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MAA-Chap08-Welding Metals

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Revised 2017


WELDING METALS • Welding is widely used method of joining metal in the fabrication
and repair works in the Philippines.

Alexis T. Belonio, MS, PAE, ASEAN Engineer

• Most agricultural machines such as power tiller, rice thresher,
dryers, and many other are assembled largely by welding.
Former Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Management • In any small backyard shops or large manufacturing shops,
College of Agriculture Resources and Environmental Sciences
,Central Philippine University, Iloilo City welding is a common metal process that is being done.
Former Affiliate Professor
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
College of Engineering, Central Luz on State University
Science City of Munoz , Nueva Ecija

Former Adjunct Assistant Professor

Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and
Department of Chemical Engineering
College of Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology
University of the Philippines at Los Banos
College, Laguna


• Welding – It is the process of of joining pieces of metals together

by means of heat, pressure, or combination of both.

Welding Processes
• It is the common method of
• Soldering joining metal sheet especially
non-ferrous metal.
• Brazing • Soldering is done at a
• Oxyacetylene Welding relatively low temperature of
427 C compared with other
• Arc Welding methods such as brazing and
arch welding.
• Resistance Welding
• MIG Welding
• TIG Welding

• In this process, the solder is usually half lead and half tin (50/50). • Flux is used to coat metal prior to welding to remove oxidation
• Heat is supplied either from flame, electric heated soldering gun, or that occurs in the pieces of metal to be joined.
copper metal heated from a blow torch or burner.
• Fluxes are classified as corrosive (acid base) and non-corrosive
• Only clean metal joints can be successfully soldered. (rosin base)
• Requirement for successful soldering work:
– Have a clean well-fitting joint
– Use a well-tinned copper or iron
– Have a an adequate heat so that the metal being soldered will
melt the solder.
– Use proper type and amount of flux.
– Apply the correct amount of solder to the joint.

• In this process there is no melting of metal being joined.

Brazing • Bronze welding rods (60% copper and 40% zinc) are usually
used to repair gray iron and malleable cast iron.
• Commercial flux or borax powder (sodium borate) are usually
• It is the joining technique of metal used to remove oxidation from the metal being joined.
using oxyacetylene welding • Similarly, this technique uses oxyacetylene gas welding
equipment by melting a non-ferrous equipment to melt the rod to join the metals to be weld.
filler rod at a temperature above
427 C but below the melting point
of metal being joined.
• Brazing is much stronger joint
compared with soldering.

Oxyacetylene Welding • Oxyacetylene Welding

– A cylinder of oxygen – The taller
• It is the common for of gas welding process using oxygen and
cylinder but smaller in diameter.
acetylene gases to provide heat to melt and join metal by means
At full, its pressure reaches 2200
of fusion.
– A cylinder of acetylene – Usually
shorter and larger in diameter.
The y are low pressure cylinder
that contain only about 250 psi.

– Regulator – It the special valve
to properly mix the oxygen and
the acetylene gas.
– Hose – This caries the gases
from the cylinder to torch. Read
hose is used for acetylene gas
while the green hose is used for
the oxygen gas.
– Blow pipe or torch

– Lighter – It produces a spark

to ignite the mixture of gases. Neutral Flame – This is the proper
– Pair of tongs or pliers – This is mixture of oxygen and acetylene
used to hold hot metal for most weld

Carburizing Flame – A low

temperature flame for torch
brazing. This flame has too much
acetylene or too little of oxygen for

Oxidizing Flame – This flame has

too much oxygen or insufficient
acetylene. This will not make a
strong weld. It is always harmful.

Indicator of the Quality of Weld Using
Oxyacetylene Welding Equipment

Resistance Welding
• It uses the heat generated by
electric current passing through
a small area of the metal being
joined. The pressure forces
heated the area together until
they have fused.
• Spot welding is the common
form of resistance welding.

