment, as can be seen in
The sustainable transformation of sanitation 351

Culemborg and many other cases. The blurring boundaries between provi-
sion and consumption and the coming into place of new intermediaries
(community associations for maintaining systems, caretakers, control
systems) should go hand in hand with new, interactive strategy develop-
ment of which the Culemborg case is an example. Top-down regulation and
planning that is so characteristic of sewage systems should be replaced by
a process of trial and error, citizen participation, discussions with experts,
requests for subsidies, competition for eco-city awards and so forth. The
case also showed that it is very dicult to develop niche projects like this
systematically: the local geographical and institutional circumstances seem
to require specic local approaches. However, there are still some general
lessons to learn from the processes of both the Culemborg and Wageningen
cases in terms of strategy development. These will be addressed in the fol-
lowing, concluding section.


A sustainable transformation of sanitation has only recently gained atten-

tion, especially when compared to other urban infrastructures such as
energy supply or waste systems. A transformation in sanitation requires
considerable changes at the micro-level, regime-level and not least at the
landscape level. Factors at the landscape level in sanitation are vested, cul-
tural beliefs and routines that have been built up around the handling of
human waste, the appealing ush-and-forget principle of conventional
toilet systems and the enormous physical infrastructure of water works that
have been put in place over the last century. The transition management
approach seems to be appropriate here as it encompasses socio-technical
niches to be developed at the micro level to change sanitation regimes and
ultimately landscape factors.
Many of the innovations in sanitation technology that are now
being experimented can be characterised as modernised mixtures, socio-
technical constellations to be situated in the midst of the social-technical
dichotomy between small-is-beautiful and conventional large scale
sewage systems. Technologies of a modernised mixture may be connected
to larger grids and at the same time be small-scale, co-developed and
co-managed by both users and providers.
The two case studies described the attempts to experiment with mod-
ernised mixtures of eco-sanitation rather than strategies of reexive gov-
ernance. But a further analysis of how these projects were governed
clearly showed the need for reexive governance when dealing with niche
development in sanitation. A purely technology-driven approach (as in
352 Development of technology and policy

Wageningen) appears to be a dead-end road. A more process-oriented

approach (as in Culemborg), which includes only a guiding principle of
sustainable living rather than aiming to put in place a pre-described tech-
nology, seems to lead to more promising results. Future experiments with
respect to eco-sanitation by closing loops should therefore be set up in
such a way that there is maximum room for learning processes as well as
revisions of means (technologies, institutional arrangements) to meet the
end goals of sustainability.
In particular, the case studies point us to the need to anticipate the future
after experimentation and to involve an extended network of providers
and (future) end users of the system before the start of experimentation.
Interaction between providers and consumers and participatory goal for-
mulation were indeed success factors. Reexive governance is all the more
needed to avoid unintended eects that aect the sustainability of innova-
tions. The best one can say from the Wageningen case is that major actors
(project developers and the municipality) were reexive enough to recog-
nise major problems in managing the system in the period beyond the time
horizon of the project. Many relevant questions that relate to the sustain-
ability of the systems were raised, but a solution was never suggested.
A reexive strategy to govern sustainability in sanitation should there-
fore consist of at least the following building blocks:

To identify and consult end users and the various providers at an

early phase to build up mutual trust relations and to formulate the
goals of a project jointly.
To dene goals in terms of social needs and sustainability require-
ments rather than dening the technical solutions to be put in place.
Modernised mixtures call for modernised, exible institutions. In
some cases the old institutions may be sucient, but in most cases
there is a need for new institutions and intermediaries. New institu-
tions may involve more exible legislation around water and waste
recycling in urban neighbourhoods, legitimisation of the sharing of
responsibility between consumers (associations), water professionals
and municipalities. New intermediaries may be put in place in cases
of community-on-site systems, which are too small for existing water
boards and municipalities and too big for individual households to
manage. Such intermediaries might be residents associations, pro-
fessional care-takers or service companies.
Widening of eco-sanitation (niche) experiments in social and insti-
tutional respects: technological experimenting should be coupled to
deliberate and systematic experiments in dierent modes of manage-
ment and use.
The sustainable transformation of sanitation 353

Widening of eco-sanitation experiments in terms of scope and time:

although experiments mostly have pre-set time frames, projects
should anticipate the transfer of niche experiments to the regime
level. Before and during experimentation, there should be continuous
feedback on the regime requirements the experiment would have if
the protected status of a niche should come to an end.

Closing loops take a long time, and eco-sanitation is still at a very early
stage. Likewise, the suggested building blocks of an implementation strat-
egy move a few rst steps away from straightforward technological experi-
menting and towards more reexive governance of a transformation
to sustainable sanitation. Obviously, the proposed building blocks of a
reexive strategy require a lot more of stakeholders time and eort than
a straightforward technological approach. But if it makes the dierence
between eventual failure and success, it is worth the eort.


1. The project was funded by the Dutch Ministries of Economic Aairs and Environment
and Spatial Planning and executed by a consortium of environmental engineers, munici-
palities, utilities and housing developers to develop, study and implement several tech-
niques of on-site anaerobic waste water treatment in the built environment. The aim of
the project is to enhance the diusion of eco-sanitation within the Netherlands, by setting
up niche projects in which researchers, municipalities, consumers and other actors can
learn about the new technology.
2. Article 2, Algemene bouwvoorschriften voor zuiveringssystemen en inltratievoorzienin-
gen (General building regulation for treatment systems and ltration utilities), Chapter 2
of Uitvoeringsregeling Lozingenbesluit Bodembescherming (Tweede Kamer der Staten
Generaal, 18-12-1997, source:
3. The Dutch abbreviation stands for Ecological Centre for Education, Extension and


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(Integrated Environmental Technology Series).
354 Development of technology and policy

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Van Vliet, B. (2002), Greening the Grid, The Ecological Modernisation of Network-
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Van Vliet, B., H. Chappells and E. Shove (2005), Infrastructures of Consumption.
Environmental Innovation in the Utility Industries, London: Earthscan.
Vewin (2004), Huishoudelijk waterverbruik
Werner, C., P.A. Fall, J. Schlick and H.-P. Mang (2003), Reasons for and principles
of ecological sanitation, paper presented at Ecosan Closing the Loop,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation, 711
April, Lbeck, pp. 2330.
Zeeman, G. and G. Lettinga (1999), The role of anaerobic digestion of domestic
sewage in closing the water and nutrient cycle at community level, Water,
Science & Technology, 39, 18794.
14. The transition towards sustainable
production systems in Austria:
a reexive exercise?
Philipp Spth, Harald Rohracher, K. Matthias
Weber and Ines Oehme


In this chapter, we discuss the potential contribution of R&D policy to the

establishment of sustainable production systems. More specically, we
look at a recent experiment in Austria with a new way of supporting socio-
technical change and a related new approach to the design of public R&D
policy. The innovation in question is the concept of bioreneries as a
potentially important segment of a sustainable production system.
In the late 1990s, R&D actors in Austria became interested in the concept
of bioreneries and made rst assessments of the contribution that
bioreneries could make to more sustainable production systems. Their
quest for support of R&D towards an Austrian type of green biorenery
using biomass from meadows t within the framework and the goals of a
new research funding programme called Factory of Tomorrow, which
aims to support research towards sustainable production systems. Several
projects within this programme explored the technical and economic
potential of green bioreneries. In parallel, an accompanying strategic
research project was conducted that aimed at adapting and applying the
approach of transition management in support of the R&D programme
Factory of Tomorrow. This has been done as a pilot experiment in the
research eld of bioreneries.
We describe the challenges and outcomes of this accompanying project
and discuss whether the intertwined process of policy and technology devel-
opment with respect to bioreneries in Austria can be conceived of as a
case of reexive governance. Several elements of reexive governance
indeed were applied in the process of supporting and assessing bioreneries.
For instance, a participatory methodology of scenario-building was devel-
oped and applied to anticipate long-term systemic eects. However, this

356 Development of technology and policy

process so far has only been loosely tied to policy-making, thus predomi-
nantly staying at an experimental level and not signifying a general shift
of Austrian R&D policy towards reexive governance. Although the
specic process described here has to be seen as a rather isolated experiment
within the Austrian context happening in the shadow of the governmen-
tal R&D policy rather than driving it some conclusions about the applic-
ability and pitfalls of the concept of reexive governance can yet be drawn.
We discuss prerequisites of a participative assessment of socio-technical
pathways especially with regard to political mandate and constraints for the
delegation of such socio-technological decision-making processes to non-
governmental actors.


Is Austrian Research and Development (R&D) policy an example of

reexive governance? This is an interesting question insofar as Austria is
usually regarded as one of the more advanced countries in terms of imple-
menting sustainability policy or introducing environmental technologies.
However, it is far from clear whether this success has been eectively
inuenced by a specically reexive type of policy-making and what role
the respective governance settings have played.
In general, Austrian government supports objectives of sustainable
development as outlined in its sustainability strategy. These objectives
also hold for R&D policy where the double dividend argument is often
applied, which says that R&D policy is supposed to contribute both to
enhancing the economic competitiveness of Austrian rms and to sustain-
able development (and sometimes further policy objectives). This kind of
approach is also favoured by the Austrian Council for Science and
Technology Development, an institution that has become a key actor for
determining priorities in research and technology policy since its inception
in the year 2000.
We analyse this question by looking at a specic area of R&D policy:
sustainable productionconsumption systems. The interest in this area
stems rst of all from the fact that it is a multi-faceted and heterogeneous
eld with many technological, economic and social interdependencies.
Moreover, productionconsumption systems are very complex results of
longstanding development processes, since they are embedded in and
closely interlinked with structures and processes in their societal and eco-
logical environments, which range from the extraction of resources and
land-use practices, via long production chains right through to private con-
sumption. They interfere with every single aspect of life. This high degree
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 357

of intertwinement implies that the area is dicult to inuence in a targeted

way and that only a long-term transition strategy might lead to a shift
towards sustainability. As productionconsumption systems depend on a
wide range of actors within and outside the research community, a partici-
patory approach to strategy development is needed to induce change.
Secondly, interest in this area is also due to the existence of a major
and long-term research programme that explicitly pursues the objective of
contributing to the establishment of sustainable productionconsumption
systems. However, the mere existence of such a programme, called Factory
of Tomorrow, is not a guarantee for success. It provides a context in which
the impact of policy and governance on longer-term transition processes
can be studied.
With that purpose in mind, an accompanying strategic research project
was set up within the programme Factory of Tomorrow in order to estab-
lish a platform to reect upon strategies to shape a transition towards sus-
tainable productionconsumption systems. The project puts particular
emphasis on the contribution of R&D policy to such a transition process,
but also takes into account the role of other policy areas.
In contrast to large-scale infrastructure systems like energy supply, trans-
port or water management which until now have been the focus of attention
for systemic transition processes, the eld of production is much more het-
erogeneous and more dicult to address by an overarching transition
process for the production system as a whole. Therefore, the decision was
made to focus on the more disaggregate level of transition elds, which
represent clusters of closely related production technologies (Weber et al.
2003) and will be discussed in more detail later (see Vo et al. in Chapter 16
on nding the right place and space to tackle specic problems of sustain-
able development).
More specically, the decision was made to study the case of
bioreneries plants which process biomass into several useful substances.
This case is particularly interesting because right from the beginning, that
is, in the early 1990s, the interest of some researchers in the subject met with
the emerging agendas of sustainability-oriented R&D policy in Austria.1
From a technical point of view, bioreneries can be a source of chemical
products, such as lactic acid, amino acids, furfural, ethanol and others
depending on the feedstock some of which are conventionally synthesized
from petroleum. In addition to its potential to substitute fossil resources,
bioreneries2 are supposed to be benecial to rural development and the
preservation of Austrian landscapes. However, it is still far from clear which
broader scenarios would be compatible with and conducive for an uptake
of bioreneries, what the specic conditions for a successful diusion
would be, and whether they would indeed contribute to the transformation
358 Development of technology and policy

of the production system towards sustainability. R&D policy is thus in a

state of ambivalence and uncertainty with respect to the support of
bioreneries, which would make a reexive and adaptive design of the
policy process advisable as well as an embedding of this issue within
broader socio-technical contexts.
The question of whether bioreneries should be supported by Austrian
R&D policy is thus predestined for a case study in the participatory building
and assessment of socio-technical scenarios, which we consider an import-
ant step towards reexive governance in the eld of technology policy.
The key questions that this chapter sets out to address are:

To what extent have key elements of reexive governance been

applied in Austria in the case of the research programme Factory of
Tomorrow, specically in the eld of bioreneries?
What elements of reexive governance turned out to be eective?
Why do they work in Austria (or why not)?

Hence the chapter is structured as follows. The following section elabo-

rates on the relationship between R&D policy and sustainability policy in
Austria, pointing in particular to the diculties of integrating sustainabil-
ity principles in other sectoral or thematic policies. Then, the process of
the emergence of bioreneries in Austria will be briey reconstructed. The
next section will then address the core issues of this chapter by describing
a reexive exercise that was conducted in the context of the national R&D
policy programme in support of sustainable production. The experiences
gained in this experiment will be assessed in terms of the criteria of reexive
governance. The nal section will draw some conclusions regarding the
potential, the barriers and the limitations with which reexive govern-
ance is confronted in Austria, drawing on both the experiences with the
biorenery case and the broader political settings.



R&D Policy in Austria: Context, Actors and Objectives

To gain a better understanding of the context of current R&D policies to

support the transition towards sustainable production systems, we begin
with some remarks on the general framework of R&D policy in Austria.
In the 1970s Austrian policy makers became aware of the decits of a
linear science and technology push approach towards technology policy
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 359

(Meyer 2002). It was increasingly recognised that innovation is an interac-

tive process of knowledge accumulation that interlinks the dierent phases
of innovation and requires cooperation between dierent actors. As a con-
sequence, new bridging institutions were established in the 1980s, for
instance the so-called Christian-Doppler Research Association in 1989 and
a rst wave of technology transfer centres aiming to reinforce the diusion
of research results. At this time, rst eorts were also made to develop tar-
geted research programmes. In some cases, they focused on the functional
characteristics of what will later be called the national innovation system
(for example, scienceindustry relations) and in other cases had a thematic
orientation (for example, programmes on transport technology).
Both lines of programmes continue to exist in Austria and have been
further rened over the past years. However, all programmes tend to suer
from a major problem in the structure of the Austrian R&D policy land-
scape, namely the dispersion of responsibilities. In essence, four ministries
are in charge of dierent segments of research, technology and innovation
policy, three of which actively support sustainability objectives. In add-
ition, regional policy initiatives continue to grow in importance. For
instance, in some provinces very active initiatives have been implemented to
foster the creation and expansion of industrial clusters. Until the end of the
last century, eorts to improve coordination with sectoral ministries and
among dierent political actors in charge of R&D policy agendas have
remained patchy.3
In the last few years, however, the landscape has changed again. First of
all, with the establishment of the Austrian Council for Science and
Technology Development in the year 2000, a new actor has entered the
scene whose main role is to improve coordination between dierent
research and technology policy initiatives by formulating an overarching
national research and innovation strategy (Rat fr Forschung und
Technologieentwicklung (RFT) 2002) as well as by formulating recom-
mendations to the Ministry of Finance on research funding programmes
that are suggested by the dierent ministries.

Sustainability as an Issue of Austrian R&D Policy and the Factory

of Tomorrow Programme

With the establishment of targeted research programmes, sustainability

became one of several core topics of Austrian R&D. Under the heading
Austrian Landscape Research, a rst research programme has been estab-
lished by the Ministry of Science. Thus more than 200 representatives from
research and public administration have been involved in the development
of the programme. The target of research projects, which have been funded
360 Development of technology and policy

by this programme since December 1995, has been to develop options for
a sustainable development of Austrian landscapes and regions.
At about the same time, the National Environmental Plan (NUP) BMU:
Bundesministerium fr Umwelt (Detter 1995) was formulated, which obvi-
ously focused mainly on the environmental dimension of sustainability.
It was followed by the Federal Sustainability Strategy in 2002, which was a
reaction to changing requirements at the European and international levels.
In the late 1990s, a major research and technology initiative was started at
the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT),
which aimed at the development of technologies for sustainable develop-
ment (Nachhaltig Wirtschaften). For the purpose of this chapter, one of its
sub-programmes entitled Factory of Tomorrow4 is of major interest. This
programme focuses on the advancement of research and technologies that
are supposed to deliver a double dividend; that is, they are supposed to
enhance the competitiveness of Austrian industry while at the same time
contribute to the establishment of a more sustainable production system.
In general, the lack of horizontal cooperation and the division of labour
between ministries in matters of research, technology and innovation
policy implies that major pre-conditions for reexive governance could not
be met. With BMVIT focusing on technologically-oriented R&D and tech-
nology policy initiatives, the changes to the broader policy framework and
further preconditions for a structured transition towards sustainability
(stakeholder inclusion, social and economic dimension of sustainability)
can be achieved only with diculty. Consequently, the programme
Nachhaltig Wirtschaften mainly focuses on environmental technologies and
demonstration projects that could serve as a visible orientation and model
for adopters (beacons as they are called in the programme). There is not
much connection to the general sustainability research of the Ministry of
Science and Education (for example, focusing on ecosystems, sustainable
lifestyles, transdisciplinary research or social dialogues on sustainability),
nor is the programme closely integrated in initiatives of the responsible
departments for environment or energy.5
Leading industrial and academic researchers from dierent elds and
institutions of science and engineering relevant to the scope of the pro-
gramme were invited to contribute to the designing of the programme. As
a consequence, the programme acquired a strong technological orientation,
whereas wider contextual issues relevant to sustainable development were
addressed in the aforementioned cultural landscape programme hosted by
the Federal Ministry for Science, Education and Culture.
Nevertheless, the Factory of Tomorrow programme aims to support
the structural shift towards eco-ecient management and a sustain-
able production system through research, technological development,
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 361

demonstration and dissemination measures. Concepts and technologies are

to be developed for the production and provision of goods and services in
an economy geared towards sustainability. While not only technological
but also economic, social and structural issues have been addressed in the
calls, the thematic priorities mainly focus on three elds:

sustainable technologies and innovations in production processes,

use of renewable raw materials,
sustainable products and services.

With respect to sustainable development, the programme is based on a

number of guiding principles of sustainable technology design:

orientation towards benet and need,

ecient use of resources,
use of renewable resources,
multiple use and recycling,
exibility and adaptability,
fault tolerance and risk precaution,
securing employment, income and quality of life.

The actual calls for project proposals, which identied specic problems to
be solved,6 put this rather broad framework into more concrete terms. With
regards to any criteria for sustainability, the way is clear for applicants and
the jury to operationalise sustainable production and decide on what is
promising in terms of sustainability. Furthermore the overall funding
volume is comparatively small (about 10.54 million for the rst three calls
20013).7 Of this budget, production represents a very broad research
domain. As a result, the 88 projects that have been funded so far are rather
diverse and only loosely integrated into joint research agendas.
These pitfalls are part of the reason why the programme funded an
accompanying strategic research project, which tried to embed these tech-
nological projects in broader strategies of a transition towards sustainable
development and to foster interaction and coherence. This accompanying
project is seen as an experiment for further initiatives to integrate and
implement research carried out in the programme. The establishment of a
special advisory group, which includes representatives from dierent
funding bodies, ministries and the Austrian Research Council, expresses
the interest of these research funding organisations to nd new ways to link
research with implementation strategies and longer term planning. The
strategic accompanying project set out to demonstrate the applicability of
transition management approaches for R&D programmes by focusing on
362 Development of technology and policy

two exemplary elds of technology development: bioreneries and wood

plastic composites/biopolymers. In this chapter, we reect on the results
and experiences gained in the case study on bioreneries.



Research issues in the area of green bioreneries are addressed by several

projects funded in the Factory of Tomorrow programme. It is the hope of
the advocates of the concept of bioreneries that these technologies and
the production concepts brought together under this notion once adopted
by industry would fundamentally transform the production process of
many industrial goods. The mobilisation of scientists around the concept
of bioreneries, the subsequent establishment and support of an R&D
network, and the accompanying foresight exercises share some features
with what is described as reexive governance in the Introduction of this
book. We therefore briey describe the concept of bioreneries and its role
in Austria before we report on our experiences with sustainability assess-
ment and scenario building.

Expectations in the Concept of Bioreneries

Bioreneries are integrated systems that combine physical, chemical and/or

biotechnological processes and plants in which biogenic raw material of
dierent origins is processed into a whole range of industrial intermediates
and/or nal products.
In close analogy to other types of reneries such as fossil oil or sugar
reneries, the concept of bioreneries aims to convert in integrated
processes the complete biomass of whole plants into a whole portfolio of
products or precursors for further product lines that are free of residues.
Besides biobased materials, energy (via biogas generation) may be supplied
by this technology. The concept thus puts broader and longstanding con-
cepts such as bio-based production into concrete terms. Whole crop util-
isation and sustainable land use serve as guiding principles (in the sense of
Gleich et al. 2004) and help to create a regional community of support-
ers of such an innovation.
With the concept of bioreneries, it seems possible to substitute an
increasing share of fossil sources with material of biogenic (and potentially
regional) origin and thus increase independency from scarce sources of raw
material and volatile prices, and reduce CO2 emissions and other negative
eects on the environment. In Austria, decentralised and small-scale green
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 363

bioreneries especially are considered to be a promising and sustainable

However, despite these high hopes, it is still far from clear whether the
concept is economically feasible (in which technical conguration and with
which specic products and outputs of the plant), and how it will be inte-
grated in the wider systemic contexts of energy generation, agriculture,
landscape preservation and the production system. Consequently, there are
still major uncertainties about the potential carrier of this development in
industry and the agricultural system, and which framework conditions
(regulations, subsidies and so on) would be necessary for successful imple-
mentation of this concept.
While some success in biorenery systems research was achieved in
Europe as early as the 1980s (most notably in Germany and Denmark: see
Kamm and Kamm 2004), it was years before the rst government commit-
ted itself to concrete substitution goals. It was the US President and
Congress who rst declared in the year 2000 that by the year 2020 at least
25 per cent of organic industrial feedstock chemicals shall be provided on
a renewable basis (US National Research Council 2003). Since then, big
industrial plants have been built in the USA to produce in this way, for
example, lactic acid from maize.
At the EU level, crop-derived raw materials have also entered the political
agenda relatively recently, in 2000, with the establishment of a working group
Renewable Raw Materials (RRM) within the European Climate Change
Programme. This working group states in its report on the Current Situation
and Future Prospects of EU Industry using renewable raw materials that
EU policies and measures would be required to establish a more supportive
political framework for this industry sector to prosper in the future and
respective suggestions have been made. The report (Working Group
Renewable Raw Materials2002) identies the potential for bio-based prod-
ucts especially in the case of surfactants, polymers, solvents and lubricants.
However, bioreneries are not seen as only instrumental for substitution
strategies away from increasingly rare and expensive petrol.9 Some scholars
argue that beyond their energy and resource eciency (due to the synergetic
production and use of by-products), bioreneries will gain importance
because they will provide opportunities to produce completely new
products with qualities even beyond the important quality of bio-
degradability that cannot be produced on the basis of petrol. Of course,
to achieve these goals specic processes and organisational structures need
to be in place that comply with the characteristics of biogenic raw materi-
als (Wimmer et al. 2003, Katter et al. 1999, Kromus 1999).
Advocates of bioreneries expect them to be benecial especially for
industries and agriculture (Danner et al. 1999, Industriewissenschaftliches
364 Development of technology and policy

Institut 2001). Since the integrated processes involve demanding chemical

and biotechnical engineering processes, it is expected that biorenery
technology will be developed rst in technologically advanced regions.
Therefore, establishment of bioreneries is seen as one factor that possi-
bly countervails the shift of industrial production to countries with cheap

Bioreneries in Austria

While some research eorts were made in the late 1980s with regard to the
use of green biomass for ethanol production and use of grass bres for
paper production, research with respect to the concept of green biorenery
was only intensied in the late 1990s (Narodoslawsky 1999).
Bioreneries were promoted in Austria to begin with because of their
assumed positive impact on regional development by (1) stabilising the
current use of green land, thus keeping the landscapes open and attractive
and (2) direct impact on the economic structure of rural regions. Kromus
et al. (2004) go on:

The decentralized nature of the raw material generation for the Green Biorenery
calls for decentralising . . . This will generate jobs in rural areas thus considerably
reinforcing the economic structure of these regions as well as raising the skills of
the workforce in these regions as operating this technology needs up-to-date tech-
nical knowledge especially in the eld of chemical engineering.10

Bioreneries are predominantly seen as a mode of income generation in

rural areas:

The exploitation of grassland might have intriguing side eects like the conser-
vation of cultural landscapes and the improvement of the stay option of
farmers. Therefore interest is focused on the type of green bioreneries, using
grass from meadows as feedstock . . . In contrast to the centralized Biorenery
concepts in Europe, the Austrian Green Biorenery focuses on a decentralized
system based on grass-silage . . . with lactic acid and amino acids (proteins) as
key products from silage. (Kromus et al. 2004)

With their requirements for fundamental changes in production systems

(complex logistics, due to seasonal and distributed harvesting, respective
requirements for infrastructure, integrated production, completely new and
regionally varying product portfolios), the innovation of bioreneries
requires a systemic multi-dimensional approach. As we will see in the next
section, the complexity of the issue indeed undermines any modernist
problem-solving approach (as contrasted with reexive governance in the
Introduction to this volume).
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 365

Recent years have indeed seen extensive research activities and attempts
to set up pilot studies, which demonstrate the potential of green bioreneries
in the region of southern Styria. Before now, industry has not been inten-
sively involved in the funding of these research activities, though. Research
has thus been limited to a number of projects within the Factory of
Tomorrow programme, complemented with equity-funded activities by
several research institutions. Yet a national network of researchers and insti-
tutions interested in biorenery-related R&D has been set up and coordi-
nates research on an informal level.
The aforementioned hopes in bioreneries, which were presented mainly
by a small group of researchers, are to a large extent based on assumptions
which have not yet been claried. With respect to R&D policies the gov-
ernment agencies nd themselves in a (common) state of ambiguity. The
technologies and concepts of bioreneries might yield a high potential to
solve several problems in one go (sustainable production, income gener-
ation, landscape preservation). At the same time, it has not been assessed
at this early stage of technology development how the innovation would
impact on the broader socio-technical context, and under which conditions
this impact would be positive. So how can policy deal with promising tech-
nologies and concepts like these in an adaptive and reexive manner and
take into account the broader systemic requirements of transition
processes towards sustainable socio-technical systems?


