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of Motor Oa\'elopment
t,t~ ~ t. -..--..-,.rdin~ tt' .-\,fol:ph. Wei~

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Ir. bnnaiis tem1,-. me
growth of mo,"t"ment
a.iJ ,=<>US mNor .1!:-iliti.-s fu.,m birth till Jeatli
i.> 3lleJ ffi('{or develorment. It in.:ludes J.11 the
lllO\'l:!lnffitS ,..i the~- which in dudes ~th,·

~~fm<n\:s. umL<. l•~":5 .ind h,m,k " ·hid1

11 amt f'/1'\'1/U m,~"t ,~f rlr,• ~~-...,,rual intomullim1

• trn•rm>t.~ ·
· .uolp!l 1..,.-l ~'C" I ~l'l(lt. \
Sitting. w3lking, running . ..:limt>ing. ,·.1t.:hing.
iwnping. thro"ing, ricking. ~ i~g. ht,IJi;g
mJ llsino"' ren,·ils.· rcn,.,. s,1s..,,)n.
- .mJ •ke,·tx~.u,h.
l'l.:. are _,-anou,; n1ot or mon:·ments ,1r m,,tl,r
· :J...ilb
JUaal IOr m:ryd.1y lite ,t.:ti,i tks.
There arc two t\-~sot· mowr devdormt·nt:
1· Gross Motor
<kvd De' ·cl opment: Gross mot.1r
m,.,. :!ment is . the devdopment oi tht' 1-tn.>e
= tn a ·h hf bod
sn. stand. wal~ 1 s
Y- lt hdps the ,hild t(,
, F· · run and SQ on.
- °"
lkv.,_ Motor .vc-vc
...,._ 1
o pment: Fine
_ =pment is th _ n1t,wr
>lllall musc1 - e small nll'vement , ,,i
h d es ot the bod ~
an s, ~Tists and fi _ Y• especiall~· in the
ngers. It mduJes pi,-king Figure S.1 We ob~er

act1vit1es in ch1ldr
up objects, using of cups, pouring of drink s, Gra sps fing ers 3 months
dressing. holding and using pencils, catching 21 days 2- 7 rnol'llhs
a cricket ball, and gymnastic exercises with or Rolls from back 4.5 months
without apparatus and so on. 2- 7 ll'IOl'lths
to side
Gross and fin e motor skills sometim es overlap
Sits alone 7 months
or work in unison . For example, infants use their S- 9 months
hands for picking up toys from th e floor (fine Crawls 7 months
5-11 months
motor skill ) more easily when they have already \
Pulls to stand 8 month & S-l2 months
learnt to sit (gross motor skill). Another example
is when a child gets an item from a shelf using both Clapping 9 months 7- 15 months \
large muscles (walking to the shelf and reaching 21 days
for the item) and small muscles such as the infants Stands alon e 11 months 9- 16 months
fingers for grasping the item .
Walks alone 11 months 9-17 rnonths
Motor Development in Children 21 days
Builds tower of 13 months 10-19 months
tnfanthood (O to 2 years) 2 cubes/blocks 21 days
Scribbles 14 month~ 10-21 months
Walks upsta irs 16 months 12- 23 months
with help
Jumps in place 23 months 17- 30 months
14 days

From the above table, it can be concluded that

motor control of the head comes before control of
the legs and this head to tail sequence is known
as the cepha/ocaudal trend. Then the motor
development proceeds from the centre of the body
outward. Control of the head, trunk and arms are
mastered first before the coordination of hands and
Figure 5.2 Motor development in toddlers fingers; this is called the proximodistal trend. Once
During this stage, there is extremely rapid growth the infant is familiar and equipped with these gross
and development of muscles. The motor skills motor skills, they are capable of discovering their
achieved during infancy may vary and they are environment with their fine motor skills. They
depicted in the following table: will start grasping things, turning them over and
seeing what occurs when the objects are released.
Table 5.1 Motor development during infancy Eventually, the infants become familiar with the
sight, sound and feel of objects. .
Motor Average Age Age Range
There are three stages of motor develop~ent in
Skills Achieved (90% Infants)
children. They are as follows:
Head erect and 42 days 4 2 days - 4
steady when months Early Childhood (2 to 6 years)
held upright The early childhood period is the most rapid
lifts self by 2 months 21 days -4 development of motor behaviour and this period
arms when mont hs is also called preschool years. At two years old, a
prone child can walk around obstacles and walk mo_~e
Rolls from side 2 month s 21 days- 5 erectly sit on her/his heels for long period whi e
m onths ' . and down
to back playing, climb stairs, learn to iump up


finger control and is almost able to converse at
an adult level. She/he wants to understand how
and why things work and will start with logical
At 9 years, children are quite good at handling

