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A Five Year Physiological Case Study of An Olympic Runner

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Br J Sports Med 1998;32:3943 39

A five year physiological case study of an Olympic

A M Jones

Abstract VO2MAX and running economy),4 and the

ObjectiveTo study physiological changes maximum running speed attained in a fast
caused by long term endurance training in incremental treadmill test5 have also been suc-
a world class female distance runner, and cessfully used to predict performance in
to compare these changes with alterations distance running events. However, there are
in 3000 m running performance. limited data on the changes in these measures
MethodsThe subject underwent regu- caused by long periods of endurance training
lar physiological assessment during the and their longitudinal relations with endurance
period 19911995. Physiological measures performance, particularly for female athletes.
made included body composition, maxi- This paper reports the results of a five year
mal oxygen uptake (VO2MAX), running long study of a world class female distance
economy, and lactate threshold. In addi- runner. The runner, who was 17 years of age
tion, the running speed at VO2MAX was on commencement of the study in 1991, won
estimated. Test protocols, laboratory the World Junior cross country championships
equipment, and laboratory techniques in 1992, and has since been placed in the first
used were the same for each test session. seven runners in the World Championships
ResultsThe 3000 m race performance (3000 m) and the Olympic Games (5000 m).
improved by 8% from 1991 to 1993 after Physical and physiological variables deter-
which it stabilised. In contrast, VO2MAX fell mined at regular intervals throughout the study
from 1991 (73 ml/kg/min) to 1993 (66 included body composition, VO2MAX, lactate
ml/kg/min). Submaximal physiological threshold, running economy, estimated run-
variables such as lactate threshold (from ning speed at VO2MAX, and maximum running
15.0 to 18.0 km/h) and running economy speed attained in a fast incremental treadmill
(from 53 ml/kg/min to 48 ml/kg/min at 16.0 test. These measures were used to provide a
km/h) improved over the course of the comprehensive picture of adaptations in the
study. Despite no increase in VO2MAX, the physiology of the runner to training. The
reduction in the oxygen cost of submaxi- purpose of this study was: (a) to describe the
mal running caused the estimated run- physiology of a world class female distance
ning speed at VO2MAX to increase from 19.0 runner; (b) to investigate changes caused by
km/h in 1991 to 20.4 km/h in 1995. long term endurance training in the physiologi-
ConclusionsImprovement in 3000 m cal measures listed above and the relations
running performance was not caused by between these variables; and (c) to examine
an increase in VO2MAX. Rather, the exten- how changes in physiological function aVect
sive training programme adopted, to- distance running performance.
gether perhaps with physical maturation,
resulted in improvements in submaximal
fitness factors such as running economy
The study received approval from the Chelsea
and lactate threshold. These adaptations
School ethics committee, University of
improved the running speed estimated to
Brighton. Thereafter, the subject underwent
be associated with VO2MAX, and resulted in
two physiological assessment sessions per year,
improved 3000 m running performance. usually in MarchApril and November
(Br J Sports Med 1998;32:3943)
December. To improve confidence that
Keywords: distance running; performance; training; changes observed over time were due to real
VO2MAX; running economy physiological changes and not to the combined
eVect of diurnal biological variability and tech-
nical or measurement error, the results of these
Department of
Exercise and Sport Traditionally, maximal oxygen uptake two test sessions were averaged for each year of
Science, Crewe and (VO2MAX) was considered to be the most study. Exactly the same procedures and equip-
Alsager Faculty, the important physiological measure in the assess- ment were used for each test session, and the
Manchester ment of potential for endurance exercise.1 tests commenced at the same time of day
Metropolitan More recently, it has been acknowledged that (1011 am). The subject was instructed to
University, Hassall factors such as the lactate threshold, defined as train only lightly in the 48 hours preceding a
Road, Alsager ST7
2HL, United Kingdom the submaximal running speed that invokes a test session, and to arrive at the laboratory in a
A M Jones sudden and sustained increase in blood lactate fully hydrated state, at least two hours after
concentration,2 and the running economy, eating. After she had given written informed
Correspondence to: defined as the energy cost (VO2) of submaximal consent, the subjects height and body mass
Dr A M Jones.
running,3 also contribute to endurance run- were measured, and the sum of four skinfolds
Accepted for publication ning performance. The estimated running was taken to provide an estimate of body
9 October 1997 speed at VO2MAX (a composite measure of composition.6
40 Jones

