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Constitution and By-Laws Approved by The 2nd National Council

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Preamble We, the Centrist Democrats of the Philippines, in order to establish a functioning democracy in the country where all its citizens can live in dignity and have the opportunity to participate actively in the democratic process, to establish a just and humane Philippine society, under the rule of law, equality, justice, solidarity, integrity and subsidiarity, secure for the Filipino people a fully humane and dignified existence, do hereby ordain and promulgate these Constitution and ByLaws of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines. Article I Name and Mission of the Party Section 1. The name of the party shall be Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines. The principal headquarters and postal office address of the CentristDemocratic Party of the Philippines is at the 2nd Floor of MILLE Building, 335337 Gil Puyat Ave. (formerly Buendia) corner Dominga St., Pasay City, Metro Manila. Section2. The mission of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP) is to contribute to the design and implementation of centrist policies in the Philippines ensuring the protection of the dignity of each human being, which includes the following: a. the establishment of a Social Market Economy, a socio-economic-political order that advocates a socially and environmentally responsible market economy aiming at the well-being of each and every Filipino; b. the achievement of human development, basic freedom, moral renewal, the rule of law, and solidarity for all Filipino peoples; c. the creation of a Federal Philippines that recognizes the multi-ethnicity of its people, but united and integrated in its espousal of the core value of human dignity and its inherent principles, among which are, freedom and responsibility, justice, solidarity, and equal opportunities, tolerance, pluralism, mutual respect, integrity, reason and the guiding principle of subsidiarity.

Article II Objectives of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines Section 1. Reform of the democratic system towards the eventual establishment of a Parliamentary form of Government to improve the democratic process and consolidate democracy and rule of law in the Philippines. In order to achieve this objective, the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines will focus on Political Reforms, with first steps for: a. the institutionalization of member-based and program-oriented political parties and the systematic strengthening of their role in the institutional set-up of the Philippine State; b. the improvement of the electoral system safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot and ensuring that the electoral process is fair and truly reflective of the popular will; c. the design and implementation of campaign financing regulations, ensuring transparency, accountability and democratic participation; d. the promotion of gender equality and equity and empowerment of women in democratic governance. Section 2. Reform of the Socio-Economic System towards the eventual establishment of a Philippine Social Market Economy to reduce poverty and to encourage sustainable development through high productivity, innovations, competitiveness, and environmental protection measures. In order to achieve this objective, the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines will focus on Socio-Economic Reforms, among others: a. the leveling of the playing field for economic enterprises by a strong State through effective legislations and strengthening citizens participation against graft and corruption to assure free and fair competition, open market access for newcomers and the breakup of monopolies and cartels; b. the provision of quality education and countrywide modern vocational training facilities accessible to the citizenry;

c. the systematic promotion of research and innovation by the state in companies and universities; d. the further development and expansion of coverage of the social security system, housing, universal health care and social safety nets, unemployment, and pension insurances; e. the further development and improvement of a health and educational system covering all parts and settlements in the country with special attention for the marginalized and vulnerable sector; f. the intensification and further professionalization of the civil service and promotion of public ethics in the bureaucracy; g. the strengthening of research and further development of a sustainable and genuine agricultural reform and modernization; h. the promotion of the growth of wealth and the further extension of a progressive tax policy by the state, balancing the need to provide incentives for hard and qualified work with the need to guarantee a decent life for every citizen; i. the promotion of social dialogue and responsible participation of the Philippine society in the development of the socioeconomic order, namely trade unions, entrepreneurs and professional associations; and j. the systematic protection of natural living conditions by a strong State through the integration of environmental protection incentives in the market process, the strict limitation of pollution and irreversible consumption of natural goods, and the generation of renewable, affordable and accessible energy. Section 3. Reform of the structures of the State based on a decentralized system following the principles of subsidiarity and proximity of political decision making towards the eventual creation of a Federal Philippines. In order to achieve this objective, the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines shall focus on:

