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International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016

Alert System for Fishermen Crossing Border

using Android

R Dinesh Kumar M Shubin Aldo J Charles Finny Joseph

Department of Information Technology Department of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
DMI College of Engineering DMI College of Engineering DMI College of Engineering
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India Chennai, Tamilnadu, India Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract The application can be widely used by people in and rigorous security architecture to provide security. Android
the border to find the appropriate path to reach the destination. is designed with multi-layered security that provides
The notification will be sent to the border security forces which flexibleness needed for an open platform, whereas providing
act as the server to all other devices that are operated by people protection for all users of the platform designed to a software
in ships. The application will notify the information of where the stack, android includes an operating system, middleware and
devices are being located and intimate them about the issues that core application as a complete.
occur due to opponent forces in ships to server. This can act as an
incident management application to avoid conflicts at varying Android powers hundreds of millions of mobile devices in
situations. This is processed mainly for Tamil fishermens who more than 190 countries around the world. Android
are employed in the borders. The automatic alarming system is architecture is designed with keep ease of development ability
going to be provided along with this device which alerts in case for developers. Security controls have designed to minimize
any sort of issues. This is devised in such a way that the the load on developers. Developers have to simply work on
application can be easily been utilized by all the people in the versatile security controls. Developers are not familiar with
surroundings. The application operates based on device tracking. securities that apply by defaults on application. Android is
This provides ease to operate even for illiterate people. also designed with focused on users perspective. Users can
view how applications work, and manage those applications.
KeywordsAndroid application;GPS tracker,Google Map
Most of the applications developed so far use a handheld
I. INTRODUCTION GPS receiver de vice for tracking the location, but we have
reduced the cost of device by using the mobile phone which
has an inbuilt GPS receiver. The new application works as an
The whole system allows the users mobility to be tracked automatic incident management application that intimates the
using a mobile phone which is equipped with an internal GPS user if border crossing occurs.
system. A mobile application has been developed and
deployed on an android phone whose responsibility is to track
the GPS location and send it to the remote location. As a TN fishermen
ermen death
de rate
unique identifier we have used mobiles International Mobile
Equipment Identity (IMEI) number which will be sent along graph
with the latitude and longitude coordinates. The persons
position is further saved in Mobile Object Database (MOD) 200
for live tracking which is created in MySQL. From MOD the
death rate

data will be first transferred into an XML file which will be 150
fed as an input to a web application which is developed with 100
PHP and JSON server based Google Map API integrated into 50
which will be responsible for showing the current location of Series1
the mobile phone. 0

Android is a modern mobile platform that is designed to be

truly open source. Android applications can use advanced
level of hardware and software, as well as local and server
data, exposed through the platform to bring innovation and years
value to consumers. Android platform must have security
mechanism to ensure security of user data, information, Fig 1: Fishermen death rate graph
application and network. Open source platform needs strong