Table 1 Changes in various physical and physiological measures over five years of

Best 3000 m time (seconds)

endurance training 563
531 520
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 517
Body mass (kg) 51.3 52.2 53.0 54.4 52.5
Body fat (%) 15.7 13.4 11.8 15.7 14.1
Lactate threshold (km/h) 15.0 16.5 17.0 18.0 18.0
[Lactate] at 17 km/h (mM) 3.7 2.8 1.6 1.6 1.4 400
Maximum speed (km/h) 19.5 21.0 22.5 22.0 22.0

For all treadmill testing, the treadmill grade 300

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
was set at 1%.7 The test session was divided Year
into two parts. In the first part, the subject per-
formed seven to nine submaximal exercise Figure 1 Improvement in best time from 1991 to 1995.
The subject was injured in 1994.
stages of three minutes duration. Running
speeds selected were in the range of 14.019.0 80
km/h, and running speed was increased by 0.5

VO2 MAX (ml/kg/min)

km/h between stages. During the last minute of
70 68.5
each stage, expired air was collected in a 66
67 66.7
Douglas bag. Heart rate was determined
throughout the test by telemetry (Polar Elec-
tro, Kempele, Finland), and was recorded at
the completion of each stage. A 20 l fingertip
capillary blood sample was taken during a 20 50
second break between stages for duplicate 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
determination of whole blood lactate concen- Year
tration by micro-assay (Analox GM7 Hammer- Figure 2 Changes in maximum oxygen uptake (VO2MAX)
smith, UK). The coeYcient of variation for from 1991 to 1995.
blood lactate determination was 2.8% for ten
speed was defined as the running speed
samples in the physiological range (5 mM).
attained in the final completed stage.
When the blood lactate concentration deter-
mined for the penultimate submaximal stage
exceeded 4 mM, the treadmill speed was kept Results
constant and the treadmill grade was increased Over the period of study, the subject gained 6
by 1% each minute until volitional exhaustion. cm in stature (1.681.74 m). Body mass
During this period, expired air was collected in increased slightly and percentage body fat var-
Douglas bags over the final 45 seconds of each ied between 11.8 and 15.7% (table 1).
one minute stage for determination of VO2MAX. Figure 1 shows the subjects 8% improve-
ment in 3000 m race time (her specialist
This procedure has been shown to provide a
distance) from 1991 to 1995. The subject did
valid assessment of VO2MAX.8
not compete in 1994 because of injury. This
For determination of respiratory gas ex-
improvement in the performance criterion is in
change variables, expired air was analysed for
contrast with a 9% reduction in VO2MAX, from
the concentrations of O2 and CO2 by sampling
72.8 to 66.0 ml/kg/min, observed over the same
through a paramagnetic transducer (Servomex period (fig 2). Maximal heart rate fell from 203
Series 1100, Crowborough, Sussex, UK) and beats/minute in 1991 to 197 beats/minute in
an infrared analyser (Servomex, model 1490) 1995.
respectively. Volumes were determined by Of the submaximal measures, there was a
using a dry gas meter (Harvard Ltd, Eden- marked reduction in the blood lactate concen-
bridge, Kent, UK). tration measured at a reference submaximal
VO2MAX was considered to be the highest VO2 running speed and a 20% improvement in lac-
recorded during part one of the test session. tate threshold over the period of study (table
The lactate threshold was determined as a clear 1). Further, there was an 11% reduction in the
threshold increase in blood lactate from plots VO2 required to run at 16 km/hthat is, an
of blood lactate against running speed. Run- improved running economybetween 1992
ning economy was defined as the VO2 required and 1995 (fig 3). Note that a running economy
to run at 16.0 km/h.3 The running speed at measure for 1991 is omitted since, in that year,
VO2MAX was estimated by solving the regression the lactate threshold was lower than 16.0 km/h.
equation relating VO2 to running speed (run- The improved running economy over the
ning speed = m (VO2) + c) for VO2MAX.4 The entire submaximal range oVset the lack of
regression equation was derived only from data improvement in VO2MAX insofar as the esti-
collected at running speeds below the lactate mated running speed at VO2MAX improved from
threshold, since the kinetics of VO2 are consid- 19.0 km/h in 1991 to 20.4 km/h in 1995 (fig 4).
erably more complex above this exercise The estimated running speed at VO2MAX closely
intensity.9 predicted the seasons best running speed for
After two hours recovery, the subject per- 3000 m. The maximum speed attained in the
formed the second part of the test session. She fast incremental treadmill test reflected the
began running at 12 km/h, and running speed overall improvement in aerobic fitness up to
was increased by 0.5 km/h on the completion of 1993, but was not sensitive to improvement in
successive 200 m intervals until volitional the performance criterion later in the study
exhaustion was reached.10 Maximum running period (table 1).
Physiology of an Olympic runner 41

