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Ra 10915 (Phil Agicultural & Biosystems Eng'g Act of 2016

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S. No.

H. No. 6421

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;^ p { ra cMantIa

^ixtppntl] Congress
Cljirii Jlegular^pssion

B egun an d h e ld in M e tro M a n ila , o n M o n d a y , th e tw e n ty - s e v e n th

d a y o f J u ly , t w o th o u s a n d fifte e n .

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e p u b l ic


10915 1


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Philippines in Congress assembled:
G eneral P r o m sio n s
S ection l. Title. This Act shall be known as the
Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Act of
2016 .

S e c . 2. Statement of Policy. - It is hereby declared a

policy of the State to promote, strengthen and regulate the
practice of agricultural and biosystems engineering profession
in the Phihppines by instituting measures that will result in
relevant agricultural and biosystems engineering education and
enhanced roles and better career prospects for agricultural a n d
biosystems engineers.

Likewise, the State hereby guarantees the application and

dehvery of agricultural and biosystems engineering services to
accelerate agricultural and fishery modernization: and ensure
food and water security, bio-energy development, natural
resources conservation, environmental protection and human
health and safety by fostering the training and development
of an adequate and well-trained pool of agricultural and
biosystems engineers in the country.
S e c . 3. Coverage of this Act. - This Act shall cover
the following aspects of the practice of the profession of
agricultural and biosystems engineering:

(a) Examination, registration and licensure of agricultural

and biosystems engineers:
(b) Supervision, control and regulation of the practice of
agricultural and biosystems engineering:
(c) Development, upgrading and updating of the
curriculum of the agricultural and biosystems engineering
profession in coordination with the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) and the concerned state universities and
colleges (SUCs):

(d) Development and improvement of the professional

competence and practice of agricultural and biosystems
engineers through, among others. Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) and career progression and speciahzation;
Integration of all agricultural and biosystems engineers
under one national Accredited Integrated Professional
Organization (AJPO) of agricultural and biosystems engineers
which shall be recognized by the Board of Agricultural and

Biosystems Engineering and the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC).
Sec . 4. Definition of Terms. As used in this Act, the
following terms shall mean:
(a) Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering refers to the
appUcation of engineering science and designs to the processes
and systems involved in the sustainable production, post
production and processing of safe food, feed, fiber, timber and
other agricultural and biological materials and the efficient
utilization, conservation, and management of natural and
renewable resources in order to enhance human health in
harmony with the environment. Agricultural and biosystems
consist of crops, forestry and other plants, poultry, livestock,
fisheries and aquaculture resources and other animals, wildlife
and other hving things;
(b) Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer refers to a
person who is registered and hcensed to practice agricultural
and biosystems engineering in the country and who holds a
valid certificate of registration and professional identification
card from the Board of A gricultural and Biosystems
Engineering and the PRC;
(c) Agricultural and Biosystems Power and Machinery
refers to farm power and machinery for the production,
harvesting, processing, storage, manufacture, preserving,
transporting and distribution of agricultural and biological
products/materials and includes, but is not Umited to, tractors
and their attachments, power tillers, seeders, transplanters,
w indm ills, h arv estin g m achines, crop protection and
maintenance equipment, irrigation equipment and accessories,
greenhouses and other therm al conditioning equipment,
hvestock, poultry, fishery and forest equipment, slaughtering
equipment, meat/fishery and crop processing equipment,
post harvest machines such as milling machines, dryers,
threshers, grain and other strippers, agricultural transport
machinery and storage;
(d) Agricultural and Biosystems Buildings and Structures
refer to buildings and structures for the production, harvesting,
processing, storage, manufacture, preserving, transporting and

distribution of agricultural and biological products/materials

and includes, but is not limited to, silos and its components,
agricultural and biosystems machinery and equipment sheds,
farm houses, green/screen houses, poultry houses, piggery
houses, slaughterhouses, farm-to-market roads, farm bridges,
agricultural and biological products storage/warehouse,
buildings and structures for poultry, livestock, fishery, and
forestry production and processing, kiln drying and lumber
treatment structure, farm equipment, farm supphes, and other
structures such as self-feeders, and soil and water conservation
(e) Agricultural and Bio-Processing refers to local activity
or series of activities to maintain or raise the quality or change
the form or characteristics of agricultural, fishery, forestry and
biological products/materials and includes, but is not hmited
to, cleaning, sorting, grading, treating, drying, dehydrating,
grinding, mixing, milling, canning, dressing, slaughtering,
freezing, pasteurizing, conditioning, packaging, repacking,
transporting of agricultural, fishery, forestry and other
biological products/materials;
(f) Agricultural and Biological Waste Utilization and
Management refers to the development of systems, processes,
and equipment for agricultural waste disposal and utilization
and environment-friendly technologies such as, but is not
limited to, compost plants, biogas plants, biomass utilization
technologies, systems and processes;
(g) Agricultural and Bio-Information System refers to
utilization of information systems, database, and other
information management tools for agricultural use, biological
systems modeling to understand the mutual response between
life and the environment: and application of Geographic
Information System (GIS) technology for inventory, analysis,
and management of agricultural and biological resources, and
remote sensing technology for observation and examination of
the landscape and its local forms and agricultural activities;
(h) A gricultural and Biosystems A utom ation and
In strum entation refers to the use and application of
agricultural and biosystems sensors such as, but is not
limited to, computer models for control and automation in the