tools and hand-eye coordination is properly
developed. They have the capacity to draw a
thing in detail, and are more active and alert. At
10 years old, a child is capable of demanding
motor/endurance task such as bicycling.
The urge for competition among children
of their own age group starts during this phase.
Thus, at this stage, children run faster, are able I
to jump higher and throw farther ; balancing
figure s.3 Motor development in early childhood and coordination becomes perfect. Even if they
are enthusiastic to participate and compete,
but may fall, learn to go to the toilet, learn to open competitions should be minimum, without rigid
doors, start scribbling, etc. At the age of 3 years, the
rules and have less instruction time.
child will learn to walk, attempt to run and walk
up and down the stairs using alternate feet. They '1
can balance on one foot, jump on the spot, pedal
a small tricycle, enjoy swinging on a swing, learn
to control crayons or markers, turn the pages of a
book one at a time, learn to wash and dry hands
and so on.
An adult style of walking will be almost
achieved by the child by 4 years of age. At the age
of 4 years, the child can hop on one foot, run in
a circle, climb ladders and trees, learn to form
shapes and objects out of clay, etc. A child will have
more control over running by the age of 4-5 years.
She/he will learn to hop and gallop skilfully by'
6 years. This is the period where a child starts to
evolve from creeping to climbing. She/he learns to Figure 5.4 Motor development in middle childhood
walk, run, jump, hop, gallop, throw, catch and skip
efficiently at this period. Late Childhood (11 to 12 years)
Systematic training in sports like gymnastics
At the age of 11 years, children are better able at
and swimming can be begun at this stage. Children
making decisions and begin to understand that
of this age are proficient at basic movements
everyone has different beliefs. There is rapid height
like rolling, hanging, pushing and pulling, etc.
gain. They have a hard time sitting still.
However, children should not be exposed to
At 12 years, puberty begins in females and
competitions in this period.
is manifested in the swelling of breasts, onset of
Middle Childhood (7 to 10 years) menstruation and growth of pubic and underarm
hair. Changes in boys are less striking, although
It becomes progressively more difficult to describe
the penis and testicles enlarge and pubic hair
changes and differences in motor skill development
starts growing. Late childhood continues till the
aft~r the age of 6 years. At the age of 7 years, a
beginning of sexual maturation process. Boys are
child learns to develop hand-eye coordination and
temporarily shorter and thinner than girls during
balance. She/he learns to ride a bicycle without
tr . .
ammg wheels. By 8 years, the child has good this period.
discover their surroundings. CJ;.._ t
. ..a e, ho... ·
cul ture h ave a strong impact on th ""i/Jg
of. motor skills of children. A typ~:,1~ tral nervous system, the
tbe c~es and joints. lnabilit
child, for example, can roll over at thr will lead to failure of
sit at six months and walks at 12 rno ee tilJldy rnotor response.
characteristic might not be exhibite~~ but thii
of similar age in another country With a cliiJd poslUfOI oetormitie,
culture. durertiit posniral deformities like
In many societies, children are rnuties, flat foot, knock kn
to explore their surroundings and eneour~ or obstruct the process of
Figure 5.5 Motor development in late childhood in motor activities. It is the suPPort ill children. Children with no 1
security of the elders that help a child~ ~c _i!Jd will have a faster rate of motor
This is the period in which most of the complex explore courageously and enjoy effective
motor skills are mastered and boys and girls can development. lllotor ()DIIMIY
compete evenly. Coaches and physical education ()besity adversely affects the
teachers also start encouraging children to develop Nutrition of drlldren. Children who arc
their technical skills with an increasing emphasis difficult and uncomfortable to
Wholesome nutrition is an essential reqUir actiVitr- They lag behind their
on strategies and tactics.
for all round development of a child. Good : : when it comes to development
development can be deri~ed frorn nutritious
Factors Affecting Motor Development
food. On the other hand, children Without pr EXERCISE GUIDELINES ,
Motor development in children depends on many nutrition lose their energy and have STAGES OF GROWTH A
factors. They are as follows: developed motor skills.
B/o/og/ca/ Factors Physical Activities Tue following table illustrates e
Biological factors are linked with genes and are also Regular physical activities help the motor different stage of growth and d
known as genetic or heredity factors. Various types development to be at a faster rate but the physial
of motor development depend on the genes we Table 5.2 Exercise guidelines
activities must correspond to the capahilitia
get from our parents, for instance, the percentage and limitations of a child Children who do not Age Group Exercise
of fast twitch fibres and slow twitch fibres, which practise or take-up physical activities regularly
decide our muscular speed and endurance. These Children Infants (aged le
will have a slower rate of motor developmem
factors influence the rate and ability of motor between reaching and gr.:
and show deficiency in coordinative abilities aruf 0-5 years time, crawling,
development and are connected to body weight, technical skills. (infants floor- based inte
size and strength. According to experts, children and
with proportionately longer legs and ideal weight Opportunities toddlers) Toddlers (childn
generally walk earlier than those with shorter legs. Better motor development occurs in those childRD walk on their ov
Another important biological factor is the who get abundant opportunities to take-up mort up, moving arou
development of nerve cells or neurons. They physical activities. Their sensory perception. pl·aying, skipping
transmit messages to the brain and connect with reaction time, balance, agility, etc. surpass tho.It running, jumpin1
other nerves and form pathways in the brain of their less active equals. All children ~ d. ball games, etc.
during the first months of life. The number of therefore, be provided plenty of space and tune
neurons increases as an infant's brain grows. The to expand their motor development, as a strong Children below !
higher the number of nerves connected to each frame, riding a b
and healthy physique is just as important as an
other, the more the child can learn and do. chasing games, v
intelligent mind etc. Watching TV
Environmental Factors bus or car for lor
Sensory Impairments
. . . enrs. good for growth
Motor development of children is also affected Sensory impairments like VIsual unpail111 the Children
by environmental factors such as physical and hearing impairments, etc. are likely to
Catching a baU, s
social factors. Motor development takes place at Movem= between light running, thr
motor development of children. . n berweeD 5-svears coordinative acti·
a quicker rate in children who are encouraged to are the product of the coordinatto
onvous syskrn, the sensory organs and
Children P1aying safe games, flexible
dJt and joints. Inability to perceive stimuli
between exercises, riding bicyde,
will lead to failure of the appropriate and
9-12 years coordinattve activities, etc.
nindY rnowr respome. Good quality playing equipment
and safety measures should be
fOSIU'°' ,,.rormm.• considered.
posnira) deformities Like spinal curvature
onnities, flat foot. knock knee, bow leg. etc. slow
Jt6 or ot,struct the process of motor development Children All games and sports can be
between played at this stage. Aerobic
:':ildren. Children with no postural deformities
13-19 activities are good for proper
will )lave a faster rate of motor development.
years growth and development. Good
o,:,.,Hy coaching and sports environment
ot,esity adversely affects the motor development should be offered tD develop
of chl)dren. Children who are overweight find it leadership qualities and team
diffiallt and uncomfortable to take-up any motor spirit among children.
actiVity. They lag behind their more active friends
when it comes to development of motor skills.
The following table illustrates exercise guidelines at SCOLIOSIS AND THEIR CORRECTIVE
different stage of growth and development. MEASURES
Table 5.2 Exercise guidelines Some of the commonly known postural deformities
are given below:
Age Group Exercise Guidelines
+ Spinal curvature
Children Infants (aged less than one year):
between reaching and grasping, tummy Flat Foot
0-5 years time, crawling, pushing, pulling, + Knock Knees
(infants floor- based interactive activities.
and Bowlegs
toddlers) Toddlers (children who can Round Shoulder
walk on their own): standing
up, moving around, rolling and Spinal Curvature
playing, skipping, hopping,
running, jumping, riding a bike, Viewed laterally, the lumbar spine is characterised
ball games, etc. by a moderate anterior hyperextension curve, i.e.
everybody's spine has some form of curvature.
Children below 5 years: climbing Spinal curve helps our backs absorb shock.
frame, riding a bike, running and A healthy spine should run however straight
chasing games, walking, skipping, down the centre. Sometimes, abnormal spinal
etc. Watching TV and travelling by curvatures are formed. They are associated with
bus or car for longer times are not the abnormality in the formation, alignment or
good for growth and development. shape of the vertebral column or spine. These
Children Catching a ball, short distance or deformities are the result of carrying excessive
between light running, throwing jumping, weight beyond capacity of the body. There are
>-Svears coordinative activities, etc. three types of spinal curvatures:
It is deri~ from
<> Lie down on the fl
Greek word 'kyphos' . oor With
which means 'a hump'. your mid back. Gently ro a foall'J rou
It is a condition where foam roller, massagin thll up and do er
and th orac1c
· spine g e ll'J Uscles f1¥11 t•'r
abnormal curvature of 011
the spine occurs in the Lie on the flo · th e bM '"
or and ...
backward or posterior toward floor. lioid f, Pull Your h·
5 IO · 3
or 0 sec 0 c 111 b
curve or reversal of - tunes. It is good r llds and ac~
n ck th •0 r the reo....
forward curve, often e at are often stretched o ll'Jusc1es o{ ''l
causing depression Avoid carrying heavy ob· Ut. the
0 th er than th Jects.
of the chest. It is also Kyphosis b
. . e a ove-rnenuo
known as round back Normal
swunming, running Waiki fled exer .
or humpback. Figure 5. 6 helpful to prevent b;ck p bnlg and Pilates "'cist;,
ro erns. ..,ay ht
Kyphosis is caused by malnutrition, illness, Lordos/s
deficiency of pure air, insufficient exercises, rickets,
Lordosis is the excessive
carrying heavy loads, poorly shaped furniture,
inward curvature of spine
weak muscles, ageing, spinal injury, arthritis and
resulting in a forward
other degenerative bone diseases and the habit of
curve in the lumbar region.
doing work by leaning forward. According to the
Normally, a human spine
causes, kyphosis may be studied under various exhibits some amount of
types: osteoporosis related kyphosis, congenital
lordosis, but if it increases,
kyphosis, degenerative kyphosis, neuromuscular
then it poses a greater risk
kyphosis, nutritional kyphosis, postural kyphosis, for the individual. The body
traumatic kyphosis and so on.
becomes stiff and painful.
Kyphosis can be prevented by following correct With timely intervention, 1,
postures while sitting, standing and walking from lordosis can be corrected at Normal
an early age. Proper exercises and diet are also the early stage. lordosis
important measures. Discussed below are measures Many factors result in Figure 5.8
for preventing or treating the condition: lordosis. Some of them are an imbalanced diet,
While sitting on a chair your buttocks should improper environment, improper development
touch the back of chair. By looking upward, hold of muscles, obesity and diseases affecting
your hands together and bring it behind your vertebrae and spinal muscles like spondylolys~
back in such a way that your shoulders remain and osteoporosis. Besides these, excessive intake
in stretched backward. Stay in this position for of food and physical inactivity are also the major
30-60 seconds. causes of lordosis.
Some precautionary and remedial measures for
Keep a pillow under your back while sleeping preventing lordosis are: .
and use a supportive chair while sitting.
Good nutrition will help in controlling pam,
Stand tall, against a wall if needed. Slightly disability and will keep spine healthy. Therefore,
tuck your chin and bring your shoulder head a well balanced diet must be taken. .
back directly over your shoulder. Hold this . because
Obese people suffer from 1ordos1s their
r . excess
position for 30-60 seconds if needed take a break.
Perform dhanurasana regularly. :
backs have been strained by car ymf
weight. Thus, it is necessary to contro
especially at an early age. has
1 d the person
While carrying a heavy oa •. a bad posnut·
to lean forward which _resul~~; should align
Even if carrying weight . . n
Figure 5.7 her/his body in straight pos1t10 .


•-at tordosis. stand straight with the feet convexities and left
1i0 U"'
and shoulder width apart. Bend your knee and convexities. The curves
bold your ankle. When you pull your leg back, which convex to the
tilt your pelvic forward. Hold this position for right in upper back is
zs-30 seconds. called right convexities
Lie down on the floor facing the ceiling and (dextroscoliosis) while
put your feet on the floor; tilt your pelvic back curvature of spine to
by pushing the lower back into the floor. Then the left or convexity left
lift your torso off the floor to 30 degrees angle is called left convexities
by supporting your neck with your hands. (levoconvex). Thus,
And come back slowly to starting position and the bones of the spine
repeat exercises 10 times. twisted together forming
a 'C' or 'S' shape. Figure 5.10 Scoliosis
Lie down on the floor on your back, pull your
knees slowly into your chest. Inhale with deep The primary causes of sc0i1osis are diseases
breath while performing this exercise. in the joints of bones, polio, rickets, infantile
paralysis, cerebral palsy and juvenile osteoporosis
Lie down your back on the floor facing upward
or other diseases. These conditions are also often
with the flexion of knees while keeping your feet
associated with poor posture, partial deafness and
flat on the floor apart from each other. Squeeze
carrying heavy loads on one shoulder. In some
your gluteus and lift up your hip upward
cases, the condition is inherited.
as much as you can. This position is called
The following precautionary measures can be
supine position. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and
taken up to prevent scoliosis:
return to starting position. Repeat this exercise
20 times a day. An unhealthy diet and low levels of specific
minerals can contribute to scoliosis progression.
Toe touching exercises, sit-ups and halasana As a result, a balanced diet is crucial.
should be performed regularly.
Carrying heavy things especially on one side
should be avoided as it adds to natural pull of
gravity and compresses the spine further.
Long distance running, running on uneven
terrain and prolonged running can result spinal
compression, may bend or rotate your curve
and cause greater risk of scoliosis progression.
Thus, running should be limited.
Scoliosis can be corrected by performing the
Figure 5.9 Halasana following exercises:
Hold a horizontal bar with your hands and rotate
<- For performing head to knee exercises, remain
your body in a clockwise and anticlockwise
seated on the mat with your legs stretched
forward. Slowly, lower your head and try to
Lie down facing the ground, bend your elbow,
touch your forehead to your knees. Hold to
and support your body with your toes. Squeeze
count of 10 and repeat it for 10 tol5 times.
your abs in and hold this position for 5 seconds.
Scoliosis Repeat these steps 10 times.
Scoliosis is the abnormal lateral curvature of the Scoliosis can be cured by breaststroke or
:inc.. It can be bending, twisting or rotating of
butterfly technique of swimming.
Yoga has been one of the best practices to cure
s~spme. People with scoliosis develop additional
be ways curves on either side of the body and may any ailment and also helps in enhancing overall
in called scoliotic curves. These curves are defined physical strength. It maintains a balance for the
terms •Of their convexities and identified as right body in case of scoliosis.
.o, [nfants or toddlers should not be co
Use a firm quality mattress. Avoid the soft walk at very early stage. lllpdJtd to
mattresses and use extra pillows for comfort
Carrying heavy loads shooJd be avoide,d
instead. early stage of development. lht
+ Sitting or standing in one place for prolonged
period stresses the spine. Stretch or take a walk High-heeled shoes should be avoided
as often as possible. Choose a chair with good
support if you sit for extended period. The exercises for the treatment of flat feet are:
For mild scoliosis, football is another great .o, Heel walking involves walking on the heels .
exercise that can strengthen the core muscle. the whole body weight on the heels. ltiitJi
AU positions except goalkeeper are fine. Walking on the toes to strengthen the intriruic
muscles of the foot.
Flot Foot + Walking on the lateral border of the foot
The appearance of flat foot is natural and common + C~ed foot _walking l\foch ~volves walii:ig
in infants. Flat foot in children usualJy disappears with the foot m an arched position and toudting
when they attain adolescence and adulthood.. If the heel and the toe on
it persists during the periodS of childhood. the ground with the
then it becomes a postural deformity. A child with centre in an arched
a flat foot cannot become an efficient sportsperson. position.
They feel pain mainly in the heel area and Make the fist with the
experience difficulty in standing and walking. foot, relax and then
lt is easy to observe and diagnose whether the repeat it again.
person has flat foot deformities or not by using
the 'wet test' method. lmmerse your foot in water Skipping on a rope will
and step onto a flattened brown paper or on strengthen the feet and
the floor. If the footprint is totally filled 'Without form a natural arch for
much of an inward curve in the centre then you persons with flat feet
have flat foot. The vajrasana yogic
asana or pose will hdp
in toning body muscles
like the hips, thighs Figure 5.12 Vajrasar,
and the calf muscles.
Figure 5.11
Normal Foot Flat Foot (Fallen Arch) Flat Foot Knock Knee
The scientific name of knock knee is genu valgum:
Flat foot usually develops due to excessive stress The term originates from the Latin word 'geiw
on the feet. Weak muscles in feet, ankles and lower
which means 'knee' and 'valgus' which means 'bell!
leg c~not bear body weight. Besides body weight,
outside'. It is a condition of postural deformity
conditions related to ageing such as weakness of
where the knees knock or rub together while
muscles and bones, uncomfortable shoes, foot
walking or standing and the fed and ankles are
injuries and carrying heavy loads for longer period 15
far apart than normal. An individual with 1h
also cause flat foot.
postural deformity faces problems in waJking and
Flat can be taken care of with the following
running. Thus knock knee is a challenge for thOSl
precautionary measures:
pursing athletics and unfit for the defense services-
+ Wearing comfortable shoes that fully support Knock knees are common among the heafthY
the arch and help stabilise the heel. children under the ages of six to seven years- 1ht
Walking bare feet should be avoided. legs will gradually straighten as the chil~
-> Losing excess weight can reduce the stress on but knock knee that devdops later in cbU(UIOV'"
feet. So, maintaining weight is also essential cannot be improved with age. There are S()llle

