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Sotiropoulos CV

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Curriculum vitae

PERSONAL INFORMATION Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

Deligianni 104, 18756 Keratsini (Pireus) (Greece)

(+30) 6971899507 (+30) 210 4327427
Skype aggelos.sotiropoulos


06/2018–Present General Secretariat of the Government - Scientific and Administrative Support

Office of the Collective Governmental Bodies
Greek Government
Zalokosta 10, 10671 Athens (Greece)
-Member of the Scientific and Administrative Support Office;
-Greek Vice Presidency consultant for environmental issues; Waste Management, Sustainable
Development, SDGs, Circular Economy, climate change and biodiversity issues;
- Part of the team responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Greek National Growth
-Part of the team responsible for the monitoring and implementation of the SDGs at the national level.

Business or sector Greek Government

02/2016–Present Member of the HSPN Board of Directors (Alternate Member now)

Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature
20, Nikis Street, 105 57 Athens (Greece)
Work Experience: 3 years
Duties Assigned:
-Responsible for the HSPN environmental education programs (HSPN in a member of the Foundation
of Environmental Education - FEE/
-Member of the HSPN Board of Directors;
-Member of the HSPN Nature Committee;
-Responsible for HSPN CO2, waste management, biofuels and bioeconomy, climate change issues.

Business or sector Professional educational, scientific and technical activities

03/2018–04/2018 Environmental Consultant

Green Fund
Vila Kazouli, Kifisias Avenue 241, 14561 Kifisia (Greece)
- Consulting services for the preparation of the proposal of the Integrated LIFE project for Life Climate
Action in the framework of the LIFE project entitled: ’Εstablishment and operation of the Greek Life
Task Force for the period 2014-2017'.
The proposal entitled: LIFE AdaptInGR is under implementation since it succeeded.

Business or sector Central Government

06/2016–Present "Green Fund" Project Manager

Green Fund (Ministry of Environment and Energy)

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

Villa Kazouli 241 Kifisias Avenue, 14561 Kifisia (Greece)
LIFE RE-WEEE Project (Project's Website): LIFE+ project with code: "LIFE14/ENV/GR/000858 "
and title: "Development and demonstration of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
prevention and reuse paradigms ".
Work Experience: 30 months
Duties assigned:
-Project management of the LIFE RE-WEEE project on behalf of the Green Fund;
-Coordination of the project's actions and sub-actions;
-Elaboration of the project's deliverables on behalf of the Green Fund;
-Member of the project's CO2 calculation committee;
-Evaluation of proposals submitted from Public Bodies and/or NGOs to the Green Fund;
-Member of the project's quality control committee.

Business or sector Central Goverment

08/2015–08/2017 LIFE Projects Evaluator

Nysdam Office Park, Avenue Reine Astrid 92, La Hulpe, Belgium, Brussels (Belgium),
1310 (Brussels (Belgium))
External assistance and technical support as part of the MWH team for the evaluation and selection of
LIFE PROPOSALS as part of MWH contract with EASME, for a period of 24 months.

09/2012–09/2016 Project Manager

National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytechniou Street, 157 73 Athens (Greece)
Waste2bio Project ( Project's Website): LIFE+ project with code: "LIFE11 ENV/GR/000949" and
title: "Development and demonstration of an innovative method of converting waste into bioethanol".
Work Experience: 4 years
Duties assigned:
- Overall project management;
- Monitoring of the project's progress;
- Project's quality control;
- Elaboration of technical reports (LCA analysis, Economic feasibility study, the design of
bioconversion facility);
- Full operation of the developed bioconversion facility;
- Responsible for the project's environmental education activities.
Business or sector Professional, scientific and technical activities: (Biobased products, waste
management, biofuels production)

04/2015–07/2015 Waste Management Expert

National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytechniou Street, 157 73 Athens (Greece)
ISWM Tinos ( Project's Website): LIFE project with code: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000610 and title:
“Development and implementation of a demonstration system on integrated solid waste management
for Tinos in line with the waste framework directive".
Work Experience:4 months
Duties assigned:

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

- Physical and chemical analyses of waste material;

-Operation of the developed innovative compost facility installed in Tinos island;
-Organization of the "Tinos 2015, 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Sustainable Solid Waste
Management which was held in Tinos island, Greece.
Conference Web-Site:TINOS 2015
Business or sector Professional, scientific and technical activities: (Composting technologies,

07/2013–07/2013 Associate Researcher

National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytechniou Street, 15773 Athens (Greece)
SOL-BRINE Project (Best LIFE Environment Project 25 Years) (Project's Website): LIFE project
with code: " LIFE09 ENV/GR/000299" and title: 'Development of an advanced innovative energy
autonomous system for the treatment of brine from seawater desalination plants '.
Work Experience: 1 month.
Duties assigned:
- Collection of data and operation of the SOL-BRINE desalination system.