Austrian R&D eorts to develop green bioreneries have therefore been
accompanied by a strategic project, which attempts to introduce a new level
of reection (for example, on long-term systemic eects) to policy making.
However, as we will see, the delegation of reexivity to accompanying
research projects is not without problems and does not necessarily result in
a practice of reexive governance. In the following section we rst discuss
requirements for eective measures to support technological developments
such as bioreneries and subsequently focus on a case study of managing the
transition to bioreneries by an accompanying transition management

The Quest for a Multi-level, Multi-actor Learning Process

Since bioreneries are supposed to contribute positively to a change

towards more sustainable production systems, and since they seem to
366 Development of technology and policy

foster regional development in Austria, there are a number of arguments

why governmental actors could be interested in stimulating this techno-
logical development, both by extensively funding R&D and by initia-
tives in other policy areas. However, recent developments in innovation
research and the analysis of technology policy have emphasised that such
measures fail more often than they succeed. The reason is grounded in the
fact that they underestimate the complex nature of technological innova-
tions and resulting changes at a systemic level. The success of such change
processes is highly dependent on the capacity and appropriate strategies to
manage the co-evolution of technological change along with new use prac-
tices, the reconguration of actor networks, and institutional changes.
Changes towards more sustainable production technologies, such as green
bioreneries, can therefore be best understood as gradual transformations
of socio-technical systems.
In this context, special purpose applications and niche markets often play
a very important role at an early stage and later gain more and more impor-
tance on broader segments of an economy. Such processes can lead to the
stabilisation of new technological paradigms or regimes when develop-
ments in dierent realms of society like institutional settings, markets, tech-
nologies, cultures, behavioural patterns and policy-making and policy
mutually reinforce each other. Such socio-cultural transitions are often
dened as long-term processes that can span over several decades and
nally result in changes in the socio-technical landscape in the wider sense.11
From a policy perspective, the understanding of transitions raises two
questions, namely, (1) to what extent can comprehensive and goal-oriented
transformation processes be inuenced and guided in a desirable direction
at all (that is, in the direction of sustainable development)?, and (2) what
role can and should government actually play in this process?
As the case of bioreneries illustrates, uncertainty, ambiguity and com-
plexity of future developments prevent any attempt to plan the future in a
linear fashion. Consequently, policy cannot aim at central planning and
realisation of future development paths. However, policy may focus on the
conscious implementation of structures and on the facilitation of collective
processes for the support of long-term transitions. Such policy strate-
gies need to be adaptive and reexive, to absorb frequent readjustments
according to newly emerging knowledge and changing requirements. In
order to integrate the distributed intelligence12 required for the develop-
ment of bioreneries (in research, industry, agriculture and so on), a multi-
level and multi-actor learning process needs to be initiated in society.
The involvement of a broad range of actors helps to improve the coordi-
nation and coherence of their behaviour. In particular, experimentation
and bottom-up learning processes are required to maintain the adaptive
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 367

capacity of the innovation system. An adequate approach to policy and any

methodology for such processes should therefore provide for the develop-
ment of shared problem perceptions, common guiding visions and over-
arching strategies. These elements should increase the possibilities of
convergence in the decisions and actions of the dierent actors and thus of
a successful transition in terms of certain policy goals such as the devel-
opment of sustainable production systems.
All these notions and prerequisites are condensed in a policy approach
called transition management (TM) (see Kemp and Loorbach, Chapter 5
in this volume and Rotmans et al. 2001). On the basis of this approach, a
methodology has been developed, mainly in the Netherlands, which aims
to provide the necessary framework conditions for such collective learning
and co-ordination exercise and to stimulate processes of anticipating and
formulating long-term perspectives that can serve as an orientation and
focusing device for the range of actors involved (Elzen et al. 2002). Both
the policy approach and the derived methodology have served as concep-
tual starting points and inspirations of the accompanying project on R&D
policy for bioreneries described in the following section.

Anticipating System Change: A Participative and Reexive Foresight


To gain more direction on how to manage such transition processes and

improve the strategic orientation of the Factory of Tomorrow programme,
a strategic accompanying project has been set up. This project, entitled
Transition towards Sustainable Production Systems, uses scenario
methodologies as a tool for supporting technological change towards sus-
tainable production systems.
The joint development of scenarios by a multitude of actors in the form
of visions and the development of transition paths aims to create a
common orientation for the participants and thus to increase the coherence
of the R&D eorts within and beyond the Factory of Tomorrow pro-
gramme. The scenarios shall furthermore support the development of con-
crete policy options both for technology policy and other policy areas.
In terms of methodology, the objectives of the accompanying research
project have been dened as follows:

to experiment with new methodology of scenario-based R&D strat-

egy development that are adequate with regard to the notion of
socio-technical transitions, and
to assess the potential of these methods to improve steering capaci-
ties of R&D policy and sustainability governance in general.
368 Development of technology and policy

In terms of policy support, central tasks were:

to support strategy development regarding R&D policy and its coor-

dination with other relevant policy areas, and
to encourage network/community building.

Such accompanying and applied research inevitably has a very hybrid

character: the borderlines between scientic research, research strategy
development, innovation support/capacity building and policy develop-
ment are certainly blurred.13 In other words, they tend to be transdiscipli-
nary in nature.
It is even more important to note that the project is perceived as an
experiment by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and
Technology (BMVIT). Though the project formally has the same status as
other research projects of the programme, the following aspects signal the
high attention that the ministry pays to the project. As mentioned earlier, a
board of advisers has been installed to supervise and support the advance-
ment of the project. This board is staed by the ministry, members of the
(outsourced) programme management, members of the Austrian Research
Council and an external expert who serves as an advisor to the programme
and as the head of the project selection committee.
The results of the project are expected primarily to provide a method-
ological orientation and by focusing on case studies such as bioreneries
explore transition paths for selected thematic elds that are potentially
relevant for the future development of R&D policy in relation to sustainable

The Scenario Methodology

One of the main aims of the accompanying project is to develop a level of

reection beyond the individual projects within the programme by involv-
ing programme participants (programme managers and project partners)
and other stakeholders (rms and interest groups) in a scenario-building
exercise. The intention is to create a context for relevant actors to develop
a better understanding of the system and its interdependencies and to
reect on their role within the systemic context in a joint eort. By antici-
pating systemic eects of individual strategies, the process thus shall lead
to increased coherence of individual actions and lay the ground for coop-
erative strategies and policy support.
In principle, the transition management perspective lends itself to a nor-
mative approach to scenario-building, where a single desirable scenario or
vision of the future is developed (hence normative scenario). Subsequently,
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 369

Exploratory phase Normative phase

Framework scenario 1 Image of the future 1

Selection and
specification Framework scenario 2 Image of the future 2
of transition

Framework scenario 3 Image of the future 3


policy strategy

Figure 14.1 Overview of the methodology developed for the project

a backcasting methodology is applied to identify a promising future

pathway at the levels of needs areas, transition elds and technologies.
Such an approach may be useful to help clarify goal orientations and desir-
able future states. However, it does not suciently take into account the
fact that the future is inherently open. The realisation of any future devel-
opment path, even the most desirable one, is contingent on many other
factors that are outside the inuence of, for instance, a small country like
The alternative approach constructing an exploratory scenario which
takes into account various possible conditions and frameworks for future
developments would not be appropriate, either, because it does not
suciently provide orientation with respect to sustainability objectives.
These considerations show that a simple and straightforward application
of a normative or an exploratory scenario-building methodology would
not be appropriate to the given objectives. Instead, what is needed is a com-
bined approach, which takes into account bottom-up exploratory elements
(for instance new technology options, external driving forces) with top-
down normative features implied by the sustainability-orientation of future
images. Such a combination of exploratory and normative elements has
been applied in the project.
In practice, the methodology can be described by the following ve steps.
It was implemented in the course of a series of three workshops.

1. Denition, specication and selection of transition elds: the initial

phase served to identify two transition elds to be subject to the
370 Development of technology and policy

scenario development process (see above). The status quo and current
developments within these elds have then been explored by literature
and Internet research and 1520 in-depth interviews per transition
eld. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the transition elds
and how they can be systematically represented in terms of the three
levels of analysis: (1) broad normative goal or need area, (2) transition
eld, and (3) individual technological experiment.
2. Scenario development: the following scenario development process
aimed to develop rst a set of dierent possible scenarios basically in
an explorative way by asking what is likely to happen in the future
rather than what actors want to happen. On a practical level, the par-
ticipants of a rst workshop collected important factors of impact on
the future of, for example, bioreneries. These impact factors were then
combined in plausible impact constellations and eects called story-
lines. One such storyline for example read: The industrialisation of
milk production in Austria is likely to further reduce the use of green
land for grazing, resulting in the succession of woodlands. Another
read: High political support for biogas production and respective
nancial incentives are likely to narrow the biomass feedstock left for
bioreneries. These storylines were then clustered in consistent fami-
lies, thus building the foundation of three dierent scenarios. This
methodology could be called inductive or bottom-up scenario devel-
opment as opposed to the top-down deduction of scenarios from a
variation of two or three main factors. The latter approach was used to
develop the well-known Shell scenarios on the future of energy con-
sumption and others (Van der Heijden 1996). The three scenarios of
two to three pages each were further elaborated and completed by the
project team after the rst workshop.14 It was important to ensure that
each of the scenarios could not be simply classied as desirable or not
desirable; rather each of them should demonstrate its positive and
negative aspects in order to provide a multi-faceted, plausible and at
the same time challenging image of the future. The results were sent to
the participants, who discussed and further specied them at the begin-
ning of the second workshop.
3. Sustainability assessment of scenarios: the scenarios diered of course
in terms of their overall sustainability orientation. This was intended
and is useful with regard to the deduction of policy perspectives,
because it promotes further discussion on how to move towards sus-
tainability even under detrimental conditions. The following normative
phase15 started with the selection of the most important criteria for
an assessment of the sustainability potentials of the scenarios.16 These
criteria were negotiated among the participants17 on the basis of a
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 371

pre-selection provided by the technology assessment study on green

bioreneries (Schidler 2003), which itself related to the categorisation
of sustainability principles suggested by the Helmholtz Society (Coenen
2002, Grunwald Armin et al. 2001). Six criteria were prioritised: (1) eco-
nomic feasibility, (2) creation of value within regions, (3) intensication/
extensication of agriculture, (4) overall energy consumption, (5) pre-
servation of landscape and (6) participation of the rural population. On
this basis, participants compared the three scenarios and identied
positive or problematic aspects with regard to sustainability.
4. Identication of critical developments and actions: also within each of
the scenarios, key terms and conditions could be identied which are
critical for the future sustainability of the production system. In add-
ition to these key issues, further needs for actions have been pointed out
which seem decisive for the realisation of the scenarios and for sustain-
ability potentials. A special focus has been put on a research agenda and
adequate support and network structures.
5. Policy analysis draws on these considerations in order to identify poten-
tial intervention points with respect to which policy initiatives promise
to be eective for shaping the scenario in a more sustainable direction.
In addition to policy conclusions that refer to individual scenarios, it is
also important to perform a cross-scenario analysis in order to identify
portfolios of policy options that are both robust and adaptive, that is,
they deal with dierent possible futures reasonably well. Robust policy
options are those that would have a benecial impact in all or most of
the scenarios. On the other hand, adaptive policy options are an impor-
tant element of a precautionary strategy that aims to prepare for unex-
pected negative impacts of single scenarios and to exploit opportunities
opening up at certain development stages exibly.

On average, between 50 and 60 people from relevant research institutions

(most of which are involved in projects of Factory of the Future), indus-
try and other stakeholders such as relevant nancial institutions and
government bodies have been invited to the workshops. In the case
of bioreneries, only 815 people participated, which was an initial
indication of the lack of dedication of both research and industry to this
issue. The group was dominated by researchers who represent the core
community on bioreneries in Austria, thus reecting that the technology
is still in a comparatively early stage of development. Consequently, a
major interest of the participants was the linking up with representatives
of complementary elds, especially policy making and nancing. The
workshops, however, could full the function of bridge-building between
dierent communities only to a limited extent. However, indications
372 Development of technology and policy

suggest that the scenario process could have served much more as a catalyst
if the mandate and the project budget had been larger.18

Outcomes of the Scenario Process

There are three levels of outcome that we can discern:

1. the concrete scenarios as the main product,

2. eects of the scenario process on the interaction of stakeholders
3. policy recommendations that were derived from the scenarios and the

The main product: three scenarios

As a product of this process, images of possible future scenarios regarding
bioreneries and crucial bifurcation points in such developments especially
with regard to sustainability have been described and may be useful to
several actors in the future.
The rst scenario called Made in Styria features conditions for the close
cooperation of regional actors (local industry, farmers and so on) who
realise a decentralised form of biorenery adapted to regional conditions,
strongly supported by active and integrated policies in favour of sustain-
able agriculture and substitution of fossil resources.
The second scenario named Big players push for bioreneries suggests
that trans-national companies could adopt the concept at a large scale: they
could invest in their own R&D eorts, realise big-scale centralised plants
and would probably buy standardised biomass at low prices from agricul-
ture in the wider region as well as from the international market.
In the third scenario, following the rise of bioenergy, the production
concept of bioreneries is realised as a consequence of developments in
the energy system. Due to the widespread operation of bioenergy plants
(biogas and biomass combustion) and respective infrastructures, the sep-
aration of specic biomass fractions to be processed in bioreneries for use
as chemical feedstock and use of the remaining biomaterial for energy gen-
eration could be achieved at very low additional costs.
Although uncertainty about future developments remains very high, the
scenarios at least document possible starting points for harnessing the sus-
tainability potentials identied by the actors. In the future, they may serve
as a joint reference system for the diverse actors involved in this issue.
Furthermore, such scenarios might provide a background for research
strategies towards sustainability, ranging from a broad range of exploratory
and more ground-laying research projects to applied research pilot actions.
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 373

Finally, the scenarios will help the programme management of Factory

of Tomorrow and the project selection jury to prioritise research elds and
activities by building a conceptual bridge between highly general guiding
visions and very concrete projects within the research programme.
Furthermore, these scenarios will provide a background of plausible devel-
opments and crucial bifurcation points, which have been jointly identied
by a range of actors.

Eects of the Interactive Scenario Process

The actors involved in the scenario workshops modied their views on the
subject during the exercise, for example, with regard to the probabilities of
certain framework conditions, research priorities and strategies for the pro-
motion of bioreneries. The scenario process stimulated new debates about
long-term perspectives for the transition eld of bioreneries. By giving the
participants an opportunity to reect upon the contribution and conditions
required for success of their projects, the process facilitated second-order
learning eects. A growing awareness for critical framework conditions and
necessities for a successful development of bioreneries in Austria could be
observed. The participants stated that it was the rst opportunity for them
to develop such detailed images of the future and assess strategic action
with regard to these scenarios. Although it was a rather homogenous group
of people, the scenario process was a novel opportunity to exchange views
that had not been exchanged before.
As discussed above, the scenario-building process was only partly suc-
cessful in enabling interaction between researchers and other actors outside
the R&D programme, as only few corporate actors and actors from other
policy elds participated in the workshops.

Derived Policy Recommendations

Working out policy recommendations on the basis of the scenario process

has not been completed yet. Furthermore, one has to keep in mind that the
responsible ministry (BMVIT) funded the scenario development process as
an experiment to assess the usefulness of such exercises for a better priority
setting in R&D programmes. It still remains to be seen whether outcomes
of the scenarios will actually be taken up by the research administration.
However, one can already notice that the broader picture provided by
the transition scenarios has opened up new perspectives for the further
development and research priorities of the Factory of Tomorrow pro-
gramme, which aimed to initiate transition processes towards sustainable
development from its beginning.
374 Development of technology and policy

Many participants, however, strongly suggested that Factory of the

Future was perceived as too broad and unfocused for its limited size (the
budget of the years 2001 to 2004 was 11 Million euros). Indeed, the per-
spective of transition management particularly raises the question of a
minimum size and duration of R&D funding measures in order to induce
a technological impulse eectively. The analysis of transition elds such
as the concept of bioreneries might become a useful framework for
designing R&D policy strategies in the future.
What also became very obvious in the scenario process is the fact that the
establishment of networks of heterogeneous actors for mutual learning
exercises can be very time consuming. In order to get all crucial actors
involved, such processes need to be designed in a mid to long-term per-
spective and require suciently stable framework conditions for at least ve
to ten years.
During the scenario development process, actors realised some interde-
pendencies that sound banal but were not obvious before. The innovation
of bioreneries and any local and national strategies aiming at their support
rely heavily on (1) adequate EU policies in the elds of agriculture and the
use of resources (which currently are both under fundamental revision), and
(2) a supportive framework in several elds of national and international
economic policy (namely policies on industrial, structural and regional
development). The transition management approach provided means to
dene overarching transition strategies for the eld of bioreneries, for
example by identifying complementary policy measures needed to enable
and strengthen R&D strategies to support bioreneries.
The scenarios thus made clear once again how important it is to anticipate
policy developments and research activities on the EU level when designing
Austrian policy and research agendas. They also showed how contingent any
local development may be due to these manifold interdependencies.
Moreover, these results strongly support current attempts to reintegrate
the rather fragmented Austrian science and R&D policy, which accept that
research for sustainable development is a cross-cutting issue that needs to
be addressed in inter-institutional cooperation (Paula et al. 2004).



We can now come back to the two guiding questions of this chapter:

To what extent have key elements of reexive governance been

applied in Austria in the case of the research programme Factory
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 375

of Tomorrow and more specically with respect to the case of

What elements of reexive governance turned out to be eective?
Why do they work in Austria (or why not)?

As the accompanying project goes beyond the established practices,

approaches and institutions in Austrian technology and innovation policy,
we will also look at the specic barriers that confronted these experiments
in the governance context in which Factory of the Future was designed
and implemented.
Finally, we will reect on possible impulses that could be derived from
this application with regard to the concept of reexive governance itself.

Elements of Reexive Governance in Factory of Tomorrow

Although the design and implementation process of the Factory of

Tomorrow programme certainly does not correspond to a full-edged
model of reexive governance (as described in the Introduction to this
volume), some rst steps in this direction have been taken with some elem-
ents of reexive governance. This is especially the case in the experimental
project accompanying the research on bioreneries as described in this
chapter. The following paragraphs will therefore be organised along the
main dimensions of reexive governance in order to assess both the pro-
gramme and the project.

a) Was integrated and trans-disciplinary knowledge production used?

Most of the funded research projects within the Factory of Tomorrow pro-
gramme do not specically support integrated knowledge production. They
tend to be very specic and of a predominantly technical, problem-solving
nature. However, a strong emphasis has been put in the programme design
on the cooperation of research institutions with commercial partners.
Furthermore, with the call for accompanying projects, an explicit attempt
has been made to add a more process-oriented meta level of reection to the
programme and to draw on insights from the social sciences. A further
important step on this road would be to make a broader strategic perspec-
tive and higher standards of inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary coop-
eration a precondition for the funding of projects. In this way, R&D actors
would be encouraged to integrate important stakeholders in their R&D
activities more than they currently are.
The accompanying project itself went a long way to achieve trans-
disciplinarity in the process of knowledge production. The scenario exer-
cise was intended to integrate the views of all relevant actors along
376 Development of technology and policy

the product chain of bio-based production and the expectations of

members of government with inuence on support schemes and frame-
work conditions by constructing a shared image of the system, its elements
and interdependencies.
As previously discussed, the participation in the process was limited for
several reasons. The lack of commitment on the part of government has
been identied as a crucial stumbling block in this regard. However, this is
also due to the set-up of the project, which as a research project has not
been jointly developed or agreed upon by dierent government depart-
ments and has not been adopted (or even been recognised) at a suciently
high policy level. The possibilities of departments or individuals within
government to get involved actively in trans-disciplinary knowledge pro-
duction are limited and have to be seen in the broader context of the con-
cepts of governance, which are hegemonial within a certain government,
department or political party.
However, the described scenario process had an important function as
an experiment with integrated knowledge production. If the results (despite
the limited participation) were meaningful to members of government, the
latter could use them as a case of reference for internal lobbying in favour
of more such exercises with increased government support.

b) Was there room for experimentation and were strategies and

institutions adaptive?
As mentioned before, the scenario process has been experimental with
regard to new modes of governance. Also methodologically, it has explored
new terrain and in a way carried on the attempt of an earlier technology
assessment on the concept of bioreneries (Schidler 2003), by trying to sup-
plement it and to overcome its limitations.
The three dierent scenarios have been developed to explore dierent
variants of bioreneries and to learn about dierent socio-technical path-
ways and strategies for their diusion. By combining exploratory and nor-
mative elements, the scenarios are predestined to underpin the formulation
of robust and adaptive policy strategies, that is, of strategies that are geared
towards the objective of sustainable development, but at the same time
allow one to prepare for dierent uncertain future scenarios.
However, the project, with its integrative approach, has not been initiated
by those responsible for the programme. Instead, it was initiated from
outside by interested research institutes. It thus emerged behind the backs
of governmental actors rather than being initiated or driven by them.
The programme as a whole supports the experimental search for sus-
tainability potential in the form of research projects. The expectation that
such experiments would build on one another, which would allow for a
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 377

successive development of pilot implementations within the ve-year dura-

tion of the programme (the beacon principle), was only fullled partially.
For example, several projects handed in as follow-up activities to previous
projects on bioreneries have not been approved by the jury. From the per-
spective of many aected parties, this calls into question the beacon prin-
ciple. Supposedly, shifts of priorities existed even within the short time span
of ve years, which in any case might be too short for carrying out decent
experiments and denitely for building up extensive networks for driving
socio-technical change. In general, sustainability-oriented innovation
policy is caught in a eld of tension or trade-o between adaptivity and an
experimental status of research priorities on the one hand and the require-
ments for long-term experiments and the creation of stable networks and
niches on the other hand. The appropriate time frame for experiments and
the optimal frequency of revision has not been codied yet. However,
Factory of Tomorrow is on the shorter side of the time spectrum. Readers
of the concluding chapter of this volume might recognise here a specic
form of the ecacy paradox.

c) What attention was paid to the anticipation of long-term systemic

eects of measures?
The Factory of Tomorrow programme calls for proof of the long-term
sustainability eects of new technologies, products and processes. The
programme itself, however, has been designed for a period of just ve years
and even within this time span, its budget is negotiated on a yearly basis
and thus is not entirely predictable for longer than one year.19 Reections
on the long-term eects of the programme have so far been limited in
The accompanying project paid a lot of attention to the anticipation of
long-term eects of bioreneries. The technology assessment conducted
earlier by the Austrian Institute for Technology Assessment (Schidler 2003)
explored the earliest point in time that an assessment of socio-economic
and environmental impacts can be pursued by following a modelling
approach and by carrying out a hypothetical life-cycle analysis.
The scenario process, which follows a transition approach, made
further progress towards the comparison of dierent scenarios, which in
the form of visions and transition paths created a common orientation for
the participants. This will hopefully not only increase the coherence of the
R&D eorts within and beyond the Factory of the Future programme, but
will furthermore inform the development of concrete policy options both
for technology policy and other policy areas. Ideally, the scenarios could
serve as a touchstone of policies with regard to their long-term eects on
the implementation of bioreneries and sustainability goals. The developed
378 Development of technology and policy

method thus aims to provide instruments for the anticipation of path

dependencies and avoidable lock-in situations, but at the same time
acknowledges that the eects of all measures are highly contingent due to
the complexity and intertwinement of the issues.

d) Was goal formulation an iterative and participatory process?

The Factory of Tomorrow programme incorporates several elements of a
bottom-up approach: the guidelines that accompanied the calls for pro-
posals have been rather open, for example with regard to the meaning of the
term sustainable production. Such an approach certainly helps to make
use of the heterogeneous research capacities in Austria. The programme
thus allows for an organic, iterative and shifting process of agenda setting
and for the emergence and evolution of a heterogeneous understanding of
sustainability. On the other hand, the great diversity of resulting initiatives
limits the possible impulse of the dispersed capacities to act (which are
limited after all) with regard to their inuence on ongoing transitions. Top-
down elements or mutual exercises in goal formulation, possibly resulting
in greater cohesion among the R&D initiatives, might be necessary to create
critical masses, especially in relatively small national innovation systems.
The applied scenario process itself met the challenge of contested con-
cepts of sustainability by asking the participants of the scenario process to
develop their own specic denition of sustainability in the form of crite-
ria that they considered most crucial with regard to the development of
Participatory exercises attempting to assess scenarios with regard to sus-
tainability goals have to nd pragmatic compromises between two
extremes. It might be impossible to dene and select specic criteria of sus-
tainability in a really participative, profound and innovative way, owing to
limitations of resources such as time and the patience of participants. On
the other hand, avoiding the invention of the wheel all over again by using
any common set of sustainability criteria is of course also methodologic-
ally problematic.

e) Was a broad range of contributors involved in strategy development?