agricultural and fishery production industry and the biological

systems and likewise, robotics for farm operation when
use of machines are difficult or impossible, agricultural
and biosystems machine design and automated controls,
precision farm ing system s, a g ric u ltu ra l safety and
controlled-environment agriculture; and the development and
apphcation of metrology equipment such as moisture meters,
weighing scale and other metrology equipment;
(i) Agricultural and Biosystems Resource Conservation
and Management refers to measures of conservation and proper
management of agricultural and biological resources such as,
but is not limited to, area development for agriculture,
settlem ent and recreation; parks and plant nurseries;
beneficial ecosystem of life and environment; study and analysis
of agricultural system as an integrated component of
landscape; monitoring and conservation of natural resources;
rehabilitation of forest, lakes, rivers and idle lands; and the
sustainable development, management, and exploitation of the
agricultural ecosystem;
(j) Accredited Integrated Professional Organization
refers to the professional organization of agricultural and
biosystems engineers duly accredited by the Professional
Regulatory Board of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
and the PRC, hereinafter referred to as the AIPO;
(k) Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering refers to the tertiary or higher education program
which provides graduates with a Baccalaureate Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineering Degree and shall hereinafter be
referred to as BSABE. This program is effectively promulgated
under enablmg Policies, Standards and Guidelines (PSG) issued
by the CHED in coordination with the Board of Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineering and/or relevant SUCs;
(l) Commission on Higher Education refers to the
government agency created to lead, promote, and regulate
higher/tertiary education in the Philippines created under
Republic Act No. 7722, hereinafter referred to as the CHED;
(m) Irrigation refers to the artificial apphcation of water
to the soil to assist in the growing of agricultural and forest
crops, maintenance of landscapes, and revegetation of disturbed
soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall,

and shall include drip, sprinkler, shallow tube well and other
pressurized irrigation system; national and communal
irrigation systems; surface and ground water resource
management; and irrigation structures and facilities such as
dams, weirs, pump systems, conveyances, canals, and flumes;
(n) Professional Regulation Commission refers to the
government agency described under Republic Act No. 8981,
hereinafter referred to as the Commission;
(o) Professional Regulatory Board of Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering refers to the administrative body
created by law to supervise and regulate the practice of
agricultural and biosystems engineering and is the ultimate
authority in the practice of the agricultural and biosystems
engineering profession in the Philippines. It shall be
hereinafter referred to as the Board; and
(p) Soil and Water Conservation refers to measures that
control soil and w ater degradation and enhance farm
productivity; and shall consist of small farm reservoir, farm
ponds, small water impoundments, contour farming, and
terracing; soil erosion control, land conditioning and mulching,
and flood control.
Sec . 5. Scope of Practice of Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering. - The practice of agricultural and biosystems
engineering within the meaning and intent of this Act shall
embrace, but not be Umited to, the following.(a)
P rep a ra tio n of engineering designs, plans,
specifications, project studies, feasibihty studies and estimates
of irrigation and drainage, soil and water conservation and
m anagement systems and facilities, agrometeorological
systems, agricultural and biosystems power, and machinery,
agricultural and biosystems buildings and structures,
renewable/bio-energy systems and farm electrification,
agricultural and bio-processing and post harvest facUities and
system, agricultural and biological waste utilization and
management, agricultural and bio-information system,
agricultural and biosystems resource conservation and
management, and agricultural and bio-automation and
instrumentation system;

(b) Supervision or management on the construction,

operation, and maintenance of irrigation and drainage, soil and
water conservation and management systems and facilities,
agrometeorological systems, agricultural and biosystems
power and machinery, agricultural and biosystems buildings
and structures, renewable/bio-energy systems and farm
electrification, agricultural and bio-processing and post harvest
facilities and system, agricultural and biological waste
utilization and management, agricultural and bio-information
system, agricultural and biosystems resource conservation and
management, and agricultural and bio-automation and
instrumentation system;
(c) Valuation, appraisal, investigation, inspection,
monitoring, and technical audit on agricultural and biosystems
machineries and equipment, structures and facilities, and
agricultural and biosystems engineering projects;
(d) Program/Project development and management,
planning, evaluation, and consultancy services on agricultural
and biosystems engineering undertakings;
(e) Conduct of research and development, training and
extension on agricultural and biosystems engineering;
(f) Testing, evaluation, and inspection of agricultural and
biosystems machinery, and other related agricultural and
biosystems engineering facihties, equipment and projects;
(g) Manufacture, distribution, installation, and sale of
agricultural and biosystems machinery and other related
ag ricultural and biosystems engineering facilities and
(h) Teaching and/or conduct of lecture of agricultural and
biosystems engineering subjects in institutions of learning in
the Phihppines;
Preparation and evaluation of farm development plans,
farm suitability maps and land use m aps/reports for
agricultural, livestock and poultry, fishery, aquaculture and
forest production and processing;

(j) Training and supervision of agri-fishery machinery

technicians and operators of agri-fishery machinery service
centers/pools, and agricultural and biosystems engineering
technicians and operators in agricultural and biosystems
plants, establishments, facihties, and projects;
(k) Employment with the government and private firms
and establishments: Provided, That such item or position
requires the knowledge and expertise of an Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineer, or its duties and responsibihties
covers the scope of practice in agricultural and biosystems
engineering; and
G) Participation in the preparation of environmental
studies for agricultural, fisheries, agro-industrial and
biosystem s projects and its m onitoring u n d er the
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system.
The Board, subject to approval of the Commission, may
add to, or exclude from, this section any activity or act of
professional practice, or revise it as the need arises to conform
to changes and new developments brought about by the latest
trends in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.
P rofessional Regulatory board of
Agricultural and Biosystems E ngineering

Sec . 6. Creation and Composition of the Board. ~ There

is hereby created a Board to be composed of a Chairperson
and two (2) members under the administrative control and
supervision of the Commission. They shall be appointed by the
P resident of the Philippines from a list of three (3)
recommendees for each position which were ranked by the
Commission from a hst of five (5) nominees for each position
submitted by the AIPO in the Philippines. The Board shall
be organized not later than six (6) months from the effectivity
of this Act.
S ec . 7. Qualifications of Members of the Board. - A
member of the Board shall, at the time of their appointment,
possess the following qualifications:

(a) Must be a Filipino citizen and resident of the

(b) Must be at least thirty-five (35) years of age;
(c) Must be a holder of Bachelors Degree in Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineering, Agricultural Engineering or its
equivalent, conferred by a school, academy, college or university
in the Philippines or abroad which is accredited or recognized
by the CHED;
(d) A registered Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer
with a valid professional license and an active practitioner for
not less than ten (10) years prior to his/her appointment;
(e) Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years
prior to the appointment, be a member of the faculty of,
directly or indirectly, any school, academy, institute, college
or university where a regular course in A gricultural
Engineering or Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering is
being taught; or have any pecuniary interest, directly or
indirectly, in or administrative supervision over any such
institutions of learning;
(f) Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years
prior to the appointment, be connected with a review center
or any group or association where review classes or lectures
in preparation for the licensure examination are offered or
conducted at the time of appointment;
(g) Must be a member in good standing of the AIPO for
at least five (5) years, but not an incumbent officer or trustee
thereof; and
(h) Has never been convicted of any offense involving
moral turpitude.
S ec . 8. Term of Office. - The Chairperson and two (2)
members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three (3)
years from the date of their appointment and until their
successors shall have been appointed and qualified. The first
Board under this Act shall hold these terms of office: the
Chairperson for three (3) years; the first member for two (2)
years; and the second member for one (1) year: Provided, That


any appointee to a vacancy with an unexpired term shall only

serve such period.
The Chairperson or a member of the Board may be
reappointed to their positions for another term of three (3)
years immediately after the expiry of their terms: Provided,
further, That the holding of such position shall not be for more
than two (2) terms nor more than six (6) years, whichever
is longer. The Chairperson and two (2) members of the Board
shall take their oath of office prior to entering upon the
performance of duty.
Sec . 9. Compensation and Allowances of the Board.
The Chairperson and members of the Board shall receive
compensation and allowances comparable to the compensation
and allowances being received by the Chairpersons and
members of existing Professional Regulatory Boards under the
PRC as provided for in the General Appropriations Act.
Sec . 10. Vacancy and Removal of Board Members.
Any vacancy occurring in the Board within the term of a
member shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term
only. The President may remove the Chairperson or any
member of the Board on the following grounds;
(a) Gross neglect, incompetence or dishonesty in the
discharge of duty;
(b) Violation or tolerance of the violation of this Act or
the Code of Ethics for agricultural and biosystems engineering:
(c) Involvement in the manipulation, tampering or rigging
of the licensure examination, its questions and/or its results,
and in the disclosure of classified and confidential information
pertaining to the licensure examination;
(d) Final judgment for crimes involving moral turpitude:

Unprofessional, unethical, immoral or dishonorable


The Chairperson or member concerned shall be given due

notice and hearing where his/her right to be heard and to
defend himself, assisted by a counsel, shall be respected in the
proper administrative investigation.
S ec . 11. Powers and Duties of the Board. - The Board
shall exercise the following specific powers, functions and
(a) Promulgate and adopt the rules and regulations
necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act;
(b) Supervise the registration, licensure and practice of
agricultural and biosystems engineering in the Philippines;
(c) Administer oaths of successful examinees entering the
practice of agricultural and biosystems engineering;
(d) Issue the certificate of registration to successful
(e) Issue, suspend or revoke the hcense for the practice
of agricultural and biosystems engineering profession;
(f) Adopt an official seal of the Board;
(g) Look into the conditions affecting the practice of the
agricultural and biosystems engineering profession through the
conduct of ocular inspections and monitoring in agricultural
and biosystems engineering offices, plants or establishments,
both public and private, and in the case of schools, in
coordination with the CHED and/or the concerned SUCs, and
w henever necessary adopt such m easures, including
promulgation of agricultural and biosystems engineering
standards, rules and regulations, and best practices for the
enhancement and maintenance of high professional and ethical
stan d ard s of the profession, and the form ulation and
implementation of agricultural and biosystems engineering
profession development plan/road map;
(h) Prescribe and/or adopt, and enforce a Code of Ethical
and Professional Standards for the practice of agricultural and
biosystems engineering profession;


Hear and try administrative cases involving violations
of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations, the Code
of Ethics for agricultural and biosystems engineers and for this
purpose, to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to secure
the appearance of witnesses and the production of documents
in connection therewith;
(j) Prescribe guidelines in the CPD program for
agricultural and biosystems engineers in coordination with the
AIPO of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers;
(k) Ensure, in coordination with the CHED and/or SUCs,
th a t all educational in stitutions offering ag ricu ltu ral
and biosystems engineering education comply with the policies,
standards and requirements of the course prescribed by the
CHED in the areas of curriculum, faculty, library and
(l) Prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi of the
subjects for examinations including its Table of Specifications
in consultation with the academe, and cause the determination
and preparation of questions for the licensure examination
which shall strictly be within the scope of the syllabi of the
subjects for examinations, as well as administer, correct and
release the result of the hcensure examinations;
(m) Approve, issue, hmit or revoke temporary/special
perm it (TSP) to practice agricultural and biosystems
(n) Issue a cease or desist order to any person,
association, partnership, corporation or cooperative engaged in
violation of any of the provisions of this Act, any agricultural
and biosystems engineering standards and/or rules or
regulations duly promulgated by the Board as part of the rules
governing the practice of agricultural and biosystems
engineering in the Philippines;
(o) Punish for contempt of the Board, both direc't and
indirect, in accordance with the pertinent provision of, and
penalties prescribed by, the Rules of Court;


(p) Perform regulatory, administrative, and quasi-legislative

functions as mandated under Republic Act No. 8981, otherwise
known as the PRC Modernization Act of 2000, and such
other functions as may be necessary to implement the
provisions of this Act;
(q) Discharge such other duties and functions as may be
deemed necessary for the enhancement of the agricultural and
biosystems engineering profession and the upgrading,
development and growth of agricultural and biosystems
engineering education in the Philippines; and
(r) Accreditation of specialty organization.
All policies, resolutions, rules and regulations of the
Board shall be subject to the review and approval of the
S e c . 12. Supervision of the Board; Custodian of its
Records, Secretariat and Support Services. - The Board shall
be under the administrative control and supervision of the
Commission. All records of the Board, including applications
for examination, examination papers and results, minutes of
dehberation, administrative cases and other investigations
involving agricultural and biosystems engineers shall be kept
by the Commission.
The Commission shall designate the Secretary of the
Board and shall provide the secretariat and other support
services to implement the provisions of this Act.
Sec . 13. Annual Report. - The Board shall, at the close
of each calendar year, submit an annual report to the
President through the Commission giving a detailed account
of its proceedings and accomplishments during the year and
making recommendations for the adoption of measures that
will upgrade and improve the conditions affecting the practice
of agricultural and biosystems engineering in the Philippines.