Business or sector Professional, scientific and technical activities

03/2012–08/2012 Associate Researcher

National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytechniou Street, 15773 Athens (Greece)
CARBONTOUR Project (Project's Website): LIFE project with code: "LIFE09 ENV/GR/000297" and
title: "Strategic planning towards carbon neutrality in the tourism accommodation sector".
Work Experience: 6 months.
Duties assigned:
-Gathering of information from hotels, design, and operation of the CARBONTOUR tool;
-Organization of the International Conference "ECOTOURISM CONFERENCE 2012 Athens" which
was held in Divani Caravel Hotel on Monday 10th December 2012.
Conference Website: Ecotourism 2012

Business or sector Professional, scientific and technical activities

01/2010–06/2012 Project Manager

National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytechniou Street, 157 73 Athens (Greece)
DRYWASTE Project ( Project's Website): LIFE project with code: LIFE 08 ENV/GR/000566 and title:
“Development and demonstration of an innovative household dryer for the treatment of organic
Work Experience: 2 years and 5 months.
Duties assigned:
-Overall Project management;
-Responsible for the project's environmental education activities;
-Elaboration of technical reports;
-Design of an innovative household waste dryer;
-Pilot-scale operation of the dryer (Responsible for the demonstration action);
-Physical and chemical analysis of the substrate and final dry product characteristics;
-Elaboration of the LCA analysis and economic viability of the household waste drying management

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

-Organization of the Athens 2012 "International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste
Management" which was held on 28th-29th June 2012 in Athens.
Conference Website: Athens 2012
-Responsible for the project environmental awareness campaign, the elaboration of the environmental
education program in local schools and civilians;
-Development of dissemination and training material (leaflets, newsletters).

Business or sector Professional, scientific and technical activities

10/2010–10/2014 Higher Education Teaching Professional

National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytexneiou street, 15773 Athens (Greece)
Work Experience: 4 years (as part of the chemical engineering Ph.D. thesis).
Duties assigned:
-Preparation and teaching of laboratory class exercises in the framework of the 'General Chemistry
Laboratory' of the School of 'Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences';
-Co-teaching of the 'Environmental Science' course in the framework of the School of Chemical
Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.

Business or sector Education

01/2013–07/2014 Associate Researcher

National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytechniou Street, 15773 Athens (Greece)
Athens Biowaste ( Project Website ): LIFE project code: "LIFE10 ENV/GR/000605" and title:
“Integrated management of bio-waste in Greece: The case study of Athens".
Work Experience: Voluntary Basis (*All the analyses were implemented on a voluntary basis and 2
publications describing the results of the analyses were produced. The relevant publications can be
seen in the additional information sector.)
Duties assigned:
- *Physicochemical and compositional analysis of the bio-waste produced form Athens and Kifisia
Municipalities in Greece;
-*Characterization of the produced compost from the MBT plant in Ano Liosia;
-Organization of the ATHENS 2014 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste
Management which took place on 12th-14th June 2014.
Conference Web-Site: ATHENS 2014
Web-Site:Athens Biowaste
Business or sector Professional, scientific and technical activities:(waste management and treatment,
compost production)

2010–2015 Member of the Juniorscience Team

Sivrissariou 6, 16121 Kaisariani (Athens) (Greece)
- Responsible for the elaboration and implementation of interactive-experiential lessons through
experiments, specially designed for children;
-Environmental education: recycling, climate change, physics, chemistry, biology, robotics,
communication, etc. through experiential and interactive learning.
Website: Junior science

Business or sector Education

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos


2009–2015 Ph.D in Chemical Engineering (Environmental Sciences) EQF level 8

National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytechniou Street, 15773 Athens (Greece)
Ph.D. Thesis: Development of an Innovative System for the Treatment of Household Organic Waste.