rlying problems associated for heal thy growing of bones. It also results from
~eknock knee, like lack of vitamin an abnormality of the growth plate which is located
l"I d minerals like calcium and at the ends of a child's long bone. Obese children
D:pborus. Problems associated have more ~hances of bowed legs. An improper
~th the development of bones way of walking, forcing babies to walk at very early
joints like rickets, oste_oporosis age and fractures that do not heal correctly are also
the other contributory factors for bowed legs.
d arthritis also contnbute to
knee- Other possible factors
To avoid developing this condition, the
include obesity, flat foot, an injury following points should be kept in mind:
or infection affecting the knees or Never force babies to walk at a very tender age.
leg bones and carrying a heavy load Appropriate body weight with respect to ages
at an early age. Babies or toddlers should be maintained.
should not be compelled to walk at Figure 5.13
A balanced diet is essential for the timely
avery early stage. Knock knee
growth and maintenance. Especially vitamin D,
To correct the deformities associated with knock
calcium and phosphorus should be given in a
knee, the following measures are recommended:
right amount to children.
t Daily cycling for 20-30 minutes and horse
Corrective measures include:
riding would help naturally in making a gap
Vitamin D should be given in a recommended
between the knees.
J amount and in turn might help in correcting
Keep a pillow between the legs while sleeping,
walking or sitting daily for 15-20 minutes.
Intake of well balanced diet is crucial for overall
Knock knees' special shoes, night braces and development and functioning of body.
walking calipers may prevent knocking thus it
Some special shoes, casts and leg braces can be
will enhance posture while walking or running.
used for correcting bow legs in young children.
Perform the padrnasana and gomukhasana
Yoga can be a challenge who has bow legs.
yogic poses daily. However with the help of a yoga strap, it can
Supplements of vitamins D like cod liver oil and correct postures and straighten bow legs.
minerals like calcium and phosphorus should
Bow-legged person should try to walk for some
be taken for strengthening the bones.
distance on the inner edge of the feet.
Bow Legs In-toeing position of walking where feet turn
inward instead of pointing straight should be
Bow leg is simply a normal variation in leg
appearance. It is a condition of physical deformity
marked by an outward bowing of the leg, i.e. Round Shoulders
knees are wide apart and ankles
This postural abnormality is characterised by a
are touching. There is a distinct
drooping shoulder which appears round and
space between lower legs and knees
a slight forward bending of the back.
which is opposite to knock knees.
There are many factors which promote
When standing with feet together,
development of rounded shoulders. Heredity
the individual legs appear like an
factors lead to rounded shoulders. Tight clothing
~cher's bow. It may be on either
and shoes especially affect posture; they should
side or both legs curving outward.
be well-fitted and comfortable. When a person
Bowed legs are most apparent while
is wearing something uncomfortable like high-
walking, running and standing.
heeled shoes, tight fitting clothes, wide belt, etc. it
Rickets is one of the main causes
changes the centre of gravity which ultimately leads
of bow legs. Children with rickets do
to poor posture. Poor postures of sitting, standing
not get enough calcium, phosphorus Figure 5.14
and walking, improper furniture, excessive weight
and vitamin D all of which are vital Bow legs

but with the htlp of surgery d«irf'(j
and corrcction can be dont. •rn~
In functional deformt1ies, physical acu
'~f),effectil--resp«ia.Uyfor thoSt,I,m, , ¥1.11':s~
rears.. Most of the deformitie-s can
al this tender age. Many physical .
. . . fo . letl\'itl\'.,
c.1,~ m vanous rms c-an counit'Ta }If ._
of gravitational force. bu1 should ht, ::..~
with the coruult.ttion of ~rls. -..
Corrcct i~"t exerci~ and physical
Apre S.1.S Round ~Ider\ shouJd be tncoun1~ and condll(t~
the ~ic,1' and ht.ilth tducaUon P'triod
1nmtng. bmdi prm, btcq, curu aod ihooJdm and ~intioo should be addtd iu a tl!J
pra. ntrrun mul1 m rouodtd shoutdm. the curriculum. Schools should ha"' 1'
Compl«e tick of nttcua which art COOCfflltd playgrounds with proper sports liaciliun.
with MlOUldtn alto aff«ts shou.ldtn, ~fflng 1s tht dmy of pattnts and 1'1lchers to ill(u!QI!
t1wm vulnfflble w rou.ndt'd -1louldff. nlue of good habits ln the child""· In lildi!Qi
Proauuona.ry mtuurn tha1 may be tutn up lo ~ . lnstruclton on pro-he.Ith behuvtour abl
to chM rounded ,houldm art. knowledge abou1 postural d,formlllts should llf
• Nev« llk,uch whilt •ilUng and walking and impM1td 10 children. Promoting hewthy hilbtu
alW1yt nand ,.,, 1h Oat back position a1 an carty age will enh11nce overull uren11h m
• Tho~ who luvt rounded ,houJders should not body. endur.mce. b.Jance and flexibility which
ww t!iht httlng dot ht t and avoid high -hetltd "'".II fac1li1atc corrttl posture h:iblts. Method!
M1()('l. rclualion like deep bre11thing llnd mind rtluall011
t1trci.scs should ,ilso be inltfa1ed. Poslllff
• Avoid ,lning on fa ulty furniture which is not
ttchnlquts should be in,m ucted 10 1hose srudtnll
who have postunl deformities.
TQ re<ufy the round shouldm deformity There are numerow physical i ctlvltk! 01
fo1Jo1o•lng c.'ltrcise~ cu.n help. exercises which would be helpful in cortttllJII
• Plact t.hc lips o( flngm of bot.h hands on postural deformities. Each specific po$1Urll
J\01.dders and enard t' lht elbows in a clockwise defo rmity has its own corrective cxerclws which
tnd anciclockwisc direction. are given below.
• Hang oo 1hr horizontal ba.r for some time.
Exercises to Correct Kyphosls
,o. Pc-rfurm yogic 1echniqul'S especially chakra.sana
Md dhG.nUl'tlS4Jlll on o regular basis. Lie down on su.pine (lying (a(e upwanhl
position with knees drawn up and feet llal OIi
CorrecUve Measures for Postural the ground Keep hands at 1he side and sWI
Deformities m0\1ng the arms sideways in a ho.rlloll!Jl
pos.ition. Palms should be upward and rtlf(
Mwy &cton all' res.ponslhJe for postural arms upward over the head with the pallllS
deformities. It ma)' be due Lo pull of gmrity, still up. Hold onto this position for_
am.geui1ul (by birth) ml.I.nutrition and prolonged time. Afterward bring arms back lD ho~
lUness. Pos:tura.l ikformitfrs can be dassifitd into position. Repeat exercise at lwt 10 times.
'"'~ 1~ fWtctional a.nd structural. In functional
defonnities onJ)' the soft tissues (the ligaments
Lie down in a prone position with hands;
hips After that raise your head and
and Ult muscles) are affected and can be corrected . inches from the groun d an dtuck
several . . f()lll
by '1'fflOUS 1ypes of ph)'Sica.1 activitit'S. Structural chin during this exercise. Hold th'.s pos•tiO_"tiOO-
df'formitif's &tlect the- bony structure of body. In

some time and return to the previous p<>Sl ~ . physical acth·i ties are not quite helpful Repeat this exercise at least 10 times.
Sit on a chair with fttt wide apart. Bend and
position your shoulders ~tween knees. Then
reach to the floor under the back of a chair.
Hold this position for some duration.
Lie in a prone position on the floor. Keep the
palms of your hands on the floor according
Ohanurasana Chakrasana to shoulder width. Push the torso up keeping
the pelvi.s on the floor. Hold this position for
some time. Halasana and baJJ exercises are also
Sit down with knees extended, feet together
and hands at sides. After that bend forward
touching the fingers to toes. Hold this position
for some time. Then come back and repeat.
Roller foam exercise