a. the promotion of the establishment of the regions/states as competent, democratic governmental layers in a first step towards a Federal Philippines; b. the connection of participatory local planning mechanisms with the budget planning on national level; c. the strengthening of democratic local governance and the elimination of distortions in the local democratic processes by political patronage and dynastic power; d. the review and revision of existing laws and the adoption of new laws to further decentralize and devolve state functions to local authorities; e. the recognition of the rights of the indigenous cultural communities for selfdetermination within the framework of national unity. Article III Activities of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines Section 1. As a member-based and program oriented political party the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines will focus on the following activities: a. Civic and political education for members and other interested citizens, promoting active participation in democratic processes of all groups and sectors in the country; b. Participation in elections on all levels of government based on detailed and meaningful political platforms with candidates selected in democratic procedures by the members of the CDP; c. Providing opportunities for the citizens to hold accountable their elected representatives on all levels of government with regard to their programs and promises in the election campaigns and to their performance as representatives of the people between the elections;

d. Legislative and administration oversight work of its representatives on all levels of government. Section 2. Further to these core activities, the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines with its allied sector associations and civil society on local and regional level shall promote and conduct economic, political and social projects in order to improve the living situation of the citizens and to solve problems in the respective localities. Article IV Membership Section 1. Eligibility and Application for Membership. a. Any Filipino who is eighteen (18) years or older, who is qualified by Philippine laws or regulations to vote and be voted upon in any elections in the country, who has received a basic orientation on centrist values and the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines, is willing to support the objectives of the party and to respect the constitution and By-Laws of the party, can become a member of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines at the province or city, where he is included in the voters register of his locality. b. The application for membership has to be addressed to the district council of the party and has to be approved by this body. The approval of membership for applicants, who are major incumbent public office holders (Senators, Congressmen, Province Governors and ViceGovernors, Mayors and Vice-Mayors) has to be confirmed by the Executive Committee of the party. c. Further to registration as core members of the party, who are duespaying members, citizens can also apply for registration as volunteer members without obligation of paying membership dues. d. Membership in the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines is individual membership and is not allowed for organizations, institutions, enterprises or other bodies with juridical personality. e. Appointed public servants can be members of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines, exercising their constitutional right of freedom of expression and association. They can participate in civic education

and internal organization activities of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines. However, they shall not be eligible as Officers of Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines Organizations at any level and shall not participate in campaigning or any other partisan activities of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines. Section 2. Rights of Members. Every member shall have the right to participate in all events, activities and elections of the party as may be provided by any policies, regulations or advisories of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines A member shall have the following rights and obligations as provided for in these Constitution and By-Laws: 1) to exercise the right to vote on matters relating to the affairs of the party; 2) to vote in elections for any office of the party. 3) All core members of the party have the right to be candidates for all offices in the party and to apply for being selected as party candidates in elections for public offices. Section 3: Duties of members All members have to obey and comply with the constitution and by-laws of the party. Section 4. Termination of Membership a. Termination of membership to the party may be made through voluntary written withdrawal of membership, expulsion or death. Grounds for expulsion can be the violation of membership obligations as specified in Section 3 of this Article or serious damage inflicted on the party by the respective member. The decision on expulsion of a member is to be taken by the National Council of the Party with a two-third majority. Appeal against this decision can be