978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 2016 IEEE

where no two people can have the same eyes. A scanner will
scan the eyes and automatically log the person in. Unlike
The application uses the Global Positioning System (GPS)
to provide the latitude and longitude information and its being fingerprint, iris is more preserved from the external
used for tracking devices. The system entirely uses the device environment. But both the fingerprint and iris recognition
based tracking which avoids failure in the system due to based approach needs some extra devices or scanner which
network problems. can be connected to the server computation system.
Literatures on the prior research work done by The application works as an automatic incident
accredited scholars in the Ubiquitous Computing domain are management application that intimates the user if border
reviewed. Challenges and solutions proposed are in specific to crossing occurs. The application that is being made is installed
context aware location based service are presented here. in the mobile phones and the device/mobile phone is tracked
J. E.Marca et al[6] has put forth the major challenges by using its IMEI number. The application also records the
faced in designing a ubiquitous application. Android operating issues that recorded information are sent to the server, which
system is suggested as a best tool for designing context aware is monitored by the security force in the border ranges and
applications. Towards the end, author had featured an analysis also stores them in all devices coming under that range.
report on performance of various mobile devices for a location The data/information is transferred from web to mobile
aware computing. and vice versa via a windows server. This is devised to use
Asim S,Daniel et al in their manuscript [10] have even by very normal people at their affordable rates.
described on the anatomy of Android architecture.
Components of Android platform such as Activity, Services,
Content Providers and Broadcast Receivers were introduced
thus providing a better insight of application development.
Ioan Lita et al[9] have outlined the significance of
location based services. Technological development in an
exponential manner have paved a way to access hardware
directly by customized application interface such as GPS, web
service, programming cameras were elucidated. Ubiquitous
Computing is an emerging technology and has lot of
challenges in design, modelling and user interaction which are
identified and implemented in this organizer application .
Several techniques and methods have been carried
out effectively to monitor employee attendance. Lawson et al.
[3] proposed a cost effective computer based embedded
attendance management system by which authority electrically
monitors the attendance for verification using an improvised
Fig 2:An imaginary diagram of proposed system
electronic card. These cards contain necessary information of
an individual. These are inserted in an electronic machine
which will record the time and other information to a server
system. Password based authentication and verification of
attendance monitoring system of any individuals has also been
carried out in the literature. A system that applies user id and
password of a person for authentication was designed and
implemented by Cheng et al. [4]. However, an issue with these
electronic cards or password based system allows for
imposture since cards or passwords can be shared or someone
can ask other person to insert his/her card or password. This
problem can be addressed by using biometric recognition
system which includes finger print or iris recognition.
A system was proposed and implemented by authors
in [5] fingerprints to identify and calculate the attendance and
generate the reports after a fixed time duration. Individuals
simply put their fingerprints on the fingerprint reader which
scans the finger print and verifies that person. Fig 3: Proposed System Architecture
Bandra.U, et al [11] solved the problem by proposing
a wireless attendance management system where iris of an
individual is used for authentication. It is also like fingerprint

A. Working of Mobile GPS

Cell phones with GPS receivers communicate with units from

among the 30 global positioning satellites in the GPS system.
The built-in receiver trilaterates your position using data from
at least three GPS satellites and the receiver. GPS can
determine your location by performing a calculation based on
the intersection point of overlapping spheres determined by
the satellites and your phone's GPS receiver. In simple terms,
trilateration uses the distance between the satellites and the
receiver to create overlapping "spheres" that intersect in a
circle. The intersection is your location on the ground.[10]

C. Location retrieval:

The place to where we should reach can be mapped and the

direction to the destination is also being provided to the people
using tithe google map API provides the user with the location
they are currently located. This option allows to find the
appropriate path to reach the destination location by using the
button to track the resultant path by providing its current
latitude and longitude values of the current location its
residing in the world.

Fig 4: Mobile GPS system

B. Registration & Login:

This allows the new user to register and install the application
to the device. This helps to monitor the actions that are
happening in the location that could be traced by the user. This
ensures the security credentials so that issues that occur can be
easily resolved. The registration can also be done by means of
thumb print/voice recognition also which is highly useful for
illiterate people. This can be directly used by the user by just
placing their thumb print in that slot. D. GPS Tracking:

This is used to track the location of where the mobile devices

is being currently located. This provides a secure travel to all
people in the ships. This will also provide periodical updates
to the server about the devices that are used in that range. The
GPS present in the device provides information and reports to
the server accordingly. The system directs the user with the
appropriate information and reports to all users who are using
that device at that instant of time.

F. Feedback and Alert dialog with border area:

This provides information about the current situation of the

system and the reason to which the problem has been created.
This enables the server in notifying the information as a
message every minute and also to the GPS mobiles when they
are in case of any discrepencies.The tracking here totally
depends on the device and not on the signal/network that is
currently used.
The server is being reported with information about the
devices current location in the system. This alarm will start
when any unexpected attack by forces is reported. This will be
E. Distance to be reached: very much useful when their device is being switched off and
in case of lack of signal coverage in the mid region of ships in
which they are travelling inside. The alarm is setup such that it
The tracker provides the server with the remaining distance starts ringing in case any sort of issues that may occur in their
the registered users have to reach every minute and report to surroundings.
the server. This provides them with the complete information
about all the GPS users currently in that location. When the Few advantages of our proposed work:
source and the destination locations are specified the path or x Android mobile phone is affordable to all.
route to reach the destination will be provided along with the x Costs less when compared to kit.
distance span to be reached by the user who is currently in x Ease of use even by illiterate people.
travel. x No overhead of device maintenance.


The android application which we have developed will
provide an effective solution and prevent fishermens from
crossing other country border. The application can save the
lives of many fishermen.
In future this idea can be enhanced by using smart watches
and satellite phones.


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