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People V Juan Gonzales Escote, Jr. G.R. No. 140756 April 4, 2003

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11. People v Juan Gonzales Escote, Jr. G.R. No.

140756 April 4, 2003 Petrified, Rodolfo glanced at the center mirror towards the passengers seat and
saw Juan and Victor armed with handguns.
Callejo, Sr., J. Juan fired his gun upward to awaken and scare off the passengers.
Victor followed suit and fired his gun upward.
FACTS Juan and Victor then accosted the passengers and divested them of their
Robbery with homicide is classified as a crime against property. Nevertheless, money and valuables.
treachery is a generic aggravating circumstance in said crime if the victim of
Juan divested Romulo of the fares he had collected from the passengers.
homicide is killed treacherously.
The felons then went to the place Manio, Jr. was seated and demanded
September 28, 1996 at past midnight: that he show them his identification card and wallet.
Rodolfo Cacatian, the regular driver of Five Star Passenger Bus bearing Plate No. Juan and Victor took the identification card of the police officer as well
ABS-793, drove the bus from its terminal at Pasay City to its destination in as his service gun and told him: Pasensya ka na Pare, papatayin ka
Bolinao, Pangasinan. namin, baril mo rin ang papatay sa iyo.
The police officer pleaded for mercy: Pare maawa ka sa akin. May
Also on board was Romulo Digap, the regular conductor of the bus, as well as pamilya ako. However, Victor and Juan ignored the plea of the police
some passengers. officer and shot him on the mouth, right ear, chest and right side of his
body. Manio, Jr. sustained six entrance wounds. He fell to the floor of the
At Camachile, Balintawak, six passengers boarded the bus, including Victor bus.
Acuyan and Juan Gonzales Escote, Jr. who were wearing maong pants, rubber
shoes, hats and jackets. Victor and Juan then moved towards the driver Rodolfo, seated themselves
Juan seated himself on the third seat near the aisle, in the middle row of beside him and ordered the latter to maintain the speed of the bus.
the passengers seats, while Victor stood by the door in the mid-portion Victor and Juan further told Rodolfo that after they (Victor and Juan)
of the bus beside Romulo. alighted from the bus, he (Rodolfo) should continue driving the bus and
Another passenger, SPO1 Jose C. Manio, Jr., a resident of Angeles City, not report the incident along the way.
was seated at the rear portion of the bus on his way home to Angeles The robbers assured Rodolfo that if the latter will follow their
City. Tucked on his waist was his service gun bearing Serial Number instructions, he will not be harmed.
769806. Victor and Juan ordered Rodolfo to stop the bus along the overpass in
Mexico, Pampanga where they alighted from the bus.
Every now and then, Rodolfo looked at the side view mirror as well as the rear
view and center mirrors installed atop the drivers seat to monitor any incoming The robbery was over in 25 minutes.
and overtaking vehicles and to observe the passengers of the bus.
When the bus reached Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga, Rodolfo and Romulo
The lights of the bus were on even as some of the passengers slept. forthwith reported the incident to the police authorities.

When the bus was travelling along the highway in Plaridel, Bulacan, Juan and The cadaver of SPO1 Manio, Jr. was brought to the funeral parlor where Dr.
Victor suddenly stood up, whipped out their handguns and announced a holdup. Alejandro D. Tolentino, the Municipal Health Officer of Mabalacat, Pampanga,
performed an autopsy on the cadaver of the police officer.
Rodolfo and Romulo proceeded to the police station of Plaridel, Bulacan where passengers of the Five Star Bus with Plate No. ABS-793 and killed SPO1 Manio, Jr.
they reported the robbery and gave their respective sworn statements. on September 28, 1996.