60 tests performed in each year were averaged. (3)

The day to day coeYcient of variation in VO2

VO2 (ml/kg/min)
51 50.6 determination using the expired gas collection
50 47.6 and analysis system in the exercise laboratory
used has been reported to be 2.1%.13
It has been suggested that absolute VO2MAX
40 peaks at about 15 years of age in the sedentary
female and that subsequent reduction in
VO2MAX is partly the result of a decline in maxi-
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 mum heart rate with age.14 The 9% reduction
Year in VO2MAX between 1991 and 1993 coincided
Figure 3 Reduced oxygen cost of submaximal with a 2% reduction in maximum heart rate
runningthat is, improved running economyfrom 1992 (from 203 to 199 beats/minute). Interpretation
to 1995. Data presented are for 16 km/h and 1% treadmill of the longitudinal physiological changes ob-
grade. served and their relation to long term endur-
ance training is, however, further complicated
Speed at VO2 MAX (km/h)

by the physical growth and maturation of the

20.3 20.4 subject. There is no evidence to suggest that
20 19.5 the subjects 6 cm gain in stature over the
19 period of study would adversely aVect
VO2MAX.15 However, if increased height was
18 mediated by an increase in leg length, then
some change in running economy and maxi-
mum running speed might be hypothesised.
16 Information on relative changes in the length of
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Year body segments is not available, but cross
sectional studies have shown no clear relation
Figure 4 Improvement in the estimated running speed at
maximum oxygen uptake (VO2MAX) from 1991 to 1995. between leg length and stride length, or stride
length and running economy.16 It is likely,
Discussion though, that a gain in lean tissue mass, possibly
The purpose of this study was to investigate including bone mass and non-propulsive
changes in physiological variables induced by muscle mass, was responsible for some of the
long term endurance training in a world class reduction in VO2MAX between 1991 and 1993
female distance runner, and to study, longitu- since body mass increased by 1.7 kg and the
dinally, the influence of these variables on an estimated percentage body fat decreased in this
endurance performance criterion. period (table 1).
There was a substantial improvement in Running economy improved over the course
3000 m race performance over the course of of the study period (fig 3). Although fig 3
the study, with the subjects best times for the presents VO2 data for 16 km/h, running
season being consistently ranked amongst the economy improved over the entire submaximal
best in the world for that year. The lack of range measured (14.018.0 km/h) with train-
improvement in the 3000 m performance ing. An association between improved per-
criterion in 1995 coincided with the introduc- formance and improved running economy is
tion of the 5000 m event for women in major not unexpected. It has been shown that
championships, and reflects altered priorities running economy can discriminate perform-
and a reduced competitive opportunity at 3000 ance capability in groups of subjects who are
m. It is interesting to compare changes in homogeneous for VO2MAX,3 and that subjects
maximal and submaximal physiological vari- with good running economy can frequently
ables with the improvement in race perform- outperform subjects with higher VO2MAX
ance. Limited data are available on the values.17 In one of the few previously reported
physiological status of elite female distance longitudinal case studies involving elite run-
runners, but the VO2MAX of 6773 ml/kg/min ners, Conley et al18 reported improved running
consistently recorded in the present subject is economy without improvement in VO2MAX after
similar to or slightly higher than the 6570 training in the miler, Steve Scott. The factors
ml/kg/min proposed as typical for senior inter- involved in the determination of running
nationals by Neumann.11 Figure 2 suggests that economy remain unclear, but both bio-
VO2MAX fell from 1991 to 1993 after which it mechanical factors involved in running style
stabilised. While variability in VO2MAX assess- and physiological factors are probably in-
ment (including both technical error and diur- volved. It has been suggested that a greater
nal biological variability) has been suggested to relative reliance on the -glycerophosphate
be of the order of 45%,12 there are several rea- shuttle over the malate-aspartate shuttle in type
sons which point to the trend for the reduction II muscle may reduce the P:O ratio in the type
and subsequent stabilisation of VO2MAX to be II fibre compared with the type I fibre.19 This
real, and not an artefact of the variability in would predict a greater VO2 for any given ATP
data collection or analysis. These reasons resynthesis rate in type II muscle. A delayed
include the following. (1) The subject was recruitment of type II motor units, as might
highly motivated and the exercise test techni- result from the greater oxidative capacity of
cians were satisfied that the subject ran to muscle seen with endurance training,20 would
complete exhaustion on each occasion that reduce the VO2 required to run at given
VO2MAX was measured. (2) Data from the two submaximal speeds. Further, it has been
42 Jones

