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Professor ,Department of computer science and engineering, Rajalakshmi institute of

technology(1), under graduate ,Department of computer science and engineering, Rajalakshmi
institute of technology(2,3,4).

Batch no:14
the user is apart from the location then the
attendance will not be taken.
Attendance management is important to II. INTRODUCTION
every single organization; it can decide Attendance management is important for
whether or not an organization such as every single organization. For the stated
educational institutions, public or private reason, an efficient android application for
sectors will be successful in the future. attendance management system is designed
Organizations will have to keep a track of to track student’s activity in the class. This
people within the organization such as application takes attendance electronically
employees and students to maximize their and the records of the attendance are stored
performance. Managing student attendance in a database. Mobile app development is
during lecture periods has become a difficult the act or process by which a mobile
challenge. The ability to compute the app is developed for mobile devices, such
attendance percentage becomes a major task as personal digital assistants, enterprise
as manual computation produces errors, and digital assistants or mobile phones. These
wastes a lot of time. For the stated reason, an applications can be pre-installed on phones
efficient mobile-based android application during manufacturing platforms, or
for attendance management system is delivered as web applications using server-
designed to track student's activity in the side or client-side processing (e.g.,
class. This application takes attendance JavaScript) to provide an "application-like"
electronically and the records of the experience within a Web browser.
attendance are storing in a database. The Application software developers also must
project aims in implementing a software consider a long array of screen sizes,
application that helps professors to take the hardware specifications, and configurations
attendance using mobile phone by tracking because of intense competition in mobile
the location of the students. The project is software and changes within each of the
based on J2ME technology and the server platforms. Mobile app development has
database is connected with the mobile phone been steadily growing, in revenues and jobs
through GPS. this system allows the user to created. A 2013 analyst report estimates
enter attendance in specified GPS location if there are 529,000 direct app economy jobs
within the EU then 28 members (including
the UK), 60 percent of which are mobile app be written in JavaScript, CSS and the
developers. software used are: android standard version of HTML for universal use
studio, java, GOOGLE firebase for the data across various browsers. Web apps can use a
storage . Android Studio is the single code base because they are not
official integrated development designed around a specific device. Web apps
environment (IDE)for Google's Android ope are fast and simple to build, but are not as
rating system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ versatile and quick as native apps. You
IDEA software and designed specifically write Android apps in the Java
for Android development.[8] It is available programming language using an IDE
fordownloadon Windows, macOS and Linux  called Android Studio. Based on Jet Brains'
based operating systems.[9][10] It is a Intelli-J IDEA software, Android Studio is
replacement for the Eclipse Android an IDE designed specifically for Android
Development Tools (ADT) as the primary development. For the database we use
IDE for native Android application. In GOOGLE firebase. Firebase is a mobile and
mobile app there are three types: native app, web application development platform
hybrid app, web app. Here we use native app developed by Firebase, Inc. in 2011, then
A native application is a software program acquired by Google in 2014. As of March
that is developed for use on a particular 2020, the Firebase platform has 19 products,
platform or device. which are used by more than 1.5 million
apps. Firebase provides a real-time database
Because a native app is built for use on a and back-end as a service. The service
particular device and its OS, it has the ability provides application developers an API that
to use device-specific hardware and allows application data to be synchronized
software. Native apps can provide optimized across clients and stored on Firebase's
performance and take advantage of the latest cloud. The company provides client libraries
technology, such as a GPS, compared to web that enable integration
apps or mobile cloud apps developed to be with Android, iOS, JavaScript, Java, Objecti
generic across multiple systems. The major ve-C, Swift and Node.js applications. The
advantage for using native app is as compare database is also accessible through a REST
to web app native app has more advantages API and bindings for several JavaScript
A web app is an application that the user frameworks such as Angular
does not download and instead accesses via JS, React, Ember.js and Backbone.js. The
a web browser over a network. Example REST API uses the Server-Sent
web browsers include Google Chrome, Events protocol, which is an API for
Safari and Mozilla Firefox. Web apps creating HTTP connections for receiving
provide functionality from bank account push notifications from a server. Developers
access to YouTube video viewing via, for using the real time database can secure their
example, Safari on an I-Phone. data by using the company's server-side-
While native apps are written to the specific enforced security rules. The major
device, a majority of web applications can advantage of our as said in abstact this
system allows the user to enter attendance in
specified GPS location if the user is apart 2. STUDENT ATTENDANCE
from the location then the attendance will MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
not be taken. Drawback: The concept of GPRS and
biometrics were not used.