made to the arbitration committee of the party as provided in these Constitution and By-Laws. Section 5. An applicant for party membership shall take the following oath before admission to Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines. I _________________, do hereby solemnly swear that I will uphold and advance the principles, objectives and programs of action of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines, abide by its Constitution and By-Laws and policies, and fight for its interests as I also uphold the interests of my country and people. Article V Sector Associations Section 1. The Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines is a peoples party open to all sectors of Philippine society. The members are united in their values and beliefs and their efforts to build up a more humane future for all Philippine citizens. Section 2. In order to integrate the advocacies and concerns of the different sectors into the political concepts and strategies of the party, the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines is cooperating closely with the organizations of different sectors, i.e. the farmers and fisherfolk, the labor sector, small and informal businesses, youth, senior citizens, indigenous peoples, women and the urban poor. Instruments for this cooperation are Centrist Democratic (CD) Sector Organizations established and managed by members and supporters from the respective sectors, which communicate on a regular and systematic basis the key problems and requests of the citizens in their sectors with the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines and which translate the vision, messages and political concepts of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines into the language of the citizens of the respective sectors. Section 3. These Centrist Democratic Sector Organizations are organized in parallel structures to the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines as

independent legal entities with their own constitutions and with personal as well as financial autonomy. The members are not required to be members of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines, but are highly welcomed as members of Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines with all rights and obligations. Section 4. Dues paying members of Centrist Democratic Sector

Organizations, who join the CDP as core members, will be granted to pay CDP annual membership dues reduced by their sector organization membership dues maximum reduction 365 Pesos per year. Section 5. One representative of each respective CD Sector Association approved by the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines National Council as part of the CDPP Family, who is a core Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines member, is included as ex officio member in the respective District, Regional and National Councils of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines. Article VI National Bodies of the Party Section 1. List of Bodies of the National Party. The Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines shall conduct its national activities through the following bodies: a. The National Congress b. The National Council c. The Executive Board of the National Council d. The National Secretariat e. National Thematic Commissions

f. Board of Senior Advisors Section 2. The National Congress. The National Congress shall be the highest representative body of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines. It shall consist of one hundred (100) members who shall serve for one (1) year elected by the Regional Assemblies of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines in accordance with the number of members in their respective regions, following strictly proportional principles as specified under the working procedures. The National Congress of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines shall be in-charge of fundamental orientation and of basic programmatic decisions of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines. The National Congress shall decide upon political alliances on the national level, strategies and the role and potential involvement of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines in national election processes. It can delegate this right to the National Council. The National Congress shall convene once a year upon the invitation of the National Council. Section 3. The National Council a. Composition of the National Council. The National Council shall be the national policy making body of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines and shall oversee the overall operations of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines nationwide. It shall consist of 1) the chairpersons of all Regional Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP) Organizations with a minimum number of 100 members; 2) 25 other members elected by the Regional Assemblies according to the number of members of the different regions following strictly proportional principles; 3) one representative of the each of the five working groups from major public office holders as specified in Article VIII of these constitution and bylaws;

4) one representatives from each sector association linked with the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP); 5) chairpersons of up to five Thematic Commissions, as specified under section 6 of this article, without voting rights; 6) two respresentatives of the Senior Advisors Board, as specified under section 7 of this article, without voting rights. b. Functions and Duties of the National Council. The National Council shall convene three (3) times a year. It shall elect the Executive Board of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines who shall serve for one (1) year. The National Council shall decide upon the following: 1) the yearly budget and plan of activities of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP), presented by the National Secretariat in the last meeting before the start of a new calender year; 2)the approval of the yearly financial and narrative report presented by the National Secretariat in the first meeting of each year; 3) formulation of policies that would affect the entire party; 4) creation of a maximum of 5 thematic commissions as specified under section 6 of this article. 5) amendments to the Party Constitution and By-Laws by two thirds (2/3) vote of all its members with voting rights. Section 4. The Executive Board of the National Council. a. The Executive Board of the National Council is the highest decision making body of the Party between the meetings of the National Council. It shall convene monthly and shall be in-charge of the day-to-day operations and activities of the party to be implemented by the National Secretariat. The