• In resistance welding, a large

electric current (120,000 amp)
Arc Welding
is passed through a small area
of the sheet of metal to be • It is the process of welding metal
by passing high current into a
joined. The low resistance of
flux-coated welding rod. The flux
metal to the flow of the large serves as shield to prevent
electric current causes the
oxidation to produce stronger
sheet to melt where the current
flows through them. weld.
• The arc welding electrodes melt
• The length of time in which
and provide filler metal to the
current is allowed to flow must joint.
be controlled. Too long will
cause a hole to the meta while
too short will cause a weak

• The two types of electric arc welder
– Alternating current
– Direct Current
• The welding machine can be a motor-
generator type or a transformer type.

Electrode Diameter to Current Requirement

Arc Welding Electrode for Electric Arc Welder

Electrode Number Application Diameter of Electrode Current

(in.) (Ampere)
E6013 * Mild steel 1/16 60
3/32 75
E7025 Alloy steel
1/8 100
E9030 Alloy steel 5/32 150
3/16 200
* 1/8 in electrode is good for the beginners use. It can be used to ¼ 250
weld in all positions. It works with AC or DC current. Can weld 5/16 300
either light or heavy gauge mild steels. It has steady arc, a
smooth bead, and high tensile strength. It also start and restart
easily. Small diameter rods can be used for sheet metal and
other thin steels.

Indicator of the Quality of Weld for Shielded Metal

Arc Weld

Welding Joints
• The five basic welding joints are:
– Butt
– Lap
– Tee
– Corner
– Edge
• Welding Beads – This are the lines of metal blobs that look like Welding
string of beads.
– Thin metals are welded with single string of welding beads or
with a bead on each side of the joints.
– Thick metals are welded by providing a bevel and then weld are
made with several overlapping welding beads. Metal Pieces

Basic Welding Joints

Welding Position
• Welding positions includes the
– Flat
– Horizontal
– Vertical
– Overhead
• The flat position is the easiest
and the first to begin with before
doing other positions.

Automatic Welding Operation

MIG Welding
• The metal inert gas (MIG)
welding – It uses continuous
roll-fed welding rod.
• An inert gas is used to protect
the weld from oxidation. For
steel it uses carbon dioxide
while for aluminum and other
metals, a mixture of argon and
helium is used.
• MIG welding is easier than arc
welding in terms of heat setting,
rate of wire feed, and mixture of

TIG Welding
• The tungsten inert gas
welding is widely used for
welding aluminum, stainless
steel and other non-ferrous
• It is similar to oxyacetylene
welding in that the filler rod is
separate from the torch and
is fed with the opposite hand.

• Kazanas H. C. and L. Hannah. Manufacturing Processes: Metals.
Printice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 120pp.
• Repp, V. E. et. al. 1982. Metalwork. Technology and Practice.
McKnight Publishing Company. Bloomington, Illinois. 598pp.
• Scheck, L. A. and G.C. Edmonton. 1976. Practical Welding.
Bruce and Glencde, Inc. London. 150pp

Robotic Welding

Thank you very much and
God bless!!!

Recip ien t, 2 0 1 6 Ou tstan d in g ASEAN En g in eerin g Co n trib u tio n Award (AFEO, Malay sia)
Asso ciate Lau reate, Ro lex Award s fo r En terp rise 2 0 0 8 (Gen ev a, Switzerlan d )
Lau reate, Eco n o mic Bu sin ess Dev elo p men t, Th e Tech Award s 2 0 1 0 (San Jo se, Califo rn ia, USA)
Recip ien t, Bettermen t fo r Man k in d Award 2 0 1 1 (Mo rg an Hill, Califo rn ia, USA)
Award ee, Sev en In sp irin g Mo d ern -Day Filip in o Hero es 2 0 1 1 (Yah o o So u th east Asia)
Award ee, Hero es fo r Better 2 0 1 5 (Western Un io n Ph ilip p in es)
Award ee, Th e Ou tstan d in g Yo u n g Filip in o 1 9 9 7 (TOYM an d Ro x as Fo u n d atio n )
Award ee, Ou tstan d in g Pro fessio n al in Ag ricu ltu ral En g in eerin g 1 9 9 3 (Pro fessio n al Reg u latio n Co mmissio n )

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