2006–2008 MSc. in Environmental Physics EQF level 7

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Physics Department
Zografou Campus, Ilisia, 15784 Athens (Greece)

-Environmental Physics;
-Building Physics & Energy Efficiency;
-Climate Change;
-Waste Management;
-Environmental Pollution.
Master Thesis: Development and Pilot Scale Operation of an MBR (Membrane Bioreactor) in
EYDAP Facilities.

2000–2005 BSc in Physics EQF level 6

University of Ioannina, Physics Department
University of Ioannina, PO Box 1186 Ioannina (Greece)
- Theoretical Physics;
- Applied Physics;
- Advanced Physics.


Mother tongue(s) Greek


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
• University of Michigan: Proficiency in English (ECPE)
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills ▪ Excellent communication skills gained through my experience as responsible for various
dissemination and communication actions in EU funded projects;
▪ Organization of International Conferences on waste management and treatment, biomass
utilization, biofuels production, industrial symbiosis, circular economy, tourism, etc.

1. Organization of the Athens 2012 "International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

Management" which was held on 28th-29th June 2012 in Athens.

Conference Website: Athens 2012;
2.Organization of the "2nd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management" which
was held on 12-14 June 2014 in Athens.
Conference Website: Athens 2014;
3. Organization of the "Symbiosis International Conference 2014" which was held on 19-21 June 2014
in Athens.
Conference Website: Symbiosis 2014;
4. Organization of the "Tinos 2015, 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Sustainable Solid
Waste Management, Tinos island, Greece.
Conference Web-Site: TINOS 2015;
5. Organization of the "Cyprus 2016, 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste
Management" which will be held in Cyprus on 23–25 June 2016.
Conference Web-Site: Cyprus 2016;
6. Organization of the Athens 2017 "International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste
Management" which will be held on 21st-24th June 2017 in Athens.
Conference Web-Site: Athens2017.

Organisational / managerial skills ▪ Excellent organizational skills gained as responsible for the implementation of EU funded projects.
The main duties included the organization of the project team, the evaluation of the deliverable
reports produced and the organization of the implementation of all projects actions;
▪ Strong reporting skills gained during the implementation of EU funded projects. It should be
stressed that the LIFE financial instrument monitoring follows professional standards thus, there
are strict rules that a beneficiary should follow while reporting during the project implementation;
▪ Organization and elaboration of projects proposals in various European financial instruments (LIFE,
Horizon 2020, Med Programme, etc.). The following proposals have received funding in a period of
6 years:

1. Cypadapt
'Development of a national strategy for adaptation to climate change adverse impacts in Cyprus',
2. Waste2bio
'Development and demonstration of an innovative method of converting waste into bioethanol', LIFE11
3. LIFE Foodprint
'Development of an integrated strategy for reducing the carbon footprint in the food industry sector',
LIFE13 ENV/GR/000958.
4. LIFE AdaptInGR
'Boosting the implementation of adaptation policy across Greece', LIFE17 IPC GR 000006.

Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information Content Problem-

Communication Safety
processing creation solving

Proficient user Proficient user Independent user Proficient user Proficient user

Digital skills - Self-assessment grid

ECDL Core (Modules 1-7)

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

Internet, (LAN, Wireless), e-mail (POP3, SMTP), FTP, HTTP, SMNP;

MS-Office (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint);
Adobe Acrobat;
Adobe InDesign;
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and sound MP3, AC3;
AdobePhotoshop & Premier;
Αdobe Dreamweaver;
Adobe Illustrator;
Dss Catia 3D CAD software;

Driving licence B


Publications - International Publications (International Peer-Reviewed Journals):

Journals / Scientific Conferences Panaretou, V., Vakalis, S., Ntolka, A. et al. (2019) Environ Sci Pollut. Online ISSN 1614- 7499. Res.;

Papadaskalopoulou C, Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Kekos D, Loizidou M. (2019). Comparative life

cycle assessment of a waste to ethanol biorefinery system versus conventional waste management
methods. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. Accepted for publication;

Sotiropoulos, A., Xydis, G., Kontogianni, N. et al. (2018). Results on the implementation of an
innovative dehydrated biological waste to ethanol management schemeInt. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.

