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English 2nd C

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b. stepladders
c. fathers-in-law
d. godparents
e. editors-in-chief

Date: _________

I. Objectives:

Use gerunds as subjects and predicate noun

Identify the gerunds in the taped interview listened to
Write sentences using gerund

Courtesy, Politeness

II. Subject Matter:

Using Gerunds as Subject and Predicate Noun

References: PELC 5, 23
Growing in English Language pp. 76-81
Basic and Beyond Language VI pp. 111-112

Materials: charts, flashcards, pictures

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill
Change the following verbs into ing form. (Use pocket chart)
watch, clean, stroll, communicate, read

2. Review
Read the following sentences and identify which subject and predicate.
1. Teachers attend meeting regularly.
2. Engineers build tall buildings.
3. The Farmer flows the field.

3. Motivation
Do you have a hobby?
Show pictures of children who are reading, swimming and dancing.

B. Presentation

1. Have the pupils listen to the taped interview.

The writers of the school paper wish to feature pupils hobbies. To get facts or information,
they interview Nathalie, Victor, Minerva and Alfred.

Francis: Good morning everyone. This is Anthony and this is Lorena. We Are writers of our
school paper. We wish to interview you for a write-up of your hobbies.
Interviewees: Good morning. We would be glad to share our experiences with you. What do you
like to know?
Anthony: Well, were interested to know what your hobbies are. May we start with Nathalie?
Nathalie: Sewing keeps me busy on Saturdays. Cutting and making my own dress makes me
feel confident. I enjoy putting buttons too.
Lorena: Thats great Nathalie. What about you Victor?
Victor: I love swimming. It gives me a sense of freedom.
Francis: When do you usually swim and where?
Victor: I swim every Saturday afternoon in my Lolas place.
Anthony: What do you enjoy doing in your free time, Minerva?
Minerva: I enjoy reading. I like books in cooking best. Reading one books is never enough.
Lorena: It is because you love learning from books. Alfred, I know you love gardening. Why
is it so?
Alfred: Youre right. Who wouldnt love gardening? Taking care of plants and talking to
them when youre lonely simply make my day.
Francis: Well, friends, thanks for spending some precious time with us. Surely the information
you shared will inspire many children to work out hobbies just like you.
Anthony: Goodbye. Watch for the interview article in the coming issue of our school paper.
Interviewees: Its a pleasure. Goodbye.

2. Comprehension Check
Why did the writers of the school paper interview some grade six pupils? What information did
they get from them? Was the information worthwhile? Why?

3. Read the following sentences taken from the interview.

1. Sewing keeps Nathalie busy on Saturdays.

2. Minervas interest is cooking.

Compare the sentences.

What can you say about the underlined words?
What do you call those words?
What is a gerund?
How is gerund used in the first sentence? second sentence?

Below is a free verse written about a favorite activity or hobby. Read it silently. Notice how the
gerunds are used. Can you replace them using your own words.


Walking alone in the park at sunset

Watching people lazily go by,
Lying once in a while on a bench,
Sitting on green grassy carpet,
Going through the woods with someone,
Listening to the birds,
Talking to friendly animals,
Running away from the wild beast,
Communicating with Mother
Nature by just roaming

4. Generalization
How do we use gerunds in a sentence?

5. Practice Exercises

a. Guided Exercise
Have you ever seen a scarecrow? Where?
Read Renatos story, then complete his story using the appropriate gerund. Choose from the list box.
being staying protecting
watching flying standing
picking guarding waiting
The crow like _____ on the fence. _____ our corn is its favorite pastime. My job is _____ the corn from the
crow._____ in the field is the job I gave to this scarecrow. ______ it in a good spot is important. I enjoyed
______ a scarecrow. Its presence has changed the crows habit of staying in the field. Now its usual activity
is ______ above the corn. By driving the crow away, the scarecrow is doing its duty.

b. Independent Exercise
Think about your own hobbies, favorite activities, interests, likes and dislikes. Then
complete each sentence with the appropriate gerund related to these.
1. My brothers favorite past time is _______.
2. ________ interest me a lot.
3. Mother dislikes ________.

IV. Evaluation:

Transform the following verbs into gerunds then use each one of them in sentence as subject and predicate
1. Climb 2. Write3. Camp 4. Read 5. Play

ach sentence with the appropriate gerund related to these.

V. Assignment

Write 5 gerunds and be able to use them in meaningful sentences as subject and predicate noun.

Date: _________

Lesson 35

I. Objectives

Use gerunds as object of the verb and object of the preposition

Read paragraph and identify if the gerunds are used as object of the verb or object of the preposition
Write sentences using gerunds as object of the verb and object of the preposition

Conserving gasoline

II. Subject Matter:

Using gerund as object of the verb and object of the preposition

References: PELC 5 (Speaking)

Growing in English 6 (Language) pp. 142-145
Learning English as a Second Language 6 pp. 101-102

Materials: pictures of a child reading and dancing, sentences in strips

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Spelling
Fill in the lank with the correct spelling of the ing form of the verb in the parenthesis. Be sure to
capitalize the first word in every sentence.

