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Mindfulness Interventions With Youth A Meta Analisis

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Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302

DOI 10.1007/s12671-013-0260-4


Mindfulness Interventions with Youth: A Meta-Analysis

Sarah Zoogman & Simon B. Goldberg & William T. Hoyt &
Lisa Miller

Published online: 15 January 2014

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract Mindfulness meditation is a well-validated inter- participants recruited from schools, the findings of this meta-
vention for symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders in analysis suggest that future research might focus on youth in
adults, with meta-analyses showing moderate effect sizes. clinical settings and target symptoms of psychopathology.
This study marks the first published meta-analysis of the
burgeoning literature on mindfulness meditation with youth Keywords Meta-analysis . Mindfulness . Mindfulness
(conducted between 2004 and 2011) and identifies specific meditation . Psychopathology . Youth
outcomes and sub-populations for whom mindfulness may be
particularly helpful. Inclusion criteria were peer-reviewed
journal articles published in English, study participants under Introduction
18 years of age, and a description in the methods section of
mindfulness as the chief component of an intervention. A Meta-analyses conducted over reports of clinical trials of
systematic search was conducted, of which upon review, 20 mindfulness with adults generally show medium effect sizes
articles met inclusion criteria. Mindfulness interventions with (de Vibe et al. 2012; Khoury et al. 2013). Despite the existence
youth overall were found to be helpful and not to carry of a growing literature on mindfulness with youth (e.g., Biegel
iatrogenic harm, with the primary omnibus effect size (del) et al. 2009; Black et al. 2009; Burke 2010; Semple et al.
in the small to moderate range (0.23, p <.0001), indicating the 2010), to date a meta-analysis has yet to be published. Meta-
superiority of mindfulness treatments over active control com- analysis can quantitatively determine the overall effect size of
parison conditions. A significantly larger effect size was found mindfulness for youth, as well as identify specific outcomes
on psychological symptoms compared to other dependent and sub-populations for whom mindfulness is particularly
variable types (0.37 vs. 0.21, p =.028), and for studies drawn helpful. These findings generate recommendations for clinical
from clinical samples compared to non-clinical sample (0.50 practice and future research.
vs. 0.20, p =.024). Mindfulness appears to be a promising Currently, there is a strong national movement in the United
intervention modality for youth. Although to date the majority States to implement mindfulness interventions with youth (e.g.,
of studies on mindfulness with youth engage generally healthy The Hawn Foundation MindUp (Hawn 2011), Inner Resilience
Program (Lantieri and Goleman 2008)) often in school settings.
S. Zoogman (*) : L. Miller
However, there is no statement of the general helpfulness nor
Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, for what symptoms and what samples mindfulness would be
Teachers College, Columbia University, most helpful. This meta-analysis seeks to answer these ques-
Box no. 102, New York, NY 10027, USA tions. We now explicitly address the momentum of the broad
national movement by offering a summation of the findings to
S. B. Goldberg : W. T. Hoyt date on the clinical research on mindfulness with youth.
Department of Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Derived from the Buddhist contemplative tradition, mind-
Madison, WI, USA fulness has been described as a state of consciousness in
which there is an enhanced attention to moment-to-moment
S. B. Goldberg
Center for Investigating Healthy Minds, Waisman Center for Brain experience (Brown and Ryan 2003). Internal and external
Imaging and Behavior, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA sensations (e.g., physical sensations, thoughts) are noticed
Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302 291