S ec . 14. Examination Required. - All applicants for

registration for the practice of agricultural and biosystems
engineering shall be required to undergo and pass the licensure
examination as provided for in this Act.
Sec . 15. Qualification of an Applicant for Examinations.
- Every apphcant for the examination for agricultural and
biosystems engineers shall have the following qualifications:
(a) A citizen of the Phihppines or a foreign citizen whose
country or State has a policy on reciprocity in the practice
of the profession;
(b) A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering or its equivalent, or Bachelor of
Science in Agricultural Engineering prior to or after ten (10)
years after the approval of this Act, in a school, academy,
institute, college or university or an institution duly recognized
by the CHED; and
(c) Of good moral character.
S ec . 16. Fraudulent Application. - The Board may
suspend or revoke any certificate of registration obtained
through m isrepresentation made in the application for
S e c . 17. Scope of Exam ination. - The licensure
examination for agricultural and biosystems engineers shall
cover the required competencies for the eptry level of the
practice of agricultural and biosystems engineering and shall
include the following subjects:
Agricultural and Biosystems Power, Energy and
Machinery Engineering which include agricultural power and
bio-energy, machine design and analysis, m achinery
m anagem ent and m echanization of ag ric u ltu ra l and
bioproduction systems;


(b) Land and Water Resources Engineering which include

agrometeorology, irrigation and drainage engineering, soil and
water conservation, and aquaculture engineering;
(c) A gricultural and Biosystem s S tru c tu re s and
Environment Engineering which include agricultural structures
engineering, forest engineering, design and management of
agricultural and biosystem structures, and bio-environmental
(d) Agricultural and Bioprocess Engineering which include
refrigeration and cold storage, agri-industrial and biosystems
application of electrical energy and electronics, agricultural
products process engineering, and food and bio-based products
process engineering;
(e) Project Management, Feasibility Study Preparation/
Evaluation, Research, Development and Extension on
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering;
(f) Fundamentals of Agricultural, Fishery, Ecological and
Environmental Sciences;
(g) Mathematics and Basic Engineering Principles;
(h) Laws, Professional Standards and Ethics; and
(i) Other subjects within the areas of competencies
required for the practice of agricultural and biosystems
engineering profession pursuant to Section 5 of this Act.
The said subjects and their syllabi may be periodically
amended by the Board so as to conform with the latest
technological changes brought about by continuing trends in
the profession.
Sec . 18. Rating in the Board Examinations. To be
qualified as having passed the Board exam ination for
agricultural and biosystems engineers, a candidate must
obtain a weighted general average of seventy percent (70%),
with no grades lower than fifty-five percent (55%) in any given
subject. However, an examinee who obtains a weighted general


average rating of seventy percent (70%) or higher, but obtains

a rating below fifty-five percent (55%) in any given subject,
must retake the examination in the subject or subjects where
he/she obtained a grade below fifty-five percent (55%) and must
obtain a grade or grades in the said subject or subjects of not
lower than fifty-five percent (55%).
Sec . 19. Report of Ratings. - The Board shall submit
to the Commission the ratings obtained by each candidate
within ten (10) days after the examination, unless extended
for ju st cause. Upon the release of the results of the
examination, the Board shall send by mail the rating received
by each examinee at his/her given address using the mailing
envelope submitted during the examination.
Sec . 20. Reexamination. - An apphcant who fails to pass
the examination for the third time shall be allowed to take
another examination only after the lapse of one (1) year and
only after having undertaken a refresher program in a duly
accredited institution. The Board shall issue guidefines on the
refresher program requirement.
S e c . 21. Oath. - All successful candidates in the
examination shall be required to take their oath before the
Commission, the Board or any government official authorized
to administer oaths, prior to entering upon the practice of the
agricultural and biosystems engineering profession.
S ec . 22. Issuance of Certificate of Registration and
Professional Identification Card. (a) A certificate of
registration (COR) shall be issued to those who are registered
after payment of fees prescribed by the Commission. It shall
bear the signatures of the Chairperson of the Commission and
of the Chairperson and members of the Board, stamped with
the official seal of the Commission and of the. Board, certifying
that the person named therein is entitled to the practice of
the profession, with all the privileges appurtenant thereto.
Until withdrawn, revoked or suspended in accordance, with
this Act, the COR shall remain in full force and effect.
A professional identification card bearing the
registration number and its validity and expiry dates duly
signed by the Chairperson of the Commission shall likewise
be issued to every registrant who has paid the prescribed fees.


and has submitted a certificate of membership in good standing

from the AIPO and proof of com pletion of the CPD
requirements. The said card shall be renewed every three (3)
years, subject to requirement/s as the Board may thereafter
prescribe and upon proof of completion of the mandatory CPD
Once registered, the agricultural and biosystems engineer
may use Engr. as the official appendage title. No person shall
practice agricultural and biosystems engineering in the country
unless such person has secured a license to practice
agricultural and biosystems engineering in the manner herein
S ec . 23. Refusal to Register. - The Board shall not
register any successful applicant for registration with or
without licensure examination who has been:
(a) Convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude by
a court of competent jurisdiction;
(b) Found guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct by
the Board;
(c) Adjudged guilty for violation of the G eneral
Instructions to Examinees by the Board;
(d) Declared of unsound mind by a court of competent
jurisdiction; and
(e) Proven to be afilicted with addiction to drug or alcohol
impairing ones ability to practice the profession through a
finding to this effect by a medical or drug testing facility
accredited by the government.
In refusing such registration, the Board shall give the
apphcant a written statement setting forth the reasons therefor
and shall file a copy thereof in its records.
Sec . 24. Revocation or Suspension of the Certificate of
Registration and Cancellation of Temporary/Special Permit
(TSP). The Board shall have the power, upon notice and