Factory of Tomorrow strongly promotes the cooperation of research insti-
tutions with commercial partners based on the expectation that they will
jointly develop marketable sustainability solutions. These two realms,
however, are not sucient from the perspective of socio-technical transi-
tions, which also involve end users and policy makers, to name just two. The
scenario-building process actually revealed two things at the same time.
First, it clearly demonstrated how widely distributed the capacities are
that are needed to realise concepts like bioreneries. Second, it became
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 379

clear how dicult it is to mobilise these actors towards the joint eorts of
strategy development and implementation (that is, how demanding it is in
terms of time, money and legitimacy). The experiences lead us to conclude
that R&D policy can only exert a major impact on long-term socio-techni-
cal transitions towards sustainable production if it is implemented in the
context of a broad participatory process. Compared to these requirements,
the resources for the experimental project on bioreneries denitely were
not sucient to trigger anything like a transition process. Further and more
substantive steps would be needed to initiate joint and coherent eorts of
the dierent parties involved.


Although the described experiment that included elements of reexive

governance was conducted in a challenging context with regard to partici-
pation and reexivity, it has shown promising results and perspectives
for further renement of the Factory of Tomorrow programme. After all,
the notions of socio-technical transitions and transition management
have proven to be very productive for creating greater coherence among
the actors representing singular research projects, industrial investment
and public policy, especially in the process of participatory scenario devel-
opment. It would thus be advantageous for the continuation of the
Factory of Tomorrow programme if the results of the example scenario
development process were convincing enough to trigger similar processes
in other elds.
Furthermore, we believe that the participative development and assess-
ment of socio-technical scenarios on such promising and yet ambiguous
issues such as bioreneries could help overcome an overly technical orien-
tation in many other research programmes which also aim at sustainable
development. In general, the consideration of integrated transition strate-
gies seems to be a very promising element of R&D programmes enabling
them to create closer links between technical developments, social and
organisational changes, and policy-making for sustainability.


The described accompanying project is supported by the Austrian research

programme Factory of Tomorrow (an initiative of the Austrian Federal
Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, BMVIT), which is
gratefully acknowledged.
380 Development of technology and policy


1. The development of bioreneries is furthermore predestined for exemplary accompany-

ing research (with regard to Austrian R&D policy) because of its following features:
(1) a high potential for fundamental, systemic change in wide segments of the produc-
tion system, (2) a relatively young phase of transition (still experimental, with potential
for early pilot implementations), (3) high economic relevance (for Austria), (4) sucient
linking up of actors, (5) relevant research capacities (in Austria), (6) actors with sucient
contact with partners around Europe, (7) the existence of potential lead actors.
2. Especially green bioreneries, which use green biomass such as grass, clover and so on,
as feedstock.
3. See for instance Whitelegg 2004 where the diculties of policy coordination between
transport, transport technology and innovation policy are analysed.
4. For more details see and
5. There is one exception, see the last footnote to the chapter and
6. Again, these specications framed the problems in a rather techno-centric way and thus
encouraged the often narrowly dened and specialised character of the projects funded
within the programme.
7. Further 17.2 million will be provided for four planned calls in 20047.
8. Green bioreneries are one of three main types of bioreneries, the other ones being
Lignocellulose feedstock bioreneries (using, for example, wood) and crop/wheat reneries
(using e.g. maize and wheat), the latter of which are closest to economic viability.
9. Bioreneries in this sense are expected to benet from advancements in biotechnologi-
cal production, which becomes economically competitive in more and more production
10. See also Soyez and Pfeer (1999).
11. See for further details Rip and Kemp (1998) and for an extensive case study Geels (2002).
12. See Kuhlmann (2001) for an introduction to the concept of distributed intelligence.
13. However, it has to be said that such heterogenous objectives on a multitude of levels hold
the danger of conicting role models for those carrying out such projects, having to be
researchers and facilitators and somehow evaluators and policy advisors at the same
14. All three scenarios shared the same structure in nine chapters headed as follows:
(1) abstract, (2) nucleus of network development, (3) land use and resources, (4) politi-
cal context and support, (5) R&D strategy and policy, (6) role of industry, (7) products
and qualities, (8) technological features and scale, and (9) external factors.
15. Naturally, the explorative and normative elements of these phases cannot be completely
separated, for example, some normative bias cannot completely be ruled out during the
explorative phase.
16. This was necessary, because the programme does not provide an operational denition
of what is sustainable production that could be applied on the scenarios (see Section 3.2
on the programme).
17. Some participants had diculties accepting this distinctive normative approach of the
project and argued from a fundamental position in favour of hard forms of sustain-
ability (will something allow mankind to survive or not?) instead of comparing scen-
arios against relative sustainability criteria. This might have been eased by clarication
beforehand. However, the diculties of such participatory exercises relating to the term
sustainability should not be underestimated.
18. Anonymously lling out a questionnaire after the third workshop, seven participants
stated uniformly that they considered the format, methodology and organisation of the
workshops as adequate, but that three days are too much of an investment especially
for commercial parties. A refund of expenses would have at least partially eased this
barrier. Also time and money for intensive networking beyond the R&D community
was not available within the projects budget. Various participants mentioned that one
reason they gave the workshops low priority was that they did not perceive nor expect
The transition towards sustainable production systems in Austria 381

a strong commitment of the ministry to change governance in accordance to the

projects results.
19. This means for example, that by November 2004 the budget allocation for the year
2005 has not been decided upon and subsequently when there will be further calls for
20. See the mid-term evaluation of the programme (Paula 2004, presented in detail on 12
October 2004 in Vienna), which aimed to evaluate the long-term eects of the pro-
gramme, but was limited in scope.

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15. The transformation of agriculture:
reexive governance for
Franziska Wol


The sustainable transformation of agriculture has become a major issue

of debate in the past decades. Agriculture placed between societal expec-
tations and the requirements of a globalising production chain, the eects
of agricultural industrialisation on the environment, on rural develop-
ment and society as a whole are some of the dimensions discussed here.
One aspect frequently neglected is plant and animal breeding and the
maintenance of biological diversity in agriculture (agrobiodiversity).
These very foundations of agriculture and food production have been
increasingly eroded.
To a great extent, agrobiodiversity loss is the consequence of unreexive
governance. Specically, it can be considered an unintended feedback of
an earlier problem-solving strategy namely the post-war policy of food
security that aimed at alleviating food scarcity. This strategy massively
promoted the industrialisation of agriculture, rst in developed nations
(for example through the EC Common Agricultural Policy) and later in
developing countries (in the Green Revolution). A number of seemingly
petty side eects lead to a far-reaching loss of agrobiodiversity: high-
yielding plants and high-performing animals crowded out local crops
and livestock, the spread of tractors decreased demand for traditional
workhorses and for the cultivation of oats, the mechanisation of slaugh-
tering and processing demanded standardised livestock, and so on.
Agrobiodiversity loss thus can be considered a second-order problem
(Jahn and Wehling 1998) to the extent that it is at least partly caused by
eorts to solve (other) problems. These eorts are characterised by the
aws of modernist governance an unbalanced technical problem
denition (food scarcity as result of backward technologies) formed on
the basis of highly specialised agro-engineering knowledge; the goals2 of

384 Development of technology and policy

the new, centralised paradigm dened in administrative and industrial

headquarters; mega-strategies3 designed without regard for adaptability
pushed through by an internationalising agroindustrial complex. The con-
sequences were never systematically anticipated.
This chapter portrays agrobiodiversity loss as a sustainability problem
and presents strategies for the reexive governance of the conict.
According to the structural denition of sustainability problems laid out
by Vo and Kemp in the Introduction to this volume, agrobiodiversity loss
is a sustainability problem since rst, breeding and the maintenance/use of
agrobiodiversity are characterised by a tight interaction of social, techno-
logical and ecological factors. Second, the problem denition is socially
contentious and introduces divergent scientic analyses and uncertainties
as regards the scope as well as the exact consequences. The irreversibility of
agrobiodiversity loss and path dependencies in breeding put additional
pressure on the social denition of goals and strategies, which revolve
around conicting poles: strong versus weak sustainability, long-term risk
avoidance versus short-term productivity increase, ex-situ conservation of
genetic resources versus on-farm and production-oriented development of
agrobiodiversity. Steering potential is widely distributed between dierent
economic actors, social groups and policy elds on the national, EU and
international levels.
A complex constellation like this requires reexive governance. Some
approaches to participatory and transdisciplinary research into agrobio-
diversity exist. The ecosystem approach that was developed within the
Convention of Biological Diversity constitutes an important political
framework for the systematic integration of diverse knowledge sources in
agrobiodiversity management. It also provides guidelines requiring the
adaptivity of strategies and institutions in agrobiodiversity management.
While to date, there are hardly any mechanisms to anticipate long-term sys-
temic eects of action strategies, various approaches to participatory goal
formulation and interactive strategy development do exist. Among these,
Farmers Rights aim at farmer involvement in national policy formul-
ation, while participatory breeding and community seed banks address
decentralised and democratic control of (genetic) resources. The conclu-
sions elaborate practical problems of reexive governance and some of
their structural causes as well as ways to overcome these.


The dramatic decrease in agrobiodiversity represents a constantly worsen-

ing global problem (FAO 1996, 1993). Agrobiodiversity is that part of
The transformation of agriculture 385

biodiversity in the context of agriculture that contributes to nutrition (agri-

cultural crops, productive livestock), to livelihoods (by delivering raw mate-
rials, medical plants, animals used for transport and so on) and to the
maintenance of habitats. The term comprises several dimensions: the
genetic diversity between and within crop varieties and livestock races/lines,
the diversity of species and of agroecosystems.4 Agrobiodiversity is the
result of human interaction with nature through breeding and farming. It is
also the result of (a specic mode of) governance that is, of specic soci-
etal patterns to solve the problem of food and raw material supply. This
mode is characterised by the diversity of agricultural management prac-
tices and the encompassing socio-economic organisation (Brookeld 2001;
Almekinders et al. 1995).5

From Riches to Risk

The loss of agrobiodiversity is an insidious problem. The majority of the

world food supply today is based on only 10 cultivated plants (FAO 2000).
It is estimated that the plant genetic resources (PGR) that are presently
actively cultivated represent only 25 per cent of the worldwide diversity
which was in use at the beginning of the twentieth century. While in the
Global South a great deal more plant genetic diversity and traditional vari-
eties are still available on-farm (GTZ 2000), in industrial nations like
Germany the disappearance of species, plant varieties and gene complexes
(genetic erosion) is estimated to reach up to 90 per cent (TAB 1998). Low
variability in crop rotation and a high standardisation of management
practices are associated with these trends.
The situation is similar for farm animals. The FAO warns that two farm
animal races are lost on average per week. Approximately half of the breeds
present in Europe at the turn of the twentieth century have disappeared
forever. In Germany, of at least 35 original cattle breeds only ve have
endured. The everyday use of almost all species is dominated by very few
breeds. Just 14 out of the about 30 domesticated mammalian and bird
species provide 90 per cent of human food supply from animals (FAO
2004a). Within these species in use, only a very few races and lines domi-
nate. Holstein Frisian cattle, for example, have spread globally and on a
large scale.6 In turn, within this race only a very few top bulls dominate and
produce up to a million descendants.

Social, Technological and Ecological Interlinkages

Structurally, agrobiodiversity can be seen as the result of socio-ecological

transformation, that is, a process of co-evolution of social, technological
386 Development of technology and policy

and ecological structures. As opposed to wild biodiversity, agrobio-

diversity (for the most part) is characterised by close interaction between
human action and natural material systems or processes. The diversity
of productive livestock and crops is the result of a century of human
breeding eorts based on locally dierentiated resources. It reects the
diversity of agricultural production systems, of regional nutrition habits,
of even aesthetic preferences reected in breeding7 and of socio-cultural
Agrobiodiversity is inseparably linked to the use and utilisation of crops
and livestock by humans. Whereas in the case of wild biodiversity, leaving
it alone suces to sustain it, the maintenance of agrobiodiversity requires
its active utilisation in agriculture. In short, to survive, crops and livestock
need to be eaten up. Furthermore, the development (and partly also the
destruction) of agrobiodiversity is closely related to human knowledge of
cultivation and husbandry as well as the emergence of dierent breeding
techniques and technologies. They range from the discovery of the
Mendelian laws to the development of articial insemination, multiple
ovulation, embryo transfer, hybrid breeding, gene transfer, and so on.
Modern technologies often either allow for an extremely targeted selection
of individuals, genotypes8 and alleles9 or promote their broad suprare-
gional dissemination (Wetterich 1999: 45).
Another crucial factor in the shaping of agrobiodiversity is the devel-
opment of food processing technologies. The industrialisation and stand-
ardisation of wheat milling, chicken culling or fruit packaging, for
example, have sped up the reduction of the crop and livestock diversity in
agricultural use as well as the intraspecic genetic diversity of those crops
and animals bred. Globalising agricultural commodity markets and the
homogenisation of habitats by means of machinery, irrigation, fertilisers,
pesticides and pharmaceuticals makes it superuous in breeding to take
account of dierent regional conditions. Native varieties and breeds are
substituted with high-yielding universal crops and breeds (FAO 1996: 13,
FAO 1993) that no longer need to be adapted to natural conditions like
climate or soil but depend strongly on external inputs. Finally, agricultural
policies and legal provisions such as breeding law and intellectual prop-
erty rights (IPR) regimes partly have contributed to agrobiodiversity loss
(Wol 2004a). For example, in order for a plant breeder to receive a Plant
Variety Protection right, the variety needs to show a high degree of uni-
formity.10 The economic desire to identify a variety as a precondition for
granting an IPR to its breeder thus promotes genetic erosion (Crucible
Group 1994).
The transformation of agriculture 387

Impacts of Agrobiodiversity Loss

Why is agrobiodiversity loss problematic at all?

First, the loss of locally adapted, robust varieties and races has an
impact on the surrounding eco-system and wild biodiversity. Their substi-
tution by genetically homogenous high performance crops and animals
(kept in high-tech sheds) necessitates unecological inputs such as fossil
energy, fertilisers and pesticides, feed supplements and pharmaceuticals.
Although the plants and animals frequently have lower productivity
regarding specic traits, their protection is still valuable. Among other
reasons, the crops and breeds frequently possess qualities that are impor-
tant for low-input, sustainable agriculture.11 Generally, agrobiodiversity
loss undermines the foundations of future breeding as breeding options
are narrowed down, and with them the possibility to adapt to future chal-
lenges such as climate change.
Second, agrobiodiversity loss has economic impacts. Monotony in the
elds increases vulnerability, for example, to climate stress, insect pests and
diseases that can devastate a uniform crop, especially on large plantations.12
Similarly, the lack of genetic diversity among farm animals impedes adap-
tation to diseases, parasites, or variations in the availability and quality of
food. Thus, agrobiodiversity loss increases the economic risks for farmers
and the food business (Thrupp 1997).
Finally, there are substantial social impacts. Agrobiodiversity, along with
soil and water, secures the existence particularly of smallholder and sub-
sistence farmers. It is also the foundation of world food security (FAO
1996: 6).13 Other social impacts range from the general relationship of
humans with nature to the loss of knowledge connected with agrobio-
diversity. Gender relations are also implicated. As breeding, animal hus-
bandry and plant cultivation become more high-tech operations and are
carried out mostly by men, traditional subsets of peasant women activity
are being devalued.



After having outlined the material dimensions of agrobiodiversity loss, in

the following section I introduce the structural dimensions of agrobio-
diversity loss as a governance problem. First, research on agrobiodiversity
is characterised by dispersed knowledge clusters and uncertainties. Path
dependencies are typical in agrobiodiversity management. In addition,
severe social conicts exist with regard to the denition of goals and
388 Development of technology and policy

means in agrobiodiversity maintenance. Finally, governance capacities are

widely scattered along the production chain and within dierent societal
subsystems, which makes it dicult to tackle the problem eectively.

Complex Systems Dynamics

Heterogeneity of knowledge and the need for integration

Agrobiodiversity loss implies challenges to knowledge integration on (at
least) the following three levels.
The rst level refers to problem identication. For a long time, the loss of
agricultural biodiversity was not the focal point of biologists who dealt pre-
dominantly with wild ora and fauna; from this perspective, agriculture was
seen as a foe rather than as the creator of (parts of) biological diversity. Genetic
erosion especially was an issue that breeding scientists and agronomists
tackled rather than biologists. Apart from the need to accommodate these
dierent general perspectives, scientic observations referring to the dierent
levels of analysis (ecosystem, species, genetic diversity) need to be consoli-
dated. This implies that diverse scientic approaches need to be integrated
which specialise in the dierent levels and which have diering basic assump-
tions and targets of explanation: approaches of ecology, taxonomic
systematic biology and population genetics (see Hertler, 1999; Perlman and
Adelson, 1997).14 In addition to this, an integration of the more practical
knowledge of breeders, farmers, veterinarians, gene bank sta and so on will
widen the scope of problem identication. For example, it might highlight the
constitutive role of local knowledge in adapted forms of sustainable use.
The second level of knowledge integration refers to the identication of
problem causes and eects. Here, accounting for the multitude of drivers
and impacts of agrobiodiversity loss requires a transdisciplinary analysis:
it includes scientific knowledge from different disciplines and the applied
knowledge of stakeholders. The complexity of the subject matter and the
multi-causality of the problem call for specialised disciplinary expertise on
the one hand, and for a strong integration of disciplinary perspectives on
the other hand to account for overlaps and avoid blind spots. The topic
needs biological or agronomist knowledge to analyse the loss of plant and
animal diversity competently, to assess causes such as breeding, farming
and processing-related technologies and to anticipate ecological/agricul-
tural eects. Economic expertise is necessary to understand the inherent
incentives in reducing diversity within the innovation system (breeding),
agriculture, the production chain and trade. Legal and social science know-
how helps to understand the regulatory and institutional drivers of agro-
biodiversity loss as well as the supporting socio-cultural practices and
discursive strategies. Practitioners knowledge is indispensable to ground
The transformation of agriculture 389

the sometimes theoretical disciplinary knowledge and steer it into produc-

tive directions. It is also necessary for identifying the problem perceptions
and interests of stakeholders that are associated with the causes of the
problem and its eects. Such comprehensive and structurally diverse
knowledge is necessary to eventually make practical policy recommenda-
tions or to intervene in social/political opinion-forming.

A core element of the agrobiodiversity problem is uncertainty and lack of
reliable knowledge.
The rst diculty is to measure the exact extent of the loss. As a con-
comitant of the diversity of analytical levels of analysis (ecosystem, species,
genetic diversity) and of scientic approaches (see above), there is a lack of
widely accepted indicators.15 Also, data availability varies depending on
which level of genetic diversity is to be described. Diculties arise even at
the apparently unproblematic level of recording the numbers of species,
races and varieties.16 Assessments of the various components are con-
ducted separately and without an integrated evaluation of agricultural bio-
diversity as a whole. These limits to scientic analysis imply uncertainty
about the full scope of agrobiodiversity loss.17
The second dimension of uncertainty relates to the consequences of
agrobiodiversity loss and to risk assessment. In major ignorance as to the
value of agrobiodiversity (and of biodiversity in general), and partly even
as to its functions,18 interactions and causal relations, it is unclear what
specic impact the decline of agroecosystem, species and genetic diversity
will have (CBD 2000a: 92). This applies to ecological impacts as well as to
economic costs and socio-cultural consequences. Plausible evaluations of
the risks and dangers can be made (see above). It is for example undis-
putable that agrobiodiversity loss diminishes options for future breeding
and agriculture. However, there is no way to take informed decisions on
which parts of agrobiodiversity, which races, populations, lines and vari-
eties, eventually genotypes, genes and alleles are worth maintaining and
which are not. This decision depends on normative evaluations as well as
on information about future needs that cannot be known at present: about
tomorrows diseases, nutrition needs, consumer demands, possible envir-
onmental events and agricultural development paths, and so on. The uncer-
tainty inherent in the agrobiodiversity problem suggests the use of the
precautionary principle as a reexive governance strategy.
A third dimension of uncertainty relates to the eects of political inter-
ventions. The complexity of ecological, economic and social eects makes it
dicult to determine what side eects agrobiodiversity conservation and uti-
lization strategies might cause. On the one hand, agrobiodiversity strategies
390 Development of technology and policy

can have unintended impacts in the social and economic realm, and they can
even cause negative feedback within agrobiodiversity itself.19 On the other
hand, non-agrobiodiversity policies have ambiguous eects on agrobiodi-
versity. One case in point is trade liberalisation. A reduction of trade-distort-
ing domestic support (subsidies) might lead not only to agricultural output
substitution, but also to input substitution and to output price impacts. It is
very hard to assess which impact will predominate, to disentangle short-term
from long-terms eects, to assess their direction and relative magnitude and
therefore also their eects on agrobiodiversity (CBD 2003a). For instance, the
reduction of domestic support might lead to a decline in the application of
fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals and thus indirectly promote the
use of more crop varieties as a means to reduce risk of pests. It might also have
a countervailing impact, because production pressures lead to technological
changes that induce further specialisation like mono cropping.

Path dependencies
Path dependencies in the eld of agrobiodiversity loss exist both in biolog-
ical terms (relating to the problem itself) and in economic and political
terms (relating to the societal capacity of reacting to the problem).
First, agrobiodiversity loss is irreversible. Once a species, race, line,
variety etc. has died out, certain paths abruptly end. In other words, the
plants and animals can no longer be used, either in breeding, agriculture,
in landscape maintenance, or for hobby or any other purpose. A process of
path-closing also takes place when a breed or variety is exclusively pre-
served ex-situ in gene banks. Important knowledge about the animals/
plants characteristics, utilisation, about the genetic materials traits and
substances of content, are lost, rendering the further utilisation of the
animals and plants unlikely.
In economic terms, innovation dynamics aect the maintenance of agro-
biodiversity. There is an incentive for breeding companies to work with
those genetic resources that have already been successfully developed into
high-performing products by previous breeders or with which they them-
selves have experience. By means of their investment, breeders design a
path. To the extent that knowledge is accumulated and breeding progress
advances, the productivity and economic attractiveness of other varieties,
lines, races or populations that are not developed, decreases (Wol and
Petschow 2004). Thus, the potential for the adaptation of crops and live-
stock (and implicitly of mankind) to future requirements is lost.
Finally, political path dependencies prevent a transformation of unsus-
tainable farming practices and breeding strategies: For decades, the high-
productivity, low-sustainability practices have been subsidised. The
subsidies and the respective agricultural alignment have been pushed
The transformation of agriculture 391

through by tight policy networks of farmer associations, the agribusiness

industry, academic research and national agricultural ministries, as well as
the EU Commissions DG Agriculture. In Germany, as a spearhead of
agricultural modernisation that assembles some 90 per cent (!) of all
farmers, the Farmers Association20 is well represented in the administra-
tion (despite a Green Party agriculture minister 20012005), in political
parties and their parliamentary groups, in legislative committees, advisory
boards and so on (Fhrer 1997). The associations top functionaries are
mainly big farmers that have proted most from the agroindustrialisation
strategy and the EUs subsidy system. Other functionaries come from the
agrochemicals, breeding, biotechnology and other agribusiness industries,
ensuring their inuence on the farmers organisation. In an eort to build
winning coalitions, agribusiness at the same time appoints leading
farmers to their boards of directors or managers (Anderegg 1999: 76f).
Small and alternative farmers upholding sustainable practices have not
proted from these coalitions, and yet fail to organise themselves power-
fully. Organic farming is taught at only a few agricultural faculties, and the
issue of agrobiodiversity is addressed at even fewer universities. Research
funds for agricultural biotechnology, which is presented as a (contentious)
technocratic solution for agrobiodiversity loss, almost doubled the federal
budget for conventional agricultural research in 2002. In the breeding sci-
ences, a veritable process of delegitimisation of non-molecular approaches
is taking place (Wissen 2004a).
In the policy-making process at the decisive EU level,21 the European
Parliament still plays only a consultative role in the Common Agricultural
Policy and its budget procedure. It has not been able to oer much resis-
tance to the agroindustrial thrust by the Member States and the European
lobby network that was created previously.22 Against this backdrop, it is
dicult to depart from a path trodden in the 1950s: the agroindustrial inter-
ests penetration of knowledge production, agenda setting and policy-
making hampers change.