without judgment or elaboration. Kabat-Zinn (1994) defined repeatedly about a particular negative past experience, often
mindfulness as, paying attention in a particular way: on pur- precedes and maintains depressive episodes (Nolen-
pose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally (p. 4). Hoeksema 2000). MBCT uses cognitive techniques to disrupt
Mindfulness has been described as involving three compo- these patterns by instructing participants to notice and identify
nents: intention, attention, and attitude (Shapiro et al. 2006). thoughts and see them as just thoughts (Coffman et al.
Mechanisms of mindfulness include focused attention, 2006). Mindfulness practice allows for this decentering by
decentering, and emotion regulation (Grabovac et al. 2011; practicing non-judgmentally observing ones thoughts rather
Holzel et al. 2011). Mindfulness exercises teach practitioners than avoiding them or falling into habitual thought patterns
to continually bring their attention back to present moment (Coffman et al. 2006; Teasdale et al. 1995)
experience, noticing current thoughts, emotions, or body sen- Mindfulness interventions with adults have been shown to
sations. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to increase be beneficial for a variety of mental health and physical health
attention (e.g., Jha et al. 2007; Brefczynski Lewis et al. 2007). outcomes, including anxiety, depression, and stress (Baer
Once an individuals attention is focused on present moment 2003; de Vibe et al. 2012; Greeson 2009; Grossman et al.
experience, the next step in mindfulness practice is to hold that 2004; Hofmann et al. 2010; Khoury et al. 2013). Meta-
experience with a stance of curiosity and openness. Thoughts, analyses of mindfulness interventions with adults have shown
feelings, and body sensations are noticed and understood to be a range of effect sizes (Baer 2003; Bohlmeijer et al. 2010; de
just thoughts, feelings, or body sensations rather than a Vibe et al. 2012; Grossman et al. 2004; Hofmann et al. 2010;
stable reflection of the self (Coffman et al. 2006). This process Khoury et al. 2013; Klainin-Yobas et al. 2011), with
of decentering allows for an individual to take a self- most studies reporting a medium effect size (Cohens
reflective stance toward their experience, observing rather d =0.300.60).
than judging that experience. Learning to sit with and notice De Vibe et al. (2012) reviewed 26 MBSR RCTs and found
thoughts, feeling, and body sensations teaches engagement a moderate overall effect size (Hedges g =0.53) and similar
with rather than avoidance of experience. Mindfulness inter- effect sizes across a range of groups (participants with mild to
ventions therefore also decrease rumination, by stopping cy- moderate psychological problems), intervention forms, and
cles of either depressive (e.g., Im worthless, I cant do outcome measures and settings. Khoury et al. (2013) reviewed
anything) or anxious (e.g., Ill never do it right, 209 controlled and uncontrolled studies using mindfulness-
Everything is going to fall apart) cognitions (Coffman based therapies (MBT; e.g., MBSR, MBCT) and found mod-
et al. 2006; Teasdale et al. 1995). Being able to notice ones erate effect sizes across a range of psychological problems,
emotions without reacting (decentering) allows for im- especially anxiety, depression, and stress. Specifically, there
provements in emotion regulation (Bishop et al. 2004; were moderate effect sizes found for pre-post comparisons
Coffey et al. 2010). Choices can be made about the best way (n = 72; g = .55), compared to wait-list controls (n = 67;
to act, rather than reacting instinctively in the moment, and to g = .53), compared with other active treatments (n = 68;
employ strategies to modulate overwhelming emotions. g =.33), and including other psychological treatments (n =
Mindfulness has been formulated and implemented in 35; g =.22). There was no difference found between MBT
somewhat different ways by various research teams. Two of and traditional CBT or behavioral therapy (n =9; g =.07) or
the most often-used mindfulness interventions are pharmacological treatments (n =3; g =.13).
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Grossman et al. (2004) reviewed 20 studies using MBSR
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). MBSR with both clinical and non-clinical populations and found an
(Kabat-Zinn 1982; Kabat-Zinn 1990) is an 8-week group effect size of approximately d =0.50 for controlled and un-
intervention that meets once per week for 2.5 h and has one controlled studies. Baer (2003) reviewed 22 studies using
all-day session towards the sixth week. Each session has mindfulness interventions (e.g., MBSR, MBCT) with both
specific formal mindfulness exercises (e.g., body scan, walk- clinical and non-clinical populations and found a comparable
ing meditation) and encourages informal mindfulness prac- mean effect size of d =0.59.
tices outside of session, by bringing mindfulness to daily Mindfulness interventions have been adapted and tested for
activities (e.g., showering, eating). Beyond the three mecha- youth, including those widely used with adults (i.e., MBSR
nisms outlined above (focused attention, decentering, and and MBCT). These interventions have been modified to be
emotion regulation), specific mechanisms of MBSR also in- developmentally appropriate for child and adolescent popula-
clude mindfulness and self-compassion (Carmody et al. 2009; tions (e.g., decreasing session length and length of meditation,
Keng et al. 2012). MBCT, an 8-week manualized group using more repetition).
protocol adapted from MBSR and developed by Segal, MBCT-C is an adaptation of MBCT for children. It has
Williams, and Teasdale (2002), was originally formulated to been tested on youth ages 814 years (Semple et al. 2006;
prevent the relapse of major depression. Research suggests Semple et al. 2010) and has recently been manualized specif-
that rumination, a style of thought involving reflecting ically for anxious children (Semple and Lee 2011). Three
292 Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302