Figure 5.16 Exercises to correct kyphosis Exercises to Correct Scoliosis

Sit in a normal position with a stick held in Scoliosis exercises are designed in such a way
horizontal position over the head and trunk, that the rotator curvature of spines is corrected.
hands well stretched. After that lower the stick Exercise is one of the best methods to strengthen
and then raise it behind head and shoulders. and straighten the physical posture and also
Repeat this ex.ercise l O to 12 times. prevents curvature. But when it comes to scoliosis,
exercises do not have any significant impact.
Exercises to Correct lordosis Besides exercising, affected individuals are
advised to participate in physical education
First lie down in a prone position with hands programmes, organised sports and normal
under abdomen. Then keep hips and shoulder recreational activities. Scoliosis bracing is another
down and gently press hands upon abdomen temporary solution. So when it comes to scoliosis
and raise the lower back. one should be little more careful about the exercises
Bend knees forward while allowing hips to one chooses. There are tested exercises which are
bend back behind. Keeping the back straight recommended by specialists which will help in
and knees pointed in the same direction as feet, rectifying spinal deformity up to a certain extent,
lower your body until thighs are parallel to floor. such as Tadasana, Trikonasana and table pose.
Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Some other exercises are also helpful. They are as
Repeat the same from the starting position. follows:
Lunge forward with the knee on a mat. Take
position of the foot beyond knee. Place both
hands on the knee. Straighten hips and rear leg
by Pushing hips forward and hold the stretch. Table pose
Repeat With opposite side.

L Stability ball exercise
Figure S.17 Exercises to correct lordosis figure 5.18 Exercises to correct scoliosis
Lie down in prone position. Raise right arm Exercises to Correct Knock Knee
upward and left arm at the side. After this
position, bring right arm towards the left over Exercises are fruitful for individuals Who
the head, by pressing down with left hand and knock knee. If this deformity is detected . ha~e
then slide the left hip up. childhood, then the results are quite r lIJ _early
. .
Th ere f,ore, exercise . . P 0 m1s1n.
1s cruc1a 1m this deforllli ·'{)o
Stand erect with feet few inches apart. Lift up
the left foot and hip. Extend the right arm and Daily cycling for 20 to 30 minutes and~
bend the arm towards the left over head while riding would help naturally in makin Ori(
between the knees. g a &ip
pressing the left side of rib by the left hand.
Stand in erect position with feet several inches Keep a pillow between the knees and
stra1'gh t f,or some lime,
. stand
wit. h both feet touchin
apart. Keep the finger tips of the left hand on
each other. g
left shoulder and bend the upper part of body
on the right side if the 'C' curve of the spine is Ther~ are _special shoes, night braces and
on the left side and vice versa for right side 'C' walking call1pe~s for treating knock knee. They
curve. Repeat this exercise for some time. prevent knocking thereby enhancing posture
•> Lie down facing the ground, bend your elbow, while walking or running.
and support your body with your toes. Squeeze Padmasana and gomukhasana are Yogic
your abs in and hold this position for 5 seconds. techniques that may be performed daily to
Repeat these steps IO times. counteract the effects of knock knee.

Exercises to Correct Flat Foot

Flat foot deformity can be corrected with the help
of the following exercises:
Practise jumping on toes for some time.
Rope skipping exercise.
Do up and down heels walking.
Perform walking on toes or walking on spiky Gomukhasana Padmasana
rubber ball regularly. Figure 5.20 Exercises to correct knock knee
Sit down properly. Keep practising to pickup
small wads of paper/ pebbles with your toes. Exercises to Correct Bow Legs
It should be picked up by forcefully gripping
with toes. Bow leg deformity can be corrected up to a certain
extent with the help of exercises, if it is detected
during early childhood. Exercises do not have any
significant impact during the late childhood and
adulthood. The following exercises may be helpful
for improvement of bow leg:

Marble picking exercise Walking on spiky rubber ball


Figure 5.19 Exercises to correct flat foot Figure 5.21 Exercises to correct bow legs
d straight with feet together. Wrap a soft posture is the real index of health, i.e. both physical
s~an f cloth on the leg at knee level. With the and mental. Certain factors are responsible for
Piece of a partner tigh ten 1t
. an d try to squat as postural deformities but with the help of exercises,
possible. Repeat this process 4 to 6 times healthy diet and right guidance from parents and
teacher can be corrected up to a certain level.
B<>w-legged persons should try to walk for Children should be encouraged to play outdoor
some distance on the inner edge of the feet. games. Playing sports and games will help them

in improving health and attitude which is very
In-toeing position of walking where feet turn
essential for the development of an amiable and
inward instead of pointing straight.
pleasing personality of an individual. This will
Do yogic exercises like Garudasana and Ardha ensure a healthy and disciplined population.
Matsyendrasana regularly.

exercises to Correct Round Shoulders SPORTS PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN

Round shoulders can be rectified with the help of
the following exercises: History of Women's Participation in
+ Place both tips of fingers on the shoulders and Sports
start encircling the elbows in a clockwise and While it is true that women were barred from
anticlockwise direction. participating as well as watching the Olympic Games
+ Hang the horizontal bar for some time. in ancient Greece, a separate athletic event for
Do yogic poses especially Ustrasana, women was held at Olympia, known as the Heraean
Chakrasana, Bhujangasana and Dhanurasana Games. This event, started by Hippodameia, the
on a regular basis. wife of the king who founded the Olympics, was
+ Keep your feet, shoulder width apart, knee dedicated to the goddess Hera. Women could also
slightly bend (not knocked) and keep your spine be indirectly a part of the Olympics by sending
in good alignment. Pull the bend back to even
horses and riders trained by them to compete in the
with torso in a slow and controlled manner, chariot races.
During modern times, we can trace the history
pause, and return to the front. Keep your arms
of women's participation in sports back to 19th
straight throughout the movement.
century. Horse riding, tennis, skating, archery,
+ Lay in a plank position. Without bending your golf and skiing were some of the activities they
arms, squeeze your shoulders blades together
could take-up, though this small population of
and then release and return to the starting
sportswomen mostly belonged to the upper social
classes. The first time women participated in the
Exercises and nutritious diet are the defining Olympics was during the second Games in 1900 held
factors of good health. In other words, good in Paris; only 22 women participated in two events
posture is a sign of good health. As a result, correct - golf and tennis. Women could enter events that
were considered sports and the decision depended
on the male authorities of the Olympic Games.
The start of 21st century was a turning point in
Bhujangasana women's sports history. 4069 women participated
in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, out of 10,500
participants in total. In 2008 Beijing Olympics,
out of the total 10,700 participants, 4637 were
women, while in 2012 London Olympics, out of
10,960 participants, 4862 were women. In 2016 Rio
Olympic Games 45% were women, which was the
Flcure s·22 Exercises to correct round shoulders highest number ever recorded.

-., it"..L:J
~- I

Figure 5.23 Female participation in the Olympic games

Entry of Indian Sportswomen in In spite of all these achievements, sportswomen

International Arena are not given their due recognition in India. There
is a social stigma attached to participation in sports,
The first Olympics that saw female participants which is primarily seen as a male domain. In fact,
from India was the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, in women all over the world face many challenges
which four Indian women represented the now in the field of sports due to social, physical and
independent country with 60 male peers. The first
psychological reasons. Discrimination and gender
Indian woman to win a medal in the Olympics
inequality have become part and parcel of everydav
was Karnarn Malleswari in weightlifting at the
life for women in every sphere, such as education,
Sydney Olympics, 2000. In 2008, only 26 Indian
politics and jobs, etc. Society looks on a woman
women participated at the Olympics. For the first
only as a housewife and child-bearer. Such an
time in 2012 London Olympics, women boxers
outlook is even more prominent in India.
competed, and India's 5 time world champion
boxer M C Mary Korn won a Bronze medal. The
same year, Saina Nehwal won an Olympic Bronze
medal in badminton. In 2016 Rio Olympics, the
first ever Silver medal was won by P V Sindhu in
badminton and Sakshi Malik won a Bronze medal
in wrestling. In the 1984 Olympics, P T Usha gave
her best performance in 400 metres hurdle race in
spite of the fact that she could not win any medal.
All of these achievements are sufficient proof of the Sakshi Malik
contribution of women to sports in India. Sania Mim
There are other Indian sportswomen who have
P V Sindhu
brought glory to the country in Asian Games,
Commonwealth Garnes, South Asian Games

(SAG), World Cups and other international events. • MaryKom
Names of women like Anju B George, Sania Mirza,