Contentious Denition of Strategic Goals and Means

The goal of agrobiodiversity protection as a contribution to sustain the long-

term viability of socio-ecological systems is entangled in a web of diverging
paradigms of sustainability, of conicting values, goals and means.
Most actors in the debate refer to the overall goal of sustainable develop-
ment. This stands to reason, since agrobiodiversity loss has consequences for
future generations, erodes the foundations of agriculture and closes devel-
opment paths. However, opinions are divided on whether intergenerational
justice (WCED 1987) requires the preservation of natural capital (agrobio-
392 Development of technology and policy

diversity), or whether man-made,23 manufactured or human capital can at

least partly substitute for natural capital. This goes back to the well-known
discussion of strong versus weak sustainability (Pearce and Atkinson 1995).
Thus, agrobiodiversity preservation in the sense of weak sustainability is
dispensable, as long as the savings that result from non-preservation are
invested, for example in biotechnological progresses, agricultural or gene
bank infrastructure, etc.
If the intragenerational aspect of sustainability is examined, another line
of conict appears: the weighing up of agrobiodiversity protection against
another evident sustainability goal, namely the reduction of world hunger
in a growing world population. The costs of agrobiodiversity maintenance
are confronted with the resources needed to ght hunger. Above all, pro-
ponents of a productivity-driven food security strategy argue that only with
the help of high-yielding crops and high-performing livestock, ultimately
with intensive and export-oriented agriculture, can we get a grip on hunger
(IFPRI 2001; ASSINSEL 1997). This line of argument however, ignores
the essential function of agrobiodiversity for preserving food security (FAO
2000). In the view of many critics, there is no genuine goal conict between
food security and agrobiodiversity protection (Grandin 2003; etc group
2002; ITDG 2002; Thrupp 1997). Rather, there is a dissent in short-term
versus long-term orientation, partly overshadowed by economic interests.
Beyond dissent about goals there are conicts of means as how to best
reach the goals. Most dominant approaches do not regard reexive
processes but instead focus on substantive policies (see Table 15.1). Some
approaches predominantly consider existing, old plant and animal genetic
resources (strategies A and B in the Table), others set in with the develop-
ment of new agrobiodiversity. The first set of strategies can be distin-
guished by their stress on ex situ24 conservation (strategy A) versus the
on-farm25 use of the genetic resources (strategy B). The ex situ strategy
does not allow for dynamic adaptation of the existing material and is a
mere insurance against loss. The latter set of strategies C.1 and C.2, tar-
geted towards developing agrobiodiversity, by aiming at changes either in
current breeding strategies (C.1) or additionally in a transformation of the
wider agricultural production chain (C.2). Within the breeding-oriented
approach, the most contentious option proposed is certainly the use of
biotechnological methods, particularly of recombinant DNA techniques in
the case of plants. While parts of the research sector and especially big
transnational seed breeding corporations consider the introduction of
agronomic traits into plant varieties, the adding of well dened valuable
genes (ASSINSEL 1996; von Brook 2002: 5) an enhancement of agrobio-
diversity, others reject this approach (IW et al. 2004a). One reason is the
fear that it might ultimately promote further homogenisation of genetic
Table 15.1 Ideal types of (non-reflexive) approaches to agrobiodiversity maintenance

Conservation of Use of agrobiodiversity Development of agrobiodiversity
agrobiodiversity (A) (B) (C.1, C.2)
Object Protection of existing plant and animal Development of Protection of
genetic resources new varieties and existing plant and
lines/individuals animal genetic
Development of

new varieties and
Development of
more diverse
Implementation Ex situ conservation On-farm use Technology-oriented Sustainable
transformation of transformation of
breeding: Introduction breeding28
of new traits through within agricultural
genetic engineering production chain
Table 15.1 (continued)

Conservation of Use of agrobiodiversity Development of agrobiodiversity
agrobiodiversity (A) (B) (C.1, C.2)

Segment of Post-production: Informal sector Innovation system: Innovation and

production Genebanks/cryo- (conservation Breeding sector production system:
chain aimed at conservation initiatives, hobby Breeding sector
Botanic gardens, gardening etc.) agriculture (on-
open air museums Partly: agriculture farm), product

(e.g. organic farming), development,
niche markets processing,
awareness raising
Scope and thrust Segmental Segmental Segmental Holistic
Static Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Risk orientation Insurance Precaution Risk Precaution

Source: Compilation by author

The transformation of agriculture 395

material (Graner 2003; Vangen 2003). In addition, the incalculable risks of

genetic engineering stimulate a more fundamental criticism of this path
(Grain 2004).26 While Table 15.1 systematises dierent approaches to the
maintenance of agrobiodiversity in an ideal, typical way, in reality those
approaches partly overlap.27

Dispersed Governance Capacities for Strategy Implementation

Sustainable transformation generally depends on drawing on governance

capacities distributed between dierent geo-political levels, functional
domains, and actors. In relation to agrobiodiversity in particular, steering
potential is widely distributed between dierent economic actors, policy
elds, and social groups, as well as over the national, EU and international
In the economic sphere, it is breeders, farmers, the processing industry,
food retailing, and nally end consumers like households and the gastron-
omy that inuence the demand for agrobiodiversity. Typically, most actors
in the production chain feel they have no leeway for promoting agrobiodi-
versity. Breeders argue that they have to align their breeding targets to the
demands of farmers and industry; farmers opt for the standardised high-
productivity crops and livestock since these promise to raise low incomes;
food processors and retailers need standardised agricultural inputs to
minimise operating expenses and to be able to oer cheap foodstu to
buyers a goal that has been politically supported for decades. Product
dierentiation might be a business edge, however, it is restricted to the end
product; as long as there is no specic consumer demand of a relevant size
it is cost-eective to keep the number of dierent raw materials (crops, live-
stock) at a minimum. On the other hand, end consumers, even if they have
the respective awareness, stand little chance to put through their demand
against the standardising eects of breeding, production and retail. In the
end, actual economic pressures or unfavourable incentives work against
agrobiodiversity. Cooperation along the production chain could help sta-
bilise expectations and develop niche markets.
In politics, the traditional place for dealing with genetic resources is
ministries of agriculture. Yet for a long time, those establishments were
not responsive to the issue,29 and frequently keep showing a narrow,
production-oriented problem perspective. Environmental administrations
on the other side often only cover the issue of wild biodiversity. A number
of further policy elds have the potential to aect agrobiodiversity positively
or negatively: rural development, regional and tourism policy, consumer
protection and development cooperation, trade and intellectual property
law. They all pursue dierent primary goals, work according to dierent
396 Development of technology and policy

kinds of logic and possess unequal strength to assert themselves in the policy
The multi-level structure of national, EU and international policies
further complicates things for governance that favours agrobiodiversity.
Some examples: eorts of the German redgreen government to introduce
a harmonised budget line on genetic resource grants were thwarted by con-
servative State (Lnder) governments. A facilitated registration procedure
of conservation varieties cannot be introduced by EU Member States as
long as the Commission delays the creation of an important implementa-
tion guideline. Multilateral provisions on plant genetic resources for food
and agriculture could only be introduced after seven years of tough nego-
tiations under the auspices of the FAO. Conicts of interest, as well as
inter- and intra-institutional friction and negative coordination practices,
are crucial reasons for such multi-level complications.
Similarly, in the social realm, it is dierent groups like environmentalists,
seed networks, hobby gardeners, or NorthSouth activists whose activities
touch on the issue of agrobiodiversity, but who do not necessarily have the
explicit goal of sustaining it. It will therefore be hard to mobilise them for
collective action.


It is assumed that problems characterised by the governance problems out-

lined above can be tackled more eectively by reexive strategies. Reexive
governance is characterised by the building up of capacities for social
learning and responsive modulation of ongoing processes of change (Vo
and Kemp, this volume). Thereby, it takes into account the features of sus-
tainability problems: the complexity of interlinked social, technological
and ecological development, the heterogeneity of knowledge, and uncer-
tainties as regards dynamics and eects of interventions. Reexive gover-
nance recognises path dependencies, conicting and changing societal
value systems and goal denitions as well as the distribution of control and
governance capacities between dierent actors, geographical levels, and
functional domains.
This chapter introduces selective approaches to reexive governance in
the eld of agrobiodiversity preservation and development. It has to be
stressed, however, that elements of reexive governance such as integrated
knowledge production, adaptive strategies, instruments for an anticipation
of systemic eects, participatory goal formulation, and interactive strategy
formulation (Vo and Kemp 2004) are still rare in national and interna-
tional agrobiodiversity governance.30
The transformation of agriculture 397

Integrated Knowledge Production

Sustainability problems require an integrated perception of the problem, its

causes and potentially successful intervention strategies. To reach this goal,
knowledge production needs to draw upon dierent disciplines and societal
actors. In the eld of agrobiodiversity, some attempts of participatory
and transdisciplinary research exist. In addition, the ecosystem approach
adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity gives a conceptual
basis to integrated knowledge production in the eld of agrobiodiversity

Participatory and transdisciplinary research

One aspect of integrated knowledge production is the inclusion of practi-
cal or stakeholder knowledge. Over the past two decades, participatory
research on (mainly plant) genetic diversity has developed (King 2000).
The context was and still is predominantly in development projects and
in CGIAR-related research on farming systems in the global South.31
Motives for the spread of participatory research were both the recognition
of the importance of farmer knowledge as well as experimentation within
formal agricultural and scientic research. The main areas of participatory
research are participatory plant breeding (see below),32 and on-farm con-
servation. Farmer participation is crucial here, as on-farm conservation is
based upon those crops that are of value to farmers, and as it makes use of
farmer management skills (Jarvis et al. 1998). In situ and on-farm strate-
gies are only successful to the extent that reseachers can correctly identify
the factors aecting farmers decisions to maintain local cultivars and can
develop means to support their continued selection. A typical problem of
participatory methodologies in scientic research has been the conict
between researchers and community knowledge systems. Participation
requires increased acceptance and respect of alternative forms of know-
ledge, as well as a willingness on the part of researchers to accommodate
and integrate dierent modes of perception into Western scientic para-
digms (King 2000: 3).
Another form of integrated knowledge production is transdisciplinary
research. Like participatory research it is both application-oriented and
directly involves practitioners, but in addition covers a broad range of dis-
ciplines. An example of this form or knowledge production was the research
project Developing agrobiodiversity (which constitutes the basis of this
chapter).33 The project aimed in a practically oriented way at contributing
to the understanding, problematisation and mitigation of agrobiodiversity
loss as a real world (not merely academic) problem. It involved agricultur-
alists, veterinarians, ecologists, social scientists, economists and lawyers,
398 Development of technology and policy

from both research institutions and practical backgrounds, in a very inte-

grative and comprehensive research exercise.34 It took the project team
some months to develop a joint problem perspective successfully (IW et
al. 2004a), thus coming to grips with one of the major challenges of trans-
disciplinarity. Still, disciplinary and working backgrounds sometimes were
strongly felt. Beyond scientic outcomes, the project resulted in a stake-
holder conference, which for the rst time in Germany brought together
major actors beyond the usual suspects, ranging from FAO representatives
and NGOs to multinational breeding companies and retailers. It helped to
build up the discourse on agrobiodiversity loss, which is still underdevel-
oped in industrialised countries.

The ecosystem approach I: integrating diverse knowledge sources

A comprehensive framework for integrative knowledge production and bio-
diversity management has been elaborated by the parties of the Convention
on Biological Diversity (CDB).35 The so-called ecosystem approach is
a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living
resources.36 By framing the management of living components alongside
economic and social conditions, the CBD ecosystem approach goes beyond
most existing ecosystem concepts (Golley 1993). It aims to integrate the
ecological, economical and social sphere. Modelling ecosystem manage-
ment as a social process, decision-making and management structures are
at the heart of the approach. The starting point is the insight into funda-
mental uncertainty: Ecosystem processes are often non-linear, and the
outcome of such processes often shows time-lags. The result is discontinu-
ities, leading to surprise and uncertainty (CBD 2000b). While traditional
resource management perceives Nature as a pool of resources supplying
economic goods and services which can be used, depleted and controlled by
man, the ecosystem approach, in its 12 principles and ve operational
guidelines, recognises natures dynamics and complexity, thus denying any
straightforward controllability and unproblematic resource extraction.
Integrated knowledge production37 and adaptive management (see below)
are recommended as appropriate means to cope with complexity, uncer-
tainty and conicting as well as changing social goals.
A number of the approachs principles address integrated knowledge pro-
duction. First of all, there is a call to consider all forms of relevant inform-
ation, including scientic and indigenous and local knowledge, innovations
and practices (Principle 11). The implications for ecosystem management of
dierent world views based on dierent knowledge systems are explicitly
recognised (CBD 2003b: 54). Principle 12 demands to involve all relevant
sectors of society and scientic disciplines. The complexity and potential
side-eects of biodiversity management do not necessitate only multidisci-
The transformation of agriculture 399

plinary scientic expertise. Since conserving, maintaining, using and restor-

ing ecosystems is accompanied by costs and benets, the interests of all rel-
evant sectors should be taken into account. In addition, the decentralising
of management to the lowest appropriate level is propagated (Principle 2) in
order to make better use of local knowledge, involve stakeholders and
balance local interests with the wider public interest. One desired impact
of knowledge integration eorts is that ecosystem managers can better
consider (actual or potential) eects of their activities on adjacent and other
ecosystems, as required by Principle 3.
The ecosystem approach represents an ideal framework for integrated
knowledge production. However, its implementation in the eld of agrobio-
diversity needs to be promoted. Though the ecosystem approach has been
transferred to agriculture and agricultural research (among others within
the FAO; see Cooper 2003, Settle 2003), many of the projects conducted
under this heading still neglect the dimension of knowledge integration
(FAO 2002).

Adaptivity of Strategies and Institutions

Socio-ecological transformation features uncertainties it is always unclear

whether a problem-solving strategy will indeed have the desired impact, or
whether it produces unforeseen side eects. The problem itself might
undergo changes as well as the societal objectives regarding its solution.
Reexive governance needs to react to these contingencies by way of exible
strategies and monitoring. In agrobiodiversity policy, the precautionary
principle and adaptive management as embodied in the CBDs ecosystem
approach can promote the adaptivity of strategies and institutions. While
the precautionary principle provides guidelines for preventive problem
treatment and thus creates opportunities for strategies to be adapted in time,
adaptive management establishes feedback loops in problem treatment. It
thus institutionalises the precautionary principle.

The precautionary principle and on-farm maintenance

The precautionary principle, as recognised in the environmental policy of
many Western countries as well as the EU, prescribes the preventive pro-
tection of people and the environment from risks and dangers. It demands
preventive action, above all, where scientic uncertainties exist and where
there is concern over possibly irreversible consequences. The precautionary
principle is the basis of the adaptivity of strategies and institutions.
For the preservation of agrobiodiversity, precaution means preventing
genetic erosion in the rst place (IW et al. 2004a: 10f). This can be
achieved by countering the current streamlining of breeding strategies.
400 Development of technology and policy

Diversity automatically emerges when breeding is re-oriented from the uni-

versal use of crops and breeds towards their regional adaptation to natural
habitats. It demands active agricultural (that is, on-farm) use of numerous
(and genetically diverse) crops and livestock breeds and their marketing.38
Preventing agrobiodiversity loss therefore also requires rebuilding an agri-
cultural production system and upstream39 and downstream40 sectors so
that they allow for diversity for plenty of potato and diverse grain
varieties, for the fatty pork of the Swabian Hall saddleback and a native
lentil variety, in the elds and pastures, in food processing, and in the super-
markets. While economies of scale and corporate concentrations generally
reduce such diversity, agricultural multifunctionality and the marketing of
regional specialities are only a few factors that increase it. Precautionary
strategies need to be bolstered by monitoring trends of agrobiodiversity
loss and by researching more intensely its driving forces, risks and costs,
along with possibilities for its use and utilisation. Finally, society (that is,
consumers and producers) needs to be sensitised to the issue.
Mainstreaming the issue in education, in agricultural training and amongst
the general public is, thus, a further element of a precautionary strategy.
To date, the precautionary principle (if at all) is mainly applied with
respect to on-farm maintenance. The example of biosphere reservations
and the GIAHS project shall shed some light on the practice. Biosphere
reserves according to UNESCOs guidelines promote sustainable eco-
nomic and human development in addition to biodiversity conservation.
This is to be achieved by adapted resource management and land use pract-
ices.41 This goal qualies biosphere reserves for the in situ and on-farm
management of old varieties and rare breeds, particularly if they stem
from the region. A successful example is the biosphere reserve Rhn in
Germany. Within an integrated regional development and tourism concept
a native sheep breed (Rhn Schaf) was re-introduced and is now being
commercially marketed. In the biosphere reserve Schorfheide-Chorin in
northeast Germany, the use of plant genetic resources has been promoted
in collaboration of a state agency, a gene bank, local farmers and an NGO
(VERN 2003).42
In contrast to biosphere reserves, the GIAHS Project of the FAO on
Globally Important Ingenious Agricultural Heritage Systems tries to main-
tain rather than re-establish adapted resource management practices.
Starting o with some ten pilot sites, the project serves both global aware-
ness raising and safeguarding the selected agricultural systems with their
rich autochthonous agrobiodiversity and innovative management practices.
Furthermore, the capacity building of local farming communities is fore-
seen. Participatory elements shall warrant the projects responsiveness to
local needs (FAO 2003).
The transformation of agriculture 401

The precautionary principle as yet is a concept rather than an empirical

model. The element most frequently practised is on-farm maintenance.
However, projects and policies commonly do not reach out to the upstream
and downstream production sectors. Among other things, this is due to
conicts of goals and interest when the wider orientation of agricultural
policies is put into question.

The ecosystem approach II: adaptive management

The ecosystem approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
not only lays the foundations for integrated knowledge production but also
adopts adaptive management for agrobiodiversity maintenance. Adaptive
management was rst developed as a resource management tool in the
1970s (Holling 1978). Various versions have been drawn up, which all go
back to the idea that management must proceed even if not all necessary
information is available and not all eects of management measures are
foreseeable. Management to a certain extent becomes an experiment, and
learning is its core objective.43 This requires a combination of management,
research, and monitoring. It also calls for responsive management and
political structures, that is, a design to overcome institutional barriers.
Within the CBD ecosystem approach, the concept of adaptive manage-
ment is taken up by various principles. Very basic, Principle 1 states that
management is a matter of societal choice. As societal preferences vary
over time, ecosystem management needs to adapt to changing demands.
Subsequently, management must recognise that change is inevitable
(Principle 9): As ecosystems change, management also has to change.
Adaptive management needs to anticipate change and be cautious in
making any decision that may foreclose options, but, at the same time,
consider mitigating actions to cope with long-term changes. In addition,
an operational guideline elaborates on the use of adaptive management
practices. It stresses the need for learning processes and monitoring, for
structures designed to adjust to the unexpected and for exibility in
policy-making and implementation.44
One relatively simple form of adaptive management in genetic resource
maintenance includes Farmer Field Schools (FFS). They are based on a
season-long community-based learning methodology that is applied
mainly in developing countries. Originally developed in Integrated Pest
Management, it has been adapted to the management of plant genetic
resources. Farmers are guided through eld experiments to discover poten-
tial solutions to their eld problems (Dung and SEARICE 2003). A core
element includes experimental eld studies that are designed and conducted
by the farmer group, where varieties are evaluated, seed is rehabilitated, and
preferred varieties are crossed and selected. Farmer Field Schools have
402 Development of technology and policy

proven to strengthen farmers management, conservation and development

of their crops, and skills and material are spreading quickly (ibid: 343).

Anticipation of Long-Term Systemic Effects of Action Strategies

In order to prevent negative impacts on agrobiodiversity or even lock-in

eects caused by action strategies, it is necessary to anticipate and assess
indirect and long-term consequences of interventions. To date, there are
no such anticipation instruments. While instruments to monitor the status
and anticipate trends of agrobiodiversity do exist45 or are envisaged,46
none of the existing anticipation instruments examines the agrobiodiver-
sity impacts of other policies, that is, causeeect relations. For the future,
however, agrobiodiversity issues should be considered in scenario eorts
or foresight studies as they are occasionally conducted in most policy
elds. Also, the agrobiodiversity needs to be integrated into instruments
like Environmental or Sustainability Impact Assessments (EIAs, SIAs) and
Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs). These instruments then need
to be applied to projects, programmes, plans and policies in the realm of
agriculture, food, biotechnology and development aid.

Participatory Goal Formulation and Interactive Strategy Development

As outlined by Vo and Kemp (in this volume), successful approaches to socio-

ecological transformation consistently require social agreement on goals.
Such sustainability cannot be dened objectively and cannot be substituted
by scientic decisions as they involve subjective risk perceptions and value
trade-os. At the same time, socio-ecological transformation demands
the interaction and collective action of diverse stakeholders, for example along
the production chain and between political, economic and social actors. In the
context of agrobiodiversity politics, the concepts of Farmers Rights, partici-
patory breeding and community-based resource management are approaches
to participation and interaction in goal and strategy formulation. The inter-
national law concept of Farmers Rights supports the involvement of farmers
in national policies relating to plant genetic resources, thus making possible
participatory goal formulation. Participatory breeding includes farmers in the
strategic development of breeding goals. It also increases democratic and
decentralised (that is, varied) control over genetic resources. This is also the key
impact of community-based forms of resource management.

Farmers rights
The concept of Farmers Rights was rst developed in the conict between
developing and developed countries on the question of access to genetic
The transformation of agriculture 403

resources and intellectual property rights (IPRs). FarmersRights were meant

as a countervailing right to classical IPRs, valuing the knowledge system and
breeding contribution of local farming communities (Girsberger 1999).
Though still rather indeterminate,47 Farmers Rights are now codied in the
International Seed Treaty (ITPGR)48 signed in 2001. Apart from provisions
on the protection of traditional knowledge and the sharing of benets arising
from the utilization of plant genetic resources, Farmers Rights include the
right to participate in decision-making at the national level on matters related
to the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and
agriculture.49 Though the implementation of Farmers Rights is entrusted to
the nation states, their codication puts pressure on national administrations
to make possible participatory strategy formulation. Participation might
range from the denition, elaboration, and execution of PGR policies to the
design and management of state breeding or research programmes. In a wider
interpretation, Farmers Rights require nation states to strengthen farmers
participation beyond formal channels. This would mean providing them
information, resources and rights in relation to genetic resources, to render
their participation in goal formulation processes eective.
While the democratic nations of the North, with their established
channels of interest aggregation, mostly declare no necessity to establish
further means of farmer participation, there are major challenges here, too.
Apart from the conventional farmers and breeders unions that are still priv-
ileged in many countries, participation should include alternative and eco-
logical associations as well as NGOs that are active in the conservation of
underutilised varieties. In order to enable a more interactive and integrative
strategy formulation, the circle of participants may even be extended to envi-
ronmental NGOs, associations of hobby gardeners, grocers associations,
biosphere reserve sta, representatives of the food industry and of distribu-
tive trade, regional/eco-tourism and gourmet associations. Informational
and nancial barriers to eective participation need to be removed and the
participation of women to be promoted. Facilitating the farmers voice is
particularly necessary in the biotechnology debate, with genetically modied
organisms posing a new threat to agrobiodiversity. Generally, it is necessary
to develop rights for livestock keepers and breeders in analogy to the crop-
related Farmers Rights (Khler-Rollefson and Wanyama 2003: 58f).
An example of participative strategy development in Germany was the
drafting of the National Technical Programmes on Plant and on Animal
Genetic Resources (BMVEL 2002, 2003). In both cases, the administration
involved conventional breeders and researchers as well as alternative actors.
The result of the consensus-driven eorts includes two overall ambitious
plans of action. However, one of the reasons for achieving consensus was
the absence of redistributive issues. Since the programmes do not dispose
404 Development of technology and policy

of their own budgets, decisions had less explosive force. Their implemen-
tation is subject to a budget salvo.

Participatory and decentralised breeding

A special form of goal formulation in dealing with agricultural biodiversity
is the setting of breeding goals. Here, participatory breeding facilitates
farmers stake in breeding and can increase the inuence of consumers, too.
To date, this approach prevails in the plant sector (Participatory Plant
Breeding/PPB, Participatory Varietal Selection/PVS), though there are
some projects on participatory livestock development, too.
To varying degrees, PBB and PVS make possible the inuence of farmers
in the analysis of local crop diversity, the setting of breeding goals, parent
selection, variety release and distribution (Sthapit et al. 2003, Eyzaguirre
and Iwanaga 1996). In informal seed systems, these approaches have
become a customary practice which has established itself as FAO policy, too.
They are based on the assumption that diversity may be both conserved and
improved through cooperation between farmers and breeders/researchers.50
Participatory breeding creates diversity, because local requirements are
taken into account and also due to farmers multi-purpose perspective in
goal-setting and selection, decentralised on-farm testing, and the skill
enhancement of the farmer breeders.
Participatory breeding, or respectively breeding by farmers, is almost
unknown in developed countries. This is due to the special restrictions
of highly industrialised and specialised agriculture: for the majority of
livestock species the stages of breeding, raising/hatching, and keeping
are organisationally separated from each other. Moreover, many high-
performing animals are hybrids, that is, inbred lines that cannot pass on
their performance characteristics. Farmers cannot reproduce them, at least
not without signicant losses in performance. In the case of chicken (layers)
for example, farmers who decided to breed their own, commercially pro-
ductive breeds would fail: the genetic resources of layer breeds are in the
hands of very few transnational breeding companies. This is dierent with
respect to cattle, where farmers still have the opportunity to breed them-
selves. Plant breeding also underlies specialisation and division of labour.
Increasingly, intellectual property rights or biological protection systems51
prevent even the replanting and adapting of seed by the farmer. Peasant
participation in breeding is not only a promising path to locally adapted
development and use of crops/livestock, but at the same time increases
democratic resource control by those who actually work with the result-
ing crops and animals (Wissen 2004b). Local adaptation is created with the
help of the knowledge of local requirements imparted by experienced indi-
viduals. These forms of adaptation stand no chance when the denition of
The transformation of agriculture 405

breeding goals is standardised by large breeding companies for nationwide

or even international cultivation. The exact forms in which farmer partici-
pation or farmer breeding could be organised in specialised agricultural
systems are dependent on the individual plant or animal species and must
be consolidated further (IW et al. 2004a, Wiethaler et al. 2000).
Two German examples illuminate options of collaborate breeding in the
case of (biodynamic) plant breeding. The Association for Biodynamic
Vegetable Plant Breeding (Kultursaat) is a network of farmers, breeders, a
seed company and an umbrella association. Based on the farmers experi-
ence of crops and cultivation methods, plant breeding, the care of plants,
their propagation, the testing of new varieties and maintenance is returned
to farmers themselves. New vegetable varieties generated from the breed-
ing programmes are either registered directly or given to breeders/farmers
in other regions for adaptation to dierent growing conditions. To date,
over 20 new varieties have been registered and are commonly owned
(El-Hage Scialabba et al. 2002). A slightly dierent approach is pursued
by the Cereal Breeding Research Centre in Darzau. This organisation
breeds and passes on dynamic populations (not homogenous varieties) to
farmers who then develop farm-adapted varieties from the material
(Mller 1999).