hearing, to revoke or suspend the COR of a registered and

hcensed agricultural and biosystems engineer or to cancel TSP
granted to a foreign agricultural and biosystems engineer, for
the same grounds enumerated in Section 23 of this Act, except
paragraph (c) thereof, and any of the following grounds:
(a) Violation of any provision of this Act, implementing
rules and regulations. Code of Ethics, Code of Technical
Standards for the practice of agricultural and biosystems
engineering, and of policies and regulatory measures of the
Board and/or the Commission;
(b) Perpetration or use of fraud in obtaining his/her COR,
professional identification card, and TSP;
(c) Gross incompetence, neghgence or ignorance in the
conduct of the profession resulting to death, injury of persons
and/or damage to property;
(d) Unjustified refusal to join or to remain a member in
good standing of the AIPO;
(e) Unjustified or unexplained neglect or failure to pay
the annual registration fees for five (5) consecutive years;
(f) Unjustified or unexplained non-renewal of the
professional identification card after the lapse of five (5)
consecutive years;
(g) A iding or ab ettin g the illegal practice of a
non-registered and unficensed agricultural and biosystems
engineer by, among others, allowing him/her to use his/her
COR and/or professional identification card or his/her TSP;
(h) Practicing the profession during his/her suspension
from the practice thereof; and
(i) Addiction to a drug or alcohol abuse impairing
his/her abihty to practice his/her profession or being declared
of unsound mind by a court of competent jurisdiction.
The Board shall periodically evaluate the aforementioned
grounds and revise or add new ones as the need arises subject


to approval by the Commission in order to meet the trends

and developments in the profession.
S e c . 25. Reissuance of Revoked COR, Replacement of
Lost or Damaged COR, Professional Identification Card or
Temporary/ Special Permit. The Board may, upon petition,
reinstate or reissue a revoked COR after two (2) years from
the effectivity of the revocation, which is reckoned from the
date of surrender of the said certificate and/or the professional
identification card to the Board and/or the Commission. The
Board may not require the holder thereof to take another
licensure examination. The petitioner shall prove to the Board
th at he/she has valid reasons to resume the practice of
his/her profession. For the grant of his/her petition, the Board
shall issue a Board Resolution subject to approval by the

A dupbcate copy of a lost COR, professional identification

card or TSP may be reissued in accordance with rules thereon
and upon payment of the prescribed fee therefor.
P ractice of Agricultural and
Biosystems E ngrineering
S e c . 26. Vested Right. Automatic Registration of
Practicing Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers. All
agricultural engineers who are registered under Republic Act
No. 8559 at the time this Act takes effect, shall automatically
be registered as agricultural and biosystems engineers.
S e c . 27. Seal and Use of Seal. (a) Each registrant
shall, upon registration, obtain a seal of such design as the
Board may adopt and prescribe. Plans and specifications
prepared by, or under the direct supervision of a registered
agricultural and biosystems engineer, shall be stamped with
said seal during the validity of the professional license. No
person shall stamp or seal any document with the seal of a
registrant after his/her professional hcense has expired or lost
its validity unless he/she has been reinstated to the practice
and/or unless his/her license has been renewed.


(b) No officer or employee of the government, chartered

cities, provinces and municipalities now or hereinafter charged
with the enforcement of laws, ordinances or regulations relating
to the implementation, construction, repair, operation and
maintenance, testing and evaluation of agricultural and
hiosystems buildings, structures, machineries and equipment,
irrigation, soil and water conservation structures and other
agricultural and hiosystems engineering facihties, shall accept
or endorse any plans, designs, specifications or project studies
which have not been prepared and submitted in full accord
with the provisions of this Act, nor shall any payment be
approved by any such Officer for any work, the plans and
specifications of which have not been so prepared, signed and
sealed by a duly registered agricultural and biosystems
engineer. This provision shall be im plem ented by the
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and Local
Building Officials in the issuance of building permits and
certificate of occupancy under the National Building Code, and
by all concerned national government entities and local
government units (LGUs) in the procurement and in the
discharge of their regulatory and auditing functions pertaining
to a g ric u ltu ra l and biosystem s buildings, stru c tu re s,
m achineries and equipment, irrigation, soil and w ater
conservation structures, and other agricultural and biosystems
engineering facilities/projects.
(c) No agricultural and biosystems engineer shall sign
his/her name, affix his/her seal or use any other method of
signature on plans, designs, specifications or other documents
made by or under another agricultural and biosystems
engineers supervision unless the same is made in such
manner as to clearly indicate the part of such work actually
performed by him/her, and no person, except the agricultural
and biosystems engineer-in-charge shall sign for any branch
of the work or any function of agricultural and biosystems
engineering practice not actually performed by him/her. The
agricultural and biosystems engineer-in-charge shall be fully
responsible for all plans, designs, specifications and other
documents issued under his/her seal or authorized signature.
The Board shall formulate, adopt and promulgate all
necessary rules and regiilations for the effective implementation
of the provisions relating to the design of the seal, the signing
and sealing of drawings, reports and other documents by
agricultural and biosystems engineers.


(d) Drawings, plans, designs and specifications duly

signed, stamped or sealed as instruments of service are the
property and documents of the agricultural and biosystems
engineer, whether the projects for which they were made is
executed or not. No person without the written consent of the
agricultural and biosystems engineer or author of said
documents, shall duplicate or make copies of said documents
for use in the repetition of and for other projects, whether
executed partly or in whole.
(e) All drawings, plans, specifications and other documents
and reports to be used for the design, construction, test and
evaluation, research and extension of agricultural and
biosystems buildings, structures, machineries and equipment,
irrigation, soil and water conservation structures and other
agricultural and biosystems engineering facihties/projects shall
be signed and sealed by a Hcensed agricultural and biosystems
Violation of any of the foregoing shall be ground for
administrative and/or criminal action.
Sec . 28. Indication of License Number and Professional
Tax Receipt Number. - The agricultural and biosystems
engineer shall be required to indicate his/her professional
Hcense number, the duration of its validity, including the
professional tax receipt number on the documents he/she signs,
uses or issues in connection with the practice of his/her
Sec . 29. Firms, Partnerships, Corporations, Cooperatives,
Associations and Foundations Engaged in Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering Practice. - A firm, partnership,
corporation, cooperative, association or foundation may engage
in the practice of agricultural and biosystems engineering in
the Phihppines: Provided, That it comphes with the following
The firm, partnership, corporation, cooperative,
association or foundation applies for and is issued a COR by
the Board and the Commission to engage in the practice of
agricultural and biosystems engineering in the Philippines:
Provided, That the majority of the partners of the partnership
are registered and licensed agricultural and biosystems
engineers: Provided, further. That the majority of the


