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Proper and Humane Relocation Procedures PDF

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Pursuant to Article XII, Section 44 entitled and property of either the concerned resi-
"Moratorium on Eviction and Demolition" and dents or of the general community. The
Article VII, Section 28, entitled "Eviction and danger is due to an unavoidable source of
Demolition of Squatters" of Republic Act No. probable harm to human life or well-being.
7279, otherwise known as the "Urban Develop-
ment and Housing Act of 1992," the following g) DEMOLITION: Refers to the dismantling by
Implementing Rules and Regulations are the LGU, or any legally authorized agency
hereby promulgated and adopted: of government of all structures within the
premises subject for clearing.
the purpose of these implementing Rules and h) DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE
Regulations, the terms or words and phrases OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT
used herein shall mean or be understood as (LGU): Refers to the Mayor or his duly
follows: authorized and properly identified repre-
sentative, who shall act on his behalf to
a) ADEQUATE CONSULTATION: Refers to supervise and monitor the proper conduct
"consultation" as defined by Sec. 3 (d) of of the demolition, or, if warranted, to stop
the Act. the demolition.


Refers to the actual occupants of all OF FAMILIES: Refers to the member of the
structures within the premises subject for community or of the concerned entity or
clearing. organization who is authorized by the
individual or head of the family as evi-
.c) AVAILABLE FUNDING: Refers to the money denced by an appropriate document to
available, sufficient and disbursible for the speak and make decisions on their behalf.
commencement and usability of a
government infrastructure project as j) EVICTION: Refers to the removal of persons
formally certified by the appropriate and their belongings from a subject
government agency. building/structure or area, or both. in ac-
cordance with law.
d) CONSENT: In the context of Sec. 28 (5) of
the Act, "consent" refers to the written k) GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE
agreement by a family or a group of fami- PROJECT: Refers to a project initiated by
lies to a particular course of action. The government whose purpose is to introduce.
consent cannot be assumed to cover fami- enhance, or add to the local or national
lies, though these may be numbered in a infrastructure, i.e., the interrelated web of
minority, who have not expressed their roads, highways, public buildings, social-
agreement in writing. ized housing projects, public utilities, flood
control projects, and the like.
e) COURT ORDER: Refers to a writ of demo-
lition issued by a court of competent I) HEAVY EQUIPMENT: Refers to tools/
jurisdiction. equipment such as bulldozers, payloaders,
cranes,wrecking balls, the use of which will
f) DANGER AREAS: Refer to areas which, heavily damage, if not destroy, buildings/
when occupied for residential purposes, structures made of light materials.
actually pose a danger to the life and safety
socialized housing area characterized by
the presence of basic services as defined b: Pre-Census
by Sec. 21 of the Act, where relocatees are
brought for permanent resettlement. 1.0 Completion of Data Requirements: The LGU
or government agency authorized to
n) TEMPORARY RELOCATION: Refers to demolish shall ensure that the following
a site accessible to major roads with documents are readily available prior to any
potable water to which relocatees are conduct of demolition:
brought pending determination by the
LGU in coordination with NHA of a 1.1 Certified Xerox Copy of Title
permanent relocation site. Should a 1.2 Tax Declaration or Tax Receipt
permanent relocation site not be 1.3 Location Plan or Vicinity Map showing
determined within one (1) year, the the boundary and illegal constructions
temporary relocation becomes a 1.4 Pictures of the area (before operation)
socialized housing area. However, if the 1.5 Certification from LGU or other
families are transferred to a temporary concerned agency that the area is
site, subsequent relocation must only be included In the list of danger areas and
to a permanent resettlement site. subject for clearing, if applicable
1.6 Certification from LGU or concerned
SECTION 2. SCOPE OF APPLICATION. - agency that the area is the site of an
These Rules and Regulations shall apply to infrastructure project with available
demolitions allowed under Sec. 28 of the funding which shall commence within
Act, to wit: sixty (60) days after clearing of the said
area. if applicable.
a) When persons or entities occupy danger 1.7 Copy of a Writ of Demolition, if the
areas such as esteros, railroad tracks, clearing of the area is decided by the
garbage dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, Court
waterways, and other public places such 1.8 Development plan of the property
as sidewalks, roads, parks, and
playgrounds; 2.0 Community Relations Operation: The LGU
or concerned agency shall undertake the
b) When government Infrastructure projects following:
with available funding are about to be
implemented: 2.1 Establish communication and rapport
with recognized resident community
c) When there is a court order for eviction or leaders;
demolition. 2.2 Meet the affected families to explain the
These Implementing Rules and Regulations following:
shall not apply to those squatters who 2.2.1 the governments shelter program
constructed their structures after March 28, for the low and marginal income
1992, the effectivity date of RA 7279. families Including squatters;
2.2.2 the need to relocate families from
SECTION 3. GUIDELINES FOR danger areas and infrastructure
IMPLEMENTATION. - The following project sites, or a writ of
procedures and guidelines on relocation demolition, if applicable
operation shall be strictly observed by the 2.2.3 procedures and guidelines on
Local Government Unit (LGU) or government relocation and resettlement; and
agency authorized to demolish. 2.2.4 objectives and schedule of the
census and tagging operation.