Resource management by communities and networks

A practice that is presently widespread (mostly) in developing countries is
the community management of genetic resources. While participatory
breeding aims at selection, community seed banks (CSB) focus more on the
self-organised exchange and storage of seed. They are operated through a
seed exchange network and managed by a group of local people who ensure
seed supply, maintain the ex situ conservation, and enhance access and
availability of locally adopted crops and varieties.52 Community seed banks
institutionalise exchange mechanisms common at an individual level,53
thus helping to protect plant variety as a common property resource
(Rengalakshmi et al. 2003). The continued existence of this common pro-
perty resource is the basis for decentralised and self-determined goal for-
mulation of breeding farmers. At the same time, community seed banks
have eectively supported food security.
In the industrialised world, the loss of regionally adapted varieties and
the wide abandonment of seed replanting due to intellectual property rights
and biological protection systems prevent such approaches. However, there
are private seed exchange networks that oer non-registered varieties
(Dreschegel 2003, VEN 2004, VERN 2003) albeit for legal reasons this
is restricted non-commercial use. Consequently the seeds cannot play a
major role within the agricultural production system.
406 Development of technology and policy

Beyond seed exchange networks, environmental co-operatives have

evolved in the Netherlands that embark on community management of
natural resources. The co-operatives are innovative associations of farmers
at the local or regional level, which promote activities related to sustainable
local agriculture and rural development. Though not explicitly concerned
with the diversity of species, breeds and crops in the elds and barns, activ-
ities on landscape management, organic farming or the production of
quality regional foods at least indirectly inuence agrobiodiversity. The co-
operatives emerged in the early 1990s in response to the crisis of high-tech
agriculture, concerns over the deteriorating public image of farming and,
most of all, the increasing number of environmental regulations of the
government (van der Ploeg and Renting 2002: 225). They did not only con-
tribute to the building of new institutional relations between the state and
agriculture, but successfully reduced pollution, enhanced nature manage-
ment and diversied economically. For the future, environmental co-oper-
atives could be a favourable environment for more explicit attempts of
sustaining agrobiodiversity.


Approaches to reexive governance in agrobiodiversity policy are only just

evolving, as is the policy eld of agrobiodiversity itself. In relation to inte-
grated knowledge production, participatory research is more common in
developing countries than in the North, and transdisciplinary approaches are
still rare. A promising development is the knowledge integration by way of the
ecosystem approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which
however still needs to be put into practice in agrobiodiversity management.
This applies to the adaptive management approach, too. The precautionary
principle may serve as another helpful and well accepted guideline to induce
preventive action and thus to enhance indirectly the adaptivity of strategies.
Generally speaking, so far, on-farm maintenance of neglected crops and
animals (if on a small scale) has been implemented as one dimension of the
precautionary principle; the dimensions relating to breeding goals, to the pro-
duction chain and to awareness rising still need to be translated into public
policy. While procedures to anticipate long-term systemic eects of action
strategies are as yet non-existent, there are several approaches to participatory
goal formulation and interactive strategy development: the abstract concept
of Farmers Rights (implemented among others by way of farmer consulta-
tion), participatory breeding and collaborative resource management. Here,
too, developing countries, which still have informal seed systems, are ahead
a head start that might deteriorate as agricultural modernisation carries on.
The transformation of agriculture 407

The eects and outcomes of these reexive strategies vary. Participatory

research and breeding provide more consumer (farmer) oriented, local
solutions but are partly also used to enhance farmers acceptance of high
yielding modern breeds. Adaptive management as applied in Farmer Field
Schools steps up applied knowledge, learning and ownership. Participation
in policy processes, as in the drafting of the German technical programmes
on plant and animal genetic resources, has proven fruitful both with regard
to ambitious target setting and to the fortication of an alternative
problem perception. However, participatory policy-making is devaluated if
its results are not put into practice. This might be the case if participation
is only granted as an alibi, or if implementation funds are lacking as in the
case of the German Technical Programmes on genetic resources.
Collaborative resource management not only builds social capital but also
helps secure collective goods like agrobiodiversity and food security
which is crucial when the state does not provide the necessary assistance.
Practical problems met in the implementation of reexive governance in
agrobiodiversity policy range from lacking awareness to lacking political
support and lacking funds. It is no coincidence, however, that these
resources tend to lack: in many European/Western countries a decisive
obstacle is the still rather rmly established network of hegemonial
actors that was built up after the Second World War. This iron triangle
of agribusiness lobby, agricultural administration and parliamentary com-
mittees which is characterised by a more or less consistent technocratic
vision of agricultural development has shaped the EU Common
Agricultural Policy and captured national institutions. With overproduc-
tion costs soaring and food scandals like the mad cow disease piling up,
the power of the agroindustrial network has slowly started to dwindle.
Still, a paradigm change towards sustainable breeding meets tough resis-
tance as it would imply recognition that commercial breeding and the
modern breeding sciences (embedded in an industrialised agricultural pro-
duction chain) have critically contributed to a sustainability problem. This
recognition would implicitly devaluate the knowledge, breeding suc-
cesses, self-conception and nally the legitimacy of the sector. Alongside
this immaterial devaluation, the material redistribution of resources would
have to be expected, alarming vested interests and conservative forces. In
order to further develop reexive governance in agrobiodiversity mainte-
nance, paths need to be studied and developed into how to deal eectively
with such resource and legitimacy conicts. In order to overcome antago-
nistic actor constellations, new players need to be strengthened and
windows of opportunity opened. New actors with a direct or indirect
interest in agrobiodiversity for example are organic farmers. Windows
of opportunity could be institutional incentives for income prospects in
408 Development of technology and policy

eco-tourism and agro-tourism or in speciality marketing (for example,

labels, geographical indications or certicates of specic character for agri-
cultural products).
Having applied the reexive governance concept to the problem of agro-
biodiversity loss and the transformation of agriculture, what insights can be
drawn from this for an assessment of the reexive governance concept itself ?
First, it is necessary to distinguish between the analytical framework pro-
vided by the concept and the prescriptive assumptions inherent in it.54
Regarding the analytical framework that is, the set of parameters and their
interrelations established for the analysis of sustainability problems the
emphasis of the complex interdependence of societal, environmental and
technological developments (co-evolution) and of the respective logic of
dierent systems proves to be extremely helpful in gaining a realistic under-
standing of agrobiodiversity loss. Realistic here means to become aware of
the heterogeneous dimensions of the problem,55 instead of slicing out one
particular perspective.56
With respect to the prescriptive assumptions of the reexive governance
concept (that is, the strategy elements recommended) it is the problem
identication and investigation part (system analysis) that is most con-
vincing. Strategies such as promoting integrated knowledge production,
designing adaptive strategies and institutions, and introducing mechanisms
to anticipate long-term systemic eects are approaches that have proven
their value in many problem elds. However, as the example of agrobio-
diversity politics substantiates, they have so far been implemented only very
selectively. This brings us to the other two strategy requirements, namely
iterative participatory goal formulation and interactive strategy develop-
ment. Two questions arise: (1) Will the required strategies (ranging from
new forms of system analysis to participatory goal formulation and imple-
mentation) really be implemented? And (2) if implemented, will they suce
to bring about fundamental societal transformations?
Regarding the rst question, the perspective of the reexive governance
concept seems to be slightly regulator-biased, assuming that state actors are
equipped with political will and are merely ghting against dispersed gov-
ernance capacities. However, agrobiodiversity politics is one additional case
where we nd that governments are depreciating sustainability goals against
other public goals. Therefore, we need to consider options of how politi-
cal will can be strengthened. It might be fruitful to amend the regulator
perspective from a bottom-up perspective, and examine, for example, under
what conditions political pressure and the discourse strategies of civil
society actors and social movements succeed, what role new actors entering
the arena can play, and so on. Regarding the second question whether the
recommended strategies will suce to pave the way for a more sustainable
The transformation of agriculture 409

transformation there are some well-known aws of participatory methods

that need to be worked on. For example, participatory processes as strate-
gies to overcome political deadlocks are known to meet their limits when
decisions aect third parties (not in my backyard politics).57 Participatory
goal formulation and interactive strategy implementation might also under-
deliver when, in the course of fundamental transformations, deep societal
conicts break out: conicts of objectives, values, and identities, repro-
duced in power-moulded societal discourses.
While value trade-os are treated in the analytical framework of the
reexive governance approach, the strategic recommendations do not
tackle their consequences on the implementation and success of reexive
strategies. Here, the concept could be further developed. A closer look at
power imbalances and their impact on value trade-offs might help to avoid
the impression that problem treatment is considered merely a matter of
better institutions and procedures. It might actually be more adequate to
think about governance as conict regulation rather than as problem


1. This chapter is based on results of a research project Developing agrobiodiversity

impulses for sustainable crop and livestock breeding (,
commissioned by the German Ministry of Science. Parts of the text refer to project pub-
lications (IW et al. 2004a, 2004b). Special thanks to my colleagues Miriam Dross and
Regine Barth for their helpful comments.
2. In Europe: agricultural/food self-suciency, low food prices, protection of a number of
agricultural products against world market competition, adaptation of farmer income
to income levels in industrial sectors.
3. Such as promoting rationalisation, specialisation and concentration of farming,
development of the processing industry; scientication and mechanisation of agricul-
ture; deliberate uncoupling of agriculture from the natural environment by encourag-
ing use of chemical inputs; creation of huge integrated markets in the EU; intense
regulation and protection of these markets through a tight-knit web of productivity-
oriented subsidisation.
4. These dimensions of agrobiodiversity are analogous to the customary denition of
wild biodiversity (see Wilson 1992; Doherty et al. 2000).
5. This chapter focuses on planned agrobiodiversity (Vandermeer and Perfecto 1995), as
opposed to the associated agrobiodiversity of wild relatives, pollinators, symbionts,
pests, parasites, predators, competitors and neighbouring habitats that also have a func-
tion for agriculture.
6. By the same token, 66 per cent of the mothers of European fattening pigs are crosses of
the Large White and Landrace breeds. Only three companies supply the entire world
with laying chicken lines, which primarily lead back to the one breed, the Leghorn.
7. It was aesthetic, not agronomic preferences that were decisive among other things, in the
colouring of Bentheim Black Pied and Andalusian Spotted pigs.
8. The genotype is the specic genetic makeup (genome) of an individual. It acts as a code
for the phenotype of that individual.
410 Development of technology and policy

9. Allele are dierent versions of the same gene that cause dierent specications of a trait.
10. Article 5 (iii) and Article 8, UPOV Convention (UPOV 1991).
11. Such as disease and pest resistance, adaptation to harsh conditions and poor quality feed.
12. Famous examples of economic disasters spring from genetic monoculture such as the
nineteenth-century Irish potato famine and the US pest Corn Leaf Blight in 1969.
13. Food security means a state when all people, at all times, have physical and economic
access to sucient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food prefer-
ences for an active and healthy life (FAO 2004b).
14. In the recent past, distributive conicts have intensied between these approaches as
research grants and resources for professorships are being channelled into molecular
biology and genetic engineering, while subjects like taxonomy and ethnobotanics are
being neglected (BMVEL 2002: 11; Swiss Biodiversity Forum 2002: 10). Severe losses of
basic knowledge impend, threatening not only the monitoring of taxa but also prevent-
ing research and development of management strategies.
15. For example, with the help of methods and indicators of molecular biology, genetic
variability become visible in cases where other approaches identify a high degree of
16. For instance, the taxonomic classication of genetically heterogeneous land races is
somewhat arbitrary.
17. For an impression of the opposing assessments compare, for example, Smale (1997),
ASSINSEL (1996) against, for example, Thrupp (1997), Vellv (1993), Fowler and
Mooney (1990).
18. Such as the ecosystem services provided by agricultural biodiversity.
19. An example: state aid for the cultivation of old cereals (Emmer, Einkorn) in Austria led
to unfair competition with non-subsidised Emmer and Einkorn in Germany, thus ham-
pering their locally adapted cultivation and breeding in the neighbouring country.
20. Deutscher Bauernverband (DBV).
21. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was established in the European Economic
Community as early as 1957.
22. However, in the meantime the EP has a say in some specic agrobiodiversity matters as
they fall under the heading of health and consumer politics with an EP co-decision pro-
cedure. In the 1990s, the EP successfully pushed for the rst major EU initiative on agro-
biodiversity, Directive 1467/94/EC on genetic resources in food and agriculture.
23. Interestingly enough, agrobiodiversity may count both as man-made and as natural
capital. In the logic of the sustainability sciences and their capital forms typology,
however, it is more to the point to interpret agrobiodiversity as natural capital.
24. Conservation outside natural habitats or agricultural use, that is, in zoos, botanical
gardens and above all in gene banks and by cryo-conservation.
25. The actual cultivation and husbanding, respectively, of crops and livestock.
26. In this case, the conict of means overlaps with a conict of values.
27. This applies especially to the use strategy and the more holistic of the two development
28. As opposed to the technology-oriented transformation of breeding, the envisaged
changes in breeding aim at widening the breeding targets, and at reducing the universal
spreading of genotypes/genetic traits, etc.
29. The FAO on the international level is an exception.
30. For an account of the conventional, predominant structures of agrobiodiversity gover-
nance, see Wol (2004b), IW et al. (2004b), Raustiala and Victor (2004), Kameri-
Mbote and Cullet (1999), Bragdon and Downes (1998).
31. CGIAR is the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, an associa-
tion of public and private members supporting 16 research centres worldwide, founded
in 1971. Within the reseach process, farmers have been involved in various stages,
ranging from the initial documentation of genetic diversity and associated indigenous
knowledge (for example, Sandoval-Nazarea 1994) to the identication of methods to
assist the continued selection and maintenance of local cultivars (for example, Godbole
The transformation of agriculture 411

32. The delimitation between participatory research (knowledge production) and participa-
tory breeding (strategy implementation) is in practice not always easy to draw.
33. The background of the project commissioned by the German Ministry of Science is a
highly innovative ministry programme on socio-ecological research. The programme is,
however, under political pressure to stand its ground. As elsewhere, transdisciplinary
research is rather the exception than the rule in the German research scene.
34. The loss at dierent levels of agrobiodiversity was empirically shown for wheat, chicken
and pigs in Germany. Breeding-related, economic, legal and political driving-forces as
well as the dominant societal discourses were identied. See
35. The CBD is an international treaty on the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity
and on the fair and equitable sharing of benets arising out of the utilisation of genetic
resources. It was adopted in 1992 at the Rio summit and has 188 parties to date.
36. An ecosystem as understood in the CBD means a dynamic complex of plant, animal
and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a
functional unit (Article 2, CBD). Unlike the understanding of habitats, this denition
does not specify any particular spatial unit or scale.
37. A forerunner for this perspective may be seen in the literature on agroecology (Altieri
1987). With its broad perspective on optimising not the production of commodities but
the agroecosystem as a whole it shifted the emphasis in agricultural research away from
disciplinary approaches towards multidisciplinary research on complex interactions
among and between people, crops, soil and livestock.
38. Only by this can the risks linked to agrobiodiversity loss be avoided and the ecological
and agricultural benets of agrobiodiversity realised. Also, by using agrobiodiversity,
on-farm adaptivity of breeding and farming strategies to changing environmental
requirements is in-built.
39. Breeding.
40. Processing, retailing, and marketing.
41. The dierent functions of biosphere reserves are reected in dierent protection zones:
core areas are devoted to long-term protection; in buer zones, only activities compati-
ble with the conservation objectives can take place; in an outer transition area sustainable
resource management practices are promoted and developed. Stakeholder participation
in designing and carrying out the reserves functions shall be provided for (UNESCO
42. However, the nancial basis of the projects is notoriously unstable.
43. Essential steps of adaptive management are the assessment of a problem, the design,
implementation and monitoring of management, its evaluation and adjustment.
44. Despite the value of these principles for agrobiodiversity maintenance, the ecosystem
approach within the CBD has not been applied in an integrated way to issues of agri-
cultural biodiversity so far (Dec. VII/11, Annex II). While this is at least partly put down
to the fact that agriculture is practised largely on lands under private ownership (ibid.),
it might also mirror the comparatively low perception of agricultural biodiversity within
the CBD.
45. For example, the State of the Worlds Plant Genetic Resources Report (FAO 1996) or the
FAO Domestic Animal Diversity Information System.
46. For example, the measurement of eective population sizes in livestock populations in
Germany (BMVEL 2003).
47. In the context of the (non-binding) International Undertaking on Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture (IU), the FAO Conference in 1989 dened Farmers
Rights as rights arising from the past, present and future contributions of farmers in
conserving, improving, and making available plant genetic resources, particularly those
in the centres of origin/diversity (Res. 5/89). As pledge to the recognition of Breeders
Rights the FAO member states recognised Farmers Rights. However, a substantive
denition of those rights was not made. It was envisaged that the realisation of Farmers
Rights should ensure a ow of benets from the use of plant genetic resources, to
farmers and their communities. FAO Resolution 3/91 therefore laid down that Farmers
Rights will be implemented through international funding on plant genetic resources,
412 Development of technology and policy

which will support plant genetic conservation and utilization programmes, particularly,
but not exclusively, in the developing countries. More radical proposals strived for
developing Farmers Rights into some form of property rights equivalent to Plant
Breeders Rights. Both Agenda 21 (1992) and the Global Plan of Action for the
Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture (1996) mention the objective to realise Farmers Rights.
48. International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
49. Article 9.2, ITPGR.
50. Another rationale of PVS and PBB is the experience in developing countries that new
varieties from national or international breeding programmes meet with low acceptance
by farmers.
51. Hybrid breeds, and in future potentially GURTs (Genetic Use Restriction Tech-
nologies), too.
52. Seeds are distributed on a loan basis and recovered after harvest.
53. Though the introduction of high-yielding varieties and commercial crops has aected
the availability of the seeds of traditional cultivars in developing countries.
54. See Table 1.1 in Vo and Kemp Chapter 1, this volume: while the middle row provides
the analytical framework (specic problem features), the bottom row establishes pre-
scriptive strategy requirements.
55. For example, development of breeding technologies, division of labour and scientication
of agriculture, emergence of the environmental and animal welfare movements, change
of the farmers role in modern societies, seed regulation, nutrition-consciousness,
farmers self-determination vs. dependence on multinational agribusiness, NorthSouth
distribution of biological diversity and of the technology to make use of it, the specic
contribution of women to agrobiodiversity maintenance, international trade politics, the
value but lacking remuneration of traditional knowledge, risk awareness in society,
scientic discourses and curricula, rural development and global food security.
56. For example, reducing agrobiodiversity loss to a breeding problem.
57. This could be the case for example when participatory national policies on the transfor-
mation of agriculture have negative impacts on the global South.

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16. Reexive governance: a view
on an emerging path
Jan-Peter Vo, Ren Kemp
and Dierk Bauknecht

This concluding chapter is more than a summary of the arguments pre-
sented in the preceding chapters. One could say that we take a reexive
approach to the theme of the book. We reconsider the ideas from the
Introduction in the light of the ideas it has prompted in the chapters.
In this way, we can rework a concept of reexive governance that incor-
porates feedback from theoretical as well as more practical areas of appli-
cation. This feedback promotes learning with respect to the concept of
reexive governance. Experiences that are gathered on the basis of
reexive governance reproduce and modify the conceptual framework and
shape further experience they are an example of conceptual structura-
tion, to paraphrase Giddens (1984/1986). This concluding chapter can
thus be seen as a view on an emerging path of thinking and practice in
societal governance and problem solving.1
We proceed by rst discussing the relationship between sustainable devel-
opment and reexive governance in more depth. Here, the initial hypothe-
sis from the Introduction becomes substantiated by evidence from the
chapters. Sustainable development serves as a label under which a funda-
mental transformation of governance, in the context of reexive modern-
isation, is politically negotiated. Seen in this light, sustainable development
is indeed more than an empty phrase; it is both a symptom and a catalyst
of what Beck (1994) describes as reexive modernisation.
A second point is a more explicit concern for the quality of the outcome
of processes of reexive governance. Does reexive governance actually
produce better results? This question refers to the need for criteria of pro-
cedural quality, since it is not possible to arrive at a solid denition of the
right outcome of problem handling for sustainable development. Such cri-
teria can support an assessment of reexive governance without getting

420 Conclusions

trapped in the temptation to predene the results for learning processes and
thereby negate the very strength of the approach.
A third point is that we add to the question of the location of reexive
governance: in which types of interaction and at what level of social
organisation does reexive governance take place? In this respect, we
introduce dierent levels as a conceptual extension to reexive govern-
ance. This view acknowledges that the levels at which problems are
addressed and the interplay of governance processes across dierent
levels are an important dimension. In this volume, both Beck and Wol
show this aspect with respect to transnational governance as a response to
the limits of political organisation in nation states. Other chapters in
this volume, like those of Loibl and Whitelegg that discuss knowledge
production, show how reexive governance in research plays a role on
both a macro-level of programme management and a micro-level of
project management.
As a fourth point, we add a fundamental qualication to the concept of
reexive governance by introducing the ecacy paradox. This concept
refers to the contradicting requirements of opening up and closing down in
social problem-solving processes (see also Stirling 2005). On the one hand,
problem-oriented interactions need to be opened to take account of the
interaction of diverse factors, values and interests. This is necessary to
produce robust knowledge and strategies. On the other hand, selection of
relevant factors, decisions about ambiguous evaluations and convergence
of interests are necessary to take decisions and act. The strategy elements
of reexive governance, as presented in the Introduction, address the need
to open up various specialised kinds of problem solving to allow for inte-
grated assessment and coordinated strategies. The ecacy paradox draws
attention to the fact that eective governance requires these strategy ele-
ments to be complemented with appropriate strategies to reduce complex-
ity and achieve stable strategies. The proposed way to deal with these
paradoxical requirements is to combine opening up with closing down,
for example, by organising problem-handling processes in sequences of
opening up and closing down (compare the discussion of exploration and
exploitation in March 1991).
At the conclusion of this nal chapter, we summarise the concept of
reexive governance and formulate our position on its overall potential for
furthering the societal search for sustainable development. As a last step
towards the unfolding of the concept of reexive governance, we outline an
agenda for further research and practical experimentation.
A view on an emerging path 421



Reexive governance was presented in the Introduction to this volume as

a twofold concept, both a condition of governance in the modern world
and a specic strategic orientation that results from this condition. The
rst meaning refers to the self-confrontation of governance. This can be
seen in the increasing devotion of governing capacities to problems which
are themselves caused by governing. That is to say, governance to a large
extent involves repair work for the unintended consequences of prior
attempts at shaping societal development. This meaning of self-con-
frontation is analogous to the meaning of reexive modernisation as
modernity confronted with itself as introduced by Beck and others (Beck
et al. 1994; Beck et al. 2003).
A second meaning refers to new kinds of strategies, processes and
institutions which can be observed emerging under this condition of self-
confrontation. This has to do partly with the reection of the condition of
self-confrontation by unintended consequences and the development of
deliberate responses to it. In the Introduction we undertook a systematic
reection of the sources for reexivity (self-confrontation) in governance.
This resulted in a set of reexive strategies labelled integrated knowledge
production, experimentation and adaptivity of strategies, anticipation of
long-term eects, interactive participatory goal formulation and interactive
strategy implementation.2
In practice, governance arrangements that include these reexive strate-
gies usually evolve from repeated attempts at grappling with very specic
problems rather than from the theoretical recognition of reexivity (self-
confrontation). For example, interactive technology assessment aims at
avoiding conicts between advocates and opponents at a late stage of tech-
nology development; transdisciplinary research seeks to cope with the
limitations of disciplinary academic science that show up when laboratory
science is applied to real world problems; cooperative policy networks are
a response to the interference of actor strategies that may spoil policy
implementation. From within the social processes in which these new
modes of governance evolve it is not always visible that the problems they
address are themselves caused by existing governance structures which
evoke narrow and myopic problem treatment and unintended repercus-
sions: institutional arrangements of technology development in which
development work is dissociated from social needs and contexts of use;
self-referential science dynamics supported by the institutional demarca-
tion of knowledge elds and academic peer review; or departmentalised
policy making not being able to take account of interaction across policy
422 Conclusions

areas. If viewed from a broader perspective, however, the emergence of

various new modes of governance appears to follow a similar pattern. This
becomes articulated by the concept of reexive governance: governance
learning is being shaped by the experience of unintended feedback of its
own working (compare with rst-order reexivity in note 2 to this chapter).
These experiences lead into adapting cognitive concepts and institutional
arrangements so that they transcend the boundaries of closed-up problem
solving routines. Conventional governance processes are opened up for
interaction with their contexts and develop capacity for mutual adaptation
of strategy and context before the damage is done. Social concerns and
factors of inuence that have hitherto been externalised become incorpo-
rated in problem denition and strategies. New principles such as precau-
tion, experimentation, learning, participation and integration reect the
possibility of unintended feedback and error of any rigorous analysis
and strategy by translating it into fruitful interaction with dynamic con-
texts of real world implementation (compare with second-order reexivity
in note 2).
While the concept of reexivity is seldom referred to in these processes
of governance learning, the concept of sustainable development plays an
important role. In fact, reference to sustainable development is what gov-
ernance changes in these various elds of practice have in common. The
chapters in this book oer examples from research policy and management
(Whitelegg; Loibl), risk assessment (Stirling), regional development
(Sendzimir et al.), sectoral planning (Kemp, Loorbach; Vo et al.; Weber),
technology development (Smith; van Vliet; Spaeth et al.), and agricultural
policy (Grin, Wol). Sustainable development provides a broader frame-
work and discursive context to the particular problems in each of these
problem areas. The systems perspective, together with the integration of
diverging social goals and the long-term approach, are outstanding
characteristic elements of sustainable development, regardless of the subs-
tantial openness of the concept. They provide a general orientation in
searching for ways to handle recurrent problems and provide a legitimate
reference in pushing for new governance forms. The notion of sustainable
development thus serves as a catalyst for the exploration of new forms of
governance and is itself kept alive and becomes materialised by references
made to it.
As such, sustainable development can be understood as the chire under
which the structural changes that are sociologically conceptualised as
reexive modernisation become politically negotiated. Sustainable develop-
ment is an aspect of reexive modernisation, it works as a change agent, a
vehicle and a mediator for governance changes towards reexive governance.
In this respect, sustainable development is not something empty, irrelevant
A view on an emerging path 423

or without practical value or factual implications as is sometimes claimed.