members of the board of directors or members of corporations

or cooperatives shall be registered and licensed agricultural and
biosystems engineers: and
The practice of the firm, partnership, corporation,
cooperative, association or foundation in agricultural and
biosystems engineering shall be carried out by duly registered
and hcensed agricultural and biosystems engineers.
S e c . 30. Integration of Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineers. - The agricultural and biosystems engineering
profession shall be integrated into one (1) national organization
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission which
shall be recognized by the Board and the Commission as the
one and only integrated and accredited association of
agricultural and biosystems engineers. An agricultural and
biosystem engineer duly registered with the Board shall
autom atically become a member of the integrated and
accredited association of agricultural and biosystems engineers,
and shall receive the benefits and privileges appurtenant
thereto upon payment of the required fees and dues.
Membership in the integrated and accredited association
shall not be a bar to membership in other associations of
agricultural and biosystems engineers.
Sec . 31. Foreign Reciprocity. - No foreign agricultural
and biosystems engineer shall be issued a temporary hcense
to practice the agricultural and biosystems engineering
profession or consultancy thereof or be entitled to any of the
rights and privileges under this Act unless the country of
which he/she is a subject or citizen specifically permits Fdipino
agricultural and biosystems engineers to practice within its
territorial hmits on the same basis as the subjects or citizens
of such foreign State or country.
Se c . 32. T em porary/ Special P erm its for Foreign
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers. - The practice of
foreign agricultural and biosystems engineers in the Philippines
shall be limited to natural persons only and shall be governed
by the provisions of Republic Act No. 8981, otherwise known
as the PRC Modernization Act of 2000: Provided, That any
foreign national who has gained entry in the Philippines to
perform professional services as an agricultural and biosystems


engineer or render such services or prepare or produce such

docum ents which are w ithin the scope of practice of
agricultural and biosystems engineering as set forth in this
Act such as, but not Umited to, being a consultant in foreignfunded or assisted project of the government or employed or
engaged by Filipino or foreign contractors or private firms,
whether or not the nomenclature of his/her profession is
specifically called in his/her country of nationality as
agricultural and biosystems engineer, but who does not meet
or wish to comply with the requirements for admission to take
the hcensure examinations shall, before assuming the duties,
functions and responsibilities as agricultural and biosystems
engineer or consultant, secure temporary/special permit from
the Board, subject to the approval of the Commission to
practice his/her profession in connection with the project to
which he/she was commissioned: Provided, further, That the
following conditions are satisfied:
(a) That he/she is a citizen or subject of a country which
specifically permits Filipino professionals to practice their
profession within the territorial limits on the same basis as
the subjects or citizens of such foreign country or State;
(b) That he/she is legally qualified to practice agricultural
and biosystems engineering in his/her own country, and that
his/her expertise is necessary and advantageous to the
Philippines, particularly in the aspects of technology transfer
and specialization; and
(c) That he/she shall be required to work with a Fdipino
counterpart, a natural person who is a registered and hcensed
agricultural and biosystems engineer, and professional services
fees and expenses of documentation pertaining to the project
shall be proportionately shared by both foreign and Filipino
agricultural and biosystems engineers, including Labilities and
taxes due to the Phihppine government, if any, relative to
his/her participation therein, or professional services rendered
to the project in accordance with established rules and


S ec . 33. Positions in Government and Private Firms

and E stablishm ents with A gricultural and Biosystems
Engineering Functions. - Only registered and licensed
agricultural and biosystems engineers with valid PRC license
shall be appointed or designated to aU positions in government
and private firms and establishments with agricultural and
biosystems engineering functions and responsibilities, which
shall include, but not be hmited to, the following:
(a) All levels of engineer positions in the Agricultural
Engineering or Agricultural and Fishery Engineering and
Forest Engineering Bureau/Division/Section/Unit of the
Department of Agriculture (DA), LGUs, and in the Department
of Agrarian Reform (DAR), the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) and other concerned government
entities whose duties, functions and responsibihties constitute
the practice of agricultural and biosystems engineering pursuant
to Section 5 of this Act;
(b) All levels of instructor/professor positions in public
and private schools, colleges and universities whose main
duties and functions involve the teaching of Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering subjects for A gricultural and
Biosystems Engineering Degree, Agriculture/Agribusiness
Degree, Fisheries Degree and other related curriculum or
(c) All levels of science research specialist/assistant
positions in government and private institutions whose main
duties and functions involve research and development and
training and extension on agricultural and biosystems
(d) Head or assistant head, director or manager and
other executive positions of agricultural or .agricultural and
biosystems or agricultural and fisheries engineering or
aquaculture engineering or forest engineering group, unit,
section, division, bureau, department, center and branch
in all national governm ent departm ents or agencies,
government-owned and -controlled corporations, LGUs
and colleges and universities, private offices, firms and


(e) Head or assistant head, director or manager and other

executive positions of a group, unit, section, division, bureau,
department, center or branch of any of the specialized areas
of agricultural and biosystems engineering in government and
private firms, offices and establishments;
(f) All levels of planning officer, project evaluation officer,
project development officer, development management officer,
environmental management specialist and technical audit
speciahst positions in government and private firms and offices
that deal with, or undertake any of the specialized areas of
agricultural and biosystems engineering or its main functions
and responsibilities which involve the planning, project
development, evaluation, inspection, monitoring and technical
audit of agricultural and biosystems infrastructure, facilities,
m achineries and processes and other agricultural and
bioystems engineering facilities; and
(g) All professional and sub-professional positions either
supervisory or non-supervisory and career executive positions
in government, and all other positions in private firms,
establishments and enterprises whose duties, functions and
responsibilities mainly constitute the practice of agricultural
and biosystems engineering.
Moreover, registered and licensed agricultural and
biosystems engineers may also qualify for appointment in all
positions in government and private firms and establishments
whose duties and functions partly constitute the practice of
agricultural and biosystems engineering. This include, among
others, Provincial/City/Municipal Engineer, Agriculturist,
Building Official, Environment and Natural Resources Officer,
and Planning and Development Officer of the LGUs, subject
to the candidates comphance with the rest of the requirements
imposed by the law or issuance creating the said positions.
SEC. 34. Personnel Required. - (a) AH concerned national
governm ent agencies, LGUs and SUCs im plem enting,
regulating, funding and undertaking research, development,
training and extension, testing, evaluation and inspection as
well as technical audit of irrigation, farm mechanization, post
h a rv e st and agro-processing facilities, a g ric u ltu ra l
and biosystems infrastructures, farm -to-m arket roads,
agro-meteorology, forest mechanization development programs,