a. Identification of Resettlement Site:

Negotiations and arrangements are
finalized between the proponent LGU or
government agency authorized to
demolish and the recipient LGU on the
resettlement site and their corresponding
roles and responsibilities.
2.3 Introduce the project team and census cerned agency shall evaluate the data
enumerators to the Barangay gathered and determine qualified families
Chairman and community leaders. The for resettlement assistance based on
LGU or concerned government agency approved criteria for beneficiary selection.
may request the National Housing
Authority to provide technical Subsequently, an initial masteriist of
assistance in the conduct of pre- affected families shall be prepared by the
relocation activities. proponent LGU and forwarded to the
recipient LGU or to the NHA for review
c. Census: and pre-qualification. A final masteriist
shall then be prepared by the duly
1.0 Physical Survey: Using the location and authorized officials, a copy of which shall
vicinity map, title and technical descrip- be posted in conspicuous places in the
tion submitted, the LGU shall determine area.
the physical boundary of the land to be
cleared of squatters. 6.0 Processing of Census Claims: A Census
Committee, composition of which shall be
2.0 Tagging: The LGU shall attach the tag determined by the parties involved, shall
card with the corresponding number to be created to investigate and evaluate all
every structure for identification, inven- census claims and recommend
tory and control of illegal construction. appropriate action to the LGU or
The LGU shall encourage participation of concerned agency.
community leaders in this undertaking.
Census claims, which involve cases such
3.0 Mapping and Household Listing: In as "out-during census" and "mis-
coordination with the community leaders, statement of census data," shall be
the LGU shall prepare a preliminary considered before the issuance of notice
listing of the names of owners/ of demolition. Claimants shall be duly
households of the affected houses/ notified of the results of their census
structures. A structural map shall be appeals.
prepared and used to locate the struc-
tures and identify the names of the All qualified and disqualified families shall
structure owners/households. During the be individually informed. A copy of the
relocation operation, every dismantled approved final masteriist shall be posted
structure shall be cross-out from the in public places.
structural map to prevent the possibility
7.0 Information Drive on Resettlement Site:
of new or disqualified families from
The LGU and/or the government agency
claiming residency on cleared lots.
authorized to demolish shall meet the
4.0 Actual Census: The LGU or concerned qualified families for resettlement to
agency shall conduct house-to-house discuss the following, among others:
census to determine the actual number 7.1 facilities and services in the
of occupants/households and their pos- resettlement projects; and
sible resettlement options, e.g., "Balik
Probinsiya." The LGU shall engage the 7.2 obligations and responsibilities of
assistance of community leaders in the the affected families.
conduct of the census. Should the af-
fected families resist the census, the Issuance of 30-Day Notice:
household listing of families shall suf-
fice. Incidence of census refusal shall be 1.0 A written notice shall be issued to the
noted and attested in writing by the affected persons or entities by the LGU
community leaders. or government agency authorized to
demolish together with the representa-
5.0 Census Data Evaluation/Processing and tive of the Presidential Commission for
Masterlist Preparation: After the com- the Urban Poor. It shall be served to
pletion of census, the LGU or con
and received by the addressee person- 1.5 dismantling and resettlement pro-
ally. Should the concerned person refuse cedures;
to acknowledge the notice, the same
shall be affixed conspicuously to the 1.6 submission of requirements (family
addressee's dwelling. pictures, marriage contract, etc.)