Rather, it is indeed an important driver of societal change.
The notion of sustainable development has succeeded to the extent
that it has condensed the problem of the self-undermining side-eects of
modernity into a slogan that triggers communication across dierent
domains and levels of social action. Even if the substantial meaning is dis-
puted, the attribute sustainable always works to contextualise particular
actions, concepts, strategies and so on within a broader environment.
Those who claim to act in a sustainable manner are expected to justify their
actions with respect to consequences in society and nature. Calling some-
thing sustainable means taking into account possible side-eects both
immediate and long term and their impact on the viability of society as a
whole. As such, it can be seen as a late modern version of the concept of
the common good that has now become widened to include the natural
conditions of human well-being and therefore encompasses a dierent time
structure. This is a qualitative change in the concept. Concerns for more
complex interactions, ignorance, irreversibility and path dependency are
introduced to the search for the common good. Sustainability signies that
what we think and do now may enable or restrict thinking and acting in the
future. This becomes most visible in the degradation of global ecosystems.
But it also refers to the shaping of social structures through, for example,
institution building, industrial subsidies or education. In comparison to the
common good, the notion of sustainable development thus strengthens a
dynamic, historical understanding of society whose values and knowledge
undergo change. But this also means that the agent of governance gets dis-
placed from its Archimedean point, outside of the developmental context.
Instrumental rationalisation and steering are not applicable under these
conditions. In this way, references to sustainability trigger a search for new
governance forms that take a learning-oriented approach towards steering.
Sustainable development and reexive governance clearly make life more
complicated and make conicts more obvious at an early stage. What were
once externalities become interdependencies and trade-os that are expli-
citly considered and negotiated. The perceptions and interests of actors
from other realms of society, which were bracketed out in specialised
problem solving, now need to be addressed. Not surprisingly, sustainabil-
ity is not easy to operationalise into consensual strategies. It has a radical
impact on social institutions, practices and processes in which problems are
perceived and acted upon. It calls for a fundamental reorientation of gov-
ernance (see especially the chapters by Beck, Grin, Rip and Stirling, this
By articulating reexive governance as a phenomenon that is actually
happening and by elaborating the rationale behind it, we take part in the
424 Conclusions

process of governance change occurring under the heading of sustainable

development. Reexive governance can serve as a conceptual underpinning
for diverse experiments with new forms of governance for sustainable
development. It can contribute to the discussion on institutional sustain-
ability as a possible fourth pillar of sustainable development in addition
to ecological, social and economic sustainability (Spangenberg, 2004). As
such, reexive governance could oer a concept by which diverse local
and problem-specic processes of governance innovation can be con-
nected with each other. It facilitates the discussion of common underlying
problem structures and methodical experiences of tackling them. It could,
for example, be interesting to relate the experiences with integrated know-
ledge production that are made in transdisciplinary research, climate
policy making and technology assessment. Reexive governance provides
a common language, a cognitive platform through which reexive gover-
nance innovations can nd synergies and develop momentum in trans-
forming established institutions (see Grin, this volume, on the role of such
linkages between innovative practices).


The elements of reexive strategy that were presented in the Introduction

refer to particular ways of organising governance processes. However, they
do not prescribe any specied results that are to be achieved for sustainable
development such as emissions targets or income indices. This is due to the
recognition that uncertainty and ambivalence are features of the opera-
tionalisation of sustainability. For example, what is the right trade-o
between emissions reduction, social equality and economic stability?
Reexive governance therefore asks for open-ended searching and learning.
If the outcome of reexive governance cannot be dened, how can we
then know if it works? One could, for pragmatic reasons, refer to politically
dened goals such as the Kyoto targets for reducing greenhouse gas emis-
sions. However, this does not resolve whether current political structures
actually produce sustainable targets, or whether, for example, more sub-
stantial greenhouse gas reductions might not be necessary, as many scien-
tists argue. To take current political goals, concepts and measures as points
of reference for the evaluation of outcomes would short circuit the evalu-
ation of governance, which itself contains particular dynamics of political
discourse. The potential of reexive governance for open-ended learning
with respect to goals and targets, would be blocked. What has to be evalu-
ated is the actual working of reexive governance arrangements, not
predened outcomes.
A view on an emerging path 425

A concern for evaluation as such is important, however, because reexive

governance arrangements can be misused. As mentioned in many places
throughout the chapters of this volume (for example, Rip, Stirling, Smith,
Wol), the reality of reexive governance, of course, includes opportunis-
tic behaviour, rhetoric and power struggles no less than it includes collec-
tive problem handling, dialogue and cooperation.
Therefore care needs to be taken to prevent any particular interests from
dominating reexive governance. For this purpose, one could refer to the
collective interest and cooperative orientation of participating actors as a
precondition for reexive governance. In this respect, one could think of
procedural settings, selection criteria for participants and the long-term
perspective of sustainable development that make it possible for this
precondition to be met. This would emphasise the rational discourse
dimension (in a Habermasian sense) of reexive governance. At the same
time, however, it would make the process vulnerable. The preconditions of
rational discourse are not very widespread in reality, as many critics of
Habermas argue, and their creation cannot be taken for granted.
To understand reexive governance simply in terms of rational argument-
ation and consensual understanding, however, misses an important dimen-
sion of the interaction process. This is the mutual adaptation of actors
knowledge and strategies and the formation of a common understanding of
problems, goals and strategies that takes place even when actors contest
each other and use arguments merely strategically to gain an advantage in
the power game. As long as actors are compelled to articulate and defend
their problem analysis, goals and strategies with respect to a common focus
such as public acceptance or a political decision to be taken, patterns of
argumentation will become connected with each other because no one can
aord to ignore relevant points that others bring up. The resulting patterns
of strategy will be more robust than if they were dreamed up within the sep-
arate worlds of each actor alone. They are tempered in anticipatory inter-
action, rather than in real-time, possibly irreversible trial and error. Even if
reexive governance helps to articulate conicts and cleavages, it furthers
social learning. Its outcome represents a new shared view on reality even if
it contains dissimilar problem denitions, goals and strategies. Actors may
commonly refer to this reality and position themselves and others within it.
Without interaction, this variety would remain unknown. Thus, in addition
to operating through conscious deliberation, the reexive strategies pre-
sented in the Introduction also work as coordination mechanisms behind
actors backs. Arie Rip nicely elaborates a similar dynamic in his treatment
of controversies as informal technology assessment (1986).
For mutual adaptation in controversies, however, as well as for consensus-
oriented deliberation, it is important that the interaction process be open
426 Conclusions

to diverse perspectives and that these perspectives be articulated on an equal

footing. This is what has to be accomplished by procedural rules and
moderation of searching and learning processes in reexive governance.
This is also what can be taken as criteria for process evaluations of reexive
With respect to the evaluation of outcomes, further work needs to be
done on indicators that can measure structural change independently of a
predened direction or end state in which such changes would go. Change
indicators would allow the eect of social learning in reexive governance
to be monitored without contradicting the open-endedness of sustainable
development. They could refer to problem denitions, actor constella-
tions, interaction practices, strategy options and so on. Indicators are
necessary to avoid losing direction during long and ramied projects of
transformation. Without such indicators, attempts at system innovation
may become stied after an enthusiastic starting phase because results are
not immediately visible. This might happen just as important cognitive
and institutional changes begin underneath the surface performance
gauged by output indicators. The ve strategy requirements of reexive
governance presented in the Introduction to this volume, may serve as a
starting point for the development of such institutional change indicators
for sustainable development.
Whatever the specic result of any further work on evaluating reexive
governance, it is important that its particular qualities are taken as a

Achieving societal ends: rst, reexive strategies seek to avoid reper-

cussions from unintended eects and second-order problems and
thereby contribute more eectively than narrow problem-solving
approaches to achieving societal ends. This does not happen by
gaining acceptance for predetermined solutions but through the
exploration of a broad set of alternatives with respect to a diverse set
of criteria.
Learning about ends: second, reexive strategies provide platforms
for interaction that complement conventional political decision
making. Interactions are not restricted to institutionalised policy
elds, but instead evaluate and reconsider societal ends against the
background of diverse concepts and values. Experiments with strate-
gies may yield experiences that lead to a reassessment of needs and
interests or to identication of other ways of meeting them.
Quality of problem denitions: third, reexive strategies increase the
quality of problem denitions by actively involving diverse view-
points even from actors who have limited capacities to articulate
A view on an emerging path 427

and press for their ideas and perceptions of problems in public dis-
course. Participatory knowledge production and strategy develop-
ment and implementation are based on insight into social pluralism
and distributed intelligence an insight that relates fundamentally to
the ideal of democracy.


In the Introduction, we raised the question of how to deal with uncertainty,
ambivalence and distributed control in sustainability issues. In the very rst
chapter, Beck points out the need to explore also where such reexive
governance strategies should be located. Beck argues that collective politi-
cal action is no longer restricted to nation states and the system of inter-
national relations between them. Rather, he sees reexive governance
approaches as transgressing former borders and boundaries. This is very
much in line with the ve strategy elements of reexive governance that
have been explored throughout the book. They are all about bringing into
interaction what has formerly been separated integrating scientic disci-
plines and practical knowledge through transdisciplinary knowledge
production, integrating distributed action strategies and integrating long-
term systemic eects into todays action. Transgressing the boundaries of
the nation state is just another dimension of integration, which brings
nationally-bound political processes into interaction. In this way, factors
and eects that come from or go beyond the boundaries of nation states
become internalised.
Yet the question of where governance should and could take place goes
beyond this. It is not merely about transgressing geographical boundaries
to deal with the global problem of sustainable development. Rather, it is
about nding the right place and space to tackle specic problems of sus-
tainable development reaching from global to local approaches. Given
that governance in practice is oriented towards specic problems such as
the transformation of energy provision or agriculture, spaces for interac-
tion need to be geared towards the problems and cannot be restricted to
conventional institutional and geographical boundaries of problem
solving. Much like transdisciplinary research projects, which draw upon
disciplinary research but need to be reassembled according to the problem
they have to deal with, reexive governance cannot be limited to existing
institutional settings, but may need to establish a setting that is appropriate
for the relevant problem. In short, the interaction space needs to be con-
gruent with the problem space. This congruency could be introduced as a
428 Conclusions

sixth strategy element of reexive governance that covers all three dimen-
sions of problem solving: problem analysis, goal formulation, and strategy
development and implementation.
The chapters in this volume have uncovered a number of insights as to
the level of social organisation at which reexive governance is taking place
and the creation of problem-specic institutional settings. The chapter by
Kemp and Loorbach provides one example of tailor-made problem-
solving spaces, namely the transition arena, which they call a new institu-
tion for interaction and an open and dynamic network in which dierent
perspectives, dierent expectations and dierent agendas are confronted,
discussed and aligned where possible. Interestingly, the transition arena is
very uid, changing its size, task and participant prole throughout the
transition management process and thereby creating a congruency between
the shape of the transition arena and the problem on its agenda. Kemp and
Loorbach also introduce a concept that has been referred to in several other
chapters. They dierentiate between three levels of socio-technical systems:
macro-landscape, meso-regimes and micro-niches. Reexive governance
can in principle be located on all of these levels. Smith describes two
approaches that have chosen the niche level as the appropriate place to
foster system change. Other approaches, such as sustainability foresight,
suggested by Vo et al., highlight the need to coordinate niche activities and
developments on the regime level.
Looking at the chapters by Loibl and Whitelegg, we nd another
example of how reexive governance can be placed on dierent levels and
how these interact. While Loibl analyses reexive governance within
research projects, Whitelegg looks at the reexive governance of research
programmes. The latter includes both the governance of the programme
itself for example, the learning/adaptability of programmes or participa-
tion of stakeholders to dene priority areas and the promotion of
reexive governance within research projects. The chapter by Loibl also
points us to the fractal and nested nature of reexive governance that
operate at dierent levels. This chapter focuses on one of the ve reexive
governance strategies set out in the Introduction, namely, integrated know-
ledge production. Yet while exploring the practice of transdisciplinary
knowledge production as an example of a reexive strategy element in soci-
etal governance, it turns out that other reexive strategy elements are also
at work in the governance of the research process itself. Those elements are
needed to deal with complexity, heterogeneity and distributed resources in
transdisciplinary research processes.
While it is an important insight that reexive governance can and must be
developed on dierent levels, it is mainly the chapters in the section on
strategies for sustainable system transformation that emphasise interactions
A view on an emerging path 429

between system levels. In their description of the transition management

approach, Kemp and Loorbach, for example, describe transitions as a
cascade of innovations at dierent levels, all of which may be governed by
reexive governance arrangements. In a similar vein, Vo et al. present their
sustainability foresight approach as a macro nexus to connect various inno-
vation processes with broader structural transformations on a sector level.
Shifting governance levels, linking governance levels or creating new gov-
ernance spaces to grasp relevant viewpoints, factors and resources of
specic sustainable development problems as they appear would therefore
need to be added as a complementary requirement applying to the other
ve elements of reexive strategy.



The previous section introduced multiple levels of problem handling as just

one more dimension in which reexive governance requires an opening up
of problem-solving processes to integrate relevant factors that could be
responsible for unexpected adverse results if they are not incorporated into
problem denition, goals and strategies. A review of the various policy and
management practices through which reexive governance becomes imple-
mented, however, also draws attention to an inherent problem connected to
the opening up of governance processes for comprehensive problem
appraisal and robust strategies: although necessary to respond adequately
to the problem of sustainable development, too much complexity, ambiv-
alence and interaction severely reduces action capacities and may block
deliberate attempts at shaping societal development.
Appraisal of this situation reveals a dilemma of reexive governance: the
contradicting requirements of opening up and closing down (Stirling,
2005). Opening up is necessary to grasp adequately the factual embedding
of decision making and problem solving in systemic contexts. Closing
down is necessary to reduce complexity in order to avoid anomy and retain
the ability to act even if it is revealed as illusionary in its modernist form
(Rip, this volume). It is a dilemma that is rooted in limited capacities to
handle complexity.
The concept of sustainable development would require taking a truly
holistic approach to embrace the whole world, but there are immediate
restrictions. In our framework of reexive governance these limitations are
eective in all three dimensions of problem handling, but in dierent ways.
In problem analysis, they are linked to cognitive limitations in process-
ing complexity. In goal formulation they are linked to the need of at least
430 Conclusions

temporarily dened goals for the development of action strategies. In strat-

egy development they are linked to limited resources for the exploitation of
possible options. In all three dimensions, opening up in terms of the
number and heterogeneity of participating actors decreases the probability
of achieving agreement and increases transaction costs.
This situation could be interpreted in such a way that it reveals the futil-
ity of sustainable development and reexive governance and leads back to
the fragmented practices of muddling through within the framework of
established institutions. Isnt it better to be ignorant of systemic interac-
tions, trade-os and interfering strategies that cause unintended eects and
second-order problems than to be unable to act at all? Reexive strategies
do not eradicate uncertainty, ignorance, ambiguity and interfering activ-
ities. Rather, they only bring them to our attention. According to such an
interpretation, reexive governance may not oer anything in terms of
practical action.
This line of reasoning, however, takes us back again to where we started
in the introductory chapter. It is widely acknowledged that there is a neces-
sity for more than muddling through and there are good reasons why better
results can be achieved by applying reexive strategies. But there is no
easy, straightforward way to apply the principle of opening up. Moreover,
reexive strategies include ambivalences. In principle, the underlying
dilemma cannot be resolved, but a balanced employment of reexive
strategy elements can help to avoid collateral damage, undesired path
dependencies, lock-ins, myopic or biased assessments or collision of actor
strategies. By raising awareness of fundamental uncertainties and ambiva-
lences, they suggest a more cautionary approach towards shaping societal
development. In so doing, they can reduce the probability of second-order
problems but cannot eliminate them.
The issue of the erosion of action capacities as a possible detrimental
eect and limit to the opening up of governance processes is important.
It qualies the basic concept of reexive governance as outlined in the
Introduction by stating a meta-requirement to keep the balance between
two extremes. Instead of one-dimensionally proposing the more opening
up the better, it helps us rene our set of reexive strategies by introduc-
ing a counter image of complete uidity and openness in which any kind
of strategic action must suocate. Reexive governance thus becomes an
as-well-as concept in itself, a concept that entails combining and balan-
cing two or more truths rather than deciding for one of them (compare
Beck 1993, p. 9). It is, therefore, not a question of choosing between keeping
up action capacity or opening problem handling for contextualisation, but
a matter of pursuing both. Against the background of the above discus-
sion, this sounds like a paradox. We believe it is one. It can be called the
A view on an emerging path 431

ecacy paradox of complexity. In order to assure the ecacy of strate-

gies in complex contexts, it is necessary to consider a wide variety of aspects
and stay exible to adapt to unexpected events. At the same time, it is nec-
essary to reduce the number of aspects considered and decide on certain
options in order to produce output. This paradox cannot be resolved
without losing out on one side or the other. With respect to action strategy,
reexive governance thus implies a dilemma.
We think that it is fruitful to recognise the paradox, not to resolve it, but
to work with it as suggested by Ravetz (2003:819). Another approach to
paradoxes, characteristic of other cultural traditions, Ravetz argues, is to
accept them and attempt to learn from them about the limitations of ones
existing intellectual structures. In this sense, it can work like the ironies
suggested by Rip (this volume).
The ecacy paradox has to be faced in strategies for sustainable devel-
opment. It could be one of the reasons why we have made so little progress
with sustainable development. Opening up of the discussion on future soci-
etal development towards a broader set of considerations and wider system
boundaries in terms of levels of policy, geographical boundaries and the
inclusion of future generations goes hand in hand with increasing
diculties to act. To deal with this paradox, the typology that we develop
in the following section may appear as a useful rst step. It allows decision
makers and analysts to deal with the paradox conceptually.


We propose to qualify the concept of reexive strategies proposed in the
Introduction with an explicit requirement to balance the opening up of
governance processes for incorporating uncertainty, ambivalence and dis-
tributed control with a reciprocal requirement to close down governance
processes to enable decision and action. This task of balancing two con-
tradicting requirements to handle fruitfully the ecacy paradox is more of
an art than a science. We cannot oer any precise method for diagnosis or
a tool kit by which a specic adequate combination of opening up and
closing down for each real world governance situation could be determined.
Instead, what we can do is sketch out, in a very rough manner, some generic
forms in which opening up and closing down can be combined. Our sketch
is based on the review of empirical governance practices and theoretical
discussions in the literature and the chapters of this book. It may be helpful
to consider a spectrum of possibilities when designing governance strate-
gies and institutional arrangements.
432 Conclusions

First, a dierentiated look is needed at what it is that is going to be

opened up or closed down. Here, we can refer to the three dimensions of
problem solving against the background of which reexive governance was
discussed in the Introduction: problem analysis, goal formulation and strat-
egy implementation. Opening up can occur in all these dimensions or in
only one or two of them. For problem analysis, opening up would mean
extending the system boundaries and increasing the range and diversity of
factors and interactions considered in analysing problem causes, dynamics
and eects of interventions. For energy forecasting, for example, this could
entail an opening up of economic models to include the strategic behaviour
of market actors, political processes that inuence regulation, public
opinion, resource exploitation and climate change. In the dimension of
goal formulation, opening up refers to the revising of given targets by
taking into account a broader spectrum of values and facing trade-os that
have to be made. For the energy example, this could mean simply taking
into account the established goals of economic eciency, security of supply
and environmental soundness for each policy decision and not letting each
ministry follow its own preferred goal. But it could also mean broadening
the goal catalogue with values such as aesthetic acceptability and democ-
ratic participation in energy provision. In the dimension of strategy imple-
mentation nally, opening up refers to a widening of the range of measures
and options that are considered and implemented for problem handling.
In the energy example this would entail developing and experimenting with
a diversity of radically new policy instruments such as tradeable energy
eciency obligations or participatory technology development and tech-
nologies such as solar electricity import or micro co-generation.
In principle, it is possible that governance processes are opened up in all
of these dimensions at once. Problem denitions are called into question,
goals are scrutinised and the set of assumed solutions is revised. One pos-
sibility to reduce the disruptive eect of opening up on strategic capabil-
ities, however, is to focus sequentially on each of these dimensions, not on
all at once. In any case, because of the interdependencies between goals,
problem denitions and measures, opening up in one dimension will most
likely induce similar processes in other dimensions.
Across all three dimensions of problem solving, an important aspect of
opening up refers to the number and heterogeneity of actors involved
in problem analysis, goal formulation or strategy development/and/
implementation. Eventually, opening up must be linked in one way or the
other to extended participation, since knowledge about dierent problem
aspects and values as well as resources for making measures and options
work are distributed among dierent actors. Ultimately, it is the diversity
of world views and problem perceptions held by dierent actors that is the
A view on an emerging path 433

key trigger for opening up governance processes. At the same time,

however, it is also the key trigger for controversy and misunderstanding,
which makes governance dicult and seemingly ineective.
In the following paragraphs, we describe schematically dierent combi-
nations of opening up and closing down. In doing this, we refer to problem
analysis, goal formulation, strategy development/and/implementation and
actor participation as the four aspects in which opening up and closing
down can take place. In principle, there are very many dierent ways of
combining opening up and closing down in governance and problem hand-
ling. One could therefore develop a highly dierentiated typology. Here, we
restrict ourselves to the presentation of four types (see Figure 16.1). Two of
them are the extreme types of totally closed and totally open governance
processes: problem solving with blinkers and erosion of strategic capa-
bilities. These serve to delimit the spectrum of possibilities. The other two
types are combinations in which a phase of opening up is followed by a
phase of closing down.
In one of the types, sequential opening and closing, the complexity
that has been built up through widening system boundaries, considering
diverse values and exploring a range of alternative measures and options
is pragmatically reduced again into one coherent framework of problem
denition, goals and options for problem-handling. The strategy resulting
from this framework can be expected to be more robust because a variety
of perspectives has been explored and a context-oriented and situa-
tional adaptation of the problem-handling framework has taken place.
Nevertheless, the selection and priority setting that has taken place in
closing down the governance process towards one consistent strategy is still
vulnerable to unexpected side-eects. Only probing the strategy under real-
world conditions can disclose all its eects and hint at requirements for
further revising.
The other type of opening up and closing down, exploring experiments,
diers in that a variety of problem-handling frameworks rather than a
single framework is developed into a portfolio of strategy experiments. In
this way, closing down does not have to end up with one best possible strat-
egy. Instead, the uncertainty, ambivalence and diversity of options expe-
rienced in the rst phase of opening up can be translated into a set of
alternative frameworks of problem denition, goals and options. It is not
possible to decide a priori which one of these frameworks is better adapted
to sustainable development. Instead, they induce variation and oer expe-
rience from which society can learn what sustainable development is. The
unintended side-eects from each experiment can be compared with each
other. If one strategy appears impractical or too risky, others can be fol-
lowed and further developed.
434 Conclusions

Type Graphical Illustration Descripition

No opening No opening takes place.
Problem-solving is pursued
in the framework of given
Problem problem definitions, goals,
solving with an options with restrictive
blinkers participation.
Unintended consequences
are likely to cause second
order problems.

No closing Governance process is

opened-up in all dimensions
by participation of a large
number of heterogeneous
Erosion of actors.
strategic Uncertainty about problem
capabilities dynamics, ambivalence
about sustainability goals
and diversity of options
erode the capacity for
collective action.

Sequential closing Governance process is

opened-up (in one or more
dimensions); diverse
perspectives are explored in
Sequential interaction. In a second
opening and phase selection and priority
closing setting leads into a new
strategy for problem
Adapted strategy can be
probed and further revised.

Subsidiary/experimental closing Governance process is

opened-up (in one or more
dimensions); diverse
perspectives are explored in
interaction. A set of
strategies is developed
experiments according to alternative
selection criteria and
priorities for closing-down.
Experiments with different
strategies support learning.

Figure 16.1 Types of combining opening-up and closing-down in

A view on an emerging path 435

This brief overview of dierent combinations of opening up and closing

down in governance illustrates the ecacy paradox and indicates a direc-
tion in which ways can be found to cope with it.


Having arrived at the end of the book, perhaps it is good to state what we
hope to have achieved. First and foremost, we hope we have generated an
interest in the very idea of reexive governance, realising that this is only a
rst step. Second, we hope we have shown that reexive governance repre-
sents a radical innovation with respect to dominant modernist regimes of
governance and that it needs to be taken up by theorists. And third, we hope
we have shown that reexive governance is for real that it already exists
in various forms.
In the Introduction we introduced ve strategies which can be derived
from the reexive governance perspective (integrated knowledge produc-
tion, experimentation and adaptivity of strategies, anticipation of long-
term eects, interactive participatory goal formulation and interactive
strategy implementation). In this concluding chapter we added the con-
gruency of governance and problem space as a sixth strategy element. We
suggest that these six strategies are central elements of a conceptual reper-
toire which can further the development of practices of reexive govern-
ance. Their application injects second-order reexivity into governance
processes, leading actors to reconsider their embedding in wider system
contexts and review the problem denitions, goals, options and strategies
coming out of it. In this way, governance gets prepared to deal with the
rst-order reexivity of modernisation, the spiralling up of problems and
problem solving as a result of unexpected side-eects.
The dierent chapters have demonstrated that existing governance
systems already include elements of reexivity that go beyond the con-
frontation of social groupings with unintended consequences. There are
indeed many instances, in diverse areas of practice, of new governance
approaches based on the reection and anticipation of unintended conse-
quences, in which the handling of uncertainty, ambivalence and distributed
control plays a central role. In the terminology proposed at the beginning
of this chapter, one could say that there is broad evidence for the emergence
of second-order reexivity on top of the rst-order reexivity of societal
development. As a fourth and nal point, we hope that we have been able
to show how these quite fundamental changes in society are linked to the
concept of sustainable development, which plays an important role as a cat-
alyst of social discourse and change.
436 Conclusions

An unexpected outcome of this book is the suggestion of thinking about

dierent combinations of opening up and closing down in governance
processes, which we believe is a useful scheme for thinking about the
ecacy paradox and handling it in a practical way. The ecacy paradox is
an intricate problem for sustainable development. In simple terms, it means
that to be able to act you must reduce complexity, which, however, easily
leads to the neglect of long-term system eects. On the other hand, con-
sideration of all possible eects reduces the capacity to act. There is a clear
tension and strategic dilemma. The paradox must somehow be dealt with.
The dierent ways to combine opening up with closing down present
central elements of a conceptual repertoire that helps to do this. Further
research on indicators for procedural quality and for the monitoring of
institutional changes towards reexive governance is needed. This book is
a rst outline of a new theoretical perspective that may look rather impres-
sionistic. It may even fail to impress. Yet we believe the concepts and argu-
ments advanced here take the discussion of reexive modernisation rmly
into the realm of governance, something we felt was unquestionably
needed. Furthermore, they throw light on quite fundamental implications
of the concept of sustainable development, when that concept is translated
into requirements for governance: considering the long-term systemic
eects of short-term, specialised solutions proves to have disruptive poten-
tial for modernist problem-solving routines. In this way, sustainable devel-
opment may open the way for fundamental innovations in society and
governance. Reexive governance could be such an innovation, one that
provides a conceptual framework within which dispersed innovations in
governance can link up with each other and gain momentum. With this
bold claim we oer the book to readers. We hope that further steps will
follow and that by means of such steps, we make the path by walking.