members of the Executive Board of the National Council shall be the national officers of the party. They shall be elected by secret ballot to serve for one (1) year, and shall be composed of the following: . 1) The Chairman of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines to be elected by a simple majority of all members of the National Council with voting rights. The Chairman of the CDP has the right to nominate candidates for all positions on regional and national level of the party after consultation with the Executive Board of the party. The candidates nominated by the Chairman of the party have to be elected in secret voting by a simple majority of the members present at the election event of the respective body of the CDP in order to take over office. If they are fail to get a majority of the votes, other candidates can be nominated and voted upon for this position by all members of the respective body. 2) The President of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines, who shall concurrently be the Chairperson of its National Council - to be elected by a simple majority of all members of the National Council with voting rights; 2) Three Vice-Presidents one Vice-President for Luzon, one Vice-President for the Visayas, one Vice-President for Mindanao to be elected by a simple majority of the members with voting rights of the National Council from the respective part of the Philippines (Luzon, the Visayas, Mindanao); 3) One Secretary General, to be nominated by the Chairman of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines after consultation with the President of the CDP, to be approved by a simple majority of the National Council members with voting rights; 4) One Deputy Secretary General, to be nominated by the Chairman of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines after consultation with the President of the CDP, to be approved by a simple majority of the National Council members with voting rights;


5) One Treasurer, to be nominated by the Chairman of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines after consultation with the President of the CDP, to be approved by a simple majority of the National Council members with voting rights. b. The National Council may create additional positions in the Executive Board as it may deem necessary. Section 5. The National Secretariat. The National Secretariat, which shall be supported by a group of technical and administrative staff selected and employed upon recommendation of the Secretary General after approval of the President of the Party, shall be incharge of implementing the decisions of the National Council and of coordinating the activities of the party under supervision of the Executive Board of the National Council on a day to day basis. It shall consist of: a. the secretary general as the head; b. the deputy secretary general; c. the treasurer. Section 6. National Thematic Commissions of the Party a. The party shall have up to five (5) standing National Thematic Commissions as expert consultative bodies for the National Council of the CDP on the following policy fields: 1) Democratic Institutions and Procedures, Rule of Law, Subsidiarity and Decentralization, 2) Public Order, Human Security, Police and Armed Forces, Human Rights 3) Economy, Finance, Environment, Poverty and Public Budget Issues 4) Social Security and Assistance, Health and Education, Social Justice

5) International Affairs b. Each commission shall consist of up to ten (10) members, selected by the Executive Board of the National Council after consultation with the Regional Councils. The chairpersons of the National Thematic Commissions shall be nominated by the Executive Board of the National Council and shall be members of the National Council without voting rights. Section 7. The Board of Senior Advisors. The National Council of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines may set up a Board of Senior Advisors of the Party (BSA), consisting of a maximum of five experienced national and international personalities with Centrist Democratic orientation. The Board of Senior Advisors of the Party will convene twice a year in order to develop recommendations and suggestions for the work and development of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines and for the international cooperation of the party, to be discussed in a joint meeting with the Executive Board of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines.

Article VII Regional, District and Local Organizational Structures Section 1. The Regions The Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines consists of up to seventeen Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines regional chapters in the administrative Regions of the Philippines. Within the framework of the Constitution, ByLaws and the Program of the Party, the regional chapters shall be entitled to develop their own programs and activities and to organize and sustain themselves, following the principles of transparency, subsidiarity, internal democracy, and cohesiveness. Section 2. Structures of the Regions. Each regional chapter shall conduct its activities through the following bodies: a. The Regional Assembly


b. The Regional Council Section 3 The Regional Assemblies a. The Regional Assemblies shall consist of elected representatives of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines congressional district chapters located in the respective regions. They shall convene at least every six months. Additional meetings may be convened upon the request of the regional chairperson or by twenty percent (20%) of the members of the respective assembly. The number of members of a Regional Assembly shall be three times the number of formally established Democratic Party of the Philippines district chapters in the respective region. b. The elected chairpersons of the formally established Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines district chapters shall become ex-officio members in the regional assembly of the respective regional chapters. In case of absence in a meeting, they shall be represented by their Deputy Chairpersons or another elected officer of the respective district chapters. The other seats in the Regional Assembly shall be distributed to the different district chapters in accordance with their number of members, following the principle of proportionality. They shall be elected in their respective district in a secret ballot by the members and shall serve for one (1) year. They cannot be represented in the meetings of the Regional Assembly in case of their absence. c. The Regional Assemblies shall decide upon: 1) the general plan of activities and the budget of Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines regional chapters; 2) the approval of the yearly narrative and financial reports of the respective Regional Council; and 3) potential alliances or support for specific candidates in the election of local or regional candidates in cooperation with the provincial and city chapters with the purpose to promote centrist democratic values and policies.