primary modifications from MBCT were made to meet the (Beauchemin et al. 2008), externalizing disorders (Bogels
developmental needs of youth. First, sessions focused upon et al. 2008) including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
sensory observation rather than reflection upon abstract or (Oord et al. 2011; Zylowska et al. 2008), internalizing disor-
interior experience. Second, due to childrens shorter attention ders (Semple et al. 2005), substance abuse (Bootzin and
span, repetition was employed, length of sessions and length Stevens 2005), and mixed clinical samples (Biegel et al. 2009).
of breath meditation were decreased, while number of ses- The age range of youth participants in mindfulness inter-
sions and frequency of breath meditation were increased. ventions has spanned from pre-school through high school
Third, since children exist within the context of their families, (e.g., Semple et al. 2010; Sibinga et al. 2011), with the vast
parents were involved in treatment. Parents were trained to majority of intervention conducted with middle and high
support changes in their children by attending an orientation school students.
before the start of the program, completing homework with Outcomes studied range from measures of general func-
their children, and providing feedback on the intervention tioning such as academic performance and social skills (e.g.,
(Semple et al. 2006; Semple et al. 2010). Beauchemin et al. 2008) to psychological symptoms includ-
MBSR-T is an adaptation of MBSR for adolescents, and has ing measures of anxiety (e.g., Liehr and Diaz 2010), depres-
been tested on youth ages 1418 years (Biegel et al. 2009). The sion (e.g., Mendelson et al. 2010), aggressive behavior (Singh
adaption emphasizes the unique challenges of adolescence, par- et al. 2011a, b), and substance abuse (Bootzin and Stevens
ticularly interpersonal and performance challenges. Stress is 2005; Britton et al. 2010).
addressed within the context of specific social issues relevant to The overall effectiveness of mindfulness with youth has yet
adolescents, and a weekly check-in is used to support group to be assessed through a comprehensive meta-analysis. Black
cohesion and allow discussion around incorporating mindfulness et al. (2009) conducted a literature review of treatment effica-
into daily life (Biegel et al. 2009; Biegel 2009). Modifications in cy for sitting-meditation interventions for youth, including
delivery include shortening session length and duration of struc- studies that used transcendental meditation (TM), MBSR,
tured practice, and eliminating the day-long retreat. MBCT, as well as other adaptations of mindfulness medita-
Other mindfulness interventions have been developed for tion. Median effect sizes for psychosocial/behavioral out-
specific demographic or clinical populations of youth. The comes (e.g., anxiety) ranged from d =0.27 to 0.70 and median
Inner Kids program was developed by Susan Kaiser- effect sizes for physiologic outcomes (e.g., heart rate) ranged
Greenland for use from Pre-K through twelfth grade. It em- from d =0.16 to 0.29. These effect sizes were slightly smaller
phasizes paying attention to inner and outer experience in than those shown in adult samples (e.g., Grossman et al.
addition to compassion (Greenland 2010; Flook et al. 2010). 2004). Burke (2010) completed a qualitative review of 15
Learning to BREATHE is an intervention developed by studies examining mindfulness interventions with children
Patricia Broderick for adolescents to strengthen emotion reg- that showed a range of effect sizes from small to large (d =
ulation, attention, and stress management (Broderick and 0.201.40). The broad range of effect sizes represented among
Metz 2009). Mindful Education (ME) is a preventative inter- the studies in these two literature reviews suggests that a
vention developed for the classroom that aims to increase systematic meta-analysis would be helpful to inform for which
positive emotions, self-regulation, and goal setting outcomes and for which youth mindfulness is most helpful.
(Schonert-Reichl and Lawlor 2010). Meditation on the Soles Black et al. (2009) and Burke (2010) have provided useful
of the Feet (Singh et al. 2003), is an intervention in which the general estimates of the efficacy of mindfulness interventions
participant directs his or her attention from an emotionally for youth. However, given the increasing rate of publication
engaging thought or event to a neutral part of the bodythe in this area, a current and comprehensive meta-analysis that
soles of the feet. It has been used to control aggressive behav- could include aggregated omnibus effect sizes and formal
ior in individuals with autism, conduct disorder, and tests of statistical moderation of effect sizes would be wel-
Aspergers syndrome (Singh et al. 2011a, b). come. Treatment and future research may be guided by a
Overall, the literature on mindfulness can be characterized quantitative synthesis of the field to date.
as most frequently addressing non-clinical populations in In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis of all published
school settings (e.g., Flook et al. 2010; Joyce et al. 2010). studies to date on mindfulness with youth (study participants
Some studies have investigated the effects of mindfulness under 18 years of age). Specifically, over these studies we
with underserved and low-income populations (e.g., Liehr quantitatively assess: (a) Effect Size: What is the overall effect
and Diaz 2010; Mendelson et al. 2010) and a few studies have of mindfulness with youth? (b) Treatment Moderators: In
examined the impact on minority youth in terms of physio- what form of delivery and for whom (i.e., sample origin
logical outcomes such as blood pressure (Barnes et al. 2008; [clinical vs. non-clinical], session length, treatment frequency,
Gregoski et al. 2010; Wright et al. 2011). The few studies that etc.) is mindfulness most helpful? (c) Outcomes: For which
use clinical populations have used mindfulness intervention on outcomes (i.e., psychological symptoms, attention, social
youth with clinical diagnoses such as learning difficulties functioning) is mindfulness the most helpful?
Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302 293

Given the lack of data currently on mindfulness with youth, Zinn 1994) and used mindfulness as the primary intervention,
there was not sufficient power to examine specific sub- rather than a sub-component as in DBT.
populations (e.g., teenagers, middle school students) and in-
terventions (e.g., MBCT-C). This meta-analysis was an ex-
Search Strategies
ploratory analysis focusing exclusively on youth and looking
at mindfulness interventions.
A systematic search for published articles on mindfulness
interventions with youth through July 2011 was conducted
of 10 electronic databases (PsychINFO, MEDLINE, JSTOR,
Social Work Abstracts, SocINDEX with full text, ERIC,
Sociological Abstracts, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, and
Cochrane) over key terms (mindfulness, MBCT, MBSR,
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based
stress reduction, child, adolescent, youth, student, school,
For inclusion in this study, the article needed to be published
young people). Reference lists of quantitative studies, litera-
in a peer-reviewed journal in English. Conference papers and
ture review articles, and meta-analyses were inspected for
unpublished dissertations were excluded. Study participants
additional articles.
were under 18 years of age at initial assessment (if study
included a range of ages, e.g., 1321, it was included as long
as the range began with 17 or below and did not exceed 21). Moderator Analyses
For inclusion in the meta-analysis, the study must have
used mindfulness as the chief component of an intervention Moderators were coded across studies in order to characterize
(rather than descriptive studies on mindfulness as a trait) and differences in study samples, delivery method and to test for
needed to be a mindfulness-based intervention (e.g., MBSR or potential moderations. These moderators included publication
MBCT) and not concentration-based (e.g., Transcendential year, number of participants, mean age, percent female, per-
Meditation). Studies were included if the intervention had a cent racial / ethnic minority, sample origin (e.g., clinical vs.
yoga component in conjunction with mindfulness, since non-clinical sample), treatment type (e.g., MBSR, MBCT),
mindful movement through yoga is a key component of many treatment length (total weeks), treatment frequency (number
mindfulness interventions (e.g., MBSR). The study was also of sessions per week), session length (minutes per session),
included if the intervention consisted of only one part of a control group type (active vs. wait-list), instructor training
multi-component mindfulness intervention (e.g., Breathing (experienced vs. trained for study), outcome variable type
Awareness Meditation from MBSR). Novel and codified (e.g., measure of psychological symptoms, objective mea-
multi-component interventions in which only one part of the sures), recommendation of outside practice, study design
intervention was mindfulness (e.g., Dialectical Behavior (controlled vs. pre-post design), and the two Jadad et al.
Therapy (DBT) (Linehan 1993a, b); Acceptance and (1996) study quality criteria relevant to psychological inter-
Commitment Therapy (ACT) (Hayes et al. 1999)) were ex- ventions (i.e., randomization, reporting of study attrition).
cluded. Studies where both parents and children received the Samples were categorized as clinical if participants were
intervention were included as long as the intervention in- included on the basis of specific psychiatric conditions or the
volved components delivered to the children and parents sample was drawn from a clinical setting (e.g., psychiatric
separately (e.g., Bogels et al. 2008). Studies were excluded outpatients).
if they did not report sufficient data for the computation of
within-study effect size variance (e.g., single case studies were Coding Procedures Moderator and effect size coding was
excluded as lack of variability precludes estimate of effect size completed by two doctoral students, with any disagreements
standard deviation). All study designs (e.g., RCTs, pre-post discussed and a consensus reached. In those studies that did
design) were included, except for single-subject design. not report data necessary to compute exact effect sizes for all
All of the studies included in the meta-analysis identify the reported measures and subscales, study authors were
intervention as mindfulness and are empirical studies. contacted directly requesting pre- and post-test means and
Generally speaking, the intervention literature on mindfulness standard deviations. Where data remained missing at the time
with youth is in an emergent state. As such, at the present time of analysis, conservative assumptions were made (e.g., effect
there is insufficient power to examine the specific subtypes of size assumed to be equal to zero when significant differences
mindfulness interventions. To meet inclusion criteria into the were not found) as has been employed elsewhere (Baardseth
current study, a study must have reported use of mindfulness et al. 2013). This conservative assumption was applied to at
as defined as paying attention in a particular way: on pur- least one measure in seven studies and to a total of 18 effect
pose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally (Kabat- sizes across all studies.
294 Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302