1. As such, however, reexive governance is naturally embedded in a broad context of gov-

ernance, management, planning and operation studies and various innovative practices
linked to them. Reexive governance bundles things in a dierent way while focusing on
some aspects and leaving out others.
2. Stirling (this volume) introduces a variation of this understanding of reexivity. He
reserves the term reexivity for a cognitive recursive loop, in which it is recognised that
representations are contingent on a multiplicity of subjective perspectives, and that these
subjective perspectives are themselves reconstituted by processes of representation.
Reexivity thus refers to cognitive processes that turn attention towards themselves. In
this understanding, reexivity is always a deliberate intentional eort. A reexive system
of governance therefore involves explicit recognition that policy appraisals are contingent
and constructed, including by commitments to the interventions that they ostensibly
inform. Although this is fruitful terminology with respect to the cognitive dimension of
A view on an emerging path 437

governance, it does not connect easily to the occupation of modern development with
itself, which appears in the repairing of the undesired side-eects of its own working. This
aspect is strong in the concept of reexive modernisation. Environmental protection and
technology assessment are examples of societal governance that is oriented towards its
own results without concern for the link between objective problems and subjective
approaches to problem solving. This material reexivity of governance can be observed
even when it is not cognitively reconstructed by the actors who conduct environmental
protection or technology assessment. As for the concept of reexive governance, we
further use a notion of reexivity that includes the unintentional and even unreected
self-confrontation of social action. To avoid confusion, however, it is advisable to
introduce a clear dierentiation between unintended reexivity as a condition of gover-
nance being confronted with side-eects and its cognitive reection and correspond-
ing adaptation of problem-handling practices as new governance approaches that cope
with side-eects by incorporating uncertainty, ambiguity and distributed control. The rst
form of unintended reexivity can be labelled rst-order reexivity; the second form of
reected reexivity can be labelled second-order reexivity.


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Ackrill, R. 67 alternative technology (AT) movement
action capacities 429, 43031 24, 314, 315
action strategies 1819, 11819, 158, change models 31720, 3246, 328
180, 216, 254, 349, 3678, 3778, comparison with SNM 32632
402, 435 numbers (survey data) 3212
Adam, B. 225 objectives 3234, 328
adaptation 192, 1945, 333 origins 322, 328
adaptive foresight 23, 189218 regime transformation 33031
adaptive management 7, 283, 406, 407 research issues 3324
ecosystem approach 3989, 401 Alternative Technology Group 322
framework 15057 Alvesson, M. 226
learning while managing 14046 ambiguity 430
renaturalization work 14650 reexive science and 239, 2419
transdisciplinary research 3013 of sustainable development 1416
uncertainty (sources) 1349 ambivalence 5, 6, 8, 427, 429, 430
adaptive planning 23, 190, 200204 acknowledgement of 368
adaptive policy options 21113, 215 sustainability foresight 169, 172, 180,
adaptivity 93, 291, 333 183
strategies/institutions 18, 19, 11920, Amendola, A. 242
158, 17980, 21617, 2567, anaerobe treatment systems 3435, 348
3489, 3767, 399, 435 Anderegg, R. 391
Adelson, G. 388 Andersson, X. 146
agency 86, 93, 94, 183, 231, 236 Andrsfalvy, B. 134, 148
Agenda 21 104 anticipation
Agricultural Commission in-action 21, 8892
(Netherlands) 71 system change see action strategies
Agricultural Research Advisory Board anticipatory knowledge 8892
(Netherlands) 67 anticipatory outcomes 11819
agriculture anticipatory policy-making 23,
CAP 66, 67, 383, 391, 407 189218
on-farm maintenance 399401 appraisal, reective 23741
reexive modernisation 21, 648, 71 Archer, M.S. 63
transformation see agrobiodiversity Arentsen, M. 162, 163
agrobiodiversity 25, 383409 Arrow, K. 242
loss 38796 Arthur, B. 132
maintenance (approaches) 3924 Arthur, W.B. 19, 237, 252
problem setting 3847 assessment
reexive governance strategy discursive sustainability 1745
396406 innovative governance modes 3749
AIDS 40, 52 phase (adaptive management) 1412
Allenby, B. 234 problems 234, 226, 2312, 238,
Almekinders, C. 385 24042, 2456, 250, 252, 260

440 Index

risk 1415, 20, 24, 91, 226, 231, 238, Berlinski, D. 238
24042, 2456, 250, 252, 260, Bernstein, P. 237
389 Bernstein, R. 59, 69, 70
technology 85, 206, 227, 237, 238, Bezembinder, T. 242
242, 252, 254, 328, 371, 425 Biedermeier 49
ASSINSEL 392 Bieleman, J. 64, 65, 66
Association for Biodynamic Vegetable Bijker, W. 234, 236, 329
Plant Breeding 405 biological diversity
Atkinson, G. 391 Convention 25, 384, 38990, 3979,
Atlantic Conveyor 135 401, 406
Austria see also agrobiodiversity
bioreneries 355, 3578, 36279 biomass 1078, 115, 123, 124, 355, 357,
Factory of Tomorrow 212, 355, 357, 362, 364, 370, 372
35962, 365, 373, 3749 biopolymers 212
freight transport 210 bioreneries (Austria) 355, 3578,
Institute for Technology Assessment 36279
377 biosphere reserves 400, 403
Landscape Research 281, 286, black water 346, 348
35960 Blair, T. 233
Research Council 361, 368 Blanc, G. 322
research and development 35862, Blann, K. 144, 146, 149
3749 blind spots 60, 301, 306, 388
SD programmes 281, 286 Blueprint network 314
sustainable production 25, 35579 blueprint thinking 114, 118
transdisciplinary research 24, 295, Boehmer-Christiansen, S. 249
299, 3012 Bohmann, J. 227
autonomy 53, 55, 58, 86 Bhret, C. 5, 11
Bon, W. 32
back-to-the-land activists 3245 Bonner, J. 242
Balanced Scorecard approach 155 Borup, M. 166
Balzer, I. 190, 284 Bos, B. 67, 75
Bamm, A. 295 Botri, I. 137
Barnes, B. 246 bottom-up approach 320, 328, 333,
Bauman, Z. 38 369, 370, 378, 408
Bayesian methods 238, 240, 241 bounded rationality 72, 73
beacon principle 360, 377 Bourdieu, P. 77, 226
Bechmann, G. 11 Boyce, A. 234
Beck, U. 4, 6, 7, 323, 36, 39, 41, 44, Boyle, G. 325
46, 489, 53, 5962, 69, 83, 86, 93, Bradshaw, T. 257
126, 168, 225, 230, 237, 419, 421, Brand, K-W. 168, 174
427, 430 Brealey, R. 239
Bekke, H. 65, 67 breeding 25, 4037
Belgium 281, 2845, 2889, 291 Brezhnev doctrine 49
Bell, S. 155 Broecker, W.S. 135
Bellucci, S. 190, 198 Brookeld, H. 385
benchmarking 206 Brooks, H. 244
Benhabib, S. 70 Brouwer, H. 124
Bergmann, M. 11 Brown, G. 233
Berkhout, F. 166, 243, 253, 313, 317, Brundtland Commission 3
333 Bundeswehr 49
Index 441

Bush, V. 84 communities (resource mangement)

Butter, M. 107 4056
buttery eect 11 Community and Alternative
Byrd, D. 238, 248 Technology conference 325
Byrne, D. 11 community seed banks 405
complex systems theory 77, 38891
Callon, M. 236, 252 complexity 4, 8, 11, 86, 110, 142, 157,
Cameron, J. 249, 251, 255 169
Canzler, W. 174 ecacy paradox 377, 420, 42935,
capital 4950, 51, 52 436
caricature relativism 246, 247, 248, 260 innovation systems 205, 207
Cartesian Anxiety 59 Comtek group 325
central/peripheral dierentiation 304 conceptual model (Tisza) 150, 1537
Centre for Alternative Technology 322 congruency 70, 435
Centre for Sustainable Energy 322 Conrad, J. 3
Cereal Breeding Research Centre 405 Conservation Tools and Technology
CGIAR-related research 397 327
change 33840 context control 11819
agents 314, 328, 422 control capacities 1618, 169, 181, 427,
change models 435
alternative technology movement Convention on Biological Diversity 25,
3246, 328 384, 38990, 3979, 401, 406
strategic niche management 31720, conversation (with the situation)
328 9091
Christian-Doppler Research Cooper, D. 399
Association 359 cosmopolis 59
civil society 5051, 3279, 332, 4089 cosmopolitan realism 21, 535
civilization process 445, 47 cosmopolitanism 44, 456, 51
Clark, W. 257 cost-benet analysis 238, 241, 245
Clarke, R. 323 Cothern, C. 238, 248
Clausen, C. 252 Council for Science and Technology
Clemen, R. 238 233
climate change 44, 134, 1356, 363 Council for Science and Technology
closed-loop system 3389, 3523 Development (Austria) 356, 359
closing down 25960, 420, 4315, 436 Crucible Group 386
co-evolutionary approach 164, 168, Cyranski, J. 244
173, 176, 408
reective governance 212, 8294 Daase, C. 41
co-ordination (vertical/horizontal) 192 Danner, H. 363
Coenen, F. 122 Darnovsky, M. 329
Coenen, R. 209, 283, 284, 371 David, P. 237
Cold War 49 Davies, G. 243, 259
Coleman, J.S. 87 Davies, N. 134, 136
Collingridge, D. 13, 72, 118, 201, 230, decentralised breeding 4045
238, 242, 243, 257, 258 decision heuristics 240, 255, 259
Commission of the European decision making 73, 74, 3056
Communities 233, 250 Decker, M. 198
Common Agricultural Policy 66, 67, de facto governance 83
383, 391, 407 De Finetti, N. 240
common good 423 DEFRA 234
442 Index

deliberative mapping 259 future prospects 34751

Delphi methods 1979, 200, 209 implementation 25, 3437, 34953
De Marchi, B. 243, 258, 259 socio-technical change 33841
Denmark 315, 32021, 326 socio-technical variables 3413
Dennett, D. 236 ecological resilience 223, 13158
Detter 360 ecological structures 3856
Deuten, J. 90, 93, 94 Ecologist 323
development rounds 115 economic resilience 223, 13158
de Vries, J. 67 ecosystem approach 25, 105, 384,
De Wilt, J.G. 67 3969, 401
Dickson, D. 322, 323, 326 Edge, D. 236, 246
Dierkes, M. 77, 174 education 32930
digestion tanks (for waste) 3435 Edwards, W. 238, 244
Dirven, J. 107 ecacy paradox 377, 420, 42935,
dispersed governance capacities 3956 436
distributed coherence 878 Egidi, M. 244
distributed control capacities 1618, Eising, R. 16, 116
169, 181, 427, 435 El-Hage Scialabba, N. 405
distributed inuence 1617, 18 Elliott, D. 325, 330
diversity 333, 385 Elzen, B. 14, 193, 367
grey zones 22, 93 Elzinga, A. 85
integrating knowledge sources 3989 embeddedness/embedding 5, 10, 213
transdisciplinary research 2978 co-evolutionary approach 83, 90
see also agrobiodiversity; reexive modernisation 61, 656,
Convention on Biological 75
Diversity energy
DNA techniques 392 transition policies 113, 1235
Dobuzinskis, L. 7, 12 wind energy industry 315, 32021,
Dodgson, J. 238 326
dominant-actor networks 108, 11112 Energy and Environmental Research
Drner, D. 5, 11 Group 322
Dosi, G. 237, 244 Engineering and Physical Sciences
double-loop learning 144, 158, 305, Research Council (EPSRC)
308 287
double dividend 356, 360 Enlightenment 59, 60, 136, 157, 232,
Douglas, M. 42 236, 237
Douthwaite, B. 320, 321 Environmental Impact Assessments
Dovers, S. 255 402
Dreschegel 405 epistemic drift 85
Dryzek, J. 259 Erdmann, G. 204
DTO/STD programme 283, 286 Eriksson, E.A. 194, 197, 201
Dubois, D. 243 European Climate Change Programme
Dung, N. 401 363
Dunphy, D. 314 European Commission 189, 315
Durant, J. 237, 243 European Economic Community 66
Dutch polder model 116, 122 European Environment Agency 242,
Dyson, G. 236 244, 255, 257, 283
European Parliament 391
Eames, M. 285 European Science and Technology
eco-sanitation systems 337 Observatory 255
Index 443

European Union 16, 545, 67, 155, Farmers Rights 25, 384, 4024, 406
195, 196, 363, 391, 399 Federal Plan for Sustainable
CAP 66, 67, 383, 391, 407 Development (Belgium) 281, 285,
Europta, L. 237, 253, 254 286
EVA Lanxmeer, Culemborg 3467, feedback 4, 1113, 19, 85, 105, 125,
34952 339, 383, 389, 419, 422
evaluation 12, 1415, 425 loops 91, 109, 1567, 180, 308, 399
adaptive management 141, 1434 Fetivizig 139
transition management 11516, Feyerabend, P. 246
12022 bre composites 212
Evalunet 288 Fiorino, D. 258
expectations rst-order learning 1923, 205
of bioreneries 3624 rst-order reexivity 67, 422, 435
foresight and 194, 197, 199200 rst modernity 32, 34, 36, 59, 60, 61,
sustainability foresight and 169, 172, 64
174, 177 Fischer, F. 78, 169, 243
experiential learning 121 Fischer, M.M. 208
experimentation 12, 18, 93, 158, 333, Fisher, E. 249, 251, 255
422 Flyvbjerg, B. 70
niche-based approaches 245, Folgen-entlichkeiten 45
31334 Folger, T. 243
opening up/closing down 4335 Ford, J. 243
sanitation systems 25, 33753 foresight
scenario process 3767 adaptive 23, 189218
system innovation 10711, 11516, participative/reexive 3678
11819, 121, 1916, 2078, precautionary 24, 253, 25461
31321, 426 recent developments/decits 197200
see also adaptivity reexivity and 24953
exploratory scenarios 19 shaping transformation 1658
adaptive planning 200204 sustainability 23, 16284
methodology 20514 Forester, J. 78
sustainability foresight 166, 16971, Forster, M. 240, 255
1734, 17780 Fox, C.J. 63
externalities 5, 306 framing 90, 246, 248, 261
see also side-eects Frederichs, G. 11, 276
Eyzaguirre, P. 404 Freeman, C. 313
freight transport (Austria) 210
Faaland, J. 3212 Friends of the Earth 325
Faber, M. 243 Frhlich, J. 208
Factory of the Future 371, 374, 375, fundamental uncertainty 134, 135
377 Funtowicz, S. 9, 189, 238, 244
Factory of Tomorrow 212, 355, 357,
35962, 365, 3739 Gallopin, G.C. 10, 166
fallibilism 2478, 250, 260 Gavigan, J.P. 190, 1978
FAO 384, 3857, 392, 396, 398400, Geels, F.W. 77, 108, 31618, 33031
404 genetic engineering 33, 392
Farber, S. 257 genetic erosion 385, 388, 399
Farman, J. 244 genetic resources 385, 392, 393, 3957,
Farmer Field Schools 25, 401, 407 4025, 407
Farmers Association 391 Georghiou, L. 197
444 Index

Germany Greater London Enterprise Board

Helmholtz Society 209, 371 (GLEB) 325, 330
SD programmes 281, 2849, 2912 green bioreneries 355, 3625, 366
Technical Schools 407 Green Revolution 383
transdisciplinary research 24, 3012 greenhouse gases 13, 14, 112, 424
utility sector 23, 16284 grey water 344, 346
GIAHS project 400 grey zones 22, 93
Gibbons, M. 117, 189, 295 Grin, J. 57, 61, 67, 70, 746, 171, 253,
Giddens, A. 34, 63, 77, 225, 226, 227, 254, 258
419 Groen, A. 83, 93
Gill, G. 59 Grossenbacher-Mansuy, W. 295
Girsberger, M. 403 grounded perspectivism 24, 247, 248,
Gladwell, M. 11 250, 255, 261
Gleich, A. von 362 Grove-White, R. 237, 242, 258
Gleick, J. 11 Grbler, A. 318
global actors/strategies 4850 Grunwald, A. 126, 171, 181, 209, 371
global civil society 5051 Grupp, H. 252
global policies (agrobiodiversity) 25, GSF 286
383409 GTZ 338, 385
global risk society 21, 3155 guiding visions 253
goal-orientation 1912 Gunderson, L.H. 105, 132, 134, 140,
goal formulation 1417, 432, 433 1423, 144, 146
participatory 1820, 12022, 133, Gunn, L. 238
158, 180, 204, 217, 255, 3056, Guston, D.H. 85
34950, 378, 402, 435
Godet, M. 14, 165 Hberli, R. 295
Golley, F.B. 398 habitus 77
Gouldner, A. 226 Habsburg nobility 137
governance Hacking, I. 237, 238
challenges (agrobiodiversity) 38796 Hajer, M.A. 61
dispersed capacities 3956 Halcrow Group 139
innovative modes (Austria) 3749 Hales, S. 248
multi-actor 87, 92, 11112 Handmer, J. 255
as problem handling 89 Hanf, K. 82
reexive modernisation and 21, Hanley, N. 227, 238
5778 Hansen, A. 252
of science/technology 234, 22561 Haraway, D.J. 69
second-order 7, 179 Harding, R. 249, 251, 255
of sustainability 1915, 22532 Hare, M. 156
waste water ows (future) 34751 Harper, P. 323, 325
see also reexive governance Hayek, F. von 723, 240
government Helmholtz Society 209, 371
roles/strategies 1935 Hennis, M. 67
see also nation states; state Hertin, J. 166
Grabher, G. 252 Hertler, C. 388
Graedel, T. 234 heterogeneous interactions 1011, 18
Grain 392 heterogeneous knowledge 1011,
Grande, E. 44, 53 38890
Grandin, F. 392 Hey, E. 249
Graner, A. 392 Hilborn, R. 134
Index 445

Hirsch Hadorn, G. 11 management 32930

Hisschemller, M. 165 policy 189, 2067
Hogwood, B. 238 process 1757, 180, 181
Hollaender, K. 301 see also innovation system; system
Hollick, M. 323, 324 innovation
Holling, C.S. 105, 132, 134, 140, 257, innovation system 227, 367, 378
401 delimitation 2078
Hoogma, R. 193, 313, 315, 317, 318, key functions 1913
329 policy-making 189, 1916, 205,
Hoppe, R. 61, 165 2078, 213
horizontal dierentiation 304 sustainability-oriented 1916
horizontal policy integration 288 innovative governance modes 3749
Horvth, G. 137 institutions
Howes, R. 313 adaptivity 1819, 11920, 158,
Hughes, T. 237, 252 17980, 21617, 2567, 3489,
Hungary 223, 13158 376, 399, 435
Hunger Winter 64 joint analysis of backgrounds 3035
Hunt, J. 251 instrumental rationality 6, 69, 423
Huntington, S.P. 42 integrated knowledge production
1719, 179, 21516, 256, 294, 297,
ICES-KIS impulse project 283 304, 3068, 332, 348, 3756,
ICIS-MERIT report 105, 109 3967, 435
ICT 213, 215 Integrated Pest Management 401
Idea of Reason 46 integrating perspectives (research) 24,
ideal types 239, 240 294308
IFPRI 392 integration 7
ignorance 12, 18, 239, 430 of knowledge 11718, 3025,
reexive science and 2419 38890, 3989
impact (SNM/AT comparison) 328 integrative learning 1446
implementation 92, 110, 114, 21314 intellectual property rights 386, 4023,
real world 422 405
sanitation systems 25, 3437, 34953 intentionality 231
of strategies 1618, 20, 3956, Inter-Ministerial Sustainable
4323, 435 Technology Development
studies 823 Programme 283, 286
incertitude 239, 244, 251 interaction 9, 15, 17, 22, 43, 166, 373,
incrementalism 67, 83, 88, 11920, 126 429
indeterminacy 244 heterogeneity 1011, 18
individualization 32, 68 processes 24, 294308
Industriewissenschaftliches Institute stakeholders 111, 1223, 1812
3634 strategy development 18, 20, 1223,
industrial modernity/society 32, 35, 36, 133, 18081, 21718, 2579,
37, 48, 323, 327 35051, 402, 435
Industrial Revolution 59, 134 see also participation; participatory
industrialisation 5 goal formulation
Infrastructure and Environment interdisciplinary research 192, 279,
Programme 287 287, 28990, 2947
innovation 67, 157, 167, 169, 172, 233, International Seed Treaty 25, 403
283 IW 392, 397, 399, 405
governance 8, 1718, 20, 3749 IPCC 135, 136
446 Index

iron triangle 656, 67, 407 King, A. 397

irony 94 Kis, F. 148
Irvine, J. 252 Kissimmee River 144
Irwin, A. 243 kitchen waste project 3435
ITDG 392 Kleiner, A. 308
Iwanaga, M. 404 Klir, G. 238, 243
Knight, F. 239
Jackson, T. 250, 256 knowledge 59, 645, 2467, 280
Jaeger, C. 242 anticipatory 8892
Jahn, T. 5, 383 heterogeneity 1011, 38890
Jamison, A. 329 integration 11718, 3025, 38890,
Jansen, L. 283 398
Janssen, R. 238 management 304
Jansson, M. 146 scientic 6, 10, 117, 122, 255
Jarvis, D. 397 tacit 10, 117, 299, 303, 305
Jasano, S. 234 knowledge production 1011, 85, 118,
Jaulin, L. 240 167, 18990, 252
Jaynes, E. 238 integrated 1719, 179, 21516, 256,
Jquier, N. 3212 294, 297, 304, 3068, 332, 348,
Joas, H. 63 375, 3967, 435
Johnston, P. 250, 256 interdisciplinary 21516
Johnston, R. 252 transdisciplinary see
joint analysis (institutions) 3035 transdisciplinary knowledge
joint knowledge base 302 production
Joint Research Councils 287 Kohler-Koch, B. 16, 104, 116
Jordan, A. 249, 251 Khler-Rollefson, I. 403
Jrgensen, U. 321 Konrad, K. 173, 174
Joss, S. 190, 198, 237, 243 Kooiman, J. 16, 58, 104
Juhsz, A. 133 Kovcs, Z.C. 133, 137, 147
Krings, B-J. 283, 284
Kacprzyk, J. 243 Kromus, S. 363, 364
Kamm, B. 363 Krott, M. 295
Kamm, M. 363 Krcken, G. 295
Kaplan, S. 155 Kubicek, H. 162
Kapstein, M. 350 Kuhlmann, S. 189, 1934, 206, 252,
Karne, P. 320, 321 254
Krolyi, Z. 137 Kuhn, T. 238
Kasemir, B. 104 Kumar, K. 59
Katter, R. 363 Knnecke, R.W. 162, 163
Keepin, B. 242 Kyoto Protocol 424
Kelly, J. 242
Kemp, R. 12, 13, 77, 86, 1089, 111, Ladikas, M. 198
115, 126, 1623, 189, 193, 237, landscape (macro) 108, 339, 340,
252, 313, 31521, 327, 330, 339, 428
396 Lanxmeer, Culemborg 3467, 34950,
Kenis, P. 16 3512
Kenniston, K. 85 Lash, S. 225, 226, 231
Keynes, J.M. 239, 243 Latour, B. 59, 613, 77, 89, 120
Kickert, W.J.M. 60 Lau, C. 32, 33
Killick, T. 257 Law, J. 63, 77
Index 447

