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The Gift of The Quran

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The gift of the Quran

We are covered with blessings above, below, around; tangible and

intangible; dunia and hereafter. When someone reflects on the
blessings of Allah, his heart is filled with gratitude and will force us
to submit to Him.
Whoever thinks that he has a fren whos loving and closer to him
than Allah, then he hasnt recognize Allah for theres no one whos
more kind and generous to us than Allah.
Ibn Hisham: the people of Makkah havent truly heard the Quran yet
opposing it. So theyre looking for someone to read the Quran in
public. Ibn Masood volunteered (but hes not from the noble family
and be protected). He stood next to maqam Ibrahim and recited
Surat Ar-Rahman. People were listening to him and they realized it
is the same message as the Prophet preaching. They beat him up;
face was swollen. They dont even have this much tolerance to listen
to the Quran, yet surah ar-Rahman?
Proves that it is from the earliest surah revealed to the Prophet.
Primary names of Allah; Allah and ar-Rahman (mentioned in
basmalah); after the name Allah, ar-Rahman is the most frequently
repeated in the Quran, especially in the Makki Surah.
Rahmaan falaan (strongest noun available in BA to characterize a
verb); tenderness, kindness, gentleness, to show goodness and favor;
intensity and, vastness, extensiveness, fullness. The One who is very
very merciful. The attribute of Rahmah is eternal, constant; sifatul
qaaimah; whose mercy is the strongest, eternal; forever attributed
with the attribute of mercy; had always been incredibly merciful,
even now and will forever be merciful; no one can be more merciful
than Him, at any time.
Every word of Allah, command, legislation, His actions, His decrees
everything with Himcovered with Mercy. The rules Allah set for
Himself, even though He doesnt have to: My rahmah overrules My
Someone may oppose Allah, may curse Him, but He still provides
for that person; wa rahmati wasi`at kulli shay; kataba rabbukum `ala
nafsihir Rahmah.
Theres nothing except that it is affected by His Mercy.
What are the effects? Everything around us, especially:
He has taught al-Quran; the list of blessings begin with the Quran;
its not the food we eat, our live, the world, rather it is the Quran.
Not only give it, rather to teach; to give in a way that the other party
learn; didnt just revealed it, send itHe taught it (to Jibril) who
delivered to the Prophet and he taught to the ummah.
Allah chose a messenger in order to teach the Ummah the biggest
blessing ever: alQuran
Taleem; 1. recitation the correct way of reading/recitation; 2. the
correct meaning; rasulullah was taught the correct meaning and he
further taught the ummah; 3. How to implement it;
guidance/instructions is not merely read and comprehension; rather
need to be implemented; rasulullahthe living Quran.
The teaching of Quran; Allah attributed it to Himself; khayrukum
man taaalamal Quraan; why best? Hes learning what Allah is
teaching; wa `allamaka ma lam takun talam; wa kaana fadhlullahi
`alaka `adheema.

Tadabbur suratul faatihah sh nasir alUmar

Adakah kita berfikir ttg brp byk kali kita telah baca surah al-fatihah
dlm hidupnya? Tahukah bhw Setahun, baca around 10,000 15,000
kali (minimum) and more kalau buat more prayers.
Kalau dah 50 thn hidup, brp byk kali baca? Kita harus fikir dan
Knp Allah suruh kita baca al-Fatihah begitu kerap sekali? 17x
minimum (kalau buat solat fardhu shj sehari).
Berapa kali kita bertadabbur setelah kita baca hampir 10,000 kali
Surah ni: ummul quran, umm alkitab; kalau surah ni tak tadabbur,
surah lain mungkin turut diabaikan sbb yg paling penting pun tak
Terpaksa ringkaskan perbincangan sbb kalau pjg lebar mmg takde
penghujung mungkin.
Brp ramai di kalangan kita yg menangis waktu solat tarawih? Ramai
yg menangis, tp sbb surah apa? Adakah surah al-fatihah ataupun
surah lain, wlpn ianya mmg agung sbb ia sebahagian drpd alQuran?
Brp ramai imam2 yg menangis baca surah alfatihah (sh. Nasir ckp
dia tak pernah dgr lg mana2 imam menangis)?
Lebih drpd 20 nama; katratul asmaa tadullu `ala sharafil musamma
(nama byk menunjukkan kemuliaan yg dinamakan); Allah `azza wa
jall ada byk nama; begitu juga dgn Rasulullah (byk nama
Muhammad, ahmad, al-haashir, al-Muqaffa dll..)
Dr quran, Sunnah, sahabah, ada yg ijtihad ulama; nama2nya: sab` al-
mathaani, fatihatul kitab, fatihatul quran, ummul kitab, ummul
quran, ar-ruqyah, al-kanz, alquranul adheem, al-waafiah, al-asas, al-
nur, alhamd, ash-shifa, ad-dua, ash-shaafiah, al-munaajat, suratus
Ada yg digelar sesuatu tp hakikatnya tak mcm tu; hanya Allah, rasul
dan alQuran shj yg sptmana ianya digelar, hakikatnya begitu.

o Bukhari: abu saeed diajarkan rasulullah a`dham surah fil

o Afdhalu suwar al-quran; tidak diturunkan surah sebegini dlm
taurat, injil.
o Kanz min tahtil `arsh.
o Munaajat: khassah munajat hamba dan rabb.
o Summary isi penting dlm semua kitab2 lepas
o Shifaa dari semua penyakit
o Pelindung dari shaitan (manusia dan jin)
o Dgn bacaannya, solat sempurna, tanpanya solat tidak diterima
Specialty; Faatihatul kitab; mcm muqaddimah khutbah.
Setiap yg disebut dlm surah ini wujud depan kita jelas
Takde surah yg boleh ganti tmptnya.
Diturunkan di Makkah;
Nama paling famous; alhassan, shaykhul islam Allah kumpulkan
semua yg diturunkan dlm kitab2 lepas dlm quran; dan kumpulkan
isi seluruh quran dlm alfatihah;
Basmallah; bkn dr alfatihah qasamtu solah bayni wa bayna `abdee
qismaynbila dia alhamdulillah ..iaitu tiada disebut basmallah.
o Disebutkan as-solah; sbb solat tak sempurna tanpanya; rukun
yg agung.
Basmallah; bkn dr alfatihah qasamtu solah bayni wa bayna `abdee
qismaynbila dia alhamdulillah ..iaitu tiada disebut basmallah.


Class Dec 2nd:

a) The tadabbur points from the previous class

b) Fadhl of suratul fatihah
c) The first word of suratul fatihahpondering on Alhamdulillah
(check fadhl of alhamdulillah), sh abdurrazzaqs book

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