reported that transformation of muscle fibre The sensitivity of lactate threshold to endur-
types from type IIb to type IIa,21 and from type ance training is well documented,33 and the
IIa to type I,22 can occur with extensive endur- running speed at which lactate threshold
ance training. A greater proportion of type I occurs has been shown to dictate the speed that
fibres in the musculature has been reported to can be sustained during distance running
reduce the energetic cost of treadmill races.2 34 The running speed at which lactate
running.23 threshold occurred increased from approxi-
Whatever the cause, the reduced oxygen cost mately six minutes and 25 seconds per mile in
of running throughout the range of submaxi- 1991 to five minutes and 20 seconds per mile in
mal exercise was fundamental in increasing the 1995. This represents a 20% improvement in
estimated running speed at VO2MAX over time,4 the running speed at lactate threshold in four
since VO2MAX was essentially unaltered after years, and is indicative of a greatly enhanced
1993. The substitution of VO2MAX by the run- endurance capacity. The exercise intensity
ning speed at VO2MAX, involving the interplay of associated with lactate threshold increased
VO2MAX and running economy, has been shown from approximately 80% VO2MAX in 1991 to
to be highly predictive of success in distance 88% VO2MAX in 1995. The importance of a
running events.4 In the present study, the esti- high lactate threshold to the performance of
mated running speed at VO2MAX was a close the fast aerobic events of 3000 m and 5000 m
approximation of the best running speed main- is underlined by data demonstrating that time
tained for 3000 m during the season. This sup- to exhaustion at VO2MAX is positively related
ports work suggesting that 3000 m running to the percentage VO2MAX at which lactate
requires the utilisation of approximately 100% threshold occurs.35 Interestingly, the rightward
VO2MAX.24 This sensitivity of the estimated run- shift in the heart raterunning speed relation
ning speed at VO2MAX to training, and its close with training resulted in there being little
association with distance running perform-
change in the heart rate associated with the
ance, supports the suggestion of Morgan et al4
lactate threshold over time. Of practical
that the estimation of running speed at VO2MAX
interest to athletes and coaches without access
may be a useful adjunct in the physiological
to laboratory based physiological assessment is
assessment of the elite runner. In contrast, the
the sensitivity of heart rate at submaximal run-
maximum running speed attained in the fast
incremental treadmill test (part two of the test ning speeds to training status. For example, the
battery) was not sensitive to improvement in heart rate measured at 17.0 km/h fell from 199
athletic performance after 1993. The non- beats/minute to 180 beats/minute over the
steady state nature of the test protocol9 and the course of the study. Routine measurement of
associated requirements for a large contribu- heart rate response to several treadmill running
tion of anaerobic processes to ATP resynthesis, speeds might prove useful to the coach in
and for skill in high speed running, may assessing the eYcacy of endurance training
obscure the measurement of improvement in prescriptions over time.
aerobic fitness by such tests. While specific details relating to training are
Other changes in physiological variables not available, in general, the development of
included an elevation of the lactate threshold the training programme reflected the transition