J ~~---
Krishna Poonia, Seema Anti!, Garima Chaudhary,
Jwala Gutta, Geeta Phogat, Heena Sidhu, Ankita
Das, N S Chanu, Deepika Kumari, Dipa Karmakar
and Hima Das can be mentioned here. Figure 5.24 Indian sportswome n have given a
much needed impetus to Indian sportS·
;, a
Moreover, sports _ other _ than cr_icket are
t_her neglected m India. This disparity is
alcoge vident at sch ool or int ercollegiate level
3lso e f . . ·
rraditionally. the ro Ie o wo men m society is
fined to being a homemaker. l11ey are expected
cooperform their domestic duti es and nothin g __
tol On the one hand, society has enabled m en to
e~ fi India
establish dominance in the eld ~f sports . It has
discouraged women from pursumg a career in
sparts. Many obstacles a~ ~laced in their way to
- \~

retard any progress. In addition to lack of assistance
from the government, they do not evtn get the
suppart of their family and fri ends. Those who
participate are labelled 'unwomanly' and looked
down on with contempt. Their tram ability is
questioned due to the physical attributes of women . Figure 5.25 Ind ian sportswom e n bringing glory
They are not provided the same facilities as their to th e country in international events .
male counterparts. Safety issues also worsen the
situation, especially in India. There are numerous Then. there is the fact that sports for women
incidents of such discriminatio n . Wo rld champion is not given enough med ia coverage and lacks the Mary Kom's father stro ngly disapproved of interest of spectators. Even when they perform
her decision to pursue boxing. The reason he gave better tllan men in the same category of sports.
was that it would disfi gure her appearance and tlleir contributions and talents remain obscure and
ruin her marriage prospects. unappreciated. Wo men's cricket and hockey tnms
More recently, in the 2014 Asian Games, Sarita consiste ntly give remarkable performances but
Devi, a boxer, was banned fo r a year by All lnd.ia they att underpaid and often ignored by the media
Boxing Association when she refused to accept and the crowd. Achievements such as women's
the Bronu medal because o f the unfair and bs.ued bb.lddl team winning the Wo rld Cup. women's
decision by th.e judges. 1t was evid ent that sh<' wu hockry t.ea.m quallfying for the 20 16 Olympics £or
the dear win ner. But the Ind.Ian Government Jt.d the first tim.c since 1980, Mithali Raj becoming tile
oot eve n support her and she an d her h ~hand 6nt woman to score a century in aicut, etc. we'"'
had to borrow money to lodge a plamt a.pmst CO\"Cred !ik.etchUy i.n the news.
the decision. Olympian perfo rmer o.nd "'-orld - These are the harsh rnlltits !'aced by every
class athlete P T Usha had to share a room with sporuwo man in lndl.i. It is vital for every citn en
five other women at the National Opt'n Athletic or the gove-rnmcnt to muisc th1tt type of sociill
Championshlp in 2009, notwithstanding her aunosphere and dlscrimlnation will only hinder
rank. Frustration led her to breakdo wn in front the progress of the n.11Jon. We should show our
of television cameras. Due to o f lnt.e~ by gratitude to these wome n ach lrve ~ for their efforts
the government, accomplished sportswomen and det.erm irulllon . More lllld more woo:K"D aie
struggle to conti nue training d ue to inid.equate breaking n>cords and mu.iog lnd1il proud at the
monetary benefits and funding. Such a situation Is
detrimental to those wo m en who a.spire to up
DID YOU KNOW? - - - - -
sports. Boxing gold medallis t Rl.shu worb
as a domestic help to conti.nue her Oll'CU d11t to Women' s ~I'll w.t.s ind uded In the Olymplc.s
~ack of government fu ndin g. Sita Sahu, twO times fOf the l'tl'$t time In l.ondon during the summer
ronu medallist at Athens SpKial Olympia, of 2012. Thlrty-lill women compet_'e-d 1n thfff
sells go/ gappas along with her mothe r and bu a t qories: F-lywelcht (Sl q or l U pounds_),
discontinued profess.ion. Nisha Rani, a Bronu li1htwelsht (60 kg or 1.32 poundl) 1nd
~ ~ t. had to sell her archery equ..lpmfflt for her Mlddle we.ish-t (7S kl or 160 pounds).
amilys subsistenc.e.
national as well as international level in sports. J . Masculine Sports Culture: The
Family, friends, educational institutions, society community is dominated by men. It is r sporti
and the governing bodies need to acknowledge . pro,ess10n.
as a mascu Ime r .
Therefore egard
. ed
this and give them their support instead of creating an environment, women feel quite out' ofIn SUL
social barriers and treating them unfairly. Sports They also hold the opinion that sporf;Ia~.
is the very embodiment of equality and universal meant for men and they should not partk ar,
harmony. Therefore, we need to change the · are a departure fr1Patt
in it because sue h acllons
scenario and reform the system. the feminine nature. Due to this, less wo om
enter sports. In some cases where womenll)en d
Why Fewer Women Participate in Sports become professional players, they eventualfy
end their career due to this perception of spo
Women have come a long way since the time
when they were prohibited from watching or
being a predominantly male domain. U:::
assumptions are unfounded and reflect the
participating in any sports. The number of sports discriminatory views of society. Women also
played by women is also increasing over the promote such ideas to make themselves agreeable
years. Their performances in the Olympics, Asian to society and so do not participate in sports_
Games, World Cups, Commonwealth Games and
4. Lack of Self-confidence: Women are som~
other tournaments are all exceptional and show
called the 'the weaker sex'. Such a way of
their capabilities in sports. Comparison between
thinking contributes to dominate women and
womens participation half a century ago and now
limits their scope. Sports is a competitive and
gives us an idea about how much it has gone up.
challenging field in which self-confidence is
However, this improvement remains insignificant necessary. If women are not allowed to have
if we compare it with men's participation. Most of faith in themselves, then they will not be able to
all, it is visibly lower in India. The reasons behind achieve the heights touched by their male peers.
the low rate of women's participation in sports in Therefore, lack of self-confidence contributes to
India are discussed below: less participation of women in sports.
J. Lack of Adequate Legislation for Gender
s. Lack of Interest: The support of the public and
Equality: In other countries, there are many
the media also influences sports participation.
instances of making provisions to ensure equal
In India, men's cricket garners the interest of
opportunities and facilities to men and women
the whole nation. It also causes huge sensation
and prevent discrimination of any kind. In
in the print and electronic media. On the
India, however, sports receive only a fraction
other hand, nearly every other sport of either
of the attention when it comes to financial
men or women creates little or no excitement
budget, plus there are no strong legislations
amongst the public. The media also pays very
in place to promote gender equality in sports
participation at the school and college level. less attention to these sports. The situation gets
Moreover, Jess allowance is made for sports worse if it is a women's event, be it in cricket,
facilities in women's colleges and schools hockey, basketball, kabaddi, boxing or any other
compared to mens. sports competition. Such sports tourn~~nts
are hardly in the news or broadcast on teleVJSJOD
2. Lade of Time to Dedicate to Sports: Our country
channels. Even if these events are televised. only
is still governed by a patriarchal structure to
a handful of viewers watch them. The mediocre
some extent, and although more and more
response and lack of spotlight in the media bas
girls are increasingly receiving education and
a disheartening and demoralising effect on tbe
getting jobs each year, women still carry the
participants as well as sports aspirants. men
responsibility of taking care of household
chores and domestic duties. Such tasks can or women. So, lack of interest of spectat~
be time consuming. Moreover, most women and media is another factor whY womens
would prefer to take a stable job over risking participation in sports remains low.
their prospects to try for a serious career in 6. Lack of Female Sportspersons as Role
sports. Although India has world-class female spo

"lhe ff Lack of Ed.u c-atlon a.mon!J 'Women; II ,, tru('
1- h Ls r that N'.lucat,on of wolllf:n m India i.s lmrrovtng
rt>fo re ~
- ta-...
o,~ r the ,_rs. But many women do not rN:elW: a
tc-ou10, pro~T education t"\~n now. C!Speaally the lo,,.,--c"r 'Porta""- class. The' litera:ey rate of the male' popul"tinn
101 ~ - - surpasses that of their female.- countrrparts.
t'J'>.lrt1.1r~"Z.." Thettfore. the latter are in the dark about man y
subjects. Our societv is full of theories that
not based on any ~id founda.t.ion or sc.ient1tic
e')· 4o Ftpre 5.26 Mass med ia like Internet . reasoning. In fact. these theories anse from
h onof!::!!, televis ion, radio, etc. play an important prejudice. gender bias.. su~rstitions. po.inlless
•m~n. lL~ role to make a game or a player popular. assumptions of a male-dominated society and
I re~-at
~naJities like M C M~ry Korn . Karnam lack of scientific knowledge. For mstance. our
Ma)]eswari• P T Usha. Saina Nehwal, Sania society daims that sports participation aJ1trs the
!vcs _,_~
Mirza, p V Sindhu. etc. there Is still a dearth of psychological. physical and social traits natural
' Ul~ to women and give rise to co mplications duri ng
sports""'men as role models to motivate women
~ so~ to participate in sports. So, women do not feel the pregnan:ey and child delrvery. It e\-~n asserts
l a W.y 0( inclination to join sports activit ies. Moreover. that w-omen compromise their femininity and
worn~ these few well established sportswomen do not suffer from health problems. such as.. bone
petit'h,c Ind weakening. abnormal physiological changes..
ofkn receive the spotlight they deserve. Their
n 6cknce names, ach ievements and illustrious careers etc. due to sports participation. These statements
•ed to ha~ rcceh·-C relatively less coverage on television are absu rd and far from the truth. Due to lack of
>t be able to programmes and news, print media, discu ssion proper education and knowledge, wom en also
male ~ forums and social networks. etc. Therefore. lack entertain the same opinions. Con sequently,
1tri butesto of female role models in sports is also linked to they avoid sports participation, which is why
•• lack of ideal female figures in sports. there are few sportswomen in India.
pubUc and i . Lack of Fitness and Wellness Movement: Due 9. Fewer Number of Women Coaches: Women
1.icipation. to lack of movements to create awareness about are mostly shy and reserved in the presence
interest of fitness and wellness, the majority of women in of men, especially in India. So, they feel less
sensatio.n tndia have a poor knowledge about their own comfortable with male coaches. If the coach is
. On the health and the role of sports in maintaining a woman, they might be able to get into their
: of either it Many of them pay little attention to their comfort zone and perfo rm better with ease.
xcitemeot overall fitness. This lack of concern arises from This will help them to reach their true potential.
pays very ignorance about the necessity of preservation of
ati.on gets health. They do not have a dear understanding DID YOU KNOW? - - - - -
n cricket, of proper exercise, maintaining average body
The Government
an)' Other weight, a balanced diet, the benefits of sports
of India launched
·naments and other aspects of health. This is why women's