and environmental protection and conservation programs and

projects shall employ the required number of agricultural and
biosystems engineers, and for this purpose, create various levels
of agricultural and biosystems engineer positions;
(b) All a g ric u ltu ra l and biosystem s engineering
facihties/projects supervised and maintained or accredited by
the government such as grain/agro-processing complex,
slaughterhouse, communal and national irrigation system,
agricultural machinery and equipment service centers, and
testing and evaluation centers must have at least one (1)
registered and hcensed agricultural and biosystems engineer;
(c) Firms, companies, partnerships, cooperatives or
associations which are engaged in the installation, fabrication,
manufacture, distribution or sale of agricultural and biosystems
machinery and equipment, facihties and other agricultural and
biosystems engineering processes, shall hire or engage the
services of at least one (1) Ucensed agricultural and biosystems
(d) All contractors of irrigation, farm-to-market roads and
agricultural and biosystems structures and facihties shah have
at least one (1) registered and licensed agricultural and
biosystems engineer as part of their sustaining technical
employees; and
(e) The following offices and estabhshments shall also
employ or engage the services of at least one (1) or the
required number of registered and hcensed agricultural and
biosystems engineers:
(1) Agro-processing estabhshments such as rice mills, feed
mills, sugar mihs, coconut oh mills, fiber extraction processing
plants, meat processing plants, fish processing plants, poultry
and m eat processing plants, food processing plants and
agricultural and fishery products storage facihties;
(2) Agro-industrial firms or estabhshments, corporations
and cooperatives and government entities engaged in
agricultural, hvestock, poultry and fishery production and
processing, the operation and maintenance of plant/forest
nurseries and parks, and other agricultural and biosystems
engineering endeavors;


(3) Financing and banking institutions engaged in

providing credit and financial assistance on agribusinesses
which are commercial in nature such as irrigation, post
harvest facilities, agro-processing and storage, forest products,
aquaculture, food and fiber production facilities and
machineries; and
(4) Consultancy firms, foundations, nongovernment
organizations and other organized groups engaged in
providing agricultural and biosystems engineering services
relative to m anagem ent and consultancy, training and
extension, research and development and/or the provision of
irrigation, post harvest facilities, agro-processing and
storage, forest products, aquaculture, food and fiber production
facilities and machineries and soil and water conservation.
Provided, That there shall be no understaffing and/or
overloading of agricultural and biosystems engineers. The ratio
of agricultural and biosystems engineers to clientele shall be
such as to reasonably effect a sustained quahty of agricultural
and biosystems engineering services at all times without
overworking the agricultural and biosystems engineers.
The Board shall promulgate guidelines and standards on
the required manpower complement of agricultural and
biosystems engineers in concerned pubhc and private offices
and estabhshments.
SEC. 35. National Career Progression and Specialization
Program. - There shall be an institutionalized national
agricultural and biosystems engineering career progression and
specialization program to be formulated by the Board in
consultation with the AIPO, Civil Service Commission and
concerned governm ent agencies: Provided, T h at any
agricultural and biosystems engineer before being allowed to
work in specialty areas to perform beyond generalist function
or have specific specialties, must finish the formal education
or training towards speciaUzation, possess recognized practice
competencies and must be certified by the Board and must
be a member of a relevant and accredited agricultural and
biosystem s specialty organization: Provided, fu rth er.
That agricultural and biosystems engineering specialty
organizations shall be recognized and certified by the Board.


The A gricultural and Biosystem s E ngineering

Specialization shall include, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Agricultural and Biosystems Power and Machinery;
(b) Irrigation and Drainage Engineering;
(c) Soil and Water Conservation Engineering:
(d) Agricultural and Biosystems Buildings and Structures;
(e) Agricultural and Bio-process Engineering;
(f) Food Engineering;
(g) Renewable/Bio-Energy and Farm Electrification;
(h) Agricultural and Biological Waste Management;
(i) Aquacultural Engineering;
(j) Forest Engineering;
(k) A gricultural and Biosystems Automation and
(l) Agricultural and Bio-Information System;
(m) Agrometeorology; and
(n) Agricultural and Biological Resource Conservation and
S ec . 36. Code of Technical Standards. - The existing
Phihppine Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES) shall be
transformed into a Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering Standards (PABES) and shall serve as Code of
Technical Standards of all registered and hcensed agricultural
and biosystems engineers in the practice of their profession.
The Board, in collaboration with the AIPO of agricultural and
biosystems engineers, the DA, the Department of Science
and Technology (DOST), the DENR and other concerned
government agencies and private organizations, shall develop
new standards and update the existing standards under the


A gricultural and biosystem s E ng ineering
E ducation and Continuing pro fessiona l
E ducation /D evelopment
Se c . 37. Curriculum Development and Updating. The
CHED, in consultation with the Board and the industry
stakeholders and concerned SUCs, shall develop and
continuously update the A gricultural and Biosystems
E ngineering C urriculum in accordance w ith required
competencies on the practice of the profession prescribed under
this Act, in order to ahgn with international standards of
agricultural and biosystems engineering education and practice,
and to become responsive to the industry requirements.

The Technical Education and Skills Development

Authority (TESDA) shall hkewise include in its program, the
development and promulgation of competency standards and
training programs and regulations for agricultural and
biosystems engineering technicians and operators.
Sec . 38. Rationalization and Upgrading Program. - The
CHED in collaboration with the Board, the DA, the DENR,
the DOST, the TESDA, the concerned SUCs and the
Department of Education (DepEd) and in consultation with the
industry stakeholders, shall formulate and implement a
rationalization and upgrading program on agricultural and
biosystems engineering education in the country with the end
view of upgrading and modernizing school facilities and
equipment, faculty development and training, provision of
scholarships, developing ladderized program on agricultural and
biosystems engineering and other developmental undertakings
to produce globally competitive agricultural and biosystems
engineering graduates, professionals, technicians and operators.
In line with this, all concerned Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) shall formulate and implement their
A gricultural and Biosystems Engineering Education
Competitiveness Road Map as part of the Philippme Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineering Profession Development Plan/Road
Map and shall serve as one of the basis in the provision of
grants from the government for the upgrading program.