SPO1 Manio, Jr. was survived by his wife Rosario Manio and their four young On April 4, 1997, an Information charging Juan Gonzales Escote, Jr. and Victor
children. Rosario spent P20,000.00 for the coffin and P10,000.00 for the burial lot Acuyan with robbery with homicide was filed with the Regional Trial Court of
of the slain police officer. Manio, Jr. was 38 years old when he died and had a Bulacan.
gross salary of P8,085.00 a month.
Victor denied the charge and interposed the defense of alibi.
Barely a month thereafter, or on October 25, 1996, at about midnight: o In 1996, he worked as a tire man in the vulcanizing shop located in Banga I,
SPO3 Romeo Meneses, the team leader of Alert Team No. 1 of Tarlac Police Plaridel, Bulacan owned by Tony Boy Negro.
Station, and PO3 Florante S. Ferrer were at the police checkpoint along the o He never met Juan until his arrest and detention at the Bulacan Provincial Jail.
national highway in Tarlac, Tarlac. o One of the inmates in said provincial jail was Ilarde Victorino.
o Victor learned that Ilarde implicated him for the robbery of the Five Star Bus
At the time, the Bambang-Concepcion bridge was closed to traffic and the police and the killing of SPO1 Manio, Jr. to hit back at him for his failure to turn over to
officers were tasked to divert traffic to the Sta. Rosa road. Ilarde the proceeds of the sale of the latters tire.
Momentarily, a white colored taxi cab without any plate number on its front
fender came to view. Meneses stopped the cab and asked the driver, who turned RTC Bulacan found Juan Gonzales Escote, Jr. and Victor Acuyan guilty of the
out to be the accused Juan Gonzales Escote, Jr., for his identification card. complex crime of robbery with homicide, meting on each of them the supreme
Juan told Meneses that he was a policeman and handed over to Meneses penalty of death, and ordering them to pay the heirs of the victim,
the identification card of SPO1 Manio, Jr. and the money which Juan and
Victor took from Manio, Jr. during the heist on September 28, 1996. WON the 2 accused are guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of
Meneses became suspicious when he noted that the identification card robbery with homicide
had already expired on March 16, 1995. Held: YES
He asked Juan if the latter had a new pay slip. Juan could not produce (1) The Court finds that the trial court committed no error in convicting Juan
any. He finally confessed to Meneses that he was not a policeman. and Victor of robbery with homicide. A294 1 of the RPC, as amended by RA
Meneses brought Juan to the police station.
To warrant the conviction of Juan and Victor for the said charge, the
When police officers frisked Juan for any deadly weapon, they found five live
prosecution was burdened to prove the confluence of the following essential
bullets of a 9 millimeter firearm in his pocket.The police officers confiscated the
(a) the taking of personal property with the use of violence or intimidation
In the course of the investigation, Juan admitted to the police investigators that
against a person;
he and Victor, alias Victor Arroyo, staged the robbery on board Five Star Bus
(b) the property thus taken belongs to another;
and are responsible for the death of SPO1 Manio, Jr. in Plaridel, Bulacan.
(c) the taking is characterized by intent to gain or animus lucrandi and
Meneses and Ferrer executed their joint affiavit of arrest of Juan.
(d) on the occasion of the robbery or by reason thereof, the crime of homicide,
which is therein used in a generic sense, was committed.
Juan was subsequently turned over to the Plaridel Police Station where Romulo
The intent to rob must precede the taking of human life. In robbery with
identified him through the latters picture as one of those who robbed the
homicide, so long as the intention of the felons was to rob, the killing may occur a crime specially punishable by law nor is it included by the law in defining the
before, during or after the robbery. crime of robbery with homicide and prescribing the penalty therefor. Treachery
is likewise not inherent in the crime of robbery with homicide. Hence, treachery
To determine the existence of the crime of robbery with homicide it is enough should be considered as a generic aggravating circumstance in robbery with
that a homicide would result by reason or on the occasion of the robbery. homicide for the imposition of the proper penalty for the crime.
It is immaterial that the death would supervene by mere accident, provided that
the homicide be produced by reason or on occasion of the robbery, inasmuch as In sum then, treachery is a generic aggravating circumstance in robbery with
it is only the result obtained, without reference or distinction as to the homicide when the victim of homicide is killed by treachery.
circumstances, causes, modes or persons intervening in the commission of the
crime, that has to be taken into consideration. (3) WON treachery may be appreciated against Juan and Victor.
Held: Yes
(2) Case law has it that whenever homicide has been committed by reason of or A62, 4 of the RPC which was taken from A80 of the Codigo Penal Reformado de
on the occasion of the robbery, all those who took part as principals in the 1870, provides that circumstances which consist in the material execution of the
robbery will also be held guilty as principals of robbery with homicide although act, or in the means employed to accomplish it, shall serve to aggravate or
they did not take part in the homicide, unless it appears that they endeavored to mitigate the liability of those persons only who had knowledge of them at the
prevent the homicide. time of the execution of the act or their cooperation therein. The circumstances
attending the commission of a crime either relate to the persons participating in
(3) In this case, the prosecution proved beyond reasonable doubt that Juan and the crime or into its manner of execution or to the means employed. The latter
Victor conspired and confabulated together in robbing the passengers of the has a direct bearing upon the criminal liability of all the accused who have
Five Star Bus of their money and valuables and Romulo of his collections of the knowledge thereof at the time of the commission of the crime or of their
fares of the passengers and in killing SPO1 Manio, Jr. with impunity on the cooperation thereon. Accordingly, the Spanish Supreme Court held in its
occasion of the robbery. Sentencia dated December 17, 1875 that where two or more persons perpetrate
the crime of robbery with homicide, the generic aggravating circumstance of
WON treachery is a generic aggravating circumstance in robbery with treachery shall be appreciated against all of the felons who had knowledge of
homicide. the manner of the killing of victims of homicide.
Held: Yes
Going by the letter of the law, treachery is applicable only to crimes against Be that as it may, treachery cannot be appreciated against Juan and Victor in the
persons as enumerated in Title Eight, Chapters One and Two, Book II of the case at bar because the same was not alleged in the Information as mandated by
Revised Penal Code. However, the Supreme Court of Spain has consistently Section 8, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedures.
applied treachery to robbery with homicide, classified as a crime against
property. Although at the time the crime was committed, generic aggravating
Thus, treachery is a generic aggravating circumstance to robbery with homicide circumstance need not be alleged in the Information, however, the general rule
although said crime is classified as a crime against property and a single and had been applied retroactively because if it is more favorable to the accused.[76]
indivisible crime. Treachery is not a qualifying circumstance because as ruled by Even if treachery is proven but it is not alleged in the information, treachery
the Supreme Court of Spain in its decision dated September 11, 1878, the word cannot aggravate the penalty for the crime.
homicide is used in its broadest and most generic sense.
Treachery is not an element of robbery with homicide. Neither does it constitute There being no modifying circumstances in the commission of the felony of
robbery with homicide, Juan and Victor should each be meted the penalty of
reclusion perpetua conformably with Article 63 of the Revised Penal Code.

DECISION: RTC decision affirmed with mod. Juan and Victor are guilty as
principals by direct participation of the felony of robbery with homicide under
1, A294 of the RPC, as amended by R.A. 7659: being no modifying circumstances
in the commission of the felony, each of them were meted the penalty of RP.

Said accused-appellants were ordered to pay jointly and severally the heirs of
the victim SPO1 Jose C. Manio, Jr. the amounts of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity,
P50,000.00 as moral damages, P1,349,920.00 for lost earnings, P30,000.00 as actual
damages and P25,000.00 as exemplary damages. The award of P6,000.00 to the
Five Star Bus, Inc. was deleted. However, the said corporation was awarded the
amount of P3,000.00 as temperate damages.

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