. II
Beti Bachao, Beti
elevision health is a serious issue in India. In the absence
Padhao (BBBP)
sed, onJf of a fitness movement, vital information about Scheme in 2015.
nediocre their health is not communicated effectively The campa ign
edia has to them and they fail to see the importance aims at ensuring
:t on the of sports for the welfare of their health. If I
girls are born,
;ts, men awareness about the subject of fitness and
wellness is propagated among women, they are
nurtured and I I
ectators educated without
-vomen's sure to feel the urge to join in sports activities. discrimination to become empowered citizens
Therefore, lack of well-planned and large scale of India. So, we should celebrate the girl child
fitness and wellness movements is also another and ensure her education for overall growth.
, spartS factor for less women in sports.
- I Owing to the small number of female coaches in
India, women hesitate to participate in sports.
The world is discove .
nng th.
. remarkable skill sand e1r tr lie
I JO. Attitude of Society towards Women's Sports
by an
. mcreasing numbe ro f wPerforlll
taking over new roles lllen.
" Q~
I Participation: Our society is very critical when f n "llii
•ney •1 . ...
are traditionally accepted. S rolll thoSear,
it comes to women. The essence of sports is O
becoming a rising trend among p rts Pilrtic·1Paljlyj,,-~,
-I equality; being masculine or feminine does
Wolllen . 0i 1
not make any difference to participation in it.
But society raises many irrational arguments
years. They are breaking m
history in sports more t~ny records an:
many people argue that wom: ;er hefor~

against women's participation in sports. Society
views are very narrow-minded on the topic of
women in almost every sphere of life. There is
less tolerance to women's involvement in sports
requisite physical, ~~y~hological ;~at po~ Stii
structures and abilities wh. h
sports, such as, muscular str
ic are
PhysioI .~
h essen1;,, .
· engt and "" ~
activities; those who are courageous enough to aggression, competitiveness t enduran,.
• e c. On th .""'
participate are sometimes seen as outcasts. Men these f;actors,
people conclud e th at if e bi.Iii

I in sports also consider themselves superior

to their fellow sportswomen. This kind of
stereotyping is one of the reason why few women
~e part m sports, they will find it difli wollltn
with the challenging tasks of 5ports.Cultto
the female reproductive process Of
· tI
M ~JIilia.-1;.
Ost of ~
menstn,,., ·
enter sports. It is a fact that today's women are 1s constan y brought up as an th -~
. , . . o er Weak
breaking conventions and revolutionising m womens parttc1pation in sport G ,x
. b Ii d h
1s e eve t at sports activities
s. ener,lh..
...,, 1
empowerment everywhere. Our society is . . caUSe d1SOr•-
also slowly evolving in its attitude regarding d unng vanous processes of menstru a1ion, . such"'11

women and their roles. However, we are still me~arche, menstrual cycle, menstrual bleedin iS.
conservative to a certain extent and women penods, etc. Therefore, it is important 1 . gll
.. h th b. ogam an
have to tight continuously to overcome it. ms~g t on su 1_ect of menstrual disorders a™1
thetr connect10n wtth sports participation.
I I. Lack of Personal Safety: Women's safety is a
matter of grave concern in India. Crime against
women is alarmingly high. As a result, women
feel less secure and hesitate to participate in The onset of the first menstrual bleeding or perioo
sports. Naturally, parents are wary of allowing in a female is called menarche. The average age/«
their daughters to join sports activities. menarche ranges from 12-14 years. Sometimts.
12. Lack of Proper Access to Facilities: Be it menarche may begin at 8-9 years of age or at 1k
in schools, colleges or any sports-related age of 16 years or more.
establishments, the concerned authorities fallopian tube
fail to provide easy access to sports facilities ovaries or oviduct
to women. Men get proper access to sports
equipment, receive good training by coaches,
instructions from experts, medical advice, etc.
On the other hand, women have difficulties in
getting such facilities. Even when these facilities
are available in their localities, they are mostly
monopolised and occupied by men most of the
time. Therefore, women get discouraged and do
not participate in sports.

Women have been achieving worldwide success in ·ve syster!l
Figure 5.27 Female reproducti
many fields, especially sports, over the last decades.

d d or early, menarche is a sign Dysmenorrhoea
~ther : ;!\ody is developing and taking a A menstrual period accompanied by sharp pain
tJI" the fe 1 towards maturity. The female or cramps in the lower abdomen and pelvic area
. .... s1ep
Jtlilll'~ . , system ,s. comp 1ex an d quite .
is called dysmeno rrhoea or painful menstruation .
..Aucu,e .. f . . I h
rtl'rtJU ·ble to changes in ,ts unct1on111g. t as During menstruation , the muscles of the uterus
#P11 d that intensive exercise and sports contract due to release of molecular compounds
i,een_ ~o~an cause abnormalities, like delayed called prostaglandins and other inflammatory
aeri\fl~e and amenorrhoea. Such activities mediators. This reaction along with temporary
intJl• hysiological stress which affects the absence of oxygen supply in the nearby tissues
aca;iu~tive processes and disrupts the normal cause abdominal cramps which means pai nful
reP But the results are not always severe menstruation.
pa egative. For instance, delayed menarche
n . .
be advantageous to women m gymnastics. Premenstrual Syndrome
:nwbile, those whose menarche comes early Experiencing symptoms like, pain in the back
more adipose tissues and average weight which legs or abdomen, acne, irritability, mood swings,
!ay give them an extra edge in swimming or water retention, tender breasts, headaches,
rowing, It is true that menstrual abnormalities or constipation, depression or emotional stress,
other health issues are frequent among women etc. before the onset of menstrual periods is
who are involved in intensive exercises and sports called premenstrual syndrome. A female may
activities. But women are likely to experience such have one or more symptoms a few days before
changes due to any other reason , with or without her periods.
sports participation. They are even found to cope
better with these abnormalities or other problems Menorrhagla or Heavy Periods
by exercising properly and taking part in sports Normally the menstrual flow is heavy at first and
activities. then gradually decreases. But increased and heavy
flow at regular intervals or a loss of more than
Menstrual Dysfunction 80 mL of blood during each menstrual bleeding
The average menstrual cycle consists of 21-35 days indicates menorrhagia or heavy periods.
and menstrual bleeding or periods occur during
the first 2-7 days of the cycle. Each cycle ends Irregular Periods
on the first day of the next menstrual bleeding. Mostly, menstrual cycles form a regular pattern
Any abnormality or irregularity in this process is of every 21-35 days after 1-3 years from the first
termed as menstrual dysfunction. It is reported bleeding or menarche. For some females, periods
that about 9 - 30% of women suffer from menstrual might skip altogether for months or come earlier
dysfunction of one form or the other. than expected.
Some common types of menstrual dysfunction
Prolonged Periods
are listed below:
On an average, the menstrual bleeding or periods
Amenorrhoea lasts about 2-7 days. Prolonged periods are longer
A case of delayed menarche or a case of absence than this duration and occur at unpredictable
of menstrual period for 6 months or more after intervals.
the last period is called amenorrhoea. Sometimes,
Delay in Menarche
it may be absent for years. There are a host of
causes of amenorrhoea, such as, intensive exercise The average age of menarche in a female
~ regular basis, eating disorders, hormonal ranges from 12-14 years. If it is later than 14
c _ ges, medications, low body weight, high years and above, it is a case of delayed menarche,
stress levels and other illnesses, etc. In some which is also termed as primary amenorrhoea.
~s, menarche may not begin even by the age of At times, it may be as late as in 18 years of age
8 Years or above. or more.