Data Analysis Further, five separate sub-meta-analyses were conducted

using effect sizes from only objective measures (psychophys-
Beckers (1988) del served as the primary effect size used in iological measures, attention and behavioral tasks), only non-
effect size aggregation and omnibus analyses. Del is a mea- objective (teacher-, parent-, or child-report) measures, psycho-
sure of the difference in pre-post effect sizes between groups, logical symptoms (e.g., anxiety, aggression), measures not of
in this case comparison between mindfulness interventions psychological symptoms (all measures that were not coded as
and alternative treatments. Use of del compares the change a measure of psychological symptoms, including measures of
over time in the two groups, which is typically the outcome of social skills, well-being, attention, psychophysiological out-
interest. It also allows for the inclusion of studies lacking a comes, etc.), and measures of mindfulness and attention (e.g.
control group with del for these studies computed based on an objective attention tasks, self-report mindfulness inventories).
imputed control group effect size (imputed from a sub- Moderator tests were conducted using two distinct
omnibus analysis using only active control group effect sizes). methods. For categorical moderators, a weighted least squares
In order to compute del, Cohens (1988) d and the variance approach was used (Hedges and Olkin 1985; Borenstein et al.
of d were first computed for treatment and control conditions 2009) employing the MAd package (Del Re and Hoyt 2010).
separately using standard methods (Cooper et al. 2009). Next, For continuous moderators, meta-regression was conducted
d and its variance were converted to Hedges g (and variance using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation
of g), in order to correct for bias. Lastly, del was computed by found in the metafor package (Viechtbauer 2010). In order
subtracting the control groups standardized mean change to assess potential publication bias, a funnel plot was con-
score (g) from that of the treatment group. The variance of structed using the metafor package (Viechtbauer 2010).
del was computed by summing the variance of g for the two
groups. For studies lacking an active control group, the om-
nibus control group g was used to compute del. For studies in Results
which treatment and active control groups were not reported
separately, g as computed from between-group tests (e.g., Literature Search Results (Fig. 1)
ANOVA) were used in place of del.
From the 28 quantitative studies, 2 used mindfulness as one
Effect Size Aggregation All studies reported data from multi- component of a multi-component intervention in which one
ple measures yielding a total of k =138 effect sizes. To address part was mindfulness (2/28, 7 %), 1 had parts of the interven-
dependency among effect sizes (e.g., aggregating within stud- tion involve both children and parents together (1/28, 4 %), 1
ies prior to omnibus analyses) we followed procedures rec- only had data available that combined adolescent and adult
ommended by Gleser and Olkin (2009) using the MAd pack- participants together (1/28, 4 %), 1 reported unique outcome
age (Del Re and Hoyt 2010) in the R statistics program (R measures for each participant thus precluding estimate of
Development Core Team 2010). A correlation of r =.6 was within-study effect size variance (1/28, 4 %), and 3 (3/28,
assumed between subscales of a single measure for aggrega- 11 %) reported effect sizes that were determined to be statis-
tion and a correlation of r =.5 was assumed between outcome tical outliers when compared to other included studies based
measures within a given study (see Wampold et al. 1997 for a on standard methods for identifying outliers in meta-anlayses
rationale). (Hedges and Olkin 1985). A total of 20 articles (20/28, 71 %)
remained for data analysis.
Omnibus and Moderator Analyses Omnibus analyses were
conducted using the MAd and metafor packages (Del Re and Overview of the Literature
Hoyt 2010; Viechtbauer 2010) based on recommended
procedures (Hedges and Olkin 1985; Cooper et al. 2009) The 20 studies of mindfulness interventions with youth that
using restricted maximum likelihood estimation, in which met inclusion criteria are summarized in Table 1. The age
each study contributes a single effect size (del) which is range was 621 years old. Most interventions were conducted
weighted based on the inverse of its variance. In omnibus in schools. Several intervention types were used, including 3
analyses, studies were treated as random effects based on studies using Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, 3 using
the assumption that there was significant theoretical het- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Children, 5 using
erogeneity between the studies (different populations, dif- one component of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and 9
ferent treatment types, different lengths of treatment). Q using another type of mindfulness intervention. Most studies
statistics were computed using random effects models and used non-clinical samples, with four studies using clinical
served as the statistical test of whether study effect sizes samples. Dependent variables included a variety of outcomes,
exhibited greater heterogeneity than expected by chance including measures of psychological symptoms (e.g., anxiety,
alone. depression), measures of general functioning (e.g., social
Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302 295