2.0 Posters no smaller than 2'x3' are 1.7 school accommodation of children;
displayed conspicuously in the commu-
nity such as public markets, barangay 1.8 roles of agencies involved, such as
but not limited to the Department of
hall, plaza and the like.
Social Welfare and Development
3.0 The written notices and the posters must (DSWD), the Philippine National
state the reason for the demolition. Police (PNP), the Department of
Should the reason be "implementation of Education, Culture and Sports
government infrastructure project," the (DECS), the Department of Public
notice should state the importance of the Works and Highways (DPWH), the
project, that it has available funds National Housing Authority (NHA), the
therefore, and the date of project Presidential Commission for the
implementation. Urban Poor (PGUP), the Commission
for Human Rights (CHR), and other
4.0 The actual date of demolition must not be concerned agencies; and
earlier than thirty (30) days but not later
than ninety (90) days after the notice has 1.9 other problems and issues to ensure
been issued. It shall not be conducted on a peaceful and orderly relocation
Saturdays and Sundays and legal operation.
holidays, unless the affected families
2.0 In every consultation meeting, attend-
consent otherwise. It shall be undertaken
from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ance is recorded. If majority of the af-
fected families are present, the meeting
5.0 Should the announced demolition not shall proceed; otherwise, another meeting
take place within ninety (90) days, notice shall have to be called and rescheduled
lapses, and a new notice must be served within five (5) days therefrom. If still the
if demolition still needs to be undertaken. majority of the residents are again not
present, the consultation requirement for
e. Consultation Proper: this particular case is considered
1.0 The LGU or government agency au-
thorized to demolish shall preside over 3.0 The LGU or concerned government
the consultation meetings to be attended agency summarizes the points of
by the barangay chairman, the affected agreement and disagreement arrive at
families and the landowners or their duly through the formal consultations, and
designated representatives. Officials or provides copies to participating
representatives of concerned agencies agencies/entitles for their signature.
and NGOs shall also be invited. The Should any party refuse to sign the
following shall be discussed: agreement, the same shall be posted
conspicuously in the area.
1.1 the necessity of the demolition;
4.0 Schedules of the next meetings shall be
set; including two (2) feedback meetings
1.2 available options other than reset-
within twenty (20) days from the issuance
of the notice of demolition and one (1)
1.3 possible relocation sites - to include final meeting before the actual
modes of payment, tenure, facilities demolition.
and services thereat;
1.4 advantages of voluntary disman-
Inter-Agency Meetings/Coordination: The LGU 1.0 Confirmation of Actual Date of Relocation:
or government agency authorized to demolish The proponent LGU or government
shall convene an inter-agency meeting to agency authorized to demolish shall issue
discuss the details of the actual relocation notices of actual relocation to the affected
operation and to ensure the support and families and shall furnish a copy of the
assistance of the participating agencies. rolling schedule, three (3) days before
relocation, to the recipient LGU or the
The following requirements, among others, NHA.
shall be ensured:
2.0 Ensuring Availability of Resources and
1.0 Resettlement Site - LQU or other Necessary Documents: The LGU or
authorized government agency government agency authorized to de-
2.0 Relocation/Demolition Team - LGU or molish shall review the documents and
other authorized government agency check the availability of resources/serv-
ices as committed by the participating
3.0 Other logistical requirements, such as agencies.
trucks, tents, first aid and communica-
tion facilities - LGU or other author- b. Dismantling of Structures/Movement of
ized agency Families:

1.0 During the actual relocation, the LGU or

4.0 Security - PNP
government agency authorized to
demolish shall:
5.0 Balik Probinsiya - DSWD
1.1 Provide the necessary identification to
all staff and crew involved in the
6.0 Medical Assistance - Department of operation.
1.2 Ensure that members of the PNP who
7.0 Relocation Documentation - LGU or are in proper uniform occupy the first
other authorized government agency line of law enforcement and civil
g. Completion of Relocation Documents/ disturbance control, and do not
Requirements: The LGU or government participate in the physical dismantling
agency authorized to demolish shall ensure of any structure.
the completion of the following relocation
1.3 Ensure that the electricity of the
documents/requirements by the affected
affected area has been shut off.
1.4 Give the order to commence, or to
1.0 Family Picture; stop or suspend the demolition es-
2.0 Marriage Contract or Affidavit of Co- pecially during inclement weather.
habitation 1.5 Ensure that the dismantling of
3.0 Other Identification Papers structure shall be executed as
carefully as possible for the maximum
h. Voluntary Relocation and Resettlement: To recovery of materials which could be
encourage voluntary relocation, resettlement reused by families to rebuild their
lots, transportation and manpower assistance structures in the resettlement project,
and other services shall be extended in and that heavy equipments are not
advance to the volunteer families. use except for structures which are
permanent and of concrete materials.
1.6 Encourage and motivate families to
a. Preparations Before the Dismantling of voluntarily and peacefully dismantle
Structures: their structures and whenever
requested by the families, assign manpower 2.0 Before departure, the documents of the
to assist families in the dismantling. families shall be checked and their
belongings property loaded. The safety
1.7 Ensure that all structures covered by the and comfort of the families particularly the
letter-advice shall be dismantled without children shall be ensured. The last trip
exception based on the rolling schedule, and shall be dispatched not later than
that only structures schedule for the day shall 3:00 p.m.
be dismantled. .;
18. Ensure that no staff or official participant in e. Monitoring and Documentation: The LGU or
the demolition engages in looting, accepts government agency authorized to demolish
bribes, employs unnecessary force or shall monitor and report on the relocation
violence, and that violators are charged operation daily and weekly using the
administratively or criminally; prescribed forms.

1.9 Record the names and number of families f. Welcome and Reception: The concerned
and structures affected by the relocation and resettlement project team together with the
resettlement. representatives of the resettlement com-
munity shall:
2.0 Representatives from other concerned
agencies, such as the Presidential 1.0 Welcome and receive the relocated
Commission for the Urban Poor and the families;
Commission on Human Rights shall also be
2.0 Provide needed medical services, if
present in the area to monitor and observe
the actual operations.
g. Processing of Documents and Lot Assign-
c. Issuance of Entry Passes: The LGU or
ment: The resettlement project team shall:
authorized government agency shall ensure that
all entry passes are prepared with the 1.0 Review and process the entry passes and
corresponding family pictures. The LGU or other documents of the resettled families;
authorized agency shall prevent the tampering
or illegal transfer of such entry 2.0 Assign lots to the families; and
3.0 Assist the families in accomplishing the
d. Loading and Transporting: The LGU or gov- required forms.
ernment agency authorized to demolish shall
h. Transfer to Assigned Lot: The resettlement
ensure that:
project team shall accompany the resettled
1.0 Transportation vehicles shall have the families to their assigned lots; and whenever
necessary sign board displayed in front of the feasible provide manpower assistance/
windshields for proper Identification and shall volunteers to help the resettled families un-
proceed to the area before the start of actual load their materials and belongings from the
dismantling operations. truck and transfer them to their assigned lots.
a. Place of Origin: of eviction and demolition pursuant to a court
order involving underprivileged and homeless
1.0 After the relocation operation, the LGU or
citizens, relocation shall be undertaken by the
government agency authorized to local government unit concerned and the
demolish shall require the property owner National Housing Authority with the assistance
or concerned agencies to clear, secure and
of other government agencies within forty-five
undertake development of the property. (45) days from the service of notice of final
2.0 To document the area that has been judgment by the court, after which period the
cleared of squatters, the LGU or said order shall be executed: Provided, further,
government agency authorized to demolish That should relocation not be possible within
shall take an after-operation picture of the the same period, financial assistance in the
area from the same angle that the before- amount equivalent to the prevailing minimum
operation picture has been taken. daily wage multiplied by sixty (60) days shall be
extended to the affected families by the local
3.0 A letter documenting that the area has government unit concerned.
already been cleared, with the attached
pictures of the area before and after the SECTION 5. ORGANIZATION. - To ensure the
operation shall be Issued to the property smooth and effective implementation of all
owner by the LGU or government agency relocation and resettlement operations, the
authorized to demolish. LGU or the government agency authorized to
demolish shall create a Task Force on
b. Resettlement Site: Relocation and Resettlement.