 This system automates attendance DEVICE AND A WEB
procedure handheld device which APPLICATION
can take attendance without Drawback: More chances for fake
intervention of the teacher, device attendance recording.
can be passed during lecture time
students can place their finger and 4. Smart Attendance Management
mark attendance PC application System (SAMS)
helps manage attendance. 1Rasika Naik, 2Maumita Mal, 3Shweta
Koli, 4Aakash Karnani, 5Bhavesh
 Unlike normal attendance procedure Chetwani1Department of Electronics and
in educational institutes which Telecommunication,
consumes more time . 1University of Mumbai, India
Drawback: there are more chances of
 There are less chances of false getting wrong attendance due if gps is not
attendance methods in corporate include in attendance system
environment. .
5. An Efficient and Smart
Attendance Management System
 This monitors low power utilization MD Asdaque Hussain, Komirisetty Venkata
and its portable. Naga Krishna, Ramanulla Lakshmi
Chandana, Velivela Krishna Chaitanya
Drawback: it is fully based on the web app
 This system allows the user to enter
as a result if the server gets down then the
attendance in specified GPS location
whole system will gets collabes.
if the user is apart from the location
then the attendance will not be taken.
due to jio fenching in the GPS
location it can avoid the entry of fake  The proposed system provides a
attendance. solution to manual attendance
taking problem.

IV. LITERATURE REVIEWS  It is a location based smart time

and attendance tracking system
1. AN ATTENDANCE based on the concept of web
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM services which is implemented as
USING MOBILE PHONES an android mobile application.
Drawback: This system does not uses RFID
technology but only use Short Message  This system allows the user to
Service(SMS). enter attendance in specified GPS
location if the user is apart from
the location then the attendance
will not be taken.

 The proposed system deploys

Android app developed by
Android studio, which contains
Google API for database storage.
 Storing the data into the database
and fetching the data from the
database is done through Google
API which is used to create and
manipulate data.
Module flow chat
An attendance management system is more
important in order to maintain and track of

student attendance. Attendance

management is significant to all
organizations such as educational
institutions. It can manage and control the
success of any organization by keeping track
of people within the organization such as
students to maximize their performance.
The proposed system offers the process of
monitoring attend students, it aims to help
the teacher in the classroom or
laboratories to manage and record
Login screen shot students' presence electronically and
directly without the need to list on
paper so it will save time and effort. This
mobile based attendance management
system will help the teachers or organization
to maintain attendance of the particular
person in a very easier way. It also helps to
maintain attendance in a digitalized format .

Flow chart for login

8.Jacksi K, Badiozamany S. General method
for data indexing using clustering methods.
3.https:// Int J Sci Eng. 2015 Mar;6(3):641–4.
definition/native-application-native-app 9.Jacksi K, Dimililer N, and Zeebaree SR.
State of the Art Exploration Systems for
Linked Data: A Karwan Jacksi et al., Sch.
J. Eng. Tech., Feb 2018; 6(2): 49-53


6. Patel UA, Swaminarayan Priya R.

Development of a student attendance
management system using RFID and face
recognition: a review. Int J Adv Res Comput
Sci Manag Stud. 2014;2(8):109–19.

7.Jacksi K. Design and Implementation

of Online Submission And Peer Review
System: A Case Study Of E-Journal Of
University Of Zakho. Int J
Sci Technol Res. 2015;4(8):83–5.

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