4) A simple majority of the total members of the regional assembly is sufficient to constitute a quorum to do business. The Regional Assemblies shall elect in secret ballot, by simple majority of the members present in the meeting, the members of the Regional Council and the delegates of the region to the National Council and the National Congress of the party for a period of one year. Section 4. The Regional Councils a. The Regional Councils are the planning, coordinating and implementing bodies of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines in the regions of the Philippines. They are incharge of the budget and of the activities of the respective Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines organization in accordance with the decisions of the Regional Assemblies. They are the supervising authority of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines district chapters. The Regional Council shall be composed of at least six (6) members, who shall be elected by secret ballot for a period of one year by the regular yearly Regional Assembly, namely: 1) the chairperson who shall concurrent be regional assembly chairperson and ex officio member of the National Council; 2) the deputy chairperson; 3) the secretary and deputy secretary; 4) the treasurer and deputy treasurer; b. Joining the Regional Council as members are the representatives of the different sector associations linked with the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines with a minimum number of 50 members in the region. The regional assembly may create additional positions in the Regional Council as it may deem necessary. Each Regional Council shall select and appoint an auditing council consisting of three (3) ordinary party members of the region for a period of one (1) year. The regular meetings of the Regional Council shall take place quarterly. Additional meetings shall have to be convened

upon the request of the regional chairperson or by twenty percent (20%) of its members. Section 5. The District Organizations. The Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines shall formally establish under the supervision of the respective regional party organizations congressional district chapters of the respective regions. For reasons of logistic practicability clustered district chapters can be set up as long as the number of members and activities does not allow yet the establishment of separate district chapters in a city or a province. Each district or clustereddistrict chapter shall conduct its activities through the following bodies: a. The District Assembly b. The District Council Section 6. The District Assemblies a) The District Assemblies shall consist of all members of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP) in the respective District. They convene at least every three months. Additional meetings shall have to be convened upon the request of the assembly chairperson or by twenty percent (20%) of the core members of the respective assembly. The District Assemblies shall decide upon: 1) the general plan of activities and the budget of the respective district chapter; 2) the approval of the yearly narrative and financial reports of the respective District Council; and 3) potential alliances or support for specific candidates in the election of local candidates after approval by the respective Regional Council


b. The quorum for decisions of the District Assembly shall be ten percent (10%) of its total core members, with a minimum of at least five (5) core members present in the respective meeting. The District Assemblies shall elect in secret ballot, by simple majority of the members present in the meeting, the members of the District Council and the delegates of the district chapters in the respective Regional Assembly for a period of one year. Section 6. The District Councils a.The District Councils are the planning, coordinating and implementing bodies of the party district chapters in the their respective areas. They shall be in-charge of the budget and of the activities of the respective chapters in accordance with the decisions of their Assemblies and under supervision of the respective Regional Council. The District Councils shall consist of at least six (6) members elected for a period of one (1) year by the District Assemblies. The Councils shall be composed of the following: 1) chairperson who shall be the concurrent District Assembly chairperson and ex officio member of the Regional Assembly; 2) deputy chairperson; 3) secretary and deputy secretary; 4) treasurer and one deputy treasurer. b. The District assembly may create additional positions in the District Council as it may deem necessary and the election of officers thereto shall be by secret balloting. Each District Council shall select and appoint an auditing council consisting of three (3) non-office holder party members of the respective district for a period of one year. The regular meetings of the District Council shall take place monthly. Additional meetings shall have to be convened upon request of the council chairperson or by twenty percent (20%) of its members.