folllcuJaf ph3H

also he r<"du ((' d W) L

exercise anc.J t., Pl~
d ie t. Paula Ra b.b...'. ''
u . h adchtr.- ~
n ri t 1s marathon t , 'lit
~ , her first rn ar,1th '111b._
~ t num record in 2002 °n
day of her ·~ on t~ •
.,~nllcb• "'l
are numerous other 1~
Luteal phaM> who broke r~ordsand "'
c.·t1~.1ordim1ry perfo
during their ,
.od lllen-. .
pen s and all th - •,qi
phases of a e
c:orw, luteurn cycle. Res~rch s h, .t • 1'1111
""-'Its ,I..
qa ~num
reve.1led th,u Sf>Ort,w "'Oil
e~riencc fewer
dys.menorrhoca or~ Ii
menstruation comp:1~
fltuttt S 2& Clau1hcat1on of mt"nstrual cycle ph.nes other women who do
exercise al aJJ. llCl
M•n1truotton ond Sports Porttcipation Thr fact is. effects of menstruation have ditftrtnr
mecha.nism.s 1n different women. Women d
'lit¢ m~1nr1ty of ~oplc 1,clit'Ved talung part in
not always r~ nd to it in s.l mibr w,1ys ,n 01~ and "l'Ort• actlvill~ dunng mmstruatlon
cases, Thdr performances in sports may be poor
COlJliC1> ~rtou~ clam:tg.e 10 health and affects
or bencr at any ti me and due to any reason. The
wonu.n·• i.poru performance. Vanous arguments.
same goes for ma le spo rtspe rsons too. Thereforr,
d u.cuiSiOtb and lit:Udles were pul forwnrded
men strua tion should not be treated as a setback o1
on chhl subJcct. Women can not overlook this
being a woman. Wome n shoulc.l also not let it dttrr
rcrrodt.).:'hve process during training, plan ning
them from pursuing any field, or a career in sporu
i.chedul~~ nod p~parins for competitions, etc.
for that matter. Exercises and sports activllics are
But II d~s not create drastic consequences or
essent:ia.l fo r every individuaJ to lead a healthylift
lnhibll their pcrformnnces. Lt is simply n normal
and the overall weU•being.
cycle every hellllhy "-"'Omrul experiena--s du.ri ng her
l't'pl'Od uctJv~ ),ears.
A ~<0n1011s menstruoJ cycle bo.s two phnses, FEMALE ATHLETES TRIAD
namely. folh<.:ular phase and luteal phase. FolJicuJar (OSTEOPOROSIS, AMENORRHOEA.
phase starts from doy I nnd ends on the 14th . The
blccdius o ccu rs during the first 5-7 days of this It is a serious disorder of three interrelated mtdial
phase. LutcuJ ph11se starts on the 14th or I 5th day conditions: energy deficiency with or without eating
and lasts till the 28th dn}', nppro..xjmately. 11 is during disorders; menstrual disturbances; and reductd
this phase tb.ot oestrogen rises n.nd causes changes bone mineral density which is likely to caust
m body temperature, metabolism and recovery osteoporosis. Toe triad usually affects tetnage SUU
lime. \'\fith a few precautions like stayi ng h)•d rated who consume less calories and exercise excessively.
and cooswning suffident amouJll of calories, etc. They may develop eating disorders and i,e_comt
such chru1ges will not affect a women's health or obsessed with exercise in their efforts to maultalJl
abilitjes. Du.ring I.he bleedi ng period, there is a their physique. Female athletes o.fte~ _resi:;
slight drop io o woman's weigh t. But recent studies calorie intake and perform intensive training
show 1hat women perform even better during their e.xercises to achieve low body weight to t ~
·~riods: Also, it fo und that abdominal cramps, sports performance. Therefore, they are at g.rea
bloating and mood swings due 10 menstruation can risk of suffering from this syndrome.
d ficienc y leads to menstrual
fftergy li:e amenorrhoea which is associated
sturbail'es O en levels. Low oestrogen levels
, oestr g d . d l k
1·th lo" decrease in bone ens1ty an ac ·
" ·b
otrl u te to a · h b
d vitamin D m t e o y. 1s 1sd Th . . one
c0 ., "uJll an .
of .;a,C.I ·n causes of osteoporosis.
0fthe rn:ale is likely to ha_ ve the ot her _two
A fe .1• he is suffering lrom one cond1tton
1 I s f . I
,on 1 . d Over the years, cases o lema e athlete
0fthe tna · ·ncreased with the rise of women's

1na. d have. I in sports, espec1a . II

y m . at I1 1ettcs.
1• 1
·patton .
part ' . hould not deter them trom taking
SuI this . s orts because the b enc fi ts o f sports
rt in sp .h
pa . h the negative consequences. Wit a
0ut,,e1g . d ..
balance between exerC1se an nutnt1on,
proper O overcome such difficulties. It is also
1 ·omen ca
' to understand the causes, symptoms and
necessary .
t s of the triad because 1t has long-term
may be fatal. In this endeavour, the help
effects and . .
ot coac , trainers ' physicians and fitness experts
. hes Figure 5.29 Osteoporosis affects
is crucial. the joints of the body.
calcium in the body causes other organs, such
as the heart, muscles, nerves, etc. to use up the
The National Institutes of Health (USA) defines calcium stored in the bones. The upshot of this
osteoporosis as "a skeletal disorder characterised by is depletion of calcium in the bones, decreasing
compromised bone strength predisposing a person to their density and hardness. The individual
an increased risk offracture". therefore comes under the risk of developing
It is a condition in which the density and strength osteoporosis.
of the bone is reduced, making it vulnerable to Calcium deficiency can have lifelong
frequent fractures, like, stress fracture and other consequences for bones. Proper care should
bone injuries. This is why osteoporosis is fatal to
female athletes and their athletic careers.
be taken to prevent this, especially by women 1
athletes because they are at higher risk of
1n osteoporosis, the structure of bone tissues osteoporosis. One good measure is to include
changes, and the bones become porous and brittle. vitamin D in the diet because it helps in
Due to this, they either fracture or collapse under absorption of calcium in the body.
the least impact. Natural bone reduction sets
2. Amenorrhoea: Our bones are constantly breaking
in after the age of about 35 years and more
down and rebuilding again to maintain their
rapidly in women after menopause, which is why
structure and strength. Oestrogen is essential
premature bone reduction in youth by osteoporosi s
to keep a balance between the two and helps
is extremely dangerous, especially for women,
absorption of calcium. Since .imenorrheic
because it can severely affect the strength of their
bones. women have decreased oestrogen levels in the
body, it also disrupts the remodelling process in
The factors that can lead to osteoporosis are: bones. Formation of abnormal bone structure
and loss of calcium deposit takes place. Bones
I. Calcium Deficiency: Apart from phosphorus,
become weak, porous and prone to fractures.
calcium is a key component in building
th e density and strength of bones. The Therefore, amenorrhoea can also cause
recommended daily requirement of calcium osteoporosis in women.
in the body is 1000-1500 mg. Insufficient Let us discuss amenorrhoea in more detail.

Amenorrhoea 3. Low Body Weight: The body c
oestrogen below a certain am annot PfllQllct
Absence or cessation of menstrual periods in rcssion, and otl
women during the reproductive years is called concentration. Therefore, low bo/Unt _of fill
:aviours. Pa!ien
amenorrhoea. There are two types of amenorrhoea: .
increase the chances of amenorrhy we1&ll ..1..
ed with fooc
primary amenorrhoea and secondary amenorrhoea. females who are thin and have le::a ~ting disorde
percentage. The likelihood increases bodyfit
J. Primary Amenorrhoea: When the first
these women perrorm .intensive lllan,fo1,
• 11.l if.
physical proble_m~
bleeding or menarche does not begin by the age con--. 1t 1

of 12-14 years or more in a female, it is termed is the general case with women athletes. lcJi
!ifestYle choice. An~
as primary amenorrhoea. In some cases, it does 4. Insufficient Calorie Intake: Produ . 1t seve.rely u_nderr
not start even by the age of 18 years or above. c1ton ·!lflictillg side t
oestrogen can also decrease due to insuffi . of
~earolyte im~al
2. Secondary Amenorrhoea: After experiencing calorie intake which can cause ameno~1'nt
include anoreJUa r
regular menstrual periods for an average Women, specially female athletes, who Oti.
duration, if a woman stops having it for 6 months involved in intensive training and exerc: Anorexia Ner
or more, it is called secondary amenorrhoea. need more energy than other women. If tht
AnOrexia Nervos,
Some of the causes of amenorrhoea are: calorie intake is not adequate to meet th
patktlts have an
I. Hormonal Disturbances: Change in production energy requirement, the body stops producin; 'Iheyhavean unr
of hormones like gonadotropin hormones, oestrogen. Eventually, it results in amenorrh~.
and view themsel
oestrogen, progesterone, stress hormones, etc. is Women athletes often restrict calorie intake to are clearly under
a main cause of amenorrhoea. The hypothalamus, avoid gaining weight. Besides this, they train less than 85% of 1
pituitary gland and ovaries work together to hard and exercise regularly. Therefore, these Anorexia ne
regulate a menstrual cycle. Hypothalamus women are prone to amenorrhoea.
the teens and is
produces gonadotropin hormones to initiate men. It may be
hormone production in the pituitary gland Eating Disorders
intervention at tl
The pituitary gland then stimulates the ovaries have damaging
Eating disorders are a range of psychological
to produce oestrogen. If the ovaries are not disorders in which a person's eating behaviour is problems, brain
producing enough oestrogen due to some osteoporosis and
abnormal. Eating disorders may include inadequate
abnormality in the hypothalamus or pituitary or excessive food intake which can ultimately noted that anon
gland, oestrogen levels drop. As a result, mean loss of aI
harm an individual's well-being. It is commonly
menstrual cycle becomes irregular and then their appetite an
exhibited along with conditions such as anxiety,
stops, which causes amenorrhoea. Additionally, Anorexia ne
over-exercising may induce production of
restricting type
stress hormones, which cause reduction in
the oestrogen level and lead to amenorrhoea if
I. Restricting
present in high levels.
2. Intensive Exercise: Women who indulge in
Various way:
intensive exercise and sports activities such as
count that is
gymnastics, cycling, long distance running,
limiting cert
swimming, etc. are more vulnerable to
amenorrhoea than the rest. Intensive exercise
ure meal a day, e
weight effec1
causes physiological stress, which, in turn, \t'9 drastic exerc
affects oestrogen levels and causes amenorrhoea.
2. Purging/Bir
Also, studies found that high levels of exercise-
related hormones such as beta-endorphins and of anorexia,
catecholamines can affect oestrogen levels. accompanie,
Therefore, oestrogen levels are found to be low phases.
when women exercise vigorously on a regular Couse, of An
basis. This causes menstrual abnormalities Multiple factor
· al
Figure 5.30 Range of psycho Iogic
which lead to both primary and secondary nervosa - psycl
; \Ja1 amenorrhoea. disorders due to eating disofder

cannot prod (:SSion, and other addictive or self-destructive PsychologicaJ Factors: Patients tend to be
amount of Uce dt'J'f •ours Patients of eating ilisorders are often perfectionists and lean towards anxiety and
i,eha~ · .
)ody weight cfat ~ e d with food, body image and weight. depression. In their desire to be 'perfect: they
,orrhoea arn an Eating disorders are senous emotional and subject themselves to strict diets and exercise
re less bodyong ical problems that can have life-threatening regimens which they might not need in the first
• fat phY5 uences; 1t. 1s. dan gerous to view. th em as a
.ases manifold if seq place.
ufestYle choice. Anyone can fall prey to it at any stage.
exercises wh· Factors: For over a century. we have been
athletes It severely undermines growth and development, living in a culture that prizes thinness. with
i.,ulicting side effects ltke malnutrition and zero-sized models and celebrities perceived
. of eJeetrOJyte imbalance. Major eating disorders
t o msuffic1· as having the ideal body type. The pressure
en1 wdude anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
· amenorrhoea to conform to this standard comes from the
etes, who · media, and even peers, family and col.leagues.