Valta, K., Sotiropoulos, A., Malamis, D., Kosanovic, T., Antonopoulou, G., Alexandropoulou, M.,
Loizidou, M. (2019). Assessment of the effect of drying temperature and composition on the
biochemical methane potential of in-house dried household food waste. Waste Management &

Konstantzos G, Malamis D, Sotiropoulos A, Maria Loizidou, (2018).Environmental profile of an

innovative household biowaste drier system, based on Life Cycle Assessment. Waste Management &
Research. Accepted for publication

Nikas E, Sotiropoulos A, Xydis G.A, (2018). Spatial Planning of Biogas Processing Facilities in
Greece: The Sunflower's Capabilities and the Waste-to-Bioproducts Approach. Chemical Engineering
Research and Design.;

Margaritis M, Psarras K, Panaretou V, Thanos A.G., Malamis D, A. Sotiropoulos, (2017).

Improvement of home composting process of food waste using different minerals. Waste

Vakalis S, Patuzzi F, Moustakas K, Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Baratieri M, (2017). Analysis of tar

compounds and quantification of naphthalene from thermal treatment of household biowaste. Journal
of Environmental Management.;

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

Loizidou M, Alamanou D, Sotiropoulos A, Lytras C, Mamma D, Malamis D, Kekos D, (2017). Pilot

Scale System of Two Horizontal Rotating Bioreactors for Bioethanol Production from Household Food
Waste at High Solid Concentrations. Waste and Biomass Valorization. DOI10.1007/s12649-017-
9900-6 ;

Vakalis S, Boschiero M, Moustakas K, Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Zerbe S &Baratieri M, (2017).

Assessing the Suitability of Biomass Ashes from Combustion in Boilers as Soil Fertilizers: Statistical
Entropy Analysis and Introduction of the Potassium Utilization Potential Factor. Waste and Biomass
Valorization. DOI 10.1007/s12649-017-9852-x ;

Vakalis S, Boschiero M, Moustakas K, Sotiropoulos A, Malamis M, Zerbe S, Baratieri M, (2017).

Assessing the Suitability of Biomass Ashes from Combustion in Boilers as Soil Fertilizers: Statistical
Entropy Analysis and Introduction of the Potassium Utilization Potential Factor. Waste and Biomass
Valorization. DOI: 10.1007/s12649-017-9852-x ;

Vakalis S, Moustakas K, Sénéchal U, Schneider R, Zezulová B, Solomo B, Kurz M, Malamis D,

Sotiropoulos A and Zschunke T (2017). Assessment of Potassium Concentration in Biochar before
and after the After-burner of a Biomass Gasifier. Chemical Engineering Transactions. Volume 56.
ISBN 978-88-95608-47-1; ISSN 2283-9216 ;

Sotiropoulos A, Vourka I, Erotokritou A, Novakovic J, Panaretou V, Vakalis S, Thanos T, Moustakas K,

Malamis D. (2016). Combination of decentralized waste drying and SSF techniques for household
biowaste minimization and ethanol production. Waste Management

Panaretou V, Malamis D, Papadaskalopoulou C, Sotiropoulos A, Valta K, Plevri A, Margaritis M,

Moustakas K, Loizidou M. (2016). Implementation and Evaluation of an Integrated Management
Scheme for MSW in Selected Communities in Tinos Island, Greece. Waste and Biomass Valorization.
DOI. 10.1007/s12649-016-9632-z;

Thanos A.G., Sotiropoulos A., Malamis S., Katsou E., Pavlatou E.A., Haralambous K.J., (2016).
Regeneration of HDTMA-modified minerals after sorption with chromate anions. Desalination and
Water Treatment.;

Vakalis S, Sotiropoulos A, Moustakas K, Malamis D, Baratieri M. (2016). Utilisation of biomass

gasification by-products for onsite energy production. Waste Manag Res, ISSN 1096-3669, DOI:

S. Vakalis, A. Sotiropoulos, K. Moustakas, D. Malamis, K. Vekkos, M. Baratieri (2016).

Thermochemical valorization and characterization of household biowaste, Journal of Environmental
Management, ISSN 0301-4797,;

Vakalis S, Sotiropoulos A, Moustakas K, Malamis D, Vekkos K, Baratieri M. (2016). Characterization

of Hotel Bio-waste by Means of Simultaneous Thermal Analysis. Waste and Biomass Valorization,

Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Loizidou M. (2015). Dehydration of Domestic Food Waste at Source as an

Alternative Approach for Food Waste Management. Waste and Biomass Valorization, ISSN 1877-

Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Michailidis P, Krokida M. Loizidou M. (2015). Research on the drying

kinetics of household food waste for the development and optimization of domestic waste drying
technique. Environmental Technology.ISSN: 0959-3330;