(put) 1. _______ up the curtains isnt easy.

(make) 2. _______ wooden swords is fun.
(sing) 3. _______ the high notes is easy for lina.

Study the words again and find out what changes take place in some verbs when ing is added.
Before the ing is added, what happenas

a. When the final unpronounced e comes after a consonant?

b. When the words end in a single consonant (expect h,w,x and y) and the final consonant comes after
a single stressed vowel?

c. When the words end in two or more consonants?

2. Review

a. Review the use of gerund as subject of the sentence.

The day for the presentation of the operetta is drawing near. Miss Prado gives her pupils definite
assignments. Read her instructions and tell what each pupils assignments or job is. Number 1 is done for

1. Myrna, make some paper flowers. Making paper flowers is Myrnas assignment.
2. David, make some silver stars.
3. Celso, make the flower pot.
4. Dolor, clean the stage.
5. Rico, decorate the stage.
6. Ramon, put up the curtains.
7. Belen, put make-up on the actresses faces.
8. Nini, bring some cushions.
9. Luis, make some wooden swords.
10. Fidel, introduce the participants.

3. Motivation
Show a picture of a boy who enjoys reading. What is the boy doing? Does he enjoy reading? Heres
another picture of a girl who enjoys dancing. Does the girl enjoy dancing? Ask the class what they enjoy
doing. Follow the example below.

Question: Do you enjoy reading?
Answer:Yes, I do. I enjoy reading very much.

B. Presentation

1. Display these two groups of sentences (in strips). Focus pupils attention to the underlined words.

A. 1. I enjoy reading books.

2. Have you finished writing your theme?
3. They stood waiting for the enemy to pass by.

2. Analysis and Discussion

In sentences A. What verb comes before the gerund? Are they linking verb or transitive verbs?
The verbs enjoy, finished, stood and continued are transitive verb that need a receiver or direct object of
its action. Is a reading in sentence 1, the direct of the verb? Which is the direct object in sentence 2 and 3?
How are the gerunds used in the sentences?
How are the gerunds used in the following sentences? Ask the pupils to raise their right hand if
the gerund is used as object of the verb and left if object of the preposition.

1. I enjoy folk dancing a lot.

2. I like books in cooking best.
3. He earns his living by selling newspaper.

3. Generalization
What is a gerund? What are the other uses of gerunds?

4. Practice Exercise

a. Complete the following sentences by using ing form of the verbs in the parentheses to complete the
main verb of the sentence.

(laugh) 1. They started _______.

(read) 2. I began _______.
(stand) 3. She doesnt like ______.

How do gerunds use in the sentences?

IV. Evaluation

Construct your own sentences by using ing form of the verbs at the left as the object of the verb.

bark 1.____________________________________________________
hunt 2. ____________________________________________________
write 3. ____________________________________________________

V. Assignment

Write three sentences each using gerunds as object of the verb and object of the preposition.

Date: ________

Lesson 36

I. Objectives:

Use a story grammar (picture series) to show sequence of episodes in a story.

Sequence events of a story listened to.
Construct a story grammar using picture series.


II. Subject Matter:

Story Grammar Lam-Ang, A Legendary Hero

References: PELC 5.1 p. 23

Growing in English TM pp. 8-14
Growing in English 6 Reading pp. 11-20

Materials: pictures, crossword puzzle

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Pronunciation Drill

a. Word Drill

1. initial d and
die thy doze those
den then does thus
2. medial d and
wordy worthy
udder other
3. final d and
lied lithe laid lathe
seed seethe ride writhe

2. Unlocking of Difficulties.
Answering of puzzle
Group the class into 4. Provide each group with a copy of the puzzle below. Give them at least 5
minutes to work on the puzzle. The group who finished first wins.

3. Motivation

Ask the pupils who are their favorite superheroes. Then, show them pictures of foreign
superheroes such as Bathman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. Ask them what are the qualities of these

B. Presentation

1. Reading of the selection. Lam Ang, a legendary hero

2. a. Analysis/Discussion

1. Who was Lam Angs parents?

2. What kind of child was Lam Ang?
3. What is the theme of the story?

b. Fixing Skills
Show the class the pictures showing the different important events in the story. Ask them to
arrange it accordingly to show the proper sequence of the pictures as happened in the story.

3. Generalization

What is a story grammar? What is one way of showing the sequence of events in the story
listened to?

4. Engagement Activity

By using the picture series of the story of Lam Ang, let the pupils write one or two sentences
describing each scene/picture.

IV. Evaluation

Read the story The Lime and the Pomelo Tree on p. 19 of your book. Make a story grammar
(picture series) to retell the story. Use 6-7 frames in making the picture series. Make sure that it is properly

V. Assignment

Read again the story Lam Ang, a legendary Hero and in cartolina, make your own comic strip.