and a reduction in the heart rate and the blood of the subject from promising junior to senior
lactate concentration measured at international. In later years, particular empha-
representative submaximal running speeds sis was placed on the development of a sound
(table 1). There is controversy over the nature aerobic base, and, to this end, average weekly
of the blood lactate response to exercise,25 with training mileage was progressively increased
some groups disputing the existence of a from 3040 miles a week to 7090 miles a
threshold phenomenon.26 27 However, a week. Of interest concerning the physiological
number of the studies that have described a improvements observed in the present study
continuous increase in blood lactate during was the subjects tendency to perform steady
incremental exercise may be criticised for using mileage at training intensities close to, or at,
protocols that are likely to obscure threshold lactate threshold. This may have been particu-
detectionthat is, they have used rapid larly important in the development of lactate
incremental rates that produce few data points threshold.33 36 The continued improvement in
or they have initiated exercise tests at high rela- running economy and lactate threshold might
tive intensities. It has been shown that be considered important in the future attain-
two-component linear regression analysis ment of success in the 5000 m and 10 000 m
that is, a single threshold modelprovides a track events.
closer fit to the blood lactateVO2 relationship In summary, this study, which is the first to
during exercise than does an exponential plus present data on the physiological changes
constant model,28 with the exponential model accompanying training in a world class female
producing a very poor fit to blood lactate data distance runner over a number of years,
in the region of interest (1.04.5 mM).29 showed improved 3000 m running perform-
Numerous studies testify to the validity and ance without an improvement in maximal oxy-
reliability of lactate threshold determination by gen consumption. Submaximal physiological
visual inspection,30 31 and the use of multistage variables including running economy and
test protocols with stage durations of three to lactate threshold improved considerably, and
four minutes, and small intensity increments the lower oxygen cost of running at submaxi-
(as in the present study) further simplifies mal speeds was important in increasing the
threshold identification.32 running speed estimated to be associated with
Physiology of an Olympic runner 43

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This is a longitudinal study of an athletes maturation to elite status, the kind of topic more often
tackled anecdotally in the coaching literature than on the basis of scientific tests, as it is here. So
I find Andrew Jones paper both interesting and valuable.
The athlete was only 17 when the study began. Consequently, the eVects of training cannot be
separated cleanly from those of the last stages of growth. Nonetheless, perhaps the most power-
ful finding, which is that VO2MAX, although extremely high throughout, actually falls a few percent
while performance improves by a similar margin, makes its point irrespective of whether training
or maturation was the main factor in the improvement. The laboratory tests that do correlate well
with track performance are those of lactate threshold, running economy, and estimated speed at
VO2MAX. These findings nicely confirm results from several cross sectional studies of recent years.

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