Article VIII Involvement of Major Public Office Holders in the Bodies of the Party Section 1. Role of Public Office Holders in the Party. Elected public office holders, who are party members, shall enjoy the same rights and obligations like other members in the activities and decision-making processes of the party. They shall contribute at least ten percent (10%) of their remunerations to the party funds. Section 2. Senators and Congressmen who are party members, shall become ex-officio members in their home regional council, while Senators, Congressmen, Governors and City/Municipal Mayors who are party members, shall become ex-officio members in their home district council. Senators, Congressmen, Governors, City Mayors and Municipality Mayors who are party members, shall establish respective working groups on the national level. The elected chairpersons of these working groups shall be exofficio members with voting rights in the National Council of the Party. Article IX Finances Section 1. The Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines on national level, the regional party organizations and the district party organizations shall have their own yearly budget, based on a budget plan to be approved by the respective councils on the local and regional level and the National Council on the national level. The budget year shall follow the calendar year. Section 2. The Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines in its financial management shall follow the principles of transparency, accountability, and efficiency. The party on national, regional and local levels shall cover the costs for its structures and activities from the following sources: a. membership fees; b. donations from natural or juridical persons, up to a maximum of 1 M Pesos for natural persons and 10 M Pesos for juridical persons;

c. revenues from fundraising events or other activities; and d. cooperation projects with Centrist Democratic partner organizations. Section 3. The minimum annual membership fee for core members shall be one thousand pesos (PhP1,000), to be paid per year or in two tranches of 500 Pesos per semester. This amount shall be reviewed every year by the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines National Secretariat. It may be changed and/or adopted by a two thirds vote of the members of the National Council after consultation with the Regional Councils. It shall be collected by the district treasurers. Section 4. Payment of another persons membership dues shall be strictly prohibited. The National and Regional Councils shall institute mechanisms to prevent patronage politics in the Party. Violation of this prohibition shall result to automatic termination of membership or shall serve as basis for outright denial of membership. Section 5. The treasurers of national, regional and local levels shall render a financial report to their respective Councils before the end of March of the succeeding year. In these reports, every donation with a value of more than 100,000 pesos shall be declared. Section 6. The revenues collected from membership dues on the district level shall be divided between the national level (40%), regional level (20%) and the local level (40%), The regional level shall determine the percentage sharing between the regional level and the local level. Section 7. All donations higher than Php 100,000.00 shall be addressed to the National Council of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines which shall allow the respective regional or local organization to use the donations acquired by them for their regional or local use as long as no serious reasons - i.e. patronage are in place against it. Section 8. Details shall be regulated in a Financial Management Guide, to be approved by the National Council, binding for all CDP organizations on national, regional and local level.

Article X Dissolution of Regional/District Chapters Section 1. A regional/district organization of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines can be dissolved by the National Council of the party in case of serious and repeated violations of the Partys Constitution and ByLaws or by inflicting serious damage to the whole party. The decision of dissolution of a party organization or chapter can be taken by a two-thirds majority of the members of the National Council with voting rights. Article XI Arbitration An arbitration body shall be set up in the Party in order to attempt peaceful reconciliation in case of conflicts between individual party members and party bodies. The arbitration body shall consist of three (3) lawyers, being Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines core members in 3 different regions, to be nominated by the National Council in a secret ballot with simple majority. Each party member has the right to appeal to the arbitration body against a decision of any body or organ of the party considered by such member as a serious violation of his rights as a party member. The decisions of the arbitration body are final. Article XII Amendment and Revision Section 1. Any amendment to or revision of the constitution and bylaws may be proposed in writing by any organ or body of the party duly addressed to the National Council.


Section 2. Amendments to or revisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP) shall be ratified by two-thirds majority of all the members of the National Council.


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