Anorexia Nervosa
and exercises BioJogicaJ Factors: Sometimes, biological
women. If the Anorexia Nervosa is an eating ilisorder in which the
factors might trigger anorexia nen'osa. Genetic
. to meet the patients have an ob~es_sive fear ~f gaining weight. inheritance, for example, might make some
ops producing 1bey have an unrealistic perception of body image
people more vulnerable to developing anorexia
amenorrhoea. and view themselves as overweight even when they
than others.
1lorie intake t0 are dearly underweight. Typically, the patient has
his, they train less than 85% of the expected weight. Symptoms
1erefore, these Anorexia nervosa usually begins during Individuals suffering from anorexia nen-osa are
a. the teens and is more common in women than often ignorant of their own debilitating condition,
men- It may become a lifelong disease without or live in denial. In the latter case, they might try
intervention at the initial stage. This ilisorder can to hide their problems from friends and family. in
have damaging health consequences such as heart which case those who can help them are unaware
psychological problems. brain damage, multiple organ failure, of their illness, or they might even continue to
: behaviour is osteoporosis and infertility. It should, however, be refuse help. The following symptoms are indicators
d e inadequate noted that anorexia nervosa does not necessarily of anorexia nervosa. Knowing them might alert
an ultimately mean loss of appetite; often, the patients retain you in case somebody has the disorder:
is commonly their appetite and suppress it systematically. >¢' Physical Symptoms: Massive weight loss;
:h as anxiety, Anorexia nervosa is ilivided into two types: abnormal blood counts; fatigue; insomnia;
restricting type of anorexia and purging type of dizziness; bluish discolouration of the fingers;
constipation; dry or yellowish skin; irregular
heartbeat; low blood pressure; dehydration;
I. Restricting Type: In this form of anorexia,

ression osteoporosis; swelling of arms or legs; absence
consumption of food is severely restricted in
of menstruation (amenorrhoea); thinning of
various ways. such as maintaining a calorie hair on the head, becoming brittle and
count that is too low for the body's requirement, out easily, soft, downy hair covering the body.
limiting certain types of foods. eating only one
Emotional and .Behavioural Symptoms:
meal a day, etc. The patient also reduces her/his Obsession with weight and calorie cow1t, which
¥essure weight effectively through obsessive rules like might manifest i.n the dieting regime. constant
;-;atir\9 drastic exercising. measurement of body weight, etc; abuse of
2. Purging/Binge-eating Type: ln this type diet pills. laxatives, a.nd/or diuretics; excessive
of anorexia, the restriction of food intake i.s exercise, even when inju,red or ill; ritualistic
accompanied by binge-eating and purging eating habits, such as chewing and spitting
phases. food. cutting food into tiny piec~ eating alo ne.
hiding food, etc.; avoidance of food, in genem.1
Causes of Anorexia Nervoso or avoidance of certain types of food ingredients
Multiple factors influence the onset of anorexia like fats and carbohydrJtes; obsession with
nervosa - psychological, sociaJ and biological. physical appearance.
:l er
PT•v1H>llon of Anorexia 'bulimia' means 'the ravenous hunger f
There are many ways adults can discuss with reference to t h e \'Oracious appetite of the
ano.~.• •
children and educate them on the illness, so that When an indi vidual su.ff.ers fro m bulirrl' Pat,eiit
thev do not become its victim. is under the g rip of a hunger that is i~'1lit
~courage a healthy view _of the self ~nd psychological reasons, rathn than ph-·
others. This means refra ining from commenting ones. ,~101
on the bodv sius of other children , and not than abuse of medication, buli
equatfog th~ness with physical attracti\reness. . ts a Iso seeL... recou.rse to water f.isting %
-1) Focus on the idea that fitness comes in all extreme exercisi_ng. This vicious cyde of bin;~
Some people genetically inclined towards eating and purgmg causes its own sn of ad~
heavier figures; what is important is to eat side effects. The fo rc.ed vomiti ng thickens !ht
health)•, nutritious food and be physica Uy active. skin on the knu ckles and causes erosion of l"1Ji
and the patient become vulnerable to mental
Management of Anorexia disorders anxiety, depression and substmcc
Anorexia nervosa is a fatal psychological illness abuse. Not surpris ingly. bulimia affected
and should be treated as such; the earlier individuals indulge in self-harm and may attempt
the diagnosis and commencement of treatment, the to commit suicide.
better. For proper management and treatment Bulimia di:ffers from purging anorexia in
the services of a dietician, doctor as well as the sense that the patients are unable to comm!
counselHng is required. The following points their own appetite. They are unable to stop eating.
should be kept in mind: and their binges might last hours, which in
It is paramount to accept the reality of the turn stirs up feeHngs of immense guilt and stlf.
situation. The patients must realise their own hatred. To compensate for the overindulgence,
condition and accept that they have to recover. the patient therefore d ives into the purging stage
The physical aspects of the treatment can only of the cycle.
start after this acceptance.
Types of Bulimia
The mafo goal is to regain the appropriate weight
as per the individual's height and age. This cai1 There are two types of bulimia:
be achieved with the help of a psychologist and 1. Purging Bulimia: In th~s type of buH~
a fitness expert. patient undergoes self-mduc.ed voffl:I ng .
In certain cases, individual psychotherapy abuses diuretics, laxatives or enemas. The aun 15
might be needed. The individual can boost to remove the food from the body before it gtU
her/ his self-esteem and use positive methods to digested and deposited. .
overcome emotional distress. 2 Non-puroing Bulimia: In this type of bulinucta,
· o-· - · stn
Antidepressants are often required to aid the the individual uses methods like fusong, , tht'
. . . or excessive exerc1Smg t getndo1
process of recovery, since anorexia nervosa
tends to cause depression and anxiety in calories and to prevent weight gain.
Causes of Bulimia
Bulimia Nervosa The facto rs that cause or contribute to bufunia

Bulimia nervosa, or simply bulimia, is an eating are: lariW

Genetics: An individual who has a dose;vdop
disorder in which the patient consumes a large
suffering from bulimia is more hkely to th the
quantity of food within a short period and .. h be eculated aI
subsequ.e ntly ejects it from the body thro~gh the cond1.tion. It . ~s en sp_ ma , also play a
chemical serotonm 1.n the bram >
vomiting, or with the help oflaxatives or diuretics.
role in causing bulimia. _, . be
It was recognised as a separate disorder in 1979 . · can ws0 115
Psychological Factors: Bul imia u-11
br British psychiatrist Gerald Russe.II. The term • pro bLems
brought on by psychological · s ,._
lo"' self-esteem, pe_rfectionism, impulsiveness, The physiological impacts of bulimia also
include peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, blood in
depression and anxiety.
vomit , scarred hands, faintness, dry skin, low
Performance Pressure in Sports: Research
sex drive, impotency and complications in
conducted in sports field has discovered
that gymnasts, racers and wrestlers who are
under pressure to maintain their body weight Prevention of Bulimia
are more prone to suffer from anorexia and
Bulimia cannot be prevented by pills and
bulimia. Coaches unintentionally worsen the
vaccines. The best way to avoid it is to be educated
situation by encouraging athletes to reduce
about it from an early stage. It is important to
their weight or maintain a low weight for better
be taught to view oneself from a healthy
performance. perspective and be appreciative of one's body.
Social Factors: Just like anorexia, bulimia is Approach towards diets and exercise should be
associated with the culture of thinness. With made with the goal of having a fit, strong and
individuals getting exposed to this culture from active body, not a thin one just to fit into unrealistic
an early age, thanks to easy access to the internet standards.
and social media, the desire to be thin has
taken a stronger grip on the collective mindset. Treatment of Bulimia
Many celebrities have fallen victim to the The treatment of bulimia combines medication
illnesses due to the demands of their job. Some, and psychological measures. It involves the expert
like American ballet dancer Heidi Guenther recommendations of physicians, dieticians and
and American gymnast Christy Henrich psychiatrists. Recovery usually takes a long-time;
died due to complications arising from eating it may run into months or years depending on the
disorders. seriousness of the condition.
The following steps are involved in the treatment
Symptoms of bulimia:
The following symptoms may be indications of Psychological Treatment: This fights
bulimia: symptoms of bulimia. Cognitive behavioural
The affected individuals visit the bathroom therapy handles the psychological aspects
after every meal to immediately vomit and such as depression, negativity and behavioural
purge themselves. issues related to body image and self-esteem.
They become dehydrated due to repeated The antidepressant fluoxetine is prescribed
vomiting. Another side effect is inflammation to enable the patient to overcome emotional
of the food pipe. distress.
The individuals eat until they begin to Healthy Weight and Proper Nutrition:
Similar to anorexia recovery. stress should
experience abdominal pain and discomfort.
be laid on regaining correct weight for the
They undergo extreme exercise routines to patient's age, gender and height. A diet plan
control their weight. should be developed for this purpose. The
The individual abuses laxatives, diuretics or patient should also be educated on what
enemas after eating a meal, when there is no constitutes normal and nutritive eating habits,
medical reason to do so. and what benefits they bring to the body and
The individual's enamel of the teeth is damaged its organs.
due to overexposure to acid in the vomit. Exercise Correctly: Exercise regime prepared
The individual's eyes have visible broken blood for the patient should be so planned that the
vessels. individual can be physically active without
The salivary gland of the individual is swollen. affecting the process of weight gain. The exercise
routines should be monitored by a trainer or
The individual is overcautious about her/his
someone close from their personal life.
body image.

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