Fig. 1 Literature search results

skills, quality of life) and measures of mindfulness and described above for computing del for paired group and
attention. treatment only designs (see Table 2). The primary omnibus
effect size was significantly different from zero (del =0.227,
Meta-Analysis of Data from Active Control Groups 95 % CI [0.148, 0.305], p <.0001), indicating that on average,
the mindfulness condition in the included studies showed
Twelve of the 20 studies (60 %) compared the treatment group significantly greater improvement on outcome measures than
to a control group receiving some alternative treatment (e.g., the active control conditions. As del is in essentially the same
other school classes, health education classes). The remaining unit as Cohens (1988) d, this effect would be considered
studies reported comparisons to a no-treatment control group small, but it is nonetheless noteworthy as it reflects the supe-
(k =2) or did not include a control group (k =6). To compute riority of the mindfulness intervention over active control
comparable effect sizes for these 8 studies (i.e., effect sizes groups. Table 2 displays this omnibus effect size and Table 1
reflecting the gains for the mindfulness treatment group rela- displays individual effect sizes and confidence intervals for all
tive to active controls), it was necessary to use an imputed k =20 studies included. As this dataset was the most complete
active control effect size in computing del. We estimated representation of study effect sizes, moderator tests were
this active control effect size by meta-analyzing the pre-post conducted using this aggregation. The Q statistic for the
control group effect sizes from 7 of the 12 studies with active primary omnibus analysis was not significant (Q(19)=14.73,
control groups (the remaining 5 studies reported statistics p =.740), indicating that studies did not show greater between
from between-group tests only and thus pre-post control group study variation from the omnibus effect size than would be
effect sizes could not be computed). This meta-analysis expected by chance alone.
yielded an average effect size of g =0.083 [0.060, 0.227], As shown in Tables 3 and 4, five continuous moderators
reflecting statistically non-significant but numerically modest and seven categorical moderators were tested. Table 1 reports
improvement among active controls from pre- to post- study-level effect sizes and coding for a sub-set of moderators
treatment assessments, averaged across dependent variables. tested. For continuous moderators, the slope coefficient (B 1) is
used as the significance test, with 95 % confidence intervals
Omnibus Analyses containing zero indicating a non-significant result. For cate-
gorical moderators, the Q statistic (here a Q Between) for each
The primary omnibus analysis was conducted using all effect moderator serves as the test of moderation, with a significant
size types, aggregated first within studies, using the methods Q indicating that the moderator accounts for significant
296 Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302

Table 1 Effect sizes aggregated across all dependent variable types and study characteristics for included studies

Study Outcome types del CI N Design type Sample Outside Instructor Tx length Intervention
origin practice experience (wks) type

Barnes et al. (2004) Obj, Psych 0.20 [0.17, 0.56] 73 RCT Non-clinical Yes Trained 12 Part of MBSR
Barnes et al. (2008) Obj 0.13 [0.47, 0.72] 66 RCT Non-clinical Yes Trained 12 Part of MBSR
Beauchemin et al. (2008) Psych 0.62 [0.08, 1.16] 34 Tx only Clinical No Trained 5 Other
Biegel et al. (2009) Psych 0.56 [0.23, 0.89] 102 RCT Clinical Yes Experienced 8 MBSR
Bogels et al. (2008) Obj, Psych, 0.24 [0.57, 1.06] 14 Tx only Clinical Yes Experienced 8 MBCT
Broderick and Metz (2009) Psych 0.28 [0.01, 0.56] 120 OCT Non-clinical No Experienced 5 Other
Flook et al. (2010) Mind 0.11 [0.29, 0.51] 64 RCT Non-clinical No Experienced 8 Other
Gregoski et al. (2010) Obj 0.23 [0.01, 0.47] 166 RCT Non-clinical Yes Trained 12 Part of MBSR
Huppert and Johnson Mind 0.00 [0.29, 0.29] 155 RCT Non-clinical Yes Experienced 4 MBSR
Joyce et al. (2010) Psych 0.11 [0.18, 0.41] 175 Tx only Non-clinical No Trained 10 Other
Lee et al. (2008) Psych 0.21 [0.56, 0.99] 25 Tx only Non-clinical Yes Experienced 12 MBCT
Liehr and Diaz (2010) Psych 1.14 [0.20, 2.09] 18 RCT Non-clinical No Experienced 2 Other
Mendelson et al. (2010) Psych 0.22 [0.13, 0.56] 97 RCT Non-clinical No Experienced 12 Other
Napoli et al. (2005) Obj, Psych, 0.28 [0.05, 0.51] 228 RCT Non-clinical No Experienced 24 Other
Schonert-Reichl et al. Psych, Mind 0.21 [0.01, 0.41] 246 RCT Non-clinical Yes Trained 10 Other
Semple et al. (2005) Psych 0.16 [0.58, 0.91] 4 Tx only Clinical Yes Trained 6 Other
Semple et al. (2010)a Psych, Mind 0.16 [0.50, 0.81] 25 RCT Non-clinical Yes Experienced 12 MBCT
Sibinga et al. (2011) Psych 0.23 [0.57, 1.03] 26 Tx only Non-clinical Yes Experienced 9 MBSR
White (2011)a Mind 0.01 [0.39, 0.40] 155 RCT Non-clinical Yes Experienced 8 Part of MBSR
Wright et al. (2011) Obj, Psych 0.26 [0.04, 0.56] 121 RCT Non-clinical Yes Trained 12 Part of MBSR