1.0 Organized community-based structures a. Primary Responsibility:

shall be strengthened so as to facilitate the
delivery of services in the site. The The Task Force shall be primarily
identified leaders with the assistance of the responsible for ensuring that these
NGOs shall be trained and equipped with Implementing Rules and Regulations on the
proper organizational skills and attitudes eviction of families and demolition of
necessary to effectively manage the affairs structures are adhered to.
of the community.
b. Structure and Composition:
2.0 To promote the general well-being of
resettled families, adequate social services 1.0 The City/Municipal Mayor or the duly-
in health, nutrition, education, responsible designated representative of the
parenthood, environmental sanitation, etc. concerned government agency
shall be provided in the resettlement sites authorized to demolish as Chairman;
jointly or under the auspices of cooperating
2.0 The membership shall include the
agencies such as, but not limited to. the
3.0 To generate employment and income 2.1 Legal Services Group
opportunities for the resettled families, 2.2 Security Group
the resettlement project shall act as a 2.3 Dismantling and Relocation Group
conduit for the families to avail of 2.4 Community Relations Group
manpower training and livelihood program 2.5 Census and Tagging Group
through sustained networking and 2.6 Surveillance Group
resource syndication activities. 3.0 Action Teams shall be created by the
Chairman for every relocation and
resettlement operation to
oversee/undertake actual
eviction/relocation of families and
dismantling of structures.
4.0 The Action Teams shall be composed of, but Aggrieved parties may also direct their
not limited to, the following: complaints to and or seek the assistance of
the Commission on Human Rights or the
4.1 City/Municipal Engineer/Building Official Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor.
4.2 Medical/Health Personnel
4.3 Dismantling Crew/Relocation Officer An aggrieved urban poor organization or
4.4 Social Worker person may seek the legal assistance of the
4.5 Barangay Chairman Public Attorney's Office of the Department of
4.6 NGO Representative Justice for violations hereof.

SECTION 6. PENALTY CLAUSE. - Any person who In cases of complaints against any member
violates any provision of the R.A. 7279 shall be of the Philippine National Police (PNP), the
imposed the penalty of not more than six (6) years of same shall be lodged with the DILG.
imprisonment or a fine of not less than five thousand
pesos (P5.000) but not more than one hundred In all instances, the aggrieved party may file
thousand pesos (P100,000), or both, at the his complaint directly with a court of
discretion of the court; Provided, That, if the offender competent jurisdiction pursuant to Section
is a corporation, partnership, association or other 45 of R.A. 7279.
juridical entity, the penalty shall be imposed on the SECTION 8. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. -
officer or officers of said corporation, partnership. The provisions of this Implementing Rules
association or juridical entity who caused the and Regulations are hereby declared
violation. separable, and in the event that any of such
SECTION 7. VENUE FOR GRIEVANCE. - provisions are declared null and void, the
Complaints of violations of this Implementing Rules validity of all other provisions shall not be
and Regulations against local government affected thereby.
executives shall be filed and prepared in accordance SECTION 9. EFFECTIVITY. - This
with Section 61 of the Local Government Code of Implementing Rules and Regulations shall
1991 (R.A. 7160), through the Department of Interior take effect immediately after its publication
and Local Government. in at least two (2) national newspapers of
general circulation.
Complaints against subordinate officials falling within
the administrative jurisdiction of the local chief APPROVED, this 24th day of September.
executives shall be filed with the office of the local 1992, in the City of Manila.
chief executive concerned who shall cause to be
instituted administrative or judicial proceedings
against any subordinate official or employee who
may have committed an offense in violation hereof or (Sgd.) ZORAYDA AMELIA C. ALONZO
the Act itself. Chairman
Housing and Urban Development
Complaints against officials of other national Coordinating Council
agencies, may be filed with the Office of the
President, or the Office of the Ombudsman, as the (Sgd.) RAFAEL M. ALUNAN III
case may be. Secretary
Department of Interior and
Local Government

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