Leach, M. 246 Loveridge, D. 237, 238

learning 8991, 923, 194, 426 Lovins, A. 323
by-doing 1045, 111, 117, 121, 283, LTVE study 123
321, 328 Lucas plan 325
by-using 326 Luce, R. 239
cycle 132, 14041, 1446, 14951, Luhmann, N. 5, 77, 236
153, 158 Lumby, S. 239
doing by 111, 117, 120
double-loop 144, 158, 305, 308 McElroy, M. 118
experiential 121 MacGarvin, M. 250, 256
rst-order 1923, 205 Machiavellian approach 93, 94
integrative 1446 MacKay, A. 242
management 131, 14046 McKenna, C. 239
organizations/teams 308 McKeown, B. 243, 259
policy implementation 21314 McNeely, J.A. 148
process 3657 macro landscape 108, 339, 340, 428
in research programmes 280, 289 Magnuszewski, P. 144, 152, 155
second-order 113, 118, 1923, 205, management
315 adaptive see adaptive management
single-loop 144 learning and 131, 14046
social see social learning portfolio 118, 126
transition management 103, 113, March, J.G. 119, 420
11516 market 579, 66, 68, 718, 118
trial-and-error 21, 73, 119, 120, 351, Markman, H. 234
425 Martin, B. 252
Lee, K.N. 120 Martuzzi, M. 227
legitimation 235, 236, 258 Marx, K. 40
Leitbild 77 Marx, L. 232, 233
Leitbilder 208 mass production 318, 322, 324, 325
Lens, P.N.L. 338 Matthes, F. 3
Lettinga, G. 339 Mayer, S. 242, 255, 259
Levidow, L. 242 Mayntz, R. 5, 16, 104, 126, 162, 1678
Leydesdor, L. 63, 77, 86 Meadowcroft, J. 723
liberalisation policy 1623 Meadows, D.H. 317
Light, S.S. 142, 144, 146, 149 Mendelian laws 386
Limoges, C. 295 mental model map 150, 1537
Lindblom, C. 72, 73, 74, 83, 88, meso-regimes 108, 33941, 428
11920, 122 meta-change 31, 62
Lindsay, R. 249 meta-power-game 42, 49, 51, 52
Linerooth-Bayer, J. 138, 139 methodological cosmopolitanism 46
Linstone, H. 252 methodological nationalism 21, 3940,
Lloyd, L. 238 43, 50, 53
Loasby, B. 243 Meyer, K. 359
lock-in 14, 19, 845, 87, 90, 92, 103, Mez, L. 162
132, 216, 378 micro-behaviour 108
Loeber, A. 70, 174 micro-niches 108, 341, 428
Loibl, M.C. 302, 303 middle-range theory 77
long-term systemic eects (of action Midttun, A. 163
strategies) see action strategies Miller, H.T. 63
Loorbach, D. 77, 109 Millstone, E. 242, 244
448 Index

Minsch, J. 168 National Technical Programmes on

Misa, T. 236 Plant and Animal Genetic
mobility (impact of ICT) 215 Resources 403
model uncertainty 134, 135 nationalism, methodological 21, 3940,
modelling approach 377 43, 50, 53
modernisation 648 NATO 49
modernist problem solving 56, 364 nature, uncertainty in 1356
modernity Nelson, R.R. 86, 227, 316
rst 32, 34, 36, 59, 60, 61, 64 neoliberalism 4950
reection/reexivity of 345 Netherlands
second see second modernity agriculture 21, 648, 71, 74
modulation approach 21, 85, 88, 298 eco-sanitation systems 25, 33753
innovation process 23, 176 energy policies 113, 1235
Mokyr, J. 84, 232, 236 SD programmes 281, 2847, 289,
Mole, V. 325, 330 291
Molnr, G. 134, 148 Network for Alternative Technology
monitoring 12, 141, 1434 and Technology Assessment
Moores Law 91 (NATTA) 325
Morgan, M. 239, 240 network management 60
Morris, J. 227, 233, 238, 250 networks 11718, 167, 280, 283, 339,
Morris, N. 89 4056
Morse, S. 155 dominant-actor 108, 11112
multi-actor governance 87, 92, 11112 niche-based approach and 319,
multi-actor learning process 3657 320
multi-criteria mapping 259 resource management by 4056
multi-level change (sanitation) 33840 New Gas Services project 123
multi-level interaction 26 Newman, J. 60
multi-level learning process 3657 nexus arrangements 168
multi-level model 10810 NGOs 53, 115, 1223, 146, 153, 155,
multi-level reexive governance 87, 92, 303, 398, 400, 403
4279 niche-based approaches (to sustainable
multiple backcasting 23, 211 development) 5, 313, 349
mutual adaptation 73, 82, 115, 123, AT 32132
168, 422, 4256 lessons from 31820
Myers, S. 239 regime transformation 33031
SNM 24, 31421, 32632
Nachhaltig Wirtschaften 360 SNM/AT (comparison) 32632
Nagykr 1478, 155 niche purposes 327
nave realism 247 niche level change 108, 341, 428
naming 90 niche values/inuence 3312
Nandor, V. 148 NIDO programme 281, 283
Narodoslawsky, M. 364 Niemeyer, S. 259
narratives 92 non-modern steering 8892, 93,
nation states 16, 31, 33, 39, 434, 46, 94
5052, 54, 589, 68, 403, 420, Nooteboom, S. 92
427 Norgaard, R.B. 163, 168
National Environmental Plan 360 normative objectives/goals 103,
National Environmental Policy Plan 20811, 234
105 normative orientation/approach 14,
National Research Council 258 125, 1978, 2334, 236
Index 449

normativity 85, 87, 88 Patterson, W. 163

second-order 85, 87, 88, 93 Paula, M. 374
Norris, R. 234 Pearce, D.W. 238, 391
North, D.C. 86 Pellizzoni, L. 259
Norton, D.P. 155 performance contracting 168
novelty 86, 90, 140, 157, 318 Perlman, D.L. 388
Nowotny, H. 11, 167, 252, 295 Peters, B.G. 57, 58
Peterson, G. 135
objective knowledge 15 Petschow, U. 390
OBrien, M. 227, 237, 256 Pierre, J. 57, 58
Odra River 146, 150, 152, 155 Pierson, P. 19
Odum, H.T. 134 planning
OECD countries 233 adaptive 23, 190, 200204
OECD Development Centre 321 strategic 23, 189218
Oce of Science and Technology theory 724
Foresight 315 plant breeding 405
Olsen, J.P. 119 plant genetic resources 385, 3967, 403
on-farm maintenance 399401 Plant Variety Protection 386
opening up 259, 26061, 420, 4315, pluridimensional globalization 32
436 Pokorny, J. 136
organic farming 331, 391, 408 policy
Organisation for Renewable Energy adaptive (options) 21113, 215
320 formulation 141, 142
ORiordan, T. 249, 251, 255 global 25, 383409
Ornetzeder, M. 326 implementation 21314
Ostrom, E. 146 portfolios 200204, 20514
outcomes recommendations (derived) 3734
anticipatory 11819 reexive support 36574
quality of, politics and 4247 strategy development 195205
of scenario process 3723 policy-making 82
OVO triad 65, 67 anticipatory 23, 189218
strategic policy intelligence 2067
Paget, J. 134, 148 Policy Renewal project 123, 125
Pahl-Wostl, C. 156 Policy Studies Institute 285
Parks, Rosa 86 political activism 32930
Parmesan, C. 135 political administrations (goals and
participation 193, 327, 329 values) 209, 210
participative foresight 3678 political theory
participatory breeding 25, 4047 of global risk society 4048
participatory decision making 3056 of second modernity 3853
participatory deliberation 245, 260 politics
participatory goal formulation 1820, in global risk society 21, 3155
12022, 133, 158, 180, 204, 217, quality of outcomes and 4247
255, 3056, 34950, 378, 402, 435 pollution 66
Participatory Plant Breeding 404 Popper, K. 247
participatory research 3978 Porter, T. 238
Participatory Varietal Selection 404 Portes, A. 83
path dependency 10, 1214, 18, 84, 86, portfolio approach/analysis 23, 1246,
87, 132, 204, 2367, 256, 378, 384, 190, 2014, 21113, 216
39091, 423 portfolio management 118, 126
450 Index

portfolios, policy 200204, 20514 radical activists 245, 31334

post-modern steering 252, 254 Raensberger, C. 237, 249, 251
post-modernity 356 Raia, H. 239
power 3034, 32930 Rammel, C. 3
social learning and 3334 Rammert, W. 167
precaution, reexivity and 24953 rational choice theory 87, 242
precautionary appraisal 251 rational problem solving 45, 164
precautionary foresight 24, 253 rationality
practical strategies 25461 bounded 72, 73
precautionary principle 234, 91, instrumental 6, 69, 423
22561, 288, 399401, 406 Ravetz, J. 189, 238, 243, 244, 431
Pressman, J.L. 82 real world 10, 1112, 75
Priester, P.R. 66 problems 302
Pritchard, L. 142 transdisciplinary research 3024
privatisation policy 162, 163 transformation 304
problem analysis 432, 433 realism, cosmopolitan 21, 535
problem denition 19, 11213, 2078 Realpolitik 53
quality of 4267 Rechtsstaat 68
problem handling 4, 79, 18, 20, 420, recursive control 76
4279, 433 reection
problem setting (agrobiodiversity) in action 90
3847 governance of science and
problem solving 67, 12, 34, 110, technology 234, 22561
1445, 364, 420, 4324 governance of sustainability 22532
agrobiodiversity 383, 3847, 399 of modernity 345
rational 45, 164 reective appraisal 23741
sustainability foresight 1645, reexive foresight 3678
1824 reexive governance
process criteria (research) 2878 adaptive management 223, 13158
process outputs 199 agrobiodiversity 25, 383409
production-consumption systems assessment problems 234, 22561
3567 Austrian project 25, 35579
production chain 395, 406 closing down 260, 4315
production systems (Austria) 25, co-evolutionary approach 212,
35579 8294
productivity 66, 69, 283 concept reassessed 256, 41936
programme lines, thematic 278 denitions/approaches 417
progress, sustainability and 2327 discussion (overview) 2026
Project Implementation Transition in Factory of Tomorrow 3759
management 1234 heterogeneous interactions 1011
Proops, J. 243 multi-level 4279
public participation 60 niche-based approaches 31315
public sphere 43, 45, 468, 53, 55 opening up 26061, 4315
public support (transition political theory of second modernity
management) 116 3853
problem handling and 49
Q-methodology 241, 243, 259 research programmes 274, 308
quality norms 307 strategies (agrobiodiversity) 396406
quality standards 295, 296 strategy elements 1720
quasi-evolutionary theory 84 sustainability and 326
Index 451

sustainable development and 276, Research on the Environment

4214 programme 281, 2834, 2878
sustainable transformation of Research on Global Change 281, 284
sanitation 25, 33753 research programmes (for sustainable
system analysis/complexity 910 development) 24, 273
transformation of utility systems 23, analysis 28089
16284 barriers 276
transition management 22, 10326, common goals 290
428, 429 denitions 2746
reexive modernisation 46, 126, 422 framework for analysis 277
governance issue 21, 5778 as reexive governance 276
modernisation and (agriculture) reexivity in 2912
648 role of research 27780
reexive modernity 82 resource management 402, 4056, 407
reexive policy resources
strategy development 195205 genetic 385, 392, 393, 3957, 4025,
support (bioreneries) 36574 407
reexive science 2419 plant genetic 385, 3967, 403
reexivity 45 renewable 212, 363
rst-order 67, 422, 435 reverse engineering 149
governance of 22532 RFT 359
governance of science/technology Rhodes, R. 16, 58, 60
234, 22561 Rhn 400
of modernity 345 Ringland, G. 165
precaution, foresight and 24953 Rio de Janeiro Conference 40, 249
in research programmes 2912 Rip, A. 7, 12, 77, 8390, 934, 108,
second-order 67, 91, 189, 435 1623, 168, 172, 176, 193, 237,
sustainability, progress and 2327 252, 254, 316, 318, 330, 425
regime level (meso-regimes) 108, 339, Ripl, W. 135, 136
34041, 428 risk 93, 385
Regional Sustainability programme assessment 1415, 20, 21, 24, 91,
281, 284, 2878 226, 2312, 238, 24042, 2456,
Remoe, S-O. 194 250, 252, 260, 389
renewable raw materials (RRM) 363 management 305
renewable resources 212, 363 politics 43
Rengalakshmi, R. 405 reexive modernisation 5963, 69
Renn, O. 166, 191, 237, 243 uncertainty and 1415, 378, 412,
Renting, H. 406 47, 18990, 23741
research risk society 93
interdisciplinary 192, 279, 287, global (politics) 21, 3155
28990, 2947 Ris laboratory 320
national systems (barriers) 276 Rittel, H. 134
participatory 3978 Rivers, P. 324, 329
project selection 27980, 2878 Roberts, C. 308
sustainable development 2825 Roep, D. 77
transdisciplinary see Rosa, E. 244, 249
transdisciplinary research Rosenberg, N. 120, 241, 244
research and development 71, 167, 177, Rotmans, J. 77, 1046, 109, 115, 117,
192 123, 126, 189, 193, 237, 2534,
Austria 25, 35562, 36579 315, 339, 367
452 Index

Rowe, W. 239 scientic knowledge 6, 10, 117, 122,

Rowell, A. 235 255
rule-systems 31, 42, 489, 316 scientic method 42
Rydzak, F. 155 Scientic Support Plan for a
Sustainable Development Policy
Sahal, D. 236 281, 2846, 288
Saltelli, A. 240, 242, 255 Sclove, R. 243
Sand, P. 249 Scott, J. 60
sanitation systems Scott, P. 295
eco-sanitation systems 25, 33753 search processes 284
socio-technical change 33841 SEARICE 401
socio-technical variables 3413 second-order governance 7, 179
Saretzki, T. 175 second-order learning 113, 118, 1923,
Scharpf, F. 104 205, 315
Schauer, B. 202, 213 second-order normativity 85, 87, 88,
Scherr, S.J. 148 93
Schidler, S. 371, 376, 377 second-order problems 56, 22, 131,
Schimank, U. 5, 86, 297 133, 183, 227, 383, 426, 430
Schnabel, P. 103 second-order reexivity 67, 91, 189,
Schneider, V. 16, 162, 163 435
Schn, D. 83, 90 second modernity 60
Schorfheide-Chorin 400 political theory of 3853
Schot, J. 83, 878, 172, 237, 2523, post-modernity and 356
254, 315, 316 theory of 328
Schumacher, E.F. 322, 342 seed banks/systems 4056, 407
Schwartz, M. 252, 254 Seibt, C. 210
science 58, 66, 71, 158 self-confrontation 33, 421
co-evolutionary approach 846, self-fullling prophecy 23, 166, 199
8891 self-organisation 60
initiative (Tisza) 14850 self-referentiality 34, 421
reexive 2419 self-steering 89
Science Council (Germany) 2834 Sen, A. 242
science and technology 84, 189, 195, Sendzimir, J. 1323, 135, 140, 146, 150,
1978, 201, 203 152, 155
governance of 234, 22561 Senge, P. 308
scenarios sequential opening/closing 433, 434
adaptive foresight 23, 20114, serial adjustment 73
216 Settle, W. 399
-building 25, 3556, 36776, 378 Shackle, G. 243
development see exploratory Shackley, S. 242
scenarios Shell scenarios 370
Factory of Tomorrow 212, 355, 357, Shove, E. 343
35962, 365, 3739 side-eects 5, 6, 17, 323, 423, 433
methodology 36872 reexive modernisation and 5961,
policy recommendations 3734 62, 66, 69
process (outcomes) 3723 Siemensma, M. 346
sustainability foresight 166, 16971, Simonis, G. 182
173, 17780 single-loop learning 144
utility transformation 1778 Siposs, V. 148
workshops 259, 36973 Skoldberg, K. 226
Index 453

Smith, M. 232, 233 Stacey, R.D. 12

Smithson, M. 243 stakeholders 17, 20, 25, 193, 217, 279,
social actors 36 3889
social change 1035, 106, 333 adaptive management 143, 145,
social choice 242, 243, 254 14952, 155
social contract 845 interaction 22, 111, 1223, 1812
social learning 176, 244, 2512, 258, sustainability foresight 167, 16970,
314, 31820, 324, 327, 32930, 173, 1812
3334, 339, 396 Stark, D. 252
social order 378, 39, 84 Starr, C. 238
social practices 748 state 16, 589, 66
social structures 3856 transformation of 513
socialism 49, 325, 327 statistical uncertainty 1345
societal landscape 108 steady-state economies 323
society steering 4, 7, 87, 194, 384, 423
co-evolutionary approach 846, 88, non-modern 8892, 93, 94
90 post-modern 252, 254
reexive modernisation and 579, sustainability foresight 1634, 176
66, 6878 three-level approach 3013
social change 1035 transdisciplinary research 2989,
uncertainty in 1369 3013, 3056
see also risk society transition management 1089, 122
socio-ecological development 1117, Steier, F. 226
19 Sterman, J. 132, 134, 144, 146, 151, 155
interlinkages 3856 Sthapit, B. 404
Tisza River Basin 223, 13158 Stirling, A. 174, 226, 230, 2379,
uncertainty in 1349 2414, 249, 2515, 2579, 333,
Socio-Ecological Research programme 420, 429
281, 284, 286, 288 Stockholm Environment Conference
socio-technical change 191, 33841 249
socio-technical regimes 31618, 331, Stoelhorst, J.W. 84
428 Stone, K. 234
socio-technical systems (levels) 1078, strategic capabilities 433, 434
33841, 428 Strategic Environmental Assessments
socio-technical transformation 313, 402
317, 379 strategic goals/means 3916
sustainability foresight 23, 16284 strategic intelligence 252, 253, 254
socio-technical variables (eco- strategic managers 245, 31334
sanitation systems) 3413 strategic niche management 24, 31421
Soete, L. 111, 316 alternative technology movement
Soil Association 331 32132
solar heating 326, 327 change model 31720, 328
Sorrell, S. 234 comparisons 32632
sound science 2423 Danish wind energy industry 32021
Southerton, D. 341 objectives 317, 328
sovereignty 53, 55, 58 origins 316, 328
Spangenberg, J. 424 regime transformation 33031
Spash, C. 227, 238, 245 research issues 3324
Spearhead projects 124 strategic planning 23, 189218
specialisation 56, 7, 10, 66 strategic policy intelligence 2057
454 Index

Strategic Science regime 85 Sustainable Economic Management

strategies 284
adaptivity 1819, 11920, 158, Sustainable Industrial Production
17980, 21617, 2567, 3489, study 123
3767, 399, 435 sustainable production systems
of reexive governance 396406 (Austria) 25, 35579
of transdisciplinary research 3017 sustainable river basin culture 14850
see also action strategies (long-term sustainable transformation (sanitation)
systemic eects) 225, 33753
strategy development 1617, 433 Suter, G. 238
contributors 3789 Sweden 282, 285, 287
interactive 18, 20, 1223, 133, Switzerland 24, 3012
18081, 21718, 2579, 35051, symbolic interactionism 86
402 system analysis 910, 16, 17, 164, 166,
reexive policy 195205 2078
strategy elements (reexive system change (participative/reexive
governance) 1720 foresight) 3678
strategy implementation 1617, 18, 20, system delimitation 2078
3956, 4323, 435 system innovation 107, 11516,
structural transformation 63, 74 11819, 121, 313, 426
structuration theory 63, 74, 767 strategic niche management 31421
style (managerial/political) 328 see also innovation system
substantive outputs 199 systemic eects, long-term (action
Smegi, P. 133 strategies) 1819, 11819, 158,
Summerton, J. 162 180, 216, 254, 349, 3778, 402, 435
Sundqvist, T. 242 systems approach 105
sustainability 34, 78 systems dynamics, complex 38891
assessment (discursive) 1745 Szekely, G. 238
corridors 14
governance of 1915, 22532, TAB 385
27780 tacit knowledge 10, 117, 299, 303, 305
-oriented innovation systems 1915 Taylor, P. 250, 256
progress and reexivity 2327 team work 3028
reexive governance of 26061 performance 295, 297301
research (role) 27780 processes 294
sustainability foresight 23, 16284, technological structures (interlinkages)
429 3856
process 16977 technology 120, 121
as reexive governance 17781 alternative see alternative technology
Sustainability Impact Assessments 402 (AT) movement
sustainable development assessment 85, 206, 227, 237, 238,
ambiguity of 1416 242, 252, 254, 328, 371, 425
niche-based approaches 245, cleaner 313
31334, 349 co-evolutionary approach 846, 88,
reexive governance and 256, 4214 90
research programmes 24, 27392 -push approach 327, 3589
strategy development 1617 strategic policy intelligence 2067
system analysis/complexity 910 transfer 359
transformation of sanitation systems Teisman, G. 92
25, 33753 tests, management actions as 1423
Index 455

Thatcher government 325 transport 210, 215

thematic priorities (research) 2857 technology policy 195, 196
Thomas, D. 243, 259 trial-and-error learning 21, 73, 118,
Thompson, M. 242, 252, 254 120, 351, 425
Thompson Klein, J. 11, 190 Truer, B. 166
Thornton, J. 244 trust 146, 15051, 153, 156, 158, 258
Thrupp, L.A. 387, 392 truth 2467
Tickner, J. 227, 237, 249, 251, 256 Tbke, A. 189, 206
TIN20 project 108 Turner, R.K. 238
Tisza River Basin 223, 13158
toilets, vacuum 3435 UK (sustainable development
Toonen, T.A.J. 82 programmes) 282, 285, 287
top-down approach 31819, 333, 351, umbrella programmes 280, 281, 289
378 uncertainty 4, 5, 6, 1112, 18, 90, 91,
Tth, J. 134, 148 110, 389, 427, 430
Toulmin, S. 59 adaptive management and 131, 132,
Toward a Sustainable Rijnmond 1349, 14042, 145, 146, 158
project 123 assessment of 1412
Towards a Sustainable Urban fundamental 134, 135
Environment 287 model 134, 135
transaction costs 430 in nature 1356, 140
transdicisciplinary knowledge politics of 412
production 1719, 132, 1578, production of 368, 41
21516, 256, 297, 3067, 332, 348, risk and 1415, 37, 38, 412, 47,
3756, 427 18990, 23741
transdisciplinary research 190, 192, in society 1369
274, 279, 28791, 3978, 427 in socio-ecological systems 131, 132,
challenges 2979 1349
integrating perspectives 24, 294308 sustainability foresight 172, 180,
interdisciplinary and 2947 183
strategies 3017 Undercurrents magazine 325, 329
team performance 299301 UNESCO 400
transformation unintended consequences 5, 1112, 17,
by innovation systems 191 213, 47, 83, 92, 227, 230, 260,
of utility systems 23, 16284 421, 435
transition (denition) 10511 United Nations 49, 53, 104
transition arenas 11112 Conference on Environment and
transition elds 357, 36970, 374 Development (UNCED) 3, 234,
transition management 7, 223, 237, 250
253, 254, 339, 351, 36574, 377, Development Programme 233
379, 428 Security Council 545
denitions 10511 unreectiveness 23, 226, 228
energy policies 1235 upstream engagement 253, 254
as reexive governance 11723 Urban Centre for Alternative
societal changes and 1035 Technology (Bristol) 322
steps/elements 11116 Urban Ecology 283
transition paths 11415, 367, 368, 377 US Department of Agriculture 238,
Transition Towards Sustainable 363
Production Systems project 367 utility systems (transformation) 23,
transition visions/goals 11314 16284
456 Index

vacuum toilets 3435 Walker, W.E. 12, 200201, 237

value scales 307 Wallsten, T. 238
values 1415, 18, 20, 43, 409 Walters, C.J. 134, 140
niche 3312 Walther, G-R. 135
Van Asselt, M. 104 Wanyama, J. 403
van de Graaf, H. 70 Warburton, M. 242
Van den Belt, H. 83, 84, 168 waste water
Van den Berg, N. 238 eco-sanitation 33753
Van der Heijden, K. 370 EVA Lanxmeer project 3467,
Van der Meulen, J.R. 89 35051
Van der Molen, D.T. 146 future governance of ows 34751
Van der Ploeg, J-D. 65, 406 Wageningen project 3435, 348,
Vangen, O. 392 3512
Van Gunsteren, H. 72, 93 Watson, S. 238
Van Lente, H. 174 Weale, A. 226
Van Otterloo, A.H. 76 Weatherford, R. 238
Van Stokkom, H.T.C. 146 Weaver, P. 283, 286
Van Tatenhove, J. 61 Webber, M. 134
Van Vliet, B. 341, 350 Weber, K.M. 196, 205, 212, 219, 313,
Van Zuylen, H. 196 330, 357
Van Zwanenberg, P. 174, 242, 244, 251 Weber, M. 40
Vradi, J. 1378 Wehling, P. 5, 41, 383
Vri, A. 138, 139 Weingart, P. 295
Vsrhelyi Plan 1378, 147 Weiss, A. 120
Vay, A. 137 Welshon, R. 248
Veldman, M. 322 Werner, C. 339
Verbeiren, S. 288 Werner, R. 240, 259
VEN 405 Wetterich, F. 386
Verganti, R. 92 Whitelegg, K. 210, 282
Vergragt, P.J. 211 Wiethaler, C. 405
VERN 400, 405 Wildavsky, A. 42, 72, 82, 118
Vewin 337, 338 William the Silent, Prince of Orange
vertical dierentiation 303 94
vertical policy integration 288 Williams, R. 236
Vickers, G. 72 Willis, R. 237, 253, 254
Vo, J-P. 162, 173, 189, 396 Willms-Herget, A. 284
Vogel, D. 250 Willoughby, K.W. 322, 323, 324
Von Brook, R. 392 Wilsdon, J. 237, 253, 254
Von Schomberg, R. 315 Wimmer, R. 363
Von Winterfeldt, D. 238, 243 wind energy 331
Vorsorgeprinzip 249 Denmark 315, 32021, 326
VROM 315 Winkler, G. 243
Winner, L. 237, 252, 324
Wchter, M. 190 Winter, S.G. 227, 316
Wacquant, L. 226 Wissen, M. 391, 404
Wageningen 3435, 348, 3512 Wissenschaftsrat 283
Wagner, P. 215 Wisserhof, J. 65, 67
Wainwright, H. 325 Wol, F. 386, 390
Waks, L.J. 329 wood-plastic composites 212
Walker, B. 131, 145 Woodhouse, E.J. 83, 120
Index 457

Woolgar, S. 226, 246 Wynne, B. 225, 230, 235, 238, 2412,

World Commission on Environment 243, 244, 255, 258
and Development (WCED) 3,
391 Yohe, G. 135
World Trade Organisation 67, 250
World Wide Fund for Nature 149, 153 Zadeh, L. 243
Wu, F. 138 Zeeman, G. 339
Index 459

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