Note: Obj = objective measures, Psych = measures of psychological symptoms, Mind = mindfulness-related measures (e.g., attention), RCT =
randomized controlled trial, OCT = open-controlled trial (no randomization), Tx = treatment, Tx only design, del = effect size (Becker
1988), CI =95 % confidence interval, N = study sample size, MBSR = mindfulness-based stress reduction, MBCT = mindfulness-based cognitive
therapy, Tx length (wks) = length of treatment in weeks; a = Included non-active control group, imputed control group g used in effect size computations

heterogeneity among effect sizes. Only one moderatorsam- Several additional sub-meta-analyses were conducted
ple originwas found to significantly moderate study effect using subsamples of the data that were of theoretical interest.
size (Q (1)=5.07, p =.024). For this moderator, studies draw- Results from these analyses are also presented in Table 2. Sub-
ing participants from a clinical sample (k =4) reported signif- analyses (with the exception of examining measures of mind-
icantly higher effect sizes (del =0.500) compared to those fulness and attention) also used an imputed control group g in
drawn from non-clinical samples (del =0.197). the calculation of del for studies designs lacking an active
Table 2 Primary and sub-omnibus analyses

Measure type k N k Effects del 95 % CI p Q Qp

All measures 20 1772 138 0.227 [0.148, 0.305] <.0001 14.731 0.740
Objective measures 6 624 42 0.230 [0.099, 0.361] 0.0006 0.216 0.999
Non-objective measures 19 1716 96 0.255 [0.172, 0.339] <.0001 17.832 0.467
Psychological symptoms 15 1197 42 0.373 [0.253, 0.494] <.0001 13.493 0.488
Not psychological symptoms 15 1573 96 0.207 [0.122, 0.293] <.0001 11.782 0.624
Attention and mindfulness measures 6 807 15 0.280a [0.069, 0.490] 0.009 11.904 0.036*

Note. Studies were modeled as random effects; *Q p <.05; k =number of studies; N = number of participants in omnibus analysis; k Effects = number of
effect sizes included in omnibus analysis; del =effect size (standardized mean difference controlling for pre-intervention scores and control group pre-
post change; Becker 1988); p = probability value for omnibus del; Q = homogeneity test for omnibus del; Qp = probability value for Q-statistic
(significant p indicating more heterogeneity than would be expected by chance alone); DV = dependent variable; a = effect size represents a combination
of del (for k =4 studies) and g (for k =2 studies) due to insufficient data to compute control group g
Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302 297

Table 3 Continuous moderators predicting variation in aggregated effect sizes across combined dependent variable types

Moderator variable k B0 B1 95 % CI (B 1) z(B 1) p

Age 20 0.110 0.009 [0.016, 0.035] 0.713 0.476

Sample size 20 0.266 0.000 [0.001, 0.001] 0.475 0.634
Percent female 20 0.151 0.001 [0.002, 0.005] 0.805 0.421
Percent racial/ethnic minority 15 0.142 0.001 [0.001, 0.004] 1.024 0.306
Publication year 20 0.316 0.018 [0.055, 0.02] 0.932 0.351
Tx length (wks) 20 0.226 0.000 [0.015, 0.015] 0.022 0.983
Tx freq (per wk) 20 0.203 0.002 [0.012 ,0.017] 0.296 0.767
Tx total time (mins) 20 0.194 0.000 [0.000, 0.000] 0.541 0.589

Note. Continuous moderators were tested using the primary omnibus dataset (all effect sizes aggregated, first within scale, then within study); k =
number of studies; B 0 = intercept; B 1 = slope; z(B 1) = z statistic for B 1; p = probability value for continuous moderator (significant p value indicating
significant moderation effects); Tx length (wks) = length of treatment in weeks, Tx freq (per wk) = frequency of treatment in times per week, Tx total time
(mins) = total direct instructional time in minutes (i.e., does not include home practice time)

control condition. In these sub-analyses, the following number found for psychological symptoms (del =0.373) and measures
of studies used this imputed control group g: objective mea- not of psychological symptoms (del =0.207) was found to
sures (k =1), non-objective measures (k =8), measures of psy- differ significantly from zero (difference between del s=
chological symptoms (k =7), and measures not of psycholog- 0.166, [0.018, 0.314], p =.028), indicating outcome variable
ical symptoms (k =4). type significantly moderated the observed effect size.
All sub-analyses yielded significant omnibus effect sizes. As both outcome type and sample origin were found to
Of note, the omnibus effect sizes found in these sub-analyses significantly moderate the observed treatment effects, it was
were roughly of the same magnitude as the primary analysis of interest to determine whether these moderations are con-
omnibus, with the exception of measures of psychological founded, with one or the other driving the observed effect for
symptoms. The difference between the omnibus effect size both. For example, it may have been that outcome type was

Table 4 Categorical moderators predicting variation in aggregated effect sizes across combined dependent variable types

Moderator variable k del 95 % CI Q df p

Sample origin 5.072 1 0.024*

Clinical 4 0.500 [0.250, 0.750] 1.485 3 0.686
Non-clinical 16 0.197 [0.115, 0.280] 8.174 15 0.917
Outside practice 0.357 1 0.550
Recommended 13 0.208 [0.108, 0.308] 7.741 12 0.805
Not recommended 7 0.257 [0.130, 0.384] 6.633 6 0.356
Instructor previous experience 0.033 1 0.855
Experienced 13 0.234 [0.125, 0.343] 11.910 12 0.453
Trained for Study 7 0.219 [0.107, 0.332] 2.788 6 0.835
Intervention type 0.318 3 0.957
One component of MBSR 5 0.193 [0.044, 0.342] 1.192 4 0.879
Other type of mindfulness 9 0.241 [0.135, 0.347] 6.849 8 0.553
MBCT 3 0.199 [0.228, 0.626] 0.027 2 0.986
MBSR 3 0.245 [0.035, 0.455] 6.343 2 0.042*