Sotiropoulos A, Bava N, Malamis D, Valta K, Panaretou V, Novakovic J, (2015). Laboratory

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examination of household food waste dehydration technique as a pretreatment method for waste food
waste minimization and ethanol production. International Journal of Environment and Waste
Management. DOI;

Malamis D, Moustakas K, Bourka A, Valta K, Papadaskalopoulou C, Panaretou V, Skiadi O,

Sotiropoulos A. (2015). Compositional analysis of biowaste from study sites in Greek municipalities.
Waste and Biomass Valorization. Waste and Biomass Valorization, ISSN 1877-2641;

Valta K., Moustakas K., Sotiropoulos A., Malamis D.& Haralambous K.J. (2015). Adaptation measures
for the food and beverage industry to the impact of climate change on water availability. Desalination
and Water Treatment.DOI:10.1080/19443994.2015.1049407;

Valta K., Aggeli E., Papadaskalopoulou C., Panaretou V., Sotiropoulos A., Malamis D., Moustakas K.,
Haralambous K.-J. (2015). Adding Value to Olive Oil Production Through Waste and Wastewater
Treatment and Valorisation: The Case of Greece. Waste and Biomass Valorization. ISSN 1877-2641.

Publications (National and International Conferences):

Papadaskalopoulou C, Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Moustakas K, Kekos D, Loizidou M. LCA for the
bioconversion of biowaste to ethanol. ATHENS 2017. “5th International conference on Sustainable
Solid Waste Management”. 21-24 June 2017;

Panaretou V, Vakalis S, Ntolka A, Sotiropoulos A, Moustakas K, Malamis D, Loizidou M, (2017).

Study of carbon balances from organic waste in a decentralised composting facility in Tinos island.
ATHENS 2017. “5th International conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management”. 21-24 June

Sotiropoulos A, Kalogiannis N, Moustakas K, Vakalis V, Malamis D. (2016). Qualitative and

quantitative characteristics of the wastewater and ethanol produced from dehydrated household bio-
waste using the drum-drying method and the SSF process respectively. 13th IWA Specialized
Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on
Resources-Oriented Sanitation;

Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Loizidou M. (2012). Pilot Scale Demonstration of Food Waste Drying At
Household Level. Venice 2012 4th International Symposia on Energy from Biomass and Waste. San
Servolo, 12th - 15th November 2012;

Sotiropoulos Α, Bava Ν, Malamis D, Valta Κ, Panaretou V, Alamanou D, Kekos D, Loizidou M. (2014).

Examination of the domestic food waste drying method and investigation of the final product
properties for lignocellulosic ethanol production. ATHENS 2014 "2nd International Conference on
Sustainable Solid Waste Management". Royal Olympic Athens Hotel, 12th–14th June 2014;

Sotiropoulos Α, Malamis D, Michalopoulos C, Augoustakis P, Vikas I, Loizidou M. (2012).

Development and demonstration of an innovative household dryer for the treatment of organic waste.
ATHENS 2012 "International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management". Αthens. 28th-29th
June 2012;

Sotiropoulos Α, Yard Μ, Michalopoulos C, Malamis D, Loizidou M. (2012). Laboratory Testing of a Pilot

Scale Domestic Waste Drying System for the Drying of Kitchen Waste at Source. ATHENS 2012
"International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management". Αthens. 28th-29th June 2012;

Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Vourka I, Erotokritou A, Papasaika N, Valta K, Moustakas K, Panaretou V,

Papadaskalopoulou X, Loizidou M. (2015). Examination of segregated biowaste dehydration method
to obtain an alternative biomass material for lignocellulosic ethanol production. TINOS 2015 3rd
International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management. Museum of Marble Crafts, Tinos
Island, 2nd - 4th July 2015;

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Alamanou D, Kekos D, Loizidou M. (2015). Development and

demonstration of an innovative approach for converting biowaste to bioethanol: The WASTE2BIO
LIFE+ Project. IWWATV Industrial Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorisation. President Hotel,
Athens. President Hotel. 21st-23rd May 2015;

Vakalis S, Boschiero M, Moustakas K, Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Zerbe S, Baratieri M. (2016).