Lesson 37

I. Objectives:
Use nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning
Give the main idea of a selection listened to
Spell nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning

Values: Working well with others, Patience:

II. Subject Matter

Nouns that are Plural in Form but Singular in Meaning
References: PELC II 5.1
PELC 6 p. 23
Growing in English (Language) pp 87-91
Materials: sentence strips/charts

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Pronunciation Drill
/z/ /s/
Winds cars brooks
Leaves trains pets
Birds sirens roofs
Newsboys airplanes beliefs
Peddlers sounds cats
2. Review
In pairs. Read the limerick. Select all the nouns and write their plural form.
A chick and rooster whom I happened to hear was complaining sadly
Oh dear, our picnic is today,
But the weatherman say
That the sky will be sunny and clear.
3. Motivation
Let the pupils sing the song Learning Mathematics is Really Fun
How many like and enjoy Mathematics? Why?
B. Presentation
1. Show a picture of a boy talking in front of the class. This is Francis of
Marbel Elementary School. Listen as your classmate delivers a portion of
Francis talk, Be able to tell what the main idea is.
How do I develop such wonderful and speedy computational skills? I
believe its a matter of deep interest and constant correct practice. Even
before I went to school, Father would teach me how to work with numbers
patiently. Then now, I usually do extra exercises in other books aside from
my assignments. I dont miss the mathematics portion of the newspapers
of magazine. Well, I think I have the best teachers at home; Father is in
aeronautics; Mother is a Mathematics teacher; and my eldest brother is a
computer analyst. In school, Mr. Lim, my teacher and coach, has taught
me how to develop concentrations in analyzing problems and solving
a. What is the main idea of Francis talk?
b. Did you learn something from his talk?
c. What can you do to improve your skills in Mathematics?
2. Discussion and Analysis
Let the pupils read the sentences:
How do both underlined nouns end?
Explain to pupils that plural nouns usually end in s or es. The nouns
Mathematics and news are only two of the few nouns that are plural in
form but singular in meaning.
Notice the verbs after Mathematics and news. What verb form in the
present tense is used to these nouns?
Is and makes are in the present tense and singular in number. Is, is the
present form, third person and singular in number of the verb BE, and
makes of the verb make.
3. Fixing Skills
Show some pictures of nouns ending in s or es, but they are singular in
meaning and ask the pupils to tell something about each picture.
Encourage them to make the noun the subject for their sentences.
4. Generalization
Do all plural nouns ending in s or es mean also plural? How does this
noun agree with the verb in the present tense that is used with it?
5. Valuing
How much work an be done if all work cooperatively.
6. Practice Exercises
Choose the correct verb form
1. Ethics (is, are) the study of right and wrong.
2. Aeronautics (interests, interest) my brother a lot.
3. Civics (deal, deals) with good citizenship.
IV. Evaluation
Match Column A with Column B
Column A Column B
1. It is good for the body a. mumps
2. _____ is for sociable people b. billiards
3. It is my friends favorite game c. athletics
4. ______ is a very uncomfortable disease d. Mathematics
5. _____ is interesting if you understand it e. politics

V. Assignment
Use the following nouns in good sentences
1. Economics 4. Civics
2. News 5. electronics
3. United States


Lesson 38
I. Objectives
Reconstruct a dictated text by taking down important notes.
Write paragraph correctly.
Values: Importance of the forms of energy in our everyday life.
II. Reconstructing a Dictated Text by Taking Down Important Notes
Writing Paragraph
Giving the Main Idea
Ref. PELC 5.1,4,4.1,p.23
LP in Science VI pp. 120,124
LP in English VI pp. 336-337
Into the Future VI, pp.146
III. A.1. Write the following sentences that I will dictate.
a. Moving and doing work are possible because of energy.
b. A car can travel for several kilometres using gasoline.
2. What are the things to remember when taking down notes?
3. Present flashcards showing action words.
What do these words suggest?
B. 1. The teacher reads a paragraph, while the pupils take important notes.
Chemical energy is energy stored in materials. Materials possess chemical energy
due to or owing to their molecular structures. When chemical energy is released, it
becomes kinetic/mechanical energy. Furthermore, when chemical energy is released, a
new substance is formed different from the original material. When you actually take in
food, you actually take in stored energy. It is digested or broken down into simple form
(sugar,protein) that can be absorbed and used by the different parts of the body.
2. a. What is chemical energy?
b. How do materials produce chemical energy?
3. a. What are some of the important notes you have taken down from the
b. have the class write their notes on the board.
4. How can we reconstruct a dictated text by means of taking down notes?
5. In what ways are forms of energy useful to people?
6. Listen to the following dictation. Take down important notes.
(Each group will write their written work in a manila paper.)
Moving persons or objects possess mechanical energy. It can be produced
through energy transformation. For example, in walking, running or jumping, we use
mechanical energy caused by the release and transformation of the chemical energy in
food we have eaten. A moving vehicle, a running machine uses mechanical energy, made
possible by the release and transformation of energy from fuel.

IV. Group Presentation

A leader will be assigned to read their paragraph (posted on the wall).
V. Reconstruct the dictated text (used in the evaluation) by the use of the notes you have
listed. Be ready to read it tomorrow.

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