Note. Three additional categorical moderators assessed were not displayed above. These included the two Jadad et al. (1996) study quality criteria
relevant to psychological interventions (i.e., randomization, reporting of study attrition) and study design (controlled vs. pre-post designs). None of these
study characteristics significantly moderated treatment effects (for randomization: Q =0.688, p =.407; for reporting of study attrition: Q =1.27, p =.260;
for controlled vs. pre-post design: Q =.002 p =.965). k = number of studies within each level of categorical moderator; del = effect size for studies within
a given category level; Q for categories represents Q Between and tests whether moderator accounts for significant variability between studies; Q for levels
of categorical moderators tests whether significant variability exists between studies included in a given level; p = probability value for either Q statistic
(significant p value indicating either significant moderator effects or significant remaining heterogeneity in effect sizes)
*p <.05
298 Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302

only a significant moderator because studies drawn from (psychological symptoms vs. other outcome types) and sam-
clinical samples included more of these measures and clinical ple origin (clinical vs. non-clinical) as simultaneous predictors
samples generally showed larger effects. However, in a mul- found both symptoms of psychopathology and clinical
tivariate meta-regression model that included both type of samples to uniquely predict effects, ruling out the possibility
outcome and sample origin as predictors, each was shown to that either effect was being driven by confounding with the
uniquely predict effect sizes when the other was simultaneous- other.
ly controlled. The intercept in this model was significantly
different from zero (B =0.182, [0.095, 0.270], p <.0001). Type Universal Effect Size
of outcome (coded as psychological symptoms=1, not psy-
chological symptoms=0) and sample origin (coded as clinical We found a universal, non-specific effect size for mindfulness
sample=1, non-clinical sample=0) each uniquely predicted interventions (del =0.227), with these interventions consis-
effect sizes (Bs=0.160 and 0.273, 95 % CIs=[0.024, 0.300] tently outperforming active control conditions. There was no
and [0.066, 0.481], ps=.021 and .010, for outcome type and significant moderation associated with most aspects of study
sample origin, respectively). design or delivery system of mindfulness (outside practice,
A significant Q statistic was found for a sub-analysis using instructor previous experience, session length, treatment fre-
only attention and mindfulness measures (Q (5)=11.904, quency, treatment length, intervention type, age, sample size,
p =.036; Table 2) as well as for the MBSR level of the percent female, percent racial/ethnic minority, publication
intervention type categorical moderator (Q (2) = 6.343, year), with the exception of sample origin (clinical vs. non-
p =.042; Table 4). Although it is possible these represent true clinical sample). There was no differential effect for most
heterogeneity in effect sizes, the mindfulness and attention dependent variable types demonstrated by the similar omnibus
measures sub-analysis used by far the smallest number of effect sizes for the sub-meta-analyses (objective measures,
effect sizes of any sub-analysis (k =10), a small number of non-objective measures, attention and mindfulness measures).
studies (k =6), and should likely be interpreted cautiously. It was found, however, that measures of psychological symp-
Similarly, the MBSR level of the intervention type categorical toms yielded higher effects than other outcome types. It is
moderator included a small number of studies (k =3) and important to note that for the sub-omnibus analysis for atten-
intervention type itself was not a significant moderator of tion and mindfulness measures, mindfulness interventions
between-study heterogeneity. were shown to directly increase mindfulness and attention
Lastly, a funnel plot with standard error on the vertical axis (del =0.280). While mindfulness interventions effect on mind-
and effect size on the horizontal axis was constructed based on fulness and attention in youth has been shown in individual
data used in the primary omnibus analysis and inspected for studies (Huppert and Johnson 2010; Bogels et al. 2008;
outliers indicative of publication bias. No studies were outside Napoli et al. 2005; Semple et al. 2010; Zylowska et al.
of the 95 % confidence interval of expected deviations from 2008), this is the first time this has been demonstrated in a
the omnibus effect size nor did there appear any obvious gaps meta-analysis.
in the distribution of studies. This provides evidence against The absence of significant moderation (except for sample
the possibility that the observed effect is due primarily to origin and outcome type) is in contrast to a literature that
publication bias. theorizes a differential effect for various moderators, such as
outside practice (Huppert and Johnson 2010) or experience of
teacher (Kabat-Zinn 1990, 2003). It is feasible that moderators
Discussion may exist on acquisition of mindfulness by youth, but that we
are not able to detect this effect due to the limited number of
Our meta-analysis over reports of mindfulness interventions studies available for meta-analysis. However, it also may be
with youth (20042011) shows an overall small effect size the case that in the acquisition of mindfulness by youth there
over a broad range of sub-samples and outcomes (del =0.227) exist fewer moderators then in the acquisition of mindfulness
for treatments employing mindfulness with youth when com- by adults. Youth may learn more quickly, requiring fewer
pared to active alternative treatments. The effect size for sessions and less practice; issues of instructor expertise may
clinical samples was in the moderate range and nearly three be less prescient to teaching youth mindfulness.
times the magnitude of that found with non-clinical samples,
suggesting that mindfulness may be particularly beneficial for Significant Moderators: Sample Origin and Outcome Type
clinical populations. With respect to specific outcomes, mind-
fulness most robustly addressed symptoms of psychopathol- The two significant moderators found in our studyclinical
ogy, with nearly twice the general effect size found for these samples showing higher effects than non-clinical samples
measures compared to other outcome types. Further, a multi- (del =0.500 vs. del =0.197), measures of symptoms showing
variate meta-regression analysis including both outcome type higher effects than other dependent variables (del =0.373 vs.
Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302 299