Statistical entropy analysis of heavy metals from combustion of agricultural waste in a commercial
boiler. CYPRUS 2016.4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management,
Limassol, 23–25 June 2016;

Vakalis S, Sénéchal U, Schneider R, Solomo B, Kurz M, Moustakas K, Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D,

Baratieri M, Zschunke T. (2016). Thermodynamic modeling of potassium in the after-burner of a
biomass gasifier. CYPRUS 2016.4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste
Management, Limassol, 23–25 June 2016;

Alamanou D, Sotiropoulos A, Gianakopoulou T, Malamis D, Mamma D, Loizidou M & Kekos D.

(2013). Bioethanol from food waste. 9th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress.
Athens. 23rd-25th May 2013;

Alamanou D, Sotiropoulos A, Malamis D, Mamma D, Loizidou Μ, Kekos D. (2015). Study of the

cellulosic and starch enzymes synergy during ethanol production process in food waste samples. 10th
Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress. Athens.4th - 6th June 2015;

Konstantzos G, Malamis D, Sotiropoulos A, Loizidou M. (2014). LCA analysis of drying segregated

biowaste at source - The case study of Papagos-Cholargos Municipality, Greece. ATHENS 2014 "2nd
International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management". Αthens. 12th–14th June 2014;

Malamis D, Moustakas K, Bourka A, Valta K, Skiadi O, Stamatopoulou Ε., Sotiropoulos A., Panaretou
V., Loizidou M. (2014). Compositional analysis of food waste from study sites in Greek municipalities.
ATHENS 2014 "2nd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management". Αthens. 12th–
14th June 2014;

Malamis D, Sotiropoulos A, Krokida M. (2012). Food waste drying as an alternative method for
biowaste management. ATHENS 2012" International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste
Management". Αthens. 28th-29th June 2012;

Pezoulas I, Malamis D, Sotiropoulos A, Loizidou M. (2015). Evaluation of household drying systems

for the management of source separated biowaste. TINOS 2015 “3rd International Conference on
Sustainable Solid Waste Management. Tinos Island, 2nd- 4th July 2015;

Thanos A.G., Sotiropoulos A., Malamis S., Katsou E., Pavlatou E.A., Haralambous K.J., (2015).
Regeneration of HDTMA-modified minerals after sorption with chromate anions. IWWATV Industrial
Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorisation. 21st-23rd May 2015;

Vakalis S, Sotiropoulos A and Baratieri M. (2015). Thermochemical valorization and characterization

of biomass waste streams. International Biomass Conference and Expo.Minneapolis. 20th-22nd April

Vakalis S, Sotiropoulos A, Moustakas K, Malamis D, Baratieri M. (2015). Utilization of char from

biomass gasification for onsite energy production - Introduction and modelling of a secondary reactor.
TINOS 2015 “3rd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management. Tinos Island, 2nd
- 4th July 2015;

Valta K, Sotiropoulos Α, Katsou E, Antonopoulou G, Alexandropoulou M, Lyberatos G, Loizidou M.

(2012). Biochemical methane potential of municipal Solid waste dried at source. ATHENS 2012
"International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management". Αthens. 28th-29th June 2012;

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Curriculum vitae Dr. Angelos Sotiropoulos

Valta K, Malamis D, Sotiropoulos A, Kosanovic T, Antonopoulou G, Alexandropoulou M, Jonuzay S,

Lyberatos G, Loizidou M. (2013). Assessment of the Effect of Drying Temperature and Composition
on the Biochemical Methane Potential of Inhouse Dried Household Food Waste. IWA Regional
Conference on Waste and Wastewater Management, Science and Technology. Cyprus. 26th - 28th
June 2013;

Valta Κ, Aggeli Ε, Papadaskalopoulou C, Panaretou V, Sotiropoulos A., Malamis D, Moustakas K,

Haralampous K-J. (2014). Adding value to olive oil production through waste and wastewater
treatment and valorisation: the case of Greece. SYMBIOSIS CONFERENCE 2014. Αthens. 19th-21st
June 2014;

Malamis D, Sotiropoulos A, Loizidou M. (2012). PIlot scale of biowaste drying at source with the use of
a domestic waste dryer.4th International Conference of EEDSA.Athens. 30th November - 1st December

Referee/Reviewer -Waste Management;

-Journal of cleaner production;
-Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry;
-Journal of Environmental Management;
-Folia Microbiologica;
-Waste and Biomass Valorization;
-Desalination and Water Treatment;
-International Letters of Natural Sciences.

Memberships ▪ Member of the HSPN Board of Directors (Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature);
▪ Member of the HEL.P.S (Hellenic Phycological Society).

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