Sec . 39. Career Guidance and Advocacy. - The Board

and the Commission, in collaboration with the DOLE, the
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, the CHED,
the DepEd, the DA, the DENR, the Department of Trade and
Industry, the AIPO and other concerned government agencies
and private organizations, shall formulate and implement a
Career Guidance and Advocacy Program on Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering. The Program shall include the
conduct of research studies on the supply and demand and
qualifications of the agricultural and biosystems engineering
profession, both local and abroad, employment promotion and
entrepreneurship assistance for Filipino agricultural and
biosystems engineers, and integration of the practical
apphcation of agricultural and biosystems engineering in basic
Sec . 40. Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
The Board and the Commission, in consultation with the
academe, AIPO, concerned governm ent agencies and
stakeholders, shall prescribe guidehnes in the implementation
of the CPD programs for agricultural and biosystems
engineers. The CPD for every agricultural and biosystems
engineer registered under the PRC is hereby made mandatory
for the practice of the profession. The CPD credit units earned
by the professional shall be required in the renewal of
professional license and accreditation systems for advance level
of practice and for ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineers,
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Engineers and other
international accreditations.
The CPD credit units earned by an agricultural and
biosystems engineer shall likewise be applied as the training
requirement for promotion for positions in government agencies
and private firms and for teaching positions in academic
institutions, and shall be accumulated subject to credit transfer
under the Pathways and Equivalencies of the Philippine
Qualification Framework.


E nforcem ent of th is A ct and P enal pro visio ns
S e c . 41. Enforcement. - It shall be the primary duty
of the Commission and the Board to effectively implement and
enforce the provisions of this Act and its implementing rules
and regulations, conduct investigations on complaints including
violations of the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards of
the profession and prosecute the same when so warranted.

Furtherm ore, all duly constituted law enforcement

agencies and offices of national, provincial, city or municipal
government, or of any pohtical subdivision thereof, shall, upon
the call or request of the Board or the Commission, render
assistance in enforcing the provisions of this Act and
prosecute any person violating the provisions of the same. Any
person may bring before the Commission, Board, or the
aforementioned officers of the law, cases of illegal practice or
violations of this Act committed by any person or party.
The Board shall assist the Commission in filing the
appropriate charges through the concerned prosecution office
in accordance with law and Rules of Court.
S e c . 42. Penalties. In addition to the administrative
sanctions imposed under this Act, any person who violates any
of the provisions of this Act, or any of the following acts shall,
upon conviction, be penalized by a fine of not less than one
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than five
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), or imprisonment of not
less than six (6) months but not more than five (5) years, or
both fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court;

(a) Engaging in the practice of a g ricu ltu ral and

biosystems engineering in the Philippines without being
registered or without conforming to the provisions of this Act;
(b) Presenting or attempting to use as his/her own the
COR and/or professional identification card of another registered
agricultural and biosystems engineer or a holder of a TSP;


(c) Giving any false or forged evidence of any kind to the

Board, or impersonating any registered agricultural and
biosystems engineer or a holder of a TSP;
(d) Using a revoked or suspended COR; or an expired or
unrenewed professional identification card or TSP;
(e) Using in connection with his/her name or otherwise
assuming, using or advertising any title or description tending
to convey the impression that he/she is an agricultural and
biosystems engineer without holding a valid COR and
professional identification card or a valid TSP;
(f) Implementing or causing the implementation of any
plans, designs, technical specifications and other documents not
prepared and signed by a registered ag ricultural and
biosystems engineer in those cases where this Act specifically
requires that these be prepared and signed by a registered
agricultural and biosystems engineer; and
(g) Violating any of the provisions of this Act and the
rules and regulations thereof.
In case the offender is a corporation, partnership,
association, foundation or juridical person, the penalty of
imprisonment shall be imposed on the agricultural and
biosystems engineer-in-charge jointly and solidarily with the
responsible professionals, as weU as the controlling officer or
officers thereof responsible for permitting or causing the
Transitory and F inal P rovisions

S e c . 43. Transitory Provision. - The incum bent

Chairperson and members of the Board shall, in an interim
capacity, continue to carry out their functions under the
provisions of this Act without need for new appointments as
Chairperson and members thereof until the first Board,
created under this Act, shall have been constituted or
organized pursuant thereto.



Sec . 44. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - Subject

to the approval of the Commission, the Board shall adopt and
promulgate such rules and regulations to carry out the
provisions of this Act, which shall be effective after sixty (60)
days following its publication in the Official Gazette or in a
major daily newspaper of general circulation in the country.
S ec . 45. Separability Clause. - If any clause, provision,
paragraph or part hereof shall be declared unconstitutional or
invalid, such judgment shall not affect, invalidate or impair
any other part hereof, but such judgment shall be merely
confined to the clause, provision, paragraph or part directly
involved in the controversy in which such judgment has been
Sec . 46. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, executive
orders and other administrative issuances and parts thereof
which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
hereby modified and/or superseded. Repubhc Act No. 8559 is
hereby expressly repealed.
Sec . 47. Effectiuity. - This Act shall take effect after
fifteen (15) days following its pubUcation in the Official Gazette
or in a major daily newspaper of general circulation in the
Philippines, whichever comes first.

FELICIANO Be l m o n t e : j r .
Speaker of the House
of Representatives

Prvsident of the Senate


This Act was passed by the Senate of the Philippines

as Senate Bill No. 2434 on February 16, 2016 and adopted
by the House of R epresentatives as an am endm ent to
House Bill No. 6421 on May 23, 2016.

Marilyn b . Biarua- Y ^
Secretary General ^
House of Representatives

O S C A R trV A B E S

Secretary of the Senate

A p p ro v ed :

President of the Philippines

Lapsed in fo law on

2 1 2016

W ith o u t the sign a tu re o f th e P re s id e n t,

In a c c o r d a n c e w ith A rticle VI, S ection
^ 7 (1) o f th e C onstitution.

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