del =0.207)offer a convergent picture, suggesting that psychological mechanism that transmits the effects of mind-
mindfulness interventions for youth may be most effective fulness interventions based upon previous research showing
when applied in clinical samples or when aimed at symptoms attention to improve through mindfulness practice (see
of psychopathology. It also may be true that mindfulness Davidson and Goleman 1977; Cahn and Polickh 2006) includ-
interventions for youth have a stronger effect on reducing ing in children (e.g., Napoli et al. 2005; Flook et al. 2010). A
negative symptoms than on increasing positive functioning. direct test of mediation was not possible due to a lack of
While these significant moderator tests may need to be reported associations between changes in mindfulness and
interpreted somewhat cautiously, especially given the small changes in other outcomes in the included studies. However,
number of studies using clinical samples (k =4) and the non- previous research has shown the effect of meditation on atten-
significant Q-statistic from the primary omnibus analysis, we tion (e.g., Jha et al. 2007; Brefczynski Lewis et al. 2007).
offer three interpretations on the relatively greater effect of Concentration meditation has been shown specifically to mod-
mindfulness interventions on clinical samples. First, clinical ify systems of attention in adolescents (Baijal et al. 2011).
samples have more space for significant improvement than
non-clinical samples given their more severe baseline symp- Clinical Practice and Research Implications
tomatology. Other short-term modalities (e.g., Cognitive-
Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy) have Greater effect sizes were shown: (a) in clinical sample as
also shown stronger effects for subjects with more severe compared with non-clinical samples and (b) on symptoms of
baseline depression symptomatology (e.g., Mufson et al. psychopathology as compared with the other dependent var-
2004). As mindfulness interventions included in this meta- iables. Taken together, it appears that mindfulness interven-
analysis were similarly short-term, it is perhaps unsurprising tions may be particularly helpful in treating youth with current
that this similar pattern of results was found. symptoms of psychopathology. To date the overwhelming
Second, the three largest studies that used psychiatric sam- majority of studies have focused on school-based settings,
ples were all adolescent samples. One small study (n =4; providing mindfulness to increase attention and positive psy-
Semple et al. 2005) was also included in this category that chological and academic outcomes. The current meta-analysis
used a younger sample (mean age=7.5 years), but this study suggests that mindfulness as treatment for psychopathology in
likely had little effect on the sub-omnibus effect size given its youth demands further investigation in the form of controlled
small size. Adolescents stage of cognitive development, with clinical trials in clinic settings.
the strengthening of meta-cognitive and abstract thinking The broad and non-specific effects of mindfulness suggest
skills (e.g., Schneider and Lockl 2002; Piaget 1969), may its use in multiple settings for multiple outcomes, given that
allow them to benefit more from mindfulness interventions mindfulness most likely engages a form of executive func-
than younger children. Supporting this contention, sample tioning in youth. The meta-analysis is perhaps most helpful in
age, tested as a continuous moderator, showed a numerically identifying promise of mindfulness for symptom reduction in
positive effect on overall effect size (B 1 =.009), although this youth in clinical settings, with high levels of symptomology,
relationship failed to reach statistical significance (p =.476). as this population has yet to benefit from the broadening
Another potential reason for the differential effect favoring dissemination of mindfulness.
clinical samples might be that mindfulness teaches less path- The current state of the literature on mindfulness with
ological uses of attention. Underlying some psychopathology youth is such that a common definition of mindfulness
is an unhealthy self-focused attention (Ingram 1990), often (Kabat-Zinn 1994) is often used, specifically paying atten-
involving rumination. Mindfulness interventions break rumi- tion in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment,
native attentional patterns, teaching attention that is reflec- and non judgmentally (p. 4). In practice, however, there is a
tive, open-minded, and experiential (Baer 2009, p. 18; broad range of translational technique, which is to say a lack
Campbell et al. 2012). In mindfulness, thoughts and sensa- of uniformity in implementation which is not extensively
tions are noted without attributing them to fundamental as- reported in the research literature. To investigate and then
pects of the fixed self (Baer 2009). resolve differences on the literature on mindfulness, it is
recommended that data be collected on currently running
Possible Mechanisms: Attention and Mindfulness interventions, perhaps in the form of effectiveness rather than
efficacy trials, and published in peer-review scholarly journals
The universal, broad, and consistent effect size points to a to provide opportunity to compare interventions.
foundational improvement in psychological functioning that
mindfulness interventions may be accessing. In that the sub- Limitations
omnibus analysis for attention and mindfulness measures was
significant and roughly the same magnitude as the overall There were five primary limitations in this study. First, as in
global effect, we speculate that attention may be the internal the conducting of any meta-analysis over clinical trials, there
300 Mindfulness (2015) 6:290302

exists substantial variation among interventions, although in Fourth, existing evidence suggests that mindfulness shows
our study, this heterogeneity was both coded through moder- particular promise for youth who suffer with high levels of
ators and tested statistically with the Q statistic and the mod- symptomology, such that policy might fund reasoned imple-
erator tests. Second, the overall number of studies in this meta- mentation, adaptation, and testing of mindfulness for youth
analysis was small (k =20). The small k decreases statistical with high levels of symptomology, in such settings as clinics,
power (and thereby the ability to detect moderators) and hospitals, and homeless shelters.
makes estimates of effect sizes less stable (i.e., less reflective
of the true population value). In addition, the k for clinical
samples was small (k =4). Third, the comprehensive literature
search for this meta-analysis was conducted in July 2011. References
Given the high rate of publication in the area of mindfulness
(Brown et al. 2007), it is likely publications in the prior two
* = Studies included in the meta-analytic sample.
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